{4108}{4162}Answer the phone! {4203}{4229}No answer. {4231}{4278}Keep trying -- I'm sure|he's on his way back from... {4280}{4318}Definitely on his way. {4346}{4394}Why doesn't anybody|answer the phone?!. {4506}{4546} Hello? {4548}{4605}James, you are so dead. {4606}{4626}Shit! {4714}{4736}Oh! {4852}{4882}Sorry! {4923}{4970}Excuse me -- James Clayton. {4972}{5016}Sorry I'm late.|I had a water bed emergency. {5018}{5044}Bill Rudolph, Dell. {5046}{5089}Nice to meet you.|Can I borrow your computer? {5091}{5130}-Yeah.|-Thank you. {5132}{5154}Hi, guys. {5156}{5209}-Hey. {5252}{5286}Ah... {5287}{5325}It's here somewhere. {5327}{5377}Here we go. All right. {5452}{5489}At 7:00 this morning,|sound asleep, {5491}{5537}I heard this cracking noise --|ripping wood. {5538}{5591}I figure it's part of this|logging dream I'm having, {5593}{5640}but, no, the bed|is falling through the floor. {5642}{5711}Our program uses|existing wireless technology... {5713}{5740}Which we modified, {5742}{5785}transforming it into|a completely new program. {5787}{5825}-And what do you call it?|-"Sp@rtacus." {5827}{5864}Why is that? {5865}{5897}It was named after|the revolt... {5899}{5945}Of the slaves. {5947}{6005}-Wireless Webcast. {6006}{6040}We have that. {6041}{6100}"Sp@rtacus" turns|any specified broadcast terminal {6102}{6138}into its slave. {6140}{6174}We control the program. {6175}{6212}Watch. {6251}{6292}Take a look.|Pick a screen. {6341}{6376}Hello, Bill Rudolph. {6450}{6519}MAN: Hey, who is this guy?|Somebody's hacking in. {6521}{6559}MAN #2: What is this? {6767}{6797}This is wonderful. {6799}{6835}JAMES: Thank you. {6836}{6910}Can you, uh, put our logo|on the Sony booths? {6912}{6974}Sure...|for the right price. {7013}{7057}-JAMES: We'll talk, yeah?|-Yeah. {7059}{7083}Good. {7110}{7194}# What if I don't wanna hear|the things you say? # {7196}{7287}# Where were you|when I was needy yesterday? # {7288}{7422}# You want in with me|now that it's good # {7423}{7491}# But it's too little,|too late # {7492}{7577}# Time and again,|I've asked you # {7579}{7620}# Just for some light # {7621}{7676}-Thank you.|- # To show the way # {7678}{7756}-Hey.|- # I was in total darkness # {7758}{7805}-What would you like?|- # You act like,,, # {7807}{7862}I would like|to teach you something. {7866}{7911}Okay. I'm pretty busy|right now. {7913}{7994}James, the most important|thing you need to know {7996}{8031}is that you don't know shit. {8070}{8106}What you see... {8148}{8194}...what you hear... {8252}{8344}Nothing...is... {8346}{8413}what it seems. {8526}{8548}Drink? {8550}{8578}Martini. {8580}{8615}Sure. {8616}{8666}That's how it begins, you know. {8668}{8735}Call will come in a day or two. {8737}{8778}His name is John Medica. {8780}{8841}He's head of R&D for Dell. {8843}{8924}He's gonna invite you out|for martinis. {8926}{8976}Before long,|you're gonna be working {8978}{9032}out of Advanced Encrypting|in Bethesda. {9034}{9133}Five years, you'll get|your first annual trip to Texas. {9135}{9265}You got a wife by then,|.5 kids, 200K a year, {9266}{9326}and that's it --|that's the whole show. {9328}{9362}Then you're dead. {9363}{9465}And it all started because|of one nasty little martini. {9565}{9604}So you're a recruiter. {9606}{9661}That I am. {9846}{9880}You're kidding. {9882}{9984}Applications for the ClA|are up tenfold. {9986}{10013}Wow. {10014}{10050}Would I have to kill anyone? {10079}{10117}Would you like to? {10119}{10162}WOMAN: Beer man -- Heineken? {10164}{10204}Yeah, just a sec. {10206}{10270}All I know about the ClA is|that they're a bunch of fat, {10272}{10328}old white guys who fell asleep|when we needed them most. {10330}{10392}Oh, well, like I said,|you don't know shit. {10394}{10421}I know what I know. {10423}{10467}-Nice meeting you, James.|-You too. {10469}{10536}Way I figure, you'll probably|go in the oil business... {10537}{10580}Iike your daddy. {10803}{10829}Hey! {10831}{10863}Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. {10914}{10968}Did you know my father? {11036}{11124}James, I have recruited|and trained and served {11126}{11186}with the best|our country has to offer {11187}{11229}for over a quarter|of a century. {11230}{11293}I am a scary judge of talent. {11295}{11343}It's my gift. {11345}{11406}I am recruiting you,|Mr. Clayton. {11408}{11490}In case you haven't noticed,|I'm not exactly ClA material. {11492}{11549}You have any idea|what ClA material is? {11551}{11576}It's not me. {11578}{11617}No? Well, I don't know. {11619}{11703}You graduated|top of your class at M.I.T., {11705}{11756}majored in nonlinear|cryptography, {11758}{11826}scored off the charts in your|undergrad psych profile test. {11827}{11854}Those are confidential. {11856}{11901}Yeah, right. {11903}{11997}You're agile,|athletic, and... {11999}{12045}And what? {12047}{12160}You grew up overseas --|Uzbekistan, Brunei... {12162}{12193}Venezuela. {12195}{12237}Yeah, my father worked|for Shell awhile. {12238}{12310}Your father died in 1990... {12311}{12401}in a plane crash in Peru. {12402}{12439}What's your point? {12465}{12492}What's my point? {12494}{12546}What the hell you think|my point is? {12595}{12664}My name is Walter Burke. {12666}{12732}My number's|on the sports page. {12734}{12765}Give me a call. {12767}{12830}I'll be here|till noon tomorrow. {13981}{14021}BURKE:|Very dramatic, James. {14023}{14072}I want to talk.|Can we talk? {14074}{14104}Yeah. {14106}{14141}Where are you? {14142}{14220}Well, you know the phone booth|you're calling from? {14221}{14255}Yeah. {14257}{14297}Turn around. {14484}{14517}As you like it. {14567}{14610}You're pretty confident. {14611}{14652}Well... {14654}{14695}Tell me about my father. {14746}{14792}You already know, don't you? {14794}{14862}I mean, that's why|you're sitting here. {14864}{14929}You want answers,|you're in the wrong car, kid. {14931}{14981}I only have secrets. {14983}{15044}You can't trust|your best friends, {15046}{15078}your five senses, {15079}{15149}only the little voice|inside you {15151}{15228}most civilians|don't even hear -- {15229}{15270}Iisten to that. {15304}{15353}Trust yourself. {15354}{15414}I think that's what|your father would have said. {15464}{15516}Trust yourself, James. {16668}{16690}Can I help you, sir? {16692}{16725}James Clayton --|I'm here for an interview. {16727}{16768}Just pull in there,|check in with security. {16770}{16798}Thank you. {17006}{17039}Hey, my name is James Clayton. {17041}{17103}I'm here to see Walter Burke.|He's expecting me. {17105}{17168}You can wait for him over there.|I'll page him for you. {17507}{17540}James. {17542}{17574}Hey. {17603}{17695}Rule number one --|don't get caught. {17697}{17752}Those were good officers. {17754}{17790}Good friends. {17848}{17888}So, you ready to get started? {17889}{17929}Sure. {18494}{18586}Have six pull in tight|on F-4. {18587}{18652}All right,|now give me some angles, {18654}{18718}both tests...both tests. {18720}{18746}Tighter. {18776}{18847}It's a carbon copy. {18848}{18905}F-4 -- yank him. {18997}{19034}You've been caught|cheating, pal. {19035}{19078}Please leave. {19104}{19152}Still got the eyes, Walter. {19154}{19178}What's that story, {19180}{19242}you saw some old woman|pushing a baby carriage? {19244}{19330}And Walter sees the carriage is|riding a little low, so bam! {19332}{19379}No questions, blows grandma|right out of her shoes. {19381}{19408}Turned out she was Hamas, {19410}{19461}and the whole thing was|stuffed with explosives. {19463}{19504}She wasn't Hamas,|she was Abu Nidal. {19506}{19541}Abu Nidal, that's right. {19542}{19616}These war stories --|you just love them, don't you? {19851}{19910}Uh, D-4 -- {19912}{19977}tell him to forget the chick|and finish the test. {20099}{20182}Burke says, "Forget the chick|and finish the test." {20270}{20313}PSYCHlATRlST:|How do upsetting problems {20315}{20341}generally make you feel? {20343}{20365}JAMES: Upset. {20367}{20409}And when you get angry, {20410}{20462}do you have trouble|staying in control? {20463}{20493}Sure. {20495}{20540}How do you typically|deal with failure? {20542}{20573}Badly. {20574}{20615}Have you ever been deliberately|cruel to an animal? {20617}{20656}Yes. {20658}{20688}Please, elaborate. {20690}{20764}For Christmas, I tied wool|reindeer horns to my dog's head. {20766}{20841}PSYCHlATRlST #1 :|Would you consider yourself {20843}{20933}subjectively firm|or objectively flexible? {20959}{21010}Metaphysically wrinkle-free. {21012}{21066}Quickly -- would you rather|ride on a train, {21068}{21125}dance in the rain,|or feel no pain? {21381}{21430}Feel no pain. {21432}{21534}I know I said the rain-dancing|thing, but...feel no pain. {21567}{21606}Thank you. {21838}{21887}God, I hate this. {21889}{21929}Hey. {21931}{21956}Hi. {21958}{21992}I'm James. {22021}{22056}Layla. {22057}{22101}Like the song. {22140}{22172}Yeah. {22173}{22215}That's a big coffee. {22217}{22277}I'm a big girl. {22279}{22308}Sure. {22310}{22353}POLYGRAPH OPERATOR:|Is your name James Clayton? {22354}{22419}James Douglas Clayton. {22421}{22477}Just a yes-or-no answer. {22478}{22541}Is your name James Clayton? {22542}{22572}Yes. {22574}{22684}You were born|October 21, 1976? {22686}{22724}Yes. {22726}{22792}Have you ever worked for|any foreign governments? {22793}{22818}No. {22820}{22889}Have you taken tranquilizers|today? {22891}{22933}No. {23316}{23345}Miami. {23391}{23416}Mind if I sit here? {23418}{23444}Sure. {23512}{23556}Hey.|Ronnie Gibson from D.C. {23558}{23595}James Clayton from all over. {23597}{23636}Nice to meet you. {23637}{23660}You too. {23767}{23833}You got any idea what those two|are speaking over there? {23835}{23879}I think it's Farsi. {23881}{23938}Oh, yeah. Yeah, Farsi. {25088}{25116}MAN: Clear! {26276}{26339}Uh, what are you doing? {26340}{26381}Nothing. {26383}{26406}What? {26407}{26462}Some of these chairs|are wired. {26464}{26510}They catch you drifting|during this, {26512}{26542}10,000 volts up your ass. {26544}{26574}Bullshit. {26575}{26620}All right. {26621}{26662}-Good morning.|-ALL: Good morning. {26664}{26710}Ladies and gentlemen,|my name is Dennis Slayne. {26712}{26762}I'm assistant director|of operations at Langley, {26764}{26806}and I would like|to welcome you here {26807}{26850}to the ClA Special|Training Facility, {26851}{26929}affectionately known|as "the farm." {26931}{26956}Now let me introduce to you {26958}{26998}your senior instructor,|Mr. Walter Burke. {26999}{27028}Morning. {27030}{27063}ALL: Morning. {27128}{27176}So, why are you here? {27178}{27234}Why are you here? {27285}{27336}It ain't the money. {27337}{27440}A GS-15 pay grade officer,|yours truly -- {27441}{27544}I rake in about, what,|75 grand a year? {27545}{27652}You can't buy|a decent sports car for that. {27653}{27692}It ain't sex. {27694}{27766}Hey, being here|won't get you laid. {27768}{27806}Oh, you're|a dental hygienist? {27808}{27913}I'm a member of the ClA,|Moscow Station chief. {27915}{27962}-Hello?! {27964}{28022}What about fame? {28024}{28100}Our failures are known. {28102}{28214}Our successes...are not. {28215}{28256}That's the company motto. {28258}{28320}You save the world, {28322}{28413}they send you to some|dusty basement at Langley, {28414}{28461}give you a little lemonade|and cookies, {28462}{28498}and show you your medal. {28500}{28537}You don't even get|to take it home. {28539}{28607}So it ain't money,|it ain't sex, it ain't fame. {28609}{28639}What is it? {28641}{28740}I say we are all here|in this room {28742}{28823}because we believe. {28825}{28916}We believe in good and evil, {28917}{28955}and we choose good. {28957}{29022}We believe in right and wrong, {29024}{29080}and we choose right. {29082}{29145}Our cause is just. {29147}{29269}Our enemies...everywhere. {29271}{29333}They're all around us. {29335}{29382}Some scary stuff out there. {29384}{29484}Which brings us here...|to the farm. {29486}{29590}You have all just stepped|through the looking glass. {29591}{29650}What you see, what you hear -- {29652}{29733}nothing is what it seems. {29774}{29834}Indistinct conversations {29911}{29970}Mr. Burke? {29972}{30008}Hey. {30010}{30106}I was just, uh...I was hoping|maybe I could buy you a beer {30108}{30139}and we could talk. {30141}{30198}I have so many questions|about my dad. {30200}{30240}You're making a mistake, son. {30242}{30289}Let me remedy it. {30290}{30351}I was on semicongenial terms|with you {30352}{30412}during your recruitment|for that reason -- {30414}{30443}I was recruiting you. {30445}{30480}I'm not your friend. {30482}{30536}I'm not your ally. {30581}{30670}I'm your instructor --|period. {30672}{30718}That enough talk? {30996}{31055}Good morning. It's 0600. {31057}{31142}All CTs report|to Common Area, 15 minutes. {31184}{31212}Is everybody ready? {31309}{31331}Morning. {31333}{31364}-Let's go. {31366}{31416}Let's go! {31459}{31517}BURKE:|Over the next few months, {31519}{31582}we're gonna teach you|how to deceive, {31584}{31680}role-play,|psychologically assess, {31682}{31748}sell, exploit. {31749}{31797}We're gonna hand you|the tools -- {31799}{31833}the black arts. {31835}{31920}Not witchcraft --|trade craft... {31922}{31965}Ready! Fire! {32006}{32081}...disguise, surveil, detect. {32083}{32165}You will be able to kill|with a variety of weapons... {32167}{32216}-or none at all. {32254}{32334}You will night-parachute,|rappel from choppers, {32335}{32390}Iearn dry and wet demolition, {32392}{32478}Iearn tactical, high-speed|emergency driving. {32480}{32509}You will become... {32511}{32589}Bond -- James Bond. {32591}{32626}Thank you, Mr. Clayton. {32628}{32693}You're already role-playing.|That's good. {32695}{32733}You're ahead of all of us. {32735}{32813}Let's start with Clayton.|Why don't you take...Zack? {32905}{32938}Aah! {32940}{32976} Nice move. {32978}{33034}Where the hell did|you learn how to do that? {33035}{33100}ZACK:|Metro Dade Police Academy. {33102}{33150}MAN: Are you a senior|instructor at the farm? {33152}{33178}-BURKE: Yes. {33179}{33209}POLYGRAPH OPERATOR: True. {33211}{33257}Okay, if you look|at the screens, {33259}{33312}you'll see his pulse is even, {33314}{33367}respiration normal, {33369}{33430}pupils undilated --|signs of the truth. {33432}{33493}Come on, rough me up.|Let's go! Rough me up! {33495}{33550}Have you ever worn|women's clothing? {33578}{33608}Who said that? {33609}{33633}Yes. {33634}{33680}-True. {33711}{33797}Were you, uh,|ever stationed in Peru? {33799}{33829}Yes. {33831}{33872}-POLYGRAPH OPERATOR: True. {33874}{33936}Is your name Walter Burke? {33938}{33989}-No. {33990}{34030}True. {34518}{34550}Let's do it. {34552}{34584}Forth! {34666}{34702}Skid and holster! {34827}{34865}Remove your targets! {34935}{34964}Nintendo. {35136}{35249}These are paper ants --|microphone transmitters. {35251}{35308}They adhere equally well|to flesh or clothing, {35310}{35358}and they're biologically|manufactured, {35360}{35405}so as soon|as they become separated {35407}{35472}from their storage palate,|they begin to break down. {35473}{35577}After 48 hours,|this bug consumes itself. {35579}{35630}These are all live|surveillance devices -- {35632}{35707}digitized,|miniaturized transceivers, {35709}{35751}audio and video. {35753}{35813}You can conceal them|throughout the bug house. {35815}{35915}Your objective is to gain entry,|install three bugs each, {35917}{35992}and exit the bug house|without getting caught. {35994}{36054}You will have eight minutes. {36572}{36646}What do we got here, Walter,|a bunch of D.S. & T. geeks, {36648}{36696}or we got some quality|NOC people? {36697}{36758}I don't know. {36759}{36810}Anybody get out|of the bug house lately? {36812}{36847}Not many. {36922}{36989}Doesn't look like|it's gonna happen tonight. {36991}{37061}Don't underestimate|my people, Dennis, please. {37106}{37173}Usually by now,|you've tagged a NOC. {37174}{37218}Must be one in this class. {37220}{37287}Well, maybe yes, maybe no. {37314}{37358}Who knows? {37388}{37426}The Shadow knows. {37511}{37557}I love this part. {37559}{37602}-Buenas noches, amigo, {37603}{37636}You've just been blanketed. {37637}{37665}SLAYNE: That's two down. {37667}{37710}BURKE: Oh, who's counting? {37735}{37798}Buenas noches, amigo,|You've just been blanketed. {37926}{37955}Attaboy. {38027}{38051}Aah! {38053}{38080}Ouch. {38082}{38110}Go! {38112}{38148}Go, go! {38226}{38264}Who was that? {38441}{38466}You okay? {38468}{38491}Yeah. {38492}{38547}Okay. {38548}{38614}Some of you will not survive|the farm. {38616}{38681}Some will be asked to leave. {38683}{38725}Some will quit. {38726}{38783}But those of you|who do graduate {38785}{38846}will be sent to work|out of Langley {38847}{38958}or embassies around the world|as official cover operatives. {38959}{39039}That is, spies|with diplomatic immunity. {39041}{39099}Now, every once in a while, {39100}{39215}someone is selected to be|a nonofficial cover operative, {39217}{39292}or N-O-C -- NOC. {39294}{39413}The NOC is the truest|practitioner of espionage -- {39415}{39497}always out there,|always alone, unprotected. {39499}{39548}If you are caught, {39550}{39666}you will most likely be|tortured, shot, and/or hanged. {39667}{39732}And here's the best part -- {39733}{39797}no one will ever hear about it. {39798}{39873}You will become a star|on a wall, {39874}{39944}a blank space in a book. {39976}{40062}Now, I can just feel|all you Alphas out there {40063}{40137}gunning for this position|as I speak. {40139}{40241}So remember,|everything is a test. {40243}{40299}ZACK: Yeah? All right. {40703}{40769}All right,|I can afford 10 cents. {40771}{40814}Yo, I'm out. {40816}{40861}All right, I'll see you. {40885}{40965}Come on, you're gonna fold,|Ronnie. Just get it over with. {40966}{41022}-You're a Miami cop, right?|-Yeah. {41023}{41061}So why don't you|speak Spanish? {41062}{41085}I do. {41086}{41134}So where'd you learn Farsi --|Persian beat? {41136}{41183}Oh, that's funny. {41184}{41275}No, night school --|Florida Atlantic University -- {41277}{41307}so I could get in here. {41329}{41356}Congratulations. {41358}{41386}Thanks. {41388}{41433}-Ronnie.|-I'm out. {41434}{41510}Well, looks like it's just me|and Sonny Crockett. {41511}{41549}RONNlE: Sonny Crockett -- {41551}{41593}is that the black guy|or the white guy? {41631}{41674}What are the girls like|on South Beach? {41675}{41742}What do you want to do? {41952}{41982}All right. {41983}{42012}# Sonny, you're a boy # {42014}{42064}# Make a big noise|playing on the street # {42065}{42098}I'll see your bet|and raise you. {42099}{42157}Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa --|$2 raises max, remember? {42159}{42217}Come on, we're not playing|by the rules here on the farm. {42219}{42265}Are we? Are we? {42267}{42301}Are we, Sonny? {42302}{42332}That's fine by me. {42334}{42377}Okay. So... {42379}{42432}Are my pupils dilated? {42460}{42508}I could be bluffing. {42540}{42611}Or it could just be dark|in here. What do you think? {42612}{42658}# Gonna be a big man|someday # {42659}{42711}# You got mud on your face # {42810}{42848}Okay, I'll give it to you.|I fold. {42850}{42926}-What did you have?|-Hey! That's not how we play. {42928}{42959}Your deal. {42961}{43001}Hey, man, good game. {43003}{43058}Well, well, well... {43059}{43114}Looks like boys' night in, huh? {43116}{43151}Kinda sad. {43152}{43209}I'm gonna change all that. {43211}{43292}Time for a field trip.|We got the van outside. {43293}{43350}We're all going for drinks|at the Blue Ridge. {43642}{43739}All right, your objective --|reach the parking lot {43741}{43804}with an asset who intends|to have sex with you. {43806}{43859}You want us to pick up a girl? {43861}{43933}Well, uh, five, actually -- {43935}{43965}one each. {43997}{44035}# Change # {44037}{44097}# But be yourself, now # {44235}{44261}Hi. {44263}{44293}Hi. {44294}{44332}BARTENDER:|Here you go, Kitty. {44334}{44374}-Thanks, Barry.|- # Change # {44376}{44442}# But be yourself, now # {44443}{44483}# Change # {44485}{44524}# But be yourself, now # {44526}{44558}Not interested. {44559}{44596}Neither am l. {44631}{44664}How's that? {44666}{44756}Well, your personal interests|are of no concern to me. {44757}{44800}I just got out of the joint. {44802}{44877}And there's only one thing|I'm concerned with right now. {44879}{44935}And what would that be? {44971}{45004}What do you think? {45006}{45041}# Change # {45042}{45110}# But be yourself, now # {45112}{45149}# Change # {45151}{45212}# But be yourself, now # {45283}{45317}Sounds like fun. {45381}{45423}Excuse me a second. {45548}{45618}Hey...what's going on?|What are you doing here? {45620}{45666}What's it look like? {45668}{45704}Looks like you're drunk. {45706}{45754}Perceptive. {45755}{45795}Is everything okay? {45797}{45855}Yeah, everything's great. {45857}{45885}All right. {45887}{45934}See you tomorrow. {45935}{45967}# Ow, change # {45969}{45993}James... {45995}{46040}# But be yourself, now # {46042}{46106}-They cut me. I'm out.|- # Change # {46108}{46150}-You're kidding.|- # But be yourself, now # {46151}{46202}-I'm out of the program.|- # Change # {46204}{46243}You're serious --|did they say why? {46245}{46271}They didn't say anything. {46273}{46324}They just sit you down,|debrief you, {46326}{46400}and then stick you|in some shit-bag motel. {46402}{46430}# Change # {46431}{46464}# But be yourself, now # {46466}{46537}Sorry, all I can think about|is throwing up. {46539}{46565}You all right? {46567}{46630}Yeah, I think I had|too much tequila. {46658}{46711}You know,|it's just that you and l {46713}{46783}finally have|this chemistry moment, {46785}{46853}you know, and I even have|a motel room {46855}{46883}where we could go back {46885}{46937}and have completely|justifiable comfort sex, {46938}{46990}but all I can think about|is not throwing up. {47037}{47121}The -- the room's spinning,|right? {47123}{47157}Yeah, like a top. {47185}{47239}You should go home.|I'll call you a cab. {47241}{47292}Come on. Come here. {47348}{47416}Will you settle for taking|me home and tucking me in? {47418}{47448}I wish. {47555}{47616}Blue Ridge Bar, yeah. {47618}{47675}10 minutes? Thank you. {47677}{47715}Cab will be here in 10. {47717}{47760}-Okay.|-Okay. {47762}{47798}Come on, wait with me|outside, okay? {47800}{47822}I... {47824}{47848}Come on. {47924}{47969}Layla, let's wait inside.|It's cold. {47970}{48007}No. No, no, no, no, no.|Just wait. {48009}{48071}Come on.|I want to kiss you. {48073}{48100}Tell me about it. {48102}{48127}Thank you. {48129}{48155}For what? {48183}{48240}Op completed. {48380}{48441}My op was to stop you|from completing yours. {48487}{48536}-Who said my op was complete? {48537}{48581}-Lighten up, man.|-It's just an op. {48583}{48625}Just doing her job,|that's it. {48626}{48679}God, I hate this guy. {48761}{48832}You did your job. Good. {48871}{48926}ZACK: Are you a citizen|of the United States? {48928}{48956}-Layla: Yes. {48958}{48989}True. {48991}{49064}Are you in any way|affiliated with the ClA? {49065}{49088}No. {49089}{49124}-It's false. {49126}{49173}All right, let's break up|this dance team. {49175}{49287}Clayton, switch places|with, uh, Zack here. {49345}{49398}All right, we all know,|I believe, {49400}{49502}what a lie is when we see it. {49504}{49640}But a good interrogator|can also soften a subject -- {49642}{49723}you know, uh,|knock them off-balance, {49725}{49769}make them vulnerable. {49771}{49819}Never know what you might get. {49821}{49908}So...fire at will. {49960}{49998}Is your name Layla Moore? {50000}{50048}-Yes. {50074}{50107}True. {50137}{50180}Last night at the bar, {50182}{50251}you said we had|chemistry together. {50253}{50284}Do we? {50286}{50313}What? {50315}{50362}His interrogation.|Answer the man. {50363}{50417}Simple question --|yes or no? {50419}{50492}I was undercover legend.|It was part of the op. {50537}{50572}-True. {50602}{50657}You said you wanted to go home|and have comfort sex. {50695}{50748}Did you? {50749}{50806}You're abusing this exercise. {50807}{50866}Did you want to have sex with me|last night -- yes or no? {50937}{50965}No. {51317}{51381}Would you do anything|to become a ClA officer? {51434}{51458}Anything? {51566}{51604}No. {51850}{51872}Layla! {51874}{51900}Stay away from me. {51902}{51928}Can I talk to you? {51930}{51958}There are limits, James. {51960}{52009}You want to suck up to Burke,|do it on your own. {52011}{52038}This isn't about Burke. {52068}{52115}You won, okay?|You got even. {52117}{52148}How does it feel? {52150}{52186}Huh? {52188}{52229}God! {52474}{52518}I pity the fool. {52548}{52574}Anyone I know? {52576}{52604}Maybe. {52632}{52679}Let it go. {52680}{52740}You first. {52838}{52888}I don't know how I -- {52932}{52977}I don't belong here. {52978}{53040}Come on --|meant to do this, son. {53042}{53109}You know more about me|than I do? {53111}{53209}Hey, this bag knows more|about you than you do, James. {53211}{53243}It's in you. {53294}{53334}It's in your blood. {53335}{53358}Aah! {53359}{53419}BURKE: Mama Land's crabs {53421}{53479}from the Circle's fourteenth|in Saigon -- {53481}{53518}best crabs in the world. {53520}{53592}This place -- second-best. {53687}{53762}Okay, why don't you|just go ahead? {53790}{53836}Go ahead and ask me. {53882}{53922}Did you know him? {53954}{53988}No. {54024}{54078}I met him once. {54080}{54162}Falklands...around '89. {54230}{54287}What was he --|what was he doing there? {54289}{54354}Think, son.|I can't tell you specifics. {54356}{54389}I just can't. {54390}{54485}I can't even confirm|his mission. {54487}{54521}I can't. {54552}{54591}He used to tell me stories. {54593}{54643}He'd say, uh... {54645}{54722}when they'd hit one,|the desert would rain oil. {54724}{54788}That's what he did, James.|He told stories. {54789}{54812}Yeah. {54813}{54841}And he lied. {54904}{54966}That doesn't mean|he didn't love you. {54996}{55034}What was he, really? {55036}{55085}What did he do? {55116}{55189}You gotta come off it, kid.|You really do. {55191}{55257}Because you keep looking back, {55258}{55323}you're gonna miss|your whole life. {55325}{55416}It's a mystery|you cannot solve. {55418}{55479}Who is --|who is Edward Clayton? {55481}{55579}Well, among many things,|he was James Clayton's father. {55581}{55626}Also, he was someone else. {55831}{55936}He was a spook, James...|just like me. {55938}{55980}Just like you. {55982}{56031}Don't look now. {56033}{56102}By the bar --|we're being followed. {56103}{56130}You serious? {56132}{56177}Yeah. {56179}{56244}Sometimes these guys|just like to loiter around, {56246}{56311}see if they can gain intel|on the farm. {56313}{56359}I'll get someone on it. {56930}{56960}Hey. {56985}{57011}Looking good. {57013}{57062}Yeah, but can I do it|blindfolded {57063}{57097}jumping out of a plane? {57098}{57148}I bet you can. {57150}{57184}Thanks. {57185}{57244}It's probably not|the best time to apologize. {57246}{57294}You don't have to apologize. {57334}{57381}Can l? {57382}{57415}Sure. {57609}{57701}Here's how|I'm gonna look at it. {57703}{57784}We learned a lot|about each other. {57785}{57830}Yeah, the hard way. {57831}{57927}Yeah, the hard way,|but still...at least we know. {57957}{57990}Okay. {57992}{58087}So, now...|we're ahead of the game. {58089}{58123}Is that it? {58125}{58158}Exactly. {58187}{58221}So what do we do? {58223}{58265}Nothing. {58267}{58313}Not here. {58314}{58348}Not now. {58350}{58393}No, not now. {58484}{58584}JAMES: One year from now,|where are you? {58586}{58654}Probably waitressing|at Denny's. {58655}{58741}Mm-hmm...yeah. {58743}{58856}When I was a kid, my father|would get out the atlas... {58889}{58960}BURKE: Okay, today we practice|the art of surveillance. {58962}{58996}Remember your training. {58998}{59058}The person being followed|is the... {59060}{59089}Rabbit. {59090}{59144}Rabbit. The person doing|the following is the... {59146}{59176}-Eye.|-Eye. {59178}{59269}Behind the eye is the rest|of the surveillance team, {59271}{59353}who cannot see the rabbit|but follow the eye. {59354}{59406}As the rabbit travels, {59408}{59497}the teammates will rotate|themselves into the eye position {59499}{59573}so that the rabbit doesn't|realize he's being followed. {59575}{59630}Rabbit, don't forget,|your choke points {59632}{59687}help you to identify|who's on your tail. {59689}{59733}And keep those cellphones off. {59735}{59817}In the field,|they act like homing devices. {59818}{59874}All right?|What do we do? {59876}{59952}ALL: lmprovise, modify,|adapt, overcome. {59953}{59993}Let's go to work! {60018}{60060}Turn your cellphone off? {60062}{60096}Didn't bring it. {60098}{60140}Good. {60141}{60227}Hey...this looks like|a good choke point. {60229}{60256}You're right. {60400}{60446}Let's hide here|and wait, okay? {60448}{60479}Sure. {60595}{60637}-LAYLA: James! James!|-Layla! {60672}{60712}No! {60713}{60745}James! {60747}{60820}-Let go of me! {61624}{61713}I am a Diplomatic Corps trainee. {61714}{61771}We know that you work|for the ClA. {61797}{61833}The ClA. {61835}{61889}I don't work for the ClA. {61891}{61929}I think you do. {63327}{63373}Enjoy your cold shower. {63889}{63932}Hungry, Jimmy? {64023}{64079}You guys make the best stuff. {64103}{64150}You realize that no country|with a McDonald's {64151}{64218}has ever attacked|the United States? {64220}{64265}They teach you that at the farm? {64266}{64332} I don't know|what you're talking about. {64362}{64412}You think this is|a game, James? {64451}{64514}I think...it's a test. {64540}{64563}No. {64565}{64615}I'm sorry, my friend. {64617}{64664}This is no test. {64666}{64716}Everything is a test! {65015}{65071}Everything is a test. {65274}{65320}Good morning, James. {65815}{65877}What are the names|of your instructors? {65924}{65950}Okay. {65952}{65991}Okay. {66032}{66083}John is the wise guy. {66119}{66160}Paul's the cute one. {66162}{66229}-George is pretty quiet. {66230}{66265}And this new kid -- {66267}{66326}I can't remember his name. {66328}{66361}Oh. {66364}{66427}Now I know why|she was begging for you. {66429}{66469}You're funny. {66501}{66566}Sorry if these stink. {66567}{66613}She pissed herself. {66915}{66972}Oh, Layla. {66973}{67011}Layla? {67066}{67140}Burke! You want a name?! {67141}{67213}Burke! Burke! {68077}{68133}I wanted you to see this. {68227}{68318}I wanted you to see|what happens to someone... {68320}{68430}you know...|someone you care about... {68432}{68476}so you won't forget. {68477}{68602}What you should learn|from this exercise -- {68603}{68688}and learn it well -- {68690}{68793}rule number one -- {68795}{68926}do...not...get...caught. {70110}{70184}MAN ON TV: Hey, buddy, you are|sweating your ass off. {70185}{70220}MAN #2: I know. It's hot. {70222}{70325}No -- I mean, you're really|sweating from the ass. {70417}{70449}MAN #2: I'm so ashamed. {70451}{70485}MAN #1 : Don't worry, pal. {70487}{70565}You just need|a little help back there. {70567}{70610}-This is my secret. {70612}{70650}Manpons? {70652}{70700}MAN #1 : It's like|a cool spring breeze {70702}{70748}blowing through|your ass cheeks. {70750}{70822}MAN #2: At this point,|I'll try anything. {70850}{70888}Hello, this is Bill Rudolph|at Dell. {70890}{70953}I'm not in right now, but please|leave a message at the beep. {70955}{71010}I'll return your call as soon|as possible. Thank you. {71036}{71088}Hey, Bill Rudolph,|thank you for calling me back. {71090}{71141}It's James Douglas Clayton. {71143}{71243}We met at M.I.T. in Boston|at -- we -- Sp@rtacus -- {71245}{71291}Sp@rtacus -- {71293}{71381} and I was|with my family for a while, {71382}{71483}but now I'm back, and I'm ready|to raise the bar with Sp@rtacus, {71485}{71536}'cause we can raise the bar|with Sp@rtacus {71538}{71573}and change things. {71575}{71617}Will you call me... {72156}{72184}Nice hit. {72185}{72217}What the -- {72219}{72264}You mind? {72265}{72314}My throat. {72316}{72383}Let go. Now. {72385}{72417}Now. {72532}{72569}What -- {72709}{72766}I see you're living good. {72819}{72891}Get some clothes on.|We'll take a drive. {72893}{72917}A drive? {72919}{72973}Yeah. I'll wait outside. {73195}{73254}That booze is coming out|of your bones. {73256}{73311}What am I doing here? {73313}{73366}I'm done, remember?|I'm out. {73368}{73417}I don't have to play|your stupid games. {73419}{73473}Oh, but you will, James. {73474}{73570}You will play because|your particular engine -- {73572}{73684}what drives you, moves you,|motivates you -- {73686}{73722}desire to please... {73754}{73803}Me. {73805}{73857}-All right, pull over. {73859}{73900}Pull over the goddamn car! {73902}{73975}-All right! Go ahead, get out. {73977}{74053}You lasted longer|on your interrogation exercise {74054}{74118}than any CT has|in the last 15 years. {74120}{74146}I broke! {74148}{74202}Everybody breaks!|That's the point! {74203}{74264}Damn thing doesn't stop|till you break. {74266}{74292}Then why did I wash out? {74294}{74357}You didn't!|That's why I'm here. {74359}{74407}You're the NOC, James. {74431}{74454}Bullshit. {74455}{74517}The washout was faked. {74519}{74555}You're the NOC. {74557}{74618}I told you I was|a scary judge of talent. {74680}{74714}Why me? {74748}{74784}Get in here. {74863}{74901}I don't believe this. {74975}{75008}More farm mind games. {75009}{75052}Nothing is what it seems,|na na na. {75054}{75101}No, no, no, no.|School's out. {75102}{75190}Open that, uh,|glove compartment. {75192}{75223}Go ahead. {75330}{75375}Find out why you. {75675}{75717}That's why you. {75719}{75746}Layla? Wh-- {75748}{75795}Layla Moore -- {75796}{75865}raised from the age of 3|by Tom and Susan Moore {75867}{75913}of Worcester, Mass. {75915}{76002}However, her real last name|isn't Moore -- it's Nasari. {76003}{76070}Birth mother is Algerian,|father's French. {76072}{76107}It's all there -- {76109}{76240}secret bank accounts,|phony records, fake passports. {76242}{76289}Layla's a sleeper. {76291}{76356}She's a mole, James. {76427}{76470}I don't believe it.|This is crazy. {76472}{76524}How the hell|did she get into the farm -- {76526}{76563}We wanted her in. {76564}{76633}We want her to burrow in|as deep as she can, {76634}{76693}because then, she'll lead us|to her handlers. {76695}{76732}We know exactly|what she wants. {76734}{76820}It's who she's giving it to --|that's what we need to know. {76821}{76893}Layla's gonna take us|right up the food chain. {76895}{76934}I won't do it. {76936}{76968}You won't do it? {76970}{77045}James... {77047}{77132}why do you think I came|to Cambridge to recruit you? {77134}{77184}Nobody's chasing CTs anymore. {77186}{77240}I mean, our applications|are through the roof. {77242}{77324}We needed you...James. {77326}{77359}No accidents. {77360}{77418}You and Layla were matched. {77420}{77462}She's an orphan. {77464}{77518}You're a young man|searching for a father. {77520}{77587}You're both highly motivated,|you're both highly independent. {77589}{77649}You even look good together. {77690}{77753}We paired you at the farm, son. {77755}{77812}We paired you, remember? {77813}{77862}The Blue Ridge barhop? {77864}{77923}The lie detector session? {77925}{77974}The choke point test? {77976}{78037}And it worked, didn't it? {78039}{78083}She trusts you. {78085}{78119}Loves you, maybe. {78121}{78201}And you're gonna take|that trust and that love {78202}{78267}and you're gonna use it to|find out who she's working for. {78375}{78410}James... {78473}{78558}My first posting was|in ltaly -- Trieste. {78560}{78635}A physics conference|met there every summer. {78637}{78727}So I meet this local girl --|beautiful, sweet. {78729}{78816}She's working for the Russian|group as a secretary. {78818}{78903}Anyway, I did my job.|I worked her. I turned her. {78905}{78965}Pretty soon, she's giving me|everything, you know -- {78967}{79037}I mean,|really high-grade stuff -- {79039}{79110}and, uh, I'm a hero. {79112}{79188}But I'm still a kid, two years,|fresh out of Ocala, Florida. {79190}{79256}I got this perfect ltalian girl,|and she's crazy for me, {79257}{79293}and we're falling in love. {79295}{79384}I knew the Russians were|getting close to her. {79386}{79457}I knew she was|in jeopardy, but... {79459}{79502}material was valuable. {79532}{79576}I could've warned her. {79626}{79673}I could've saved her. {79706}{79771}But the information|was more important. {79803}{79844}You understand? {79846}{79954}The information was more|important than she was... {79956}{80030}more important than I was. {80119}{80171}It is what we do. {80298}{80333}I need to think about it. {80334}{80394}Oh, come on.|"Think about it." {80422}{80476}You got 24 hours. {80904}{80927}Burke here. {80928}{80971}Okay. {80971}{81000}I'll do it. {81050}{81082}Iwo Jima Memorial -- {81084}{81168}this is where you tell me|about duty and sacrifice? {81170}{81217}No, this is where I have|my breakfast burrito. {81310}{81367}Volente Brothers. {81369}{81422}They're the best. {81424}{81446}There you go. {81448}{81496}-Gracias,|-Thank you. {81497}{81573}Try it. It's heaven. {81623}{81650}So, what is she after? {81652}{81722}You ever read Kurt Vonnegut? {81724}{81747}Yeah. {81748}{81808}-You read "Cat's Cradle"?|-Nah. {81810}{81914}Well, in that book,|the world ends {81916}{82002}because in a chip of ice,|a molecule is discovered {82003}{82120}that can turn all the water|it touches into ice. {82122}{82179}Since all water|is interconnected -- {82181}{82252}that is, pond to stream,|stream to river, {82254}{82320}river to lake,|lake to ocean -- {82322}{82385}the entire world freezes|and dies, {82387}{82516}and that seed molecule|is called lce 9. {82517}{82563}Ice 9. {82564}{82647}Langley has invented|a computer virus {82649}{82748}that can plug into|any electrical receptacle -- {82750}{82842}that is, the wall outlet|in your apartment -- {82844}{82882}using existing wiring {82884}{82947}to spread right through|the entire national grid. {82949}{83008}No firewalls, no protection. {83010}{83037}Jesus. {83039}{83063}That's it. {83089}{83125}Our national defense, {83127}{83204}our national survival|depends on electronics. {83206}{83242}You take that away... {83244}{83309}we're back in the Stone Age|with our enemies. {83357}{83406}This was good. {83408}{83445}Can I make it? {83506}{83558}Oh! So close. {83689}{83739}You're going to Langley. {83772}{83888}Your cover story is that|you washed out of the farm, {83890}{83922}but we love you -- {83923}{83970}you're a good boy,|a patriot -- {83972}{84061}so we got you a low-level,|low-security gig... {84062}{84160}but your real assignment|is to get close to Layla {84162}{84221}and to stay close to her. {84223}{84292}Find out who she's talking to. {84878}{84920}BURKE:|Layla requested Cryptography, {84922}{84945}so we gave it to her. {84947}{85011}She's working at the Directorate|of Science and Technology {85013}{85035}in Langley. {85037}{85083}Well, if she's|a new employee in Langley, {85085}{85127}isn't surveillance on her|24/7? {85129}{85175}They've got to find out|what she's up to. {85177}{85239}Langley's security is|all about entry and exit -- {85241}{85267}going in, going out. {85269}{85307}-You are scoped, taped...|-Morning. {85308}{85355}...tagged like no other|place on Earth, {85356}{85395}but once you're on the inside, {85396}{85441}the assumption is|you belong there. {85443}{85487}-Langley's too big to watch. {85488}{85533}We're a city, and as such, {85535}{85594}we are vulnerable|to betrayal from within, {85596}{85638}always have been --|Ames, Nickelson, Howard. {85640}{85675}JAMES:|So what have you got me doing? {85676}{85704}BURKE: We've given you {85706}{85754}a low-level data-processing|position {85756}{85808}in the information|management center -- {85810}{85877}not uncommon for CTs|who don't graduate the farm. {85878}{85902}You'll love it. {85903}{85954}-MAN: Mr. Clayton?|-Hey. {85956}{86003}-Rob Stevens, your supervisor.|-Nice to meet you. {86004}{86044}-Welcome to ClA.|-Thank you. {86130}{86194}The building we're going into|is totally secure. {86196}{86263}No radio-wave transmissions|in or out. {86265}{86348}Electronic devices --|computers, telephones -- {86350}{86403}even your voice|create vibrations {86404}{86451}that a sophisticated laser|pointer in the building {86453}{86506}-can read and translate. {86603}{86668}I'll tell you, this card won't|get you into the good stuff, {86670}{86730}but that little logo|definitely gets you laid. {86731}{86793}Republican girls -- hot. {86826}{86866}Here we go. This is you. {86916}{86976}The manual's|pretty self-explanatory. {86978}{87044}Log in as much data as you can|without getting carpal tunnel. {87045}{87078}Any questions, I'm 1229. {87079}{87102}Thank you. {87330}{87357}Thank you. {87359}{87409}I'll see you over there. {87442}{87468}James. {87470}{87518}Layla. Hey. {87520}{87588}What ar--|oh, you're here? {87590}{87628}Yep. Data entry. {87630}{87674}Not exactly|what I'd imagined, but... {87700}{87775}After you left...|we missed you at the farm. {87777}{87827}Yeah. {87829}{87878}Look, I'm late, so... {87880}{87932}Oh, right. Okay. {87934}{87981}It's good to see you. {87982}{88033}Yeah. You too. {88035}{88063}Take care. {88185}{88228}-Hi, Frank.|-Hey, how's it going? {88229}{88253}Good. {88368}{88402}Take care. {88404}{88445}-Thanks. See you tomorrow.|-Good night. {89364}{89405}Hey, Joey. Cappuccino. {89407}{89431}Sure. {89544}{89568}James. {89569}{89592}Hi. {89593}{89622}Hey. Hey. {89624}{89683}I'm not stalking you, I swear.|I come here all the time. {89685}{89708}How you doing? {89710}{89758}Good. You mind? {89760}{89808}No, of course not. {89810}{89834}Thanks. {89836}{89867}Sure. {89895}{89947}What are you reading? {89977}{90015}-Good?|-Weird. {90017}{90042}WOMAN: Here you go. {90044}{90071}Thanks. {90141}{90168}So... {90170}{90201}Hmm? {90203}{90248}I'm in Science and Tech. {90250}{90295}-Science and Tech?|-Yeah. {90296}{90327}Not in the field? {90329}{90384}The field is what you said|you always wanted. {90386}{90447}Yeah, well... {90449}{90512}found out it wasn't. {90585}{90634}It's good to see you. {90636}{90690}You too. {90851}{90883}JAMES:|So, where you living? {90885}{90939}LAYLA: The company found me|an apartment in Georgetown. {90941}{90969}What about you? {90971}{91038}JAMES:|Uh, I'm over in Adams Morgan. {91039}{91086}LAYLA: When did you move down|from Boston? {91087}{91143}JAMES: A week ago.|I drove down. {91538}{91563}Thanks. {91565}{91598}You're welcome. {91861}{91885}See you soon. {91887}{91937}Yeah. You want a ride? {91939}{91992}-Nah, I got my truck.|-Okay. {91994}{92046}-All right. See you.|-Good night. {92047}{92071}Good night. {93403}{93474}BURKE: Okay,|you re-established contact. {93475}{93526}Now get into her office, {93528}{93582}see if she's accessed|the program. {93584}{93662}If she's got lce 9,|what's she doing with it? {93663}{93698}She can't copy it. {93700}{93755}Langley computers|don't have disk drives {93755}{93787}for exactly this reason, {93789}{93828}and she can't print it out. {93830}{93866}There are no printers. {93868}{93909}Company policy. {93911}{94004}D.S. & T. is a secure area.|You're gonna need clearance. {94006}{94054}I'll handle that. {95171}{95228}Thank you, sir. {95533}{95581}-Morning.|-Good morning. {95713}{95785}James...a bunch of us are going|over to Senor Pepe's. {95787}{95842}-Margarita Monday.|-Republican interns, huh? {95844}{95891}Vaminos, muchachos, {96018}{96087}Hi, this is Layla Moore.|I'm in a meeting until 4:30. {96089}{96156}You can call me then or leave me|a message after the t-- {97016}{97057}-Hello.|-Hi. {99094}{99133}Mike? Black, two sugars.|Right? {99135}{99159}Thanks. {99193}{99216}Hey. {99217}{99257}-Oh, Sharon...|-Yeah? {99258}{99330}I still haven't gotten|those files I asked about. {99375}{99422}It's all right.|I'll look for them. {99423}{99467}-How was the date?|-lt was great. {99468}{99532}I just don't know where to go,|and -- I don't know... {99534}{99595}You know, there's|this ltalian restaurant {99597}{99664}down in Georgetown,|and it's authentic. {99896}{99954}-Hi.|-Hey. {99956}{99998}You dropped these in my car. {100000}{100058}Must've just slipped|out of your hand. {100060}{100083}Nah. {100084}{100137}I dropped them on purpose. {100139}{100195}You trying to manipulate me? {100224}{100267}Maybe. {100311}{100350}It's working. {100575}{100622}-Frank.|-Hey. {100833}{100868}-Good night, Layla.|-Good night. {100870}{100908}Layla. Wait up. {100972}{100999}Here you go. {101254}{101290}Allow me, madame. {101292}{101315}Thank you. {101316}{101355}You're welcome. {101357}{101387}Where's your car? {101388}{101431}Red pickup, over there. {101433}{101462}Oh, nice. New? {101464}{101511}Newish.|This your little baby? {101512}{101552}-Yeah.|-All right. {101553}{101595}-Night.|-See you tomorrow. {101659}{101689}Hey, James? {101691}{101716}Yeah? {101764}{101806}I want to show you something. {101908}{101997}That camera takes 30 seconds|to scan the room. {101998}{102091}That one takes another|30 seconds on the opposite arc. {102093}{102160}So if you stand right here, {102161}{102202}you're ready to waltz|one step, {102203}{102251}you could have 40 seconds|of complete privacy {102253}{102311}where the cameras|won't see you. {102313}{102383}19, 18, 1 7 -- {102385}{102407}Okay. {102409}{102435}Closer. {102496}{102518}Here? {102520}{102547}There. {102549}{102617}Now we're completely private. {102619}{102649}10, 9... {102651}{102714}What were you thinking about|when you figured this out? {102716}{102764}You. {102879}{102957}3, 2, 1, waltz. {103003}{103045}We have 20 more seconds. {103047}{103094}That's not enough time. {103661}{103697}Layla? {107500}{107556}Sorry it's so early,|but, uh... {107557}{107609}I don't sleep. {107611}{107686}Piss like a racehorse --|every two hours. {107687}{107745}Impossible.|What do you got? {107803}{107846}You were right about Layla. {107896}{107961}Some of the lce program|is on her home computer, {107963}{108035}but it's not all there yet. {108037}{108110}She's taking it out in pieces|and putting it back together. {108175}{108256}How's she getting it out of the|building? That's the question. {108257}{108332}And more importantly,|who's she giving it to? {108449}{108502}I want you to take this. {108503}{108558}Open it somewhere later. {108671}{108798}You know, no matter|how sure we are... {108800}{108849}about a person... {108850}{108918}no matter how close or friendly|you think they are -- {108920}{108966}I know. {109005}{109063}I believe Layla's a traitor. {109065}{109087}Yeah. {109089}{109114}It's just... {109115}{109143}It's ugly. {109144}{109243}This is an ugly business...|you know? {109300}{109364}Can't pay us enough|for this kind of stuff, {109366}{109409}and they don't. {109492}{109549}The truth is,|at the end of the day, {109550}{109611}it's what we do. {109613}{109676}It's a job.|It's not who we are. {109748}{109809}We decide who we are. {110662}{110690}All right! {110753}{110812}Morning...sleepyhead. {110814}{110870}Sure, come right in. {110872}{110928}Usually when a man ditches me|in the middle of the night, {110929}{110980}he doesn't call the next day. {110982}{111054}Imagine my surprise when|you're banging down the door. {111056}{111135}Sorry. I couldn't sleep,|so I went to the gym. {111137}{111171}Breakfast? {111173}{111219}Yeah, sure. {111221}{111261}I'm starving. {112992}{113072}Hey, how about that breakfast|you promised me? {113074}{113106}Huh? {113563}{113632}Cheese eggs --|my dad's specialty. {113675}{113793}He called 'em heart stoppers,|the breakfast of champions. {113819}{113856}-Good?|-Mm-hmm. {113900}{113943}So, do you still think|about it? {113973}{114016}The farm, I mean. {114157}{114216}I wanted Burke to stop.|I told him to stop. {114218}{114256}Nope. Not about that. {114258}{114294}I mean the training. {114296}{114371}Do you think it changes you? {114373}{114455}Learning to lie, deceive. {114489}{114526}Yeah, sure. {114528}{114643}I mean, I definitely think|about things differently now. {114645}{114720}I mean, every person I meet|is a possible mark. {114721}{114777}Sure. {114848}{114896}I got an idea. {114934}{114992}Why don't we do|stupid tourist things today? {114994}{115052}Come on, we can go and sit|on Lincoln's knee, {115054}{115096}Iook at|John Dillinger's penis. {115097}{115158}I swear to God,|it's in the Smithsonian, {115160}{115246}along with other weird Americana|like the Fonz's jacket. {115248}{115292}What do you say? {115294}{115331}I got to work. {115333}{115400}Work? Wrong answer. What are you|gonna do on Saturday? {115401}{115483}It's your taxpayers' dollars|in action, my friend. {115622}{115656}You sure you got to go|to work? {115657}{115727}Yeah.|I'll see you tonight, right? {115729}{115759}Yeah. {115820}{115845}See you later. {115847}{115871}Bye. {116166}{116202}Gorgeous dog. {116204}{116256}Hey, fella.|How you doing? {116257}{116303}-So nice to meet you.|-She's a sweetheart. {116305}{116349}-She's pretty.|-Thank you very much. {116350}{116390}-See you.|-Have a good day. {117684}{117728}MAN: You can't park here. {118633}{118723}WOMAN: The "A" train to|St. Petersburg is now boarding. {119494}{119520}Oh. Hey! {119768}{119809}Hey! {120781}{120822}Stop! Freeze! {120823}{120870}Freeze! {123628}{123672}Zack. {123674}{123706}Zack. {124374}{124445}Hey, you! Stop! {124499}{124528}Stop! {124699}{124776}Suspect's Caucasian and 5'10",|wearing green jacket. {124912}{124938}Ooh! {125008}{125059}MAN: The delayed "A" train|from St. Petersburg {125060}{125103}will be arriving|in half an hour. {125179}{125238}The "A" train from|St. Petersburg will be arriving {125240}{125288}in half an hour. {125368}{125405}-Hey!|-Sorry. {125407}{125498}...will be boarding|in 15 minutes at Gate "D." {125499}{125543}MAN:|No sign of the suspect yet. {125545}{125599}Green jacket, male, Caucasian. {125601}{125679}-Affirmative, 21.|-5'10", brown hair. {126254}{126322}WOMAN: This is|the Shady Grove Red Line. {126323}{126386}Next stop... {126669}{126699}Burke here. {126701}{126759}JAMES:|Zack's dead. {126761}{126805}I killed him. {126807}{126844}Where are you? {126846}{126875}I killed him. {126877}{126932}He -- he was working|with Layla. {126933}{126958}Oh, Jesus. {126960}{127030}James, just tell me|what happened, now. {127032}{127094}Uh, she met him. {127095}{127135}I saw them. {127172}{127223}Zack attacked me. {127225}{127254}I killed him. {127256}{127302}Well, I have to|pull you out, then. {127304}{127355}I have to get somebody else|on this thing. {127393}{127424}Look, let me do it. {127426}{127487}This is what I trained for.|You said so yourself. {127489}{127555}She's probably going back|to Langley to finish the job, {127557}{127601}and if she's not,|I'll intercept her. {127602}{127655}I'll get the material,|and we'll meet. {127657}{127705}I can do this. {127707}{127751}Look, please -- trust me. {127801}{127834}All right. {127836}{127891}I'll come into town. {127892}{127996}I'll meet you in the Navy Yards|near "M" street, {127997}{128032}8:00. {128033}{128096}Okay. Navy Yards,|"M" street, 8:00. {130948}{130999}Thank you.|Have a good weekend. {133048}{133112}Layla, pull over|the goddamn car! {133138}{133179}Pull over the goddamn car! {133181}{133208}James, what do you want?! {133351}{133375}Shit! {133415}{133476}Don't move! Don't move! {133522}{133576}Open the door!|Open it! {133629}{133667}Don't move! {133788}{133844}Unscrew the bottom.|Do it! {133846}{133870}Now! {133872}{133902}Okay. {134086}{134119}Go. {134120}{134176}I'll tell them you surprised me.|Get as far away as possible. {134177}{134200}What? {134201}{134229}I don't know why you turned.|I don't care. {134230}{134266}James, I didn't turn.|You did. {134268}{134331}I know who I'm working with.|I know what I'm doing. Do you? {134333}{134372}Look, stop it!|I know everything! {134374}{134411}Your mission, the intel,|your parents. {134413}{134441}James, I'm ClA. {134442}{134503}My mission was to assess the|security protocols at Langley {134505}{134559}to see if I could get|the data out of the facility. {134561}{134587}I did. {134589}{134667}But, Jesus, James,|it's probably bullshit anyway. {134669}{134725}It can't be real.|It was a test. {134727}{134783}They couldn't take the risk.|Nothing was real! {134784}{134851}You are a traitor,|a double agent. {134852}{134895}I followed you.|Zack had your note. {134897}{134943}Zack is working with me.|Zack is ClA. {134944}{134981}Zack is dead! {134983}{135019}What? {135021}{135073}James, Zack is ClA.|He's -- {135074}{135113}He fired on me. {135115}{135141}I shot him. {135143}{135166}What? {135168}{135192}I killed him. {135194}{135245}Look, I am on|a ClA-sanctioned mission. {135247}{135272}No. {135274}{135315}Layla, I didn't wash out|of the farm. {135316}{135348}I'm the N-O-C.|I'm the NOC. {135349}{135399}No, Zack was.|Zack was the NOC. {135401}{135455}No, this is a sanctioned|mission. I received... {135455}{135479}James. {135479}{135520}...orders from my control. {135522}{135556}No. {135558}{135617}Layla, go.|Get out of here. {135619}{135704}James, please, just --|just listen to me, okay? {135706}{135739}Just keep the gun on me. {135741}{135782}Just keep it on there, okay? {135783}{135821}And give me your free hand. {135823}{135864}Just give it to me, please. {135865}{135915}Okay?|Just feel my pulse, okay? {135917}{135971}Look at my pupils.|See if I'm lying. {135973}{136033}Now, listen,|I am not a double. {136035}{136114}I work for the ClA.|Zack works for the ClA. {136116}{136192}We are on|an agency-sanctioned mission. {136193}{136241}James... {136304}{136331}Go. {136333}{136376}Run far away.|Disappear, Layla. {136377}{136416}Disappear, Layla! {136418}{136454}No!|James! {137799}{137845}-Hello?|-Layla? {137847}{137916}Listen to me -- the program you|stole from Langley, it is real. {137918}{137961}-No, it can't be real.|-Listen to me. {137963}{138021}This is what I do --|programs, code. {138023}{138055}James, where are you? {138057}{138088}It doesn't matter. {138089}{138133}It doesn't matter. {138135}{138181}I think we started lying|to each other {138183}{138240}almost as soon as we met,|so, uh... {138276}{138340}...so there's no real reason|to believe any of it was true. {138374}{138449}But I'm gonna anyway, okay? {138538}{138569}-Time's up.|-James... {138570}{138600}-James! {139470}{139495}-All right.|-Jeez! {139497}{139543}You better start telling me|what the hell is going on. {139545}{139586}Oh, man!|My dick's on fire. {139588}{139632}Layla says|I'm a double agent! {139634}{139673}-Yeah.|-All right, Zack's dead! {139675}{139717}-What the hell is going on?|-Calm down. {139718}{139740}No! {139742}{139806}Open that glove compartment.|I got napkins in there. {139808}{139856}And put away that stupid gun. {139857}{139891}It's only blanks. {139893}{139933}Come on, I'm wet here. {139935}{139984}Come on. {140023}{140075}Start talking. {140104}{140133}Start talking. {140135}{140185}Congratulations.|You passed your final test. {140186}{140233}-Test?|-These pants are ruined. {140235}{140269}What do you mean, test? {140270}{140347}Everything's a test, remember?|Nothing is what it seems. {140349}{140397}Well, what about lce 9?|That a test? {140399}{140460}Toss it. Keep it as a souvenir.|It's gibberish. {140462}{140513}-No way. No, it's not.|-Yeah, yeah. {140514}{140584}The squibs that went off|on Zack when you shot him. {140586}{140612}What? {140614}{140639}Nothing's real. {140641}{140681}Squibs?!|No, I watched him die! {140683}{140712}-You did?|-Yes! {140713}{140749}Well, I want you|to tell him that, {140752}{140805}'cause we're meeting him|in half an hour for drinks. {140807}{140849}You tell him|you watched him die. {140851}{140887}I'd like to see his face. {140888}{140956}I'd like to see your face. {140958}{140989}All right? {140991}{141046}Who gave you the gun? {141048}{141105}Who gave you the gun?!|Me. {141107}{141167}No one's using real bullets,|remember? {141168}{141234}Everything is role-play.|Remember? {141235}{141315}Where were you when we were|going through all this? {141316}{141358}Put that gun out of my face. {141359}{141430}If you want to point it at me,|point it at my chest, will you? {141432}{141496}'Cause they're blanks in there.|Just shoot, okay? {141497}{141556}Point it at my chest|and go ahead. {141588}{141662}Get it out of your system so l|can go home and change my pants. {141664}{141712}Go ahead, shoot. Fire. {141714}{141754}Just shoot it! {141756}{141801}Pull the trigger.|Go ahead, try it. {141803}{141837}Come -- {142738}{142762}James? {142864}{142899}James? {142929}{142981}Let me explain! {142983}{143023}I don't know, uh... {143068}{143115}...what went wrong. {143201}{143262}You seemed like|the perfect recruit. {143289}{143342}I mean, you were smart. {143344}{143405}You were motivated. {143407}{143452}Slayne, some of the others... {143490}{143556}...thought you tried too hard|to please me. {143594}{143675}When you couldn't,|you just snapped. {143677}{143718}You know? {143765}{143823}-I tried to help you, James. {143884}{143932}Got you a job at Langley... {143965}{144011}...after you washed out|of the farm. {144048}{144130}But that wasn't good enough|for you, was it? {144132}{144167}You got bitter. {144169}{144227}You got angry. {144229}{144306}"ClA is just a bunch|of fat, old white guys {144308}{144384}who fell asleep|when we needed them most." {144386}{144459}Remember that?|I got it on tape. {144550}{144634}You see where this whole thing|is going, James? {144636}{144680}Go, go, go! {144742}{144793}You called me. {144795}{144842}You wanted to talk. {144884}{144968}You said you had something|to show me. {145025}{145119}Bragged to me about how you were|gonna screw the company, {145121}{145167}screw us all. {145205}{145292}You even shot at me|in the car -- shot at me. {145349}{145392}And we fought... {145449}{145480}...and you hit me. {145514}{145541}Ooh! {145627}{145676}-Well...|-Shit! {145678}{145742}I got my cover. {145783}{145829}You got yours? {145931}{145966}You killed a man, son. {146009}{146076}Killed by your hand. {146078}{146133}You've got no way out but me. {146135}{146217}You're gonna have to negotiate. {146245}{146319}The lce 9 program isn't real. {146320}{146357}It's a fake! {146400}{146470}Oh, no. It's real. {146472}{146540}Switched it myself. {146542}{146571}Remember? {146573}{146641}Once you're in Langley,|you can do anything. {146642}{146707}It's getting it out|that's a bitch. {146709}{146755}I could delete it right now. {146757}{146791}Erase it all! {146792}{146845}That's how to play|the game, James. {146847}{146912}Your daddy would be proud|of you -- that kind of talk. {146914}{146983}All right, that's enough.|You stop. {146985}{147051}You don't talk about him.|You do not mention his name! {147052}{147081}Oh, sensitive. {147083}{147131}You're a liar, a traitor! {147133}{147186}He was none of those things. {147187}{147258}Well, he wasn't in the ClA.|Maybe that's why. {147301}{147360}I mean, now that|we're letting it all hang out, {147361}{147404}airing our laundry. {147406}{147428}Bullshit. {147430}{147467}No.|He didn't work for us. {147468}{147513}Bullshit. He did.|He worked for the company. {147515}{147577}Yeah. Shell Oil. {147602}{147632}Sorry, kid. {147634}{147676}Dreams die hard. {147677}{147726}So, now what? {147728}{147798}Am I supposed to fall apart?|Is that it? {147800}{147872}Hand you over the computer|with my desire to please, Burke? {147874}{147903}Well, it's an option. {147905}{147973}Well, here's another option --|shoot me. {147974}{147998}Go ahead. {148000}{148094}Oh, now, you sound like|a sore loser to me. {148096}{148161}Don't you appreciate|the complexity of this thing? {148162}{148251}James, come on, man.|I'm working without a net here. {148253}{148300}And I pulled it off, too. {148302}{148345}I'm clean. You're not. {148347}{148432}I don't want to hurt you.|I just want the computer. {148434}{148494}All right,|now, where might that be? {148495}{148556}First, tell me why.|Why me? {148557}{148621}Oh, why? How? When? {148623}{148692}You're like a bunch of baby|birds with your beaks open, {148694}{148726}waiting for me|to vomit out answers. {148727}{148750}Why me?! {148751}{148800}I needed a partner.|You needed a father. {148801}{148857}What is the principal job|of a ClA officer? {148859}{148946}You develop an asset,|you work 'em, then you turn 'em. {148948}{148993}I found you.|I worked you. {148995}{149068}How much? How much did it cost|to buy the great Burke? {149146}{149174}$3 million. {149175}{149212}That's cash.|This is America. {149214}{149264}Now, are you gonna show me|that computer? {149266}{149311}All right? {149313}{149363}Don't make me kill you, son. {149364}{149396}It ain't worth it. {149397}{149464}It's all about the money. {149498}{149545}You think you know me? {149547}{149583}You think you know me,|don't you? {149585}{149624}You don't. {149626}{149691}There was a time... {149757}{149834}There's this parish priest,|goes up to the pope, {149835}{149875}drops down on his knees, {149877}{149971}starts weeping,|asking forgiveness. {149972}{150064}"Holy Father, Holy Father,|what am I to do? {150066}{150100}"What am I to do? {150101}{150168}"l do not believe in God|anymore. {150169}{150204}What am I to do?" {150206}{150276}You know what the pope said? {150278}{150318}"Fake it." {150363}{150516}I couldn't...fake it...|anymore. {150518}{150572}So now I'm gone. {150574}{150609}You get it? {150611}{150707}And so are you if you don't|give me the computer. {150709}{150743}Now. Now! {150744}{150817}All right!|You want your computer? {150819}{150879}It's over there|behind my coat, {150881}{150915}under the stairs. {150916}{150984}It's all yours. Take it. {151065}{151103}Showtime. Went to Langley. {151105}{151156}It's all over.|They've heard it all, Burke. {151451}{151498}MAN: Freeze! {151678}{151720}Hold it there! {151938}{151979}Well... {151981}{152025}will you look at this? {152077}{152165}27 years, I'm finally|in the spotlight, right? {152207}{152248}What do you know? {152282}{152328}What do we do now? {152330}{152420}Come get my gun...|or you just want to hang me? {152422}{152454}Hang the traitor. {152456}{152508}You ready for that, Slayne? {152534}{152569}Oh, I hear you. {152602}{152671}"Why'd you sell us out, Burke?" {152672}{152715}I sold you out. {152716}{152744}No way! {152746}{152785}Jesus Christ. {152787}{152863}27 years neck-deep in shit! {152865}{152907}Sell you out? {152909}{152955}Did I do my job? {152957}{153039}I ask you -- you do your job? {153041}{153091}I hand you the target. {153093}{153134}I tell you who and where. {153135}{153162}What do you do? {153164}{153205}All you got to do is act. {153207}{153233}What do you do? {153235}{153291}Do you do your job? No! {153293}{153328}I'm obsolete! {153353}{153395}I'm irrelevant! {153396}{153461}Me! Shame on you! {153462}{153497}You yanked me home! {153498}{153551}You shoved me out in the woods! {153553}{153624}-Some lvy League prick...|-Jesus Christ. {153625}{153663}who's afraid of having dinner|in D.C... {153665}{153695}The target is Burke. {153697}{153775}...because of street crime|is judging my worth, {153777}{153859}shoving me in the fucking... {154187}{154232}Put it down, Walter. {154311}{154375}They came for you. {154453}{154478}Yeah. {154586}{154656}The line to the ClA|was a fake. {154690}{154725}You never told 'em. {154751}{154777}No. {154779}{154829}You did. {154831}{154883}Nothing is what it seems. {154966}{155032}God damn it, Walter. {155062}{155093}You got me. {155094}{155153}Hand in the cookie jar. {155313}{155370}You got to give me one thing. {155447}{155509}I'm a scary judge of talent. {155591}{155614}Here goes nothing. {155615}{155641}-No. {155643}{155679}-Bye-bye.|-No! {155681}{155705}No! {156420}{156499}All right.|Clayton, you ride with me. {156501}{156566}We're gonna need to|debrief you at Langley. {156645}{156696}James? {156970}{157020}SLAYNE: Let's go, Clayton. {157631}{157679}You all right, Clayton? {157680}{157728}Yeah. {157729}{157793}Forgot to turn|your cellphone off. {157795}{157865}That's how we tracked you --|your cellphone. {157895}{157951}I didn't forget. {157953}{157998}I knew she'd do her job. {158050}{158128}Well, I'll remember to team|you two up together next time. {158130}{158180}Next time? {158232}{158285}You were born to do this, James. {158287}{158329}It's in your blood.