{189}{315}Subrip By PrimeEvil|Fixed By Pacman {1438}{1531}- @@@@[Rock]|- Check, please. {1534}{1600}Look, Daddy,|a volcano. {1603}{1666}It's very pretty.|Now drink up your volcano. {1669}{1732}All right. We're going.|Mommy's waiting. {1735}{1795}Daddy, please.|Just one more minute. {1798}{1861}No. We're going.|No. {1864}{1930}- Yes. Yes.|- No. {1933}{2008}No. {2044}{2155}Until I ended up|flatlining at the hospital. {2155}{2242}But I survived.|And instead of|letting that scare me, {2242}{2344}I kept on going. {2347}{2404}Until... {2407}{2505}my first daughter|was born. {2508}{2634}And now,|I look at my girls... {2637}{2730}and my husband, {2733}{2886}who has been standing|by me for so long. {2988}{3045}Think which one|you're gonna pull out. {3048}{3123}I always think, man.|No, you don't. {3126}{3201}They didn't lock you up this time|'cause you're not 18 yet. {3204}{3300}Next time, they're gonna|lock you up, brother. {3300}{3372}Come on. {3614}{3671}Well, you're not thinkin'. {3674}{3749}Stealing might get you money, {3752}{3815}you can tap|some cheerleader's ass, {3818}{3893}you can show off riding|in some pickle-colored Thunderbird, {3941}{4055}but tell me what's gonna happen|if you shoot a pregnant woman|or an old man, huh? {4058}{4121}[Liquid Pouring] {4166}{4250}You know what'll happen? {4250}{4337}The guilt will suck you|down to the bone. {4702}{4762}Stealing ain't worth it. {4762}{4846}Going to church,|reading the Bible... {4846}{4966}and believing in Jesus, brother,|that's your ticket. {5020}{5101}[Snickers]|Yeah. {5152}{5251}You think|it's a fantasy, right? {5251}{5311}Huh? {5368}{5463}Come here, man.|Get up. Come here. {5637}{5721}[Traffic Noises]|See that truck?|Beauty, isn't it? {5721}{5805}[Horn Honks]|I won it|at a friend's raffle. {5805}{5880}No shit.|No shit.|You know what? {5883}{5991}It wasn't luck.|It was Jesus who wanted me|to have that truck. {5994}{6096}That's bullshit.|I bet you stole it. {6096}{6195}Jesus gave me that truck. {6237}{6357}And as He who gives|and He who takes away. {6357}{6426}Yeah, right.|He doesn't give a shit|about us. {6429}{6503}Come back.|Come back. {6656}{6743}Take off the hat. {6743}{6809}Take off that hat. {6875}{6992}God even knows|when a single hair|moves on your head. {7070}{7142}You're wrong, Nick. {7855}{7927}[Machines Beeping] {7930}{8068}[Man Thinking]|So, this is death's waiting room. {8071}{8161}These ridiculous tubes. {8227}{8323}These needles swelling my arms. {8481}{8586}What am I doing|in this pre-corpse club? {8622}{8697}What do I have to|do with them? {8823}{8928}I don't know when|anything began anymore... {8928}{9000}or when it's gonna end. {9084}{9186}Who will be the first|to lose his life? {9243}{9354}He, in the coma? {9521}{9581}Or me? {9614}{9680}[Buzzing] {9683}{9743}[Sniffing] {10019}{10082}[Sniffing] {10223}{10292}[Sighs] {10468}{10552}[Paper Crinkling] {10666}{10753}[Clattering] {10849}{10963}All right.|You can get dressed now. {10966}{11062}Your Fallopian tubes|are severely damaged. {11065}{11164}It, uh, looks like you had|some kind of an infection... {11167}{11287}that, uh, wasn't taken|care of properly. {11290}{11371}We can try surgery,|but I have to tell you,|I think, uh, {11374}{11478}the probabilities|are pretty slim. {11481}{11550}Look. {11553}{11673}Excuse me for asking this,|but it's important|that you tell me the truth. {11703}{11772}Have you ever|had an abortion? {11973}{12066}Yes.|Any reason? {12111}{12237}I had already separated|from my husband|when I got pregnant, {12237}{12321}and l...|No. I meant|a medical reason. {12420}{12524}My husband's dying.|I'm sorry? {12527}{12590}Paul, my husband,|he's dying, {12593}{12662}and I want to have his baby. {12698}{12848}We can operate then|and hope you get pregnant|within three or four months. {12851}{12929}[Snickers] {12929}{13037}He's got one month left,|at most. {13184}{13265}How'd it go?|Not good, Reverend. {13268}{13331}In one ear,|out the other. {13334}{13468}Be patient.|All it takes is one sheep|in a thousand, Jack. Come on. {13468}{13540}Afternoon, Reverend.|Hey, Wolf, you still having|that birthday party Wednesday? {13540}{13612}My place, brother.|Cool. {13654}{13747}I may be late, Jack.|I have Bible class on Wednesday. {13750}{13813}What the fuck|is wrong with you, man? {13816}{13879}[Arguing Continues] {13882}{13957}- I will hurt you, boy.|- Paul. Paul! {13960}{14026}Back off.|Back off. {14029}{14089}I told you to think.|Fuck you! {14152}{14290}- Hit me! Hit me!|Hit me! Hit me!|- Jack! Jack! Jack! {14293}{14383}Hey, hey, Jack!|Come on! Come on! {14383}{14520}Leave it, Jack.|He's a kid, Jack. {14520}{14622}- He's a punk, Reverend.|- No, he's a kid. {14655}{14736}You think, Jack.|You think. {15009}{15105}[Man On Radio]|Those who are making decisions|that affect our life, {15108}{15222}we must call out to God|to give them His wisdom. {15222}{15282}Daddy's home.|I'll see you tomorrow, Tam. {15282}{15354}I'll pick the boys up after school|if you want me to. {15354}{15470}[Door Opens,|Warning Signal Beeping]|[Girl] Daddy! {15473}{15536}Hello.|Hey, babe. {15566}{15629}How's my queen?|[Wife Chuckles] {15632}{15704}And Hercules.|[Girl]|You don't have a queen. {15707}{15764}Freddy, help me out. {15767}{15824}I got the cooler|from the religious center.|Good. {15827}{15893}- Dad, are we gonna|go buy a dog now?|- Help me out. {15893}{15974}Freddy, we agreed no dogs.|Grab the other handle.|Lift it up. {15977}{16034}You said if I got good grades,|you'd buy me one. {16037}{16112}Your sister has allergies,|and dog hair is bad for her. {16115}{16187}Bad for her, not me.|Get me a dog. {16187}{16328}Freddy, leave it alone.|Well, at least|get me a hamster. {16331}{16406}Well, we'll see.|We'll see. {16406}{16471}You always say|you promise. {17134}{17218}[Chattering, Echoing] {17278}{17371}[Man]|Hey, Wolf.|You back, motherfucker? {17374}{17454}Lock down six! {17496}{17562}Six down! {18087}{18159}Whoo! I win. {18159}{18234}Age before beauty. {18237}{18306}You're such|a sore loser. {18309}{18411}[Cell Phone Ringing] {18509}{18569}Do you wanna go|to theJacuzzi for a while?|Shit. {18572}{18686}No, I can't.|Michael and the girls|are waiting for me already. {18686}{18776}Okay.|Well, call me later. {18779}{18839}I'll call ya. {18893}{18956}Cristina? {18959}{19022}[Chuckles] {19025}{19118}[Reverend]|And you get away from leading|your family like a man of God... {19121}{19199}ought to lead his family|in prayer... {19202}{19313}and reading the word of God|and the things of God... {19316}{19385}and bringing them|to the house of God,|[Man] Amen. {19385}{19507}Then you're opening the door|for the devil to come in|and slay your family. {19507}{19591}[Congregation]|Amen.|Jesus is our light. {19594}{19672}[Congregation]|Jesus is our light.|Jesus is our hope. {19672}{19771}[Congregation]|Jesus is our hope.|Jesus is our forgiveness. {19771}{19831}Jesus is our forgiveness. {19831}{19912}Jesus is the water|that quenches my thirst. {19915}{19996}Jesus is the water|that quenches my thirst. {19999}{20080}If you're saved|and you know it, say "Amen." {20083}{20188}[Congregation]|Amen.|Everybody up on your feet. {20233}{20347}- Jesus is our light.|- Jesus is our light. {20365}{20421}[Keyboard Clacking] {21282}{21351}[Groans] {21653}{21719}[Clattering] {21902}{22037}[Oxygen Hissing] {22040}{22100}[Hissing Stops] {22103}{22172}[Wheezing] {22960}{23071}[Coughing, Gasping] {23143}{23281}[Wheezing] {23368}{23490}[Door Opens]|Hey, honey, I'm home. {23748}{23826}[Toilet Flushes] {24054}{24111}[Coughs] {24114}{24189}Hi.|Jesus, you scared me. {24192}{24291}How are you feeling?|I feel great. {24294}{24372}Have you been|smoking again? {24375}{24455}Oh, for fuck's sake, Paul. {24458}{24557}You know if they find out|you're smoking, they'll take you|off the transplant list. {24560}{24632}If I don't smoke,|I'll go fuckin'nuts. {24632}{24707}Better nuts than dead. {24710}{24785}[Coughs]|Is that necessary? {24788}{24869}I don't know|how the hell you get them. {24917}{25016}[Wheezing] {25019}{25112}[Whimpering]|Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! {25115}{25232}Baby!|Oh, God! {25235}{25295}Call an ambulance! {25298}{25397}[Sobbing]|Baby! {25400}{25555}Call a fucking ambulance!|Goddamn it! {25555}{25648}Please, do something. {25771}{25831}Baby! {25963}{26035}Come on, please. {26044}{26122}[Doorbell Rings] {26302}{26383}[Doorbell Rings] {26793}{26856}[Chattering] {27114}{27183}[Men Laughing]|[Man]|Hey, Al, you want a Coke? {27183}{27315}Jack, boss wants to talk to you.|He wants to see you now. {27318}{27413}Come on. We both know|I'm not a caddie yet, {27416}{27485}but I'm working at it. {27488}{27569}And I'm learning, Brown. {27611}{27680}Man, I swear to God,|I'm not going to let you down. {27683}{27806}No, Jack,|that's not the problem.|What's the problem? {27809}{27905}The problem is some members|have started complaining|about your tattoos. {27905}{28007}I got a long-sleeved shirt.|No, man...|No long-sleeved shirt... {28010}{28076}You can't see it.|Is gonna cover that one|on your neck right there. {28079}{28154}You're gonna|start wearing a scarf. {28268}{28376}Look, Jack.|This club is for people|different from me and you. {28379}{28456}No. You know, I don't drink.|I don't steal. {28456}{28528}I'm clean.|Tell me, why me? {28531}{28615}Look, I know you're clean.|That's why I hired you. {28618}{28681}But this decision|comes from the administration. {28684}{28744}If I don't follow through,|they're gonna fuck me too. {28882}{28981}[Sighs]|Look, I cut you|a hefty severance check, {28984}{29062}and you can pick it up|on the way to the cashier's. {29065}{29149}Try to understand. {30183}{30255}[Ice Cubes Rattling] {30258}{30375}Okay. Good.|So, is there any pain? {30378}{30434}My head hurts a little bit. {30437}{30503}That's normal.|That's because of|the blood pressure medicine. {30506}{30569}We'll get you something else|to make you feel better. {30572}{30677}Thank you.|I brought... {30680}{30815}- what you asked for.|- Oh, my God. {30851}{30956}Oh. Is that my heart? {31178}{31256}The culprit. {31717}{31795}Which one is he? {31858}{31915}That's him|with the brown vest. {31948}{32023}He's putting the bag|up on top right now. {32427}{32484}You okay? {32724}{32832}[Breathing Heavily]|Come here. {32985}{33060}I wanna kill him. {33063}{33138}We have to kill him. {33273}{33351}Thank you, Lord,|for keeping us together, {33354}{33443}for filling us with love|and for giving us this meal. {33446}{33527}Amen.|[All]|Amen. {33749}{33815}I got fired|from the club today. {33956}{34016}'Cause of your|good pal Brown, right? {34016}{34097}He had nothing|to do with it.|It's mine! {34100}{34187}- Believe that, Jack?|- Yes, I do.|- [Children Arguing] {34190}{34247}- Ow!|- Freddy, stop it. {34247}{34331}Mommy, Freddy|hit me in the arm.|Which arm, baby? {34334}{34394}This one.|Jack, don't start. {34397}{34483}Hold out your other arm|and let your brother hit you. {34552}{34627}- Give me it!|- Jack, no! {34627}{34702}Hold it out. {34702}{34819}Whoever slaps you|on the right cheek,|turn the other to him also. {34885}{34960}Hit her.|Don't be afraid. {34963}{35035}- Jack, no!|- [Pounds Table]|- Hit her! {35143}{35236}Isn't that great. Wonderful.|Great parenting, Jack. {35239}{35302}Good job.|It's okay. Shh. {35305}{35386}He didn't hurt her. {35469}{35529}[Sighs] {35811}{35871}There's no hitting|in this house. {35874}{35943}Understand? {35946}{36003}Get in the corner! {36297}{36384}Do I put the chocolate chips|in now, Mommy? {36387}{36449}That's right, honey,|and then stir. {36452}{36560}[Radio, Indistinct]|Stir really quick. {36563}{36656}Laura, put that back.|Come on. {36656}{36773}When is Daddy coming?|Soon. Now let's|get this finished, honey. {36812}{36875}- Mmm!|- None for you. {36878}{36950}Mmm!|[Chuckles] {36953}{37070}- No, Laura, stop it now.|- [All Laughing] {37073}{37142}Next Friday, ask Lupe|to stay the night. {37142}{37229}I can't stay, 'cause I invited|the company managers|over for dinner. {37232}{37301}I fired her. {37304}{37394}What, you fired her?|Why? {37432}{37504}She made me feel|like a cripple. {37507}{37585}Oh, goddamn it, Paul. {37588}{37651}So, now who's going|to cook for you? {37654}{37741}Who's going to clean up after you?|Who's going to take care of you? {37744}{37801}Who?|I can do it for myself. {37804}{37861}Oh, you can do it|by yourself. {37930}{37996}I can't do it anymore, Paul. {37999}{38059}Really, I can't. {38547}{38649}[Kissing]|What are you doing? {38652}{38760}I'm just... What?|What does it feel like|I'm doing? {38760}{38826}Don't. Don't.|You might hurt yourself. {38829}{38940}I'm not gonna|hurt myself.|Besides, I need you to... {38943}{39048}Huh?|I went to|a fertility clinic. {39051}{39183}Oh good, more doctors.|Mary, I can't have|this discussion again. {39186}{39258}No, this is a...|this is a specialist. {39261}{39336}He said that with surgery,|I might get pregnant. {39339}{39410}You need to donate|sperm and then...|Mary, no. {39410}{39473}I could take care ofhim. {39476}{39611}But I can't.|So what's the point? {39614}{39713}This is what I most want|in the world. {39716}{39794}Do it for me, please. {40690}{40756}[Machinery Whirring] {41463}{41550}This'll be $58.95. {41640}{41709}[Cash Register Beeping, Dings] {41802}{41874}[Cashier]|Thank you. {41907}{41970}[Bottles Clang Together] {42111}{42201}Find everything you need, sir? {42204}{42273}I'll have, uh... {42276}{42372}Oh, you know what?|I left my wallet. {42375}{42488}[No Audible Dialogue] {42491}{42554}[Chattering, Laughter] {42557}{42647}@@@@[Stereo] {43064}{43127}Gonna be hot. {43130}{43196}Great. {43196}{43268}When does my brother|plan to show up? {43271}{43349}He said he'll be back|by 6:00. {43492}{43591}One hundred percent|pure golden lager. {43594}{43672}You outta your mind? {43672}{43744}[Chuckles]|Pretty much.|Oh, it's warm. {43747}{43813}Okay, well, hey, if you wanna|drink lemonade all night...|No, no, no, no. {43813}{43903}Just give it here.|Give me... {44038}{44131}Katie? Laura? {44164}{44236}Where are you guys? {44613}{44691}[Keys Clatter]|[Cell Phone Beeps] {44691}{44772}[Answering Machine On Phone,|Indistinct] {44775}{44877}Hi, sweetheart, it's Dad.|I was hoping we could have lunch|one day next week. {44877}{44937}Give me a call.|[Phone Beeps] {44940}{44997}Hi, honey.|I'm on my way home. {45000}{45087}If you need me to pick up|anything along the way...|[Girl] Look, Daddy, a pigeon! {45087}{45192}Girls, no, don't touch.|Laura, stop it.|[Cristina Chuckles] {45195}{45297}Gimme a call on my cell.|I'll see you in a bit. Bye. {45300}{45384}[Woman's Voice]|To send a message, press...|[Chuckles] {45458}{45545}[Clattering] {45548}{45638}[Phone Ringing] {45686}{45767}[Ringing] {45797}{45905}Hello.|[Caller Inaudible] {45905}{45974}Speaking. {46265}{46328}What? {46480}{46540}Where? {46900}{46960}[Siren Chirps] {47116}{47182}[Police Radio Chatter] {47619}{47691}[Siren Chirps] {47943}{48045}Stay here.|I'll be right back. {48048}{48174}[Siren Wailing]|[Door Slams Shut] {48255}{48378}Now, Mary, you understand|that even if the operation|is successful, {48381}{48461}artificial insemination|doesn't always work. {48464}{48530}It doesn't matter.|We want to try. {48590}{48650}Paul? {48689}{48770}Yeah. {48872}{48965}Now, Paul, um, {48968}{49055}this is about|having a child. {49058}{49157}And with your condition, {49157}{49253}you know you probably|won't ever meet him. {49256}{49385}Mm-hmm.|Well, life goes on, right? {49388}{49444}Yeah, right. {49447}{49597}I'd like you to put on|one of these gloves to avoid|contaminating the sample. {49600}{49759}And, uh, try to make it|all land in the receptacle. {49759}{49837}When you're done,|just leave it in here. {49912}{50017}In case you need|a little inspiration. {50230}{50311}[Woman On Video]|Hey, big boy, what are you doing? {50314}{50433}Oh, yeah, you ready to party?|[Man On Video]|Yeah, well, I'm here now. {50433}{50514}[Video Continues, Indistinct] {50598}{50673}[Woman]|Yeah! Yeah! {50676}{50742}Oh, there you go! {50745}{50871}[Moaning]|Good, come on. Come on! {51309}{51372}[Woman On P.A.]|Dr. Swann, call the operator. {51434}{51521}Excuse me.|My husband and daughters|were in an accident, {51524}{51581}and I was told|to come here.|What were their names? {51584}{51650}Michael, Catherine|and Laura Peck. {51653}{51710}Okay. {51713}{51770}[Keyboard Clacking] {51821}{51881}Excuse me for a minute. {51959}{52034}Cris.|What happened, sweetheart? {52037}{52124}I don't know.|They haven't told me|anything yet. {52127}{52235}It's gonna be all right.|Yeah, everything|will be okay. Don't worry. {52304}{52373}@@@@[Rock] {52376}{52519}Okay, what is|the most important question|for safe sex? {52552}{52621}What time does|your husband get home? {52672}{52750}[Man]|That's good, huh? Yeah. {52924}{52990}His Highness has arrived. {53140}{53221}Let's see|what he comes up with. {53314}{53374}Serve up that chili. {53377}{53433}Uh-uh-uh-uh. {53436}{53502}[Squirts]|[Chuckles] {53553}{53670}It's 7:00.|What are you gonna make up|this time... traffic? {53673}{53799}You preaching the word?|The entire congregation|has been waiting for you. {53802}{53928}It's your party, remember?|What's wrong? {54042}{54108}Have you been drinking? {54111}{54195}No.|You didn't drink again,|did you? {54267}{54366}I just ran over|a man and two girls. {54473}{54542}You're lying, right? {54761}{54833}I was driving home. {54878}{54935}Took a turn... {54998}{55055}a little too quickly. {55058}{55115}I didn't see them crossing. {55256}{55322}@@@@[Rock Continues] {55933}{56029}- [Horn Honking]|- Can't you go any faster? {56059}{56164}[Honking Horn] {56206}{56284}Baby, hold on. {56287}{56397}[Revs Engine, Honking Horn] {56478}{56550}I love you. {56628}{56679}[Inhales] {56682}{56739}[Exhales] {56772}{56853}Deep breath.|[Inhales] {56856}{56949}[Exhales]|Good. {56952}{57045}- Your lungs are clear.|- I got a question for you. {57048}{57105}Yeah.|Whose heart do I have? {57108}{57243}Uh, I can't tell you.|It's hospital regulations. {57246}{57330}Just like the donor's family|doesn't know your name either. {57333}{57458}- But you know.|- [Chuckles]|Yes. {57458}{57572}This is your heart now.|That's all that should|matter to you. {57572}{57632}- I wanna know who saved my life.|- If you want, you can write... {57635}{57713}an anonymous letter to the family|through the donor's association. {57716}{57818}Personally, I think it's better|that you don't know. {58238}{58337}Mrs. Peck?|I'm Dr. Jones. {58340}{58426}What happened|to my family?|Please, sit down. {58426}{58510}No, l-I'm okay.|What happened? {58513}{58588}Well, your husband|and your daughters|were hit by a car, {58591}{58687}and we had to perform|emergency surgery on your husband. {58687}{58774}[Man]|Your husband suffered|multiple skull fractures, {58777}{58882}and we had to remove blood clots|from around the brain. {58882}{59008}He's in critical condition,|and we're concerned that|he's showing low brain activity. {59011}{59143}What?|Is he gonna be all right? {59179}{59236}We're doing the best we can. {59239}{59326}And what about|my daughters? {59499}{59625}Your youngest daughter|was brought in with severe bleeding. {59628}{59733}She just wasn't able|to get here in time. {59736}{59868}I'm very sorry.|They... They both died|in the accident. {59868}{59967}[Shuddering] {59970}{60045}[Cristina Sobbing]|No. {60048}{60171}No. Oh, my...|Oh! Oh! Oh! {60222}{60285}Oh, my God! {60339}{60425}No! Oh, my God! {60428}{60506}Do... Oh! {60584}{60641}Wh... Where are they? {60698}{60791}Where... Where are they? {60827}{60944}Mrs. Peck, your girls are here,|and you can see them|if you like, but... {60947}{61049}I wanna see them.|Mrs. Peck,|I wouldn't recommend it. {61052}{61175}[Cristina Sobbing]|Oh, God, Daddy.|Oh, Daddy! {61178}{61256}[Doctor]|I'm very sorry.|If you'll excuse us, {61259}{61337}we have to get back|to Mr. Peck. {61337}{61426}[Sobbing]|Uh, I'm very sorry. {61429}{61525}[Sobbing Loudly] {61579}{61672}Oh, God! Oh! {61783}{61837}[Men Chanting]|We want dinner! {61840}{61921}Marianne, we'd like|some dinner in here! {61924}{61993}@@@@[Rock Continues] {61996}{62128}Tell Reverend John to stay.|Make sure no one notices|and get everyone to leave. {62131}{62215}What happened?|Trish, just do|what I tell ya! {62260}{62341}Okay, baby.|It's gonna be okay. {62374}{62466}It's gonna be okay.|Yeah. {62469}{62547}Come on.|Start the truck up. {62550}{62652}Start the truck up.|Pull it in.|Come on, baby. {63602}{63662}[Vehicle Engine Starts] {63725}{63782}[Horn Honks] {63785}{63848}[Brown]|Hey, Jack. {63887}{63953}What are you|doing here, man? {63986}{64064}Just came to pick up|my things, Brown. {64381}{64438}Why don't you let me|buy you a couple of beers? {64441}{64492}I don't drink, Brown. {64492}{64558}How about a Diet Coke? {64561}{64672}You know, I've been talking|to a buddy of mine about|hooking you up with a job. {64672}{64747}Been telling him|all about you. {64813}{64915}So, what do you say, huh?|I've been feeling shitty|about what went down. {64918}{65005}Come on.|I understand. {65008}{65065}So, what do you say? {65068}{65203}As you know, the doctors|did everything they could|to save your husband's life, {65206}{65326}but he has shown|no brain activity. {65329}{65463}We're here to help you|with some of the final decisions|that need to be made. {65463}{65532}We have a patient... {65535}{65625}who is gravely ill. {65628}{65736}I'm here to give you|some information|on organ donation. {65766}{65862}Are you willing|for your husband|to donate his heart? {65862}{65934}- Can we discuss this another time?|- I'm afraid not. {65937}{66060}I can give you time to discuss it,|but this is a decision|that needs to be made soon. {66063}{66120}[Beeping]|[Mary]|Paul? {66159}{66219}Paul, the beeper. {66458}{66521}[Beeping Stops]|It's the hospital. {66524}{66584}I think they've|got a heart. {66764}{66920}Hello? Yes,|I'm calling on behalf|of Mr. Paul Rivers. {66923}{66986}Yes. {67019}{67097}Okay.|Yes, I understand. {67100}{67160}Where do I|have to take him? {67163}{67226}[Beeping] {67229}{67322}[Clippers Humming] {68044}{68104}Good luck, my love. {69932}{69992}[Chair Scrapes On Floor] {70166}{70235}Hello. {70286}{70361}Hello. {70399}{70471}Does your shoulder|bother you? {70471}{70537}Why?|Because I was watching you|swim before, {70537}{70612}and you have a wide stroke. {70612}{70702}If you bring it in tighter,|you get a better glide. {70780}{70870}Thanks for the advice. {71032}{71077}Do you mind|if I join you? {71077}{71206}- Actually, I was just leaving.|- Here you go. {71320}{71391}Maybe just until you finish? {71394}{71478}No. Maybe next time. {71724}{71841}Did you know that eating alone|can cause kidney damage?|And that's bad. {71892}{71976}[Chuckles] {72009}{72096}Well...|Okay, sorry. {72198}{72294}[Ice Cubes Rattling] {72581}{72641}[Beeping] {72785}{72869}[Line Ringing] {72974}{73079}@@ [On Phone: Rock]|[Man] Hello? {73079}{73139}Hello, is Ana there? {73142}{73199}What? {73202}{73271}Is Ana there?|Hang on a sec. {73271}{73352}Ana. Ana! {73355}{73411}Telephone. {73444}{73534}Hello.|@@@@[Continues] {73579}{73636}Hello? {73711}{73771}Who was that? {73984}{74044}[Whirring] {74080}{74179}Hi, honey, I'm on my way home.|If you need me to pick up anything|along the way, let me know. {74182}{74263}Look, Daddy, a pigeon!|Girls, no, don't touch! {74263}{74362}Laura, stop it.|Gimme a call on my cell. {74364}{74433}I'll see you in a bit.|Bye. {74715}{74778}[Door Opens] {75276}{75342}Did you go? {75482}{75557}Are they dead? {75782}{75854}I'm gonna turn myself in. {75854}{75947}John says nobody saw you.|Nobody. {75950}{76052}They don't know the license plate|or what kind of car. Some asshole|even swears it was a cab. {76052}{76160}Marianne, what would you do|if these were our children?|Tell me. {76163}{76250}But they're not.|It didn't happen to us. {76346}{76426}No, it didn't happen to us. {76429}{76501}It happened to me. {76606}{76663}[Opens Door] {76762}{76825}[Licks Finger] {76828}{76906}[Wedding Ring Clatters] {76945}{77053}What the fuck do you gain|by turning yourself in? {77056}{77113}It's my duty, Marianne. {77116}{77215}No, Jack, your duty|is here with us. {77218}{77275}With your family. {77278}{77341}[Clattering] {77341}{77400}My duty's to God. {77400}{77517}Please.|Marianne, {77520}{77586}get outta my way. {77628}{77685}Jack. {79190}{79319}[Chattering, Laughter] {79343}{79438}Oh, buddy,|right there!|Yes! {79438}{79528}My turn.|[Laughter] {79528}{79630}I think I better|go back to the hospital. {79735}{79828}Hey, he deserves it.|I thought your doctor said|you're not supposed to eat that. {79828}{79894}I'm making up|for lost time. {79897}{79963}Lost time, not lost pounds. {79966}{80029}We're gonna have to|send you back for liposuction. {80032}{80197}Well, here's to all those|who didn't think I was going to die. {80200}{80266}[Man]|Hear! Hear! Hear! Hear! {80266}{80341}To the first day|of my new life.|Congratulations. {80344}{80391}Cheers.|It's good|to have you home, man. {80391}{80502}I knew you'd make it.|I told you.|[Clanging] {80505}{80574}I also have|an announcement to make. {80577}{80715}I wanted to tell you|that Paul and I|are going to be parents. {80715}{80820}That's great.|There's a scary thought...|Paul being a parent. {80853}{80952}- You kept this real quiet.|- Have you told your parents yet? {80952}{81036}We're going to be parents.|We just don't know when yet. {81039}{81189}I'm going to have an operation,|and then we're going to try|artificial insemination. {81192}{81300}Terrific. Terrific.|Artificial insemination, huh? {81303}{81410}Professor, do your female students know|you no longer have lead in your pencil? {81410}{81476}Hey!|Come on! {81476}{81536}[Raspberry] {81536}{81617}[Woman]|Play nice! {81620}{81698}Let's have more cake.|Let's pass the cake around. {81698}{81830}[Overlapping Chattering] {82313}{82372}Mr. Donneaud?|Mr. Rivers? {82375}{82462}Yeah.|Thanks for coming. {82465}{82582}Sorry I couldn't cancel|this appointment, but the way|I'm bowling today, probably should have. {82582}{82672}Have a seat here.|Park it right there. {82726}{82804}[Breathing Heavily] {83209}{83269}[Sobbing] {83637}{83730}[Murmuring] {83871}{83940}Can I bring you|something to eat? {83943}{84018}I'm not hungry.|Honey, you need|to eat something. {84021}{84111}I'm fine, Dad. {84177}{84294}When your mother died,|I thought I wasn't going to make it. {84327}{84476}I felt the world was falling|on me and that I was never|going to get up. {84479}{84620}But, sweetie,|life goes on. {84725}{84812}You know what I thought|when Mom died? {84887}{85049}I couldn't understand|how you could talk to people again. {85082}{85214}How you could laugh... again. {85259}{85357}I couldn't understand|how you could play with us. {85426}{85555}And no...|no, that's a lie. {85600}{85696}Life does not just go on. {85996}{86083}Louise is getting fat,|don't you think? {86083}{86203}She's done nothing but eat|since Robert left her. {86203}{86311}What?|She looks okay to you? {86314}{86406}Why did you tell everybody|we're having a baby? {86409}{86496}I wanted to share|our plans with them. {86499}{86619}Oh. That's what I mean,|they're our plans. {86622}{86715}Why does everyone have to|know our private life? {86715}{86784}Why the fuss?|They're our best friends. {86787}{86892}Yeah, but we haven't|even talked about it. {86895}{86985}Oh, we haven't?|I thought this was|more than settled. {86988}{87060}Things change, Mary. {87105}{87165}Something we have to|think about. {87168}{87225}I don't have anything|to think about. {87228}{87300}I've already|made my decision. {87455}{87518}Would you help me|with the glasses? {87518}{87584}[Murmuring] {87761}{87827}[Woman]|So young. {87869}{87929}You want me to stay|with you tonight? {87929}{88007}I'm okay. Thanks. {88118}{88196}I just wanna be alone. {88259}{88316}[Sniffles] {88495}{88555}Cris, {88639}{88705}the police called. {88747}{88867}They said you need to|go and press charges. {88870}{88939}I'll go with you|if you want. {88942}{89020}I'm not going to do anything. {89095}{89215}Y... This guy was...|was some ex-con. {89218}{89278}Are you really gonna let him|just walk the streets? {89278}{89338}What do you want me to do? {89338}{89418}Well, he ran over|Michael and your daughters. {89421}{89496}Nothing I can do|is going to bring them back. {89499}{89568}Do you get that? {89886}{89955}Hey, how you doin'? {89958}{90060}You found it okay?|Yeah, I did. {90063}{90171}The donor's name|was Michael Peck.|He was 37 years old. {90174}{90246}An architect|and married. {90246}{90380}This is the authorization|for transplant signed by|his wife, Cristina Williams Peck. {90380}{90476}I have a copy|of the medical report|if you care to see it. {90479}{90599}And I also have the widow's|phone number and address|just in case you're interested. {90602}{90698}How did Michael Peck die? {90746}{90857}You might have seen it|in the newspaper. {90860}{90980}This guy named JackJordan|ran over Mr. Peck|and his two little girls... {90983}{91067}October 10|at 6.;50 p.m. {91070}{91211}This JackJordan's a piece of work.|He's been in and out of jail|since he was 16. {91214}{91277}Car thief,|small-time crook, drugs, {91280}{91363}bad checks, alcoholism. {91408}{91474}Last time he was in jail|has only been a few years ago. {91477}{91591}[Coughing] {91627}{91696}You feeling okay, Mr. Rivers? {91759}{91849}This is what you wanted,|isn't it? {91852}{91945}Okay, I just, um...|You want some water? {92029}{92113}He was, uh, an architect. {92116}{92197}What's the point|in getting involved? {92260}{92338}Mary, I wanna know|who I am now. {92370}{92457}I don't think|that's the way to do it. {92493}{92550}What is then? {92631}{92709}Look for it with me. {92751}{92841}Let's look ahead together,|not behind. {93243}{93327}Damn it, Jack, it's your birthday|and you didn't even have|one drink with me. {93327}{93386}Why don't you come over to my place?|I'm having a party. {93386}{93446}Yeah, I bet they're all|as boring as you are.|[Laughs] {93446}{93533}You'd be surprised.|No, man, I'll pass. {93533}{93593}Listen, I'll call you later|about that job, okay? {93596}{93653}All right, man.|All right. {93656}{93719}Thank you. {93749}{93809}[Horn Honks] {93812}{93875}Hey, Brown, you should. {93878}{93935}I will. {94378}{94438}[Wheezing] {94915}{95014}Okay, now, we can schedule|the surgery, um, {95017}{95104}I could get you in|as early as Monday. {95146}{95245}Yeah.|9.;00 a.m.? {95248}{95329}What's the percentage chance|that Mary will get pregnant? {95332}{95397}Well, I can't offer you|a real number on that. {95397}{95484}Um, you know,|there's the damage|from the abortion... {95487}{95544}that wasn't handled properly...|the blockage... {95547}{95616}[Paul]|What abortion? {95649}{95706}What abortion, Mary? {95739}{95829}I can explain.|Explain what? {95832}{95901}There is an explanation.|Uh-huh. {95904}{95985}All that drama|about artificial insemination. {95988}{96051}Kids' names. {96054}{96147}You got pictures|of our friends' babies|all over the place. {96150}{96207}Why? {96207}{96282}So you can flush it|down the fuckin' toilet? {96350}{96449}We've been a fraud|for a long time, Mary. {96452}{96551}Oh, yeah?|Why didn't you tell me that|when you were sick, huh? {96551}{96638}Or did you expect|one of your girlfriends|to come and take care of you? {96641}{96734}You came back|because you wanted to.|Don't blame me for that. {96737}{96812}I came back to take care of you|because I love you. {96812}{96896}Or because|you were feeling lonely. {97319}{97453}I'm sorry. I'm sorry. {97453}{97579}I can't keep going like this. {97582}{97651}The insemination,|the child. {97654}{97783}It's like we're trying to|put a Band-Aid on something|that's just been bled dry. {97828}{97897}It's finished. {97900}{98080}But it... it isn't finished|if we give it a chance|and have this baby. {98083}{98140}When we could have,|you didn't want to. {98143}{98242}We were separated, goddamn it!|It's different now! {98245}{98349}Yes, it's different. {98352}{98475}We gonna go?|You only know how|to think about yourself. {98697}{98769}[Guard]|Close six! {98907}{98970}Well, thanks|for finally seeing me. {99060}{99135}They tell me|you don't want to eat. {99165}{99237}I'm not hungry. {99270}{99419}Jack, Jesus didn't come|to free us from pain. {99422}{99500}He came to give us|the strength to bear it. {99503}{99578}Maybe He wanted|this pain for me. {99581}{99653}No, He had nothing|to do with this.|It was an accident. {99656}{99716}No, it wasn't an accident. {99716}{99800}Jesus chose me for this. {99833}{99905}Jack, {99905}{99980}ask for the mercy|ofJesus Christ. {100031}{100091}If it was an accident, {100094}{100178}why do I have to ask|for His mercy? {100181}{100256}"I will have mercy|on whom I will have mercy. {100256}{100334}"I will have compassion|on whom I will have compassion. {100337}{100420}- Don't be so prideful. That's a sin.|- "And the fearful and unbelieving. {100423}{100513}"And the abominable,|the murderers, the warmongers,|Jack, listen to me. {100516}{100588}"The sorcerers and the idolaters|and all liars... {100591}{100669}Jesus came to save us,|not to damn us.|"Shall have their part... {100672}{100735}in the lake which burneth|with fire and brimstone." {100738}{100816}Revelation 21:8.|Jesus, loves you. {100819}{100900}But He also knows how to punish|arrogant sinners like you. {100903}{101011}"As many as I love,|I rebuke and chaste."|Revelation 3:19. {101014}{101131}- Jesus betrayed me.|- Stop this shit, or you're|going straight to hell! {101134}{101203}Hell? {101206}{101284}This is hell.|Right here! {101287}{101352}You're damning your soul!|You shut up now... {101355}{101418}and ask Christ|to forgive you!|Hey! Forgive me? {101421}{101529}I did everything|He asked me to do!|I changed! {101532}{101640}I gave Him my life,|and He betrayed me. {101643}{101742}He put that fucking truck in my hand|so I could carry out His will. {101745}{101802}Made me kill that man|and those girls. {101805}{101886}But hey, He didn't|give me the strength|to stay and save them. {101886}{101997}Don't blaspheme, you bastard!|Christ had nothing to do with this! {102072}{102177}God even knows|when a single hair|moves on your head. {102225}{102291}And you taught me that. {102368}{102458}We're gonna pray|for you, Jack. {102578}{102638}[Chattering] {102641}{102713}[Car Engine Starts] {102842}{102911}Good evening, sir. {102983}{103046}@@@@[Rock] {103223}{103298}Excuse me. {103298}{103366}@@@@[Rock Continues, Indistinct] {103579}{103693}@@ Using discrepancy, lyric weaponry|lessens your chances of testing me @@ {103693}{103771}@@Stop and freeze M.C. 's|I block atrocities @@ {103771}{103846}@@Philosophies from the lips|ofblack Socrates @@ {103846}{103912}@@ The pocket-penciler|in your peninsula @@ {103915}{103993}@@Killing Dracula M.C. 's|who bit from my vernacular @@ {103996}{104059}@@I can back it|The ill scene we occupy @@ {104062}{104131}@@No lullaby, got you high|when I rock a fly @@ {104134}{104212}@@ Verse, for my people|let me breathe slow @@ {104215}{104284}@@ Give a heave-ho|and stimulate your cerebral @@ {104284}{104358}@@System, cut chemist grip the fader|Tuna the group debater @@ {104361}{104430}@@@@[Continues, Indistinct] {104478}{104565}Hey, just like|old times, huh? {104568}{104646}How the hell|have you been? {104646}{104751}Did you end up marrying|that hunk you brought|around here last time? {104754}{104823}Yep.|Yeah? {104826}{104934}Is he a good lay?|How they make us suffer, huh? {104937}{105024}It's all right.|I got some great candy for you. {105027}{105162}I got Special "K,"angel dust.|I got your all-time favorite. {105165}{105312}And I got the newest|of the new... R- 2. {105315}{105401}This shit is all the rage.|You take two of these, {105404}{105506}- you go straight to heaven.|- I'm not into chemicals. {105509}{105620}Cristi, you're not|a cuddly little kitty now, are you? {105623}{105686}Look, if you don't like 'em,|you don't pay for 'em. {105854}{105926}That's my girl.|It's busy.|[Knocking] {106082}{106163}Hey, go easy on the booze|tonight, right? {106651}{106726}- [Neck Bones Cracking]|- [Gasping] {107008}{107080}[Yells]|What the fuck? {107080}{107140}[Yelling] {107275}{107361}What the fuck|are you doing? {107364}{107451}[Jack Sobbing] {107484}{107553}[Chattering] {107835}{107892}Would you get|my car keys?|Sure. {107895}{107961}- What do you care, asshole?|- I can get you a cab. {107964}{108033}- I don't need a fuckin' taxi.|- Just give me the glass, ma'am. {108033}{108117}Here's your fuckin' glass. {108120}{108201}- [Crash]|- [Man] You okay? {108204}{108327}Stupid fucking asshole, move your car!|I'm fine. Get away from my car! {108329}{108404}There's no damage.|I'm fine.|Get away from my car. {108404}{108497}There's no damage.|Excuse me, I know her.|I can drive her home. {108497}{108623}Is this any of your business?|I'm your friend Paul|from the sports club. {108626}{108695}Yeah, well...|Remember? {108752}{108866}Yeah. Well, can you|tell these assholes|to get away from me? {108866}{108935}I'll drive her home.|It's not a big deal, okay? {108938}{109058}Okay. All right?|You can't drive like this. {109073}{109163}What do you care? {109166}{109247}You're gonna get arrested.|Let me drive you. {109250}{109307}Please? {109423}{109501}Damn it. {111279}{111344}[Parking Brake Clicks] {111377}{111440}[Engine Off] {111524}{111587}[Keys Jangling] {111803}{111863}[Seat Belt Clicks] {112887}{113025}[Horn Blowing, Distant] {114029}{114086}[Chattering] {114092}{114167}I sold the truck|to pay for the lawyer. {114221}{114287}I didn't ask for a lawyer. {114332}{114395}Marianne,|I didn't ask for a lawyer. {114401}{114467}You want your children to spend|another two years without you? {114470}{114526}Is that what you want? {114529}{114634}This is God's will.|So be it. {114700}{114775}Two years ago,|you didn't believe in anything. {114778}{114844}Now everything|has to do with God. {114889}{114958}I think I preferred you|the way you were before. {114964}{115057}I was a fucking pig before.|Is that what you prefer? {115063}{115126}At least it was you. {115132}{115267}Now I don't have the slightest|fucking idea who you are.|[Zips Jacket] {115267}{115381}Life has to go on, Jack,|with or without God. {116774}{116858}Hey, how you doin'?|How are you? {116858}{116939}Fine.|Were you able|to find anything out? {116939}{117053}JackJordan's living in|a cheap motel lost out|in the middle of nowhere. {117053}{117113}Phone records. {117116}{117188}One of his prison fishy pals|is from there. {117191}{117296}- That was quick.|- Just a matter of checking the calls. {117302}{117407}Phone number and address|for the motel he's living in. {117407}{117485}[Coughs, Sniffles] {117491}{117580}Here's a pretty recent photo|ofJordan. {117583}{117655}It was taken the last time|he was in jail. {117730}{117853}Were you able to get that|other thing that I asked about?|Mm-hmm. {117964}{118126}This is a clean gun, no record.|They call this an "orphan." {118126}{118201}It is loaded. {118237}{118318}Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.|Careful there, Hoss. {118321}{118447}You don't have to cock it.|Just pull the trigger to shoot it.|This releases the cylinder. {118560}{118650}I think we're set to go.|That's all I want to know. {118689}{118758}Thank you.|Good luck to you. {119238}{119307}Ma'am, it's been an hour|since I called. {119343}{119421}Forty-six St. Vincent Street. {119457}{119517}Thank you. {119600}{119720}Hello.|Hello. {119765}{119858}Some rain. {119927}{120083}Do you not have your car?|No, but my taxi|will be here in a minute. {120083}{120173}I'm right over here.|I'll give you a lift if you like. {120173}{120242}No. Thanks. {120407}{120470}I'm the guy who drove|your car home last week. {120580}{120655}I'm sorry.|I don't remember. {120655}{120724}I left my jacket with you. {120919}{121048}I'm sorry.|I'll bring it by tomorrow. {121048}{121153}Sure I can't give you a ride?|I'm right here. {121156}{121243}Or do you want to swim?|[Chuckles] {121297}{121363}Okay. {122151}{122223}Hello. {122978}{123068}Thanks.|You're very welcome. {123068}{123221}Let me just give you|my cell phone number|so you can have it. {123422}{123497}Would you have|lunch with me tomorrow? {123565}{123625}What for? {123658}{123799}Uh, you're gonna have to eat|at some point, and I'm very worried|about those kidneys. {123859}{123979}Come on. Lawrence's, 2:00.|It's very nearby. {124048}{124132}Please.|Okay.|I'll see you tomorrow. {124186}{124252}Great. {124405}{124515}[Woman On Radio]|... report we have construction on the ramp|coming from southbound 240 at Summer. {124515}{124629}That ramp is closed until 6.;00 p.m.|Use Arlington Pike as an alternate.|Also... {124719}{124809}Forty at the new bridge,|they have the center lane closed. {124809}{124908}Use southbound l-20 as an alternate.|Safe Driving believes so strongly|in minimum coverage. {124908}{125028}They're easy, fast, affordable and reliable.|They're serious about minimum coverage. {125028}{125139}1- 800-SAFE-DRIVING.|Minimum coverage is the best option... {125142}{125253}[Both]|Look, Daddy, a pigeon!|Daddy, look! {125253}{125373}Girls, no, don't.|Don't touch it. Laura, stop it.|[Machine Whirring] {125376}{125451}Gimme a call on my cell.|I'll see you in a bit. Bye. {125457}{125519}[Machine Stops Whirring]|Good night, Mr. Peck. {125519}{125654}Hey, Lucio, don't forget|to do my garden on Saturday.|No, sir, I won't forget. {125738}{125840}[Machine Revs, Whirring] {126679}{126745}[Screeching Tires, Thud] {127099}{127162}[Vehicle Speeding Away] {128172}{128232}Son of a bitch. {128232}{128292}Leave it to me, Marianne. {128720}{128864}Sometimes it happens,|sometimes it doesn't.|Everybody reacts differently. {128864}{128948}That's why you've been|vomiting so much. {128954}{129029}So, what are you saying,|I've got to change medication? {129089}{129164}Okay, I'm gonna be|frank with you, Paul. {129164}{129287}The heart that you're carrying|is gonna give out soon. {129293}{129377}I need you to stay in the hospital|until I can find you another heart. {129452}{129544}You want me to wait|for a new heart.|We don't have another choice. {129685}{129814}I can't do that.|I can't wait for someone else to die,|locked up in a fucking room. {129814}{129979}I can't... I can't do it.|Y-You're dangerously close|to heart failure, Paul. {129979}{130117}You might die a lot sooner|than you think. {130318}{130435}Let me ask you something,|and I want you to be really honest|with me, okay? {130486}{130575}[Sighs]|If I stay... {130635}{130704}will I be saved? {130710}{130779}I can't guarantee it. {130785}{130845}But if you don't|come back to the hospital, {130848}{130929}you're condemning yourself|to a terrible death. {130935}{131052}Your heart won't work anymore.|You'll die, asphyxiated. {131058}{131169}It's an awful death, Paul.|You can't imagine it. {131172}{131313}At least here|we could help you to...|You can help me die better. {131316}{131403}That's what you're saying.|You can help me die better. {131442}{131576}Well, I'm not gonna do that, okay?|I'd rather die outside. {131660}{131720}I'm not gonna do it again. {131900}{131957}How much did the lawyer charge? {132113}{132203}Marianne, how much did|the fucking lawyer charge?|[John] Enough. {132203}{132251}How much is enough,|Marianne? {132257}{132347}Enough so your children can|remember your fucking face. {132392}{132482}You keep asking stupid questions,|I'm getting out at the next corner. {132661}{132775}[TVPlaying]|[Growls Softly] {132934}{133024}[Marianne]|Hi, guys. We're home. {133024}{133093}Daddy! Daddy!|What'd you bring us? {133153}{133213}I brought you a kiss. {133213}{133342}You didn't bring me|a present, huh?|No, just a kiss. {133342}{133426}We made you a cake.|Thank you, sweetheart. {133432}{133506}Freddy put the icing on it. {133611}{133704}Freddy, are you gonna|say hello to your father? {133779}{133830}[Marianne]|Freddy drew those for you. {133830}{133905}I drew those ones. {133953}{134043}Mommy made the cake.|Come here. {134133}{134217}[Girl]|Come look at the cake, Daddy.|[Jack] She did? {134561}{134615}[Girl]|Come on, Daddy. {134636}{134774}There is a number|hidden in every act of life,|in every aspect of the universe. {134780}{134915}Fractals, matter...|that there's a number|screaming to tell us something. {134948}{135083}Am I boring you?|No. No. L... {135119}{135179}I'm sorry. {135179}{135272}I guess I try to tell them|that numbers are a door... {135272}{135392}to understanding a mystery|that's bigger than us. {135392}{135535}How two people, strangers,|come to meet. {135535}{135655}There's a poem by|a Venezuelan writer that begins... {135730}{135850}"The earth turned|to bring us closer. {135850}{135943}"It turned on itself and in us... {135943}{136039}until it finally brought us|together in this dream." {136213}{136276}That's beautiful. {136276}{136432}There's so many things|that have to happen for|two people to meet and... {136438}{136545}Anyway, that's...|that's what mathematics are. {136680}{136749}[Paul]|How long have you been swimming? {136749}{136815}[Cristina]|Oh, for years. {136815}{136959}It doesn't bore you?|No. It's what makes me|feel normal. {136959}{137088}If I didn't swim or walk|or do something,|I think I'd go crazy. {137124}{137199}Thanks for lunch. {137202}{137271}Yeah. Bye. {137328}{137403}Do you want to come in?|No. {137403}{137496}Thanks...|Yes, I do want to come in.|[Chuckles] {137711}{137768}[Wheezes] {137855}{137915}[Wheezes] {138047}{138152}[Coughs, Wheezes] {138685}{138784}[Whistle Blowing]|[Wheezing] {139000}{139069}[Wheezing] {139363}{139426}[Trash Can Clanging] {139432}{139492}[Coughs] {139665}{139755}Hey, can I ask you... {139794}{139899}- Huh?|- Okay, I have a gun. Okay? {139905}{139965}Don't look at me.|Don't look at me.|Don't look at me. I'll shoot... {139968}{140064}- I don't have any money.|- Turn around. Turn around.|I'll shoot you. Just turn around. Go. {140064}{140154}- I don't have any...|- Walk. Walk. Walk! {140157}{140229}P- Put 'em up!|P- Put your hands up!|Why? {140232}{140358}- Wait.|- Just walk. Go! {140358}{140436}We're gonna go down that|path right there. Do what I say|and then you won't get hurt. {140436}{140516}- I don't have any...|- Go! {140516}{140645}I'm not looking.|Come on. Keep walking.|Go right down here. {140645}{140735}Just keep walking. Keep walk...|I said don't look at me.|I'll shoot you in the head. {140735}{140849}Keep your hands up!|Walk! Over here. {140855}{140930}Over here. Hey!|Come on, don't look at me. {140933}{141008}Okay, keep going!|Stop! Stop! {141008}{141107}Right... Okay, uh...|Stop! {141113}{141233}T-Turn around.|But keep your hands on your head.|Keep your hands on your head! {141239}{141377}G-Get-Get...|Take your shoes off|and get down on your knees. {141383}{141437}Uh, take off your shoes. {141443}{141580}No, not that... not that one.|J-Just get down on your knees!|Get down on your knees! {141616}{141676}Sir, please. {141793}{141868}You shouldn't have done it. {141874}{141955}[Wheezing]|Done what? {141958}{142054}You shouldn't have done it! {142054}{142144}Close your goddamn eyes! {143478}{143585}She looked me in the eyes.|What are you talking about? {143744}{143828}One of the girls that I killed, {143828}{143894}she looked me in the eye. {144020}{144119}She wanted to tell me something. {144119}{144188}[Sobs] {144188}{144317}I just... I left her there. {144323}{144386}[Sobbing] {144550}{144625}[Sobs]|I ran away. {144631}{144760}I ran away.|I ran away. {144766}{144925}I ran away.|I ran away.|Shh. Shh. Shh. Shh. {145249}{145336}You sticking with red?|Sure. {146591}{146666}Are you okay? {146699}{146759}Yeah. {146828}{146888}I, um... {146939}{147014}Sorry. I, uh... Dizzy. {147014}{147107}Can I get you a glass of water|or something? {147113}{147203}I think I should go home. {147209}{147269}I'm sorry. I just, uh... {147517}{147574}I like you a lot, Cristina. {147625}{147751}It's been a long time since|I liked someone so much. {147859}{147919}Can I see you again? {147994}{148069}I'm a married woman. {148132}{148192}I figured. {148417}{148506}Thanks.|Good-bye. {149019}{149109}@ I've got peace like a river @ {149112}{149199}@@I've got peace like a river @@ {149199}{149388}- @@I've got peace like a river|in my soul @@|- Everybody! {149391}{149487}@ I've got love like an ocean @ {149492}{149576}@ I've got love like an ocean @ {149576}{149771}@ I've got love like an ocean|in my soul @ {149774}{149975}@ I've got joy like a fountain|I've got joy like a fountain @ {149975}{150149}@ I've got joy like a fountain|in my soul @@ {150152}{150278}- Look, Daddy. These are the zebras,|these are the lions.|- Very pretty, Gina. {150284}{150371}How could you draw a zoo|if you've never been to one?|I've seen them in... {150377}{150437}Stop fighting. {150476}{150619}The lawyer called to remind you|you have to go sign on Monday. {150691}{150790}If you want, I'll go with you|to the church again.|Daddy, in school they said... {150790}{150859}you killed two girls|and their daddy. {150865}{150973}Is that true?|Yes. {150979}{151078}- No.|- Yes. {151117}{151279}- He killed them.|- [Marianne]|It was an accident, sweetie. {151279}{151351}You understand? {151456}{151605}Oh, Jesus, every time|I look at my children... {151650}{151746}[Mumbling, Indistinct] {151851}{151908}[Cell Phone Rings] {152079}{152133}Hello? {152199}{152283}Hello?|[Cristina] Paul? {152436}{152516}Wh-Who is this? {152522}{152582}Cristina. {152636}{152720}Did I wake you? {152726}{152786}Hang on a second. {152954}{153020}Hi. {153023}{153104}Did I wake you?|No, that's okay. {153173}{153263}Um, c-could you come|to my house? {153344}{153428}Is something wrong?|No, I just... {153487}{153586}I just want you to come|if you can. {153586}{153664}Or if you want to. {153664}{153790}Yeah.|I'll be right there. {153796}{153874}Thanks.|Okay. {154024}{154114}It's 2:00 in the morning.|Who are you talking to? {154114}{154204}I won't be long. {154204}{154273}Where are you going? {154273}{154387}I said I won't be long.|Exactly where and with who|are you going? {154453}{154530}I thought you'd change|after the transplants. {154536}{154644}And I thought you'd change|if I did. Neither of us changed. {156089}{156209}[Horn Honking,|Tires Screeching] {156209}{156287}What's wrong?|He's been shot in the chest. {156293}{156374}- [Cristina] Come on.|- Shot in the... in the chest. {156374}{156443}He's been shot in the chest.|[Cristina]|Come on. {156443}{156526}- Okay, how long's he been like that?|- He's dying, okay? We need a... {156526}{156607}Okay, I'll go get a stretcher. {156610}{156706}- [Man] Ma'am, he'll...|he'll be right back.|- It's okay. {156706}{156805}Hang in there, baby.|I shot him. {156844}{156949}- [Man] You did what?|- I shot him. {156955}{157033}Patrol, I need you|to call the police. {157039}{157123}It's an emergency, yes.|I'm right out front. {157198}{157258}[Doorbell Chimes] {157468}{157527}Hi. {157620}{157680}Are you okay? {157830}{157890}Cristina? {157959}{158040}You kept me thinking all day. {158103}{158229}You see, I haven't spoken|to anyone in months, {158229}{158304}and, uh, I barely know you... {158304}{158403}and I already|need to talk to you. {158486}{158546}And... {158600}{158726}there's something|the more I think about,|the less I understand. {158825}{158909}Why the hell did you tell me|that you liked me? {158990}{159080}Answer me, because I didn't|like you saying that at all. {159197}{159299}You can't just walk up|to a woman you barely know|and tell her you like her. {159299}{159368}You-You can't.|You can't do that. {159368}{159443}You don't know|what she's going through. {159446}{159505}Or what she's feeling. {159586}{159691}I'm not married. {159691}{159766}L...|Come here. {159829}{159889}[Sighs] {159895}{159964}It's okay.|[Sniffles] {160009}{160084}I'm sorry.|No. {160084}{160144}[Sobs] {161034}{161109}Cristina, wait. {161109}{161178}I have to tell you something.|Okay. {161178}{161259}I have to tell you something.|Please, kiss me. {161259}{161328}Wait. Cristina. L... {161328}{161388}Cristina. {161472}{161537}I have Michael's heart. {161576}{161651}What...|I have Michael's heart. {161726}{161789}You understand what I'm saying? {161789}{161939}It was transplanted into me|at St. Francis Hospital|on October 11. {161939}{161999}No. No. {161999}{162104}I tried to tell you.|I just didn't know|how to tell you. {162110}{162224}How dare you.|How dare you!|Cristina... {162224}{162302}How fucking dare you!|I'm here for a reason. {162308}{162374}Get out of my house! {162374}{162452}Cristina...|Don't touch me! {162452}{162526}Get out of my house now!|You make me sick! {162532}{162592}I had a reason.|Can't you see that? {162595}{162694}You get out of my fucking...|Get the fuck out of my house!|Okay. {162700}{162760}You make me sick! {162760}{162826}Get out!|[Slams Door] {163000}{163060}[Sobbing] {164555}{164615}[Groans] {164831}{164891}Good morning. {165173}{165233}Why did you look for me? {165362}{165428}Because I needed to. {165464}{165547}I don't want your fucking pity. {165601}{165661}That wasn't it. {165886}{165970}I was sick, Cristina.|I was very sick. {166069}{166189}I was dying when Michael|gave me his heart. {166309}{166369}He saved my life. {166542}{166671}I tried in every way that|I knew how to find out... {166671}{166755}who had given me this heart. {166755}{166875}And that's how I found out how|he and your daughters had died. {167049}{167148}And it's very painful for me|to know how I got this heart. {167184}{167253}And I couldn't sleep. {167292}{167403}I just... I wanted to thank you.|I wanted to help in some way. {167403}{167492}I just want to|thank you for... {167492}{167561}[Sighs] {167636}{167702}But I couldn't find you. {167825}{167921}And then I saw you... {167921}{167984}that day. {168098}{168164}And now I can't|be away from you. {168284}{168344}I can't. {168577}{168640}You don't have to be afraid. {168727}{168790}I've got a good heart. {169294}{169357}I'm scared too. {172647}{172737}[Marianne]|Why did you leave us, Jack? Why?|I am where I have to be. {172740}{172851}Gina got really sick because|of the hamster. Jack, we need you...|The past is like the Atlantic Ocean. {172890}{173049}Back when I was mean,|about the decisions I make, {173055}{173124}that's my mirror.|Just come back, please. {173124}{173208}That's my mirror.|Jack, it doesn't matter. {173208}{173334}And I have to live with them|alone. Alone.|Just come back to us, Jack. {173337}{173468}And I can't erase it.|No one can erase it.|Your family needs you. {173468}{173546}Jack...|[Sobbing] {173765}{173855}We need to stabilize him before|we can get him to the hospital. {173861}{173990}But right now what we really need|are units of B-positive blood. {173990}{174059}L-I'm O-positive.|Will that work? {174059}{174149}Okay, open and close your fist|several times. {177338}{177404}[Woman On Radio]|Unit 35, go ahead. {177508}{177637}Okay, pal, you're free to go|for lack of evidence. {177721}{177835}Your story doesn't check out|and contradicts our investigation... {177835}{177964}and the statements made by|Mrs. Peck and Mr. Rivers. {177970}{178045}I just need you to sign here. {178051}{178135}What if I really am guilty? {178135}{178210}Yeah, well, it happens. {178210}{178303}Won't be the first time,|won't be the last. {180200}{180263}What are you doing? {180269}{180398}You've been lost for too many days,|don't you think, you prick? {180404}{180517}Mary, I don't want to fight.|I want this to end well. {180517}{180637}Oh, you think ending well means|disappearing for a few days? {180637}{180742}You just waited till you got better|to tell me to fuck off. {180745}{180835}I'm going back to London.|We can't keep doing this. {180835}{180901}Really? {180901}{181015}I'll have surgery and I'll be|inseminated with your child,|with or without you. {181021}{181123}Mary, what for? Why?|Because I want to. {181174}{181243}Well, I won't authorize that.|No.|Oh, no? {181249}{181303}Well, you already have. {181309}{181387}I have a signed copy|of your authorization|to use your semen. {181393}{181497}Would you excuse me?|I get what I want.|What do you gain? What do you gain? {181497}{181578}You decide if you come|looking for me or not. {181974}{182061}[No Audible Dialogue] {182250}{182334}[No Audible Dialogue] {184941}{185001}[Michael's Voice]|Hi, honey.|I'm on my way home. {185001}{185115}If you need me to pick up anything|along the way, let me...|Girls, no! Don't touch! {185115}{185229}Laura, stop, it.|Gimme a call on my cell.|[Sobbing] {185235}{185295}I'll see you in a bit.|Bye. {185295}{185403}[Woman's Voice]|To repeat the message, press one.|To delete, press two. {185409}{185462}[Beeps] {185468}{185528}[Michael's Voice]|Hi, honey.|I'm on my way home. {185528}{185645}If you need me to pick up anything|along the way, let me...|Girls, no! Don't touch! {185645}{185711}Laura, stop, it. {185711}{185840}Gimme a call on my cell.|I'll see you in a bit. Bye.|[Sobbing] {188453}{188516}[Paul]|I'm grilling some chicken.|You want anything to eat? {188522}{188597}No. Thanks. {188603}{188711}I can make you a sandwich if you...|No. No, no, no! No! {188771}{188852}Cristina. Cristina.|Listen to me. {188882}{188966}You don't need that shit.|You don't need it. {188969}{189044}Don't tell me what I need. {190348}{190414}Katie could have lived. {190467}{190527}What? {190557}{190662}She'd be alive right now,|but that bastard left her there... {190731}{190821}lying in the street. {190827}{190956}He left the three of them|like animals. He didn't care. {190986}{191046}[Sniffles] {191079}{191145}At least she could|be here with me. {191184}{191328}That son of a bitch is walking|the streets, and I can't even|go into their room. {191334}{191388}What do you mean|he's walking the street? {191394}{191453}[Sighs] {191492}{191558}I want to kill him. {191558}{191627}You want to kill him? {191627}{191741}I'm gonna killJackJordan.|I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. {191741}{191816}Slow down. Wait.|Just-Just slow down. {191816}{191954}Slow down? Slow down|while I what? Huh?|While I what? {191960}{192020}Take it easy.|Take it easy? {192020}{192161}My husband and my little girls|are dead and I'm supposed to|take it fucking easy? {192164}{192275}I can't just go on|with my life! {192275}{192443}I am paralyzed here!|I am a fucking amputee,|do you see that? {192443}{192523}Who are you? {192523}{192637}You owe it to Michael...|No, you've got his heart. {192643}{192760}You're in his house|fucking his wife|and sitting in his chair! {192760}{192841}We have to kill him!|No, we...|Not like this. Not like this. {192847}{192916}Then how?|Tell me how! {193491}{193656}Katie died|with red shoelaces on. {193692}{193782}She hated red shoelaces. {193782}{193950}[Sobbing]|And she kept asking me|to get her some blue ones, {193950}{194019}and I never got her|the blue ones. {194076}{194205}She was wearing those fucking|red shoelaces when she was killed. {194483}{194591}[Sobbing Continues] {194672}{194741}Oh, God. {194741}{194906}You shouldn't have done it!|Close your... Close your goddamn eyes! {195071}{195131}Oh. {195191}{195278}You... murderer. {195284}{195365}You just let them|lie there on the street. {195365}{195457}Those two little girls,|you just let them die like dogs. {195463}{195523}I should have killed you. {195571}{195721}Now you disappear.|Don't even go back to the motel|and get your things. {195721}{195802}Just disappear. {195805}{195886}[Wheezing] {195976}{196120}[Coughing] {196348}{196435}[Wheezing] {196986}{197091}Mrs. Peck.|How is he? {197094}{197199}We weren't able to use|your blood for his transfusion. {197205}{197370}We found very high levels|of illegal substances in your blood.|You're taking very high risks here. {197373}{197531}Well, that's my problem.|In your state, I suggest|you stop using these substances. {197537}{197648}What are you talking about?|You're pregnant, Mrs. Peck. {197807}{197945}You sure?|You really need to start|taking care of yourself, Mrs. Peck. {197951}{198056}We'll let you know when|Mr. Rivers is out of the O.R. {198643}{198712}[Sighs] {199611}{199698}Where were you? {199797}{199911}Did you kill him?|Did you? {200211}{200274}Why didn't you wake me up? {200325}{200415}Where's the body? {200415}{200543}Nobody will ever|find the body.|[Coughs] {201413}{201478}I'm sorry. {201478}{201592}We're gonna go home now.|[Wheezes] {201592}{201697}Let's just get|out of here, okay? Yeah? {201697}{201790}[Coughs]|You okay? {201790}{201877}It's okay, baby.|Just lie down. {201961}{202090}Need rest.|I need rest.|I know. I know. {202159}{202255}I'm sorry.|[Wheezes] {202354}{202434}I love you. {202479}{202563}I love you. {202563}{202623}Oh. {203235}{203310}[Doorknob Rattles]|[Wheezing] {203459}{203522}Wake up.|[Coughs] {203522}{203603}[Footsteps]|Hmm? Hmm? {203606}{203672}There's somebody outside. {204616}{204697}[Cristina]|Oh, my God! {204733}{204832}- Oh, my God!|- You want to kill me? {204832}{204925}[Cristina]|What's he doing here?|Here I am. {204931}{205012}- [Wheezing]|- Shoot me. {205051}{205129}[Cristina]|Go ahead. Kill him. Paul. {205135}{205189}Oh, my God! {205195}{205285}Do something! {205288}{205429}[No Audible Dialogue] {206046}{206130}[No Audible Dialogue] {206567}{206663}[Gunshot]|[Panting] {206663}{206732}[Cristina]|Oh. {206771}{206822}Oh, baby.|Oh, no. {206822}{206915}No. No.|Oh, my God. {206921}{207080}Baby. Baby. Baby.|Oh, my God. Oh. {207080}{207164}Baby.|Oh, my God. {207170}{207266}Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. {207266}{207320}Baby. Oh! {207320}{207419}Oh, God!|Call an ambulance. {207547}{207628}Call a fucking ambulance! {207772}{207856}[Wind Blowing] {208324}{208405}- [Paul Narrating]|How many lives do we live?|- [No Audible Dialogue] {208437}{208509}How many times do we die? {208671}{208773}They say we all lose 21 grams... {208773}{208875}at the exact moment of our death. {208875}{208935}Everyone. {209001}{209124}And how much fits|into 21 grams? {209259}{209319}How much is lost? {209633}{209708}When do we lose 21 grams? {210161}{210221}How much goes with them? {210658}{210721}How much is gained? {211012}{211105}How much is gained? {211452}{211539}Twenty-one grams. {211539}{211653}The weight|of a stack of five nickels. {211656}{211722}The weight of a hummingbird. {211761}{211821}A chocolate bar. {211881}{211977}How much did 21 grams weigh? {212561}{212798}Subrip By PrimeEvil|Fixed By Pacman {216847}{216931}@@ One last kiss @@ {216931}{217045}@@ One only @@ {217051}{217135}@@ Then I'll let you go @@ {217201}{217294}@@Hard for you @@ {217294}{217399}@@I've fallen @@ {217399}{217494}@@But you can't break my fall @@ {217563}{217647}@@I'm broken @@ {217653}{217761}@@Don't break me @@ {217761}{217851}@@ When I hit the ground @@ {217911}{218001}@@Some devil @@ {218001}{218112}@@Some angel @@ {218115}{218220}@@Has got me to the bones @@ {218271}{218489}@@ You said always and forever @@ {218492}{218624}@@Now I believe you, baby @@ {218624}{218816}@@ You said always and forever @@ {218852}{219011}@@Is such a long|and lonely time @@ {219356}{219559}@@ Too drunk and still drinking @@ {219559}{219652}@@It's just the way I feel @@ {219721}{219808}@@It's all right @@ {219808}{219922}@@Is what you told me @@ {219922}{220072}@@ 'Cause what we had|was so beautiful @@ {220075}{220174}@@But I feel heavy @@ {220180}{220276}@@Like floating @@ {220279}{220428}@@At the bottom of the sea @@ {220434}{220623}@@ You said always and forever @@ {220668}{220791}@@Now I believe you, baby @@ {220791}{221022}@@ You said always and forever @@ {221022}{221181}@@Is such a long|and lonely time @@ {221528}{221723}@@Some devil is|stuck inside of me @@ {221723}{221852}@@I cannot set it free @@ {221852}{221936}@@I wish, I wish I was dead @@ {221936}{222080}@@And you were grieving @@ {222086}{222191}@@Just so that you could know @@ {222245}{222442}@@Some angel is|stuck inside of me @@ {222448}{222547}@@But I cannot set you free @@ {222604}{222796}@@ You said always and forever @@ {222838}{222961}@@Now I believe you, baby @@ {222961}{223156}@@ You said always and forever @@ {223204}{223351}@@Such a long, lonely time @@ {223419}{223503}@@Stuck inside of me @@@@