{1435}{1480}Negative. No sign. {2274}{2338}Wait a second. I think I got him. {2978}{3011}You know... {3022}{3103}...you could put someone's eye out|with that thing. {3114}{3196}We airlifted out the last passengers, Ace.|We're heading out. {3206}{3270}What about the animal cargo? {3296}{3394}Don't worry. It's just one little raccoon.|If I were you, I'd turn back. {3430}{3486}If you were me, then I'd be you! {3488}{3544}And I'd use your body to get to the top! {3546}{3614}You can't stop me, no matter who you are! {3674}{3706}Loser! {3858}{3894}L-o-o-... {3898}{3928}...s-e-r. {4357}{4393}Hungry, fella? {4758}{4808}That should hold you for a while. {5660}{5696}That's okay, Spike. {5713}{5766}There's nothing more we can do. {5829}{5862}Look, Spike! {6508}{6561}Do not fret, my woodland friend. {6564}{6624}Your life is in the hands of Ace Ventura... {6632}{6666}...Pet Detective. {6981}{7020}Whatever you do... {7105}{7141}...don't look down. {7945}{7972}Hang on! {7974}{8012}Hang on, little buddy! {8022}{8052}I got you! {8058}{8096}I think I got you! {8110}{8134}Maybe not. {8136}{8169}You're slipping! {8187}{8226}Don't let go! {9882}{9918}My goodness. {10201}{10230}Hello. {10237}{10278}That was quite a shock. {10321}{10369}It's extremely nice to meet you. {10377}{10429}My name is Fulton Greenwall... {10434}{10500}...and I am looking for an Ace Ventura. {10513}{10554}No man here... {10556}{10600}...carries with him... {10604}{10630}...a label. {10632}{10660}What? {10676}{10708}Oh, yes. {10712}{10756}No names. How silly of me. {10780}{10812}He's an American. {10825}{10873}We are all children... {10878}{10936}...of the same life force. {10965}{11004}Yes, of course we are. {11032}{11096}He bends over and speaks from his rear. {11100}{11128}Oh, him. {11160}{11214}Right this way. {11239}{11301}He came to us a broken man. {11305}{11385}He had lost the will|to sustain his existence. {11392}{11463}Yes, I heard about that|unfortunate accident with the raccoon. {11465}{11514}It was terrible for him. {11517}{11562}But the life force... {11565}{11596}...once again... {11598}{11637}...smiled upon him. {11641}{11668}He's now... {11670}{11706}...at peace. {12063}{12113}I will wait here. {12674}{12709}I must apologize. {12717}{12770}Quite. Well, no harm done. {12774}{12815}Let me introduce myself. {12817}{12895}My name is Fulton Greenwall,|and I'm here to employ your services... {12897}{12947}...in the retrieval of a lost animal. {12949}{12981}Can you help us? {13008}{13061}Your request is like your intestine. {13072}{13094}Stinky... {13096}{13133}...and dangerous. {13137}{13180}We can pay handsomely. {13185}{13232}I am now a child of light. {13238}{13306}Your earthly money holds no appeal to me. {13315}{13369}$20,000. {13469}{13508}Really? {13586}{13616}No. {13651}{13680}I cannot. {13696}{13750}For I am sorely needed... {13758}{13789}...here... {13838}{13868}...at the ashram. {13870}{13913}May I interject? {13923}{13961}We're short of space. {13970}{14046}And it's important for you|to use your talents. {14055}{14101}Let me help you pack. {14153}{14244}But I have yet to attain|omnipresent super-galactic oneness. {14284}{14308}Wait! {14315}{14357}There it is! {14372}{14416}You've just attained it. {14424}{14456}I have? {14468}{14496}Just now. {14499}{14541}You are one! {14563}{14620}I can see it in your eyes. {14649}{14706}You're more one than anyone. {14711}{14769}What about my medallion|of spiritual accomplishment? {14771}{14797}Take mine. {14841}{14895}This took you 80 years to achieve! {14898}{14919}That's okay. {14921}{14981}I don't like it anymore. Really. {15052}{15132}In light of this personal sacrifice|you've made... {15181}{15229}...I have no choice... {15277}{15309}...but to take the case. {15311}{15343}Great! {15352}{15386}I'll tell the others. {15388}{15424}Master! {15508}{15565}Break it to them gently. {16176}{16235}I've never seen them act like that before. {16238}{16300}Denial can be an ugly thing. {16310}{16377}We should go, Mr. Ventura.|I've arranged a plane. {16380}{16428}I'll meet you at the bottom. {16438}{16532}There's still one more thing|I must do before I go. {16748}{16801}Isn't this incredible? {16815}{16884}It's going to be some kind of record! {16895}{16938}"Everyone loves a Slinky" {16940}{16992}"You got to get a Slinky." {17025}{17069}Go, Slinky, go! {17144}{17209}Oh, man! {17214}{17275}Can you believe it? {17296}{17345}It was right there! {17376}{17402}Can I do it one more time? {17404}{17497}Forgive me, but if we don't hurry,|we might miss the plane. {17508}{17541}Of course. {17546}{17593}How selfish of me. {17596}{17679}Let's do all the things that you want to do. {18282}{18339}Canadian moose during mating season. {18344}{18373}And now... {18410}{18445}...a yak. {18666}{18693}Peanut? {18714}{18756}Yes, I have one right here! {18768}{18826}It's bulky, but I consider it a carryon. {18830}{18860}Peanuts? {18888}{18932}Oh, I see! {18966}{19033}If we can get back to business,|Mr. Ventura? {19037}{19102}The Wachati are a peaceful tribe. {19106}{19179}Since their sacred animal has vanished... {19189}{19280}...they believe that there is a curse fallen|on their village. {19312}{19397}It all started some time ago when,|one night.... {19401}{19480}So, the daughter of the Wachati chief... {19484}{19572}...is set to wed the first son|of the Wachootoo tribe. {19580}{19661}And the sacred animal was offered|as dowry for the marriage. {19664}{19687}But... {19692}{19728}...if it is not recovered... {19730}{19772}...the result will be... {19776}{19849}...the merciless slaughter of the Wachati. {19914}{19945}Mr. Ventura? {20061}{20093}There's... {20097}{20127}...someone on the wing. {20129}{20159}Some... {20162}{20196}...thing! {20286}{20333}I'm sorry, what did you say? {20346}{20416}The daughter of the Wachati chief... {20420}{20450}...is set to wed... {20452}{20520}...the first son of the Wachootoo tribe. {21035}{21076}Spectacular! {21100}{21161}This land holds great beauty! {21552}{21586}How far to the crime scene? {21588}{21647}I'm to bring you first to the consulate... {21649}{21697}...which is beyond the trees... {21702}{21796}...on the other side of the jungle.|So, you'll have to circle around.... {21944}{21988}Steering's a bit loose! {22051}{22089}Alignment's off! {22342}{22388}"Oh, pretty Chitty Bang Bang" {22401}{22422}"We love you" {22424}{22521}"And our pretty Chitty Chitty|Bang Bang loves us, too" {22529}{22585}"On Chitty Chitty Bang Bang we depend {22593}{22670}"Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,|our fine four-fendered friend." {23122}{23155}There's the consulate! {23157}{23196}Oh, thank God! {23198}{23257}If I can just find a parking spot.... {23265}{23332}Perhaps we should slow down|just a teensy bit. {23335}{23381}Nonsense, poopy pants! {23397}{23436}We're going a bit fast! {23445}{23462}Really! {23464}{23496}Look out! {23828}{23881}Like a glove! {24045}{24112}You should get this baby detailed. {24153}{24204}The Consul General's car! {24218}{24249}Down! {24252}{24289}That's it. Down. {24667}{24704}Come on, man! {25017}{25096}Mr. Ventura, so looking forward|to your arrival. {25241}{25326}Funny, it didn't seem that painful|when you did it to the horse. {25332}{25350}Sir... {25352}{25436}...Mr. Ventura has an affinity for animals. {25476}{25505}Shall we? {25520}{25553}Shalln't we? {25631}{25669}Tell me, Mr. Ventura... {25676}{25724}...just how good are you? {25763}{25793}You're a workaholic. {25795}{25870}You recently returned from a trip to Gotan,|in Northern Africa... {25872}{25944}...and you just took a nasty spill|because of some... {25980}{26029}...shoddy masonry work. {26042}{26084}Very impressive. {26097}{26136}May I ask how? {26140}{26173}Surely. {26230}{26322}The abrasion on your hand is the type|sustained in a three-to-five foot fall. {26324}{26406}The remnants of plaster on your shoe|pointed to a careless mason. {26408}{26463}Your new watch, a quality forgery, was... {26465}{26576}...most likely purchased through|the North African black market! {26600}{26648}And my work habits? {26660}{26696}A workaholic. {26700}{26734}The urine stain on your pants... {26736}{26793}...would signify that you're a single-shaker! {26795}{26849}Far too busy for the follow-up jiggle. {26851}{26886}Brilliant, Mr. Ventura! {26888}{26909}Simply brilliant! {26911}{26936}Spank you! {26943}{26981}Spank you, very much! {27078}{27158}We've been coexisting quite nicely|with the native cultures... {27160}{27260}...for the past 200 years.|They're almost like family at this point. {27263}{27278}Are they? {27280}{27354}It is imperative that we recover|the sacred animal. {27356}{27445}If not, the peaceable Wachati|will be obliterated. {27453}{27507}The Wachootoo are bloodthirsty. {27512}{27607}They consider it's disappearance|both an insult and a curse. {27779}{27828}Do I have something in my teeth? {27859}{27887}Cadby! {27892}{27943}Lovely brunch, I must say. {27971}{27991}Quinn! {27993}{28059}I'd like you to meet Ace Ventura. {28071}{28172}This is Burton Quinn. He owns|and operates Quinnland Safari Park. {28180}{28215}Most call me Quinn. {28251}{28284}Say hello, Tinky. {28296}{28322}Pleasure, Tinky. {28324}{28400}Corvus corax. Common raven.|Smartest of all birds. {28404}{28456}Rare in these parts. {28572}{28603}Excuse me. {28752}{28799}That's quite a wrap you're wearing. {28801}{28861}Perhaps I could get you|some fluffy new slippers... {28863}{28945}...made from the heads of innocent|and defenseless baby seals! {28949}{29023}Who is this ghastly man? {29027}{29083}Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. {29097}{29122}You must be... {29124}{29160}...the Monopoly Guy! {29239}{29291}Thanks for the free parking. {29315}{29372}Another activist, Maguire. {29379}{29431}Activist, yes. {29467}{29507}Activist, yes. {29577}{29615}Mr. Ventura... {29624}{29728}...there's nothing wrong|with enjoying the fruits of nature. {29743}{29787}You should try it some time. {29792}{29832}All righty, then. {29936}{29970}You know something? {29972}{30008}You're right. {30780}{30856}"Do not pass go.|Do not collect two hundred dollars." {30948}{31016}It's lovely, but I fancy myself an autumn. {31120}{31178}If you've quite finished, Mr. Ventura... {31184}{31252}...we might make for the projection room. {31276}{31313}Kooky. {31376}{31462}I'd like you to meet Hitu,|chief of tribal security in the province. {31464}{31495}Please! {31520}{31547}Don't... {31564}{31591}...get up. {31752}{31803}At this point, we don't have any leads... {31805}{31871}...but we've had similar problems|in the past. {32043}{32068}Sorry. {32175}{32208}This is Derrick McCane... {32210}{32327}...spotted several times in the province|in the past year. He makes a living... {32335}{32396}...from rare and endangered species. {32480}{32521}These two are Australians. {32523}{32572}The bald one is Mick Katie. {32583}{32655}The other is said to have been raised|by aborigine-- {32747}{32787}Aborigines. {32791}{32829}The natives call him-- {32882}{32908}Call him Gahjii... {32910}{32944}...the hunter. {32998}{33084}Both are known poachers|and have been seen in the area! {33132}{33222}This wedding's in four days.|I cannot have bloodshed here! {33227}{33275}We're counting on you! {33524}{33554}Hi-ho, Silver! {33556}{33592}Away! {33608}{33679}I've assigned Greenwall to assist you. {33704}{33768}Before you go, Mr. Ventura... {33772}{33856}...I'd like to show you something|you may enjoy. {33860}{33924}As one animal lover to another. {34372}{34424}Something wrong, Mr. Ventura? {34540}{34571}Of course not. {34576}{34620}It's a lovely room of death. {34627}{34676}Take care, now. Bye-bye, then. {34789}{34823}Down, Boba! {35035}{35078}Mr. Ventura, how could you? {35552}{35640}Now, Mr. Ventura, I think the village|is about a mile ahead. {35644}{35672}Excellent. {35679}{35707}Flat tire! {35768}{35840}I think this joke has run its course,|don't you? {35852}{35879}Certainly. {35881}{35948}I prostrate myself before you|and beg forgiveness. {35950}{36010}Don't get me wrong.|I do enjoy the occasional prank. {36012}{36080}It's just that my heel is getting rather raw. {36163}{36236}We love you, Dark Continent! Good night! {36311}{36335}Listen! {36412}{36487}The majestic song|of the male silverback gorilla. {36496}{36615}We should move along. It's their mating|season and they can get rather hostile. {36960}{37006}Excuse me, Mr. Ventura. {37009}{37045}I have to rest. {37052}{37091}Of course you do! {37107}{37192}The Wachati believe they draw their power|from these caves. {37196}{37295}Now they live in fear|since their sacred bat has vanished. {37324}{37351}Bat? {37427}{37452}What... {37456}{37480}...bat? {37484}{37540}The one we're here to find, Mr. Ventura. {37542}{37624}You didn't say anything about a bat. {37629}{37651}What's the difference? {37653}{37696}What's the difference? {37700}{37759}Have you seen one? They're hideous. {37763}{37880}Lifeless, beady eyes, clawed feet,|huge grotesque wings. Even fangs. {37975}{38016}They give you rabies. {38056}{38098}Yes, quite. I see your point. {38100}{38175}But are you saying|that you won't take the case? {38204}{38228}No. {38243}{38321}As a being of light, I must show|compassion for all living things. {38323}{38347}Good. {38355}{38399}I'm not touching it, though! {38407}{38444}No, spank you. {38784}{38840}The Wachati are a peaceful people. {38844}{38904}They find all forms of life sacred. {38909}{38952}I like them already. {38963}{39000}Bumbawae Atuna. {39044}{39074}Nice to see you. {39076}{39108}Bumblebee Tuna. {39112}{39148}Bumblebee Tuna. {39171}{39214}Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. {39217}{39247}How are you? {39252}{39299}All righty, then. {39372}{39407}Excuse me. {39410}{39455}Your balls are showing. {39462}{39499}Bumblebee Tuna. {39524}{39608}They have lived in the same state|for thousands of years. {39612}{39699}They did not know about disease|until the white man came. {39820}{39862}What's going on over here? {39875}{39955}All young Wachati warriors|must face five days... {39959}{39994}...of balance and concentration. {39996}{40056}Should he lose his focus and fall... {40060}{40112}...he must start over again. {40143}{40179}Earthquake test! {40277}{40307}He's good. {40316}{40384}With my help, he could be the best. {40391}{40444}We should see the chief, Mr. Ventura. {40463}{40484}This way. {40486}{40520}Neato! {40873}{40936}The chief says he knew you would come. {41059}{41131}"Chim-chiminy chim-chim-cheroo!" {41226}{41307}The chief has not understood|the dialect you're using. {41310}{41340}Say I'm happy to meet him. {41342}{41388}And that his sacred... {41419}{41448}...bat... {41452}{41492}...is as good as found. {41736}{41816}My goodness. The chief really seems|to like you. {41818}{41900}That is a great sign of affection|in the Wachati tribe. {41907}{42032}Really? {42054}{42104}This is the chief's son, Ouda. {42107}{42178}The missionaries came through|and taught him English. {42180}{42216}I like you! {42343}{42372}My.... {42406}{42456}Aren't I the popular one? {42538}{42608}Allow me to display my affection. {43315}{43351}It is the mucus... {43355}{43399}...that binds us. {43456}{43547}The chief says that|the sacred hut is over there. {43727}{43764}How'd they pass the guard? {43766}{43832}I'm afraid he was found shortly after... {43840}{43875}...sleeping. {43910}{43952}At ease, Soldier. {43957}{44007}We all make mistakes. {44275}{44375}Quite an auspicious dwelling|for a filthy, flying weasel. {44436}{44465}Please, Mr. Ventura! {44467}{44568}That is sacred ground. I'm sorry,|but only the Wachati are allowed there. {44608}{44635}Take it easy. {44637}{44688}I'm the lougie guy, remember? {44974}{45031}Yes, yes, Chief. Thank you. {45068}{45099}Thank you. {45113}{45182}The chief says that unless|the sacred bat is returned... {45184}{45300}...before the marriage of the princess,|the Wachati tribe will meet their death. {45311}{45366}What type of bat are we talking about? {45369}{45431}The great white bat, of course. {45646}{45700}Crepuscular Chiroptera? {45704}{45752}But to the natives: {45756}{45784}Shikaka. {46129}{46166}Shikasha! {46213}{46248}Shish kebab. {46272}{46299}Shawshank Redemption. {46301}{46335}Chicago! {46348}{46388}You're out of there! {46394}{46448}Go on. You're gone. Go on! {47037}{47081}Were you going to eat these? {47364}{47428}I've got to inspect that cage. {47596}{47636}My, my, my. {47646}{47703}This fruit paste is delicious! {47714}{47749}The pottery is lovely! {47751}{47786}It's made from guano. {47788}{47822}Guano? {47826}{47866}That sounds so familiar. {47868}{47911}Bat droppings. {48002}{48111}It's a chief resource of the Wachati.|They use it to make things. {48137}{48183}Yummy! {48728}{48846}Now this is really fascinating.|This is a great Wachati tradition. {48848}{48908}The virgin's dance of seduction. {49036}{49079}I am now a holy man. {49083}{49150}I think of women only as mothers|of our children. {49152}{49218}They are a sanctuary|for the reproductive organs. {49220}{49299}A temple to house the miracle|of procreation. {49326}{49363}Do you have $1? {49508}{49530}Thank you so much! {49532}{49587}I've not danced in years! {50052}{50087}Hi. {50114}{50159}Don't mind me. {50166}{50203}Sleep. {50216}{50256}Sleep! {50449}{50492}Fe...Fi! {50512}{50563}Fo...fum! {50581}{50663}I smell the fingerprints of scum! {50800}{50843}Better dust the place. {51220}{51261}Totally clean. {51264}{51328}Not one damn clue. {51398}{51435}Unless.... {52422}{52472}Here she comes. Oh, boy. {52476}{52528}Holy, holy, holy, holy. {52531}{52597}Good thoughts in, bad thoughts out. {52599}{52648}You have come to help us. {52662}{52692}We are in... {52702}{52748}...great appreciation. {52752}{52783}You... {52820}{52846}...speak English. {52848}{52880}Yes! {52892}{52947}The missionaries came with books. {53128}{53183}You are very good with that! {53187}{53235}It's incredibly accurate. {53256}{53291}Care to try? {53429}{53463}Not bad! {53474}{53525}Try again. Relax your shoulders. {53533}{53560}Breathe. {53562}{53604}And release. {53673}{53716}There you go! {53736}{53783}You make me smile. {53824}{53863}And yet... {53888}{53932}...I am troubled. {53964}{54000}You see... {54005}{54079}...the man my father wants me to marry... {54095}{54163}...I am worried I will not please him. {54305}{54360}I've never known a man. {54599}{54631}I'd love to help. {54633}{54667}But you see... {54673}{54760}...I have vowed to take a life of celibacy. {54800}{54831}Well.... {54835}{54866}Perhaps this... {54874}{54931}...will assist your decision. {55052}{55092}Those are very nice. {55096}{55156}But I am a child of light. A pure spirit. {55164}{55236}I'm no longer encumbered|by sexual appetites. {55331}{55391}Oh, mama, oh, mama... {55400}{55460}...oh, mama, oh, mama.... {55583}{55628}I'm so sorry, Mr. Ventura.... {55776}{55816}That's okay. {55829}{55872}I was just... {55904}{55956}...practicing my mantra. {56061}{56107}Didn't you want to visit the sacred caves? {56109}{56136}I do! {56147}{56193}Meet me outside in ten minutes. {56204}{56253}If I don't finish my meditation... {56255}{56319}...I tend to get a little cranky. {56331}{56379}Take care, now. Bye-bye, then. {56592}{56664}Everything here seems good!|Big load off my mind! {56669}{56764}You can speculate all you want,|but unless you check it out yourself... {56767}{56797}...you never know. {56799}{56818}Let's go back. {56820}{56868}Don't you think you should investigate? {56870}{56935}There's no reason to go in there. Ever. {56939}{56982}I sense it as a holy man. {56985}{57040}-You said you wanted--|-It's dark! {57045}{57108}I could fall into a precipice. {57120}{57147}Take this. {57192}{57259}Spank you, Helpy Helperton. {57771}{57815}I am not afraid! {57882}{57939}I am not afraid. {58074}{58115}I really like it here. {58548}{58584}My medallion! {58700}{58767}I will fear no living creature... {58778}{58843}...as long as I keep this near me. {58860}{58951}Take that, you winged spawn of Satan! {59105}{59139}That's okay. {59204}{59259}All I really need is my torch. {59272}{59323}Die, devil bird! {59428}{59459}I'm okay. {59645}{59679}They're in my hair! {59682}{59731}They're in my hair! {59752}{59828}God in heaven! Help me! {59871}{59927}There is nothing in your hair. {59968}{59996}Exactly. {60019}{60071}I was merely running a drill. {60204}{60255}Just as I suspected. {60259}{60282}Quinn. {60284}{60311}What? {60323}{60368}We met him at Cadby's soirée. {60370}{60441}His bird is a raven, Tinky.|I found that inside the cave. {60443}{60531}You don't understand.|Burton Quinn is a powerful man. {60535}{60571}Worry not. {60600}{60643}For I... {60659}{60695}...am a master... {60701}{60743}...of disguises. {62039}{62076}Eat up, guys! {62080}{62139}None of this animal goes to waste. {62948}{62976}Mr. McCane. {62984}{63011}How're you? {63013}{63055}I'm doing well. {63247}{63303}Don't mind me, Mr. Quinn. {63327}{63388}I'm just a curious little rhino. {63391}{63440}I appreciate your... {63452}{63500}...agreeing to undertake this. {63699}{63787}Meeting secretly with sinister types much? {63800}{63875}Ah, not too much. Ah, much too much. {64403}{64455}Kind of hot in these rhinos. {64748}{64784}Warm! {64964}{65039}I had a dog and his name was... {65048}{65083}...Bingo! {65159}{65199}Time to get some oxygen. {65360}{65404}Come on! {65650}{65695}Mayday! {65871}{65893}Must... {65895}{65927}...have... {65932}{65968}...air! {66519}{66543}Come on! {66596}{66655}Quiet, quiet, quiet. Look, look. {66748}{66788}Oh, look! {66803}{66864}The mother rhino is giving birth! {66959}{66999}Oh, God. {67484}{67515}Mommy! {67768}{67803}Cool! {67808}{67841}We have to get out of here! {67843}{67883}Quick, get in the jeep. {67887}{67928}Quick, girls, get in! {67950}{68000}Welcome to Quinnland. {68056}{68114}And you, too, my friend. {68211}{68264}I know, you'll be happy here. {68464}{68516}How did you get out, fella? {68564}{68624}You're a cute little devil. {68652}{68692}What you got? {69125}{69170}Where's the bat? {69185}{69230}What's this about? {69240}{69268}Who are you? {69285}{69311}Where... {69321}{69352}...is... {69360}{69399}...the bat? {69406}{69446}I know who you are. {69456}{69507}I met you at Cadby's! {69512}{69542}You're that... {69544}{69578}...Ventura fella! {69583}{69628}Last chance! {69685}{69730}Where is that darn bat? {69751}{69798}What're you going to do? {69808}{69845}What're you going to do? {69847}{69916}Whatever I have to get some answers. {70116}{70144}Stop! {70146}{70176}Stop it! {70192}{70244}You'd like me to stop it. {70249}{70288}Getting to you? {70313}{70358}I won't tell you anything. {70590}{70638}A tough guy, huh? {70641}{70704}I know what to do with tough guys. {70978}{71026}My brother used to do that! {71028}{71070}You sadistic bastard! {71072}{71105}Stop it! {71107}{71148}All right! I'll talk! {71150}{71169}Spill it! {71171}{71258}I paid Derrick McCane to find the bat. {71339}{71400}I thought it could be an attraction. {71412}{71464}Business has been a bit off lately. {71466}{71500}So... {71529}{71584}...you don't know who... {71638}{71654}...took the bat? {71656}{71698}Neither does McCane. {71865}{71916}I'm going to untie you now. {71942}{72004}Before I do, I want you|to know that I'm really... {72006}{72036}...truly... {72041}{72062}...very... {72064}{72112}...sorry! {72232}{72272}Appreciate the lift! {72281}{72326}We'll walk from here. {72416}{72522}Quinn is out of the picture.|We have no more suspects or clues. {72524}{72560}But I have instincts. {72564}{72634}And my instincts tell me|we're getting closer. {72640}{72672}I can feel it. {72680}{72746}I can feel it like it's right... {72760}{72790}...in my neck! {72795}{72830}Run! {72990}{73034}Starting to get numb! {73220}{73262}Three darts... {73264}{73300}...is too much! {74059}{74083}I think... {74085}{74142}...I lost them! {74871}{74899}Flowers... {74908}{74947}...for me? {74965}{75037}I do declare, Mr. Beauregard. {75080}{75135}You are my hero. {75291}{75329}Was I... {75344}{75381}...talking in my sleep? {75383}{75484}You've been suffering hysteria.|It's a natural reaction to the poison. {75487}{75519}Water. {75699}{75745}Guano bowls. {75770}{75805}Collect the whole set. {75807}{75868}Ace, did you see the shooter? {75872}{75904}Only their feet. {75911}{75956}Not enough for a positive ID. {75964}{76016}It's the dart of a Wachootoo shaman. {76040}{76067}The whaty whatan? {76069}{76171}The Wachootoo shaman, or medicine man,|has protested the intertribal wedding. {76268}{76303}Has he? {76355}{76400}You do not speak Wachootoo. {76402}{76449}I go with you. {76469}{76521}Ouda will be my interpreter. {76580}{76609}Please, take care. {76611}{76715}The Wachootoo are savages.|If they catch you, they'll be merciless. {76737}{76771}Worry not. {76788}{76869}I will be as a fly on the wall,|a grain of salt in the ocean. {76881}{76963}I will slip amongst them|like a transparent... {77015}{77047}...thing. {77673}{77722}The sacred bat must be in a hut. {77725}{77796}We'll never know until|I can walk freely among them. {77890}{77932}Wunderbar! {77935}{77993}He exclaimed with great relish. {78585}{78646}Come on, girls, show them what you got. {79056}{79086}I'm sure it's fine. {79088}{79148}Ouda is probably going for help right now. {79156}{79193}Hello, Ace! {79207}{79232}They found me! {79234}{79273}No sweat! {79331}{79383}Don't beat yourself up. {79585}{79621}You know... {79625}{79723}...gingivitis is the No.1 cause|of all tooth decay. {79840}{79878}What does equinsu ocha mean? {79880}{79917}White devil. {79930}{79956}Tell him I'm not. {79958}{80025}I only met you. How do I know? {80128}{80204}-He said--|-Let me guess. "White devil"? {80208}{80244}You speak Wachootoo? {80249}{80297}Tell them what I'm saying: {80329}{80390}I come in peace! {80568}{80632}I couldn't help but notice|the equinsu ocha part. {80634}{80681}Did you refer to me as "White Devil"? {80683}{80718}That's how they know you. {80720}{80775}Leave that part out from now on. {80796}{80851}I represent the princess! {81094}{81118}"War... {81126}{81163}"...is hell." {81171}{81227}The last thing we want... {81260}{81298}...is a fight. {81655}{81683}The chief said... {81685}{81740}...if you pass all Wachootoo tests... {81746}{81787}...you do not die. {81871}{81908}Kooky. {83888}{83960}My entrance to the winner's circle! {83972}{84061}Your admiration is well-founded,|but I'm merely a servant. {84065}{84122}Do not worship me! {84365}{84438}Chief says you have passed all tests|but one. {84447}{84520}Only left is Wachootoo Circle of Death. {84526}{84561}Funny... {84567}{84618}...that's my specialty. {85483}{85517}This is it? {85522}{85574}I have to beat him? {85884}{85930}All righty, then! {85988}{86028}I must tell you... {86082}{86124}...I don't wish to fight. {86144}{86218}Violence is no longer in my nature... {86225}{86298}...but if you want it, you got it, sister. {86434}{86478}Biting, I see. {86482}{86550}I was unaware that the Wachootoo... {86574}{86622}...were biters! {86650}{86720}Why don't you try this on|and see how it fits? {86878}{86930}He much better fighter than you. {86935}{86972}Doi! {87374}{87410}All right! {87414}{87482}This White Devil thing|has gone far enough. {87490}{87519}Nobody... {87525}{87562}...messes... {87567}{87616}...with the "do"! {88045}{88100}He said, sorry, White Devil... {88105}{88146}...but he must kill you. {88187}{88245}I'll have you know|I have the reflexes of a cat. {88247}{88306}And the speed of a mongoose. {88316}{88346}Throw it! {88350}{88392}I dare you! {88789}{88876}Ouda, don't just stand there.|Throw me a spear! {89548}{89614}It's in the bone! It's in the bone! {89617}{89678}It's in the bone! {90106}{90149}He says you make him laugh. {90156}{90214}You are like sissy girl! {90598}{90684}Wachootoo Chief say,|"You friend to Wachootoo." {90859}{90962}But if the curse of Shikaka not lifted|by tomorrow's sun at top of sky... {90966}{91068}...Wachootoo kill all Wachati|and smash your head on a rock. {91132}{91161}Super. {91166}{91214}Take care, now. Bye-bye, then. {91217}{91278}Take care, now. Super. Bye-bye, then. {91326}{91353}Are your legs sore? {91355}{91400}Want me to carry you? {91405}{91450}That won't be necessary. {91452}{91494}I have a high pain threshold. {91496}{91540}Holy monkey! {92141}{92190}Ace, why you stopped? {92234}{92296}The Wachootoo didn't take Shikaka. {92369}{92412}Hi, welcome back. {92429}{92467}What would you say this is? {92469}{92510}Dart of Wachootoo shaman. {92522}{92548}Precisely. {92550}{92624}And when compared to one of the darts|that hit me before? {92626}{92647}Same. {92658}{92716}Only to the untrained eye. {92736}{92811}The Wachootoo dart is made of wood|from a mimosa tree... {92814}{92922}...while the other is carved|from a red fungus-bearing acalla. {92926}{92994}And there's only one area|of the jungle with red... {92998}{93042}...fungus-bearing acallas. {93074}{93105}Go back to the village. {93107}{93178}Tell them the Wachootoos attack|tomorrow at noon. {93258}{93344}This little hound dog|just picked up a scent. {93606}{93660}Won't be long now, Katie. {93727}{93773}Big night tonight. {93775}{93828}You're going to meet your new owner. {93848}{93870}G'day. {93872}{93914}Disgusting rat! {94308}{94350}Gravy! {94476}{94518}Did you hear that? {94542}{94569}What is it? {94571}{94607}Silverback. {94879}{94915}Female. {94939}{94963}Big. {94983}{95038}About 200 meters... {95070}{95107}...south. {95122}{95183}We'd get $5,000 for one of those. {95189}{95250}-What about the rat?|-Don't worry about it. {95255}{95299}We'll be back in no time. {95423}{95467}Stay downwind of it. {95839}{95894}You're even uglier than I thought. {95910}{95966}She's a big one, isn't she? {96426}{96459}Oh, boy. {96464}{96510}Deciduous trees on the bank. {96526}{96577}Suman shrubs with extreme protococcus. {96579}{96628}Steadily increasing water current. {96630}{96658}Spike... {96662}{96762}...I think we could assume|the stream gets pretty rough up ahead. {96994}{97074}As soon as I get you loose,|you can chew through my ropes. {97230}{97257}That's it! {97260}{97286}That's it! {97318}{97358}Yes. Your turn. {97436}{97463}All right! {98510}{98551}I'm alive! {98619}{98671}I'm alive! {99047}{99095}Say "uncle"! Say "uncle"! {99240}{99298}Don't start what you can't finish! {99359}{99392}Quit hitting yourself! {99394}{99436}Quit hitting yourself! {99449}{99523}Oh, water tastes good, yes! {99702}{99746}This isn't over yet. {99748}{99845}There's something I missed.|Some clue or motive I've overlooked. {99852}{99911}And that motive is... {99938}{99970}...plah! {99976}{100006}Think! {100010}{100061}Someone wants the tribes|to destroy each other. {100063}{100131}There must be something valuable|in this equation. {100140}{100192}Perhaps we should meditate, Spike. {100195}{100271}For it is said that when seeking answers,|one must... {100279}{100339}...quiet the soul in order to hear them. {100464}{100515}What is it the Wachati possess... {100525}{100602}...that is of great value to other men... {100607}{100675}...besides the princess|with the amazing rack? {100927}{101016}All righty, then. {102089}{102126}You're back? {102159}{102229}You can dispense with the smallpox,|all-knowing one. {102231}{102310}I'm here on business,|and time is of the essence. {102339}{102376}Very well. {102380}{102422}What answer do you seek? {102427}{102483}What do the Wachati possess... {102486}{102550}...that is of great value to civilized man? {102560}{102646}The medallion will lead you to the answer. {102687}{102760}You do still have the medallion, don't you? {102767}{102788}Medallion? {102790}{102839}Why, surely. {102857}{102911}I left it back... {102930}{102963}...with my body. {102967}{103006}Your aura... {103014}{103066}...is weakening. {103070}{103131}Okay! I threw it in a cave! {103135}{103220}What do you want from me?|What are you? Mr. Perfect? {103226}{103258}Where is it? {103262}{103309}It's probably lying... {103314}{103375}...in a big pile of.... {103772}{103806}Guano! {103836}{103905}They have guano! {104169}{104206}Like... {104217}{104259}...a glove. {104344}{104379}Hi, Chief! {104395}{104446}Appreciate your meeting me here. {104476}{104526}Let's go kick some... {104559}{104607}...consulate butt. {104844}{104881}Hello, Ace. {104904}{104923}You want your money? {104925}{104990}Wrong again, Sweeney Toad. {104995}{105062}I've come for the sacred bat. Where is it? {105070}{105092}Why... {105102}{105143}...whatever can you mean? {105146}{105178}Guano! {105182}{105210}Hello! {105215}{105262}Does "poop" ring a bell? {105294}{105353}"Guano mines as a source of nitrate..." {105355}{105419}"...producing 84 percent|of the world's fertilizer..." {105421}{105483}"...a $1.4 billion industry." {105487}{105536}That's what this war is about. {105548}{105662}You can't take possession of the caves|while the Wachati inhabit the area. {105666}{105720}And you want that dookie so bad... {105724}{105760}...you can taste it. {105762}{105792}I thought that-- {105794}{105848}Yes, thank you, Fulton. {105906}{105974}That's a fine theory, Mr. Ventura. {105990}{106034}What's it got to do with me? {106054}{106102}I thought you'd... {106106}{106144}...never ask. {106234}{106297}When I met you, there was|a white substance on your shoe. {106299}{106370}Yesterday, I saw the same substance|outside the hut... {106372}{106448}...and it hit me that|the Great White Bat has white guano. {106450}{106502}That's what you slipped in!|It was on your shoe! {106504}{106574}And that explains the abrasion|on your palm! {106580}{106626}Let me run that back for you. {106762}{106818}That's what you slipped in!|It was on your shoe! {106820}{106906}And that explains the abrasion|on your palm! {106934}{106978}Damn, I'm good! {106982}{107018}Can you feel that? {107030}{107055}Can you feel it... {107057}{107096}...Captain Compost? {107105}{107209}The day of redemption is at hand! {107235}{107278}Repent! {107294}{107372}And thou shall be saved. {107418}{107448}Very good. {107510}{107542}Very good. {107556}{107607}I believe you've solved the case. {107610}{107706}One thing I still don't understand,|Mr. Belvedere. {107719}{107797}If you are the slime behind|this little flim-flam... {107800}{107838}...why, oh, why... {107867}{107912}...did you hire me? {107915}{107992}I'm afraid there'll be an investigation|after the war. {107996}{108028}You were my alibi... {108030}{108102}...to prove I'd done everything I could|to stop it. {108108}{108135}Arrest him. {108152}{108184}Arrest him! {108248}{108282}Please arrest him. {108326}{108368}Simon says, "Arrest him." {108594}{108672}I thought you loved all animals,|Mr. Ventura. {108683}{108754}I thought you loved all animals,|Mr. Ventura. {108818}{108874}Shall I stick him on the wall? {108879}{108963}No, I don't think it'll be necessary, Gahjii. {108969}{109071}Mr. Ventura has very cleverly stolen|the sacred bat of the Wachati. {109075}{109180}Unfortunately, we were unable|to recover it in time to stop the war. {109218}{109249}Hit the lights! {109295}{109363}The switch is on the wall beside you!|Go for it! {109594}{109632}Flick it! {109728}{109758}All righty, then. {109760}{109810}Shall we go to jail? {110045}{110114}What are you? H.R. Shove-n-Stuff? {110159}{110184}Get in! {110224}{110264}Just one more thing. {110450}{110484}What are you doing? {110626}{110650}Stop it! {110658}{110696}I said, stop it! {110910}{110954}To the jungle, Boba! {111330}{111359}Friends... {111366}{111395}...rodents... {111400}{111433}...quadrupeds! {111445}{111494}Lend me your ears! {111699}{111752}Imbecile! You let him get away! {111755}{111827}You don't seem to understand.|The tribe will be killed. {111829}{111880}Remind me to send a sympathy card. {111882}{111922}We're going to get the bastard. {111924}{111974}There's nothing he can do now. {111976}{112044}We've got the bat, and it's nearly noon. {112463}{112506}What the hell's going on? {113493}{113538}You see... {113548}{113639}...humans and animals can live in harmony! {113968}{114020}Sorry for the delay, Ace. {114119}{114162}Hey, Poachers! {114176}{114201}Say hello... {114203}{114275}...to my stinky little friend! {114712}{114752}Get out! Get out! {114782}{114832}Not so fast, Sally! {114913}{114956}Get it away! {116363}{116427}He wants to go off-road. {116579}{116643}Nobody wants to play with me. {116811}{116843}Loser! {117228}{117279}From the consulate, right? {117295}{117336}This is weird. {118927}{118956}Noon. {119019}{119055}The Wachati. {119136}{119184}The spirit will overcome. {119212}{119255}The spirit will overcome. {120108}{120160}Headhunters! {120704}{120747}Shikaka! {121024}{121080}Coming through. Clear a path, people! {123321}{123408}They will now consummate the marriage|as the tribe watches. {123411}{123438}Well done, Ace. {123440}{123504}You must be extremely proud. {123514}{123555}Pride is an abomination. {123560}{123602}One must forego the self... {123604}{123667}...to attain spiritual creaminess... {123679}{123739}...and avoid the chewy chunks... {123750}{123792}...of degradation. {123991}{124017}What'd he say? {124019}{124096}I think he's saying, "She's not a virgin." {124132}{124171}They can tell that? {134468}{134543}English subtitles conformed by|SOFTITLER