{730}{778}What`s in the fancy box? {782}{886}(Teal`c) lt is naqahdah. Raw naqahdah|is highly valued by the Goa`uld. {890}{969}(Carter) SG-3 brought a little|of the element back last year. {973}{1021}We could really use some, sir. {1071}{1127}(O`Neill) Well, maybe there`s more. {1272}{1305}Whoa! {1733}{1764}Look. {1990}{2056}(whispers) l wish he`d stop doing that. {2942}{2998}She`s gonna jump. {3037}{3083}Daniel! {3375}{3403}Agh! {3505}{3543}No, wait... Please. {3708}{3756}Stay away from the princess. {3866}{3914}lt`s OK. {3933}{3981}Colonel! {4014}{4084}Tell them to lower their weapons. {4123}{4168}They will kill him! {5971}{6014}What were you thinking? {6018}{6060}l thought she`d be grateful. {6064}{6111}She was trying to kill herself. {6115}{6139}On your knees! {6167}{6258}No, actually l`ve got this cartilage|problem, little ACL thing... {6262}{6323}Agh! Yeah, that helps. {6359}{6502}My father, Pyrus the god-slayer and ruler|of this planet, wants to know who you are. {6506}{6580}We`re explorers. Peaceful explorers. {6623}{6671}You attacked my daughter. {6675}{6713}No! {6717}{6753}Tell him. {7011}{7059}Only one of you is Jaffa. {7244}{7291}Who sent you? {7320}{7368}Where are you from? {7391}{7491}We`re from a planet... called Earth. {7592}{7643}What Goa`uld rules there? {7675}{7735}- None.|- Liar. {7739}{7790}Thieves. {7794}{7862}You will tell me the truth or you will die. {7918}{7960}- Put them in the mine!|- Father! {8031}{8095}No, wait! We`re not thieves. {8136}{8179}Wait! {8183}{8227}Please! {8310}{8358}(banging) {8661}{8734}Colonel, he isn`t a Goa`uld. {8751}{8812}l don`t think these are real Jaffa either. {8816}{8883}- How do you know?|- The first clue was his voice. {8919}{8967}Yeah, l noticed that, too. {8971}{9062}Sir, l can`t really explain it,|but when he grabbed me l just knew. {9066}{9170}l felt it... or to be more accurate,|l didn`t feel it. {9196}{9281}Sir, it may have something to do with|the Goa`uld that invaded me. {9285}{9354}Lately l get this weird feeling|when l`m near Teal`c. {9358}{9387}Hey, who doesn`t? {9391}{9461}l... l can sense the presence|of a Goa`uld now. {9465}{9532}l didn`t get that feeling|when he grabbed me. {9536}{9636}l agree with Captain Carter.|The ruler here is not a Goa`uld. {9640}{9744}All right, let`s assume you`re both right.|How does that help us? {9748}{9787}l`m not sure. {9791}{9877}Look, l`m really sorry, you guys.|This is totally my fault. {9881}{9955}You will meet your quota for the day,|or you will not eat. {9959}{10007}You know,... {10011}{10099}..l`ve seen an awful lot of|union violations around here. {10103}{10163}l should probably|speak to your supervisor. {10292}{10332}You will work! {10417}{10472}Hi-ho, hi-ho. Back to work. {10790}{10838}l can`t move any more. {10842}{10890}(horn blows) {11166}{11214}Put down your tools. {11444}{11502}How does your leg feel now? {11595}{11650}Oh, much better, thanks. {11654}{11674}Argh! {11849}{11914}- Let`s go! Let`s go!|- (Teal`c) This way. {11995}{12064}- Let`s go, Daniel!|- l`m comin`! {12268}{12332}Daniel! God! {12455}{12511}- He`s alive!|- Carter, Teal`c, take off. {12515}{12563}- Sir?|- Go! {12595}{12643}(weapons on) {12836}{12880}Foolish child. {13028}{13136}They must have been sent|by some distant, evil god. {13140}{13198}Then they are here to raid our mine,... {13218}{13278}..and we can spare none of our naqahdah. {13282}{13336}lt grows more scarce by the day. {13340}{13375}l know. {13379}{13433}l will not put our world in jeopardy. {13498}{13599}When you are gone l will have to make|these kinds of choices all the time. {13603}{13679}Please... believe in me. {14169}{14217}(rumbling) {15064}{15112}Do you feel better? {15202}{15240}What`s going on? {15244}{15326}You tried to escape.|You were badly wounded. {15377}{15433}- My friends?|- They were recaptured. {15491}{15539}By what name are you called? {15543}{15591}Daniel Jackson. {15629}{15708}May l help you out, Daniel Jackson? {15901}{15949}Thank you. Why am l wearing this? {15953}{16018}l took the liberty of providing royal robes. {16022}{16070}You may call me Shyla. {16074}{16164}ln return for saving your life,|please do not try and escape again. {16168}{16216}l have taken responsibility for you. {16244}{16267}OK. {16271}{16359}lt would also be rude of you|to try and hurt me in any way. {16363}{16467}You do realise it`s also rude to kidnap|people and chain them up in a mine. {16471}{16597}Forgive me for not telling my father|what really happened by the cliff. l... {16601}{16653}He would not understand. {16680}{16713}OK. {16717}{16812}So you`re not Goa`ulds,|but you`re running a naqahdah mine... {16817}{16900}..and you`ve got yourselves...|a Goa`uld sarcophagus. {16904}{16952}You know of the sarcophagus? {16956}{17055}Yeah, l`ve used one before. A couple|of times too many, if you ask me. {17059}{17119}- Really?|- My... uh... {17123}{17184}Oh, you want your glass circles. {17301}{17356}l`m afraid they were broken. {17628}{17684}l just know l`ve done the right thing. {17704}{17727}Come. {17752}{17800}l must show you something. {17831}{17879}(banging) {17898}{17967}- He needed medical attention.|- l know. {17971}{18068}lt wasn`t your fault, sir. We had to|take the opportunity when we did. {18072}{18115}l know that, too. {18346}{18394}l`ve had worse. {18563}{18611}lsn`t this splendid? {18659}{18707}Why are we here? {18711}{18791}l know you must have seen much|in your travels, but... {18823}{18937}..surely you`ve never seen anything|quite so beautiful. {18941}{18989}We call them trees. {19003}{19029}Oh! {19033}{19075}Um, so do we. {19079}{19129}Then you`ve seen them on other worlds? {19133}{19181}Yeah. {19198}{19262}Oh, l`m a fool, aren`t l? {19277}{19371}Surely you`ve seen more incredible things|than l can even imagine. {19375}{19439}Please, tell me about them. {19443}{19559}Um, look... l-l`d really like to tell you|everything you wanna know, but, um... {19606}{19654}But my friends... {19675}{19754}My father believes you all have|a nefarious purpose here. {19758}{19792}But you don`t. {19851}{19931}We will convince him|that you are decent, honest people... {19935}{19987}..who will bring no harm to our kingdom. {20073}{20167}Uh, well, l don`t suppose|we could go talk to your father... now? {20209}{20257}He is not well now. {20282}{20390}l don`t wanna spoil this little...|rapport we seem to have going here... {20394}{20447}That sounds almost romantic. {20451}{20498}Oh, boy... OK. Here`s the thing. {20502}{20608}Um, l`m grateful you saved my life and|that you wanna help me free my friends,... {20612}{20683}..but l`m sensing you did it|because you`re... {20687}{20737}Because you`re my destiny. {20761}{20798}Wha... What? {20853}{20926}Before she died,|my mother and l used to come out here... {20930}{20978}..and take long walks at night. {21031}{21125}You can see every star in the sky|through the treetops. {21129}{21172}But about the destiny thing? {21176}{21247}She said a great man|would come from beyond the sun... {21279}{21327}..just for me. {21352}{21385}Oh. {21487}{21561}l had come to believe|my mother was wrong,... {21600}{21655}..that my true love would never come. {21688}{21790}l stood on that cliff|and l wished one last time. {21876}{21965}At just the right moment you were there|to save me, Daniel Jackson. {22009}{22057}You cannot deny that is fate! {22105}{22153}Oh, God... {22291}{22345}- Hi, guys.|- Daniel! {22443}{22491}Well, look! {22506}{22570}Surprisingly difficult to kill you, isn`t it? {22574}{22642}(Teal`c) We are pleased to see you,|Daniel Jackson. {22646}{22679}(Carter) What happened? {22756}{22833}Uh, Sam was right. Pyrus isn`t a Goa`uld. {22846}{22892}What`s with the dress? {22903}{22951}Oh, um... {22963}{23011}They`re royal robes. {23027}{23098}Uh, long story short,|they have a sarcophagus. {23128}{23208}The princess put me in it and saved me|because she has a crush on me. {23247}{23292}- A crush?|- Yeah. {23296}{23347}Actually, she thinks l`m her destiny. {23351}{23465}The whole... saving her life thing.|l guess she was grateful after all. {23547}{23595}Well, good job. {23599}{23697}How about gettin` the goons to unlock us|and get us the heck outta here? {23701}{23751}Uh, yeah. Not yet. {23755}{23804}l`m sorry? {23843}{23907}Well, it`s... kind of a sensitive situation. {23910}{23985}Pyrus hasn`t exactly agreed|to let you go yet,... {23989}{24065}..but l`m working on it.|l`m trying to gain his trust. {24100}{24148}Yeah, l know. This is really... {24162}{24195}Weird? {24199}{24286}l just wanted to let you know l was OK,|and l`ll talk to Pyrus at dinner. {24290}{24338}You get dinner? {24384}{24477}Yeah. Um, some feast in my honour|or something. {24481}{24524}Feast! {24539}{24590}There`s a feast, is there? {24594}{24642}Just trust me, OK? {24686}{24734}l just... l need more time. {24911}{24960}Glad you`re OK! {25349}{25397}Um, just me? {25789}{25837}Um, hello. l`m Daniel Jackson. {25841}{25880}Hmph! {25884}{25986}My father is pleased you are honoured|to dine in the company of his greatness. {26043}{26089}Exactly. {26093}{26165}He may tell you the story|of how he became the god-slayer. {26243}{26303}l killed the Goa`uld who ruled here. {26427}{26475}And how long ago was that? {26479}{26527}700 years. {26539}{26587}700 years? But you`re a... {26659}{26718}Well, of course, the sarcophagus, but... {26722}{26814}..l had no idea|it could sustain human life so long. {26818}{26874}- Does that mean that you`re...?|- No. {26878}{26964}l am young by comparison.|l have not needed it to extend my life. {26968}{27057}So the people worship your father|because he`s lived so long? {27098}{27179}They worship him because|he liberated them from the evil god. {27183}{27258}Um, then why does he still keep them|working in the mine? {27262}{27320}So the other distant,|evil gods won`t come. {27384}{27425}So this is a masquerade. {27429}{27520}You send naqahdah through the Stargate|because the Goa`uld did that. {27606}{27697}No wonder you fear strangers.|You`re afraid of being found out. {27701}{27749}l must sleep. {27796}{27844}Um, wait. Uh... {27896}{27944}Uh, about my friends... {28016}{28073}- Kill them.|- What? {28077}{28120}- No!|- Father,... {28124}{28232}..you said their punishment for trying to|escape would be to work in the mine... {28236}{28305}..without rest for as long as they live,... {28309}{28365}..as an example to the other workers. {28408}{28461}- l did?|- Yes. {28826}{28948}Do not worry about your friends. l have|instructed the guards to treat them well. {28952}{29001}l`m sorry. This is unacceptable. {29005}{29063}l can`t be up here|while they`re down there. {29067}{29115}We will change my father`s mind. {29153}{29224}You`re not understanding|what they mean to me. {29228}{29278}lt just may take some time. {29282}{29330}Or maybe you do. {29336}{29428}The longer it takes to free them,|the more time we have together, right? {29449}{29515}l admit that is what l would like. {29531}{29579}Well, then release my friends. {29601}{29703}l won`t leave. l`ll stay|and get to know you better, l promise. {29707}{29751}Then you do feel as l do. {30017}{30070}- Should l not have done that?|- No, no. {30074}{30143}lt`s, uh, it`s OK. lt`s just... {30147}{30208}Maybe you`re still not fully recovered. {30269}{30341}Uh, you know,|l really don`t think that`s necessary. {30345}{30382}l mean, uh... l`m OK. {30481}{30534}But you`ll feel so much better. {30538}{30583}lt`s, uh... Please. {30587}{30622}For me? {30663}{30724}You will feel better|than you have ever felt. {30728}{30774}Trust me... {30778}{30833}..and l will trust you. {30837}{30885}l promise. {31849}{31897}SG-1`s remote code, sir. {31901}{31991}No travellers, but we are receiving|another radio transmission. {31995}{32034}Patch it through. {32038}{32087}(Daniel) Mission status is the same. {32091}{32161}Need more time|to resolve situation diplomatically. {32165}{32245}Next transmission in 24 hours.|Daniel Jackson, out. {32676}{32724}What the hell`s goin` on? {32728}{32825}- (Carter) lt`s been days since we saw you.|- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! {32829}{32877}Oh, l`m sorry! Um... {32881}{32963}Yeah, l`m still working on...|on getting you guys out. {32991}{33082}Oh, in the meantime,|l`ve discovered something incredible. {33131}{33209}You do know we`re dying down here,|don`t you? {33213}{33292}l`ve taken the opportunity|to research the sarcophagus. {33296}{33387}lt`s amazing what it does to you|if you use it when you`re healthy! {33430}{33486}Well, is that such a good idea? {33490}{33563}Well, Shyla won`t trust me|if l don`t show that l trust her. {33585}{33608}(O`Neill) Oh... {33628}{33722}Shyla, is it now?|First-name basis. Shyla! {33726}{33784}l`ve used it before|without side effects. {33788}{33828}And look! {33832}{33875}No glasses. {33879}{33929}That looks like a side effect to me. {33989}{34029}Daniel,... {34033}{34071}..get us out of here. {34075}{34178}Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Yeah. Yeah.|l`m working on it. l just need time. {34182}{34282}Oh, l sent General Hammond a message,|so he won`t order an all-out attack. {34299}{34383}lf we do this right|we`ll have access to all the naqahdah... {34387}{34438}..and the sarcophagus. {34442}{34503}How many times have you used it? {34507}{34579}l don`t know. Nine or... ten.|Oh, Sam... {34583}{34659}l mean, everything is... is so clear. {34681}{34735}l mean, l feel like l could do... {34753}{34794}..anything. {34811}{34879}One thing! You only have to do one thing! {34908}{35016}And if you can`t handle that,|we`re gonna break outta here without you. {35076}{35124}She wants me to marry her. {35128}{35158}What?! {35323}{35375}All right, look... {35379}{35447}No, you look, Jack! {35556}{35617}l have got everything under control, OK? {35671}{35736}God! You never show me any respect! {35779}{35847}Your way didn`t work. Now l`m handling it. {35908}{35981}All you guys have to do is hang in there. {36389}{36437}How is he? {36481}{36570}The sarcophagus does not|make him better the way it used to. {36610}{36674}Soon it will be time|for me to become queen. {36691}{36739}Will that be so bad? {36796}{36854}You do not approve of my father`s ways. {36891}{37004}l can help you mine the naqahdah and|we can fight the Goa`uld, if you trust me. {37008}{37073}Even after l used your friends|to keep you close? {37083}{37131}Oh, yeah. {37144}{37195}l don`t think you meant any harm. {37199}{37284}And then you will stay,|even after they are free? {37323}{37380}l`ve never felt better anywhere in my life. {37431}{37551}l`ve always felt out of place on my planet.|l wanted to make a difference. {37555}{37624}There`s still so much|you don`t know about me. {37779}{37827}l know all l need to. {37878}{37940}We can change things here... {37944}{37982}..together. {38198}{38246}Water? {38265}{38301}Hey. {38305}{38353}We don`t use the sarcophagus. {38373}{38421}What? {38445}{38483}Whoa! {38487}{38535}Boy, that was weird. {38539}{38656}l was having a vision or something.|l kept seeing the memory of Jolinar. {38660}{38751}The Resistance, the Tok`ra...|they don`t use the sarcophagus. {38771}{38889}lt... it does bad things to you. lt changes|your mind, takes something from you. {38926}{38972}l kept hearing... {38976}{39040}Teal`c, what is... Kalach? {39085}{39133}lt is Goa`uld. {39159}{39207}lt means one`s soul. {39263}{39321}Sir, we have to stop Daniel. {39482}{39530}(coughs) {39628}{39679}The man who would be king. {39683}{39706}Agh! {39737}{39787}Hi, Jack! {39851}{39898}(giggles) Oh, it`s Jack. {39909}{39957}Hi, Jack. {40047}{40106}Aagh... (coughs) {40431}{40500}We`re losin` the battle down there,|you know. {40560}{40646}Carter`s... started having, um,... {40666}{40751}..Goa`uld flashbacks.|Says if you keep using that... {40774}{40843}..sarcophagus,|you`re gonna Dark Side on us. {40888}{40936}lf you haven`t already. {40940}{40977}(coughs) {40981}{41063}Don`t worry a bit.|We`re getting out of here tomorrow. {41109}{41173}- What?|- l agreed to marry her. {41176}{41217}You did? {41247}{41295}But... {41374}{41455}..l said l had to go home|and straighten a few things out,... {41459}{41509}..and you guys are coming with me. {41559}{41607}She trusts you? {41611}{41659}She... {41670}{41718}..loves me. {41794}{41878}- (Pyrus) Love has blinded you.|- They are good people. {41882}{41943}We have done a grave injustice to them. {41947}{41995}l pray that you are right. {41999}{42090}l must let Daniel go.|The choice to return must be his,... {42125}{42178}..but he will come back to me. {42223}{42287}He can`t live without me any more. {43086}{43173}My father once was the greatest of men,... {43177}{43234}..but he can rule no longer. {43238}{43286}He lives only to see me married. {43318}{43410}l extend the sincerest of apologies|for the hardship done to you,... {43435}{43496}..and offer the friendship of our world. {43529}{43577}Well, thanks. {43581}{43686}Please know that from now on|you will always be welcome here... {43701}{43771}..and will be treated with|the utmost respect. {44246}{44289}l`ll be back. {44293}{44321}Soon. {44600}{44648}We had a nice time, sir! {44662}{44764}Carter picked up some naqahdah,|Teal`c made some new friends, as usual. {44768}{44823}Daniel got engaged, and, uh... {44876}{44924}..l`m gonna hit the showers. {45028}{45066}This is stupid. {45070}{45139}Dr Fraiser says|your systems are out of whack. {45159}{45207}Well, l feel fine. {45248}{45316}God, l need to get outta here.|l`m gonna go nuts. {45320}{45368}(beeping) {45574}{45621}You`re gonna wear a hole in the floor. {45625}{45685}l can`t get her out of my head, Sam. {45689}{45739}l think l made a big mistake. {45758}{45814}- You`re not serious?|- l am. {45818}{45861}You have a wife. {45885}{45942}Had. Had a wife. {45946}{46022}Come on, seriously.|How long am l supposed to wait? {46053}{46101}Even if l find Sha`re one day,... {46105}{46187}..what are the chances|she`s ever gonna be the same again? {46232}{46342}Your endorphin level was sky-high when|we came back. Now you`re coming down. {46346}{46437}The effects of the sarcophagus|are like a narcotic, Daniel. {46441}{46520}Yeah. That makes you|smarter, stronger, feel great. {46524}{46572}What the hell is so wrong with it? {46576}{46665}l think it`s partly what made|the Goa`uld as bad as they are. {46669}{46699}How? {46703}{46746}Who knows? {46750}{46805}lt`s Goa`uld technology, Daniel. {46809}{46888}Maybe its healing effects|alter your brain chemistry,... {46892}{46984}..increase adrenaline,|making you aggressive and irrational. {46988}{47046}Pyrus probably used to be a decent man. {47102}{47150}Look at yourself. {47154}{47204}lt`s like you need a fix. {47208}{47300}You only used it a few times|and already it`s changed you. {47304}{47378}We can`t just leave it there.|We have to study it. {47397}{47434}We can`t go back either. {47483}{47534}l`m going. {47559}{47628}She used us to get you addicted. {47632}{47668}(smashes glass) {47803}{47854}You`ve never really known what love is. {47882}{47960}See, the Daniel l know|would never have said that. {48013}{48061}(kicks glass) {48164}{48236}- What are you saying, Captain?|- He needs to be confined. {48240}{48287}He`s addicted to the effects... {48291}{48327}What`s this? {48331}{48385}- lt`s my resignation.|- Oh, please! {48389}{48468}l request permission|to go through the gate to P3R-636. {48472}{48542}- Request denied!|- l wasn`t asking you! {48571}{48631}- Daniel!|- Dr Jackson? {48646}{48694}He`s unconscious. {48719}{48813}This is General Hammond. Code Red|medical emergency in my office. {48925}{49022}l gave him a sedative.|His test results were all over the place. {49026}{49103}Liver function, kidneys,|endorphins, electrolytes... {49107}{49202}- There`s muscle deterioration.|- Whatever. What`s goin` on with him? {49206}{49294}l have no idea. The most l can do|is try and treat the symptoms,... {49298}{49389}..but he seems to be going through|some massive physical withdrawal. {49393}{49441}l have to go back! {49482}{49530}You`re killing me! {49554}{49603}Stop killing me! {49612}{49650}Calm down! {49672}{49715}Argh... {49779}{49924}lt`s like all of his cells have lost the ability|to function properly and it`s getting worse. {49928}{50003}- There`s nothing you can do?|- l need time. {50007}{50060}The sarcophagus will keep him alive. {50064}{50166}We can`t let him go back. That thing will|screw him up and we`ll lose him anyway. {50181}{50242}The memories that|Jolinar left in my mind... {50246}{50330}..told me the sarcophagus|will take away everything he is. {50334}{50387}- What choice do we have?|- We wait it out. {50437}{50485}Just... a little longer. {50983}{51031}- Hey.|- How`s he doin`? {51046}{51130}Well, l can`t say for sure,|but l think maybe the worst is over. {51134}{51182}His blood work`s encouraging. {51186}{51277}Body temperature`s coming down,|pulse is normal, BP 120 over 80. {51281}{51329}So we made the right call. {51351}{51437}His cellular function|is starting to take back control. {51441}{51488}The next few hours should tell. {51492}{51551}lt`s time for another dose of sedative. {51979}{52027}OK, Daniel... {52128}{52170}Ohh! {52214}{52250}Stand down! {52712}{52756}l`m OK. Go. {52760}{52808}(alarm) {53552}{53596}Jesus! Dammit! {53625}{53663}Daniel! {53719}{53767}Are you trying to kill me? {53771}{53817}You`re trying to kill me. {53909}{53967}There`ll be guards here in 30 seconds. {53984}{54032}l`m going back. {54036}{54135}You don`t have to.|Fraiser says you`re getting better. {54139}{54206}- You`re lying!|- Why would l do that? {54721}{54764}Daniel! God... {54907}{54955}What are you gonna do, Daniel? {54959}{55007}You wanna kill me? {55093}{55132}Oh, God, look at you. {55205}{55253}l know what this is. {55257}{55307}l know what it`s like. {55366}{55406}You can get through it. {55491}{55542}(sobs) {55546}{55584}No... {55703}{55739}(sobs) {55981}{56035}(weeps) {56296}{56416}The probe`s data indicates P3H-826|is a viable next mission for SG-1 , sir. {56493}{56541}l have another suggestion. {56627}{56704}l think we should go back to P3R-636. {56721}{56790}But before you say anything,|just hear me out. {56827}{56930}There are thousands of innocent humans|there who we could free from slavery. {56934}{57001}Shyla cannot free her people|without great risk. {57005}{57066}Well, we have to offer her alternatives. {57084}{57132}New ways to mine the naqahdah. {57136}{57193}The Goa`uld may not notice|if shipments stop. {57197}{57303}Preliminary tests indicate countless|military and scientific applications... {57307}{57357}..for the raw ore. {57361}{57406}Might be a good reason to try, sir. {57410}{57493}Try what? The last time,|you were enslaved in that mine. {57497}{57601}Look, you want access to the mine,|but you don`t wanna send troops in. {57605}{57683}l`m offering you a shot|at a diplomatic solution. {57687}{57730}Please, Jack. {57764}{57817}l need to take the chance. {57986}{58034}We can back him up, sir. {58088}{58138}l`d like Daniel back on the team. {58687}{58746}l did not believe you would ever return. {58820}{58893}l`m sorry... about your father. {58948}{58996}About everything. {59106}{59173}The sarcophagus|could not help him any more. {59232}{59270}(sniffs) {59394}{59442}You never did love me, did you? {59477}{59529}l wouldn`t be here if l didn`t care. {59568}{59644}l don`t deserve to live|after what l`ve done to you. {59658}{59701}Yes, you do. {59769}{59817}Your people need you. {59866}{59987}You may still be able to lead them without|turning into what your father became. {59998}{60046}How? {60152}{60200}You can`t use this any more. {60248}{60296}lt`s gonna be bad,... {60300}{60341}..trust me. {60373}{60443}But you don`t have to do this alone. {60926}{60958}(rumbling) {61206}{61250}(weapon on) {61869}{61974}Visiontext subtitles: Natasha Cohn