{2089}{2204}[ P.A. Announcer ]|Flight 784 for San Francisco|is now ready for boarding. {2729}{2791}[ Excited Chatting, Shouting ] {2841}{2940}[ Explosion, Beeping Noise ] {2942}{3005}[ Woman Screams ] {3073}{3212}[ P.A. Announcer ]|Passengers for flight 841|to Rome, come to gate seven. {3315}{3380}[ Announcer Continues,|lndistinct ] {3523}{3599}Flight 784 to San Francisco|is now ready for boarding at-- {3601}{3737}[ P.A., Female Warden ]|lnmate number 87645: Cole, James. {3739}{3843}27631: Johnson. {3844}{3915}84743: lnnis. {3917}{4018}[ Warden Continues lndistinct ] {4046}{4110}Jose. Psst. {4111}{4196}- Jose, what's going on ?|- Bad news, man. {4197}{4294}- Volunteers ?|- Yeah. And they said your name. {4529}{4592}Hey, maybe they'll give you|a pardon, man. {4594}{4692}Yeah. That's why none of|the volunteers come back.|They all get a pardon. {4694}{4764}- Some come back, I heard.|- Yeah. [ Chuckles ] {4766}{4867}Please put me back !|Don't take me ! {4869}{5001}Yeah, they got 'em up on the|seventh floor. They hide 'em up there. {5002}{5079}They're all messed up in the head.|Brains don't work. {5081}{5150}You don't know they're all messed up.|Nobody's seen 'em. {5152}{5212}And maybe they're not messed up.|That's a rumor. Nobody knows that. {5214}{5285}I don't believe that. {5287}{5353}Good luck, man. {5355}{5462}- Volunteer duty !|- [ Cole ] I didn't volunteer. {5464}{5530}You causing trouble again ? {5532}{5613}No, no trouble. {5691}{5787}[ P.A., Female Warden ]|These are the instructions|for the first time probe. {5789}{5888}Listen carefully.|They must be followed exactly. {5890}{6006}All openings of your garment|must be sealed completely. {6007}{6119}If the integrity of the suit|is compromised in any way, {6121}{6228}if the fabric is torn|or a zipper not closed, {6230}{6285}readmittance will be denied. {8161}{8234}[ Wind Howling ] {9571}{9636}[ Growling ] {9710}{9776}[ Growling ] {10206}{10315}¶¶ [ "Silent Night" ] {10415}{10489}¶ Holy lnfant ¶ {10490}{10622}¶ So tender and mild ¶ {10624}{10722}¶ Sleep in heavenly ¶ {10724}{10801}¶ Peace ¶¶ {11178}{11287}[ Birds Squawking ] {11822}{11917}[ Hooting ] {12799}{12858}[ Roaring ] {13121}{13205}[ P.A., Male Warden ] lf there are any|indications of contamination by germs, {13207}{13283}the subject will be denied|reentry to secure population. {13285}{13382}[ Female Warden ] Please place|blood sample in receptacle provided. {13384}{13477}There will be a socialization|class in room 700... {13479}{13595}for citizens cited|for deviations 23-A and 96-A... {13597}{13682}per subchapter six|of the Permanent Emergency Code. {13683}{13777}[ Man ]|James Cole cleared from quarantine. {13810}{13894}[ Astrophysicist ]|Thank you. You two wait outside. {13896}{13966}He's got a history, Doctor.|Violence. {13968}{14025}- Antisocial six.|- [ Beeping ] {14027}{14116}Repeated violations of|the Permanent Emergency Code. {14118}{14209}Insolence. Defiance.|Disregard of authority. {14211}{14264}Doing 25 to life. {14266}{14322}[ Engineer ]|I don't think he's gonna hurt us. {14324}{14403}You aren't gonna hurt us,|are you, Mr. Cole ? {14431}{14480}No, sir. {14778}{14858}[ Microbiologist ]|Why don't you sit down, Mr. Cole ? {15424}{15544}We appreciate your volunteering.|You're a very good observer. {15546}{15628}- Thank you.|- [ Geologist ] We have|a very advanced program. {15630}{15734}- Something very different.|- [ Microbiologist ] Opportunity|to reduce your sentence. {15736}{15790}[ Zoologist ]|And possibly play an important role... {15792}{15857}in returning the human race|to the surface of the Earth. {15859}{15956}[ Astrophysicist ]|We want tough-minded people.|Strong mentally. {16020}{16136}We've had some misfortunes|with... unstable types. {16138}{16243}[ Engineer ] For a man|in your position, an opportunity. {16244}{16318}Not to volunteer|could be a real mistake. {16319}{16388}[ Microbiologist ]|Definitely a mistake. {16485}{16549}[ Woman ]|"Yet among the myriad microwaves, {16551}{16665}the infrared messages,|the gigabytes of ones and zeros, {16667}{16739}we find words, byte-sized now, {16741}{16800}[ Chuckling ]|tinier even than science, {16802}{16872}Iurking in some|vague electricity. {16874}{16929}But if we but listen, {16931}{17015}we hear the solitary voice|of that poet telling us... {17017}{17062}[ Beeping ] {17064}{17166}yesterday this day's madness|did prepare... {17168}{17293}- [ Beeping Continues ]|- tomorrow's silent triumph of despair. {17295}{17386}Drink, for you know not|whence you came, nor why. {17388}{17470}Drink, for you know not|why you go, nor where." {17472}{17546}[ Chatting ] {17723}{17777}...wandering around|in nothing but his underpants... {17778}{17864}and one of those plastic,|see-through lady's raincoats. {17866}{17962}So, they get there, they ask the guy|real nice for some kind of l.D. {17964}{18041}He gets agitated,|starts screaming about viruses. {18043}{18099}Totally irrational,|totally disoriented. {18100}{18198}- Doesn't know where he is,|what day of the week it is.|- Lemme see. {18200}{18254}- All they got was his name.|- Thanks. {18256}{18369}Of course, they figured|he's stoned out of his mind.|Some kind of psychotic episode. {18371}{18452}- He's been tested for drugs ?|- Negative for drugs. {18454}{18550}But he took on five cops|like he was dusted to the eyeballs. {18552}{18642}- No drugs. You believe that ?|- He's in restraints. {18644}{18777}Yeah. Weren't you listenin' ?|I've got two police officers|in the hospital ! {18779}{18889}The medic gave him enough|stellazine to kill a horse.|Look at him. Rarin' to go. {18890}{18989}That would explain the bruises,|I guess. The struggle. {18990}{19077}Yeah. You wanna go in there,|examine him, what ? {19079}{19135}Yes, please. {19137}{19231}Is this all you have ?|Ran it through your system ? {19232}{19363}No matchup. No license, no prints,|no warrants. Nothing. {19365}{19457}- I should probably go in with you.|- No, thank you. {19458}{19513}- That won't be necessary.|- All right. {19515}{19606}He'll be right here...|just in case. {19849}{19974}Mr. Cole, my name is Kathryn Railly.|I'm a psychiatrist. {19976}{20042}I work for the county.|I don't work for the police. {20044}{20109}So my concern is for your well-being.|Do you understand that ? {20111}{20188}[ Growling ]|Need to go ! Need to go ! {20190}{20280}I can't make the police let you go. {20282}{20361}But I do wanna help you, so l-- {20363}{20436}I need you to tell me exactly|what happened tonight. {20438}{20526}Do you think|you can do that, James ? {20528}{20590}May I call you James ? {20644}{20743}James.|Nobody ever calls me that. {20745}{20849}- Have you been a patient at County ?|- No. {20851}{20952}- Have I seen you someplace ?|- Not possible. {20954}{21058}I need to go ! I need to-- I'm|supposed to be gathering information. {21060}{21143}- What kind of information ?|- Won't help you. {21145}{21223}Won't help anyone.|Won't change anything. {21264}{21362}James, do you know|why you're here ? {21364}{21479}- 'Cause I'm a good observer.|Got a tough mind.|- I see. {21481}{21575}You don't remember assaulting|a police officer ? {21577}{21680}Why am I chained ?|Why are these chains on me ? {21682}{21741}You've been in an institution before,|haven't you ? {21743}{21823}- Or hospital ?|- No ! Now I need to go. Need to go ! {21825}{21897}- Have you been in prison, James ?|- Underground. {21898}{21989}Hiding ? {21991}{22046}I love this air. {22048}{22148}Oh, it's such wonderful air. {22150}{22272}-What's wonderful about the air, James ?|-Very fresh. No germs. {22311}{22457}Why do you think there aren't|any germs in the air ? {22459}{22525}- This is October, right ?|- April. {22526}{22625}- What year is this ?|- What year do you think it is ? {22627}{22672}1996. {22674}{22775}That's the future, James. Do you|think you're living in the future ? {22777}{22824}1996 is the past. {22826}{22927}No, 1996 is the future. {22929}{22985}This is 1990. {22987}{23063}[ Loud Chatting ] {23110}{23194}- Shut up, ladies.|- Where're you taking me ? {23195}{23258}South of France, buddy.|Fancy hotel. You'll love it. {23260}{23326}I can't go. I just need|to make a telephone call. {23328}{23440}Yeah, yeah. Zip it, daisy.|You fooled the shrink,|but you don't fool us. {23562}{23611}Let's go, ace. {24312}{24378}All right.|Come on, come on. {24413}{24517}There you go.|Now, lemme see your head, Jimbo. {24518}{24610}- See if you got any creepy crawlers.|- I need to make a telephone call. {24612}{24661}Got to take you over|to the doctor, Jimbo. {24663}{24744}- Can't make no calls|'til the doctor says.|- It's very important ! {24746}{24890}What you gotta do, Jimbo,|is take it easy. Relax into things. {24891}{24970}And we'll all get along fine|if you just relax. {24971}{25033}Wow ! Whoo-oo ! {25185}{25243}Let's go.|Come on. Let's go. {25348}{25416}Hey, Goines ! {25418}{25461}Yo, Goines ! {25463}{25593}Yo, Jeffrey !|Goines ! {25595}{25659}- What ?|- Look here. {25660}{25765}This here's James. Now, do me a favor.|Why don't you show him around ? {25766}{25830}Tell him the TV rules.|Show him the games and stuff. Okay ? {25831}{25904}How much you gonna pay me ?|How much ? I'd be doin' your job. {25906}{25978}- Five thousand dollars,|my man. That enough ?|- Five thousand ? {25980}{26021}I'll wire a check|to your account as usual. {26023}{26107}- Five thousand dollars !|Five thousand dollars !|- Five thousand dollars. {26109}{26193}- I'll give him the deluxe|mental hospital tour.|- My man ! {26194}{26261}- Kid around, makes 'em|feel good. We're pals.|- I love you. {26263}{26378}- You're the prisoners.|No, you're the guards.|- Now you got it. {26379}{26471}Okay, it's all in good fun.|Here's some games here. {26473}{26561}And there's--|Get out ! Get out ! {26563}{26663}- [ Whimpering ]|- He was in my chair. {26665}{26758}Games. Games.|Here's some games. {26760}{26818}Games that wanna get out.|[ Chuckles ] {26820}{26887}See ? More games. {26889}{26979}Games. They vegetize you.|See ? Aah. {26981}{27069}If you play the games,|you're voluntarily|taking a tranquilizer. {27071}{27161}I guess they gave you|some chemical restraints. Drugs ! {27163}{27246}What'd they give you ? Thorazine ?|Haldol ? How much ? How much ? {27248}{27302}Learn your drugs.|Know your dosages. It's elementary. {27304}{27394}- I need to make a telephone call.|- A telephone call ? {27396}{27505}That's communication with the outside|world. Doctor's discretion. No. {27506}{27571}If all of these nuts|could just make phone calls, {27573}{27644}it could spread insanity|oozing through telephone cables, {27646}{27741}oozing to the ears of all these poor,|sane people, infecting them. {27743}{27812}Wackos everywhere.|A plague of madness. {27814}{27933}In fact, very few, Jim-- Jim, very few|of us here are actually mentally ill. {27934}{27992}I'm not saying|you're not mentally ill. {27994}{28087}For all I know,|you're... crazy as a loon.|But that's not why you're here. {28089}{28183}That's not why you're here !|That's not why you're here ! {28185}{28260}You're here|because of the system. {28286}{28335}There's the television. {28336}{28390}It's all right there.|All right there. {28392}{28441}Look, listen, kneel, pray. {28442}{28518}The commercials ! {28520}{28597}We're not productive anymore.|Don't make things anymore.|It's all automated. {28599}{28677}What are we for then ?|We're consumers, Jim. {28679}{28752}Okay, okay. Buy a lot of stuff,|you're a good citizen. {28754}{28828}But if you don't buy a lot of stuff,|what are you then ? {28830}{28896}What ?|You're mentally ill. {28898}{29004}Fact, Jim. Fact ! lf you don't|buy things: toilet paper, new cars, {29005}{29107}electrically-operated|sexual devices, stereo systems|with brain-implanted headphones, {29109}{29206}screwdrivers with miniature|built-in radar devices,|voice-activated computers-- {29208}{29257}Take it easy, Jeffrey. {29259}{29319}Be calm ! {29321}{29377}[ Jeffrey ]|Right. {29379}{29453}That's right.|You're a very attractive woman. {29455}{29497}Hah ! {29498}{29606}If you want to watch|a particular television program,|like All My Children, {29608}{29703}you can go to the charge nurse|and tell her the day, the time|the show you wanna see is on. {29704}{29761}But you have to tell her|before the show is scheduled to be on. {29763}{29849}There was this guy, and he|was always requesting shows|that had already played. {29851}{29929}Yes. No.|You have to tell her before. {29931}{30026}He couldn't quite grasp the idea|that the charge nurse|couldn't make it be yesterday. {30027}{30085}She couldn't turn back time !|Thank you, Einstein. {30087}{30166}Now he, he was nuts.|He was a fruitcake, Jim. {30167}{30280}Okay, that's it, Jeffrey.|You're gonna get a shot. {30282}{30401}- I warned you.|- Right. Right, right, right. {30403}{30454}I got a little carried away... {30456}{30556}explaining the inner workings|of the institution to Jim. {30558}{30628}Hmm ? Hmm ? {30630}{30716}I don't really come|from outer space. {30718}{30785}Oh. L.J. Washington.|He doesn't really come from outer space. {30787}{30876}- Don't mock me, my friend.|- [ Laughing ] {30912}{30981}[ Growling ]|Get outta my chair ! {30983}{31061}It's a condition|of mental divergence. {31063}{31150}I find myself|on the planet Ogo. {31152}{31221}Part of|an intellectual elite... {31223}{31361}preparing to subjugate|the barbarian hordes on Pluto. {31363}{31489}But even though this is a totally|convincing reality for me in every way, {31491}{31614}nevertheless, Ogo is actually|a construct of my psyche. {31616}{31704}I am mentally divergent... {31706}{31807}in that I am escaping|certain unnamed realities... {31809}{31872}that plague my life here. {31874}{31979}When I stop going there,|I will be well. {32014}{32125}Are you also divergent, friend ? {32265}{32333}This is a place|for crazy people. {32335}{32417}I'm not crazy. {32419}{32493}We don't use that term,|"crazy," Mr. Cole. {32532}{32593}You've got some real nuts here ! {32661}{32767}I know some things|that you don't know. {32768}{32839}It's gonna be very difficult|for you to understand it. {32841}{32898}- Hey !|- Hey, hey. {32899}{32990}I'm not gonna hurt anyone ! {32992}{33052}All right. {33144}{33195}Look, have any of you heard... {33197}{33296}of the Army|of the Twelve Monkeys ? {33298}{33352}They, they paint this. {33354}{33422}They stencil this on the sides|of buildings everywhere. {33424}{33495}- Have you seen this ?|- Mr. Cole ? {33497}{33617}Why don't you take your time and try|to explain this from the beginning ? {33618}{33678}Right, right.|It's 1990. {33680}{33777}Okay, that makes sense.|They wouldn't've been active yet. {33779}{33881}Um--|[ Shouts ] {33978}{34054}[ Sighs ] {34109}{34203}Five billion people died|in 1996 and 1997. {34205}{34316}Almost the entire population|of the world. {34347}{34411}Only about one percent|of us survived. {34413}{34513}- Are you going to save us ?|- How can I save you ?|This already happened. {34515}{34606}I can't save you.|Nobody can. {34608}{34726}I am simply trying to gather information|to help the people in the present... {34728}{34774}trace the path of the virus. {34776}{34895}- We're not in|the present now, Mr. Cole ?|- No. {34897}{34996}1990 is the past. This already|happened. That's what I'm trying-- {34997}{35069}Mr. Cole ? Mr. Cole ? {35071}{35149}You believe 1996|is the present then, is that it ? {35151}{35250}No ! 1996 is the past too.|Listen to me. What l-- {35308}{35426}What l-- What I need to do|is make a telephone call. {35428}{35537}I can straighten this out|if I make a telephone call. {35539}{35615}Who would you call ?|Who would straighten everything out ? {35617}{35729}The scientists. They'll want to know|that they sent me to the wrong time. {35731}{35858}I can leave a voice mail message|that they monitor from the present. {35860}{35979}Can I just make|one telephone call, please ? {35981}{36031}Please ? {36164}{36226}What are you doin' in the dog bowl ?|Get outta there ! {36228}{36318}-[ Phone Ringing ]|-Who put those Doritos in there anyway ? {36320}{36406}Yes ? What ?|Voice mail ? {36408}{36467}Look, I don't know--|Stop makin' that noise ! {36469}{36525}I don't know what|you're talkin' about. {36527}{36630}Is this a joke ?|I don't know any scientists. {36632}{36682}Duanne, get out--|James who ? {36684}{36752}[ Dial Tone ] {36754}{36836}Wasn't who you expected ? {36837}{36969}No. It was some lady.|She didn't know anything. {36971}{37077}Well, maybe it was|the wrong number. {37079}{37198}No. That's why they chose me.|I remember things. {37199}{37256}James, where did you grow up ? {37258}{37309}Dr. Railly. {37311}{37389}- I have the strangest feeling|I've met you before.|- [ Clears Throat ] {37390}{37496}Wait. This is 1990. I'm supposed to be|leaving messages in 1996 ! {37498}{37565}It's not the right number yet !|That's the problem ! {37567}{37660}[ Cole ]|We have a message for them. {37710}{37766}No ! {37852}{37949}[ Gunshot ] {38539}{38614}Won't work.|Can't open it. {38616}{38684}You think you can remove the grill,|but you can't. It's welded. {38749}{38836}See ? Told you.|All the doors are locked too. {38838}{38899}They're protecting the people|on the outside from us... {38900}{38963}when the people on the outside|are as crazy as us. {39478}{39596}Do you know what "crazy" is ?|Crazy is majority rules. Yeah. {39598}{39647}Take germs for example. {39649}{39711}- Germs ?|- Uh-huh. {39713}{39807}In the eighteenth century,|no such thing. Nada. Nothing. {39809}{39868}No one ever imagined such a thing !|No sane person anyway. {39870}{39973}Along comes this doctor.|Uh, uh-- {39998}{40048}Semmelweis ! {40050}{40098}Semmelweis. {40100}{40207}Semmelweis comes along and|he's trying to convince people,|other doctors mainly, {40208}{40283}that there are these teeny, tiny,|invisible bad things called germs... {40284}{40346}that get into your body|and make you sick. {40348}{40414}He's trying to get doctors|to wash their hands. {40416}{40465}What is this guy ?|Crazy ? {40467}{40558}Teeny, tiny, invisible "what do you|call 'em ? Germs ? Huh ? What ?" {40560}{40629}Now, cut to|the twentieth century. {40630}{40759}Last week as a matter of fact,|right before I got dragged|into this hellhole ! {40761}{40881}I go in to order a burger|in this fast-food joint.|The guy drops it on the floor. {40882}{40940}Jim, he picks it up,|wipes it off. {40942}{40995}He hands it to me|like it was all okay. {40997}{41077}"What about the germs ?" I say.|He says, "l don't believe in germs. {41079}{41182}Germs are a plot they made up so they|can sell you disinfectants and soaps." {41184}{41287}Now, he's crazy, right ? See ? {41363}{41483}There's no right. There's no wrong.|There's only popular opinion. {41485}{41549}You, you, you believe in germs, right ? {41550}{41622}I'm not crazy. {41624}{41753}Of course not !|You wanna escape, right ?|That's very sane. {41792}{41881}I can help you. You want me|to, don't ya ? Get you out ? {41926}{41985}- You know how to get outta here ?|- [ Chuckles ] {41987}{42073}[ Laughing ]|Yes, my son ! {42075}{42164}- Then why don't ya ?|- Why don't I try to escape ?|That's what you were gonna ask. {42166}{42260}Good question.|Very good question. Intelligent. {42262}{42367}Because I would be crazy to escape.|I have sent out word. {42369}{42454}- I am all taken care of.|- What does that mean ? {42456}{42530}I've managed to contact|certain underlings, evil spirits, {42532}{42651}secretaries of secretaries,|and other assorted minions|who will contact my father. {42652}{42727}And when my father finds out|I'm in this kind of place, {42728}{42823}he'll have them transfer me|to one of those classy joints... {42825}{42899}where they treat you properly,|like a person, a guest ! {42901}{42963}With sheets and towels|like a big hotel, {42964}{43102}with great drugs for all of us|nut-case, lunatic, maniac devils ! {43151}{43225}[ Jeffrey ]|Sorry. Uh, sorry. {43227}{43304}I got a little agitated.|The thought of escape crossed my mind. {43306}{43366}And suddenly-- {43368}{43450}Suddenly I felt like bending|the fucking bars back ! {43452}{43576}And ripping out the goddamn|window frames and eating them !|Yes, eating them ! {43578}{43636}And leaping, leaping, leaping ! {43638}{43709}Colonics for everyone ! {43711}{43762}Ahh, all right ! {43764}{43826}You dumb assholes, I'm a mental patient.|I'm supposed to act out. {43828}{43906}Wait'll you morons find out who I am !|My father's gonna be really upset. {43908}{43975}And when my father gets upset,|the ground shakes. {43977}{44106}My father is God !|I worship my father ! {44170}{44255}[ Narrator On TV ]|These dramatic videotapes, {44257}{44369}secretly obtained by|animal rights activists,|have aroused public indignation. {44371}{44462}But many scientists|vehemently disagree. {44581}{44648}Torture experiments. {44650}{44744}- We're all monkeys.|- [ Cole ] They hurt you ? {44816}{44888}Not as bad as what|they're doing to the Easter Bunny. {44890}{44957}[ Jeffrey Chuckling ] {44959}{45056}[ Cole ] Look at them.|They're just askin' for it. {45058}{45103}[ Narrator ]|Animals inside the lab-- {45105}{45186}Maybe the human race|deserves to be wiped out. {45188}{45291}Wiping out the human race ? {45293}{45371}It's a great idea !|It's great ! {45373}{45486}But more of a long-term thing. First we|have to focus on more immediate goals. {45488}{45597}I didn't say a word|about you-know-what. {45599}{45714}- What are you talking about ?|- Your plan. Emancipation. {45786}{45870}What are you writing ?|You a reporter ? {45871}{45956}It's private. {45957}{46009}- A lawsuit ? You gonna sue 'em ?|- It's private ! {46011}{46101}Yo, Jimbo.|Time for your meds. {46143}{46258}[ TV Announcer ]|Take a chance. Live the moment. {46260}{46345}Sunshine. Gorgeous beaches. {46347}{46419}The Florida Keys ! {46420}{46481}[ Woman ] We'll return you|to the Marx Brothers in Monkey Business. {46483}{46553}Monkey business !|[ Laughing ] {46555}{46606}Monkey business ! {46608}{46656}Fetch ! {46658}{46706}[ Laughing ] {46708}{46767}[ Laughing ] {46769}{46839}Get it ?|Monkey. Monk key. {46841}{46897}Monk key ! {46898}{46962}- What ?|- Shh. {46964}{47026}[ TV Announcer ] lf you see|a bearish future in the decade ahead, {47028}{47120}consider the changes sweeping the world|and the opportunities they offer. {47122}{47211}"And the opportunities|they offer." Ooh ! {47213}{47282}They really dosed you. Jim ! {47284}{47347}[ Jeffrey ] Major load.|Danger, Will Robinson, danger. {47349}{47435}You gotta get it together.|Focus, focus, focus. {47436}{47513}Remember the plan.|I did my part ! {47515}{47582}- What ?|- Shh ! {47584}{47645}Not "what," when. {47647}{47696}- When ?|- Yes. When. {47698}{47765}Now. Now, Jim. Now ! {47767}{47832}Yes ! Now !|Buy ! Sell ! {47834}{47916}Stocks ! Bonds !|Purchase ! Sell ! {47918}{47989}Yes !|No more monkey business ! {47991}{48058}No... more... {48059}{48127}monkey business ! {48129}{48177}[ Jeffrey ]|Yes, enhance your portfolio now. {48179}{48250}Five hundred dollars. I got|five hundred dollars. I'm insured ! {48252}{48342}Yeah ! Window of opportunity|is opening now. {48344}{48439}Now is the time for all good men|to seize the moment. The moment ! {48441}{48502}Now is the time for all good men|to seize the day ! {48503}{48580}- Aha !|- Goddamn it, Jeffrey !|Quit playin' the fool ! {48582}{48638}MasterCard !|Visa ! {48640}{48717}The key to happiness ! {48718}{48808}Jim, seize the moment ! {48810}{48855}Jeffrey, come back here ! {48857}{48915}- For God's sake !|- Jeffrey ! {49050}{49139}- [ Yelling ]|- Go, Jim ! {49141}{49231}Ohh. {49233}{49336}- Get out. Out !|- Come here, Jeffrey ! {49616}{49719}[ Jeffrey ] The future can be yours !|Last chance ! Last chance ! {49721}{49786}Last chance !|Last-- {49788}{49843}[ Groans ] {50149}{50231}Best place to go|would be Florida. {50232}{50327}The Keys are lovely|this time of year. {50359}{50437}[ Groucho Marx ]|...it's the only way to travel. {50439}{50525}I was gonna bring along the wife|and kiddies, but the grocer|couldn't spare another barrel. {50527}{50626}[ Groucho ]|I was gonna bring my grandfather,|but there's no room for-- {50628}{50725}[ TV Continues, lndistinct ] {50827}{50884}[ Security Guard ]|Two's not working today. {50886}{50954}Use one. {51606}{51667}Kathryn, this was in my box ! {51669}{51720}But I have a slight suspicion|it wasn't meant for me. {51721}{51818}"You are the most bootiful|woman I have ever seen. {51820}{51911}You live in a bootiful world,|but you don't know it. {51913}{51998}You have freedom, sunshine,|air you can breathe--" {52000}{52065}James Cole, right ? {52067}{52192}"l would do anything to stay her|but I must leave. Please help me." {52194}{52259}Okay, okay, okay.|Poor man. {52261}{52338}Hey, Kathryn ?|James Cole is one of yours, right ? {52340}{52406}He eloped.|Last seen, he was up on two. {52408}{52448}Shit ! {52450}{52536}[ Alarm Ringing ] {52600}{52663}We have to know exactly|what's there so we can fix it. {52665}{52725}Doctor, we have a visitor. {52727}{52817}[ Doctor ]|Um, may I help you ? Excuse me ? {52818}{52889}May I help you ?|Excuse me ? {52891}{52980}Excuse me ? {52982}{53048}Jim ? Jim ? {53049}{53142}Hey, Jimbo.|What's up, man ? {53196}{53281}Hey, Jimbo. {53283}{53391}All right, it's okay.|Take it easy. {53392}{53457}- It'll be all right.|- Take care. Take it easy. {53459}{53545}Take it easy.|We'll work this out, okay ? {53547}{53654}Send you back to your room. A little|milk and cookies, you'll be all right. {53656}{53726}[ Orderly ]|Just take it easy, okay ? {53728}{53839}- [ Grunting ]|- Come on. Calm down ! {53975}{54064}Take him down !|Take him the fuck down ! {54066}{54180}[ Screaming ] {54182}{54282}I'm not gonna hurt anyone.|Dr. Railly, help me please. {54284}{54370}- We're gonna give you something|to calm you, James.|- No ! No more drugs ! {54372}{54435}James, we have to do this.|You're very confused. {54437}{54496}No drugs ! Stop it ! {54745}{54884}Kathryn, we've been working|together for four years.|I've never seen you like this. {54886}{54990}So please stop being so defensive.|This isn't an inquisition. {54992}{55076}I didn't think I was being defensive.|I was trying to explain exactly what-- {55077}{55150}He should've been in restraints. {55152}{55242}It was bad judgment on your part,|plain and simple. Why not own up to it ? {55244}{55318}Okay, it was bad judgment, but I have|the strangest feeling about him. {55319}{55408}- I've seen him someplace,|and I'm trying--|- Two policemen are in the hospital. {55410}{55493}Now we've got a security guard|with a skull fracture. {55494}{55578}I said it was bad judgment !|What else do you want me to say ? {55579}{55643}You see that ?|See what I mean ? {55645}{55719}- You're being defensive.|Isn't she being defensive ?|- Dr. Fletcher ? {55721}{55846}- What ?|- Ah, we have... another situation. {55954}{56055}- He was fully restrained|and the door was locked ?|- Yes, sir. I did it myself. {56057}{56148}And he was fully sedated ? {56150}{56237}He was fully sedated. {56483}{56614}Then, are you trying to tell me|a fully sedated,|fully restrained patient... {56616}{56707}somehow slipped out that vent,|replaced the grill behind him... {56709}{56828}and is wriggling his way|through the ventilation system ? {56938}{57034}[ Beeping Noise ] {57260}{57319}Watch it ! {57320}{57414}[ Man With Raspy Voice ]|You sure fucked up ! {57476}{57590}- Where are you ?|- Ah, you can talk ! {57655}{57787}What'd you do, Bobby boy ? {57788}{57876}My name's not Bob. {57878}{57981}Not a prob, Bob.|Where'd they send you ? {57983}{58054}Where are you ? {58056}{58128}Another cell. {58130}{58194}Maybe. {58195}{58252}What do you mean "maybe" ?|What's that supposed to mean ? {58254}{58322}Maybe means... {58324}{58399}maybe I'm in the next cell. {58401}{58492}Another volunteer like you. {58494}{58578}Or maybe I'm in|the Central Office... {58580}{58666}spying on ya|for all those science bozos. {58668}{58729}Or hey, {58731}{58813}maybe I'm not even here. {58815}{58922}Maybe I'm just in your head. {58953}{59068}No way to confirm anything.|[ Cackles ] {59070}{59170}- Where'd they send ya ?|- 1990. {59172}{59310}'90 ! How was it ?|Good drugs ? Lots of pussy ? {59312}{59405}Hey, Bob, you do the job ? {59407}{59489}You find out the big info ? {59491}{59558}Army of the Twelve Monkeys ? {59560}{59622}It was supposed to be 1996. {59624}{59723}Science ain't an exact science|with these clowns, {59725}{59792}but they're getting better. {59794}{59905}You're lucky you didn't end up|in ancient Egypt. {59907}{59946}Shh ! They're comin'. {60003}{60074}[ Kathryn's Voice: Distorted ]|The Freedom for Animals|Association on Second Avenue... {60076}{60146}is the secret headquarters|of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. {60148}{60241}They are the ones|who are going to do it. {60242}{60317}I can't do any more.|I have to go now. {60318}{60392}Have a merry Christmas. {60447}{60492}- [ Astrophysicist ] Well ?|- What ? {60494}{60574}Did you or did you not|record that message ? {60576}{60683}[ Microbiologist ]|It's a reconstruction|of a deteriorated recording. {60685}{60800}[ Botanist ] Weak signal. We have to|put them together one word at a time. {60802}{60852}[ Astrophysicist ]|We just finished rebuilding this. {60854}{60946}Did you or did you not|make this call ? {60948}{61085}I couldn't make any call. You sent me|to the wrong year. It was 1990. {61087}{61152}- 1990 ?|- 1990 ? {61153}{61238}- You're certain of that ?|- What'd you do with your time, Cole ? {61240}{61310}Did you waste it on drugs ? Women ? {61312}{61363}- They forced me to take drugs.|- Forced you ? {61364}{61449}Why would someone|force you to take drugs ? {61481}{61616}I was in trouble.|I... got arrested. {61618}{61726}I... I did what you wanted. {61728}{61795}I got a specimen, a spider. {61797}{61898}I didn't have anyplace|to put it, so I ate it. {61900}{61994}But you sent me to the wrong year,|so it really doesn't matter. {61996}{62072}[ Zoologist ]|Did you see this when you went back ? {62073}{62135}No, sir, I don't think so. {62137}{62251}[ Astrophysicist ]|What about these people ?|Did you see any of these people ? {62253}{62303}No. No. {62305}{62379}Oh, wait, wait. {62403}{62485}Him ? You saw that man ? {62486}{62578}Maybe in the... maybe in|the mental institution. {62580}{62677}[ Microbiologist ] You were|in a mental institution ? Oh, God. {62679}{62782}[ Astrophysicist ]|Cole, you were sent back to make|some very important observations. {62784}{62833}[ Botanist ]|You could've made a real contribution. {62834}{62906}[ Geologist ]|Helped us to reclaim the planet. {62908}{62968}[ Zoologist ]|As well as reducing your sentence. {62969}{63083}The question is, Cole,|do you want another chance ? {63613}{63688}- [ Indistinct Chatting ]|- Good. {63689}{63807}- Last connection going on.|- Stand clear. {63960}{64019}- He was your choice.|- Nothing we can do about that now. {64603}{64660}[ Whistle Blows ] {64864}{64974}[ Geologist ]|No mistakes this time, Cole. {64976}{65055}Stay alert.|Keep your eyes open. {65057}{65151}Good thinking about the spider.|Try and do something like that again. {65152}{65199}Just relax now.|Don't fight it. {65201}{65279}[ Microbiologist ] We're sending you|to the third quarter of 1996. {65281}{65348}Right on the money. {65506}{65610}[ Explosions ] {65923}{66008}[ Soldiers Speaking French ] {66077}{66148}[ Speaking French ] {66150}{66236}[ Speaking French ] {66238}{66304}- [ Speaking French ]|- What ? I don't understand ! {66332}{66408}What ? I don't understand ! {66409}{66485}- [ French ]|- Where am I ? {66487}{66590}I gotta find 'em !|I gotta find 'em ! {66592}{66647}Help ! I don't know where I am ! {66649}{66733}- You gotta help me find 'em !|- Jose ? {66735}{66784}- Jose !|- Cole ! {66786}{66854}Cole, where are we ?|Where are we ? {66856}{66907}- Jose !|- Help me, Cole ! {66909}{66961}Oh, God ! Wait !|[ Screams ] {67006}{67054}[ Screaming ] {67320}{67465}[ Kathryn ]|"ln a season of great pestilence,|there are omens and divinations. {67466}{67523}And one of the four beasts|gave unto the seven angels... {67525}{67604}seven golden vials|full of the wrath of God, {67606}{67719}who liveth forever and ever."|Revelations. {67721}{67813}In the fourteenth century,|according to the accounts|of local officials of that time, {67815}{67901}this man appeared suddenly in|the village of Wyle near Stonehenge... {67903}{67952}in April of 1362. {67954}{68041}Using unfamiliar words|and speaking in a strange accent, {68043}{68111}the man made dire prognostications|about a pestilence... {68113}{68235}which he said would wipe out humanity|in approximately 600 years. {68236}{68344}Obviously, this plague-doomsday scenario|is more compelling... {68346}{68410}when reality supports it|with a virulent disease, {68412}{68481}whether it's the bubonic plague,|smallpox or AIDS. {68483}{68567}Now we have technological horrors,|such as chemical warfare, {68568}{68676}which reared its ugly head|during the deadly mustard gas|attacks of World War l. {68678}{68770}During such an attack in|the French trenches in October of 1917, {68772}{68877}we have an account of this soldier,|who, during an assault,|was wounded by shrapnel... {68879}{68959}and hospitalized,|apparently in a state of hysteria. {68961}{69035}Doctors found that he had lost|all comprehension of French, {69037}{69095}but that he spoke|English fluently, {69096}{69177}albeit in a regional dialect|they didn't recognize. {69179}{69269}The man, though physically|unaffected by the gas, {69271}{69329}was beside himself. {69331}{69400}He claimed that he had come|from the future-- {69402}{69453}that he was looking|for a pure germ... {69455}{69531}that would ultimately wipe mankind|off the face of the Earth... {69533}{69653}- starting in the year 1996.|- [ Audience Chuckling ] {69655}{69758}Though injured, the young soldier|disappeared from the hospital, {69760}{69820}no doubt trying to carry on|his mission to warn others, {69822}{69884}and substituting|for the agony of war... {69886}{69996}a self-inflicted agony|we call the "Cassandra Complex." {69998}{70072}Cassandra, in Greek legend,|was condemned to know the future... {70074}{70145}but to be disbelieved|when she foretold it. {70147}{70250}Hence, the agony of foreknowledge|combined with the impotence|to do anything about it. {70337}{70461}[ Chatting, Laughing ] {70579}{70655}I'm going right out|to get vaccinated. {70657}{70763}- Hi.|- I think, Dr. Railly, you've given|the alarmists a bad name. {70765}{70856}- I have ?|- Mm-hmm. Surely there's|very real and convincing data... {70858}{70953}- that the planet cannot survive|the excesses of the human race.|- This is true. {70955}{71059}Proliferation of atomic devices,|uncontrolled breeding habits, {71061}{71151}pollution of land, sea and air,|the rape of the environment. {71153}{71274}In this context, isn't it|obvious that Chicken Little|represents the sane vision, {71276}{71371}and that Homo sapiens' motto,|"Let's go shopping," {71373}{71467}is the cry of the true lunatic ? {71469}{71531}- Kathryn, it's time.|- My name is Troy. {71533}{71639}Please, Dr. Railly. I wonder|if you're aware of my own studies. {71808}{71886}[ Man ]|See you at work tomorrow. {71887}{71982}[ Woman ]|Give you a call tomorrow. {72300}{72382}- [ Kathryn Screams ]|- No ! No ! Get in the car. {72384}{72484}Get in the car !|I've got a gun ! Get in the car. {72569}{72648}[ Coughing ]|All right, drive. {72650}{72722}Take my purse. I've got a lot of cash|and credit cards. Take my keys ! {72724}{72811}Start the car ! {72903}{72977}No ! {73111}{73197}Here, turn right.|Turn right here ! {73199}{73269}[ Coughing ] {73309}{73365}Wh-Where are we going ? {73367}{73436}- Philadelphia.|- That's more than a hundred miles ! {73438}{73502}- That's why I can't walk there.|- Just let me go. {73504}{73571}- [ Coughing ] Just drive !|- You can take the car. {73572}{73657}I don't know how to drive. {73658}{73753}I went underground when I was eight|years old. I told you that before. {73754}{73828}[ Coughing ]|At the next corner, turn right. {73829}{73908}Cole. James Cole. {73909}{74003}You escaped from|a locked room six years ago. {74005}{74079}- [ Cars Honking ]|- Six years for you. {74080}{74124}- Turn around. Get goin' !|- Okay. {74392}{74491}I can't believe that|this is a coincidence, Mr. Cole. {74493}{74566}- Have you been following me ?|- You said you would help me. {74568}{74648}I know this isn't what you meant, {74649}{74704}but I don't have any money. {74706}{74807}I hurt my leg,|and I've been sleeping on the street. {74809}{74900}I'm sure I smell bad.|Do you have any food in this car ? {74902}{74989}You have been following me,|haven't you ? {74991}{75049}No. {75051}{75147}No, I saw this... {75149}{75222}in a store window. {75223}{75297}- I can read, remember ?|- Uh-huh. {75298}{75421}Yeah. Why do you want|to go to Philadelphia ? {75423}{75527}I checked out the Baltimore information.|It was nothing. {75529}{75651}It's in Philadelphia. That's where|they are, the ones who did it. {75653}{75727}The Twelve Monkeys. {75729}{75800}- Is that a radio ?|- Yeah. {75801}{75846}Can you... turn it on ? {75848}{75905}¶¶ [ Radio ] {75906}{76013}[ Radio Announcer ]|This is a personal message to you. {76015}{76138}Are you at the end of your rope ?|Are you dying to get away ? {76140}{76226}The Florida Keys are waiting for you.|Ocean waves-- {76228}{76286}I've never seen the ocean ! {76288}{76383}It's an advertisement, Mr. Cole. {76384}{76437}What is ? {76439}{76518}It's an advertisement.|You do understand that ? {76520}{76615}It's not really|a special message to you. {76681}{76731}Mr. Cole. {76768}{76834}- You used to call me James.|- You prefer that ? {76883}{76967}James, uh,|you don't really have a gun. {76969}{77044}Can you turn this up ?|Can you make this louder ? {77046}{77169}[ Radio ]|¶ I found my thrill ¶ {77196}{77274}¶ On Blueberry Hill ¶ {77322}{77411}¶ On Blueberry Hill ¶ {77461}{77524}¶ When I found you ¶ {77526}{77586}[ Laughing ] {77587}{77677}Ah, I love the music|of the twentieth century ! {77717}{77807}I love this air !|Love to breathe this air ! {77809}{77868}[ Laughing ] {78059}{78135}¶¶ [ Humming ] {78137}{78203}[ Radio ]|WXBX news break. {78205}{78262}News as it happens.|Roger Pratt reporting. {78264}{78348}A story breaking with us now|is emergency crews|are converging on a cornfield... {78350}{78399}where playmates|of nine-year-old Ricky Neuman... {78401}{78470}say they saw him disappear|right before their eyes. {78472}{78536}Young Neuman apparently stepped|into an abandoned well shaft, {78537}{78607}and is lodged somewhere|in the narrow 150-foot pipe. {78608}{78667}Possibly alive,|possibly seriously injured, {78668}{78720}playmates claim|they heard him cry out faintly. {78722}{78807}- Never cry wolf.|- What ? {78809}{78896}My father said that to me.|He said, "Never cry wolf." {78898}{78978}'Cause then people won't believe you|if something really happens. {78980}{79094}If something really happens|like what, James ? {79095}{79199}Something bad. Can we have some more|music ? I don't wanna hear this stuff. {79201}{79305}Can we hear more music ? {79307}{79398}- ¶ I see trees of green ¶|- Oh, that's good ! {79400}{79453}¶ Red roses too ¶ {79455}{79560}¶ I've seen them bloom ¶ {79562}{79616}¶ For me and you ¶ {79618}{79729}- ¶ And I think to myself ¶|- [ Yawning ] {79731}{79852}¶ What a wonderful world ¶¶ {79854}{79920}[ Turns Answering Machine On ] {79922}{80028}Hello, Dr. Railly ? Yeah, this is|Wikke from Psyche Admitting. {80030}{80092}Do you remember James Cole ? {80094}{80162}The paranoid who pulled|the Houdini back in '90 ? {80164}{80215}- Well, he's back and--|- [ Woman Whispering ] {80217}{80302}Sorry about that. He's looking for you.|I thought you ought to know. {80303}{80387}- [ Wikke On Answering Machine ]|All right, take care.|- It's like I told you. {80388}{80487}Me and my husband went ahead|and she never showed. {80489}{80543}That is totally unlike her. {80544}{80620}- Do you know the make of her car ?|- Um... {80622}{80709}Cherokee.|'94 Cherokee, silver. {80711}{80764}¶¶ [ TV ] {80766}{80829}I have "doed-it !" {80831}{80872}I have "done doed-it" !|Ja ! {80874}{81007}I, Professor Grossenfibber, have|invented the time tunnel ! Oh, boy ! {81009}{81082}[ Woody Woodpecker|Pecking On Tree ] {81083}{81195}- [ Woody Woodpecker ]|Oh, excuse me, mister.|- [ Groaning ] {81311}{81378}[ Woody Woodpecker On TV ]|Excuse me, mister. Have a cigar. {81550}{81632}No ! {81634}{81750}[ Grossenfibber ] Now my time machine|is ready for experiments. {81849}{81950}Ah, the woodpecker ! Ja !|Yo-hoo, Woodpecker ! {82547}{82623}[ Blows ] {82625}{82711}You were in my dream just now. {82742}{82834}Your hair's different.|Different color. {82878}{82942}I'm sure it was you. {82984}{83056}What was the dream about ? {83100}{83173}About an airport... {83175}{83233}before everything happened. {83235}{83324}It's the same dream|I always have. {83326}{83400}When I was a kid. {83401}{83451}And I was in it ? {83452}{83515}What did I do ? {83517}{83578}[ Sighs ]|You were very upset. {83648}{83717}You're always very upset|in the dream. {83718}{83824}- Just never knew it was you.|- It wasn't me before, James. {83826}{83969}It's become me now because of|what's happening. [ Sighs ] {83970}{84048}Could you please untie me ? {84132}{84218}No, I think it was always you. {84220}{84287}Very strange. {84289}{84412}You're flushed, and you were moaning.|I think you're running a fever. {84648}{84700}What are you doing ? {84925}{85005}[ Whimpering, Grunting ] {85006}{85103}In Fresno, California,|crews continue to attempt|to rescue nine-year-old Ricky Neuman. {85235}{85316}And closer to home,|in Baltimore, Kathryn Railly, {85318}{85409}prominent psychiatrist and the author|of a newly released book on insanity, {85411}{85515}disappeared mysteriously last night|after a lecture at the university. {85517}{85601}Former mental patient, James Cole,|is wanted for questioning... {85603}{85664}regarding Dr. Railly's disappearance. {85665}{85719}Authorities warn that Cole|has a history of violence... {85721}{85815}and advise anyone spotting him|to notify authorities at once. {85817}{85818}¶¶ [ Radio: Rock ] {85818}{85869}¶¶ [ Radio: Rock ] {86067}{86127}Love this music. {86128}{86195}We don't have this.|We don't have anything like this. {86197}{86291}- What are all those ?|- These ? {86293}{86365}My notes. Clues. {86367}{86443}- What kind of clues ?|- It's about the secret army. {86445}{86527}The Army of the Twelve Monkeys.|They're the ones that spread the virus. {86529}{86604}That's why I'm here.|I have to find them. That's my mission. {86606}{86724}I just have to locate them|because they have the virus in|its pure form before it mutates. {86726}{86800}When I locate them,|they'll send a scientist here. {86802}{86854}That scientist|will study the virus. {86856}{86957}Then when he goes back to the present,|he and the scientists will make a cure. {86959}{87011}[ Radio ] ...police officers|from three jurisdictions, {87013}{87099}including special|tactical unit personnel, {87101}{87205}have now been mobilized to control|the growing thousands of onlookers... {87207}{87308}- in Fresno, California--|- Does that disturb you ? {87310}{87406}No. I thought it was about us. {87408}{87503}I thought maybe they'd captured us|and arrested me. {87505}{87562}Just a joke. {87564}{87618}Hmm. {87687}{87775}I remember being very afraid|for that little boy. {87777}{87876}All alone, down that well, not knowing|if anybody's gonna get him out. {87878}{87964}The first time I was ever|really afraid when I was a kid. {87966}{88021}What do you mean,|when you were a kid ? {88023}{88074}Never mind. {88076}{88146}Just a prank, a hoax.|That boy's hiding in a barn. {88148}{88233}¶¶ [ Radio ] {88235}{88327}¶ Well, the Earth died screaming ¶ {88395}{88456}¶ Well, the Earth died screaming ¶ {88458}{88532}[ Evangelist ]|"There are omens and divinations. {88533}{88625}One of the four beasts|gave unto the seven angels... {88627}{88718}seven golden vials|full of the wrath of God, {88720}{88811}who liveth forever and ever." {88813}{88933}You won't think I'm crazy|when people start dying next month. {88934}{89010}First they'll think|it's just some weird fever. {89012}{89092}[ Sighs ] {89094}{89156}Then they'll find out. {89157}{89225}They'll catch on. {89227}{89271}Wait ! {89273}{89344}Stop here ! Stop the car !|Stop right here ! {89440}{89520}I was right !|They're here ! {89522}{89613}You see ? Twelve Monkeys.|Twelve Monkeys. {89615}{89723}Do you believe me now ?|Come on ! {89761}{89818}Come on ! {89820}{89874}They're here !|You see ? {89875}{89937}Twelve Monkeys ! {89939}{89989}Twelve Monkeys.|Come on ! {90051}{90094}Twelve Monkeys. {90096}{90160}Wait, wait, wait.|Wait, here. {90162}{90221}Here. Do you see it ?|Do you see ? {90222}{90284}I see some red paint, some marks. {90286}{90348}- Marks ? Marks ?|Do you think that--|- Oh, this is ridicu-- {90349}{90402}- Hey ! Hey !|- What ? {90403}{90541}Don't you do anything crazy...|or I'll hurt somebody ! {90543}{90628}I am not gonna do anything crazy, but|none of this is what you think it is. {90630}{90690}[ Man, Raspy Voice ]|You can't hide from them, Bob. {90720}{90809}I said,|you can't hide from them. {90850}{90911}No, sir, ol' Bob. {90912}{90979}Don't even try. {91055}{91124}They hear everything. {91126}{91222}They got that tracking device on ya. {91281}{91358}They can find you anywhere,|anytime ! {91360}{91428}It's in the tooth. {91429}{91492}Right, Bob ? {91494}{91603}But I fooled 'em, old buddy.|[ Cackling ] {91690}{91787}They don't have to spy on me.|I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing. {91789}{91862}You see ?|Here it is again. {91863}{91944}Here, follow this paint trail. {91946}{91996}Here. It's here.|See ? {91998}{92104}- It's so awful ! l--|- No, no, no ! Come with me ! {92106}{92177}- Damn it !|- The paint trail goes here. {92242}{92330}Let go ! Let go of my arm.|James, we shouldn't be here. {92332}{92398}Goddamn it. {92551}{92631}[ Man ]|Leave me alone ! {92692}{92781}[ Kathryn ] Let's get outta here.|James, we shouldn't be here. {92782}{92859}- Hey !|- [ Screams ] {93090}{93157}Please, don't kill me ! {93159}{93234}Don't kill me. Please !|Don't kill me. Don't kill me. {93235}{93292}[ Screams ] {93405}{93447}Stick around, bitch. {93449}{93514}[ Cole Yells ] {93834}{93890}[ Panting ] {94007}{94073}- [ Kathryn ] Are you all right ?|- [ Grunts ] {94162}{94211}Is he alive ? {94246}{94316}Come on.|We're runnin' out of time. {94317}{94415}- You can't help him.|- Oh, Jesus ! James, you killed him ! {94417}{94487}All I see are dead people.|Come on. {94489}{94592}- Come on.|- You never had a gun before. {94594}{94694}I have one now.|Come on. Come on ! {94696}{94767}"...dragons in|their pleasant palaces. {94769}{94905}The seventh angel poured out|his vial into the air, and there came--" {94906}{94970}You ! You ! {94972}{95034}You're one of us ! {95418}{95474}[ Cole ]|This is it. {95476}{95525}Come on. {95588}{95709}[ Lion Roaring ] {95710}{95780}[ Elephant Trumpeting ] {95831}{95941}Um... can we help you ? {95943}{96048}[ Tape Recorder:|Lion Roaring ] {96050}{96113}It's just a tape. {96188}{96257}I'm looking for|the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. {96259}{96338}[ Animal Noises Continue ] {96339}{96413}We don't know anything about|any Army of the Twelve Monkeys. {96414}{96478}- So you and your friend just disappear.|- I just want some information. {96480}{96579}- Didn't you hear me ? I sa--|- [ Kathryn ] Don't hurt her. {96581}{96708}Please, I'm a psychiatrist.|J-Just do whatever he tells you to do. {96710}{96781}He's disturbed.|He's dangerous. {96782}{96831}Please, just cooperate. {96832}{96902}- What do you want, money ?|We only got a few bucks.|- [ Cole ] I told you what I want. {96904}{96955}- Get down. Lock that door.|- James, don't-- {96957}{97052}Lock it now ! {97053}{97123}- I told you fucking Goines|would get us--|- Shut up ! {97125}{97174}Goines ? {97210}{97290}Jeffrey Goines ? {97292}{97413}Then Jeffrey becomes this big star,|and the media latch onto him because... {97415}{97495}he's picketing his own father,|a famous Nobel prize-winning virologist. {97496}{97606}- You must've seen all that on TV.|- I don't watch TV. {97607}{97657}Is this him ? {97658}{97721}[ Fale ]|Yeah, that's him. That's him. {97723}{97806}What are you gonna do to us ? {97846}{97926}Tell me more about Jeffrey. {97928}{97987}Jeffrey started getting bored|with the shit we do. {97989}{98064}Picketing, leafletting,|letter-writing stuff. {98066}{98137}He said we were ineffectual,|liberal jerk-offs. {98139}{98256}He wanted to do guerrilla actions|in order to educate the public. {98258}{98336}- Like this ?|- Yeah. That's when he let|100 snakes loose in the Senate. {98338}{98407}[ Teddy ] But we weren't|into that kind of stuff. {98409}{98501}- It's counterproductive. We told him.|- [ Fale ] So he and 11 guys, {98503}{98599}they split off and formed|this underground army. {98640}{98719}The Army of the Twelve Monkeys.|See ? {98776}{98837}They started planning a "Human Hunt." {98839}{98900}[ Teddy ] They bought|stun guns, nets and bear traps. {98902}{98958}They were gonna go to Wall Street|and trap lawyers and bankers-- {98959}{99027}They didn't do it, of course.|They didn't do any of it. {99029}{99123}Like always, Mr. Big Shot|sold his friends out. {99125}{99180}What does that mean ? {99182}{99253}He goes on TV and gives|a news conference.|Tells the whole world... {99255}{99329}he just realized his daddy's experiments|are vital for humanity... {99331}{99412}and that the use of animals|is absolutely necessary. {99414}{99527}And that from now on he,|Jeffrey Goines, is going to|personally supervise the labs... {99529}{99603}to make sure the little animals|aren't going to suffer. {99754}{99804}What is this ? {100007}{100095}People like that|aren't accessible, okay ?|You can't just barge in on them. {100097}{100191}- It's not how the world works.|- Be quiet and drive the car.|I know what I'm doing. {100193}{100264}No, you don't.|This car is stolen. {100266}{100365}And we are in big trouble.|Big trouble. {100367}{100479}If you don't turn yourself over,|the police are going to kill you.|They're going to shoot me too, {100481}{100549}- 'cause I'm going to be|the accessory to murder.|- You're all going to die. {100551}{100647}Nobody is going to die. {100649}{100734}[ Sighs ]|You're not going to save the world. {100735}{100792}Okay ? You're delusional. {100794}{100883}- You've made all this up out of|bits and pieces in your head.|- No. {100885}{100975}Yes. Let me give you an example. {100977}{101117}You know Jeffrey Goines. You were|both patients at County Hospital. {101119}{101173}Jeffrey Goines was a fruitcake. {101175}{101296}He told you then his father|was a famous scientist|who worked with viruses. {101298}{101364}You've incorporated that bit|of information to this cockeyed fantasy. {101366}{101436}He didn't say his father|was a scientist.|He said his father was God. {101438}{101513}- This is insane.|- [ Radio ] ...prominent|psychiatrist and author, {101515}{101629}Dr. Kathryn Railly, has been abducted by|a dangerous mental patient, James Cole. {101631}{101759}Cole was under Railly's care|six years ago when he made|a dramatic escape from-- {101858}{101929}[ Groans ] {101931}{102038}- What is the matter with your leg ?|- I got shot. {102040}{102111}Shot ! Who shot you ? {102113}{102210}I don't know.|It was some kind of war. Never mind. {102212}{102272}You wouldn't believe me anyway. {102274}{102318}[ Cole ]|What are you doing ? {102370}{102449}-We don't need gas.|-I thought you didn't know how to drive. {102451}{102554}I said I was too young to drive.|I didn't say I was stupid. {102556}{102692}This can't go on. If you|have a bullet in your leg,|I have to take care of it. {102693}{102793}I'm a doctor.|I need some supplies. {103322}{103376}[ Radio ]|Meanwhile, in Fresno, California, {103378}{103460}where mining engineers continue their|desperate attempt to sink a shaft... {103461}{103570}parallel to the one in which|nine-year-old Ricky Neuman|is believed trapped. {103572}{103632}Authorities say there is|still a chance the boy might be-- {103633}{103700}You shouldn't put|your weight on it. {103702}{103775}You need stitches|and antibiotics. {103777}{103847}Lucky for you|it's near the surface. {103994}{104059}I love seeing the sun. {104125}{104177}- Ooh !|- Wait. {104211}{104279}Let me help you. {104389}{104474}[ Whispering ]|You smell so good. {104503}{104568}You have to give yourself up. {104642}{104728}Y-You know that, don't you ? {104835}{104895}W-What are you doing ? James ? {104896}{104965}- I'm sorry.|- What are you doing ? {104966}{105090}- James, stop it ! What are you doing ?|- I'm sorry. {105092}{105147}- Let go of me !|- I have to do this. {105297}{105345}- They find him ?|- Who ? {105347}{105411}- That kid. The one in the pipe.|- You believe that ? {105413}{105521}They're lowering a monkey|down there and a miniature|infrared camera strapped on him, {105523}{105594}and a roast beef sandwich|wrapped up in tin foil. {105595}{105683}- You're making it up.|- No, I shit you not.|Life is really weird. {105685}{105760}A monkey|and a roast beef sandwich. {105905}{105994}[ Applause ] {105996}{106070}[ Dr. Goines ] W-W-Would that I|could enjoy this opulent dinner... {106072}{106187}and this most, uh, stimulatin'|and excitin' company... {106188}{106287}for itself|with no sense of purpose. {106288}{106418}But, alas, I am burdened.|[ Chuckles ] {106419}{106514}For with all this excess of public|attention and cacophony of praise... {106516}{106625}there comes|great responsibility. {106626}{106736}- I don't have to tell you all|that the dangers of science...|- [ Snoring ] {106738}{106804}are a timeworn threat. {106806}{106890}- From Prometheus stealin' fire|from the gods...|- What friend ? {106892}{106970}- I'm not expectin' anyone.|- to the Cold War era|of the Dr. Strangelove terror. {106972}{107088}- But never before--|- This is ridiculous. {107090}{107179}My father's giving|a major address. {107181}{107317}...to fear the power...|we have at hand. {107319}{107464}Normally, if we caught a guy|sneakin' around like this|with no l.D., we'd bust his ass. {107465}{107514}Excuse my French. {107516}{107575}This one says he knows you. {107576}{107667}Since you seem to have had|a few unusual associates, {107669}{107745}we certainly would not want|to arrest one of your closest pals. {108158}{108219}Never seen him before in my life. {108220}{108303}Feel free to torture this man,|or whatever it is you do. {108305}{108381}I'm going to listen to my father's|eloquent discourse on-- {108383}{108467}I'm here about some monkeys. {108469}{108537}- Monkeys ?|- Monkeys. Yes. {108539}{108612}Twelve of them. {108684}{108734}Arnold. {108736}{108800}- You look like shit.|- You know this man ? {108802}{108896}I know this man.|Arnold... Pettibone. Mm-hmm. {108898}{108979}Gee, Arnie. It's black tie.|I said drop by, {108980}{109083}but it's Dad's big do--|V.I.P.s, senators, Secret Service. {109085}{109172}You hungry, Arnie ?|[ Chuckles ] {109174}{109275}Killer feast we're putting on tonight.|Lots of dead lamb, dead cow, dead pig. {109276}{109323}[ Jeffrey ]|Shall we ? {109325}{109381}Hi. How are you ?|Hello. {109383}{109473}Very attractive.|"The Great Escape," 1990. {109475}{109553}Watch it ! Huh ?|County Hospital ? Am I right ? {109555}{109657}I can't do anything about what you're|going to do. I can't change anything. {109659}{109758}- I can't stop you.|I just want the information.|- We need to talk. C'mon. {109759}{109863}Hi, ladies. Nice to see you again.|Watch your step on the way down. {109865}{109941}Who blabbed ?|Bruhns ? Weller ? {109943}{110005}- I just want access to the pure virus.|- Virus ? {110007}{110072}For the future. I need to know|where it is and exactly what it is. {110074}{110131}Ahh, I get it.|I see what you're up to. {110133}{110190}- It's your old plan, isn't it ?|- What plan ? {110192}{110250}-Your plan. Remember ?|-I don't know what you're talking about. {110252}{110339}Yes, you do. We were in the dayroom|watching television... {110341}{110413}and you were upset about the desecration|of the planet, which I understand. {110415}{110490}Then you said to me, "Wouldn't it|be great if there was a germ or virus... {110492}{110571}that would wipe out all of mankind|and leave the animals and trees ?" {110573}{110623}- You're trying to confuse me.|- You were so funny. {110624}{110689}I told you my father was|this famous virologist, and you said, {110691}{110785}"He could make a germ,|and we could steal it."|Coo-coo-ka-roo, you were. {110787}{110862}They mutate !|We live underground ! {110864}{110973}The world belongs to the dogs and cats.|We live like worms. {110975}{111031}I just need the information. {111033}{111126}- Take it easy.|- You are a total nutcase !|Completely deranged ! {111127}{111242}Delusional, paranoid.|Your process is all fucked up. {111243}{111307}Your information tray|is jammed, man ! {111309}{111376}Do you know what it is,|the Army of the Twelve Monkeys ? {111378}{111451}It's a collection of space-case|do-gooders saving rain forests. {111453}{111502}I have nothing to do|with those bozos. {111504}{111552}I quit being|the rich kid fall guy... {111554}{111611}for a bunch|of ineffective fanatics ! {111613}{111681}So much for your grand plot,|asshole ! {111683}{111801}Father's been warning people|about dangers of experimentation|with D.N.A. viruses for years. {111802}{111888}You've processed that|information through your addled,|paranoid infrastructure. {111890}{112027}Lo and behold, a nonprofit|organization becomes some|sinister, revolutionary cabal ! {112029}{112082}This man is complete bat shit ! {112084}{112159}Ladies and gentlemen,|do you realize where he thinks... {112161}{112222}he comes from ? {112271}{112344}[ Announcer ] Capt. Dan Miller, the man|in charge of the rescue operation, {112345}{112451}says he has consulted with experts,|and they assure us-- {112453}{112552}If you ask me, the monkey's gonna eat|that goddamn sandwich himself. {112554}{112615}Did a man just come running|through here ? {112616}{112725}[ TV ] ...saying his primary|responsibility was to the missing boy. {112727}{112839}Police say that the body|of a woman found strangled|in the Knutson State Park... {112841}{112891}could be kidnapping victim... {112893}{112954}Dr. Kathryn Railly. {113008}{113085}Anybody see someone|come through here ? {113087}{113175}[ TV ] ...discovered less than|an hour ago by hikers. {113177}{113240}But we have an unconfirmed report|that the victim, {113242}{113351}a woman in her late twenties|or early thirties,|was savagely mutilated. {113353}{113435}Earlier in the day, police located|Railly's abandoned car. {113436}{113500}It was found not far-- {113502}{113580}- [ Screams ]|- Any sign of him ? {113582}{113644}Nothing. {113646}{113748}He can't just disappear. {113806}{113889}[ Panting ] {114221}{114286}You bastard ! {114348}{114456}I could've died in there !|You son of a bitch ! [ Crying ] {114457}{114511}What were you thinking of, {114513}{114623}- you twisted sack of shit ?|- I'm sorry. {114625}{114705}Sorry I locked you|in the trunk. {114707}{114820}[ Kathryn Crying ]|I'm sick of you. {114928}{115004}What have you done ?|Did you kill somebody ? {115006}{115138}- Yes. A million people.|Five billion people.|- What ? {115140}{115265}Jeffrey Goines said|it was my idea about the virus. {115267}{115376}We were in the institution.|It was all... so fuzzy,|and the drugs and all. {115378}{115450}[ Groans ]|Do you think it was my idea ? {115452}{115528}Do you think maybe|I've wiped out the human race ? {115530}{115604}Nobody is gonna wipe out|the human race. {115606}{115681}Not you or Jeffrey|or anybody else. {115683}{115766}You've created something|in your mind. A-- Oh. {115768}{115845}- Mentally divergent ?|- A-- Whatever ! {115847}{115920}A substitute reality... {115921}{116015}because you don't want|to deal with anything. {116017}{116114}- [ Laughs ]|- I would love it if that was true. {116116}{116185}It can be dealt with,|but only if you want to. {116187}{116291}- I can help you.|- [ Men Yelling ] {116293}{116395}- They're after me.|We have to get outta here.|- Who is after you ? {116397}{116490}I think there were|some policemen at that party. {116492}{116562}Party ? You went to a par-- {116564}{116612}Never mind. {116614}{116685}It's important you surrender|instead of their catching you running. {116686}{116763}Wouldn't it be great if I was crazy ?|The world would be okay. {116765}{116817}- Gimme the gun.|- I wouldn't live underground.|I lost the gun. {116819}{116873}I could live right here. {116875}{116968}You got water, air, stars. {116970}{117038}- I'm gonna attract their attention...|- Debris. {117040}{117114}- so they know where we are.|- [ Horn Honking ] {117116}{117180}[ Laughing ]|Oh, I love this world ! {117182}{117240}They're gonna tell you to put your hands|on your head. Do what they say. {117242}{117296}I love the frogs, the spiders. {117298}{117402}Remember, I'll be with you.|I'll help you. I won't let them-- {117404}{117452}[ Dogs Barking ] {117556}{117638}[ Barking Continues ] {117681}{117763}Then I said something about cooperating,|and he said he would do that. {117765}{117857}So, l, um...|I got in the car. {117858}{117966}Thanks. And when l--|I started honking the horn. {117968}{118072}- Then when I got out, he was gone.|- I'll tell you somethin'. {118074}{118177}You lucked out. For a while,|we thought you were a body|found downstate mutilated. {118179}{118267}- He wouldn't do that.|- This the man he attacked ? {118371}{118426}I wanna be clear about this, okay ? {118428}{118489}This man and the other one|were severely beating us. {118491}{118608}James Cole didn't start it.|In fact, he saved me. {118610}{118678}[ Chuckles ]|Funny thing, Doctor. {118680}{118792}Maybe you can explain it to me,|you being a psychiatrist and all. {118794}{118926}Why is it that kidnap victims|always try to tell us about|the guys that grabbed 'em ? {118928}{119000}And they try|to make us understand... {119002}{119080}how kind these bastards|really were. {119082}{119169}It's a normal reaction|to a life-threatening situation. {119236}{119299}He's sick. Okay ? {119301}{119393}He thinks he comes from the future.|He's been living in... {119395}{119481}a meticulously constructed|fantasy world, and that world|is starting to disintegrate. {119483}{119568}He needs help. {119645}{119694}Okay. {119696}{119816}[ Reporter ] Exhausted but apparently|unharmed by her thirty-hour ordeal, {119818}{119924}Dr. Railly returned to Baltimore|this morning without making|a public statement. {119925}{120021}The author and psychiatrist|is currently in seclusion at her home. {120023}{120119}Meantime, police have pieced together|a scenario of the series of events... {120121}{120200}that began with|escaped mental patient James Cole-- {120202}{120290}-Sorry.|-No, it's okay. I'm just... hyperalert. {120292}{120347}- I can't sleep.|- [ TV Continues: Volume Lower ] {120348}{120473}- Did you take your sedative ?|- I hate those things.|They mess my head up. Uh-uh. {120475}{120536}[ TV ] ...where he went|on a rampage of violence. {120538}{120599}[ Volume Louder ] With the kidnapping|of the Baltimore woman, James Cole... {120601}{120696}is now also wanted in connection with|the brutal slaying of Rodney Wiggins, {120698}{120764}- an ex-convict from Ardmore.|- [ Siren Wailing ] {120765}{120818}His body was discovered|in an abandoned theater... {120820}{120907}not far from where Cole left|three animal rights activists|bound and gagged... {120909}{120975}in their Second Avenue headquarters. {120977}{121079}Do they really believe|he's going to show up here ? Please. {121081}{121161}And in Fresno, California, the cornfield|that was jammed with spectators-- {121163}{121217}He's dead, isn't he,|that little boy ? {121219}{121304}He's fine. It was just a prank|he and his friends pulled. {121306}{121388}The dramatic attempt to rescue Ricky|Neuman from an abandoned mine shaft... {121390}{121504}ended abruptly when playmates|confessed that Neuman's|disappearance was a prank... {121506}{121609}and that, in fact, the missing child|was hiding in a nearby barn. {121815}{121913}[ Scientists ]|¶ I found my thrill ¶ {121915}{122011}¶ On Blueberry Hill ¶ {122013}{122105}¶ On Blueberry Hill ¶ {122107}{122161}¶ When I found you ¶ {122163}{122225}Congratulations, Cole ! {122227}{122284}- Well done. Well done !|- Congratulations. {122286}{122356}[ Botanist ] During your interview,|while under the influence, {122358}{122426}- you told us that you liked music.|- This isn't a prison. {122428}{122496}- This is a hospital.|- Until you recover your equilibrium. {122498}{122563}- You're still disoriented.|- It is a stressful thing. {122565}{122632}- Time travel.|- You stood up very well, considering. {122634}{122716}You connected|the Army of the Twelve Monkeys|with a famous virologist and his son. {122718}{122777}- Others will take over now.|- We'll be back on service in months. {122778}{122876}- We'll retake the planet.|- This is it, James.|What you've been working for. {122878}{122953}- A full pardon.|- You'll be out of here in no time. {122955}{123081}- Women will want to know you.|- I don't want your women !|I want to get well ! {123174}{123244}And you will be well, James. {123273}{123351}- Soon.|- [ Laughing ] {123385}{123482}You know, you people don't exist.|You're not real. {123484}{123593}We can't travel back in time.|Whoop ! Whoop ! Uh-uh. {123595}{123692}You're not here.|You can't trick me. {123693}{123779}[ Laughing ]|You're in my-- You're in my mind. {123781}{123829}[ Laughing ] {123831}{123902}[ Sighs ]|I am insane. {123904}{123965}And you are my insanity.|[ Laughing ] {124219}{124330}He not only used the word "prank,"|he said the boy was hiding in a barn. {124332}{124421}Kathryn, Kathryn.|He kidnapped you. {124422}{124487}You saw him murder somebody, {124489}{124608}and you knew there was a real|possibility he could kill you too. {124610}{124670}You're under|tremendous emotional stress. {124672}{124741}For God's sake, Owen,|listen to me. {124743}{124809}He knew about the boy in Fresno,|and he says five billion people... {124811}{124847}are gonna die. {124849}{124904}No way he could possibly know that ! {124906}{124950}Kathryn ! {124952}{125056}You're a rational person.|You're a trained psychiatrist. {125058}{125134}You know the difference between|what's real and what's not. {125136}{125209}What we say is the truth|is what everybody accepts. Right ? {125211}{125274}Psychiatry--|it's the latest religion. {125276}{125367}We decide what's right and wrong.|We decide who's crazy or not. {125427}{125483}I'm in trouble here. {125484}{125553}I'm losing my faith. {125555}{125643}[ Man, Raspy Voice ]|You sure fucked up, Bob. {125645}{125769}But I can understand. You don't want|your mistakes pointed out to you. {125771}{125852}I can relate to that, old Bob. {125854}{125940}Hey, I know what you're thinkin'. {125941}{126040}You're thinkin' I don't exist|except in your head. {126042}{126100}I see that point of view. {126102}{126248}- But you could still|talk to me, couldn't ya ?|- [ Cole ] I saw you... {126249}{126343}in 1996, in the real world. {126345}{126450}- You pulled out your teeth.|- Why would I pull out my teeth ? {126452}{126576}That's a no-no.|And when did you say you saw me ? {126578}{126649}- In 1872 ?|- Leave me alone ! {126650}{126743}Yellin' won't get you|what you want. {126745}{126843}You have to be smart|to get what you want. {126882}{126933}And what do I want ? {126935}{127006}You don't know what you want ? {127008}{127132}Sure you do, Bob.|You know what you want. {127134}{127218}You tell me.|You tell me what I want. {127220}{127332}To see the sky and the ocean. {127334}{127397}To be topside. {127399}{127459}Breathe the air. {127460}{127549}To be with... her. {127551}{127691}Isn't that right ?|lsn't that what you want ? {127693}{127743}Bob ? {127838}{127932}[ Moaning ] {127990}{128062}[ Ringing ] {128104}{128157}Hello. {128161}{128229}Dr. Railly,|Jim Halperin, Philly P.D. {128230}{128365}- Sorry to call you|so early this mornin'.|- You found him ? ls he okay ? {128366}{128428}No, no.|Au contraire, Doctor. {128430}{128536}No sign of your good friend,|the kidnapper. However,|the plot does thicken. {128538}{128592}I've got a ballistics report|on my desk. {128594}{128712}It says the bullet you claim|you removed from Mr. Cole's|thigh is, in fact, an antique. {128713}{128766}[ Halperin ]|And all indications are... {128768}{128857}it was fired sometime prior|to the 1920s. {128859}{128915}- [ Halperin ] How 'bout|I take a spin down there ?|- This can't be. {128917}{128965}Maybe you and I can grab|a bite to eat. {128967}{129078}Maybe you could revise or amplify|your statement. Dr. Railly ? {129743}{129802}No ! {129910}{129974}You can't trick us, you know. {129976}{130062}- It wouldn't work.|- No, sir. {130064}{130169}You haven't become addicted,|have you, Cole, {130171}{130219}to that dying world ? {130221}{130279}No, sir. {130281}{130345}I just want to do my part|to get us back on top, {130347}{130398}in charge of the planet. {130400}{130487}And I have the experience.|I know the people involved. {130489}{130565}He really is|the most qualified. {130567}{130618}But all that behavior. {130620}{130685}You said we weren't real, Cole. {130687}{130832}I don't think the human mind is meant|to exist in... t-two different... {130834}{130922}uh, whatever you called it...|dimensions ? {130924}{131006}It's just too stressful.|You said that yourself. {131007}{131069}It's very confusing. You don't know|what's real and what's not. {131071}{131197}- [ Microbiologist ]|But you know what's real now.|- Yes, sir. I do. {131199}{131318}[ Dr. Goines ]|No, no. I don't know anything about... {131319}{131388}a monkey army, Doctor. {131390}{131458}No, no.|Nothing whatsoever. {131459}{131589}Good Lord, if my son was ever involved|in something like that-- {131591}{131675}Yeah ? Well, I'm sorry. {131677}{131776}I think it's|doubly inappropriate to discuss... {131777}{131882}security matters with you,|Doctor, uh, Railly. {131884}{131975}But, uh, if it will ease|your mind, {131977}{132098}rest assured that neither my son|nor any other unauthorized person... {132099}{132224}has access to potentially dangerous|organisms in my laboratory. {132226}{132329}Is that clear to you now ?|Thank you so much for your concern. {132444}{132515}[ Whispering ]|Women psychiatrists ! {132581}{132662}I attended a lecture of hers once. {132664}{132753}"Apocalyptic Visions." {132755}{132836}Yes. She was suddenly struck... {132838}{132936}by the most preposterous notion|about Jeffrey. {132977}{133062}Has she succumbed to her own... {133064}{133159}"theoretical" Cassandra disease ? {133216}{133329}Maybe we ought to review|our security procedures. {133331}{133416}Yeah. Perhaps upgrade 'em,|you know ? {133418}{133476}Beef 'em up, hmm ? {133588}{133655}[ Botanist ] Let's consider again|our current information. {133657}{133735}If the symptoms were first detected|in Philadelphia... {133737}{133830}on December 27, 1996,|that makes us know that-- {133832}{133921}It was released in Philadelphia,|probably on December 13, 1996. {133923}{134023}And was seen sequentially|after that in-- {134025}{134071}San Francisco, New Orleans, {134073}{134135}Rio de Janeiro, uh, {134137}{134204}Rome, Kinshasa, {134206}{134258}Karachi, Bangkok,|then Peking. {134344}{134395}That was very well done, Cole. {134564}{134613}[ Kathryn ]|Hello ! {134615}{134727}Is somebody in there ? lf you're|in there, I have to talk to you. {134729}{134799}- It's the kidnap woman.|- Hello ? {134801}{134857}The one who was with the guy|who tied us up. {134859}{134927}- I have to talk.|- Turn off the lights.|Turn off the light ! {134929}{135006}- What's she doin' ?|- She's drawing attention|to us, that's what. {135008}{135126}I don't know what you're up to|this time, Goines, but you're|gonna get us in deep shit. {135128}{135206}- Walkies ready ? Batteries charged ?|- Mmm. {135208}{135295}I saw you !|I saw somebody in there ! {135297}{135357}- Come on.|- [ Man, Raspy Voice ]|Secret experiments. {135358}{135413}That's what they do. {135415}{135500}Secret weird stuff. {135502}{135574}- Not just on animals.|- I know you. {135576}{135661}- Do 'em on people too, down at--|- Have you seen James Cole ? {135663}{135723}- The man who--|- They're watching you. {135725}{135774}- Takin' pictures.|- The police. {135775}{135828}I know. Look. {135830}{135941}[ Gasping ]|I have to contact James. {135943}{136037}It's very, very important that he's|really careful when he reaches me. {136039}{136133}- Do you understand that ? Good.|- Yeah. Yeah. Who's James ? {136135}{136236}He was with me.|He spoke to you... several weeks ago. {136238}{136339}He said that you were from the future|and that you were watching him. {136516}{136565}Bolt cutters.|Bolt cutters. {136566}{136650}- Did you get bolt cutters ?|- One dozen. They're in the van. {136651}{136707}-Got the plans for the security system ?|-Right here. {136709}{136775}- Committed to memory.|- Hey ! Hey ! {136776}{136851}- You know what she's doin' out there ?|- What's it say ? {136852}{136990}- I don't know. I can't see it.|- Forget about my psychiatrist and|concentrate on the task at hand. {137023}{137073}Your psychiatrist ? {137075}{137188}- Did you just say your psychiatrist ?|- Ex-psychiatrist. {137190}{137291}This woman was your psychiatrist, and|now she's spray-painting our building ? {137484}{137536}[ Man ]|What's it say ? {137606}{137655}[ Cole ]|Kathryn ! {137656}{137704}James ? {137751}{137801}James ! {137822}{137878}- James.|- What ? What ? {137880}{137963}- There's a policeman over there.|Pretend you don't know me.|- No. I want to turn myself in. {137965}{138040}- Where is he ? Where is he ?|- James ! Down ! {138042}{138133}- Come on.|- No, no. It's okay.|I'm not crazy anymore. {138135}{138238}I mean, I am.|I'm mentally divergent.|I know that now. {138240}{138314}I want you to help me.|I want to get better. {138316}{138366}James ! {138411}{138461}Let's get outta here. {138462}{138510}He's goin'.|He's goin'. {138627}{138675}[ Horn Honking ] {138677}{138740}- [ Tires Screeching ]|- [ Horn Honking ] {138742}{138801}[ Honking Continues ] {138803}{138867}- I've seen that before.|- No, James, you haven't. {138957}{139037}A guy in a Ford is chasing her|and some other guy I can't see. {139039}{139121}No problem. It's probably|just another kidnapping... {139123}{139178}featuring Jeffrey's shrink. {139180}{139258}Pardon me.|Make that ex-shrink. {139260}{139312}This is your leader ? {139314}{139362}A certifiable lunatic... {139364}{139477}who told his former psychiatrist|all his plans for God knows what|whacko irresponsible schemes ? {139479}{139531}God knows what she's written|on that wall ! {139533}{139608}Who cares what psychiatrists|write on walls ? {139609}{139682}You think I told her about|the Army of the Twelve Monkeys, huh ? {139684}{139758}Impossible ! Do you know why ?|Do you know why ? {139759}{139893}Because, you pathetically|ineffectual and pusillanimous|pretend friend to animals, {139895}{139980}I'll tell you why. Because when I had|anything to do with her six years ago, {139981}{140037}there was no such thing,|I hadn't thought of it yet. {140039}{140172}- Then how come she knows|what's goin' on ?|- Here's my theory on that. {140174}{140294}When I was institutionalized,|my brain was studied inexhaustibly|in the guise of mental health. {140296}{140374}I was interrogated, x-rayed.|I was examined thoroughly. {140376}{140424}[ Coughs ] {140426}{140552}They took everything about me|and put it into a computer where|they created a model of my mind. {140554}{140611}Yes ! Using that model, {140613}{140730}they managed to generate|every thought I could possibly|have in the next ten years, {140732}{140837}which they then filtered through|a probability matrix of some kind... {140839}{140929}to determine everything|I was gonna do in that period. {140931}{141070}So you see, she knew I was|gonna lead the Army of the|Twelve Monkeys into history... {141072}{141120}before it even occurred to me. {141122}{141198}She knows everything I'm ever gonna do|before I know it myself. {141200}{141250}How's that ? {141294}{141372}Kweskin, you finish here.|I'll meet you there. {141374}{141461}And if you forget one thing, I will have|you shaved, sterilized and destroyed. {141463}{141511}- Jeff ?|- What ? {141513}{141578}You're a great man. {141580}{141642}Ahh, fuck the bozos ! {141674}{141766}[ Chuckles ]|He's seriously crazy. {141768}{141819}You know that. {141860}{141931}[ Police Radio ]|On the lookout for-- {141933}{142012}[ Radio ]|The name is Cole. {142543}{142589}There. Over there. {142591}{142653}Okay. Come on. {142781}{142841}[ TV: lndistinct ] {142866}{142927}[ TV Continues: lndistinct ] {142929}{142990}- I need a room.|- Thirty-five bucks an hour. {142992}{143136}- An hour ?|- You want quarter hours ?|Go someplace else. {143138}{143220}[ Woman Giggling ] {143222}{143271}[ Coughing ] {143342}{143409}Uh, here's... {143411}{143483}twenty-five, six, seven|for an hour. {143485}{143616}- Deal ?|- [ Man ] Hey ! Turn it off ! {143652}{143726}One hour, honey babe.|Number sixty-four. {143728}{143802}Sixth floor.|Up the stairs, end of the hall. {143804}{143867}Elevator's busted. {143869}{143917}She's not honey babe. {143919}{144011}She's a doctor.|My psychiatrist. {144013}{144057}Understand ? {144109}{144183}Whatever gets it up for you, Jack. {144394}{144465}Tommy, this is Charlie|over at the Globe. {144467}{144548}[ Chuckles ]|You know if Wallace has a new girl ? {144550}{144659}Sort of a rookie type ?|A little weird ? Does fantasy acts ? {144661}{144755}Okay, you were standing there|looking up at the moon. {144757}{144834}You were splashing|through the water, and then what ? {144878}{144931}I thought I was|in prison again. {144933}{144997}Just like that,|you were in prison ? {144999}{145052}No, not really. {145054}{145129}Like you said.|It was all in my mind. {145131}{145213}[ Stammering ]|You disappeared. {145215}{145301}One minute you were there,|the next minute you were gone. {145303}{145362}Did you run through|the woods, or-- {145364}{145461}I don't know.|I don't remember. {145500}{145586}The boy in the well.|How did you know that was just a hoax ? {145587}{145698}It was ?|I d-didn't know. {145700}{145743}You said he was hiding|in the barn ! {145745}{145819}I think I maybe saw a TV show|about that when I was a kid, {145821}{145859}where a boy-- {145861}{145911}It wasn't a TV show !|It was real ! {145913}{145992}M-Maybe this boy saw|the same TV show that I did, {145994}{146056}and he c-copied it. {146058}{146136}Look, you were right.|I, I am mentally ill. {146138}{146199}I imagined all these things,|these people. {146201}{146270}- Ooh.|- I know they're not real. {146271}{146332}I can trick them. I, l-- {146334}{146394}I can make them do what I want.|I worked on 'em a little bit. {146396}{146452}- I got back here to get better.|- Ah ! {146453}{146559}- I can stay here.|- What does this mean to you ? {146769}{146899}- I think I had a dream|like... about this.|- [ Stammering ] {146900}{146999}You had a bullet from World War I in|your leg, James. How did it get there ? {147001}{147055}I don't know. Look, you sa--|You said I had delusions. {147056}{147187}- That I created this world.|You said you could explain.|- I can't ! {147189}{147260}I'm trying to, and-- {147262}{147360}I, I can't believe that everything|we say or do has already happened. {147362}{147440}We can't change|what's gonna happen. {147442}{147539}And if five billion people|are gonna die, it's-- {147541}{147646}I want the future|to be unknown. {147683}{147773}I want to become|a whole person again. {147775}{147861}I want this to be|the present. {147862}{147948}I want to stay here...|this time... {147950}{147999}with you. {148639}{148721}James, {148723}{148843}do you remember six years ago|you had a phone number ? {148845}{148913}- It was the wrong number then.|- A woman answered. {148915}{149022}It was the wrong number in 1990.|It should be the right number now. {149024}{149077}Do you remember it ? {149078}{149097}- The number ? Do you--|- [ Banging ] {149097}{149130}- The number ? Do you--|- [ Banging ] {149234}{149337}This is my territory, bitch ! {149339}{149454}- Is this real, or is this|one of my delusions ?|- This is definitely real. {149456}{149505}[ Kathryn ]|Uh, excuse me. {149506}{149629}- I, I think we've got|a little misunderstanding here.|- Oh ? {149631}{149705}- Yeah. We--|- Gee, really ? {149707}{149777}Now, you just sit tight ! {149778}{149863}You listen to me,|little Miss Understanding. {149865}{149948}You think you can go around me and|peddle your ass in this part of town ? {149949}{150061}You bet your life we got what I would|call a major fuckin' misunderstanding. {150063}{150124}Hey ! {150145}{150240}James, no ! Don't ! {150241}{150369}- Uh, put him in the closet.|Take his money first !|- You want me to rob him ? {150371}{150447}- We need cash, James !|- [ Wallace ] No, no ! {150449}{150534}Call the cops !|Call the cops ! {150536}{150605}[ Man ]|What's goin' on ? {150607}{150666}[ Wallace ]|I've got friends, man. {150668}{150728}- Don't fuckin' kill me.|- James ! James ! {150730}{150791}No, James ! No ! {150793}{150839}No, James ! {150841}{150885}No ! Open the door ! {150887}{150955}What the fuck are you doin' ? {150957}{151041}Please don't hurt him.|Open the door. {151043}{151119}James, come on.|[ Gasps ] {151121}{151224}[ Panting ] {151276}{151326}Just in case-- {151327}{151427}Just in case I'm not crazy.|This is how they find us. {151429}{151503}By our teeth. {151505}{151597}I don't want them|to find me... ever. {151599}{151660}I don't want to go back. {151662}{151750}- [ Police Radio ]|...calling in a domestic incident.|- [ Policeman ] Get out ! {151839}{151931}Get back.|You'd better load. {151972}{152094}Police ! Throw your weapons out|and come on out ! {152212}{152292}[ Wallace ]|Hey ! ls that the cops ? {152294}{152362}Hey, I'm the innocent victim here. {152363}{152487}I was attacked by a coked-up whore|and a, a fuckin' crazy dentist. {152817}{152866}Try to blend in. {152867}{152951}Oh, Jesus !|Come on. {152990}{153071}There's gotta be a phone|around here somewhere. {153072}{153131}There.|O-Over there. Look. {153133}{153204}- I'm gonna try that number, okay ?|- Okay. {153206}{153279}- Let's hope it's nothing.|- Okay. {153637}{153738}[ Loud Roaring ] {153787}{153837}[ Gasps ] {153912}{154001}James ! James !|It's okay ! {154003}{154076}We're insane. We're crazy.|It's a carpet cleaning company. {154078}{154155}- A carpet cleaning company ?|- Yeah. No superiors. {154157}{154220}No scientists.|No men from the future. {154222}{154297}It's just a carpet cleaning company.|They have voice mail. {154299}{154373}You leave a message telling|where you want your carpet cleaned. {154375}{154441}- You left them a message ?|- Yeah. I couldn't resist. {154443}{154576}Wait 'til they hear this nutty|woman telling them to watch for|the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. {154577}{154674}I said, "The Freedom for Animals|Association on Second Avenue... {154676}{154772}[ Together ]|...is the secret headquarters|of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys." {154773}{154836}They're the ones|who are gonna do it. {154838}{154911}I can't do anything more now.|I have to go. {154913}{154974}Have a merry Christmas." {155089}{155156}You couldn't have heard me.|I-- {155264}{155354}They got your message, Kathryn. {155356}{155427}They played it for me. {155429}{155556}It was a bad recording,|distorted. {155557}{155631}I didn't recognize your voice. {155804}{155864}[ Police Radio: lndistinct ] {156068}{156193}¶¶ [ "Silent Night" ] {156195}{156314}- [ P.A. Announcer ]|For the perfect Christmas gift--|- Mmm, and this. {156316}{156417}Is everything okay ?|You want anything ? {156419}{156496}[ Birds Fluttering ] {156498}{156547}[ Saleswoman ] Shall I|put this on your account, ma'am ? {156548}{156639}No. That'll be cash. {156641}{156690}Uh-- {156719}{156809}Can you tell me what floor|the wigs are on ? {157004}{157115}[ Kweskin ] You turned the thing|into a fucking computer. {157116}{157171}- [ Weller ] And Fale believed it.|- You know Fale. {157173}{157278}If you guys get nailed,|which I'm pretty sure you will, {157280}{157393}[ Laughing ] I've never seen you before|in my fuckin' life. {157395}{157460}- Aha !|- Yeah ! {157462}{157520}C'mon, c'mon. {157522}{157582}Bring 'im through.|C'mon. {157624}{157673}Okay, drive ! {157794}{157879}[ Kweskin ] What's the harm in openin'|the bag ? His eyes are taped, right ? {157906}{157956}Right ? {157957}{158014}[ All Laughing ] {158016}{158064}Okay. Okay. {158133}{158183}Hello. Hello. {158219}{158297}- Wanna hear the monkey speak ?|- [ Together ] Yeah ! {158299}{158394}Ahh ! Jeffrey ?|Jeffrey, I know that's you. {158396}{158454}- I recognize your voice.|- [ In Disguised Voice ] No, you don't. {158456}{158546}I also know all about|your warped little plan. {158548}{158659}That lady, your psychiatrist ?|She told me. I didn't believe her. {158661}{158746}It just seemed too crazy,|even for you. {158747}{158869}But just in case, I took steps to make|sure you couldn't go through with it. {158871}{158953}I don't have the code anymore,|Jeffrey. {158955}{159009}I don't have access|to the virus. {159011}{159064}I took myself... {159066}{159167}- out of the loop.|- Too late ! Too late ! {159169}{159257}We've got plans for you, Dad.|[ Makes Monkey Sounds ] {159259}{159333}Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo !|Agh ! Agh ! Agh ! {159335}{159416}[ All Making|Monkey Sounds ] {159418}{159529}I never let myself believe it.|Now I know it's true. {159531}{159579}- Jeffrey ?|- Hmm ? {159581}{159645}You're completely insane. {159647}{159747}[ Activists Laughing ] {159749}{159817}No, I'm not. {159901}{160002}There's a cross section of one|of the old trees that's been cut down. {160220}{160288}Here I was born. {160312}{160381}And there I died. {160383}{160454}It was only a moment for you. {160456}{160525}Y-You took no notice. {160613}{160683}- I think I've seen this movie before.|- Shh. {160685}{160781}- When I was a kid, I saw it on TV.|- Don't talk. {160783}{160855}- I did see it before.|- [ Woman On Screen ] Tall trees. {160857}{160904}Have you been here before ? {160906}{160946}- Yes.|- When ? {160948}{161071}- I don't... recognize this.|- [ Man On Screen ] When were you born ? {161073}{161121}- [ Woman ] Long ago.|- [ Man ] Where ? {161123}{161165}[ Kathryn ]|What's the matter ? {161167}{161224}- Tell me. Madeleine, tell me.|- No ! {161226}{161306}It's just like|what's happening with us. {161308}{161387}Like the past. {161389}{161482}The movie never changes.|It can't change. {161483}{161568}But every time you see it, it seems|different because you're different. {161570}{161676}- You see different things.|- Please don't ask me. {161678}{161747}If you can't change anything|because it's already happened, {161749}{161804}you may as well|smell the flowers. {161806}{161848}What flowers ? {161850}{161938}- That's an expression.|- [ Man ] Shh. {161940}{162034}[ Madeleine ] Promise me|you won't ask me again. Please ? {162076}{162127}Kathryn, {162267}{162331}why are you doing this ? {162376}{162424}I want to know why. {162426}{162497}What if I'm wrong ?|What if you're wrong ? {162499}{162551}What if I am crazy ? {162553}{162647}In a few weeks,|it will have started or it won't. {162649}{162736}If there's still... {162738}{162857}football games, traffic jams,|TV shows and armed robberies, {162859}{162960}we're going to be so glad that we'll|be thrilled to see the police. {162962}{163010}I'm responsible for you now. {163012}{163089}- [ Man On Screen ] The Chinese say|once you've saved a person's life,|- Shh. {163091}{163182}- you're responsible for it|forever, so I'm committed.|- Do you have a plan ? {163183}{163235}I have to know. {163237}{163336}[ Madeleine ]|There's so little that I know. {163338}{163410}You said you'd never seen the ocean. {163412}{163496}- [ Elephant Trumpets ]|- [ Jeffrey ] Hurry up. Come on. {163498}{163588}- [ Dr. Goines ] What ?|- [ Jeffrey Whispering ] {163762}{163885}[ Dr. Goines ]|Jeffrey ? You know I can't see. {163887}{163962}Where are we ?|Jeffrey ? Please. {164385}{164436}Kathryn ? {164627}{164700}We have 9:30 reservations|for Key West. {165026}{165132}I, uh...|just didn't recognize you. {165134}{165249}Well, you look pretty different|yourself. {165296}{165374}[ Sighs ]|It was always you. {165376}{165471}In my dream.|It was al-- {165523}{165594}It was always you. {165652}{165710}I remember you like this. {165712}{165758}You do ? {165759}{165855}I felt I've known you before. {165904}{165986}I feel I've always known you. {166256}{166333}[ Cole ]|I'm so scared. {166348}{166426}[ Snoring ] {166511}{166626}[ Monkeys Chittering ] {166628}{166706}[ Roaring ] {166772}{166849}[ Trumpeting ] {166937}{167011}[ Trumpeting Continues ] {167063}{167144}[ Growling ] {167146}{167196}[ Cabbie ]|What time's your flight ? {167198}{167257}- [ Kathryn ] 9:30.|- Might be tight. {167259}{167349}Tight ? No.|My watch says 7:30. {167351}{167440}On your normal mornin', okay.|Plenty of time. {167442}{167542}But today you gotta take into account|your Army of the Twelve Monkeys factor. {167544}{167614}What ? What'd you say ? {167615}{167729}Twelve Monkeys. In case you folks|didn't turn on your radio this mornin'. {167730}{167820}Bunch of weirdos let all|of the animals out of the zoo. {167822}{167890}They locked up this big-shot scientist|in one of the cages. {167891}{167957}Scientist's own kid|one of the ones did it. {167959}{168051}They've got animals|all over the place. {168053}{168125}Bunch of zebras closed down|the thruway 'bout an hour ago. {168127}{168185}And they got some thing|called an emu. {168187}{168289}It's got traffic blocked|for miles on 676. {168291}{168373}[ Radio ]|...what they think they're accomplishing|by releasing an animal like this... {168375}{168428}- into a city like this one.|- [ Laughing ] Oh. {168430}{168524}- That's what they were up to,|freeing animals.|- On the walls. {168526}{168604}- It said, "We did it."|They meant the animals.|- The animals, yeah. {168605}{168700}[ Radio ] lf I could interrupt|for a moment, Mr. Ginger-- {168702}{168809}- [ Laughing ]|- [ Radio ] There is going to be|a press conference from City Hall. {168811}{168899}I think it's gonna be all right. {168980}{169079}Tell your people if they spot either one|of them, not to try and apprehend them. {169081}{169197}They should notify us.|We have people all over the airport.|We'll take care of 'em. {169290}{169373}[ P.A. Announcer ]|Skycap to gate 47, please. {169551}{169674}[ P.A. ] ...for Chicago|is now ready for boarding at gate 17. {169722}{169817}Flight 623 to Minneapolis|is now boarding at gate-- {169819}{169912}- [ Cole ] I know this place.|- Airports all look the same. {169913}{169988}This is my dream. {170054}{170131}[ Laughing ]|Your mustache. {170133}{170214}It's not just my dream. {170215}{170277}I was actually here.|I remember now. {170279}{170426}I-- About a week or two before the--|before everyone started dying. {170427}{170487}Oh. Uh, careful. {170489}{170552}[ Kathryn ]|They might be looking for us. {170554}{170672}- I was here... as a kid.|- Use this. {170674}{170732}- I think you were here then too.|- James ! {170733}{170822}If they identify us,|they're going to send us someplace, {170824}{170904}but it won't be Key West. {170906}{170972}- Okay.|- Okay. Okay. {170974}{171032}- I'll go fix this.|- Okay. {171034}{171119}I'm gonna get the tickets.|I'll meet you in the newspaper stand. {171120}{171188}- Okay.|- Okay. {171307}{171403}[ P.A. ] This is a general|information announcement. {171405}{171497}- Judy Simmons. I have|reservations for Key West.|- Okay. {171498}{171602}[ P.A. ]|Flight 623 to Minneapolis... {171604}{171682}is now boarding at gate 44. {171761}{171860}- I don't see a lot of this. It's cash.|- It's a long story. {171862}{171920}We'll begin boarding|in about 20 minutes. {171921}{172019}- You have a nice flight, Miss Simmons.|- Thank you. {172097}{172172}[ Ticket Agent ]|Hello. How are you today ? {172214}{172274}I don't know whether|you're there or not. {172276}{172326}Maybe you just clean carpets. {172328}{172408}If you do, you're lucky.|You're gonna live a long, happy life. {172410}{172466}But if you other guys are out there,|if you're picking this up, {172468}{172526}forget about|the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. {172528}{172604}They didn't do it. It was a mistake.|Someone else did it. {172606}{172715}The Army of the Twelve Monkeys|is just a bunch of dumb kids|playin' revolutionaries. {172792}{172905}Listen. I've done my job.|I did what you wanted. {172906}{172967}Good luck.|I'm not coming back. {172969}{173055}Whoo-ee !|San Francisco, New Orleans, {173057}{173132}Rio de Janeiro, Rome, {173134}{173216}Kinshasa, Karachi,|Bangkok and Peking. {173218}{173300}This is some trip you're taking, sir.|Is this all in one week ? {173302}{173362}- Business.|- Hmm. {173383}{173442}Have a good one, sir. {173525}{173648}[ P.A. ] Any luggage found unattended|will be removed and destroyed. {173650}{173724}[ Foot Tapping ] {173796}{173883}[ Man, Raspy Voice ]|Got yourself a prob, Bob ? {173885}{173934}Leave me alone ! {173936}{174055}- [ Cole ] I made a report.|I didn't have to do that.|- Point of fact. {174057}{174122}You don't belong here. {174123}{174203}It's not permitted|to let you stay. {174205}{174263}- This is the present.|- [ Toilet Flushes ] {174264}{174338}This is not the past.|This is not the future. {174340}{174454}This is right now !|I'm not leaving' ! Get that ? {174455}{174522}You can't stop me. {174524}{174607}Anything you say, Chief.|It's none of my business. {174741}{174809}[ P.A. ]|Passengers for flight-- {174850}{174921}- Hey, Cole.|- Leave me alone ! {174923}{175017}Calm down, Cole. It's me.|Cole, it's me. {175053}{175162}- Jose ?|- Yeah, right. Jose. {175164}{175253}Why'd you pull out the tooth ?|That was nuts. {175255}{175329}- Here, take this.|- What ? What for ? Are you crazy ? {175331}{175460}Me ? Are you kidding ?|You're the one. You're a hero, man. {175462}{175538}They gave you a pardon. What do you do ?|You come back and fuck with your teeth. {175540}{175623}- How did you find me ?|- The phone call, man. {175625}{175682}They did their|reconstruction thing on it. {175684}{175789}The phone ?|The phone call I just made ? {175791}{175851}- Five minutes ago.|- Yeah, five minutes ago. {175853}{175918}Thirty years ago.|They just put it together. {175920}{175976}"Uh, hey, this is Cole, James. {175978}{176056}I don't know whether you're there|or not. Maybe you just clean carpets." {176058}{176180}Where'd you get that from ? "Forget|about the Army of the Twelve Monkeys." {176182}{176253}Man, if only they could've|got your message earlier. {176255}{176315}Take it. You could still be|a hero if you cooperate ! {176352}{176429}Come on, James.|It's okay. {176466}{176547}[ Tourists Chatting ln Japanese ] {176723}{176832}- Here's your change. Thank you.|- Thank you. {176834}{176910}- [ Chuckling ] Sorry.|- No problem. {177001}{177061}- Hi.|- Hi. {177063}{177175}[ P.A. ] Flight 784 for San Francisco|is ready for boarding at gate 38. {177177}{177282}Flight 784 for San Francisco|is ready for boarding-- {177284}{177342}Oh, my God ! {177344}{177445}I got orders. You know what|I'm supposed to do if you don't|go along ? Shoot the lady. {177447}{177523}- What ?|- You got that ? They said,|"lf Cole don't obey--" {177525}{177634}- I'll break your fuckin'--|You hear me ?|- [ Gagging, Coughing ] {177636}{177718}[ P.A. ]|Volunteers now boarding at gate 37. {177760}{177820}You see ?|I had no choice. {177822}{177935}These are my orders, man.|Just take it. Take it ! {178002}{178117}- [ Coughs ]|- This part isn't about|the virus at all, is it ? {178119}{178218}It's about followin' orders.|About doin' what you're told. {178219}{178301}Hey, man. You got a pardon.|What do you want ? {178303}{178422}- Who am I supposed to shoot ?|Who am I supposed to shoot ?|- James ! James ! {178424}{178540}Dr. Goines's assistant.|He's an apocalypse nut.|I think he's involved. {178542}{178599}The next flight to San Francisco|leaves from gate 38. {178600}{178650}If he's there,|I'm sure he's part of it. {178652}{178794}[ P.A. ]|...please go to gate 13. {178822}{178889}[ Buzzing ] {178891}{178993}Mr. Holtz, you wanna have|a look at this, please ? {178995}{179056}Excuse me, sir.|Would you mind... {179058}{179129}- Ietting me have a look|at the contents of your bag ?|- Me ? {179131}{179183}We don't have time for this. {179185}{179247}Excuse me. {179347}{179423}[ Peters ]|Biological samples. {179425}{179501}- I have the papers right here.|- Yeah. {179503}{179596}I'm gonna have to ask you|to open this up, sir. {179598}{179649}Open it ? {179651}{179707}Why, yes, of course. {179709}{179774}What could be better ?|Look over here. {179776}{179824}Look at the planes.|Hurry up. {179826}{179907}- Excuse me.|- Ma'am, you have to get in the line. {179909}{180019}See ? Biological.|Check the papers. {180021}{180102}It's all proper.|I have a permit. {180233}{180324}- It's empty.|- Well, yes, to be sure. {180326}{180441}It looks empty;|but I assure you, it's not. {180443}{180528}- You don't understand.|- No, I don't have to understand.|You have to get in line. {180530}{180599}This is very important. There's a man.|He's carrying a deadly virus. {180601}{180724}There, you see ?|Also invisible to the naked eye. {180773}{180893}It doesn't...|even have an odor. {180895}{180983}That's not necessary, sir.|There you go. {180985}{181063}Thank you for your cooperation.|Have a good flight. {181090}{181139}Yeah. {181271}{181358}- Who are you calling a moron ?|- I am calling you a fucking moron ! {181360}{181415}- Fucking moron ?|- Get your hands off her ! {181443}{181492}Hold it. {181494}{181568}Wait a moment. {181671}{181732}[ Arguing Continues ] {181734}{181822}Fuckin' moron ? You're not|gettin' through. Now get in the line ! {181824}{181878}[ Male Officer ]|I said stop ! {181880}{181934}[ Arguing Continues ] {181936}{182014}There he is ! That man !|He's carrying a deadly virus ! {182016}{182088}[ Kathryn ] Stop him !|Somebody, please stop him ! {182106}{182171}Police Offi-- {182173}{182302}[ Alarm Beeping ] {182304}{182388}[ Man Shouts ]|He's got a gun ! {182560}{182627}Watch it ! {182760}{182831}No ! {182833}{182918}Freeze ! {186354}{186402}Excuse me. {186404}{186528}[ Astrophysicist ] It's obscene,|all the violence, all the lunacy. {186530}{186613}Shootings even at airports now. {186615}{186707}You might say that we're|the next endangered species. {186709}{186781}Human beings. {186783}{186886}[ Panting ]|I think you're right, ma'am. {186919}{186992}I think you've hit|the nail on the head. {187048}{187112}Jones is my name. {187227}{187289}I'm in insurance. {187871}{187964}[ Airplane Engines Roaring ] {188535}{188646}[ Louis Armstrong ]|¶ I see trees of green ¶ {188648}{188731}¶ Red roses too ¶ {188733}{188814}¶ I see them bloom ¶ {188816}{188871}¶ Just for me and you ¶ {188873}{189000}¶ And I think to myself ¶ {189002}{189093}¶ What a wonderful world ¶ {189199}{189312}¶ I see skies of blue ¶ {189314}{189398}¶ And clouds of white ¶ {189400}{189477}¶ The bright blessed day ¶ {189479}{189553}¶ The dark sacred night ¶ {189555}{189673}¶ And I think to myself ¶ {189675}{189776}¶ What a wonderful world ¶ {189878}{189960}¶ The colors of the rainbow ¶ {189962}{190047}¶ So pretty in the sky ¶ {190049}{190128}¶ Are also on the faces ¶ {190129}{190199}¶ Of people going by ¶ {190201}{190294}¶ I see friends shakin' hands ¶ {190296}{190401}¶ Sayin', "How do you do" ¶ {190403}{190542}¶ They're really saying|I love you ¶ {190544}{190646}¶ I hear babies cryin' ¶ {190647}{190733}¶ I watch them grow ¶ {190735}{190816}¶ They'll learn much more ¶ {190818}{190888}¶ Then I'll ever know ¶ {190889}{191011}¶ And I think to myself ¶ {191013}{191110}¶ What a wonderful world ¶ {191176}{191357}¶ Yes, I think to myself ¶ {191359}{191507}¶ What a wonderful world ¶ {191618}{191723}¶ Oh, yeah ¶¶