1 00:01:51,822 --> 00:01:53,790 Mr.Dufresne, describe... 2 00:01:53,991 --> 00:01:58,325 ...the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. 3 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:04,661 It was very bitter. 4 00:02:05,002 --> 00:02:09,336 She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around. 5 00:02:10,874 --> 00:02:14,366 And she said that she wanted a divorce in Reno. 6 00:02:14,611 --> 00:02:18,274 - What was your response? - I told her I would not grant one. 7 00:02:18,482 --> 00:02:21,645 "I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno." 8 00:02:21,852 --> 00:02:25,185 Those were your words, according to your neighbors. 9 00:02:26,256 --> 00:02:27,883 If they say so. 10 00:02:28,392 --> 00:02:30,917 I really don't remember. I was upset. 11 00:02:31,194 --> 00:02:33,628 What happened after you argued with your wife? 12 00:02:34,798 --> 00:02:36,561 She packed a bag. 13 00:02:37,734 --> 00:02:40,897 She packed a bag to go and stay with Mr.Quentin. 14 00:02:41,538 --> 00:02:45,634 Glenn Quentin, golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club... 15 00:02:45,842 --> 00:02:48,970 ...whom you had discovered was your wife's lover. 16 00:02:51,281 --> 00:02:52,475 Did you follow her? 17 00:02:53,817 --> 00:02:55,910 I went to a few bars first. 18 00:02:56,119 --> 00:03:00,488 Later, I drove to his house to confront them. They weren't home. 19 00:03:01,058 --> 00:03:02,582 I parked in the turnout... 20 00:03:03,293 --> 00:03:04,282 ...and waited. 21 00:03:04,494 --> 00:03:06,155 With what intention? 22 00:03:06,763 --> 00:03:08,196 I'm not sure. 23 00:03:09,332 --> 00:03:10,799 I was confused... 24 00:03:11,001 --> 00:03:12,059 ...drunk. 25 00:03:13,570 --> 00:03:14,867 I think... 26 00:03:15,072 --> 00:03:17,165 ...mostly I wanted to scare them. 27 00:03:17,407 --> 00:03:20,808 When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them. 28 00:03:21,745 --> 00:03:23,110 I was sobering up. 29 00:03:23,313 --> 00:03:26,976 I got back in the car and I drove home to sleep it off. 30 00:03:27,184 --> 00:03:30,153 Along the way, I threw my gun into the Royal River. 31 00:03:30,353 --> 00:03:32,344 I've been very clear on this point. 32 00:03:32,589 --> 00:03:36,650 I get hazy where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning... 33 00:03:36,860 --> 00:03:39,454 ...and finds your wife in bed with her lover... 34 00:03:39,663 --> 00:03:41,756 ...riddled with .38-caliber bullets. 35 00:03:43,133 --> 00:03:47,331 Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me? 36 00:03:48,238 --> 00:03:49,227 Yes, it does. 37 00:03:49,439 --> 00:03:52,602 Yet you still maintain you threw your gun into the river... 38 00:03:52,809 --> 00:03:54,868 ...before the murders took place. 39 00:03:55,078 --> 00:03:57,308 That's very convenient. 40 00:03:57,514 --> 00:03:59,175 It's the truth. 41 00:03:59,549 --> 00:04:04,111 The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found... 42 00:04:04,321 --> 00:04:08,417 ...so no comparison could be made between your gun and the bullets... 43 00:04:08,625 --> 00:04:12,061 ...taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. 44 00:04:12,729 --> 00:04:15,129 And that also... 45 00:04:15,599 --> 00:04:19,035 ...is very convenient. Isn't it, Mr.Dufresne? 46 00:04:20,370 --> 00:04:22,429 Since I am innocent of this crime... 47 00:04:22,639 --> 00:04:27,269 ...I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found. 48 00:04:45,162 --> 00:04:48,529 Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence. 49 00:04:48,732 --> 00:04:52,566 We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints. 50 00:04:52,769 --> 00:04:55,636 Bullets on the ground bearing his fingerprints. 51 00:04:55,839 --> 00:04:58,808 A broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. 52 00:04:59,009 --> 00:05:00,567 And most of all... 53 00:05:00,777 --> 00:05:03,837 ...we have a beautiful young woman and her lover... 54 00:05:04,047 --> 00:05:06,072 ...lying dead in each other's arms. 55 00:05:07,250 --> 00:05:09,878 They had sinned. 56 00:05:11,087 --> 00:05:13,612 But was their crime so great... 57 00:05:13,890 --> 00:05:16,085 ...as to merit a death sentence? 58 00:05:16,293 --> 00:05:18,591 While you think about that... 59 00:05:20,030 --> 00:05:21,827 ...think about this: 60 00:05:22,699 --> 00:05:26,430 A revolver holds six bullets, not eight. 61 00:05:26,636 --> 00:05:30,333 I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion. 62 00:05:30,540 --> 00:05:33,338 That at least could be understood, if not condoned. 63 00:05:33,543 --> 00:05:34,567 No. 64 00:05:34,778 --> 00:05:35,904 This was revenge... 65 00:05:36,112 --> 00:05:40,549 ...of a much more brutal, cold-blooded nature. Consider this: 66 00:05:40,750 --> 00:05:43,150 Four bullets per victim. 67 00:05:43,887 --> 00:05:45,616 Not six shots fired, but eight. 68 00:05:46,122 --> 00:05:49,717 That means that he fired the gun empty... 69 00:05:49,960 --> 00:05:51,894 ...and then stopped to reload... 70 00:05:52,128 --> 00:05:55,586 ...so that he could shoot each of them again. 71 00:05:55,799 --> 00:05:58,359 An extra bullet per lover... 72 00:05:59,135 --> 00:06:00,898 ...right in the head. 73 00:06:04,407 --> 00:06:09,208 You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr.Dufresne. 74 00:06:09,613 --> 00:06:11,740 It chills my blood just to look at you. 75 00:06:13,683 --> 00:06:16,447 By the power vested in me by the state of Maine... 76 00:06:16,653 --> 00:06:20,919 ...I hereby order you to serve two life sentences back-to-back... 77 00:06:21,291 --> 00:06:23,816 ...one for each of your victims. So be it! 78 00:06:48,952 --> 00:06:50,112 Sit. 79 00:06:54,658 --> 00:06:57,491 We see you've served 20 years of a life sentence? 80 00:06:58,428 --> 00:07:01,625 - Yes, sir. - You feel you've been rehabilitated? 81 00:07:02,032 --> 00:07:04,626 Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir. 82 00:07:05,769 --> 00:07:07,760 I mean, I learned my lesson. 83 00:07:08,838 --> 00:07:12,274 I can honestly say that I'm a changed man. 84 00:07:15,512 --> 00:07:17,878 I'm no longer a danger to society. 85 00:07:18,081 --> 00:07:20,049 That's God's honest truth. 86 00:07:56,353 --> 00:07:57,650 Hey, Red. 87 00:07:57,854 --> 00:07:59,151 How'd it go? 88 00:07:59,356 --> 00:08:01,517 Same old shit, different day. 89 00:08:01,791 --> 00:08:03,656 Yeah, I know how you feel. 90 00:08:03,860 --> 00:08:05,851 I'm up for rejection next week. 91 00:08:06,629 --> 00:08:09,154 Yeah, I got rejected last week. 92 00:08:09,366 --> 00:08:10,663 It happens. 93 00:08:10,867 --> 00:08:12,300 Hey, Red, bump me a deck. 94 00:08:12,502 --> 00:08:15,801 Get out of my face, man! You're into me for five packs already. 95 00:08:16,039 --> 00:08:17,006 Four! 96 00:08:18,141 --> 00:08:21,577 There must be a con like me in every prison in America. 97 00:08:21,778 --> 00:08:23,575 I'm the guy who can get it for you. 98 00:08:23,780 --> 00:08:26,874 Cigarettes, a bag of reefer, if that's your thing... 99 00:08:27,083 --> 00:08:30,519 ...bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high school graduation. 100 00:08:30,720 --> 00:08:32,847 Damn near anything within reason. 101 00:08:33,056 --> 00:08:36,787 Yes, sir! I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck. 102 00:08:39,729 --> 00:08:42,664 So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949... 103 00:08:42,866 --> 00:08:46,427 ...and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him... 104 00:08:46,636 --> 00:08:48,900 ...I told him, "No problem." 105 00:09:30,780 --> 00:09:32,941 Andy came to Shawshank Prison... 106 00:09:33,183 --> 00:09:37,051 ...in early 1947 for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging. 107 00:09:37,387 --> 00:09:41,448 On the outside, he'd been vice president of a large Portland bank. 108 00:09:41,891 --> 00:09:43,688 Good work for a man so young. 109 00:10:26,936 --> 00:10:28,699 You speak English, butt-steak? 110 00:10:28,905 --> 00:10:30,770 You follow this officer. 111 00:10:43,520 --> 00:10:47,786 I never seen such a sorry-looking heap of maggot shit in all my life. 112 00:10:48,024 --> 00:10:50,618 Hey, fish! Come over here! 113 00:11:13,883 --> 00:11:15,282 Taking bets today, Red? 114 00:11:15,652 --> 00:11:17,347 Smokes or coin? Bettor's choice. 115 00:11:17,554 --> 00:11:19,249 Smokes. Put me down for two. 116 00:11:19,789 --> 00:11:21,347 All right, who's your horse? 117 00:11:21,558 --> 00:11:23,321 That little sack of shit. 118 00:11:24,928 --> 00:11:28,193 - Eighth. He'll be first. - Bullshit! I'll take that action. 119 00:11:28,398 --> 00:11:30,593 You're out some smokes, son. 120 00:11:30,800 --> 00:11:32,563 If you're so smart, you call it. 121 00:11:32,802 --> 00:11:35,862 I'll take that chubby fat-ass there. 122 00:11:36,072 --> 00:11:38,666 The fifth one. Put me down for a quarter deck. 123 00:11:41,878 --> 00:11:43,573 Fresh fish today! 124 00:11:44,347 --> 00:11:45,814 We're reeling them in! 125 00:11:46,482 --> 00:11:50,145 I admit I didn't think much of Andy first time I laid eyes on him. 126 00:11:50,687 --> 00:11:53,588 Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. 127 00:11:53,923 --> 00:11:56,050 That was my first impression of the man. 128 00:11:56,259 --> 00:11:57,692 What do you say? 129 00:11:57,894 --> 00:12:01,193 That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass. 130 00:12:01,397 --> 00:12:03,524 That guy? Never happen. 131 00:12:03,733 --> 00:12:05,997 - 10 cigarettes. - That's a rich bet. 132 00:12:06,202 --> 00:12:08,261 Who's going to prove me wrong? 133 00:12:08,471 --> 00:12:10,268 Heywood? Jigger? 134 00:12:10,573 --> 00:12:11,870 Skeets? 135 00:12:12,075 --> 00:12:13,406 Floyd! 136 00:12:14,344 --> 00:12:16,403 Four brave souls. 137 00:12:16,613 --> 00:12:19,377 Return to your cellblocks for evening count. 138 00:12:19,582 --> 00:12:22,881 All prisoners, return to your cellblocks. 139 00:12:43,273 --> 00:12:44,399 Turn to the right! 140 00:12:44,607 --> 00:12:45,904 Eyes front. 141 00:12:58,988 --> 00:13:01,582 This is Mr.Hadley. He's captain of the guards. 142 00:13:01,791 --> 00:13:03,884 I'm Mr.Norton, the warden. 143 00:13:04,093 --> 00:13:06,288 You are convicted felons. 144 00:13:06,596 --> 00:13:08,587 That's why they've sent you to me. 145 00:13:09,165 --> 00:13:10,564 Rule number one: 146 00:13:10,767 --> 00:13:12,257 No blasphemy. 147 00:13:12,769 --> 00:13:16,205 I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison. 148 00:13:16,406 --> 00:13:17,600 The other rules... 149 00:13:17,807 --> 00:13:21,106 ...you'll figure out as you go along. Any questions? 150 00:13:21,477 --> 00:13:22,535 When do we eat? 151 00:13:31,220 --> 00:13:33,245 You eat when we say you eat. 152 00:13:33,456 --> 00:13:36,721 You shit when we say you shit, and piss when we say you piss. 153 00:13:36,926 --> 00:13:39,759 You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker? 154 00:13:41,631 --> 00:13:42,996 On your feet. 155 00:13:43,199 --> 00:13:44,962 I believe in two things: 156 00:13:45,168 --> 00:13:47,636 Discipline and the Bible. 157 00:13:48,137 --> 00:13:50,196 Here, you'll receive both. 158 00:13:50,973 --> 00:13:53,134 Put your trust in the Lord. 159 00:13:53,710 --> 00:13:55,974 Your ass belongs to me. 160 00:13:57,814 --> 00:13:59,714 Welcome to Shawshank. 161 00:14:04,887 --> 00:14:06,252 Unhook them. 162 00:14:11,661 --> 00:14:13,060 Turn around. 163 00:14:19,902 --> 00:14:21,335 That's enough. 164 00:14:22,238 --> 00:14:24,229 Move to the end of the cage. 165 00:14:25,241 --> 00:14:27,766 Turn around. Delouse him. 166 00:14:29,912 --> 00:14:31,174 Turn around. 167 00:14:34,016 --> 00:14:36,712 Move out of the cage. Pick up your clothes and Bible. 168 00:14:36,919 --> 00:14:38,250 Next man up! 169 00:14:40,556 --> 00:14:41,989 To the right. 170 00:14:42,191 --> 00:14:43,249 Right. Right. 171 00:14:43,826 --> 00:14:45,054 Left. 172 00:14:45,461 --> 00:14:49,261 The first night's the toughest. No doubt about it. 173 00:14:49,699 --> 00:14:52,827 They march you in naked as the day you were born... 174 00:14:53,035 --> 00:14:56,835 ...skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit. 175 00:14:57,507 --> 00:14:59,907 And when they put you in that cell... 176 00:15:00,109 --> 00:15:02,441 ...and those bars slam home... 177 00:15:02,912 --> 00:15:05,107 ...that's when you know it's for real. 178 00:15:05,748 --> 00:15:08,717 Old life blown away in the blink of an eye. 179 00:15:09,218 --> 00:15:13,314 Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it. 180 00:15:14,390 --> 00:15:17,791 Most new fish come close to madness the first night. 181 00:15:18,127 --> 00:15:21,062 Somebody always breaks down crying. 182 00:15:21,564 --> 00:15:23,225 Happens every time. 183 00:15:24,133 --> 00:15:25,930 The only question is... 184 00:15:26,135 --> 00:15:27,898 ...who's it going to be? 185 00:15:29,305 --> 00:15:32,240 It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. 186 00:15:33,309 --> 00:15:35,971 I had my money on Andy Dufresne. 187 00:15:44,987 --> 00:15:46,648 Lights out! 188 00:16:07,176 --> 00:16:09,508 I remember my first night. 189 00:16:10,346 --> 00:16:13,281 Seems like a long time ago. 190 00:16:16,519 --> 00:16:18,111 Hey, fish. 191 00:16:19,121 --> 00:16:20,952 Fish, fish. 192 00:16:22,525 --> 00:16:24,288 What are you, scared of the dark? 193 00:16:26,629 --> 00:16:29,325 Bet you wish your daddy never dicked your mama! 194 00:16:29,532 --> 00:16:32,968 Piggy! Pork! I want me a pork chop. 195 00:16:41,310 --> 00:16:44,541 The boys always go fishing with first-timers. 196 00:16:44,881 --> 00:16:47,816 And they don't quit till they reel someone in. 197 00:16:49,218 --> 00:16:50,810 Hey, Fat Ass. 198 00:16:52,321 --> 00:16:53,652 Fat Ass! 199 00:16:54,824 --> 00:16:56,553 Talk to me, boy. 200 00:16:57,560 --> 00:16:59,960 I know you're there. I can hear you breathing. 201 00:17:00,162 --> 00:17:03,131 Don't you listen to these nitwits, you hear me? 202 00:17:03,332 --> 00:17:05,232 This place ain't so bad. 203 00:17:05,668 --> 00:17:06,896 Tell you what... 204 00:17:08,170 --> 00:17:11,264 ...I'll introduce you around, make you feel right at home. 205 00:17:11,841 --> 00:17:14,833 I know a couple of big old bull queers that'd just... 206 00:17:15,077 --> 00:17:17,011 ...love to make your acquaintance. 207 00:17:17,213 --> 00:17:20,705 Especially that big, white, mushy butt of yours. 208 00:17:20,917 --> 00:17:22,009 God! 209 00:17:22,685 --> 00:17:24,084 I don't belong here! 210 00:17:24,287 --> 00:17:27,120 - We have a winner! - I want to go home! 211 00:17:27,390 --> 00:17:30,052 And it's Fat Ass by a nose! 212 00:17:32,862 --> 00:17:34,591 Fresh fish! 213 00:17:40,703 --> 00:17:42,534 I want to go home! 214 00:17:43,506 --> 00:17:44,734 I want my mother! 215 00:17:45,007 --> 00:17:47,168 I had your mother! She wasn't that great! 216 00:17:51,547 --> 00:17:53,538 What the Christ is this horseshit? 217 00:17:53,749 --> 00:17:55,842 He blasphemed. I'll tell the warden. 218 00:17:56,052 --> 00:17:58,452 You'll tell him with my baton up your ass! 219 00:17:58,654 --> 00:17:59,484 Let me out! 220 00:17:59,689 --> 00:18:03,090 What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk? 221 00:18:03,292 --> 00:18:06,284 Please! I ain't supposed to be here. 222 00:18:06,796 --> 00:18:07,854 Not me! 223 00:18:08,064 --> 00:18:10,396 I won't count to three. Not even to one. 224 00:18:10,600 --> 00:18:12,659 You shut up, or I'll sing you a lullaby! 225 00:18:13,135 --> 00:18:15,865 Shut up, man. Shut up! 226 00:18:16,606 --> 00:18:19,268 You don't understand. I'm not supposed to be here. 227 00:18:19,475 --> 00:18:20,772 Open that cell. 228 00:18:20,977 --> 00:18:24,242 Me neither! They run this place like a fucking prison! 229 00:18:32,088 --> 00:18:33,749 Son of a bitch! 230 00:18:38,661 --> 00:18:40,993 Captain, take it easy! 231 00:19:03,386 --> 00:19:06,651 If I hear so much as a mouse fart in here tonight... 232 00:19:06,856 --> 00:19:10,292 ...I swear by God and Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary. 233 00:19:10,793 --> 00:19:13,125 Every last motherfucker in here. 234 00:19:16,532 --> 00:19:20,195 Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary. 235 00:19:34,550 --> 00:19:39,180 His first night in the joint, Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. 236 00:19:39,388 --> 00:19:42,380 He never made a sound. 237 00:19:57,740 --> 00:20:00,072 Tier 3 north, clear count! 238 00:20:00,976 --> 00:20:02,807 Tier 2 north, clear count. 239 00:20:03,312 --> 00:20:05,678 Tier 3 south, clear. 240 00:20:10,519 --> 00:20:12,077 Prepare to roll out. 241 00:20:15,691 --> 00:20:17,181 Roll out! 242 00:21:11,113 --> 00:21:13,274 Are you going to eat that? 243 00:21:13,916 --> 00:21:16,214 I hadn't planned on it. 244 00:21:17,286 --> 00:21:18,514 Do you mind? 245 00:21:27,096 --> 00:21:28,495 That's nice and ripe. 246 00:21:40,242 --> 00:21:42,301 Jake says thank you. 247 00:21:42,812 --> 00:21:45,975 Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop. 248 00:21:47,416 --> 00:21:50,783 I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly. 249 00:21:52,254 --> 00:21:53,721 Oh, no! Here he comes. 250 00:21:57,059 --> 00:21:58,492 Morning, fellas. 251 00:21:58,727 --> 00:22:00,661 Fine morning, isn't it? 252 00:22:00,996 --> 00:22:03,226 You know why it's a fine morning, don't you? 253 00:22:03,499 --> 00:22:05,729 Send them down. I want them lined up... 254 00:22:06,001 --> 00:22:08,561 ...just like a pretty little chorus line. 255 00:22:09,672 --> 00:22:10,866 Look at that. 256 00:22:11,407 --> 00:22:14,570 - I can't stand this guy. - Oh, Lord! 257 00:22:15,244 --> 00:22:17,712 Yes! Richmond, Virginia. 258 00:22:17,913 --> 00:22:19,278 Smell my ass! 259 00:22:19,481 --> 00:22:21,472 After he smells mine. 260 00:22:21,917 --> 00:22:25,614 That's a shame about your horse coming in last and all. 261 00:22:25,821 --> 00:22:28,654 But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though. 262 00:22:28,858 --> 00:22:31,383 I owe that boy a big kiss when I see him. 263 00:22:32,027 --> 00:22:36,259 Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes instead? Lucky fuck! 264 00:22:36,532 --> 00:22:38,090 Hey, Tyrell. 265 00:22:38,434 --> 00:22:40,425 You pull infirmary duty this week? 266 00:22:41,370 --> 00:22:42,962 How's my horse doing anyway? 267 00:22:43,372 --> 00:22:44,498 Dead. 268 00:22:45,341 --> 00:22:47,536 Hadley busted his head up pretty good. 269 00:22:47,743 --> 00:22:49,938 Doc had gone home for the night. 270 00:22:50,446 --> 00:22:52,710 Poor bastard lay there till this morning. 271 00:22:52,915 --> 00:22:55,383 By then, there wasn't nothing we could do. 272 00:23:01,690 --> 00:23:02,987 What was his name? 273 00:23:06,362 --> 00:23:07,624 What'd you say? 274 00:23:09,531 --> 00:23:11,931 I was just wondering if anyone knew his name. 275 00:23:12,601 --> 00:23:15,365 What the fuck do you care, new fish? 276 00:23:16,372 --> 00:23:19,500 Doesn't fucking matter what his name was. He's dead. 277 00:23:41,563 --> 00:23:43,554 Anybody come at you yet? 278 00:23:45,701 --> 00:23:47,532 Anybody get to you yet? 279 00:23:49,204 --> 00:23:51,729 Hey, we all need friends in here. 280 00:23:52,041 --> 00:23:53,702 I could be a friend to you. 281 00:24:02,918 --> 00:24:04,317 Hard to get. 282 00:24:06,422 --> 00:24:07,912 I like that. 283 00:24:14,863 --> 00:24:18,094 Andy kept pretty much to himself at first. 284 00:24:18,434 --> 00:24:20,402 I guess he had a lot on his mind... 285 00:24:20,836 --> 00:24:23,669 ...trying to adapt to life on the inside. 286 00:24:24,406 --> 00:24:27,603 Wasn't until a month went by before he opened his mouth... 287 00:24:27,810 --> 00:24:30,176 ...to say more than two words to somebody. 288 00:24:31,380 --> 00:24:32,938 As it turned out... 289 00:24:33,415 --> 00:24:35,280 ...that somebody was me. 290 00:24:44,059 --> 00:24:45,822 I'm Andy Dufresne. 291 00:24:47,062 --> 00:24:48,791 Wife-killing banker. 292 00:24:51,033 --> 00:24:52,364 Why'd you do it? 293 00:24:52,801 --> 00:24:54,860 I didn't, since you ask. 294 00:24:55,471 --> 00:24:57,302 You're going to fit right in. 295 00:24:57,539 --> 00:25:00,201 Everybody in here's innocent. Didn't you know that? 296 00:25:00,843 --> 00:25:04,040 - What you in here for? - Didn't do it. Lawyer fucked me. 297 00:25:07,082 --> 00:25:09,642 Rumor has it you're a real cold fish. 298 00:25:09,852 --> 00:25:13,447 You think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right? 299 00:25:13,655 --> 00:25:15,122 What do you think? 300 00:25:15,491 --> 00:25:18,551 To tell you the truth, I haven't made up my mind. 301 00:25:19,695 --> 00:25:22,493 I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. 302 00:25:23,465 --> 00:25:26,764 I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. 303 00:25:26,969 --> 00:25:29,529 I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer. 304 00:25:30,239 --> 00:25:31,536 A rock hammer. 305 00:25:31,907 --> 00:25:34,569 - What is it and why? - What do you care? 306 00:25:35,944 --> 00:25:38,640 For a toothbrush, I wouldn't ask. I'd quote a price. 307 00:25:38,847 --> 00:25:41,281 But a toothbrush is a non-lethal object, isn't it? 308 00:25:42,851 --> 00:25:44,250 Fair enough. 309 00:25:44,686 --> 00:25:47,314 A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long. 310 00:25:47,523 --> 00:25:49,855 - Looks like a miniature pickax. - Pickax? 311 00:25:50,059 --> 00:25:51,253 For rocks. 312 00:25:53,862 --> 00:25:55,090 Quartz? 313 00:25:59,034 --> 00:26:02,492 And some mica, shale... 314 00:26:03,739 --> 00:26:05,001 ...limestone. 315 00:26:05,240 --> 00:26:06,366 So? 316 00:26:07,309 --> 00:26:09,140 So I'm a rock hound. 317 00:26:09,578 --> 00:26:12,672 At least I was in my old life. I'd like to be again. 318 00:26:12,948 --> 00:26:16,076 Or maybe you'd like to sink your toy into somebody's skull. 319 00:26:17,553 --> 00:26:19,111 No, I have no enemies here. 320 00:26:19,321 --> 00:26:21,619 No? Wait a while. 321 00:26:23,258 --> 00:26:24,850 Word gets around. 322 00:26:25,527 --> 00:26:28,018 The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you. 323 00:26:29,398 --> 00:26:31,195 Especially Bogs. 324 00:26:32,201 --> 00:26:35,637 Don't suppose it would help if I told them I'm not homosexual. 325 00:26:35,838 --> 00:26:37,271 Neither are they. 326 00:26:37,473 --> 00:26:40,931 You have to be human first. They don't qualify. 327 00:26:45,447 --> 00:26:49,850 Bull queers take by force. That's all they want or understand. 328 00:26:50,052 --> 00:26:53,579 If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head. 329 00:26:53,789 --> 00:26:56,553 - Thanks for the advice. - Well, that's free. 330 00:26:56,892 --> 00:26:58,860 You understand my concern. 331 00:26:59,061 --> 00:27:01,655 If there's trouble, I won't use the rock hammer. 332 00:27:02,564 --> 00:27:06,625 Then I'd guess you want to escape. Tunnel under the wall, maybe. 333 00:27:07,503 --> 00:27:09,198 What did I miss? What's so funny? 334 00:27:09,605 --> 00:27:12,301 You'll understand when you see the rock hammer. 335 00:27:14,143 --> 00:27:16,373 What's an item like this usually go for? 336 00:27:16,578 --> 00:27:19,069 Seven dollars in any rock-and-gem shop. 337 00:27:19,581 --> 00:27:22,049 My normal mark-up’s 20 percent. 338 00:27:22,251 --> 00:27:24,617 But this is a specialty item. 339 00:27:24,820 --> 00:27:29,280 Risk goes up, price goes up. Let's make it an even 10 bucks. 340 00:27:29,491 --> 00:27:30,822 Ten it is. 341 00:27:32,561 --> 00:27:34,586 Waste of money, if you ask me. 342 00:27:34,863 --> 00:27:36,160 Why's that? 343 00:27:37,566 --> 00:27:40,592 Folks around this joint love surprise inspections. 344 00:27:42,204 --> 00:27:44,172 They find it, you're going to lose it. 345 00:27:44,373 --> 00:27:46,466 If they catch you, you don't know me. 346 00:27:46,675 --> 00:27:48,905 Mention my name, we never do business again. 347 00:27:49,411 --> 00:27:52,505 Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum. Now you got that? 348 00:27:53,348 --> 00:27:54,906 I understand. 349 00:27:56,118 --> 00:27:58,211 Thank you, Mr.... 350 00:27:58,420 --> 00:27:59,444 Red. 351 00:28:00,189 --> 00:28:01,486 Name's Red. 352 00:28:02,925 --> 00:28:04,552 Why do they call you that? 353 00:28:08,330 --> 00:28:10,321 Maybe it's because I'm Irish. 354 00:28:18,507 --> 00:28:21,374 I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. 355 00:28:22,244 --> 00:28:24,678 He had a quiet way about him... 356 00:28:25,013 --> 00:28:29,177 ...a walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here. 357 00:28:29,518 --> 00:28:30,985 He strolled... 358 00:28:31,186 --> 00:28:35,384 ...like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world. 359 00:28:35,591 --> 00:28:40,255 Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place. 360 00:28:42,197 --> 00:28:44,427 I think it'd be fair to say... 361 00:28:44,700 --> 00:28:46,930 ...I liked Andy from the start. 362 00:28:48,470 --> 00:28:52,270 Let's go! Some of us got a schedule to keep. 363 00:28:55,611 --> 00:28:58,102 Move it! Come on, move it! 364 00:29:00,716 --> 00:29:03,651 How you doing? How's the wife treating you? 365 00:29:41,790 --> 00:29:43,257 Andy was right. 366 00:29:43,492 --> 00:29:45,722 I finally got the joke. 367 00:29:46,028 --> 00:29:48,428 It would take a man about 600 years... 368 00:29:48,630 --> 00:29:51,098 ...to tunnel under the wall with one of these. 369 00:29:54,870 --> 00:29:57,304 - Book? - Not today. 370 00:30:03,345 --> 00:30:04,334 Book? 371 00:30:11,687 --> 00:30:13,848 Delivery for Dufresne. 372 00:30:31,540 --> 00:30:33,132 Here's your book. 373 00:30:38,146 --> 00:30:39,374 Thanks. 374 00:30:45,654 --> 00:30:49,351 We're running low on hexite. Get on back and fetch us up some. 375 00:31:26,661 --> 00:31:28,219 This will blind you. 376 00:31:28,597 --> 00:31:30,997 Honey, hush. 377 00:31:43,545 --> 00:31:45,513 That's it. You fight! 378 00:31:45,714 --> 00:31:47,181 Better that way. 379 00:31:55,424 --> 00:31:58,518 I wish I could tell you Andy fought the good fight... 380 00:31:58,727 --> 00:32:00,718 ...and the Sisters let him be. 381 00:32:01,296 --> 00:32:03,127 I wish I could tell you that... 382 00:32:03,331 --> 00:32:06,300 ...but prison is no fairy-tale world. 383 00:32:07,436 --> 00:32:09,404 He never said who did it. 384 00:32:09,638 --> 00:32:11,230 But we all knew. 385 00:32:16,077 --> 00:32:18,568 Things went on like that for a while. 386 00:32:18,980 --> 00:32:21,471 Prison life consists of routine... 387 00:32:21,750 --> 00:32:23,718 ...and then more routine. 388 00:32:26,221 --> 00:32:29,748 Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. 389 00:32:31,226 --> 00:32:33,057 The Sisters kept at him. 390 00:32:33,295 --> 00:32:35,354 Sometimes he was able to fight them off. 391 00:32:35,564 --> 00:32:37,054 Sometimes not. 392 00:32:38,233 --> 00:32:40,394 And that's how it went for Andy. 393 00:32:40,969 --> 00:32:42,732 That was his routine. 394 00:32:43,572 --> 00:32:47,008 I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. 395 00:32:47,509 --> 00:32:50,876 And I also believe that if things had gone on that way... 396 00:32:51,213 --> 00:32:53,647 ...this place would have got the best of him. 397 00:32:54,416 --> 00:32:57,214 But then, in the spring of 1949... 398 00:32:57,419 --> 00:32:59,319 ...the powers that be decided: 399 00:32:59,521 --> 00:33:02,854 The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing. 400 00:33:03,058 --> 00:33:06,255 I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work. 401 00:33:06,962 --> 00:33:08,429 As you know... 402 00:33:09,164 --> 00:33:12,725 ...special detail carries with it special privileges. 403 00:33:12,934 --> 00:33:15,334 It was outdoor detail... 404 00:33:15,737 --> 00:33:20,003 ...and May is one damned fine month to be working outdoors. 405 00:33:20,242 --> 00:33:21,573 Stay in line there. 406 00:33:21,776 --> 00:33:24,939 More than a hundred men volunteered for the job. 407 00:33:29,217 --> 00:33:32,209 Wallace E. Unger. 408 00:33:32,721 --> 00:33:35,087 Ellis Redding. 409 00:33:35,290 --> 00:33:36,848 Wouldn't you know it? 410 00:33:37,292 --> 00:33:40,591 Me and some fellows I know were among the names called. 411 00:33:40,795 --> 00:33:42,786 Andrew Dufresne. 412 00:33:43,198 --> 00:33:46,133 It only cost us a pack of smokes per man. 413 00:33:46,635 --> 00:33:49,103 I made my usual 20 percent, of course. 414 00:33:49,304 --> 00:33:52,762 So this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas. 415 00:33:52,974 --> 00:33:54,532 I say, "Yeah?" 416 00:33:54,809 --> 00:33:58,438 He says, "Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died." 417 00:33:58,647 --> 00:34:02,549 - I'm sorry to hear that. - I'm not. He was an asshole. 418 00:34:02,751 --> 00:34:04,946 Ran off years ago. Figured him for dead. 419 00:34:05,153 --> 00:34:07,451 So this lawyer fellow says to me: 420 00:34:07,656 --> 00:34:11,786 "He died a rich man." Oil wells and shit. Close to a million bucks. 421 00:34:12,460 --> 00:34:14,325 A million bucks? 422 00:34:14,629 --> 00:34:19,123 - Incredible how lucky some assholes get. - You going to see any of that? 423 00:34:19,734 --> 00:34:22,498 Thirty-five thousand. That's what he left me. 424 00:34:22,704 --> 00:34:23,898 Dollars? 425 00:34:24,639 --> 00:34:27,631 That's great! That's like winning the sweepstakes. 426 00:34:27,976 --> 00:34:29,068 Isn't it? 427 00:34:29,277 --> 00:34:32,246 Dumb shit, what do you think the government will do to me? 428 00:34:32,447 --> 00:34:34,813 Take a big wet bite out of my ass is what. 429 00:34:35,584 --> 00:34:36,915 Poor Byron. 430 00:34:37,819 --> 00:34:40,982 Terrible fucking luck, huh? Crying shame. 431 00:34:41,189 --> 00:34:43,453 Some people really got it awful. 432 00:34:43,725 --> 00:34:45,090 Andy, are you nuts? 433 00:34:45,293 --> 00:34:47,193 Keep your eyes on your mop, man! 434 00:34:47,395 --> 00:34:50,364 You'll pay some tax, but you'll still end up-- 435 00:34:50,565 --> 00:34:53,363 Yeah, maybe enough to buy a new car, and then what? 436 00:34:53,568 --> 00:34:55,729 I got to pay tax on the car. Repair... 437 00:34:55,971 --> 00:34:59,702 ...maintenance, kids pestering you to take them for a ride all the time. 438 00:34:59,941 --> 00:35:03,604 Then if you figure your tax wrong, you pay out of your own pocket. 439 00:35:03,812 --> 00:35:05,939 I tell you! Uncle Sam! 440 00:35:06,181 --> 00:35:10,174 He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple. 441 00:35:12,821 --> 00:35:14,982 - Getting himself killed. - Keep tarring. 442 00:35:15,223 --> 00:35:17,748 Some brother. Shit! 443 00:35:22,697 --> 00:35:24,096 Mr.Hadley... 444 00:35:24,966 --> 00:35:26,331 ...do you trust your wife? 445 00:35:27,969 --> 00:35:29,436 Oh, that's funny. 446 00:35:29,971 --> 00:35:32,565 You'll look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth. 447 00:35:32,807 --> 00:35:36,140 What I mean is, do you think she'd go behind your back? 448 00:35:37,278 --> 00:35:40,645 Step aside, Mert. This fucker's having himself an accident. 449 00:35:40,882 --> 00:35:41,906 He'll push him off! 450 00:35:42,150 --> 00:35:43,981 If you trust her, you can keep... 451 00:35:44,219 --> 00:35:45,618 ...that 35,000. 452 00:35:46,354 --> 00:35:48,845 - What did you say? - Thirty-five thousand. 453 00:35:49,691 --> 00:35:50,715 All of it. 454 00:35:50,925 --> 00:35:53,985 - Every penny. - You better start making sense. 455 00:35:54,195 --> 00:35:56,527 If you want to keep it, give it to your wife. 456 00:35:56,731 --> 00:36:00,633 The IRS allows a one-time-only gift to your spouse for up to $ 60,000. 457 00:36:00,835 --> 00:36:03,201 - Bullshit. Tax-free? - Tax-free. 458 00:36:03,405 --> 00:36:05,373 IRS can't touch one cent. 459 00:36:05,774 --> 00:36:08,242 You're that smart banker that killed his wife. 460 00:36:08,476 --> 00:36:11,843 Why should I believe you? So I can end up in here with you? 461 00:36:12,047 --> 00:36:14,880 It's legal. Ask the IRS. They'll say the same thing. 462 00:36:15,083 --> 00:36:19,144 I feel stupid telling you this. I'm sure you would have investigated. 463 00:36:19,354 --> 00:36:23,017 I don't need you to tell me where the bear shit in the buckwheat. 464 00:36:23,224 --> 00:36:26,625 Of course not. But you do need someone to set it up for you. 465 00:36:26,828 --> 00:36:28,386 That'll cost you. A lawyer. 466 00:36:28,596 --> 00:36:30,860 A bunch of ball-washing bastards! 467 00:36:31,332 --> 00:36:34,790 I suppose I could set it up for you. That would save you some money. 468 00:36:35,003 --> 00:36:37,062 You get the forms, I'll prepare them... 469 00:36:37,305 --> 00:36:39,034 ...nearly free of charge. 470 00:36:40,275 --> 00:36:43,574 I'd only ask three beers apiece for each of my coworkers. 471 00:36:44,546 --> 00:36:46,070 "Coworkers." That's rich! 472 00:36:46,915 --> 00:36:49,440 A man working outdoors feels more like a man... 473 00:36:49,651 --> 00:36:53,109 ...if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion... 474 00:36:53,555 --> 00:36:54,544 ...sir. 475 00:36:58,493 --> 00:37:00,427 What are you jimmies staring at? 476 00:37:00,628 --> 00:37:02,220 Let's go! Work! 477 00:37:11,740 --> 00:37:13,674 And that's how it came to pass... 478 00:37:13,875 --> 00:37:16,537 ...that on the second-to-last day of the job... 479 00:37:16,745 --> 00:37:21,307 ...the convict crew that tarred the factory roof in the spring of '49... 480 00:37:21,516 --> 00:37:24,644 ...wound up sitting in a row at 10:00 in the morning... 481 00:37:24,853 --> 00:37:30,314 ...drinking icy-cold beer, courtesy of the hardest screw... 482 00:37:30,525 --> 00:37:33,790 ...that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison. 483 00:37:33,995 --> 00:37:36,429 Drink up while it's cold, ladies. 484 00:37:37,532 --> 00:37:42,094 The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous. 485 00:37:43,238 --> 00:37:47,698 We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men. 486 00:37:48,076 --> 00:37:51,512 We could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. 487 00:37:51,713 --> 00:37:54,546 We were the lords of all creation. 488 00:37:55,116 --> 00:37:56,708 As for Andy... 489 00:37:56,951 --> 00:37:59,579 ...he spent that break hunkered in the shade... 490 00:37:59,788 --> 00:38:02,279 ...a strange little smile on his face... 491 00:38:02,524 --> 00:38:04,719 ...watching us drink his beer. 492 00:38:12,834 --> 00:38:14,199 Want a cold one? 493 00:38:14,869 --> 00:38:17,804 No, thanks. I gave up drinking. 494 00:38:21,776 --> 00:38:24,836 You could argue he done it to curry favor with the guards. 495 00:38:25,547 --> 00:38:29,347 Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. 496 00:38:30,084 --> 00:38:31,142 Me? 497 00:38:31,352 --> 00:38:34,150 I think he did it just to feel normal again... 498 00:38:34,589 --> 00:38:36,819 ...if only for a short while. 499 00:38:39,460 --> 00:38:40,552 King me. 500 00:38:42,430 --> 00:38:45,058 - Chess. Now there's a game of kings. - What? 501 00:38:45,266 --> 00:38:46,995 Civilized. Strategic. 502 00:38:47,669 --> 00:38:50,661 And a total fucking mystery. I hate it. 503 00:38:50,939 --> 00:38:52,702 Let me teach you someday. 504 00:38:54,275 --> 00:38:55,242 Sure. 505 00:38:55,710 --> 00:38:57,439 We could get a board together. 506 00:38:57,679 --> 00:39:00,739 You're talking to the right man. I can get things, right? 507 00:39:00,949 --> 00:39:04,942 We might do business on a board, and I'll carve the pieces myself. 508 00:39:05,153 --> 00:39:08,452 One side in alabaster, one in soapstone. What do you think? 509 00:39:09,057 --> 00:39:10,456 I think it'll take years. 510 00:39:10,658 --> 00:39:13,183 Years I got. What I don't have are the rocks. 511 00:39:13,394 --> 00:39:15,362 Pickings are pretty slim in the yard. 512 00:39:15,563 --> 00:39:17,394 Pebbles, mostly. 513 00:39:21,736 --> 00:39:24,534 We're getting to be kind of friends, aren't we? 514 00:39:25,406 --> 00:39:26,964 Yeah, I guess. 515 00:39:27,609 --> 00:39:29,133 Can I ask you something? 516 00:39:30,612 --> 00:39:32,045 Why'd you do it? 517 00:39:33,281 --> 00:39:34,839 I'm innocent, Red. 518 00:39:35,049 --> 00:39:37,074 Just like everybody else here. 519 00:39:41,422 --> 00:39:42,980 What are you in for? 520 00:39:45,693 --> 00:39:47,854 Murder. Same as you. 521 00:39:48,062 --> 00:39:49,222 Innocent? 522 00:39:51,933 --> 00:39:54,333 Only guilty man in Shawshank. 523 00:40:53,661 --> 00:40:55,151 Where's the canary? 524 00:40:55,363 --> 00:40:56,660 How did you know? 525 00:40:56,864 --> 00:40:59,162 - How did I know what? - So you don't know. 526 00:40:59,367 --> 00:41:00,527 Come. 527 00:41:03,037 --> 00:41:05,130 This is where the canary is. 528 00:41:07,809 --> 00:41:11,142 Quite a surprise to hear a woman singing in my house, eh? 529 00:41:14,649 --> 00:41:16,048 That's quite a... 530 00:41:16,985 --> 00:41:18,646 ...surprise. 531 00:41:22,957 --> 00:41:24,356 Wait, wait. 532 00:41:24,892 --> 00:41:26,382 Here she comes. 533 00:41:26,661 --> 00:41:29,528 I like this part when she does that shit with her hair. 534 00:41:29,731 --> 00:41:32,461 I know. I've seen it three times this month. 535 00:41:32,667 --> 00:41:34,567 Gilda, are you decent? 536 00:41:35,570 --> 00:41:36,696 Me? 537 00:41:39,407 --> 00:41:41,170 God, I love it. 538 00:41:46,347 --> 00:41:49,339 I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. 539 00:41:50,351 --> 00:41:54,082 I'm known to locate certain things from time to time. What do you want? 540 00:41:54,288 --> 00:41:56,415 - Rita Hayworth. - What? 541 00:41:56,991 --> 00:41:58,356 Can you get her? 542 00:41:59,761 --> 00:42:03,128 So this is Johnny Farrel. I've heard a lot about you. 543 00:42:04,365 --> 00:42:06,663 - Take a few weeks. - Weeks? 544 00:42:06,868 --> 00:42:11,271 I don't have her stuffed down the front of my pants right now, sorry to say. 545 00:42:11,839 --> 00:42:13,170 But I'll get her. 546 00:42:13,374 --> 00:42:14,705 Relax. 547 00:42:16,577 --> 00:42:17,874 Thanks. 548 00:42:38,466 --> 00:42:40,229 - Get out! - I got to change reels! 549 00:42:40,468 --> 00:42:42,459 I said fuck off! 550 00:42:48,609 --> 00:42:49,974 Ain't you going to scream? 551 00:42:51,312 --> 00:42:53,177 Let's get this over with. 552 00:42:58,286 --> 00:43:00,277 He broke my fucking nose! 553 00:43:09,597 --> 00:43:10,825 Now... 554 00:43:11,299 --> 00:43:13,460 ...I'm going to open my fly... 555 00:43:13,734 --> 00:43:16,498 ...and you'll swallow what I give you to swallow. 556 00:43:17,638 --> 00:43:20,232 Then you'll swallow Rooster's. You broke his nose. 557 00:43:20,441 --> 00:43:22,568 He ought to have something to show for it. 558 00:43:22,777 --> 00:43:24,642 You put it in my mouth, you lose it. 559 00:43:24,846 --> 00:43:27,440 No, you don't understand. 560 00:43:27,782 --> 00:43:30,808 Do that and I'll put all eight inches of this in your ear. 561 00:43:31,018 --> 00:43:34,476 All right, but you should know that sudden, serious brain injury... 562 00:43:34,689 --> 00:43:36,623 ...causes the victim to bite down hard. 563 00:43:36,824 --> 00:43:40,316 In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong... 564 00:43:41,129 --> 00:43:43,597 ...they have to pry the victim's jaws open... 565 00:43:43,798 --> 00:43:45,163 ...with a crowbar. 566 00:43:48,136 --> 00:43:49,660 Where do you get this shit? 567 00:43:49,871 --> 00:43:51,270 I read it. 568 00:43:52,673 --> 00:43:55,335 You know how to read, you ignorant fuck? 569 00:43:57,011 --> 00:43:58,103 Honey! 570 00:44:00,047 --> 00:44:01,776 You shouldn't! 571 00:44:04,452 --> 00:44:07,353 Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth. 572 00:44:07,622 --> 00:44:09,681 And neither did his friends. 573 00:44:10,124 --> 00:44:13,958 What they did do is beat him within an inch of his life. 574 00:44:14,629 --> 00:44:17,120 Andy spent a month in the infirmary. 575 00:44:17,932 --> 00:44:20,457 Bogs spent a week in the hole. 576 00:44:24,539 --> 00:44:26,063 Time's up, Bogs. 577 00:44:29,877 --> 00:44:31,538 It's your world, boss. 578 00:44:34,815 --> 00:44:37,613 Return to your cellblocks for evening count. 579 00:44:37,818 --> 00:44:40,480 All prisoners report for lock down. 580 00:44:55,403 --> 00:44:56,427 What? 581 00:45:09,083 --> 00:45:11,608 - Where's he going? - Grab his ankles. 582 00:45:17,425 --> 00:45:18,687 Help! 583 00:45:22,363 --> 00:45:24,957 Two things never happened again after that. 584 00:45:25,233 --> 00:45:28,361 The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again. 585 00:45:29,203 --> 00:45:31,694 And Bogs would never walk again. 586 00:45:32,873 --> 00:45:36,365 They transferred him to a minimum-security hospital upstate. 587 00:45:36,577 --> 00:45:39,341 To my knowledge, he lived out the rest of his days... 588 00:45:39,547 --> 00:45:41,378 ...drinking his food through a straw. 589 00:45:42,383 --> 00:45:46,479 Andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary. 590 00:45:48,222 --> 00:45:49,780 Sounds good to us. 591 00:45:50,057 --> 00:45:52,548 I figure we owe him that much for the beer. 592 00:45:53,294 --> 00:45:55,558 The man likes to play chess. 593 00:45:56,063 --> 00:45:57,963 Let's get him some rocks. 594 00:46:30,598 --> 00:46:31,826 Guys! 595 00:46:32,600 --> 00:46:33,658 I got one. 596 00:46:33,868 --> 00:46:35,358 I got one. Look! 597 00:46:37,271 --> 00:46:41,332 Heywood, that isn't soapstone! And it ain't alabaster either. 598 00:46:41,542 --> 00:46:43,442 What are you, a fucking geologist? 599 00:46:43,644 --> 00:46:45,373 He's right. It ain't. 600 00:46:45,579 --> 00:46:48,480 - What the hell is it then? - It's a horse apple. 601 00:46:49,450 --> 00:46:51,850 - Bullshit! - No, horseshit. 602 00:46:52,053 --> 00:46:53,520 Petrified. 603 00:47:02,530 --> 00:47:03,724 Damn! 604 00:47:04,031 --> 00:47:08,263 Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style. 605 00:47:08,469 --> 00:47:10,460 And by the weekend he was due back... 606 00:47:10,671 --> 00:47:14,368 ...we had enough rocks saved up to keep him busy till rapture. 607 00:47:15,209 --> 00:47:17,700 Also got a big shipment in that week. 608 00:47:17,978 --> 00:47:19,104 Cigarettes... 609 00:47:19,313 --> 00:47:20,337 ...chewing gum... 610 00:47:20,548 --> 00:47:22,015 ...sipping whisky... 611 00:47:22,216 --> 00:47:25,617 ...playing cards with naked ladies on them. You name it. 612 00:47:25,820 --> 00:47:28,550 And of course, the most important item: 613 00:47:30,424 --> 00:47:32,483 Rita Hayworth herself. 614 00:48:09,597 --> 00:48:11,861 Heads up. They're tossing cells. 615 00:48:12,066 --> 00:48:14,762 Heads up. They're tossing cells! 616 00:48:16,370 --> 00:48:17,860 119. 617 00:48:19,707 --> 00:48:21,368 1 23. 618 00:48:31,819 --> 00:48:32,649 On your feet. 619 00:48:35,289 --> 00:48:36,779 Face the wall. 620 00:49:10,925 --> 00:49:12,825 Turn around and face the warden. 621 00:49:19,433 --> 00:49:21,492 Pleased to see you reading this. 622 00:49:22,837 --> 00:49:24,771 Any favorite passages? 623 00:49:25,639 --> 00:49:28,005 "Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not... 624 00:49:28,209 --> 00:49:30,439 ...when the master of the house cometh." 625 00:49:31,579 --> 00:49:33,740 Mark 13:35. 626 00:49:34,482 --> 00:49:36,347 I've always liked that one. 627 00:49:37,284 --> 00:49:38,945 But I prefer... 628 00:49:39,420 --> 00:49:41,285 ..."I am the light of the world. 629 00:49:41,755 --> 00:49:45,054 Ye that followeth me shall have the light of life." 630 00:49:45,259 --> 00:49:47,887 John, chapter 8, verse 12. 631 00:49:48,162 --> 00:49:50,187 I hear you're good with numbers. 632 00:49:50,397 --> 00:49:51,386 How nice. 633 00:49:52,633 --> 00:49:54,567 Man should have a skill. 634 00:49:57,104 --> 00:49:58,128 Explain this. 635 00:49:59,306 --> 00:50:03,367 It's called a rock blanket. It's for shaping and polishing rocks. 636 00:50:03,811 --> 00:50:05,711 A little hobby of mine. 637 00:50:16,590 --> 00:50:18,023 It's pretty clean. 638 00:50:18,292 --> 00:50:21,386 Some contraband here, but nothing to get in a twist over. 639 00:50:25,733 --> 00:50:27,724 I can't say I approve of this. 640 00:50:29,370 --> 00:50:30,837 But I suppose... 641 00:50:32,907 --> 00:50:34,898 ...exceptions can be made. 642 00:50:45,286 --> 00:50:46,617 Lock them up! 643 00:50:49,523 --> 00:50:51,081 I almost forgot. 644 00:50:51,525 --> 00:50:53,686 I'd hate to deprive you of this. 645 00:50:54,428 --> 00:50:56,362 Salvation lies within. 646 00:50:56,564 --> 00:50:57,622 Yes, sir. 647 00:51:06,173 --> 00:51:08,733 Tossing cells was just an excuse. 648 00:51:09,209 --> 00:51:10,437 Truth is... 649 00:51:10,644 --> 00:51:13,112 ...Norton wanted to size Andy up. 650 00:51:26,794 --> 00:51:29,126 My wife made that in church group. 651 00:51:31,799 --> 00:51:33,096 Very nice, sir. 652 00:51:34,668 --> 00:51:36,135 You enjoy working the laundry? 653 00:51:37,805 --> 00:51:39,500 No, sir. Not especially. 654 00:51:39,840 --> 00:51:42,274 Perhaps we can find something more... 655 00:51:42,543 --> 00:51:44,977 ...befitting a man of your education. 656 00:51:53,053 --> 00:51:54,543 Hey, Jake. Where's Brooks? 657 00:51:56,390 --> 00:51:59,154 I thought I heard you out here. 658 00:51:59,827 --> 00:52:01,385 I've been reassigned to you. 659 00:52:01,662 --> 00:52:03,994 I know, they told me. 660 00:52:04,832 --> 00:52:06,891 Ain't that a kick in the head? 661 00:52:07,101 --> 00:52:09,399 Well, I'll give you the dime tour. 662 00:52:09,603 --> 00:52:10,763 Come on. 663 00:52:12,172 --> 00:52:13,901 Well, here she is. 664 00:52:14,108 --> 00:52:16,099 The Shawshank Prison Library. 665 00:52:16,777 --> 00:52:18,768 National Geographics... 666 00:52:19,680 --> 00:52:22,478 ... Reader's Digest condensed books... 667 00:52:22,683 --> 00:52:24,275 ...and Louis L'Amour. 668 00:52:24,852 --> 00:52:26,683 Look magazine. 669 00:52:27,021 --> 00:52:29,353 Erle Stanley Gardners. 670 00:52:29,623 --> 00:52:33,081 Every evening I load up the cart and make my rounds. 671 00:52:33,293 --> 00:52:35,955 I enter the names on this clipboard here. 672 00:52:36,463 --> 00:52:39,193 Easy, peasy, Japanese-y. 673 00:52:39,933 --> 00:52:42,834 - Any questions? - How long have you been librarian? 674 00:52:44,038 --> 00:52:48,065 I come here in '05, and they made me librarian in 1912. 675 00:52:49,376 --> 00:52:51,537 And have you ever had an assistant? 676 00:52:51,812 --> 00:52:54,212 No. Not much to it, really. 677 00:52:54,982 --> 00:52:56,210 Why me? Why now? 678 00:52:56,650 --> 00:52:57,947 I don't know. 679 00:52:58,152 --> 00:53:01,178 But it'd be nice to have some company down here. 680 00:53:12,433 --> 00:53:14,731 That's him. That's the one. 681 00:53:22,376 --> 00:53:23,536 I'm Dekins. 682 00:53:23,944 --> 00:53:25,571 I was thinking... 683 00:53:26,246 --> 00:53:30,114 ...about setting up some kind of trust fund for my kids' educations. 684 00:53:34,021 --> 00:53:35,488 I see. 685 00:53:40,594 --> 00:53:43,563 Why don't we have a seat and talk it over. 686 00:53:46,767 --> 00:53:49,736 Do you have a piece of paper and a pencil? 687 00:54:01,081 --> 00:54:02,378 Thanks. 688 00:54:03,050 --> 00:54:04,108 So.... 689 00:54:05,886 --> 00:54:07,615 Mister Dekins.... 690 00:54:08,455 --> 00:54:10,548 And then Andy says, "Mr.Dekins... 691 00:54:10,758 --> 00:54:13,750 ...do you want your sons to go to Harvard or Yale?" 692 00:54:13,961 --> 00:54:15,019 He didn't say that! 693 00:54:15,362 --> 00:54:17,853 As God as my witness! 694 00:54:18,132 --> 00:54:19,861 Dekins blinked for a second... 695 00:54:20,067 --> 00:54:23,195 ...then he laughed and actually shook Andy's hand. 696 00:54:23,637 --> 00:54:25,901 - My ass! - Shook his hand. 697 00:54:26,140 --> 00:54:29,041 I tell you, I near soiled myself! 698 00:54:29,243 --> 00:54:33,509 All he needed was a suit and tie and a jiggly hula gal on his desk... 699 00:54:33,714 --> 00:54:36,308 ...he'd have been "Mr.Dufresne," if you please. 700 00:54:36,517 --> 00:54:38,144 Making a few friends? 701 00:54:39,453 --> 00:54:41,114 I wouldn't say "friends." 702 00:54:41,321 --> 00:54:45,155 I'm a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning. 703 00:54:45,359 --> 00:54:47,691 It's a wonderful pet to have. 704 00:54:47,895 --> 00:54:49,692 Got you out of the laundry, though. 705 00:54:50,230 --> 00:54:52,130 It might do more than that. 706 00:54:52,366 --> 00:54:55,062 How about expanding the library. Get some new books. 707 00:54:55,269 --> 00:54:57,863 If you ask for something, ask for a pool table. 708 00:54:59,573 --> 00:55:02,565 How do you expect to do that? I mean... 709 00:55:02,776 --> 00:55:05,745 ...get new books in here, "Mr.Dufresne, if you please." 710 00:55:06,213 --> 00:55:08,272 I'll ask the warden for funds. 711 00:55:09,149 --> 00:55:13,415 Six wardens have been through here in my tenure, and I've learned... 712 00:55:13,654 --> 00:55:15,952 ...one immutable, universal truth: 713 00:55:16,190 --> 00:55:17,589 Not one born whose asshole... 714 00:55:17,791 --> 00:55:22,728 ...wouldn't pucker up tighter than a snare drum when you ask for funds. 715 00:55:23,597 --> 00:55:26,498 - The budget's stretched thin as it is. - I see. 716 00:55:26,700 --> 00:55:30,136 Maybe I could write the state senate and request funds from them. 717 00:55:30,337 --> 00:55:34,433 They have only three ways to spend the taxpayers' money for prisons: 718 00:55:34,641 --> 00:55:37,075 More walls, more bars, more guards. 719 00:55:37,277 --> 00:55:39,939 I'd like to try, with permission. A letter a week. 720 00:55:40,147 --> 00:55:42,877 - They can't ignore me forever. - Sure can. 721 00:55:43,150 --> 00:55:45,812 But you write your letters if it makes you happy. 722 00:55:46,119 --> 00:55:48,713 I'll even mail them for you. How's that? 723 00:55:50,390 --> 00:55:53,188 So Andy started writing a letter a week... 724 00:55:53,393 --> 00:55:54,985 ...just like he said. 725 00:55:59,166 --> 00:56:01,794 And like Norton said... 726 00:56:02,002 --> 00:56:03,469 ...Andy got no answers. 727 00:56:11,678 --> 00:56:16,581 The following April, he did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank. 728 00:56:17,918 --> 00:56:20,182 Year after that, he did them all... 729 00:56:20,420 --> 00:56:22,354 ...including the warden's. 730 00:56:24,091 --> 00:56:27,549 Year after that, they rescheduled the intramural season... 731 00:56:27,761 --> 00:56:30,195 ...to coincide with tax season. 732 00:56:31,765 --> 00:56:36,225 The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W-2s. 733 00:56:36,436 --> 00:56:37,767 So Moresby Prison... 734 00:56:37,971 --> 00:56:40,235 ...issued you a gun, but you paid for it. 735 00:56:40,474 --> 00:56:42,169 Right. The holster too. 736 00:56:42,376 --> 00:56:44,844 That's tax-deductible. You can write that off. 737 00:56:45,045 --> 00:56:48,071 Yes, sir! Andy was a regular cottage industry. 738 00:56:48,782 --> 00:56:53,276 In fact, it got so busy at tax time, he was allowed a staff. 739 00:56:53,553 --> 00:56:56,021 Could you hand me a stack of 1040s? 740 00:56:56,223 --> 00:57:01,058 Got me out of the wood shop a month out of the year, and that was fine by me. 741 00:57:02,296 --> 00:57:05,459 And still, he kept sending those letters. 742 00:57:12,239 --> 00:57:13,263 It's Brooks. 743 00:57:14,408 --> 00:57:15,898 Watch the door. 744 00:57:16,143 --> 00:57:17,474 Please, Brooks. 745 00:57:17,744 --> 00:57:19,541 - Calm the fuck down. - Stay back! 746 00:57:19,980 --> 00:57:22,608 - Stay back, goddamn it! - What's going on? 747 00:57:22,816 --> 00:57:25,376 One second he's fine, then out come the knives. 748 00:57:25,585 --> 00:57:27,382 We can talk about this, right? 749 00:57:27,654 --> 00:57:31,385 There's nothing to talk about. I'll cut his fucking throat. 750 00:57:31,658 --> 00:57:33,387 What's he done to you? 751 00:57:33,593 --> 00:57:35,254 It's what they done! 752 00:57:35,762 --> 00:57:37,024 I got no choice. 753 00:57:37,497 --> 00:57:39,795 You won't hurt Heywood. We all know that. 754 00:57:40,000 --> 00:57:42,468 - Right, Heywood? - Sure. 755 00:57:42,703 --> 00:57:46,036 He's a friend of yours, and Brooks is a reasonable man. 756 00:57:46,306 --> 00:57:47,398 Right, guys? 757 00:57:48,342 --> 00:57:50,867 So put the knife down. Look at me. 758 00:57:51,111 --> 00:57:53,341 Put the knife down. 759 00:57:55,282 --> 00:57:57,375 Look at his neck, for God's sake. 760 00:57:58,118 --> 00:58:00,450 Look at his neck. He's bleeding. 761 00:58:01,355 --> 00:58:02,822 It's the only way... 762 00:58:03,023 --> 00:58:05,082 ...they'd let me stay. 763 00:58:05,359 --> 00:58:07,725 This is crazy. You don't want to do this. 764 00:58:07,961 --> 00:58:10,020 Put it, put it down. 765 00:58:18,805 --> 00:58:20,295 Take it easy. 766 00:58:20,974 --> 00:58:22,532 You'll be all right. 767 00:58:23,577 --> 00:58:25,169 Him? What about me? 768 00:58:25,379 --> 00:58:27,779 Crazy old fool damn near cut my throat! 769 00:58:27,981 --> 00:58:29,881 You've had worse from shaving. 770 00:58:30,083 --> 00:58:32,176 What did you do to set him off? 771 00:58:32,386 --> 00:58:34,616 Nothing. I come in here to say farewell. 772 00:58:35,222 --> 00:58:37,884 Ain't you heard? His parole's come through. 773 00:58:40,227 --> 00:58:43,025 I just don't understand what happened in there. 774 00:58:43,230 --> 00:58:46,028 Old man's crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse. 775 00:58:46,233 --> 00:58:48,133 That's enough out of you. 776 00:58:48,335 --> 00:58:51,065 - Heard he had you shitting your pants. - Fuck you. 777 00:58:51,338 --> 00:58:52,532 Knock it off. 778 00:58:53,507 --> 00:58:54,940 Brooks ain't no bug. 779 00:58:58,779 --> 00:59:00,542 He's just institutionalized. 780 00:59:01,915 --> 00:59:03,849 "Institutionalized," my ass. 781 00:59:04,051 --> 00:59:08,044 The man's been in here 50 years, Heywood, 50 years! 782 00:59:08,255 --> 00:59:09,984 This is all he knows. 783 00:59:10,190 --> 00:59:12,488 In here, he's an important man... 784 00:59:12,692 --> 00:59:13,784 ...an educated man. 785 00:59:14,594 --> 00:59:16,528 Outside, he's nothing. 786 00:59:17,397 --> 00:59:20,889 Just a used-up con with arthritis in both hands. 787 00:59:21,101 --> 00:59:24,093 Probably couldn't get a library card if he tried. 788 00:59:24,371 --> 00:59:26,100 You know what I'm trying to say? 789 00:59:26,373 --> 00:59:29,274 I do believe you're talking out of your ass. 790 00:59:30,544 --> 00:59:32,774 You believe whatever you want. 791 00:59:33,380 --> 00:59:35,780 But I tell you these walls are funny. 792 00:59:37,384 --> 00:59:39,045 First you hate them. 793 00:59:40,887 --> 00:59:42,787 Then you get used to them. 794 00:59:44,724 --> 00:59:46,715 Enough time passes... 795 00:59:47,394 --> 00:59:49,385 ...you get so you depend on them. 796 00:59:50,397 --> 00:59:52,592 That's "institutionalized." 797 00:59:52,799 --> 00:59:54,096 Shit. 798 00:59:54,301 --> 00:59:57,065 - I could never get like that. - Oh, yeah? 799 00:59:57,938 --> 01:00:00,429 Wait till you've been here as long as Brooks. 800 01:00:00,674 --> 01:00:02,232 Goddamn right. 801 01:00:04,811 --> 01:00:06,745 They send you here for life... 802 01:00:07,414 --> 01:00:09,746 ...that's exactly what they take. 803 01:00:11,485 --> 01:00:13,476 Part that counts, anyway. 804 01:00:21,094 --> 01:00:24,029 I can't take care of you no more, Jake. 805 01:00:25,198 --> 01:00:26,859 You go on now. 806 01:00:28,101 --> 01:00:29,591 You're free. 807 01:00:30,871 --> 01:00:32,429 You're free. 808 01:00:51,458 --> 01:00:53,119 Good luck, Brooksie. 809 01:01:31,097 --> 01:01:32,587 Dear fellas: 810 01:01:32,866 --> 01:01:37,064 I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. 811 01:01:38,371 --> 01:01:41,033 Watch it, old-timer! Want to get killed? 812 01:01:42,275 --> 01:01:45,767 I saw an automobile once when I was a kid... 813 01:01:46,413 --> 01:01:48,847 ...but now they're everywhere. 814 01:01:52,519 --> 01:01:56,819 The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. 815 01:02:12,639 --> 01:02:16,405 The parole board got me into this halfway house... 816 01:02:16,710 --> 01:02:18,371 ...called "The Brewer"... 817 01:02:18,578 --> 01:02:19,738 ...and a job... 818 01:02:19,946 --> 01:02:22,915 ...bagging groceries at the Food-Way. 819 01:02:24,451 --> 01:02:26,885 It's hard work and I try to keep up... 820 01:02:27,087 --> 01:02:29,453 ...but my hands hurt most of the time. 821 01:02:29,756 --> 01:02:31,724 Make sure your man double-bags. 822 01:02:31,925 --> 01:02:33,950 Last time, the bottom near came out. 823 01:02:34,628 --> 01:02:37,563 Make sure you double-bag like the lady says. Understand? 824 01:02:37,764 --> 01:02:39,129 Yes, sir. Surely will. 825 01:02:39,332 --> 01:02:42,859 I don't think the store manager likes me very much. 826 01:02:45,872 --> 01:02:50,172 Sometimes after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. 827 01:02:50,610 --> 01:02:52,100 I keep thinking... 828 01:02:52,345 --> 01:02:55,678 ...Jake might just show up and say hello. 829 01:02:56,283 --> 01:02:58,274 But he never does. 830 01:02:59,486 --> 01:03:04,355 I hope, wherever he is, he's doing okay and making new friends. 831 01:03:07,961 --> 01:03:10,691 I have trouble sleeping at night. 832 01:03:10,997 --> 01:03:14,262 I have bad dreams like I'm falling. 833 01:03:14,534 --> 01:03:16,764 I wake up scared. 834 01:03:16,970 --> 01:03:21,202 Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. 835 01:03:22,709 --> 01:03:27,612 Maybe I should get a gun and rob the Food-Way so they'd send me home. 836 01:03:27,914 --> 01:03:32,248 I could shoot the manager while I was at it. Sort of like a bonus. 837 01:03:33,920 --> 01:03:37,913 I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense anymore. 838 01:03:38,158 --> 01:03:39,887 I don't like it here. 839 01:03:40,093 --> 01:03:44,086 I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided... 840 01:03:44,931 --> 01:03:46,592 ...not to stay. 841 01:03:57,510 --> 01:04:00,070 I doubt they'll kick up any fuss... 842 01:04:00,280 --> 01:04:03,772 ...not for an old crook like me. 843 01:05:06,246 --> 01:05:10,512 "I doubt they'll kick up any fuss, not for an old crook like me. 844 01:05:11,551 --> 01:05:15,385 P.S. Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat. 845 01:05:15,588 --> 01:05:17,920 No hard feelings. Brooks." 846 01:05:28,401 --> 01:05:30,369 He should have died in here. 847 01:05:35,909 --> 01:05:37,308 What the fuck have you done? 848 01:05:37,510 --> 01:05:40,172 It's a goddamn mess, I'll tell you that. 849 01:05:45,718 --> 01:05:49,449 - What's all this? - You tell me. They're addressed to you. 850 01:05:50,723 --> 01:05:52,054 Take it. 851 01:06:00,600 --> 01:06:02,090 "Dear Mr.Dufresne: 852 01:06:03,236 --> 01:06:05,204 In response to your inquiries... 853 01:06:05,405 --> 01:06:09,671 ...the state has allocated the enclosed funds for your library project." 854 01:06:10,443 --> 01:06:12,274 This is $ 200. 855 01:06:12,479 --> 01:06:16,472 "In addition, the library district has generously responded... 856 01:06:16,683 --> 01:06:19,243 ...with a donation of used books and sundries. 857 01:06:19,452 --> 01:06:23,582 We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed. 858 01:06:23,790 --> 01:06:25,587 Please stop sending us letters." 859 01:06:25,825 --> 01:06:28,487 Clear all this out before the warden gets back. 860 01:06:28,728 --> 01:06:29,888 Yes, sir. 861 01:06:34,167 --> 01:06:35,327 Good for you, Andy. 862 01:06:38,304 --> 01:06:39,430 Wow! 863 01:06:40,640 --> 01:06:42,574 It only took six years. 864 01:06:44,143 --> 01:06:46,873 From now on, I'll write two letters a week instead of one. 865 01:06:47,080 --> 01:06:50,413 I believe you're crazy enough. Get this stuff out... 866 01:06:50,683 --> 01:06:51,513 ...like he said. 867 01:06:51,718 --> 01:06:53,117 I've got to pinch a loaf. 868 01:06:53,319 --> 01:06:54,786 When I come back... 869 01:06:54,988 --> 01:06:56,751 ...this is all gone, all right? 870 01:07:45,505 --> 01:07:46,904 Do you hear that? 871 01:08:55,642 --> 01:08:56,802 Dufresne! 872 01:08:59,345 --> 01:09:00,869 Andy, let me out! 873 01:09:07,754 --> 01:09:12,691 I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. 874 01:09:12,992 --> 01:09:15,222 Truth is, I don't want to know. 875 01:09:15,428 --> 01:09:17,919 Some things are best left unsaid. 876 01:09:21,501 --> 01:09:24,231 I like to think it was something so beautiful... 877 01:09:24,437 --> 01:09:26,564 ...it can't be expressed in words... 878 01:09:26,773 --> 01:09:29,674 ...and makes your heart ache because of it. 879 01:09:31,344 --> 01:09:33,835 I tell you, those voices soared... 880 01:09:34,113 --> 01:09:38,413 ...higher and farther than anybody in a gray place dares to dream. 881 01:09:38,618 --> 01:09:41,985 It was like a beautiful bird flapped into our drab cage... 882 01:09:42,188 --> 01:09:44,952 ...and made those walls dissolve away. 883 01:09:45,391 --> 01:09:47,586 And for the briefest of moments... 884 01:09:47,794 --> 01:09:50,786 ...every last man at Shawshank felt free. 885 01:09:53,366 --> 01:09:56,028 It pissed the warden off something awful. 886 01:09:57,336 --> 01:09:58,325 Open the door. 887 01:10:01,240 --> 01:10:03,003 Open it up! 888 01:10:04,310 --> 01:10:07,040 Dufresne, open this door! 889 01:10:08,381 --> 01:10:09,575 Turn that off! 890 01:10:16,656 --> 01:10:19,090 I am warning you. Turn that off! 891 01:10:36,843 --> 01:10:38,367 You're mine now. 892 01:10:45,818 --> 01:10:49,049 Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt. 893 01:10:49,255 --> 01:10:50,847 On your feet. 894 01:10:52,024 --> 01:10:54,424 - Hey, look who's here. - Maestro! 895 01:10:56,195 --> 01:10:59,858 You couldn't play something good, huh? Like Hank Williams? 896 01:11:00,199 --> 01:11:02,997 They broke the door down before I could take requests. 897 01:11:03,202 --> 01:11:06,330 - Was it worth two weeks? - Easiest time I ever did. 898 01:11:06,539 --> 01:11:10,737 - No such thing as easy time in the hole. - A week in the hole is like a year. 899 01:11:10,943 --> 01:11:14,242 - Damn straight. - I had Mr.Mozart to keep me company. 900 01:11:14,447 --> 01:11:17,416 So they let you tote that record player down there, huh? 901 01:11:19,852 --> 01:11:21,217 It was in here. 902 01:11:22,054 --> 01:11:23,282 In here. 903 01:11:24,423 --> 01:11:26,516 That's the beauty of music. They... 904 01:11:26,726 --> 01:11:29,058 ...can't get that from you. 905 01:11:32,598 --> 01:11:34,964 Haven't you ever felt that way about music? 906 01:11:36,769 --> 01:11:39,897 Well, I played a mean harmonica as a younger man. 907 01:11:40,940 --> 01:11:42,635 Lost interest in it, though. 908 01:11:42,842 --> 01:11:44,434 Didn't make much sense in here. 909 01:11:44,777 --> 01:11:46,768 Here's where it makes the most sense. 910 01:11:47,313 --> 01:11:49,372 You need it so you don't forget. 911 01:11:49,949 --> 01:11:51,143 Forget? 912 01:11:51,517 --> 01:11:54,611 Forget that there are... 913 01:11:54,821 --> 01:11:56,254 ...places... 914 01:11:56,756 --> 01:12:00,590 ...in the world that aren't made out of stone. 915 01:12:01,594 --> 01:12:03,084 There's something... 916 01:12:03,429 --> 01:12:04,828 ...inside... 917 01:12:05,097 --> 01:12:07,065 ...that they can't get to... 918 01:12:07,266 --> 01:12:08,631 ...that they can't touch. 919 01:12:09,168 --> 01:12:10,601 That's yours. 920 01:12:12,138 --> 01:12:13,730 What are you talking about? 921 01:12:14,774 --> 01:12:16,002 Hope. 922 01:12:17,076 --> 01:12:18,407 Hope. 923 01:12:20,346 --> 01:12:22,337 Let me tell you something, my friend. 924 01:12:23,149 --> 01:12:25,447 Hope is a dangerous thing. 925 01:12:26,619 --> 01:12:28,951 Hope can drive a man insane. 926 01:12:29,689 --> 01:12:31,816 It's got no use on the inside. 927 01:12:32,024 --> 01:12:34,219 You'd better get used to that idea. 928 01:12:36,729 --> 01:12:38,219 Like Brooks did? 929 01:13:03,589 --> 01:13:04,578 Sit down. 930 01:13:09,929 --> 01:13:13,228 Says here that you've served 30 years of a life sentence. 931 01:13:14,400 --> 01:13:16,459 You feel you've been rehabilitated? 932 01:13:16,669 --> 01:13:17,897 Oh, yes, sir. 933 01:13:19,171 --> 01:13:20,502 Without a doubt. 934 01:13:21,674 --> 01:13:24,074 I can honestly say I'm a changed man. 935 01:13:26,078 --> 01:13:28,012 No danger to society here. 936 01:13:28,547 --> 01:13:30,071 God's honest truth. 937 01:13:32,652 --> 01:13:34,745 Absolutely rehabilitated. 938 01:13:44,746 --> 01:13:46,077 Thirty years. 939 01:13:48,050 --> 01:13:49,950 Jesus, when you say it like that.... 940 01:13:50,819 --> 01:13:52,616 You wonder where it went. 941 01:13:55,057 --> 01:13:57,218 I wonder where 10 years went. 942 01:14:02,197 --> 01:14:03,221 Here. 943 01:14:03,665 --> 01:14:06,395 A little parole rejection present. 944 01:14:07,669 --> 01:14:09,364 Go ahead and open it. 945 01:14:10,472 --> 01:14:12,497 Went through one of your competitors. 946 01:14:12,708 --> 01:14:15,836 I hope you don't mind. I wanted it to be a surprise. 947 01:14:25,887 --> 01:14:27,377 It's very pretty. 948 01:14:29,091 --> 01:14:30,285 Thank you. 949 01:14:32,861 --> 01:14:34,328 You going to play it? 950 01:14:38,900 --> 01:14:40,162 No. 951 01:14:43,772 --> 01:14:45,171 Not right now. 952 01:15:02,858 --> 01:15:03,950 Roll in! 953 01:15:40,162 --> 01:15:41,390 Lights out! 954 01:16:15,997 --> 01:16:18,124 Andy was as good as his word. 955 01:16:18,500 --> 01:16:21,264 He wrote two letters a week instead of one. 956 01:16:23,338 --> 01:16:27,434 In 1959, the state senate finally clued in to the fact... 957 01:16:27,676 --> 01:16:30,804 ...they couldn't buy him off with just a $ 200 check. 958 01:16:31,012 --> 01:16:35,312 Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of $500... 959 01:16:35,517 --> 01:16:37,417 ...just to shut him up. 960 01:16:37,619 --> 01:16:40,611 And you'd be amazed how far Andy could stretch it. 961 01:16:40,822 --> 01:16:43,757 He made deals with book clubs, charity groups. 962 01:16:43,959 --> 01:16:46,723 He bought remaindered books by the pound.... 963 01:16:47,229 --> 01:16:48,753 Treasure Island. 964 01:16:49,297 --> 01:16:50,628 Robert Louis-- 965 01:16:50,832 --> 01:16:51,856 Stevenson. 966 01:16:52,067 --> 01:16:53,432 Fiction, adventure. 967 01:16:56,004 --> 01:16:57,028 What's next? 968 01:16:57,239 --> 01:17:00,299 I got here Auto Repair... 969 01:17:01,042 --> 01:17:02,202 ...and Soap Carving. 970 01:17:02,410 --> 01:17:05,641 Trade skills and hobbies. Under "Educational," behind you. 971 01:17:05,847 --> 01:17:07,712 Count of Monte Crisco. 972 01:17:08,183 --> 01:17:10,481 That's "Cristo," you dumb shit. 973 01:17:11,586 --> 01:17:12,575 By Alexandree... 974 01:17:13,054 --> 01:17:14,316 ...Dum-ass. 975 01:17:14,656 --> 01:17:15,680 Dumb ass. 976 01:17:17,993 --> 01:17:19,051 Dumb ass? 977 01:17:21,963 --> 01:17:23,931 Dumas. Know what that's about? 978 01:17:26,201 --> 01:17:28,169 You'd like it. It's about a prison break. 979 01:17:28,370 --> 01:17:32,272 We ought to file that under "Educational" too, oughtn't we? 980 01:17:33,141 --> 01:17:37,237 The rest of us did our best to pitch in when and where we could. 981 01:17:37,812 --> 01:17:39,575 By the year Kennedy was shot... 982 01:17:39,814 --> 01:17:44,308 ...Andy had transformed a storage room smelling of turpentine... 983 01:17:44,619 --> 01:17:47,713 ...into the best prison library in New England... 984 01:17:48,423 --> 01:17:51,358 ...complete with a fine selection of Hank Williams. 985 01:17:58,733 --> 01:18:00,667 That was also when Warden Norton... 986 01:18:00,869 --> 01:18:03,804 ...instituted his famous "Inside Out" program. 987 01:18:04,272 --> 01:18:06,331 You may remember reading about it. 988 01:18:06,575 --> 01:18:09,669 It made the papers and got his picture in Look magazine. 989 01:18:09,878 --> 01:18:11,175 It's no free ride... 990 01:18:11,379 --> 01:18:14,610 ..but rather a genuine progressive advance... 991 01:18:14,816 --> 01:18:17,307 ...in corrections and rehabilitation. 992 01:18:17,652 --> 01:18:20,177 Our inmates, properly supervised... 993 01:18:20,388 --> 01:18:23,016 ...will be put to work outside these walls... 994 01:18:23,225 --> 01:18:26,786 ...performing all manner of public service. 995 01:18:27,062 --> 01:18:29,292 These men can learn the value... 996 01:18:29,497 --> 01:18:33,297 ...of an honest day's labor and provide a service to the community... 997 01:18:33,501 --> 01:18:38,200 ...at a bare minimum of expense to Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Taxpayer. 998 01:18:38,640 --> 01:18:40,972 Of course he didn't tell the press... 999 01:18:41,176 --> 01:18:44,634 ...that "bare minimum of expense" is a fairly loose term. 1000 01:18:44,846 --> 01:18:47,872 There are 100 different ways to skim off the top. 1001 01:18:48,083 --> 01:18:50,574 Men, materials, you name it. 1002 01:18:50,919 --> 01:18:53,820 And oh, my Lord, how the money rolled in! 1003 01:18:54,022 --> 01:18:56,547 At this rate, you'll put me out of business. 1004 01:18:56,758 --> 01:19:01,195 With this pool of slave labor, you can underbid any contractor in town. 1005 01:19:01,763 --> 01:19:04,732 We're providing a valuable community service. 1006 01:19:04,933 --> 01:19:08,596 That's fine for the papers, but I've got a family to feed. 1007 01:19:11,273 --> 01:19:12,797 We go back a long way. 1008 01:19:14,109 --> 01:19:19,046 I need this highway contract. I don't get it and I go under. That's a fact. 1009 01:19:19,948 --> 01:19:21,745 You have some of this fine pie... 1010 01:19:21,983 --> 01:19:25,316 ...my missus made for you. You think about that. 1011 01:19:33,595 --> 01:19:36,291 I wouldn't worry too much about this contract. 1012 01:19:36,531 --> 01:19:39,591 I already got my boys committed elsewhere. 1013 01:19:41,569 --> 01:19:44,629 You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie. 1014 01:19:45,740 --> 01:19:47,901 And behind every shady deal... 1015 01:19:48,243 --> 01:19:50,871 ...behind every dollar earned... 1016 01:19:51,146 --> 01:19:54,206 ...there was Andy, keeping the books. 1017 01:19:54,616 --> 01:19:55,878 Two deposits. 1018 01:19:56,117 --> 01:20:00,247 Maine National and New England First. Night drops as always, sir. 1019 01:20:30,452 --> 01:20:34,786 Get my stuff to the laundry. Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot. 1020 01:20:35,256 --> 01:20:38,783 If they over-starch my shirts again, they'll hear from me. 1021 01:20:38,993 --> 01:20:40,324 How do I look? 1022 01:20:41,363 --> 01:20:43,854 - Very nice. - Big charity to-do up Portland way. 1023 01:20:44,065 --> 01:20:45,589 Governor will be there. 1024 01:20:47,001 --> 01:20:48,468 You want the rest of this? 1025 01:20:49,804 --> 01:20:51,738 Woman can't bake worth shit. 1026 01:20:52,974 --> 01:20:54,305 Thank you, sir. 1027 01:20:57,145 --> 01:21:00,376 He's got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear. 1028 01:21:00,582 --> 01:21:05,417 He's got scams you haven't even dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks. 1029 01:21:05,620 --> 01:21:07,986 A river of dirty money running through here. 1030 01:21:08,189 --> 01:21:12,023 Sooner or later, he'll have to explain where it came from. 1031 01:21:12,227 --> 01:21:13,990 That's where I come in. 1032 01:21:14,596 --> 01:21:16,894 I channel it. Filter it. Funnel it. 1033 01:21:17,098 --> 01:21:19,931 Stocks, securities, tax-free municipals. 1034 01:21:20,268 --> 01:21:23,795 I send it out into the real world, and when it comes back.... 1035 01:21:24,005 --> 01:21:26,974 - Clean as a virgin's honey-pot, huh? - Cleaner. 1036 01:21:27,575 --> 01:21:31,170 By the time Norton retires, I'll have made him a millionaire. 1037 01:21:33,515 --> 01:21:37,849 If they ever catch on, he'll wind up in here wearing a number himself. 1038 01:21:38,119 --> 01:21:40,815 I thought you had more faith in me than that. 1039 01:21:41,022 --> 01:21:44,048 I know you're good, but all that paper leaves a trail. 1040 01:21:44,259 --> 01:21:47,660 Now anybody gets curious, FBI, IRS... 1041 01:21:47,862 --> 01:21:48,851 ...whatever. 1042 01:21:49,297 --> 01:21:50,594 It'll lead to somebody. 1043 01:21:50,799 --> 01:21:54,667 Sure it is, but not to me, and certainly not to the warden. 1044 01:21:59,040 --> 01:22:00,029 All right, who? 1045 01:22:00,241 --> 01:22:01,833 Randall Stevens. 1046 01:22:02,377 --> 01:22:03,309 Who? 1047 01:22:03,511 --> 01:22:05,502 The "silent" silent partner. 1048 01:22:05,713 --> 01:22:08,773 He's the guilty one, the man with the bank accounts. 1049 01:22:08,983 --> 01:22:11,144 It's where the filtering process starts. 1050 01:22:11,352 --> 01:22:14,219 They trace anything, it'll just lead to him. 1051 01:22:14,823 --> 01:22:16,051 But who is he? 1052 01:22:16,257 --> 01:22:20,216 He's a phantom, an apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit. 1053 01:22:21,329 --> 01:22:22,489 I conjured him... 1054 01:22:22,697 --> 01:22:24,062 ...out of thin air. 1055 01:22:24,866 --> 01:22:27,596 He doesn't exist, except on paper. 1056 01:22:30,672 --> 01:22:33,038 You can't just make a person up. 1057 01:22:33,241 --> 01:22:36,335 Sure you can, if you know how the system works. 1058 01:22:36,845 --> 01:22:39,678 It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail. 1059 01:22:40,014 --> 01:22:42,642 Mr.Stevens has a birth certificate... 1060 01:22:42,851 --> 01:22:44,978 ...driver's license, Social Security. 1061 01:22:45,253 --> 01:22:46,242 You're shitting me. 1062 01:22:46,454 --> 01:22:49,821 If they trace any accounts, they'll wind up chasing... 1063 01:22:50,024 --> 01:22:51,753 ...a figment of my imagination. 1064 01:22:51,960 --> 01:22:53,951 Well, I'll be damned! 1065 01:22:55,296 --> 01:22:57,025 Did I say you were good? 1066 01:22:57,398 --> 01:22:59,025 Shit, you are Rembrandt. 1067 01:22:59,767 --> 01:23:01,496 The funny thing is... 1068 01:23:01,703 --> 01:23:05,799 ...on the outside, I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. 1069 01:23:06,207 --> 01:23:08,539 I had to come to prison to be a crook. 1070 01:23:17,418 --> 01:23:18,715 Ever bother you? 1071 01:23:20,154 --> 01:23:23,214 I don't run the scams. I just process the profits. 1072 01:23:23,491 --> 01:23:25,482 A fine line, maybe... 1073 01:23:26,060 --> 01:23:28,119 ...but I also built that library... 1074 01:23:28,329 --> 01:23:31,355 ...and used it to help guys get their high school diploma. 1075 01:23:31,566 --> 01:23:33,796 Why do you think he lets me do all that? 1076 01:23:34,002 --> 01:23:36,197 Keep you happy and doing the laundry. 1077 01:23:36,404 --> 01:23:37,871 Money instead of sheets. 1078 01:23:38,239 --> 01:23:40,833 Well, I work cheap. That's the trade-off. 1079 01:23:58,092 --> 01:24:00,720 Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965... 1080 01:24:00,962 --> 01:24:03,192 ...on a two-year stretch for B and E. 1081 01:24:03,431 --> 01:24:05,763 That's breaking and entering to you. 1082 01:24:06,034 --> 01:24:10,266 Cops caught him sneaking TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney. 1083 01:24:10,705 --> 01:24:12,002 Young punk. 1084 01:24:12,206 --> 01:24:13,833 Mr. Rock 'n' Roll... 1085 01:24:14,042 --> 01:24:15,566 ...cocky as hell. 1086 01:24:15,777 --> 01:24:18,177 Come on, old boys. Moving like molasses! 1087 01:24:18,413 --> 01:24:20,176 Making me look bad. 1088 01:24:20,381 --> 01:24:22,178 We liked him immediately. 1089 01:24:22,417 --> 01:24:26,148 I'm backing out the door and I got the TV like this. 1090 01:24:26,454 --> 01:24:30,083 A big old thing. I couldn't see shit. Then I hear this voice. 1091 01:24:30,725 --> 01:24:32,693 "Freeze, kid, hands in the air." 1092 01:24:32,894 --> 01:24:37,354 I was standing there, holding onto that TV. Finally the voice says: 1093 01:24:37,565 --> 01:24:41,365 "You hear what I said, boy?" I say, "Yes, sir. I did. 1094 01:24:41,569 --> 01:24:45,027 But if I drop this, you get me on destruction of property too." 1095 01:24:49,510 --> 01:24:51,808 You done some stretch in Cashman, right? 1096 01:24:52,313 --> 01:24:56,272 Yeah, that was an easy piece of time, let me tell you. 1097 01:24:56,551 --> 01:24:58,485 Weekend furloughs. Work programs. 1098 01:24:58,686 --> 01:24:59,744 Not like here. 1099 01:24:59,954 --> 01:25:02,388 Sounds like you done time all over. 1100 01:25:02,824 --> 01:25:05,224 I've been in and out since I was 13. 1101 01:25:05,426 --> 01:25:07,621 Name it, chances are I've been there. 1102 01:25:07,829 --> 01:25:10,491 Perhaps you should try a new profession. 1103 01:25:11,933 --> 01:25:13,491 What I mean is... 1104 01:25:13,835 --> 01:25:17,271 ...you're not a very good thief. You should try something else. 1105 01:25:17,505 --> 01:25:20,736 Yeah, what the hell you know about it, Capone? 1106 01:25:21,142 --> 01:25:22,734 What are you in for? 1107 01:25:23,011 --> 01:25:24,000 Me? 1108 01:25:26,447 --> 01:25:28,108 A lawyer fucked me. 1109 01:25:32,020 --> 01:25:34,989 Everybody's innocent in here. Don't you know that? 1110 01:25:42,897 --> 01:25:47,300 As it turned out, Tommy had himself a young wife and a new baby girl. 1111 01:25:47,869 --> 01:25:49,996 Maybe he thought of them on the streets... 1112 01:25:50,204 --> 01:25:52,695 ...or his child growing up not knowing her daddy. 1113 01:25:53,007 --> 01:25:54,372 Whatever it was... 1114 01:25:54,709 --> 01:25:57,143 ...something lit a fire under that boy's ass. 1115 01:26:00,982 --> 01:26:03,849 Thought I might try for my high school equivalency. 1116 01:26:04,052 --> 01:26:06,577 Hear you helped a couple of fellas with that. 1117 01:26:07,922 --> 01:26:10,152 I don't waste time with losers, Tommy. 1118 01:26:11,559 --> 01:26:14,050 I ain't no goddamn loser. 1119 01:26:15,797 --> 01:26:17,628 - You mean that? - Yeah. 1120 01:26:19,300 --> 01:26:20,733 You really mean that? 1121 01:26:21,769 --> 01:26:23,134 Yes, sir, I do. 1122 01:26:23,337 --> 01:26:25,305 Good. Because if we do this... 1123 01:26:25,506 --> 01:26:29,465 ...we do it all the way, a hundred percent, nothing half-assed. 1124 01:26:29,711 --> 01:26:31,508 Thing is, see... 1125 01:26:32,780 --> 01:26:34,304 ...I don't read so good. 1126 01:26:35,483 --> 01:26:36,575 "Well." 1127 01:26:38,586 --> 01:26:40,315 You don't read... 1128 01:26:40,555 --> 01:26:42,079 ...so well. 1129 01:26:44,425 --> 01:26:45,915 We'll get to that. 1130 01:26:50,364 --> 01:26:52,491 So Andy took Tommy under his wing. 1131 01:26:52,700 --> 01:26:55,328 Started walking him through his ABC's. 1132 01:26:57,472 --> 01:26:59,667 Tommy took to it pretty well too. 1133 01:26:59,941 --> 01:27:02,705 Boy found brains he never knew he had. 1134 01:27:05,046 --> 01:27:08,482 Before long, Andy started him on his course requirements. 1135 01:27:08,683 --> 01:27:10,344 He really liked the kid. 1136 01:27:10,551 --> 01:27:14,112 Gave him a thrill to help a youngster crawl off the shit heap. 1137 01:27:14,622 --> 01:27:16,886 But that wasn't the only reason. 1138 01:27:17,592 --> 01:27:19,787 Prison time is slow time. 1139 01:27:20,261 --> 01:27:22,855 So you do what you can to keep going. 1140 01:27:23,197 --> 01:27:25,256 Some fellas collect stamps. 1141 01:27:25,666 --> 01:27:28,134 Others build matchstick houses. 1142 01:27:28,736 --> 01:27:31,398 Andy built a library. 1143 01:27:31,906 --> 01:27:33,840 Now he needed a new project. 1144 01:27:34,709 --> 01:27:36,199 Tommy was it. 1145 01:27:36,844 --> 01:27:40,837 It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing those rocks. 1146 01:27:41,382 --> 01:27:44,613 The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall. 1147 01:27:45,520 --> 01:27:46,782 In prison... 1148 01:27:47,054 --> 01:27:50,785 ...a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied. 1149 01:27:51,559 --> 01:27:56,428 By 1966, right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams... 1150 01:27:56,664 --> 01:27:58,859 ...it was lovely Raquel. 1151 01:28:15,416 --> 01:28:16,405 Time. 1152 01:28:22,456 --> 01:28:23,445 Well? 1153 01:28:25,059 --> 01:28:27,186 Well, it's for shit. 1154 01:28:27,695 --> 01:28:30,528 I wasted a whole year of my time with this bullshit. 1155 01:28:30,731 --> 01:28:32,221 It's probably not that bad. 1156 01:28:32,433 --> 01:28:36,665 I didn't get a thing right. It might as well have been in Chinese. 1157 01:28:36,871 --> 01:28:38,600 Let's see how the score comes out. 1158 01:28:38,806 --> 01:28:41,775 I'll tell you how the goddamn score comes out. 1159 01:28:43,711 --> 01:28:45,076 Two points, right there! 1160 01:28:45,279 --> 01:28:46,837 There's your goddamn score! 1161 01:28:47,081 --> 01:28:50,778 Goddamn cats crawling up trees, 5 times 5 is 25.... 1162 01:28:51,719 --> 01:28:53,346 Fuck this place! 1163 01:28:53,588 --> 01:28:54,714 Fuck it! 1164 01:29:13,875 --> 01:29:15,137 I feel bad. 1165 01:29:15,343 --> 01:29:16,537 I let him down. 1166 01:29:16,744 --> 01:29:18,473 That's crap, kid. 1167 01:29:18,679 --> 01:29:20,010 He's proud of you. 1168 01:29:20,348 --> 01:29:23,215 We're old friends, I know him as good as anybody. 1169 01:29:23,417 --> 01:29:24,975 Smart fellow, ain't he? 1170 01:29:25,186 --> 01:29:28,314 Smart as they come. He was a banker on the outside. 1171 01:29:28,522 --> 01:29:30,752 What's he in here for anyway? 1172 01:29:31,092 --> 01:29:32,059 Murder. 1173 01:29:33,527 --> 01:29:34,892 The hell, you say. 1174 01:29:37,031 --> 01:29:39,363 You wouldn't think it to look at the guy. 1175 01:29:40,601 --> 01:29:44,697 Caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. Greased them both. 1176 01:29:52,713 --> 01:29:53,702 What? 1177 01:29:55,049 --> 01:29:57,609 About four years ago... 1178 01:29:57,885 --> 01:30:01,116 ...I was in Thomaston on a two-to-three stretch. 1179 01:30:01,622 --> 01:30:02,919 I stole a car. 1180 01:30:03,291 --> 01:30:05,282 It was a dumb-fuck thing to do. 1181 01:30:05,960 --> 01:30:08,190 About six months left to go... 1182 01:30:08,496 --> 01:30:10,396 ...I get a new cellmate in. 1183 01:30:11,098 --> 01:30:12,725 Elmo Blatch. 1184 01:30:13,434 --> 01:30:14,765 Big, twitchy fucker. 1185 01:30:15,636 --> 01:30:19,128 Kind of roomie you pray you don't get. You know what I'm saying? 1186 01:30:19,340 --> 01:30:22,070 Six-to-twelve, armed burglary. 1187 01:30:22,343 --> 01:30:24,607 Said he pulled hundreds of jobs. 1188 01:30:24,812 --> 01:30:29,749 Hard to believe, high-strung as he was. You cut a loud fart, he jumped three feet. 1189 01:30:30,818 --> 01:30:35,448 Talked all the time too. That's the other thing. He never shut up. 1190 01:30:35,656 --> 01:30:37,283 Places he'd been in... 1191 01:30:37,591 --> 01:30:40,651 ...jobs he'd pulled, women he fucked. 1192 01:30:40,895 --> 01:30:43,090 Even people he killed. 1193 01:30:44,332 --> 01:30:47,130 People who "gave him shit." 1194 01:30:47,768 --> 01:30:49,326 That's how he put it. 1195 01:30:51,939 --> 01:30:53,998 So one night, like a joke... 1196 01:30:55,109 --> 01:30:58,601 ...I say to him, "Elmo, who did you kill?" 1197 01:30:58,846 --> 01:30:59,938 So he says: 1198 01:31:00,147 --> 01:31:04,106 I got me this job one time, busing tables at a country club... 1199 01:31:04,785 --> 01:31:08,687 ...so I could case all these big rich pricks that come in. 1200 01:31:10,791 --> 01:31:12,782 So I pick out this guy... 1201 01:31:13,694 --> 01:31:15,252 ...go in one night... 1202 01:31:15,463 --> 01:31:17,192 ...and do his place. 1203 01:31:18,632 --> 01:31:19,963 He wakes up... 1204 01:31:20,701 --> 01:31:22,464 ...and gives me shit. 1205 01:31:23,537 --> 01:31:25,198 So I killed him. 1206 01:31:26,974 --> 01:31:29,807 Him and this tasty bitch he was with. 1207 01:31:31,212 --> 01:31:33,476 And that's the best part. 1208 01:31:34,148 --> 01:31:36,616 She's fucking this prick, see... 1209 01:31:36,817 --> 01:31:39,877 ...this golf pro, but she's married to some other guy. 1210 01:31:40,488 --> 01:31:43,048 Some hotshot banker. 1211 01:31:44,492 --> 01:31:46,983 And he's the one they pinned it on. 1212 01:31:58,472 --> 01:32:02,340 I have to say that's the most amazing story I ever heard. 1213 01:32:03,611 --> 01:32:06,102 What amazes me most is you'd be taken in by it. 1214 01:32:06,847 --> 01:32:07,814 Sir? 1215 01:32:10,051 --> 01:32:13,646 It's obvious this fellow Williams is impressed with you. 1216 01:32:14,255 --> 01:32:18,191 He hears your tale of woe and naturally wants to cheer you up. 1217 01:32:18,392 --> 01:32:20,553 He's young, not terribly bright. 1218 01:32:21,095 --> 01:32:24,531 It's not surprising he wouldn't know what a state he put you in. 1219 01:32:24,932 --> 01:32:26,490 Sir, he's telling the truth. 1220 01:32:27,268 --> 01:32:31,432 Let's say for the moment this Blatch does exist. 1221 01:32:31,705 --> 01:32:36,335 You think he'd just fall to his knees and cry, "Yes, I did it. I confess. 1222 01:32:36,544 --> 01:32:39,240 By the way, add a life term to my sentence." 1223 01:32:39,447 --> 01:32:42,245 With Tommy's testimony, I can get a new trial. 1224 01:32:42,450 --> 01:32:44,918 That's assuming Blatch is still there. 1225 01:32:45,152 --> 01:32:47,086 Chances are, he'd be released by now. 1226 01:32:47,288 --> 01:32:49,756 They'd have his last known address. 1227 01:32:49,957 --> 01:32:51,891 It's a chance, isn't it? 1228 01:32:54,228 --> 01:32:55,957 How can you be so obtuse? 1229 01:32:56,897 --> 01:32:57,886 What? 1230 01:32:59,400 --> 01:33:00,867 What did you call me? 1231 01:33:01,068 --> 01:33:02,797 Obtuse. Is it deliberate? 1232 01:33:03,170 --> 01:33:04,660 You're forgetting yourself. 1233 01:33:05,005 --> 01:33:07,940 The country club will have his old timecards. 1234 01:33:08,142 --> 01:33:10,906 Records, W-2s with his name on them. 1235 01:33:11,112 --> 01:33:13,808 If you want to indulge this fantasy, it's your business. 1236 01:33:14,014 --> 01:33:16,608 Don't make it mine. This meeting is over. 1237 01:33:16,817 --> 01:33:19,411 If I got out, I'd never mention what happens here. 1238 01:33:20,054 --> 01:33:23,023 I'd be as indictable as you for laundering that money. 1239 01:33:24,892 --> 01:33:27,827 Don't ever mention money to me, you son of a bitch! 1240 01:33:28,028 --> 01:33:29,689 Not in this office... 1241 01:33:29,897 --> 01:33:31,831 ...not anywhere. Get in here, now! 1242 01:33:32,066 --> 01:33:34,762 I just wanted to put you at ease, that's all. 1243 01:33:35,402 --> 01:33:36,664 Solitary. A month. 1244 01:33:37,671 --> 01:33:38,968 What's wrong with you? 1245 01:33:39,173 --> 01:33:40,470 Get him out of here. 1246 01:33:40,674 --> 01:33:42,232 This is my chance to get out! 1247 01:33:42,443 --> 01:33:44,240 It's my life! Understand?! 1248 01:33:44,445 --> 01:33:46,504 Get him out! 1249 01:33:48,282 --> 01:33:50,250 A month in the hole. 1250 01:33:50,451 --> 01:33:53,147 That's the longest stretch I ever heard of. 1251 01:33:53,354 --> 01:33:54,651 It's all my fault. 1252 01:33:54,855 --> 01:33:56,447 Bullshit. 1253 01:33:57,124 --> 01:33:59,820 You didn't pull the trigger or convict him. 1254 01:34:00,027 --> 01:34:02,427 Are you saying Andy is innocent? 1255 01:34:02,630 --> 01:34:04,655 I mean, for real innocent? 1256 01:34:04,865 --> 01:34:06,196 It looks that way. 1257 01:34:06,634 --> 01:34:08,534 Sweet Jesus. 1258 01:34:08,802 --> 01:34:10,633 How long has he been here now? 1259 01:34:11,038 --> 01:34:14,303 1 94 7. What is that? Nineteen years. 1260 01:34:14,542 --> 01:34:17,136 - Williams, Thomas. - Yeah, over here. 1261 01:34:22,983 --> 01:34:24,143 What you got? 1262 01:34:24,785 --> 01:34:26,116 Board of Education. 1263 01:34:26,320 --> 01:34:27,844 That son of a bitch mailed it. 1264 01:34:28,055 --> 01:34:32,014 You going to open it or stand there with your thumb up your butt? 1265 01:34:32,226 --> 01:34:34,387 Thumb up my butt sounds better. 1266 01:34:34,895 --> 01:34:37,728 Skeets, come on. Give me that, you shithead. 1267 01:34:38,566 --> 01:34:39,897 Floyd, come on. 1268 01:34:45,339 --> 01:34:47,739 Will you throw that away, please? 1269 01:34:53,347 --> 01:34:55,076 Well, shit. 1270 01:35:07,761 --> 01:35:10,559 The kid passed. C+ average. 1271 01:35:10,764 --> 01:35:12,857 Thought you'd like to know. 1272 01:35:29,083 --> 01:35:30,550 Warden wants to talk. 1273 01:35:44,298 --> 01:35:45,356 Out here? 1274 01:35:45,566 --> 01:35:47,796 That's what the man said. 1275 01:36:03,917 --> 01:36:04,906 Warden? 1276 01:36:14,928 --> 01:36:18,989 I'm asking you to keep this conversation just between us. 1277 01:36:20,501 --> 01:36:22,765 I feel awkward enough as it is. 1278 01:36:41,221 --> 01:36:43,280 We got a situation here. 1279 01:36:44,158 --> 01:36:46,251 I think you can appreciate that. 1280 01:36:46,460 --> 01:36:47,688 Yes, sir. 1281 01:36:47,961 --> 01:36:49,360 I sure can. 1282 01:36:49,630 --> 01:36:53,657 I tell you, son, this thing really came along and knocked my wind out. 1283 01:36:55,135 --> 01:36:57,695 It's got me up nights. That's the truth. 1284 01:36:59,973 --> 01:37:01,804 The right thing to do... 1285 01:37:03,477 --> 01:37:07,208 ...sometimes it's hard to know what that is. 1286 01:37:08,215 --> 01:37:09,648 Do you understand? 1287 01:37:11,952 --> 01:37:13,544 I need your help, son. 1288 01:37:14,988 --> 01:37:17,149 If I'm going to move on this... 1289 01:37:17,491 --> 01:37:20,654 ...there can't be the least little shred of doubt. 1290 01:37:21,395 --> 01:37:22,453 I have to know... 1291 01:37:22,663 --> 01:37:25,291 ...if what you told Dufresne was the truth. 1292 01:37:25,499 --> 01:37:26,625 Yes, sir. 1293 01:37:26,834 --> 01:37:28,062 Absolutely. 1294 01:37:28,569 --> 01:37:31,561 Would you be willing to swear before a judge and jury... 1295 01:37:31,772 --> 01:37:33,763 ...with your hand on the Good Book... 1296 01:37:33,974 --> 01:37:36,636 ...and take an oath before Almighty God himself? 1297 01:37:36,844 --> 01:37:38,641 Just give me that chance. 1298 01:37:42,916 --> 01:37:44,247 That's what I thought. 1299 01:38:31,331 --> 01:38:33,231 I'm sure by now you've heard. 1300 01:38:35,002 --> 01:38:36,026 Terrible thing. 1301 01:38:37,638 --> 01:38:39,105 A man that young... 1302 01:38:39,440 --> 01:38:42,034 ...less than a year to go, trying to escape. 1303 01:38:42,576 --> 01:38:45,067 Broke Captain Hadley's heart to shoot him. 1304 01:38:45,813 --> 01:38:47,303 Truly, it did. 1305 01:38:50,317 --> 01:38:52,751 We just have to put it behind us. 1306 01:38:54,421 --> 01:38:55,649 Move on. 1307 01:38:57,257 --> 01:38:58,747 I'm done. 1308 01:39:00,060 --> 01:39:01,687 Everything stops. 1309 01:39:03,664 --> 01:39:05,996 Get someone else to run your scams. 1310 01:39:07,267 --> 01:39:09,098 Nothing stops. 1311 01:39:10,437 --> 01:39:11,597 Nothing. 1312 01:39:15,008 --> 01:39:18,102 Or you will do the hardest time there is. 1313 01:39:18,512 --> 01:39:20,810 No more protection from the guards. 1314 01:39:21,048 --> 01:39:25,951 I'll pull you out of that 1-bunk Hilton and cast you down with the sodomites. 1315 01:39:27,354 --> 01:39:29,788 You'll think you've been fucked by a train. 1316 01:39:31,191 --> 01:39:32,681 And the library? 1317 01:39:33,360 --> 01:39:34,349 Gone. 1318 01:39:34,962 --> 01:39:37,522 Sealed off, brick by brick. 1319 01:39:37,998 --> 01:39:40,660 We'll have us a little book barbecue in the yard. 1320 01:39:40,868 --> 01:39:42,995 They'll see the flames for miles. 1321 01:39:43,203 --> 01:39:46,036 We'll dance around it like wild Injuns. 1322 01:39:47,307 --> 01:39:50,299 You understand me? Catching my drift? 1323 01:39:54,047 --> 01:39:55,912 Or am I being obtuse? 1324 01:40:07,694 --> 01:40:10,322 Give him another month to think about it. 1325 01:40:57,077 --> 01:41:00,137 My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know. 1326 01:41:00,948 --> 01:41:02,779 Like a closed book. 1327 01:41:03,584 --> 01:41:05,609 Complained about it all the time. 1328 01:41:06,553 --> 01:41:08,111 She was beautiful. 1329 01:41:10,524 --> 01:41:12,048 God, I loved her. 1330 01:41:15,762 --> 01:41:17,992 I didn't know how to show it, that's all. 1331 01:41:20,734 --> 01:41:22,395 I killed her, Red. 1332 01:41:24,271 --> 01:41:26,068 I didn't pull the trigger... 1333 01:41:27,507 --> 01:41:29,236 ...but I drove her away. 1334 01:41:30,744 --> 01:41:33,440 That's why she died, because of me... 1335 01:41:33,647 --> 01:41:35,012 ...the way I am. 1336 01:41:44,024 --> 01:41:45,855 That don't make you a murderer. 1337 01:41:49,229 --> 01:41:50,992 Bad husband, maybe. 1338 01:41:54,635 --> 01:41:57,900 Feel bad about it if you want, but you didn't pull the trigger. 1339 01:41:58,105 --> 01:41:59,436 No, I didn't. 1340 01:41:59,840 --> 01:42:01,774 Somebody else did. 1341 01:42:03,010 --> 01:42:05,103 And I wound up in here. 1342 01:42:07,581 --> 01:42:09,173 Bad luck, I guess. 1343 01:42:14,388 --> 01:42:15,821 It floats around. 1344 01:42:16,857 --> 01:42:19,087 It's got to land on somebody. 1345 01:42:19,993 --> 01:42:21,893 It was my turn, that's all. 1346 01:42:22,596 --> 01:42:25,360 I was in the path of the tornado. 1347 01:42:31,304 --> 01:42:35,263 I just didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has. 1348 01:42:39,613 --> 01:42:41,308 Think you'll ever get out of here? 1349 01:42:42,549 --> 01:42:43,573 Me? 1350 01:42:46,553 --> 01:42:47,542 Yeah. 1351 01:42:48,889 --> 01:42:51,187 One day, when I got a long, white beard... 1352 01:42:51,391 --> 01:42:54,554 ...and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs. 1353 01:42:56,596 --> 01:42:58,223 I tell you where I'd go. 1354 01:42:59,700 --> 01:43:01,361 Zihuatanejo. 1355 01:43:02,235 --> 01:43:03,429 Say what? 1356 01:43:03,737 --> 01:43:05,568 Zihuatanejo. 1357 01:43:06,506 --> 01:43:08,167 It's in Mexico. 1358 01:43:09,543 --> 01:43:11,670 A little place on the Pacific Ocean. 1359 01:43:12,813 --> 01:43:15,611 You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? 1360 01:43:17,417 --> 01:43:19,408 They say it has no memory. 1361 01:43:21,388 --> 01:43:24,050 That's where I want to live the rest of my life. 1362 01:43:25,692 --> 01:43:28,183 A warm place with no memory. 1363 01:43:31,431 --> 01:43:33,365 Open up a little hotel... 1364 01:43:35,068 --> 01:43:36,558 ...right on the beach. 1365 01:43:37,170 --> 01:43:39,365 Buy some worthless old boat... 1366 01:43:39,906 --> 01:43:41,533 ...and fix it up new. 1367 01:43:44,277 --> 01:43:45,505 Take my guests out... 1368 01:43:46,346 --> 01:43:47,711 ...charter fishing. 1369 01:43:51,551 --> 01:43:53,280 Zihuatanejo. 1370 01:43:56,823 --> 01:44:00,691 In a place like that, I could use a man that knows how to get things. 1371 01:44:07,234 --> 01:44:10,067 I don't think I could make it on the outside. 1372 01:44:16,743 --> 01:44:18,802 I been in here most of my life. 1373 01:44:20,247 --> 01:44:22,010 I'm an institutional man now. 1374 01:44:22,916 --> 01:44:24,645 Just like Brooks was. 1375 01:44:26,119 --> 01:44:27,814 You underestimate yourself. 1376 01:44:28,388 --> 01:44:29,980 I don't think so. 1377 01:44:33,827 --> 01:44:37,763 In here I'm the guy who can get things for you, sure, but... 1378 01:44:38,532 --> 01:44:41,057 ...outside all you need is the Yellow Pages. 1379 01:44:41,268 --> 01:44:43,498 Hell, I wouldn't know where to begin. 1380 01:44:45,639 --> 01:44:47,266 Pacific Ocean? 1381 01:44:47,674 --> 01:44:48,902 Shit. 1382 01:44:49,276 --> 01:44:51,471 Scare me to death, something that big. 1383 01:44:51,678 --> 01:44:52,975 Not me. 1384 01:44:54,181 --> 01:44:56,945 I didn't shoot my wife, and I didn't shoot her lover. 1385 01:44:58,685 --> 01:45:01,916 Whatever mistakes I made, I've paid for them and then some. 1386 01:45:02,956 --> 01:45:04,446 That hotel, that boat.... 1387 01:45:06,226 --> 01:45:08,456 I don't think that's too much to ask. 1388 01:45:13,366 --> 01:45:15,800 You shouldn't be doing this to yourself. 1389 01:45:16,002 --> 01:45:18,027 This is just shitty pipe dreams. 1390 01:45:18,471 --> 01:45:20,939 Mexico is way down there and you're in here... 1391 01:45:21,141 --> 01:45:22,699 ...and that's the way it is. 1392 01:45:23,043 --> 01:45:25,876 Yeah, right. That's the way it is. 1393 01:45:27,380 --> 01:45:29,780 It's down there and I'm in here. 1394 01:45:32,352 --> 01:45:35,082 I guess it comes down to a simple choice. 1395 01:45:37,991 --> 01:45:39,481 Get busy living... 1396 01:45:40,861 --> 01:45:42,886 ...or get busy dying. 1397 01:45:55,008 --> 01:45:57,738 If you ever get out of here, do me a favor. 1398 01:45:57,944 --> 01:46:00,208 Sure, Andy. Anything. 1399 01:46:02,082 --> 01:46:05,950 There's a big hayfield up near Buxton. You know where Buxton is? 1400 01:46:07,420 --> 01:46:10,548 - A lot of hayfields up there. - One in particular. 1401 01:46:10,757 --> 01:46:14,693 It's got a long rock wall with a big oak tree at the north end. 1402 01:46:14,895 --> 01:46:17,762 It's like something out of a Robert Frost poem. 1403 01:46:18,698 --> 01:46:21,189 It's where I asked my wife to marry me. 1404 01:46:22,602 --> 01:46:24,695 We went there for a picnic... 1405 01:46:25,105 --> 01:46:27,198 ...and made love under that oak... 1406 01:46:27,874 --> 01:46:30,104 ...and I asked and she said yes. 1407 01:46:34,114 --> 01:46:35,945 Promise me, Red. 1408 01:46:36,783 --> 01:46:38,410 If you ever get out... 1409 01:46:38,618 --> 01:46:40,108 ...find that spot. 1410 01:46:41,288 --> 01:46:46,123 At the base of that wall, there's a rock that has no earthly business in Maine. 1411 01:46:47,260 --> 01:46:50,286 Piece of black, volcanic glass. 1412 01:46:52,966 --> 01:46:55,628 Something's buried under it I want you to have. 1413 01:46:56,403 --> 01:46:57,631 What, Andy? 1414 01:46:58,071 --> 01:46:59,800 What's buried under there? 1415 01:47:01,408 --> 01:47:03,273 You'll have to pry it up... 1416 01:47:03,476 --> 01:47:04,738 ...to see. 1417 01:47:10,617 --> 01:47:12,585 No, I'm telling you. The guy is.... 1418 01:47:13,253 --> 01:47:14,982 He's talking funny. 1419 01:47:16,089 --> 01:47:17,784 I'm really worried about him. 1420 01:47:18,191 --> 01:47:19,624 Let's keep an eye on him. 1421 01:47:19,826 --> 01:47:23,091 That's fine during the day, but at night he's all alone. 1422 01:47:24,531 --> 01:47:25,657 Oh, Lord. 1423 01:47:27,000 --> 01:47:27,830 What? 1424 01:47:29,336 --> 01:47:32,100 Andy come down to the loading dock today. 1425 01:47:32,305 --> 01:47:34,398 He asked me for a length of rope. 1426 01:47:34,607 --> 01:47:35,437 Rope? 1427 01:47:35,642 --> 01:47:37,303 Six feet long. 1428 01:47:37,544 --> 01:47:38,909 And you gave it to him. 1429 01:47:39,779 --> 01:47:41,576 Sure. Why wouldn't I? 1430 01:47:41,781 --> 01:47:43,339 Jesus! Heywood. 1431 01:47:43,950 --> 01:47:45,918 How was I supposed to know? 1432 01:47:46,119 --> 01:47:47,677 Remember Brooks Hatlen? 1433 01:47:49,689 --> 01:47:51,623 Andy would never do that. 1434 01:47:52,225 --> 01:47:53,283 Never. 1435 01:47:55,362 --> 01:47:56,693 I don't know. 1436 01:47:59,532 --> 01:48:01,557 Every man has his breaking point. 1437 01:48:03,903 --> 01:48:06,167 Lickety-split. Want to get home. 1438 01:48:06,473 --> 01:48:08,236 Just about finished, sir. 1439 01:48:25,358 --> 01:48:26,985 Three deposits tonight. 1440 01:48:34,968 --> 01:48:36,868 Get my stuff down to the laundry. 1441 01:48:37,070 --> 01:48:38,697 And shine my shoes. 1442 01:48:38,905 --> 01:48:41,840 - I want them looking like mirrors. - Yes, sir. 1443 01:48:47,347 --> 01:48:48,814 It's good having you back. 1444 01:48:49,749 --> 01:48:51,614 Place wasn't the same without you. 1445 01:49:38,498 --> 01:49:39,556 Lights out! 1446 01:50:12,398 --> 01:50:14,923 I've had some long nights in stir. 1447 01:50:15,468 --> 01:50:18,130 Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts... 1448 01:50:18,338 --> 01:50:21,000 ...time can draw out like a blade. 1449 01:50:26,346 --> 01:50:29,338 That was the longest night of my life. 1450 01:50:45,198 --> 01:50:46,358 Give me a count! 1451 01:50:50,870 --> 01:50:53,703 Tier 3 south, clear! 1452 01:50:56,843 --> 01:51:00,006 Man missing on tier 2, cell 245! 1453 01:51:00,213 --> 01:51:01,271 Dufresne! 1454 01:51:01,814 --> 01:51:04,248 Come out. You're holding up the show! 1455 01:51:07,387 --> 01:51:10,788 Don't make me come down or I'll thump your skull for you! 1456 01:51:18,364 --> 01:51:22,198 Damn it, you're putting me behind! I got a schedule to keep. 1457 01:51:22,402 --> 01:51:25,701 You'd better be sick or dead in there. I shit you not! 1458 01:51:25,905 --> 01:51:27,236 You hear me? 1459 01:51:33,346 --> 01:51:35,439 Oh, my Holy God. 1460 01:51:52,432 --> 01:51:54,992 I want every man on this cellblock questioned. 1461 01:51:55,435 --> 01:51:57,995 - Start with that friend of his. - Who? 1462 01:52:00,573 --> 01:52:02,131 Open 237. 1463 01:52:05,645 --> 01:52:09,308 What do you mean, "He just wasn't here"? Don't say that to me. 1464 01:52:10,183 --> 01:52:11,514 Don't tell me that again. 1465 01:52:11,718 --> 01:52:12,742 But sir, he wasn't. 1466 01:52:12,986 --> 01:52:16,444 I can see that, Haig! Think I'm blind? 1467 01:52:17,123 --> 01:52:18,522 Is that what you're saying? 1468 01:52:18,725 --> 01:52:21,387 - Am I blind, Haig? - No, sir! 1469 01:52:22,295 --> 01:52:24,786 What about you. You blind? 1470 01:52:25,298 --> 01:52:27,858 - Tell me what this is. - Last night's count. 1471 01:52:28,067 --> 01:52:31,366 You see Dufresne's name there? I sure do. Right there. 1472 01:52:31,571 --> 01:52:32,902 "Dufresne." 1473 01:52:34,574 --> 01:52:36,041 He was in his cell... 1474 01:52:36,276 --> 01:52:37,243 ...at lights out. 1475 01:52:37,443 --> 01:52:39,707 Reasonable he'd be here in the morning. 1476 01:52:40,747 --> 01:52:42,374 I want him found. 1477 01:52:42,582 --> 01:52:46,040 Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now! 1478 01:52:46,286 --> 01:52:47,480 Yes, sir. 1479 01:52:48,488 --> 01:52:50,752 Let's go. Move your butts. 1480 01:52:54,160 --> 01:52:55,149 Stand. 1481 01:52:56,596 --> 01:52:57,654 Well? 1482 01:53:01,100 --> 01:53:02,089 Well, what? 1483 01:53:02,302 --> 01:53:05,760 I see you two all the time. You're thick as thieves, you are. 1484 01:53:06,839 --> 01:53:08,329 He must have said something. 1485 01:53:09,075 --> 01:53:10,599 No, sir, Warden. 1486 01:53:10,977 --> 01:53:11,944 Not a word. 1487 01:53:13,780 --> 01:53:16,340 Lord, it's a miracle! 1488 01:53:16,949 --> 01:53:19,509 Man vanished like a fart in the wind. 1489 01:53:20,186 --> 01:53:21,346 Nothing left... 1490 01:53:22,188 --> 01:53:24,918 ...but some damn rocks on a windowsill. 1491 01:53:25,124 --> 01:53:27,854 And that cupcake on the wall. Let's ask her. 1492 01:53:28,061 --> 01:53:29,824 Maybe she knows. 1493 01:53:30,063 --> 01:53:32,793 What say there, fuzzy-britches? Feel like talking? 1494 01:53:34,233 --> 01:53:35,530 Guess not. 1495 01:53:36,102 --> 01:53:38,297 Why should she be any different? 1496 01:53:39,372 --> 01:53:41,033 This is a conspiracy. 1497 01:53:41,674 --> 01:53:43,505 That's what this is. 1498 01:53:44,110 --> 01:53:47,841 One big, damn conspiracy! 1499 01:53:48,114 --> 01:53:50,105 And everyone's in on it! 1500 01:53:50,750 --> 01:53:51,910 Including her! 1501 01:54:26,953 --> 01:54:28,648 In 1966... 1502 01:54:28,855 --> 01:54:31,255 ...Andy Dufresne escaped... 1503 01:54:31,457 --> 01:54:33,015 ...from Shawshank Prison. 1504 01:54:35,261 --> 01:54:37,821 All they found was a muddy set of prison clothes... 1505 01:54:38,464 --> 01:54:39,988 ...a bar of soap... 1506 01:54:40,199 --> 01:54:41,757 ...and an old rock hammer... 1507 01:54:41,968 --> 01:54:44,436 ...damn near worn down to the nub. 1508 01:54:48,941 --> 01:54:53,708 I had thought it'd take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it. 1509 01:54:54,347 --> 01:54:56,975 Old Andy did it in less than 20. 1510 01:55:15,268 --> 01:55:17,566 Oh, Andy loved geology. 1511 01:55:18,337 --> 01:55:21,500 I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. 1512 01:55:21,908 --> 01:55:23,739 An ice age here... 1513 01:55:24,177 --> 01:55:26,668 ...million years of mountain building there. 1514 01:55:27,680 --> 01:55:30,513 Geology is the study of pressure and time. 1515 01:55:31,350 --> 01:55:33,341 That's all it takes, really. 1516 01:55:34,086 --> 01:55:35,178 Pressure... 1517 01:55:35,822 --> 01:55:37,084 ...and time. 1518 01:55:38,424 --> 01:55:40,483 That and a big goddamn poster. 1519 01:55:44,530 --> 01:55:45,462 Like I said... 1520 01:55:45,965 --> 01:55:49,958 ...in prison, a man will do anything to keep his mind occupied. 1521 01:55:52,772 --> 01:55:57,573 Seems Andy's favorite hobby was toting his wall out into the exercise yard... 1522 01:55:58,110 --> 01:56:00,044 ...a handful at a time. 1523 01:56:01,347 --> 01:56:03,406 I guess after Tommy was killed... 1524 01:56:03,616 --> 01:56:06,585 ...Andy decided he'd been here long enough. 1525 01:56:06,786 --> 01:56:09,346 Lickety-split. I want to get home. 1526 01:56:10,089 --> 01:56:12,114 I'm just about finished, sir. 1527 01:56:33,579 --> 01:56:35,513 Three deposits tonight. 1528 01:56:42,822 --> 01:56:45,120 Andy did like he was told. 1529 01:56:45,324 --> 01:56:48,816 Buffed those shoes to a high mirror-shine. 1530 01:56:52,498 --> 01:56:54,796 The guards simply didn't notice. 1531 01:56:55,101 --> 01:56:56,568 Neither did I. 1532 01:56:56,769 --> 01:56:58,293 I mean, seriously... 1533 01:56:58,504 --> 01:57:01,496 ...how often do you really look at a man's shoes? 1534 01:59:05,064 --> 01:59:08,227 Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards... 1535 01:59:08,467 --> 01:59:11,800 ...of shit-smelling foulness I can't even imagine. 1536 01:59:12,805 --> 01:59:15,137 Or maybe I just don't want to. 1537 01:59:19,545 --> 01:59:21,911 Five hundred yards. 1538 01:59:22,415 --> 01:59:25,475 That's the length of five football fields. 1539 01:59:26,118 --> 01:59:28,678 Just shy of half a mile. 1540 02:00:23,909 --> 02:00:28,505 The next morning, right about the time Raquel was spilling her secret... 1541 02:00:28,814 --> 02:00:31,647 ...a man nobody ever laid eyes on before... 1542 02:00:31,884 --> 02:00:34,478 ...strolled into the Maine National Bank. 1543 02:00:35,054 --> 02:00:38,217 Until that moment, he didn't exist. 1544 02:00:38,791 --> 02:00:41,157 - Except on paper. - May I help you? 1545 02:00:41,560 --> 02:00:43,494 He had all the proper ID... 1546 02:00:43,696 --> 02:00:47,393 ...driver's license, birth certificate, Social Security card.... 1547 02:00:47,833 --> 02:00:50,358 And the signature was a spot-on match. 1548 02:00:50,569 --> 02:00:53,663 I must say I'm sorry to be losing your business. 1549 02:00:53,873 --> 02:00:55,602 I hope you'll enjoy living abroad. 1550 02:00:56,408 --> 02:00:57,500 Thank you. 1551 02:00:58,177 --> 02:00:59,337 I'm sure I will. 1552 02:01:00,246 --> 02:01:03,579 Here's your cashier's check, sir. Will there be anything else? 1553 02:01:03,783 --> 02:01:04,772 Please. 1554 02:01:05,351 --> 02:01:07,842 Would you add this to your outgoing mail? 1555 02:01:08,354 --> 02:01:09,548 I'd be happy to. 1556 02:01:11,357 --> 02:01:12,688 Good day, sir. 1557 02:01:13,626 --> 02:01:18,063 Mr.Stevens visited nearly a dozen banks in the Portland area that morning. 1558 02:01:18,531 --> 02:01:20,123 All told, he blew town... 1559 02:01:20,332 --> 02:01:25,167 ...with better than $370,000 of Warden Norton's money. 1560 02:01:25,871 --> 02:01:28,635 Severance pay for 19 years. 1561 02:01:35,881 --> 02:01:38,076 Good morning, Portland Daily Bugle. 1562 02:02:30,936 --> 02:02:33,871 Byron Hadley? You have the right to remain silent. 1563 02:02:34,139 --> 02:02:38,576 If you give up this right, anything you say can be held against you in court. 1564 02:02:39,011 --> 02:02:43,471 I wasn't there to see, but I hear Byron Hadley sobbed like a girl... 1565 02:02:43,682 --> 02:02:45,172 ...when they took him away. 1566 02:02:51,056 --> 02:02:54,457 Norton had no intention of going that quietly. 1567 02:03:10,309 --> 02:03:11,139 Samuel Norton. 1568 02:03:11,944 --> 02:03:14,378 We have a warrant for your arrest. Open up. 1569 02:03:19,118 --> 02:03:20,210 Open the door. 1570 02:03:20,753 --> 02:03:22,015 I'm not sure which key. 1571 02:03:32,164 --> 02:03:34,098 Make it easy on yourself, Norton! 1572 02:03:45,611 --> 02:03:49,069 I like to think the last thing that went through his head... 1573 02:03:49,281 --> 02:03:50,873 ...other than that bullet... 1574 02:03:51,083 --> 02:03:55,520 ...was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him. 1575 02:03:58,023 --> 02:04:01,481 Not long after the warden deprived us of his company... 1576 02:04:01,760 --> 02:04:03,819 ...I got a postcard in the mail. 1577 02:04:05,297 --> 02:04:08,130 It was blank, but the postmark said... 1578 02:04:08,334 --> 02:04:10,461 ...Fort Hancock, Texas. 1579 02:04:11,003 --> 02:04:12,368 Fort Hancock... 1580 02:04:12,638 --> 02:04:14,367 ...right on the border. 1581 02:04:14,773 --> 02:04:16,764 That's where Andy crossed. 1582 02:04:17,343 --> 02:04:21,473 When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down... 1583 02:04:21,814 --> 02:04:24,044 ...it always makes me laugh. 1584 02:04:25,884 --> 02:04:27,442 Andy Dufresne... 1585 02:04:27,820 --> 02:04:29,845 ...who crawled through a river of shit... 1586 02:04:30,055 --> 02:04:32,455 ...and came out clean on the other side. 1587 02:04:33,292 --> 02:04:34,657 Andy Dufresne... 1588 02:04:35,461 --> 02:04:37,053 ...headed for the Pacific. 1589 02:04:40,032 --> 02:04:42,193 Hadley's got him by the throat, right? 1590 02:04:42,401 --> 02:04:46,201 He says, "I believe this boy's about to have himself an accident." 1591 02:04:46,405 --> 02:04:49,272 Those of us who knew him best talk about him often. 1592 02:04:49,942 --> 02:04:51,637 I swear, the stuff he pulled.... 1593 02:04:51,844 --> 02:04:54,813 "My friends could use a couple of beers." 1594 02:04:55,147 --> 02:04:56,808 And he got it! 1595 02:04:58,050 --> 02:05:00,450 Sometimes it makes me sad, though... 1596 02:05:00,719 --> 02:05:02,152 ...Andy being gone. 1597 02:05:02,855 --> 02:05:06,985 I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. 1598 02:05:07,459 --> 02:05:09,518 Their feathers are just too bright. 1599 02:05:11,230 --> 02:05:12,959 And when they fly away... 1600 02:05:13,399 --> 02:05:17,802 ...the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. 1601 02:05:18,871 --> 02:05:20,133 But still... 1602 02:05:20,606 --> 02:05:24,940 ...the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. 1603 02:05:29,148 --> 02:05:31,514 I guess I just miss my friend. 1604 02:05:56,208 --> 02:05:57,140 Please sit down. 1605 02:06:02,981 --> 02:06:04,539 Ellis Boyd Redding... 1606 02:06:05,084 --> 02:06:08,349 ...your files say you've served 40 years of a life sentence. 1607 02:06:09,154 --> 02:06:11,281 You feel you've been rehabilitated? 1608 02:06:13,158 --> 02:06:14,716 Rehabilitated? 1609 02:06:16,762 --> 02:06:18,662 Well, now, let me see. 1610 02:06:19,665 --> 02:06:21,997 I don't have any idea what that means. 1611 02:06:24,103 --> 02:06:26,367 It means you're ready to rejoin society-- 1612 02:06:26,939 --> 02:06:29,271 I know what you think it means, sonny. 1613 02:06:31,443 --> 02:06:33,434 To me it's just a made-up word. 1614 02:06:34,780 --> 02:06:37,112 A politician's word so that... 1615 02:06:37,549 --> 02:06:41,076 ...young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie... 1616 02:06:41,553 --> 02:06:43,145 ...and have a job. 1617 02:06:45,124 --> 02:06:47,217 What do you really want to know? 1618 02:06:47,993 --> 02:06:49,961 Am I sorry for what I did? 1619 02:06:50,395 --> 02:06:51,555 Well, are you? 1620 02:06:53,465 --> 02:06:56,298 There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. 1621 02:06:57,669 --> 02:07:01,127 Not because I'm in here or because you think I should. 1622 02:07:04,610 --> 02:07:07,170 I look back on the way I was then... 1623 02:07:09,314 --> 02:07:10,474 ...a young... 1624 02:07:11,583 --> 02:07:15,075 ...stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. 1625 02:07:18,090 --> 02:07:19,785 I want to talk to him. 1626 02:07:21,727 --> 02:07:24,195 I want to try and talk some sense to him. 1627 02:07:24,930 --> 02:07:26,864 Tell him the way things are. 1628 02:07:28,967 --> 02:07:30,400 But I can't. 1629 02:07:32,604 --> 02:07:34,595 That kid's long gone... 1630 02:07:35,807 --> 02:07:38,571 ...and this old man is all that's left. 1631 02:07:39,978 --> 02:07:41,445 I got to live with that. 1632 02:07:42,814 --> 02:07:44,509 Rehabilitated? 1633 02:07:44,883 --> 02:07:46,714 It's just a bullshit word. 1634 02:07:47,653 --> 02:07:52,420 So you go on and stamp your forms, sonny, and stop wasting my time. 1635 02:07:53,659 --> 02:07:55,923 Because to tell you the truth... 1636 02:07:56,261 --> 02:07:58,252 ...I don't give a shit. 1637 02:09:24,783 --> 02:09:26,182 Here you go, miss. 1638 02:09:29,121 --> 02:09:30,145 Restroom break? 1639 02:09:35,961 --> 02:09:40,489 You don't need to ask me every time you need to go take a piss. Just go. 1640 02:09:53,545 --> 02:09:56,605 Forty years I've been asking permission to piss. 1641 02:09:57,449 --> 02:10:00,441 I can't squeeze a drop without say-so. 1642 02:10:03,955 --> 02:10:06,116 There's a harsh truth to face. 1643 02:10:07,793 --> 02:10:10,694 No way I'm going to make it on the outside. 1644 02:10:18,570 --> 02:10:22,267 All I do anymore is think of ways to break my parole... 1645 02:10:23,075 --> 02:10:25,543 ...so maybe they'd send me back. 1646 02:10:30,749 --> 02:10:33,183 Terrible thing, to live in fear. 1647 02:10:34,086 --> 02:10:35,747 Brooks Hatlen knew it. 1648 02:10:35,954 --> 02:10:37,888 Knew it all too well. 1649 02:10:39,491 --> 02:10:42,892 All I want is to be back where things make sense. 1650 02:10:43,328 --> 02:10:46,058 Where I won't have to be afraid all the time. 1651 02:10:48,066 --> 02:10:50,432 Only one thing stops me. 1652 02:10:51,870 --> 02:10:54,270 A promise I made to Andy. 1653 02:11:14,793 --> 02:11:15,919 There it is. 1654 02:11:26,538 --> 02:11:28,199 Much obliged, sir. 1655 02:15:07,525 --> 02:15:08,787 Dear Red: 1656 02:15:09,027 --> 02:15:11,495 If you're reading this, you've gotten out... 1657 02:15:11,696 --> 02:15:15,757 ...and if you've come this far, maybe you'd come a bit further. 1658 02:15:16,034 --> 02:15:18,502 You remember the name of the town, don't you? 1659 02:15:20,805 --> 02:15:22,295 Zihuatanejo. 1660 02:15:23,942 --> 02:15:27,537 I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. 1661 02:15:28,046 --> 02:15:31,573 I'll keep an eye out for you, and the chessboard ready. 1662 02:15:32,384 --> 02:15:33,783 Remember, Red... 1663 02:15:34,119 --> 02:15:36,212 ...hope is a good thing... 1664 02:15:36,421 --> 02:15:38,412 ...maybe the best of things. 1665 02:15:38,623 --> 02:15:40,784 And no good thing ever dies. 1666 02:15:41,326 --> 02:15:44,193 I will be hoping that this letter finds you... 1667 02:15:44,396 --> 02:15:46,125 ...and finds you well. 1668 02:15:46,631 --> 02:15:47,859 Your friend... 1669 02:15:48,066 --> 02:15:49,226 ...Andy. 1670 02:16:23,068 --> 02:16:24,797 "Get busy living... 1671 02:16:25,003 --> 02:16:26,903 ...or get busy dying. " 1672 02:16:29,607 --> 02:16:31,768 That's goddamn right. 1673 02:16:37,015 --> 02:16:39,142 For the second time in my life... 1674 02:16:39,384 --> 02:16:41,944 ...I'm guilty of committing a crime. 1675 02:16:43,021 --> 02:16:44,955 Parole violation. 1676 02:16:45,623 --> 02:16:49,286 Of course I doubt they'll toss up any roadblocks for that. 1677 02:16:49,961 --> 02:16:51,986 Not for an old crook like me. 1678 02:16:52,197 --> 02:16:54,222 Fort Hancock, Texas, please. 1679 02:16:57,902 --> 02:17:02,635 I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. 1680 02:17:03,074 --> 02:17:06,407 I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel. 1681 02:17:06,611 --> 02:17:09,102 A free man at the start of a long journey... 1682 02:17:09,314 --> 02:17:11,908 ...whose conclusion is uncertain. 1683 02:17:14,919 --> 02:17:17,581 I hope I can make it across the border. 1684 02:17:19,090 --> 02:17:22,116 I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. 1685 02:17:23,995 --> 02:17:28,056 I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. 1686 02:17:29,901 --> 02:17:31,095 I hope.