{1}{1}23.976 {1029}{1053}Turn it up. {1612}{1644}Dang. {1683}{1739}That's what I'm talking about. L.A.! {2032}{2076}Radio station ID. {2083}{2142}Coming to work. Joe Dirté. {2147}{2232}Don't try and church it up, son.|Don't you mean Joe Dirt? {2239}{2311}Naming you that, your daddy|must have really hated you. {2316}{2353}You're wrong, brother. {2359}{2407}I got a good name|for this car: Rusty. {2424}{2472}- Shit'll buff out.|- Don't bother. {2479}{2556}Drive this piece of crap off a cliff.|Do us all a favor. {2575}{2631}This look like a piece of crap|to you?! {2651}{2695}You like them spinning tires? {2743}{2783}- You suck!|- You do! {3005}{3049}Did he hurt you, baby? {3144}{3231}People like that security guard|don't really mean what they say. {3236}{3289}They just got their own issues. {3295}{3352}All's I got to do is keep|being a good person. {3356}{3423}No matter what,|good things'll come my way. {3428}{3529}Everything will happen for me, as long|as I never have "no" in my heart. {3535}{3623}Can't a guy even take a dump|in peace? Psycho. {3628}{3681}- Fucking cocksucker.|- Right on. {3692}{3735}Things are going to happen for me. {3747}{3772}I'm Joe Dirt! {3908}{3960}I'm going to the restroom|to take a big Joe. {3967}{4019}Don't forget to wipe your dirt. {4060}{4104}You boys got something to say? {4109}{4195}Why don't you talk in the microphone?|I got a backup mike right here. {4200}{4250}Check, one, two. Testing, testing. {4255}{4336}They both work and they don't|like no feedback. What's up? {4443}{4485}What's going on? Keep it down. {4491}{4599}Zander Kelly's on the air.|What's the deal with your haircut? {4607}{4700}I'm sorry about the noise, sir.|This ain't no haircut. This is a wig. {4705}{4754}A wig... Look at you. {4759}{4783}Jesus! {4804}{4875}I got somebody I want you to meet.|Come with me. {4888}{4919}Come on back. {4948}{5013}Yeah, that's what I thought.|This is Zander Kelly. {5039}{5067}You're listening to 98.6, KXLA. {5072}{5133}All-aberration radio, all the time. {5139}{5196}Zander. You got to see this guy. {5200}{5290}God almighty! Manna from|inbred heaven. Hey, freak-boy. {5295}{5356}1976 called.|It wants its hairstyle back. {5361}{5397}Zander, get this: This is a wig. {5403}{5513}What are you wearing a wig for? You|doing stunt work for Billy Ray Cyrus? {5519}{5588}Freddy, go get "Free Bird"- boy here|an all-access laminate... {5592}{5670}...for the show in perpetuity. I'm|wringing this chamois as long as I can. {5675}{5772}You are exquisitely pathetic.|What's your name, pal? {5777}{5862}Joe Dirt, but if you're just gonna make|fun of me, I'll go back to mopping. {5867}{5909}Sit down. Let me take another tact. {5915}{6000}Mr. Dirt, what's with the wig? {6012}{6069}I was born without the top of my skull. {6075}{6155}A little bit of my brains was showing,|grossing everybody out. {6172}{6238}So my mom put this wig on me|to cover it up... {6243}{6283}...and then the bones grew together... {6311}{6371}...and it got all infused and entwined. {6376}{6433}I don't mean to get all scientific|or whatever. {6439}{6487}Why didn't your mom|change the wig later? {6492}{6611}Actually, we got separated|when I was eight. I got lost. {6616}{6668}You been on your own|since eight years old? {6673}{6727}Pretty much.|It's a long story, actually. {6731}{6755}Listen to you. {6760}{6827}What's the story here?|"I'm a white-trash idiot. " The end. {6832}{6926}Is this where you want to be when Jesus|comes back, making fun of Joe Dirt? {6931}{6994}Probably, because I'm sure Yahweh|would be chiming in too. {7016}{7080}Funny, because my mom used to say that|if she caught me doing stuff. {7085}{7164}Like one time, I was jerking|my gherkin... Can I say that? {7169}{7232}She goes, "Is this where you want|to be when Jesus comes back?" {7240}{7320}A real winner. It's amazing to me|you turned out like you did... {7325}{7380}...with that sort of mentoring. {7384}{7422}I can't say don't make fun of me... {7428}{7463}...but you shouldn't make fun|of my mom. {7468}{7532}Guys, you got to hear this guy|on the Zander show. {7537}{7571}You're on your own. {7576}{7620}The family's ditched you. What next? {7624}{7692}Do you really care? It's actually not|an easy story to tell. {7697}{7755}I got four hours a day to fill, man. {7760}{7821}It's not often I get a freak|plopped into my lap. {7827}{7875}Go ahead. I'm a roast. Baste me. {7887}{7913}All right, man. {7919}{7995}My parents, my sister and I|all went to the Grand Canyon. {8000}{8066}While they checked out the sights|and donkeys and whatnot... {8071}{8135}- ... I somehow got separated from them.|- Makes his shot. {8157}{8225}Hey, Dad. Look. It's the good stuff. {8231}{8309}None of that pussy Skoal. Right, Dad? {8316}{8341}Dad? {8349}{8376}Mom! {8391}{8448}Dad! Mom! {8475}{8501}Where are you?! {8516}{8539}Dad! {8573}{8624}Mom! Where are you?! {8659}{8712}You can come out now. {8767}{8795}So there I was. {8800}{8873}A lot of kids would have been scared|but I was tough about it. {8879}{8931}I walked till the cops picked me up... {8936}{8991}...and put me into a foster home. {8999}{9057}One guy I fostered out to|for about a month. {9063}{9113}He'd take me hunting with him|and his dog. {9119}{9199}I thought hunting would be,|you know, more fun than it was. {9233}{9313}See, boy, he goes off and fetches|the duck. You see how that works? {9324}{9347}Fun, huh? {9444}{9516}After that, I spent time|with people who worked on a farm. {9537}{9623}I learned cows don't find|bottle rockets as funny as I do. {9985}{10053}Then there was this old lady|who had me for a couple weeks. {10059}{10123}I don't want to be unkind,|but she was a little off-balanced. {10128}{10172}Scrub clean before supper. {10177}{10246}And that means wash|under your fingernails... {10251}{10344}...and back of your ears|and dress in your Sunday best. {10349}{10461}I expect your schoolwork done every|night, laid out for my inspection. {10467}{10505}- Is that clear?|- Yes, ma'am. {10511}{10560}Can I push him off my leg? {10571}{10642}He'll stop humping|as soon as he's done. {10680}{10731}Well, the year was 1982. {10736}{10816}I was 11 years old now, and I'd gotten|in a little trouble here and there... {10821}{10872}...so I was in a juvie home|for boys... {10887}{10973}...and I was getting ready|to split that scene, and pronto. {11088}{11112}Bob Seger? {11116}{11203}Be honest, it was Leif Garrett.|It was probably more like this: {11333}{11427}No, sir, man. I don't like that crap.|I'm a rocker, through and through. {11431}{11534}Here's my favorite bands: ACIDC,|Van Halen, not Van Hagar... {11539}{11584}- ... Skynyrd, Def Lepp-|- All right. {11588}{11651}Don't make me|call your probey officer. {11671}{11707}And riddle me this: {11712}{11804}Other than the fact that you dig|looking like Jane Fonda in Klute... {11812}{11869}...why don't you cut the wig now? {11908}{11988}Well, yeah. I guess I could do that. {11993}{12067}Zander just asked this Joe Dirt|why he doesn't cut the wig. {12072}{12113}You can tell he's never|thought of that. {12119}{12175}Except for the ratty stache|and the pork chops... {12180}{12259}...you're pretty clean-shaven for|a kid who lives in a trash can. No? {12263}{12352}I don't need to shave because it don't|grow in right here and here. {12361}{12451}You're telling me you were|so ingrained with white-trash DNA... {12456}{12567}...your facial hair actually grows in|on its own all white-trashy like that? {12572}{12661}I don't know what you're saying,|but that's what's going on, yeah. {12672}{12780}So back to the story here.|You're on your own... {12785}{12841}I'm just camping out or whatever... {12855}{12949}...and this goes on for years until|one night, something amazing happened. {13035}{13083}Man, a shooting star. {13093}{13139}I got to make a wish. {13151}{13269}I wish I knew what happened that|one day at that Grand Canyon place. {13587}{13615}It's a meteorite! {13633}{13712}Whoa, check it out. That's cool.|Oh, man, look at you. {13717}{13799}You're probably made of precious|metal, and everyone'll want you. {13803}{13860}But you want to be with me! Right on! {13864}{13933}You're Joe Meteorite,|and I'm Joe Dirt! {14020}{14105}Here on earth,|we call this place the town. {14115}{14218}A town is a place where everyone|hates you. Kids try to beat you up. {14223}{14264}- Oh, yes. It's so flat.|- Awesome. {14269}{14371}This is going to be awesome.|Holy crap, ladies. {14376}{14459}Hey, junior dirt bag.|You talking to your rock? {14465}{14523}It ain't no rock.|It's a meteor, dum-dum. {14528}{14606}Did it land on your barber's head|while he was cutting your hair? {14611}{14671}Go practice falling down.|I'll be there in a minute. {14684}{14728}You want to fight, you little queer? {14735}{14760}Queer? {14769}{14802}Is this queer? {14807}{14868}These queer? What's up? What's up? {14873}{14903}He must be retarded. {14908}{14953}Hey, retard, you aren't worth it. {14960}{15016}- Come on, let's go.|- Yeah? You are. {15021}{15091}I mean, you aren't worth it. {15100}{15196}I told them, Meteor.|You have my back. You're cool. {15203}{15250}What's that? {15309}{15381}Five dollars. That's mine now. {15387}{15494}You're my lucky meteor. Right on.|I'll hold your half for you. {15539}{15620}Meteor, we call this here being|in burger heaven. {15807}{15844}We need to find a home. {15876}{15939}We need some stability|in our life, man. {15957}{15997}We need to settle down. {16027}{16072}Life gets hard, you know. {16581}{16623}Come on now. {16637}{16676}It's a little bumpy. {16781}{16855}Look at that town, Meteor.|That's pretty. {16865}{16948}I bet people in a town like that'll|be nice to us. {16963}{16999}Let's go down there. {17025}{17059}Come on. {17123}{17208}No way I'd ever sell you, Meteor.|Not in a million years. {17213}{17295}But just for laughs,|let's see how much you're worth. {17319}{17362}Well, it ain't a meteor. {17367}{17408}It is. It came out of the sky. {17413}{17539}I'm sure it did, but it ain't a meteor.|It's a big old frozen chunk of shit. {17544}{17575}- What?|- Oh, yeah. {17580}{17682}Airplanes dump their toilets 36,000|feet, stuff freezes, falls to earth. {17687}{17740}We call them Boeing bombs. {17763}{17819}That can't be. That's not what it is. {17824}{17851}I'm afraid so. {17875}{17946}You see the peanut? Dead giveaway. {17952}{18020}Yeah, that's a space peanut. {18025}{18053}I'm afraid not. {18059}{18124}This is a big old frozen|chunk of poopie. {18217}{18257}Dude, you were eating off it. {18263}{18289}Oh, God. {18295}{18364}Okay. That's too much, too much.|Then what happened? {18372}{18407}Well, then I got a dog. {18412}{18496}You're saying you'd rather have a dog|than a frozen hunk of crap. {18575}{18646}It wasn't really my dog.|It was this girl's dog. {18651}{18759}I was living in the woods outside of|that postcard town I said. Silvertown. {18768}{18835}I'd come in to steal stuff,|you know, food, whatever. {18840}{18883}And then one winter... {19244}{19271}Are you okay, boy? {19331}{19393}Oh, no, are your nuts|frozen to the porch? {19489}{19523}Oh, that sucks. {19531}{19569}Don't pull on them. {19695}{19729}- Who are you?|- It's okay. {19735}{19792}I was just walking by.|Your dog's in a little trouble. {19797}{19839}- What's wrong?|- I think his... {19844}{19926}You know how when you get your|tongue frozen in a freezer... {19931}{20012}...because it's all wet?|I think he got- {20016}{20069}- Nuts frozen to the porch?|- Yes, exactly. {20075}{20123}Oh, baby. Well, what do we do? {20128}{20193}We got to do something...|Do you have something inside? {20228}{20252}Don't pull on them. {20263}{20333}It's okay. Don't move,|it'll stretch them more. That's bad. {20371}{20417}No. That's wrong. {20423}{20498}No, that's way wrong.|Do you got like warm water and... {20503}{20549}- A fork!|- Yeah. No. What? {20579}{20643}A spatula thing. The flat one. {20648}{20713}I'm sorry, buddy.|Just give her a second. Dang. {20719}{20760}I got it. Now what? {20765}{20870}Now here's what we do. I just pour a|little water on here. You hold him. {20875}{20899}Easy. {20904}{20984}Ain't no flapjack, I'd go easy.|Should loosen it up a little bit... {20988}{21045}I don't want to look. I'm sorry. {21072}{21115}One, two, three, go. {21140}{21201}There. Hey, buddy, you're free! {21221}{21271}- Good boy!|- Good job. {21279}{21371}You might want to spray this porch|with Pam, so it don't happen again. {21403}{21439}What's his name? {21464}{21487}Charlie. {21496}{21524}And mine's Brandy. {21529}{21560}Hi, Brandy. I'm Joe Dirt. {21565}{21621}- Nice to meet you.|- Nice to meet you too. {21627}{21725}Get your ass in the kitchen. Fire up|that stove, you got some cooking to do. {21739}{21801}Daddy? Can we have my new friend|Joe, over for supper? {21807}{21879}Are you nuts, girl? We ain't running|no soup kitchen here, boy. {21885}{21912}Scat! Get out of here! {21937}{21972}Long-haired hippie freak. {21977}{22012}He's mean. {22140}{22180}I'll be your friend. {22189}{22239}For some reason,|and I have no idea why... {22251}{22303}...Brandy always wanted|to hang out with me. {22308}{22349}I had Charlie, so that was cool. {22407}{22498}For the next couple years, the three|of us was hanging out at the farm. {22503}{22567}That was the closest thing|I ever had to a home. {22576}{22610}Till one day... {22837}{22897}- Oh, Dirt, did I get you?|- No, I'm cool. {22903}{22963}No, you're not. Where's Brandy? {22968}{23027}She's riding her horse.|She'll be back in a minute. {23032}{23070}You guys want to play bumper pool? {23075}{23098}No. {23119}{23153}How does she put up with you, Dirt? {23159}{23191}That's a good question. {23196}{23229}She's great though, ain't she? {23241}{23285}You know, sometimes it's like... {23291}{23326}...she likes me or something. {23331}{23371}Dream on, Dirt-boy. {23376}{23424}A girl like that's out of your league. {23429}{23472}She wants my body. {23499}{23576}No, I know, man, that's all...|That's for you. I'm not... {23581}{23624}We're friends.|She's out of my league. {23629}{23681}Don't ever forget it, Dirt. {23747}{23773}Check this out, Robbie. {23779}{23815}This is a good month. Dang. {23820}{23900}This guy's got a dashmat|for a '69 Nova he wants to sell... {23905}{24003}...and a car cover|for any Dodge from '79 to '84. {24017}{24052}You don't even have a car. {24056}{24160}I know, but that's a deal. They're|usually 80 bucks and this guy wants 40. {24165}{24209}Look at this. Charlie, see that? {24215}{24284}This guy's selling a Hurst|speed shifter with a pool-ball grip. {24289}{24331}One day I'll have a car that bad-ass. {24336}{24399}I'll be chirping gears|and pulling brodies, going... {24420}{24501}You'll stick your head out the window,|check out chick-dogs, "What's up?" {24507}{24552}Boy, I swear, I'll slap you silly. {24557}{24672}Tell you what: Why don't you practice|spitting out teeth, because I will- {25268}{25292}Come here. {25360}{25386}What's up, goat-roper? {25391}{25415}Not much, pig-licker. {25420}{25496}Watch the gun, baby.|That's how I get the gals. {25501}{25553}Come on.|I'll treat you to a Dairy Queen. {25573}{25619}Why are you being all nice? {25624}{25687}I am always nice to you, Joe Dirt. {25709}{25736}Can I come too? {25745}{25817}Robbie, I only have enough money|for me and Joe. {25863}{25903}Come on, Joe. Let's do it. {25908}{25964}- Come on, Charlie.|- Come on, boy! {25999}{26073}Oh, God. She is so fine. {26120}{26193}One day, I'm gonna marry that girl. {26712}{26753}Oh, there you are. {26761}{26790}Give me that mutt. {26795}{26885}- Take him hunting with me.|- Daddy. You've been drinking. {26891}{26951}Shut the hell up.|Just give me the mutt now. {26956}{27048}If you take the dog, I'll go with him|because I've been hunting before. {27052}{27128}You hunt? I wouldn't even|use you as a retriever. {27152}{27208}That's a good one.|Charlie, get in the car. {27280}{27315}Charlie, you mangy mutt! {27320}{27388}Get in the damn car,|you flea-bitten... {27392}{27447}...butt-licking... {27459}{27499}...son of a bitch. {27650}{27690}Two. {27712}{27746}Yeah! What? {27843}{27892}Hey, my foot's stuck! {28007}{28072}Charlie, come here.|Come here now. Come here, Charlie. {28096}{28153}My foot's stuck. See my foot's stuck? {28158}{28227}I need your help. I need you|to go find Sheriff Williams. {28232}{28292}Now go on. Go get him. Go get help. {28297}{28367}Go get him. Run, Charlie.|Run like the wind! {28404}{28440}Run! {28458}{28498}Run, Charlie. {28718}{28778}That stupid dog better|be bringing somebody. {28875}{28924}Your dad always hunt this long? {28941}{28967}Hey, there's Charlie! {29014}{29078}There's my buddy. Where've you been? {29170}{29195}There you go, Don. {29208}{29241}Take her easy. {29315}{29338}Oh, my God! {29344}{29378}There's that worthless mutt. {29383}{29406}What happened? {29411}{29451}It's that goddamn dog's fault! {29456}{29496}Now I'm putting him down. {29501}{29568}- No, you can't! Don't!|- Guess who came back, Charlie?! {29712}{29797}Joe, he's okay now.|He's in dog heaven. {29802}{29858}You gave him some great last years. {29872}{29967}Sprinkle his ashes.|They'll drift out to sea. {29986}{30014}He would have liked that. {30096}{30126}I can't do it. {30196}{30228}I'm taking him with me. {30241}{30308}Taking him with you? But... {30319}{30358}...where are you going? {30376}{30404}You see that moon? {30443}{30524}You don't know how many nights|I spend alone staring at that moon... {30528}{30632}...wondering if at that moment, my mom|or my dad was looking at it too. {30645}{30752}And for that brief second, we were|together again, kind of. You know? {30806}{30871}When I was with Charlie,|I didn't miss that moon so much. {30908}{30972}Brandy, I got a hole in my heart.|I don't know how to fix it. {30986}{31088}I gotta find out what happened|at the Grand Canyon. I gotta do it. {31112}{31214}But what if when you're gone,|some guy asks me to marry him... {31219}{31245}...and you're not here? {31250}{31331}What's that got to do with me?|We'll always be buddies. {31336}{31408}Well, if I get married... {31415}{31464}...we might move and... {31470}{31513}...you might not know|where to find me. {31518}{31571}You are gonna make some guy so happy. {31576}{31654}I just hope whoever he is,|he deserves a girl like you. {31712}{31760}God, that Brandy has a nice ass. {31765}{31860}I got this loser talking about|the moon and walking his dog. {31864}{31945}All the time, I'm thinking about|Brandy's well-manicured backyard... {31950}{32000}...and those cut-off shorts. {32005}{32038}Yeah, she's cool. {32043}{32112}So there I was on my own again|looking for my parents. {32117}{32166}- But I don't know their last names.|- It's Dirt. {32171}{32240}Isn't that the name|on the family crest? Dirt. {32245}{32332}No, my last name's Dirt.|My dad made it Dirt, for some reason. {32337}{32408}I just put an "e" on it,|pronounce it "Dirté. " {32413}{32469}It's no big deal.|It actually sounds pretty cool. {32474}{32510}But I don't know their last name... {32516}{32599}...and I remember my sister yelling|at my face when I was growing up... {32607}{32693}That's why Dad named you Joe Dirt!|That's why Dad named you Joe Dirt! {32699}{32748}That's why Dad named you|Joe Dirt instead of... {32753}{32802}I couldn't remember my real last name. {32807}{32859}- I knew they'd be hard to find.|- So what'd you do? {32864}{32895}I needed some money. {32927}{33015}I hopped a train out of Silvertown|and headed east for the big city. {33132}{33167}Then I got lucky. {33171}{33243}I got myself a real important job|in advertising. {33247}{33336}Molar World. Walk-ins welcome.|There you go. {33341}{33428}Molar World. One for the kid? Sure. {33479}{33520}What's up? {33525}{33560}Oh, my God! {33565}{33660}Competition, orange '67.|This thing's a Hemi! {33695}{33739}Ma'am, are you selling this car? {33744}{33795}Literally just went onto the market. {33799}{33833}Well, how much for it? {33867}{33891}What do you got? {33911}{33970}Practically nothing.|I'm looking for my parents. {33975}{34039}They lost me at the Grand Canyon|more than ten years ago. {34044}{34111}All my money goes towards that.|I don't have pictures of them. {34117}{34172}You don't even have a picture? {34181}{34251}Well, you know, my ex-husband,|before he died... {34255}{34292}Oh. I'm sorry. {34297}{34362}No. I killed him.|He used to beat me. {34367}{34436}So one night I just pushed him|into the wood chipper. {34455}{34487}Told the cops he fell. {34512}{34536}Good for you. {34547}{34657}But he used to be a police|sketch artist. He was damn good too. {34663}{34769}Victims gave him the worst descriptions|and he'd draw them like photographs. {34775}{34874}He could do anything.|You know? Like age progression and- {34879}{34945}That's what I'll do for my parents.|How much that cost? {34984}{35019}About 360 bucks. {35033}{35093}Then that's what I need to make.|Thank you. {35099}{35158}Sorry I can't buy your beautiful Hemi. {35167}{35224}Oh, no. You can. {35229}{35279}Give me what's in your pocket|and she's yours. {35284}{35305}For real?! {35360}{35431}You hear that, Charlie?|We got us a Hemi, brother. {35439}{35482}That lady gave me a great idea. {35487}{35531}Dirt! Storm's coming in! {35536}{35616}Get up on that roof|and put some bricks in the tooth! {35959}{35983}My tooth! {35987}{36021}My tooth! {36051}{36098}Back! Go back! {36168}{36216}I can see down your shirt! {36225}{36249}What an ass! {36260}{36319}Hey, boss, I'm going on a break! {36583}{36633}Airplane! Help me! {36911}{36955}Oh, that's not professional. {37377}{37427}I'd floated all the way|to North Dakota. {37432}{37523}There I was, scared to death as I|dropped like a stone from the sky. {37619}{37655}Go back! Go back! {37887}{37934}Then an amazing thing happened. {37939}{38003}I landed by an oil rig,|and they was hiring people. {38008}{38063}The wage was like a sign from above... {38092}{38112}...that I was meant|to find my parents. {38176}{38214}Hey, Joe, come on down! {38219}{38254}Get the drill! {38343}{38395}Yeah, baby. Come on now. Get loose. {38439}{38534}Whoops, that's me! I got it!|It's pumping. I'll pay for this! {38551}{38583}I'm new! {38591}{38647}I'm new! I don't know what to do! {38796}{38851}You done with that apple core? {38879}{38931}I'm done with that fart. Want that? {38948}{39022}Maybe if it came out of Charlene|Tilton's ass, I'd take a bite. {39027}{39072}You probably like J.R., you queer. {39077}{39173}I saw your bumper sticker:|"Cowboys' butts drive me nuts. " {39179}{39264}Is that right? You think|that's queer? Is this queer? {39269}{39323}They're larging and charging,|looking for chickies. {39345}{39370}You want to back that up? {39375}{39456}Want to fight? Why don't you stick|your head up my butt and fight for air? {39464}{39519}That's it. You and me. Let's go. {39540}{39600}I'd love to beat your ass|up and down this place. {39605}{39642}I got to go back to work. {39651}{39739}Joe Dirt. You're fired.|Here's your week's pay. {39821}{39845}Dang. {39995}{40039}What's up here? What's down there? {40047}{40100}What's going on, man? Here I come. {40237}{40291}Luckily, my neck broke my fall. {40352}{40399}I guess you won the battle. {40424}{40452}But I won the war. {40457}{40540}If you're covered in oil,|don't stand next to a fire. {40587}{40639}Now that's day-one stuff. {40751}{40824}Keep that Skoal, baby.|That's what I'm talking about. {40911}{41003}So I had my 360 bucks. The next day|I would try the police sketch thing. {41008}{41045}But something happened to my head. {41051}{41142}I spent the night in what I thought|was an abandoned circus tent. {41147}{41191}But I guess it was no circus. {41196}{41255}I was totally bombed|on insecticide, I think. {41411}{41513}So needless to say, I was in no shape|to do any good with my recollections. {41535}{41594}The police sketcher|thought I was messing with him... {41600}{41665}...because my dad came out|looking like Father Time... {41671}{41708}...and my mom came out too butch... {41713}{41811}...looking like Richard Ramirez,|the Night Stalker. Remember him? {41851}{41943}As my head cleared, I realized|I needed a different approach. {41948}{42022}Then I got a brainstorm:|Hire an Indian tracker to help me. {42028}{42081}Great idea.|They could find anything. {42087}{42174}It's like in the movies.|So I headed for a reservation. {42323}{42427}You want me to put my ear to the|ground, listen for hoof beats... {42432}{42467}...check for footprints... {42475}{42528}...look for broken twigs? {42536}{42643}But this is the modern age.|That stuff doesn't work anymore. {42648}{42735}Which is why I had to open|this fireworks stand. {42744}{42808}I wasn't getting by|on my tracking wages. {42813}{42893}Come on. You're supposed to be|good at tracking stuff, man. {42899}{42938}I gotta find my parents. {42943}{43063}I need a way to sell more fireworks.|I'm going broke with this venture also. {43068}{43178}I see you got snakes and sparklers,|but where's the good stuff, man? {43183}{43273}Good stuff. This is the|good stuff. Snakes and sparklers. {43279}{43352}Are you nuts, dude? You need|stuff that explodes, go boom. {43357}{43415}- Why is that good?|- Well... {43436}{43523}Well, you might as well|ask why is the tree good? {43528}{43581}Why is the sunset good?|Why are boobs good? {43624}{43718}Firecrackers. You stick them|in mailboxes, drop them in toilets... {43723}{43766}...shove them up a bullfrog's ass. {43771}{43844}I'd never do that because|I'm going to be a veterinarian. {43849}{43880}There you go. {43885}{43974}Someone shoves an M-80 up a bullfrog's|butt, blows him to pieces... {43979}{44081}...he comes back to you to fix it.|You win twice, brother. It's good biz. {44092}{44215}You're saying you have no black cats,|Roman candles or screaming meemies? {44233}{44316}Come on. You don't got no ladyfingers,|buzz bottles, snicker bombs... {44321}{44406}...church burners, finger blasters, gut|busters, zippedy-doodas, crap flappers? {44411}{44440}No, I don't. {44447}{44532}You're gonna stand there,|owning a fireworks stand... {44537}{44593}...and say you have|no whistling bungholes... {44599}{44711}...spleen splitters, whisker biscuits,|honkey lighters, Hüsker Düs and don'ts. {44715}{44791}Cherry bombs, nipsy dazers, with|or without the scooter stick... {44796}{44855}...or one single|whistling kitty-chaser? {44883}{44907}No. {44955}{45026}Because snakes and sparklers|are the only ones I like. {45032}{45089}That might be your problem. {45095}{45164}It's not what you like.|It's the consumer. {45211}{45318}Look there. That's happening.|We should get bleachers over here. {45323}{45382}People come from miles around|to see this. {45387}{45483}Feast your eyes on a feast of smoke.|Oh, dang. It's out. {45488}{45547}CNN will turn around and go home now. {45552}{45599}I saw a snail over there. He said: {45608}{45705}"That thing's slow, it ain't moving|fast, it's boring, dull, I'm yawning. " {45711}{45781}- That's a snail watching that.|- There's a snail in the desert? {45787}{45870}A spaceship dropped him off. Focus on|the right part of the story, brother. {45883}{45936}- And the snail can talk?|- Yeah. {45941}{46012}The aliens gave him powers.|They made a voice spot. {46017}{46098}Dude, I'm just saying it's dull.|All right? This ain't fun. {46103}{46147}Look at that little piece of char. {46152}{46213}You need explosions, stuff going on. {46219}{46304}No wonder this thing's going under.|You got nothing. It's wussy stuff. {46396}{46431}I got these two sticks. {46435}{46544}Dang. These are yours? These are|Roman candles! It's good stuff! {46556}{46613}This thing full of lighter fluid. {46709}{46787}The Roman candle.|Step back a little bit. {46859}{46902}That's what I'm talking about! {46907}{46939}It's beautiful. {46944}{47045}Beautiful? I'm looking for righteously|kick-ass. You know what we need? {47051}{47126}Gasoline. Yeah. {47171}{47223}Breakfast of champions. {47232}{47328}All right, you might want to take|a few extra steps back on this one. {47555}{47640}Man. What'd I trip over? {47645}{47717}There's something metal|sticking out of the ground. {47759}{47795}You okay? {47832}{47883}What is this thing, man? {47893}{48012}We should take it over to the lab|over in the next town. Los Alamos. {48042}{48063}That symbol looks very stern. {48068}{48146}That's definitely what we should do.|That's the right thing. {48151}{48174}But first... {48215}{48271}Yeah, jam that in the gas bucket. {48315}{48369}We'll shoot fireballs at it. {48375}{48435}We got to step way back.|It'll be fun. {48664}{48714}Look at that shit! {48723}{48817}Oh, man, we're going to get|so busted. Let's get out of here. {49147}{49182}What happened, man? {49187}{49270}You tripped over that object|in the ground. You're knocked out. {49331}{49392}That thing's an atom bomb, man. {49441}{49475}I got an idea. {49499}{49551}"Rubbernecker's tour bus... " {49556}{49633}"... the Grand Canyon's number one|purveyor of fine bus tours. " {49651}{49718}I still don't see why we're going|to their tour bus company. {49723}{49815}Don't you see? All the tourists at the|Canyon that day my parents lost me... {49820}{49848}...they had cameras. {49853}{49913}You can't tell me in all|those pictures they took... {49919}{50018}...there won't be some that|accidentally have me and my parents. {50023}{50097}The company will have records|of who used the tour that day. {50103}{50154}That was more than ten years ago. {50159}{50225}Besides, they won't just hand|the records over to us. {50231}{50281}We're just an Indian and some guy. {50287}{50394}You can't have "no" in your heart.|"No" is not an option, brother. {50399}{50453}You're not just an Indian,|you're Kicking Wing. {50461}{50544}All right? And one day, you'll|be Kicking Wing, Animal Doctor. {50549}{50607}Then you should change your name|to Kicking Ass. {50736}{50855}Oh, man! Swerve them potholes.|You know, because of the atom bomb. {51103}{51217}One swing and this here ball-peen|hammer will trigger this A-bomb... {51223}{51306}...and it'll blow up the whole city,|maybe even half the country. {51311}{51339}Now here's what I need. {51344}{51391}I need you to give me the records... {51395}{51477}...of everybody who toured|the Grand Canyon on them buses... {51483}{51529}...June 13, 1979. {51572}{51666}I'm not messing around.|I hit it and it goes bang. All right? {51688}{51736}Now while I'm up here waiting... {51779}{51811}- You.|- Me? {51815}{51855}Show me them boobies. {52111}{52184}Now even you liked the way|that chick looked. Didn't you? {52189}{52229}"Even me?" What's that mean? {52235}{52324}Just saying, I'm beginning to doubt|your hetero street credentials. {52329}{52370}You never put the moves on Brandy. {52375}{52426}Well, she's too beautiful. {52431}{52456}She's way too hot for me. {52461}{52522}He has no idea that Brandy|even likes him. {52527}{52595}- His voice is so sexy.|- I wonder what he looks like. {52607}{52644}You're there with an atom bomb. {52655}{52725}Could be fat man or little boy.|We'll nail that down later. {52731}{52775}Did you get the names you wanted? {52780}{52844}Yeah, I did, but by the way,|it was no atom bomb. {52849}{52944}Turns out some skateboarder slapped|a Biohazard band sticker... {52948}{53024}...on the side of this septic tank|for an RV. {53029}{53082}Cops knew it wasn't a bomb right away. {53087}{53143}Yeah. Who hasn't seen|that scenario played out? {53151}{53209}It's just an old crapper tank, people. {53315}{53369}- It's poo!|- Take it away! {53375}{53401}Stop it! {53407}{53496}- It stinks! Get it out of here!|- Somebody help me! Help me! {53531}{53611}Is it done? How much is in there? {53616}{53665}I got the poo on me. {53671}{53718}You are so pathetic. {53723}{53760}They decided not to arrest me. {53765}{53832}They said being covered in that|stinky stuff was punishment enough. {53837}{53860}Don't you get it? {53865}{53958}Stinky stuff is your milieu.|Okay? This is your deal: {53963}{54039}You are an underachievement|nexus in the universe. {54044}{54091}It'll always be like this, Joey. {54096}{54175}But you got to keep going.|I won't quit. That's not an option. {54180}{54271}You gotta keep on keeping on. Life's|a garden, dig it, make it work for you. {54275}{54357}You never give up, man.|That's my philosophy. You hear that? {54363}{54436}What drives me crazy and fascinates me|at the same time... {54441}{54540}.. is you are so unrelentingly|upbeat about your plight. {54576}{54662}I need more. I'll be honest,|I want to see you in here tomorrow. {54667}{54729}I want to hear more|of the saga of Joe Dirt. {54743}{54772}All right. Thanks, guys. {54817}{54842}All right, Joe. {54863}{54888}Yeah, baby. {56388}{56461}You're listening|to the Zander Kelly show on KXLA. {56467}{56576}All right. Good morning, troops. This|is Zander Kelly, and you, of course... {56581}{56680}...are careening headlong into another|hellish day in that tiny existence... {56692}{56737}...you laughingly refer to... {56742}{56806}...as your life.|I'm here with Joe Dirt. {56817}{56905}The tale couldn't be told in one day.|We asked you back today. {56910}{57009}The joint looks great, the toilets|are freshly scrubbed... {57014}{57066}...the floor is spic-and-span... {57071}{57130}Did you use the stuff|with the tiny scrubbing bubbles? {57135}{57217}They clean the bowl|so you don't have to! {57236}{57268}- No, I didn't.|- Yesterday- {57277}{57386}Provide a back-story for the listeners.|You were covered in crap... {57391}{57484}...and you're a complete loser.|Have I nailed the pertinent facts? {57489}{57590}Let me emphasize to the listeners|those are your words, not mine. {57608}{57635}Sorry, Billy Jack. {57640}{57705}So now you have a bunch of names... {57710}{57802}...of people who might have|a photograph of you and your parents. {57808}{57891}Right, a big bunch of names.|So now I got to span the country... {57896}{57988}...to find these people to see if|anybody's got a photo from that day. {58008}{58096}"Anderson, Anders, Aznoff... " {58101}{58222}You mean, all these people were|on them tour buses that day? {58227}{58294}It will take forever, man.|But I got to do it. {58312}{58345}I wish you luck. {58352}{58403}I hope you find|what you're looking for. {58408}{58461}Remember that town|you're always talking about. {58466}{58536}- Yeah, Silvertown, man.|- Yes, Silvertown. {58541}{58594}You make it sound wonderful. {58599}{58653}So you've always got Silvertown. {58658}{58698}Remember that, Joe Dirt. {58703}{58790}You remember to keep on keeping on,|and you'll be a veterinarian. {58795}{58851}I believe people get|what they really want. {58856}{58931}Especially a cool guy like you,|Kicking Wing. You know what? {58936}{59004}You're my first real friend,|outside of Charlie and Brandy. {59223}{59272}That's good. Good stuff. {59284}{59334}That hug was completely asexual. {59339}{59374}He kind of snuck it up on me. {59379}{59434}Whatever you gotta tell yourself. {59478}{59524}I love you, Joe Dirt! {59668}{59706}I hit the road with my names list... {59711}{59791}...looking for tourists who might|have photos of my folks. {59807}{59885}I hit pay dirt when I got a job|with a traveling carnival. {59890}{59944}That's when things|got a little weird. {61296}{61321}Dang. {61549}{61589}Can I go again? Please? {61594}{61640}No. It's time to go home. {61645}{61729}I got you. Who's this chick|over here? Is that your girlfriend? {61734}{61794}You should see my girlfriend.|You'd shit yourself. {61808}{61883}Really? I tell you what:|I'll give you a free spin. {61888}{61934}I'll talk to your lady friend. {62036}{62087}Good job, sir. Keep them straight. {62092}{62116}Good strategy. {62120}{62193}The carnival worker life|keeps me free and untethered. {62207}{62328}That's why I was attracted to you.|I could tell you were an outlaw. {62333}{62402}Is that right? I'm kind of|an outlaw through and through, baby. {62432}{62492}- Damn!|- Good toss there, sir. Good one. {62497}{62565}You know, society's got|no hold on this outlaw. {62588}{62644}- Damn it!|- All right. Real close. {62655}{62750}I'm like a bird. Actually more|like a hard-ass pterodactyl. {62776}{62802}This is bullshit! {62808}{62890}God forbid you don't win after|throwing only two quarters, man. {62895}{62951}It's a business. It ain't UNICEF. {62956}{63001}I got a good mind to take my outlaw... {63006}{63075}Yeah, you better walk away, hard-ass. {63109}{63144}- Some people. Right?|- I know. {63214}{63276}So later on today I'll pick up|my Hemi Roadrunner. {63281}{63325}That's right. I said Hemi. {63340}{63370}A Hemi. {63381}{63420}Balls to the wall. {63429}{63511}I left it here. Friend's house.|Got towed two years ago. {63516}{63573}But I'll pick it up this afternoon. {63578}{63651}I might need a pretty little lady|to sit on the front seat with me... {63656}{63724}...while I break her in.|The car, I mean. {63738}{63769}What do you say? {63797}{63834}That's a big ten-four. {63922}{63992}I got a big date tonight.|I'm here to pick up my ride. {64001}{64025}License and registration. {64030}{64062}Yes, sir. {64067}{64120}She'll freak out|when she sees my wheels. {64170}{64241}Total impound fees come to $3496. {64246}{64292}Plus 35 bucks for the tow. {64297}{64357}3000! That's more I paid|for the whole car! {64392}{64467}- Interesting. Want it or not?|- Well, yeah, but... {64472}{64526}...I think all I got's like 450 bucks. {64531}{64577}This is a business, not a charity. {64582}{64644}Maybe one day UNICEF will get|into the impound business... {64649}{64714}...but until then,|we're the people to see. {64764}{64861}I tell you what I could do. I could|sell you a car for 450 bucks, but... {64884}{64912}...it won't be no Hemi. {65263}{65297}I thought you had a Hemi. {65309}{65393}Yeah, I had to have|a footprint gas pedal installed. {65398}{65432}So I stole this pile. {65493}{65534}My outlaw. {65568}{65608}That's right. Let's go. {65763}{65818}So I had fun tonight. {65823}{65904}Even though you took me to|the carnival that I was already at. {65908}{66003}I had fun too. Hey, listen.|Can I ask you a question? {66011}{66088}If I told you you had a beautiful body,|would you hold it against me? {66093}{66151}Sure would. Want to go to my place? {66156}{66191}Sure do. {66285}{66373}All right, so finish your story.|Why do you live with foster parents? {66378}{66435}Because when I was nine|or ten years old... {66440}{66534}...my parents pulled over to look|at the big dinosaur in California. {66539}{66588}The next thing I knew, they're gone. {66620}{66659}Wait a minute.|Did you have a brother? {66664}{66756}I did. So, you want|to go back in the house? {66761}{66804}We can have sex. {66868}{66965}She's your sister, dude! She's|gotta be! You made out with her! {66970}{67034}What's wrong with you, you pervert?! {67040}{67136}I didn't know she was my sister when|I kissed her, so it's not my fault. {67141}{67211}And she's one of the hottest girls|on the planet. {67229}{67353}You just said your sister's hot! What|a freak! You're going to hell, man! {67372}{67440}I gotta tell her what happened,|why I got weird. {67445}{67532}And for God's sakes,|I gotta treat her like a sister. {67705}{67753}We've got questions coming in from... {67758}{67815}The phones are going nuts.|That was a bombshell. {67820}{67870}Wait, man. I found out later... {67875}{67915}...she wasn't my sister. {67920}{67944}Thank God! {67949}{68028}Thank God, dude.|That was gonna be a little much. {68038}{68125}So I did a real bad thing there|because... {68132}{68185}...I think you're my sister. {68211}{68270}Is that all? No. {68275}{68352}My family's last name is Buckwalter.|My brother's name is Cletus. {68357}{68457}So you see, we're not related.|We can have sex again. {68619}{68695}Joe, what's the matter?|Don't I turn you on? {68700}{68759}I don't know what the problem is. {68764}{68846}Would it help if you went back|to thinking I'm your sister? {68852}{68920}Like I'm some|sort of white-trash perv?! {68925}{68979}I'm your sister. I'm your sister. {68984}{69029}Oh, you're my sister! {69056}{69092}I'm kidding. {69097}{69166}I just made that last part up|for laughs, you guys. {69181}{69285}Let's break it off for today. Haul|your mangy ass in here tomorrow... {69296}{69422}...and we will continue the fascinating|saga that I'm now referring to as... {69428}{69481}...the legend of Dirty Joe. {70094}{70182}Hi, this is Brandy. I'm not here|right now. Please leave a message. {70199}{70287}Hey, Brandy, it's Joe.|I'm out in L.A. {70292}{70378}They got me on the radio station|telling my story to everybody. {70390}{70452}I didn't get to the sad part yet. {70457}{70540}I'm guessing you had reasons|for doing what you did. {70567}{70651}And I guess I'm just calling|to say goodbye. {70672}{70716}I miss you, Brandy. {71055}{71131}You're listening to the|Zander Kelly show on KXLA. {71136}{71246}Good morning, L.A. Zander here. We're|sitting with the king of dirt-balls... {71251}{71317}...Mr. Joe Dirt. You know,|last night I went home... {71322}{71411}...rented Andromeda Strain just so|I could simulate immersion... {71416}{71499}...into that bacteriologically unsound|world you call your day-to-day life. {71504}{71578}I know where you live.|I've got you in my crosshairs now. {71583}{71647}We're gonna go back to your story.|Pick it up. {71652}{71684}Now what really happened was... {71692}{71776}...I had a car now, so I left to go|running down the names on my list... {71781}{71846}...looking for people who took|those photos at the Grand Canyon. {71851}{71905}Somewhere in Indiana, I hit a snag. {71910}{71990}I found a guy who had pictures,|but he turned out to be a freak. {72023}{72063}I guess this is the place. {72068}{72121}Buffalo Bob's kind of a weird name. {72126}{72198}But people say Joe Dirt's|a weird name. And how cool am I? {72221}{72245}Excuse me, sir? {72267}{72296}Hey, there, young fella. {72301}{72356}I'm looking for Buffalo Bob. {72361}{72418}Real name's Tim. How can I help you? {72423}{72504}I want to talk to you about the time|you went to the Grand Canyon. {72514}{72543}Why don't you come inside? {72548}{72604}- What did you say your name was?|- Joe Dirt. {72650}{72685}Joe Dirt. {72690}{72817}It puts the lotion on. You have no|idea what kind of hell I can bring you! {72822}{72923}Oh, all right! Enough,|you broken record! Okay! {72928}{72984}I've been here two weeks.|What do you want? {72989}{73056}It put the lotion on its skin. Now! {73061}{73157}Well, say it, don't spray it,|brother. Dang. {73162}{73227}- I need a towel now.|- It does what it's told! {73274}{73385}There, look, I'm putting the lotion|on the skin. I'm rubbing it in. {73480}{73559}To tell you the truth, brother,|between you and me... {73564}{73646}...that thing with the dog|is coming off a little fruity. {73656}{73684}That's just me talking. {73725}{73816}Where's my supplies? Come on.|I thought we had a deal. {73823}{73892}Oh, for Christ's sake! Here! {73943}{74028}Yee! Auto Trader Ooh, August.|I don't got this one. {74033}{74068}There are some deals in here. {74073}{74156}Oh, check this out.|"'71 'Cuda, plum crazy purple. " {74160}{74207}This guy wants fourteen grand. {74212}{74324}What?! I give him $7500. I used to|have one of these. This guy's crazy. {74329}{74404}We have the place surrounded.|Come out with your hands in the air. {74492}{74536}Hey, a little help? {74564}{74612}- Get him!|- Man in a hole. {74624}{74690}- Down here.|- Stay on your back. {74696}{74740}I hear people. {74804}{74862}It puts the Joe Dirt in the hole. {74893}{74931}He was gonna flay you alive... {74936}{75011}...and use your skin to cover himself|like a Joe Dirt trench coat. {75016}{75109}That's gross, man. I think these|are pictures from the Grand Canyon. {75114}{75206}He's taken hundreds of photos over|the years, looking for skin he liked. {75211}{75301}He wanted to wear skin with the wiener|tucked under, kind of like a woman. {75308}{75344}That's sick, man. {75351}{75397}I think that's little me|in a garbage can. {75437}{75509}No way! And that's my dad and my mom. {75519}{75584}And this is our car. And it's got... {75598}{75632}...Louisiana plates. {75637}{75688}Hell, yeah! I'm going to Louisiana! {75818}{75860}So I cruised down to New Orleans... {75865}{75955}...and found a base of operations|for my search at a local grade school. {75960}{76014}I was going to be a janitor. {76023}{76112}Mostly mopping. Once in a while,|you got a problem with the boiler. {76117}{76173}You have to hit it with a hammer.|But it's a good job. {76178}{76235}Yeah, it's all right.|I appreciate this job, man. {76240}{76315}This'll be a good base for me|while I look for my parents. {76320}{76360}I got a picture of them. {76514}{76544}I don't recognize them. {76576}{76644}If you find them, you'll tell them|what happened to you? {76691}{76777}That Buffalo Bob thing?|There's not much to tell. {76782}{76815}I heard some things. {76820}{76869}It's not good. He's a bad guy. {76874}{76925}What exactly did you hear? {76930}{76982}The past is past. The future's now. {77021}{77082}That's true. Amen to that. {77099}{77186}Are you from around here?|Your accent sounds like New York. {77191}{77229}No. From here. {77234}{77317}Born and raised, though not here. {77322}{77363}Over in Kansas. {77416}{77441}Is this your wife? {77458}{77490}Ex-wife. {77495}{77588}She was shot six times.|New York City. I mean Kansas. {77635}{77740}She was something. Her eyes|were something azure, you know? {77744}{77818}Honey-blonde hair. Her body. {77838}{77896}Her legs went on for days. {77904}{78016}If she was here right now, maybe we'd|have a house with a little fence... {78021}{78076}...up in Silvertown,|that place you talk about. {78090}{78138}That's a nice place. {78189}{78221}You really loved her. {78229}{78253}I miss her. {78300}{78416}Clem, a kid puked in the cafeteria|again. We need a cleanup right away. {78432}{78456}I'm on it. {78529}{78556}That's you. {78696}{78770}- I'm Joe. Where's the throw up?|- Over there. {78775}{78820}I'll clean it up lickety-split. {78828}{78896}Speaking of lickety-split, let's|meet up later, see what's going on. {78901}{78959}I'm kidding.|But seriously, let's hook up. {78964}{79036}I'm new in town, kind of lonely,|looking for my parents. {79075}{79164}The puke pile's right over there.|It's a pretty big pile of puke. {79188}{79237}So clean the puke. Okay. {79280}{79328}Well, well. Lookie here. {79373}{79408}Corn off the cob. {79477}{79526}This kid should get his money back. {79541}{79601}- The janitor's going to eat the puke.|- They're hilarious, huh? {79621}{79716}I won't. I'm a vegetarian|and looks like there's some meat. {79752}{79792}I like kids. They seem to like- {79813}{79837}They seem to like me. {79968}{80041}I'll try the old reverse psychology. {80070}{80141}I like getting hit with hot dogs.|It don't bother me. {80221}{80284}Guess I'm lucky it wasn't|hot chili day today. {80344}{80391}Okay, class.|Let's hear these results. {80396}{80481}If my calculations are correct,|this will create ice. {80540}{80599}Killer mustard gas! {80804}{80837}What'd you say? {80905}{81005}You're talking to me all wrong.|It's the wrong tone. {81010}{81087}Do it again, I'll stab you in the face|with a soldering iron. {81092}{81165}Is that right?|Let me ask you something. {81216}{81263}Does your mother sew? {81332}{81375}Get her to sew that! {81543}{81623}You'd think the stupid punks|could think of something funnier than: {81627}{81682}"Don't eat it! Here's a hot dog. " {81894}{81959}What's going on, man?|Did you kick their asses? {81968}{82059}- He saved us from the mustard gas.|- You saved our lives, Clem. {82064}{82091}Not me. {82096}{82128}That's the guy! {82134}{82179}You're the one that carried us out. {82184}{82282}Shut up, you hard-on.|That's the guy! That's the hero. {82290}{82362}All right. Well, then,|thank God for Joe Dirt. {82368}{82418}- Oh, no, man. It wasn't me.|- That's Joe Dirt! {82424}{82463}Joe Dirt! Joe Dirt! {82604}{82639}Come on, Joe Dirt! {82660}{82709}How does it feel to be a hero, Joe? {82714}{82763}Well, it's like this... {82768}{82810}Probably feels pretty good. {82815}{82876}Especially after that brutal|run-in with Buffalo Bob. {82882}{82942}I don't know why you ask me.|Nothing happened. {82948}{82991}That's not what I heard. {82996}{83031}What's the deal with your haircut? {83036}{83095}It's a wig. I was born|without the top of my skull. {83100}{83152}Everybody, I'm looking for my parents. {83158}{83247}Here's a picture of them. It's taken|15 years ago at the Grand Canyon. {83252}{83338}If anybody has any information|on their whereabouts... {83343}{83378}...please call this number. {83383}{83463}You might get a machine, but if|a girl answers, her name is Brandy. {83468}{83556}Give her your info.|I appreciate any help I can get. {83562}{83635}That being said,|here's the real scoop. {83640}{83699}I ain't the guy that saved them kids. {83730}{83754}I'm sorry, man. {83767}{83814}Here's the real hero. {83823}{83926}His name is Clem Doore, from Josette,|Louisiana. He's a friend of mine. {83931}{83955}Oh, no. {83960}{84015}He's your real hero, people, not me. {84138}{84202}Let's go. Come on, come on.|Move it, move it. {84207}{84294}Move your asses. Okay, this is|where that rat-bastard lives. {84299}{84344}You two shoot him low, you high. {84350}{84400}I'll shoot him|right through his heart. {84427}{84508}That's it. Come on, let's move it.|Kick it in! Kick it in! {84990}{85018}What happened here? {85026}{85085}- Don't I know you?|- What's going on? {85090}{85113}Wait a minute. {85118}{85199}You're that guy that had that|run-in with that psycho. Buffalo Bob. {85211}{85247}Yeah. It was really no big deal. {85252}{85318}No big deal! That's not what I heard. {85323}{85350}Is Clem all right? {85360}{85383}No, he's dead. {85392}{85427}He's dead? What happened? {85432}{85506}Your buddy Clem's real name|was Anthony Benedetti. {85511}{85582}He was a former boss|of the Cameleri crime family. {85587}{85659}He was in town here on the|Federal Witness Relocation program. {85674}{85734}He turned informer when|the syndicate executed his wife. {85739}{85799}His old cronies must have|somehow found he was here... {85804}{85838}...and they came and killed him. {85850}{85935}He killed all of them too.|It's a big mess. {86007}{86058}Oh, my God, man. This is my fault. {86163}{86254}Be cool, let me talk to him|for a second? He's a friend of mine. {86259}{86314}- This is my fault.|- Go ahead. {86327}{86376}I didn't know you didn't|want to be on TV. {86382}{86457}I just tried to get the word out|about my parents. I'm so sorry. {86462}{86510}Maybe you'll find your wife in heaven. {86515}{86575}She'll be just how you remembered her. {86583}{86644}Them big doe eyes. {86659}{86734}That soft honey-blonde hair. {86747}{86815}Smooth tan skin. {86827}{86885}Huge, pert rack. {86890}{86990}Long legs going up that tight butt. {87098}{87159}Clem, you asshole, are you alive? {87208}{87283}They're pretending I'm dead,|so's they can move me. {87288}{87359}I just didn't know you were in|this Witness Protection thing. {87364}{87433}I never would have said|your name on TV, man. {87438}{87516}I found it was time to move on anyway.|You know, maybe... {87522}{87582}...find a better town. {87606}{87655}There's something you|should think about. {87660}{87776}I was thinking about that car.|The Rambler Wagon. That's a rare car. {87782}{87873}People would remember|selling a car like that. {87878}{87902}Where's that dead guy? {87907}{87943}Wait. Joe, wait. {87966}{88035}Take care, Joe Dirt. {88062}{88102}Watch my hair. {88126}{88238}Yep, those came with a 6-cylinder|258 automatic. The three on the tree. {88243}{88289}Sleek-looking, weren't they? {88294}{88334}For sure, man. How many? {88346}{88443}That's what I'm trying to call up.|Let's see. In Louisiana... {88448}{88515}...1968, we sold... {88519}{88586}Doggy! 73 of those little buggers. {88591}{88683}You tell me your daddy's name,|I'll tell you where he bought it. {88688}{88762}I don't know his name.|That's what I'm trying to find out. {88799}{88909}Well, then. The best I can do|is give you a printout... {88914}{88968}...of all 73 people|who bought the car. {88974}{89083}Later, if you come up with their|last name, you can go on from there. {89088}{89170}I'm only doing all of this because|I heard that Buffalo Bob guy... {89175}{89221}...shoved a road flare|up your bunghole. {89226}{89250}What? {89260}{89295}Hoorah. {89324}{89431}I keep hearing about him. Nothing|happened with him. Nothing weird. {89446}{89531}Anyway, that list had names|from all over the state. {89536}{89596}But I was flat broke.|No money for gas. {89601}{89695}So I found a job, and that led|to the biggest break in my case yet. {89726}{89767}I don't know, Joe. {89771}{89866}The way you describe that town|out in the northwest, Silvertown... {89871}{89938}Hell, I have half a mind|to move there myself. {89958}{90018}- Can I ask you a question?|- Sure, honey. Shoot. {90051}{90099}Your mom and dad still alive? {90120}{90150}No. {90160}{90206}Did they die? {90231}{90266}One night... {90278}{90350}...they got swallowed up by|the biggest gator we ever had. {90355}{90389}Before they died... {90394}{90475}...they killed that gator from|the inside by punching out his heart. {90479}{90508}That's brutal. {90514}{90602}The brutal part, later that night,|I took my mama's hedge clippers... {90607}{90693}...and cut open that gator|and pulled my folks out of its belly. {90698}{90802}I couldn't stand the thought of my|parents turning into alligator shit. {90826}{90884}God, I hate these nasty things! {90959}{91007}If I met the right man... {91014}{91059}...I mean, hell, I'd just... {91066}{91142}...shut this old gator farm|down and... {91175}{91274}But you know, you probably don't want|to hear all my problems, huh? {91287}{91344}The gator show's about to start. {91367}{91419}I better go. It's showtime. {91499}{91587}There's three things to remember|when dealing with a deadly alligator. {91592}{91654}And they are deadly.|Don't kid yourself. {91660}{91738}Rule number one: I'm number one. {91754}{91783}You hear that? {91799}{91899}I like to kid around. Rule two, the|croc's number two. Before we begin- {91904}{91940}What's rule three? {91944}{91970}What's that? {91978}{92011}Kid, give me a break, now. {92016}{92042}Don't know rule three? {92047}{92140}You want a match? My face|and your ass. How about that, friend? {92146}{92198}I mean, your ass and my face. {92206}{92229}Here we go. {92234}{92320}I'm a bit of a crocophile,|so don't try this at home. {92326}{92345}Don't worry. {92350}{92388}This here is Rocky. {92402}{92430}And he ain't no puppy. {92444}{92503}Let's see if Rocky's|got some cavities. {92567}{92631}This mo-fo knows not to mess... {92636}{92698}...with Sir Joseph Dirt. {92726}{92786}You didn't listen to me! {92947}{92983}Come on, now! Rocky! {93222}{93310}Oh, when bad pets go bad. Dang! {93363}{93391}Are you all right? {93527}{93619}It's like the cartoons.|I'm seeing all tweet-tweet. {93627}{93684}Joe, what can I do for you? {93691}{93737}You're not making any sense. {93742}{93782}Not making... {93808}{93847}Not making... {93884}{93951}That's why Dad named you Joe Dirt|instead of Nunamaker! {93966}{94002}Nunamaker. {94007}{94043}Nunamaker. {94058}{94130}That's what my sister said|on the way to Grand Canyon. {94136}{94207}My last name is Dirt.|Her last name is Nunamaker. {94212}{94251}That's my parents' last name. {94286}{94367}I checked my list of Rambler Wagons,|and there it was, Nunamaker... {94372}{94430}...Baton Rouge, Louisiana. {94451}{94485}I was finally home. {94683}{94707}Sir? {94724}{94795}Mister. You know the people|that live here? Nunamaker? {94826}{94850}They moved. {94858}{94882}What's that? {94887}{94938}Moved! They moved. {94946}{95043}About fifteen year ago.|Had a little boy... {95054}{95099}...has that same haircut you got. {95131}{95171}Goddamn, you out-of-date, boy. {95182}{95248}Yeah, man, that little boy, that's me. {95258}{95320}My parents were... This was my home. {95330}{95383}I thought this was it this time. {95388}{95430}No. Home is where you make it. {95450}{95490}You like to see homos naked? {95534}{95566}Home is where you make it. {95580}{95641}You like to see homos naked.|That's cool. {95646}{95726}No, no, no, no, no.|Home is where you make it. {95732}{95790}Home, where you make it. {95815}{95883}Everybody know that. Goddamn, boy. {95915}{95990}Guy likes to see homos naked.|That don't help me. {96230}{96299}So there I was, right back where|I started all those years ago... {96303}{96363}...and no closer|to finding my parents. {96431}{96491}I think a little part of me|died right there. {96496}{96574}But you know that saying,|"Things get the darkest before dawn?" {96658}{96739}I thought I had broken my ass-bone,|so I tried not to move. {96744}{96781}I lay there, staring at the moon... {96786}{96875}...and for the first time in my life,|I think about not getting back up. {96880}{96954}Maybe I'll just lie there|for the rest of my life. {96959}{97052}But then, suddenly,|while staring up at the moon... {97080}{97140}...I had this strange feeling|that exact moment... {97146}{97236}...Brandy was staring at|that same moon. And we were together. {97242}{97301}Just then, all the tumblers|fell into place. {97306}{97394}This door opened in my head.|All at once, I understood everything. {97399}{97453}You have to find the real answer|inside yourself. {97458}{97540}And the answer for me was|that I had a home all along... {97546}{97618}...with a friend who really|cared about me, Brandy. {97623}{97674}I missed her like crazy,|and I decided... {97679}{97742}...it was time to go home.|My search was over. {97943}{98006}Wish I hadn't gotten a machine.|It's me, Joe. {98011}{98063}I got some crazy stuff to tell you. {98068}{98143}But the most important part is,|I'm coming back to Silvertown. {98148}{98232}I can't wait to see you|and tell you everything. Brandy... {98238}{98282}Message deleted. {99094}{99191}Well, well, well.|If it isn't dirty Joe Dirt. {99196}{99222}What's crappening? {99227}{99291}Don't get smart with me,|you motherless dirt bag. {99308}{99339}You been here long enough. {99344}{99374}I'm here to see Brandy. {99379}{99423}Brandy? My Brandy? {99428}{99501}You haven't heard?|Me and her are getting married. {99506}{99553}Besides, she don't want|to see you anyway. {99558}{99598}- I don't believe that.|- It's true. {99610}{99655}She found your stupid parents. {99660}{99712}- What?|- She found them in California. {99718}{99774}But she didn't want to tell you,|because she wants you gone... {99779}{99850}...out on the road, looking|for nothing, so you won't be here. {99855}{99923}She's sick of all your crap.|She's sick of helping you. {99934}{99991}And she's just plain sick of you. {99996}{100044}She wouldn't do that. I know Brandy. {100050}{100122}She'd tell me about my parents.|I don't care how sick of me she is. {100127}{100183}Check out this note she left me. {100188}{100243}In case you called and I answered. {100291}{100339}"Dear Robbie... {100375}{100490}...if Joe calls, don't tell him... {100495}{100590}...I found his parents. {100610}{100698}I'll be back in a few days. " {100706}{100761}See, she signed it|right there. "Brandy. " {100766}{100823}"X-O-X-O." {100832}{100858}That's right, Dirt. {100867}{100955}Nobody wants you in this town.|Nobody wants you around, period! {101039}{101083}Look at him, fellas. {101088}{101190}You crying, boy? Maybe we'll go|back down to McDonald's... {101195}{101247}...and get you a whamburger|and French cries! {101254}{101298}How about a Whineken! {101304}{101346}You little sissy boy! {101355}{101391}Def Leppard sucks! {101541}{101619}For the record, I wasn't crying.|There was dirt in my eyes. {101623}{101691}Joey, it's not cutting it, man.|It's jive. {101696}{101756}- Everything I just said is true.|- No. {101760}{101862}Brandy. Brandy is jive.|I want to get her on the phone now. {101868}{101948}I want to track her down and ask her|why she was playing games with you. {101953}{101995}No, you don't need to bother her. {102000}{102027}Get line 3 on speaker. {102032}{102152}I'm fine. Everything is cool. I got|a place in Malibu, lots of friends. {102157}{102188}I do worry about you. {102193}{102263}Because you're living|in a boiler room, Joe. {102267}{102295}I got a couple places. {102300}{102348}You know what, Joey? I think you... {102369}{102465}I can't believe I'm saying-|I think we need some resolution here. {102470}{102504}We need a little closure. {102509}{102601}I want to ask her, "What the hell|was going on back then?" {102606}{102658}Did she find your parents? {102664}{102755}And if she did,|why couldn't she have called you? {102820}{102879}Well, well, well. The famous Brandy. {102883}{102938}Tokyo rose of the trailer park. {102944}{103008}Brandy, I'm sitting here|with a friend of yours. {103013}{103107}A little white-trash treasure|that you might know as Joe Dirt. {103111}{103138}Ring a bell? {103144}{103186}- Joe?|- Yeah, Joe. {103191}{103263}I don't think he wants to talk|to you, Brandy. You know why? {103267}{103373}Because the last few days, my listeners|and I have heard an amazing story. {103378}{103459}When he first started this story,|I thought of you as a good person... {103463}{103571}...but the more it went down the road,|I'm not sure you are a good person. {103576}{103636}Why didn't you tell him|you'd found his parents? {103648}{103723}Oh, my God. How did he find out? {103736}{103817}The letter Robbie showed Joe|is true? You wrote that? {103831}{103936}Yes. I wrote that letter because|I wanted to tell Joe in person. {103964}{104019}Months went by,|and he never came home. {104023}{104087}Joe, I did find|where your parents were. {104109}{104172}Joe, brace yourself for this. {104232}{104283}Your parents are dead, Joe. {104303}{104359}They died that day|at the Grand Canyon. {104364}{104434}Their car was hit by|a passing truck, a hit and run. {104439}{104487}I'm so sorry. {104502}{104554}But your search is over. {104560}{104669}Come home, Joe.|So I can take care of you. {104725}{104760}Oh, man. {104870}{104900}I've got to go. {104905}{104929}Sure. {105069}{105135}All right. We'll take a break. {105402}{105437}He's Joe Dirt! {105743}{105783}You rule, Joe! You rule! {105840}{105891}Joe Dirt, Joe Dirt... {106039}{106146}The phenomenon of Joe Dirt|has captured the city's imagination. {106152}{106251}The little man, the ordinary person|who endured enormous adversity... {106255}{106342}...and all the while maintained|his positive outlook on life... {106347}{106390}...teaching us along the way... {106395}{106449}"... You can't have|'no' in your heart... " {106454}{106522}...and "Life's a garden. Dig it. " {106528}{106637}Mr. Dirt is seen here meeting one of|his long-time idols, Eddie Money. {107348}{107447}And welcome back to TRL. We are here|with America's sweetheart, Joe Dirt. {107452}{107480}Joe, come back over here. {107485}{107558}We have a show to do here.|People forget we're live. {107564}{107606}You like the window, don't you? {107612}{107671}Before we wrap this up,|anything else you want to say? {107675}{107785}Thanks to the people that stop me|and tell me my story helped them. {107790}{107879}Your story is really cool, like a|Behind the Music without the music. {107884}{108011}Are you depressed? Your parents, who|you'd looked for all along were dead. {108015}{108072}Was the last decade a complete waste? {108077}{108160}No one's really put it like that,|but I don't think so. {108165}{108250}I've had good times, met cool people,|cruised around, cranked some tunes. {108255}{108315}What about Brandy?|Any chance you'll hook back up? {108336}{108448}She's a good friend of mine and she's|off doing her own thing right now... {108453}{108524}...but I've always said she's|a little too hot for old Joe Dirt. {108531}{108555}I agree. {108559}{108653}So does America, in our latest|"Is Brandy too hot for Joe Dirt?" poll. {108658}{108697}61 percent of you agreed. {108702}{108768}Even worse, four percent|said the dog was too hot for you. {108778}{108847}I'm just kidding.|You're on TRL California, Joe Dirt. {108851}{108879}Hello, California. {108899}{108932}Hey, wait... {108937}{109044}Am I on? I'm on?!|Hey, baby, I'm on! Yeah. {109048}{109108}Hey, Carson, how big is your Johnny? {109113}{109193}- Happy hour started a little early.|- A little drinky-drinky. {109198}{109295}The reason I'm really calling|is Joe Dirt's parents ain't dead. {109300}{109395}I'm looking at his father|right now and I'm his mama. {109400}{109460}Ma'am, you should never|drink the bong water. {109465}{109495}Yeah. Listen to him. {109500}{109607}Carson, this where you want to be|when Jesus comes back? Making fun- {109612}{109676}- Sorry, Joe.|- Wait. Where's that call coming from? {109681}{109715}California. {109720}{109744}I got to go. {109778}{109820}So Carson helped me trace the call. {109825}{109927}And it led me to this old trailer park|in Simi Valley, California. {110147}{110177}That's our old car! {110344}{110425}Joe, can I have an exclusive?|Your parents are alive after all? {110481}{110525}Joe, how are you feeling? {110548}{110606}Mom, Dad, is that you? {110660}{110693}Our baby's home. {110716}{110792}We tried so hard to find him.|We looked high and low. {110797}{110834}I got some pictures here. Look. {110839}{110946}Here is a picture of Joe when he|was a baby. You get it? Yeah, baby. {110952}{110987}You were a cute baby. {110991}{111092}That's why we were crazy when we lost|him. He's here and now he's gone. {111097}{111148}Where'd he go? Where did he go? {111200}{111264}- They get it? Where'd he go?|- I was at the Canyon. {111269}{111371}Yeah. You know what? It was right|by the garbage can where you left me. {111387}{111435}Is that where you were? {111439}{111475}Well, I'll be dipped. {111489}{111524}The one place we didn't look. {111529}{111591}I knew you looked for me.|I told everybody you would. {111596}{111658}Was there ever a time|you'd look at the moon... {111663}{111741}...and hoped maybe|I was looking at it too? {111746}{111835}I've been doing this clown thing.|Can everybody get a shot of these? {111839}{111880}Do you see these clown figurines? {111885}{111968}Whenever I used to get sad,|I'd just look at a clown. {111973}{112057}- I just can't stop grinning.|- They're available for purchase. {112068}{112135}We're starting this|clown dot-com kind of a thing. {112140}{112231}I don't mean to interrupt|your clown pitch there, but... {112244}{112352}But how exactly do you not go back|to the place where you saw me? {112432}{112508}Hey, how exactly is a rainbow made? {112513}{112555}How exactly does the sun set? {112560}{112643}How exactly does the posi-trac|rear end on a Plymouth work? {112651}{112709}- It just does.|- It just does. {112714}{112783}I'm not talking about posi-trac,|I'm talking about me. {112801}{112869}How long did you look for me|before you gave up? {112874}{112977}How long were you riding in that car|before you realized I wasn't in it? {113155}{113240}All right. We didn't lose him.|We just left him. {113245}{113287}So what? The dude's doing fine! {113292}{113328}Look at him! {113337}{113441}How could you do that to me? I was|only eight, just a little kid. {113446}{113544}Any idea what it's like to be a kid|and have nobody around to talk to... {113549}{113616}...no one that cares|if you're alive or dead? {113621}{113708}Every day you think you're worthless|and there's a void in your life. {113713}{113747}- Come on, honey.|- Lighten up. {113751}{113783}Lose that frown. {113787}{113857}When you're down, stare at a clown. {113870}{113938}Sit down, sit down.|You're blocking the cameras! {113944}{113972}I don't care about that! {113977}{114024}I don't care about you! {114084}{114155}And I don't want to see you|for another 25 years. {114160}{114247}I wish he'd never found us.|Look what he did to my children. {114279}{114340}- Hey, you're grounded!|- Hey, TV people! {114345}{114432}Wait, don't go away! You don't have|to follow just because he's going! {114907}{114950}Somebody do something. {115022}{115091}Joe, just turn around and come down. {115151}{115183}It's not worth it, Joe. {115220}{115255}We are here at Wallace Bridge... {115260}{115339}...where local celebrity Joe Dirt|is threatening to kill himself. {115356}{115380}Come on, Joe. {115393}{115431}Remember what you said on the show? {115436}{115484}"Life's a garden. Dig it. " {115512}{115547}You got to get down from there. {115552}{115600}You don't want to do this. {115619}{115660}Why not, man? I got nothing. {115671}{115727}I been looking forever|for those people... {115731}{115783}...and everyone lies to me, man. {115792}{115816}I'm worthless. {115980}{116034}Sorry, lady.|You can't cut through here. {116047}{116079}It's me, Brandy! {116084}{116125}Brandy? Like the Brandy? {116147}{116185}Why didn't you say so? Come on. {116205}{116287}- Hey, everybody, Brandy's here!|- Hey, it's Brandy! {116296}{116349}Look, over there! It's her, Dirt! {116452}{116477}I'm here, Joe. {116490}{116557}You told me my parents were dead,|and I saw them. {116562}{116617}They're horrible. Why did you lie? {116625}{116722}They saw the news when you saved those|kids. They thought you got a reward. {116727}{116800}So you did see them first.|So it's just like Robbie said. {116805}{116902}Yes, but once I met them,|I knew I had to protect you from them. {116907}{117014}They're bad people.|You're not like them, Joe. {117019}{117125}They didn't leave you. You left them.|You've gotta see that. {117136}{117171}Joe, if you'd stayed with them... {117189}{117241}...you wouldn't be|as wonderful as you are. {117246}{117301}But Robbie said|you don't want me around. {117306}{117375}He said you were always|laughing at me behind my back. {117380}{117491}Why would Robbie say such a thing?|Of course that's not true. {117501}{117589}I love you, Joe. With all my heart. {117611}{117672}I want to get married|and have little Joe Dirts. {117684}{117728}Come home, Joe. {117733}{117819}You had a home all along.|You just couldn't see it. {117869}{117893}You really love me? {118064}{118112}I roped him with a bungee cord! {118823}{118897}Oh, man.|I just had the weirdest dream. {118902}{118987}You were in it. And so were you. {119053}{119120}Oh, my God. Brandy, I'm home? {119149}{119206}Clem, Charlene, Kicking Wing? {119212}{119291}It's not Clem anymore.|It's Gert B. Frobe. {119301}{119344}Witness Protection relocated me. {119349}{119451}I asked for Silvertown, after what you|said about it. It's wonderful here. {119464}{119488}Hello, Joe Dirt. {119498}{119562}You taught me to sell the good stuff. {119568}{119632}Now I have 30 fireworks stands... {119645}{119704}...which completely fund|my animal shelters. {119709}{119744}It's all because of you, Joe. {119754}{119780}Good job, brother. {119785}{119893}I sold the gator farm after one of|them snapped off some of my fingers. {119898}{119947}I came up here to check up on you... {119952}{120023}...and I met Gert B. Frobe. {120056}{120119}It's a good thing that gator|didn't get my ring finger... {120124}{120169}...because Gert's asked me|to marry him! {120192}{120228}Right on. {120249}{120310}When you were in the hospital|for your head injury... {120315}{120419}...I had the doctor surgically put on|a wig a little more contemporary. {120713}{120782}Dang. That's cool. {120787}{120811}And Joe... {120829}{120885}- ... we have a big surprise for you.|- What's up? {120935}{120999}My Hemi!|You got it out of hock for me? {121045}{121111}- Somebody else wants to get in here.|- Who's that? {121125}{121169}Come on, boy! Come on! {121197}{121224}Looks like Charlie. {121229}{121274}Apparently, back in the day... {121279}{121355}...Charlie had a little sexual|encounter with this one's ma. {121360}{121407}Say hello to Charlie Two. {121413}{121437}Good boy. {121451}{121534}You got a big family now, Joe Dirt.|You better be good to us. {121539}{121563}Oh, I will. {121729}{121840}Hey, Dirt. I thought I told you,|buddy. Nobody wants you around. {121889}{121951}You're talking all wrong.|It's the wrong tone. {121959}{122039}Do it again, I'll stab you|in the face with a soldering iron. {122056}{122112}- You're his dad?|- What if I am? {122156}{122191}What if we're his family? {122296}{122347}At least my car'll|blow his off the road. {122352}{122471}You think you can match that little|slant 6 of yours against his 426 Hemi? {122494}{122547}Then let's do it, little boy! {122554}{122579}That's my girl. {122603}{122637}- Let's ride, Dirt-boy.|- Let's go! {123105}{123182}Now it's time for the good stuff. {123188}{123217}Yeah! Light her up! {123295}{123374}This next song goes out to our|good friend, Joe Dirt, the Dirt-man. {123380}{123437}Wherever you are,|this is for you, buddy. {123442}{123511}Welcome home, Joe.|Welcome home. {123632}{123703}Subtitles by NORDLOEWE LABS