1 00:00:23,880 --> 00:00:26,758 It was good ... 2 00:00:28,200 --> 00:00:31,670 ... thatyou called us. 3 00:00:31,880 --> 00:00:35,156 I don't know whathappened. 4 00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:38,953 We were at the bar... 5 00:00:39,160 --> 00:00:44,473 ... drinking, having fun ... 6 00:00:44,680 --> 00:00:49,913 I don't even know how I gothere. 7 00:00:51,400 --> 00:00:53,994 Come on, she's been under too long. 8 00:00:54,200 --> 00:00:57,795 You're the only one who can help me. 9 00:01:02,120 --> 00:01:04,588 Come on, come on ... 10 00:01:04,800 --> 00:01:10,238 - Tellme whatl need to know. - They'll killme. 11 00:01:13,360 --> 00:01:16,955 You asked formyhelp. 12 00:01:17,160 --> 00:01:19,720 Come on. 13 00:01:22,280 --> 00:01:24,157 The contactin Minsk ... 14 00:01:24,360 --> 00:01:26,715 Give us the name. 15 00:01:28,120 --> 00:01:31,874 Dimitri ... Miediev. 16 00:01:46,080 --> 00:01:50,551 - Whatnow? - Now we drink. 17 00:01:50,760 --> 00:01:52,671 To friends. 18 00:02:12,080 --> 00:02:14,833 Get rid of that scum. 19 00:02:51,360 --> 00:02:53,590 - Did we get it? - We got it. 20 00:03:48,360 --> 00:03:52,319 Would you like to watch a movie, Mr Rosen? 21 00:03:56,680 --> 00:04:01,595 - Care to watch a movie, Mr Phelps? - No, I prefer the theatre. 22 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:05,998 Would you consider the cinema of the Ukraine? 23 00:04:06,200 --> 00:04:09,556 Perhaps you'd choose one for me. 24 00:04:12,360 --> 00:04:14,510 Thank you. 25 00:04:37,200 --> 00:04:42,035 Good morning, Mr Phelps. This is Alexander Golitsyn, - 26 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:46,950 - an attaché at our embassy in Prague. He is also a traitor. 27 00:04:47,160 --> 00:04:50,357 He has stolen one half ofa CIA NOC list- 28 00:04:50,560 --> 00:04:53,711 - ofall our deep cover agents in Eastern Europe. 29 00:04:53,920 --> 00:04:58,198 Forsecurity reasons, the NOC listis divided in two. 30 00:04:58,400 --> 00:05:01,631 The portion Golitsyn has contains code names. 31 00:05:01,840 --> 00:05:07,039 Itis useless withoutits mate, which matches the codes with true names. 32 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:13,315 Itis this halfGolitsyn plans to steal at an embassy reception tomorrow. 33 00:05:13,520 --> 00:05:18,469 Yourmission, should you choose to acceptit, is to obtain proofofthe theft. 34 00:05:18,680 --> 00:05:23,117 Shadow Golitsyn to his buyer and apprehend them both. 35 00:05:23,320 --> 00:05:27,029 I've dispatched a team selected from your group. 36 00:05:27,240 --> 00:05:32,075 Sarah Davies is undercovernow. Jack Harmon can hack into their system. 37 00:05:32,280 --> 00:05:37,070 Hannah Williams will do surveillance. Your wlfe, Claire, will cover transport. 38 00:05:37,280 --> 00:05:41,159 And Ethan Hunt willbe yourpointman, as usual. 39 00:05:41,360 --> 00:05:45,512 He is now in Kiev and will rendezvous with you in Prague. 40 00:05:45,720 --> 00:05:50,032 Should anymember ofyourIM force be caught orkilled, - 41 00:05:50,240 --> 00:05:54,074 - the Secretary will disavow all knowledge ofyour actions. 42 00:05:54,280 --> 00:05:58,637 This tape willself-destruct in five seconds. Good luck, Jim. 43 00:06:19,440 --> 00:06:22,637 A very straightforward objective. 44 00:06:22,840 --> 00:06:27,152 We photograph Golitsyn stealing the NOC list, follow him to his buyer, - 45 00:06:27,360 --> 00:06:32,275 - apprehend both of them. Now, here's the plot. Ethan ... 46 00:06:32,480 --> 00:06:37,508 You go into the embassy in character, during a party. Hide in plain sight. 47 00:06:37,720 --> 00:06:40,917 - You game? - Wouldn't have it any other way. 48 00:06:41,120 --> 00:06:46,194 Sarah, you're there as the embassy's Washington visitors' liaison. 49 00:06:46,400 --> 00:06:49,198 You and Ethan will run the game. 50 00:06:49,400 --> 00:06:54,793 - I haven't a thing to wear. - Well, I'm sure you'll work it out. 51 00:06:56,400 --> 00:07:03,272 Mark Golitsyn and hand him off to Hannah. Hannah, you stay on him. 52 00:07:03,480 --> 00:07:08,554 Jack, fingerprint security is accessed through the elevator shaft here. 53 00:07:08,760 --> 00:07:14,869 - So I guess I'm not wearing my tux. - Open, close, get out. 54 00:07:15,080 --> 00:07:18,231 Claire, you're in the vehicle. 55 00:07:18,440 --> 00:07:23,878 Hannah will join you as Golitsyn goes exterior. You two stay on him. 56 00:07:24,080 --> 00:07:27,709 If I call "abort", everybody walk away immediately. 57 00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:31,879 Regroup here at 4:00 a.m. 58 00:07:32,080 --> 00:07:35,311 Any questions? 59 00:07:35,520 --> 00:07:40,719 Can we get a cappuccino machine? I don't know what you call this. 60 00:07:40,920 --> 00:07:45,198 - I call it cruel and unusual. - I made that coffee. 61 00:07:45,400 --> 00:07:49,473 Is it possible that it's worse than the sludge you made in Kiev?. 62 00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:55,516 - Hey, take it easy on my wife's coffee. - We missed you in Kiev, Jim. 63 00:07:55,720 --> 00:08:00,077 - Off on a cushy recruiting assignment? - Did they put you at the Plaza? 64 00:08:00,280 --> 00:08:02,953 Drake Hotel, Chicago. 65 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:07,756 - Punishing! 24-hour room service. - Chauffeured cars. 66 00:08:07,960 --> 00:08:10,633 He's getting soft in his old age. 67 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:14,958 Okay, listen. If that list gets out into the open, - 68 00:08:15,160 --> 00:08:19,915 - the names of our agents will be up for grabs to the highest bidders. 69 00:08:20,120 --> 00:08:27,151 Terrorists, arms dealers, drug lords. Everyone who wants to get rid of us. 70 00:08:27,360 --> 00:08:30,989 If they're exposed, they'll be executed. 71 00:08:33,400 --> 00:08:38,394 I'll run the whole show from here. Let's punch out the details. 72 00:08:38,600 --> 00:08:44,835 There's a camera built into the bridge. It transmits what you see back here. 73 00:08:46,800 --> 00:08:51,999 Can you hear me? No, you need an earpiece. 74 00:08:56,640 --> 00:09:00,269 You have lovely eyes ... Can you hear me now?. 75 00:09:00,480 --> 00:09:05,429 If he has a car waiting, and he rolls, stay with him no matter what. 76 00:09:05,640 --> 00:09:12,239 - You should check out these streets. - What do you think I've been doing? 77 00:09:12,440 --> 00:09:15,876 - We're using Waltzer?. - He's our guy. 78 00:09:16,080 --> 00:09:21,029 - Isn't he chairing a hearing? - Not this week. 79 00:09:21,240 --> 00:09:27,076 This week he's fly-fishing in County Kildare with one of our lrish guides. 80 00:09:27,280 --> 00:09:31,034 And he won't be back anytime soon. 81 00:09:34,600 --> 00:09:38,798 Senator, itsounds as lf you want to lead the kind ofcharge - 82 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:46,111 - that Sen. Church led in the 70's, and destroy the US's intelligence capability. 83 00:09:46,320 --> 00:09:50,916 I want to know who they are and how they're spending the taxpayers'money. 84 00:09:51,120 --> 00:09:54,556 This is still a democracy. 85 00:09:55,760 --> 00:10:01,153 Stick of gum, right? No. Red light, green light. 86 00:10:01,360 --> 00:10:06,150 You have a lock you can't pick, you mash them together ... 87 00:10:06,360 --> 00:10:11,309 Hasta lasagne, don't get any on ya'. You'll have about five seconds. 88 00:10:13,440 --> 00:10:16,079 Just don't chew it. 89 00:10:51,800 --> 00:10:55,475 Ethan, Jack's inside. Let's go. 90 00:11:00,240 --> 00:11:04,233 How do you do, Senator? How was the opera? 91 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:10,152 - It was boring. - Let me see if I can steer you through. 92 00:11:22,360 --> 00:11:27,309 - Windows open by 2300. - Mr Brandl, the mayor, and Mrs Brandl. 93 00:11:27,520 --> 00:11:32,275 Senator, I bet you don't remember me, do you? 94 00:11:32,480 --> 00:11:37,474 - Of course. How are you, Ms Norman? - He's in pocket, on the stairway. 95 00:11:41,200 --> 00:11:44,033 Mr Golitsyn, nice to see you. 96 00:11:46,160 --> 00:11:48,116 Hannah. 97 00:11:50,640 --> 00:11:53,438 Pull the shade. 98 00:12:01,360 --> 00:12:05,558 Sarah, mark the package and go to two. 99 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:15,758 Your advance team said you'd like a tour of the facility. This way. 100 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:28,311 Oh, great. 101 00:12:28,520 --> 00:12:34,231 ... which leads to the Denied Area, the only limited access area here. 102 00:12:57,880 --> 00:13:00,997 Governor's in position now. 103 00:13:08,880 --> 00:13:14,876 - Can I help you? - As you can see, there's surveillance. 104 00:13:15,080 --> 00:13:18,834 I'm sorry, I know it's in here somewhere. 105 00:13:19,040 --> 00:13:21,952 Sergeant, why are you not in uniform? 106 00:13:22,160 --> 00:13:25,789 We've been ordered to wear civilian clothes, sir. 107 00:13:28,360 --> 00:13:31,033 Be right back. 108 00:13:31,240 --> 00:13:37,952 - Do you have a Jack on your staff? - I believe we did. 109 00:13:38,160 --> 00:13:43,280 An unreliable fellow, as I recall. Constantly late and behind in his work. 110 00:13:46,040 --> 00:13:52,036 We were forced to tie him to a horse and drag him around mybarn. 111 00:13:52,360 --> 00:13:54,351 I'm working on it. 112 00:14:07,360 --> 00:14:11,319 Sorry. Thank you. Have a nice evening. 113 00:14:22,840 --> 00:14:25,877 That date with Sarah is definitely off. 114 00:14:54,160 --> 00:14:56,151 Higher. 115 00:15:00,000 --> 00:15:02,275 He's heading to the Denied Area. 116 00:15:04,960 --> 00:15:08,669 Get moving, Ethan. He's rolling to you. 117 00:15:17,600 --> 00:15:20,239 Jack ... 118 00:15:21,320 --> 00:15:24,790 Jack, we're in position here. 119 00:15:25,000 --> 00:15:27,389 I didn't touch it. 120 00:15:29,040 --> 00:15:34,114 - What about my coat? I'll freeze. - Jack, open the doors. 121 00:15:41,760 --> 00:15:45,150 He's in the box, Ethan. 122 00:15:45,360 --> 00:15:49,194 - We'll take his exit. Open these doors. - I don't have it. 123 00:15:50,520 --> 00:15:53,432 I'm opening the doors. Go under. 124 00:16:33,840 --> 00:16:37,196 - He's got it. - All right. 125 00:16:37,400 --> 00:16:41,837 - I saved your ass again, Jack. - Such a nice ass. 126 00:16:42,040 --> 00:16:45,874 - And a lonely ass. - Transport in five minutes. 127 00:17:28,760 --> 00:17:33,834 Jack, we're in position. Open the doors and let the package roll. 128 00:17:35,200 --> 00:17:39,113 Stairway, you're wrapped. Go to transport. 129 00:17:47,520 --> 00:17:50,671 - Jack, what are you doing? - Nothing. 130 00:17:55,640 --> 00:18:00,156 I don't have control, Jack. Cut the power. 131 00:18:02,960 --> 00:18:06,509 - Cut the power. - Come on, Jack. 132 00:18:16,080 --> 00:18:17,991 Jack ... 133 00:18:19,760 --> 00:18:23,514 Jack ... Jack?. 134 00:18:25,040 --> 00:18:28,828 - Jack, do you copy? - Man down, Ethan. 135 00:18:29,040 --> 00:18:31,600 Man down. 136 00:18:49,960 --> 00:18:54,158 Ethan, stay where you are. I'm coming to you. 137 00:19:08,400 --> 00:19:11,836 The package is out in the open. 138 00:19:14,200 --> 00:19:18,398 - Jim, he's in the open. - En route. 139 00:19:38,000 --> 00:19:40,468 Jim, he's in the open. 140 00:19:41,440 --> 00:19:44,750 Jim, the package is in the open. 141 00:19:47,520 --> 00:19:51,991 I've got a shadow. I can't lose him. Abort! 142 00:19:52,200 --> 00:19:55,510 Ethan, he's out of pocket. 143 00:19:58,680 --> 00:20:02,468 - I can't do that. - We're being ambushed. Abort! 144 00:20:02,680 --> 00:20:07,834 - Negative. Golitsyn is on the move. - No, dammit, I said abort! 145 00:20:17,440 --> 00:20:21,433 - Eye on the package. Jim, I'm coming. - Jim gave an abort. 146 00:20:21,640 --> 00:20:27,272 We are going to recover that disk. You understand me? Now go! 147 00:20:58,040 --> 00:21:01,635 - Where are you? - 200 yards from the bridge. 148 00:21:01,840 --> 00:21:04,354 They're covering the frequency. 149 00:21:04,560 --> 00:21:08,269 Cut all radio communication. 150 00:21:31,920 --> 00:21:34,388 Ethan ... 151 00:22:04,440 --> 00:22:08,752 Sarah, abort. Repeat: abort! 152 00:22:11,640 --> 00:22:14,359 Abort! Do you read me? 153 00:22:18,600 --> 00:22:20,875 Sarah ... 154 00:22:51,440 --> 00:22:54,830 Oh my God! 155 00:24:38,440 --> 00:24:42,115 - Satcom 7. - Central Europe, unsecured. 156 00:24:42,320 --> 00:24:46,393 - Designator? - Bravo, echo, one, one. 157 00:24:48,520 --> 00:24:52,957 - This is Kittridge. - Go secure. 158 00:24:54,360 --> 00:24:58,194 This is Ethan Hunt. They're dead. 159 00:24:58,400 --> 00:25:02,712 - Who's dead? - My team. My team is dead! 160 00:25:02,920 --> 00:25:08,916 Golitsyn's gone. They knew we were coming. The disk is gone. 161 00:25:09,120 --> 00:25:14,148 - Are you intact? - The list is in the open! 162 00:25:14,360 --> 00:25:19,434 Let'sjustbringyou in safely, then we'll worry about that. 163 00:25:19,640 --> 00:25:24,589 - Were you followed? - I don't think so. 164 00:25:24,800 --> 00:25:27,837 Don't think. Be sure. Are you clean? 165 00:25:28,040 --> 00:25:30,031 Yes. 166 00:25:30,240 --> 00:25:34,791 Location Green, one hour. I'llbe there myself. 167 00:25:35,000 --> 00:25:37,878 - You're in Prague? - One hour. 168 00:26:31,040 --> 00:26:36,637 I ... I can't tell you how sorry I am. 169 00:26:36,840 --> 00:26:41,550 I know how much Jim, in particular, meant to you. 170 00:26:41,760 --> 00:26:46,993 - Personally as well as professionally. - Yeah ... 171 00:26:50,880 --> 00:26:54,953 Here's a passport and visa. Usual drill. 172 00:26:55,160 --> 00:26:58,118 We'll work the exfiltration through Canada - 173 00:26:58,320 --> 00:27:02,233 - and throw the Prague police a bone, toss them a few suspects. 174 00:27:06,720 --> 00:27:12,158 - You follow me? - Yeah, I follow you. 175 00:27:13,320 --> 00:27:18,872 - We've lost enough agents for tonight. - You mean, I have. 176 00:27:20,560 --> 00:27:25,918 - You're bent on blaming yourself. - Who else is left? 177 00:27:27,760 --> 00:27:31,150 Yeah, I see your point. 178 00:27:35,880 --> 00:27:39,190 - Why was there another team? - What? 179 00:27:40,960 --> 00:27:43,554 The IMF agents at the embassy. 180 00:27:45,360 --> 00:27:48,716 I don't quite follow you. 181 00:27:50,280 --> 00:27:52,999 Then follow me around the room. 182 00:27:53,200 --> 00:27:57,830 The drunk Russians on the embankment at 7 and 8 o'clock. 183 00:27:58,840 --> 00:28:05,075 The couple waltzing around me, the waiter standing behind Hannah. 184 00:28:05,280 --> 00:28:09,751 Bow tie at 12 o'clock. The other IMF team. 185 00:28:09,960 --> 00:28:12,793 You're worried about me. Why?. 186 00:28:15,040 --> 00:28:19,238 For two years we've been spotting a blowback - 187 00:28:19,440 --> 00:28:22,830 - in IMF operations. We have a penetration. 188 00:28:23,040 --> 00:28:27,955 We've decoded an lnternet message from a Czech we know as "Max". 189 00:28:28,160 --> 00:28:31,277 - The arms dealer. - That's right. 190 00:28:31,480 --> 00:28:38,716 Max has a capacity for anonymity and for corrupting susceptible agents. 191 00:28:38,920 --> 00:28:45,109 This time he got on the inside, in a position to buy our NOC list. 192 00:28:45,320 --> 00:28:51,111 An operation he called "Job 3-14". He thought Golitsyn was doing it tonight. 193 00:28:53,880 --> 00:28:58,715 - The list he stole was a decoy. - That's correct. 194 00:28:58,920 --> 00:29:03,436 The actual list is secure at Langley. Golitsyn was one of ours. 195 00:29:05,800 --> 00:29:10,590 This whole operation was a mole hunt. 196 00:29:15,520 --> 00:29:19,752 - The whole operation was a mole hunt. - Yeah. 197 00:29:21,680 --> 00:29:25,229 The mole's deep inside. 198 00:29:26,240 --> 00:29:30,916 And like you said ... 199 00:29:31,120 --> 00:29:33,714 ... you survived. 200 00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:38,114 I want to show you something. 201 00:29:40,120 --> 00:29:44,875 Since your father's death, your family's farm has been in receivership. 202 00:29:45,080 --> 00:29:48,868 Suddenly, they have 120 grand in the bank. 203 00:29:49,080 --> 00:29:52,709 The illness was supposed to have wiped out that account. 204 00:29:52,920 --> 00:29:58,358 Dying slowly in America can be a very expensive proposition. 205 00:30:00,200 --> 00:30:06,196 So why don't we quietly get out of here and onto a plane? 206 00:30:09,000 --> 00:30:13,676 - I can understand you're very upset. - You've never seen me very upset. 207 00:30:13,880 --> 00:30:16,235 Enough is enough. 208 00:30:16,440 --> 00:30:20,877 You've bribed and killed, using loyalties on the inside. 209 00:30:21,080 --> 00:30:25,631 You want to shake hands with the devil? Fine, but you'll do it in hell. 210 00:32:21,240 --> 00:32:24,516 Money, money ... Where's the damn money?. 211 00:32:49,840 --> 00:32:55,756 We've decoded an lnternetmessage from a Czech we know as "Max". 212 00:32:55,960 --> 00:33:01,637 He gotin a position to buy ourNOC list. An operation he called "Job 3-14". 213 00:33:55,520 --> 00:33:59,115 Job 3:14 ... 214 00:34:12,600 --> 00:34:16,957 "... asleep and at rest with kings and counsellors of the earth ..." 215 00:34:19,080 --> 00:34:22,277 You son of a bitch. 216 00:35:56,680 --> 00:35:59,877 Ethan ... 217 00:36:00,080 --> 00:36:05,313 What are you doing? I needed you. 218 00:36:05,520 --> 00:36:08,592 On the bridge. 219 00:36:08,800 --> 00:36:12,031 But you weren't there. 220 00:36:26,160 --> 00:36:30,711 - Don't move. - Ethan ... 221 00:36:30,920 --> 00:36:35,277 It's okay. Just calm down. It's Claire. 222 00:36:37,080 --> 00:36:40,629 - You were in the car. - No, I wasn't. 223 00:36:42,600 --> 00:36:47,720 - I heard on the radio ... - I saw you, you were in the car. 224 00:36:47,920 --> 00:36:52,994 No, I got out of the car. I ran to the bridge. He said someone was ... 225 00:36:53,200 --> 00:36:57,512 Don't give me that. I was on the bridge. There was nobody there. 226 00:36:57,720 --> 00:37:03,238 - What happened to Jim? - Wake up! Jim's dead! They're all dead! 227 00:37:10,960 --> 00:37:14,669 - Who sent you for me? - Jim's dead ... 228 00:37:17,000 --> 00:37:20,470 Take off your coat. 229 00:37:33,600 --> 00:37:37,912 I walked away. He said abort. I just walked away. 230 00:37:38,120 --> 00:37:44,593 That was four hours ago. Who sent you? Did they send you? 231 00:37:44,800 --> 00:37:48,270 No one sent me. 232 00:37:48,480 --> 00:37:53,952 We were supposed to be back here at four o'clock if we abort. 233 00:37:54,160 --> 00:37:58,597 0400. Four a.m. Four o'clock. It's four o'clock. 234 00:37:58,800 --> 00:38:02,588 If we abort ... four a.m. 235 00:38:21,640 --> 00:38:24,712 I've been disavowed. 236 00:38:29,280 --> 00:38:34,149 They actually think I killed Jim and everyone else. 237 00:38:38,480 --> 00:38:42,632 Somehow, $100,000 finds its way into my parents' bank account. 238 00:38:42,840 --> 00:38:48,153 Kittridge assumes I'm the mole, employed by an arms dealer, Max, - 239 00:38:48,360 --> 00:38:52,638 - for the last two years, to get him our NOC list. 240 00:38:54,400 --> 00:38:59,349 - What are you going to do? - I'm going to get it for him. 241 00:38:59,560 --> 00:39:03,678 Ethan, you're not making any sense. 242 00:39:03,880 --> 00:39:08,351 Whoever the mole is, he goes by the name of Job. 243 00:39:08,560 --> 00:39:13,588 I can't find him, but if he knows I have the NOC list, he'll find me. 244 00:39:13,800 --> 00:39:18,635 I'm going to go in and tell Kittridge you have nothing to do with this. 245 00:39:18,840 --> 00:39:24,551 Claire, if you're not dead, he'll assume you're with me. 246 00:39:39,440 --> 00:39:42,637 The message is for Job. 247 00:39:42,840 --> 00:39:46,196 That's right. And I'm going to answer it. 248 00:40:08,880 --> 00:40:13,396 Excuse me, could I trouble you for a match? 249 00:40:29,000 --> 00:40:32,151 Remove your hat, please. 250 00:40:34,320 --> 00:40:37,471 - Why?. - You wish to meet Max?. 251 00:40:37,680 --> 00:40:40,752 The price of admission. 252 00:40:49,800 --> 00:40:55,397 - I thought I was going to see Max. - You misunderstood. No one sees Max. 253 00:40:55,600 --> 00:41:01,709 - Then why the hell am I here? - So he can hear what you have to say. 254 00:41:01,920 --> 00:41:05,390 I don't communicate well through a shroud. 255 00:41:05,600 --> 00:41:11,311 If Max doesn't like what you say, you'll be wearing it indefinitely. 256 00:41:12,760 --> 00:41:16,196 I'm willing to take the chance. 257 00:41:20,000 --> 00:41:22,389 Very well. 258 00:41:25,360 --> 00:41:29,638 Who are you and what are you doing here? 259 00:41:29,840 --> 00:41:32,991 I need $150,000. 260 00:41:34,560 --> 00:41:36,710 Really?. 261 00:41:39,240 --> 00:41:44,633 And you thought if you simply showed up, I might give it to you? 262 00:41:44,840 --> 00:41:48,435 Why not? You gave Job 125. 263 00:41:50,480 --> 00:41:55,110 The penny drops. You are not Job. 264 00:41:56,960 --> 00:42:01,670 Job is not given to quoting scripture in his communications. 265 00:42:01,880 --> 00:42:07,716 Its tone was aggressive but playful. Job is not playful. 266 00:42:09,240 --> 00:42:14,473 - So you are something of a paradox. - Well, that depends. 267 00:42:14,680 --> 00:42:18,434 - On what? - Whether you like a paradox. 268 00:42:20,240 --> 00:42:25,712 - I want $150,000 today. - That's quite out of the question. 269 00:42:27,840 --> 00:42:31,435 The disk Job sold you is worthless. 270 00:42:31,640 --> 00:42:35,679 It's bait. Part of an internal mole hunt. 271 00:42:39,840 --> 00:42:43,628 And how might you know that? 272 00:42:43,840 --> 00:42:47,594 Are you another company man? 273 00:42:47,800 --> 00:42:51,156 Like Job? 274 00:42:53,000 --> 00:42:56,709 We're asking about you. 275 00:42:56,920 --> 00:43:01,436 I'm NOC. Was ... Now disavowed. 276 00:43:02,560 --> 00:43:07,190 - Why, may I ask?. - That's what I want to ask Job. 277 00:43:07,400 --> 00:43:12,428 I don't know Job any more than Job knows me. 278 00:43:12,640 --> 00:43:16,315 You could arrange an introduction. 279 00:43:16,520 --> 00:43:20,832 - Why should l? - I can deliver the actual NOC list. 280 00:43:21,040 --> 00:43:26,956 Your list is worthless, and it's probably equipped with a homing device. 281 00:43:30,800 --> 00:43:36,796 Boot it up. In 10 minutes you'll have the CIA hopping around you like rabbits. 282 00:43:40,600 --> 00:43:46,470 It's easy to say it's worthless if I can't look at it to see if it's worthless. 283 00:43:46,680 --> 00:43:51,959 - Not a tenable position, sir. - Okay, use it. 284 00:43:52,160 --> 00:43:56,472 But I'd suggest you pack first. 285 00:44:10,920 --> 00:44:15,914 - 26-27. So far, so good. - Not so good for you, my friend. 286 00:44:16,120 --> 00:44:19,874 I'd say you've got about two minutes. 287 00:44:49,240 --> 00:44:54,234 - 32 and 33. - Doesn't mean it's a signal. 288 00:45:01,440 --> 00:45:04,989 44 and 45. 289 00:45:49,760 --> 00:45:54,834 The man's gone black, Barnes. He's under until he decides to surface. 290 00:45:55,040 --> 00:46:01,195 - We can cut off his transportation. - What can we do, Barnes? 291 00:46:01,400 --> 00:46:05,359 Put a guy at the airport? How many identities does Hunt have? 292 00:46:05,560 --> 00:46:09,519 How many times has he slipped past customs? 293 00:46:09,720 --> 00:46:14,350 These guys are trained to be ghosts. We taught them! 294 00:46:14,560 --> 00:46:17,791 What do you suggest? 295 00:46:18,000 --> 00:46:21,470 Let's make him come to us. 296 00:46:21,680 --> 00:46:27,949 You find something that's personally important to him and you squeeze. 297 00:46:33,000 --> 00:46:37,198 Günther will never let me have one of his apartments again. 298 00:46:38,280 --> 00:46:43,434 - Sorry I doubted you, dear boy. - Thanks, Max. 299 00:46:44,640 --> 00:46:47,677 Or is it Maxine? 300 00:46:47,880 --> 00:46:51,998 I don't have to tell you what a comfort anonymity is in my profession. 301 00:46:53,240 --> 00:46:56,437 It's like a warm blanket. 302 00:46:59,440 --> 00:47:04,673 My deal with Job was subject to a successful boot scan. The deal's off. 303 00:47:06,680 --> 00:47:10,673 - What was your deal with Job? - Six million dollars. 304 00:47:10,880 --> 00:47:15,590 I'll give you the same, for the complete list, not just Eastern Europe. 305 00:47:15,800 --> 00:47:19,588 I won't do this piecemeal. It's too dangerous. 306 00:47:19,800 --> 00:47:26,592 10 million, in negotiable US Treasury certificates, coupons attached. 307 00:47:26,800 --> 00:47:29,598 And one more thing ... 308 00:47:29,800 --> 00:47:34,590 Your personal assurance that Job will be at the exchange. 309 00:47:50,160 --> 00:47:56,793 - Max made a deal with you? - I deliver the list, Max delivers Job. 310 00:47:58,800 --> 00:48:03,112 We've 75 rounds for the Beretta, but only 20 for the Sig-Sauer. 311 00:48:03,320 --> 00:48:07,074 One pair of Visco glasses. 312 00:48:07,280 --> 00:48:10,078 Plenty of passports ... 313 00:48:13,480 --> 00:48:19,749 Well, you said it yourself. If I'm not dead, I'm with you. 314 00:48:21,320 --> 00:48:24,915 - Are you sure? - Jim was my husband. 315 00:48:25,120 --> 00:48:29,636 I want to get the son of a bitch who did this. 316 00:48:29,840 --> 00:48:35,631 - We need help. They'll have to be local. - What kind of help? 317 00:49:08,600 --> 00:49:12,957 Simple game. Four players. 318 00:49:13,160 --> 00:49:17,392 Exfil opens the pocket, cyber ops lifts the wallet. 319 00:49:17,600 --> 00:49:21,752 - Bank?. - IMF mainframe. 320 00:49:21,960 --> 00:49:26,397 - Where exactly is it? - In Langley. 321 00:49:28,160 --> 00:49:31,948 In Langley?. The one in Virginia? 322 00:49:33,440 --> 00:49:36,830 Inside CIA headquarters at Langley?. 323 00:49:37,040 --> 00:49:40,396 - Is he serious? - Always. 324 00:49:42,640 --> 00:49:46,315 Why don't we drop by Fort Knox?. 325 00:49:46,520 --> 00:49:50,593 I can fly a helicopter into the vault. 326 00:49:50,800 --> 00:49:54,554 It would be easier than breaking into the CIA. 327 00:49:54,760 --> 00:49:59,550 - What kind of information is it? - Profitable. 328 00:50:01,200 --> 00:50:04,158 Payment on delivery. 329 00:50:05,080 --> 00:50:09,198 I don't know. I just don't know. 330 00:50:10,600 --> 00:50:14,752 This doesn't sound like the Luther Stickell I heard of. 331 00:50:14,960 --> 00:50:19,272 What did they used to call you? The Net Ranger?. 332 00:50:19,480 --> 00:50:22,278 The only man to hack NATO Ghostcom. 333 00:50:22,480 --> 00:50:27,793 There was never any evidence that I had anything to do with that ... 334 00:50:28,000 --> 00:50:31,310 ... with that exceptional piece of work. 335 00:50:34,840 --> 00:50:40,119 You don't know what you're missing. This is the Mt Everest of hacks. 336 00:50:40,320 --> 00:50:46,668 You're kidding yourselves. Even with top of the line crypto, Stu 3's ... 337 00:50:46,880 --> 00:50:51,795 - Krieger can get it. Right? - It may take a little time. 338 00:50:52,000 --> 00:50:55,549 That's not what Claire says about you. 339 00:50:55,760 --> 00:50:59,719 Thinking Machine laptops. 340 00:50:59,920 --> 00:51:05,153 The 686 prototypes, with the artificial intelligence Risc chip. 341 00:51:05,360 --> 00:51:08,033 24 hours. 342 00:51:08,240 --> 00:51:12,518 And I get to keep the equipment when we're done. 343 00:51:12,720 --> 00:51:17,510 Luther, I guess you're all out of excuses. 344 00:51:20,240 --> 00:51:24,028 Look, I just can't hack my way inside. 345 00:51:24,240 --> 00:51:30,156 No modem access to a mainframe. It's in what we call a "stand-alone". 346 00:51:30,360 --> 00:51:35,639 Which means I'd have to be physically at the terminal. 347 00:51:35,840 --> 00:51:39,549 Relax, it's much worse than you think. 348 00:51:39,760 --> 00:51:42,433 It's in a black vault lock-down. 349 00:51:42,640 --> 00:51:48,829 The onlyperson allowed in the room has to pass through security checks. 350 00:51:49,040 --> 00:51:54,273 The firstis a voiceprintidentification and a six-digit access code. 351 00:51:56,760 --> 00:52:00,196 This onlygets him into the outerroom. 352 00:52:00,400 --> 00:52:03,995 Nexthe has to pass a retinalscan. 353 00:52:05,840 --> 00:52:11,870 And the intrusion countermeasures are deactivated by an electronic key card. 354 00:52:12,080 --> 00:52:15,470 Which we won't have. 355 00:52:15,680 --> 00:52:22,552 Inside the black vault, three systems operate whenever the technician is out. 356 00:52:22,760 --> 00:52:28,596 The firstis sound sensitive. Anything above a whispersets it off. 357 00:52:28,800 --> 00:52:31,951 The second system detects any increase in temperature. 358 00:52:32,160 --> 00:52:38,269 The bodyheat ofan intruder will trigger itlfthe temperature rises one degree. 359 00:52:42,880 --> 00:52:47,192 That temperature is controlled by the air conditioning duct, - 360 00:52:47,400 --> 00:52:50,710 - 30 feet above the floor. 361 00:52:50,920 --> 00:52:53,718 That ventis guarded by a lasernet. 362 00:52:56,800 --> 00:53:01,351 The third system is on the floor and is pressure sensitive. 363 00:53:01,560 --> 00:53:05,712 The slightestincrease in weight will trigger the alarm. 364 00:53:05,920 --> 00:53:11,711 Ifany one ofthese systems is set off, it will activate an automatic lock-down. 365 00:53:11,920 --> 00:53:17,711 Believe me when I tell you, all three systems are state ofthe art. 366 00:53:22,080 --> 00:53:25,152 And you really think we can do this? 367 00:53:26,440 --> 00:53:28,396 We're going to do it. 368 00:54:00,720 --> 00:54:03,359 Alarms in sectors 3, 7 and 12. 369 00:54:03,560 --> 00:54:08,236 - Whatsector's the air conditioning? - 21. But there's no alarm in 21. 370 00:54:14,600 --> 00:54:19,958 No one goes into anysector where the alarm hasn'tgone off, and ithasn't... 371 00:54:24,200 --> 00:54:28,034 - It's gone off. Let's go. - Let's move. 372 00:54:38,680 --> 00:54:42,389 - Can I get you anything? - No, thank you. 373 00:54:44,160 --> 00:54:46,958 21's through here. 374 00:54:52,680 --> 00:54:56,593 - He's recruiting. For what purpose? - Survival. 375 00:54:56,800 --> 00:55:01,555 Too short-sighted. This guy initiates. The question is, what does he want? 376 00:55:01,760 --> 00:55:06,356 Where does he need to get it? Barnes, what the hell is that noise? 377 00:55:06,560 --> 00:55:12,078 - Fire alarm, Gene. - Do we have to evacuate? 378 00:55:57,720 --> 00:56:00,439 Hey, where's the other guy?. 379 00:56:03,680 --> 00:56:06,797 - Zero body count. - We'll see. 380 00:57:36,560 --> 00:57:39,677 Hi, there. 381 00:58:36,160 --> 00:58:40,517 One, two, three. 382 00:58:40,720 --> 00:58:43,951 Toast, toast. 383 00:58:44,160 --> 00:58:49,393 - Check. - Good. Okay, Luther, I'm going in. 384 00:58:49,600 --> 00:58:54,276 Everest, man. You ready to plant the flag? 385 00:59:00,360 --> 00:59:05,480 - Damn. - Krieger, from now on, total silence. 386 01:00:18,920 --> 01:00:21,514 He's rolling to you. 387 01:00:24,320 --> 01:00:27,949 - He's at the voiceprint corridor. - William Donloe. 388 01:00:43,240 --> 01:00:45,310 Outer room. 389 01:00:48,720 --> 01:00:51,757 He's coming in the vault. 390 01:00:55,600 --> 01:00:58,034 Come on, move. 391 01:02:22,360 --> 01:02:25,158 He's in the bathroom. 392 01:03:38,120 --> 01:03:40,395 A-W-9 - 393 01:03:40,600 --> 01:03:42,955 - 6-B-6. 394 01:04:01,120 --> 01:04:02,951 Holy mother of God. 395 01:04:03,160 --> 01:04:05,196 A NOC list. 396 01:06:54,920 --> 01:06:58,117 He's at the vault. 397 01:07:09,400 --> 01:07:11,072 Four yellows. 398 01:07:13,960 --> 01:07:16,838 One red. 399 01:07:26,160 --> 01:07:28,435 Get moving. 400 01:07:31,360 --> 01:07:33,510 Toast. 401 01:08:31,600 --> 01:08:33,830 Oh, my God. 402 01:08:48,960 --> 01:08:53,192 - It's for you. - Kittridge. 403 01:09:15,480 --> 01:09:19,473 You and I know about this. That's where it stops. 404 01:09:19,680 --> 01:09:23,036 - It never happened. - What about him? 405 01:09:23,240 --> 01:09:27,438 I want him manning a radar tower in Alaska by the end of the day. 406 01:10:06,000 --> 01:10:10,835 Are you contacting your buyer?. Ethan? 407 01:10:23,680 --> 01:10:26,319 Ethan? 408 01:10:27,640 --> 01:10:31,110 Oh, excuse me. "Mr Hunt". 409 01:10:39,040 --> 01:10:43,477 You're not going to any meeting without me. 410 01:10:43,680 --> 01:10:48,390 My contact is extremely shy. 411 01:10:48,600 --> 01:10:52,559 I don't think you're in any position to give orders. 412 01:10:52,760 --> 01:10:55,957 - Not while I'm holding this. - Krieger ... 413 01:10:56,160 --> 01:10:58,196 Shut up. 414 01:11:02,480 --> 01:11:05,836 - You mean this? - That's not the list. 415 01:11:06,040 --> 01:11:09,396 You've never seen this trick?. 416 01:11:16,560 --> 01:11:19,154 Where did it go? 417 01:11:22,080 --> 01:11:24,594 It's gone. 418 01:11:24,800 --> 01:11:28,236 - What? - You ... no? 419 01:11:34,960 --> 01:11:37,349 But not too far. 420 01:11:40,160 --> 01:11:42,833 I know what you're thinking. 421 01:11:43,040 --> 01:11:48,398 "In the computer room, I was up here and he was down there." 422 01:11:49,640 --> 01:11:54,316 "He was carrying two disks." 423 01:11:56,880 --> 01:12:00,953 - It's hard to keep track of these things. - Where is it? 424 01:12:15,760 --> 01:12:19,799 Do you actually think I'd let you have the NOC list? 425 01:12:20,000 --> 01:12:25,438 Try any sleight of hand with my money and I'll cut your throat. 426 01:12:49,480 --> 01:12:53,678 - On a cushy recruiting assignment? - Did theyputyou at the Plaza? 427 01:12:53,880 --> 01:12:57,395 Drake Hotel, Chicago. 428 01:12:58,320 --> 01:13:01,118 I'm so sorry. 429 01:13:05,760 --> 01:13:09,275 Krieger was my call. 430 01:13:13,880 --> 01:13:17,668 I'm sorry, Ethan. 431 01:13:20,440 --> 01:13:24,035 We did what we had to do. 432 01:13:24,240 --> 01:13:27,755 I'm going to try and get some sleep. 433 01:14:03,520 --> 01:14:07,308 Krieger did have the NOC list? 434 01:14:15,160 --> 01:14:20,712 Hold on to it. If you knew what you were getting into, you wouldn't have done it. 435 01:14:26,720 --> 01:14:30,235 I'm not going to let this get out in the open. 436 01:14:30,440 --> 01:14:36,549 Exactly. That's yourjob tomorrow on the train. Don't let it get out in the open. 437 01:14:42,920 --> 01:14:47,550 - What is the range of this thing? - It's hard to tell. I'll have to be close. 438 01:14:53,040 --> 01:14:57,591 The unlikelysetting, a farm in the heartland ofAmerica, Wisconsin. 439 01:14:57,800 --> 01:15:02,112 Here, Federal agents found the brains behind an international drug ring: 440 01:15:02,320 --> 01:15:07,269 MargaretEthan Hunt and her brother-in-law, Donald Hunt. 441 01:15:07,480 --> 01:15:12,634 They were arrested this morning in a majorsting operation - 442 01:15:12,840 --> 01:15:18,358 - designed to expose the illegalmanufacture ofthe drug "khat". 443 01:15:18,560 --> 01:15:20,994 - What we have here is a case ... - Kittridge. 444 01:15:50,880 --> 01:15:53,155 I see you've been out visiting the folks. 445 01:15:53,360 --> 01:15:56,557 It's Hunt. What do you need for a pinpoint? 446 01:15:56,760 --> 01:15:59,672 Been watching a little TV? 447 01:15:59,880 --> 01:16:04,795 Hauling Mom off to jail in shackles was an especially nice touch. 448 01:16:05,000 --> 01:16:07,434 - He's in England. - Get Ml5. 449 01:16:07,640 --> 01:16:12,031 My first order of business after you come in - 450 01:16:12,240 --> 01:16:18,110 - is to have these ridiculous charges against your family dropped. 451 01:16:18,320 --> 01:16:21,039 If you come in now, - 452 01:16:21,240 --> 01:16:25,950 - we can play down the charges againstyou, as well. 453 01:16:26,160 --> 01:16:30,631 - Can I ask you something, Kittridge? - Certainly, Ethan. 454 01:16:30,840 --> 01:16:33,035 If you're dealing with someone - 455 01:16:33,240 --> 01:16:36,232 - who's crushed, stabbed, - 456 01:16:36,440 --> 01:16:39,079 - shot and detonated - 457 01:16:39,280 --> 01:16:43,478 - five members ofhis own IMF team, - 458 01:16:43,680 --> 01:16:48,754 - how devastated will you make him by arresting Ma and Uncle Donald? 459 01:16:48,960 --> 01:16:54,318 I don't know, Ethan. Why don't you tellme? 460 01:16:55,240 --> 01:16:59,279 Lost him. We needed three more seconds. 461 01:16:59,480 --> 01:17:03,155 He wanted us to know he was in London. 462 01:17:15,160 --> 01:17:18,994 You're a hard man to catch up with. 463 01:17:25,560 --> 01:17:29,394 The next day I dragged myself back to the safe house. 464 01:17:29,600 --> 01:17:33,718 - I checked our aliases. - And you picked us up in the States. 465 01:17:33,920 --> 01:17:37,117 But you'd gone, and I could checkjust so many places. 466 01:17:37,320 --> 01:17:41,632 Some European countries don't computerise customs records. 467 01:17:41,840 --> 01:17:45,116 Once you turned up in England, it was easy. 468 01:17:45,320 --> 01:17:50,917 - You know I like Liverpool St. rentals. - I showed them to you. 469 01:17:51,120 --> 01:17:54,157 I remember. 470 01:17:54,360 --> 01:18:00,071 A doctor's got to look at that. You can't sit up straight. 471 01:18:00,280 --> 01:18:07,277 I can sit up straight. I just can't sit up straight very well. Sit down. 472 01:18:08,880 --> 01:18:13,556 Ethan ... I saw who shot me. 473 01:18:13,760 --> 01:18:16,479 I saw the mole. 474 01:18:16,680 --> 01:18:20,150 - It was Kittridge. - Kittridge ... 475 01:18:20,360 --> 01:18:22,954 Kittridge, Ethan! 476 01:18:27,720 --> 01:18:32,157 Kittridge is the mole. My God. Of course, you're right. 477 01:18:38,240 --> 01:18:42,711 He was at the embassy that night. 478 01:18:42,920 --> 01:18:47,072 First he took out Jack, at the elevator. 479 01:18:54,640 --> 01:18:58,110 He shot you on the bridge. 480 01:19:39,720 --> 01:19:44,350 He must have had back-up to take out Golitsyn and Sarah at the fence. 481 01:20:00,920 --> 01:20:04,708 How did he do Hannah? 482 01:20:26,800 --> 01:20:30,349 No, he could've done Hannah himself. 483 01:20:56,040 --> 01:21:00,113 Why, Jim? Why?. 484 01:21:03,080 --> 01:21:08,200 When you think about it, it was inevitable. No more Cold War. 485 01:21:08,400 --> 01:21:14,316 No more secrets to keep from everyone but yourself. 486 01:21:14,520 --> 01:21:20,595 Then suddenly the President is running the country without your permission. 487 01:21:20,800 --> 01:21:26,636 The son of a bitch, how dare he? And you realise it's over. 488 01:21:26,840 --> 01:21:32,358 You're obsolete hardware, with a lousy marriage and 62 grand a year. 489 01:21:34,320 --> 01:21:39,155 Kittridge. We'll go after the no-good son of a bitch, big time. 490 01:21:44,000 --> 01:21:48,357 We won't have to. He'll come after us. 491 01:21:48,560 --> 01:21:53,475 - What's going to make him do that? - What he didn't get in Prague. 492 01:21:53,680 --> 01:21:56,956 The NOC list. 493 01:21:57,160 --> 01:22:00,072 Jesus, Ethan. 494 01:22:00,280 --> 01:22:03,590 Good for you. 495 01:22:04,520 --> 01:22:11,392 - We meet tomorrow, the TGV to Paris. - Tight security. No guns. Real plus. 496 01:22:11,600 --> 01:22:16,276 I deliver the NOC list to Max, Max delivers Job to me. 497 01:22:16,480 --> 01:22:21,873 Claire and Luther will be on the train. Krieger will have a helicopter in Paris. 498 01:22:25,040 --> 01:22:27,634 Jim? 499 01:22:35,080 --> 01:22:38,356 I was in a cafe, waiting for you ... 500 01:22:39,800 --> 01:22:42,109 ... and there she was. 501 01:22:42,320 --> 01:22:47,792 Standing in the rain, alive and beautiful, thinking I'm dead and gone. 502 01:22:51,600 --> 01:22:56,435 God knows what she's had to do to forget me, to keep going. 503 01:23:00,760 --> 01:23:04,469 She can't know about me. No one can. Not till this is over. 504 01:23:04,680 --> 01:23:10,198 - You're probably right. - There's too much at stake. 505 01:23:10,400 --> 01:23:15,554 Once we leave the safe house, you get in there and crash. 506 01:23:15,760 --> 01:23:19,594 - I'll call from Paris. - You got it. 507 01:23:41,640 --> 01:23:44,552 What happened? 508 01:23:46,760 --> 01:23:50,639 I sent the message to Max. 509 01:23:52,800 --> 01:23:56,395 We're on for tomorrow. 510 01:24:01,760 --> 01:24:04,274 Okay. 511 01:24:13,160 --> 01:24:15,628 Come here. 512 01:24:54,680 --> 01:24:58,116 - What's this? - Incoming for you. 513 01:24:58,320 --> 01:25:01,995 X-ray's clean. Non-explosive. 514 01:25:11,960 --> 01:25:15,032 Gene. 515 01:25:18,120 --> 01:25:22,398 How long to the London terminus? We've got 10 minutes. Move! 516 01:25:59,520 --> 01:26:02,637 - Give me Max. - It's him. 517 01:26:06,200 --> 01:26:10,955 - This was not what we discussed. - My apologies. It couldn'tbe helped. 518 01:26:11,160 --> 01:26:14,357 You'll find the disk underyourseat. 519 01:26:48,000 --> 01:26:54,394 Dear boy, I hope this doesn't preclude a meeting in private. 520 01:26:54,600 --> 01:26:59,879 - Notlfyou tellme where the money is. - The mere chance is worth 10 million. 521 01:27:00,080 --> 01:27:05,757 Baggage car, rack 3, silver briefcase, combination 3-1-4. 522 01:27:05,960 --> 01:27:11,239 - What aboutJob? - I wouldn't worry, he'll find you. 523 01:27:27,880 --> 01:27:31,555 - What's the matter?. - It's not transmitting. 524 01:27:31,760 --> 01:27:36,629 We've got to get this through before we hit the tunnel. 525 01:27:48,120 --> 01:27:52,830 - What's the problem? - "Connection denied." 526 01:27:53,040 --> 01:27:57,318 - Did you check the batteries? - I always check the batteries. 527 01:27:57,520 --> 01:28:00,637 Run it through from the top. 528 01:28:02,920 --> 01:28:06,196 We don't know what Max looks like. 529 01:28:06,400 --> 01:28:12,270 If he's got that list, he'll want to check it. That means laptops. 530 01:28:22,800 --> 01:28:25,519 Excuse me, sir. Your telephone. 531 01:28:31,920 --> 01:28:37,040 - Is everything all right? - It's working. 532 01:28:47,880 --> 01:28:49,950 He's in the baggage car. 533 01:28:51,200 --> 01:28:57,639 - Ethan, Kittridge is on the train. - I'llmeetyou in the baggage car. 534 01:29:13,680 --> 01:29:15,671 Barnes. 535 01:29:51,280 --> 01:29:55,910 Ethan's right behind me. Listen, Jim ... 536 01:29:56,120 --> 01:29:58,793 Is it such a good idea to kill him? 537 01:30:02,600 --> 01:30:05,160 Kittridge is here. 538 01:30:07,880 --> 01:30:11,759 We take the money, Ethan takes the blame. 539 01:30:14,120 --> 01:30:17,476 No one else has seen you alive. 540 01:30:18,640 --> 01:30:21,313 No one will believe him. 541 01:30:47,440 --> 01:30:53,037 Of course, I'm very sorry to hear you say that, Claire. 542 01:30:55,040 --> 01:31:00,433 - Ethan. - Yes, Ethan Hunt. You remember him. 543 01:31:03,480 --> 01:31:08,110 - You knew about Jim? - Of course. 544 01:31:08,320 --> 01:31:12,632 When he knew is a good question. Mind telling me, Ethan? 545 01:31:12,840 --> 01:31:15,991 Before or after I showed up in London? 546 01:31:17,160 --> 01:31:21,551 Before London. After you took the Bible from the Drake Hotel in Chicago. 547 01:31:23,040 --> 01:31:26,077 They stamped it, didn't they?. Damned Gideons. 548 01:31:27,440 --> 01:31:31,149 Ethan, if you knew about Jim, why ..? 549 01:31:31,360 --> 01:31:36,070 Why the masquerade? Why take the risk?. 550 01:31:36,280 --> 01:31:40,512 You've asked the question ... and you are the answer. 551 01:31:40,720 --> 01:31:45,555 - I knew about Jim. - But he didn't know about you. 552 01:31:45,760 --> 01:31:50,834 Claire was never convinced her charms would work on you. 553 01:31:51,040 --> 01:31:54,476 But I was confident, having tasted the goods. 554 01:31:56,560 --> 01:32:00,678 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife." 555 01:32:03,200 --> 01:32:07,830 - Let's just get the money and get out. - Yes, let's get the money. 556 01:32:08,040 --> 01:32:11,828 Ethan, the money. 557 01:32:13,280 --> 01:32:16,795 Give her the money. 558 01:32:18,240 --> 01:32:21,596 You've earned it. 559 01:32:27,040 --> 01:32:31,716 - All 10 million. - Claire was wrong about one thing. 560 01:32:31,920 --> 01:32:34,798 Oh, what's that? 561 01:32:53,320 --> 01:32:56,676 Good morning, Mr Phelps. 562 01:32:56,880 --> 01:33:00,555 I'm not the only one who's seen you alive. 563 01:33:02,320 --> 01:33:06,313 - You son of a bitch. - It's over, Jim. 564 01:33:12,240 --> 01:33:15,710 - Don't. Don't, Jim. - "Don't, Jim"? 565 01:36:23,280 --> 01:36:29,116 No, he's in the tunnel. He'll crash into us! Accelerate! 566 01:38:26,560 --> 01:38:30,155 Red light ... green light. 567 01:39:20,760 --> 01:39:24,548 I think this is what you're looking for. 568 01:39:29,200 --> 01:39:31,395 Hello, Max. 569 01:39:31,600 --> 01:39:36,993 My lawyers will have a field day with it. Entrapment, jurisdictional conflict ... 570 01:39:37,200 --> 01:39:41,193 Maybe we'll just leave the courts out of this one. 571 01:39:43,000 --> 01:39:46,629 I'm sure we can find something I have that you need. 572 01:39:47,920 --> 01:39:52,436 In a freak accident, a helicopter lost altitude, veered into a tunnel, - 573 01:39:52,640 --> 01:39:56,315 - and collided with a high-speed train. 574 01:39:56,520 --> 01:40:01,640 The pilot was killed, butno one on the train was hurt... 575 01:40:04,440 --> 01:40:08,399 - You call your folks? How do they feel? - About what? 576 01:40:08,600 --> 01:40:14,709 The Justice Department apology, VIP treatment, the whole nine yards. 577 01:40:14,920 --> 01:40:21,996 My mom didn't know how the DEA mistook them for drug smugglers. 578 01:40:24,800 --> 01:40:28,679 - Cheers. - To you, Luther. 579 01:40:28,880 --> 01:40:33,476 - And being off the disavowed list. - Hey, I'm the flavour of the month. 580 01:40:35,640 --> 01:40:39,679 Why don't you come back with me? 581 01:40:39,880 --> 01:40:43,589 I just don't know why I'd be doing it. 582 01:40:46,000 --> 01:40:50,949 I've got to catch my flight ... How does it feel to be a solid citizen? 583 01:40:53,240 --> 01:40:59,395 Man, I don't know. I'm going to miss being disreputable. 584 01:40:59,600 --> 01:41:04,674 If it makes you feel any better, I'll always think of you that way. 585 01:41:14,960 --> 01:41:18,032 Excuse me, Mr Hunt. 586 01:41:18,240 --> 01:41:21,312 Would you like to watch a movie? 587 01:41:21,520 --> 01:41:24,592 No, thank you. 588 01:41:24,800 --> 01:41:30,238 Would you consider the cinema of the Caribbean? 589 01:41:30,440 --> 01:41:33,318 Aruba, perhaps. 590 01:45:25,800 --> 01:45:30,157 English subtitles: IFT Ripping: HsQ (2002.05.28)