{766}{825}Riggs, you sure we're on|the right street? {842}{870}We must be getting warm. {894}{961}-You see anything?|-Where? I don't see anything. {968}{998}This must be the place. {1004}{1035}Holy shit! {1070}{1103}What the Hell is that? {1204}{1227}Jesus! {1245}{1270}Who's this joker? {1275}{1320}I don't know.|A spokesman for the NRA. {1346}{1371}Regular asshole. {1376}{1405}What do we do now? {1431}{1452}Run him over. {1473}{1517}What if he shoots us with that rifle? {1523}{1594}-He hasn't yet. Maybe he won't.|-What if he does? {1603}{1672}Don't be a Don't-Bee.|Be a Do-Bee. Be positive. {1679}{1699}Positive? {1727}{1784}-Run him over.|-Glad you see things my way. {1790}{1820}I hope he doesn't turn. {1829}{1901}He won't. We'll creep up on him|so he won't notice. {1937}{2020}Will him not to turn.|Power of positive thinking. {2025}{2065}Don't turn.|Will him with me. {2089}{2113}Don't turn around. {2120}{2172}I need you.|Don't turn around! {2199}{2219}Just believe! {2224}{2247}Don't turn around! {2253}{2301}We're better than him. {2307}{2331}We're better! {2377}{2402}He's turning. {2717}{2758}They just bounce off him! {2764}{2798}I saw! We're in trouble! {2820}{2902}Shit! I'll draw his fire.|You run for cover. {2908}{2970}No, I'll draw his fire.|You run for cover. {2974}{3062}Are you crazy?! You got|a wife, kids. I got Less to Lose! {3184}{3212}Get out of here! {3307}{3380}I'm not supposed to tell you,|but Lorna's pregnant. {3443}{3473}What'd you say? {3481}{3538}You'll be a father! {3648}{3731}She was afraid to tell you.|She was afraid you'd get angry. {3738}{3776}You never talked about children? {3788}{3824}-Shit!|-A baby. {4038}{4105}There's something I'm not|supposed to tell you too. {4112}{4193}Rianne's pregnant. You're going|to be a grandfather. {4199}{4224}Rianne's what?! {4361}{4418}Rianne can't be pregnant. {4427}{4470}She's not married. {4476}{4536}I don't think she intended|to get that way. {4827}{4882}They asking me to be a granddaddy? {5575}{5626}Here's what we'll do.|Take your clothes off! {5634}{5655}What for? {5684}{5710}Okay, you run. {5716}{5768}Flame-O sees you in your undies. {5774}{5821}It distracts him,|then I shoot. {5826}{5880}-Shoot what?|-The valve on that napalm tank! {5887}{5922}Before he shoots me? {5928}{5966}-Maybe.|-Maybe?! {6218}{6239}Is he black? {6247}{6293}Too much armor on.|I can't tell! {6299}{6370}No! Not him!|The father of the baby! {6411}{6451}Please Let him be black! {6610}{6645}Get going! Here he comes! {6674}{6702}Are those hearts? {6709}{6763}Not now, Riggs.|Just hit the damn valve! {6767}{6826}Also, flap and make noises|like a bird. {6833}{6874}Flap my arms? Why? {6880}{6934}It'll distract him more.|I need him to turn. {6981}{7022}-On 2!|-We always go on 3. {7028}{7064}No time for 3. 2! {7070}{7122}-What about 1 ?|-Okay. 1 , 2, go! {7128}{7173}I don't want to die in my underwear! {7220}{7272}Why are you waiting?|Shoot the bastard! {8136}{8227}Riggs, you think|that bird thing helped? {8236}{8302}I just wanted to see if you'd do it. {8366}{8400}Cute shorts. {8470}{8500}Go spit! {8540}{8573}I'll buy you a doughnut. {8581}{8634}Don't hug me when I'm naked. {8640}{8690}You're ashamed of your butt? {8905}{8940}He's a lively one. {9018}{9082}That shark hurts my boat,|I take it out on you, Leo. {9088}{9153}-I didn't mean to catch it.|-Why do you want to keep it? {9161}{9203}Yeah, why keep a shark? {9210}{9251}The teeth'll look great on a wall. {9257}{9290}They got to stop snapping first. {9297}{9334}Maybe he'll fall asleep. {9340}{9386}Converse with him.|He'll nod off. {9392}{9469}-He don't look tired.|-Chewing on Leo will wear him out. {9476}{9530}Sharks eat their own kind? {9581}{9620}Stop it!|I'm in stitches! {9669}{9706}Okay, where's my bag? {9713}{9741}Starboard side aft. {9757}{9795}Starboard, that's left, right? {9801}{9870}No, port's left.|Starboard's right. {9889}{9963}Right, yeah. Right side aft.|Got it! {9969}{10020}-Whatever.|-Check both sides. {10028}{10076}Careful!|He's behind you, shark! {10151}{10187}Maybe we should throw him overboard. {10196}{10241}Throw them both overboard. {10271}{10348}No witnesses.|We'd probably get away with it. {10419}{10449}You too? {10536}{10591}I kept my nose out of it. . . {10630}{10675}. . .but you and Lorna. {10712}{10795}You're having a baby,|you're living together. {10823}{10854}You're not marrying. {10889}{10960}Why, does that violate your|family vaIues system? {10973}{11042}I'm just trying to understand. {11091}{11131}Rianne's not married either. {11139}{11191}That's hitting below the belt. {11291}{11345}You know, when I was married. . . {11360}{11406}. . .it was good. You know. {11412}{11475}You put the ring on.|You make the commitment. {11498}{11540}You do all the. . . . {11598}{11636}She's dead because I'm a cop. {11663}{11723}She's dead because I'm a cop|and I. . . . {11730}{11785}I don't wear the ring anymore. . . {11806}{11855}. . .but I look, and it's still there. {11861}{11900}I still feel it. {11942}{12024}It's like I'm not|finished with that yet. {12030}{12084}I can't explain it.|Is that bullshit? {12097}{12145}No. It's not finished. {12171}{12210}It's not finished. {12312}{12367}Okay, you did say ''aft''? {12373}{12413}A-F-T. Aft! {12423}{12453}That's a fucking word? {12468}{12519}In the back on the right side, Leo! {12534}{12602}Why didn't you say that|to begin with, Roger?! {12616}{12717}People get around boats and water,|everything becomes nautical! {12724}{12780}''Astern! Avast, you landlubbers! {12795}{12837}Man the bilge pump! '' {12843}{12886}Pump your fucking ass! {12892}{12920}All right, all right! {12988}{13036}No Problem, no Problem! {13119}{13158}What's Lorna say about it? {13164}{13209}She doesn't like nautical terms either. {13242}{13316}We haven't discussed it.|That's pretty messed up. {13322}{13413}The baby's due in days and you|haven't talked about marrying? {13420}{13447}No. {13456}{13505}I haven't done it at all. {13560}{13601}Do we want Leo to shoot the shark? {13607}{13637}I want Leo to shoot-- {13643}{13663}No, Leo! {13674}{13700}What?! {13742}{13808}-What's the deal?!|-You're shooting a gun on my boat! {13813}{13864}I'm not shooting your boat,|I'm shooting Jaws. {13869}{13962}Nobody's killing it|just to have its teeth! {13967}{14045}You're grumpy since you|Learned you'll be a grandpa. {14052}{14085}Get off of me, will you? {14091}{14127}Don't fool around! {14160}{14216}Some piece of hardware!|Got a permit? {14221}{14270}Of course!|I'm a P.I. now. {14277}{14355}A gumshoe! You get in|ugly situations. I got guns! {14367}{14406}You are an ugly situation. {14411}{14486}You don't deserve this.|You're not safe. {14515}{14547}Smart move, Riggs. {14570}{14592}Shit! {14655}{14677}Hard right! {14728}{14758}You hear shots? {14764}{14814}Coast Guard, this is Code 7. {15012}{15067}We're in L.A. Harbor. {15080}{15110}We got an 07. {15193}{15227}They're getting away! {15233}{15280}Who was it? Do we know? {15306}{15357}No, no, I'll drive! {15429}{15491}-Want me to help?|-Get out of here! {15501}{15527}This your gun? {15533}{15571}Yeah, want Laser surgery? {15578}{15622}You could blind somebody! {15702}{15769}Coast Guard, this is Code 7,|in pursuit of freighter. {15778}{15803}Heading north. {15811}{15852}Awaiting instructions. Over. {15861}{15923}Code 7,|maintain your present course. {15930}{15971}We have a cutter en route. {15987}{16019}Why you slowing down? {16025}{16099}We'll hang here.|Coast Guard'll be here soon. {16105}{16161}-What do we do now?|-Show them our badges. {16168}{16194}LAPD! {16203}{16225}LAPD! {16232}{16274}Los Angeles Police Department! {16278}{16327}We heard gunfire!|The Coast Guard's on the-- {16990}{17054}Coast Guard!|Freighter's on fire! {17061}{17121}-Let's board them.|-What are you talking about?! {17129}{17175}Fire on the freighter! {17296}{17366}Okay, I'm upside.|Now what do you do? {17374}{17418}They're getting away.|Get me up there! {17562}{17597}Hell of a fishing trip! {17602}{17677}Shut up and keep your head down! {17683}{17708}LAPD! {17713}{17782}Stop where you are!|Hold it right there! {17847}{17901}He's got it! He's got it! {17978}{18008}What'd he say? {18014}{18043}Watch his back! {18110}{18149}You didn't say you'd shoot! {18191}{18230}Tie it up! {18271}{18300}Pull it up! {18475}{18502}Great! {18522}{18571}I said keep the boat closer! {18611}{18647}Why listen to Leo? {18868}{18897}Shit! {19135}{19173}You all right, Riggs?! {19240}{19265}Look! {19326}{19356}Shit! {19361}{19401}Jump! Jump! {19548}{19585}Where are you? {19601}{19662}My boat! My new boat! {20080}{20152}-The shark.|-What about the shark? {20160}{20190}Shark! {20256}{20298}Don't leave me! {20626}{20651}Come on! {20916}{20958}-Hurry up!|-I'm coming! {21434}{21463}You'll make it! {21654}{21693}This is all I got left. {22361}{22426}Four sets of papers, totally genuine. {22434}{22502}They'll get in the country|and can stay forever. {22510}{22551}U.S. citizens. {22582}{22630}Ask them to vote the incumbent party. {22636}{22699}Help me keep my State Department job. {22706}{22737}Bloody marvelous! {22746}{22834}They red-flag Asian visas.|Those were hard to slip through. {22855}{22929}The ship's been impounded. {22955}{22982}What about the family? {23013}{23062}We don't know yet. {23074}{23131}Don't worry. I'll take care of it. {23191}{23224}Something wrong? {23278}{23346}A small delivery Problem, Mr. Proody. {23465}{23513}Goodbye. {23518}{23540}Leave! {23708}{23739}I'll find them. {23752}{23779}Now. {25329}{25391}Coast Guard interdicts|about one a month. {25400}{25427}Pretty raggedy-looking. {25435}{25497}Six weeks locked in a hole|with one toilet. {25503}{25586}Rice and some fish to eat.|Lousy deal for 35 grand a head. {25596}{25649}Where'd they get that kind of money? {25657}{25754}Didn't. Got to work it off from|the snakeheads, the smugglers. {25771}{25823}-They sell them as cheap labor.|-Sell them? {25828}{25848}Like sIaves. {25915}{25961}These must be the lucky ones. {25968}{26063}They'll cIaim asyIum. Say they were|persecuted, like everybody eIse. {26072}{26156}We'll send them packing.|Cost you and me a fortune. {26165}{26220}What happened to,|''Bring me your tired, your poor. . . {26226}{26286}. . .your wretched masses,|yearning to be free''? {26299}{26343}Now it reads, ''No vacancies. '' {26361}{26435}I guess your parents|were Native Americans. {26545}{26596}They pop one every boatload. {26607}{26676}Shows the rest what'll happen|if they run off. {26734}{26771}He's nobody's slave now. {26817}{26855}Don't coddle them, move them! {26863}{26919}I see this barrel coming down. {26926}{26983}Murtaugh didn't see it,|so I push him. {26992}{27056}I knock him over.|We're in the water. {27063}{27126}I pull because he can't swim.|I got to save him. {27140}{27221}There's that kid.|What's his name? Bissel? {27228}{27284}-It's a food.|-Burger! {27292}{27327}No, Biscuits or something. {27335}{27400}He always kisses my ass,|gives me coffee and shit. {27406}{27484}Sergeant Riggs, Sergeant Murtaugh.|What are you doing here? {27489}{27555}-That's a long story.|-You're all wet! {27566}{27602}-You need a blanket?|-I'm fine. {27613}{27697}-Somebody get this man a blanket now!|-Yes, sir! {27716}{27793}-Get this body out of here.|-What do we got here? {27800}{27844}Step back, step back. {27884}{27917}Shit! {27926}{27978}He's dead.|He's fucking dead! {27987}{28016}-Shit!|-What? {28023}{28084}This is how he wanted|to come to America? {28091}{28130}Was he in the killing section? {28140}{28186}This guy's been shot four times! {28213}{28275}At close range, like he was executed! {28280}{28309}He was executed. {28314}{28334}By the crew. {28357}{28478}People get killed left, right|and center in this town! {28484}{28525}Now we import victims? {28534}{28612}Gangbangers kill each other,|no Problem! {28619}{28677}One of us gets shot,|occupationaI hazard! {28687}{28787}But just a normal guy?|What did he ever do to anybody?! {28794}{28836}-That ain't right.|-Easy, Biscuits. {28840}{28893}You'll get an ulcer.|Settle down. {28901}{28922}Blanket! {28962}{28992}Sorry, Blankets. {29015}{29054}Sorry, I'm Iosing my head. {29062}{29133}I hate to see bad things|happen to good folk. {29142}{29239}We'd stick around, Butler,|but you're in charge so-- {29247}{29317}You should take this, it's free.|You're all wet. {29325}{29426}-Get some vapor rub on your chest.|-All right, Boogers. {29445}{29489}Hey, get them out of here! {29509}{29546}Get them out of here! {29567}{29631}He takes the job kind of personally. {29636}{29722}Yeah, he's pretty serious, I'd say.|Overzealous. {29727}{29762}Jealous of who? {29767}{29835}-I don't know. Who?|-You said he was jealous. {29840}{29871}You just said-- {29878}{29930}I said he was zealous.|Full of zeal. {29935}{29979}He's loud too. {29985}{30024}-He's loud!|-What? {30035}{30080}We better get up|before the sun's up. {30085}{30120}I got something in the lifeboat. {30127}{30195}That's okay,|I'll catch a squad ride. {30264}{30308}I'm sorry about your boat. {30387}{30440}-I'm sorry.|-Shit! {30447}{30537}Suddenly, a big fucking shark comes--|Can I say that? {30544}{30598}You can say it, but we can't air it. {30604}{30670}So this big darn shark comes along. . . . {30961}{31002}My Code 7. {32118}{32180}-You were coming home last night.|-I'm sorry. {32195}{32227}I had some bad Chinese. {32266}{32310}You look a little banged up. {32318}{32369}You look a little knocked up. {32426}{32461}Are you okay? {32466}{32497}You sure? {32516}{32565}Easy, tiger!|There he goes again. {32571}{32611}There she goes again. {32647}{32667}You okay? {32673}{32738}I'm better than Roger.|His boat sank. {32744}{32820}-Boat sank?|-I had something to do with it. {32826}{32859}No! No grease! {32880}{32940}-Have some cookies.|-What happened? {32974}{33032}Gunfights, explosions, sharks.|The usual. {33043}{33065}Here, boy. {33108}{33133}Thanks. {33140}{33237}You were fishing.|Does trouble go looking for you? {33243}{33341}It seems to know pretty much|where I am most of the time. {33360}{33407}You finished the nursery. {33414}{33440}Yeah, I did. {33445}{33514}It's good for a girl or boy.|Cute, huh? {33519}{33580}It's a dogfest!|Did you get the whole 1 01 ? {33586}{33655}I know. I got a little|carried away with puppies. {33665}{33706}Kid'll probably hate dogs. {33797}{33906}You know, Lorna, we never|ever talked about marriage. {34190}{34244}I figured you didn't want that. {34334}{34376}You want to get married? {34445}{34477}Well, no. {34538}{34568}Me neither. {34601}{34629}Breakfast? {35022}{35081}Serve and Protect. {35089}{35156}Since when do you read this smut? {35192}{35277}It's not smut, it's Ebony Clark.|Trish gave it to me. {35282}{35356}''Every fiber in his being|desired her. {35364}{35409}He devoured her with his eyes. '' {35438}{35516}Can we try this thing|on page 1 96 sometime? {35583}{35645}There's a good one on 1 68.|Maybe later. {35651}{35729}Nothing comes between|a pregnant lady and a meal. {35753}{35850}Have I ever|''made your womanhood reach peaks. . . {35857}{35905}. . .to rival the Himalayas''? {35912}{35997}-Foothills of Malibu, maybe.|-Not even a Teton? {36003}{36037}-I don't think so.|-Thanks. {36044}{36104}I thought I'd at least|rate the Rockies. {36110}{36151}You know I'm kidding. {36178}{36254}-You say that to make me feel better.|-No, I don't. {36281}{36307}You know I'm playing. {36314}{36376}I've been to plenty of|mountaintops with you. {36385}{36434}It's just that I'm hungry. {36481}{36540}When you have that kid,|we'll blow up Mount Saint Helens. {36546}{36603}-I brought you a doughnut.|-Police food! {36609}{36638}How did you know? {36693}{36745}I dropped by Internal Affairs yesterday. {36750}{36782}How's the rat squad? {36788}{36856}-I picked up something good.|-Some cheese? {36867}{36926}I.A. got an anonymous tip. {36932}{36986}The person said Roger's on the take. {37001}{37044}No, he's not. {37051}{37128}I know! It's probably|some jerk he put away. {37140}{37210}But with new boats|and putting 2 kids through college. . . {37216}{37261}. . .I thought you ought to know. {37266}{37336}I actually tried to|persuade him to take money. {37344}{37421}Stop it, Riggs!|I can't hear that! Nothing! {37429}{37481}I won't say anything anymore.|I'm kidding. {37489}{37529}-That's awful.|-I'm kidding. {37545}{37599}Don't tell him I said it.|With his Problems. . . {37607}{37688}. . .he'll blow his top.|Just don't say anything. {37732}{37766}What do you mean? {37829}{37858}Like what? {37864}{37923}-In general, Problems.|-You mean something specific. {37931}{37977}I got a nose for these things. What? {38009}{38090}You're pushing me.|I don't want you to go there. {38096}{38172}Get it off your chest.|You'll feel better. {38180}{38235}I won't leave you alone|till you tell me. {38241}{38266}Tell me. {38273}{38359}I'll tell you!|Pregnancy destroyed my brain cells! {38383}{38422}What? What? {38431}{38469}I'm drooling. What? {38516}{38610}Promise me you'll never|say a word about this ever. {38616}{38656}-I swear, I swear.|-Right hand! {38663}{38697}I swear I won't, ever. {38704}{38738}I promise. What? {38768}{38834}You know how Roger is|about his daughter dating cops. {38840}{38873}He'd kill them. So? {38884}{38981}Rianne married one, her baby's father.|She's afraid to tell Roger. {38989}{39069}They met, fell in love.|She got pregnant, they got hitched. {39077}{39121}Nobody's telling Roger? {39126}{39158}After the baby's born. {39165}{39242}It's a package deal?|Take it or leave it? {39262}{39301}-Does Trish know?|-She knows. {39316}{39370}She doesn't know you know.|But Trish knows. {39376}{39437}Who's the lucky soon-to-be-dead|son-in-Iaw? {39460}{39516}-Who?|-Sergeant Lee Butters. {39525}{39598}This just gets better!|No wonder he sucks up to Rog. {39605}{39649}Brings him apples,|blankets, coffee. . . . {39655}{39721}Not a word.|I'm telling you, nothing! {39729}{39825}I won't tell. He'd shoot me|just for being the messenger. {39835}{39937}He's my best friend. It'd be wrong|to mess with him. I won't. {39994}{40025}Promise. {40082}{40186}We don't have to discuss boys' names.|We're having a girl. {40194}{40236}Okay. Piadora. {40243}{40304}I like Piadora. That's sweet. {40373}{40416}I love that name. {40476}{40561}We're talking kids' names.|Has Rianne picked any out? {40568}{40623}We don't want to double up. {40630}{40686}Oscar for the boy,|Loreen if it's a girl. {40693}{40761}I like Lee Butter.|Better! I like it better. {40767}{40820}-Don't get me started.|-I like those names. {40828}{40866}Captain wants to see us. {40873}{40938}Trish'll be right down.|Have fun shopping for the baby. {40945}{40971}Bye-bye, honey. {40984}{41030}Who had the sleepover? {41037}{41068}Just airing out camping gear. {41076}{41116}-We're out of here.|-Something smells good. {41123}{41151}Really good! {41158}{41217}Trish has food on the stove.|We're out of here. {41229}{41270}That smells like Chinese food. {41277}{41320}Chinese food? {41328}{41370}She's into Chinese cooking. {41378}{41428}I got to taste this. {41447}{41500}-I love Chinese food.|-Hold it! Please! {41507}{41535}Please! {41562}{41605}There's a Chinese person in the kitchen. {41612}{41635}I saw him. {41660}{41706}A couple of Chinese people. {41715}{41756}Actually a whole family. {41814}{41838}Large family. {41931}{41959}Hey, guys! {42075}{42128}-It does smell good.|-Great! {42134}{42179}They hid in the lifeboat. {42188}{42239}I had to do something. {42247}{42320}-So you brought them home.|-It took two trips. {42327}{42387}-Really?|-They fit in the station wagon? {42394}{42444}That's Ping with his grandfather, Hong. {42451}{42503}He's head of the family.|Speaks English. {42509}{42595}Hong, this is my partner,|Martin Riggs, and Lorna. {42613}{42633}Wife? {42706}{42738}Can we speak? {42745}{42801}Lorna, this is the best breakfast. {42807}{42848}I'm hungry. I'd love some. {42873}{42965}This is illegal.|As in, ''against the Iaw.'' {42972}{43012}You'll bring a shitstorm|down on you. {43021}{43085}Just hold on!|Just wait a frigging minute! {43104}{43186}The way I see it,|those are slave ships out there. {43193}{43240}And I'm freeing slaves. . . {43249}{43333}. . .like no one did for my ancestors. {43404}{43472}It's my chance to do something|and do it right. {43544}{43608}Why didn't you say so?|This won't be boring. {43615}{43652}Need any help? {43696}{43726}Where is he? {43808}{43851}What this time,|food or money? {43857}{43888}-Food and money.|-Money. {43895}{43938}I see you more|than when you lived here. {43945}{43990}We're independent now. {43996}{44020}What's the money for? {44027}{44066}-Hookers, drugs--|-Contraceptives. {44082}{44137}Can you believe how|they talk to me? {44144}{44218}It costs more to go to school now. {44244}{44340}I get the tuition bills.|And the grades too! {44346}{44413}This is a down payment|on a future ass-chewing. {44420}{44477}Get out and go to school. {44484}{44530}I see the tuition. {44537}{44621}I want to see some grades!|I want more cluck for my buck. {44629}{44662}Thanks for the money. {44733}{44755}I'm tired. {44762}{44803}Me, I can't win. {44810}{44835}Boy! {44868}{44934}Did we get a raise|and nobody told me? {44997}{45040}I got to get to the bank. {45048}{45136}How can you when you're taken|to the cleaners all the time? {45178}{45200}Hey, guys. {45216}{45242}Hey, Trish! {45275}{45342}-Both the kids leave?|-Yes. And we're broke. {45348}{45373}Is Lorna here? {45380}{45445}She's in the kitchen,|on her third breakfast. {45451}{45496}I remember those days. {45528}{45587}-I'm sorry!|-I love it when you do that. {45627}{45666}You look terrific. {45675}{45735}Wait till she tries raising|that baby by herseIf. {45742}{45768}I'll be fine. {45784}{45862}Move back in and Grandpa'll|be up nights with the baby. {45869}{45919}Better than her|marrying the wrong guy. {45975}{46012}A cop or something. {46031}{46056}True. {46062}{46102}Come on, guys.|See you. {46109}{46152}I should say goodbye. {46165}{46191}Hurry up! {46206}{46242}Stuffing your face! {46249}{46308}Stop kissing me.|Try that. {46314}{46354}Stay away from my girl. {46366}{46425}I'm not joking.|Stay away from my girl. {46432}{46511}-Joking!|-Got the baby beeper? {46650}{46700}-I know.|-It's your fault. {46706}{46765}It's your fault.|All the chicken shit. {46773}{46819}Flapping all over the place. {46873}{46900}All right, everybody! {46908}{47002}It's been a year almost.|This shit ain't funny no more! {47046}{47109}-Enough is enough!|-Please! Enough! {47116}{47166}I'm the one that gets it in the neck. {47172}{47208}Can we exercise maturity? {47215}{47274}If I find who's doing this,|I'll kick his ass. {47321}{47409}I catch that asshole who|put my picture up, that's it! {47439}{47491}-Cut their balls off.|-Captain. {47534}{47602}I look out expecting|to see all the old faces. {47608}{47688}Instead, I see kids|whose names I barely remember. {47696}{47792}Will you sit down?|We're dinosaurs headed for extinction. {47799}{47824}Speak for yourseIf. {47830}{47876}We're making way for the new police: {47881}{47993}Guys with guns and psychology degrees,|like Butters out there. {48105}{48150}Biter has a psychology degree? {48157}{48246}-More like a psycho degree.|-Times have got to change. {48253}{48319}I once got shot by a hot-rodder|with a zip gun. {48325}{48364}That's how far back I go. {48404}{48440}You wanted to see us? {48449}{48485}Some things don't change. {48493}{48559}-Here we go.|-The department lost its insurance. {48566}{48633}All the damage you've done,|they can't get a new one. . . {48641}{48698}. . .while you two still run around. {48733}{48785}They can't fire you either. {48793}{48859}So, they're promoting you. {48909}{48987}-Lieutenant!|-There's no open Lieutenant spots. {48994}{49085}So the chief used his speciaI privilege,|making you captains. {49116}{49161}-Better.|-Captain! {49167}{49262}Time was when this would send me over|the falls. I'm getting old. {49294}{49324}What do we do now? {49337}{49367}Captain shit! {49375}{49428}-Hang out.|-Take long Iunches. {49435}{49512}Yell, ''Riggs, Murtaugh,|I'm the captain. '' {49520}{49555}''Chief's shitting bricks! '' {49561}{49581}You finished? {49599}{49665}Can you stay out of trouble? {49671}{49702}AbsoluteIy. {49709}{49768}-Captain Riggs!|-Captain Murtaugh! {49975}{50055}You want your badges?|Let me see those sergeant badges. {50062}{50114}Throw them over here. {50166}{50225}This is the most painful|experience of my life. {50235}{50295}-Now get out!|-Thank you, Captain. {50302}{50353}Thank you, Captain. {50370}{50432}Enough with the ''Captain'' shit!|Get out of here! {50439}{50532}After you, Captain, I insist!|''O Captain! My Captain! '' {50539}{50596}-Captains outrageous!|-News traveIs fast. {50603}{50678}Get a break from real police work.|Play golf, tennis. . . . {50685}{50757}They got brown rings|Around their noses {50789}{50853}Now that you're captains,|come up in the chopper. {50860}{50900}-Not for me.|-I'll take a rain check. {50907}{50986}-If you change your mind, call us.|-He's down-to-earth. {51031}{51061}I'm sorry. {51107}{51223}Can we knock this off?|This is your captain speaking. {51288}{51351}The man's got feelings, you know? {51525}{51568}Congratulations.|Look at you! {51573}{51614}Captain Murtaugh. {51621}{51718}I don't know how to say this,|but you really inspire me. {51763}{51793}Keep it up. {51801}{51830}How's it going, Burton? {51837}{51900}-It's Butters, Captain.|-I'll remember that. {51907}{51972}-Kid really likes you.|-I wish he'd cut it out. {51982}{52015}He likes me? {52067}{52097}Likes me? {52208}{52281}You don't think he likes me. . . {52309}{52366}. . .likes me like that? {52443}{52487}It's the police,|not the military. {52495}{52543}The millennium's upon us. {52550}{52636}The captain said:|''New people, new department. '' {52822}{52856}Dr. Woods? {52909}{52935}Captain Riggs. {52942}{52982}-Don't run.|-I'm in a rush. {52990}{53069}-I need to talk to you.|-What is it this time? {53075}{53130}Recurring dreams about flying dwarfs? {53138}{53222}-Or did you cook up something new?|-I'm sorry about all that. {53229}{53279}I want your advice.|I was thinking of-- {53287}{53337}-Thinking?|-Marriage. {53362}{53422}Marriage?! The ''M'' word? {53428}{53491}Does ''confidentiality'' mean anything? {53497}{53527}That's funny. {53533}{53599}You know what'd happen?|We'd go in my office. . . {53607}{53657}. . .and you know what you'd tell me? {53664}{53735}You'd tell me something like, ''Doc. . . {53743}{53792}. . .I want to marry Murtaugh. '' {53797}{53860}Or your mother.|Or Nelson Mandela! {53867}{53895}Nelson Mandela?! {53903}{53962}Something to ridicule me, Riggs. {53968}{54029}Something to get a rise out of me. {54042}{54070}Listen carefully! {54077}{54131}I'm. . .not. . .stupid! {54153}{54203}And my time is reserved. . . {54212}{54306}. . .for police officers with|real needs and real Problems. {54314}{54347}Have you got that?! {54373}{54411}-Have you?!|-Ask me again? {54417}{54461}No. And you know what? {54478}{54509}I don't like you. {54612}{54642}Stephanie? {54658}{54729}I can't go out with you.|I'm in a reIationship. {54737}{54790}I think you need to see someone. {54796}{54852}You'll find someone to love you. {54858}{54926}Not in this department.|But stop bothering me! {54933}{54984}You're disgusting! {54990}{55028}What's the matter with you people?! {55158}{55186}What's shaking? {55191}{55239}-Captain Riggs.|-Captain Murtaugh. {55245}{55306}Turn around and do that.|We're captains. {55314}{55360}Heard you were up to your ass|in Chinese. {55367}{55419}The taller ones come up to the naveI. {55426}{55503}Big enough to kick your ass.|What can I do for you? {55509}{55593}One of the ship's crew shot an illegal,|apparently under orders. . . {55599}{55691}. . .and we'd dearly like to know|who's smuggling Chinese. {55699}{55787}We're pretty sure the big boss|is Benny Chan. {55795}{55820}Uncle Benny? {55827}{55861}You know him? {55871}{55939}-When he was running smack.|-We never nailed him. {55946}{55973}Benny's slippery. {55983}{56018}Where's he hang out? {56025}{56076}He's got a nightclub,|some restaurants. {56083}{56163}He operates mainly out on North|Broadway. Here's the address. {56206}{56237}Hi, fellas. {56268}{56317}There he is.|Hey, Burger! Summers. {56323}{56349}Butters. {56365}{56405}What you got on the freighter homicide? {56412}{56506}I talked to some illegals.|They only knew the shooter by sight. {56513}{56635}The boat's registered under|a dummy corporation out of Indonesia. {56641}{56710}It'll be a rough one to crack,|but we'll nail them. {56716}{56754}You ever hear of Benny Chan? {56760}{56815}No. What kind of bad man is he? {56821}{56870}Real bad.|Crime boss in Chinatown. {56877}{56941}If it's dirty and Chinese,|Benny's doing it. {56947}{56989}Where do I find him? {56995}{57021}At this restaurant. {57027}{57085}I'm hungry for Chinese.|How about you? {57091}{57158}We're going there anyway.|We'll drive you. {57164}{57199}Let me get my jacket. {57212}{57273}-Not with him.|-He's doing good. {57279}{57316}We might need backup. {57323}{57396}Spend time with him.|You might Learn to love him. {57403}{57437}Like a son. {57449}{57474}In law. . . {57479}{57564}. . .enforcement it pays to know|your fellow officer. {57701}{57789}Sir, it'll be an honor|to share egg rolls with you. {57799}{57861}Yeah, all right. Let's go. {57866}{57900}Share? {57943}{58060}Butters, it seems like you hate crime|in a sort of personal way. {58071}{58105}Why do you say that, sir? {58112}{58196}Last night I noticed you were|more than slightly miffed. {58203}{58245}Wasn't he, Roger? {58251}{58294}Any particuIar reason? {58301}{58358}About 1 50,000 of them. {58364}{58441}That's how many bullets zinged|my neighborhood growing up. {58448}{58518}Couldn't go outside.|Couldn't go near a window. {58525}{58625}Lived and ate on the floor,|slept and watched TV on the floor. {58637}{58690}I didn't Learn to waIk|till I was 10. {58705}{58785}Spent my formative years|nose-to-nose with the family beagle. {58805}{58884}When I work on a crime,|I ain't thinking about the crime. {58890}{58969}I'm thinking about that floor|and it pisses me off. {59062}{59148}-We supposed to meet Leo somewhere?|-No, why? {59153}{59205}Because he's following us.|Don't look. {59219}{59280}-Who's Leo?|-Maybe it's a coincidence. {59290}{59368}-What does he want?|-I don't know. Let's find out. {59593}{59638}-Fucking asshole!|-Bite me! {59644}{59687}Whatever! Whatever! {59712}{59738}Jerk! {59764}{59793}You looking for us? {59803}{59861}-You saw me?|-Yeah, we saw you. {59871}{59897}What you doing, Leo? {59904}{59979}I'm perfecting my tailing technique|now that I'm a P.I. {59995}{60099}He's a private eyesore.|Inconspicuous vehicle! I like it. {60124}{60159}Riggs, who's the perp? {60164}{60213}-What'd you bust him for?|-I'm a perp? {60223}{60292}A brother in a police car|is automatically a perp? {60308}{60390}Look at my suit!|Do I look like the Crips' accountant? {60409}{60446}Look at this badge, bitch! {60455}{60497}Check out the gun. {60503}{60535}Put the gun down! {60542}{60611}License! Registration!|Urine sample! {60619}{60646}I got a badge too! {60654}{60711}German Jews didn't have it|easy as kids! {60720}{60762}So don't think you're the only one. {60770}{60809}I knew you were a cop. {60816}{60875}I was kidding.|I can smell a cop a mile away. {60890}{60929}You saying I smell bad? {60936}{60993}Don't turn everything around!|You're so touchy. {61011}{61068}These guys'll tell you.|We got a history together. {61076}{61123}Maybe we'll work together someday! {61129}{61158}I'm the bomb! {61167}{61256}We'll work together when I open|a cereal shop, you leprechaun! {61263}{61321}I didn't call you names, fuckface!|Don't start! {61330}{61367}Don't fool around! {61381}{61456}-These guys'll tell you.|-You're double-parked. {61464}{61529}Officer, I'm just talking|with the detectives. {61539}{61569}We don't know this guy. {61599}{61629}Think he was drinking. {61636}{61676}They're kidding.|Come back! {61682}{61740}I wasn't drinking!|They just said that. {61747}{61826}Blow your breath in my hand.|I can smell it already. {61833}{61870}Blow in my fucking ear! {61893}{61955}You're all mine.|You're mine! {62025}{62071}You promised to deliver the family. {62089}{62136}They're not at the detention center. {62141}{62181}They must have escaped. {62192}{62278}The uncle won't finish until|he sees them. {62294}{62391}Don't worry, they'll turn up. {62422}{62488}In Hong Kong, you'd already be dead. {62606}{62637}Where's Uncle Benny? {62653}{62689}-He's not here.|-Is he in there? {62696}{62729}-I'm sure he is.|-This way. {62736}{62769}Yes, it's a two-way. {62777}{62821}We have 3 people. {62832}{62904}The restaurant's over there.|Go this way, please. {62911}{62958}They see us,|but we can't see them. {62963}{63026}-Where's your green card?|-That's a racist remark. {63035}{63096}I'm a policeman|who asked for your green card! {63104}{63130}This is not the way. {63135}{63191}You're the boss|till we get up in his ass. {63258}{63314}It'll be fine.|They've refurbished! {63328}{63369}I couldn't stop them. {63380}{63439}-Out, out!|-Can I get drink or food? {63446}{63503}Uncle Benny!|I hope this is a bad time. {63508}{63583}-He still has unclipped eyebrows.|-What'd we tell you? {63591}{63682}-We hate not disturbing you.|-This is Detective Buckles. {63687}{63787}Sell any heroin? Kill anyone lately?|How's the restaurant? {63795}{63822}Eat something. {63830}{63878}Give you the police discount. {63885}{63930}Flied lice? {63936}{63982}It is fried rice, you plick! {64067}{64117}I'm busy.|What is it this time? {64138}{64169}Tell him, Buttkiss. {64175}{64259}Know about a boatload of|illegals that went aground? {64277}{64317}Just what I saw on the news. {64323}{64369}Someone lost big money. {64375}{64437}400 people at 35 grand.|14 million! {64471}{64521}And missed making them slaves. {64528}{64628}You are cops.|Smuggling Chinese is an IRS Problem. {64637}{64714}We found 3 bodies full of holes,|so now it's a cop Problem. {64721}{64754}Three dead Chinese? {64765}{64843}-Billion more where they came from.|-Yes, life's cheap. {64850}{64927}But he shot at us too.|That pisses us off. {64941}{64970}Too bad they missed. {64985}{65025}But I know nothing about it. {65072}{65103}Who's he? {65176}{65223}He looks unhappy.|What's his name? {65228}{65310}Who's this guy?|Is he just appraising your furniture? {65315}{65356}He doesn't speak English. {65361}{65457}Then he doesn't understand|words like ''scumbag'' . . . {65475}{65509}. . . ''eat shit''? {65536}{65590}I think he understands good. {65710}{65771}-Enter the drag queen.|-The insurance, remember? {65779}{65839}If you have nothing on me,|get out. {65851}{65889}We're still around. {65900}{65931}I'm on your ass too. {65955}{65993}But the door is this way! {66005}{66064}This is quicker.|This is quicker, really. {66152}{66184}See? It's quicker! {66231}{66304}Don't forget my|1 0%%% policeman's discount. {66364}{66449}You in Hong Kong,|you'd be dead. {66498}{66539}No, not that!|Riggs! Don't! {66597}{66635}The insurance. . . .|What the Hell? {66809}{66842}Hurry up! {66850}{66934}Try it sometime.|It's satisfying and therapeutic. {66941}{67013}-Saves the cost of shrinks.|-Bad guys can't call the cops. {67020}{67084}-Why not? We're already here!|-EI Ni o! {67111}{67139}I know this guy. {67144}{67178}That's the captain.|Hold it! {67317}{67346}Remember, no damage! {67705}{67736}Shit! {67792}{67894}LAPD! I'm commandeering|your bike. Here, $200. {67914}{67944}Riggs, I'm coming! {67968}{68007}Somebody stole your bike! {68047}{68073}Stop! {68096}{68121}Police! {68154}{68187}Out of the way! {68197}{68239}Butler!|Chase the fast one! {68245}{68290}You have Alzheimer's? {68631}{68661}Stop! Freeze! {68990}{69059}Stop in Chinese, motherfucker!|Halt! {69392}{69431}Out the way! Police! {69437}{69471}He's getting away! {69642}{69678}Excuse me!|Out of the way! {69922}{69951}Get down! LAPD! {69956}{69994}Stop, you little shit! {70319}{70378}Get down!|Get the fuck down! {70507}{70561}My arm!|I didn't do anything! {70762}{70796}I got you covered! {70854}{70929}You got the right to remain silent!|So shut the fuck up! {70936}{71017}You got the right to an attorney.|If you can't afford one. . . {71026}{71108}. . .we'll provide you with|the dumbest lawyer on Earth! {71118}{71172}If you get Johnnie Cochran,|I'll kill you! {71455}{71512}Don't jump!|You're going to be a father! {71520}{71550}Don't jump! {71685}{71711}Hold on! {71726}{71772}Hold on! I'll get you! {71781}{71828}Riggs, don't move! {71835}{71863}I won't move. {71870}{71897}Hold on! I got you! {71905}{71935}You'll catch me? {71943}{72016}No, I won't catch you.|I got a dumpster here. {72023}{72071}You didn't do nothing.|Why'd you run? {72076}{72098}Butters! {72103}{72141}-Get over here!|-Shit! {72149}{72171}Hurry up! {72178}{72209}Come on! {72232}{72256}Hold on! {72290}{72340}A bit more to the left! {72346}{72383}Move this there!|Now! {72390}{72421}No, the other left! {72436}{72479}Make up your mind! {72485}{72527}You couldn't find something smaller?! {72533}{72563}It's all I could find! {72570}{72629}I got it here!|Now, jump on ''three'' ! {72636}{72657}Ready? {72663}{72710}Ass first!|It breaks the fall! {72734}{72757}One. . . {72763}{72811}. . .two, three!|Son of a bitch! {72865}{72900}You all right? {72906}{72938}I should've had him. {72943}{72979}Damn right, you should've! {72990}{73030}Who's your partner? {73039}{73083}-Son of a bitch!|-I don't have a partner! {73089}{73120}The guy you ran with! {73126}{73164}I'm a waiter. {73175}{73226}You guys pull a gun,|try to kill me! {73233}{73294}You physically abuse me.|I want my lawyer! {73322}{73416}If you're a waiter,|what's today's special? {73447}{73467}What's today? {73493}{73518}Wednesday! {73534}{73599}Sweet and sour pork,|barbecue spareribs-- {73606}{73641}Shut up! {73660}{73729}Next time, don't run!|Stay still! {73760}{73795}Johnnie Cochran! {73800}{73836}He fight for me! {75280}{75361}--rebellion against his|domineering father. {75367}{75455}Finally, Mao left home|to continue his schooling. {75582}{75648}-Sorry, Sergeant Murtaugh.|-Sit, please. {75654}{75692}And it's Roger. {75710}{75789}-It's your chair.|-Really, it's fine. Sit. {75795}{75828}Something to drink? {75833}{75859}Tequila? {75878}{75908}Thank you so much. {75919}{75955}From Mexico. {75986}{76060}This can't be the first time|you had tequila, Hong. {76068}{76127}-Yes.|-No! {76209}{76235}Bread. {76254}{76275}Bread. {76295}{76321}Toast! {76327}{76365}Yeah, toast! {76371}{76396}Bread! {76529}{76567}You know anybody here? {76574}{76601}My uncle. {76610}{76672}He pay so we can come to America. {76680}{76720}You been in contact with him? {76737}{76785}No. I leave message. {76818}{76852}What's your uncle do? {76882}{76952}In China, he's artist. {76959}{76989}An artist? {77063}{77108}It's tough leaving home, huh? {77192}{77228}In America. . . {77244}{77308}. . .my children have chance|to make good life. {77323}{77388}We want the best for our children. {77394}{77438}And our grandchildren! {77463}{77517}You believe|I'm a grandfather? {77526}{77569}That's right! Little Ping! {77587}{77624}You're a grandpa! {77655}{77692}Where's the time go? {77740}{77766}Don't know. {77771}{77802}Have no watch. {77809}{77844}You have no watch? {77855}{77883}Here. {77892}{77947}This is my pop's. Take it. {77954}{78018}He got it when he retired|from the force. {78024}{78068}No, I cannot! {78076}{78108}I want you to have it. {78113}{78205}It belonged to a good man.|It ought to belong to another good man. {78256}{78294}Thank you so much. . . {78299}{78321}. . .Roger. {80454}{80485}Shit! {80595}{80613}Hold him! {80639}{80668}Push him off! {80842}{80867}Get him! {80950}{80987}What's wrong? {80994}{81035}It's the shoulder. {81053}{81138}It's an old injury.|I'll have to toss in the towel. {81162}{81202}It happens periodically. {81226}{81300}I was just getting going too.|You're lucky, kid. {81307}{81378}-You're lucky he didn't kill you.|-You owe me a rematch! {81386}{81446}-Anytime you want.|-I might even train for it. {81453}{81505}Better bring your own paramedic too. {81555}{81633}-I'll get ice for that shoulder.|-It's okay. {81639}{81691}There's nothing wrong with my shoulder. {81759}{81798}I was faking it. {81813}{81848}Faking it? {81872}{81966}Gomez was killing me out there.|I didn't have anything left. {81974}{82016}I told you that kid was good. {82019}{82086}He's good, but it's not all him. {82120}{82218}I've been feeling it lately.|You know the other-- {82362}{82432}Like, on the ship|when that guy nailed me. {82437}{82494}And yesterday I couldn't catch him. {82504}{82574}I just thought,|I'm out of shape or something. {82581}{82645}You know.|But it's more than that. {82652}{82738}It's like,|I hate to say this but-- {82743}{82796}You're getting too old for this shit. {82924}{82959}How about that? {82974}{82999}Finally. {83024}{83083}No, but I can't be.|I mean, I'm only. . . . {83125}{83175}-Jesus.|-Yeah, you're only. {83221}{83267}Can't beat the clock, Riggs. {83329}{83408}Murphy's right. We're dinosaurs.|What'll I do? {83425}{83456}Accept it. {83521}{83551}Like I do. {83610}{83643}No. Bullshit! {83660}{83691}I won't accept it. {83697}{83732}I'll will it not to happen. {83737}{83778}You're going to will it? {83786}{83831}I'm not too old for this shit. {83836}{83930}I'm not too old for this shit.|We're not too old for this shit. {83939}{84011}We're not too old for this shit.|We're not too old for-- {84017}{84045}Say it like you believe it. {84052}{84102}We're not too old for this shit. {84133}{84191}I'm not going to buy|a hemorrhold cushion. {84199}{84219}I won't get corns! {84224}{84257}I got corns! {84262}{84284}I won't wear a suit! {84296}{84347}What's wrong with wearing a suit? {84353}{84389}How's it going, Captain? {84643}{84689}Thanks a lot, guys.|Very funny! {84696}{84747}That cop tried to strip-search me! {84754}{84793}-You get his phone number?|-Funny. {84800}{84862}Sugar-glazed with jelly.|Thanks, Leo. {84868}{84914}-What happened? The scratches.|-A dog. {84920}{84990}A dog catch you|drinking out of his bowl? {84995}{85049}I'm working on|an important P.I. case. {85055}{85084}Did the dog hire you? {85090}{85165}No! The people that|lost the dog hired me. {85171}{85196}Sounds like a big case. {85202}{85309}It is a big case, Mr. Big Shot.|It's an expensive dog. {85316}{85360}-A Bolshoi.|-Borzoi. {85367}{85398}Whatever, whatever! {85412}{85448}And you found it? {85455}{85517}Sort of.|Listen to what happens. {85533}{85628}Instead of going looking for the dog,|I went to the pound. {85636}{85729}I take the dog home, dye him.|It looks exactly like their dog. {85736}{85768}Dog was a real rat, though. {85773}{85818}He scratched me.|But I got the job done. {85825}{85872}Some kind of P.I. business you got. {85881}{85927}Douche Ventura, pet infective. {85934}{85973}It's grand theft. {85980}{86021}With trickery, it's a felony. {86027}{86092}It is?|You guys are always kidding. {86100}{86199}I get it. Here comes|that touchy kid. I'm not here. {86233}{86253}Putter! {86264}{86318}The guy you chased in Chinatown? {86324}{86382}His gun matched slugs|on the bodies on the boat. {86387}{86409}He's your shooter. {86460}{86493}Guy that got away from me. {86497}{86583}He didn't get far.|They found him on a rooftop nearby. {86588}{86654}Strangled.|And pigeons ate his eyeballs. {86684}{86706}CooI. {86722}{86759}Excuse me. {86819}{86906}I hate these phones!|You get a call, they cut you off. {86912}{86971}You make a call, they cut you off! {86979}{87057}You know what they're doing?|They fuck you with cell phones. {87063}{87144}They love when you get cut off.|You know why? {87151}{87185}When you call back. . . {87191}{87284}. . .they charge you for the first|minute again at that high rate. {87291}{87340}If you're able to call back. . . {87348}{87430}. . .because the 3-hour battery|you got only lasts 20 minutes. {87437}{87481}If you're behind a hill, it goes. . . . {87488}{87580}Or you go through a tunneI.|And they keep making it smaller! {87586}{87648}You know why?|So you can Lose it. {87658}{87734}So you buy more phones.|I never lost my mother's phone! {87741}{87820}Take you two hours to make|a long-distance call. {87884}{87966}I messed up! Hang up.|Got to do it again! {87996}{88069}I never lost my|Sports illustrated swimsuit phone. {88075}{88164}And scanners! They get your|number and call all over the world! {88172}{88254}Somebody took my number|and called Afghanistan! {88273}{88359}I don't know what fucking|Afghanistan look like. {88366}{88461}Even if I did, I would not talk|to their Afghan ass for 3 hours! {88468}{88518}I won't talk to my daddy for 3 hours! {88525}{88590}They fuck you with the cell phones! {88597}{88665}You know when you go to a drive-through?|Hold on. {88672}{88708}Why am I talking--? {88737}{88811}-Leo Getz, private investigator.|-Private investigator? {88816}{88890}I wondered if you'd|investigate my privates. {88914}{88943}Investigate what? {88950}{89036}My privates, you stupid shit.|Shut the fuck up! {89043}{89109}Very funny!|You're costing me money. {89115}{89187}$3 to answer a call.|They fuck me, now you! {89192}{89231}You're tough when on the phone. {89236}{89278}Right!|Telephone tough guy. {89283}{89320}Why are we talking on the phone? {89325}{89377}Get out of here.|Go home! {89384}{89419}What happened to your face? {89434}{89480}''No'' means no! {89549}{89594}He'll like me, I can tell. {89602}{89629}He'd be the first. {89699}{89741}Whatever! Whatever! {89857}{89928}You know, we should hire Leo. {89941}{89966}Hire Leo? {89973}{90018}He can follow Uncle Benny around. {90025}{90065}-Benny'll see him.|-Yeah! {90071}{90136}-He'll drive him nuts.|-Benny'll shoot him. {90181}{90211}Let's hire him! {90230}{90282}I smell like stale coffee. {90362}{90426}Why do you care if I go home|and change shirts? {90433}{90510}A coffee stain's not something|that'd bother me. {90516}{90546}Look at the way you dress. {90569}{90601}What's that supposed to mean? {90657}{90730}I don't have nifty suits like you.|Not many cops do. {90737}{90778}What's that supposed to mean? {90831}{90906}I've wondered,|where's the money coming from? {90936}{90981}Where do you think? {90987}{91035}-Where do you think?|-I don't know. {91042}{91111}-It's none of my business.|-You don't know! {91120}{91184}Trish gave me some money. {91191}{91265}Money from my Aunt Anne, who died. {91280}{91318}All right. Sorry. {91389}{91419}Whose car is that? {91444}{91473}I don't know. {91490}{91558}It looks like a full house|for Lamaze class. {91564}{91591}You know that car? {91598}{91638}Here you go, Captains. {91677}{91708}No charge for the ride. {91729}{91832}-Rianne and Lorna are here.|-I'll put it on your account, Captain. {91947}{91972}Hey, honey. {91986}{92046}What's going on?|I came home to change my shirt-- {92183}{92206}Why are you here? {92217}{92248}They took the Hongs. {92443}{92468}Shit! {92501}{92531}Drop it. {92873}{92916}Girls, get out! {93029}{93066}Look who we got here. {93074}{93119}-Uncle Benny's friend.|-Hey, Bruce. {93144}{93178}Nice pajamas. {93223}{93266}Where are the Hongs? {93463}{93497}Drop your guns. {93509}{93564}-Drop them!|-Okay, take it easy. {93574}{93631}Don't stand for that, honey. {93810}{93832}Son of a bitch! {96065}{96104}Let the women go. {96585}{96625}I can't breathe! {97369}{97396}Son of a bitch! {97943}{97984}I'll be damned!|Thanks, kid! {98119}{98154}Ping, cut us loose! {98315}{98340}Cut me loose! {98397}{98431}Go ahead, cut me. {99447}{99483}It's all right. {99508}{99538}You okay, honey? {99549}{99592}I owe you one, kid. {99605}{99687}-The keys to your car?|-They're in the car. {99712}{99739}We need a radio. {99854}{99885}We have to go. {99926}{100009}How will we find them?|We got to catch them assholes! {100166}{100259}-3-William-56, this is Air 12.|-We need your eyes, guys. {100268}{100345}Looking for a black Mercedes|and a black Continental. {100353}{100416}Vicinity of Ladera at the 210 freeway. {100423}{100476}Black Mercedes and black Continental? {100483}{100552}Shouldn 't be hard|to find in this town. {100558}{100612}Just give it a shot, will you? {100618}{100668}-Be cooperative.|-That's a roger. {100921}{100958}Will wonders never cease? {100966}{101059}We've got 2 black Mercedes,|one heading east, one west. {101076}{101131}Eastbound's on the Valley View ramp. {101168}{101219}We'll take it.|Locate the Continental. {101252}{101302}-Is it the right one?|-I don't know. {101308}{101355}We're going east and China's east. {101363}{101409}-China's west too.|-We can't divide. {101415}{101438}Think positive! {101555}{101581}You crossed two lanes! {101591}{101615}You see him? {101794}{101835}Watch the road! {101846}{101894}I'd give my right arm for a siren! {101997}{102042}Why'd they take the Hongs? {102050}{102114}Maybe they're shaking them down|for more money. {102193}{102277}Hong's uncle paid already.|He got in touch with his uncle. {102286}{102364}He left him a message.|It's how they know where I live. {102598}{102666}There's the son of a bitch right there! {102674}{102746}Bastards left us to burn!|I want to talk with them. {102754}{102800}You don't have any guns! {102806}{102839}Get me near this trailer. {102846}{102867}But you're driving! {102872}{102897}No, you're driving! {102902}{102957}There's cruise control.|Just steer! {102967}{103015}Why make shit complicated? {103211}{103273}Closer. Don't be shy.|Get up there! {103319}{103361}Closer! Closer! {103367}{103394}That's it! {104206}{104239}Here, asshole!|Come in! {104322}{104393}I need to ask you something.|Where's the Hongs? {105214}{105266}Where's the Hongs?|Where are they? {105439}{105462}Get him! {106175}{106264}Highway Patrol, this is William-356,|southbound on highway! {106279}{106326}Officer in trouble!|Oversized trailer. {106375}{106422}LAPD! Pull over! LAPD! {106445}{106482}LAPD! Pull over! {106576}{106613}Pull over! See that?! {106623}{106659}Right! Fuck you! {106697}{106784}I got an ass with a phony badge|trying to pull me over! {107364}{107400}Get away from my boy! {107814}{107839}Son of a bitch! {107917}{107943}I got you! {108170}{108205}Get in here! {108417}{108464}Get the fuck in here! {108472}{108497}Ready? {108628}{108681}-Welcome back.|-What a drag! {108686}{108743}-Thanks, Rog.|-And the Hongs? {108748}{108789}We'll ask the other guy. Go! {109025}{109070}Pull over! Son of a bitch! {109207}{109254}Keep your hands inside, then! {109856}{109882}Out of the way! {109924}{109962}Wait! There he is! {109968}{109997}Keep going! {110472}{110498}We're gaining! {110508}{110536}I got him! {111135}{111160}You okay? {111166}{111226}Yeah, I think|my heart's still beating. {111393}{111438}Maybe a little too cLose. {111546}{111609}You are now entering an|international holding area. {111618}{111681}Please have proper documentation ready. {112476}{112501}General. {112513}{112547}Are you armed? {112940}{112992}When will you have|the money for their release? {113007}{113033}Very soon. {114324}{114384}Brother. . .it's been a long time. {114395}{114445}It'll be our time again soon. {114485}{114542}America has many laws. {114548}{114655}But written by men. {114672}{114750}Money can change everything. {115623}{115687}-Sorry about your loss.|-Thank you. {115727}{115758}How's my hero? {115766}{115848}He's a little sad,|talking about his mom and dad. {115951}{115981}Here's Butters. {116092}{116124}How's it going? {116130}{116153}Why are you here? {116160}{116251}I heard it on the radio.|I'm sorry about your house. {116304}{116345}This is Detective. . . . {116352}{116391}Butters. {116397}{116434}Trish, my wife. {116441}{116493}Nick, Carrie. . . {116499}{116524}. . .Rianne. {116531}{116556}Everybody okay? {116607}{116648}You know who did this? {116654}{116685}It was Benny. {116718}{116754}Leo! {116765}{116834}-You got a phone?|-The little Fonzie guy? {116843}{116872}That's him. {116887}{116953}-You be okay?|-We'll be all right. {116967}{116993}Call me. {117063}{117133}He's there?|We'll be right there. {117139}{117231}-Butters, can you drive us?|-Yeah, Let's do it. {117241}{117301}Leo's got him at the dentist.|Let's go! {117400}{117428}Sit down. {117585}{117611}Captain Murtaugh... {117626}{117700}. . .I know this is a bad time. . . {117711}{117778}. . .but there's something|you need to know about me. {117797}{117859}I think I know what it is. {117865}{117895}You do? {117926}{117963}It's okay. {117983}{118015}It is? {118021}{118076}People have the right to do|what makes them happy. {118083}{118136}Just don't expect me to like it. {118154}{118199}I know this must be hard for you. {118207}{118235}It's impossible for me! {118270}{118357}I hoped we'd get together|for the holidays, say Christmas. {118366}{118466}Why should we get together|and see each other on Christmas? {118481}{118535}-I'm trying to reach out.|-Reach somewhere else! {118545}{118602}Do what you want,|but leave me out of it. {118610}{118674}-I got it.|-I don't want to hear about it. {118683}{118712}Not a word. {118718}{118819}Why you grinning?|Think about how we can talk to Benny. {118830}{118871}I got it all worked out. {118890}{118926}What's the matter? {118937}{118962}My ass hurts. {118968}{119019}My tooth!|Is this a dentist or proctologist? {119032}{119096}-Please be quiet.|-I'm trying! I'm in pain! {119103}{119169}Why don't you go see|your own dentist? {119178}{119235}My dentist's in Detroit or I'd go! {119242}{119304}-Oh, brother!|-Oh, brother?! Get the dentist! {119330}{119394}I'm sorry to bother you.|It's an emergency. {119402}{119453}A man walked in off the street. {119459}{119521}He's in a lot of pain.|You better come. {119625}{119683}Okay, you can come in now! {119879}{119971}-Leo can pull this off?|-Leo's got a B.S. in B.S. {120020}{120056}Coast is clear. {120099}{120147}Talk to the hand!|One second. {120164}{120241}-Wait a minute.|-Let me do my job! {120251}{120319}You hurt me, I'll stick|an egg roll up your ass. {120500}{120558}Don't be alarmed.|It's only a drill. {120566}{120591}Don't say a word. {120601}{120626}Shut up. {120658}{120740}Where are the Hongs?|Open wide and tell me. {120746}{120777}I don't know any Hongs. {120784}{120849}Their uncle paid you|to get them out of China. {120856}{120906}More smuggIing?|We went through that. {120912}{120944}We're going through it again. {120953}{120989}I have nothing to say. {120999}{121049}These look very interesting. {121055}{121089}You're not going to use it. {121099}{121130}You won't shoot me. {121136}{121187}-You're lousy cops.|-We're good cops. {121251}{121281}This will settle him down. {121291}{121344}Breathe, Uncle Benny.|Breathe! {121368}{121396}Crank up the nitrous. {121413}{121443}Crank that baby up. {121450}{121492}You said it wouldn't hurt! {121500}{121533}I'm holding this. Go ahead. {121549}{121601}Deep! Right down to your toes. {121776}{121829}-He's wasted!|-Have some more. {121838}{121880}He'll talk. {121902}{121939}Good, breathe. {122029}{122071}-That's me.|-That's you. {122128}{122184}Now, where are the Hongs? {122264}{122322}-What's renminbi mean?|-Renminbi means. . . {122328}{122352}...renminbi. {122361}{122430}-You're a funny guy.|-This guy's wasting our time. {122438}{122463}Time! {122477}{122526}Time for Four Fathers! {122533}{122573}Washington, Jefferson?|Those guys? {122581}{122606}Roosevelt? {122629}{122683}I'm sleeping with my wife's 2 sisters. {122693}{122723}You lucky son of a bitch! {122731}{122761}That's a good one. {122781}{122810}Not so good. . . {122820}{122863}. . .when my wife finds out. {122917}{122979}I don't need needles! {123037}{123089}Let's shoot his legs with Novocain. . . {123095}{123156}. . .and watch him|try to get out of here. {123219}{123274}What you got in your hands there? {123281}{123311}A nut cup. {123342}{123383}I got some big nuts! {123455}{123487}That's nitrous. . . {123505}{123537}. . .oxide! {123561}{123594}Laughing gas! {123603}{123646}We're stoned! {123749}{123788}Murtaugh! Hurry up! {123798}{123873}That's one funny son-in-law|you got there, Rog. {123889}{123925}After tonight it be too late. {123933}{123974}Too late for what? {124031}{124073}Why'd you call him my son-in-law? {124082}{124124}Uncle Benny? He's too old. {124179}{124250}Buy Four Fathers back|at Four Fathers' store. {124272}{124323}Why's he talking about his ancestors? {124329}{124362}I don't know. {124379}{124431}Why you call him my son-in-law? {124443}{124473}Because I am! {124607}{124638}I thought he was. . . . {124711}{124743}No, I'm. . . . {124804}{124829}Bloody marvelous! {124846}{124899}Your baby is having my baby. {124939}{125007}My baby is having his baby. {125017}{125075}And your baby? Whoa, baby! {125083}{125119}Whoa, baby! My baby! {125145}{125190}What are you doing? {125195}{125249}I couldn't stall anymore. {125272}{125311}What happened? {125340}{125392}Rog, look at this.|Does that hurt? {125585}{125669}Uncle Benny,|anything happens to the Hongs. . . {125674}{125723}. . .we'll come back|and rip you a new one. {125728}{125767}That's two for Benny. {125776}{125818}Bloody marvelous! {125905}{125965}-Are you crazy?|-Why did you do that? {125971}{126020}For keeping it from me|and letting me think. . . . {126029}{126071}Hit him, not me. {126077}{126159}As soon as we find the Hongs,|we're getting into this. {127301}{127322}Uncle. {127335}{127364}You're all here? {127371}{127403}All here. {127445}{127480}What's going on? {127488}{127548}As payment for bringing you|to America. . . {127553}{127603}. . .your uncle's working for us. {127625}{127655}Now finish the job. {127661}{127706}What job? {127722}{127763}No time to talk now. {127769}{127821}Take them to their new homes. . . {127827}{127891}. . .and guarantee their safety.|Then I'll finish. {128232}{128334}Finish now or watch the others die. {128749}{128785}Rimminy ? {128795}{128868}A young bimbo? A jumping jiminy?|I don't know. {128897}{128928}l can 't remember. {128941}{128980}No, Riggs. Renminbi. {128993}{129021}Say that again. {129028}{129052}That's it! {129060}{129083}You got it. {129089}{129127}Means, ''people's money. '' {129132}{129158}People's money? {129167}{129196}What else did Benny say? {129204}{129297}He was talking about|buying back his ancestors. {129306}{129348}And about how tonight's... {129358}{129399}. . .too late.|Mean anything to you? {129404}{129431}No, nothing at all. {129439}{129539}And the guy who torched my house?|Benny was afraid of him. {129546}{129614}lf Benny's scared,|he's got to be a Chinese Triad. {129625}{129683}Those guys kill anyone|in their way. {129690}{129709}Including cops. . . {129714}{129784}...and their families.|Watch your asses! {129791}{129828}-Thanks, Ng.|-Keep me posted. {129860}{129919}Pick up your wife, my daughter. {129924}{129980}-I'll get Trish, you get Lorna.|-Her and Ping. {131509}{131530}What? {131563}{131604}You want to get married, don't you? {131652}{131674}No. {131790}{131839}Yes. Yes, I do. {131861}{131914}But if you don't want to, it's okay. {131937}{131972}Why didn't you tell me? {131980}{132045}Because I didn't want to put|any pressure on you. {132050}{132106}If you want to someday, that'd be great. {132149}{132184}If you don't. . . {132196}{132237}. . .I love you. {132325}{132394}I'll take you any way I can get you. {132522}{132553}Feelthat! {132572}{132638}-Ping, feel the baby!|-He's really dancing. {132645}{132681}He's kicking. You feel him? {133873}{133898}You're okay. {133904}{133942}Riggs. Pick up, Riggs. {133948}{133990}Riggs, it's Murtaugh. {134015}{134099}I'm sick of these fuckers.|Let's just find them and shoot them. {134115}{134173}Meet me and Butters on South Spring. {134180}{134204}What's going on? {134265}{134311}They found my watch. {134397}{134486}They killed Hong, his uncle,|Uncle Benny too. Bodies are in there. {134493}{134551}-Where's the rest of the family?|-They're okay. {134572}{134655}INS raided a Chinese sweatshop. {134672}{134774}Hong's family was being held there|and they led them back here. {134814}{134857}They were making funny money. {134864}{134899}Ink's still wet. {134917}{134983}-Where are the faces?|-It's why I call it funny. {134998}{135043}Why are they making Chinese money? {135050}{135095}Can they even exchange it here? {135100}{135131}-Only in China.|-Renminbi. {135137}{135167}I remember. {135214}{135299}Hong's uncle was an artist.|Maybe an engraver. {135309}{135399}Bringing over his family could've|been how he was paid for the job. {135406}{135442}-That's thin.|-It's not. {135449}{135480}Keep talking. What? {135489}{135563}Benny said something about paying. . . {135571}{135613}. . .buying back his forefathers. {135621}{135642}What'd you say? {135669}{135750}Benny said something about buying|back his forefathers. {135757}{135797}You said ancestors. {135803}{135846}What's the difference? {135853}{135924}The number four.|Four Fathers. {135932}{135990}They were the top guys|of the Hong Kong Triad. {135995}{136035}They disappeared from prison. {136040}{136092}Reds jailed them when they|took over Hong Kong. {136096}{136116}I bet they're here. {136121}{136149}Damn, we're good. {136156}{136228}Grab Ping. I don't want him|to see the bodies. {136303}{136356}1 0 to 1 , I know where the money is. . . {136362}{136431}. . .and where the Four Fathers are.|Let me make a call. {136441}{136466}Don't leave without us. {136484}{136541}Good work!|You must be a detective. {136547}{136587}I have my moments. {136739}{136766}Uncle Benny. {136781}{136842}I was actually starting|to like the old goat. {136848}{136885}Bloody marvelous. {136893}{136943}And it's fried rice, ''you plick.'' {137145}{137212}-Which one is Hong?|-In front of you. {137226}{137293}I want a complete set|of forensics on all three. {137390}{137439}Dads and their kids. {137507}{137552}I'll take care of yours, buddy. {137569}{137594}We got to go! {137603}{137657}-Take care of yourself.|-Where're we going? {137663}{137701}-L.A. Harbor.|-What's there? {137707}{137750}It's a foreign trade zone. {137755}{137817}Shady deals with the Chinese military. {137833}{137888}It's run by a corrupt Chinese general. {137896}{138011}l got it, a corrupt Chinese general|brought the Four Fathers here... {138018}{138063}...and the Triad's|buying their release. {138070}{138132}That's what Uncle Benny meant|by buying them back. {138139}{138217}That general will shit|when he sees the money's counterfeit. {138224}{138261}Let's tell him. {139284}{139317}Hi, gang. {139324}{139353}LAPD. {139453}{139493}I saw Hong. {139501}{139566}This is what Benny meant|by buying the Four Fathers. {139572}{139666}Harpo, Groucho, Chico and Fucko.|How are you, boys? {139676}{139704}Who's the naughty general? {139711}{139760}Who's been lining his pockets? {139768}{139832}Naughty!|Speaky EngIish? {139877}{139902}What do you want? {139940}{139962}See this? {139970}{140044}I hope you need lots of|toiIet paper back home. {140050}{140090}That's all it's good for. {140098}{140169}Take the Four Pops back to China.|We don't give a shit. {140177}{140198}The Four Pops! {140226}{140281}Don't want them no more.|It's counterfeit. {140288}{140347}Triads never prosper|cheating a general. {140396}{140430}See for yourself. {140713}{140784}Money losing face.|General losing face. {140791}{140853}Hard when Triad try to sit on it. {140928}{140978}I fucked you. I fucked you! {140991}{141014}We fucked you. {141021}{141073}It's beautiful! {141135}{141165}Don't we get a hand? {141424}{141478}Keep your head down!|Let them shoot each other! {141485}{141515}Watch out! {141570}{141591}Thanks! {141876}{141901}Was this a good idea? {141906}{141933}It was an idea! {142103}{142139}11 in the mag, 1 in the pipe.|You? {142145}{142182}Wheel gun. 6 shots. {142242}{142262}Four! {142443}{142492}Why are you lying to me? {142533}{142577}L.A. says you're on the take. {142582}{142611}I'm on the take?! {142616}{142692}I think it's crazy!|But you're spending lots of money! {142701}{142740}You ever hear of Ebony Clark? {142768}{142843}Yeah! She writes those|cheesy sex novels! {142866}{142894}Are you boinking her? {142900}{142973}No, I'm not boinking Ebony Clark! {142980}{143021}Trish is Ebony Clark. {143089}{143111}You are boinking her! {143156}{143205}Yeah, I'm boinking her. {143551}{143581}Too embarrassing to tell anybody. {143588}{143625}Yeah, I don't blame you. {143634}{143668}-She makes lots of money.|-How many you got? {143674}{143710}Two. {143732}{143766}I'll look for more ammo. {144506}{144541}Who's in white pajamas? {144556}{144623}Wah Sing Ku. The Four Father|with him is his older brother. {144629}{144661}No kidding? {144892}{144939}-Hey, Butters.|-Shit! Shit! {144949}{144993}Now you got my name right. {144999}{145046}I'm out.|I got to find some rounds. {145065}{145102}I'll help you. {145115}{145164}Never been shot before. {145262}{145304}Take care of my son-in-law. {146428}{146495}-You all right?|-No, I got my ass kicked again. {146501}{146545}Shit, I'm out. {146552}{146633}I hit the bastard. I thought|I missed him. Where'd they go? {146930}{146957}Come on! {147006}{147058}We got Door Number 1 ,|Number 2, or Number 3. {147140}{147196}-Looks like Number 2, Monty.|-Let's go. {147320}{147387}What's behind Door Number 2?|Bingo. {147581}{147618}Now you've done it. {147628}{147663}Now he's really pissed. {147783}{147843}Son of a bitch will be a handful. {147953}{148059}Since I met you, I've done some|hairy shit. But this won't happen. {148085}{148129}I'm going to be a grandfather. . . {148137}{148189}. . .and you and Lorna will have a baby. {148281}{148351}He ain't worth dying for, Riggs. {148418}{148457}Yeah, you're right. {148503}{148570}If he gets away we can|track him down later. . . {148576}{148621}. . .with a howitzer or something. {148626}{148701}Your son-in-law's bIeeding.|We should get him and go. {148717}{148786}-Shit, it's raining.|-I'm too old for this shit. {148811}{148855}Guy's too damn good. {148863}{148935}How'd he do that thing with the gun? {148945}{149038}He took my gun apart with one move.|How'd he do that? {149097}{149122}How? {149329}{149372}Yeah, okay. {149381}{149406}Let's go ask him. {154952}{154987}Are you up there? {155003}{155034}Are you all right? {155917}{155956}Where are you, Riggs? {155966}{156016}Will it to me, Riggs! {156054}{156085}Where are you? {156090}{156120}Will it to me! {156179}{156218}Will me, Riggs. {156225}{156278}You going to have a baby. Will me! {156284}{156341}You son of a bitch.|God! Will me! {156489}{156540}I hear you, Riggs. {156554}{156609}I got you! I'm coming! {157831}{157879}I heard you, Riggs! {157912}{157965}You willed me to it! {157973}{158015}What took you so long? {158022}{158092}What the Hell do you mean? {158099}{158180}I was knocked down over here!|I couldn't even get up! {158250}{158276}Come back here! {158355}{158396}Let's go home, man. {158410}{158452}Let's get out of here. {158597}{158679}I haven't been here enough|lately, Vicky. I'm sorry. {158719}{158790}I need to talk to you about Lorna.|Me and Lorna. {158863}{158935}It's like this.|She wants to get married. . . {158974}{159055}. . .and I love her.|I won't lie to you. I do. {159068}{159128}And I want to make her happy. {159182}{159235}I'm looking for help here, honey. {159282}{159317}I don't know what to do. {159356}{159408}Funny talking to you about|this stuff-- {159526}{159580}You want to get yourseIf shot? {159644}{159693}What the Hell are you doing here? {159707}{159735}I was tailing you. {159769}{159794}Sorry. {159872}{159944}I'll leave you alone.|I guess you want to be alone. {159959}{159995}I'd appreciate it. {160108}{160167}When I was a kid I had a pet frog. {160177}{160197}What? {160225}{160288}Give me a second.|Let me tell you this. {160297}{160363}I had this pet frog, name was Froggy. {160373}{160419}He was my best friend in the world. {160440}{160504}I didn't have lots of friends.|In fact. . . {160517}{160565}. . .I had no friends. {160634}{160689}I used to kiss the frog too. {160695}{160741}I thought maybe. . . {160755}{160834}. . .it would turn into a princess|since I was a boy. {160843}{160879}And it could be. . . {160887}{160915}. . .my mother. {160939}{161012}They told me that|she left or something. {161036}{161095}And my father was no bargain. {161101}{161139}And so, just the frog. . . {161149}{161190}. . .Froggy, was my friend. {161197}{161274}I loved him and took him|everywhere with me. {161280}{161327}I was riding my bike one day. . . {161334}{161386}. . .he jumped out of the box. . . {161393}{161439}. . .and I ran him over|with the back tire. {161458}{161495}I killed him. {161507}{161570}I was really heartbroken. Really. {161594}{161658}He was my best friend,|the only thing I ever loved. {161694}{161736}And then I met you. . . {161746}{161776}. . .and Roger. {161785}{161871}You looked after me|a lot more than you had to. {161886}{161930}I'm terribIe to you, Leo. {161939}{161970}No, it's okay. {161982}{162009}It's okay. {162019}{162057}You're my family. . . {162070}{162110}. . .and my friends. {162162}{162239}You're not better friends than Froggy,|just different. {162402}{162470}I just thought that|might be relevant. {162581}{162630}Okay, I'll leave you alone now. {162713}{162756}I got a funny f-- {162772}{162791}What's wrong?! {162800}{162839}I'm having a baby. {162848}{162877}Lorna beeped me. {162890}{162941}Yes, it's Lorna.|She's having the baby. {162950}{162997}-I'll get the car.|-I'll be behind you. {163191}{163248}You picked a strange angel, honey. {163300}{163341}But I got the message. {163372}{163410}I got the message. {163560}{163606}I'll always have this. {163620}{163654}Always have you. {163670}{163710}In here and here. {163748}{163769}Thanks, honey. {163778}{163825}I got to go. Bye. {163841}{163882}I am not ready to have this baby! {163891}{163948}You're as ready as you're going to be. {163957}{163993}Fine! Just wheel me in. {164004}{164055}My legs are staying closed! {164078}{164101}Give me this! {164110}{164144}Ma'am, Let go! {164154}{164225}I am a police officer!|And I am not ready! {164384}{164414}Are you all right? {164423}{164457}-Are you the husband?|-Yes. {164464}{164492}Honey, are you all right? {164497}{164520}No, I'm not. {164528}{164572}I said I didn't want|to get married, but I do. {164580}{164645}I want to be a wife|before I'm a mother. {164653}{164682}I know you don't want to. {164732}{164771}-You said ''okay''?|-Yes, I did. Okay. {164781}{164816}Let's do it. {164843}{164875}He said okay. {164888}{164942}-Congratulations.|-He said okay, Leo. {164953}{164987}Oh, my God! {164996}{165034}What's that smell? {165043}{165116}I was on my way to the toilet|and she grabbed me. {165121}{165188}-I'm so sorry.|-Have a nice baby! {165232}{165265}I'm so sorry. {165336}{165380}Will you marry me? {165463}{165488}You bet I will. {165567}{165589}Let's go. {165598}{165656}I'm not going! Wait! {165696}{165725}-Get a minister.|-Now? {165730}{165801}Now. We're getting married.|Here comes another one. {165807}{165832}We need a Iicense-- {165838}{165888}I want to hear it|before the baby comes! {165893}{165916}It's coming now. {165925}{165988}Listen, I am getting married|or there is no baby. {165995}{166055}This could be an aspect|of a transition phase. {166061}{166131}This is no goddamn aspect|of a transition phase! {166140}{166181}Honey, everybody, caIm down. {166190}{166227}Calm down. Okay? {166236}{166293}Get a priest, minister, anything. {166301}{166359}Go get a priest!|Goddamn it, Leo! {166368}{166408}I got it. Okay. {166416}{166463}Pant, pant, blow.|Remember Lamaze class? {166470}{166511}Pant, blow. Come on! {166563}{166600}But I want to say ''I do.'' {166608}{166650}Here he is! {166658}{166689}This is Rabbi Gelb. {166696}{166719}A rabbi? {166725}{166759}You said anything. {166768}{166797}He'll do. {166803}{166840}For what I'll do? {166846}{166902}We'd like you to marry us.|Please. {166909}{166945}-You're Jewish?|-Not necessariIy. {166953}{166983}-You got a license?|-No. {166990}{167032}Please don't go! {167048}{167112}She needs to hear the words|before the baby comes. {167119}{167205}Are you both serious?|I don't have time for hijinks. {167212}{167243}We're very serious. {167251}{167297}I could do it.|It wouldn't be official. {167304}{167341}I just want to hear the words. {167351}{167398}What the Hell! Your names? {167407}{167441}I'm Martin and this is Lorna. {167452}{167487}Martin and Lorna. {167507}{167574}What am I doing?|How do the goyim do this? {167607}{167652}Dearly beloved! {167659}{167771}Dearly beloved,|marriage is a spirituaI union. . . . {167800}{167871}Faster!|She's heading for the home stretch. {167880}{167933}Martin, will you take|Lorna to be your wife? {167940}{168022}Will you honor, love, etc. . . {168028}{168077}-. . .till death do you part?|-I will. {168082}{168147}Lorna, will you take Martin|to be your husband? {168156}{168218}-I do.|-The same thing. {168223}{168252}I pronounce you man and wife. {168259}{168311}You may kiss the bride.|You already did. {168318}{168363}-Let's go.|-No, wait! {168370}{168402}Hold it! {168411}{168438}What is it? {168448}{168502}Let me have this glass! {168510}{168576}No, goddamn it!|What are you doing?! {168589}{168660}Talk to the hand!|I'll be right back. {168667}{168742}You know how long it took me|to fill that thing? All day! {168748}{168817}This is unsanitary.|What is this? {168827}{168868}-Break the glass.|-I'll get piss on my shoes! {168886}{168918}You got to do this! {168937}{168973}Mazeltov ! {169028}{169077}Come back here,|you little son of a bitch! {169085}{169114}Pant, pant, blow. {169121}{169153}Leo, please. {169193}{169270}Your work is over here.|I think someone else needs you. {169398}{169445}Good luck, Lorna, Riggs. {169534}{169564}Thanks a Iot. {169680}{169719}Stick around.|Meet the kid. {169725}{169777}Good luck, Lorna! {169919}{169969}Here it comes. {170020}{170050}Here he is. {170064}{170140}He's looking right at you.|He knows it's you. {170256}{170297}Rog, look what I found. {170312}{170371}-Look at that.|-What a beauty! {170388}{170431}Look at those eyes! {170446}{170505}-He looks like his mother.|-Yes, he does. {170513}{170537}Murtaugh! {170606}{170639}No, Butters! {170650}{170696}Butters' baby.|Better not be Murtaugh. {170704}{170740}It's Butters. {170777}{170815}Look at that baby. {170833}{170870}Look at the hair. {170894}{170935}That's my baby! {170950}{171013}Look at her. You're so cute.|Look at you! {171019}{171083}27 people, nobody thought|of bringing a camera? {171089}{171127}Leo, your plastic's flaccid. {171136}{171217}These machines wreck your plastic,|then give you the camera. {171226}{171280}The camera doesn't work.|They're trying to-- {171389}{171423}What are you doing here? {171442}{171478}Look at these two babies. {171484}{171535}A little something from the squad. {171600}{171658}-Give back the captain badges.|-Why? {171664}{171743}Congratulations, you're sergeants again.|The city's self-insured. {171750}{171798}I thought they'd make us president. {171826}{171881}By the way, Grandpa,|you owe the chief one. {171889}{171921}He went to the INS. . . {171926}{171987}. . .and they're giving asylum|to the Hongs. {171998}{172023}All right! {172066}{172105}We're going to take a picture. {172209}{172262}Squeeze together.|Candy stripers out. {172270}{172302}Out! Okay. Out! {172320}{172373}I can't.|There's not enough room. {172420}{172462}You got to back up. {172481}{172507}I'm taking big steps! {172515}{172550}Get this guy to take it. {172557}{172620}Doc, can you take a picture|of all of us? {172697}{172750}It's my best man, after all. {172759}{172796}Get my grandbaby in it too. {172803}{172829}Are you all friends? {172837}{172908}No. We're family! {172915}{172935}Okay, on 3. {172942}{172990}One, two, three! {183084}{183107}SubtitIed by:|GELULA & CO., INC. Ripped by JASPOV