1 00:00:27,918 --> 00:00:34,221 MY LIFE TO LIVE A film in twelve scenes 2 00:02:30,573 --> 00:02:36,170 Lend yourself to others and give yourself to yourself. Montaigne 3 00:02:40,317 --> 00:02:46,984 A café. Nana wants to leave Paul. The pin-table 4 00:02:51,628 --> 00:02:53,220 Do you really like the guy? 5 00:02:55,165 --> 00:02:59,101 I don't know. I wonder what I'm thinking about? 6 00:02:59,769 --> 00:03:03,102 Has he more money than me? -What do you care? 7 00:03:13,416 --> 00:03:14,849 What's the matter? 8 00:03:15,318 --> 00:03:18,719 Nothing; I wanted to be very precise 9 00:03:19,589 --> 00:03:22,649 I didn't know the best way to say it 10 00:03:23,293 --> 00:03:26,922 Or, rather, I did know, but I don't any more 11 00:03:27,664 --> 00:03:31,498 Just when I should know, too. Does it never happen to you? 12 00:03:32,335 --> 00:03:34,929 Don't you ever talk about anything but yourself? 13 00:03:36,072 --> 00:03:37,198 You are horrible 14 00:03:39,642 --> 00:03:42,475 I'm not horrible, Nana, I'm sad 15 00:03:43,880 --> 00:03:46,610 I'm not sad, Paul. I'm horrible 16 00:03:47,951 --> 00:03:50,351 Don't just parrot lines. This isn't a stage 17 00:03:52,422 --> 00:03:56,654 You never do as I ask; you always want me to do what you want 18 00:03:58,194 --> 00:04:00,355 Anyway, I'm fed up. I want to die 19 00:04:01,064 --> 00:04:01,962 I mean it 20 00:04:03,800 --> 00:04:05,097 Parrot talk 21 00:04:06,669 --> 00:04:10,605 Loving you is exhausting. I'm always having to beg 22 00:04:12,108 --> 00:04:16,067 I exist too. You say I'm cruel, but it's you 23 00:04:28,057 --> 00:04:31,458 Why do you say that? It isn't true. When? On Sunday evening? 24 00:04:33,096 --> 00:04:36,588 You know when... I begged you to introduce me to that man 25 00:04:37,567 --> 00:04:39,398 You did it on purpose 26 00:04:40,069 --> 00:04:41,093 Yes, I did 27 00:04:41,838 --> 00:04:43,430 I despise you 28 00:04:46,075 --> 00:04:48,339 I'd just betray you again 29 00:04:49,512 --> 00:04:50,638 Don't say that 30 00:04:57,954 --> 00:05:03,358 I thought it was important to talk to you, but I don't any more 31 00:05:04,661 --> 00:05:07,391 We might have got together again 32 00:05:07,697 --> 00:05:10,063 But the more we talk, the less the words mean 33 00:05:12,235 --> 00:05:15,727 If I make it on the stage, it won't be thanks to you 34 00:05:16,840 --> 00:05:18,705 Acting isn't everything 35 00:05:18,975 --> 00:05:20,704 You, too! Why do you say that? 36 00:05:21,377 --> 00:05:23,504 If it's what I want, why should you mind? 37 00:05:24,347 --> 00:05:26,440 Someone may discover me one day 38 00:05:37,160 --> 00:05:38,923 Well, don't give up 39 00:05:39,596 --> 00:05:45,193 I haven't given up music. Not like your English lessons 40 00:05:46,135 --> 00:05:50,162 I'm not giving up. That guy is going to take pictures of me 41 00:05:51,774 --> 00:05:53,639 Maybe I'll get into films 42 00:05:54,744 --> 00:05:56,143 That'll be the day 43 00:05:56,913 --> 00:05:58,380 You are horrible, Paul 44 00:06:07,590 --> 00:06:13,688 You really are... it's always the same thing 45 00:06:14,931 --> 00:06:18,867 You say you love me, but you don't think of me as someone special 46 00:06:20,904 --> 00:06:25,136 I hardly love you any more, but I still think you're someone special 47 00:06:26,543 --> 00:06:29,910 Where does saying that get you? I think everyone is the same 48 00:06:31,381 --> 00:06:33,906 You don't approve of my working? 49 00:06:34,684 --> 00:06:37,278 It's not really your scene 50 00:06:38,187 --> 00:06:41,020 You're leaving me because I'm poor 51 00:06:41,591 --> 00:06:42,785 When all's said and done, maybe 52 00:06:45,428 --> 00:06:47,692 Have you got the photos you mentioned on the phone? 53 00:06:49,666 --> 00:06:52,965 I forgot about them. They'll be ready at the end of the week 54 00:06:55,338 --> 00:06:57,932 Is he all right, eating well? 55 00:06:58,174 --> 00:07:00,699 He had earache, but the doctor said it was nothing 56 00:07:01,778 --> 00:07:04,212 What's your job at Pathé-Marconi? 57 00:07:04,447 --> 00:07:05,812 I sell records 58 00:07:08,051 --> 00:07:09,746 Can you lend me 2,000 francs? 59 00:07:11,020 --> 00:07:12,749 Out of the question 60 00:07:14,624 --> 00:07:17,457 Your parents must be glad I've gone 61 00:07:18,361 --> 00:07:19,794 They liked you 62 00:07:19,963 --> 00:07:21,123 I bet! 63 00:07:23,566 --> 00:07:25,329 What's that look for? 64 00:07:33,743 --> 00:07:34,801 Nothing 65 00:07:35,979 --> 00:07:38,209 Let's not start quarreling again 66 00:07:39,949 --> 00:07:41,678 Shall we have a play? 67 00:07:48,124 --> 00:07:49,853 Got a coin? I only have one 68 00:08:13,282 --> 00:08:14,180 Go on, you start 69 00:08:36,205 --> 00:08:39,072 Those essays Dad's students write... 70 00:08:39,876 --> 00:08:40,843 What about them? 71 00:08:41,411 --> 00:08:45,541 He read us some wonderful efforts at dinner yesterday 72 00:08:46,015 --> 00:08:49,781 They're just kids, they had to describe their favorite animals 73 00:08:51,020 --> 00:08:53,352 One little girl of eight chose a bird 74 00:08:54,891 --> 00:08:59,590 It went: "A bird is an animal with an inside and an outside 75 00:08:59,896 --> 00:09:02,023 "Remove the outside, there's the inside 76 00:09:02,165 --> 00:09:05,032 "Remove the inside and you see the soul" 77 00:09:16,779 --> 00:09:23,685 The record shop. Two thousand francs. Nana lives her life 78 00:09:33,496 --> 00:09:35,225 We're out of stock 79 00:09:41,137 --> 00:09:42,627 Judy Garland? 80 00:09:50,146 --> 00:09:54,207 Have you a guitar recording by Roméo... 81 00:09:55,818 --> 00:09:58,013 What's his name? Raphaël Romero 82 00:10:04,927 --> 00:10:06,656 Raphaël Romero on guitar 83 00:10:07,163 --> 00:10:08,926 In the racks at the back 84 00:10:36,058 --> 00:10:37,719 Is Rita still away? 85 00:10:38,494 --> 00:10:40,359 I think she'll be back on Thursday 86 00:10:40,696 --> 00:10:42,459 She owes me 2,000 francs 87 00:10:47,370 --> 00:10:49,770 Lend me 2,000? -No way; I'm broke 88 00:10:51,808 --> 00:10:54,140 Is it serious? -No, it's OK 89 00:12:02,078 --> 00:12:03,807 That looks great 90 00:12:04,146 --> 00:12:07,206 The story's dumb, but it's very well written 91 00:12:08,918 --> 00:12:13,719 He gazed at the turquoise, star-laden sky, then turned to me 92 00:12:14,624 --> 00:12:18,924 "As one who lives intensely, logically you..." I interrupted him 93 00:12:19,595 --> 00:12:22,758 "You attach too much importance to logic" 94 00:12:23,065 --> 00:12:27,627 For a few seconds I was filled with a bitter sense of triumph 95 00:12:28,404 --> 00:12:30,565 Forgotten, my broken heart 96 00:12:30,740 --> 00:12:35,700 Forgotten, too, the need to put on a brave face 97 00:12:35,978 --> 00:12:39,243 Yes, a distinctly elegant way of escaping this dilemma 98 00:12:48,925 --> 00:12:55,228 The concierge. Paul. The Passion of Joan of Arc. A journalist 99 00:13:21,590 --> 00:13:23,057 Please give me my key 100 00:13:25,127 --> 00:13:26,287 Oh, all right 101 00:13:37,306 --> 00:13:38,705 Come on, give me that key! 102 00:13:55,091 --> 00:13:56,490 I have the pictures 103 00:14:05,568 --> 00:14:08,935 He doesn't look like me at all, he looks more like you 104 00:14:10,473 --> 00:14:12,498 Coming to dinner? -No 105 00:14:14,543 --> 00:14:16,135 I must go 106 00:14:16,746 --> 00:14:17,974 Come and eat 107 00:14:18,147 --> 00:14:21,708 I'm not hungry. I want to see a film. Goodbye 108 00:14:58,821 --> 00:15:02,723 We are to prepare you for death 109 00:15:16,005 --> 00:15:18,405 So soon? 110 00:15:28,617 --> 00:15:30,278 What death? 111 00:15:35,224 --> 00:15:36,816 At the stake 112 00:15:49,839 --> 00:15:54,833 How can you still believe you were sent by God? 113 00:15:59,748 --> 00:16:05,709 God knows where he leads us, but we know the path of our journey 114 00:16:17,032 --> 00:16:19,000 Yes, I'm his child 115 00:16:29,178 --> 00:16:31,078 And the great victory? 116 00:16:38,287 --> 00:16:40,380 It will be my martyrdom 117 00:16:41,857 --> 00:16:43,188 And the deliverance? 118 00:16:53,002 --> 00:16:54,196 Death 119 00:17:09,485 --> 00:17:10,884 Death 120 00:17:20,496 --> 00:17:22,589 I've said goodbye 121 00:17:22,765 --> 00:17:24,562 I bought your movie ticket 122 00:17:24,733 --> 00:17:25,791 Too bad 123 00:17:39,949 --> 00:17:41,416 Didn't we have a date? 124 00:17:41,717 --> 00:17:44,652 I wondered if you would come 125 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:46,785 Why, am I late? 126 00:17:46,956 --> 00:17:50,448 A little, but that's not why I wondered 127 00:17:51,093 --> 00:17:53,561 Usually I'm very punctual 128 00:17:55,297 --> 00:17:57,094 Eleven at night is very late 129 00:18:02,438 --> 00:18:04,633 I thought you'd forgotten, too 130 00:18:06,208 --> 00:18:07,607 What will you have? 131 00:18:07,910 --> 00:18:09,810 Any rolls left? 132 00:18:10,346 --> 00:18:11,677 A coffee, then 133 00:18:14,984 --> 00:18:17,282 Was that a boyfriend of yours? 134 00:18:18,053 --> 00:18:19,520 No, it was my brother 135 00:18:20,956 --> 00:18:22,389 Have you many brothers? 136 00:18:23,092 --> 00:18:25,151 Five brothers and three sisters 137 00:18:26,629 --> 00:18:28,722 You're surprised? It's a fact 138 00:18:31,934 --> 00:18:33,925 What's new since Wednesday? 139 00:18:34,937 --> 00:18:36,302 Nothing much 140 00:18:38,107 --> 00:18:40,132 Is that red car outside yours? 141 00:18:41,577 --> 00:18:43,807 What is it? A Jaguar? 142 00:18:44,046 --> 00:18:48,244 No, an Alfa Romeo. Are you interested in cars? 143 00:18:48,617 --> 00:18:51,051 I don't know a thing about them 144 00:18:53,489 --> 00:18:56,652 When shall we do those photographs? 145 00:18:57,393 --> 00:19:00,556 Tell me, I told you I was willing 146 00:19:01,563 --> 00:19:03,463 I'm only free on Sundays 147 00:19:05,067 --> 00:19:07,365 I'm off to London on Sunday 148 00:19:08,070 --> 00:19:09,560 Well then, I don't know 149 00:19:12,608 --> 00:19:15,543 How about now? Are you tired? 150 00:19:16,912 --> 00:19:20,211 If I say no, you won't think I'm awful? 151 00:19:20,582 --> 00:19:22,243 No, not at all 152 00:19:24,586 --> 00:19:27,885 Do you really think I could get into films? 153 00:19:28,057 --> 00:19:31,686 I think so. Look, I've brought you a composite sheet 154 00:19:42,204 --> 00:19:44,195 I'd like to do something like that 155 00:19:46,809 --> 00:19:48,174 What's it for? 156 00:19:48,677 --> 00:19:51,271 You send them out to people in films 157 00:19:52,614 --> 00:19:54,946 and a few days later maybe they phone you 158 00:19:58,287 --> 00:20:00,278 I'm a bit shy about undressing 159 00:20:01,023 --> 00:20:03,287 It's nothing much, you know 160 00:20:05,894 --> 00:20:08,419 Can you lend me 2,000 francs? 161 00:20:08,764 --> 00:20:10,755 I would, but I haven't got it 162 00:20:12,935 --> 00:20:14,300 Come on, I'm tired 163 00:20:19,842 --> 00:20:21,742 What about my pictures? 164 00:20:22,311 --> 00:20:23,573 You'll stay with me, then? 165 00:20:40,295 --> 00:20:47,827 The police. Nana is questioned 166 00:21:12,327 --> 00:21:17,196 Born April 15th, 1940, at Flexburg, Moselle 167 00:21:17,466 --> 00:21:19,866 No fixed address. Is that right? 168 00:21:22,504 --> 00:21:24,028 Well, what happened? 169 00:21:25,240 --> 00:21:28,266 Well, I was walking down the street and 170 00:21:29,077 --> 00:21:31,511 I saw a woman buying a magazine 171 00:21:32,314 --> 00:21:36,808 Well, then... she took some money out of her bag 172 00:21:38,821 --> 00:21:41,517 She didn't notice she'd dropped 1,000 francs 173 00:21:43,058 --> 00:21:48,360 So then... I pretended to buy a magazine, too 174 00:21:49,097 --> 00:21:51,793 and I put my foot on her 1,000 francs 175 00:21:54,636 --> 00:21:57,332 She left and... 176 00:22:03,779 --> 00:22:05,337 And she noticed? 177 00:22:17,392 --> 00:22:19,223 She came back towards me and 178 00:22:20,696 --> 00:22:23,290 she stared into my eyes for a long time 179 00:22:25,267 --> 00:22:29,226 So then I gave her back the money 180 00:22:38,146 --> 00:22:40,011 Then why did she bring this charge? 181 00:22:40,849 --> 00:22:44,080 I don't know. I think it was very mean of her 182 00:22:53,462 --> 00:22:55,692 Have you no one to go to in Paris? 183 00:22:57,432 --> 00:22:59,127 Friends, sometimes 184 00:23:00,569 --> 00:23:01,797 Boys? 185 00:23:05,307 --> 00:23:06,467 Sometimes 186 00:23:10,913 --> 00:23:13,279 Why not ask for an advance? 187 00:23:14,816 --> 00:23:16,784 I have already, too often 188 00:23:20,055 --> 00:23:21,750 What are you going to do? 189 00:23:22,824 --> 00:23:25,349 I don't know... I... 190 00:23:27,496 --> 00:23:28,622 I... is someone else 191 00:23:35,003 --> 00:23:41,772 The boulevards. The first man. The room 192 00:24:48,176 --> 00:24:48,835 How about it? 193 00:25:01,556 --> 00:25:02,545 Is it here? 194 00:25:04,226 --> 00:25:05,386 You've been here before? 195 00:25:24,980 --> 00:25:26,140 Anyone there? 196 00:25:26,748 --> 00:25:28,579 Room 27 or 28? 197 00:25:31,153 --> 00:25:32,313 Room 27 198 00:26:47,028 --> 00:26:48,325 Smoke? 199 00:26:54,970 --> 00:26:56,198 There's never an ashtray 200 00:27:12,888 --> 00:27:13,912 How much do you want? 201 00:27:16,391 --> 00:27:18,655 I don't know, it's up to you 202 00:27:21,997 --> 00:27:23,396 I don't know 203 00:27:25,367 --> 00:27:26,664 Four thousand francs? 204 00:27:44,986 --> 00:27:46,044 You owe me 1,000 205 00:27:46,955 --> 00:27:48,217 I have no change 206 00:27:49,825 --> 00:27:51,486 Never mind, keep it 207 00:27:56,431 --> 00:27:58,023 Take everything off, though 208 00:28:07,809 --> 00:28:08,901 Why not on the mouth? 209 00:28:20,522 --> 00:28:22,956 Meeting Yvette. A café in the suburbs 210 00:28:23,124 --> 00:28:27,083 Raoul. Gunshots in the street 211 00:28:43,445 --> 00:28:44,912 Yvette, how are you? 212 00:28:45,580 --> 00:28:47,775 I hardly recognized you 213 00:28:48,650 --> 00:28:50,140 How are you? -And you? 214 00:28:50,318 --> 00:28:51,808 I'm getting by 215 00:28:51,987 --> 00:28:53,750 So am l. -Good for you 216 00:28:53,922 --> 00:28:56,220 Why? -I thought that... 217 00:28:57,325 --> 00:28:59,816 Why are you here? To dance? 218 00:29:01,696 --> 00:29:03,163 Shall we have a drink? 219 00:29:05,667 --> 00:29:07,066 How's Raymond? 220 00:29:08,870 --> 00:29:10,565 I'll tell you all about it 221 00:29:10,805 --> 00:29:12,033 What happened? 222 00:29:13,441 --> 00:29:14,874 Life's so hard 223 00:29:15,477 --> 00:29:19,937 I'd like to get away, escape to the tropics 224 00:29:20,749 --> 00:29:22,239 Escape's a pipe dream 225 00:29:23,451 --> 00:29:24,577 That's life 226 00:29:46,541 --> 00:29:48,236 I'll be back in a minute 227 00:30:06,795 --> 00:30:07,989 Well, tell me 228 00:30:09,030 --> 00:30:10,657 One evening, Raymond 229 00:30:12,934 --> 00:30:16,597 came home with railway tickets to Brest 230 00:30:17,472 --> 00:30:20,600 He said he had a job, so we all moved 231 00:30:21,142 --> 00:30:23,838 and went to live in a hotel by the harbor 232 00:30:27,082 --> 00:30:29,277 I saw nothing of him 233 00:30:30,352 --> 00:30:31,842 He was "working" 234 00:30:32,487 --> 00:30:35,513 I'd take the children out, buy them ice cream 235 00:30:37,158 --> 00:30:39,353 I worried 236 00:30:39,561 --> 00:30:43,190 because I couldn't figure how he earned his money 237 00:30:43,932 --> 00:30:48,028 One evening, after three weeks 238 00:30:49,304 --> 00:30:51,169 he just never came back 239 00:30:52,107 --> 00:30:54,473 I had to manage on my own 240 00:30:55,977 --> 00:31:00,004 with the children my mother-in-law didn't want to look after 241 00:31:01,583 --> 00:31:06,350 Gradually, I became a prostitute; it was easier 242 00:31:09,457 --> 00:31:15,555 Then, two years later I went to the movies one evening 243 00:31:16,231 --> 00:31:20,395 and saw him acting in an American film 244 00:31:22,103 --> 00:31:23,695 And now? 245 00:31:23,872 --> 00:31:25,533 Everything's fine 246 00:31:32,547 --> 00:31:33,707 But not much fun 247 00:31:33,915 --> 00:31:36,907 It's depressing, but that's not my fault 248 00:31:41,356 --> 00:31:45,087 I think we're always responsible for our actions. We're free 249 00:31:46,194 --> 00:31:48,560 I raise my hand - I'm responsible 250 00:31:50,098 --> 00:31:53,295 I turn my head - I'm responsible 251 00:31:55,303 --> 00:31:58,500 I am unhappy - I'm responsible 252 00:32:00,475 --> 00:32:03,069 I smoke - I'm responsible 253 00:32:04,779 --> 00:32:07,907 I shut my eyes - I'm responsible 254 00:32:11,119 --> 00:32:13,815 I forget I'm responsible, but I am 255 00:32:15,757 --> 00:32:18,521 I told you there's no escape 256 00:32:19,394 --> 00:32:21,191 Everything is good 257 00:32:22,730 --> 00:32:25,460 You only have to take an interest in things 258 00:32:29,104 --> 00:32:33,268 After all, things are what they are 259 00:32:34,375 --> 00:32:36,570 A message is a message 260 00:32:37,979 --> 00:32:39,606 Plates are plates 261 00:32:40,048 --> 00:32:41,481 Men are men 262 00:32:42,617 --> 00:32:45,609 And life is life 263 00:32:52,160 --> 00:32:57,462 The boy I greeted wants to meet you. Do you mind? 264 00:32:57,999 --> 00:32:59,193 I don't mind 265 00:33:17,552 --> 00:33:24,048 She's no film star, this baby of mine 266 00:33:24,626 --> 00:33:30,656 She works on the factory assembly line 267 00:33:31,766 --> 00:33:38,433 We live in one room down by the railway track 268 00:33:39,073 --> 00:33:45,740 With a lovely view of the warehouse out back 269 00:33:46,614 --> 00:33:52,746 No Riviera for us on our holidays 270 00:33:53,488 --> 00:33:59,586 No family with a fond Daddy who plays 271 00:34:00,929 --> 00:34:07,732 But the light that shines in my baby's eyes 272 00:34:08,203 --> 00:34:14,472 Is more to me than the stars in the sky 273 00:34:15,510 --> 00:34:22,348 And when the rest of the town starts to doze 274 00:34:22,850 --> 00:34:28,618 The late evening sun in our window glows 275 00:34:30,124 --> 00:34:36,620 We whisper in the secrecy of our own four walls 276 00:34:37,432 --> 00:34:43,803 And make love together as darkness falls 277 00:34:52,180 --> 00:34:53,875 Is she a lady or a tramp? 278 00:34:57,051 --> 00:35:01,750 Insult her. If she's a tramp, she'll get angry; if a lady, she'll smile 279 00:35:16,137 --> 00:35:17,263 We'll see 280 00:35:26,447 --> 00:35:28,210 Are you a friend of Yvette's? 281 00:35:30,785 --> 00:35:33,253 I already know you 282 00:35:33,821 --> 00:35:36,221 You don't. -It was three months ago 283 00:35:37,692 --> 00:35:41,628 Boulevard Saint-Germain, looking at photos 284 00:35:42,196 --> 00:35:43,424 That's true 285 00:35:44,465 --> 00:35:47,866 Why did you deny it? You parrot anything 286 00:35:49,437 --> 00:35:53,498 You're ridiculous. Why are you looking at me like that? 287 00:35:55,009 --> 00:35:58,445 You look stupid, and your hair looks awful 288 00:36:04,786 --> 00:36:06,617 Wait, I've got something to tell you 289 00:36:50,331 --> 00:36:51,389 My eyes 290 00:36:59,741 --> 00:37:07,443 The letter. Raoul again. The Champs Elysées 291 00:37:46,320 --> 00:37:52,953 Dear Madame, a friend who worked for you gave me your address 292 00:38:29,063 --> 00:38:36,765 I would like to come and work for you 293 00:38:52,253 --> 00:38:56,155 I am 22 294 00:39:11,105 --> 00:39:16,941 I think I am pretty 295 00:39:23,851 --> 00:39:28,379 My height is... 296 00:40:01,022 --> 00:40:12,092 My hair is short 297 00:40:30,318 --> 00:40:37,417 but grows very fast 298 00:40:51,172 --> 00:40:59,375 I enclose a photo and... 299 00:41:03,818 --> 00:41:05,285 So it's you? 300 00:41:07,855 --> 00:41:09,345 The classic letter 301 00:41:11,926 --> 00:41:13,188 Yes, it's me 302 00:41:15,730 --> 00:41:17,561 How did you find me? 303 00:41:18,165 --> 00:41:23,967 I followed you. I was in my car and I saw you come in here 304 00:41:25,106 --> 00:41:27,506 You've got nerve 305 00:41:27,842 --> 00:41:30,367 No, you are very beautiful 306 00:41:39,820 --> 00:41:41,811 You disappeared fast the other day 307 00:41:42,356 --> 00:41:43,414 When was that? 308 00:41:44,258 --> 00:41:48,627 When the crook was shot; you just vanished 309 00:41:49,864 --> 00:41:55,530 I don't think they were crooks, it was some political stuff 310 00:41:57,438 --> 00:41:59,429 Oh, well... 311 00:42:00,408 --> 00:42:03,571 In any case, I didn't mean that you weren't brave 312 00:42:04,879 --> 00:42:06,710 I was just making conversation 313 00:42:19,927 --> 00:42:21,554 What do you think of me? 314 00:42:27,301 --> 00:42:29,428 I think you are very good 315 00:42:32,506 --> 00:42:36,636 You have great goodness in your eyes 316 00:42:37,812 --> 00:42:42,875 I see, I didn't understand; it's a funny thing to say 317 00:42:43,451 --> 00:42:44,748 Why? 318 00:42:52,693 --> 00:42:58,654 I wasn't expecting a Catholic answer. What I meant was: 319 00:42:58,933 --> 00:43:01,731 Do you place me in a special category of women? 320 00:43:10,644 --> 00:43:12,271 Do you like being special? 321 00:43:14,915 --> 00:43:16,143 Why? 322 00:43:17,451 --> 00:43:18,748 No reason 323 00:43:19,954 --> 00:43:22,184 For me, there are three types of girls 324 00:43:26,360 --> 00:43:29,352 Some have one expression, some have two, some have three 325 00:43:37,304 --> 00:43:39,568 Is the address from Yvette? 326 00:43:46,714 --> 00:43:48,614 Are you serious? 327 00:43:48,983 --> 00:43:49,950 Why? 328 00:43:51,886 --> 00:43:53,786 I want to earn more money 329 00:43:55,389 --> 00:43:58,017 I can help you earn even more here 330 00:43:58,325 --> 00:44:00,293 Really? I'm willing 331 00:44:14,041 --> 00:44:16,908 Why haven't you tried to get into films? 332 00:44:17,678 --> 00:44:22,047 I did. Two years ago, I wanted to make it on the stage 333 00:44:23,751 --> 00:44:26,447 I was in Pacifico at the Châtelet 334 00:44:27,555 --> 00:44:30,251 Once I was in a film with Eddie Constantine 335 00:44:31,892 --> 00:44:34,884 I'm telling you my life story. How awful 336 00:44:37,698 --> 00:44:40,531 I'm a friend 337 00:44:42,937 --> 00:44:46,236 Give me a smile. -I don't feel like it 338 00:45:26,413 --> 00:45:28,040 Shall I come with you? 339 00:45:38,292 --> 00:45:39,782 When do I start? 340 00:45:40,828 --> 00:45:44,889 When the city lights go up, the streetwalker's endless beat begins 341 00:45:52,539 --> 00:45:59,001 Afternoons. Money. Sinks. Pleasure. Hotels 342 00:46:01,415 --> 00:46:03,246 What is the routine? 343 00:46:03,584 --> 00:46:07,020 The prostitute trades on her charms 344 00:46:07,187 --> 00:46:11,146 to build up a good clientele and establish lucrative conditions 345 00:46:14,328 --> 00:46:16,558 Must she be beautiful? 346 00:46:16,830 --> 00:46:21,267 No, although beauty is an important factor in a prostitute's career 347 00:46:21,535 --> 00:46:26,666 It attracts the attention of the pimp 348 00:46:27,074 --> 00:46:30,874 since physical allure can be an immense source of profit 349 00:46:32,112 --> 00:46:34,103 Must she register? 350 00:46:34,782 --> 00:46:37,580 Since the law of April 13th, 1946 351 00:46:37,818 --> 00:46:45,657 prostitutes are subject to medical but not police supervision 352 00:46:45,960 --> 00:46:51,330 The 1946 law and decree 2,253 of November 5th, 1947 353 00:46:51,498 --> 00:46:56,401 established the National Sanitary Register for all women 354 00:46:56,570 --> 00:47:00,267 shown by conclusive evidence 355 00:47:00,441 --> 00:47:02,568 to be leading a life of prostitution 356 00:47:03,711 --> 00:47:05,576 But what must I do? 357 00:47:06,246 --> 00:47:09,647 Everywhere the procedure is the same 358 00:47:10,150 --> 00:47:12,914 By her dress, attitude and make-up 359 00:47:13,087 --> 00:47:15,749 the prostitute indicates her trade 360 00:47:15,956 --> 00:47:17,924 Sometimes, in defiance of the law 361 00:47:18,092 --> 00:47:21,755 she will appeal directly to the client 362 00:47:23,263 --> 00:47:24,992 What do I charge? 363 00:47:25,666 --> 00:47:30,126 From 300 to 15,000 francs 364 00:47:30,304 --> 00:47:34,798 for a meeting varying from a few minutes to an hour 365 00:47:34,975 --> 00:47:38,638 The rate for a whole night ranges from 5,000 to 50,000 francs 366 00:47:39,947 --> 00:47:41,539 Can I go anywhere I like? 367 00:47:42,316 --> 00:47:45,877 Controls have been attempted. In Paris, for instance 368 00:47:46,053 --> 00:47:49,318 a police regulation of August 25th 1958 369 00:47:49,523 --> 00:47:54,620 forbids loitering with intent 370 00:47:54,795 --> 00:47:56,387 at certain hours, in the Bois de Boulogne 371 00:47:56,563 --> 00:47:59,999 and around the Champs Elysées 372 00:48:00,701 --> 00:48:02,566 Do I keep all the money? 373 00:48:02,970 --> 00:48:06,997 A daily tax is agreed 374 00:48:07,408 --> 00:48:09,342 Around the Champs Elysées 375 00:48:09,510 --> 00:48:11,637 20,000 to 30,000 francs a day 376 00:48:11,845 --> 00:48:13,779 Payable weekly 377 00:48:15,282 --> 00:48:17,011 Do I have a room? 378 00:48:17,651 --> 00:48:21,712 Hotels usually change the towels, not sheets 379 00:48:21,955 --> 00:48:25,789 Beds are often made just with a bottom sheet 380 00:48:27,227 --> 00:48:28,353 The police? 381 00:48:29,129 --> 00:48:31,791 They conduct raids, interrogations 382 00:48:31,965 --> 00:48:39,804 Anyone infringing regulations is sent for medical tests 383 00:48:42,843 --> 00:48:44,743 Can I drink in a café? 384 00:48:45,145 --> 00:48:48,205 A drunken prostitute is a liability 385 00:48:48,382 --> 00:48:51,010 undesirable because she creates scenes 386 00:48:54,388 --> 00:48:55,878 If I'm pregnant? 387 00:48:56,590 --> 00:49:00,390 People think prostitutes always have abortions 388 00:49:00,561 --> 00:49:01,550 That's not true 389 00:49:02,096 --> 00:49:07,932 They do try to avoid pregnancy, by chemical or other means 390 00:49:08,435 --> 00:49:12,201 But when pregnancy is confirmed, abortions are rare 391 00:49:14,374 --> 00:49:15,807 Must I accept anyone? 392 00:49:16,143 --> 00:49:20,807 The prostitute must always be at the client's disposal 393 00:49:21,248 --> 00:49:23,682 She must accept anyone who pays 394 00:49:24,852 --> 00:49:29,915 That one... that one... 395 00:49:34,194 --> 00:49:36,025 Are there clients every day? 396 00:49:36,330 --> 00:49:39,128 Lower-grade prostitutes 397 00:49:39,299 --> 00:49:41,392 average five to eight clients a day 398 00:49:42,002 --> 00:49:48,373 They earn 4,000 to 8,000 a day, but some earn extraordinary sums 399 00:49:48,642 --> 00:49:52,305 Sixty clients a day is not unheard of on Saturdays or holidays 400 00:49:53,914 --> 00:50:00,717 A young man. Luigi. Nana wonders whether she's happy 401 00:50:01,155 --> 00:50:02,918 What about days off? 402 00:50:03,090 --> 00:50:06,025 Usually after the medical check 403 00:50:06,193 --> 00:50:09,822 Her man usually takes her out 404 00:50:10,330 --> 00:50:13,458 often to see her child in the country 405 00:50:13,734 --> 00:50:16,202 Afterwards, they go to a restaurant or a movie 406 00:50:21,208 --> 00:50:22,835 Is Luigi here? -He's upstairs 407 00:50:26,013 --> 00:50:27,605 I'll be five minutes 408 00:50:27,781 --> 00:50:29,373 The film's started, anyway 409 00:51:07,387 --> 00:51:08,718 Any cigarettes? 410 00:51:09,122 --> 00:51:11,613 What kind? -I just wanted to know 411 00:52:01,375 --> 00:52:03,866 Any cigarettes? -They have them downstairs 412 00:52:13,020 --> 00:52:15,215 How are you? -So-so 413 00:52:17,391 --> 00:52:19,291 We were supposed to go to the movies 414 00:52:20,193 --> 00:52:21,023 I'll cheer you up 415 00:52:31,638 --> 00:52:34,106 I'll do the kid blowing up a balloon 416 00:53:31,932 --> 00:53:33,832 You ought to be my man 417 00:53:34,668 --> 00:53:36,761 Now will you let us talk? 418 00:57:11,318 --> 00:57:19,783 The streets. A guy. Happiness is no fun 419 00:58:01,067 --> 00:58:03,365 Inspector Fleytoux has bought a BMW 420 00:58:36,770 --> 00:58:38,704 They could have supplied chairs 421 00:58:39,239 --> 00:58:40,638 It's always like this 422 00:58:48,715 --> 00:58:51,843 How much? -3,000. 5,000 if I undress 423 00:58:54,754 --> 00:58:57,746 Just one more. -I must keep some 424 00:58:59,826 --> 00:59:03,421 One of those, then? A little one. I'll be very nice 425 00:59:07,834 --> 00:59:09,392 Do you come here often? 426 00:59:12,005 --> 00:59:15,338 Haven't we met before? -Maybe 427 00:59:19,212 --> 00:59:20,702 What's your name? 428 00:59:24,284 --> 00:59:25,512 That's a nice name 429 00:59:28,221 --> 00:59:30,018 Yes, I'm fond of it 430 00:59:31,191 --> 00:59:32,715 What's your job? 431 00:59:33,526 --> 00:59:35,619 I do advertising pictures 432 00:59:36,362 --> 00:59:40,059 Is that like the films? -No, they're stills 433 00:59:41,267 --> 00:59:44,031 I was in a film with Eddie Constantine 434 00:59:44,270 --> 00:59:47,205 No Pity. Did you see it? 435 00:59:51,745 --> 00:59:55,078 You don't talk. Are you romantic? 436 01:00:01,421 --> 01:00:03,753 If you give me more, you can stay 437 01:00:09,796 --> 01:00:13,960 You want a second girl? I'll see 438 01:00:33,686 --> 01:00:35,517 Are you going? -Yes 439 01:00:37,757 --> 01:00:40,726 Can you spare five minutes? -Ask Monique, she's in 41 440 01:00:54,207 --> 01:00:55,936 What's up? -Nothing 441 01:00:59,979 --> 01:01:01,537 They never work 442 01:01:03,583 --> 01:01:05,175 See you on Tuesday 443 01:01:21,134 --> 01:01:22,931 What are you doing? -I'm going down 444 01:01:23,069 --> 01:01:25,902 Can you spare a moment? -How much? 445 01:01:26,072 --> 01:01:30,031 Ask him. -All right 446 01:01:30,376 --> 01:01:31,673 Room 45 447 01:01:54,100 --> 01:01:55,624 Arrange it with her 448 01:02:11,417 --> 01:02:14,181 What's your name? -Elizabeth, like the Queen of England 449 01:02:17,790 --> 01:02:21,988 Shall I strip, too? -No, it's not worth it 450 01:02:22,328 --> 01:02:25,627 So I'm to do nothing? -I don't know 451 01:02:35,608 --> 01:02:36,870 Like that 452 01:02:51,457 --> 01:02:58,329 Place du Châtelet. A stranger. Nana the unwitting philosopher 453 01:04:10,103 --> 01:04:11,968 Mind if I look? 454 01:04:15,842 --> 01:04:18,902 You look bored. -Not at all 455 01:04:21,781 --> 01:04:23,942 What are you doing? -I'm reading 456 01:04:33,893 --> 01:04:37,590 Will you buy me a drink? -If you like 457 01:04:45,304 --> 01:04:49,934 Do you come here often? -Occasionally. I happened by 458 01:04:52,245 --> 01:04:55,442 Why are you reading? -It's my job 459 01:05:02,221 --> 01:05:03,518 It's odd 460 01:05:03,756 --> 01:05:08,284 Suddenly I don't know what to say; it often happens to me 461 01:05:09,495 --> 01:05:15,092 I know what I want to say. I think about whether it is what I mean 462 01:05:16,369 --> 01:05:21,033 But when the moment comes to speak, I can't say it 463 01:05:21,407 --> 01:05:23,136 Yes, of course 464 01:05:24,577 --> 01:05:27,137 You've read The Three Musketeers? 465 01:05:27,580 --> 01:05:29,571 I saw the film. Why? 466 01:05:31,951 --> 01:05:36,251 Because in it, Porthos 467 01:05:37,290 --> 01:05:40,691 this is really in Twenty Years Later 468 01:05:40,960 --> 01:05:44,293 Porthos, tall, strong, a little stupid 469 01:05:45,631 --> 01:05:48,395 he's never thought in his life 470 01:05:49,669 --> 01:05:54,368 He has to place a bomb in a cellar to blow it up 471 01:05:55,108 --> 01:05:56,405 He does it 472 01:05:57,009 --> 01:06:00,945 He places the bomb, lights the fuse, then he runs away, of course 473 01:06:02,281 --> 01:06:04,647 But suddenly he begins to think 474 01:06:06,352 --> 01:06:12,291 What about? How it is possible to put one foot before the other? 475 01:06:12,658 --> 01:06:14,592 You must have thought about that, too 476 01:06:17,096 --> 01:06:21,192 So he stops running. He can't go on, he can't move forward 477 01:06:24,804 --> 01:06:27,705 The bomb explodes, the cellar falls on him 478 01:06:28,141 --> 01:06:30,905 He holds it up with his shoulders 479 01:06:31,577 --> 01:06:35,946 But after a day, or maybe two, he is crushed to death 480 01:06:37,116 --> 01:06:39,380 The first time he thought, it killed him 481 01:06:39,619 --> 01:06:41,917 Why did you tell me that story? 482 01:06:43,489 --> 01:06:46,117 No reason, just to talk 483 01:06:46,459 --> 01:06:48,893 Why must one always talk? 484 01:06:49,829 --> 01:06:53,287 Often one shouldn't talk, but live in silence 485 01:06:55,268 --> 01:06:57,998 The more one talks, the less the words mean 486 01:06:58,571 --> 01:07:00,630 Perhaps, but can one? 487 01:07:03,409 --> 01:07:04,376 I don't know 488 01:07:04,844 --> 01:07:08,007 I've found that we can't live without talking 489 01:07:13,152 --> 01:07:15,780 I'd like to live without talking 490 01:07:16,522 --> 01:07:19,923 Yes, it would be nice, wouldn't it? 491 01:07:20,760 --> 01:07:22,990 Like loving one another more 492 01:07:23,796 --> 01:07:26,196 But it isn't possible 493 01:07:26,566 --> 01:07:31,094 But why? Words should express just what one wants to say 494 01:07:32,772 --> 01:07:34,262 Do they betray us? 495 01:07:36,042 --> 01:07:37,942 But we betray them, too 496 01:07:38,110 --> 01:07:41,079 One should be able to express oneself 497 01:07:41,247 --> 01:07:42,942 It has been done in writing 498 01:07:43,282 --> 01:07:46,547 Think: someone like Plato 499 01:07:47,186 --> 01:07:50,678 can still be understood - he can 500 01:07:51,190 --> 01:07:55,126 Yet he wrote in Greek, 2,500 years ago 501 01:07:55,428 --> 01:07:59,922 No one really knows the language, at least, not exactly 502 01:08:01,067 --> 01:08:05,003 Yet something gets through, so we should be able to express ourselves 503 01:08:06,806 --> 01:08:08,239 And we must 504 01:08:08,674 --> 01:08:12,872 Why must we? To understand each other? 505 01:08:17,683 --> 01:08:22,620 We must think, and for thought we need words 506 01:08:22,922 --> 01:08:24,480 There's no other way to think 507 01:08:25,625 --> 01:08:28,389 To communicate, one must talk; that is our life 508 01:08:29,061 --> 01:08:31,188 Yes, but it is very difficult 509 01:08:35,468 --> 01:08:38,335 I think life should be easy 510 01:08:42,441 --> 01:08:46,810 Your talk of The Three Musketeers may make a good story 511 01:08:47,246 --> 01:08:48,873 but it's terrible 512 01:08:49,148 --> 01:08:51,548 Yes, but it's a pointer 513 01:08:53,152 --> 01:08:54,414 I believe 514 01:08:56,088 --> 01:09:01,082 one learns to talk well only when one has renounced life for a time 515 01:09:01,527 --> 01:09:04,428 That's the price. -So, to speak is fatal? 516 01:09:04,597 --> 01:09:08,158 Speaking is almost a resurrection in relation to life 517 01:09:08,334 --> 01:09:11,792 Speech is another life from when one does not speak 518 01:09:13,639 --> 01:09:16,665 So, to live in speech 519 01:09:17,476 --> 01:09:21,310 one must pass through the death of life without speech 520 01:09:21,480 --> 01:09:23,471 I may not be putting it clearly, but 521 01:09:26,052 --> 01:09:31,456 there is a kind of ascetic rule that stops one from talking well 522 01:09:31,624 --> 01:09:33,717 until one sees life with detachment 523 01:09:36,595 --> 01:09:40,793 But one can't live everyday life with... I don't know 524 01:09:43,035 --> 01:09:44,502 With detachment 525 01:09:45,204 --> 01:09:49,436 We balance, that's why we pass from silence to words 526 01:09:50,343 --> 01:09:55,371 We swing between the two because it's the movement of life 527 01:09:55,548 --> 01:10:01,453 From everyday life one rises to a life we call superior 528 01:10:02,021 --> 01:10:04,046 The thinking life 529 01:10:04,757 --> 01:10:09,717 But this life presupposes one has killed the everyday 530 01:10:09,895 --> 01:10:11,226 too elementary life 531 01:10:13,799 --> 01:10:17,166 Then thinking and talking are the same thing? 532 01:10:17,937 --> 01:10:19,495 So I believe 533 01:10:19,772 --> 01:10:23,173 Plato said so; it's an old idea 534 01:10:23,509 --> 01:10:30,210 One cannot distinguish the thought from the words that express it 535 01:10:30,416 --> 01:10:36,116 An instant of thought can only be grasped through words 536 01:10:36,455 --> 01:10:38,753 So one must talk and risk lying? 537 01:10:39,158 --> 01:10:45,461 Lies, too, are part of our quest. Errors and lies are very similar 538 01:10:45,631 --> 01:10:49,067 I don't mean ordinary lies 539 01:10:49,235 --> 01:10:54,332 Iike I promise to come tomorrow, but I don't, as I didn't want to 540 01:10:54,573 --> 01:10:56,734 You see, those are ploys 541 01:10:57,143 --> 01:11:02,672 But a subtle lie is little different from an error 542 01:11:03,783 --> 01:11:07,549 One searches and can't find the right word 543 01:11:07,720 --> 01:11:11,713 That's why you didn't know what to say 544 01:11:12,224 --> 01:11:16,456 You were afraid of not finding the right word. That's the explanation 545 01:11:19,098 --> 01:11:21,965 How can one be sure of having found the right word? 546 01:11:25,037 --> 01:11:26,163 One must work 547 01:11:26,539 --> 01:11:28,837 It needs an effort 548 01:11:29,241 --> 01:11:35,111 One must speak in a way that is right, doesn't hurt 549 01:11:35,314 --> 01:11:39,410 says what has to be said, does what has to be done 550 01:11:39,585 --> 01:11:42,145 without hurting or bruising 551 01:11:44,290 --> 01:11:46,656 One must try to be in good faith 552 01:11:48,260 --> 01:11:53,357 Someone told me: "There is truth in everything, even in error." 553 01:11:55,034 --> 01:12:00,062 That's true. France didn't see it in the seventeenth century 554 01:12:00,606 --> 01:12:03,541 They thought one could avoid error 555 01:12:03,709 --> 01:12:07,770 and what's more, that one could live directly in the truth 556 01:12:08,814 --> 01:12:11,715 It isn't possible 557 01:12:11,884 --> 01:12:16,412 Hence Kant, Hegel, German philosophy: to bring us back to life 558 01:12:16,755 --> 01:12:21,021 and make us see that we must pass through error to arrive at the truth 559 01:12:25,698 --> 01:12:27,495 What do you think about love? 560 01:12:30,703 --> 01:12:33,467 The body had to come into it 561 01:12:33,639 --> 01:12:37,040 Leibnitz introduced the contingent 562 01:12:37,309 --> 01:12:41,939 Contingent truths and necessary truths make up life 563 01:12:42,114 --> 01:12:45,811 German philosophy showed us that 564 01:12:45,985 --> 01:12:50,251 in life, one thinks with the servitudes and errors of life 565 01:12:50,422 --> 01:12:53,482 One must manage with that, that's true 566 01:12:56,328 --> 01:12:58,922 Shouldn't love be the only truth? 567 01:13:01,433 --> 01:13:04,630 For that, love would always have to be true 568 01:13:05,237 --> 01:13:08,695 Do you know anyone who knows at once what he loves? 569 01:13:09,441 --> 01:13:13,070 No. When you're twenty you don't know 570 01:13:13,579 --> 01:13:18,107 All you know are bits and pieces, you make arbitrary choices 571 01:13:18,284 --> 01:13:21,082 Your "I love" is an impure affair 572 01:13:21,253 --> 01:13:26,987 But to be completely at one with what you love, you need maturity 573 01:13:27,660 --> 01:13:31,460 That means searching. This is the truth of life 574 01:13:33,866 --> 01:13:38,997 That's why love is a solution, on condition that it is true 575 01:13:41,674 --> 01:13:48,876 The young man again. The oval portrait. Raoul trades Nana 576 01:13:59,491 --> 01:14:01,186 What shall we do today? 577 01:14:01,994 --> 01:14:02,983 I don't know 578 01:14:03,162 --> 01:14:05,596 Shall we go to the Luxembourg? 579 01:14:08,734 --> 01:14:11,498 I think it's going to rain 580 01:14:13,606 --> 01:14:17,440 I thus saw in vivid light a picture all unnoticed before 581 01:14:18,978 --> 01:14:22,243 It was the portrait of a young girl just ripening into womanhood 582 01:14:23,248 --> 01:14:26,740 I glanced at the painting hurriedly, and then closed my eyes 583 01:14:36,562 --> 01:14:40,089 It was an impulsive movement to gain time for thought 584 01:14:41,233 --> 01:14:43,667 to make sure that my vision had not deceived me 585 01:14:44,370 --> 01:14:48,431 to calm and subdue my fancy for a more sober and more certain gaze 586 01:14:50,109 --> 01:14:54,102 In a very few moments I again looked fixedly at the painting 587 01:15:00,753 --> 01:15:04,382 The portrait, I have already said, was that of a young girl 588 01:15:06,158 --> 01:15:09,150 It was a mere head and shoulders 589 01:15:09,328 --> 01:15:13,025 done in what is technically termed a "vignette" manner 590 01:15:13,866 --> 01:15:16,892 much in the style of the favorite heads of Sully 591 01:15:18,070 --> 01:15:22,234 The arms, the bosom, and even the ends of the radiant hair 592 01:15:22,408 --> 01:15:28,074 melted imperceptibly into the vague yet deep shadow of the background 593 01:15:30,215 --> 01:15:33,446 As a thing of art, nothing could be more admirable 594 01:15:33,619 --> 01:15:35,018 than the painting itself 595 01:15:36,255 --> 01:15:39,713 But it could have been neither the execution of the work 596 01:15:39,892 --> 01:15:42,019 nor the immortal beauty of the countenance 597 01:15:42,194 --> 01:15:44,594 which so vehemently moved me 598 01:15:45,798 --> 01:15:49,734 Least of all could it have been that my fancy 599 01:15:49,935 --> 01:15:52,529 had mistaken the head for that of a living person 600 01:15:57,309 --> 01:16:00,710 At length, satisfied with the true secret of its effect 601 01:16:01,447 --> 01:16:03,608 I fell back within the bed 602 01:16:04,149 --> 01:16:06,674 I had found the spell of the picture 603 01:16:06,852 --> 01:16:11,551 in a "Iife-likeliness" of expression 604 01:16:12,791 --> 01:16:15,851 Is that book yours? -No, I found it here 605 01:16:22,868 --> 01:16:24,301 Can I have one? 606 01:16:33,946 --> 01:16:38,042 It's our story: a painter portraying his love 607 01:16:39,118 --> 01:16:40,380 Shall I go on? 608 01:16:44,323 --> 01:16:47,588 And in sooth some who beheld the portrait 609 01:16:48,160 --> 01:16:51,618 spoke of its resemblance as of a mighty marvel 610 01:16:52,097 --> 01:16:55,362 and a proof not less of the power of the painter 611 01:16:55,567 --> 01:16:57,467 than of his deep love for her 612 01:16:57,603 --> 01:16:59,662 whom he depicted so surpassingly well 613 01:17:00,372 --> 01:17:04,138 But at length, as the labor drew nearer to its conclusion 614 01:17:04,576 --> 01:17:06,908 there were admitted none into the turret 615 01:17:07,212 --> 01:17:10,443 for the painter had grown wild with the ardor of his work 616 01:17:10,616 --> 01:17:14,950 and turned his eyes from the canvas rarely, even to regard his wife 617 01:17:16,388 --> 01:17:20,222 And he would not see that the tints which he spread upon the canvas 618 01:17:20,392 --> 01:17:23,691 were drawn from the cheeks of her who sat beside him 619 01:17:24,830 --> 01:17:29,529 And when many weeks had passed and but little remained to do 620 01:17:30,068 --> 01:17:34,004 save one brush upon the mouth and one tint upon the eye 621 01:17:34,173 --> 01:17:36,164 the spirit of the lady again flickered up 622 01:17:36,341 --> 01:17:38,241 as the flame of the lamp 623 01:17:39,311 --> 01:17:42,838 And then the brush was given and then the tint was placed 624 01:17:44,183 --> 01:17:47,277 And for one moment, the painter stood entranced 625 01:17:47,452 --> 01:17:49,215 before the work he had wrought 626 01:17:49,988 --> 01:17:55,949 But in the next, while he yet gazed, he grew tremulous and aghast 627 01:17:56,128 --> 01:18:00,189 and crying with a loud voice: "This is indeed Life itself!" 628 01:18:00,532 --> 01:18:03,501 turned suddenly to regard his beloved: 629 01:18:04,369 --> 01:18:05,893 She was dead 630 01:18:15,247 --> 01:18:17,511 I'd like to go to the Louvre 631 01:18:17,683 --> 01:18:20,914 No, I don't like looking at pictures 632 01:18:24,156 --> 01:18:27,614 Why? Art and beauty are life 633 01:18:31,263 --> 01:18:32,821 I adore you 634 01:18:33,131 --> 01:18:34,564 And I love you 635 01:18:42,908 --> 01:18:45,274 Why not come and live with me? 636 01:18:45,444 --> 01:18:48,140 Yes. I'll tell Raoul it's all over 637 01:18:55,053 --> 01:18:57,385 Let me put my coat on, at least! 638 01:18:59,591 --> 01:19:00,717 Don't be silly 639 01:19:31,123 --> 01:19:32,681 What did I do wrong? 640 01:19:34,159 --> 01:19:36,127 You must take anyone who pays 641 01:19:36,395 --> 01:19:39,489 Not anyone. Sometimes it's degrading 642 01:19:40,732 --> 01:19:42,495 That's where you're wrong 643 01:19:50,342 --> 01:19:54,779 Weekdays we're too busy to go to the movies 644 01:19:54,947 --> 01:19:56,574 and on Sundays there's a line 645 01:20:00,452 --> 01:20:03,114 Where to? -Their car 646 01:20:03,789 --> 01:20:06,451 Why did you make me come? 647 01:20:06,992 --> 01:20:08,619 You're going to stay with them 648 01:20:11,697 --> 01:20:14,359 HADES AND SONS 649 01:21:16,661 --> 01:21:17,992 Well, are you going? 650 01:21:33,912 --> 01:21:35,140 First the girl 651 01:21:45,323 --> 01:21:46,551 First the money 652 01:21:51,530 --> 01:21:52,861 Get the money 653 01:22:26,431 --> 01:22:27,864 100,000 is missing 654 01:22:28,867 --> 01:22:32,428 Don't think I won't shoot just because of the girl 655 01:22:37,742 --> 01:22:40,210 You shoot, I forgot to load it