{1193}{1303}Listen to me! Killing a few hostages|is not sufficient! {1306}{1367}The Americans must be made to suffer. {1370}{1425}We must humiliate them. {1428}{1490}You do not go far enough,|General Amin. {1493}{1582}We must strip their entrails out|and drag them to Damascus, {1585}{1676}until they include us|in the peace process. {1679}{1786}Nonsense! This solution|is not bold enough for Libya. {1789}{1885}l say wipe out Washington|and New York. {1888}{1976}What? And spoil|three years of good PR? {1979}{2055}The Americans believe l'm a nice guy. {2058}{2158}ln some of their polls, l'm more|popular than their president! {2218}{2324}Gentlemen! Gentlemen!|This is getting us nowhere. {2327}{2406}lf we do nothing else this week, {2409}{2500}we must conceive|at least one terrorist act {2503}{2570}that will show all the world {2573}{2644}that the United States,|the great Satan, {2647}{2722}is but a paper tiger - a weak nation, {2725}{2839}a weak people,|a people ripe for destruction. {2842}{2927}Cowards, no longer willing to fight. {3439}{3487}l knew it! {4344}{4404}Hey, who are you? {4407}{4468}l'm Lieutenant Frank Drebin,|Police Squad. {4471}{4548}And don't ever|let me catch you guys in America! {5222}{5270}Watch out! {8207}{8271}..98, 99, 100. lt's all here. {8274}{8350}This completes|our first shipment of heroin. {8353}{8403}100~/. pure. {8406}{8459}lt better be - all 40 kilos. {8462}{8543}The final shipment|will be delivered in three days. {8546}{8630}- Then we'll expect payment.|- Don't worry.' {9310}{9370}Police! Throw down your guns! {9912}{9960}Kill him. {11111}{11220}lt's a great day for Americans.|This man alone... {11438}{11473}There he is! {11501}{11549}No flowers, thank you. {11552}{11638}Welcome home, Frank. Good work|in Beirut. We heard about it. {11641}{11739}Thanks. l want to know one thing -|is it true about Victoria? {11742}{11828}l'm afraid so.|She ran off with some guy. {11831}{11892}They got married last week. {11895}{11982}Then it's over.|All of this is meaningless. {11985}{12051}l did it for her. Everything. {12054}{12113}And now she's gone. {12116}{12215}And you came down here|to get a hot story, didn't you? {12218}{12278}Pictures of me|to sell your newspapers. {12281}{12370}- Frank...|- Sure, you think l'm a big hero. {12373}{12481}Do any of you understand|how a man can hurt inside? {12484}{12534}Frank, they're not here for you. {12537}{12596}''Weird Al'' Yankovic is on the plane. {12729}{12795}What about the wedding?|What was she wearing? {12798}{12879}Don't torture yourself!|Put her out of your mind. {12882}{12969}l can't get her out of my mind.|What about the guy? {12972}{13049}- Do you know anything about him?|- Not much. {13052}{13103}Just that he's an Olympic gymnast {13106}{13170}and it's the best sex she's ever had. {13199}{13306}l trusted her and followed my heart.|Foolishly, it seems. {13309}{13371}l'm just gonna have|to learn to forget. {13374}{13496}That's why l took my vacation|in Beirut - to find some peace. {13499}{13547}lt won't be easy. {13550}{13631}Everywhere l look,|something reminds me of her. {13670}{13746}Maybe cops and women just don't mix. {13749}{13830}What about Nordberg?|l came as soon as l heard. {13833}{13889}He's alive, but on life support. {13892}{13956}He's got a 50/50 chance of living, {13959}{14057}though there's only|a 10~/. chance of that. {14588}{14682}Mrs Nordberg, l think|we can save your husband's arm. {14685}{14733}Where would you like it sent? {14736}{14858}- Frank! l'm so glad you came!|- Wilma, l came as soon as l heard. {14861}{14900}Thank you, Frank. {14903}{14978}- Where's Nordberg?|- He's right here. {14981}{15064}Nordberg, it's Frank, your buddy. {15121}{15169}l'll get it! {15254}{15327}Get the switch|at the back of the bed! {15401}{15511}Nordberg, it's me, Frank.|Who did this to you? {15514}{15561}l...love you. {15592}{15686}l love you, too, Nordberg.|Who were they? {15689}{15776}- Ship... Boat...|- That's right. A boat. {15779}{15856}When you're better,|we'll go sailing together, {15859}{15925}- just like last year.|- No... Drugs. {15928}{16033}Nurse, give this man some drugs!|Can't you see he's in pain? {16036}{16094}- Give him a shot, quickly!|- No... {16097}{16173}Heroin! Heroin, Frank! {16176}{16230}Nordberg, that's a pretty tall order. {16233}{16308}Give me a couple of days|on that one. {16363}{16466}Oh, my poor Nordberg!|He was such a good man, Frank. {16469}{16573}He never wanted to hurt anyone.|Who would do such a thing? {16576}{16615}lt's hard to tell. {16618}{16738}A gang of thugs, a blackmailer,|an angry husband, a gay lover... {16781}{16841}Frank, get a hold of yourself! {16844}{16962}A good cop - needlessly cut down|by some cowardly hoodlums. {16965}{17048}- No way for a man to die.|- You're right, Ed. {17051}{17120}A parachute not opening -|that's the way to die, {17123}{17181}getting caught in a combine, {17184}{17246}having your nuts bit off|by a Laplander. {17249}{17297}That's the way l want to go. {17344}{17408}Frank! This is terrible! {17411}{17539}Don't worry, Wilma.|Your husband is gonna be all right. {17541}{17661}Just think positive.|Never let a doubt enter your mind. {17664}{17711}He's right, Wilma, {17714}{17831}but don't wait till the last minute|to fill out those organ donor cards. {17834}{17922}What l'm trying to say is,|as soon as Nordberg is better, {17925}{17976}he's welcome back at Police Squad. {17979}{18099}Unless he's a drooling vegetable,|but that's only common sense. {18154}{18252}Do you know why Nordberg|was at the waterfront? {18290}{18343}No... {18346}{18422}But l found this at home in a drawer. {18451}{18605}A photograph!|''l Luv You'' out of Caracas. {18608}{18672}A Panamanian ship. {18674}{18774}When he said ''l love you'', he was|telling you the name of the ship! {18777}{18850}l realise that...now. {18853}{18943}- We'd better check this out.|- l want every available man on it. {18946}{18995}l can't spare anybody. {18998}{19096}We're in charge of security|for Queen Elizabeth's visit. {19099}{19163}Wilma, whatever scum did this, {19165}{19272}no man will rest until he's behind|bars. Let's grab a bite to eat. {19404}{19521}Due to the extraordinary efforts|of some of our civic leaders, {19524}{19638}Queen Elizabeth has included|the city of Los Angeles {19641}{19740}as one of the cities she'll visit|during her American tour. {19775}{19878}Will the city hire|additional security officers? {19881}{20004}We have placed the Queen's security|in the hands of Police Squad, {20007}{20081}a special division|of the Police Department, {20084}{20157}represented here|by Lieutenant Frank Drebin. {20253}{20301}Thank you, Your Honour. {20347}{20370}Louder! {20421}{20494}- You can use my radio mic.|- Thank you. {20655}{20745}Thank you, Your Honour.|Protecting the Queen's safety {20748}{20849}is a task that is gladly accepted|by Police Squad. {20852}{20949}No matter how silly the idea|of having a queen might be to us, {20952}{21071}as Americans we must be gracious|and considerate hosts. {21119}{21163}Thank you, Lieutenant Drebin. {21196}{21303}Of course, we all have a stake|in seeing that this portion {21306}{21416}of the Queen's American tour|is completely protected. {21419}{21534}And we can take pride|that the Queen... {21649}{21727}lndeed, it is for all the people, {21730}{21855}who will be able to share|in these...celebrations... {21908}{21962}Especially exciting... {22003}{22128}will be...the Queen's...|public appearances. {22505}{22555}We also would like... {22998}{23114}Ed and l drove to where Nordberg|had been found floating. {23117}{23237}Without leads, you have to start|somewhere, and that was the harbour. {23240}{23318}Please disperse. Please disperse. {23321}{23424}There's nothing for you to see here.|Keep moving. {23427}{23470}Where did they find him? {23473}{23522}Out there.|Do you wanna take a dinghy? {23525}{23601}No, l took care of that|at the press conference. {23604}{23682}lt doesn't make sense.|Good policeman, bright future... {23685}{23740}then something like this happens. {23743}{23791}He was found by the nightwatchman. {23794}{23859}l'm gonna talk to the harbour-master. {23862}{23910}l'll walk around and snoop. {24045}{24133}- Yeah?|- Lieutenant Drebin, Police Squad. {24136}{24197}l remember you. What do you want? {24200}{24288}l wanna ask some questions.|Are you familiar with that face? {24291}{24371}l don't know.|My memory ain't so great. {24374}{24445}Oh, yeah?|Maybe this'll refresh your memory. {24448}{24496}- Still hazy.|- How about this? {24499}{24550}l remember. Why do you want to know? {24553}{24637}- l can't tell you.|- Maybe this'll help. {24640}{24724}- l don't think l should.|- Still don't think so? {24727}{24810}- lt's Nordberg, he's a cop.|- No, he was dealin' 'H'. {24813}{24854}- What?|- He was dirty! {24857}{24926}Scum! l ought to|run you in right now! {24929}{25013}He worked at Ludwig's Shipping.|He tried to push something. {25016}{25095}- What are you gonna do about it?|- Why should l tell you? {25098}{25173}- Maybe this'll help.|- l shouldn't tell you. {25176}{25234}Can you spot me a 20? How about now? {25237}{25288}l'm going down to Ludwig's office. {25291}{25353}l'll find out|if you're telling the truth. {25403}{25501}Vincent Ludwig owned one|of the city's largest corporations. {25504}{25565}A respected business man|and civic leader, {25568}{25644}he was to chair the Queen's reception|committee. {25647}{25748}Now l was about to question him about|drugs and attempted murder. {25892}{25964}- Mr Ludwig?|- Yes? {25967}{26037}Lieutenant Drebin to see you, sir. {26084}{26145}Show him in. {26251}{26324}- Lieutenant.|- The feeling is mutual. {26327}{26417}Nice to meet you, too. Cuban? {26420}{26527}No, Dutch-lrish.|My father was from Wales. {26530}{26566}Sit down. {26569}{26646}- What a magnificent office.|- Thank you, Lieutenant. {26649}{26757}Most objects l have collected|over a period of many years - {26760}{26872}my Gainsborough, Ming vases.|Priceless! {26875}{26993}They are objects which l feel|reflect my personality, {26996}{27048}like the Japanese fighting fish - {27051}{27123}beautiful, graceful, elegant... {27126}{27179}yet single-minded of purpose {27182}{27269}and deadly when it finds|what it wants. {27272}{27394}This particular one|is valued at over $20,000. {27397}{27459}A luxury item, to be certain, {27462}{27555}but l am a man who appreciates|the finer things in life. {27558}{27655}Oh, this...|This is a rare Samurai pen, {27658}{27727}a gift from Emperor Hirohito. {27730}{27826}Unbreakable.|lmpervious to everything but water. {27829}{27945}- lts value is beyond estimation.|- That's fascinating. {27948}{28066}But l'm sure you didn't pay this|visit for a lecture on fine art. {28069}{28133}To what do l owe the honour? {28135}{28226}l'm investigating the attempted|murder of a dock worker, {28267}{28356}a man named Nordberg,|a police officer. {28402}{28450}He is still alive, then? {28453}{28509}He was shot six times. {28516}{28589}Fortunately, the bullets missed|every vital organ. {28592}{28680}- The salt water preserved him.|- So they... {28683}{28742}So they got him|to the hospital in time? {28745}{28840}He's in the intensive care ward|at Our Lady of the Worthless Miracle. {28843}{28920}This certainly comes|as a shock to me. {28923}{29048}As you know, l'm not the kind of man|who takes such things lightly. {29051}{29144}There is no room in my organisation|for criminal activity. {29147}{29252}Look out there - a vast|commercial development built by me. {29255}{29352}Do you have any idea what was|out there just five years ago? {29390}{29437}You bet you do. Orange groves! {29440}{29513}Acres of them.|As far as the eye could see. {29516}{29632}But now that land will generate|ten times the amount of profit. {29667}{29728}Are you all right, Lieutenant? {29731}{29786}Let me get you some Kleenex. {29789}{29871}Has this officer - {29874}{29924}What's his name? Nordberg - {29927}{30023}been able to tell you anything? {30026}{30133}Well, he hasn't been able|to tell us a thing so far, {30136}{30205}but as soon as|he regains consciousness, {30208}{30306}we'll see if he|can still play the guitar. {30309}{30391}- Pardon?|- l've taken up a lot of your time. {30394}{30456}l'd like to look|at your employment records {30459}{30517}and speak to someone in Personnel. {30520}{30557}Of course. {30560}{30648}- Dominique, send in Miss Spencer.|- Yes, sir. {30651}{30763}l am quite busy making arrangements|for the royal visit, {30766}{30859}but l will have my assistant|provide you with anything you need. {30862}{30942}You've been very co-operative.|l'll note that in my report. {30945}{30988}My pleasure. {31059}{31167}Miss Spencer! This is|Lieutenant Drebin from Police Squad. {31194}{31254}Hello...Mr Drebin. {31275}{31308}Hello. {31486}{31516}Oh! {31874}{31973}Her hair was the colour|of gold in old paintings. {32002}{32077}She had a full set of curves {32080}{32194}and the kind of legs|you'd like to suck on for a day. {32197}{32285}She gave me a look|l could feel in my hip pocket. {32326}{32427}Yep, this was starting|to get interesting. {32565}{32648}- Nice beaver.|- Thank you. {32651}{32746}- l just had it stuffed.|- Let me help you with that. {32795}{32868}This should be|what you're looking for - {32871}{32936}the shipping and employment records|for Pier 32. {32939}{33001}Thank you. {33004}{33064}l've heard police work is dangerous. {33067}{33122}Yes, that's why l carry a big gun. {33136}{33192}Couldn't it go off accidentally? {33195}{33249}l used to have that problem. {33252}{33300}What did you do about it? {33303}{33362}l just think about baseball. {33406}{33484}That's a honey of an ankle-bracelet|you have there. {33487}{33553}Did it slip down there again? {33556}{33624}Yes, well...|l'll quickly go through these {33627}{33675}and get them back to you tomorrow. {33678}{33789}Fine, but there's no rush.|l mean, whenever you're through. {33792}{33891}Thank you. l wish there was|some way l could repay you. {33894}{34018}How about dinner? l know a place|that serves great Viking food. {34021}{34119}lt's tempting, but l'm afraid|l must rest this evening, {34122}{34170}tomorrow being Arbor Day. {34173}{34241}Of course. Perhaps some other time. {34244}{34329}- How about a rain check?|- Let's just stick to dinner. {34332}{34418}Thank you for your help,|Miss Spencer. {34451}{34499}My pleasure. {34502}{34589}- Well?|- Mr Ludwig, you startled me! {34592}{34636}l'm sorry, my dear. {34639}{34714}Did you give the lieutenant|what he wanted? {34717}{34778}l gave him copies of the files|for Pier 32. {34781}{34829}Good. That's good. {34832}{34951}He is an intriguing fellow,|don't you think? {34954}{35049}Well, l don't know.|l've only just met him. {35052}{35096}He seems very nice. {35099}{35175}Jane, l realise|this is an unusual request, {35178}{35257}but if there is something illegal|going on in this company, {35260}{35350}l need to know about it,|so we can root it out. {35353}{35402}That's why l want you to... {35405}{35506}well, to get to know Drebin|a little better, {35509}{35557}find out what he knows. {35560}{35626}Wouldn't this be best handled|by the police? {35629}{35708}We are letting the police handle it,|my dear! {35711}{35784}But we need to know|the facts quickly {35787}{35861}before anything|gets into the newspapers. {35864}{35970}Don't forget, l have a responsibility|to the stockholders. {35973}{36057}Well...if you put it that way... {36060}{36153}- Yes, l'll do my best.|- That's better. {36227}{36296}l'm sure you will. {36423}{36526}lt was about 4pm|when l returned to Police Squad. {36529}{36639}l wanted to see what the lab had|come up with on Nordberg's jacket, {36642}{36700}the one they'd found on the docks. {36703}{36791}You can tell a lot from fibre|samples if they aren't too wet. {36794}{36855}l was hoping we wouldn't|come up dry. {36858}{36896}Hey, look out! {36951}{36992}Police! Halt! {37207}{37275}Anybody catch the licence plate? {37286}{37359}Anybody get a look at the driver? {37442}{37520}Take the names of everybody here|for questioning. {37523}{37613}l've got to get...inside. {37776}{37856}Hi, Ed, Ted. You got|those fibre samples yet? {37859}{37908}- We got some action here.|- What? {37911}{37969}We're testing our anti-graffiti wall. {37972}{38016}We've got customers. {38019}{38107}lt reacts when|the spray hits the sensors. {38186}{38239}You've done it again - mazel tov! {38242}{38308}Good work.|What will you think of next? {38311}{38359}Now that you mention it, {38362}{38430}here's something|we developed only yesterday. {38433}{38500}To the casual observer -|an ordinary shoe. {38503}{38596}But in actuality...|it makes a handy weapon. {38599}{38676}And everything a cop would need. {38679}{38728}We call it the Swiss Army Shoe. {38731}{38840}- Great. And the fibre samples?|- Just one more thing. {38843}{38897}See these cufflinks l'm wearing? {38900}{39011}They're not just cufflinks. Each one|fires a single pin-sized dart, {39014}{39087}that knocks out your victim|for a few minutes. {39090}{39143}Let me demonstrate on Ed. {39191}{39255}Ted! Why? {39302}{39375}Don't worry.|He'll be up and around in no time. {39378}{39476}- Why don't you take a pair?|- Actually, l could use another pair. {39479}{39523}l think you'll like them. {39526}{39591}- Want this, chief?|- Thank you, Al. {39594}{39667}There's something|on the side of your mouth, Al. {39670}{39730}No, no. The other side. {39733}{39845}As you requested, we took some|fibre samples from Nordberg's jacket. {39848}{39905}l'm afraid it doesn't look good. {39908}{39991}- What do you mean?|- Take a look for yourself. {40054}{40147}- l can't see anything.|- Use your open eye, Frank. {40165}{40213}Yeah, l can see it now. {40216}{40301}At first, it appears|to be the normal cotton fibres. {40304}{40368}But we discovered|a fine white powder. {40405}{40460}Pure heroin. {40463}{40536}How well do you know Nordberg? {40539}{40624}We were partners for nine years|and he's my best friend. {40627}{40708}We can't allow personal feelings|to get in the way. {40711}{40824}- Are you saying that Nordberg...?|- The Queen arrives in two days. {40827}{40887}lf the press should pick this up, {40890}{40963}it could be embarrassing|for the police and the city. {40966}{41067}l'm sorry, Frank. l'm giving you|24 hours to clear Nordberg. {41320}{41368}- Mr Ludwig?|- Yes? {41371}{41481}- A Mr Pahpshmir is here.|- Show him in. {41655}{41728}ls there something wrong, Mr Ludwig? {41731}{41772}No, it's nothing. {41775}{41876}- Then may we get down to business?|- Certainly. Have a seat. {41879}{41953}l can carry out your request. {41956}{42057}- My price is $20 million.|- Your price is not a problem. {42098}{42187}But there is concern|on the part of those l represent, {42190}{42328}that you would be able to...|complete so difficult a task. {42331}{42387}Tell me, Mr Pahpshmir, {42390}{42523}in all the world,|who is the most effective assassin? {42526}{42657}l would think anyone who manages to|conceal his identity as an assassin. {42660}{42778}Yes, but there is|even a more ideal assassin. {42829}{42930}One who doesn't know|he is an assassin. {42933}{42997}- Care for some tea?|- Yes, please. {42999}{43073}Dominique, service for two, please. {43351}{43415}l must kill Pahpshmir. {43608}{43697}- Cream and sugar, sir?|- Mr Pahpshmir? {43787}{43838}Cream only, please. {43881}{43979}- There's a gun on the floor, sir!|- Just leave it. lt's all right. {43982}{44059}- The tea, please.|- Of course, sir. {44107}{44215}Mr Pahpshmir, have you ever seen|sensory-induced hypnosis? {44218}{44266}l think l just have. {44269}{44334}How will she get near the target? {44337}{44431}Oh, l doubt whether it will be her. {44434}{44522}Good secretaries|are so hard to find these days. {44525}{44587}And it seems to me... {44618}{44698}anyone...can be an assassin. {44782}{44893}l had 24 hours to find|something to clear my friend's name. {44896}{44966}l returned to the hospital|with Ludwig's records {44969}{45028}to try to jog Nordberg's memory. {45031}{45119}Doctor, l have the chart,|if you're ready to go over it. {45122}{45196}l'll be with you|when l've finished with Mr Nordberg. {45199}{45248}Yes, Doctor. {45382}{45446}You'll be out of here|in a couple of... {45591}{45681}- l'd like to see Officer Nordberg.|- Sign in, please. {45684}{45763}Wait a minute!|Where's the police guard? {45766}{45860}- Drebin called and sent him home.|- Drebin? {45863}{45997}l must kill Nordberg.|l must kill Nordberg. {46000}{46077}Drebin, Police Squad!|Let go of that pillow! {46784}{46852}Medical emergency! {47007}{47096}Drebin, Police Squad.|Follow that black car! {47141}{47192}The car! Follow that car! {47195}{47281}Stephanie, check your mirror. Signal. {47284}{47342}Now pull into traffic. {47419}{47470}Try and ease off on the brake. {47525}{47621}- Give it a little gas.|- l know a short cut. Turn left here! {47702}{47758}- There he is!|- Easy! {48121}{48162}Turn right! Follow him! {48165}{48258}lt's OK.|Normally, you would not be going 65 {48261}{48334}down the wrong way|of a one-way street. {48381}{48429}Apply the brakes. {48453}{48496}Now put it in reverse. {48677}{48734}- You dumb broad!|- Stephanie... {48737}{48789}Gently extend your arm. {48831}{48913}Extend your middle finger. {48980}{49053}- Very good. Well done.|- There he is! {49056}{49114}Go for it, Stephanie! {50198}{50243}Excuse me. Excuse me. {50246}{50328}All right, move on!|Nothing to see here! {50331}{50389}Please disperse! {50392}{50452}Nothing to see here. Please! {50510}{50618}The attempt on Nordberg's|life left me shaken and disturbed. {50621}{50689}The questions kept coming up|again and again, {50692}{50741}like bubbles in a case of soda. {50767}{50823}Who was this character|in the hospital? {50826}{50917}Why was he trying to kill|Nordberg...and for whom? {50920}{51013}Did Ludwig lie to me?|l didn't have any proof, {51016}{51077}but somehow,|l didn't entirely trust him. {51080}{51170}Why was the ''l Luv You''|not listed in Ludwig's records? {51173}{51238}lf it was, did he know about it? {51241}{51294}lf he didn't, who did? {51297}{51349}And where the hell was l? {51421}{51483}lt was almost midnight|when l got home. {51486}{51551}l just wanted|to slip under my blankets, {51554}{51635}but my night was|just about to begin. {52566}{52624}You're late. {52653}{52717}That depends on what l'm late for. {52719}{52792}You said we should|have dinner some time. {52795}{52863}Tonight became ''some time''. {52899}{52950}l'm boiling a roast. {53005}{53064}How hot and wet do you like it? {53067}{53192}Very hot and awfully wet. {53195}{53284}You seem to know your way|around a kitchen. {53287}{53369}l'm just as handy|in other rooms of the house. {53372}{53427}That shirt looks familiar. {53430}{53531}lt's yours. l didn't want|to get stained or wrinkled. {53534}{53605}At least...not yet. {53684}{53780}Do you mind if l slip|into something more comfortable? {53933}{53992}There. That's better. {54045}{54117}l hope you've brought your appetite. {54120}{54164}l've brought everything. {54167}{54229}Well, then, dig in. {54345}{54453}lnteresting. Almost as interesting|as the photographs l saw today. {54456}{54512}l was young. l needed the work. {54515}{54589}No, they were taken|at Ludwig's docks. {54592}{54693}A ship came in, a Panamanian ship.|lt wasn't on Ludwig's records. {54696}{54750}Probably an oversight. {54753}{54832}How is your...meat? {54906}{54955}You be the judge of that. {55044}{55077}Mmm... {55145}{55203}l've got nine more. {55322}{55386}- Have you seen that ship?|- l don't know. {55388}{55479}lt doesn't look like ours,|but we deal with so many ships. {55482}{55551}Has Officer Nordberg|told you anything? {55554}{55650}No, there's been another attempt|on his life. He's in a coma. {55653}{55755}That's terrible!|This world is such a violent place. {55758}{55822}lf it wasn't, l'd be out of a job, {55825}{55937}but l'd give it up tomorrow|to live in a world without crime. {55967}{56015}That's beautiful. {56093}{56160}This is all happening too fast. {56227}{56314}- l've been hurt before.|- l'm sorry. {56375}{56423}l'd known her for years. {56426}{56506}We used to go to|all the police functions together. {56509}{56585}How l loved her,|but she had her music. {56588}{56654}l think she had her music. {56657}{56747}She'd hang out with the|Chicago Male Chorus and Symphony. {56750}{56846}l don't recall her playing|an instrument or being able to sing. {56849}{56919}Yet she was on the road|300 days of the year. {56922}{57043}l bought her a harp for Christmas.|She asked me what it was. {57102}{57160}lt's the same old story.|Boy finds girl. {57163}{57227}Boy loses girl. Girl finds boy. {57229}{57302}Boy forgets girl. Boy remembers girl. {57305}{57358}Girl dies in a blimp accident {57361}{57429}over the Orange Bowl|on New Year's Day. {57432}{57505}- Goodyear?|- No, the worst. {57508}{57549}Poor dear! {57631}{57712}Now, now. l don't want to upset you. {57715}{57786}Frank, it's not that. {57789}{57846}Why did you have to be so wonderful? {57884}{57998}- There's something l must tell you.|- No! No need to tell me anything. {58001}{58070}What's in the past|doesn't matter anyway. {58073}{58106}Maybe... {58109}{58227}Maybe we're just two lonely souls|who have found each other. {58321}{58378}Funny-face! {58805}{58892}l want you to know...|l practise safe sex. {58895}{58936}So do l. {61187}{61295}l had a wonderful day, Frank. l can't|believe we just met yesterday. {61317}{61390}You really mean that?|You're not just saying it, {61393}{61451}because we exchanged bodily fluids? {61454}{61534}No, l really mean it.|You're very special. {61537}{61640}- Can l interest you in a nightcap?|- No, thanks, l don't wear them. {61643}{61698}Actually, l'm on stake-out tonight. {61701}{61794}l'll be thinking about you.|l'll call you tomorrow. {61825}{61861}OK. {62018}{62066}Good night! {62315}{62388}The answer's up there|in Ludwig's office. {62391}{62461}Call it what you will -|a hunch, women's intuition. {62464}{62516}Ludwig knows more than he's saying. {62519}{62614}A hunch won't stand up in court.|Where are your hard facts? {62617}{62709}He's the only one except us|who knew Nordberg was still alive. {62712}{62818}Next thing we know,|some thug tries to knock him off. {62821}{62939}Maybe. But breaking into Ludwig's|office is taking a big chance. {62942}{63024}l know. You take a chance|getting up in the morning, {63027}{63101}crossing the street|or sticking your face in a fan. {63104}{63152}There he is! {63243}{63319}Just trust me on this, Ed.|l know l'm right. {63322}{63368}OK, but be careful. {63371}{63444}Get some sleep.|l'll see you in the morning. {64685}{64733}Bingo! {65853}{65926}''20,000,000 deposited,|Omani Bank, Zurich, {65929}{65981}''upon proof of Queen's death.'' {69397}{69450}Destroying property, arson... {69453}{69527}sexual assault|with a concrete dildo?! {69530}{69597}What the hell were you doing there? {69600}{69649}l'm sorry about that, Your Honour, {69652}{69753}but we believe Ludwig is involved|in a plot to assassinate the Queen. {69756}{69846}That's ridiculous!|Where is this ''evidence''? {69849}{69943}Well...it...burned in the f-fire. {69946}{69985}Gentlemen, {69988}{70092}Vincent Ludwig is one of the most|respected members of this community. {70095}{70208}lf we're very nice to him,|he will agree not to press charges. {70211}{70275}- Your Honour!|- Did l make myself clear? {70277}{70339}Yes, Your Honour. Good day. {70395}{70443}Drebin! {70446}{70596}l don't want any more trouble like|you had last year. That's my policy. {70599}{70724}When l see five weirdos dressed|in togas stabbing a guy in a park, {70727}{70800}l shoot the bastards.|That's my policy. {70803}{70966}That was a Shakespeare in the Park|production of ''Julius Caesar''! {70969}{71080}- You killed five actors! Good ones.|- Your Honour... {71083}{71186}Your presence at the Queen's|reception tonight is not necessary. {71189}{71235}ls that understood? {71238}{71311}We understand, Your Honour.|Thank you. {71863}{71925}The plane has taxied to a stop. {71928}{71999}Any minute now|we expect the doors to open {72002}{72063}and we'll get a glimpse|of the Queen, {72066}{72162}as she begins her first visit|to Los Angeles in five years. {72165}{72249}lt's a balmy, beautiful evening too. {72252}{72333}She's going from here|to a formal reception... {72493}{72536}- Jane!|- Frank! {72588}{72661}l'm just making some dinner.|Are you hungry? {72664}{72712}Maybe just a bite. {72715}{72788}Ludwig wanted me to ask you|to meet him tonight. {72791}{72900}There is something you should know.|l was in his place last night. {72903}{73018}How nice! Did he show you his|Ming vases and rare oil paintings? {73021}{73124}Jane, l think that he's involved|in a number of criminal activities. {73127}{73175}Frank, stop it! {73178}{73257}Vincent Ludwig is a well-respected,|generous, kind man. {73260}{73337}- You don't know him like l do.|- How's that? {73340}{73470}- What's that supposed to mean?|- l'm sorry. l'm worried about you. {73473}{73571}l don't trust him and l don't want|you mixed up in anything dangerous. {73574}{73651}Are Woo back in business?|They closed down three years ago. {73654}{73774}Gee, has it been that long? l don't|feel like Chinese tonight anyway. {73817}{73928}lt's sweet of you to be concerned,|but you're wrong about Vincent. {73931}{74021}He's such a gentleman.|He's so generous. {74024}{74072}He just wants to talk with you {74075}{74152}to clear up any doubts|you might have. {74155}{74204}- When?|- Tonight. {74207}{74275}Meet him at the 7th Street|stockyards. {74278}{74346}All right,|but promise you'll be careful. {74349}{74435}Of course l will,|funny-face, for you. {74466}{74532}l've got to go. See you tomorrow. {74535}{74626}Are you sure you won't have|something to eat? {75230}{75283}Ludwig? {75286}{75359}- Drebin?|- Yeah, l'm Drebin. {75362}{75451}l have a message for you|from Vincent Ludwig. {75522}{75570}l'm sorry, l can't hear you! {75573}{75644}Don't fire the gun|while you're talking. {76185}{76300}All right, put your gun down|and your hands up! {77109}{77174}Matthews, stake out that end, {77177}{77274}and card-check for|anyone suspicious looking. {77277}{77326}Frank, what are you doing here? {77329}{77419}l've been trading shots|with one of Ludwig's goons. {77422}{77510}They're planning|to do her tonight, here. {77513}{77631}- We better be on the lookout.|- Excuse me, ma'am, security. {77676}{77788}- What's the meaning of this?|- Relax! Nothing will happen. {77791}{77864}- l didn't do anything.|- Yeah? What about this? {77867}{77970}You think we were born yesterday?|You didn't do anything, huh? {77973}{78010}l got rights! {78013}{78090}Ed, he's got a picture of your wife! {78093}{78141}Ethel! {78180}{78244}All right,|anyone else here seeing his wife? {78246}{78326}That's all right, Frank.|Let's get in the hall. {78586}{78634}Are you enjoying yourself, my dear? {78637}{78747}l'm so excited to be here.|l appreciate your inviting me. {78750}{78841}Pleasure's all mine.|Perhaps afterwards we can... {78895}{78938}- Drebin!|- Frank! {78941}{79015}You're both right.|Surprised to see me, Mr Ludwig? {79018}{79087}This is not the time|or place to talk. {79090}{79151}lt's way past the time we talked. {79154}{79212}The gloves are off,|l'm playing hardball. {79215}{79317}lt's fourth and fifteen, and|you're looking at a full court press. {79320}{79414}Mr Drebin!|lf you have evidence, then use it. {79417}{79511}lf not, l am warning you -|get off my back! {79514}{79562}Or it will cost you dearly. {79629}{79729}- Frank, what's wrong?|- A lot of things, sweetie-pie. {79732}{79820}A meeting that turned into|a peek-a-boo session with bullets, {79823}{79900}set up by someone|who's been playing me like a violin. {79903}{79969}Funny-face,|what are you talking about? {79972}{80068}My stockyard meeting, butter-wings.|Don't you remember setting that up? {80071}{80146}Mr Ludwig said you'd called it off!|Believe me! {80149}{80204}Thumb me another one, shuckie-lumps! {80207}{80272}Frank, it's the truth! {80275}{80369}Cops and women don't mix.|Like eating a spoonful of Drano. {80372}{80463}lt'll clean you out,|but it'll leave you hollow inside. {80466}{80514}Too bad, sugar-puff. {80549}{80614}We could have been something. {80617}{80681}l only did what l was told to do! {80683}{80738}- Like make love to me?|- Frank! {80780}{80832}That makes things easier, Princess. {80835}{80914}To think l trusted you!|l made a big mistake. {80917}{81002}- You can take this back.|- Whose is that? {81053}{81153}Doesn't matter.|Take care of yourself, baby. {81187}{81232}By the way... {81235}{81281}l faked every orgasm. {81305}{81353}Funny-face! {81373}{81433}And to commemorate our friendship, {81436}{81544}the city of Los Angeles is proud|to present to the Royal Family {81547}{81693}this Revolutionary War musket,|donated by Mr Vincent Ludwig. {81726}{81802}Ladies and gentlemen,|Her Royal Highness, {81805}{81872}Queen Elizabeth ll! {82715}{82829}lt's disgusting the way they splash|this stuff all over the newspapers! {82832}{82894}What is journalism coming to? {82897}{82983}You're laying on top of the Queen|with her legs wrapped around you {82986}{83023}and they call that news! {83027}{83110}They can't kick you off the Force,|it's not fair. {83113}{83181}l know. Life isn't always fair. {83184}{83313}Just think, the next time l shoot|someone, l could be arrested. {83316}{83366}Hey, look at that! {83369}{83491}The missing evidence in the Kilner|case! My God, he WAS innocent! {83494}{83572}He went to the chair|two years ago, Frank. {83575}{83655}Well...what's the use? {83658}{83731}What good are these damn awards|and citations? {83734}{83772}Frank... {83775}{83835}Frank, that's not your desk! {83838}{83917}Frank! l've been|looking all over for you! {83920}{83993}Running another errand|for your boyfriend? {83996}{84081}l tried to call last night.|l went by your place. Where were you? {84084}{84141}l was out walking. All night. {84144}{84215}Listen to me!|l have important information. {84218}{84307}There was never anything|between Vincent and me. {84310}{84390}- He likes East German men.|- What about you? {84393}{84444}l like cops. {84447}{84539}- All right! Yeah!|- Settle down. Take it easy. {84567}{84636}- What've you got?|- l overheard Ludwig. {84639}{84761}You were right. He is planning to|have someone assassinate the Queen! {84764}{84820}- Where?|- At the baseball game. {84823}{84904}The Queen will be there|as Ludwig's guest. {84907}{85005}ls Ludwig going to shoot her|in front of 60,000 fans? {85008}{85074}No, a player,|during the 7th inning stretch. {85077}{85144}- lt starts in 20 minutes.|- l'll go. {85147}{85218}- l'll go with you.|- Stay with Ludwig {85221}{85298}- to allay suspicion.|- OK, let's go! {85301}{85343}Wait! Wait! {85346}{85443}l've gotten you into enough trouble|already. l'll go alone. {85446}{85563}No! This'll get you back on|the Force. We're right behind you. {85632}{85733}Frank? l wanted you to know now, {85736}{85838}l've loved you since the first day|l met you, and l'll never stop. {85841}{85889}l'm a very lucky woman. {85904}{85937}So am l. {86138}{86245}Good afternoon.|We're coming live from the Big A, {86248}{86323}where the California Angels|meet the Seattle Mariners {86326}{86429}in their showdown|for the Division League. {86432}{86521}Hello! l'm Curt Gowdy,|along with Jim Palmer, {86524}{86597}Tim McCarver, Dick Vitale, Mel Allen, {86600}{86676}Dick Enberg and Dr Joyce Brothers. {86679}{86744}Join us for this|all-important ball game. {86747}{86788}And a special game it is. {86791}{86882}As we know, it is being attended|by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. {86885}{86949}l'm sure she'll enjoy this game, Jim. {86975}{87024}We've got all the exits covered. {87027}{87076}l ought to arrest Ludwig right now. {87079}{87171}No, we've got to let him|make the first move. {87174}{87262}The Mayor would have you arrested.|You've got to stay out of sight. {87265}{87329}l've got to get that assassin. {87331}{87382}lt could be any of those players. {87385}{87469}l've got to get down on that field|and search those players. {87472}{87556}Ladies and gentlemen,|please rise and welcome {87559}{87620}Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth ll! {87830}{87878}One moment. {87928}{87998}Over there - these seats are taken. {88372}{88456}My dear, is something bothering you? {88459}{88499}No, why do you ask? {88502}{88602}You haven't said a word.|You seem...nervous. {88605}{88716}Well, you know how important|this game is for the Angels. {88719}{88804}Why he not here now?|l do not like to wait for him. {88807}{88945}Mr Pallazzo, our head usher will|be here in two minutes. Please wait. {88948}{89052}- He should be here now!|- l'll send him right over. {89055}{89128}l do not wait for him!|He waits for me! {89241}{89299}- Yes?|- Mr Pallazzo? {89302}{89390}l am the head usher.|l am here to... Excuse me. {89527}{89609}- Mr Pallazzo?|- Yes? {89612}{89707}- l am the head usher.|- One second. {89710}{89745}Ladies and gentlemen, {89748}{89851}on behalf of the California Angels|and the City of Los Angeles, {89854}{89911}on the occasion of the royal visit, {89914}{89997}please welcome|internationally-renowned opera star, {90000}{90057}Enrico Pallazzo! {90128}{90211}Ladies and gentlemen,|let us honour America, {90214}{90356}as Mr Pallazzo will now sing|our national anthem. {92314}{92411}And now we'll wait|for the exchange of line-ups {92414}{92468}and the start of today's ball game. {92672}{92785}Excuse me, could you tell me,|is this an official bat? {92865}{92950}The Queen's visit|has brought a sell-out crowd! {92953}{93055}And the fans are being entertained|by the stadium's Angel Vision, {93058}{93150}showing some unusual moments|in baseball over the years! {93637}{93685}Sorry, fellas! {94354}{94408}How about that? {94451}{94493}Ladies and gentlemen, {94496}{94604}now taking the field -|your California Angels! {94769}{94842}For everybody's safety, {94845}{94946}we ask that you do not throw|any objects on the field. {94949}{95008}We thank you for your co-operation. {95073}{95181}As the Angels take the field, we're|ready for the first pitch ceremony {95184}{95279}with the Queen of England|ready to toss out the first ball. {95362}{95459}How about that?|Let's have a round of applause! {95462}{95519}We're ready for the start, {95522}{95592}as these lovely ladies would agree. {95595}{95679}Those are the players' wives,|here to enjoy the game. {95871}{95946}What d'you say, Cummings?|Are we gonna do this today? {95949}{95987}Do what? {95990}{96032}Play ball! {96108}{96178}Frank! Al, it's Frank! {96298}{96404}The game's under way. Dave Spiwack|ready to face Jay Johnstone! {96870}{96945}- Nothing to report.|- Don't worry, Al. {96948}{97030}lf one of the players is the killer,|Frank'll find him, {97033}{97110}even if he has to search|every one of them. {97113}{97193}..lead-off hitter Jay Johnstone. {97196}{97291}Hello, pal. Let's see|if that uniform's on straight. {97294}{97410}Good here. Now let's see the shirt.|You should take a large. {97413}{97487}lt's a little tight in the crotch. {97490}{97547}All right? All set? {97602}{97663}OK, play ball! {98348}{98394}Strike? {98475}{98529}Yeah, strike! {98840}{98939}Stee-rike two! {99302}{99430}Stee-rike three! {100623}{100666}You're clean! {103322}{103359}Have you found him yet? {103362}{103423}No, and l've searched|almost everybody. {103426}{103525}Yeah. There's only one more out|before the seventh inning stretch. {103528}{103635}You're going to have to stall them.|Don't let 'em get that third out. {103638}{103677}Right. {103716}{103857}The Mariners' number four -|Armando Criscione! Criscione! {104031}{104101}- Ball!|- Ball? {104352}{104390}Ball! {104661}{104725}Get...get...what the...? Get off! {104751}{104799}Catch it! Catch it! {104907}{104956}- Get 'em off!|- Go, go, go! {105059}{105121}- Safe!|- What do you mean, safe? {105124}{105174}l don't believe it! {105225}{105268}Second base! On two! {105297}{105346}There's a throw by the catcher {105349}{105430}and now they've got Criscione|hung up between 1st and 2nd! {105433}{105483}What the hell are you doing? {105486}{105513}What? {105516}{105630}- You're not supposed to do that!|- Wait a minute! Stop that! {105633}{105697}Put that back down! Give me the ball! {105761}{105799}l'll get you! {105802}{105856}lt's hard to believe, {105859}{105947}but apparently the umpires|have got Criscione in a run-down! {106013}{106054}- Safe!|- Safe? {106057}{106090}How about that? {106093}{106136}- Out!|- Safe! {106139}{106186}- Out!|- He was safe! {106189}{106217}- Out!|- Safe! {106220}{106279}There's a sight l've never seen! {106322}{106368}- Safe!|- What are you doing? {106371}{106407}Safe! Safe! Safe! {106410}{106476}- He was out!|- He was safe! {106479}{106545}You idiot! He was out! {106548}{106604}All right, you're out of here! {106607}{106680}- What?|- You can't throw an umpire out! {106683}{106743}All right, YOU'RE out! {106770}{106869}Hold on! Even the guy running|the scoreboard says he was out! {106872}{106951}And he's up in the mezzanine! {106954}{106987}lt's the third out! {107404}{107478}l must kill...the Queen. {107591}{107652}l must kill...the Queen. {107718}{107766}Frank, it's the right-fielder! {107918}{108007}- You're the boss!|- lt was safe. {108010}{108071}Now, we're going to take a walk. {108081}{108149}How could you|do something so vicious? {108152}{108268}lt was easy. Don't forget l spent|two years as a building contractor. {108271}{108324}Now, let's go quietly. {108433}{108482}Hey, look at that! Let's get him! {108753}{108805}Kick him in the balls! {109597}{109668}l must kill...the Queen. {109935}{109978}Look out! {110099}{110202}The umpire...|He saved the Queen's life! {110205}{110253}That's not the umpire, Your Honour. {110354}{110402}Hey, it's Enrico Pallazzo! {110666}{110739}Frank! Frank, help! {110742}{110813}Frank! Frank, help! Frank! {111168}{111213}Hold it, Ludwig! {111216}{111272}Stay where you are! {111275}{111333}- He's got a gun!|- l know. {111336}{111424}You ruined my life.|Now l'm going to ruin yours. {111427}{111498}- Leave the girl alone!|- l am. l'm going to kill you. {111501}{111549}l see. {111632}{111684}Two can play at that game! {111842}{111910}- You killed him!|- No, just stunned. {111913}{111959}He'll be all right. {112113}{112156}Well... {112767}{112840}Frank...it's horrible! {112870}{112968}- lt's so horrible!|- l know, Ed. {112984}{113032}My father went the same way. {113409}{113509}l must kill...Frank Drebin. {113512}{113585}l must kill...Frank Drebin. {113612}{113665}No, no, don't shoot! {113674}{113766}Jane...it's me... {113823}{113856}Funny-face. {113859}{113950}l must kill Frank Drebin. {113953}{114019}You love Frank Drebin. {114022}{114093}And Frank Drebin loves you. {114096}{114189}Jane, if you don't love me,|you might as well pull that trigger, {114192}{114330}because without you,|l wouldn't want to live anyway. {114333}{114415}l've finally found|someone l can love - {114418}{114517}a good, clean love...|without utensils. {114520}{114587}l must kill Frank Drebin. {114616}{114672}lt's a topsy-turvy world, Jane, {114675}{114785}and maybe the problems of two people|don't amount to a hill of beans, {114788}{114872}but this is our hill|and these are our beans. {114909}{115017}Since l met you, l've noticed|things l never knew where there - {115020}{115109}birds singing, dew glistening|on a newly-formed leaf, {115112}{115168}stop lights... {115171}{115210}l must kill... {115213}{115293}Jane, this morning... {115296}{115396}l bought something for you.|lt's not very much, {115399}{115521}but pretty good|for an honest policeman's salary. {115524}{115570}lt's an engagement ring. {115573}{115621}l'd have given it to you earlier, {115624}{115701}but l wanted to wait|until we were alone. {115802}{115873}- l...|- l love you, Jane. {116004}{116047}Oh, Frank! {116346}{116399}l'm sorry! {116654}{116761}l'm sorry that l yelled at you|yesterday, l really am. {116809}{116841}Drebin! {116844}{116908}l was wrong about you. {116910}{117008}This city and the whole world|owes you a debt of gratitude. {117011}{117039}Thank you. {117042}{117121}And Monday morning|we want you back at Police Squad... {117124}{117219}- with a promotion to captain.|- Mayor... {117222}{117334}Don't thank me. There's someone else|here who wants to thank you. {117337}{117393}- Nordberg!|- Hiya, buddy! {117396}{117464}The doc says|l should be on my feet in a week! {117467}{117560}- And back on the Force!|- Nordberg, that's wonderful! {117593}{117671}Frank! Everyone should have|a friend like you!