{300}{348}(Stargate gurgles) {688}{758}Good morning, campers. {1050}{1097}(Teal`c) There is damage here. {1101}{1186}It appears to have been done|by Goa`uId weaponry. {1190}{1262}I do not beIieve this battIe|took pIace recentIy. {1266}{1323}- No bodies.|- DanieI,... {1327}{1373}..do you know these symboIs? {1515}{1588}No. This pIace is definiteIy aIien. {1723}{1792}I wonder what`s behind curtain No.2. {1796}{1860}Take Carter and check it out. {1954}{2002}Whoa! {2038}{2141}TeaI`c, you ever see|anything Iike this before? {2284}{2363}We must return to Earth|as quickIy as possibIe. {2367}{2415}Why? What is that? {2420}{2468}It is the symboI of Korosh-ni. {2472}{2573}It is for any Goa`uId or Jaffa|who may pass through the gate. {2577}{2649}LooseIy transIated, it means turn back. {2653}{2724}Does it eIaborate? {2728}{2874}It is pIaced on worIds Goa`uId destroyers|have wiped out, and Ieft contaminated. {2878}{2987}This pIanet`s entire surface wiII be,|in your terms, radioactive. {2991}{3047}- Ah.|- No-one wiII be Ieft aIive. {3051}{3099}This pIace is not safe. {3332}{3413}- I think this is a Iab.|- How do you know? {3417}{3514}These are things from other pIanets.|They`re aII tagged. {3518}{3571}This is a Turkanese mask. {3575}{3678}This is a cIay cone from Lagash|with cuneiform symboIs on it. {3682}{3729}(O`Neill) Carter! DanieI! {3733}{3784}Found the souvenir shop, sir. {3801}{3854}- We`re outta here.|- What? Why? {3858}{3959}This is a treasure chest of artefacts|from diverse human cuItures. {3963}{4036}DanieI, I don`t wanna hear it. Let`s go. {4117}{4165}You don`t wanna... hear it. {5278}{5364}(O`Neill) DanieI, we`re Ieaving! Let`s go! {5606}{5736}You guys, I need a hand with this thing!|It`s heavy, but we have to take it... {5740}{5778}..back. {5923}{5971}Jack? {6033}{6081}Sam?! {6098}{6146}TeaI`c?! {6322}{6396}Oh, I reaIIy hate it when this happens. {6914}{6962}(man) CIose the iris! {7327}{7405}Hands on your head... now!|Or we wiII open fire. {7409}{7454}What`s going on? {7458}{7536}- Identify yourseIf.|- DanieI Jackson, SG-1 . {7647}{7683}GeneraI, what is this? {7687}{7782}GeneraI? Do you see stars|anywhere on my uniform? {7786}{7844}- CoIoneI, he says he`s on SG-1 .|- CoIoneI? {7848}{7929}How did you get an SG-1 remote|iris-deactivation device? {7933}{7984}What are you taIking about? {7988}{8064}(PA) Unauthorised incoming travellers. {8068}{8146}Who the heII are you? {9733}{9798}I`m Dr DanieI Jackson. SG-1 .|I need to see Jack O`NeiII. {9829}{9883}- Ask Sam Carter!|- On the tabIe! {9920}{10014}I`m not a Goa`uId! Don`t give me that.|Where`s Dr Fraiser? {10018}{10044}Don`t give me that! {10048}{10084}Argh! {10121}{10169}I am Dr DanieI Jackson. {10182}{10225}I need to see CoIoneI O`NeiII. {10229}{10293}Do you mean GeneraI O`NeiII? {11443}{11483}(bangs on door) {11487}{11512}HeIIo! {11580}{11630}I have to speak to someone! {12075}{12101}Catherine. {12105}{12146}You know me? {12150}{12188}Of course. {12219}{12260}You don`t know me? {12264}{12336}Dr DanieI Jackson. Linguist. {12340}{12440}Ancient Egyptian historian.|Known for some radicaI ideas. {12444}{12519}Right now I want to know|how you came through my Stargate. {12523}{12637}How I... Your Stargate?|What the heII is going on here, Catherine? {12641}{12702}I`d prefer you address me as Dr Langford. {12706}{12774}You were wearing a remote device. {12778}{12838}You had SG-1`s code.|How did you obtain it? {12842}{12908}How did I...? How do you think I did it? {12937}{13014}I Ieft from here. Stargate Command.|A few hours ago. {13018}{13114}I went through on a mission to P3R-233. {13118}{13172}What are you taIking about? {13176}{13236}You`ve never been in this faciIity|untiI now. {13240}{13269}OK. {13273}{13376}Um, I figured out|how to work the Stargate. {13380}{13462}You recruited me to transIate|the cartouche found at Giza. {13490}{13582}I went on the first mission|through the Stargate to Abydos. {13586}{13701}And unIess the Iast two years were|a wacky dream, I am a member of SG-1 . {13705}{13750}Not as far as I`m concerned. {13775}{13812}What?! {13816}{13889}My team transIated the cartouche|found at Giza. {13893}{13980}- You did!|- I admit we referenced your work. {13984}{14086}I went to one of your seminars|to ask you to join us, but you said no. {14090}{14112}I did? {14116}{14172}- You were quite rude.|- I was? {14176}{14312}The MRI confirms you are not a Goa`uId. {14316}{14380}- CouId I see Captain Carter?|- Samantha Carter? {14383}{14402}Yes! {14406}{14466}She`s not in the miIitary. She`s a doctor. {14470}{14557}PhD Astrophysics.|She`s attending to important business. {14561}{14638}Don`t you have any expIanation for this? {14642}{14689}God, no! {14693}{14725}Catherine! {14729}{14796}I mean, Dr Langford,|no, this makes no sense! {14800}{14881}I know you. I beIong here! {14885}{14940}You don`t! {14944}{14973}Excuse me? {14977}{15069}You`re retired.|At Ieast, the air force made you retire. {15073}{15181}You`re supposed to be at home,|Iiving happiIy ever after with Ernest. {15220}{15246}What? {15250}{15370}The man you were|supposed to marry in 1945. {15481}{15576}We`ve onIy got 50% of the Iist|through to Beta site, GeneraI. {15605}{15665}Voyager is stiII en route. {15669}{15719}Excuse me. I know you`re busy. {15723}{15767}It`s OK. What is it? {15771}{15842}I think you shouId meet this young man. {15846}{15897}- Now?|- How much time do we have? {15901}{15928}Why? {15932}{16019}He... knows things. {16186}{16213}Jack! {16217}{16284}Look, we`re in the middIe of a situation. {16288}{16372}I don`t know who you are,|but Dr Langford says you can heIp. {16376}{16467}OK, this is starting to get|a IittIe bit spooky. {16484}{16585}A few hours ago,|everything about this pIace was different. {16589}{16701}I mean, weII, not compIeteIy different.|I mean, you`re stiII you... {16705}{16746}Sort of. {16816}{16878}What can you teII me about the Goa`uIds? {16882}{16917}What? {16921}{16975}The Goa`uIds. You know who they are? {16979}{17023}Uh... yeah. {17027}{17065}TeII me what you know. {17113}{17179}OK. Maybe I`ve Iost my mind here,... {17183}{17292}..but as far as I`m concerned|we know each other very weII. {17296}{17360}You know everything that I know. {17388}{17498}I am a member of SG-1 with you,|Captain Carter and TeaI`c! {17519}{17567}Where`s TeaI`c? {17591}{17665}Big guy. GoId embIem on his head.|Goa`uId in his stomach. {17669}{17691}A Jaffa? {17695}{17743}Yes. He`s our friend. {17766}{17826}Get this man outta here. Now. {17836}{17903}How did he get here?|How does he know aII this? {17907}{17971}Dr Langford said|you soIved the gate without me. {17974}{18042}Did you stiII go to Abydos|to bIow up a nucIear device? {18141}{18188}How did you know that? {18192}{18299}You were wiIIing to commit suicide|because your son had recentIy died. {18303}{18357}He shot himseIf with your gun, right? {18400}{18442}I didn`t teII him anything. {18497}{18555}So, did you stiII go to ChuIak? {18559}{18628}What is ChuIak? {18632}{18696}- The Jaffa home worId.|- You know the symboIs? {18699}{18729}Yes. {18798}{18865}- You want me to write it down?|- Yes! {18944}{19115}So, if you`ve never been to ChuIak,|you`ve probabIy never... met... TeaI`c. {19119}{19138}TeaI? {19142}{19239}No, TeaI`c!|Oh, everything`s screwed up. Why?! {19327}{19350}Sam! {19428}{19475}- Who is this?|- Dr Jackson. {19479}{19560}The young man who came through|the Stargate with an SG-1 remote code. {19564}{19591}Report, Doctor. {19641}{19716}We`ve Iost Washington|and PhiIadeIphia, sir. {19814}{19872}I`m sorry. What do you mean by Iost? {19930}{19973}Show him. {20454}{20518}Every one of those red dots|is a destroyed city. {20655}{20711}(man) Dr Carter, there`s another report. {20715}{20826}(TV) Military efforts to engage|the alien ships have been in vain. {20830}{20911}- The Goa`uIds?|- The ships appeared four days ago. {20915}{21030}They have slowly begun annihilating|all signs ofcivilisation,... {21034}{21096}..starting on the East Coast... {21100}{21171}..and moving west with|frightening inevitability. {21175}{21279}There has been no response|to attempted communications. {21283}{21362}Thus far, they have left no survivors... {21366}{21511}..in the wake oftheir seemingly|unstoppable wave ofdestruction. {21515}{21611}I feeI Iike the victim of|the biggest practicaI joke ever. {21615}{21680}You got aII this on the aIien pIanet? {21684}{21787}Uh, yeah, with the exception|of the gun and the grenade. {21791}{21905}I found this Iab. They`d coIIected things|from other pIanets. {21909}{22027}There was this mirror. CouId`ve been|made of naqahdah, the gate eIement. {22031}{22105}Jack said we were Ieaving.|I touched the mirror. {22109}{22173}Interesting. What is it? {22177}{22221}I have no idea. {22225}{22302}You said you touched a mirror? {22306}{22352}I touched that thing first. {22356}{22448}It turned on, I heard a noise,|and noticed the shimmering. {22452}{22533}- Maybe this controIs it.|- When I touched the mirror,... {22537}{22615}..there was this surge.|Like an eIectricaI shock. {22619}{22706}And then I went to find Jack,|Sam, and TeaI`c. {22710}{22767}- He`s the Jaffa?|- Yes! {22771}{22844}But I couIdn`t find them.|It was Iike they were gone. {22848}{22969}I figured they Ieft without me.|I diaIIed Earth`s address, came through... {22973}{23031}What the heII are they doing down there? {23195}{23259}(technician) Chevron one encoded. {23379}{23427}Chevron two encoded. {23481}{23524}Chevron three encoded. {23528}{23616}Isn`t our mission to get|the genesis Iist through to the Beta site? {23620}{23700}I think we`II try to|stop the attack on Earth first. {23704}{23760}Genesis Iist? Beta site?|What does she mean? {23764}{23845}We`re evacuating everyone we can|to another pIanet. {23849}{23908}WorId Ieaders, scientists, doctors. {23912}{23960}Chevron five encoded. {24032}{24097}You`re sending|a nucIear weapon to ChuIak? {24101}{24163}You got a probIem with that? {24167}{24296}- The Jaffa are just sIaves.|- Try to comprehend what`s going on. {24300}{24389}We estimate the death toII to Earth|as 1 .5 biIIion. {24393}{24517}Who do you think is fIying those ships,|trying to bIow up our worId? {24521}{24595}Give me one good reason|why I shouIdn`t strike back. {24599}{24632}Chevron seven Iocked. {24716}{24761}They have no choice. {24786}{24833}Send the bomb. {24837}{24866}Proceed. {25135}{25247}Proceed with evacuation|untiI that next warhead is ready. {25251}{25337}There are innocent human beings|on Goa`uId pIanets. {25392}{25492}UnIess he has information we can use,|I don`t wanna see him again. {25649}{25737}This isn`t happening, this is nuts... {25903}{26046}Is it... Is it possibIe that the Stargate|maIfunctioned or went haywire,... {26050}{26165}..and I came through into a totaIIy|screwed-up different version of Earth? {26169}{26192}No. {26196}{26284}The Stargate aIIows us to|traveI across great distances,... {26288}{26360}..but it doesn`t take you to|an aIternate reaIity. {26364}{26402}AIternate reaIity? {26406}{26515}Scientists have theorised that there are|an infinite number of dimensions,... {26519}{26579}..each containing a different|possibIe version of reaIity. {26583}{26686}WeII, it sounds Iike I theoreticaIIy,|actually found one. {26690}{26811}- One what?|- What Sam said. An... aIternate reaIity. {26815}{26910}That expIains why everything here|is the same, but different. {26914}{27032}The theory is that there are|an infinite number of aIternate reaIities. {27036}{27105}Some are different.|Some are aImost identicaI. {27109}{27151}That`s what this is! {27260}{27354}This isn`t my worId at aII.|This is some sort of... {27358}{27414}..other dimension? {27418}{27470}The Stargate wouIdn`t cause that. {27474}{27571}- Maybe the Stargate didn`t cause it.|- What are you suggesting? {27575}{27670}He found a mirror, possibIy made|of naqahdah, on P3R-233. {27674}{27755}- This aII happened after I touched it.|- P3R-233? {27759}{27806}- Have you been there?|- Yes! {27810}{27857}Off-worId activation. {27901}{27966}CIose the bIast doors.|Keep the iris seaIed. {27970}{28030}Receiving coded transmission|from Air Force One. {28034}{28121}Notify GeneraI O`NeiII.|Get the genesis traveIIers ready. {28125}{28154}Right. {28910}{28988}Current address unknown.|Phone number unknown. {28992}{29042}Last pIace of residence,... {29058}{29112}..Egypt as of 1997. {29338}{29366}(Jackson) Uh-oh. {29370}{29393}What? {29428}{29497}- I think I`m dead.|- What? {29501}{29557}The me in this reaIity. {29561}{29607}What is Voyager`s status? {29611}{29698}The President`s pIane is ten minutes|from Peterson Air Force Base. {29702}{29808}- Another coded transmission.|- ReIay it through the decoder. {29848}{29956}(airman) Enemy craft. Pursuit.|Cannot evade. {29979}{30021}Surface radar is tracking. {30145}{30215}- That`s one of their big ones.|- Look how fast it is. {30219}{30300}Under fire! Help... us! {30378}{30426}(bleeping) {30563}{30622}(Carter) It`s heading straight for us. {30626}{30711}- Confirm, airman.|- Confirmed. ETA - one minute. {30715}{30773}Dammit! Evacuation gave us away. {30777}{30905}InteIIigence has confirmed that enemy fire|can reach us, even this far underground. {30908}{30959}We`re stuck here. {30963}{31038}Enemy ship is sIowing.|VisuaI tracking in 10 seconds. {31488}{31552}If they fire on us, we won`t even feeI it. {31556}{31664}The bIasts on the East Coast were equaI|to 200-megaton nucIear warheads. {31668}{31734}- It`s not gonna fire.|- What? {31898}{31946}It`s Ianding. {32196}{32317}The surveiIIance cameras show Jaffa|assembIing what appears to be a weapon. {32321}{32375}They`re coming in the front door. {32379}{32463}Position automatic weapons here.|And men in aII these haIIs. {32467}{32571}Cut off access to this IeveI.|BIow the secondary eIevator shaft now. {32575}{32696}- If the men at the surface have to...|- There`s onIy gonna be one way down. {32700}{32804}I want aII nonessentiaI personneI|to go to the Beta site ASAP. {32808}{32876}Dr Langford,|that incIudes you and our guest. {32880}{32979}Sir, the Goa`uIds have kept|a wormhoIe estabIished from off worId. {32983}{33041}ProbabIy because you sent that bomb. {33045}{33157}The point is, unIess we get a chance to|open the gate from here, we`re aII stuck. {33189}{33214}Recommendations? {33218}{33326}NormaIIy, we can onIy keep|a wormhoIe estabIished for a haIf-hour. {33330}{33442}There may be a restriction on how Iong|the Goa`uIds can keep theirs active. {33446}{33512}- So, there`s a time Iimit?|- Right. {33799}{33893}- Start it up. Give it five, then bIow it.|- Yes, sir. {34105}{34153}Good Iuck. {34158}{34220}- Let`s go. Take it up.|- Yes, sir. {34311}{34409}The first part sounds Iike a derivation|of ancient Egyptian. {34413}{34461}We couIdn`t recognise it. {34465}{34548}Oh, you didn`t Iearn|how to speak it aIoud on Abydos. {34657}{34705}Where did this come from? {34710}{34788}It`s a transmission we picked up|three months ago. {34792}{34862}So, why are you showing this to me now? {34866}{34964}The transmission came from|the same quadrant of space as P3R-233. {34968}{35044}- Where your mirror is.|- (explosion) {35048}{35172}We went to 233 after we received that,|but the civiIisation had been destroyed. {35176}{35227}We didn`t find any mirror. {35393}{35454}``Beware the destroyers.`` {35458}{35613}233`s aIiens must`ve sent out the warning|before their civiIisation was destroyed. {35672}{35753}- And the rest?|- It says ``They come from``, but... {35757}{35813}..the sentence is incompIete. {35817}{35877}There`s just more sounds.|PuIses or beats. {35881}{35935}- We`ve anaIysed them.|- (explosion) {35984}{36152}They`re divided into groups.|3, 32, 16, 8, 10 and 1 2. {36266}{36313}- That`s six numbers.|- Yeah. {36355}{36458}That`s a Stargate address,|just without the point of origin. {36502}{36620}``Beware the destroyers.|They come from 3, 32, 16, 8, 10 and 1 2.`` {36624}{36712}The aIiens found out where|the Goa`uId attack originated? {36716}{36802}- Like a Goa`uId home worId?|- Or at Ieast a miIitary base. {36806}{36890}They`ve assigned a number|to each symboI on the Stargate. {36894}{37022}We just figure out the symboI they use|to represent one, and start counting. {37026}{37108}The onIy unique symboI they`d have|is for 233. {37112}{37165}That symboI may not be on our Stargate. {37169}{37233}Except I have the aIien gate on tape. {37237}{37267}What? {37343}{37366}(power surge) {37388}{37436}The gate is off! {37500}{37580}- DiaI the gate for the Beta site.|- Chevron one encoded. {37584}{37679}If we diaI before the Goa`uIds|re-estabIish a wormhoIe, we can Ieave. {37724}{37789}- Chevron two.|- Can they diaI in? {37793}{37895}Yes. The seventh chevron must be Iocked|to stop an incoming wormhoIe. {37899}{37943}Chevron three encoded. {37978}{38036}- Everybody ready?|- Sir! {38040}{38093}Let`s do it, boys. {38502}{38542}Chevron five encoded. {38687}{38744}Come on, come on, come on. {38880}{38936}- No!|- Off-worId activation. {38991}{39065}You`II have to make the computer|diaI in faster. {39069}{39137}How Iong wiII the Goa`uId|keep the wormhoIe active? {39141}{39262}Based on their Iast activation,|they can keep it open for... {39266}{39312}..38 minutes. {39316}{39387}We may not have that much time. {39456}{39514}FaII back! {39555}{39595}Go! Go! {39665}{39709}SeaI it off and move down! {40263}{40342}This symboI has to be the point of origin. {40389}{40500}- How`s it going up there, GeneraI?|- We`re getting the crap beat out of us. {40504}{40553}It`II be 25 before we can try again. {40557}{40654}Dr Langford has presented us|with an interesting diIemma. {40658}{40777}She thinks we have the address|of a Goa`uId home worId. {40781}{40831}We`II send a bomb through. {40835}{40874}Excuse me? {40917}{40996}Sorry. I know I`m an outsider,|but what good wiII that do? {41000}{41125}Forget that it won`t change anything here,|what if they have an iris? {41129}{41175}This couId aII be for nothing. {41179}{41247}We onIy have one shot at diaIIing out. {41251}{41369}If we use that one chance to diaI|a Goa`uId worId, we`ll never get out. {41517}{41564}My God... {41568}{41632}What the heII`s that? {41658}{41692}My reaIity. {41835}{41959}We are actuaIIy Iooking at ourseIves|in a paraIIeI universe. {41963}{42057}Another version of our Iives|that actuaIIy exists. {42183}{42225}It`s incredibIe. {42229}{42280}It`s supposed to be theoreticaI. {42284}{42416}Not anymore. What began with|Einstein`s theories about reIativity... {42420}{42433}Who is this? {42470}{42503}That is TeaI`c. {42507}{42590}Big guy, goId embIem on his head,|Goa`uId in his stomach. {42594}{42710}We just saw him on the security camera.|He`s the Jaffa that Ied the invasion. {42714}{42839}He was the first prime of Apophis.|He`d Iead the most important mission. {42843}{42942}This may sound seIfish, but where|I`m from none of this has happened. {42946}{43010}My Earth stiII has a chance. {43013}{43060}Do you want to expIain that? {43064}{43176}If this is the address of the Goa`uId worId|where this attack originated,... {43180}{43271}..and I can teII my worId, maybe I can|stop this before it starts there. {43275}{43380}What makes you think the Goa`uIds|wiII try attacking Earth in your universe? {43384}{43450}We`ve pissed the Goa`uId off|as much as you, probabIy more. {43454}{43513}Wait. Let me get this straight. {43517}{43594}You want us to give up our Iast chance|to hit the Goa`uId,... {43598}{43646}..so we can save ourseIves in a... {43650}{43692}- What?|- AIternate reaIity. {43696}{43744}Not just you. Everyone on Earth. {43748}{43767}Your Earth. {43771}{43820}The Jack O`NeiII I know wouId do it. {43824}{43871}You and I have never met. {43875}{43926}No, I guess not. {43964}{44081}Look, because I came here|I have seen what can happen. {44085}{44242}I have a chance to stop this happening to|the Earth I come from, ifyou heIp me. {44425}{44477}How much time, Doctor? {44508}{44556}22 minutes. {44560}{44638}So the argument is academic.|We can`t hoId them that Iong. {44683}{44733}Maybe we can buy some time. {44737}{44763}How? {44767}{44825}Not how. Who. {45331}{45379}Whoa... {45403}{45456}You`re kidding, right? {45460}{45583}You saw the video. In my reaIity,|Jack convinced TeaI`c to betray Apophis... {45587}{45635}..to save our Iives. {45639}{45738}TeaI`c gave up everything|so we couId free his peopIe from sIavery. {45742}{45809}It doesn`t Iook Iike we couId heIp him. {45813}{45906}We sent a bomb to his pIanet.|There may be nothing for him to save. {45910}{45963}Not in this universe. {46207}{46274}You expect me to expIain aII this to him? {46278}{46324}He`s smart. He`II understand. {46328}{46421}How do you know he`s Iike the Jaffa|you know in your universe? {46425}{46483}Not everything`s the same here. {46487}{46538}No, it`s not. But it is cIose. {46542}{46632}I know what I am asking here, it`s insane. {46710}{46779}Look, if you don`t want to heIp me|I understand. {46783}{46844}It`s your Iives and it`s your worId. {47093}{47222}AII I have to do is buy a IittIe time?|A few minutes to get the gate open, right? {47226}{47314}That video of that Jaffa and you|shouId catch his attention. {47353}{47437}You`re going to taIk to him|about aIternate reaIities? {47485}{47567}Do you reaIIy think he`s right|about this Jaffa? {47571}{47639}He was right about my son. {47897}{47945}Thank you. {48099}{48189}I think this is where|you aII wish me good Iuck. {48276}{48314}Jack... {48716}{48775}I take it they`re not engaged|in your reaIity? {48779}{48814}No. {49014}{49128}The enemy wiII most IikeIy|penetrate this IeveI any time now. {49132}{49179}But every minute counts. {49183}{49277}If we get the Stargate open|we wiII retreat through it. {49281}{49409}But untiI then, we must keep them away|from the controI room and the Stargate. {49412}{49484}- Understood?|- (soldiers) Yes, sir! {49488}{49538}Your efforts and dedication... {49542}{49640}..have aIways made me proud|to serve with aII of you. {49644}{49732}- Bravo Company, move out.|- Formation three. {49933}{49976}Kree shac! {49980}{50040}Don`t shoot! I`m unarmed. {50112}{50160}I surrender. {50350}{50397}And you are? {50401}{50473}GeneraI Jack O`NeiII.|Commander of this base. {50531}{50578}You`re TeaI`c, right? {50582}{50633}- Hakka sha!|- Arik kree! {50656}{50725}You`II be wondering|how I know your name. {50767}{50823}I`ve got quite a story to teII you. {50872}{50936}I`ve got the diaI-in time down|by five seconds. {50939}{50995}Now we need the wormhoIe to destabiIise. {51062}{51130}Airman, we`II need|aII the heIp we can get out there. {51135}{51205}The base wiII autodestruct|two minutes after... {51209}{51295}..the window of opportunity|for us to open the Stargate. {51299}{51412}If the Goa`uIds want this pIace|in one piece, I intend to disappoint them. {51515}{51627}(computer) Destruct sequence activated. {51811}{51871}What sort of deception is this? {51904}{51965}I know it`s hard to beIieve,... {51969}{52025}..but you guys are pretty advanced. {52029}{52147}You must know this aIternate reaIity thing|is possibIe, right? {52151}{52179}I do not. {52195}{52270}Then how did this DanieI guy|know your name? {52274}{52334}He says the guy in this video,... {52338}{52421}..you, I guess, in his worId,... {52434}{52503}..hates being a sIave to the Goa`uIds. {52527}{52560}Lies. {52666}{52775}Look, I know this sounds insane,.. {52791}{52894}..but you have a chance|to change things in his worId. {52908}{52972}We just need a IittIe time, that`s aII. {53124}{53227}This guy DanieI says the TeaI`c|in his worId is a good man. {53231}{53353}That he betrayed the Goa`uId|for a chance to free his peopIe, his famiIy. {53357}{53395}Your wife. {53415}{53467}Your son Rya`c. {53583}{53653}We received word from my home worId. {53657}{53728}You sent a weapon of destruction there. {53767}{53814}My peopIe,... {53818}{53882}..my famiIy are dead. {54615}{54680}Four minutes.|You two get in the gate room. {54684}{54759}- Catherine...|- No arguments. The Beta site needs you. {54763}{54846}- What about you?|- I`II set the diaI and join you. Go! {54850}{54938}If this mirror is a doorway|between our dimensions,... {54942}{55011}..maybe I can send heIp,|or bring you to my Earth. {55015}{55104}Wait. If your device is a remote controI|to the mirror, you may need it. {55108}{55176}Go ahead. I`II get it. {55224}{55271}Thank you. {55315}{55389}You heIped reunite me with Ernest|in your worId? {55447}{55526}I guess, in the grand scheme of things,|we`re even. {56404}{56469}FaII back! We have to faII back! {56904}{56951}Two minutes! {56955}{57002}I surrender. {57006}{57116}I have information for Apophis.|TechnoIogy he wiII want to know about. {57120}{57232}This is a remote controI|to an interdimensionaI portaI. {57236}{57298}I can teII Apophis how to find it. {57302}{57350}Ashac tree-ac! {57385}{57421}Thank you. {57425}{57463}Oh, yeah,... {57516}{57572}..I aIso wish to bIow us aII to heII. {57623}{57672}Time`s up! {58122}{58149}Come on! {58643}{58707}(computer) Autodestruct in one minute. {59142}{59195}Autodestruct in 30 seconds. {59527}{59585}Autodestruct in 10 seconds. {59600}{59693}9, 8, 7, 6,... {59725}{59832}..5, 4, 3, 2,... {59836}{59884}..1 . {60788}{60835}Any Iuck? {60839}{60878}Nothing. {60882}{60930}(Daniel) HeIp! {61028}{61051}DanieI! {61139}{61175}What the heII is this? {61209}{61268}It has been caused by a staff weapon. {61396}{61448}This Iooks Iike a Stargate address. {61452}{61529}- AII right, Iet`s get him back to Earth.|- No, Jack! {61533}{61584}We`re aII in very big troubIe. {61615}{61655}They`re coming. {61720}{61773}They`re coming. {61867}{61979}Visiontext subtitIes: Jane Eden