1 00:00:25,271> 00:00:28,604 المعركة بين السّماءِ وجهنم قَدْ استخدمتْ سرمدي، 2 00:00:28,641> 00:00:31,974 جيوشهمfueled بالأرواحِ حَصدَ على الأرضِ. 3 00:00:32,011> 00:00:35,378 الشّيطان، ماليبولجيا، قَدْ ارسلَ ملازم إِلى الأرضِ. . . 4 00:00:35,415> 00:00:39,181 أَنْ تُجنّدَ رجال أَنْ يَدُوروا ال العالم في مكانِ الموتِ. . . 5 00:00:39,219> 00:00:42,086 في التّبادلِ للثّروةِ والقوةِ 6 00:00:42,121> 00:00:45,921 مكان الذي زَوّدَ كفاية الأرواح أَنْ تُكملَ جيشه. . . 7 00:00:45,959> 00:00:49,895 ويَسْمحُ آرماجيدون أَنْ يَبْدأَ. 8 00:00:49,929> 00:00:54,298 كل حاجاتِ اللوردِ المظلمةِ الآن جنديُ عظيمُ، 9 00:00:54,334> 00:00:57,667 أحد الذي يُمكنُ أَنْ يَقُودَ حشوده إِلى بوّاباتِ السّماءِ. . . 10 00:00:57,704> 00:00:59,672 ويَحْرقونهم. 11 00:03:28,254> 00:03:31,985 مثله، قَتلتُ في إسمِ جيدِ، 12 00:03:32,024> 00:03:33,855 لكن عنفَ حياتي. . . 13 00:03:33,893> 00:03:36,589 سَحبَ روحي نحو الظّلمة. 14 00:03:36,629> 00:03:39,496 لكن أنا قَاتلتُ وحَرّرتُ روحي. 15 00:03:41,267> 00:03:45,101 الآن أُراقبُ للآخرين اَحْبّني. 16 00:03:45,738> 00:03:48,901 الرّجال هم الواحدُ الذي يَخْلقُ الشّريّرة على الأرضِ. 17 00:03:48,941> 00:03:50,806 إنه الإختيارات يَجْعلونَ. . . 18 00:03:50,843> 00:03:53,311 الذي استعبدَ أرواحهم إِلى الجهنمِ. 19 00:03:54,013> 00:03:56,880 هذا الإختبارُ. 20 00:04:03,225> 00:04:05,693 زعيم الجزائريِ جبهة ثورية. . . 21 00:04:05,727> 00:04:09,163 قَدْ قُتِلَ أمس على طول ب26 مدنيِ أبرياء. . . 22 00:04:09,197> 00:04:11,859 في هجومِ صاروخِ شريرِ في هونك كونك. 23 00:04:11,900> 00:04:14,994 هناك قَدْ كَانَ إنْهياَلَ ضدِ يو. إس. المشاعر. . . 24 00:04:15,037> 00:04:16,368 شاملة عبر الكرة. 25 00:04:16,405> 00:04:19,203 المعترضون في ليبيا، البوسنة، فرنسا، موسكو. . . 26 00:04:19,241> 00:04:20,208 والولايات المتحدة. . . 27 00:04:20,242> 00:04:21,732 يَشْجبُ. . . 28 00:04:22,778> 00:04:24,678 سممونس الأفضلُ. 29 00:04:24,713> 00:04:26,510 سممونس لَيسَ المشكلةَ! 30 00:04:26,548> 00:04:29,016 هو أجنبيُ قَتْل الأشخاصِ السّيئين. . . 31 00:04:29,051> 00:04:31,815 يك بطل يَعتقد هو. 32 00:04:31,853> 00:04:33,013 جَعلنَا عقدَ، وين. 33 00:04:33,055> 00:04:34,215 حيث الجهنم. . . 34 00:04:34,256> 00:04:36,190 السّلاحُ النّهائي وَعدتَ؟ 35 00:04:36,224> 00:04:38,624 هذه لَيستْ لعبةَ نحن نَلْعبُ. 36 00:04:38,660> 00:04:41,595 هَنْدَسَة سلاح بايولوجي علمُ مضبوطُ. 37 00:04:41,630> 00:04:44,326 تُريده عَملَ يمينَ، أنتَ تَعمَلُ هو طريقي. 38 00:04:44,366> 00:04:47,529 هذه خمسة خطةِ سنةِ لك فقط يَشْقُّ أردافي. 39 00:04:47,569> 00:04:49,969 أنا اَجْعلكَ ضمان. 40 00:04:50,005> 00:04:52,667 فقط يَحْفظُ بعضagencies بعيد من ظهري. . . 41 00:04:52,708> 00:04:55,609 وصنع يَلْعنُ أكيدَ أُصبحُ كل الذي أنا وُعِدتُ. 42 00:04:55,644> 00:04:59,171 إذا اَقُولكَ الرّجلُ، أنتَ الرّجلُ. 43 00:04:59,214> 00:05:02,445 أنتَ تَعمَلُ لي، بوقت قصير أنتَ سَتَجْري هذا المكانِ. 44 00:05:02,484> 00:05:05,920 عندما الكبيرpinata يَكْسرُ، أنتَ سَتُصبحه كل. 45 00:05:05,954> 00:05:08,718 فقط يَتأكّدكَ تَحْفظُ نهايتكَ الصّفقةِ. 46 00:05:10,626> 00:05:12,093 بي. إس. . . 47 00:05:12,127> 00:05:14,618 هناك مادةُ أكثرُ واحدة على "نا أَنْ يَعمَلُ " قائمة. 48 00:05:14,663> 00:05:17,461 يَتطلّبُ إنتباهكَ الشّخصي. 49 00:05:17,499> 00:05:20,468 نَحتاجكم أَنْ تُساعدوا مجنّد حديث جندي خاصّ جداً لنا. 50 00:05:20,502> 00:05:24,199 قاتلكَ المفضّل الدّائم، أي آي سممونس. 51 00:05:24,239> 00:05:27,606 سممونس؟ هو يَعْملُ شغل عظيم حيث هو. 52 00:05:27,643> 00:05:29,167 لماذا تُريده؟ 53 00:05:29,211> 00:05:31,679 الذي يَعمَلُ أنتَ الناسَ دائما سؤال؟ 54 00:05:31,713> 00:05:35,547 لماذا يَسْألُ " الذي؟ " متى " هكذا؟ " هَلْ كثيراً مرح أكثر؟ 55 00:05:46,361> 00:05:48,352 أوه. . . لَيسَ ثانية. 56 00:05:50,966> 00:05:52,763 واندا، يَعمَلُ ني حسنةَ. نعم؟ 57 00:05:52,801> 00:05:54,132 إشترِ رجلكَ ساعة. 58 00:05:54,169> 00:05:56,160 هو على خروجه. يَعمَلُ ني حسنةَ. 59 00:05:56,204> 00:05:57,330 ذلك ما؟ 60 00:05:57,372> 00:05:59,306 تأكّد هو خلفيُ للعشاءِ ليلة الغد. 61 00:05:59,341> 00:06:00,433 أنا سَاَفْعلُ ما بمقدوري. 62 00:06:00,475> 00:06:02,636 تأكّد هو خلفيُ للعشاءِ، تيري. 63 00:06:02,678> 00:06:03,667 نعمam ', ma. 64 00:06:16,191> 00:06:17,522 هي، سباز. 65 00:06:17,559> 00:06:19,652 روتين نفسه، بخير؟ 66 00:06:19,695> 00:06:21,128 إحرسْ الدّارَ. حارس واندا. 67 00:06:22,631> 00:06:24,064 كلب حارسِ عظيمِ. 68 00:06:31,573> 00:06:32,733 هنا. 69 00:06:35,877> 00:06:37,845 ال، ماذا حَدثَ ليلة أمس؟ إنظرْ الى هذا. 70 00:06:39,414> 00:06:41,211 ما friggin ' فوضى. 71 00:06:41,249> 00:06:43,046 نحن قَدْ افترضنَا أَنْ تُخرجَ أشخاص سيئون، 72 00:06:43,085> 00:06:44,518 لَيسَ متفرجين أبرياء. 73 00:06:44,553> 00:06:46,612 جيسون وين آخر خاصّ. 74 00:06:46,655> 00:06:48,316 ماذا تَعْني؟ 75 00:06:48,356> 00:06:51,416 الكثير من وينops قَدْ شَدَّpooch مؤخراً. 76 00:06:52,594> 00:06:55,188 لاتقلق، ال. أضئْ فوق. أنا أعدتكَ. 77 00:06:57,332> 00:06:59,766 سيمبيرfi . جيد أَنْ يَذْهبَ. 78 00:07:00,936> 00:07:02,665 جيد. 79 00:07:17,185> 00:07:19,312 أنا ذاهِبٌ إلى إحفظْ عيني على وين. 80 00:07:24,426> 00:07:25,984 العربة تَضْمنُ. 81 00:07:35,103> 00:07:36,570 منطقة قتلِ المطارِ. . . 82 00:07:36,605> 00:07:39,039 قَدْ افترضَ أنْ يَكُونَ واضحَ مدنيين. 83 00:07:39,074> 00:07:42,066 سيء الحظ لكن تضحيةَ ضروريةَ. 84 00:07:42,110> 00:07:45,910 تُريدُ أحدَ أكياس جثث حشوةِ، يُرسلُ خوريَ. 85 00:07:45,947> 00:07:48,108 إذا أنتَ لا يُمكنُ أَنْ تُعالجه، أنا سَ. 86 00:07:50,619> 00:07:54,385 أنا سَأُرسلُwhoever حيثما أَختارُ. 87 00:07:54,422> 00:07:56,913 أنتَ سَتَتْلي طلبات ويَعمَلُ شغلكَ. 88 00:07:56,958> 00:07:58,448 حَصلتْ على مشكلةُ بذلك، جندي؟ 89 00:07:58,493> 00:08:03,123 نعم، أنا أعْمَلُ، سيد. . . وأنا أُريدُ خارجيَ. 90 00:08:04,432> 00:08:06,457 عَرفتُ دائما أنتَ تَفْقدُ عصبكَ. 91 00:08:07,769> 00:08:09,794 أنتَ لا تَتْركنا، إبن. 92 00:08:09,838> 00:08:12,272 نحن لَسنا يو. إس. خدمة بريدية. 93 00:08:16,178> 00:08:18,237 قَدْ قَرأتَ صورتكَ الجانبية مؤخراً؟ 94 00:08:18,280> 00:08:20,145 أنتَ مضطرب عقلُ خط حدودِ، 95 00:08:20,182> 00:08:22,650 اتقنْ لخدمةِ الحكومةِ. 96 00:08:22,684> 00:08:27,485 لا ذنبُ، لا خوفُ. أنتَ قَتْلُ ماكنةِ. 97 00:08:28,456> 00:08:30,754 يوعر مخطئ بحقني، وين. هَلْl ؟ 98 00:08:31,993> 00:08:33,460 عِنْدَهُ أنتَ وَقفَ أَنْ يَعتبرَ. . . 99 00:08:33,495> 00:08:35,588 الذي أنتَ لَنْ تَكُونَ سعيدَ عَمَل أي شئ ما عدا ذلك؟ 100 00:08:35,630> 00:08:37,427 تَجمّلتُ رأيي. 101 00:08:37,465> 00:08:39,763 لاشيئ أنا يُمكنُ أَنْ اَقُولَ أَنْ تُغيّره؟ 102 00:08:39,801> 00:08:41,291 لاشيئ. 103 00:08:44,139> 00:08:45,401 أنا سَأُرتّبُ لنقلكَ. . . 104 00:08:45,440> 00:08:48,603 يمين بعد نحن عِنْدَنا مرةُ هذه العمليةِ الأخيرةِ. 105 00:08:48,643> 00:08:52,170 شمال مصفاةِ كوريةِ بشكل سري إنْتاج الأسلحةِ البايولوجيةِ. 106 00:08:52,214> 00:08:55,672 إنه عائد لنا أَنْ تُخرجَ النّبتة. . . 107 00:08:55,717> 00:08:59,346 ويُحطّمُ بشكل حذر كل الفيروساتِ الكيمياوية الحيويةِ. 108 00:09:01,923> 00:09:03,857 تعال، إبن. هذه أولويةُ علياُ. 109 00:09:08,330> 00:09:09,797 العائق يُصبحه إنتهى مع. 110 00:10:28,977> 00:10:30,968 أي الجهنم تَستمرُّ هنا؟ 111 00:10:32,414> 00:10:34,382 الأولويات قَدْ غَيّرتْ، ال. 112 00:10:34,416> 00:10:36,714 هناك مدينةُ قريبةُ. 113 00:10:36,751> 00:10:39,720 إذا تُطلقُ الفيروسَ، هم سَكل النّردِ. 114 00:10:39,754> 00:10:44,191 مدينة مع تقريباً 8,000 مضيّف تجريبيون. 115 00:10:44,225> 00:10:46,250 هَلْ أنتَ خارج عقلِ لعنتكَ؟ 116 00:10:46,294> 00:10:47,989 أنا لا اَذْهبُ أَنْ تَتْرككَ تَعمَلُ هذا. 117 00:10:55,570> 00:10:57,765 يَشْبهُ أنا فوق لترقيةِ. 118 00:10:57,806> 00:10:59,273 تَمْسحُ حماره، جداً؟ 119 00:11:04,145> 00:11:05,442 أنتَ نغل. 120 00:11:05,480> 00:11:07,846 عَرفتَ ما كُنْتَ الإِسْتِمْرار على طول. 121 00:11:07,882> 00:11:10,612 أنا أَعتقد هو يَلْحقُ. 122 00:11:18,727> 00:11:20,991 تمتّعْ بتقاعدكَ، صديق كبير السن. 123 00:11:21,029> 00:11:23,896 أوه، وبالمناسبة، لاتقلق حول واندا. 124 00:11:25,000> 00:11:26,763 أنا سَآخذُ عناية جيدة منها. 125 00:11:28,136> 00:11:30,696 تَمْسُّ ها، وأنتَ رجلُ ميتُ. 126 00:11:32,407> 00:11:34,204 أنتَ الرّجلُ الميتُ. 127 00:11:42,884> 00:11:44,476 شاهدكَ في الجهنمِ، ال. 128 00:12:37,806> 00:12:41,264 أو، نظرة التي قَدْ تُرِكتْ في الفرنِ يَشتاقُ جداً. 129 00:12:43,044> 00:12:45,035 اخبرته جيدَ، لا يُحرقُ. 130 00:12:45,080> 00:12:47,708 أنا سَيكونُ عِنْدَي مرحُ معك. 131 00:14:17,572> 00:14:19,733 هي، سيد، أنتَ لا تَنْظرُ جيد جداً. 132 00:14:20,808> 00:14:22,241 هي، سيد، أنتَ عطشان؟ 133 00:14:26,514> 00:14:30,280 أصبحْ ال أصبحْ مفقودَ، طفل. 134 00:14:34,455> 00:14:36,548 ما تَنْظرُ الى، الرجل العجوز؟ 135 00:14:38,526> 00:14:40,050 تُخبرني. 136 00:14:42,664> 00:14:45,064 أنتَ ذُهِبتَ وقت طويل، صديق. 137 00:14:45,099> 00:14:46,828 ماذا تَتحدّثُ عن؟ 138 00:14:46,868> 00:14:48,233 أينl ؟ 139 00:14:48,269> 00:14:50,032 مدينة جرذِ. جزء الممرِ. 140 00:14:50,071> 00:14:51,538 اَنَامُ هناك. 141 00:14:52,740> 00:14:56,506 هذا مكانُ مقدّسُ. كل مرحّب به هنا. 142 00:14:56,544> 00:14:57,875 هنا، زاك، هنا. 143 00:14:59,414> 00:15:00,711 نعم، صحيح. 144 00:15:41,122> 00:15:43,090 لا تَتريّثُ! تَركَ! تَركَ! 145 00:15:53,468> 00:15:57,370 أنتم مدعوون إلى يَرْبطنا. . . إذا تَختارُ. 146 00:16:02,377 --> 00:16:03,867 I got a home. 147 00:16:17,058 --> 00:16:20,858 A new Hellspawn has emerged from the darkness. 148 00:16:20,895 --> 00:16:22,556 Reborn on Earth... 149 00:16:23,364 --> 00:16:26,197 drawn to the alley by an unknown force... 150 00:16:26,234 --> 00:16:28,998 his necroplasmic body wracked by pain... 151 00:16:29,037 --> 00:16:31,096 his memories fragmented. 152 00:16:31,139 --> 00:16:34,165 To him, North Korea was moments ago. 153 00:16:34,208 --> 00:16:38,941 Malebolgia kept him secluded in darkness five long years... 154 00:16:38,980 --> 00:16:41,949 while things on Earth changed in ways... 155 00:16:41,983 --> 00:16:45,510 that will only feed his anger and desire for revenge. 156 00:16:46,187 --> 00:16:48,678 He sets out to reclaim his humanity. 157 00:16:49,957 --> 00:16:53,449 How much is left remains to be seen. 158 00:17:16,084 --> 00:17:17,813 One... 159 00:17:17,852 --> 00:17:19,285 two... 160 00:17:19,320 --> 00:17:21,720 three! 161 00:17:32,934 --> 00:17:34,731 I don't have a choice. 162 00:17:34,769 --> 00:17:37,203 I'll always love you... 163 00:17:37,238 --> 00:17:38,796 forever. 164 00:18:06,267 --> 00:18:07,598 Spaz. 165 00:18:08,603 --> 00:18:11,071 Kids, I got more tricks than your local hooker. 166 00:18:11,105 --> 00:18:12,299 Here you go. 167 00:18:12,340 --> 00:18:15,332 They say it's a trick, but it's snot. 168 00:18:15,376 --> 00:18:16,934 Little girl, where are you going? 169 00:18:20,948 --> 00:18:23,280 Want some candy? 170 00:18:27,021 --> 00:18:28,010 Cyan! 171 00:18:29,824 --> 00:18:32,418 You OK, baby? Terry! 172 00:18:33,127 --> 00:18:34,788 I like children...fried. 173 00:18:40,268 --> 00:18:42,031 What's going on? 174 00:18:42,069 --> 00:18:43,764 This man was lying next to Cyan. 175 00:18:43,805 --> 00:18:45,238 Are you OK, honey? 176 00:18:45,907 --> 00:18:47,898 What are you doing back here, huh? 177 00:18:48,876 --> 00:18:50,036 What is it? 178 00:18:50,745 --> 00:18:52,610 Beat it before I call the cops. 179 00:18:52,647 --> 00:18:53,944 Come on, get out of here. 180 00:18:53,981 --> 00:18:56,415 There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you. 181 00:18:57,919 --> 00:19:00,513 Bad Crispy! Bad Crispy! 182 00:19:00,555 --> 00:19:02,489 Clown not like. 183 00:19:02,523 --> 00:19:04,923 Sorry for the turbulence, folks. 184 00:19:04,959 --> 00:19:06,221 He's harmless. 185 00:19:06,260 --> 00:19:08,194 Just a freak accident with some Jiffy Pop. 186 00:19:08,229 --> 00:19:11,027 Just get out of here and take him. 187 00:19:11,065 --> 00:19:14,501 Oh, what an adorable little girl. 188 00:19:14,535 --> 00:19:16,093 Can I keep her? 189 00:19:16,137 --> 00:19:17,195 Hey. 190 00:19:17,238 --> 00:19:20,298 Of course not. No pets allowed. 191 00:19:20,341 --> 00:19:22,536 A little something for Lolita here? 192 00:19:22,577 --> 00:19:24,738 Baby exorcist. 193 00:19:26,481 --> 00:19:28,745 Come on, my barbecued friend. 194 00:19:28,783 --> 00:19:30,250 Don't want to keep... 195 00:19:30,284 --> 00:19:32,445 that side order of potato salad waiting. 196 00:19:39,193 --> 00:19:41,127 -He knew my name. -Are you sure? 197 00:19:43,831 --> 00:19:46,299 Come on. Let's get the kids inside. 198 00:19:52,907 --> 00:19:54,101 You can't get married. 199 00:19:54,141 --> 00:19:56,871 Wanda's the best thing that ever happened to me. 200 00:19:56,911 --> 00:19:58,037 I'm there for you, buddy. 201 00:19:58,079 --> 00:19:59,979 This is my last mission. 202 00:20:00,014 --> 00:20:01,174 Wait for me. 203 00:20:01,215 --> 00:20:02,773 I just don't want to lose you, baby. 204 00:20:02,817 --> 00:20:05,911 You will never lose me. I promise. 205 00:20:10,258 --> 00:20:13,091 The master and I are going to have words. 206 00:20:13,127 --> 00:20:15,561 He knows I hate clowns. God, I hate them. 207 00:20:15,596 --> 00:20:16,961 I hate them all. 208 00:20:16,998 --> 00:20:18,727 I hate Bozo, Ronald, Chuckles... 209 00:20:18,766 --> 00:20:22,896 with their freakin' dumb noses and their lousy party hats! 210 00:20:25,773 --> 00:20:28,003 I don't mind being short, fat, and ugly, 211 00:20:28,042 --> 00:20:29,236 but the pay sucks! 212 00:20:35,883 --> 00:20:37,817 Easy with that face. I'm eating. 213 00:20:37,852 --> 00:20:39,945 What does this remind you of? 214 00:20:39,987 --> 00:20:41,215 No, naughty boy. 215 00:20:42,423 --> 00:20:43,788 Oops. A wet one. 216 00:20:43,824 --> 00:20:46,725 I hope I didn't stain my underwear. 217 00:20:47,728 --> 00:20:50,720 Look at that. Skid marks. 218 00:20:51,232 --> 00:20:52,824 Get away from me, you freak. 219 00:20:54,035 --> 00:20:56,936 Coming from a monster, that really hurts my feelings. 220 00:20:56,971 --> 00:20:59,201 Come back here, scrotum-face. 221 00:20:59,240 --> 00:21:01,401 I'm not done with you yet. 222 00:21:02,243 --> 00:21:05,076 Feels like my skin is about to explode. 223 00:21:05,613 --> 00:21:09,276 That's your viral necroplasm going through its larval stage. 224 00:21:10,084 --> 00:21:11,244 Move over. 225 00:21:12,253 --> 00:21:14,050 Pretty soon you'll get hair in funny places, 226 00:21:14,088 --> 00:21:15,953 and you'll start thinking about girls. 227 00:21:15,990 --> 00:21:17,355 Getting a chubby, studly? 228 00:21:17,391 --> 00:21:19,120 A half guy, semi? 229 00:21:20,628 --> 00:21:23,392 Just get me to a hospital. 230 00:21:23,431 --> 00:21:24,762 A hospital? 231 00:21:25,399 --> 00:21:28,800 Have you looked in a mirror, burnt man walking? 232 00:21:28,836 --> 00:21:33,000 Even the entire cast of "ER" couldn't put you together again. 233 00:21:33,040 --> 00:21:34,337 How do I put this to you? 234 00:21:34,375 --> 00:21:35,706 You're pushing up daisies. 235 00:21:35,743 --> 00:21:37,802 You're in permanent nap time. 236 00:21:37,845 --> 00:21:40,905 You're fertilizer. Is any of this sinking in? 237 00:21:40,948 --> 00:21:42,472 You're dead. 238 00:21:42,516 --> 00:21:44,711 D-e-d. Dead. 239 00:21:45,953 --> 00:21:47,887 I guess five years feeding earthworms... 240 00:21:47,922 --> 00:21:50,948 has eaten what little brain there was in there. 241 00:21:53,027 --> 00:21:55,325 What are you? 242 00:21:57,565 --> 00:22:01,001 Allow me to kick-start your memory. 243 00:22:01,035 --> 00:22:03,469 Hang on. These flashbacks can be killers. 244 00:22:04,438 --> 00:22:05,769 You're the dead man. 245 00:22:08,242 --> 00:22:09,937 See you in Hell, Al. 246 00:22:34,168 --> 00:22:37,365 This is the bargain. 247 00:22:37,405 --> 00:22:42,638 If you lead my army, you can see Wanda again. 248 00:22:46,213 --> 00:22:48,704 What is your answer? 249 00:22:50,351 --> 00:22:52,581 I will lead your army! 250 00:22:52,620 --> 00:22:53,917 Anything for Wanda! 251 00:22:56,190 --> 00:23:01,457 If you fail me, you will die. 252 00:23:02,296 --> 00:23:07,598 Avenge your murder. Kill Jason Wynn. 253 00:23:10,037 --> 00:23:13,006 Malebolgia spent five years preparing the Earth... 254 00:23:13,040 --> 00:23:14,735 for your arrival, mister. 255 00:23:14,775 --> 00:23:16,970 A little death, a little destruction... 256 00:23:17,011 --> 00:23:19,241 perfect marriage. 257 00:23:19,280 --> 00:23:20,838 Speaking of marriage... 258 00:23:20,881 --> 00:23:22,906 guess who's not your fiancee anymore. 259 00:23:24,118 --> 00:23:26,916 And the winners are Wanda and Terry. 260 00:23:26,954 --> 00:23:29,422 Multiplying like rabbits. 261 00:23:29,457 --> 00:23:31,288 And humpin' and porkin'... 262 00:23:31,325 --> 00:23:33,793 and doin' it and likin' it. 263 00:23:33,828 --> 00:23:36,194 You stay away from her. 264 00:23:36,230 --> 00:23:37,492 I don't want Wanda. 265 00:23:37,531 --> 00:23:39,499 I want you to take care of Wynn. 266 00:23:39,533 --> 00:23:42,525 Then you and the army can kick some angelic buttocks. 267 00:23:43,671 --> 00:23:45,434 And in return for your services, 268 00:23:45,473 --> 00:23:47,668 we'll get Wanda back for you. 269 00:23:47,708 --> 00:23:49,676 You could have every Wanda on the planet. 270 00:23:49,710 --> 00:23:51,644 Why settle for leftovers? 271 00:23:53,080 --> 00:23:55,571 I love this guy. You kill me. 272 00:23:55,616 --> 00:23:57,106 Go ahead, stud. 273 00:23:58,853 --> 00:24:01,754 This is all some sadistic game of Wynn's. 274 00:24:01,789 --> 00:24:04,019 And when I catch him... 275 00:24:04,058 --> 00:24:06,925 he'll wish he had killed me when he had the chance. 276 00:24:06,961 --> 00:24:08,724 That's it! That's the spirit. 277 00:24:08,763 --> 00:24:11,061 Just think of me as your guardian angel. 278 00:24:11,098 --> 00:24:12,565 The clown from Hell. 279 00:24:12,600 --> 00:24:14,932 You're Jimmy Stewart, and I'm Clarence. 280 00:24:14,969 --> 00:24:19,133 "Uh, well, well, every time somebody farts, 281 00:24:19,173 --> 00:24:21,437 "a demon gets his wings." 282 00:24:21,475 --> 00:24:23,204 Oops, twins. 283 00:24:23,244 --> 00:24:26,611 Get away from me, you fudge-packing midget! 284 00:24:26,647 --> 00:24:29,081 You still don't get it, do you, Amnesia Boy? 285 00:24:29,116 --> 00:24:30,845 We'll have to dig a little deeper. 286 00:24:37,525 --> 00:24:39,152 What is this? 287 00:24:39,193 --> 00:24:43,220 This is where old folks go after Florida, son. 288 00:24:43,264 --> 00:24:44,891 What is that you say? 289 00:24:44,932 --> 00:24:46,832 Can I dig up my body now? 290 00:24:46,867 --> 00:24:49,427 Why, certainly. Of course you can. 291 00:24:49,470 --> 00:24:52,234 If you strike oil, half of it is mine. 292 00:24:54,341 --> 00:24:55,933 Start digging. 293 00:24:56,811 --> 00:25:00,212 Hail, Satan, lord of all that we can see. 294 00:25:00,247 --> 00:25:04,775 In the name of Luther, Bialy, and Levinson, 295 00:25:04,819 --> 00:25:07,720 I command thee to appear! 296 00:25:12,092 --> 00:25:14,424 Told you we need a bigger pentagram. 297 00:25:14,461 --> 00:25:17,862 How about we get back to that sacrifice-a-virgin idea? 298 00:25:19,300 --> 00:25:21,200 I like that! 299 00:25:21,235 --> 00:25:22,793 You know what I need here, man? 300 00:25:22,837 --> 00:25:24,464 A fresh skull, man! 301 00:25:25,773 --> 00:25:26,797 Yeah, you. 302 00:25:26,841 --> 00:25:28,832 -Get away! -Fresh! 303 00:26:09,917 --> 00:26:11,179 Every time you go out there, 304 00:26:11,218 --> 00:26:13,413 you come back a little bit more dead inside. 305 00:26:20,394 --> 00:26:22,658 Oh, come on. You scream like a girl. 306 00:26:22,696 --> 00:26:23,856 Do it like this. 307 00:26:28,335 --> 00:26:30,997 Someone's a little angry 'cause they died and went to-- 308 00:26:31,038 --> 00:26:33,472 Hello, my mutant, hello, my carcass, 309 00:26:33,507 --> 00:26:36,374 hello, my bug-infested corpse. 310 00:26:36,410 --> 00:26:38,435 Did, like, Satan send you guys? 311 00:26:39,213 --> 00:26:41,443 God hogs up all the good followers, 312 00:26:41,482 --> 00:26:42,972 and we get all the retards. 313 00:26:43,017 --> 00:26:44,575 What's up with that face? 314 00:26:44,618 --> 00:26:46,848 Get your hands off me! 315 00:26:58,365 --> 00:26:59,730 Help. 316 00:27:02,503 --> 00:27:03,663 What is that? 317 00:27:17,318 --> 00:27:21,186 Shocked and amazed at the wonders of necroflesh? 318 00:27:21,221 --> 00:27:22,882 You're not alone. 319 00:27:22,923 --> 00:27:24,117 For a limited time only, 320 00:27:24,158 --> 00:27:26,854 you, too, can have this handsome epidermis... 321 00:27:26,894 --> 00:27:31,058 for the eensy price of your soul and a buttload of pain. 322 00:27:31,098 --> 00:27:33,430 -Let's get out of here! -Oh, my God! 323 00:27:34,201 --> 00:27:36,465 I hate weekend Satanists, don't you? 324 00:27:36,503 --> 00:27:38,334 Look at you. 325 00:27:40,007 --> 00:27:44,637 From spawn larva to full-fledged Hellspawn in record time. 326 00:27:46,080 --> 00:27:48,514 What...is this? 327 00:27:49,750 --> 00:27:51,411 You were tied to the tracks, 328 00:27:51,452 --> 00:27:54,717 and that stupid train just kept running over you, didn't it? 329 00:27:54,755 --> 00:27:56,188 Running over you. 330 00:27:57,358 --> 00:28:00,452 In the name of the people and things of Hell, 331 00:28:00,494 --> 00:28:02,462 I dub thee... 332 00:28:02,496 --> 00:28:06,091 Spawn, general of Hell's army. 333 00:28:06,133 --> 00:28:07,964 Arise, Your Crispness! 334 00:28:08,002 --> 00:28:11,096 Arise, Duke of Deep-Fried! 335 00:28:11,138 --> 00:28:12,400 Sultan of Sizzling! 336 00:28:12,439 --> 00:28:15,033 Emir of Ooey-Gooey! 337 00:28:15,075 --> 00:28:18,135 So I suck as a clown. Bite me. 338 00:28:18,178 --> 00:28:22,638 Do your job, I'll be the first to kiss your black butt, 339 00:28:22,683 --> 00:28:24,344 but if you can't hack it, 340 00:28:24,385 --> 00:28:26,580 I'll Fed Ex your worthless carcass... 341 00:28:26,620 --> 00:28:27,985 back to the frying pan, 342 00:28:28,022 --> 00:28:30,217 where Malebolgia will be waiting for us. 343 00:28:33,794 --> 00:28:35,762 You'll wake up the dead. That's you. 344 00:28:35,796 --> 00:28:37,423 Dead people can still die. 345 00:28:37,464 --> 00:28:41,127 All I got to do is cut off your head. 346 00:28:41,835 --> 00:28:43,530 Oh, God. 347 00:28:44,071 --> 00:28:46,266 Did you have to use the "G" word? 348 00:28:47,341 --> 00:28:50,003 Wanda... 349 00:28:50,044 --> 00:28:52,035 What have I done? 350 00:28:58,952 --> 00:29:00,783 You done with this Hallmark moment? 351 00:29:00,821 --> 00:29:03,881 I can't take any more of this sentimental crap. Come on. 352 00:29:06,393 --> 00:29:08,588 I'll come back when your armor hardens. 353 00:29:08,629 --> 00:29:10,893 Don't play with it. You'll go blind. 354 00:29:11,632 --> 00:29:13,896 I have a few more details to attend to, 355 00:29:13,934 --> 00:29:15,925 and then we can play. 356 00:29:21,041 --> 00:29:23,305 Yuck! 357 00:29:23,343 --> 00:29:25,277 I hate anchovies. 358 00:29:36,890 --> 00:29:39,950 That tastes so good, I could kick some puppies! 359 00:29:55,476 --> 00:29:57,467 This freak stuff will come in handy... 360 00:29:57,511 --> 00:29:59,479 when I get my hands on Wynn. 361 00:30:00,447 --> 00:30:02,005 You're letting them get to you. 362 00:30:03,283 --> 00:30:04,682 Easy, friend. 363 00:30:04,718 --> 00:30:07,312 Every choice has its consequences. 364 00:30:08,755 --> 00:30:10,245 Who are you? 365 00:30:12,793 --> 00:30:15,455 An assassin...like you. 366 00:30:15,496 --> 00:30:19,830 I killed for the kingdom of Saxony 500 years ago. 367 00:30:19,867 --> 00:30:22,199 I am Cogliostro. 368 00:30:22,236 --> 00:30:25,399 That's all you need to know... for now. 369 00:30:25,439 --> 00:30:28,340 Are there any normal people left on Earth? 370 00:30:28,375 --> 00:30:31,936 Or is everyone just back from Hell? 371 00:31:09,683 --> 00:31:12,311 How do you address the accusations from some... 372 00:31:12,352 --> 00:31:14,616 that the CIA only acts to protect... 373 00:31:14,655 --> 00:31:15,781 the government's economic interests... 374 00:31:15,822 --> 00:31:17,551 in the regions of conflict? 375 00:31:17,591 --> 00:31:19,650 I think the government has been attentive... 376 00:31:19,693 --> 00:31:22,321 to the sensitivities of the nations involved. 377 00:31:22,362 --> 00:31:25,923 Since the unfortunate incident in Southeast Asia last week, 378 00:31:25,966 --> 00:31:28,730 Director Wynn has been meeting with several world leaders... 379 00:31:28,769 --> 00:31:30,532 in an attempt to quell the proliferation... 380 00:31:30,571 --> 00:31:31,731 of global conflicts. 381 00:31:31,772 --> 00:31:33,433 Has this produced results? 382 00:31:33,473 --> 00:31:36,442 Last week's peace summit between Arabs and lsraelis... 383 00:31:36,476 --> 00:31:39,377 was disrupted by bomb threats from the Christian Coalition. 384 00:31:40,113 --> 00:31:42,047 Fitzgerald may be a spineless bureaucrat, 385 00:31:42,082 --> 00:31:44,778 but he's doing a great P.R. job for me. 386 00:31:44,818 --> 00:31:47,013 The world is going to Hell in a handbasket. 387 00:31:47,054 --> 00:31:49,989 Thanks to him, it's just another story on the 5:00 news. 388 00:31:50,023 --> 00:31:52,423 Like lambs to the slaughter. 389 00:31:53,026 --> 00:31:54,789 The best is yet to come. 390 00:31:59,967 --> 00:32:01,434 There it is, Jess. 391 00:32:01,468 --> 00:32:03,527 Finally ready. 392 00:32:03,570 --> 00:32:05,470 HEAT-16. 393 00:32:05,505 --> 00:32:08,303 Makes the Ebola virus look like a skin rash. 394 00:32:09,243 --> 00:32:12,212 That North Korean biochemical operation really paid off. 395 00:32:12,246 --> 00:32:16,239 We harvested the ultimate weapon from those diseased bodies, 396 00:32:16,283 --> 00:32:18,911 and now we have the only vaccine. 397 00:32:20,587 --> 00:32:23,249 -Was there ever any doubt? -Never. 398 00:32:23,290 --> 00:32:25,850 We have weapons in place to disperse HEAT-16... 399 00:32:25,892 --> 00:32:28,656 over half of this godforsaken globe. 400 00:32:28,695 --> 00:32:31,493 Soon the whole world will be at my command. 401 00:32:31,531 --> 00:32:33,556 Anyone who refuses to join my consortium... 402 00:32:33,600 --> 00:32:34,931 won't be around to argue. 403 00:33:11,972 --> 00:33:14,065 Time to get reacquainted, Jason. 404 00:33:15,075 --> 00:33:18,203 Director Wynn, Terry Fitzgerald is here. 405 00:33:18,245 --> 00:33:19,735 Send him in. 406 00:33:20,614 --> 00:33:23,344 Speak of the devil. Come in. Good to see you. 407 00:33:23,383 --> 00:33:24,873 Director, the car is waiting downstairs. 408 00:33:24,918 --> 00:33:27,216 Good. You know Agent Priest. 409 00:33:27,254 --> 00:33:29,779 Yes. Could I have a word with you...alone? 410 00:33:29,823 --> 00:33:31,484 Of course. Would you excuse us? 411 00:33:35,295 --> 00:33:36,990 Glad you dropped by, son. 412 00:33:37,030 --> 00:33:39,794 I want to commend you on your handling of the media. 413 00:33:39,833 --> 00:33:42,028 Those rumors about me were becoming a real headache. 414 00:33:42,069 --> 00:33:43,764 -Let's have a drink. -Thank you. 415 00:33:45,372 --> 00:33:47,840 I know we've been covering up problems... 416 00:33:47,874 --> 00:33:50,308 with our missions overseas. 417 00:33:50,344 --> 00:33:52,209 I really can't keep lying like this, sir. 418 00:33:52,245 --> 00:33:55,442 Lying? Really? 419 00:33:55,482 --> 00:33:57,279 I'd like to put a team together, 420 00:33:57,317 --> 00:34:00,480 analyze the field op data, get to the bottom of it. 421 00:34:00,520 --> 00:34:02,647 But you're not an analyst anymore. 422 00:34:02,689 --> 00:34:05,089 There's no reason not to take a look, sir. 423 00:34:05,125 --> 00:34:08,356 -On the contrary. -Beg your pardon? 424 00:34:08,395 --> 00:34:13,094 Tell me... how are Cyan and Wanda? 425 00:34:14,201 --> 00:34:16,965 Little girl just had a birthday, didn't she? 426 00:34:17,003 --> 00:34:18,868 They're both fine. 427 00:34:18,905 --> 00:34:20,372 I'm glad to hear that. 428 00:34:20,407 --> 00:34:22,875 Now, let's get something straight. 429 00:34:22,909 --> 00:34:25,309 I run this organization the way I see fit, 430 00:34:25,345 --> 00:34:29,145 and I will do whatever is necessary to keep it that way. 431 00:34:29,182 --> 00:34:32,310 Your job is to make damn sure the public agrees with me. 432 00:34:32,352 --> 00:34:33,512 That clear enough? 433 00:34:34,955 --> 00:34:36,115 Good. 434 00:34:43,663 --> 00:34:45,187 The car is waiting. 435 00:35:35,549 --> 00:35:37,380 Achmed and Abdullah. 436 00:35:37,417 --> 00:35:39,510 Achmed, my friend. Good to see you. 437 00:35:39,553 --> 00:35:41,487 Abdullah, good to see you. 438 00:35:41,521 --> 00:35:43,113 Up. 439 00:35:47,527 --> 00:35:48,755 This one here. 440 00:35:48,795 --> 00:35:49,955 Excuse us. 441 00:36:08,348 --> 00:36:10,680 Excuse me, sir. Urgent call. 442 00:36:10,717 --> 00:36:11,979 Gentlemen... 443 00:36:12,986 --> 00:36:14,248 Have you made a decision? 444 00:36:14,287 --> 00:36:16,346 Your HEAT-16 test was very impressive. 445 00:36:16,389 --> 00:36:19,449 How do you control delivery of the weapon? 446 00:36:19,493 --> 00:36:21,688 It's the latest in nanotechnology. 447 00:36:21,728 --> 00:36:24,959 Let me assure you, the weapon is problem-free. 448 00:36:24,998 --> 00:36:27,728 We've already placed orders with several of our allies. 449 00:36:27,767 --> 00:36:31,601 You're becoming quite a powerful man. 450 00:36:31,638 --> 00:36:34,368 Your consortium will soon rival the United Nations. 451 00:36:34,407 --> 00:36:35,499 Not at all, sir. 452 00:36:35,542 --> 00:36:37,772 I'm just a facilitator. Thank you. 453 00:36:37,811 --> 00:36:40,473 My partners are the beneficiaries. 454 00:36:40,514 --> 00:36:42,209 To my partners, gentlemen. 455 00:36:45,485 --> 00:36:47,680 -Code red security breach, sir. -Where? 456 00:36:47,721 --> 00:36:49,416 At the armory. A detail's en route. 457 00:36:49,456 --> 00:36:51,686 I'm on my way. Damn it. 458 00:36:53,159 --> 00:36:54,888 Agent Priest has arrived. 459 00:37:05,972 --> 00:37:07,200 Wait here. 460 00:37:07,874 --> 00:37:10,104 There's been a break-in at A-6, the armory. 461 00:37:10,143 --> 00:37:11,974 -Who? -We don't know. 462 00:37:12,012 --> 00:37:13,741 There's a security detail downstairs with Priest. 463 00:37:13,780 --> 00:37:15,008 Let's get out of here. 464 00:37:31,798 --> 00:37:33,629 You! 465 00:37:37,137 --> 00:37:38,297 Who are you? 466 00:37:39,873 --> 00:37:42,034 What's the matter, Jason? 467 00:37:42,075 --> 00:37:44,134 You don't recognize your own handiwork? 468 00:37:45,912 --> 00:37:49,973 You left me to die in that biochem plant, remember? 469 00:37:50,016 --> 00:37:51,176 Simmons! 470 00:37:52,419 --> 00:37:54,979 You sent me to Hell! 471 00:37:55,021 --> 00:37:57,216 I'm here to return the favor! 472 00:38:08,168 --> 00:38:09,692 I trusted you. 473 00:38:09,736 --> 00:38:11,135 Jesus. 474 00:38:11,171 --> 00:38:12,729 How could you marry Wanda? 475 00:38:12,772 --> 00:38:14,672 How could you? 476 00:38:14,708 --> 00:38:17,541 Al, when you died... 477 00:38:18,645 --> 00:38:20,442 Wanda was devastated. 478 00:38:21,848 --> 00:38:24,078 Do you know about Cyan? 479 00:38:28,655 --> 00:38:30,122 Time to die, Jason. 480 00:38:38,565 --> 00:38:41,363 Nice outfit, asshole. 481 00:39:01,254 --> 00:39:02,744 Damn. 482 00:39:05,258 --> 00:39:06,589 What the Hell is that? 483 00:39:06,626 --> 00:39:08,059 It's Simmons! 484 00:39:08,595 --> 00:39:09,960 What are you talking about? 485 00:39:09,996 --> 00:39:11,987 That thing is Simmons! 486 00:39:12,032 --> 00:39:13,590 I want you to nail him now! 487 00:39:55,208 --> 00:39:58,473 It's a little early for Halloween. 488 00:39:58,511 --> 00:40:01,674 Where you're going, every day's Halloween. 489 00:40:05,919 --> 00:40:08,183 You don't have the guts. 490 00:40:19,466 --> 00:40:21,434 You're right. 491 00:40:21,468 --> 00:40:22,730 Coming, coming. 492 00:40:22,769 --> 00:40:25,329 Will that be the same or separate checks, lady? 493 00:40:26,606 --> 00:40:29,598 Just when I was getting sick of you whining about Wanda, 494 00:40:29,642 --> 00:40:30,904 you do us proud. 495 00:40:30,944 --> 00:40:33,777 So congrats on your first mission. 496 00:40:33,813 --> 00:40:35,713 Go ahead. 497 00:40:35,749 --> 00:40:37,046 Run! 498 00:41:22,695 --> 00:41:23,957 Holy shit! 499 00:41:29,302 --> 00:41:31,668 Shoot on sight. 500 00:41:31,704 --> 00:41:33,899 I say again-- shoot on sight. 501 00:41:33,940 --> 00:41:35,100 Get a light on him! 502 00:41:37,777 --> 00:41:38,937 There! 503 00:41:59,732 --> 00:42:00,926 -You see him? -No, sir! 504 00:42:03,469 --> 00:42:05,232 Where the hell did he go? 505 00:42:10,910 --> 00:42:12,241 Negative, sir! 506 00:42:22,922 --> 00:42:25,288 -There he is! -All right! Take him! 507 00:43:10,703 --> 00:43:12,193 What have we got here? 508 00:43:12,238 --> 00:43:13,728 Gunshot wound to the head, Doc. 509 00:43:14,407 --> 00:43:16,034 Oh, she's dead. 510 00:43:16,075 --> 00:43:17,064 Come on. 511 00:43:20,113 --> 00:43:21,273 Easy. 512 00:43:26,586 --> 00:43:28,247 Make some room here. 513 00:43:31,090 --> 00:43:33,524 Put her around the back. 514 00:43:40,800 --> 00:43:43,462 Why didn't you warn me about Simmons? 515 00:43:43,503 --> 00:43:45,437 Spawn was ready sooner than I expected, 516 00:43:45,471 --> 00:43:47,905 so don't get your panties in a wad. 517 00:43:47,941 --> 00:43:49,431 Always bitching at me-- 518 00:43:49,475 --> 00:43:50,874 "Why didn't you tell me about Simmons?" 519 00:43:50,910 --> 00:43:52,468 "Why didn't you tell me it was going to hurt?" 520 00:43:52,512 --> 00:43:53,911 "Am I going to go to Hell?" 521 00:43:53,947 --> 00:43:56,245 Oh, grow up, you syphilitic ball-sac. 522 00:43:56,282 --> 00:43:58,216 At least you had fun compared to them. 523 00:43:58,251 --> 00:44:01,379 Fun? Does this look like Playland to you? 524 00:44:02,188 --> 00:44:04,520 He killed Priest! He damn near killed me! 525 00:44:04,557 --> 00:44:06,582 You say that like it's a bad thing. 526 00:44:07,794 --> 00:44:11,560 No, Jerky. Jerky, Spawn's a big idiot. 527 00:44:11,597 --> 00:44:13,360 Look, he's been through Hell. 528 00:44:15,435 --> 00:44:18,666 As soon as he finishes one more little detail, 529 00:44:18,705 --> 00:44:20,434 he'll be ready to join us. 530 00:44:20,473 --> 00:44:21,940 I've done my part. 531 00:44:21,975 --> 00:44:24,443 How about yours? How we doing on your front? 532 00:44:26,846 --> 00:44:29,041 HEAT-16 is ready to go. 533 00:44:29,082 --> 00:44:30,606 It better be. 534 00:44:30,650 --> 00:44:32,345 The army's ready. 535 00:44:32,385 --> 00:44:33,784 The Spawn's ready. 536 00:44:33,820 --> 00:44:35,378 The HEAT-16 completes the picture. 537 00:44:35,421 --> 00:44:36,786 Congrat-a-freak-a-lations. 538 00:44:36,823 --> 00:44:39,485 What's Simmons got to do with all this? 539 00:44:39,525 --> 00:44:42,824 He's just the highest-scoring killer of all time. 540 00:44:42,862 --> 00:44:45,729 If we hadn't recruited him, the other side would have. 541 00:44:45,765 --> 00:44:48,165 I almost forgot again. 542 00:44:48,201 --> 00:44:51,466 Memo from Brimstone Breath-- 543 00:44:51,504 --> 00:44:53,768 we're going to rig a fancy-schmancy device... 544 00:44:53,806 --> 00:44:56,775 that connects your heartbeat to the HEAT-16 bomb, 545 00:44:56,809 --> 00:45:00,108 so if your heart stops ticking, the bomb goes off. 546 00:45:00,146 --> 00:45:01,704 We don't want any smart-ass fruitcake... 547 00:45:01,748 --> 00:45:03,477 taking you out ahead of schedule. 548 00:45:03,516 --> 00:45:06,713 An insurance policy from Hell, the good hands people. 549 00:45:06,753 --> 00:45:08,687 That's a good idea. I like that. 550 00:45:08,721 --> 00:45:11,781 I want your special attention dealing with Spawn, you hear me? 551 00:45:11,824 --> 00:45:13,655 Gladly. 552 00:45:13,693 --> 00:45:14,682 Good. 553 00:45:14,727 --> 00:45:15,887 Now, stay sharp. 554 00:45:15,928 --> 00:45:17,190 The night is young. 555 00:45:17,230 --> 00:45:18,492 Ladies? 556 00:45:20,166 --> 00:45:22,157 Ooh, Clownie. 557 00:45:22,201 --> 00:45:23,327 Ah, yes. 558 00:45:23,369 --> 00:45:26,133 Have you ever ridden a clown's pink pony? 559 00:45:26,172 --> 00:45:27,639 I think it's about time. 560 00:45:32,945 --> 00:45:35,209 When all the world is mine, 561 00:45:35,248 --> 00:45:38,877 I will personally fry your lard-ass. 562 00:45:41,587 --> 00:45:42,747 As you've seen, 563 00:45:42,789 --> 00:45:45,485 the terrible North Korean biochemical disaster... 564 00:45:45,525 --> 00:45:48,255 unleashed a whole host of new diseases. 565 00:45:48,294 --> 00:45:50,353 Ten thousand people died in the first month... 566 00:45:50,396 --> 00:45:52,626 after the disaster five years ago. 567 00:45:52,665 --> 00:45:55,691 Millions have contracted these fatal diseases-- 568 00:45:55,735 --> 00:45:58,169 diphtheria, cholera, smallpox-- 569 00:45:58,204 --> 00:46:00,502 diseases that had been virtually wiped out. 570 00:46:00,540 --> 00:46:03,532 Thought I was getting rid of the world's vermin, 571 00:46:03,576 --> 00:46:06,204 and I turn out to be one of them. 572 00:46:08,047 --> 00:46:10,880 The number of sick and dying children continues to grow. 573 00:46:14,887 --> 00:46:16,684 It's up to us to put an end... 574 00:46:16,722 --> 00:46:19,384 to the suffering of these innocent children. 575 00:46:19,425 --> 00:46:20,722 Spaz! 576 00:46:28,501 --> 00:46:29,934 What happened to you? 577 00:46:31,037 --> 00:46:34,200 I was playing with Spaz, and I fell down. 578 00:46:34,240 --> 00:46:35,673 Are you all right? 579 00:46:35,708 --> 00:46:38,302 Yeah, I'm OK. 580 00:46:39,912 --> 00:46:43,404 Wow. Your face is weird. 581 00:46:46,018 --> 00:46:47,747 Cool. 582 00:46:47,787 --> 00:46:49,254 What's your name? 583 00:46:51,424 --> 00:46:52,550 Spawn. 584 00:46:52,592 --> 00:46:54,355 I'm Cyan. 585 00:46:56,329 --> 00:46:58,194 You have your mother's eyes. 586 00:46:58,231 --> 00:47:01,962 I knew her a long time ago. 587 00:47:02,001 --> 00:47:04,492 Let's get you back to your mother. 588 00:47:04,537 --> 00:47:06,596 My, my, my. 589 00:47:06,639 --> 00:47:08,231 What a pretty little dress. 590 00:47:08,274 --> 00:47:11,903 I wonder if she's got it in my size? 591 00:47:12,979 --> 00:47:14,537 Spawnie, Spawnie, he's our man. 592 00:47:14,580 --> 00:47:16,548 If he can't kill 'em, no one can. 593 00:47:16,582 --> 00:47:18,550 Yay, Spawnie! 594 00:47:18,584 --> 00:47:21,747 "S" to the "p" to the "a" to the "awn." 595 00:47:21,787 --> 00:47:23,311 Go, Spawnie, go, Spawnie! 596 00:47:26,325 --> 00:47:28,452 You fool! 597 00:47:28,494 --> 00:47:30,724 I put you on Earth... 598 00:47:30,763 --> 00:47:34,221 to make sure Spawn keeps his end of the bargain. 599 00:47:34,267 --> 00:47:36,895 Why'd you pick him to lead the army anyway? 600 00:47:36,936 --> 00:47:37,903 What are you thinking? 601 00:47:37,937 --> 00:47:39,700 It should be me. 602 00:47:39,739 --> 00:47:41,536 I had the tenure. 603 00:47:41,574 --> 00:47:44,975 It's not fair! It's not fair! 604 00:47:45,011 --> 00:47:47,241 And that's exactly the kind of talk... 605 00:47:47,280 --> 00:47:49,908 we don't tolerate around here, right, boss? 606 00:47:49,949 --> 00:47:51,439 Enough! 607 00:47:51,484 --> 00:47:53,213 Spawn must choose... 608 00:47:53,252 --> 00:47:56,744 to murder Wynn and release the virus. 609 00:47:56,789 --> 00:48:00,987 Then my army will be complete. 610 00:48:01,027 --> 00:48:02,358 Now, now, boss... 611 00:48:02,395 --> 00:48:05,091 This is your last chance. 612 00:48:06,299 --> 00:48:07,493 Thank you. 613 00:48:10,703 --> 00:48:13,570 Excuse me. Cyan! 614 00:48:15,041 --> 00:48:18,408 Honey, didn't I tell you not to leave my sight? 615 00:48:18,444 --> 00:48:22,210 I was playing with Spaz, and I fell down, 616 00:48:22,248 --> 00:48:24,739 and Spawn came and helped me. 617 00:48:24,784 --> 00:48:27,048 You're not supposed to talk to strangers, either. 618 00:48:27,086 --> 00:48:29,054 Spawn's not a stranger, Mommy. 619 00:48:32,725 --> 00:48:35,455 -We're going home right now. -What's going on? 620 00:48:37,063 --> 00:48:38,587 -What is going on? -I'll explain later. 621 00:48:38,631 --> 00:48:39,757 No, explain now. 622 00:48:39,799 --> 00:48:42,597 I'm not going through this again. No secrets. 623 00:48:42,635 --> 00:48:44,466 Wynn was attacked at the reception. 624 00:48:44,503 --> 00:48:46,903 I don't want to take any chances. 625 00:48:48,908 --> 00:48:50,068 Trust me. 626 00:49:05,424 --> 00:49:06,914 Go home. 627 00:49:10,730 --> 00:49:12,095 Fix your seat belt, honey. 628 00:49:13,532 --> 00:49:15,124 What the hell is going on? 629 00:49:15,167 --> 00:49:17,761 Daddy, what about Spaz? 630 00:49:19,639 --> 00:49:21,368 Spaz? 631 00:49:24,610 --> 00:49:26,373 Go home, Spaz. 632 00:49:30,416 --> 00:49:32,782 He knows the way back home better than we do. 633 00:49:37,923 --> 00:49:39,117 Let's go, Terry. 634 00:49:50,036 --> 00:49:52,470 You don't want to be where I'm going. 635 00:49:57,743 --> 00:49:59,472 But it's your funeral. 636 00:50:19,265 --> 00:50:21,028 Hey, what the hell are you doing? 637 00:50:21,067 --> 00:50:23,160 Puking up decent food, boy? 638 00:50:23,202 --> 00:50:24,362 It's rotten. 639 00:50:26,138 --> 00:50:29,835 You think we eat so good you can just spit up what you like? 640 00:50:31,477 --> 00:50:33,104 Don't talk back to me. 641 00:50:39,785 --> 00:50:41,343 Eat this! 642 00:50:50,296 --> 00:50:52,628 No, don't! He's my dad. 643 00:51:05,444 --> 00:51:07,002 Keep away from him. 644 00:51:11,117 --> 00:51:12,243 B.P. and heart rate? 645 00:51:12,284 --> 00:51:15,082 One-thirty-four over 77, heart rate, 60. 646 00:51:15,121 --> 00:51:17,715 Let's increase the flow to 3.5. 647 00:51:20,593 --> 00:51:22,060 We're ready for the monitor. 648 00:51:25,598 --> 00:51:27,498 I'll make a small incision... 649 00:51:27,533 --> 00:51:30,263 so that we can insert this heart monitor. 650 00:51:30,302 --> 00:51:32,395 You'll feel a slight pinch. 651 00:52:03,402 --> 00:52:06,769 Awesome hardware. What will you do with it? 652 00:52:06,806 --> 00:52:09,206 Throw someone a going-away party. 653 00:52:10,609 --> 00:52:12,133 Need any help? 654 00:52:12,978 --> 00:52:15,037 Listen, kid... 655 00:52:15,080 --> 00:52:17,071 I'm not looking to make friends. 656 00:52:26,258 --> 00:52:28,749 -What's your name? -Zack. 657 00:52:28,794 --> 00:52:31,558 I'm Al. 658 00:52:31,597 --> 00:52:33,087 That's Spaz. 659 00:52:42,074 --> 00:52:43,701 Breathe normally, Director. 660 00:52:48,047 --> 00:52:50,515 The system is now operational. 661 00:52:50,549 --> 00:52:52,744 As per your orders, Director Wynn, 662 00:52:52,785 --> 00:52:55,948 if your vital signs flatline for any reason, 663 00:52:55,988 --> 00:52:59,822 the device will uplink and detonate the HEAT-16 bombs. 664 00:52:59,859 --> 00:53:02,259 No one would dare kill you. 665 00:53:02,294 --> 00:53:04,592 Good work, Doc. 666 00:53:06,999 --> 00:53:08,830 What a double cross. 667 00:53:08,868 --> 00:53:12,804 I got Wynn to kill Spawn and create the HEAT-16 bomb. 668 00:53:12,838 --> 00:53:16,205 Now I get Spawn to murder Wynn and release the virus. 669 00:53:17,076 --> 00:53:19,567 If all goes well, it should hurt like hell. 670 00:53:21,380 --> 00:53:25,510 I can't believe I actually got Wynn to get operated. 671 00:53:25,551 --> 00:53:26,745 What a maroon. 672 00:53:26,785 --> 00:53:29,447 It's going to send Earth into a tailspin... 673 00:53:29,488 --> 00:53:31,683 of death and destruction. 674 00:53:42,468 --> 00:53:43,730 It's time. 675 00:53:47,806 --> 00:53:52,470 Sometimes I wake up at night down in the alley and wonder... 676 00:53:53,546 --> 00:53:54,979 Is this Hell? 677 00:53:55,014 --> 00:53:56,777 Not yet... 678 00:53:56,815 --> 00:53:58,282 but soon. 679 00:53:59,718 --> 00:54:01,310 Heads up. 680 00:54:02,388 --> 00:54:03,582 Got one. 681 00:54:05,090 --> 00:54:07,320 Who's your new friend, Spawn? 682 00:54:07,359 --> 00:54:09,259 -Get out of here, Zack. -But-- 683 00:54:09,295 --> 00:54:10,557 -Go! 684 00:54:18,037 --> 00:54:19,231 Miss me? 685 00:54:20,573 --> 00:54:22,700 Here's Clownie! 686 00:54:24,710 --> 00:54:27,907 It was you who told Wynn to kill me. 687 00:54:27,947 --> 00:54:30,848 Guilty as charged. 688 00:54:30,883 --> 00:54:33,215 Before I blow your fat circus ass away, 689 00:54:33,252 --> 00:54:35,812 tell me why you picked me to lead your war. 690 00:54:35,854 --> 00:54:39,847 If it isn't Curious Crispy. 691 00:54:39,892 --> 00:54:41,359 The evil's been there... 692 00:54:41,393 --> 00:54:44,226 since you were soup in your mama's crotch. 693 00:54:44,263 --> 00:54:48,461 Your DNA spelled DOA, and we just nursed it along. 694 00:54:48,500 --> 00:54:52,596 Those assassin missions were just training for what's coming. 695 00:54:52,638 --> 00:54:55,698 Let's get down to business. 696 00:54:55,741 --> 00:54:58,938 Wynn's finally got that HEAT-16 virus bomb working. 697 00:54:58,978 --> 00:55:00,445 Made especially for you. 698 00:55:00,479 --> 00:55:02,743 Get things started with a big, wet, infectious... 699 00:55:04,650 --> 00:55:09,349 All you have to do is just lead us to the holy land, 700 00:55:09,388 --> 00:55:11,686 so we can burn it down. 701 00:55:13,726 --> 00:55:16,820 You filthy little piece of vermin. 702 00:55:16,862 --> 00:55:20,025 What makes you think I would join your army? 703 00:55:20,065 --> 00:55:22,727 You can take your army and shove it. 704 00:55:22,768 --> 00:55:25,760 Sounds like a country song-- "Take your army and shove it." 705 00:55:25,804 --> 00:55:28,932 You've got that "l want to beat the fat little man"... 706 00:55:28,974 --> 00:55:30,441 Iook in your eye. 707 00:55:34,747 --> 00:55:37,580 I'm going to cut you into 50 pieces... 708 00:55:37,616 --> 00:55:39,675 and mail you to every state. 709 00:55:39,718 --> 00:55:41,948 I'll take your intestines and-- 710 00:55:44,890 --> 00:55:47,450 I don't know how you put up with this crap. 711 00:55:48,961 --> 00:55:50,929 You're a bigger fool than I thought... 712 00:55:50,963 --> 00:55:53,431 if you think you're going to wreck my plans. 713 00:55:53,465 --> 00:55:55,228 You'll do what you promised. 714 00:55:55,267 --> 00:55:57,599 Put down my dog. 715 00:55:57,636 --> 00:55:59,729 Nice doggie. 716 00:55:59,772 --> 00:56:02,002 Heel, fetch... 717 00:56:02,041 --> 00:56:03,565 No, I got it. 718 00:56:04,877 --> 00:56:06,640 Play dead! 719 00:56:15,721 --> 00:56:17,746 You want to do it the hard way? 720 00:56:17,790 --> 00:56:19,417 I warned you. 721 00:56:19,458 --> 00:56:23,121 I'll just have to teach you a lesson. 722 00:56:23,162 --> 00:56:25,756 No more clowning around. 723 00:56:25,798 --> 00:56:27,629 I'm not the vindicator... 724 00:56:27,666 --> 00:56:29,634 or the victimizer... 725 00:56:29,668 --> 00:56:32,501 or the vaporizer or the vibrator. 726 00:56:33,439 --> 00:56:35,304 I'm... 727 00:56:35,340 --> 00:56:37,706 the violator! 728 00:57:40,773 --> 00:57:41,671 Good Lord! 729 00:57:47,379 --> 00:57:48,471 I ain't staying! 730 00:58:48,774 --> 00:58:50,537 Damn alley ain't safe no more! 731 00:59:00,886 --> 00:59:02,285 We're going. 732 01:00:18,997 --> 01:00:22,433 Violator, one, Spawnie-boy, zero. 733 01:00:28,573 --> 01:00:31,838 You've been violated, girlie-man, huh? 734 01:00:31,877 --> 01:00:34,175 I could have killed you like that. 735 01:00:34,212 --> 01:00:37,113 Is that a little more surprise than you wanted? 736 01:00:37,149 --> 01:00:41,848 Twinkle, twinkle, little Spawn. 737 01:00:41,887 --> 01:00:43,252 You look like crap. 738 01:00:43,288 --> 01:00:45,256 Go fertilize my lawn. 739 01:00:46,291 --> 01:00:48,384 You're not excited yet? 740 01:00:48,427 --> 01:00:51,396 Helter-skelter's coming down with or without you. 741 01:00:51,430 --> 01:00:53,261 Either you lead the army, 742 01:00:53,298 --> 01:00:56,131 or Wynn plays pin-the-tail on Wanda. 743 01:00:56,168 --> 01:00:59,695 "Hey, Wanda, come on, give me that sweet stuff." 744 01:00:59,738 --> 01:01:03,196 "Oh, no. Oh, please, Wynn, don't. 745 01:01:03,241 --> 01:01:06,074 "Somebody help me." 746 01:01:06,111 --> 01:01:08,238 Forget Terry. 747 01:01:08,280 --> 01:01:12,512 It's my turn to ride the Wanda carousel of love. 748 01:01:13,852 --> 01:01:16,719 Stay away from her. 749 01:01:17,756 --> 01:01:19,417 Your choice. 750 01:01:19,458 --> 01:01:20,891 See you at Wanda's. 751 01:01:20,926 --> 01:01:23,190 Last one there gets her rotten eggs. 752 01:01:25,764 --> 01:01:29,325 Wynn and Wanda sitting in a tree, 753 01:01:29,368 --> 01:01:32,462 s-u-c-k-i-n-g. 754 01:01:32,504 --> 01:01:34,301 First comes love... 755 01:01:36,808 --> 01:01:39,208 The truth has taken its toll on you. 756 01:01:40,712 --> 01:01:42,805 I'm going to kill that asshole. 757 01:01:42,848 --> 01:01:45,544 You still haven't learned. 758 01:02:09,141 --> 01:02:10,972 Clearance granted. 759 01:02:19,718 --> 01:02:22,380 Downloading secure files. 760 01:02:31,396 --> 01:02:33,125 Gotcha, Jason. 761 01:02:35,567 --> 01:02:37,933 I can't afford to be wrong. 762 01:02:47,112 --> 01:02:48,773 Still with us, I see. 763 01:03:06,231 --> 01:03:08,096 Your vengeance... 764 01:03:08,133 --> 01:03:09,566 their pain. 765 01:03:09,601 --> 01:03:12,399 Wynn, Wanda-- none of this is worth the cost. 766 01:03:14,339 --> 01:03:18,002 Those are the only things that matter to me now. 767 01:03:18,043 --> 01:03:19,874 AI Simmons is dead. 768 01:03:19,911 --> 01:03:21,776 Let him go. 769 01:03:21,813 --> 01:03:24,213 I am Simmons, old man. 770 01:03:29,554 --> 01:03:31,112 You're Spawn now, 771 01:03:31,156 --> 01:03:34,057 but that doesn't mean you have to be what they want. 772 01:03:44,169 --> 01:03:46,694 You're still letting them get to you. 773 01:03:46,738 --> 01:03:48,501 Your anger is your weakness. 774 01:03:48,540 --> 01:03:51,907 They'll use it to rob you of any humanity you have left. 775 01:03:51,943 --> 01:03:53,911 AI Simmons knew that violence... 776 01:03:53,945 --> 01:03:56,607 only makes for more pain and suffering. 777 01:03:56,648 --> 01:03:58,513 He tried to leave off killing, 778 01:03:58,550 --> 01:04:00,347 give himself a second chance. 779 01:04:01,419 --> 01:04:04,513 Your old life is gone. Accept that. 780 01:04:06,992 --> 01:04:08,892 I still love Wanda. 781 01:04:08,927 --> 01:04:11,088 Put her in the past. 782 01:04:11,129 --> 01:04:13,359 It's the only way you can be free. 783 01:04:13,398 --> 01:04:15,559 She's the only reason I'm here. 784 01:04:19,871 --> 01:04:22,066 The war between Heaven and Hell... 785 01:04:22,107 --> 01:04:24,473 depends on the choices we make, 786 01:04:24,509 --> 01:04:27,535 and those choices require sacrifice. 787 01:04:27,579 --> 01:04:29,046 That's the test. 788 01:04:36,955 --> 01:04:39,515 I didn't know this was going to happen. 789 01:04:40,959 --> 01:04:43,189 I'm going to nail that scumbag. 790 01:05:00,812 --> 01:05:02,370 Kiss it good-bye, Clown. 791 01:05:02,414 --> 01:05:05,679 This is just what they want. You're playing their game. 792 01:05:06,685 --> 01:05:08,482 Then I'll play dirty. 793 01:05:08,520 --> 01:05:11,978 -Guns are useless. -You got a better idea? 794 01:05:27,205 --> 01:05:28,502 I might. 795 01:05:33,678 --> 01:05:37,341 You've been using your armor only by reflex. 796 01:05:37,382 --> 01:05:39,316 You must learn to control it. 797 01:05:39,351 --> 01:05:41,546 It has trillions of neuroconnections. 798 01:05:41,586 --> 01:05:44,680 They're a living extension of your own instincts, 799 01:05:44,723 --> 01:05:47,624 instantly translating your thought... 800 01:05:47,659 --> 01:05:49,923 into physical reality, 801 01:05:49,961 --> 01:05:53,124 so long as you stay clear and focused. 802 01:05:55,467 --> 01:05:57,526 So...that's how it works. 803 01:06:07,379 --> 01:06:08,869 -Cool! -Now try your chains. 804 01:06:15,320 --> 01:06:18,312 You must visualize your objective. 805 01:06:18,356 --> 01:06:20,017 The armor does the rest. 806 01:06:20,058 --> 01:06:21,582 All right, Yoda. Wait. 807 01:06:23,962 --> 01:06:25,054 You ready? 808 01:06:26,931 --> 01:06:28,159 All right, go! 809 01:06:36,241 --> 01:06:37,538 Not bad. 810 01:06:39,010 --> 01:06:40,568 Don't get cocky. 811 01:06:40,612 --> 01:06:42,705 You've a lot more to learn. 812 01:06:42,747 --> 01:06:45,215 Your cape has its own powers. 813 01:06:45,250 --> 01:06:47,150 I have to get to Wanda's. 814 01:06:51,723 --> 01:06:53,554 Take care of your powers. 815 01:06:53,591 --> 01:06:56,424 When you drain them, you die. 816 01:06:56,461 --> 01:06:58,053 Won't be needing these. 817 01:07:01,666 --> 01:07:03,156 You're catching on. 818 01:07:05,470 --> 01:07:07,199 Or this. 819 01:07:13,011 --> 01:07:15,479 I want you to return Spaz to me. 820 01:07:15,513 --> 01:07:17,879 No matter how you find him. Understand? 821 01:07:27,058 --> 01:07:29,026 Now... 822 01:07:29,060 --> 01:07:30,687 the final test. 823 01:07:42,574 --> 01:07:43,973 Get out of my way! 824 01:07:47,712 --> 01:07:49,680 I'll get Spawn so worked up, 825 01:07:49,714 --> 01:07:51,545 he'll kill Wynn without blinking. 826 01:07:55,253 --> 01:07:56,550 When I'm done with you, 827 01:07:56,588 --> 01:07:58,317 they'll change your name to "Stain." 828 01:08:09,401 --> 01:08:10,993 Look, Ma, no hands! 829 01:08:30,488 --> 01:08:31,955 I love the smell... 830 01:08:31,990 --> 01:08:34,254 of burning asphalt in the morning! 831 01:08:41,966 --> 01:08:44,298 Send a boy to do a clown's job? 832 01:08:47,071 --> 01:08:50,438 It's an honor to be a Hellspawn, you hear me? 833 01:09:01,252 --> 01:09:02,344 That's not fair! 834 01:09:05,790 --> 01:09:07,951 Time for some necro-goo! 835 01:09:09,961 --> 01:09:13,727 Open wide and say "Aah!" 836 01:09:55,673 --> 01:09:57,664 See you at Wanda's! 837 01:10:30,975 --> 01:10:33,603 Reading secure files. 838 01:10:38,516 --> 01:10:40,609 Christ. 839 01:10:40,652 --> 01:10:43,018 Wynn is out of his mind. 840 01:11:07,378 --> 01:11:09,209 I'm thirsty. 841 01:11:11,816 --> 01:11:14,216 OK, baby. 842 01:11:14,252 --> 01:11:16,846 You want some water? 843 01:11:17,956 --> 01:11:19,890 Establishing connection. 844 01:11:21,092 --> 01:11:22,753 What have you got? 845 01:11:22,794 --> 01:11:26,252 Black bag ops, assassination lists, everything. 846 01:11:26,297 --> 01:11:28,731 Wynn's been using A-6 to run a criminal consortium. 847 01:11:28,766 --> 01:11:32,258 He's got some biological weapon called HEAT-16. 848 01:11:32,303 --> 01:11:33,531 It's all there? 849 01:11:33,571 --> 01:11:35,402 I want to get it on tonight's news. 850 01:11:35,440 --> 01:11:37,408 I'm e-mailing you a copy. 851 01:11:37,442 --> 01:11:40,070 It should be enough to bury Wynn. 852 01:11:40,111 --> 01:11:41,601 Great. 853 01:11:45,083 --> 01:11:46,175 Daddy? 854 01:11:46,217 --> 01:11:48,310 Hey, sweetheart. 855 01:11:53,758 --> 01:11:55,749 What are you doing here? 856 01:11:57,795 --> 01:11:59,524 Some unfinished business. 857 01:12:02,967 --> 01:12:05,697 You disappoint me, Terry. 858 01:12:14,012 --> 01:12:15,639 You can't release the virus. 859 01:12:15,680 --> 01:12:17,409 Millions of people will die. 860 01:12:17,448 --> 01:12:19,882 Only those who refuse to join me. 861 01:12:26,157 --> 01:12:28,125 You're a very lucky man. 862 01:12:30,461 --> 01:12:34,488 Whatever it is you want, just take it and go. 863 01:12:34,532 --> 01:12:36,295 I intend to. 864 01:12:41,172 --> 01:12:42,503 Let's go. 865 01:12:46,377 --> 01:12:47,639 On the floor. 866 01:12:48,646 --> 01:12:51,809 The kid stays with me. Answer the door. 867 01:12:54,052 --> 01:12:55,542 Go on. 868 01:12:56,721 --> 01:12:59,155 It's all right, sweetheart. 869 01:13:03,728 --> 01:13:05,753 Peek-a-boo. 870 01:13:05,797 --> 01:13:07,788 I see you. 871 01:13:09,734 --> 01:13:12,635 This place is hard to find in the dark. 872 01:13:12,670 --> 01:13:15,195 I smell you're not wearing any panties. 873 01:13:17,809 --> 01:13:20,505 Hello, Cyan. Remember me? 874 01:13:24,215 --> 01:13:26,615 You were at my birthday party. 875 01:13:26,651 --> 01:13:28,676 No duh. 876 01:13:28,720 --> 01:13:30,881 What are you, a regular Einstein? 877 01:13:30,922 --> 01:13:32,856 You sure know how to raise them. 878 01:13:32,890 --> 01:13:34,323 Don't you touch her. 879 01:13:35,326 --> 01:13:36,588 Back off, hero. 880 01:13:36,627 --> 01:13:39,858 I'm back by popular demand. 881 01:13:39,897 --> 01:13:42,297 Big as life and twice as rotten. 882 01:13:52,376 --> 01:13:54,344 Does wonders for my asthma. 883 01:13:55,313 --> 01:13:57,076 Where's Spawn? 884 01:13:57,115 --> 01:13:58,810 Let's cut the crap. 885 01:13:58,850 --> 01:14:01,876 Spawn's on his way. You ready to play? 886 01:14:01,919 --> 01:14:03,648 Of course I am. 887 01:14:03,688 --> 01:14:05,622 You better be. 888 01:14:10,695 --> 01:14:13,528 You don't know how much your heart means to me. 889 01:14:17,869 --> 01:14:19,837 Bring 'em, Jerky. 890 01:14:19,871 --> 01:14:21,202 Come on. 891 01:14:51,903 --> 01:14:53,530 Help me, please. 892 01:14:54,806 --> 01:14:56,000 Careful. 893 01:14:56,040 --> 01:14:59,168 Don't make me nervous. I might nick something vital. 894 01:14:59,210 --> 01:15:02,236 -Get away from her. -I can't do that. 895 01:15:02,280 --> 01:15:04,339 She wants me. 896 01:15:04,382 --> 01:15:07,112 You touch her, and you die slow. 897 01:15:07,151 --> 01:15:08,550 All right, Spawn. 898 01:15:08,586 --> 01:15:10,247 No more fun and games. 899 01:15:10,288 --> 01:15:13,519 Either you join Hell's army, or she dies... 900 01:15:13,558 --> 01:15:15,492 after I'm done. 901 01:15:15,526 --> 01:15:18,086 I will rip your heart out! Let her go. 902 01:15:18,129 --> 01:15:20,029 So what's it gonna be? 903 01:15:21,532 --> 01:15:23,261 Time's running out. 904 01:15:27,805 --> 01:15:29,238 Too late. 905 01:15:54,365 --> 01:15:55,992 It's all your fault, Spawn. 906 01:15:56,033 --> 01:15:58,968 She was doing fine till you showed up. 907 01:15:59,003 --> 01:16:01,733 Now you've got nothing left to lose. 908 01:16:01,772 --> 01:16:04,741 You're a soulless corpse! 909 01:16:04,775 --> 01:16:06,106 Nothing! 910 01:16:07,778 --> 01:16:09,302 You're wrong. 911 01:16:13,451 --> 01:16:15,009 I've still got you. 912 01:16:26,797 --> 01:16:28,389 Don't be afraid. 913 01:16:33,137 --> 01:16:36,004 -You can't kill me. -Is that right? 914 01:16:36,040 --> 01:16:38,440 If my heart stops, the virus is released, 915 01:16:38,476 --> 01:16:40,034 and everybody in the world dies. 916 01:16:40,077 --> 01:16:42,443 Like you said... 917 01:16:42,480 --> 01:16:44,710 I've got nothing else to lose. 918 01:16:55,927 --> 01:16:58,418 That's right. Feel the burn. 919 01:16:58,462 --> 01:17:00,794 Get used to it. It's payback time. 920 01:17:00,831 --> 01:17:03,163 See you in Hell, Jason. 921 01:17:10,975 --> 01:17:13,842 If you kill me, you kill her! 922 01:17:47,878 --> 01:17:50,472 I'm through doing Hell's dirty work. 923 01:18:03,494 --> 01:18:06,156 You worthless bag of... 924 01:18:07,498 --> 01:18:10,092 How could you let him kill me? 925 01:18:10,134 --> 01:18:14,161 The most important thing in your entire freakin' universe! 926 01:18:14,205 --> 01:18:20,474 Whatever happened to love, honor, respect? 927 01:18:20,511 --> 01:18:23,708 You pansy bacon-crisp! 928 01:18:29,720 --> 01:18:31,711 You should have killed him! 929 01:18:31,756 --> 01:18:34,725 Popped his head like a zit. 930 01:18:35,893 --> 01:18:38,657 It feels...so good. 931 01:18:38,696 --> 01:18:42,029 And feel that butt. It feels so...hairy. 932 01:18:46,203 --> 01:18:47,693 Joke's over. 933 01:18:47,738 --> 01:18:50,673 You should have killed Jason when you had the chance. 934 01:18:50,708 --> 01:18:51,834 Never. 935 01:18:51,876 --> 01:18:54,310 What do you mean never? Never? 936 01:18:55,980 --> 01:18:58,346 Do you know how hard I've been working on this? 937 01:18:58,382 --> 01:19:01,408 You set me up, you malignant sow! 938 01:19:02,720 --> 01:19:05,917 What do you think you got the pacemaker for? 939 01:19:05,956 --> 01:19:07,548 Your perfect attendance record, 940 01:19:07,591 --> 01:19:09,650 you spoon-sucking dipstick? 941 01:19:09,693 --> 01:19:11,661 I was counting on Spawn killing you. 942 01:19:11,695 --> 01:19:13,287 Then you would get his soul... 943 01:19:13,330 --> 01:19:15,696 and kick-start the apocalypse now. 944 01:19:15,733 --> 01:19:19,225 I say destroy the cosmos, ask questions later. 945 01:19:19,270 --> 01:19:21,067 But first... 946 01:19:21,105 --> 01:19:24,734 first, I want to slaughter each and every one of you. 947 01:19:26,277 --> 01:19:30,646 And then I'm gonna have a little creme de Wanda. 948 01:19:33,384 --> 01:19:35,614 I'll let you watch, too. 949 01:19:38,756 --> 01:19:40,121 Yummy yum. 950 01:19:47,731 --> 01:19:49,494 Tastes like chicken. 951 01:19:52,970 --> 01:19:54,961 Cogliostro! 952 01:19:55,005 --> 01:19:57,030 Come and get me! 953 01:20:09,386 --> 01:20:10,876 He'll be back. 954 01:20:12,089 --> 01:20:14,080 Concentrate on healing. 955 01:20:14,125 --> 01:20:16,116 Come on! 956 01:20:20,631 --> 01:20:23,600 I may not be able to hold him off alone. 957 01:20:27,338 --> 01:20:31,798 Come on down to my world and die, suckers! 958 01:20:55,799 --> 01:20:58,199 All right, you overgrown gecko... 959 01:20:59,236 --> 01:21:01,704 Come and get your throat cut. 960 01:22:53,050 --> 01:22:56,349 If you won't lead my army, 961 01:22:56,387 --> 01:22:59,288 then you must die. 962 01:23:02,293 --> 01:23:04,261 Never! 963 01:23:04,295 --> 01:23:06,820 Bring me Spawn's head. 964 01:23:40,030 --> 01:23:42,692 You will never escape me. 965 01:24:06,557 --> 01:24:08,149 It's all right now, baby. 966 01:24:14,465 --> 01:24:15,523 Come on. 967 01:24:25,409 --> 01:24:27,707 They belong together. 968 01:24:27,745 --> 01:24:30,339 There's no place for me here. 969 01:24:33,450 --> 01:24:34,940 Maybe you're the one after all. 970 01:24:36,353 --> 01:24:39,880 You were checking me out from the start, weren't you? 971 01:24:40,891 --> 01:24:42,324 I'm too old for this. 972 01:24:42,359 --> 01:24:44,759 Not as quick as I used to be. 973 01:24:44,795 --> 01:24:46,922 I've fought this war long enough. 974 01:24:46,964 --> 01:24:48,898 It's time for someone to take over. 975 01:24:48,932 --> 01:24:51,162 What if I sided with Clown? 976 01:24:52,803 --> 01:24:54,293 I'd have killed you. 977 01:24:57,307 --> 01:24:58,535 Right. 978 01:25:07,451 --> 01:25:10,147 -I followed him here. -Thanks, kid. 979 01:25:59,102 --> 01:26:01,036 Use your armor! 980 01:26:05,909 --> 01:26:07,536 Concentrate! 981 01:26:10,614 --> 01:26:12,172 Bite this! 982 01:26:17,654 --> 01:26:19,781 Cut off his head! 983 01:26:36,707 --> 01:26:38,470 You'll pay for this. 984 01:26:40,310 --> 01:26:42,301 It's not over yet. 985 01:26:42,346 --> 01:26:44,314 I'll gum you to death. 986 01:26:44,348 --> 01:26:46,316 I'll bite you. 987 01:26:47,451 --> 01:26:50,147 Wanda, what do you think about a little head? 988 01:26:53,924 --> 01:26:55,892 This is your last chance to join up. 989 01:26:55,926 --> 01:26:57,393 Think about it. 990 01:26:57,427 --> 01:26:58,416 Come on. 991 01:27:03,767 --> 01:27:05,325 You'll pay for this. 992 01:27:05,369 --> 01:27:08,065 Give my regards to your boss. 993 01:27:08,105 --> 01:27:09,970 Tell him he's next. 994 01:27:17,581 --> 01:27:22,041 I'm gonna die! 995 01:27:22,085 --> 01:27:24,178 Not bad for a dead man. 996 01:27:26,056 --> 01:27:27,546 Beginner's luck. 997 01:27:31,528 --> 01:27:33,519 Come on, folks. Let's move back, please. 998 01:27:33,564 --> 01:27:36,533 Is it true the documents you've uncovered... 999 01:27:36,567 --> 01:27:38,034 implicate Jason Wynn? 1000 01:27:38,068 --> 01:27:41,799 Yes. For the past five years, I unwittingly participated... 1001 01:27:41,838 --> 01:27:44,102 in Jason Wynn's illegal manipulation of the A-6... 1002 01:27:44,141 --> 01:27:46,837 to further his ambitions for worldwide power. 1003 01:27:46,877 --> 01:27:49,345 What took you so long to respond? 1004 01:27:49,379 --> 01:27:51,847 Are the HEAT-16 bombs still a danger? 1005 01:27:51,882 --> 01:27:55,079 The entire HEAT-16 weapon system has already been destroyed. 1006 01:27:57,087 --> 01:27:58,816 Do you have any further comments? 1007 01:27:58,855 --> 01:28:01,346 Something I should have done a long time ago. 1008 01:28:01,391 --> 01:28:03,552 The documents I release to all media outlets... 1009 01:28:03,594 --> 01:28:05,562 will answer the rest of your questions. 1010 01:28:05,596 --> 01:28:08,087 Thank you. Natalie Ford reporting live. 1011 01:28:46,269 --> 01:28:47,736 Spawn has stopped... 1012 01:28:47,771 --> 01:28:51,332 Malebolgia's plans to destroy the Earth. 1013 01:28:51,375 --> 01:28:53,866 The choice has been made. 1014 01:28:55,712 --> 01:28:57,373 For now.