1 00:03:11,360 --> 00:03:14,796 An article, which l believe appeared in a newspaper, asked why, 2 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:19,118 since it would seem that you are in effect the Mayor of Chicago, 3 00:03:19,320 --> 00:03:23,632 you're not simply being appointed to that position. 4 00:03:26,560 --> 00:03:30,872 Well, l tell ya, it's touching. Like a lot of things in life, 5 00:03:31,080 --> 00:03:35,232 we laugh because it's funny, and we laugh because it's true. 6 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:37,317 Some people say, reformers here say: 7 00:03:37,520 --> 00:03:41,308 "Put that man in jail, what does he think he is doing?" 8 00:03:41,520 --> 00:03:44,830 What l hope l'm doing, and here's where your paper's got a point, 9 00:03:45,040 --> 00:03:47,235 is l'm responding to the will of the people. 10 00:03:50,080 --> 00:03:54,471 People are gonna drink. We all know that. All l do is act on that. 11 00:03:54,680 --> 00:03:57,353 And all this talk of bootlegging. What is bootlegging? 12 00:03:57,560 --> 00:04:01,189 On the boat it's bootlegging, on Lake Shore Drive it's hospitality. 13 00:04:01,400 --> 00:04:03,550 l'm a businessman. 14 00:04:05,040 --> 00:04:08,555 Your reputation is that you control your business through violence. 15 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:13,197 That those that don't purchase your product are dealt with violently. 16 00:04:18,440 --> 00:04:20,396 lt's all right. 17 00:04:21,800 --> 00:04:23,631 l grew up in a tough neighbourhood. 18 00:04:23,840 --> 00:04:26,559 We used to say, "You can get further with a kind word and a gun" 19 00:04:26,760 --> 00:04:29,718 "than you can with just a kind word." 20 00:04:31,000 --> 00:04:33,150 And in that neighbourhood it might've been true. 21 00:04:33,360 --> 00:04:36,796 And sometimes your reputation follows you. 22 00:04:38,120 --> 00:04:40,793 There is violence in Chicago, but not by me 23 00:04:41,000 --> 00:04:45,118 and not by anybody l employ. Because it's not good business. 24 00:05:14,840 --> 00:05:19,152 Leave us alone down here, we've got everything we need. 25 00:05:19,360 --> 00:05:22,238 The green beer you're peddlin' ain't any good. 26 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:26,479 lt's not supposed to be good. lt's supposed to be bought. 27 00:05:27,600 --> 00:05:30,239 l'm not buyin' any. 28 00:05:32,240 --> 00:05:36,028 Don't worry about it, Pops, we won't come back. 29 00:05:39,000 --> 00:05:41,833 - How's everyone at your house today?. - They're fine. 30 00:05:42,040 --> 00:05:45,919 - ls your Mama well? - She has a little cold. 31 00:05:46,120 --> 00:05:48,236 Oh, she does? 32 00:05:49,360 --> 00:05:52,432 - l'm sorry to hear that. - But she'll be all right. 33 00:05:58,040 --> 00:05:59,712 - There you go. - Thank you. 34 00:05:59,920 --> 00:06:04,994 That's all right, sweetie. You be careful crossin' the street. 35 00:06:05,200 --> 00:06:07,509 - Mister! - You tell your Mama that... 36 00:06:07,720 --> 00:06:10,154 Hey, Mister! Wait! 37 00:06:10,360 --> 00:06:13,591 Mister! Wait! You forgot your brief... 38 00:07:16,240 --> 00:07:20,472 Yes, l heard it on the radio. 39 00:07:20,680 --> 00:07:22,955 l know. 40 00:07:23,160 --> 00:07:26,277 Now it's time to go to work. 41 00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:37,111 You'll make a good first impression. 42 00:07:44,840 --> 00:07:47,513 l love you, Eliot. 43 00:07:52,680 --> 00:07:53,954 Now, shoo. 44 00:07:55,680 --> 00:08:01,073 Eliot Ness, Special Agent of the Treasury Department. 45 00:08:01,280 --> 00:08:03,669 - Mr Ness. - Thank you, Chief. 46 00:08:03,880 --> 00:08:07,077 At the request of the City of Chicago, 47 00:08:07,280 --> 00:08:10,875 the Department of the Treasury has inaugurated a programme 48 00:08:11,080 --> 00:08:14,470 to deal with the flow of illegal liquor and the violence it creates. 49 00:08:14,680 --> 00:08:18,309 Mr Ness! Of what does this programme consist? 50 00:08:18,520 --> 00:08:21,239 l and other agents of the Treasury will be working 51 00:08:21,440 --> 00:08:23,396 with the Chicago Police... 52 00:08:23,600 --> 00:08:25,716 lsn't it just another showpiece programme? 53 00:08:25,920 --> 00:08:29,913 - What do you think of prohibition? - Do you drink, Mr Ness? 54 00:08:30,120 --> 00:08:33,829 - Come on, answer the questions. - lt's not just a showpiece. 55 00:08:34,040 --> 00:08:37,112 And l'll tell you how l feel about prohibition. 56 00:08:37,320 --> 00:08:38,673 lt is the law of the land. 57 00:08:38,880 --> 00:08:41,519 Do you consider yourself a crusader, is that it? 58 00:08:41,720 --> 00:08:43,950 What qualifications do you have for the job? 59 00:08:44,160 --> 00:08:46,435 Do you have any political ambitions? 60 00:08:46,640 --> 00:08:49,200 All right, boys, l think that's enough. 61 00:08:51,560 --> 00:08:54,632 What are your real plans? What have you got coming up? 62 00:08:54,840 --> 00:08:56,831 You'll have to read about it in the paper. 63 00:08:57,040 --> 00:09:00,555 - Let me ride along with you. - No. Can't help you. 64 00:09:00,760 --> 00:09:03,877 Mr Ness, Lieutenant Alderson, the Flying Squad. 65 00:09:04,080 --> 00:09:06,913 Are you ready to meet the men? 66 00:09:08,240 --> 00:09:10,196 Yes, l am. 67 00:09:19,600 --> 00:09:22,478 l have one more thing to say. 68 00:09:26,120 --> 00:09:29,317 l know that many of you take a drink. 69 00:09:29,520 --> 00:09:33,229 What you've done before today is not my concern. 70 00:09:33,440 --> 00:09:36,830 But now we must be pure, and l want you to stop. 71 00:09:38,160 --> 00:09:42,392 lt's not a question of whether it's 'a harmless drink'. lt may well be. 72 00:09:42,600 --> 00:09:44,113 But it's against the law. 73 00:09:44,320 --> 00:09:48,393 And as we are going to enforce the law, we must do first by example. 74 00:09:53,000 --> 00:09:55,468 Are there any questions? 75 00:09:56,800 --> 00:10:00,031 Good. The Department of the Treasury's had 76 00:10:00,240 --> 00:10:02,276 a man undercover here for some time now. 77 00:10:02,480 --> 00:10:04,436 We've received word from this informant 78 00:10:04,640 --> 00:10:07,996 that a large shipment of Canadian whiskey has arrived in Chicago. 79 00:10:08,200 --> 00:10:10,760 So l hope that you have signed on for some action. 80 00:10:18,520 --> 00:10:22,957 Remember, the liquor cases are marked with the red maple leaf. 81 00:10:23,160 --> 00:10:26,277 The Treasury Agent is in a grey suit with a white scarf. 82 00:10:26,480 --> 00:10:30,871 - He is not to be arrested. - A grey suit and a white scarf. 83 00:10:31,080 --> 00:10:35,278 - That's it. Are your men ready?. - Yes, sir. They are. 84 00:10:41,920 --> 00:10:45,276 - At ease. - Smoke 'em if you got 'em. 85 00:10:51,280 --> 00:10:53,748 - How are we doin'? - Okay. 86 00:10:59,400 --> 00:11:02,836 - Want part of a sandwich? - No, thank you, sir. 87 00:11:09,040 --> 00:11:11,634 - You nervous? - No, sir. 88 00:11:13,560 --> 00:11:17,189 - Been with the unit long? - A short while. 89 00:11:18,520 --> 00:11:22,069 - l suppose we all want to do well. - Yes, sir. 90 00:11:27,720 --> 00:11:30,439 A message from my wife. 91 00:11:31,480 --> 00:11:34,756 - You married? - Yes, sir, l am. 92 00:11:34,960 --> 00:11:37,633 Nice to be married, huh? 93 00:11:54,040 --> 00:11:55,837 Just follow me. 94 00:12:36,160 --> 00:12:38,833 - Oh, God... - Federal officer. Hands in the air. 95 00:12:39,040 --> 00:12:41,270 Get 'em up. Drop it. 96 00:12:41,480 --> 00:12:43,948 Damn it, l can't, it'll break. 97 00:12:45,000 --> 00:12:47,389 Mr Ness. Look, l was just... 98 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:49,556 Geez, l'm sorry. 99 00:12:51,480 --> 00:12:55,075 Listen, l can do a lot for you, what you're tryin' to do. 100 00:12:55,280 --> 00:12:57,396 l get the big scoop, you make a big splash. 101 00:12:57,600 --> 00:13:01,912 Get some support. What do you say?. Let's be real, let me help you. 102 00:13:02,120 --> 00:13:04,236 Okay. Just shut up. 103 00:13:29,720 --> 00:13:32,439 All right now... Let's do some good! 104 00:13:45,760 --> 00:13:47,193 Hold it right there! 105 00:13:49,680 --> 00:13:54,151 Federal officer. You're under arrest for violations of the Volstead Act. 106 00:14:02,680 --> 00:14:05,592 Let's cover the doors! Don't let anybody out! 107 00:14:07,320 --> 00:14:09,436 Preseuski. 108 00:14:10,480 --> 00:14:13,472 - l'm here with permission. - Who gave you permission? 109 00:14:13,680 --> 00:14:16,478 - Mr Ness! - Sorry, let him through here. 110 00:14:17,440 --> 00:14:20,079 Let him through here. 111 00:14:21,160 --> 00:14:24,232 You want to take your picture, take it now. 112 00:14:25,280 --> 00:14:27,589 - You ready?. - Ready. 113 00:14:52,640 --> 00:14:54,596 Liquor, huh? 114 00:14:56,960 --> 00:14:58,871 Get him out of here. 115 00:14:59,080 --> 00:15:02,993 - Tear the place apart! - l mean now, get him out! 116 00:15:07,400 --> 00:15:09,868 That means you, too. 117 00:15:14,520 --> 00:15:16,317 Christ! 118 00:16:31,440 --> 00:16:34,989 Now, what do you think you're doing? 119 00:16:35,200 --> 00:16:39,876 You want to throw garbage? Throw it in the goddamn trash basket. 120 00:16:40,080 --> 00:16:43,152 Don't you have more important things to do? 121 00:16:43,400 --> 00:16:45,436 Yeah. 122 00:16:45,640 --> 00:16:48,108 But l'm not doing them right now. 123 00:16:49,160 --> 00:16:51,833 Do we understand each other?. 124 00:16:55,080 --> 00:16:57,719 Okay, pal, why the Mohaska? 125 00:16:59,080 --> 00:17:02,755 - Why are you packin' the gun? - l'm a Treasury Officer. 126 00:17:05,600 --> 00:17:07,670 All right. 127 00:17:07,880 --> 00:17:11,429 Just remember what we talked about now. 128 00:17:15,240 --> 00:17:17,549 Hey... Wait a minute! 129 00:17:17,760 --> 00:17:21,355 What the hell kind of police do you have in this goddamn city?. 130 00:17:21,560 --> 00:17:24,313 You just turned your back on an armed man. 131 00:17:24,520 --> 00:17:28,115 - You're a Treasury officer. - l just told you l was. 132 00:17:28,320 --> 00:17:31,312 Who would claim to be that, who was not? 133 00:17:36,960 --> 00:17:39,918 What's your name and unit? 134 00:17:43,480 --> 00:17:45,994 lt's right here. 135 00:17:47,360 --> 00:17:50,591 You got a beef? What is it? 136 00:17:52,920 --> 00:17:55,832 How did you know l had a gun? 137 00:17:56,040 --> 00:17:59,669 What do you want, a free lesson in police work?. 138 00:18:01,960 --> 00:18:03,234 No. 139 00:18:06,520 --> 00:18:08,317 Are you okay, pal? 140 00:18:10,040 --> 00:18:12,679 l had a rough day on the job. 141 00:18:14,240 --> 00:18:17,198 - Are you going home now?. - l was about to. 142 00:18:20,040 --> 00:18:23,874 Well, then, you just fulfilled the first rule of law enforcement. 143 00:18:27,800 --> 00:18:31,588 Make sure when your shift is over you go home alive. 144 00:18:32,640 --> 00:18:34,790 Here endeth the lesson. 145 00:19:30,560 --> 00:19:35,190 $100,000 for 40 barrels. Make sure there are no empties. 146 00:19:35,400 --> 00:19:38,358 l'm gonna give you the ledger, everything is in the book. 147 00:19:38,560 --> 00:19:41,393 55 gallons to the barrel. 148 00:19:54,720 --> 00:19:57,314 - lt's Eddie. - Come in, Eddie. 149 00:20:20,440 --> 00:20:25,878 So, he gets into the snowplough, and he says, "Let's do some good". 150 00:20:26,080 --> 00:20:28,389 And then, we bust through... 151 00:21:15,360 --> 00:21:18,830 - Mr Ness? - Yes? 152 00:21:19,040 --> 00:21:22,237 l came here to thank you. 153 00:21:22,440 --> 00:21:23,793 lt was... 154 00:21:24,000 --> 00:21:27,629 ..my little girl that got killed with that bomb. 155 00:21:29,080 --> 00:21:30,832 l'm sorry. Please. 156 00:21:32,440 --> 00:21:34,829 l'm...l'm so sorry. 157 00:21:35,880 --> 00:21:40,590 You see, it's...because l know that you have children, too. 158 00:21:41,640 --> 00:21:46,668 And that this is real for you, that these men cause us tragedy. 159 00:21:46,880 --> 00:21:50,429 And l know that you will put a stop to them. 160 00:21:51,480 --> 00:21:53,198 And you do that, now. 161 00:22:47,880 --> 00:22:51,031 - What do you want? - l'd like to talk to you. 162 00:22:53,200 --> 00:22:55,236 Come in. 163 00:22:58,520 --> 00:23:01,353 l need a small group of men, handpicked, starting with you. 164 00:23:01,560 --> 00:23:05,348 Ness! l am just a poor beat cop. 165 00:23:06,320 --> 00:23:11,519 - Now, how can l help you? - Just work with me. 166 00:23:11,720 --> 00:23:15,156 - But why should l, though? - Because you're a good cop. 167 00:23:16,560 --> 00:23:19,074 - How do you know that? - You told me. 168 00:23:19,840 --> 00:23:22,149 lf l'm such a good cop... 169 00:23:23,400 --> 00:23:26,278 How come l'm walkin' the beat, then, at my age? 170 00:23:26,480 --> 00:23:28,311 Do you want to tell me? 171 00:23:28,520 --> 00:23:31,273 Well, maybe l'm that Whore with a Heart of Gold. 172 00:23:31,480 --> 00:23:35,075 Or The One Good Cop in the Bad Town? ls that what you want to hear?. 173 00:23:35,280 --> 00:23:37,191 l didn't ask you, and l don't care! 174 00:23:37,400 --> 00:23:40,995 You want to stay on the beat? You do that. 175 00:23:41,200 --> 00:23:45,352 lf you'd like to come with me, l need your help. 176 00:23:47,240 --> 00:23:48,878 l'm askin' you for help. 177 00:23:52,800 --> 00:23:56,509 Well...that's the thing you fear, isn't it? 178 00:24:00,080 --> 00:24:05,154 Mr Ness, l wish l'd met you ten years and...twenty pounds ago. 179 00:24:05,360 --> 00:24:10,832 But...l just think it got... more important to me... 180 00:24:11,040 --> 00:24:12,678 ..to stay alive. 181 00:24:19,680 --> 00:24:23,514 And that's why l'm walkin' the beat. Thank you, no. 182 00:24:37,280 --> 00:24:40,750 That's good, Andy. Let's start up the thing and take a little ride. 183 00:24:40,960 --> 00:24:43,394 l wanna hear that Stutz Bearcat engine, boy! 184 00:24:43,600 --> 00:24:46,797 - Yeah, letme open the doorhere. - Yeah, go ahead. 185 00:24:47,000 --> 00:24:50,276 Whoopsy daisy, pick up the door there, Andy. 186 00:24:50,480 --> 00:24:54,234 Throw itin the back seat. Now, letme get the thing started. 187 00:24:54,440 --> 00:24:56,396 Yeah, startit up, Andy. 188 00:25:03,080 --> 00:25:06,038 Holymackerel, Andy! Listen to thatBearcatmotor! 189 00:25:06,240 --> 00:25:10,756 Yeah, itsounds like the bear is chasin' that cat all round it! 190 00:25:12,400 --> 00:25:14,311 Andy! She's boilin' over! 191 00:25:24,920 --> 00:25:27,718 - Mr Ness? - Yes. 192 00:25:27,920 --> 00:25:30,229 Oscar Wallace. 193 00:25:32,000 --> 00:25:34,958 l've been assigned here by the Washington Bureau. 194 00:25:35,160 --> 00:25:37,310 - Really?. - Yes. 195 00:25:37,520 --> 00:25:42,036 Well, l'm glad to have you here, Mr Wallace. Would you excuse me? 196 00:25:43,080 --> 00:25:45,799 We are a little in the dark here, but any ideas you may have... 197 00:25:46,000 --> 00:25:47,877 Well, actually, yes, sir, l do. 198 00:25:48,080 --> 00:25:51,789 And the one l want to try first... is this. 199 00:25:55,240 --> 00:25:59,153 He has not filed a return since 1926. 200 00:26:00,640 --> 00:26:04,155 - A return...? - An income tax return. 201 00:26:05,600 --> 00:26:07,033 - lncome tax. - Yes, sir. 202 00:26:07,240 --> 00:26:11,472 - What do you do at the Bureau? - Oh, l'm an accountant. 203 00:26:12,520 --> 00:26:16,479 - An accountant? - Yes, and the Bureau sent me here... 204 00:26:17,520 --> 00:26:19,636 Would you excuse me? 205 00:26:22,840 --> 00:26:25,149 Please. 206 00:26:49,680 --> 00:26:52,035 Okay. Let's go. 207 00:26:52,240 --> 00:26:55,994 - Where are we going? - These walls have ears. 208 00:26:58,640 --> 00:27:02,633 You said you wanted to know how to get Capone. 209 00:27:04,880 --> 00:27:09,078 Do you really want to get him? You see what l'm saying? 210 00:27:09,280 --> 00:27:13,671 - What are you prepared to do? - Everything within the law. 211 00:27:13,880 --> 00:27:16,713 And then what are you prepared to do? 212 00:27:16,920 --> 00:27:19,195 lf you open the ball on these people, 213 00:27:19,400 --> 00:27:21,834 you must be prepared to go all the way. 214 00:27:22,040 --> 00:27:25,077 Because they won't give up the fight until one of you is dead. 215 00:27:25,280 --> 00:27:27,271 l want to get Capone. l don't know how. 216 00:27:27,480 --> 00:27:32,156 Here's how you get Capone: he pulls a knife, you pull a gun. 217 00:27:32,360 --> 00:27:34,999 He sends one of yours to hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! 218 00:27:35,200 --> 00:27:38,670 That's the Chicago way! And that's how you get Capone. 219 00:27:40,880 --> 00:27:43,952 Now, do you want to do that? 220 00:27:44,160 --> 00:27:46,754 Are you ready to do that? 221 00:27:48,320 --> 00:27:52,154 l'm making you a deal. Do you want this deal? 222 00:27:53,160 --> 00:27:55,469 l have sworn to put this man away, 223 00:27:55,680 --> 00:28:00,629 with any and all legal means at my disposal, and l will do so. 224 00:28:08,160 --> 00:28:11,357 Well, the Lord hates a coward. 225 00:28:18,240 --> 00:28:21,312 Do you know what a blood oath is, Mr Ness? 226 00:28:21,520 --> 00:28:24,353 - Yes. - Good. 'Cause you just took one. 227 00:28:26,320 --> 00:28:29,392 How do you think Capone knew about your raid the other night? 228 00:28:29,600 --> 00:28:33,070 - Somebody on the cops told him. - Right. Welcome to Chicago. 229 00:28:33,280 --> 00:28:36,590 This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide. 230 00:28:36,800 --> 00:28:41,112 First, who can you trust? Nobody. The cops, nobody. 231 00:28:41,320 --> 00:28:45,871 - 'Cause nobody wants you here. - Then why are you helping me? 232 00:28:46,080 --> 00:28:48,958 Because l swore to uphold the law. 233 00:28:49,160 --> 00:28:51,879 And if you believe that, l'll tell you another. 234 00:28:52,080 --> 00:28:56,153 - Now, who can you trust? - l can trust nobody. 235 00:28:56,360 --> 00:29:00,273 - That's the sorry truth. - Then, where are we gonna get help? 236 00:29:00,480 --> 00:29:05,110 lf you're afraid of getting a rotten apple, don't go to the barrel. 237 00:29:05,320 --> 00:29:07,550 Get it off the tree. 238 00:29:08,600 --> 00:29:10,033 Get it off the tree... 239 00:29:12,240 --> 00:29:15,277 Finger out of the trigger guard! Eject those cartridges! 240 00:29:15,480 --> 00:29:18,517 Lay the revolver on the ledge and stand back! 241 00:29:18,720 --> 00:29:20,073 About face! 242 00:29:20,280 --> 00:29:23,875 Barry! l want you to meet Mr Eliot Ness. 243 00:29:24,080 --> 00:29:27,709 Treasury Department. How are you? We need a recruit for extended duty. 244 00:29:27,920 --> 00:29:32,357 He is to be seconded to the Treasury Department. We have the full... 245 00:29:32,560 --> 00:29:35,677 Barry?. Who is consistently the best shot of this class? 246 00:29:35,880 --> 00:29:40,590 - Williamson and Stone. - Call them out, one at a time. 247 00:29:40,800 --> 00:29:43,109 - Are either of the men married? - No. 248 00:29:43,320 --> 00:29:45,788 - Good. - Williamson! 249 00:29:46,000 --> 00:29:50,312 - You're married. - l don't want any married men. 250 00:29:51,560 --> 00:29:54,836 All right, stand easy, son. l want to ask you something. 251 00:29:55,040 --> 00:29:59,272 - Why do you want to join the force? - To protect and... 252 00:29:59,480 --> 00:30:02,074 To protect and serve... To protect and... 253 00:30:02,280 --> 00:30:06,273 Please don't search for the yearbook answer. Just tell me what you think. 254 00:30:06,480 --> 00:30:09,358 - What l think?. l... - You... 255 00:30:09,560 --> 00:30:12,552 ...could help...the force. 256 00:30:13,400 --> 00:30:16,392 - You can help... - With the force. 257 00:30:16,600 --> 00:30:21,037 Thank you. There goes the next Chief of Police. 258 00:30:27,360 --> 00:30:28,793 At ease! 259 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:32,151 Stone! Out here. 260 00:30:33,600 --> 00:30:36,273 This kid's a prodigy. 261 00:30:38,200 --> 00:30:42,273 - Why do you want to join the force? - To protect the property and... 262 00:30:42,480 --> 00:30:45,313 Oh, please, don't waste my time with that bullshit. 263 00:30:46,760 --> 00:30:49,399 Where are you from, Stone? 264 00:30:50,600 --> 00:30:53,797 - From the Southside. - Stone? 265 00:30:54,000 --> 00:30:56,878 George Stone, that's your name? 266 00:30:58,560 --> 00:31:02,473 - What's your real name? - That is my real name. 267 00:31:02,680 --> 00:31:04,910 Nah! What was it before you changed it? 268 00:31:08,560 --> 00:31:11,358 - Giuseppe Petri. - Geez, l knew it! 269 00:31:11,560 --> 00:31:14,358 That's all you need, one thieving wop on the team! 270 00:31:15,480 --> 00:31:17,072 What's that you said? 271 00:31:17,280 --> 00:31:20,909 l said that you're a lyin' member of a no-good race. 272 00:31:23,680 --> 00:31:26,717 That's much better than you, you stinkin' lrish pig. 273 00:31:28,440 --> 00:31:30,556 Oh, l like him. 274 00:31:33,600 --> 00:31:35,556 Yeah, l like him, too. 275 00:31:36,240 --> 00:31:38,913 You just joined the Treasury Department, son. 276 00:31:40,320 --> 00:31:42,276 Yeah, okay. 277 00:31:43,560 --> 00:31:45,596 Eliot Ness. 278 00:31:45,800 --> 00:31:49,554 With reports from stake-outs on the North and West side, and... 279 00:31:49,760 --> 00:31:52,399 Thank you, Lieutenant. Thank you. 280 00:31:59,480 --> 00:32:01,357 What do you think?. 281 00:32:01,560 --> 00:32:04,677 l think there's nothing like vaudeville. 282 00:32:04,880 --> 00:32:09,510 - That's what l think. - Now, are you ready to go to work?. 283 00:32:09,720 --> 00:32:13,110 - Where are we going? - On a liquor raid. 284 00:32:13,320 --> 00:32:15,038 We need another man. 285 00:32:15,240 --> 00:32:17,356 Mr Ness? This is very interesting. 286 00:32:17,560 --> 00:32:21,473 l've found a financial disbursement pattern which shows some irregu... 287 00:32:21,680 --> 00:32:23,557 - You carry a badge? - Yes. 288 00:32:23,760 --> 00:32:25,716 Carry a gun. 289 00:32:41,600 --> 00:32:43,909 - Jimmy...? - What? 290 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:48,560 What the hell are you dressed for?. Hallowe'en? 291 00:32:48,760 --> 00:32:50,557 Shut up. l'm working. 292 00:32:50,760 --> 00:32:52,239 Where? The circus? 293 00:33:12,920 --> 00:33:15,559 - Well, here we are. - What are we doing here? 294 00:33:15,760 --> 00:33:17,751 Liquor raid. 295 00:33:19,520 --> 00:33:20,794 Here?! 296 00:33:21,000 --> 00:33:25,118 Everybody knows where the booze is. The problem isn't finding it. 297 00:33:25,320 --> 00:33:30,075 The problem is who wants to cross Capone. Let's go. 298 00:33:36,960 --> 00:33:39,713 You'd better be damn sure, Malone. 299 00:33:45,040 --> 00:33:49,192 lf you walk through this door, you're walking into a world of trouble. 300 00:33:49,400 --> 00:33:52,233 There's no turning back. Do you understand? 301 00:33:52,440 --> 00:33:53,839 Yes, l do. 302 00:33:54,760 --> 00:33:57,035 Good. Give me that axe. 303 00:34:05,520 --> 00:34:08,239 - Federal officers! - Get your hands in the air! 304 00:34:08,440 --> 00:34:10,635 - Nobody moves! - This is a raid! 305 00:34:11,680 --> 00:34:13,716 - Everybody... - What are you doin' here? 306 00:34:13,920 --> 00:34:17,515 All this stuff is impounded! You're all under arrest! 307 00:34:17,720 --> 00:34:21,349 Hey! This isn't right! Hey! This is no good! 308 00:34:21,560 --> 00:34:25,030 - You got a warrant? - Sure! Here's my warrant. 309 00:34:26,600 --> 00:34:29,512 How do you think he feels now?. Better...or worse? 310 00:34:37,960 --> 00:34:40,235 - What is that? - What is that? 311 00:34:40,440 --> 00:34:43,477 - Yes, what is it? - God, l'm with a heathen. 312 00:34:43,680 --> 00:34:48,470 That is my callbox key. And that is Saint Jude. 313 00:34:48,680 --> 00:34:52,958 ll Santo Jude. He's the patron saint of lost causes. 314 00:34:53,160 --> 00:34:55,720 And policemen. 315 00:34:55,920 --> 00:35:00,277 - Patron saint of policemen? - Everybody needs a friend. 316 00:35:01,320 --> 00:35:04,471 Lost causes, policemen... 317 00:35:04,680 --> 00:35:08,116 - Which do you want to be? - l want to be a cop. 318 00:35:08,320 --> 00:35:10,072 - You do? - Yes. 319 00:35:10,280 --> 00:35:12,396 Why?. 320 00:35:12,600 --> 00:35:17,037 'To protect the property and the citizenry...' 321 00:35:18,640 --> 00:35:21,393 Whoa, it's all right. 322 00:35:21,600 --> 00:35:23,989 - What?! - l got to tell you, congratulations! 323 00:35:24,200 --> 00:35:27,829 lt's okay if l get a picture of you and your men? 324 00:35:28,040 --> 00:35:30,793 Yeah. But not for publication. Just for us! 325 00:35:31,000 --> 00:35:33,514 Anything you say, Mr Ness. 326 00:35:33,720 --> 00:35:37,599 Closer in... Oh, that's great. Okay, ready?. Hold it. 327 00:35:45,000 --> 00:35:47,468 Life goes on. 328 00:35:50,440 --> 00:35:55,355 A man becomes preeminent, he's expected to have enthusiasms. 329 00:35:55,560 --> 00:35:57,516 Enthusiasms... 330 00:35:58,640 --> 00:36:01,234 Enthusiasms... 331 00:36:02,560 --> 00:36:04,437 What are mine? 332 00:36:05,400 --> 00:36:09,234 What draws my admiration? What is that which gives me joy?. 333 00:36:09,440 --> 00:36:12,557 - Dames! - Boozin'! 334 00:36:15,120 --> 00:36:17,315 Baseball! 335 00:36:23,160 --> 00:36:25,515 A man... 336 00:36:25,720 --> 00:36:28,917 A man stands alone at the plate. 337 00:36:30,880 --> 00:36:33,348 This is the time for what? 338 00:36:34,280 --> 00:36:36,919 For individual achievement. 339 00:36:38,360 --> 00:36:40,476 There he stands alone. 340 00:36:41,520 --> 00:36:43,715 But in the field, what? 341 00:36:44,760 --> 00:36:47,035 Part of a team. 342 00:36:47,760 --> 00:36:50,354 Teamwork... 343 00:36:52,880 --> 00:36:58,432 Looks, throws, catches, hustles. Part of one big team. 344 00:36:59,560 --> 00:37:04,588 Bats himself the live-long day, Babe Ruth, Ty Cobb, and so on. 345 00:37:06,280 --> 00:37:10,159 lf his team don't field...what is he? 346 00:37:12,320 --> 00:37:14,072 You follow me? 347 00:37:14,280 --> 00:37:16,840 No one. 348 00:37:17,040 --> 00:37:21,955 Sunny day, the stands are full of fans. What does he have to say?. 349 00:37:23,880 --> 00:37:27,350 l'm goin' out there for myself. 350 00:37:27,560 --> 00:37:33,795 But...l get nowhere unless the team wins. 351 00:37:34,000 --> 00:37:36,195 - Team! - Team. 352 00:37:42,680 --> 00:37:44,636 Jesus Christ! 353 00:38:07,120 --> 00:38:09,634 'Now l lay me down to sleep' 354 00:38:09,840 --> 00:38:13,071 'l pray the Lord my soul to keep' 355 00:38:13,280 --> 00:38:15,953 'lf l should die before l wake' 356 00:38:16,160 --> 00:38:19,391 'l pray the Lord my soul to take' 357 00:38:19,600 --> 00:38:21,431 - Amen. - God bless... 358 00:38:21,640 --> 00:38:25,428 God bless Mommy, God bless Annie, God bless Daddy. Amen. 359 00:38:25,640 --> 00:38:27,551 Amen. 360 00:38:35,960 --> 00:38:37,916 Good night. 361 00:38:38,120 --> 00:38:40,076 - Good night, Daddy. - Good night, little girl. 362 00:38:40,280 --> 00:38:43,955 Want to rub Eskimo? Butterfly?. 363 00:38:53,520 --> 00:38:56,193 - Where are you going? - What? 364 00:38:58,560 --> 00:38:59,993 Where are you going? 365 00:39:00,200 --> 00:39:02,919 l thought l'd go downstairs, some work to do for tomorrow. 366 00:39:03,120 --> 00:39:07,193 - You had a full day today, though? - Yes, l certainly did. 367 00:39:07,400 --> 00:39:09,436 And you've still got some energy left? 368 00:39:09,640 --> 00:39:11,278 Oh, a lot of work. 369 00:39:11,480 --> 00:39:16,873 Well, why don't you come up and brush my hair?. You 'Detective'. 370 00:39:30,120 --> 00:39:33,749 - How are we doin'? - Capone's organisation is diverse. 371 00:39:33,960 --> 00:39:38,192 lt owns Canadian Holding Company Associations, which owns in turn 372 00:39:38,400 --> 00:39:42,154 Green Light Laundry, Midwest Cabs, Jolly Time Playthings... 373 00:39:42,360 --> 00:39:44,874 - Jolly Time Playthings? - Yes. 374 00:39:45,080 --> 00:39:47,548 Remind me to get a present for my daughter. 375 00:39:47,760 --> 00:39:51,230 ...Bahama Ship-to-Shore, Miss Lucy Togs...the list is endless! 376 00:39:51,440 --> 00:39:54,989 And all the business is legitimate, and none is owned by Al Capone. 377 00:39:55,200 --> 00:39:58,078 But we can get him on income tax evasion if we can show 378 00:39:58,280 --> 00:40:02,239 that any of the 'organisation' business money is going to him. 379 00:40:02,440 --> 00:40:06,479 - Legally, he receives no income. - He doesn't receive anything? 380 00:40:06,680 --> 00:40:10,070 - Mr Ness? You have a visitor. - Mister Ness! 381 00:40:10,280 --> 00:40:13,238 Could we talk for a minute? l'm John O'Shea, Alderman... 382 00:40:13,440 --> 00:40:15,237 Yes, l know who you are. 383 00:40:18,040 --> 00:40:20,634 Would you excuse us? 384 00:40:22,560 --> 00:40:26,314 We are busy with several large operations. What can l do for you? 385 00:40:26,520 --> 00:40:29,592 l came up to congratulate you on a job well done. 386 00:40:31,200 --> 00:40:35,318 Share your good fortune on such a lovely day. 387 00:40:38,960 --> 00:40:40,518 What's that? 388 00:40:45,280 --> 00:40:48,158 - What is that? - Mr Ness, you're an educated man. 389 00:40:48,360 --> 00:40:51,670 Let me pay you the compliment of being blunt. 390 00:40:51,880 --> 00:40:57,432 There is a large and popular business which you are causing dismay. 391 00:40:58,480 --> 00:41:03,031 Why don't you just cross the street and let things take their course? 392 00:41:03,240 --> 00:41:06,118 Would you come in here, please? 393 00:41:10,280 --> 00:41:14,910 ln Roman times, when a fellow tried to bribe a public official, 394 00:41:15,120 --> 00:41:17,236 they would cut off his nose, sew him in a bag 395 00:41:17,440 --> 00:41:20,910 with a wild animal, and throw that bag in the river. 396 00:41:21,120 --> 00:41:25,318 You tell your master that we must agree to...disagree! 397 00:41:26,720 --> 00:41:29,792 - You're making a mistake. - l'm beginning to enjoy my mistakes. 398 00:41:30,000 --> 00:41:34,391 You fellows are 'untouchable', is that it? No one can get to you? 399 00:41:34,600 --> 00:41:37,831 You tell Capone... that l'll see him in hell. 400 00:41:40,920 --> 00:41:42,831 Hey! Nice house! 401 00:41:43,040 --> 00:41:45,759 l said, nice house! Do you live there? 402 00:41:47,360 --> 00:41:50,830 Little girl's havin' a birthday, huh? 403 00:41:51,040 --> 00:41:52,917 Yes. 404 00:41:53,120 --> 00:41:55,270 Nice to have a family. 405 00:41:57,880 --> 00:42:00,474 Yes, it is. 406 00:42:00,680 --> 00:42:04,992 A man should take care, see that nothin' happens to them. 407 00:42:19,360 --> 00:42:21,237 Catherine?! 408 00:42:22,680 --> 00:42:24,477 Catherine! 409 00:42:24,680 --> 00:42:27,035 - Where's the baby?. - She's upstairs. Eliot! 410 00:42:39,360 --> 00:42:42,909 - What were you doing up? - l had to finish my ironing. 411 00:42:43,120 --> 00:42:47,955 You did? You're gonna come with Daddy now, okay?. 412 00:42:59,240 --> 00:43:01,549 Eliot? Okay, it's all right! 413 00:43:01,760 --> 00:43:03,955 Okay, let's go. 414 00:43:04,160 --> 00:43:07,789 Stay there! Keep your eye on the street! 415 00:43:09,480 --> 00:43:12,870 - Where's Malone? - On the stake-out. He'll be here. 416 00:43:13,080 --> 00:43:16,311 - Who's this guy?. - He's on Malone's list. He's okay. 417 00:43:17,720 --> 00:43:22,077 Drive to the station. She'll let you know where to go when you get there. 418 00:43:22,280 --> 00:43:24,430 Take off your hat. 419 00:43:24,640 --> 00:43:27,837 Anything happens, shoot first. You understand me? 420 00:43:28,040 --> 00:43:30,156 Yes, Mr Ness. 421 00:43:33,320 --> 00:43:34,912 Kiss. 422 00:43:35,120 --> 00:43:38,112 - Eskimo and butterfly, Dad. - Okay. 423 00:43:41,520 --> 00:43:43,476 Now, go! 424 00:44:04,640 --> 00:44:06,232 Malone! 425 00:44:07,280 --> 00:44:08,679 - Are they okay?. - Yeah. 426 00:44:08,880 --> 00:44:12,111 - You sure the cop's okay?. - He'd better be, he's my cousin. 427 00:44:12,320 --> 00:44:15,392 l want to hurt the man, Malone! You hear me?! 428 00:44:15,600 --> 00:44:18,433 l want to take the battle to him. l want to hurt Capone. 429 00:44:18,640 --> 00:44:21,996 Well, then, a Merry Christmas, we've got some great news. 430 00:44:22,200 --> 00:44:24,555 A huge international shipment's coming. 431 00:44:24,760 --> 00:44:29,151 We've got the time, the place and the whole shebang. 432 00:44:29,360 --> 00:44:32,318 Well, what are we doin' standin' here, then? 433 00:44:33,360 --> 00:44:35,271 How do you come by this information? 434 00:44:35,480 --> 00:44:37,516 That's the second rule of police work: 435 00:44:37,720 --> 00:44:40,359 if you want to keep a secret, don't tell the boss. 436 00:44:45,840 --> 00:44:48,559 You know he's making over $3 million a year?. 437 00:44:48,760 --> 00:44:51,228 But he's paid no taxes, nothing's in his name. 438 00:44:51,440 --> 00:44:53,590 lf we can establish any payments to him, 439 00:44:53,800 --> 00:44:56,712 we can prosecute him for income tax evasion. 440 00:44:56,920 --> 00:44:58,194 What? 441 00:44:58,400 --> 00:45:02,552 l said, we can prosecute him for income tax evasion! 442 00:45:02,760 --> 00:45:05,957 Try a murderer for not paying his taxes?! 443 00:45:06,160 --> 00:45:09,072 Well, it's better than nothing. 444 00:45:09,280 --> 00:45:13,114 All right. How do we link him to the money?. 445 00:45:14,160 --> 00:45:16,116 l don't know. 446 00:45:17,680 --> 00:45:20,069 Go to sleep, Oscar. 447 00:46:04,880 --> 00:46:07,952 A convoy of 5-10 trucks with good Canadian whiskey 448 00:46:08,160 --> 00:46:11,675 will be met by a high-level member of the Capone organisation. 449 00:46:11,880 --> 00:46:15,316 He will be bringing full payment for the shipment in cash. 450 00:46:15,520 --> 00:46:21,152 Now, the meet is to take place just over the border on the American side. 451 00:46:21,360 --> 00:46:24,432 We want to confiscate the liquor and the cash. 452 00:46:24,640 --> 00:46:28,394 - Captain? - We will await their signal. 453 00:46:28,600 --> 00:46:31,592 When they're on the road and have given the signal, 454 00:46:31,800 --> 00:46:35,429 we will engage from the Canadian side of the bridge. 455 00:46:35,640 --> 00:46:37,551 Thus taking them by surprise from the rear. 456 00:46:37,760 --> 00:46:42,231 And surprise, as you very well know, Mr Ness, is half the battle. 457 00:46:42,440 --> 00:46:45,512 Surprise is half the battle. Many things are half the battle. 458 00:46:45,720 --> 00:46:49,872 Losing is half the battle. Let's think about what is all the battle. 459 00:46:50,080 --> 00:46:52,469 Let's take the fight to them, gentlemen! 460 00:46:52,680 --> 00:46:54,796 Thank you, Captain. 461 00:46:56,520 --> 00:46:59,478 All right! Move out! 462 00:47:16,160 --> 00:47:18,799 Take it easy. 463 00:47:19,520 --> 00:47:23,195 Take it easy! lt'll all happen in time. 464 00:47:24,480 --> 00:47:26,755 This is the job. 465 00:47:26,960 --> 00:47:30,475 Don't wait for it to happen, don't even want it to happen. 466 00:47:30,680 --> 00:47:33,194 Just watch what does happen. 467 00:47:34,360 --> 00:47:36,316 Are you my 'tutor'? 468 00:47:37,480 --> 00:47:40,199 Yes, sir, that l am. 469 00:47:42,920 --> 00:47:45,639 - Did you check it already?. - Yes, l did. 470 00:47:45,840 --> 00:47:47,831 Then leave it alone. 471 00:47:48,480 --> 00:47:50,948 You're a good cop, Giuseppe. 472 00:47:51,160 --> 00:47:54,630 You're doing good. You're gonna do just fine. 473 00:47:56,960 --> 00:48:00,873 - Wallace, are you cold? - Yes, l am, a little. 474 00:48:01,080 --> 00:48:04,038 Then stamp your feet. lt'll keep you warm. 475 00:48:04,240 --> 00:48:07,198 You learn something, 20 years walking the beat. 476 00:48:07,400 --> 00:48:11,552 Stitches and standing in the rain... 477 00:48:39,560 --> 00:48:41,676 Listen, Mr Ness... 478 00:48:43,480 --> 00:48:45,038 l had an idea. 479 00:49:38,240 --> 00:49:41,198 You all have your spare shells? 480 00:49:55,040 --> 00:49:59,431 lf you have to fire, hold low and squeeze. 481 00:49:59,640 --> 00:50:02,438 And put your man down. 482 00:50:04,840 --> 00:50:07,400 Because he'll do the same to you. 483 00:50:07,600 --> 00:50:09,750 Shoot to kill. 484 00:50:09,960 --> 00:50:14,112 - Did you hear what l said? - Yes, l did. Shoot to kill. 485 00:50:15,640 --> 00:50:17,995 Let's go. 486 00:50:40,520 --> 00:50:41,839 Easy... 487 00:50:42,040 --> 00:50:45,510 The Canadians will not show until l flash the badge. 488 00:50:45,720 --> 00:50:49,156 So we must cover the ground to the bridge as quickly as possible. 489 00:50:49,360 --> 00:50:50,998 George, the count's right. 490 00:50:51,200 --> 00:50:54,351 l'm concerned about the size of these barrels! 491 00:50:54,560 --> 00:50:57,120 Malone, you and l will take the men... 492 00:50:57,320 --> 00:51:00,118 Move it! Move it, Georgie! 493 00:51:00,320 --> 00:51:03,676 Get over here! Leave the stuff in the cars! 494 00:51:04,600 --> 00:51:05,874 Charge! 495 00:51:08,000 --> 00:51:09,831 What the hell! You got to die of somethin'. 496 00:51:13,000 --> 00:51:16,788 - Look! Here they come! - Mounties! Let's get out of here! 497 00:51:17,000 --> 00:51:18,877 Move, move! 498 00:51:28,000 --> 00:51:30,230 Let's go! 499 00:51:34,400 --> 00:51:35,674 l can't believe it! 500 00:51:35,880 --> 00:51:38,792 - Here are the codes. - Give me that. 501 00:51:39,000 --> 00:51:40,718 Don't let those cars off the bridge! 502 00:51:58,800 --> 00:52:00,597 Stone, take the first car! 503 00:52:02,240 --> 00:52:04,595 Get this shit out of the way! 504 00:52:23,440 --> 00:52:24,759 Tough guy! 505 00:52:27,960 --> 00:52:29,518 Stone! 506 00:52:29,720 --> 00:52:31,039 Go! 507 00:52:32,720 --> 00:52:34,551 Stone! 508 00:52:35,600 --> 00:52:36,874 l'm okay. 509 00:52:38,360 --> 00:52:40,316 You thugs! 510 00:52:53,920 --> 00:52:56,070 You all right? 511 00:52:56,280 --> 00:52:59,033 Yeah. There he is! Go get him! 512 00:53:11,160 --> 00:53:15,073 All right! Enough of this running shit! 513 00:53:15,280 --> 00:53:18,829 Well, Georgie-boy! Well, what have we got here? 514 00:53:19,920 --> 00:53:21,911 Hello. 515 00:54:40,680 --> 00:54:42,079 All right! Drop the gun! 516 00:54:42,280 --> 00:54:44,669 Put your hands in the air, you're under arrest. 517 00:54:45,720 --> 00:54:47,676 l said, drop it! 518 00:54:49,480 --> 00:54:50,959 Stop! 519 00:54:55,760 --> 00:54:58,877 God, didn't ya hear what l said?! 520 00:54:59,080 --> 00:55:01,150 What are you, deaf?! 521 00:55:02,360 --> 00:55:04,316 What is this, a game?! 522 00:55:28,960 --> 00:55:31,190 Here. Sit down. 523 00:55:39,600 --> 00:55:42,194 Stone's gonna be all right. 524 00:55:42,400 --> 00:55:45,233 l got the fellow with the satchel. 525 00:55:51,600 --> 00:55:53,875 - l had to kill him. - Oh, yeah. 526 00:55:54,080 --> 00:55:56,799 He's as dead as Julius Caesar. 527 00:55:58,080 --> 00:56:01,595 - Would you rather it was you? - No, l would not. 528 00:56:01,800 --> 00:56:06,191 Well, then you've done your duty. Go home and sleep well tonight. 529 00:56:06,400 --> 00:56:09,517 The things you see when you're out without your gun. 530 00:56:09,720 --> 00:56:13,235 Now you're a long way from the Southside, George. 531 00:56:13,440 --> 00:56:16,955 l'm talkin' to you. Did you come here to open a shooting gallery?. 532 00:56:17,160 --> 00:56:20,391 l want you to write down the names of your superiors and contacts. 533 00:56:20,600 --> 00:56:23,478 Why don't you kiss my ass? 534 00:56:23,680 --> 00:56:25,796 - Perhaps you didn't hear me. - Eliot? 535 00:56:26,000 --> 00:56:27,991 - You've broken the law... - Eliot! 536 00:56:28,200 --> 00:56:30,156 You can be tough in Leavenworth for 30 years. 537 00:56:30,360 --> 00:56:33,272 - You're going inside for all day! - ls that what you want? 538 00:56:33,480 --> 00:56:36,119 - Eliot! - What?! 539 00:56:36,320 --> 00:56:38,595 Look at this! 540 00:56:38,800 --> 00:56:41,519 - Look at this! - What is this? 541 00:56:43,640 --> 00:56:45,392 What is this? 542 00:56:46,120 --> 00:56:49,749 You got a lot of money changing hands in this book. 543 00:56:49,960 --> 00:56:54,033 What is this, 'war'? And 'police precincts'? 544 00:56:55,640 --> 00:56:58,837 And you got a heading here... 'Circuit Court'. 545 00:56:59,040 --> 00:57:02,555 You got a heading here, 'Circuit Court'. What is this? 546 00:57:02,760 --> 00:57:05,593 Nothin'. There's nothin' you can make out of it. 547 00:57:05,800 --> 00:57:08,997 lf any of these coded entries indicate payment to Capone, 548 00:57:09,200 --> 00:57:10,918 then we can put Capone away. 549 00:57:11,120 --> 00:57:14,669 - Which entry is Al Capone? - A. Costa, is that his code name? 550 00:57:14,880 --> 00:57:17,519 You'll do the whole thing in the joint unless you help us. 551 00:57:17,720 --> 00:57:20,075 Translate this ledger for us! 552 00:57:20,280 --> 00:57:21,759 - ln hell. - ln hell?! 553 00:57:23,080 --> 00:57:26,516 You will hang high unless you cooperate. 554 00:57:26,720 --> 00:57:30,190 This man can finger Al Capone, put him behind bars. 555 00:57:30,400 --> 00:57:32,072 Why don't you guys just fuck off?! 556 00:57:34,520 --> 00:57:38,638 l'm not fuckin' with you! We'll have that information one way or another. 557 00:57:38,840 --> 00:57:40,671 - Not that way. Out. - You're gonna talk! 558 00:57:40,880 --> 00:57:43,553 You're gonna be beggin' to talk! 559 00:57:43,760 --> 00:57:46,718 - You dirty son-of-a-bitch! - Enough out of you. 560 00:57:50,240 --> 00:57:52,435 Hey, come on, you, on your feet! 561 00:57:52,640 --> 00:57:55,837 l need you to help me to translate this book! 562 00:57:56,040 --> 00:57:57,951 l'm not gonna ask you a second time. 563 00:57:58,160 --> 00:58:00,230 l'm gonna count to three. 564 00:58:02,080 --> 00:58:05,470 What's the matter?. Can't you talk with a gun in your mouth? 565 00:58:07,480 --> 00:58:08,754 One. 566 00:58:12,840 --> 00:58:14,637 Two! 567 00:58:16,520 --> 00:58:17,953 Three. 568 00:58:19,000 --> 00:58:20,399 l'm gonna talk! 569 00:58:20,600 --> 00:58:24,991 Don't! l'm gonna tell ya whatever ya want. What do ya want to know?. 570 00:58:28,000 --> 00:58:31,595 Now, don't let him clean himself until after he talks. 571 00:58:31,800 --> 00:58:34,712 Now, ask him what you want to know. 572 00:58:34,920 --> 00:58:38,913 All right... Okay, l want to know the name of the bookkeeper. 573 00:58:39,120 --> 00:58:43,079 l want a complete translation of the code. l want a complete... 574 00:58:43,280 --> 00:58:45,669 Mister Ness! 575 00:58:51,520 --> 00:58:53,715 l do not approve of your methods! 576 00:58:54,840 --> 00:58:59,356 Yeah? Well, you're not from Chicago. 577 00:59:03,360 --> 00:59:05,555 - What? - They got the shipment. 578 00:59:05,760 --> 00:59:08,194 - What?! - They got the whole shipment. 579 00:59:08,400 --> 00:59:12,188 - l want that son-of-a-bitch dead! - We're trying to locate... 580 00:59:12,400 --> 00:59:18,077 What am l, alone in this world? Did l ask you what you're tryin' to do? 581 00:59:18,280 --> 00:59:22,671 l want you to get this fuck where he breathes! l want Eliot Ness dead! 582 00:59:22,880 --> 00:59:25,952 l want his family dead, his house burnt to the ground! 583 00:59:26,160 --> 00:59:28,355 l want to piss on his ashes! 584 00:59:28,560 --> 00:59:33,588 Look at this guy, this guy, he's so serious. 585 00:59:33,800 --> 00:59:36,917 - Well, he's got a lot on his mind. - He does? 586 00:59:37,120 --> 00:59:38,997 - Yes. - Like what? 587 00:59:40,480 --> 00:59:42,072 Like what his name is. 588 00:59:42,280 --> 00:59:46,273 John, l thought that was all settled. l thought we liked John. 589 00:59:46,480 --> 00:59:48,869 l suppose his middle name will be Law. 590 00:59:49,600 --> 00:59:52,797 No...it'll be Edgar. 591 00:59:54,240 --> 00:59:57,676 - lt'll be J. Edgar... - l don't think so. 592 01:00:01,120 --> 01:00:03,395 God, you're beautiful. 593 01:00:05,160 --> 01:00:07,310 You should have seen us last night. 594 01:00:09,280 --> 01:00:12,317 l know. l should have been here. l wanted to be here. 595 01:00:12,520 --> 01:00:15,637 l know. l understand, l do. 596 01:00:17,120 --> 01:00:19,873 Just tell me, are you being careful? 597 01:00:20,080 --> 01:00:23,436 - Careful as mice. - Are you making progress? 598 01:00:23,640 --> 01:00:25,710 - Progress? - Yes? 599 01:00:25,920 --> 01:00:29,913 Mrs Ness, l think your husband just became the man who got Al Capone. 600 01:00:38,200 --> 01:00:42,512 Gentlemen! A subpoena was issued for Alphonse Capone 601 01:00:42,720 --> 01:00:47,430 by my office this morning, for the crime of evading 602 01:00:47,640 --> 01:00:51,030 and conspiring to evade Federal lncome Tax. 603 01:00:51,240 --> 01:00:54,232 - What's the maximum he could get? - lf convicted on all counts, 604 01:00:54,440 --> 01:00:58,353 Mr Capone could have up to 28 years. 605 01:00:58,560 --> 01:01:01,597 Excuse me, that's all. Thank you. 606 01:01:07,880 --> 01:01:11,998 The car's in the yard. When ya get him there, don't answer the phone. 607 01:01:12,200 --> 01:01:14,236 - We'll call, let it ring... - Twice. 608 01:01:14,440 --> 01:01:16,271 - We'll call... - From the corner. 609 01:01:16,480 --> 01:01:19,916 - Anybody knocks on the door... - Come out shooting. l got it. 610 01:01:20,120 --> 01:01:22,998 You enjoy the tactical aspects of law enforcement, Oscar?. 611 01:01:23,200 --> 01:01:25,873 Much more diverting than accounting. 612 01:01:26,080 --> 01:01:28,150 l'm bein' good to you, you got to be good to me. 613 01:01:28,360 --> 01:01:31,670 We made a deal, we're gonna stick to it, okay?. 614 01:01:36,880 --> 01:01:39,758 Oh, yes, much more diverting than accounting. 615 01:01:39,960 --> 01:01:42,110 Okay, we see yous tonight. 616 01:01:42,320 --> 01:01:45,915 All right, all the way down and no stops. 617 01:01:53,640 --> 01:01:57,189 ...he's been saying, "l will speak up." 618 01:01:58,920 --> 01:02:02,879 For which l must commend the excellent work 619 01:02:03,080 --> 01:02:06,595 of Eliot Ness and his squad of Untouchables. 620 01:02:09,080 --> 01:02:11,355 - What was it, a boy or a girl? - Boy. 621 01:02:11,560 --> 01:02:14,393 - Congratulations! What's his name? - John. 622 01:02:14,600 --> 01:02:17,433 - John? - Yeah. John James. 623 01:02:18,600 --> 01:02:20,875 - So she's okay?. - Yeah, she's okay. 624 01:02:21,080 --> 01:02:24,390 ln fact, when she gets out, she wants to repaint the house. 625 01:02:24,600 --> 01:02:28,752 Then she'll find the house too small, you'll have to move. 626 01:02:28,960 --> 01:02:34,034 - Goodness, it's nice to be married. - lf you can stand the pain. 627 01:02:34,240 --> 01:02:35,753 Mr Burns, where's Mr Wallace? 628 01:02:35,960 --> 01:02:41,239 Didn't you see him? He just went down in the service elevator. 629 01:02:42,200 --> 01:02:46,079 - You keep an eye out at all times... - Take it easy, we'll be fine. 630 01:02:46,280 --> 01:02:48,635 They are going to... 631 01:02:56,440 --> 01:02:59,557 - Did he say the service elevator?. - Yes. 632 01:03:05,440 --> 01:03:08,671 - Wallace! Wallace! - Here, let's take the stairs. 633 01:03:47,040 --> 01:03:49,270 Oh, no. 634 01:03:50,320 --> 01:03:53,278 - No, no! - Easy... Easy! 635 01:03:55,720 --> 01:03:57,153 Oscar. 636 01:04:34,560 --> 01:04:36,710 Oh, Jesus. 637 01:04:40,280 --> 01:04:42,953 You gonna be all right? 638 01:05:02,240 --> 01:05:07,189 lt's always a crime when a young guy goes down in the line, Jimmy. 639 01:05:08,240 --> 01:05:11,232 l'd hate to see it happen to someone l know. 640 01:05:11,440 --> 01:05:14,910 Sometimes it's better not to get involved. 641 01:05:15,120 --> 01:05:17,156 Jimmy! 642 01:05:17,360 --> 01:05:20,875 Take a day off. Get out of the city for a while. 643 01:05:21,080 --> 01:05:23,036 You know what l mean? 644 01:05:39,440 --> 01:05:41,271 - Al Capone. - We have no Mr Capone... 645 01:05:41,480 --> 01:05:44,836 - l know, get him. - We have no Mr Capone... 646 01:05:45,280 --> 01:05:46,838 l said... 647 01:05:53,200 --> 01:05:56,351 - Something you want here? - My friend was killed today. 648 01:05:56,560 --> 01:05:59,199 - l don't care. - You don't care. 649 01:06:02,000 --> 01:06:04,195 Now he does. 650 01:06:04,400 --> 01:06:08,552 Come on here, Capone. You want to fight? You and me, right here? 651 01:06:08,760 --> 01:06:10,034 That's it, come on! 652 01:06:10,240 --> 01:06:13,676 You afraid to come out from behind your men, to stand up for yourself? 653 01:06:13,880 --> 01:06:17,714 - You want to do the mat now?. - Yeah! Come on, you son-of-a-bitch! 654 01:06:17,920 --> 01:06:19,717 - What? - Easy. 655 01:06:19,920 --> 01:06:23,310 You talk to me like that in front of my son? Fuck you and your family! 656 01:06:25,960 --> 01:06:29,032 Easy. lt's me. lt's me! 657 01:06:29,240 --> 01:06:30,878 Not this way. 658 01:06:31,080 --> 01:06:33,640 You fuck, you got nothin'! You're nothin' but talk and a badge. 659 01:06:33,840 --> 01:06:39,312 You're here because you got nothin' in court, no bookkeeper, nothin'! 660 01:06:39,520 --> 01:06:43,718 lf you were a man, you would've done it now! You got nothin', you punk! 661 01:06:52,760 --> 01:06:55,672 Well, no, l understand. 662 01:06:55,880 --> 01:06:58,633 Believe me, l understand. 663 01:07:05,760 --> 01:07:08,035 Well, what's happened? 664 01:07:09,440 --> 01:07:13,877 He says he can't be unprotected. 665 01:07:15,560 --> 01:07:18,120 What is it that the guy says? 666 01:07:18,320 --> 01:07:20,834 He says he won't make a fool out of himself, 667 01:07:21,040 --> 01:07:24,237 and he won't go into court without a witness. 668 01:07:24,440 --> 01:07:28,513 So tomorrow morning the D.A. will announce that he's dropping the case. 669 01:07:28,720 --> 01:07:32,429 - He's gonna give up. - He won't do it without a witness. 670 01:07:32,640 --> 01:07:35,200 We have Wallace's files and the ledgers. 671 01:07:35,400 --> 01:07:38,915 There's a time when l think you have to cut your losses. 672 01:07:39,960 --> 01:07:41,916 Hello? 673 01:07:43,880 --> 01:07:45,836 Hello. 674 01:07:47,360 --> 01:07:49,316 Yes. 675 01:07:52,480 --> 01:07:55,278 No, he didn't have a family. 676 01:07:57,640 --> 01:08:00,234 How is everything there? 677 01:08:03,360 --> 01:08:06,716 No, you do it however you want. 678 01:08:08,680 --> 01:08:10,830 l promise l will. 679 01:08:11,880 --> 01:08:14,110 You give her my love. 680 01:08:14,320 --> 01:08:16,276 l love you, too. 681 01:08:18,320 --> 01:08:23,269 Mr Ness, we got a ledger here listing payments to Chicago City officials. 682 01:08:23,480 --> 01:08:27,268 - We got Al Capone, Frank Nitti... - l think that's enough for today. 683 01:08:27,480 --> 01:08:31,359 - lf we don't stay on top... - That'll do. Thank you. 684 01:08:31,560 --> 01:08:35,314 l'd like to request to stick around. 685 01:08:36,440 --> 01:08:38,908 - We got to bust these guys. - l know we got to. 686 01:08:47,440 --> 01:08:49,431 ls that it? 687 01:08:50,480 --> 01:08:52,994 - l'm sorry?. - You heard me. 688 01:08:53,200 --> 01:08:55,555 My question is, are we done? 689 01:08:57,480 --> 01:08:59,755 Yes, l think we're done. 690 01:08:59,960 --> 01:09:02,713 So we sat in at a game that was above our head? 691 01:09:02,920 --> 01:09:05,195 lt appears so. lt appears so to Mr Wallace. 692 01:09:05,400 --> 01:09:07,595 He's dead! And the D.A. is gonna drop the case! 693 01:09:07,800 --> 01:09:09,995 He will not go into court without a witness 694 01:09:10,200 --> 01:09:13,033 and without Capone's bookkeeper, Walter Payne. 695 01:09:13,240 --> 01:09:17,870 - What are you prepared to do now?. - What would you have me do? 696 01:09:18,080 --> 01:09:20,719 l have taken this as far as it can go. 697 01:09:34,160 --> 01:09:38,073 - What did your wife want? - She wanted to know if l was... 698 01:09:39,120 --> 01:09:41,793 - My wife? - Yeah. 699 01:09:45,600 --> 01:09:48,353 She wanted to know if l was all right. 700 01:09:50,600 --> 01:09:52,830 lt's nice being married, eh? 701 01:09:54,040 --> 01:09:55,314 Yes. 702 01:09:55,520 --> 01:09:58,671 She's sitting in some room surrounded by people she doesn't know, 703 01:09:58,880 --> 01:10:02,998 going over... kitchen colour charts or something. 704 01:10:09,360 --> 01:10:14,832 Some part of the world still cares what colour the kitchen is. 705 01:10:19,200 --> 01:10:23,318 Eliot, l want you to do one more thing for me. 706 01:10:25,640 --> 01:10:29,030 Get back to the D.A. and stall him. 707 01:10:29,720 --> 01:10:33,713 - Wait a minute, stall him with what? - Just do as l say. 708 01:10:37,000 --> 01:10:39,309 l think l know how to find this guy. 709 01:10:41,320 --> 01:10:43,959 Walter?. 710 01:10:44,160 --> 01:10:48,950 Al says we got to get out of town until he can fix this subpoena thing. 711 01:10:49,160 --> 01:10:51,958 We're leavin' tonight. 712 01:10:54,680 --> 01:10:57,114 Two ball, down. 713 01:11:01,320 --> 01:11:03,880 Mike, you got a minute? 714 01:11:04,080 --> 01:11:06,640 l do now, don't l? 715 01:11:07,720 --> 01:11:10,871 And what are you doin' in a club for cops, Jimmy?. 716 01:11:11,800 --> 01:11:14,268 This is a place for cops. 717 01:11:14,480 --> 01:11:16,948 Can we step outside? 718 01:11:17,160 --> 01:11:21,312 All right, all right, but l got nothin' to say to ya. 719 01:11:25,440 --> 01:11:30,673 Where the hell are we going, for a swim? Get out of the rain, you fool. 720 01:11:32,920 --> 01:11:35,559 What? What?! 721 01:11:35,760 --> 01:11:38,718 l just need one more piece of information. 722 01:11:38,920 --> 01:11:40,797 One more? Jimmy! 723 01:11:41,000 --> 01:11:45,835 - l just risked my life for ya. - l need to find that bookkeeper. 724 01:11:46,920 --> 01:11:52,631 Are you crazy?. You're crazy. l warned you to get out of town. 725 01:11:52,840 --> 01:11:56,674 - lf they knew it was me, l'm dead. - l need to find that bookkeeper. 726 01:11:56,880 --> 01:12:01,271 You're fuckin' nuts, man! You're out of your fuckin' mind! 727 01:12:01,480 --> 01:12:03,630 And l tried to save your life. 728 01:12:04,480 --> 01:12:08,871 Get your hands off. You owe me, Jimmy, l don't owe you nothin'. 729 01:12:09,080 --> 01:12:12,117 - My people are being killed. - We're your people! 730 01:12:12,320 --> 01:12:17,110 You?! You fuckin' run with the dagos! They've ruined this town. 731 01:12:17,320 --> 01:12:21,359 For ten years l can't say that l'm a cop for the shit that's goin' on! 732 01:12:21,560 --> 01:12:26,873 Ah, bullshit! Fuckin' bullshit! Look at yourself! Look at yourself! 733 01:12:28,680 --> 01:12:34,038 Go on and live the charade, with your soft clothes and federal stooges. 734 01:12:34,240 --> 01:12:38,074 - What do you think he's gonna do? - Keep your mouth off that! 735 01:12:38,280 --> 01:12:42,239 l need to know where this guy is, and l need to know now! 736 01:12:42,440 --> 01:12:46,319 l'm gonna rat you out for all the shit that l know that you've done! 737 01:12:46,520 --> 01:12:48,954 l'm gonna turn you over! 738 01:12:49,160 --> 01:12:52,550 - This is a dead man talkin' to me. - ls it? 739 01:12:54,640 --> 01:12:56,392 You're dead. 740 01:13:18,040 --> 01:13:19,678 Who the hell do ya think ya are? 741 01:13:19,880 --> 01:13:22,599 l'll have your ass hangin' from the flagpole in the mornin'. 742 01:13:30,800 --> 01:13:33,758 Let's cut the woofing, pal. You tell me, 743 01:13:33,960 --> 01:13:36,872 or you're going to hospital or the fuckin' morgue! 744 01:13:37,080 --> 01:13:39,469 You're gonna fight it out and we'll have a case. 745 01:13:39,680 --> 01:13:43,116 Yes? On what basis? l'm not gonna make a fool... 746 01:13:43,320 --> 01:13:45,834 Don't tell me about makin' a fool out of yourself. 747 01:13:46,040 --> 01:13:48,508 l have men out there risking more than that. 748 01:13:48,720 --> 01:13:51,109 We have a lead, and we are following that lead 749 01:13:51,320 --> 01:13:56,075 at risk to more than our standing. So don't you dare stop now. 750 01:13:58,040 --> 01:14:00,031 - Yeah, Stone. - Give me Ness. 751 01:14:00,240 --> 01:14:01,753 He's at the D.A. 's. 752 01:14:01,960 --> 01:14:04,758 Tell him l know where Payne is and to meet me at my place. 753 01:14:23,440 --> 01:14:24,919 - Al! Al! - Mr Capone! 754 01:14:25,120 --> 01:14:29,352 - What about that court case? - l'm gonna tell ya somethin'. 755 01:14:29,560 --> 01:14:33,519 Somebody messes with me, l'm gonna mess with him. 756 01:14:34,560 --> 01:14:37,597 Somebody steals from me, l'm gonna say 'you stole', 757 01:14:37,800 --> 01:14:40,917 not talk to him for spittin' on the sidewalk. 758 01:14:41,120 --> 01:14:42,473 You understand? 759 01:14:43,280 --> 01:14:47,592 Now, l have done nothing to hurt these people. 760 01:14:47,800 --> 01:14:50,439 But they're angered at me. So what do they do? 761 01:14:50,640 --> 01:14:56,829 Doctor up some income tax, for which they got no case, to annoy me. 762 01:14:57,040 --> 01:14:59,554 To speak to me like men? No. 763 01:14:59,760 --> 01:15:02,558 To harass a peaceful man. 764 01:15:03,920 --> 01:15:05,876 l pray to God that if l ever have a grievance, 765 01:15:06,080 --> 01:15:09,311 l would have just a little more self respect. 766 01:15:12,520 --> 01:15:15,592 l'll tell you one more thing. ln an all-out prize fight, 767 01:15:15,800 --> 01:15:18,633 when one guy's left standing, that's how you know who won. 768 01:17:59,400 --> 01:18:01,550 lsn't that just like a wop? 769 01:18:03,080 --> 01:18:05,310 Brings a knife to a gun fight. 770 01:18:09,440 --> 01:18:11,874 Get out of here, ya dago bastard! 771 01:18:13,200 --> 01:18:15,236 Go on, get your ass out of here! 772 01:19:53,280 --> 01:19:54,952 Shots! Shots! l heard shots! 773 01:19:55,160 --> 01:19:58,630 Stay back, everybody stay back, right now. 774 01:19:58,840 --> 01:20:00,193 Round the back. 775 01:20:09,360 --> 01:20:11,476 Malone! 776 01:20:14,240 --> 01:20:16,231 Malone. 777 01:20:42,640 --> 01:20:45,518 Goddamn! Stone! 778 01:20:47,960 --> 01:20:50,030 Stone! 779 01:20:51,240 --> 01:20:53,515 The phone! 780 01:20:55,240 --> 01:20:57,993 Oh, God. Call an ambulance! 781 01:20:58,800 --> 01:21:04,193 This is Stone, Treasury Department, 1634 Racine, we need an ambulance. 782 01:21:04,400 --> 01:21:07,198 - What? - 1634 Racine! 783 01:21:07,680 --> 01:21:10,831 This? You want this? 784 01:21:14,840 --> 01:21:16,671 You want this? 785 01:21:23,400 --> 01:21:24,992 What? 786 01:21:31,840 --> 01:21:33,796 - Bookkeeper. - What? 787 01:21:35,000 --> 01:21:36,956 - Book... - The bookkeeper?. 788 01:21:37,160 --> 01:21:40,232 - Bookkeeper! - The bookkeeper?. What? 789 01:21:41,360 --> 01:21:43,590 - The bookkeeper, he's on this train? - Yes. 790 01:21:43,800 --> 01:21:45,791 He's on this train. 791 01:21:46,840 --> 01:21:50,196 Now! What are you prepared to do?! 792 01:21:52,640 --> 01:21:55,438 No. Malone. No. 793 01:21:55,640 --> 01:21:58,279 Stay. Stay. 794 01:21:58,480 --> 01:22:00,789 Stay! Malone... 795 01:22:01,000 --> 01:22:02,956 No. No, no! 796 01:22:04,680 --> 01:22:08,036 Not this... Not this man... 797 01:22:32,720 --> 01:22:37,077 Train's leavin' for Miami 12.05, Mr Ness. 798 01:22:38,920 --> 01:22:40,672 We'll be there. 799 01:22:42,800 --> 01:22:46,031 The bookkeeper's no good to us dead. 800 01:22:46,240 --> 01:22:48,879 - Stone? - Yes, sir. 801 01:22:59,000 --> 01:23:01,036 Cover the south entrance. 802 01:23:47,120 --> 01:23:50,157 We're almost home. We're almost home. 803 01:23:52,560 --> 01:23:58,271 Your attention, please. The Miami Flier departs at 12.05 from 33. 804 01:23:58,480 --> 01:24:00,436 All aboard. 805 01:24:11,280 --> 01:24:14,272 Stay right there. Stay right there. 806 01:24:15,320 --> 01:24:18,630 Stay right there. Stay right there, honey. 807 01:24:30,080 --> 01:24:33,834 Your attention, please. The MiamiFlier, leaving at 12.05, 808 01:24:34,040 --> 01:24:37,794 now boarding on track 33. All aboard! 809 01:24:50,280 --> 01:24:53,750 Just here. l'm just gonna leave this right here. 810 01:25:41,480 --> 01:25:46,349 Your attention, please. The MiamiFlier, leaving at 12.05, 811 01:25:46,560 --> 01:25:51,588 is now boarding on track 33. All aboard! 812 01:25:51,800 --> 01:25:54,075 One more. Here we go. 813 01:26:15,640 --> 01:26:17,392 Here we go. You ready?. 814 01:26:19,200 --> 01:26:22,192 l'm right here, honey. Here we go. 815 01:26:23,520 --> 01:26:27,149 Your attention, please. Mayl have your attention, please? 816 01:26:27,360 --> 01:26:29,828 This is the final call for the MiamiFlier, 817 01:26:30,040 --> 01:26:34,113 leaving at 12.05 on track 33. All aboard! 818 01:27:11,840 --> 01:27:17,073 - Here, let me. Get your bags. - Oh, thank you so much. Thank you. 819 01:27:17,280 --> 01:27:20,556 Are you all right? Thank you. 820 01:27:22,320 --> 01:27:25,039 You're such a gentleman. lt's so kind of you to help me. 821 01:27:25,240 --> 01:27:29,074 l really wasn't sure if we'd make it or not. 822 01:27:32,600 --> 01:27:35,398 ls there some problem l can help you with? 823 01:27:35,600 --> 01:27:39,513 - No. - l really can't thank you enough. 824 01:27:43,720 --> 01:27:47,349 lsn't this fun? You're being such a good boy, sweetheart. 825 01:27:49,320 --> 01:27:52,630 Thank you again, this is so wonderful. 826 01:27:54,480 --> 01:27:56,516 Thank you, sir. 827 01:28:04,800 --> 01:28:08,315 Please, let me take it from here. You've been such a great help. 828 01:28:08,520 --> 01:28:11,478 Thank you so much. We're almost there. 829 01:28:13,560 --> 01:28:18,793 l'll take it from here, sir. Thank you very much for your help. 830 01:28:20,880 --> 01:28:24,350 Don't cry, sweetheart. We're almost home. 831 01:28:25,520 --> 01:28:27,636 ls something wrong? 832 01:28:28,840 --> 01:28:30,114 Sir?. 833 01:30:21,240 --> 01:30:23,754 Come on! Come on, let's get out of here. 834 01:30:24,520 --> 01:30:27,910 - What are you doin'? - Shut up! 835 01:30:31,280 --> 01:30:33,714 - What are you doin'? - Shut the fuck up! 836 01:30:33,920 --> 01:30:37,117 - Hold it! - Please... 837 01:30:37,320 --> 01:30:39,834 - My baby! - Stay there. He's all right. 838 01:30:42,440 --> 01:30:44,158 l said hold it! 839 01:30:45,480 --> 01:30:47,994 l'm walkin' out with the bookkeeper. 840 01:30:48,200 --> 01:30:50,998 The bookkeeper and me are drivin' away. 841 01:30:53,560 --> 01:30:55,676 See? Or else he dies. 842 01:30:55,880 --> 01:30:58,792 He dies, and you ain't got nothin'. 843 01:31:02,080 --> 01:31:05,152 You got five seconds to make up your mind. 844 01:31:05,880 --> 01:31:10,670 - l'll tell ya what ya want to know! - Shut up! l'm not kiddin'! 845 01:31:10,880 --> 01:31:15,112 He's crazy! Don't let him do this, l'll tell you what you want to know! 846 01:31:15,320 --> 01:31:17,709 - You got him? - Yeah, l got him. 847 01:31:22,560 --> 01:31:24,516 - One! - Will you stop it! 848 01:31:30,800 --> 01:31:32,711 Take him. 849 01:31:34,280 --> 01:31:36,669 Two. 850 01:32:01,760 --> 01:32:04,320 The two coded entries in this ledger 851 01:32:04,520 --> 01:32:08,991 represent cash disbursement to all levels of city officials, 852 01:32:09,200 --> 01:32:14,638 members of the police and to Alphonse Capone. 853 01:32:16,520 --> 01:32:19,239 - That's correct. - Excuse me? 854 01:32:20,760 --> 01:32:22,955 l said that is correct. 855 01:32:23,160 --> 01:32:27,790 And you will decipher these coded entries for us? 856 01:32:29,880 --> 01:32:31,916 l will. 857 01:32:32,120 --> 01:32:34,350 Sorry, Mr Payne, l can't hear you. 858 01:32:34,560 --> 01:32:37,233 l said, l will. 859 01:32:37,440 --> 01:32:41,956 You were in charge of disbursements for Mr Capone? 860 01:32:42,160 --> 01:32:43,434 Yes, l was. 861 01:32:43,640 --> 01:32:46,552 And you personally distributed monies... 862 01:32:46,760 --> 01:32:50,639 ..vast, undeclared monies... 863 01:32:50,840 --> 01:32:54,037 ..to Mr Capone? 864 01:32:54,240 --> 01:32:56,515 Yes, l did. 865 01:32:56,720 --> 01:32:59,439 Would you tell us the amounts? 866 01:33:00,800 --> 01:33:06,670 ln a three-year period l personally disbursed monies to Mr Capone 867 01:33:06,920 --> 01:33:11,596 in excess of one and a third million dollars. 868 01:33:14,280 --> 01:33:17,033 Would you repeat that amount, please? 869 01:33:18,080 --> 01:33:23,598 - One and a third million dollars. - Thank you very much. 870 01:33:38,400 --> 01:33:41,472 l don't understand it. What does Capone have? 871 01:33:41,680 --> 01:33:45,673 We're nailing the lid on his coffin, and he's smiling. 872 01:34:07,800 --> 01:34:10,951 The son-of-a-bitch is wearing a gun in court. 873 01:34:13,760 --> 01:34:16,354 Get me the bailiff. 874 01:34:17,920 --> 01:34:19,239 lt'll be a fast trial. 875 01:34:22,880 --> 01:34:27,112 The man in the front row wearing a white suit is carrying a gun. 876 01:34:27,320 --> 01:34:32,030 l don't want this to turn into something. l'll lead you out. 877 01:34:38,640 --> 01:34:41,552 Could we speak to you a minute, please? 878 01:35:08,560 --> 01:35:13,350 - Get up against it. - You heard him. Now, up against it! 879 01:35:14,360 --> 01:35:17,955 - What's this? - Empty all your pockets, all of it. 880 01:35:18,160 --> 01:35:21,630 - l've got a permit for that. - Fine, let's see it. 881 01:35:24,800 --> 01:35:29,237 - l'm not the one under indictment. - Everything on the table. 882 01:35:31,760 --> 01:35:33,876 - Let me see. - Give him his gun back. 883 01:35:34,080 --> 01:35:36,230 "To Whom lt May Concern. Please extend to the bearer," 884 01:35:36,440 --> 01:35:40,149 "Mr Frank Nitti, all possible courtesy and consideration." 885 01:35:40,360 --> 01:35:42,669 "William Thompson, Mayor of the City of Chicago." 886 01:35:42,880 --> 01:35:46,190 l'm sorry, Mr Ness, you'll have to give it back. 887 01:35:46,400 --> 01:35:50,188 Fine. But that man does not go back into that courtroom. 888 01:35:50,400 --> 01:35:53,437 - Do you understand me? - Yes, sir. 889 01:36:22,360 --> 01:36:27,434 1634 Racine... You know, l used to have a friend who lived there. 890 01:36:41,000 --> 01:36:43,514 Don't. Let him go. 891 01:36:47,000 --> 01:36:50,072 - No! - Here, take it. 892 01:40:50,120 --> 01:40:55,240 Here l am, Treasury Man. Come on! Harass me! 893 01:40:56,680 --> 01:40:58,830 What are you waitin' for?. 894 01:40:59,880 --> 01:41:02,758 Don't just stand there! Harass me! 895 01:41:06,600 --> 01:41:08,955 Don't push me. 896 01:41:11,520 --> 01:41:14,114 - They're gonna burn you, buddy. - Yeah? 897 01:41:14,320 --> 01:41:17,312 Yeah. l'm gonna come see you burn, you son-of-a-bitch! 898 01:41:17,520 --> 01:41:19,590 'Cause you killed my friend! 899 01:41:19,800 --> 01:41:23,270 - He died like a pig. - What did you say?. 900 01:41:23,480 --> 01:41:26,950 l said that your friend died screaming like a stuck lrish pig. 901 01:41:27,160 --> 01:41:30,516 Now you think about that when l beat the rap. 902 01:41:43,440 --> 01:41:46,034 Did he sound anything like that? 903 01:42:15,200 --> 01:42:17,998 One picture, come on, one picture. 904 01:42:20,480 --> 01:42:23,040 Mr Ness, take a look at this. 905 01:42:24,560 --> 01:42:26,278 Mr Ness? 906 01:42:27,840 --> 01:42:32,118 Mr Ness, are you doin' okay?. l think you'd better see this. 907 01:42:33,160 --> 01:42:35,913 - What is it? - That's the jury list, Mr Ness. 908 01:42:36,120 --> 01:42:37,838 They've been bribed. 909 01:42:38,040 --> 01:42:41,953 l got it out of Nitti's coat. Where is Nitti? 910 01:42:43,440 --> 01:42:45,476 He's in the car. 911 01:43:03,480 --> 01:43:07,439 This constitutes no evidence. l'm not about to allow... 912 01:43:07,640 --> 01:43:13,112 Your Honour, the truth is that Capone is a killer and he will go free. 913 01:43:13,320 --> 01:43:17,996 There is only one way to deal with such men, and that is hunt them down. 914 01:43:18,200 --> 01:43:22,113 l have. l have forsworn myself. l have broken laws l swore to defend. 915 01:43:22,320 --> 01:43:26,757 l am content that l have done right. That man must be stopped, you must... 916 01:43:26,960 --> 01:43:30,236 l'll be the judge of what l must do, Mr Ness. 917 01:43:39,840 --> 01:43:42,308 Would you excuse us? 918 01:44:42,000 --> 01:44:43,718 - Bailiff. - Yes, sir. 919 01:44:48,200 --> 01:44:50,873 l want you to go next door to Judge Hoffman's Court, 920 01:44:51,080 --> 01:44:54,072 where they've just begun hearing a divorce action. 921 01:44:54,280 --> 01:44:59,308 l want you to bring that jury in here and take this jury to his court. 922 01:45:01,040 --> 01:45:04,555 - Are those instructions clear?. - Yes, sir, they're clear. 923 01:45:05,600 --> 01:45:07,079 What's he talking about? 924 01:45:08,880 --> 01:45:13,158 Bailiff, l want you to switch the juries. 925 01:45:13,360 --> 01:45:15,590 Your Honour, l object! 926 01:45:15,800 --> 01:45:17,677 Overruled. 927 01:45:21,520 --> 01:45:23,238 What did you tell him? 928 01:45:24,960 --> 01:45:28,077 l told him his name was in the ledger, too. 929 01:45:29,360 --> 01:45:32,033 His name wasn't in the ledger! 930 01:45:32,240 --> 01:45:35,152 Wait a second! ls this the law?. What's goin' on here? 931 01:45:35,400 --> 01:45:36,799 - You're out of order. - What's goin' on? 932 01:45:37,000 --> 01:45:40,197 - l think... - Do somethin' here. 933 01:45:40,400 --> 01:45:42,868 What do l look like to you? Do somethin'! 934 01:45:43,440 --> 01:45:45,351 Order! 935 01:45:46,400 --> 01:45:50,473 Your Honour, we'd like to withdraw our plea of Not Guilty, 936 01:45:50,680 --> 01:45:52,557 and enter a plea of Guilty. 937 01:45:56,000 --> 01:45:58,673 - Guilty?. - Order in the court! 938 01:45:58,880 --> 01:46:00,836 Order! 939 01:46:09,120 --> 01:46:12,157 Bailiff! Bailiff! 940 01:46:12,360 --> 01:46:14,715 Bailiff, clear the courtroom! 941 01:46:16,160 --> 01:46:17,434 Eliot! 942 01:46:17,640 --> 01:46:20,677 Your Honour! ls that justice? 943 01:46:20,880 --> 01:46:23,440 Please, why did he switch the jury?. 944 01:46:23,640 --> 01:46:26,108 Are you gonna go after the organisation? 945 01:46:26,320 --> 01:46:27,719 Excuse me. 946 01:46:28,960 --> 01:46:32,111 l'm askin' Your Honour, is this justice? 947 01:46:36,760 --> 01:46:38,910 ls this justice? 948 01:46:42,120 --> 01:46:44,714 Never stop fighting till the fight is done. 949 01:46:44,920 --> 01:46:46,353 What did you say?. 950 01:46:46,560 --> 01:46:49,552 l said, never stop fighting till the fight is done. 951 01:46:49,760 --> 01:46:51,716 - What? - You heard me, Capone. lt's over. 952 01:46:51,920 --> 01:46:54,354 You're nothin' but a lot of talk and a badge. 953 01:46:54,560 --> 01:46:57,233 Here endeth the lesson. 954 01:46:57,440 --> 01:47:01,513 You're nothin' but a lot of talk and a badge! 955 01:47:01,720 --> 01:47:04,792 You're nothin' but a lot of talk and a badge! 956 01:48:19,720 --> 01:48:21,790 So much violence. 957 01:49:25,280 --> 01:49:27,589 Cleaning up a little. 958 01:49:35,920 --> 01:49:38,798 l guess this is goodbye. 959 01:49:40,080 --> 01:49:41,593 Goodbye, George. 960 01:49:44,120 --> 01:49:47,078 l want to...thank you for this. 961 01:49:48,120 --> 01:49:49,838 No. Thank you. 962 01:50:05,080 --> 01:50:09,517 Mr Ness... l think he would have wanted you to have that. 963 01:50:09,720 --> 01:50:12,678 He'd have wanted a cop to have it. 964 01:50:16,160 --> 01:50:18,628 l'm going home. 965 01:50:29,120 --> 01:50:31,634 Mr Ness! Any comment for the record? 966 01:50:31,840 --> 01:50:34,400 'The man who put Al Capone on the spot.' 967 01:50:34,600 --> 01:50:37,068 l just happened to be there when the wheel went round. 968 01:50:37,280 --> 01:50:40,158 They say they're going to repeal prohibition. 969 01:50:40,360 --> 01:50:43,318 - What will you do then? - l think l'll have a drink.