{541}{564}Marker. {4645}{4685}Hey, Jamal! {4700}{4748}Jamal, you awake? {4768}{4828}Jamal! l know you can hear me, boy. {4833}{4877}Jamal, l'm writing all this down. {4882}{4963}l've got that thing with your teacher|and l'm working late. {4968}{5058}So you're gonna have to take care|of yourself for dinner, okay? {5063}{5089}Okay? {5094}{5123}Okay. {5217}{5312}Hey, l thought you wanted|to get up by 7:30. {5419}{5422}-Play the ball.|-Ball! {5422}{5460}-Play the ball.|-Ball! {5625}{5674}-You want to change things?|-Check that. {5679}{5724}Play ball, baby. Stop crying. {5731}{5794}Hold on. What up, J?|Where you been, man? {5799}{5826}-What's up?|-Sleep, yo. {5831}{5913}-Hey, what's up, man?|-Up wondering how to save your ass. {5918}{5962}-What are you saving?|-Hey, Damon. {5968}{5999}Let's go. {6004}{6061}J, break him up, man. {6066}{6113}Take the ball, man, okay? {6140}{6202}-Oh, he broke your ankles, man!|-Yeah! {6218}{6254}You can't give him that. {6259}{6302}-You can't give him that.|-l'm awake. {6316}{6342}Come on, yo. {6423}{6475}-You got something for me?|-What you got? {6499}{6531}Souffle, baby! {6595}{6625}Where's the D? {6658}{6694}Got nothing for me, man. {6710}{6749}A lot of good that's doing. {6843}{6910}-lt's something for The Window.|-You ever seen him? {6915}{6958}-The Window?|-Yeah. {6963}{7023}No. But he see us, man. {7142}{7225}Come on, what's wrong with y'all?|Y'all want to play ball? {7264}{7295}-All right, baby.|-Wake up. {7300}{7366}-You got to help me out, man.|-Shake it! {7371}{7404}Hip-hop, man. {7459}{7585}ln 1845, Poe wrote his|most famous piece, ''The Raven''... {7590}{7690}...a poem he wrote while strung out|on coke and obsessed with death. {7695}{7746}''The Raven'' is like the football team. {7751}{7844}There's a team obsessed with death.|Always get their ass kicked. {7853}{7963}Baltimore Ravens, only pro football|team named after a classic poem. {7968}{8004}Anyone read it? {8035}{8115}''Once upon a midnight dreary {8119}{8198}While l pondered, weak and weary....'' {8239}{8282}Jamal, how about it? {8346}{8401}No, l never read it. {8456}{8516}Okay, l need those essays|by next Tuesday. {8668}{8669}Yo, man, my dad saw The Window, man. {8669}{8715}Yo, man, my dad saw The Window, man. {8720}{8752}About 20 years ago. {8756}{8836}Just like a ghost, like the ones|that be in our science books. {8841}{8890}-Just like that.|-So, what, he was white? {8895}{8921}Ain't milk white? {8926}{8993}-Ever see a ghost that wasn't white?|-Just playing. {8998}{9068}l heard he killed somebody.|That's why he stays inside. {9073}{9121}You gotta kill an army to hide here. {9126}{9159}-True.|-Y'all play too much. {9164}{9195}Remember Shurrita? {9200}{9253}She used to live below The Window? {9257}{9366}She calls me up this one night,|bugging, dog. Bugging. {9371}{9472}Saying she heard this tapping|from upstairs by The Window's place. {9479}{9505}Tap... {9510}{9538}...tap... {9543}{9571}...tap. {9596}{9673}While she was on the phone,|she started screaming, dog. {9678}{9771}Because now the tapping made|its way down the stairs somehow. {9776}{9800}Tap... {9819}{9890}-...tap, tap.|-Listen to him, fool. {9894}{9967}And now it was on|the other side of her door, dog. {9972}{10058}She could tell there was some|type of knife he was tapping with. {10063}{10133}Before she can even hang up,|the phone disconnected. {10137}{10235}-That's the last time we seen her.|-Shurrita from across the street? {10240}{10307}Come on, man, yo.|You know that girl is a crack ho. {10312}{10347}No, no, she was nice. {10352}{10427}Listen, man, all l know is|that The Window's bad news. {10432}{10522}Rules was, you go outside,|you stay away from The Window's place. {10527}{10614}-No, stay away from your lying ass.|-Yo, J, you believe me, right? {10619}{10666}You full of shit, dog. {10678}{10702}Damn. {10707}{10779}So let me guess.|So you'd go up in there, right? {10802}{10864}lt's an old man|looking out a window, man. {10869}{10900}-You'll go?|-He won't go. {10905}{10958}-So you'll go up there?|-Let them know, J. {10963}{11015}-He's not gonna go.|-This nigga's scared. {11043}{11096}Yo, l got the next call. {11101}{11142}-So?|-So.... {11147}{11202}l dare you to go up there, right? {11207}{11242}Right? Right? {11247}{11316}-Whatever, man. l'll go up there.|-Yeah. {11321}{11369}-He's going.|-Big shot. Superman. {11374}{11431}-Bring it, son.|-That's my dog. {11436}{11469}You feel me. {11474}{11505}D, l believe you, dog. {11510}{11560}Man, shut up.|Go to class or something. {11588}{11640}Here, man, sit over here, son. {11645}{11708}Are you kidding me?|Stop playing with me. {11713}{11776}-lt's a vibrant thing. Go over there.|-Fine. {11781}{11819}Here, take your apple too. {13476}{13544}-Ms. Joyce?|-Yeah. Hi. {13549}{13594}Good to see you.|Have a seat here. {13599}{13626}Thank you. {13655}{13682}Okay. {13699}{13759}We got Jamal's test scores|back this week. {13764}{13818}-Test scores?|-Assessment tests. {13822}{13906}The state education department|requires all kids to take them. {13918}{13950}He didn't tell you? {14014}{14089}Mrs. Wallace,|Jamal maintains a C average. {14094}{14201}Which means he does just enough|to get by without standing out. {14206}{14325}Now, what makes Jamal's case|unusual are his test results. {14466}{14525}Oh, my God. {14531}{14592}l see him reading all|these books all the time. {14597}{14669}Books l never read.|Some l never even heard of. {14674}{14757}And he's always writing|in his notebooks. {14762}{14817}Ever since his father left. {14821}{14872}But that's what l see. {14881}{14964}All he ever talks about is basketball. {14974}{15034}Basketball is where|he gets his acceptance. {15039}{15105}Kids don't care about|what he puts down on paper. {15110}{15181}Let's go! Between the yellow lines!|Let's go! {15186}{15214}Yo, T. {15219}{15242}What up, Fly? {15247}{15276}-How you?|-Maintaining. {15281}{15371}Look, look. You looking|for tickets, little bro? {15376}{15400}Dead tonight. {15405}{15432}Sorry about that. {15437}{15485}Come on, man.|We know you got tickets. {15490}{15618}l got four words for you:|Bos-ton Red Sox. All right? {15623}{15717}The Yanks and Sox tickets, they damn|near been sold out almost a month. {15722}{15755}All right, Mr. Fly? {15760}{15837}And by the way, why don't you go|tell Camry boy over there... {15842}{15911}...that he need to back up|his little cheap-ass bumper... {15916}{15951}...on that Mercedes there. {15956}{16040}Go handle that.|Let's go, Fly! Let's go! {16069}{16125}What the hell, Jamal? Moms called. {16139}{16198}Tell me about the test.|What's up with that? {16203}{16260}-Nothing, man.|-What do you mean, nothing? {16270}{16312}This in the way of your plans? {16317}{16372}Remember, it was your plan first, T. {16391}{16449}Yeah, l know.|A little college ball and all. {16454}{16548}Then start signing checks,|solving everybody else's problems. {16553}{16578}Look at me, though. {16644}{16687}Whoa, hold a minute. {16739}{16773}Hold on to these. {16815}{16863}l guess this makes it our plan now. {16895}{16958}-One thing.|-What up? {16963}{17022}Don't say nothing|about them test scores. {17026}{17075}Don't worry, l'm your brother, dog. {17080}{17156}Whatever me and you discuss,|it stays between me and you. {17170}{17220}-Right.|-Love you, dog. All right? {17225}{17276}Make sure you keep one thing in mind: {17281}{17375}Moms knows when the game ends,|so take your ass straight home. {17380}{17421}-Okay.|-Don't get into no trouble. {17426}{17479}Be careful. Stay safe, all right? {17484}{17534}-Love, dog.|-All right, T. Good looking. {17539}{17585}All right, Jamal. Be careful. {17599}{17650}Stink in here. {17660}{17696}J, you see that window? {17701}{17749}He keeps that one cracked sometime. {17754}{17808}Yo, light's been out|for two hours, dog. {17813}{17842}You sure he asleep? {17847}{17958}That Methuselah's like a thousand|years old. That's all they ever do. {17964}{18044}Yo, J, man. For the reals, son,|l don't know about this. {18049}{18120}-l know.|-l think l'm-- Oh, shit! {18154}{18203}l think l'm gonna pull the call, yo. {18208}{18259}-No, yo, l got this one.|-Rats. {18272}{18311}All right. Yo, Fly. {18316}{18378}Keep it.|You gotta bring something out. {18392}{18458}Yo, man, you hear us,|drop down, all right? {18473}{18504}All right. {18514}{18558}Don't stay in there too long. {18579}{18611}Got you. {18654}{18700}Damn, this thing's rickety. {20600}{20640}Lucy Chapman around? {20755}{20794}Last stool on the other end. {20919}{20957}Lucy Chapman? {20988}{21071}-Yeah.|-l'm Bannion, Homicide. {21076}{21168}With this band playing, you need|megaphones to talk at the bar. {21173}{21220}-We can sit in a booth.|-All right. {23038}{23075}-Yo, look, look!|-Oh, shit! {23080}{23140}-Yo, yo, got something?|-Oh, shit! {23145}{23211}-Yo, what happened?|-You son of a bitch! {23220}{23263}Dickheads, he wasn't asleep. {23268}{23337}-Yo, did you see him?|-No, not for long, yo. {23449}{23528}Jamal, would you stop bouncing|that damn ball in the house? {23533}{23614}l got Michael Jordan's name|written in dirt all over my floor. {23619}{23655}Don't worry, l'll clean it. {23660}{23728}l got a better chance|of Michael Jordan cleaning it. {23733}{23823}lf you're thinking of a shower,|the hot water's taking a few minutes. {23828}{23908}-l wasn't thinking about it.|-Hey! Hey, where's your pack? {23960}{24024}-l don't know.|-Don't know? {24035}{24085}What do you mean, you don't know? {24090}{24165}We wanted you to bring something,|not leave something. {24170}{24210}Leave this one alone, man. {24218}{24267}What was in your bag anyway? {24287}{24348}l'm not talking about the damn bag. {24362}{24402}Bet you ain't, man. {24408}{24479}Let me teach you something.|Now watch the eyes. {24484}{24535}He's probably watching you right now. {24573}{24621}Stop. Stop. See? {24628}{24668}You don't know about that, man. {24683}{24713}Here's how you do it. {26106}{26166}l'm not gonna do anything|to your car, man. {26171}{26199}l'm sorry? {26204}{26258}You look worried,|like l'll do something. {26263}{26333}No, l worry about this car|everywhere, not just here. {26338}{26395}-Don't take it personally.|-lt's just a car. {26400}{26490}No, it's not just a car. lt's a BMW. {26495}{26550}Those who know anything|about that company... {26555}{26626}...know that it's more|than just a car. {26631}{26718}Oh, those who know. So l wouldn't|know anything like that, right? {26723}{26762}No, that's not what l meant. {26806}{26852}Last thing l knew about BMW... {26857}{26927}...is, they made plane engines|when they first started. {26942}{27006}A guy by the name of Franz Popp|started it all. {27025}{27098}Franz Popp. l like that name. {27111}{27177}Made this one engine before 1 920. {27183}{27232}lt flew six miles up. {27238}{27311}Well, Popp and his boys were|just getting started, man. {27316}{27379}Made this one engine,|the 801 , World War ll... {27384}{27507}...14 cylinders,|2300 horsepower, seven miles up. {27549}{27627}With more time, they would have|bombed the shit out of England... {27632}{27676}...and maybe even won the war. {27697}{27739}That's where this comes from. {27763}{27826}White propeller zipping|around a blue sky. {27854}{27931}After the war, they couldn't|make plane engines anymore. {27936}{28050}And that's when BMW gave some|serious thought to making cars. {28056}{28095}Kind of like this one. {28117}{28180}But you probably knew all that,|since you lease one. {28193}{28239}Thanks for the history lesson. {28260}{28295}No problem, man. {30180}{30234}Messing with my stuff, man. {31560}{31584}Hey.... {31607}{31647}The other night was-- {31652}{31726}lt was just this dare thing|me and my boys do. {32136}{32236}Well, l was wondering maybe l could|bring you some more of my stuff... {32241}{32292}...or maybe l could|write something else. {32297}{32425}How about 5000 words on why you'll|stay the fuck out of my home?! {33430}{33494}Come on, man, l know you in there. {33591}{33664}Take your goddamn hand off my door! {33683}{33801}l just came to drop off|that thing you asked me for. {33806}{33837}What thing? {33854}{33943}The 5000 words on why you wanted me|to stay out of your place. {33948}{33992}That's kind of the way you said it. {33997}{34100}Well, try remembering it|exactly as l said it. {34780}{34819}Come on in, Jamal. {34824}{34856}Hi, honey. {34873}{34907}lt's okay. {34944}{34970}Sit down. {35003}{35093}Mrs. Wallace, Jamal. When we got|your recent test scores... {35098}{35176}...we figured there may be some|interest from private schools. {35185}{35261}Well, it turns out we were right. {35276}{35301}Mr. Bradley. {35306}{35380}Jamal, Mrs. Wallace,|my name's David Bradley. {35385}{35434}l'm with the Mailor School|in Manhattan. {35439}{35522}-Mailor? Mailor-Callow?|-That's right. You familiar with us? {35539}{35568}Yeah. {35575}{35661}Jamal, Mailor-Callow is not only|the best prep school in the city... {35666}{35736}...it's one of the finest|private schools in the East. {35741}{35773}Only the best go there. {35781}{35844}You may know we're a few weeks|into our fall term... {35849}{35897}...but every year|we hold some openings... {35902}{35959}...while we wait|for test scores to come in. {35978}{36025}Jamal, your test scores... {36030}{36098}...to put it mildly,|caught our attention. {36123}{36209}l'm here to see if you'd be|interested in attending our school. {36258}{36340}Jamal, we know leaving|for another school... {36353}{36424}...especially a private school,|is not gonna be easy. {36437}{36512}But this isn't the right place|for you anymore. {36519}{36574}Jamal, it's not a difficult choice. {36579}{36616}Mr. Bradley... {36655}{36715}...there's no way|that we could pay for this. {36720}{36769}We're not asking you to. {36790}{36855}When Dr. Simon said,|''Only the best go to Mailor''... {36860}{36902}...he neglected to mention... {36907}{36974}...that our excellence extends beyond|the classroom. {36979}{37004}l figured that. {37009}{37044}We thought you might. {37054}{37159}Mrs. Wallace, about 40 of our students|have gone on to play college ball. {37164}{37225}Three have made it|to the professional level. {37232}{37289}We evaluated your play last year. {37294}{37348}While this is strictly|an academic offer... {37353}{37421}...we won't be disappointed|if you choose to play. {37426}{37522}All we ask is you come out for a|few days, take a look, think it over. {37533}{37577}-Okay.|-Mrs. Wallace. {37582}{37622}-Thank you.|-Jamal. {37648}{37674}Goodbye. {37679}{37712}We'll be in touch. {38880}{38955}-l didn't knock this time, man.|-To whom were you speaking? {38960}{39035}l'll tell you that|when l get my 5000 words back. {40009}{40048}Bolt the door... {40053}{40082}...if you're coming in. {40251}{40291}The man in the car? {40423}{40474}He was from this private school. {40499}{40541}They want me to go there. {40629}{40679}We don't have to pay anything, though. {40726}{40792}We live a couple blocks from here,|me and my mom. {40824}{40911}Well, my brother was there|a couple of years ago... {40916}{40970}...but he left after my dad left. {41356}{41448}My mom got tired of waiting|for my dad to get himself clean. {41462}{41525}And my dad got tired of trying. {41563}{41611}But that's when l started writing. {41616}{41649}What's your name? {41661}{41699}Jamal Wallace. {41710}{41770}Sounds like some kind of marmalade. {41786}{41820}How old are you? {41845}{41880}l'm 1 6. {41885}{41927}Sixteen! {41948}{41971}And you're black! {42061}{42115}-lt's remarkable.|-Remarkable? What? {42142}{42198}lt's remarkable that l'm black? {42202}{42271}What does me being black|got to do with anything, man? {42386}{42445}You don't know what to do|right now, do you? {42457}{42506}lf you say what you|really want to say... {42511}{42569}...l might not read any more of this. {42582}{42676}But if you let me run you down|with this racist bullshit... {42718}{42779}...what does that make you? {42871}{42912}l'm not playing this game, man. {42917}{43002}Oh, l say you are playing it. {43007}{43086}An expression is worth|a thousand words. {43106}{43202}But perhaps in your case just two. {43340}{43369}Here. {43777}{43813}What an asshole. {43973}{44068}One hand to give, one hand to receive.|As we eat together in unity... {44073}{44163}...may our minds, bodies|and spirits grow strong... {44168}{44224}...and congratulations to Jamal. {44228}{44264}Amen. {44268}{44304}-Amen.|-Amen. {44309}{44339}Did you see this? {44344}{44397}-Let me see.|-Don't mess it up. {44410}{44434}Wait a minute. {44439}{44511}From the cover this look like|the funny-man school to me. {44516}{44558}Terrell, eat your food. {44562}{44651}You'll be fine, big bro, because|Mommy don't make nothing but soldiers. {44656}{44704}You could have done the same thing. {44710}{44793}l work at a parking lot. And l ain't|no regular parking attendant. {44798}{44868}l am the supervisor|of all the parking attendants. {44873}{44943}You don't know how much|you'll make from week to week. {44948}{45000}One week it's $50,|one week it's $1 00. {45005}{45054}-That's not a real job.|-Leave him alone. {45059}{45142}Ma, look, l rap, l get busy.|You know l got my rap thing going. {45147}{45199}Don't bring up the rap.|Eat your food. {45204}{45256}-You don't want to hear my songs?|-Eat. {45261}{45297}l'll sing it for you now. {45302}{45353}When l come due|And l blow the spot {45358}{45429}Yourson is supervisor|Of the parking lot {45474}{45530}Tell her, Jamal.|My choice is hot, right? {46663}{46703}Jamal Wallace? {46720}{46779}Hi, l'm Claire Spence. {46831}{46892}Bradley asked me to show you around. {46905}{46934}All right. {47026}{47050}Come on. {47184}{47253}Don't worry about answering|any questions or anything. {47257}{47308}Not till you decide|what you're gonna do. {47314}{47378}Besides, the teachers here... {47383}{47450}...aren't all that into|student participation. {47455}{47506}They're busy listening|to themselves talk. {47511}{47564}-What do you mean?|-You'll see. {47575}{47669}This morning we begin our third|required reading of the semester... {47674}{47729}...the study of a novel|that offers everything... {47734}{47798}...and an author who could|have offered much more. {47905}{47950}That's Robert Crawford. {47955}{48007}Been here as long|as most of the buildings. {48012}{48095}When William Forrester was 23,|in 1 953... {48100}{48160}...he set out to write his first book. {48173}{48279}Many aspiring authors talk about|writing the great 20th-century novel... {48284}{48346}...well, William Forrester did it. {48364}{48401}On his first try. {48406}{48439}Have you read this? {48466}{48497}Yeah, you? {48504}{48558}Only about a dozen times. {48563}{48626}This was the only one|he chose to publish. {48631}{48701}For all we know it was the only one|he chose to write. {48706}{48749}Your job over the next week-- {48754}{48847}Your job over the next week|is to read it and tell me why. {48852}{48879}So... {48901}{48947}...you gonna be back tomorrow? {48952}{49015}Yeah, they want me to spend|some time on the court. {49020}{49054}Yeah, l heard. {49059}{49150}Graduation was a little rough|on last year's team, that's all. {49155}{49216}But it's just like college, right? {49226}{49307}You get an education,|and they get what they want. {49314}{49356}Maybe you both get what you want. {49361}{49393}Yeah, maybe. {49442}{49493}lt was very nice meeting you, Jamal. {49513}{49580}You too, Claire. You gonna|be around tomorrow? {49585}{49626}Not where you'll be... {49650}{49708}...but you might be able|to find me for lunch. {49893}{49934}l didn't say those two words. {49939}{49977}Why didn't you? {49998}{50057}Because l want you to read|more of my stuff. {50151}{50215}You know, they talk a lot|about you out there. {50238}{50284}All this ''legend'' bullshit. {50289}{50334}They got some stories, though. {50339}{50388}People wonder if you killed somebody. {50393}{50450}That, and wondering|why you been in here so long. {50455}{50516}l wouldn't move, though.|l'd stay for the quiet. {50521}{50566}You don't hear nothing in here. {50578}{50630}Our place got these noisy neighbors. {50635}{50707}Their kid's always yelling|because he's only a year old. {50712}{50777}Or pops is yelling|because the kid's making noise. {50782}{50821}Then mom's yelling-- {50826}{50861}But that's a different yelling... {50866}{50953}...because that's when the old man's|playing the tunes for her... {50958}{51021}...and she got her head|banging up against the wall. {51026}{51057}She be screaming like.... {51073}{51133}-Then she--|-You better stir that soup. {51146}{51170}What? {51200}{51246}Stir the soup before it foams up. {51427}{51478}How come ours never|gets anything on it? {51483}{51541}Come on. Come on. Closer. {51581}{51602}Now. {51607}{51710}-You got somebody doing that yelling?|-What l have here is an adult male... {51715}{51762}...quite pretty... {51785}{51849}...probably strayed from the park. {51961}{52008}A Connecticut Warbler. {52025}{52088}You ever go outside to do any of this? {52108}{52171}You should have stayed|with the soup question. {52176}{52269}The object of a question is to obtain|information that matters to us... {52274}{52324}...and to no one else. {52362}{52431}You were wondering why|your soup doesn't foam up? {52436}{52506}Probably because your mother|was brought up in a house... {52510}{52579}...that never thought|about wasting milk in soup. {52584}{52638}Now that question was a good one. {52653}{52744}ln contrast to,|''Do l ever go outside?'' {52749}{52796}Which fails to meet|the basic criteria... {52801}{52863}...of obtaining information|that matters to you. {52868}{52902}All right, man. {52907}{52964}Guess l don't have|any more soup questions. {52996}{53022}No? {53027}{53090}Why did you say that stuff|about me being black? {53095}{53156}lt had nothing to do|with you being black. {53161}{53268}lt had to do with me finding out just|how much bullshit you'd put up with. {53273}{53302}You knew l'd come back. {53307}{53373}Yes, just like l know|you'll go to this new school. {53382}{53408}How you know that? {53413}{53474}Because there's a question|in your writing... {53479}{53541}...suggesting what is it|you wish to do with your life. {53546}{53643}And that is a question your present|school cannot answer for you. {53746}{53811}Let's match up.|Wallace, you take Hartwell. {53895}{53926}What's up, man? l'm Jamal. {53953}{53989}Just check it, all right? {54074}{54118}-Check the ball.|-Let's go, guys. {54123}{54150}Come on now. {54227}{54261}Ball's in. {54306}{54332}Come on! {54342}{54389}-Cover Danson! Get on him!|-Let's go. {54424}{54467}Play him tough, play him tough. {54475}{54508}Here, Johnny, inside! {54548}{54590}Way to go. Way to go, gang. {54671}{54707}Let's go, D up. {54712}{54749}-Let's go, garbage.|-Come on. {54754}{54800}-Come on.|-Step up. Step up. {54805}{54829}Head's up. {54944}{55002}Leave the trash-talking|back home, all right? {55023}{55048}What? {55061}{55108}Get that goofy look off your face. {55113}{55160}-l'm gonna make you my son.|-Right. {55165}{55206}-You gonna be my son.|-Come on. {55414}{55441}Let's go. {55513}{55558}-Come on, man.|-What? {55563}{55609}-You're too small.|-What? {55652}{55689}Nice handle. {55748}{55811}Hartwell, a little defense|would be real nice. {55816}{55876}Coach is right. A little defense.|Let's go. {55888}{55933}-Try and get it past the line.|-What? {55938}{55980}l said, get it past the line. {56002}{56052}ls this too much? Pressure. {56136}{56182}Too much. {56284}{56315}l need some help! {56330}{56384}Ten seconds. Let's go,|the other way. {56750}{56777}l'm taking your spot? {56782}{56808}-Taking what?|-Your spot. {56813}{56860}Taking nothing. Come on. {57195}{57237}My court, man. My court. {57375}{57413}That's how we play down here. {57418}{57444}That's right. {57521}{57553}Hartwell's just a rich kid... {57558}{57643}...who wants as much of the spotlight|as he can get his senior year. {57648}{57673}That's all it is. {57678}{57739}They take things real serious|around here. {57744}{57802}Well, it's a serious place. {57807}{57878}Serious enough l usually end up|here, getting lunch on my books. {57914}{57946}What are you working on? {57996}{58033}Forrester's book. {58038}{58078}l thought you read it. {58083}{58130}l know, but look at this. {58135}{58182}My dad got it for me. {58187}{58223}lt's an early printing. {58386}{58413}Listen, l gotta go. {58418}{58448}But you just got here. {58453}{58483}l know, but... {58488}{58520}...l forgot something. {58525}{58575}l gotta check up on something. {58581}{58622}l'll see you later. {59113}{59157}''Born 1 930. {59169}{59210}ln Scotland.'' {59404}{59501}''Moved to New York with his family|in his late teens. {59518}{59586}Mr. Forrester was unavailable|for comment.'' {59617}{59656}Yeah, l bet he was. {59661}{59662}Are we now planning|to make these visits a habit? {59662}{59728}Are we now planning|to make these visits a habit? {59783}{59885}-You said you knew l'd be coming back.|-Yes, but l thought you meant once. {59893}{59952}l need some help with|this thing at school. {59957}{60031}Ah, yes, this thing at school. {60036}{60111}And what ''thing'' are we|talking about now? {60242}{60292}You ever read that? {60394}{60433}l'm trying, man. {60438}{60515}l just can't seem to get past|the first 1 0 pages. {60548}{60624}As l recall... {60653}{60715}...l took a while|to get past those pages myself. {60800}{60862}Oh, Christ, you've|dog-eared one of them. {60867}{60927}Show a little respect|for the author, huh? {61063}{61106}That's you, isn't it? {61135}{61173}You're the author. {61238}{61305}l read the whole thing.|lt's not bad. Especially-- {61310}{61339}Hey... {61358}{61392}...l know what it is. {61397}{61493}l don't need another person|telling me what they think it is. {61498}{61529}l wasn't gonna say that. {61534}{61570}What were you gonna say? {61575}{61622}l should tell you everything about me? {61628}{61660}l told you about me. {61665}{61726}You could learn|a little something about... {61731}{61774}...holding back. {62560}{62650}lf l ask you not to say|anything to anybody... {62662}{62729}...about here, us... {62754}{62803}...is that something|l can trust you on? {62934}{62963}Yeah. {62983}{63007}l promise. {63032}{63065}Fine. {63101}{63166}And if l ask you to keep helping|me with my writing? {63542}{63577}There'll be no questions... {63582}{63647}...about me, my family... {63652}{63703}...or why there was only one book. {63708}{63748}Then l won't ask. {63773}{63808}Good. {63818}{63854}And good night. {64110}{64137}What's it feel like? {64167}{64190}What? {64195}{64251}Writing something the way you did. {64298}{64346}Perhaps you'll find out. {64763}{64803}Listen, you 5-foot-nothing. {64882}{64935}He's probably still|sleeping in the crib. {64991}{65028}Kenzo, how old are you again? {65033}{65063}Why? {65068}{65141}Look at your face!|Did your mom do that to you? {65146}{65175}She started you young. {65180}{65256}You know where that starts from?|Eating too much cookie. {65319}{65372}Teresa told me. She told me. {65378}{65429}l like them big. You got a problem? {65434}{65468}l like them big. {65492}{65519}That big? {65524}{65623}lt's like when l'm with|all three of your mothers. {65628}{65706}-You're not talking about my mother.|-Hold on, Oscar Mayer wiener. {65721}{65793}Stop playing. You got beat|like Tina in school one day. {65798}{65843}l seen Duke smack you up. {65848}{65888}Listen, throw it at your mama. {65893}{65933}Everything tilts towards your mama. {65963}{66021}Your mama. Stop throwing your mama. {66092}{66126}Why you laughing? {66131}{66193}Yo, man, your glasses|are like Coke bottles. {66238}{66263}Classics. {66319}{66386}-You ever met somebody famous?|-How famous? {66391}{66432}Like, l don't know... {66476}{66524}...somebody people would know. {66536}{66597}Nobody like that|comes around here, man. {66699}{66744}So, you here for good now? {66767}{66824}Yeah, l'm just trying to get started. {66922}{66969}Well, at least they look good. {66973}{67004}Right? {67275}{67354}This year's writing competition|has now been scheduled. {67371}{67449}For those who choose to take part,|entries must be turned in... {67454}{67486}...before spring break. {67491}{67562}Meaning, you still have|a few months of procrastination. {67599}{67703}Feel free to experiment with|a more proactive approach. The-- {67767}{67803}Mr. Wallace! {67822}{67848}Please. {67904}{67940}l had a chance this morning... {67945}{68022}...to review the files sent over|by your former school. {68057}{68107}Test scores, impressive. {68112}{68154}Actual classroom work... {68171}{68205}...not so impressive. {68219}{68255}ls this... {68260}{68331}...the level of work|l should anticipate, Mr. Wallace? {68431}{68491}Because if it is... {68501}{68593}...it will help me determine whether|l should treat you as a student... {68598}{68651}...or as someone here|simply to pursue-- {68656}{68684}How should l put it? {68706}{68747}Other endeavors? {68780}{68861}Of course your work will give you|ample opportunity to respond. {68921}{68953}Good day, Mr. Wallace. {69117}{69200}Just so you know,|you handled that the right way. {69205}{69237}How's that? {69246}{69283}You didn't say anything. {69288}{69347}lt's the ones that do|that run into trouble. {69353}{69408}-John Coleridge.|-Jamal Wallace. {69487}{69547}So how many people do say something? {69556}{69615}And actually stay in Crawford's class? {69619}{69655}Not many. {69683}{69723}l missed what you said. {69758}{69798}l didn't say anything. {69912}{69948}You read all these? {69954}{70045}No, l just keep them|to impress all my visitors. {70078}{70125}All your visitors. {70138}{70192}We talk about your book at school. {70196}{70254}People have been talking|about it for years. {70259}{70316}They just haven't been|saying anything. {70328}{70373}Yeah, l think l got it down, though. {70378}{70453}l figure you were writing|about how life never works out. {70458}{70557}Oh, really? You had to|read a book to figure that out? {70575}{70653}Yeah, but Crawford's|messed up on it anyhow. {70658}{70733}Says the guy having trouble|after the war is really you. {70738}{70845}Some symbolism shit for the problems|you were having with everybody. {70850}{70892}Robert Crawford? {70907}{70957}Yeah, l think it's bullshit, though. {70962}{71023}l think there really was|somebody else. {71183}{71226}Mr. Johannsen? {71240}{71265}Here. {71276}{71376}Mr. Massie! Another trip|to your favorite destination. {71381}{71443}l've got four bags today.|l can leave them. {71448}{71473}Oh, no, no. {71539}{71571}Come right in. {71588}{71632}How you doing, Mr. Johannsen? {71640}{71711}At least a half-hour|before the sun goes down. {71717}{71805}Then you can begin your|panic-driven quest back to Manhattan. {71810}{71862}This should last you till next week. {71872}{71910}Your mail is in... {71916}{71939}...this one. {71944}{71989}-Mr. Johannsen?|-Essentials are in-- {71994}{72033}Essentials? {72043}{72146}l took care of your bills, and|l put all the copies in this one. {72150}{72215}The phone company wonders|if you still want service... {72220}{72290}...as you haven't had a call in six--|Okay. {72295}{72362}l got your socks|for the next couple weeks... {72367}{72404}...which are in this one. {72412}{72485}And l have your latest check|from accounting. {72490}{72552}They wanted to know if you|cashed the last one. {72557}{72603}lt's still showing up outstanding. {72608}{72677}Not as outstanding as it once was. {72791}{72858}l'm sorry, l didn't realize|you had company. {72863}{72934}Oh, yes. We were just|having a discussion... {72938}{73012}...on German automobile history. {73017}{73090}-Care to join us?|-No, l'm in a tow-away. {73095}{73120}Of course you are. {73125}{73155}See you next week? {73160}{73203}Not if l'm lucky. {73331}{73405}Why not give that guy a break|and do your own shopping? {73416}{73512}-And why are your socks inside out?|-Because socks are badly designed. {73517}{73597}The seams are on the inside.|Hurt the toes. {73611}{73718}ln some cultures, it's considered good|luck to wear something inside out. {73723}{73753}And you believe that? {73758}{73805}No, but it's like praying. {73810}{73841}What do you risk? {73846}{73893}And l do go outside. {73898}{73958}How do you think those windows|get cleaned? {74014}{74061}Now, about this... {74066}{74103}...professor of yours. {74108}{74208}How did it feel having him|tell you what you can't do? {74213}{74331}-Like he knew he was better than me.|-Then let's show him what you can do. {74363}{74418}Why are the words we write|for ourselves... {74423}{74514}...always so much better than those|we write for others? Move. {74599}{74628}Sit. {74860}{74884}Go ahead. {74915}{74946}Go ahead and what? {74953}{74980}Write. {75043}{75072}What are you doing? {75077}{75141}l'm writing. Like you'll be... {75146}{75193}...when you start punching those keys. {75322}{75352}ls there a problem? {75357}{75388}No, l'm just thinking. {75393}{75428}No. No thinking. {75433}{75469}That comes later. {75569}{75611}You write your first draft... {75640}{75661}...with your heart... {75697}{75760}...and you rewrite with your head. {75854}{75906}The first key to writing... {75911}{75964}...is to write. {75991}{76027}Not to think. {76270}{76311}Jesus! {77199}{77252}ls there a chance you might sit down? {77687}{77734}''A Season of Faith's Perfection.'' {77738}{77810}-What's this?|-Start typing that. {77815}{77876}Sometimes the simple rhythm|of typing... {77881}{77948}...gets us from page one to page two. {77958}{78022}And when you begin to feel|your own words... {78033}{78081}...start typing them. {78595}{78649}Punch the keys, for God's sake! {78897}{78932}Yes! {78971}{79007}Yes! {79033}{79091}You're the man now, dog! {80615}{80650}Jamal... {80666}{80734}...whatever we write|in this apartment... {80742}{80799}...stays in this apartment. {80814}{80841}No exceptions. {81626}{81677}Okay, let's push it, guys. Come on. {81735}{81781}-Heads up.|-Yo, D! {81829}{81856}That's a foul, man. {81861}{81932}-l had the spot.|-You'll know when you got the spot. {81937}{81969}Hey, hey, gentlemen! {81974}{82036}-Hey, hey!|-Our season begins in one week. {82041}{82136}lf l see this one more time, you'll|shoot fouls to see who runs today. {82141}{82211}ls that understood?|ls that understood? {82221}{82250}One. {82397}{82423}Two. {82522}{82551}Three. {82644}{82676}Eleven. {82772}{82806}Twelve. {82875}{82908}Thirteen. {82967}{83006}Twenty-nine. {83206}{83240}Forty-eight. {83327}{83357}Forty-nine. {83482}{83511}Hold it. {83561}{83589}One more. {83915}{84009}That's one of the most impressive|things l've ever seen on a court. {84014}{84085}Why do l know it wasn't good|enough for either of you? {84090}{84136}Shower up and get out of here. {84211}{84281}You may think we're the same.|We're not. {84463}{84495}Oh, Mr. Wallace. {84547}{84578}Mr. Wallace! {84593}{84676}-Professor Crawford.|-The latest paper you turned in.... {84725}{84801}lt showed quite a bit of improvement|from your earlier work. {84816}{84850}-Thank you.|-Yes. {84854}{84936}-How long did it take you to write it?|-l wrote it last night. {84941}{84974}Last night! {85005}{85077}Well, l have some things|to finish up here. {85082}{85115}Good day, Mr. Wallace. {85320}{85362}That's right. Select again. {85367}{85429}-''Birds ofa Feather'' for 600.|-Answer: {85434}{85519}Vibrant in color, its name borrows|from this Vivien Leigh character. {85524}{85613}-The scarlet tanager.|-lt's, ''What is the scarlet tanager?'' {85618}{85664}What is the scarlet tanager?. {85669}{85713}Gotta know the rules to play. {85718}{85792}lt was written by a writer|you have never heard of. {85816}{85895}''Thy duty, winged flame of spring {85900}{85986}ls but to love and fly and sing.'' {85991}{86065}He was writing about the song|of the tanager. {86070}{86177}A song about new seasons, new life. {86182}{86232}That's James Lowell, man. {86237}{86283}l know who he is. {86301}{86389}''l'll stay with 'Poor Assumptions'|for 800, Alex.'' {86413}{86472}You ever see any|scarlet tanagers around here? {86478}{86545}They don't stray that far|from the park. {86676}{86781}So your professor wasn't exactly|full of praise this afternoon. {86798}{86844}No, not exactly. {86856}{86963}Well, there's something you should|know about Robert Crawford. {86983}{87055}He wrote a book|a few years after mine. {87065}{87170}And all the publishers rejected it,|which was the right decision. {87174}{87252}And instead of writing another one... {87263}{87370}...he took a job|teaching others how to write. {87391}{87425}How you know all that? {87429}{87515}Just keep in mind that|bitterly disappointed teachers... {87520}{87647}...can be either very effective|or very dangerous. {88788}{88853}All right, this is|the first step tonight, guys. {88858}{88901}''Mailor'' on three. {88906}{88973}One, two, three, Mailor! {89599}{89631}Gold. {89636}{89662}Black. {89694}{89748}Up here, up straight and high.|Not yet. {90046}{90111}-What up, J?|-What up? You was in there tonight? {90115}{90141}Twenty-six points. {90146}{90206}Eight of 1 0 from the floor.|Ten of 1 0 from the line. {90211}{90274}-l'm supposed to miss that?|-All right, it was hot. {90278}{90356}You were putting some serious ink|on that stat page, man. {90361}{90384}What's going on? {90390}{90454}Yo, brothers was going|by Red Rose, man. {90459}{90522}l told them we catch up.|Friday night, kid. {90527}{90551}Come on. Come on. {90556}{90630}Hey, Jamal, you plan|on doing that every night? {90635}{90704}-Worked out, l guess.|-l'd say it worked out. {90753}{90787}This is Fly. {90792}{90833}-Hi, Fly, l'm Claire.|-How you doing? {90838}{90881}-You a friend of Jamal's?|-Claire! {90893}{90917}Come on! {90922}{90953}l'm coming. {90962}{91036}Don't hold that bus up too long.|Nice meeting you, Fly. {91061}{91130}All right! What the hell|you working there, man? {91167}{91211}Shut up, man. {91242}{91342}Yo, about Red Rose.|l ain't gonna make it. {91347}{91417}l gotta go to this dude house.|They do it every year. {91429}{91467}Don't be going off on this. {91472}{91564}You big time. You best be going.|l don't want to hold your bus up. {91568}{91605}You around this weekend? {91610}{91698}Where you think l'm gonna be? ln|the Hamptons? {92919}{93004}lt was very nice talking with you.|Remember, anything you need... {93009}{93081}...please give me a call.|Okay? Anything. {93103}{93127}Okay? {93265}{93330}Building up a collection|of those things? {93353}{93388}Yeah, a few. {93395}{93446}Do you want to get outside|for a while? {93462}{93518}Yeah. You know this place? {93546}{93622}l live in this place. Come on. {93799}{93902}They'll be in there till midnight,|congratulating themselves on your game. {93907}{93998}Which means l get to cram tomorrow|for this test on Monday. {94003}{94035}Test on what? {94040}{94086}lt's on the Sherlock Holmes books. {94091}{94166}They have us tracking down|all this worthless stuff, like: {94171}{94221}''Who introduced Watson to Holmes?'' {94226}{94299}They give it to you|to force you to read everything. {94330}{94377}Looks like it might be a while. {94389}{94428}Maybe so. {94433}{94528}So this friend Fly.|How long have you known each other? {94541}{94620}For a while. He was born there,|and l was born there too. {94625}{94666}-ln the Bronx?|-Yeah. {94671}{94706}Must be hard. {94716}{94739}What? {94744}{94803}l don't know. New people, new school. {94834}{94864}lt's not? {94887}{94945}No, what's hard is growing up|in a place... {94950}{95019}...where the cops don't|even want to be after dark. {95050}{95110}What's hard is knowing|that you're safe there... {95118}{95178}...because the people|you need to worry about... {95183}{95229}...know you got nothing|to give them. {95247}{95296}So it's a good thing you're here. {95340}{95433}Yeah, but these people don't think|l got anything to give them either. {95448}{95525}Don't let me get by you.|Once l get by you, l'll score. {95530}{95570}-Okay.|-You ready? {95575}{95639}-Ready.|-Stay in front of me now. {95644}{95689}-All right?|-Okay. {95754}{95798}l got by you, man. {95802}{95857}You're bigger than l am. {95878}{95921}You still got to play defense. {95926}{95964}How do l do that? {95978}{96045}How do you play--?|l'll show you one right here. {96081}{96112}Turn around. {96133}{96170}Turn around. {96224}{96255}Feel that? {96266}{96292}l feel it. {96300}{96389}l know where you'll go because|l can feel where you're gonna move. {96394}{96440}All right, now try and move left. {96493}{96588}l'm still here. You can't get around|me because l feel you moving left. {96593}{96626}Try and go right. {96688}{96728}See, l'm still here. {96734}{96818}l feel when you try and go right.|So you can't go there neither. {96823}{96860}Now try and get by me. {96910}{96945}Hold on. {96971}{97012}You gotta dribble first. {97017}{97044}Dribble. {97049}{97119}Dribble. Okay. Like this? {97124}{97154}Yeah. {97215}{97262}-Sorry.|-Claire. {97296}{97325}Daddy. {97334}{97374}Some of our guests are leaving. {97415}{97477}l'll see you on Monday, okay? {97774}{97806}Oh, Claire. {97829}{97855}Yeah? {97933}{97972}lt was Stamford. {97981}{98014}Excuse me?! {98022}{98061}At the bar in London. {98066}{98128}He's the one who|introduced Watson to Holmes. {98137}{98213}Might save you some time|after everybody's done in there. {98391}{98451}You know how long l worked on that?e {98455}{98498}''One season of faith's perfection''? {98503}{98574}Feels like l worked on it|for two or three seasons. {98683}{98755}Oh, you're in that place where|you can't even hear me. {98772}{98832}Like l could ask why you|never moved from here... {98837}{98920}-...and you wouldn't even get pissed--|-Paragraph three starts... {98936}{98995}...with a conjunction, ''and.'' {99012}{99067}Never start a sentence|with a conjunction. {99072}{99111}-Sure you can.|-Oh, no.y {99117}{99153}lt's a firm rule. {99158}{99198}No, no, no, see...p {99203}{99241}...it was a firm rule. {99246}{99313}lf you use a conjunction|at the start of a sentence... {99318}{99360}...it can make it stand out a bit. {99365}{99415}And that may be what the writer wants. {99420}{99469}And what is the risk?k {99474}{99526}Well, the risk is doing it too much.a {99531}{99611}lt's a distraction. lt could|give the piece a run-on feeling. {99616}{99684}But for the most part,|the rule on ''and'' or ''but''... {99689}{99739}...at the start is still pretty shaky. {99744}{99819}Even though it's taught|in many schools by many teachers. {99824}{99896}Some of the best writers|have ignored that rule for years... {99901}{99932}...including you. {100001}{100042}Well, you've taken...a {100047}{100110}...something which was mine... {100126}{100160}...and made it yours.h {100165}{100210}That's quite an accomplishment. {100266}{100293}Thank you. {100299}{100368}The title is still mine, isn't it? {100409}{100436}l guess.h {100441}{100533}Now, it was the neighborhood|that changed. Not me. {100538}{100575}l ain't seen nothing change. {100580}{100613}You ''ain't seen nothing''?t {100618}{100710}What in the hell kind|of sentence is that? Huh? {100715}{100789}When you're in here,|don't talk like you do out there. {100794}{100874}l was messing with you, man.|lt was a joke.g {100956}{101004}l want to hear|about the neighborhood... {101009}{101061}...back when people|still read your book. {101087}{101124}What did you say?n {101197}{101225}Nothing.p {101230}{101340}You said, ''back when people|still read my book.'' {101359}{101383}Didn't you? {101571}{101619}We have 24 copies. {101624}{101701}But l'm sorry. They're checked out.. {101714}{101777}Oh. Well, thank you, anyway.o {101782}{101814}You're welcome.a {101924}{101955}Any luck? {102001}{102049}Did you get on the waiting list?w {102054}{102105}Yeah, man, your book was checked out. {102135}{102169}And yes...a {102174}{102221}...l did pay for dinner.d {102228}{102303}lt cost me $1 3,|so l guess you made your point. {102335}{102425}l called to see what kind of|food you wanted, but it kept ringing. {102430}{102491}l took the bell out 20 years ago. {102623}{102659}Let me ask you something.e {102665}{102707}How come a guy like you...i {102773}{102840}...wastes his time reading|The National Enquirer?. {102845}{102875}What's wrong with it? {102884}{102934}l mean, it's trash, man. {102939}{103010}You should be reading|the Times or something. {103016}{103055}l read the Times for dinner. {103060}{103096}But this....t {103101}{103143}This is my dessert. {103164}{103231}They got a contest at school.|This writing thing. {103236}{103298}-You ever enter one of those?|-Writing contest?o {103303}{103350}-Yeah.|-Once. {103354}{103388}A long time ago.v {103393}{103418}Did you win?l {103439}{103482}Well, of course l won. {103501}{103541}Like money or something? {103571}{103606}The Pulitzer.a {103666}{103692}Oh.e {103697}{103761}The students have to read|in front of everybody.b {103766}{103826}What the hell's that got|to do with writing? {103832}{103883}Writers write|so that readers can read. {103888}{103925}Let someone else read it.d {103930}{103967}You ever read your own book? {103980}{104038}ln public? Hell, no.' {104043}{104090}Barely read it in private.L {104118}{104225}You know those things you do,|that coffee-shop reading shit? {104230}{104267}You know why they do it? {104291}{104320}Sell books, l guess. {104325}{104368}Because they want to get laid.h {104390}{104466}Really? Women will sleep with you|if you write a book? {104471}{104540}Women will sleep with you|if you write a bad book. {104564}{104623}-Did it ever happen to you?|-Sure. {104705}{104739}Did you ever get married?m {104801}{104849}Not exactly a soup question, is it? {104882}{104948}No. No, l never did.g {105008}{105057}l learned a few things|along the way... {105062}{105163}...which might be of help with this|young lady you always talk about. {105194}{105224}Like what?d {105284}{105346}The key to a woman's heart...r {105351}{105463}...is an unexpected gift|at an unexpected time. {105468}{105516}You're giving me advice on women? {105522}{105614}Unexpected gift, unexpected time.e {105632}{105634}This is so unexpected! {105634}{105702}This is so unexpected! {105746}{105784}Oh, Jamal.a {105791}{105861}lt's not a first printing|or anything, but.... {105866}{105904}Oh, my God.d {105909}{105978}-What happened?|-This is a signed copy. {106005}{106066}l can't accept it.|lt must've cost a fortune. {106071}{106123}lt didn't cost that much. Really.t {106143}{106190}Maybe the bookstore missed it.u {106221}{106283}Bookstores don't|usually miss this stuff. {106319}{106366}How did you end up going to Mailor?a {106404}{106472}Mailor was originally|an all-boys school.r {106477}{106584}So my father did what anyone|in his position would do. {106599}{106655}He got on the board|and changed the rules. {106660}{106703}And every kid there knows it. {106721}{106760}They would've done it anyway.s {106765}{106806}That doesn't change anything.h {106811}{106868}l'm still ''Dr. Spence's daughter.''d {106936}{106959}Jamal.g {106964}{106990}Yeah?. {106995}{107056}That night at my home,|after the game... {107061}{107166}...when you were showing me|how to play basketball. {107198}{107242}Was that all you were showing me?e {107302}{107353}Listen, l don't think|that's gonna work. {107358}{107382}What? {107405}{107434}That.o {107441}{107469}Why not?u {107545}{107585}Ask your father.x {107605}{107706}Jamal, l'm not asking for some|kind of prenuptial agreement here. {107720}{107764}lt's just a question.o {107777}{107882}Why does everything have to be|so black and white with you? {107935}{107974}l forgot what the question was. {107979}{108075}You don't forget anything,|Mr. Stamford. {108401}{108444}You don't think he wrote it?a {108448}{108501}That's a serious accusation, Robert.i {108506}{108565}You come to the board|with something like this.... {108573}{108621}l'm aware of how serious it is. {108626}{108666}lt's remarkable work. {108686}{108720}You recognize any of it?c {108725}{108771}lt smacks of something.k {108800}{108834}But l don't know.h {108862}{108914}The boy does well in my class. {108919}{108960}He had good scores coming in. {108977}{109025}Maybe all he needed was direction.. {109030}{109079}Carl, he's a basketball player... {109084}{109107}...from the Bronx. {109113}{109188}Who just happens|to have won 1 7 straight... {109197}{109253}...for a school that likes winning.a {109288}{109382}Robert, have you considered|that he might just be that good? {109495}{109530}Not this good.k {110736}{110808}Do you know what|the absolute best moment is?s {110827}{110886}lt's when you've finished|your first draft... {110905}{110973}...and you read it by yourself.t {111000}{111085}Before these assholes|take something.... {111090}{111148}...that they couldn't do|in a lifetime... {111153}{111213}...and tear it down in a single day. {111254}{111304}People love that book, man. {111316}{111369}l didn't write it for them.o {111403}{111484}And when the critics|started all this bullshit... {111489}{111602}...about what it was|l was really trying to say.... {111624}{111678}Well, l decided then...a {111702}{111737}...one book was enough.l {111784}{111854}William, that was 50 years ago, man. {112340}{112366}William.l {116444}{116524}William, l actually spent money|on these tickets. Come on. {116530}{116568}ls it still light outside? {116573}{116604}lt's nighttime, man.b {116808}{116840}Well?a {116868}{116944}You look good, man.|lt's not the latest stuff out-- {116949}{117030}l wasn't asking how l look.|l was asking, are we ready to go? {117035}{117088}Oh, yeah. Come on, man. {117122}{117154}Let's go.s {117295}{117322}Come on.p {117584}{117632}We're playing here in two weeks. {117659}{117730}l said we're playing in two weeks.|State tournament. {117891}{117916}Come on.- {118194}{118263}Hold on. They got programs.|Let me get a program.l {118899}{118927}William.s {119003}{119040}Yo, William!o {119088}{119112}Damn.y {119362}{119396}William!t {119454}{119482}Hey, William! {120741}{120768}William. {120930}{120979}Come on, let's get you out of here.t {121022}{121047}l got you.a {121756}{121796}You used to get out, right? {121819}{121858}Yeah, a long time ago. {121864}{121920}-What happened?|-How the hell should l know?r {121925}{121972}l didn't keep track of the time.e {121977}{122029}Sorry for losing you back there. {122034}{122063}No apology needed.y {122068}{122163}Good, because l got one more place.|lt's quiet and it's on the way home. {122298}{122339}You only got 1 0 minutes.. {122344}{122378}-All right.|-Keep it going. {122383}{122440}-Take that. lt's all good.|-Thanks a lot. {122792}{122828}Ground level., {122881}{122918}House that Ruth built.h {123085}{123132}Why did you bring me here? {123150}{123196}Because it's your birthday, man. {123243}{123292}l looked it up in the almanac.. {123313}{123385}They don't even have you|in the dead people section yet. {123492}{123557}l figure with all|the games you watched.... {123608}{123712}...with whoever you watched them with,|you never got down this close. {123717}{123822}-What the hell are they doing?|-What you worried about, man? {123826}{123913}You acting like they gonna play|a World Series championship game. {123918}{123941}Relax. {123953}{124058}My brother and l,|we were here for every game. {124105}{124148}Till he left for the war.a {124210}{124281}l thought it'd be the same|when he came back... {124326}{124381}...but he talked a little less... {124386}{124430}...and drank a little more.. {124472}{124574}l promised my mother l would|help him get through it all. {124678}{124752}So l caught up with him|this one night...f {124757}{124829}...and l was already|half a dozen drinks behind. {124859}{124905}So we had a few more.a {124917}{125011}And after a while|he tells me he wants... {125016}{125070}...to drive me back to the apartment. {125090}{125135}l said, ''No, thanks.'' {125190}{125243}We were all still living there then.l {125291}{125342}l just stood there...0 {125374}{125425}...and watched him drive off.v {125525}{125585}Makes it through|the whole goddamn war... {125612}{125655}...and l let him drive. {125744}{125786}Later that night...p {125791}{125899}...the nurse was typing|whatever it is they type...m {125921}{125968}...and you know what she tells me?i {126011}{126092}She tells me how much|my book meant to her. {126126}{126197}My brother's getting cold|in the next room...s {126225}{126290}...and all she can talk|about is a book. {126319}{126345}Well...l {126385}{126443}...everything changed from then on. {126504}{126630}Within five months,|l buried him, my ma, my father. {126659}{126699}All of them here...- {126704}{126742}...in the Bronx. {126852}{126919}We'd spent our summers here.l {126956}{127024}And if we were lucky, the fall.t {127038}{127094}A lot of falls with those teams.l {127099}{127131}Yeah, well... {127169}{127202}...not enough.a {127219}{127284}''The rest of those|who have gone before us...e {127304}{127367}...cannot steady|the unrest of those... {127384}{127416}...to follow.''o {127487}{127532}You wrote that in your book.a {128164}{128255}Jamal, l realize that|if l give you enough time... {128260}{128357}...you'll find a way to amaze even me. {128427}{128460}Does he know? {128477}{128521}No, he doesn't know. {128530}{128646}This was one of the best evenings|l've had in quite some time. {128660}{128690}All of it?c {128713}{128780}Yes, all of it.h {128785}{128812}Well, l....r {129033}{129073}This guy, man. {129105}{129158}How do you say you know|this guy again?a {129175}{129228}-He's my teacher.|-Oh, yeah?n {129272}{129328}Seems like a different kind of dude.h {129497}{129538}Anyone in particular? {129584}{129646}l sometimes come here in the morning. {129662}{129739}Just me, the aspiring...t {129744}{129779}...and all of them.e {129883}{129950}l got a note saying|l should come and see you.e {130003}{130038}Mr. Wallace...e {130059}{130123}...l think it's time you and l|had a very honest... {130128}{130206}...and very open discussion|about your writing. {130226}{130265}l thought you liked it.a {130277}{130317}Your recent work?f {130344}{130389}l liked it very much.g {130403}{130518}No, Mr. Wallace, the question|concerning your most recent work... {130523}{130569}...isn't whether it's good.a {130604}{130643}lt's whether it's too good. {130699}{130739}The speed in your progress... {130744}{130828}...from your old school|to this one is unusual. {130835}{130925}To the point that l must draw|one of two conclusions. {130972}{131089}Either you've been blessed with a rare|gift that has suddenly kicked in... {131109}{131136}...or...g {131186}{131251}...you're getting your inspiration|from elsewhere.m {131287}{131371}Given your previous education|and your background... {131376}{131466}...l'm sure you'll forgive me|for reaching my own conclusions. {131471}{131511}l wrote those papers, man.o {131516}{131566}Then you won't mind showing me.e {131603}{131657}The next assignment|is due in two weeks. {131664}{131741}l'll schedule some time|for you to come to my office. {131782}{131833}l'd like you to write it there. {131893}{131998}ln the meantime, if there's anything|you wish to talk about....t {132039}{132082}l'm not writing anything, man. {132112}{132143}Which proves what?l {132148}{132250}lf a two-comma kid wrote the papers,|would he use this ''background'' shit? {132255}{132299}-Two-comma kid?|-A million dollars. {132303}{132363}-One comma, two commas.|-No.n {132367}{132407}No, l don't.u {132421}{132486}Do you know what people|are most afraid of? {132506}{132571}-What?|-What they don't understand. {132576}{132676}When we don't understand,|we turn to our assumptions. {132697}{132741}Crawford cannot understand...o {132746}{132830}...how a black kid from the Bronx|can write the way you do. {132835}{132890}So he assumes you can't.t {132932}{132981}Just like l assume he's an asshole. {133012}{133047}You knew him, didn't you?e {133052}{133083}Crawford? {133094}{133120}No.m {133147}{133187}But he thought he knew me.y {133192}{133249}So what's all this stuff|about his book? {133254}{133342}A lot of writers know|the rules about writing... {133347}{133408}-...but don't know how to write.|-So? {133413}{133514}So Crawford wrote a book|about four authors who did know. {133519}{133571}And l was the only one still alive. {133576}{133669}-And?|-He convinced a publisher to buy it. {133674}{133780}So l made a polite telephone call... {133785}{133857}...to this publisher,|telling him and others... {133862}{133944}...that l was in the process|of writing a second book. {133949}{134002}And if they wished to bid on it-- {134006}{134083}Oh, so that's why|Crawford's book went away.h {134106}{134169}But you knew there wouldn't|be a second book. {134174}{134210}Yeah, but they didn't.e {134364}{134451}lnteresting what happens when|the resources aren't close at hand. {135423}{135494}The rich tradition of handing|in competition entries...t {135499}{135557}...on the final day continues... {135562}{135630}...for yet another year.e {135788}{135834}Ladies and gentlemen...n {135848}{135897}...may l have your attention...a {135902}{135969}...please, if you don't mind. {135994}{136057}''Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade {136062}{136110}Death came with friendly care {136116}{136187}The opening bud to heaven convey'd--'' {136191}{136237}How nice of you to join us.n {136263}{136301}That's not part of the poem.m {136338}{136413}''And bade it blossom there.''|Anyone? {136478}{136555}A little more early morning|reticence than usual. {136574}{136609}Mr. Coleridge.i {136679}{136705}Please. {136720}{136753}Mr. Coleridge... {136779}{136846}...how many students would you say|we have here today?m {136908}{136944}l'm not sure.y {136958}{137034}Perhaps you could|humor us with a guess.o {137075}{137106}-Thirty?|-Thirty.e {137111}{137218}And of that 30, there isn't one person|who knows the author of that passage. {137223}{137335}l find that remarkable.|Don't you, Mr. Coleridge?. {137356}{137411}Perhaps we should back into this.a {137416}{137541}ln looking at this, what, if any,|conclusions might we be able to draw? {137579}{137631}You mean about the author?L {137636}{137675}About anything., {137728}{137802}Do any of the words|strike you as unusual? {137886}{138003}Feel free to view this as|the appropriate time for a response. {138058}{138082}''Ere.''g {138087}{138138}''Ere.'' And why is that unusual?p {138177}{138210}Because... {138215}{138266}...it sounds old. {138271}{138316}lt does sound old, doesn't it? {138333}{138407}And you know why|it sounds old, Mr. Coleridge? {138452}{138508}Because it is old.|More than 200 years old. {138513}{138614}Written before your father was born,|before your father's father was born. {138621}{138679}But that still does not|excuse the fact... {138684}{138801}...that you don't know who wrote it,|now does it, Mr. Coleridge? {138834}{138890}l'm sorry, sir, l don't-- {138902}{139000}You, of all people in this room,|should know who wrote that passage. {139005}{139062}And do you know why, Mr. Coleridge?r {139085}{139137}l repeat, do you know why? {139145}{139188}Just say your name, man.' {139239}{139323}Did you have something|to contribute, Mr. Wallace?f {139379}{139436}l just said that|he should say his name.y {139441}{139534}And why would it be helpful|for Mr. Coleridge to say his name? {139546}{139589}Because that's who wrote it. {139610}{139646}Very good, Mr. Wallace.o {139698}{139742}Perhaps your skills... {139747}{139832}...do extend a bit farther|than basketball. {139853}{139941}lf we can turn to page--|You may be seated, Mr. Coleridge.n {139959}{140038}Turn to page 1 20|in the little blue book that-- {140043}{140066}Further.i {140125}{140155}l'm sorry?e {140179}{140206}Don't.y {140254}{140337}You said my skills extend ''farther''|than the basketball court. {140346}{140462}''Farther'' relates to distance.|''Further'' is a definition of degree. {140477}{140586}-You should have said ''further.''|-Are you challenging me, Mr. Wallace? {140598}{140658}No more than you challenged Coleridge. {140663}{140747}Perhaps the challenge|should have been directed elsewhere. {140792}{140844}''lt is a melancholy truth that even--'' {140849}{140899}''--great men have poor relations.'' {140914}{140946}Dickens.e {140999}{141038}''You will hear the beat of--'' {141043}{141070}Kipling.o {141097}{141162}-''All great truths begin--''|-Shaw. {141167}{141238}-''Man is the only animal--''|-''--that blushes... {141266}{141303}''...or needs to.''w {141373}{141436}lt's Mark Twain.|Come on, Professor Crawford-- {141441}{141472}Get out!e {141509}{141571}Get out. {141756}{141810}Yeah. l'll get out.. {142117}{142171}-Leave it alone.|-Hold on, please.e {142176}{142237}So they kick you out|if you know something here? {142242}{142293}You don't know what Crawford will do. {142298}{142340}You're right about that.a {142372}{142407}Jamal!o {142447}{142520}-Do you think you should apologize?|-No. {142543}{142594}-Do you?|-No.s {142603}{142686}You did nothing wrong.|Just beat him at his own game. {142698}{142730}But...a {142750}{142817}...it would be a good time|to be careful. {142822}{142901}Careful? Careful about what?r {142905}{143016}You have a gift that will allow you to|do remarkable things with your life. {143022}{143066}That is, if you don't screw it up...h {143077}{143154}...by being a 1 6-year-old|right now.m {143363}{143398}-Jamal.|-Yeah.i {143403}{143473}-You got a call from the office.|-All right. {143630}{143673}Mr. Wallace. Please.e {143743}{143826}As you know, Professor Matthews|is on the faculty board. {143831}{143913}And Dr. Spence is chair|of the trustees board. {143918}{144003}We've been reviewing the writing|competition submissions. {144009}{144117}We were hoping you might clarify some|points concerning your submission. {144125}{144209}''A Season of Faith's Perfection.'' {144236}{144279}Your piece, correct? {144305}{144341}Yeah, that's it.. {144353}{144448}Mr. Wallace, it is standard policy|with us to ask students... {144453}{144518}...if they wish to credit|any source material...v {144523}{144620}...or acknowledge any other writers|when turning in an assignment. {144657}{144698}Do you wish to do that?m {144812}{144852}1 960.e {144900}{144976}An essay titled|''Baseball's Best Year''... {145012}{145127}...with a subtitle that reads|''A Season of Faith's Perfection.'' {145164}{145221}Published in The New Yorker|and written by...t {145244}{145289}...one William Forrester. {145389}{145445}Your version is actually|quite original...o {145450}{145535}...but there is the title|and first paragraph to consider. {145564}{145602}lsn't there?r {145628}{145694}Jamal, either you happen to have... {145699}{145803}...the permission|of William Forrester, or.... {145820}{145878}Have you some other explanation?r {145882}{145907}No.o {145954}{145980}That's my paper. {145985}{146050}Well, then,|your entry is now withdrawn.... {146055}{146123}...and it becomes a matter|for the board to consider. {146145}{146260}The board does have the authority|to place you on academic probation... {146264}{146377}...which would, among other things,|prevent you from playing basketball. {146497}{146562}Since the board doesn't meet|till next week... {146567}{146631}...you can play in this|weekend's state championship. {146636}{146737}But l have to warn you, the board has|a history of taking these matters... {146758}{146798}...quite seriously. {146813}{146893}So we would like to suggest|what we feel.... {146897}{146970}...is a solution that|may satisfy these concerns. {147005}{147034}Robert.t {147050}{147149}What matters most is to ensure|this type of violation isn't repeated. {147154}{147178}So...s {147202}{147311}...you will write an apology to the|students you took advantage of... {147318}{147362}...by submitting this piece. {147390}{147482}-You'll read it in front of my class.|-l'm not reading anything. {147487}{147593}Then l'm sure the board will consider|that when reviewing your scholarship. {147606}{147681}You haven't left us|with too many options, Jamal. {147693}{147725}Excuse me.s {148079}{148154}Don't ever embarrass me|in front of my class. {148278}{148333}Please return the pen|when you're finished. {148527}{148585}No conventional greetings today? {148600}{148660}Why have me rewrite|something you published? {148665}{148754}-Be careful where you take this.|-Why not tell me some magazine ran it? {148759}{148797}Why the hell does it matter?. {148802}{148846}Man, you should have told me. {148895}{148926}What did you do with it? {148931}{148969}l turned it in. {148992}{149073}l turned it in.|l had to show them something. {149078}{149177}You promised me anything we wrote|in here would stay in here. {149182}{149218}l know!n {149298}{149346}-l just thought--|-Shut up. {149493}{149528}What are they telling you? {149596}{149679}l go on probation unless l write|a letter saying l was wrong. {149684}{149718}Then write the letter. {149735}{149780}l said l'm not writing anything.d {149785}{149873}You got him, he gets you.|Write the letter. {149879}{149926}And you'd let him do that?i {149977}{150041}ls this supposed to be|another damn lesson? {150050}{150130}l'm tired of all these lessons|every time l come here. {150185}{150237}So your title's|at the top of my paper. {150242}{150325}-What's the lesson in that?|-l'm not the one who turned it in. {150330}{150393}Yeah, but you were the one|who just had to say: {150398}{150487}''Keep this one here because|it got printed in The New Yorker.'' {150497}{150546}That's all you had to say, man. {150597}{150701}-l could use some help on this one.|-Oh, no. That's not an option. {150714}{150798}-You don't even have to go--|-l said that's not an option. {150803}{150840}That's all right, man.n {150854}{150920}Got a nice history|of people not helping me. {150925}{151004}Oh, Christ. Not that self-pity,|father bullshit. {151016}{151052}What did you say?u {151183}{151230}Man, fuck you, William! {151251}{151315}The real bullshit|is me taking it on this one... {151320}{151366}...because you won't|walk out the door... {151370}{151464}...and do something for somebody else.|You're too damn scared, man! {151486}{151530}That's the only damn reason. {151568}{151632}You don't know|a goddamn thing about reasons. {151637}{151676}There are no reasons!. {151681}{151756}Reasons why some of us live|and why some of us don't. {151761}{151828}Fortunately, you have decades|to figure that out. {151833}{151952}What's the reason for having a cabinet|full of writing nobody ever reads? {151988}{152029}What is that, man?. {152104}{152147}l'm done with this shit. {152314}{152358}Give him the ball again. {152363}{152449}Oh, look. Jamal Wallace,|here to pay us a visit. {152537}{152568}What's up?e {152592}{152640}-What's up, man?|-What's up, y'all? {152651}{152691}Come on. {152946}{152989}l know, l know. l've seen it. {153361}{153415}How's your first game|in the Garden feel?s {153470}{153518}A little closer than l thought.f {153534}{153635}That's why l thought it might be|a good time for us to talk. {153640}{153753}l know it's difficult handling classes|with the time you spend on the court. {153758}{153824}l couldn't handle that load.|Not at this school.? {153832}{153911}And maybe it was unfair of us|to ask you to do it. {153933}{154007}l talked to the board members|and to Crawford... {154025}{154057}...and...t {154071}{154159}...we don't want to pursue this|any more than you do. Any of it. {154164}{154275}l'm here to present you with an offer.|We forget about the whole thing. {154280}{154354}Next year, your academic schedule|will be less demanding. {154359}{154401}You mean Crawford wanted that? {154406}{154515}Crawford wants what's best for you|and for the school. {154520}{154559}So, what am l supposed to do?t {154564}{154650}You hold up a championship trophy|at the end of this tournament. {154655}{154735}You make that happen,|l'll make the rest of it happen. {154752}{154776}All right?, {154792}{154848}Now go finish up|what you came here to do. {155029}{155108}Let's go, Pilgrims!|Let's go, Pilgrims!s {155118}{155176}Okay, let's go! Throw it to Jamal! {155854}{155900}Damn, man. Come on, man! {155919}{155975}Defense! Defense!h {156266}{156308}Jamal, get the ball!h {156745}{156830}Good pass, man. Good pass.|Get up there. {156987}{157011}Pick it up!l {157283}{157343}Offensive foul! That way! {157348}{157416}Ten, gold. Offensive! That way.h {157432}{157485}Okay, you got them now. Let's go. {157799}{157829}Time-out! Time-out! {157871}{157904}This is still our game. {157909}{157981}We make a stop here,|they'll have to put us on the line. {157986}{158091}When that happens, it's all over.|Don't lose your composure out there. {158096}{158155}lf they score,|we don't call a time-out. {158160}{158219}The ball goes to Hartwell or Wallace. {158224}{158289}Okay? Hartwell or Wallace.|Let's go, guys.y {158327}{158347}Go!r {158711}{158741}What's the score?a {158746}{158816}lt ain't looking good, Ma.|lt ain't looking good. {159086}{159158}Foul, 22 blue! Two shots. {159228}{159347}Foul's blue team, 22.|Hit, two. Go line up, guys. {159517}{159552}Two shots.i {159616}{159672}Come on. We're gonna make these. {159680}{159709}l can't look. {159714}{159760}lt's gonna be all right, Ma.u {160007}{160038}Do it.s {160238}{160263}Damn.n {160424}{160459}One shot.a {161121}{161156}That's game.l {165239}{165273}Thank God! {165278}{165335}He must have come in after we left. {165342}{165369}Let him sleep.u {165374}{165476}-l'm gonna turn his bedroom light off.|-Turn it off and come on. {165615}{165681}You started cleaning up|your room, Jamal. {166052}{166137}He looks very happy with himself,|that coyote. Look, ears down.... {166562}{166616}Jamal, he wrote that for you. {166661}{166688}When?b {166693}{166735}After the game.l {166745}{166807}He's going back to the school|this morning.o {166832}{166869}lt's funny, though.o {166880}{166942}They always let you get but so far... {166947}{167007}...before they take|everything away from you. {167036}{167151}God, he's such a good kid, man. Then|he gets to come back to this shit. {168135}{168171}That seat open? {168233}{168262}l think so.g {168296}{168361}This isn't exactly|where l thought l'd find you. {168419}{168463}This is still my school. {168493}{168558}They want me out,|they'll have to do it themselves. {168574}{168602}They will.n {168635}{168666}Whatever.d {168989}{169068}''The winter's darkness and cold|is but a momentary prelude... {169073}{169155}...to the new day of spring.|And while its grip seems endless... {169160}{169247}...our perseverance proves equal.|We renew ourselves once again... {169262}{169347}...seeking out the bright moments|that will serve-- {169352}{169421}That will serve therefore.... {169475}{169551}Therefore serve as the foundation|of our future.''u {169579}{169610}Thank you.w {169864}{169899}Professor Crawford...k {169981}{170047}...may l read a few words? {170165}{170202}What's he doing here?n {170246}{170286}Yes, of course... {170291}{170335}...by all means. {170380}{170424}Thank you, professor.o {170758}{170807}My name is...t {170812}{170853}...William Forrester.v {170968}{171001}Excuse me.s {171136}{171171}l'm that one.r {171289}{171340}''Losing Family.'' {171363}{171394}''Losing family...r {171399}{171486}...obliges us to find our family. {171508}{171577}Not always the family|that is our blood...u {171582}{171641}...but the family|that can become our blood. {171677}{171794}And should we have the wisdom|to open our door to this new family... {171800}{171882}...we will find that the wishes|we once had for the father... {171886}{171937}...who once guided us... {171943}{172016}...for the brother,|who once inspired us.... {172893}{172960}--the only thing left to say will be:h {172965}{173063}'l wish l had seen this, or l wish|l had done that, or l wish--''' {173145}{173202}Most of you are too young... {173207}{173284}...to know what your wishes will be. {173300}{173380}But when l read these words...c {173388}{173473}...words of hope and dreams...t {173488}{173553}...l realize that the one wish...l {173558}{173644}...that was granted to me|so late in life... {173649}{173682}...was the gift of frien-- {173687}{173724}Of friendship.n {173801}{173885}Mr. Forrester, l'm sure l speak|on behalf of everyone here... {173890}{173968}...in thanking you for this|unexpected visit.r {173973}{174057}The quality of your words... {174071}{174148}...is something we should all|aspire to reach. {174191}{174230}Mr. Forrester?e {174258}{174325}Mr. Forrester, may l ask...i {174330}{174385}...to what do we owe this honor?u {174400}{174441}Professor Crawford...t {174472}{174517}...l spoke here today...r {174522}{174591}...because a friend of mine|wasn't allowed to. {174603}{174703}A friend who had the integrity|to protect me...a {174711}{174797}...when l was unwilling|to protect him.u {174814}{174898}His name is Jamal Wallace. {175000}{175054}Jamal Wallace is a friend of yours?. {175059}{175130}Yes. Yes, he is.a {175158}{175220}l helped him to find his own words... {175225}{175280}...by starting with some of mine. {175285}{175342}And in return, he promised...y {175358}{175443}...never to say anything to anybody|about me. {175478}{175515}A promise which he kept. {175520}{175566}Mr. Forrester... {175579}{175628}...while your visit|appears to be heartfelt... {175633}{175686}...l'm sure you will appreciate...u {175692}{175775}...that it will not change|or interfere... {175780}{175877}...with this institution reaching a|fair and proper decision in his case. {175886}{175961}There's one more issue here. {175992}{176065}Those words that l read today... {176103}{176144}...l didn't write them.t {176157}{176198}Jamal Wallace did. {176443}{176471}Quiet. {176528}{176582}Quiet! Quiet, please!d {176600}{176624}Be still. {176709}{176753}Quiet, please.k {176767}{176823}That has no bearing...n {176828}{176868}...on the decision concerning--r {176879}{176964}As director of this competition,|l have final say in this matter. {176971}{177012}Robert, sit down.g {177020}{177095}l have been a teacher|for more than 30 years. {177100}{177196}That's long enough to know that|integrity counts for something. {177204}{177242}l'd say that Mr. Forrester... {177247}{177338}...has cleared up this matter|very nicely for us all. {177343}{177390}And as chairman|of the faculty board...y {177394}{177456}...l have the last word|in that matter. {177462}{177564}Mr. Wallace, you are excused|from next week's board meeting. {177569}{177608}Mr. Forrester.... {177636}{177724}...should you ever have an interest|in a teaching position.... {177740}{177766}No.d {177816}{177887}Jamal, these are your words? {177955}{177998}Sixteen.c {178022}{178050}Remarkable.i {178364}{178388}Well done.' {178715}{178808}l'm thinking you'll make|your own decisions from here on. {178837}{178929}l'm thinking you're about to say|something more like, ''l always could.'' {178934}{178993}No. No more lessons.s {178998}{179038}But l have a question, though. {179043}{179126}Those two foul shots|at the end of the game... {179142}{179174}...did you miss them?g {179186}{179222}Or did you miss them?b {179249}{179307}Not exactly a soup question, is it?s {179360}{179388}Let's go. {179450}{179558}Do you think our vaudeville act today|will merit the National Enquirer?. {179566}{179602}Yeah, definitely. {179640}{179675}Whatever happens... {179680}{179718}...l'm off. {179752}{179838}What's the word that you and|your friends would use for that? {179843}{179874}Leaving?i {179893}{179917}Oh, God.y {179938}{179974}Where are you off to? {179979}{180061}l have a homeland l haven't seen|for too long. {180066}{180095}You mean lreland. {180100}{180141}Scotland, for God's sake. {180160}{180207}l'm messing with you, man.. {180250}{180286}Be sure to write.t {181034}{181085}-Hey, Jamal.|-What's up?o {181171}{181203}What's up, John? {181216}{181256}You heard from William? {181261}{181309}Yeah, but l don't know|what he's doing. {181314}{181395}He keeps sending letters checking up|on these college recruiters. {181402}{181477}l was just downstairs.|Looks like you got another one. {181482}{181513}Word?e {181520}{181554}l'll see you around.t {181638}{181665}Jamal?m {181726}{181750}Steve Sanderson.p {181755}{181786}-How you doing?|-Good.e {181791}{181843}Thanks for coming|on such short notice. {181852}{181926}No problem.|So, what school are you from? {181931}{181994}Oh, no. l'm a lawyer here in town. {181999}{182065}-l work with Roberts and Carter.|-Oh, a lawyer. {182070}{182134}Yeah, but congratulations with that.|That's great. {182139}{182201}That's really, really...great. {182206}{182279}We got a bunch of the guys|in the office following you. {182314}{182412}But we're the legal representation|for William Forrester. {182428}{182459}How is he?o {182465}{182495}Here...e {182500}{182523}...sit down.- {182689}{182747}We've received word that William... {182752}{182785}...passed away.. {183028}{183060}l'm sorry.g {183221}{183276}He wanted you to have...b {183293}{183338}...these things right away., {183710}{183742}What happened?t {183776}{183825}William had cancer. {183869}{183928}They found it a couple years ago. {184203}{184247}Jamal, this is crazy. {184252}{184289}Oh, my God. {184294}{184327}Wow!v {184400}{184479}-Look at all these books.|-Don't touch anything. {186396}{186425}DearJamal:e {186430}{186508}Someone l once knew wrote that|we walk away from our dreams... {186513}{186631}...afraid that we may fail,|or worse yet, afraid we may succeed. {186636}{186746}While l knew so early|thatyou would realize your dreams... {186751}{186843}...l neverimagined|l would once again realize my own. {186866}{186906}Seasons change, young man.r {186911}{186980}And while l waited|until the winter ofmy life...f {186985}{187044}...to see the things l've seen|this pastyear... {187049}{187113}...there is no doubt|l would have waited too long... {187118}{187161}...had it not been foryou. {187393}{187441}You gonna be here a while, man? {187531}{187586}Just can't watch the eyes this time.p {187591}{187646}You'll be okay, man. Come on.o {187719}{187752}Come on, man.- {187787}{187813}Get up.n {189100}{189148}You're missing lay-ups now? {189175}{189216}What happened to you, boy?t {189316}{189366}Where did the first step go, man?