{900}{939}My name is Turkish. {947}{996}Funny name for an Englishman, I know. {1003}{1085}My parents were on the same plane|when it crashed. That's how they met. {1120}{1170}They named me after the plane. {1177}{1236}Not many people are|named after a plane crash. {1256}{1289}That's Tommy. {1297}{1348}He tells people|he was named after a gun. {1362}{1474}But I know he was really named after|a famous 19th century ballet dancer. {1488}{1574}Known him for as long as I can|remember. He's my partner. {1583}{1645}Doesn't mean we hold hands|or take walks. {1653}{1755}It means I try to keep him out of|as much trouble as he inflicts on me. {1762}{1830}I give him a hard time.|Keeps him in check. {1838}{1896}But really, he's like my brother. {1914}{2000}What do I know about diamonds?|I'm a boxing promoter. {2008}{2093}I was a happy boxing promoter|until a week ago, and then: {2101}{2152}What do I know about diamonds? {2173}{2222}Don't they come from Antwerp? {2246}{2323}-Himy, would you listen to this?|-Do we have a choice? {2331}{2418}It wasn't meant to be taken literally. {2426}{2491}It's a nice story, Adam and Eve. {2498}{2546}It's bound with moral fibre... {2554}{2639}...but asking a grown man|to believe it? {2664}{2693}What is it? {2748}{2783}Well, what is it? {2824}{2903}What you want I should do,|drop my pants? {2911}{2948}Okay, go through. {2982}{3030}It's a nice story. {3048}{3118}It's just that. Just a story. {3126}{3206}Catholic religion is based|on a mistranslation. {3214}{3271}Enough already. Ruben, say something. {3279}{3339}Listen. Are you busy?|I'll tell you the whole story. {3346}{3446}The Septuagint scholars mistranslated|the Hebrew word for "young woman"... {3454}{3504}...into the Greek word for "virgin." {3511}{3568}It was an easy mistake to make... {3575}{3683}...because there was only a subtle|difference in the spelling. {3923}{3974}So, they came up with a prophecy: {3982}{4081}"Behold, the virgin shall conceive|and bear us a son." {4088}{4184}You understand? It was "virgin"|that caught people's attention. {4192}{4291}It's not everyday a virgin conceives|and bears a son. {4678}{4778}But leave that for a couple|of hundred years to stew... {4786}{4870}...and next thing you know you have|the Holy Catholic Church. {4878}{4951}Oy vay, what are you saying? {4958}{5019}I'm saying, just because|it's written... {5027}{5062}...doesn't make it so. {5070}{5162}Gives them hope. It's not important|whether it's fact or fiction. {5170}{5226}-People like to believe.|-I don't want to hear anymore. {5233}{5310}Anyway, who is it that we're seeing? {5327}{5365}-Michael.|-Hello? {5408}{5436}Mutti. {5444}{5530}Rudy! Rud, Rud, let them in, please. {5598}{5674}Rud, it's okay, let them through. {5681}{5704}-Michael.|-Mutti. {5711}{5822}You've kept us waiting for half an hour.|Are you trying to give me heartburn? {5979}{6013}Lie down on the floor. {6075}{6103}Get on the floor! {6122}{6150}Lie on the floor! {6158}{6197}Get on the fucking floor! {6222}{6284}-Get down!|-Get fucking down! {6300}{6344}Down on the floor! Get down! {6352}{6380}On the ground! {6486}{6524}Get down, I say! {6532}{6579}-Time.|-Seven minutes! {6671}{6699}Where is the stone? {6787}{6827}Where is the stone? {6865}{6927}Where is the stone? {7052}{7089}Michael, where is the stone? {9156}{9205}When does your plane leave? {9219}{9260}Twenty minutes. {9279}{9315}Give me your gun. {9593}{9640}When you get to London... {9647}{9690}...if you want a gun... {9710}{9741}...call this number. {9850}{9904}-Boris.|-Boris. {9922}{9986}He can get you anything you need. {10158}{10202}Is he allowed to do that? {10211}{10312}It's an unlicensed boxing match.|It's not a tickling competition. {10320}{10368}These lads are out|to hurt each other. {10386}{10430}What's with those sausages,|Charlie? {10438}{10475}Two minutes, Turkish. {10517}{10605}Look at it. How am I supposed|to run this thing from that? {10613}{10647}We'll need a proper office. {10655}{10724}I want a new one.|You're going to buy it for me. {10732}{10768}Why me? {10787}{10831}Well, you know about caravans. {10838}{10871}How's that? {10880}{10959}You spent a summer in one.|Which means you know more than me. {10967}{11042}And I don't want to have me pants|pulled down over the price. {11050}{11080}What's wrong with this one? {11124}{11166}Oh, nothing, Tommy. {11174}{11216}It's tiptop. {11223}{11265}I'm just not sure about the colour. {11316}{11370}It's all arranged.|You just got to pick it up. {11387}{11419}Here's an address. {11461}{11495}It's a campsite. {11517}{11605}You've got 10 grand, and|it would be nice to see change. {11625}{11700}-What's happening with them sausages?|-Five minutes. {11755}{11816}It was two minutes five minutes ago. {11823}{11861}They ain't pikeys, are they? {11869}{11931}I fucking hate pikeys. {11939}{12000}You're a sensitive boy, Tommy. {12068}{12115}Fuck me. Hold tight. {12129}{12189}-What's that?|-It's me belt. {12197}{12251}No, Tommy. There's a gun|in your trousers. {12259}{12332}-What's a gun doing in your trousers?|-It's for protection. {12339}{12367}Protection from what? {12375}{12417}"Zee" Germans? {12424}{12499}What's to stop it blowing your|bollocks off when you sit? {12506}{12582}-Where did you get it?|-Boris The Blade. {12589}{12648}You mean Boris the sneaky,|fucking Russian. {12669}{12702}Heavy, isn't it? {12750}{12772}Heavy is good. {12804}{12831}Heavy is reliable. {12838}{12900}If it doesn't work,|you can always hit him with it. {12907}{12980}Boris The Blade,|or Boris The Bullet-Dodger. {12988}{13065}Bent as the Soviet sickle and|hard as the hammer that crosses it. {13072}{13168}Apparently, it's just impossible|to kill the bastard. {13208}{13263}Back to my partner, Tommy. {13273}{13313}Tommy runs the other business... {13321}{13358}...the slot machines... {13366}{13449}...which keeps rain off our heads|and gloves on Gorgeous' hands. {13456}{13559}However, Tommy's a little preoccupied|with protection at present. {13584}{13619}All right, I'll take it. {13633}{13719}There's a reason for Tommy's newfound|enthusiasm for firearms. {13727}{13832}Sooner or later, in unlicensed boxing,|you have to deal with that reason: {13840}{13868}Brick Top. {13876}{13937}If that's not worth a bet,|I don't know what is. {13944}{14017}-He doesn't look bad, does he?|-No, he looks great. {14025}{14057}He'll do you proud. {14065}{14161}You reckon that's what people should|do for me, Gary? Do me proud? {14168}{14192}It's what you deserve. {14199}{14255}Pull your tongue out of my arsehole. {14281}{14309}Dogs do that. {14328}{14369}You're not a dog, are you? {14377}{14409}No. No, I'm not. {14421}{14449}However... {14475}{14557}...you do have all the characteristics|of a dog, Gary. {14565}{14593}All except loyalty. {14601}{14705}It's rumoured that his favourite means|of dispatch involves a stun gun... {14713}{14811}...a plastic bag, a roll of tape|and a pack of hungry pigs. {14835}{14922}You're a ruthless little cunt, Liam.|I'll give you that. {14977}{15041}But I got no time for grouses. {15092}{15141}Feed him to the pigs, Errol. {15178}{15230}What the fuck are you two looking at? {15302}{15404}If you got to deal with him, just|make sure you don't end up owing him. {15411}{15440}Then you're in his debt. {15447}{15499}Which means, you're in his pocket. {15507}{15586}And once you're in that,|you ain't ever coming out. {15603}{15676}I hear he's a good fighter,|so I'll use him. {15683}{15735}I'll be doing you a favour, boy. {15742}{15810}What he means is,|I'm doing him a favour. {15827}{15948}Because everybody knows nobody takes|a dive in my fights. Unlike his. {15973}{16017}Here, Errol, I don't think|he likes me. {16024}{16058}You don't like me, do you? {16066}{16096}Don't know what you mean. {16104}{16174}I do know I can't wait to get|out of here. It stinks. {16197}{16306}My fights finish prompt so we can get|out before the authorities find out. {16313}{16366}Play your cards right|and I'll sort you out. {16374}{16431}You can sort me out by showing me out. {16439}{16505}It's hard to make a living|in boxing, so now and then... {16512}{16572}...you do something|against your principles. {16580}{16650}Basically, you have to forget|you got any. {16657}{16690}Are they Lancashire pigs? {16697}{16732}Who's talking to you? {16747}{16818}Oh, yeah, Tommy.|Brick Top loves Tommy. {16853}{16877}Don't let me down. {16908}{16964}You don't want to let me down, do you? {17018}{17064}See you ringside. {17128}{17227}Boris, Franky-fucking-Four Fingers... {17235}{17297}...has a diamond the size of a fist. {17305}{17390}I have told you it's in the briefcase|connected to his arm. {17397}{17449}I sent him to you to buy a gun. {17456}{17522}What more do you want me to do,|hit him for you? {17529}{17585}But don't you hit him either. {17593}{17665}Americans can't know it was Russian. {17673}{17711}It will come back to me. {17766}{17811}You're my brother, so think like it. {17861}{17914}Get somebody else to steal that stone! {17921}{17970}I don't want it getting back to me. {17978}{18045}And don't have him killed.|It will raise suspicion. {18052}{18093}So don't use idiots for the job. {18101}{18186}He'll stay in London a couple of|days before he goes to New York... {18193}{18250}...so move quick. Okay? {18344}{18376}One more thing. {18384}{18420}It might help. {18434}{18475}He loves to gamble. {18521}{18556}Eighty-six carats? {18564}{18609}Brilliant cut, beautiful make. {18653}{18688}A beautiful stone. {18696}{18719}You're a good boy, Franky. {18726}{18799}And you did a real good job.|Now when do you get back? {18806}{18920}I got to move the two-grainers here,|get a better price. Couple of days. {18927}{18986}-Talk to my cousin Dougie.|-Doug The Head? {19083}{19102}And Franky.... {19119}{19168}-And what?|-Stay out of those casinos. {19250}{19291}You did a good job, bubbe. {19299}{19367}-Don't go screwing it up, all right?|-I hear you, Avi. {19381}{19430}I'll see you, Avi. {19508}{19539}Eighty-six carats. {19546}{19584}-Where?|-London. {19592}{19628}-London?|-London. {19635}{19682}-London?|-Yes, London. {19704}{19768}You know, fish, chips, cup of tea... {19776}{19850}...bad food, worse weather,|Mary-fucking-Poppins. London! {19899}{19922}Not for me. {19930}{20003}That's Doug The Head.|Everybody knows Doug The Head. {20011}{20069}If it's stones and it's stolen,|he's the man to speak to. {20076}{20107}Pretends he's Jewish. {20115}{20150}Wishes he was Jewish. {20157}{20209}Even tells his family|they're Jewish... {20217}{20294}...but he's about as Jewish|as he is a fucking monkey. {20302}{20395}He thinks it's good for business.|And in the diamond business... {20402}{20458}-...it is good for business.|-Avi! {20465}{20514}He'll be there today.|Take care of him. {20522}{20583}Avi, you know I won't buy schtrops. {20590}{20652}He isn't selling schtrops.|Make it smaller. {20659}{20708}Who do you take me for?|This is England. {20715}{20757}We play by the rules. {20766}{20795}Listen to me. {20803}{20880}If the stones are kosher,|then I'll buy them, won't I? {20888}{20980}Now, if you'll excuse me,|it's my lunchtime. Bye. {21123}{21159}What are you doing here? {21166}{21209}It's a free country, isn't it? {21228}{21284}Well, it ain't a free shop, is it? {21292}{21334}So fuck off. {21591}{21653}I want to see you two girls|up in my office. {21669}{21709}I had cousin Avi on the phone. {21717}{21781}-You got to go see him.|-Yeah, Dad. You told us. {21789}{21867}-He's a big mucker in New York.|-Yeah, Dad. You told us. {21874}{21932}I want to see you girls|up in my office. {21939}{21997}Yeah, Dad. You told us. {22130}{22191}The weight is sign of reliability. {22212}{22260}I always go for reliability. {22449}{22495}I'll take it. {22506}{22539}How much do you want for it? {22546}{22573}Nothing. {22614}{22689}Okay, so what do you want for it? {22696}{22732}I want you to do something for me. {22783}{22826}There is a fight in couple of days. {22862}{22894}What kind of a fight? {22901}{22940}Unlicensed boxing. {22978}{23045}There is a bookies I know|that will take bets. {23119}{23160}If you place one down for me... {23176}{23211}...we will call it quits. {23219}{23272}-Why don't you put it down yourself?|-Well... {23312}{23407}...there is not too many bookies|that takes those kind of bets. {23429}{23513}And I already have an outstanding|debt with the house. {23567}{23627}I know something most don't. {23649}{23685}So, nu? {23714}{23750}What do you know? {23863}{23928}It's a campsite. A pikey campsite. {23935}{24006}-Ten points.|-What are we doing here? {24027}{24104}-We're buying a caravan.|-Off a pack of fucking pikeys? {24112}{24180}What's wrong with you?|This will get messy. {24188}{24206}Not if you're here. {24213}{24256}Oh, you bastard. {24263}{24322}I fucking hate pikeys. {24396}{24428}That's a flash car, mister. {24435}{24469}Not as flash as your bike. {24477}{24521}Who are you looking for? {24528}{24557}Mr. O'Neil. {24578}{24629}-Want me to get him?|-That's a good lad. {24636}{24677}Piss off. {24701}{24762}-Are you going to go get him for me?|-Yeah. {24786}{24858}-What are you waiting for?|-The five quid you'll pay me. {24866}{24904}Fuck off, I'll find him meself. {24911}{24965}-Two fifty.|-You can have a quid. {24972}{25008}You're a real tight fucker. {25015}{25063}There was a problem with gypsies. {25071}{25104}What're you doing?|Get out of the way, man. {25111}{25159}You can't understand|what's being said. {25167}{25203}You Tommy? Come about the caravan? {25210}{25263}-Mr. O'Neil.|-Fuck, man. Call me Mickey. {25270}{25306}Not Irish, not English. {25314}{25366}-How are you?|-Weather's been kind. {25374}{25413}It's just Pikey. {25432}{25470}Would you look at the size of him? {25485}{25520}How big are you? {25527}{25574}-Kids, how big is he?|-Big, for sure. {25581}{25643}Hey, Mam, come and look at the size|of this fella. {25667}{25774}Bet you box a little, can't you, sir?|You look like a boxer. {25782}{25842}Get out of the way.|See if they'd like a drink. {25849}{25879}I could murder one. {25887}{25958}Be no murdering done around here,|I don't mind telling you. {25965}{26012}Get your hands out of there. {26020}{26056}Cup of tea for the big fella? {26063}{26137}Don't be silly, Mickey.|Offer the man a proper drink. {26177}{26201}You little bugger. {26208}{26283}-Is the big fella not coming with us?|-He's minding the car. {26291}{26380}-What does he think we are, thieves?|-No, nothing like that. {26387}{26461}-He just likes looking after cars.|-Good dags. Do you like dags? {26482}{26510}-Dags?|-What? {26518}{26566}-Yeah, dags.|-Dags. You like dags? {26579}{26620}Oh, dogs. {26627}{26667}Sure, I like dags. {26674}{26740}-I like caravans more.|-You're very welcome. {27014}{27103}Pikeys are well-known for their|skills of negotiation in business. {27111}{27157}It's probably why|they talk like that... {27165}{27214}...so you can't follow|what's being said. {27221}{27302}But if Tommy can get the caravan|for less than the price asked... {27310}{27365}...on his return|there will be ice cream. {27373}{27414}Good dog, good family. {27421}{27485}He'll get a little homesick,|but he'll get over it. {27498}{27560}See you later, lads. See you, boss. {27567}{27618}All right, Mickey. Laters. {27654}{27689}I don't see what the fuss is about. {27707}{27737}They aren't bad fellas. {27983}{28035}The deal was, you bought it|how you saw it. {28042}{28115}Look, I've helped you as much|as I'm going to help you. {28123}{28165}See that car? Use it. {28172}{28258}You should fuck off now while|you still got the legs to carry you. {28299}{28335}Nobody brings you... {28342}{28410}...unless they're trying|to say something without talking. {28434}{28503}Just give our money back|and you can keep your caravan. {28511}{28582}Why do I want a caravan|that's got no wheels? {28589}{28663}-You want to settle this with a fight?|-Over my dead body. {28671}{28701}Now, go on! Go on! {28709}{28802}I'll not have you fighting!|You know what happens when you fight! {28818}{28850}Get her to sit down. {28869}{28905}For fuck's sake! {29055}{29096}Want the money?|I ain't fucked you. {29110}{29163}I'll fight you for it. You and me. {29479}{29530}So that's the kind of fight|it'll be. {29546}{29589}You want to stay down. {29708}{29744}You want to stay down! {29821}{29877}Get back down and fucking stay down. {29885}{29941}I promise you, you want to stay down. {29948}{29997}Deadly kick for a fat fucker,|you know that? {30005}{30051}Cheeky bastard. {30221}{30262}-Okay, lads.|-Get him on his feet. {30298}{30322}Get back down... {30329}{30395}...or you will not be coming up|next time. {30481}{30501}Bollocks to you. {30517}{30559}This is sick. I'm out of here. {30567}{30626}You're not going anywhere,|you thick lump. {30708}{30752}You stay until the job's done. {31549}{31632}It turned out that the sweet-talking,|tattoo-sporting pikey... {31639}{31705}...was a gypsy bare-knuckle|boxing champion. {31712}{31776}Which makes him harder|than a coffin nail. {31799}{31884}Right now that's the last thing|on Tommy's mind. {31891}{31955}If Gorgeous doesn't wake up|in the next few minutes... {31963}{32015}...Tommy knows he'll be buried|with him. {32034}{32094}Why would the gypsies|want to explain... {32102}{32152}...why a man died in their campsite? {32159}{32235}Not when they can bury the pair|of them and just move camp. {32244}{32325}It's not like they got|social security numbers, is it? {32334}{32387}Tommy, "The Tit"... {32394}{32432}...is praying. {32439}{32469}And if he isn't... {32477}{32524}...he fucking should be. {33192}{33219}Bad Boy. {33235}{33276}-Sol.|-Easy. {33284}{33348}No, it's a moissanite. {33355}{33376}A what? {33391}{33463}A moissanite is an artificial|diamond, Lincoln. {33470}{33494}It's Mickey Mouse. {33517}{33542}Spurious. {33562}{33596}Not genuine. {33610}{33648}And it's worth... {33662}{33685}...fuck-all. {33692}{33762}Bad Boy, I keep telling you,|stick to being a gangster. {33770}{33812}Leave this game to me and Sol. {33848}{33876}Laters. {33968}{33993}What is that, Vince? {34000}{34040}This is a dog, Sol. {34047}{34098}You are not bringing|that thing in here. {34105}{34144}It's only a fucking dog. {34151}{34187}-Where'd you get it?|-The gyppos. {34194}{34219}Here. {34255}{34293}They threw it in with the moody gold. {34324}{34410}You know gyppos, Sol. They're always|throwing dogs in with deals. {34417}{34446}It better not be dangerous. {34498}{34542}What do you think you're doing now? {34557}{34623}I want him to get used|to the shop, don't I? {34677}{34709}Stop the dog! {34716}{34744}Come back! {34763}{34792}All right, Boris? {34816}{34889}-Don't worry about the dog.|-I'm not. {34924}{34956}What can I do for you? {34981}{35017}I have a job for you. {35024}{35064}I already have a job. {35087}{35153}Fifty grand for half a day's work. {35185}{35210}Go on. {35217}{35295}I want you to hold up a bookies. {35414}{35452}From Russia with love, eh? {35474}{35526}I have stones to sell... {35533}{35607}...fat to chew and many men|to see about many ducks... {35614}{35650}...so if I am not rushing you.... {35669}{35747}Slow down, Franky, my son.|When in Rome. {35771}{35832}I am not in Rome, Doug. {35839}{35878}I am in a rush. {35891}{35923}I got to make the bookies. {35930}{35958}Bookies? {35988}{36036}-What are you betting on?|-Bomber Harris. {36075}{36113}The unlicensed boxer? {36180}{36226}Do you know something that I don't? {36245}{36350}Bubbe, I probably know|a lot you don't. {36390}{36444}He's bad to the bone,|ain't you, Tyrone? {36451}{36479}Of course I am. {36486}{36576}Tyrone'll drive for us. He's|done a rally driving course. {36583}{36611}Of course I have. {36679}{36745}I don't want that dog|dribbling on my seats. {36752}{36787}Your seats? {36794}{36847}Tyrone, this is a stolen car, mate. {36856}{36899}While I'm at the wheel, it's my car... {36906}{37010}...so stop that dog dribbling|on my seats. All right? {37017}{37085}I can't believe you found it.|Where'd it go? {37092}{37132}It went back to the gyppos. {37139}{37203}Shut up.|And how could it find them? {37211}{37287}Well, I don't know.|I'm not a dog, Sol. {37301}{37332}Ask him. {37358}{37402}It's like he's|a fucking homing beacon. {37449}{37477}Steady on the brakes. {37500}{37537}I thought you said|he could drive, Sol. {37545}{37634}Don't worry about me. Just worry|about that dog on my seats. {37642}{37676}All right? {38174}{38198}What? {38213}{38297}You said he was a getaway driver.|What the fuck can he get away from? {38304}{38371}Don't worry about Tyrone.|He can move when he has to. {38378}{38414}Worry about getting us a gun. {38542}{38567}What's that? {38591}{38651}This is a shotgun, Sol. {38658}{38724}It's a fucking|anti-aircraft gun, Vincent. {38731}{38825}-I want to raise pulses, don't I?|-You'll raise hell, never mind pulses. {39267}{39322}That does not look like a bookies. {39330}{39429}Why'd we stop here? What's the|matter with that space over there? {39439}{39480}It's too tight. {39499}{39531}Too tight? {39557}{39607}You could land a|jumbo-fucking-jet in there. {39614}{39714}Leave him alone.|He's a natural. Ain't you, Tyrone? {39722}{39758}Of course I am. {40026}{40098}A natural fucking idiot.|Tyrone, what've you done? {40106}{40153}Yeah, Tyrone, what have you done? {40161}{40226}Look, you hassle me,|you see what happens. {40233}{40290}It's all right.|No, don't move it now. {40297}{40359}People'll see the damage.|Why'd you do that? {40366}{40389}I didn't see it. {40396}{40493}It's a four-ton truck. It's not like|it's a packet of fucking peanuts. {40500}{40535}It was at a funny angle. {40597}{40632}It's behind you, Tyrone. {40639}{40696}Whenever you reverse,|things come from behind you. {40713}{40767}Control that dog as well. {40785}{40840}-Get that dog off him.|-Get it off me. {40879}{40955}Give me that squeaky toy.|It shut him up last time. {41050}{41073}Don't snatch. {41128}{41166}He can't swallow the whole ball. {41236}{41263}Yeah. {41337}{41372}Why the fuck... {41380}{41434}...did you put Gorgeous George... {41442}{41504}...into a bare-knuckle boxing match... {41512}{41565}...two days before|he had to fight The Bomber? {41572}{41650}He was half his size.|I didn't expect him to get hurt. {41657}{41756}You put the man into|a bare-knuckle boxing match. {41769}{41820}What the fuck did you expect? {41829}{41882}A grease-down and a shiatsu? {41889}{41946}Who took the jam out of your doughnut? {41954}{42011}You took the fucking jam|out of my doughnut. {42018}{42050}You did. {42126}{42150}You said get a good deal. {42157}{42217}I fail to recognize|the correlation... {42224}{42297}...between losing 10 grand,|hospitalizing Gorgeous... {42304}{42334}...and a good deal. {42349}{42393}How'll we explain this to Brick Top? {42400}{42442}That his fight won't happen? {42461}{42489}We replace the fighter. {42496}{42539}Oh, and hope he doesn't notice? {42546}{42590}Who the fuck will we|replace him with? {42606}{42638}What about John The Gun? {42669}{42703}Or Mad Fist Willy? {42715}{42762}You're not Mr. Current Affairs,|are you? {42777}{42816}Mad Fist went mad... {42830}{42885}...and The Gun shot himself. {43008}{43034}Jesus. {43134}{43152}What? {43159}{43205}Let's use the fucking pikey. {43247}{43295}-How much you gonna pay us?|-10 K. {43302}{43381}Me bollocks. Lose more|than that running for the bus. {43579}{43605}All right. {43638}{43682}I'll do it for a caravan. {43704}{43726}A what? {43733}{43760}A caravan. {43767}{43852}-Top of the range and all that.|-It was us that wanted a caravan. {43868}{43916}Anyway, what's wrong with this one? {43923}{43972}It's not for me.|It's for me ma. {44020}{44041}Your what? {44048}{44074}His ma. {44728}{44785}Brick Top runs an illegal bookies. {44792}{44875}They take bets on anything|that involves blood and pain. {44882}{44914}Now I'm changing fighters... {44933}{45002}...and Brick Top's gonna|exploit the situation. {45010}{45072}He's gonna pull my pants down,|grease me up... {45079}{45132}...and aim for penetration. {45140}{45191}If I didn't have|the replacement pikey... {45198}{45252}...he'd want to split me in half. {45343}{45398}They could charm the paint off walls,|these fellas. {45592}{45645}Look mean now,|you hairy fucker, won't you? {45690}{45744}Shits himself when|you put him in the ring. {45751}{45812}Poke him with a stick,|you watch his bollocks grow. {45836}{45879}Do you like a dog fight, Turkish? {45911}{45953}We've lost Gorgeous George. {46052}{46097}You're gonna have to repeat that. {46118}{46171}We've lost Gorgeous George. {46186}{46230}Well, where'd you lose him? {46238}{46297}He ain't a set|of fucking car keys, is he? {46305}{46367}And it's not as if he's|incon-fucking-spicuous, is it? {46374}{46396}We're not backing out. {46403}{46472}You bet your bollocks to|a barn dance you're not. {46479}{46512}We're changing the fighter. {46564}{46628}Oh, fuck me,|your lady friend got a voice? {46635}{46686}Who are you changing him to,|sweetheart? {46694}{46748}You won't know him, but he's mustard. {46755}{46779}Mustard? {46786}{46874}I don't care if he's|Muhammad "I'm Hard" Bruce Lee... {46882}{46914}...you can't change fighters. {46921}{46972}-You've still got your fight.|-No. {46979}{47055}I lose all bets at the bookies.|You can't change fighters. {47062}{47152}So, no, I don't have my fight,|do I, you fucking prat? {47159}{47199}You can take bets at the fight. {47211}{47268}Put a lead on her, Turkish,|before she gets bitten. {47275}{47329}Do you want to get bitten, sweetheart? {47466}{47522}Make sure your man goes down|in the fourth. {47537}{47608}You understand me now,|don't you, Turkish? {47646}{47701}This is the one place|I didn't want to be: {47708}{47737}In his debt. {47746}{47805}Which now means I'm in his pocket. {47812}{47878}You're on thin-fucking-ice,|my pedigree chums. {47894}{47948}And I shall be under it|when it breaks. {47980}{48008}Now, fuck off. {48217}{48284}Doug, where's Franky Four Fingers? {48292}{48367}I don't know. I'm not his mother.|But I'm seeing him later. {48374}{48435}-When later?|-He said he wanted cash. {48443}{48513}So he's coming back|after he's been to a fight. {48672}{48704}A fight? {48714}{48813}What do you mean, a fight?|A boxing match? {48827}{48931}-Is there gambling involved?|-It's a boxing match, Avi. {48938}{48997}-Did he have a case with him?|-Yes, he had a case. {49004}{49044}And this schmuck is gambling? {49052}{49161}You're talking about Franky "I've got|a problem with gambling" Four Fingers. {49168}{49205}Avi, I'm not telepathic. {49212}{49261}You're plenty stupid,|I'll give you that. {49269}{49330}Do you know why they call him|Franky Four Fingers? {49337}{49368}I have no idea. {49375}{49449}Because he makes stupid bets|with dangerous people. {49457}{49519}When he doesn't pay up,|they give him the chop. {49527}{49572}And I'm not talking about|his fucking foreskin. {49579}{49612}I'm sure he can pay. {49620}{49707}Not with my goods. Got a toothbrush?|We're going to London. {49715}{49769}Do you hear that?|I'm coming to London! {49884}{49956}-Avi!|-Shut up and sit down, you bald fuck! {50021}{50072}I don't like leaving my own country... {50079}{50177}...especially leaving it for anything|less than warm, sandy beaches... {50184}{50244}...and cocktails|with little straw hats. {50264}{50305}We've got sandy beaches. {50312}{50355}So who the fuck wants to see them? {50362}{50454}I hope you can appreciate the concern|I have for my friend Franky. {50461}{50516}I'll find him,|and you'll help me find him. {50524}{50568}And we'll start at that fight. {50623}{50666}How am I gonna get it out? {50679}{50713}It will probably cough it up. {50720}{50749}Will he be all right? {50758}{50786}I hope not. {50793}{50867}-Are we gonna rob this bookies?|-Yes, big man. {50874}{50898}Why are we waiting? {50906}{50994}We are waiting for a man with|four fingers, carrying a briefcase. {51001}{51019}And why's that? {51026}{51142}Because the deal is, the Russian|gets the case, we get the money. {51149}{51183}What's in the case? {51190}{51291}For fuck's sake, Tyrone, just|concentrate on the steering wheel. {51334}{51357}Jesus. {51364}{51441}-Private night tonight, chaps.|-I'm well aware of that, my son. {51448}{51488}That's why we're here. {51514}{51559}Well done. This is the back way in. {51567}{51638}Oh, really?|I thought it was the front. {51660}{51735}-Private night tonight, chaps.|-We know. That's why we're here. {51752}{51778}Tickets. {51786}{51841}Are we ever gonna get into this place? {51849}{51916}Avi, Avi, you gotta understand. {51924}{51990}This ain't exactly Vegas,|and this ain't exactly legal. {51997}{52064}I'm not looking for Vegas|or for legal. {52072}{52113}I'm looking for Franky. {52121}{52204}I know that,|and he said he's gonna be here. {52212}{52276}-If there's gambling, he'll be here.|-Let's not have a fuck-up. {52283}{52314}You won't let us down. {52322}{52414}He's going down in the fourth,|don't you worry about that. {52506}{52529}Is that him? {52536}{52587}I don't know.|How many fingers did he have? {52594}{52642}Sorry, I didn't get|the binoculars out in time. {52649}{52714}Let's not stand on ceremony.|Let's start the show. {53104}{53144}Do you know who|this bookies belongs to? {53151}{53222}If you know what's good for you|you'll give me everything-- {53356}{53390}What are you doing? {53397}{53453}What does it look like|I'm doing up here? {53507}{53574}This is starting to hurt, Solomon. {53582}{53635}Drop the screen now. {53713}{53738}How you doing, Vince? {53745}{53801}I'd do a lot better|if you'd stop using my name. {53808}{53856}-Fill that bag.|-All bets are off. {53871}{53952}I am not in here|to make a fucking bet. {53959}{53986}Appreciated... {53993}{54037}...but all bets... {54075}{54107}...are... {54115}{54141}...off. {54174}{54253}If all bets are off, then there|can't be any money, can there? {54289}{54339}I ain't fucking buying that. {54347}{54428}That's handy because I ain't|fucking selling it. It's a fact. {54454}{54486}What have you got? {54530}{54566}Nothing, really. {54617}{54652}A few coins, but no notes. {54722}{54744}Show me your hands. {54808}{54836}You've got five fingers. {54918}{54941}Copper coins. {54966}{55033}What do you mean,|copper-fucking-coins? {55245}{55335}It won't open|because it's a security door. {55342}{55368}Hold that. {55587}{55619}My leg. {55686}{55774}What are you moaning about?|It didn't even touch it. {55973}{56012}We're fucked. {56184}{56237}What the fuck are you two doing? {56345}{56370}Get us out of here. {56516}{56577}Tyrone, what are you doing?|Get us out of here! {56763}{56827}Who the fuck is this man, Tyrone? {56908}{56987}He's a man with four fingers|and a briefcase, Vinny. {57041}{57076}In the red corner... {57084}{57142}...we have the young|and unchallenged.... {57149}{57250}So, Mickey, you're going down|in the fourth. Is that clear? {57258}{57296}Just make sure he doesn't kill me. {57313}{57394}So give it up|for the bone-crunching... {57401}{57451}...one-punch machine gun... {57459}{57502}...Mickey! {57625}{57676}And in the other corner.... {57709}{57758}Now, I know he looks|like a fat fucker-- {57766}{57834}Well, he is a fat fucker,|but he's dirty and he's dangerous. {57841}{57956}Bomber "The Mad Man" Harris! {58022}{58071}Now, try and look like a fighter. {58078}{58136}Let's get ready... {58143}{58192}...to rumble! {59001}{59084}Do you realize I'm|fucking forty grand down? {59092}{59119}What's the fucking crack? {59126}{59190}-I'll make it up to you.|-I ain't happy. {59197}{59277}I'll make it up to you, I promise.|Stand on me. {59284}{59356}Oh, that fucking pikey's|put me in it. {59400}{59450}Thanks for the tip, Brick Top. {59457}{59530}Listen, you fucking fringe,|if I throw a dog a bone... {59537}{59570}...I don't want to know|if it tastes good. {59577}{59696}Stop me again whilst I'm walking and|I'll cut your fucking jacobs off. {60221}{60289}-He's here.|-Well, you explain it to him. {60465}{60529}-What you doing?|-The case was attached to his arm. {60536}{60591}So why didn't you chop it off? {60599}{60651}We ain't fucking butchers, Boris. {60659}{60689}But he has the case. {60696}{60758}Look, we--|Well, you have a problem. {60785}{60842}There weren't much cash|at the bookies. {60866}{60893}Okay. {60926}{60963}Here is the 10 grand. {60971}{61039}No. Keep it. We want this. {61050}{61109}Well, at least half of this. {61123}{61183}What was in the case was mine. {61190}{61268}What was in the bookies was yours.|Okay? {61276}{61366}It wasn't much, but here is|the 10 large to help the situation. {61374}{61414}No, I'm afraid|it's too late for that. {61421}{61504}We want half of this, and that's|because we're being generous. {61512}{61608}We could, by all rights, keep|the whole fucking stone, Boris. {61841}{61872}Watch out! {61931}{61972}Drop the gun, fat boy. {62066}{62152}You fucking idiots.|He could not know my name. {62181}{62220}Give me the stone. {62247}{62305}-It's in the case.|-What? {62342}{62363}It's in the case. {62370}{62407}You put the stone in the case? {62443}{62480}Open it and give me the stone. {62510}{62603}The only man who knew|the combination, you just shot. {63316}{63407}Now, it's not too clever to hang|about after Mickey's performance. {63414}{63532}Brick Top, in short, will be looking|to kill Tommy, Mickey and myself. {63539}{63624}I know he's looking for us,|but I don't have a choice. {63645}{63742}I'm happy to leave the country,|but I need money to do so. {63749}{63839}But any money I have is in the safe,|which is in the office. {63846}{63886}Once I have that, it's-- {63894}{63918}Oink, oink. {63936}{63963}Shit. {64019}{64061}So that's where you keep the sugar. {64106}{64176}What brings you two here?|Run out of pants to sniff? {64218}{64259}That sounds like hostility,|doesn't it? {64266}{64321}And we don't like hostility,|do we, Errol? {64344}{64374}No, we don't, John. {64662}{64711}I just had them polished. {64849}{64895}Go and put the kettle on. {64979}{65060}-You take sugar?|-No, thank you, Turkish. {65081}{65123}I'm sweet enough. {65335}{65382}He's now your problem. {65419}{65447}Okay? {65639}{65736}You can keep the 10 grand,|along with the body... {65743}{65817}...but if I see you again,|you motherfuckers.... {65897}{65929}Well, look at him. {66103}{66178}I've got a bare-knuckle fight|in a couple of days. {66185}{66212}I want to use the pikey. {66251}{66282}All right. Of course. {66290}{66342}Of course, fucking of course. {66350}{66407}I wasn't asking, I was telling. {66434}{66459}But this time... {66480}{66570}...I do want him to go down|in the fourth. {66594}{66690}And I do mean it, this time. {66944}{67021}Now, I know you come back here|to open your safe. {67077}{67126}So now you can open it. {67136}{67191}Turkish has been a busy|little bastard. {67198}{67239}I think he's got away with enough. {67247}{67342}Thinking can get you into trouble,|Errol. I shouldn't do so much of it. {67350}{67394}That takes care of one little piggy. {67401}{67468}Now find me the silly sods|who blagged the bookies. {67476}{67504}Find them today. {67961}{68019}Top of the morning|to you, Mrs. O'Neil. {68040}{68065}Tommy. {68097}{68174}You're a snake in the grass,|ain't you? Where'd they come from? {68181}{68234}You're looking for my boy, are you? {68241}{68299}-Do you know where I can find him?|-Yeah. {68330}{68376}Would you like|to share that information? {68383}{68440}I don't want you getting|my boy into trouble. {68471}{68548}He's my only boy.|And he's a good boy. {68589}{68619}He's coursing. {68675}{68711}What's coursing? {68725}{68746}Hare coursing. {68768}{68861}They set two lurchers--|They're dogs, before you ask. {68883}{68920}On a hare. {68937}{69009}And the hare has to outrun the dogs. {69016}{69064}So, what if it doesn't? {69097}{69179}Well, the big rabbit gets fucked,|doesn't it? {69266}{69304}Proper fucked? {69322}{69353}Yeah, Tommy. {69364}{69416}Before "zee" Germans get there. {69496}{69526}Do you know these tits, Errol? {69529}{69561}I know a lot of tits... {69564}{69628}...but I don't know any|as fucking stupid as these two. {69636}{69663}John? {69691}{69723}I can't help, guv. {69841}{69871}Tyrone. {69878}{69945}You silly, fat bastard. {69982}{70024}-Do you want to do it?|-That depends. {70031}{70053}On what? {70060}{70128}On you buying this caravan. {70135}{70191}Not the rouge one. The rose. {70205}{70257}-It's not the same caravan.|-Not the same fight. {70264}{70310}It's twice the size of the last one. {70317}{70387}The fight is twice the size.|And me ma needs a caravan. {70394}{70464}I like to look after me ma.|It's a fair deal. Take it. {70471}{70564}You're lucky we aren't worm food|after your last performance. {70576}{70650}Buying a tart's mobile palace|is a little fucking rich. {70720}{70791}I wasn't calling your mum a tart.|I just meant.... {70800}{70852}Save your breath for cooling|your porridge. {71045}{71143}Right. And she's terrible|partial to the periwinkle blue. {71198}{71231}Have I made myself clear? {71282}{71338}Yeah, that's perfectly clear, Mickey. {71347}{71423}Just give me one minute|to confer with my colleague. {71536}{71588}Did you understand a word|of what he said? {71657}{71685}I'll tell you what. {71729}{71755}Fucker. {71770}{71805}I'll bet you for it. {71820}{71843}You'll what? {71850}{71880}He'll bet you for it. {71894}{71964}What, like Tommy did last time?|Do me a favour? {71971}{72005}I'll do you a favour. {72012}{72076}You have first bet.|If I win, I get a caravan... {72082}{72131}...and the boys get|a pair of them shoes. {72183}{72224}If I lose... {72278}{72349}...fuck it, I'll do the fight|for free. {72396}{72464}The last thing I really|want to do is bet a pikey. {72471}{72521}However, I don't really|have much of a choice. {72538}{72614}Somehow I've got to get him to fight,|but if I lose.... {72621}{72694}Well, I don't even want|to think about losing. {72710}{72796}Okay. I reckon the hare gets fucked. {72803}{72849}What? Proper fucked? {72905}{72944}You got that, London? {72951}{72974}We're on! {74707}{74774}I'll fucking tell you!|Get those off me. {74791}{74831}I'll tell you|who robbed your bookies. {75241}{75305}Periwinkle blue. Bye, boys. {75353}{75409}Who's proper fucked now, then? {75451}{75501}There's something very wrong|with this. {75509}{75585}It was us that wanted|to buy a caravan off of him. {75606}{75714}Well, why didn't you "bust a cap|in his ass" then, Tommy? {75728}{75803}Mind you, you'd do more damage|if you threw it at him. {75810}{75869}What? You saying I can't shoot? {75876}{75960}Oh, no, Tommy.|I wasn't saying you can't shoot. {75968}{76010}I know you can't shoot. {76018}{76120}What we're saying is, that piece|of shit stuck in your trousers... {76128}{76173}...would do more damage|if you fed it to him. {76180}{76215}You saying the gun don't work? {76223}{76253}You tried it? {76385}{76404}Whoops. {76465}{76537}I want to see|that sneaky fucking Russian. {76549}{76607}Why's he got a tea cosy on his head? {76615}{76659}To keep his head warm. {76666}{76724}-What happened to him?|-He got shot in the face. {76731}{76764}I thought that was obvious. {76771}{76826}What'd you do that for?|You mistake him for a rabbit? {76833}{76891}-What do you want me to do?|-Sort it out. {76898}{76965}-I'm not a witch doctor.|-But you are a bad boy yardie... {76972}{77039}...and bad boy yardies should know how|to get rid of bodies. {77046}{77111}I create the bodies,|I don't erase the bodies. {77276}{77305}We're in, governor. {77355}{77397}Goody gumdrops. {77406}{77460}Get us a cup of tea,|would you, Errol? {77506}{77529}Grab hold of his legs. {77536}{77604}What do you think|I'm gonna grab him by, his ears? {77856}{77918}Hope this is not a bad moment. {78037}{78067}Do you know who I am? {78128}{78159}I do. {78330}{78402}Good. That will save me|some time, then. {78444}{78479}Well, I don't. {78666}{78772}You're always gonna have problems|lifting a body in one piece. {78783}{78830}Apparently, the best thing to do... {78838}{78948}...is cut up a corpse into six pieces|and pile it all together. {78971}{79032}Would someone mind telling me,|who are you? {79039}{79108}When you got your six pieces,|you gotta get rid of them. {79115}{79197}It's no good leaving it in the freezer|for your mum to discover. {79338}{79422}Then I hear the best thing|to do is feed them to pigs. {79461}{79510}You gotta starve the pigs|for a few days... {79517}{79593}...then the chopped-up body|will look like curry to a pisshead. {79631}{79714}You gotta shave the heads of your|victims and pull the teeth out... {79721}{79763}...for the piggies' digestion. {79771}{79818}You could do this afterwards,|of course... {79825}{79882}...but you don't want|to sieve through pigshit, do you? {79908}{79999}They will go through bone like butter. {80012}{80102}You need at least 16 pigs|to finish the job in one sitting... {80110}{80204}...so be wary of any man|who keeps a pig farm. {80211}{80287}They will go through a body|that weighs 200 pounds... {80295}{80339}...in about eight minutes. {80346}{80383}That means that a single pig... {80391}{80478}...can consume two pounds|of uncooked flesh... {80486}{80532}...every minute. {80548}{80594}Hence the expression... {80601}{80679}..."as greedy as a pig." {80772}{80874}Well, thank you for that.|That's a great weight off me mind. {80881}{80956}Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me|who the fuck you are... {80963}{81031}...apart from someone who feeds people|to pigs, of course. {81134}{81179}Do you know what "nemesis" means? {81285}{81367}"A righteous infliction|of retribution... {81375}{81466}...manifested by an|appropriate agent." {81478}{81596}Personified, in this case,|by a horrible cunt: {81609}{81642}Me. {81831}{81862}Gentlemen.... {82604}{82665}Why can't you find me Franky, Doug? {82674}{82780}Avi, what do you want me to do?|I'm not a bounty hunter. {82822}{82850}What about Tony? {82857}{82884}Bullet-Tooth Tony. {82892}{82911}Who's Bullet-Tooth-- {82918}{82965}-Tony!|-You silly fuck. {82972}{82996}He's a liability. {83003}{83054}He'd find Moses and the burning bush. {83061}{83094}You are gonna die, Tony! {83101}{83177}He got shot six times,|had the bullets moulded into gold. {83199}{83240}I shoot you, you go down! {83248}{83313}He has two in his teeth|that Dad did, so he loves Dad. {83340}{83384}Why don't you fucking die? {83391}{83453}-He's the best chance you got.|-Six times? {83492}{83524}In one sitting. {83544}{83584}You're in trouble now. {83625}{83677}Sounds promising.|What are we waiting for? {83981}{84006}Bonjour. {84090}{84144}What's so fucking important? {84151}{84202}Why do you think|we've got a dead man... {84209}{84275}-...missing an arm in our office?|-Talk to me, tell me. {84282}{84324}You give us four days... {84332}{84418}...I'll get you a stone the size|of a fucking home. I kid you not. {84425}{84453}What do you think, Errol? {84461}{84536}I think we should drip-dry them,|while we got the chance. {84543}{84595}It was a rhetorical question, Errol. {84603}{84664}What have I told you about thinking? {84680}{84731}-You got 48 hours.|-Yeah. {84738}{84816}You can keep that silly, fat wanker.|The lads can't lift him. {84823}{84851}Forty-eight hours. {84859}{84892}After that it's your family... {84900}{84966}...and the pigs finish|what the dogs don't do. {85023}{85119}So, what should I call you?|Should I call you "Bullet"? "Tooth"? {85126}{85164}Call me "Susan"|if it makes you happy. {85171}{85252}Tony, there is a man|I'd like you to find. {85259}{85346}That depends on all the elements|in the equation. How many are there? {85353}{85372}Forty thousand. {85447}{85485}Where was he last seen? {85509}{85529}At a bookies. {85544}{85575}Bookies? {85631}{85675}Pass us the blower, Susi. {85773}{85846}-Bookies got blagged last night.|-Blagged? Speak English. {85853}{85965}This country spawned the language,|and nobody seems to speak it. {85973}{86004}Blagged, robbed. {86011}{86066}We'll see a man|that may know something. {86073}{86114}I need a gun. {86122}{86194}You don't, Rosebud, me old son.|You need me. {86256}{86311}I got fucking black ink all|over fuck boy. {86319}{86367}He's stained for fucking life. {86375}{86439}That and the golden teeth as well.|Fucking hell-- {86445}{86476}All right, Mullet? {86596}{86637}How you doing?|You all right, mate? {86658}{86689}Nice tie. {86696}{86734}I heard you weren't about that much. {86741}{86817}Still warm, the blood|that courses through my veins. {86836}{86875}Unlike yours, Mullet. {86895}{86932}Who blagged Brick Top's bookies? {86940}{87016}-Do me a favour, Tone.|-I will do you a favour, Mullet. {87023}{87112}I'll not bash the fuck out of you|in front of all your girlfriends. {87135}{87219}Gonna make it worth my while, mate?|Jesus, you know how it is, man. {87322}{87359}Comfortable, Mullet? {87370}{87439}It's sadly ironic it's that tie|that's got you into this pickle. {87446}{87512}Now, you take all|the time you want, mate. {87524}{87567}What the fuck you doing, Tone? {87574}{87635}Driving down the street|with your head in my window. {87656}{87737}-What you think I'm doing?|-Well, don't, Tone. {87766}{87811}You been using dog shit|for toothpaste? {87818}{87847}Slow down, Tone. {87855}{87903}Slow down, Tony! {87910}{87970}I don't think so.|I think I'll speed up. {88007}{88054}Play some music if you like. {88103}{88133}I love this track. {88165}{88226}I want to know who blagged|Brick Top's bookies. {88241}{88267}Yes, Mullet? {88276}{88404}I think it's two black guys that work|from a pawn shop in Smith Street. {88411}{88452}Better not be telling me porky pies. {88459}{88587}I tell you, it's two black guys work|out of a pawnshop on Smith Street. {88600}{88650}It's very effective, Tony. {88658}{88705}It's not too subtle, but effective. {88746}{88779}Are we taking him with us? {89002}{89028}It's the Russian. {89056}{89079}A Russian? {89086}{89148}To be technical he's an Uzbekistanian. {89156}{89263}Uzbekistanian? I've been dealing|with those sneaky Russian dogs. {89286}{89323}-Give me a name.|-Yurinov. {89331}{89362}Boris. {89376}{89412}-Boris The Blade?|-Yeah. {89420}{89487}As in Boris The Bullet-Dodger? {89525}{89581}Why do they call him|The Bullet-Dodger? {89606}{89662}Because he dodges bullets, Avi. {89708}{89779}He won't fight unless|we buy his mum a caravan... {89785}{89820}...and you nicked all our savings. {89832}{89932}In the quiet words|of the Virgin Mary, come again? {89955}{90047}He's a stubborn bastard. He said|he's got to look after his mum. {90054}{90109}-Are you taking the piss?|-What can I do? {90116}{90167}I can't make him do it, can I? {90174}{90248}You're not much good to me alive|are you, Turkish? {90371}{90465}He's a useless shite, that boy.|Punish him for me, Errol. {90498}{90550}I want that pikey to fight. {91141}{91215}Brick Top thought smashing up|our arcade... {91223}{91294}...might help me|to persuade Mickey to fight. {91324}{91370}And if that wasn't enough... {91381}{91435}...he thought it would be|a good idea... {91451}{91507}...to burn Mickey's mum's caravan. {91549}{91584}While she was asleep in it. {92956}{93005}Turkish, get your arse up. {93023}{93043}You lot... {93061}{93120}...follow me|and I'll fucking shoot you. {93146}{93214}Calm down, son. Behave yourself. {93222}{93315}I've got the gun, son.|I think it's you who should behave. {93331}{93355}What? {93374}{93430}You want to see|if I've got the minerals? {93881}{93912}Jesus. {93919}{93953}Sorry, Mickey. {93987}{94018}Did you do it? {94142}{94178}Then what are you sorry for? {94207}{94265}-What are you two doing here?|-Come back! {94272}{94339}-You got some tars on you.|-Fuck off, Darren. {94363}{94394}Fuck off! {94568}{94614}How silly do I feel? {94627}{94689}His mum is still smoking|next to us... {94696}{94744}...and I'm asking him to fight. {94778}{94840}I'll do the fight before he causes|any more carnage. {94856}{94898}And if he'd said no... {94906}{94962}...it could've been|a shite sight worse. {95106}{95142}Russians. {95274}{95306}Russians. {95314}{95347}I should've known. {95354}{95447}Anti-Semite, slippery Cossack sluts. {95454}{95502}What do you know about this goyim? {95518}{95556}Ex-KGB cancer. {95574}{95626}He was a highly trained|undercover agent. {95633}{95689}He'll be impossible to track down. {95712}{95735}Yeah. {95742}{95828}There's a strange man who wants|to sell us an 84-carat stone. {95835}{95895}-Where's he from?|-I don't know. Hard to tell. {95902}{95932}He's got a thick Russian accent. {96236}{96339}Well, what was I supposed to do?|He set the dogs on me. Look. {96357}{96440}That sneaky fucking Russian!|No wonder he didn't want to do it. {96447}{96505}First things first. One of us... {96519}{96635}...Tyrone, you go to the Russian's.|The second you see him, call us. {96649}{96675}Now. {96816}{96894}He's a right handful,|this fella, so watch out. {96901}{96975}I hate Russians.|I'll take care of him. {96982}{97021}All yours, Rosebud, old son. {97045}{97088}Not a problem. {97133}{97172}Get me to a doctor. {97179}{97245}Shoot that fuck!|Then, get me to a doctor. {97253}{97297}Okay, but first we get the stone. {97304}{97354}First the stone. Then a doctor. {97361}{97429}And not just any doctor, boychik.|A nice Jewish doctor. {97436}{97485}Find my friend a nice Jewish doctor! {97585}{97647}Get his keys|and find out where the stone is. {97655}{97759}-I think you got something to tell us.|-Take it easy, Rosebud. {97766}{97819}Do you want him to be able|to talk or not? {97826}{97882}What the fuck do you mean, replicas? {97889}{97974}They look the shit, don't they?|And nobody is gonna argue. {97981}{98045}I've got extra loud blanks,|just in case. {98071}{98137}In case we have|to deafen them to death? {98269}{98323}-Yeah.|-Boris is here. {98330}{98403}-We're coming over. Hold him there.|-Hold on! {98410}{98434}He's not on his own! {98586}{98614}We're off. {98726}{98784}Very industrious for a Cossack. {98989}{99050}Sneaky fucking Russian. {99140}{99163}So, where is he? {99170}{99232}It's not just he.|Three fellas went in the house. {99239}{99310}-They locked Boris in the car.|-Why didn't you tell us that? {99352}{99376}Did they look hard? {99384}{99411}They looked messy. {99418}{99485}-Let's get out of here.|-What about the Russian? {99493}{99534}I want you to bury him. {99550}{99573}All right. {99615}{99667}I think we should get you a new gun. {99675}{99719}But this time, try it. {99727}{99772}How far to the Russian's? {99779}{99815}Be there in a minute. {99964}{100017}-Come on, then.|-No, no, not so fast, Vinny. {100024}{100093}We can't take them now.|We're gonna have to follow them. {100134}{100192}You shouldn't drink|that stuff, anyway. {100200}{100236}Why? What's wrong with it? {100243}{100312}-It's not in sync with evolution.|-Shut up. {100319}{100351}How do we get rid of him? {100358}{100415}-Do you want to shoot him?|-It's a little noisy. {100422}{100490}-Do you want to stab him?|-That's a little cold-blooded. {100497}{100581}-Do you want to kill him or not?|-I'll cut him. I got a blade. {100588}{100620}That's the spirit. {100627}{100661}Do they fire? {100669}{100696}Of course they fire. {100703}{100753}But how do you know?|They're replicas. {100760}{100806}What do you know about replicas? {100912}{100958}What the fuck are you doing, Solomon? {100965}{101016}You wanted to know|whether they worked. {101023}{101137}I didn't mean try it in the car,|Sol, you arsehole! {101145}{101204}What are you gonna do with that,|pick his teeth? {101211}{101298}Wipe the butter off and put it away.|There's a proper blade back there. {101305}{101385}Cows have only been domesticated|in the last 8000 years. {101392}{101450}Before, they were running|around mad as lorries. {101457}{101553}The human digestive system hasn't|got used to any dairy products yet. {101561}{101628}Well, fuck me, Tommy.|What have you been reading? {101635}{101680}Let me do you a favour. {101804}{101827}Whoops. {101834}{101867}You. Want a knife? {101874}{101924}No, not me.|I wouldn't know what to do. {101931}{101982}It's a knife, for God's sake. {101989}{102043}What's kept your fork company|all these years? {102051}{102128}The sharp side, the blunt side.|What do you want, a lesson? {102666}{102690}Is that Boris? {103121}{103185}Oh, Tyrone, what have you done? {103219}{103251}What about Rosebud? {103258}{103325}Well, you can bring him|with you if you like. {103359}{103393}But which bit would you like? {103503}{103526}They're getting out. {103554}{103604}Get down and follow them. {103612}{103658}Cover yourself up, Avi. {103665}{103696}You're making a scene. {103704}{103764}I'm sorry for causing a scene, Tony. {103781}{103848}Whoa, you are not taking|that dog with you, Vince. {103856}{103889}I can't leave him in here, can I? {104060}{104106}Pint of the black stuff, landlord. {104146}{104240}I thought you wanted to get|cleaned up. Bathroom's back there. {104249}{104335}-He's left the door open.|-Shouldn't think that's a good idea. {104342}{104374}Should we go in? {104381}{104463}I don't want to go in there.|He's a dangerous bastard. {104471}{104566}Taken too many disco biscuits|in the heat of Russian disputations. {104574}{104655}He's got as many of these nuts|as he has those nuts. {104664}{104730}I don't care if|he's got fucking hazelnuts. {104738}{104825}I want a gun that works,|and I'm gonna tell him. {104841}{104928}My God, Tommy, you certainly|got those minerals. {104936}{105023}Well, come on, then|before "zee" Germans get here. {105030}{105082}You just tell him who's in charge. {105227}{105255}Boris-- {105385}{105412}You certainly told him. {105584}{105628}The Drowning Trout. {105679}{105711}Come and pick us up. {105719}{105743}And Doug... {105772}{105808}...sharpish. {106295}{106362}I don't want a fuss or to put|a bullet in your face... {106370}{106454}...but unless you give me what|I want there will be fucking murders. {106525}{106545}What's your name? {106572}{106590}Shoot him. {106767}{106854}Let go of the gun! {106997}{107077}So, you're obviously the big dick... {107098}{107164}...and that, on either side of you,|are your balls. {107191}{107239}There are two types of balls: {107258}{107351}There are big brave balls,|and there are little faggot balls. {107358}{107417}These are your last words|so make them a prayer. {107432}{107484}Dicks have drive|and clarity of vision... {107515}{107551}...but they're not clever. {107564}{107637}They smell pussy and they want|a piece of the action. {107661}{107737}And you thought you smelled|some good old pussy... {107746}{107821}...and have brought your|two little faggot balls along... {107829}{107910}...for a good old time. But|you've got your parties muddled up. {107953}{107989}There's no pussy here... {108015}{108097}...just a dose that'll make you wish|you were born a woman. {108115}{108154}Like a prick... {108180}{108216}...you're having second thoughts. {108242}{108284}You're shrinking. {108307}{108371}And your two little balls|are shrinking with you. {108399}{108486}The fact that you've got "Replica"|written on the side of your gun... {108605}{108712}...and the fact that|I've got "Desert Eagle .50"... {108778}{108820}...written on the side of mine... {108936}{108980}...should precipitate... {109009}{109100}...your balls into shrinking,|along with your presence. {109157}{109180}Now... {109248}{109280}...fuck off. {109652}{109686}Lock the door. {109694}{109723}Lock it! {109866}{109895}Give me the case. {109916}{109952}Fuck you. {109977}{110000}Shoot me. {110010}{110058}I will. I'll shoot you. {110304}{110371}Pass me case or I shoot you. {110397}{110432}You know what? {110440}{110463}Fuck you too. {110477}{110557}Go ahead and shoot me. You'd be doing|me a favour, you Russian fuck. {110564}{110628}You! Drop guns. {110646}{110664}Fuck you! {110677}{110718}You drop your gun! {110752}{110780}Okay. {110805}{110828}Avi... {110839}{110862}...pull your socks up! {111180}{111266}-Tyrone?|-Fuck it. We're out of here. {111295}{111331}Give me case. {111637}{111665}Avi... {111689}{111741}-...where's the case?|-Put the gun away. {111780}{111819}What's Boris doing here? {111849}{111895}Boris, what are you doing here? {111902}{111948}Fuck you! {112155}{112188}Where's the case? {112224}{112285}-You piece of crap.|-Don't take the piss, Boris. {112292}{112343}I'll show you. {112429}{112466}Fuck you! {112562}{112611}Almost had it. {112619}{112661}For fuck's sake. {112763}{112809}Fuck you and all. {112850}{112914}You lucky bastard. {113055}{113112}Jeez, it's flawless. {113129}{113195}Don't get attached to it.|It's going to Brick Top. {113204}{113234}Leave the dog here. {113241}{113351}-Sol, why don't we just leave?|-Because life's too short, Vincent... {113358}{113425}...and it'll get a lot shorter|if Brick Top wishes. {113433}{113513}-Now leave that dog here.|-I'm gonna leave the dog here. {113520}{113538}Don't worry about it! {113545}{113635}And if that pikey mutt does|any damage, you're gonna pay. {113679}{113698}It's okay. {113724}{113765}Sit down. Down. {113883}{113956}I don't want to go in there.|You'll never see me again. {113963}{114016}Well, we won't if you don't. {114035}{114084}All right, you give me the stone... {114092}{114184}...and I will give it|to Brick Top. Yeah? {114192}{114288}All right. Give me a minute.|It's a bit fiddly. {114381}{114408}Why is it down there? {114435}{114505}Well, I put it down there|in case we got mugged. {114512}{114554}You ain't from this planet, are you? {114566}{114655}Who is gonna mug two black fellas|holding pistols... {114662}{114750}...sat in a car that's worth less|than your shirt? {114815}{114908}Bullet-Tooth Tony and his friend,|Desert Eagle .50. {114918}{114974}What have they got to do|with anything? {114982}{115033}They're both staring straight at me. {115109}{115210}You should never underestimate|the predictability of stupidity. {115220}{115244}Now, out of the car. {115258}{115306}And leave your water pistols behind. {115329}{115416}Look, just tell him the stone's back|at the office. {115424}{115460}I'll think of something. {115575}{115597}Why's he sweating? {115655}{115679}Oh, never mind. {115687}{115746}Tommy, why is your skin leaking? {115753}{115853}-I'm a little worried, actually.|-Worried about what? {115872}{115959}What happens if the gypsy knocks|the other man out? {115967}{116011}I mean, he's done it before,|hasn't he? {116019}{116113}We get murdered before we leave the|building, and we get fed to the pigs. {116138}{116229}I'm glad to see you're climbing|the walls in fucking anxiety. {116273}{116369}Pardon my cynicism,|but I don't exactly trust the pikey. {116377}{116428}Don't think I haven't thunk|about that one. {116435}{116522}It's his mum's funeral tonight.|God bless her. {116589}{116657}You know those gypsies|like a drink at a wake. {116664}{116746}I'm not worried about whether Mickey|knocks the other man out. {116753}{116825}I'm worried about whether he makes it|to the fourth round. {116832}{116894}What if he doesn't make it|to the fourth round? {116901}{116956}We get murdered before leaving|the building... {116963}{117039}...and I imagine we get fed|to the pigs. {117092}{117138}So why are you so calm? {117163}{117216}-I said--|-I heard what you said, Tommy! {117234}{117298}It's not as though we've got a choice,|now, is it? {117305}{117377}You show me how to control|a wild fucking gypsy... {117385}{117491}...and I'll show you how to control|an unhinged, pig-feeding gangster. {117520}{117581}Bollocks! I'm going for a walk. {118540}{118577}Oh, that fucking dog! {118613}{118649}Go on, get the dog. {118672}{118749}-It's a bit funky in here, isn't it?|-Open a window. {118947}{118999}You people live like animals. {119013}{119052}Now, where's the stone? {119060}{119111}-Come on, where is it?|-It's over here. {119118}{119191}-Where? Where?|-I left it in a box. {119320}{119341}It's empty. {119348}{119421}I'm getting heartburn.|Tony, do something terrible. {119445}{119494}No, I'm being serious! {119501}{119559}The dog. The dog must have had it. {119650}{119731}Now then, let's have a look,|shall we? Tony. {119765}{119826}-What?|-Look in the dog. {119864}{119930}-You mean, "look in the dog"?|-I mean, open him up. {120037}{120114}It's not a tin of baked beans.|What do you mean, open him up? {120121}{120168}You know what I mean. {120231}{120254}That's a bit strong. {120303}{120327}I don't know about this. {120366}{120405}No, you can't do this. {120471}{120503}It's fucking squeaking! {120510}{120607}You never heard a dog squeak before?|Give me that goddamn gun! {120671}{120710}I'm shooting the dog! {120909}{120947}Shoot the fucking dog! {121208}{121272}You sneaky fucking bastard. {121561}{121584}Thank God for that. {121837}{121915}I hate fucking dogs!|Come on, Tony. {121987}{122026}Tony, come on! {122227}{122256}Tony? {122550}{122615}-Anything to declare?|-Yeah. Don't go to England. {122681}{122772}That dog is gonna go back|to the campsite. It always does. {122780}{122828}How's the dog gonna find the campsite? {122836}{122888}Have you smelled the campsite, Sol? {122896}{122965}All right. But we have|to wait until it gets light. {122972}{123017}And we have to get rid|of these bodies. {123024}{123102}That one with the tea cosy|on his head's starting to stink. {123110}{123231}Right. Let's stick them in the car,|and then go and look for a pig farm. {123309}{123340}Mickey. {123391}{123417}Mickey! {123482}{123525}You feeling all right, Mickey? {123595}{123621}Need a drink. {123688}{123720}You can't give him a drink! {123728}{123774}It's not for him. It's for me. {123910}{123957}Ah, mates. Amen. {124125}{124231}He's a hard bastard, this Good Night|Anderson, so pay attention. {124256}{124288}All right, Mickey? {124307}{124338}Mickey! {124446}{124488}Need to have a shite! {124517}{124630}If you see the pikey, Turkish or|his girlfriend come out before me... {124637}{124686}...shoot the bastards. {124740}{124801}Well, come on.|We got a fight to go to. {124972}{125004}All right, Tom. {125028}{125126}-Hope we get a better show this time.|-This will make up for it. {125133}{125187}Mickey's going down in the fourth. {125194}{125253}Terry over there is in charge|of the bets. {125261}{125299}Now, you have to forgive me. {125307}{125368}I'll forgive you|if he goes down this time. {125447}{125517}-Our lads at the campsite?|-They're over there now. {125597}{125650}I fucking hate pikeys. {125699}{125795}-How long have we gotta stay here?|-As long as it takes. Now, shut up. {125822}{125868}Fucking hate pikeys. {125897}{125943}Is he fucking stoned? {125956}{126003}He's like that before a fight. {126011}{126066}Do you know when you're going down? {126073}{126133}Of course he knows|when he's going down. {126140}{126241}Fuck-face, who's speaking to you?|He asked him, didn't he? {126249}{126310}Fuck-face? I like that one, Errol. {126317}{126373}I'll remember that next time|I climb off your mum. {126380}{126459}-Not now.|-Gonna be a tragedy of a fight. {126465}{126533}Be a nice one.|Hell of a way to be a war. {126540}{126574}And there none a yours. {126607}{126699}There's a camp full of pikeys|that might not think you're so funny. {126706}{126784}Not when they're putting out flames|on their children's backs. {126822}{126866}Now get up and have a fucking fight. {127012}{127094}Three rounds and you're a vegetable,|aren't you, pikey! {128306}{128378}I'm in charge here.|No fucking about, no eye-gouging. {128385}{128436}Do your worst. Let's get it on! {129192}{129258}What the fuck's going on?|You gonna finish him or what? {130273}{130311}Talk about saved by the bell. {130325}{130410}Do you understand the consequences|of knocking that man out? {130418}{130471}Do not knock him out, Mickey. {130631}{130671}All right, let's break it up. {131488}{131521}What, is he fucking deaf? {131557}{131598}What is he doing? {131977}{132008}Come on and sit. {132077}{132123}What the fuck are you doing, Mickey? {132130}{132179}You're dancing like a fairy. {132187}{132249}They'll hang us|if they think it's rigged. {132269}{132319}Get out there and hurt him. {132354}{132470}But for fuck's sake,|do not knock him out. {134397}{134465}All he's got to do is stay down. {134576}{134627}Now, we are fucked. {134827}{134849}He can't stand up. {134856}{134873}We're out of here. {134881}{135002}Stupid pikey knows Brick Top's got|keen-to-kill monkeys with shotguns... {135009}{135067}...sitting outside his campsite. {135076}{135192}Once the campsite's wiped out,|I know it's gonna be the same for us. {135257}{135300}Ever cross the road|and look the wrong way? {135307}{135341}Give me that fucking shooter! {135349}{135411}And, hey, presto,|there's a car nearly on you. {135419}{135445}So, what do you do? {135461}{135510}Something very silly. {135520}{135588}You freeze. And your life|doesn't flash before you... {135595}{135654}...because you're too scared|to think. {135662}{135734}You just freeze|and pull a stupid face. {135742}{135794}But the pikey didn't. Why? {135801}{135867}Because he had plans|on running the car over. {135926}{135975}It had previously occurred to me... {135983}{136060}...that he'd taken the demise|of his mother rather lightly. {136138}{136202}For every action,|there is a reaction. {136210}{136254}And a pikey reaction... {136272}{136303}...is quite a fucking thing. {137312}{137360}Pete, talk to me. {137367}{137452}If you want your friend to hear you,|talk a lot louder than that. {137669}{137753}-Give me that fucking shooter.|-I'll give you your shooter, you cunt. {137947}{138033}That is when I thought the pikey|had money riding on himself. {138059}{138142}That's why the bastard never|goes down when he's supposed to. {138186}{138227}We've been tucked up... {138268}{138305}...while he's been cleaning up. {138358}{138419}We're worse off now than|when we started. {138552}{138609}The next day we went|to the campsite... {138617}{138691}...but the gypsies had disappeared|during the night. {138698}{138744}Which was probably a good thing... {138752}{138856}...considering they'd just buried|12 people somewhere in the area. {138865}{138896}Where is he? {138904}{138953}He ain't fucking here,|that's for sure. {138974}{139057}We can't ask a man to fight for us|if we can't find him, can we? {139064}{139141}You won't find a pikey that|doesn't want to be found. {139195}{139271}He could be in a campsite|in Kampu-fucking-chea by now. {139310}{139352}Bollocks! Come on. {139480}{139546}-What you doing here?|-What's it got to do with you? {139641}{139691}So, what you doing here? {139875}{139942}I'm taking the dog for a walk.|What's the problem? {139984}{140004}What's in the car? {140022}{140057}Seats and a steering wheel. {140086}{140128}What do you know about gypsies? {140172}{140218}I know they're not to be trusted. {140269}{140333}All right, get your dog. On your way. {140354}{140389}Get the dog, Tommy. {140435}{140464}The dog. {140503}{140609}All right, boy. Come on.|Come on, Daisy. No, Daisy! {140628}{140667}He loves that dog. {140677}{140717}Always playing silly games. {140724}{140804}Stop messing about|and get it in the car. Tommy! {140850}{140963}Good boy. Good boy.|Good boy, Daisy, good boy. {141223}{141258}Could you tell me... {141266}{141342}...why you got a dead man|with an arm missing in your boot? {141358}{141381}Hey, George... {141416}{141467}...is that a tea cosy on his head? {141550}{141607}Oh, you love a dog, don't you, Tommy? {141846}{141906}Tommy persuaded me to keep the dog. {141913}{141999}I eventually agreed,|as long as he took it to a vet. {142006}{142064}I couldn't stand|that squeaking anymore. {142072}{142151}The vet found half an undigested|shoe, a squeaky toy... {142158}{142236}...and an 84-carat diamond|lodged in its stomach. {142252}{142311}It's quite amazing what can happen|in a week. {142322}{142368}Still didn't shut it up, though. {142391}{142434}So, what do you do? {142442}{142510}You go see the man that knows|about these sort of things. {142517}{142553}So, what do you think? {142597}{142648}Do you know anyone|who'd be interested? {142767}{142786}I might.