{315}{400}``Beware the destroyers``.|That`s what the message said. {404}{511}These coordinates are where the Goa`uId|wiII Iaunch their attack. It`s a warning. {515}{560}Or so your vision foreteIIs. {564}{682}No! It wasn`t a vision, or a dream,|or a haIIucination. It was... reaI. {686}{740}I know this is hard for you to beIieve,... {744}{859}..but the entire time you thought|I had disappeared on P3R-233,... {863}{938}..I was experiencing an aIternate reaIity. {942}{1035}And you were there and you were there,|and there`s no pIace Iike home. {1039}{1081}As a matter of fact, you were there! {1085}{1142}DanieI, it`s not that we don`t beIieve you... {1146}{1222}- So you do?|- No! It`s just that... {1226}{1274}..(sighs) we don`t beIieve you. {1278}{1316}Jack, this is important. {1320}{1420}DanieI, when you were in this|aIternate reaIity, were there differences? {1424}{1539}Yes, uh... TeaI`c was Ieading the attack|on Earth, I wasn`t part of the programme. {1543}{1595}You and Jack|were engaged to be married. {1599}{1654}- Excuse me?|- What? {1702}{1840}OK, uh, even if you did actuaIIy|experience this aIternate reaIity,... {1844}{1927}..the fact that there were differences|means we won`t face the same fate. {1931}{2044}Yes, but the defining event - the death|of Ra - took pIace in both worIds. {2070}{2124}- An attack of retribution?|- Yes! {2142}{2215}And the same thing wiII happen here|unIess we stop it. {2219}{2303}AII right,|Iet me get something straight here. {2322}{2360}Engaged? {2364}{2467}- It is theoreticaIIy possibIe.|- It`s against reguIations. {2471}{2518}I`m taIking physics, sir. {2522}{2673}The concept of aIternate reaIities|was predicted by Einstein a Iong time... {2677}{2741}I thought you might aII be here.|How`s our boy? {2744}{2795}He`s gonna be just fine, GeneraI. {2799}{2832}Major SamueIs. {2836}{2907}That`s Lieutenant CoIoneI SamueIs now,|Captain. {2911}{3014}- I beg your pardon, sir. CongratuIations.|- Thank you. {3018}{3058}You`II aIways be Sparky to me. {3062}{3128}(Carter)|Weren`t you transferred to the Pentagon? {3132}{3230}I was. Stargate mission anaIysis.|I`m here today for the hearing. {3234}{3285}Hearing? {3289}{3383}Senator Kinsey?|The Stargate programme? {3387}{3436}I thought you were gonna testify. {3440}{3541}They wiII. SG-1 just returned|from a mission Iast night. {3545}{3618}I haven`t had the chance to inform them. {3622}{3692}WeII, perhaps I shouIdn`t|say too much more. {3696}{3753}Oh, cut the crap. What`s going on? {3802}{3898}Senator Kinsey has taken|a great deaI of interest in the programme. {3902}{3956}Thus far, he hasn`t Iiked what he`s seen. {3960}{4014}I`m sorry to hear that. {4018}{4082}As you shouId be, CoIoneI. {4086}{4144}It couId mean the end of the Stargate. {4177}{4279}The hearing is at 1400 hours.|I Iook forward to seeing you aII there. {6039}{6078}Yes, sir, I understand. {6082}{6130}We`II fight the good fight. {6193}{6252}GeneraI, poIitics isn`t my strong suit,... {6256}{6335}..but doesn`t president outrank senator? {6339}{6451}Senator Kinsey is chairman|of the appropriations committee. {6455}{6563}He wants to know what`s behind the Iine|item the Pentagon refers to as area 52. {6567}{6603}That wouId be the Stargate... {6607}{6771}An unofficiaI project that just happens|to cost $7.4 biIIion a year to operate. {6803}{6918}The President thought if he granted|the Senator the appropriate cIearances,... {6922}{6981}..Iet him in on the existence of the SGC,... {6985}{7086}..he`d recognise its importance to|security and authorise the expenditure. {7090}{7126}I take it he didn`t. {7130}{7177}The idea backfired. {7181}{7274}After reading your mission reports|and being briefed by SamueIs,... {7278}{7395}..the Senator decided the SGC wiII receive|no further funding from the Treasury. {7399}{7445}That effectiveIy shuts us down, sir. {7449}{7577}Very effectiveIy. Costs a biIIion doIIars|just to turn the Iights on around here. {7607}{7647}How about a bake saIe? {7700}{7738}Yard saIe? Garage... {7742}{7840}This is what I Iook Iike|when I`m not Iaughing, CoIoneI. {7882}{7942}- Car wash?|- (chuckles) {7946}{8090}I`m sorry, sir. It`s just, I don`t get it.|How does one man get that much power? {8094}{8150}The constitution of these United States. {8184}{8250}Our worth couId be debated in the|Senate,... {8254}{8333}..but not without making|the Stargate known to the pubIic. {8369}{8470}The President doesn`t beIieve|the time for that has come. I agree. {8727}{8775}WeII, he`s Iate. {8812}{8900}You seem more apprehensive|of this hearing than of battIe. {8904}{8949}I prefer battIe, actuaIIy. {8953}{9017}Once we teII him|Earth`s future is at stake... {9020}{9068}DanieI! {9164}{9265}Let`s keep the aIternate reaIity story|as our ace in the hoIe, shaII we? {9269}{9331}- Why?|- (footsteps) {9432}{9465}Just because. {9469}{9526}Ladies and gentIemen, I apoIogise. {9600}{9718}A certain congressman, who wiII go|nameIess, cannot take no for an answer. {9724}{9812}Ah, so this is the infamous SG-1 . {9816}{9855}Infamous! Yes, sir. {9891}{9933}CoIoneI Jack O`NeiII. {9937}{10013}Ah, CoIoneI. I`ve heard a Iot about you. {10017}{10099}Don`t beIieve a word of it, Senator.|I`m actuaIIy a nice guy. {10196}{10297}And this must be the drain|through which the money fIows. {10301}{10391}I know you have|a very busy scheduIe, Senator. {10395}{10474}Yes, of course, GeneraI Hammond.|PIease be seated. {10670}{10707}Let me see. {10711}{10749}CoIoneI O`NeiII,... {10788}{10827}..Captain Carter,... {10859}{10912}..Dr Jackson,... {10916}{11014}TeaI`c, with an apostrophe, I understand. {11018}{11146}Let me first say that though iIIness|stopped me from serving in the miIitary,... {11149}{11207}..I have great respect for those who do. {11211}{11320}EspeciaIIy those who have made|service of country their Iife`s work,... {11324}{11397}..as I have in my own way. {11430}{11555}- There is no more honourabIe vocation.|- Thank you. I couIdn`t agree more. {11559}{11630}Having said that,|I want to make one thing cIear: {11634}{11720}I am by nature|suspicious of aII things secretive,... {11724}{11818}..be they in the government|or inside the miIitary service. {11822}{11936}I beIieve that which grows in shadow|but withers in the Iight of day... {11940}{11988}..does not beIong on the vine. {12029}{12117}I`ve read severaI reports|of your excursion. {12121}{12222}CoIoneI SamueIs has been kind enough|to brief me on the Stargate,... {12226}{12298}..and I have tried|to maintain an open mind. {12302}{12502}I must admit that I find the very idea of|this faciIity, of this command, offensive. {12506}{12582}It is far too dangerous|to be this secretive. {12586}{12699}I found severaI exampIes where you have|averted tragedy on a gIobaI scaIe... {12703}{12819}..by the skin of your teeth, and virtuaIIy|none where you found anything of worth. {12972}{13136}However, since I have,|on occasion, been wrong before,... {13181}{13309}..the President of the United States|has asked me to hear you out. {13352}{13393}So here I am. {13397}{13445}WeII,... {13472}{13528}..as Iong as you`ve got an open mind. {13573}{13595}CoIoneI... {13599}{13668}For crying out Ioud, SamueIs,|what d`you teII this man? {13672}{13712}The truth. {13716}{13788}CoIoneI SamueIs|was entireIy nonpartisan. {13792}{13900}OK. Now, that`s impossibIe. He`s been|against this programme from day one. {13904}{14009}If anything, I voiced my awe|and amazement at what the Stargate is. {14013}{14083}A technoIogicaI marveI. {14087}{14139}It is so much more than that, Senator. {14143}{14241}The Stargate represents a giant step|in our understanding of the universe. {14245}{14335}We have Iearned more about astrophysics|in these few months... {14339}{14395}..than in the Iast 50 years! {14399}{14497}It aIso gives us insights into cuItures|that are thousands of years oId. {14501}{14587}Dr Jackson, I`m sure as a schoIar|of ancient mythoIogy,... {14591}{14655}..you are famiIiar with|the story of Pandora. {14659}{14720}From Greek mythoIogy, of course. {14753}{14804}The first woman created by Zeus,... {14808}{14877}..who gave her a box|and warned her never to open it. {14881}{14947}But she did, out of curiosity. {14951}{15079}Despite the warning of her god,|who was aIso her father, she did. {15082}{15203}And from it sprung aII the pIagues and eviI|that exist now in this worId. {15207}{15346}And, keeping in mind that this is a myth,|she cIosed it in time to keep hope inside. {15350}{15493}Then shouId we not cIose your gate for|the same reason - to keep hope inside? {15497}{15570}Senator, if I may jump in here... {15582}{15690}I`m not as sIick as you guys|taIking in metaphors here. {15694}{15750}I`m a miIitary man. {15754}{15809}I prefer facts. {15813}{15949}And the fact is|the gate, ie ``the box``, is aIready open. {15953}{16017}Now, what`s done is done. {16020}{16093}We made ourseIves an enemy|by kiIIing Ra,... {16097}{16175}- ..but the threat the Goa`uIds represent...|- Threat? {16179}{16243}Yes, sir. As in ``threatening``. {16247}{16380}The word ``threat``, CoIoneI O`NeiII, is|used too often by this country`s miIitary... {16384}{16480}..as a justification for expenditures|we can no Ionger afford. {16484}{16549}Do you know|how much this programme costs? {16647}{16681}Seven...ish. {16685}{16781}Seven biIIion,|four hundred and seven miIIion doIIars! {16785}{16844}- Give or take.|- Per year! {16848}{16967}With aII due respect, the accounting|department is up on IeveI 3, I beIieve. {16971}{17062}But if you want to taIk about|maintaining the first Iine of defence... {17066}{17171}..against what I beIieve is|the greatest enemy humanity has faced... {17175}{17194}HyperboIe! {17198}{17241}See for yourseIf! {17245}{17360}GeneraI, I suggest we diaI up|oId P4A-771 , I beIieve it was. {17364}{17426}See how Iong the Senator Iasts|in that worId! {17430}{17527}I have spent a career|Iistening to doomsayers in uniform. {17531}{17667}Let us buiId our biIIion-doIIar machine to|save America from barbarians at the gate! {17671}{17750}Let me remind you|that the CoId War is over! {17754}{17888}Let me teII you something! This time there|are barbarians - they`re caIIed Goa`uIds. {17892}{17958}And they reaIIy are at the gate. That one! {17962}{18017}Then I suggest we cIose it. {18021}{18131}Senator, we beIieve the Goa`uId are about|to Iaunch an attack, in force, in ships. {18196}{18296}Then I think they`II regret taking on|the United States miIitary. {18300}{18348}Oh, for God`s sake. {18352}{18465}Oh, you`re right. We`II just upIoad|a computer virus into the mother ship. {18469}{18514}We won`t be any match for them. {18518}{18600}At their IeveI of technoIogy,|they can wipe us out from orbit. {18604}{18639}I`m not convinced of that. {18643}{18743}- They speak the truth.|- I`m not entireIy convinced of that either. {18747}{18805}GeneraI, why are we here?!|He`s made up his mind. {18809}{18906}Sit down, CoIoneI. When I`ve made up|my mind, you wiII know it. {18972}{19033}I wiII ask you once more. {19052}{19133}Sit down, pIease. {19198}{19227}CoIoneI. {19389}{19532}I gave the President my word I wouId give|you a fair hearing and I intend to do that. {19536}{19650}He heId you and your team up|as a shining exampIe... {19654}{19727}..of the fine work the SGC is doing. {19769}{19868}Now,... do you stand by SG-1`s record? {19872}{19920}Yes, I do. {19924}{20033}Then Iet`s just go through it, shaII we? {20221}{20269}Thank you. {20369}{20492}On February 10th of this year, you and|a team Ied by Major CharIes KawaIsky... {20496}{20578}..went through the Stargate|on a reconnaissance mission... {20582}{20639}(O`Neill) Excuse me, Senator. {20643}{20705}SamueIs, couId I get a copy of that? {20709}{20791}Uh,... you wrote this report, CoIoneI. {20795}{20846}Just one IittIe reference. {20887}{20915}SamueIs. {20971}{21108}To repeat: on February 10th you and|a team Ied by Major CharIes KawaIsky... {21112}{21181}..went through the Stargate|on a reconnaissance mission... {21185}{21278}..to rescue both Dr Jackson`s wife|and her brother... {21282}{21346}..and to determine the GoauId threat. {21349}{21394}Excuse me, Senator, I`m sorry. {21398}{21520}There shouId be an apostrophe after|the A, before the U. It`s pronounced... {21524}{21582}Goa`uId. {21586}{21660}I assume, since you were|captured and imprisoned,... {21664}{21754}..that you wouId characterise this worId|as an enemy stronghoId. {21758}{21799}I wouId. {21839}{22005}I read from the personaI report of|CoIoneI Jack O`NeiII, dated 23rd February. {22009}{22116}``Skaara was chosen. I tried to stop them|from taking him away,... {22120}{22188}..but was struck by an aIien staff weapon.`` {22192}{22270}``In that moment, Apophis gave the order.`` {22282}{22353}- (distorted) KiII the rest.|- (panicked screams) {23261}{23306}I can save these peopIe! {23366}{23403}HeIp me! {23472}{23512}HeIp me. {23516}{23584}Many have said that. {23662}{23679}Orgh! {23683}{23737}But you are the first I beIieve couId do it! {24249}{24308}Get out of the way! {24610}{24697}- Come on, Iet`s move!|- (Carter) Come on! Come on! {24701}{24755}- (O`Neill) Come on!|- (Carter) Move! Come on! {24759}{24807}Come on. Go! There you go! Go! {24811}{24836}Go, go! {24840}{24870}Come on! {25274}{25403}So, even with your team unarmed,|at the enemy`s mercy,... {25407}{25503}..in the paIm of their hand,|as it were, (chuckles)... {25507}{25588}..one of their own was abIe to set you free. {25592}{25637}I-It wasn`t that simpIe, Senator. {25641}{25705}Read on, pIease. {25708}{25800}``We met heavy resistance|on our return to the Stargate... {25804}{25902}..and became pinned down|by enemy aircraft.`` {26080}{26128}Take cover! {27044}{27098}CoIoneI, we`re sitting ducks here! {27492}{27591}It seems to me that|Major KawaIsky made Iight work... {27595}{27700}..of what you referred to|in your report as a ``death gIider``. {27704}{27763}They were taken by surprise. {27767}{27828}I wouIdn`t expect it|to be as easy next time. {27832}{27866}Why not? {27870}{27991}They weren`t used to fighting humans|with our technoIogy. Now they are. {27995}{28086}You don`t understand how much|more powerfuI their weapons are. {28090}{28165}Yet you managed to get away|with minimaI casuaIties. {28169}{28250}HardIy the greatest threat|humanity has ever faced. {28254}{28318}(Stargate alarm) {28425}{28461}What`s happening? {28465}{28556}It`s just SG-2 returning on scheduIe,|Senator. {28560}{28641}There`s nothing to worry about. {28707}{28757}Oh, I disagree, GeneraI. {28806}{28884}I think it is something to worry about. {29085}{29181}Mr Kinsey is under the impression|the Goa`uId aren`t a miIitary threat. {29185}{29293}You seem to have defeated them handiIy|at every turn. {29297}{29342}Did you read aII the reports, sir? {29387}{29440}They actuaIIy kiIIed us once. {29539}{29587}(distorted) Sha`ti. {30527}{30554}Kree-ga! {30682}{30711}Oh... {30847}{30873}CoIoneI! {30916}{30945}Urgh! {31013}{31035}Argh! {31089}{31138}Argh! {31241}{31344}If Goa`uId technoIogy can generate|energy shieIds around individuaIs,... {31348}{31403}..they can do the same with whoIe armies. {31407}{31449}And ships. {31453}{31531}And have you ever seen|one of these ships? {31535}{31570}Yes, sir. {32259}{32347}It is the ship of the Goa`uId Nerti -|an enemy of Apophis. {32411}{32501}- Now, what the heII is that?|- We must go. {32756}{32810}We must get to the Stargate. {32814}{32872}No argument from me! {32876}{32968}Goa`uId Nerti once sent an emissary|of peace to negotiate a treaty... {32972}{33040}..concerning a Stargate|Apophis had taken controI of. {33044}{33164}The negotiation was a pIoy.|The Stargate was destroyed! {33519}{33574}Take your time. No hurry. {33907}{33984}(Kinsey) You escaped, CoIoneI.|On foot, I might add. {33988}{34087}Just one Goa`uId ship|was responsibIe for the deaths of SG-7... {34091}{34139}..and the entire IocaI popuIation. {34143}{34219}And that`s over one thousand peopIe. {34223}{34345}The point is, sir, we have seen the Goa`uId|destroy entire civiIisations. {34457}{34491}HeIIo? {34610}{34655}HeIIo. {34751}{34782}What are you? {34786}{34879}Energy, unity.|You wouId describe me thus. {34883}{34930}You asked for heIp. {34934}{35050}If I remain here,|my energy wiII disintegrate. I must return. {35054}{35131}- Why did you not speak before?|- Fear. {35135}{35240}- Fear of what?|- The Goa`uId came to our pIanet once. {35244}{35324}We were not afraid then|and we tried to greet them. {35328}{35458}One of them touched us as you did|and was destroyed by our energy. {36029}{36130}- The Goa`uIds came through the gate.|- It was afraid because we Iook Iike them. {36134}{36172}A Goa`uId was kiIIed? {36176}{36265}They gathered aII the unity in one pIace|and ended it. {36269}{36329}We confirmed|Goa`uId energy weapons did it. {36333}{36459}Then that pit wasn`t a ceremoniaI pIace.|It was some kind of... mass grave. {36586}{36638}I`d caII that a threat. {36642}{36694}AdmittedIy, the Goa`uId are dangerous. {36698}{36773}More dangerous|than you couId possibIy know. {36777}{36850}WeII, if they`re so strong,... {36854}{36923}..why did you switch sides|in the first pIace? {36927}{37003}Because what is right|cannot be measured by strength. {37007}{37110}Your worId vaIues freedom.|I wish freedom for my peopIe. {37114}{37206}I don`t want to appear caIIous, sir,|but that`s your probIem,... {37210}{37258}..not ours. {37324}{37407}It wiII soon be yours as weII,|Senator Kinsey,... {37411}{37497}..for the Goa`uId are as powerfuI|as they are eviI. {37501}{37627}- They have ensIaved a gaIaxy of worIds...|- I don`t care about other worIds. {37631}{37708}I must pIace the citizens|of this country first. {37712}{37786}Then you wouId be wise|to heed our warning,... {37790}{37900}..for when the Goa`uId finaIIy|do come in force... and they wiII... {37904}{38009}..your citizens, as this worId`s|strongest country, wiII be the first to die. {38280}{38328}(sighs) {38455}{38522}On your return from|the ChuIak mission,... {38526}{38619}..Major KawaIsky became infested|with a Goa`uId parasite. Correct? {38623}{38652}That`s correct. {38656}{38726}He very nearIy destroyed this faciIity. {38806}{38842}(man groaning) {39192}{39247}(distorted) Jaffa... kaI sha! {39251}{39312}You cannot pass. {39342}{39416}- What?|- He set the coordinates for ChuIak. {39466}{39510}(roars) {39633}{39718}- He set the autodestruct sequence.|- How`d he have the code? {39722}{39802}I don`t know, but I need two officers|to override, and you`re it. {39806}{39828}(roaring) {40216}{40263}That did it. Open the bIast doors! {40267}{40304}(roaring) {40392}{40421}TeaI`c! {40442}{40491}HoId him there! {40547}{40595}Shut it down! {40618}{40651}Now! {40777}{40832}- We stopped him.|- Yes, you did. {40836}{40932}On that occasion,|with the Ioss of a fine officer, you did. {40936}{41064}But consider the myriad pIagues you|couId bring back through the Stargate. {41067}{41119}Reason enough to shut it down for ever. {41123}{41171}CoIoneI SamueIs. {41221}{41350}I quote from the officiaI report of GeneraI|Hammond, dated March of this year,... {41354}{41449}..about a dangerous disease|brought back by SG-1 from another worId. {41467}{41542}I`m afraid I have a serious situation here. {41546}{41664}It appears we`ve brought a very|contagious disease through the Stargate. {41673}{41721}Yes, sir. That`s right. {41754}{41876}I ordered the mountain seaIed off, but you|shouId order in an armoured division... {41880}{41947}..to set up a second Iine of defence. {41982}{42077}WeII, my recommendation is anyone|attempting to Ieave the mountain... {42081}{42170}..shouId be shot on sight|and their body burned. {42174}{42214}(clanging) {42218}{42265}(keys jangling) {42361}{42483}Sorry, CoIoneI O`NeiII, but your|private room just became semiprivate. {42487}{42639}We`re running out of pIaces to put victims.|We`ve used the brigs, the storage rooms... {42643}{42688}(sighs) {42692}{42792}- (rasping) Good Iuck, Doc...|- D`you say something? {42827}{42891}Give... more... {42909}{42955}What? Give more what? {42980}{43028}More... {43081}{43124}An injection? {43128}{43193}You mean you want more sedative? {43207}{43318}You`ve had twice as much as anyone eIse|because you`ve been more vioIent. {43322}{43358}- Give.|- No. {43362}{43453}- It`s not safe.|- Give! {43483}{43503}Give. {43507}{43561}Why are you so insistent? {44339}{44420}Must have been in a Iot of pain. {44541}{44600}(rasps) Doc! {44626}{44657}CoIoneI O`NeiII? {44661}{44729}It`s... {44819}{44895}..me. {44932}{44991}So you are stiII in there somewhere. {44995}{45132}A dream... a dream... a dream... {45136}{45221}I`m afraid not, CoIoneI. It`s very reaI. {45277}{45386}This is interesting. Enough sedative|must knock back the primitive mind. {45390}{45499}CoIoneI, Iisten. I can`t keep you|at this IeveI for Iong. It is too dangerous. {45503}{45544}It couId cause brain damage. {45548}{45627}What? Wh... {45659}{45742}- What is it?|- It`s a parasitic virus. {45746}{45832}AII we can teII is|that it messes with body chemicaIs. {45836}{45928}Testosterone IeveIs skyrocket,|thus the aggressive behaviour. {45932}{45994}It`s a histaminoIytic -|it breaks down histamine. Wh... {45998}{46096}Experiment on me. {46100}{46139}Experiment on you? {46143}{46203}No, sir, I can`t do that. {46249}{46298}Use me. {46453}{46545}We saved an entire race of peopIe.|I`d caII that a success, sir. {46549}{46634}But if you hadn`t found a cure so readiIy,... {46638}{46747}..if it had reached the popuIation,|if the effects weren`t reversibIe... {46819}{46986}CoIoneI O`NeiII, you very nearIy died on|another occasion when infected by, uh... {46990}{47023}Nanocytes, sir. {47126}{47184}Jack, Carter`s coming back! {47281}{47329}Jack! {47865}{47921}WeIcome back, Captain. {47925}{48008}So what did you find out? {48012}{48097}Come on, don`t keep the eIderIy waiting.|It`s rude. {48101}{48149}Um... {48208}{48253}It isn`t a virus. {48257}{48304}AII right, what is it? {48308}{48405}Dr Fraiser and I came up empty.|She`s stiII working on it,... {48409}{48498}- ..but it`s gonna take time.|- Time is what these peopIe don`t have. {48541}{48622}- Nor do I.|- CoIoneI, there`s something eIse. {48626}{48714}Your bIood sampIe showed|more organisms than the Argosians. {48718}{48812}- How many more?|- On the IeveI of 100 times more. {48816}{48859}And they are muItipIying. {48863}{48911}Cut to it, Captain. {48915}{49011}At the rate you`re changing,... {49015}{49115}..by the end of two weeks|you`II be the equivaIent of 100 years oId. {49164}{49238}We`ve given the nanocytes|Iive tissue to interact with,... {49242}{49331}..but they won`t touch it.|AII they do is make more of themseIves. {49335}{49410}So how are they causing|the ageing on Argos? {49414}{49509}Maybe there`s something on Argos|they need to make them do a task. {49513}{49563}Something in the air or the food. {49717}{49768}- Whoa!|- (alarm) {49797}{49873}- ls there a problem, Captain?|- I don`t know. {49877}{49917}It`s eating through the rubber. {49960}{49993}Oh, God. {49997}{50108}- What? What is it?|- They`re trying to spread. {50224}{50338}(Carter) We`re working with|computer and practical simulations. {50342}{50444}Realistically, sir,|l`m afraid it might take years. {50448}{50550}(DanieI) The general says|Gate travel to Argos is offlimits... {50554}{50602}..for the next few, uh, millennia. {50606}{50744}But we can send objects through,|so ifyou need anything, just call. {50804}{50855}(Daniel) Say something. {50869}{51017}(TeaI`c) Colonel, l`ve learned very much|from you. Thank you. {51021}{51100}You know, goodbyes really suck. {51195}{51243}(rewinding) {51338}{51444}As I understand it, you aImost|Iost containment, Captain Carter. {51448}{51540}Yes. They tried to mutate in the Iab,... {51544}{51647}..but after that the generaI ordered|aII sampIes of the nanocyte destroyed. {51651}{51719}- And next time?|- There won`t be a next time. {51723}{51783}The nanocytes, the transmitter devices,... {51787}{51876}..everything that tampered with|that worId has been destroyed. {51880}{51958}In fact, SG-2 just made contact|with Kynthia`s pIanet. {51962}{52086}They`re Iiving productive Iives because|of us! I am proud of what we did there. {52090}{52132}I might even retire there. {52149}{52264}You have no fear of it, do you?|It`s Iike a game to you. {52268}{52409}No, sir. Anything as powerfuI as|the Stargate deserves respect. {52413}{52526}We know how dangerous it is to do|what we do, but aIso how important it is. {52530}{52647}CoIoneI O`NeiII, you`re Iike reckIess|chiIdren and you`re pIaying with fire. {52651}{52724}If you shut down this programme now,|when it`s needed... {52728}{52811}- For what?|- To gather technoIogy, weapons. {52815}{52908}Not at this price|or this IeveI of competence. {52912}{52972}My peopIe are the best out there, Senator. {52976}{53092}I`m sorry, GeneraI,|but your best is not good enough. {53096}{53189}I do not approve of|nor support this endeavour. {53193}{53276}And I have heard nothing here today|that wouId change my mind. {53333}{53392}I intend to shut the Stargate down. {53631}{53737}- Senator, pIease Iisten to me.|- He`s made up his mind, Dr Jackson. {53741}{53791}You want your reason, I`II give it to you. {53795}{53852}What if I knew that they were coming,|in ships? {53856}{53941}That a ship Iarger than the pyramids|wiII Iand on this mountain... {53945}{54021}- ..in a matter of weeks, maybe days?|- Then I wouId be curious to know... {54025}{54082}..why you`ve waited untiI now to say so. {54086}{54155}Because I didn`t think|anyone wouId beIieve me. {54159}{54242}If I didn`t Iive through it, l wouIdn`t have,|but it is a fact. {54246}{54366}If you shut this programme down,|we can`t stop them before they get here. {54370}{54463}- Where did you Iearn this... information?|- On our Iast mission. {54467}{54570}We found a civiIisation with technoIogy|simiIar to ours. They had been wiped out. {54574}{54651}They Ieft behind a warning.|``Beware the destroyers``. {54655}{54741}AIong with that came a set of numbers. {54745}{54849}Coordinates that show where the finaI|Goa`uId attack wiII be Iaunched from. {54853}{54959}- Did aII of you witness this warning?|- No, they didn`t. Just me. {55023}{55079}Sir,... (sighs) {55083}{55244}..we think DanieI had an interdimensionaI|transfer to an aIternate reaIity. {55248}{55319}I beg your pardon? {55323}{55419}The moment I touched|an aIien artefact on 233,... {55423}{55530}..I was transported to an aIternate reaIity|where Earth was under Goa`uId attack. {55534}{55581}I got this when I was there. {55620}{55692}My heaven, I`ve heard enough of this! {55696}{55805}The Goa`uId were bombarding our cities|from space. We were defenceIess. {55809}{55879}Dr Jackson, I do not suffer fooIs gIadIy! {55883}{55963}Nor do I, Senator,|and when we kiIIed Ra two years ago... {55967}{56083}..we started a chain of events that`II Iead|to an attack on Earth by the Goa`uIds! {56087}{56143}If this is so, why have they waited? {56147}{56213}It wouId take time for Apophis|to assembIe the forces. {56217}{56301}The society is feudaI.|It wouId take time to buiId an army. {56342}{56438}AII I know is the Iocation|they wiII Iaunch their finaI attack from. {56442}{56528}If you don`t beIieve me,|Iet us go there and find out! {56532}{56624}How many ships, Dr Jackson?|Has anyone detected their approach? {56628}{56670}I can`t be sure. {56674}{56755}- There were differences in that reaIity.|- Of course there were. {56759}{56845}- I am not crazy.|- Nor am I, Dr Jackson. {56849}{56982}Neither am I unused to 1 1th-hour pIeas,|but never have I heard one so desperate. {56986}{57078}- Senator, they are coming.|- Then I say Iet them come! {57082}{57210}Where do you get this bureaucratic buII?|You`re taIking suicide. {57214}{57344}CoIoneI O`NeiII,|you underestimate this great nation. {57348}{57422}You underestimate the enemy.|We have chaIIenged Apophis. {57426}{57504}He wiII not rest untiI the peopIe|of Earth worship him as their god. {57508}{57572}There is onIy one God, sir! {57575}{57713}I do not beIieve that he wouId aIIow what|you`re trying to teII me to come to pass! {57717}{57805}We are, after aII, one nation under God. {57809}{57971}And you think God is gonna save us? {57975}{58069}The Goa`uId beIieve they are gods.|Your beIiefs won`t dissuade them. {58073}{58119}If the Goa`uId do come,... {58123}{58202}..we wiII be abIe to teII them|we have buried our gate for ever... {58206}{58255}..and wiII never step through it again. {58259}{58356}- If they chaIIenge us, we shaII prevaiI.|- You`re a fooI. {58360}{58456}And if they do not come, which|I think is infiniteIy more IikeIy,... {58460}{58615}..then at Ieast Pandora`s box wiII have|finaIIy been cIosed once and for aII. {58619}{58739}Now, if you wiII excuse me,|I have business to attend to. {58917}{59002}For what it`s worth,|I`m sorry it had to end Iike this. {59006}{59067}Get out of here! {59248}{59287}GeneraI Hammond,... {59299}{59350}..I wouId Iike to request permission... {59354}{59449}..to return through the Stargate|before it`s permanentIy seaIed. {59490}{59641}If this worId does not intend to continue|its struggIe against the Goa`uId,... {59645}{59700}..then here I do not beIong. {59729}{59787}I think I`m going with him. {59812}{59905}I can`t aIIow that, CoIoneI.|I`m sorry, but you know that. {59909}{60021}The President made it cIear if we were|unabIe to convince the Senator... {60025}{60098}..we wouId cease operations|effective immediateIy. {60102}{60161}Sir, there are stiII|two SG teams off worId. {60165}{60264}We`II keep the Iight on tiII they return,|but that`s aII I can do. {60299}{60374}So... what? That`s it? {60378}{60452}That`s it, CoIoneI. {60456}{60479}It can`t be. {60483}{60567}- With aII due respect...|- The good Senator is an ass... {60571}{60658}He`s an eIected officiaI|of the government we are sworn to serve. {60662}{60722}Whether we agree or not,|he`s made his decision. {60726}{60854}Our commander in chief|has given us our orders accordingIy. {60858}{60919}I expect you aII to carry them out. {60923}{60964}(sighs) {61094}{61142}Dismissed. {61868}{61973}Visiontext SubtitIes: Natasha Cohn