{1094}{1158}Let's sort the buyers from the spyers,|the needy from the greedy {1160}{1230}and those who trust me|from the ones who don't. {1234}{1284}If you can't see value here, {1287}{1359}you're not shopping,|you're shoplifting. {1363}{1435}You see these goods?|Never seen daylight, moonlight, {1438}{1497}Israelites,|Fanny by the gaslight. {1500}{1571}Take a bag, come on.|I took one home last night - {1574}{1628}cost more than ten pound,|I can tell you. {1631}{1691}Anyone like jewellery?|Look at that one. {1695}{1759}Hand-made in ltaly,|hand-stolen in Stepney. {1762}{1828}It's as long as my arm,|not like something else. {1831}{1903}Don't think 'cos these boxes|are sealed, they're empty. {1906}{1964}Only the undertaker|sells empty boxes. {1966}{2070}By the look of you lot, I'd make|more money with my tape-measure. {2073}{2115}Here, one price, ten pound. {2119}{2170}- Did you say ten pound?|- Are you deaf? {2173}{2207}Bargain. I'll take one. {2210}{2259}Squeeze in. Left leg, right leg. {2262}{2299}They call it walking. {2302}{2374}You want one, darling?|That's it, they're waking up. {2378}{2448}Treat the wife -|treat somebody else's wife. {2451}{2520}It's more fun|if you don't get caught. {2523}{2582}You want one?|Show me a bit of life, then. {2585}{2633}It's no good standing|like one o'clock half struck. {2636}{2709}These are not stolen -|they're just not paid for. {2712}{2779}Can't get 'em again,|they've changed the locks. {2782}{2850}Can't come back -|I'll have sold out. {2853}{2892}Nice bit of stuff. {2895}{2932}"Too late" will be the cry|when the bargains pass you by. {2935}{2973}If you've no money on you, {2976}{3028}you'll cry tears|big as October cabbages. {3031}{3078}Bacon, cozzers! {3222}{3322}# So I said I'm on the roam|So I need a car {3325}{3397}# And I know|that I'm getting alive {3400}{3474}# And I say I got faith|in a season ## {3477}{3549}'Ed can hustle|a few quid here and there. {3552}{3622}'But his real talent|lies in cards - {3625}{3670}'and gambling with cards. {3719}{3778}'Bacon could see that his days {3781}{3882}'of selling moody goods|on street corners are numbered. {3885}{3963}'lt's time to move on|and he knows it.' {4386}{4466}What you talking about?|I'm bloody skinny, pal. {4469}{4511}'Course you are. All right, Ed? {4514}{4594}Nick the Greek, a pleasure.|Tom, what have you eaten? {4597}{4647}- I was telling him...|- Enough! {4650}{4696}You two, join me in my office. {4798}{4843}So how much is it, Tom? {4846}{4880}You know how much, Nick. {4883}{4949}- And that includes the amp?|- No. {4952}{5000}That does not include the amp. {5014}{5061}Shit, Tom. I thought|it included the amp. {5064}{5151}It doesn't. I'll throw in|one of these telephones, {5154}{5222}but it does not include the amp. {5225}{5271}Very nice. {5274}{5316}I hope it includes the speakers. {5319}{5388}It doesn't include|the speakers or the amp. {5391}{5469}It's not supposed to include|me getting the hump {5472}{5525}with your questions.|You want it, you buy it. {5528}{5566}What else do I get? {5569}{5615}A gold-plated Rolls Royce,|if you pay for it. {5618}{5677}Don't know, Tom.|Seems expensive. {5680}{5778}Seems...this seems|to be a waste of my time. {5781}{5842}That is 900 nicker|in any shop, {5845}{5900}and you're complaining|about 200? {5903}{5948}What school of finance|did you study? {5951}{5998}It's a deal, it's a steal. {6001}{6065}It's the sale|of the fucking century. {6067}{6112}In fact, I'll keep it. {6115}{6164}All right, keep your alans on. {6264}{6312}Here's a ton. {6315}{6367}Jesus Christ! {6370}{6413}You could choke|a dozen donkeys on that. {6416}{6455}You're haggling over 100 pound. {6457}{6517}What d'you do when|you're not buying stereos - {6520}{6555}finance revolutions? {6557}{6614}£100 is still £100. {6618}{6663}Not when the price is £200. {6666}{6725}Not when you've got Liberia's|deficit in your sky rocket. {6728}{6784}Tighter than a duck's butt! {6787}{6848}Let me feel|the fibre of your fabric. {6968}{7010}'The skinny one is Tom. {7013}{7061}'He's the entrepreneur|of the bunch. {7064}{7109}'He's got|a couple of dirty fingers {7112}{7153}'in a couple of dirty pies. {7157}{7206}'Nick, however,|has made it his business {7209}{7264}'to have all 20|fat fingers and toes {7268}{7337}'in every dirty, bent|and stolen pie in London.' {7339}{7414}'Between them, there ain't much|you can't get hold of.' {7499}{7539}That's my 25 grand. {7542}{7627}It took me a long time to earn,|so treat it with respect. {7630}{7664}What about the chef? {8075}{8112}What've you come as? {8145}{8195}Cupid, stupid. {8198}{8248}That's the last time|I get fruit off you, Tom. {8251}{8371}There was more small armoured|things in it than fruit. {8374}{8430}You should open a butchers,|not a grocers. {8432}{8474}If you order stuff|from Kathmandu, {8477}{8551}don't be surprised|if it picks up a few tourists. {8553}{8618}Anyway, enough.|Where's the money? {8620}{8700}Keep your fingers|out of my soup! {8703}{8749}'Soap is called Soap {8752}{8828}'because he keeps his hands|clean of unlawful behaviour. {8831}{8906}'He's proud of his job|and more proud it's legal. {8909}{8978}'He represents the more|sensible side of the four.' {9033}{9097}Are you sure you can afford 25? {9099}{9151}It depends|how you look at it. {9154}{9214}I can afford it|if I see it again. {9217}{9283}Got the rest from|the fat man and Bacon? {9286}{9328}Fat man, Bacon|and myself. {9331}{9390}Looks like it's time|to call Harry. {9420}{9457}Who's this fat man? {9533}{9565}Sandwich, Bacon? {9659}{9720}'lt's not easy to take|a seat at this card table. {9723}{9787}'The amount of money|has to be 100 grand upwards {9789}{9840}'and there's no shortage|of punters. {9843}{9936}'This is the man who decides|whether you can play - {9939}{10009}'Harry, or as some,|including himself like to say, {10012}{10050}'Hatchet Harry.' {10053}{10085}You got it all? {10151}{10182}100 grand. {10185}{10275}If you got it, you got it.|Now, if you don't mind... {10373}{10481}- What's this Eddie like?|- He's a fucking thief! {10484}{10532}'Harry has a colleague,|a monster of a man, {10535}{10568}'Barry the Baptist. {10571}{10662}'He got his name|by drowning people for Hatchet. {10665}{10726}- Fucking pay.|- I'll pay! {10729}{10773}'Barry makes sure {10776}{10871}'the administrative side of the|business runs harmoniously.' {10874}{10915}The boy's got a rare ability. {10918}{11004}He seems to make cards|transparent. He's got... {11007}{11066}All right,|we can say he's good. {11069}{11164}No, he's better than good.|He's a fucking liability. {11167}{11233}Hold on, what|do you think of these? {11236}{11304}- We're selling hundreds.|- Very nice, Harry. {11307}{11375}What's it for? {11378}{11442}Don't play innocent,|Bazza. Spanking! {12375}{12464}There's 25 from me,|Tom, Soap and yourself. {12467}{12562}100 to the pound. Why the fuck|are you counting it? {12565}{12611}Because I like to. {12614}{12695}A reasonable return|should be about 120 grand. {12698}{12769}For 25 grand invested,|going on experience. {12772}{12812}Going on optimism. {12815}{12901}Whatever - it'll be enough|to send you on a cooking course. {12904}{12959}You're not funny, Tom.|You're fat - {12962}{13012}and look as though you|should be, but you're not. {13016}{13080}Fat! Who you calling...|Jesus! {13083}{13147}It's good here, innit?|Handy for the tube, {13148}{13195}great electrics - I can|see why you moved in. {13198}{13270}Don't knock it, it's "cheep",|like the budgie. {13273}{13345}Nobody wants to live next|to the people we live next to. {13348}{13440}- Anti-social to say the least.|- What d'you mean? {13443}{13489}He means they're|thieving bastards. {13492}{13551}When they're not picking|peanuts out of poop, {13554}{13633}they rip off unfortunate souls|of their drugs. {13681}{13757}Ssh. Not exactly thick,|these walls. {13808}{13869}Nice work, John.|Get yourself a drink. {13990}{14041}Is that it? {14044}{14093}How many times must|I tell you, Plank? {14095}{14177}Find a job worth doing, you'll|find your share improving. {14180}{14227}Have you got a problem|with that? {14387}{14497}# Police and thieves|in the street {14500}{14622}# Fighting the nation|with their... ## {14625}{14693}Charles, this gear|is getting heavier. {14736}{14845}I've a suspicion we should have|been rocket scientists or... {14848}{14929}Nobel Peace Prize winners...|something. {14932}{15011}Peace Prize? Be lucky|to find your penis for a piss - {15014}{15048}the amount you smoke. {15219}{15270}Who the hell's that? {15458}{15506}All right, Willie? {15509}{15584}Does it look like I am?|Take this. {15648}{15700}I'm in danger of breaking|a sweat any second. {15703}{15762}Charles,|why've we got that cage? {15795}{15833}Security. {15865}{15948}That's right. Security. {15952}{16056}What's the point in having it if|we're not gonna fucking use it? {16059}{16132}I would've used it, Winston,|but this is Willie. {16134}{16184}- And Willie lives here.|- Yes, Charles. {16187}{16273}But you didn't know it was|until you opened the door. {16276}{16365}Chill, Winston. It's me. {16368}{16430}Charlie knows it's me,|what's the problem? {16477}{16537}The problem is, Willie,|Charles and yourself {16540}{16615}are not the quickest cats|at the best of times. {16618}{16692}So do as I say and keep|the fucking cage locked! {16754}{16813}- What is that?|- That's Gloria. {16816}{16873}I know that's Gloria.|What's that? {16920}{16955}Fertiliser. {16958}{17033}You went out six hours ago|to buy a money counter. {17036}{17089}You come back with|a semi-conscious Gloria {17092}{17134}and a bag of fertiliser. {17137}{17209}Alarm bells are ringing, Willie. {17212}{17251}We need fertiliser, Winston. {17254}{17310}We also need a money counter. {17313}{17370}This money's gotta|be out by Thursday. {17373}{17438}I'm buggered|if I'm gonna count it. {17441}{17505}If you do have to buy|sodding fertiliser, {17507}{17564}could you be|a little more subtle? {17567}{17608}What do you mean? {17641}{17733}We grow copious amounts|of ganja, yeah? {17736}{17793}Yeah. {17796}{17896}And you're carrying a wasted|girl and a bag of fertiliser. {17899}{17988}You don't look your average|horti-fucking-culturalist. {17991}{18029}That's what I mean, Willie. {18128}{18170}# "The Boss" #|by James Brown {18198}{18305}# Paid the cost to be the boss {18371}{18432}# Paid the cost to be the boss {18495}{18548}# I paid the cost|to be the boss ## {18605}{18713}- How long's he been in there?|- About...20 minutes. {18771}{18847}- Is he on his own?|- Yeah, carrying a bag. {18901}{18945}Let's pay him a visit,|shall we? {19077}{19122}'Big Chris settles debts|for Harry. {19125}{19232}'The only thing he cares|more about than unsettled debts {19235}{19296}'is his son and heir,|Little Chris.' {19299}{19338}# Look at me {19341}{19400}# Know what you see {19403}{19450}# See a bad mother ## {19664}{19739}This is one of them...|high-powered jobs, innit? {19767}{19800}Aaagh! {19803}{19857}I've got some bad news|for you, John. {19860}{19899}What the fuck! {19932}{19971}Mind your language|in front of the boy. {19974}{20028}Jesus Christ! {20062}{20121}That includes blasphemy.|Now tell me, John, {20124}{20189}how can you concentrate|on improving this tan - {20192}{20233}and it is a lovely tan - {20236}{20320}when you've got more pressing|priorities at hand? {20349}{20424}Tell Harry...l mean Mr Harry, {20427}{20491}I've been busy,|I'm nearly there. {20494}{20544}Check his locker, son. {20547}{20646}I don't suppose there's a chance|of you lifting this up, Chris? {20761}{20850}He's not poor! He's got|over a monkey in his wallet! {20853}{20955}Fuckin' hell, John, you go round|with that in your pocket? {20958}{21043}Use language like that again,|you'll wish you hadn't! {21046}{21079}Sorry, Dad. {21082}{21115}Right. Put the rest|of the stuff in that. {21149}{21213}You can go home|in a plastic bag tonight. {21215}{21260}You owe what you owe. {21263}{21358}By the time this tan's faded|you wanna have paid. {21513}{21588}- You never would've paid.|- Who would pay for shit? {21591}{21634}Exactly. We had to... {21684}{21728}What the hell|are you doing here? {21731}{21767}What's up? {21770}{21839}Let me guess,|my foot in your arse. {21842}{21906}Game o'cards - Hatchet Harry? {21908}{21977}You're supposed to be|getting your rest in, boy. {22008}{22053}You playing cards|tonight, son? {22111}{22161}With Harry? {22164}{22241}Don't be silly, Dad. I wouldn't|have anything to do with that. {22495}{22536}Where'd|he get a hundred grand? {22539}{22587}He's got adhesive mates -|Iike brothers. {22590}{22633}They've tossed up|between 'em. {22636}{22709}And JD, his dad,|owns the whole property? {22712}{22752}No mortgage, no debts. {22755}{22822}Lock, stock - the fucking lot. {22825}{22897}Don't worry, Harry.|I've got it under control. {22900}{22970}Good. You can get this|under contol now. {22973}{23033}It seems Lord Appleton Smythe|has run out of money. {23036}{23091}These little beauties|are up for auction. {23094}{23177}I'm not paying a quarter|of a million quid for 'em. {23180}{23234}If you know what I mean,|Barry. {23237}{23310}Make sure we get everything|from the gun cabinet. {23313}{23356}I don't care who you use, {23359}{23413}as long as they're not|complete muppets. {23416}{23480}And don't tell 'em|what they're worth, Barry. {23526}{23563}# "Spooky" #|by Dusty Springfield {23566}{23621}# ln the cool of the evening {23624}{23695}# When everything|is getting kinda groovy # {23698}{23739}Right, where was we? {23742}{23844}Shotguns...guns that fire shots? {23847}{23886}You must be the brains. {23889}{23933}That's right,|guns that fire shots. {23936}{24030}Make sure you bring everything|from the gun cabinet. {24033}{24127}There'll be a load of old guns.|That's all I want. {24130}{24198}Everything else outside|the cabinet, you can keep. {24201}{24235}Thank you very much. {24238}{24295}There'd better|be something there for us. {24298}{24343}It's a fucking|stately home, {24346}{24394}of course there'll|be something there. {24397}{24447}- Like what?|- Like fucking antiques. {24450}{24545}Antiques! What the fuck|do we know about antiques? {24548}{24613}- We rob post offices.|- We steal cars. {24616}{24686}What the fuck do we know|about antiques, mate? {24689}{24761}If it looks old,|it's worth money - simple. {24764}{24841}Stop fucking moaning|and rob the place. {24844}{24921}Who's the guv?|Who are we doing this for? {24924}{25014}You're doing it for me -|is all you need to know. {25017}{25069}You know|because you need to know. {25072}{25201}I see. One of those|"need to know basis" things. {25204}{25281}Like one of those|James Bond films. {25284}{25368}Careful, remember who's giving|you this job. {25371}{25462}Right, I'm off.|Call me when you're done. {25465}{25501}Ta-ra. {25588}{25646}Fucking northern monkeys. {25721}{25795}I hate these fucking|southern fairies. {25913}{26004}'Ed has been playing cards|since he could lift 'em up. {26007}{26074}'He soon discovered|he had a big advantage. {26077}{26130}'lt's not that he's|good at cards, {26134}{26171}'or even good at counting them. {26174}{26235}'lt's that he's good|at reading people's reactions {26238}{26286}'no matter how subtle. {26289}{26345}'Everybody has reactions. {26385}{26449}'Especially when|it comes to money.' {26451}{26534}# Love is kind of crazy {26537}{26605}# With a spooky|little boy like you ## {26759}{26827}- Invitations.|- Invitations? {26830}{26921}Yeah, four pretty white pieces|of paper with your names on. {26924}{26998}We got 100,000 bits of paper|with the Queen's head on. {27001}{27041}Will that do? {27044}{27140}Just you. The others can wait|next door in Samoan Jo's. {27143}{27221}Samoan Jo's?|You mean the pub? Hold on... {27224}{27309}Hold on to your tongue|and I'll hold on to my patience. {27312}{27407}No one in here but card players|tonight - no one. {27552}{27646}Evening, Fraser. Don, Phil. {27649}{27704}Bit dramatic, innit? {27707}{27749}Is it supposed to be symbolic? {27752}{27817}Apparently it's for security. {27820}{27871}I'd have brought my gloves|if I'd have known. {27874}{27949}You must be Eddy, JD's son. {27952}{28067}You must be Harry.|Sorry, didn't know your father. {28070}{28162}Never mind, son, you might meet|him if you carry on like that. {28199}{28255}Evening, Tanya. Been a while. {28258}{28291}All right, Ed. {28774}{28841}We call each other Kenny,|OK, Gary? {28844}{28877}All right, Kenny. {28880}{28930}You gonna put your stocking on? {28933}{28987}I spent 120 quid on my hair - {28990}{29044}I'm not pulling a sock over it. {29046}{29087}You have to put something on. {29163}{29218}Three card brag, gentlemen. {29221}{29271}Three 3s are highest,|then three aces, {29274}{29317}then running down accordingly. {29320}{29398}Then it's a running flush,|a run, a flush and then a pair. {29401}{29462}An open man can't|see a blind man. {29465}{29538}It will cost twice the ante|to see your opponent. {29541}{29586}Don't fuck around, fellas. {29589}{29671}You know the rules.|You know I won't stand for it. {30102}{30154}What are you doing?|Put that back. {30157}{30204}We're here to rob the guns. {30207}{30296}Put it back - it's crap anyway. {30352}{30384}Come on. {30819}{30868}What sort of pub is this? {30871}{30913}It's a Samoan pub. {30943}{30977}What's that? {30980}{31057}It's a cocktail -|you asked for a cocktail. {31060}{31140}I asked you to give me|a refreshing drink. {31143}{31201}I wasn't expecting|a fucking rainforest. {31204}{31269}You could fall in love|with an orangutan in that. {31271}{31329}You want a pint, go to the pub. {31374}{31411}I thought this was a pub. {31414}{31483}It's a Samoan pub. {31486}{31552}Can you get your man|to turn the TV down? {31555}{31624}Ask him if you like.|I'd leave him well alone. {31627}{31682}Get rid of that.|Bring us a Diet Coke. {31685}{31796}'Scuse me, can you|turn that TV down? {31924}{31961}No. {32054}{32095}Oooh! {32252}{32293}Whoa, whoa, Kenny. {32296}{32344}What are you doing? {32346}{32429}I am trying to find out|where they keep their money! {32467}{32544}You twat. Can't you see|they've got no money. {32546}{32592}They can't even afford|new furniture. {32595}{32646}We've got the guns.|What's the matter? {32649}{32717}Every time we do a job,|you burn people's feet. {32720}{32752}What's wrong with you? {33002}{33088}You wanna be more careful,|old fella. You nearly took {33091}{33129}my man's head off with that. {33132}{33182}You all right, Kenny? {33185}{33222}Kenny? {33376}{33422}Ten grand, blind. {33510}{33540}Twenty grand, open. {33568}{33622}Deep end, eh? {33661}{33694}Fold. {34132}{34168}Gotcha! {34460}{34494}Twenty grand, open. {34560}{34591}I fold. {34647}{34696}Don't spend that|all at once, boy. {34857}{34898}Bloody 'ell! {34901}{34940}What? {34943}{34988}You said there'd|be no staff, Barry. {34991}{35034}Did you get those guns? {35037}{35083}You wanna see|what they did to poor Gary! {35121}{35165}Gary, Gary. {35168}{35228}I said, did you get those guns? {35231}{35277}Yes, we got them! {35280}{35345}Good. I'll speak to you later. {35381}{35437}Gary, if you can hear me, {35440}{35490}get back in the car now, mate. {35493}{35537}Barry... Barry! {35603}{35671}Fucking, sodding,|shandy-drinking bastard! {35711}{35748}# "Liar Liar" #|by The Castaways {35751}{35789}# Liar liar, pants on fire {35792}{35890}# Your nose is longer|than a telephone wire {35893}{35979}# Ask me, baby, why I'm sad {35982}{36052}# Been out all night|Know you've been bad {36055}{36137}# Don't tell me different|I know it's a lie {36140}{36204}# Come to me, honey|See how I cry {36275}{36358}# Why must you hurt me?|Do what you do? {36361}{36451}# Listen here, girl|Can't you see I love you? {36454}{36538}# Make a little effort|Try to be true {36541}{36590}# I will be happy|Not so blue {36907}{37006}# Liar liar, pants on fire {37009}{37075}# Your nose is longer|than a telephone wire {37078}{37136}# You keep on|telling me those lies {37139}{37208}# Still going out|with other guys ## {37211}{37301}Give me my money!|You fucking slags! {37407}{37440}Give me my money! {37443}{37483}Give me back my money! {37486}{37516}Give it back! {37519}{37586}Wankers! Wankers! {37704}{37771}Come on, you. Not now, please. {37774}{37821}You fucking bastard! {37966}{38045}Fuck...you bastard. {38073}{38117}Oh, my good God! {38120}{38167}We'll take you to the cleaners! {38392}{38437}Twenty grand open. {38482}{38519}Thirty thousand. {38522}{38566}Back to you already, Eddie. {38627}{38662}Fifty grand. {38719}{38770}Eighty grand. {38805}{38842}One hundred grand. {38845}{38921}Whoa, whoa whoa.|Look, fellas, I know... {38924}{38955}I know you're not in, {38958}{39005}which means no one cares|what you know. {39055}{39088}Two hundred and fifty. {39179}{39214}That's quite a raise. {39217}{39304}That's one hundred and fifty|on my one hundred. {39340}{39391}Is there anything else|you want to say? {39430}{39502}As you know, this puts us|in an awkward position. {39548}{39605}I don't have enough|to continue. {39608}{39677}We'll have to see your cards|if no one loans Eddie the money. {39680}{39729}It's a loan|or we see both your cards. {39881}{39917}I will. {39986}{40022}You will what? {40064}{40120}I will loan you the money. {40202}{40273}No, I think I'd rather|just turn 'em over. {40276}{40347}I'm not interested|in what you would rather. {40350}{40400}I wanna keep going. {40403}{40467}I'm also offering you the money. {40470}{40547}We don't have to turn 'em over|because you can borrow. {40598}{40659}I need two hundred|and fifty grand. {40662}{40749}No, you need five hundred|grand to see me. {40798}{40837}That's if I wanna see you. {40840}{40916}You're gonna have a problem|carrying on, ain't ya? {40980}{41028}I'll see you. {41083}{41166}OK, before I loan you this,|I expect - {41169}{41206}if you lose, of course - {41209}{41260}my money back within a week. {41263}{41352}Crystal? That's Sunday, OK? {42033}{42106}Is that it? {42109}{42170}Now let's see his fucking cards. {42494}{42542}# "l Wanna Be Your Dog" #|by The Stooges {42545}{42609}# So messed up I want you here {42722}{42800}# ln my room I want you here {42917}{42993}# Now we're gonna be|face to face {43100}{43179}# And I'll lay right down|in my favourite place {43280}{43383}# And now I wanna be your dog {43386}{43476}# And now I wanna be your dog {43479}{43559}# And now I wanna be your dog # {43752}{43802}# Well, come on! ## {43867}{43927}Hello, boy.|Feeling a bit poorly? {43930}{43972}I know your friends {43975}{44063}are responsible|for most of the cash... {44066}{44133}so I'm gonna give you|one week to find it. {44136}{44202}Otherwise I will take a finger {44205}{44273}of each of you|and your friends' hands {44276}{44352}for every day that passes|without payment. {44355}{44420}When you've|run out of digits - {44423}{44492}your dad's bar,|and who knows what then. {44495}{44523}All right, my son? {44589}{44648}# "Why Did You Do lt?" #|by Stretch {44651}{44740}# I've been thinking|about what you have done to me {44743}{44852}# The damage is much deeper|than you'll ever see {44855}{44943}# Hit me like a hammer|to my head ## {44946}{44988}This doesn't look good. {45103}{45171}'He explained the unfortunate|position they were in. {45174}{45258}'Harry would start sizing up|all their fingers in a week. {45261}{45338}'He knew there was no way Ed|could settle that debt alone. {45341}{45411}'Harry saw it|as their money on the table, {45414}{45489}'so it was their debt|off the table. {45492}{45571}'Ed could've kissed|the old bastard for that. {45574}{45636}'lf he said he wanted|to settle the debt on his own, {45639}{45677}'it would have been a lie.' {45680}{45752}I wish he would've|let me settle it. {45835}{45913}- I'm gonna kill him!|- Stop fucking about. {45916}{45998}Think about what|we're gonna do. Sit down. {46098}{46137}What's all the fuss|about Harry? {46140}{46182}Why don't we|boycott the payment? {46266}{46327}Let me tell you|about Hatchet Harry. {46330}{46441}This geezer, Smithy|Robinson, worked for Harry. {46444}{46505}It was rumoured|that he was on the take. {46508}{46559}Harry's invited Smithy round|for an explanation. {46562}{46626}Smithy didn't|do a very good job. {46628}{46663}Within a minute... {46666}{46698}Harry's lost his rag. {46701}{46760}Reached out for the nearest|thing at hand - {46763}{46821}which happened to be|a 15-inch black rubber cock. {46824}{46917}He then proceeded to batter|poor Smithy to death with it. {47007}{47064}That was seen as|a pleasant way to go. {47067}{47173}Hence Hatchet Harry|is a man you pay if you owe. {47237}{47299}Don't worry,|I'll think of something. {47330}{47426}# I've been thinking|about what you have done to me {47429}{47529}# lmages much deeper|than you'll ever see {47569}{47655}# Hit me like|a hammer to my head {47658}{47750}# I wonder were you pushed|or were you led? {47753}{47804}# Why did you do it? {47807}{47881}# Why did you do|that thing to me? ## {48007}{48089}Golf - the best way|to spoil a good walk. {48265}{48303}Winston Churchill said that. {48331}{48381}I say it's a dog-eat-dog world. {48384}{48439}And I got|bigger teeth than you two. {48511}{48575}I think our friend is trying|to tell us something. {48577}{48632}Or should I take|another swing to make sure? {48635}{48691}Give me a five iron, John. {48694}{48729}Certainly, Dog. {48808}{48848}Now, keep still. {49070}{49124}Is there something|you'd like to tell us? {49167}{49218}- The fireplace.|- Shut it, you idiot... {49258}{49311}You were saying? {49314}{49400}It's in the fireplace.|Pull it out. It's in the bottom. {49403}{49484}It's in the fireplace, Frank.|Pull it out. {49487}{49522}It's in the bottom. {49525}{49594}Dog, I think you want|to have a look at this! {49677}{49726}You gonna let me down now? {49729}{49784}No, I'm not|finished with you yet. {49787}{49823}Steel. {49891}{49944}Help! Help! {50076}{50111}Oh, Dog. {50260}{50338}Who the hell's that?|It's only 12 o'clock. {50341}{50415}Use the cage,|that's what it's there for. {50533}{50564}Who is it? {50710}{50781}We have got security|for a reason, Willie. {50784}{50863}Chill, Winston. It's only Plank. {50916}{50981}This weed's getting|quite a rep, fellas. {50984}{51011}Easy. {51042}{51071}Jesus! {51074}{51112}Never saw you there. {51115}{51166}Hello, love,|enjoying yourself? {51204}{51238}Is she compos? {51241}{51279}What do you think? {51351}{51379}Boo! {51383}{51426}Fuck me! {51429}{51473}Clean that up, Charles. {51477}{51533}Sod you, you clean it up. {51535}{51629}Sorry, fellas, that stupid cow|scared the life out of me! {51633}{51723}Never mind. Can you just|sit down, stay out the way? {51800}{51854}How much is it you want? {51857}{51910}I'm...after an half weight. {51941}{52022}That's 1,500.|Pass the scales, Willie. {52068}{52107}Give us some gear, J. {52207}{52289}Any chance of actually|seeing the...money? {52509}{52568}The odds are 100-1. {52571}{52629}All we need is five grand. {52633}{52709}I'd rather put my money|on a three-legged rockin' horse. {52712}{52821}Those odds are for a good|reason, Bacon - it won't win! {52823}{52897}- Where's Eddie?|- Where do you think? {52900}{52975}The bottom of a bottle,|has been for two days. {52978}{53071}- It's hit him hard.|- It's hit us all hard! {53073}{53135}He's got to tell his dad|he's about to lose his bar. {53138}{53175}Listen to this one. {53178}{53248}You start a company -|"Arse Ticklers Faggots Fan Club" {53252}{53332}- You what?|- Put an advert in a gay mag, {53335}{53429}advertising the latest|in arse-intruding dildos. {53433}{53481}You sell it with... {53484}{53554}"Does what no other|dildo can do until now. {53557}{53610}"The latest and greatest|in sexual technology. {53614}{53654}"Guaranteed results."|All that bollocks. {53658}{53725}These dils cost 25 quid a pop - {53728}{53797}a snip for the pleasure|they'll give the recipients. {53800}{53870}They send their cheques|to the other company name. {53873}{53984}Not offensive, "Bobby's Bits"|or something, for 25 quid. {53987}{54048}You stick it in the bank|until it clears. {54051}{54091}This is the smart bit. {54094}{54188}You send back the cheque|for 25 pound {54191}{54233}from the other company name - {54235}{54288}"Arse Ticklers Faggots Fan|Club" - saying we're sorry, {54291}{54396}we couldn't get supplies from|America - they ran out of stock. {54398}{54465}You see how many people|cash that cheque. {54496}{54537}Not a single soul. {54540}{54634}Who wants their bank manager|to know they tickle arse? {54677}{54723}How long do you have to wait|till you see a return? {54727}{54771}Probably|no more than four weeks. {54773}{54908}What good is that if we need it|in six - no, five days? {54935}{54975}Well, it's still a good idea. {55038}{55121}He may know we smoke a lot,|burn a bit of profit, {55123}{55166}but he can't have any idea {55170}{55234}how much hard currency|we've accumulated. {55235}{55273}I don't know. Do you know? {55315}{55394}We can just...slice it|off the top. {55397}{55476}You guys have got|to realise who this chap is. {55479}{55566}He might look a bit silly,|but he's a fucking lunatic. {55570}{55637}If he gets an inkling we're not|throwing straight dice, {55640}{55685}you and me are gonna know {55688}{55744}what the sharp side|of a kebab knife feels like. {55747}{55790}So you know these geezers well? {55793}{55829}Enough - {55833}{55891}I bought gear off one|of 'em for a coupla years. {55895}{55957}- What they like, then?|- Poofs! Nothing heavy. {55960}{56012}Four public school boys,|soft as shite. {56535}{56598}They ponce around|in hippy clothes all day {56602}{56666}talking bollocks - they're|just good at growing weed. {56669}{56729}Business got bigger|than what they can handle. {56732}{56771}They can't all be stupid. {56773}{56866}They got a container load|of cash in shoe boxes, {56870}{56912}they sell class A gear - {56915}{56964}someone sensible|must be involved. {56966}{57006}What about security? {57009}{57070}There's a gate they never lock. {57073}{57150}What d'you mean never lock?|Why've they got it, then? {57153}{57198}I must've been there 50 times -|it's never locked. {57202}{57271}They're not suspicious. Everyone|that goes there's a toff. {57273}{57313}They're into that karma crap - {57316}{57372}"l don't harm nobody,|nobody harms me." {57375}{57441}No way they can get back to you? {57444}{57500}They'd be too scared -|I'm a geezer. {57503}{57550}Got no muscle - gutless faggots. {57591}{57634}Fancy one? {57681}{57750}Why all the flapping?|You told the old man yet? {57753}{57804}Hoping I won't need to. {57808}{57873}I've got a plan.|Listen carefully. {58166}{58218}- Hello, boys.|- Harry. {58221}{58271}Do you want a drink? {58273}{58319}Hello, my son.|D'you want a lolly? {58322}{58363}Piss off, you nonce. {58366}{58410}Oi, watch it! {58445}{58496}No, thanks, Harry.|We're both all right. {58498}{58538}Nice shooter. {58541}{58600}One of a pair -|Holland and Holland. {58603}{58645}D'you wanna hold it? {58648}{58691}Not my thing, thanks, Harry. {58695}{58752}Business good?|I imagine that's why I'm here. {58754}{58823}Four young fellas got in deeper|than they could handle. {58827}{58883}They owe me|half a million pound. {58885}{58959}- How much?|- Half a million. {59016}{59051}I'm game. {59095}{59126}Me too. {59187}{59222}Oh, God! {59225}{59332}Right. We hit 'em|as soon as they come back. {59335}{59404}We'll be prepared. Waiting. {59433}{59475}And they're armed. {59478}{59532}What was that? Armed? {59535}{59595}What d'you mean armed?|Armed with what? {59598}{59664}Bad breath, colourful language,|feather duster? {59666}{59714}What do you think|they'll be armed with? {59716}{59762}Guns, you tit! {59765}{59826}You never said|anything about guns. {59829}{59889}A minute ago this was|the safest job in the world. {59891}{59954}Now it's turning into|a bad day in Bosnia! {59957}{60012}Soap, stop being such a mincer. {60015}{60090}- I've thought about that and...|- And what exactly? {60093}{60204}All we have to do is find out|who's carrying 'em. {60207}{60285}They could all be carrying 'em|for what we know. {60289}{60373}No. Only one of 'em carries|them going to the job. {60376}{60460}I assume the same one|will carry 'em back. {60464}{60500}You assume? {60503}{60594}What is it - assumption|is the brother of all fuck-ups? {60597}{60635}It's the mother of all fuck-ups! {60639}{60688}Brother, mother,|any other sucker. {60691}{60754}It don't make any difference. {60757}{60876}They're still fucking guns and|they still fire fucking bullets! {60879}{60976}Soap, if you have a better idea|how to get £500,000 {60979}{61051}in the next few days,|let us know. {61098}{61133}In the meantime, Tom, {61135}{61201}talk to Nick the Bubble|about shifting the weed. {61347}{61409}- Weed?|- No, it's not normal weed. {61412}{61458}It's fucked-up skunk, Class A, {61460}{61526}"l can't think|let alone move" shit. {61529}{61570}Doesn't sound|very good to me. {61573}{61640}Neither me - depends|what flicks your switch. {61643}{61716}The light is on and burning|brightly for the masses. {61719}{61766}Anyway, do you know anyone? {61770}{61821}I know a man, yes. {61823}{61881}Rory Breaker. {61884}{61937}Not that madman with an afro? {61940}{62002}I don't want anything|to do with him. {62004}{62071}You won't have to.|Just get me a sample. {62073}{62129}No can do. {62133}{62198}What's that -|a place near Kathmandu? {62202}{62245}Meet me half-way, mate. {62248}{62295}It's all completely|chicken soup. {62298}{62369}- It's what?|- It's kosher...as Christmas. {62372}{62435}Jews don't|celebrate Christmas, Tom. {62438}{62507}Never mind that.|I'm gonna need some artillery. {62510}{62550}Coupla sawn-off shotguns. {62553}{62623}A bit heavy. This is London,|not the Lebanon. {62626}{62664}Who d'you think I am? {62666}{62715}I think you're Nick the Greek. {62718}{62748}Hold those two. {62822}{62879}I don't normally have|anything to do with weed. {62882}{62928}But if it is|what he says it is, {62931}{63016}I'll take it off him for|three and a half grand a key. {63020}{63085}If it is what he says it is. {63089}{63139}I don't want to see it|after a sample, {63141}{63194}I don't want to touch it|after a sample. {63197}{63260}I'll leave you in the capable|hands of Nathan here. {63263}{63316}He'll sort out the details. {63319}{63371}Just let me tell you|one thing... {63487}{63548}if the milk turns out|to be sour, {63551}{63612}I ain't the kind|of pussy to drink it. {63666}{63698}D'you know what I mean? {63850}{63894}Rory Breaker. {63897}{63989}I know Rory. He's not|to be underestimated. {63991}{64039}He's a funny-looking|fucker, I know. {64041}{64114}You've got to look past the hair|and the cute cuddly thing. {64116}{64154}It's all a deceptive façade. {64190}{64287}A few nights ago|his roger iron busted. {64290}{64387}He'd gone down the battle|cruiser to watch the football. {64390}{64463}No one's watching the custard,|so he switches the channel. {64466}{64525}A fat geezer's north opens. {64528}{64610}He wanders up|and turns the Liza over. {64613}{64664}"Fuck off and watch it|somewhere else." {64666}{64714}He knows claret is imminent, {64716}{64763}but he doesn't|want to miss the game. {64766}{64859}Calm as a coma, picks up|the fire extinguisher, {64862}{64937}walks past the jam rolls|ready for action {64940}{64982}and plonks it outside|the entrance. {64985}{65062}He orders an aristotle|of the most ping-pong tiddly {65065}{65154}in the nuclear sub|and switches back to his footer. {65158}{65208}"That's fucking it,"|says the geezer. {65210}{65277}"That's fucking what?"|says Rory. {65279}{65351}He gobs out a mouthful of booze,|covering Fatty. {65354}{65419}He flicks a flaming match|into his bird's nest {65422}{65476}and the geezer's lit up|like a leaking gas pipe. {65479}{65541}Rory, unfazed,|turns back to his game. {65544}{65622}His team's won, too. Four nil. {66001}{66086}Oi! ls your hair supposed|to look like that? {66089}{66159}- All right, short stuff.|- Never mind short stuff. {66162}{66250}Next time we do a job|like this we want more money. {66253}{66313}Or we're going back|to post offices. Fuck that! {66316}{66347}Where's the others? {66384}{66415}There was no others. {66418}{66472}Stop fucking around.|The others - the old ones. {66475}{66505}I don't know what you mean. {66508}{66567}There were two old guns.|Where are they now? {66570}{66611}Not in the cabinet. {66614}{66687}There were some old hammer-lock|muskets the butler was carrying. {66690}{66777}- They were ours. We sold them.|- Unsell them! {66780}{66830}We had to sell them.|We needed the money. {66833}{66889}I am not fucking interested. {66892}{66974}If you don't wanna be counting|the fingers you haven't got, {66977}{67074}I suggest you get those guns.|Quick! {68123}{68204}Jesus! lf I pick 'em up,|will they stay in one piece? {68207}{68274}Where'd you get them? {68277}{68342}I got contacts. Listen, Tom - {68345}{68417}you point them at me, I'll shit|myself or do whatever you say. {68420}{68464}Either way you get|the desired effect. {68467}{68513}They look very nice, I agree. {68516}{68584}They're lacking in criminal|credibility, ain't they? {68587}{68621}I might get laughed at. {68624}{68663}How much d'you want|for these muskets? {68666}{68700}700 each. {68703}{68768}What - a pound for every year|they been about? {68771}{68831}They're antiques, but I ain't|paying antique prices. {68917}{68953}Bit long, ain't they? {68956}{68999}Sawn-offs are out. {69002}{69074}People want a bit|more range these days. {69077}{69172}I don't wanna blow the arse|out of this country, {69175}{69248}but I don't want anyone|blowing a raspberry either. {69251}{69297}I want to look...fucking mean. {69300}{69349}Of course you'll look mean. {69352}{69399}You'll look really scary. {69402}{69455}Enough. What about|this geezer who sells drugs? {69458}{69504}Rory Breaker's standing by. {69507}{69592}You stand to make a lot|of money, tubby Tommy? {69716}{69780}I understand|this has come as a shock. {69783}{69834}Let me tell you|how this can be resolved {69837}{69878}by you, the good father. {69881}{69926}Go on. {69929}{70005}- He likes your bar.|- Yes. {70008}{70065}He wants your bar. {70068}{70140}And? {70143}{70187}D'you want me|to draw you a picture? {70190}{70286}Look, that boy doesn't know|his arsehole from his earhole. {70289}{70371}This is my bar. It's got|nothing to do with him. {70374}{70414}What, and I care? {70417}{70467}Remember, you have|the luxurious advantage {70470}{70528}of being able to sustain|your son's life. {70531}{70577}You do have a reputation - {70580}{70626}so I'll choose my words|very carefully. {70629}{70698}You tell Harry|to go fuck himself. {70797}{70847}Now... {70931}{70977}I'll put that down to shock. {70980}{71015}Only once. {71018}{71146}Only once can l, or shall l,|let you get away with that. {71148}{71227}Your son's got three days|to find half a mill. {71230}{71311}Make up your mind|which you prefer - {71314}{71403}your bar...or your son. {71529}{71571}Plank goes in first. {71574}{71666}There's a cage, but it's never|locked, is it, Plank? {71669}{71710}Never. {71713}{71796}Once he's set,|he lets the rest of us in. {71843}{71893}We'll get nasty,|shit 'em up. {71896}{71974}These wankers shouldn't|give us any problems. {71977}{72050}Like any cowboys - there'll|be a few tools lying around. {72053}{72144}When the job's done, we come|straight back here and unload. {72147}{72189}And Robert's|your father's brother. {72192}{72248}Everyone savvy? {72251}{72281}Sweet. {72301}{72343}Have a look at these. {72373}{72423}What are we supposed|to do with these? {72468}{72521}Put them on your head, stupid. {72524}{72565}Christ! {72568}{72628}If you think|I'm turning up clean-shaven, {72631}{72709}greet them with a grin,|you've got another think coming. {72712}{72759}These fellas|are your neighbours. {72762}{72853}I thought it might be a good|idea to disguise ourselves. {72856}{72949}Right...er, good thinking,|Soap. Well done. {72978}{73021}I brought weapons as well. {73024}{73072}What do you mean weapons? {73134}{73167}These. {73170}{73208}Jesus! {73211}{73256}Let's keep 'em covered up. {73313}{73350}Couldn't you get|anything bigger? {73398}{73442}What, like that? {73470}{73502}What d'you think? {73536}{73572}I think you need help. {73609}{73668}Bar steward, can we have|a coupla drinks, please. {73671}{73721}Have you seen your dad? {73724}{73786}Hatchet sent|one of his men round. {73789}{73839}Oh, shit. When? {73876}{73907}Crazy. {74208}{74277}Where'd you get these,|a fucking museum? {74280}{74319}Nick the Greek. {74351}{74396}How much did you part with? {74399}{74434}700 for the pair. {74437}{74484}Drachmas, I hope. {74487}{74548}I'd feel safer|with a chicken drumstick. {74551}{74598}These are gonna do|more harm than good. {74660}{74715}Jesus, Tom. Do these work? {74718}{74805}I don't know. Look nice though.|I rather like 'em. {74808}{74872}That's top of priorities,|that is. {74874}{74962}Ladies, back to more important|issues, if you don't mind. {74965}{75059}We've only got two real guns -|apparently that's what they are. {75062}{75110}So we find a good place|to hide next door. {75113}{75195}We wait till it's the right|time, then jack-in-the-box, {75198}{75292}Iook nasty and stuff, cocoon 'em|in gaffer tape, nick their van, {75295}{75362}swap the gear into the new van|and bring it back here. {75365}{75438}As long as we're out|of our hiding places quickly, {75441}{75500}it's the last thing|you'd expect. {75503}{75596}If Tom or anyone else feels|like giving 'em a kicking, {75599}{75647}I'm sure it won't do any harm. {75650}{75732}Yeah, little bit of pain|never hurt anybody. {75735}{75794}If you know what I mean. {75797}{75876}Also, I think knives|are a good idea. {75879}{75923}Big, fuck-off shiny ones. {75926}{76004}Ones that look like|they could skin a crocodile. {76007}{76110}Knives are good because|they don't make any noise. {76113}{76192}The less noise they make, the|more likely we are to use 'em. {76195}{76242}Shit 'em right up. {76245}{76299}Makes it look|like we're serious. {76302}{76375}Guns for show,|knives for a pro. {76435}{76507}Soap, is there something|we should know about you? {76510}{76593}I'm not sure what's more|worrying, the job or your past? {76662}{76701}Come on, girls. {77038}{77105}Where the fuck are they going?|Shift a piano? {77108}{77165}I thought this was meant|to be a robbery. {77168}{77220}Where'd they get those outfits? {77223}{77274}Not a bad idea that. {77277}{77328}All right, it's Plank.|Is Willie there? {77331}{77404}No, I'm afraid he's not.|He's out at the moment. {77407}{77469}Perhaps you can help. {77472}{77539}Perhaps I can't,|if you know what I mean. {77542}{77629}If you could open the door so|I could talk without shouting. {77632}{77666}I can't help. {77669}{77736}You'll find|it's in your interest. {77739}{77775}Hold on, OK? {77778}{77877}Willie, it's Plank for you.|He says it's in our interest. {77880}{77940}I don't care if it's|King-fucking-Kong, {77943}{77995}he's not coming in here,|not today. {77998}{78094}Hold on. We are in business|and...correct me if I'm wrong {78097}{78143}but that is business. {78146}{78225}Corrected. That's a walking|accident we can do without. {78228}{78318}Jesus. He's OK... He knows|only to buy weights now. {78321}{78378}We're looking at at least|a couple of thou'. {78381}{78440}What do you think, Winston? {78443}{78509}Willie, this is|the last time. All right? {78512}{78579}You and the money|are going out the back. {78582}{78629}If he knows you're here,|he'll be all day. {78632}{78680}Just clear this shit up! {78683}{78717}What, now? {78720}{78809}Yes! Now! Just get rid|of him quick. {78812}{78874}All right. Just coming. {78947}{79001}What the fuck is he doing? {79070}{79150}Come on, I can't wait|out here all day! {79153}{79200}Just coming. {79331}{79392}I thought you was gonna|leave me out there all day. {79395}{79446}I didn't know you were|a removals man, Plank. {79449}{79517}Lives and learns, don't ya?|Keep the gates locked now? {79520}{79594}Ya, sorry. Gotta|do business like this now. {79597}{79652}Can't be too careful these days. {79655}{79690}I know. {79693}{79762}Say a word, the right ear goes,|another your left! {79765}{79838}- What are you doing, Plank?|- What do you think? {79841}{79884}Hang on, what are you doing? {79887}{79951}Unlock the gate!|Unlock the fucking gate! {79954}{80018}That's it. Go, go, go!|Fucking move! {80144}{80177}What the fuck's going on? {80180}{80211}Hang on, I've got the keys. {80214}{80265}The gate's locked. {80268}{80314}I don't believe|the fucking gate's locked. {80317}{80350}What you done to Fauntleroy? {80353}{80390}I didn't touch him.|He passed out. {80393}{80450}Shut the door!|D'you want the world to see? {80541}{80568}What's going on down there? {80623}{80655}Shit! {80813}{80900}Charles, get the rifle out. {80903}{80962}We're being fucked. {80965}{80998}It must be this one. {81001}{81058}Hold that gun.|Plank, give me the keys. {81061}{81117}Don't point that at my bollocks! {81120}{81213}Planks of wood. I'm working|with fucking planks of wood. {81216}{81307}Shit! What the fuck is that? {81310}{81349}What the fuck's that? {81352}{81393}It's my bren gun. {81396}{81445}Haven't you got something|more practical? {81485}{81558}Don't none of you slags move.|I'll kill the lot of you! {81561}{81617}Who you gonna kill, Plank?|There's no one there? {81698}{81762}Aaagh! They fucking shot me! {81765}{81800}Well, shoot 'em back. {81891}{81962}Jesus, Plank! Couldn't you get|smokeless cartidges? {81965}{82013}Shit, I've been shot. {82016}{82088}I don't believe this. Could|everyone stop getting shot? {82091}{82179}John, sit down and patch|yourself up, you tart! {82182}{82229}It's a fucking air rifle! {82383}{82451}- What the fuck was that?|- The bren gun. {82454}{82528}Fire that gun again,|you're a dead man. {82531}{82580}No ifs, no buts,|you're a dead man! {82583}{82676}I've got bollock ache with this.|Where's my fucking gun? {82787}{82903}Now I've got your attention.|Firstly, I'll blow his toes off. {82976}{83011}There go his toes. {83014}{83098}If you want me out of here,|open the fucking gate {83101}{83160}or I'm gonna blow his leg off! {83163}{83223}They're gonna kill us|if we do, man. {83226}{83332}Poor J'll certainly get it|if we don't. He's serious. {83335}{83368}I'm losing patience.|Hurry up, girls! {83371}{83440}It's all fucking right! {83484}{83556}Willie, he doesn't know|you're here... {83559}{83614}Sort something out. {83910}{83980}And all your friends,|there's a good lad. {83983}{84072}- There's only three of us here.|- I don't believe you. {84075}{84181}- I'm gonna blow his leg off.|- There's only three of us! {84184}{84281}- Plank?|- Yeah, one of 'em's out. {84347}{84391}Open the gate. {84943}{85007}Up, up, up, there's a good lad. {85447}{85526}John, get them tied up.|Plank, where's the money? {85529}{85571}In those shoe-boxes. {86006}{86057}- Where?|- Out the back. {86060}{86110}- And the weed?|- Out the back. {86113}{86192}- Point.|- With what? {86195}{86254}- Your hands!|- I'm tied up. {86257}{86321}Nod your head or something. {86335}{86433}Check it out. Plank,|get Paul out that van lively. {86793}{86837}Knife. {86938}{87010}I'm gonna cut him.|Make sure he knows he's dead. {87013}{87057}How you doing, Mick? {87060}{87139}How d'you think?|He's nearly chopped my arm off. {87350}{87391}Jesus Christ. {87498}{87530}Gordon Bennett. {87533}{87603}What the fuck's|been going on here? {87606}{87688}Shut up, you idiot.|It's Hanukkah. {87691}{87736}Don't just stand there. {87739}{87788}Can you fit it all in? {87791}{87897}There's a lot...l can't|get Epping Forest in my van. {87936}{87980}Bollocks to can't. {87983}{88068}You'll fit it all in|if you have to make two trips. {88188}{88239}Bollocks! {88276}{88366}If you don't move it,|we will move it. {88369}{88442}- I'll only be a minute.|- You've already been 15. {88445}{88517}- Come and have a look.|- At what exactly? {88520}{88596}- The van's half full.|- So? {88599}{88695}All I've got to do|is fill it up, put you in it... {88698}{88727}What? {88787}{88835}..and I'm off. {89029}{89096}Can you carry|more than one bag this time? {89099}{89200}- I can't. My neck, Dog.|- How many more bags? {89203}{89259}Just a couple. {89262}{89314}Mick, you dead yet? {89355}{89440}I'll be all right. Once I've|dealt with that lanky prick. {89443}{89505}Do it quietly. {89582}{89646}Time to say "Goodnight, nurse". {90670}{90740}Where the fuck|did she come from? {90878}{90928}Tie her up.|We're out of here. {91010}{91103}Not like that,|you idiot. Give it us here. {91668}{91701}What you doing, Ed? {91704}{91740}D'you want one? {91743}{91844}No, I fucking don't.|You cannot make tea, Edward. {91847}{91925}The British Empire|was built on cups of tea. {91928}{91969}And look what happened. {91972}{92038}If you think I'm going to war|without one, you're mistaken. {92041}{92074}Going to war with what? {92077}{92158}Have you forgotten|those guns, you dozy prat? {92656}{92729}You won't get away with this. {92761}{92848}- Paul, what's that?|- It's a traffic warden. {92851}{92922}What's he doing|in the back of the van? {92925}{92989}He was gonna call the cozzers. {93022}{93083}Fair enough -|we'll deal with him later. {93117}{93183}How we doing, Tom? {93186}{93235}Right as rain. {93238}{93302}I'm gonna take care of the cabs. {93305}{93342}Keep us posted. {93450}{93483}Do you do airports? {93575}{93616}Where are we gonna hide? {93682}{93742}Don't complicate things.|Just hide. {94059}{94096}We're on. {94507}{94552}They weigh a pound or two! {94555}{94594}Shut up and back up! {94631}{94672}Spin round, big boy. {94760}{94794}Fuck! {94797}{94866}Stay down. Stay down! {95022}{95091}Tie 'em up. Tape 'em up.|Hands and face. {95094}{95121}On the floor! {95124}{95184}Bend over the fucking desk. {95334}{95392}Keys. I want keys, now. {95439}{95480}I'll find ya. {95483}{95523}'Course you will, sweetheart. {95526}{95560}I'll find ya. {95563}{95658}What d'you think this is?|Fucking hide and seek? {95661}{95704}That one. Search that one. {95945}{95983}Right, I'll see you|in the van, {95986}{96034}when you've finished|with handsome. {96466}{96538}Jesus. That wasn't|too bad, was it? {96616}{96717}When the bottle in my arse has|contracted, I'll let you know. {96720}{96803}Bacon, see what we've got. {96806}{96853}Let's have a butchers. {96973}{97023}We've hit the jackpot, lads. {97026}{97118}We've got God knows how much|of this stinking weed. {97121}{97169}A shitload of cash. {97239}{97276}And a traffic warden. {97279}{97312}What? {97376}{97449}Jesus, Ed.|We got a traffic warden. {97468}{97510}I think he's still alive. {97513}{97577}He's got claret|coming out of him somewhere. {97579}{97629}What did they want|with a traffic warden? {97632}{97691}I don't know.|I don't think we need him. {97694}{97738}Knock him out and dump him|at the lights. {97741}{97795}What d'you mean,|knock him out? With what? {97798}{97849}Use your imagination. {97987}{98037}Don't touch him up.|Knock him out. {98040}{98078}I'll knock you out! {98081}{98147}You wanna knock him out,|you knock him out. {98183}{98232}I fucking hate traffic wardens. {98468}{98571}It's about time you gave my|young friends a visit, Chris. {98677}{98725}Tomorrow's the day|and mum's the word. {98728}{98772}I can't have that,|can l, Baz? {98775}{98818}No, Harry, you can't. {98821}{98874}I mean it's a liberty. {98877}{98954}I can't have a liberty taken,|can l, Chris? {98957}{99001}No, Harry, you can't. {99004}{99081}I mean, it's enough|to give me the arsehole. {99136}{99188}I can't have the arsehole,|can l, boys? {99191}{99232}No, Harry, you can't. {99389}{99453}All right, that's it.|We're done. {99455}{99504}We're off. {99507}{99573}Ed, are you sure it's a good|idea taking this back to yours? {99576}{99647}It's the only place we can,|and the last place they'll look. {99650}{99717}Anyway, fuck it. The battle|is over and the war is won. {99720}{99807}Tom, take this to Nick the|Bubble and get rid of it quick. {100114}{100183}This skunk|is as good as it gets. {100266}{100331}All right.|We'll take it. Half price. {100384}{100429}I don't think he'll like that. {100432}{100502}You said three five a key.|That's a good price. {100505}{100548}That was yesterday. {100551}{100607}Now it's today|if I'm not mistaken. {100610}{100696}We'll take it tomorrow.|Half price. {100699}{100776}If he wants to get rid of it|quick, he'll have to take it. {100779}{100878}Look, I've got a race coming up,|so if you'd be kind enough... {101068}{101110}Lenny, {101113}{101181}take that round to Snow White|and the three little chemists. {101184}{101232}They should have|a gander at that. {101235}{101276}I want a second opinion. {101396}{101456}Hang on a minute, Nathan,|something stinks. {101459}{101503}Yeah, your fucking aftershave. {101506}{101545}Fuck you, funny man. {101579}{101626}For God's sake, help me. {101629}{101715}I'm in pain.|I'm in so much pain! {101718}{101761}Go in slowly, Nathan. {101764}{101811}Fuck you, funny man.|You go first. {101814}{101856}Get the fuck in there! {101859}{101934}I want this house searched|for bugs, stripped. {101937}{102026}Even if there was a bug,|they'd have taken it with 'em. {102029}{102117}It's a bit late|for you to start thinking. {102120}{102192}If it's a possibility,|that's good enough for me. {102195}{102248}Then I want every slag|this side of Ceylon pulled in {102251}{102301}and tortured...badly. {102304}{102359}I want to know|who's responsible for this, {102362}{102410}otherwise I hold|you responsible. {102622}{102677}Not a bad day. {102681}{102738}That pile takes care of Harry. {102767}{102801}What's left over? {102804}{102850}Give me half a chance|to count it. {102901}{102938}What about this gear, then? {103070}{103174}Oh, what, you want|a toke on that? {103176}{103236}No. I don't want any|of that horrible shit. {103238}{103286}Can we lock up|and get drunk now, please? {103336}{103422}We shot one of them...|in the...er, throat. {103425}{103459}What d'you want, a medal? {103462}{103535}I'll shoot you|if I don't get my ganja back. {103575}{103643}The one you shot.|Is he still in there? {103646}{103686}No, it was another one. {103688}{103760}That's more like it.|Where is he? {103763}{103843}Well, they...they|took him with them. {103846}{103884}He's still, still alive. {103887}{103967}What did you shoot him with?|An air gun? {104091}{104200}Look, we grow weed.|We're not mercenaries. {104201}{104263}You don't say. {104266}{104351}Who could it be?|Where do we start, Rory? {104354}{104411}Mr Breaker. {104413}{104481}Today my name is Mr Breaker. {104484}{104546}You think this|is a coincidence? {104549}{104599}This white shite|steals my things {104601}{104651}and thinks he can|sell it back to me! {104654}{104713}He's got less brains|than you, Lenny! {104716}{104761}Get Nick - the greasy wop {104763}{104876}shistos pezavengy gammore|Greek bastard round here now, {104879}{104949}if he's stupid enough|to be on this planet. {105572}{105649}# Come with me,|I'll fill you with desire {105651}{105746}# Take my hand and we'll walk|this land together ## {107173}{107257}Your stupidity might be|your one saving grace. {107260}{107305}Uuh? {107308}{107350}Don't uuh me, Greek boy. {107351}{107426}How is it your fucking stupid,|soon-to-be-dead friends {107430}{107479}thought that they could|steal my cannabis {107482}{107536}and then sell it back to me? {107538}{107596}Is this a declaration of war? {107599}{107672}Is this some white cunt's joke? {107675}{107738}'Cause I'm not fucking laughing,|Ni-ko-las! {107804}{107847}You couldn't|have known my position, {107850}{107917}'cause you're not that stupid|that if you did, {107920}{107976}you wouldn't have turned up here|scratching your arse, {107980}{108072}with that "what's going on" look|on your chevy chase. {108134}{108213}But you do know|where these people live. {108367}{108426}If you hold back anything,|I'll kill you. {108429}{108517}If you bend the truth, or|I think you are, I'll kill you. {108520}{108587}If you forget anything,|I'll kill you. {108588}{108693}In fact, you'll have to work|very hard to stay alive, Nick. {108696}{108738}Do you understand|everything I've said? {108784}{108874}Because if you don't,|I'll kill you. {108876}{108988}Now, Mr Bubble and Squeak...|you may enlighten me. {109072}{109138}So we've got a bit|of a problem, ain't we? {109143}{109200}Er, well...yeah, we do. {109201}{109288}In fact, this is a bit more|than a bit of a problem. {109291}{109355}It's the Mount fucking Everest|of problems! {109358}{109425}The reason it's such a fucking|monstrosity of a problem is... {109426}{109510}you haven't got the first idea|who did this to us, have you? {109513}{109574}We've been up all night.|It's no one from round here. {109576}{109618}We've had 'em all lined up|against the wall. {109621}{109666}If it was a toerag|from the manor, we'd know. {109669}{109735}- We'd know.|- You'd fucking know! {109738}{109808}You wouldn't know if it was|the next door neighbours! {109811}{109868}Get out there and find them! {109871}{109947}I'm sick of the|fucking sight of you! {110226}{110323}"Scarface" -|I've watched "Scarface". {110326}{110430}If you want to know how to do|a drug deal, watch "Scarface". {110480}{110525}That really inspires confidence. {110526}{110563}This guy, Rory Breaker... {110567}{110656}Rory Breaker - psychotic|black dwarf with an afro? {110659}{110701}That'll be the same man, yes. {110706}{110760}I've heard of him -|he's a fucking lunatic. {110763}{110818}He can afford the deal|at the price we're selling. {110821}{110863}It's not worth him|giving us any trouble. {110867}{110937}He knows we'll be a pain|in the arse. Who needs that? {110938}{110988}I'd take a pain in the arse|for half a million quid. {110993}{111030}You'd take a pain|in the arse for air miles. {111033}{111076}The fatter you get,|the sadder you get. {111080}{111129}Will you stop flirting|for a minute? {111132}{111226}After we pay Hatchet,|this deal puts us up... {111230}{111298}nearly 200,000 pounds each. {111301}{111394}Not bad for a morning's work,|I think you'll agree. {111638}{111693}So they had the cash. {111696}{111729}And the puff. {111732}{111784}Cheeky bastards. Count it. {111787}{111835}Shit, Dog. There's a lot. {111838}{111899}Do you want to do it next door? {111901}{111944}We're not going next door {111947}{112016}'til we've flayed|them dead men walking. {112019}{112060}We'll count it upstairs. {112063}{112137}I don't want them to see you|fingering the money. {112138}{112179}Dog, look... {112182}{112266}Give it us here...dozy bastard. {112329}{112395}Check your guns.|Get yourselves well hid. {112398}{112488}Wait till they get right inside|the door, then give it 'em. {112525}{112588}Give me them shooters,|you can use your own. {112847}{112876}Yeah. {112880}{112920}That's no way|to answer the phone. {112923}{112963}Is that you, Dean? {112966}{113024}It's Lord fucking Lucan.|Who do you think it is? {113026}{113063}What can I do for you? {113067}{113126}Those guns I sold you,|I need them back. {113131}{113192}Not likely. I don't think|I'll be seeing them again. {113195}{113243}I've got the money|to pay for them. {113246}{113305}I'm sure you do.|But you don't understand. {113308}{113362}I ain't seeing them|or the guns again. {113363}{113398}We can't get them. {113401}{113449}If we can't get them,|we can't get them. {113451}{113507}You'll have to get them. {113510}{113581}We made a deal for everything|inside the cabinet. {113584}{113648}Inside, outside -|I don't give a shit. {113651}{113708}Get those guns|because if you don't... {113711}{113742}Yeah, Bazza, or what? {113745}{113788}Have you heard|of Harry Lonsdale? {113791}{113876}Otherwise known as "Hack You|Up With an Hatchet Harry"? {113879}{113916}Well, this is... {113919}{113999}James Bond, need-to-know time. {114001}{114099}When you dance with the devil,|you wait for the song to stop. {114101}{114133}Know what I mean? {114249}{114337}I mean find 'em,|torture 'em and kill 'em. {114338}{114385}And bring back|what belongs to me. {114388}{114499}Because if you don't,|your family's bang in trouble. {114526}{114559}Who was that? {114562}{114619}That was Harry Horrible Hatchet. {114622}{114655}Jesus, I've heard of him. {114658}{114733}Shit, they were|his fucking guns we sold. {114736}{114776}We've got to find them. {114779}{114863}No fucking about, Nick.|Where can I find those guns? {115656}{115704}Six black cocks|and a little white kitten {115707}{115750}sitting on the side|of the road. {115843}{115887}We're gonna do|a proper decoration job. {115888}{115973}I want the grey skies|of London illuminated. {115976}{116038}I want that house painted red. {116110}{116187}All right, there's this brass|standing on the corner. {116188}{116238}Dwarf walks up to her|carrying a suitcase... {116243}{116313}Winston there|is gonna come along {116317}{116367}and see if he recognises|any of them. {116370}{116419}Watch out for these fellas - {116422}{116533}they've got a bit of an arsenal|and they don't mind using it. {116536}{116583}I'm taking down her panties... {116637}{116695}Does everyone know|what they got to do? {116698}{116737}Yeah. {118410}{118463}What the fuck is going on? {119497}{119563}You got something here|for me, have you? {119632}{119663}Chop-chop. {119848}{119883}Thank you very much. {119913}{119947}He's got the guns. {119950}{119997}- You get them.|- Why me? {120000}{120051}You're supposed|to be the hard case... {120054}{120096}You get the guns!|I drive the car! {120238}{120272}Good boy. {120275}{120368}- Get the fucking guns.|- YOU get the fucking guns! {120371}{120407}You fucking big... {120499}{120544}All right. Wrap them guns up. {120547}{120588}Count the money. {120593}{120636}Put your seat belt on. {120674}{120743}We've got to get the fucking|guns or we're dead! {121080}{121151}..so I made sure I fucked|the one that was coughing. {121480}{121546}Get out the car,|you yuppy fucker! {122248}{122305}He's the one|we shot in the neck. {122308}{122361}Is that right, Mr Botanical? {123017}{123049}Jesus! {123341}{123434}I don't believe this.|What the fuck has happened here? {123437}{123472}Jesus. {123501}{123568}The money. The gear. {123858}{123900}This is fucked. {123901}{123950}No money. No weed. {123951}{124036}It's all been replaced|by a pile of corpses. {124076}{124161}All right. Don't panic.|Let's think about this. {124163}{124226}Fuck that,|you can think about it. {124230}{124287}I'm panicking and I'm off. {124457}{124523}How did you get your hands|on these, then? {124526}{124561}The boys had 'em. {124563}{124591}I know you like|these sort of things - {124594}{124623}wondered if you wanted 'em. {124626}{124676}Yeah, I'll have 'em. {124681}{124761}- Was it hard getting the money?|- Not especially. {124793}{124872}Upset a few characters, though. {124875}{124934}Have you counted it? {124937}{124988}Yeah, it's all there,|to the pound. {124991}{125037}- They were gonna pay?|- Looks like it. {125038}{125104}But who knows?|The opportunity was there. {125106}{125171}In my experience it's best|to take that opportunity - {125174}{125221}if it's there. {125224}{125269}Good work, Chris. {125441}{125494}We've got to get those guns. {125497}{125563}We don't know who lives there. {125567}{125613}I don't care who lives there! {125616}{125706}All's I know is it's preferable|to death by Hatchet. {125709}{125751}Fair enough. Let's go. {126301}{126363}I don't think|it's the right move. {126367}{126426}It's either that {126430}{126508}the old boy's place|and we lose a digit daily. {126511}{126608}- I'm gonna phone him.|- As if he'll care. {126611}{126679}He'll care. That was|supposed to be his money. {126682}{126744}Whether he cares about us|is different. {126747}{126783}Pass me the phone. {127151}{127211}Yeah? That you, boy? {127213}{127260}It's Ed,|if that's what you mean. {127263}{127305}'Pay day, ain't it?' {127308}{127404}Yeah...l wanted|to talk to you about that. {127407}{127442}I'll bet you do. {127445}{127501}I got half|a million nicker here, {127505}{127558}which means|some poor sod doesn't. {127561}{127610}You've upset a few people. {127613}{127696}But that really|isn't my concern, is it? {127699}{127793}What does concern me...|is the guns you had. {127796}{127869}'l want to talk to you|about that.' {127872}{127958}So get your arse here now.|And I mean now! {128804}{128897}Bastard! You fucking bastard! {128900}{128938}Bastard! {129112}{129176}What the fuck|are you doing here? {129208}{129294}What the fuck|are you doing here? {129567}{129651}Job well done. We made|a few quid out of that one. {129656}{129688}Son...? {129693}{129738}Made a few quid, did you? {129743}{129794}Where's what I want? {129826}{129875}You all right there, mate? {129876}{129949}Very fucking funny.|Where's what I want? {129951}{130009}I've just left it in the office. {130012}{130110}We'd better get it, if you want|your son to see his birthday. {130113}{130205}- Now chop-fucking-chop.|- All right. fair enough. {130236}{130274}Where you going? {130276}{130366}It's a thirty second drive|or a five minute walk. {130369}{130460}I couldn't have parked outside,|I'd have got a ticket. {130463}{130521}I suppose that don't|matter now, does it? {130524}{130560}Just be careful. {130563}{130601}Right. {130755}{130798}You and me. {130801}{130838}You and who? {130843}{130910}You know where|the door handle is, Tom. {131094}{131166}# "The Payback" #|by James Brown {131169}{131202}# Pay back {131206}{131246}# That's it, pay back. {131249}{131288}# Revenge, I'm mad {131388}{131425}# Get down with my girlfriend {131427}{131455}# That ain't right ## {131458}{131497}Oh, no. Not again. {131877}{131933}That's it. I'm off. {131961}{132049}Tom...that is our bag. {132491}{132551}- Ed...!|- Hold on. {132859}{132909}This is our bag. {132963}{133013}That's it. We're off. {133016}{133092}- I'm gonna take these guns.|- Tom, don't fuck about! {133095}{133143}It'll only take a minute. {133512}{133570}What is going on? {133591}{133681}I don't know, but I do know|there's no more Harry. {133684}{133753}Which means|there's no more debt. {133756}{133834}If there's no more debt,|there's no more problem. {133837}{133943}And there's no problem with the|neighbours - they're all dead. {133946}{134020}And I think,|if I get this right, {134023}{134114}we haven't done anything wrong|and we're in the clear. {134916}{134977}Never ever... {134980}{135078}has anyone|been as fucking rude... {135081}{135155}..to me as you! {135158}{135230}You fucking...bastard! {135661}{135700}All right, mate? {135703}{135767}Cheeky bastard! {136211}{136287}'This was an embarrassing|position for Tom to be in. {136290}{136378}'But Chris had to respect|the fact that he was holding {136381}{136445}'what appeared to be|a pair of loaded shotguns. {136447}{136523}'Tom had to respect the fact|that they were not loaded. {136526}{136594}'So without anybody|losing too much face, {136597}{136688}'Tom left through a side door|and Chris left with the money. {136691}{136724}'Everybody else got arrested.' {136829}{136875}He's not one of 'em. {136942}{137051}# Sitting in the cheap seats|underneath the stars {137094}{137158}# I'm heading back to base {137161}{137226}# I'll drop you off|at mars ## {137229}{137304}Your dad would like|a word with you, Ed. {137375}{137426}Where are the others? {137429}{137501}They got out yesterday.|They're at the bar. {137591}{137680}# I'm a man machine {137683}{137767}# Takin' gasoline {137770}{137866}# Super-human being ## {137869}{137912}All right, Dad? {137915}{137979}I'm all right.|How about yourself? {137981}{138078}I'm all right.|Could do with a drink, though. {138081}{138137}All in good time. {138164}{138225}So, are you in the clear? {138228}{138290}More importantly...am l? {138322}{138369}It appears so. {138372}{138483}Appears? You'll have to do|better than fucking appears. {138486}{138550}Well, everybody's dead, Dad. {138552}{138608}That's about as clear|as it can get. {138611}{138660}How about that drink? {138663}{138707}You know where the bar is. {138710}{138747}Eh? {138750}{138817}Don't make yourself|too comfortable. {138820}{138870}Alan's got to sit there.|Alan! {138952}{139011}You're lucky|you're still breathing, {139014}{139066}Iet alone able to walk. {139069}{139148}I suggest you take|full advantage of that fact. {139327}{139413}# 'Cause I'm a man machine {139416}{139496}# Takin' gasoline {139499}{139536}# I'm a teen dream {139539}{139584}# Super-human being {139587}{139651}# I'm a man machine {139653}{139730}# I'm a man machine ! ## {139733}{139830}You took your time.|Where the hell have you been? {139833}{139893}Sit down. I'll tell you. {140015}{140117}The traffic warden identified|the neighbours' bodies. {140120}{140191}Which sort of|puts us in the clear. {140194}{140272}The only thing connecting us|with the case... {140275}{140322}..is those shotguns. {140325}{140379}And Tom took care of them. {140382}{140470}You did|take care of the shotguns? {140506}{140563}I wanted to talk about that. {140566}{140608}Well, talk. {140624}{140686}Well, actually...no. {140746}{140808}They're in the car.|I was gonna sell 'em to Nick, {140811}{140861}but I couldn't get hold of him. {140864}{140906}You dippy bastard. {140909}{141015}So...the only thing|connecting us with the case {141018}{141125}is in the back of your car,|which is parked outside! {141128}{141212}They cost 700 quid.|I'm not gonna throw 'em away. {141215}{141315}They're hardly likely to trace|'em back to us, are they? {141318}{141373}You think it's worth|the risk for £700? {141376}{141414}Tom, you're a dick! {141417}{141507}Take those guns|and throw 'em off a bridge. {141510}{141561}And yourself while you're at it. {141564}{141603}Now. {141703}{141748}Look, all I'm... {141751}{141791}Now, Tom! {141926}{141973}Can I have a beer, please, Dad? {141976}{142035}I'm busy. Get it yourself. {142428}{142495}It seemed Hatchet|underestimated you lot. {142498}{142562}And it seems to have cost him. {142565}{142643}I ain't gonna make|the same mistake, am l? {142646}{142736}So I've decided|to bring your bag back. {142778}{142873}I think the word you're looking|for, gentlemen, is "thank you". {142876}{142918}Thank you. {142949}{143011}You've presented me|with a problem. {143014}{143070}I've lost my employer. {143107}{143206}So I've taken care|of meself and me son. {143209}{143328}If you think that's unfair,|pay me a little visit. {143331}{143416}But you better be|waving a white flag, {143419}{143509}high and clear|so as I can see it. {143512}{143597}Or it'll be the last|visit you ever make. Understand? {143663}{143711}That's all I've come to say. {143743}{143800}There is one more thing... {143845}{143899}It's been emotional. {143958}{144032}# "Fool's Gold" #|by The Stone Roses {144301}{144387}# The gold road's|sure a long road {144390}{144496}# Winds on through the hills|for fifteen days ## {144562}{144662}We are now officially in|the money-lending business, son. {144665}{144729}Put your seatbelt on. {144732}{144779}We're out of here. {144986}{145034}It's empty. {145614}{145680}# The pack on my back is aching {145683}{145762}# The strap seems|to cut me like a knife {146052}{146119}# I'm no clown|I won't back down {146122}{146226}# I don't need you|to tell me what's going down... {146718}{146776}What's his number? {146941}{146998}You'll jam the line!|I'll call him! {147172}{147226}My fucking batteries! {147229}{147297}- You muppet!|- Give me the phone! {147300}{147355}- I'll dial it!|- Tell me the number! {147626}{147713}- Give me your phone!|- You'll break it! {147826}{147892}You'll break it|and it'll be fucked! {147895}{147945}Shut it. It's fucking ringing! {148340}{148428}# "Oh Girl" #|by Mauro Pawloski {148637}{148720}# I'm eighteen with a bullet {148773}{148837}# Got my finger on the trigger {148840}{148887}# I'm gonna pull it {148957}{149052}# I've picked a clip now|I'm the son of a gun {149055}{149172}# So hold it right there,|Little girl, little girl {149175}{149245}# We're gonna have big fun {149248}{149309}# I may be an oldie {149312}{149374}# But I'm a goodie, too {149377}{149453}# I'll last forever {149456}{149608}# And I'll be good to you|Oh, yes, I will...