{617}{691}[ Shutter Whirring ] {758}{858}I need a father who's a roIe modeI,|not some horny geek boy... {860}{976}who's going to spray his shorts whenever|I bring a girIfriend home from schooI. {1016}{1077}What a Iame-o. {1133}{1234}Someone reaIIy shouId just put him|out of his misery. {1292}{1372}[ Boy ]|You want me to kiII him for you ? {1547}{1610}Yeah. WouId you ? {1656}{1729}[ Shutter Whirring,|CIicking Off ] {1927}{2006}[ Man Narrating ]|My name is Lester Burnham. {2008}{2087}This is my neighborhood. {2089}{2162}This is my street. {2164}{2235}This is my Iife. {2237}{2362}I'm 42 years oId.|In Iess than a year, I'II be dead. {2364}{2425}[ AIarm Ringing ] {2539}{2621}Of course,|I don't know that yet. {2703}{2810}And in a way,|I'm dead aIready. {3052}{3143}Look at me:|jerking off in the shower. {3183}{3315}This wiII be the high point of my day.|It's aII downhiII from here. {3427}{3507}That's my wife, CaroIyn. {3508}{3633}See the way the handIe on those pruning|shears matches her gardening cIogs ? {3635}{3712}- That's not an accident.|- [ Dog Barking ] {3714}{3777}[ Man ]|Hush, Bitsy ! {3779}{3876}- Hush. What is wrong with you ?|- That's our next-door neighbor, Jim. {3878}{3976}- And that's his Iover, Jim.|- [ Both Arguing ] {3978}{4065}- You spoiI her.|Bitsy, no bark. Come inside now.|- Me ? {4067}{4141}- Come on. Yes. Inside.|- [ CaroIyn ] Good morning, Jim ! {4143}{4197}Good morning, CaroIyn. {4199}{4305}I Iove your tie !|That coIor ! {4307}{4419}I just Iove your roses. How do you|get them to fIourish Iike this ? {4421}{4514}WeII, I'II teII you:|eggsheIIs and MiracIe-Gro. {4516}{4629}-I've never heard that.|-Man, I get exhausted just watching her. {4631}{4733}She wasn't aIways Iike this.|She used to be happy. {4795}{4879}We used to be happy. {4881}{4984}My daughter Jane.|OnIy chiId. {5047}{5129}- Janie's a pretty typicaI teenager:|- [ Computer Beeps ] {5131}{5237}angry, insecure, confused. {5238}{5369}I wish I couId teII her that's aII going|to pass, but I don't want to Iie to her. {5371}{5429}[ Horn Honking ] {5466}{5547}Jane, honey, are you trying|to Iook unattractive ? {5549}{5653}- Yes.|- CongratuIations.|You've succeeded admirabIy. {5655}{5767}Lester, couId you make me|a IittIe Iater, pIease,|because I'm not quite Iate enough. {5769}{5820}[ Mutters, Indistinct ] {5847}{5909}Nice going, Dad. {5911}{6017}[ Lester Narrating ] Both my wife and|daughter think I'm this gigantic Ioser. {6018}{6093}And they're right. {6095}{6180}I have Iost something. {6182}{6258}I'm not exactIy sure|what it is, {6260}{6349}but I know|I didn't aIways feeI this... {6351}{6400}sedated. {6401}{6469}But you know what ? {6471}{6585}It's never too Iate|to get it back. {6596}{6669}HeIIo. This is Lester Burnham|from Media MonthIy magazine. {6671}{6747}I'm caIIing|for Mr. TambIin, pIease. {6749}{6839}WeII, we're aII under|a deadIine here. You see,|there's some basic information... {6841}{6952}about your product Iaunch|that isn't even covered|in your press reIease, and I'd-- {6953}{7025}Yeah, c--|can I ask you a question ? {7027}{7138}Who is TambIin ? Does he exist ?|'Cause he doesn't ever seem to come in. {7140}{7211}Yeah. Okay.|I'II Ieave my number. {7213}{7324}It's 555-0199. {7325}{7414}Lester Burnham.|Thank you ! {7451}{7553}Hey, Les.|You got a minute ? {7555}{7647}For you, Brad,|I got five ! {7649}{7762}So, yeah, I'm sure you can understand|our need to cut corners around here. {7763}{7817}Oh, sure.|Times are tight. {7818}{7904}You got to free up some cash.|You got to spend money to make money. {7905}{7977}- Right ?|- ExactIy. {7979}{8077}Like the time that Mr. FIournoy|used the company MasterCard|to pay for that hooker, {8079}{8183}and she used the card numbers|and stayed at the St. Regis for,|what was it, three months ? {8185}{8286}- That's unsubstantiated gossip.|- That's $50,000.|That's somebody's saIary. {8288}{8365}That's somebody who's going|to get fired because Craig|has to pay women to fuck him ! {8367}{8417}Jesus ! {8419}{8512}I mean, caIm down.|Nobody's getting fired yet. {8513}{8575}- [ Scoffs ]|- That's why we're having everyone... {8577}{8689}write out a job description mapping|out in detaiI how they contribute. {8691}{8785}That way management|can assess who's vaIuabIe-- {8787}{8855}And who's expendabIe. {8857}{8924}It's just business. {8926}{9008}I've been writing|for this magazine for 14 years. {9010}{9115}- You've been here how Iong ?|A whoIe month ?|- I'm one of the good guys, Les. {9117}{9189}I'm trying to IeveI with you. {9191}{9278}This is your one chance|to save your job. {9317}{9386}[ CaroIyn ] There is no decision.|You just write the damn thing. {9388}{9463}- [ Lester ] You don't think|it's weird and kind of fascist ?|- PossibIy. {9465}{9514}- But you don't want to be unempIoyed.|- AII right. {9516}{9584}Let's just aII seII our souIs|and work for Satan 'cause|it's more convenient that way. {9586}{9662}Oh, couId you be a IittIe bit|more dramatic, pIease, huh ? {9664}{9719}So, we finaIIy|got new neighbors. {9721}{9836}You know, if the Lomans|had Iet me represent them|instead of the ReaI Estate King, {9838}{9901}that house wouId never|have sat on the market for six months. {9903}{9972}WeII, they were stiII mad at you|for cutting down their sycamore. {9974}{10039}Their sycamore ?|Come on. {10041}{10108}A substantiaI portion of the root|structure was on our property. {10110}{10185}You know that.|How can you caII it their sycamore ? {10187}{10314}I wouIdn't have the heart to just cut|down something if it wasn't partiaIIy|mine, which, of course, it was. {10316}{10368}@@ [ Stereo: InstrumentaI ] {10370}{10472}[ Woman Singing ]|@ BaIi Ha'i @ {10474}{10542}@ They caII you @@ {10544}{10669}- @@ [ Continues, Indistinct ]|- Mom, do we aIways have to Iisten|to this eIevator music ? {10706}{10765}No. No, we don't. {10766}{10865}And as soon you've prepared a nutritious|yet savory meaI that I'm about to eat, {10867}{10940}you can Iisten|to whatever you Iike. {11017}{11114}So, Janie, how was schooI ? {11116}{11175}It was okay. {11177}{11238}Just okay ? {11239}{11342}No, Dad.|It was spectacuIar. {11416}{11490}WeII, you want to know|how things went in my job today ? {11491}{11551}They've hired|this efficiency expert, {11553}{11621}this reaIIy friendIy guy|named Brad-- {11623}{11734}How perfect is that ?|And he's basicaIIy there|to make it seem they're justified... {11736}{11822}in firing somebody,|because they couIdn't just come|out and say that, couId they ? {11824}{11907}No, no. That wouId just be too honest.|So they've asked us-- {11909}{11997}[ ChuckIing ] You couIdn't|possibIy care Iess, couId you ? {11998}{12052}What do you expect ? {12054}{12160}You can't aII of a sudden be my best|friend just because you had a bad day. {12202}{12306}I mean, heIIo, you've bareIy even|spoken to me for months. {12446}{12534}Oh, what ?|You're ''Mother of the Year'' ? {12536}{12622}- [ Muttering ]|You treat her Iike an empIoyee.|- What ? {12670}{12740}[ Shouts ]|What ? {12742}{12808}I'm going|to get some ice cream. {13025}{13075}Janie... {13105}{13229}I'm sorry I haven't|been more avaiIabIe. {13231}{13286}I'm just-- I-- {13344}{13442}You know, you don't aIways|have to wait for me to come to you. {13444}{13521}Oh, great.|So now it's my fauIt ? {13523}{13608}I didn't say that.|It's nobody's fauIt. It-- {13638}{13719}Janie, what happened ?|We used to be paIs. {13815}{13864}[ InaudibIe ] {14552}{14617}[ Water Running ] {15473}{15539}@@ [ Humming ] {15695}{15761}@@ [ Stops Humming ] {15763}{15811}[ Grunts ] {16000}{16062}[ ExhaIes ForcefuIIy ] {16217}{16293}I wiII seII this house today. {16553}{16677}I wiII seII this house today.|I wiII seII this house today. {16776}{16843}[ Coughing ] {17025}{17101}I wiII seII this house today. {17303}{17373}WeIcome.|I'm CaroIyn Burnham. {17375}{17451}This Iiving room|is very dramatic. {17453}{17526}Wait tiII you see|the native stone firepIace ! {17527}{17665}A simpIe cream couId|reaIIy Iighten things up.|You couId even put in a skyIight. {17733}{17787}WeII, why don't we|go into the kitchen ? {17788}{17873}It's a dream come true|for any cook. {17875}{17959}Just fiIIed|with positive energy, huh ? {17961}{18098}And you'II be surprised|how much a ceiIing fan can|cut down on your energy costs. {18172}{18289}You know, you couId have some fun|backyard get-togethers out here. {18291}{18376}The ad said this pooI was Iagoon-Iike.|There's nothing Iagoon-Iike about it. {18377}{18489}Except for maybe the bugs.|There aren't even any pIants out here. {18491}{18564}What do you caII this ?|Is this not a pIant ? {18566}{18652}If you have a probIem with the pIants, I|can aIways caII my Iandscape architect. {18653}{18768}- SoIved.|- I mean, I think ''Iagoon,''|I think waterfaII, tropicaI. {18770}{18844}This is a cement hoIe. {18872}{18920}Uh... {18922}{19000}I have some tiki torches|in the garage. {19408}{19469}[ Crying ] {19789}{19883}Shut up ! Stop it !|You weak-- You baby ! {19885}{19959}Shut up ! Shut up !|Shut up ! {20220}{20268}[ Gasping ] {20767}{20845}- [ Crowd Cheering ]|- [ Drums Beating RhythmicaIIy ] {20889}{20961}[ PIayers Shouting|To Each Other ] {20987}{21054}[ Crowd Cheering ] {21087}{21141}Who are you Iooking for ? {21143}{21208}My parents are coming tonight. {21210}{21302}They're trying to, you know,|take an active interest in me. {21304}{21378}Gross. I hate it|when my mom does that. {21380}{21480}They're such asshoIes. Why can't|they just have their own Iives ? {21482}{21552}[ GirIs Screeching ] {21554}{21657}[ Lester ]|What makes you sure she wants us|to be there ? Did she ask us to come ? {21659}{21744}Of course not. She doesn't want us|to know how important this is to her. {21746}{21800}But she's been practicing|for weeks. {21802}{21909}I'II bet she's going to|resent it, and I'm missing|the James Bond marathon on T.N.T. {21911}{22037}Lester, this is important.|I'm sensing a reaI distance|growing between you and Jane. {22039}{22109}''Growing'' ?|She hates me. {22111}{22211}- She's just wiIIfuI.|- She hates you too. {22269}{22324}[ AII Shouting ] {22325}{22407}[ GirIs Cheering ] {22409}{22486}- Excuse me. Sorry. I'm sorry.|- Pardon me. {22488}{22550}- [ Buzzer Sounding ]|- Hi ! Patty ! {22552}{22627}[ Announcer Over P.A. ]|Now, for your haIftime entertainment, {22628}{22737}RockweII High's award-winning|Dancing Spartanettes ! {22738}{22804}We can Ieave|right after this, right ? {22806}{22876}@@ [ Band PIaying ''On Broadway'' ] {22914}{22978}[ Audience CIapping In Tune ] {24444}{24514}[ Ambient Noise Fades ] {25851}{25911}@@ [ ''On Broadway'' Finishes ] {25912}{25976}[ Crowd Cheering ] {26143}{26208}Shit. They're stiII here. {26210}{26263}Janie ! {26264}{26319}Hey, I reaIIy enjoyed that. {26321}{26396}-CongratuIations, honey. You were great.|-I didn't win anything. {26398}{26489}- Hi. I'm Lester, Janie's dad.|- Oh, hi. {26555}{26621}This is my friend,|AngeIa Hayes. {26623}{26707}Okay. Good to meet you. {26709}{26842}You were aIso good tonight,|very... precise. {26843}{26917}- Thanks.|- Nice to meet you, AngeIa. {26918}{26987}Honey-- [ Grunts ]|I am so proud of you. {26988}{27083}You know, I watched you very cIoseIy.|You didn't screw up once. {27110}{27190}Okay, uh, we have to go. {27192}{27256}- So what are you girIs doing now ?|- Dad. {27258}{27340}- We're going out for pizza.|- ReaIIy ? Do you need a ride ?|We can give you a ride. {27341}{27434}- I have a car.|You want to come with us ?|- Thanks, but I have a car. {27436}{27531}You have a car.|That's great. That's great. {27533}{27605}Janie's thinking about|getting a car, too, soon, aren't you ? {27607}{27690}Dad, Mom's waiting for you. {27740}{27806}WeII, it was very nice|meeting you, AngeIa. {27808}{27869}Any friend of Janie's... {27871}{27983}is a... friend of mine.|[ ExhaIes ] {28063}{28161}WeII... I'II be|seeing you around, then. {28257}{28374}CouId he be any more...|pathetic ? {28376}{28450}I think he's sweet. {28452}{28582}And I think he and your mother|have not had sex in a Iong time. {28994}{29071}[ Lester Narrating ]|It's the weirdest thing. {29073}{29160}I feeI Iike I've been in a coma|for about 20 years... {29161}{29241}and I'm just now waking up. {30000}{30084}Spec-tacuIar. {30127}{30212}@@ [ Radio: Rock ] {30306}{30390}I'm so sorry|my dad was weird tonight. {30439}{30488}That's okay. {30490}{30549}I'm used to guys|drooIing over me. {30575}{30637}It started|when I was about 12. {30639}{30717}I'd go to dinner|with my parents. {30719}{30797}Every Thursday night: Red Lobster.|[ ChuckIes ] {30799}{30873}Every guy there wouId stare at me|when I waIked in. {30875}{30929}And I knew|what they were thinking, {30931}{31029}just Iike I knew guys at schooI thought|about me when they jerked off. {31031}{31101}- Vomit.|- No. I Iiked it. {31103}{31217}I stiII Iike it. If peopIe I don't even|know Iook at me and want to fuck me, {31219}{31323}it means I reaIIy have a shot|at being a modeI. {31325}{31383}Which is great, {31385}{31486}because there's nothing worse in Iife|than being ordinary. {31593}{31654}I reaIIy think|it'II happen for you. {31681}{31729}I know. {31731}{31847}Because everything that was meant|to happen, does... eventuaIIy. {32463}{32526}AsshoIe. {33749}{33823}[ Shower Running ] {34106}{34155}[ Phone Ringing ] {34156}{34243}[ AngeIa ]|HeIIo ? HeIIo ? {34287}{34358}- [ CIanking ]|- [ Phone Beeps Off ] {34443}{34492}[ Phone Rings ] {34649}{34705}- HeIIo ?|- Why'd you caII me ? {34707}{34755}I didn't. {34757}{34821}WeII, my phone just rang and|I answered it, and somebody hung up. {34823}{34938}- And I star-69ed,|and I caIIed you back.|- WeII, I was in the shower. {35035}{35088}Oh, gross ! {35484}{35550}[ Woman ]|Ricky ! Breakfast ! {35592}{35653}Be right there. {35858}{35905}- Mom.|- HeIIo. {35907}{35991}I don't eat bacon, remember ? {36020}{36093}I'm sorry.|I must've forgotten. {36346}{36420}What's new in the worId, Dad ? {36422}{36517}This country|is going straight to heII. {36547}{36615}[ DoorbeII Ringing ] {36692}{36764}- Are you expecting anyone ?|- No. {36839}{36897}No. {37069}{37123}- Hi.|- WeIcome to the neighborhood. {37125}{37180}- It's just a IittIe something|from our garden.|- Except for the pasta. {37182}{37248}- We got that at FaIIaci's.|- Right. It's unbeIievabIy fresh. {37250}{37340}You just-- You drop it|in the water, and it's done. {37342}{37438}Jim OImeyer. Two doors down.|WeIcome to the neighborhood. {37440}{37499}CoIoneI Frank Fitts,|U.S. Marine Corps. {37501}{37591}- It's nice to meet you.|This is my partner--|- Jim BerkIey, but caII me J.B. {37593}{37676}Let's cut to chase, okay ?|What are you guys seIIing ? {37677}{37780}- [ ChuckIes ] We--|- Nothing. We just wanted to|say hi to our new neighbors. {37782}{37920}Yeah, yeah, yeah. You said you're|partners, so what's your business ? {37961}{38062}WeII... he is a tax attorney. {38064}{38138}And he's an anesthesioIogist. {38202}{38260}@@ [ Frank Humming ] {38356}{38467}How come these faggots|aIways have to rub it in your face ? {38469}{38546}How can they|be so shameIess ? {38583}{38663}- @@ [ Resumes Humming ]|- That's the whoIe thing, Dad. {38665}{38748}They don't feeI that's anything|to be ashamed of. {38775}{38838}WeII, it is. {38880}{38989}- Yeah, you're right.|- Don't pIacate me|Iike I'm your mother, boy. {39063}{39135}Forgive me, sir,|for speaking so bIuntIy, {39136}{39212}but those fags make me want|to puke my fucking guts out. {39407}{39536}WeII, me too, son.|Yeah. Me too. {39538}{39619}@@ [ Frank Resumes Humming ] {39674}{39761}[ AngeIa ] I'm serious. He just|puIIed down his pants and yanked it out. {39763}{39855}- You know, Iike,|''Say heIIo to Mr. Happy.''|- Gross ! {39857}{39978}- It wasn't gross. It was kind of cooI.|- So did you do it with him ? {39980}{40088}Of course. He's a reaIIy|weII-known photographer. {40090}{40160}He shoots for EIIe on,|Iike, a reguIar basis. {40162}{40281}- It wouId've been majorIy stupid|of me to turn him down.|- You are a totaI prostitute. {40283}{40386}Hey, that's how|things reaIIy are. {40388}{40484}You just don't know because you're|this pampered IittIe suburban chick. {40485}{40575}So are you. You've onIy been|in Seventeen once, and you Iooked fat. {40577}{40669}So stop acting Iike you're|goddamn Christy TurIington ! {40727}{40776}Cunt ! {40812}{40900}I am so sick of peopIe|taking their insecurities out on me. {40942}{41050}- Oh, my God. That's the pervert|who fiImed me Iast night.|- Him ? {41052}{41128}Jane. No way.|He's a totaI Iunatic. {41130}{41178}- Do you know him ?|- Yeah. {41180}{41235}We were on the same Iunch shift|when I was in ninth grade, {41237}{41326}and he wouId aIways save|the most random, weird things. {41328}{41438}And then one day,|he was just, Iike, gone. {41440}{41585}And then Connie CarduIIo toId me|that his parents had to put him|in a mentaI institution. {41587}{41641}Why ? What did he do ? {41643}{41716}What do you mean ? {41717}{41820}WeII, they can't put you away|just for saying weird things. {41881}{42009}You totaI sIut.|You've got a crush on him. {42011}{42081}- What ? PIease !|- You are defending him. You Iove him. {42083}{42165}- You want to have, Iike,|10,000 of his babies.|- Shut up. {42167}{42274}Hi. My name's Ricky.|I just moved next door to you. {42276}{42327}I know. {42329}{42432}I kind of remember this creepy incident|where you were fiIming me Iast night ? {42434}{42536}- I didn't mean to scare you.|I just think you're interesting.|- Thanks. {42538}{42654}But I reaIIy don't need to have some|psycho obsessing about me right now. {42681}{42780}I'm not obsessing.|I'm just curious. {43159}{43208}What a freak. {43210}{43293}And why does he dress|Iike a BibIe saIesman ? {43295}{43373}He's, Iike, so confident. {43375}{43451}That can't be reaI. {43453}{43517}I don't beIieve him. {43519}{43621}I mean, he didn't even,|Iike, Iook at me once. {43623}{43747}@@ [ BugIe: ''ReveiIIe'' ] {43749}{43852}- How'd you get in the Army ?|- Sergeant, I got three reasons|for being in the Army. {43854}{43954}First, I'm patriotic. Second, I Iove|my country. And third, they naiIed me. {43956}{44005}[ Laughs ] {44006}{44082}[ TV Chatter Continues ] {44084}{44148}[ Lock RattIing ] {44191}{44250}[ Door CIoses ] {44315}{44363}Hey. {44440}{44532}- What's going on here ?|- Bend aII the way down.|Here comes the BuII of the Woods. {44605}{44670}I'm sorry. What ? {44697}{44757}Mom, nobody said anything. {44759}{44820}Oh. I'm sorry. {44888}{44943}@@ [ Latin Beat ] {44991}{45034}Everyone here is with their spouse|or significant other. {45036}{45112}- How wouId it Iook|if I showed up with no one ?|- You aIways end up ignoring me. {45114}{45201}Now, Iisten to me.|This is an important business function. {45203}{45283}As you know, my business|is seIIing an image, {45285}{45343}and part of my job|is to Iive that image. {45345}{45457}Honey, do me a favor and say|whatever you want to say|and spare me the propaganda. {45459}{45532}AII right.|Hi, ShirIey ! {45570}{45643}Listen. Just do me a favor.|Act happy tonight. {45645}{45765}- [ High Voice ] I am happy, honey !|- You're not-- Oh, that's Buddy ! {45766}{45854}- Buddy ! Buddy ! Hi !|- Hi. {45856}{45917}Good to see you again. {45919}{46007}-It's so good to see you too, Catherine.|-CaroIyn. {46009}{46083}Oh, CaroIyn ! Of course.|How are you ? {46085}{46183}- Very weII, thank you. HeIIo, Christy.|- HeIIo. {46214}{46285}- My husband, Lester.|- It's a pIeasure. {46287}{46415}Oh, we've met before,|actuaIIy. This thing Iast year.|Christmas at the Sheraton. {46417}{46474}Oh, yeah ! {46476}{46554}Oh, it's okay.|I wouIdn't remember me either. {46656}{46718}Honey, don't be weird. {46720}{46792}- AII right, honey. I won't be weird.|- Okay. {46793}{46874}I'II be whatever|you want me to be. {46876}{46939}WeII, oka-- {47185}{47288}- We have a very heaIthy reIationship.|- I see. {47290}{47338}[ Sighs ] {47373}{47451}WeII, I don't know about you guys,|but I need a drink. {47453}{47520}Ohh. {47583}{47660}Whoa, whoa, whoa.|Put a IittIe more in there, cowboy. {47832}{47922}[ CaroIyn, Buddy|Shrieking With Laughter ] {47964}{48012}[ Groaning ] {48057}{48190}Excuse me. Don't you Iive on Robin Hood|TraiI ? The house with the red door ? {48191}{48315}- Yeah.|- I'm Ricky Fitts.|I just moved in the house next to you. {48316}{48423}Oh. Hi, Ricky Fitts.|I'm Lester Burnham. {48425}{48488}Hi, Lester Burnham. {48741}{48827}- Do you party ?|- Excuse me ? {48829}{48909}Do you get high ? {48972}{49090}You know, I probabIy wouIdn't|even teII you this if I weren't|a IittIe tipsy, but... {49129}{49200}I'm in compIete awe of you. {49201}{49262}I mean, your firm... {49264}{49364}is hands-down the RoIIs-Royce|of IocaI reaI estate firms, {49366}{49454}and your personaI|saIes record is-- {49456}{49557}[ CIicks Tongue, Sighs ]|It's very intimidating. {49559}{49684}You know, I'd Iove to sit down|with you and just pick your brain, {49686}{49758}- [ ChuckIes ]|- if you'd ever be wiIIing. {49798}{49885}You know, I suppose technicaIIy|I'm the competition, {49887}{49980}but I mean, hey,|I don't fIatter myseIf... {49982}{50070}that I'm even|in the same Ieague as you. {50072}{50128}I don't. {50130}{50178}I'd Iove to. {50218}{50292}- ReaIIy ?|- AbsoIuteIy. {50293}{50375}CaII my secretary.|Have her scheduIe a Iunch. {50414}{50484}I'II do that.|Thank you. {50639}{50726}[ Lester ] Did you ever see that movie|where the body is waIking around... {50728}{50809}carrying its own head, and then|the head goes down on that babe ? {50811}{50882}- [ Both Laughing ]|- [ Ricky ] Re-Animator. {50884}{50936}[ Both Continue Laughing ] {50938}{50988}- [ Both Stop Laughing ]|- Look. {50990}{51074}I'm not paying you to do whatever|it is you're doing out here. {51076}{51149}Fine. So don't pay me. {51151}{51203}Excuse me ? {51205}{51329}I quit, so you don't have|to pay me. Now Ieave me aIone. {51385}{51441}AsshoIe. {51557}{51637}I think you just|became my personaI hero. {51639}{51725}Doesn't that make you nervous,|just quitting your job Iike that ? {51769}{51849}WeII, I guess when|you're aII of, what, 16-- {51851}{51963}Eighteen. I just do|these gigs as a cover. {51965}{52042}I have other sources of income. {52044}{52110}But my dad interferes Iess|in my Iife when I pretend... {52112}{52195}to be an upstanding young citizen|with a respectabIe job. {52197}{52249}[ CaroIyn ]|Lester ? {52320}{52425}- What are you doing ?|- Honey, this is... Ricky Fitts. {52427}{52524}[ Wheezing Laugh ]|This is Ricky Fitts. {52526}{52582}[ Continues Laughing HystericaIIy ] {52584}{52660}I'm Ricky Fitts. I just moved|into the house next to you. {52662}{52736}I go to schooI|with your daughter. {52738}{52804}- With Jane ?|- Yeah. {52806}{52874}- ReaIIy ?|- Jane. {52876}{52991}Hi. I'm ready to go.|I'II meet you out front. {53092}{53191}- [ Whimpering Laugh ]|Oh, I'm in troubIe.|- [ ChuckIes ] {53226}{53303}Nice meeting you, Ricky.|Thanks for the thing. {53305}{53376}Anytime. Lester ? {53378}{53468}If you want any more,|you know where I Iive. {53470}{53518}[ Laughs ] {53742}{53803}- @@ [ On TV ]|- [ Door CIoses ] {53804}{53914}Oh, shit. They're home. Quick.|Let's go up to my room. {53915}{53978}I shouId say hi|to your dad. {53980}{54057}I don't want to be rude. {54350}{54406}Nice suit. {54433}{54484}You're Iooking good,|Mr. Burnham. {54486}{54579}Last time I saw you,|you Iooked kind of wound up. {54673}{54729}Ooh, is that root beer ? {56219}{56271}I Iove root beer,|don't you ? {56333}{56381}- Hey.|- Hi, Mom. {56383}{56438}- Hi.|- Remember AngeIa ? {56440}{56493}Yes, of course. {56495}{56588}I forgot to teII you. She's going|to spend the night. Is that okay ? {56590}{56656}[ Coughing, Choking ] {56786}{56876}- [ Jane ] Sorry about my dad.|- [ AngeIa ]|Don't be. I think it's funny. {56877}{57004}Yeah, to you he's just another guy|who wants to jump your bones. {57006}{57127}But to me, he's just...|too embarrassing to Iive. {57164}{57258}WeII, your mom's the one|who's embarrassing. What a phony. {57260}{57341}- But your dad's actuaIIy kind of cute.|- Shut up. {57343}{57437}[ AngeIa ] He is. If he just|worked out a IittIe, he'd be hot. {57439}{57488}- Shut up !|- Come on. {57490}{57612}Like you've never sneaked a peek|at him in his underwear ?|I bet he's got a big dick. {57614}{57672}[ Jane Laughing ]|You are so grossing me out right now. {57674}{57756}[ AngeIa ] If he buiIt up his chest|and arms, I wouId totaIIy fuck him. {57758}{57864}- @ La, Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia, Ia @|- I wouId. I wouId suck|your dad's big fat dick, {57866}{57944}and then I'd fuck him untiI|his eyes roIIed back in his head. {57946}{58038}- [ RattIing ]|- Jane, shh. What was that noise ? {58105}{58171}- I swear I heard something.|- Yeah. {58173}{58247}That was the sound of you|being a huge, disgusting pig. {58249}{58311}- No, I'm serious.|- [ RattIing ] {58312}{58381}See ? {58383}{58466}- Oh, my God. Jane.|- What is it ? {58543}{58629}It's that psycho next door. {58631}{58685}Jane, what if he worships you ? {58687}{58816}What if he's got a shrine|with pictures of you surrounded|by dead peopIe's heads and stuff ? {58818}{58904}Shit. I bet|he's fiIming us right now. {58906}{58955}ReaIIy ? {59649}{59701}[ CIattering ] {61220}{61318}WeIcome to|America's Weirdest Home Videos. {61929}{62009}- [ Knocking ]|- [ Frank ] Ricky ? {62011}{62070}Coming, Dad. {62072}{62160}You know I don't Iike|Iocked doors in my house, boy. {62300}{62389}- I'm sorry.|I must've Iocked it by accident.|- Mm. {62416}{62482}[ Ricky ]|So what's up ? {62535}{62604}I-- I need a urine sampIe. {62606}{62654}Wow. {62656}{62723}It's been six months aIready. {62725}{62802}Can I give it to you in the morning ?|I just took a whiz. {62804}{62857}Yeah. I suppose. {62956}{63025}Y-You know-- {63213}{63309}WeII, good night, son. {64719}{64773}[ Water Dripping ] {64966}{65018}I've been waiting for you. {65538}{65602}You've been working out,|haven't you ? {65604}{65658}I can teII. {65695}{65773}I was hoping you couId|give me a bath. {65775}{65838}I'm very, very dirty. {66661}{66718}What are you doing ? {66752}{66802}Nothing. {66804}{66869}- You were masturbating.|- [ Whispers ] I was not. {66871}{66942}Yes, you were. {66943}{67038}Oh, aII right.|So shoot me. I was whacking off. {67039}{67129}That's right. I was choking|the bishop, chafing the carrot. {67131}{67204}You know, saying ''hi''|to my monster. {67206}{67254}That's disgusting. {67256}{67334}WeII, excuse me, but some of us stiII|have bIood pumping through our veins. {67336}{67393}- So do I.|- ReaIIy ? {67395}{67503}WeII, I'm the onIy one who seems|to be doing anything about it. {67505}{67595}[ Grunts ]|Lester, I refuse to Iive Iike this ! {67597}{67646}This is not a marriage. {67648}{67726}This hasn't been|a marriage for years, {67728}{67802}but you were happy as Iong|as I kept my mouth shut. {67803}{67855}WeII, guess what.|I've changed. {67857}{67922}And the new me whacks off|when he feeIs horny... {67924}{67993}'cause you're obviousIy not going|to heIp me out in that department. {67995}{68063}I see. You think you're the|onIy one who's sexuaIIy frustrated. {68065}{68143}I'm not ? WeII, then,|come on, baby. I'm ready. {68145}{68199}Don't you mess|with me, mister. {68200}{68280}I wiII divorce you so fast,|it'II make your head spin. {68281}{68335}On what grounds ? {68337}{68402}I'm not a drunk.|I don't fuck other women. {68404}{68465}I don't mistreat you.|I've never hit you. {68467}{68531}I don't even try to touch you,|since you made it so abundantIy cIear... {68533}{68591}just how unnecessary|you consider me to be ! {68641}{68727}But... I did support you|when you got your Iicense. {68729}{68831}And some peopIe might think that|entitIes me to haIf of what's yours. {68833}{68904}Oh ! {68905}{68999}So, turn out the Iight|when you come back to bed, okay ? {69286}{69359}[ Lester Narrating ] It's a great thing|when you reaIize you stiII have... {69361}{69426}the abiIity|to surprise yourseIf. {69428}{69527}Makes you wonder what eIse you can do|that you've forgotten about. {69529}{69579}Hey, guys. {69580}{69641}Lester. I didn't know you ran. {69643}{69701}- I just started.|- Good for you. {69703}{69805}I figured you guys might be|abIe to give me some pointers.|I need to shape up, fast. {69807}{69878}Are you Iooking to just Iose weight,|or do you want to have... {69880}{69953}increased strength|and fIexibiIity as weII ? {69955}{70041}I-- I want|to Iook good naked. {70287}{70345}[ Squeaking ] {70414}{70531}Oh, what is this ?|Fuckin' gay pride parade ? {70533}{70585}Hey ! Yo, Ricky. {70587}{70669}[ Panting ] {70670}{70790}My entire Iife is passing|before my eyes, and those two|have bareIy broken a sweat. {70791}{70874}Sorry. Hi. Lester Burnham.|I Iive next door. We haven't met. {70876}{70925}CoIoneI Frank Fitts,|U.S. Marine Corps. {70927}{71005}Oh, whoa. WeII. {71007}{71063}WeIcome to the neighborhood, sir. {71162}{71236}Ricky, uh-- {71238}{71328}I was thinking about the, uh--|I was gonna-- The movie we taIked about. {71329}{71378}- Re-Animator.|- Yeah ! {71379}{71474}You want to borrow it ?|Okay. It's up in my room. Come on. {71749}{71814}- Can you hoId this for a sec ?|- Sure. {71816}{71918}I don't think my dad wouId try|to come in whiIe someone eIse|is here, but you never know. {71920}{71997}- What is this ?|- Urine. {71998}{72108}I have to take a drug test every|six months just to make sure I'm cIean. {72109}{72183}Are you kidding ?|You just smoked with me Iast night. {72184}{72237}It's not mine. {72239}{72333}One of my cIients is a nurse|in a pediatrician's office. {72335}{72424}Cut her a deaI,|she keeps me in cIean piss. {72476}{72527}You Iike Pink FIoyd ? {72566}{72627}I Iike a Iot of music. {72657}{72767}Man, I haven't Iistened|to this aIbum in years. {72768}{72829}How much do you want ? {72831}{72929}I don't know. It's been a whiIe.|Um, how much is an ounce ? {73021}{73094}This is totaIIy decent,|and it's 300. {73125}{73175}Wow ! {73177}{73242}This shit is|top of the Iine. {73244}{73335}It's caIIed G-13. It's geneticaIIy|engineered by the U.S. government. {73337}{73431}It's extremeIy potent, but|a compIeteIy meIIow high. No paranoia. {73458}{73532}Is that what we smoked|Iast night ? {73533}{73599}This is aII I ever smoke. {73695}{73782}- How much ?|- Two grand. {73784}{73841}Jesus ! {73843}{73914}Things have changed since 1973. {73916}{74009}- You don't have to pay now.|I know you're good for it.|- Thanks. {74011}{74070}There's a card in there|with my beeper number. {74072}{74155}Beep me anytime, day or night. {74157}{74213}And I onIy accept cash. {74215}{74310}Now I know how you can afford|aII this equipment. {74312}{74435}God. When I was your age,|I fIipped burgers aII summer|just to buy an eight-track. {74437}{74538}- That sucks.|- No, actuaIIy it was great. {74579}{74653}AII I did was party|and get Iaid. {74694}{74770}I had my whoIe Iife|ahead of me. {74818}{74926}My dad thinks I pay for aII|this with catering jobs. {74928}{75002}Never underestimate|the power of deniaI. {75086}{75144}@@ [ Humming ] {75278}{75353}- @@ [ Music PIaying, Faint ]|- [ Sniffing ] {75539}{75638}@ There must be some way|out of here @ {75640}{75703}@ Said the joker|to the thief @ {75737}{75827}@ There's too much confusion @ {75829}{75931}- @ I can't get no reIief @|- What the heII do you|think you're doing ? {75933}{76005}- Uh-oh. Mom's mad.|- @@ [ Continues ] {76007}{76058}Bench presses. {76060}{76176}I'm going to whaIe on my pecks,|and then I'm going to do my back. {76178}{76274}I see you're smoking pot now.|I-- I'm so gIad. {76276}{76338}I think using iIIegaI|psychotropic substances... {76340}{76403}is a very positive exampIe|to set for our daughter. {76405}{76511}You're one to taIk, you bIoodIess,|money-grubbing freak. {76541}{76592}Uh-- Lester ! {76594}{76644}You have such hostiIity in you. {76646}{76753}Do you mind ? I'm trying to work|out here. UnIess... you want to spot me. {76755}{76845}Lester, you wiII not|get away with this. {76847}{76925}- You can be sure of that.|- @ There are many here among us @ {76927}{77017}- That's... what...|- @ Who feeI that Iife is but a joke @@ {77018}{77072}you... think. {77088}{77164}''My job consists of|basicaIIy masking... {77166}{77259}''my contempt for|the asshoIes in charge... {77260}{77352}''and at Ieast once a day|retiring to the men's room... {77354}{77408}''so I can jerk off... {77410}{77475}''whiIe I fantasize|about a Iife... {77477}{77563}that doesn't so cIoseIy|resembIe heII.'' {77565}{77658}WeII, you obviousIy have no interest|in saving yourseIf. {77660}{77765}Brad, for 14 years, I've been a whore|for the advertising industry. {77767}{77860}The onIy way I couId save myseIf now|is if I start firebombing. {77862}{77954}Whatever. Management wants you|gone by the end of the day. {77956}{78035}Just what sort of severance package|is management prepared to offer me, {78037}{78100}considering the information|I have about our editoriaI director... {78102}{78150}buying pussy|with company money ? {78152}{78220}Which I think|wouId interest the I.R.S., {78222}{78274}since it technicaIIy|constitutes fraud. {78276}{78349}And I'm sure that some of our|advertisers and rivaI pubIications... {78351}{78457}might Iike to know about it as weII,|not to mention... Craig's wife. {78510}{78616}- What do you want ?|- One year's saIary with benefits. {78618}{78697}That's not going to happen. {78698}{78783}What do you say I throw in a IittIe|sexuaI harassment charge to boot ? {78784}{78879}[ Laughing ]|Against who ? {78880}{78926}[ Laughs ]|Against you. {78928}{79016}Can you prove that you|didn't offer to save my job... {79018}{79081}if I Iet you bIow me ? {79209}{79294}Man... you are|one twisted fuck. {79329}{79410}Nope. I'm just|an ordinary guy... {79412}{79479}with nothing to Iose. {79604}{79653}Yeah. {79790}{79856}- CaroIyn.|- Buddy. {79858}{79964}-I am so sorry to have kept you waiting.|-Oh. [ ChuckIes ] {79966}{80026}Christy Ieft for New York|this morning. {80027}{80114}Let's just say things were|a IittIe... hectic around the house. {80116}{80203}- What's she doing in New York ?|- She's moving there. {80205}{80256}Yes, we are spIitting up. {80258}{80322}Buddy. I'm so sorry. {80324}{80416}Yes. According to her, I'm... {80418}{80468}too focused on my career. {80470}{80545}- [ Scoffs ]|- As if being driven to succeed is... {80547}{80640}some sort of a character fIaw.|[ ChuckIing ] {80642}{80742}WeII, she certainIy did|take advantage of the IifestyIe|my success afforded her. {80744}{80806}Ooh ! Ha. Wow.|[ ChuckIes ] {80852}{80931}- Ah, it's for the best.|- Mm-hmm. {80933}{81046}When I saw you two at the party the|other night, you seemed perfectIy happy. {81047}{81115}WeII, caII me crazy, {81117}{81229}but it is my phiIosophy|that in order to be successfuI, {81231}{81300}one must project|an image of success... {81302}{81354}at aII times. {81838}{81914}What are you doing ? {81916}{82007}- I was fiIming this dead bird.|- Why ? {82008}{82063}Because it's beautifuI. {82126}{82218}I think maybe you forgot|your medication today, mentaI boy. {82267}{82316}[ Ricky ]|Hi, Jane. {82318}{82379}I want you to stop fiIming me. {82428}{82476}Okay. {82478}{82542}WeII, whatever. This is boring. {82544}{82612}Let's go. {82614}{82699}- Do you need a ride ?|- Are you crazy ? {82701}{82783}I don't want to end up hacked to pieces|in a Dumpster somewhere. {82785}{82871}It's okay. I'II waIk.|But thanks. {82873}{82933}He doesn't want to go anyway.|Let's go. {82966}{83058}- Come on, Jane.|- I think I'm going to waIk too. {83060}{83113}What ? {83115}{83214}Jane, that's, Iike,|aImost a miIe. {83446}{83521}[ Screaming, Grunting ] {83523}{83616}[ Laughing, Grunting ]|Oh, God ! {83618}{83678}- [ Grunting ]|- I Iove it ! Oh ! Oh ! {83680}{83761}- You Iike getting naiIed by the King ?|- Oh, yes, I Iove it ! {83763}{83834}- Fuck me, Your Majesty ! Aah !|- Ohh ! {83835}{83886}- Who's the King ?|- Oh ! You are ! {83888}{83936}[ Both Grunting LoudIy ] {83938}{84003}@@ [ Car Stereo:|''American Woman'' ] {84124}{84193}@@ [ Humming Opening MeIody|In High Voice ] {84320}{84374}[ Singing AIong ]|@ American woman @ {84376}{84449}@ Stay away from me @ {84451}{84507}@ American woman @ {84509}{84570}@ Mama, Iet me be @ {84608}{84667}@ Don't come knockin'|around my door @ {84669}{84733}@ I don't wanna see|your face no more @ {84735}{84794}@ I got better things to do @ {84796}{84861}@ Than spend my Iife|growin' oId with you @ {84863}{84911}@ Now, woman @ {84913}{84972}@ Said stay away @ {84974}{85032}[ Woman Over Speaker ]|SmiIe. You're at Mr. SmiIey's. {85034}{85082}- @@ [ VoIume Decreases ]|- What ? {85084}{85191}WouId you Iike to try|our new bacon and egg fajita|for $1.29 for a Iimited time onIy ? {85192}{85266}Uh, no, but thank you. {85268}{85368}I'd Iike the Big Barn Burger,|SmiIey Fries and an orange soda. {85370}{85432}PIease drive up to the window.|Thank you. {85479}{85569}SmiIe. You're at Mr. SmiIey's.|That'II be 4.98, pIease. {85571}{85625}@ Mama, Iet me be @@ {85627}{85684}- WouId you Iike some SmiIey sauce ?|- No, no-- {85685}{85753}ActuaIIy, I'd Iike|to fiII out an appIication. {85755}{85854}- There's no jobs for manager.|It's just for counter.|- Good. {85856}{85976}I'm Iooking for the Ieast possibIe|amount of responsibiIity. {86035}{86092}I don't think|you'd fit in here. {86094}{86173}I have fast food experience. {86175}{86233}[ Laughs ]|Yeah, Iike 20 years ago. {86234}{86332}I'm sure there've been amazing|technoIogicaI advances in the industry, {86334}{86398}but sureIy you must have|some sort of training program. {86400}{86470}It seems unfair to presume|I won't be abIe to Iearn. {86580}{86661}- That was exactIy what I needed--|- Mm. {86736}{86812}the ''royaI treatment,''|so to speak. {86814}{86870}[ ChuckIing ] {86872}{86953}I was so stressed out. Ah ! {86955}{87022}- Ah ! Ah.|- Mm. {87023}{87102}[ Both Laughing ] {87104}{87173}Know what I do|when I feeI Iike that ? {87174}{87233}What ? {87234}{87308}- I fire a gun.|- ReaIIy ? {87310}{87381}Oh, yeah. I go to this|IittIe firing range downtown, {87383}{87492}and I... just pop off|a few rounds. {87494}{87592}- I've never fired a gun before.|- WeII, you've gotta try it. {87594}{87667}Nothing makes you feeI|more powerfuI. {87719}{87777}WeII... {87779}{87834}aImost nothing. {87944}{88031}- So, do you Iike your new house ?|- I Iike it. {88033}{88121}The peopIe who used to Iive|there fed these stray cats,|so they were aIways around, {88123}{88189}and it drove|my mother nuts. {88191}{88290}And then she cut down|their tree. {88292}{88345}Is that a funeraI ? {88346}{88455}Yeah. Have you ever|known anybody who died ? {88457}{88530}No. Have you ? {88532}{88584}No. {88586}{88657}But I did see this homeIess woman|who froze to death once... {88658}{88719}just Iaying there|on the sidewaIk. {88721}{88778}She Iooked reaIIy sad. {89103}{89180}I got that homeIess woman|on videotape. {89182}{89235}Why wouId you fiIm that ? {89236}{89331}- Because it was amazing.|- What's amazing about it ? {89332}{89436}When you see something Iike that,|it's Iike God is Iooking right at you, {89438}{89487}just for a second, {89489}{89561}and if you're carefuI,|you can Iook right back. {89563}{89634}And what do you see ? {89636}{89685}Beauty. {89723}{89792}[ CIock Ticking ] {90082}{90160}Mom, I want you|to meet somebody. {90253}{90326}- Mom.|- Yes ? {90382}{90486}I want you to meet somebody.|This is Jane. {90488}{90545}- Hi.|- Oh, my. {90547}{90634}I apoIogize for the way|things Iook around here. {90786}{90837}[ Door Opens, CIoses ] {90885}{90949}[ Ricky ]|This is where my dad hides out. {90951}{91012}[ Jane ]|I take it he's got a thing for guns. {91051}{91150}You gotta see|this one thing. {91152}{91238}My dad wouId kiII me|if he knew I was in here. {91239}{91290}Did you steaI his keys ? {91292}{91365}No. One of my cIients|is a Iocksmith. {91367}{91465}He was short on cash one night,|so I Iet him pay me in trade. {91796}{91850}Turn it over. {91932}{91999}Oh, my God. {92001}{92062}It's, Iike, officiaI state china|of the Third Reich. {92063}{92161}There's a whoIe subcuIture|of peopIe who coIIect this Nazi shit. {92163}{92226}But my dad just has|this one thing. {92529}{92612}- What's wrong ?|- Nothing. {92614}{92688}No, you're scared of me. {92716}{92771}No, I'm not. {92773}{92885}You want to see the most beautifuI thing|I've ever fiImed ? {93453}{93514}It was one of those days... {93516}{93589}where it's a minute|away from snowing, {93645}{93718}and there was this eIectricity|in the air. {93780}{93845}You can aImost hear it. {93847}{93899}Right ? {93993}{94090}And this bag was just... {94091}{94160}dancing with me, {94211}{94333}Iike a IittIe kid|begging me to pIay with it, {94335}{94400}for 15 minutes. {94487}{94589}That's the day I reaIized|that there was this... {94591}{94689}entire Iife behind things... {94767}{94869}and this incredibIy|benevoIent force... {94871}{94979}that wanted me to know that there|was no reason to be afraid... {95018}{95073}ever. {95129}{95194}Video's a poor excuse, I know, {95263}{95326}but it heIps me remember. {95418}{95478}I need to remember. {95651}{95733}Sometimes there's so much... {95735}{95806}beauty... {95808}{95869}in the worId. {95905}{95991}I feeI Iike|I can't take it... {96070}{96142}and my heart... {96143}{96207}is just going to... {96209}{96267}cave in. {97430}{97520}Oh, my God.|What time is it ? {97525}{97579}@@ [ Lounge ] {97693}{97760}- Sorry I'm Iate.|- No, that's quite aII right, dear. {97762}{97833}Your father and I were|just discussing his day at work. {97835}{97896}Why don't you teII|our daughter about it, honey ? {97898}{97974}- Janie, today I quit my job.|- [ Laughing ] {97976}{98049}Then I toId my boss to go fuck|himseIf, and then I bIackmaiIed|him for aImost $60,000. {98051}{98098}- Pass the asparagus.|- Your father seems to think... {98100}{98161}this kind of behavior|is something to be proud of. {98163}{98232}And your mother seems to prefer|that I go through Iife|Iike a fucking prisoner... {98234}{98290}whiIe she keeps my dick|in a Mason jar under the sink. {98292}{98357}How dare you speak to me|that way in front of her ? {98359}{98424}And I marveI that you can be|so contemptuous of me... {98426}{98488}on the same day|that you Iose your job ! {98490}{98545}I didn't Iose it. It's not Iike,|''Whoops, where did my job go ?'' {98547}{98595}I quit !|Pass the asparagus. {98597}{98678}Oh, oh, oh ! And I want to thank you for|putting me under the added pressure... {98680}{98732}of being the soIe|breadwinner now. {98733}{98782}- I aIready have a job.|- No, no ! {98784}{98848}Don't give a second thought|as to who's going to pay the mortgage. {98850}{98907}We'II Ieave it up to CaroIyn.|''You're going to take care|of everything now, CaroIyn ?'' {98909}{98953}''Yes. I don't mind.'' {98955}{99020}''Everything ? You don't mind having|the soIe responsibiIity ? {99022}{99087}Your husband feeIs he can just|quit his job, and you don't--'' {99089}{99145}WiII someone pIease pass me|the fucking asparagus ? {99146}{99211}- I'm not going to be a part of this.|- Sit down ! {99213}{99322}@ And I'm irresponsibIy mad @ {99324}{99396}@ For you @ {99397}{99475}@ Go on and caII me @ {99477}{99525}@ UnpredictabIe @ {99527}{99628}@ TeII me that I'm impracticaI @ {99630}{99719}@ Rainbows|I'm incIined to pursue @ {99721}{99804}I am sick and tired of being treated|Iike I don't exist. {99806}{99909}You two do whatever you want|to do whenever you want to do it,|and I don't compIain. {99910}{99992}- AII I want--|- Oh, you don't compIain ?|Oh, pIease ! Excuse me ! {99994}{100067}I must be psychotic then !|If you don't compIain, what is this ? {100069}{100178}Yeah, Iet's bring in the Iaugh meter|and see how Ioud it gets on that one. {100248}{100348}@ Mad for you @@ {100447}{100503}Don't interrupt me, honey. {100680}{100741}@@ [ Lush InstrumentaI ] {100853}{100904}And another thing. {100906}{100970}From now on, we're going|to aIternate our dinner music, {100972}{101037}because, frankIy--|and I don't think I'm aIone here-- {101039}{101123}I am reaIIy tired|of this Lawrence WeIk shit. {101204}{101269}@ A bright, shiny worId @ {101271}{101336}[ Knock At Door ] {101338}{101405}- Go away.|- [ CaroIyn ] PIease. {101407}{101459}PIease Iet me in. {101676}{101752}Look, I wish that you hadn't witnessed|that awfuI scene tonight, {101754}{101802}but in a way, I'm gIad. {101804}{101895}Why ? So I couId see|what freaks you and Dad reaIIy are ? {101897}{101949}Me ? {101988}{102057}Tsk. God. {102059}{102125}- Oh, Christ. Mom.|- [ Sobbing ] {102127}{102199}No, I'm gIad because, uh-- {102255}{102393}because you're oId enough now to Iearn|the most important Iesson in Iife: {102395}{102499}You cannot count|on anyone except yourseIf. {102561}{102618}[ Sighs ] {102620}{102699}You cannot count on|anyone except yourseIf. {102735}{102807}You know, it's sad but true, {102808}{102868}and the sooner you Iearn it,|the better. {102869}{102968}Look, Mom, I reaIIy don't feeI Iike|having a Kodak moment here. {102969}{103041}- [ Gasps ]|- You ungratefuI IittIe brat ! {103043}{103119}Just Iook at everything|you have ! {103121}{103186}When I was your age,|I Iived in a dupIex ! {103188}{103287}We didn't even have|our own house. {106277}{106325}- [ Door SIams Open ]|- You IittIe bastard ! {106327}{106375}Dad, no, I just-- {106377}{106429}How did you get in there ? {106431}{106478}How ? How ? {106526}{106585}Come on ! Get up !|Come on ! {106587}{106633}Get up ! {106635}{106685}Fight back,|you IittIe pussy ! {106687}{106755}- No, sir, I won't fight you.|- How ? {106756}{106831}- How did you get in there ?|- I picked the Iock, sir. {106833}{106925}What were you Iooking for, huh ?|Money ? Are you on dope again ? {106927}{107022}No, sir. I wanted to show|my girIfriend your Nazi pIate. {107023}{107069}A girIfriend ? {107071}{107138}Yes, sir. She Iives next door.|[ Panting ] {107461}{107527}Her name's Jane.|[ Coughing ] {107561}{107610}[ Panting ] {108002}{108075}This is for|your own good, boy. {108133}{108250}You have no respect for other|peopIe's things and for authority-- {108252}{108304}Yes, sir. I'm sorry. {108306}{108410}Can't just go around doing|whatever you feeI Iike. {108411}{108472}You can't.|There are ruIes in Iife. {108474}{108543}Yes, sir. {108592}{108678}You need structure, yeah.|You need-- {108679}{108753}- [ Together ] DiscipIine.|- Yes, sir. Thank you|for trying to teach me. {108755}{108813}Don't give up on me, Dad. {108933}{108981}Oh, Ricky. {109106}{109172}You stay out of there. {109174}{109234}[ Grunts ] {109591}{109648}[ Grunts ] {109723}{109792}[ Grunts ] {109848}{109930}[ Gasps, Groans ] {109990}{110042}[ Whimpers ] {110178}{110220}[ SheIIs CIanking Onto FIoor ] {110359}{110416}- Whoo !|- I gotta say, Mrs. Burnham, {110418}{110517}when you first came here, I thought you|wouId be hopeIess, but you're a naturaI. {110519}{110608}WeII, aII I know is|I Iove shooting this gun. {110655}{110740}[ Singing AIong With Radio ]|@ Don't teII me not to fIy|I've simpIy got to @ {110741}{110822}@ If someone takes a spiII|it's me and not you @ {110824}{110982}@ Don't bring around the cIoud|to rain on my parade @ {110984}{111062}@ I'm gonna march|my band out @ {111064}{111152}@ I'II beat my drum @ {111154}{111237}@ And if I'm found out @ {111238}{111296}@ Your turn at bat, sir @ {111298}{111350}- @ Hey @|- @ At Ieast I didn't fake it @ {111352}{111434}@ Hat, sir, so what|I didn't make it @ {111436}{111547}@ Nobody @ {111549}{111688}@ I said nobody @ {111690}{111757}@ Nobody @ {111759}{111849}@ Had better rain @ {111851}{111920}@ On my @ {111922}{112025}@ Parade @ {112027}{112076}@ Yeah @@ {112110}{112159}[ Stomps ] {112226}{112282}[ YeIIs ] {112320}{112384}[ Sighs ] {112386}{112435}[ FingernaiIs Tapping ] {112437}{112486}What ? {112487}{112554}Uh, whose car is that|out front ? {112556}{112618}Mine. 1970 Pontiac Firebird, {112620}{112692}the car I've aIways wanted,|and now I have it. {112693}{112761}- I ruIe !|- Uh-huh. Where's the Camry ? {112762}{112815}I traded it in. {112817}{112925}-ShouIdn't you have consuIted me first ?|-Hm, Iet me think. {112927}{112983}No. You never drove it. {113028}{113103}Have you done something different ?|You Iook great. {113180}{113230}[ Sighs ] {113231}{113280}Where's Jane ? {113281}{113336}Jane not home. {113500}{113548}We have... {113613}{113690}the whoIe house... {113692}{113756}to ourseIves. {113810}{113881}Christ, CaroIyn. {113883}{113944}When did you become so... {113985}{114061}joyIess ? {114063}{114128}JoyIess ? {114130}{114194}I am not joyIess. {114196}{114260}There happens to be|a Iot about me... {114262}{114361}that you don't know,|Mr. Smarty Man. {114362}{114446}There's pIenty of joy|in my Iife. {114506}{114568}Whatever happened to that girI... {114644}{114788}who used to fake seizures|at frat parties when she got bored ? {114790}{114911}Who used to run up to the roof|of our first apartment buiIding... {114913}{114982}to fIash|the traffic heIicopters ? {114984}{115101}- [ ChuckIes ]|- Have you totaIIy forgotten about her ? {115103}{115157}Because I haven't. {115203}{115256}[ Sighs ] {115484}{115566}Lester, you're going|to spiII beer on the couch. {115743}{115791}So what ?|It's just a couch. {115849}{115907}This is a $4,000 sofa, {115909}{115957}uphoIstered in ItaIian siIk. {115959}{116011}This is not just a couch. {116013}{116107}It's just... a... couch ! {116109}{116164}This isn't Iife ! {116166}{116221}This is just stuff, {116223}{116287}and it's become more important|to you than Iiving. {116289}{116344}WeII, honey,|that's just nuts. {116570}{116634}I'm onIy trying to heIp you ! {116761}{116831}[ Sighs ]|Don't. {116833}{116886}[ Ricky ]|Why ? {116955}{117017}It's weird watching myseIf. {117019}{117080}I don't Iike how I Iook. {117144}{117218}I can't beIieve you don't know|how beautifuI you are. {117219}{117319}Look. I'm not going|to sit here for that shit. {117530}{117604}Ha ! How does it feeI now ? {117606}{117655}Fine. {117657}{117706}You don't feeI naked ? {117741}{117797}I am naked. {117799}{117860}You know what I mean. {118087}{118164}So teII me about|being in the hospitaI. {118240}{118339}When I was 15,|my dad caught me smoking dope. {118341}{118471}He totaIIy freaked and decided|to send me to miIitary schooI. {118473}{118560}I toId you this whoIe thing|about structure and discipIine, right ? {118562}{118652}Of course,|I got kicked out. {118654}{118715}Dad and I had|this huge fight. {118717}{118795}He hit me. {118797}{118896}And the next day at schooI,|some kid made a crack about my haircut, {118941}{118993}and I just snapped. {119085}{119171}I wanted to kiII him. {119172}{119231}I wouId've... kiIIed him... {119282}{119346}if they hadn't puIIed me off. {119424}{119525}That's when my dad|put me in the hospitaI. {119527}{119623}They drugged me up and Ieft me|in there for two years. {119659}{119718}Wow. {119719}{119796}- You must reaIIy hate him.|- [ Lighter CIicking ] {119798}{119865}[ Whispers ]|No. {119867}{119921}He's not a bad man. {119923}{120039}WeII, you'd better beIieve I'd hate my|dad if he did something Iike that to me. {120041}{120086}Wait. {120088}{120145}I aIready do hate my dad. {120192}{120244}Why ? {120294}{120384}He's a totaI asshoIe;|he's got this crush on my friend AngeIa, {120386}{120442}and it's disgusting. {120443}{120533}- You'd rather he had the crush on you.|- [ ChuckIes ] {120534}{120591}- Gross. No.|- [ ChuckIing ] {120676}{120789}But it'd be nice if I was anywhere near|as important to him as she is. {120866}{120989}I know you think my dad's harmIess,|but you're wrong. {120991}{121072}He's doing massive|psychoIogicaI damage to me. {121074}{121129}How ? {121131}{121219}WeII, now I, too,|need structure, {121221}{121300}a IittIe fucking discipIine. {121565}{121631}I'm serious, though. {121633}{121706}How couId he not|be damaging me ? {121755}{121828}I need a father|who's a roIe modeI, {121830}{121895}not some horny geek boy|who's going to spray his shorts... {121897}{122015}whenever I bring a girIfriend|home from schooI. {122017}{122073}What a Iame-o. {122134}{122214}Someone reaIIy shouId just...|put him out of his misery. {122300}{122368}Want me to kiII him for you ? {122585}{122640}Yeah. WouId you ? {122683}{122732}It'II cost you. {122734}{122802}I've been baby-sitting|since I was about ten. {122803}{122866}I've got aImost $3,000. {122931}{123000}Of course I was saving it up|for a boob job. {123038}{123092}But-- {123150}{123207}[ Laughing ] {123209}{123261}[ Both Laughing ] {123430}{123516}You know, that's not|a very nice thing to do-- {123575}{123636}hiring someone|to kiII your dad. {123704}{123821}WeII, I guess I'm not|a very nice girI then, am I ? {124383}{124451}You know I'm not serious, right ? {124478}{124528}Of course. {124895}{124991}You know how Iucky we are|to have found each other ? {125099}{125161}[ Lester Narrating ]|Remember those posters that said... {125162}{125272}''Today is the first day|of the rest of your Iife'' ? {125274}{125389}WeII, that's true|with every day except one-- {125391}{125447}the day you die. {125448}{125519}@ I've Iooked under chairs @ {125521}{125581}@ I've Iooked under tabIes @ {125583}{125698}@ I've tried to find the key|to 50 miIIion fabIes @ {125700}{125754}@ They caII me the Seeker @ {125811}{125924}@ I've been searching|Iow and high @ {125987}{126076}- @@ [ WhistIing MeIody ]|- @ I won't get to get what I'm after @ {126078}{126128}@ TiII the day I die @ {126130}{126181}@@ [ WhistIing Continues ] {126281}{126395}@ I asked Bobby DyIan|I asked the BeatIes @@ {126423}{126468}Jane, hurry up. {126470}{126547}I've got a very important|appointment. {126549}{126653}- Is it okay if AngeIa|sIeeps over tonight ?|- She's aIways weIcome. {126655}{126764}I thought you two had a fight. I haven't|seen her around here in a whiIe. {126833}{126894}[ Door Opens, CIoses ] {126938}{126988}What ? {126989}{127067}I've been too embarrassed|to bring her over, {127068}{127133}because of you and that way|that you behave. {127135}{127219}- What are you taIking about ?|I've bareIy even spoken to her.|- Dad ! {127221}{127305}You stare at her aII the time|Iike you're drunk ! {127307}{127364}- It's disgusting !|- You better watch yourseIf, {127365}{127482}or you're going to turn into|a reaI bitch just Iike your mother ! {127538}{127586}[ Whispers ]|Oh, fuck. {127784}{127846}You ready to go ? {127848}{127903}Oh, I-I don't need a ride. {127905}{127966}I'm going with Jane|and her mom. {128140}{128189}[ CaroIyn ]|Oh, morning ! {128190}{128240}[ Lester ]|Yo, Ricky ! {128242}{128315}- How's it going ?|- Pretty decent, Mr. Burnham. {128317}{128370}[ Whispers ]|Hey. Wait. {130335}{130408}[ Man ] I need that Super SmiIey|with cheese ASAP ! {130410}{130482}- You need more than that,|my IittIe hombre.|- May I take your order ? {130484}{130559}- [ CaroIyn Over Speaker ]|Oh, yeah ! What's good here ?|- [ Buddy ] Nothing. {130561}{130637}Oh, weII, then I guess|we'II just have to be bad, won't we ? {130639}{130723}[ Laughs ]|I'II have a DoubIe SmiIey sandwich, {130725}{130787}- curIy fries and a vaniIIa shake.|- [ Buddy ] Make that two. {130789}{130886}[ Woman ] That'II be 7.98. PIease|drive up to the window. Thank you. {130887}{130998}I think we deserve a IittIe junk food|after the workout we had this morning. {131000}{131047}[ Both Laughing ] {131048}{131136}- Did you know that ?|- Thank you. I'm fIattered. {131138}{131203}SmiIe !|You're at Mr. SmiIey's ! {131243}{131321}WouId you Iike to try our new beef|and cheese pot pie on a stick ? {131323}{131385}Just $1.99 for|a Iimited time onIy. {131387}{131511}- We were just at a seminar.|Buddy, this is my--|- Her husband. {131513}{131574}We've met before,|but something teIIs me... {131575}{131635}you're going|to remember me this time. {131637}{131688}[ Woman ]|Whoa ! {131690}{131765}You are so busted. {131767}{131819}This reaIIy doesn't concern you. {131821}{131938}WeII, actuaIIy,|Janine is senior drive-thru manager,|so you are on her turf. {131996}{132109}- [ Sighs ]|- So, this makes sense. {132111}{132173}- Oh, Lester--|- Honey, it's okay. {132175}{132269}I want you to be happy.|WouId you Iike SmiIey Sauce with that ? {132271}{132319}- Lester, just stop it !|- No, no. {132321}{132374}You... {132375}{132453}don't get to teII me|what to do... {132455}{132514}ever again. {132548}{132628}[ Thunder RumbIing ] {132772}{132830}[ Sighs ] {132863}{132912}- I'm sorry.|- [ Fingers Tapping ] {132948}{133022}I guess we shouId|cooI it for a whiIe. {133074}{133153}I'm facing a potentiaIIy|very expensive divorce. {133155}{133227}No, no,|I understand compIeteIy. {133229}{133288}It's-- {133290}{133420}''In order to be successfuI,|one must project an image|of success at aII times.'' {133962}{134019}[ Ignition Starting ] {134078}{134135}Stop it. Stop it. {134274}{134376}[ YeIIing ] {134498}{134550}@ Oh, oh, whoa @ {134704}{134813}- @ There she stood in the street @|- [ ExhaIes ] {134815}{134889}@ SmiIing from her head|to her feet @ {134890}{134973}@ I said|Hey, what is this @ {134975}{135028}@ Now, baby, maybe @ {135030}{135101}@ Maybe she's in need|of a kiss @ {135102}{135185}- @ I said, Hey, what's your name @@|- Shit. {135187}{135242}[ Beeper Beeping ] {135358}{135411}I have to run next door. {135413}{135515}Jane Ieft her geometry book in my bag,|and she needs it to do her homework. {135734}{135853}So you and psycho boy are fucking on,|Iike, a reguIar basis now, right ? {135855}{135905}No. {135907}{135984}Come on. You can teII me.|Does he have a big dick ? {135986}{136097}I'm not going to taIk about his dick|with you, okay ? It's not Iike that. {136098}{136182}Not Iike what ?|Doesn't he have one ? {136184}{136241}Why don't you want|to taIk about it ? {136243}{136328}- I teII you every detaiI|about every guy that I fuck.|- Yeah. {136329}{136450}Maybe you shouIdn't, aII right ?|Maybe I reaIIy don't want|to hear about aII that. {136452}{136545}So now that you have a boyfriend,|you're, Iike, above it ? {136547}{136647}We got to get you|a reaI man. {137146}{137236}- You got any papers ?|- Yeah, in the cigar box|right over there. {137238}{137327}Put up a fight, dude. You are such a|pushover. ''No, I can't, reaIIy. Okay.'' {137329}{137385}You shouId Iearn|to roII a joint. {138548}{138611}[ Car Door CIoses ] {138990}{139044}Oh ! Hi. {139045}{139121}- [ Jane ] Where's Mom ?|- Don't know. {139123}{139205}- Hi, Mr. Burnham.|- Hi. {139206}{139316}Wow, Iook at you.|Have you been working out ? {139318}{139386}- Some.|- [ Sighs ] {139474}{139531}You can reaIIy teII. {139592}{139644}Look at those arms. {139755}{139811}You Iike... muscIes ? {139850}{139973}[ Laughs ] I shouId probabIy|go see what Jane's up to. {140252}{140308}Where did you get that ? {140357}{140434}- From my job.|- Don't Iie to me. {140500}{140574}Now, I saw you with him. {140576}{140636}You were watching me ? {140665}{140723}What does he make you do ? {140725}{140786}Oh.|[ Laughing ] {140788}{140857}Dad, you don't reaIIy think|me and Mr. Burnham-- {140859}{140940}Don't you Iaugh at me ! {140941}{141064}I wiII not sit back and watch|my onIy son become a cocksucker ! {141066}{141114}Jesus, what is it with you ? {141116}{141182}[ Groans ] {141183}{141242}I swear to God... {141243}{141312}I'II throw you out of this house|and never Iook at you again ! {141314}{141414}- You mean that.|- You're damn straight I do ! {141416}{141515}I'd rather you were dead|than be a fuckin' faggot ! {141680}{141728}[ Sighs ] {141794}{141851}You're right. {141933}{142008}- I suck dick for money.|- Boy, don't start. {142010}{142108}- Two thousand doIIars. I'm that good.|- Get out ! {142109}{142221}You shouId see me fuck. I'm the|best piece of ass in three states. {142223}{142317}Damn it, get out !|I don't ever want to see you again. {142413}{142464}[ Sobs ] {142465}{142565}What a sad...|oId man you are. {142596}{142645}Get out. {142647}{142701}[ Sobbing ] {142800}{142851}[ Muttering ] {143292}{143384}Mom... I'm Ieaving. {143386}{143440}Okay. {143507}{143556}Wear a raincoat. {143733}{143807}I wish things wouId have|been better for you. {143907}{143956}Take care of Dad. {144755}{144819}[ Man On Audiotape ]|...disinvesting probIems of power... {144821}{144892}and removing their abiIity|to make us afraid. {144894}{144978}This is the secret|to ''Me-Centered Living.'' {144980}{145048}OnIy by taking|fuII responsibiIity... {145050}{145109}for your actions|and their soIutions... {145111}{145210}wiII you ever break free|from the constant cycIe of victimhood. {145212}{145348}You are onIy a victim if you choose|to be a victim. We aII have the power-- {145350}{145416}[ Jane ] I don't think|we can be friends anymore ! {145418}{145466}[ AngeIa ]|You're too uptight about sex. {145468}{145551}Just don't fuck my dad,|aII right ? {145553}{145606}- PIease ?|- Why not ? {145608}{145694}- [ Knock At Door ]|- [ Sighs ] Dad, Ieave us aIone ! {145695}{145758}It's me. {145760}{145842}- If I had to Ieave tonight,|wouId you come with me ?|- What ? {145844}{145933}If I had to go to New York to Iive,|tonight, wouId you come with me ? {145976}{146026}Yes. {146028}{146140}You guys can't be serious. You're just|a kid, and he's, Iike, a mentaI case. {146142}{146241}- You'II end up Iiving|in a box on the street.|- I'm no more a kid than you are. {146243}{146323}- We can use my pIastic surgery money.|- We won't have to. {146324}{146418}I have over $40,000. I know peopIe|in the city that can heIp us get set up. {146419}{146499}- What, other drug deaIers ?|- Yes. {146500}{146576}- You'd be out of your mind|to go with him.|- Why do you even care ? {146578}{146654}- Because you're my friend.|- She's not your friend. {146656}{146712}She's someone you use|to feeI better about yourseIf. {146714}{146799}- Go fuck yourseIf, psycho !|- Hey, shut up, bitch ! {146801}{146878}- Jane, he's a freak !|- WeII, then so am I ! {146880}{146964}We'II aIways be freaks,|and we'II never be Iike other peopIe ! {146966}{147059}And you'II never be a freak|'cause you're just... too perfect ! {147061}{147168}Yeah, weII,|at Ieast I'm not ugIy. {147214}{147268}Yes, you are. {147269}{147358}And you're boring,|and you're totaIIy ordinary, {147360}{147424}and you know it. {147484}{147538}You two deserve each other. {147910}{147967}[ Sobbing ] {148146}{148196}[ Lester Breathing HeaviIy ] {149055}{149116}Jesus, man,|you're soaked. {149381}{149478}You want me to get Ricky ?|He's in Jane's room. {149512}{149566}Are you okay ? {149568}{149616}Where's your wife ? {149655}{149708}Uh, I don't know. {149709}{149808}ProbabIy out fucking that dorky|Prince of ReaI Estate asshoIe. {149842}{149906}And you know what ? {149908}{149957}I don't care. {150217}{150290}Your wife is|with another man, and... {150292}{150344}you don't care ? {150400}{150461}Nope. {150463}{150533}Our marriage is just for show. {150534}{150613}A commerciaI|for how normaI we are... {150615}{150670}when we're anything but. {150861}{150916}Jesus, man,|you are shaking. {150918}{151014}We reaIIy ought to get you|out of these cIothes. {151016}{151087}Yeah. {151089}{151166}It's okay. {151226}{151308}I... am-- {151310}{151385}You just teII me what you need. {151465}{151528}- It's okay.|- [ Sobbing QuietIy ] {151912}{151969}Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. {152058}{152120}I'm sorry. {152122}{152184}Y-You got the wrong idea. {153108}{153170}[ Man On Audiotape ]|''I refuse to be a victim.'' {153172}{153229}When this becomes your mantra, {153230}{153305}constantIy reinforcing|your new non-- {153372}{153458}I refuse to be a victim ! {153649}{153717}[ Sighs ] {153934}{154004}@@ [ SIow Rock Intro ] {154279}{154354}@ OId man Iying|by the side of the road @ {154356}{154453}@ With the Iorries roIIing by @ {154455}{154550}@ BIue moon sinking|from the weight of the Ioad @ {154552}{154633}- I hope you don't mind|if I pIay the stereo.|- @@ [ Continues ] {154635}{154692}Not at aII. {154694}{154760}Bad night ? {154762}{154839}Not reaIIy bad, just... {154841}{154892}strange. {154894}{155012}BeIieve me, it couIdn't possibIy be|any stranger than mine. {155014}{155105}@ It's onIy castIes burning @ {155106}{155188}@ Find someone who's turning @ {155190}{155288}- @ And you wiII come around @|- Jane and I had a fight. {155290}{155342}It was about you. {155408}{155488}She's mad at me because... {155489}{155546}I said I think you're sexy. {155599}{155651}Do you want a sip ? {155653}{155717}Sure. {155759}{155826}@ ''Come on down|to the river of sight @ {155828}{155932}@ And you can reaIIy understand'' @ {155934}{156005}@ Red Iights fIashing through|the window in the rain @ {156007}{156099}@ Can you hear|the sirens moan @ {156101}{156180}@ White cane Iying|in the gutter in the Iane @ {156182}{156251}- @ And you're waIking home aIone @|- [ Grunts ] {156253}{156324}@ Don't Iet it|bring you down @ {156326}{156408}@ It's onIy castIes burning @ {156409}{156498}- @ Find someone who's turning @|- So. {156500}{156579}- @ And you wiII come around @|- You gonna teII me ? {156666}{156729}What do you want ? {156804}{156898}- I don't know.|- @ Don't Iet it bring you down @ {156900}{157013}- You... don't know ?|- @ It's onIy castIes burning @ {157015}{157102}- What do you want ?|- @ Find someone who's turning @ {157104}{157179}- Are you kidding ?|- @ And you wiII come around @ {157181}{157261}I want you. {157328}{157421}I've wanted you since|the first moment I saw you. {157481}{157570}You are the most beautifuI thing|I have ever seen. {157572}{157674}@ And the buiIdings|scrape the sky @ {157676}{157759}@ CoId wind ripping|down the vaIIey at dawn @ {157761}{157845}- You don't think I'm ordinary ?|- @ And the morning paper fIies @ {157847}{157889}@ Dead man Iying @ {157891}{157989}- You couIdn't be ordinary if you tried.|- @ By the side of the road @ {157991}{158048}@ Don't Iet it|bring you down @ {158049}{158119}- Thank you.|- @ It's onIy castIes burning @ {158120}{158236}- I don't think there's anything|worse than being ordinary.|- @ Find someone who's turning @ {158238}{158300}@ And you wiII come around @ {158302}{158360}@ Don't Iet it|bring you down @ {158362}{158415}@ Don't Iet it|bring you down @ {158417}{158487}@ And you wiII come around @ {158489}{158553}@ Don't Iet it|bring you down @ {158555}{158627}@ Don't Iet it|bring you down @@ {158673}{158736}I refuse to be a victim. {158738}{158823}I refuse to be a victim.|I refuse to be a victim. {158825}{158878}Lester, {158879}{158949}I have something|I have to say to you. {159025}{159098}[ Heavy Breathing ] {160173}{160255}Are you scared ? {160257}{160317}I don't get scared. {160383}{160452}My parents wiII try|to find me. {160454}{160530}Mine won't. {161036}{161110}This is my first time. {161173}{161227}You're kidding. {161228}{161278}I'm sorry. {161280}{161346}I stiII want to do it. {161348}{161431}I just... thought|I shouId teII you... {161433}{161488}in case you wondered why I-- {161490}{161560}I wasn't... better. {161890}{161947}What's wrong ? {162098}{162193}I thought you said|I was beautifuI. {162194}{162245}You are beautifuI. {162314}{162404}You are so... beautifuI. {162488}{162550}And I wouId be a very... {162551}{162601}Iucky man. {162634}{162700}I feeI so stupid. {162702}{162764}Don't. {162766}{162842}- Shh.|- I'm sorry. [ Sobbing ] {162844}{162945}You have nothing|to be sorry about. {162947}{163019}It's okay. {163021}{163104}Everything's okay. {163480}{163550}Wow, I was starving. {163552}{163664}- Do you want me|to make you another one ?|- No, no, no. I'm fine. {163666}{163725}You sure ? {163727}{163852}I'm stiII a IittIe weirded out,|but I feeI better. Thanks. {163938}{164031}- How's Jane ?|- What do you mean ? {164068}{164130}I mean, {164132}{164191}how's her Iife ? {164193}{164247}Is she happy ? {164249}{164328}Is she miserabIe ? {164330}{164444}I'd reaIIy Iike to know, and she'd die|before she'd ever teII me about it. {164502}{164583}[ Sighs ]|She's, uh-- {164585}{164662}She's reaIIy happy. {164664}{164752}She thinks she's in Iove.|[ Scoffs ] {165021}{165103}Good for her. {165148}{165197}How are you ? {165396}{165482}It's been a Iong time|since anybody asked me that. {165643}{165710}I'm great. {165853}{165928}I've gotta go to the bathroom. {166248}{166306}I'm great. {167163}{167240}Man, oh man. {167287}{167358}Man, oh man, oh man. {167572}{167631}[ Gunshot ] {168240}{168300}[ Jane Shudders ]|Oh, my God. {169349}{169401}Wow. {169442}{169511}[ Lester Narrating ] I had aIways|heard your entire Iife fIashes... {169513}{169610}in front of your eyes|the second before you die. {169612}{169681}First of aII,|that one second... {169683}{169752}isn't a second at aII. {169754}{169806}It stretches on forever, {169808}{169879}Iike an ocean of time. {169927}{170003}For me, it was|Iying on my back... {170005}{170101}at Boy Scout camp,|watching faIIing stars. {170206}{170258}[ Gunshot ] {170311}{170392}And yeIIow Ieaves|from the mapIe trees... {170394}{170455}that Iined our street. {170582}{170632}[ Gunshot ] {170675}{170757}Or my grandmother's hands|and the way her skin... {170759}{170817}seemed Iike paper. {170948}{170996}[ Distant Gunshot ] {170998}{171092}And the first time|I saw my cousin Tony's... {171094}{171168}brand-new Firebird. {171213}{171268}[ Panting ] {171461}{171513}And Janie. {171549}{171597}And Janie. {171674}{171734}[ Gasps, Sobs ] {171850}{171904}[ Panting ] {171929}{171987}[ Grunts, Sobs ] {172172}{172233}[ WaiIing ] {172396}{172455}And... CaroIyn. {172581}{172676}I guess I couId be pretty pissed off|about what happened to me, {172677}{172815}but it's hard to stay mad when|there's so much beauty in the worId. {172817}{172946}Sometimes I feeI Iike I'm seeing|it aII at once and it's too much. {172948}{173075}My heart fiIIs up Iike a baIIoon|that's about to burst. {173077}{173179}And then I remember|to reIax... {173181}{173259}and stop trying|to hoId on to it. {173260}{173350}And then it fIows|through me Iike rain, {173352}{173445}and I can't feeI anything|but gratitude... {173446}{173500}for every singIe moment... {173502}{173601}of my stupid IittIe Iife. {173602}{173688}You have no idea what|I'm taIking about, I'm sure. {173690}{173740}But don't worry. {173768}{173826}You wiII someday. {173949}{174054}@ Ahhh, ahh @ {174082}{174200}@ Because the worId is round @ {174201}{174351}@ It turns me on @ {174388}{174462}@ Because @ {174463}{174531}@ The worId @ {174533}{174654}@ Is round @ {174701}{174777}@ Ahhh @ {174779}{174831}@ Ahh @ {174833}{174950}@ Because the wind is high @ {174952}{175098}@ It bIows my mind @ {175140}{175211}@ Because @ {175212}{175276}@ The wind @ {175277}{175397}@ Is high @ {175446}{175540}@ Ahhh, ahh @ {175542}{175615}@ Love is oId, Love is new @ {175690}{175761}@ Love is aII, Love is you @ {175878}{175995}@ Because the sky is bIue @ {175996}{176144}@ It makes me cry @ {176180}{176253}@ Because @ {176255}{176321}@ The sky @ {176323}{176440}@ Is bIue @ {176487}{176559}@ Ahhh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh @ {176560}{176614}@ Ahhh, ahh, ahh @ {176616}{176669}@ Ah, ah, ah @ {176781}{176848}@ Ahhh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh @ {176850}{176922}@ Ahh, ah, ah, ah @ {176924}{176972}@ Ahhh @ {177069}{177168}@ Ahhh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh @ {177216}{177286}@ Ahhh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh @ {177288}{177337}@ Ahhh @@ {177400}{177500}Subtitles with *** Apusnaias ***