{3911}{3977}The hills are alive {3983}{4089}With the sound of music {4095}{4154}With songs they have sung {4160}{4277}For a thousand years {4283}{4359}The hills fill my heart {4364}{4474}With the sound of music {4480}{4652}My heart wants to sing|Every song it hears {4664}{4780}My heart wants to beat like the wings|Of the birds that rise {4786}{4860}From the lake to the trees {4866}{4969}My heart wants to sigh|Like a chime that flies {4975}{5070}From a church on a breeze {5076}{5160}To laugh like a brook|When it trips and falls {5166}{5250}Over stones on its way {5256}{5349}To sing through the night {5355}{5446}Like a lark who is learning to pray {5454}{5588}I go to the hills {5594}{5742}When my heart is lonely {5748}{5841}I know I will hear {5846}{5954}What I've heard before {5960}{6074}My heart will be blessed {6079}{6267}With the sound of music {6291}{6414}And I'll sing... {6420}{6635}...once more {13398}{13517}Hallelujah, hallelujah {13523}{13634}Hallelujah, hallelujah {13691}{13739}-Reverend Mother.|-Sister Bernice. {13745}{13807}-I simply cannot find her.|-Maria? {13834}{13865}She's missing again. {13886}{13944}We should've put a cowbell|around her neck. {13950}{14023}Have you tried the barn? You know|how much she adores the animals. {14029}{14095}I have looked everywhere.|In all of the usual places. {14100}{14154}Sister, considering it's Maria. . . {14160}{14223}. . .I suggest you look in someplace|unusual. {14350}{14380}Well, Reverend Mother. . . {14386}{14449}. . .I hope this new infraction ends|whatever doubts. . . {14455}{14533}. . .you may still have|about Maria's future here. {14538}{14635}I always try to keep faith|in my doubts, Sister Berthe. {14641}{14710}After all, the wool of a black sheep|is just as warm. {14716}{14819}We are not talking about sheep,|black or white, Sister Margaretta. {14825}{14907}Of all the candidates for|the novitiate, Maria is the least-- {14913}{14974}Children, children. {14985}{15080}We were speculating about|the qualifications of our postulants. {15095}{15167}The Mistress of Novices|and the Mistress of Postulants. . . {15173}{15300}. . .were trying to help me|by expressing opposite points of view. {15306}{15379}Tell me, Sister Catherine,|what do you think of Maria? {15384}{15458}She's a wonderful girl,|some of the time. {15481}{15555}-Sister Agatha?|-It's very easy to like Maria. . . {15561}{15622}. . .except when it's difficult. {15628}{15714}-And you, Sister Sophia?|-Oh, I love her very dearly. {15719}{15789}But she always seems to be|in trouble, doesn't she? {15795}{15837}Exactly what I say. {15845}{15904}She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee {15909}{15950}Her dress has got a tear {15965}{16065}She waltzes on her way to Mass|And whistles on the stair {16081}{16188}And underneath her wimple|She has curlers in her hair {16195}{16306}I've even heard her singing|ln the abbey {16311}{16359}She's always late for chapel {16364}{16419}But her penitence is real {16426}{16482}She's always late for everything {16487}{16536}Except for every meal {16545}{16658}I hate to have to say it|But I very firmly feel {16663}{16770}Maria 's not an asset to the abbey {16781}{16842}I'd like to say a word in her behalf {16848}{16880}Say it, Sister Margaretta. {16901}{16996}Maria makes me laugh {17066}{17159}How do you solve a problem like Maria? {17165}{17257}How do you catch a cloud|And pin it down? {17263}{17344}How do you find a word|That means Maria? {17356}{17383}A flibbertigibbet {17388}{17421}-A will-o '-the-wisp|-A clown {17460}{17550}Many a thing you know|You'd like to tell her {17556}{17638}Many a thing she ought to understand {17649}{17738}But how do you make her stay|And listen to all you say? {17751}{17835}How do you keep a wave upon the sand? {17841}{17938}How do you solve a problem like Maria? {17951}{18084}How do you hold a moonbeam... {18089}{18220}...in your hand? {18246}{18330}When I'm with her I'm confused|Out of focus and bemused {18336}{18419}And I never know exactly where I am {18424}{18504}-Unpredictable as weather|-She's as flighty as a feather {18512}{18556}-She's a darling|-She's a demon {18561}{18594}She's a lamb {18603}{18690}She'll out pester any pest|Drive a hornet from its nest {18696}{18775}She can throw a whirling dervish|Out of whirl {18788}{18874}-She is gentle, she is wild|-She's a riddle, she's a child {18887}{18949}-She's a headache|-She's an angel {18954}{19047}She's a girl {19066}{19159}How do you solve a problem like Maria? {19164}{19254}How do you catch a cloud|And pin it down? {19260}{19345}How do you find a word|That means Maria? {19351}{19399}-A flibbertigibbet|-A will-o '-the-wisp {19404}{19444}A clown {19455}{19545}Many a thing you know|You'd like to tell her {19551}{19634}Many a thing she ought to understand {19639}{19744}-But how do you make her stay|-And listen to all you say? {19750}{19848}How do you keep a wave upon the sand? {19853}{19993}How do you solve a problem like Maria? {20375}{20538}How do you hold a moonbeam... {20558}{20713}...in your hand? {20996}{21044}You may go in now, Maria. {21346}{21385}Come here, my child. {21541}{21574}Now sit down. {21596}{21682}Reverend Mother, I'm sorry.|I couldn't help myself. {21688}{21758}-The hills were beckoning and before--|-Dear. {21769}{21816}I haven't summoned you for apologies. {21822}{21875}Please let me ask for forgiveness. {21891}{21921}If you'll feel better. {21943}{22000}Yes, you see,|the sky was so blue today. . . {22006}{22097}. . .and everything was so green and|fragrant, I had to be a part of it. {22103}{22210}The Untersberg led me higher like|it wanted me to go through the clouds. {22215}{22266}Suppose darkness had come|and you were lost? {22271}{22325}Mother, I could never be lost|up there. {22331}{22399}That's my mountain.|I was brought up on it. {22404}{22459}It was the mountain that led me|to you. {22478}{22549}When I was a child,|I would come down and climb a tree. . . {22555}{22598}. . .and look in your garden. {22603}{22674}I'd see the sisters at work|and hear them sing. {22706}{22793}Which brings me to another|transgression, Reverend Mother. {22798}{22850}I was singing out there today. {22865}{22962}Only in the abbey do we have rules|about postulants singing. {22967}{23015}I can't stop wherever I am. {23021}{23077}Worse, I can't seem to stop|saying things. {23083}{23137}Everything I think and feel. {23143}{23178}Some call that "honesty. " {23183}{23240}Oh, but it's terrible,|Reverend Mother! {23246}{23339}You know how Sister Berthe makes me|kiss the floor after a disagreement? {23348}{23432}Lately, I kiss the floor|when I see her coming to save time. {23496}{23524}Maria. . . {23548}{23620}. . .when you saw us over the wall|and longed to be with us. . . {23626}{23739}. . .that didn't mean you were prepared|for the way we live here, did it? {23771}{23829}No, Mother, but I pray and I try. {23834}{23875}And I am learning. I really am. {23881}{23945}What is the most important lesson|you have learned here? {23961}{24052}To find out what is the will of God|and do it wholeheartedly. {24120}{24147}Maria. . . {24183}{24250}. . .it seems to be God's will|that you leave us. {24256}{24292}-Leave?|-Only for a while. {24304}{24360}No, Mother!|Please don't send me away! {24366}{24468}This is where I belong. It's my home,|my family. It's my life. {24484}{24556}-Are you truly ready for it?|-Yes, I am. {24561}{24679}If you go out into the world for a|time, knowing what we expect of you. . . {24685}{24751}. . .you will find out|if you can expect it of yourself. {24756}{24859}I know what you expect, Mother,|and I can do it! I promise I can! {24944}{24974}Yes, Mother. {25024}{25064}If it is God's will. {25118}{25240}There is a family near Salzburg that|needs a governess until September. {25246}{25299}-September?|-For seven children. {25314}{25339}Seven children?! {25345}{25375}Do you like children? {25394}{25437}Well, yes, but seven! {25465}{25541}I will tell Captain von Trapp|to expect you tomorrow. {25554}{25586}Captain? {25604}{25720}A retired officer of the lmperial|Navy. A fine man and a brave one. {25726}{25791}His wife died,|and he is alone with the children. {25796}{25899}I understand he has had a difficult|time keeping a governess there. {25918}{25973}Why difficult, Reverend Mother? {26006}{26076}The Lord will show you|in His own good time. {26959}{27019}When the Lord closes a door. . . {27024}{27084}. . .somewhere He opens a window. {27141}{27260}What will this day be like? {27266}{27319}I wonder {27475}{27574}What will my future be? {27594}{27648}I wonder {27686}{27759}It could be so exciting {27764}{27839}To be out in the world|To be free {27844}{27918}My heart should be wildly rejoicing {27946}{28074}Oh, what's the matter with me? {28082}{28155}I've always longed for adventure {28161}{28247}To do the things I've never dared {28253}{28330}Now here I'm facing adventure {28336}{28483}Then why am I so scared? {28566}{28635}A captain with seven children {28641}{28709}What's so fearsome about that? {28770}{28832}I must stop these doubts and worries {28838}{28907}If I don 't ljust know I'll turn back {28913}{28989}I must dream of the things|I am seeking {29014}{29134}I am seeking the courage I lack {29157}{29249}The courage to serve them|With reliance {29255}{29325}Face my mistakes without defiance {29331}{29372}Show them I'm worthy {29378}{29442}And while I show them {29448}{29539}I'll show me {29544}{29674}So let them bring on|All their problems {29679}{29757}I'll do better than my best {29763}{29837}I have confidence|They'll put me to the test {29843}{29926}But I'll make them see|I have confidence in me {29931}{30010}Somehow I will impress them {30016}{30094}I will be firm but kind {30100}{30179}And all those children|Heaven bless them {30185}{30264}They will look up to me|And mind me {30270}{30345}With each step I am more certain {30351}{30429}Everything will turn out fine {30434}{30509}I have confidence|The world can all be mine {30514}{30646}They'll have to agree|I have confidence in me {30683}{30749}I have confidence in sunshine {30755}{30829}I have confidence in rain {30834}{30904}I have confidence|That spring will come again {30910}{30984}Besides which you see|I have confidence in me {30990}{31065}Strength doesn 't lie in numbers {31071}{31144}Strength doesn 't lie in wealth {31150}{31229}Strength lies in nights|Ofpeaceful slumbers {31235}{31305}When you wake up, wake up|It's healthy {31311}{31384}All I trust I leave my heart to {31389}{31459}All I trust becomes my own {31464}{31579}I have confidence in confidence alone {31930}{31969}Oh, help. {32261}{32421}I have confidence in confidence alone {32439}{32555}Besides which you see|I have confidence... {32561}{32725}...in me {32882}{32939}Hello. Here I am. {33006}{33051}I'm from the convent.|I'm the new governess, captain. {33091}{33169}And I'm the old butler, fräulein. {33215}{33259}Well, how do you do? {33511}{33609}You'll wait here, please. {35679}{35778}In future, remember certain rooms|in this house are not to be disturbed. {35805}{35841}Yes, captain, sir. {36030}{36156}-Why do you stare at me that way?|-You don't look like a sea captain. {36186}{36259}I'm afraid you don't look|very much like a governess. {36276}{36302}-Turn around.|-What? {36310}{36339}Turn. {36416}{36444}Hat off. {36521}{36584}Put on another dress|before meeting the children. {36590}{36629}But I don't have another. {36635}{36704}When we enter the abbey,|our worldly clothes go to the poor. {36710}{36739}What about this one? {36745}{36777}The poor didn't want it. {36821}{36905}There wasn't time to make a new dress.|I can make clothes. {36935}{36989}I'll see that you get some material. {37006}{37044}Today, if possible. {37068}{37110}-Now, fräulein. . . .|-Maria. {37116}{37180}I don't know how much|the abbess told you. {37186}{37249}You are the twelfth governess. . . {37254}{37313}. . .to look after my children|since their mother died. {37318}{37371}I trust you will be an improvement|on the last one. {37377}{37421}She stayed only two hours. {37462}{37524}What's wrong with the children, sir? {37559}{37664}Nothing is wrong with the children,|only the governesses. {37671}{37789}They could not maintain discipline,|without which the house cannot be run. {37811}{37855}Drill them in their studies. {37861}{37945}I will not permit them to dream|away their summer holidays. {37951}{38015}Each afternoon,|they march, breathing deeply. {38021}{38060}Bedtime is to be strictly observed. {38066}{38089}When do they play? {38094}{38191}You will see to it that they conduct|themselves with the utmost decorum. {38197}{38268}-I am placing you in command.|-Yes, sir. {40201}{40229}Now. . . {40243}{40314}. . .this is your new governess,|Fräulein Maria. {40354}{40402}Give your name at your signal. {40409}{40509}Fräulein, listen carefully. Learn|their signals so you can call them. {40540}{40574}Liesl. {40580}{40622}Friedrich. {40628}{40665}Louisa. {40671}{40702}Kurt. {40707}{40732}Brigitta. {40738}{40769}Marta. {40922}{40954}Gretl. {41065}{41147}Now, let's see how well you listened. {41153}{41210}I won't need to whistle for them,|Reverend Captain. {41216}{41299}I mean, I'll use their names.|Such lovely names. {41304}{41380}Fräulein, this is a large house.|The grounds are extensive. {41386}{41452}And I will not have anyone shouting. {41458}{41499}You will take this, please.|Learn to use it. {41504}{41544}The children will help you. {41593}{41689}Now, when I want you,|this is what you will hear. {41709}{41753}Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir! {41774}{41810}I could never answer to a whistle. {41816}{41879}Whistles are for animals,|not for children. {41885}{41934}And definitely not for me. {41940}{42004}It would be too humiliating. {42023}{42148}Fräulein, were you this much trouble|at the abbey? {42155}{42182}Oh, much more, sir. {42448}{42486}I don't know your signal. {42521}{42584}You may call me "captain. " {42894}{42929}At ease. {42996}{43034}Now that there's just us. . . {43039}{43139}. . .would you please tell me all your|names again and how old you are. {43151}{43247}I'm Liesl. I'm 1 6 years old,|and I don't need a governess. {43265}{43339}I'm glad you told me, Liesl.|We'll just be good friends. {43390}{43482}I'm Friedrich. I'm 1 4.|I'm impossible. {43488}{43529}Really? Who told you that, Friedrich? {43534}{43619}Fräulein Josephine.|Four governesses ago. {43629}{43664}I'm Brigitta. {43708}{43804}You didn't tell me how old you are,|Louisa. {43821}{43875}I'm Brigitta. She's Louisa. {43881}{43947}She's 1 3 years old, and you're smart. {43953}{44043}I'm 1 0, and I think your dress|is the ugliest one I ever saw. {44051}{44114}-Brigitta, you shouldn't say that.|-Why not? {44119}{44174}-Don't you think it's ugly?|-Of course. {44180}{44245}But Fräulein Helga's was ugliest. {44251}{44314}I'm Kurt. I'm 1 1 .|I'm incorrigible. {44320}{44395}-Congratulations.|-What's "incorrigible"? {44401}{44494}I think it means you want|to be treated like a boy. {44546}{44625}I'm Marta, and I'm going to be|seven on Tuesday. {44631}{44664}I'd like a pink parasol. {44693}{44730}Pink's my favorite color too. {44786}{44814}Yes, you're Gretl. {44836}{44878}And you're five years old? {44888}{44936}My, you're practically a lady. {44996}{45069}I have to tell you a secret.|I've never been a governess. {45103}{45170}You don't know anything|about being a governess? {45176}{45209}Nothing. I'll need lots of advice. {45231}{45340}The best way to start is to tell|Father to mind his own business. {45346}{45389}Never come to dinner on time. {45394}{45449}Never eat your soup quietly. {45466}{45515}During dessert, always blow your nose. {45521}{45587}Don't you believe a word they say,|Fräulein Maria. {45593}{45674}-Oh, why not?|-Because I like you. {45693}{45740}Children, outside for your walk. {45746}{45790}Father's orders. Hurry up. {45796}{45827}Quick, quick, quick. {45833}{45910}Fräulein Maria, I'm Frau Schmidt,|the housekeeper. {45916}{45940}How do you do. {45946}{46014}I'll show you to your room.|Follow me. {46281}{46323}Poor little dears. {46628}{46732}You're very lucky. With|Fräulein Helga it was a snake. {47066}{47097}Good evening. {47131}{47217}-Good evening, children.|-Good evening, Fräulein Maria. {47389}{47429}Enchanting little ritual. {47434}{47499}Something you learned at the abbey? {47528}{47583}No. {47623}{47654}Rheumatism. {47888}{47964}Excuse me, captain. Haven't we|forgotten to thank the Lord? {48161}{48233}For what we receive,|may the Lord make us truly thankful. {48246}{48292}-Amen.|-Amen. {48401}{48447}I'd like to thank you all. . . {48452}{48524}. . .for the precious gift|you left in my pocket today. {48607}{48651}What gift? {48726}{48778}It's a secret between|the children and me. {48783}{48871}Then I suggest you keep it,|and let us eat. {48880}{48927}Knowing how nervous|I must have been. . . {48933}{48991}. . .a stranger in a new household. . . {48996}{49070}. . .knowing how important it was|for me to feel accepted. . . {49076}{49177}. . .it was so kind and thoughtful of|you to make my first moments here. . . {49182}{49235}. . .so warm and happy. . . {49241}{49283}. . .and pleasant. {49505}{49554}-What is the matter, Marta?|-Nothing. {49851}{49876}Fräulein. . . {49882}{49974}. . .is it to be at every meal|or merely at dinnertime. . . {49979}{50089}. . .that you intend leading us through|this rare and wonderful new world. . . {50094}{50134}. . .of indigestion? {50171}{50239}They're all right, captain.|They're just happy. {50689}{50754}-Rolf, good evening.|-Good evening, Franz. {50760}{50826}-I trust everything is under control?|-Yes, yes. {50864}{50923}-Are there any developments?|-Perhaps. {50928}{50980}-Is the captain home?|-He's at dinner. {50986}{51042}-With the family?|-Yes. {51048}{51090}Give him this telegram at once. {51109}{51134}Certainly. {51414}{51456}A telegram for you, sir. {51524}{51568}Franz? Who delivered it? {51575}{51624}That young lad Rolf, of course. {51680}{51722}Father, may I be excused? {51745}{51852}Children, in the morning I shall|be going to Vienna. {51859}{51918}Not again, Father! {52011}{52060}How long will you be gone this time? {52076}{52110}I'm not sure, Gretl. {52116}{52202}-To visit Baroness Schraeder again?|-Mind your own business! {52225}{52271}As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa. {52314}{52406}-Why can't we ever see the baroness?|-Why would she want to see you? {52412}{52530}You are going to see the baroness.|I'm bringing her back with me to visit. {52566}{52608}And Uncle Max. {52614}{52673}Uncle Max! {53058}{53089}Rolf! {53163}{53188}Oh, Rolf! {53250}{53320}-No, Liesl. We mustn't!|-Why not, silly? {53326}{53389}-I don't know--|-Isn't this why you're waiting? {53395}{53439}Yes, of course. {53445}{53512}-I've missed you, Liesl.|-You have? How much? {53518}{53610}I even thought of sending a telegram,|so I'd be able to deliver it here. {53616}{53709}Oh, that's a lovely thought!|Why don't you, right now? {53715}{53815}-But I'm here!|-Please, Rolf. Send me a telegram. {53821}{53904}I'll start it for you.|"Dear Liesl. . . . " {53920}{54007}"Dear Liesl: I'd like to be able|to tell you. . . {54012}{54065}. . .how I feel about you. Stop. {54071}{54180}Unfortunately, this wire|is already too expensive. {54185}{54219}Sincerely, Rolf. " {54224}{54290}-"Sincerely"?|-Cordially. {54295}{54359}-"Cordially"?|-Affectionately? {54415}{54464}Will there be any reply? {54495}{54547}"Dear Rolf: Stop. {54571}{54646}Don't stop! Your Liesl. " {54686}{54779}If only we didn't have to wait|for someone to send Father a telegram. {54785}{54843}How do I know when I'll see you again? {54864}{54894}Well, let's see. . . . {54966}{55012}I could come here by mistake. {55036}{55148}With a telegram for Colonel Schneider!|He's here from Berlin staying with-- {55170}{55249}No one knows he's here.|Don't tell your father. {55255}{55331}-Why not?|-Your father's so Austrian. {55336}{55367}We're all Austrian. {55372}{55478}Some think we ought to be German, and|they're very mad at those who don't. {55483}{55526}They're getting ready to-- {55566}{55624}Let's hope your father|doesn't get into trouble. {55630}{55749}Don't worry. He's a big naval hero.|He was even decorated by the emperor. {55754}{55832}I don't worry about him.|I worry about his daughter. {55845}{55880}Me? Why? {55886}{55925}-Well, you're so--|-What? {55934}{55971}You're such a baby! {55981}{56051}I'm 1 6.|What's such a baby about that? {56105}{56189}You wait, little girl|On an empty stage {56195}{56276}For fate to turn the light on {56291}{56369}Your life, little girl|ls an empty page {56375}{56473}That men will want to write on {56490}{56622}To write on {56644}{56738}You are 16 going on 17 {56743}{56834}Baby, it's time to think {56839}{56927}Better beware|Be canny and careful {56933}{57020}Baby, you're on the brink {57028}{57120}You are 16 going on 17 {57125}{57212}Fellows will fall in line {57220}{57300}Eager young lads|And roués and cads {57305}{57399}Will offer you food and wine {57405}{57496}Totally unprepared are you {57506}{57591}To face a world of men {57605}{57705}Timid and shy and scared are you {57711}{57796}Of things beyond your ken {57801}{57894}You need someone older and wiser {57899}{57992}Telling you what to do {57998}{58080}I am 17 going on 18 {58086}{58229}I'll take care of you {59008}{59089}I am 16 going on 17 {59094}{59175}I know that I'm naive {59181}{59259}Fellows I meet|May tell me I'm sweet {59264}{59354}And willingly I believe {59364}{59440}I am 16 going on 17 {59446}{59536}Innocent as a rose {59541}{59624}Bachelor dandies|Drinkers of brandies {59630}{59710}What do I know of those? {59716}{59801}Totally unprepared am I {59806}{59890}To face a world of men {59901}{59980}Timid and shy and scared am I {59986}{60075}Of things beyond my ken {60086}{60172}I need someone older and wiser {60178}{60257}Telling me what to do {60266}{60354}You are 17 going on 18 {60359}{60495}I'll depend on you {63206}{63239}Come in. {63264}{63304}Frau Schmidt. {63359}{63402}For your new dresses. {63408}{63505}-The captain had these sent from town.|-Oh, how lovely! {63511}{63594}These will make the prettiest|clothes I've ever had. {63600}{63684}Do you think he would|get me more material if I asked? {63690}{63777}-How many dresses do you need?|-Not for me, for the children. {63783}{63833}I want to make them some play clothes. {63838}{63924}The von Trapp children don't play.|They march. {63935}{63994}Surely you don't approve of that. {64018}{64075}Ever since the captain|lost his poor wife. . . {64081}{64146}. . .he runs this house as if on|one of his ships. {64166}{64199}Whistles, orders. {64205}{64250}No more music, no more laughing. {64256}{64340}Nothing that reminds him of her.|Even the children. {64353}{64379}But that's so wrong. {64399}{64435}Oh, well. {64441}{64529}How do you like your room?|There'll be new drapes at the windows. {64535}{64565}Bu these are fine. {64571}{64610}New ones have been ordered. {64615}{64695}-But I really don't need them.|-Good night, now. {64701}{64798}Frau Schmidt, if I asked|the captain about the material. . .? {64804}{64910}-He's leaving in the morning.|-Of course. How long will he be gone? {64925}{65035}It depends. The last time he visited|the baroness, he stayed for a month. {65063}{65173}I shouldn't be saying this to you.|I don't know you that well. {65179}{65249}But if you ask me,|the captain's thinking seriously. . . {65254}{65308}. . .of marrying her before|summer's over. {65313}{65391}Wonderful! The children will|have a mother again. {65426}{65457}Yes. {65463}{65505}Well, good night. {65510}{65544}Good night. {65985}{66054}Dear Father, now I know|why You sent me here. {66059}{66128}To help these children|prepare for a new mother. {66134}{66213}And I pray this will become|a happy family in Thy sight. {66218}{66293}God bless the captain.|God bless Liesl and Friedrich. {66298}{66398}God bless Louisa, Brigitta,|Marta and little Gretl. {66405}{66473}And I forgot the other boy.|What's his name? {66514}{66558}Well, God bless what's-his-name. {66563}{66661}God bless the Reverend Mother|and Sister Margaretta. . . {66666}{66708}. . .and everybody at the abbey. {66713}{66774}And now, dear God, about Liesl. {66785}{66830}Help her know that I'm her friend. . . {66835}{66898}. . .and help her tell me|what she's been up to. {66914}{66943}Are you going to tell on me? {66949}{67031}Help me to be understanding|so I may guide her footsteps. {67037}{67101}In the name of the Father,|the Son and the Holy Ghost. {67106}{67178}I was out walking|and somebody locked the doors early. {67184}{67272}I didn't want to wake everybody,|so when I saw your window open. . . . {67310}{67384}You're not going to tell Father,|are you? {67530}{67561}How did you climb up? {67573}{67648}It's how we always got in|to play tricks on the governess. {67653}{67725}Louisa can make it with|a whole jar of spiders in her hand. {67749}{67788}Spiders? {67878}{67941}Were you out walking all by yourself? {68120}{68208}If we wash that dress tonight,|nobody would notice it tomorrow. {68225}{68268}You could put this on. {68309}{68374}Take your dress and put it|to soak in the bathtub. {68379}{68463}Come back here and sit on the bed,|and we'll have a talk. {68495}{68568}I told you today|I didn't need a governess. {68573}{68623}Well, maybe I do. {69354}{69414}Gretl, are you scared? {69499}{69554}You're not frightened|of a storm, are you? {69559}{69613}You just stay right here with me. {69642}{69743}-Where are the others?|-They're asleep. They're not scared. {69849}{69893}Oh, no? Look. {69930}{69977}All right, up here on the bed. {69983}{70049}-Really?|-Well, just this once. Come on. {70075}{70179}-Now we'll wait for the boys.|-You won't see them. Boys are brave. {70325}{70368}You weren't scared, were you? {70380}{70458}Oh, no. We just wanted|to be sure that you weren't. {70484}{70556}-That's very thoughtful of you.|-It wasn't my idea. {70563}{70607}It was Kurt's! {70613}{70676}Kurt! That's the one I left out!|God bless Kurt. {70743}{70785}Why does it do that? {70791}{70883}The lightning talks to the thunder,|and the thunder answers. {70889}{70949}-But lightning must be nasty.|-Not really. {70955}{71009}Why does the thunder get so angry? {71015}{71068}It makes me want to cry. {71112}{71212}Whenever I'm feeling unhappy,|I just try to think of nice things. {71218}{71261}What kind of things? {71280}{71327}Well, let me see. Nice things. . . . {71333}{71358}Daffodils. {71389}{71423}Green meadows. {71433}{71486}Skies full of stars. {71492}{71569}Raindrops on roses|and whiskers on kittens {71574}{71649}Bright copper kettles|And warm woolen mittens {71654}{71730}Brown paper packages|Tied up with strings {71736}{71832}These are a few of my favorite things {71894}{71961}Cream-colored ponies|And crisp apple strudels {71967}{72044}Doorbells and sleigh bells|And schnitzel with noodles {72050}{72120}Wild geese that fly|With the moon on their wings {72126}{72218}These are a few of my favorite things {72248}{72314}Girls in white dresses|With blue satin sashes {72320}{72397}Snowflakes that stay|On my nose and eyelashes {72403}{72477}Silver white winters|That melt into springs {72483}{72563}These are a few of my favorite things {72569}{72609}When the dog bites {72614}{72655}When the bee stings {72661}{72715}When I'm feeling sad {72721}{72802}I simply remember my favorite things {72808}{72972}And then I don 't feel so bad {72989}{73030}-Does it work?|-Of course. {73036}{73083}-What do you like?|-Pussy willow! {73100}{73154}-Christmas!|-Bunny rabbits! {73159}{73199}Snakes! {73206}{73257}-Chocolate icing!|-No school! {73263}{73292}Pillow fights! {73298}{73346}-Telegrams!|-Birthday presents! {73355}{73411}-Any presents!|-Ladybugs! {73448}{73480}A good sneeze! {73486}{73529}Gesundheit! {73535}{73565}See what fun it is? {73571}{73642}Raindrops on roses|And whiskers on kittens {73648}{73717}Bright copper kettles|And warm woolen mittens {73723}{73795}Brown paper packages|Tied up with strings {73801}{73869}These are a few of my favorite things {73951}{74019}Cream-colored ponies|And crisp apple strudels {74025}{74094}Doorbells and sleigh bells|And schnitzel with noodles {74099}{74170}Wild geese that fly|With the moon on their wings {74176}{74260}These are a few of my favorite things {74283}{74319}Together. {74326}{74392}Girls in white dresses|With blue satin sashes {74398}{74467}Snowflakes that stay|On my nose and eyelashes {74473}{74545}Silver white winters|That melt into springs {74551}{74630}These are a few of my favorite things {74636}{74687}When the dog bi-- {74693}{74739}Dog bites. {74899}{74929}Hello. {74934}{75034}Fräulein, did I not tell you that|bedtime is to be strictly observed? {75040}{75106}The children were upset|by the storm, so l-- {75138}{75163}You did, sir. {75168}{75269}Do you, or do you not, have difficulty|remembering such simple instructions? {75300}{75339}Only during thunderstorms. {75399}{75435}Liesl? {75440}{75494}I don't recall seeing you|after dinner. {75508}{75550}Really? As a matter of fact-- {75556}{75585}Yes? {75605}{75632}Well, I was-- {75638}{75689}What she would like to say. . . {75694}{75762}. . .is that she and I have|been getting acquainted tonight. {75768}{75884}It's too late to go into that. You|heard your father. Go back to bed. {75996}{76029}Fräulein. . . {76036}{76134}. . .you have managed to remember|I'm leaving in the morning? {76159}{76269}Is it also possible you remember the|first rule in this house is discipline? {76309}{76369}Then I trust that before I return. . . {76380}{76423}. . .you'll have acquired some? {76456}{76489}Captain? {76511}{76605}Could I talk to you about clothes|for the children for when they play? {76611}{76677}-If I could have some material.|-You are many things. {76683}{76734}Not the least of which is repetitious. {76739}{76792}-But they're children!|-Yes. {76798}{76839}And I'm their father. {76854}{76883}Good night. {77466}{77605}Girls in white dresses|With blue satin sashes {77881}{77965}When the dog bites|When the bee stings {77971}{78030}When I'm feeling sad {78036}{78115}I simply remember my favorite things {78121}{78172}And then I don 't feel... {78178}{78344}...so bad {78919}{78984}Children, over here. See! {79071}{79104}Come on. {81095}{81125}Fräulein Maria? {81131}{81177}Can we do this every day? {81183}{81260}-Don't you think you'd get tired of it?|-I suppose so. {81269}{81299}Every other day? {81304}{81414}I haven't had so much fun since we put|glue on Fräulein Josephine's toothbrush. {81420}{81514}I can't understand how children|as nice as you can play such tricks. {81520}{81564}-It's easy.|-But why do it? {81569}{81627}How else can we get|Father's attention? {81646}{81684}Oh, I see. {81716}{81769}We'll have to think about that one. {81821}{81860}All right, over here. {81866}{81899}What are we going to do? {81905}{81952}Think of a song for the baroness. {81958}{82005}Father doesn't like us to sing. {82011}{82097}Perhaps we can change his mind.|Now, what songs do you know? {82103}{82155}We don't know any songs. {82160}{82225}-Not any?|-We don't even know how to sing. {82266}{82317}Let's not lose time. You must learn. {82323}{82364}But how? {82468}{82562}Let's start at the very beginning {82568}{82649}A very good place to start {82654}{82700}When you read you begin with {82706}{82734}A, B, C {82739}{82844}When you sing, you begin with|Do-Re-Mi {82850}{82889}Do-re-mi {82895}{82927}Do-re-mi {82933}{83025}The first three notes|Just happen to be {83031}{83074}Do-re-mi {83079}{83110}Do-re-mi {83116}{83210}Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti {83226}{83284}Let's see if I can make it easier. {83365}{83454}"Doe, " a deer|A female deer {83459}{83545}"Ray, " a drop of golden sun {83551}{83642}"Me, " a name I call myself {83648}{83737}"Far, " a long long way to run {83743}{83834}"Sew, " a needle pulling thread {83840}{83932}"La, " a note to follow sew {83938}{84010}"Tea, " a drink with jam and bread {84021}{84119}That will bring us back to doe {84131}{84217}-Doe|-A deer, a female deer {84223}{84300}-Ray|-A drop of golden sun {84306}{84384}-Me|-A name I call myself {84390}{84466}-Far|-A long long way to run {84478}{84560}Sew, a needle pulling thread {84566}{84646}-La|-A note to follow sew {84656}{84725}-Tea|-A drink with jam and bread {84731}{84785}That will bring us back to {84791}{84874}-Doe|-A deer, a female deer {84880}{84954}Ray, a drop of golden sun {84964}{85042}Me, a name I call myself {85048}{85122}Far, a long long way to run {85128}{85206}Sew, a needle pulling thread {85212}{85294}La, a note to follow sew {85300}{85362}Tea, a drink with jam and bread {85368}{85467}That will bring us back to doe {85475}{85550}Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do, so-do {85560}{85670}Do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only|the tools we use to build a song. {85676}{85754}Once you have them in your head|you can sing different tunes. . . {85759}{85810}. . .by mixing them up. Like this: {85840}{85973}So-do-la-fa-mi-do-re {85978}{86004}Can you do that? {86009}{86140}So-do-la-fa-mi-do-re {86146}{86282}So-do-la-ti-do-re-do {86288}{86415}So-do-la-ti-do-re-do {86421}{86463}Now, put it all together. {86468}{86627}So-do-la-fa-mi-do-re {86633}{86776}So-do-la-ti-do-re-do {86789}{86852}-Good.|-But it doesn't mean anything. {86858}{86929}So we put in words.|One word for every note. {86935}{86965}Like this: {86971}{87129}When you know the notes to sing {87134}{87270}You can sing most anything {87276}{87299}Together! {87304}{87465}When you know the notes to sing {87471}{87630}You can sing most anything {87641}{87722}-Doe|-A deer, a female deer {87728}{87804}-Ray|-A drop of golden sun {87810}{87889}-Me|-A name I call myself {87894}{87967}-Far|-A long long way to run {87973}{88054}-Sew|-A needle pulling thread {88060}{88139}-La|-A note to follow sew {88144}{88215}-Tea|-A drink with jam and bread {88221}{88314}That will bring us back to doe {88734}{88886}When you know the notes to sing {88899}{89055}You can sing most anything {89069}{89145}Doe|A deer, a female deer {89151}{89235}Ray|A drop of golden sun {89241}{89324}Me|A name I call myself {89330}{89405}Far|A long long way to run {89411}{89487}Sew|A needle pulling thread {89493}{89570}La|A note to follow sew {89583}{89647}Tea|A drink with jam and bread {89653}{89748}That will bring us back to {89753}{89917}So-do-la-fa-mi-do-re {89923}{90030}So-do-la-fa-ti {90036}{90076}La-so {90160}{90300}Ti-do {90305}{90340}So-do {90663}{90737}The mountains are magnificent,|really magnificent. {90743}{90807}-I had them put up just for you.|-Oh? {90813}{90866}Even if it's to a height|of 1 0,000 feet. . . {90872}{90956}. . .Georg always believes in|"rising to the occasion. " {90962}{91018}Improve the jokes|or I'll disinvite you. {91032}{91094}You didn't invite me.|I invited myself. {91100}{91161}-Naturally.|-You needed a chaperone. . . {91167}{91232}. . .and I needed a place|where the cuisine is superb. . . {91238}{91302}. . .the wine cellar unexcelled. . . {91308}{91371}. . .and the price perfect. {91380}{91424}Max, you are outrageous. {91430}{91526}Not at all.|I'm a very charming sponge. {91588}{91616}Listen. {91672}{91726}That's the Klopmann Monastery Choir. {91798}{91836}They're good. {91862}{91901}Very good. {91920}{91983}I must explore this area|in the next few days. {91988}{92072}Somewhere, a hungry singing group|is waiting for Max Detweiler. . . {92078}{92181}. . .to pluck it out and make it famous|at the Salzburg Folk Festival. {92186}{92266}-They get fame, you get money.|-It's unfair, I admit it. {92271}{92376}But someday that'll be changed.|I shall get the fame too. {92545}{92597}Good heavens, what's this? {92631}{92686}It's nothing.|Just some local urchins. {93052}{93146}This really is exciting for me, Georg.|Being here with you. {93165}{93227}Trees, lakes,|you've seen them before. {93233}{93296}That is not what I mean,|and you know it. {93302}{93397}-You mean me? I'm exciting?|-Is that so impossible? {93403}{93476}No, just highly improbable. {93482}{93581}-There you go, running yourself down.|-Well, I'm a dangerous driver. {93672}{93761}You're much less of a riddle|when I see you here, Georg. {93766}{93834}-In my natural habitat?|-Yes, exactly. {93840}{93892}Are you saying that I'm more|at home. . . {93898}{93994}. . .among the birds and the flowers|and the wind that moves. . . {94000}{94052}. . .through the trees|like a restless sea? {94058}{94096}How poetic. {94101}{94146}Yes, it was rather, wasn't it? {94173}{94296}More at home here than in Vienna|in all your glittering salons. . . {94301}{94406}. . .gossiping gaily with bores I|detest, soaking myself in champagne. . . {94412}{94502}. . .stumbling about to waltzes|by Strausses I can't even remember? {94508}{94559}-Is that what you're saying?|-Yes. {94565}{94621}Now whatever gave you that idea? {94702}{94795}Oh, I do like it here, Georg.|It's so lovely and peaceful. {94803}{94850}How can you leave it so often? {94856}{94924}Oh, pretending to be madly active,|I suppose. {94930}{95007}Activity suggests a life|filled with purpose. {95026}{95080}Could it be running away|from memories? {95157}{95251}Or perhaps just searching|for a reason to stay. {95267}{95351}I hope that's why you've been|coming to Vienna so often. {95367}{95471}-Were there other distractions?|-I'd hardly call you a distraction. {95477}{95541}Well, what would you call me, Georg? {95595}{95626}Lovely. . . {95650}{95712}. . .charming, witty, graceful,|the perfect hostess. . . {95718}{95786}. . .and, you're going to hate me|for this. . . {95796}{95846}. . .in a way, my savior. {95852}{95896}Oh, how unromantic. {95901}{95957}I'd be an ungrateful wretch|if I didn't say. . . {95963}{96041}. . .that you brought some meaning back|into my life. {96085}{96151}I am amusing, I suppose. {96156}{96271}I have the finest couturier in Vienna|and a glittering circle of friends. {96276}{96351}-I do give some rather gay parties.|-Oh, yes. {96357}{96401}But take all that away. . . {96406}{96511}. . .and you have just wealthy,|unattached little me. . . {96528}{96586}. . .searching, just like you. {96708}{96749}More strudel, Herr Detweiler? {96755}{96792}-How many have I had?|-Two. {96798}{96844}Make it an uneven three. {96923}{96996}Still eating, Max?|Must be unhappy. {97001}{97096}That mixed quartet I've been trying|to steal away from Sol Hurok. . . {97102}{97166}-What happened?|-. . .Sascha Petrie stole them first. {97171}{97202}I hate thieves. {97208}{97287}Max, you really must try|and learn to love yourself. {97293}{97349}I had to call Paris, Rome|and Stockholm. {97355}{97441}-On Georg's telephone, of course.|-How else could I afford it? {97452}{97575}I like rich people, the way they live|and how I live when I'm with them. {97582}{97630}I wonder where the children are. {97640}{97701}They must have heard|I was coming and hid. {97707}{97767}I was hoping they'd be here|to welcome you. {97773}{97881}Max, do step out of character for|a moment and try and be charming. {98098}{98131}Well? {98153}{98182}Well what? {98187}{98257}Have you made up his mind?|Do I hear wedding bells? {98263}{98311}-Pealing madly.|-Marvelous. {98317}{98382}-Not necessarily for me.|-What kind of talk's that? {98387}{98426}None-of-your-business talk. {98432}{98492}I'm terribly fond of him,|so don't toy with us. {98498}{98584}But I'm a child. I like toys.|So tell me everything. {98590}{98713}Come on. Tell me every teensy-weensy,|intimate, disgusting detail. {98748}{98847}Well, let's just say I have a feeling|I may be here on approval. {98853}{98926}-I approve of that. How can you miss?|-Far too easily. {98932}{99009}If I know you, darling,|and I do, you will find a way. {99015}{99076}-He's no ordinary man.|-No, he's rich. {99082}{99136}His wife's death gave him|a great heartache. {99141}{99216}And your husband's death|gave you a great fortune. {99221}{99268}Oh, Max, you really are a beast. {99273}{99370}You and Georg are like family.|That's why I want to see you married. {99375}{99461}We must keep all that lovely money|in the family. {99851}{99922}-What are you doing there?|-Oh, Captain von Trapp. {99928}{99977}I was just looking for. . . . {99998}{100066}I didn't see, I mean,|I didn't know you were-- {100080}{100121}Heil Hitler! {100138}{100174}Who are you? {100180}{100234}I have a telegram for Herr Detweiler. {100239}{100306}-I am Herr Detweiler.|-Yes, sir. {100427}{100491}You've delivered your telegram.|Now get out. {100652}{100733}-Georg, he's just a boy.|-Yes, and I'm just an Austrian. {100738}{100806}Things will happen.|Make sure they don't happen to you. {100812}{100877}Max! Don't you ever say that again. {100883}{100936}I have no political convictions. {100942}{101011}-Can I help it if other people do?|-You can help it. {101038}{101091}You must help it. {101338}{101376}Hello? {101438}{101506}You're far away. Where are you? {101513}{101606}In a world that's disappearing,|I'm afraid. {101626}{101711}Is there any way I could bring you|back to the world I'm in? {102333}{102394}-Father! Father!|-There's your father! {102412}{102476}Oh, captain, you're home! {102677}{102741}Come out of that water at once! {102958}{103011}Oh, you must be Baroness Schraeder. {103138}{103211}I'm soaked to the skin! {103498}{103531}Straight line! {103883}{103941}This is Baroness Schraeder. {104003}{104046}And these. . . {104051}{104091}. . .are my children. {104115}{104152}How do you do? {104178}{104291}Go inside, dry off, clean up, change|your clothes and report back here! {104411}{104461}Fräulein, you will stay here, please! {104503}{104588}I think I'd better go see|what Max is up to. {104833}{104876}Now, fräulein. . . {104922}{104971}. . .I want a truthful answer. {104981}{105016}Yes, captain. {105023}{105121}Is it possible,|or could I have just imagined it? {105157}{105264}Have my children, by any chance,|been climbing trees today? {105276}{105304}Yes, captain. {105330}{105361}I see. {105375}{105483}And where, may I ask,|did they get these. . . . {105489}{105539}-Play clothes.|-Is that what they are? {105544}{105626}I made them from the drapes|that used to hang in my bedroom. {105645}{105696}-Drapes?|-They have plenty of wear left. {105701}{105747}We've been everywhere in them. {105753}{105861}Are you telling me that my children|have been roaming about Salzburg. . . {105866}{105946}. . .dressed up in nothing|but some old drapes? {105951}{105991}And having a marvelous time! {105996}{106074}-They have uniforms.|-Forgive me, straitjackets. {106079}{106146}They can't be children|if they worry about clothes-- {106152}{106179}They don't complain. {106185}{106250}They don't dare.|They love you too much and fear-- {106255}{106293}Don't discuss my children. {106298}{106344}You've got to hear, you're|never home-- {106349}{106385}I don't want to hear more! {106390}{106451}I know you don't, but you've got to! {106470}{106522}-Liesl's not a child.|-Not one word-- {106528}{106597}Soon she'll be a woman|and you won't even know her. {106603}{106677}Friedrich wants to be a man|but you're not here to show-- {106683}{106716}Don't you dare tell me-- {106721}{106799}Brigitta could tell you about him.|She notices everything. {106805}{106880}Kurt acts tough to hide the pain|when you ignore him. . . {106885}{106922}. . .the way you do all of them. {106928}{106986}Louisa, I don't know about yet. {106992}{107069}The little ones just want love.|Please, love them all. {107075}{107112}I don't care to hear more. {107118}{107216}-I am not finished yet, captain!|-Oh, yes, you are, captain! {107253}{107281}Fräulein. {107311}{107411}Now, you will pack|your things this minute. . . {107416}{107476}. . .and return to the abbey. {107538}{107571}What's that? {107612}{107637}It's singing. {107653}{107720}Yes, I realize it's singing.|But who is singing? {107743}{107781}The children. {107850}{107882}The children? {107895}{107961}I taught them something to sing|for the baroness. {108096}{108241}My heart wants to sing|Every song it hears {108247}{108309}Every song that it hears {108315}{108446}My heart wants to beat like the wings|Of the birds that rise {108452}{108527}From the lake to the trees {108533}{108567}To the trees {108573}{108691}My heart wants to sigh|Like a chime that flies {108696}{108807}From a church on a breeze {108813}{108907}To laugh like a brook|When it trips and falls {108913}{108984}Over stones on its way {108990}{109024}On its way {109030}{109136}To sing through the night {109141}{109277}Like a lark who is learning to pray {109283}{109391}I go to the hills {109396}{109546}When my heart is lonely {109552}{109641}I know I will hear {109647}{109786}What I've heard before {109805}{109907}My heart will be blessed {109913}{110080}With the sound of music {110101}{110226}And I'll sing... {110231}{110426}...once more {111223}{111266}Edelweiss! {111360}{111436}You never told me how enchanting|your children are. {111643}{111681}Don't go away. {111803}{111836}Fräulein. {111917}{111946}I. . . {111980}{112048}. . .behaved badly. I apologize. {112091}{112176}I'm far too outspoken.|It's one of my worst faults. {112186}{112221}You were right. {112280}{112326}I don't know my children. {112357}{112456}There's still time, captain.|They want so much to be close to you. {112463}{112556}And you brought music back|into the house. {112588}{112623}I'd forgotten. {112688}{112721}Fräulein. {112780}{112811}I want you to stay. {112907}{112973}I ask you to stay. {113017}{113101}-If I could be of any help.|-You have already. {113115}{113140}More than you know. {113613}{113646}Marta. {113662}{113693}Curtain! {113756}{113836}High on a hill was a lonely goatherd {113873}{113951}Loud was the voice|Of the lonely goatherd {113986}{114066}Folks in a town|That was quite remote heard {114103}{114181}Lusty and clear|From the goatherd's throat heard {114457}{114526}Marta. Marta! {114583}{114631}Gretl, the prince! {114673}{114756}A prince on the bridge|Of a castle moat heard {114790}{114847}Men on a road|With a load to tote heard {114907}{114986}Men in the midst|Of a table d'hôte heard {115018}{115096}Men drinking beer|With the foam afloat heard {115361}{115436}One little girl|ln a pale pink coat heard {115476}{115556}She yodeled back|To the lonely goatherd {115583}{115666}Soon her mama|With a gleaming gloat heard {115702}{115781}What a duet for a girl and goatherd {116898}{116976}One little girl|ln a pale pink coat heard {117012}{117091}She yodeled back|To the lonely goatherd {117123}{117206}Soon her mama|With a gleaming gloat heard {117240}{117316}What a duet for a girl and goatherd {117356}{117396}Happy are they {117468}{117546}Soon the duet will become a trio {118133}{118171}-Bravo!|-Bravo! {118176}{118211}Very good! {118255}{118301}Wonderful! {118315}{118391}-Can we keep the puppets, Uncle Max?|-Yes, can we? {118396}{118445}Of course you may, my darlings. {118450}{118551}Why else did I tell Professor Kohner|to send the bill to your father? {118640}{118681}Well done, fräulein. {118741}{118787}I really am very much impressed. {118793}{118841}They're your children, captain. {119013}{119069}My dear, is there anything|you can't do? {119075}{119131}Well, I'm not sure|I'll make a good nun. {119136}{119211}If you have any problems,|I'd be happy to help you. {119286}{119320}Attention, everyone! {119325}{119407}I have an announcement to make.|Surprise! Surprise! {119413}{119469}Today, after a long|and desperate search. . . {119475}{119595}. . .I have found a most exciting|entry for the Salzburg Folk Festival. {119600}{119644}Congratulations, Max. {119650}{119721}And who will you|be exploiting this time? {119763}{119841}-The Saint lgnatius Choir?|-Guess again. {119858}{119952}Well, let me see now.|The Klopmann Choir? {119958}{120014}-No, no, no, no.|-No, no? {120020}{120049}Tell us. {120054}{120137}A singing group all in one family.|You'll never guess, Georg. {120143}{120212}What a charming idea! {120218}{120261}Whose family? {120282}{120321}Yours. {120326}{120381}They'll be the talk of the festival. {120450}{120522}-Well, now, what's so funny?|-You are, Max. {120528}{120603}You're expensive, but very funny. {120621}{120677}-They'll be a sensation!|-No, Max. {120683}{120735}It's a wonderful idea.|Fresh, original. {120740}{120856}Max! My children|do not sing in public. {120872}{120919}You can't blame me for trying. {120924}{120996}Children, who shall we hear|from next? {121063}{121091}Who? {121238}{121268}Yes. {121337}{121383}The vote is unanimous. {121403}{121441}You, captain. {121447}{121476}Me? {121496}{121551}-I don't understand.|-Please. {121700}{121751}No, no, no, no. {121757}{121806}I'm told that you were quite good. {121811}{121891}-That was a very, very long time ago.|-I remember, Father. {121897}{121966}-Play us something we know.|-Oh, please, Father. {122035}{122061}Well. . . . {122307}{122359}-Why didn't you tell me?|-What? {122365}{122421}To bring along my harmonica. {122477}{122528}Edelweiss {122566}{122621}Edelweiss {122647}{122796}Every morning you greet me {122802}{122875}Small and white {122895}{122976}Clean and bright {122981}{123049}You look happy... {123054}{123146}... to meet me {123152}{123207}Blossom of snow {123213}{123312}May you bloom and grow {123318}{123470}Bloom and grow forever {123493}{123581}Edelweiss {123586}{123650}Edelweiss {123665}{123839}Bless my homeland forever {123945}{124022}-Edelweiss|-Edelweiss {124028}{124112}-Edelweiss|-Edelweiss {124118}{124271}Every morning you greet me {124277}{124362}-Small and white|-Small and white {124368}{124451}-Clean and bright|-Clean and bright {124456}{124516}You look happy... {124522}{124608}... to meet me {124620}{124671}Blossom of snow {124676}{124776}May you bloom and grow {124781}{124951}Bloom and grow forever {124956}{125044}Edelweiss {125050}{125114}Edelweiss {125128}{125366}Bless my homeland forever {125587}{125676}Anytime you say the word, Georg,|you can be part of my new act: {125681}{125741}The von Trapp Family Singers. {125767}{125827}I have a wonderful idea, Georg. {125833}{125892}Let's really fill this house|with music. {125898}{125969}You must give a grand|and glorious party for me. {125975}{126040}-A party?|-Yes, Father, please! {126045}{126102}It's high time|I met all your friends. . . {126108}{126169}. . .and they met me.|Don't you agree? {126175}{126229}-I see what you mean.|-Oh, please! {126235}{126311}Children, it's bedtime.|Come now, say good night. {126333}{126364}Good night, Father. {126370}{126437}-Good night.|-Good night, Baroness Schraeder. {126443}{126481}Good night, Father. {126552}{126596}Good night, Uncle Max. {126642}{126718}It'll be my first party, Father! {127498}{127561}-Captain.|-Herr Zeller. Baroness Schraeder. {127566}{127641}-Good evening, Herr Zeller.|-Baroness. {127672}{127731}How do you do? Good evening. {128226}{128308}Did you notice the obvious|display of the Austrian flag? {128478}{128521}The women look so beautiful. {128527}{128558}I think they look ugly. {128566}{128609}You're just scared of them. {128614}{128669}Silly, only grown-up men fear women. {128683}{128769}-I think the men look beautiful.|-How would you know? {129182}{129231}Liesl, who are you dancing with? {129236}{129276}Nobody. {129295}{129341}Oh, yes, you are. {129400}{129436}May I have this dance? {129441}{129501}I'd be delighted, young man. {129662}{129727}Why didn't you tell me|you could dance? {129733}{129851}We feared you'd make us all dance.|The von Trapp Family Dancers. {129957}{129998}What are they playing? {130003}{130066}It's the Laendler.|An Austrian folk dance. {130070}{130147}-Show me.|-I haven't danced since I was little. {130152}{130199}You remember. Please? {130205}{130252}-Well. . . .|-Please. {130258}{130311}All right. Come on over here. {130323}{130391}Now you bow and I curtsy. {130413}{130484}-Like this?|-Fine. Now we go for a little walk. {130490}{130554}One, two, three. One, two, three. {130560}{130671}One, two, three, step together.|Now, step hop, step hop. {130677}{130741}Now turn under. Not quite. {130746}{130841}This way. Hop step, hop.|And under. {130857}{130898}Kurt, we'll have to practice. {130903}{130939}Do allow me, will you? {133056}{133101}I don't remember anymore. {133153}{133206}-Your face is all red.|-Is it? {133237}{133288}I don't suppose I'm used to dancing. {133353}{133401}Why, that was beautifully done. {133406}{133453}What a lovely couple you make. {133458}{133509}It's time the children|said good night. {133515}{133547}We'll be in the hall. {133553}{133622}-We have something special prepared.|-Right! {133628}{133657}Yes, come on! {133821}{133877}All that needless worrying, Georg. {133883}{133956}You thought you wouldn't find|a friend at the party. {134026}{134111}-A bit chilly out tonight, isn't it?|-Oh, I don't know. {134117}{134165}It seemed rather warm to me. {134267}{134295}Ladies and gentlemen. {134313}{134411}The children of Captain von Trapp|wish to say good night to you. {134750}{134843}There's a sad sort of clanging|From the clock in the hall {134848}{134938}And the bells in the steeple too {134944}{135040}And up in the nursery|An absurd little bird {135046}{135104}Is popping up to say "coo-coo" {135110}{135150}Coo-coo {135156}{135185}Coo-coo {135191}{135243}Regretfully they tell us {135248}{135281}But firmly they compel us {135287}{135360}To say goodbye {135366}{135493}To you {135570}{135662}So long, farewell|Auf Wiedersehen, good night {135668}{135760}I hate to go|And leave this pretty sight {135934}{136014}So long, farewell,|Auf Wiedersehen, adieu {136030}{136115}Adieu, adieu|To you and you and you {136292}{136382}So long, farewell|Au revoir, auf Wiedersehen {136389}{136484}I'd like to stay|And taste my first champagne {136490}{136548}-Yes?|-No. {136652}{136739}So long, farewell|Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye {136748}{136843}I leave and heave a sigh|And say goodbye {136848}{136944}Goodbye {137017}{137091}I'm glad to go {137097}{137165}I cannot tell a lie {137174}{137246}I flit, I float {137252}{137335}I fleetly flee, I fly {137576}{137713}The sun has gone to bed {137719}{137808}And so must I {137813}{137871}So long {137877}{137938}Farewell {137943}{138073}Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye {138079}{138206}Goodbye {138224}{138358}Goodbye {138363}{138528}Goodbye {138533}{138736}Goodbye {138857}{138923}Extraordinary!|What they'd do at the festival. {138929}{138988}Young lady,|I must have a word with you. {139012}{139109}Georg, you won't let this girl|get away. She must join the party. {139115}{139173}-No, really l--|-Stop. Stop it now. {139179}{139250}-Georg, please.|-You can if you want to, fräulein. {139255}{139314}I insist.|You will be my dinner partner. {139320}{139366}This is business.|Franz. . . {139372}{139448}. . .set another place next to mine|for Fräulein Maria. {139500}{139566}-Whatever you say.|-It appears to be all arranged. {139584}{139629}-It does.|-I'm not suitably dressed. {139655}{139692}You can change. We'll wait. {139778}{139848}Captain, you must be very proud|of your youngsters. {139853}{139874}I am, thank you. {139880}{139989}Is there a more beautiful expression|of what is good in our country. . . {139995}{140078}. . .than the innocent voices|of our children? {140087}{140120}Oh, come now, baron. {140126}{140216}Would you have us believe that Austria|holds a monopoly on virtue? {140237}{140336}Herr Zeller, some of us prefer|Austrian voices raised in song. . . {140342}{140399}. . .to ugly German threats. {140425}{140511}The ostrich buries his head|in the sand. . . {140517}{140587}. . .and sometimes in the flag. {140600}{140701}Perhaps those who would warn you that|the Anschluss is coming, and it is. . . {140707}{140796}. . .would get further with you by setting|their words to music. {140801}{140912}If the Nazis take over Austria, you|will be the entire trumpet section. {140920}{140945}You flatter me. {140970}{141063}Oh, how clumsy of me.|I meant to accuse you. {141252}{141308}It's very kind of you|to offer to help me, baroness. {141314}{141353}I'm delighted, Maria. {141363}{141453}I really don't think I have anything|that would be appropriate. {141464}{141563}Now where is that lovely little thing|you were wearing the other evening? {141569}{141648}When the captain couldn't keep|his eyes off you. {141729}{141773}Couldn't keep his eyes off me? {141804}{141848}Come, my dear, we are women. {141854}{141934}Let's not pretend we don't know|when a man notices us. {141940}{142023}-Here we are.|-The captain notices everybody. {142036}{142095}There's no need to feel|so defensive, Maria. {142101}{142159}You are quite attractive, you know. {142165}{142253}The captain would hardly be a man|if he didn't notice you. {142290}{142348}Baroness, I hope you're joking. {142359}{142389}Not at all. {142395}{142433}I've never done a thing to-- {142439}{142478}You don't have to, my dear. {142493}{142608}Nothing's more irresistible to a man|than a woman who's in love with him. {142638}{142698}-In love with him?|-Of course. {142720}{142802}What makes it so nice is|he thinks he's in love with you. {142867}{142906}But that's not true. {142914}{142999}Surely you've noticed the way|he looks into your eyes. {143005}{143123}And you know, you blushed in his arms|when you were dancing just now. {143153}{143194}Don't take it to heart. {143200}{143255}He'll get over it soon enough,|I think. {143261}{143308}Men do, you know. {143333}{143358}Then I should go. {143390}{143426}I mustn't stay here. {143677}{143758}-Is there something I can do to help?|-No, nothing. {143802}{143831}Yes. {143855}{143904}Don't say a word to the captain. {143943}{144028}No, I wouldn't dream of it. {144190}{144229}Goodbye, Maria. {144248}{144315}I'm sure you'll make a very fine nun. {145035}{145083}Champagne, darling. {145093}{145188}I feel like celebrating. Cheers. {145320}{145389}-You know something.|-Perhaps. {145395}{145504}If you're so clever, tell me how to|get fräulein to influence Georg. {145510}{145573}I want those children in the festival. {145583}{145638}Elsa, this is important to Austria. {145644}{145685}Wouldn't do you any harm either. {145691}{145728}I thought of that. {145734}{145793}Well, if it's a matter of influence. . . {145798}{145868}. . .maybe the one you have|to be talking to is me. {150819}{150873}-Two.|-Three. {150879}{150914}-Four.|-Five. {150945}{150994}-Six.|-Seven. {151000}{151038}Eight. {151045}{151088}-Four.|-Two. {151115}{151159}-Seven.|-Five. {151164}{151218}-Two.|-Six. {151329}{151378}Isn't this fun? {151410}{151468}-Four.|-I'm number five. {151474}{151526}-Oh, yes.|-Eight. {151532}{151589}-Two.|-Four. {151599}{151628}Six. {151688}{151718}Two. {151745}{151816}Baroness Schraeder, do you mind|if we stop now? We're tired. {151822}{151869}Whatever you want, dear. {151875}{151923}We'll do it again tomorrow. {152167}{152219}The country's so restful, isn't it? {152244}{152283}Have some lemonade. {152313}{152347}There must be an easier way. {152380}{152459}I get a fiendish delight thinking|of you as the mother of seven. {152482}{152526}How do you plan to do it? {152532}{152581}Darling, haven't you ever heard. . . {152587}{152662}. . .of a delightful little thing|called boarding school? {152688}{152743}Baroness Machiavelli. {152775}{152823}Uncle Max, where's Father? {152829}{152873}I think he's in the house. {152878}{152939}What's the matter|with all you gloomy pussies? {152945}{153011}-Nothing.|-I know. Let's have a rehearsal. {153017}{153038}What for? {153043}{153103}Let's make believe we're on-stage|at the festival. {153108}{153201}-I don't feel like singing.|-Not without Fräulein Maria. {153207}{153264}Liesl, get the guitar.|Come on, Marta. {153270}{153341}Everybody into the group.|Get in your places. {153347}{153413}Now be cheerful, right?|Give us the key, Liesl. {153459}{153523}Now, impress me. {153619}{153651}Gretl, why don't you sing? {153658}{153717}I can't. I've got a sore finger. {153742}{153814}But you sang so beautifully|the night of the party. {153820}{153876}Come on, all of you.|Try something you know. {153882}{153918}Enjoy it. Be cheerful. {153924}{153963}All right, Liesl. {154010}{154139}The hills are alive {154145}{154329}With the sound of music {154358}{154479}With songs they have sung {154485}{154673}For a thousand years {154689}{154819}The hills fill my heart {154825}{155009}With the sound of music {155018}{155081}They wanted to sing for me,|bless their hearts. {155087}{155133}That's lovely, lovely.|Don't stop. {155229}{155323}-Something long and cool, Georg?|-No, thank you, darling. {155333}{155390}-Father?|-Yes, Brigitta? {155402}{155456}Is it true Fräulein Maria|isn't coming back? {155463}{155537}Yes, I suppose it's true.|What have we got here? {155545}{155658}-Pink lemonade.|-Laced with lemonade. {155675}{155711}I don't believe it, Father. {155745}{155794}-What?|-About Fräulein Maria. {155803}{155833}Oh, Fräulein Maria! {155839}{155923}Didn't I tell you what her note said?|I'm sure I did. {155940}{156001}She said she missed her life|at the abbey. {156007}{156059}She had to leave us. {156064}{156103}And that's all there is to it. {156144}{156208}I think I'm brave enough to try|some of that. {156213}{156279}-She didn't even say goodbye.|-She did in her note. {156285}{156329}That isn't the same thing. {156335}{156375}Not too sweet, not too sour. {156393}{156441}Just too pink. {156475}{156550}Father, who is our new governess|going to be? {156709}{156734}Well. . . {156790}{156917}. . .you're not going to have|a governess anymore. {156925}{156988}-We're not?|-No. {157042}{157093}You're going to have a new mother. {157119}{157168}A new mother? {157187}{157263}We talked about it last night.|It's all settled. {157268}{157333}And we're all going to be very happy. {158124}{158183}Well, all right, all right.|Run off and play. {158950}{158973}Yes, my children? {158978}{159035}-My name is Liesl.|-Yes, Liesl? {159047}{159142}We, my brothers and sisters,|want to see Fräulein Maria. {159170}{159218}Fräulein Maria? {159235}{159283}Oh, Maria. {159329}{159373}Come in, please. {159467}{159503}Wait here. {159765}{159842}I'm Sister Margaretta. I understand|you inquired about Maria. {159848}{159908}We have to see her.|Will you tell her we're here? {159914}{159976}-I'm afraid I can't do that.|-But you've got to! {159982}{160032}-She's our governess.|-We want her back. {160037}{160083}She didn't even say goodbye. {160089}{160131}All we want to do is talk to her. {160150}{160219}I'm very sorry,|but Maria is in seclusion. {160225}{160299}-She hasn't been seeing anyone.|-She'll see us. {160305}{160365}I want to show her my finger. {160370}{160414}Some other time, dear. {160422}{160453}I'll tell her you were here. {160459}{160533}-It was sweet of you to call.|-We have to speak to her! {160548}{160623}Run along, children.|Run along home. {160628}{160668}I'm sure she'd like to see us. {160674}{160728}Sister Margaretta, please. {160733}{160823}-Goodbye, children.|-Sister Margaretta, may we, please? {160890}{160931}What was that about, Sister? {160937}{160989}The von Trapp children,|Reverend Mother. {160995}{161054}They want to see Maria. {161060}{161116}Has she spoken yet?|Has she told you anything? {161122}{161218}She doesn't say a word,|Reverend Mother, except in prayer. {161224}{161248}Poor child. {161253}{161324}It's strange.|She seems happy to be back here. . . {161330}{161408}. . .and yet she's unhappy too. {161438}{161513}Perhaps I have been wrong|in leaving her alone so long. {161519}{161583}Bring her to me,|even if she's not yet ready. {161588}{161628}Yes, Reverend Mother. {161760}{161845}Sister Augusta, take our new postulant|to the robing room. {161869}{161923}God bless you, my daughter. {162072}{162113}Yes, bring her in. {162330}{162383}You've been unhappy. I'm sorry. {162432}{162461}Reverend Mother. {162470}{162533}Why did they send you back to us? {162553}{162600}They didn't send me back.|I left. {162660}{162698}Sit down, Maria. {162710}{162753}Tell me what happened. {162878}{162909}I was frightened. {162915}{163023}-Frightened? Were they unkind to you.|-Oh, no! {163029}{163118}No, I was confused. I felt. . . . {163153}{163203}I've never felt that way before. {163209}{163299}I couldn't stay. I knew that here|I'd be away from it. I'd be safe. {163305}{163418}Maria, our abbey is not to be used|as an escape. {163424}{163478}What is it you can't face? {163525}{163559}I can't face him again. {163579}{163615}Him? {163654}{163703}Thank you, Sister Margaretta. {163933}{163973}Captain von Trapp? {164103}{164168}-Are you in love with him?|-I don't know! {164174}{164208}I don't know. I-- {164222}{164314}The baroness said I was.|She said that he was in love with me. {164320}{164383}But I didn't want to believe it. {164410}{164464}There were times we looked|at each other. {164470}{164507}I could hardly breathe. {164515}{164581}-Did you let him see your feelings?|-I don't know. {164595}{164659}That's what's torturing me.|I was on God's errand. {164664}{164783}To have asked for his love would have|been wrong. I just couldn't stay. {164835}{164903}I'm ready at this moment|to take my vows. {164924}{164998}-Please help me.|-Maria. {165035}{165148}The love of a man and a woman is holy.|You have a great capacity to love. {165154}{165224}You must find out how God|wants you to spend your love. {165230}{165323}But I pledged my life to God.|I pledged my life to his service. {165328}{165433}My daughter, if you love this man,|it doesn't mean you love God less. {165473}{165518}No. {165523}{165568}You must find out. {165610}{165670}You must go back. {165676}{165723}You can't ask me to do that. {165728}{165788}-Please let me stay. I beg--|-Maria. {165793}{165888}These walls were not built|to shut out problems. {165893}{165931}You have to face them. {165945}{166023}You have to live the life|you were born to live. {166163}{166268}Climb every mountain {166273}{166363}Search high and low {166369}{166483}Follow every byway {166489}{166591}Every path you know {166602}{166709}Climb every mountain {166715}{166819}Ford every stream {166825}{166930}Follow every rainbow {166936}{167039}Till you find your dream {167045}{167119}A dream that will need {167125}{167241}All the love you can give {167259}{167341}Every day of your life {167347}{167501}For as long as you live {167508}{167611}Climb every mountain {167617}{167721}Ford every stream {167727}{167836}Follow every rainbow {167842}{168043}Till you find your dream {168070}{168154}A dream that will need {168160}{168294}All the love you can give {168300}{168383}Every day of your life {168389}{168544}For as long as you live {168550}{168656}Climb every mountain {168662}{168756}Ford every stream {168772}{168883}Follow every rainbow {168893}{168990}Till you find... {168997}{169236}... your dream {169298}{169383}Now, it's not like my children|to be secretive. {169388}{169438}We're not being secretive, Father. {169479}{169559}And it's not like my children|to be late for dinner. {169565}{169648}-We lost track of the time.|-I see. {169667}{169749}Who's going to be the first one|to tell me the truth? Friedrich. {169755}{169804}Brigitta. Liesl. {169837}{169890}Where do you think we were, Father? {170049}{170144}If you don't believe us, you must have|some idea of where you think we were. {170230}{170273}-Marta.|-Yes, Father. {170278}{170308}You tell me. {170339}{170427}Friedrich told you, Father.|We were berry picking. {170447}{170558}-I forgot! You were berry picking.|-Yes, we love berry picking. {170564}{170591}All afternoon? {170597}{170638}-We picked thousands.|-Thousands? {170643}{170713}-They were all over the place.|-What kind of berries? {170719}{170798}-Blueberries, sir.|-Blueberries. {170844}{170925}It's too early for blueberries. {170960}{171010}-They were strawberries.|-Strawberries? {171028}{171093}It's been so cold lately,|they turned blue. {171232}{171285}Very well. Show me the berries. {171314}{171344}-We. . . .|-Well. . . . {171350}{171416}-Show me the berries you picked.|-We don't have them. {171422}{171476}You don't have them?|What happened to them? {171482}{171549}-We. . . .|-We ate them. {171554}{171616}-You ate them?|-Yes! {171621}{171659}-They were so good.|-Delicious. {171664}{171694}Very well. {171700}{171823}Since you've obviously stuffed|yourselves on thousands of berries. . . {171829}{171923}. . .you can't be hungry anymore,|so I'll have to tell Frau Schmidt. . . {171929}{171998}. . .to skip your dinner. {172218}{172284}It's your fault.|We should have told him the truth. {172290}{172338}And made him boiling mad at us? {172343}{172389}It's better than starving to death. {172395}{172463}We didn't do anything wrong.|We just wanted to see her. {172495}{172570}My stomach's making noises. {172580}{172648}The least they could have done|was to let us say hello. {172675}{172769}-I wonder what grass tastes like.|-I feel awful. {172779}{172882}When Fräulein Maria wanted to feel|better she used to sing that song. {172896}{172931}Let's try it. {172937}{173001}Raindrops on roses {173007}{173105}And whiskers on kittens {173125}{173186}Bright copper kettles {173192}{173265}And warm woolen mittens {173298}{173441}Brown paper packages|Tied up with strings {173447}{173591}These are a few of my favorite things {173597}{173646}Why don't I feel better? {173674}{173729}Girls in white dresses {173735}{173809}With blue satin sashes {173815}{173951}Snowflakes that stay|On my nose and eyelashes {173960}{174035}-Silver white winters...|-Fräulein Maria's back! {174040}{174072}... that melt into springs {174082}{174159}These are a few of my favorite things {174165}{174239}When the dog bites|When the bee stings {174245}{174296}When I'm feeling sad {174308}{174379}I simply remember my favorite things {174385}{174439}And then I don 't feel {174445}{174606}So bad {174612}{174685}-Children, I'm so glad to see you.|-We missed you. {174690}{174716}I missed you. {174722}{174773}-Kurt, how are you?|-Hungry. {174810}{174873}-What happened to your finger?|-It got caught. {174879}{174931}-Caught in what?|-Friedrich's teeth. {174960}{175013}-Liesl, you all right?|-Just fair. {175018}{175089}-Any telegrams been delivered lately?|-None at all. {175095}{175178}But I'm learning to accept it.|I'll be glad when school begins. {175184}{175298}Liesl, you can't use school to escape|your problems. You have to face them. {175303}{175338}I have so much to tell you. {175344}{175392}We have things to tell you too. {175400}{175488}The most important thing is|that Father is going to be married. {175494}{175519}Married? {175527}{175576}Yes, to Baroness Schraeder. {175765}{175803}Oh, I see. {175847}{175928}Father, look!|Fräulein Maria's back! {175933}{175982}Fräulein Maria's back from the abbey. {176035}{176061}Good evening, captain. {176097}{176128}Good evening. {176188}{176233}Everyone inside for dinner. {176239}{176278}Dinner! {176502}{176614}You left without saying goodbye.|Even to the children. {176638}{176676}It was wrong of me. Forgive me. {176725}{176753}Why did you? {176758}{176826}Please don't ask me.|The reason no longer exists. {176854}{176928}Fräulein Maria, you've returned. {176957}{177001}Isn't it wonderful, Georg? {177080}{177133}I wish you every happiness,|baroness. {177138}{177204}You too, captain.|The children say you're to marry. {177210}{177236}Thank you, my dear. {177298}{177383}You are back to stay? {177433}{177513}Only until arrangements can be made|for another governess. {178848}{178887}There you are. {179231}{179292}I must speak to cook|about the schnitzel. {179298}{179377}It is entirely too delicious|for my figure. {179387}{179458}And it makes you much too quiet|at the dinner table. {179464}{179512}Or was it the wine? {179518}{179562}Undoubtedly the wine. {179623}{179678}You have no idea|the trouble I'm having. . . {179684}{179750}. . .trying to decide on|a wedding present for you. {179756}{179808}Oh, I know. I'm enough. {179814}{179902}But I do want you to have|some little trifle for the occasion. {179907}{179963}At first I thought|of a fountain pen. . . {179969}{180023}. . .but you've already got one. {180029}{180100}Then I thought perhaps a villa|in the south of France. . . {180106}{180170}. . .but they are so difficult|to gift-wrap. {180176}{180234}Oh, Georg, how do you|feel about yachts? {180240}{180295}A long, sleek one|for the Mediterranean. . . {180301}{180367}. . .or a tiny one|for your bathtub, huh? {180419}{180468}-Elsa.|-Where to go on our honeymoon? {180474}{180512}Now, that's a real problem. {180517}{180598}A trip around the world|would be lovely. And then I said: {180604}{180673}"Oh, Elsa, there must be|someplace better to go. " {180679}{180737}-But don't worry, darling, I'll--|-Elsa. {180754}{180783}Yes, Georg. {180808}{180839}It's no use. . . {180869}{180902}. . .you and l. {180939}{181017}I'm being dishonest to both of us. . . {181049}{181088}. . .and utterly unfair to you. {181214}{181281}-When two people talk of marriage--|-No, don't. {181302}{181352}Don't say another word, please. {181431}{181552}You see, there are other things|I've been thinking of. {181574}{181687}Fond as I am of you, I really don't|think you're the right man for me. {181748}{181807}You're much too independent. {181814}{181928}And I need someone|who needs me desperately. . . {181934}{182007}. . .or at least needs|my money desperately. {182059}{182177}I've enjoyed every moment we've had|together and I do thank you for that. {182243}{182288}Now, if you'll forgive me. . . {182294}{182343}. . .I'll go inside,|pack my little bags. . . {182349}{182409}. . .and return to Vienna|where I belong. {182538}{182582}And somewhere out there. . . {182588}{182694}. . .is a young lady who, I think. . . {182700}{182730}. . .will never be a nun. {183021}{183077}Auf Wiedersehen, darling. {183694}{183722}Hello. {183861}{183947}I thought I just might find you here. {184047}{184102}Was there something you wanted? {184111}{184187}No, no, no. Sit down, please. {184209}{184242}Please. {184364}{184397}May l? {184694}{184807}You know, I was thinking|and I was wondering two things: {184834}{184937}Why did you run away to the abbey? {184956}{185069}And what was it|that made you come back? {185109}{185215}Well, I had an obligation|to fulfill. . . {185221}{185272}. . .and I came back to fulfill it. {185287}{185322}Is that all? {185354}{185405}And I missed the children. {185413}{185442}Yes. {185472}{185542}-Only the children?|-No. Yes. {185547}{185638}-Isn't it right that I missed them?|-Oh, yes. Yes, of course. {185644}{185707}I was only hoping that perhaps you. . . . {185734}{185776}Perhaps you might. . . . {185818}{185847}Yes? {185889}{186017}Well, nothing was the same|when you were away. . . {186034}{186112}. . .and it'll be all wrong again|after you leave. . . {186118}{186230}. . .and I just thought perhaps|you might change your mind. {186327}{186428}Well, I'm sure the baroness will be|able to make things fine for you. {186434}{186467}Maria. . . . {186518}{186602}-There isn't going to be any baroness.|-There isn't? {186659}{186692}No. {186699}{186742}I don't understand. {186799}{186898}Well, we've called off our engagement,|you see, and-- {186904}{186987}-Oh, I'm sorry.|-Yes. You are? {187014}{187067}-You did?|-Yes. {187093}{187202}Well, you can't marry someone|when you're. . . {187262}{187312}. . .in love with someone else. . . {187394}{187428}. . .can you? {188264}{188319}The Reverend Mother always says: {188325}{188407}"When the Lord closes a door,|somewhere He opens a window. " {188608}{188682}What else does|the Reverend Mother say? {188704}{188762}That you have to look for your life. {188802}{188862}Is that why you came back? {188959}{188995}And have you found it. . . {189019}{189047}. . .Maria? {189089}{189137}I think I have. {189203}{189236}I know I have. {189297}{189337}I love you. {189432}{189492}Oh, can this be happening to me? {189558}{189687}Perhaps I had a wicked childhood {189723}{189849}Perhaps I had a miserable youth {189894}{190035}But somewhere|ln my wicked, miserable past {190048}{190187}There must have been a moment of truth {190209}{190372}For here you are|Standing there loving me {190389}{190534}Whether or not you should {190549}{190712}So somewhere in my youth or childhood {190732}{190916}I must have done something good {190946}{191017}Nothing comes from nothing {191044}{191136}Nothing ever could {191157}{191370}So somewhere in my youth or childhood {191406}{191634}I must have done something good {191656}{191772}Do you know when I first|started loving you? {191782}{191875}That night at dinner, when you sat|on that ridiculous pine cone. {191881}{191912}What? {191944}{192027}I knew the first time you blew|that silly whistle. {192049}{192097}Oh, my love. {192187}{192377}For here you are|Standing there loving me {192424}{192563}Whether or not you should {192597}{192766}So somewhere in my youth or childhood {192784}{192970}I must have done something good {192998}{193082}Nothing comes from nothing {193099}{193172}Nothing ever could {193178}{193317}So somewhere in my youth... {193323}{193377}...or childhood {193451}{193608}I must have done something {193657}{193960}Something good {194121}{194157}Maria. {194202}{194312}Is there anyone I should go to,|to ask permission to marry you? {194406}{194467}-Why don't we ask--|-The children? {197069}{197165}How do you solve a problem like Maria? {197184}{197274}How do you catch a cloud|And pin it down? {197297}{197397}How do you find a word|That means Maria? {197406}{197431}A flibbertigibbet {197436}{197515}A will-o '-the-wisp|A clown {197520}{197629}Many a thing you know|You'd like to tell her {197639}{197737}Many a thing she ought to understand {197754}{197857}But how do you make her stay|And listen to all you say? {197867}{197960}How do you keep a wave upon the sand? {197968}{198088}Oh, how do you solve|A problem like Maria? {198097}{198256}How do you hold a moonbeam|ln your hand? {201279}{201317}Herr Detweiler! {201379}{201443}-Heil Hitler.|-Oh, good afternoon, Herr Zeller. {201449}{201528}Perhaps you've not heard.|I am now the Gauleiter. {201534}{201572}Heil Hitler. {201594}{201622}Heil Hitler. {201628}{201683}I've come from|Captain von Trapp's house. {201694}{201780}The only one in the area|not flying the Third Reich flag. . . {201786}{201815}. . .since the Anschluss. {201821}{201873}-But we have dealt with that.|-I don't-- {201879}{201950}The housekeeper told me|that I would find you here. {201956}{201997}The only thing she'd tell me. {202009}{202070}What kind of information|are you looking for? {202076}{202121}When will the captain return? {202134}{202228}Well, he's on his honeymoon trip.|He's not been in touch with us. {202234}{202350}Am I to believe he hasn't communicated|with his children in over a month? {202356}{202402}How many men do you know. . . {202408}{202487}. . .who communicate with their children|while honeymooning? {202508}{202598}Upon his return, he'll fill|his proper position in the new order. {202604}{202662}Naturally.|And may I congratulate you. . . {202668}{202779}. . .and your people in allowing the|festival to go on tonight as planned. {202792}{202875}Why should it not go on?|Nothing in Austria has changed. {202881}{202962}Singing and music will|show this to the world. {202967}{203007}Austria is the same. {203029}{203062}Heil Hitler. {203114}{203152}Heil Hitler. {203192}{203222}Come, let's go home. {203227}{203311}-Why was he so cross?|-Everybody's cross these days. {203316}{203397}Maybe the flag with the black spider|makes people nervous. {203402}{203472}-Will Father be in trouble?|-He doesn't have to be. {203478}{203543}The thing to do|is to get along with everybody. {203549}{203602}Remember that tonight at the concert. {203607}{203677}Are we really going to sing|before a lot of people? {203682}{203732}Look. The von Trapp Family Singers: {203737}{203847}Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Brigitta,|Kurt, Marta and Gretl. {203852}{203957}-Why am I always last?|-Because you are the most important. {203974}{204012}There we go. {204154}{204237}Are you sure Father will approve|of our singing in public? {204242}{204297}He'll be pleased and proud. {204308}{204367}-Liesl, do you think so?|-Don't you trust me? {204372}{204397}No. {204402}{204452}You're a very intelligent girl. {204464}{204517}Liesl. Liesl! {204539}{204568}Rolf! {204592}{204640}I'm so glad to see you.|It's been su-- {204646}{204672}Good afternoon. {204682}{204752}Give this to your father|as soon as he's home. {204768}{204813}-He's on his honeymoon.|-I know. {204818}{204898}-You do?|-We make it our business to know all. {204914}{204977}-Who's "we"?|-See that he gets it. {204982}{205037}-What is it?|-It's a telegram from Berlin. {205058}{205118}Don't you want to deliver it yourself? {205129}{205192}I'm occupied|with more important matters. {205197}{205257}And your father had better be too. {205262}{205299}But, Rolf! {205853}{205893}Father! {205899}{205963}-We didn't expect you so soon.|-Hello, hello! {205969}{206036}We didn't expect you home|until next week! {206041}{206171}-Did you bring souvenirs from Paris?|-Hello! How are you? {206198}{206229}Why didn't you call us? {206234}{206280}We couldn't get through. {206286}{206333}I had nothing to do with that. {206339}{206388}We came back as fast as we could. {206396}{206448}Well, well, well! We missed you! {206454}{206512}-We missed you!|-We missed kissing you. {206517}{206585}We missed all the noise|in the morning. {206591}{206692}-Mostly, we missed hearing you sing.|-Oh, you came back just in time. {206697}{206738}Look, Fräulein Maria-- {206744}{206782}I mean Mother. {206793}{206853}We're going to sing|in the festival tonight. {206858}{206908}We've been having a lovely time! {206914}{206964}We've been rehearsing all-- {207001}{207057}Surprise! Surprise! {207073}{207132}Surprises for you on the terrace. {207206}{207238}We'll talk about this. {207244}{207347}I would've told you but you were away.|I had to make a last-minute decision. {207354}{207413}I was fortunate to enter them at all. {207419}{207532}They'll be the talk of the festival.|Imagine, seven children in one family! {207537}{207577}Max! {207591}{207659}Somehow I recall having made it|quite clear to you. . . {207665}{207730}. . .how I feel about my family|singing in public! {207736}{207777}The committee was enchanted. {207782}{207858}-What did they say?|-I have never heard such enthusiasm. {207864}{207967}-Don't you think just this once--?|-Absolutely out of the question. {207973}{208072}-Georg, this is for Austria.|-For Austria? {208081}{208158}-There is no Austria!|-But the Anschluss was peaceful. {208164}{208248}-Let's at least be grateful for that.|-Grateful? {208293}{208332}You know, Max. . . {208354}{208431}. . .sometimes I don't believe|I know you. {208496}{208529}Father, I forgot. {208549}{208587}This is for you. {208822}{208918}Maria, he has got to at least pretend|to work with these people. {208924}{208960}You must convince him. {208966}{209032}Max, I can't ask him|to be less than he is. {209037}{209117}Then I'll talk to him.|If the children don't sing, well. . . {209123}{209177}. . .it will be a reflection|on Austria. {209196}{209277}Oh, I know.|It wouldn't do me any good either. {209401}{209465}Mother? That sounds so nice. {209471}{209537}-I like calling you "Mother. "|-I like hearing it. {209542}{209630}You love Father very much.|I can tell you do. {209634}{209655}Very much. {209661}{209741}Mother, what do you do when you|think you love someone? {209757}{209884}I mean, when you stop loving someone|or he stops loving you? {209947}{209997}Well, you cry a little. {210007}{210058}Then you wait for the sun to come out. {210064}{210097}It always does. {210103}{210188}There are so many things I think|I should know but I don't. {210194}{210241}-I really don't.|-How can you? {210247}{210300}Sometimes I feel the world is ending. {210306}{210382}-Then you feel it's just beginning?|-Yes! {210387}{210490}It was that way with me. And for you|it will be just as wonderful. {210506}{210551}Do you really think so? {210573}{210668}When you're 16 going on 17 {210674}{210760}Waiting for life to start {210776}{210868}Somebody kind|Who touches your mind {210874}{210977}Will suddenly touch your heart {210987}{211028}When that happens {211038}{211085}After it happens {211091}{211183}Nothing is quite the same {211189}{211227}Somehow I know {211233}{211285}I'll jump up and go {211291}{211393}If ever he calls my name {211399}{211493}Gone are your old ideas of life {211499}{211600}The old ideas grow dim {211606}{211710}Lo and behold|You're someone's wife {211734}{211878}And you belong to him {211884}{211987}You may think this kind of adventure {211993}{212086}Never may come to you {212111}{212241}Darling, 16 going on 17 {212261}{212360}Wait a year... {212379}{212505}-I'll wait a year|-...or two {212514}{212690}Just wait a year... {212712}{212919}...or two {212977}{213014}Liesl. {213409}{213442}What is it? {213464}{213497}Berlin. {213508}{213553}They've offered me a commission. {213559}{213620}I've been requested|to accept immediately. . . {213626}{213722}. . .and report to their naval base|at Bremerhaven tomorrow. {213736}{213832}I knew this would happen.|I didn't think it would be so soon. {213837}{213922}To refuse them would be fatal|for all of us. {213951}{214042}And joining them would be unthinkable. {214189}{214232}Get the children all together. {214239}{214317}Don't say anything to worry them.|Just get them ready. {214339}{214397}We've got to get out of Austria. . . {214436}{214477}. . .and this house. . . {214533}{214567}. . .tonight. {215620}{215678}This strains my back|and breaks my heart. . . {215684}{215752}. . .when I think of the children|missing the festival. {215758}{215823}By your announcement|we'll be over the border. {215829}{215887}Do you appreciate|the sacrifice I'm making? {215892}{215923}You have no choice. {215929}{215997}I know. That's why I'm making it. {216013}{216065}Why doesn't Father turn the motor on? {216070}{216152}Because he doesn't want anyone|to hear us. {216238}{216298}What will Frau Schmidt and Franz say? {216304}{216388}They'll be able to answer honestly|they didn't know anything. {216394}{216495}-Will we be coming back here?|-Someday, Liesl. I do hope someday. {216501}{216619}Are Father and Uncle Max going to push|the car all the way to Switzerland? {217261}{217319}Something wrong|with your car, captain? {217327}{217382}Yes, we couldn't get it started. {217472}{217502}Karl. {217549}{217632}Fix Captain von Trapp's car|so that it will start. {218188}{218232}Excellent, Karl. {218313}{218388}I've not asked you where you|and your family are going. {218401}{218452}Nor have you asked me why I'm here. {218457}{218547}Apparently we both suffer|from a deplorable lack of curiosity. {218568}{218627}You never answered the telegram. . . {218633}{218712}. . .from the Admiral of the Navy|of the Third Reich. {218718}{218777}I was under the impression,|Herr Zeller. . . {218782}{218867}. . .that the contents of telegrams|in Austria are private! {218884}{218969}At least, the Austria I know. {218996}{219035}I have my orders. . . {219041}{219093}. . .to take you|to Bremerhaven tonight. . . {219099}{219152}. . .where you will accept|your commission. {219179}{219309}I'm afraid that's going to be|quite impossible. {219324}{219365}You see, we. . . {219379}{219447}. . .all of us, the entire family,|will be. . . {219473}{219522}. . .singing in the festival tonight. {219529}{219587}As a matter of fact, we're going now. {219603}{219672}We couldn't possibly|let them down now. {219677}{219748}-I just hope we're not too late.|-Yes. {219754}{219823}You ask me to believe that you,|Captain von Trapp. . . {219829}{219864}. . .are singing in a concert? {219874}{219973}Believe me, it will be a performance|beyond anything even I've dreamt of. {219981}{220093}Like you, Herr Zeller,|l, too, am a man of hidden talents. {220109}{220142}Yes. {220148}{220207}Here, program. {220328}{220383}It says only the names|of the children. {220389}{220468}It says|the von Trapp Family Singers. . . {220474}{220547}. . .and I am the head of|the von Trapp family, am I not? {220602}{220693}And these travel clothes|that you're all wearing? {220713}{220750}Our costumes, naturally. {220756}{220837}This night air is not good|for the children's voices. {220987}{221072}Well, a slight delay in my orders|will not be serious. {221101}{221137}Therefore. . . {221158}{221197}. . .you will sing. {221219}{221267}You will all sing. {221276}{221337}But only because that's what I want. {221358}{221442}It will demonstrate that nothing|in Austria has changed. {221459}{221512}And when you have finished singing. . . {221519}{221595}. . .you, Captain von Trapp, will be|taken to Bremerhaven. {221626}{221692}Now, if you will all get|into your car. . . {221697}{221788}. . .we will escort the von Trapp Family|Singers to the festival. {221809}{221862}No escort will be necessary. {221868}{221927}Necessary? A pleasure, captain. {221949}{222042}After all, we would not want you|to get lost in the crowds. {222071}{222107}Would we? {222123}{222151}No. {222538}{222616}Sew, a needle pulling thread {222621}{222698}La, a note to follow sew {222704}{222787}Tea, a drink with jam and bread {222792}{222883}A drink with jam and bread {223113}{223164}Tea with jam|Jam and bread {223306}{223386}-With jam|-A, B, C {223391}{223469}-With jam|-Do-re-mi {223474}{223560}Tea with jam and bread {223566}{223598}With jam and bread {223604}{223641}With jam|With jam... {223646}{223857}...and bread {224383}{224459}My fellow Austrians. . . {224491}{224599}. . .I shall not be seeing you again,|perhaps for a very long time. {224633}{224676}I would like to sing for you now. . . {224711}{224749}. . .a love song. {224796}{224849}I know you share this love. {224880}{224969}I pray that you will never let it die. {225275}{225359}Edelweiss {225364}{225442}Edelweiss {225448}{225585}Every morning you greet me {225595}{225669}Small and white {225675}{225742}Clean and bright {225755}{225878}You look happy to meet me {225896}{225945}Blossom of snow {225951}{226037}May you bloom and grow {226043}{226179}Bloom and grow forever {226214}{226275}Edelweiss {226281}{226344}Edelweiss {226349}{226493}Bless my homeland forever {226601}{226675}Edelweiss {226681}{226713}Edel.... {226890}{226964}Small and white {226969}{227037}Clean and bright {227043}{227171}You look happy to meet me {227191}{227238}Blossom of snow {227243}{227325}May you bloom and grow {227341}{227484}Bloom and grow forever {227496}{227565}Edelweiss {227573}{227638}Edelweiss {227654}{227851}Bless my homeland forever {228276}{228314}I think it'll work. {228331}{228374}I shall miss all of you. {228385}{228444}I shall miss the money|I could have made with you. {228526}{228562}Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. {228581}{228645}The competition has come|to its conclusion. . . {228651}{228726}. . .except, we don't know|yet what that conclusion will be. {228749}{228810}And while the judges|arrive at their decision. . . {228816}{228889}. . .I have been given permission|to offer you an encore. {228895}{228972}This will be the last opportunity|the von Trapps will have. . . {228978}{229035}. . .of singing together|for a long, long time. {229061}{229157}Even now, officials are waiting|in this auditorium. . . {229163}{229228}. . .to escort Captain von Trapp|to his new command. . . {229233}{229319}. . .in the naval forces|of the Third Reich. {229431}{229539}And so, ladies and gentlemen,|the family von Trapp again. . . {229555}{229610}. . .to bid you farewell. {229783}{229870}There's a sad sort of clanging|From the clock in the hall {229876}{229956}And the bells in the steeple too {229968}{230060}And up in the nursery|An absurd little bird {230066}{230124}Is popping out to say "coo-coo" {230129}{230169}Coo-coo {230175}{230199}Coo-coo {230205}{230244}Regretfully they tell us {230249}{230292}But firmly they compel us {230298}{230364}To say goodbye {230369}{230493}To you {230563}{230649}So long, farewell|Auf Wiedersehen, good night {230655}{230745}We hate to go|And miss this pretty sight {230893}{230979}So long, farewell|Auf Wiedersehen, adieu {230984}{231072}Adieu, adieu|To you and you and you {231223}{231309}So long, farewell|Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye {231314}{231354}We flit, we float {231359}{231400}We fleetly flee, we fly {231553}{231644}So long, farewell|Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye {231649}{231730}The sun has gone to bed|And so must I {231736}{231827}Goodbye {231833}{231970}Goodbye {231975}{232100}Goodbye {232106}{232278}Goodbye {233039}{233139}Ladies and gentlemen, I have here the|decision of our distinguished judges. {233144}{233206}We will start with the award|for third prize. {233221}{233277}For this honor,|the judges have named. . . {233283}{233394}. . .the first soloist of the choir|of St. Agatha's Church in Murback. {233400}{233454}Fräulein Schweiger. {234338}{234433}Second prize|to The Toby Reiser Quintet. {235104}{235204}And the first prize,|the highest honor in all Austria. . . {235210}{235284}. . .the von Trapp Family Singers. {235580}{235621}The family von Trapp. {235971}{235997}They're gone! {236445}{236479}Come with me. {236571}{236619}Quickly, quickly. {236641}{236694}I have a place you can hide. {236711}{236789}Slowly, slowly. {237053}{237094}Open this gate. {237121}{237159}Good evening. {237219}{237254}Hurry up, woman. {237730}{237759}Two men in there. {237764}{237809}Six of you cover the yard. {237814}{237869}You two, cover the corridor. {238216}{238302}Reverend Mother, we didn't realize|we put the abbey in this danger. {238308}{238369}No, Maria, it was right for you|to come here. {238374}{238419}We thought we might borrow|your car. {238424}{238470}I'm afraid our car will do you|no good now. {238484}{238524}I've been listening to the wires. {238529}{238589}The borders have just been closed. {238730}{238784}All right,|if the borders are closed. . . {238815}{238895}. . .then we'll drive up into the hills|and go over the mountains on foot. {238909}{238957}-The children--|-We'll help them. {238963}{239015}We can do it without help, Father. {239041}{239074}Maria. {239090}{239154}You will not be alone.|Remember: {239159}{239233}"I will lift up mine eyes unto|the hills from whence cometh my help. " {239257}{239283}Yes, Mother. {239316}{239368}-I'm scared.|-Me too. {239658}{239686}God be with you. {239852}{239889}-Mother.|-Yes? {239895}{239972}Would it help if we sang|about our favorite things? {239978}{240050}No, darling.|This is one time it would not help. {240056}{240133}You must be very quiet.|Hold tight to me. {243361}{243390}Let's try the roof. {244739}{244794}Rolf, please. {244915}{244952}No, wait. {245186}{245219}Maria. {245245}{245279}Children. {245376}{245449}It's you we want, not them. {245458}{245499}Put that down. {245525}{245604}Not another move,|or I'll shoot. {245645}{245694}You're only a boy. {245766}{245854}-You don't really belong to them.|-Stay where you are. {245896}{245944}Come away with us. {245974}{246002}Before it's too late. {246016}{246072}Not another step.|I'll kill you. {246127}{246206}-You give that to me, Rolf.|-Did you hear me? {246231}{246269}I'll kill you. {246314}{246349}Rolf. {246789}{246822}You'll never be one of them. {246888}{246929}Lieutenant! {246935}{246962}They're here! {246967}{247004}They're here, lieutenant! {247995}{248034}Reverend Mother. {248066}{248109}I have sinned. {248138}{248189}I too, Reverend Mother. {248229}{248284}What is this sin, my children? {251045}{251105}Subtitles by|Gelula/SDI {251111}{251129}|ENGLISH|