1 00:00:49,280 --> 00:00:53,558 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What can you say about a 25-year-old girl who died? 2 00:00:55,000 --> 00:00:57,958 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That she was beautiful and brilliant? 3 00:00:59,280 --> 00:01:02,590 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That she loved Mozart and Bach? 4 00:01:02,800 --> 00:01:05,234 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The Beatles? 5 00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:07,351 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And me? 6 00:01:23,680 --> 00:01:26,638 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Do you have this book? - You have your own library. 7 00:01:26,840 --> 00:01:30,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Answer my question. - Answer mine first. 8 00:01:30,400 --> 00:01:32,868 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We're allowed to use the Radcliffe library. 9 00:01:33,080 --> 00:01:35,640 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm not talking legality, I'm talking ethics. 10 00:01:35,840 --> 00:01:39,276 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Harvard's got five million books, Radcliffe a few thousand. 11 00:01:39,480 --> 00:01:42,790 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I only want one. I've got an hour exam tomorrow, damn it! 12 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:46,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Please watch your profanity, preppy. 13 00:01:47,800 --> 00:01:50,360 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Why do you think I went to prep school? 14 00:01:50,560 --> 00:01:54,439 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You look stupid and rich. - Actually, I'm smart and poor. 15 00:01:54,640 --> 00:01:56,710 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No, I'm smart and poor. 16 00:01:56,920 --> 00:02:00,595 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why are you so smart? - I won't have coffee with you. 17 00:02:00,800 --> 00:02:04,429 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I wouldn't ask you. - That's what makes you stupid. 18 00:02:08,360 --> 00:02:11,716 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Comp Lit 105. Not bad. 19 00:02:11,920 --> 00:02:17,438 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Music 150. Not bad. Music 201, that's a graduate course. 20 00:02:17,640 --> 00:02:20,154 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Renaissance polyphony. - What's polyphony? 21 00:02:20,360 --> 00:02:22,920 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Nothing sexual, preppy. 22 00:02:23,120 --> 00:02:25,714 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I told you, my name is Oliver. 23 00:02:25,920 --> 00:02:27,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - First or last? - First. 24 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:31,356 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Oliver what? - Barrett. 25 00:02:31,560 --> 00:02:35,712 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Barrett like the poet? - Yeah, no relation. 26 00:02:35,920 --> 00:02:39,879 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Barrett like the hall? - Yes. 27 00:02:40,080 --> 00:02:42,958 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm having coffee with a real Harvard building. 28 00:02:43,160 --> 00:02:47,119 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm not Barrett Hall. My great grandfather gave it to Harvard. 29 00:02:47,320 --> 00:02:50,630 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 So his not-so-great grandson could get in? 30 00:02:50,840 --> 00:02:56,597 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 If you think I'm a loser, why did you bulldoze me into buying you coffee? 31 00:02:56,800 --> 00:02:59,917 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I like your body. 32 00:03:06,600 --> 00:03:09,512 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I major in Social Studies. - It doesn't show. 33 00:03:09,720 --> 00:03:13,679 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It's an honours programme. - I know you've got a few brains. 34 00:03:13,880 --> 00:03:17,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Really? - You're hung up on me, aren't you? 35 00:03:22,320 --> 00:03:24,709 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Jenny? - Yeah? 36 00:03:24,920 --> 00:03:29,277 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Listen, you Radcliffe bitch, there's a hockey game on Friday. 37 00:03:29,480 --> 00:03:32,233 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - So? - I want you to come. 38 00:03:32,440 --> 00:03:35,955 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Why would I go to a lousy hockey game? 39 00:03:36,160 --> 00:03:38,913 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Because I'm playing. - For which side? 40 00:04:09,240 --> 00:04:10,559 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [BLOWS WHISTLE] 41 00:04:10,760 --> 00:04:12,716 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [CROWD BOOS] 42 00:04:16,760 --> 00:04:19,718 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Two minutes for No.7! Holding! 43 00:04:20,880 --> 00:04:25,635 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Penalty - Barrett, Harvard, Two minutes, Holding, 44 00:04:30,120 --> 00:04:32,270 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [BLOWS WHISTLE] 45 00:04:34,720 --> 00:04:37,792 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Why are you here when your friends are playing? 46 00:04:38,000 --> 00:04:40,639 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm in the penalty box. 47 00:04:40,840 --> 00:04:43,479 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What did you do? - I tried too hard. 48 00:04:43,680 --> 00:04:46,592 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Is that a big disgrace? - I'm trying to concentrate. 49 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:49,473 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - On what? - On how I'll total that bastard! 50 00:04:49,680 --> 00:04:52,114 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Come on, Harvard, let's go! 51 00:04:52,320 --> 00:04:55,676 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Are you a dirty player? Would you ever total me? 52 00:04:55,880 --> 00:05:00,078 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I will now if you don't shut up! - I'm leaving. Goodbye. 53 00:05:09,040 --> 00:05:13,795 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Barrett back in the game, Harvard have full strength, 54 00:05:44,640 --> 00:05:49,316 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And a goal - Ackerman, Assist - Barrett, 55 00:05:49,520 --> 00:05:53,149 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Now I've seen a hockey game. - What did you like best? 56 00:05:53,360 --> 00:05:56,796 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - When you were on your ass. - Thanks for coming. 57 00:05:57,000 --> 00:05:59,798 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I didn't say you could kiss me. 58 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:02,958 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I was carried away. - I wasn't. 59 00:06:06,760 --> 00:06:09,399 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I may not call you for months. - Why?! 60 00:06:09,600 --> 00:06:12,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Or I might call you as soon as I get back to my room. 61 00:06:13,080 --> 00:06:16,834 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Bastard. - You dish it out, but can't take it. 62 00:06:23,880 --> 00:06:25,836 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Hello, animals. - Hey, Ollie. 63 00:06:26,040 --> 00:06:28,759 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What did you get? - An assist on the last goal. 64 00:06:28,960 --> 00:06:32,032 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Off Cavilleri? - None of your business. 65 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:35,471 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'm your roommate! - Has Barrett got a new goodie? 66 00:06:35,680 --> 00:06:40,310 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny Cavilleri. It's a music type from Rhode Island. 67 00:06:40,520 --> 00:06:45,275 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I know her. Real tight-ass. - Plays piano for the Bach Society. 68 00:06:45,480 --> 00:06:50,395 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What does she play with Barrett? - Probably hard to get. 69 00:06:50,600 --> 00:06:52,830 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Simpson. Up yours. 70 00:06:54,360 --> 00:06:56,032 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That proves it. 71 00:07:12,800 --> 00:07:14,950 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Hello, Jen? 72 00:07:15,160 --> 00:07:20,598 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What would you say if I told you... I think I'm in love with you? 73 00:07:20,800 --> 00:07:23,109 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Never say "love" if you don't mean it. 74 00:07:23,320 --> 00:07:27,313 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What makes you think I don't? - You're a known quantity. 75 00:07:27,520 --> 00:07:28,794 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Meaning? 76 00:07:29,000 --> 00:07:33,949 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You're known for quantity. At Radcliffe, every hall is Barrett. 77 00:07:35,120 --> 00:07:40,752 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You've been checking up on me. - I won't dine with just anybody! 78 00:07:41,920 --> 00:07:45,754 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Am I just anybody? - What do you think, preppy? 79 00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:53,116 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You'll have to fend for yourself this weekend. 80 00:07:54,120 --> 00:07:57,999 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'll be mixing it up with Francis LaPierre. 81 00:07:59,160 --> 00:08:02,232 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Very funny. - Are you jealous? 82 00:08:02,440 --> 00:08:06,069 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He's the captain of the Cornell hockey team. 83 00:08:06,280 --> 00:08:09,238 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You've been reading the sports page. 84 00:08:15,800 --> 00:08:19,713 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I wouldn't mind watching you play with Cornell. 85 00:08:19,920 --> 00:08:23,117 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No. I'll be involved. 86 00:08:23,320 --> 00:08:26,915 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Oh, yeah. The All-Ivy title. 87 00:08:33,280 --> 00:08:35,635 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - More than the All-Ivy title? - A lot more. 88 00:08:41,000 --> 00:08:45,755 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Cornell goal, Score tied, 3-3, 89 00:08:46,920 --> 00:08:48,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [WHISTLE] 90 00:08:52,240 --> 00:08:54,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [CROWD ROARS] 91 00:08:58,640 --> 00:09:00,995 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [WHISTLE] 92 00:09:01,280 --> 00:09:04,556 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'll kick your ass back to Montreal! 93 00:09:10,280 --> 00:09:11,918 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Get up! 94 00:09:13,680 --> 00:09:16,319 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You're out of the game, Barrett. Come on! 95 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:23,029 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Je vais te casser la gueule! - I'll break yours first! 96 00:09:23,240 --> 00:09:26,710 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Come on, Barrett, get off the ice! 97 00:09:31,600 --> 00:09:34,956 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You Montreal faggots! 98 00:09:35,160 --> 00:09:38,038 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What?! Francis LaPierre started the fight! 99 00:09:38,240 --> 00:09:40,390 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Get in! - Come on! 100 00:09:40,600 --> 00:09:43,068 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Five minutes for No.7. Fight. 101 00:09:43,280 --> 00:09:48,274 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Penalty, Barrett, Harvard, Five minutes for fighting, 102 00:09:48,480 --> 00:09:50,516 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [CROWD BOOS] 103 00:09:52,680 --> 00:09:54,636 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [WHISTLE] 104 00:10:58,480 --> 00:11:01,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You probably want a steak, son. 105 00:11:01,960 --> 00:11:04,474 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No, the doctor took care of it. 106 00:11:04,680 --> 00:11:07,513 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I meant for your stomach, Oliver. 107 00:11:08,360 --> 00:11:13,753 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'm supposed to eat with the team. - Oh, that's fine. 108 00:11:13,960 --> 00:11:16,838 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Does your face hurt? - No, sir. 109 00:11:18,640 --> 00:11:23,031 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Jack Wells should take a look at it. - That's not necessary, sir. 110 00:11:23,240 --> 00:11:26,789 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Jack's a specialist. - It's nothing special. 111 00:11:27,840 --> 00:11:32,789 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Can I give you a lift somewhere? - I'll walk you to your car. 112 00:11:33,920 --> 00:11:37,117 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Have you heard from the Law School? 113 00:11:37,320 --> 00:11:40,676 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I haven't exactly decided on the Law School. 114 00:11:40,880 --> 00:11:46,273 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I was merely asking if the Law School had decided on you. 115 00:11:46,480 --> 00:11:48,914 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - No, sir. - There really isn't any doubt. 116 00:11:49,120 --> 00:11:53,591 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - About what, sir? - The school needs good men like you. 117 00:11:53,800 --> 00:11:58,749 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - They haven't got a hockey team. - You have other qualities, Oliver. 118 00:12:00,320 --> 00:12:02,914 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm sorry you had to see Harvard lose. 119 00:12:03,120 --> 00:12:06,032 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I came to see you play. 120 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:10,916 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The Dean of the Law School is an old classmate... 121 00:12:11,120 --> 00:12:13,270 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's very nice, sir. 122 00:12:16,400 --> 00:12:19,949 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Goodbye. - Goodbye, sir. 123 00:12:23,800 --> 00:12:26,712 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Give my best to Mother. - Yes, I will. 124 00:12:49,320 --> 00:12:51,788 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Briggs Hall. Sandy Davidson. 125 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:54,116 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jennifer Cavilleri. 126 00:12:54,320 --> 00:12:57,392 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Call on two. She's in the downstairs phone booth. 127 00:12:57,600 --> 00:13:00,637 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Where is that? - Around the corner. 128 00:13:03,360 --> 00:13:07,273 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Would you please... For God's sake, Phil! 129 00:13:08,160 --> 00:13:13,393 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes. Yeah, yeah, for the million-and-oneth time, yeah! 130 00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:17,639 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Absolutely! Oh, I love you, too, Phil. 131 00:13:18,320 --> 00:13:20,914 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah, I love you, too. 132 00:13:21,120 --> 00:13:22,872 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Goodbye. 133 00:13:23,880 --> 00:13:25,154 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Hi. 134 00:13:25,360 --> 00:13:28,511 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What happened? You look terrible. - I'm injured. 135 00:13:28,720 --> 00:13:31,280 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Did you make the other guy look worse? 136 00:13:31,480 --> 00:13:34,472 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I always make the other guy look worse. 137 00:13:35,200 --> 00:13:37,509 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Jenny? - Yeah? 138 00:13:37,720 --> 00:13:41,030 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Who's Phil? - My father. 139 00:13:44,120 --> 00:13:46,236 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You call your father Phil? 140 00:13:46,440 --> 00:13:49,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Yeah. What do you call your father? - Son-of-a-bitch. 141 00:13:50,080 --> 00:13:52,958 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - To his face? - I never see his face. 142 00:13:53,160 --> 00:13:56,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why? Does he wear a mask? - In a way. 143 00:13:56,640 --> 00:13:59,916 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He must be proud as hell! You're a big Harvard jock! 144 00:14:00,120 --> 00:14:03,510 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - So was he. - Bigger than All-Ivy? 145 00:14:03,720 --> 00:14:07,713 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He rowed single sculls in the 1928 Olympics. 146 00:14:07,920 --> 00:14:10,514 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Did he win? - No. 147 00:14:10,720 --> 00:14:13,757 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Then why is he a son-of-a-bitch? - He leans on me. 148 00:14:13,960 --> 00:14:17,430 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - He makes me do the right things. - What's wrong with that? 149 00:14:17,640 --> 00:14:22,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I don't like to have to put out X amount of achievement every term. 150 00:14:23,160 --> 00:14:26,277 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You hate making the Dean's list and being All-Ivy (!) 151 00:14:26,480 --> 00:14:31,634 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He expects no less and, when I do come through, he's so indifferent. 152 00:14:31,840 --> 00:14:34,798 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Ridiculous! - Know all he said after the game? 153 00:14:35,000 --> 00:14:37,275 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He went to Ithaca to watch you play? 154 00:14:37,480 --> 00:14:42,110 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 After I was nearly massacred by the wild Canadian hordes, 155 00:14:42,320 --> 00:14:45,039 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 do you know what he said to his son? 156 00:14:45,240 --> 00:14:47,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Whores in Ithaca? 157 00:14:47,400 --> 00:14:50,153 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "The Dean of the Law School was a classmate". 158 00:14:50,360 --> 00:14:53,636 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What did you expect him to say? "How's your sex life?" 159 00:14:53,840 --> 00:14:58,550 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Whose side are you on, Jenny? - I didn't know it was a war. 160 00:14:59,360 --> 00:15:03,433 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You don't understand. - More than you wish I did. 161 00:15:03,640 --> 00:15:07,428 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Did the son-of-a-bitch at least get lousy grades? 162 00:15:07,640 --> 00:15:12,998 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - He was a Rhodes scholar. - Ah-ha! A problem of overachievement! 163 00:15:13,200 --> 00:15:16,795 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Forget about it. There's no problem. - Right. 164 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:22,279 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Do I call my father on the phone? Do I say, "I love you, Phil?" 165 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:24,994 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - No. - There you are. 166 00:15:25,200 --> 00:15:29,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And do you know why? Because his name is Oliver! 167 00:15:31,600 --> 00:15:35,878 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The great Barrett Hall. Don't you salute when you pass it? 168 00:15:36,080 --> 00:15:40,073 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It's ugly. I've never been inside. - That's a mature attitude. 169 00:15:40,280 --> 00:15:43,238 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's not easy living with history. 170 00:15:43,440 --> 00:15:47,956 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - How many have to cope with that? - I could name two. 171 00:15:49,120 --> 00:15:51,111 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Thanks. 172 00:15:54,880 --> 00:15:56,836 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [CLASSICAL FLUTE] 173 00:16:02,520 --> 00:16:05,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Cavilleri, must you play music while we study? 174 00:16:06,080 --> 00:16:09,834 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm studying the music. It's called "Analysis of Form". 175 00:16:10,040 --> 00:16:11,359 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah,,, 176 00:16:11,560 --> 00:16:14,233 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You'll flunk out if you just watch me study. 177 00:16:14,440 --> 00:16:18,752 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'm not, I'm studying, - You're looking at my legs! 178 00:16:18,960 --> 00:16:23,112 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You're not that great looking, - Can I help ifyou think so? 179 00:16:23,320 --> 00:16:27,108 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Let's change the subject, - I wasn't aware there was one, 180 00:16:27,320 --> 00:16:31,108 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You're under the impression I wanted to make love to you, 181 00:16:31,320 --> 00:16:36,838 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'm definitely not interested! - Then we've got one thing in common, 182 00:16:37,040 --> 00:16:42,956 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm tired of playing your game. You are a supreme Radcliffe smart-ass. 183 00:16:43,160 --> 00:16:45,754 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The best. You put down anything in pants. 184 00:16:45,960 --> 00:16:49,714 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 But verbal volleyball is not my idea of a relationship. 185 00:16:49,920 --> 00:16:54,869 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 If that's what you think it's about, go back to your music waltz. 186 00:16:56,680 --> 00:17:02,073 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I think you're scared. You put up a wall to keep from getting hurt. 187 00:17:02,280 --> 00:17:06,751 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 But it also keeps you from getting touched. 188 00:17:06,960 --> 00:17:10,430 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's a risk, isn't it, Jenny? 189 00:17:11,720 --> 00:17:15,679 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 At least I had the guts to admit what I felt. 190 00:17:16,360 --> 00:17:21,195 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Some day you'll have to come up with the courage to admit you care. 191 00:17:24,880 --> 00:17:27,348 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I care. 192 00:18:20,960 --> 00:18:25,556 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Would your priest like this? - I don't have one. 193 00:18:27,280 --> 00:18:33,150 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Aren't you a good Catholic girl? - Well, I'm a girl... 194 00:18:34,760 --> 00:18:37,320 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 ...and I'm good, right? 195 00:18:39,360 --> 00:18:42,830 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 So that's two out of three. 196 00:18:43,040 --> 00:18:47,192 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why do you wear it? - It was my mother's. 197 00:18:47,400 --> 00:18:51,598 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Why did you leave the Church? 198 00:18:52,400 --> 00:18:56,552 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I don't know. I never really joined. 199 00:18:58,160 --> 00:19:03,109 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I never thought there was another world better than this one. 200 00:19:04,320 --> 00:19:08,108 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What could be better than Mozart? 201 00:19:08,320 --> 00:19:10,151 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Or Bach? 202 00:19:11,200 --> 00:19:12,679 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Or you? 203 00:19:14,880 --> 00:19:16,598 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny? 204 00:19:19,320 --> 00:19:22,232 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm up there with Bach and Mozart? 205 00:19:24,080 --> 00:19:26,594 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And The Beatles. 206 00:19:32,200 --> 00:19:34,156 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [BANGS ON DOOR] 207 00:19:36,720 --> 00:19:39,837 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Let me sack on your couch. - How come? 208 00:19:40,040 --> 00:19:42,952 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Barrett. - Who's the guest of honour? 209 00:19:43,160 --> 00:19:46,596 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Cavilleri. - Again? Still? 210 00:19:46,800 --> 00:19:49,109 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Barrett's slipping. 211 00:20:06,520 --> 00:20:08,829 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's amazing. 212 00:20:12,240 --> 00:20:14,708 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm really studying. 213 00:20:15,360 --> 00:20:18,670 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'M studying. - Sorry. 214 00:20:25,800 --> 00:20:27,950 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Oliver? 215 00:20:31,000 --> 00:20:32,672 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I love you. 216 00:22:11,440 --> 00:22:14,796 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [MUSIC: Concerto No.3 in D Major by JS Bach] 217 00:23:19,240 --> 00:23:21,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [APPLAUSE] 218 00:23:35,160 --> 00:23:37,310 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I can't believe how great you were. 219 00:23:37,520 --> 00:23:40,592 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You know nothing about music. - I know enough. 220 00:23:40,800 --> 00:23:46,397 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Wise up, would you? I was not great, I was not even All-Ivy, just OK. OK? 221 00:23:47,680 --> 00:23:48,954 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 OK. 222 00:23:49,160 --> 00:23:53,995 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I mean, you should keep at it. - Who said I won't, for God's sake? 223 00:23:54,200 --> 00:23:56,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm going to study with Nadia Boulanger. 224 00:23:57,160 --> 00:23:58,559 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Who? 225 00:23:58,760 --> 00:24:02,514 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Next year. I have a scholarship in Paris. 226 00:24:03,320 --> 00:24:04,594 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Paris? 227 00:24:04,800 --> 00:24:08,713 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah, I've never been to Europe. I can hardly wait. 228 00:24:08,920 --> 00:24:12,833 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - How long have you known? - Don't be stupid, it's inevitable! 229 00:24:13,040 --> 00:24:14,314 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What is? 230 00:24:14,520 --> 00:24:17,637 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That we'll separate. You'll go on to Law School. 231 00:24:17,840 --> 00:24:22,630 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What are you talking about? - You're a millionaire, I'm a zero. 232 00:24:22,840 --> 00:24:27,038 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What does that have to do with it? We're together, we're happy. 233 00:24:27,240 --> 00:24:32,439 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Harvard is like a bag full of toys, but when the holiday is over, 234 00:24:32,640 --> 00:24:35,552 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 you've gotta go back where you belong! 235 00:24:35,760 --> 00:24:40,356 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Back to baking cookies? - Pastries. Don't ridicule my father. 236 00:24:40,560 --> 00:24:43,552 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Then don't leave me, Jenny! 237 00:24:47,240 --> 00:24:49,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Please. 238 00:24:50,120 --> 00:24:54,477 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What about my scholarship and Paris that I've never seen? 239 00:24:54,680 --> 00:24:59,879 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What about our marriage? - Who said anything about marriage? 240 00:25:00,080 --> 00:25:02,878 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm saying it now. 241 00:25:03,080 --> 00:25:06,117 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You want to marry me? 242 00:25:07,160 --> 00:25:08,434 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah. 243 00:25:09,200 --> 00:25:11,270 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Why? 244 00:25:17,080 --> 00:25:19,310 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Because. 245 00:25:22,320 --> 00:25:24,914 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's a good reason. 246 00:25:41,680 --> 00:25:46,151 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You're driving like a maniac. - Everybody does in Boston. 247 00:25:46,360 --> 00:25:49,318 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You'll kill us before your parents can murder us. 248 00:25:49,520 --> 00:25:53,354 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - My parents will love you. - Even the son-of-a-bitch? 249 00:25:53,560 --> 00:25:57,473 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Of course. Where is the old Radcliffe confidence? 250 00:25:57,680 --> 00:26:01,719 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Back at Radcliffe. - It's going to be OK, Jenny. 251 00:26:01,920 --> 00:26:05,799 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What did you say on the phone? - Just that I'd drop by. 252 00:26:06,000 --> 00:26:08,798 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Very casual, huh? - Yeah, right. 253 00:26:09,000 --> 00:26:11,912 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 How often do you visit during a term? 254 00:26:12,120 --> 00:26:15,590 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Never. - Oh, that's casual... 255 00:26:45,840 --> 00:26:48,149 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Holy shit! 256 00:26:52,960 --> 00:26:56,191 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Stop, Oliver. No kidding, stop the car. 257 00:27:05,000 --> 00:27:07,912 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I didn't think it would be like THIS. 258 00:27:08,120 --> 00:27:10,873 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Like what? - I mean, like this rich. 259 00:27:11,880 --> 00:27:17,238 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - This is too much for me. - Don't worry. It'll be a breeze. 260 00:27:17,440 --> 00:27:23,390 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah, but why do I wish my name were Abigail Adams or Wendy Wasp? 261 00:27:26,120 --> 00:27:28,680 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Don't be scared. 262 00:27:28,880 --> 00:27:32,077 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Aren't you? - No. 263 00:27:49,760 --> 00:27:52,672 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - So far, so good. - That's not saying much. 264 00:27:52,880 --> 00:27:55,394 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Your hand is cold. - So is yours. 265 00:27:55,600 --> 00:28:00,037 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Let's get away from here. - Master Oliver! Hello! 266 00:28:00,240 --> 00:28:03,198 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Hello, Florence. This is Jenny. 267 00:28:03,400 --> 00:28:06,472 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Master"? I always knew you had slaves. 268 00:28:10,280 --> 00:28:15,229 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Let me take your wrap. Your parents are in the drawing room. 269 00:28:18,560 --> 00:28:21,120 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Thank you, Florence. 270 00:28:23,080 --> 00:28:26,117 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Half the buildings of Harvard are hanging there. 271 00:28:26,320 --> 00:28:28,754 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Oh, it's nothing. 272 00:28:28,960 --> 00:28:31,713 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You're related to the Sewell Boathouse? 273 00:28:31,920 --> 00:28:36,072 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes, I come from a long line of wood and stone. 274 00:28:44,840 --> 00:28:46,671 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Hello, there. 275 00:28:48,480 --> 00:28:52,473 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Meet Jennifer Calaveri. - Cavilleri. 276 00:28:52,680 --> 00:28:56,958 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - As in "Cavalleria Rusticana"? - Right. No relation. 277 00:28:57,160 --> 00:28:59,435 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Hello, Mom. - Hello, darling. 278 00:28:59,640 --> 00:29:02,234 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Nice to meet you. How are you, son? 279 00:29:03,600 --> 00:29:05,670 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Fine, sir, fine. 280 00:29:06,720 --> 00:29:10,554 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Please sit down and make yourself at home. 281 00:29:22,840 --> 00:29:24,831 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We'll have to be going soon. 282 00:29:26,000 --> 00:29:29,549 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Why are you so uncomfortable with your parents? 283 00:29:29,760 --> 00:29:34,311 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why did you want to leave at once? - I didn't like how they treated you. 284 00:29:34,520 --> 00:29:36,750 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "What is it your parents are in?" 285 00:29:36,960 --> 00:29:40,555 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What is it your people are in? - My father bakes cookies. 286 00:29:40,760 --> 00:29:44,514 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What's the name of his firm? - Phil's Bake Shop. 287 00:29:44,720 --> 00:29:48,952 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Of Cranston, Rhode Island. - How interesting... 288 00:29:49,160 --> 00:29:54,029 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - So your people are from Cranston? - Mostly. Mother is from Fall River. 289 00:29:54,240 --> 00:29:59,234 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - The Barretts have mills there. - Where they exploited the poor. 290 00:29:59,440 --> 00:30:01,476 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 In the 19th century. 291 00:30:01,680 --> 00:30:05,389 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 When you inherit, you can give all our money back. 292 00:30:06,160 --> 00:30:08,958 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's what the philosopher Saint-Simon advocated. 293 00:30:09,160 --> 00:30:11,116 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 In the 18th century. 294 00:30:14,280 --> 00:30:17,397 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It's late. - Aren't you staying for dinner? 295 00:30:17,600 --> 00:30:19,989 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Yes. - No. I have to get back. 296 00:30:20,200 --> 00:30:23,192 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You're staying for dinner and that's an order. 297 00:30:23,400 --> 00:30:26,870 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Everything is an order, a directive, a command. 298 00:30:27,080 --> 00:30:29,548 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Where is your sense of humour? 299 00:30:29,760 --> 00:30:32,672 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 In school, he used to send me memos. 300 00:30:32,880 --> 00:30:35,519 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Memos! Don't you find that odd? 301 00:30:35,720 --> 00:30:38,314 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I find it rather cute. 302 00:30:40,320 --> 00:30:44,916 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Have you heard from Law School? - No, sir, not yet. 303 00:30:45,120 --> 00:30:47,350 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Who've they got better than Oliver? 304 00:30:47,560 --> 00:30:50,597 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I quite agree. He'll be graduated with honours. 305 00:30:50,800 --> 00:30:54,429 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He's always done well in school. At Exeter, he was... 306 00:30:54,640 --> 00:30:59,270 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It doesn't mean a thing. I'm just one of many trying to get in. 307 00:31:00,760 --> 00:31:05,629 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I could give Zimmermann a ring. - No! I mean, please don't, sir. 308 00:31:05,840 --> 00:31:08,115 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Merely to find out if he knows. 309 00:31:08,320 --> 00:31:12,598 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I want to get my letter with everyone else. Please. 310 00:31:14,640 --> 00:31:20,431 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - He was only trying to be helpful. - I don't need that kind of help. 311 00:31:20,640 --> 00:31:23,359 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - OK. - No, it's not OK. 312 00:31:23,560 --> 00:31:26,358 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He won't be satisfied until he cuts them off. 313 00:31:26,560 --> 00:31:28,312 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What? 314 00:31:28,520 --> 00:31:31,239 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What you wouldn't like to be cut off. 315 00:31:32,040 --> 00:31:35,919 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Oh... Well, we've got to take care of those. 316 00:31:36,120 --> 00:31:38,759 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Take care. - Drive with caution, Oliver. 317 00:31:38,960 --> 00:31:41,520 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Get there a minute later, but get there. 318 00:31:47,320 --> 00:31:52,269 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You really like to bug your father. - The feeling is mutual. 319 00:31:52,480 --> 00:31:55,836 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You wouldn't stop at anything to get to him. 320 00:31:56,040 --> 00:31:59,510 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's impossible to get to Oliver Barrett III. 321 00:32:00,600 --> 00:32:05,151 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Unless maybe if you marry Jennifer Cavilleri? 322 00:32:11,000 --> 00:32:14,549 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Is that what you think? - Yes, it's part of it. 323 00:32:16,040 --> 00:32:18,508 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You don't believe I love you? 324 00:32:18,720 --> 00:32:23,157 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes, but you also love my negative social status. 325 00:32:23,360 --> 00:32:25,078 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No. 326 00:32:25,800 --> 00:32:29,236 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I can't pass judgement. I just think so. 327 00:32:29,440 --> 00:32:35,549 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I love not only you, but also your name and your numeral. 328 00:32:35,760 --> 00:32:39,355 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 After all, it's part of what you are. 329 00:32:39,560 --> 00:32:42,313 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Oh, how can you do it? - What? 330 00:32:44,560 --> 00:32:47,438 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 How can you see me and still love me? 331 00:32:47,640 --> 00:32:50,552 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's what it's about, preppy. 332 00:33:19,080 --> 00:33:22,959 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - How are you, son? - I'm OK, sir. 333 00:33:23,160 --> 00:33:26,072 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Did you hear from Law School? 334 00:33:26,280 --> 00:33:30,512 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Yes. I called you, remember? - Yes. Congratulations. 335 00:33:30,720 --> 00:33:35,111 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You'll be on the Supreme Court. - I may just chase ambulances. 336 00:33:35,320 --> 00:33:38,039 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Fine. How's Raymond? 337 00:33:38,240 --> 00:33:40,708 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He's fine. Got into OCS. 338 00:33:40,920 --> 00:33:43,912 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Army? That's good. 339 00:33:44,120 --> 00:33:46,588 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's bad. 340 00:33:48,440 --> 00:33:51,159 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You haven't mentioned Jennifer. 341 00:33:51,360 --> 00:33:55,672 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What is there to say? You're presenting us with a fait accompli, 342 00:33:55,880 --> 00:34:00,112 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - But what did you think? - She's absolutely charming. 343 00:34:00,320 --> 00:34:03,790 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 With her background, to get to Radcliffe is... 344 00:34:04,000 --> 00:34:09,074 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Get to the point! - It doesn't concern her, but you. 345 00:34:09,280 --> 00:34:12,272 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Your rebellion. You are rebelling. 346 00:34:12,480 --> 00:34:14,311 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I fail... 347 00:34:15,200 --> 00:34:21,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I fail to see how marrying a brilliant Radcliffe girl constitutes rebellion. 348 00:34:21,400 --> 00:34:24,278 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 She's not some crazy hippie. 349 00:34:24,480 --> 00:34:27,199 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 She's not many things. 350 00:34:27,400 --> 00:34:30,836 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What irks you most - that she's Catholic or poor? 351 00:34:31,040 --> 00:34:34,112 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What attracts you most? - I'm leaving. 352 00:34:34,320 --> 00:34:41,078 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Don't go off half-cocked, damn it! I would only ask that you wait a bit. 353 00:34:41,280 --> 00:34:43,111 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Define "bit". 354 00:34:43,320 --> 00:34:47,154 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Finish Law School. If it's real, it'll stand the test of time. 355 00:34:47,360 --> 00:34:50,477 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It is, but why should I put it to some arbitrary test? 356 00:34:50,680 --> 00:34:54,070 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'm asking you. - You're commanding me! 357 00:34:54,280 --> 00:34:59,308 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 If you marry her now, I'll not give you the time of day. 358 00:35:00,760 --> 00:35:03,797 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Father, you don't know the time of day! 359 00:35:27,560 --> 00:35:31,269 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We're looking forward to having you with us next year. 360 00:35:31,480 --> 00:35:34,040 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Me too, Dean Thompson. 361 00:35:34,680 --> 00:35:37,752 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Something has come up. - Not a change of heart? 362 00:35:37,960 --> 00:35:41,635 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No, I'm still set on Law School, but... 363 00:35:42,360 --> 00:35:45,113 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm going to need a scholarship. 364 00:35:46,080 --> 00:35:49,117 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Really? - That's why I'm here. 365 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:54,152 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's rather curious, considering your background. 366 00:35:55,640 --> 00:35:59,155 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'm not his son any more. - I beg your pardon? 367 00:36:01,520 --> 00:36:06,719 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We have had a misunderstanding. It's a parting of the ways. 368 00:36:08,600 --> 00:36:14,152 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - This is very unfortunate. - I'm not exactly jumping for joy. 369 00:36:14,360 --> 00:36:18,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We have many entering students in far worse straits than you. 370 00:36:19,080 --> 00:36:24,074 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What's worse than destitution? I'm getting married next month. 371 00:36:24,280 --> 00:36:30,515 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We'll work all summer, and then Jenny will teach in a private school. 372 00:36:30,720 --> 00:36:34,952 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's a living, but not tuition. Your tuition is pretty steep. 373 00:36:35,160 --> 00:36:37,230 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes. 374 00:36:38,760 --> 00:36:42,673 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I need a scholarship. I have already been accepted. 375 00:36:42,880 --> 00:36:47,158 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I don't have any money. - You have a millionaire father. 376 00:36:47,360 --> 00:36:52,753 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 HAD. Why should I be penalised just because I was related to a rich man? 377 00:36:52,960 --> 00:36:54,916 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Mr Barrett... 378 00:36:55,120 --> 00:37:00,433 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 ..I really don't think this office should enter into a family quarrel. 379 00:37:00,640 --> 00:37:05,794 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - A rather distressing one at that. - I see. Thank you. 380 00:37:07,760 --> 00:37:11,116 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Perhaps at mid-year's. 381 00:37:13,240 --> 00:37:17,153 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Thank you. You've been very generous with your time. 382 00:37:22,640 --> 00:37:27,475 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Just passed my junior high school. - I can't believe he liked my poverty. 383 00:37:27,680 --> 00:37:31,070 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He did! Now you've got something in common. 384 00:37:31,280 --> 00:37:34,352 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 God, when I first told him Oliver Barrett... 385 00:37:34,560 --> 00:37:38,189 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Yeah? Yeah? - He just couldn't believe it. 386 00:37:38,400 --> 00:37:40,994 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He reminded me of the 11th Commandment. 387 00:37:41,200 --> 00:37:45,079 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - 11th? - "Do not bullshit thy father". 388 00:37:45,280 --> 00:37:48,113 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Any other commandments I should know about? 389 00:37:48,320 --> 00:37:50,390 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah. "Stay loose". 390 00:38:10,200 --> 00:38:14,637 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - So is he for it? Does he approve? - What do you think? 391 00:38:14,840 --> 00:38:19,231 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I will not allow it, do you get me? - You're tilting at windmills, Phil. 392 00:38:19,440 --> 00:38:24,309 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Stop calling his father a windmill. He's a distinguished citizen... 393 00:38:24,520 --> 00:38:26,476 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Mr Cavilleri... - Phil. 394 00:38:26,680 --> 00:38:31,356 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'll call his goddamn father. - It won't do any good, goddamnit! 395 00:38:31,560 --> 00:38:34,597 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Don't use profanity in this house. - You do. 396 00:38:34,800 --> 00:38:37,598 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What will he think? - You lost your marbles! 397 00:38:37,800 --> 00:38:40,917 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Because I won't allow a parent to reject a child? 398 00:38:41,120 --> 00:38:43,839 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Mr Cavilleri... - Phil. 399 00:38:44,880 --> 00:38:48,634 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Phil. - Phil. Sir...I reject him, too! 400 00:38:48,840 --> 00:38:53,834 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Don't talk like that. A father's love is something to cherish and respect. 401 00:38:54,040 --> 00:38:57,316 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It's a rare thing. - Especially in my family. 402 00:38:57,520 --> 00:39:01,399 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Let's get him on the phone. - We've installed this cold line. 403 00:39:01,600 --> 00:39:07,118 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He'll thaw and melt. Believe me, when it's time to go to church... 404 00:39:07,320 --> 00:39:10,039 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Let's get him on the phone. 405 00:39:10,240 --> 00:39:13,198 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Please, Phil. - What? 406 00:39:13,400 --> 00:39:15,994 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 About the church bit... 407 00:39:16,200 --> 00:39:19,112 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Well, we're kind of negative on it. 408 00:39:22,080 --> 00:39:26,039 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I didn't necessarily mean the Catholic Church. 409 00:39:29,800 --> 00:39:34,510 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You know that Jennifer is Catholic? She may have told you that. 410 00:39:34,720 --> 00:39:39,714 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And her sainted mother always dreamed 411 00:39:39,920 --> 00:39:43,071 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 of the whole Mass rigmarole, but you're... 412 00:39:45,120 --> 00:39:47,998 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 But God would bless this union in any church. 413 00:39:48,200 --> 00:39:50,839 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Phil? - Yeah? 414 00:39:51,040 --> 00:39:53,429 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - About the God bit. - Yeah? 415 00:39:53,640 --> 00:39:58,031 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - We're negative about that, too. - About God? 416 00:40:00,320 --> 00:40:05,075 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - About anybody's God? - We neither one of us believe. 417 00:40:06,240 --> 00:40:09,073 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And we won't be hypocrites. 418 00:40:09,280 --> 00:40:15,150 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 If that's what you wish. Just tell me who performs the wedding. 419 00:40:16,400 --> 00:40:18,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We do. 420 00:40:21,080 --> 00:40:24,152 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You mean... to do it yourself? 421 00:40:27,720 --> 00:40:30,712 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's... wonderful. 422 00:40:32,040 --> 00:40:34,190 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I know... I... 423 00:40:34,400 --> 00:40:38,837 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I mean, that's just... wonderful. 424 00:40:42,360 --> 00:40:47,036 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Do it yourself, huh? I think that's just wonderful. 425 00:40:47,920 --> 00:40:52,630 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 But, tell me, is it...? What's the word? 426 00:40:52,840 --> 00:40:56,071 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You mean "legal"? - Is that it? Is it? 427 00:40:56,280 --> 00:41:01,035 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes. One of the college chaplains just sort of... 428 00:41:02,000 --> 00:41:06,232 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He presides over it, then the man and the woman address each other. 429 00:41:06,440 --> 00:41:09,113 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You mean the bride speaks, too? 430 00:41:11,920 --> 00:41:17,597 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It's a new world, Philip. - Oh, yeah. It's new, all right. 431 00:41:31,160 --> 00:41:32,434 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Ready? 432 00:41:32,640 --> 00:41:36,997 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Amen. - They haven't started yet. 433 00:41:37,200 --> 00:41:40,431 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 How will I know? I've never been to a do-it-yourself. 434 00:41:40,640 --> 00:41:44,428 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Listen to the words they've chosen for this sacred occasion. 435 00:41:44,640 --> 00:41:46,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Amen. - Huh? 436 00:41:46,960 --> 00:41:49,349 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The priest said "sacred". 437 00:41:50,720 --> 00:41:54,156 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - He's not a priest. - He is to me. 438 00:42:04,440 --> 00:42:08,149 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "When our two souls stand up erect and strong 439 00:42:08,360 --> 00:42:12,717 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Face to face, silent, drawing nigh and nigher 440 00:42:12,920 --> 00:42:16,708 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Until the lengthening wings break into fire at either curved point, 441 00:42:16,920 --> 00:42:19,275 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "What bitter wrong can the earth do to us 442 00:42:19,480 --> 00:42:22,472 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "That we should not long be here contented? 443 00:42:22,680 --> 00:42:26,673 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Think! In mounting higher, the angels would press on us 444 00:42:26,880 --> 00:42:30,111 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "And aspire to drop some golden orb of perfect song 445 00:42:30,320 --> 00:42:32,880 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Into our deep, dear silence 446 00:42:33,520 --> 00:42:36,353 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Let us stay rather on earth, Beloved, 447 00:42:36,560 --> 00:42:40,997 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Where the unfit contrarious moods of men recoil away 448 00:42:41,200 --> 00:42:43,919 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "And isolate pure spirits 449 00:42:44,120 --> 00:42:47,635 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "And permit a place to stand and love in for a day 450 00:42:47,840 --> 00:42:51,799 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "With darkness and the death-hour rounding it". 451 00:42:52,680 --> 00:42:55,240 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "I give you my hand! 452 00:42:56,840 --> 00:43:01,516 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "I give you my love more precious than money 453 00:43:01,720 --> 00:43:06,191 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "I give you myself before preaching or law 454 00:43:06,400 --> 00:43:11,793 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Will you give me yourself? Will you come travel with me? 455 00:43:13,760 --> 00:43:18,311 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "Shall we stick by each other as long as we live?" 456 00:43:22,240 --> 00:43:26,199 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I, Oliver Barrett, take you, Jennifer Cavilleri, 457 00:43:26,400 --> 00:43:29,676 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 to be my wedded wife from this day forward... 458 00:43:32,080 --> 00:43:35,914 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 ... to love and to cherish till death do us part. 459 00:43:36,960 --> 00:43:40,794 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I, Jennifer Cavilleri, take you, Oliver Barrett, 460 00:43:41,000 --> 00:43:44,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 as my wedded husband from this day forward, 461 00:43:44,640 --> 00:43:48,792 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 to love and to cherish till death do us part. 462 00:44:01,160 --> 00:44:04,391 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 By the authority vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 463 00:44:04,600 --> 00:44:07,637 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I pronounce you man and wife. 464 00:44:12,080 --> 00:44:14,036 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Now I'm being kept by a woman! 465 00:44:14,240 --> 00:44:16,470 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You won't like it. - I already do. 466 00:44:16,680 --> 00:44:20,116 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The school only pays me 3,000 a year. 467 00:44:20,320 --> 00:44:23,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why? - Because my name is Mrs Barrett. 468 00:44:23,960 --> 00:44:29,637 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Couldn't you be Miss Cavilleri? - Then I'd be the Queen of Paris. 469 00:44:29,840 --> 00:44:31,796 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's a bargain. 470 00:44:32,000 --> 00:44:36,357 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Four rooms for 82.50 a month is impossible this side of Mongolia. 471 00:44:36,560 --> 00:44:39,996 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 But this is the Mongolian section of Cambridge. 472 00:44:46,880 --> 00:44:48,552 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Gee... 473 00:44:48,760 --> 00:44:53,629 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I have to admit that it's even worse than I expected. 474 00:44:53,840 --> 00:44:57,469 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Yeah, but it's home. - Yeah. 475 00:44:57,680 --> 00:44:59,830 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Well? - Well what? 476 00:45:00,040 --> 00:45:03,874 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Carry me over the threshold. - Do you believe that nonsense? 477 00:45:04,080 --> 00:45:07,629 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Carry me and I'll tell you. - We're at the top floor! 478 00:45:07,840 --> 00:45:11,037 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 OK, I'll be a young and beautiful divorcee. 479 00:45:12,120 --> 00:45:15,078 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Hey, what is this, Barrett? 480 00:45:15,280 --> 00:45:18,352 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'll tell you after we cross the threshold! 481 00:45:22,720 --> 00:45:25,837 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - This is not a threshold. - Our name's by the bell! 482 00:45:26,040 --> 00:45:29,589 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's not an official threshold. Upstairs, you preppy! 483 00:45:34,960 --> 00:45:38,191 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why are you so heavy? - I might be pregnant. 484 00:45:38,400 --> 00:45:40,960 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Are you? - Scared you, didn't I? 485 00:45:41,160 --> 00:45:44,277 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - No, I... - Don't bullshit me. 486 00:45:44,480 --> 00:45:48,837 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 For a second I clutched. Is this the official threshold? 487 00:45:49,040 --> 00:45:51,554 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What do think? - If you don't say yes... 488 00:45:51,760 --> 00:45:53,716 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes! 489 00:46:55,280 --> 00:46:57,635 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Is Barrett here? - Where are the kids? 490 00:46:57,840 --> 00:47:03,119 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Asleep, thank God. It's siesta time. I've got 45 minutes. 491 00:47:03,320 --> 00:47:06,278 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's more than they give me. 492 00:47:16,280 --> 00:47:18,077 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Damn it! 493 00:47:18,280 --> 00:47:21,590 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What's wrong with this engine? - You're a Harvard Magna. 494 00:47:21,800 --> 00:47:24,951 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Not in mechanics. - Welcome to the world, preppy. 495 00:47:25,160 --> 00:47:27,913 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Listen, Cavilleri... - The name's Barrett, Barrett. 496 00:47:28,120 --> 00:47:31,078 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Sometimes you are really a bitch. 497 00:47:38,480 --> 00:47:41,870 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - How are they treating you? - Fine, except for one brat. 498 00:47:42,080 --> 00:47:44,640 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He'll be breaking and entering before he's 10. 499 00:47:44,840 --> 00:47:48,355 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What now? - He tried to pinch me. 500 00:47:48,560 --> 00:47:51,950 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I don't blame him. - Next time, I'll wallop him. 501 00:47:52,160 --> 00:47:54,720 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Not until you get his parents' tip. 502 00:47:57,800 --> 00:47:59,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Damn it! 503 00:48:02,840 --> 00:48:05,638 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Let's get out of here. - Don't touch me. 504 00:48:05,840 --> 00:48:10,994 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What a thing to say to your husband! - Wash. You can touch me afterwards. 505 00:48:11,200 --> 00:48:15,637 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I had another salary hassle today with Miss Anne Miller Whitman. 506 00:48:15,840 --> 00:48:17,796 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I hope you laid it on thick! 507 00:48:18,000 --> 00:48:23,358 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I said I was proud to be a member of the faculty of the Shady Lane School. 508 00:48:23,560 --> 00:48:27,269 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I said, "Even Barretts have to pay their rent". 509 00:48:27,480 --> 00:48:30,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - To which she retorted... - "Ho, ho, ho!" 510 00:48:32,480 --> 00:48:37,076 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Define "Ho, ho, ho". - 3,500 for the year. 511 00:48:37,280 --> 00:48:38,759 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Ridiculous! 512 00:48:38,960 --> 00:48:43,909 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Support me while I take the courses necessary to teach in public school! 513 00:48:46,560 --> 00:48:50,189 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Would you please say something? - Ho, ho, ho. 514 00:49:35,080 --> 00:49:39,073 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You didn't call after the meeting. - I wanted you to study. 515 00:49:39,280 --> 00:49:41,794 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Have you eaten? - I waited for you. 516 00:49:42,000 --> 00:49:44,673 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You're a growing boy. - Not any more. 517 00:49:44,880 --> 00:49:47,678 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes, in the mind. Did you check the mail? 518 00:49:47,880 --> 00:49:51,839 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Just one second. This is a crucial precedent. 519 00:49:59,080 --> 00:50:03,039 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Did you check the mail? - No. Anything vital? 520 00:50:03,240 --> 00:50:06,994 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - We are cordially invited... - ..to pay the light bill. 521 00:50:07,200 --> 00:50:09,714 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 To a dinner. 522 00:50:09,920 --> 00:50:12,912 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Your father's 60th birthday. 523 00:50:15,160 --> 00:50:17,355 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Did you hear me? - Yes. 524 00:50:17,560 --> 00:50:20,120 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 RSVP. 525 00:50:20,320 --> 00:50:23,198 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You even have to ask? - It's about time. 526 00:50:23,400 --> 00:50:25,356 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - For what? - You know. 527 00:50:25,560 --> 00:50:28,677 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Does he have to crawl here? He's reaching out. 528 00:50:28,880 --> 00:50:31,713 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 My mother addressed it. 529 00:50:31,920 --> 00:50:36,516 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Think. 60 years old. Maybe he won't be around for a reconciliation. 530 00:50:36,720 --> 00:50:38,676 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 There won't be one. 531 00:50:38,880 --> 00:50:42,190 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Some day Oliver the Fifth... - He won't be called that! 532 00:50:42,400 --> 00:50:46,951 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He can be called Bozo. He'll still resent you for being a Harvard jock! 533 00:50:47,160 --> 00:50:50,596 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You'll be on the Supreme Court... - He won't resent me! 534 00:50:50,800 --> 00:50:52,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why not? - Because I... 535 00:50:52,960 --> 00:50:56,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Your father loves you, too, just the way you'll love Bozo! 536 00:50:57,160 --> 00:51:01,870 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You Barretts are so proud that you'll always think you hate each other. 537 00:51:02,080 --> 00:51:04,036 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - If it weren't for you? - Yes! 538 00:51:04,240 --> 00:51:06,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The case is closed! 539 00:51:10,480 --> 00:51:15,838 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - There's still the RSVP. - I think you can handle it. 540 00:51:17,000 --> 00:51:21,152 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I have never deliberately hurt anyone and I don't think I could. 541 00:51:21,360 --> 00:51:22,952 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jennifer! 542 00:51:23,880 --> 00:51:26,235 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Just answer no. 543 00:51:27,200 --> 00:51:31,751 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - OK. What's the number? - Can't you write a note? 544 00:51:31,960 --> 00:51:34,793 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'll lose my nerve. What is the number? 545 00:51:35,000 --> 00:51:38,913 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 338-3434, and dial 1 first. 546 00:51:54,760 --> 00:52:00,835 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Good evening. It's Jennifer Barrett. Oh, Mr Barrett! Good evening, sir. 547 00:52:01,040 --> 00:52:03,429 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Fine, thank you. 548 00:52:03,640 --> 00:52:06,108 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes, we did. That's why I'm calling. 549 00:52:06,320 --> 00:52:10,393 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm terribly sorry, I mean we're terribly sorry, 550 00:52:10,600 --> 00:52:13,160 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 but... no, we can't. 551 00:52:14,720 --> 00:52:16,790 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm sorry. 552 00:52:17,920 --> 00:52:20,992 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Oliver, please talk to him. Just say hello. 553 00:52:22,200 --> 00:52:26,318 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I will never talk to him. - Can't you do it for me? 554 00:52:26,520 --> 00:52:32,356 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I've never asked you to do anything in my whole life. Just for me. 555 00:52:32,560 --> 00:52:34,312 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No. 556 00:52:37,160 --> 00:52:40,152 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You're a heartless bastard! 557 00:52:41,280 --> 00:52:44,397 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Mr Barrett, Oliver would like you to know 558 00:52:44,600 --> 00:52:48,832 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 that in his own special way, he loves you very much. 559 00:52:49,040 --> 00:52:52,271 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Get the hell out of my life! 560 00:52:54,920 --> 00:52:56,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [SLAMS DOOR] 561 00:54:47,560 --> 00:54:49,516 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [ORCHESTRAL MUSIC] 562 00:55:05,200 --> 00:55:07,156 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [SOPRANO SINGING SCALES] 563 00:56:25,280 --> 00:56:27,840 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I forgot my key. 564 00:56:29,040 --> 00:56:31,793 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny, I'm sorry. 565 00:56:32,760 --> 00:56:34,193 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Don't. 566 00:56:35,040 --> 00:56:38,715 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Love means never having to say you're sorry. 567 00:58:12,160 --> 00:58:16,711 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [CHOIR] # Joy to the world The Lord is come 568 00:58:16,920 --> 00:58:22,119 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Let Earth receive her king 569 00:58:22,320 --> 00:58:27,678 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Let every heart prepare him room 570 00:58:27,880 --> 00:58:30,599 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # And heav'n and nature sing 571 00:58:30,800 --> 00:58:33,109 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # And heav'n and nature sing 572 00:58:33,320 --> 00:58:39,111 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # And heav'n And heav'n and nature sing 573 00:58:39,320 --> 00:58:41,470 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Joy to the world 574 00:58:41,680 --> 00:58:43,989 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # The Lord is come 575 00:58:44,200 --> 00:58:49,558 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Let Earth receive her king 576 00:58:49,760 --> 00:58:54,880 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Let every heart prepare him room 577 00:58:55,080 --> 00:58:57,640 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # And heav'n and nature sing 578 00:58:57,840 --> 00:59:01,230 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # And heav'n and nature sing And heav'n... # 579 00:59:04,160 --> 00:59:09,598 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [BOYS' CHOIR] # Lo! A fair rose a-blooming 580 00:59:09,800 --> 00:59:16,353 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # From tender root hath sprung 581 00:59:16,560 --> 00:59:22,510 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Of Jesse's lineage coming 582 00:59:22,720 --> 00:59:29,034 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # As men aforetime sung 583 00:59:29,240 --> 00:59:34,268 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # It bears a flow'reth bright 584 00:59:34,480 --> 00:59:38,314 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # While reigns the cold midwint... # 585 00:59:38,520 --> 00:59:43,071 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Paul, pay more attention to blending and less to showing off your voice. 586 00:59:43,280 --> 00:59:46,636 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - But I wasn't! - You were so! You were so! 587 00:59:46,840 --> 00:59:50,150 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - No bullshit. You were showing off. - Sorry, Jenny. 588 00:59:50,360 --> 00:59:54,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 One last time and this time I want crisp diction. 589 00:59:55,080 --> 01:00:00,632 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Lo! A fair rose a-blooming 590 01:00:00,840 --> 01:00:07,439 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # From tender root hath sprung 591 01:00:07,640 --> 01:00:13,670 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # Of Jesse's lineage coming 592 01:00:13,880 --> 01:00:19,830 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # As men aforetime sung 593 01:00:20,040 --> 01:00:24,556 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # It bears a flow'reth bright 594 01:00:24,760 --> 01:00:30,073 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # While reigns the cold midwinter 595 01:00:30,280 --> 01:00:37,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 # And darkest is the night # 596 01:00:39,160 --> 01:00:44,996 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Wow! That was really incredibly, absolutely... 597 01:00:45,960 --> 01:00:47,757 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 ...not bad. 598 01:00:47,960 --> 01:00:49,916 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [ALL SHOUT AT ONCE] 599 01:00:51,040 --> 01:00:56,273 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Tomorrow at 8.30 sharp, OK? - OK. Bye, Jenny. 600 01:01:13,520 --> 01:01:16,512 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Well, Barrett, what brings you to church? 601 01:01:16,720 --> 01:01:19,712 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The saloons closed early. 602 01:01:21,680 --> 01:01:24,240 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Did you get us a tree? 603 01:01:25,240 --> 01:01:29,153 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Don't worry about it. We'll get one on the way home. 604 01:01:31,200 --> 01:01:34,158 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What are you doing New Year's Eve? 605 01:01:35,160 --> 01:01:37,515 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Sleeping. 606 01:01:41,640 --> 01:01:44,837 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I thought you wanted to spend it with me. 607 01:01:45,040 --> 01:01:47,634 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What are you doing? 608 01:01:47,840 --> 01:01:50,229 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Sleeping. 609 01:01:54,800 --> 01:01:58,349 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Some day, we'll look back on these days... 610 01:01:58,560 --> 01:02:01,916 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The sooner, the better. 611 01:02:08,000 --> 01:02:09,228 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Go! 612 01:02:12,160 --> 01:02:13,912 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Come on! 613 01:02:14,920 --> 01:02:17,229 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jennifer, come here! 614 01:02:19,200 --> 01:02:21,839 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jennifer, come here! 615 01:02:22,040 --> 01:02:26,272 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What? Come on! Start it over again. 616 01:02:26,480 --> 01:02:29,631 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What is it? - I've got something to tell you. 617 01:02:29,840 --> 01:02:34,118 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Couldn't you tell me over there? - No, I want to be alone with you. 618 01:02:34,320 --> 01:02:38,199 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - OK. - Fantastic news. Here, read. 619 01:02:38,400 --> 01:02:42,029 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Harvard Law School? You got kicked out. 620 01:02:42,240 --> 01:02:44,879 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Read it, will you? It's great news. 621 01:02:45,080 --> 01:02:50,598 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You were first in the class? - Not quite. Third. 622 01:02:50,800 --> 01:02:55,555 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Only third, huh? - That means I make the Law Review. 623 01:02:58,000 --> 01:03:00,468 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Say something, please. 624 01:03:00,680 --> 01:03:05,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Not until I've met numbers one and two. 625 01:03:17,120 --> 01:03:24,151 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The William DeJersey Memorial Award for the finest senior essay to... 626 01:03:24,360 --> 01:03:27,113 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 ...Oliver Barrett IV. 627 01:03:42,840 --> 01:03:44,876 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - On your feet. - How much? 628 01:03:45,080 --> 01:03:46,877 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 500 big ones! 629 01:03:47,080 --> 01:03:48,593 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Holy shit! 630 01:03:48,800 --> 01:03:52,554 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Get up! Come on! - Quiet! 631 01:03:56,560 --> 01:04:00,872 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The Jennifer Barrett Maternity Award! 632 01:04:16,960 --> 01:04:21,192 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It was a good apartment for $80. - Now our garage will cost that. 633 01:04:21,400 --> 01:04:25,393 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why have a car in New York? - House calls, Jenny. 634 01:04:25,600 --> 01:04:29,513 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Fancy lawyers for Jonas and Marsh don't make house calls. 635 01:04:29,720 --> 01:04:33,679 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - They do to Mr Jonas and Mr Marsh. - They are close enough to walk! 636 01:04:33,880 --> 01:04:37,270 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Rich people ride. - Nouveau riche people. 637 01:04:37,480 --> 01:04:39,357 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's us. 638 01:04:39,560 --> 01:04:44,270 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You won't laugh? I'm actually getting to like the name Bozo. 639 01:04:44,480 --> 01:04:46,550 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - For what? - For our kid, damn it! 640 01:04:46,760 --> 01:04:49,274 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Our huge and bruising All-Ivy tackle. 641 01:04:49,480 --> 01:04:53,234 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Bozo Barrett? - The name of a Harvard superjock! 642 01:04:53,440 --> 01:04:57,672 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You would actually call our offspring Bozo?! 643 01:04:57,880 --> 01:05:00,440 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Only if he's a boy. 644 01:05:11,840 --> 01:05:15,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - We have crossed the poverty line. - Not quite. 645 01:05:15,400 --> 01:05:18,039 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What? - Gotta carry me over the threshold! 646 01:05:18,240 --> 01:05:22,358 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - We've run that gamut! - Now you're a lawyer. It'll be legal. 647 01:05:22,560 --> 01:05:25,632 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It's on the tenth floor! - Carry me in the elevator. 648 01:05:25,840 --> 01:05:28,195 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Thank God for that. 649 01:05:29,440 --> 01:05:32,750 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Can I help? - 10-H. We've got bags in the car. 650 01:05:32,960 --> 01:05:36,635 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Is the lady all right? - Yes! When I'm over the threshold! 651 01:05:36,840 --> 01:05:39,638 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Newly-weds, huh? - Eternally. 652 01:05:39,840 --> 01:05:41,592 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Move your ass, preppy! 653 01:05:52,000 --> 01:05:56,198 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You've got it made, you bastard! Made in the shade! 654 01:05:58,600 --> 01:06:02,593 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Snug as a bug in a rug! - Cut the crap and play! 655 01:06:02,800 --> 01:06:06,156 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Working for Jonas and Marsh, pulling in the coin... 656 01:06:06,360 --> 01:06:09,193 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Play, damn it! - I can't help it. 657 01:06:12,160 --> 01:06:15,038 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Married to Foul-Mouth Angelface! 658 01:06:15,240 --> 01:06:17,276 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Pay attention, will ya? 659 01:06:17,480 --> 01:06:21,393 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why should you have all the luck? - It was a long drag. 660 01:06:21,600 --> 01:06:25,275 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 This is the first week that Jenny hasn't had to work. 661 01:06:25,480 --> 01:06:27,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What's she gonna do? 662 01:06:27,640 --> 01:06:30,837 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I want her to study and she wants to have a baby. 663 01:06:31,040 --> 01:06:34,157 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - So? - So we're making babies. 664 01:06:36,320 --> 01:06:41,713 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Do you need any help, old buddy? - I'll call you if I need you. 665 01:07:09,560 --> 01:07:15,317 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Whose fault is it? - I wouldn't use the word "fault". 666 01:07:15,520 --> 01:07:18,114 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 OK, we'll put it your way. 667 01:07:20,000 --> 01:07:25,836 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Two 24-year-olds can't make a baby. One must be malfunctioning. Who? 668 01:07:26,040 --> 01:07:28,110 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny. 669 01:07:30,240 --> 01:07:32,834 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 All right, then we'll adopt kids. 670 01:07:33,040 --> 01:07:37,716 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The problem is more serious. Jenny is very sick. 671 01:07:40,560 --> 01:07:43,199 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Define "very sick". 672 01:07:44,560 --> 01:07:47,279 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 She's dying. 673 01:07:52,240 --> 01:07:54,435 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's impossible. 674 01:07:55,320 --> 01:07:58,278 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm sorry to have to tell you this. 675 01:07:59,520 --> 01:08:02,273 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's impossible. 676 01:08:03,280 --> 01:08:05,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's a mistake, it has to be. 677 01:08:06,160 --> 01:08:11,234 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We've repeated her blood test three times. The diagnosis is correct. 678 01:08:12,280 --> 01:08:14,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 She'll have to be told soon. 679 01:08:15,160 --> 01:08:20,393 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We can withhold treatment for a little while, but not for long. 680 01:08:20,600 --> 01:08:25,390 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 We'll have to begin therapy some time during the next few weeks. 681 01:08:25,600 --> 01:08:28,160 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 She's only 24. 682 01:08:32,320 --> 01:08:35,312 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Will it be painful? - Hopefully not. 683 01:08:35,520 --> 01:08:40,992 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You'll wanna talk to a haematologist. I can refer you to Dr Addison. 684 01:08:42,360 --> 01:08:43,873 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah. 685 01:08:46,000 --> 01:08:49,390 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What do I do? What can I do for Jenny? 686 01:08:50,480 --> 01:08:55,031 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Act as normal as possible... for as long as possible. 687 01:08:56,680 --> 01:08:59,638 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's really the best thing. 688 01:09:01,240 --> 01:09:03,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Normal. 689 01:09:04,280 --> 01:09:08,034 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 OK, I'll be as normal as hell. 690 01:09:10,320 --> 01:09:12,276 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [CAR HORNS BLARE] 691 01:10:33,360 --> 01:10:34,839 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jen? 692 01:10:37,280 --> 01:10:40,078 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny, I'm home. 693 01:10:40,280 --> 01:10:42,919 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I need a lawyer. - I'm a lawyer. 694 01:10:43,120 --> 01:10:45,190 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I need you. 695 01:10:45,400 --> 01:10:49,075 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I need you, too. - Why? I'm not a lawyer. 696 01:10:49,280 --> 01:10:53,159 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No, but you're a nut, and I happen to need a nut. 697 01:10:54,000 --> 01:10:57,356 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You look lovely, Jenny. - Bullshit. 698 01:10:57,560 --> 01:11:01,553 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - OK, you look terrible. - No, I never look terrible. 699 01:11:01,760 --> 01:11:06,197 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I look OK for Thursday evening, OK? - There's no poetry in "OK". 700 01:11:06,400 --> 01:11:10,109 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Screw poetry. Just tell me what you see. 701 01:11:10,320 --> 01:11:13,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I see you. - That's poetry. 702 01:11:13,960 --> 01:11:18,397 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Did Dr Shapeley tell you that we both checked out? 703 01:11:18,600 --> 01:11:19,874 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah. 704 01:11:20,080 --> 01:11:23,470 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 So we just have to keep trying, right? 705 01:11:24,600 --> 01:11:29,037 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Yeah, let's try now. - Right this very minute? 706 01:11:29,240 --> 01:11:31,595 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Even sooner. 707 01:11:44,480 --> 01:11:46,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 [ALARM CLOCK SHRILLS] 708 01:11:51,560 --> 01:11:54,233 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny? Jenny? 709 01:11:54,440 --> 01:11:55,793 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny? 710 01:11:56,920 --> 01:12:02,631 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Get out and support me in the manner to which I plan to become accustomed! 711 01:12:02,840 --> 01:12:04,432 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Get up. 712 01:12:06,840 --> 01:12:09,832 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Are you meeting Stratton today? - Who? 713 01:12:10,040 --> 01:12:14,989 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Ray Stratton, your best friend. Your roommate before me. 714 01:12:15,640 --> 01:12:20,760 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - We're supposed to play. I'll cancel. - The hell you will! 715 01:12:20,960 --> 01:12:24,669 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Why not? - I don't want a flabby husband. 716 01:12:24,880 --> 01:12:28,395 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - OK, but I'll take you to dinner. - Why? 717 01:12:28,600 --> 01:12:31,797 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Can't I take my goddamn wife to dinner if I want to? 718 01:12:32,000 --> 01:12:36,630 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - OK, Barrett, what's her name? - What?! 719 01:12:36,840 --> 01:12:42,153 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 If you have to take me out mid-week, you must be screwing somebody! 720 01:12:58,600 --> 01:13:00,830 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - What's the matter? - Off day. 721 01:13:01,040 --> 01:13:04,874 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You've been having an off day for two weeks now! 722 01:13:05,480 --> 01:13:09,439 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jonas wants me to go to Chicago on a big case. 723 01:13:10,440 --> 01:13:13,398 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That newscaster that got beat up by the cops. 724 01:13:13,600 --> 01:13:16,990 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Fantastic. You on the other side of a punch-out rap. 725 01:13:17,200 --> 01:13:19,839 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I turned him down. - Why? 726 01:13:20,040 --> 01:13:23,396 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I couldn't see living in some hotel. 727 01:13:23,600 --> 01:13:26,478 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Boy, you're really married! 728 01:13:28,200 --> 01:13:30,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Your time will come. 729 01:14:28,280 --> 01:14:29,838 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Mrs Barrett! 730 01:14:30,040 --> 01:14:32,634 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm in the kitchen where I belong. Come here. 731 01:14:32,840 --> 01:14:35,673 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Guess what. - You got fired. 732 01:14:35,880 --> 01:14:40,112 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I got fired up. Guess where to. - Reno, Nevada. 733 01:14:40,320 --> 01:14:43,676 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Paris, France. We'll be there Christmas Day. 734 01:14:45,160 --> 01:14:48,277 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No, that's not the way we'll do it. 735 01:14:48,480 --> 01:14:52,678 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Do what? - I don't want or need Paris. 736 01:14:52,880 --> 01:14:56,873 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I just want you. - That you got, baby. 737 01:14:58,680 --> 01:15:03,151 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And I want time, which you can't give me. 738 01:15:07,840 --> 01:15:11,230 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You saw Dr Shapeley? - Uh-huh. 739 01:15:11,440 --> 01:15:14,716 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 And his buddy, too. He's a very nice guy. 740 01:15:17,280 --> 01:15:19,840 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Good. Who? - Dr Addison. 741 01:15:20,040 --> 01:15:24,795 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He's a Yalie, college and med school. But I said you wouldn't mind. 742 01:15:26,800 --> 01:15:29,030 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Not if he's a nice guy. 743 01:15:29,240 --> 01:15:34,394 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 He is. He didn't bullshit me, and that's what I wanted. 744 01:15:36,480 --> 01:15:40,758 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - OK, then, for the Yalie doctor. - OK. 745 01:15:52,600 --> 01:15:57,833 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm counting on you to be strong, you goddamn hockey jock. 746 01:15:58,040 --> 01:16:00,793 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I will, baby. I will. 747 01:16:03,720 --> 01:16:07,030 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's gonna be hardest on Phil. 748 01:16:08,640 --> 01:16:12,428 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You, after all, are going to be the merry widower. 749 01:16:15,240 --> 01:16:20,792 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I won't be merry. - You will. I want you to be merry. 750 01:16:21,000 --> 01:16:23,958 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You'll be merry, OK? 751 01:16:25,720 --> 01:16:26,994 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 OK. 752 01:16:28,600 --> 01:16:30,397 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 OK. 753 01:17:57,800 --> 01:17:59,552 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Enough? - Not for me. 754 01:17:59,760 --> 01:18:01,990 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I love watching you dodge and weave. 755 01:18:02,200 --> 01:18:07,752 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - The old hockey fake-out. - That's you, the old hockey fake-out. 756 01:18:07,960 --> 01:18:11,555 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Can we get a cup of hot chocolate? - Sure, I'll even pay. 757 01:18:11,760 --> 01:18:17,596 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Very gracious of you. - I liked it when I supported you. 758 01:18:17,800 --> 01:18:22,749 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You always supported me. After all, what's money? 759 01:18:22,960 --> 01:18:25,110 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I don't know. 760 01:18:32,200 --> 01:18:36,557 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Could we afford a taxi? - Sure. Where do you want to go? 761 01:18:37,720 --> 01:18:39,995 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 The hospital. 762 01:20:05,600 --> 01:20:10,549 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 She'll get white cells and platelets, the most important thing she needs. 763 01:20:10,760 --> 01:20:14,389 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - She doesn't want antimetabolites. - What does that mean? 764 01:20:14,600 --> 01:20:20,118 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's a treatment that slows cell destruction. There are side effects. 765 01:20:20,320 --> 01:20:23,073 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny's the boss. Whatever she wants. 766 01:20:23,280 --> 01:20:27,432 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You fellas do everything you can to make sure it doesn't hurt. 767 01:20:27,640 --> 01:20:30,712 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - You can be sure of that. - I don't care what it costs. 768 01:20:30,920 --> 01:20:33,912 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - It could take weeks and months. - Screw the cost. 769 01:20:34,120 --> 01:20:38,318 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 There's no way of knowing how long she'll linger. 770 01:20:38,520 --> 01:20:41,432 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I want her to have the very best. 771 01:20:41,640 --> 01:20:46,953 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'm wealthy. I'm rich. Really, I'm like a millionaire. 772 01:21:25,120 --> 01:21:27,998 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - How have you been? - Fine, sir. 773 01:21:28,200 --> 01:21:32,432 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - And how is Jennifer? - She's fine, sir. 774 01:21:36,360 --> 01:21:40,114 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I need to borrow $5,000 for a very good reason. 775 01:21:45,120 --> 01:21:47,076 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Well? 776 01:21:48,080 --> 01:21:51,390 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Sir? - May I know the reason? 777 01:21:52,600 --> 01:21:56,593 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I can't tell you. Just lend me the money, please. 778 01:21:56,800 --> 01:21:59,951 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Don't they pay you at the firm? - Yes, sir. 779 01:22:00,160 --> 01:22:03,789 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - And doesn't she teach... - Don't call her "she". 780 01:22:05,080 --> 01:22:07,640 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Doesn't Jennifer... - Leave her out of it. 781 01:22:07,840 --> 01:22:13,756 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Just write out a cheque. It's a very important personal matter. 782 01:22:13,960 --> 01:22:16,918 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 You got some girl in trouble? 783 01:22:18,480 --> 01:22:20,914 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah, that's it. 784 01:22:26,560 --> 01:22:29,313 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Please lend me the money. 785 01:23:09,760 --> 01:23:12,228 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Thank you, Father. 786 01:24:16,160 --> 01:24:17,673 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 How is she? 787 01:24:17,880 --> 01:24:20,030 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 She wants the troops home for Christmas. 788 01:24:20,240 --> 01:24:24,518 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Always running the show. - She may succeed. 789 01:24:24,720 --> 01:24:27,553 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - That fast? - Yes. 790 01:24:45,320 --> 01:24:47,470 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Hello, baby. 791 01:24:47,680 --> 01:24:49,193 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Phil. 792 01:24:49,400 --> 01:24:52,198 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 How is it going, Mrs B? 793 01:24:52,400 --> 01:24:56,188 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's going, preppy. The troops will be home for Christmas. 794 01:24:56,400 --> 01:25:00,234 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - That's a little trite. - It's the goddamn truth. 795 01:25:00,440 --> 01:25:04,558 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Watch your language. There's a grown-up present. 796 01:25:04,760 --> 01:25:08,275 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I hope so. Phil made a few promises. 797 01:25:08,480 --> 01:25:10,436 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Don't worry, Jenny. 798 01:25:13,000 --> 01:25:15,878 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Maybe I ought to let you guys... 799 01:25:16,080 --> 01:25:18,275 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I'll be nearby. 800 01:25:27,800 --> 01:25:30,519 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It doesn't hurt, Ollie, really it doesn't. 801 01:25:31,840 --> 01:25:35,196 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's like falling off a cliff in slow motion. 802 01:25:37,000 --> 01:25:41,790 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Only after a while, you wish you'd hit the ground already, you know? 803 01:25:42,000 --> 01:25:43,513 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah. 804 01:25:43,720 --> 01:25:46,393 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Bullshit! You never fell off a cliff! 805 01:25:47,720 --> 01:25:50,917 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yes, I did. When I met you. 806 01:25:53,000 --> 01:25:54,831 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah. 807 01:25:55,040 --> 01:25:57,838 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 "What a falling off was there". 808 01:25:58,800 --> 01:26:01,872 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Who said that? - I don't know. Shakespeare? 809 01:26:02,080 --> 01:26:04,640 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Yeah, but who? 810 01:26:05,680 --> 01:26:08,069 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I mean, what play? 811 01:26:08,280 --> 01:26:12,831 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I went to Radcliffe, I'm supposed to remember those things. 812 01:26:16,600 --> 01:26:20,832 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I once knew all the Mozart Köchel listings. 813 01:26:21,040 --> 01:26:23,998 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Big deal. - You bet it was. 814 01:26:26,440 --> 01:26:29,557 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What number is the A Major Concerto? 815 01:26:31,200 --> 01:26:36,752 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I don't know. I'll look it up. - But I used to know all those things. 816 01:26:39,240 --> 01:26:44,633 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - Do you want to talk music? - What do you want to talk? Funerals? 817 01:26:46,720 --> 01:26:49,234 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 No, I don't. 818 01:26:55,640 --> 01:26:56,914 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Ollie? 819 01:26:58,520 --> 01:27:02,559 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I told Phil he could have a Catholic service 820 01:27:02,760 --> 01:27:06,309 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 and you'd say OK. OK? 821 01:27:08,680 --> 01:27:11,990 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It'll really help him a lot, you know? 822 01:27:15,000 --> 01:27:16,752 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 OK. 823 01:27:19,000 --> 01:27:21,878 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Now you've got to stop being sick. 824 01:27:22,520 --> 01:27:24,829 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Me? 825 01:27:25,040 --> 01:27:28,430 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That guilty look on your face, it's sick. 826 01:27:35,160 --> 01:27:39,995 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Stop blaming yourself, you stupid preppy! It's nobody's fault! 827 01:27:46,040 --> 01:27:48,600 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 It's not your fault. 828 01:27:54,240 --> 01:27:59,189 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's the only thing I'll ask you. Otherwise I know you'll be OK. 829 01:28:15,000 --> 01:28:17,275 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Screw Paris! 830 01:28:20,280 --> 01:28:22,589 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 What? 831 01:28:22,800 --> 01:28:28,113 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Screw Paris and music and everything you thought you stole from me. 832 01:28:28,320 --> 01:28:31,517 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I don't care, don't you believe that? 833 01:28:41,360 --> 01:28:46,309 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Then get the hell out of here! I don't want you at my deathbed! 834 01:28:50,400 --> 01:28:52,834 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I believe you. 835 01:28:53,040 --> 01:28:55,395 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I really do. 836 01:28:57,560 --> 01:28:59,915 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 That's better. 837 01:29:04,040 --> 01:29:07,794 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Would you please do something for me? 838 01:29:12,600 --> 01:29:15,068 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Would you please hold me? 839 01:29:26,560 --> 01:29:30,917 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I mean really hold me. Next to me. 840 01:30:40,440 --> 01:30:42,271 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Philip? 841 01:30:53,880 --> 01:30:56,155 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I wish... 842 01:31:00,320 --> 01:31:04,108 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I wish I hadn't promised Jenny... 843 01:31:09,120 --> 01:31:13,955 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I wish I hadn't promised Jenny to be strong for you. 844 01:31:54,760 --> 01:31:56,193 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Oliver. 845 01:31:57,320 --> 01:31:59,629 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Why didn't you tell me? 846 01:31:59,840 --> 01:32:04,356 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 I made some calls and, as soon as I found out, I jumped in the car. 847 01:32:04,560 --> 01:32:07,120 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Oliver, I want to help. 848 01:32:08,160 --> 01:32:10,993 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Jenny's dead. 849 01:32:12,640 --> 01:32:15,393 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 - I'm sorry. - Love... 850 01:32:16,440 --> 01:32:19,989 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Love means never having to say you're sorry. 851 01:36:01,960 --> 01:36:03,916 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 Subtitles by Pam Atkinson 852 01:36:04,120 --> 01:36:04,870 X1:000 X2:719 Y1:002 Y2:573 ENGLISH SDH