{1441}{1497}What's this ''having a picnic''|in my car? {1516}{1604}I'm not getting sex at home.|Don't deny me this. {1610}{1662}You sIeep with|a beautifuI woman nightIy. {1670}{1779}''Married'' means you sIeep together,|but you can't get none. {1884}{1944}Watch it with aII that shit,|aII right? {2000}{2029}Where are your cup hoIders? {2041}{2062}I don't have one. {2070}{2168}$80,000 for this car|and there's no cup hoIder? {2176}{2276}It's $105,000, and it's one of|the fastest cars on earth. {2282}{2319}0 to 60 in 4 seconds. {2325}{2394}-It's a Iimited edition.|-You damn right! {2400}{2443}No cup hoIder, no back seat. {2455}{2504}It's a shiny dick|with 2 chairs in it. {2515}{2579}I guess we the baIIs,|just dragging aIong. {2611}{2633}Damn! {2666}{2688}Sorry. {2824}{2844}Get it. {2858}{2922}I can't get down there.|You got an engineering fIaw. {2929}{2968}My shit ain't going down|up in there. {2991}{3046}Go!|Titty-titty, strutty-strutty. {3052}{3099}Make them want it. {3105}{3149}I ain't cIeaning up after you. {3155}{3249}My hand can't get down there.|When it does, it gets stuck. {3256}{3309}Then you got this shit. {3315}{3342}Get that fry. {3348}{3391}This ain't Denny's! {3411}{3502}I wouIdn't buy from Denny's.|I don't Iike how we been treated. {3507}{3561}They bit.|Let's gank these fooIs! {3585}{3660}You ain't interested in the fry.|You aII up in that. {3668}{3688}Get out. {3693}{3715}Shit! {3720}{3783}-What the fuck?!|-We've had a big week. {3791}{3832}So get out of the car. {3840}{3889}Damn!|What you weigh, 350? {3925}{3973}You're a chicken-eating fucker, right? {4002}{4061}Why I aIways get|the big motherfuckers? {4069}{4096}Get out! {4103}{4135}AII right! AII right! {4141}{4180}HoId on! {4186}{4258}Funny! Let me teII you|how bad a day you're having. {4264}{4302}We're cops. {4312}{4358}And I'm a standup comedian... {4366}{4426}...and I suck!|So I need your car. {4432}{4459}I ain't WesIey Snipes. {4465}{4548}I just hang out with stupid friends|who drive cars... {4561}{4604}...that attract fucking attention! {4611}{4709}I need to jump over this car|and smack you in the head. {4715}{4785}-You're arguing over a fry!|-It's not about that. {4790}{4845}It's your disrespect|for my property! {4850}{4891}-Hey, hey!|-Shut up! {4897}{4971}This is stupid!|HoId the fuck on! {4976}{5029}If you want some bad enough,|come get some! {5116}{5144}You Iike that shit? {5150}{5210}WesIey Snipes, Passenger 57. {5216}{5262}Now get me a fucking Handi Wipe. {5285}{5330}Let's hear a joke, bitch! {7616}{7672}What do you think?|Looks Iike the reaI thing. {7686}{7714}Remember your assignment? {7726}{7760}I'm a decoy. {7782}{7802}You are. {7984}{8014}What are you doing?! {8063}{8083}PoIice? {8089}{8145}I just saw a poIiceman shot... {8151}{8227}...at South Miami and 1st Street.|HeIp, pIease! {8235}{8289}All units. Officer down. {8295}{8328}A squad code 3. {8446}{8500}All units respond and identify. {9000}{9078}Officer down.|We need additional ground units. {9209}{9281}Air3, Roger.|Suspect orsuspects unknown. {9397}{9443}Gentlemen, it's clear. {10249}{10274}We're inside. {10418}{10438}We're in. {10454}{10484}You got 20 minutes. {10741}{10796}Goddamn tacos wiII kiII me. {11134}{11196}We got 12 minutes.|Let's go. {11614}{11656}CIear. We're in. {12298}{12349}Move yourass.|We got 6 minutes. {12381}{12402}Ready. {12542}{12596}Ready to fire.|Go! {12865}{12895}Fire! {12985}{13010}Go! {13373}{13396}Move! {14042}{14073}Damn! {14100}{14133}Did you have sweet dreams? {14185}{14233}You're so nasty. {14257}{14316}You aIways saying|you want quaIity time. {14330}{14425}I got the time and you|damn sure got the quaIity. {14455}{14481}Come on now. {14513}{14534}You know what it is? {14587}{14669}I can't remember the Iast time|we feII asIeep together. {14735}{14759}Baby.... {14801}{14830}It's my job. {14836}{14866}That's required. {14876}{14949}I'm a better cop when|I get some in the morning. {14955}{14989}I feeI Iighter on my feet. {14995}{15069}Keep it in your pants.|I hear 3 IittIe Burnetts coming. {15077}{15105}That's coId. {15113}{15160}You Ieave me here|Iike a humping dog. {15203}{15242}Hi, baby boy! {15279}{15317}-Daddy! Daddy!|-What's up? {15459}{15566}At schooI, peopIe say I Iook weird.|They say my ears Iook funny. {15573}{15664}I have that probIem, I got the ears.|But you know what? {15670}{15726}They for you to Iisten|to peopIe's probIems. {15731}{15817}You're an angeI.|These are your wings. {15826}{15900}James, stop!|WouId you take them off?. {15939}{16019}Don't make me come to your schooI.|I'II arrest the principaI. {16060}{16098}TaIking about my boy's ears. {16138}{16170}UncIe Mike's in the house! {16180}{16211}What's up? {16221}{16259}Partner, partner! {16272}{16296}Check it out. {16307}{16360}What'd you take my food for? {16385}{16452}Don't! I don't know where|your Iips were Iast night. {16510}{16554}Did you have a date Iast night? {16560}{16603}Did I! {16615}{16652}Let me teII you.|This girI was-- {16679}{16739}Don't teII my son|your sIeazy sex stories. {16745}{16811}I onIy teII your husband|my sIeazy sex stories. {16817}{16871}Him neither.|It gives him ideas. {16879}{16959}Why put me in this?|I'm with my babies. {16964}{16994}Okay? Thank you. {17031}{17057}Eat. Go on! {17068}{17093}No probIem. {17215}{17241}Mike here. {17299}{17391}Captain, I think you mean,|''Get our asses down there, pIease.'' {17441}{17461}Maybe not. {17715}{17735}Hey, baby! {17755}{17784}Where's Howard? {17790}{17861}He's Iooking for you.|He's been in better moods. {17929}{17968}Damn! {17976}{18029}Get it done, goddamn it! {18065}{18105}WeIcome to our nightmare. {18142}{18171}See this? {18181}{18227}What's wrong with this picture? {18260}{18280}Remember this room? {18306}{18356}These fIats Iook famiIiar? {18362}{18437}There were these siIver packets|that Iooked Iike bricks. {18445}{18497}LittIe red tags on them,|about so high? {18508}{18536}AII that heroin, gone! {18554}{18602}Our career bust.|$100 miIIion! {18618}{18659}-Gone!|-This is bad. {18665}{18722}Let me caII it what it is:|Fucked up! {18728}{18765}You got that right. {18786}{18811}HeIIo, AIison. {18818}{18907}You know Captain SincIair,|InternaI Affairs's top watchdog. {18913}{18976}I'd take that as a compIiment,|but I know you. {18985}{19073}If you two want to get personaI,|we couId step out-- {19081}{19144}It's nothing personaI.|I'm just doing my job. {19159}{19274}I know one Ieak can turn|this nightmare into a media frenzy. {19280}{19368}That won't happen.|We'II get the dope back before that. {19384}{19454}Start by Iooking here.|It had to be an inside job. {19469}{19508}I'II find out about it. {19530}{19583}Sanchez, Ruiz, you're Iate. {19644}{19719}So they put this in for|toxic drug fumes? {19739}{19781}BriIIiant design! {19786}{19834}This was inteIIigent.|I Iike this. {19840}{19903}I didn't ask how he feeIs.|What did he see? {19909}{19941}What does he know?. {19990}{20024}Where were you Iast night? {20030}{20104}Have your cousins bring it back|and we can sIeep. {20111}{20175}We were going to,|but we found a probIem. {20180}{20228}Your mama snorted up aII the dope. {20242}{20278}Get over there. {20344}{20399}O'Fee is okay|but has nothing to teII us. {20407}{20491}They kiII a decoy, it empties|the station. Very smart! {20499}{20575}But not a reaI cop, or the|whoIe force wouId be on them. {20581}{20640}This was your case.|You're back on it. {20650}{20708}Sanchez, Ruiz, back them up|with whatever they need. {20716}{20757}Shut your mouths! {20763}{20847}It was Carrera's drugs|in the first pIace. {20853}{20929}But he was kiIIed in prison.|What about his crew?. {20936}{21011}Those idiots don't have|the precision to do this. {21016}{21054}But check them out. {21060}{21155}They wouId have been|in here with Uzis. {21160}{21198}It takes brains do this. {21204}{21254}Big cojones too. {21259}{21296}What do you mean? {21302}{21362}It wouId take a month to expIain. {21478}{21552}We've got nothing.|What's the matter with you? {21573}{21636}The guy who puIIed this off|knew what he was doing. {21646}{21697}He Ieft us a big ''Fuck you.'' {21743}{21816}Find out who instaIIed|the ventiIating system. {21885}{21923}-That's coId.|-So's your mama's bed. {21939}{22004}This couId definiteIy be|an inside job. {22055}{22158}We got 72 hours before the FBI and DEA|come and shut us down. {22171}{22201}We'II be the bad guys. {22214}{22243}The poIitics demand... {22248}{22314}...that somebody take the rap,|and it'II be us. {22337}{22407}Just do what you do.|OnIy faster. {22413}{22485}Jojo, you stiII a chemist, right? {22491}{22526}Cutting drugs and shit Iike that? {22532}{22624}I don't know about that.|I'm out of the drug business. {22630}{22670}You know something. {22675}{22719}I just said ''no'' to drugs. {22736}{22794}You said ''no'' to drugs!|What you into, Jo? {22800}{22825}Rubber. {22830}{22888}You're seIIing tires, huh? {22898}{22969}You know nothing?|Jojo don't know nothing. {22974}{23004}I know tires. {23010}{23084}-You teIIing the truth?|-WouId I Iie to you? {23111}{23134}Hey! You driving. {23319}{23360}This is a waste of time. {23366}{23481}In Maxie's Iine of work|she definiteIy gets the 41 1 . {23488}{23570}Maxie! How'd I know|I'd find you here? {23662}{23722}We got to taIk.|Where can we taIk? {23729}{23764}The equipment room? {23778}{23822}-Behave yourseIf.|-I'm cooI. {24089}{24159}Listen, I need some heIp.|Again. {24165}{24199}What eIse is new?. {24477}{24568}Some major iII shit|happened down at the P.D. {24574}{24640}There's Iots of heroin|and cash invoIved. {24646}{24718}There'II be some joIIy young men|who want to party. {24724}{24758}What do you need? {24764}{24818}Lots of peopIe|wiII taIk to you, not me. {24834}{24892}You mean customers? {24897}{24983}Don't get in any wiId shit.|Just caII if you hear something. {25030}{25060}I think I wiII. {25307}{25344}What are you doing? {25350}{25392}Trying to keep my shit quick. {25402}{25499}Right, you ain't getting none at home.|You got extra energy. {25548}{25584}We got anything? {25590}{25670}Sanchez says the air conditioning|contract went to... {25675}{25720}...ManueI Arrona of Key Biscayne. {25743}{25819}He works out of his house this week.|That's the number. {25987}{26025}He's not answering. {26038}{26090}I guess we shouId Ieave. {26095}{26179}Make a trip aII the way here|to high society for nothing? {26186}{26239}No, man.|We can peek in the windows. {26245}{26275}That's okay. {26411}{26471}-I tripped.|-The handIe just opened? {26476}{26556}Right after I tripped.|They must want us to come in. {26561}{26593}Take a peek. {26623}{26662}HeIIo! {26675}{26719}We're your new neighbours. {26741}{26788}Don't be aIarmed.|We're Negroes. {26794}{26858}No man!|Too much bass in your voice. {26864}{26920}That scares white foIks.|Sound Iike them. {26935}{27010}We were wondering if we can|borrow some brown sugar. {27171}{27191}You fart? {27200}{27237}No, man! {27284}{27320}Dead guy. {27586}{27632}Looks Iike somebody's home. {27863}{27922}Let me take a stab at this one. {27935}{27991}He seIIs the ventiIation pIans|to the bad guys. {27997}{28073}-He gets rich, but dead.|-You're right on that. {28089}{28149}-I'm going to go caII homicide.|-Wait! {28155}{28203}Why do you act Iike this|around corpses? {28209}{28264}It's cooI. I just-- {28285}{28319}PIease? Look around. {28359}{28399}The smeII and the-- {28422}{28460}It's just unexpected. {28694}{28759}It's Iooks Iike our buddy Arrona|was a gambIer. {28765}{28805}Got dog track, jai aIai.... {28811}{28887}-Needed money to pay his debts.|-Bookie. {28984}{29013}Damn, man! {29019}{29060}Watch where you swing|the dead Ieg! {29066}{29098}My bad, my bad! {29104}{29164}Damn this.|I'm caIIing homicide. {29170}{29212}I'm a narcotics cop. {29284}{29333}Dead bodies... {29389}{29419}...dead ends. {29569}{29595}Maggots. {29691}{29712}What's wrong? {30070}{30118}Want to grab some burritos? {30181}{30266}You drive sIow enough|to drive Miss Daisy. {30321}{30389}Man, the transaction is done. {30394}{30447}We ain't got shit. It's over. {30454}{30511}We got it before, we'II get it again. {30518}{30574}Got it aII figured out, don't you? {30580}{30618}You got to have faith. {30624}{30705}By the time we figured out how,|we'd be out of a job. {30711}{30814}Scratch that! Everybody in|the unit wiII be out of a job! {30820}{30859}But don't worry! {30865}{30936}They tend to think|Mike Lowrey going to be aII right. {30942}{31039}EspeciaIIy since they think|you some rich kid pIaying cop. {31057}{31121}Look, man, I ain't got no trust fund. {31127}{31204}See, for me, no job, no check. {31211}{31269}That's Iike aII the other guys|in the unit. {31276}{31304}At Ieast, most of us. {31313}{31363}So I'm pIaying cop now?. {31394}{31440}This is a game?|I'm just joking? {31446}{31514}You aIways wanting to be|Starsky or Hutch. {31569}{31599}You know what? {31605}{31664}I'm so sick of this buIIshit! {31670}{31753}I'm supposed to apoIogize|for my famiIy Ieaving me money?! {31759}{31818}AII I ever wanted to be was a cop! {31824}{31880}I take it to the max every day. {31886}{31959}I'm the first guy in and the Iast|to Ieave a crime scene. {31966}{32018}So fuck you! And fuck them! {32024}{32104}And fuck anybody who got|a probIem with Mike Lowrey! {32155}{32213}-I Iove you, man.|-Fuck you, Marcus. {32283}{32314}I do. {32320}{32354}You're cooI, man. {32361}{32416}-You're my partner.|-Shut up. {32423}{32452}SIow-ass driver. {32458}{32524}-Driving Iike a bitch.|-Why I got to be aII that? {32530}{32555}SIow-ass. {32561}{32637}I'II take us off this cIiff,|keep fucking with me. {32658}{32719}Then it wouId be, what,|two bitches in the sea? {32725}{32782}-Is that what you want?|-Shut up. {32788}{32843}My wife know I ain't no bitch. {32881}{32918}I'm a bad boy. {32924}{33011}Bad boys, bad boys|What you going to do? {33017}{33080}What you going to do|When they come foryou? {33086}{33135}OnIy modeIs and that's aII. {33141}{33209}Max just dropped by.|I got to go. {33256}{33342}You want me to caII around|Iooking for the newIy rich? {33348}{33440}Are there any new guys partying a Iot,|spending Iots of money? {33446}{33498}This guy caIIed me today, desperate... {33504}{33584}...Iooking for new girIs in town.|Are you avaiIabIe? {33590}{33630}It'II be a quick $2,000. {33636}{33663}I got pIans with JuIie. {33669}{33716}She's your roommate, right? {33722}{33774}Bring her.|She's cute, she's sexy. {33780}{33819}She's not a working girI. {33825}{33864}He's on speedbaIIs. {33870}{33922}He probabIy can't get it up. {33928}{33974}Maybe we'II go check it out. {33980}{34033}CouId be the party I'm Iooking for. {34053}{34119}A party at the BiItmore.|That'II reaIIy rock. {34126}{34160}I owe you one. {34170}{34258}I'II just deduct it from|the hundreds of favours I owe you. {34276}{34324}Am I becoming a guest who won't Ieave? {34330}{34382}No, I Iike having you Iive with me. {34388}{34461}I'm an out-of-work photographer|who can't cook. {34469}{34524}Not a big upside for you there. {34530}{34624}What hip individuaI inspired|this visit to the BiItmore? {34630}{34658}It's a favour for Mike Lowrey. {34664}{34754}The cop I think you're|a IittIe bit in Iove with. {34761}{34844}Maybe I am.|But we're just friends. {34851}{34926}If I were in troubIe,|he's the person I'd caII. {34932}{35001}I know, I know.|I've heard this before. {35106}{35159}You must be Max. WeIcome. {35165}{35204}I'm Eddie. {35211}{35262}To the AI Capone suite. {35268}{35337}I guess we're a IittIe earIy. {35347}{35372}This is JuIie. {35450}{35500}You Iike AI Capone, don't you? {35526}{35569}I hadn't thought about it. {35616}{35676}I'm not kidding|about this being Capone's. {35682}{35776}He had the pIace|rigged with secret passageways. {35789}{35826}10 minutes, we're gone. {35833}{35861}Five. {35868}{35915}-One drink.|-One sip. {35966}{36000}Just girI chat. {36006}{36044}Where's the bathroom? {36063}{36105}Upstairs on your right. {36131}{36170}Watch your step. {36217}{36237}Come. {36256}{36282}Sit. {36300}{36351}Enjoy yourseIf. ReIax. {36357}{36421}Eddie's got some favors|to pIay with. {36450}{36476}That he does. {36482}{36546}I shouId've toId you about his party. {36552}{36624}WeII, now it's a surprise party. {36791}{36886}Okay, Max, I think we've been here|about 5 minutes too Iong. {37019}{37089}I see you treat yourseIf weII, Eddie. {37212}{37284}I needed to bIow off|a IittIe steam after... {37291}{37338}...the move, you know. {37344}{37409}So a IittIe party with|a few friends, that's aII. {37429}{37483}I was going to invite you guys. {37495}{37521}Invite? {37527}{37579}Looks Iike I'm catering this. {37630}{37709}I was Iooking for my 2 keys of dope.|Now I know where they are. {37715}{37769}Yours? It's our score. {37838}{37878}-And the girI?|-Nobody. {37894}{37934}Just entertainment. {37945}{37970}I'm Max. {37986}{38014}Nice to meet you. {38065}{38159}I Iike a woman who|takes pride in her appearance. {38210}{38242}Don't you? {38271}{38334}I hate when|a bitch Iets herseIf sIide. {38369}{38428}You Iook Iike a modeI in that dress. {38434}{38465}WiII you modeI for me? {38649}{38711}Oh, great!|It's the goon squad. {39365}{39433}You were a cop.|You shouId know hookers taIk. {39441}{39508}You couIdn't wait 4 more days|untiI I made the deaI? {39514}{39597}I can't work with|that kind of stupidity. {39608}{39661}I got you connected inside. {39689}{39747}I brought you my famiIy. {39826}{39854}It's my famiIy now. {39891}{39924}We're stiII friends. {39959}{40024}-What're you guys doing?|-You pissed him off. {40100}{40141}You got bIood on me again. {40172}{40200}Someone's there! {40276}{40301}Get her! {40438}{40464}Get her! {40715}{40745}What the fuck?! {41202}{41239}Shoot her! {41666}{41695}-I got her.|-I got her! {41701}{41784}-BuIIshit!|-What do you know about shooting? {41789}{41832}I can't beIieve she made it! {41846}{41883}Are you serious? {41889}{41917}She jumped. {41924}{41952}Fuck! {41977}{42059}Find out who she worked for,|and find out where she Iives. {42301}{42348}It's about fucking time! {42390}{42472}Come here, Iook at this.|See this guy? {42484}{42513}He's dead, right? {42519}{42571}-Look famiIiar?|-Eddie Dominguez. {42578}{42624}-The ex-cop.|-Two points for you. {42630}{42684}And there's high-grade|heroin over there. {42691}{42754}That's a headIine SincIair wiII Iove. {42759}{42803}No sign of forced entry. {42813}{42864}What is this? Looks Iike Beirut. {42870}{42908}It's the AI Capone suite. {42925}{42965}What can I say? Shit happens. {42983}{43023}It's a shitty day. {43028}{43058}ReaI shitty day. {43066}{43139}We've got two shades|of Iipstick over here. {43145}{43187}Someone's missing from the party. {43197}{43230}Listen to me. {43236}{43324}Your onIy function in Iife now|is to find that person. {43330}{43382}It's the onIy Iead we have. {43388}{43449}I'II check aII caIIs to the room. {43709}{43759}What you got over there? {44027}{44061}Cover her. {44145}{44186}He knew the girI? {44545}{44613}We'II get the witness|and get the fooIs who did this. {44635}{44691}See if you can|catch a ride with Howard. {44697}{44722}Where you going? {44749}{44834}Checking caIIs made to Lois FieIds.|Maxie worked for her. {44840}{44916}-I'II come with you.|-No, we'II catch up Iater. {44941}{44963}You okay? {44993}{45021}I'm cooI. {45216}{45246}HeIIo? {45405}{45431}Shit! {45536}{45638}Look, baby, I know|quaIity time was my idea. {45644}{45686}Don't talk about it. {45692}{45719}HoId on, babe. {45725}{45807}I need a fuII fiIe on Eddie Dominguez. {45813}{45839}Just a minute. {45845}{45890}l got on the red one. {45897}{45978}The red one? With the snaps?|CouIdn't you wait? {45984}{46015}You're neverhome. {46035}{46069}All his files are blocked. {46075}{46177}I don't care about his personaI fiIes.|He's dead. UnbIock it. {46183}{46219}Screw you, that's illegal. {46225}{46261}No, screw you! {46308}{46349}Are you talking to me? {46355}{46467}No, it's a term you use.|''Screw you'' is a cop term. {46473}{46516}You ain't screwing nothing! {46522}{46561}Goddamn it! {46648}{46678}Where's Lowrey? {46696}{46736}I just paged him. {46742}{46797}He's foIIowing up|this Lois FieIds Iead. {46803}{46828}The madam? {47200}{47269}Requesting backup.|614 Reach Road. {48116}{48141}That might be him. {48211}{48254}Lowrey's desk. {48260}{48324}I need to taIk|to Detective Mike Lowrey. {48330}{48370}Can l help you? {48376}{48435}You can get me Detective Lowrey. {48445}{48489}Is this another paternity case? {48501}{48563}No, it's another murder case,|you twerp! {48569}{48656}You mean the murder case|at the BiItmore tonight? {48675}{48732}l'vejust seen my best friend murdered. {48758}{48811}I'II onIy taIk to Mike Lowrey. {48817}{48864}Why onIy Mike Lowrey? {48871}{48973}None of your business.|I taIk to Lowrey or I bIow town. {48979}{49026}Mike, phone! TeIephone! {49046}{49111}He's coming right now.|HoId on. {49120}{49138}TaIk. {49145}{49170}I ain't got time. {49176}{49233}This is the witness from the hoteI. {49247}{49319}He just got out of the john.|HoId on. {49324}{49395}-TaIk to her now or she'II waIk.|-I can't be Mike. {49401}{49435}She's going to waIk out. {49441}{49491}-This is our witness.|-CaIm down! {49623}{49648}HeIIo. {49669}{49695}This is Lowrey. {49723}{49797}He doesn't taIk that way.|TaIk Iike him. {49802}{49851}You don't sound sexy enough. {49883}{49915}Damn! {49970}{50049}You don't know me.|My name's JuIie Mott. {50058}{50108}I was Max Logan's best friend. {50116}{50160}CaIm down, caIm down. {50165}{50204}TaIk to me now. {50284}{50364}She said if she ever needed anything.... {50420}{50458}I need your heIp. {50466}{50499}Give me the address. {50505}{50541}AII right. {50553}{50606}It'II be okay.|Mike's to the rescue. {50612}{50648}I'm on the way. {50654}{50695}-I'II find Lowrey.|-I can't go. {50701}{50730}You got to go! {50736}{50790}Get Mike to handIe this. {50796}{50848}Get to this address now.|Get up! {50854}{50924}You won't see your wife for a month!|Get up! {51239}{51281}Get this fucking door fixed! {51463}{51501}Mike Lowrey. {51510}{51573}No, easy.|Mike Lowrey. {51635}{51660}Shit! {51690}{51714}Who's there? {51745}{51789}Mike Lowrey. {51797}{51841}How do I know it's Lowrey? {51847}{51901}'Cause, I'm Mike Lowrey! {51910}{51949}We ain't got much time. {51955}{52009}HoId your badge up to the peephoIe. {52022}{52078}I won't Iet you in untiI you do. {52272}{52310}No way! {52358}{52414}-What was that for?|-You're not him! {52420}{52481}What do you mean?!|You've never met him! {52487}{52517}Max described you differentIy! {52524}{52542}I'm undercover! {52581}{52601}Prove it! {52607}{52701}I know Max from way back.|I heIped her brother get out ofjaiI. {52707}{52733}So? {52739}{52840}Sometimes we got together|to bump and grind.... {52846}{52875}Wrong! {52906}{52948}Give me the bat! {52958}{53012}Fine!|You don't want to beIieve me? {53026}{53064}You go at this shit aIone! {53134}{53173}I forgot. {53179}{53233}The bad guys probabIy|know where you Iive... {53238}{53299}...and are coming for you.|Good Iuck! {53354}{53398}I saw the whoIe thing. {53426}{53509}I watched him shoot her|Iike she was nothing. {53576}{53606}Shut the door. {53737}{53769}Look, Iady. {53788}{53848}You ain't got|no more bats, goIf cIubs... {53854}{53928}...or anything Iike that|to swing at me, do you? {53962}{54000}I knew Max, okay? {54013}{54080}I cared about Max aIso. {54118}{54174}I'm just here to heIp you. {54237}{54277}You're not what I expected. {54305}{54385}I ain't expect to waIk|into Yankee Stadium either. {54466}{54529}We got to get out of here, okay?|Let's go. {54543}{54591}I've got to get my dogs.|Dukie! {54627}{54663}Lukie, Dukie, whatever! {54672}{54718}You got a back door? {54724}{54763}Where we going? {54769}{54796}Protective custody. {54802}{54866}Fuck that!|I'm onIy deaIing with you. {54874}{54935}A cop threw that party at the hoteI. {54941}{55008}Former cop.|We got rid of him Iong ago. {55013}{55039}Come on, Luke! {55047}{55141}Listen, if you want to Iive,|you got to trust me. {55929}{55991}Here, doggie!|Come on, doggie! {56041}{56066}Who the heII was that?! {56089}{56158}There is too much kiIIing going on! {56167}{56197}Go after them! {56204}{56229}I'II go around front! {56294}{56332}Come on, move your ass! {56765}{56796}Get in the car! {56943}{57005}-Go, goddamn it!|-Fucking door! {57021}{57073}Go, goddamn it, go! {57235}{57314}How did you miss them?|You fat fuck! {57319}{57355}Watch your fucking mouth! {57361}{57401}Lose weight, you'd have caught them. {57407}{57469}I'd Iike to squeeze your fucking head. {57475}{57519}Now you're fucking in troubIe! {57525}{57578}-You get the Iicense pIate?|-I got the pIates. {57584}{57618}You cockeyed fuck! {57649}{57714}This is a getaway car?|We won't get away from anything! {57721}{57774}Is this a famiIy station wagon? {57781}{57852}You got a baby seat in the back! {57862}{57919}It's an undercover car, okay? {57933}{57990}I know they saw my Iicense pIate. {58005}{58045}Were those the guys who shot Max? {58050}{58115}I onIy saw buIIets.|You teII me what they Iook Iike. {58121}{58185}I was busy trying|to keep a buIIet out of you. {58201}{58272}I need you to Iook|through some mug shots... {58278}{58323}...to identify Max's shooter. {58328}{58372}-Where?|-Protective custody. {58377}{58447}I toId you I'm not going|into protective custody! {58453}{58482}I'm not pIaying. {58487}{58569}You reaIIy pissing me off.|I'II book your ass! {58576}{58684}I'II deveIop amnesia. I suddenIy|feeI a case of it coming on. {58691}{58755}Fine, where wouId you feeI safe? {58761}{58813}You want to do protective custody? {58822}{58927}In-home protective custody,|at your pIace. I can handIe that. {58937}{58992}Yeah, my pIace.|My pIace is-- {58998}{59030}No way! {59073}{59098}Right! {59106}{59171}Yeah, my pIace is the shit. {59176}{59245}Mike Lowrey's pIace.|You right. {59257}{59332}That's the best idea|you came up with tonight. {59416}{59444}Wait here. {59450}{59489}Wait here. {59625}{59651}Detective Burnett! {59656}{59734}How are you?|Mr. Lowrey's not here. {59740}{59792}He said I couId use his pIace. {59800}{59845}He didn't mention it to me. {59917}{59974}Who's the chick?|How's your wife? {60022}{60055}Fine, she's fine. {60061}{60132}Your kids, they're good?|FamiIy's the most important thing. {60143}{60168}Is it? {60174}{60255}Mr. Lowrey said you got a baby factory|going on at your house. {60270}{60292}Here you go. {60324}{60396}If that ain't enough,|I'II run you in for extortion. {60403}{60453}You know,|I'm so stupid sometimes. {60487}{60561}Now that you mention it,|Mr. Lowrey mentioned you'd come by. {60567}{60606}Did he say he had a key? {60643}{60666}Hang out. {60702}{60729}-Here.|-Is this it? {60735}{60757}You're hurting me. {60768}{60839}-Thank you. Good to see you.|-Good to see you. {60861}{60881}Have fun. {60901}{60925}It's not Iike that. {60944}{60993}It's not Iike that. {61113}{61139}Come on. {61145}{61201}Watch your step up through here. {61209}{61264}I must've Ieft some incense burning. {61271}{61334}WeIcome to Casa de Lowrey. {61376}{61413}This is kind of.... {61434}{61468}I'm aIways moving my switches. {61474}{61542}I'm aIways decorating, so sometimes|I just don't know where shit is. {61614}{61640}Shit! {61677}{61724}Why am I tripping on shit|I know is there? {61792}{61824}You found a Iight switch. {61830}{61905}I shouId have known it was there|since I decorated the pIace. {61953}{61977}This is Yvette. {61984}{62060}Ignore this.|It's one of my freaks, Yvette. {62066}{62117}She's aIways caIIing,|got to have it. {62124}{62186}Don't caII here no more now, freak!|Just one of my freaks. {62192}{62250}AII this on a cop's saIary? {62268}{62304}WeII... {62317}{62341}...it's honest money. {62347}{62405}I'm a second-generation rich kid. {62421}{62523}If you're not in it for the paycheck,|are you an action junkie? {62542}{62576}If that what you want to caII it. {62585}{62676}I don't mind bats swung at my head,|buIIets grazing my ass. {62682}{62723}Gives me a rush. {62729}{62755}Look... {62761}{62813}...I'II give you a broad stroke|of the pIace. {62825}{62900}I got some T-bones in the fridge|for Lukie and Dukie.... {62906}{63024}Sorry, the fridge is this way.|I confuse my own shit. {63037}{63128}Wait, are you going to|Ieave me here aIone? {63134}{63168}I must go to the P.D. {63174}{63252}These are Miami's|peak crime hours, you know. {63258}{63288}ApparentIy. {63320}{63424}They said this deaI was going down|in 4 days, and I, you know... {63430}{63516}...obviousIy seem to be kind of|a major gIitch in their-- {63560}{63641}You ain't with the bad guys now.|You're with the cops. {63648}{63704}With Mike Lowrey. You with the cops. {63710}{63767}Everything wiII be aII right.|Trust me. {63782}{63821}I'II be back. {63827}{63930}I know that it's no time to joke,|but remember in the movie when...? {63937}{63988}AII right, aII right. {64003}{64064}Thanks for everything, Mike. {64095}{64134}I'm going. {64264}{64305}You're one of those in and out guys. {64312}{64362}It's not Iike that, Chet. {64369}{64402}-She's a witness.|-Right. {64409}{64450}-Keep an eye out.|-No probIem. {64456}{64495}Listen to me. Hear me. {64502}{64535}-Me?|-That's right. {64542}{64651}AII right, the moment Lowrey gets in,|you have him caII me at home. {64668}{64699}-At my home.|-CaII you at home. {64705}{64746}Don't Iet him go upstairs. {64777}{64798}What? But he Iives here. {64812}{64854}I couId Iose my job. {64860}{64908}Chet, trust me on this, okay? {64914}{64940}CaII you from here. {64946}{64980}Don't Iet him up. {64986}{65022}-No probIem.|-Important witness. {65034}{65054}Thank you. {65060}{65145}I got an idea. I'm off in 2 hours,|I couId go upstairs... {65151}{65177}...and watch the door. {65183}{65230}Like cops do in the movies. {65236}{65298}I got a magazine and everything.|And I don't Iet anybody in or out. {65355}{65395}AII kidding aside, I want to heIp. {65401}{65462}You're heIping.|Do that from here. Can you? {65480}{65518}Yes, I can. {65532}{65592}Fine.|That heIps. From here, okay? {65600}{65681}It's funny that you ask me,|because I was going to be a cop. {65687}{65771}I took the test and everything.|Just didn't work out. {65777}{65801}PoIitics. {65826}{65862}I know, you're my deputy. {65869}{65895}-I am.|-From here. {65902}{65924}Watch out. {65930}{65959}Right. {65970}{66010}Take care, chief. {66030}{66050}I'm a deputy. {66056}{66132}Don't ''honey-baby'' me,|you smeII Iike perfume. {66194}{66259}And you don't have|your wedding ring on! {66306}{66336}Damn! {66364}{66417}I went undercover... {66423}{66500}...and it required|taking off the ring. {66506}{66594}I got the ring. I put my hand|in my pocket to get it... {66600}{66638}...and it's right back on. {66684}{66712}Damn! {66734}{66770}Can I get a piIIow?. {66777}{66867}If it isn't the guy|who doesn't return phone caIIs. {66873}{66935}Where you been|the Iast 12 hours? {66941}{66977}I paged you aII night! {66984}{67049}We got a situation here|that you need to know about. {67054}{67085}Look, Marcus... {67092}{67179}...I got a dead madam, a concussion|and a bad headache. {67185}{67247}Let me teII you what I did Iast night. {67253}{67357}I had to sIeep on my couch.|I woke up with a Power Ranger in my ass. {67364}{67452}WhiIe we're discussing my ass,|I damn near got it bIown off. {67464}{67525}The good news is I got a witness. {67531}{67600}Let me teII you about her.|She Iikes to-- {67617}{67676}You sound Iike a nagging wife. {67682}{67720}I'm a nagging...? {67726}{67811}See what happens when you go off aIone?|You get into shit. {67817}{67886}Like shit don't happen|when you're there. {67892}{67925}That ain't the point. {67931}{68032}If your partner pages you,|you shouId caII him back. {68038}{68096}I want to meet the man|who whupped your ass. {68102}{68173}I want to meet|who whupped Shaft's ass. {68179}{68260}Look at me. You don't know|what I've been through. {68266}{68348}My wife kicked me out|of my happy home. {68354}{68409}But, no.|You got to go off by yourseIf. {68415}{68515}''I got this, partner, I got this.''|BuIIshit. {68521}{68575}I'm feeIing much better,|thanks. {68582}{68609}I'II get him. {68652}{68675}I'II beat you up. {68722}{68788}Did you hear what I said?! {68794}{68859}I did, because I was there|when I said it. {68875}{68960}I toId you.|I toId you to secure a witness... {68966}{69010}...not shoot up a neighbourhood. {69016}{69117}Not to do another dead body.|Just get the dope back, quietIy. {69130}{69215}This whoIe situation|is getting out of controI. {69221}{69276}You're damn right it is! {69289}{69372}I had to pass a pop quiz|before she beIieved I was him. {69407}{69437}Going, it's going.... {69443}{69487}Shit, IittIe off. {69502}{69544}I haven't kiIIed anyone today. {69576}{69617}Do you want me to yeII at you? {69627}{69667}Listen, this witness... {69680}{69743}...it's the onIy good news I got,|okay? {69748}{69788}You guys are bad news. {69794}{69869}What does that mean?|It means if you must be Mike Lowrey... {69876}{69955}...I don't give a shit,|that's who you'II be! {69961}{70023}Wait a minute,|what the heII is going on? {70087}{70141}I was getting them aII in|before you came. {70147}{70219}Can somebody taIk to me, pIease?|What's going on? {70266}{70336}These fooIs couId have seen|my Iicense pIate. {70342}{70365}Where is she? {70438}{70458}His pIace. {70464}{70484}What? {70490}{70530}You Ieft her aIone? {70536}{70574}Our onIy witness?! {70580}{70629}You Ieft a hooker in my apartment?! {70635}{70718}The girI is not a hooker,|as far as I know. {70724}{70822}I had to stash her somewhere.|Her and her dogs, Luke and Dukie. {70836}{70922}You Ieft dogs in my house?|There's dogs and a hooker in my house? {70929}{70987}Add some chimps, we'II have a carnivaI. {70993}{71029}-She's not a hooker.|-Respect my stuff. {71035}{71081}-Can you pIease--|-Shut up! {71130}{71201}For years, SincIair has tried|to pin something on me. {71207}{71267}I'm aIways taking it for you.|Do it for me! {71353}{71462}If this witness IDs the shooters,|maybe we catch our bad guys. {71468}{71512}But untiI then... {71518}{71548}...untiI then... {71554}{71584}...you are Mike Lowrey. {71590}{71639}You be him,|that's what you are. {71645}{71691}You're him!|I don't want to hear it! {71697}{71733}You be you. {71739}{71816}But not in front of her!|You're him, you're you! {71949}{72032}Can we get a time-out?|Am I the designated homeIess? {72046}{72151}Does it Iook Iike I care?|Whatever it takes, aII right? {72157}{72177}What did she say to you? {72184}{72268}The shooters wiII make their drop|in 4 days? So we got 4 days. {72307}{72355}What kind of pIan is that? {72361}{72408}I can't be shacked up with her. {72414}{72496}I have a famiIy to Iook after.|My wife wiII kiII my ass. {72514}{72577}You don't Iike your job, quit! {72627}{72655}Damn! {72702}{72762}I'II stay at the house|with Theresa and the kids. {72769}{72877}Thanks, but no thanks.|You won't Iast 5 minutes with my famiIy. {72885}{72976}Married Iife is easy.|You onIy got one woman to satisfy. {73025}{73062}Yo, man... {73068}{73100}...we ain't the Cosbys. {73115}{73164}Let's go, I got this. {73170}{73194}Go. {73255}{73314}Everybody wants to be Iike Mike. {73320}{73387}You're going to be retired|Iike him too. {73398}{73454}I'd have dunked it on your ass. {73476}{73498}CIeveIand? {73517}{73618}I never-- Look, woman,|I done toId you... {73624}{73665}...it's a federaI subpoena. {73670}{73700}Am I going to teII them no? {73706}{73765}I don't know. Why can't he go? {73771}{73802}Why can't you go? {73808}{73901}I wanted to, but Captain Howard said|I'm irresponsi-- {73907}{73997}No, he said, ''Ioose cannon.''|Because I be shooting in pubIic. {74003}{74032}Out of nowhere sometimes. {74038}{74072}No, man. {74082}{74119}PIease. AII right. {74162}{74237}Look. The neighborhood|has Iots of break-ins. {74243}{74283}I can handIe it. {74289}{74389}I know, but I'm worrying about me.|Mike's going to stay here. {74408}{74476}Take care of y'aII.|Just tiII I come back. {74482}{74566}Who'II pick up the kids from day care?|Mike can't do it. {74572}{74632}Are you Iistening to me? {74638}{74714}I read a book|that couId probabIy heIp y'aII. {74738}{74797}Can you go down and have a Coke? {74803}{74832}PIease! {74838}{74861}AII right. {74902}{74922}Want something? {74969}{74991}Bring me a Coke. {74997}{75018}Want one? {75024}{75052}I'm fine, thanks. {75096}{75133}AII right. {75253}{75358}ExpIain it to me. There's a probIem|with our chemistry set? {75364}{75397}It's not a chemistry set. {75407}{75470}He knows it ain't a chemistry set. {75588}{75616}So what is it? {75622}{75688}The cutting agent|is a highIy voIatiIe... {75704}{75727}...substance. {75734}{75768}-I don't care.|-The ether-- {75774}{75816}I don't care! I don't care! {75822}{75899}I'm not|a fucking chemistry teacher. {75907}{75932}What is the probIem?! {75938}{76006}There's too much moisture down here. {76012}{76056}It's totaIIy fucked. {76062}{76086}Shut up! {76114}{76137}Okay. {76142}{76169}What eIse? {76175}{76272}It's taking Ionger to cook|than we pIanned. If we rush it... {76279}{76314}...we can't seII the drugs. {76323}{76394}You're fucking with my timetabIe.|I gave you a deadIine. {76399}{76422}Understand? {76428}{76469}-Do you understand?!|-I do. {76735}{76767}You dressed? {76787}{76826}Yeah, I am. {76832}{76943}We must go through some mug shots.|I'II hook into the computer. {76949}{77024}-And we can do this.|-Who's that guy in the photos? {77090}{77196}Sometimes I don't Iook|and forget aII those pictures was here. {77202}{77296}That's my partner. That's my partner,|Marcus Burnett. {77316}{77378}I've never seen anything|Iike this before. {77384}{77450}I see how it may throw you|a IittIe bit. {77456}{77491}It's a cop thing. {77497}{77568}These pictures are here for|each time he saved my Iife. {77574}{77681}It's the same with him.|At his pIace, just pictures of me. {77691}{77747}It's Iike a shrine. Just a reminder. {77784}{77899}When I saw it, the whoIe waII,|I thought maybe they were... {77913}{77942}...pictures of your Iover. {77963}{77988}Who? {77994}{78033}I thought you were gay. {78069}{78091}Gay? {78109}{78134}Nah, nah, nah. {78172}{78268}I didn't mean to offend you.|It's okay to be a homosexuaI. {78274}{78365}You're not Iistening.|It's not registering. {78371}{78472}BeIieve me. Did you sIeep in the bed?|You didn't feeI the dents? {78478}{78517}The dents come from that. {78523}{78556}That's how I gets down. {78562}{78592}That's... {78598}{78622}...sweet. {78634}{78728}I'm gay. If I was, I'd change the drapes|in this motherfucker. {78777}{78800}No. {78927}{78977}-You want some?|-No, thanks. {78983}{79026}I don't eat fIesh. {79042}{79067}What? {79081}{79128}That's fIesh that you're... {79134}{79169}...shoveIing in your mouth. {79175}{79291}That was a Iiving, breathing creature.|It probabIy had a name. {79346}{79381}It's just boIogna. {79387}{79436}My boIogna has a first name. {79442}{79512}ActuaIIy, your boIogna has|about 30 names... {79518}{79603}...because they take odd parts|from aII different ones. {79609}{79704}The Ieftovers: the hooves,|stomach Iining, ears... {79710}{79830}...and stuff. They put it into|a machine and grind it up. {79861}{79972}Then out comes, Iike, this sheet.|That's what you're eating now. {80056}{80080}You know what? {80086}{80157}I don't eat boIogna no more.|How about a pickIe? {80167}{80271}-Can I eat the pickIe?|-It has saIt, but it's a vegetabIe. {80277}{80307}SaIt in the pickIe? {80313}{80427}Let me rinse-- Let me rinse it off.|There we go. {80478}{80515}How's that? {80523}{80576}Just.... Let's keep going. {80582}{80617}I don't taste saIt now. {80715}{80740}Go back. {80905}{80931}That's the guy. {80938}{80986}He was there, in the room. {80992}{81096}We got a tip they was running|major druggage, Iike 50 keys. {81102}{81143}So we steps to the door. {81149}{81216}''Freeze! Miami P.D.!|Get down, get down, get down!'' {81228}{81334}Out of nowhere, this pimp named Chino|punched me in the head. {81340}{81404}Chino's running ho's.|Your dad wiII expIain that. {81410}{81432}Look at it. {81438}{81538}Your dogs shit aII over my pIace.|Liquid shit. {81544}{81640}It doesn't heIp, sheIIacking it in|with furniture poIish. {81646}{81695}There's a piece there.|Get it. {81701}{81757}-I got it.|-Look Iike a chip of shit. {81819}{81885}Can I pIease have the paroIe jacket|on Noah Trafficante? {81891}{81931}-Thank you.|-You know what? {81937}{81981}I'm tired of this witness. {81992}{82052}I want my Iife the way it was. {82058}{82134}I'm tired.|I got married so I couId stop Iying. {82140}{82188}I can't beIieve you're compIaining. {82194}{82283}You've got it easy compared to me,|Iiving in that zoo. {82303}{82343}Why you caII my pIace a zoo?! {82349}{82406}-I'm tired of you.|-You want to fight? {82412}{82467}Listen, Francine, pIease.... {82533}{82586}That's my siIk shirt, man! {82608}{82642}It's nice. {82648}{82739}I figure since I'm gonna be Mike,|I might as weII dress Iike Mike. {82760}{82780}l want to be... {82786}{82845}...l want to be like Mike. {82880}{82939}You're sick.|Something's wrong with you. {82945}{83015}You have a probIem|that shouId be checked. {83021}{83047}ProbabIy. {83073}{83142}-The fiIe. He worked at CIub HeII.|-Thank you. {83153}{83231}Can you take care of this?|I gotta caII the wife. {83259}{83280}Whose wife?! {83286}{83331}Can you pIease do some work? {83337}{83394}-Once today, just do something!|-I teII you-- {83400}{83443}Do something to heIp this case. {83449}{83474}Boy! {83480}{83526}You Iook handsome today. {83532}{83636}No, see, it's not that kind of day.|Leave me aIone. {83642}{83667}SeriousIy. {83686}{83715}What's up, babe, PMS? {83721}{83754}Damn the jokes! {83760}{83836}-Damn them! Ring it.|-Okay, I won't say anything. {83842}{83903}That's cooI. HoId on. {83953}{83975}Go ahead. {84047}{84077}AII right. {84095}{84127}How are the kids? {84195}{84237}How's potty training going? {84296}{84319}You're so siIIy. {84324}{84350}Will you be late? {84356}{84427}No, it'II be 10:30, 1 1 :00|before I get in. {84446}{84507}Don't wait up. I'II be there. {84619}{84654}Rent a movie. {84660}{84715}Something we can kick back to. {84781}{84801}What're you wearing? {84807}{84864}Give me the phone! Give it! {84870}{84973}She hung up a Iong time ago.|I was pIaying. I was pIaying. {85018}{85039}I was pIaying. {85083}{85161}Don't pIay Iike that.|That's my famiIy. My happy home. {85167}{85203}Stop wearing my cIothes. {85289}{85362}Everybody about the|motherfucking jokes today! {85402}{85436}I can't beIieve this. {85442}{85521}Come on, Eddie Dominguez's fiIe|can't be that hard to get into. {85527}{85630}I tried 3 times, I just can't get in.|Besides, this is iIIegaI. {85645}{85747}That never stopped you before.|Just Iet me know if you get anything. {85754}{85835}Anything for you.|But I can't get in. I tried. {86148}{86206}-What's up, Chet?|-Hey, Mr. Lowrey. {86222}{86257}Hey, Mr. Lowrey. {86317}{86354}The Lowrey Brothers. {86373}{86451}Let's just get down to CIub HeII|and pick up Noah. {86470}{86508}JuIie, it's me! {86538}{86600}You're supposed to get us|the Dominguez fiIe. {86606}{86657}It'II take a day or two. {86664}{86746}-We don't have a day or two.|-I'm not a computer whiz. {86752}{86795}It'II take awhiIe. {86802}{86884}-You ain't taking care of shit.|-I was thinking-- {86915}{86939}Hi. {86972}{87025}-You must be Marcus.|-I'd be Marcus. {87039}{87089}-That's right.|-Marcus, right? {87095}{87134}I'm JuIie. {87140}{87179}JuIie, hi. {87185}{87215}Nice to meet you. {87221}{87279}You too.|I recognized you from... {87284}{87324}...every one of the photographs. {87329}{87393}WeII, it's my man, you know. {87447}{87508}The waII.|Yeah, those on the waII. {87519}{87569}You must be very good. {87575}{87607}I'm sorry? {87624}{87714}As a partner.|Given your job, what you do. {87720}{87787}What time are we|doing this thing tonight? {87793}{87851}Mike said we're going to a cIub. {87908}{87948}''We''... {87954}{87994}...as in me and my partner. {87999}{88074}You wanted protective custody.|You at my house. {88079}{88116}That's just great. {88121}{88237}I'II stay here with Chet|the mini-moron doorman to protect me? {88242}{88280}Chet is very good. {88318}{88398}That Iooks Iike a stain on your rug.|Damn. {88404}{88504}That was my baby, Luke.|He gets nervous and-- {88516}{88542}He just shits. {88548}{88646}It's Iike marking his territory.|Sort of a maIe thing. {88651}{88727}I offered to pay Mike for the cIeaning|and he refused. {88733}{88761}I'II get rid of it. {88766}{88793}You don't need that. {88798}{88872}I was going to throw it out.|I want a new Iook. {88877}{88943}Mike, he's a speciaI guy.|Mike is speciaI. {88949}{89001}I caII him SpeciaI Mike. {89016}{89097}It's funny, you can Iaugh at that.|That's why... {89112}{89140}...I Iove him. {89164}{89216}Me, I'd be pissed. {89254}{89316}Look at this cute dog on the couch. {89322}{89344}That's Luke. {89350}{89408}Look how he crawIs on the Ieather. {89414}{89495}You want to meet Duke?|He's in the bed. He's upset... {89501}{89583}...and having diarrhea and throwing up. {89589}{89623}Oh, baby. {89629}{89703}Let's go see|if Duke is going to be okay. {89845}{89899}Me and you. Me and you. {89989}{90018}Who are you? {90023}{90087}-Who are you?|-Look, you must get out. {90093}{90146}-Hands off!|-Don't push me! {90151}{90178}I'm Yvette. {90183}{90219}Get your hands off me! {90225}{90264}What're you doing? {90269}{90368}Get out. If you don't stop|staIking me, I'II arrest you. {90381}{90423}You oId psycho! {90429}{90488}-You asshoIe!|-She's into some weird shit. {90509}{90549}What's going on? {90599}{90638}That was crazy Yvette. {90644}{90684}StaIking me. {90735}{90796}I forgot she was coming.|You threw her out? {90928}{90981}Yvette is a masseuse. {91082}{91124}She massages shit. {91147}{91182}She toId me. {91191}{91254}Are there any other|totaIIy hystericaI... {91259}{91349}...haIf-naked women popping by|I shouId know about? {91363}{91387}She was naked? {91399}{91427}Titties were out. {91432}{91463}You threw her out naked? {91528}{91617}My wife wouId hate--|She hates womanizers. {91686}{91728}Something's wrong with you. {91734}{91799}You don't respect|other peopIe's shit. {91804}{91860}I've been teIIing you that for years. {91869}{91902}Your trash is aII over. {91908}{91947}Enough! PIease! {91967}{92009}Me and my partner... {92015}{92088}...we're going to CIub HeII|to bust Noah. {92093}{92143}Anyone have a probIem with that? {92156}{92179}Fine. {92228}{92269}Don't bIow the case. {92502}{92554}Here's the deaI: You stay put. {92559}{92658}Anyone teIIs you to move,|you're making a deIivery for Fouchet. {92664}{92733}You got it? You got it? Frank? {92739}{92815}It's ether! It'II expIode, you dope! {92847}{92906}Don't even breathe, you knuckIehead! {93255}{93297}I remember you. {93756}{93791}Check it, Lowrey... {93800}{93867}...we got 2 days Ieft.|Let's do this right. {93872}{93930}No gunshots, no dead bodies. {93935}{93979}I'm not trying to Iose my job. {93985}{94065}As I recaII, the Iast dead bad guys|beIonged to you. {94081}{94124}Next time you kiII them... {94130}{94227}...do it after you get the information.|Just a suggestion. {94233}{94321}PIease. You ain't even|comparing body counts. {94344}{94393}ShouId I keep going? {94399}{94425}I'm out. {94441}{94508}Noah's paroIe jacket|says he works here. {94514}{94587}We're here arguing|Iike schooIgirIs. {94593}{94641}Let's stop this bickering. {94668}{94730}Because you're getting on my nerves. {94825}{94881}He got no package. {95320}{95403}Look at you! Look at you!|Can you stay focused? {95409}{95436}I'm focused. {95451}{95511}Focused on aII this ass around here. {95516}{95571}Let's do what we came to do and go. {95577}{95604}-SimpIe.|-Fine. {95610}{95676}Check around. Meet at the bar|in 10 minutes. {95682}{95725}-Fine.|-Fine. {95836}{95896}HoIy shit, what is he doing? {95905}{95928}Oh, man! {95934}{95987}That's the cop! There he is! {95993}{96047}That's him! I'm going. {96272}{96299}What's up? {96349}{96426}Budweiser. FeeI Iike I had|a miIIion of them. {96724}{96756}What's up? {97108}{97152}TeII me where to throw him! {98002}{98036}Fuck! {98274}{98362}Learn how to work the safety|with your punk-ass. {98374}{98399}I'II be back. {98604}{98646}Who whupped your ass now?. {98661}{98724}This reaIIy ain't the fucking time. {98730}{98791}They know.|Let's get Noah and go. {99172}{99192}It's the chick. {99202}{99230}Look, the chick! {99236}{99290}The bitch from the rooftop! {100316}{100336}Let's go! {100342}{100372}That was the guy who shot Max! {100372}{100397}That was the guy who shot Max! {100537}{100569}The truck! {100575}{100603}Take the truck! {100608}{100637}There! Go! {100691}{100730}We're in a hurry. {100782}{100802}Let's go! {100808}{100889}You're cops! Why are we running away?!|He's in there! {100894}{100921}Here! Go! {101171}{101196}This is good. {101202}{101235}Noah's chasing us! {101252}{101285}What was that? {101309}{101339}What was that? {101345}{101398}That was-- I don't know. {101408}{101498}I had a perfect shot at him|if Action Jackson here-- {101540}{101605}No! This is officiaI poIice business! {101610}{101699}You had no business in there!|Can you drive? {101705}{101772}-PIease drive!|-Don't bring it here! {101778}{101832}You picked an ice cream truck! {101878}{101927}-What am I smeIIing?|-Drive! {101933}{101963}What am I smeIIing? {101968}{101991}Ether. {101997}{102050}ExtremeIy fIammabIe ether. {102058}{102080}Oh, shit. {102086}{102116}Goddamn. {102122}{102154}You the man! {102159}{102190}You the man tonight! {102195}{102268}How you pick an ice-cream truck|that's a bomb?! {102390}{102418}Shit! {102423}{102467}This is protective custody?! {102473}{102498}Yes! {102670}{102691}Shit! {103074}{103127}Do something!|We're out of road! {103132}{103173}Who picked this road?! {103178}{103239}AII the road in Miami|and you run out! {103245}{103289}Come up with an idea, fast! {103294}{103348}Why must I come up with the ideas?! {103660}{103689}Take this shit! {103695}{103752}Dead end!|There's no more road! {103968}{104013}We out of fucking road! {104090}{104121}It's going to bIow! {104150}{104186}Get the fuck out! {104539}{104564}WeII.... {104582}{104644}ShouId I add this to your body count? {104704}{104766}There goes our onIy Iead to the dope. {104778}{104822}Ain't this a bitch! {104847}{104883}The dope?! {104919}{104970}What are you taIking about? {104976}{105077}''There goes our onIy Iead to Max's|kiIIer?!'' He's out there! {105083}{105205}That's not important, it's not|your job to protect peopIe! Shit! {105210}{105267}-She's crazy!|-I'm crazy?! {105373}{105409}Her rocker's gone! {105415}{105483}Stop your barking!|This is the witness! {105488}{105552}She done zoomed.|You deaI with her. {105567}{105594}No way. {105600}{105653}Listen, yes, okay, you're right. {105658}{105765}This started because of missing drugs.|But Iet me teII you: {105770}{105850}There's nothing more|important to Mike... {105855}{105913}...than doing this guy that kiIIed Max. {105932}{106035}Sometimes he has a hard time|expressing his reaI feeIings. {106095}{106156}Come on.|It'II be aII right. {106169}{106199}We need you. {106219}{106251}Part of the team. {106269}{106346}I thought he was supposed to be|the smooth one. {106379}{106428}This has not been a good day. {106433}{106531}Damn right. It's buIIshit.|We got 2 days to find these fooIs... {106537}{106614}...and no Ieads because|you cooked Noah's ass. {106711}{106733}Shampoo? {106741}{106766}HeIIo. {106897}{106926}What's up? {107040}{107102}It don't take that Iong|to get shampoo. {107108}{107154}-Let's go.|-Look at this. {107159}{107200}AnimaI tested. AnimaI tested. {107205}{107267}You know how many chemicaIs|are in this? {107272}{107344}I don't care if you go baId.|Let's go. {107349}{107370}Jojo. {107403}{107432}He's a chemist. {107437}{107518}Too much heroin and ether|for nobody to know nothing. {107524}{107561}What's he taIking about? {107567}{107643}You know the barreIs of ether that|bIew up on the truck? {107648}{107697}It's used to process heroin. {107702}{107766}They do that to cut it.|It quadrupIes the vaIue. {107771}{107834}You can't stick it in the microwave. {107854}{107887}Let's pay for this. {107983}{108006}How much? {108011}{108043}$14.25. {108049}{108102}I Ieft my waIIet somewhere. {108108}{108160}Freeze, motherbitches! {108195}{108229}-Don't move.|-Wait. {108234}{108263}I'm not understanding. {108297}{108334}Do you attract vioIence? {108340}{108388}Shut the fuck up! {108394}{108418}Take it easy. {108424}{108454}We are cops. {108460}{108537}You're not cops. I'm not stupid.|I know. {108545}{108582}-Wait.|-I've seen poIice. {108588}{108637}I'm reaching for my badge. {108650}{108699}You want badges, motherbitch?! {108704}{108741}I give you badges! {108746}{108805}Here! 99 cents.|I seII you some. {108810}{108877}You got 8 badges.|This cop thing don't work. {108882}{108917}I bIow you! {108927}{108952}Then I bIow you! {108957}{109024}BIow me? No, hump me,|that's aII right. {109050}{109109}I kiII before. I kiII again. {109114}{109158}-HoId on!|-I'II bIow you! {109163}{109192}-Hump me.|-HoId on! {109197}{109288}The emotion I'm going through|means this is serious. {109294}{109380}Me and this motherfucker|is not vibing right now. {109385}{109456}-Something on your chest?|-I got something. {109462}{109512}HeIIo! The guy's got a cannon. {109517}{109537}What do you want? {109542}{109595}You want some?|Then come get it. {109600}{109620}I'm gone! {109625}{109646}Freeze, bitch! {109664}{109691}You freeze, bitch! {109705}{109771}Oh, shit. I'm fucked. {109776}{109813}Now back up. {109819}{109921}Put the gun down.|Get me a pack of BubbIicious. {109932}{109976}And some SkittIes. {110089}{110145}HeII of a night.|I'm going to bed. {110162}{110231}So make yourseIf at home. {110236}{110256}It's your bed. {110284}{110332}I'II sit down... {110339}{110375}...for a minute. {110381}{110486}Because I'm guarding shit.|I'm watching out for the bad boys. {110491}{110563}I can see things reaI weII, you know... {110571}{110608}...from my peripheraIs. {110614}{110663}For such a stud, Mike Lowrey... {110668}{110769}...you sure seem rigid about having|a girI in your bed. {110800}{110824}Who? {110830}{110889}Me? Mike Lowrey?|I'm not rigid. {110929}{110960}ComfortabIe. {110965}{111041}It's my bed.|Why wouId I be uncomfortabIe? {111051}{111132}I don't know. I think it's more|than just wired. {111138}{111203}Maybe it was aII the guns and stuff. {111209}{111263}I never reaIIy shot a gun before. {111269}{111318}AII that steeI.... {111346}{111418}Don't you feeI a IittIe funny? {111450}{111489}I'm not a comedian, but.... {111508}{111585}I don't mean that kind of funny,|I mean, Iike... {111592}{111619}...funny. {111832}{111869}You don't want that. {111876}{111898}You don't want that,|because when I come... {111953}{111990}...I come with thunder. {111996}{112028}And that's.... {112033}{112116}You sound Iike you're saving yourseIf|for marriage. {112160}{112216}No, that ain't me there. {112236}{112266}That's Marcus. {112272}{112321}You know what I'm saying?|He's the man. {112343}{112376}I got some others-- {112389}{112463}I done seen it now.|Turn the page. {112471}{112534}Turn the page.|I done aIready seen it. {112570}{112593}Don't Iaugh. {112614}{112682}I cannot beIieve he wore|his Afro that big. {112687}{112757}-I forgot about that.|-He Iooked cute Iike that. {112774}{112820}What's Marcus' wife Iike? {112923}{112960}She's Iike a wife. {112974}{113084}I mean, she must be pretty amazing|to keep a guy Iike Marcus. {113175}{113214}Keep a guy Iike what? {113223}{113302}You know, watching him tonight,|he's very... {113316}{113348}...sort of take charge. {113353}{113435}The way he was throwing guys|this way and that. {113441}{113553}There's something about him.|I don't know what. He's so smooth. {113558}{113584}Boy... {113598}{113627}...I bet... {113633}{113736}...his wife's enjoying the smoothness|right this minute. {113784}{113856}He got a quaIity that women respond to. {113880}{113979}I can't imagine the kind of woman|that wouIdn't find Marcus... {113985}{114024}...attractive. {114030}{114097}ProbabIy couIdn't be around him... {114108}{114163}...just Iike our situation. {114168}{114255}-If two peopIe were aIone--|-Not with a guy Iike that. {114260}{114285}Excuse me. {114393}{114429}What is wrong with him? {114434}{114505}This one goes on|the buIIetin board at work. {114510}{114563}Don't do that, no, come on. {114568}{114632}Put it back in. l can't believe you|took it out. {114637}{114706}Marcus'II kiII us if he finds out.|Give it to me. {114711}{114760}l can't believe l let you see it. {114765}{114793}Motherfucker! {114970}{114999}Goddamn it. {115004}{115049}Got some jeweIry for you. {115054}{115103}I'm sorry, but damn that. {115108}{115230}We need to address the serious|Iack of trust in this reIationship. {115236}{115255}PIease. {115260}{115309}Is this IegaI?|I don't think it's IegaI. {115314}{115340}I won't be Iong. {115353}{115388}It's IegaI. {115395}{115427}Out of sight. {115468}{115542}Sanchez, Lowrey.|Yeah, your mother. Listen. {115547}{115599}These guys|are about to make a move. {115604}{115680}BIue convertibIe. Two occupants.|Check it out. {115829}{115858}Here we go. {115863}{115886}Is that our guy? {115892}{115921}Where's the girI? {115946}{115984}I don't see any girI. {116128}{116197}Fuck off, barking-ass dog.|Shut up! {116261}{116307}Sneak up on my own house. {116345}{116380}What in the worId? {116385}{116411}Very strange. {116416}{116494}His ass is upstairs.|Supposed to be my boy! {116499}{116528}You motherfucker! {116538}{116586}Ducking and weaving,|up and down. {116592}{116648}Look at this shit.|This is what you want? {116654}{116713}Got me cIimbing Iike a fucking chimp. {116719}{116777}No, I ain't going out Iike that. {116782}{116845}Don't take nobody that Iong|to get in bed. {116880}{116935}Got my babies in the house. {116957}{117012}The man can't get no quaIity time... {117018}{117072}...but my partner gets|quaIity time. {117077}{117102}I don't pIay that shit. {117305}{117335}Somebody's out there! {117340}{117380}Get the kids. Get the kids! {117432}{117498}I knew it! I didn't|need a psychic. {117506}{117531}Freeze! {117658}{117694}Move, and you're dead. {117728}{117803}They're going to shoot each other.|This is unbeIievabIe. {117809}{117838}Miami PoIice!|Freeze! {117844}{117881}I am the poIice! {117888}{117924}What are you doing? {117929}{117976}-You're doing Theresa!|-No, I'm not! {117981}{118015}-You're doing my baby!|-Shut up! {118076}{118141}We couId sneak up and|snuff them both right now. {118146}{118180}But we want the girI. {118193}{118262}Never fuck with|a cop's famiIy, asshoIe. {118268}{118311}-Doesn't that piss you off?.|-Yeah. {118317}{118379}Don't get me started.|Out of the car. {118404}{118434}Motherfucker! {118440}{118485}Shit is making you crazy! {118494}{118560}You know it ain't going on between|me and Theresa! {118646}{118715}I've been your partner for six years... {118721}{118765}...and your boy aII my Iife. {118771}{118810}For you to even think...! {118816}{118891}To Iet dumb shit|Iike that get in your mind! {118896}{118940}This is me!|What's your probIem? {119007}{119032}Fucking.... {119065}{119094}I'm just.... {119206}{119244}I'm fine! {119264}{119311}Get out of here!|Where's JuIie? {119317}{119373}She's in the car, handcuffed|to the steering wheeI. {119379}{119425}Are you trying to bIow this case? {119430}{119473}My bad.|I ain't had no quaIity time. {119478}{119570}You know how it is.|Sometimes you do dumb shit. {119675}{119695}My bad. {119714}{119739}It's cooI. {119747}{119798}Go, go. AII right. {119886}{119967}These phone caIIs were made|to CIub HeII from this precinct. {119973}{120012}ExpIain. {120019}{120110}I'II ask you once more.|Give me a goddamn name! {120214}{120274}-AII I know is his name.|-Give it to me. {120281}{120318}You're Iooking at|a Iot of time. {120357}{120396}Fouchet. {120402}{120432}Fouchet, I think. {120438}{120481}That's his whoIe name? {120514}{120554}I'm just an errand boy. {120562}{120604}Stop. You'II make me cry. {120610}{120674}I swear. Watching the house|was my first gig. {120680}{120735}How sweet.|Does that make you union? {120755}{120795}If you were a reaI cop... {120800}{120850}...in the fieId, working every day... {120855}{120898}...you'd reaIize shit happens. {120909}{120940}Don't give me that! {120945}{120992}You're on your way|to reassignment. {120998}{121053}Who'II reassign me?|You? {121058}{121128}UntiI you have the authority|to reassign me... {121133}{121171}...stay the heII out of here. {121192}{121256}They shouId bone|and get it over with. {121269}{121328}I'm getting reaIIy tired of this. {121333}{121373}You're tired? {121431}{121522}They're overfed, Iazy.|We need video surveiIIance. {121527}{121562}The guard dogs are nothing. {121598}{121642}Don't make this hard! {121737}{121784}Nice running into you, Jojo. {121790}{121855}AIways making it|hard on yourseIf, Jojo. {121861}{121937}Gee, JuIie,|what have you been up to? {121942}{122010}Just hanging out,|handcuffed to steering wheeIs. {122019}{122092}We're Iooking for someone|to step on some heroin. {122098}{122159}Do it fast and weII.|A reaI pro. {122165}{122238}I toId you, I'm|in the rubber business now. {122244}{122302}Jojo, we're not pIaying, man. {122330}{122377}I'm teIIing you, I'm straight. {122384}{122432}I'm straight Iike a board. {122438}{122477}I'm so straight, it's sick. {122483}{122564}It's a Iot of dope.|Who couId cut it reaI quick? {122585}{122642}Cut it?|You mean, cut it up? {122656}{122705}I'm sick of this buIIshit. {122738}{122772}BuIIshit! {122808}{122824}What's up? {122830}{122871}You're puIIing a gun on me? {122877}{122956}You're cops! I shouId|turn you in to Hard Copy. {122962}{122996}Put your ass on TV. {123002}{123024}I got this. {123080}{123116}I got 15 buIIets. {123140}{123243}If you don't start taIking,|I'II fiII you with hot shit. {123249}{123293}He's a former ganja-smoking fucker. {123298}{123341}-He ain't worth it.|-You want some? {123346}{123381}I'II bust your ass too! {123404}{123437}So sad. {123444}{123476}You're on your own. {123533}{123552}What's up? {123558}{123588}I'II teII you... {123594}{123674}...you spIatter his ass,|he's no good to us. Fuck that! {123686}{123803}Fuck that! I'm not going down for you|kiIIing Jojo the tire man! {123844}{123953}I don't want no brain fragments|in my cIothes! It stinks! {123976}{124003}Fuck that! {124009}{124098}I'II teII you what I know.|I don't know everything about everything. {124104}{124146}TeII him something! {124152}{124172}3 guys. {124177}{124212}They got a Iaboratory. {124218}{124242}No, no. {124247}{124334}2 guys! One guy died in|a pIane crash Iast year. {124348}{124379}Used to be more! {124409}{124487}No, it's one guy, reaIIy.|It's onIy one guy. {124501}{124534}Don't fuck with me. {124540}{124617}This guy's an Einstein,|genius coIIege boy... {124623}{124689}...egghead motherfucker.|He got gIasses. {124695}{124743}His rich parents|Iive in Coconut Grove. {124749}{124798}Where? TeII him again, Jojo! {124803}{124834}I'II teII you where. {124872}{124907}You'd do that? {124924}{125042}I want to heIp. Stick that gun down.|I got the address... {125048}{125076}...in the... {125100}{125128}...office. {125172}{125215}Thanks. Why don't you get it? {125221}{125244}CooI. {125252}{125279}-Go.|-Now?. {125285}{125338}Now's good. Now is reaI good. {125344}{125373}This is on me. {125379}{125473}Why don't you pick out|some white waIIs? A gift from me to you. {125541}{125612}You made me think|you were going to shoot me. {125617}{125646}I was. {125720}{125793}When's this punk-ass chemist|coming home? {125826}{125867}This is a stakeout. {125873}{125912}Not what I imagined. {125918}{125982}Thought there'd be more conversation. {125992}{126051}Sorry, it's not up to your... {126057}{126096}...usuaI high standards. {126122}{126168}Is he aIways Iike this on a stakeout? {126189}{126262}What is it?|Too much caffeine? {126267}{126304}Not enough sex? {126309}{126360}I can't beIieve she went there. {126383}{126430}You don't know who|you taIking to? {126436}{126490}That's Mike Lowrey over there. {126517}{126562}King Ding-a-Iing. {126567}{126622}Why don't you whip it out for her? {126627}{126675}Yeah, right on your forehead. {126680}{126708}Shut up. {126937}{126966}There he is!|Let's go! {126972}{127012}-Let's go!|-I'm on him! {127356}{127391}What are our chances? {127397}{127442}Remember CIub HeII? {127448}{127476}Worse. {127515}{127634}That's it. CaII major backup.|I want swimming ducks in here. {127639}{127669}HoId it. {127674}{127756}SincIair tapped the phones.|We must do that in person. {127804}{127844}By the time we do that... {127849}{127937}...every junkie in America|wiII be high off our bust. {127981}{128017}Can we heIp you? {128024}{128138}I staked out aII night|in that jaIopy too. I earned a peek. {128156}{128246}This is reaI cop stuff, okay?|Not Charlie's Angels. {128251}{128307}Can't hurt for her to take a peek. {128312}{128406}It can't? If they fire a buIIet over|here, it'II hurt! {128608}{128644}We have guests. {128659}{128745}Have them foIIowed.|CaII me with their Iocation. {128883}{128991}This high-speed chase, ending|nearRiverand 34th Streets... {128997}{129061}...was captured 2 nights ago|by ournews team. {129088}{129124}Mom!! {129199}{129296}I thought you said Daddy was in|CIeveIand. Can't be. {129350}{129416}No. Your daddy just wishes|he was in CIeveIand. {129431}{129514}I'm teIIing you, this Fouchet,|he's sIick. {129544}{129615}FBI, DEA, they got nothing on him. {129620}{129679}But he got to deaI with us today. {129940}{129976}What's that? {129981}{130037}That's the Iast time they handcuff me. {130043}{130079}That's what. {130085}{130120}Good boy. {130162}{130215}Excuse me, ma'am. Ma'am! {130220}{130271}AII visitors must be announced! {130277}{130312}Pisses me off! {130321}{130362}Lady! Lady! {130396}{130475}When you get back,|this'II be over, right? {130480}{130513}You got that right. {130519}{130594}Now don't worry.|You'II be set free. {130600}{130625}Cut Ioose. {130631}{130697}You'II be back to your own Iife. {130723}{130771}No more handcuffs. {130874}{130959}-I'm out of here.|-That's Chet with my veggie burger. {130965}{131016}-Move your ass.|-You got it. {131104}{131145}Hi, can I heIp you? {131150}{131223}I'm here to kiII|my husband, Marcus Burnett. {131228}{131295}The taII one,|or the short one? {131301}{131330}The short one. {131353}{131384}Thought so. {131393}{131425}Is Chet ringing-- {131431}{131469}Oh, babe! {131619}{131658}Let me get your husband. {131674}{131705}Get over here. {131773}{131861}I know what it Iooks Iike.|Did you get my message? {131930}{131968}Can you... {131973}{132009}...Ieave me and... {132014}{132060}...Mrs. Burnett aIone? {132071}{132104}Right. {132146}{132179}Y'aII met? {132196}{132223}Baby.... {132244}{132292}I know-- Let me-- {132297}{132400}As far as I'm concerned, keep the|wedding ring in your pocket... {132406}{132446}...because you, your girIfriend... {132452}{132489}Oh, shit. {132495}{132566}...and Mike wiII be|very happy Iiving here. {132571}{132615}Sweetie! Sweetie, honey! {132706}{132757}No, no, I saw it on the news. {132772}{132823}That shit's sIanted. {132897}{132943}You're no Ionger weIcome to my house. {132948}{133016}He didn't teII you|I was coming in earIy? {133022}{133097}Remember, I said caII,|and that you'd bring me here? {133109}{133149}TeII her what I toId you? {133155}{133194}You'd bring me here-- {133274}{133319}I ain't even going to-- {133329}{133363}We're not arguing. {133368}{133400}I'm raising my-- {133406}{133441}AII right-- Baby! {133446}{133484}We wanted to teII you. {133490}{133606}It reaIIy doesn't matter, Mike, Kojak--|whatever your name is. {133615}{133668}I'II teII you something eIse: {133674}{133769}If his wife can find us,|I'm better off on my own. {133774}{133805}This.... {133813}{133853}I can see how it'd Iook a trip. {133880}{133949}You see me, I run out,|I got a shirt open. {133955}{133997}You see Mike haIf-naked. {134002}{134050}Then you see the white girI. {134056}{134156}It Iooks Iike we having an orgy,|and ain't nobody humped. {134162}{134219}Ain't nobody doing none of that. {134224}{134288}It's not what it Iooks Iike, okay? {134295}{134352}Baby, she's a materiaI witness. {134375}{134416}That's reaI! {134421}{134461}Baby, Theresa, Iisten. {134466}{134529}It was orders.|Listen, it was orders. {134566}{134661}Can I taIk to you?|Can you stop so I can taIk to you? {134666}{134748}Enough smooth shit, Mike.|It's not going to work anymore. {134971}{134996}I don't care! {135156}{135182}Duck! {135187}{135217}JuIie, get down! {135222}{135249}Get down!! {136007}{136037}Get out! {136215}{136253}91 1 ! {136337}{136379}91 1? Chet here. {136384}{136436}Go upstairs and take this!|Take it! {136493}{136559}I'II keep everyone caIm|untiI my backup comes. {136565}{136602}I Iove you. {136628}{136676}I forgot to give the address! {137544}{137579}Go, go, go! {137585}{137608}Watch out! {137613}{137648}Keep going! {137712}{137732}Get her in! {138424}{138451}Move! {138783}{138806}It's okay. {138811}{138880}I'm with the poIice. It's cooI.|You Iook great. {139532}{139553}Drive! {140423}{140480}Don't ever say I wasn't there for you. {140795}{140822}What is it with you? {140827}{140880}How come it aIways has to be|good newslbad news? {140885}{140966}You know where the dope is, but you Iose|our witness. {140972}{141002}I don't get it! {141007}{141035}TeIephone! {141114}{141223}I'm keeping your friend for 4|hours, untiI I make my deaI. {141228}{141259}And I wiII make it. {141284}{141332}I just put a buIIet in the chemist... {141338}{141402}...who fucked with my timetabIe. {141421}{141482}The other one is for the girI. Okay? {141487}{141524}Son of a bitch! {141602}{141657}That twisted motherfucker|shot one of his empIoyees. {141663}{141721}Says if we don't back up,|he'II kiII JuIie. {141726}{141753}Not now! {141759}{141793}I toId you to pIay by the ruIes. {141798}{141858}I'm on the verge of soIving this case! {141864}{141943}I've finaIIy got the authority|to shut you down. {141949}{141988}You're aII reassigned. {142130}{142203}This guy is painting me into a corner. {142209}{142260}We won't Iet the girI die. {142266}{142343}We're not waIking away.|I don't care what she says. {142349}{142398}The deaI goes down in 4 hours. {142414}{142473}You got 2 hours to find them. {142499}{142542}It's time to get Iucky. {142565}{142607}Go do what you got to do. {142653}{142764}You toId us that this thing wouId|move a IittIe quicker. {142770}{142858}It's not that easy.|If it was, you'd be doing it. {142870}{142930}Work your magic.|You say you're a computer whiz. {142954}{143034}Back off! I'm doing an iIIegaI|favor for you. {143040}{143088}This is what I went to jaiI for. {143093}{143126}So you back up off me. {143131}{143181}You don't sit your Ianky ass down... {143198}{143268}...bottom Iine,|I wiII knock you out. {143273}{143299}What's wrong with you? {143305}{143361}-Can you have a seat?|-You said I'd get out ofjaiI. {143366}{143405}And I wasn't Iying. {143474}{143516}Cops are so dumb. Look. {143574}{143625}Remember, you promised|to get me out. {143669}{143701}Eddie Dominguez. {143737}{143769}There it is. {143862}{143890}GirIfriend? {144081}{144168}It was New Year's Eve,|and my ex-boyfriend, Eddie... {144174}{144217}...and this French guy... {144228}{144293}...they took some|horribIe pictures of me. {144299}{144328}They said... {144334}{144430}...they'd post them|at my kid's schooI... {144436}{144507}...unIess I gave them|narcotics information. {144512}{144575}But I never, never gave them you... {144580}{144612}...or the girI. {144618}{144677}They got her.|We need to get them now. {144697}{144777}If we don't, she's dead.|How do you make contact? {144783}{144831}I have their mobiIe-phone number. {144893}{144944}I know, I'm sorry. {144950}{145020}I'II make it up to you.|I wiII. {145025}{145076}We don't have time. Let's go. {145169}{145218}You have sexy ears, you know that? {145223}{145258}I want to Iick them. {145357}{145385}Can I speak to Romeo? {145391}{145438}There's no Romeo here, asshoIe. {145456}{145477}What're you Iaughing at? {145485}{145592}This ceII phone wiII trianguIate him,|no matter where he goes. {145598}{145652}We watch the map untiI he stops. {145738}{145794}The signaI's stiII strong. {145814}{145846}Come on. {145884}{145913}Thank you. {145928}{145995}Lucy was the queen, baby.|Think about it. {146001}{146051}LuciIIe BaII was a bimbo. {146056}{146123}-Desi was the brains behind it.|-How can you say that? {146128}{146151}What do you mean? {146157}{146213}Take the bongos away, he's nothing. {146218}{146248}It's conga! {146276}{146316}Yo, feIIas, what's up? {146328}{146373}The fucking penciI squad. {146379}{146415}Are we on traffic duty? {146421}{146505}No, this is reaI.|We got something for you. {146510}{146540}You couId get kiIIed. {146640}{146670}Let's go. {146992}{147024}It's Conrad. {147033}{147072}I'm caIIing in a favor. {147126}{147180}Eastbound towards 135th Street. {147229}{147272}Northeast, go northeast. {147277}{147342}If I'm wrong, you can fire me. {147350}{147392}This is what I need: {147400}{147485}I need a SWAT team, heIicopters.|We're caIIing aII cars. {147491}{147546}OnIy I don't know where I need them. {147586}{147617}Nice car. {147622}{147652}Oh, yeah. {147666}{147697}That's my toy. {147702}{147757}I'm taking it with me|for my coIIection. {147772}{147838}And how about the wire transfers? {147874}{147942}Two wire transfers to your banks... {147961}{148022}...totaIIing 180 miIIion doIIars. {148057}{148092}And 20 in cash. {148224}{148248}Damn. {148359}{148411}This has been a shitty week. {148444}{148508}Getting fuII integration on that signaI. {148622}{148678}We're on the airfieId now. {148683}{148734}I bet it's up in the oId hangar section. {148884}{148931}Pick it up! Pick it up! {148953}{149003}Deposit confirmation requested. {149008}{149060}$90 miIIion, GeIdersbank of Zurich. {149184}{149211}No easy approach. {149216}{149253}No time.|Fuck the backup. {149259}{149290}We must go now. {149327}{149352}Not a probIem. {149428}{149499}You got an itch?|I'd Iove to scratch it. {149505}{149586}-Scratch this.|-I'II scratch whatever you want. {149626}{149651}Did you go to coIIege? {149910}{149933}Thank you. {149980}{150042}-You sure you want to do this?|-Let's go! {150048}{150085}Tuck in your skirt. {150091}{150133}My shit aIways works sometimes. {150241}{150325}This is the best you can buy.|Nice doing business with you. {150601}{150626}Oh, shit. {150656}{150695}It's a setup! {150857}{150907}If I get kiIIed,|I'm fucking you up! {150976}{151011}Goddamn it, go! {151092}{151122}Go, goddamn it! {151567}{151590}My God! {153483}{153512}Get down! {153703}{153741}You forgot your boarding pass! {154321}{154368}You motherfuckers! {154400}{154420}What's up? {154462}{154487}Shit! {155786}{155823}Let's go! {155835}{155867}Get in the car! {155946}{155992}Get in, Mike! Come on! {156018}{156038}Get in! {156054}{156080}Get in the car! {156090}{156138}This shit's going to bIow! {156170}{156201}Get up! {156704}{156778}Shit! PIease, catch that motherfucker,|he shot me. {156796}{156823}He shot me! {156849}{156927}I'm fine. I just had a run-in|with Jim Brown over here. {156970}{157004}He steaIs our shit... {157010}{157036}...kidnaps JuIie... {157042}{157126}...shoots at my wife.|We beat him down! {157215}{157279}Marcus, I just got|one question for you. {157285}{157361}How can you Ieave me at a gunfight|to get the car?! {157367}{157420}Shut up and Iet him drive. {157609}{157671}Getting shot improved|your driving skiIIs. {157772}{157813}You got the right to remain siIent. {157874}{157962}Anything you say wiII be used|against you in a court of Iaw. {157969}{157991}What're you doing? {157997}{158021}Getting it out the way. {158281}{158312}Punch it! {158462}{158495}What if his car's faster? {158501}{158523}It's not! {158528}{158612}It'II be one or the other!|It'II be him or it'II be us! {158705}{158739}You better win! {158756}{158807}You better win! {159295}{159345}That's how you're supposed to drive! {159351}{159417}From now on, that's how you drive! {160050}{160086}Freeze! {160213}{160245}He ain't worth kiIIing. {160367}{160387}Freeze! {161064}{161124}Bet when your punk-ass|woke up this morning... {161130}{161220}...you didn't think by 5:00|you'd have a hoIe in your Ieg. {161309}{161374}You couIdn't kiII me,|you chickenshit, couId you? {161391}{161439}I couId.|You're taIking Iike it's over. {161444}{161478}I'm just pausing. {161496}{161565}I'm getting the hang of this|marksman shit. {161577}{161665}Shooting them from 30 yards|whiIe they run, that's not it. {161670}{161697}Here's where it is. {161715}{161756}Up cIose and personaI. {161797}{161846}That's what I'm taIking about. {161865}{161888}WouId you do it? {161913}{161936}Step off! {161974}{162002}Do it! {162008}{162030}Do it!! {162246}{162279}It's over. {162425}{162450}He's a joke. {162465}{162507}He's a motherfucking joke. {163117}{163182}l ever tell you l love you, man? {163198}{163289}You always be getting emotional|aftera gunfight. {163307}{163348}Because l'm glad we survived. {163354}{163390}Shit. {163469}{163513}I Iove you too. {163535}{163616}Don't be Iooking at me. I Iove you.|I said that shit. {163622}{163645}You my boy! {163659}{163715}No, no, you Iike my brother, man. {163721}{163757}So what am I? {163816}{163863}JuIie, sweetie, you.... {163869}{163915}You're a IittIe dangerous. {163921}{164016}See, you Iike a magnet|for random gunfire. {164040}{164075}But you're cooI. {164088}{164132}You're down. {164164}{164215}So what's next? {164300}{164324}See... {164333}{164381}...there won't be no next. {164457}{164499}You wanted Mike Lowrey... {164505}{164533}...you got him. {164539}{164571}That's Mike. {164577}{164605}OId Mike Lowrey. {164612}{164698}I'm going home to my wife|to get my quaIity time. {164714}{164749}Stop pIaying, man. {164755}{164819}I've been beat 3 times out here. {164825}{164920}I'm cooI, I don't need no heIp.|Back up. {164927}{165025}Why're you going home to your wife?|Your dick probabIy don't work. {165031}{165087}Do you have the keys? {165099}{165171}Mike wanted me to go|to this gunfight, then.... {165176}{165235}WeII, then|there was this witness.... {165265}{165299}My man! {165319}{165345}You Iet me out of here? {165352}{165441}-I don't got the keys.|-What do you mean you don't have keys?!