{839}{945}Hiya, Bruce. How ya feelin'?|Grub okay in here for ya? {946}{1002}What do you want? {1004}{1061}That's a good question. {1062}{1177}See, I need your cells to trigger|some chemical distress signals. {1178}{1270}You know, so you can turn|a little green for me again... {1272}{1350}and I can carve off|a piece of the real you, {1352}{1423}analyze it, patent it,|make a fortune. {1453}{1515}Do you mind? {1517}{1570}I'll never let you. {1572}{1633}I'm not sure you've got|much of a choice. {1694}{1758}Come on, Bruce.|Aren't you feeling a little angry? {1760}{1843}After all, you've only got me|to play with now that Betty's dumped you|and gone back to Berkeley. {1845}{1907}You're lying. {1909}{1966}You know, for me|this is a win-win situation. {1968}{2025}You turn green, and all these guys|come in and kill you... {2026}{2070}and I perform the autopsy. {2071}{2147}- You don't... {2149}{2194}And I mop the floor with you... {2195}{2267}and maybe by accident|go too far and break your neck. {2269}{2371}Bad science, maybe...|but personally gratifying. {2429}{2515}Come on, Bruce!|Let's see what you got. {2517}{2579}Never. {2715}{2770}You know, consciously|you may control it, {2772}{2859}but subconsciously,|I bet that's another story. {3594}{3668}All right, let's jump-start|those brain waves. {3934}{3981}Bruce. {4293}{4352}- My dear Miss Ross. {4354}{4399}Welcome back. {4401}{4465}There are two guards|right outside. {4467}{4590}You don't have to worry.|I'm not angry with you. Not anymore. {4592}{4646}What do you want? {4648}{4725}It's over for me now.|I know that. {4727}{4813}And soon it'll be over for Bruce. {4815}{4873}That's why I've come to you... {4874}{4977}to ask you if you could|persuade your father, {4979}{5045}as a man,|as a father himself, {5047}{5158}that if I turn myself in now,|peacefully... {5160}{5245}and before|he puts me away forever, {5246}{5315}that he would let me see my son... {5317}{5378}for one last time. {5380}{5447}Could you do that for me? {5507}{5573}It's out of my father's hands now. {5684}{5764}I understand.|He's a puppet now. {5796}{5850}I don't blame him.|You shouldn't. {5852}{5942}You should blame yourself|for what you've done to your son. {5944}{6033}And what have I done|to my son, Miss Ross? {6035}{6164}Nothing. I tried to improve|on the limits in myself. {6166}{6221}Myself! Not him! {6222}{6309}Can you understand?|To improve on nature. {6311}{6382}My nature!|Knowledge of oneself! {6384}{6454}It's the only path to the truth... {6456}{6553}that give men the power|to go beyond God's boundaries! {6577}{6682}You know what's beyond|your boundaries? Other people. {6684}{6757}All you've given Bruce is fear. {6813}{6877}Fear of life. {6929}{6975}Fear? {7009}{7057}Perhaps, Miss Ross. {7106}{7165}And loneliness too. {7166}{7281}Yes... I feel them both. {7366}{7483}But I have lived...|completely once. {7538}{7602}I was so much in love, {7604}{7675}and she so much wanted a baby. {7677}{7723}My baby. {7906}{7975}I could tell|from the moment she conceived... {7977}{8049}that it wasn't a son|I had given her... {8051}{8106}but something else. {8108}{8166}A monster, maybe. {8167}{8233}I should have put a stop to it|right then, {8235}{8342}but I was curious|and that was my downfall. {8344}{8440}And as I watched this tiny life unfold, {8442}{8519}I began to imagine the horror of it, {8521}{8624}and my curiosity was replaced... {8626}{8698}with compassion. {8756}{8818}But they took away|my chance to cure him. {8820}{8875}Your father threw me out. {8877}{8960}- What are you doing?|- I remember that day so well... {8962}{9029}every moment, every sensation... {9031}{9085}walking into the house, {9087}{9165}the feeling of the handle|of the knife in my hand. {9167}{9286}I knew I was doing a father's work,|fulfilling a father's mercy. {9287}{9362}David, please stop it.! No.! {9364}{9422}David, no.!|Talk to me.! Listen.! {9424}{9494}But then she surprised me. {9495}{9586}- No.! No.! {9588}{9637}David, no! {9638}{9714}It was as if... {9716}{9798}she and the knife... {9800}{9863}merged. {10070}{10123}No! {10125}{10190}You cannot imagine... {10192}{10279}the unbearable finality of it. {10281}{10364}And in that one moment... {10366}{10468}I took everything that was dear to me... {10470}{10573}and transformed it|into nothing more... {10575}{10623}than a memory. {10992}{11071}Bingo! That must be some|jumbo nightmare he just had. {11184}{11237}Okay, do it now.|Start the enzyme extraction. {11352}{11407}Sir, negative|on drill penetration. {11409}{11498}Damn it, drill him harder!|Give him full RPMs.|Come on, Holeman! Come on! {11836}{11942}- Should I neutralize?|- No! I can't do anything with goop!|Come on! {12235}{12310}- All right, put him to sleep. {12525}{12579}It's not stopping him.! {12750}{12810}Ready room, send in|our containment team. {12812}{12876}Non-lethals only.|I repeat, non-lethals only. {12878}{12932}I must have a sample of him. {12934}{12980}Sir.! {13019}{13104}- Jesus!|- Hit him with the foam. {13105}{13151}Deploy containment foam. {13177}{13224}Talbot, talk to me. {13261}{13344}Cease fire!|Under control, General.|I'll let you know if we need you. {13346}{13409}Unacceptable.|Unseat your asses|down here immediately. {13410}{13461}I want a full-court|evacuation now. {13463}{13521}I'm shutting you down.|Lockdown. {13522}{13589}Didn't you hear|what the general said?|I said lockdown! {13654}{13714}Clear! I need a sample of him! {13762}{13842}Take it easy there, buddy. {13844}{13935}This might give you|a bit of a sting here, Bruce. {14225}{14306}Fall back! Fall back!|Clear your weapon! Clear it! {14308}{14394}Give me the M2.|So long, big boy. {14396}{14454}Clear! {14691}{14766}Lockdown|the entire facility immediately. {14866}{14938}Target's still moving|towards blue level. {14940}{15018}- Evacuate the main hall. {15121}{15209}Send in backup, heavy weapons.|Issue general quarters. {15210}{15275}Set firing lines left and right! {15277}{15341}Heavy weapons, go, go, go! {15865}{15917}Contamination, sir.|System readings are redline. {15918}{15971}Data's on backup power supply. {16138}{16190}Incoming! {16350}{16417}Shut down all power|to the main hall.|Sir? {16418}{16530}Show him the way out.|We'll fight him outside. {19613}{19686}Driver, stop.|Driver, stop. {19853}{19913}Gunner, traverse left.!|Traverse left.! {20936}{20982}Clear back! Clear back! {22281}{22382}Mr. President,|I have some bad news, sir. {22384}{22431}Let's have it, General. {22433}{22509}I've briefed the president on Angry Man.|I assume that's what this is about. {22511}{22625}It is, ma'am. I'm requesting|a National Command Authority override. {22626}{22695}Angry Man is unsecure. {22697}{22801}I need everything we have at my disposal|in order to stop his movement. {22803}{22887}You're expecting|civilian casualties, General? {22889}{22943}Not if I can help it, ma'am. {22945}{22999}Consider it done.|Keep us posted. {24164}{24210}Contact Goodman Control. {24212}{24272}Patch data to the assets. {24274}{24341}Contact H.Q. {24342}{24434}Have them initiate|an immediate evacuation... {24436}{24560}in vicinity of grid coordinates|653-216... {25378}{25430}Confirm that the area|has been cleared. {25432}{25491}Confirm area cleared. {25493}{25563}H.Q. Confirms area cleared.|Assets on-line, sir. {25565}{25619}Gentlemen, it's time to dig in. {25621}{25704}I want this target|stopped in his tracks. {26893}{26939}Jesus. {27303}{27386}Mayday.! Mayday.! Ah, shit.! {27527}{27627}Tango Four is down. Have C-SAR|respond to our 20 ASAP. {27629}{27729}We're okay, but, damn it, get him|off us before he tears us apart.! {27731}{27795}I've got no shot.|Do you have a clear line of fire? {27797}{27849}Watch it, Tango Flight. {27851}{27910}Break left.! Break left.! {27911}{27994}Tango Three, pull back and set up|for a Hellfire shot. {27995}{28054}Hold your fire till we draw him off. {28056}{28111}Tango One is hot. Gun wazzed. {28113}{28175}Roger. Going hot. Guns ready. {28271}{28370}Engage at will. {28828}{28900}Tango One, pull back.!|Clear my line.! {28902}{28973}Tango Flight, clear back.|I've got him painted for Hellfire. {28974}{29083}Roger that. Tango One clear.|Take the shot. {29520}{29595}Tango One, Tango Three.|I have contact. {29597}{29656}Holy shit.! He's got my missile.! {29702}{29749}Mayday! Mayday! {29810}{29894}Mayday! Mayday!|We're hit! We're going down! {29965}{30021}Give me a head count. {30022}{30099}Tango Three, give me a sit rep. {30101}{30190}Our kite's busted up,|but we're okay. {30192}{30277}Tango Flight, do you have|eyes on the target? {30278}{30353}Tango One.|I have him in the rocks. {30354}{30429}Salvo all. Turn it into a parking lot. {30916}{30978}T-bolt, your parking lot is ready. {30980}{31046}We're bingo for fuel and ammo.|R. T.B. {31693}{31745}T-bolt, this is Goodman Control. {31747}{31833}Be advised, target not destroyed.|He's on the move again. {31834}{31881}Damn! {31882}{31941}I've got it. {31942}{31995}It appears he's heading home. {31997}{32044}Launch fast movers. {32046}{32132}Have them intercept and engage. {32134}{32186}Hello? {32188}{32275}Betty, Bruce got out.|He's headed your way... {32277}{32318}and probably right for you. {32320}{32375}How far from the base are you? {32377}{32452}I'm already here.|They're taking his father in now. {32454}{32544}That's all good news.|Stay there, Betty. {32878}{32948}Legend One rolling in hot.|Legend Two breaking offleft. {32950}{33047}I think I can come back around|for a gun attack. {33049}{33129}Acquire a clear target.|Fire at will. {33234}{33327}Increase altitude.|Civilian aircraft in vicinity. {33419}{33504}Pull up.! Pull up.!|You're headed for the bridge.! {33506}{33605}I can't pull up! I can't pull up! {33799}{33878}Okay, you've got him now. Take him|on a ride to the top of the world. {33880}{33950}Let's see what the thin air|will do for him. {33952}{34002}Initiating afterburner. {34423}{34472}I'm passing flight level 600. {34474}{34527}This is out of my envelope. {34529}{34577}Hang in there, Legend. {34579}{34662}I can't maintain.|He's all over my aerodynamics. {34663}{34715}He'll lose consciousness before you. {34804}{34935}Nine-fifty. I can't hold it.|I'm pulling back! {36049}{36108}Puny human. {36352}{36399}Contact. He's in the water.|All units, weapons hot. {36401}{36457}Let's not take any chances. {36459}{36542}You are cleared to fire|on target, Legend. {37044}{37093}Dad?|Betty? {37095}{37155}We don't have a choice. {37157}{37212}I have to destroy him. {37214}{37313}But you can't.|You will only fuel his rage,|and you will make him stronger. {37315}{37422}It's you he's coming for.|You know that. {37450}{37509}Then let me go to him. {37511}{37559}Please. {37595}{37660}Just give him a chance|to calm down. {38246}{38339}This area has been declared|restricted airspace. {38341}{38433}All aircraft are ordered|to clear the airspace immediately. {39417}{39480}Echo, One-niner. Weapons are hot. {39482}{39542}Target acquired.|Waiting your orders to engage. {39544}{39609}Repeat, waiting|your orders to engage. {39611}{39692}Command code yellow.|Hold for authorization. {39918}{39966}All units, hold your fire. {39968}{40049}This is T-bolt to all assets. You have|direct orders to hold your fire. {40051}{40111}I repeat, hold your fire. {40113}{40167}Echo, One-niner. Roger that. {40507}{40556}Go go, go, go, go, go! {41273}{41344}Hold your fire until my command.! {41407}{41467}Engine 24 to command.|We are in position now. {43081}{43145}You found me. {43177}{43246}You weren't that hard to find. {43284}{43332}Yes, I was. {44902}{44949}Let's take a walk. {45710}{45789}That's the deal, gentlemen.|He stays on this base... {45791}{45894}until we get the final word from C-3|on how to dispose of him. {45896}{46014}In the meantime, ifhe does|anything but sit there in that chair, {46016}{46134}we're gonna turn on the juice|and he'll be incinerated immediately. {46136}{46194}We've established|a 200-yard perimeter, sir. {46196}{46298}If we deploy the electromagnetic array,|there should be no collateral damage. {46300}{46369}Here they come.! {46514}{46573}I'm doin' this for you, Betty. {46575}{46671}But one way or another, we're|gonna have to prepare for the worst. {49290}{49340}I should have killed you. {49368}{49430}And I should have killed you. {49459}{49516}I wish you had. {49628}{49685}I saw her last night. {49738}{49795}Saw her face. {49797}{49847}Brown hair. {49890}{49950}Brown eyes. {49952}{50020}She smiled at me. {50022}{50111}She reached down|and kissed my cheek. {50143}{50223}I can almost remember a smell. {50298}{50370}Almost like desert flowers. {50406}{50456}Her favorite perfume. {50524}{50623}It's my mother,|and I don't even know her name. {50814}{50905}It's all right, son.|You go ahead and cry. {51077}{51143}Go ahead and cry. {51213}{51274}Cry. Crying will do you good. {51276}{51342}Don't touch me! {51376}{51443}Maybe once you were my father, {51445}{51510}but you're not now|and you never will be. {51512}{51597}Oh, is that so? {51599}{51735}Well, I got news for you.|I didn't come here to see you. {51737}{51813}I came here to see my son. {51843}{51894}My real son. {51896}{51956}The one inside of you. {51958}{52056}You're nothing|but a superficial shell, {52058}{52109}a husk of flimsy consciousness... {52111}{52205}ready to be torn off|at a moment's notice. {52206}{52287}You can think what you like.|I don't care. Just go! {52420}{52503}No, son. Listen to me.|I found a cure. {52505}{52561}For me. {52563}{52641}My cells can transform too, {52642}{52711}absorb enormous|amounts of energy. {52713}{52781}But, unlike you,|they're unstable. {52783}{52862}Son, I need your strength. {52864}{52942}I gave you life. {52944}{53037}Now you must give it back to me! {53038}{53163}Only a million times|more radiant, more powerful! {53165}{53246}- Stop it.|- Stop? Stop what? {53248}{53314}Stop what? {53316}{53419}Think about all those men out there|in their uniforms... {53421}{53505}barking and swallowing orders, {53507}{53588}inflicting their petty rule|over the entire globe! {53590}{53668}Think of all the harm they've done! {53670}{53742}To you! To me! {53744}{53797}To humanity! {53799}{53870}And know this...|that we can make them... {53872}{53935}and their flags and their anthems|and their governments... {53937}{54001}disappear in a flash! {54003}{54053}You in me. {54055}{54110}I'd rather die. {54112}{54220}Oh, that's your answer? {54222}{54325}Then indeed you shall die...|and be reborn... {54327}{54409}a hero... of the kind|that walked the earth... {54411}{54501}long before the pale religions|of civilization... {54503}{54580}infected humanity's soul! {54582}{54657}Go! {54980}{55050}Stop your bawling, {55052}{55133}you weak little speck|of human trash. {55288}{55359}All right... I'll go! {55400}{55464}- You just watch me go!|- Hit it. {56055}{56129}- Hit it again! {56131}{56222}We can't, sir. There's no power. Some|kind of counter-electromagnetic field. {56335}{56393}Move in and assault the target.|Move in.! {56395}{56474}Move, move, move! {57635}{57720}Sir, I've located them on radar.|Pear Lake. {57722}{57780}Call up the task force. {57938}{57995}Yes! {59541}{59610}That's right. Keep fighting. {59612}{59720}The more you fight,|the more of you I take. {59901}{60018}Strange. We're reading a phenomenal|drop in temperatures there. {60020}{60082}But simultaneous|radiological activity. {60084}{60161}They're absorbing|all the ambient energy. {60385}{60486}Sleep now, Bruce, and forget forever. {60488}{60605}Struggle no more...|and give me all of your power. {60649}{60745}You think you can live with it? Take it! {60747}{60835}Take it all! {60876}{60958}Oh, yes! Yes! {61280}{61361}Take it back! {61362}{61454}It's not stopping! {61456}{61510}Take it back! {61896}{61963}Gentlemen... release. {62164}{62237}Gamma charge away. {62751}{62833}- Mwah!|- Sweet dreams. {64119}{64189}Hello?|Betty, is that you? {64190}{64252}Hi, Dad.|I'm glad I caught you. {64253}{64326}I'm glad you called.|Thanks. {64365}{64456}Look, Betty... you and l... {64458}{64583}well, we both know that Bruce|couldn't have survived that blast. {64585}{64684}But... well, you know... {64685}{64757}What is it?|Well, you know. {64759}{64843}The usual loonies.|Seein' things. {64845}{64892}Only now everything's green. {64893}{64980}Right. {64982}{65054}Look, uh... {65056}{65142}if by some chance|he did survive... {65144}{65255}and he should try to contact you,|try to get in touch, {65257}{65319}you'd tell me, wouldn't you? {65349}{65440}No... I wouldn't. {65442}{65529}But you know as well as I do,|I wouldn't have to. {65530}{65614}I mean, my phones are bugged,|my computer's tapped. {65616}{65669}I'm under surveillance. {65720}{65785}I'll tell you, though, {65786}{65835}that if he were alive, {65837}{65913}I'm the last person|I would want him to come to... {65915}{65997}because... as much as I miss him, {65999}{66096}I... I... loved him. {66097}{66170}I, um... {66172}{66252}Yeah. {66254}{66310}I'm sorry, Betty. {66366}{66430}I am so sorry. {66485}{66538}I know you are. {67410}{67457}Si. {67725}{67813}Let's take a walk. {70910}{70989}* You operate and motivate|on synthetic fuel * {70990}{71060}* You're Mother Nature|and an atom bomb * {71061}{71130}*As long as you're kept|full of pretty bodies * {71132}{71197}* Your little secret|will be safe with me * {71340}{71412}*Around again, insane again * {71413}{71485}*It comes again and sets me free * {71487}{71564}*So set me free, set me free * {71565}{71634}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {71636}{71754}*Set me free, set me free * {71899}{71969}* You kept a lock and pulled a rise|with one thing in mind * {71971}{72050}*But analyzing|everything that you see * {72052}{72116}*But now I did it all, I did a little * {72117}{72183}*Now I wanna take you down with me * {72325}{72403}*Around again, insane again * {72405}{72475}*She comes again and sets me free * {72477}{72554}*So set me free, set me free * {72556}{72625}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {72626}{72751}*Set me free, set me free * {72753}{72836}*So set me free, set me free * {72838}{72907}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {72909}{73034}*Set me free, set me free * {73036}{73120}*So take me down, take me * {73122}{73193}*Down, down, down, down * {73195}{73273}* Take me down, take me down * {73317}{73401}*So take me down, take me * {73403}{73473}*Down, down, down, down * {73475}{73568}* Take me down, take me down * {74376}{74461}*So set me free, set me free * {74463}{74537}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {74539}{74665}*Set me free, set me free * {74667}{74742}*So set me free, set me free * {74744}{74814}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {74816}{74939}*Set me free, set me free * {75364}{75452}*So set me free, set me free * {75453}{75519}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {75521}{75647}*Set me free, set me free * {75649}{75732}*So set me free, set me free * {75733}{75801}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {75803}{75932}*Set me free, set me free * {75933}{76011}*So set me free, set me free * {76013}{76082}* 'Cause I think you need my soul * {76084}{76201}*Set me free, set me free * {76202}{76264}*Not real * {76265}{76338}*Not real * {76340}{76400}*Not real * {76401}{76462}*Not real * {76464}{76577}*Not real ** {76615}{76682}That's a wrap.! {76715}{76815}>> Napisy pobrane z http://napisy.org <<|>>>>>>>> nowa wizja napisów <<<<<<<<