1 00:00:23,200 --> 00:00:24,565 Hear you now... 2 00:00:24,935 --> 00:00:27,165 ...a story of good against evil. 3 00:00:27,671 --> 00:00:30,435 An epoch that has its beginning at an ending... 4 00:00:31,041 --> 00:00:32,804 ...and ends at a beginning. 5 00:00:33,610 --> 00:00:36,738 Listen, as we speak of the fall of a lord of darkness... 6 00:00:37,147 --> 00:00:39,411 ...and the return of a king of light. 7 00:00:40,183 --> 00:00:43,050 Concern yourselves with armies and wizards... 8 00:00:43,487 --> 00:00:45,250 ...phantoms and emperors... 9 00:00:45,322 --> 00:00:49,520 ...cloud-capped towers and bloodied fields of horrendous carnage. 10 00:00:50,594 --> 00:00:52,118 Consider no less... 11 00:00:52,195 --> 00:00:54,026 ...than the cataclysmic transformation... 12 00:00:54,097 --> 00:00:56,793 ...of that ancient world of wonder and magic... 13 00:00:57,067 --> 00:00:59,695 ...to the world we know now, of Man. 14 00:01:00,971 --> 00:01:03,701 What mighty lord, you may ask, is hero enough... 15 00:01:03,907 --> 00:01:06,842 ...to evoke such cosmic metamorphosis? 16 00:01:09,813 --> 00:01:12,680 Why, no lord at all, but the littlest of fellows... 17 00:01:13,483 --> 00:01:15,007 ...Frodo the Hobbit... 18 00:01:15,085 --> 00:01:17,280 ...and his faithful squire, Samwise. 19 00:01:18,422 --> 00:01:21,789 Who, beginning at the ending, now approach Rivendell... 20 00:01:22,059 --> 00:01:24,050 ...the Elvish home of Elrond... 21 00:01:24,328 --> 00:01:27,354 ...there to help celebrate the 129th birthday... 22 00:01:27,898 --> 00:01:29,798 ...of Frodo's aged kin... 23 00:01:30,367 --> 00:01:33,825 ...Bilbo Baggins, renowned tormentor of dragons. 24 00:01:34,504 --> 00:01:39,464 Bless my soul! You're a match for Smaug himself. 25 00:01:47,851 --> 00:01:50,012 All of us, Frodo and Samwise... 26 00:01:50,587 --> 00:01:53,283 ...their Hobbit companions, Merry and Pippin... 27 00:01:53,457 --> 00:01:56,984 ...EIrond the Elf-Lord, and l, Gandalf... 28 00:01:57,628 --> 00:01:59,823 ...wished Bilbo only the best. 29 00:02:00,897 --> 00:02:03,263 But as we celebrated far into the Elvish night... 30 00:02:03,333 --> 00:02:06,894 ...we found it difficult to keep our aging guest of honor awake. 31 00:02:07,871 --> 00:02:10,339 Nay, Pippin. Not till Bilbo has cut it. 32 00:02:10,607 --> 00:02:13,701 Blast. What a time to fall asleep. 33 00:02:14,077 --> 00:02:15,544 Who's asleep? 34 00:02:15,779 --> 00:02:17,872 Just resting my eyes... 35 00:02:18,248 --> 00:02:20,307 ...and remembering. 36 00:02:21,818 --> 00:02:23,945 There And Back Again... 37 00:02:24,121 --> 00:02:26,453 ...and what happened after. 38 00:02:26,857 --> 00:02:28,222 Remembering, sir? 39 00:02:28,625 --> 00:02:30,149 So many things. 40 00:02:30,427 --> 00:02:32,054 Old Smaug... 41 00:02:32,663 --> 00:02:34,426 ...dear Thorin... 42 00:02:34,531 --> 00:02:37,227 ...that terrible Gollum chap... 43 00:02:38,101 --> 00:02:40,228 ...the Ring of Invisibility. 44 00:02:41,204 --> 00:02:43,195 What's become of my ring? 45 00:02:43,774 --> 00:02:46,709 That ring I gave you and you took away. 46 00:02:47,310 --> 00:02:48,334 Yes. 47 00:02:48,412 --> 00:02:50,403 I've lost it, Bilbo dear. 48 00:02:50,681 --> 00:02:52,012 I got rid of it, you know. 49 00:02:52,482 --> 00:02:55,918 Pity. I should have liked to see it again. 50 00:02:56,553 --> 00:02:57,577 But... 51 00:02:57,654 --> 00:03:00,088 ...now, how silly of me. 52 00:03:00,657 --> 00:03:02,818 That's what you went for, wasn't it? 53 00:03:02,893 --> 00:03:04,520 To get rid of it. 54 00:03:05,262 --> 00:03:10,256 But why destroy a thing of such wondrous magic? 55 00:03:10,734 --> 00:03:12,759 It was an evil thing, sir. 56 00:03:13,003 --> 00:03:14,061 Nay! 57 00:03:14,137 --> 00:03:15,968 Without its powers... 58 00:03:16,139 --> 00:03:19,905 ...I could never have faced the worm, Smaug. 59 00:03:20,510 --> 00:03:24,310 You unwittingly used its evil forces for good, dear Uncle. 60 00:03:24,581 --> 00:03:26,572 Your innocence protected you. 61 00:03:26,817 --> 00:03:28,910 But had you continued to wear it... 62 00:03:29,019 --> 00:03:31,715 ...instead of keeping it above your mantle as a trophy... 63 00:03:32,055 --> 00:03:35,616 ...its ever-growing malignancy would have consumed you... 64 00:03:36,026 --> 00:03:40,963 ...as it almost consumed Samwise and me and the whole of Middle-earth. 65 00:03:41,298 --> 00:03:44,734 But this is all so confusing. 66 00:03:45,569 --> 00:03:48,333 So confusing. 67 00:03:48,739 --> 00:03:52,675 -Will he never cut the cake? -Patience, Merry. 68 00:03:53,543 --> 00:03:55,511 Me for a good smoke, while we wait. 69 00:03:55,579 --> 00:03:58,275 -What say, master? -Good notion, Sam. 70 00:04:00,884 --> 00:04:02,977 Bless my soul! 71 00:04:04,755 --> 00:04:08,156 You are missing a finger! 72 00:04:09,693 --> 00:04:12,457 You not only lost my ring... 73 00:04:12,863 --> 00:04:16,060 ...you lost the finger on which it rode? 74 00:04:17,267 --> 00:04:20,259 Frodo, you must explain. 75 00:04:20,971 --> 00:04:22,563 We have brought with us someone... 76 00:04:22,639 --> 00:04:25,540 ...who has written a ballad about the adventures of Frodo: 77 00:04:25,609 --> 00:04:27,440 The Minstrel of Gondor. 78 00:04:29,913 --> 00:04:33,815 "Frodo of the nine fingers 79 00:04:34,351 --> 00:04:37,650 "And the Ring of Doom" 80 00:04:41,358 --> 00:04:43,724 It has its beginnings two ages past... 81 00:04:43,894 --> 00:04:46,988 ...when Bilbo set forth to reclaim the Dwarves' gold... 82 00:04:47,063 --> 00:04:49,122 ...from the dragon, Smaug. 83 00:04:52,969 --> 00:04:57,963 While on his quest, Bilbo stumbled into a deep, dank cave. 84 00:04:59,776 --> 00:05:02,404 This part I remember. 85 00:05:03,346 --> 00:05:07,180 "When Bilbo found that shiny ring 86 00:05:07,951 --> 00:05:10,886 "In Gollum's cave of gloom 87 00:05:11,655 --> 00:05:13,247 "He never thought 88 00:05:13,723 --> 00:05:18,683 "That it would turn into a ring of doom 89 00:05:19,629 --> 00:05:23,360 "The dragon Smaug The spiders too 90 00:05:23,633 --> 00:05:26,568 "The Goblins, the Elven-king 91 00:05:27,437 --> 00:05:30,429 "They came to know the power 92 00:05:30,507 --> 00:05:34,876 "Of the Hobbit and his ring 93 00:05:43,954 --> 00:05:47,617 "Frodo of the nine fingers 94 00:05:48,491 --> 00:05:51,551 "And the Ring of Doom 95 00:05:51,795 --> 00:05:54,764 "It started with a Hobbit 96 00:05:55,432 --> 00:05:58,924 "In Gollum's cave of gloom 97 00:06:01,972 --> 00:06:05,169 "The power of the Ring, it grew 98 00:06:05,942 --> 00:06:08,433 "And Gandalf sat in thought 99 00:06:09,646 --> 00:06:13,275 "He knew that it must be destroyed 100 00:06:13,650 --> 00:06:16,483 "In fires where it was wrought 101 00:06:17,754 --> 00:06:21,383 "For if in evil hands it fell 102 00:06:21,892 --> 00:06:24,884 "The Earth would know its end 103 00:06:25,729 --> 00:06:29,426 "No force of arms would win the day 104 00:06:29,799 --> 00:06:32,996 "No army could contend" 105 00:06:37,774 --> 00:06:40,299 For evil flourished everywhere... 106 00:06:41,177 --> 00:06:44,044 ...and lay on the land like a festering malignancy. 107 00:06:44,948 --> 00:06:46,677 There was one hope, though: 108 00:06:47,284 --> 00:06:49,650 In a distant land, the noble Aragorn... 109 00:06:49,786 --> 00:06:51,845 ...heir to the empty throne of Gondor... 110 00:06:52,422 --> 00:06:55,880 ...awaited with a small band to return and become king. 111 00:06:57,093 --> 00:07:00,119 But he could not triumph until the Ring was destroyed. 112 00:07:00,497 --> 00:07:02,089 So went the prophecy. 113 00:07:03,199 --> 00:07:06,965 "Frodo of the nine fingers 114 00:07:07,604 --> 00:07:09,868 "And the Ring of Doom 115 00:07:11,007 --> 00:07:14,170 "Accepted a heavy burden 116 00:07:14,611 --> 00:07:17,842 "For the fires to consume" 117 00:07:22,619 --> 00:07:25,247 Frodo and his gallant companion, Samwise... 118 00:07:25,322 --> 00:07:27,586 ...had many brave adventures... 119 00:07:27,958 --> 00:07:31,325 ...until finally they reached the rocky border of Mordor... 120 00:07:31,661 --> 00:07:34,186 ...domain of the Black Lord, Sauron. 121 00:07:35,732 --> 00:07:39,566 There, Frodo was captured and imprisoned in the Tower of Cirith Ungol. 122 00:07:40,236 --> 00:07:44,263 Samwise vowed to enter the Orc-infested tower alone... 123 00:07:44,341 --> 00:07:45,399 ...to save him. 124 00:07:54,351 --> 00:07:56,251 The Ring of Doom was missing... 125 00:07:56,319 --> 00:07:57,843 ...from 'round Frodo's neck! 126 00:07:58,455 --> 00:08:02,186 "Frodo of the nine fingers 127 00:08:02,892 --> 00:08:05,952 "And the Ring of Doom 128 00:08:06,229 --> 00:08:09,858 "Why does he have nine fingers? 129 00:08:10,033 --> 00:08:15,027 "Where is the Ring of Doom?" 130 00:08:36,793 --> 00:08:41,287 One tiny Hobbit against all the evil the world could muster. 131 00:08:42,332 --> 00:08:44,425 A sane being would have given up. 132 00:08:44,901 --> 00:08:47,995 But Samwise burned with a magnificent madness... 133 00:08:48,405 --> 00:08:51,397 ...a glowing obsession to surmount every obstacle... 134 00:08:51,875 --> 00:08:56,073 ...to find Frodo, destroy the Ring, and cleanse Middle-earth... 135 00:08:56,146 --> 00:08:58,273 ...of its festering malignancy. 136 00:09:00,450 --> 00:09:05,183 He knew he would try again, fail perhaps and try once more... 137 00:09:05,688 --> 00:09:08,885 ...a thousand, thousand times, if need be. 138 00:09:09,459 --> 00:09:11,620 But he would not give up the quest. 139 00:11:06,943 --> 00:11:09,468 You cannot die, Master Frodo! 140 00:11:10,413 --> 00:11:12,347 I'll get to you somehow! 141 00:11:26,596 --> 00:11:31,556 You. I can feel you throbbing with excitement! 142 00:11:32,635 --> 00:11:37,436 You know the gates to the land of Mordor and your dark lord, Sauron. 143 00:11:38,541 --> 00:11:43,240 Now I must bear your loathsome weight. 144 00:11:44,547 --> 00:11:48,540 But I do it for he who lies in that accursed tower... 145 00:11:48,718 --> 00:11:50,709 ...Cirith Ungol: 146 00:11:51,588 --> 00:11:54,352 My sweet master, Frodo. 147 00:11:57,961 --> 00:11:59,690 And, 'tis Sting... 148 00:11:59,929 --> 00:12:02,227 ...Master Frodo's sword. 149 00:12:02,799 --> 00:12:04,528 And his hero's cloak! 150 00:12:05,902 --> 00:12:08,735 Lost 'em with the Ring while doing battle, he did. 151 00:12:09,539 --> 00:12:12,997 They're safe with me till I find you again, master! 152 00:12:15,144 --> 00:12:16,634 He can't hear. 153 00:12:17,413 --> 00:12:20,109 Half dead, behind walls of stone. 154 00:12:21,918 --> 00:12:25,615 Serve me, Sting, till I can return you. 155 00:12:30,893 --> 00:12:31,917 Here now. 156 00:12:32,328 --> 00:12:33,693 What's this? 157 00:12:35,064 --> 00:12:37,157 Dank and foul-smelling... 158 00:12:38,067 --> 00:12:39,796 ...but it may be a way in. 159 00:12:51,547 --> 00:12:53,640 I've got through! 160 00:12:55,084 --> 00:12:58,110 So I've finally crossed into Mordor. 161 00:13:06,362 --> 00:13:08,023 Orcs in the tower! 162 00:13:09,299 --> 00:13:11,494 Old Bilbo called them Goblins. 163 00:13:12,769 --> 00:13:17,206 But whatever the name, I loathe the vile creatures. 164 00:13:20,943 --> 00:13:22,672 Fighting among themselves? 165 00:13:23,646 --> 00:13:25,307 I could get in! 166 00:13:25,782 --> 00:13:27,477 They wouldn't notice me! 167 00:13:30,887 --> 00:13:33,048 The Ring holds me back? 168 00:13:35,158 --> 00:13:36,147 True. 169 00:13:37,660 --> 00:13:39,093 Once the Orcs saw me... 170 00:13:39,162 --> 00:13:42,598 ...they'd forget their own arguments for the head of an enemy! 171 00:13:44,867 --> 00:13:46,630 Useless to face such odds. 172 00:13:47,070 --> 00:13:48,697 Don't take any chances. 173 00:13:48,971 --> 00:13:50,871 Destroy the thing yourself. 174 00:13:52,809 --> 00:13:54,868 I do it for you, Frodo! 175 00:13:55,411 --> 00:13:57,641 I must be ring bearer now! 176 00:14:02,852 --> 00:14:05,548 "The bearer of the Ring 177 00:14:05,621 --> 00:14:08,283 "The wearer of the Ring 178 00:14:08,391 --> 00:14:13,522 "Stands on the very brink of fate 179 00:14:14,063 --> 00:14:19,057 "Staring into eyes of darkness and despair 180 00:14:19,268 --> 00:14:23,227 "That rise and shrink with hate" 181 00:14:30,213 --> 00:14:34,309 I can feel you change as we draw near the great furnaces... 182 00:14:34,484 --> 00:14:38,420 ...where in the depths of time, you were shaped and formed. 183 00:14:40,723 --> 00:14:42,088 Mount Doom! 184 00:14:46,629 --> 00:14:49,826 I could claim you, Ring! 185 00:14:50,900 --> 00:14:55,894 I would be Samwise the Strong! 186 00:14:57,774 --> 00:15:00,265 "The bearer of the Ring 187 00:15:00,343 --> 00:15:03,073 "The wearer of the Ring 188 00:15:03,146 --> 00:15:07,105 "He hears a voice compelling him 189 00:15:08,918 --> 00:15:13,912 "Filling him with thoughts That echo in his mind 190 00:15:14,123 --> 00:15:18,355 "It should be telling him 191 00:15:19,695 --> 00:15:24,598 "Beware the power is a power never known 192 00:15:25,001 --> 00:15:28,698 "Beware the power that was simple 193 00:15:28,771 --> 00:15:30,398 "Now has grown 194 00:15:30,506 --> 00:15:34,237 "Beware, bearer of the Ring 195 00:15:35,244 --> 00:15:40,079 "The final power has yet to be shown 196 00:15:41,417 --> 00:15:43,942 "The bearer of the Ring 197 00:15:44,253 --> 00:15:46,380 "The wearer of the Ring 198 00:15:46,956 --> 00:15:50,619 "Through forces tempting to resist 199 00:15:52,762 --> 00:15:54,457 "Must recall the quest 200 00:15:55,097 --> 00:15:57,361 "To end this darkest age 201 00:15:57,900 --> 00:16:01,836 "That mortal death has kissed 202 00:16:03,439 --> 00:16:05,907 "The bearer of the Ring 203 00:16:06,142 --> 00:16:08,736 "The wearer of the Ring 204 00:16:08,811 --> 00:16:13,748 "Beware who wears the Ring" 205 00:16:21,324 --> 00:16:24,054 Hail Samwise the Strong! 206 00:16:24,494 --> 00:16:26,792 Hail the Conqueror! 207 00:16:26,929 --> 00:16:29,159 Hail the War-King! 208 00:16:29,398 --> 00:16:31,423 Hero of the Age! 209 00:16:31,968 --> 00:16:34,334 To the Dark Tower! 210 00:16:34,470 --> 00:16:36,404 To Barad-dur! 211 00:16:46,883 --> 00:16:49,579 I claim thee, Barad-dur! 212 00:16:50,119 --> 00:16:52,917 You are Sauron's no more! 213 00:16:59,028 --> 00:17:01,462 Hail Samwise the Strong! 214 00:17:02,064 --> 00:17:04,692 The sun shines for thee alone! 215 00:17:08,538 --> 00:17:13,407 And now I claim all of the Vale of Gorgoroth! 216 00:17:15,311 --> 00:17:18,610 Now let this foul desolation... 217 00:17:18,781 --> 00:17:22,080 ...this cursed plateau of the Dark Lord, Sauron... 218 00:17:22,251 --> 00:17:25,778 ...this Orc-infested, desert of nameless horrors... 219 00:17:26,055 --> 00:17:29,855 ...let it blossom forth, and live! 220 00:17:30,259 --> 00:17:34,059 Let it live for Samwise the Strong! 221 00:17:36,866 --> 00:17:39,357 Samwise the Strong! 222 00:17:50,680 --> 00:17:51,704 Behold! 223 00:17:53,549 --> 00:17:56,746 The gardens of my delight! 224 00:17:57,353 --> 00:18:01,585 So I shall transform the world! 225 00:18:11,434 --> 00:18:14,198 All could be mine... 226 00:18:14,470 --> 00:18:18,566 ...if I but claim thee, Ring! 227 00:18:23,980 --> 00:18:25,004 No! 228 00:18:33,956 --> 00:18:35,753 What brought me back? 229 00:18:37,460 --> 00:18:39,519 Plain Hobbit sense. 230 00:18:40,963 --> 00:18:44,990 I know in my heart I'm not enough to bear such a burden. 231 00:18:46,802 --> 00:18:49,498 One small garden of a free gardener... 232 00:18:49,739 --> 00:18:51,900 ...is all my need and due. 233 00:18:52,975 --> 00:18:54,840 My own hands to use... 234 00:18:55,678 --> 00:18:58,112 ...not the hands of others to command. 235 00:20:17,326 --> 00:20:20,318 No, such a quest is not for me. 236 00:20:21,464 --> 00:20:22,624 Frodo lives. 237 00:20:23,232 --> 00:20:25,826 And only he knows how to destroy the Ring... 238 00:20:25,968 --> 00:20:27,697 ...in the Cracks of Doom. 239 00:20:28,070 --> 00:20:29,833 Only he can find the fire. 240 00:20:32,608 --> 00:20:34,075 Dear Master Frodo. 241 00:20:34,677 --> 00:20:36,406 I will find you. 242 00:20:37,379 --> 00:20:38,368 Somehow. 243 00:20:49,992 --> 00:20:52,859 An ancient world of towered fortress cities. 244 00:20:53,395 --> 00:20:54,589 Cirith Ungol... 245 00:20:54,663 --> 00:20:57,393 ...guarding the entrance to the lands of Mordor. 246 00:20:58,968 --> 00:21:02,495 Barad-dur, palace of the Dark Lord, Sauron. 247 00:21:02,972 --> 00:21:05,065 And now, look you to yet another. 248 00:21:06,308 --> 00:21:09,744 Minas-Tirith, chief city of Gondor... 249 00:21:10,246 --> 00:21:13,545 ...last bastion of hope for the powers of light and good. 250 00:21:21,690 --> 00:21:26,320 From the battlement atop the citadel, like a mariner in a mountainous ship... 251 00:21:26,395 --> 00:21:30,798 ...one could look sheer down upon the gate 700 feet below. 252 00:21:31,734 --> 00:21:33,725 And still this was not the top. 253 00:21:35,371 --> 00:21:37,965 Behold! The White Tower. 254 00:21:41,377 --> 00:21:45,575 At the top, the banner of the stewards who governed the city... 255 00:21:45,815 --> 00:21:49,808 ...its silken arms embracing a domain more fitting Gwaihir... 256 00:21:50,186 --> 00:21:53,212 ...Lord of the Eagles than those whose emblem it bore. 257 00:21:54,190 --> 00:21:57,785 All this, Minas-Tirith was. 258 00:22:00,996 --> 00:22:04,762 But now, under siege, the sparkling gem of Gondor... 259 00:22:04,934 --> 00:22:08,370 ...had become dull and flawed with the hell of war. 260 00:22:10,706 --> 00:22:14,506 The once-lush fields of Pelennor, now a wasted battleground... 261 00:22:14,810 --> 00:22:19,509 ...upon which Sauron's forces of evil celebrated their victories. 262 00:22:27,590 --> 00:22:30,957 Far superior in number to the battle-ravaged Gondor forces... 263 00:22:31,293 --> 00:22:33,659 ...they mounted their monster oliphaunts... 264 00:22:33,796 --> 00:22:38,790 ...to ride in the rocking, armored towers, to their almost certain victory. 265 00:22:40,069 --> 00:22:43,971 And in the heavens, where no living thing dare now venture... 266 00:22:44,807 --> 00:22:49,801 ...Sauron's phantom lieutenants, the Nazgul, astride their devil steeds... 267 00:22:50,613 --> 00:22:53,707 ...scream battle cries of vile encouragement. 268 00:23:10,499 --> 00:23:15,095 High in the White Tower, Lord Denethor, Chief Steward of Gondor... 269 00:23:15,271 --> 00:23:18,138 ...his mind broken as his city crumbled about him... 270 00:23:18,207 --> 00:23:21,142 ...had succumbed to an eerie fire of the brain... 271 00:23:21,210 --> 00:23:24,873 ...and, in his madness, ordered his own execution. 272 00:23:27,082 --> 00:23:30,108 -You must stop him! -His word is law! 273 00:23:30,219 --> 00:23:31,880 I'll find Gandalf! 274 00:23:33,722 --> 00:23:37,749 The Hobbit, Pippin, who had proved a most valuable assistant for me... 275 00:23:37,927 --> 00:23:39,758 ...rushed to the battlement. 276 00:23:40,095 --> 00:23:41,858 Where l, Gandalf... 277 00:23:42,364 --> 00:23:45,663 ...and the Gondor generals searched the distance in vain... 278 00:23:46,135 --> 00:23:48,069 ...for a sign of our rescuers. 279 00:23:48,671 --> 00:23:50,298 For we awaited Theoden... 280 00:23:50,839 --> 00:23:53,967 ...a valuable ally, lord of the friendly nation of Rohan... 281 00:23:54,043 --> 00:23:58,537 ...for whom we had dispatched Pippin's Hobbit friend, little Merry... 282 00:23:59,648 --> 00:24:04,176 ...to inform him of our perilous condition and to beseech his aid. 283 00:24:04,253 --> 00:24:08,087 For we wondered, would he and his armies come to our rescue? 284 00:24:10,359 --> 00:24:12,987 Forward! To Minas-Tirith! 285 00:24:15,230 --> 00:24:16,458 Forward! 286 00:24:19,168 --> 00:24:21,602 For only Theoden could save our city... 287 00:24:21,870 --> 00:24:24,566 ...and make it safe for the return of Aragorn. 288 00:24:25,107 --> 00:24:27,701 But we feared he would come too late. 289 00:24:31,080 --> 00:24:34,413 -What? Denethor? -He's gone loony, I tell you! 290 00:24:34,483 --> 00:24:35,711 Come quickly. 291 00:24:39,955 --> 00:24:41,422 You cannot do this! 292 00:24:42,691 --> 00:24:44,682 Soon all shall be burned. 293 00:24:45,627 --> 00:24:47,390 The West has failed. 294 00:24:47,863 --> 00:24:51,629 It shall go up in a great fire... 295 00:24:51,700 --> 00:24:54,498 ...and all shall be ended. 296 00:24:56,372 --> 00:25:00,468 Ash and smoke blown away on the wind. 297 00:25:01,176 --> 00:25:06,170 All shall not be ended. Theoden's forces are on their way! 298 00:25:12,621 --> 00:25:15,749 Pride and despair! 299 00:25:16,592 --> 00:25:18,583 Pride and despair! 300 00:25:19,194 --> 00:25:22,425 Didst thou think the eyes of the White Tower were blind? 301 00:25:26,635 --> 00:25:31,368 I have looked inside my palantir. 302 00:25:31,507 --> 00:25:35,500 -What is that? -Palantir. The stuff of wizards. 303 00:25:35,911 --> 00:25:37,902 A crystal ball to see the future. 304 00:25:38,614 --> 00:25:43,574 I have seen more than thou knowest, gray fool. 305 00:25:44,219 --> 00:25:46,653 Thy hope is but ignorance. 306 00:25:47,856 --> 00:25:51,883 Even with the forces of Theoden, there is no hope. 307 00:25:51,994 --> 00:25:54,462 Go forth and fight! 308 00:25:55,464 --> 00:25:56,658 Vanity! 309 00:25:57,366 --> 00:26:01,029 For a little space you may triumph on the field... 310 00:26:01,103 --> 00:26:02,764 ...for a day. 311 00:26:04,106 --> 00:26:08,600 But against the dark power... 312 00:26:08,677 --> 00:26:12,272 ...that now rises, there is no victory. 313 00:26:12,848 --> 00:26:17,251 To this dying city, only the first fingers of its hand... 314 00:26:17,319 --> 00:26:19,116 ...have yet been stretched. 315 00:26:20,022 --> 00:26:23,981 All the East is moving! 316 00:26:25,027 --> 00:26:29,726 And even now, the wind of thy hope cheats thee... 317 00:26:30,099 --> 00:26:34,729 ...and wafts up an enemy fleet with black sails. 318 00:26:35,571 --> 00:26:40,508 Up the Great River, Anduin they come, even now. 319 00:26:40,876 --> 00:26:43,709 The river which leads to the edge... 320 00:26:43,779 --> 00:26:46,270 ...of the Pelennor Fields. 321 00:26:52,154 --> 00:26:55,248 A black fleet? A devil's armada? 322 00:26:55,324 --> 00:26:59,158 -Do those palantir things ever lie? -Never! 323 00:27:01,830 --> 00:27:04,196 The West has failed! 324 00:27:04,766 --> 00:27:07,860 It is time for all to depart this life... 325 00:27:07,936 --> 00:27:10,530 ...who would not be slaves! 326 00:27:11,540 --> 00:27:15,032 Servants, come hither! 327 00:27:21,350 --> 00:27:25,013 So passes Denethor, son of Ecthelion. 328 00:27:25,554 --> 00:27:28,455 And so pass also the days of Gondor. 329 00:27:29,191 --> 00:27:32,024 For good or evil they have ended. 330 00:27:35,264 --> 00:27:37,198 You must take charge, Gandalf. 331 00:27:37,499 --> 00:27:39,194 You must lead our forces now... 332 00:27:39,268 --> 00:27:42,396 ...until Aragorn returns to claim the throne of Gondor. 333 00:27:42,471 --> 00:27:43,768 If he returns. 334 00:27:44,273 --> 00:27:45,262 Gandalf, you... 335 00:27:45,474 --> 00:27:49,342 I saw the vision in the palantir. A dark fleet. 336 00:27:49,545 --> 00:27:51,843 -ls there no hope? -None. 337 00:27:52,347 --> 00:27:54,281 Unless the Ring be destroyed. 338 00:27:55,117 --> 00:27:58,052 But alas, it is lost with its bearer, Frodo. 339 00:27:58,654 --> 00:27:59,780 All is gone. 340 00:28:01,690 --> 00:28:03,988 l, Gandalf was without hope. 341 00:28:04,960 --> 00:28:07,656 For I did not know that at that very moment... 342 00:28:07,829 --> 00:28:10,024 ...at that other towered fortress... 343 00:28:10,399 --> 00:28:12,697 ...the future of all good in the world... 344 00:28:12,768 --> 00:28:16,329 ...rested upon the wits and the tiny shoulders... 345 00:28:16,572 --> 00:28:18,699 ...of poor little Samwise... 346 00:28:19,641 --> 00:28:21,802 ...who, still undetected by the Orcs within... 347 00:28:21,877 --> 00:28:25,472 ...approached the gates of the Tower of Cirith Ungol. 348 00:28:26,582 --> 00:28:28,675 But to get through those gates... 349 00:28:28,750 --> 00:28:32,015 ...he would have to pass the Two Watchers. 350 00:28:36,391 --> 00:28:40,054 Though carved from huge blocks of solid stone... 351 00:28:40,629 --> 00:28:44,087 ...some dreadful spirit of evil vigilance abode in them... 352 00:28:44,733 --> 00:28:46,724 ...and they were aware. 353 00:28:54,142 --> 00:28:56,702 My imagination's running away with me. 354 00:28:57,846 --> 00:29:01,111 They're made of stone. What harm can they do? 355 00:29:05,921 --> 00:29:08,082 Don't get too cocky, Samwise. 356 00:29:08,824 --> 00:29:13,261 Orcs aren't made of stone, and they have ears. 357 00:29:15,163 --> 00:29:17,256 Though where the blazes are they? 358 00:29:18,300 --> 00:29:20,495 I thought the tower was full of them. 359 00:29:23,505 --> 00:29:25,530 But they give me the shivers. 360 00:29:27,175 --> 00:29:30,941 Forget about them. Get past as quick as I can! 361 00:29:38,086 --> 00:29:40,054 Bless my soul. 362 00:29:41,790 --> 00:29:44,657 Like some invisible gate. 363 00:29:46,461 --> 00:29:48,986 That's how the Watchers keep guard. 364 00:29:51,099 --> 00:29:52,259 Blast! 365 00:29:52,567 --> 00:29:57,368 How do I get through, or climb over, or under something I can't see? 366 00:29:59,041 --> 00:30:00,099 How? 367 00:30:00,175 --> 00:30:01,267 Ouch! 368 00:30:02,611 --> 00:30:04,272 Something's burning me. 369 00:30:05,714 --> 00:30:09,616 What's this? A phial? 370 00:30:11,320 --> 00:30:15,552 And what magic is in it to make it glow so? 371 00:30:23,098 --> 00:30:24,827 They're opening up! 372 00:30:28,737 --> 00:30:30,227 Thank you, old boys. 373 00:30:31,039 --> 00:30:33,439 It was bad manners you showed me before. 374 00:30:36,378 --> 00:30:37,902 Handy, this thing. 375 00:30:48,423 --> 00:30:50,823 An alarm! That's done it. 376 00:31:04,339 --> 00:31:06,239 I'm ready for you. 377 00:31:07,476 --> 00:31:11,344 Tell your captains that a great Elf warrior has called... 378 00:31:11,413 --> 00:31:13,142 ...with his Elf blade! 379 00:31:22,057 --> 00:31:23,957 They're all dead. 380 00:31:25,427 --> 00:31:26,416 Why? 381 00:31:26,995 --> 00:31:30,294 The tower was crawling with them just a few hours ago. 382 00:31:32,968 --> 00:31:35,402 Looks like they were fighting among themselves. 383 00:31:35,470 --> 00:31:36,937 But what for? 384 00:31:38,807 --> 00:31:42,140 There's a lot less of you left to attack Minas-Tirith! 385 00:31:43,078 --> 00:31:45,103 Goodbye and good riddance! 386 00:31:50,552 --> 00:31:53,646 The whole tower climbs backwards-like. 387 00:31:54,990 --> 00:31:56,719 I'll follow these lights. 388 00:32:01,863 --> 00:32:06,095 This must be the entrance to the top tier. 389 00:32:07,235 --> 00:32:09,533 Frodo can't be far away. 390 00:32:18,380 --> 00:32:21,008 An Orc! They're not all dead! 391 00:32:22,150 --> 00:32:25,551 Kill him! Bone him! Boil him! 392 00:32:25,987 --> 00:32:28,353 There's a sweet one for you! 393 00:32:29,224 --> 00:32:31,089 Split him in two! 394 00:32:32,260 --> 00:32:34,694 Can't let him have the Ring! 395 00:32:47,909 --> 00:32:48,898 No! 396 00:32:54,850 --> 00:32:57,478 What the blazes made him do that? 397 00:32:58,320 --> 00:32:59,412 Come back here! 398 00:33:01,289 --> 00:33:03,189 No! 399 00:33:05,260 --> 00:33:07,694 The great Elf warrior is loose! Stop. 400 00:33:09,231 --> 00:33:11,665 Stop, or I'll skin you alive! 401 00:33:14,569 --> 00:33:16,833 Mercy! 402 00:33:16,938 --> 00:33:20,237 I'll think about it! I have some questions, filthy one. 403 00:33:20,308 --> 00:33:22,742 Yes? I'll tell you anything. 404 00:33:22,844 --> 00:33:25,244 The Hobbit, Frodo, is he still alive? 405 00:33:25,647 --> 00:33:28,980 If anything still lives here, he does. 406 00:33:29,217 --> 00:33:32,084 What happened here? Why all this carnage? 407 00:33:32,320 --> 00:33:36,984 Our captains made battle and ordered us to fight also. 408 00:33:37,058 --> 00:33:38,685 What was in contest? 409 00:33:39,027 --> 00:33:41,359 The Hobbit's pretty coat... 410 00:33:41,596 --> 00:33:44,929 ...when he reveals its hiding place. 411 00:33:45,534 --> 00:33:49,026 You killed each other for that blasted cloak? 412 00:33:49,804 --> 00:33:52,204 Well, I have it! Not Frodo. 413 00:33:53,174 --> 00:33:54,163 You? 414 00:33:54,843 --> 00:33:57,073 You're just a Hobbit. 415 00:33:57,512 --> 00:33:59,707 -Give me the coat. -Get back! 416 00:34:12,260 --> 00:34:14,990 This must be the top. 417 00:34:18,033 --> 00:34:19,557 Anything above? 418 00:34:21,636 --> 00:34:22,625 Yes. 419 00:34:23,171 --> 00:34:25,002 There is something! 420 00:34:29,744 --> 00:34:31,211 Frodo! 421 00:34:39,120 --> 00:34:41,350 Stop that, you pig! 422 00:34:59,908 --> 00:35:01,068 Frodo. 423 00:35:01,943 --> 00:35:04,571 Dear master. Frodo. 424 00:35:06,448 --> 00:35:07,437 You live. 425 00:35:08,249 --> 00:35:10,240 You live! 426 00:35:11,186 --> 00:35:14,815 -Am I still dreaming? -No dream, master. 427 00:35:15,590 --> 00:35:18,184 It's real. I've come. 428 00:35:19,094 --> 00:35:22,188 Sam. Dear Sam. 429 00:35:23,798 --> 00:35:27,029 I feel like a child at rest. 430 00:35:27,769 --> 00:35:29,828 When night fears are driven away. 431 00:35:30,605 --> 00:35:34,234 By some loved voice. 432 00:35:35,844 --> 00:35:37,505 Come, Mr. Frodo. 433 00:35:38,213 --> 00:35:40,909 I still must get you out of this place. 434 00:35:41,583 --> 00:35:44,950 Please, dear master, wake up. 435 00:35:46,554 --> 00:35:48,078 They hovered over me. 436 00:35:48,657 --> 00:35:51,888 Gloating, fingering their knives. 437 00:35:52,060 --> 00:35:54,756 The whips, their claws, their eyes... 438 00:35:54,829 --> 00:35:56,922 Don't think about it. 439 00:35:57,465 --> 00:35:59,456 Let me help you to your feet. 440 00:36:00,669 --> 00:36:03,297 Oh, dear. The quest. 441 00:36:03,371 --> 00:36:05,464 The quest has failed. 442 00:36:05,907 --> 00:36:08,375 Failed? No, sir. 443 00:36:09,044 --> 00:36:12,104 Yes. The Ring is gone, dear Sam. 444 00:36:13,982 --> 00:36:16,849 Even if we could get out of here, we can't escape. 445 00:36:17,552 --> 00:36:20,180 For evil is everywhere. 446 00:36:20,922 --> 00:36:23,550 And only Elves can escape Middle-earth. 447 00:36:24,325 --> 00:36:26,919 They board the white ships at the Gray Havens... 448 00:36:26,995 --> 00:36:30,453 ...and sail off to the lands beyond. 449 00:36:58,159 --> 00:37:00,650 Don't even think of passing on! 450 00:37:00,929 --> 00:37:03,329 The quest has not failed, master! 451 00:37:03,698 --> 00:37:07,862 You don't understand. The Orcs took everything! 452 00:37:08,236 --> 00:37:11,103 Not everything. Look. 453 00:37:12,807 --> 00:37:15,799 You've got it? You've got it here? 454 00:37:15,877 --> 00:37:18,971 You must have lost it in the struggle. I found it. 455 00:37:19,547 --> 00:37:21,879 Samwise, you are a marvel! 456 00:37:22,317 --> 00:37:23,978 I'll keep it 'round my neck... 457 00:37:24,052 --> 00:37:26,987 ...for it's too heavy for you to bear in your condition. 458 00:37:30,925 --> 00:37:34,554 Give it to me at once! You can't have it! 459 00:37:34,629 --> 00:37:38,190 All right, Mr. Frodo. Here it is. 460 00:37:40,368 --> 00:37:45,362 "Beware the power is a power never known 461 00:37:45,807 --> 00:37:50,744 "Beware the power that was simple now has grown 462 00:37:51,412 --> 00:37:53,676 "Beware" 463 00:38:01,689 --> 00:38:04,419 You filthy, slimy thief! 464 00:38:05,026 --> 00:38:08,189 -I have the power now. -Master, no. 465 00:38:08,496 --> 00:38:10,964 Don't say such things. Please don't. 466 00:38:11,432 --> 00:38:13,457 It's the Ring. 467 00:38:15,703 --> 00:38:20,402 Sam. What have I said? What have I done? Forgive me. 468 00:38:21,176 --> 00:38:24,270 I'd forgotten its malevolent trickery. 469 00:38:24,979 --> 00:38:27,675 I'm fine now. Fine. Sam, forgive me. 470 00:38:28,550 --> 00:38:30,780 I must carry the burden to the end. 471 00:38:30,852 --> 00:38:33,320 It can't be altered. You can't come between... 472 00:38:33,388 --> 00:38:35,322 ...me and this doom. 473 00:38:35,924 --> 00:38:39,883 As you wish, master. I also have found Sting. 474 00:38:41,029 --> 00:38:43,429 Might I keep it with me a little longer? 475 00:38:43,865 --> 00:38:47,665 I have the strength to use it. And you, with your wound and all... 476 00:38:48,236 --> 00:38:50,932 Yes, of course, dear Sam. 477 00:38:51,840 --> 00:38:53,671 And your cloak which I wear. 478 00:38:54,442 --> 00:38:56,535 In a pocket I found this. 479 00:38:57,545 --> 00:39:01,242 It has powers. It got me past the Watchers. What is it? 480 00:39:01,583 --> 00:39:04,882 The Phial of Galadriel! I can say no more. 481 00:39:05,353 --> 00:39:09,449 If I betray the trust and give the secret, its powers will die. 482 00:39:09,958 --> 00:39:14,418 -I understand. -But now we must get out of here quickly. 483 00:39:19,200 --> 00:39:22,966 I know the chain mail's heavy for you. But we may need it. 484 00:39:23,037 --> 00:39:27,565 And I can't leave anything behind, so I'll wear the Orc garb over my own. 485 00:39:29,611 --> 00:39:34,548 Don't we make a fine, matching pair. Now, off to Mount Doom. 486 00:39:35,583 --> 00:39:38,245 Hope you've made inquiries about inns along the road? 487 00:39:38,920 --> 00:39:41,582 -lnns, master? -For food and drink. 488 00:39:42,056 --> 00:39:44,388 Only the best for two fine Orcs. 489 00:39:44,792 --> 00:39:47,920 There's nothing, master, and you know it well. 490 00:39:48,663 --> 00:39:52,531 Save for the few crumbs of cake and drops of water left in my pack. 491 00:39:52,600 --> 00:39:56,229 Courage, Sam. That's enough to start on. 492 00:39:56,504 --> 00:40:00,372 The food we might manage, but the water's going to be bad business. 493 00:40:00,875 --> 00:40:02,137 We'll make it. 494 00:40:02,343 --> 00:40:05,870 But we'd best start, or a whole lake of it won't do us any good! 495 00:40:09,517 --> 00:40:12,008 No, I'm all right. It's the mail. 496 00:40:12,086 --> 00:40:14,418 I'll get used to it. Come. 497 00:40:22,997 --> 00:40:27,331 I'm going to faint, Sam. I don't know what's come over me. 498 00:40:27,902 --> 00:40:31,668 It's that invisible gate. There's some devilry there. 499 00:40:32,340 --> 00:40:33,932 But I got through once. 500 00:40:35,643 --> 00:40:36,974 Now for it! 501 00:40:44,352 --> 00:40:46,217 It's still there! 502 00:40:46,788 --> 00:40:48,278 This is not working. 503 00:40:48,356 --> 00:40:51,985 They were expecting it! Their will is strong. 504 00:40:52,527 --> 00:40:54,427 It needs helping. 505 00:41:00,668 --> 00:41:03,193 We've broken the Watchers' will! 506 00:41:30,298 --> 00:41:32,698 We've still a chance, Samwise. 507 00:41:32,834 --> 00:41:36,292 There's still a chance to destroy the Ring. 508 00:41:54,856 --> 00:41:59,725 -A Black Rider. The Nazgul. -Run, Mr. Frodo. 509 00:41:59,994 --> 00:42:02,485 Not that way! There's a drop, follow me. 510 00:42:20,748 --> 00:42:22,375 Careful, Mr. Frodo. 511 00:42:23,017 --> 00:42:27,317 I can't. Not another step. 512 00:42:27,655 --> 00:42:29,748 We must keep going, master. 513 00:42:30,124 --> 00:42:32,456 The Nazgul is in charge of the Tower now! 514 00:42:32,527 --> 00:42:35,291 A Black Rider is not so easy to fool as the Orcs. 515 00:42:35,596 --> 00:42:38,258 Just give me a moment. 516 00:42:38,633 --> 00:42:41,568 Begging your pardon, sir, but there's no time. 517 00:42:42,203 --> 00:42:44,865 Listen as the foul flying demon... 518 00:42:44,939 --> 00:42:47,271 ...gives alarm to the whole Vale of Gorgoroth! 519 00:42:48,042 --> 00:42:51,136 He's rallying the dark forces to defend the Tower. 520 00:42:51,212 --> 00:42:54,477 Soon they'll be upon us. We've got to get away and hide! 521 00:42:55,049 --> 00:42:57,517 Yes, of course, dear Sam. 522 00:43:02,924 --> 00:43:03,913 Listen. 523 00:43:06,360 --> 00:43:10,558 We'd best get across the bridge, while we've still time. 524 00:43:16,170 --> 00:43:21,107 If Sauron himself was to offer me a glass of water, I'd shake his hand. 525 00:43:21,876 --> 00:43:25,676 Don't say such things. It only makes it worse. 526 00:43:27,982 --> 00:43:28,971 Sam. 527 00:43:30,551 --> 00:43:34,112 A spot of dizziness there. I'm sorry. 528 00:43:35,890 --> 00:43:40,156 'Tis a long time, Mr. Frodo, since I had a proper sleep. 529 00:43:40,761 --> 00:43:43,662 Come, Sam, we shall support each other. 530 00:43:48,136 --> 00:43:50,161 It's no good, Sam. 531 00:43:51,339 --> 00:43:54,274 I can't manage the weight of this mail shirt. 532 00:43:54,342 --> 00:43:58,608 It's of no use anyway. We shall never get through by fighting. 533 00:43:59,213 --> 00:44:01,147 We may have some to do. 534 00:44:02,416 --> 00:44:04,884 We won't take on armies. 535 00:44:05,319 --> 00:44:08,152 Who knows what's down here in this canyon... 536 00:44:08,589 --> 00:44:10,079 ...slithering behind the rocks? 537 00:44:11,192 --> 00:44:13,353 No, Sam, it must go. 538 00:44:14,028 --> 00:44:17,225 What about that Gollum creature, for instance? 539 00:44:18,166 --> 00:44:22,102 The Gollum isn't dead, and he's still after that ring! 540 00:44:23,371 --> 00:44:26,499 I'd hate to think of you with naught but a bit of leather... 541 00:44:26,574 --> 00:44:29,065 ...between you and a stab in the dark. 542 00:44:33,614 --> 00:44:35,172 This hellish Mordor. 543 00:44:35,249 --> 00:44:38,218 First it sears you, then it freezes you. 544 00:44:39,053 --> 00:44:40,418 Mr. Frodo... 545 00:44:40,488 --> 00:44:44,015 ...maybe we could rest just a little. 546 00:44:44,792 --> 00:44:48,888 My eyes are fair closing by themselves. 547 00:44:48,963 --> 00:44:50,089 Not here. 548 00:44:50,298 --> 00:44:51,788 I didn't want to say anything... 549 00:44:51,866 --> 00:44:56,098 ...but there's a black rider, a Nazgul, over us. 550 00:44:56,170 --> 00:44:59,230 I can feel it. We must keep moving. 551 00:45:17,558 --> 00:45:22,552 Only a little more to climb out of the canyon. 552 00:45:24,298 --> 00:45:26,061 Then we'll take a look... 553 00:45:26,534 --> 00:45:30,698 ...and see what the Vale of Gorgoroth holds for us. 554 00:45:34,275 --> 00:45:37,335 I told you, you'd see it, Mr. Frodo. 555 00:45:38,646 --> 00:45:40,546 Just look at it. 556 00:45:44,185 --> 00:45:46,415 God help us. 557 00:45:48,723 --> 00:45:52,159 Behold Gorgoroth! 558 00:45:54,829 --> 00:45:57,229 I don't like the looks of things at all. 559 00:45:57,498 --> 00:45:59,261 Pretty hopeless, I call it. 560 00:45:59,333 --> 00:46:03,736 Yes. And these dark armies are not only of Orcs. 561 00:46:04,105 --> 00:46:05,766 There are Men, too! 562 00:46:06,440 --> 00:46:11,002 We just can't cross all that open country crawling with enemies. 563 00:46:11,279 --> 00:46:14,578 Still, Sam, we shall have to try. 564 00:46:50,184 --> 00:46:52,243 It's no worse than I expected. 565 00:46:52,753 --> 00:46:54,721 I never hoped to get across... 566 00:46:54,789 --> 00:46:57,758 ...but I've got to do the best I can. 567 00:47:03,130 --> 00:47:05,997 I think we can make it to the next boulder, master. 568 00:47:06,067 --> 00:47:07,432 No one is about. 569 00:47:08,102 --> 00:47:09,763 Blasted moonlight. 570 00:47:09,904 --> 00:47:13,840 Traveling by night's almost as bad as by day. 571 00:47:14,308 --> 00:47:16,538 Come now, sir. I'll help. 572 00:47:21,115 --> 00:47:23,015 Got to rest. 573 00:47:24,352 --> 00:47:27,480 If you please, sir. Me too. 574 00:47:29,623 --> 00:47:31,386 Just for a few minutes. 575 00:47:44,739 --> 00:47:46,229 "Where there's a whip 576 00:47:46,707 --> 00:47:48,174 "There's a way 577 00:47:48,642 --> 00:47:50,371 "Where there's a whip 578 00:47:50,644 --> 00:47:52,168 "There's a way 579 00:47:52,480 --> 00:47:53,845 "Where there's a whip 580 00:47:53,914 --> 00:47:56,644 "We don't want to go to war today 581 00:47:56,717 --> 00:48:00,551 "But the Lord of the Lash says, 'Nay, nay, nay' 582 00:48:01,689 --> 00:48:06,058 "We're gonna march all day 583 00:48:07,461 --> 00:48:10,157 "Where there's a whip, there's a way 584 00:48:10,731 --> 00:48:12,631 "Where there's a whip 585 00:48:12,700 --> 00:48:14,167 "There's a way 586 00:48:14,635 --> 00:48:16,603 "Where there's a whip 587 00:48:16,704 --> 00:48:18,103 "There's a way 588 00:48:18,639 --> 00:48:20,903 "Where there's a whip, there's a way 589 00:48:20,975 --> 00:48:23,375 "Left, right, left, right, left 590 00:48:23,477 --> 00:48:25,843 "Where there's a whip, there's a way 591 00:48:25,913 --> 00:48:27,073 "Left, right 592 00:48:27,148 --> 00:48:30,948 "A crack on the back says, 'we're gonna fight' 593 00:48:31,452 --> 00:48:34,944 "We're gonna march all day and night 594 00:48:35,022 --> 00:48:36,956 "And more 595 00:48:37,191 --> 00:48:42,151 "For we're the slaves of the Dark Lord's war 596 00:48:44,398 --> 00:48:46,628 "Where there's a whip 597 00:48:46,767 --> 00:48:48,291 "There's a way 598 00:48:48,769 --> 00:48:50,293 "Where there's a whip 599 00:48:50,771 --> 00:48:52,204 "There's a way 600 00:48:52,573 --> 00:48:53,904 "Where there's a whip 601 00:48:53,974 --> 00:48:56,909 "We don't want to go to war today 602 00:48:56,977 --> 00:49:00,378 "But the Lord of the Lash says, 'Nay, nay, nay' 603 00:49:01,715 --> 00:49:05,151 "We're going to march all day 604 00:49:07,421 --> 00:49:09,889 "Where there's a whip, there's a way 605 00:49:09,957 --> 00:49:12,448 "Left, right, left, right" 606 00:49:18,899 --> 00:49:19,991 Mr. Frodo. 607 00:49:21,702 --> 00:49:24,865 -What is it? -Now we've gone and done it. 608 00:49:24,939 --> 00:49:26,804 Slept through till daylight. 609 00:49:27,308 --> 00:49:31,039 With only this fool rock between us and them armies. 610 00:49:31,579 --> 00:49:32,603 Look out. 611 00:49:34,081 --> 00:49:37,448 What have we here? Two deserters? 612 00:49:37,852 --> 00:49:40,013 Up with you! Get in line! 613 00:49:40,287 --> 00:49:41,481 We're in luck. 614 00:49:41,555 --> 00:49:43,580 -He thinks we're Orcs. -Luck? 615 00:49:44,625 --> 00:49:49,028 Good sir, we're gonna be marching with the whole blinking army... 616 00:49:49,096 --> 00:49:51,724 ...back to Cirith Ungol where we started from! 617 00:49:52,900 --> 00:49:54,629 Come on, you slugs! 618 00:49:57,938 --> 00:49:59,269 "Where's there's a whip 619 00:49:59,340 --> 00:50:01,900 "We don't wanna go to war today 620 00:50:02,743 --> 00:50:06,008 "But the Lord of the Lash says, 'Nay, nay, nay' 621 00:50:06,847 --> 00:50:11,477 "We're gonna march all day 622 00:50:12,853 --> 00:50:15,583 "Where there's a whip, there's a way" 623 00:50:19,960 --> 00:50:22,520 I can't continue. 624 00:50:23,063 --> 00:50:26,362 I'd rather be singing a good old Hobbit song myself. 625 00:50:36,777 --> 00:50:39,837 At least they gave us provisions for our packs. 626 00:50:40,214 --> 00:50:43,274 But Orc food is enough to turn a rodent sick. 627 00:50:43,350 --> 00:50:46,114 Samwise, we have got to break ranks. 628 00:50:46,186 --> 00:50:48,313 Not while old whipper there is watching. 629 00:50:48,556 --> 00:50:51,753 Don't worry, master. The opportunity will come. 630 00:50:55,729 --> 00:50:56,718 Halt. 631 00:50:57,331 --> 00:50:59,196 What do you mean, "halt"? 632 00:50:59,533 --> 00:51:02,991 I have a battalion of Men to move across your road. 633 00:51:03,437 --> 00:51:07,396 Well I've got a battalion of Orcs to move across yours. 634 00:51:07,474 --> 00:51:08,498 You wait! 635 00:51:08,809 --> 00:51:11,676 Men come before Orcs. Get back. 636 00:51:11,912 --> 00:51:15,177 I think this is it! You stay right here, sir. 637 00:51:17,351 --> 00:51:19,285 You going to stand for that, sir? 638 00:51:20,287 --> 00:51:21,845 Get back in line! 639 00:51:21,922 --> 00:51:26,859 You mean you're going to let a pack of filthy Man-creatures go before us? 640 00:51:29,663 --> 00:51:32,188 And you call yourself an Orc? 641 00:51:34,234 --> 00:51:35,462 You're right. 642 00:51:38,038 --> 00:51:43,032 Kill them, bone them, cut them to bits! 643 00:51:44,445 --> 00:51:46,606 Smash them, bash them! 644 00:51:47,681 --> 00:51:49,046 Skin them alive! 645 00:52:13,040 --> 00:52:14,405 Not an inch. 646 00:52:14,808 --> 00:52:17,504 Not an inch further can I move. 647 00:52:18,178 --> 00:52:20,078 Come, Mr. Frodo. 648 00:52:20,981 --> 00:52:25,975 One more crawl and then you can lie still. 649 00:52:27,921 --> 00:52:29,650 A bit further. 650 00:52:30,824 --> 00:52:32,621 This way, sir. 651 00:52:34,528 --> 00:52:38,430 No use. Going to die. Can't see a thing. 652 00:52:40,067 --> 00:52:41,398 Mr. Frodo. 653 00:52:49,276 --> 00:52:50,903 Don't die, Mr. Frodo. 654 00:52:51,512 --> 00:52:54,743 You can't die. Please, master. 655 00:52:56,450 --> 00:53:00,648 If any power of good can hear us in this accursed land... 656 00:53:00,854 --> 00:53:02,515 ...give us help. 657 00:53:02,990 --> 00:53:04,514 Help us. 658 00:53:14,601 --> 00:53:15,829 Power of good? 659 00:53:16,770 --> 00:53:20,672 Indeed, was there none left in all Middle-earth... 660 00:53:20,741 --> 00:53:23,869 ...with strength to aid our dying cause? 661 00:53:25,946 --> 00:53:30,645 At that moment, the forces of darkness made ready to break the main gate... 662 00:53:30,818 --> 00:53:34,413 ...with a mighty battering ram which they had named Grond. 663 00:53:38,926 --> 00:53:42,362 Long had it been forging in the dark smithies of Mordor... 664 00:53:43,097 --> 00:53:45,122 ...and on it spells of ruin lay. 665 00:53:55,242 --> 00:54:00,202 -The gate will never stand up to that thing! -Like the arm of the devil himself! 666 00:54:01,582 --> 00:54:04,415 When the gates break I shall be there to greet it! 667 00:54:04,885 --> 00:54:07,479 Have my steed, Shadowfax, made ready! 668 00:54:07,821 --> 00:54:10,483 -Farewell, Pippin. -I go with you, sir. 669 00:54:10,691 --> 00:54:14,525 Then we leave this life together. Come, little one. 670 00:54:26,974 --> 00:54:28,532 On, Shadowfax! 671 00:54:47,060 --> 00:54:48,789 The Lord of the Nazgul... 672 00:54:49,029 --> 00:54:51,224 ...Sauron's second-in-command. 673 00:54:51,565 --> 00:54:53,726 A creature of the super-natural... 674 00:54:54,268 --> 00:54:57,362 ...and so no living Man could hinder him... 675 00:54:57,871 --> 00:55:00,066 ...nor bring him harm in any way. 676 00:55:00,641 --> 00:55:03,109 He was invulnerable! 677 00:55:57,731 --> 00:55:59,596 You cannot enter here! 678 00:56:00,467 --> 00:56:03,129 Go back to the abyss prepared for you! 679 00:56:03,437 --> 00:56:08,431 Go back! Fall to the nothingness that awaits you and your master. Go! 680 00:56:16,416 --> 00:56:18,611 Old fool! 681 00:56:19,019 --> 00:56:21,886 This is my hour. 682 00:56:22,489 --> 00:56:26,152 Do you not know Death when you see it? 683 00:56:26,627 --> 00:56:30,757 Die now and curse in vain! 684 00:56:39,940 --> 00:56:44,434 And, as from some courtyard of the city, a cock crowed... 685 00:56:44,845 --> 00:56:46,938 ...recking nothing of wizardry or war... 686 00:56:47,547 --> 00:56:49,515 ...welcoming only the morning... 687 00:56:49,583 --> 00:56:52,518 ...that in the sky far above the shadows of death... 688 00:56:52,653 --> 00:56:54,484 ...was coming with the dawn. 689 00:56:55,489 --> 00:56:59,357 For as if in answer there came from far away, another note. 690 00:57:03,130 --> 00:57:05,189 Horns! Horns! Horns! 691 00:57:05,265 --> 00:57:08,496 Over the fields of Pelennor, they echoed from the distance. 692 00:57:08,769 --> 00:57:11,704 Great horns in the north, wildly blowing. 693 00:57:12,172 --> 00:57:16,609 Theoden and the rescuing arms of Rohan had come at last. 694 00:57:29,089 --> 00:57:32,081 Ride now. 695 00:57:32,359 --> 00:57:34,088 Ride now, to Gondor. 696 00:57:36,863 --> 00:57:39,525 Victory was slipping from the grasp of evil... 697 00:57:39,967 --> 00:57:42,765 ...even as he stretched out his hand to seize it. 698 00:57:43,003 --> 00:57:46,234 And the strength of goodness began to be felt once more... 699 00:57:46,707 --> 00:57:48,766 ...throughout the lands. 700 00:57:51,411 --> 00:57:53,504 Had a prayer been answered? 701 00:57:54,414 --> 00:57:56,405 Water. Give me water. 702 00:57:57,117 --> 00:57:59,210 Master! Thank heaven! 703 00:57:59,486 --> 00:58:01,647 Here, not too much now. 704 00:58:02,556 --> 00:58:04,387 Not all at once. 705 00:58:07,260 --> 00:58:08,557 He's weakening. 706 00:58:09,129 --> 00:58:12,394 I feel it. Sauron is weakening. 707 00:58:13,266 --> 00:58:15,097 But he is still in command. 708 00:58:15,736 --> 00:58:19,137 His arm is long, and it wields great power. 709 00:58:19,639 --> 00:58:22,665 No, master. You must rest. 710 00:58:22,976 --> 00:58:25,206 I must still destroy the Ring. 711 00:58:25,645 --> 00:58:27,875 I've more of a chance now... 712 00:58:28,315 --> 00:58:31,443 ...but there's still such a long way to go. 713 00:58:31,618 --> 00:58:36,055 That's tomorrow, Mr. Frodo, tomorrow. 714 01:00:29,503 --> 01:00:32,700 And as the battle raged anew on the fields of Pelennor... 715 01:00:32,939 --> 01:00:36,500 ...the carnage continuing endlessly through the days and nights... 716 01:00:36,877 --> 01:00:41,541 ...the real victory still lay in the hands of Frodo and Samwise... 717 01:00:41,748 --> 01:00:44,740 ...and the terrible weight they bore closer and closer... 718 01:00:44,818 --> 01:00:47,446 ...to the destruction, which was our only hope. 719 01:00:51,558 --> 01:00:53,822 And finally, almost dead... 720 01:00:54,361 --> 01:00:57,455 ...without fully realizing they had reached the roots... 721 01:00:57,697 --> 01:01:01,155 ...of the accursed Mount Doom. 722 01:01:02,369 --> 01:01:04,894 Come, Sam. Dear Sam. 723 01:01:05,405 --> 01:01:09,000 For the rest of the way we shall crawl. 724 01:01:10,143 --> 01:01:12,338 And so foot by foot... 725 01:01:12,646 --> 01:01:15,114 ...like small gray insects... 726 01:01:15,182 --> 01:01:16,615 ...they crept up the slope... 727 01:01:16,683 --> 01:01:19,743 ...ever closer to that which lay inside the mountain... 728 01:01:20,854 --> 01:01:23,914 ...the fire, and the Cracks of Doom. 729 01:01:31,164 --> 01:01:33,462 "Doom 730 01:01:34,201 --> 01:01:38,262 "The Cracks of Doom 731 01:01:38,505 --> 01:01:42,498 "The chambers of fire 732 01:01:42,709 --> 01:01:47,703 "The fires of doom " 733 01:01:52,752 --> 01:01:55,550 Who causes the minutes to fall dead... 734 01:01:56,122 --> 01:01:58,590 ...adding up to no passing hour... 735 01:01:59,192 --> 01:02:01,558 ...bringing no change from day to night... 736 01:02:01,895 --> 01:02:06,696 ...as the unseen sun fails to filter into the ever-present shadows? 737 01:02:07,267 --> 01:02:12,136 Who is this dark lord who turns starless nights into sunless days? 738 01:02:12,772 --> 01:02:16,299 How does his piercing eye see through the ever-present darkness? 739 01:02:16,876 --> 01:02:18,969 Seeing all and nothing. 740 01:02:20,213 --> 01:02:23,649 The Restless Eye, in his dark tower... 741 01:02:23,883 --> 01:02:28,343 ...wearing a veil of protective shadow he has woven from fear. 742 01:02:29,322 --> 01:02:31,847 And yet he fears, too. 743 01:02:32,259 --> 01:02:34,887 In the security of his protective realm... 744 01:02:35,161 --> 01:02:38,688 ...he fears the winds of the world are turning against him. 745 01:02:39,199 --> 01:02:42,100 Tearing aside his veils and troubling him... 746 01:02:42,435 --> 01:02:47,429 ...with tidings of bold spies that have passed through his fences. 747 01:02:52,946 --> 01:02:55,244 "Doom 748 01:02:55,982 --> 01:03:00,146 "The Cracks of Doom 749 01:03:00,220 --> 01:03:04,179 "The chambers of fire 750 01:03:04,624 --> 01:03:09,618 "The fires of doom " 751 01:03:17,604 --> 01:03:21,700 -Did you see when the clouds parted? -Yes. 752 01:03:21,775 --> 01:03:23,208 He's spotted us! 753 01:03:23,543 --> 01:03:26,535 It's all up, or will soon be. 754 01:03:26,713 --> 01:03:28,578 This is the end of ends! 755 01:03:29,582 --> 01:03:32,050 Still have a chance. 756 01:03:33,119 --> 01:03:36,247 Bless you, sir, for your bravery! 757 01:03:37,123 --> 01:03:38,920 Give me the strength. 758 01:03:39,659 --> 01:03:44,358 I ask you: Give me the strength to try once more. 759 01:04:00,847 --> 01:04:04,408 Wicked master. 760 01:04:05,218 --> 01:04:08,244 -God help us. -Gollum. 761 01:04:08,621 --> 01:04:10,748 Wicked master cheats us. 762 01:04:13,460 --> 01:04:15,428 He mustn't go that way! 763 01:04:16,129 --> 01:04:19,223 He mustn't hurt Precious. 764 01:04:19,532 --> 01:04:21,693 Away, you scum. 765 01:04:21,801 --> 01:04:23,359 What do you want of us? 766 01:04:23,436 --> 01:04:26,701 Give it to Gollum, yes, give it to us! 767 01:04:28,842 --> 01:04:30,867 Give it to us! 768 01:04:45,558 --> 01:04:48,618 My Precious, my ring. 769 01:04:48,695 --> 01:04:51,755 Soon it will be mine... 770 01:04:52,031 --> 01:04:55,194 ...all mine! 771 01:04:55,602 --> 01:04:59,333 Precious, my Precious. 772 01:05:00,106 --> 01:05:01,266 Precious. 773 01:05:34,674 --> 01:05:37,609 Precious is mine. 774 01:05:46,719 --> 01:05:49,711 You foul, reeking scum! 775 01:05:49,956 --> 01:05:51,446 I'll kill you! 776 01:05:54,794 --> 01:05:57,922 I can't strike! I may hit Mr. Frodo. 777 01:05:57,997 --> 01:06:01,125 Let me get hold of the Ring. 778 01:06:12,612 --> 01:06:15,445 "The bearer of the Ring 779 01:06:15,515 --> 01:06:17,710 "The wearer of the Ring 780 01:06:17,917 --> 01:06:22,911 "Stands on the very brink of fate 781 01:06:23,556 --> 01:06:28,687 "Staring into eyes of darkness and despair 782 01:06:28,828 --> 01:06:33,822 "That rise and shrink with hate" 783 01:06:36,002 --> 01:06:38,300 Be gone and trouble me no more! 784 01:06:38,872 --> 01:06:40,806 If you touch me ever again... 785 01:06:40,874 --> 01:06:44,935 ...you shall be cast, yourself, into the Fire of Doom. 786 01:06:50,450 --> 01:06:52,418 Look out! He'll spring again. 787 01:06:52,485 --> 01:06:56,785 Quick, master, no time to lose. Go on! I'll deal with him! 788 01:07:03,630 --> 01:07:05,928 Now I can deal with you! 789 01:07:06,933 --> 01:07:10,494 Don't kill us. Don't hurt us. 790 01:07:11,738 --> 01:07:14,138 Let us live, please. 791 01:07:14,207 --> 01:07:19,110 Let us live, just a little longer. 792 01:07:20,847 --> 01:07:22,144 Live. 793 01:07:34,694 --> 01:07:36,025 Lost. 794 01:07:40,199 --> 01:07:41,826 We're lost! 795 01:07:42,502 --> 01:07:45,869 And when Precious goes... 796 01:07:45,939 --> 01:07:49,466 ...we'll die, yes. 797 01:07:49,742 --> 01:07:54,577 All of us die into the dust. 798 01:08:02,589 --> 01:08:07,026 How can I kill such a pitiful and cringing abomination? 799 01:08:07,427 --> 01:08:11,921 I have come to know the strain of bearing the Ring for even a little while. 800 01:08:12,231 --> 01:08:17,225 But this miserable creature enslaved to it for years... 801 01:08:17,937 --> 01:08:20,531 Curse you, you stinking thing! 802 01:08:21,040 --> 01:08:24,305 Be off! I don't trust you, not as far as I could kick you. 803 01:08:24,644 --> 01:08:29,638 But be off or I shall hurt you with nasty cruel steel. Yes! 804 01:08:44,530 --> 01:08:48,364 Now to find Mr. Frodo again. 805 01:08:53,506 --> 01:08:57,135 And here it is. Sammath Naur! 806 01:08:58,011 --> 01:09:02,948 Doorway to the gut of the mountain, and to hell itself, for all I know. 807 01:09:06,719 --> 01:09:11,554 Dark, hot, reeking. 808 01:09:13,626 --> 01:09:18,256 Frodo! Master! 809 01:09:21,334 --> 01:09:23,325 There's no choice. 810 01:09:24,070 --> 01:09:25,662 I have to go in. 811 01:09:40,186 --> 01:09:44,213 And at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields the tide had turned... 812 01:09:44,357 --> 01:09:48,088 ...with the arrival of Theoden and the armies of Rohan. 813 01:10:05,211 --> 01:10:08,237 -Hail proud Merry! -Hail Pippin. 814 01:10:08,981 --> 01:10:12,610 Bless you for a sure eye, old friend. How good to see you! 815 01:10:12,685 --> 01:10:15,119 Bless you for bringing Theoden and his army. 816 01:10:15,188 --> 01:10:16,780 You've won the day for us! 817 01:10:32,739 --> 01:10:37,073 In the midst of Theoden's glory, his golden shield was dimmed. 818 01:10:37,710 --> 01:10:42,374 The new morning was blotted from the sky. And the dark fell upon him. 819 01:10:48,254 --> 01:10:50,449 Fear no darkness, Snowmane. 820 01:10:52,558 --> 01:10:54,788 No, Snowmane! 821 01:11:00,833 --> 01:11:05,429 And the Dark Force had claimed our savior, Lord of Rohan. 822 01:11:06,339 --> 01:11:09,308 Lord Theoden! Nay. 823 01:11:09,876 --> 01:11:13,937 Oh, my dear master. Oh, the horror. 824 01:11:14,514 --> 01:11:17,449 No, my friend. He is gone! 825 01:11:18,117 --> 01:11:19,675 You can do nothing. 826 01:11:21,154 --> 01:11:23,622 Hear me, O Darkness! 827 01:11:24,056 --> 01:11:26,889 I will avenge my lord! 828 01:11:36,169 --> 01:11:37,193 And what event... 829 01:11:37,804 --> 01:11:42,138 ...at just that moment caused evil to enlist such power? 830 01:11:42,875 --> 01:11:44,638 Nothing here, surely. 831 01:11:46,779 --> 01:11:49,111 But in the bowels of Mount Doom... 832 01:11:51,150 --> 01:11:55,814 Master! Mr. Frodo. 833 01:11:57,757 --> 01:12:00,692 Master, where are you? 834 01:12:03,362 --> 01:12:06,559 Behold! The Crack of Doom! 835 01:12:06,666 --> 01:12:08,861 -Master. -Hold. Get back! 836 01:12:09,235 --> 01:12:11,635 Master, it is me, Samwise! 837 01:12:12,471 --> 01:12:14,666 And if that be the Crack of Doom... 838 01:12:14,740 --> 01:12:19,575 ...at last do what you've come all this distance to do! 839 01:12:19,679 --> 01:12:20,668 Now! 840 01:12:20,947 --> 01:12:25,475 I have come. But I do not choose to do now what I have come to do! 841 01:12:27,153 --> 01:12:31,886 "The bearer of the Ring The wearer of the Ring 842 01:12:32,491 --> 01:12:37,190 "He hears a voice compelling him 843 01:12:38,231 --> 01:12:43,191 "Filling him with thoughts that echo in his mind 844 01:12:43,436 --> 01:12:47,873 "It should be telling him " 845 01:12:49,842 --> 01:12:54,575 No, Mr. Frodo. Don't let the Ring claim you! 846 01:12:55,715 --> 01:13:00,709 "Beware the power is a power never known 847 01:13:01,087 --> 01:13:06,081 "Beware the power that was simple now has grown 848 01:13:06,592 --> 01:13:10,722 "Beware, oh wearer of the Ring 849 01:13:11,297 --> 01:13:16,291 "The final power has yet to be shown" 850 01:13:19,572 --> 01:13:22,541 Get back! I am not the Ring's! 851 01:13:22,608 --> 01:13:25,543 The Ring is mine. Look! 852 01:13:32,652 --> 01:13:34,176 Master! 853 01:13:34,487 --> 01:13:35,613 No! 854 01:13:36,455 --> 01:13:37,820 Please! 855 01:13:53,205 --> 01:13:56,402 He had come again, bringing ruin... 856 01:13:56,475 --> 01:14:00,104 ...turning hope to despair, and victory to death. 857 01:14:04,083 --> 01:14:07,484 Be gone, foul Dwimmerlaik, Lord of Carrion. 858 01:14:07,553 --> 01:14:08,781 Leave the dead in peace! 859 01:14:09,288 --> 01:14:13,884 Come not between the Nazgul and his prey! 860 01:14:14,093 --> 01:14:17,620 Or he will slay thee in turn. 861 01:14:17,830 --> 01:14:20,697 Do what you will. I will hinder it, if I may! 862 01:14:20,800 --> 01:14:25,169 Hinder me? Thou fool. 863 01:14:25,504 --> 01:14:28,439 Dost thou not know the prophecy? 864 01:14:28,541 --> 01:14:33,001 "No living man may hinder me." 865 01:14:33,145 --> 01:14:35,545 But no living man am I! 866 01:14:35,614 --> 01:14:38,208 You look upon a woman. Eowyn am I. 867 01:14:38,351 --> 01:14:41,115 You stand between me and my lord and kin. 868 01:14:41,520 --> 01:14:46,423 Be gone for living or dark undead I will smite you if you touch him! 869 01:14:47,093 --> 01:14:49,823 A woman? Eowyn? 870 01:14:51,597 --> 01:14:53,622 'Tis Lord Theoden's niece! 871 01:14:54,166 --> 01:14:56,999 She wanted to ride with us, but he forbade. 872 01:14:57,703 --> 01:15:00,501 She disguised as a knight and she came hither! 873 01:15:05,778 --> 01:15:08,338 A foul, putrid wind! 874 01:15:08,647 --> 01:15:10,877 How does she bear the stench of it? 875 01:15:10,950 --> 01:15:13,214 Strong she is, and brave. 876 01:15:13,519 --> 01:15:15,350 I must to her aid! 877 01:15:45,785 --> 01:15:46,479 No! 878 01:15:59,832 --> 01:16:00,821 It's empty! 879 01:16:00,900 --> 01:16:04,358 Uncle, I have avenged thee! 880 01:16:07,173 --> 01:16:10,165 Theoden was borne from the field with honor. 881 01:16:10,509 --> 01:16:15,173 And we wondered if, when our own lord, King Aragorn, returned... 882 01:16:15,247 --> 01:16:17,511 ...would his fate be the same? 883 01:16:21,587 --> 01:16:25,990 With the death of the Nazgul lord, Sauron's forces lost heart... 884 01:16:26,325 --> 01:16:29,055 ...and began a retreat of abysmal disarray. 885 01:16:31,664 --> 01:16:35,031 And then, as if our triumph were but a child's toy... 886 01:16:35,468 --> 01:16:39,097 ...a game with which Sauron was playing and taunting us... 887 01:16:39,271 --> 01:16:41,637 ...the tide of battle suddenly changed. 888 01:16:42,308 --> 01:16:46,005 For from the wretched forces of evil, a new cry of hope went up. 889 01:16:49,982 --> 01:16:51,574 The Black Fleet! 890 01:16:52,418 --> 01:16:54,579 That which I dreaded had happened. 891 01:16:54,787 --> 01:16:58,348 For if enemy-laden ships had come from this direction... 892 01:16:58,457 --> 01:17:03,190 ...it meant that the black forces had already conquered Ethir and Lebennin... 893 01:17:03,462 --> 01:17:05,987 ...lands we had thought safely ours. 894 01:17:12,505 --> 01:17:15,531 The tide had turned still one more time... 895 01:17:15,975 --> 01:17:18,375 ...and this time, against us! 896 01:17:21,080 --> 01:17:22,479 But behold! 897 01:17:22,915 --> 01:17:25,748 As the flagship's standard broke the wind... 898 01:17:25,885 --> 01:17:29,218 ...it displayed the sign no lord had borne for years... 899 01:17:29,455 --> 01:17:32,049 ...and which only one lord could bear: 900 01:17:33,225 --> 01:17:36,888 Aragon! He who would be our king... 901 01:17:37,129 --> 01:17:38,323 ...had returned! 902 01:17:43,068 --> 01:17:46,231 And the hosts of Mordor were seized with bewilderment... 903 01:17:46,405 --> 01:17:48,032 ...and they fled. 904 01:17:50,176 --> 01:17:52,235 That night we held council. 905 01:17:53,212 --> 01:17:55,908 While Aragorn had the enemy on the run... 906 01:17:55,981 --> 01:17:58,415 ...he decided to pursue them into Mordor... 907 01:17:58,851 --> 01:18:01,081 ...across the Gorgoroth Plateau... 908 01:18:01,287 --> 01:18:06,088 ...and to the bastion of Sauron himself, the Dark Tower of Barad-dur. 909 01:18:07,526 --> 01:18:10,791 The shortest way would be through the pass at Cirith Ungol. 910 01:18:11,330 --> 01:18:14,197 But that is narrow and dangerous to move an army through. 911 01:18:14,266 --> 01:18:17,702 And so he decided to march along the mountains, north... 912 01:18:17,870 --> 01:18:19,360 ...and then west... 913 01:18:19,438 --> 01:18:22,430 ...to the haunted pass of Cirith Gorgor... 914 01:18:22,508 --> 01:18:25,534 ...and the untold legions of the Black Lord. 915 01:18:26,512 --> 01:18:28,309 Why so glum, Wizard? 916 01:18:28,781 --> 01:18:33,013 Does the mere thought of Sauron's vast forces overwhelm your spirit? 917 01:18:33,552 --> 01:18:35,884 This war is without final hope. 918 01:18:36,255 --> 01:18:38,985 Victory cannot be achieved by force of arms... 919 01:18:39,225 --> 01:18:41,955 ...whether you sit here to endure siege after siege... 920 01:18:42,027 --> 01:18:44,222 ...or march out to be overwhelmed. 921 01:18:44,496 --> 01:18:46,259 You have only a choice of evils! 922 01:18:46,632 --> 01:18:49,294 Then, if the choice be mine... 923 01:18:49,969 --> 01:18:52,130 ...I choose to march! 924 01:18:54,707 --> 01:18:57,175 And for days and nights march we did. 925 01:18:57,543 --> 01:18:59,443 But my spirit was leaden. 926 01:19:07,553 --> 01:19:11,250 "Win the battle, lose the war 927 01:19:11,523 --> 01:19:15,892 "Choice of evils lie before your feet 928 01:19:17,162 --> 01:19:20,029 "Retreat, retreat, retreat" 929 01:19:24,670 --> 01:19:27,002 And finally, the pass. 930 01:19:28,007 --> 01:19:30,669 Guarded by The Towers of the Teeth. 931 01:19:31,176 --> 01:19:34,873 And inside, the Orcs made song to match my spirit. 932 01:19:35,080 --> 01:19:38,607 "If you win then you will lose 933 01:19:38,984 --> 01:19:42,351 "Choice of evils yours to choose 934 01:19:42,421 --> 01:19:47,381 "Retreat, retreat, retreat 935 01:19:50,162 --> 01:19:53,825 "You are standing in the eye of the storm 936 01:19:54,166 --> 01:19:57,624 "Move an inch and you'll be dead 937 01:19:58,137 --> 01:20:00,264 "You are standing underneath 938 01:20:00,339 --> 01:20:05,208 "The Towers of the Teeth and the Eye blazes red 939 01:20:06,378 --> 01:20:10,109 "Win the battle lose the war 940 01:20:10,416 --> 01:20:14,785 "Choice of evils lie before your feet 941 01:20:16,055 --> 01:20:19,047 "Retreat, retreat, retreat" 942 01:20:19,224 --> 01:20:20,452 Silence! 943 01:20:22,361 --> 01:20:24,124 Come forth! 944 01:20:24,797 --> 01:20:26,924 The King of Gondor... 945 01:20:26,999 --> 01:20:30,162 ...demands the Black Lord to come forth... 946 01:20:30,302 --> 01:20:34,102 ...atone for his evils and depart them forever! 947 01:20:34,740 --> 01:20:36,105 Come forth! 948 01:20:55,461 --> 01:20:58,259 I am the mouth of Sauron! 949 01:20:58,831 --> 01:21:01,095 His emissary, you mean. 950 01:21:01,166 --> 01:21:04,294 For you be no wraith, but made from flesh and blood... 951 01:21:04,370 --> 01:21:08,602 ...beneath that mask and those robes, even as I! 952 01:21:09,475 --> 01:21:14,378 Is there anyone in this rout with authority to treat with me? 953 01:21:14,747 --> 01:21:16,908 Not thou, Aragorn. 954 01:21:16,982 --> 01:21:20,850 It needs more to make a king than a rabble such as this. 955 01:21:21,553 --> 01:21:23,020 We shall see! 956 01:21:23,455 --> 01:21:24,786 Be warned. 957 01:21:24,990 --> 01:21:28,448 You are hopelessly outnumbered here. 958 01:21:28,527 --> 01:21:30,188 Our decision is made. 959 01:21:30,362 --> 01:21:31,556 Be gone! 960 01:21:31,930 --> 01:21:35,627 We did not come here to waste words in treating with the likes of you... 961 01:21:36,201 --> 01:21:38,226 ...one of Sauron's slaves. 962 01:21:38,670 --> 01:21:39,864 Be gone! 963 01:21:40,305 --> 01:21:42,773 We will meet your armies! 964 01:21:48,647 --> 01:21:51,878 "You are standing in the eye of the storm 965 01:21:52,484 --> 01:21:56,420 "Move an inch and you'll be dead 966 01:21:56,488 --> 01:22:00,481 "You are standing underneath The Towers of the Teeth 967 01:22:00,592 --> 01:22:04,153 "And the Eye blazes red" 968 01:22:08,834 --> 01:22:11,530 As I faced my own, almost certain death... 969 01:22:11,904 --> 01:22:14,702 ...I wondered, "Has he the Ring? 970 01:22:14,940 --> 01:22:17,306 "Has Sauron really got the Ring? 971 01:22:17,643 --> 01:22:19,611 "Where is the Ring?" 972 01:22:23,582 --> 01:22:26,449 Had I but known that deep in the bowels of Mount Doom... 973 01:22:26,518 --> 01:22:30,978 ...Samwise had been searching these many days for his master... 974 01:22:31,290 --> 01:22:35,989 ...until he himself had reached the core, the fiery forge itself. 975 01:22:38,397 --> 01:22:40,422 And this, at last, is it... 976 01:22:41,033 --> 01:22:43,058 ...the end of Frodo's quest. 977 01:22:43,202 --> 01:22:47,332 But instead of his triumph, it ends with his madness. 978 01:22:48,874 --> 01:22:50,273 What's that? 979 01:22:53,178 --> 01:22:54,167 Gollum! 980 01:22:54,513 --> 01:22:55,639 Here? 981 01:22:56,014 --> 01:22:58,676 Fighting with something that is not there? 982 01:22:59,318 --> 01:23:01,081 Mr. Frodo! 983 01:23:01,920 --> 01:23:03,512 Invisible! 984 01:23:04,790 --> 01:23:09,784 "Frodo of the nine fingers 985 01:23:11,063 --> 01:23:14,226 "And the Ring of Doom 986 01:23:15,734 --> 01:23:20,103 "Why does he have nine fingers" 987 01:23:38,924 --> 01:23:40,653 Mr. Frodo! 988 01:23:41,760 --> 01:23:46,754 "Where is the Ring of Doom?" 989 01:23:56,174 --> 01:23:58,768 Precious! Precious! 990 01:24:00,178 --> 01:24:02,703 My Precious! 991 01:24:07,452 --> 01:24:10,285 My master! Your poor hand! 992 01:24:10,355 --> 01:24:12,186 My master! 993 01:24:12,257 --> 01:24:13,588 'Tis better this way! 994 01:24:13,659 --> 01:24:16,150 'Tis better than that madness! 995 01:24:17,329 --> 01:24:18,318 Look! 996 01:24:18,530 --> 01:24:19,519 Mine! 997 01:24:26,872 --> 01:24:28,931 Precious! 998 01:24:34,346 --> 01:24:36,678 Gollum has completed our quest. 999 01:24:37,115 --> 01:24:41,313 The Ring is destroyed in the fires where it was wrought! 1000 01:24:41,987 --> 01:24:43,249 At last... 1001 01:24:43,355 --> 01:24:46,324 ...the Ring exists no more! 1002 01:24:50,462 --> 01:24:51,759 She's erupting! 1003 01:24:52,097 --> 01:24:55,294 Quick, master, back through these cracks, run. 1004 01:25:40,445 --> 01:25:42,242 All Mordor is being destroyed! 1005 01:25:42,648 --> 01:25:43,774 How? 1006 01:25:44,082 --> 01:25:46,983 How? There is but one answer. 1007 01:25:47,519 --> 01:25:50,044 The ring bearer has fulfilled his quest. 1008 01:25:50,489 --> 01:25:52,514 The realm of Sauron is ended! 1009 01:25:52,924 --> 01:25:54,585 And with him, us! 1010 01:25:54,826 --> 01:25:57,624 For the quake cannot tell good from evil. 1011 01:25:58,230 --> 01:26:00,596 Look! See ye! 1012 01:26:05,671 --> 01:26:07,969 The Lord of the Eagles and his legions! 1013 01:26:08,273 --> 01:26:10,537 Our armies are saved! 1014 01:26:21,086 --> 01:26:23,577 It's no use! The lava will have us! 1015 01:26:24,356 --> 01:26:28,190 I am glad you are with me here at the end of all things, Sam. 1016 01:26:28,460 --> 01:26:30,428 And you with me, master. 1017 01:26:31,830 --> 01:26:34,128 I don't want to give up yet. 1018 01:26:34,566 --> 01:26:37,501 It's not like me somehow, if you understand. 1019 01:26:37,803 --> 01:26:41,796 Maybe not, Sam. But it's like things are in the world. 1020 01:26:42,808 --> 01:26:43,968 Hopes fail. 1021 01:26:44,476 --> 01:26:45,875 An end comes. 1022 01:26:46,445 --> 01:26:48,174 There is no escape. 1023 01:27:21,646 --> 01:27:23,876 Die well, Samwise! 1024 01:27:39,798 --> 01:27:41,322 Yes, once again... 1025 01:27:41,700 --> 01:27:44,567 ...as he had so many times in the past... 1026 01:27:45,103 --> 01:27:49,699 ...Gwaihir, the magnificent Lord of The Eagles, had come to our rescue. 1027 01:27:50,509 --> 01:27:53,740 The mighty war birds returned us to Minas-Tirith... 1028 01:27:54,179 --> 01:27:55,646 ...where months later... 1029 01:27:56,148 --> 01:27:59,481 ...our dead buried, our wounded healed... 1030 01:27:59,885 --> 01:28:03,377 ...the fields of Pelennor green with springtime... 1031 01:28:03,488 --> 01:28:05,649 ...the city cleansed and rebuilt... 1032 01:28:06,024 --> 01:28:09,289 ...the standard of King Aragorn was raised finally... 1033 01:28:09,528 --> 01:28:11,758 ...to the top of the White Tower. 1034 01:28:12,230 --> 01:28:15,597 And down below, the restored Great Gate swung open... 1035 01:28:16,601 --> 01:28:20,901 ...and King Aragorn officially took possession of his capital city. 1036 01:28:22,207 --> 01:28:24,505 Behold! The return of the King! 1037 01:28:24,776 --> 01:28:29,406 "The end of the Ring, the return of the King 1038 01:28:30,081 --> 01:28:35,075 "A new age has come to the land 1039 01:28:36,188 --> 01:28:40,818 "The end of the Ring, the return of the King 1040 01:28:41,493 --> 01:28:45,486 "He shall rule with a true healing hand 1041 01:28:51,169 --> 01:28:53,569 "The quest is done 1042 01:28:54,139 --> 01:28:56,039 "The battle won 1043 01:28:56,675 --> 01:29:00,941 "And all have lost in the winning 1044 01:29:02,581 --> 01:29:04,879 "Oft hope is born 1045 01:29:05,417 --> 01:29:07,647 "When all's forlorn 1046 01:29:08,153 --> 01:29:12,112 "And there's a new beginning 1047 01:29:13,425 --> 01:29:18,294 "He who had the courage not to fail 1048 01:29:18,997 --> 01:29:23,934 "The bearer of the Ring we hail 1049 01:29:24,736 --> 01:29:27,068 "Praise them 1050 01:29:27,472 --> 01:29:29,872 "Praise them 1051 01:29:30,475 --> 01:29:34,809 "Praise them with great praise 1052 01:29:36,147 --> 01:29:40,208 "Praise them with great praise 1053 01:29:44,322 --> 01:29:49,259 "The end of the Ring, the return of the King 1054 01:29:49,527 --> 01:29:54,464 "A new age has come to the land 1055 01:29:55,700 --> 01:30:00,467 "The end of the Ring, the return of the King 1056 01:30:00,972 --> 01:30:03,532 "He shall rule 1057 01:30:03,675 --> 01:30:05,768 "With a true 1058 01:30:05,844 --> 01:30:09,678 "Healing hand" 1059 01:30:20,425 --> 01:30:24,191 "Frodo of the nine fingers 1060 01:30:24,930 --> 01:30:29,867 "And the Ring of Doom " 1061 01:30:31,703 --> 01:30:33,193 And now we all know. 1062 01:30:33,838 --> 01:30:35,465 But alas, look. 1063 01:30:40,145 --> 01:30:42,909 Just resting my eyes. 1064 01:30:43,715 --> 01:30:47,549 Sweet Bilbo, you will return with us tomorrow to Hobbitown... 1065 01:30:47,919 --> 01:30:50,786 ...where you may rest your eyes as much as you wish. 1066 01:30:51,323 --> 01:30:52,551 Return? 1067 01:30:52,991 --> 01:30:54,185 Nay. 1068 01:30:54,259 --> 01:30:55,590 On the morrow... 1069 01:30:55,660 --> 01:30:59,562 ...I depart with Elrond and Gandalf. 1070 01:31:00,098 --> 01:31:01,292 Depart? 1071 01:31:01,399 --> 01:31:03,367 From the Gray Havens. 1072 01:31:03,768 --> 01:31:06,100 On the white ship. 1073 01:31:06,638 --> 01:31:08,230 What means this? 1074 01:31:08,540 --> 01:31:11,532 We are old, our job is done. 1075 01:31:13,078 --> 01:31:15,740 The Third Age of Middle-earth is over... 1076 01:31:16,181 --> 01:31:19,014 ...and as we pass on to the lands beyond the sea... 1077 01:31:19,084 --> 01:31:22,576 ...the new age of Man begins. 1078 01:31:22,654 --> 01:31:24,246 I shall miss you. 1079 01:31:24,723 --> 01:31:27,317 But I thought only Elves departed thus. 1080 01:31:27,392 --> 01:31:29,257 How can Bilbo join you? 1081 01:31:29,327 --> 01:31:31,227 Bilbo has served us well. 1082 01:31:31,663 --> 01:31:34,131 There is always room for a friend. 1083 01:31:34,532 --> 01:31:37,057 Have I served thee well? 1084 01:31:37,202 --> 01:31:39,170 Need you ask such a question? 1085 01:31:41,606 --> 01:31:44,040 I have grown weary of this world. 1086 01:31:44,242 --> 01:31:46,836 The weight of the Ring all of these years... 1087 01:31:47,045 --> 01:31:49,206 ...has worn me far beyond my age. 1088 01:31:50,048 --> 01:31:52,414 I would, if it pleases you... 1089 01:31:52,617 --> 01:31:54,915 ...set sail with you on the morrow. 1090 01:31:56,054 --> 01:31:59,888 Good friend, savior of all we hold precious... 1091 01:32:00,558 --> 01:32:02,719 ...of course thou might join us. 1092 01:32:03,261 --> 01:32:04,592 Mr. Frodo. 1093 01:32:04,929 --> 01:32:06,726 We cannot be parted. 1094 01:32:07,565 --> 01:32:09,999 But, must I go, too? 1095 01:32:10,602 --> 01:32:12,035 Nay, dear Sam. 1096 01:32:12,170 --> 01:32:14,468 You are still young in spirit. 1097 01:32:14,706 --> 01:32:16,799 You and Merry and Pippin. 1098 01:32:17,509 --> 01:32:20,273 A good life awaits you back in the Shire. 1099 01:32:20,345 --> 01:32:22,404 With plump Hobbit wives... 1100 01:32:22,614 --> 01:32:24,548 ...good Hobbit meals... 1101 01:32:24,616 --> 01:32:28,746 ...long leisurely smokings of good Hobbit pipes. 1102 01:32:29,220 --> 01:32:32,155 And laps filled with bouncing Hobbit babies. 1103 01:32:33,158 --> 01:32:36,924 Now you must keep the book of the Hobbits up to date. 1104 01:32:39,364 --> 01:32:40,456 I will. 1105 01:32:41,666 --> 01:32:44,328 The Orcs and Trolls have gone to dust... 1106 01:32:45,036 --> 01:32:47,504 ...the Elves are slowly departing. 1107 01:32:48,206 --> 01:32:51,300 Dwarves have disappeared into their misty mountains... 1108 01:32:52,310 --> 01:32:54,870 ...and there have been no dragons for ages. 1109 01:32:55,480 --> 01:32:56,640 Right! 1110 01:32:58,650 --> 01:33:00,447 What troubles you, Sam? 1111 01:33:00,518 --> 01:33:04,352 Will there be no room for Hobbits in this new age of Man? 1112 01:33:04,856 --> 01:33:09,156 I think so. For of us all, Hobbits are the closest to Man... 1113 01:33:09,260 --> 01:33:10,386 ...the most human. 1114 01:33:10,795 --> 01:33:13,525 And one day they will be as Men are. 1115 01:33:13,731 --> 01:33:14,993 Look you. 1116 01:33:15,500 --> 01:33:20,164 Frodo is a bit larger than Bilbo, just as you are larger than Frodo. 1117 01:33:20,605 --> 01:33:24,541 And younger still than you, and larger are Merry and Pippin. 1118 01:33:25,844 --> 01:33:29,075 And, if you keep the book of the Hobbits as Frodo asked... 1119 01:33:29,214 --> 01:33:32,411 ...ages from now, when your stories are still told... 1120 01:33:32,917 --> 01:33:37,877 ...there will be those humans who might well wonder, "Is there Hobbit in me?" 1121 01:33:39,424 --> 01:33:40,686 Is there? 1122 01:33:42,060 --> 01:33:45,359 "Roads go ever, ever on 1123 01:33:48,666 --> 01:33:51,999 "To the lands beyond the sea 1124 01:33:55,206 --> 01:33:58,505 "On a white ship will I sail 1125 01:34:01,446 --> 01:34:05,439 "Watching shadows part for me 1126 01:34:08,019 --> 01:34:12,046 "Leaving havens gray with rain 1127 01:34:14,726 --> 01:34:18,685 "Now that years have slipped away 1128 01:34:21,232 --> 01:34:24,668 "Leaving friends with gentle pain 1129 01:34:27,605 --> 01:34:31,132 "As they start another day 1130 01:34:34,078 --> 01:34:37,878 "Roads I traveled I must leave 1131 01:34:40,585 --> 01:34:44,077 "For I've turned the final bend 1132 01:34:46,991 --> 01:34:51,155 "Weep not empty tears but grieve 1133 01:34:53,565 --> 01:34:58,468 "As the road comes to an end 1134 01:35:00,238 --> 01:35:04,834 "It's so easy not to try 1135 01:35:06,778 --> 01:35:10,805 "Let the world go drifting by 1136 01:35:13,151 --> 01:35:16,314 "If you never say hello 1137 01:35:19,691 --> 01:35:22,922 "You won't have to say goodbye" 1138 01:35:29,067 --> 01:35:31,501 And Io, as foretold... 1139 01:35:31,569 --> 01:35:35,027 ...the epoch of The Return of the King ends at the beginning... 1140 01:35:35,139 --> 01:35:37,699 ...of the new age of Man. 1141 01:35:38,977 --> 01:35:42,413 "If you never say hello 1142 01:35:45,850 --> 01:35:50,685 "You won't have to say goodbye"