{500}{1000}English Subtitles From DivxStation.com - Updated by Sevenup {1195}{1277}-Is everything in place?|-You weren 't supposed to relieve me. {1283}{1346}I know, but I felt like taking a shift. {1359}{1415}You like him, don 't you?|You like watching him. {1419}{1494}-Don 't be ridiculous.|-We're gonna kill him. Understand? {1500}{1559}Morpheus believes he is the One. {1566}{1587}Do you? {1593}{1635}It doesn 't matter what I believe. {1642}{1681}You don 't, do you? {1687}{1737}-Did you hear that?|-Hear what? {1743}{1781}Are you sure this line is clean? {1787}{1835}Yeah, of course I'm sure. {1843}{1878}I better go. {2788}{2831}-Freeze! Police!|-Hands on your head! {2844}{2870}Do it! Do it now! {3383}{3415}Lieutenant. {3422}{3445}Oh, shit. {3466}{3543}Lieutenant, you were given|specific orders. {3549}{3590}l'm just doing my job. {3605}{3711}You give me that ''juris-my-dick-tion''|crap, you can cram it up your ass. {3722}{3781}The orders were for your protection. {3818}{3871}l think we can handle one little girl. {3994}{4036}l sent two units! {4042}{4080}They're bringing her down now! {4086}{4139}No, Lieutenant, your men|are already dead. {4861}{4881}Shit. {4861}{4881}Shit. {4942}{4999}Morpheus, the line was traced.|l don't know how. {5005}{5043}I know. They cut the hard line. {5049}{5101}There's no time.|Get to another exit. {5107}{5140}Are there any agents? {5145}{5165}Yes. {5170}{5198}Goddamn it. {5204}{5241}You have to focus, Trinity. {5247}{5304}There's a phone at Wells and Lake. {5313}{5353}You can make it. {5359}{5398}-All right.|-Go. {6888}{6913}That's impossible. {7752}{7798}Get up, Trinity.|Just get up. {7817}{7845}Get up. {8946}{8982}She got out. {8989}{9020}lt doesn't matter. {9026}{9076}The informant is real. {9108}{9148}We have the name of their next target. {9154}{9193}The name is Neo. {9273}{9308}We'll need a search running. {9321}{9362}lt has already begun. {10675}{10704}What? {10842}{10878}What the hell? {11061}{11108}''Follow the white rabbit. '' {11392}{11420}Who is it? {11426}{11457}lt's Choi. {11781}{11809}You're two hours late. {11823}{11865}l know. lt's her fault. {11872}{11895}You got the money? {11946}{11974}Two grand. {11995}{12021}Hold on. {12446}{12479}Hallelujah. {12485}{12554}You're my savior.|My own personal Jesus Christ. {12560}{12605}You get caught using that. . . . {12611}{12662}l know. This never happened.|You don't exist. {12688}{12738}-Right.|-Something wrong, man? {12744}{12793}You look a little whiter than usual. {12821}{12872}My computer, it. . . . {12944}{13052}Ever have that feeling where you're|not sure if you're awake or dreaming? {13072}{13137}All the time.|lt's called mescaline. {13151}{13202}lt's the only way to fly. {13222}{13283}lt just sounds like you|need to unplug. {13301}{13349}Get some R and R? {13359}{13449}What do you think, Dujour?|Should we take him with us? {13496}{13526}Definitely. {13531}{13605}No, l can't.|l have work tomorrow. {13621}{13647}Come on. {13653}{13716}lt'll be fun. l promise. {13872}{13909}Yeah. {13928}{13971}Sure. l'll go. {14637}{14659}Hello, Neo. {14697}{14721}How do you know that name? {14741}{14781}l know a lot about you. {14802}{14822}Who are you? {14828}{14852}My name is Trinity. {14876}{14905}Trinity. {14947}{14971}The Trinity? {14983}{15024}That cracked the lRS D-base? {15030}{15065}That was a long time ago. {15071}{15091}Jesus. {15096}{15116}What? {15127}{15171}l just thought. . . {15212}{15240}: : :you were a guy: {15246}{15281}Most guys do. {15311}{15362}That was you on my computer. {15378}{15406}How did you do that? {15421}{15486}Right now, all l can tell you. . . {15501}{15537}. . .is that you're in danger. {15549}{15606}-l brought you here to warn you.|-Of what? {15621}{15661}They're watching you, Neo. {15674}{15693}Who is? {15699}{15733}Please just listen. {15816}{15861}l know why you're here, Neo. {15880}{15927}l know what you've been doing. {15933}{15977}l know why you hardly sleep. . . {15984}{16059}. . .why you live alone and why,|night after night. . . {16066}{16122}. . .you sit at your computer. {16150}{16187}You're looking for him. {16206}{16278}l know, because l was once|looking for the same thing. {16290}{16341}And when he found me. . . {16356}{16430}. . .he told me l wasn't really|looking for him. . . {16452}{16493}. . .l was looking for an answer. {16509}{16584}lt's the question that drives us, Neo. {16600}{16664}lt's the question|that brought you here. {16714}{16747}You know the question. . . {16753}{16788}. . .just as l did. {16826}{16865}What is the Matrix? {16871}{16930}The answer is out there, Neo. {16946}{16994}lt's looking for you. {17013}{17052}And it will find you. . . {17060}{17108}. . .if you want it to. {17271}{17291}Shit. {17297}{17326}Shit, shit. {17573}{17641}You have a problem with authority,|Mr. Anderson. {17646}{17743}You believe that you are special,|that the rules do not apply to you. {17760}{17808}Obviously, you are mistaken. {17879}{17948}This is one of the top|software companies in the world. . . {17954}{18035}. . .because employees understand|they are part of a whole. {18041}{18152}Thus, if an employee has a problem,|the company has a problem. {18206}{18283}The time has come to make|a choice, Mr. Anderson. {18304}{18397}Either you choose to be at your desk|on time from this day forth. . . {18412}{18474}. . .or you choose to find another job. {18495}{18527}Do l make myself clear? {18533}{18591}Yes, Mr. Rhineheart.|Perfectly clear. {18794}{18814}Thomas Anderson? {18869}{18903}Yeah, that's me. {19095}{19123}Great. {19157}{19185}Have a nice day. {19588}{19668}Hello, Neo.|Do you know who this is? {19722}{19764}-Morpheus.|-Yes. {19770}{19818}I've been looking for you. {19824}{19900}I don 't know if you're ready to see|what I want to show you. {19906}{19982}But unfortunately, you and I|have run out of time. {19988}{20077}They're coming for you, and I don 't know|what they're going to do. {20083}{20115}Who's coming for me? {20121}{20171}Stand up and see for yourself. {20177}{20213}What? Right now? {20220}{20244}Yes. {20250}{20280}Now. {20301}{20346}Do it slowly. {20356}{20385}The elevator. {20505}{20545}Oh, shit! {20659}{20681}What do they want? {20687}{20775}I don 't know. If you don 't want|to find out, get out of there. {20780}{20796}How? {20801}{20877}I can guide you,|but you must do exactly as I say. {20898}{20946}The cubicle across from you is empty. {21021}{21072}-But what if they--|-Go. Now. {21234}{21291}Stay here forjust a moment. {21464}{21530}When I tell you,|go to the end of the row... {21536}{21583}... to the office|at the end of the hall. {21589}{21646}Stay as low as you can. {21704}{21728}Go. Now. {22073}{22158}Good. Now, outside|there is a scaffold. {22223}{22279}-How do you know this?|-We don 't have time. {22285}{22353}To your left there's a window.|Go to it. {22407}{22444}Open it. {22464}{22507}Take the scaffold to the roof. {22513}{22575}No way! No way!|This is crazy! {22581}{22638}There are two ways|out of this building. {22644}{22735}One is that scaffold.|The other is in their custody. {22741}{22818}You take a chance either way.|I leave it to you. {22904}{22946}This is insane! {22974}{23019}Why is this happening to me? {23026}{23065}What'd l do? {23074}{23140}l'm nobody.|l didn't do anything. {23156}{23189}l'm gonna die. {23425}{23450}Shit! {23936}{23963}Oh, shit! {24082}{24125}l can't do this. {24433}{24453}Shit. {25633}{25750}As you can see, we've had our eye|on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson. {25781}{25844}lt seems that you've been living. . . {25850}{25902}. . .two lives. {25935}{25995}ln one life,|you're Thomas A. Anderson. . . {26002}{26082}. . .program writer for|a respectable software company. {26107}{26185}You have a social security number.|You pay your taxes. {26197}{26227}And you. . . {26264}{26352}. . .help your landlady|carry out her garbage. {26412}{26487}The other life is lived in computers. . . {26494}{26564}. . .where you go by|the hacker alias ''Neo'' . . . {26570}{26685}. . .and are guilty of virtually every|computer crime we have a law for. {26717}{26763}One of these lives. . . {26769}{26813}. . .has a future. {26822}{26869}And one of them does not. {26958}{27050}l'm going to be as forthcoming|as l can be, Mr. Anderson. {27075}{27107}You're here. . . {27114}{27169}. . .because we need your help. {27256}{27327}We know that you've been contacted|by a certain. . . {27333}{27377}. . .individual. {27398}{27495}A man who calls himself ''Morpheus. '' {27519}{27616}Whatever you think you know|about this man is irrelevant. {27622}{27679}He is considered by many authorities. . . {27685}{27757}. . .to be the most dangerous man alive. {27825}{27852}My colleagues. . . {27863}{27933}. . .believe that l am wasting|my time with you. {27941}{28022}But l believe you wish|to do the right thing. {28029}{28113}We're willing to wipe the slate clean. . . {28123}{28173}. . .give you a fresh start. {28185}{28256}All we're asking in return|is your cooperation. . . {28262}{28344}. . .in bringing|a known terrorist to justice. {28379}{28408}Yeah. {28439}{28489}That sounds like a really good deal. {28529}{28570}But l got a better one. {28577}{28613}How about. . . {28623}{28670}. . .l give you the finger. . . {28732}{28779}. . .and you give me my phone call. {28833}{28877}Mr. Anderson. . . {28982}{29002}. . .you disappoint me. {29008}{29072}You can't scare me|with this gestapo crap. {29077}{29110}l know my rights. {29117}{29152}l want my phone call. {29167}{29219}Tell me, Mr. Anderson. . . {29239}{29273}. . .what good is a phone call. . . {29279}{29366}. . .if you're unable to speak? {30175}{30229}You're going to help us,|Mr. Anderson. . . {30245}{30267}. . .whether you want to. . . {30273}{30294}. . .or not. {31694}{31772}This line is tapped,|so I must be brief. {31777}{31881}They got to you first, but they've|underestimated how important you are. {31887}{31931}If they knew what I know... {31937}{31985}... you would probably be dead. {32008}{32098}What are you talking about?|What is happening to me? {32104}{32219}You are the One, Neo. You may|have spent the last few years... {32225}{32297}...looking for me,|but I've spent my entire life... {32302}{32338}...looking for you. {32375}{32427}Now, do you still want to meet? {32451}{32519}-Yes.|-Then go to the Adams Street bridge. {32764}{32794}Get in. {33088}{33108}What's this? {33114}{33175}lt's necessary, Neo.|For our protection. {33181}{33204}From what? {33213}{33233}From you. {33270}{33305}Take off your shirt. {33317}{33337}Stop the car. {33447}{33475}Listen, coppertop. {33481}{33529}We don't have time for 20 Questions. {33541}{33598}Right now, there's only one rule: {33605}{33637}Our way. . . {33645}{33670}. . .or the highway. {33833}{33853}Fine. {33899}{33958}Please, Neo, you have to trust me. {33972}{34035}-Why?|-Because you have been down there. {34053}{34082}You know that road. {34106}{34144}You know exactly where it ends. {34198}{34252}And l know that's not|where you want to be. {34592}{34629}Apoc, lights. {34689}{34741}Lie back.|Lift up your shirt. {34787}{34807}What's that? {34815}{34841}You're bugged. {35027}{35062}Try and relax. {35213}{35241}Come on. {35270}{35291}Come on. {35334}{35355}lt's on the move. {35400}{35429}Come on, you shit. {35473}{35528}-You're gonna lose it.|-No, l'm not. {35534}{35556}Clear! {35763}{35814}Jesus Christ!|That thing's real?! {36623}{36655}This is it. {36735}{36794}Let me give you one piece of advice. {36817}{36857}Be honest. {36895}{36948}He knows more than you can imagine. {37157}{37189}At last. {37226}{37252}Welcome, Neo. {37281}{37327}As you no doubt have guessed. . . {37333}{37363}. . .l am Morpheus. {37388}{37426}lt's an honor to meet you. {37437}{37462}No. . . {37476}{37506}. . .the honor is mine. {37529}{37588}Please, come. Sit. {37951}{37990}l imagine. . . {38000}{38066}. . .that right now you're feeling|a bit like Alice. . . {38107}{38165}. . .tumbling down the rabbit hole? {38187}{38211}You could say that. {38233}{38295}l can see it in your eyes. {38310}{38389}You have the look of a man|who accepts what he sees. . . {38395}{38449}. . .because he's expecting to wake up. {38483}{38544}lronically, this is not|far from the truth. {38562}{38622}Do you believe in fate, Neo? {38627}{38649}No. {38661}{38684}Why not? {38690}{38757}l don't like the idea that|l'm not in control of my life. {38783}{38863}l know exactly what you mean. {38966}{39023}Let me tell you why you're here. {39048}{39085}You know something. {39098}{39137}What you know,|you can't explain. {39149}{39187}But you feel it. {39201}{39247}You felt it your entire life. {39261}{39361}Something's wrong with the world.|You don't know what, but it's there. {39373}{39426}Like a splinter in your mind. . . {39432}{39477}. . .driving you mad. {39499}{39565}lt is this feeling|that has brought you to me. {39626}{39669}Do you know what|l'm talking about? {39714}{39746}The Matrix? {39806}{39846}Do you want to know. . . {39857}{39904}. . .what it is? {39962}{40007}The Matrix is everywhere. {40013}{40054}lt is all around us. {40060}{40107}Even now, in this very room. {40127}{40180}You can see it when|you look out your window. . . {40186}{40242}. . .or when you turn on your television. {40252}{40313}You can feel it when you go to work. . . {40350}{40390}. . .when you go to church. . . {40400}{40450}. . .when you pay your taxes. {40477}{40547}lt is the world that has been|pulled over your eyes. . . {40553}{40591}. . .to blind you from the truth. {40644}{40674}What truth? {40776}{40812}That you are a slave. {40849}{40904}Like everyone else,|you were born into bondage. . . {40910}{41022}. . .born into a prison that|you cannot smell or taste or touch. {41029}{41060}A prison. . . {41066}{41092}. . .for your mind. {41261}{41317}Unfortunately, no one can be. . . {41325}{41382}. . .told what the Matrix is. {41465}{41510}You have to see it for yourself. {41738}{41792}This is your last chance. {41799}{41854}After this, there is no turning back. {41866}{41900}You take the blue pill. . . {41909}{41982}. . .the story ends, you wake up|in your bed and believe. . . {41988}{42031}. . .whatever you want to believe. {42037}{42068}You take the red pill. . . {42075}{42122}. . .you stay in Wonderland. . . {42134}{42198}. . .and l show you how deep|the rabbit hole goes. {42436}{42464}Remember. . . {42485}{42558}. . .all l'm offering is the truth.|Nothing more. {42901}{42933}Follow me. {42994}{43034}Apoc, are we on-line? {43040}{43073}Almost. {43156}{43202}Time is always against us. {43211}{43247}Please take a seat there. {43686}{43723}You did all this? {43824}{43870}The pill you took is|part of a trace program. {43892}{44000}lt disrupts your carrier signals|so we can pinpoint your location. {44016}{44038}What does that mean? {44057}{44104}lt means buckle|your seat belt, Dorothy. . . {44115}{44144}. . .because Kansas. . . {44150}{44174}. . .is going bye-bye. {45086}{45117}Did you. . .? {45384}{45479}Have you ever had a dream, Neo,|that you were so sure was real? {45514}{45576}What if you were unable|to wake from that dream? {45582}{45642}How would you know the difference|between the dream world. . . {45657}{45691}. . .and the real world? {45730}{45759}This can't be. {45765}{45787}Be what? {45804}{45840}Be real? {45935}{45966}Going into replication. {45977}{45998}Still nothing. {46012}{46041}lt's cold. {46047}{46080}lt's cold! {46173}{46213}Tank, we'll need a signal soon. {46250}{46270}l got a fibrillation. {46276}{46313}Apoc, location. {46319}{46354}Targeting almost there. {46434}{46467}He's going into arrest. {46473}{46493}Lock. l got him! {46498}{46533}Now, Tank, now! {50778}{50804}Welcome. . . {50813}{50858}. . .to the real world. {50892}{50934}We've done it, Trinity. {50942}{50979}We found him. {50984}{51052}-l hope you're right.|-l don't have to hope. {51066}{51104}l know it. {51228}{51252}Am l dead? {51265}{51316}Far from it. {51652}{51685}He still needs a lot of work. {51722}{51749}What are you doing? {51754}{51807}Your muscles atrophied.|We're rebuilding them. {51820}{51859}Why do my eyes hurt? {51876}{51920}You've never used them before. {52016}{52035}Rest, Neo. {52041}{52079}The answers are coming. {53869}{53907}Morpheus, what's happened to me? {53926}{53947}What is this place? {53954}{54019}More important than ''what'' is ''when. '' {54035}{54054}When? {54060}{54109}You believe it's the year 1 999. . . {54116}{54169}. . .when in fact, it's closer to 21 99. {54195}{54263}l can't tell you exactly|what year it is. . . {54269}{54307}. . .because we honestly don't know. {54319}{54388}There's nothing l can say|that will explain it for you. {54394}{54420}Come with me. {54429}{54459}See for yourself. {54472}{54514}This is my ship. {54520}{54591}The Nebuchadnezzar.|lt's a hovercraft. {54659}{54701}This is the main deck. {54850}{54869}This is the core. . . {54929}{55019}. . .where we broadcast our pirate signal|and hack into the Matrix. {55101}{55177}Most of my crew you already know. {55295}{55329}This is Apoc. . . {55350}{55379}. . .Switch. . . {55419}{55447}. . .and Cypher. {55454}{55541}The ones you don't know:|Tank and his big brother, Dozer. {55564}{55620}The little one behind you is Mouse. {55726}{55804}You wanted to know|what the Matrix is? {55829}{55854}Trinity. {56362}{56400}Try to relax. {56516}{56559}This will feel a little weird. {56847}{56876}This. . . {56884}{56926}. . .is the Construct. {56935}{56987}lt's our loading program. {56991}{57052}We can load anything, from clothing. . . {57057}{57091}. . .to equipment. . . {57097}{57129}: : :weapons: : : {57144}{57188}. . .training simulations. . . {57197}{57259}. . .anything we need. {57329}{57384}Right now we're inside|a computer program? {57391}{57435}ls it really so hard to believe? {57450}{57510}Your clothes are different.|The plugs in your body are gone. {57541}{57590}Your hair has changed. {57600}{57678}Your appearance now is what we call|''residual self-image. '' {57699}{57757}lt is the mental projection|of your digital self. {57901}{57927}This isn't real? {57934}{57970}What is ''real''? {57979}{58032}How do you define ''real''? {58041}{58085}lf you're talking about|what you can feel. . . {58091}{58150}. . .what you can smell, taste and see. . . {58154}{58249}. . .then ''real'' is simply electrical|signals interpreted by your brain. {58350}{58404}This is the world that you know. {58441}{58514}The world as it was at the end|of the 20th century. {58576}{58678}lt exists now only as part of|a neural-interactive simulation. . . {58684}{58709}. . .that we call the Matrix. {58820}{58887}You've been living|in a dream world, Neo. {58914}{58938}This is the world. . . {58945}{58989}. . .as it exists today. {59303}{59370}Welcome to ''the desert. . . {59391}{59429}. . .of the real. '' {59514}{59569}We have only bits and pieces|of information. {59575}{59665}But what we know for certain|is that in the early 21 st century. . . {59670}{59750}. . .all of mankind was united|in celebration. {59754}{59869}We marveled at our own magnificence|as we gave birth to Al. {59889}{59915}Al. {59941}{59974}You mean artificial intelligence. {59979}{60084}A singular consciousness that spawned|an entire race of machines. {60104}{60188}We don't know who struck first,|us or them. {60199}{60275}But we know that it was us|that scorched the sky. {60316}{60366}They were dependent on solar power. . . {60374}{60454}. . .and it was believed that|they would be unable to survive. . . {60462}{60545}. . .without an energy source|as abundant as the sun. {60552}{60669}Throughout human history, we have been|dependent on machines to survive. {60704}{60804}Fate, it seems, is not|without a sense of irony. {60879}{60987}The human body generates more|bioelectricity than a 1 20-volt battery. {60994}{61091}And over 25,000 BTUs of body heat. {61139}{61190}Combined with a form of fusion. . . {61199}{61314}. . .the machines had found all the energy|they would ever need. {61412}{61502}There are fields, Neo,|endless fields. . . {61507}{61585}. . .where human beings|are no longer born. {61603}{61645}We are grown. {61791}{61853}For the longest time,|l wouldn't believe it. {61859}{61924}And then l saw the fields|with my own eyes. . . {61957}{61994}. . .watched them liquefy the dead. . . {62001}{62079}. . .so they could be fed intravenously|to the living. {62094}{62195}And standing there,|facing the pure, horrifying precision. . . {62202}{62270}. . .l came to realize|the obviousness of the truth. {62334}{62378}What is the Matrix? {62404}{62429}Control. {62465}{62544}The Matrix is a computer-generated|dream world. . . {62564}{62638}. . .built to keep us under control. . . {62669}{62741}. . .in order to change a human being. . . {62759}{62785}. . .into this. {62819}{62844}No. {62884}{62922}l don't believe it. {62929}{62959}lt's not possible. {62975}{63084}l didn't say it would be easy, Neo.|l just said it would be the truth. {63091}{63110}Stop! {63134}{63163}Let me out! {63179}{63226}Let me out! l want out! {63274}{63338}-Easy, Neo. Easy.|-Get this thing out of me. {63344}{63382}Get this thing out of me! {63427}{63463}Don't touch me! {63469}{63507}Stay away from me! {63519}{63554}l don't believe it. {63570}{63599}l don't believe it. {63604}{63629}l don't believe it. {63647}{63695}-He's gonna pop.|-Breathe, Neo. {63710}{63729}Just breathe. {64172}{64216}l can't go back, can l? {64239}{64260}No. {64290}{64316}But if you could. . . {64339}{64375}. . .would you really want to? {64434}{64466}l owe you an apology. {64479}{64515}We have a rule. {64526}{64604}We never free a mind|once it's reached a certain age. {64613}{64632}lt's dangerous. {64651}{64691}The mind has trouble letting go. {64697}{64753}l've seen it before, and l'm sorry. {64778}{64827}l did what l did because. . . {64844}{64879}. . .l had to. {65084}{65179}When the Matrix was first built,|there was a man born inside. . . {65191}{65282}. . .who had the ability|to change whatever he wanted. . . {65291}{65362}. . .to remake the Matrix as he saw fit. {65404}{65486}lt was he who freed the first of us. . . {65510}{65547}. . .taught us the truth. {65584}{65656}As long as the Matrix exists. . . {65663}{65714}. . .the human race will never be free. {65815}{65852}After he died. . . {65870}{65935}. . .the Oracle prophesied his return. . . {65948}{66024}. . .and that his coming would hail|the destruction of the Matrix. . . {66031}{66070}. . .end the war. . . {66080}{66108}. . .bring freedom to our people. {66141}{66252}That is why there are those of us who|spent our lives searching the Matrix. . . {66260}{66298}. . .looking for him. {66356}{66405}l did what l did because. . . {66445}{66496}. . .l believe that search is over. {66619}{66652}Get some rest. {66666}{66709}You're going to need it. {66780}{66800}For what? {66881}{66901}Your training. {67341}{67382}Morning. Did you sleep? {67404}{67432}You will tonight. {67441}{67478}l guarantee it. {67514}{67559}l'm Tank.|l'll be your operator. {67573}{67628}-You don't have any--|-Holes? Nope. {67770}{67798}Born free right here. . . {67812}{67844}. . .in the real world. {67854}{67890}Genuine child of Zion. {67913}{67968}-Zion?|-lf the war was over tomorrow. . . {67975}{68009}. . .Zion's where the party would be. {68021}{68051}lt's a city? {68058}{68134}The last human city.|The only place we have left. {68173}{68201}Where is it? {68244}{68268}Deep underground. . . {68274}{68325}. . .near the Earth's core,|where it's still warm. {68365}{68410}You live long enough,|you might see it. {68464}{68583}Goddamn! l gotta tell you, l'm excited|to see what you're capable of. . . {68588}{68627}. . .if Morpheus is right and all. {68640}{68706}We're not supposed|to talk about this, but. . . {68712}{68746}. . .if you are. . . {68771}{68820}. . .it's a very exciting time. {68845}{68910}We got a lot to do.|We gotta get to it. {69004}{69074}We're supposed to start|with these programs first. {69098}{69180}That's major boring shit.|Let's do something more fun. {69189}{69225}How about. . . {69262}{69303}. . .combat training? {69449}{69484}''Jujitsu''? {69505}{69544}l'm going to learn jujitsu? {69818}{69846}Holy shit! {69854}{69907}''Hey, Mikey, l think he likes it. '' {69919}{69947}How about some more? {69953}{69983}Hell, yes. {70039}{70059}Hell, yeah. {70358}{70378}How is he? {70706}{70736}l know kung fu. {70782}{70802}Show me. {70844}{70885}This is a sparring program. . . {70892}{70958}. . .similar to the programmed reality|of the Matrix. {70965}{71020}lt has the same basic rules.|Like gravity. {71028}{71110}These rules are no different|than those of a computer system. {71124}{71159}Some of them can be bent. {71164}{71184}Others. . . {71190}{71223}. . .can be broken. {71239}{71261}Understand? {71293}{71313}Then hit me. . . {71327}{71353}. . .if you can. {72289}{72309}Good! {72325}{72355}Adaptation. {72362}{72391}lmprovisation. {72401}{72430}But your weakness. . . {72436}{72469}. . .is not your technique. {72638}{72686}Morpheus is fighting Neo. {74418}{74447}How did l beat you? {74606}{74631}You're too fast. {74644}{74676}Do you believe that. . . {74685}{74745}. . .my being stronger or faster. . . {74751}{74839}. . .has anything to do|with my muscles in this place? {74936}{74979}You think you're breathing air? {75306}{75332}Again! {75607}{75665}Jesus Christ, he's fast! {75671}{75724}His neuro-kinetics|are way above normal. {75855}{75890}What are you waiting for? {75896}{75943}You're faster than this. {75996}{76049}Don't think you are. {76061}{76095}Know you are. {76344}{76411}Come on! Stop trying|to hit me, and hit me! {76651}{76691}l don't believe it. {76728}{76779}l know what you're trying to do. {76819}{76871}l'm trying to free your mind, Neo. {76879}{76929}But l can only show you the door. {76943}{76989}You have to walk through it. {77043}{77095}Tank, load the jump program. {77373}{77438}You have to let it all go, Neo.|Fear. . . {77451}{77503}. . .doubt and disbelief. {77531}{77596}Free your mind. {77984}{78025}Okey-dokey. {78075}{78103}Free my mind. {78121}{78141}What if he makes it? {78155}{78212}-No one's ever made their first jump.|-l know. {78244}{78303}-But what if he does?|-He won't. {78323}{78343}Come on. {78349}{78377}All right. {78388}{78437}No problem. Free my mind. {78456}{78523}Free my mind. No problem. Right. {78988}{79028}What does that mean? {79037}{79081}lt doesn't mean anything. {79096}{79157}Everybody falls the first time. {79168}{79199}Right, Trin? {79695}{79758}-l thought it wasn't real.|-Your mind makes it real. {79836}{79890}lf you're killed in the Matrix. . . {79899}{79919}. . .you die here? {79934}{79993}The body cannot live without the mind. {80725}{80805}l don't remember you ever|bringing me dinner. {80883}{80947}There is something about him,|isn't there? {80961}{81001}You're a believer now? {81030}{81054}l keep wondering. . . {81060}{81148}. . .if Morpheus is so sure,|why not take him to see the Oracle? {81170}{81240}Morpheus will take him|when he's ready. {81475}{81512}The Matrix is a system, Neo. {81554}{81585}That system is our enemy. {81600}{81656}But when you're inside,|what do you see? {81662}{81753}Businessmen, teachers,|lawyers, carpenters. {81764}{81826}The very minds of the people|we are trying to save. {81834}{81903}But until we do, these people|are a part of that system. . . {81909}{81955}. . .and that makes them our enemy. {81964}{81988}You have to understand. . . {82001}{82074}. . .most of these people|are not ready to be unplugged. {82083}{82118}And many of them are so inert. . . {82124}{82152}. . .so hopelessly dependent|on the system. . . {82152}{82182}. . .so hopelessly dependent|on the system. . . {82188}{82253}. . .that they will fight to protect it. {82289}{82379}Were you listening to me or looking|at the woman in the red dress? {82403}{82425}Look again. {82455}{82481}Freeze it. {82640}{82679}This isn't the Matrix? {82722}{82814}lt's another training program|designed to teach you one thing: {82829}{82887}lf you are not one of us,|you are one of them. {82900}{82967}-What are they?|-Sentient programs. {82985}{83088}They can move in and out of any software|still hardwired to their system. {83097}{83178}That means that anyone|we haven't unplugged. . . {83186}{83218}. . .is potentially an agent. {83241}{83285}lnside the Matrix. . . {83299}{83340}. . .they are everyone. . . {83348}{83389}. . .and they are no one. {83395}{83470}We have survived by hiding|and running from them. . . {83476}{83515}. . .but they are the gatekeepers. {83521}{83592}They're guarding all the doors|and holding all the keys. {83598}{83666}Sooner or later,|someone will have to fight them. {83676}{83699}Someone? {83708}{83741}l won't lie to you, Neo. {83753}{83868}Every single man or woman who|has fought an agent has died. {83874}{83931}But where they have failed,|you will succeed. {83941}{83961}Why? {83967}{84022}l've seen an agent punch|through a concrete wall. {84028}{84114}Men have emptied entire clips at them|and hit nothing but air. {84120}{84231}Yet their strength and speed are still|based in a world built on rules. {84237}{84264}Because of that. . . {84270}{84351}. . .they will never be as strong|or as fast as you can be. {84454}{84499}What are you telling me? {84516}{84551}That l can dodge bullets? {84599}{84632}No, Neo. {84644}{84714}l'm trying to tell you|that when you're ready. . . {84735}{84766}. . .you won't have to. {84876}{84896}We got trouble. {85351}{85382}Did Zion send the warning? {85388}{85408}No, another ship. {85486}{85517}Shit. {85523}{85565}Squiddy's sweeping in quick. {85572}{85592}Squiddy? {85597}{85674}A sentinel. A killing machine|designed for one thing. {85680}{85709}Search and destroy. {85741}{85769}Set her down there. {86292}{86315}How are we doing, Tank? {86526}{86552}Power off-line. {86566}{86610}EMP armed. . . {86624}{86661}. . .and ready. {86673}{86713}Electromagnetic pulse. {86721}{86788}Disables any electrical system|in the blast radius. {86798}{86847}lt's the only weapon we have|against the machines. {86986}{87006}Where are we? {87015}{87061}Their old service and waste systems. {87098}{87118}Sewers. {87123}{87188}There used to be cities|that spanned hundreds of miles. {87200}{87246}Now these sewers are|all that's left. {87252}{87284}Quiet. {88338}{88387}You scared the bejesus out of me. {88415}{88460}-Sorry.|-lt's okay. {88530}{88550}ls that. . .? {88556}{88593}The Matrix? {88670}{88746}-Do you always look at it encoded?|-Well, you have to. {88754}{88826}The image translators work|for the construct program. {88836}{88914}But there's way too much information|to decode the Matrix. {88925}{88991}You get used to it.|l don't even see the code. {88997}{89079}All l see is blonde, brunette, redhead. {89109}{89139}Do you. . . {89150}{89172}. . .want a drink? {89184}{89204}Sure. {89291}{89324}You know. . . {89348}{89385}. . .l know what you're thinking. {89391}{89438}Because right now l'm thinking|the same thing. {89451}{89527}Actually, l've been thinking it|ever since l got here. {89575}{89645}Why, oh, why didn't l|take the blue pill? {89944}{89987}Good shit, huh? {89998}{90024}Dozer makes it. {90036}{90064}lt's good for two things: {90070}{90144}Degreasing engines|and killing brain cells. {90171}{90220}So can l ask you something? {90298}{90331}Did he tell you why he did it? {90396}{90439}Why you're here? {90529}{90568}Jesus! {90599}{90644}What a mind job. {90678}{90744}So you're here to save the world. {90781}{90830}What do you say|to something like that? {90956}{90987}A little piece of advice. {91031}{91064}You see an agent. . . {91075}{91128}. . .you do what we do: {91136}{91173}Run. {91183}{91222}You run your ass off. {91399}{91438}Thanks for the drink. {91553}{91579}Sweet dreams. {91675}{91757}Do we have a deal, Mr. Reagan? {91773}{91799}You know. . . {91835}{91892}. . .l know this steak doesn't exist. {91919}{91983}l know that when|l put it in my mouth. . . {91989}{92063}. . .the Matrix is telling|my brain that it is. . . {92070}{92096}. . .juicy. . . {92104}{92145}. . .and delicious. {92215}{92244}After nine years. . . {92271}{92306}. . .you know what l realize? {92499}{92525}lgnorance is bliss. {92645}{92688}Then we have a deal. {92749}{92794}l don't want to remember nothing. {92803}{92823}Nothing. {92834}{92862}You understand? {92959}{93002}And l want to be rich. {93034}{93098}You know, someone important. {93135}{93161}Like an actor. {93191}{93265}Whatever you want, Mr. Reagan. {93318}{93348}Okay. {93364}{93421}You get my body back|in a power plant. . . {93434}{93473}. . .reinsert me into the Matrix. . . {93482}{93515}. . .l'll get you what you want. {93523}{93568}Access codes to the Zion mainframe. {93575}{93626}No. l told you, l don't know them. {93698}{93745}l can get you the man who does. {93765}{93806}Morpheus. {94051}{94131}Here you go, buddy.|Breakfast of champions. {94165}{94231}Close your eyes, it feels|like you're eating runny eggs. {94237}{94257}Or a bowl of snot. {94291}{94328}You know what it reminds me of? {94372}{94427}Tastee Wheat. Did you|ever eat Tastee Wheat? {94443}{94484}No, but technically,|neither did you. {94490}{94539}That's exactly my point. Exactly. {94544}{94577}Because you have to wonder. . . {94583}{94661}. . .how do the machines really know|what Tastee Wheat tasted like? {94669}{94702}Maybe they got it wrong. {94710}{94784}Maybe what l think Tastee Wheat|tasted like actually tasted like. . . {94792}{94839}. . .oatmeal or tuna fish. {94851}{94917}That makes you wonder.|Take chicken, for example. {94923}{94970}Maybe they didn't know|what to make it taste like. . . {94977}{95026}. . .which is why it tastes|like everything. {95032}{95075}-And maybe they--|-Shut up. {95115}{95148}lt's a single-celled protein. . . {95155}{95227}. . .combined with synthetic aminos,|vitamins and minerals. {95234}{95263}Everything the body needs. {95270}{95338}lt doesn't have everything|the body needs. {95405}{95479}l understand you've run through|the agent training program. {95504}{95553}You know, l wrote that program. {95561}{95590}Here it comes. {95597}{95644}-What did you think of her?|-Of who? {95655}{95725}The woman in the red dress.|l designed her. {95734}{95800}She doesn't talk very much. . . {95806}{95900}. . .but if you'd like to meet her,|l can arrange a more personal milieu. {95907}{95940}The digital pimp hard at work. {95951}{96000}Pay no attention|to these hypocrites, Neo. {96032}{96075}To deny our own impulses. . . {96081}{96155}. . .is to deny the very thing|that makes us human. {96201}{96234}Dozer, when you're done. . . {96241}{96274}. . .bring the ship up to broadcast depth. {96291}{96375}We're going in.|l'm taking Neo to see her. {96479}{96499}See who? {96525}{96553}The Oracle. {96685}{96722}Everyone, please observe. . . {96730}{96794}. . .the ''fasten seat belt''|and ''no smoking'' signs are on. {96807}{96887}Sit back and enjoy your flight. {97476}{97496}We're in. {97876}{97900}We'll be back in an hour. {98255}{98288}Unbelievable. . . {98313}{98341}. . .isn't it? {98430}{98471}-God!|-What? {98486}{98519}l used to eat there. {98575}{98612}Really good noodles. {98729}{98788}l have these memories from my life. {98846}{98887}None of them happened. {98911}{98933}What does that mean? {98940}{98993}That the Matrix cannot|tell you who you are. {99019}{99043}But an oracle can? {99056}{99084}That's different. {99207}{99227}Did you go to her? {99264}{99292}Yes. {99304}{99337}What did she tell you? {99415}{99454}She told me. . . . {99476}{99504}What? {99595}{99626}We're here. {99657}{99690}Come with me. {100170}{100234}So is this the same oracle|that made. . . {100242}{100262}. . .the prophecy? {100268}{100371}Yes. She's very old. She's been|with us since the beginning. {100383}{100403}The beginning? {100408}{100430}Of the Resistance. {100485}{100542}And she knows what? Everything? {100591}{100636}She would say she knows enough. {100666}{100707}And she's never wrong. {100760}{100836}Try not to think of it|in terms of right and wrong. {100844}{100881}She is a guide, Neo. {100891}{100936}She can help you to find the path. {100958}{100978}She helped you? {101036}{101069}What did she tell you? {101131}{101182}That l would find the One. {101498}{101547}l told you l can only|show you the door. {101565}{101614}You have to walk through it. {101708}{101732}Hello, Neo. {101738}{101777}You're right on time. {101968}{102058}Make yourself at home, Morpheus.|Neo, come with me. {102195}{102232}These are the other Potentials. {102238}{102275}You can wait here. {103255}{103314}Do not try and bend the spoon. {103325}{103374}That's impossible. {103395}{103491}lnstead, only try|to realize the truth. {103505}{103538}What truth? {103544}{103583}There is no spoon. {103646}{103676}There is no spoon? {103683}{103788}Then you'll see that it is not the spoon|that bends. lt is only yourself. {104175}{104208}The Oracle will you see now. {104468}{104505}l know you're Neo. {104521}{104547}Be right with you. {104575}{104596}You're the Oracle? {104608}{104630}Bingo. {104695}{104763}Not quite what you|were expecting, right? {104790}{104839}Almost done. {104906}{104938}Smell good, don't they? {105006}{105048}l'd ask you to sit down. . . {105058}{105113}. . .but you're not going to anyway. {105125}{105169}And don't worry about the vase. {105175}{105196}What vase? {105271}{105297}That vase. {105321}{105347}l'm sorry. {105355}{105396}l said, don't worry about it. {105428}{105473}l'll get one of my kids to fix it. {105488}{105513}How did you know? {105564}{105657}What's really going to bake|your noodle later on is. . . {105663}{105732}. . .would you still have broken it|if l hadn't said anything? {105849}{105897}You're cuter than l thought. {105969}{106028}l can see why she likes you. {106048}{106070}Who? {106075}{106119}Not too bright, though. {106198}{106273}You know why Morpheus|brought you to see me. {106324}{106350}So. . . {106375}{106419}. . .what do you think? {106454}{106493}Do you think you are the One? {106543}{106564}l don't know. {106648}{106681}You know what that means? {106700}{106729}lt's Latin. {106738}{106791}Means, ''Know thyself. '' {106826}{106873}l'll let you in on a little secret. {106928}{107023}Being the One is just|like being in love. {107033}{107105}No one can tell you you're in love.|You just know it. . . {107108}{107138}. . .through and through. {107147}{107196}Balls to bones. {107257}{107276}Well. . . {107323}{107373}. . .l'd better have a look at you. {107406}{107440}Open your mouth. Say, ''Ah. '' {107783}{107825}Okay. . . . {107841}{107958}Now l'm supposed to say,|''Hmm, that's interesting, but. . . . '' {107973}{107998}Then you say: {108021}{108045}But what? {108053}{108145}But you already know|what l'm going to tell you. {108180}{108204}l'm not the One. {108208}{108250}Sorry, kid. {108289}{108333}You got the gift. . . {108358}{108413}. . .but it looks like|you're waiting for something. {108532}{108551}What? {108557}{108626}Your next life, maybe. Who knows? {108640}{108694}That's the way these things go. {108715}{108733}What's funny? {108746}{108776}Morpheus. {108858}{108901}He almost had me convinced. {108908}{108933}l know. {108972}{109023}Poor Morpheus. {109080}{109154}Without him, we're lost. {109191}{109243}What do you mean, ''without him''? {109339}{109383}Are you sure you want|to hear this? {109438}{109505}Morpheus believes in you, Neo. {109546}{109657}And no one, not you, not even me|can convince him otherwise. {109666}{109723}He believes it so blindly. . . {109731}{109833}. . .that he's going to sacrifice|his life to save yours. {109840}{109858}What? {109865}{109933}You're going to|have to make a choice. {109950}{110033}ln the one hand,|you'll have Morpheus' life. {110048}{110116}And in the other hand,|you'll have your own. {110151}{110207}One of you is going to die. {110257}{110333}Which one will be up to you. {110369}{110413}l'm sorry, kiddo. l really am. {110421}{110458}You have a good soul. {110483}{110550}And l hate giving|good people bad news. {110626}{110658}Don't worry about it. {110668}{110724}As soon as you step|outside that door. . . {110732}{110783}. . .you'll start feeling better. {110799}{110889}You'll remember you don't believe|in any of this fate crap. {110908}{110976}You're in control of your own life. {110997}{111026}Remember? {111073}{111097}Here. . . {111141}{111179}. . .take a cookie. {111193}{111271}l promise, by the time|you're done eating it. . . {111295}{111351}. . .you'll feel right as rain. {111573}{111604}What was said. . . {111620}{111655}. . .was for you. . . {111668}{111708}. . .and for you alone. {112258}{112283}They're on the way. {113008}{113028}What is that? {113398}{113429}Oh, de-ja-vu. {113518}{113540}What did you just say? {113548}{113583}Nothing.|de-ja-vu. {113589}{113629}-What did you see?|-What happened? {113663}{113714}A black cat went past us. . . {113723}{113761}. . .then another just like it. {113765}{113800}How much like that?|Was it the same cat? {113830}{113855}l'm not sure. {113873}{113894}Switch, Apoc. {113998}{114023}What is it? {114023}{114129}A de-ja-vu is usually a glitch in the|Matrix when they change something. {114213}{114233}Oh, my God. {114274}{114298}Let's go. {114423}{114468}They cut the hard line.|lt's a trap! Get out! {114580}{114605}Oh, no. {114615}{114630}Oh, no. {115613}{115668}That's what they changed.|We're trapped.There's no way out! {115678}{115718}Be calm. Give me your phone. {115728}{115765}They'll be able to track it. {115768}{115804}We have no choice. {115839}{115868}Operator. {115874}{115943}Find a structural drawing|of this building. Find it fast. {116133}{116193}-Got it!|-I need the main wet-wall. {116268}{116293}Eighth floor. {116300}{116334}They're on the eighth floor. {116343}{116384}Switch, straight ahead. {116818}{116858}Now left. That's it. {116863}{116888}Good. {117118}{117153}Where are they? {118563}{118690}They're in the walls! {119203}{119219}lt's an agent! {119450}{119485}You must get Neo out! {119490}{119530}He's all that matters! {119540}{119565}No, Morpheus! Don't! {119575}{119593}Trinity, go! {119615}{119650}Go! {119800}{119843}-We can't leave him!|-We have to! {120403}{120469}Cypher...Come on! {120575}{120668}The great Morpheus.|We meet at last. {120678}{120703}And you are? {120713}{120743}A Smith. {120775}{120830}Agent Smith. {120835}{120900}You all look the same to me. {122169}{122203}Take him. {122518}{122558}-Operator.|-I need an exit, fast. {122613}{122678}There was an accident.|Goddamn car accident. {122693}{122728}All of a sudden, boom! {122739}{122773}Somebody up there still likes me. {122778}{122808}l got you. {122819}{122869}Get me out of here fast. {122878}{122933}Nearest exit, Franklin and Erie.|An old TV repair shop. {122943}{122968}Right. {123043}{123078}-Operator.|-Tank, it's me. {123088}{123118}ls Morpheus alive? {123124}{123153}ls Morpheus alive, Tank? {123163}{123208}Yes. They're moving him.|I don 't know where. {123214}{123269}He's alive. We need an exit. {123278}{123299}You're not far from Cypher. {123303}{123338}-Cypher?|-l know. {123343}{123393}-I sent him to Franklin and Erie.|-Got it. {123613}{123639}Got him. {123903}{123968}-Where are they?|-Making the call. {123978}{124003}Good. {124328}{124353}You first. {124428}{124448}Shit! {124668}{124718}l don't know. lt just went dead. {125358}{125389}Hello, Trinity. {125400}{125428}Cypher? Where's Tank? {125568}{125593}You know. . . {125628}{125679}. . .for a long time. . . {125708}{125778}. . .l thought l was in love with you. {125800}{125844}I used to dream about you. {125875}{125939}You're a beautiful woman, Trinity. {125948}{126003}Too bad things had|to turn out this way. {126018}{126038}You killed them. {126053}{126088}-What?|-Oh, God. {126093}{126128}l'm tired, Trinity. {126163}{126213}l'm tired of this war. . . {126218}{126279}. . .tired of fighting.|l'm tired of this ship. . . {126293}{126403}. . .of being cold, of eating|the same goddamn goop every day. {126458}{126478}But most of all. . . {126493}{126578}...I'm tired of that jackoff|and all of his bullshit. {126603}{126633}Surprise, asshole! {126648}{126703}l bet you never saw this coming. . . {126703}{126739}. . .did you? {126783}{126843}God, l wish l could be there. . . {126853}{126893}. . .when they break you. {126918}{126993}l wish l could walk in|just when it happens. . . {127013}{127053}. . .so right then. . . {127058}{127093}. . .you'd know it was me. {127103}{127128}You gave them Morpheus. {127138}{127173}He lied to us, Trinity. {127183}{127228}He tricked us! {127233}{127278}lf you had told us the truth. . . {127288}{127353}. . .we would've told you to shove|that red pill up your ass! {127363}{127418}That is not true, Cypher.|He set us free. {127423}{127443}''Free. '' {127449}{127488}You call this free? {127548}{127614}All l do is what he tells me to do. {127648}{127718}lf l had to choose between|that and the Matrix. . . {127743}{127773}. . .l choose the Matrix. {127778}{127818}The Matrix isn't real. {127825}{127858}I disagree, Trinity. {127863}{127918}l think the Matrix. . . {127928}{127988}. . .can be more real than this world. {128043}{128100}All l do is pull the plug here. {128113}{128133}But there. . . {128153}{128203}... you have to watch Apoc die. {128393}{128428}Welcome to the real world. {128443}{128463}But you're out. {128468}{128528}-You can 't go back.|-That's what you think. {128528}{128568}They'll reinsert my body. {128578}{128663}I go back to sleep. When I wake up,|I won 't remember a thing. {128668}{128693}By the way. . . {128699}{128768}. . .if you have anything|important to say to Switch. . . {128778}{128803}...say it now. {128808}{128833}No, please don't. {128848}{128888}Not like this. {128928}{128968}Not like this. {129074}{129099}Too late. {129103}{129148}Goddamn you, Cypher! {129153}{129199}Don't hate me, Trinity. {129203}{129253}l'm just a messenger. {129263}{129339}And right now,|l'm gonna prove it to you. {129364}{129403}lf Morpheus was right. . . {129418}{129463}. . .there's no way|l can pull this plug. {129478}{129508}If Neo 's the One... {129525}{129568}... then there'd have to be... {129573}{129638}. . .some kind of a miracle to stop me. {129649}{129668}Right? {129683}{129738}l mean, how can he be the One. . . {129743}{129763}. . .if he's dead? {129798}{129853}You never did answer me before... {129858}{129914}...if you bought|into Morpheus ' bullshit. {129943}{130003}Come on.|All l want is a little yes or no. {130033}{130089}Look into his eyes. . . {130104}{130143}... those big, pretty eyes... {130208}{130238}. . .and tell me. . . {130253}{130283}... yes... {130293}{130328}...or no. {130358}{130388}Yes. {130403}{130428}l don't believe it. {130464}{130578}Believe it or not, you piece of shit,|you're still gonna burn! {131028}{131048}You first. {131247}{131267}You're hurt. {131281}{131301}l'll be all right. {131370}{131398}Dozer? {131836}{131892}Have you ever stood and stared at it? {131914}{131989}Marveled at its beauty. . . {131998}{132052}. . .its genius? {132079}{132123}Billions of people. . . {132131}{132197}. . .just living out their lives. {132222}{132260}Oblivious. {132372}{132441}Did you know that the first Matrix. . . {132454}{132556}. . .was designed to be a perfect|human world where none suffered. . . {132573}{132641}. . .where everyone would be happy. {132654}{132690}lt was a disaster. {132695}{132800}No one would accept the program.|Entire crops were lost. {132821}{132863}Some believe that. . . {132869}{132973}. . .we lacked the programming language|to describe your perfect world. {132978}{133017}But l believe that. . . {133027}{133049}. . .as a species. . . {133055}{133147}. . .human beings define|their reality through misery. . . {133153}{133186}. . .and suffering. {133192}{133255}So the perfect world was a dream. . . {133260}{133379}. . .that your primitive cerebrum|kept trying to wake up from. {133411}{133499}Which is why the Matrix|was redesigned to this. {133510}{133546}The peak. . . {133552}{133584}. . .of your civilization. {133592}{133646}l say, ''your civilization'' . . . {133652}{133751}. . .because when we started thinking|for you, it became our civilization. . . {133757}{133831}. . .which is, of course,|what this is all about. {133863}{133925}Evolution, Morpheus. {133932}{133964}Evolution. {134017}{134064}Like the dinosaur. {134114}{134155}Look out that window. {134174}{134223}You had your time. {134242}{134334}The future is our world, Morpheus. {134342}{134399}The future is our time. {134499}{134528}There could be a problem. {134549}{134632}-What are they doing to him?|-They're breaking into his mind. {134638}{134690}lt's like hacking a computer.|All it takes is time. {134696}{134725}How much time? {134731}{134806}Depends on the mind.|But eventually, it'll crack. . . {134812}{134918}. . .and his alpha patterns|will change from this to this. {134924}{134995}When it does, he'll tell them|anything they want to know. {135001}{135026}What do they want? {135032}{135129}The leader of every ship is given codes|to Zion's mainframe computer. {135135}{135205}If an agent got the codes|and got into Zion's mainframe. . . {135211}{135282}. . .they could destroy us.|We can't let that happen. {135304}{135341}Zion's more important than me. . . {135346}{135371}: : :or you: : : {135381}{135407}. . .or even Morpheus. {135500}{135540}There has to be|something we can do. {135549}{135596}There is. We pull the plug. {135670}{135714}You're gonna kill him? {135719}{135747}Kill Morpheus? {135765}{135801}We don't have a choice. {135964}{136036}Never send a human|to do a machine's job. {136042}{136082}If the insider has failed. . . {136087}{136166}. . .they'll sever the connection|as soon as possible, unless-- {136172}{136214}They're dead. ln either case-- {136219}{136304}We have no choice. Continue|as planned. Deploy the sentinels. {136309}{136335}Immediately. {136461}{136525}Morpheus, you were more|than a leader to us. {136547}{136601}You were a father. {136637}{136685}We'll miss you always. {136855}{136879}Stop! {136897}{136927}I don't believe this is happening. {136936}{136982}-This has to be done.|-Does it? {137000}{137034}I don't know. {137042}{137079}This can't be just coincidence. {137084}{137104}What? {137116}{137137}The Oracle. {137142}{137185}She told me this would happen. {137194}{137295}She told me that l would|have to make a choice. {137306}{137336}What choice? {137407}{137428}What are you doing? {137440}{137469}l'm going in. {137474}{137505}No, you're not. {137513}{137533}l have to. {137539}{137629}Neo, Morpheus sacrificed himself|so that we could get you out. {137634}{137675}There is no way|you're going back in. {137689}{137767}Morpheus did what he did because|he believed l'm something l'm not. {137846}{137884}l'm not the One, Trinity. {137893}{137965}-The Oracle hit me with that too.|-No, you have to be. {137970}{138034}l'm sorry, l'm not.|l'm just another guy. {138050}{138081}No, that's not true. {138092}{138126}lt can't be true. {138132}{138157}Why? {138263}{138343}This is loco. They've got him|in a military-controlled building. {138349}{138454}Even if you somehow got inside,|there are three agents holding him. {138491}{138579}l want Morpheus back too, but|what you're talking about is suicide. {138585}{138624}That's what it looks like. . . {138630}{138652}. . .but it's not. {138660}{138715}l can't explain to you why it's not. {138740}{138836}Morpheus believed something, and|he was ready to give his life for it. {138857}{138930}l understand that now.|That's why l have to go. {138935}{138950}Why? {138955}{138990}Because l believe in something. {138995}{139015}What? {139049}{139091}l believe l can bring him back. {139502}{139544}-What are you doing?|-Going with you. {139552}{139572}No, you're not. {139630}{139684}Let me tell you what l believe. {139689}{139747}Morpheus means more to me|than he does to you. {139755}{139858}l believe if you are serious about|saving him, you will need my help. {139864}{139913}And since l am the ranking officer. . . {139919}{139988}. . .if you don't like it,|l believe you can go to hell. {140006}{140064}Because you aren't going anywhere else. {140075}{140105}Tank. . . {140114}{140142}. . .load us up. {140372}{140456}l'd like to share|a revelation that l've had. . . {140462}{140499}. . .during my time here. {140505}{140603}lt came to me when l tried|to classify your species. . . {140617}{140660}. . .and l realized. . . {140665}{140722}. . .that you're not actually mammals. {140775}{140834}Every mammal on this planet. . . {140844}{140959}. . .instinctively develops an equilibrium|with the surrounding environment. {140964}{141010}But you humans do not. {141024}{141109}You move to an area|and you multiply. . . {141117}{141226}. . .and multiply until every|natural resource is consumed. {141232}{141280}The only way you can survive. . . {141287}{141358}. . .is to spread to another area. {141487}{141560}There is another organism|on this planet. . . {141565}{141610}. . .that follows the same pattern. {141624}{141665}Do you know what it is? {141677}{141718}A virus. {141749}{141823}Human beings are a disease. {141832}{141869}A cancer of this planet. {141875}{141926}You are a plague. {141939}{141970}And we. . . {141976}{142010}. . .are the cure. {142035}{142068}Okay, so what do you need? {142082}{142110}Besides a miracle. {142122}{142153}Guns. {142177}{142202}Lots of guns. {142512}{142575}No one has ever done|anything like this. {142602}{142655}That's why it's going to work. {142745}{142790}Why isn't the serum working? {142807}{142860}Perhaps we're asking|the wrong questions. {142910}{142940}Leave me with him. {143002}{143029}Now. {143297}{143336}Hold on, Morpheus. {143344}{143407}They're coming for you.|They're coming. {143464}{143515}Can you hear me, Morpheus? {143521}{143590}l'm going to be honest. . . {143595}{143630}. . .with you. {143731}{143762}l. . . {143790}{143812}. . .hate. . . {143817}{143863}. . .this place. . . {143872}{143926}. . .this zoo. . . {143934}{143959}. . .this prison. . . {143966}{144041}. . .this reality,|whatever you want to call it. {144047}{144102}l can't stand it any longer. {144121}{144165}lt's the smell. {144198}{144243}lf there is such a thing. {144254}{144330}l feel saturated by it. {144367}{144397}l can. . . {144404}{144424}. . .taste. . . {144444}{144493}. . .your stink. {144499}{144589}And every time l do, l fear that|l have somehow been infected by it. {144594}{144614}lt's repulsive. {144639}{144671}lsn't it? {144724}{144778}l must get out of here. {144790}{144841}l must get free. {144849}{144916}And in this mind is the key. {144922}{144962}My key. {144968}{145037}Once Zion is destroyed,|there is no need for me to be here. {145043}{145084}Do you understand? {145089}{145122}l need the codes. {145127}{145184}l have to get inside Zion. . . {145192}{145252}. . .and you have to tell me how. {145262}{145307}You're going to tell me. . . {145313}{145365}. . .or you're going to die. {145855}{146000}Please remove any metallic items|you're carrying. Keys, loose change. {146042}{146064}Holy shit! {146355}{146377}Backup. {146383}{146420}Send backup. {146997}{147017}Freeze! {150255}{150279}What were you doing? {150325}{150353}He doesn't know. {150366}{150396}Know what? {151072}{151131}l think they're trying to save him. {151486}{151527}There is no spoon. {152238}{152291}Find them and destroy them! {152328}{152400}I repeat:We are under attack! {153129}{153143}Trinity... {153185}{153200}Help! {153743}{153771}Only human. {153799}{153820}Dodge this. {154137}{154172}-How did you do that?|-Do what? {154184}{154277}You moved like they do.|l've never seen anyone move that fast. {154304}{154337}lt wasn't fast enough. {154403}{154434}Can you fly that thing? {154466}{154486}Not yet. {154569}{154589}Operator. {154594}{154670}I need a pilot program|for a B-212 helicopter. {154682}{154712}Hurry. {154888}{154926}Let's go. {155288}{155314}No. {156554}{156588}Morpheus, get up. {156594}{156614}Get up, get up. {157529}{157568}He's not gonna make it. {157787}{157817}Gotcha. {160439}{160472}l knew it. {160494}{160515}He's the One. {160899}{160957}Do you believe it now, Trinity? {161095}{161114}The Oracle... {161145}{161201}-She told me--|-She told you. . . {161212}{161249}. . .what you needed to hear. {161257}{161292}That's all. {161313}{161383}Sooner or later you'll realize,|just as l did. . . {161395}{161446}. . .there's a difference|between knowing the path. . . {161470}{161495}. . .and walking the path. {161570}{161597}Operator. {161620}{161684}-lt's good to hear your voice.|-We need an exit. {161689}{161753}Got one ready. Subway station,|State and Balboa. {162068}{162089}Damn it! {162096}{162124}The trace was completed. {162131}{162216}-We have their position.|-Sentinels are standing by. {162257}{162294}Order the strike. {162767}{162798}You first, Morpheus. {163295}{163352}Neo, l want to tell you something. . . {163429}{163522}. . .but l'm afraid of...|what it could mean if l do. {163610}{163687}Everything the Oracle|told me has come true. {163755}{163790}Everything but this. {163832}{163851}But what? {160439}{160472}l knew it. {160494}{160515}He's the One. {160899}{160957}Do you believe it now, Trinity? {161095}{161114}The Oracle. {161145}{161201}-She told me--|-She told you. . . {161212}{161249}. . .what you needed to hear. {161257}{161292}That's all. {161313}{161383}Sooner or later you'll realize,|just as l did. . . {161395}{161446}. . .there's a difference|between knowing the path. . . {161470}{161495}. . .and walking the path. {161570}{161597}Operator. {161620}{161684}-lt's good to hear your voice.|-We need an exit. {161689}{161753}Got one ready. Subway station,|State and Balboa. {162068}{162089}Damn it! {162096}{162124}The trace was completed. {162131}{162216}-We have their position.|-Sentinels are standing by. {162257}{162294}Order the strike. {162767}{162798}You first, Morpheus. {163295}{163352}Neo, l want to tell you something. . . {163429}{163522}. . .but l'm afraid of|what it could mean if l do. {163610}{163687}Everything the Oracle|told me has come true. {163755}{163790}Everything but this. {163832}{163851}But what? {164484}{164522}-What happened?|-An agent. {164528}{164548}You have to send me back. {164554}{164573}l can't. {164622}{164667}Mr. Anderson. {164723}{164755}Run, Neo. Run. {164887}{164923}What is he doing? {164930}{164957}He's beginning to believe. {165603}{165633}You're empty. {165647}{165678}So are you. {166475}{166545}l'm gonna enjoy watching you die. . . {166572}{166597}. . .Mr. Anderson. {167547}{167597}Jesus, he's killing him. {169683}{169734}You hear that, Mr. Anderson? {169748}{169818}That is the sound of inevitability. {169883}{169963}lt is the sound of your death. {169983}{170039}Goodbye, Mr. Anderson. {170045}{170086}My name. . . {170155}{170207}. . .is Neo. {170980}{171030}-What happened?|-l don't know. l lost him. {171092}{171116}Oh, shit. {171414}{171450}Sentinels. {171467}{171519}-How long?|-Five, maybe six minutes. {171570}{171620}Tank, charge the EMP. {171627}{171699}-We can't use that until he's out.|-l know. Don't worry. {171734}{171754}He's gonna make it. {171760}{171807}Flat or pumps? No, just-- {171813}{171882}What the shit?|That's my phone! {171891}{171929}That guy took my phone! {171986}{172006}Got him! {172011}{172039}He's on the run. {172045}{172067}Mr. Wizard... {172078}{172109}. . .get me out of here! {172115}{172162}I got an old exit.|Wabash and Lake. {172259}{172279}Oh, shit! {172797}{172845}Help! Need a little help! {172884}{172913}The door. {173296}{173332}The door on your left. {173354}{173384}Your other left! {173545}{173575}The back door. {174142}{174176}Here they come. {174868}{174896}He's going to make it. {175141}{175216}The fire escape at the end|of the alley, room 303. {176063}{176084}They're inside. {176145}{176165}Hurry, Neo. {177516}{177540}lt can't be. {177727}{177760}Check him. {177859}{177898}He's gone. {178055}{178112}Goodbye, Mr. Anderson. {178355}{178401}l'm not afraid anymore. {178440}{178470}The Oracle told me. . . {178522}{178606}. . .l'd fall in love, and that|the man l loved would be the One. {178682}{178728}So you see. . . {178745}{178798}. . .you can't be dead. {178832}{178878}You can't be. . . {178914}{178964}. . .because l love you. {179009}{179049}You hear me? {179076}{179116}l love you. {179690}{179716}Now, get up. {179932}{179952}No. {180596}{180618}How? {180639}{180664}He is the One. {184128}{184169}I know you're out there. {184175}{184219}I can feel you now. {184230}{184272}I know that you're afraid. {184278}{184316}You're afraid of us. {184325}{184368}You're afraid of change. {184374}{184433}I don 't know the future. {184438}{184501}I didn 't come here to tell you|how this is going to end. {184508}{184595}I came here to tell you|how it's going to begin. {184600}{184639}I'll hang up this phone. {184645}{184719}And then I'll show these people|what you don 't want them to see. {184725}{184772}I'm going to show them a world... {184777}{184818}... without you. {184824}{184912}A world without rules and controls,|without borders or boundaries. {184918}{185007}A world where anything is possible. {185070}{185102}Where we go from there... {185107}{185163}...is a choice I leave to you. {185225}{196000}English Subtitles From DivxStation.com - Updated by Sevenup