{1111}{1177}As I walk through the Valley|of the Shadow of Death {1181}{1257}I take a look at my life|and realize there's nothin' left {1260}{1321}'Cause I been blastin'|and laughin' so long {1325}{1397}That even my mama thinks|that my mind is gone {1400}{1465}I really hate to trip|but I gotta loc {1468}{1533}As they croak I see myself|in the pistol smoke {1535}{1604}Fool, I'm the kind of "G"|the little homies wanna be like {1607}{1699}On my knees in the night|sayin' prayers in the street light {1703}{1839}Been spending most their lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {1842}{1983}They been spending most their lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {1987}{2127}We keep spending most our lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {2130}{2259}We keep spending most our lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {2262}{2327}Look at the situation|they got me facin' {2331}{2399}I can't live with no hope|I was raised by the state {2403}{2471}So I gotta be down|with the hood team {2475}{2544}Took much television-watchin'|got me chasin' dreams {2548}{2617}I'm a educated fool|with money on my mind {2621}{2688}Got my tin in my hand|and a gleam in my eye {2692}{2761}I'm a loc'd out gangsta|set trippin' banga {2764}{2826}And my homies is down|So don't arouse my anger {2830}{2899}Fool, death ain't nothin'|but a heartbeat away {2903}{2980}I'm livin' life do or die|What can I say {2983}{3052}I'm 23, never will I live|to see 24 {3055}{3111}The way things is goin'|I don't know {3114}{3255}Tell me why are we|so blind to see {3259}{3426}That the ones we hurt|are you and me {3429}{3569}Been spending most their lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {3573}{3710}They been spending most their lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {3714}{3853}We keep spending most our lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {3857}{3992}We keep spending most our lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {3996}{4066}Power and the money|Money and the power {4070}{4139}Minute after minute|Hour after hour {4142}{4241}Everybody's runnin', but half|of them ain't looked what's|goin' on in the kitchen {4245}{4279}But I don't know what's cookin' {4282}{4352}They say I got to learn|but nobody's here to teach me {4356}{4430}lf they can't understand it|how can they reach me {4434}{4485}I guess they can't|I guess they won't {4489}{4581}I guess they front, that's why|I know my life it outta luck, fool {4585}{4720}Been spending most their lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {4724}{4864}They been spending most their lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {4867}{4959}We keep spending most our lives|living in a gangsta's paradise {4963}{5037}And-- Yeah, I'm just gonna|have to check the schedule. {5040}{5145}Thank you. Mm-hmm. Okay.|Let me write that down. {5149}{5206}Carla? My friend Louanne|Johnson's here to see you. {5210}{5287}Oh, God, is that today?|Hal, it's-it's not a good time. {5290}{5337}Well, she came in. {5340}{5403}All right. Uh, I'm gonna have to|call you back. Thank you. {5407}{5497}Louanne, I'd like you to meet, uh,|Carla Nichols, our assistant principal. {5500}{5554}- Hello.|- Carla, Louanne Johnson. {5557}{5598}I'll wait outside. {5601}{5652}Uh, please, uh,|have a, have a seat. {5685}{5741}- Thank you for seeing me.|- Oh, well, {5745}{5863}Mr Griffith-- Uh, HaI--|has told me so much about you. {5867}{5926}- I hope not everything.|- Oh-- {5929}{6018}Oh. No, only-- only good. {6021}{6098}And I must say, it-it isn't often|that we have an applicant... {6102}{6202}of your maturity and, uh,|varied experience. {6206}{6335}Um, B.A. in English Lit,|public relations, telemarketing. {6339}{6370}- M-Marine.|- Mm-hmm. {6374}{6439}- You don't look like a Marine.|- Oh, well. {6443}{6490}Long sleeves. Hides the tattoos. {6615}{6723}Uh, fully accredited, except for one|term of, of supervised student teaching. {6726}{6828}Why did you stop so close|to being certified? {6831}{6930}Well, I met my husband and|started working for his company. {6934}{6966}Uh, w-we're divorcing. {7046}{7146}W-Well, it would be no problem to|get you emergency certification. {7150}{7225}- When could you start?|- Start? {7228}{7286}Teaching. {7290}{7346}Miss Johnson,|I'lI-I'll cut to the chase. {7350}{7436}One of our, uh, academy|teachers, Mrs. Shepherd, left, {7440}{7527}and since then we've had|three substitute teachers. {7531}{7621}The last one, Mrs. Gingrich,|fell ill just this morning. {7625}{7705}So we have a fulI-time position|and we need to fill it now. {7709}{7753}- I-- Um-- Full time.|- Yes. {7756}{7854}I'm sorry, um, I thought this was an|interview to, uh, t-to student teach. {7857}{7902}- WelI--|- Uh, w-w-w-w-wh-- Um, what is a-- {7906}{7959}What-- What is|an academy teacher? {7962}{8022}Uh, well, the academy is, uh-- {8026}{8083}lt--lt's sort of a school|within a school. {8087}{8206}Uh, special kids. Passionate,|energetic, challenging. {8251}{8331}The, uh, salary is, is $24,700 a year.|Are you interested? {8401}{8489}Yes, I-- Yes, I'm, I'm,|I'm interested. {8493}{8568}Oh, that's wonderful.|That-- Great. Great. {8571}{8656}Okay, so-- Oh, welI-- So, uh,|these-- these are for you. {8659}{8730}Uh, curriculum, schedule|and, uh, whatnot. {8734}{8782}And if you would just|follow me. {8857}{8939}- We have a new teacher.|- Great! {8943}{8986}- Congratulations!|- Full time. {8990}{9042}- What?|- Yeah.|- Yes. Uh, starting tomorrow, {9045}{9107}Mrs. Johnson is going to be|teaching one of our academy classes. {9110}{9162}I'm afraid Mrs. Gingrich|is no longer with us. {9165}{9250}- Carla, they--|- Mr Griffith's classroom|is right next to yours. {9254}{9338}So would you meet her outside|tomorrow and show her 107? {9342}{9378}- Right.|- Thank you. {9381}{9425}- I just know this is gonna work out.|- Thank you so much. {9429}{9461}Thank you. {9489}{9534}- Full time.|- Louanne-- {9537}{9620}-Hal!|-Louanne, d-did she t-tell you|about, uh, the academy programme? {9623}{9660}Yeah, yeah. No,|she told me all about it. {9664}{9720}She said, you know,|bright, special kids and-- {9723}{9778}- Uh, Louanne, d--|- I wanna teach, Hal! {9781}{9886}- lf I have any questions,|I'll know who to ask, right?|- Yeah. I'll be counting on it. {9931}{10020}Fly ho's and chains|and swingin' thangs {10023}{10081}Save me {10084}{10150}Just another young nigger|havin' thangs {10153}{10222}Just a-havin' thangs {10226}{10299}Fly ho's and chains|and swingin' thangs {10303}{10347}Why must I feel like that {10387}{10468}Just another young nigger|havin' thangs {10568}{10612}lt's to your right. {10665}{10758}I guess Miss Shepherd's lesson|plans will be in her desk. {10795}{10840}Very possibly. {10981}{11037}This is your classroom. {11151}{11231}- Noisy bunch, aren't they?|- Yes, but if you stand there|long enough, {11234}{11274}they'll usually quiet down. {11278}{11322}Don't try and shout over them. {11345}{11392}Right. Thanks. {11457}{11534}Louanne. {11537}{11602}- I'm right next door.|- I wrote this about my life because|it's my shit you never heard before {11606}{11666}- Why don't you live in my world|That's my point that you|been searchin' for|- Thanks. {11670}{11750}I know that you need to relax|A supported fact {11753}{11810}A little history|and history of government-- {11814}{11862}lmmobilizing your physical|and your brain {11865}{11910}With the emotion|of subliminal motivation {11914}{11995}- Look at that!|- No, no, no. Not yours. {11998}{12083}- White bread.|- Snappin' my fingers|appropriately when I rip {12087}{12156}You get flipped and then I pass|the microphone to my homegirl Chris {12159}{12244}Now I see you runnin'|I'm comin', boom, how stunnin' {12248}{12298}Fast as I step|Got to earn a big rep {12301}{12369}For huntin' homies like deer|Crack a beer and some heads {12373}{12462}Then go find another poor person|I can trap in my cage for a night {12465}{12523}Let loose, fool, run|'Cause my first meal is done {12526}{12620}- May I have your attention, please?|- How long y'all been together? {12623}{12669}You run, I'll shoot|'Cause your homies said 'boo' to me {12673}{12732}Your life is a joke|Smoked by the A to the K {12735}{12822}You went to bed without a trace|lnfrared dot marks the spot {12825}{12898}-So duck or find your ass shot|-What happened to Miss Shepherd? {12902}{12959}- Better not do that.|- What? {12962}{13086}- What happened to Miss Shepherd?|- Ooh, no, she ain't askin' about|Miss triflin'-ass Shepherd. {13090}{13142}You playin' yourself.|Playin' yourself. {13146}{13237}Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!|Listen up! Yo, listen up! {13240}{13296}White Bread wanna know|what happened to Miss Shepherd. {13365}{13412}We killed the bitch. {13415}{13472}Kick it, kick it, kick it,|kick it, kick it. Hey! {13475}{13521}I was beginning to like|the puta! {13525}{13615}Ohh! No, no, no.|Everybody, everybody. Emilio ate her. {13687}{13740}Bullshit. {13918}{13989}- That bitch was too ugly to eat.|- Yeah! {14021}{14076}Fed her to my dogs. {14268}{14311}But I'll eat you. {14556}{14614}What is your name? {14618}{14682}Emilio Ramirez. {14746}{14860}- Now, Emilio!|- Emilio, you in trouble! {15037}{15134}Emilio! Emilio! Emilio!|Emilio! Emilio! {15137}{15211}- Emilio! Emilio! Emilio! Emilio!|- Oh, my God.|- What's that? {15215}{15283}Come on, come on, come on,|come on, come on. You know|what they're like. Come on. {15287}{15381}Emilio! Emilio! Emilio! Emilio!|Emilio! Emilio! Emilio! Emilio! {15783}{15846}Madison surrendered|to the nationalists. {15900}{16032}Hamilton himself could have already have|composed the message that embraced-- {16140}{16203}Donna. Donna,|take over the class. {16346}{16390}Shut up! {16559}{16604}What happened to Miss Shepherd? {16608}{16661}- Well, she quit.|- Why? {16665}{16740}Well, she was a very|high-strung individual. {16743}{16790}What, did she have a breakdown? {16793}{16846}No. She quit before that. {16850}{16908}One of the substitutes,|she had a breakdown. {16912}{16997}- That's how they weed them out.|- Who are these kids, rejects from hell? {17000}{17106}No. They're bright kids with|little or no educational skills... {17109}{17183}and what we politely call|a lot of social problems. {17187}{17231}Damn it, Griffith,|you could've warned me! {17234}{17333}Hey, Louanne,|you said you wanted to teach. {17337}{17382}- Now, is that a load of bull or what?|- No! {17386}{17420}- So teach.|- I ca--|- What? {17424}{17478}I can't teach them! {17481}{17586}Yes, you can. All you gotta do|is get their attention. {17640}{17679}Or quit. {17878}{17934}I'm back! {18537}{18644}"She decided that if Brian broke a rule|she would utilize these consequences: {18647}{18735}The first time he broke a rule his name|would be put on the board." {19075}{19171}This is the life {19252}{19353}This is the life {19356}{19437}This is the life {19534}{19574}Okay, you little bastards. {19578}{19613}- Come on|- Put your back into it {19616}{19642}- Come on|- Put your back into it {19663}{19706}- Come on|- Put your back into it {19709}{19747}- Come on|- Put your back into it {19750}{19811}- Come on|- Put your back into the beat {19815}{19851}Achieve the goals|in which you seek {19855}{19893}Don't let nobody|steer you wrong {19896}{19938}Or you'll be singin'|that same old song {19941}{19994}- How someone's always holdin you down|- There she is. {19997}{20035}- Just keep your two feet on the ground|- Girl, you didn't get enough yesterday? {20038}{20103}And when you come you be direct|'cause punks get no respect {20106}{20167}- My eyes to the west side|- East side, west side {20406}{20483}How you doin'? Yeah. {20587}{20695}Hey, everybody, everybody, look!|A cowboy! {20699}{20785}Put your back into it|Put your back into it {20788}{20904}- Put your back into it|- Don't talk about-- Don't talk|about yourself like that. {20908}{20987}"I am a--" {20990}{21082}- Shut up! Y'all sound|like them fifth-graders!|- You shut up!|- You shut up! {21133}{21242}"Does... anyone... {21246}{21282}know--" {21353}{21436}- What's "karate"?|- Karate, you stupid asshole. {21440}{21541}- You're so stupid.|- You're a Marine? A for-real Marine? {21544}{21620}- Discharged, but yes.|- Estupido. {21624}{21692}I'll try some karate|with you, Miss Johnson. {21766}{21863}I'm sorry, but I'm not allowed|to touch a student. {21866}{21947}But if you really think you know|what you're doin', come on up here. {21950}{22023}Hey, sounds like a challenge to me,|ése. You'd better get up there. {22027}{22123}Oh, I know what I'm doin'.|There's no sense doin' it though|if you can't touch me. {22163}{22248}Okay, anybody else know|any karate? What about you? {22252}{22332}- Durrell Chang Chang.|- I know some motherfuckin' karate. {22390}{22425}Whoo! Durrell, gimme it! {22428}{22473}- Durrell.|- Shit. {22547}{22658}- What about you? You know any karate?|- Raul. Yeah, I know enough. {22662}{22708}- Okay, Raul.|- Go on up there. {22712}{22765}Come on up here. {22768}{22829}- All right. Yeah, shit. I'm|gonna take that motherfucker.|- Come on, Nacho. {22833}{22898}Shit. All right.|Come on, let's go, ése. {22902}{22938}Let's go. {23203}{23249}Shit! {23253}{23306}You guys--|Wait, wait, wait. Whoa! {23309}{23386}You guys don't know shit. {23390}{23451}-"l don't know shit," man.|I know what I'm doin', lady.|-You don't even know any throws. {23455}{23587}Now, I heard that a Marine|can kill a man with his, uh,|bare hands. ls that true? {23590}{23642}Absolutely. {23666}{23718}Oh, shit. {23808}{23871}Okay, h-here's how it starts. {23875}{23961}Um, okay, where's a-- Can you two move|that desk down there a little bit? {24050}{24130}Um, okay, everything is|slow motion at first. {24134}{24198}- Um, Durrell.|- Yeah. {24202}{24295}Okay, you, um, you move into|Raul like you're gonna hit him. {24299}{24344}Yeah, I can do that. {24347}{24378}- Okay.|- Nacho. {24381}{24479}Now, Raul, you're gonna|step into Durrell... {24483}{24549}and you're gonna|grab his wrist, okay? {24553}{24698}You're gonna turn your body|away from him so that your butt|is in his stomach. Okay? {24702}{24778}Fuck you!|Get the fuck off me, man! {24781}{24846}What you gonna do? {24849}{24906}- Man, you wish, homes! You wish, man!|- Bring it on, homes! {24909}{24968}- Fuck you! Get your hands off me!|- Bring it on, Nacho.|- You wish, man! {24971}{25057}- Bring it on.|- Now, it's a hip throw.|lt's a hip throw. {25061}{25145}- Okay, take your fighting|stance again, okay.|- Nacho. {25149}{25199}Okay, grab his wrist.|Okay. {25203}{25254}Now, now this time,|as you move in, {25258}{25342}you're gonna take this hand,|you're gonna grab onto this shoulder. {25346}{25390}Okay? Ready? {25421}{25467}Oh, shit! {25471}{25563}Thank you! Hey! Hey!|All right! {25566}{25642}- Ow, man! I'll kick your|motherfuckin' ass, ése!|- Sucker! Sucker! {25824}{25899}Well, that was "A" work. {25902}{25947}You'd make good Marines. {25981}{26060}ln fact, from this moment, {26063}{26126}each one of you|is like an inductee... {26130}{26208}- Who's a duck?|- with a clean record.|- Quack. {26212}{26332}- So, if you wanna pass,|- Quack quack. {26336}{26380}all you have to do is try. {26475}{26524}Oh, homes. {26580}{26657}Because at this point,|everyone has an "A." {26661}{26719}- What?|- ls she serious? {26833}{26899}But it's up to you to keep it. {26937}{27030}-Bullshit.|-Yo, why don't you shut up, man. {27033}{27118}What if it ain't bullshit? Ain't|never had no fuckin' "A" before. {27181}{27219}I once knew a man|who couldn't read {27223}{27269}He said it ain't no thang|'cause I graduated twice {27273}{27302}With the game I possess {27306}{27339}Bulletproof vest|to the chest {27343}{27399}But when his kids needed help|to prepare for a test {27402}{27470}lt was stress 'cause Pops|didn't achieve any academics {27474}{27527}And true, indeed|This problem is an epidemic {27531}{27609}Who want to work five long hard days|through it and get taxed {27612}{27647}So that's a message|for your mind {27650}{27733}The story's been told|about a thousand times {27737}{27774}So here's a message|for your mind {27777}{27853}One thousand-one|One thousand-two {27856}{27899}So here's a message|for your mind {28082}{28127}Morning. {28225}{28321}- Okay, today we are going|to conjugate some verbs.|- What?|- What? {28325}{28373}Hey, what about karate? {28376}{28447}Well, I can't just teach you karate.|I'll show you another hold next week. {28450}{28515}Get outta here! {28706}{28762}Belt it out, too.|I wanna hear it. {28977}{29047}We eat green beans for dinner.|What you do with 'em? {29050}{29100}"We eat green beans for dinner." {29104}{29194}- Okay--|- Hey, Pam. Pam! {29269}{29314}Ye-- Yo, Chris! {29530}{29569}Hey. Hey. Hey, what's up? {29725}{29786}Hey, man, it's not|a big deal, okay? {29947}{29982}ls that true? {29986}{30052}lf we wanna die?|Shit, no. {30056}{30135}We want you to die. {30138}{30242}- ls that true?|- Well, if it was between|you and us, hell yeah. {30245}{30316}- Okay.|- Hey! Hey! I don't care|if I live or die! {30374}{30434}- What about that?|- Suicide, man.|- What's all this bullshit with dying? {30437}{30534}- You want us dead?|- No, darlin', but I do|want you to keep your "A." {30537}{30582}So, no, I'm gonna make it|real easy on you, okay? {30586}{30711}All you have to do is tell me the verb|that makes this sentence true. {30714}{30786}We choose to do some karate. {30789}{30856}- Yeah, right.|- Okay, give me a verb|instead of "choose." {30860}{30924}- We're going to die?|- We must die, okay. {30927}{31038}- Okay, "we must die." ls "must"|a verb? Can you, uh--|- No, "must" ain't no verb. {31042}{31150}- Can you "must" something?|- Yeah. I must piss right now.|You'd better believe it. {31314}{31406}Okay, what verb that we used|today is the most powerful? {31410}{31472}- Die.|- Piss. {31475}{31530}Oh, you so stupid! {31581}{31649}- Choose.|- Choose. {31652}{31694}- What's your name?|- Callie. {31698}{31754}Callie, why? {31757}{31827}Because that's the difference between|owning your life and being afraid. {31831}{31870}Saying "l choose"|no matter what. {31874}{31918}You mean, like a guy's got|a gun to your head... {31922}{31986}and he's pulling the trigger|and you say, "l choose to die"? {31988}{32107}No, you ain't choosin' to die,|but you can choose to die|without screaming, right? {32111}{32162}I mean, you could always|choose somethin'. {32166}{32218}- Not where I live.|- Shit. {32222}{32271}Did you read that somewhere|in this class? {32343}{32482}No. ln our class we readin' this book|called My Darling, My Hamburger. {32486}{32526}- From this.|- My what? {32530}{32598}- My Darling, My Hamburger.|- Hamburger? {32643}{32725}Possessive pronoun, noun,|possessive pronoun. {32729}{32794}- Oh, watch it, girl.|- Let's see. {32798}{32843}E-Excuse me. {32847}{32890}- Excuse me, Miss Johnson.|- Uh-- Oh, yes. {32893}{32969}Would you stop by the principaI's office|before your next class, please? {32973}{33048}Mr Grandey would like|to speak to you. {33051}{33123}The principal! {33126}{33206}Oooh, White Bread in trouble! {33689}{33755}Yes. I'll talk to you later. {33758}{33817}Bye-bye. {33820}{33913}Miss Johnson, this is an office.|We knock before we enter. {33941}{33990}Oh, I'm sorry. {33993}{34026}Please. {34169}{34278}Now, Miss Johnson,|I'm taking into consideration|the fact that you're new... {34281}{34378}and therefore don't know that teaching|karate is against school policy... {34381}{34475}and can lead to a lawsuit|in case of an injury. {34479}{34554}But you can avoid this kind of error--|you simply follow the curriculum... {34557}{34614}dictated by|the Board of Education. {34689}{34792}Well, um, sir, that's|almost impossible, um-- {34795}{34881}Most of my students don't|even know what a verb is. {34885}{34923}lf you're going to teach them, {34926}{35040}I'm sure there's a better sentence|than "We choose to die." {35043}{35122}I'm sure there are, but I--|I-l needed a sentence that|would get their attention... {35125}{35233}- Mmm.|- and, well, it had to|be better than this. {35286}{35369}Miss Johnson, that is the approved|curriculum for second period. {35373}{35424}Your class. {35427}{35509}Now, I know the newer the teacher,|the smarter she is, {35512}{35644}but I-I'm afraid you're just|going to have to go along|with our policies, {35648}{35716}even if you don't|agree with them. {35768}{35823}- All right?|- Mm-hmm. {35854}{35901}What a fuckin' idiot. {36024}{36081}- Griffith.|- Don't let them get to you. {36085}{36160}I'm not. I-ln fact, I'm about to|challenge the entire curriculum. {36163}{36290}- lf I could just find the paper|in the Xerox room.|- You can't. There isn't any. {36293}{36354}- What do you mean?|- I mean there isn't any. {36357}{36457}I mean, we're out of Xerox paper and art|paper and we're short on pencils. {36461}{36554}But we do have plenty of students.|I guess that, uh, balances things out. {36619}{36654}Thanks. {36837}{36892}Another fuckin' idiot. {36895}{36965}No, I can't run, I can't hide|from all this pressure {36968}{37042}lf I sell out, that means|I'm coppin' to a lesser charge {37045}{37116}- And whenever there's a will|baby, there's a way|- Shit! {37119}{37189}Each one teach one I always say|the murder rate is risin' {37193}{37290}Society ain't scarin' me|Life is like a puzzle|Ain't no tellin' when they'll bury me {37293}{37385}- Problems, problems|How are we gonna solve 'em|- So, what's on today's lesson plan? {37388}{37482}A little kickboxing?|Some, uh, target practice, huh? {37486}{37558}No. My own little|secret weapon. {37562}{37628}Problems, problems|How are we gonna solve 'em {37713}{37802}Okay, so, "never" is-- {37806}{37857}- lt's a verb!|- Adverb! Adverb!|- Adverb! Adverb! {37861}{37911}Adverb! Fantastic! {37914}{37970}- Whoo!|- You guys'll be reading poetry soon. {37974}{38031}- You guys are sharp.|- Oh, my-- {38035}{38075}- Whoa!|- Okay. {38125}{38177}- Homeboy!|- King of the calle! {38181}{38234}Sit down, sit down, sit down. {38311}{38375}- Sit down.|- Honourable sensei. Hmm. {38377}{38470}lt's obvious that "homeboy"|is a noun. {38525}{38570}Noun is correct! {38574}{38640}Well, give me my damn candy bar. {38643}{38677}- Whoo!|- Thank you. {38681}{38758}Boy, poetry will be a piece|of cake for this crowd. {38762}{38859}Yo, how come you keep sayin' poetry?|What's poetry got to do with this shit? {38862}{38927}Poetry? WelI-- {38931}{38998}Because if you can read poetry,|you can read just about anything, hon. {39018}{39088}- When you're ready for poetry,|you're ready for bear.|- I say bring on the bear! {39092}{39171}- I'm always ready for bear. Shit.|- I'm always ready to see you bare. {39175}{39272}- Whoa!|- Oh, shut up, you stupid!|- Oh, yeah? Ohh! Ohh! {39275}{39373}Well, okay, here's the bear. {39400}{39449}So what the fuck is that? {39452}{39591}- I just happen to have copies|of-of-- of a poem...|- Wait for me! Shit! {39594}{39682}- That's okay.|- written by the greatest poet. {39686}{39734}My Darling, My Hamburger.|How's that? {39799}{39843}- Okay, here's the deal.|- She was joking about the bear. {39847}{39948}When we finish this assignment,|I am gonna take... {39951}{39993}all of you... {39997}{40043}to a place that has... {40047}{40132}the highest parachute jumps, {40136}{40182}the biggest roller coaster, {40186}{40233}the best rides, {40237}{40301}the most delicious hot dogs, {40305}{40343}the hardest games... {40347}{40442}and the best prizes|in the world. {40445}{40495}- You're kiddin'.|- For real? {40499}{40568}- And we don't gotta pay for it?|- Huh? {40572}{40639}- And we don't gotta pay for it?|- Not a penny. {40643}{40714}So then, who pays? {40718}{40776}The Board of Education. {40780}{40830}- Lord, did you hear that?|- I don't believe it. {40869}{40946}- Sound good?|- Hey! {41005}{41049}That's bullshit, man! {41093}{41128}I'm sorry? {41176}{41246}Since when has the Board of Education|done anything for us, huh? {41250}{41318}Yeah, man, we fuckin'|barely get lunch. {41354}{41420}Well, I'm sorry you feel|that way, Emilio. {41479}{41533}Good. {41537}{41642}- Uh, Durrell, you wanna read|the first four lines?|- Oh, man, you trippin', man. {41645}{41692}I ain't readin'. You trippin'. {41768}{41831}- Okay, how about the f--|- You've got to read it.|- How about the first line? {41875}{41939}I'm scared to death, motherfucker,|all right? That's all. {42217}{42310}- Move slowly to the right, people.|- Yep, yep {42313}{42380}Miss Johnson. {42383}{42446}- You better be for real.|- Yep, yep {42530}{42585}- Yep, yep|- Miss Johnson? {42588}{42641}Yes, Callie? {42644}{42723}lf you wanna get the class|to listen, get Emilio. {42781}{42826}- Yep, yep|- lt's all right {42830}{42901}- lt's all right|- As you may have heard {42905}{42943}- Yeah|- To smoke a fat one {42947}{43015}- To smoke a fat one|- And drink a Thunderbird {43018}{43085}- Drink a Thunderbird|- lt's okay {43088}{43157}- lt's okay|- To play this loud {43161}{43302}- Mister DJ, don't mean|to sweat you down|- Wait {43306}{43383}- I'll get you, you little fucker.|- Yep {43387}{43454}- Poetry?|- Poetry, yeah. {43457}{43515}- These kids?|- Why not these kids? {43518}{43571}Well, hey, go for it. {43575}{43657}No, but I gotta find a gimmick|first, you know. Something|that'll grab their attention. {43661}{43710}- Who's your favourite poet, Griffith?|- My favourite? {43713}{43781}- Oh, there are so many.|How do I choose?|- I'm serious. {43785}{43849}Mmm. Serious. Okay. {43851}{43908}- Big D. Dylan.|- Get out! {43912}{43956}Why not? {43960}{44017}Well, I don-- He's n-- You know,|he's not for everybody. {44020}{44090}I mean, he's a little|long-winded, don't you think? {44093}{44146}I suppose that's 'cause|he wrote drunk. {44150}{44192}He had a drinking problem? {44195}{44251}Well, the guy's Welsh.|There ain't a lot to do there. {44255}{44309}I thought he was from Minnesota. {44312}{44388}You know, if the guy's your|favourite poet, you might want|to read up on him a little bit. {44392}{44442}He was Welsh and|he drank himself to death. {44445}{44521}Dead? He's not dead.|I saw him yesterday on MTV. {44579}{44635}You saw Dylan Thomas on MTV. {44669}{44711}No. Bob Dylan. {44714}{44768}Oh-- {44772}{44846}-Bob Dylan? Ohh!|-He looked dead. He looked dead. {44850}{44933}- Ohh!|- Hey, Mr Tambourine Man {44937}{45011}Play a song for me {45031}{45102}"Hey, Mr Tambourine Man--" {45106}{45154}- Tambourine!|- Tambourine!|- Tangerine. {45157}{45222}"T-Tambourine Man, {45225}{45302}Play a song for me {45306}{45405}I'm not sleepy and there is|no place I'm going to" {45408}{45448}Wow, he can read. {45451}{45497}Thank you. Taiwana? {45556}{45625}The next three lines, Taiwana. {45629}{45680}"Hey, Mr Tambourine Man {45683}{45739}Play a song for me {45743}{45829}ln the jingle-jangle morning|I'll come following you" {45832}{45879}- Good.|- All right. {45882}{45926}- Yes.|- What does that mean? {45930}{45986}What do you think it means? {45989}{46036}What, some guy's|got a tambourine... {46039}{46121}and this other guy wants him to|play it 'cause he can't sleep. {46125}{46188}- Okay.|- Yeah, but how come he want|to play the tambourine? {46192}{46256}Don't he got a radio or somethin'?|You know what I'm sayin'? {46258}{46377}Well, you kn-- That's a good point.|I mean, i-i-it's-- it's a weird choice. {46381}{46484}So, what if I told you|that Mr Tambourine Man... {46487}{46529}is a code name? {46532}{46612}- A code name for what?|- James Bond. {46616}{46676}- A drug dealer.|- ls it? {46680}{46724}Well, a lot of people think so. {46727}{46801}You know, this song is from the '60s,|when you couldn't sing about drugs, {46805}{46855}so they had to make up codes. {46858}{46990}So what was the code?|What does "Hey, Mr Tambourine Man|Play a song for me" mean? {46993}{47066}- Well, you figure--|- "Play a song for me"|means "give me the stuff." {47069}{47135}Yeah, it's like that nigger|been out drinkin' all night|and smokin' some shit... {47138}{47195}and everybody broke out on his|ass, you know what I'm sayin'? {47199}{47296}And he's high-- he's still high,|but he's kinda low and shaky.|You know-- "jingle-jangle." {47300}{47378}Yeah, and he needs something, like|a big hit of crack or cocaine and shit. {47381}{47430}He's crazy, okay? {47433}{47505}So, what do you think, Emilio?|Do you think that Raul is right? {47568}{47666}- All right, it's too|personal to discuss.|- What? {47669}{47749}You mean you choose not to|participate in the discussion? {47752}{47831}- Boy's too slick.|- Not about somethin' so personal. {47950}{48010}Wanna draw for it? {48013}{48062}What? {48066}{48155}High card, you don't have to|discuss anything. {48197}{48269}Why do I gotta draw for it?|That's the way it is now. {48713}{48773}Listen to this. {48776}{48862}Name one of the most influential|presidents of the 20th century. {48866}{48934}- Roosevelt.|- Simple, right? {48937}{49021}Wrong.|A history teacher's nightmare. {49057}{49106}How about Snoop Doggy Dogg|for an answer? {49110}{49192}Joe Montana. Winston Churchill. {49237}{49317}But this-- this is the best. {49320}{49416}"l will not answer this question on the|grounds that it is culturally biased... {49419}{49477}against individuals|such as myself." {49531}{49607}Actually, for this answer I'm|gonna give him partial credit. {49657}{49718}Louanne, you lose your|sense of humour, it's over. {49752}{49806}Uh, here.|New pictures of the rug rats. {49810}{49884}- Oh, God. People are supposed|to ask first, Griffith.|- Shut up. {49939}{50014}Ohh. They look like Maggie.|Thank God. {50018}{50102}Oh, I don't know. Harry with his thumb|in his mouth, he kinda looks like me. {50106}{50178}ls that his thumb?|I thought that was a cigarette. {50181}{50234}- How is Maggie?|- Good. {50237}{50286}She wants you to come over|for dinner. {50289}{50394}We had some fun times, you and Maggie|and me and-- what's his name? {50433}{50484}- I remember.|- Yeah. {50543}{50646}I remember too. That's why it's|hard for me to come to dinner. {50706}{50754}- Seeing anybody?|- No. {50800}{50858}How do you do that? You walk around|with a bag over your head? {50862}{50928}- No.|- Louanne, it's over six months. {50931}{50976}I'm not ready, Hal. {51051}{51178}You know, I thought you guys|always stuck together. What are|you sitting here with me for? {51181}{51301}You know, he was my best friend,|Louanne. "Was" is the operative word. {51336}{51392}He isn't worth your spit. {51605}{51653}What was that for? {51657}{51739}Just tell Maggie|she's a lucky lady, Griffith. {51742}{51830}Yeah, when they made me they|broke the mold. Both of them. {51934}{51981}- Good morning, ladies.|- Good morning. {52177}{52226}We gotta stop meeting like this. {52312}{52381}You sound awful. {52385}{52423}I refuse to take|medical advice... {52426}{52533}from somebody who eats Cheetos|at 8:00 in the morning. {52537}{52630}Yeah, well, you shouldn't smoke.|Listen to that cough! {52674}{52706}You know-- {52759}{52818}- I'll see you inside.|- You're gonna finish|the cigarette, aren't you? {52822}{52907}No, I'm not. Really.|Honest. I swear. {52911}{52990}Here! Right here! Yeah! {53253}{53319}- Guys are off playin' pool.|- You wanna smoke a cigarette? {53323}{53387}- I gave you your money, man. 350 bucks!|- Three-fifty? {53389}{53441}What are you talkin' about, homes?|Are you callin' me a liar? {53445}{53526}- What, do you think I'm fuckin' stupid?|- Yo, man, no.|Don't get loud, motherfucker! {53529}{53595}I'm gonna kick your fuckin'|spic ass! {53599}{53663}- Fuck you, man!|- Jump back, motherfucker!|- Fight! Fight! {53666}{53741}- Get back, get back.|- You fuckin' pendejo!|- Okay, okay, okay! {53745}{53810}Back off! Hey, hey, hey, hey!|Hey! Hey! Hey! {53813}{53867}- iPuto!|- One of you makes a move,|I will call security! {53871}{53935}- Aw, bullshit!|- Big fuckin' deal.|- They don't care. {53938}{54050}Okay, get to your classes.|Okay. lt's all over. Move! {54179}{54258}-You are stronger than these two|put together, and you know it!|-Bullshit, man! {54262}{54295}- iVato!|- He wishes, man! {54379}{54497}You could all be expelled if I report|this to the office, and you know that. {54500}{54611}Okay, if you give me your word that|it ends here, I'll forget it. {54614}{54677}ls it over? {54680}{54750}Yeah. {54753}{54798}How about you? {54801}{54874}- Yeah, simón.|- Absolutely. {54962}{55046}Okay, I trust you.|Now get to your classes. {55082}{55143}See you later, puto. {55147}{55197}Catch you later, ése. {55362}{55449}lf you hit those kids,|you'll pay for it. I swear. {55639}{55696}Get to your class|and behave yourself. {55762}{55820}You shouldn't have done that. {55824}{55918}- Oh? Why not?|- 'Cause you just shouldn't|mess with Emilio. {55922}{56003}Raul knows that if you make a deal|with Emilio and you fuck up on him, {56007}{56051}you get your locker smashed in|with your head. {56054}{56114}Everybody knows that. {56117}{56174}Well, maybe they'll all have|time to think about it... {56177}{56218}before they get to|the locker-smashing stage. {56222}{56293}They're gonna fight,|no matter what they tell you. {56337}{56390}What do you mean? {56394}{56454}When? Now? {56522}{56570}Where? Angela! Where? {56665}{56706}- Come on, motherfucker! Come on!|- Get him! {56710}{56742}Keep fightin'!|Keep kickin' his ass! {56798}{56854}Shit! Fuck! {56912}{56937}Ohh! {57065}{57107}Oh, shit. {57158}{57241}- Come on! Fuckin' come on!|- Fuck that! {57245}{57277}Shit! {57353}{57418}Come on, break it up!|Break it up! {57422}{57498}- Get the fuck off me!|- Get outta there!|- iPuto! You motherfucker! {57501}{57603}Get back! Now!|Get back! Get back! {57607}{57662}All of you! Comin' through! {57762}{57818}- Watch your head.|- Kickin', man. {57822}{57902}No. Wait a minute. Wait. No, no.|Gimme-- G-- Just give me a minute. {57990}{58035}- You promised!|- Yeah, but we had to, {58038}{58106}or we couldn't walk around|with our heads up no more. {58110}{58195}We got a reputation to protect.|You a Marine. You understand. {58199}{58249}Like, if America didn't stand up|everyone would attack it. {58252}{58326}Well, in our neighbourhood if you don't|stand up you can't walk down the street, {58329}{58381}'cause everyone will attack you,|you know? {58432}{58493}Rata, you fuckin' puto. {58497}{58574}- Man, I cracked that|motherfucker's head, ése.|- See you in the fuckin|neighbourhood, ése. {58663}{58708}Okay, I see. {58767}{58838}And I made it worse and I made you and|Gusmaro look bad in front of everyone... {58841}{58894}by saying that Emilio was|stronger than the both of you. {58898}{58958}Yeah, well, you thought|you was helpin' us. {58962}{59044}Ma'am, I'm sorry. We really have to go.|I gotta get 'em home. {60079}{60109}Nasty cut. {60235}{60300}You mind telling me what the fight|was about in the first place? {60303}{60343}Yeah. {60425}{60529}I really would like to know|what happened. I'm not gonna|make any trouble for you. {60533}{60609}- I just wanna know, was it worth it?|- Yeah, it was worth it. {60612}{60685}- Why?|- Because it felt good|hittin' him in the face. {60688}{60762}- I got him good, man.|- Yeah, you like to hit people? {60765}{60810}Yeah, I like to hit people. {60870}{60930}Why? {60934}{60995}You feel angry|a lot of the time? {60999}{61068}So now you're gonna|try and psychologize me? {61072}{61158}You're gonna try and figure|me out? I'll help you. {61162}{61234}I come from a broken home,|and we're poor. Okay? {61270}{61338}I see the same fuckin' movies|you do, man. {61425}{61485}I would like to help you,|Emilio. {61488}{61586}Thank you very much. And how|would you like to do that? {61589}{61666}You gonna give me some good|advice? "Just say no"? {61670}{61750}You gonna get me off|the streets? Well, forget it! {61753}{61827}How the fuck you gonna|save me from my life, huh? {61995}{62039}Yep, yep {62066}{62111}Karen? {62114}{62188}I have three, uh,|student files here... {62191}{62269}- and I can't find a phone|number in any of 'em.|- Yep, yep {62273}{62326}Well, sometimes they don't|give a number... {62329}{62388}- and sometimes|they don't have a phone.|- Yep, yep {62391}{62487}- lt's all right|- lt's all right|- As you might have heard {62490}{62562}- Yeah|- To smoke a fat one|- To smoke a fat one {62565}{62630}- And drink a 'Bird|- A Thunderbird {62634}{62686}- lt's okay|- lt's okay {62689}{62758}- To play this loud|- Oh, play it loud {62762}{62880}Mister DJ, don't mean|to sweat you down {62884}{62934}- lt's all right|- lt's all right {62937}{62995}- As you may have heard|- Yeah {62999}{63060}- To smoke a fat one|- Smoke a fat one {63063}{63178}- And drink a 'Bird|- A Thunderbird, now {63182}{63286}lt's okay {63463}{63520}Come on. Come on. {63560}{63592}Do your homework. {64098}{64190}- You have a lovely family,|Mrs. Sanchero.|- Thank you. {64313}{64370}We know why you're here,|Miss Johnson. {64403}{64479}I warned Raul to|stay out of trouble. {64483}{64562}He's first in our family to|maybe graduate high school. {64565}{64639}- So he gonna get punished big|for what he done.|- N-- {64687}{64725}Don't you worry about that. {64728}{64797}But he didn't do anything wrong. {64838}{64890}-But he expelled for three days.|-l know. No, I know. {64894}{65005}But he didn't start the fight. He was|defending himself from a bigger boy. {65009}{65070}He was protecting himself. {65074}{65140}- Uh, why they send him home?|- lt's just school policy. {65144}{65222}I-I-lt gives the other boy|time to cool down. {65225}{65284}Actually, {65287}{65389}I'm here because I just wanted|to tell you both personally... {65392}{65487}what a pleasure it's been having|Raul in my class this semester. {65490}{65548}You must be very proud. {65625}{65666}Yes. {65670}{65741}He's, um--|Well, he's very bright... {65745}{65826}and funny, articulate. {65875}{65949}The truth is, he's--|he's one of my favourites. {66983}{67040}Uh, soy Louanne Johnson. {67201}{67230}Oh. {67275}{67354}"l will not go down underground {67358}{67422}'Cause somebody tells me|that death's comin' 'round" {67452}{67509}Okay, this is another|Dylan poem. {67512}{67613}Now, is that a code, or does|that just mean what it says? {67822}{67871}"And I will not carry myself|down to die {67875}{67926}When I go to my grave|My head will be high" {67929}{67988}"My head will be high."|What does that mean? {68058}{68088}Anybody. {68172}{68234}Nobody. {68237}{68294}ls there something|I should know? {68329}{68370}Yeah. I'll tell you. {68374}{68462}You ratted on Raul,|Gusmaro and Emilio. {68465}{68526}Yeah. You got Emilio|put into detention. {68529}{68578}lt wasn't none of your|business, chismosa. {68582}{68634}And you got Raul|and Gusmaro suspended. {68637}{68692}- Now they're gonna get|their fuckin' asses kicked.|- And you got Emilio-- {68696}{68747}- Hey, I didn't rat on anybody.|- Wasn't none of your business|anyway, you chismosa. {68750}{68828}- Bullshit.|- Let this--|- Told you she was full of shit. {68832}{68928}- Snitches get stitches, bitch.|- Do you wanna talk about this? {68932}{69014}On you, shit. Whatever|floats your boat, teach. {69017}{69071}We don't have no choices|in this room. {69075}{69139}Well, if you all feel that strongly|about it, leave the room. {69142}{69195}- What?|- Hey, listen. {69199}{69336}Nobody's forcing you to be here.|You have a choice.|You can stay, or you can leave. {69339}{69410}Lady, why are you playin' this|game? We don't have a choice. {69413}{69494}You don't have a choice? You don't have|a choice on whether or not you're here? {69498}{69578}No. lf we leave, we don't|get to graduate. lf we stay,|we gotta put up with you. {69582}{69631}Well, that's a choice, isn't it?|You have a choice. {69635}{69685}You either don't graduate|or you have to put up with me. {69688}{69754}lt may not be a choice you like,|but it is a choice. {69758}{69833}Man, you don't understand nothin'. l|mean, you don't come from where we live. {69837}{69930}- You-- You're not bussed here.|- Do you have a choice|to get on that bus? {69934}{69990}Man, you come and live in my|neighbourhood for one week... {69994}{70049}and then you tell me|if you got a choice. {70052}{70158}There are a lot of people who|live in your neighbourhood who|choose not to get on that bus. {70162}{70227}What do they choose to do?|They choose to go out and sell drugs. {70230}{70309}They choose to go out and kill people.|They choose to do a lot of other things. {70312}{70366}But they choose not to|get on that bus. {70370}{70471}The people who choose to get on|that bus, which are you,|are the people who are saying, {70475}{70530}"l will not carry myself|down to die {70534}{70601}When I go to my grave|My head will be high" {70604}{70657}That is a choice. {70661}{70717}There are no victims|in this classroom! {70846}{70897}Why do you care anyway?|You just here for the money. {70900}{70962}Because I make a choice to care.|And, honey, the money ain't that good. {70965}{71022}- Whatever.|- Read it again, Miss Johnson. {71025}{71118}- What?|- Read those lines you just read again. {71465}{71508}"l will not go down underground {71512}{71605}'Cause somebody tells me|that death's comin' 'round" {71709}{71763}Does that mean|just what it says? {71798}{71890}No, it don't mean|just what it says. {71894}{71954}Because... {71958}{72014}you wouldn't go|under the ground... {72017}{72107}if someone told you|death was comin'. {72111}{72196}But you would go into the ground|if you were already dead. {72374}{72454}Do the rest of you|agree with that? {72634}{72679}Well, I kinda agree with it, {72683}{72776}but I think|it just means that... {72779}{72821}he ain't gonna help death out,|you know? {72825}{72889}lt's not like he's just gonna|lay down and wait for it. {72892}{73002}I think he's gonna choose-- No,|I think he's gonna make the choice-- {73005}{73050}to die hard. {73105}{73149}Mm-hmm. {73152}{73209}- Yeah, I agree with that.|- Yeah, me too. {73212}{73258}- That's what it sounds like to me.|- Okay. {73262}{73347}Well, what about, uh,|the rest of it? Um-- {73350}{73398}"When I go to my grave|My head will be high" {73401}{73466}"Head will be high."|What does that mean? {73470}{73562}- You're gonna die with pride.|- Right. {73565}{73626}- See you tomorrow.|- Callie, wait up! {74141}{74239}You went to RauI's house last|night, and Gusmaro's too, right? {74242}{74304}Mm-hmm. {74308}{74360}Yeah, that's what they told me. {74390}{74450}That's cool. {74733}{74811}Hold up, wait a minute|Don't go there 'cause I ain't with it {74814}{74893}Hold up, wait a minute|Don't go there 'cause I ain't with it {74992}{75080}What you want|Baby, I got it {75084}{75158}What you need|Babe, you got it {75162}{75236}All I'm askin'|is for a little respect {75292}{75367}Yo, kick it, homes!|What you waitin' for, man? {75371}{75446}- Are you trying to steal my $2.50, ése?|- Ah, go, go, go. {75450}{75552}Man, that ain't shit.|Go faster, man. Go faster, man. {75692}{75765}- Come on, come on|- Faster, man, faster!|- You got to gimme, gimme {75769}{75849}- R-E-S-P-E-C-T|- I got to get it, get it {75852}{75931}- R-E-S-P-E-C-T|- You got to gimme, gimme {75935}{76013}- R-E-S-P-E-C-T|- I got to get it, get it {76016}{76057}- R-E-S-P-E-C-T|- Come on, get back. {76061}{76134}Are you all right, man? That looked|like a real bitch right then. {76137}{76233}Hey, get the fuck|out of there, man. Look at you!|You look like my grandma, man. {76302}{76363}- R-E-S-P-E-C-T|- Miss Johnson, {76366}{76440}the-- the School Board would have every|right to insist on your dismissal. {76444}{76519}You informed no one.|You got no permission slips. {76523}{76629}Oh, but there was no one to inform.|All the kids just decided to go to|the amusement park at the last minute. {76633}{76697}And then they let me come along. {76700}{76776}- Did they pay for you?|- No, I paid for them. {76845}{76936}I was just so moved|by the invitation. {77021}{77085}This wasn't, by any chance, {77088}{77199}their reward for reading|poetry, was it, Miss Johnson? {77202}{77315}ln my class, Mr Grandey,|poetry is its own reward. {77439}{77507}Angela, would you read|the first line? {77511}{77615}"Appetizers. Freshly cut bay shrimp|grilled to perfection." {77619}{77705}- This is a Xerox of a menu.|- That is correct. {77709}{77805}lt's from The Flowering Peach,|the best restaurant in town. {77809}{77883}- Ever hear of it?|- Yeah, we heard of it. {77887}{77941}lt's supposed to be like|some special restaurant or somethin'. {77945}{77997}Mm-hmm.|So, does it sound good? {78042}{78149}Because whoever wins the, uh,|the-- the Dylan-Dylan contest... {78152}{78209}- The what?|- goes there for dinner with me. {78212}{78283}Hey, what's the Dylan-Dylan|contest about? {78287}{78331}Well. {78400}{78456}There's Bob Dylan, {78460}{78521}who we've been reading. {78525}{78569}And then... {78573}{78677}there's Dylan Thomas, {78680}{78721}who also wrote poems. {78725}{78808}lf you can find the poem|written by Dylan Thomas... {78812}{78929}that is like a poem|written by Bob Dylan, {78933}{78987}you win the Dylan-Dylan contest. {78990}{79105}Hey, Mr Tambourine Man|Play a song for me {79109}{79253}I'm not sleepy and there|is no place I'm going to {79257}{79379}Hey, Mr Tambourine Man|Play a song for me {79383}{79441}ln the jingle-jangle morning {79445}{79529}I'll come following you {79820}{79942}Yo, every fuckin' poem Dylan Thomas|wrote is about death, man. {79946}{79999}Now, how we supposed to know|which one to write? {80002}{80083}"The sniper laid him low,|and strewed his brains. {80087}{80136}One would not think|the greenness of this valley... {80139}{80187}could let a day be sick|with so much blood." {80190}{80270}Man, that's some Rambo-Schwarzenegger|bullshit you found. {80274}{80318}- That's how it's supposed to be, right?|- No. {80322}{80375}- There's supposed to be killing shit.|- But it-- But it don't-- {80378}{80444}But it don't even mean the same as|"l will not go under the ground." {80491}{80549}Now you're some sort of|poetic critic, now, right? {80552}{80605}- Oh, well, it don't.|- Thank you. {80609}{80670}Okay. Listen to this. {80721}{80789}"Do not go gentle|into that good night. {80792}{80878}Old age should burn|and rave at close of day. {80882}{80977}Rage, rage against|the dying of the light." {81011}{81062}Where's the code?|Where's the death? {81065}{81129}Night. All that stuff|about night. That's death. {81167}{81217}So it's "Don't go gentle|into that good death." {81221}{81305}Yeah, but I think "good"|is sarcastic. {81309}{81409}When he say, "Do not go gentle,"|that's like sayin', "Don't go easy." {81412}{81498}- So it's the same as|"l will not go down."|- We just won us|a motherfucking chicken. {81501}{81559}Shh. {81562}{81631}This is the life {81635}{81731}Everyone has to be somewhere {81790}{81867}Oh {81871}{81991}I am here {82121}{82219}This is the life {82223}{82318}This is the life {82322}{82446}- This is my|- Well, the results of the|Dylan-Dylan contest are in. {82450}{82497}- Life|- The winners are-- {82500}{82593}- That's me. Right here.|- Sit down. I am Bob Dylan. Sit down. {82597}{82668}- Yo, shh! Shh!|- Sorry, Miss Johnson. {82672}{82727}- Shh.|- Shh. {82771}{82839}Raul, Durrell and Callie! {82962}{83009}- Congratulations.|- Thanks. {83012}{83087}- Here's your certificate.|- Hey!|- Congratulations. {83116}{83161}Congratulations, Callie. {83164}{83222}Okay! {83225}{83293}But there are no losers in this class.|You guys did great. {83297}{83352}You all get to pick a prize|from the box. {83355}{83433}How come they get a prize|when they got the wrong answer? {83437}{83521}Well, because sometimes|it takes a lot of wrong answers|to get to the right one. {83525}{83603}Hey, everyone can't be right,|'cept for us! {83664}{83710}Come on up. {83907}{83964}- Miss Johnson?|- Hey, Callie. {83967}{84056}- Um, I wanted to talk to you|about the restaurant.|- Uh-huh. {84060}{84117}- I can't go.|- Why? {84121}{84191}Because I have to work at this|supermarket every night until|June and I already told them-- {84195}{84239}Oh, isn't there any way|to get out of it? {84242}{84328}No. Because of the schedule|and everything, I have to do it. {84332}{84425}- But thank you anyway.|- Well, o-okay. Well. {84428}{84489}Shoot. {84492}{84601}Well, no, it's okay. lf you|can't come to dinner, then, uh,|well, we'll bring dinner to you. {84604}{84691}- Really?|- Mm-hmm. {84695}{84763}- Thank you.|- I'm taking orders, Miss Roberts. {84995}{85037}I couldn't find|a parking space. {85040}{85085}lt's okay.|I just got here myself. {85088}{85149}- Oh, you look very handsome.|- How 'bout this jacket? {85152}{85197}lt's fantastic. {85200}{85248}Go ahead, touch it.|lt's real leather. {85251}{85317}- Ooh!|- Hey, where's Callie? {85321}{85374}Oh, she had to work.|Where's Durrell? {85377}{85463}- Oh, he had to work too.|- Oh. {85466}{85553}Well, I guess it's just|you and me, handsome. {85557}{85601}I guess so. {85635}{85695}Oh. Ladies first. {85699}{85743}Thank you. {85915}{85979}- Hey, are you sure they got chicken?|- Mm-hmm. {86083}{86152}May I tell you a little|about this evening's specials? {86155}{86285}The chef is featuring foie gras|with smoked duck and figs|on a hill of bulgar. {86288}{86371}Uh, salmon tartar|in potato gaufrette... {86375}{86442}over wild mushrooms,|and fennel salad. {86446}{86499}Uh, for the entree|we're featuring... {86502}{86593}a complex shellfish|pan roast with orso, {86597}{86688}a touch of comfit and a broth|thickened with lobster shell oil. {86691}{86762}All very, very good. {86826}{86878}- Could we have a few minutes, please?|- Ah, yes. {86882}{86937}Thank you. {86940}{86993}- Are you sure they got chicken?|- Yes. {86997}{87065}Here. See, it's right there,|sweetie. You see? Poulet. {87069}{87195}And when the waiter comes back,|you may as well talk to him. {87199}{87277}lt'll be good practice|for your summer job interviews. {87280}{87345}I can't talk to that guy. He probably|thinks I'm weird or something. {87348}{87453}He does not. He can't help|but notice your natural charm. {87457}{87548}You just look him straight|in the eye and you talk to him|like you would anyone else. {87577}{87618}Now, go ahead and call him over. {87687}{87783}Go ahead. Just give him|a little nod. {87920}{88004}- Are we ready?|- Okay, I'll have the chicken. {88055}{88100}A whole one. {88173}{88230}And I'll have the same. {88234}{88303}And one to go, please. {88307}{88382}One to go. Thank you. {88799}{88838}Hey, Miss J? {88841}{88960}I was wondering maybe, like,|in the next couple of days, if I-- {88963}{89048}- ls everything all right?|- Everything's fine. Thank you. {89051}{89101}All right. {89104}{89161}Now don't be mad or nothing,|but I gotta be absent... {89164}{89227}for a couple of days|without your coming to my house. {89230}{89297}lt's important. {89300}{89385}- You'll have to tell me why.|- I got some shit to do. {89480}{89529}I gotta make some money|to pay back this guy. {89636}{89700}This doesn't sound important|enough to cut school. {89702}{89770}lt is. I gotta pay|for this jacket. {89774}{89829}See, I got it off the street|from this guy for 200 dollars, {89833}{89877}and he said he'd trust me|for it until Friday. {89880}{89953}Why did you buy it on the street|instead of in a store? {89957}{90027}Are you crazy? You know how much|this would cost in a store? {90030}{90127}I needed a nice jacket and fast,|and I got it from this guy|'cause he cut me a deal... {90130}{90238}'cause he stole it,|probably. {90241}{90354}So, are you gonna go out and get|a job or are you gonna go out|and steal too to pay him back? {90358}{90417}Miss J, I gotta pay him back. {90421}{90473}He'll kill me. {90501}{90548}I didn't have nothing to wear! {90774}{90850}Fine. I'll lend it to you. {90903}{90964}I can't take your money.|Teachers are poor. Everyone knows that. {91004}{91062}Well, you don't really|have a choice, do you? {91065}{91123}lf you don't pay the guy back,|he'll kill you. {91126}{91217}lf you cut school, I'll tell|your father and he'll kill you. {91221}{91331}- So I'm your only way out.|- Oh, man. {91335}{91412}- But I do have one condition.|- Big? {91415}{91464}- Huge.|- What do you want, interest? {91467}{91546}- Mm-mmm. Bigger.|- Jesus Christ, what is it? {91575}{91643}Well. {91647}{91721}- Would you like dessert?|- No! {91725}{91795}- Another glass of wine?|- Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you. {91799}{91867}- Coffee, perhaps?|- Hey, man, we're talking! {91957}{92019}So, what's the condition? {92074}{92161}You have to pay me back|on the day you graduate. {92219}{92276}But-- But what if|I don't graduate? {92279}{92362}Well, then you'll never|pay me back the money. {92365}{92450}But I know that|if you say you will, {92453}{92518}you'll kill yourself|keeping your word. {93015}{93093}Well, what do you say? {93097}{93197}I don't get it. Why do you|care so much if I graduate? {93200}{93254}Weird, isn't it? {93392}{93441}All right, I'll pay you back. {93533}{93601}- You have my word.|- Hey. {93604}{93669}lt is a very nice jacket. {93722}{93781}Thank you. {94249}{94293}- Hey.|- Oh, hi!|- Hi. {94297}{94353}- How you doin'?|- Oh, good. {94357}{94440}I think this is the first time I ever|brought food into a supermarket. {94444}{94525}-Yeah, I can smell it from here.|-Yeah.|-Good. Thanks. {94528}{94605}Well, Raul says if you don't like it,|he'll take it off your hands. {94609}{94691}Oh, please.|Like hell he will. {94695}{94763}Callie, could you help load|in aisle three, please? {94766}{94884}Be right there. I'm telling you,|this place would fall to pieces|if it wasn't for me. {94887}{94964}You know, Callie, {94967}{95012}just between you and me, {95015}{95141}with your scores, I think you should|consider going into Advanced English. {95145}{95234}- Oh, but I'm gonna be at Clearview.|You didn't know?|- No. {95237}{95322}You didn't see my record?|I tell you. {95325}{95370}No, I-- I didn't know. {95374}{95439}- Bye now.|- Yeah. {95496}{95560}ln the middle of a semester?|Are-- Are you moving? {95562}{95619}No. I'm pregnant. {95623}{95707}And since I'm startin' to show,|they thought it was time, you know? {95770}{95893}- Who thought it was time?|- The school. They don't let you|stay there if you're pregnant. {95897}{95979}But they told me they have this|really good programme at Clearview|for, like, teenage mothers. {95983}{96077}And they teach you stuff like parenting|and nutrition, all kinds of stuff. {96080}{96141}So I thought it would|be good for me, you know? {96145}{96199}- Yeah.|- Aisle three. {96238}{96322}"Degrade first the arts|if you'd mankind degrade." {96325}{96404}Hey, that's the spray can poem. {96480}{96568}-Hey, hey, what's the code word?|-The code word is "great rides|and great prizes." {96572}{96637}I'm keeping it undercover|But comin' soon, I surmises {96694}{96766}Does anybody know where, um,|Durrell and Lionel are today? {96815}{96905}- Durrell and Lionel.|- No.|- They around. {96909}{97009}Yeah, so what's the prize we're|gonna get for learning this poem? {97012}{97099}Learning is the prize. {97102}{97147}Yeah. {97150}{97224}Knowing how to read something|and understand it is the prize. {97227}{97305}Okay? Knowing how to think|is the prize. {97309}{97389}- I know how to think right now.|- Okay. Well, yeah, well,|you know how to run too. {97392}{97448}But not the way you|could run if you trained. {97451}{97520}You know, the mind|is like a muscle. {97524}{97618}Okay? And if you want it to be really|powerful, you got to work it out. Okay? {97622}{97734}Each new fact|gives you another choice. {97737}{97827}Each new idea builds|another muscle, okay? {97830}{97903}And it's those muscles that are|gonna make you really strong. {97907}{98003}Those are your weapons,|and in this unsafe world... {98007}{98060}I want to arm you. {98063}{98153}- And that's what these poems|are supposed to do?|- Yeah. {98157}{98217}Hey, try it. You're just|sittin' here anyway. {98221}{98289}Look. Okay.|lf at the end of the term, {98292}{98366}you're not faster, stronger|and smarter, {98370}{98441}you will have lost nothing. {98445}{98521}But if you are, {98525}{98643}you'll be that much tougher|to knock down. {98647}{98780}So what's "Hire idiots to paint|with cold light and hot shade"? {98811}{98852}They're being sarcastic, Raul. {98855}{98913}I mean, 'cause you know that light|is supposed to be warm, right? {98916}{98967}- And shade is supposed to be what?|- Cold? {98971}{99063}Exactly. But if you go|and hire an idiot to do the job,|he's gonna do it backwards. {99066}{99120}- Hello.|- There you go.|- Hmm. {99157}{99221}Don't make a big fuss|about this, Louanne. {99225}{99302}You have to help me. You have|no idea how bright this girl is. {99305}{99376}Yes, I do. And there's nothing|I can do about it. {99379}{99463}Oh! That just makes me crazy! {99466}{99549}What right do these miserable,|self-righteous sons of bitches|from the Board of Education... {99552}{99626}have to make a moral judgment|on Callie Roberts? {99629}{99679}- Do you know--|- Louanne, there are parents|in the next room. {99683}{99735}Look, I don't c--|I'm gonna fight this ruling. {99738}{99828}I'm gonna write an open letter|to every newspaper condemning|the entire School Board. {99832}{99886}- Oh, you can't do that.|- Why not? {99889}{99982}Well, first of all, the Board|has nothing to do with it. {100037}{100134}We prefer that these girls go to|the mother-to-be programme at Clearview. {100225}{100280}Oh, wait a minute. {100284}{100375}You mean this isn't a rule?|You mean this is your preference? {100411}{100457}Well, yes. {100461}{100560}You mean Callie Roberts is free|to go to any school she wants? {100563}{100671}- lncluding this one?|- Unless she's absent|for more than 30 days. {100675}{100736}And then she has to wait|until the baby's born|before she can come back here. {100739}{100877}But, Louanne, once these girls|have babies, very few of them|come back to school anyway. {100880}{100939}I see. {100942}{101041}So you make them think|they have to leave. {101045}{101122}You just push 'em out a little earlier,|make it a little harder, {101125}{101177}make it a little more hopeless. {101180}{101234}I do what I have to do... {101237}{101309}because it is dangerous to have|a pregnant girl in a classroom. {101312}{101425}lt's not a warning, Louanne. I-lt's|prestige, it's stardom, it's attention. {101428}{101482}You know, not all these girls|become pregnant by accident. {101486}{101561}- Pregnancy is contagious.|- Yep, yep {101564}{101609}- lt's all right|- lt's all right {101612}{101670}As you may have heard {101674}{101741}- Yeah|- To smoke a fat one|- To smoke a fat one {101745}{101805}- And drink a 'Bird|- Drink a Thunderbird {101809}{101861}- lt's okay|- lt's okay {101864}{101933}- To play this loud|- Play it loud {101937}{102031}Mister DJ, don't mean|to sweat you down {102035}{102081}Who is it? {102085}{102163}lt's Louanne Johnson,|Callie's second period teacher. {102269}{102321}Hi. {102325}{102401}Um, Callie's getting ready|to go to work. {102404}{102446}- Come on in.|- Thank you. {102450}{102510}Curiosity killed the cat {102514}{102557}- Oh.|- Hi.|- Hi, there. {102560}{102635}- What you doing?|- Watching TV. {102679}{102754}- What's your name?|- Tyeisha. {102757}{102835}- Oh, that's a pretty name.|- She just love her TV. {102839}{102924}Why ain't you in bed?|Come here, baby. {102927}{103009}Callie? Honey?|Your teacher's here. {103125}{103197}- Hi.|- Hi. {103200}{103281}I'm sorry to just bust in|on you like this, but I have|the most wonderful news... {103284}{103352}and I wanted to come|tell you personally. {103355}{103430}You do not have to go|to Clearview. {103433}{103559}There is nothing in the rules that says|you can't stay exactly where you are. {103563}{103608}But, uh, she already|enrolled in Clearview. {103611}{103686}Uh, well, that's all right. She-- that--|But she doesn't have to go there. {103690}{103775}Yeah, but Kimboley wants me|to take the mother-to-be programme|at Clearview, you know. {103778}{103859}He thought it would be a good|idea if I learned how to take|care of the baby and stuff. {103914}{103983}I don't understand. {103986}{104073}Do you not want to stay|at Parkmont? {104076}{104157}Well, yeah, but I gotta learn how|to take care of us, you know. {104160}{104219}I mean, we're getting our own|place and everything, so-- {104306}{104381}Callie, just don't throw away|all you can become. {104425}{104503}Kimboley was so right.|He was so right. {104506}{104573}He told me that you'd probably|try to talk me out of this. {104576}{104622}You want to know|what else he said? {104625}{104688}He said that you probably|don't even like men... {104692}{104756}and that you're probably not married|and you don't want anybody else to be. {104759}{104833}That's why you're always|in everybody else's life. {104926}{105011}Look, I'm not saying|that I agree with him, okay? {105015}{105084}Well, Kimboley's wrong. {105088}{105145}I was married... {105149}{105193}and I was pregnant. {105256}{105318}So what happened? {105365}{105428}We got divorced... {105431}{105505}and I had an abortion. {105593}{105641}He beat me. {105708}{105788}Well, sometimes|you start out wrong... {105792}{105865}and just keep going. {106202}{106263}Hey, don't touch me.|Oh, get outta here! {106305}{106378}I'll see you. {106381}{106443}You took something that|fuckin' belonged to me, ése. {106447}{106518}Man, she came to me|with open arms. {106522}{106579}Besides, you gotta have|one of these. {106629}{106674}You're dead. {106975}{107043}As I walk through the valley|of the shadow of death {107047}{107123}I take a look at my life|and realize there's nothing left {107126}{107187}'Cause I've been blastin'|and laughin' so long {107191}{107266}That even my mama thinks|that my mind is gone {107270}{107333}I really hate to trip|but I gotta loc {107336}{107395}As they croak I see myself|in the pistol smoke {107399}{107488}Fool, I'm the kind of "G"|the little homies wanna be like {107492}{107565}On my knees in the night|sayin' prayers in the street light {107569}{107697}Been spendin' most their lives|livin' in a gangsta's paradise {107700}{107749}- Hey, Miss Johnson.|- Hey!|- Been spendin' most their lives {107752}{107835}- Haven't seen you guys in a week.|- Livin' in a gangsta's paradise {107839}{107901}Thought maybe you got lost|on your way to class. {107904}{107954}I wanted to help you|find your way back. {107957}{108022}Get on inside. {108025}{108093}Clean up that pigsty of a room. {108220}{108289}Hi. I'm Louanne Johnson.|I'm the boys' teacher. {108293}{108337}I know who you are. {108341}{108426}You're that white-bread bitch|messin' with my babies' minds. {108429}{108474}I beg your pardon? {108477}{108552}My boys don't go to your school|no more, and that's gonna be it. {108595}{108654}- You took 'em out of school?|- You're damn right I did. {108657}{108749}I saw what they were bringing|home-- poetry and shit. {108752}{108867}A waste of time. They got|more important things to worry about. {108929}{109022}Don't you think that finishing high|school will be valuable to their future? {109025}{109073}That's not in their future. {109076}{109169}I ain't raising no doctors and lawyers|here. They got bills to pay. {109173}{109224}Why don't you just|get on outta here. {109227}{109323}Go find yourself some other|poor boys to save. {109649}{109717}Mama! I could stand|some lemonade. {109863}{109960}"lt is easier|to forgive an enemy... {109964}{110026}than to forgive a friend. {110029}{110124}The man who permits you|to injure him... {110127}{110193}deserves your vengeance. {110197}{110278}He also will receive it." {110281}{110348}Wow, who wrote that?|Some Mafia guy? {110351}{110396}You know, let's go on|with this poem tomorrow. {110400}{110454}Why don't you-- Take out your work|sheets and do the vocabulary drill. {110457}{110538}- Say what?|- Oh, man!|- Man, I don't wanna do no vocabulary. {110542}{110594}I don't wanna do|no damn vocabulary. {110598}{110650}Then don't. {110653}{110736}What do you mean?|You mean I have a choice? {110740}{110830}You're not gonna let me get away with|not learnin' my vocabulary, right? {110913}{110995}That's right. You have to do|your vocabulary. {110999}{111063}Words are thoughts|and we can't think without 'em. {111066}{111148}So-- Please? {111151}{111239}And so let's just do it, man. She's|gonna be down our back in a minute. {111243}{111323}- Whatever. She's grouchy.|- Grouch. {111326}{111391}- Thanks, Louanne.|- Grouch, grouch. {111395}{111471}Thank you, Louanne.|Such a nice lady, Louanne. {111528}{111605}What do I do?|What the fuck you want from me? {111608}{111675}Who, my teacher? You think|I'm gonna fuckin' talk to a teacher? {111678}{111738}Like they're gonna|really help me, huh? Huh? {111742}{111816}Teachers aren't gonna|fuckin' help me, okay? {111820}{111913}Miss Johnson! Miss Johnson,|we gotta talk to you. {111917}{111988}- There's nothing to talk about, Angela!|- What, are you Superman? {111992}{112064}ls your ass bulletproof?|ls that what you think? Tell her! {112068}{112131}- Tell her what you're gonna do.|- What is it? {112134}{112204}- He's strapped.|- Shut the fuck up!|She don't need to know my business. {112207}{112276}ls your business dying? No! {112279}{112349}There's this crackhead named Shorty.|He just came out of jail. {112352}{112411}He says that I'm his girl and|that Emilio took me from him. {112415}{112473}And now he wants to kill Emilio. {112521}{112598}Emilio, if this boy is threatening you,|we can go to the police. {112601}{112656}Look, this is nothing you|can do anything about. {112659}{112725}This guy is looking for me to kill me,|and the only way for me to stop him... {112728}{112788}is for me to kill him first. {112792}{112847}That's just the way it is,|all right? {112850}{112931}Wait, Emilio, wait, wait, wait, wait,|no! Can we-- Can we talk about this? {112934}{112999}- Come to my house.|- Yeah, right. {113001}{113054}Oh, what?|You're too proud to hide? {113057}{113134}lt's better to wander|the streets all night? {113138}{113209}- Come on.|- Please? {113213}{113257}Please, just go. {113345}{113417}Go. Go. {113464}{113523}- Can we drop you?|- Just go. {113911}{113973}ls this boy your age? {114047}{114127}- Yeah.|- Does he go to Parkmont? {114130}{114199}I won't tell you who it is. {114202}{114247}No, don't. {114300}{114371}But if you tell Mr Grandey|about him-- {114375}{114503}not about his threatening you,|but about his being on crack-- {114506}{114614}he'll be turned over to the juvenile|court for-- for drug abuse in school. {114618}{114674}H-He won't serve hard time, {114677}{114779}but by the time he gets out and|he's detoxed, he-- he will have|gotten over trying to kill you. {114952}{114997}No, I can't rat on him. {115000}{115072}Right. Kill him.|That's better. {115109}{115171}Man, {115175}{115219}you don't understand. {115300}{115415}You asked me once how I was|gonna save you from your life. {115419}{115481}This is how. This moment. {115521}{115587}Right now. {115591}{115648}This will make the difference|in your life forever. {116379}{116424}Emilio? {116598}{116642}Emilio? {116952}{117043}- Oh, Mr Grandey.|- ls there a problem, Miss Johnson? {117047}{117095}- Shouldn't you be in class?|- Yes, I'm late. {117099}{117212}Um, I just wanted to ask.|Did Emilio Ramirez come|to your office this morning? {117216}{117277}- Yes.|- Oh, God. Oh, thank God. {117280}{117352}- Did you talk to him?|- No, I sent him away. {117355}{117405}You-- What do you mean? {117455}{117548}- I mean I sent him away.|- Why? {117551}{117613}Because he didn't knock,|Miss Johnson. {117617}{117714}- Here we are.|- Because he didn't knock? {117718}{117820}Yes, Miss Johnson. I'm trying to teach|these children how to live in the world. {117824}{117901}And in the world, you just don't|burst into someone's office. {117970}{118038}Because he didn't knock? {118113}{118166}Damn it! {118950}{118995}Uh, Louanne. {119030}{119102}Mr Grandey is with the police. {119105}{119158}- Yes?|- Um. {119161}{119247}They just found Emilio Ramirez|three blocks from the school. {119250}{119315}He was shot this morning. {119371}{119415}ls he dead? {119488}{119574}- He's dead.|- I'm very sorry. {119617}{119670}Um... {119674}{119723}are you going to tell them now? {119784}{119841}Do you think that's wise? {119913}{119963}Yeah. {119967}{120052}Well, uh, perhaps if you talk to them|a little bit about death... {120055}{120131}and-- and-- and what it means. {120161}{120219}What would you like me to say? {120223}{120291}That if you don't want to die,|remember to knock? {120326}{120389}- That's not fair.|- What is? {120805}{120860}Bad news. {120895}{120969}Emilio was shot this morning. {121013}{121074}ls he dead? {121077}{121171}- Yes, baby, he's dead.|- Oh, no. {122310}{122430}Yo! Listen up. Miss Johnson|got something to say! {122433}{122516}- Shh.|- Thank you. {122520}{122600}I just want to say... {122603}{122678}l, uh-- I won't, um-- {122734}{122808}I will not be here next year. {122811}{122856}I'm not coming back. {122895}{122950}How come?|ls it something we did? {122953}{123019}No. No, no, no. No. Um-- {123093}{123145}I-l never intended to stay. {123149}{123213}Um, this was an unexpected job. {123217}{123311}So if you knew you wasn't|gonna stay, how come you made me|promise what I promised? {123349}{123393}I-- {123442}{123515}At that time,|I thought I would stay. {123519}{123568}So how come you're leaving? {123618}{123662}I just... {123696}{123755}have my reasons,|certain reasons. {123758}{123857}ls it because it's too sad for you,|what happened to Emilio? {124199}{124246}Maybe. {124250}{124312}And Durrell and Lionel|and Callie. And I just-- {124316}{124360}I just think that-- {124476}{124556}So if you love us so much and you're|so interested in our graduating, {124559}{124632}- how come you choose to leave?|- Yeah. {124635}{124751}You sad about Durrell and Callie|and Emilio and Lionel, but we're here. {124754}{124841}What about us, huh?|None of us make you feel happy? {124845}{124955}We been working hard and we stayed|in school, man. What about us? {124958}{125011}- Yeah.|- Yeah. {125375}{125453}Why are you packing up today|when tomorrow is your last day? {125482}{125527}Oh, just gettin' a head start. {125564}{125609}Oh, I see. {125707}{125815}What you did, when you|gave me the 200 dollars? {125880}{126007}That was the nicest thing|anybody ever did for me. {126010}{126069}I don't know anybody else|who would give 200 dollars... {126073}{126135}to a Mexican kid|on his word of honour. {126278}{126337}S-So you gotta let me|pay you back. {126426}{126501}Even if I don't graduate,|all right? {126504}{126569}Why wouldn't you graduate? {126610}{126681}Ain't no other teacher|gonna give me no "A." {126684}{126749}Yes, they will, if you work for them|the way you worked for me. {126752}{126813}No, but it was different with you.|You gave me an "A" to start with. {126817}{126922}- I didn't have to earn it.|I just had to keep it.|- Are you kidding? {126925}{127034}Keeping an "A" is harder than getting an|"A." Almost anyone can get an "A" once. {127038}{127112}But keeping it,|that's an accomplishment. {127116}{127185}- You think so?|- Oh, I know so. {127189}{127252}Do you realize the work|you did this term? {127255}{127341}Do you realize that|the poetry that we read... {127345}{127392}is given to people in college? {127396}{127448}- ln college.|- These same poems? {127451}{127531}- Yes.|- But they weren't even so hard. {127534}{127580}So, you see? {127632}{127689}Keep working. {127693}{127749}You'll graduate. {127816}{127883}I might even see you|in college. {127886}{127931}What do you think? {128338}{128418}I feel so bad about leaving|I can hardly breathe. {128422}{128520}I know, but-- Oh, what the hell.|You're right. {128524}{128633}You gotta be crazy to stay here|and teach these programme classes. {128636}{128699}There's no money.|lt's killer work. {128758}{128814}Why do you stay? {128818}{128877}Why do I smoke?|I'm crazy. {128880}{128927}You need any more help? {128930}{128985}No. Thanks.|I'll see you tomorrow. {128989}{129033}Yeah. Bye. {129078}{129151}This is the life {129154}{129248}Everyone has to be somewhere {129306}{129371}Oh {129375}{129515}I am here {129580}{129680}This is the life {129683}{129748}This is the life {129781}{129882}'Cause this is my life {129885}{130015}This is my life {130052}{130097}Hi. {130165}{130264}Well. Welcome back. {130268}{130359}This is the 29th day,|the last day I have to come back. {130363}{130438}So, am I still okay|for next term? {130468}{130512}Yeah. {130558}{130615}Did, uh, {130619}{130713}did you come back because|it was your last day or did somebody... {130717}{130795}ask you to come today|to talk me into staying? {130799}{130865}Well, it was both, really. {130869}{130975}See, 'cause I wasn't really sure|what I wanted to do... {130978}{131048}until I heard that you|were leaving and-- {131051}{131113}'Cause up until then,|I don't know, I thought... {131117}{131198}that you'd always be here|for me, you know. {131201}{131253}You know, whenever I came back. {131291}{131351}But then Raul tells me|that you're leaving... {131354}{131399}just like that. {131486}{131542}And I realized that this|was my last chance. {131594}{131642}And I decided-- {131673}{131747}We decided that... {131750}{131805}we're not gonna just|let you leave like that. {131874}{131935}Yeah, we realized|like the poem said: {131939}{132005}You can't give in. {132008}{132061}"You can't go gentle. {132065}{132163}- You got to rage against|the dying of the light."|- Yeah. {132167}{132220}Yeah, you gotta go for yours.|You know that, right? {132224}{132297}- Yeah.|- You gotta kick it in and get it up. {132300}{132379}Wait a minute, wait a minute.|No, no. Wait, wait. I'm not giving in. {132382}{132468}Um, this is my choice. {132472}{132550}I have no reason to "rage|against the dying of the light." {132553}{132625}'Cause you're not the one who's raging.|We're the ones who are raging. {132628}{132683}See, 'cause we see you|as being our light. {132736}{132829}- What?|- You're our Tambourine Man. {132832}{132949}- Oh, I'm your drug dealer?|- You got the stuff, Miss J? {132952}{133049}You're our teacher. You got|what we need. lt's the same thing. {133052}{133144}Come on, Miss J. All the poems|you taught us say you can't give in. {133148}{133202}You can't give up. {133205}{133274}- Well, we ain't giving you up.|- No way. {133277}{133383}Now, listen, baby, we gonna have to|tie you down to the chair and gag you... {133386}{133506}'cause you know|we want you to stay. {133509}{133622}What you need to stay, girl?|You want a candy bar? {133625}{133733}Okay, on the left and on the right,|a "Louanne, Louanne." Uh, here we go. {133736}{133817}Louanne, Louanne,|Louanne, Louanne. {133821}{133903}- Louanne, Louanne, Louanne, Louanne.|- Come on! {133906}{134016}Louanne, Louanne,|Louanne, Louanne. {134141}{134243}- You have to go first.|- I don't want to go first.|- Come on. You have to. {134247}{134291}Ready? You go like this. Go. {134351}{134404}- lt go like this.|- This how you do it. {134407}{134502}Go, Louanne. Go, Louanne.|Go, Louanne. Go, Louanne. {134505}{134580}Go, Louanne. Go, Louanne.|Go, Louanne. {134739}{134805}Let me see. {134808}{134879}- Excuse me.|- Are you okay?|- Yeah. {134945}{135013}- You want to sign my book?|- Yeah, I'll sign your book. {135604}{135669}How'd they get you|to come back? {135673}{135759}They gave me candy|and called me "the light." {135763}{135807}That'll do it. {136504}{136562}I won't do you wrong {136566}{136621}I'll do you right {136625}{136742}You can roll with me|for the rest of the night {136746}{136849}No need to fuss|'cause I don't wanna joke {136852}{136948}Baby, sit right here|and let the chronic smoke {136951}{137021}So hang around, love {137025}{137092}And give it up {137096}{137199}'Cause all the real "G"s|know what I'm thinkin' of {137202}{137336}'Cause you wanna be down, down|so give it up {137340}{137435}There's a party over here|So, baby, show your love {137439}{137539}'Cause I got the gin and juice|Yeah {137543}{137617}- You know that, you know that|- I got the gin and juice {137621}{137684}Yeah {137688}{137789}'Cause I got the gin and juice|Yeah {137846}{137909}- I got the, I got the gin and juice|- Yeah {137913}{138005}- I got the answer|- 'Cause I got the gin and juice {138229}{138295}As I walk through the valley|of the shadow of death {138299}{138377}I take a look at my life|and realize there's nothing left {138380}{138441}'Cause I've been blastin'|and laughin' so long {138445}{138522}That even my mama thinks|that my mind is gone {138525}{138590}I really hate to trip|but I gotta loc {138593}{138679}As they croak I see myself|in the pistol smoke {138682}{138732}Fool, I'm the kind of "G"|the little homies wanna be like {138735}{138821}On my knees in the night|Sayin' prayers in the street light {138825}{138964}Been spending most their lives|livin' in a gangsta's paradise {138968}{139105}Been spending most their lives|livin' in a gangsta's paradise {139108}{139257}We keep spending most our lives|livin' in a gangsta's paradise {139523}{139583}You spent so many nights|in heat {139586}{139649}- And out of control|- Like that {139652}{139712}Waiting impatiently to see {139716}{139776}- What's under my clothes|- Like that {139779}{139902}I just wanna take time|to get right into the point {139905}{139951}Now you got your choice, girl {139954}{140026}- To come and rock this funky joint|- Like that {140029}{140163}Don't you take too long, baby {140167}{140286}I'll be waitin' here|for you, baby, baby {140290}{140409}Here's a gift|to you from me {140413}{140521}Just you wait and see|lt's the curiosity {140525}{140661}- lt's the curiosity|- Curiosity {140665}{140737}- Do you wanna feel my body|- Like that {140741}{140785}Girl, all night long, yeah {140789}{140855}lt's the curiosity {140928}{141017}- Why not now|- Oh, yeah {141021}{141095}- Oh, yeah|- lt's the curiosity {141099}{141147}For you, for me {141150}{141212}lt's the curiosity