{10}{51}COWBO Y, WHISTLING: Hyah! {72}{92}COWBO YS: # Out in the land # {92}{160}# Where the men are tough as cactus # {160}{227}# Out in the land where the wild, wild|west was won # {267}{304}Uhh! Ahh... {304}{353}# Out in the land of the desperado # {354}{402}# If you're soft as an avocado # {403}{445}# Yee-haw! You're guacamole, son # {445}{504}# Oh, home, this ain't it, pal # {504}{549}# Home, home, home on the range # {550}{603}# Home, home, better go git, pal # {603}{669}# You ain't home on the range # {669}{744}# Out in the land where the weak are|target practice # {744}{785}# Out in the land where they shoot the|mild and meek # {785}{846}Ooh! Aah! {846}{906}# Out where the bad are a whole lot|badder # {906}{958}# If you're the type with a nervous|bladder # {958}{1036}# Yip! Yow! Your saddle's gonna reek # {1036}{1100}# 'Cause you ain't home on the range # {1100}{1163}# Cowboy, you're really up a creek # {1163}{1210}# Home, home, home on the range # {1210}{1262}# Home, home, home on the range # {1262}{1308}# Home, home, home on the range # {1308}{1332}COWBO Y: Howdy, sheriff! {1332}{1363}[Snorts] {1491}{1522}[Snorts] {1580}{1642}Home on the range. {1643}{1744}Once upon a time,|I had a home on the range. {1745}{1815}But not anymore. {1816}{1911}Well, it's no use|cryin' over spilled milk. {1912}{1974}Speakin' of which, that's me. {1975}{2009}I'm the cow. {2040}{2076}Yeah, they're real. {2077}{2127}Quit staring. {2128}{2188}I'm sort of between homes|right now. {2189}{2234}I lost my old place... {2235}{2331}thanks to the meanest bunch of|cattle rustlers in the west-- {2332}{2426}Alameda Slim|and the Willie Brothers gang. {2579}{2643}Somehow they stole the whole herd... {2644}{2683}right out|from under our noses... {2684}{2779}and then they disappeared|without a trace. {2878}{2927}After that... {2928}{3020}poor old Abner couldn't|afford to keep the place... {3021}{3086}or me, either, for that matter. {3189}{3256}Well, no matter how bad|things get... {3257}{3326}there's probably somebody|worse off. {3408}{3454}That guy, for instance. {3455}{3493}Hey, Maggie. {3494}{3544}Take a look at your new home. {3544}{3626}Hey! A dairy farm? {3627}{3685}Now we're talkin'! {3686}{3757}Hope it's not one of them|fat-free places. {3799}{3854}K.D. LANG: # I know a place # {3854}{3922}# Pretty as pie # {3922}{3966}# Out where the river bend # {3966}{4032}# Hits up with the end of the sky # {4032}{4097}# It's left of Nebraska # {4097}{4161}# And over a crest # {4161}{4271}# On a little Patch of Heaven way out|west # {4271}{4324}# Everything's green # {4324}{4385}# Know what I mean? # {4385}{4434}# Darlin', it's quite the sweetest sight # {4435}{4500}# That you ever done seen # {4500}{4565}# Ain't nothin' much out there # {4565}{4619}# Just life at its best # {4619}{4756}# On a little Patch of Heaven way out|west # {4756}{4808}# Bees by the dozen # {4808}{4873}# Are buzzin' real peaceful # {4873}{4952}# Every bluebonnet, doggone it, smells|nice # {4952}{4991}[Sneezes] {4991}{5051}# Even the tumblin' tumbleweed # {5051}{5096}# Slows down to match your speed # {5096}{5188}# On my tiny half an acre of paradise # {5188}{5250}# Darlin', I swear # {5250}{5312}# Once you been there # {5312}{5374}# There ain't a view beneath the blue # {5374}{5430}# That could ever compare # {5430}{5501}# The only thing missing # {5501}{5555}# Is you as my guest # {5555}{5665}# On a little Patch of Heaven way out|west # {5665}{5737}# Why don't you come visit? # {5737}{5821}# There's room in the nest # {5821}{5877}# On that little Patch of Heaven # {5877}{6010}# Way out we-e-e-e... # {6007}{6062}[Snoring] {6062}{6122}#... e-e-e-est # {6122}{6152}[Cock-a-doodle-doo] {6153}{6233}Wah! Aaah! Ooh! Uhh! {6232}{6270}Oh! Uhh! {6305}{6340}Hey, that's my boy. {6341}{6380}Can hog! Can hog! {6381}{6422}Don't yell at me. {6423}{6469}Oh. The call of duty. {6470}{6521}Why don't you handle this one,|Grace? {6522}{6607}It's time I gave you|more responsibility on the farm. {6607}{6661}Really? {6663}{6732}Thanks, Mrs. C.|I'll make you proud. {6733}{6762}Can hog! Can hog! {6763}{6802}Get off my case,|little cocktail wieners! {6833}{6902}I'm sensing a lot|of negative energy here. {6903}{6960}That's our can, and Jeb took it. {6961}{7019}And now he says it's his can. {7020}{7086}Now, let's not play|the shame and blame game. {7087}{7204}This is an organic problem,|and there's a holistic solution. {7205}{7330}You don't get this whole|farm concept, do you, sister? {7332}{7362}Kill the goat! {7457}{7524}-Give it!|-Get the can! {7525}{7616}-Ahem.|-We're sorry, Mrs. Caloway. {7617}{7692}Piggies,|why can't you leave Jeb alone? {7694}{7724}Yeah! Why can't you? {7725}{7795}The poor old goat|needs peace and quiet. {7796}{7831}That's right! I need it! {7832}{7900}So, run along,|and take your can with you. {7901}{7939}Yeah, you take that can and-- {7940}{7982}Hey! Whoa! Come back here,|you little bacon bits! {7983}{8077}Jeb, don't you have|enough cans of your own? {8078}{8144}Uh, no, not really. {8145}{8216}I'd be happy to take her in,|Abner. {8217}{8287}There's always room|for one more. {8288}{8325}Well, thanks, Pearl. {8326}{8367}I gotta warn you, though. {8368}{8434}She's--heh heh--|she's a bit headstrong. {8435}{8487}Oh, now, don't you worry, Abner. {8488}{8544}I'm sure she'll fit right in. {8545}{8611}So long, Pearl.|You take care, now. {8612}{8703}Mrs. Caloway! Oh! Mrs. Caloway!|Mrs. Calo-- {8704}{8825}Mrs. Caloway,|there's a newcomer at the gate. {8826}{8880}-Not now, Audrey.|-But it's a great big-- {8881}{8951}Everybody? This here is Maggie. {9084}{9159}Three-time winner|of the Golden Udder Award... {9160}{9247}and the original|Miss Happy Heifer. {9248}{9301}A show cow? {9302}{9343}On Patch of Heaven? {9677}{9751}Now, I want y'all|to make her feel right at home. {9752}{9797}You hear me? {9798}{9851}Hey, thanks, everybody. {9852}{9931}It's great to be here|in Patch of Heaven. {9932}{9985}Now, don't everybody speak|at one time. {9986}{10040}What is this,|the frozen food section? {10085}{10118}Is this thing on? {10149}{10222}Good morning, Margaret. {10223}{10259}What a wonderful surprise... {10260}{10323}to find a fellow bovine|joining the ranks. {10324}{10354}Phony. {10385}{10429}-I'm Mrs. Caloway.|-Hi. {10430}{10499}-And this is Grace.|-Hi. {10500}{10574}No applause and trophies here,|I'm afraid. {10575}{10640}Just the fruits|of our good, honest labor. {10641}{10670}Hi. {10671}{10728}Workin' stiffs, huh? {10729}{10782}Boy, I remember those days. {10770}{10875}Wow! You're the biggest cow|I have ever saw. {10876}{10944}Well, if you're in charge,|I'll take that as a compliment. {10945}{10974}-Uh--|-And if you're not... {10975}{11013}I guess|I'll just have to sit on you. {11014}{11059}Mom! {11060}{11100}Hey, I'm only kidding! {11100}{11197}Say, what is this you've got|jammed up in your ear? {11234}{11298}Here, have an apple, kid. {11299}{11347}Don't go near any luaus, though. {11348}{11394}Wait a minute. {11395}{11451}I got somethin' stuck in my ear. {11489}{11539}This one's for me. {11572}{11619}Ahh! That was good. {11620}{11656}ALL: Awesome! {11657}{11706}Do it again! Do it again! {11707}{11788}Come on, come on!|Do it again! Do it again! {11789}{11848}Oh! That's so cool! {11849}{11903}Maggie's some fun, isn't she? {11904}{11965}Ohh.|Teaching pigs to throw food. {11966}{12015}As if they weren't|sloppy enough. {12017}{12084}I'm goin' long! {12509}{12577}Dagnabit, Buck, slow down! {12578}{12673}OK, who's up for a game|of tin-can tag? {12674}{12714}Hey!|That can is a family heirloom. {12715}{12811}Whoever wins is gettin'|a free tetanus shot! OK? {12811}{12841}Superstar comin' through! {12882}{12911}Awesome! {12912}{13003}-No autographs, please.|-I got your autograph, pal! Ow! {13004}{13039}Who's the hotshot? {13040}{13115}-Oh, it's Buck.|-Puh! City slicker. {13116}{13198}Oh! Whoa! Whoa!|Dagnabit, Buck! {13199}{13270}Take it easy.|This ain't no rodeo. {13271}{13336}Why, good morning, Sam.|Heh heh. {13337}{13401}Is that ornery horse|gettin' away from you again? {13402}{13450}Howdy, Pearl. {13450}{13526}I came out to bring you|another bank notice. {13527}{13562}This one'll be the last. {13563}{13615}You know, every time|I get a weak harvest... {13616}{13662}they send me|one of these here notices. {13663}{13704}They'll get their money|soon enough. {13705}{13789}It's a whole new|shootin' match now, Pearl. {13790}{13841}The bank's callin' in|everybody's debt. {13842}{13896}They're losin' money|somethin' fierce... {13897}{13942}with all the cattlemen|goin' under. {13943}{13994}I'm tellin' you, if they don't|get their money in three days... {13995}{14048}they're gonna auction off|Patch of Heaven. {14049}{14096}What? {14097}{14136}No. {14137}{14201}But...they can't take my place. {14202}{14282}Why, I've been here|through twisters, blizzards. {14328}{14406}Sam, this is my home. {14445}{14540}I'm sorry, Pearl.|I'm truly sorry. {14626}{14716}"sorry"|just ain't gonna save my farm. {14813}{14889}Well, Buck,|I hope you're proud of yourself. {14890}{14958}As a matter of fact, I am.|Thank you for checking. {15025}{15138}You know, Pearl,|it don't have to be this way. {15139}{15208}You've got the best livestock|in the county. {15209}{15243}All you gotta do... {15244}{15300}is just sell off|a few of these critters-- {15301}{15337}Stop right there, Sam. {15338}{15412}They're family.|You don't sell family. {15413}{15446}Ho-ho-hold your horses, Pearl. {15447}{15500}Now you get,|before I start using words... {15501}{15559}no good woman should ever use. {15560}{15627}-Don't bust your gusset, woman!|-Go on, Sam! {15628}{15706}It is still my property!|Now get! {15707}{15749}I said, get! {15750}{15813}I was just tryin' to help! {15980}{16034}Oh. Oh. {16035}{16129}That sure took the starch|right out of me. {16372}{16413}I am sorry, girls. {16414}{16520}I'm just plum out of ideas. {16781}{16801}I think we all know|what happens now. {16869}{16934}-Jeb, don't start.|-Now we all get eaten. {16935}{16971}-Jeb?|-What? What? {16972}{17027}You don't think people in town|eat animals? {17028}{17094}But who would eat a chicken? {17095}{17164}Come on, guys. There must be|something we can do. {17165}{17215}What? What could we do? {17263}{17343}-This just isn't fair.|-Fair! {17429}{17477}Uh, what is? {17478}{17540}Listen. What would you say|if I told you... {17541}{17610}that you could win big money-- {17611}{17680}and see|beautiful downtown Chugwater-- {17681}{17737}if you went to the County Fair? {17776}{17820}Thank you for your input, but-- {17821}{17876}Come on! Let the new cow talk! {17877}{17945}New cow! New cow! New cow! {17946}{18053}Come on, Mrs. C. You've got|a real good-lookin' bunch here. {18054}{18097}I see some real potential. {18137}{18186}The fair is two weeks away. {18187}{18258}I say we go to town, butter up|that sheriff's horse... {18259}{18312}and get him|to give us more time. {18313}{18369}What are we waitin' for, Maggie?|Let's go. {18370}{18431}That's right.|What do you say, Caloway? {18432}{18507}Absolutely not. {18508}{18566}I will not abandon Pearl|in her hour of need... {18567}{18601}for such a ridiculous plan. {18601}{18680}She would be devastated|if she found us missing. {18681}{18737}As far as I'm concerned,|that's not an option. {18738}{18812}All right. Suit yourself. {18813}{18902}Come on, Grace.|We've got a farm to save. {18968}{19049}You'll have to excuse her.|She's just a little tense. {19050}{19143}Tense. What's her specialty,|sour cream? {19190}{19239}Going to town. {19240}{19303}Of all the ill-conceived i-- {19391}{19464}Now, don't look at me|so crossly. {19465}{19501}I know what|you're going to say-- {19502}{19551}that Maggie and Grace|will need someone... {19552}{19587}with my eye for detail... {19588}{19687}to keep them|on the straight and narrow. {19688}{19762}Say no more. I'll go. {19763}{19834}No mushy|good-byes, my little ones. {19835}{19927}You know how I get|about overly emotional displays. {20036}{20142}What made you change your mind? {20143}{20212}-I'd rather not talk about it.|-It's a chick thing. {20292}{20330}Good luck, girls! {20381}{20474}-They're stew meat.|-Hurry back! {20800}{20870}GRACE, OFF-KEY: # She'll be comin'|'round the mountain # {20869}{20925}# She'll be comin' 'round the mountain # {20923}{20974}# She'll be comin' 'round... # {20966}{21010}She better hurry up|around that mountain... {21011}{21055}'cause I cannot take this|much longer. {21056}{21115}Maggie, may I be frank? {21116}{21188}Only if you let me wear the hat. {21189}{21289}Lowbrow remarks|may work for you... {21290}{21369}but we prefer|the gentle approach. {21370}{21432}Well, she better|stick a sock in it soon. {21433}{21505}The vultures|are starting to circle. {21539}{21593}She's not dying! {21594}{21664}You sure? We could wait around! {21664}{21738}#... no, nothing, when she sees|Grandma # {21738}{21788}# No more food for her # {21795}{21840}We'll keep you posted! {21841}{21871}False alarm, Clem! {21872}{21918}Roger dodger, out like the wind! {21919}{21990}Hey, Maggie, Mrs. C?|How do we find... {21991}{22039}the sheriff's office|when we get into town? {22040}{22081}Elementary, my dear Grace. {22082}{22135}If we find Buck,|we find the sheriff. {22136}{22213}That horse is a legend|in his own mind. {22638}{22698}So, you think|you got the drop on me? {22699}{22731}Well, think again. {23206}{23289}Jump back! Kiss myself! {23289}{23383}Buck. Earth to Buck? Buck! {23384}{23444}It's your move. {23610}{23656}Ohh...great. {23697}{23768}You were sleep-fighting again.|Almost threw a shoe. {23808}{23885}It just--it seems like|all the other horses... {23886}{23950}are out there fighting bad guys|and takin' names! {24006}{24063}Who put this here? {24064}{24119}This ain't no Dodge City... {24120}{24175}but we get our share|of excitement. {24215}{24297}Been waitin' a long time|to give you this! {24298}{24327}Telegram! {24328}{24405}What you got there? {24406}{24464}"Got Evil Eye Joe. Stop." {24465}{24521}"Bringing him today. Stop." {24522}{24591}"Have money ready. Signed, Rico." {24628}{24722}Yeah!|Rico caught another one already. {24723}{24781}Might as well give him|the key to my safe. {24782}{24835}You hear that, Rusty?|Rico's comin'. {24836}{24904}Yeah, Rico.|I'm old. I ain't deaf. {24905}{24943}Wouldn't that be the life? {24944}{25004}Ridin' with Rico,|cleanin' up the west. {25005}{25076}Kickin' bad-guy behind! {25077}{25158}Watch out, sucker! {25306}{25371}All right, girls.|We're goin' in. {25372}{25479}Look! There's no fences. {25480}{25530}What keeps the people|from roaming? {25531}{25577}They appear to be domesticated. {25578}{25631}It doesn't feel dangerous|at all. {25632}{25723}It's perfectly safe.|Quiet as a farm at milkin' time. {25724}{25762}What was that? {25763}{25799}It's a gunfight! {25942}{26015}-Aah! Hit the dirt!|-Who lives like this? {26016}{26057}What do we do? What do we do? {26058}{26097}Look,|there's a star on that door! {26098}{26144}That must be|the sheriff's office. {26145}{26198}Move, ladies! Move! {26198}{26275}# Swivel your hips, ooh! Give 'em a|grind # {26275}{26352}# Shimmy and shake and leave your|troubles be... # {26464}{26548}Get those cows off the stage! {26583}{26624}Maybe we came at a bad time. {26625}{26679}Charge! {26849}{26956}-How dare you?|-Oh! {27067}{27107}-Daddy?|-Son! {27271}{27333}I say! {27334}{27394}What did I do? {27508}{27549}That does it! {27550}{27599}Hoof it on out of here, ladies! {27600}{27661}-Go on!|-Oh, come back! {27662}{27720}That was the best dang show|we ever had! {27721}{27790}You've been on the trail|too long, you old coot. {27791}{27865}What kind of|sheriff's office is that? {27867}{27914}Dancing girls, gambling... {27915}{27965}How does he ever|get any work done? {27966}{28077}If that's the sheriff's office,|this town rocks. {28108}{28188}Well, if it isn't|three maids a-milkin'. {28189}{28284}You girls a little far|from home, aren't ya? {28284}{28342}Well, if it isn't|the phony express. {28343}{28415}We want a word with you|about this. {28455}{28500}-What's that?|-What is that? {28501}{28577}I believe you left this|on our farm. {28578}{28641}Wait a minute. {28642}{28746}The place went bankrupt.|Your farm is history. {28747}{28794}Don't you heifers get it? {28795}{28837}Hold on, you two! {28838}{28867}Give us two more weeks... {28868}{28928}and we'll have at least|sixty bucks in prize money to-- {28929}{28996}Ah-ah-ah. You got three days|to pay or get on your way. {28997}{29050}And sixty bucks don't cut it. {29051}{29108}Looks like you need about... {29109}{29168}Hmm, I'd say... {29169}{29234}seven hundred and fifty of 'em. {29235}{29295}But, Maggie, where are we|gonna get all that money? {29296}{29394}Well, maybe Maggie|can just pull it out of her ear. {29395}{29434}Hey, watch it, Caloway. {30150}{30200}Who is that? {30368}{30462}Don't you know a hero|when you see one, huh? {30463}{30496}That's Rico... {30497}{30573}the best dang bounty hunter|this side of the Pecos. {30574}{30634}I could guess|from here to tomorrow... {30635}{30686}but I don't know|how you do it, Rico. {30687}{30749}Where's my money? {30749}{30835}Well, all right,|I got it right here for you. {30836}{30895}Hey, they're giving away|free money! {30928}{30979}So, who else is out there? {30980}{31009}The only varmint left... {31010}{31092}is that low-down,|good-for-nothin' Alameda Slim. {31093}{31136}Cattle rustler. {31136}{31223}-What's the bounty?|-$750. {31224}{31290}I got it! {31291}{31355}Why don't we go nab|that Alameda Slim... {31356}{31419}and use the reward money|to save the farm? {31420}{31488}Oh, that is a sensible idea. {31489}{31539}I knew you'd love it! {31539}{31631}Don't they have sarcasm|where you come from? {31632}{31718}Oh, wake up and smell|the alfalfa! It's perfect! {31719}{31758}I'm gonna need a fresh horse. {31788}{31886}Hmm, a horse. A horse. {31887}{31918}Let me think. {31919}{32005}I reckon you'd want|a fast horse, huh? Real fast? {32007}{32063}Course, he'd also have|to be able to go... {32064}{32151}for days|without food or drink... {32152}{32251}stealthy,|sure-footed in any terrain... {32292}{32356}-Look at me!|-What about that horse? {32357}{32423}What, you mean Buck here? {32424}{32466}Boy, I don't know. {32467}{32557}Buck's fast, all right,|but he's kind of a handful. {32558}{32652}-He'll do.|-Well, suit yourself. {32709}{32775}Rico's saddle!|I'm wearing Rico's saddle! {32776}{32817}I'm wearing Rico's saddle! {32818}{32877}Great. I'll leave you two alone. {32878}{32925}Ohh, oh, no. No, no, no. {32926}{32976}There is no way|in heaven or earth... {32977}{33020}that cows can catch an outlaw. {33021}{33065}Look, all we've got to do... {33066}{33152}is follow this chuck wagon|to a cattle drive. {33154}{33217}And then, you see... {33218}{33265}we let the bad guys come to us. {33266}{33330}We've|no reason to believe... {33331}{33403}this chuck wagon is heading off|to a cattle drive. {33404}{33478}Hey, Tommy!|Have fun on that cattle drive! {33479}{33529}All right, then. {33531}{33606}I think it is|headed toward a cattle drive. {33607}{33708}We are not following|this wagon, and that is final. {33709}{33793}Come on, Caloway. It'll be fun! {33794}{33863}-Did you just hit me?|-Kinda. {33864}{33922}-Well, stop it.|-Why? {33918}{33949}Because I don't like it. {34225}{34276}Oh, no. Not the hat. {34277}{34310}What? What about the-- {34481}{34511}All right, all right... {34512}{34579}violence is not going|to solve anything. {34580}{34660}Why don't we all take|a deep cleansing breath-- {34758}{34826}Hey, now! Mud wrestling! {34996}{35058}What in tarnation? {35059}{35095}Maggie, for the last time... {35096}{35169}I will not be roped|into this scheme. {35170}{35256}Come on, you crazy heifers! {35256}{35305}Come on! {35306}{35385}Hey, partner,|curb your livestock. {35386}{35424}This town is clean! {35539}{35618}Not exactly what I had in mind,|but this'll work. {35619}{35681}Well, it doesn't work for me! {35682}{35761}Adios, Buck.|Take care of Rico now. {35810}{35890}Hasta la vista, heifers! {35864}{35954}GRACE, OFF-KEY: # Oh, give me a|home # {35954}{36025}GRACE, OFF-KEY: # Oh, give me a|home # {36025}{36106}# Where the buffalo roam # {36106}{36275}# And the deer... ahem... and the|antelope pla-a-ay # {36275}{36349}# Where seldom is heard # {36349}{36443}# A discouraging word # {36443}{36536}# And the skies are not cloudy all day # {36536}{36579}[Mooing] {36579}{36650}# Home, home on the range # {36720}{36772}-Sold!|-What was that? {36773}{36839}It's a farm auction, ladies. {36840}{36882}And that's the last|of the furniture. {36883}{36916}The final item|to be auctioned... {36917}{36958}is this piece|of real property... {36959}{37039}known heretofore|as the Dixon farm. {37039}{37128}Do I hear 425? 425!|Do I hear 450? 450? {37129}{37203}What's going to happen|to the cow who lived there? {37205}{37233}She'll be OK. {37234}{37301}-How do you know?|-You're lookin' at her. {37302}{37387}This was your farm? {37388}{37483}We had, like, a family, too,|you know. {37484}{37570}-What happened?|-Alameda Slim happened. {37748}{37825}Sold to Mr. Yancy O'Del! {37826}{37877}Pleasure|doing business with you. {38261}{38307}Cattle drive. Told ya. {38308}{38343}You both owe me a dollar. {38344}{38376}Step lightly, girls. {38377}{38454}The male of the species|can be extremely hostile. {38455}{38496}Oh, come on, Caloway. {38498}{38557}It's not like they haven't|seen a cow before. {38673}{38741}-What? Huh?|-Check it out. {38742}{38811}Ooh, dairy cows! {38851}{38894}Oh, hey, how's it going? {38895}{38994}Oh, hello. Let me guess.|You're a Taurus. {38996}{39081}Look, just keep moving|and avoid eye contact. {39128}{39211}Pardon me, but what are|three lovely ladies like you... {39212}{39272}doing on a drive like this? {39273}{39338}Just ignore them,|and perhaps they'll go away. {39339}{39420}They seem like nice guys.|Maybe they can help us. {39421}{39469}Sure we can help you. {39470}{39528}Maybe we can help each other. {39582}{39678}Look, lover-bull,|we're here strictly on business. {39679}{39768}Sounds pretty exciting.|What kind of business? {39769}{39857}We're looking for a cattle|rustler named Alameda Slim. {39887}{39928}It doesn't hurt to ask. {39973}{40046}Slim's just|a scary bedtime story... {40047}{40091}to get little calves to behave. {40222}{40249}What was that? {40250}{40291}It must be Slim and the Willies. {40292}{40329}Slim and the Willies? {40330}{40399}Don't worry, darlin'.|I'll protect you. {40400}{40475}You have exactly two seconds|to remove your hoof... {40476}{40521}before I snap it off|at the knee. {40522}{40595}Oh, uh, sorry, ma'am.|I thought you were the blonde. {40709}{40765}Come on, girls.|It's time to lose these ropes. {40766}{40838}Where you going? {40839}{40908}-Maggie, I'm stuck.|-Look out! {41102}{41162}It's payback time. {41163}{41213}-Cover me!|-With what? {41214}{41243}-Howdy, Slim.|-Howdy, Slim. {41244}{41311}Quiet, you fools.|We've got work to do. {41312}{41363}Now listen up. {41363}{41416}# There are crooks in this here west # {41416}{41472}# Who have claimed to be the best # {41472}{41540}# And they think they wrote the book on|how to rustle # {41540}{41562}- Aah! - Aah! {41562}{41608}# Well, as good as they may be # {41608}{41657}# Not a one's as good as me # {41657}{41749}# And I barely have to move a single|muscle # {41749}{41817}# They call me mean, boys # {41817}{41860}# Depraved and nasty, too # {41860}{41920}# And they ain't seen, boys # {41920}{41962}# The cruelest thing I do # {41963}{41993}[Moos] {41993}{42121}# You see I yodel-adle-eedle-idle-odle # {42121}{42206}# The sweetest way of rustlin' yet|devised # {42206}{42315}# 'Cause when I|yodel-adle-eedle-idle-odle # {42315}{42420}# Why, looky, how them cows get|hypnotized # {42420}{42469}# He don't prod, he don't yell # {42469}{42511}# Still he drives them dogies well # {42511}{42580}# Which ain't easy when your chaps are|labeled # {42580}{42623}# X-X-X-X-L # {42624}{42700}# Yes, if yer lookin' from a bovine point|of view # {42700}{42772}# I sure can yodel-adle-eedle-idle # {42772}{42826}# Yodel-adle-eedle-idle # {42826}{42935}# Yodel-adle-eedle-idle-oo # {42935}{43068}Here we go, boys! 5,000 cattle in the|side pocket! {43068}{43126}[Yodeling William Tell Overture] {43266}{43316}[Yodeling Yankee Doodle] {43477}{43525}[Yodeling Beethoven's Ode to Joy] {43725}{43760}# Ooh # {43761}{43867}Maggie! Mrs. Caloway! Snap out of it! {43867}{43952}# A sound that cattle truly take to heart|# {43952}{43994}# Yeah, I can yodel-adle-eedle-idle # {43994}{44055}# Yodel-adle-eedle-idel-odle # {44055}{44145}# And smack my big old rump if that|ain't art # {44145}{44202}# He don't rope, not a chance # {44202}{44242}# He just puts 'em in a trance # {44242}{44335}# He's a pioneer pied piper in ten-gallon|underpants # {44335}{44386}# Yep, I'm the real rip-roarin' deal # {44386}{44431}# To those who moo # {44431}{44506}# Thanks to my yodel-adle-eedle-idle # {44506}{44564}# Yodel-adle-eedle-idle # {44564}{44640}# I got cattle out the old wazoo, heh|heh! # {44640}{44756}# 'Cause I can yodel-adle-eedle-idle-oo # {44756}{44831}# Yodel-adle-eedle-idle-oo # {42936}{43072}Here we go, boys!|5,000 cattle in the side pocket! {43749}{43850}Maggie! Mrs. Caloway!|Snap out of it! {45266}{45327}Rico, if you'd just been|a second earlier... {45328}{45376}you'd have had that rustler|dead to rights. {45377}{45451}You boys see anything|before I got here? {45451}{45489}Yeah, we sure did there, Rico. {45490}{45531}We were just|settin' down to supper... {45532}{45621}when all of a sudden|the lights went out. {45622}{45723}All right, what part of|"cover me" didn't we understand? {45724}{45774}-You guys OK?|-I don't know. {45775}{45818}I feel like I was dreaming. {45819}{45876}Yeah. Slim started singing... {45877}{45942}and all of a sudden|I lost track of everything. {45943}{46010}Singing? That didn't sound|like singing to me. {46011}{46062}And, you know,|I have perfect pitch. {46063}{46142}Uh, yes. Grace,|about your perfect pitch-- {46143}{46210}-Not now, Maggie.|-All right, show's over! {46252}{46321}You're interfering|with official police bidness! {46322}{46384}Be right with you, big guy. {46385}{46467}Buck is on the case.|You know. {46467}{46558}Don't embarrass me|in front of my partner. Please! {46559}{46620}You and he are partners? {46621}{46703}How does that work exactly? {46704}{46777}Do you get to ride him|on odd days or even? {46778}{46833}He chose me specifically... {46834}{46888}because I have skills|that are essential... {46889}{46937}to capturing our quarry. {47243}{47293}You boys headed back to town? {47294}{47366}Yes, sir. We got to go file|a report with the sheriff. {47367}{47402}Give him back his horse. {47403}{47473}This one's too skittish|around cows. {47474}{47567}And that, girls,|is what makes me and Rico... {47568}{47675}equal parts of|one lean mean crime-fighting-- {47772}{47820}machine? {47862}{47937}Well, there it is, then. {47938}{48038}Well, well, well, stud. {48039}{48069}Now, I'm no professional... {48070}{48169}but I'd say the only|mano a mano you'll be doing... {48170}{48209}is in your dreams. {48210}{48250}Oh, look out, Buck. {48251}{48323}He's making a move|on your left flank. Kaboosh! {48324}{48393}Maggie! Grace!|Leave that poor animal alone. {48438}{48527}Buck,|I realize you're very upset... {48528}{48575}but if you'd like|to join our group... {48575}{48664}and help us bring in Slim,|we'd be happy to have you. {48665}{48727}However, there are a few... {48728}{48811}anger-management issues|we need to discuss. {48812}{48871}I wouldn't help|you bossy bovines... {48872}{48921}if my life depended on it! {48922}{48973}You see, that's just|what I'm talking about. {49041}{49067}Come on, girls. {49068}{49104}Let's go get Slim. {49105}{49169}"Come on, girls,|let's go get Slim." {49170}{49220}Cud-chewing heifers. {49221}{49308}I can catch that Slim with|one hoof tied behind my back. {49309}{49391}Wait a minute. Why don't l? {49392}{49490}Yes! Partner or no partner,|that's what I'm-a do. Hey! {49536}{49588}Hold the horse now. {49647}{49691}Forget it. {49692}{49737}Definitely bipolar. {49738}{49797}Move it, sister!|Hero passing on the left! {49797}{49872}-Hey, watch it.|-Where are you going, hotfoot? {49873}{49902}I'm gonna go nab that rustler... {49903}{49965}and show Rico|I got what it takes... {49966}{50054}so say good-bye to your farm,|girls, because Slim is mine. {50055}{50094}It's hero time! {50095}{50149}Watch out now! Hey! Get back! {50150}{50199}Jump back! Kiss myself! {50229}{50290}Oh, this is|a fine kettle of fish. {50291}{50343}How can we compete with that? {50344}{50384}Look at the bright side, Mrs. C. {50385}{50460}Don't forget about|our secret weapon. {50461}{50496}Secret weapon? {50497}{50562}Who better to catch|a cattle thief than a cow? {50563}{50656}Yeah, even you can't argue|with that kind of logic. {50657}{50699}OK, maybe you can. {50700}{50728}You know, Grace... {50729}{50805}Maggie does so love|your singing. {50806}{50834}How about a song? {50835}{50876}I'm gonna get you for this. {51012}{51104}5,000 Texas longhorns. {51105}{51171}Not bad for one night's work. {51172}{51223}Pick a color. {51224}{51300}I said,|not bad for one night's work. {51301}{51352}-What?|-Thank you. {51353}{51426}And judging by the ear mark... {51427}{51529}I'd say these are the last|of Big Mike Donald's herd. {51530}{51581}Big Mike Donald had a farm? {51669}{51760}That's right. He had a farm. {51761}{51804}Now that all his cash cows|have disappeared... {51805}{51858}that poor sap's|gonna be flat broke. {51859}{51928}Perfect time for a certain|upstanding land owner... {51929}{51987}to step in|and take all the land. {51988}{52027}Who are you? {52028}{52085}What did you do|with Uncle Slim? {52086}{52160}Put up your dukes,|Mr. Fancy Britches. {52193}{52239}It's me. Hello? {52240}{52287}This here|is the disguise I use... {52288}{52332}to sneak into|all them auctions... {52333}{52419}and buy all the land,|you brainless monotone monkeys. {52420}{52520}Shoot, you got to be the richest|land baron in the west. {52521}{52598}Yes, but the part|that really warms my heart... {52599}{52663}is watching those homesteaders|suffer. {52729}{52760}Back in the day, I worked... {52761}{52831}the highfalutinest ranches|you ever seen... {52832}{52941}but those stuck-up ranch bosses|couldn't appreciate my talents. {52941}{52998}Maybe they just didn't like|your singing. {53121}{53196}Songbirds sing. {53197}{53250}Saloon gals sing. {53251}{53349}Little bitty snot-nosed|children sing. {53350}{53402}I yodel! {53403}{53459}And yodeling is an art! {53459}{53536}Well, maybe they just|didn't like your yodeling. {53611}{53671}He didn't mean it, Uncle Slim. {53672}{53710}Everybody likes yodeling. {53758}{53901}It's one of the funniest,|cornball, goofy, silly sounds... {53902}{53937}in the whole west. {54153}{54229}Am I correct in assuming|that each and every time... {54230}{54302}we brought a herd back|to this secret lair... {54303}{54389}you've managed to sit|in the exact same spot... {54390}{54488}blocking that choice|piece of property from my view?! {54489}{54584}This is my comfy place. {54660}{54711}It's called|Patch of Heaven, Uncle Slim. {54712}{54778}Goes on auction|Thursday morning. {54779}{54827}Perfect. Pencil it in. {54828}{54907}Thursday morning--right after|we sell off this herd. {54908}{54974}But it's just|a little old dirt farm. {54975}{55010}Ah, what's the difference? {55011}{55180}When you're talking revenge,|every last acre counts. {55582}{55612}I don't get it. {55613}{55666}Weren't the cows|supposed to come back? {55668}{55736}Daddy, what's going to happen|if they don't come back? {55737}{55801}Oh, but they are coming back. {55802}{55879}Hogwash! We all know|they're never coming back. {55914}{56013}You don't know that, Jeb. {56014}{56054}Everybody knows that bovines... {56054}{56140}are the most intelligent,|crafty animals in the west. {56141}{56173}Yeah. He's right, you know. {56173}{56240}It doesn't take a cow|to figure out... {56241}{56287}they saw|the writing on the wall... {56288}{56336}and flown the coop|while the getting was good. {56337}{56357}Who are? {56358}{56434}Oh, no!|They tricked us and deserted us! {56435}{56476}No, no. Aud-Audrey. {56508}{56573}Excuse me. Excuse me. {56574}{56655}Excuse me! {56721}{56827}Let's not forget|who we're talkin' 'bout. {56828}{56904}Audrey, remember when|Grace helped you figure out... {56905}{56964}why you crossed the road? {56965}{57055}And, Jeb, Miss Caloway|knew just what to do... {57056}{57109}when your head got stuck|in that spittoon. {57110}{57138}Get off my case! {57139}{57214}And Maggie|was gonna make us all winners. {57215}{57285}I truly believe|there ain't nothin'... {57286}{57346}those three cows can't do. {57560}{57658}Well, whatever they're gonna do,|they better do it soon. {57659}{57764}I'm so very sorry, Pearl. {57765}{57851}It's a real shame. It is. {58013}{58063}Ollie,|I don't know what's worse-- {58064}{58135}losing my farm|to the highest bidder... {58136}{58274}or knowing that--that my girls|are lost and alone out there. {58368}{58429}Come on, girls. {58430}{58489}Either|I'm getting good at this... {58490}{58527}or his scent|is getting stronger. {58528}{58593}Go get him, Maggie.|Look out, Slim! {58594}{58679}-No. It can't be.|-We're on your trail! {59243}{59299}This has Buck|written all over it. {59300}{59370}We're not gonna let|this dumb old trick stop us. {59371}{59468}Sooner or later, all these paths|will hook up, and then... {59504}{59568}Oh, no, the tracks! {59569}{59611}Hurry up, girls.|Don't lose that trail. {59612}{59688}What trail?|I can't see anything. {59727}{59774}Look out! {59821}{59889}Flash flood! {59890}{59941}Get to high ground! {61257}{61373}No! Come on, girls,|we can't give up! {61374}{61461}Maggie, that's enough.|The minute this lets up... {61463}{61538}we're heading straight home|to Patch of Heaven. {61539}{61612}But what about catching Slim|and collecting the reward? {61613}{61647}We never had a prayer... {61648}{61683}of catching Slim|in the first place. {61684}{61724}This whole ridiculous plan... {61725}{61829}is just so you can get revenge|on those cattle rustlers. {61830}{61912}For your information, duchess... {61913}{61995}this whole ridiculous plan|is about us saving our farm. {61996}{62058}Our farm might've had|a fighting chance... {62059}{62090}until you came along. {62091}{62134}What's that supposed to mean? {62135}{62221}Strutting around with|your vulgar show-cow behavior. {62222}{62252}I was just having-- {62253}{62318}Wasting our time|on your foolish plans. {62319}{62363}Through the years,|Patch of Heaven... {62364}{62430}has survived every hardship|that nature can dish out... {62431}{62459}but you, Maggie... {62460}{62557}are the biggest catastrophe|to ever hit our farm. {62558}{62609}Well, if that's the way|you feel about it... {62610}{62668}maybe we should just go|our separate ways. {62669}{62721}Now, that's the first|good idea you've ever had. {62722}{62752}-Fine!|-Fine! {62753}{62808}-Fine!|-Fine! {63020}{63111}Yeah. Fine. {63112}{63156}It's not like your farm... {63157}{63231}was ever gonna feel like home|to me anyways. {63604}{63653}BONNIE RAITT: # Rain is pourin' down # {63655}{63737}# Like the heavens are hurtin' # {63737}{63898}# Seems like it's been dark since the|devil knows when # {63898}{64034}# How do you go on never knowing for|certain # {64039}{64175}# Will the sun ever shine again? # {64175}{64314}# Feels like it's been years since it|started to thunder # {64314}{64458}# Clouds are campin' out in the valley|and glen # {64458}{64611}# How do you go on when you can't|help but wonder # {64611}{64732}# Will the sun ever shine again? # {64732}{64863}# What if the rain keeps fallin'? # {64863}{65001}# What if the sky stays gray? # {65001}{65163}# What if the winds keep squallin' # {65163}{65294}# And never go away? # {65294}{65420}# Maybe soon the storm will be tired of|blowin' # {65420}{65535}# Maybe soon it all will be over, amen # {65535}{65686}# How do you go on if there's no way of|knowin'? # {65684}{65781}# Will the sun ever shine? # {65781}{65818}# Wish I could say # {65818}{65844}[Neighs] {65844}{65908}# Send me a sign # {65907}{65982}# One little ray # {65981}{66053}# Lord, if you're listenin' # {66052}{66176}# How long until then? # {66206}{66300}# Will the sun ever shine # {66300}{66479}# Again? # {67263}{67313}-Wake up.|-Check, please! {67564}{67618}It tasted a lot better|in my sleep. {67619}{67697}Well, I suppose|you'll be off now. {67698}{67768}Where will you go? {67769}{67833}Oh, probably check out|the Grand Canyon. {67834}{67882}See Utah before I die. {67883}{67938}Wait a minute. Where's Grace? {67939}{68009}Hi, there.|Boy, am I glad you guys are up. {68010}{68054}Hey, come look at this. {68055}{68131}What on earth?|Where did all this come from? {68132}{68237}Hey, it's green, it's leafy,|and it's free. Shut up and eat. {68238}{68278}Good morning, ladies. {68279}{68320}I see you're already|tucked into your appetizer. {68321}{68378}Never knew a pretty lady|that didn't have an appetite. {68379}{68428}Oh, now, see here, you ruffian-- {68429}{68489}He's not a ruffian,|Mrs. Caloway. {68490}{68603}He's a genuine desert shaman--|our very own wise man. {68604}{68666}Shaman, chef, chief cook,|and bottle washer. {68667}{68739}I'm a jackrabbit of all trades|and at your service. {68740}{68802}Folks around these parts|call me Lucky Jack. {68803}{68867}Yep, they used to come|from miles around... {68868}{68936}just to get one rub|of my lucky rabbit's foot. {69084}{69149}This happens all the time.|Now, where was l? {69214}{69264}Now let me just|get this on the fire... {69265}{69323}and it'll be ready directly. {69391}{69439}We don't eat meat. {69440}{69491}It's kind of like|a professional courtesy. {69492}{69549}Perhaps we'll dine with you|some other time. {69550}{69611}You see, Grace and l|are returning to our farm... {69612}{69661}to say our last good-byes. {69662}{69733}Yeah. We need closure. {69734}{69787}I can sympathize there,|sister, I truly can. {69788}{69844}Until recently,|I, too, had a home. {69845}{69887}Echo Mine it was called. {69888}{70001}Us jackrabbits lived there|for generation after generation. {70002}{70098}Till some land-grabbing bandit|moved in... {70099}{70198}and flushed us out|like yesterday's oatmeal. {70200}{70307}Excuse us. My good fellow,|we must be on our way. {70308}{70355}Wait! There he is! {70508}{70586}Slim! You mean|this no-good varmint... {70587}{70658}is hiding out in Echo Mine|right now? {70659}{70728}-Without a doubt.|-Maggie, what are you thinking? {70729}{70823}Look, I got a score to settle|with that rhinestone fat boy... {70824}{70854}and nothing to lose. {70855}{70927}But it'll be dangerous going|after Slim all by yourself. {70928}{70993}Hey, I got the rabbit. {70994}{71092}That's not all you got, Maggie.|You got us. {71156}{71221}We are sticking to our plan|and going home. {71222}{71276}Hold on, you two. {71277}{71387}As strange as this sounds,|Grace is actually making sense. {71388}{71443}-Thank you.|-You want the money... {71444}{71492}and I want to get even|with Slim. {71493}{71546}The three of us go together,|and we're sure to get him. {71547}{71642}Once you collect the reward,|I'll walk out your front gate... {71643}{71726}and I'll stay out of it forever.|Deal? {71760}{71884}Your powers of persuasion|are uncanny. Deal. {71885}{71974}Ha! Bovine bounty hunters!|Now I've seen everything. {71975}{71976}Let's get moving, ladies. {71976}{72021}Let's get moving, ladies. {72022}{72148}Time for an underground|smackdown.|Yee-haw! {72148}{72250}# Out in the land where the heroes meet|their makers # {72249}{72355}# Out in the land where the hale and|hearty fall # {72354}{72402}# Out where the fearless get the|shudders # {72402}{72455}# Justice is here, and it's wearing|udders # {72455}{72516}# Yee-haw! The cows are walkin' tall # {72516}{72549}# Home, home, this ain't it, pal # {72549}{72595}# Home, home, home on the range # {72595}{72654}# Home, home, better go git, pal # {72654}{72727}# Home, home, home on the range # {72735}{72839}OK, boys, let's go|through it one last time. {72840}{72902}-Who am l?|-Uncle Slim? {72903}{72952}Correct! {72953}{73016}I put on my hat... {73017}{73091}then I put on my spectacles-- {73092}{73168}-Who're you?|-Where's Uncle Slim? {73169}{73252}It's still me! {73253}{73306}Can't you stupid|sack of hammers get it right? {73336}{73407}The ever-punctual|Mr. Weaseley. {73408}{73480}OK, everybody make way... {73481}{73546}for the big man|in black market livestock. {73784}{73823}Hey, who're you? {73824}{73872}All right, come on! {73873}{73934}Move it, Bessie, or|I'll tan your hides right here. {73935}{74007}Watch the suit! Watch the suit! {74008}{74038}Feast your eyes. {74039}{74144}5,000 cows on the barrelhead|as promised, Mr. Weaseley. {74144}{74195}The name's Wesley. {74196}{74248}So, Slim, what do you say|we get a move on... {74249}{74321}and load these cash cows|onto the train A.S.A.P., huh? {74322}{74350}Let's go. {74351}{74473}Yes, yes, of course. Just as|soon as I finish counting. {74601}{74661}Lucky Jack, you did it!|We're here! {74662}{74723}Well,|I take my hat off to you, Jack. {74724}{74766}But you've got us here|in one piece. {74767}{74808}Well, seein' is believin'. {74809}{74861}And I don't believe what I see. {74862}{74892}Oh, it's Buck! {74893}{74943}Stallion of the Cim-moron. {74943}{74979}I'm supposed to be here|just in case... {74980}{75007}one of the horses get tired. {75007}{75038}Cows only. {75039}{75107}Look, friend, you don't|understand my situation. {75108}{75187}No, you don't understand... {75188}{75240}so I'll say it again. {75241}{75327}The only critters|that get by me are cows. {75328}{75388}Cows only. {75389}{75467}Come on!|Cut me a break. {75468}{75499}Now what? {75500}{75549}What are you doing here? {75550}{75628}Sorry we're late.|We got separated from the herd. {75629}{75678}Right this way, little lady. {75679}{75721}Tell 'em Junior sent you. {75797}{75883}-Nice hat, ma'am.|-Cheeky devil. {75884}{75963}Excuse me, reject.|Coming through. {75964}{76029}Hey, what gives?! {76030}{76072}How come|they got to go through? {76073}{76112}They're cows. {76113}{76161}What?!|But what about the rabbit? {76162}{76234}Well, obviously,|he was with the cows. {76235}{76291}I'm with the cows, too! {76292}{76371}Yeah! Hey! Hey, cows! W-wait up! {76372}{76423}You got to tell this guy|you know me! {76424}{76459}See, Junior, we're old friends! {76460}{76563}Come on, Margie! Uh, Gretchen!|Miss, uh--uh, Hat Cow! {76564}{76630}Come on,|it's your old pal Buck, see? {76735}{76772}Nah, doesn't ring a bell. {76773}{76839}No, no, no, wait!|Hey, come back! No! {76840}{76907}Hang on--hang on a second. {76908}{76959}They're just kidding.|You see, if you could-- {77055}{77105}Don't make me hurt you. {77270}{77368}I gotta go, but let's throw on|the old feedbag sometime. {77369}{77454}Stay cool.|It's hero time. {77514}{77553}So what's the plan? {77554}{77601}Well, let's see... {77602}{77660}You two get his attention|while I sneak up behind him... {77661}{77701}and then|I'll knock him into the cart... {77702}{77764}and then we'll rope him up|and wheel him to justice! {77765}{77802}And for extra measure... {77803}{77865}how about we conk him|on the noggin with this? {77866}{77922}You go, cowgirl!|That's usin' the old hat. {77923}{77987}You lost me here, missy. {77988}{78037}It's simple. {78037}{78132}Cart, smack, rope, roll,|justice. Come on, Jack, focus. {78133}{78219}Now is not the time to get|all scatterbrained and flaky. {78352}{78411}Good, I'm not too late. {78412}{78468}Sorry. Still stakin' out|your quarry, huh? {78469}{78505}Yeah, pretty much. Why? {78506}{78605}Listen, I came to warn you, one|equine to another, about Rico. {78601}{78643}As soon as he nabs|that rustler... {78644}{78693}he's gonna be in a big hurry|to collect that reward. {78689}{78727}-So?|-So?! {78728}{78802}Once he catches his man, that's|when the horsewhip comes out... {78802}{78842}and he's not shy|about using it, either! {78838}{78875}-Horsewhip?|-Horsewhip! {78876}{78930}And not only are you|gonna be carrying Rico... {78931}{78963}but that rustler as well. {78964}{79004}Have you seen that guy?|He's huge! {79005}{79033}What should I do? {79034}{79064}-Run!|-OK. {79060}{79103}Yeah, run like the wind,|partner, and save yourself! {79104}{79132}I'm going! {79134}{79201}Go on, take off! Fade!|Ride into the sunset! {79202}{79260}-All righty, I'm outta here!|-Scram! {79261}{79304}OK, thanks, buddy!|I owe you one! {79305}{79344}Godspeed, my friend! {79345}{79397}So long, sucker! {79398}{79474}He must be takin' stupid lessons|from that buffalo. {79526}{79603}-1,420...|-4,334... {79604}{79657}1,440... {79658}{79746}-4,335...|-1,435... {79747}{79826}-1...|-4,336... {79827}{79887}-Ohh!|-4,337... {79888}{79934}Can't you morons|count to yourselves? {79935}{79963}Come on. {79964}{80001}Gotta start all over! {80002}{80064}-There he is.|-Come on, let's go! {80064}{80099}Hold on! {80100}{80167}You're both forgetting|Slim's hypnotic control... {80168}{80219}over those|with less than perfect pitch. {80220}{80259}Jack, I hope you can forgive me. {80260}{80317}-For what, missy? Aah!|-For that. {80318}{80344}Now, you watch it there, toots! {80388}{80451}Grace, how practical! {80452}{80494}Done countin'! {80495}{80587}-What do we got?|-4,997. {80588}{80644}-What?|-Huh? Wait, wait, what? {80645}{80692}I thought you said 5,000 even. {80693}{80773}Of course I did. Gil must've|just miscounted, that's all. {80805}{80868}There's one up there! {80869}{80921}The others can't be far behind. {80922}{80964}Just you watch. {80965}{81051}You're gonna like this.|Yodeling's an art. {81506}{81594}What's the deal, Slimbo? {81595}{81660}Maybe she wasn't an art lover. {81661}{81689}Philistine! {81690}{81753}Shut up, you greenhorns! {81754}{81841}A bovine ain't been born|that can resist my charms. {82096}{82148}Watch your back, Uncle Slim! {82149}{82250}Got you!|Where do you think you're going? {82338}{82378}-Now, Jack!|-OK! {82379}{82445}What in the rootin'-tootin'|blazes is goin' on here?! {82519}{82577}Uncle Slim! Uncle Slim! {82578}{82632}Let's get outta here! {82657}{82700}Come back here, dog meat! {82701}{82744}-Jackpot!|-We got him now! {82745}{82791}-Well done!|-Watch out! {82787}{82845}It's Buck! {82846}{82883}Hey, Casey Jones... {82884}{82941}grab the bills|and fire up the getaway express! {83103}{83163}I gave up clown college|for this? {83258}{83343}It's Slim! I got Slim!|Rico's gonna be so proud of me! {83344}{83410}Thank you! {83411}{83470}Leave me alone! {83751}{83821}-Sorry.|-Uncle Slim! Uncle Slim! {83822}{83886}Quick, girls, in here! {84124}{84178}That was Rico! {84234}{84290}What in blue blazes? {84430}{84481}I'll knock you|into next Tuesday! {84482}{84524}Come back here! {84525}{84566}You're going down! {84733}{84818}-Get this off of me!|-Uncle Slim! Uncle Slim! {84858}{84943}Rico's saddle!|I'm wearing Rico's saddle! {85226}{85258}Surprise! {85901}{85959}We made it, girls!|We made it! {86026}{86072}Ladies, we got company! {86240}{86305}Whoa! Stop! Stop! Hit the brake! {86307}{86351}Look out! {86819}{86922}I guess I gotta do everything|around here myself! {87026}{87131}Call me crazy, but I think|these cows got it in for me. {87132}{87191}Maybe they just don't like|your singing. {87192}{87237}Shut up! {87238}{87326}Mr. Weaseley,|my money, if you please. {87328}{87398}I was just|keeping it safe for you, Slim. {87398}{87427}Sure you were. {87428}{87516}Protecting my investments|is what I pay this fellow for. {87517}{87562}Mr. Weaseley, let me present... {87563}{87645}the most traitorous,|double-crossin' gun for hire... {87646}{87754}that I've ever had the pleasure|to call partner--Rico. {87755}{87814}You're too kind, boss. {87815}{87862}No, it can't be. {87863}{87940}His reputation as|a bounty hunter is well-known... {87941}{88012}but lately he's been doing|a little moonlighting... {88013}{88060}and covering my tracks. {88061}{88127}Rico's going to see you|to the border... {88128}{88217}so that nothing else goes wrong. {88271}{88337}Now, if you'll all pardon me... {88338}{88393}there's|a little Patch of Heaven... {88394}{88444}on the auction block|this morning. {88445}{88536}He's going to buy our farm! {88630}{88694}I don't know|how you got here, skittish... {88695}{88747}but stick with me,|and you may get to like... {88748}{88805}the other side of the law. {88806}{88864}Get on there! {88865}{88903}All right, come on! Come on! {88904}{88962}Move it, Bessie! Get in there! {88963}{89009}Hurry up!|You don't want to be late... {89010}{89045}for that big round-up|in the sky! {89255}{89351}Get in there!|Come on, you stupid cows! {89352}{89383}Come on! {89451}{89505}Lovely.|Now get the engine fired up... {89506}{89541}and let's make tracks. {89628}{89691}Make a break for it,|ladies! Run! {89757}{89809}Buck, have you gone crazy?! {89810}{89886}That's entirely possible! {89887}{89998}Or maybe I just figured out|who the real heroes are! {89999}{90064}Wait! What if this is|some kind of trick? {90123}{90227}This isn't a trick!|It's a miracle! Come on! {90266}{90326}So you think|you got the drop on me... {90326}{90376}well, think again! {90615}{90649}This is useless. {90650}{90738}Let's put our heads together.|More brains and less brawn. {90739}{90777}All right! {90922}{91028}OK, Caloway, fetch! {91442}{91495}Lucky shot! {91496}{91563}Mother of mercy.|Is this the end of Rico? {91726}{91782}Bravo! You stopped Rico cold! {91783}{91841}T'weren't nothin'. {91842}{91902}Fat lot of good it done us. {91903}{91981}Alameda Slim|has already flown the coop. {91982}{92014}She's right. {92015}{92103}Unless we sprout wings, we'll|never make it back in time. {92104}{92148}I can't believe|what I'm hearing. {92149}{92229}This train|goes right by Patch of Heaven. {92230}{92287}What is in the cud|you've been chewin'? {92288}{92358}How are we supposed|to drive that thing? {92359}{92449}How? How? I'll tell you how! {92450}{92534}The same way we walked off|the farm into the unknown. {92534}{92624}The same way we fought off|those burly barmaids. {92625}{92726}And the same way we braved|the western wilderness... {92727}{92800}without the benefit|of food or water. {92801}{92926}We caught Slim once,|and we shall do it again! {92927}{92962}Who's with me? {93017}{93125}Get out of here, you bulls!|Head for the hills! {93376}{93433}-Let's get it on!|-Cows rule! {93434}{93491}Howdy, darlin'! Down here! {93492}{93568}Yeah! Look--look down!|Hello there! {93569}{93597}Oh, no! {93598}{93709}I got two words for you guys--|cold shower! {93710}{93761}We don't have time|for this nonsense! {93762}{93797}We have a farm to save! {93798}{93881}-Well, maybe we can help you.|-Maybe we can help each-- {93882}{93951}Other! {93952}{94011}Bye!|Come up and see us sometime! {94281}{94368}Oh, no!|It's the Morning Express! {94370}{94406}There's a switch up ahead! {94407}{94472}Way ahead of you, pops!|Hop on! {94473}{94551}-Come on, mule!|-Let's ride! {95101}{95151}Roadhogs! {95210}{95264}See you back at the farm, girls! {95265}{95297}Good luck! {95298}{95347}This happens all the time. {95348}{95351}Sold!|All property and livestock... {95351}{95430}Sold!|All property and livestock... {95431}{95496}formerly known as|Patch of Heaven... {95497}{95599}is hereby sold|to Mr. Yancy O'Del. {95600}{95691}Pleasure doing business|with you. {95692}{95776}O'Del's the name,|foreclosure's the game. {95777}{95846}Well,|just set yourself over yonder. {95847}{95957}Sign this deed,|and the property is all yours. {95958}{95997}Much obliged, sheriff. {96159}{96235}-There it is!|-Home and hearth! {96236}{96318}And a holy hallelujah|of a curve! {96319}{96368}-Oh, quick, the brakes!|-No time for that! {96369}{96443}-But won't we jump the tracks?|-We are makin' our own tracks! {96444}{96480}This is going to be messy! {96640}{96776}The whole territory|belongs to me. Huh? {96777}{96819}Five cents for these chicks. {96820}{96895}Come on, now,|do I hear two cents? {96895}{96927}-Behind you!|-B-behind you! {96928}{97010}Whoa! Whoa! Hold your britches!|Come on, now! {97011}{97061}Run for your lives! {97146}{97186}Watch yourself! {97300}{97398}What's the idea of crashing|your train on my property? {97437}{97487}It can't be! {97861}{97924}Hold it right there! {97925}{98005}Piggies, it's time to open up|a can of whoop-hide! {98156}{98223}Get away from there! {98437}{98529}You wanna get nuts?|Let's get nuts! {98871}{98913}It's Alameda Slim! {98914}{98966}You think you've won? {98967}{99044}It ain't over|till the fat man sings! {99417}{99495}Alameda Slim,|you're under arrest. {99531}{99610}Nobody messes|with Pearl's girls! {99611}{99669}-Say, girls, got milk?|-Buck! {99670}{99698}Just kidding. {99723}{99831}Take him away, boys!|Hope you like stripes. {99832}{99927}Pearl, your cows can't do much|with Slim's reward money. {99928}{99972}Think you can find|some use for it? {99973}{100047}My farm is saved! {100264}{100306}Where's Maggie? {100542}{100616}I can't believe she just left. {100618}{100673}I'm gonna miss her. {100674}{100714}So shall l, Grace. {100715}{100782}Her brash manner,|her bullheadedness. {100783}{100892}She risked her life for us,|and who are we but strangers? {100893}{101005}We were privileged to know her.|She was a cow like no other! {101006}{101100}Right down to her appalling|bodily eruptions. {101131}{101193}-Ahh, that was good!|-Maggie! {101194}{101253}I was just having|one for the road... {101254}{101299}when I heard|all the nice stuff... {101300}{101349}you guys were saying about me. {101350}{101417}You know, maybe I could|hang around a while. {101418}{101463}-How about forever?|-Oh! {101463}{101541}It's your call, Caloway. {101542}{101613}Is this barnyard big enough|for the both of us? {101614}{101696}Only if you let me wear the hat. {101748}{101803}Come on, move your hides, girls. {101804}{101869}Last one to the barn|sleeps standing up! {101928}{101932}OK, everyone, big smiles! {101932}{101979}OK, everyone, big smiles! {102013}{102067}"So it was that Alameda Slim... {102068}{102132}"the most notorious|and feared cattle rustler... {102133}{102251}was apprehended and unmasked|by three unusual dairy cows. " {102282}{102335}How many times I got to tell you|to wait your turn? {102336}{102380}How many times|have I got to tell you... {102381}{102418}to get out of my barrel-- {102461}{102581}It's so nice that Jeb|finally found a friend. {102582}{102619}Here they come, everybody! {102904}{102964}Well done! {102965}{103027}Well, hi ho, ladies! {103027}{103124}Hey, Barry, three queens,|two kings? {103125}{103166}Full house. {103167}{103246}And the joker is wild. {103400}{103461}K.D. LANG: # Darlin', I swear # {103461}{103521}# Once you been there # {103521}{103578}# There ain't a view beneath the blue # {103578}{103611}# That could ever compare # {103611}{103649}Hyah! Ho-haa! {103649}{103702}# The only thing missing # {103702}{103770}# Is you as my guest # {103770}{103872}# On a little Patch of Heaven way out|west # {103872}{103943}# Why don't you come visit? # {103943}{104035}# There's room in the nest # {104035}{104074}Yee-haw! {104074}{104121}# On that little Patch of Heaven # {104121}{104371}# Way out west # {104366}{104440}[Cock-a-doodle-doo]