{6221}{6306}There's simply no way to shield|against every weaponized agent. {6308}{6354}Instead, I can make|super-immune systems... {6356}{6421}by strengthening|the human cellular response. {6422}{6469}Banner, I know|where you're going. {6470}{6521}But manipulating|the immune system|is dangerous and stupid. {6522}{6617}The president's science advisors|made it absolutely clear... {6619}{6691}no human subjects. {7222}{7270}David, I have|wonderful news. {7342}{7395}I'm gonna have a baby. {9790}{9881}What's it gonna be?|Whoa, look at that, Bruce. Huh?|Want a dinosaur? {9883}{9944}Let's have a little fight. {9946}{10002}You don't scare me. {10052}{10129}That's a delicious eyeball.|Ooh, you're big and green and scary.|I'm gonna run away. {10774}{10828}Really, speaking of Cheryl,|guess what... {10830}{10877}Bruce,|you're hurt! {10906}{10980}Jack hit him with the stick,|but Bruce wouldn't|hit him back. {10982}{11043}He just stood there,|shaking. {11045}{11093}It's okay. {11262}{11308}Yeah, strange|he didn't make a peep. {11310}{11369}Any other kid|would've wailed his head off. {11370}{11409}That's Bruce. He's like that. {11410}{11472}He's just so... bottled up. {11574}{11644}The samples we found in your lab...|they were human blood. {11646}{11692}You've ignored protocol. {11694}{11760}You had no right|snooping around in my lab. {11762}{11808}That's my business. {11810}{11905}Wrong, Banner.|It's government business,|and you're off the project. {12436}{12504}Attention, all personnel.|Fail-safe has been initiated. {12505}{12568}Gamma decontamination|will occur in 30 minutes! {12570}{12610}Evacuate immediately! {12612}{12667}I repeat,|evacuate immediately! {13130}{13201}- Edith?|- David, what's going on? {13203}{13279}- I gotta talk to you, Edith.|- Bruce, stay here. {13330}{13377}What are you doing? {14172}{14218}What are you doing? {14220}{14290}I'm trying to tell you|what has to be done.! {14292}{14350}David, please stop it.!|No.! {14474}{14521}No.! No.!|Yes.! {14522}{14582}David.! No.! {14739}{14797}Bruce. {14798}{14845}Bruce, wake up, son. {14846}{14918}Bruce. Bruce. {14998}{15058}Another nightmare? {15060}{15121}I don't know. {15122}{15174}I don't remember. {15209}{15257}Hi, Mom. {15291}{15362}Already|off to college. {15363}{15410}Gonna miss you|terribly. {15411}{15458}I'll miss you too. {15459}{15507}Please,|come here. {15542}{15600}Look at you. {15602}{15677}Soon to be|a great scientist. {15678}{15721}I guess. {15723}{15770}I mean, who knows?|I do. {15771}{15873}There's something inside you...|so special. {15898}{15944}Some kind of greatness. {15946}{15997}I'm sure|someday you're gonna... {15998}{16056}share it with the whole world. {17364}{17442}But as far as I'm concerned,|security oughta be... {17444}{17490}Good morning.|Good morning,|Dr. Krenzler. {17492}{17584}Security oughta be beefed up.|In a place like this|you can't be too careful. {17586}{17640}Bruce.!|Big day. {17642}{17713}Did you sleep?|I didn't sleep.|I slept okay. {17715}{17771}Is Betty here?|She's around. {17773}{17848}I really gotta say, seeing you|in that stylin' head wear... {17850}{17929}You're implying something|about my helmet? {17931}{18002}You look like a massive nerd,|even around other scientists. {18004}{18105}Can I just ask...|Were you wearing the helmet|while she dumped you? {18106}{18165}See, it protects|my very important brain, Harper. {18166}{18217}Go prep the samples. {18242}{18326}- Hey. I found you.|- Betty, hey. {18406}{18457}I hate them. {18458}{18513}Wait, I just got here.|Who do we hate?|The review board. {18515}{18586}We have to make|a presentation on Tuesday.|Ah. {18588}{18636}And you're gonna|make it with me. {18638}{18702}You think I should?|Yeah. {18704}{18749}You're great with that stuff. {18750}{18876}You start talking|about microbes and nanomeds,|you sound almost... passionate. {18927}{18986}I'm sorry. {18987}{19037}That was rude. {19039}{19098}Look, nobody expects this|to be easy, {19099}{19177}us working together|after being... so close. {19178}{19225}We were close? {19226}{19284}Look, if I could be more... {19331}{19378}whatever, you know... {19379}{19432}I'm... just...|Don't. {19434}{19490}It's not your fault.|Really. {19492}{19538}You're just a by-product... {19540}{19610}of my inexplicable obsession|with emotionally distant men. {19612}{19660}I'll get over us. {19686}{19732}Good for you. {19734}{19804}Anyway, I'm just really stressed|about this review. {19806}{19906}If we don't get|impressive results today, we're gonna|have a really hard sell come Tuesday. {19938}{19986}Well, then,|let's go be impressive. {21039}{21086}Harper? {21087}{21156}Ready when you are.|Let's hit it. {21274}{21317}Are we passing|inspection? {21319}{21378}Safeties|all going green. {21379}{21427}Countdown's started. {21496}{21549}Nanomeds released. {21599}{21646}Four seconds. {21722}{21786}Okay, nanomeds|fully dispersed. {21822}{21914}Okay, let's hit Freddie|with the gamma radiation. {22227}{22273}Gamma exposure. {22323}{22365}Nanomeds now active. {22443}{22532}Nanomeds replicating cells|on border. {22534}{22581}It's working. {22665}{22758}Cell copy to disassemble ratio|holding within one percent. {22931}{22998}Imbalanced nanomed activity. {23291}{23350}You wanna go to the review board|on Monday and tell 'em... {23351}{23425}we've developed|a brand-new method|for exploding frogs? {23427}{23505}Yeah, I think maybe|there's a market for it. {23507}{23562}I mean,|what if there's a plague? {23564}{23629}What have you had, Betty,|like, one beer? {23630}{23701}I'm just sa...|I'm just saying, you know, {23702}{23761}frogs start falling from the sky, {23762}{23819}who do they come to? {23821}{23867}We'd be world-renowned. {23869}{23921}Make any parent|proud. {23950}{23996}I bet they would be. {23998}{24069}They actually did|want me to be a scientist. {24097}{24145}I mean,|your birth parents. {24187}{24234}Guess we'll never know. {24307}{24378}I don't understand|why you don't want to|find out about them. {24379}{24462}They're dead.|They died before|I can remember anything. {24463}{24532}Why do you always|come back to this? {24534}{24588}Don't know. {24590}{24669}I guess I figure|there's more to you|than you like to show. {24694}{24745}I guess|there couldn't be any less. {24775}{24846}Right. So now we come|full circle back to that. {24847}{24895}Nice work, Betty. {25215}{25263}Betty. {25290}{25329}Glen.|Hey. {25331}{25378}Hi. {25379}{25429}Hi. {25462}{25513}What happened|to your uniform? {25514}{25569}Oh, I, uh...|I switched over. {25570}{25629}I'm still working|with your father, but... {25630}{25717}Well, you know,|the military's subcontracting out|all the most interesting work, and... {25754}{25802}Can't argue with a paycheck. {25804}{25874}I basically run|all the labs on the base now. {25876}{25922}Oh. {25961}{26014}Hey, you're uh... {26016}{26064}you're looking good. {26210}{26261}You're|the genetics expert. {26534}{26601}Ah, the good old college days. {26634}{26682}So, how's business? {26730}{26777}What do you want? {26816}{26886}All right, I'll cut to the chase. {26888}{26958}I've been hearing|interesting things about|what you guys are doing here. {26960}{27054}Your little molecular machines|have some incredible implications. {27056}{27126}How would you like to|come work for Atheon? {27128}{27198}Get paid 10 times as much|as you earn now... {27200}{27265}and own a piece of the patents. {27309}{27356}You just have to|say the word. {27358}{27406}Two words: The door. {27868}{27914}General? {27916}{27967}Come in. {27994}{28056}Talbot wanted you|to see this, sir. {28058}{28154}It's about a lab Atheon is targeting|for acquisition and removal|to desert base. {28183}{28235}Why isn't it|going through N.S.C.? {28279}{28365}It, uh, concerns|your daughter, sir. {28551}{28610}Hi. Sorry. {28651}{28753}Hey, what happened to Benny?|Is he not working|the night shift anymore? {28755}{28802}Benny's dead. {28803}{28857}I'm the new guy. {28859}{28907}Oh. {28943}{28995}Good to meet you.|Same. {29574}{29627}- Let's try another. {29629}{29697}Mmm, no. Stay here. {29698}{29749}I look tired anyway. {29751}{29804}Yeah, but you look great. {29867}{29914}What's the matter? {29915}{29977}It's these dreams, Doctor. {29979}{30057}I keep having them,|and they're terrible. {30090}{30148}Tell me about your dream. {30214}{30270}Well, it starts... {30272}{30350}it starts with a memory...|I think it's my first memory. {30352}{30424}It's this image I have... {30426}{30492}from when I was|maybe two years old. {31254}{31312}Do you think|it's just a dream? {31314}{31369}No, I think it's something|that happened... {31371}{31443}when I was living at a desert base|with my father. {31467}{31514}Anyhow, {31515}{31574}the dream goes on and... {31575}{31620}suddenly I'm alone. {32472}{32518}That's terrible. {32520}{32577}You know|I'd never hurt you. {33430}{33477}Hey there. {33478}{33552}What's your name, darlin'? {33576}{33622}Eh? What's your name? {33640}{33698}Okay. {33700}{33748}It's okay. {36400}{36446}I gotta talk to you, Edith. {36448}{36498}Bruce, stay here.! {38422}{38493}"C... T... G... {38495}{38572}A... G." {38626}{38673}Bruce. {38822}{38868}My Bruce. {39096}{39154}Good morning.|Glen dropped by. {39155}{39202}What's he doing here? {39203}{39245}You know, Dr. Krenzler, {39247}{39318}you and I have never had|the chance to get to know|each other properly. {39320}{39416}Well, that's because I don't|want to get to know you,|properly or improperly. {39466}{39512}So leave. {39514}{39561}Hey, no worries. {39758}{39813}Let me give you|a little heads-up. {39838}{39898}There is a hairsbreadth|between friendly offer... {39900}{39946}and hostile takeover. {39948}{40042}I've done my homework.|The work you're doing here|is dynamite. {40044}{40114}Think: Gls embedded|with technology... {40116}{40176}that makes them|instantly repairable|on the battlefield... {40178}{40228}in our sole possession. {40254}{40313}That's a hell of a business. {40315}{40408}Well, it's not what we're doing here.|We're doing the basic science|for everyone. {40462}{40517}You know, someday|I'm gonna write a book... {40518}{40638}and I'm gonna call it|When Stupid Ideals Happen|To Smart, Penniless Scientists. {40662}{40737}In the meantime, Bruce,|you will be hearing from me. {41278}{41326}About Glen, I, um... {41328}{41392}There's nothing to talk about. {41447}{41494}Okay. {41495}{41591}I just wanted to say,|don't worry about him...|I'll handle it. {41649}{41696}How? {41722}{41771}I'm gonna call my father, {41800}{41846}ask him|to exert some pressure. {41848}{41929}Last I heard, you and your father|weren't speaking. {41930}{41977}Hmm. {41978}{42025}Well... {42026}{42089}I guess now I have something|to talk with him about. {42102}{42148}I think this circuit's|kinda fried. {42150}{42220}I don't know.|Maybe you wanna come|take a look at it. {42222}{42277}Okay, I'll be right there. {42452}{42504}Aah! {42898}{42992}The gamma's too high.!|Bruce, I can't stop it.! {43042}{43105}Harper, get out! {43106}{43172}Get out! {43790}{43836}How's Harper? {43838}{43884}He's all right. {43886}{43932}You saved him. {43934}{44028}I don't think he's coming back|to the lab for a while, though. {44155}{44215}I don't understand|how this is possible. {44242}{44288}You should be dead. {44338}{44425}They worked... the nanomeds. {44427}{44474}I mean, I feel great. {44475}{44558}I feel like... I don't know.|They must have, like, fixed me. {44560}{44646}Bruce, they've killed everything else|that they've come into contact with. {44703}{44750}Are you sure|the doctor checked? {44751}{44798}The doctor gave me|the full workup. {44799}{44852}He wants to know where|he can get what I'm taking. {44854}{44901}I'm a hundred percent. {44926}{44974}More. {44976}{45032}What do you mean? {45034}{45080}Remember my bad knee? {45082}{45138}Well, now it's my good knee. {45140}{45200}Bruce, this isn't funny. {45202}{45250}I was watching you. {45278}{45384}You were gonna die,|and I was gonna have to watch you die. {45386}{45449}Betty... {45451}{45499}I'm sorry. {45539}{45601}Really. {45603}{45665}Hey, I'm not gonna explode.|Okay? {45666}{45737}Yeah. {45738}{45813}You should|get some rest. {45815}{45863}And I'm fine. Really. {45895}{45943}I've never felt better. {47448}{47516}Your name|is not Krenzler. {47518}{47572}It's Banner. {47651}{47725}What?|Your name...|it's Banner. {47727}{47775}Bruce Banner. {47803}{47856}Bruce. {47894}{47957}How did you get in here?|I work here now. {47959}{48026}In the labs.|The late shift. {48054}{48122}It keeps me close to you. {48124}{48228}You always work so late yourself|with your friend Miss Ross. {48230}{48309}No, no. Please. Please.|Let me. {48395}{48448}You're not well. {48450}{48515}You've had a terrible accident. {48566}{48637}You're wondering|why you're still alive. {48690}{48762}You're thinking|there's something inside. {48786}{48845}Something different... {48890}{48936}inexplicable. {48972}{49042}I can help you understand, {49044}{49092}if you'll let me. {49132}{49180}If you'll... {49206}{49254}forgive me. {49346}{49461}Look, mister, I'm sure I have|nothing to forgive you for. {49498}{49544}So perhaps you should leave now. {49546}{49592}I'll be fine. {49594}{49640}You must know. {49642}{49696}You may not want to believe it, {49698}{49785}but I can see it in your eyes. {49814}{49874}So much like your mother's. {49901}{49966}Of course,|you're my flesh and blood. {49968}{50066}But then, you're something else too,|aren't you? {50068}{50122}My physical son, {50146}{50210}but the child of my mind too. {50212}{50258}No. {50260}{50306}You're lying. {50308}{50377}My parents died|when I was a small boy. {50379}{50460}No, no, that's not true.|That's what they wanted you to believe. {50462}{50541}The experiments, the accident...|all top secret. {50542}{50616}They put me away|for 30 years. {50618}{50677}Thirty years! {50702}{50753}Away from you. {50755}{50803}Away from our work. {50831}{50878}But they couldn't keep me forever. {50879}{50945}After all, I'm sane.|They had to admit it. {50983}{51047}You see, {51049}{51096}everything... {51098}{51153}your extraordinary mind... {51154}{51226}has been seeking all these years... {51228}{51288}it's been inside you. {51312}{51366}Now we will understand it. {51368}{51426}We will harness it. {51475}{51529}No, don't answer it.|It's Miss Ross again. {51531}{51638}There's something|you need to know about her, Bruce.|Something troublesome. {51639}{51702}Let me protect you from her. {51704}{51765}No. Get out. {51767}{51824}- Bruce...|- Get out! {51826}{51897}- Sit! {52292}{52370}We're gonna have to|watch that temper of yours. {53317}{53363}You sure you're okay? {53365}{53412}Yeah, just glad|to be out of bed. {53440}{53502}Got a message from my father. {53504}{53550}He's coming to see me. {53552}{53598}Your father?|Mmm. {53600}{53641}When? {53642}{53690}Lands in about an hour. {53714}{53786}The funny thing is,|he called me. {54046}{54121}Hi, Dad.|Hello, Betty. {54354}{54400}Here, ma'am.|Thanks. {54402}{54437}You're welcome.|Sir?|Thank you. {54439}{54470}You're welcome. {54675}{54762}Look, I'm gonna get right to it. {54764}{54814}It's about Glen, isn't it? {54850}{54920}He's been snooping around my lab. {54922}{54968}Glen noticed some things, {54970}{55038}asked me to make some inquiries. {55080}{55126}Are you here to... {55128}{55174}question me? {55176}{55212}No. {55214}{55281}We've turned up|some surprising things. {55342}{55397}This Krenzler you work with... {55399}{55459}you know|who he really is? {55506}{55557}How much do you|actually know about him? {55558}{55629}I think the question is, {55630}{55697}what is it|that you know about him? {55754}{55872}- Well, right now, I'm not...|- Not at liberty to disclose it|to me. Right. Right. {55903}{55950}You know, {55951}{56022}I think I was hoping that... {56023}{56089}maybe this time you just... {56090}{56173}honestly wanted to see me again. {56175}{56236}- You've got this all wrong, Betty.|- Do I? {56238}{56332}Yes. I do want to see you. {56390}{56462}I really wish|that I could believe you. {57602}{57650}Everything... {57652}{57736}your extraordinary mind|has been seeking... {57738}{57793}all these years, {57795}{57861}it's been inside you. {58308}{58361}Hi, you've called Dr. Krenzler. {58362}{58434}Please leave a message|and I'll call you right back. {58467}{58553}Bruce, hey. Are you there? {58555}{58613}Look, um,|I think I screwed up. {58615}{58725}My father... It's like he|suspects you of something.|I don't know. {58726}{58801}- I was so impatient, like always. {58802}{58873}I didn't hear him out.|I don't know, l... {58874}{58958}I just think that they're planning|something with the lab. {58960}{59000}So, um, uh... {59002}{59046}Call me. Okay? {59048}{59092}Bye. {59094}{59156}- Betty? {61496}{61566}Dispatch! Dispatch!|We have a 415 at the lab! {61568}{61625}Send Berkeley P.D. Now!|Send 'em now! {62282}{62329}Watch out! {63883}{63940}Edith? {63942}{63988}David, what's going on? {63990}{64068}- I gotta talk to you, Edith.|- Bruce, stay here. {64838}{64890}My Bruce. {65230}{65278}Bruce? {66150}{66209}There was|some sort of explosion. {66211}{66271}They wouldn't let us|into the building. {66304}{66363}I was worried about you. {66365}{66424}Well, I'm okay. {66469}{66516}What happened to you|last night? {66554}{66613}I had the most vivid dream. {66644}{66714}It was like being born. {66716}{66781}Coming up for air.|Light hitting my face. {66783}{66831}Screaming. {66855}{66913}My heartbeat... {66915}{66976}it was, like, boom... {66978}{67025}boom... {67091}{67139}boom. {67266}{67312}Were you at the lab? {67314}{67361}No. {67394}{67441}But something... {67499}{67545}And there was that man. {67547}{67593}The one with the dogs. {67595}{67642}Who? {67676}{67741}That new janitor. {67742}{67797}He said he was my father. {67920}{67972}I'll get it. {68219}{68267}My father. {68496}{68546}My, my. {68548}{68601}So this is the young Bruce Ban... {68654}{68713}Krenzler. {68750}{68845}I think you left something|in your lab last night. {68895}{68937}Mitchell. {68938}{69006}Escort my daughter outside.|I'll join her shortly. {69046}{69090}I'd rather stay here. {69092}{69152}Now, Betty. {69184}{69230}It's okay. {69232}{69280}I'll be fine. {69544}{69604}Keep him under observation.|I'll be back. {69782}{69854}What?|Your friend in there. {69856}{69945}There's a good chance|he's caught up|in some very bad business. {69947}{69993}Unfinished business. {69995}{70069}And I promise you,|I'm gonna get|to the bottom of it. {70071}{70141}You have my word|I'll make sure he's cared for. {70143}{70213}But as of right now,|he is incommunicado. {70215}{70273}And for the next|few days at least, {70275}{70321}you're gonna stay away from here. {70323}{70371}For your own good. {70572}{70658}Okay, and that's for the new guy|on the night shift, right? {70660}{70732}Great. Thank you.|I appreciate it. {71149}{71197}Dr. Ross. {71199}{71269}How unexpected. {71271}{71319}Please come in. {71448}{71534}I'm sorry to just show up|at your house like this. {71536}{71585}Uh... {71655}{71715}I came to ask you|something that... {71717}{71806}I really have|no business asking. {71844}{71902}He told you? {71904}{71952}He said|you talked to him. {71954}{72001}Oh. {72002}{72050}Please sit down. {72252}{72343}Bruce was at the lab last night.|He said that you were there too. {72345}{72415}But he can't|remember much about it. {72417}{72469}I need to find out|what happened. {72470}{72517}So, you want to know, uh, {72518}{72566}what's wrong with him... {72590}{72641}so you can fix him? {72643}{72700}Cure him, change him. {72748}{72806}My father's with the military. {72808}{72878}He seems to think|he's involved in some kind of|threat to national security. {72880}{72926}Mmm. {72928}{73010}Your father. Ross. {73035}{73125}You brought your father|down upon his head? {73127}{73198}How little you understand,|Miss Ross, {73200}{73293}and how dangerous|your ignorance has become. {73334}{73389}I'm sorry.|Don't be sorry. {73390}{73438}My son is... {73474}{73521}unique. {73522}{73569}That's why|you can't relate to him. {73570}{73681}And because he is unique, the world|will not tolerate his existence. {73682}{73730}Will they? {73756}{73804}But you... {73844}{73885}you try, {73886}{73933}don't you? {73934}{73982}Yes. {74108}{74192}And a very beautiful|woman like you, {74194}{74261}your attentions... {74262}{74350}can't be completely unwanted. {74374}{74410}Can they? {74441}{74497}No. {74498}{74581}Not with eyes like yours, {74582}{74653}watching expectantly, {74677}{74727}lovingly. {74789}{74857}But I'm afraid|we're both too late to help him. {74859}{74913}There's nothing|I can do for him... {74915}{74965}or for you. {74967}{75015}Besides, {75046}{75110}he's made it clear|he wants nothing to do with me. {75112}{75158}His choice. {75160}{75251}Now, if you'll excuse me, Miss Ross,|I have some work to do. {75253}{75331}And don't worry about the dogs. {75333}{75379}You'll be fine. {75381}{75440}Just don't|look 'em in the eyes. {75501}{75548}Good-bye. {75597}{75679}He gets released, and a month later|your lab is destroyed. {75681}{75727}What a coincidence. {75729}{75799}So you're not gonna tell me|where he is, are ya? {75801}{75879}How many times do I have to tell you?|I'd like to help you,|but I just don't know. {75881}{75935}You know who I am.|Right, Banner? {75937}{76005}Your Betty's father.|You're a high-ranking general.|Let's cut the crap. {76007}{76097}I'm the guy who had your father|tossed away, and a lot more like him, {76098}{76153}and I'll do the same with you|if I feel so disposed. {76154}{76245}You understand?|If you had him tossed away,|then why are you asking me? {76247}{76345}I don't remember.|I was always told my father was dead. {76347}{76393}Don't play with me! {76395}{76453}You were four years old|when you saw it. {76455}{76513}When I saw what? {76514}{76607}You were right there.|How could anyone forget a thing like that? {76636}{76682}What? {76684}{76756}Oh, some more repressed memories. {76830}{76877}Just tell me. {76945}{77003}I'm sorry, son. {77029}{77114}You're an even more screwed-up mess|than I thought you'd be. {77138}{77197}Until we get|to the bottom of this, {77198}{77270}your lab has been declared|a top-secret military site... {77271}{77353}and you're not gonna get|a security clearance to get back into it... {77355}{77425}or any other lab that's doing|anything more interesting than... {77427}{77511}trying to figure out|the next generation of herbal hair gel. {77596}{77648}One more thing. {77650}{77696}If you ever... {77698}{77809}come within a thousand yards|of my daughter again, {77810}{77888}I'll put you away|for the rest of your natural life. {78230}{78276}Dogs! {78326}{78396}Go! Go get her! {78398}{78468}And let nothing|stand in your way! {78470}{78525}Go! {80064}{80110}Hello? {80112}{80158}Bruce? {80160}{80256}So, they think they can just|throw you away as they did me. {80454}{80518}What's wrong with me?|What did you do to me? {80520}{80566}I got a visit today. {80568}{80625}A very unwelcome visit. {80626}{80688}I'm afraid my hand|is being forced. {80690}{80767}What did you do to me? {80769}{80839}You so much want to know,|don't you? {80841}{80941}But I think no explanation|will serve you half as well... {80942}{81004}as the experience. {81006}{81121}In any case, I still don't|quite understand it myself. {81122}{81193}If they'd only let me|work in peace... {81194}{81270}Of course, my betters|would have none of that. {81272}{81342}So you experimented|on yourself, didn't you? {81344}{81430}And passed on to me... what? {81432}{81494}An alteration. Genetic. {81496}{81598}A deformity.|I guess you could call it that. {81600}{81662}But an amazing strength too. {81664}{81735}And now, finally unleashed,|I can harvest it. {81737}{81783}No. {81785}{81831}You'll do no such thing. {81833}{81892}I will isolate it|and treat it myself. {81893}{81975}I'll remove it and I'll kill it|before it does any real harm. {81977}{82045}I'll bet you and your Betty|would love to destroy it. {82047}{82125}But would you really|destroy part of yourself? {82150}{82212}I don't think so. {82214}{82260}And as for Betty, {82262}{82310}I'm sending her|a surprise visit... {82312}{82370}from some four-legged|friends of mine. {82372}{82478}You see, I managed to culture|some of your very own DNA, Bruce, {82480}{82545}and the results are tremendous. {82546}{82637}They're unstable,|but very powerful. {82671}{82723}What about my DNA? {82725}{82823}Let's just wait and see what Betty|makes of the results, huh? {82825}{82871}No. You're crazy. {82873}{82920}I won't let you. {82993}{83059}Get your hands off of me.|Talbot, what's this... {83061}{83115}Inside, asshole.|I wanna talk to you. {83117}{83163}Listen, my father's|going after Betty... {83165}{83243}What makes you think|you can go behind my back|and get Ross to cut me out, huh? {83245}{83327}Listen to me!|Betty's in trouble! {83406}{83453}You pathetic freak. {83454}{83511}Betty's in danger.|I swear to you, she'll be killed. {83513}{83559}I can state the obvious. {83561}{83641}Something tells me you aren't|in much of a position to be making|stupid threats to anyone. {83759}{83810}Talbot.|Yeah? {83812}{83858}You're making me angry. {83860}{83915}Oh, am I? {85195}{85249}Ohh! Oh! {85251}{85307}I got him.! Open fire.! {87947}{88015}Bruce? {95847}{95926}He sent these dogs,|didn't he? {95928}{95986}But I killed them! {96583}{96632}My God. {96634}{96698}It must be the nanomeds.|It must be the gamma exposure. {96700}{96766}But we've never seen|any effect like this before. {96768}{96814}No. Deeper. {96816}{96901}The gamma just unleashed|what was already there. {96903}{96964}Unleashed what? {96966}{97038}Me. {97040}{97105}It. {97107}{97168}It's okay. {97170}{97210}Shh. It's okay. {97253}{97317}What were those animals? {97319}{97392}My father sent them. {97393}{97458}He is my father. {97460}{97510}He wanted me to change. {97512}{97593}He wanted me to change|into that mindless hulk. {97594}{97645}Why would he want that? {97679}{97733}Can you remember anything? {97734}{97813}Is there anything|from when you were changed? {97880}{97950}It was like a dream. {97952}{98022}About what? {98054}{98102}Rage. {98137}{98185}Power. {98223}{98282}And freedom. {98710}{98790}Hello? Sir. {98824}{98872}Hello.|Dad? {98873}{98930}Betty! Are you all right? {98982}{99070}I'm scared.|I need your help. {99072}{99120}Where are you? {99370}{99425}How are you? {99427}{99491}Okay, I guess. {99579}{99635}I think that somehow... {99637}{99715}your anger is triggering|the nanomeds. {99717}{99823}How could it?|We designed them to respond|to physical damage. {99825}{99899}Emotional damage|can manifest physically. {99933}{99985}Like what? {100061}{100111}Serious trauma. {100157}{100206}Repressed memories. {100335}{100452}Your father grilled me about|something that happened to me|from early childhood... {100453}{100509}that I'm supposed to remember. {100510}{100546}He did? {100548}{100668}It sounded bad,|but... I honestly don't remember. {100745}{100805}The thing that worries me... {100807}{100855}is... {100857}{100907}a physical wound is finite, {100909}{100955}but with emotions, {100957}{101048}what's to say it won't|just go on and on... {101049}{101134}and start a chain reaction? {101187}{101249}You know what|scares me the most? {101296}{101344}When it happens, {101371}{101422}when it comes over me... {101424}{101496}and I totally lose control, {101540}{101590}I like it. {102001}{102067}It's okay. I got you.|I'm sorry. {102069}{102157}You'll be okay.|It's just to make you sleep. {102158}{102203}Target down.|Target secure. {102205}{102273}I'm going to take you|someplace safe. {102274}{102352}Okay? Bruce? {102353}{102412}Bruce? {102413}{102461}Bruce? {106150}{106205}Clear! {106440}{106505}Attention on deck.|Carry on. {106697}{106766}We're buried out here|in the middle of nowhere. {106768}{106825}How long are you|gonna keep him sedated? {106827}{106881}For the rest of his|natural life, if I have to. {106883}{106953}You said I could trust you.|I'm your father. {106954}{107057}You can trust me to do|what I think is right,|not what you think you want. {107058}{107155}- He is a human being.|- He is also something else. {107157}{107242}Suppose he gets out,|has one of his little mood swings... {107244}{107277}in a populated area. {107278}{107389}Yes, I'm aware of|the potential danger.|I'm also aware that he saved my life. {107391}{107461}Yeah, from a mutant|French poodle. {107463}{107518}I'm indebted to him for that. {107520}{107604}He also put|three men in a hospital,|and Talbot's barely walking! {107606}{107709}- What do you want me to do?|- I want you to help him! {107710}{107802}- Why is he such a threat to you?|- Because I know what he comes from. {107804}{107905}He is his father's son,|every last molecule of him. {107907}{107967}He says he doesn't know|his father, {107969}{108098}but he's workin'in the same|exact goddamn field his father did. {108100}{108204}So either he's lyin'...|or it's somethin' worse, and he's... {108205}{108254}What? {108256}{108347}Predestined to follow|in his father's footsteps? {108381}{108451}I was gonna say "damned." {108453}{108513}Of course you were. {108515}{108549}But I'm a scientist. {108551}{108659}As a scientist,|I believe we can figure this out|and he can be helped. {108661}{108741}I know you do. {108742}{108825}Look, whether you know or care, {108826}{108913}I've got a lot of pride|in what you've done. {108915}{108987}But this is too big for you. {108989}{109084}Look, I know the government thinks|they have a weapon on their hands. {109086}{109148}Otherwise, he'd be dead by now. {109150}{109207}They can probe and prod|all they want, {109209}{109263}and in the meanwhile,|just let me try to help him. {109265}{109346}Nobody knows him|better than I do. {109413}{109481}What did David Banner|do to him? {109575}{109621}Cover left!|Clear left. {109622}{109669}Cover right! {112802}{112872}What's happening here? {112873}{112933}My hand. {112968}{113070}You see, the strength|of my son's DNA... {113072}{113175}combined with nanomed|reconstruction... {113235}{113331}You see, I can partake|with the essences of all things. {113373}{113433}Gonna have to ask you to... {113434}{113507}put your hands up, pal, okay? {113509}{113590}Nice and easy. {113709}{113758}Do you really believe... {113760}{113873}that I am separate from you? {113874}{113929}Whoa! {114284}{114332}Where am I? {114425}{114472}You're home. {114768}{114837}It's hard to believe|we used to live here. {114901}{114972}I must have seen you|or known you. {114974}{115042}If only I could remember. {115851}{115921}This is my old house, isn't it? {116846}{116897}Let's go. {116938}{116985}Please try. {118285}{118335}What is it? {118337}{118383}Nothing. {118385}{118434}Really? {118491}{118551}Damn it. {118662}{118763}Okay, Betty...|what do you want to know? {118842}{118907}What was in that room? {119167}{119233}What are you afraid that I'll see? {119359}{119450}See? There's nothing. {119452}{119529}It's empty. {119814}{119881}What do you mean,|I don't have access to him? {119882}{120012}NSA has decided to turn over study|of the, uh... the threat to Atheon. {120013}{120073}But you're head of the base. {120075}{120134}I thought you were in charge. {120136}{120247}But I don't set policy,|and I still take orders. {120304}{120399}I can't believe Talbot|would go around me like this! {120433}{120521}Oh, there's a lot of powerful people|that want in on this. {120523}{120602}And money to be made...|lots of it. {120721}{120799}You know the worst part|about all this? {120801}{120874}When I had David Banner locked up|and sent that kid away, {120876}{120976}I didn't give that boy a second thought;|he was just collateral damage. {120977}{121055}Well, he isn't anymore, is he? {121110}{121157}What can I do? {121158}{121242}You can go home now. {121289}{121366}I'd tell you to go and say good-bye,|but I've already been informed... {121368}{121458}that for now all further contact|is out of the question. {121491}{121526}Right.