{1854}{1954}(vehicle approaching) {2628}{2698}(indistinct chattering) {3519}{3573}Une bière, s'il vous plaìt. {4042}{4084}Merci. {6498}{6542}(door opens) {6589}{6624}(French) We are closed. {6627}{6668}Just a small drink. {6830}{6878}The toilets ? {6960}{7016}(telephone) {7984}{8028}(door opens) {8148}{8237}(French)|A quick drink and then l'll leave. {8310}{8355}(lrish accent)|Why are you rushing off ? {8359}{8434}- Hmm ?|- l said, why are you rushing off ? {8437}{8477}(French) l don't understand. {8510}{8555}The man from Bristol called ya. {8695}{8756}- What man ?|- The man in the wheelchair. {8760}{8817}(car horn) {8912}{8976}(vehicle pulls up) {9636}{9693}What were you doing back here ? {9732}{9765}Lady,... {9768}{9853}..l never walk into a place|l don't know how to walk out of. {9883}{9928}Then why would you get into that van ? {9931}{9988}You know the reason. {11680}{11744}Make yourselves at home. {11747}{11807}You've come a long way. {11810}{11881}- Thanks for coming.|- What's the job ? {11885}{11974}There's some people|who have something we require. {11978}{12059}- And we want you to get it from them.|- lt involves shooting ? {12087}{12148}You must be tired. {12151}{12203}We'll tell you more tomorrow. {12363}{12462}Seven fat years|and seven lean years. {12465}{12532}- That's what it says in the Bible.|- You ever kill anybody ? {12535}{12596}l hurt somebody's feelings once. {12754}{12795}Don't l know you ? {12844}{12928}l don't think so. l'd remember. {13100}{13144}Okay, two-hour shifts. {13148}{13212}l'll watch the front,|you guys watch the back. {13267}{13304}Merci. {13402}{13469}(truck horn) {13613}{13657}You awake, then ? {13702}{13763}Hmm ? {13824}{13868}How we doin' ? {13984}{14017}Yep. {14455}{14500}You labour or management ? {14506}{14602}lf l was management,|l wouldn't have given you a cigarette. {14644}{14740}l am the tour guide.|Over there is the Eiffel Tower. {14743}{14808}Over here, the Louvre.|Over there, les toilettes. {14812}{14867}What do l call you ? {14871}{14935}- My name is Vincent.|- Sam. {15013}{15125}As per the agreement,|your salary will be $5,000 a week... {15128}{15192}..with a minimum|of four weeks' work. {15195}{15252}On the successful completion|of the mission,... {15256}{15347}..you will each receive|a bonus of $20,000. {15383}{15480}And by the way,|my name is Deirdre. {15483}{15553}- The broad outlines of the mission are...|- Who are your principals ? {15557}{15600}For you,|there's no one but myself. {15606}{15651}Huh ? {15654}{15725}And what can we infer|from your charming lrish lilt ? {15729}{15802}- Anything you like.|- Where's the equipment ? {15806}{15866}Tell me what you need, make a list,|and give it to Vincent. {15869}{15946}- Some of the equipment's quite technical.|- lf it's in Paris, l'll find it. {15949}{16032}This is what we're after. {16036}{16130}We need to take it intact from several|men who'll be intent on preventing us. {16134}{16187}- How many men ?|- You American ? {16190}{16282}l think the group will be between|five and eight. No more than eight. {16286}{16394}- You don't know for sure ?|- Not now but l will know before the event. {16397}{16481}lf you don't know,|why say between five and eight ? {16484}{16529}There's two to three cars.|The group's travellin'. {16532}{16564}- They're not in Paris ?|- No. {16567}{16588}Where are they ? {16592}{16653}- You'll find out soon enough.|- What's in the case ? {16695}{16765}Our plan, in broad strokes, is an ambush. {16769}{16829}lt's to hit the car,|to take them in transit. {16833}{16922}- Transit ? City ? Country ?|- Right now, as l said, l don't know. {16925}{16982}But we've to move very quickly. {16985}{17091}We'll start with this: Ambush|and assault on two to three vehicles,... {17094}{17206}..five to eight men, and our objective|is the safe retrieval of this case. {17209}{17297}Tell Vincent|what it is you'll need. {17300}{17416}What do we know about them ?|Are they French ? Who are they ? {17419}{17498}All you need to know right now|is that they're very unpleasant. {17502}{17611}- You've done this kind of thing before ?|- You know... {17614}{17640}How difficult can it be ? {17643}{17693}We have no idea|how these men will be armed ? {17697}{17754}lt seems they'll be|very well armed, indeed. {17758}{17806}Where are we going and|how are we getting back from there ? {17809}{17884}lt'll be in France, and the group|will disband at the RV point. {17887}{17974}- (French) What does she mean ?|- After that, we're on our own. {17977}{18041}- lt's a military term.|- That's right. {18044}{18081}Larry, tell Vincent what you'll need. {18084}{18201}Something very fast. Audi S-8.|Something that can shove. {18204}{18269}l'm going to have it for you|by the afternoon. {18273}{18360}l'll also need a nitrous system.|l've got the specs. {18473}{18530}What do you use, weapons-wise ? {18534}{18586}- Hmm ?|- Weapons. {18589}{18662}- l'm a... l'm a weapons man.|- Weapons man. {18665}{18710}- Yeah.|- Okay. {18714}{18809}They tend to settle the argument.|So what do you favour ? {18813}{18898}Well, you know. lt's a toolbox.|You put the tools in for the job. {18902}{18929}What ? {18932}{19006}You know,|l actually favour the old 191 1 . {19009}{19090}.45. Old gun. {19135}{19185}lt served my country well.|A long time. {19189}{19245}Your country ! {19249}{19297}Not done too well, have you,|last few wars ? {19301}{19358}Perhaps not, but at least|we don't go around whining about it. {19422}{19440}You ex-military ? {19443}{19490}No, l got my job|through the New York Times. {19529}{19607}- (French) Don't let him get you down.|- lt don't mean nothin' to me. {19610}{19653}l say what l think. {19656}{19714}Are you ex-military ? {19718}{19770}Boys at Hereford ? {19774}{19838}l'm sorry, but l'd like to go backwards.|The line of retreat is... {19840}{19948}She just told you.|We meet back at the RV, disband. {19952}{20046}l understand. l'm just trying to get|a vague notion of the opposition. {20049}{20185}We're gonna cause some animosity.|How many will be coming after us ? {20189}{20261}- You worried about your own skin ?|- Yeah, l am. {20264}{20309}lt covers my body. {20344}{20424}All your concerns will be addressed|before we leave. {20428}{20487}- Electronics and commo.|- Not more than three cars ? {20490}{20523}That is our information. {20529}{20591}- Can you get me a simulator ?|- What's a simulator ? {20594}{20671}Gunpowder. Sound only, no lead.|Sounds like a pistol. {20674}{20711}Quite diverting. {20714}{20801}Listen, l'm also gonna need|some bigger injection jets. {20804}{20868}The Bosch is not gonna do it.|They have to be custom-made. {20870}{20941}We going north ? We going south ? {20944}{21021}l'd like some new clothes. {21024}{21088}- Vincent will sort you out.|- l'll take care of it. {21253}{21328}- So what brought you here ?|- A fella that doesn't work so well. {21361}{21417}The man in the wheelchair ? {21439}{21474}How did he get there ? {21477}{21592}That was in your neck of the woods,|back in the late unpleasantness. {21865}{21896}Good reflexes. {21933}{21975}Oh, yeah. {21988}{22040}They die hard. {22207}{22293}- lnterrogation.|- What ? {22296}{22393}- Methods to withstand interrogation.|- You've done that ? {22397}{22467}We were taught|to hold out indefinitely. {22511}{22600}- Nobody can hold out indefinitely.|- Ah, is that so ? {22603}{22737}Everybody has a limit. l spent|some time in interrogation... once. {22740}{22796}- They make it hard on you ?|- They don't make it easy. {22805}{22902}Yeah, it was unpleasant.|l held out as long as l could. {22905}{22969}All the stuff they tried. {22972}{23027}You just can't hold out for ever. {23030}{23094}- lmpossible.|- How'd they finally get to you ? {23098}{23163}- They gave me a grasshopper.|- What's a grasshopper ? {23167}{23274}That's two part gin, two part brandy,|one part crème de menthe... {23278}{23326}Fuckin' smartass ! {23348}{23419}- Can you find this place ?|- Of course. {23423}{23468}l know it. {23472}{23543}That's where|they wanna do the exchange. {23547}{23590}You're gonna exchange for cash ? {23615}{23713}- You know these people ?|- My people know them. {23717}{23770}Your people have done business|with them before ? {23773}{23840}Or these people|just gave your people a number ? {24099}{24153}Larry. {24242}{24329}Okay. lf we're gonna do it,|let's do the goddamn thing right. {24399}{24465}- Hey !|- l'm busy. {24496}{24551}Okay, come on. Let's go. {24555}{24638}The answers to your questions|l'll know when l get back. {24641}{24715}- l'll go with you.|- Go with them. {25202}{25246}Who does this girl work for ? {25249}{25353}Well, she works for our betters. {25356}{25432}lt seems that's what|we're meant to know. {25619}{25690}Always a waiting game. {25693}{25784}- What ?|- lt's a waiting game. {25845}{25923}Hey, wait.|Would you not do that, please ? {25974}{26047}Bad for the night vision, yeah ? {26196}{26250}There they are. {27409}{27473}- You have the list ?|- Yes, l have it. {27477}{27517}Give it to me. {27597}{27657}Money ? {27688}{27748}Okay. You follow my lead. {27752}{27805}Just make sure you watch my back. {27920}{27960}(French) Don't make any sudden moves. {27972}{28057}Just because we're buying guns|doesn't mean we didn't bring any. {28060}{28138}Don't worry. Everything's fine. {28202}{28264}You want to back him up ? {28360}{28410}What would l profit from your death ? {28413}{28495}- Well, you'd have the money.|- l have the money already. {28542}{28600}l'll watch the back. {28699}{28737}- (French) Have you got it all ?|- Oui. {28782}{28862}- You're sure ?|- Ofcourse. Come and see. {29110}{29133}There it is ! {29613}{29671}lt's not all here. {29718}{29771}- Vincent.|- What ? {29867}{29931}lt's not all here. {29934}{29977}- C'est tout ?|- Ah, non, non, non. {29982}{30083}Le patron va contr^oler l'argent.|Vous aurez le reste de la marchandise. {30086}{30182}Tiens. ll est là dans la voiture,|avec le patron. {30185}{30291}He said the rest is in the other car.|The boss wants to check the money. {30294}{30370}(French)|lfhe agrees, we have no problem. {30373}{30416}Here, take the car keys. {30419}{30492}Go on. Take them. {30585}{30628}Come on. Come. {30667}{30732}Okay, give me...|Give me some of the money. {30905}{30976}Give me some of the money ! {31024}{31078}- Okay.|- You aren't going in there ? {31081}{31180}- Yeah, l am, and so are you.|- Why am l going in there ? {31184}{31279}- Why ? To protect me.|- There is no protection there. {31282}{31365}lf it's a come-on, we're fish in a barrel.|Why do they want you in there ? {31368}{31425}- What are you, crazy ?|- You know, you think too hard. {31429}{31515}Nobody ever told me that before.|But l wouldn't go in there. {31557}{31640}- What is it, Sam ?|- l don't like it. Look at it. {31681}{31725}Okay, okay. {31729}{31786}Okay, let's just do it.|Let's just do it and be done, yeah ? {31810}{31843}You don't wanna go in there. {31881}{31975}- l'm getting paid to go. lt's that simple.|- Okay, come on. Let's go. {31978}{32064}lf anything goes down,|get next to one of those guys. {32067}{32118}lf there's a sniper,|he'll be afraid to shoot his own guy. {32122}{32161}- Let's go !|- All right. {32693}{32738}Stop ! {32741}{32793}(French) Stay where you are. {33174}{33236}So, everything's fine. {33363}{33395}(boat horn) {33499}{33547}Shit ! l can't see ! l can't see ! {33860}{33905}Have some of this ! {34017}{34054}Fuckin' arsehole ! {34165}{34240}- Fuckin' have some more, you bastards !|- (siren) {34282}{34327}Come on ! Come on ! {34362}{34419}- (gunfire continues)|- Let's go ! {34423}{34524}- No ! You goddamn...|- Come on ! Let's go ! {34837}{34883}- ls anybody hurt ?|- We're fine. {34931}{35045}Almost a bit of raspberry jam|back there, yeah ? {35048}{35093}A bit of raspberry jam back there ! {35096}{35145}(tyres screeching) {35183}{35271}Got the swag, kept the money.|Job well done. {35274}{35319}That's a fact. That is a fact. {35323}{35365}(siren) {35931}{35957}Slow down. Slow down. {36008}{36059}l think l have to stop. {36753}{36773}Thank you. {36801}{36857}(Spence coughing) {37052}{37096}Why did you take this job ? {37158}{37206}My friend, l need the money. {37234}{37290}(French) The money is here. {37394}{37469}That's what this is, you know ? Money. {37568}{37613}Yeah, but who are our employers ? {37677}{37721}You're right. {37805}{37875}(Tannoy announcement in French) {38405}{38449}Excuse me. {38453}{38513}Excuse me, monsieur. {38725}{38781}(lrish accent)|The Russians are bidding for the case. {38784}{38880}The case is in Nice.|They're trying to sell it to the Russians. {38883}{38961}They're staying at|the Villa Belle Mer in Nice. {38989}{39096}- The team isn't ready.|- Whatever the team is, you do it now. {39099}{39173}The Russians have decided to bid.|We need to move now. {39177}{39225}Excuse me. {39231}{39312}l have the information.|We'll be movin' very soon. {39316}{39361}lt'll definitely|be in the nature of an ambush... {39365}{39456}..somewhere between here and here. {39460}{39565}We'll anticipate|a three-car convoy with a backup team. {39568}{39652}We will try and stop the target|before they can get away from us. {39656}{39702}- What's in the case ?|- That information isn't necessary. {39706}{39753}ls it heavy ? ls it explosive ? {39757}{39804}ls it chained|to some unlucky bloke's wrist ? {39808}{39856}- Are we gonna have to chop it off ?|- All right. {39859}{39911}l don't have to let you know... {39915}{39994}Then the price has got to go up. {39998}{40041}l'll get you the case,|but the price has gotta go up. {40045}{40110}lf it's gonna be amateur night,|l want $100,000. l want it up front. {40113}{40226}l want it in a bank account. l want|another $100,000 when you get the case. {40647}{40707}(dialling) {41001}{41070}Okay. {41101}{41200}We've got shooters here, shooters here. {41203}{41247}l'll tell you an old trick. {41251}{41266}Hey. {41500}{41564}- What's your problem ?|- Draw it again. {41598}{41675}Draw it again.|You're the ace field man. Draw it again. {41679}{41766}lt's a simple diagram.|Just draw it again. Draw what you saw. {41769}{41878}Draw it again ! Draw it again. {41955}{42037}Two shooters.|Car comes through here. {42040}{42087}Shooters across from each other,|kill each other dead. {42091}{42158}- Oh, my. Where'd you learn that ?|- ln a regiment. {42162}{42221}- What regiment was that ?|- The 22nd Special Air Service. {42224}{42281}What's the colour|of the boathouse at Hereford ? {42284}{42346}What's the colour|of the boathouse at Hereford ? {42349}{42395}- l don't like your attitude.|- What's the colour of the boathouse... {42399}{42458}- Fuck off !|- What's... You got the gun. l'm unarmed. {42461}{42532}Do something. Go ahead.|Do something. Do something. {42536}{42581}Do something. {42849}{42909}Tell me about an ambush ?|Don't tell me about an ambush ! {42912}{42984}l ambushed you with a cup of coffee. {43075}{43131}You'll get your money|when we get the case. {43134}{43200}- The others, too.|- That is what l understood. {43203}{43247}Come on.|We've gotten the word. We're movin'. {43425}{43470}Put this near the front. {43508}{43587}Careful ! Careful with that ! {43857}{43943}So what colour|is the boathouse at Hereford ? {43947}{43992}How the fuck should l know ? {44530}{44575}This'll complete your compensation. {44659}{44730}Thanks for your time.|Feel free to leave when we're gone. {44771}{44815}Do l need to suggest that you forget us ? {44890}{44944}Because we will not forget. {45916}{45954}(computer beeping) {46499}{46582}- Morning.|- l see you're reviewin' our problem. {46585}{46647}Well, either you're part of the problem,|part of the solution,... {46650}{46702}- ..or you're just part of the landscape.|- lndeed. {46736}{46765}What's in the case ? {46792}{46848}Something we're paying ya for. {47207}{47308}- You and the girl are in front of the hotel.|- The name's Deirdre. {47312}{47383}Deirdre.|Wait outside the hotel for the target. {47386}{47444}He leaves the hotel for the villa,|the villa for the hotel. {47448}{47475}He activates his cellphone. {47478}{47521}How do you know|he's gonna use his cellphone ? {47525}{47593}- He'll use a phone.|- How do you know ? {47597}{47653}- l'm gonna call him on it.|- How do you know he'll have it with him ? {47657}{47709}He's waitin' for a call. {47713}{47814}His people will call him to tell him|the location of the meet. {47818}{47862}- Okay ?|- Okay. {47865}{47944}The villa, the hotel, the car,|the stop light, 8 to 10 guys. {47948}{47992}How good's their...|How good's their security ? {47995}{48068}- l can't tell you.|- Well, let's find out. Where are they ? {48071}{48116}The last report, they were at the hotel. {48120}{48164}- The case is at the hotel ?|- We presume that it is. {48168}{48233}- That's interesting.|- Why don't we do it now ? {48236}{48316}- lt's tempting.|- lt's a good plan. Let's stick to the plan. {48320}{48408}Everybody wants to go to the party.|Nobody wants to stay and clean up. {48411}{48467}- Please.|- The only thing is that the map... {48470}{48534}..the map is not the territory. {48568}{48605}Let's go look at the ground. {48608}{48679}Bring some money.|We're gonna do a little shopping. {48880}{48922}Listen up. {48950}{49019}You're my wife.|Be who you wanna look like. {49022}{49097}lt's just a game. Just a game. {49100}{49167}Man and a woman going for a walk. {49170}{49257}Piece of cake.|Relax. Relax, darling. {49298}{49343}You look good cleaned up. {49440}{49485}ls that the hotel ? {49861}{49928}Put your arm under mine.|Put your arm under mine. {49974}{50051}Why aren't they at the villa ?|Why are they down here ? {50055}{50105}Fun and games ?|Pretty girls and beer or what ? {50244}{50301}(indistinct chattering in French) {50438}{50518}(French) Can l help you, sir ? {50526}{50574}No. We're looking at the menu. {50729}{50762}Merci. {51481}{51569}Uh, excuse me ?|Do you speak English ? {51572}{51583}A little. {51586}{51651}Could you take a picture|of me and my wife ? {51655}{51719}lt's very easy. You press like that. {51723}{51803}- Sure.|- Like that. That's it. Focus like that. {51807}{51851}Okay ? {51886}{51932}We're gonna do it over here. {52004}{52096}Can you get that palm tree in ?|We wanna show we're on the Riviera. {52141}{52216}- How many do you want ?|- Just snap away. {52265}{52346}Very good. Again. {52350}{52427}Again. Get the background. {52466}{52533}Take a couple of my wife, alone. {52777}{52861}(French)|Take my luggage up right away. {52901}{52946}Thank you. {52987}{53076}Can we take one picture of you|with my wife ? One picture with you ? {53107}{53124}That's it. {53313}{53369}So ? {53373}{53425}Well, they're good. {53429}{53486}Guy goes for the case,|other guy's protecting the principal. {53490}{53534}Nobody panics. They're good. {53538}{53619}- So what have we learned ?|- Can it be done ? {53622}{53683}lt can be done.|We should have two more men. {53686}{53752}- We don't have two more men.|- Go to your handler. {53755}{53799}- There is no handler.|- Let me go. {53803}{53854}There's no handler.|There's only me. {53857}{53930}Listen, you want the case,|we're gonna need some more men. {53934}{54009}There's no more help,|there's no more men. Are you afraid ? {54013}{54069}Of course l'm afraid. You think|l'm reluctant because l'm happy ? {54072}{54150}We've made a good plan,|and we're gonna stick with it. {54272}{54316}What do we do ? {54343}{54376}We wait. {54399}{54512}- (French) So, who are they ?|- Our employers. {54538}{54602}(knocking on door) {54638}{54690}- Qui est là ?|- lt's me. {54718}{54777}They've gone back to the villa. {54781}{54833}- Did they have the case with them ?|- They did. {54837}{54880}- Did you get the other cars ?|- Got 'em. {54884}{54950}- And how do they run ?|- They'll do fine. {54953}{54996}(telephone) {55042}{55086}Yeah. {55128}{55174}Well, what does that mean ? {55233}{55286}lt would be nice to do something. {55290}{55348}We are doing something.|We're sitting here, waiting. {55389}{55434}(scoffs) {55571}{55623}lt's not gonna happen today. {55627}{55683}The buyers are out of town. {55687}{55742}Tomorrow at the earliest. {55842}{55894}You know what ?|The hell with 'em. Let's go put 'em to bed. {55899}{55963}- We've got the report.|- lf l take the report, l got nothing else. {55967}{56034}l can go see for myself.|They at the villa ? {56038}{56118}l'm gonna go take one last run|over the route and tuck 'em in. {56294}{56343}l'll come with ya. {57149}{57208}So how did you get started|in this business ? {57269}{57351}A wealthy scoundrel|seduced and betrayed me. {57384}{57440}Same with me. How 'bout that ? {57481}{57553}Take out the map. Take out the map.|lf anybody looks, we're... {57939}{57993}So who are those guys inside ? {57997}{58061}You tell me. {58064}{58172}Ex-military, Northern Sov Block,|somebody or other. {58176}{58277}- They need a job. That's my excuse.|- ls it ? {58326}{58371}Cops. {59352}{59416}- (beeping)|- System activated. {59459}{59523}- (tapping keyboard)|- System check. {59584}{59634}Repeat system check. {59780}{59856}There he is. He's being good.|He's activated his phone. {60119}{60167}(tyres screeching) {60339}{60388}l'm in position. {61182}{61226}(speaking French) {61261}{61349}- They're passin' me now.|- Target is on the way. {62374}{62447}Hell of a time to be workin'. {62450}{62495}What do you want for Christmas ? {62499}{62563}My two front teeth. {62566}{62617}May your wish be granted. {62853}{62927}(bell tolling) {63441}{63525}Target is 400 metres|from the traffic light. {64318}{64362}(simulated gunfire) {64400}{64423}(speaking French) {65000}{65035}Come on ! Come on ! {65640}{65696}So far so good.|Target on the right road. {65798}{65841}Sam, escort car. {65845}{65913}- Four tenths of a click in front of you.|- Got it. {66608}{66696}Larry, you should see them in...|four seconds. {66700}{66740}Two cars. {66773}{66798}l got 'em. {67040}{67084}(speaking French) {67825}{67898}Target has escaped.|l repeat, target has gotten away. {68916}{68951}Target heading for Vieux Nice. {70549}{70605}Through the market, then straight. {70636}{70664}(screaming) {70810}{70854}Right at the fork, Maréchal Foch. {71061}{71114}Okay, you're in front of him. {71322}{71411}- Cut him off at the end of the port.|- Roger that. l got it. {71494}{71529}He's coming from the right. {71553}{71580}He's yours. {71606}{71653}(screaming) {72314}{72357}(groaning) {72912}{72967}(siren) {73014}{73074}- l'm hit ! Take the case !|- Up the other end ! {73077}{73147}- Get the fucking case !|- Get the car up the other end ! {73151}{73172}Take this ! {73205}{73265}Get out of here !|l'll see you at the safe house ! {73372}{73455}Hey ! Get rid of the case !|Get rid of the case ! {73762}{73803}Arrètez-vous ! {73806}{73873}- Where is Gregor ?|- Gregor fucked us. {74057}{74121}(gunfire) {74132}{74246}(choir singing in French) {75744}{75809}(knocking, door opening) {75889}{75934}- How is it out there ?|- A lot of heat. A lot of heat. {75937}{75985}- How you feeling ?|- Okay. {75989}{76057}- Thanks for before.|- Don't mention it. {76098}{76176}Could you clean the paint off this ? {76180}{76253}- You got a pack of Camels in there ?|- No, you smoke too much. {76611}{76656}(French) We must get out ofhere. {76687}{76747}l'm gonna need your people to help us. {76751}{76820}- And l need you to find the case.|- All right, call your guy. {76824}{76881}When we bring in the case, he'll help you. {76885}{76953}- How can l bring him the case ?|- Well, Gregor has it. {76987}{77057}- Why ?|- l presume to sell it to the Russians. {77060}{77119}Why the Russians ? Why not you ? {77122}{77150}lf we had the money to buy the case,... {77153}{77217}..we wouldn't have|hired you to steal it, would we ? {77222}{77284}- Go to your people. Talk to them.|- You want the case ? {77287}{77332}We find Gregor, we find the case. {77336}{77408}- How do we find Gregor ?|- How'd you find him in the first place ? {77411}{77464}l found him|through your friend, the cripple,... {77467}{77520}..who gave me nothin'|but a bunch of fucking lames ! {77523}{77626}You and Spence|and the whole sorry lot of you ! {77630}{77674}We can find him through his cellphone. {77713}{77742}(Larry groaning) {77769}{77818}Can we trace his cellphone ? {77846}{77890}(tape ripping) {77894}{77970}They can triangulate it,|if we had that equipment. {77973}{78010}Who has that equipment ? {78075}{78156}Who has that equipment ? {78192}{78236}Tell me. {78265}{78309}Who has it ? {78312}{78381}All right. All right. {78385}{78436}Give me the number to his phone. {79440}{79509}So, how does the day find you ? {79512}{79606}How do they say it in French ?|En pleine forme. {79937}{79994}This was supposed to be|a social occasion. {79997}{80083}- Life is uncertain.|- lt is indeed. {80087}{80158}But, Gregor,|we have so much history together,... {80162}{80221}..l was sure you wouldn't mind. {80225}{80310}- Besides, the world these days is so...|- Unsafe ? {80340}{80366}Exactly. {80403}{80459}l'll show you how unsafe it is. {80488}{80556}(children laughing, chattering) {81004}{81074}See that little girl down there ? {81197}{81278}Have you lost your mind ?|Why did you do that ? {81282}{81335}To make a point. {81405}{81477}l don't know her,|but l was ready to blow her brains out. {81480}{81583}But you,|l don't particularly like you. {81587}{81678}Just imagine what l'll do to you if you|try anything. Now give me my money. {82068}{82110}Put down the gun. {82237}{82332}- l never liked you either, Gregor.|- Where did that come from ? {82404}{82449}l should have made you strip. {82454}{82518}- Now where's my package ?|- lt's right behind you. {82678}{82751}(female vocalist singing in French) {83238}{83272}Whoo-hoo ! {83275}{83340}(Russian) Clever girl. {83343}{83372}You liked it ? {83375}{83429}My little sun. {83469}{83534}You make me so happy. {83565}{83627}(telephone) {83735}{83768}ls it done ? {83808}{83852}lt's done, Mikhi. {83856}{83946}(woman) Natacha ? {83949}{84010}Gregor ? ls that you, Gregor ? {84013}{84059}Much to your disappointment,|no doubt. {84062}{84154}lt was a mistake.|lt should not have happened. {84157}{84232}Well, if it happens again,|l'll turn around and sell it to the lrish. {84235}{84313}- Don't do that.|- Then don't make me. {84317}{84360}My price just went up 300°/0. {84405}{84503}l want the package, Gregor.|What do l have to do to get it ? {84507}{84552}Just wait for my next phone call. {84555}{84614}l'll find a place|where l can tilt the field in my favour. {84620}{84687}(siren) {85676}{85741}Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. {85745}{85797}Could you tell me|how to find a post office ? {85801}{85878}Do... Do l know you ?|l'm sorry. Do l know you ? {85882}{85936}How did you know l speak English ? {85939}{85996}You got an English newspaper. {86000}{86045}Sorry. {86048}{86096}- l'm sorry. l beg your pardon.|- lt's all right. {86099}{86160}Uh, what do you need|a post office for ? {86163}{86230}'Cause over here,|they use them for different things. {86233}{86254}l need your help. {86295}{86339}- l thought you left.|- l did leave. {86343}{86395}- You did leave ? You're out ?|- That's right. {86398}{86454}Can you help me ? l need your help. {86503}{86547}What's the number ? {86653}{86721}Yeah, the post office is, uh,|just down to your left. {86725}{86766}- Up on the left ? Thanks.|- On the left. {86958}{87049}- A friend of yours ?|- We went to high school together. {87053}{87131}Everyone's your brother|until the rent comes due. {87134}{87171}Ain't that the truth ! {87175}{87233}(French) Yes. Yes, on the terrace ? {87244}{87278}Facing me ? l see him. {87281}{87354}Yes, l'll get him. Hang on, please. {87462}{87497}Excuse me, sir. Are you Sam ? {87569}{87589}Yeah. {87592}{87626}Telephone for you. {87840}{87885}Yeah, good to see you, too. {87888}{87956}lf his position changes, l'll let you know. {88117}{88165}Gregor's in a town called Arles. {89990}{90047}He's at the arena. {90524}{90592}(telephone) {90825}{90896}(woman)|So this is the amphitheatre of Arles... {90900}{90995}..which was built|at the end of the first century AD. {90999}{91056}lt is built with limestone. {91236}{91266}l know those men. {92041}{92113}(woman) And you can see|this dominant yellow colour... {92116}{92176}..which is actually caused|essentially by a lantern. {92179}{92244}We're not sure that the walls|were actually yellow. {92247}{92292}And so,|now we will continue... {92296}{92358}..and visit the Roman baths|down this way. {92573}{92620}(tour guide speaking French) {92623}{92642}(telephone) {92686}{92730}Yeah. {92791}{92884}(Gregor) Thank you, gentlemen.|That'll do nicely. {92931}{92975}lt's Sergi. l remember you. {92979}{93044}(Russian accent) Yes, Gregor, it's me. {93047}{93137}- How have you been ?|- Well. These are trying times. {93141}{93214}- l'm sorry about the unfortunate incident.|- Oh, yeah. {93219}{93300}lt was excessive.|And more to the point, it was foolish. {93303}{93368}l couldn't agree with you more. {93371}{93426}Mikhi did it without consulting me. {93465}{93530}Yeah, he's turned rogue|and can't be controlled, is that it ? {93842}{93907}Excusez-moi.|Je cherche la vieille maison de Van Gogh. {93911}{93984}- l don't... l don't...|- Oh, English. {93987}{94032}Sorry. Such a fool. {94036}{94080}l was looking for Van Gogh's old house. {94083}{94188}So what could have been conducted|in a collegial atmosphere... {94192}{94241}..is now fucked into a cocked hat. {94244}{94338}- What do you think ?|- (Sergi) l think we'll meet your price. {94379}{94477}Yeah. Yes, so let's see it. Let's see it now. {94480}{94513}Where do you have it, in your belt ? {94518}{94580}- Let's see it !|- Show me the case first. {94636}{94711}You're great in the locker room,|and your reflexes might die hard,... {94715}{94759}..but you're weak|when you put your spikes on. {94798}{94893}- Gregor ? Are you all right ?|- Gregor's fine. {94897}{94961}But l think you're in a wee spot of trouble. {94988}{95054}- Where is it ? Where is it ?|- l don't have it with me. {95057}{95080}Where ? {95083}{95142}l mailed it to myself.|A post-office box in Paris. {95145}{95169}Hilfe ! {95172}{95212}Help ! He's robbing me ! {95259}{95325}(crowd shouting) {96152}{96200}(Vincent) Pardon. Pardon. {96204}{96246}Pardon. Avancez ! {96250}{96269}Pardon. {96316}{96346}(gunfire) {97579}{97623}(groaning) {97816}{97835}Stop. {97926}{97990}- Where do l know you from ?|- Vienna. {97993}{98079}Of course. l'm sorry to have to do this. {98082}{98106}Hey ! {98546}{98587}- Christ.|- Drive. {98961}{99029}(siren) {99119}{99241}Stop ! Descends ! Vite ! Descends ! {99654}{99827}- l'm gonna have to take care of this.|- What do you want to do ? {99830}{99920}Uh, get to a doctor|or a veterinarian's office. {99924}{99977}l'll just boost what l need. {100068}{100155}- Could you do that ?|- Of course. l can do better. {100221}{100274}- How is it ?|- l'm leakin'. {100308}{100348}l'm sorry. {100461}{100505}That girl sold us out. {100617}{100685}She sold us out. {101220}{101265}(dogs barking) {101923}{101993}- (French) Ready, Jean-Pierre ?|- Everything's ready. {102457}{102504}Get my legs up. {102507}{102552}Careful. {102782}{102834}Are you sure you can do this ? {102838}{102923}Yeah. l once removed a guy's appendix|with a grapefruit spoon. {102927}{103004}- Have a drink.|- No booze. No. {103142}{103261}Easy, easy, easy. {103406}{103497}lt's just below the surface. {103534}{103609}All right, let's do it.|Just douse it with alcohol. {103613}{103689}(opens bottle, liquid pouring) {103693}{103752}Take the gauze and wipe away|as much of the blood as you can. {103756}{103807}Keep it clean so l can see it. {103914}{103959}Yeah. That's it. {104124}{104174}All right. What we're gonna do is routine. {104178}{104238}l've done this many times before. {104242}{104293}There are no vital organs, arteries.|lt's okay. {104297}{104346}You won't kill me.|Just make sure you get the bullet... {104349}{104398}- ..before you pry it out.|- All right. {104402}{104446}Take that scalpel. {104555}{104600}The upper part. {104639}{104686}Over here. Just cut up there. {104689}{104734}Just a little cut. {104895}{104963}(grunts) {104997}{105041}Okay. Got it. {105087}{105131}Now take the clamp. {105135}{105199}Take the clamp and open up... the hole. {105203}{105264}Just put it in there. {105291}{105336}Put it in there. {105339}{105384}That's it. Put it in. Just... {105388}{105441}Now open it up. Spread it. Spread it. {105444}{105500}Okay. Okay. {105503}{105576}Now get the other...|Get the other clamps and get the bullet. {105579}{105627}Remember, don't take it out|unless you really got it. {105688}{105756}(groaning) {105855}{105900}(groans loudly) {106018}{106066}(sighs) {106070}{106150}Do it again. Do it again.|Just try once more. {106223}{106296}(groaning) {106299}{106385}- (panting)|- l'm sorry. {106432}{106524}When he pulls it out, put the gauze in.|There's gonna be a lot of blood. {106662}{106706}Put the gauze there. {106946}{107002}Fucker sprayed his bullet with Teflon. {107034}{107126}He was trying to stamp me ''paid in full''. {107131}{107197}- ls that why it went through the vest ?|- Yeah. {107240}{107305}You think you can stitch me up|on your own ? {107339}{107425}lf you don't mind,|l'm gonna pass out. {108006}{108077}(child crying) {108617}{108675}You gonna kill me ? {108678}{108771}No. l'm not gonna kill ya. {109166}{109216}(beating continues) {109433}{109477}Why would l want to kill ya ? {109596}{109645}(panting) {109939}{110009}- l gave you a job.|- l did my job. {110038}{110077}So how'd it go wrong ? {110080}{110128}l thought you wanted the case. {110158}{110200}Oh, we'll get the case. {110203}{110276}We'll get the case, eh, Gregor ? {110318}{110363}Don't you worry about the case. {110423}{110473}What l want's an explanation. {110477}{110541}An explanation ? For what ? {110546}{110592}You bollixed it up. {110597}{110667}- l bollixed it up ?|- You hired him. {110670}{110715}Through your fucking contact ! {110862}{110949}- You didn't do your homework.|- Why did you have to kill Larry ? {110952}{110997}Oh, Larry, is it ? {111025}{111069}l was clearing up your mess. {111072}{111141}My mess ? Oh, well, you take over, then. {111145}{111189}- Eh ?|- But you can't, can you ? {111193}{111244}lt's you that's hiding, isn't it, Seamus ? {111248}{111304}lt's you that can't show your face. {111369}{111451}Who else thinks that ?|Who you been talking to ? {111455}{111507}lsn't that the reason|why l'm doing this job ? {111595}{111639}You're a good girl, Deirdre. {111673}{111718}Do your job, eh ? {112048}{112098}(French) He's tough, your Yank. {112132}{112170}You're right about that. {112225}{112254}But who is he ? {112296}{112339}That's not important. {112364}{112429}Didn't he work for the ClA ? {112457}{112499}He used to. {112517}{112552}Not anymore ? {112591}{112630}He's on the run. {112667}{112702}You're sure ? {112705}{112823}l know what he can do.|l've seen him. {112826}{112885}Why would he carve himselfup|ifhe were still ClA ? {112888}{112950}He makes a call and it's taken care of. {113204}{113251}And you ? How are you ? {113462}{113593}We need some information.|We need to find some people in Paris. {113596}{113619}Who ? {113632}{113696}An lrish man and woman,... {113699}{113752}..a German, an ex-KGB. {113772}{113798}They're professionals. {113801}{113836}They're in hiding. {113853}{113926}This is really important to you ? {113980}{114040}He saved my life. {114110}{114130}Bon. {114189}{114250}l'll find them for you. {114700}{114766}Where's the case ? {114851}{114895}lt will come tomorrow. l'm sure. {114900}{114984}Well, l'm sure it will, too. Let's go. {115011}{115066}Let's hope so, for your sake, anyway. {115826}{115877}Are you feeling better ? {115881}{115933}Yeah, enough to move around. Thanks. {116172}{116216}My hobby. {116244}{116288}One grows old. {116331}{116375}l knew a lot of fellas, friends of mine,... {116379}{116423}..they just wanted to live|to open a bar. {116426}{116484}Had they lived,|would they have done it ? {116561}{116636}- Then they were spared their disillusion.|- Yeah, that's right. {116686}{116737}Who were these people ?|Friends of yours ? {116806}{116879}- l wouldn't hurt a friend.|- Was that my question ? {116916}{116947}That's right. {117080}{117160}Well, who are you ? {117200}{117283}A fella like you,|trying to make it to retirement. {117287}{117384}At the end of the day, we're likely|to be punished for our kindnesses. {117387}{117459}You don't have to worry about me.|l won't hurt you. {118129}{118183}The 47 ronin, do you know it ? {118232}{118363}47 samurai whose master|was betrayed and killed by another lord. {118366}{118450}They became ronin,|masterless samurai,... {118454}{118506}..disgraced by another man's treachery. {118542}{118603}For three years they plotted,|pretending to be thieves,... {118607}{118671}..mercenaries, even madmen. {118675}{118731}That l didn't have time to do. {118734}{118791}And then one night they struck,|slipping into the castle... {118795}{118841}..of their lord's betrayer, killing him. {118877}{118935}Nice. l like that. My kind of job. {118939}{118985}There's something more. {119024}{119122}All 47 of them committed seppuku,... {119126}{119205}..ritual suicide,|in the courtyard of the castle. {119209}{119275}Well, that l don't like so much. {119279}{119353}- But you understand it ?|- What do you mean, l understand it ? {119403}{119514}The warrior code, the delight in the battle.|You understand that, yes ? {119545}{119614}But also something more. {119617}{119674}You understand there is something|outside yourself... {119677}{119733}..that has to be served. {119737}{119790}And when that need is gone,... {119794}{119875}..when belief has died, what are you ? {119878}{119925}A man without a master. {119930}{119997}Right now l'm a man|without a pay cheque. {120001}{120090}The ronin could have hired|themselves to new masters. {120093}{120144}They could have fought|for themselves. {120148}{120219}But they chose honour.|They chose myth. {120248}{120291}They chose wrong. {120479}{120539}Seppu... Seppu... what ? {120543}{120595}Yes, seppuku. {120598}{120651}Disembowelment. {120655}{120720}The sword goes in here. {120723}{120777}(slicing sound) {120963}{121011}(Sam) Are you sure|this address is good ? {121015}{121060}(Vincent) Jean-Pierre gave it to me. {121863}{121946}Under the bridge by the river... {121949}{122013}How did you know|it was an ambush ? {122016}{122074}Whenever there is any doubt,|there is no doubt. {122078}{122122}That's the first thing|they teach you. {122213}{122277}Who taught you ? {122281}{122356}l don't remember.|That's the second thing they teach you. {122481}{122535}All good things|come to those who wait. {123274}{123360}- Why is Gregor still alive ?|- He's taking them to the package. {123950}{123978}How ya doin' ? {124167}{124232}What are you...|What are you gonna do to me ? {124236}{124361}Let's just be calm for one more moment.|One more moment. {124666}{124715}Why ? Why ? {124718}{124767}You know why. {124770}{124821}No. You don't wanna do that. {124913}{124936}You can't. {125055}{125070}Get back ! {125109}{125156}Get in the fucking car ! {125395}{125432}Why didn't you shoot her ? {126684}{126725}Take the tunnel, now ! {126728}{126775}(Deirdre) Oh, Christ ! {126831}{126881}Eh, merde ! {127640}{127687}(siren) {128725}{128785}(horns honking) {129636}{129684}(tyres screeching) {131061}{131145}(horns honking) {131401}{131433}Come on ! Come on ! {132036}{132082}All right, you fuck ! {134805}{134853}(Deirdre screaming) {135138}{135206}(coughing) {135471}{135531}(gunfire) {135640}{135693}(shouting in French) {135961}{136015}(groaning) {137046}{137102}(Vincent) Where could he be ? {137105}{137199}- Where could he be ?|- Hmm. {137203}{137285}The lrish and the Russians are looking|for him. So where does he go ? {137288}{137380}He goes to the Russians|to make the deal for the case. {137383}{137466}Gregor ain't comin' in unless|he can figure out a safe exchange. {137470}{137521}He knows they'll kill him for the case|rather than pay him for it. {137524}{137652}He's got to work it out soon|before the lrish find him. {137685}{137728}So where does he go ? {137773}{137817}You go to what you know. {137903}{137994}He's KGB.|He goes to one of his old safe houses. {138030}{138092}No, they're all blown. {138096}{138152}Where does he go ? {138156}{138204}(sighs) {138291}{138372}So, you're on the run.|Where do you go ? {138376}{138421}Hmm ? {138521}{138626}Where's he been ? Where's he been ?|Where's he been ? Where's he been ? {138630}{138692}(chattering in French) {138909}{138970}He made the fake case. {138973}{139029}He had the fake case made. {139033}{139115}Gregor. He had it made. {139118}{139179}He had to have had it made. {139216}{139290}ln Paris, before we went to Nice. {139293}{139336}He didn't have time to have it made. {139339}{139391}He bought something that looked like it,|then spray-painted it. {139394}{139455}Where did he get the spray ?|He never left the room. {139458}{139505}Where did he get the case ? {139737}{139790}(Vincent) Excusez-moi, monsieur. {140302}{140345}lt's a case for ice skates. {140432}{140477}Why ice skates ? {140533}{140580}And why would Gregor|know an ice-skate case ? {140629}{140688}He didn't have time to have it made. {140692}{140806}He didn't have time to have it made.|The Russians made it. {140854}{140915}The Russians made it. {140991}{141035}We're following the wrong people. {141039}{141108}We don't have to find Gregor. {141112}{141176}We find the Russians,|they will take us to him. {141180}{141272}(Russian) You've lived in Paris|a long time. You know the people. {141275}{141347}- l get around.|- You meet the new Russians. {141350}{141443}You know how it is.|Ex-spies. Now it's Mafia. {141465}{141515}Under diplomatic cover. {141553}{141576}KGB ? {141583}{141606}Ex-KGB. {141617}{141726}(French) Heavy hitters, gamblers,|lots ofmoney, big cars. {141729}{141762}(Russian) They live like tsars.|Throw money away. {141765}{141809}Fur hats are expensive. {141812}{141941}- And bodyguards.|- Expensive coats, Dr Zhivago. {141944}{142019}l have a lot of work, no time. {142056}{142094}l understand. {142137}{142177}All right. Let's go. {142200}{142223}Okay. {142396}{142433}(French) lt will be fine. {142470}{142514}The guy is gonna reach out. {142517}{142562}ls he any good ? {142566}{142634}Jean-Pierre says if it's Russian|and it's in Paris... {142637}{142685}(speaking Russian) {142901}{142982}(French) lfl wanted to find Russians|in Paris this week,... {142985}{143084}..l'd go to the ice show. {143298}{143380}(crowd chattering) {143384}{143452}(applause, cheering) {144860}{144910}- Bonsoir, Pierre.|- Bonsoir. {144913}{144958}Je vais payer pour votre soeur. {144961}{145041}Oh, merci beaucoup,|Mademoiselle Kirilova. {145198}{145311}(French)|l'll trade you a cigarette for a favour. {145325}{145370}The favour is, steer clear ofthose guys. {145373}{145408}Who ? The Russians ? {145565}{145617}They sure throw their money around. {145645}{145670}Bonsoir. {145673}{145725}- ça va ?|- Salut. {145805}{145849}- Bonsoir.|- Ah, bonsoir. {146007}{146110}The Russian is seeing Natacha Kirilova,|the star of the ice show. {146113}{146198}He spends every evening in the audience. {146229}{146264}How did you find that out ? {146267}{146345}We went to high school together. {146348}{146371}(clapping) {147167}{147225}(Russian) Mikhi, is everything all right ? {147245}{147278}Everything is fine. {147308}{147332}Sweet girl. {147400}{147423}Go. Go on. {147548}{147615}(applause, cheering) {147879}{147920}(PA system in French)|Ladies and gentlemen ! {147923}{148001}We are veryproud to present... {148004}{148168}..two-time Olympic champion|and three-time World champion,... {148171}{148257}..Natacha Kirilova ! {148481}{148635}(applause fades) {149950}{150021}(applause, whistling) {150483}{150551}(applause) {151286}{151331}Let's go. {151652}{151702}(Russian) Wait out here. {151822}{151875}Yes, he is. {151878}{151927}Hello, Mikhi. {151931}{152026}- The meeting is not till later tonight.|- The meeting's now. {152031}{152104}(crowd applauding) {152108}{152145}You have the money ? {152178}{152271}Well, we were going to go back|to get it before the meet. {152274}{152300}l don't think so. {152336}{152381}You have the money ? {152488}{152559}l might have the money.|Where is the case ? {152562}{152666}No, you have to do it.|l couldn't live with myself. {152978}{153022}l have the money. {153026}{153085}We conclude this now|and part friends. {153088}{153130}Okay ? {153200}{153225}Where is the case ? {153523}{153567}l'd like to be paid now. {153702}{153753}No doubt. {153868}{153912}Now tell me the other part. {153948}{153999}The other part ? {154003}{154047}l'm leaving. {154051}{154119}l'm taking my fee and l'm leaving. {154159}{154232}l have a person with a rifle in the stadium. {154238}{154305}l've worked with her for years.|She never misses. {154309}{154379}l will call. {154383}{154438}l have to call within 45 seconds... {154442}{154491}..to say that l'm leaving,... {154495}{154570}..and then in another 10 minutes|to say that l'm safe. {154611}{154704}Should l be unable to call,|your friend will be shot. {154941}{154985}30 seconds, Mikhi. {155020}{155079}- (French) We need to get inside.|- You can'tpass without badges. {155256}{155299}20 seconds. {155556}{155579}10 seconds. {155954}{155967}(gunshot) {156281}{156349}(French) There were two ofthem. {156352}{156392}They were looking for those guys. {156395}{156446}Just a minute, sir ! {156450}{156495}(camera shutters clicking) {156844}{156937}(French) l am a Chilean citizen,|as you can see from mypassport. {156940}{156979}Merci. {157038}{157094}(chattering, shouting) {157902}{157977}- Mama !|- Shh, shh, shh. {158118}{158156}Katchev ! {158159}{158186}Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? {158252}{158316}(screaming) {158547}{158570}Stay with him. {159359}{159419}Get out of here.|Get out of here ! {159423}{159490}Get out of the car.|Walk away. Walk away ! {159493}{159560}Walk away ! Go. Go. {159563}{159631}- l will if you will.|- Just go. {159634}{159692}Come with me.|Forget about the case. {159799}{159858}l didn't come for the case.|l came for your boss. {159903}{159964}l came for Seamus. l came for him. {159998}{160115}Just get out of here.|l never left. Don't you see ? {160149}{160204}Get out of the way !|Get out of the way ! {160285}{160324}(sirens) {160405}{160436}Get out of the way ! {160439}{160470}(French) This way is blocked. {161138}{161182}l can take you in or leave you here. {161219}{161248}There. That's him with the case. {161251}{161301}(French) Sir ! Over here, please. {161304}{161321}Wait ! Wait ! {161348}{161389}(screaming, shouting) {161505}{161577}(French) There are more back there ! {162330}{162388}(panting) {162472}{162516}(Seamus) Stay where you are !|Stay where you are ! {162519}{162611}Don't move ! Shut your fuckin' mouth up !|Shut your mouth ! {162775}{162872}(gasping, sobbing) {162948}{162991}You stupid shite. {162996}{163080}- You're a dead man.|- (gunfire) {163621}{163677}(radio)|This is the BBC World Service. {163681}{163745}lt was announced today,|after almost 30 years... {163748}{163828}..ofbloody and seemingly intractable|civil conflict in Northern lreland,... {163831}{163876}..that a peace agreement|has been reached between... {163880}{163956}..the predominantly Protestant|government ofthat British-ruled enclave,... {163960}{164020}- ..and the lrish resistance...|- (overlapping radio reports) {164136}{164221}..have told CNN that it was|the apprehension and slaying... {164225}{164340}..in France ofthe lrish terrorist Seamus|O'Rourke, byparties still unknown,... {164343}{164398}..that contributed a stability,|largely allowing... {164401}{164496}..the negotiations to proceed|to their historic conclusion today. {164500}{164569}O'Rourke had earlier|been denounced by the lRA,... {164573}{164670}..the military wing ofSinn Fein,|as a rogue breakaway operative. {164731}{164810}Well, then, good knowin' ya. {165068}{165091}Hmm ? {165094}{165170}- l'm sorry ?|- You said something. {165173}{165256}l said she would not|be coming back here. {165309}{165415}Yeah. She would|not be coming back here, would she ? {165566}{165615}l can't even put my hand in my pocket|to pay the bill. {165618}{165669}l'll get it. {165730}{165773}l'll get the next one. {165926}{165967}What was in the case ? {165973}{166021}l don't remember. {166054}{166090}Lesson number two. {166143}{166187}Keep in touch. {166632}{166675}Let's go. {166993}{167059}(Vincent)|No questions, no answers. {167062}{167112}That's the business we're in. {167115}{167169}You accept it and move on. {167204}{167270}Maybe that's lesson number three.