{162}{260}/ / ["Theme From Shaft"] {262}{500}// {507}{727}// {729}{892}// {894}{958}[Sirens Wailing] {959}{1206}// {1207}{1511}// {1513}{1623}/ Who's the blackprivate dick that's|a sex machine to all the chicks/ {1625}{1653}[Backup Singers]|/ Shaf/ {1655}{1692}/ You damn right/ {1892}{2002}/ Who is the man that wouldrisk|his neckforhis brotherman/ {2003}{2048}[Backup Singers]|/ Shaf/ {2050}{2096}/ Canya dig it/ {2272}{2319}/ Who's the cat|that won't cop out/ {2320}{2390}/ When there's danger|allabout/ {2391}{2427}[Backup Singers]|/ Shaf/ {2428}{2470}/ Right on/ {2472}{2531}/ Theysay this catShaf|is a badmother--/ {2533}{2574}[Backup Singers]|/ Shutyourmouth/ {2575}{2638}- / l'm talkin 'aboutShaf/ |- / Then we can dig it/ {2639}{2699}/ He's a complicatedman/ {2701}{2787}/ But no one understands him|but his woman/ {2789}{2835}[Backup Singers]|/ John Shaf/ / {4087}{4145}[Sirens Wailing] {4647}{4693}Hey, what's up? {5021}{5116}Looks like the kid|got clocked with that. {5117}{5178}He gonna make it? {5180}{5240}Got his head|stove in pretty good. {5242}{5296}- Witnesses?|- Nope. {5339}{5423}- He come from in there?|- He's dressed like it. {5425}{5474}You let anybody leave? {5476}{5559}- I know thejob.|- Hey, I'm just doing mine. {5597}{5632}Excuse me. {5634}{5680}Excuse me. {5973}{6082}[Officer] Was there anything|peculiar?Any commotions? {6530}{6613}Youjust callherandsay|what ltoldyou to say. {6614}{6660}Hang up the phone. {6662}{6720}You don't worry about my father.|You worry about me. {6722}{6769}I'm not gonna argue-- {6823}{6872}[Sighs] {6874}{6967}- What?|- How did you get that blood? {6969}{7015}Blood. What blood? {7017}{7063}I'm gonna askyou again. {7065}{7161}You give me attitude, I'm gonna|drag you out of here by your hair. {7163}{7247}How did you get|that blood on yourself? {7249}{7300}[Chuckles] {7301}{7379}It was like-- {7381}{7427}He started it... {7476}{7522}and I fi nished it. {7524}{7570}Mm-hmm. {7656}{7760}Look, I was razzin' the guy.|He couldn't take a joke. {7761}{7834}So you cracked|his head open. I can dig it. {7836}{7939}He left all pissed off.|I followed him out to apologize. {7941}{8039}Next thing I know,|he's coming at me with a silver bat. {8041}{8089}I was defending myself. {8091}{8141}Anybody see you? {8143}{8210}No, officer. It was|just me and him out there. {8212}{8319}- Do you know who my father is?|- No. Do you? {8357}{8437}- Take him out.|- [Officer] Let'sgo. {8567}{8613}What's your name? {8644}{8724}- Diane Palmieri.|- What'd you see, Diane? {8767}{8872}- Nothing.|- Why you point that guy out to me? {8874}{8940}I didn't. {8941}{8996}What's that? {8998}{9047}What? {9115}{9161}Oh-- {9163}{9215}What did you see,|Diane? {9217}{9285}Nothing, I swear.|I-- {9340}{9423}It's a zoo in here, and if|I'm working, how can I see anything? {9425}{9530}Detective. We have|apotential witnessyoushouldsee. {9532}{9607}I'll be back in a minute.|Keep her company, okay? {9675}{9744}He did it.|That racist bastard. {9746}{9818}- That's the one that didit.|- How do you know? Did you see it? {9820}{9903}No. He was sitting|over there... {9905}{9993}andhe washassling Trey from|the minute we walkedin the door. {9995}{10048}[Man] Right this way.|This table overhere. {10209}{10260}[Man]|Yo! {10261}{10336}Excuse me, sir.|Yo! {10338}{10423}- What's up, man?|- They don't serve no malt liquor. {10472}{10557}No malt liquor, allright? {10559}{10608}No-- "Aiight"? {10610}{10666}- [Men Laughing]|- Okay. {10668}{10717}- What the hell's your problem?|- Let's go. I wanna go. {10719}{10796}No. We're fi ne.|We're fi ne, okay? {10798}{10864}Don't even worry|about it. {10865}{10913}All right.|Have a seat over here. {11008}{11073}- What did your friend Trey do?|- Nothing. {11075}{11156}He triedto ignore theguy, but|the bastardjust wouldn 't let up. {11158}{11248}No 40's, no Chronic... {11275}{11368}andno, uh--|no lndo, "aiight"? {11370}{11464}Hey. Hey, dawg,|isyou deaf? {11465}{11554}- Holler back!|- [Woman] What? What an asshole. {11556}{11608}You got that, Tupac? {11610}{11695}- And then what happened?|- Trey turned the tables on the guy. {11697}{11812}- What are you doing?|- He tooknapkinsanda knife... {11814}{11860}andhepokedholes in it. {11862}{11955}- Then he walkedoverto theguy.|- I thinkyou dropped this. {11957}{12037}Andhe droppedit on his head.|Bull's-eye. {12039}{12104}- Dis!|-Andeverybody laughed. {12106}{12150}[Man]|Take that, chump! {12152}{12205}lguess that littleprick|waspissed. {12256}{12334}He was embarrassedthat|allhis friends laughedat him. {12435}{12525}Thankyou.|You can check onyourfriendnow. {12568}{12658}- Getting a low pulse.|- We gotta move. {12660}{12706}We're losing him.|Let'sget rollin '. {12753}{12817}Tell me he is not|the primary on this. {12819}{12872}- It's his catch, Lou.|- [Groans] {12874}{12960}Walter Wade,Jr.|You big Walter Wade's son? {12962}{13033}- Yes, I am. Correct.|- The real estate developer? {13081}{13144}- Daddy's a big man, huh?|- Big man. {13145}{13193}Big man. {13345}{13430}The waitress.|She saw it, huh? {13432}{13489}So what you do, motherfucker,|threaten her? {13540}{13586}[Scoffs] {13713}{13780}Oh, uh, she had|to go to thejohn. {13819}{13853}What? {13962}{14037}- Where'd she go?|- She left. {14039}{14085}Shit! {14355}{14427}When we get him on board,|I'm gonna intubate. {14429}{14518}Let's get that defi b|ready, guys. {14521}{14544}He's starting|to seize. {14544}{14626}- [Trey Grunting, Groaning]|- He's having a seizure. {14628}{14699}- Homeboy's got rhythm, huh?|- What? {14742}{14765}Damn it. {14813}{14860}Was it something|I said? {14861}{14917}lthink|my nose is broke. {14919}{14967}I'll clear his airway. {14969}{15041}- He broke my nose.|- He's going fast. {15043}{15109}There's no air exchange. {15111}{15189}Let's get this thing open.|I can't even get a pulse right now. {15256}{15329}Damn,|we're losing him! {15331}{15372}- [Paramedic]Son ofa bitch!|- [Woman] Trey! {15444}{15503}I've been waiting|for this all year. {15504}{15557}You are gone|from this precinct. {15559}{15633}Gone? For what? {15753}{15788}For that? {16950}{17039}His roots in the community couldn 't|go deeper. He hasno record. {17041}{17115}[Man] YourHonor,|the charge is homicide. {17117}{17197}Not having done it before|is not an excuse. {17464}{17512}Bailis set|at $200, 000. {17514}{17572}- [Man] That don't mean shit!|- [People Shouting] {17623}{17669}[Man]|You're a killer, man! {17991}{18051}Fuckyou! {18237}{18303}Can I get a statement|from you? {18454}{18514}[Ringing] {18556}{18624}- Shaft.|- It's Walter Wade. {18625}{18689}Thanks for breaking|my nose that night. {18691}{18737}My lawyer says|that's why I got bail... {18739}{18827}and that's precisely why|I'm skiing in Switzerland right now. {18829}{18876}See you when|I see you, slick. {18877}{18924}[ReceiverClicks, Dial Tone] {19564}{19655}Oh, oh.|Aw, come on, man. You suck. {19936}{19983}Shh. {19984}{20081}/ / [Latin House] {20083}{20143}[Man Speaking Spanish] {20145}{20192}[Speaking Spanish] {20452}{20499}-John Shaft.|- Carmen Vasquez. {20500}{20547}Welcome to Narcotics. {20548}{20596}-Jimmy Groves.|-Jack Roselli. {20598}{20647}You transfer in|from the 3-5? {20649}{20727}Yeah.|YouJohn Shaft, huh? {20728}{20779}- Heardyou quit.|- Not yet. {20780}{20840}Luger, hurry|the fuck up, man. {20960}{21027}Come on,|you bitch bastard. {21029}{21113}Come on, you Billy Bob motherfucker.|Open thegoddamn door. {21115}{21159}Let'sgo.|Open the door. {21214}{21283}- / / [Continues]|- That's three Happy Meals or four? {21284}{21356}- [Man] That's four. Andhurry up.|- All right. {21358}{21428}Freeze, motherfuckers!|Don't move! {21430}{21492}Move your fucking ass|out ofthe way! {21494}{21540}Freeze, goddamn it! {21542}{21607}[All Shouting] {21609}{21680}Police! Everybody|on the fucking ground! {21681}{21780}Everybody freeze! Grab that|motherfucker! On the foor! Now! {21782}{21855}Somebody turn|that fucking music off! {21857}{21917}- / / [Stops]|- Putyourhands behindyourback. {21919}{22009}Oh, no habla Ingles. Nowyou can't|speak no fucking English. {22011}{22069}I bet you can say|"kilo," can't you? {22071}{22135}Hey!|Hey, goddamn it! Hey! {22137}{22200}Don't make me chase you!|You're gonna piss me off! {22202}{22248}Stop, goddamn it!|Stop! {22250}{22320}I told you to stop,|man! {22322}{22368}Aah! {22532}{22599}[Shouting] {22600}{22651}Ayudame! {22653}{22703}Ayudame!|Ayudame! {22767}{22819}Throw something else!|Throw something else! {22909}{22972}Disperse, motherfuckers!|Disperse now! {22974}{23011}Come on! Come on! {23054}{23124}[Women Screaming] {23156}{23223}Watch your backs,|ladies! {23599}{23659}Abran la puerta!|Abran la puerta! {23661}{23708}Abranme! Abranme! {23709}{23779}I'm gonna fuckyou up|for making me run! {23780}{23827}You caught me. {23828}{23937}[Woman Shouting|ln Spanish] {23939}{24037}[Hammer Clicking] {24096}{24139}Yougot me, Papa. {24723}{24771}Peace,|motherfucker. {24823}{24876}!Suerte! {25426}{25495}April fool,|motherfucker. {25497}{25552}I told you not|to make me run, didn't I? {25590}{25657}This shit's|too tight, yo! {25658}{25722}Just sit and think about|this ass-whupping you're gonna get. {25724}{25787}It's gonna be|a long ride to the precinct. {25838}{25894}Paraphernalia.|Nothing. {25896}{25967}- Let me call my wife.|- Shut up, corn bread. {25969}{26031}- Let me call my girlfriend.|- I said shut the fuck up. {26033}{26119}Easy with the braids, man. What|you got against black men anyway? {26121}{26167}[Carmen]Supposedto be|like a factoryup there. {26169}{26221}[ack] They must've|gotten a heads-up from someone. {26223}{26269}My kid's got more|indictable shit under his bed. {26271}{26343}These scales'll get revolved|before we clock out tonight. {26345}{26410}- Look at him.|- Who's that? {26412}{26481}[Carmen] Peoples Hernandez.|He's the neighborhoodalligator. {26482}{26579}lt's allhisplay up here. He'sgot|about halfa dozen apartments. {26581}{26655}Keeps changing his shit on us|like it's a shell game. {26657}{26711}You enjoying the show? {26741}{26799}Yo, let me see the ball. {26862}{26917}[Carmen]|John, don't do it. Come on. {26919}{26960}John, come on. No! {27057}{27099}Good shot. {27101}{27168}Peoples Hernandez,|come on down! {27201}{27245}Motherfuck. {27303}{27332}Yes! {27334}{27409}[Dog Barking] {27411}{27467}[immy] Uh-oh, Shaft.|Youpissedhim offnow. {27469}{27554}- Here come the troops.|- [Barking] {27637}{27698}This is Egyptian cotton,|motherfuck. {27700}{27784}Two-twenty thread. This is like half|your shitty-assed paycheck, okay? {27786}{27842}Step off, Peoples. {27844}{27933}You wouldn't know Egyptian cotton|if Pharaoh himselfsent it to you, {27935}{27982}you knock-off wearing|motherfucker. {27983}{28038}You best sleep|in that vest. {28040}{28153}Oh, there you go, papi. You're under|arrest for assaulting an officer. {28155}{28226}- Stay, Lucifer.|- [Speaking Spanish] {28228}{28309}- [Laughing]|- [Laughing] {28455}{28515}This is the only way|you can touch me. {28517}{28565}You're one pathetic|Kentucky Fried nigga. {28567}{28654}- I got some chicken wing foryou.|- Uh-uh-uh. {28656}{28713}What have we got here? {28715}{28803}[Gasps]|Concealed weapon. {28805}{28888}- The Iceman goeth.|- Goeth for a long time. {28890}{28963}Come on.|[Chuckling] {28965}{29011}Step up. {29128}{29214}- [Laughing]|- [ack] On the hop. Let'sgo. {29298}{29357}- Peoples. Peoples.|- Can I get my shoes shined? {29358}{29405}Yeah, you sure can. {29529}{29580}[Man]|Homesweet home, huh? {29582}{29634}- [Man]Staystill, please.|- Yo, Shaft. {29636}{29690}I'm gonna put so many|lawyers on your ass... {29692}{29746}you're gonna think they opened|a branch office up there. {29748}{29827}Lawyers? Lawyers|are for punetas. {29878}{29950}- I thought you were gonna smoke me.|- I smoke Camels. {29952}{29998}It's not my size. {30000}{30060}Yo, when the van comes|for these assholes, {30062}{30129}this one gets|the busted seat belt. {30131}{30234}[Man] What the hell's he doing here?|Tellme it's somethinggood. {30236}{30282}Tell me it ain't one|ofyour dick-arounds. {30284}{30339}No. Honest to God, Lou.|I was in fear for my life. {30341}{30433}-Yeah, yeah. I know the routine.|- Shut the fuck up, corn bread. {30435}{30497}Yo, Luger, what's up|with the corn bread? {30499}{30551}Your problem is what? {30553}{30599}Nazis with badges.|That's my problem. {30601}{30693}[Laughs] Nazis?|Oh, you gotta lighten up, Shaft. {30695}{30754}ltalk like this|all the time. {30756}{30811}I see your point. {30813}{30872}Maybe I should take an ethnic|sensitivity workshop, huh? {30874}{30946}- Fuckyou.|- I should workshop my foot up your ass. {30948}{31021}- How about that?|- You pick a color, black or blue? {31023}{31090}- Hey, fuckyou, Luger.|- How about I make you both, Luger? {31092}{31141}- Anytime, anywhere.|- Nothing between us but air-- {31143}{31233}- Anytime, anywhere, Shaft.|- Come on, motherfucker. - Go, go! {31234}{31342}- I like the way you handled that.|- Shut the fuck up! {31344}{31424}Yo, Shaft, yougot a call.|Guysays it's urgent. {31426}{31489}I think it's the clinic.|Your test results may have come. {31491}{31560}Today we fi nd out if I'm|your daddy or the German shepherd. {31562}{31625}Ooh, pretty good.|[Chuckles] {31629}{31684}Well, how good is good? {31713}{31759}You're kidding me. {31761}{31832}Red, ifthis is|another one ofyour-- {31834}{31882}Solid info? {31884}{31961}One hundred percent solid? {31963}{32015}No shit. {32017}{32082}Where? {32084}{32130}Mm-hmm. {32253}{32322}All right. I got it.|All right. Thanks. {32378}{32424}I gotcha. {32452}{32498}- What's up?|- Old business. {32500}{32576}- You need backup?|- No, I got it. {32578}{32624}- Rasaan.|- What? {32626}{32684}- I'm calling in a favor, son.|- Favor, my ass, motherfucker. {32686}{32767}You ain't got no favors|left with me, dawg. {32769}{32839}Them shits is through.|You done ran all your shits out. {32841}{32894}Look, nigga, don't argue.|Just do it. {32896}{32954}All right, dawg. {32956}{33031}What, Rasaan?|What happened? {33033}{33130}[Sighs]|I gotta do a favor real quick. {34196}{34248}How you doing? {34250}{34321}Let's get going. {34401}{34462}Howyou doing,|Richie Rich? {34464}{34506}Remember me? {34539}{34586}Refresh my memory. {34799}{34838}Put 'em on. {35059}{35124}Yeah, what's the dilli?|Where we offto? {35126}{35195}- Fifteenth precinct.|- Okay, dawg. {35259}{35347}Hey, yo, that's my dawg Shaft|back there. I mean, that's my man. {35349}{35414}Word up.|You all right? {35415}{35483}Cold, chilly?|You want a jacket or something? {35749}{35825}I bet you thought|I was sneaking back in. {35896}{35979}Crown Heights! Bed-Stuy!|Yeah! Bed-Stuy! {35980}{36029}I'm innocent. {36057}{36113}You lookdepressed, Shaft.|You depressed? {36115}{36186}Back away from the car.|Back away from the car. {36463}{36509}[Applause, Cheers] {36579}{36649}Fuck with the bull-- {36651}{36697}[All]|You get the horns! {36699}{36772}Yeah, Shaft!|Go on, baby! Yeah! {36843}{36891}You the man, Shaft! {36893}{36947}You the man!|You the man, Shaft! {37091}{37178}You know, bro,|I'll be out in an hour. {37179}{37242}I don't think so,|running man. {37244}{37344}The van to central processing|left about five minutes ago... {37346}{37429}and there won't|be another one for hours and hours. {37431}{37504}By the time you get downtown, we're|talking overnight in the tombs, {37506}{37579}and they defi nitely won't|arraign your ass before morning. {37581}{37651}It's a shame we didn't|get here a little sooner. {37780}{37854}You look depressed, Walter.|You depressed? {37908}{37955}Yo, Peeps, you still here? {37956}{38017}The seat belt on the van|was busted. {38019}{38076}- Aw, damn.|- lt's calledhabeas corpus-- {38078}{38158}That mean "due process,"|for the illiterate. {38159}{38269}It's called, "you wanted|to play games with me," Peoples. {38271}{38325}lknow|a shitloadofgames. {38327}{38395}You boys play nice. {38396}{38470}Teflon Don, nigga!|Teflon! {38515}{38562}Bitch. {38603}{38691}Hey, blanqui,|what hegetyou for? {38692}{38745}Income tax evasion? {38791}{38870}- Fuckyou.|- [Chuckles] {38946}{39004}Damn! {39006}{39052}- What's happening, player?|- What's up, big boy? {39054}{39148}Same old same old.|Congratulations, man. You was on TV. {39150}{39207}- Let me get your autograph.|- Uh-huh. {39209}{39255}You a star. {39320}{39372}Mr. P., how you be? {39374}{39427}Ah, fi ne, fi ne. {39428}{39473}- Who's winning?|- [Mr. P.] Who doyou think? {39515}{39570}- Hey.|- Congratulations, baby. {39571}{39626}Lucky man. {39627}{39737}Alice, Alice,|ease up on my nephew. {39739}{39803}Or that boy's gonna poke|a hole in something. {39805}{39850}UncleJ! {39851}{39975}Mr. big-time private eye.|Hey, I earned my pay today. {39977}{40039}Well, you did bring him in.|There's no denying that. {40041}{40087}But what? {40118}{40174}But what?|Come on, come on. Spit it out. {40175}{40261}Nothing, nothing. So when you gonna|come on board with me, my man? {40263}{40307}- Soon.|- Soon? {40309}{40358}[Chuckling]|You're always saying that. {40360}{40427}[Man]|Got a fuckin 'nigga lockedup! {40429}{40483}Fuck, nigga!|What's wrong withyou? {40513}{40560}You better|watchyourback! {40723}{40809}- We shouldn 't fuckin 'be here, man!|- We got busted, man! {40811}{40881}- Thesame bust!|- You makin 'too much money! {40883}{40953}[MenArguing] {41255}{41318}Give me your shoes. {41387}{41433}They wouldn't fit you. {41467}{41514}[Man]|Oh, shit! {41515}{41578}I only ask once. {41835}{41874}You want my shoes? {42217}{42302}For two years now,|I've been meaning to askyou. {42304}{42411}When you dress like this, where|exactly do you strap your piece? {42412}{42463}You mean|you forgot already? {42465}{42535}Well, you know it was|way back in the day. {42536}{42622}Oh, yeah.|Maybe you should ask Lamont. {42623}{42698}Why I gotta ask Lamont?|I'm standing right here. {42699}{42767}Damn, nigga! Why you|always up on my woman? {42769}{42823}This is the type ofshit|that get a motherfucker killed. {42824}{42895}I was asking|a legitimate-ass question. {42896}{42974}Why is it every time you see me|talking to her, you roll up on me? {42975}{43035}- You feeling insecure?|- Lamont, he'sjust kidding. {43037}{43107}I ain't studying this bullshit.|We can settle this shit right now! {43108}{43204}- Back off the motherfuckin' Armani.|- Fuckyou and your Armani! {43207}{43237}Surprise! {43239}{43316}[Cheering, Applause] {43549}{43630}We got you, baby.|We got you. Surprise, baby. {44026}{44073}Do you want a smoke? {44116}{44177}Don't smoke. Thanks. {44237}{44284}My name is Peoples. {44341}{44398}You know why|they call me that? {44400}{44469}'Cause "ch-you" always takes care|of "ch-your" peoples? {44471}{44521}Yeah, actually,|more or less. {44625}{44671}You play golf? {44702}{44773}- Not for a while.|- Golf is phat. {44774}{44864}Tiger Wood.|Tiger Wood. {44866}{44913}I like him. {44988}{45074}- You got a boat?|- I had one. {45146}{45205}What kind of boat you had? {45247}{45302}A Boston Whaler. {45304}{45350}Boston Whaler. {45352}{45410}You been around|the world, right? {45412}{45474}- Yeah.|- You knowsomething? {45476}{45546}I got money|longer than train smoke. {45548}{45618}I never been on an airplane|in my whole goddamn life. {45620}{45689}Let me askyou something. {45690}{45744}The, uh-- {45746}{45812}Cinco familia. {45813}{45885}Five family, five borough, {45887}{45933}one love. {45935}{45981}Okay. {46045}{46113}You an interesting|motherfuck. {46115}{46228}You got like a...|business card or something? {46265}{46334}- Congratulations.|- Thankyou. {46336}{46427}Don't kiss me,|motherfucker. {46429}{46475}- Good night.|- Later, dawg. {46477}{46548}...backin custody tonight after|a two-yearflight fromjustice. {46550}{46617}Wade, seen here after|his arraignment in 1 998, {46619}{46692}wasrearrested|by DetectiveJohn Shaft... {46693}{46751}as he few into Westchester|County Airport tonight. {46753}{46823}I don't get it.|Why the fuck did he come back? {46825}{46884}If it was me,|I'd never come back. {46885}{47002}Yeah, see, ifthere ever|was a "but what?" that'd be it. {47004}{47068}Comes tojustice, that kid's|oldman'sgot enoughjuice... {47069}{47141}to slip his thumb on the scale|and nobody'll say nothing. {47143}{47210}Mmm. Ain't no fucking way|he walks from this. {47212}{47289}- No way.|- Really? {47333}{47377}[Chuckling] {47451}{47520}Let's roll. {47521}{47580}- [Alice] Goodnight.|- Night, all. {47657}{47712}Such a cynical motherfucker. {47757}{47809}You wanna come home|with me tonight? {47811}{47888}- It's been a while.|- So what is it this time? {47890}{47988}You just wanna be held,|oryou want the L.D.? {47989}{48100}Whatyou thinkit is?|l want the L.D., baby. {48101}{48161}And then I wanna be held. {48163}{48247}- That's allright withyou?|- You know me. {48249}{48329}It's my duty|to please that booty. {48331}{48394}Finish up. Let's go. {48396}{48424}[People Shouting] {48555}{48621}Kearney,|how's retirement? {48623}{48729}- Catfish arejumpin'.|- Heard you bought a big house. {48731}{48814}-Four-bedroom Colonial on the water.|-Let me askyou something. {48864}{48948}How does a pencil-pushing,|apple-stealing, dickhead like you... {48950}{49034}afforda four-bedroom Colonial|in Nassau motherfucking County? {49036}{49088}Howmuch did they|payyou, Kearney? {49090}{49164}After working a job|uptown for 28 years, {49166}{49244}you know what I like best|about where I live? {49245}{49325}How do I say this? {49327}{49390}It's a restricted community. {49492}{49596}Your Honor, my client did not|fy home 5,000 miles tojump bail. {49597}{49644}You mean jump bail again. {49645}{49692}[Rasaan]|No doubt. {49693}{49740}He was in the wind|for two years,Judge. {49741}{49836}If he decides to take off again, the|mood ofthe people in this city-- {49837}{49911}[Rasaan] Talk about thepeople!|We can't risk thepossibility... {49913}{50033}ofwaiting anothertwoyears,|two months, two days, two hours. {50035}{50165}The DistrictAttorney's office|is ardently opposedto bail. {50167}{50228}- How about no bail?|- Remove that man. {50229}{50312}- Get him out ofhere.|- Hey, back up, son! Back up, son! {50313}{50385}Hey, son. Hey, yo,|you gonna get your ass twisted. {50387}{50429}You betterget offme! {50431}{50492}Yourpoint is well taken,|Mr. Torres. {50494}{50608}Defendant is ordered to surrender|his passport to this court. {50610}{50696}However, lbelieve|thatyoung Mr. Wade... {50698}{50820}is sincere in his desire to deal|with whateverform ofjudgment... {50821}{50885}this room deemsnecessary|to deliver. {50887}{50949}-Bail is set at one million dollars.|-What? {50951}{51004}[People Shouting] {51006}{51057}[GavelPounds] {51059}{51136}-No!|-My client is prepared to post bail. {51238}{51268}Oh, no! {51455}{51520}[Carmen]|What the fuckis wrong withyou? {51521}{51583}- I'm out. I'm done.|- What are you, nuts? {51585}{51649}- Come on,John. This is whack.|- Fuck thejob! {51651}{51718}- I'll get him my own goddamn way.|- Ah! Insane! {52096}{52164}- Hey, hey!|- All right, I'm cool. {52202}{52249}I quit. {52791}{52886}lremember when ltook thatjob|thinking lcouldfight from inside, {52888}{52947}andyou telling me|about all theproblems. {52949}{53044}That color thing-- Too black for the|uniform, too blue for the brothers. {53046}{53148}About howjustice gets tangled up in|red tape or bought off by the green. {53149}{53250}You were right.|Fuck thatjob. Fuck the badge. {53252}{53340}I'll get that silver-spoon|motherfucker my own way. {53341}{53442}- No lawyers, politics, no rules.|- No pension. {53445}{53519}- What?|- You're too hot, step offa bit. {53520}{53568}- Let me put my people on him.|- No. Hell no. {53569}{53640}- His ass is mine.|- Hey, what's the difference? {53642}{53695}Got is got. {53696}{53795}His ass... is mine. {53902}{53984}- [Man] We're in prettygoodshape.|- What about the waitress? {53985}{54044}Paul, talk to him.|Thankyou. {54045}{54111}The truth is, Walter,|we can't fi nd her. {54112}{54161}[Walter]|Thisguy isgreat. {54163}{54222}[Paul]|Doyou know why we can't findher? {54224}{54282}'Cause she doesn't want|to be found. {54284}{54367}Do you want to go back to|Switzerland while we track her down? {54369}{54476}It could take a year,|two, ten, maybe never. {54478}{54579}Meanwhile, everything|andeveryone else is in place. {54580}{54637}I don't believe this. {54639}{54705}Even ifshe does surface,|she is seriously damaged goods. {54707}{54755}It'sjust a roll|ofthe dice, kid. {54757}{54806}[Chuckles] {54808}{54866}I'll roll|my own damn dice. {54868}{54943}Now, Walter--|Walter-- {54944}{55025}- Oh, hello. How are you?|- Hello, my darling. {55027}{55115}- [Woman] How wasyourday?|- ls that my mother's choker? {55116}{55203}- Oh, well, uh--|- You gave her my mother'sjewelry? {55205}{55253}Well, let me-- Walter.|Walter. {55255}{55287}Walter. {55335}{55384}- Walter!|- [DoorSlams] {56384}{56431}Hi, Miss Palmieri.|Remember me? {56432}{56532}Look, lreally need|to talk to Diane. {56534}{56604}She don't live here.|She lives in the Bronx. {56605}{56653}Yeah, I checked|the last address I had. {56655}{56699}Well, right now|she's in Europe. {56700}{56747}- Europe? Where in Europe?|- Spain. {56748}{56809}- I love Spain.|- Maybe Italy. {56811}{56917}I never know till I get|the postcard. What can I tell you? {56964}{57057}Hey, okay.|Thanks. {57417}{57509}I'll probably get fi red for this,|but I thought you might need help. {57844}{57918}Terry.|From Metronome, right? {57964}{58013}- Remember me?|- Yeah. {58015}{58097}How did you fi nd me?|[Laughs] {58099}{58211}I'm free on Monday nights, Tuesday|nights and every other Wednesday. {58263}{58333}Read my mind.|Why am I here? {58335}{58423}- You're looking for Diane?|- Got it. {58425}{58499}- What's in it for me?|- What you need? {58501}{58581}- [Man Shouts] Fuck that bitch!|- Look down the corner. {58583}{58659}See that little nigga,|the one with the redhat? {58660}{58708}That's Malik, okay? {58709}{58776}Now, my son Tony,|he's a real good boy. {58778}{58823}A good student. {58825}{58911}But he's 1 2, and I caught him twice|last week running errands for Malik. {58912}{59019}I need for that to stop.|Can you handle that? {59020}{59080}[Malik] Everybody on fucking drugs!|Nothin' but money! {59120}{59221}That's Monday, Tuesday|and every other Wednesday. {59223}{59274}- Right?|- You got it, baby. {59308}{59355}Mmm. {59356}{59428}Fucking haves and|the should not haves, motherfucker. {59430}{59510}[Malik] Who is the fuck|is to say lshouldn 't have shit? {59512}{59621}Anybody looking to maintain|their employment with the N.Y.P.D., {59623}{59693}it might be in their|best interest to leave now. {59809}{59856}Yo! {59891}{59954}Down! Down!|Down! Down! {59956}{60013}Man, leave him alone. {60015}{60065}- What's my name?|- What? {60067}{60147}- What's my name?|- I don't know. {60148}{60204}-John Shaft!|- What? {60206}{60295}-John Shaft! Say it!|-John Shaft. {60296}{60397}There's a kid lives up the block|about 1 2 named Tony. Know him? {60399}{60455}- Yeah.|- Wrong answer! {60457}{60553}There's a kidlives down the block|about 12 named Tony. Knowhim? {60555}{60613}- Nah, I don't know that kid.|- Stay! {60615}{60688}- Quit pointing the gun!|- This kid you don't know. {60690}{60775}You see him coming, you run|foryour motherfuckin' life. {60776}{60833}- Do you ever wanna see me again?|-No. {60835}{60892}- Do you ever wanna see me again?|- No! {60894}{60935}- What's my name?|- I forgot. {60936}{61003}- What's my name?|-John Shaft. John Shaft. {61044}{61108}John Shaft, yo. {61214}{61286}You ever wanna see me--|Oh, you answered that, huh? {61288}{61337}My bad. {61379}{61425}What? What? {61673}{61757}Fuck all that!.|Fuck all ofyou! {61794}{61871}- Give that back to me, man.|- It worked out great. {61872}{61920}Yeah. Okay. {61922}{61982}Hey, hey, hey, guys.|Break it up. {62076}{62153}- You're fi ghting over rubber?|- He started it. {62155}{62213}No, you always start it. {62248}{62324}Here. Jump for it, okay?|And behave. {63187}{63253}Get out ofthe way.|Get out ofthe way. {63462}{63524}[Man]|Get the fuck out ofthe road! {63526}{63586}What areyou fucking doing,|you crackhead? {63669}{63740}/ / [Salsa] {63986}{64068}[People Chattering|In Spanish] {64164}{64210}[Speaking Spanish] {64780}{64884}Leon, the minute she shows up,|you call me, right? {64885}{64932}Yeah. All right. {64933}{65004}How you gonna get me into the police|academy with you chuckin' yourjob? {65006}{65067}- Who lost your rap sheet foryou?|- You. {65068}{65140}- Who got you thatJets tryout?|- You. {65142}{65190}- Who got you that gig at the club?|- You. {65192}{65279}- Who delivers ten times out often?|- All right, dawg. You. {65280}{65359}So shut the fuck up|and call me when she shows. {65360}{65447}Why the hell you wanna|be a cop any-- {65448}{65514}Forget I asked.|Got milk? {65516}{65602}I got some milk. You want some milk?|I got a whole bunch of milk. {65604}{65705}Mira, I am telling you, {65707}{65758}Jeter hit one home run, {65760}{65841}two doubles|and he walk once. {65878}{65933}He walk once. {65935}{66004}- [Whispering]|- [Speaking Spanish] {66098}{66195}Y- Y- You dressing down|to blendin orsomething? {66197}{66287}You look like|a fucking duck hunter. {66446}{66512}I need someone located. {66514}{66579}Located?|What you mean, found? {66671}{66730}Located|and then what? {66908}{66980}That's gonna cost you. {67160}{67223}What am I, a pawnbroker?|I had it all appraised. {67224}{67284}It'll cash out to about 40,000. {67285}{67336}- Stole?|- Inherited. {67338}{67383}Inherited? {67464}{67527}- Forty thousand?|- Uh-huh. {67529}{67576}Yo, Peoples,|it's him. {67577}{67626}Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. {67628}{67708}Th-Th-That'syou. {67710}{67774}Cono, man.|He's fucking famous. {67776}{67839}[Woman On TV] Hundreds ofpeople|were outside the courthouse... {67841}{67916}protesting thejudge's decision|togrant bail. {67918}{67999}The case continues to arouse|fiercepassionsin this city. {68000}{68054}The trialis scheduled|to begin in two weeks. {68056}{68119}We are, ofcourse, following|this case veryclosely... {68120}{68203}to bringyou|the latest developments. {68205}{68339}Flaco, Flaco, Flaco, we got|Hollywood right here in the house. {68340}{68402}Whoo-hoo.|[Sighs] {68448}{68494}I gotta tell you|something. {68558}{68651}In this neighborhood,|I am the motherfucking king snake. {68689}{68792}I do like this... on 1 81 ,|three people die on Riverside. {68823}{68898}But the thing of it is,|you know, {68900}{68975}I go downtown to take|a girl out, show her the sights. {68976}{69065}I walk into a restaurant,|my stomach's in a knot, {69067}{69132}my teeth is clenched,|my hands is in fists. {69134}{69203}I don't fit in down there.|People look at me, size me up. {69204}{69284}So ten minutes into it,|lcan't wait to come backhome. {69285}{69383}- I'm like a prisoner, you know?|- Okay. {69385}{69440}But you-- {69530}{69589}See, I would kill|to be you. {69623}{69687}Go where you go. {69689}{69736}Do what you do. {69737}{69786}So this is|what I propose. {69788}{69875}Okay, thejewelry and shit-- go hock|the fash, bring me the cash. {69877}{69924}I'm not|gonna not take it. {69925}{69984}But what I really want-- {69986}{70078}I want you to start|taking me downtown with you. {70080}{70177}I want you to start|taking me whereveryou go. {70244}{70315}You mean like, uh,|hang out together? {70317}{70364}"Hang out." That's good.|[Giggles] {70365}{70455}Take you to Lutece, the Harvard Club?|What are you talking about? {70456}{70513}No, no, no, no, no. {70515}{70573}When I say "me," {70610}{70656}"me" is this. {70736}{70803}[Conversing|In Spanish] {70835}{70907}Oh. Hi. {70995}{71094}I want you to front for me,|be my face. {71120}{71166}Get me|some upscale customers. {71168}{71224}I would like that|very much. {71226}{71316}You get me into your world,|I do that bitch foryou. {71317}{71358}Word is bond. {71360}{71463}Man, you're doing a little bit|too much ofyour own product. {71464}{71519}- What?|- Look, it's 40, 000. {71520}{71595}lthought it wasgonna be more,|but that's what it is. {71597}{71652}If it's really|important to you, {71653}{71724}you can tell everybody you got|a rich white boy on a rope. {71725}{71760}I really don't care. {71762}{71808}But entre nous? {71810}{71880}No fuckin' way. {71909}{71970}Oye. What's up, Peoples?|Let me keep this. {72008}{72071}You know, {72073}{72135}you took a big risk... {72136}{72202}coming here|all by yourself. {72204}{72246}Did I? {72248}{72292}- Yo, Peoples, can I keep this?|- No. {72412}{72499}- Forty thousand?|- That's what I said. {72500}{72570}But this other thing,|you can't do for me? {72572}{72614}Not on your life. {72616}{72662}Not on my life?|[Chuckles] {72664}{72739}-Let me live. Let me keep that ice.|-No. {72741}{72840}The man gonna need it|to raise some money. {73060}{73121}You drive a hard bargain,|blanquito. {74070}{74105}[L oudSlam] {74106}{74173}[Dog Barks] {74175}{74222}[Mutters]|Where the fuckdidhego? {74350}{74397}[Gasps]|Hey! {74398}{74493}What is wrong with you, sneakin'|around behind me? You wanna die? {74494}{74597}- Hey. Come on. Con calma, cono.|- Get in the car. {74598}{74691}He hadthis, uh, chabo--|money belt... {74693}{74738}stuffed with rocks. {74739}{74813}Peoples tell him to cash it in|and, vaya que bien, done deal. {74815}{74881}You talkin' about Walter Wade,|the white boy, right? {74882}{74938}Si, si, anglo blanquito|from the television. {74940}{74998}They're gonna kill|that whitegirl. {75000}{75046}Cono, man. {75123}{75221}- What's up? - Gettin' to know|the lay ofthe land. How you doin'? {75222}{75269}Yeah, I'm havin'|a conversation here. {75270}{75349}- The courthouse was rough shit.|- Right, right. {75513}{75582}- You sure you're all right?|- Yeah, I'm cool. {75708}{75770}? Cono, man!|Me voy, huh? {75894}{75971}Hey, Shaft,|lheardyou quit la policia. {75973}{76070}So I don't think it's right|I gotta do this shit anymore. {76072}{76142}Okay, okay.|Okay, Shaft, okay. {76144}{76194}Mariconaso. {76321}{76397}Thisguy|comes in here, {76398}{76469}he's got his drawers stuffed|with jewelry and he asks me, {76470}{76517}"Can you locate somebody?" {76518}{76613}And I say yeah, because he's|kinda like a celebrity, you know. {76614}{76697}You don't want to say no. His coming|to me, it's all fattering and shit. {76698}{76817}The truth of it is, fi nding people,|that's not really my forte. {76818}{76896}So this is what I propose.|[Kiss] {76898}{76954}You detectives and shit,|right? {76956}{77002}You detect. {77004}{77074}So why don't I|subcontract to you? {77076}{77165}The guy says the shit'll cash out to|20 G's. He's gonna bring it tonight. {77167}{77257}Withyou lsplit it|down the middle-- 50-50. {77258}{77306}Easiest money|you'll ever make. {77308}{77414}You take half,|ltake half. {77415}{77474}Ten large? {77475}{77522}Ten thousand. {77523}{77600}All you gotta do|is tell me where she's at. {77602}{77648}Then what happens? {77650}{77701}Easiest money|you'll ever make. {77836}{77875}[Baby Coos] {77922}{77997}[Coughs, Mutters]|You wanna tell him about Tattoo? {77999}{78074}Uh, can I talk to you|for a moment? {78312}{78350}[Mutters]|What? {78376}{78422}[Sighs] {78424}{78501}- Wonder what the market did today.|- How the fuck should I know? {78611}{78663}[Screaming] {78665}{78711}[Thud] {78898}{78921}[Speaks Spanish] {79034}{79103}- [Man #1] All the white boys.|- [Man #2] Get the fuck outta here! {79105}{79154}Solo lo blanquito.|[Chuckles] {79156}{79202}Sabes, sonso, como es-- {79203}{79249}Diablo.|[Chuckles] {79278}{79338}lheard|you needajob. {79340}{79379}But this?|[Giggling] {79410}{79497}You know when guys like you|go down for good? {79499}{79546}When they get aspirations. {79547}{79623}When they tryandrise|above theirstation. {79625}{79691}Now, this contract killin' thing|you got with WalterJr.-- {79693}{79739}Doyourselfa favor. {79741}{79827}You're a two-bit, three-block|dope dealer. Stick to whatyou know. {79829}{79923}Calmate.|Stick to what l know? {79925}{80008}Fuckyou, motherfucker.|I'm a star. {80010}{80061}Yo soy elmeyeme. {80096}{80171}You ain't shit. You ain't|even a fuckin' pig no more. {80173}{80278}Do you think that makes me|less dangerous or more dangerous? {80279}{80354}Now, lseeyousomewhere|lthinkyou don't belong, {80356}{80405}I will kill you. {80407}{80461}Calmate.|Calmate. {80463}{80513}Mira, mira, mira, mira.|Look. {80515}{80562}I respect you. {80563}{80605}llikeyou. {80607}{80661}That why you always|wanna fuck me? {80784}{80837}Tenga un buen dia. {80944}{80991}[Whimpers] {81131}{81170}Puta, why you finch? {81334}{81381}[Shaft]|Ms. Palmieri. {81382}{81429}Wait here. {81468}{81514}Motherfuckers! {81591}{81662}She didn't see nothin',|and she ain't gonna testify. {81663}{81729}- Stay the fuckaway from mysister!|- Noguns! Take it easy! {81730}{81815}Well, ifyour sister didn't see|anything, why's she runnin' so hard? {81817}{81886}-Just leave her be.|- Wade threaten her again? {81887}{81927}- Don't move.|- This is fuckin' bullshit! {81929}{82018}- Look, lcan take care ofthat.|- Leave her be. {82020}{82079}Frankie. {82081}{82137}Mikey. {82138}{82207}Ma, go back in the house. {82209}{82257}Wejust wanna talk to her. {82259}{82354}Yeah, sure, with those guns.|Get lost. {82567}{82614}What do you think? {82615}{82665}- They shot a blank.|- Nothin', right? {82667}{82721}- [Engine Starts]|- [Clicks Tongue] {82723}{82770}Nada. {82771}{82850}Come on, Shaft.|Lead us to that waitress. {82852}{82898}[Engine Starts] {83015}{83069}[Carmen]|lthink we're being tailed. {83342}{83381}Roselli and Groves. {83383}{83433}They're following us? {83434}{83482}They saw me with Tattoo|last night. {83484}{83579}Now Peoples is probably|payin' 'em to fi nd Diane. {83582}{83613}So, yeah,|they're following us. {83615}{83669}First Walter, Peoples. {83670}{83717}Now these two.|[Scoffs] {83718}{83780}They like to|fuck with people, huh? {83782}{83874}I'm gonna have to show 'em what|fuckin' with people's all about. {84057}{84121}47th and Fifth. {84581}{84651}- What you starin' at, bitch?|- Punk-ass! {84653}{84715}Hey, you better|keep steppin', motherfucker. {84717}{84763}Fuckin ' white boy. {84921}{84981}/ Everynight on thestreets/ {84983}{85034}/ Here's a littlepiece|that's comin 'from me/ {85036}{85106}/ When a boy begins|slippin 'in a bar/ {85108}{85169}/ Smokin 'at a redlight|in the car/ {85171}{85229}/ ldon't know|but it'splain to see/ {85231}{85289}/ Men arejust out here|foolin ' with kids/ {85291}{85366}/ Without introducin '|let meslide on by/ {85368}{85432}/ 'Cause everybody|wants to be a tough guy/ / {85716}{85800}Freeze, mofo,|'fore I bust a cap in your dome! {86056}{86090}Fuck! {86225}{86305}- How'd I sound?|- How'd you sound? {86306}{86377}"Freeze, mofo,|'fore I bust a cap in your dome." {86378}{86430}Oh, pure, notorious P.I.G. {86432}{86502}Thankyou, man.|That means a lot coming from you. {86504}{86592}- Howmuch we get?|- Hang on. You are so controlling. {86629}{86740}42,000-- that's a lot|ofcount for a simple murder. {86742}{86833}I know cats that'd take out a whole|zip code for that kind ofcheese. {86835}{86897}Anyways,|it's a onetime favor, okay? {86899}{86945}I owe you one. {86947}{87022}You still a motherfuckin' cracker.|You know that, right? {87024}{87060}Fuckyou too, corn bread. {87101}{87148}I'm out. {87203}{87249}Well,|lgotta tellyou-- {87251}{87321}Flaco, busca elmaterial|para el. {87323}{87393}Uh, the wheels|already is in motion. {87395}{87489}You know what I'm saying?|Can'tjust turn off the dogs ofwar. {87491}{87537}Look,|I got fuckin' mugged. {87539}{87585}I have no money. {87587}{87639}I hearyou, I hearyou,|I hearyou. {87641}{87701}Calma. Calma. {87754}{87840}Well, I guess you just|got to earn it back. {87841}{87892}Huh? {87893}{87941}[Sighs] {87942}{87998}Ounces are a thousand. {88000}{88074}Eight-ball's 200.|A gram's 80. lt's allprebagged. {88076}{88146}And I tell you|like I tell all my boys-- {88148}{88229}Ifyou cut it any more, you can say|good-bye to repeat customers. {88231}{88277}You gotta be shittin' me. {88279}{88346}You keep coming back,|re-up with me nine orten times, {88348}{88394}we should be even-steven|in about... {88396}{88456}- [WaterSplashes]|- six, eight months. {88499}{88545}Is this a fuckin' joke? {88597}{88658}[Beep Beep Beep] {88704}{88752}To keep in touch. {88778}{88813}[Hisses] {89069}{89150}[Rings] {89152}{89198}- [Receiver Picks Up]|- [Mrs. Palmieri] Hello? {89200}{89318}- Mom, you called me?|- Those detectives came around. {89320}{89386}- I'm not testifying!|- I know. I know. {89388}{89458}I'm not a bad person.|I'm not. {89460}{89508}I know you're not. {89510}{89557}[Trembling]|l won't testify! {89558}{89633}- Baby--|- Mom,just keep 'em away from me. {89635}{89710}- [Click, Dial Tone]|- [Mrs. Palmieri] Diane? {89712}{89801}[Computer]|71 8-555-2473. {89802}{89849}I need a number check. {89850}{89962}[Carmen]|718-555-2473. {89964}{90022}[DispatcherOn Radio]|Comes up Tony DeCarlo, {90024}{90070}1 14 CromwellStreet,|Marine Park. {90072}{90149}Andhey, tellShaft|get that bastard. {90482}{90529}[Horn Honking] {91138}{91209}He's probably gettin'|one ofthose Simonizejobs. {91302}{91374}Let's play games. {91682}{91741}- How you doin, partner?|- You ready, Leon? {91852}{91898}Let's roll. {92016}{92098}Come on, Shaft.|Lead us to the prize, baby. {92469}{92516}Bro, I gotta pee. {92617}{92712}He's sittin 'right overthere.|He'llleadyou right to thegirl. {92713}{92784}- You got our money?|- Oh, yeah. {92785}{92850}That boy, the celebrity,|he got mugged. {92852}{92977}- He what? - He showed up all,|"No tengo dinero, boss." {92979}{93033}Do I look like|a fuckin' fool to you? {93035}{93094}- I don't know.|- Yo, where's ourmoney? {93096}{93148}ljust toldyou|hegot mugged. {93149}{93226}That's like-- that's like an act|of God. You know, obra de Dios. {93228}{93316}- Where is our fuckin' money?|- He got mugged. Ask him. {93317}{93388}Dangerous times are here now.|Yougot to watchyourback too. {93389}{93474}- You watchyours too.|- New World Order got to be careful. {93476}{93540}[Phone Ringing] {93541}{93607}Yo, yo, give me Peoples, man. {93763}{93809}Hello? {93811}{93859}Who the fuckis this?|Hello? {93887}{93966}Say exactly what I told you,|word for word. {93967}{94047}- I'll blow his brains out.|- Take it easy. Just be ready. {94049}{94119}- What?|- Hey, them two you fuckin' with? {94121}{94191}They robbed the white boy.|They got the money under the seat. {94193}{94251}They playin' you, dude. {94253}{94299}[Phone Beeps Off] {94575}{94622}Step out ofthe car,|please. {94623}{94674}Excuse me? {94707}{94749}Yo, yo, yo,|what's up? {94751}{94830}What's this about, huh?|What? {94855}{94899}What? What? {94925}{94975}Diablo. {94977}{95040}!La puneta!|!Mira, mira, mira! {95042}{95093}- [Men Shouting]|- [Shaft Chuckling] {95095}{95146}- Let's roll, soul.|- [EngineStarts] {95261}{95307}[L ucifer]|Oh, shit. {95342}{95396}lknow what this isgonna|soundlike, but we hadno idea. {95398}{95468}- You know what that's gonna|sound like? - Come on, easy, easy. {95470}{95579}Ifwe thought of it, which we didn't,|we would've taken him out ourselves. {95581}{95636}We're none of us|nice people here. {95638}{95715}But that being said, we delivered.|You got your dough. {95717}{95794}- Now give us our cut.|- Your cut? {95795}{95863}- I'll give you your cut!|- Give us our fuckin' money! {95865}{95936}- We'll kill you, motherfucker!|- Someone's gotta go! Let's all die! {95938}{95980}Hold it!|Yo, Peoples! {95982}{96039}- I saw Shaft. He drove off.|- What? {96041}{96092}- I saw Shaft. He drove off.|- Shaft? {96094}{96135}Then who the fuck|is that? {96137}{96195}[Peoples Shouts Command|in Spanish] {96343}{96403}Ha ha!|What? {96471}{96541}He's playin' us.|Shaft is playin' us. {96758}{96811}- You got it, right?|- lgot it, baby. {96813}{96916}Hello, can I speak to|Diane "Palm-eye-ri," please? {96918}{96970}No, Rasaan.|Palmieri. {96972}{97029}Palmieri!|I said I got it, dude. {97073}{97164}What the fuckyou lookin' at me|like that for, anyway? {97315}{97385}Hi. Good morning.|I'm from Publisher's Clearinghouse. {97387}{97474}Is Diane "Palm-eye-ri" home|at the moment? {97475}{97553}- ldon't know whoyou're|talking about. - Wait a second. {97555}{97610}Wait!|Yougotsome dough comin '! {97611}{97661}[Woman Whispers]|Go. Go, go, go. {97663}{97711}[Rasaan]|lain 't bullshittin '! {97713}{97791}Wish this fool'd hurry up|so we could get outta here. {97906}{97955}- Aaah!|- It's okay. It's okay! {97957}{98003}- Leave me alone!|- Listen to me! {98005}{98067}Mikey, get your brother|and get over here now. {98069}{98138}Yo, Shaft! Yo! {98139}{98209}- [Screams]|- [Groans] {98232}{98274}Vayanporadelante|yporatras. {98275}{98381}Shit. Motherfucker bring me|out here for this bullshit. {98383}{98440}[Diane Continues|Screaming] {98483}{98568}!Matalos, cono!|I should be in there, man. {98643}{98702}- Let me go.|- I said stay! {98730}{98779}Atrasde la casa.|?Ahora! {99111}{99184}[Man Shouting|ln Spanish] {99246}{99303}- Yo, Shaft!|- Start the fuckin' car! {99305}{99351}- [Gunshots]|- Come on! {99625}{99679}No. {99681}{99750}- Get the broad in the car!|- Open the door! {99751}{99839}No!|You killed my little brother! {99857}{99912}You best kill me! {99914}{99954}You best killme,|motherfucker! {99955}{100030}You best kill me, motherfucker!|You best kill me! {100031}{100110}- Get in the car.|- You best kill me, motherfucker! {100111}{100148}You best killme! {100150}{100194}[VehicleApproaching] {100247}{100310}- Let my sister go!|- Diane! Diane! {100337}{100396}- Get out of here, Rasaan!|- Let her go! {100398}{100449}[Both Grunting] {100451}{100511}- Diane!|- Fuckyou, motherfucker. {100513}{100611}- Calm down! - I'll choke that|motherfucker! Didn't see nothin'! {100613}{100656}-What the fuck are you doing to her?|-Go, goddamn it! {100658}{100719}- You got me out here with no--|- [Screaming] {100721}{100781}- Mikey!|- [Tires Screeching] {100783}{100839}- You fucked him!|- [Shaft Groaning] {100841}{100885}Fuck! {100887}{100927}[Grunts] {100929}{100977}- Damn it!|- You motherfucker, I'll-- {100979}{101056}Mikey! Mikey! {101126}{101172}This is fucked. {101305}{101381}Oy, mi--|Hermanito. {101383}{101437}Hermanito.|Oy, miDios. {101439}{101485}Oy, miDios. {101703}{101749}You follow them. {101751}{101807}- Peoples, at this point--|- Look at my little brother! {101809}{101898}You follow them,|you fi nd out where they go, {101899}{101946}and you call me. {101947}{102020}I'll take it from there. Don't worry|about it, you puerco sucio. {102183}{102234}Motherfucker,|you owe me now, {102235}{102282}Mr. Big-time Shaft. {102915}{103009}[Rasaan] I tell you, before we get|up in here I'm gon' warn y'all. {103011}{103091}I gave the cleaning lady|a few years off. {103193}{103268}You know, let her|get her shit together. {103270}{103351}Once lpicksome ofthis shit up,|lightsome candles andincense, {103353}{103399}everything'll|bejust cool. {103401}{103496}Goddamn, Rasaan, this is|like a biohazard in here. {103498}{103587}You're welcome.|Why don't you sit down, relax. {103617}{103663}You fi rst.|That's nasty. {103665}{103708}What?|Sit down. {103734}{103780}Go ahead. Sit down. {103809}{103879}Man, this is|some repugnant shit. {104274}{104320}[Whispers]|Hermanito. {104322}{104368}[Bell Dings] {104730}{104798}- Fuck!|- Aaaah! {104893}{104950}[Shouting, Grunting] {104986}{105090}Aah! Wait!|What the fuck is g-- Whoa! {105091}{105167}You come, next thing I know|Shaft put my brother in a box. {105169}{105249}- What? - Snatched that bitch|and put my brother in a box. {105251}{105343}- He what?|- You got something in your ear? {105345}{105404}Huh? Huh?|[Grunting] {105434}{105526}No! Aaah! Aaah! {105527}{105595}[Continues Screaming] {105623}{105693}I come back later,|put this in your ass. {105695}{105738}Aaah! {105882}{105928}[Sobbing, Whimpering]|You fuckin'-- {105961}{106024}[Phone Rings] {106026}{106118}Hey, Carmen,|lgotJohn Shaft on the line. {106121}{106164}Yeah, Peoples. {106210}{106308}6850 Norstrom Avenue, between|Prospect Place and Park Place. {106341}{106402}We'll sit tight|in case he makes a move. {106404}{106450}Let's go!|Let's go! {106452}{106498}[Shouting In Spanish] {106500}{106554}What about the blow? {106921}{106975}Yo, Ras. {107125}{107196}Hey, yo, big man.|What are you doin' over there? {107197}{107252}Come on.|Let's get going over there. {107254}{107301}Yeah, real funny. {107344}{107414}- l wanna check on my brother.|-Allright, paisan. {107416}{107462}Go check|onyour fratello. {107752}{107841}Look, it'sjust|the two of us here. {107906}{107953}You saw it, didn't you? {107990}{108091}And it's like a big, fat stone|layin' on your chest. {108161}{108231}You gotta let go of it,|Diane. {108233}{108294}Trust me on this. {108296}{108354}Just let it go. {108499}{108548}I was on my break. {108575}{108633}l went out front|to have a cigarette. {108667}{108725}l was out there|about ten minutes. {108763}{108869}lsee the blackkid, Trey,|comin 'out, andhe waspissed. {108871}{108977}Talkin 'to himself,|like, pacin 'andcursin '. {109018}{109065}He didn 't see me. {109082}{109142}Then, like... {109144}{109249}a minute later|the Wade guy comes out. {109250}{109309}He doesn 't|even breakstride. {109310}{109392}Hesnatches up this silver,|ldon't know, pole. {109421}{109482}Andthe Trey kid turns to him,|andhesawhim. {109484}{109530}Hesawit comin '. {109532}{109587}Just bashes him. {109657}{109750}Thespray, you know. {109780}{109832}Blood. {109833}{109887}[Groans] {109889}{109935}[Whispers]|Oh! {109990}{110062}[Groaning, Gagging] {110220}{110266}Then hesees me. {110268}{110314}Wade. {110392}{110456}l wantedto run.|My legs wouldn 't move. {110457}{110528}Andhe comes over|andpushes me. {110529}{110588}- Aah!|- Give me your wallet. {110589}{110636}ldidn 't understand. {110772}{110818}Diane Palmieri. {110870}{110937}You see that? Huh? {110939}{111017}You want a taste ofthat?|You want a taste? {111045}{111091}You're gonna go back inside, {111093}{111139}you're gonna|fi nish your shift. {111141}{111200}Then you're gonna go home. {111202}{111287}Somebody will call you|later tonight. {111289}{111335}Do you understand me? {111566}{111637}ldon't even remember|going backinside. {111665}{111712}I remember talkin' to you, {111747}{111817}lremember duckin 'out|the back andgoin 'home, {111859}{111929}and I got a call|like he said I would. {111931}{111987}Some guy. {111989}{112039}Very smooth, very-- {112122}{112191}And the next day|I just started runnin'. {112272}{112330}I been kinda runnin'|ever since. {112389}{112435}Okay. {112521}{112627}[Sighs]|Now here's the good news. {112629}{112687}You are about|to stop running. {112689}{112748}- This trial is gonna--|- You don't get it, do you? {112845}{112910}I took money. {112912}{112959}Uh-- {112961}{113040}The man who called me offered me|$1 00,000 to get lost-- {113042}{113130}halfright then, andhalfafter|the disposition ofthe case. {113132}{113174}And I said yes. {113201}{113274}ltook$50, 000,|andldisappeared. {113334}{113417}See, I told myself,|I pointed him out to you. {113418}{113518}I fi ngered that son ofa bitch,|and I got him arrested. {113520}{113589}Andltoldmyself|that was enough. {113590}{113640}But obviously it wasn 't. {113642}{113692}I mean, obviously. {113789}{113859}[Sobbing] {113897}{113943}I'm so sorry. {114141}{114195}These last two years, {114229}{114278}they must've been hell|on you. {114280}{114324}What? {114433}{114503}I could be home|trading stocks on the Internet. {114505}{114572}- I could be watching the Knicks.|- Yeah. {114598}{114657}Oh, shit! {114706}{114780}- Could she know about us?|- How the fuck do I know? {114976}{115032}- Oh,Jesus Christ.|- She's coming this way. {115034}{115081}Play it easy.|Stay with me. {115082}{115125}Yeah. {115166}{115212}- How you doin'?|- Hey. Hey. {115214}{115284}- What are you guys doin' here?|- Watching your back. {115311}{115367}I just got here.|My back? {115368}{115433}Your back, Shaft's back.|You know. {115435}{115503}Well, he never said|where he was gonna be. {115529}{115574}The drums.|You hear things. {115612}{115663}Drums? {115665}{115751}Hepicked apretty tough|neighborhood to lay lowin. {115753}{115831}- You wearin' your vest?|- Nah. {115917}{115985}Jesus Christ! {115987}{116037}Hey! {116039}{116091}- Shit.|- [immy] Police business. {116093}{116175}- Police business.|- What the fuckyou shootin' at now? {116177}{116226}Shootin 'atyourass|ifyou don't get out ofmy face! {116228}{116299}- Hey, fuckyou!|- Step off. Get a life, girls. {116300}{116383}- Hey, get these nuts, cops!|- Go piss in the bed, boy. {116384}{116463}- What?|- Yeah, keep walkin '. Keep walkin '. {116464}{116526}- Yeah.|- Bitch-ass cops. {116783}{116869}[Chattering In Spanish] {116871}{116933}Oh, shit. {116935}{116998}[Buzz] {116999}{117065}Vamonos. {117212}{117250}What next,|maestro? {117251}{117307}We fi nish|what we started. {117696}{117779}-What the fuck I do with these keys?|-Rasaan! {117781}{117842}- Hurry up. Come on.|- Be right there. Don't rush me. {117843}{117902}- You ready? Come on, Diane.|- [Frankie] Yeah, let'sgo. {117903}{117959}Let'sgo see the D.A. {118175}{118223}[Shaft]|Get out the window, now! {118303}{118343}Oh, shit! {118381}{118427}Out! Out! Go! {118488}{118543}You got my house fucked up! {118568}{118618}Go.|Let's get 'em. {118620}{118667}- Stay behind me. Come on!|- [Gunfire Continues] {118727}{118775}Come on!|Come on, Diane! {118776}{118807}[Shouts In Spanish] {119008}{119046}Go! Go! {119157}{119222}- They went out the window!|- [Shouting In Spanish] {119367}{119429}Hurry the fuck up! {119431}{119487}Come on. {119680}{119737}Oh, fuck, man! {119739}{119809}Go to the car!|Go to the car! {119811}{119866}Come on, go, go!|This way. {120091}{120131}Why? {120133}{120251}My kids. You can't believe|what private schools are charging. {120284}{120343}This is breakin' my heart. {120419}{120466}Shoot him. {120687}{120733}It's Guiliani time. {120759}{120801}Stylin'. {120827}{120871}[Shouts In Spanish] {121075}{121133}Go! {121213}{121325}!La esquina! !Al carro! !Al carro!|!Vamos! !Manejen! {121327}{121387}[Rasaan]|Yo, Shaft, get in the car! {121417}{121495}l'm 'bout to leave|allyou motherfuckers, man! {121497}{121577}What the fucky'all doin'?|Shut the fuck up and drive! {121775}{121853}- [Screams]|- Oh, shit! Fuck! Shit! Fuckin'-- {121927}{121979}Hold on, y'all! {122081}{122121}[Rasaan]|Shoot his ass! {122235}{122306}Oh, shit! The car! {122329}{122373}Watch that shit! {122375}{122417}- [Horn Honks]|- [All Scream] {122521}{122585}You fuckin' up my car,|you pussies! {122587}{122633}Just drive, goddamn it!|Drive! {123024}{123097}Aaaah! {123343}{123393}[Rasaan]|Oh, shit! {123427}{123474}[Shouting, Whooping] {123475}{123546}- Whoo!|- [Rasaan]Shoot them motherfuckers! {123547}{123630}- [Panting, Sighing]|- Yeah! Yeah! {123631}{123706}- Okay, calm down. Calm down.|- [Diane Hyperventilating] {123707}{123790}They can't fuck with us!|They can't fuck with us! {123791}{123883}You know how I hold it behind|the wheel. They can't fuck with me. {124503}{124558}[All Shouting, Screaming] {124579}{124638}- [Shouting]|- [Gasps] {124659}{124727}[Shouting Continues] {124729}{124793}- [Groans]|- [Continues Shouting] {124963}{125030}[Engine Revs, Stops] {125351}{125409}[Panting] {125742}{125789}- [Diane Moans]|- [Peoples] Hey, Shaft! {125870}{125924}No more Tefon don, yo. {125926}{126008}No more hotshit, babe. {126010}{126049}l'm a motherfucking|deadman. {126051}{126097}First to admit it. {126134}{126198}Maybe you kill me,|or the cops. {126200}{126258}Maybe I kill myself.|What do you think? {126260}{126330}Look, this is between|you and me. {126332}{126406}- Let her go.|- You know, that's the funny thing. {126408}{126486}I'm not your enemy.|I'm Peoples. {126488}{126554}- They your enemy.|- Hey! Hey! {126556}{126601}I know your enemy. {126603}{126649}- They your enemy.|- [Groans] {126651}{126739}- You're doing Wade's dirty work ?|- You gon' shoot me, Shaft? {126741}{126797}All I got is this.|Let's go, man. {126799}{126856}Okay. {126857}{126926}Allright,|l'm putting thegun down. {126951}{126998}Mano a mano.|Come on. {127000}{127046}Let's go. {127048}{127090}[Panting] {127132}{127214}Ta bueno.|Ta bueno. {127216}{127260}Vamo a pelear. {127292}{127357}Take your woman! {127442}{127501}Ta bueno. {127503}{127540}I'm not your enemy. {127570}{127640}l'm Peoples. {127642}{127693}l'm Peoples. {127695}{127756}[Sniffs]|Come on, motherfucker. Come on. {127758}{127837}- You through?|- Vamos, anciano. {127839}{127920}Vamosapelear, ami.|Yo soy Peoples. {128448}{128502}- [Diane Whimpering]|- It's okay. {128753}{128845}- [CrowdShouting]|- Theson ofdeveloper Walter Wade, {128847}{128917}who fledthe country|more than twoyears ago, {128919}{128989}hasbeen out on bail|awaiting this day... {128991}{129061}to tryandconvince ajury|ofhis innocence. {129063}{129133}[ReporterContinues,|lndistinct] {129347}{129448}- [Shaft] Hey, shepasses through.|- Come on through. {129449}{129502}Everybody else,|back up, please. {129504}{129550}Hey. {129552}{129610}This morning we got|a whole new lineup. {129612}{129682}Got a newjudge, the D.A. himself|is running the prosecution, {129684}{129730}and we have|an eyewitness. {129732}{129802}Today we're gonna get|our money's worth. {129836}{129882}I know we will. {129884}{129954}- Shaft, can we have a word?|- How you doin'? {129956}{130026}Mrs. Howard, doyou have|a comment on the newprosecutor? {130063}{130109}Hey. {130111}{130193}- I'm scared to death.|- Hey, look, you're gonna be fi ne. {130195}{130241}Ifyou feel yourself|tightenin' up-- {130243}{130314}-Just look foryou.|- I'll be there. {130316}{130380}[Siren Wailing] {130406}{130452}- Oh,Jesus.|- Uh-uh. {130454}{130524}-You don't even have to look at him.|- Okay. {130526}{130572}- Hmm?|- Okay. Okay. {130610}{130696}- Hope you die a slow death!|- Back off! Back off! {130697}{130738}[Crowd Continues|Shouting] {130740}{130810}- [Onlooker] Guilty!|- Back it off! Let's go! {130812}{130853}Oh! No, don't! {130884}{130937}- [CrowdScreaming]|- Get down! {130939}{130998}[Screaming Continues] {131331}{131436}[Crowd Chanting] Let hergo!|Let hergo!Let hergo!Let hergo! {131438}{131551}Let hergo! Let hergo!|Let hergo! Let hergo! {131553}{131676}Let hergo! Let hergo!|Let hergo! Let hergo! {131718}{131766}Youstilldetermined|to be aprivate eye? {131796}{131852}- I thinkyou're making a mistake.|- ldon't. {131853}{131921}- Why don't you come in with us?|- I like what I do. {131922}{131992}Yeah, right. {132092}{132137}-You Detective Shaft?|-Used to be. {132139}{132240}I need to fi le me an assault charge|against my boyfriend. {132242}{132298}People say|lshould talk toyou. {132300}{132357}This is Detective Vasquez.|She's-- {132358}{132398}She's unavailable|at the moment. {132434}{132521}See that guy on the phone?|When he's done, he'll help you. {132522}{132593}- They said I should talk to you.|- ldon't work here anymore. {132594}{132658}Have a seat.|When he's done, he'llhelpyou. {132927}{132973}[Sighs] {132975}{133116}// {133118}{133208}/ / ["Theme from Shaft" ] {133210}{133261}// {133263}{133333}Write the asshole's name|where I can fi nd him. {133335}{133392}Uh-uh.|You can't do that. {133394}{133446}- One for the road.|- Hmmph. {133448}{133517}// {133518}{133637}Why don't you get that|looked at. I'll see what I can do. {133638}{133777}// {133779}{133821}Now what? {133822}{133910}I gotta pull this asshole's coat.|Wanna back me up? {133912}{133958}Back you up? {133960}{133982}// {133984}{134030}[Scoffs] {134032}{134073}// {134075}{134121}Bye. {134123}{134162}Bye. {134164}{134258}// {134260}{134310}Good luck to you. {134312}{134358}You damn jerk. {134360}{134406}// {134408}{134478}Yo, Shaft, man,|we gotta talk, dawg. {134480}{134587}- What's the deal, son?|- The deal is, my life is fucked. {134589}{134674}You know what I mean? I ain't|got no car. I ain't got no business. {134676}{134722}I can't eat. {134724}{134802}You done came by the apartment and|shot up the whole fuckin' building. {134804}{134884}- Landlady wants me in the street.|- It ain't that bad. {134886}{134932}- What?|- It ain't all that. {134934}{135017}Fuck both ofy'all then.|It's my motherfuckin' life. {135019}{135077}Rasaan, Rasaan, shut up.|Here. {135079}{135113}// {135115}{135169}What you giving me|that for? {135170}{135280}// {135281}{135328}Th-This is for me? {135329}{135361}// {135362}{135434}Oooh-ooh!|Ooh-ooh-ooh! {135436}{135516}This is my shit?|[Laughs] {135518}{135612}That's why I love you, baby.|[Laughs] {135614}{135688}Oooh, brother,|what the fuckyou doin'? {135689}{135758}You always take care ofme.|lloveyou forthat, baby. {135760}{135857}- Let's roll. We got work to do.|- You call this work? {135859}{135925}// {135926}{135958}[Rasaan] Ooh, yeah, cat.|Yo, Shaft, I been thinkin'. {135958}{136057}[Rasaan] Ooh, yeah, cat.|Yo, Shaft, I been thinkin'. {136059}{136177}Y'allshouldmake me an associate|in this detective gamey'allgot.. {136179}{136249}l wouldn 't do|no hard-core detective work. {136251}{136333}l wanna takepictures ofbroads|cheatin 'on theirhusbands. {136335}{136405}- ljust wanna holda camera, dawg.|- [Shaft Laughs] {136407}{136489}- Allyou'llbe holdin ' is the wheel.|- [Rasaan Laughs] {136491}{136588}Yeah, "bruddah, "yeah.|We offinto thesunset, "bruddah. " {136590}{136623}[lsaac Hayes]|/ Who's the blackprivate dick/ {136625}{136696}/ That's thesex machine|to all the chicks/ {136698}{136730}[Backup Singers]|/ Shaft/ {136731}{136778}/ You damn right/ {136963}{137080}/ Who is the man that would|risk his neck forhis brotherman/ {137082}{137125}[Backup Singers]|/ Shaft/ {137127}{137161}/ Canyou dig it/ {137348}{137397}/ Who's the cat|that won't cop out/ {137399}{137465}/ When there's danger|allabout/ {137467}{137502}[Backup Singers]|/ Shaft/ {137504}{137547}/ Right on/ {137549}{137609}/ Theysay this catShaft|is a badmother--/ {137611}{137643}[Backup Singers]|/ Shutyourmouth/ {137645}{137718}- / l'm talkin 'aboutShaft/ |- / Well, we can dig it/ {137719}{137773}/ He's a complicatedman/ {137775}{137860}/ But no one understands him|but his woman/ {137862}{137908}[Backup Singers]|/ John Shaft/ {137910}{138266}// {138268}{138626}// {138628}{138986}// {138988}{139202}// {139204}{139275}/ / [Ends] {139276}{139305}// {139307}{139346}[Male Singer, Speaking]|Yousee, really ldon't... {139348}{139414}give a damn|whatyou may think ofme. {139416}{139487}Thinkyou a bad-ass?lgon'do what|l'm gon'do, say what l'm gon'say. {139488}{139518}You think|you a bad-ass, nigga? {139520}{139586}- You understand what l'm sayin '?|- [Scoffs] {139588}{139639}Well, you better.|Yeah. {139641}{139747}/ l wasborn in thesestreets|Raisedin thesestreets/ {139749}{139841}/ Walkedin thesestreets|Taught by thesestreets/ {139843}{139932}/ Livedin thesestreets|Hustledin thesestreets/ {139934}{140026}/ Arrestedin thesestreets|Protectedby thesestreets/ {140027}{140116}/ Yea, though l walk through|the valley ofthesestreets/ {140118}{140164}/ lshallnot|leave thesestreets/ {140166}{140214}/ Because|lrun thesestreets/ {140216}{140301}- / Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa/ |- / Andlpaidmy dues/ {140303}{140362}/ With borrowedpennies/ {140363}{140390}/ Andnow/ {140391}{140494}/ l'm a badman/ {140495}{140584}/ l'm not ashamedofit/ {140586}{140679}/ A badman, yeah/ {140680}{140764}/ ldon't needno love/ {140766}{140867}/ l'm a badman, yeah/ {140869}{140951}/ l'm not ashamedofit/ {140952}{141052}/ l'm a badman/ {141054}{141142}/ My life's lately lost/ {141144}{141238}/ lstoodon these blocks|Rode hoodon these blocks/ {141239}{141330}/ Gotpaid on these blocks|Strayedon these blocks/ {141332}{141424}/ Movedin on these blocks|Put out on these blocks/ {141426}{141523}/ lbeen aroundthe block|Been watchedon these blocks/ {141525}{141614}/ Yea, though l walk through|the valley ofthese blocks/ {141615}{141665}/ lshallnot|leave these blocks/ {141667}{141712}/ Because|lrun these blocks/ {141714}{141803}- / Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa/ |- / Yeah, paidmy dues/ {141805}{141861}/ With borrowedpennies/ {141863}{141888}/ Andnow/ {141890}{141952}/ l'm a badman/ {141954}{142045}/ There wasno fatherthere|forme, hey/ {142047}{142138}- / And, ooh, sometimes/ |- / A badman, yeah/ {142140}{142214}/ We wouldjust have togo|without eatin '/ {142216}{142263}/ Hey|Howdoyou like me now/ {142265}{142390}- / l'm a badman/ |- / Give my life formy brother/ {142392}{142514}/ See, l'm a badmother|Shutyourmouth/ {142516}{142562}/ Go on, go on/ {142563}{142610}/ Go on, go on/ /