{1579}{1668}Thebes, City of the Living... {1671}{1732}crown jewel|of Pharaoh Seti the First... {1808}{1904}home of lmhotep,|Pharaoh's high priest... {1906}{1952}keeper of the dead... {1984}{2088}birthplace of Anck-su-namun,|Pharaoh's mistress. {2090}{2160}No other man|was allowed to touch her. {2697}{2804}But for their love,|they were willing to risk life itself. {5410}{5460}To resurrect Anck-su-namun... {5462}{5564}Imhotep and his priests|broke into her crypt and stole her body. {5566}{5620}They raced deep into the desert... {5622}{5704}taking Anck-su-namun's corpse|to Hamunaptra, City of the Dead... {5748}{5802}ancient burial site|for the sons of pharaohs... {5804}{5872}and resting place|for the wealth of Egypt. {5941}{6064}For his love, lmhotep dared the gods'|anger by going deep into the city... {6066}{6161}where he took the black Book of the Dead|from its holy resting place. {6211}{6299}Anck-su-namun's soul had been sent|to the dark underworld... {6300}{6423}her vital organs removed and placed|in five sacred canopic jars. {7124}{7194}Anck-su-namun's soul|had come back from the dead. {7253}{7290}But Pharaoh's bodyguards|had followed lmhotep and stopped him... {7290}{7315}But Pharaoh's bodyguards|had followed lmhotep and stopped him... {7317}{7375}before the ritual|could be completed. {7683}{7765}Imhotep's priests were condemned|to be mummified alive. {8040}{8086}As for lmhotep... {8088}{8150}he was condemned to endure|the Hom-Dai... {8152}{8215}the worst|of all ancient curses... {8217}{8299}one so horrible|it had never before been bestowed. {9246}{9332}He was to remain sealed|inside his sarcophagus-- {9334}{9405}the undead|for all of eternity. {9406}{9477}The Magi would never|allow him to be released... {9478}{9576}for he would arise a walking disease,|a plague upon mankind... {9577}{9655}an unholy flesh eater|with the strength of ages... {9657}{9703}power over the sands... {9705}{9767}and the glory|of invincibility. {10539}{10645}For 3,000 years,|men and armies fought over this land... {10646}{10710}never knowing|what evil lay beneath it. {11105}{11151}And for 3,000 years... {11153}{11288}we, the Magi, the descendants of|Pharaoh's sacred bodyguards, kept watch. {11609}{11668}You just got promoted. {11669}{11735}Prenez vos positions! {11830}{11877}Steady! {11878}{11925}You're with me|on this one, right {11926}{11979}Oh. Your strength|gives me strength. {12005}{12046}Steady! {12130}{12213}Wait! Wait for me! {12214}{12271}Steady! {12381}{12429}Fire! {14454}{14501}Run, Beni! Run! {14502}{14585}Get inside!|Get inside! {14613}{14707}Hey! Don't you close that door! {14709}{14768}Don't you close that door! {18048}{18107}"Sacred Stones." {18109}{18201}"Sculpture and Aesthetics." {18203}{18321}Socrates, Seth,|volume one, volume two... {18323}{18386}and volume three. {18387}{18444}And T-- {18446}{18547}Tuthmosis|What are you doing here {18549}{18595}"T."|"T," "T," "T," "T." {18597}{18638}"T." {18639}{18726}I'm going|to put you where you belong. {19134}{19198}Help. Ooh. {19310}{19360}Whoa! {19829}{19875}Oops. {19877}{19935}What--|How c-- I-- {20012}{20059}H-How-- {20060}{20122}Oh, look at this! {20146}{20196}Sons of the pharaohs! {20198}{20294}Give me frogs!|Flies! Locusts! {20296}{20343}Anything but you! {20344}{20415}Compared to you,|the other plagues were a joy! {20416}{20490}I am so very sorry.|It was an accident. {20492}{20607}My girl, when Rameses destroyed Syria,|that was an accident. {20608}{20659}You...|are a catastrophe! {20661}{20718}Look at my library! {20719}{20784}Why do I put up with you {20786}{20858}W-Well, you put up with me|because I can-- {20859}{20932}I can read and write|ancient Egyptian... {20934}{21010}and I can-- I can decipher|hieroglyphics and hieratic... {21011}{21098}and, w-well, I am the only person|within a thousand miles... {21100}{21183}who knows how to properly code|and catalog this library, that's why. {21185}{21272}I put up with you because your father|and mother were our finest patrons. {21274}{21320}That's why! {21322}{21380}Allah rest their souls. {21382}{21490}Now, I don't care how you do it,|I don't care how long it takes. {21491}{21551}Straighten up|this meshiver! {21857}{21906}Hello {22523}{22570}Abdul {22608}{22655}Mohammed {22711}{22758}Bob {23249}{23298}Have you no respect|for the dead {23299}{23399}Of course I do! {23400}{23462}But sometimes|I'd rather like to join them. {23463}{23563}Well, I wish you would do it|before you ruin my career|the way you've ruined yours. {23564}{23602}Now get out! {23604}{23651}My dear, sweet|baby sister... {23652}{23699}I'll have you... know... {23700}{23779}that at this precise moment|my career is on a high note. {23781}{23863}"High note." Ha! Jonathan, please,|I'm really not in the mood for you. {23864}{23935}I've just made a bit of a mess|in the library... {23936}{24007}and the Bembridge scholars have|rejected my application form again. {24008}{24079}They say I don't have|enough experience in the field. {24181}{24239}You'll always have me,|old mum. {24317}{24387}Besides, I have just the thing|to cheer you up. {24389}{24473}Oh, no, Jonathan,|not another worthless trinket. {24476}{24547}If I have to take one more piece|of junk to the curator to try and... {24549}{24595}sell for you-- {24661}{24707}Where did you get this {24709}{24797}On a dig down in Thebes. {24799}{24849}My whole life I've never|found anything, Evy. {24851}{24922}Please tell me|I've found something. {24976}{25034}Jonathan. {25035}{25090}Yes {25091}{25141}I think you've found something. {25228}{25274}You see the cartouche there. {25276}{25360}It's the official royal seal|of Seti the First, I'm sure of it. {25362}{25408}- Perhaps.|- Two questions. {25410}{25480}Who the hell was Seti the First,|and was he rich {25482}{25529}He was the second pharaoh|of the 19th dynasty... {25531}{25579}said to be the wealthiest pharaoh|of them all. {25581}{25627}Good. I like this fellow. {25629}{25679}- I like him very much.|- I've already dated the map. {25681}{25727}It's almost 3,000 years old. {25729}{25782}And if you look at|the hieratic just here... {25784}{25830}well, it's Hamunaptra. {25832}{25898}Dear God,|don't be ridiculous. {25900}{25958}We're scholars,|not treasure hunters. {25959}{26030}Hamunaptra's a myth|told by ancient Arab storytellers... {26031}{26078}to amuse Greek|and Roman tourists. {26079}{26171}I know all the blather|about the city being protected|by the curse of a mummy... {26173}{26243}but my research|has led me to believe... {26245}{26302}that the city itself|may have actually existed. {26303}{26352}Are we talking about|the Hamunaptra {26354}{26400}Yes. The City of the Dead. {26402}{26476}Where the earliest pharaohs were said|to have hidden the wealth of Egypt. {26478}{26544}Yes, yes, i-i-in a big,|underground treasure chamber. {26546}{26622}- Heh!|- Oh, come on.|Everybody knows the story. {26624}{26706}The entire necropolis was rigged to sink|into the sand on Pharaoh's command. {26708}{26800}The place would disappear beneath the|sand dunes, taking the treasure with it. {26802}{26880}As the Americans would say,|it's all fairy tales and hokum-- {26882}{26940}Oh, my goodness!|Look at that! {27106}{27176}You've burnt it! You've burned off|the part with the lost city. {27178}{27224}It's for the best,|I'm sure. {27226}{27272}Many men|have wasted their lives... {27274}{27329}in the foolish pursuit|of Hamunaptra. {27330}{27391}No one's ever found it. {27393}{27454}Most...|have never returned. {27456}{27522}Come, come!|Step over the threshold. {27524}{27583}Welcome to Cairo Prison,|my humble home. {27585}{27655}You told me that you got it|on a dig down in Thebes. {27657}{27703}- Well, I was mistaken.|- You lied. {27705}{27763}I lie to everybody.|What makes you so special {27765}{27823}- I am your sister.|- That just makes you more gullible. {27825}{27893}- You stole it from a drunk|at the local casbah.|- Picked his pocket, actually. {27894}{27963}- So I don't think it's a very good--|- Stop being so ridiculous. {27965}{28037}-What exactly is this man in prison for|-This I do not know. {28039}{28110}But when I heard that you were coming,|I asked him that myself. {28112}{28158}And what did he say {28160}{28238}He said he was just looking|for a good time. {28367}{28438}-This is the man that you stole it from|-Yes, exactly. {28439}{28514}- So why don't we just go|sniff out a spot of tiffin--|- Who are you {28556}{28604}- And who's the broad|- "Broad" {28606}{28705}I-l'm just a local sort of missionary|chap, spreading the good word. {28707}{28770}- But this is my sister Evy.|- How do you do {28772}{28864}- Oh, well.|Guess she's not a total loss.|- I beg your pardon. {28866}{28922}I'll be back in a moment. {28924}{28970}Ask him about the box. {28972}{29062}Um, we have found--|Uh, hello. Excuse me. {29064}{29126}We both found|your puzzle box... {29128}{29192}and we've come|to ask you about it. {29194}{29264}- No.|- No. {29266}{29339}No. You came to ask me|about Hamunaptra. {29341}{29437}- Shh. Shh.|- H-How do you know the box|pertains to Hamunaptra {29439}{29522}Because that's where I was|when I found it. I was there. {29523}{29594}But how do we know|that's not a load of pig's wallow {29595}{29634}Do I know you {29636}{29696}No, no. I've just got|one of those faces. {29832}{29910}You were actually at Hamunaptra {29912}{29966}Yeah, I was there. {29968}{30018}- You swear|- Every damn day. {30020}{30066}- I didn't mean that--|- I know. I was there. {30068}{30126}Seti's place.|City of the Dead. {30128}{30199}Could you tell me how to get there {30283}{30351}I mean, the exact location. {30353}{30416}- You want to know|- W-Well, yes. {30418}{30476}- Do you really want to know|- Yes. {30557}{30615}Then get me|the hell out of here! {30691}{30721}Do it, lady! {30831}{30878}Where are they taking him {30879}{30926}To be hanged. {30927}{31003}Apparently he had|a very good time. {31100}{31170}I will give you 100 pounds|to save this man's life. {31172}{31266}Madame, I would pay 100 pounds|just to see him hang. {31268}{31306}- Two hundred pounds!|- Proceed! {31308}{31376}Three hundred pounds! {31378}{31429}Any last requests, pig {31431}{31502}Yeah. Loosen the knot|and let me go. {31574}{31646}Yahemar!|Of course we don't let him go! {31690}{31748}Five hundred pounds! {31776}{31812}And what else {31814}{31862}I'm a very lonely man. {31949}{31986}- Yalla tlak!|- No! {32132}{32214}Ha ha!|His neck did not break! {32263}{32371}Oh, I'm so sorry. Now we must|watch him strangle to death. {32565}{32623}He knows the location|to Hamunaptra. {32647}{32702}- You lie.|- I would never! {32704}{32815}Are you telling me this filthy,|godless son of a pig knows where|to find the City of the Dead {32817}{32862}- Yes!|- Truly {32864}{32939}Yes! And if you cut him down,|we will give you-- {33002}{33050}- Ten percent.|- Fifty percent. {33052}{33080}- Twenty.|- Forty. {33082}{33128}- Thirty!|- Twenty-five. {33130}{33162}Ah! Deal. {33208}{33246}Ahh! Cut him down! {33620}{33694}Do you really think|he's going to show up {33696}{33742}Yes, undoubtedly,|knowing my luck. {33744}{33826}He may be a cowboy, but I know|the breed. His word is his word. {33828}{33922}Well, personally I think he's filthy,|rude, a complete scoundrel. {33924}{33983}- I don't like him one bit.|- Anyone I know {34092}{34149}Um, hello. {34151}{34228}Smashing day for the start|of an adventure, eh, O'Connell {34229}{34284}Yeah. Yeah, smashing. {34285}{34364}Oh, no, no, I'd never steal|from a partner... partner. {34393}{34477}That reminds me.|No hard feelings about the-- {34479}{34548}- Oh, no, no. Happens all the time.|- Mr. O'Connell. {34549}{34652}Can you look me in the eye and guarantee|me this isn't some kind of a flimflam {34654}{34743}- Because if it is, I am warning you--|- You're warning me {34744}{34841}Lady, let me put it this way:|My whole damn garrison|believed in this so much... {34843}{34933}that without orders,|they marched halfway across Libya|and into Egypt to find that city. {34935}{34990}When we got there,|all we found... {34992}{35043}was sand and blood. {35045}{35097}Let me get your bags. {35216}{35270}Yes, yes, you're right. {35272}{35358}Filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel.|Nothing to like there at all. {35404}{35459}Bright good morning to all. {35460}{35503}Oh, no.|What are you doing here {35504}{35599}I'm here to protect my investment,|thank you very much. {36099}{36185}Quit playin' with|your glasses and cut the deck, Burns. {36187}{36257}Without my glasses|I can't see the deck to cut it, Dave. {36259}{36328}O'Connell, sit down.|We could use another player. {36329}{36402}- I only gamble with|my life, never my money.|- Never {36404}{36491}What if I was to bet you $500|we get to Hamunaptra before you {36492}{36585}- You're looking for Hamunaptra|- Damn straight we are. {36587}{36634}- And who says we are|- He does. {36636}{36695}- Well--|- Well, how 'bout it {36696}{36765}Is it a bet {36767}{36868}- All right, you're on.|- What makes you so confident, sir {36869}{36947}- What makes you|- We got us a man|who's actually been there. {36948}{36995}Oh, what a coincidence,|because O'Connell-- {36996}{37043}Whose play is it {37044}{37096}Is it-- Is it my play|I thought-- {37098}{37155}Gentlemen, we got us a wager.|Good evening, Jonathan. {37156}{37203}Good night. {37589}{37639}Sorry.|Didn't mean to scare ya. {37640}{37713}The only thing that scares me,|Mr. O'Connell, are your manners. {37715}{37763}Still angry about that kiss, huh {37765}{37829}Well, if you call that a kiss. {37933}{38008}Um, did I miss something {38010}{38085}Are we--|Are we going into battle {38087}{38145}Lady, there's something|out there. {38147}{38195}Something underneath that sand. {38197}{38276}Yes, well, I'm hoping to find|a certain artifact. {38277}{38324}A book, actually. {38325}{38372}My brother|thinks there's treasure. {38373}{38458}- What do you think's out there|- In a word Evil. {38460}{38545}The Bedouin and the Tuaregs|believe that Hamunaptra is cursed. {38547}{38639}Oh, look, I don't believe in fairy tales|and hokum, Mr. O'Connell... {38640}{38718}but I do believe one of the most famous|books in history is buried there. {38720}{38766}The Book of Amun-Ra. {38768}{38855}It contains within it all the secret|incantations of the old kingdom. {38857}{38928}It's what first interested me in Egypt|when I was a child. {38929}{39012}It's why I came here--|sort of a life's pursuit. {39049}{39121}Um... by the way... {39147}{39193}why did you kiss me {39195}{39261}I was about to be hanged.|It seemed like a good idea at the time. {39358}{39448}What|What'd I say {39586}{39632}Surprise! {39634}{39680}My good friend,|you're alive! {39681}{39728}I was so very,|very worried. {39729}{39803}Well, if it ain't|my little buddy Beni. {39805}{39857}- I think I'll kill you.|- Think of my children. {39859}{39900}You don't have any children. {39902}{39957}- Someday I might.|- Shut up! {39959}{40042}So you're the one who's leading|the Americans. I might have known. {40044}{40147}What's the scam You take them into the|desert, and then you leave 'em to rot {40148}{40195}Unfortunately, no. {40196}{40243}These Americans are smart. {40244}{40323}They pay me only half now,|half when I get them back to Cairo. {40324}{40403}- So this time I must go all the way.|- Them's the breaks, huh {40431}{40509}You never believed|in Hamunaptra, O'Connell. {40511}{40581}Why are you going back {40583}{40631}You see that girl {40632}{40680}She saved my neck. {40758}{40864}You always did have|more balls than brains. {40980}{41015}Yeah. {41016}{41051}Good-bye, Beni. {41203}{41257}O'Connell! {41530}{41573}"George Bembridge... {41599}{41658}in eighteen-sixty--" {41723}{41787}Hmm. "1865 was-- {41842}{41888}was--" {41890}{41984}Oh, for heaven's sake, girl,|it wasn't that good of a kiss, anyway. {42305}{42382}Where is the map {42384}{42455}It's--|It's... there. {42457}{42537}And the key|Where is the key {42539}{42604}The key The key|What key {42606}{42653}Evelyn! {43002}{43060}The map!|The map! I forgot the map! {43062}{43122}Relax. I'm the map.|It's all up here. {43124}{43170}Oh, that's comforting. {43381}{43424}- The key!|- Evy {43902}{43957}Hold on to this. {44638}{44696}Can you swim {44698}{44775}- Of course I can swim,|if the occasion calls for it.|- Trust me. {44777}{44808}It calls for it. {45330}{45397}O'Connell! O'Connell! {45399}{45451}What are we going to do {45453}{45506}- Wait here! I'll go get help!|- Right! {46049}{46089}Americans. {46467}{46524}I say, bloody good show, chaps! {46526}{46572}And did I panic {46574}{46621}I think not. {46679}{46749}Get out of here! {46925}{47001}Get 'em out of the water!|Come on, dogies! {47003}{47049}Give 'em a smack, would ya! {47115}{47165}This is a messed-up country. {47222}{47281}We've lost everything! {47283}{47340}All of our tools,|all the equipment! {47342}{47381}All my clothes! {47383}{47433}O'Connell! {47435}{47473}Hey! {47475}{47523}O'Connell! {47525}{47628}It looks to me|like I've got all the horses! {47630}{47670}Hey, Beni! {47672}{47769}Looks to me like you're on|the wrong side of the river! {47771}{47833}Yeah. {48218}{48273}I only want four! Four! {48275}{48357}I only want four,|not a whole bloody herd! {48359}{48436}O'Connell! Ohh!|Can you believe the cheek {48438}{48484}Just pay the man. {48486}{48532}Oh, for heaven's sake. {48534}{48595}Can't believe the price|of these fleabags. {48597}{48659}Yes, happy.|Very good. {48661}{48730}You probably could've|got 'em for free. {48731}{48812}- All you had to do|was give him your sister.|- Yes. {48814}{48866}Awfully tempting, wasn't it {49004}{49064}Awfully. {49654}{49700}Never did like camels. {49702}{49746}Filthy buggers. {49748}{49794}They smell, they bite, they spit. {49795}{49848}Disgusting. {49850}{49896}I think they're adorable. {49898}{49993}Oh, baby. {52837}{52886}Good morning, my friend. {53253}{53312}What the hell we doin' {53314}{53362}Patience, my good barat'm.|Patience. {53364}{53481}Remember our bet, O'Connell.|First one to the city, 500 cash bucks. {53482}{53541}A hundred of them bucks is yours|if you help us win that bet. {53542}{53579}Oh, my pleasure. {53581}{53625}Hey, O'Connell. {53627}{53689}Nice camel. {53768}{53826}Get ready for it. {53828}{53874}For what {53876}{53923}We're about to be shown the way. {54245}{54287}Will ya look at that. {54289}{54334}Can you believe it {54336}{54373}Hamunaptra. {54375}{54413}Here we go again. {55074}{55130}Oww! {55239}{55274}So long, Beni! {55354}{55414}That serves you right. {55942}{55993}Whoo! {55995}{56090}Whoo-hoo!|Go, Evy! Go! {56194}{56242}Whoo! {56321}{56367}Whoo-hoo! {57045}{57091}Do they know somethin'|we don't {57124}{57170}They are led by a woman. {57172}{57225}What does a woman know {57227}{57274}That's a statue of Anubis. {57275}{57322}Its legs go deep underground. {57323}{57409}According to Bembridge scholars,|that's where we'll find|a secret compartment... {57411}{57463}containing the golden|Book of Amun-Ra. {57507}{57580}Jonathan, you're meant|to catch the sun with that. {57638}{57697}So, uh, what are|these old mirrors for {57698}{57790}Ancient mirrors. It's an ancient|Egyptian trick. You'll see. {57836}{57882}Uh, here, this is for, uh, you. {57927}{58013}Go ahead. It's something|I borrowed off our American brethren. {58014}{58061}I thought you might like it-- {58062}{58137}you might need it|for when you're, uh-- uh, yeah. {58138}{58191}What are you lookin' at {58425}{58471}Hey! Look for bugs. {58473}{58519}I hate bugs. {58521}{58616}We're standing inside a room|no one has entered in over 3,000 years. {58618}{58707}Whoo! What is|that god-awful stench {58954}{59000}And then there was... {59002}{59048}Iight. {59075}{59133}Hey, that is a neat trick. {59135}{59197}- Oh, my God. It's a sah-netjer.|- Huh {59199}{59250}- A preparation room.|- Preparation for what {59251}{59330}For entering the afterlife. {59331}{59416}Mummies, my good son.|This is where they made the mummies. {59670}{59716}What the-- {59811}{59858}What was that {59859}{59923}Sounds like... bugs. {59925}{59971}He said bugs. {59973}{60053}What do you mean, bugs|I hate bugs. {60442}{60508}The legs of Anubis. {60510}{60628}The secret compartment|should be hidden somewhere inside here. {61205}{61267}You scared the bejesus|out of us, O'Connell. {61269}{61312}Likewise. {61314}{61367}- Hey, that's my tool kit.|- I don't think so. {61369}{61417}Okay. {61419}{61481}Perhaps I was mistaken. {61483}{61569}Have a nice day, gentlemen. We have|a lot of work to be getting along with. {61571}{61654}- Push off! This is our dig site.|- We got here first. {61703}{61759}This here's our statue, friend. {61761}{61830}I don't see your name|written on it... pal. {61831}{61907}Yes, well,|there's only four of you... {61909}{61978}and 15 of me. {61979}{62035}Your odds are not so great,|O'Connell. {62037}{62099}- I've had worse.|- Yeah, me too. {62133}{62233}Oh, look, for goodness' sake,|let's be nice, children. {62235}{62321}If we're going to play together,|we must learn to share. {62367}{62427}There are other places to dig. {62523}{62568}According to these hieroglyphics... {62570}{62616}we're underneath the statue. {62618}{62672}We should come up|right between his legs. {62674}{62752}- When those damn Yanks|go to sleep-- No offense--|- None taken. {62754}{62824}we'll dig our way up and steal that book|right out from under them. {62826}{62884}Are you sure we can find|this secret compartment {62886}{62956}Oh, yes, if those beastly Americans|haven't beaten us to it. {62958}{63004}- No offense.|- None taken. {63006}{63056}Where'd our smelly|little friend get to {63406}{63452}Hey. {63545}{63591}What have we here {63698}{63756}Blue gold. {63758}{63845}This will fetch|a mighty fine price. {64143}{64201}- Let's get us some treasure!|- Careful! {64203}{64267}Seti was no fool. {64269}{64351}I think perhaps we should|let the diggers open it, hmm {64353}{64423}Oh, I think we should listen|to the good doctor, Henderson. {64451}{64497}Yeah, sure.|Let them open it. {64704}{64747}Zee-eda. {65040}{65098}Let me get this straight. {65100}{65162}They ripped out your guts|and stuffed them in jars. {65164}{65252}They'd take out your heart as well.|You know how they took out your brains {65254}{65300}I don't think we need|to know this. {65302}{65373}They'd take a sharp, red-hot poker,|stick it up your nose... {65374}{65453}scramble things about a bit and then|rip it all out through your nostrils. {65454}{65491}That's gotta hurt. {65493}{65550}It's called mummification.|You'll be dead when they do this. {65552}{65660}If I don't make it out of here,|don't put me down for mummification. {65662}{65708}Likewise. {65900}{65964}Oh, my God.|It's a-- {65966}{66016}It's a sarcophagus. {66073}{66128}Buried at the base of Anubis. {66173}{66267}He must have been someone|of great importance. {66269}{66355}Or he did something very naughty. {66381}{66442}Oh, Allah. {66498}{66567}One more. {66650}{66689}One more. {67086}{67149}Help me! Help me! {67622}{67668}Well, who is it {67700}{67770}"He That Shall Not Be Named." {67853}{67920}This looks like|some sort of a lock. {67922}{68002}- Well, whoever's in here|sure wasn't getting out.|- Yeah, no kidding. {68004}{68086}It'd take us a month|to crack into this thing without a key. {68088}{68134}A key {68136}{68206}A key! A key!|That's what he was talking about! {68208}{68267}- Who|- The man on the barge. {68269}{68325}The one with the hook.|He was looking for a key. {68326}{68376}Hey, that's mine. {68970}{69045}- What do you suppose killed him|- Did you ever see him eat {69047}{69141}Seems that our American friends had|a little misfortune of their own today. {69142}{69229}Three of their diggers|were, uh... melted. {69231}{69279}- What|- How {69281}{69373}Salt acid.|Pressurized salt acid. {69374}{69451}Some kind of|ancient booby trap. {69453}{69531}Maybe this place really is cursed. {69595}{69661}Oh, for goodness' sake, you two! {69663}{69717}- You don't believe in curses|- No, I don't. {69719}{69812}I believe if I can see it|and I can touch it, it's real.|That's what I believe. {69814}{69867}I believe in being prepared. {69869}{69963}Let's see what our friend|the warden believed in. {70074}{70138}My God, what is it {70140}{70186}A broken bottle. {70188}{70279}Glenlivet. Twelve years old! {70281}{70377}He may have been a stinky fellow,|but he had good taste. {70447}{70510}Take this. Stay here. {70512}{70582}- No, wait, wait! Wait for me. Wait!|- Evy! {70584}{70682}Excuse me, but didn't the man|just say "stay here" Evy! {70753}{70828}Mr. Henderson!|Wake up! {71761}{71839}O'Connell! {72283}{72332}Enough! Yallah! {72334}{72433}We will shed no more blood,|but you must leave. {72435}{72486}Leave this place or die. {72488}{72526}You have one day. {72599}{72662}Yallah! Nimshi! {73122}{73168}Evelyn. {73206}{73253}Hey. {73279}{73358}- Are you all right|- Yes, I'm fine. {73359}{73406}- You sure|- Thank you. {73407}{73505}That proves it. Old Seti's|fortune's got to be under this sand. {73507}{73587}For them to protect it like this,|you know there's treasure down there. {73589}{73679}No, these men are desert people.|They value water, not gold. {73681}{73804}You know, maybe just at night,|we could, uh, combine forces, hmm {73806}{73883}Hey, tough stuff, try a right hook. {73885}{73945}Ball up your fist and put it--|put it up like that. {73947}{74006}- Mm-hmm.|- And then mean it. Hit it right here. {74007}{74086}- I mean it!|- Okay. {74122}{74190}Okay, it's time|for another drink. {74191}{74265}Unlike my brother, sir... {74266}{74323}I know when to say no. {74353}{74431}And unlike|your brother, miss... {74433}{74481}you, I just don't get. {74482}{74535}I know. {74537}{74583}You're wondering... {74623}{74722}what is a place like me|doing in a girl like this. {74724}{74772}Yeah, something like that. {74774}{74833}Egypt is in my blood. {74835}{74897}You see, my-- my father... {74899}{74988}was a very, very|famous explorer... {74990}{75046}and he loved Egypt|so much... {75047}{75130}he married my mother,|who was an Egyptian... {75131}{75200}and quite|an adventurer herself. {75202}{75303}I get your father,|and I get your mother... {75305}{75362}and, uh... {75363}{75415}I get him, but... {75417}{75463}what are you doing here {75513}{75582}Look, l--|I may not be... {75584}{75630}an explorer... {75632}{75691}or-or an adventurer... {75693}{75768}or a treasure seeker|or a gunfighter... {75770}{75840}Mr. O'Connell... {75842}{75934}but I am proud|of what I am. {75935}{75998}And what is that {76000}{76046}I... {76078}{76132}am a librarian. {76224}{76283}And I am going|to kiss you... {76285}{76346}Mr. O'Connell. {76348}{76404}Call me Rick. {76482}{76544}Oh, Rick. {76958}{77006}Awam, awam! {77129}{77175}Djaceb, djaceb. {77423}{77492}- There is a curse upon this chest.|- Curse, my ass. {77494}{77556}- Who cares|- Have a care, Mr. Henderson. {77558}{77632}In these hallowed grounds, that which|was set forth in ancient times... {77634}{77700}- is as strong today as it was then.|- We understand. {77702}{77748}What's it say {77823}{77885}"Death will come|on swift wings... {77887}{77967}to whomsoever|opens this chest." {78206}{78283}We should not be here. {78285}{78331}This is not good. {78333}{78387}It says, "There is one... {78389}{78435}the undead... {78437}{78509}who, if brought back to life,|is bound by sacred law... {78511}{78561}to consummate this curse." {78562}{78631}Let's make sure we don't bring anyone|back from the dead then. {78633}{78713}"He will kill all|who open this chest... {78714}{78813}and assimilate|their organs and fluids... {78815}{78882}and in so doing,|he will regenerate... {78884}{78952}and no longer be|the undead... {78954}{79054}but a plague|upon this Earth." {79056}{79133}Well, we didn't come|all this way for nothin'. {79134}{79181}- That's right.|- It's the curse. {79182}{79235}It's the curse. {79237}{79313}It's the curse!|Beware of the curse! {79314}{79364}Beware! {79366}{79432}Stupid superstitious bastard. {79468}{79548}Oh, I've dreamt about this|since I was a little girl. {79550}{79596}You dream about dead guys {79598}{79668}Look, his sacred spells|have been chiseled off. {79670}{79744}This man must have been condemned|not only in this life but in the next. {79746}{79808}- Tough break.|- Yeah, I'm all tears. {79810}{79905}Now, let's see who's inside, shall we {80140}{80204}Oh, my God, I hate it|when these things do that. {80206}{80252}Is he supposed to|look like that {80254}{80318}No, I've never seen a mummy|look like this before. {80320}{80374}He's still-- still-- {80376}{80426}- Juicy.|- Yes. {80428}{80504}He must be more|than 3,000 years old... {80506}{80564}and, well, it looks|as if he's still... {80566}{80626}decomposing. {80628}{80702}Hey, look at that. {80704}{80761}What do you make of this {80762}{80833}My God, these marks|were made with... {80860}{80918}fingernails. {80920}{80999}This man was buried alive. {81001}{81047}And he left a message. {81086}{81171}"Death is only the beginning." {81623}{81677}Oh, my God. {81678}{81742}It does exist. {81744}{81809}- The Book of the Dead.|- A book {81810}{81874}Who cares about a book|Where the hell's the treasure {81876}{81941}This, gentlemen... {81942}{82005}this is treasure. {82033}{82108}Hell, I wouldn't trade you|for a brass-- {82160}{82234}Look at that. {82236}{82291}There's your treasure, gentlemen. {82293}{82345}Now we're onto something. {82721}{82787}I believe you need a key|to open that book. {82842}{82926}Say, O'Connell, what do you think|these babies'll fetch back home {82928}{82992}We hear you boys found yourselves|a nice, gooey mummy. {82994}{83034}Congratulations. {83036}{83107}If you dry that fella out, you might|be able to sell him for firewood. {83109}{83167}Look what I found. {83169}{83215}You're in her seat. {83217}{83263}- Now!|- Yup. {83265}{83329}Scarab skeletons,|flesh eaters. {83331}{83391}I found them inside|our friend's coffin. {83393}{83495}They can stay alive for years|feasting on the flesh of a corpse. {83497}{83587}Unfortunately for our friend,|he was still alive|when they started eating him. {83588}{83699}So somebody threw these in with our guy,|and then they slowly ate him alive {83700}{83738}Very slowly. {83740}{83808}He certainly wasn't a popular fellow|when they planted him. {83810}{83913}Well, he probably got a little|too frisky with the pharaoh's daughter. {83915}{83970}Well, according|to my readings... {83972}{84076}our friend suffered the Hom-Dai, the|worst of all ancient Egyptian curses... {84078}{84151}one reserved only|for the most evil of blasphemers. {84153}{84227}In my research, I've never heard of this|curse having actually been performed. {84229}{84291}- That bad, huh|- Yes, well, they-- {84293}{84362}They never used it|because they feared it so. {84364}{84470}It's written that if a victim|of the Hom-Dai should ever arise... {84472}{84551}he would bring with him|the ten plagues of Egypt. {85286}{85340}That's called stealing,|you know. {85342}{85390}According to you|and my brother... {85392}{85444}it's called borrowing. {85504}{85566}I thought the Book of Amun-Ra|was made out of gold. {85568}{85664}It is made out of gold.|This isn't the Book of Amun-Ra. {85666}{85718}This is something else. {85720}{85795}I think this may be|the Book of the Dead. {85797}{85843}The Book of the Dead {85845}{85910}Are you sure you want to|be playing around with this thing {85912}{85987}It's just a book.|No harm ever came from... {85988}{86055}reading a book. {86172}{86232}That happens a lot around here. {86279}{86325}So, what's it say {86327}{86418}"Amun Ra. Amun Dei." {86420}{86474}It speaks of the night|and of the day. {86868}{86945}You must not read from the book! {87552}{87599}Run! {87642}{87695}Go, go! {87884}{87947}What have we done {87948}{88003}Where the hell|did they come from {88004}{88062}I ain't waitin' around to find out. {88097}{88183}My glasses. My glasses! {88185}{88243}Leave me! Leave me! {88244}{88301}Hey! Hey! {88303}{88390}Could you help me|find my gl-- Oh. {88423}{88487}Wait for me! {88992}{89075}Who's there {89077}{89182}Who's there {89488}{89536}Henderson {90103}{90151}Ah, Jon! {90312}{90359}Scarabs! {90360}{90431}- Run, Evy!|- Go, go, go! Run! {91186}{91228}- Evelyn|- Evy {91230}{91283}- Evelyn!|- Evy! {91582}{91652}Oh. Oh, Mr. Burns.|Thank goodness. {91654}{91714}I was just starting|to get scared. {91715}{91791}I've lost everyone. I-- {91793}{91850}My eyes. My eyes. {92316}{92395}Please help me. {92439}{92528}My tongue. He took my tongue. {92530}{92587}Please don't leave me. {92588}{92687}Anck-su-namun {92689}{92738}Damn it!|It's a trap door. {92740}{92804}There's gotta be a switch or something|around here someplace. {92839}{92888}Run, you sons of bitches! Run! {92890}{92944}Go. {93229}{93271}Go! Go! {93524}{93600}There you are!|Will you quit playing hide-and-seek {93602}{93666}Come on.|Let's get out of here. Whoa! {93668}{93723}Evy! {94012}{94071}- Move!|- Yeah, right. Did you see that {94072}{94170}It was walking. It was walking! {94355}{94453}I told you to leave or die.|You refused. {94455}{94506}Now you may have|killed us all... {94508}{94587}for you have unleashed a creature we|have feared for more than 3,000 years. {94589}{94672}- Relax. I got him.|- No mortal weapon|can kill this creature. {94674}{94731}He's not of this world. {94919}{94981}- You bastards.|- What did you do to him {94983}{95057}We saved him, saved him before|the creature could finish his work. {95059}{95150}Leave, all of you, quickly,|before he finishes you all. {95152}{95222}Yallah. Nimishi. {95223}{95326}We must now go on the hunt|and try and find a way to kill him. {95327}{95388}I already told you I got him. {95443}{95490}Know this. {95491}{95555}This creature|is the bringer of death. {95557}{95624}He will never eat,|he will never sleep... {95626}{95674}and he will never stop. {96475}{96541}May the good Lord protect|and watch over me... {96543}{96603}as a shepherd|watches over his flock. {96927}{97006}No Okay. {97824}{97871}My prince. {98683}{98762}I thought you said you didn't believe in|that fairy tales and hokum stuff. Shoo! {98763}{98862}H-Having an encounter|with a 3,000-year-old|walking, talking corpse... {98864}{98911}does tend to convert one. {98912}{98984}Forget it. We're out the door,|down the hall and we're gone. {98986}{99054}- Oh, no, we are not.|- Oh, yes, we are. {99056}{99127}Oh, no, we are not. We woke him up,|and we are going to stop him. {99128}{99182}"We" What we|We didn't read that book. {99184}{99252}I told you not to play around|with that thing. Didn't I tell you {99254}{99330}Yes, then me, me, me, me, l, l,|I woke him up and I intend to stop him. {99332}{99426}Yeah How You heard the man--|no mortal weapons can kill this guy. {99427}{99502}Then we are just going to|have to find some immortal ones. {99504}{99599}- There goes that "we" again.|- Will you listen to me We have to do-- {99600}{99649}Once this creature has been reborn... {99651}{99705}his curse is going to spread until|the whole of the Earth is destroyed. {99707}{99779}- Yeah ls that my problem|- It is everybody's problem. {99781}{99857}Evelyn, I appreciate you saving my life|and all, but when I signed on... {99859}{99921}I agreed to take you out there|and to bring you back. {99923}{99977}I have done that.|End of job. End of story. {99979}{100037}- Contract terminated.|- That's all I am to you A contract {100039}{100085}You can either|tag along with me... {100087}{100146}or you can stay here...|and try and save the world! {100148}{100195}- What's it gonna be|- I'm staying. {100196}{100243}- Fine!|- Fine. {100244}{100294}- Fine.|- Fine. {100296}{100401}- Fine.|- Ooh! {100475}{100570}I'm the last of the Royal Air Corps|still stationed out here, you know. {100572}{100651}Some bloody idiot|spilled his drink. {100653}{100745}All the other laddies died in the sky|and were buried in the sand. {100747}{100815}Good chaps,|every one of them too. Ooh. {100817}{100911}- Hi, Winston.|- Ye-- Uh-- You know, O'Connell. {100912}{100973}Ever since the end|of the great war... {100975}{101046}there hasn't been a--|a single challenge... {101048}{101107}- worthy of a man like me.|- Yeah {101109}{101163}We all got our little|problems today, Winston. {101165}{101235}I just wish I could have|chucked it in with the others... {101237}{101287}and gone down|in flame and glory... {101289}{101335}instead of sitting|around here... {101337}{101390}rotting of boredom and booze. {101391}{101454}Cheers. Mmm. {101456}{101586}Mmm. Oh, well, back to the airfield. {101587}{101658}- Tell me, has your sister always been--|- Oh, yes, always. {101659}{101730}We're all packed up, but the damn boat|doesn't leave till tomorrow morning. {101731}{101791}Tail set firmly|between your legs, I see. {101793}{101870}You can talk. You don't have|some sacred walkin' corpse after ya. {101872}{101966}So, uh, how's your friend {101967}{102093}He had his eyes and his tongue|ripped out. How would you be {102096}{102151}I'm so pleased... {102153}{102199}to meet you. {102201}{102293}Prince lmhotep|does not like to be touched. {102294}{102380}A silly Eastern superstition,|I'm afraid. {102382}{102429}Please forgive me. {102431}{102522}Oh-ho. Whoops. {102523}{102570}Mr. Burns... {102571}{102649}Prince lmhotep thanks you|for your hospitality. {102701}{102766}And for your eyes... {102767}{102836}- and for your tongue.|- Wha-- {102838}{102917}- But I am afraid more is needed.|- Wha-- {102918}{102965}The prince must finish the job... {102966}{103079}and consummate the curse|which you and your friends... {103081}{103145}- have brought down upon yourselves.|- Wait! No! {103219}{103266}Good luck, boys. {103405}{103495}Sweet Jesus!|Tasted just like-- {103497}{103552}Blood. {103554}{103643}"And the rivers and waters|of Egypt ran red... {103645}{103701}and were as blood." {103735}{103782}He's here. {103845}{103937}Oh, looks like|there's gonna be a storm. {103939}{103999}- Oh, Evelyn!|- Oh, so you're still here. {104001}{104079}We've got problems. {104574}{104644}Hey! {104646}{104714}Beni, you little stinkweed.|Where you been {105324}{105379}We are in serious trouble. {106280}{106345}We are in very serious trouble. {106371}{106417}He does seem to like Evy. {106419}{106465}Yeah, what's that about {106467}{106566}- What's this guy want|- There's only one person|that can give us any answers. {106567}{106622}- You!|- Miss Carnahan. {106624}{106690}- Gentlemen.|- What is he doing here {106691}{106781}Do you really want to know,|or would you prefer to just shoot us {106782}{106833}After what I just saw... {106834}{106898}I'm willing to go|on a little faith here. {106900}{106969}We are part of|an ancient secret society. {106971}{107053}For over 3,000 years|we have guarded the City of the Dead. {107054}{107145}We are sworn at manhood|to do any and all in our power|to stop the High Priest lmhotep... {107146}{107235}- from being reborn into this world.|- Because of you, we have failed. {107237}{107298}You think this justifies|the killing of innocent people {107300}{107355}- To stop this creature|Let me think. Yes!|- Yes! {107419}{107486}Question:|Why doesn't he like cats {107488}{107579}Cats are the guardians of the|underworld. He will fear them|until he is fully regenerated. {107581}{107658}- Then he will fear nothing.|- You know how he gets hisself|fully regenerated {107660}{107755}- By killin' everyone|who opened that chest.|- And suckin' 'em dry! {107757}{107809}Jonathan, will you stop|playing with that {107811}{107926}When I saw him alive at Hamunaptra,|he called me Anck-su-namun. {107971}{108055}And then just now in Mr. Burns'|quarters, h-he tried to kiss me. {108057}{108129}It's because of his love|for Anck-su-namun that he was cursed. {108130}{108199}- Apparently, even after 3,000 years--|- He is still in love with her. {108201}{108274}Yes, that is very romantic,|but what has it got to do with me {108276}{108346}Perhaps he will once again|try to raise her from the dead. {108348}{108450}And it appears he has already chosen|his human sacrifice. {108495}{108541}Bad luck, old mum. {108542}{108623}On the contrary, it may|just give us the time we need... {108625}{108671}to kill the creature. {108673}{108783}We will need all the help we can get.|His powers are growing. {108915}{109003}"And he stretched forth|his hand towards the heavens... {109005}{109096}and there was darkness|throughout the land of Egypt." {109099}{109154}We must stop him from regenerating. {109156}{109218}- Who opened that chest|- There was me and Daniels here. {109220}{109281}- And Burns, of course.|- And that Egyptologist fellow. {109283}{109365}- What about my buddy Beni|- No, he scrammed outta there|'fore we opened the thing. {109367}{109438}- Yeah, he was the smart one.|- Well, that sounds like Beni. {109439}{109530}We must find the Egyptologist and bring|him back to the safety of the fort... {109531}{109578}- before the creature can get to him.|- Right. {109579}{109674}She stays here.|You three, come with me. {109675}{109751}You can't leave me behind|like some old carpetbag. {109753}{109841}Who put you in charge O'Connell,|what do you think you are doing {109843}{109924}- Jonathan! O'Connell!|- Sorry, but he's a bit... tall. {109926}{110013}Coward that you are! O'Connell,|you are not leaving me in here! {110015}{110093}Jonathan, if you don't open this door|in one minute flat-- {110095}{110145}- O'Connell, let me out of here.|- This door doesn't open. {110147}{110213}- She doesn't come out,|and no one goes in, right|- Right. {110215}{110270}- Right|- Right. {110271}{110354}- O'Connell! Jonathan!|- Let's go, Jonathan. {110356}{110430}Oh, I thought I could just stay|at the fort and, uh, reconnoiter. {110432}{110521}- Now!|- Yeah, right. We're just|gonna rescue the Egyptologist. {111310}{111398}Well, well, well.|Let me guess. Spring cleaning. {111502}{111566}Nice shot. {111568}{111644}Oh, Beni, did you fall down|Let me help you up. {111687}{111772}You came back from the desert|with a new friend, didn't you, Beni {111774}{111829}What friend|You are my only friend. {111891}{111981}What the hell are you doing|with this creep What's in it for you {111983}{112081}It is better to be the right hand|of the devil than in his path. {112083}{112169}As long as I serve him,|I am immune. {112247}{112318}- Immune from what|- Piszkas allat. {112319}{112420}- What did you say|- I don't wanna tell you.|You'll just hurt me some more. {112422}{112500}What are you looking for|And try not to lie to me. {112502}{112597}The book! The black book they found|at Hamunaptra. He wants it back. {112599}{112659}He said to me it would be|worth its weight in gold. {112661}{112721}- What does he want the book for|- I don't know. {112723}{112810}Something about bringing|his dead girlfriend back to life. {112812}{112881}But that's all.|He just wants the book, I swear. {112883}{112957}Just the book, I swear.|And your sister. {112959}{113000}But other than that-- {113000}{113030}But other than that-- {114199}{114254}That's two down,|two to go. {114255}{114310}Then he'll be coming after Evy. {114312}{114388}Guards in place!|Reporting all clear, sir! {114390}{114436}To hell with this. {114438}{114494}I'm goin' downstairs, get me a drink.|You want somethin' {114495}{114556}- Yeah. Yeah, get me a glass of bourbon.|- All right. {114558}{114617}- A-And a shot of bourbon.|- Yeah, okay, okay. {114619}{114680}- And a bourbon chaser.|- I'll get your damn bourbon! {114682}{114741}Don't worry about the door. {117127}{117181}Anck-su-namun. {117433}{117504}Hey, get your ugly face off of her! {117591}{117641}Look what I got. {117597}{117686}- You all right|- Well, I'm not sure. {117926}{118024}Well, according to legend,|the black book the Americans|found at Hamunaptra... {118026}{118077}is supposed to bring people|back from the dead. {118079}{118142}- Until now it was a notion|I was unwilling to believe.|- Believe it, sister. {118143}{118191}That's what brought|our buddy back to life. {118193}{118271}I'm thinking that if the black book|can bring dead people to life-- {118273}{118364}- Then maybe the gold book can kill him.|- That's the myth. {118366}{118449}Now we just have to find out|where the gold book is hidden. {118451}{118524}Imhotep. Imhotep. {118982}{119043}Last but not least... {119045}{119112}my favorite plague--|boils and sores. {119114}{119172}They have become his slaves. {119174}{119252}So it has begun,|the beginning of the end. {119254}{119330}Not quite yet, it hasn't.|Come on. {119331}{119439}Imhotep. Imhotep. {119859}{119929}According to Bembridge scholars,|the golden Book of Amun-Ra... {119931}{119982}is located inside|the statue of Anubis. {119984}{120036}- That's where we found the black book.|- Exactly. {120038}{120121}- Looks like the old boys|at Bembridge were mistaken.|- They mixed the books up. {120123}{120169}Mixed up where|they were buried. {120171}{120242}So if the black book|is inside the statue of Anubis... {120244}{120306}then the golden book|must be inside-- {120435}{120510}- Come on, Evy. Faster.|- Patience is a virtue. {120541}{120587}Not right now it isn't. {120589}{120650}Uh, I think I'll go|and get the car started. {120652}{120769}I've got it. The golden|Book of Amun-Ra is at Hamunaptra|inside the statue of Horus. {120771}{120826}Take that, Bembridge scholars. {121055}{121119}Imhotep. {121535}{121609}Let's go, let's go, let's go! {121611}{121697}- Get this thing in gear, boy.|Let's get outta here.|- Evy! {121699}{121759}- Come on, Evy. Hurry up.|- Imhotep! {121946}{122023}You're gonna get yours, Beni!|You hear me {122025}{122127}- You're gonna get yours!|- Oh, like I've never heard that before! {122859}{122906}Hang on! {123767}{123820}Hey! O'Connell!|O'Connell! {125130}{125201}Okay! Go, go! {125260}{125316}Back! Back! {125370}{125456}Imhotep. Imhotep. {125757}{125794}It's the creature. {125796}{125856}He's fully regenerated. {125858}{125909}Keetah mi pharos... {125911}{125979}aja nilo, isirian. {125981}{126030}"Come with me, my princess. {126032}{126124}It is time|to make you mine forever." {126125}{126196}"For all eternity," idiot. {126197}{126257}Koontash dai na... {126258}{126305}aja nilo. {126306}{126363}"Take my hand... {126365}{126415}and I will spare|your friends." {126417}{126496}Oh, dear. {126498}{126576}- Have you got any bright ideas|- I'm thinkin', I'm thinkin'. {126577}{126665}You better think of something fast,|because if he turns me into a mummy... {126667}{126728}you're the first one|I'm coming after. {126820}{126859}Don't! {126861}{126952}He has to take me to Hamunaptra|to perform the ritual. {126953}{127027}She is right.|Live today, fight tomorrow. {127297}{127369}I'll be seeing you again. {127509}{127564}Evelyn! {127613}{127678}- Hey, that's mine.|- Thank you. {127760}{127795}No! Let go of me! {127797}{127842}- Imhotep.|- Let go of me! {127844}{127930}- Good-bye, my friend.|- Come here, you little-- {127932}{128038}Imhotep. Imhotep. {128090}{128160}Come on! {128161}{128248}- What about my sister|- We're gonna get her back! Go! {128250}{128314}You're next! {128316}{128367}Come on!|Give me your hand! {128369}{128411}- You go!|- Come on! {128413}{128478}Go! {129221}{129312}Morning, Winston.|Uh, a word {129313}{129435}What's your little problem got to do|with His Majesty's Royal Air Corps {129436}{129522}Not a damn thing. {129524}{129592}- Is it dangerous|- You probably won't live through it. {129593}{129649}By Jove, do you really think so {129651}{129703}Everybody else we've bumped into|has died. Why not you {129704}{129761}What's the, uh--|What's the challenge then {129763}{129840}Rescue the damsel in distress,|kill the bad guy and save the world. {129842}{129959}Oh! Winston Havelock|at your service, sir. {130217}{130274}Are you all right {130276}{130351}Do I bloody look all right {130400}{130475}How you doin' {130719}{130806}See that|I've never seen one so big. {130808}{130867}- Never|- No! {131157}{131245}Get off of me! Get off! {131279}{131341}I need a new job. {131799}{131845}Oh, my God. {131847}{131899}We're back. {132207}{132249}O'Connell. {132525}{132599}Oh, my God. {132636}{132723}Hey, Winston!|Pedal faster! {132788}{132846}Hang on, men! {133868}{133923}Stop it!|You'll kill them! {133924}{133986}That's the idea. {134352}{134419}Here I come, laddies! {135046}{135100}I love the whole|sand wall trick. {135102}{135163}It was beautiful. Bastard. {135574}{135636}Excuse me. {135638}{135720}Um, a little help|would be useful... {135722}{135774}if it's not too much trouble! {135776}{135847}Yeah, yeah. All right. {135968}{136057}Winston! Hey, Winston! {136412}{136492}Quicksand!|Get back! It's quicksand. {137648}{137707}Keep moving! {137708}{137815}Nasty little fellows such as yourself|always get their comeuppance. {137816}{137903}Really They do {137904}{137963}Oh, yes. Always. {138128}{138204}I'd take|those bigger stones first. {138205}{138280}Take them from the top, otherwise|the whole thing will cave in on us. {138281}{138344}Come on.|Put your backs into it. {138377}{138456}Yes, well, you've got the idea.|Chop-chop. {138656}{138716}I say! {138761}{138825}Gents, you should come|and have a look at this. {139027}{139077}What {139079}{139125}It's in my arm!|My arm! {139164}{139201}Whoa! {139203}{139249}- Do something!|- Hold him! {139250}{139325}Do something! Do something!|Not that! Not that! {139564}{139620}O'Connell. {139728}{139814}Shatay Wapay Ku Ra Eck! {140218}{140280}Bembridge scholars|never wrote about this. {140410}{140472}Get off me.|Get off! {141578}{141622}Wha-- Wha-- {142124}{142173}- Can you see--|- Yeah. {142175}{142234}- Can you believe--|- Yeah. {142236}{142300}- Can we just--|- No. {142542}{142610}- Who the hell are these guys|- Priests. {142612}{142668}Imhotep's priests. {142670}{142722}All right then. {143858}{143905}There he is! {143906}{143965}Hello, Horus, old boy. {144175}{144221}Time to close the door. {144536}{144618}Let's go. {145199}{145253}Anck-su-namun. {145459}{145541}O'Connell!|Jonathan! {145734}{145819}Damn. {145821}{145933}- These guys just don't quit, do they|- Keep digging. {146471}{146533}Oh! The Book of Amun-Ra. {146678}{146766}Save the girl. {146768}{146830}Kill the creature. {147106}{147195}What are you waiting for|Get out! Get out! {147364}{147411}You all right|Let's go. {148762}{148837}The Book of Amun-Ra!|I found it, Evy! I found it! {148880}{148949}Shut up|and get me off here, Jonathan! {148951}{149039}Open the book, Jonathan.|It's the only way to kill him. {149041}{149114}You have to open the book|and find the inscription. {149116}{149191}Well, I can't open it!|It's locked or something. {149245}{149337}- We need the key, Evy!|- It's inside his robes. {149465}{149503}O'Connell! {149506}{149599}Im Yub Set Na. {150284}{150315}Mummies. {150315}{150349}Mummies. {150599}{150691}Look out! There's one down--|O'Connell! {151280}{151337}Here's an inscription. {151339}{151439}"Rasheem-- Rasheem oola--|Rasheem oola Kashka!" {151773}{151831}Oh, boy. {151965}{152014}Oh, yeah. {152016}{152086}This just keeps gettin'|better and better. {152088}{152142}- Do something, Jonathan.|- Me {152144}{152218}- You can command them.|- You have got to be joking. {152220}{152272}Finish the inscription|on the cover, idiot. {152274}{152358}- Then you can control them.|- Oh. Right. {152905}{152962}Uh-uh. {153004}{153051}Oh, oh, oh! {153224}{153299}Hurry up, Jonathan! {154051}{154120}- I can't figure out this last symbol.|- What does it look like {154478}{154560}It's a, uh, a bird--|a stork! {154846}{154928}A-Ahmenophus! {154929}{154990}Oh, yes, I see. {155100}{155183}Whoa! {155316}{155395}Uh, Hootash im Ahmenophus. {155964}{156018}Fa-Kooshka|Anck-su-namun! {156093}{156160}Anck-su-namun! {156376}{156440}- Imhotep!|- Anck-su-namun! {157100}{157169}Evy! I've got it. {157395}{157461}Oh! I've got it. {157463}{157557}Kadeesh mal.|Kadeesh mal. {157559}{157621}Pared oos.|Pared oos. {158200}{158284}I thought you said|it was gonna kill him! {158465}{158523}He's mortal. {159366}{159413}"Death... {159414}{159468}is only|the beginning." {160172}{160225}- Time to go.|- Ohh! {160453}{160500}You've lost the book! {160501}{160559}- Jonathan, I can't believe--|- Come on! {161246}{161301}- Couldn't we just--|- No, Jonathan! {161433}{161510}O'Connell! {161580}{161637}- O'Connell! Wait!|- Come on, come on. {161638}{161684}Wait! Please! {161685}{161745}Come on, come on! Beni! {161746}{161814}Good-bye, Beni. {162721}{162800}Go away.|Shoosh ma! Shoosh ma! {163058}{163140}Shoosh ma!|Shoosh ma! {163190}{163263}Shoosh ma!|Get away! {163516}{163547}Look out, look out! {163547}{163618}Look out, look out! {164699}{164755}Oh! Thank you.|Thank you very much. {164757}{164849}You've earned the respect|and gratitude of me and my people. {164851}{164925}Yes, well, it was nothing. {164927}{165018}May Allah|smile upon you always. {165020}{165081}And... yourself. {165199}{165262}Yes, anytime. {165263}{165315}Stay out of trouble. {165317}{165383}He's just... Ieaving us here. {165487}{165577}Well, I guess we go home|empty-handed... again. {165579}{165636}I wouldn't say that. {165671}{165747}Oh, please! {165951}{166011}How 'bout you, darling|Would you like a little kissy-wissy {166013}{166059}Whoo! Ohh.