{2270}{2405}Three billion human lives ended|on August 29, 1997. {2443}{2513}The survivors of the nuclear fire... {2515}{2597}called the war "Judgment Day." {2599}{2692}They lived only to face|a new nightmare... {2694}{2755}the war against the machines. {5098}{5211}The computer which controlled|the machines, Skynet... {5213}{5303}sent two Terminators|back through time. {5305}{5427}Their mission: to destroy the leader|of the human resistance. {5429}{5507}John Connor, my son. {5629}{5703}The first Terminator was programmed|to strike at me... {5705}{5764}in the year 1984... {5766}{5836}before John was born. {5838}{5893}It failed. {5895}{5981}The second was set to strike|at John himself... {5983}{6057}when he was still a child. {6154}{6280}As before, the resistance was able|to send a lone warrior... {6282}{6351}a protector for John. {6353}{6455}It was just a question of which one|of them would reach him first. {14090}{14186}I need your clothes, your boots|and your motorcycle. {14447}{14520}You forgot to say please. {14991}{15041}Get him off me! {15681}{15717}Pull it out! {16339}{16399}Take it. {17179}{17272}Can't let you take|the man's wheels, son. {17274}{17359}Now, get off|before I put you down. {17626}{17697}That's it, goddamn it. {19512}{19581}R-31 David, Sherman Code 6... {19583}{19701}at the Sixth Street Bridge and Santa Fe|on electrical disturbance. {19733}{19800}Ten-four, R-31 David. {21853}{21957}"JMA Query: Connor, John" {22702}{22793}John, get in there and clean up|that pigsty of yours. {23139}{23205}Your foster parents|are kind of dicks, huh? {23207}{23307}I swear, I have had it|with that goddamn kid. {23309}{23389}- He won't even answer me anymore.|- Honey, move. {23391}{23479}Would you get off your butt|and help me? {23481}{23566}- Todd!|- What? {23568}{23669}He hasn't cleaned that room of his|in a month. {23671}{23765}Oh, it's an emergency.|Hang on. I'll get right on it. {23996}{24049}Come on. {24051}{24148}Get your ass inside.|Do what your mother tells you. {24182}{24266}She's not my mother, Todd. {25061}{25111}This next patient is interesting. {25113}{25187}I've been following the case|for years. {25189}{25252}A 29-year-old female... {25322}{25402}diagnosed as acute|schizo-affective disorder. {25404}{25502}The usual indicators: depression,|anxiety, violent acting out... {25504}{25556}delusions of persecution. {25748}{25850}The delusional architecture|is fairly unique. {25852}{25937}She believes that a machine|called the Terminator... {25939}{26040}which looks human,|was sent back through time... {26042}{26104}to kill her.|- That's original. {26106}{26203}And also that the father|of her child... {26205}{26304}was a soldier sent back|to protect her. {26306}{26364}He was from the future too. {26366}{26505}The year 2029,|if I remember correctly. {26507}{26573}And here we are. {26597}{26630}Morning, Sarah. {26761}{26878}Good morning, Dr. Silberman.|How's the knee? {26934}{26992}Fine, Sarah. {27026}{27094}She stabbed me in the kneecap... {27096}{27202}with my pen a few weeks ago. {27204}{27248}Repeated escape attempts. {27554}{27625}Let's move on, shall we? {27627}{27727}I don't like to see the patients|disrupting their rooms like this. {27729}{27835}- See she takes her Thorazine.|- Sure. I'll take care of it. {28537}{28601}Are you the legal guardian|of John Connor? {28603}{28710}That's right, Officer.|What's he done now? {28712}{28801}- Could I speak with him, please?|- You could if he were here. {28803}{28889}He took off on his bike this morning.|He could be anywhere. {28891}{28961}Do you have a photograph of John? {28963}{29000}Yeah. Hold on. {29076}{29156}Gonna tell me what this is about? {29158}{29235}I just need to ask him|a few questions. {29270}{29385}He's a good-looking boy.|Do you mind if I keep this picture? {29387}{29492}No, go on. There was a guy here|this morning looking for him too. {29494}{29560}Yeah, a big guy on a bike. {29562}{29635}Has that got something|to do with this? {29735}{29828}I wouldn't worry about him. {29830}{29915}Thanks for your cooperation. {29951}{30035}Please insert your stolen card now. {30253}{30305}PIN number. {30342}{30390}Hurry up. This is taking too long. {30392}{30437}Go, baby. {30484}{30528}All right. {30530}{30642}- PIN number 9003.|- Where'd you learn this stuff from? {30644}{30719}From my mom.|My real mom, I mean. {30721}{30849}Withdraw 300 bucks. {30851}{30935}Come on, baby. Come on! {30937}{31005}- Yes!|- Hey, it worked. {31007}{31116}All right. Easy money.|Come on! {31192}{31255}Yes! Piece of cake. {31413}{31507}- ls that her?|- Yes. {31509}{31565}She's pretty cool, huh? {31567}{31635}No, she's a complete psycho. {31637}{31718}That's why she's at Pescadero.|It's a mental institute. {31770}{31862}She tried to blow up a computer factory|but got shot and arrested. {31864}{31926}No shit. {31948}{32020}She's a total loser. {32022}{32103}Come on.|Let's go spend some money. {32554}{32673}It's like a giant strobe light... {32675}{32745}burning right through my eyes. {32865}{32940}Somehow I can still see. {33116}{33174}Oh, God. {33274}{33378}We know the dream's the same|every night. {33380}{33481}- Why do I have to...|- Please continue. {33593}{33675}Children look like burnt paper. {33724}{33788}Black. {33790}{33848}Not moving. {33903}{33975}And then the blast wave hits them. {34254}{34335}And they fly apart like leaves. {34387}{34421}Dreams... {34423}{34489}of cataclysm,|the end of the world... {34491}{34549}are very common. {34600}{34727}It's not a dream, you moron.|It's real. {34729}{34848}- I know the date it happens.|- I'm sure it feels real to you. {34850}{34925}On August 29, 1997... {34927}{35033}it's gonna feel|pretty fuckin' real to you too! {35035}{35206}Anybody not wearing two-million sunblock|is gonna have a real bad day. Get it? {35208}{35294}God, you think|you're safe and alive. {35296}{35365}You're already dead. Everybody! {35367}{35443}Him. You. You're dead already. {35445}{35532}This whole place,|everything you see is gone! {35534}{35656}You're the one living in the dream,|'cause I know it happened! {35658}{35716}It happened! {36046}{36137}I feel much better now. {36139}{36196}Clearer. {36198}{36282}Yes, your attitude has been... {36284}{36353}much improved lately. {36632}{36707}It's helped me to have a goal... {36709}{36806}something to look forward to. {36808}{36842}What is that? {36844}{36915}Well, you said... {36917}{37033}that if I showed improvement|after six months... {37035}{37115}you would transfer me|to the minimum security wing... {37117}{37200}and I could have visitors. {37249}{37325}Well, it's been six months... {37327}{37370}and... {37404}{37472}I was looking forward|to seeing my son. {37504}{37562}I see. {37644}{37770}Let's go back to what you were saying|about those Terminator machines. {37805}{37907}Now you think they don't exist? {37909}{37980}They don't exist. {37982}{38033}I know that now. {38035}{38130}But you've told me on many occasions|about how you crushed one... {38132}{38195}in a hydraulic press. {38236}{38330}If I had, there would have|been some evidence. {38332}{38405}They would have found something|at the factory. {38407}{38471}I see. {38473}{38575}So you don't believe anymore|that the company covered it up? {38644}{38730}No. Why would they? {38732}{38830}Let's try a new position|right there. {39127}{39227}Mr. Dyson? {39229}{39308}The materials team|is running another... {39310}{39360}- Mr. Dyson.|- Yes? {39362}{39452}The materials team is running|another series this afternoon. {39454}{39543}You have to sign for the... it. {39545}{39630}- You have to sign it out.|- Okay. I'll get it. {39686}{39811}I know I haven't been here long,|but I was wondering if you know... {39813}{39854}Know what? {39856}{39936}If you know where 'it' came from. {39938}{40041}I asked them the same question once.|You know what they told me? {40043}{40101}Don't ask. {40279}{40370}- Good morning, Mr. Dyson.|- How's it going? {40372}{40461}Insert key.|Left on three. {40463}{40533}Two, one, turn. {40625}{40721}- How are the wife and kids?|- Great. Thanks. {41534}{41628}So what do you think, Doctor? {41655}{41713}Haven't I shown improvement? {41751}{41835}Well, Sarah, here's the problem. {41868}{41941}I know how smart you are. {41943}{42003}You're just telling me|what I want to hear. {42035}{42127}I don't think you really believe|what you're telling me today. {42129}{42245}If I put you in minimum security,|you'll just try to escape again. {42391}{42460}You have to let me see my son. {42497}{42545}Please. {42664}{42760}He's in great danger.|He's naked without me. {42802}{42846}If I could make a phone call... {42848}{42922}I'm afraid not.|Not for a while. {42989}{43063}I don't see any choice but to|recommend to the review board... {43065}{43141}that you stay here|for another six months. {43237}{43335}I'll kill you,|you son of a bitch! {43367}{43425}You son of a bitch! {43470}{43586}Ten CCs of sodium amobarbital, stat! {43588}{43633}You don't know what you're doing! {43635}{43699}Get some restraints in here now! {43734}{43842}You don't know what you're doing! {43956}{44026}Model citizen. {45195}{45277}You just missed him.|He was here 15 minutes ago. {45279}{45375}- He was going to the galleria.|- Yeah. {45377}{45430}The galleria? {46785}{46881}I'm gonna get some quarters.|I'll be back, all right? {47328}{47413}- Oh, no!|- Girls, do you know John Connor? {47525}{47608}Hey, do you know this guy? {47610}{47675}Nah, I don't know him. {47835}{47907}- John.|- Not now. {47909}{48007}There's this cop scoping for you.|Check it out. {48083}{48141}- He's right over there.|- Split, man. {48143}{48217}- Just go.|- Yeah. {48358}{48395}I saw that kid... {48855}{48913}You're not supposed to|be in here! {49684}{49720}Get down. {51842}{51906}Mister, are you all right? {51942}{51977}You all right? {52435}{52472}Come on! {53667}{53710}Goddamn! {62075}{62157}Okay, time-out.|Stop the bike. {62159}{62237}Time out.|Come on, stop the bike. {62629}{62711}Holy shit.|Now, don't take this the wrong way. {62713}{62785}- You are a Terminator, right?|- Yes. {62787}{62871}Cyberdyne Systems, Model 101. {63219}{63277}Holy shit. {63322}{63400}You're really real. {63402}{63460}I mean... {63535}{63625}You're like a machine underneath,|right? {63627}{63672}But alive outside? {63674}{63732}I'm a cybernetic organism. {63734}{63815}Living tissue|over metal endoskeleton. {64259}{64325}This is intense. {64327}{64410}Get a grip, John. Okay. {64488}{64552}You're not here to kill me. {64554}{64673}I figured that part out for myself.|So what's the deal? {64675}{64757}My mission is to protect you. {64759}{64838}Yeah? Who sent you? {64874}{64909}You did. {64911}{64977}Thirty-five years from now,|you reprogrammed me... {64979}{65061}to be your protector here,|in this time. {65063}{65150}Oh, this is deep. {65209}{65289}So this other guy, he's|a Terminator like you, right? {65291}{65413}Not like me.|A T-1000, advanced prototype. {65461}{65515}More advanced than you are? {65517}{65597}Yes. A mimetic poly-alloy. {65599}{65653}What the hell does that mean? {65655}{65713}Liquid metal. {65745}{65783}Where are we going? {65785}{65886}We have to get out of the city|immediately and avoid the authorities. {65888}{65970}I gotta stop by my house.|I wanna pick up some stuff. {65972}{66115}Negative. The T-1000 would definitely|try to reacquire you there. {66117}{66201}- You sure?|- I would. {66519}{66599}Look, Todd and Janelle are dicks... {66667}{66711}but I gotta warn'em. {66713}{66785}Shit. You got a quarter? {67047}{67138}- Hello.|- Janelle, it's me. {67140}{67211}- John?|- ls everything all right? {67213}{67286}- Are you guys okay?|- Sure, honey, everything's okay. {67288}{67381}- Are you all right?|- Yeah, I'm fine. {67383}{67491}John, it's late.|I was beginning to worry about you. {67493}{67574}If you hurry home, we can sit down|and have dinner together. {67576}{67622}I'm making beef stew. {67624}{67713}Something's wrong.|She's never this nice. {67715}{67768}Where are you? {67770}{67857}What the hell is|the goddamn dog barking at? {67859}{67957}Hey, shut up,|you worthless piece of shit! {67959}{68005}The dog's really barking. {68007}{68073}You were gonna tell the kid|to get rid of that mutt. {68189}{68272}John, it's late.|Please don't make me worry. {68274}{68325}Could he already be there? {68360}{68400}Are you okay? {68402}{68522}- I'm right here. I'm fine.|- Are you sure you're all right? {68524}{68623}- What's the dog's name?|- Max. {68625}{68697}Hey, Janelle.|What's wrong with Wolfie? {68699}{68777}I can hear him barking.|ls he okay? {68779}{68895}Wolfie's fine, honey.|Wolfie's just fine. {68897}{68948}Where are you? {68995}{69028}Your foster parents are dead. {70163}{70223}I need a minute here. {70225}{70355}You're telling me that this thing|can imitate anything it touches? {70357}{70445}Anything it samples|by physical contact. {70447}{70491}Get real. {70493}{70606}It could disguise itself|as a pack of cigarettes? {70608}{70666}No, only an object|of equal size. {70668}{70745}Why not just become a bomb|or something to get me? {70747}{70808}It can't form complex machines. {70810}{70888}Guns and explosives|have chemicals, moving parts. {70890}{70931}It doesn't work that way. {70933}{71012}- But it can form solid metal shapes.|- Like what? {71014}{71077}Knives and stabbing weapons. {71100}{71173}These were taken by|a video surveillance camera... {71175}{71282}at the West Highland Police Station|in 1984. {71321}{71410}He killed 17 police officers|that night. {71457}{71515}Men with families... {71562}{71605}children. {71654}{71724}These were taken at a mall|in Reseda... {71726}{71791}today. {71828}{71925}Miss Connor, we know you know|who this guy is. {72007}{72140}I just sat here and told you|that your son is missing... {72142}{72228}that the foster parents|have been murdered. {72230}{72280}We know this guy's involved. {72314}{72414}Doesn't that mean anything to you?|Don't you care? {72560}{72604}We're wasting our time. {72606}{72670}Let's go. {72672}{72749}Sorry, guys. {72751}{72879}She's grown more disconnected|from reality as time goes on. {72881}{72949}I'm afraid she can't help us now. {72951}{73048}If she clears at all and can|give us anything, I'll call you. {73050}{73097}Sure. {73099}{73190}Douglas, take her back to her room. {73192}{73225}Yes, sir. {73274}{73336}Come on, sweetheart. Let's go. {73338}{73402}You see... {73404}{73500}we spent a lot of time in Nicaragua|and places like that. {73536}{73668}For a while there, she was with|this crazy ex-Green Beret guy... {73670}{73711}running guns. {73713}{73802}Then there were some other guys. {73804}{73864}She'd shack up with anybody|she could learn from... {73866}{73962}so she could teach me how to be|this great military leader. {74016}{74077}Then she gets busted. {74079}{74187}It's like, 'Sorry, kid, your mom's|a psycho. Didn't you know?' {74254}{74370}Like everything I've been brought up|to believe is all made-up bullshit. {74372}{74452}I hated her for that. {74549}{74630}But everything she said was true. {74669}{74727}She knew... {74792}{74855}and nobody believed her... {74907}{74965}not even me. {75023}{75080}Listen. We gotta get her|out of there. {75082}{75182}Negative. The T-1000's highest|probability for success now... {75184}{75276}will be to copy Sarah Connor and wait|for you to make contact with her. {75278}{75341}Great. What happens to her? {75343}{75430}Typically, the subject being copied|is terminated. {75432}{75529}Shit! Why didn't you tell me?|We gotta go right now! {75531}{75594}Negative.|It's not a mission priority. {75596}{75661}Fuck you!|She's a priority to me! {75717}{75837}Goddamn it!|What's your problem? Help! {75839}{75894}This does not help our mission. {75896}{75970}Get this psycho off of me!|Help! {75972}{76064}I'm being kidnapped!|Get this psycho off of me! {76066}{76097}Let me go! {76233}{76287}Why did you do that? {76289}{76346}Because you told me to. {76431}{76474}What? {76625}{76685}You have to do what I say? {76687}{76754}That's one of my mission parameters. {76791}{76897}Prove it.|Stand on one foot. {76959}{77004}Yes! {77069}{77177}Cool. My own Terminator. Wow. {77221}{77260}You okay, kid? {77262}{77304}Take a hike, bozo. {77306}{77384}Let's get outta here, man. {77386}{77442}Fuck you, you little dipshit! {77465}{77508}Dipshit? {77573}{77637}Put your leg down. {77639}{77784}- Did you call moi a dipshit?|- Just trying to help this punk. {77786}{77856}Grab this guy. {77892}{77941}Get him off of me! {77943}{78006}Now who's the dipshit... {78008}{78061}you jock douche bag? {78334}{78408}Put the gun down now! {78410}{78507}- Get outta here!|- Come on. Let's split! {78715}{78774}You were gonna kill that guy! {78776}{78840}Of course. I'm a Terminator. {78906}{78986}Listen to me very carefully, okay? {78988}{79089}You're not a Terminator anymore,|all right? {79091}{79163}You got that? {79165}{79234}You just can't go around|killing people. {79236}{79266}Why? {79296}{79360}What do you mean, why?|'Cause you can't. {79393}{79477}Because you just can't.|Trust me on this. {79658}{79762}Look. I'm gonna go get my mom. {79764}{79849}I order you to help me. {84271}{84344}You have a Sarah Connor here? {84346}{84395}You're runnin' kind of late. {84397}{84471}They've been in there for an hour. {84473}{84545}Hold on a second.|I'll buzz you in. {84598}{84714}Oh, here come your friends now. {86566}{86670}- Gwen, you want some coffee?|- No, thanks. {86672}{86761}- How 'bout a beer?|- Yeah, right. {87477}{87574}- Hey, I got a full house.|- That's good, Louis. {87576}{87645}Must be my lucky day. {91922}{91999}You're right about number 24. {92001}{92091}Increase the medication|to 250 milligrams. {92093}{92179}- Same kind?|- Mm-hmm. {92621}{92693}You! {92769}{92827}You broke my arm. {92829}{92912}There are 215 bones|in the human body. {92914}{92992}That's one. Now, don't move. {93171}{93223}What are you going to do? {93327}{93390}Why do we stop now? {93428}{93543}You gotta promise me|you're not gonna kill anyone, right? {93545}{93623}- Right.|- Swear? {93625}{93670}What? {93672}{93765}Just put up your hand and say,|"I swear I won't kill anyone". {93798}{93870}I swear I will not kill anyone. {93902}{93962}All right. Let's go. {94130}{94190}Visiting hours is 10:00 to 4:00... {94192}{94260}Monday through Friday. {94371}{94408}What the hell are you doing? {94410}{94488}You son of a bitch!|You shot me! {94542}{94582}Crazy bastard! {94710}{94778}Don't shoot me again.|Don't kill me. {94885}{94943}He'll live. {95377}{95442}Son of a bitch! {95486}{95525}Let's try to remain calm. {95527}{95585}Open it, or he'll be dead|before he hits the floor. {95587}{95649}There's no way, Connor.|Let him go. {95651}{95727}- Open the door.|- It ain't gonna happen. {95729}{95785}Take it easy, Sarah. {95787}{95881}It won't work. You're no killer.|I don't believe you can do it. {95883}{95973}You're already dead. Everybody dies.|You know I believe it. {95975}{96036}So don't fuck with me! {96038}{96089}Open the door! {96294}{96344}Back off! {96346}{96389}Get back! {96391}{96449}I'll pump him full of this shit.|I swear! {96490}{96552}Don't move! {96586}{96622}Drop the shit! {96624}{96680}Do it! {96682}{96740}Get in the office. {96742}{96804}On the floor, face down.|Not you! {96806}{96857}Open the door. {96942}{96985}On the floor. Hold it open. {96987}{97045}Face the wall! {97524}{97579}Get her! {98410}{98499}Hurry up! Open the door!|The door's locked! {98532}{98588}Let's go! Open it! {98662}{98722}- She broke it off.|- Open it! {98884}{98953}Let's go around! Come on!|Move it! {99917}{99950}Mom, wait! {100154}{100185}Come back here! {100324}{100373}- Help her!|- Wait here. {100375}{100452}- Hurry up!|- He'll kill us all! {100491}{100528}Hold her. {100575}{100609}He'll kill us all! {101275}{101345}Mom, are you okay? Mom! {101479}{101552}Come with me|if you want to live. {101554}{101630}It's okay, Mom.|He's here to help. {102370}{102402}Go. {103371}{103447}What the fuck is it?|What the fuck is going on? {103889}{103945}Get down. {105022}{105068}Out of the car! {105110}{105145}Right now! {105878}{105908}Go! {106246}{106282}I'm out. {106487}{106543}- Come on.|- Here. {106620}{106682}Reload. {106950}{107009}Last one! {107225}{107272}Hang on. {108058}{108104}Ready! {108515}{108572}Here, drive. {110167}{110234}There's nobody behind us. {110236}{110294}- Are you all right?|- Yeah. {110369}{110402}Can he see anything? {110439}{110475}I see everything. {110562}{110610}Cool. {110719}{110777}Come here. {110949}{111002}I said I was okay. {111027}{111119}John, it was stupid of you|to go there. {111149}{111217}You have to be smarter|than that. {111219}{111267}You were almost killed. {111304}{111355}What were you thinking? {111383}{111462}You cannot risk yourself,|even for me. {111464}{111510}Do you understand? {111512}{111558}You're too important. {111560}{111639}Do you understand? {111726}{111759}But... {111810}{111922}I had to get you out of that place.|I'm sorry. {111959}{112029}I didn't need your help. {112247}{112294}What's wrong with your eyes? {112354}{112397}Nothing. {112694}{112768}So, what's your story? {113084}{113117}You okay? {113119}{113162}Fine. {113217}{113315}Say, that's a nice bike. {113990}{114042}Watch it, lug nuts. {114267}{114369}Listen, do you know|what you're doing? {114371}{114454}I have detailed files|on human anatomy. {114483}{114542}I bet. {114544}{114634}Makes you a more efficient killer,|right? {114636}{114669}Correct. {114852}{114910}Does it hurt|when you get shot? {114943}{115046}I sense injuries.|The data could be called "pain". {115117}{115175}John, help me with the light. {115177}{115246}- Will these heal up?|- Yes. {115248}{115374}Good. If you can't pass for human,|you're not much good to us. {115376}{115469}How long do you live?|I mean, last. Whatever. {115471}{115559}A hundred and twenty years|with my existing power cell. {115561}{115649}Can you learn stuff that you|haven't been programmed with... {115651}{115694}so you can be... {115731}{115813}you know, more human... {115815}{115901}and not such a dork|all the time? {115941}{116057}My CPU is a neural net processor,|a learning computer. {116059}{116174}The more contact I have with humans,|the more I learn. {116176}{116229}Cool. {117173}{117231}Are we learning yet? {117604}{117692}We have to get as far away|from the city as possible. {117804}{117852}Just head south. {118115}{118163}Keep it under 65. {118165}{118253}- We don't want to be pulled over.|- Affirmative. {118351}{118426}You gotta listen to the way|people talk. {118428}{118534}You don't say 'affirmative'|or some shit like that. {118536}{118604}You say, "No problemo". {118606}{118724}If someone comes off to you|with an attitude, you say, "Eat me". {118726}{118854}And if you want to shine them on,|it's "Hasta la vista, baby". {118954}{119015}Yeah, or "Later, dick-wad". {119017}{119108}If someone gets upset,|you say, "Chill out". {119110}{119153}Or you can do combinations. {119175}{119244}Chill out, dick-wad. {119269}{119329}That's great.|See? You're getting it. {119834}{119892}Want some of my fries? {120192}{120250}Need any help? {120252}{120302}No. {120304}{120359}- I got you!|- No, you didn't! {120610}{120704}We're not gonna make it,|are we? {120761}{120798}People, I mean. {120882}{120948}It's in your nature|to destroy yourselves. {120980}{121068}Yeah. Major drag, huh? {121070}{121168}Break it up before I wring|both of your necks. {121221}{121314}I need to know|how Skynet gets built. {121316}{121354}Who's responsible? {121356}{121463}The man most directly responsible|is Miles Bennett Dyson. {121465}{121517}Who is that? {121519}{121637}He's the director of special projects|at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation. {121720}{121773}Why him? {121775}{121876}In a few months he creates|a revolutionary type of microprocessor. {121908}{121948}Go on. Then what? {121981}{122069}In three years Cyberdyne will become|the largest supplier... {122071}{122113}of military computer systems. {122145}{122233}All Stealth bombers are upgraded|with Cyberdyne computers... {122235}{122279}becoming fully unmanned. {122281}{122373}Afterwards they fly with|a perfect operational record. {122375}{122455}The Skynet funding bill is passed. {122457}{122555}The system goes on-line|on August 4, 1997. {122557}{122653}Human decisions are removed|from strategic defense. {122655}{122737}Skynet begins to learn|at a geometric rate. {122739}{122868}It becomes self-aware|at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29. {122900}{122978}In a panic,|they try to pull the plug. {123012}{123079}- Skynet fights back.|- Yes. {123081}{123164}It launches its missiles|against the targets in Russia. {123166}{123258}Why attack Russia?|Aren't they our friends now? {123260}{123332}Because Skynet knows|that the Russian counterattack... {123334}{123392}will eliminate its enemies|over here. {123394}{123452}Jesus. {123522}{123580}How much do you know|about Dyson? {123644}{123702}I have detailed files. {123738}{123796}I want to know everything. {123833}{123955}What he looks like,|where he lives, everything. {124797}{124855}Wait in the car. {126000}{126051}You're pretty jumpy, Connor. {126678}{126726}Hey, big John. {126749}{126780}What's up? {126823}{126856}He's cool, Enrique. {126858}{126891}He's with me. {126893}{126988}He's... Uncle Bob. {126990}{127053}Uncle Bob, this is Enrique. {127055}{127112}Uncle Bob, huh? {127144}{127182}Okay. {127392}{127420}Drink? {127579}{127621}"Uncle Bob"? {127682}{127770}You're pretty famous,|all over the goddamn TV. {127772}{127852}Pictures of you, John,|your big friend here. {127854}{127942}Cops are going nuts|looking for you. {128027}{128150}I just came for my stuff.|I need clothes, food and a truck. {128152}{128210}How about the fillings in my teeth? {128212}{128277}Now, Enrique. {128317}{128383}You two,|you're on weapons detail. {128385}{128436}Let's go. {129053}{129111}One thing about my mom... {129180}{129238}she always plans ahead. {129565}{129598}Excellent. {129914}{130024}This is my best truck,|but the starter motor's gone. {130026}{130084}You got time to change it out? {130086}{130187}Yeah. I'm gonna wait 'til dark|to cross the border. {130257}{130330}I grew up in places like this... {130332}{130405}so I thought|that's how people lived... {130407}{130517}riding around in helicopters,|learning how to blow shit up. {130678}{130732}That's definitely you. {131070}{131158}Most of the guys my mom|hung around with were geeks... {131160}{131268}but there was this one guy,|he was kinda cool. {131270}{131328}He taught me engines. {131330}{131396}Hold here. {131398}{131470}Mom screwed it up, of course. {131472}{131546}She'd always tell 'em|about Judgment Day... {131548}{131632}and me being this world leader. {131634}{131692}That'd be all she wrote. {131733}{131766}Torque wrench, please. {131834}{131871}Here. {131873}{131969}I wish I could've met|my real dad. {131971}{132024}You will. {132026}{132092}Yeah, I guess. {132094}{132209}When I'm, like 45, I think. {132211}{132323}They sent him back through time|to 1984. {132325}{132368}Man. {132414}{132487}He hasn't even been born yet. {132541}{132599}It messes with your head. {132681}{132769}- The other bolt.|- Oh. Here. {132959}{133066}Mom and him were only together|for one night. {133068}{133142}She still loves him, I guess. {133144}{133231}I see her crying sometimes. {133233}{133366}She denies it totally, of course,|like she got something stuck in her eye. {133501}{133547}Why do you cry? {133580}{133625}- You mean people?|- Yeah. {133627}{133669}I don't know. {133671}{133734}We just cry... {133736}{133813}you know, when it hurts. {133995}{134048}Pain causes it? {134080}{134144}No. It's different. {134146}{134245}It's when there's nothing wrong|with you, but you hurt anyway. {134247}{134295}- You get it?|- No. {134333}{134385}All right, my man! {134439}{134487}Give me five. {134549}{134612}Just put out your hand|like this. {134653}{134782}All right! Now hit me.|Give me five. Do the same thing. {134924}{134998}Okay, that's good.|Up high. {135027}{135066}Five low. {135089}{135117}Too slow. {135208}{135276}I'm just kidding.|One more time. {135278}{135345}Good. Now try it. {135347}{135405}Now do me.|Give me five. {135449}{135586}Watching John with the machine,|it was suddenly so clear. {135588}{135676}The Terminator would never stop. {135678}{135797}It would never leave him,|never hurt him... {135799}{135902}never shout at him|or get drunk and hit him... {135904}{135981}or be too busy|to spend time with him. {136007}{136071}It would always be there... {136073}{136153}and it would die|to protect him. {136195}{136296}Of all the would-be fathers|who came and went over the years... {136298}{136359}this thing, this machine... {136361}{136432}was the only one|who measured up. {136455}{136511}In an insane world... {136513}{136571}it was the sanest choice. {139502}{139560}Hey, let's try this one. {139729}{139795}There we go. {142974}{143049}She said go south with him|like you planned. {143051}{143117}- She'll meet you tomorrow.|- Mom! {143171}{143206}Mom, wait! {143667}{143710}"No fate". {143747}{143820}No fate but what we make. {143884}{143942}My father told her this. {144021}{144149}I made him memorize it in the future|as a message to her. {144199}{144257}Never mind. {144259}{144360}Okay, the whole thing goes... {144362}{144443}The future's not set. {144445}{144551}There's no fate but what|we make for ourselves. {144553}{144643}She intends to change the future. {144646}{144689}Yeah, I guess. {144736}{144791}Oh, shit! {144793}{144851}- Dyson.|- Yeah. {144853}{144957}Gotta be. Miles Dyson. {144960}{145020}She's gonna blow him away. {145023}{145083}Come on! Let's go! {145457}{145517}This is tactically dangerous. {145520}{145553}Drive faster. {145555}{145632}The T-1000 has the same files|that I do. {145634}{145737}It knows what I know.|It might anticipate this move. {145739}{145813}I don't care.|We gotta stop her. {145815}{145873}Killing Dyson|might prevent the war. {145875}{145942}I don't care! {145944}{146002}Haven't you learned anything yet? {146004}{146078}Haven't you figured out|why you can't kill people? {146239}{146338}Danny, I told you to go to bed.|I'm not kidding. {146340}{146408}Just a couple of minutes, Mom! {146684}{146755}Danny, your time is up! {146757}{146845}Come brush your teeth|and get to bed. {147701}{147749}Danny! {148097}{148138}Daddy! {148140}{148214}Danny, go! Go! {148261}{148297}Miles? {148454}{148527}- Tortsia, run!|- Oh, my God! {148739}{148799}Just take Danny and run! {148802}{148840}Run! {148842}{148895}Oh, Jesus! Miles! {149461}{149491}Daddy! {149542}{149586}Nobody fucking move! {149611}{149649}Don't hurt my daddy! {149651}{149697}On the floor, bitch. {149700}{149765}Get down now! {149791}{149824}Move! {149826}{149869}Don't hurt him! {149914}{149974}Get on the floor now! {150066}{150118}Just let the boy go. {150120}{150168}Shut up. Shut up. {150170}{150209}Shut up! {150211}{150289}It's all your fault, motherfucker. {150291}{150359}- It's all your fault!|- What? {150361}{150424}I'm not gonna let you do it. {151983}{152047}Shit! We're too late! {152181}{152214}Check them. {152325}{152384}Look at me, Mom. {152387}{152453}Are you hurt? {152562}{152623}I almost... {152973}{153044}It'll be okay. {153046}{153104}We'll figure something out.|Okay? {153152}{153202}I promise. {153300}{153388}You came here to stop me. {153415}{153473}Yeah, I did. {153560}{153619}I love you, John. {153670}{153716}I always have. {153774}{153817}I know. {154027}{154093}Deep penetration. {154141}{154199}No shattered bone. {154201}{154289}Hold here.|The pressure should stop the bleeding. {154612}{154654}Who are you people? {154683}{154726}Show him. {154806}{154932}Danny, I want you to come with me|right now. Show me your room. {156144}{156182}Oh, my God. {156184}{156263}Now listen to me|very carefully. {156440}{156564}Dyson listened while the Terminator|laid it all down. {156566}{156682}Skynet. Judgment Day. {156684}{156753}The history of things to come. {156796}{156879}It's not every day that|you find out you're responsible... {156881}{156966}for three billion deaths. {156968}{157026}He took it pretty well. {157086}{157159}I feel like I'm gonna throw up. {157340}{157404}You're judging me... {157406}{157479}on things I haven't even done yet. {157606}{157669}How were we supposed to know? {157743}{157802}Yeah. {157804}{157876}Right. {157878}{157942}How were you supposed to know? {157974}{158029}Fucking men like you... {158031}{158085}built the hydrogen bomb. {158087}{158165}Men like you... {158167}{158210}thought it up. {158326}{158384}You think you're so creative. {158427}{158520}You don't know what it's like|to really create something... {158522}{158587}to create a life... {158589}{158634}to feel it growing inside you. {158637}{158725}All you know how to create|is death and destruction. {158727}{158778}Mom! {158780}{158893}We need to be a little more|constructive here. Okay? {158895}{158957}We still have to stop this|from happening. {158960}{159045}But I thought... {159047}{159166}Aren't we changing things right now,|changing the way it goes? {159169}{159314}That's right. There's no way I'm going|to finish the new processor. Not now. {159316}{159419}Forget it. I'm out of it.|I'll quit Cyberdyne tomorrow. {159422}{159479}That's not good enough. {159481}{159539}No one must follow your work. {159541}{159597}Right. {159599}{159730}All right, then we have to destroy|all the stuff at the lab... {159732}{159779}the files, the disk drives... {159782}{159862}everything here. {159864}{159926}Everything. {159928}{159986}I don't care. {160024}{160054}The chip. {160057}{160119}- Do you know about the chip?|- What chip? {160122}{160195}It's at Cyberdyne.|It's from the other one like you. {160197}{160279}The CPU from the first Terminator. {160281}{160353}Son of a bitch!|I knew it! {160355}{160437}They told us not to ask|where they got it. {160439}{160509}Those lying motherfuckers. {160511}{160565}It's scary stuff.|Radically advanced. {160567}{160602}It was smashed. {160604}{160713}It didn't work, but it gave us ideas,|took us in new directions. {160715}{160774}Things we would've never... {160840}{160902}All my work was based on it. {160905}{160959}It must be destroyed. {161027}{161117}Can you get us in?|Past security? {161120}{161181}I think so, yeah. When? {161329}{161362}Now? {161477}{161568}The future,|always so clear to me... {161571}{161660}had become like|a black highway at night. {161663}{161745}We were in|uncharted territory now... {161747}{161835}making up history|as we went along. {162983}{163041}Carl, right? {163081}{163184}Friends from out of town.|I just thought I'd... {163186}{163246}take 'em upstairs|and show 'em around. {163249}{163348}Mr. Dyson, you know the rules|concerning visitors in the lab. {163350}{163414}I need written authorization... {163446}{163506}I insist. {163509}{163562}Don't even think about it. {163890}{163933}It's okay. {163976}{164070}It takes two keys, turned|simultaneously, to open the vault. {164072}{164160}The other one is in a locker|at the security station. {164200}{164243}Gibbons? {164335}{164390}Gibbons! Come on, man! {164392}{164485}You can't leave the desk|like that! {164630}{164674}Oh, shit. {165201}{165261}My card should access this. {165401}{165474}- What is it?|- Damn it. {165476}{165535}The silent alarm's been tripped. {165720}{165802}It's neutralized all the codes|in the entire building. {165804}{165862}Nothing will open anywhere now. {165894}{165950}We have to abort. {166046}{166148}We go all the way.|Okay? {166212}{166327}You guys get started on the lab.|I can open this. {166329}{166402}- I think it's that guy from the mall.|- It is. {166404}{166462}It's him and the woman. {166509}{166605}Just send everything|you got in the area right now. {166671}{166774}I have a personal entry code|for the lab. It may still work. {166909}{166942}It's no good. {166944}{166988}Let me try mine. {167139}{167201}John, fire in the hole! {167562}{167707}Wait! You can't go in there.|The fire set off the Halon system. {167921}{167995}You have to wait|until the gas clears. {168070}{168108}Put this on. {168527}{168602}All right, let's get to work. {169237}{169336}All units in the vicinity|and all units able to respond... {169338}{169483}a 211 in progress, 2144 Kramer Street,|the Cyberdyne building. {169485}{169535}Suspect one is white female... {169537}{169640}identified as last name Connor,|first name Sarah. {169643}{169731}Escaped last night|from Pescadero State Hospital. {169733}{169839}Suspect two: White male fitting|description of the individual... {169842}{169945}wanted for the murder|of police officers in 1984. {169947}{170005}Suspects are armed|and considered extremely... {171576}{171627}All right. {171629}{171682}7-2-5-6. {171892}{171932}Easy money. {172075}{172118}Uh-oh. {172200}{172273}Oh, shit. Not good. {172425}{172474}How we doing? {172476}{172527}Primer cord is set. {172529}{172602}One more barrel,|two more minutes. {172719}{172807}- How do we set them off?|- Remote control. {172809}{172881}Piece of cake. {172883}{172928}- We got company.|- Police? {172931}{173032}- How many?|- All of 'em, I think. {173034}{173075}Go. I'll finish here. {173135}{173178}Come on. {173210}{173268}I'll take care of the police. {173270}{173309}Wait! You swore! {173398}{173441}Trust me. {173839}{173888}You at the window! {173890}{173993}Drop your weapon and place your hands|on top of your head! {174034}{174089}Holy shit! {174091}{174136}That's a mini-gun! {174804}{174874}- Come on!|- Oh, shit! {174876}{174922}Go! Go! Go! {176349}{176392}Fire! {176912}{176962}Same time, to the left. {176964}{177034}One, two, three, go. {177398}{177483}In order to get that out... {177686}{177769}We got Skynet by the balls now. {177771}{177822}Come on, let's book. {177856}{177901}Hold your fire! {178664}{178724}- Ready to rock?|- Ready. {178834}{178873}Time to go. {178875}{178919}Now. {178921}{179010}- Take this. They'll use gas.|- Come on. {179012}{179105}Get started on the door.|Miles, hand me the detonator. {179832}{179915}Mom! Mom! {181245}{181277}Shit! {181321}{181409}She's in the clean room.|There's no way outta there. {181695}{181723}Get down! {181948}{181991}Here. {182756}{182859}I don't know how much longer|I can hold this. {182984}{183028}Fall back! {183031}{183078}Everybody out! {183081}{183138}Fall back now!|Go! Go! Go! {184200}{184258}We got a war zone here! {185215}{185266}Shut your eyes. {185464}{185559}Stay here. I'll be back. {185793}{185863}Get down on the floor!|Face down! {185945}{185990}On the floor now! {186062}{186106}Okay, drop him! {188501}{188544}Here, hold this. {189047}{189094}Holy shit! {189547}{189575}Go! {190742}{190766}Shit! {191177}{191227}Get out. {191798}{191838}Listen. {191840}{191921}No matter what happens,|stay under these vests. {191923}{191962}- You got it?|- Yeah. {191964}{192007}All right. {192443}{192481}Chopper's coming in! {192483}{192515}It's him. {194248}{194289}Shit! {194375}{194429}Stay down! {196655}{196708}Goddamn! {196710}{196727}You okay... {196953}{197026}Come on, Mom,|we gotta get out. {197083}{197132}Take the shotgun. {197246}{197275}Are you hurt? {197672}{197700}Holy shit. {197702}{197760}Come on, Mom. Come on! {197762}{197796}We need your truck. {197798}{197842}Hurry! {197993}{198068}- Come on. Hurry.|- Get in. {198158}{198373}Go! {198375}{198434}What the hell... {198611}{198694}- I'm bleeding bad.|- Keep pressure on it. {198744}{198793}Here. This'll work. {198961}{199011}He's gaining. {199088}{199139}Step on it! {199141}{199225}- This is the vehicle's top speed.|- I can run faster than this! {199550}{199593}Coming up, to the right. {199655}{199713}Watch it! Watch it! {200390}{200452}- Drive.|- Where are you going? {200677}{200735}Take the off-ramp. {201025}{201060}Shit! {201155}{201185}Hold on! {202561}{202609}Don't stop! {202845}{202886}Go straight! {202966}{202988}Look out! {202990}{203014}Duck! {203458}{203516}Get the hell outta here! {203682}{203773}Get outta here!|Let's go! Come on! {206081}{206155}Hasta la vista, baby. {207639}{207682}We don't have much time. {208361}{208399}Let's go. {208431}{208483}We gotta get outta here. {208485}{208547}Come on! Get up! {208955}{209007}Hand me the shotgun. {209151}{209219}Put your weight on me, Mom. {209244}{209301}Hurry! {209408}{209456}Come on, Mom. {209652}{209691}Get up! {210171}{210229}This way. Come on. {210568}{210648}Wait! No. No. It's too hot. {210650}{210688}Go back. {210934}{211002}- Go. Run.|- No! We gotta stick together. {211004}{211063}John, you've got to go now. {211066}{211131}- John!|- Go! Now! {213359}{213416}Get up the steps. {213475}{213518}Go. {213638}{213681}Get up. {213706}{213768}Come on, Mom.|I got you. {214802}{214872}Grab the chain. Grab it. {214914}{214994}Grab it. Go. Go! {215305}{215403}Mom, come on! Mom! {216877}{216931}Call to John. {217015}{217070}I know this hurts. {217125}{217173}Call John. {217666}{217744}Call to John now. {217808}{217863}Fuck you. {223784}{223827}Help! {224443}{224490}Mom. {224542}{224600}Help me. {224679}{224717}Get out of the way, John. {224719}{224748}Shoot! {226391}{226464}Get down! {229260}{229324}Get up. Come on. {229393}{229447}Holy shit. {229449}{229522}I need a vacation. {229919}{230003}Is it dead? {230005}{230048}Terminated. {230150}{230202}Will this melt in there? {230291}{230347}Yes. Throw it in. {230560}{230618}And the chip. {231073}{231120}It's over. {231326}{231375}There's one more chip. {231516}{231584}And it must be destroyed also. {231747}{231794}Here. {231797}{231899}I cannot self-terminate.|You must lower me into the steel. {232293}{232367}I'm sorry, John. I'm sorry. {232369}{232437}No, it'll be okay.|Stay with us. {232439}{232499}- It'll be okay.|- I have to go away. {232502}{232579}No, don't do it.|Please, don't go. {232582}{232673}I must go away, John. {232676}{232720}No, wait. {232723}{232767}You don't have to do this. {232770}{232810}I'm sorry. {232838}{232906}No, don't do it! Don't go! {232908}{232966}It has to end here. {233003}{233101}I order you not to go! {233340}{233400}I know now why you cry. {233473}{233547}But it's something|I can never do. {234575}{234640}Good-bye. {237610}{237701}The unknown future|rolls toward us. {237704}{237822}I face it for the first time|with a sense of hope. {237824}{237895}Because if a machine,|a Terminator... {237897}{237999}can learn the value|of human life... {238001}{238074}maybe we can too.