1 00:01:39,296 --> 00:01:55,796 A chronicle of the Great Death of Wisborg in the year 1838 A.D. 2 00:01:56,796 --> 00:02:13,295 Nosferatu! Does not this name sound like the very midnight call of Death? 3 00:02:13,296 --> 00:02:30,795 Speak it not aloud, or life's pictures will turn to pale shadows, and nightmares will rise up to feed on your blood. 4 00:02:30,796 --> 00:02:40,296 I have long meditated on the rise and fall of the Great Death in my home town of Wisborg. 5 00:02:40,397 --> 00:02:50,896 Here is the story: In Wisborg there lived a man called Hutter with his young wife Ellen... 6 00:04:26,423 --> 00:04:33,423 "Why have you destroyed them - the beautiful flowers?" 7 00:04:52,423 --> 00:04:59,923 "Not so hasty, my young friend! No one escapes his destiny." 8 00:05:08,923 --> 00:05:18,423 There was also a house agent called Knock, a strange man, and the center of much gossip. One thing was sure: he paid his people well. 9 00:06:17,502 --> 00:06:31,002 "Count Orlok - His Grace - from Transylvania - wants to buy a beautiful house - in our little town..." 10 00:06:33,502 --> 00:06:39,502 "You could make a nice bit of money." 11 00:06:43,502 --> 00:06:54,502 "You will have a marvellous jorney - What matter if it costs you a bit of pain - or even a little blood?" 12 00:07:42,502 --> 00:07:47,002 "He wants a handsome deserted house..." 13 00:07:59,002 --> 00:08:09,002 "That house - just opposite yours. Offer him that!" 14 00:08:12,002 --> 00:08:21,502 "Leave at once, my young friend. Have a quick journey into the land of phantoms!" 15 00:08:40,001 --> 00:08:48,001 "I may be away for several month, dear Ellen, away in a country of ghosts and robbers." 16 00:10:21,501 --> 00:10:39,001 Thus Hutter gave the grief-stricken woman into the care of his friends, the rich shipbuilder Harding and Ruth, his sister. 17 00:10:59,501 --> 00:11:03,001 "Do not fear." 18 00:11:55,001 --> 00:12:10,501 From relay to relay, through the dust raised by the stages, Hutter hurried on until the peaks of the Carpathian mountains loomed up ahead. 19 00:13:17,501 --> 00:13:25,501 "My dinner - quickly - I must hasten to Count Orlok's castle!" 20 00:13:58,501 --> 00:14:06,501 "You must leave now! The evil spirits become all-powerful after dark!" 21 00:15:49,001 --> 00:16:01,001 The Book of the Vampires 22 00:16:07,001 --> 00:16:16,001 From the seed of Relial came the vampire Nosferatu which liberty and feedeth on the blood of mankind and abideth, 23 00:16:16,003 --> 00:16:25,501 unredeemed, in horrible Darkness, on the cursed earth from the graveyards of the Black Death. 24 00:16:25,503 --> 00:16:35,501 Nosferatu, a name that ringeth like the cry of a bird of prey. Speak it not aloud! 25 00:19:16,923 --> 00:19:21,423 "Drive on! The sun is setting!" 26 00:19:54,923 --> 00:20:01,423 "We will go no further! Not for a fortune!" 27 00:20:11,923 --> 00:20:19,423 "We will go no further! Here begins the land of the phantoms!" 28 00:20:47,923 --> 00:20:59,423 And when he had crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him. 29 00:24:01,079 --> 00:24:07,079 "You are late, young man. It is almost midnight. My servants have all retired." 30 00:25:32,579 --> 00:25:37,579 "Blood! Your precious blood!" 31 00:26:06,579 --> 00:26:34,579 "Shall we stay up together for awhile? It is a long time until sunrise during the day, my friend, I truly sleep the deepest sleep." 32 00:26:51,079 --> 00:27:00,079 As soon as the sun rose Hutter felt himself freed from the shadows of the night. 33 00:29:19,385 --> 00:29:28,885 Dearest Ellen! Do not grieve because your beloved is far away... 34 00:29:38,885 --> 00:29:53,385 ...the mosquitoes are reals pests. I have been stung at the neck by two at once, very close together, one on each side... 35 00:30:00,885 --> 00:30:09,385 One's dreams are heavy in this deserted castle, but do not fear... 36 00:30:52,885 --> 00:31:04,385 With twilight the empty castle came alive again with menacing shadows. 37 00:31:42,385 --> 00:31:46,885 "Your wife has a beautiful neck..." 38 00:31:57,163 --> 00:32:03,663 "I shall take the house - the handsome deserted house opposite yours..." 39 00:32:36,663 --> 00:32:41,663 From the seed of Relial came the vampire Nosferatu which liveth and feedeth on the blood of mankind and abideth, 40 00:32:41,663 --> 00:32:47,663 unredeemed, in horrible Darkness, on the cursed earth from the graveyards of the Black Death. 41 00:32:52,977 --> 00:33:03,977 At night said Nosferatu sinketh his fangs into victim and feeds on the blood that constitues his hellish elixir of life. 42 00:34:19,976 --> 00:34:22,976 At the same hour... 43 00:35:13,476 --> 00:35:15,476 "Ellen!" 44 00:35:24,476 --> 00:35:28,476 "Fetch a doctor...a doctor!" 45 00:35:54,976 --> 00:35:56,976 "Thomas!!!" 46 00:37:00,476 --> 00:37:05,476 "A harmless blood condition!" 47 00:37:08,476 --> 00:37:22,476 The doctor described Ellen's anxietes as if the had been trifles. But I know that in that night her soul had heard the call of death. 48 00:37:22,476 --> 00:37:37,476 Already, Nosferatu was raising his wings. And Hutter, far away, had heard her cry of warning. 49 00:40:16,023 --> 00:40:19,523 "Ellen! Ellen!" 50 00:41:13,523 --> 00:41:21,023 The raftsmen little suspected what terrible cargo they carried down the valley. 51 00:42:00,523 --> 00:42:12,523 "The peasants brought him into the hospital yesterday. They said he fell from a mountain. He is still feverish." 52 00:42:27,523 --> 00:42:29,523 "Coffins..." 53 00:42:37,523 --> 00:42:46,523 Nosferatu was on the way, and with him catastrophe approached Wisborg. 54 00:42:46,523 --> 00:42:56,023 Professor Bulwer, who studied the secrets of nature, later told me about it. 55 00:42:56,023 --> 00:43:05,023 The Empusa was chartered and carried his coffins filled with earth. 56 00:43:21,023 --> 00:43:27,523 The ship must set sail this night. 57 00:43:38,023 --> 00:43:53,023 Cargo for Empusa Destination: Wisborg 58 00:44:51,523 --> 00:45:09,523 At the same time, professor Bulwar explained to his pupils the cruelty of carnivorous plants. 59 00:45:09,525 --> 00:45:19,523 Nature's secrets were revealed to horrified eyes. 60 00:46:00,523 --> 00:46:05,023 Is it not... like a vampire! 61 00:46:08,023 --> 00:46:18,523 Already, Nosferatus's drawing near seemed to affect Knock, the house agent. 62 00:46:27,523 --> 00:46:35,023 "The patient who was brought in yesterday has gone out of his mind!" 63 00:47:06,023 --> 00:47:11,023 "Blood is life! Blood is life!!!!" 64 00:47:46,023 --> 00:47:49,523 "And this one..." 65 00:47:53,523 --> 00:47:57,523 "...a polyp with tentacles..." 66 00:48:06,523 --> 00:48:11,523 "Transparent - almost without substance..." 67 00:48:19,523 --> 00:48:24,023 "No more than a phantom..." 68 00:48:33,023 --> 00:48:36,023 "Spiders-" 69 00:49:06,523 --> 00:49:22,523 Ellen was often seen alone among the dunes. Longing for her beloved, she searched the waves and the distant horizon. 70 00:51:12,523 --> 00:51:22,523 One's dreams are heavy in this deserted castle, but do not fear... 71 00:51:27,092 --> 00:51:43,523 I am leaving immediately to return to Wisborg - and to you. 72 00:52:18,523 --> 00:52:25,523 "No I have to get away - reach home by the shortest possible way!" 73 00:54:00,023 --> 00:54:36,523 New Plague Baffles Science 74 00:55:48,023 --> 00:55:54,523 "A sailor has fallen ill below deck. He is talking in a fever." 75 00:57:19,523 --> 00:57:29,023 Like an epidemic it spread over the entire ship. The first sailor who had shown the symptoms was followed by the entire crew into the dark grave of the waters. 76 00:57:29,123 --> 00:57:39,523 In the light of the setting sun the captain and his first mate said farewell to the last of their companions. 77 00:58:09,023 --> 00:58:18,023 "I shall go down! If I haven't come up again within ten minutes..." 78 01:00:27,523 --> 01:00:32,023 The ship of death had a new captain 79 01:01:07,023 --> 01:01:13,023 It is a difficult to imagine how young Hutter, his energies sadly dectimated, managed to surmoung the difficulties of his homeward journey. 80 01:01:07,023 --> 01:01:19,523 At the same time, driven by the fatal breath of the vampire, the vessel moved rapidly toward the Baltic. 81 01:02:28,465 --> 01:02:32,965 "I must go to him. He is approaching!!!" 82 01:04:26,465 --> 01:04:32,965 The Master is coming! The Master is here!" 83 01:05:41,965 --> 01:05:58,465 I have given much thought to the notion that Nosferatu travelled with coffins filled with earth. 84 01:05:58,465 --> 01:06:16,465 Then I discovered that vampires draw their shadowy power from the cursed ground in which they are buried. 85 01:10:05,965 --> 01:10:12,965 "I have examined everything - there is no living soul on board." 86 01:11:09,965 --> 01:11:19,465 Varna-July 12. Crew, apart from myself, the captain-one helmsman, one mate, and five sailors. Departing for the Dardanellas. 87 01:12:23,465 --> 01:12:38,090 2nd day: July 13. One sailor has contracted a fever. Course: SSW. Direction of wind: 88 01:12:38,204 --> 01:12:49,465 3nd day: July 14. Mate has begun to hallicunate, says a strange passenger is below deck. Course:SE. Direction of wind: NE. Volume of wind:3.6 89 01:12:56,965 --> 01:13:08,465 10th day: 22 July. Passed Gibraltar - Panic on board - Three men dead already - mate out of his mind - Rats in the hold - I fear the plague... 90 01:13:15,465 --> 01:13:22,965 "The plague is upon us! Go home! Shut all your windows and doors!" 91 01:14:11,465 --> 01:14:22,145 All citizens are notified that the honourable magistrate of this town prohibits the moving of plague-victims 92 01:14:22,261 --> 01:14:31,465 into hospitals to prevent the plague from spreading through the streets. 93 01:16:12,465 --> 01:16:25,465 Hutter had made Ellen promise not to touch the book which had given him such terrifying hallucinations. 94 01:16:25,466 --> 01:16:33,465 Yet she was unable to withstand its strange fascination. 95 01:16:36,465 --> 01:16:43,965 One can recognize that mark of the vampire by the trace of his fangs on the victim's throat. 96 01:18:06,465 --> 01:18:10,965 "Look! Every night, in front of me..." 97 01:19:26,965 --> 01:19:35,965 Panic seized the people. Who was sick or dying? Who would be stricken tomorrow? 98 01:19:46,965 --> 01:19:50,965 "I shall run over there quickly. I shall get Sievers..." 99 01:21:00,465 --> 01:21:05,965 Wherefore there is no salvation therefrom except that a woman pure in heart were to make the vampire forget the cock's first crowing. 100 01:21:06,064 --> 01:21:11,465 Of her own free will would she have to give him her blood. 101 01:21:19,965 --> 01:21:27,465 The panic-stricken town was looking for a scape-goat. It chose Knock. 102 01:21:36,965 --> 01:21:46,965 "They saw him escape - he strangled his keeper!" 103 01:21:55,965 --> 01:22:00,465 "He strangled him! The vampire!" 104 01:26:46,465 --> 01:26:50,465 "Bulwer! Fetch Bulwer!" 105 01:29:33,965 --> 01:29:38,465 "Master! Master! Beware!" 106 01:30:49,965 --> 01:30:53,965 "The master...is...dead." 107 01:31:20,965 --> 01:31:23,465 "Thomas!" 108 01:32:09,965 --> 01:32:16,965 And the miracle shall be told in truth. At that very hour the Great Death ceased and 109 01:32:16,966 --> 01:32:24,965 the shadow of the empire vanished as if overcome by the victorious rays of the living sun. 110 01:32:33,465 --> 01:32:39,445 The End