1 00:02:35,171 --> 00:02:39,369 We're all familiar with the illegal poaching of endangered animals in the wild. 2 00:02:39,491 --> 00:02:44,326 But never before has an animal in captivity been slaughtered for its pelt. 3 00:02:44,451 --> 00:02:48,490 Animal protection groups that monitor the international trade and game contraband... 4 00:02:48,611 --> 00:02:52,445 have further told us that a white Siberian tiger is so rare... 5 00:02:52,571 --> 00:02:56,803 that the offer of a pelt would surely draw the attention of law enforcement agencies. 6 00:02:56,931 --> 00:02:58,842 Shortly before dawn this morning... 7 00:02:58,971 --> 00:03:02,759 security staff at London Zoo discovered the excoriated carcass... 8 00:03:02,891 --> 00:03:07,760 of its prized three year-old female Siberian tiger, Sue Ling. 9 00:03:07,891 --> 00:03:11,770 Police sources have suggested that the killing was contracted by a private collector. 10 00:03:11,891 --> 00:03:14,803 Oh, isn't that horrible? Who'd do a thing like that? 11 00:03:14,931 --> 00:03:16,808 ...into the urban zoological park... 12 00:03:16,931 --> 00:03:20,970 we must ask ourselves if any animal in the world is safe. 13 00:03:21,091 --> 00:03:25,448 This is Tim Ryan, reporting from London Zoo. 14 00:04:02,131 --> 00:04:05,407 Another bad day for the animal kingdom. 15 00:04:05,531 --> 00:04:09,240 Oh, one day very soon, Pongo... 16 00:04:09,371 --> 00:04:12,443 I'm going to make a sale. 17 00:04:12,571 --> 00:04:16,325 'Cause we're fast approaching the point where I'm gonna have to start eating your table scraps. 18 00:04:18,171 --> 00:04:21,561 Oh, pl-- I was exaggerating. 19 00:04:21,691 --> 00:04:23,488 Well, shall we? 20 00:04:23,611 --> 00:04:26,808 It's not that bad. It's-lt's very important this-this meeting goes well. 21 00:04:26,931 --> 00:04:30,048 You know how I am about meetings. I tend to get a little, well, nervous. 22 00:04:30,171 --> 00:04:33,481 When I get nervous, I say things, I do things I shouldn't say, I shouldn't do. 23 00:04:33,611 --> 00:04:37,126 And the next thing we know, it's freelancing. Probably. 24 00:04:41,651 --> 00:04:44,245 He's got the best instincts in the industry. 25 00:04:44,371 --> 00:04:48,967 Since he was six, he's picked the top-selling game every year. 26 00:05:05,331 --> 00:05:08,607 Well, what do you think? 27 00:05:08,731 --> 00:05:11,962 Potentially good graphics, reasonably entertaining premise... 28 00:05:12,091 --> 00:05:15,049 the dog's well-conceived and the environments are engaging. 29 00:05:15,171 --> 00:05:20,040 But I'm not interested in a game that has a chubby little dog catcher as the bad guy. 30 00:05:20,171 --> 00:05:22,685 Even girls won't like this game. 31 00:05:22,811 --> 00:05:26,201 - Sorry, mate. - Yeah, but-- Wait, wait, wait! Herbert, wait. 32 00:05:26,331 --> 00:05:30,529 What if there were a better villain? You know, someone you can really hate. 33 00:05:30,651 --> 00:05:34,246 It's not hatred that's important. It's a desire to annihilate. 34 00:06:00,411 --> 00:06:02,641 Top of the morning to you, ma'am. 35 00:06:16,971 --> 00:06:19,531 Good morning, ma'am. 36 00:06:19,651 --> 00:06:21,562 Good morning, Miss De Vil's office. Could you hold, please? 37 00:06:21,691 --> 00:06:23,488 Yes, I'll-l'll be with you in a moment. Could you hold, please? 38 00:06:23,611 --> 00:06:25,442 Thank you. Uh, good morning. Miss De Vil's office. 39 00:06:25,571 --> 00:06:27,926 Could you-- Good morning, Miss De Vil. 40 00:06:30,851 --> 00:06:33,843 Good morning, Miss De Vil. 41 00:06:33,971 --> 00:06:36,610 Good morning, ma'am. 42 00:06:51,291 --> 00:06:54,806 - Anita, darling. - Good morning, Cruella. 43 00:07:08,291 --> 00:07:10,759 What a charming dog. 44 00:07:10,891 --> 00:07:14,167 - Thank you. - Spots? - Yes, she's a Dalmatian. 45 00:07:14,291 --> 00:07:16,088 - Inspiration? - Yes. 46 00:07:16,211 --> 00:07:18,167 - Long hair or short? - Short. 47 00:07:18,291 --> 00:07:21,920 - Coarse or fine? - I'm afraid it is a little coarse. - Pity. 48 00:07:22,051 --> 00:07:26,203 - But it was very fine when she was a puppy. - Redemption. 49 00:07:26,331 --> 00:07:28,765 We need to have a little girl talk. 50 00:07:28,891 --> 00:07:32,361 Come to my office. Bring the drawing. 51 00:07:33,691 --> 00:07:35,841 Now, darling, tell me more about these spots. 52 00:07:35,971 --> 00:07:37,768 I did leopard spots in the '80s. 53 00:07:37,891 --> 00:07:39,961 Well, Dalmatian spots are a little different, aren't they? 54 00:07:40,091 --> 00:07:42,161 - Cosy. - Cuddly. - Classic. - Less trashy. 55 00:07:42,291 --> 00:07:44,088 Exactly. 56 00:07:44,211 --> 00:07:46,008 Do you like spots, Frederick? 57 00:07:46,131 --> 00:07:48,770 Oh, I don't believe so, madam. I thought we liked stripes this year. 58 00:07:48,891 --> 00:07:50,927 What kind of sycophant are you? 59 00:07:51,051 --> 00:07:54,839 Um-- What kind of sycophant would you like me to be? 60 00:07:54,971 --> 00:07:57,690 Frederick... 61 00:07:57,811 --> 00:08:01,247 I'm beginning to see spots. 62 00:08:01,371 --> 00:08:04,124 What would it cost us to start again on next year's line? 63 00:08:04,251 --> 00:08:05,889 - Millions. - Can we afford it? 64 00:08:06,011 --> 00:08:07,922 - Well, yes, but-- - Thank you, darling. Now go away. 65 00:08:08,051 --> 00:08:10,406 I have to talk to Anita. 66 00:08:11,491 --> 00:08:13,288 Alonzo? 67 00:08:13,411 --> 00:08:16,084 Did you ask Anita if she'd like something to drink? 68 00:08:17,851 --> 00:08:21,002 Oh, I'm fine, thank you. 69 00:08:24,971 --> 00:08:27,360 Sit down, please. 70 00:08:30,011 --> 00:08:32,366 How long have you been working for me? 71 00:08:32,491 --> 00:08:34,686 Uh, two years last August. 72 00:08:34,811 --> 00:08:38,599 - And you've done wonderful work in that time. - Thank you. 73 00:08:38,731 --> 00:08:41,484 -I don't see you socially, do l? -No. 74 00:08:41,611 --> 00:08:45,524 And you're not very well-known despite your obvious talent. 75 00:08:45,651 --> 00:08:48,119 Well, notoriety doesn't mean very much to me. 76 00:08:48,251 --> 00:08:52,210 Your work is fresh and clean. Unfettered, unpretentious. 77 00:08:52,331 --> 00:08:56,768 It sells, and one of these days, my competitors are going to suss out who you are... 78 00:08:56,891 --> 00:08:58,768 and they're going to try to steal you away. 79 00:08:58,891 --> 00:09:00,961 Oh, no, if I left, it wouldn't be for another job. 80 00:09:01,091 --> 00:09:04,003 Oh, really? What would it be for? 81 00:09:05,531 --> 00:09:08,125 Well, I don't know. Um, if I met someone... 82 00:09:08,251 --> 00:09:10,287 if working here didn't fit in with our plans. 83 00:09:10,411 --> 00:09:13,767 - Marriage? - Perhaps. 84 00:09:13,891 --> 00:09:18,681 More good women have been lost to marriage than to war, famine, disease and disaster. 85 00:09:18,811 --> 00:09:22,770 You have talent, darling. Don't squander it. 86 00:09:22,891 --> 00:09:25,689 Well, I don't think that it's something we have to worry about. 87 00:09:25,811 --> 00:09:29,167 - I don't have any prospects. - Thank God. 88 00:09:29,291 --> 00:09:31,282 Well, I should be getting back to work. 89 00:09:31,411 --> 00:09:34,130 Yes, please do. Alonzo? 90 00:09:38,491 --> 00:09:40,607 The drawing. 91 00:09:43,131 --> 00:09:47,170 Take the drawing from Anita and hand it to me! ls that difficult? 92 00:09:52,371 --> 00:09:55,807 Thank you. Now go stand somewhere till I need you. 93 00:09:58,811 --> 00:10:01,279 I look wonderful in spots. 94 00:10:01,411 --> 00:10:05,529 However, I would like to make one small change. 95 00:10:10,091 --> 00:10:13,083 - We could do this in linen. - It would be stunning in fur. 96 00:10:13,211 --> 00:10:15,122 But you'll be wearing it to the Chesterson Trials. 97 00:10:15,251 --> 00:10:17,560 That's in April. Fur would be inappropriate. 98 00:10:17,691 --> 00:10:19,682 But it's my only true love, darling. 99 00:10:19,811 --> 00:10:22,609 I live for fur. I worship fur. 100 00:10:22,731 --> 00:10:26,007 After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn't? 101 00:10:27,091 --> 00:10:30,003 Give it to Anita. 102 00:10:37,491 --> 00:10:40,881 - It is rather amusing, isn't it? - What is? 103 00:10:41,011 --> 00:10:46,005 Well, if we make this coat, it would be as if I were wearing your dog. 104 00:10:49,851 --> 00:10:51,648 Woof-woof! 105 00:11:28,771 --> 00:11:31,080 Sorry, Pongo, I didn't mean to take so long. 106 00:11:32,531 --> 00:11:34,840 If I could just sell a game, I might be able to get a car. 107 00:11:43,891 --> 00:11:45,688 Pongo! 108 00:11:48,331 --> 00:11:50,128 Pongo! 109 00:11:55,251 --> 00:11:56,525 Pongo! 110 00:11:56,651 --> 00:11:58,448 Slow down ! 111 00:11:59,691 --> 00:12:01,249 - Look out! - Slow down! 112 00:12:01,371 --> 00:12:03,089 - Hey, hey! - Watch it, watch it! 113 00:12:09,971 --> 00:12:12,041 - Pongo! - Hey! 114 00:12:25,571 --> 00:12:27,721 Pongo! Pongo! Pongo! 115 00:12:44,771 --> 00:12:46,602 Pongo! 116 00:12:48,691 --> 00:12:50,124 Turn ! 117 00:12:54,131 --> 00:12:56,406 No, Pongo! 118 00:13:01,491 --> 00:13:02,810 Watch it! 119 00:13:02,931 --> 00:13:04,523 Stop! Stop! 120 00:13:26,371 --> 00:13:28,009 Pongo! 121 00:13:32,451 --> 00:13:35,011 Pongo! 122 00:13:46,571 --> 00:13:49,722 I don't think he wanted to do that. 123 00:13:49,851 --> 00:13:53,082 Here we go, Perdy. 124 00:13:54,371 --> 00:13:56,282 Oh, now stop it. Okay, go! 125 00:13:56,411 --> 00:13:59,926 Go fetch it. Good girl. Come on. Bring it back. 126 00:14:00,051 --> 00:14:03,839 Come here. Come here. Yeah. 127 00:14:03,971 --> 00:14:06,280 Good girl. Okay. 128 00:14:06,411 --> 00:14:08,288 Oh, now, come on. Let's go again. 129 00:14:08,411 --> 00:14:10,208 Pongo! 130 00:14:15,771 --> 00:14:18,524 Pongo! 131 00:14:23,211 --> 00:14:25,327 Go on. 132 00:14:41,371 --> 00:14:44,522 Hello. Who are you? 133 00:15:03,211 --> 00:15:05,008 I-l got you. 134 00:15:05,131 --> 00:15:07,440 Very smart. Very funny. 135 00:15:07,571 --> 00:15:09,402 Everybody had a good laugh. 136 00:15:09,531 --> 00:15:11,647 Let go of that dog! 137 00:15:11,771 --> 00:15:15,002 - Stay out of it, lady. - Stop it, or l-- I'll hit you! 138 00:15:15,131 --> 00:15:16,928 Today is not a good day to threaten me, ma'am. 139 00:15:17,051 --> 00:15:19,770 I don't care if it's a good day or a bad day. I'll hit you nonetheless! 140 00:15:19,891 --> 00:15:22,246 -Whatever. -Okay, I gave you a good proper warning. 141 00:15:22,371 --> 00:15:25,090 Look, I've had-- 142 00:15:25,211 --> 00:15:28,487 Now, release my dog or I'll hit you again. 143 00:15:30,971 --> 00:15:34,088 - Your dog? - Yes, that is my dog. Will you let her go? 144 00:15:36,011 --> 00:15:38,650 Excuse me. 145 00:15:42,971 --> 00:15:45,166 He's a she. 146 00:15:51,611 --> 00:15:53,681 Hello, Pongo. 147 00:15:57,051 --> 00:16:01,044 I, uh, beg your pardon, ma'am. I'm sorry. My mistake. 148 00:16:01,171 --> 00:16:05,483 - What do you got in that purse of yours, rocks? - Oh, no. Bricks. 149 00:16:05,611 --> 00:16:09,524 I've been paving my garden and every time I see a discarded brick, I just pick it up. 150 00:16:09,651 --> 00:16:12,404 - Yeah? How many did you find today? - Uh, three. 151 00:16:12,531 --> 00:16:15,329 Three. Oh, well, that's what I would have guessed. 152 00:16:15,451 --> 00:16:17,521 Why are you all wet? 153 00:16:17,651 --> 00:16:21,564 - I went swimming in the pond. - Oh, you shouldn't have. The water's filthy. 154 00:16:21,691 --> 00:16:23,568 Yes. And it tastes like fish. 155 00:16:23,691 --> 00:16:26,364 And, um, you've lost a shoe. Did you know that? 156 00:16:26,491 --> 00:16:29,722 Yes, I did. As a matter of fact, I did. I noticed it running down the gravelled path. 157 00:16:29,851 --> 00:16:33,241 Oh, I'm ever so sorry. I mean-- You know, I thought if you were silly enough... 158 00:16:33,371 --> 00:16:37,683 to go swimming in a dirty pond, you'd be silly enough not to realize you'd lost a shoe. 159 00:16:37,811 --> 00:16:40,245 Actually, I crashed my bicycle in the pond. 160 00:16:40,371 --> 00:16:42,965 And the only part of my body that wasn't injured was my head. 161 00:16:43,091 --> 00:16:48,006 But now, thanks to you, I got the complete set of bodily injuries. So-- 162 00:16:48,131 --> 00:16:50,486 Well, it was nice being assaulted by you, Ms-- 163 00:16:50,611 --> 00:16:53,171 - Oh, my name's Anita, and-and yours is Roger. - Anita. 164 00:16:53,291 --> 00:16:55,805 Um, l-l read it on your dog's identification tag. 165 00:16:55,931 --> 00:16:58,365 Oh. Oh, yes, well-- 166 00:16:58,491 --> 00:17:00,607 Nice meeting you. I hope I didn't alarm you. 167 00:17:00,731 --> 00:17:03,120 Oh, no, that's fine, since-- Well, we both seem to have... 168 00:17:03,251 --> 00:17:06,049 a certain fondness for Dalmatians. 169 00:17:06,171 --> 00:17:07,923 Yes. 170 00:17:10,931 --> 00:17:14,606 Well, they certainly have a certain fondness for each other, don't they? 171 00:17:14,731 --> 00:17:16,528 Yeah. 172 00:17:22,451 --> 00:17:24,442 Well, Pongo... 173 00:17:24,571 --> 00:17:26,766 your roving eye has gotten me in enough trouble for one day. 174 00:17:26,891 --> 00:17:30,042 Why don't you come with me? We'll go home. 175 00:17:30,171 --> 00:17:33,402 Um, are you sure you'll be all right? Perhaps you should call your doctor. 176 00:17:33,531 --> 00:17:35,362 I'll be fine, fine. Just-- Good luck with your bricks. 177 00:17:35,491 --> 00:17:38,847 If you have a concussion, you shouldn't be left alone, you know. 178 00:17:38,971 --> 00:17:42,327 Pongo, you could've gotten me killed, you know that? 179 00:17:42,451 --> 00:17:45,602 You risk losing your master for a brief frolic with a female? 180 00:17:50,571 --> 00:17:52,368 Come on. 181 00:17:54,291 --> 00:17:56,122 Jolly nice human, don't you think? 182 00:18:00,291 --> 00:18:04,284 Fools aren't born, Pongo. Pretty girls make them in their spare time. 183 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:13,566 Shall we? Come on. 184 00:18:14,851 --> 00:18:17,604 Excuse me, people. I'm sorry. Thank you. 185 00:18:39,411 --> 00:18:42,608 You have it all wrong, Pongo. I'm simply trying to decide on a route home. 186 00:18:42,731 --> 00:18:46,519 It has nothing whatsoever to do with Anita, if that's even what her name is. 187 00:18:57,131 --> 00:19:00,680 Perdy! What is it? 188 00:19:02,371 --> 00:19:05,807 Pongo! Pongo! Easy, easy, easy. 189 00:19:07,611 --> 00:19:10,045 Perdy! 190 00:19:10,171 --> 00:19:12,810 Stop! Look out! 191 00:19:12,931 --> 00:19:15,001 Perdy, stop! 192 00:19:15,131 --> 00:19:17,247 Perdy! 193 00:19:19,411 --> 00:19:21,481 Look out! 194 00:19:31,331 --> 00:19:34,562 I've never been rescued before. It was very exciting. 195 00:19:34,691 --> 00:19:36,841 You were ever so sweet to give me a kiss. 196 00:19:36,971 --> 00:19:39,929 That wasn't a kiss. That was mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. 197 00:19:40,051 --> 00:19:42,645 - Oh. - Besides, it didn't work very well. 198 00:19:42,771 --> 00:19:44,762 You're supposed to lie flat on your back and remain still. 199 00:19:44,891 --> 00:19:48,122 I couldn't really do it properly with your arms around my neck. 200 00:19:48,251 --> 00:19:53,041 - I'm ever so sorry. - No, no, no. That's quite all right. 201 00:19:53,171 --> 00:19:55,048 Well, you give a very good rescue. 202 00:19:55,171 --> 00:19:56,968 Thank you. 203 00:20:00,331 --> 00:20:02,367 Oh. 204 00:20:08,291 --> 00:20:10,521 I think we have a problem. 205 00:20:12,731 --> 00:20:16,167 I think my dog is in love. 206 00:20:18,451 --> 00:20:22,683 I think mine is too. Why is that a problem? 207 00:20:22,811 --> 00:20:25,405 They're going to be broken-hearted when you leave. 208 00:20:25,531 --> 00:20:30,161 Oh. Oh, I don't think I could bear to live with a broken-hearted Dalmatian. 209 00:20:30,291 --> 00:20:33,169 Yes, they're miserable when they're lonely. 210 00:20:33,291 --> 00:20:37,807 - Well, we better think of something. - I agree. 211 00:20:37,931 --> 00:20:39,842 - Do you want another cup of marriage? - Excuse me? 212 00:20:39,971 --> 00:20:41,962 Tea? Another cup of tea? 213 00:20:42,091 --> 00:20:44,764 - You said marriage. - Uh, marriage? 214 00:20:44,891 --> 00:20:49,203 Yes, that's what you said. I-l mean you meant to say "tea" but it-it came out marriage. 215 00:20:49,331 --> 00:20:51,401 Oh, I'm sorry. Uh-- 216 00:20:51,531 --> 00:20:55,683 Do you want another cup of tea? 217 00:20:57,491 --> 00:20:59,288 I do. 218 00:21:01,691 --> 00:21:03,807 You-You do? 219 00:21:05,251 --> 00:21:07,287 I will. 220 00:21:07,411 --> 00:21:09,561 You will? 221 00:21:09,691 --> 00:21:11,886 If you ask me. 222 00:21:14,851 --> 00:21:17,365 Would you-- 223 00:21:17,491 --> 00:21:19,288 Yes. 224 00:21:34,011 --> 00:21:38,482 For inasmuch as Roger and Anita... 225 00:21:38,611 --> 00:21:42,047 have consented together in holy wedlock... 226 00:21:42,171 --> 00:21:46,005 and witnessed the same before God and this company... 227 00:21:46,131 --> 00:21:50,488 and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other... 228 00:21:50,611 --> 00:21:55,002 and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring... 229 00:21:55,131 --> 00:21:57,406 by joining of hands... 230 00:21:57,531 --> 00:22:00,921 I pronounce that they be man and wife together. 231 00:22:01,051 --> 00:22:06,205 In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. 232 00:22:06,331 --> 00:22:08,162 Amen. 233 00:22:08,291 --> 00:22:12,489 God, the Father. God, the Son. God, the Holy Ghost. 234 00:22:12,611 --> 00:22:15,444 Bless, preserve and keep you. 235 00:22:15,571 --> 00:22:18,847 The Lord, mercifully with his favour, look upon you... 236 00:22:18,971 --> 00:22:23,567 and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace... 237 00:22:23,691 --> 00:22:26,603 that ye may so live together in this life... 238 00:22:26,731 --> 00:22:31,646 in the world to come, ye may have life everlasting. 239 00:22:31,771 --> 00:22:34,365 - Amen. - Amen. 240 00:23:30,651 --> 00:23:35,361 Right. Now, let me tell you a bit about this bloke Skinner before we meet him. 241 00:23:35,491 --> 00:23:38,051 Now supposedly, when he was quite young... 242 00:23:38,171 --> 00:23:42,369 this dog tore open his throat and ripped out his vocal cords... 243 00:23:42,491 --> 00:23:44,447 Ieaving him brutally scarred and completely mute. 244 00:23:44,571 --> 00:23:47,324 He cannot talk at all. 245 00:23:47,451 --> 00:23:49,919 Now, pay at-- Look at me. Pay attention. 246 00:23:50,051 --> 00:23:53,885 This is very important. There are two things you must not do with Skinner. 247 00:23:54,011 --> 00:23:59,529 Right? One, do not look at the horrendous scar on his neck. 248 00:23:59,651 --> 00:24:02,040 Two, don't talk to him. 249 00:24:02,171 --> 00:24:05,959 - Understand? Not a word. - Right. 250 00:24:10,091 --> 00:24:14,369 Oh! Look at the size of that scar! 251 00:24:14,491 --> 00:24:16,846 No blinkin' wonder you can't talk, mate! 252 00:24:19,691 --> 00:24:21,841 Excuse me just a minute, would you? 253 00:24:33,371 --> 00:24:36,568 God. Blinking gruesome line of work you're in, Skinner. 254 00:24:38,491 --> 00:24:41,927 The sight of all these deceased creatures gives me a shrinky winky. 255 00:24:55,251 --> 00:24:57,685 Much obliged, sunshine. 256 00:25:12,611 --> 00:25:15,079 How could she do this to me? 257 00:25:27,571 --> 00:25:29,482 - Morning, ma'am. - Sit. 258 00:25:30,931 --> 00:25:33,604 - Tea? - Uh, please. 259 00:25:33,731 --> 00:25:36,006 Uh, please. 260 00:25:44,171 --> 00:25:46,446 - Thank you. - Thank you. 261 00:25:48,331 --> 00:25:52,165 Oh, what a beautiful day, ma'am. Blue skies, birds singing. 262 00:25:52,291 --> 00:25:54,680 The laughter of schoolchildren riding on gentle-- 263 00:25:54,811 --> 00:25:57,848 Get on with it, you imbecile! 264 00:26:00,771 --> 00:26:05,083 Well, I uh-- I have here a present from Mr Skinner. 265 00:26:18,331 --> 00:26:23,121 Oh, it's magnificent. Hello, my beauty. 266 00:26:23,251 --> 00:26:27,130 Oh, God. Come. Come with me. 267 00:26:27,251 --> 00:26:29,970 Come with me, my darling. Let me see you. 268 00:26:33,851 --> 00:26:37,890 You were a big, bad boy, weren't you, darling? 269 00:26:38,011 --> 00:26:42,289 Yes, yes, yes. Siberian tiger suits madam very well indeed. 270 00:26:42,411 --> 00:26:47,439 Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? 271 00:26:47,571 --> 00:26:49,368 You are. 272 00:26:56,091 --> 00:27:00,289 I remember you were always very good at drawing when you were a little girl. 273 00:27:00,411 --> 00:27:05,087 And now to be with you again as you start a family of your own is like a dream come true. 274 00:27:05,211 --> 00:27:07,725 Oh, Nanny. I don't think... 275 00:27:07,851 --> 00:27:10,445 Roger and I are quite ready to start a family yet. 276 00:27:10,571 --> 00:27:12,448 Oh, that's a shame. 277 00:27:12,571 --> 00:27:16,200 Ah, well, first the puppies... 278 00:27:16,331 --> 00:27:19,129 then the babies. 279 00:27:19,251 --> 00:27:21,401 Puppies? 280 00:27:30,051 --> 00:27:32,611 If I've done my job right, Pongo, when this new villain comes up... 281 00:27:32,731 --> 00:27:34,961 you're going to run from the room in a panic. 282 00:27:54,451 --> 00:27:56,203 Gotcha! 283 00:28:01,891 --> 00:28:04,530 It's unmistakable, dear. 284 00:28:04,611 --> 00:28:08,843 It's the look every woman gets when she knows she's going to be a mother. 285 00:28:08,971 --> 00:28:11,769 Notice how tranquil she is. 286 00:28:11,891 --> 00:28:15,486 Her eyes are soft and warm. 287 00:28:15,611 --> 00:28:18,079 Though you might not see it... 288 00:28:18,211 --> 00:28:21,920 you can certainly feel that she's smiling. 289 00:28:22,051 --> 00:28:26,727 It's the smile we wear when we're guarding a precious secret. 290 00:28:26,851 --> 00:28:30,366 And now that she's living for others as well as herself... 291 00:28:30,491 --> 00:28:33,130 she's eating more. 292 00:28:33,251 --> 00:28:36,323 And every now and again for no reason other than... 293 00:28:36,451 --> 00:28:40,239 she's so happy with herself, she sighs. 294 00:28:45,011 --> 00:28:49,243 I think you're right, Nanny. I think she does look different. 295 00:28:49,371 --> 00:28:52,010 Oh, my goodness. 296 00:28:52,131 --> 00:28:53,962 What is it, Nanny? 297 00:28:57,571 --> 00:29:01,325 Anita, I think you're going to have a puppy. 298 00:29:17,131 --> 00:29:18,928 Thank you so much. 299 00:29:19,051 --> 00:29:21,519 - A month's time for a checkup, yes? - All right. - Bye-bye. 300 00:29:21,651 --> 00:29:23,448 See you again soon. Right. 301 00:29:30,091 --> 00:29:32,605 - So? - Well, he said it's all great. 302 00:29:32,731 --> 00:29:36,201 - The baby's nice and big. It's the right size. - That's wonderful. 303 00:29:45,491 --> 00:29:47,288 - Oh, no. - What? 304 00:29:57,011 --> 00:30:01,084 - Cruella! - Anita, darling! 305 00:30:04,331 --> 00:30:08,210 Oh, Anita! Those dazzling dogs! 306 00:30:10,331 --> 00:30:12,128 And you must be Rufus. 307 00:30:12,251 --> 00:30:14,401 No, it's-it's Roger, and it's a pleasure, Miss De Vil. 308 00:30:14,531 --> 00:30:17,568 - What's a pleasure? - Uh, making your acquaintance. 309 00:30:17,691 --> 00:30:21,047 Such a sweet thought. I wish I could reciprocate. 310 00:30:21,171 --> 00:30:23,924 Tell me, darling, you married him for his dog. 311 00:30:26,971 --> 00:30:31,203 Oh, darling, I miss you so. I hate that you've taken leave. 312 00:30:31,331 --> 00:30:33,970 But I'm still working. Um, you've been getting my sketches? 313 00:30:34,091 --> 00:30:38,050 Well, it's not the same thing. I miss the interaction. 314 00:30:41,851 --> 00:30:43,762 And what is it that you do... 315 00:30:43,891 --> 00:30:47,520 that allows you to support Anita in such splendour? 316 00:30:47,651 --> 00:30:50,290 I design video games. 317 00:30:50,411 --> 00:30:52,481 Video games? 318 00:30:52,611 --> 00:30:57,366 - Is he having me on? - No, he's very good at it, and it's a growing business. 319 00:30:57,491 --> 00:30:59,766 Those horrible, noisy things that children play with on their televisions? 320 00:30:59,891 --> 00:31:03,600 Someone designs them? What a senseless thing to do with your life. 321 00:31:05,531 --> 00:31:08,409 Oh, did Anita tell you the news? 322 00:31:10,211 --> 00:31:12,566 She's going to have a baby. 323 00:31:13,811 --> 00:31:16,450 Is this true? 324 00:31:16,571 --> 00:31:20,723 - Yes. - Oh, you poor thing. I'm so sorry. 325 00:31:20,851 --> 00:31:23,809 - We're very excited about it, Cruella. - You can't be serious. 326 00:31:23,931 --> 00:31:26,001 She is. 327 00:31:26,131 --> 00:31:29,646 Well, what can I say? Accidents will happen. 328 00:31:29,771 --> 00:31:34,925 - We're having puppies, too. - Puppies? You have been a busy boy. 329 00:31:36,211 --> 00:31:39,089 Well, I must say that's somewhat better news. 330 00:31:39,211 --> 00:31:41,088 I adore puppies! 331 00:31:41,211 --> 00:31:44,806 - I'll expect a decline in your work product. - Oh, I shouldn't think so. 332 00:31:44,931 --> 00:31:48,207 Be sure to let me know when the blessed event occurs. 333 00:31:48,331 --> 00:31:50,162 Well, it won't be for another eight months. 334 00:31:50,291 --> 00:31:53,169 The puppies, darling. 335 00:31:56,851 --> 00:32:00,161 I have no use for babies. 336 00:32:01,491 --> 00:32:03,721 Cheerio! Cheerio, darling! 337 00:32:21,251 --> 00:32:24,448 If I'm this nervous about your puppies, what am I gonna be like when my baby arrives? 338 00:32:36,371 --> 00:32:38,931 How can you be so calm? 339 00:32:42,171 --> 00:32:43,604 Nanny? 340 00:32:45,331 --> 00:32:47,606 Oh, my goodness. 341 00:32:50,771 --> 00:32:52,682 - Gangway! - Is it time? 342 00:32:52,811 --> 00:32:55,484 Is there something I can do? Maybe-Maybe I can be of some help. 343 00:33:04,411 --> 00:33:09,007 Right. Get out, peek in through the window, and see if those puppies have come yet. 344 00:33:10,491 --> 00:33:12,880 Could I borrow your umbrella? 345 00:33:17,211 --> 00:33:20,442 Be careful when you open it. 346 00:33:20,571 --> 00:33:22,880 They're here! The puppies are here! 347 00:33:24,091 --> 00:33:27,003 You're a father, Pongo! 348 00:33:27,131 --> 00:33:29,281 - Two. - Two! 349 00:33:29,411 --> 00:33:31,720 You're a father twice! 350 00:33:31,851 --> 00:33:33,728 Make that three. 351 00:33:33,851 --> 00:33:37,161 Three! Three, Pongo! Three puppies! 352 00:33:37,291 --> 00:33:40,567 - Oh, my! Four! - Four! Oh, Pongo! 353 00:34:06,291 --> 00:34:08,168 Fifteen. 354 00:34:10,851 --> 00:34:14,924 Did you hear that, boy? Fifteen puppies! 355 00:34:17,571 --> 00:34:20,449 Fourteen. 356 00:34:20,571 --> 00:34:24,086 We lost one. 357 00:34:58,451 --> 00:35:00,248 I'm sorry, Pongo. I'm so sorry. 358 00:35:13,691 --> 00:35:15,682 I wonder. 359 00:36:00,891 --> 00:36:04,122 Fifteen! We have 15 puppies! 360 00:36:07,371 --> 00:36:11,125 - Look! - Oh! Goodness gracious! 361 00:36:11,251 --> 00:36:13,207 It's a miracle. 362 00:36:13,331 --> 00:36:17,370 Anita, fifteen. Fifteen again. 363 00:36:17,491 --> 00:36:19,607 We must call this one Lucky. 364 00:36:22,611 --> 00:36:24,408 Look. Look at him. 365 00:36:26,131 --> 00:36:28,167 - How's Perdy? - She's tired. 366 00:36:28,291 --> 00:36:30,521 Well, bringing 15 puppies into the world, I guess she's got a right. 367 00:36:30,651 --> 00:36:32,926 Yeah, but they're so beautiful. 368 00:36:35,371 --> 00:36:37,566 You can go in now, Pongo. 369 00:36:38,931 --> 00:36:42,560 Here we are, Perdy. Yes, it's Lucky. 370 00:36:42,691 --> 00:36:45,080 Now, make room, you others. 371 00:36:45,211 --> 00:36:49,204 And well done, Perdy. There's a good girl. 372 00:36:52,891 --> 00:36:55,246 I'll leave you two alone. 373 00:37:07,531 --> 00:37:10,284 I'm glad I'm only having the one. 374 00:37:27,771 --> 00:37:30,080 Anita? 375 00:37:30,211 --> 00:37:32,520 Anita? There you are. 376 00:37:32,651 --> 00:37:35,927 Where are the puppies? They should've arrived by now. 377 00:37:38,411 --> 00:37:41,244 How marvellous! 378 00:37:41,371 --> 00:37:43,168 How marvellous! 379 00:37:44,851 --> 00:37:47,001 How perfect-- 380 00:37:47,131 --> 00:37:50,089 Oh, the devil take it! They're mongrels! 381 00:37:50,211 --> 00:37:53,408 No spots! No spots at all! 382 00:37:53,531 --> 00:37:55,806 What horrible, little, white rats! 383 00:37:55,931 --> 00:37:58,001 But the spots don't come until later. 384 00:37:58,131 --> 00:38:00,406 - You're sure? - Yes. 385 00:38:00,531 --> 00:38:05,241 All right, put them in a bag. I'll take them with me now. 386 00:38:05,371 --> 00:38:07,885 - What-- They were just born! - I can see that! 387 00:38:08,011 --> 00:38:10,605 But, Cruella, the puppies have to be with their mother for several weeks. 388 00:38:10,731 --> 00:38:13,609 - They're not ready to leave. - Fine. Put the little brutes on reserve for me. 389 00:38:13,731 --> 00:38:17,087 - How much would you like? - They're not for sale! 390 00:38:17,211 --> 00:38:19,725 Oh? You've come into some money, have you? 391 00:38:19,851 --> 00:38:23,924 Did you design some silly game that will drive the delinquent kiddies into frenzies of video delight? 392 00:38:24,051 --> 00:38:26,519 - As a matter of fact-- - No, no, no, what Roger means to say is-is... 393 00:38:26,651 --> 00:38:28,642 that we're not sure we're going to sell the puppies. 394 00:38:28,771 --> 00:38:32,127 Anita, don't be ridiculous! You can't possibly afford to keep them. 395 00:38:32,251 --> 00:38:35,448 I'll pay you twice what they're worth. Come now, I'm being more than generous. 396 00:38:35,571 --> 00:38:38,005 Five hundred pounds. 397 00:38:38,131 --> 00:38:41,089 7,500 pounds. 398 00:38:41,211 --> 00:38:44,169 Fair? Two pounds per spot. 399 00:38:44,291 --> 00:38:46,566 Cruella, what would you do with 15 puppies? 400 00:38:46,691 --> 00:38:49,808 Yeah, I mean, that's irrelevant. And it is-- She can't have any because they're not for sale. 401 00:38:49,931 --> 00:38:52,206 - I'm getting very tired of you, Roland. - Roger. 402 00:38:52,331 --> 00:38:54,322 Whatever. Take it. 403 00:39:01,371 --> 00:39:03,009 Take it. 404 00:39:06,011 --> 00:39:07,569 Take it! 405 00:39:12,571 --> 00:39:14,801 Cruella... 406 00:39:14,931 --> 00:39:17,843 the puppies are not for sale. 407 00:39:19,971 --> 00:39:23,281 You are quite sure? 408 00:39:23,411 --> 00:39:25,447 - Yes. - Yes. 409 00:39:27,211 --> 00:39:31,045 All right. Keep the little beasts. 410 00:39:31,171 --> 00:39:34,607 Do what you like with them. Drown them for all I care. 411 00:39:34,731 --> 00:39:37,165 You're a fool, Anita! I've no use for fools. 412 00:39:37,291 --> 00:39:39,247 You're fired! You're finished! 413 00:39:39,371 --> 00:39:42,090 You'll never work in fashion again. I'm through with all of you! 414 00:39:42,211 --> 00:39:44,520 I'll get even! Just wait! 415 00:39:44,651 --> 00:39:48,246 You'll be sorry! You fools! You idiots! 416 00:39:54,091 --> 00:39:55,922 Good evening, madam. 417 00:39:56,051 --> 00:39:58,326 Out of my way! 418 00:40:12,651 --> 00:40:14,482 Hello, Pongo. 419 00:40:14,611 --> 00:40:16,806 Everybody 420 00:40:16,931 --> 00:40:20,287 Everybody wants to be a cat 421 00:40:20,411 --> 00:40:23,801 Everybody, everybody 422 00:40:23,931 --> 00:40:27,685 Everybody wants to be a cat 423 00:40:27,811 --> 00:40:31,201 Come on, you two. Let's go home. 424 00:40:33,851 --> 00:40:37,287 Thank you, Pongo. 425 00:40:37,411 --> 00:40:40,209 They're here. I've got them. 426 00:40:40,331 --> 00:40:42,447 Anita. Roger. 427 00:40:42,571 --> 00:40:44,368 I'm in the living room. 428 00:40:44,491 --> 00:40:47,881 Now come on down and have a look. 429 00:40:53,011 --> 00:40:57,050 Oh, you as well. You heard that, did you? 430 00:40:57,171 --> 00:41:01,084 Wait till you see what I've got for you in this bag. 431 00:41:02,691 --> 00:41:06,843 - Chestnuts roasting on an open fire - Wow. Jewel? 432 00:41:09,531 --> 00:41:12,921 - Jack Frost nipping at your nose - Come here, sweetie. 433 00:41:13,051 --> 00:41:16,088 Let me put this on you. Oh. 434 00:41:16,211 --> 00:41:21,763 - Yuletide carols being sung by a choir - See? Yeah. 435 00:41:21,891 --> 00:41:27,170 - Dipstick? Come on. - Folks dressed up like Eskimos 436 00:41:27,291 --> 00:41:31,603 That a boy. Oh, yeah. 437 00:41:31,731 --> 00:41:35,121 Yeah, yeah. I know. Mm-hmm. 438 00:41:35,251 --> 00:41:37,048 Fidget? 439 00:41:40,091 --> 00:41:41,888 Here. 440 00:41:50,131 --> 00:41:51,644 Two-tone? 441 00:41:52,891 --> 00:41:55,166 There we go. All right. 442 00:41:56,571 --> 00:41:59,165 I know. No, I know. You all like to do that. 443 00:41:59,291 --> 00:42:01,930 - Many times, many ways - Come on. There we go. There we go. 444 00:42:02,051 --> 00:42:06,124 - There we go. - Merry Christmas 445 00:42:07,211 --> 00:42:10,248 To you 446 00:42:13,891 --> 00:42:15,802 - Wizzer. - Wizzer. 447 00:42:22,651 --> 00:42:24,881 - Have you thought about it at all? - Well, I don't know. 448 00:42:25,011 --> 00:42:27,525 I mean, what were you thinking of? 449 00:42:27,651 --> 00:42:30,563 Well, I don't know. Do you have any ideas? 450 00:42:32,371 --> 00:42:35,522 - We could go shopping. Would you like that? - Well, maybe. 451 00:42:35,651 --> 00:42:38,040 -Good. -Oh, we have to go to the store. 452 00:42:38,171 --> 00:42:39,968 We don't have to. 453 00:42:40,091 --> 00:42:41,968 But we'll starve. 454 00:42:45,811 --> 00:42:47,608 Right. We're on. 455 00:42:54,011 --> 00:42:55,808 Get-- 456 00:42:57,571 --> 00:42:59,448 Get your own! 457 00:43:12,571 --> 00:43:14,289 Somebody didn't finish their supper. 458 00:43:16,291 --> 00:43:18,088 We're on a budget. 459 00:43:18,211 --> 00:43:21,248 Waste not, want not. That's my motto. 460 00:43:25,491 --> 00:43:27,288 Who on earth-- 461 00:43:31,611 --> 00:43:33,886 Coming. Coming. 462 00:43:34,011 --> 00:43:36,081 Coming. 463 00:43:37,931 --> 00:43:40,570 - Good evening, madam. - Oh, my goodness! 464 00:43:40,691 --> 00:43:43,251 It's all right, lady. We're professionals. 465 00:43:45,371 --> 00:43:47,168 Come here. 466 00:43:47,291 --> 00:43:50,283 - Let go of me! - All right, get her off! - I'm gonna have-- 467 00:43:50,411 --> 00:43:54,086 - How dare you! Let go of me! Let go of me! Do you hear me? - Straight ahead. Straight ahead. 468 00:43:54,211 --> 00:43:56,884 - All right, all right. - Police! Help! Police! 469 00:43:57,011 --> 00:44:00,640 - Help! - Open the door! 470 00:44:00,771 --> 00:44:03,160 - In you go. - You-- You-- Oh! 471 00:44:03,291 --> 00:44:05,088 Fingers. 472 00:44:05,211 --> 00:44:07,327 Let me out of here! Let me out! 473 00:44:07,451 --> 00:44:10,523 - Open this door! Open this door! - Oh, do shut up! 474 00:44:10,651 --> 00:44:13,643 Police! Police! I'll see you go to prison for this... 475 00:44:13,771 --> 00:44:15,682 if it's the last thing I do! 476 00:44:15,811 --> 00:44:17,403 - Help! Police! - There. 477 00:44:17,531 --> 00:44:20,568 Well, the old bird put up a good fight. 478 00:44:20,691 --> 00:44:22,807 I like that. Like a bit of spirit in a woman. 479 00:44:22,931 --> 00:44:26,685 That's all right for you to say. You didn't get smashed in the face. 480 00:44:33,891 --> 00:44:36,451 Give me the bag. 481 00:44:36,571 --> 00:44:40,166 - Come on, come on. - Here. 482 00:44:51,731 --> 00:44:53,562 All right, you. Come here, you! 483 00:44:55,611 --> 00:44:58,887 Spotty little dog. 484 00:45:10,651 --> 00:45:12,767 - Evening, General. - Yeah. 485 00:45:12,891 --> 00:45:15,121 Montgomery! Heel, boy. 486 00:45:16,811 --> 00:45:18,847 Heel, boy, heel. 487 00:45:18,971 --> 00:45:21,724 - Jasper? - Stop it now. 488 00:45:21,851 --> 00:45:24,888 - Do you know what I think? - What's that? 489 00:45:25,011 --> 00:45:28,799 I think that bulldog knows what we just done. 490 00:45:28,931 --> 00:45:32,321 It's a dog, Horace. Dogs ain't got the brains to figure things out. 491 00:45:32,451 --> 00:45:34,726 Come on. At ease. 492 00:45:34,851 --> 00:45:36,648 Luckily. 493 00:45:44,611 --> 00:45:47,603 Come on home. Montgomery. 494 00:46:07,131 --> 00:46:09,599 - I mean, I think-- Pongo! - Perdy! 495 00:46:13,011 --> 00:46:16,048 Help! Police! Where are they? 496 00:46:16,171 --> 00:46:17,968 Where-- 497 00:46:19,811 --> 00:46:21,881 Oh, no, they've taken the puppies. 498 00:46:22,011 --> 00:46:26,880 Anita! Roger! Thank God they're home. 499 00:46:38,331 --> 00:46:41,050 - Oh, thank goodness you've come. - Why? Wh-What is it? 500 00:46:41,171 --> 00:46:44,368 The puppies. There were two men. They've stolen the puppies. 501 00:46:44,491 --> 00:46:46,561 I tried to stop them. They locked me in the cupboard. 502 00:46:46,691 --> 00:46:50,127 I-l shouted and shouted but nobody came. 503 00:47:40,891 --> 00:47:42,688 Ah, good evening, madam. 504 00:47:42,811 --> 00:47:46,167 I sincerely hope I have not disturbed your relaxation. 505 00:47:46,291 --> 00:47:48,930 - But I have some good news-- - Did you get the puppies? 506 00:47:50,171 --> 00:47:51,968 Affirmative. 507 00:47:52,091 --> 00:47:55,720 - All of them? - Every single one. 508 00:47:55,851 --> 00:48:00,003 My faith in your limited intelligence is momentarily restored. 509 00:48:01,931 --> 00:48:04,843 You are too kind, madam. Uh-- 510 00:48:04,971 --> 00:48:07,610 They've got the fifteen. 511 00:48:07,731 --> 00:48:10,882 Add them to the other puppies we've already stolen... 512 00:48:11,011 --> 00:48:13,969 and I have my cosy, puppy coat. 513 00:48:16,091 --> 00:48:19,766 I'll be wearing Anita's dogs. 514 00:48:49,051 --> 00:48:51,804 Right, well, I'm gonna fill me snoot and go to bed. I'm dead tired. 515 00:48:53,691 --> 00:48:55,841 I'm hearing dogs again, Jasper. 516 00:48:57,171 --> 00:48:59,082 Oh, shut up in there! 517 00:50:00,771 --> 00:50:04,923 Tango foxtrot 23, report progress on missing canines. Over. 518 00:50:05,051 --> 00:50:08,600 - You keep your chin up, and we'll do our best. - Thank you, lnspector. 519 00:50:08,731 --> 00:50:10,881 - Good night, madam. - Good night. 520 00:50:12,811 --> 00:50:17,521 He was most sympathetic and says they're going to do the best they can. 521 00:50:17,651 --> 00:50:19,642 For what that's worth. 522 00:50:19,771 --> 00:50:21,648 - Do you think they'll find them? - How're they gonna find... 523 00:50:21,771 --> 00:50:24,808 15 little puppies in a city this size? 524 00:50:24,931 --> 00:50:28,401 If they're even in the city. What can the police do? 525 00:50:28,531 --> 00:50:31,762 What can we do? What can anyone do? 526 00:54:08,811 --> 00:54:11,245 Pongo! 527 00:54:11,371 --> 00:54:13,168 Pongo! 528 00:54:14,571 --> 00:54:17,005 Pongo! 529 00:55:48,931 --> 00:55:50,728 Did you hear that? 530 00:55:50,851 --> 00:55:53,206 - What? - That noise. 531 00:55:53,331 --> 00:55:55,242 What noise? 532 00:55:55,371 --> 00:55:59,080 That noise I just heard. Did you hear it? 533 00:55:59,211 --> 00:56:01,167 Oh, yeah. Yeah! 534 00:56:01,291 --> 00:56:03,282 It sounded just like a complete berk... 535 00:56:03,411 --> 00:56:05,481 asking me irritating questions. 536 00:56:06,931 --> 00:56:08,728 Oh, good. It's stopped now. 537 00:56:47,491 --> 00:56:49,800 I'll be honest with you, mate. 538 00:56:49,931 --> 00:56:52,047 This job is fast losing its charm. 539 00:56:53,171 --> 00:56:55,924 The housing stinks, the food's lousy... 540 00:56:56,051 --> 00:56:58,201 the lavatory facilities are appalling... 541 00:56:58,331 --> 00:57:01,289 and so far, we haven't been paid so much as one quid. 542 00:57:01,411 --> 00:57:03,481 Oh, will you stop moaning? 543 00:57:03,611 --> 00:57:05,681 Look, this time tomorrow night, it's all over. 544 00:57:05,811 --> 00:57:08,371 We get our boodle, we'll be out of here before you can say... 545 00:57:08,491 --> 00:57:10,322 "dead puppies." 546 00:57:10,451 --> 00:57:12,840 Now, go to sleep. 547 00:58:49,811 --> 00:58:53,121 Mr Skinner, suspicions are mounting. 548 00:58:53,251 --> 00:58:55,048 Police are everywhere. 549 00:58:55,171 --> 00:58:57,969 I want the job done tonight. Can you do it? 550 00:59:01,811 --> 00:59:05,167 Any way you want. Poison them. Drown them. 551 00:59:05,291 --> 00:59:07,521 Bash them on the head! Got any chloroform? 552 00:59:07,651 --> 00:59:10,927 I don't care how you kill the little beasts. Just do it and do it now! 553 00:59:39,291 --> 00:59:41,168 Pongo and Perdy'll turn up, won't they? 554 00:59:41,291 --> 00:59:44,840 If you ask me, they will. I think they just went looking for the puppies. 555 00:59:44,971 --> 00:59:46,290 You know who did this, don't you? 556 00:59:46,411 --> 00:59:48,879 I, for one, wouldn't be the least bit surprised. 557 00:59:49,011 --> 00:59:50,967 She has a horrible temper on her. 558 00:59:52,091 --> 00:59:54,525 The dogs never cared for her. 559 00:59:54,651 --> 00:59:57,290 Dogs have a sixth sense about things like that. 560 00:59:57,411 --> 01:00:01,802 - They can smell ill intentions. - Roger. 561 01:00:01,931 --> 01:00:03,728 What? What's wrong? 562 01:00:03,851 --> 01:00:06,160 Nanny, what did I do with my portfolio? 563 01:00:06,291 --> 01:00:09,124 Uh, i-it's in the nursery closet, dear. 564 01:00:09,251 --> 01:00:11,048 Anita? 565 01:00:24,411 --> 01:00:27,403 She did steal the puppies, and this is why. 566 01:00:32,811 --> 01:00:34,608 She's going to kill the puppies. 567 01:02:18,251 --> 01:02:20,048 Right. That's it. 568 01:02:20,171 --> 01:02:22,924 Time to let the little yappers have it. 569 01:02:23,051 --> 01:02:25,485 We ain't supposed to do it. That's Skinner's job. 570 01:02:25,611 --> 01:02:28,045 Well, Skinner isn't here, is he? 571 01:02:28,171 --> 01:02:31,686 Besides, I don't see why that little runt should have all the fun. 572 01:02:34,851 --> 01:02:37,923 - How'd you wanna do it? - Well, personally... 573 01:02:38,051 --> 01:02:39,882 I think I favour the fire-iron. 574 01:02:54,811 --> 01:02:56,722 Why, that-that-- that'll be Miss De Vil. 575 01:02:56,851 --> 01:03:00,048 Uh, fix your shirt and tart up your hair. 576 01:03:07,011 --> 01:03:09,206 Good evening. 577 01:03:16,971 --> 01:03:19,963 Hello? Anybody there? 578 01:04:31,491 --> 01:04:33,527 Maybe we was hearin' things. 579 01:04:50,891 --> 01:04:52,688 Hey! 580 01:04:54,571 --> 01:04:56,801 - Get out of my truck! - Yeah! 581 01:05:19,251 --> 01:05:23,244 Go on! Get outta here! Clear out! 582 01:05:24,411 --> 01:05:26,447 Yeah. There's plenty mo-more... 583 01:05:26,571 --> 01:05:28,641 where that came from, should you elect to come back. 584 01:05:52,171 --> 01:05:54,321 I don't believe it. 585 01:06:42,651 --> 01:06:44,528 I don't care what you say... 586 01:06:44,651 --> 01:06:47,245 we flippin' well better be careful. 587 01:06:47,371 --> 01:06:49,407 Yeah, that's right. But what we better be careful of... 588 01:06:49,531 --> 01:06:52,204 is the huge, thundering macroeconomic... 589 01:06:52,331 --> 01:06:54,208 bulk of your stupidity. 590 01:06:54,331 --> 01:06:56,367 I ain't takin' any more lip from you, mate. 591 01:06:56,491 --> 01:07:00,848 Oh, forget about that. We have got 99 stinking puppies to find and kill. 592 01:07:00,971 --> 01:07:02,609 Now get on with it! 593 01:07:17,891 --> 01:07:19,688 Here, puppies. 594 01:07:21,091 --> 01:07:22,888 Here, puppies. 595 01:07:24,931 --> 01:07:26,967 Pup, pup, pup, pup, puppies. 596 01:07:39,811 --> 01:07:42,803 Come here, you speckled lap rat. 597 01:08:45,651 --> 01:08:48,040 Stay. 598 01:09:00,651 --> 01:09:03,370 You bugger! 599 01:09:03,491 --> 01:09:06,005 Come here! I'm gonna get you, you little-- 600 01:09:27,131 --> 01:09:28,928 Cold. 601 01:10:29,571 --> 01:10:33,644 Good evening, madam. Good evening. Hello. 602 01:10:33,771 --> 01:10:35,762 What are you doing up there? 603 01:10:35,891 --> 01:10:39,600 I-l'm-- I was-- I was just fetching the puppies, ma'am. 604 01:10:40,691 --> 01:10:44,081 And where are the puppies? 605 01:10:44,211 --> 01:10:46,361 Oh! There-There. You see, once again. 606 01:10:46,491 --> 01:10:49,130 Madam has, like a laser... 607 01:10:49,251 --> 01:10:51,401 gone straight to the heart of the issue. 608 01:10:51,531 --> 01:10:54,284 It-lt's a quality I've always admired in her. 609 01:10:54,411 --> 01:10:56,845 Where are the puppies? Where are the puppies? 610 01:10:56,971 --> 01:10:59,804 Brilliant. Uh, well, let me just say, um, right now... 611 01:10:59,931 --> 01:11:02,047 that I'm not absolutely... 612 01:11:02,171 --> 01:11:05,163 a hundred-percent certain where the puppies are. 613 01:11:05,291 --> 01:11:07,009 Uh, but-but if you'll just give me a second... 614 01:11:07,131 --> 01:11:09,326 I'll check with my associate. 615 01:11:09,451 --> 01:11:11,442 Uh, Horace? 616 01:11:11,571 --> 01:11:16,042 Get down from there and catch those puppies! 617 01:11:18,611 --> 01:11:21,648 Hopelessly stupid, pathetic fools. 618 01:11:21,771 --> 01:11:24,524 I'll find the bloody mongrels myself. 619 01:11:37,251 --> 01:11:39,446 You just had to let those puppies get away, didn't you? 620 01:11:39,571 --> 01:11:43,041 - Never paying attention. - Well, where was you? 621 01:11:43,171 --> 01:11:46,208 Where wa-- I was not splashing about in the pond! 622 01:11:46,331 --> 01:11:48,640 You've infuriated the old bag, and if we don't get those puppies back... 623 01:11:48,771 --> 01:11:50,602 it is quite literally our heads. 624 01:11:52,491 --> 01:11:55,085 Oh, come on! 625 01:11:55,211 --> 01:11:57,167 Right. You better get out and check the tailpipe. 626 01:11:57,291 --> 01:11:59,521 We've got a condensation problem. 627 01:11:59,651 --> 01:12:01,687 One of these days... 628 01:12:03,211 --> 01:12:05,486 I'm gonna be full up of you. 629 01:12:24,091 --> 01:12:25,888 Oh, do come on! 630 01:12:27,331 --> 01:12:29,003 There. You see? 631 01:14:48,291 --> 01:14:50,759 Turn the heater on, will ya? 632 01:14:50,891 --> 01:14:53,644 No. Not with this thing acting the way she is. 633 01:14:53,771 --> 01:14:56,490 I don't want to risk losing power. 634 01:14:57,611 --> 01:15:00,079 I can't stand the cold no more. 635 01:15:01,331 --> 01:15:03,128 I want heat! 636 01:15:05,171 --> 01:15:07,366 Fire! 637 01:15:07,491 --> 01:15:09,766 Too hot! Too hot! 638 01:15:09,891 --> 01:15:11,802 Too hot! 639 01:15:24,451 --> 01:15:26,760 Your suspicions were justified. 640 01:15:26,891 --> 01:15:28,882 According to the staff, Miss De Vil left earlier... 641 01:15:29,011 --> 01:15:30,922 for a family property in Suffolk. 642 01:15:31,051 --> 01:15:32,962 I have informed the local police. 643 01:15:33,091 --> 01:15:36,049 Officers there will be on the lookout for your puppies... 644 01:15:36,171 --> 01:15:38,765 and Miss De Vil. 645 01:15:38,891 --> 01:15:41,644 I only hope we're not too late. 646 01:18:12,691 --> 01:18:15,444 This is extraordinary. 647 01:18:15,571 --> 01:18:18,608 I'm reduced to tramping through sewage... 648 01:18:18,731 --> 01:18:20,847 because my two imbeciles can't keep track... 649 01:18:20,971 --> 01:18:23,246 of a bunch of infant dogs! 650 01:19:28,051 --> 01:19:30,406 I do not believe it. We got no truck, no dogs. 651 01:19:30,531 --> 01:19:33,284 We are so dead. Number 1 Dead Street, that's us. 652 01:19:34,731 --> 01:19:36,881 Look! Tracks! 653 01:19:42,851 --> 01:19:44,603 I love you. 654 01:19:46,331 --> 01:19:48,799 There you are. You see? Now, if dogs are so smart... 655 01:19:48,931 --> 01:19:51,764 they wouldn't leave tracks for wary predators such as us. 656 01:19:51,891 --> 01:19:53,927 - Yeah. - Now, I've always said that human beings... 657 01:19:54,051 --> 01:19:55,882 are essentially superior. 658 01:19:56,011 --> 01:19:57,888 You know, blessed with faculties of speech... 659 01:19:58,011 --> 01:20:00,161 and thought and a couple of other things. 660 01:20:33,771 --> 01:20:36,410 Don't worry. I'm not gonna ruin your little puppy coat. 661 01:20:36,531 --> 01:20:38,283 I'm just gonna make a few buttonholes. 662 01:20:38,411 --> 01:20:41,209 Where are you, you filthy beast? 663 01:20:54,571 --> 01:20:56,687 Oh, yes. 664 01:20:56,811 --> 01:21:01,407 I love the smell of near extinction. 665 01:21:14,131 --> 01:21:16,599 Got you! 666 01:21:34,211 --> 01:21:37,089 Oh! Oh-oh! Oh, God! 667 01:21:41,451 --> 01:21:44,329 Stupidity, you see? That's your problem. That's what's been holding you back. 668 01:21:44,451 --> 01:21:47,488 If it was up to you, you'd have taken hold of that wire... 669 01:21:47,611 --> 01:21:49,408 set fire to your undershorts... 670 01:21:49,531 --> 01:21:52,728 cooked your tongue before even thinking it was electrified. 671 01:21:54,731 --> 01:21:56,687 Point taken. 672 01:21:56,811 --> 01:21:59,405 But, what are the logs for? 673 01:21:59,531 --> 01:22:03,809 "What are the logs--" You see, we stand upon the logs... 674 01:22:03,931 --> 01:22:05,728 and hop over... 675 01:22:05,851 --> 01:22:08,524 thereby avoiding painful electric shock. 676 01:22:11,531 --> 01:22:13,522 - Brilliant. - Right. 677 01:22:13,651 --> 01:22:16,006 Mount the log. 678 01:22:19,971 --> 01:22:21,768 Extend leg. 679 01:22:25,931 --> 01:22:28,923 Right. Now, when I count to three, we jump. 680 01:22:29,051 --> 01:22:32,043 - Ready? - Yes. 681 01:22:32,171 --> 01:22:34,810 One-- 682 01:23:06,411 --> 01:23:09,084 Useless, disgusting creatures. 683 01:23:09,211 --> 01:23:12,362 I'm sick to think we breathe the same air. 684 01:23:25,171 --> 01:23:27,287 Bingo! 685 01:23:27,411 --> 01:23:30,369 Poor little things. 686 01:23:30,491 --> 01:23:35,565 I'm gonna cut you off, then cut you up. 687 01:23:39,771 --> 01:23:42,080 Darling, red isn't your colour. 688 01:23:43,051 --> 01:23:45,281 Give me the hat. 689 01:23:46,411 --> 01:23:48,447 Give me the hat... 690 01:23:48,531 --> 01:23:50,567 or you'll become a hat. 691 01:23:52,451 --> 01:23:54,726 Give it to me! 692 01:24:54,331 --> 01:24:56,128 Thank the Lord. 693 01:24:57,771 --> 01:24:59,762 We're saved. 694 01:24:59,891 --> 01:25:01,449 - Here you go. - Up you go. - Much obliged. 695 01:25:01,571 --> 01:25:03,163 - Nice and easy. - Watch your heads. - You're very kind. 696 01:25:03,291 --> 01:25:05,043 Thank you. 697 01:25:05,171 --> 01:25:07,924 Nice and quiet. 698 01:25:10,811 --> 01:25:12,039 - This is lovely. - Isn't it? 699 01:25:12,171 --> 01:25:15,800 - Yeah. - Nice and warm. 700 01:25:15,931 --> 01:25:18,684 No animals neither. 701 01:25:41,651 --> 01:25:46,167 You beasts! 702 01:25:46,291 --> 01:25:48,486 But I'm not beaten yet. 703 01:25:48,611 --> 01:25:51,523 You've won the battle, but I'm about to win the wardrobe. 704 01:25:51,651 --> 01:25:55,007 My spotty puppy coat is in plain sight and leaving tracks. 705 01:25:55,131 --> 01:25:57,167 In a moment, I'll have what I came for... 706 01:25:57,291 --> 01:25:59,725 while all of you will end up as sausage meat... 707 01:25:59,851 --> 01:26:02,411 alone on some sad, plastic plate... 708 01:26:02,531 --> 01:26:04,328 dead and medium red... 709 01:26:04,451 --> 01:26:06,601 no friends, no family, no pulse... 710 01:26:06,731 --> 01:26:08,528 just slapped between two buns... 711 01:26:08,651 --> 01:26:12,200 smothered in onions, with fries on the side. 712 01:26:12,331 --> 01:26:15,050 Cruella De Vil has the last laugh! 713 01:26:53,931 --> 01:26:56,320 - Miss De Vil. - Yes? 714 01:26:56,451 --> 01:26:58,442 We have a warrant for your arrest. 715 01:26:58,571 --> 01:27:02,610 Oh? ls there something wrong? 716 01:27:18,971 --> 01:27:21,804 Stop. What's that up ahead? 717 01:27:30,771 --> 01:27:33,365 Well, will you look at that. 718 01:28:03,891 --> 01:28:06,644 Excuse me, madam, would you mind standing back? 719 01:28:11,051 --> 01:28:14,487 I've come up with 98 pups. The two adults make it 100 even. 720 01:28:14,611 --> 01:28:16,408 We've got a hundred here, sir. 721 01:28:33,131 --> 01:28:38,251 Uh, make that 101 Dalmatians, sir. 722 01:28:55,771 --> 01:28:57,489 Congratulations. 723 01:28:57,771 --> 01:29:02,970 You've just won gold, silver and bronze in the Morons Olympics. 724 01:29:11,491 --> 01:29:15,086 - Who won the gold? - Shut up! 725 01:29:15,211 --> 01:29:18,487 My business, my reputation, my life... 726 01:29:18,611 --> 01:29:21,489 has been ruined because you three incompetent twits... 727 01:29:21,611 --> 01:29:25,240 Iet yourselves be out-outsmarted by a bunch of dumb animals! 728 01:29:25,371 --> 01:29:27,931 And you call yourselves men. Ha! 729 01:29:28,051 --> 01:29:30,770 I've seen more intelligent pieces of carpet! 730 01:29:54,371 --> 01:29:56,839 Oh, they're here! Anita! 731 01:29:56,971 --> 01:29:59,246 Roger! 732 01:30:04,011 --> 01:30:05,888 - The puppies! - Here-- Oh, my goodness! 733 01:30:06,011 --> 01:30:08,730 - Look at them. - Oh! 734 01:30:08,851 --> 01:30:11,843 - Oh, Pongo! - Oh, Perdy! 735 01:30:11,971 --> 01:30:14,610 Oh! That a boy! That a boy! 736 01:30:14,731 --> 01:30:17,291 - They're happy to be home. - Oh! 737 01:30:19,451 --> 01:30:22,443 Oh, thank you, Officer. How can we ever repay you? 738 01:30:23,931 --> 01:30:27,719 Well, your dogs were the only ones with identification tags. 739 01:30:27,851 --> 01:30:31,321 We have no idea which puppy goes where. 740 01:30:31,451 --> 01:30:33,567 Our records indicate that so far... 741 01:30:33,691 --> 01:30:37,206 nobody has called to claim the other puppies. 742 01:30:37,331 --> 01:30:39,401 Now, they need a home, or-- 743 01:30:39,531 --> 01:30:42,443 well, they go to the pound. 744 01:30:49,931 --> 01:30:52,365 Oh, no. No. No, no, no, no. Uh-- uh-- 745 01:30:52,491 --> 01:30:54,447 Roger, we can't-- Oh, oh, we don't have room. 746 01:30:54,571 --> 01:30:56,368 Well, we'll get a bigger place. 747 01:30:56,491 --> 01:30:59,449 We have 17 as it is. What's a few more? 748 01:30:59,571 --> 01:31:01,721 We'll work something out. 749 01:31:07,171 --> 01:31:08,968 Oh. 750 01:31:10,931 --> 01:31:13,843 You'll have dozens of children, you know. 751 01:31:16,251 --> 01:31:18,606 Well, I won't have them chewing up the carpets... 752 01:31:18,731 --> 01:31:21,643 barking until all hours of the night. 753 01:31:24,811 --> 01:31:26,608 All right. 754 01:31:26,731 --> 01:31:29,291 Everyone inside before we all get cold. 755 01:31:29,411 --> 01:31:32,164 Unload the puppies! 756 01:32:30,091 --> 01:32:32,082 Get ready, get ready. 757 01:32:45,051 --> 01:32:46,882 Cool! 758 01:32:47,011 --> 01:32:48,888 Excellent villain, mate. 759 01:32:50,011 --> 01:32:51,808 - Thanks, Herbert! - Congratulations. 760 01:32:51,931 --> 01:32:54,240 Uh, what? Yes, thank you. Thank you, thank you for-- 761 01:32:54,371 --> 01:32:56,168 See you in my office. We've got terms to sort out. 762 01:32:56,291 --> 01:32:58,088 Okay. Great. 763 01:32:58,211 --> 01:33:00,361 Excellent villain, mate. 764 01:33:00,491 --> 01:33:02,766 I don't be-- 765 01:33:05,211 --> 01:33:08,726 I can barely believe it. Our baby is a year old. 766 01:33:08,851 --> 01:33:10,967 We have a new house, a new life-- 767 01:33:11,091 --> 01:33:12,888 And we have each other. 768 01:33:13,011 --> 01:33:16,083 - We have Nanny. - And I have the three of you. 769 01:33:16,211 --> 01:33:18,122 We have two wonderful dogs. 770 01:33:18,251 --> 01:33:20,367 And they have their children. 771 01:33:20,491 --> 01:33:22,800 And their stepchildren. 772 01:33:22,931 --> 01:33:24,728 And they have their children. 773 01:33:24,851 --> 01:33:26,887 And their stepchildren have children. 774 01:33:27,011 --> 01:33:29,605 And their children have children. 775 01:33:29,731 --> 01:33:33,121 And speaking of children-- 776 01:33:33,251 --> 01:33:36,960 Roger, darling, I've got the most wonderful news. 777 01:33:49,731 --> 01:33:51,801 Cruella De Vil 778 01:33:51,931 --> 01:33:54,047 Cruella De Vil 779 01:33:54,171 --> 01:33:58,005 If she doesn't scare you no evil thing will 780 01:33:58,131 --> 01:34:01,362 To see her is to take a sudden chill 781 01:34:02,451 --> 01:34:05,329 Cruella, Cruella De Vil 782 01:34:07,051 --> 01:34:08,882 The curl of her lips 783 01:34:09,011 --> 01:34:11,127 The ice in her stare 784 01:34:11,251 --> 01:34:15,244 All innocent children had better beware 785 01:34:15,371 --> 01:34:19,683 She's like a spider waiting for the kill 786 01:34:19,811 --> 01:34:24,043 Look out for Cruella De Vil 787 01:34:24,171 --> 01:34:28,449 At first, you'd think Cruella is a devil 788 01:34:28,571 --> 01:34:32,530 But after time has worn away the shock 789 01:34:32,651 --> 01:34:34,846 You come to realize 790 01:34:34,971 --> 01:34:37,246 You seen her kind of eyes 791 01:34:37,371 --> 01:34:41,330 Watching you from underneath a rock 792 01:34:41,451 --> 01:34:43,521 This vampire bat 793 01:34:43,651 --> 01:34:45,801 This inhuman beast 794 01:34:45,931 --> 01:34:48,001 She oughta be locked up 795 01:34:48,131 --> 01:34:50,247 And never released 796 01:34:50,371 --> 01:34:54,603 The world was such a wholesome place until 797 01:34:54,731 --> 01:34:58,041 Cruella, Cruella De Vil 798 01:35:53,931 --> 01:35:56,081 Cruella De Vil 799 01:35:56,211 --> 01:35:58,600 Cruella De Vil 800 01:35:58,731 --> 01:36:03,361 If she doesn't scare you no evil thing will 801 01:36:03,491 --> 01:36:07,166 To see her is to take a sudden chill 802 01:36:07,291 --> 01:36:09,407 Cruella 803 01:36:09,531 --> 01:36:12,170 De Vil 804 01:36:12,291 --> 01:36:14,088 The curl of her lips 805 01:36:14,211 --> 01:36:16,679 The ice in her stare 806 01:36:16,811 --> 01:36:20,804 All innocent children had better beware 807 01:36:20,931 --> 01:36:24,526 She's like a spider waiting for the kill 808 01:36:24,651 --> 01:36:27,848 Look out for Cruella De Vil 809 01:36:29,931 --> 01:36:32,764 At first, you'd think Cruella is a devil 810 01:36:34,291 --> 01:36:38,523 After time has wore away the shock 811 01:36:38,651 --> 01:36:42,769 You come to realize you seen her kind of eyes 812 01:36:42,891 --> 01:36:45,485 Watching you from under a rock 813 01:36:47,491 --> 01:36:49,800 This vampire bat 814 01:36:49,931 --> 01:36:52,126 Inhuman beast 815 01:36:52,251 --> 01:36:56,369 Ya oughta be locked up Never released 816 01:36:56,491 --> 01:37:01,167 This world was such a wholesome place until 817 01:37:01,291 --> 01:37:05,330 Cruella De Vil 818 01:37:05,451 --> 01:37:09,569 At first, you think Cruella is a devil 819 01:37:09,691 --> 01:37:13,889 After time has wore away the shock 820 01:37:14,011 --> 01:37:16,206 You come to realize 821 01:37:16,331 --> 01:37:18,322 You seen her kind of eyes 822 01:37:18,451 --> 01:37:22,524 Watching you from under a rock 823 01:37:31,931 --> 01:37:36,561 This world was such a wholesome place until 824 01:37:36,691 --> 01:37:39,285 Cruella De Vil 825 01:37:46,171 --> 01:37:49,880 So evil even her hair's two-faced 826 01:37:58,771 --> 01:38:01,126 Ain't like nothin' you ever seen 827 01:38:01,251 --> 01:38:03,287 She's the dean of mean 828 01:38:11,851 --> 01:38:15,764 I need to mention she's got some doggone bad intentions 829 01:38:23,251 --> 01:38:28,609 I mean, let's face it. A person like her could really ruin your whole day.