{926}{1037}[Man] Well, Dmitri,|every search for a hero... {1038}{1121}must begin with something|that every hero requires-- {1162}{1210}a villain. {1212}{1333}There fore, in the search|for our hero, Bellerophon, {1335}{1399}we created a monster, {1451}{1504}Chimera. {1574}{1653}I beg you, Dmitri,|come to Sydney... {1655}{1728}and accompany me|to Atlanta immediately. {1730}{1812}However we travel,|lmust arrive at my destination... {1814}{1891}within 20hours ofdeparture. {2023}{2092}[Children Giggling] {2333}{2398}* Ashes, ashes * {2400}{2472}* They all fa ll down ** {2680}{2753}[Captain Over P.A. ]Folks, we 're|two-and-a-halfhours fromAtlanta. {2755}{2843}Look outyour windo wnow. We have|agreat viewofthe Rocky Mountains. {2845}{2975}You keep staring at that watch as if|your life depended on it, Doctor. {2977}{3025}Oh, yes. {3027}{3087}I suppose I'm a bit anxious. {3089}{3151}You'll soon be with old friends. {3153}{3219}I'm with an old friend now, Dmitri. {3221}{3317}I'm sorry it couldn't be|under happier circumstances. {3318}{3430}I'm sorry too.|You are sorry, and I am sorry. {3529}{3600}You don't know Gradski|thought the world ofyou. {3602}{3684}Did he... know... {3686}{3753}before the end|that you two had succeeded? {3755}{3825}Yes, he knew.Just-- {3827}{3894}Not in time to save him. {3896}{3961}[ Sighs ] No. {3963}{4086}Afteryou've been infected with Chimera|for 20 hours, nothing can save you. {4088}{4183}Not even Bellerophon. {4185}{4288}You can carry them|together... safely? {4290}{4338}Yes. {4340}{4470}And you'll get us to safe place|with them in Atlanta, thank God. {4472}{4568}This isyour captain again.|We 've experienced a slight... {4570}{4623}but abrupt drop in cabin pressure. {4625}{4708}As a precaution,|I've released the oxygen masks. {4710}{4770}-[ Passengers Murmuring ]|-Please put them on andsit back, relax. {4772}{4827}There 's nothing|to worry about. {4874}{4931}Are you concerned? {4933}{4982}Not so fa r. {4983}{5080}Just put on your oxygen mask.|I'll see what's going on. {5082}{5149}Okay. {5272}{5379}Denver Center,|this is Trans-Pac 2207, 747 heavy. {5380}{5457}We 're unable to maintain|cabin pressurization. {5459}{5537}We've initiated a descent|to one six thousand. {5539}{5591}Captain-- {6621}{6694}It seems we have|a problem, Dmitri. {6696}{6823}You keep calling me Dmitri.|You really shouldn't. {6825}{6888}You are not Dmitri? {7210}{7246}No. {7308}{7386}Wallis, hold on to this. {7649}{7727}Ulrich, remember to pull the-- {7786}{7849}Remember to pull|the NO2 tank and dump it. {7853}{7906}All done, chief. {7981}{8092}[ Autopilot ] Terrain. Terrain.|Pull up. Pull up. {8094}{8142}Terrain. {8222}{8313}Okay, dive, dive!|Checkpoint Charlie in three, {8315}{8365}two, one, go! {8552}{8644}[A utopilot] Terrain. Terrain.|Pull up. Pull up. {8646}{8762}Terrain. Terrain.|Pull up. Pull up. {8764}{8873}- Terrain. Terrain. Pull up. Pull up.|-[ Screaming ] {9863}{9949}******[lndistinct Reggae] {10485}{10543}***Hey, hey now|Come andplay now*** {10545}{10599}*** Time is forthe taking*** {10601}{10698}***Betterget it whileyou can|before thegroundis shaking*** {10700}{10765}*** Come, hey, come away*** {10767}{10834}***Souca souca na na*** {10836}{10898}*** Come on, come on, miss|allez, allez*** {10900}{10948}*** With a souca souca mama*** {11643}{11714}***Hey, mistersee thatsister*** {11716}{11772}***Don'tyou let them feelyou*** {11774}{11850}***Sticks andstones|may breakyour bones*** {11852}{11900}***But nowher looks could killyou*** {11902}{11998}***Hey, come away|Souca souca na na*** {12000}{12063}*** Come on, come on, miss|allez, allez*** {12065}{12111}*** With a souca souca mama*** {12113}{12224}*** Oh, hey, come away|Souca souca na na*** {12225}{12279}*** Come on, come on, miss|allez, allez*** {12281}{12332}*** With a souca souca mama*** {12334}{12444}*** Oh, hey, come away|Souca souca na na*** {12446}{12503}*** Come on, come on, miss|allez, allez*** {12505}{12567}*** With a souca souca mama*** {12569}{12626}*** Come on, come on, miss|allez, allez*** {12628}{12677}*** With a souca souca mama*** {12678}{12727}*** With a souca souca mama*** {12728}{12796}*** With a souca souca mama*** {12798}{12859}******[Song Fades] {13112}{13165}[ Scoffs ] {13629}{13684}[ Chuckles ] {13883}{13931}[Man On Earpiece]|Goodmorning, Mr. Hunt. {13933}{13981}Your mission,|should you choose to accept it, {13983}{14075}in volves the recovery of|a stolen item designated ''Chimera. '' {14076}{14137}You may select any two team members, {14139}{14222}but it is essentialthat the third|team member be Nyah Nordoff-Hall. {14223}{14334}She is a civilian and|a highly capable professional thief. {14336}{14406}You have 48 hours|to recruit Miss Nordoff- Hall... {14408}{14479}andmeet me in Seville|to receiveyour assignment. {14481}{14576}As always, should you or any member|ofyour IMF team be caught or killed, {14578}{14651}the secretary will disavow|all knowledge ofyour actions. {14653}{14729}And, Mr. Hunt,|the next time you go on holiday, {14730}{14805}please be good enough to let us know|where you're going. {14806}{14891}[ Woman On Earpiece ] This message|will self-destruct in fiive seconds. {14892}{14961}If I let you know where I'm going... {14963}{15028}then I won't be on holiday. {15952}{16025}******[Flamenco] {16027}{16232}** {16232}{16267}** {18446}{18522}[ Chattering In Spanish ] {19589}{19651}[ Instrument Humming ] {20398}{20447}[Hunt]|lseeyou foundit. {20498}{20550}What are you doing here? {20552}{20618}Thinkyou're the only one|who can pick a lock? {20649}{20738}Huh. You're notjust|a pretty face after all. {20740}{20817}[DoorOpens, Man Humming] {21190}{21250}Do you mind if I'm on top? {21252}{21333}No. Either way works for me. {21730}{21797}[DoorOpens, Closes] {21924}{22001}- You'll never findit there.|- Damn it! {22043}{22089}Find what? {22091}{22177}His ex's Bulgari necklace|that goes up for auction on Tuesday. {22299}{22357}And are you gonna tell me|where it is? {22436}{22485}Far left. {22753}{22818}This is very disconcerting. {22820}{22909}Hey, you put me here.|I just do as I'm told. {22945}{23013}- Right.|- [ Grunts ] {23412}{23461}Hmm! {23622}{23753}Now, who are you,|and what's it gonna cost me? {23755}{23837}- I wouldn't do that.|- What? {23838}{23899}- [Alarm Blaring]|- That. {23929}{23998}[Men Shouting ln Spanish ] {24056}{24142}No, no, no.|Tranquilo. Tranquilo. {24144}{24197}Mr. Keys, it is you. {24199}{24279}It is Mr. Keys,|our security engineer. Apologize! {24281}{24342}No, no.|No need to apologize. {24344}{24429}Now, Miss Hall, my associate has|your necklace in a very safe place. {24431}{24541}But obviously we do feel the alarm|should have gone offa little sooner. {24542}{24616}- lsn 't that right, Miss Hall?|- Hmm? Oh, absolutely. {24618}{24692}Much, much too long, I'd say. {24731}{24791}Under the circumstances,|I think we'd recommend... {24793}{24843}resetting the sensors|to respond to a lighter load. {24845}{24923}How do you feel|about 40 kilos, Miss Hall? {24925}{24997}Perfect. {24999}{25055}Shall we? {25131}{25190}- Miss Hall.|- Hmm? {25191}{25264}Haven't you forgotten something? {25378}{25447}What are you trying to do, senorita?|Rob me? {25448}{25531}The thought had crossed my mind. {25558}{25649}I'm missing something here, aside|from my half-million-pound necklace. {25651}{25693}Even after I screwed up thejob, {25694}{25746}I could've walked out ofthere|with the bloody thing. {25748}{25785}At least you walked. {25787}{25837}Why did you watch me|go through it all? {25839}{25920}I wanted to see how good you were.|I was hoping we might work together. {25921}{26011}Sounds terrifii c.|Muchacho. {26053}{26121}Now be serious.|Whateveryou're talking about, {26123}{26181}you couldn't possibly want me|after tonight's performance. {26182}{26245}- You didn't do that badly.|- You apologizing for me? {26247}{26326}Qu ite the gentleman.|Gracias. {26328}{26417}Not really.|I triggered the alarm. {26419}{26485}[Alarm Blaring] {26487}{26538}Sorry. {26584}{26658}[Alarm Stops] {26660}{26769}I don't do laundry, cook,|or put up with cheeky bastards {26771}{26872}who set me up on their territory|so they can poach on mine. {26874}{26931}[ Tires Screeching ] {27246}{27319}[Cell Phone Ringing] {27454}{27503}Hola. {27504}{27591}[ Hunt On Phone ] Hi.|Would you mind slowing down? {27639}{27731}Where did you get this number?|I don't even have it. {27768}{27827}Would you like it? {28001}{28111}[Cell Phone Ringing] {28246}{28328}Pull over and listen to me,|will you?Just listen. {28330}{28423}- Listen to what?|- I need your help. {28425}{28495}- Andlthinkyou could use mine.|- Your help? {28497}{28583}- What areyou talking about?|- I'm talking about Scotland Yard, {28584}{28673}Interpol, every Dutch authority. {28675}{28783}- I can make them all go away.|- Oh, bloody hell. {28785}{28849}You're a spy!|Well, ifyou want me, {28851}{28916}you've gotta catch me! {28951}{29003}Whoa! {29434}{29488}You having fu n? {29745}{29793}[ Horn Honking ] {29795}{29835}Sorry. {29956}{30028}- [ Horn Honking ]|- ldiota. {30030}{30092}Sorry. {30094}{30159}Watch the road.|Watch the road. {30161}{30220}- [ Screaming ]|- [ Horn Honking ] {30260}{30323}[ Screams ] {30325}{30394}[ Truck Horn Honking ] {30458}{30536}[Tires Screeching] {30775}{30850}******[lndistinctSinging] {31234}{31300}[ Whimpering ] {31750}{31808}What's your name? {31810}{31873}Ethan Hunt. {31875}{31949}Well, Ethan Hunt, {31950}{32025}what is it you want|to talk to me about? {32073}{32174}A lot more than I thought. {32176}{32278}Awfu lly short notice. {32280}{32351}Care to wait a decent interval? {32353}{32416}Who wants to be decent? {32746}{32816}[ Sighs ] {32850}{32912}[Clock Chiming] {33831}{33884}So what have you got|against spies? {33886}{33971}When they've got|your recruiting technique? {33972}{34038}[ Both Laughing ] {34040}{34091}This wasn't exactly by the book. {34093}{34146}They've got a book for this? {34148}{34208}Oh, they've got|a book for everything. {34209}{34297}So, this thing|these blokes pinched-- {34298}{34359}I don't know|that they pinched it. {34361}{34415}I don't even know|that they're blokes. {34486}{34549}What am I doing here? {34551}{34605}And I thought I'm supposed to be... {34607}{34684}some kind ofthief|to catch a thief. {34686}{34785}So do I... sort of. {34988}{35051}Damn, you're beautifu l. {35636}{35708}[Cro wdShouting, Chanting] {35774}{35841}** [ Chanting Continues ] {36681}{36750}[DoorOpens] {36892}{36944}Espresso? Cappuccino? {36946}{37027}- No, thanks.|- Sit down. Sit down. {37028}{37103}Festival's a pain in the ass. {37105}{37179}Honoring their saints|by setting them on fii re. {37181}{37260}Letsyou know what they think|ofsaints, doesn 't it? {37262}{37331}Damn near set me on fii re|on my way over here. {37333}{37415}Sorry I barged in|on your vacation. {37417}{37460}I'm sorry I didn't|let you know where I was. {37462}{37517}Don't be. It wouldn't|be a vacation ifyou did. {37519}{37579}You're sorry, and I'm sorry. {37581}{37673}Why did you phrase it like that? {37675}{37770}- Like what?|- ''You're sorry; I'm sorry.'' {37772}{37852}[ Chuckles ]|You've gotta be kidding. {38042}{38140}[DoctorOn Tape] Well, Dmitri,|once again lneedyour help. {38142}{38215}Just as in the old days, huh? {38217}{38302}Whenyousa ved our lives,|sa ved our very sanity. {38348}{38399}Dmitri... {38401}{38494}we have this little problem. {38496}{38581}Every search for a hero... {38582}{38667}must begin with something|that every hero requires-- {38668}{38722}a villain. {38724}{38843}Therefore, in thesearch|forour hero, Bellerophon, {38845}{38955}we created a monster, Chimera. {38957}{39031}I beg you, Dmitri, {39033}{39121}come to Sydney and accompany me|to Atlanta immediately. {39159}{39244}Ho wever we tra vel,|lmust arrive at my destination... {39246}{39324}within 20hours ofdeparture. {39326}{39456}I fear I can entrust this|to no one but you. {39457}{39602}Dmitri, as we say,|l'm sorry andyou're sorry. {39603}{39664}Do you have any idea|what the hell he's talking about? {39666}{39735}- An idea? Yeah.|- Like? {39737}{39796}Like it 's agoodidea|topick him up in a hurry... {39798}{39869}and a bad idea to fly him|on a commercial carrier. {39870}{39963}-Is he still in Sydney?|-Dr. Vladimir Nekhovich is dead. {40016}{40088}So is his colleague Gradski,|but that happened earlier. {40090}{40224}We had Nekhovich on a flight from|Sydney that crashed in the Rockies. {40226}{40306}- Dead?|- Are you listening to me? {40351}{40425}If he didn't want|to go anywhere without me, {40427}{40489}how did you get him|on that flight? {40491}{40539}Oh, you were there. {40745}{40807}When lcouldn 't findyou,|lhadto replaceyou. {40809}{40861}SeanAmbrose was the obvious choice. {40863}{40939}No w, he doubledyou, what,|two orthree times? {40973}{41051}- Twice.|- What did you think of him? {41127}{41190}We had our reservations|about each other. {41192}{41257}Isn't it a little late|to be asking me that? {41258}{41343}No, not necessarily.|Airline records... {41344}{41448}list a Captain Harold Macintosh|as the pilot offlight 2207. {41449}{41541}As fa r as the media and all|government agencies are concerned, {41543}{41597}Captain Macintosh|died on the flight. {41599}{41653}But, in fact, he missed it. {41655}{41757}He did, however,|make the next flight... {41759}{41807}in cargo. {41809}{41899}Stuffed into a rather small|suitcase, considering his size. {41901}{41987}Now, someone on that flight|planned an operation... {41988}{42060}designed to bring theplane do wn|andmake it looklike an accident. {42062}{42158}Someone skillfu l enough to bring|the whole thing off without a hitch. {42159}{42234}So there's one thing we know|that Ambrose doesn't. {42236}{42324}You do think it was Ambrose?|You're not surprised? {42326}{42423}Sean feels he hasn't done thejob unless|he leaves a lot of hats on the ground. {42425}{42565}The question is why? What was this,|uh, Chimera, Nekhovich was carrying? {42566}{42636}Only Ambrose knows that. {42637}{42782}In any case, you must recover this--|whatever-- Chimera, and bring it to us. {42784}{42887}In order to do that, I have to fii gure|out how he plans to make money with it. {42889}{42958}That is where Miss Hall comes in. {43050}{43099}Excuse me? {43100}{43150}Miss Hall and Ambrose|had a relationship... {43152}{43198}which he took very seriously. {43200}{43270}She walked away, and he's been|wanting her back ever since. {43271}{43349}We believe she's our surest|and quickest way of locating him. {43351}{43400}And then what? {43402}{43470}Well, make sure|she continues to see him, {43471}{43537}gets him to confii de in her,|and report to you. {43908}{44020}You made it sound as if I was recruiting|her for her skills as a thief. {44022}{44125}Well, then I misled you,|oryou made the wrong assumption. {44127}{44226}Either way, we're asking her|to resume a prior relationship, {44227}{44283}not do anything|she hasn't already done. {44285}{44348}Voluntarily, lmight add. {44400}{44477}No, she's got no training|for this kind ofthing. {44479}{44553}What, to go to bed with a man|and lie to him? She's a woman. {44554}{44629}She's got all|the training she needs. {44742}{44798}I don't think|I can get her to do it. {44799}{44885}- You mean it'll be diffii cult.|- Very. {44886}{44966}Well, this is not Mission Diffii cult,|Mr. Hunt, it's Mission Impossible. {44968}{45036}Diffii cult should be|a walk in the park foryou. {45038}{45076}l'm open to suggestion. {45078}{45149}lfyou can think ofa quicker way,|you're welcome to try. {45151}{45200}You might take a lookat these... {45202}{45274}ifyou have any further qualms|aboutgetting her to do thejob. {46230}{46303}******[Woman Vocalizing] {46697}{46808}How many people are capable|ofsomething like that? {46900}{46971}Sean Ambrose, for one. {47145}{47194}Right. {47443}{47530}This wasn't what|I had in mind, Nyah. {47609}{47686}But it is what you'd|like me to do. {47784}{47882}What? Oh, let my conscience|be my guide, is that it? {47884}{47913}Something like that. {47914}{47968}I don't have a conscience.|I'm a bloody thief. {48079}{48136}Are you gonna try|and force me to do this? {48138}{48199}Generally, I don't favor|coercing someone, {48201}{48291}not when there's a chance|my life could end up in their hands. {48293}{48373}- Is that the only reason?|- Can you think ofa better one? {48375}{48441}Me? No.|But I wasjust hoping that you might, {48443}{48524}thinking that somewhere, this got|personal as well as physical! {48526}{48604}Would it make you feel any better|if I didn't want you to do this? {48606}{48667}- Yeah, much.|- Then feel better! {49608}{49679}You know, Sean will never|be anything butsuspicious... {49680}{49764}iflpitch up saying,|''Hey, honey, l'm home. '' {49765}{49825}What wouldn't|make him suspicious? {49827}{49894}That I needed him|in some urgent way. {49942}{50023}Destitute.|In serious trouble. {50025}{50080}The kind I couldn't possibly|sort out myself. {50122}{50261}Serious trouble, Nyah, is something|that I can always arrange. {50338}{50432}This transponder chip|is completely untraceable. {50491}{50545}lt transmitsyour location|to a satellite... {50547}{50624}which can be read|by only this computer. {50626}{50687}We can then trackyou|to within three feet. {50689}{50737}Anywhere. {50792}{50861}Sinceyour arrest, l've|been sending news bulletins... {50863}{50910}to every la wenforcement agency. {50912}{50982}lknowSeanAmbrose, {50984}{51057}andlguarantee|that after that airline crash, {51058}{51112}he's monitoring|every one ofthem. {51114}{51174}He knowsyou're there. {51212}{51274}Andhe has the means|togetyou out. {51336}{51385}Nyah... {51452}{51500}Nyah... {51502}{51551}l'm notgonna loseyou. {53037}{53118}Ethan Hunt? G'day, mate.|I'm William Baird. Billy's okay. {53120}{53184}Anythingyou need me toget,|move or watch, just let me know. {53186}{53244}I'll have a look around.|[ Chuckles ] {53342}{53403}- Shit.|- Yes, it is. {53456}{53509}This ain't fu nny. {53511}{53592}I just bought|these $800 Gucci shoes, {53594}{53647}and you got me in a helicopter|with this man? {54537}{54599}Computer's up. We got her. {54600}{54662}Let's put in the coordinates|and get a visual. {55332}{55384}Visuals aren't coming up. {55386}{55459}The satellite doesn't work|as fast as I do. {55461}{55545}Yeah, I heard about you, Luther.|Just wanna say it's an honor... {55547}{55633}and a pleasure|to be working with you blokes. {55709}{55802}Come on. Isn't there any way|we can speed this up? {55804}{55877}With what? This is|the only computer that'll do this. {55879}{55945}Ohhh! {57309}{57382}[Luther]|Ethan, here we go. {57576}{57633}Aye. {57635}{57733}No w, there 's a bloke who knows|howtogive aproper welcome. {57777}{57862}Don't get me wrong, mate.|You were very friendly also. {57908}{57962}- ls it him?|- It's him, Billy. {57964}{58031}- So we've got him!|- We don't know what we 've got. {58033}{58092}'Cause we don't know what he's got, {58094}{58199}where he's got it or|what he's doing in Sydney with it. {58355}{58454}- Not much luggage.|- I left in a bit ofa hurry. {58456}{58509}I'm incredibly gratefu l, Sean. {58511}{58604}How in the world did you fii nd me? {58641}{58689}How I usually fii nd you, Nyah. {58727}{58775}Magic. {59140}{59276}Mmm, mmm!|No flies on her. {59278}{59369}No bugs, either.|No transmissions. {59371}{59419}She's clean. {59421}{59478}All cats are. {59644}{59713}- Your room?|- Mmm. {59786}{59901}- And my room?|- Hmm. {60034}{60091}[ Computer Beeping ] {60252}{60367}She did it.|She's in the compound. {60369}{60537}Yeah? Wejust rolled up|a snowball and tossed it into hell. {60538}{60630}Now we'll see|what chance it has. {60632}{60686}Try it on. {60782}{60830}Go ahead. {60987}{61050}I'm dying to see|if I remembered your size. {61807}{61884}You're not interested|in seeing how it looks? {61886}{61934}Oh, I am. {62015}{62063}Later. {62283}{62356}******[Woman Vocalizing] {62641}{62705}[Dr. Nekhovich 's Voice]|Every search fora hero... {62707}{62782}must begin with something|that every hero requires-- {62783}{62835}a villain. {62837}{62947}Therefore, in the search|for our hero, Bellerophon, {62948}{63043}we created a monster, Chimera. {63044}{63119}[Luther] Nekhorvich was|a molecularbiologist. {63120}{63175}Why is he going on|about an old Greek myth? {63177}{63284}Nekhorvich specialized|in recombining DNA molecules. {63316}{63365}In the myth, {63366}{63458}Bellerophon was aprince|who killed the Chimera. {63460}{63549}A monster with the headofa lion... {63551}{63622}andthe tail ofa serpent... {63624}{63707}whoplagued the ancient world. {63709}{63780}I think Nekhorvich created|a monster virus named Chimera... {63782}{63857}andthe antivirus to kill it, {63859}{63905}named Bellerophon. {63907}{63977}That simple, huh? {64037}{64093}[ Sighs ]|Why not? {64095}{64155}[ Birds Squawking ] {64463}{64512}[ Ambrose Snickers ] {64514}{64596}$$37 million. {64598}{64709}Now, that's a promising bid|for Nekhorvich's work. {64748}{64831}Don't look so worried, Hugh.|We're halfway there. {64917}{64993}We'll need this at the track... {64995}{65076}ifwe're gonna get the other half. {65313}{65412}Well, then... sorted. {65587}{65666}Not everything. {65668}{65729}Why do you think|she's really here? {65794}{65855}From her point ofview or mine? {65857}{65938}Well, she wasn't|exactly gagging for it... {65940}{66012}when she left you six months ago. {66050}{66126}The question is,|do you trust her? {66319}{66370}One considers her timing, ofcourse. {66372}{66462}Getting nicked within a week|oftheplanegoing do wn. {66464}{66580}Suggestive,|even borderlinesuspicious, {66582}{66651}but hardly conclusive. {66781}{66838}Well, you've thought about it,|at any rate. {66982}{67048}Tell me, Hugh, {67049}{67138}you don't exactly hang on Nyah's|every word and gesture, do you? {67233}{67291}That's a fa irly ratty nail that. {67293}{67362}[ Grunting ] {67364}{67406}[ Groaning ] {67408}{67464}Sean, please! {67466}{67605}Suppose she is some sort ofTrojan|horse sent in by IMF to spy on us. {67607}{67667}Why should I deny myself|the pleasure ofa ride or two? {67668}{67736}[ Screaming ] {67738}{67830}Or don't you think I can learn|more from her than she can from me? {67832}{67894}I do! I do! I do! I do! {67895}{67965}- [ Wincing ]|- Now, Hugh, {67967}{68046}you must realize|that some of us... {68048}{68104}have the burden|ofsex to deal with. {68105}{68201}And I may or may not know|why she thinks she's here, {68203}{68317}but I'm willing to take|the risk, because, Hugh, {68319}{68405}- [ Wincing Continues ]|- I am gagging for it. {68407}{68448}[ Screaming ] {68640}{68715}[ Crowd Cheering ] {68757}{68833}[Announcer, lndistinct] {68834}{68883}[ Cheering Continues ] {68950}{68995}Come on! {69056}{69151}- [ Nyah Squealing ]|- Darling! You won! {69153}{69257}- I suppose I did.|- What made you pick that nag? {69259}{69312}He's never won a bloody thing. {69314}{69398}- ''Thief in the Night.'' [ Laughing ]|- Say no more. {69400}{69477}I'm, uh-- {69479}{69572}I'm off to grab a drink.|Do you still favor the Bellinis? {69574}{69613}Mmm. {69912}{69984}[ Chattering ] {70019}{70078}''Naturally Vain.'' {70080}{70130}Pardon me? {70132}{70240}Naturally Vain... in the fourth. {70242}{70326}Check her out. She's due. {70647}{70736}[ Hunt On Earpiece ] You can speak|as if I'm right by your side. {70738}{70786}[ Nyah On Earpiece ]|Where are you? {70788}{70853}Mounting enclosure|just off the track, 2:00. {71201}{71266}[ Hunt On Earpiece ]|How's it going? {71268}{71339}Just like old times. {71340}{71406}Just like old times? {71408}{71484}Just about. {71552}{71630}Tell me who you've run into|at Ambrose's. {71631}{71729}Near as I can tell, there's about a half|dozen other blokes about the place. {71731}{71840}Maybe more.|Hugh Stamp, old friend ofSean's. {71842}{71922}He 's the only one lrecognize.|Anda bit ofa creep andthen some. {71924}{72008}We know him. He's overyour left|shoulder, looking at you right now. {72050}{72143}Ambrose has photos of newspapers|with money piled on them. {72144}{72217}Thirty seven million|on the London Times. {72219}{72301}What's that about? {72303}{72365}Bids from possible Chimera buyers. {72632}{72708}Ambrose is meeting|some bloke in the bar. {72710}{72815}Big bloke. Ginger hair.|They're into something. {72969}{73032}-[ Hunt On Earpiece ] Who is this guy?|-Checking now, Ethan. {73221}{73316}John McCloy,|CEO Biocyte Pharmaceuticals. {73318}{73389}ln 1989, acquired Biocyte|in a hostile takeover. {73440}{73506}[Hunt]|He was Nekhorvich 's boss. {73508}{73594}[Luther] Right. He worked forhim|as a research scientist at Biocyte. {73596}{73695}Ambrose is showing something|to McCloy on a digital camera. {73697}{73802}[Hunt] Whatever McCloy's|looking at, he's not happy about it. {74061}{74100}Ambrosejust pulled... {74102}{74152}the camera's memory card|and put it into an envelope. {74204}{74271}Put it in his inner left|jacketpocket. {74273}{74359}Confii rm left jacket pocket. {74361}{74426}Roger that. {74473}{74557}Nyah. Nyah, Ambrose|is on his way back to you. {74559}{74625}- There's an envelope inside--|- His left jacket pocket. {74627}{74692}That's right. {74694}{74780}- Where do I meet you?|- Betting table 1 2, off the paddock. {74782}{74874}- Are you sure you're up to this?|- I'll muddle through. {74911}{74967}- There you are!|- See anything you like? {74969}{75057}Well, yeah.|''Naturally Vain.'' {75059}{75125}But they're about to close|the betting, and I haven't a bean. {75127}{75199}- Nyah!|- Would you mind terribly? {75201}{75298}Not at all.|But, um, you are gonna pay for it. {75299}{75397}- And with interest.|- I have no doubt. {75445}{75507}Hold on. {75825}{75894}Put down a thousand for me. {75977}{76030}- To win?|- What else? {76127}{76156}-Billy, make sure Nyah's not followed.|-No worries, mate. {76156}{76218}-Billy, make sure Nyah's not followed.|-No worries, mate. {76220}{76287}Luther, digital camera|ready to transmit. {76289}{76337}Betting table 1 2. {76699}{76748}- There you go.|- Fine. {76749}{76839}- [ Groans ]|- Oh, sorry about that, mate. {76841}{76901}[ Mutters, Grunts ] {76903}{76983}- Say again?|- [ Muttering ] {76985}{77066}Whateveryou're about,|in future, watch your step. {77068}{77135}- Never know who you might run into.|- [ Choking ] {77136}{77227}- So where's the loo?|- [ Muttering ] {77229}{77338}- Thanks, mate.|- [ Gasping ] {77465}{77537}[ Chattering ] {77660}{77734}[Announcer, lndistinct] {77866}{77918}How'd you do? {77920}{77984}Don't turn around. {77986}{78037}I managed. {78176}{78226}You turned around. {78228}{78310}What are you gonna do?|Spank me? {78392}{78484}- [ Clears Throat ]|- [Announcer, lndistinct] {78912}{78985}I'm booted up.|Go, Ethan. {79149}{79211}Are you getting this? {79213}{79286}[ Panting ] {79480}{79559}''Sergei Gradski.: {79561}{79633}20hours after exposure. '' {80597}{80630}God. {80820}{80888}[Billy]|Stamp 's out ofthe loo. {80889}{80963}He's coming out ofthe tunnel,|heading your way, mate. {80964}{81030}- I want you out ofAmbrose's place.|- What are you talking about? {81032}{81117}What's happened?|What did you see? {81193}{81246}Okay, he's coming up|behind you, Ethan. {81248}{81341}You've doneyourjob.|l wantyou out ofA ustralia. {81343}{81401}- Thirty steps.|- How do you suggest I go about it? {81403}{81487}He's touched your heart.|You need to think it over. {81489}{81551}Fifteen, fourteen, twelve, eleven. {81553}{81628}l wantyou out ofthere now.|Give me the earpiece. {81630}{81700}- Nine, Ethan. Eight.|- Ifyou don't get out ofthere, {81702}{81772}I'm coming in and getting you out. {81774}{81845}[ Billy On Earpiece ]|Ethan, get out ofthere! {81847}{81939}You placed your bet, ma'am? {81940}{82035}-Just.|- ******[Fanfare] {82037}{82126}[Announcer]|Horses are ready to race. {82205}{82297}[ Shouting, Cheering ] {82299}{82364}[Announcer, lndistinct] {82366}{82477}Come on! Come on! Your nag's|making a run for it on the outside! {82531}{82611}Come on! Come on! {82613}{82674}[Buzzer Buzzes] {82676}{82743}[ Laughing ]|You picked another winner! {82917}{82995}I thought you|were going to dinner. {82997}{83078}Hugh, take care of|the Nekhovich memory card. {83122}{83179}Where is it? {83181}{83283}In the envelope|in myjacket pocket. {83318}{83411}My rightjacket pocket. {83413}{83516}We at ourstate-of-the-art|solar-powered Biocyte building, {83518}{83602}recognize that eternal vigilance|is the price of health, {83604}{83685}whether it 's funding the teaching center|at the RoyalPrince Edward Hospital, {83687}{83749}removing aerosolproducts|from the market... {83751}{83831}orbra ving the influenza quarantine|at Bruny lslandlate last month. {83832}{83944}At Biocyte, your life|is our life's work. {83987}{84057}We've got an opportunity here. {84059}{84157}I'm not going to miss it. {84879}{84940}George, take me home. {85364}{85413}George? {85484}{85555}George! {85752}{85824}What the hell? {85897}{85967}George! {86133}{86206}George! George!|[ Coughing ] {86208}{86288}[ Gasping, Choking ] {86348}{86417}Sean? {86505}{86553}Sean? {86801}{86903}[ Men Chattering ] {86905}{86965}[ Man Laughing ] {87487}{87551}- [ Gasps ]|- Shhh. {87593}{87642}Easy. {87643}{87692}Oh, Ethan. {87693}{87743}Are you okay? {87745}{87810}Yeah, I am now.|[ Sighs ] {88287}{88347}[Gurgling] {88649}{88696}[ Wheezing ] {88950}{89053}- What is this?|- A visit from an old friend. {89055}{89176}[ Panting ] You crashed|on the plane. You're dead. {89177}{89287}Dead, certainly.|But dead is a little extreme. {89331}{89418}On the other hand, when my colleague|Gradski had your pulse... {89420}{89535}and your blood pressure,|he had less than a day to live. {89654}{89708}You are infected with Chimera,|my friend. {89813}{89864}No use, my friend. {89866}{89961}The medicalstaff|wants nopart ofthis. {89963}{90049}Doctors don't fa ncy the idea|ofdying any more than anybody else. {90051}{90116}How could I possibly be infected? {90118}{90232}That's exactly what Gradski said|27 hours before he died. {90234}{90342}You've got the antidote,|you miserable bastard! {90344}{90401}- You stole Bellerophon! All of it!|- My, my, my. {90403}{90491}lneed it! lneed it now,|you whacked-out Russian Gypsy! {90493}{90619}And what about Gradski, who you|deliberately infected with Chimera? {90621}{90660}How was I to know they needed... {90662}{90708}to be treated with Bellerophon|within 20 hours? {90710}{90812}- By asking me.|- Youstill don't get it, doyou? {90814}{90919}I needed to knowjust how bad|the disease was in the real world, {90921}{90979}notjust the lab. {90981}{91049}You were genetically splicing|together strains of influenza... {91051}{91118}to create a cure forall influenzas. {91119}{91213}Butyou were also creating|a disease so terrible in Chimera, {91214}{91274}the cure would be priceless. {91275}{91354}lneeded Chimera in order|topeddle Bellerophon. {91356}{91414}It's not that diffii cult|to understand, is it? {91415}{91520}Look, l've got the virus.|You've got the cure. {91522}{91576}lneed them both. {91578}{91643}Time was a shot of penicillin|would knock off... {91645}{91702}every bloody bug in the zoo.|Not anymore. {91704}{91824}lfl couldn 't make money killing|the microscopic little shits out there, {91826}{91925}well, you'd help me put one out|there that I could make money on. {91927}{92010}Well, there it is.|l've confessed. {92012}{92090}I,John C. McCloy, {92092}{92174}am in business to make money. {92175}{92307}No w, forget any dealyou may have|made with that thugAmbrose. {92309}{92400}Get me treated,|and let's go back to work. {92402}{92455}You know, {92457}{92558}I think it's a little late for that. {92560}{92664}Dogive my regards to Gradski... {92666}{92720}ifyou see him. {92986}{93035}Well... {93106}{93160}I've heard... {93228}{93305}[ Normal Voice ]|all I need to hear. {93367}{93437}Nyah... {93439}{93558}it's imperative that we do nothing|to alarm Ambrose. {93560}{93622}What? {93624}{93693}You told me to get out ofthere|as soon as possible. {93695}{93787}-I thought you were here to collect me!|-Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh! {93789}{93879}Listen to me.|There's no time to talk. {93881}{93998}It is critical,|absolutely critical, {94000}{94096}that you do whatever Ambrose asks. {94195}{94251}Do you understand me? {94327}{94393}Don't worry. {94395}{94501}It will all be over...|very soon. {94639}{94728}[ Laughs ]|That's a promise. {94766}{94814}Go on. {94853}{94908}Go on. Off you go. {95486}{95534}[ Sighs ] {95682}{95757}Luther, we know this much.|Nekhorvich gets on a plane... {95759}{95828}to go to the Center for|Disease Control in Atlanta. {95830}{95906}He's carrying a virus|he created, Chimera, {95908}{95986}and the cure for that virus,|Bellerophon. {96064}{96114}Ambrose doesn't have the virus. {96116}{96164}That's why Ambrose needs McCloy. {96212}{96288}So we go into Biocyte, kill Chimera, {96290}{96389}Ambrose has a cure|without a disease, {96391}{96447}and we're home free. {96449}{96554}You were right.|Huntstung McCloy tonight. {96556}{96613}So he knows. {96615}{96728}He'll be going into Biocyte. {96730}{96841}Good. Then we'll know|where he'll be, don't we? {96901}{96967}Well done, Hugh. {96969}{97018}Well done. {97206}{97267}[Horn Honking] {97268}{97392}Oi! You're home, mate. Home. {97431}{97514}[ Clears Throat ]|Where's George? {97516}{97567}My regular driver?|Where is he? {97569}{97636}He's gone home sick.|Touch ofthe flu. {97701}{97759}-Is the building up and running yet?|-Mmm. {97856}{97952}-That's not exactly it.|-Sorry, but this is a Biocyte facility. {97953}{98038}Their storage structure.|I'll have it up in a minute. {98093}{98191}- Okay, take a look at this.|- Start from the inside out. {98193}{98272}All storage and production|of Chimera is done here, {98274}{98340}in this lab on the 42ndfloor. {98342}{98418}Hunt's target will be the Chimera, {98420}{98543}stored and manufactured|at Biocyte on the 42nd floor. {98545}{98660}Ifyou look at Hunt's|operational history, and I have, {98662}{98770}he invariably favors|misdirection over confrontation. {98772}{98886}He 'll never breakinto Biocyte from|the bottom where security is hea viest. {98888}{98943}No garage entrances. {98945}{99059}Lobby's protected by fiive guards|on rotating patrol. {99061}{99147}Not goin' in from the ground.|Show me the atrium. {99149}{99257}The atrium?|One ofa kind. {99259}{99328}Runs do wn through the center|ofthe building. {99330}{99417}Pro vides 24-hour naturallight via|mirrors anddaylightstorage cells. {99419}{99479}Optimalgro wing conditions|forthe virus. {99481}{99561}Ends in aglass floor which doubles|aspart ofthe lab ceiling. {99648}{99750}Uh-uh. The atrium roof|closes at sundown. {99752}{99837}Andifthe louvers are up for|more than 40 seconds at night, {99838}{99890}the civil emergency alarms|are tripped. {99892}{99940}Those, even lcan't stop. {99942}{100007}Ethan, we have|a total of40 seconds... {100009}{100098}to get you in|and the cables out. {100100}{100197}No, Hunt willprefer to enter|Biocytesomewhere from the top... {100199}{100245}where security is minimal. {100246}{100341}He'll undoubtedly engage|in some aerobatic insanity... {100342}{100430}before he'll risk harming a hair|on a security guard's head. {100789}{100874}- Check-check. Got copy?|- You're fiive-by-fiive. {100960}{101023}[Hunt On Headset]|Luther, how we doin '? {101025}{101102}[Luther On Headset]Not thereyet,|Ethan. l'llgiveyou the word. {101164}{101213}[ Hunt On Headset ]|Billy, ready to go? {101305}{101362}Okay, package away in five-- {101364}{101413}I'm not ready.|The louvers aren't moving. {101415}{101472}[Billy On Headset]|Come on, Luther! We gotta go! {101474}{101546}[Luther On Headset] Wait, there 's|aglitch in the access code. {101739}{101826}[Billy On Headset]Luther,|we 're out oftime. On the count. {101828}{101907}Please, baby, open up, open up. {101909}{101984}- Five, four,|- Come on! {101986}{102041}three, two, one! {102043}{102105}- I'm going now!|- Ethan, wait! {102439}{102497}[ Laughs ] {102989}{103094}[ Luther On Earpiece ] Twenty fiive,|twenty four, twenty three, {103096}{103196}twenty two, twenty one, twenty. {103198}{103282}Ethan, you've got 19seconds|to clearthe cable. {103499}{103573}Okay, retracting cable! {103575}{103671}[Timer Beeping] {103673}{103723}Come on! {103725}{103822}Nine, eight, seven, six, {103824}{103912}five, four, three, two-- {103966}{104028}Cable's clear! {104350}{104456}Transponder activated.|Readingpackage andcable clear. {104653}{104723}[Ambrose]He 'll breach the lab|at the onlypossible time, {104725}{104801}whetheryou break in|from the ground or the roof. {104803}{104877}It's 2300 hours, one minute... {104879}{104968}when the air fii ltration generators will|cover the sound of Hunt's break-in... {104969}{105038}and the rotating guards|make the building vulnerable... {105040}{105081}to our break-in from below. {105126}{105194}[Luther On Earpiece]Ethan,|thegenerator's about togo active. {105195}{105294}Just a friendly reminder. We'll be|out ofcontact for eight minutes. {106097}{106167}[Ambrose]l'm betting|Hunt will destroy Chimera... {106169}{106241}rather than attempt|topreserve anypart ofit. {106243}{106309}He'll have to do it|in two places. {106311}{106448}First, the incubation room|where the growth vials are kept. {106504}{106596}Andfinally,|in the inoculation chamber... {106597}{106714}holding the last remaining Chimera|virus in three injectionguns. {106716}{106833}He won't be allowed to destroy|the virus in those guns. {106913}{106984}[ Beeping ] {107212}{107279}What's this?|You're on time, for once? {107281}{107332}Not exactly, sport. {107334}{107418}[Gunshots, Body Falls] {107472}{107552}[ Recorder Beeps ]|John C. McCloy. {107922}{107993}[ Beeping ] {108047}{108120}Billy, lthink we 've got aproblem. {108121}{108211}Nyah's on the wing up early.|Billy, doyou copy? {108213}{108287}Yeah, I got you, Luther.|Sorry, exactly where is she? {108288}{108358}- In the building.|- Say again, mate. {108360}{108431}Sounds like you're saying|she's in the building. {108433}{108493}I am. She is. {108495}{108592}Uh, well, then she's not likely|to be alone, is she, mate? {108594}{108648}[Luther] She's in the elevator,|headed towards Ethan. {108650}{108704}The question is.:|Ho wmany ofthem? {108706}{108767}I can't get through to Ethan,|not till the generators go. {108769}{108824}- Yeah, well, when's that?|- Not for another... {108825}{108875}five-and-a-halfminutes. {109765}{109863}[Computer Voice] Chimera|in vitro pHandtemperature level... {109865}{109934}outside optimalrange. {109936}{110028}Chimera in vitro pH|andtemperature level... {110030}{110082}outside optimalrange. {110084}{110193}Chimera working seedstockpH|at criticallevel. {110194}{110277}Alert.|Chimera stock life threatened. {110279}{110391}Alert.|Chimera stock life terminated. {110511}{110586}Come on, Ethan.|Come on. {110996}{111050}[Computer Voice]|Subject is contaminant-free. {111052}{111109}Zero contaminant factor. {111396}{111451}Come on, come on,|come on, come on. {111453}{111547}- [ Beeping Continues ]|- Luther, what the hell can we do? {111549}{111600}What can we do? {111602}{111701}Hope he kills all the bugs before|the yellow dot gets to the red one. {112988}{113040}[Dr. Nekhorvich 's Voice]|Ho wever we tra vel, {113042}{113146}lmust arrive at my destination|within 20hours ofdeparture. {113263}{113325}[McCloy's Voice]Ho w was lto know|that he needed to be treated... {113327}{113400}with Bellerophon within 20hours? {113972}{114021}Get him. {114577}{114634}How much longer|before you can reach him? {114635}{114706}We 've got29 seconds|before thegenerators turn off, {114708}{114756}then Ethan will be back on-line. {114877}{114939}[ Timer Beeping ] {115126}{115172}[ Grunts ] {115305}{115341}Ahh! {115427}{115491}[ Panting ] {115573}{115633}[ Beeping Continues ] {115924}{115993}Luther! Luther! {116780}{116831}[Ambrose]|Holdyour fire! {116833}{116897}Hold your fii re, damn it! {116899}{116960}[ Sighs ] {117250}{117331}Well, Hunt... {117333}{117389}how've you been? {117457}{117505}Fighting a bit ofa cold. {117507}{117561}Aww. {117565}{117633}[Laughing] {117635}{117707}You know, that was the hardest part|of having to portray you-- {117709}{117815}grinning like an idiot|every 1 5 minutes. {117816}{117900}I would've thought the hardest part was|curbing that pressing need ofyours... {117902}{117951}to get your gun off. {117952}{118032}You were in such a hurry|to knock off that 747... {118033}{118096}you never fii gured out|where Chimera really was. {118098}{118162}- I knew where it was.|- Oh. {118164}{118237}Then you knew the only way Nekhorvich|could smuggle the live virus... {118239}{118333}is by injecting himselfandusing|his own bloodstream as apetri dish. {118335}{118410}You knew that...|while you were knocking him off, {118412}{118485}destroying the very thing|you came for. {118665}{118737}Stop!|Put a sock in it! {118808}{118907}Hit that bloody gun, and you'll|spray the virus all over the place! {118909}{118992}There it is, guys. {118994}{119072}The last of it. {119074}{119128}What was the top bid? {119129}{119205}Why? You gonna make me|a better offer? {119207}{119286}Than $$37 million?|Not really. {119288}{119355}Oh! {119357}{119464}Somebody has been slipping you|our mail. [ Chuckles ] {119466}{119571}Come on out here, you badgirl. {119865}{119995}Sean, she doesn 't belong here.|Let hergo. {119997}{120079}She wouldn't be here... {120080}{120162}if it wasn't foryou, Hunt. {120321}{120445}From this moment, you are|responsible for what happens to her. {120447}{120522}And ifyou're looking out|for her well-being, {120524}{120648}lsuggestyou advise her topick up|the injectiongun andbring it to me. {120649}{120724}Ball's in your court, Hunt. {120804}{120874}[ Luther Coughing ] {120915}{121017}Nyah's in the building.|Do you copy? {121019}{121073}Thankyou. {121461}{121556}How do you know he won't shoot you|the minute he's got it? {121558}{121633}Please. One can't hold Nyah|responsible for her actions. {121634}{121724}You know women, mate.|Like monkeys they are. {121726}{121828}Won't let go ofone branch|till they get a grip on the next! {121878}{121952}Get it, Nyah.|I'll coveryou. {122747}{122842}[ Sighs ]|I am waiting. {123122}{123238}Things haven't exactly worked out the|way you thought they would, Ethan. {123239}{123283}Sorry. {123697}{123750}You bitch! {123752}{123838}******[lndistinctSinging] {123872}{123950}[ Beeping ] {124139}{124242}You're not gonna shoot me, Sean.|Not this bitch. {124244}{124334}'Cause she's worth $$37 million. {124406}{124467}[ High-Pitched Humming ] {125126}{125195}- What did you thinkyou were doing?|- I wasn't thinking! {125196}{125281}Just trying to stop you|from getting hurt, that's all! {125282}{125365}You who don't have a conscience. {125367}{125415}I guess I lied. {126108}{126188}You can't get us both|out of here, can you? {126503}{126552}I'm infected with Chimera. {126554}{126622}You know you don't have a choice.|Just do it. {126657}{126705}Do it now! {127230}{127300}We've got 1 9 hours and 58 minutes! {127302}{127387}I'll get Bellerophon|into your system before then! {127466}{127575}Just stay alive!|I'm not going to lose you! {129321}{129380}Feel like pleading foryour life? {129510}{129592}Well, then, how about dying... {129594}{129684}so you can make me a lot of money? {129823}{129918}In just a few hours time,|you can be assured... {129919}{130018}of going down in history|as the Typhoid Mary of Oz. {130050}{130109}G'day. {130141}{130189}[DoorCloses] {130191}{130273}There 's not a chance oflocating Nyah|until lcan access thesatellite. {130275}{130364}And there's not a chance ofdoing that|until I can get this computer fiixed. {130366}{130422}How much time does she have left? {130424}{130517}Not long. But whatever happens,|Nyah will take care of Nyah. {130519}{130577}-What do you mean?|-Unless we dose her with Bellerophon, {130578}{130648}Nyah will kill herself. {130649}{130703}So fii rst things fii rst. {132093}{132142}Ethan, Ambrose and his team|have arrived... {132143}{132203}over the bridge,|andNyah's not with him, mate. {132205}{132253}Copy that. {132407}{132516}You all right, mate?Looks like|pretty hea vy security from here. {132518}{132619}What's it looklike from there? {132621}{132670}Risky. {134331}{134380}[ Man Grunts ] {134437}{134485}[ Groans ] {134621}{134709}Simon? Simon! {134711}{134776}Stay here. {135164}{135246}Breached the structure|at the 1 0:00 grating. {135537}{135642}It's a DNA match.|The blood's loaded with Chimera. {135835}{135911}And they certainly have Bellerophon. {135962}{136023}[ Sighs ] Well, then you've got|both the virus and the antivirus, {136025}{136081}which means l've got|30million foryou. {136083}{136196}Not exactly.|We don't wantjust your cash. {136198}{136300}- What do you want?|- Stock, Mr. McCloy. {136302}{136416}Stock options,|to be a little more precise. {136418}{136504}[Cell PhoneSpeed-Dialing] {136579}{136689}Cut her loose...|right in the center oftown. {136690}{136747}The more crowded the better. {136796}{136877}Ethan, just picked up an Ambrose|call. Nyah's been dropped off. {136879}{136965}- Where is she?|- Somewhere in Sydney. {137131}{137244}[ Man Grunting, Mutters ] {137246}{137321}Somewhere in Sydney?|Care to harden the target? {137323}{137362}[ Luther Over Earpiece ]|I can't until... {137363}{137419}I can get the GPS up|on our computer. It's down. {137421}{137537}- [ Man Groans ]|- The clock is ticking. {137539}{137605}How quickly can you manufacture|more ofthe antivirus? {137607}{137665}No time at all,|once I've got it. {137667}{137771}Good. Biocyte stock isjust a few weeks|away from going through the roof. {137773}{137830}- What are you talking about?|- An outbreak of Chimera. {137832}{137932}- Where?|- Downtown Sydney, for a start. {137934}{137982}You create the supply, Mr. McCloy. {137984}{138032}We'vejust created the demand. {138034}{138082}Three million people in Sydney... {138084}{138135}and 1 7 million people|in Australia... {138137}{138207}are going to need Bellerophon|within the next few days, {138208}{138266}not to mention|the rest ofthe world. {138268}{138329}Now, this is how|it's going to work. {138331}{138391}- Wallis, theshares outstanding are?|-93.4 million. {138393}{138516}Which means, Mr. McCloy, we need to|get our hands on 480,000 options. {138518}{138590}We'll borrow your 30 million|to buy those options. {138591}{138685}Yourstock has neversold|above $3 1 a share. {138686}{138747}When your stock goes north of 200, {138749}{138847}which it will, those options|will be worth billions, {138848}{138982}andl will own 51% ofBiocyte. {138983}{139057}This is outrageous. {139058}{139128}I will not let you|take control of my company. {139129}{139198}Sit down. {139863}{139932}[ Man Grunts ] {140175}{140266}You'll be a billionaire.|lt 's better than being broke. {140268}{140310}I have terrorists and... {140311}{140378}other pharmaceutical|companies standing in line. {140517}{140593}The ball's in your court,|Mr. McCloy. {141976}{142061}Run that bastard down. {142368}{142472}We're running short|on time, Mr. McCloy. {142499}{142596}We have got to conclude|our business. {142598}{142726}Yes. Start the transfer. {142831}{142955}Follow it...|and let me know. {143615}{143680}[ Computer Beeping ] {143682}{143731}[ Sighs ] {144003}{144111}[ Bird Gurgling ] {144113}{144220}[ Gurgling Continues ] {144492}{144549}[ Man Grunts ] {144596}{144664}Uh! {144666}{144721}Raise your hands very slowly. {144723}{144781}Sure you want me to do this? {144783}{144895}Raiseyour hands very slo wly. {145275}{145355}[ Both Grunting ] {145727}{145808}Ethan, Ethan, do you copy?|Do you copy? {145931}{145992}Keep it going! {146169}{146285}[Stamp On Walkie-Talkie]Sean, this|rat's reached the endofthe maze. {146287}{146352}Is he alive? {146354}{146420}Yeah, more orless. {146462}{146514}Bring him to me. {146516}{146556}Go! {146729}{146803}Sean, transfer completed. {147297}{147395}Well done, Stamp.|Well done. {147549}{147613}[ Grunts, Groaning ] {147705}{147783}[lntense Groaning] {147869}{147922}Stop mumbling! {147924}{148003}I'm afraid he's got no choice. {148005}{148068}lbelieve lbroke hisja w. {148070}{148133}[Laughs]|Stamp, l'm impressed. {148135}{148203}Right. We don't have|a lot oftime, Hunt. {148205}{148266}Whateveryougot to say,|say it now. {148268}{148318}[ Groans ] {148320}{148397}How about giving us a big smile? {148399}{148455}[ Groaning ] {148456}{148510}- No?|- What are you doing? {148566}{148663}Get down on your knees. {148721}{148830}Now, this is what's known... {148832}{148900}as getting your gun off. {148987}{149074}******[ChoirSinging Requiem ] {150036}{150117}[ Screaming ] {150657}{150707}There he is! {150954}{151007}Ethan! {151185}{151237}[ Man Screaming ] {151378}{151455}Just back off|and pinpoint your positions! {152918}{152974}Luther, clear the bridge for me! {153068}{153153}Hunt's heading for the bridge,|coming in at 1 2:00 high. {153574}{153631}Oh, I'm mad now. {154592}{154650}Ha-ha! {155395}{155475}-You all right, mate?|-That punk put a hole in my Versace! {155816}{155898}[Tires Screeching] {157065}{157132}Ethan, the computer's up.|l've got Nyah. {157134}{157180}She's moved out ofthe city. {157181}{157235}She's on the north head bluff|approaching the cliffs. {157236}{157291}- But I can't get a visual.|- Copy! {157293}{157358}She's only got|a little time left! {157360}{157417}Track ahead and pick her up! {157585}{157702}-I can't get a good shot.|-Ethan, we won't be able to coveryou! {157704}{157795}My earpiece is fa iling!|You've got me on GPS! {157797}{157851}Bring her to me! {158052}{158112}Billy, north head bluff.|Haul ass. {158787}{158871}- Get out there and keep fii ring!|- I can't see anything! {158873}{158961}Slow down, mate!|Slow down! {158963}{159037}[ Indistinct Shouting ] {159038}{159114}[ Truck Horn Honking ] {159490}{159578}[ Tires Screeching ] {161400}{161459}[ Horns Honking ] {161920}{161986}Range is 2K. {164017}{164081}[ Both Grunt ] {164439}{164503}[ Grunting ] {164750}{164807}[ Grunting Continues ] {165574}{165640}[ Yelling ] {166287}{166342}Ahhh! {166598}{166648}[ Yelling ] {167066}{167146}[ Straining ] {167321}{167404}Go ahead.|Use it, Hunt. {167406}{167480}lt 's not a bad way togo. {167481}{167574}It's a lot better than|the way that bitch is gonna die. {167629}{167738}******[lndistinctSinging] {168748}{168799}Hey, there she is! {169392}{169484}[ Groans ] {169593}{169648}[ Grunting Continues ] {170043}{170103}[ Yelling ] {171115}{171199}******[Woman Vocalizing] {171906}{171977}[Ambrose]Hunt! {171979}{172043}[ Laughing ] {172045}{172119}Youshould've killed me. {174611}{174668}[Swanbeck]|Miss Hall's blood, it appears, {174670}{174736}has absolutely no elements|ofthe Chimera virus, {174738}{174786}not even antibodies. {174788}{174845}Yes. I gathered as much. {174846}{174920}But you were under specifii c|instructions, Mr. Hunt, {174921}{174996}to bring back a living sample|ofthe Chimera virus. {174998}{175094}I'd be very interested to know how,|afteryou managed this recovery, {175096}{175161}it subsequently got destroyed. {175163}{175250}By fii re.|It's the best way, really. {175252}{175341}Oh. Well, Mr. Hunt, {175343}{175433}as for Miss Hall,|in light of her efforts, {175435}{175538}her criminal record|will certainly be expunged. {175540}{175625}Wiped out.|I'm assuming you approve. {175701}{175750}I do. {175751}{175856}Yeah. Where is she now, by the way?|Any idea? {175857}{175925}I don't know.|Not exactly. {175955}{176006}[Swanbeck]|So, what areyourplans? {176008}{176107}[Hunt]ldon't know.|Uh, somesort ofvacation. {176108}{176172}l'll letyou know where l'm going. {176174}{176250}[Swanbeck]|You don't have to do that. {176252}{176323}lt wouldn 't be a vacation|ifyou did. {177577}{177625}Let's get lost. {179043}{179106}***Hey, hey, hey*** {179108}{179159}***Ain 't no mercy*** {179161}{179238}***Ain 't no mercy there forme*** {179240}{179301}***Hey, hey, hey*** {179303}{179356}***Ain 't no mercy*** {179358}{179425}***Ain 't no mercy there forme*** {179427}{179530}***l'm pain, l'm hope, l'm suffer*** {179532}{179595}***Hey, hey, hey*** {179597}{179647}***Ain 't no mercy*** {179649}{179737}***Ain 't no mercy there forme*** {179801}{179895}***Doyou bury me when l'm gone*** {179897}{179991}***Doyou teach me while l'm here*** {179993}{180084}***Just as soon as lbelong*** {180086}{180196}*** Then it 's time ldisappear*** {180295}{180355}*** Yeah, yeah*** {180356}{180427}***Hey, hey, hey*** {180429}{180477}*** Then l went*** {180479}{180561}*** Then l went on do wn that road*** {180562}{180623}***Hey, hey, hey*** {180625}{180673}*** Then l went on*** {180675}{180749}*** Then l went on do wn that road*** {180751}{180850}***l'm pain, l'm hope, l'm suffer*** {180852}{180921}***Hey, hey, hey*** {180923}{180971}*** Then l went on*** {180973}{181078}*** Then l went on do wn that road*** {181135}{181222}***Doyou bury me when l'm gone*** {181224}{181311}***Doyou teach me while l'm here*** {181313}{181404}***Just as soon as lbelong*** {181406}{181502}*** Then it 's time ldisappear*** {181504}{181603}***Doyou bury me when l'm gone*** {181605}{181703}***Doyou teach me while l'm here*** {181704}{181794}***Just as soon as lbelong*** {181796}{181944}*** Then it 's time ldisappear*** {182011}{182073}***Disappear*** {182075}{182128}***l'm gone*** {182130}{182178}***l'm gone*** {182180}{182262}***l'm gone, l'm gone*** {182264}{182313}***l'm gone*** {182315}{182392}***l'm gone, l'm gone*** {182394}{182464}***l'm gone*** {182684}{182776}***Doyou bury me when l'm gone*** {182778}{182876}***Doyou teach me while l'm here*** {182878}{182969}***Just as soon as lbelong*** {182971}{183064}*** Then it 's time ldisappear*** {183066}{183161}***Doyou bury me when l'm gone*** {183163}{183257}***Doyou teach me while l'm here*** {183259}{183353}***Just as soon as lbelong*** {183355}{183497}*** Then it 's time ldisappear*** {183547}{183615}***Disappear****** {183617}{183691}******[ ''Mission lmpossible Theme''] {183856}{183938}***No wl*** {183940}{184015}***Know why*** {184017}{184091}***No wl*** {184093}{184151}***Know why*** {184153}{184254}- *** Wonder whyyou wanna hate me***|- ***No wl*** {184256}{184332}-***No wlknow whyyou wanna hate me***|-***Know why*** {184334}{184396}-***No wlknow whyyou wanna hate me***|-***No wl*** {184398}{184508}-***No wlknow whyyou wanna hate me***|-***Know why*** {184510}{184578}***No wlknow whyyou wanna hate me*** {184580}{184640}***No wlknow whyyou wanna hate me*** {184641}{184702}***No wlknow whyyou wanna hate me*** {184704}{184778}*** 'Cause all l wanna do|is sing lately*** {184831}{184895}*** 'Cause all l wanna do|is sing lately*** {184942}{185009}*** 'Cause all l wanna do|is sing lately******