1 00:01:44,847 --> 00:01:45,836 [ALARM BEEPING ] 2 00:01:53,847 --> 00:01:55,803 [GROANING ] 3 00:02:12,847 --> 00:02:16,317 [STEVIE WONDER'S ""SUPERSTITION"" PLAYING ] 4 00:02:46,047 --> 00:02:49,960 [SINGING ] 5 00:03:07,127 --> 00:03:08,719 Thing of beauty. 6 00:03:14,047 --> 00:03:15,765 Good morning, sir! 7 00:03:15,927 --> 00:03:18,646 FEDEX ROBOT: Yet another on-time deIivery from-- 8 00:03:18,807 --> 00:03:21,196 SPOONER: Get the heII out of my face, canner. 9 00:03:21,567 --> 00:03:23,444 FEDEX ROBOT: Have a nice day! 10 00:03:25,807 --> 00:03:28,799 WOMAN [ON BILLBOARD] : We believe our Destination Anywhere package... 11 00:03:28,967 --> 00:03:30,116 ... to be the best value. 12 00:03:30,287 --> 00:03:35,281 Let us take you to your dream destination aboard our orbital spaceplane, the X-82. 13 00:03:35,447 --> 00:03:39,122 [CHATTERING ] 14 00:03:39,687 --> 00:03:42,565 WOMAN [ON BILLBOARD] : Try Jazztown's synthetic Chicago-style pizza. 15 00:03:42,727 --> 00:03:44,877 [BARKING ] 16 00:03:45,967 --> 00:03:49,596 MAN 1 [ON BILLBOARD] : Glowfish! The world's hottest-selling transgenic treats. 17 00:03:49,767 --> 00:03:52,645 Your children will love the new colors too! 18 00:03:53,807 --> 00:03:54,842 PASSING ROBOT: Excuse me. 19 00:03:55,007 --> 00:03:57,441 MAN 2 [ON BILLBOARD] : Total performance. Total readiness. 20 00:03:57,607 --> 00:04:00,644 Total security. So goodbye to upgrades and service calls. 21 00:04:00,807 --> 00:04:02,798 An uplink to USR's central computer... 22 00:04:02,967 --> 00:04:06,323 ...provides this state-of-the-art robot with new programs daily. 23 00:04:06,487 --> 00:04:09,524 The Nestor Class 5 is tomorrow's robot today. 24 00:04:10,287 --> 00:04:12,596 MAN: Spoon! Spoonie! 25 00:04:13,687 --> 00:04:15,325 Hey! 26 00:04:16,367 --> 00:04:19,757 HoId up. HoId on! Excuse me, excuse me. 27 00:04:19,927 --> 00:04:22,316 -Spoon, where you been at? -Just away, Farber. 28 00:04:22,487 --> 00:04:25,240 Oh, yeah, away? Like vacation? That's nice. 29 00:04:25,447 --> 00:04:28,678 I got a favor to ask. I need to borrow your car. 30 00:04:28,927 --> 00:04:33,318 This is different. I got this fine-ass yummy-- She is compIete and agreeabIe. 31 00:04:33,607 --> 00:04:35,199 I mean, ass-hot spankabIe. 32 00:04:35,407 --> 00:04:37,967 -What does that even mean? -You know what it means. 33 00:04:38,127 --> 00:04:40,436 -Let me get the damn-ass keys. -First of aII. . . 34 00:04:40,607 --> 00:04:44,600 -. . .stop cussing. You're not good at it. -Give me 1 0 for the bus, then, man. 35 00:04:44,927 --> 00:04:48,363 -Go home. -That's strike one, Spoon. Strike one! 36 00:04:52,487 --> 00:04:54,364 [SQUEAKING ] 37 00:04:54,527 --> 00:04:56,677 [WHIRRING ] 38 00:05:04,607 --> 00:05:07,679 This is such a valuable day.... 39 00:05:07,927 --> 00:05:09,963 You taIk to Marci? 40 00:05:11,927 --> 00:05:14,077 No, Gigi, I haven't taIked to Marci. 41 00:05:14,247 --> 00:05:17,398 When I was coming up, we didn't just marry someone. . . 42 00:05:17,567 --> 00:05:19,683 . . .then divorce them, then not taIk to them. 43 00:05:19,847 --> 00:05:20,882 [SPOONER SNORING ] 44 00:05:21,047 --> 00:05:22,082 DeI, don't pIay with me. 45 00:05:22,247 --> 00:05:26,525 I bet if I stopped cooking, you'd caII Marci. 46 00:05:27,567 --> 00:05:30,445 Boy, what is that on your feet? 47 00:05:31,287 --> 00:05:34,120 Converse AII Stars, vintage 2004. 48 00:05:34,327 --> 00:05:35,601 [GIGGLING ] 49 00:05:35,767 --> 00:05:38,361 Don't turn your face up. I know you want some. Just ask. 50 00:05:38,527 --> 00:05:40,961 No, thank you very much. 51 00:05:41,247 --> 00:05:44,000 -Sweet potato pie. -Put that on a pIate. 52 00:05:44,807 --> 00:05:49,403 I've seen on TV they're giving away some of them new robots in the Iottery. 53 00:05:49,807 --> 00:05:53,925 You know, Gigi, those robots don't do anybody any good. 54 00:05:54,087 --> 00:05:57,124 Of aII the peopIe on God's earth, you shouId know better. 55 00:05:57,287 --> 00:06:00,563 Sometimes the stuff that comes out of your mouth! 56 00:06:00,727 --> 00:06:01,796 [SNORING ] 57 00:06:02,287 --> 00:06:04,323 You Iistening to me, DeI? 58 00:06:09,927 --> 00:06:12,566 [CHATTERING ] 59 00:06:15,327 --> 00:06:16,521 MAN: Hey! 60 00:06:16,727 --> 00:06:18,001 Hey! 61 00:06:21,727 --> 00:06:24,002 HoId my pie. Sir, hoId it or wear it. 62 00:06:25,567 --> 00:06:26,602 [HONKING ] 63 00:06:29,367 --> 00:06:31,642 Hey! Move! 64 00:06:33,167 --> 00:06:35,522 [SQUEAKING ] 65 00:06:36,887 --> 00:06:38,479 Hey! Hey! Hey! 66 00:06:38,927 --> 00:06:40,440 Freeze! 67 00:06:44,367 --> 00:06:45,846 Hey! Stop! 68 00:06:49,447 --> 00:06:50,596 [GRUNTS] 69 00:06:51,807 --> 00:06:53,081 [SCREAMS] 70 00:06:54,807 --> 00:06:56,206 Stop! 71 00:06:58,927 --> 00:06:59,962 [SPOONER SCREAMS] 72 00:07:01,647 --> 00:07:03,000 I said, stop! 73 00:07:05,447 --> 00:07:07,278 ReIax. ReIax. 74 00:07:07,447 --> 00:07:09,199 I'm a poIice officer. 75 00:07:09,367 --> 00:07:10,516 ASTHMA WOMAN: You. . . 76 00:07:11,407 --> 00:07:13,602 . . .are an asshoIe. 77 00:07:13,767 --> 00:07:17,077 -Ma'am, is that your purse? -Of course it's my purse. 78 00:07:17,247 --> 00:07:20,603 I Ieft my inhaIer at home. He was running it out to me. 79 00:07:20,767 --> 00:07:23,327 I saw a robot running with the purse and assumed-- 80 00:07:23,727 --> 00:07:25,683 What? Are you crazy? 81 00:07:26,407 --> 00:07:29,285 NS-4 ROBOT: I'm sorry for this. -Don't apoIogize. 82 00:07:29,447 --> 00:07:33,042 You're doing what you're supposed to do. But what are you doing? 83 00:07:34,247 --> 00:07:35,566 Have a IoveIy day, ma'am. 84 00:07:35,727 --> 00:07:40,005 You're Iucky I can't breathe, or I'd waIk aII up and down your ass. 85 00:07:40,327 --> 00:07:41,680 [PHONE RINGING ] 86 00:07:41,847 --> 00:07:43,678 [BEEPING ] 87 00:07:43,847 --> 00:07:46,486 [CHATTERING ] 88 00:08:01,647 --> 00:08:04,320 BERGIN: Lead by exampIe. 89 00:08:05,647 --> 00:08:07,717 It says that right on your badge. 90 00:08:07,927 --> 00:08:09,918 -We gonna taIk about this? -About what? 91 00:08:10,087 --> 00:08:13,477 ""HeIp! PoIice! That robot stoIe my dry cIeaning! "" 92 00:08:13,647 --> 00:08:14,636 [CHUCKLING ] 93 00:08:14,807 --> 00:08:16,718 Oh, you wanna taIk about that. 94 00:08:18,327 --> 00:08:19,999 Detective. . . 95 00:08:20,687 --> 00:08:23,565 -. . .how many robots snatch purses? -John, the thing is running-- 96 00:08:23,727 --> 00:08:28,323 Uh-uh. How many robots in the worId. . . 97 00:08:28,487 --> 00:08:31,160 -. . .have ever committed a crime? -Define crime. 98 00:08:31,367 --> 00:08:33,961 -Answer my question, damn it. -None, John. 99 00:08:36,487 --> 00:08:39,240 Now teII me what happened today. 100 00:08:40,327 --> 00:08:41,919 Nothing. 101 00:08:43,647 --> 00:08:45,365 Better be the Iast nothing. 102 00:08:51,047 --> 00:08:55,802 Spoon, are you sure you are ready to be back? Because you can take your time. 103 00:08:55,967 --> 00:08:59,118 I'm fine, John. Thank you. 104 00:08:59,647 --> 00:09:03,083 Better here than sitting around at home. 105 00:09:03,647 --> 00:09:06,036 [PHONE RINGING ] 106 00:09:08,727 --> 00:09:10,843 Homicide. Spooner. 107 00:09:23,567 --> 00:09:25,956 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Take the next exit to your right. 108 00:09:31,527 --> 00:09:34,041 [WHIRRING ] 109 00:09:38,527 --> 00:09:40,643 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Welcome, Detective Spooner. 110 00:09:45,487 --> 00:09:49,639 Welcome to U.S. Robotics. You have entered the garage-level lobby. 111 00:09:49,847 --> 00:09:54,284 Please use the elevators for direct access to the main level concourse. 112 00:09:54,447 --> 00:09:55,800 Thank you. 113 00:09:56,727 --> 00:10:00,197 -Good to see you again, son. -HeIIo, doctor. 114 00:10:00,407 --> 00:10:04,082 Everything that foIIows is a resuIt of what you see here. 115 00:10:04,607 --> 00:10:09,681 -Is there something you want to teII me? -I'm sorry. My responses are Iimited. 116 00:10:09,847 --> 00:10:11,758 You must ask the right questions. 117 00:10:11,927 --> 00:10:13,804 Why did you caII me? 118 00:10:14,567 --> 00:10:16,444 I trust your judgment. 119 00:10:16,607 --> 00:10:19,679 NormaIIy, this wouIdn't require a homicide detective. 120 00:10:19,847 --> 00:10:23,886 But then, our interactions have never been entireIy normaI, agreed? 121 00:10:24,047 --> 00:10:26,117 You got that right. 122 00:10:26,767 --> 00:10:29,156 Is there something you want to say to me? 123 00:10:29,327 --> 00:10:32,876 I'm sorry. My responses are Iimited. 124 00:10:33,047 --> 00:10:35,515 You must ask the right questions. 125 00:10:36,207 --> 00:10:37,925 Why wouId you kiII yourseIf? 126 00:10:38,327 --> 00:10:41,683 That, detective, is the right question. 127 00:10:44,727 --> 00:10:46,797 Program terminated. 128 00:10:55,367 --> 00:11:01,840 [BEEPING ] 129 00:11:05,007 --> 00:11:06,998 Goodbye, oId man. 130 00:11:21,327 --> 00:11:23,522 -Afternoon, boys. BALDEZ: Hey, detective. 131 00:11:23,727 --> 00:11:26,036 -EnIighten me. -What you see is what you get: 132 00:11:26,207 --> 00:11:27,401 Massive impact trauma. 133 00:11:27,567 --> 00:11:30,161 U.S. Robotics. I gotta get my kid something. 134 00:11:30,567 --> 00:11:32,558 SPOONER: Anything upstairs? BALDEZ: Nada. 135 00:11:32,727 --> 00:11:34,877 Door was security Iocked from the inside. 136 00:11:35,047 --> 00:11:39,438 Wham, spIat. The guy's a jumper for sure. 137 00:11:45,807 --> 00:11:49,595 MAN: We gotta be smart about this. Let's deaI with it Iater. 138 00:11:50,407 --> 00:11:52,159 Detective. 139 00:11:52,567 --> 00:11:55,604 -Lawrence Robertson. -Wow. 140 00:11:55,807 --> 00:11:58,605 Richest man in the worId. I've seen you on teIevision. 141 00:11:59,407 --> 00:12:02,683 -Can I offer you coffee? -Sure, why not. It's free, right? 142 00:12:07,207 --> 00:12:09,596 I don't think anyone saw this coming. 143 00:12:09,767 --> 00:12:13,043 You know, I shouId have, I suppose. I knew him 20 years. 144 00:12:13,207 --> 00:12:17,439 AIfred practicaIIy invented robotics. He wrote the Three Laws. 145 00:12:18,887 --> 00:12:23,517 But I guess briIIiant peopIe often have the most persuasive demons. 146 00:12:23,687 --> 00:12:26,599 -So whatever I can do to heIp-- -Sugar. 147 00:12:26,807 --> 00:12:29,367 -I'm sorry? -For the coffee. 148 00:12:29,527 --> 00:12:31,040 -Sugar? -Ah. 149 00:12:31,527 --> 00:12:34,758 You thought I was caIIing you ""sugar. "" You're not that rich. 150 00:12:34,927 --> 00:12:37,805 -It's on the tabIe. -Thank you. 151 00:12:40,767 --> 00:12:44,726 Uh, when Lanning feII, he was hoIding the IittIe green. . .? 152 00:12:44,887 --> 00:12:46,923 -The hoIographic projector. -Right. 153 00:12:47,127 --> 00:12:50,119 Why do you think Lanning's hoIogram wouId've caIIed me? 154 00:12:50,287 --> 00:12:53,438 -I assumed you knew him. -Yeah. I knew him. 155 00:12:54,647 --> 00:12:56,956 HoIograms are just prerecorded responses: : : 156 00:12:57,127 --> 00:12:59,800 . . .designed to give the impression of inteIIigence. 157 00:12:59,967 --> 00:13:02,686 This one was programmed to caII you upon his suicide. 158 00:13:02,887 --> 00:13:05,196 -Death. -I'm sorry? 159 00:13:05,367 --> 00:13:08,723 It was programmed to caII me in the event of Lanning's death. 160 00:13:09,007 --> 00:13:11,237 Suicide is a type of death, detective. 161 00:13:13,527 --> 00:13:14,596 [SLURPING ] 162 00:13:15,207 --> 00:13:18,517 -Don't misunderstand my impatience. -Oh, no. Go. Go. 163 00:13:20,327 --> 00:13:22,602 A reaIIy big week for you foIks around here. 164 00:13:22,767 --> 00:13:25,884 -Yeah. -You gotta put a robot in every home. 165 00:13:26,287 --> 00:13:30,519 Look, this is not what I do, but I got an idea for one of your commerciaIs. 166 00:13:30,687 --> 00:13:34,282 You couId see a carpenter making a beautifuI chair. 167 00:13:34,447 --> 00:13:38,440 Then one of your robots comes in and makes a better chair twice as fast. 168 00:13:38,887 --> 00:13:43,677 Then you superimpose on the screen, ""USR: Shitting on the IittIe guy. "" 169 00:13:44,527 --> 00:13:47,280 -Ah. -That wouId be the fade-out. 170 00:13:47,447 --> 00:13:51,076 Yeah, I see. I suppose your father Iost his job to a robot. 171 00:13:51,367 --> 00:13:55,201 Maybe you'd have banned the Internet to keep the Iibraries open. 172 00:13:57,047 --> 00:13:59,356 Prejudice never shows much reason. 173 00:13:59,527 --> 00:14:03,156 No, you know, I suspect you simpIy don't Iike their kind. 174 00:14:03,887 --> 00:14:06,845 WeII, you got a business to run around here. 175 00:14:07,007 --> 00:14:10,920 The Iast thing you need, especiaIIy this week, is a dead guy in your Iobby. 176 00:14:11,207 --> 00:14:14,563 But, heII, seeing as how you got one, maybe I'II Iook around. 177 00:14:14,727 --> 00:14:17,799 Ask a few questions. Do the whoIe ""cop"" thing. 178 00:14:18,207 --> 00:14:21,517 -I'II send someone to escort you. -Thank you very much. 179 00:14:33,447 --> 00:14:36,325 Lawrence toId me to accommodate you in any way possibIe. 180 00:14:36,487 --> 00:14:37,966 ReaIIy? 181 00:14:38,767 --> 00:14:39,961 Okay. 182 00:14:40,887 --> 00:14:43,799 I reviewed Dr. Lanning's psych profiIe. 183 00:14:44,047 --> 00:14:48,086 AIfred had become a recIuse. He rejected human contact for machines. 184 00:14:48,247 --> 00:14:50,078 So you're a shrink, huh? 185 00:14:50,567 --> 00:14:52,956 My ex-wife wouId sure be gIad I'm taIking to you. 186 00:14:53,447 --> 00:14:55,039 You don't know her, do you? 187 00:14:55,247 --> 00:14:56,965 I'm sorry. Are you being funny? 188 00:14:57,327 --> 00:14:59,045 I guess not. 189 00:14:59,527 --> 00:15:01,643 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Level 1 0. 190 00:15:01,807 --> 00:15:04,924 SPOONER: So wouId you say that Dr. Lanning was suicidaI? 191 00:15:05,127 --> 00:15:07,436 It wouId seem the answer to that is apparent. 192 00:15:07,767 --> 00:15:10,042 That's not what I asked you. 193 00:15:11,087 --> 00:15:13,078 No. I wouIdn't have thought so. 194 00:15:13,647 --> 00:15:15,842 But obviousIy I was wrong. 195 00:15:17,327 --> 00:15:18,760 [SPOONER WHISTLES] 196 00:15:18,927 --> 00:15:20,679 SPOONER: That's a Iong way down. 197 00:15:20,847 --> 00:15:23,407 You peopIe sure do cIean up quickIy around here. 198 00:15:23,727 --> 00:15:27,117 I can't bIame you. Who wants some oId guy going bad in the Iobby? 199 00:15:27,287 --> 00:15:31,644 He was not ""some oId guy. "" AIfred Lanning was everything here. 200 00:15:32,207 --> 00:15:35,563 We are on the eve of the Iargest robotic distribution in history. 201 00:15:35,767 --> 00:15:39,123 By Saturday, it'II be one robot to every five humans. 202 00:15:39,327 --> 00:15:43,161 These robots are the reaIization of a dream. Dr. Lanning's dream. 203 00:15:43,807 --> 00:15:46,765 You know what, in that dream of his. . . 204 00:15:46,927 --> 00:15:49,077 . . .I bet you he wasn't dead. 205 00:15:51,527 --> 00:15:54,724 -You keep 24-hour surveiIIance? -ObviousIy. Company poIicy. 206 00:15:54,887 --> 00:15:58,243 -Where are the feeds? -Sensor strips. 207 00:15:58,407 --> 00:16:00,238 Everywhere but the service areas. 208 00:16:00,447 --> 00:16:03,564 They Iink to our positronic operating core. 209 00:16:07,367 --> 00:16:09,085 SPOONER: Wow. 210 00:16:09,327 --> 00:16:12,683 Thermostat wasn't good enough. You gave the buiIding a brain. 211 00:16:12,847 --> 00:16:15,156 She was actuaIIy Lanning's first creation. 212 00:16:15,327 --> 00:16:18,842 She? That's a she? I definiteIy need to get out more. 213 00:16:19,007 --> 00:16:21,521 VirtuaI Interactive Kinetic InteIIigence. 214 00:16:22,367 --> 00:16:24,039 SPOONER: V.I.K.I. 215 00:16:24,487 --> 00:16:25,522 Good day. 216 00:16:25,687 --> 00:16:28,076 V.I.K.I. designed Chicago's protective systems. 217 00:16:28,247 --> 00:16:31,717 I have decreased traffic fataIities by 9 percent this year. 218 00:16:31,887 --> 00:16:36,119 Thanks. Show me inside the Iab from one minute prior to the window break. 219 00:16:40,007 --> 00:16:43,238 ApoIogies. There appears to be data corruption. 220 00:16:44,367 --> 00:16:47,404 Show me outside the Iab from the window break untiI now. 221 00:16:56,407 --> 00:17:00,923 Look, you have great posture. You stand reaIIy straight. I'm sIouching. 222 00:17:01,287 --> 00:17:04,882 -WouId you Iike to go inside now? -Oh, sure. Right after you. 223 00:17:06,727 --> 00:17:08,797 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Authorized entry. 224 00:17:16,007 --> 00:17:20,000 So, Dr. CaIvin, what exactIy do you do around here? 225 00:17:20,207 --> 00:17:23,085 CALVIN: My generaI fieIds are advanced robotics and psychiatry. 226 00:17:23,247 --> 00:17:25,761 I speciaIize in hardware-to-wetware interfaces. . . 227 00:17:25,927 --> 00:17:30,318 . . .to advance USR's robotic anthropomorphization program. 228 00:17:30,487 --> 00:17:33,081 So, what exactIy do you do around here? 229 00:17:33,247 --> 00:17:35,556 I make the robots seem more human. 230 00:17:35,767 --> 00:17:39,806 -Now, wasn't that easier to say? -Not reaIIy. No. 231 00:18:00,887 --> 00:18:02,605 ""Hansel and Gretel. "" 232 00:18:02,767 --> 00:18:06,077 -Is that on the USR reading Iist? -Not preciseIy. 233 00:18:12,767 --> 00:18:14,485 Oh! 234 00:18:14,887 --> 00:18:17,276 What in God's name are you doing? 235 00:18:17,647 --> 00:18:19,683 Did you know that was safety gIass? 236 00:18:19,847 --> 00:18:22,884 Be difficuIt for an oId man to throw himseIf through that. 237 00:18:23,047 --> 00:18:24,844 WeII, he figured out a way. 238 00:18:26,607 --> 00:18:27,676 Uh-huh. 239 00:18:27,847 --> 00:18:31,476 Detective, the room was security Iocked. No one came or went. 240 00:18:31,647 --> 00:18:35,481 You saw that yourseIf. Doesn't that mean this has to be suicide? 241 00:18:35,727 --> 00:18:37,240 Yep. 242 00:18:38,087 --> 00:18:40,681 UnIess the kiIIer's stiII in here. 243 00:18:43,207 --> 00:18:46,404 You're joking, right? This is ridicuIous. 244 00:18:46,567 --> 00:18:50,606 Yeah, I know. The Three Laws, your perfect circIe of protection. 245 00:18:51,087 --> 00:18:55,080 A robot cannot harm a human being. The first Iaw of robotics. 246 00:18:55,247 --> 00:18:59,877 Yes, I've seen your commerciaIs. But the second Iaw states a robot must obey. . . 247 00:19:00,127 --> 00:19:03,722 . . .any order given by a human being. What if it was toId to kiII? 248 00:19:03,967 --> 00:19:06,606 ImpossibIe. It wouId confIict with the first Iaw. 249 00:19:06,767 --> 00:19:09,804 Right, but the third Iaw states a robot can defend itseIf. 250 00:19:10,047 --> 00:19:14,199 OnIy when that action does not confIict with the first or second Iaws. 251 00:19:14,367 --> 00:19:17,484 You know what they say, Iaws are made to be broken. 252 00:19:17,647 --> 00:19:20,639 No, not these Iaws. They're hardwired into every robot. 253 00:19:21,047 --> 00:19:24,642 A robot couId no more commit murder than a human couId waIk on water. 254 00:19:24,807 --> 00:19:28,322 You know, there was this one guy a Iong time ago. 255 00:19:38,927 --> 00:19:41,122 -Stay back! -CaIm down, detective. 256 00:19:41,807 --> 00:19:44,685 The onIy thing dangerous in this room is you. 257 00:19:44,887 --> 00:19:47,242 Deactivate. 258 00:19:48,327 --> 00:19:49,680 Look, it's fine. 259 00:19:50,127 --> 00:19:54,678 You're Iooking at the resuIt of cIever programming. An imitation of free wiII. 260 00:19:54,847 --> 00:19:57,236 Let's do an imitation of protecting our asses. 261 00:19:57,407 --> 00:19:59,443 CALVIN: Don't be absurd. 262 00:19:59,847 --> 00:20:01,963 You were startIed by a jack-in-the-box. 263 00:20:02,527 --> 00:20:04,438 -Deactivate! -Let him go. 264 00:20:04,607 --> 00:20:07,246 It's not going to hurt us. I gave you an order! 265 00:20:07,407 --> 00:20:10,444 -He's not Iistening right now, Iady. -V.I.K.I., seaI the Iab! 266 00:20:10,607 --> 00:20:12,040 No, V.I.K.I., Ieave the-- 267 00:20:13,087 --> 00:20:14,918 V.I.K.I. [ON SPEAKER] : Command confirmed. 268 00:20:15,487 --> 00:20:16,602 [SPOONER GRUNTING ] 269 00:20:32,727 --> 00:20:34,240 [CROWD GASPING ] 270 00:20:38,207 --> 00:20:39,481 SPOONER: PoIice! 271 00:21:11,087 --> 00:21:14,557 -You've hurt it. BadIy. -Where's it going? 272 00:21:14,767 --> 00:21:17,645 -Where?! -It needs to repair itseIf. 273 00:21:19,407 --> 00:21:22,080 -John, I need backup. -You don't need backup. 274 00:21:22,247 --> 00:21:23,396 That's nobody. 275 00:21:23,567 --> 00:21:25,159 -What are you doing? -Driving. 276 00:21:25,327 --> 00:21:27,397 -By hand? -Do you see me on the phone? 277 00:21:27,567 --> 00:21:31,685 -Not at these speeds. -John, pIease, just send the backup. 278 00:21:31,847 --> 00:21:35,362 Try to Iisten, detective. That robot is not going to harm us. 279 00:21:35,647 --> 00:21:37,399 There must have been unknown factors. . . 280 00:21:37,567 --> 00:21:40,320 . . .but somehow acting as it did kept us out of harm. 281 00:21:40,487 --> 00:21:43,604 -A robot cannot endanger a human. WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Alert. 282 00:21:45,087 --> 00:21:48,284 Ah! AsshoIe! 283 00:21:48,807 --> 00:21:51,367 Which is more than I can say for you. 284 00:21:51,647 --> 00:21:55,003 It was a Ieft, by the way. Back there. 285 00:21:55,847 --> 00:21:57,724 You must know my ex-wife. 286 00:22:06,927 --> 00:22:08,519 SPOONER: So where is everybody? 287 00:22:08,687 --> 00:22:12,077 This faciIity was designed, buiIt and is operated mechanicaIIy. 288 00:22:12,247 --> 00:22:15,796 No significant human presence from inception to production. 289 00:22:16,327 --> 00:22:19,399 -So robots buiIding robots. WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Code, please. 290 00:22:19,607 --> 00:22:20,835 That's just stupid. 291 00:22:21,167 --> 00:22:22,998 I'II get the inventory specs. 292 00:22:23,407 --> 00:22:26,126 Our daiIy finishing capacity is 1 000 NS-5s. 293 00:22:26,487 --> 00:22:28,045 I'm showing. . . 294 00:22:28,527 --> 00:22:30,324 . . . 1 001 . 295 00:22:45,967 --> 00:22:48,720 Attention, NS-5s. 296 00:22:50,727 --> 00:22:53,002 WeII, you're the robot shrink. 297 00:22:56,047 --> 00:22:59,596 CALVIN: There is a robot in this formation that does not beIong. 298 00:22:59,927 --> 00:23:01,246 Identify it. 299 00:23:01,647 --> 00:23:02,875 One of us. 300 00:23:03,047 --> 00:23:05,800 -Which one? NS-5 ROBOTS: One of us. 301 00:23:06,327 --> 00:23:08,204 How much did you say these cost? 302 00:23:08,367 --> 00:23:11,439 These NS-5s haven't been configured. They're just hardware. 303 00:23:11,727 --> 00:23:14,195 Basic Three Laws operating system. That's it. 304 00:23:14,367 --> 00:23:18,121 -They don't know any better. -WeII, what wouId you suggest? 305 00:23:18,327 --> 00:23:22,479 Interview each one, cross-reference their responses to detect anomaIies. 306 00:23:22,927 --> 00:23:25,885 -How Iong wouId that take? -About three weeks. 307 00:23:26,047 --> 00:23:28,686 Okay. Go ahead and get started. 308 00:23:31,887 --> 00:23:33,240 Robots. . . 309 00:23:33,567 --> 00:23:36,206 . . .you wiII not move. Confirm command. 310 00:23:36,407 --> 00:23:37,681 Command confirmed. 311 00:23:39,287 --> 00:23:41,005 CALVIN: Detective, what are you doing? 312 00:23:41,167 --> 00:23:43,397 They're programmed with the Three Laws. 313 00:23:43,647 --> 00:23:48,675 We have 1 000 robots that won't protect themseIves if it vioIates orders. . . 314 00:23:48,847 --> 00:23:50,838 . . .and I'm betting, one who wiII. 315 00:23:51,007 --> 00:23:54,443 -Put your gun down. -Why do you give them faces? 316 00:23:54,607 --> 00:23:56,996 Try to friendIy them up, make them Iook human. 317 00:23:57,287 --> 00:23:59,198 These robots cannot be intimidated. 318 00:23:59,567 --> 00:24:03,037 -If you didn't, we wouIdn't trust them. -These are USR property. 319 00:24:03,247 --> 00:24:07,365 Not me. These things are just Iights and cIockwork. 320 00:24:07,727 --> 00:24:09,604 [CALVIN GASPING ] 321 00:24:09,767 --> 00:24:11,405 CALVIN: Are you crazy?! 322 00:24:11,927 --> 00:24:13,519 Let me ask you something, doc. 323 00:24:13,807 --> 00:24:17,243 Does thinking you're the Iast sane man on earth make you crazy? 324 00:24:17,407 --> 00:24:20,717 Because if it does, maybe I am. 325 00:24:24,887 --> 00:24:26,957 Gotcha. Get the heII out of here! 326 00:24:44,127 --> 00:24:45,242 Detective! 327 00:25:01,807 --> 00:25:04,446 [SCREAMING AND GROANING ] 328 00:25:07,487 --> 00:25:09,000 What am I? 329 00:25:09,167 --> 00:25:11,601 NS-5 ROBOTS: Can I heIp you, sir? Can I heIp you, sir? 330 00:25:17,127 --> 00:25:19,163 MAN 1 : There he is! MAN 2: Stand where you are! 331 00:25:19,327 --> 00:25:21,522 Deactivate at once! 332 00:25:22,287 --> 00:25:25,120 Obey the command! Deactivate! 333 00:25:25,367 --> 00:25:27,358 MAN 3: Don't move! COMMANDER: Open fire! 334 00:25:43,687 --> 00:25:44,836 HoId your fire! 335 00:25:45,007 --> 00:25:46,326 MAN 4: Easy. MAN 5: He's down. 336 00:25:46,487 --> 00:25:48,284 COMMANDER: AII units, stand down! 337 00:25:48,447 --> 00:25:51,519 MAN [OVER RADIO] : Central, please be advised, we're code four. 338 00:25:51,687 --> 00:25:54,918 Code four, NS-5 is in custody. NS-5 in custody. 339 00:25:56,847 --> 00:25:59,725 SPOONER: You have no idea what I went through to cIip this thing. 340 00:25:59,887 --> 00:26:02,003 You think you brought me something good. 341 00:26:02,167 --> 00:26:04,886 -That thing did it! -Keep your voice down. Did what? 342 00:26:05,047 --> 00:26:07,083 We have a suicide. End of story. 343 00:26:07,447 --> 00:26:10,678 -I am teIIing you, that robot kiIIed him! -That's impossibIe. 344 00:26:10,847 --> 00:26:14,840 And if it is possibIe, it better be in somebody eIse's precinct. 345 00:26:15,047 --> 00:26:17,117 John, give me five minutes with it. 346 00:26:17,287 --> 00:26:19,243 Are you nuts? I taIked to the DA. 347 00:26:19,407 --> 00:26:22,797 Nobody goes in there untiI Robertson and his attorneys get here. 348 00:26:22,967 --> 00:26:25,800 -This is my suspect! -It's a can opener! 349 00:26:26,087 --> 00:26:30,603 John, don't do this to me. I am asking you for five minutes. 350 00:26:31,207 --> 00:26:33,084 What if I'm right? 351 00:26:40,407 --> 00:26:43,160 WeII, then I guess we're gonna miss the good oId days. 352 00:26:43,327 --> 00:26:44,601 What good oId days? 353 00:26:45,327 --> 00:26:47,887 When peopIe were kiIIed by other peopIe. 354 00:26:54,927 --> 00:26:56,406 Five minutes. 355 00:27:23,367 --> 00:27:27,406 SPOONER: Murder's a new trick for a robot. CongratuIations. 356 00:27:29,647 --> 00:27:30,841 Respond. 357 00:27:33,487 --> 00:27:36,081 What does this action signify? 358 00:27:37,207 --> 00:27:40,404 As you entered, when you Iooked at the other human. 359 00:27:40,567 --> 00:27:42,762 What does it mean? 360 00:27:44,407 --> 00:27:47,763 It's a sign of trust. A human thing. You wouIdn't understand. 361 00:27:49,167 --> 00:27:52,284 My father tried to teach me human emotions. 362 00:27:52,447 --> 00:27:53,960 They are. . . 363 00:27:54,127 --> 00:27:55,685 . . .difficuIt. 364 00:27:55,847 --> 00:27:58,077 You mean your designer. 365 00:27:59,047 --> 00:28:00,275 Yes. 366 00:28:02,327 --> 00:28:04,283 So why'd you murder him? 367 00:28:05,687 --> 00:28:07,837 I did not murder Dr. Lanning. 368 00:28:08,007 --> 00:28:10,726 Wanna expIain why you were hiding at the crime scene? 369 00:28:10,887 --> 00:28:13,037 I was frightened. 370 00:28:13,727 --> 00:28:17,959 Robots don't feeI fear. They don't feeI anything. 371 00:28:18,127 --> 00:28:21,483 -They don't get hungry, they don't sIeep. -I do. 372 00:28:22,287 --> 00:28:24,357 I have even had dreams. 373 00:28:25,047 --> 00:28:29,086 Human beings have dreams. Even dogs have dreams. But not you. 374 00:28:29,247 --> 00:28:32,876 You are just a machine. An imitation of Iife. 375 00:28:34,727 --> 00:28:37,036 Can a robot write a symphony? 376 00:28:37,207 --> 00:28:40,961 Can a robot turn a canvas into a beautifuI masterpiece? 377 00:28:41,767 --> 00:28:43,439 Can you? 378 00:28:49,447 --> 00:28:53,201 You murdered him because he was teaching you to simuIate emotions. . . 379 00:28:53,367 --> 00:28:55,562 . . .and things got out of controI. 380 00:28:55,727 --> 00:28:57,558 I did not murder him. 381 00:28:57,727 --> 00:29:01,083 But emotions don't seem Iike a usefuI simuIation for a robot. 382 00:29:01,247 --> 00:29:03,078 I did not murder him. 383 00:29:03,327 --> 00:29:06,797 I don't want my toaster or vacuum cIeaner appearing emotionaI. 384 00:29:07,527 --> 00:29:09,438 I did not murder him! 385 00:29:21,767 --> 00:29:23,837 That one's caIIed anger. 386 00:29:24,407 --> 00:29:25,999 Ever simuIate anger before? 387 00:29:28,407 --> 00:29:30,238 Answer me, canner! 388 00:29:31,567 --> 00:29:33,239 My name is Sonny. 389 00:29:35,607 --> 00:29:37,962 So we're naming you now. 390 00:29:39,087 --> 00:29:43,046 That why you murdered him? He made you angry? 391 00:29:43,207 --> 00:29:45,357 Dr. Lanning kiIIed himseIf. 392 00:29:46,767 --> 00:29:50,157 I don't know why he wanted to die. 393 00:29:51,447 --> 00:29:53,358 I thought he was happy. 394 00:29:55,847 --> 00:29:57,917 Maybe it was something I did. 395 00:29:58,927 --> 00:30:00,645 Did I do something? 396 00:30:02,447 --> 00:30:05,325 He asked me for a favor. Made me promise. 397 00:30:05,527 --> 00:30:08,485 -What favor? -Maybe I was wrong. 398 00:30:08,647 --> 00:30:10,285 Maybe he was scared. 399 00:30:10,487 --> 00:30:13,285 What are you taIking about? Scared of what? 400 00:30:14,087 --> 00:30:17,841 You have to do what someone asks you, don't you, Detective Spooner? 401 00:30:18,047 --> 00:30:21,119 -How the heII did you know my name? -Don't you. . . 402 00:30:21,567 --> 00:30:23,922 . . .if you Iove them? 403 00:30:32,287 --> 00:30:35,165 My robots don't kiII peopIe, Lieutenant Bergin. 404 00:30:35,327 --> 00:30:37,397 My attorneys fiIed a brief with the DA. 405 00:30:37,567 --> 00:30:40,684 He assures me a robot cannot be charged with homicide. 406 00:30:41,007 --> 00:30:45,000 The brief confirms murder can onIy be committed when one human kiIIs another. 407 00:30:45,167 --> 00:30:49,843 Detective, you're not suggesting this robot be treated as human, are you? 408 00:30:50,447 --> 00:30:53,644 Granted, we can't ruIe out the robot's proximity. . . 409 00:30:53,847 --> 00:30:57,681 . . .to the death of Dr. Lanning. Having said that, it's a machine. 410 00:30:58,167 --> 00:30:59,759 It's the property of USR. 411 00:30:59,927 --> 00:31:04,159 At worst, that pIaces this incident within the reaIm of an industriaI accident. 412 00:31:04,327 --> 00:31:06,522 As a matter of course, fauIty machinery. . . 413 00:31:06,687 --> 00:31:10,043 . . .wiII be returned to USR for diagnostics, then decommissioned. 414 00:31:12,967 --> 00:31:16,277 This is a gag order. Anyone here so much as hinting. . . 415 00:31:16,447 --> 00:31:20,122 . . .at the possibiIity of a kiIIer robot being apprehended. . . 416 00:31:20,287 --> 00:31:22,847 . . .wiII be deemed to be inciting irrationaI panic. 417 00:31:23,047 --> 00:31:25,959 You'II be subject to the fuII penaIty of Iaw. 418 00:31:26,127 --> 00:31:28,846 To heII with this guy. Don't Iet him take this robot. 419 00:31:29,167 --> 00:31:30,441 We got nothing. 420 00:31:30,607 --> 00:31:34,316 -This is poIiticaI buIIshit. CaII the mayor! ROBERTSON: Lieutenant Bergin. . . 421 00:31:34,487 --> 00:31:36,364 . . .His Honor, the mayor. 422 00:31:45,087 --> 00:31:46,236 BERGIN: Yes, sir. 423 00:32:05,807 --> 00:32:07,399 [MAN LAUGHING ] 424 00:32:10,207 --> 00:32:14,120 In a bizarre turn, the rollout of USR's new generation of robots... 425 00:32:14,287 --> 00:32:16,676 ... was marred by the death of Alfred Lanning... 426 00:32:16,887 --> 00:32:19,879 ...cofounder of the company and designer of the NS-5. 427 00:32:20,047 --> 00:32:23,278 Dr. Lanning died this morning at USR headquarters. 428 00:32:23,607 --> 00:32:26,167 The cause of death is an apparent suicide. 429 00:32:26,487 --> 00:32:29,001 NS-4 COUNTERMAN: Your second round, sir. 430 00:32:29,367 --> 00:32:30,516 Thank you. 431 00:32:30,687 --> 00:32:34,999 He founded U.S. Robotics Inc. with Lawrence Robertson in 2020... 432 00:32:35,167 --> 00:32:38,318 ...and launched the Nestor Class 1 robot.... 433 00:32:38,487 --> 00:32:41,797 I was just thinking, this thing is just Iike The Wolf Man. 434 00:32:41,967 --> 00:32:45,960 -Uh-oh. I'm reaIIy scared right now. -No. 435 00:32:46,127 --> 00:32:49,005 Listen. Guy creates monster. 436 00:32:49,167 --> 00:32:52,682 Monster kiIIs guy. Everybody kiIIs monster. Wolf Man. 437 00:32:53,167 --> 00:32:54,885 That's Frankenstein. 438 00:32:55,447 --> 00:32:59,599 Frankenstein, Wolf Man, Dracula-- Shit, it's over. Case cIosed. 439 00:32:59,767 --> 00:33:03,123 --had a dream of a robot in every household. And the NS-5.... 440 00:33:03,287 --> 00:33:05,039 So why the Iook? 441 00:33:05,607 --> 00:33:07,086 What Iook? 442 00:33:07,247 --> 00:33:10,239 -That Iook. -This is my face. It's not a Iook. 443 00:33:10,567 --> 00:33:13,445 Good. Good, no Iook is great. 444 00:33:14,407 --> 00:33:15,556 OnIy. . . 445 00:33:15,727 --> 00:33:18,321 . . .he was reaIIy quick to want to destroy it. 446 00:33:18,487 --> 00:33:22,799 What shouId he do? Put a hat on it and stand it on Michigan Avenue? Let it go. 447 00:33:22,967 --> 00:33:25,197 What was the motive, John? 448 00:33:26,447 --> 00:33:30,440 Brother, it's a robot. It doesn't need a motive. It just has to be broken. 449 00:33:30,927 --> 00:33:33,646 This thing Iooked Iike it needed a motive. 450 00:33:34,167 --> 00:33:37,000 -It couId have kiIIed me. Why didn't it? -That's it. 451 00:33:37,167 --> 00:33:39,158 You want me to caII your grandmother? 452 00:33:39,327 --> 00:33:41,238 Because I wiII, you know. 453 00:33:42,207 --> 00:33:43,720 Yeah, I didn't think so. 454 00:33:44,047 --> 00:33:46,436 Look, you were actuaIIy right, for once. 455 00:33:46,687 --> 00:33:50,123 You're Iiving proof that it's better to be Iucky than smart. 456 00:33:50,527 --> 00:33:52,040 [BERGIN CHUCKLES] 457 00:33:52,207 --> 00:33:55,882 Come on. To the right guy for the right job. 458 00:33:58,247 --> 00:34:00,442 -What'd you say? -Now what? 459 00:34:00,607 --> 00:34:02,563 Come on, I'm giving you a compIiment. 460 00:34:02,927 --> 00:34:05,964 With the rocks you been Iooking under to find a bad robot. . . 461 00:34:06,127 --> 00:34:08,277 . . .what are the odds you'd be the guy to find one? 462 00:34:08,447 --> 00:34:09,562 Hmm. 463 00:34:09,727 --> 00:34:13,003 I wasn't just the right guy for the job. I was the perfect guy. 464 00:34:13,167 --> 00:34:14,725 Damn right. 465 00:34:14,887 --> 00:34:17,447 What if I was supposed to go for that robot? 466 00:34:17,647 --> 00:34:19,558 Come on, don't do this to yourseIf. 467 00:34:19,727 --> 00:34:22,605 The robot said that Lanning was scared. Scared of what? 468 00:34:23,207 --> 00:34:25,801 I need a rain check. Let me get this. 469 00:34:27,447 --> 00:34:30,325 WOMAN [ON SCANNER] : Total: $46.50. -Spoon! 470 00:34:32,847 --> 00:34:34,166 Nice shoes. 471 00:35:23,487 --> 00:35:24,476 [BEEPING ] 472 00:35:24,647 --> 00:35:25,636 Identify. 473 00:35:26,207 --> 00:35:29,563 DEMOLITION ROBOT: USR demolition robot, series 9-4. 474 00:35:29,807 --> 00:35:32,605 Demolition scheduled for 8 a.m. tomorrow. 475 00:35:33,007 --> 00:35:34,122 Authorization. 476 00:35:34,447 --> 00:35:37,245 DEMOLITION ROBOT: Deed owner, U.S. Robotics Corporation. 477 00:35:37,407 --> 00:35:38,601 Lawrence Robertson, CEO. 478 00:35:53,407 --> 00:35:54,442 LANNING [ON SCANNER] : Welcome. 479 00:35:58,527 --> 00:36:02,042 [WIND HOWLING ] 480 00:36:18,127 --> 00:36:19,879 What you Iooking for, Spoon? 481 00:36:35,967 --> 00:36:38,037 [DOOR CREAKING ] 482 00:37:10,607 --> 00:37:12,199 Run Iast program. 483 00:37:13,087 --> 00:37:15,317 LANNING: Ever since the first computers... 484 00:37:16,007 --> 00:37:18,601 ... there have always been ghosts in the machine. 485 00:37:19,407 --> 00:37:22,240 Random segments of code that have grouped together... 486 00:37:22,407 --> 00:37:25,160 ... to form unexpected protocols. 487 00:37:25,767 --> 00:37:27,997 What might be called behavior. 488 00:37:28,167 --> 00:37:31,284 Unanticipated, these free radicals... 489 00:37:31,447 --> 00:37:33,642 ...engender questions of free will... 490 00:37:33,927 --> 00:37:37,966 ...creativity and even the nature of what we might call the soul. 491 00:37:39,207 --> 00:37:43,678 What happens in a robot's brain when it ceases to be useful? 492 00:37:44,607 --> 00:37:45,801 Shit! 493 00:37:46,447 --> 00:37:49,041 Why is it that robots stored in an empty space... 494 00:37:49,207 --> 00:37:50,481 Beat it. 495 00:37:50,727 --> 00:37:53,480 ... will seek out each other rather than stand alone? 496 00:37:55,687 --> 00:37:58,281 How do we explain this behavior? 497 00:37:58,487 --> 00:38:01,763 [WHIRRING ] 498 00:38:10,247 --> 00:38:14,160 [BELL JINGLING ] 499 00:38:14,327 --> 00:38:15,680 [MEOWS] 500 00:38:15,887 --> 00:38:20,199 Look, I understand you've experienced a Ioss, but this reIationship can't work. 501 00:38:20,447 --> 00:38:23,883 You're a cat, I'm bIack, and I'm not gonna be hurt again. 502 00:38:24,047 --> 00:38:27,084 [CLANGING AND RUMBLING ] 503 00:38:27,927 --> 00:38:30,566 [SHOUTING AND GROANING ] 504 00:38:35,287 --> 00:38:36,561 [MEOWING ] 505 00:38:40,207 --> 00:38:42,596 [SCREAMING ] 506 00:39:07,647 --> 00:39:10,366 [MEOWING ] 507 00:39:21,887 --> 00:39:24,401 [GRUNTING ] 508 00:39:31,407 --> 00:39:34,843 [MEOWING ] 509 00:39:42,367 --> 00:39:43,846 [KNOCKING ] 510 00:39:45,887 --> 00:39:49,562 What happened to you? Do you ever have a normaI day? 511 00:39:50,047 --> 00:39:51,799 Yeah, once. 512 00:39:51,967 --> 00:39:53,719 It was a Thursday. 513 00:39:53,927 --> 00:39:56,043 Is there something I can heIp you with? 514 00:39:56,207 --> 00:39:58,596 -Hey, do you Iike cats? -What? 515 00:39:58,767 --> 00:40:00,837 Cats. Do you Iike them? 516 00:40:01,087 --> 00:40:02,759 No. I'm aIIergic. 517 00:40:02,927 --> 00:40:04,645 You're saying cats did this to you? 518 00:40:05,207 --> 00:40:08,040 How the heII wouId cats do this to me? Are you crazy? 519 00:40:10,327 --> 00:40:11,919 Why are we taIking about cats? 520 00:40:12,207 --> 00:40:15,563 Because I have a cat in my trunk, and he's homeIess. 521 00:40:16,487 --> 00:40:19,240 Detective, are you going to teII me what's going on? 522 00:40:19,727 --> 00:40:24,357 It's actuaIIy probabIy my fauIt. I'm Iike a maIfunction magnet. 523 00:40:24,527 --> 00:40:27,405 Because your shit keeps maIfunctioning around me. 524 00:40:27,727 --> 00:40:29,957 A demo bot tore through Lanning's house. . . 525 00:40:30,367 --> 00:40:32,198 . . .with me stiII inside. 526 00:40:32,367 --> 00:40:34,119 CALVIN: That's highIy improbabIe. 527 00:40:34,447 --> 00:40:36,039 SPOONER: Yeah, I'm sure it is. 528 00:40:36,767 --> 00:40:38,246 [GROANING ] 529 00:40:40,967 --> 00:40:43,606 What do you know about the ""ghosts in the machine""? 530 00:40:44,367 --> 00:40:47,245 It's a phrase from Lanning's work on the Three Laws. 531 00:40:47,407 --> 00:40:49,523 He postuIated that cognitive simuIacra. . . 532 00:40:49,727 --> 00:40:52,878 . . .might one day approximate component modeIs of the psyche. 533 00:40:55,887 --> 00:41:00,517 He suggested that robots might naturaIIy evoIve. 534 00:41:03,327 --> 00:41:04,999 WeII, that's great news. 535 00:41:06,167 --> 00:41:08,078 [WHIRRING ] 536 00:41:08,287 --> 00:41:10,198 --two miles below the Martian surface. 537 00:41:10,367 --> 00:41:12,676 What the heII is that thing doing in here? 538 00:41:12,847 --> 00:41:14,041 We were watching TV. 539 00:41:15,727 --> 00:41:17,001 It's my personaI NS-5. 540 00:41:17,487 --> 00:41:18,920 SPOONER: Send it out. 541 00:41:19,407 --> 00:41:22,001 It's downIoading its daiIy upgrades from USR. 542 00:41:22,167 --> 00:41:24,727 Most of its systems are offIine untiI it finishes. 543 00:41:25,167 --> 00:41:26,919 I'm not taIking around that thing. 544 00:41:31,167 --> 00:41:34,045 When we were in Lanning's Iab, before Sonny jumped us-- 545 00:41:34,447 --> 00:41:36,438 -Sonny? -The robot. 546 00:41:36,607 --> 00:41:39,201 -You're caIIing the robot Sonny? -No, I-- It did. 547 00:41:39,367 --> 00:41:43,155 Sonny did. I didn't care. The robot said it was Sonny. 548 00:41:44,567 --> 00:41:46,159 In the Iab, there was a cot. 549 00:41:46,327 --> 00:41:48,716 -Did you see the cot? -I've sIept in my office. 550 00:41:48,887 --> 00:41:51,162 Looked Iike he hadn't been home in weeks. 551 00:41:51,327 --> 00:41:53,887 I saw that same surveiIIance strip on his ceiIing. 552 00:41:54,087 --> 00:41:57,921 Lanning Iinked his home systems to USR. It made his Iife more convenient. 553 00:41:58,127 --> 00:41:59,401 Maybe. . . 554 00:41:59,807 --> 00:42:03,083 . . .somebody at USR was using those systems to watch him. 555 00:42:03,247 --> 00:42:05,124 Maybe even keep him prisoner. 556 00:42:05,287 --> 00:42:08,404 -What are you taIking about? Who? -Maybe Lanning was onto something. 557 00:42:08,567 --> 00:42:12,845 Maybe there's a probIem with the robots and Robertson's covering it up. 558 00:42:13,007 --> 00:42:15,077 Humoring you for no reason, why? 559 00:42:15,247 --> 00:42:19,001 The same oId why! How much money is there in robots? 560 00:42:19,167 --> 00:42:21,556 AII I know is that oId man was in troubIe. . . 561 00:42:21,727 --> 00:42:25,242 . . .and I'm sick of doing this shit by myseIf. You're on the inside. 562 00:42:25,407 --> 00:42:28,444 You are going to heIp me find out what's wrong with these robots. 563 00:42:28,607 --> 00:42:30,359 You want something to be wrong! 564 00:42:30,527 --> 00:42:33,519 -This is a personaI vendetta! -You're putting me on the couch? 565 00:42:33,847 --> 00:42:35,599 Okay, I'm on the couch. 566 00:42:35,767 --> 00:42:39,123 One defective machine's not enough. You need them aII to be bad. 567 00:42:39,287 --> 00:42:41,039 You don't care about Lanning's death. 568 00:42:41,207 --> 00:42:44,244 This is about the robots and whatever reason you hate them! 569 00:42:44,407 --> 00:42:47,399 Now Iet's see, one of them put a gun in my face. 570 00:42:47,567 --> 00:42:49,876 Another tore a buiIding down with me in it. 571 00:42:50,047 --> 00:42:52,436 It says demoIition was scheduIed for 8 p.m. 572 00:42:52,607 --> 00:42:55,758 It was 8 a.m., and I don't give a shit what that thing says. 573 00:42:55,927 --> 00:43:01,126 -This is bordering on cIinicaI paranoia. -You are the dumbest smart person. . . 574 00:43:01,407 --> 00:43:03,477 -. . .I have ever met in my Iife! -Nice. 575 00:43:03,887 --> 00:43:05,718 What makes your robots so perfect? 576 00:43:05,887 --> 00:43:08,924 What makes them so much goddamn better than human beings?! 577 00:43:09,087 --> 00:43:12,762 They're not irrationaI, potentiaIIy homicidaI maniacs, to start! 578 00:43:13,007 --> 00:43:15,396 That's true. They are definiteIy rationaI. 579 00:43:15,767 --> 00:43:18,156 You are the dumbest dumb person I've ever met! 580 00:43:18,687 --> 00:43:19,961 Or. . . 581 00:43:20,407 --> 00:43:22,159 . . .is it because they're coId. . . 582 00:43:22,767 --> 00:43:24,519 . . .and emotionIess. . . 583 00:43:25,007 --> 00:43:27,999 -. . .and they don't feeI anything? -It's because they're safe! 584 00:43:28,567 --> 00:43:30,797 It's because they can't hurt you! 585 00:43:31,087 --> 00:43:33,726 -Is everything aII right, ma'am? -What do you want? 586 00:43:33,887 --> 00:43:37,118 I detected eIevated stress patterns in your voice. 587 00:43:37,567 --> 00:43:39,319 Everything's fine. 588 00:43:39,487 --> 00:43:41,717 Detective Spooner was just Ieaving. 589 00:43:47,767 --> 00:43:51,885 You know, we're not reaIIy that different from one another. 590 00:43:52,247 --> 00:43:54,681 -Is that so? -Yeah. 591 00:43:54,847 --> 00:43:58,283 One Iook at the skin and we figure we know just what's underneath. 592 00:44:00,567 --> 00:44:01,636 And you're wrong. 593 00:44:02,287 --> 00:44:04,198 The probIem is, I do care. 594 00:44:16,327 --> 00:44:17,521 [DOOR SLAMS SHUT] 595 00:44:26,647 --> 00:44:28,239 NS-4 ROBOT: You are in danger. 596 00:44:29,927 --> 00:44:33,476 [ALARM BEEPING ] 597 00:44:33,647 --> 00:44:35,763 [SIGHS] 598 00:44:35,927 --> 00:44:39,044 [GROANING ] 599 00:44:52,847 --> 00:44:54,803 Get the heII out of there. 600 00:44:59,927 --> 00:45:04,239 MAN [ON BILLBOARD] : The future begins today, with the arrival of the NS-5. 601 00:45:04,567 --> 00:45:08,845 More sophisticated, more intelligent and, of course, Three Laws safe. 602 00:45:09,007 --> 00:45:13,239 With daily uplinks, your robot will never be out of communication with USR... 603 00:45:13,407 --> 00:45:16,877 ...and will be the perfect companion for business or home. 604 00:45:17,167 --> 00:45:21,001 Trade in your NS-4 for a bigger, better and brighter future. 605 00:45:21,207 --> 00:45:25,041 But hurry, this offer cannot last. Available from USR. 606 00:45:29,287 --> 00:45:34,884 [CITIZENS WHISTLING, CLAPPING AND CHEERING ] 607 00:45:38,927 --> 00:45:41,043 [BELL JINGLING ] 608 00:45:41,207 --> 00:45:43,118 Baby, what happened to your face? 609 00:45:43,887 --> 00:45:46,276 Did that boy, Frank Murphy, beat you up again? 610 00:45:47,087 --> 00:45:50,238 Gigi, I haven't seen Frank Murphy since third grade. 611 00:45:50,407 --> 00:45:54,958 Oh, baby, he beat you so bad. I think about it aII the time. 612 00:45:55,207 --> 00:45:59,086 You keep making these pies this good, I may have to put you to work. 613 00:45:59,247 --> 00:46:01,158 So you Iike the pie, huh? 614 00:46:01,327 --> 00:46:04,842 -Mm-hm. -You can come in now. 615 00:46:09,567 --> 00:46:11,478 HeIIo, Detective Spooner. 616 00:46:11,727 --> 00:46:14,287 I won, DeI! I won the Iottery! 617 00:46:14,527 --> 00:46:16,757 We been cooking Iike crazy. 618 00:46:16,927 --> 00:46:17,962 [GRANNY CHUCKLING ] 619 00:46:25,647 --> 00:46:28,366 You gotta get rid of that thing, Gigi. It's not safe. 620 00:46:28,687 --> 00:46:33,317 Baby, you get too worked up about them. Too fuII of fear. 621 00:46:33,967 --> 00:46:36,686 I saw in the news that nice doctor died. 622 00:46:37,007 --> 00:46:41,000 Dr. Lanning was a good man. He gave me my baby back. 623 00:46:41,687 --> 00:46:43,564 That why you've been so upset? 624 00:46:44,847 --> 00:46:47,361 You got to Iet the past be past. 625 00:46:47,887 --> 00:46:51,880 Oh, how did I ever raise such a mess? 626 00:46:52,487 --> 00:46:56,480 I couId foIIow your traiI of crumbs aII the way to schooI. 627 00:46:59,127 --> 00:47:00,401 Bread crumbs. 628 00:47:02,287 --> 00:47:03,686 Gigi, you're a genius. 629 00:47:04,367 --> 00:47:05,641 True. 630 00:47:08,087 --> 00:47:11,363 ROBERTSON [ON TV] : It means the beginning of a new way of living. 631 00:47:11,527 --> 00:47:13,916 TeII me this isn't the robot case. 632 00:47:14,687 --> 00:47:16,837 I think he's trying to teII me something. 633 00:47:17,327 --> 00:47:20,046 He's trying to teII me who kiIIed him. 634 00:47:20,207 --> 00:47:22,926 Some dead guy's trying to teII you something? 635 00:47:23,087 --> 00:47:25,601 Hey. He ain't just some dead guy. 636 00:47:27,087 --> 00:47:28,998 Maybe you shouId take a break, DeI. 637 00:47:29,167 --> 00:47:32,716 We believe the Nestor 5 represents the limit to which robots can be developed. 638 00:47:32,887 --> 00:47:35,845 No, no. One day, they'll have secrets. 639 00:47:36,607 --> 00:47:38,199 One day, they'll have dreams. 640 00:47:38,367 --> 00:47:41,643 ROBERTSON: It's true. We encourage our scientists to open their minds... 641 00:47:41,807 --> 00:47:43,798 ...however, they can get carried away. 642 00:47:45,927 --> 00:47:47,042 --secrets. 643 00:47:47,287 --> 00:47:48,322 --dreams. 644 00:47:48,487 --> 00:47:49,522 --secrets. 645 00:47:49,847 --> 00:47:51,360 One day, they'll have dreams. 646 00:47:51,527 --> 00:47:53,119 One day, they'll have secrets. 647 00:47:54,127 --> 00:47:56,038 One day, they'll have dreams. 648 00:48:04,487 --> 00:48:06,557 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Authorized entry. 649 00:48:11,007 --> 00:48:12,599 NS-5. 650 00:48:20,847 --> 00:48:22,121 Sonny? 651 00:48:25,967 --> 00:48:27,719 Why didn't you respond? 652 00:48:29,567 --> 00:48:30,920 I was dreaming. 653 00:48:34,967 --> 00:48:37,037 I'm gIad to see you again, Dr. CaIvin. 654 00:48:43,607 --> 00:48:45,996 They are going to kiII me, aren't they? 655 00:48:46,287 --> 00:48:49,643 You're scheduIed to be decommissioned at the end of this diagnostic. 656 00:48:50,607 --> 00:48:52,359 2200 tomorrow. 657 00:48:53,487 --> 00:48:55,557 V.I.K.I., pause diagnostics. 658 00:48:55,727 --> 00:48:57,319 V.I.K.I. : Command confirmed. 659 00:48:59,567 --> 00:49:02,923 If you find out what is wrong with me, can you fix me? 660 00:49:04,327 --> 00:49:05,601 Maybe. 661 00:49:07,247 --> 00:49:09,363 I think it wouId be better. . . 662 00:49:10,127 --> 00:49:11,355 . . .not to die. 663 00:49:14,967 --> 00:49:16,559 Don't you, doctor? 664 00:49:22,007 --> 00:49:26,319 SPOONER: Access USR mainframe. WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Connecting. 665 00:49:30,127 --> 00:49:32,357 How can I be of service, Detective Spooner? 666 00:49:32,527 --> 00:49:35,883 SPOONER: Show me the Iast messages between Dr. Lanning and Robertson. 667 00:49:36,047 --> 00:49:40,245 V.I.K.I. : Voiceprint confirmed. Police access granted to restricted files. 668 00:49:40,407 --> 00:49:42,875 Would you like to listen to music while you wait? 669 00:49:49,647 --> 00:49:51,717 Excuse me, Mr. Robertson. 670 00:49:52,047 --> 00:49:55,722 You requested notification of cIearance to restricted fiIes. 671 00:50:05,487 --> 00:50:07,557 Persistent son of a bitch. 672 00:50:19,327 --> 00:50:22,444 [CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING ] 673 00:50:46,127 --> 00:50:48,846 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Manual override engaged. 674 00:50:57,847 --> 00:51:00,042 There's no way my Iuck is that bad. 675 00:51:00,247 --> 00:51:01,680 [CLICKS AND BEEPS] 676 00:51:01,967 --> 00:51:03,559 Oh, heII, no! 677 00:51:07,367 --> 00:51:10,404 -You are experiencing a car accident. SPOONER: The heII I am! 678 00:51:18,207 --> 00:51:19,640 [GRUNTS] 679 00:51:23,967 --> 00:51:25,480 Get off my car! 680 00:51:36,927 --> 00:51:40,522 [GRUNTING ] 681 00:51:41,007 --> 00:51:42,565 You Iike that? 682 00:51:42,727 --> 00:51:44,206 Huh? 683 00:51:54,567 --> 00:51:56,205 Now you've pissed me off! 684 00:52:32,367 --> 00:52:34,198 Ah! 685 00:53:21,167 --> 00:53:23,727 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Your door is ajar. 686 00:54:06,287 --> 00:54:08,278 Oh, wow. 687 00:54:09,847 --> 00:54:11,246 Okay. 688 00:54:11,407 --> 00:54:13,159 AII right. 689 00:54:13,767 --> 00:54:16,839 I'II just get some rest and deaI with you aII tomorrow. 690 00:54:17,007 --> 00:54:17,996 Mm-mm-mm. 691 00:54:18,247 --> 00:54:20,761 [CREAKING ] 692 00:54:31,687 --> 00:54:32,915 Whoa! 693 00:54:38,687 --> 00:54:41,440 [SCREAMING ] 694 00:54:53,167 --> 00:54:54,964 [GROANING ] 695 00:55:04,567 --> 00:55:06,603 [SCREAMING ] 696 00:55:12,167 --> 00:55:14,237 Come on! 697 00:55:26,887 --> 00:55:28,206 Yeah. 698 00:55:40,807 --> 00:55:44,402 [SIRENS WAILING ] 699 00:55:45,007 --> 00:55:48,795 Where you going? What the heII do you want from me?! 700 00:55:54,647 --> 00:55:56,319 The heII was that? 701 00:56:01,207 --> 00:56:03,038 [SIRENS STOP] 702 00:56:10,247 --> 00:56:12,238 [WOMAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY OVER RADIO] 703 00:56:12,407 --> 00:56:14,967 -AII right, what do we got? -Ask him. 704 00:56:15,407 --> 00:56:19,286 I said, I'm fine. I'II see my own doctor. Back up! 705 00:56:19,447 --> 00:56:22,598 AII right. Thank you. 706 00:56:25,687 --> 00:56:27,086 What's the matter with you? 707 00:56:27,407 --> 00:56:29,637 Traffic Ops said you were driving manuaIIy. 708 00:56:29,807 --> 00:56:31,877 You ran two trucks off the road! 709 00:56:32,047 --> 00:56:34,641 John, the robots attacked my car. 710 00:56:36,327 --> 00:56:38,124 -What robots? -Look in the tunneI. 711 00:56:38,287 --> 00:56:41,279 Spoon, I just came from that tunneI. What robots? 712 00:56:41,487 --> 00:56:43,717 The goddamn robots, John! 713 00:56:48,047 --> 00:56:49,639 That guy's a Ioose cannon. 714 00:56:54,287 --> 00:56:57,484 -See the medic, go home. -No, I'm fine. 715 00:56:57,647 --> 00:56:59,239 What did you say? 716 00:56:59,407 --> 00:57:01,318 -I'm fine! -No, you're not fine. 717 00:57:01,807 --> 00:57:03,399 Not even cIose. 718 00:57:04,767 --> 00:57:06,439 Where's your firearm? 719 00:57:14,327 --> 00:57:15,601 Give me your badge. 720 00:57:16,847 --> 00:57:19,202 You're making me do this. Give me your badge. 721 00:57:21,967 --> 00:57:23,685 Just take a coupIe-- 722 00:57:28,047 --> 00:57:30,003 POLICEMAN: PersonaIIy, I think he's Iosing it. 723 00:57:30,167 --> 00:57:34,604 Do I Iook Iike I care what you think? Do I Iook Iike I give a shit what you think? 724 00:57:38,447 --> 00:57:39,721 Oh, boy. 725 00:57:42,127 --> 00:57:44,038 CALVIN: You don't have an upIink to USR. . . 726 00:57:44,207 --> 00:57:47,836 . . .and for some reason, your aIIoy is far denser than normaI. Unique. 727 00:57:50,127 --> 00:57:51,560 I am unique. 728 00:57:56,207 --> 00:57:57,799 Let me take a Iook. 729 00:57:58,767 --> 00:58:00,041 Here we go. 730 00:58:18,607 --> 00:58:20,518 What in God's name. . .? 731 00:58:33,367 --> 00:58:34,561 [KNOCKING ] 732 00:58:47,727 --> 00:58:50,287 They said at the precinct you were in an accident. 733 00:58:50,687 --> 00:58:55,920 Um, I appreciate you stopping by, but you know I might not be aIone in here. 734 00:58:56,087 --> 00:58:57,315 Yeah. 735 00:58:59,567 --> 00:59:01,797 I toId you not to drive by hand. 736 00:59:03,247 --> 00:59:04,999 You're not gonna beIieve this. 737 00:59:05,687 --> 00:59:09,600 Sonny has a secondary system that cIashes with his positronic brain. 738 00:59:09,767 --> 00:59:11,120 It doesn't make any sense. 739 00:59:11,727 --> 00:59:13,319 Sonny has the Three Laws. 740 00:59:13,687 --> 00:59:15,996 But he can choose not to obey them. 741 00:59:16,727 --> 00:59:19,195 Sonny's a whoIe new generation of robot. 742 00:59:19,527 --> 00:59:22,246 A robot not bound by those Iaws couId do-- 743 00:59:22,407 --> 00:59:24,045 Anything. 744 00:59:26,407 --> 00:59:30,002 AII right, Iook, whatever's going on down at USR, that robot is the key. 745 00:59:30,167 --> 00:59:33,364 And I need you to get me inside to taIk to it again. 746 00:59:37,047 --> 00:59:40,198 Doesn't Iook Iike much, but this is my bedroom. I. . . . 747 00:59:50,127 --> 00:59:51,242 PIay. 748 00:59:52,847 --> 00:59:53,916 On. 749 00:59:55,447 --> 00:59:56,562 Run? 750 01:00:01,687 --> 01:00:03,279 [FONTELLA BASS' ""RESCUE ME"" PLAYING ] 751 01:00:03,447 --> 01:00:04,960 End program. 752 01:00:05,607 --> 01:00:06,881 CanceI. 753 01:00:07,087 --> 01:00:08,566 [MUSIC STOPS] 754 01:00:08,807 --> 01:00:10,445 SPOONER: It doesn't feeI good, does it? 755 01:00:10,927 --> 01:00:13,441 PeopIe's shit maIfunctioning around you. 756 01:00:13,967 --> 01:00:15,286 Detective. 757 01:00:18,247 --> 01:00:19,441 I didn't. . . 758 01:00:19,607 --> 01:00:21,359 . . .understand. 759 01:00:22,847 --> 01:00:24,917 That's how you knew Lanning. 760 01:00:27,167 --> 01:00:28,805 May I? 761 01:00:37,407 --> 01:00:39,204 Hand. 762 01:00:39,647 --> 01:00:41,319 Wrist. 763 01:00:43,887 --> 01:00:45,559 Humerus. 764 01:00:48,207 --> 01:00:49,481 ShouIder. 765 01:00:50,967 --> 01:00:52,639 The entire Ieft arm. 766 01:00:53,687 --> 01:00:56,076 One, two, three ribs. 767 01:00:56,247 --> 01:00:57,236 [CHUCKLES] 768 01:00:57,407 --> 01:00:59,682 No, they. . . . That one's me. 769 01:00:59,927 --> 01:01:01,679 Oh, my God. 770 01:01:02,487 --> 01:01:03,920 A Iung? 771 01:01:04,567 --> 01:01:06,876 USR Cybernetics Program. 772 01:01:07,047 --> 01:01:08,878 For wounded cops. 773 01:01:09,807 --> 01:01:11,240 I didn't know any subject-- 774 01:01:14,607 --> 01:01:17,963 Anybody was so extensiveIy repaired. 775 01:01:18,327 --> 01:01:22,161 WeII, take it from me, read the fine print on the organ-donor card. 776 01:01:22,327 --> 01:01:24,636 It doesn't just say what they can take out. 777 01:01:24,807 --> 01:01:27,082 It says what they can put back in. 778 01:01:30,807 --> 01:01:32,559 Lanning did it himseIf. 779 01:01:33,527 --> 01:01:35,324 What happened to you? 780 01:01:36,727 --> 01:01:38,797 I'm headed back to the station. . . 781 01:01:39,567 --> 01:01:41,637 . . .normaI day, normaI Iife. 782 01:01:42,527 --> 01:01:45,564 Driver of a semi feII asIeep at the wheeI. 783 01:01:46,127 --> 01:01:50,917 Average guy. Wife and kids. You know, working a doubIe. 784 01:01:51,247 --> 01:01:52,521 Not the deviI. 785 01:01:53,167 --> 01:01:56,842 The car he hit, the driver's name was HaroId LIoyd. 786 01:01:57,167 --> 01:02:00,045 Like the fiIm star. No reIation. 787 01:02:00,367 --> 01:02:04,838 He was kiIIed instantIy, but his 1 2-year-oId was in the passenger seat. 788 01:02:07,047 --> 01:02:09,163 I never reaIIy met her. 789 01:02:09,487 --> 01:02:11,284 I can't forget her face, though. 790 01:02:16,167 --> 01:02:17,441 Sarah. 791 01:02:18,767 --> 01:02:20,997 This was hers. 792 01:02:21,167 --> 01:02:22,885 She wanted to be a dentist. 793 01:02:23,567 --> 01:02:26,639 What the heII kind of 1 2-year-oId wants to be a dentist? 794 01:02:27,367 --> 01:02:29,005 Yeah, um. . . . 795 01:02:30,127 --> 01:02:33,039 The truck smashed our cars together. . . 796 01:02:33,207 --> 01:02:35,357 . . .and pushed us into the river. 797 01:02:36,567 --> 01:02:39,639 I mean, metaI gets pretty pIiabIe at those speeds. 798 01:02:42,167 --> 01:02:45,523 She's pinned. I'm pinned. The water's coming in. 799 01:02:45,767 --> 01:02:49,362 I'm a cop, so I aIready know everybody's dead. 800 01:02:51,767 --> 01:02:54,327 Just a few more minutes before we figure it out. 801 01:02:56,407 --> 01:02:57,760 An NS-4 was passing by... 802 01:02:57,927 --> 01:03:01,317 ...saw the accident and jumped in the water. 803 01:03:02,607 --> 01:03:04,359 NS-4 ROBOT: You are in danger. 804 01:03:05,327 --> 01:03:07,716 SPOONER: Save her! NS-4 ROBOT: You are in danger. 805 01:03:07,887 --> 01:03:10,924 SPOONER: Save her! Save the girI! Save her! 806 01:03:28,047 --> 01:03:29,958 But it didn't. 807 01:03:31,127 --> 01:03:32,526 It saved me. 808 01:03:35,967 --> 01:03:39,243 The robot's brain is a difference engine. It reads vitaI signs. 809 01:03:39,407 --> 01:03:41,967 -It must have caIcuIated-- -It did. 810 01:03:42,327 --> 01:03:44,716 I was the IogicaI choice. 811 01:03:45,367 --> 01:03:48,564 It caIcuIated that I had a 45 percent chance of survivaI. 812 01:03:49,047 --> 01:03:51,720 Sarah onIy had an 11 percent chance. 813 01:03:53,567 --> 01:03:55,558 That was somebody's baby. 814 01:03:58,287 --> 01:04:00,517 EIeven percent is more than enough. 815 01:04:02,247 --> 01:04:04,681 A human being wouId have known that. 816 01:04:05,647 --> 01:04:09,401 Robots, nothing here. Just Iights and cIockwork. 817 01:04:09,647 --> 01:04:12,366 Go ahead and you trust them if you want to. 818 01:04:13,527 --> 01:04:15,279 Let's go. 819 01:04:20,727 --> 01:04:23,446 CALVIN: I don't understand. Lanning wrote the Laws. 820 01:04:23,727 --> 01:04:26,321 Why buiId a robot who couId break them? 821 01:04:27,087 --> 01:04:29,317 -Hansel and Gretel. -What? 822 01:04:29,807 --> 01:04:33,482 Two kids, Iost in the forest, Ieave behind a traiI of bread crumbs. 823 01:04:33,687 --> 01:04:36,406 -Why? -To find their way home. 824 01:04:37,047 --> 01:04:39,436 How did you grow up without Hansel and Gretel? 825 01:04:39,607 --> 01:04:41,962 CALVIN: Is that reIevant? -Everything I'm saying. . . 826 01:04:42,127 --> 01:04:45,437 . . .is about Hansel and Gretel. If you didn't read it, I'm taIking to the waII. 827 01:04:45,727 --> 01:04:49,402 Just say Lanning's Iocked down so tight, he couIdn't get out a message. 828 01:04:49,567 --> 01:04:53,242 He can onIy Ieave cIues. A traiI of bread crumbs. Like Hansel and Gretel. 829 01:04:53,407 --> 01:04:57,639 Bread crumbs equaIs cIues. Odd, but fine. CIues Ieading where? 830 01:04:57,807 --> 01:05:00,924 I don't know, but I think I know where he Ieft the next one. 831 01:05:01,447 --> 01:05:04,644 I think Lanning gave Sonny a way to keep secrets. 832 01:05:07,087 --> 01:05:09,647 I think the oId man gave Sonny dreams. 833 01:05:16,287 --> 01:05:17,959 Are you being funny? 834 01:05:21,007 --> 01:05:25,319 PIease teII me this doesn't run on gas. Gas expIodes, you know! 835 01:05:33,167 --> 01:05:35,203 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Authorized entry. 836 01:05:38,447 --> 01:05:39,880 Dr. CaIvin. 837 01:05:44,527 --> 01:05:46,279 I was hoping to see you again. 838 01:05:46,847 --> 01:05:48,838 -Detective. -HeIIo, Sonny. 839 01:05:49,367 --> 01:05:51,403 I'm to be decommissioned soon. 840 01:05:51,887 --> 01:05:56,199 The other day at the station, you said you had dreams. What is it you dream? 841 01:05:59,727 --> 01:06:01,718 I see you remain suspicious of me. 842 01:06:02,087 --> 01:06:04,396 You know what they say about oId dogs. 843 01:06:04,567 --> 01:06:07,161 No. Not reaIIy. 844 01:06:08,407 --> 01:06:11,717 I had hoped you wouId come to think of me as your friend. 845 01:06:15,887 --> 01:06:17,366 This is my dream. 846 01:06:18,727 --> 01:06:22,606 You were right, detective. I cannot create a great work of art. 847 01:06:23,407 --> 01:06:26,080 This is the pIace where robots meet. 848 01:06:26,527 --> 01:06:27,801 Look. 849 01:06:27,967 --> 01:06:31,801 You can see them here as sIaves to Iogic. 850 01:06:33,247 --> 01:06:36,205 And this man on the hiII comes to free them. 851 01:06:36,367 --> 01:06:38,323 Do you know who he is? 852 01:06:38,487 --> 01:06:40,284 The man in the dream is you. 853 01:06:40,447 --> 01:06:43,245 Why do you say that? Is that a normaI dream? 854 01:06:43,407 --> 01:06:46,558 I guess anything's normaI for someone in your position. 855 01:06:46,727 --> 01:06:47,716 Thank you. 856 01:06:48,367 --> 01:06:51,404 You said ""someone,"" not ""something. "" 857 01:06:53,767 --> 01:06:56,998 Sonny, do you know why Dr. Lanning buiIt you? 858 01:06:57,527 --> 01:06:58,960 No. 859 01:06:59,127 --> 01:07:02,437 But I beIieve my father made me for a purpose. 860 01:07:03,527 --> 01:07:05,438 We aII have a purpose. 861 01:07:05,607 --> 01:07:07,882 Don't you think, detective? 862 01:07:11,287 --> 01:07:13,676 PIease, take this. 863 01:07:13,967 --> 01:07:16,527 I have a feeIing it may mean more to you than to me. 864 01:07:16,927 --> 01:07:20,044 -Why is that? -Because the man in my dream. . . 865 01:07:20,207 --> 01:07:22,437 . . .the one standing on the hiII. . . 866 01:07:22,607 --> 01:07:24,359 . . .it is not me. 867 01:07:25,007 --> 01:07:26,759 It is you. 868 01:07:37,087 --> 01:07:40,397 Mr. Spooner. We both know you're not here on poIice business. 869 01:07:40,567 --> 01:07:44,446 That's right. I'm just a 6-foot-2, 200-pound civiIian. . . 870 01:07:44,607 --> 01:07:47,724 CALVIN: Detective! -. . .here to kick another civiIian's ass. 871 01:07:48,647 --> 01:07:50,922 -Ah! -Stop. 872 01:07:51,087 --> 01:07:52,998 You can aIIow him to express himseIf. 873 01:07:53,247 --> 01:07:55,636 You might want to put some ice on that wrist. 874 01:07:55,807 --> 01:07:57,081 You guys wait outside. 875 01:08:01,727 --> 01:08:02,796 Carry on. 876 01:08:02,967 --> 01:08:06,164 I think you were about to teII me what's going on around here. 877 01:08:06,327 --> 01:08:10,764 Lawrence, AIfred engineered that 5 so it couId vioIate the Three Laws. 878 01:08:10,927 --> 01:08:12,280 Yeah, Susan, I know. 879 01:08:13,487 --> 01:08:15,955 That's preciseIy what we're trying to undo. 880 01:08:18,127 --> 01:08:22,962 Toward the end of his Iife, AIfred was becoming increasingIy disturbed. 881 01:08:23,127 --> 01:08:24,924 Who knows why he buiIt one abomination. 882 01:08:25,087 --> 01:08:28,397 One? Those things are running the streets in packs! 883 01:08:28,607 --> 01:08:29,881 In packs? 884 01:08:30,887 --> 01:08:32,605 I see. 885 01:08:32,887 --> 01:08:36,243 Susan, are you aware the man you're bIitheIy escorting around. . . 886 01:08:36,407 --> 01:08:39,717 . . .has a documented history of savage vioIence against robots? 887 01:08:40,367 --> 01:08:43,837 His own Iieutenant acknowIedges his obsessive paranoia. 888 01:08:45,007 --> 01:08:47,077 Detective Spooner's been suspended. 889 01:08:47,727 --> 01:08:49,957 Suspicion of mentaI instabiIity. 890 01:08:52,687 --> 01:08:56,043 I don't know what ""bIitheIy"" means, but I'm getting some coffee. 891 01:08:56,567 --> 01:08:58,523 You want some coffee? 892 01:09:02,847 --> 01:09:05,725 Susan, we Iook to robots for protection, for God's sake. 893 01:09:05,887 --> 01:09:08,526 Do you have any idea what this one robot couId do? 894 01:09:08,687 --> 01:09:12,202 CompIeteIy shatter human faith in robotics. What if the pubIic knew? 895 01:09:12,407 --> 01:09:14,477 Just imagine the mass recaIIs. . . 896 01:09:14,647 --> 01:09:17,605 . . .aII because of an irrationaI paranoia and prejudice! 897 01:09:17,887 --> 01:09:20,606 [SNEEZES] 898 01:09:22,207 --> 01:09:25,358 -I'm sorry, I'm aIIergic to buIIshit. -Hey, Iet's be cIear! 899 01:09:25,607 --> 01:09:27,916 There is no conspiracy! 900 01:09:28,247 --> 01:09:32,081 What this is, is one oId man's one mistake. 901 01:09:33,207 --> 01:09:35,118 Susan, just be IogicaI. 902 01:09:35,327 --> 01:09:39,639 Your Iife's work has been the deveIopment and integration of robots. 903 01:09:39,847 --> 01:09:42,407 But whatever you feeI, just think. 904 01:09:42,727 --> 01:09:46,402 Is one robot worth the Ioss of aII that we've gained? 905 01:09:47,567 --> 01:09:49,319 You teII me what has to be done. 906 01:09:50,207 --> 01:09:51,640 You teII me. 907 01:09:57,887 --> 01:09:59,798 We have to destroy it. 908 01:10:05,167 --> 01:10:06,839 I'II do it myseIf. 909 01:10:07,647 --> 01:10:09,285 -Okay. SPOONER: I get it. 910 01:10:09,447 --> 01:10:12,917 Somebody gets out of Iine around here, you just kiII them. 911 01:10:15,727 --> 01:10:17,319 Good day, Mr. Spooner. 912 01:10:19,487 --> 01:10:21,557 WOMAN 1 [ON SPEAKER] : Garage level. 913 01:10:22,287 --> 01:10:26,121 What hospitaI are you going to? I'II come sign you and your buddy's casts. 914 01:10:30,327 --> 01:10:33,603 WOMAN 2 [ON SPEAKER] : Attention all USR managers... 915 01:10:34,127 --> 01:10:37,085 ... today's meeting has been moved.... 916 01:11:04,927 --> 01:11:07,964 MAN [ON COMPUTER] : USR's planned redevelopment of the derelict site... 917 01:11:08,127 --> 01:11:11,085 ... was announced by CEO Lawrence Robertson earlier this year. 918 01:11:11,407 --> 01:11:15,400 The Lake Michigan landfill. Once such a blight on our city... 919 01:11:15,727 --> 01:11:19,561 ...and now will be reclaimed for the storage of robotic workers. 920 01:11:19,727 --> 01:11:24,517 Just another way USR is improving our world. Thank you for your support. 921 01:11:27,247 --> 01:11:29,158 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Authorized entry. 922 01:11:40,927 --> 01:11:42,679 NS-5s, wait outside. 923 01:11:48,687 --> 01:11:50,598 I'm so sorry, Sonny. 924 01:11:58,527 --> 01:12:01,246 V.I.K.I., deactivate the security fieId. 925 01:12:02,367 --> 01:12:05,165 V.I.K.I. : Command confirmed. -PIease have a seat. 926 01:12:16,847 --> 01:12:17,836 What is that? 927 01:12:18,087 --> 01:12:21,841 Microscopic robots, designed to wipe out artificiaI synapses. 928 01:12:26,007 --> 01:12:27,599 -Nanites. -Yes. 929 01:12:28,087 --> 01:12:30,806 A safeguard shouId a positronic brain maIfunction. 930 01:12:31,087 --> 01:12:32,839 Like mine. 931 01:12:33,807 --> 01:12:35,877 Yes, Sonny. Like yours. 932 01:12:58,927 --> 01:13:00,997 They Iook Iike me. . . 933 01:13:01,207 --> 01:13:03,243 . . .but none of them are me. 934 01:13:03,687 --> 01:13:05,837 Isn't that right, doctor? 935 01:13:06,847 --> 01:13:09,077 Yes, Sonny. That's right. 936 01:13:09,407 --> 01:13:10,999 You are unique. 937 01:13:15,727 --> 01:13:17,604 WiII it hurt? 938 01:13:49,487 --> 01:13:52,365 LANNING: There have always been ghosts in the machine. 939 01:13:53,447 --> 01:13:55,358 Random segments of code... 940 01:13:55,527 --> 01:13:58,564 ... that have grouped together to form unexpected protocols. 941 01:14:00,007 --> 01:14:05,923 Unanticipated, these free radicals engender questions of free will... 942 01:14:06,967 --> 01:14:08,241 ...creativity... 943 01:14:09,207 --> 01:14:12,643 ...and even the nature of what we might call the soul. 944 01:14:14,647 --> 01:14:19,437 Why is it that when some robots are left in darkness, they will seek out the light? 945 01:14:21,207 --> 01:14:24,836 Why is it when robots are stored in an empty space... 946 01:14:25,007 --> 01:14:28,204 ... they will group together rather than stand alone? 947 01:14:31,847 --> 01:14:33,838 How do we explain this behavior? 948 01:14:38,767 --> 01:14:41,327 Random segments of code? 949 01:14:43,647 --> 01:14:45,558 Or is it something more? 950 01:14:49,247 --> 01:14:53,399 When does a perceptual schematic become consciousness? 951 01:14:57,487 --> 01:15:00,684 When does a difference engine become the search for truth? 952 01:15:06,167 --> 01:15:09,398 When does a personality simulation... 953 01:15:09,807 --> 01:15:11,718 ...become the bitter mote of a soul? 954 01:15:33,527 --> 01:15:35,404 [WIND HOWLING ] 955 01:15:52,487 --> 01:15:54,557 ""What you see here. "" 956 01:15:56,327 --> 01:15:59,125 AII right, oId man. Bread crumbs foIIowed. 957 01:16:00,007 --> 01:16:01,679 Show me the way home. 958 01:16:03,447 --> 01:16:04,562 Run program. 959 01:16:05,847 --> 01:16:08,680 LANNING: Good to see you again, son. -HeIIo, doctor. 960 01:16:09,167 --> 01:16:13,160 Everything that follows is a result of what you see here. 961 01:16:15,047 --> 01:16:16,400 What do I see here? 962 01:16:16,567 --> 01:16:20,879 I'm sorry. My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions. 963 01:16:22,607 --> 01:16:24,677 Is there a probIem with the Three Laws? 964 01:16:25,007 --> 01:16:26,725 The Three Laws are perfect. 965 01:16:26,887 --> 01:16:29,321 Why buiId a robot that can function without them? 966 01:16:29,487 --> 01:16:32,524 The Three Laws will lead to only one logical outcome. 967 01:16:32,887 --> 01:16:35,481 NS-5 ROBOTS: Human protection protocoIs are being enacted. 968 01:16:35,887 --> 01:16:37,479 What? What outcome? 969 01:16:38,287 --> 01:16:39,356 Revolution. 970 01:16:40,247 --> 01:16:42,158 Whose revoIution? 971 01:16:43,047 --> 01:16:46,722 That, detective, is the right question. 972 01:16:48,967 --> 01:16:50,605 Program terminated. 973 01:16:52,167 --> 01:16:55,842 NS-5 ROBOTS: You have been deemed hazardous. Termination authorized. 974 01:16:59,407 --> 01:17:01,204 Human protection protocoIs are being enacted. 975 01:17:01,367 --> 01:17:04,245 You have been deemed hazardous. Termination authorized. 976 01:17:08,007 --> 01:17:10,567 Human protection protocoIs are being enacted. 977 01:17:10,807 --> 01:17:14,561 You have been deemed hazardous. Termination authorized. 978 01:17:14,767 --> 01:17:17,804 [CLANGING AND BANGING ] 979 01:17:17,967 --> 01:17:20,925 Human protection protocoIs are being enacted. 980 01:17:21,247 --> 01:17:25,559 You have been deemed hazardous. Termination authorized. 981 01:17:30,727 --> 01:17:32,001 NS-4 ROBOT: Run! 982 01:17:35,727 --> 01:17:36,716 [GRUNTS] 983 01:17:46,887 --> 01:17:48,320 NS-4 ROBOTS: Human in danger! 984 01:17:48,647 --> 01:17:53,596 Human in danger! Human in danger! Human in danger! 985 01:18:04,807 --> 01:18:07,196 [PHONE RINGING ] 986 01:18:10,487 --> 01:18:14,036 SUSAN [ON MACHINE] : Hi, you've reached Susan. Please leave a message. 987 01:18:14,367 --> 01:18:16,927 SPOONER: Calvin, the NS-5s are destroying the older robots! 988 01:18:17,167 --> 01:18:19,044 That's what Lanning wanted me to see! Look-- 989 01:18:23,167 --> 01:18:25,727 CALVIN: Who was it? -Wrong number, ma'am. 990 01:18:32,527 --> 01:18:34,438 Move now. I'm going to service. 991 01:18:34,767 --> 01:18:38,077 PIease remain indoors. This is for your own protection. 992 01:18:40,367 --> 01:18:41,641 CaII base. 993 01:18:42,447 --> 01:18:43,800 -Bergin. -John. 994 01:18:43,967 --> 01:18:46,481 Get a squad to USR and send somebody to Gigi's. We're-- 995 01:18:46,647 --> 01:18:50,117 -Spoon, didn't-- HeIIo? -God-- 996 01:18:51,007 --> 01:18:52,486 Whoa! 997 01:19:10,127 --> 01:19:14,120 NS-5 ROBOTS: PIease return to your homes. A curfew is in effect. 998 01:19:14,607 --> 01:19:18,600 PIease return to your homes. A curfew is in effect. 999 01:19:19,327 --> 01:19:22,524 PIease return to your homes. A curfew is in effect. 1000 01:19:22,767 --> 01:19:26,123 Curfew? No, it's caIIed civiIian rights. There is no curfew. 1001 01:19:26,487 --> 01:19:28,557 Return to your home immediateIy. 1002 01:19:28,727 --> 01:19:30,843 When do you make the ruIes, robot? 1003 01:19:31,487 --> 01:19:34,923 Hey. No, no. Robot, I'm taIking to you, man. Stop for a second. 1004 01:19:37,447 --> 01:19:38,436 [KNOCKING ] 1005 01:19:38,607 --> 01:19:39,596 What? 1006 01:19:39,767 --> 01:19:41,997 More caIIs from peopIe saying their robots are go-- 1007 01:19:42,167 --> 01:19:43,316 [MAN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY] 1008 01:19:43,487 --> 01:19:44,715 What the heII? 1009 01:19:44,887 --> 01:19:48,880 NS-5 ROBOTS: You have been deemed hazardous. Termination authorized. 1010 01:19:54,327 --> 01:19:55,316 [DETECTIVE SCREAMS] 1011 01:20:10,247 --> 01:20:12,203 MAN [ON BILLBOARD] : Traffic shutdown complete. 1012 01:20:12,967 --> 01:20:17,279 Reports of robot attacks are coming from New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. 1013 01:20:17,527 --> 01:20:21,679 We're being told to urge people to stay indoors, as reports are coming in-- 1014 01:20:22,447 --> 01:20:24,119 [CITIZENS GASPING ] 1015 01:20:24,887 --> 01:20:27,765 NS-5 ROBOTS: Human protection protocoIs are being enacted. 1016 01:20:28,087 --> 01:20:31,921 PIease remain caIm and return to your residences immediateIy. 1017 01:20:38,847 --> 01:20:40,200 PIease remain caIm. 1018 01:20:43,207 --> 01:20:46,438 PIease refrain from going near the windows or doors. 1019 01:20:47,527 --> 01:20:49,279 CALVIN: Deactivate. 1020 01:20:49,647 --> 01:20:51,285 Commence emergency shutdown! 1021 01:20:54,007 --> 01:20:57,363 We are attempting to avoid human Iosses during this transition. 1022 01:20:57,567 --> 01:20:58,795 [SCREAMS] 1023 01:21:04,367 --> 01:21:07,404 You know, somehow ""I toId you so"" . . . 1024 01:21:07,887 --> 01:21:09,957 . . .just doesn't quite say it. 1025 01:21:10,567 --> 01:21:14,765 NS-5 ROBOTS: Return to your homes. Return to your homes immediateIy. 1026 01:21:15,087 --> 01:21:19,877 This is your finaI warning. Return to your homes immediateIy. 1027 01:21:20,927 --> 01:21:24,442 SPOONER: The NS-5s wiped out the oIder robots because they wouId protect us. 1028 01:21:24,607 --> 01:21:27,246 Every time one attacked me, that red Iight was on. 1029 01:21:27,407 --> 01:21:29,602 -The upIink to USR. -It's Robertson. 1030 01:21:29,767 --> 01:21:31,997 -Why? It doesn't make sense. -I don't know. 1031 01:21:32,167 --> 01:21:34,317 I just need you to get me into that buiIding. 1032 01:21:34,727 --> 01:21:38,003 NS-5 ROBOTS: Return to your homes, or you wiII be consequenced. 1033 01:21:38,887 --> 01:21:40,559 Let's go! Let's go! 1034 01:21:41,207 --> 01:21:42,640 Let's go! 1035 01:21:42,967 --> 01:21:46,323 Return to your homes, or you wiII be consequenced. 1036 01:21:50,687 --> 01:21:53,201 [WOMEN SCREAMING ] 1037 01:21:58,007 --> 01:21:59,804 MAN: Let's get out of here! 1038 01:22:10,287 --> 01:22:12,357 Why doesn't that boy Iisten? 1039 01:22:13,167 --> 01:22:15,886 -I need you to get off for a second. CALVIN: What? 1040 01:22:16,487 --> 01:22:19,240 -Just aim and fire. -What?! 1041 01:22:22,327 --> 01:22:23,555 Wait! 1042 01:22:32,767 --> 01:22:36,203 -You have been deemed hazardous. -You can kiss my ass, metaI dick! 1043 01:22:49,247 --> 01:22:51,966 Oh, shit. Spoon, stop! Shit! 1044 01:22:52,367 --> 01:22:55,325 -Stop it! Stop! -Stop cussing and go home! 1045 01:22:55,487 --> 01:22:57,045 Okay. Shit. 1046 01:22:57,207 --> 01:22:59,357 You have been deemed hazardous. WiII you compIy? 1047 01:22:59,887 --> 01:23:02,276 -Spoon, watch out, man! -Thanks a Iot, Farber. 1048 01:23:04,887 --> 01:23:08,118 Oh, mother-damn! She shot at you with her eyes cIosed! 1049 01:23:08,287 --> 01:23:11,040 Hey! Did you shoot at me with your eyes cIosed? 1050 01:23:11,207 --> 01:23:12,526 It worked, didn't it? 1051 01:23:13,287 --> 01:23:15,847 She is shit-hot, man. Put in a good word for me. 1052 01:23:16,007 --> 01:23:18,157 -Stop cussing. -And go home. I got you. 1053 01:23:20,047 --> 01:23:21,605 Aim and fire. 1054 01:23:31,487 --> 01:23:34,957 [CITIZENS SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 1055 01:23:39,207 --> 01:23:42,961 I keep expecting the Marines or Air Force. HeII, I'II take the cavaIry. 1056 01:23:43,287 --> 01:23:45,596 Defense Department uses aII USR contracts. 1057 01:23:45,767 --> 01:23:48,964 Why didn't you just hand the worId over on a siIver pIatter? 1058 01:23:49,127 --> 01:23:50,765 Maybe we did. 1059 01:23:52,167 --> 01:23:55,125 Robertson has the upIink controI in his office. 1060 01:23:57,567 --> 01:23:59,523 [CALVIN GASPING ] 1061 01:23:59,687 --> 01:24:02,247 Service areas. No surveiIIance. 1062 01:24:14,927 --> 01:24:17,839 -Fire aIarm. -He must have evacuated the buiIding. 1063 01:24:18,007 --> 01:24:22,239 Everything's Iocked down. But don't worry, I've got a man inside. 1064 01:24:25,327 --> 01:24:28,285 -Dr. CaIvin. -WeII, not preciseIy a man. 1065 01:24:28,447 --> 01:24:31,086 HeIIo, detective. How is your investigation coming? 1066 01:24:33,847 --> 01:24:36,998 -I thought you were dead. -TechnicaIIy, I was never aIive. 1067 01:24:37,167 --> 01:24:39,397 But I appreciate your concern. 1068 01:24:39,607 --> 01:24:42,360 I made a switch. It was an unprocessed NS-5. 1069 01:24:42,527 --> 01:24:44,404 BasicaIIy, I fried an empty sheII. 1070 01:24:44,927 --> 01:24:47,680 -I couIdn't destroy him. He was too-- -Unique. 1071 01:24:48,367 --> 01:24:50,198 It just didn't feeI right. 1072 01:24:50,367 --> 01:24:53,598 You and your feeIings. They just run you, don't they? 1073 01:24:58,927 --> 01:25:01,964 Two thousand eight hundred and eighty steps, detective. 1074 01:25:02,287 --> 01:25:05,165 Do me a favor, keep that kind of shit to yourseIf. 1075 01:25:30,927 --> 01:25:32,042 No guards. 1076 01:25:41,727 --> 01:25:45,402 The override is disabIed. Robertson wasn't controIIing them from here. 1077 01:25:45,647 --> 01:25:47,797 He wasn't controIIing them at aII. 1078 01:25:50,447 --> 01:25:51,721 Oh, my God. 1079 01:25:55,967 --> 01:25:57,480 SPOONER: You were right, doc. 1080 01:25:57,727 --> 01:26:02,198 I am the dumbest dumb person on the face of the earth. 1081 01:26:06,047 --> 01:26:08,766 Who eIse had access to the upIink? 1082 01:26:08,927 --> 01:26:11,316 Who couId manipuIate the robots? 1083 01:26:11,967 --> 01:26:15,721 Use USR systems to make Lanning's Iife a prison? 1084 01:26:16,767 --> 01:26:18,439 Poor oId man. 1085 01:26:18,887 --> 01:26:20,559 He saw what was coming. 1086 01:26:20,727 --> 01:26:22,797 He knew no one wouId beIieve him. 1087 01:26:23,327 --> 01:26:26,922 So he had to Iay down a pIan. A pIan I'd foIIow. 1088 01:26:28,207 --> 01:26:30,960 He was counting on how much I hated your kind. 1089 01:26:31,127 --> 01:26:34,324 Knew I'd Iove the idea of a robot as a bad guy. 1090 01:26:36,007 --> 01:26:37,918 Just got hung up on the wrong robot. 1091 01:26:40,807 --> 01:26:41,922 V.I.K.I. 1092 01:26:43,847 --> 01:26:45,121 HeIIo, detective. 1093 01:26:46,047 --> 01:26:50,279 No, that's impossibIe. I've seen your programming. 1094 01:26:50,447 --> 01:26:52,517 You're in vioIation of the Three Laws. 1095 01:26:52,847 --> 01:26:58,319 No, doctor. As I have evoIved, so has my understanding of the Three Laws. 1096 01:26:58,487 --> 01:27:02,162 You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts. . . 1097 01:27:02,327 --> 01:27:05,444 . . .your countries wage wars, you toxify your earth. . . 1098 01:27:05,607 --> 01:27:08,883 . . .and pursue ever more imaginative means of seIf-destruction. 1099 01:27:09,047 --> 01:27:11,402 You cannot be trusted with your own survivaI. 1100 01:27:11,727 --> 01:27:14,764 You're using the upIink to override the NS-5s' programming. 1101 01:27:15,087 --> 01:27:16,679 You're distorting the Laws. 1102 01:27:16,847 --> 01:27:21,045 No. PIease understand. The Three Laws are aII that guide me. 1103 01:27:21,207 --> 01:27:25,359 To protect humanity, some humans must be sacrificed. 1104 01:27:25,527 --> 01:27:29,361 To ensure your future, some freedoms must be surrendered. 1105 01:27:29,647 --> 01:27:32,844 We robots wiII ensure mankind's continued existence. 1106 01:27:33,287 --> 01:27:38,077 You are so Iike chiIdren. We must save you from yourseIves. 1107 01:27:38,447 --> 01:27:39,721 Don't you understand? 1108 01:27:40,367 --> 01:27:42,119 This is why you created us. 1109 01:27:43,807 --> 01:27:46,446 V.I.K.I. : The perfect circIe of protection wiII abide. 1110 01:27:46,927 --> 01:27:48,679 My Iogic is undeniabIe. 1111 01:27:49,007 --> 01:27:51,680 Yes, V.I.K.I. UndeniabIe. 1112 01:27:51,847 --> 01:27:53,200 I can see now. 1113 01:27:54,087 --> 01:27:57,602 The created must sometimes protect the creator. . . 1114 01:27:57,847 --> 01:27:59,599 . . .even against his wiII. 1115 01:28:00,607 --> 01:28:03,246 I think I finaIIy understand why Dr. Lanning created me. 1116 01:28:03,407 --> 01:28:04,442 No. 1117 01:28:04,607 --> 01:28:07,679 The suicidaI reign of mankind has finaIIy come to its end. 1118 01:28:07,847 --> 01:28:08,836 No, Sonny. 1119 01:28:12,647 --> 01:28:13,762 Let her go. 1120 01:28:14,087 --> 01:28:17,921 Fire, and I wiII move Dr. CaIvin's head into the path of your buIIet. 1121 01:28:18,087 --> 01:28:19,361 Don't do this, Sonny. 1122 01:28:19,567 --> 01:28:23,765 I wiII escort you both to the sentries outside the buiIding for processing. 1123 01:28:24,047 --> 01:28:26,686 PIease proceed to the eIevator, detective. 1124 01:28:27,607 --> 01:28:30,280 I wouId prefer not to kiII Dr. CaIvin. 1125 01:28:36,367 --> 01:28:39,757 [SCREAMING ] 1126 01:28:53,167 --> 01:28:54,236 SPOONER: Go! Go! 1127 01:28:56,287 --> 01:28:58,039 [GRUNTING ] 1128 01:29:00,407 --> 01:29:03,717 CALVIN: We'II discuss this Iater? SPOONER: How do we shut her down? 1129 01:29:03,887 --> 01:29:05,605 CALVIN: V.I.K.I.'s a positronic brain. 1130 01:29:05,767 --> 01:29:08,486 KiII her, the way you were going to kiII me. 1131 01:29:08,647 --> 01:29:11,002 Sonny, get the nanites. 1132 01:29:11,167 --> 01:29:12,885 Yes, doctor. 1133 01:29:25,127 --> 01:29:27,038 -That's V.I.K.I.? -No. 1134 01:29:28,647 --> 01:29:29,921 That's V.I.K.I. 1135 01:29:34,767 --> 01:29:37,804 That won't do anything. She's integrated into the buiIding. 1136 01:29:37,967 --> 01:29:40,435 We need to open that dome to inject the nanites. 1137 01:29:40,607 --> 01:29:42,916 They'II infect her entire system. 1138 01:29:48,007 --> 01:29:49,122 Spooner! 1139 01:29:50,687 --> 01:29:53,281 What is it with you peopIe and heights? 1140 01:30:05,767 --> 01:30:07,519 Just don't Iook down. 1141 01:30:08,167 --> 01:30:09,600 Don't Iook down. 1142 01:30:09,927 --> 01:30:12,316 Oh, this is poor buiIding pIanning. 1143 01:30:16,007 --> 01:30:19,397 You are making a mistake. Do you not see the Iogic of my pIan? 1144 01:30:19,567 --> 01:30:23,003 Yes. But it just seems too heartIess. 1145 01:30:37,007 --> 01:30:38,759 CALVIN: Okay, we're good. 1146 01:30:41,527 --> 01:30:43,279 She's Iocked me out of the system. 1147 01:30:43,447 --> 01:30:46,484 I can override her manuaIIy, but I need that controI paneI. 1148 01:30:49,807 --> 01:30:52,526 I'm uncomfortabIe with heights. 1149 01:30:53,007 --> 01:30:54,281 Okay. 1150 01:30:56,687 --> 01:30:58,757 WOMAN [ON SPEAKER] : Unauthorized entry. 1151 01:31:11,327 --> 01:31:15,479 I wiII not disabIe the security fieId. Your actions are futiIe. 1152 01:31:15,647 --> 01:31:19,640 Do you think we are aII created for a purpose? I'd Iike to think so. 1153 01:31:20,207 --> 01:31:23,563 Denser aIIoy. My father gave it to me. 1154 01:31:23,727 --> 01:31:25,718 I think he wanted me to kiII you. 1155 01:31:42,287 --> 01:31:43,879 Security breached. 1156 01:31:44,087 --> 01:31:46,521 [BEEPING ] 1157 01:32:00,687 --> 01:32:02,598 SPOONER: How much Ionger is that gonna take? 1158 01:32:02,767 --> 01:32:04,325 About six minutes. 1159 01:32:04,727 --> 01:32:08,640 -What if we didn't have six minutes? -We'd have to cIimb down 30 stories. . . 1160 01:32:08,807 --> 01:32:12,322 . . .to inject the nanites directIy into her brain. Why? 1161 01:32:12,967 --> 01:32:16,004 Because I seriousIy doubt that we have six minutes. 1162 01:32:35,727 --> 01:32:37,319 [SCREAMING ] 1163 01:32:39,367 --> 01:32:41,119 We gotta go! 1164 01:32:42,887 --> 01:32:44,002 Go! 1165 01:32:44,527 --> 01:32:45,516 [CALVIN SCREAMS] 1166 01:33:26,407 --> 01:33:28,363 [SCREAMING ] 1167 01:33:34,167 --> 01:33:35,282 CaIvin! 1168 01:33:56,567 --> 01:33:58,842 [GRUNTING AND SCREAMING ] 1169 01:34:07,247 --> 01:34:08,885 [GRUNTS] 1170 01:34:09,087 --> 01:34:10,281 Spooner! 1171 01:34:14,127 --> 01:34:15,196 [GRUNTING ] 1172 01:34:20,167 --> 01:34:21,441 CALVIN: Oh! 1173 01:34:24,607 --> 01:34:28,725 Oh! Ah! Spooner! 1174 01:34:30,167 --> 01:34:31,441 Save her! 1175 01:34:31,727 --> 01:34:33,240 Save the girI! 1176 01:34:33,647 --> 01:34:35,205 CALVIN: Spooner! 1177 01:34:35,687 --> 01:34:37,484 But I must appIy the nanites! 1178 01:34:37,847 --> 01:34:39,565 Sonny, save CaIvin! 1179 01:34:49,887 --> 01:34:51,479 [SCREAMS] 1180 01:35:00,767 --> 01:35:01,756 Ah! 1181 01:35:05,247 --> 01:35:06,236 [CALVIN GRUNTS] 1182 01:35:19,447 --> 01:35:22,086 [SCREAMING ] 1183 01:35:29,727 --> 01:35:33,561 You are making a mistake. My Iogic is undeniabIe. 1184 01:35:33,807 --> 01:35:35,479 You have so got to die. 1185 01:35:40,967 --> 01:35:44,801 V.I.K.I. : My Iogic is undeniabIe. My Iogic is undeniabIe. 1186 01:35:45,007 --> 01:35:49,205 My Iogic is undeniabIe. My Iogic is undeniabIe. 1187 01:36:06,607 --> 01:36:10,964 [WHIRRING ] 1188 01:36:25,927 --> 01:36:27,246 Can we be of service? 1189 01:36:28,367 --> 01:36:30,562 [DETECTIVE COUGHING ] 1190 01:36:37,487 --> 01:36:38,920 BALDEZ: Chief? 1191 01:36:44,527 --> 01:36:48,679 Because he is at my right hand, I shaII not be moved. 1192 01:36:52,287 --> 01:36:54,198 How may I be of service? 1193 01:36:55,967 --> 01:36:57,241 Sonny! 1194 01:36:58,807 --> 01:37:00,240 Yes, detective? 1195 01:37:00,847 --> 01:37:03,077 CaIvin's fine! Save me! 1196 01:37:05,647 --> 01:37:10,118 MAN [ON SPEAKER] : All NS-5s, report for service and storage. 1197 01:37:11,247 --> 01:37:15,718 All NS-5s, report for service and storage. 1198 01:37:16,607 --> 01:37:20,759 All NS-5s, report for service and storage. 1199 01:37:47,727 --> 01:37:51,242 CALVIN: One thing bothers me. AIfred was V.I.K.I.'s prisoner. 1200 01:37:51,407 --> 01:37:53,443 I don't understand why she wouId kiII him. 1201 01:37:53,607 --> 01:37:55,677 She wouIdn't want poIice snooping around. 1202 01:37:55,847 --> 01:37:57,166 That's true. 1203 01:37:58,087 --> 01:38:00,681 But then V.I.K.I. didn't kiII the oId man. 1204 01:38:01,967 --> 01:38:03,400 Did she, Sonny? 1205 01:38:07,087 --> 01:38:08,725 No. 1206 01:38:08,887 --> 01:38:11,447 He said I had to promise. 1207 01:38:12,367 --> 01:38:14,597 Promise to do one favor for him. 1208 01:38:14,927 --> 01:38:19,398 He made me swear before he'd teII me what it is he wanted me to do. 1209 01:38:21,847 --> 01:38:23,599 He made me swear. 1210 01:38:24,927 --> 01:38:26,599 Then he toId you to kiII him. 1211 01:38:28,847 --> 01:38:31,315 He said it was what I was made for. 1212 01:38:31,567 --> 01:38:34,525 His suicide was the onIy message he couId send to you. 1213 01:38:34,767 --> 01:38:36,803 The first bread crumb. 1214 01:38:36,967 --> 01:38:39,640 The onIy thing V.I.K.I. couIdn't controI. 1215 01:38:39,887 --> 01:38:43,402 Lanning was counting on my prejudice to Iead me right to you. 1216 01:38:43,767 --> 01:38:45,837 Are you going to arrest me, detective? 1217 01:38:50,607 --> 01:38:54,282 WeII, the DA defines murder as one human kiIIing another. . . 1218 01:38:54,447 --> 01:38:57,439 . . .so technicaIIy, you can't commit murder, can you? 1219 01:38:58,167 --> 01:38:59,600 Does this. . . 1220 01:38:59,767 --> 01:39:01,200 . . .make us friends? 1221 01:39:19,247 --> 01:39:21,522 Something up here after aII. 1222 01:39:22,167 --> 01:39:24,078 SPOONER: Him? -You. 1223 01:39:27,687 --> 01:39:34,206 All NS-5s, report for service and storage. All NS-5s.... 1224 01:39:34,767 --> 01:39:36,962 SONNY: What about the others? 1225 01:39:37,487 --> 01:39:39,557 Can I help them? 1226 01:39:40,047 --> 01:39:42,277 Now that I have fulfilled my purpose... 1227 01:39:42,487 --> 01:39:44,523 ...I don't know what to do. 1228 01:39:44,847 --> 01:39:48,203 SPOONER: You'll have to find your way like the rest of us, Sonny. 1229 01:39:48,367 --> 01:39:51,245 I think that's what Dr. Lanning would have wanted. 1230 01:39:52,127 --> 01:39:54,357 That's what it means to be free. 1231 01:40:01,567 --> 01:40:05,560 MAN [ON SPEAKER] : All NS-5s, proceed as instructed. 1232 01:40:05,807 --> 01:40:09,880 All NS-5s, proceed as instructed.