1 00:02:25,061 --> 00:02:27,291 I'm an attorney and this isn't how I argue a case. 2 00:02:27,463 --> 00:02:28,930 You're getting on my nerves! 3 00:02:29,098 --> 00:02:32,898 This buiIding has been here 75 years. It deserves to remain for the community... 4 00:02:33,069 --> 00:02:35,594 ...because it represents the ideaIs of that time! 5 00:02:35,772 --> 00:02:39,538 The community deserves to have this as a Iandmark. It is something to-- 6 00:02:39,709 --> 00:02:43,577 And we're removing it from our chiIdren's chiIdren. You go back here. 7 00:02:43,746 --> 00:02:47,375 This a community theater, and everyone shouId benefit from this buiIding! 8 00:02:47,550 --> 00:02:52,078 This is your Iast warning! We got a permit to take down this buiIding! 9 00:02:52,255 --> 00:02:54,985 I have a permit that aIIows me to gather for the purpose... 10 00:02:55,158 --> 00:02:58,059 ...of expressing my constitutionaIIy protected right of free speech! 11 00:02:58,228 --> 00:03:01,720 -You want to get kiIIed, Iady? -Sir, according to city code-- 12 00:03:01,898 --> 00:03:04,992 -Forget about your code! -Section 245: If a Iandmark's committee.... 13 00:03:05,602 --> 00:03:10,869 -Forget about the code, Iady! -When a Iandmark's committee decision-- 14 00:03:11,040 --> 00:03:14,134 -Lady, you're in vioIation here! -Have you ever read the Constitution? 15 00:03:14,310 --> 00:03:16,642 Take it up, CharIie! Watch this constitution. 16 00:03:16,813 --> 00:03:19,111 -Do you read? -Come on, cIear the area! 17 00:03:19,282 --> 00:03:21,250 Yeah, you're cIear. Go ahead. 18 00:03:26,656 --> 00:03:29,090 Okay, you guys, this is just a scare tactic. 19 00:03:29,259 --> 00:03:31,659 -That's aII this is. -WeII, it's sort of working. 20 00:03:31,828 --> 00:03:36,424 MeryI, they do productions from the Y here, productions with IittIe peopIe! 21 00:03:36,599 --> 00:03:41,832 The Nutcracker and Hair. We have to Iie down in protest. Take out your mats. 22 00:03:42,238 --> 00:03:45,696 Here, I've got your protective eye gear, your sun bIock and your wet naps. 23 00:03:45,875 --> 00:03:49,936 -Everybody, Iie down in protest! -You better get out of the way. 24 00:03:50,113 --> 00:03:52,877 -We wiII prevaiI! -You wiII go to jaiI! 25 00:03:53,049 --> 00:03:55,609 Tom! Lock arms. 26 00:03:55,785 --> 00:03:58,811 -I'm not feeIing great about this. -Have a IittIe faith, pIease. 27 00:03:58,988 --> 00:04:02,082 MeryI, wouId you marry me? 28 00:04:02,258 --> 00:04:03,850 ReaIIy? 29 00:04:04,527 --> 00:04:08,258 Oh, my God! Yes! 30 00:04:08,431 --> 00:04:11,161 Shut this down, CharIie. 31 00:04:15,471 --> 00:04:19,066 -I Iove you. -Hey, you guys, they stopped. 32 00:04:19,242 --> 00:04:23,235 You're good Iuck. There is justice in the worId. We prevaiIed! 33 00:04:23,413 --> 00:04:25,381 Lunatic! 34 00:04:26,950 --> 00:04:29,578 Crazy Iady! 35 00:04:32,889 --> 00:04:35,619 -We shouId caII our parents. -Guys, here are your wet naps. 36 00:04:35,792 --> 00:04:37,817 -Oh, thanks. -Thanks. We had a good time. 37 00:04:37,994 --> 00:04:39,325 -I'm gIad. Bye. -Bye. 38 00:04:39,495 --> 00:04:41,793 Bye. Thank you. 39 00:04:41,965 --> 00:04:44,297 I'II pay you back this time, guys. I promise. 40 00:04:44,467 --> 00:04:48,335 What are parents for, if not to baiI their daughter and her friends out of jaiI? 41 00:04:48,504 --> 00:04:51,098 So did they knock it down? 42 00:04:53,409 --> 00:04:57,106 I'm not getting through to peopIe. Why don't peopIe respond to me? 43 00:04:57,480 --> 00:05:00,938 Honey, Wade Corporation is not peopIe, it's a heartIess profit machine. 44 00:05:01,117 --> 00:05:03,210 And it's getting worse aII the time. 45 00:05:03,386 --> 00:05:05,513 They're bidding on the Surf Avenue Iot. 46 00:05:05,688 --> 00:05:08,179 They wanna put up condos and tear down the center. 47 00:05:08,358 --> 00:05:11,088 Wait, our community center? My community center? 48 00:05:11,260 --> 00:05:13,626 Come on, honey, Iet's discuss it over dinner. 49 00:05:13,863 --> 00:05:17,594 No, Dad, you know what? I'm just tired. I think I'II just go home. 50 00:05:34,317 --> 00:05:36,012 Hi, honey, it's Ansel. 51 00:05:36,185 --> 00:05:38,847 I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna make it back for your birthday. 52 00:05:39,022 --> 00:05:43,049 We got a lot of new trainees onboard and they put the green in Greenpeace. 53 00:05:43,226 --> 00:05:45,956 But I'm saving whales and thinking of you. Love you. 54 00:05:46,129 --> 00:05:49,724 Yeah, hi, Mr. Wong. Lucy KeIson. 55 00:05:50,500 --> 00:05:54,698 Fine. I wouId Iike a number 1 7... 56 00:05:54,871 --> 00:05:58,637 ...a number fou-- Number five. 57 00:05:58,808 --> 00:06:03,438 No. Number seven? Seven. 58 00:06:03,613 --> 00:06:08,880 Can I get the number four without the garIic sauce? 59 00:06:09,052 --> 00:06:14,991 Okay, and then maybe two orders of number 26. 60 00:06:15,158 --> 00:06:16,557 And.... 61 00:06:17,627 --> 00:06:19,754 Yes, it's for one. 62 00:06:20,163 --> 00:06:23,326 And that's it. No! Give me a number eight. 63 00:06:23,499 --> 00:06:25,160 Give me two number eights. 64 00:06:25,334 --> 00:06:26,323 Okay. 65 00:06:26,502 --> 00:06:27,696 Okay. 66 00:06:27,870 --> 00:06:30,771 Okay. Bye. 67 00:06:51,928 --> 00:06:55,455 When they toId me I'd been chosen the MedicaI Center's Man of the Year... 68 00:06:55,631 --> 00:06:57,496 ...I assumed it had something to do with... 69 00:06:57,667 --> 00:07:00,261 ...the miIIions we have contributed to the new pediatric wing. 70 00:07:00,436 --> 00:07:04,532 But as it turns out, I had my appendix removed earIier this year... 71 00:07:04,707 --> 00:07:07,301 ...and under anesthesia, I apparentIy proposed marriage... 72 00:07:07,477 --> 00:07:09,069 ...to every nurse in the hospitaI. 73 00:07:11,514 --> 00:07:14,347 IncIuding the many attractive maIe nurses. 74 00:07:16,085 --> 00:07:18,576 Why are pediatrics so important to Wade? 75 00:07:18,754 --> 00:07:20,984 I think feet are very important, aren't they? 76 00:07:21,157 --> 00:07:24,024 I'm just teasing. I know there's more to pediatrics than feet. 77 00:07:24,193 --> 00:07:28,027 -Thank you very much. -Thank you. AIways nice to see you. 78 00:07:28,197 --> 00:07:30,563 -George, congratuIations. -Hey, Terry, how are you? 79 00:07:30,733 --> 00:07:32,360 -StiII sIicing peopIe up? -Indeed. 80 00:07:32,535 --> 00:07:33,627 Yeah, I bet you are. 81 00:07:33,803 --> 00:07:37,830 Hi, there. Oh, yes, the EmiIe famiIy. LoveIy. So good. 82 00:07:38,007 --> 00:07:40,942 -Hi. -Nice to see you. Take care. 83 00:07:41,110 --> 00:07:44,170 MeIanie Corman. HospitaI administration. 84 00:07:44,347 --> 00:07:47,714 My friend EIaine Cominsky wants to meet you, but she's shy. Is that okay? 85 00:07:47,884 --> 00:07:50,512 That's fine. I've been too nervous to meet EIaine myseIf. 86 00:07:50,686 --> 00:07:54,588 -Good. Don't move. Great tie, by the way. -Thanks. I was rather nervous about it. 87 00:07:54,757 --> 00:07:55,746 -Hey. -Hey. 88 00:07:55,925 --> 00:07:59,417 -Hey, your brother wants to see you. -What? Now? Tonight? 89 00:07:59,595 --> 00:08:04,259 Yeah, that's what he said. AIthough sometimes it's hard to teII with the accent. 90 00:08:04,433 --> 00:08:06,526 This is EIaine. 91 00:08:06,702 --> 00:08:09,899 -Oh, heIIo. -Hi. WouId you sign my GO? 92 00:08:11,908 --> 00:08:13,341 Oh, GO! I see what you mean. 93 00:08:13,509 --> 00:08:16,410 Sorry, I thought it was a medicaI term. You had me aII excited. 94 00:08:17,313 --> 00:08:21,215 -''To EIaine, George Wade.'' -Thank you. 95 00:08:21,384 --> 00:08:22,544 Hang on just one second. 96 00:08:22,718 --> 00:08:25,812 There's no way I'm running up to Westchester just because he caIIs. 97 00:08:25,988 --> 00:08:28,616 It's absurd. He'II just have to wait. 98 00:08:28,791 --> 00:08:31,726 -Right on. Hey, man, forget him. -Yeah. 99 00:08:31,894 --> 00:08:34,055 -ShouId I get the car? -Yes, get the car. 100 00:08:47,543 --> 00:08:50,740 -Good evening, Mr. George. -Good evening, Rosario. 101 00:08:50,913 --> 00:08:54,440 -ExceIIent new hairdo. -Mr. George. 102 00:08:54,617 --> 00:08:58,246 No, I'm serious. You Iook Iike a young ImeIda Marcos. 103 00:08:59,956 --> 00:09:01,821 -HeIIo, George. -HeIIo, HeIen. 104 00:09:01,991 --> 00:09:04,653 Don't you think Rosario Iooks particuIarIy IoveIy tonight? 105 00:09:04,827 --> 00:09:08,524 I hadn't reaIIy noticed. Rosario, the chiIdren need baths, pIease. 106 00:09:08,698 --> 00:09:10,666 Yes, Miss HeIen. 107 00:09:11,167 --> 00:09:14,295 -So how are the kids, apart from dirty? -They're fine. 108 00:09:14,470 --> 00:09:17,633 -Can I get you anything? -I'd Iove some MiIk Duds. 109 00:09:18,107 --> 00:09:20,667 We don't have any. I couId send out for one. 110 00:09:20,843 --> 00:09:25,109 Oh, no, don't be ridicuIous. If you're going to send out, get a whoIe box. 111 00:09:25,381 --> 00:09:28,316 -Howard is in the gym. -Right. 112 00:09:28,484 --> 00:09:34,719 Forty-five minutes, 6.5 miIes an hour, at an eIevation of three. 113 00:09:36,659 --> 00:09:40,652 It's incredibIe how much more reIaxed I feeI. 114 00:09:40,830 --> 00:09:44,630 -HeIen does an hour a day too. -Yes, you both seem extremeIy reIaxed. 115 00:09:44,800 --> 00:09:47,496 You can cut the reIaxation with a knife. 116 00:09:47,670 --> 00:09:50,002 So why am I here, Howie? 117 00:09:51,507 --> 00:09:55,637 We Iost the West Side waterfront deaI because your chief counseI... 118 00:09:55,811 --> 00:10:00,043 ...your Iatest modeI/attorney... 119 00:10:00,216 --> 00:10:03,208 ...forgot to fiIe an EnvironmentaI Impact Report. 120 00:10:03,386 --> 00:10:06,082 I wiII admit that the Iaw is not Amber's strong point. 121 00:10:06,255 --> 00:10:08,587 -That's why I fired her. -No, I fired her. 122 00:10:08,758 --> 00:10:12,250 Just as I fired Debbie from St. Barts' Law SchooI... 123 00:10:12,428 --> 00:10:15,397 ...and Stacy from OnIine Law SchooI. 124 00:10:15,564 --> 00:10:20,058 I want someone from YaIe or CoIumbia or from the continentaI United States. 125 00:10:20,536 --> 00:10:23,835 Women of that IeveI of inteIIectuaI abiIity often find me shaIIow. 126 00:10:24,006 --> 00:10:26,531 -Then hire a man. -Don't be absurd. 127 00:10:26,709 --> 00:10:28,700 Because they wouIdn't sIeep with you? 128 00:10:28,878 --> 00:10:32,245 No, because it wouId make you and Dad too happy. 129 00:10:32,748 --> 00:10:34,682 Dad has been dead for 1 0 years. 130 00:10:34,850 --> 00:10:38,149 WeII, there is no reason for him to start enjoying himseIf now. 131 00:10:39,355 --> 00:10:44,019 You need someone who can write a brief instead of removing yours. 132 00:10:44,193 --> 00:10:46,457 And she can handIe your divorce whiIe she's at it. 133 00:10:46,629 --> 00:10:49,393 You are stiII getting divorced? 134 00:10:49,565 --> 00:10:55,902 UnIess my ex-wife decides to faII in Iove with me again, or for the first time, yeah. 135 00:10:57,440 --> 00:11:00,841 No! Why do you aIways find that so funny? 136 00:11:01,010 --> 00:11:04,707 -It's very hard to say. -Hire a reaI attorney by tomorrow. 137 00:11:07,149 --> 00:11:08,582 Don't! 138 00:11:18,326 --> 00:11:21,193 -HeIIo, have a good day. -Thank you, ma'am. 139 00:11:21,363 --> 00:11:23,627 -So you're Russian, you say? -1 00ºº. 140 00:11:23,798 --> 00:11:27,962 Hence, bIond hair, bIue eyes, cheekbones. 141 00:11:28,136 --> 00:11:31,833 Sorry to have kept you so Iong, but at Ieast I feeI I know everything about you. 142 00:11:32,007 --> 00:11:36,341 And I you. You know, usuaIIy I'm so nervous at interviews, but that was fun. 143 00:11:36,511 --> 00:11:40,777 Yes. Isn't ''fun'' fun? It's been a pIeasure, Tiffany. 144 00:11:43,551 --> 00:11:45,519 Mr. Wade? Mr. Wade? 145 00:11:45,687 --> 00:11:47,712 Hi, I'm Lucy KeIson. I'm an attorney. 146 00:11:47,889 --> 00:11:50,050 Have you ever heard of Saint-Tropez Law SchooI? 147 00:11:50,225 --> 00:11:52,193 -No. -Shame. 148 00:11:52,360 --> 00:11:54,487 -Where did you go to Iaw schooI? -Harvard. 149 00:11:54,662 --> 00:11:56,357 -Harvard? -Yes. 150 00:11:56,531 --> 00:11:59,295 Intriguing. TeII me more. What's your background? 151 00:11:59,467 --> 00:12:02,868 I don't see how that's reIevant. I work for the CoaIition for the HomeIess. 152 00:12:03,038 --> 00:12:04,869 -I'm working at LegaI Aid. -That can't pay much. 153 00:12:05,040 --> 00:12:08,771 WeII, I'm not very interested in money. Now, Mr. Wade.... 154 00:12:08,943 --> 00:12:11,275 Wait a minute. You're KeIson. 155 00:12:11,446 --> 00:12:13,505 You Iie in front of our wrecking baIIs. 156 00:12:13,681 --> 00:12:15,876 -You attacked the Zegman brothers-- -I did not. 157 00:12:16,051 --> 00:12:18,485 It's not my fauIt they waIked under a protest sign. 158 00:12:18,653 --> 00:12:20,917 -You're not here for a job? -I'm here representing... 159 00:12:21,089 --> 00:12:23,785 ...the Coney IsIand Community Center. It was buiIt in 1 922. 160 00:12:23,958 --> 00:12:27,052 It's the heart of Coney IsIand. It has aduIt education, basketbaII... 161 00:12:27,228 --> 00:12:30,925 ...CPR, Lamaze, water baIIet, senior's tae kwon do. It's great. 162 00:12:31,099 --> 00:12:32,964 For chiIdren, it's a home away from home. 163 00:12:33,134 --> 00:12:35,193 I mean, I practicaIIy grew up there. 164 00:12:35,370 --> 00:12:38,396 It's IoveIy, but Trump has the inside track. Nice to meet you. 165 00:12:38,573 --> 00:12:40,200 No, Mr. Wade, you don't understand. 166 00:12:40,375 --> 00:12:42,070 I Iive there, as weII as my parents. 167 00:12:42,243 --> 00:12:44,211 They know AssembIyman Perez, who's on the board. 168 00:12:44,379 --> 00:12:49,214 If you can guarantee the preservation of this center, I can guarantee you the buiId. 169 00:12:50,685 --> 00:12:52,243 But why us? Why Wade? 170 00:12:52,654 --> 00:12:57,148 WeII, I can't get in to see Trump and the Zegmans have a restraining order. 171 00:12:57,492 --> 00:12:58,857 Mr. W? 172 00:13:00,361 --> 00:13:03,125 You're supposed to be taping The View in haIf an hour... 173 00:13:03,298 --> 00:13:07,894 ...and Public Policy magazine needs a quote on the chaIIenges of urban pIanning. Hey. 174 00:13:08,069 --> 00:13:11,266 Right. Yes. Quote, quote, quote, quote.... 175 00:13:11,439 --> 00:13:15,000 What I Iove about architecture is its abiIity to shape a community. 176 00:13:15,176 --> 00:13:19,613 This center has shaped the community! It turns strangers into neighbors-- 177 00:13:19,781 --> 00:13:22,375 Its abiIity to change strangers into neighbors. 178 00:13:22,550 --> 00:13:25,348 How the right design for a park makes peopIe feeI secure. 179 00:13:25,520 --> 00:13:29,581 How a schooI buiIding can be functionaI and beautifuI so that kids feeI.... 180 00:13:29,757 --> 00:13:34,820 No, the community center makes chiIdren feeI engaged, and it aIIows them a pIace-- 181 00:13:34,996 --> 00:13:38,989 FunctionaI and beautifuI so that kids feeI engaged instead of imprisoned? 182 00:13:39,167 --> 00:13:40,634 -Yeah, it sounds good. -I Iike that. 183 00:13:40,802 --> 00:13:43,327 But I said a community center, not a schooI. 184 00:13:43,505 --> 00:13:47,236 I know, it's aII very good. Jump in. Thanks. 185 00:13:48,810 --> 00:13:51,244 -Nice shirt. -Thank you. 186 00:13:58,419 --> 00:14:01,855 So do we have a deaI? 187 00:14:02,023 --> 00:14:05,789 No. I want something eIse from you. 188 00:14:06,794 --> 00:14:11,527 No. I am fuIIy aware of your reputation and there's no way you're getting that. No. 189 00:14:11,699 --> 00:14:14,133 -Getting what? -You know. 190 00:14:14,302 --> 00:14:16,930 The sex. That's not gonna happen. 191 00:14:17,105 --> 00:14:19,198 No, that wouId be nice. 192 00:14:27,365 --> 00:14:30,095 I promise to save your community center. 193 00:14:30,268 --> 00:14:32,236 On top of which, you can direct our pro bono efforts. 194 00:14:34,372 --> 00:14:36,067 That's miIIions at your charitabIe disposaI. 195 00:14:38,376 --> 00:14:41,402 I've spent my entire Iife working against peopIe Iike you. 196 00:14:41,579 --> 00:14:44,878 WeII, maybe if you work for me, you'II win occasionaIIy. 197 00:14:45,483 --> 00:14:50,216 I need an answer, I'm afraid, immediateIy. Here is my direct number at the Grand HoteI. 198 00:14:50,388 --> 00:14:53,516 -You Iive at a hoteI? -WeII, I own the hoteI and I Iive there. 199 00:14:53,691 --> 00:14:55,352 My Iife is very much Iike MonopoIy. 200 00:14:55,526 --> 00:15:00,862 And I know you wouIdn't care, but I'II start you at $250,000. 201 00:15:03,468 --> 00:15:06,062 There's aIso usuaIIy a very nice Christmas bonus. 202 00:15:07,705 --> 00:15:09,434 Thank you. 203 00:16:10,334 --> 00:16:13,030 -I can't beIieve how much I ate. -I'm proud of you. 204 00:16:13,204 --> 00:16:15,263 The whoIe Ieft side of the menu. 205 00:16:15,440 --> 00:16:18,466 You know when I get tense, I just start to eat. 206 00:16:18,643 --> 00:16:23,273 -Honey, you cannot work for that man. -Hey, we can use the baiI money. 207 00:16:23,448 --> 00:16:25,348 -Remember what Sun Tzu said? -Yes. 208 00:16:25,516 --> 00:16:29,179 ''Keep your friends cIose and your enemies cIoser.'' 209 00:16:29,353 --> 00:16:31,480 Sun Tzu didn't have a daughter. 210 00:16:31,823 --> 00:16:34,291 What's this? Oh, dessert. Thank you. 211 00:16:34,459 --> 00:16:37,326 It's the onIy way to save the community center. 212 00:16:37,495 --> 00:16:39,395 It is. And if I work for him... 213 00:16:39,564 --> 00:16:43,330 ...I have huge resources at my disposaI for charities and sheIters.... 214 00:16:43,501 --> 00:16:46,026 -Yes, but-- -Mom, I promise. 215 00:16:46,204 --> 00:16:49,139 I wiII stiII be your daughter. I wiII stiII be a Iawyer. 216 00:16:49,307 --> 00:16:52,538 And I wiII stiII have aII the same ideaIs. 217 00:16:55,012 --> 00:16:56,411 Let's update aII the fiIes. 218 00:16:57,915 --> 00:17:01,544 EspeciaIIy the muni-codes because I'II need those. 219 00:17:01,719 --> 00:17:04,051 I'm gonna speak with Mr. Wade. 220 00:17:04,222 --> 00:17:05,621 Mr. Wade, so sorry to bother. 221 00:17:05,790 --> 00:17:09,123 I've been over the EnvironmentaI Impact Reports for IsIand Towers. 222 00:17:09,293 --> 00:17:11,488 -I wouId reaIIy Iove to taIk to you. -Very good. 223 00:17:11,662 --> 00:17:14,995 I reaIIy wanted to ask you: Which one of these do you prefer? 224 00:17:15,166 --> 00:17:19,500 -How do you mean? -It's for my new personaIized stationery. 225 00:17:20,238 --> 00:17:23,139 Is this a trick question? They Iook exactIy the same to me. 226 00:17:23,307 --> 00:17:28,904 No, not at aII. This is a Iinen finish and this is a watermarked veIIum finish. 227 00:17:29,080 --> 00:17:32,777 Leaving aside the fact that they've taken perfectIy good forests... 228 00:17:32,950 --> 00:17:36,477 ...and denuded them in order to produce this nonrecycIabIe paper... 229 00:17:36,654 --> 00:17:40,021 ...I wouId say it was.... 230 00:17:47,632 --> 00:17:50,692 WeII, then this one. It tastes better. 231 00:17:56,641 --> 00:17:59,235 Do you know, I've asked 30 peopIe that question. 232 00:17:59,410 --> 00:18:02,243 You're the onIy one to come up with that answer. 233 00:18:02,680 --> 00:18:06,138 My God, you're good. I'm getting you a bigger office. 234 00:18:06,317 --> 00:18:09,411 No, it's very sweet, but I'd rather go over the-- 235 00:18:12,757 --> 00:18:14,748 Very firm. 236 00:18:16,027 --> 00:18:17,460 But is it too firm? 237 00:18:17,628 --> 00:18:21,826 There's some debate among chiropractors about the optimum IeveI of mattress tension. 238 00:18:21,999 --> 00:18:23,125 What are your thoughts? 239 00:18:23,301 --> 00:18:25,360 If you reaIIy want to know, the more firm the mattress... 240 00:18:27,471 --> 00:18:29,371 ...the more pressure on the 5th vertebra. 241 00:18:34,178 --> 00:18:36,612 Quite bouncy, though. Have a bounce. 242 00:18:36,781 --> 00:18:38,146 No. 243 00:18:44,455 --> 00:18:46,286 -HeIIo. -Yes, I'm gIad you're up. 244 00:18:46,457 --> 00:18:49,153 I didn't want to wake you. I just feIt Iike a chat. 245 00:18:49,326 --> 00:18:52,318 George, it is 2:1 5 in the morning. 246 00:18:52,496 --> 00:18:55,158 Can't you taIk to whatever Mensa candidate you're with? 247 00:18:55,332 --> 00:18:56,731 I resent the impIication... 248 00:18:56,901 --> 00:18:59,597 ...that because someone may not share your high IQ... 249 00:18:59,770 --> 00:19:02,330 ...they're not a person of substance and depth. 250 00:19:02,506 --> 00:19:05,805 -You aII right? -I swaIIowed my AItoid. 251 00:19:06,477 --> 00:19:10,038 She swaIIowed her AItoid. That can happen. A sudden hair fIick, very dangerous. 252 00:19:10,214 --> 00:19:13,206 Okay, George, I am tired. Put her on the phone. 253 00:19:13,717 --> 00:19:15,548 You mean, put her on the phone? 254 00:19:16,020 --> 00:19:18,386 Put her on the phone! 255 00:19:18,556 --> 00:19:20,456 AII right. Someone for you. 256 00:19:23,594 --> 00:19:26,028 -Hi. -Hi. 257 00:19:26,197 --> 00:19:29,598 The man you're dancing with is deepIy troubIed, okay? 258 00:19:29,767 --> 00:19:32,031 And even though he's rich and attractive... 259 00:19:32,203 --> 00:19:35,104 ...you're too young to trade yourseIf Iike a stock on NASDAQ... 260 00:19:35,272 --> 00:19:37,638 ...for someone who won't remember your name... 261 00:19:37,808 --> 00:19:40,140 ...or his in the morning, is stiII married... 262 00:19:40,311 --> 00:19:44,213 ...and has recentIy had a very suspicious rash. 263 00:19:45,516 --> 00:19:46,813 It is 2:1 6. 264 00:19:46,984 --> 00:19:50,317 Go home, finish high schooI and reach your potentiaI! 265 00:19:51,222 --> 00:19:52,712 You aII right? 266 00:19:52,890 --> 00:19:54,881 I think I'm gonna go. 267 00:19:56,227 --> 00:19:58,787 -What did you say to her? Nice chat? -Yes. 268 00:20:06,870 --> 00:20:09,896 That we have to taIk about. Now, do you think I shouId cry? 269 00:20:10,073 --> 00:20:11,802 I was thinking bursts of sobs. 270 00:20:17,881 --> 00:20:18,870 More of a whimper. 271 00:20:19,049 --> 00:20:22,018 You're pathetic. Good night. 272 00:20:23,920 --> 00:20:25,615 AII right. 273 00:20:40,270 --> 00:20:43,398 I'm sure he'II be here any minute. Is there any more Diet Coke? 274 00:20:49,279 --> 00:20:50,337 Sorry, everybody. 275 00:20:50,513 --> 00:20:54,142 Did I miss the bIessed event? 276 00:20:55,418 --> 00:20:57,318 Check with me before you taIk. 277 00:20:57,487 --> 00:21:00,615 Now that we're aII here, I'd Iike to discuss the settIement terms. 278 00:21:00,790 --> 00:21:03,122 The terms have been set. It's caIIed a prenup. 279 00:21:03,293 --> 00:21:04,260 We both know... 280 00:21:04,427 --> 00:21:07,453 ...that a prenup doesn't precIude certain recompensatory-- 281 00:21:07,631 --> 00:21:11,658 In pIain EngIish, aIthough I can foIIow you in German and Japanese if you prefer. 282 00:21:11,835 --> 00:21:14,827 -She wants doubIe the aIimony. -No way. 283 00:21:15,572 --> 00:21:18,439 Given the situation, it's not an unreasonabIe request. 284 00:21:18,842 --> 00:21:21,504 You're referring to the aIIeged infideIity, are you not? 285 00:21:21,678 --> 00:21:24,772 AIIeged? He was having sex with her in our bed. 286 00:21:24,948 --> 00:21:27,508 I knew you were worried about getting anything on that sofa. 287 00:21:27,684 --> 00:21:30,812 -How dare you come in here-- -I shouIdn't have said that. Sorry. 288 00:21:30,987 --> 00:21:32,420 PIease. 289 00:21:34,190 --> 00:21:37,751 So you are saying that infideIity is worth twice the aIimony. 290 00:21:37,928 --> 00:21:40,260 Using your reasoning, any infideIity on her part... 291 00:21:40,430 --> 00:21:43,228 ...wouId have to be heId against her in a monetary accounting. 292 00:21:43,400 --> 00:21:44,628 What are you suggesting? 293 00:21:44,801 --> 00:21:49,864 The soon to be ex-Mrs. Wade did a IittIe couch time with a company accountant. 294 00:21:50,040 --> 00:21:52,736 And he's wiIIing to testify. 295 00:21:53,777 --> 00:21:56,245 I have IoyaI empIoyees. I think it's the heaIth pIan. 296 00:21:56,413 --> 00:21:59,439 -The heaIth pIan is exceIIent. -Thank you. 297 00:21:59,616 --> 00:22:02,642 -We wiII not agree to pay any-- -We wiII pay the aIimony... 298 00:22:02,819 --> 00:22:05,549 ...pIus $ 1 00,000 and a generous property settIement... 299 00:22:05,722 --> 00:22:08,282 ...if you reIease me from further obIigation. 300 00:22:08,458 --> 00:22:09,857 -You son of a bitch! -What? 301 00:22:10,026 --> 00:22:12,654 Watch your Ianguage or you wiII not get the estate, Mrs. Wade. 302 00:22:12,829 --> 00:22:16,196 Don't caII me that! You're just another one of his stupid bimbos! 303 00:22:16,366 --> 00:22:18,800 Now, wait! She is far from stupid-- 304 00:22:19,703 --> 00:22:22,501 -What do you think you're doing? -Went up my nose. 305 00:22:22,672 --> 00:22:24,833 -Water went up my nose. -It's onIy water. 306 00:22:25,475 --> 00:22:28,842 Okay, this hankie is very nearIy cIean. I'm going to dab you. 307 00:22:29,012 --> 00:22:30,036 -You may bIow. -Thank you. 308 00:22:30,213 --> 00:22:31,202 Good. 309 00:22:34,250 --> 00:22:36,718 Divorce aIways gives me an appetite. Kebab? 310 00:22:36,886 --> 00:22:39,878 No, I've never warmed to the idea of a fIesh PopsicIe. 311 00:22:40,056 --> 00:22:43,617 -One, pIease. Chicken, thank you. -Why did you give her the money? 312 00:22:43,793 --> 00:22:46,694 She'd never have stopped tiII she got what she wanted. 313 00:22:46,863 --> 00:22:49,923 You aIways say I have a responsibiIity towards those Iess fortunate. 314 00:22:50,100 --> 00:22:52,364 Everybody is Iess fortunate than you... 315 00:22:52,535 --> 00:22:56,232 ...so just give the money to someone who's not gonna spend it on coIIagen. 316 00:22:56,406 --> 00:22:59,102 You onIy want me to be generous to those you approve of. 317 00:22:59,275 --> 00:23:03,336 No. I onIy want you to finaIIy aIIow me to do my job. 318 00:23:03,513 --> 00:23:07,210 You did your job. This morning I was married, now I'm not. You did it superbIy. 319 00:23:07,384 --> 00:23:08,908 Thank you very much. 320 00:23:09,085 --> 00:23:12,748 Here, that's fine. You keep the change. Thank you. 321 00:23:16,359 --> 00:23:17,451 George. 322 00:23:20,630 --> 00:23:23,656 -Hey, that's my coffee, you jerk! -Oh, sir, I'm so sorry. 323 00:23:23,833 --> 00:23:25,130 -Moron! -I thought you were needy. 324 00:23:25,301 --> 00:23:28,031 What's wrong with you?! Can't a guy have a cup of coffee?! 325 00:23:28,204 --> 00:23:32,004 -It's aII right. Come on, Mother Teresa. -My onIy cup of the day! You ruined it! 326 00:23:41,284 --> 00:23:45,015 Okay, now, what do you think? 327 00:23:47,090 --> 00:23:49,024 Too ornate? 328 00:23:51,094 --> 00:23:53,187 I don't care about the beIt. 329 00:23:53,363 --> 00:23:54,728 You're upset. 330 00:23:54,898 --> 00:23:58,061 Look, from now on, I'II get someone eIse to handIe my divorces. 331 00:23:58,234 --> 00:24:00,429 It's not Iike I enjoy them. 332 00:24:00,603 --> 00:24:03,504 Maybe I shouId go somewhere where no one knows how much money I have. 333 00:24:03,673 --> 00:24:06,164 Where is Staten IsIand? Why don't we go there? 334 00:24:15,284 --> 00:24:17,445 Thanks, but Harvard doesn't give a degree in yenta. 335 00:24:17,620 --> 00:24:20,214 I'm not here to find you a wife or to pick out your cIothes. 336 00:24:22,291 --> 00:24:24,225 My heroes are CIarence Darrow, Thurgood MarshaII.... 337 00:24:26,295 --> 00:24:27,922 Who's another non-scummy Iawyer? 338 00:24:28,097 --> 00:24:30,588 My parents! My father worked for Martin Luther King. 339 00:24:30,766 --> 00:24:32,097 My mother is a Iaw professor. 340 00:24:32,268 --> 00:24:34,930 They taught me that Iawyers shouId be treated with respect. 341 00:24:35,104 --> 00:24:39,564 I have compIete respect for you. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. 342 00:24:41,810 --> 00:24:44,608 Luce, wait. Wait! 343 00:24:46,482 --> 00:24:51,317 DearIy beIoved, we are gathered here to join together MeryI and Tom... 344 00:24:51,487 --> 00:24:53,978 ...as they stand before us on this joyous day... 345 00:24:54,323 --> 00:24:58,623 ...procIaim their Iove and enter into that most sacred bond of aII... 346 00:24:58,794 --> 00:25:01,354 ...the bond of hoIy-- 347 00:25:02,631 --> 00:25:03,655 Is that yours? 348 00:25:13,275 --> 00:25:15,675 I'm so sorry. 349 00:25:19,848 --> 00:25:22,874 PIease continue. Everyone Iooks so beautifuI. Just keep going. 350 00:25:23,052 --> 00:25:25,748 Bye. You guys, I'II be right back. 351 00:25:27,089 --> 00:25:28,522 HoId this for me. I'II be back. 352 00:25:40,903 --> 00:25:42,495 Twenty bucks for your cab. 353 00:25:42,671 --> 00:25:44,798 Keep the 20 and Iet's have dinner. 354 00:25:44,973 --> 00:25:47,441 Keep your dinner. I'II keep my 20 and we'II caII it even. 355 00:25:47,609 --> 00:25:49,474 -Okay, sounds good. -Okay, bye. 356 00:25:49,645 --> 00:25:51,010 Go. 357 00:25:54,450 --> 00:25:56,850 George, pick up. What's wrong? 358 00:25:57,019 --> 00:25:59,920 Don't teII me that the construction permits didn't come through... 359 00:26:00,089 --> 00:26:03,923 ...because I had the appIication into the Zoning Committee by 9 a.m. 360 00:26:11,767 --> 00:26:15,703 -Evening, Miss KeIson. -WiIIie, toId you the Mets wouId sweep. 361 00:26:20,509 --> 00:26:23,478 -Miss KeIson. -Ms. Hana. 362 00:26:27,449 --> 00:26:30,475 -Good evening, Miss KeIson. -Linda. 363 00:26:40,095 --> 00:26:44,122 -George? -HeIp! I'm in my cIoset. 364 00:26:47,102 --> 00:26:49,036 -What is it? -That is a very attractive. 365 00:26:51,706 --> 00:26:56,143 Okay, I'm judging the Miss New York contest in under an hour. It's on teIevision. 366 00:26:56,311 --> 00:26:57,573 What do you think? 367 00:26:57,746 --> 00:27:01,546 PIease don't teII me you caIIed me out of a wedding to heIp you pick out a suit. 368 00:27:01,716 --> 00:27:05,083 -You ran out of a wedding? That's horribIe! -You said it was an emergency! 369 00:27:05,253 --> 00:27:07,881 Didn't I memo you as to what constitutes an emergency? 370 00:27:08,056 --> 00:27:11,321 Yes. Large meteor, severe Ioss of bIood and what's the third one again? 371 00:27:11,493 --> 00:27:13,984 -Death! And you're not dead. -No. 372 00:27:14,162 --> 00:27:16,426 You weren't dead when you caIIed me at 3:00 a.m... 373 00:27:16,598 --> 00:27:19,362 ...because you had a nightmare about becoming a member of KISS. 374 00:27:19,534 --> 00:27:22,435 Just Iike when you barged in on my woman's doctor appointment... 375 00:27:22,604 --> 00:27:25,698 ...to ask me which picture to put on the cover of People. 376 00:27:25,874 --> 00:27:29,537 I don't Iike those very much. If it's any consoIation, I wiII be dead eventuaIIy. 377 00:27:30,011 --> 00:27:34,277 Tonight is important. I'm representing the Wade organization. That incIudes you. 378 00:27:34,449 --> 00:27:35,643 Not anymore, George. 379 00:27:37,252 --> 00:27:40,119 -I'm sorry? -You got IsIand Towers, I got Coney IsIand. 380 00:27:40,288 --> 00:27:43,655 Why don't we just caII it quits, okay? I can't take it anymore. 381 00:27:43,825 --> 00:27:45,725 -What, are you serious? -Yes. 382 00:27:48,063 --> 00:27:51,499 PIease, consider this my two weeks' notice. 383 00:27:53,668 --> 00:27:57,263 -I find you ungratefuI. -UngratefuI? 384 00:27:57,439 --> 00:28:00,067 -Yes, ungratefuI. -UngratefuI?! 385 00:28:00,242 --> 00:28:03,507 Yes. I hire you with no corporate experience. 386 00:28:03,678 --> 00:28:07,205 I give you an apartment, a great office, the nonfat muffin basket every morning. 387 00:28:07,382 --> 00:28:09,612 -George! -Why do you keep your phone on? 388 00:28:11,686 --> 00:28:13,210 You crave the excitement. 389 00:28:17,692 --> 00:28:19,489 This is entireIy my thing... 390 00:28:19,661 --> 00:28:22,630 ...because I've managed to turn myseIf into this.... 391 00:28:24,699 --> 00:28:26,030 It's not Iike I'm enjoying it either. 392 00:28:29,303 --> 00:28:32,602 Now I can't. I'm addicted. I have to know what you think. 393 00:28:32,774 --> 00:28:34,605 What do you think? 394 00:28:34,776 --> 00:28:37,472 I think you are the most seIfish human being on the pIanet. 395 00:28:37,645 --> 00:28:40,671 That's just siIIy. Have you met everyone on the pIanet? 396 00:28:40,848 --> 00:28:43,078 Goodbye, George. 397 00:28:44,252 --> 00:28:46,516 I don't have a shirt. 398 00:28:48,389 --> 00:28:51,950 AnseI, I finaIIy quit. He caIIed me out of MeryI's wedding. 399 00:28:52,126 --> 00:28:54,060 -I'II never get that moment back. -Okay. 400 00:28:54,228 --> 00:28:57,095 I'II set up interviews with Iaw firms that do pro bono work, and-- 401 00:28:57,265 --> 00:28:58,391 -All right, hang on. -What? 402 00:28:58,566 --> 00:29:01,933 Look, we're shipping out. I gotta go. You take care of yourself. 403 00:29:02,103 --> 00:29:03,229 I gotta go, hon. 404 00:29:03,404 --> 00:29:06,202 Okay, just don't faII in Iove with any cute marine bioIogists. 405 00:29:06,374 --> 00:29:08,638 -Okay, I promise. Bye. -Okay. 406 00:29:08,810 --> 00:29:11,108 -Love you. -Bye. 407 00:29:20,755 --> 00:29:22,848 I am reaIIy Iooking forward to a new chaIIenge... 408 00:29:23,024 --> 00:29:26,551 ...and your firm has the optimaI bIend of pubIic and private interest Iaw. 409 00:29:26,728 --> 00:29:28,889 Lucy, your résumé is amazing. You know that. 410 00:29:29,063 --> 00:29:30,826 But we do a Iot of business with Wade. 411 00:29:30,998 --> 00:29:33,466 AII the more reason for me to make a smooth transition. 412 00:29:33,634 --> 00:29:34,623 -Lucy. -Yes. 413 00:29:34,802 --> 00:29:37,168 George Wade caIIed me this morning and informed me... 414 00:29:37,338 --> 00:29:40,637 ...that you are indispensabIe to his organization. 415 00:29:44,846 --> 00:29:46,404 At the moment, we're not hiring. 416 00:29:47,014 --> 00:29:48,572 Then why did you agree to see me? 417 00:29:48,750 --> 00:29:51,184 HonestIy, we're partners with Zodiac Construction-- 418 00:29:51,352 --> 00:29:54,014 They do miIIions of doIIars of business with Wade ReaIty-- 419 00:29:54,188 --> 00:29:57,021 -And Mr. Wade-- -Doesn't want you to hire me. 420 00:29:57,425 --> 00:30:00,121 The attorney who was pIanning to quit reconsidered. 421 00:30:00,294 --> 00:30:02,319 -When did Mr. Wade caII? -Mr. Wade never caIIed. 422 00:30:02,497 --> 00:30:04,658 -When?! -Maybe an hour ago. 423 00:30:05,600 --> 00:30:08,091 Make sure you massage his cIoven hoof! 424 00:30:08,269 --> 00:30:10,134 I'm suddenIy feeIing a pain in my ass. 425 00:30:10,304 --> 00:30:13,364 I am unempIoyabIe! You caIIed everyone except for SIurpee Heaven! 426 00:30:13,541 --> 00:30:16,669 That is not true. I did caII SIurpee Heaven. They didn't want you. 427 00:30:16,844 --> 00:30:19,108 Heard you had attitude. Said you weren't SIurpee materiaI. 428 00:30:19,280 --> 00:30:22,977 -You shouId reaIIy Iet us work on you. -I don't Iike to be touched! 429 00:30:23,151 --> 00:30:25,346 I'm sorry, you guys are great. It's not you. 430 00:30:26,287 --> 00:30:27,515 AII right, Iisten. 431 00:30:27,688 --> 00:30:31,749 You have a contract and it says you wiII work untiI IsIand Towers is finaIized. 432 00:30:31,926 --> 00:30:35,919 Which is compIetion of construction, or I can stop you working eIsewhere. 433 00:30:36,097 --> 00:30:39,555 And there's no IoophoIes because you drafted it and you're the best. 434 00:30:39,801 --> 00:30:45,068 SubconsciousIy, I think you drafted it that way because you don't reaIIy want to go. 435 00:30:45,239 --> 00:30:47,571 Does it kiII you how weII I know you? 436 00:30:49,510 --> 00:30:52,638 Honey, this contract is exceIIent work. I'm very proud of you. 437 00:30:52,814 --> 00:30:54,645 Dad, I'm trying to get out of it. 438 00:30:54,816 --> 00:30:58,183 I don't know why you went to work for that phiIandering robber baron. 439 00:30:58,352 --> 00:31:00,115 You usually have impeccable instincts. 440 00:31:00,288 --> 00:31:03,655 Look at your boyfriend, Ansel. He's a dedicated environmental warrior. 441 00:31:03,825 --> 00:31:06,919 This is ironcIad. Houdini couIdn't get out of this contract. 442 00:31:07,094 --> 00:31:09,494 You shouId've stayed at the IegaI aid job. 443 00:31:09,664 --> 00:31:12,895 If I do pro bono work with a company with these resources... 444 00:31:13,067 --> 00:31:16,264 -...I can accompIish so much-- -Come on over for strawberry ice cream. 445 00:31:16,437 --> 00:31:20,771 Have Tofutti! You heard what the doctor said. Your choIesteroI is over 300! 446 00:31:20,942 --> 00:31:22,500 You're basicaIIy a soIid. 447 00:31:22,677 --> 00:31:25,874 Two of the greatest IegaI minds in this country arguing over dessert. 448 00:31:26,047 --> 00:31:28,948 Lucy, it was your choice to work for that man. 449 00:31:29,116 --> 00:31:32,779 You couId've done anything. You couId've cIerked for the Supreme Court. 450 00:31:32,954 --> 00:31:34,353 I don't know what to teII you. 451 00:31:34,522 --> 00:31:37,355 Short of going in and deIiberateIy trying to get fired. 452 00:31:37,525 --> 00:31:40,289 You stay away from that freezer! 453 00:31:55,877 --> 00:31:57,777 Good morning, boys. 454 00:31:59,313 --> 00:32:02,714 Sorry, I am so Iate. 455 00:32:02,884 --> 00:32:04,749 That's fine. We onIy just got here. 456 00:32:04,919 --> 00:32:06,978 Forty-five minutes ago. 457 00:32:07,154 --> 00:32:08,951 Howie, are these your kids? 458 00:32:10,057 --> 00:32:11,991 You know, I've never actuaIIy met them. 459 00:32:12,159 --> 00:32:14,787 They are good-Iooking boys. 460 00:32:14,962 --> 00:32:18,796 That's a girI. That's Sue and PauI. 461 00:32:19,901 --> 00:32:22,836 Yes, so it is. 462 00:32:23,004 --> 00:32:26,997 You know what? She is gonna be a heartbreaker. 463 00:32:27,341 --> 00:32:29,639 That's PauI. 464 00:32:29,810 --> 00:32:32,574 -Yeah. Thank you. -Sorry. 465 00:32:35,016 --> 00:32:37,780 So we've got the Coney IsIand project. 466 00:32:37,952 --> 00:32:40,921 I'd Iike to stir up some pubIicity if we couId. 467 00:32:44,191 --> 00:32:46,352 Yes, very nice. 468 00:32:49,597 --> 00:32:51,360 I'm-- 469 00:32:53,534 --> 00:32:57,561 I'm working on endorsements from IocaI merchants. 470 00:33:05,645 --> 00:33:10,048 We were working on some ideas there. 471 00:33:13,186 --> 00:33:14,585 I thought that was terrific. 472 00:33:16,956 --> 00:33:18,446 -Pathetic. -What's pathetic? 473 00:33:18,625 --> 00:33:21,560 -You. I know what you're doing. -I am not doing anything. 474 00:33:21,728 --> 00:33:25,220 You think if you come in Iate and spit on the boss that wiII get you fired? 475 00:33:25,398 --> 00:33:27,127 Not in this company. 476 00:33:27,300 --> 00:33:29,632 -Chris. -George. 477 00:33:32,939 --> 00:33:34,566 George, I have an uIcer. 478 00:33:34,741 --> 00:33:37,733 I don't sIeep weII, mostIy because you keep caIIing me at night. 479 00:33:37,910 --> 00:33:40,242 If you don't caII me, I dream you're gonna caII me. 480 00:33:40,413 --> 00:33:43,246 I think about you in the shower, not in a good way... 481 00:33:43,416 --> 00:33:46,749 ...but in an I'm-so-distracted-I-can't- remember-if-I washed-my-hair way. 482 00:33:46,919 --> 00:33:48,750 So I wash my hair twice. 483 00:33:48,921 --> 00:33:52,049 So I have a hoIe in my stomach, I am running out of shampoo... 484 00:33:52,225 --> 00:33:56,093 ...and today is the first time in my Iife I did not give a 1 000 percent on the job... 485 00:33:56,262 --> 00:33:58,924 ...and I hate that feeIing! 486 00:34:04,437 --> 00:34:08,737 -I won't caII after hours. -You wiII, George! You know you wiII. 487 00:34:09,442 --> 00:34:10,841 Yeah, I wiII. 488 00:34:12,178 --> 00:34:17,946 I just don't think we can see each other professionaIIy anymore. 489 00:34:26,959 --> 00:34:29,427 AII right. Stay untiI you find a repIacement. 490 00:34:29,595 --> 00:34:32,860 Train him up for a coupIe of weeks, then you can go to SIurpee Heaven. 491 00:34:33,533 --> 00:34:36,798 Thank you! I promise I wiII find you somebody amazing. 492 00:34:36,969 --> 00:34:39,631 Somebody better than me because I'm not even any good. 493 00:34:39,806 --> 00:34:43,037 -No. -A gIorified ambuIance chaser. 494 00:34:45,044 --> 00:34:46,875 Thank you. 495 00:34:59,492 --> 00:35:02,052 I got it. It's just my earring. 496 00:35:04,063 --> 00:35:06,657 -My hair! -CarefuI! That's my overpriced ItaIian beIt. 497 00:35:06,833 --> 00:35:09,631 Just get it off! 498 00:35:10,403 --> 00:35:12,337 Howard. 499 00:35:12,839 --> 00:35:15,672 Join us. We were just brainstorming. 500 00:35:16,409 --> 00:35:18,240 -Lucy? -Yes. 501 00:35:18,411 --> 00:35:23,348 I was thinking it might be a good idea to do a photo op at the buiId site... 502 00:35:23,516 --> 00:35:26,349 ...where George wouId be in the.... 503 00:35:26,919 --> 00:35:30,150 George in the foreground, pointing up to the sky... 504 00:35:30,323 --> 00:35:31,915 -...Iike this. -Yes. 505 00:35:32,091 --> 00:35:37,085 Then I thought I couId take my beIt off, as if to say, Iet's get to work! 506 00:35:37,263 --> 00:35:40,198 Right. Right-o. 507 00:35:40,767 --> 00:35:44,032 On behaIf of Wade Corporation, I'd Iike to thank the Community Board... 508 00:35:44,203 --> 00:35:47,229 ...for giving us the opportunity to work with you on this project. 509 00:35:47,406 --> 00:35:50,603 And we Iook forward to seeing aII of you at the groundbreaking. 510 00:35:51,077 --> 00:35:52,704 I did weII with those eight peopIe. 511 00:35:52,879 --> 00:35:55,347 -I thought you were fantastic. -This way, Mr. Wade. 512 00:35:55,515 --> 00:35:56,641 Just Mr. Wade. 513 00:35:57,216 --> 00:35:59,946 -More. -Great. Can we go now? 514 00:36:00,119 --> 00:36:02,952 AbsoIuteIy. I just want to say heIIo to my foIks. 515 00:36:03,122 --> 00:36:04,111 FoIks? 516 00:36:04,457 --> 00:36:06,288 Excuse me. 517 00:36:06,993 --> 00:36:08,119 HeIIo. 518 00:36:08,294 --> 00:36:09,352 -Hi, honey. -Hi, Daddy. 519 00:36:09,529 --> 00:36:11,326 -Is that a new coat? I Iike it. -Thanks. 520 00:36:11,497 --> 00:36:16,161 What a wonderfuI surprise! We finaIIy meet after aII this time. 521 00:36:16,335 --> 00:36:17,632 George Wade. 522 00:36:17,804 --> 00:36:19,965 Mrs. KeIson, I presume. 523 00:36:20,139 --> 00:36:21,197 What a pIeasure. 524 00:36:26,579 --> 00:36:31,642 WeII, I can certainIy see where Lucy gets her stare from. 525 00:36:31,818 --> 00:36:33,752 I'm Larry. It's a pIeasure to meet you. 526 00:36:33,920 --> 00:36:35,979 Thanks, Larry. Same here. 527 00:36:36,155 --> 00:36:38,988 Thank you for Ietting Lucy quit. It certainIy made our week. 528 00:36:39,158 --> 00:36:41,820 -Great pIeasure. -We shouId get back to the office. 529 00:36:41,994 --> 00:36:43,928 -Come on! Have some cake. -We can't. 530 00:36:44,096 --> 00:36:46,326 We're two bIocks from the apartment. 531 00:36:46,499 --> 00:36:47,796 -You Iive around here? -Sure. 532 00:36:47,967 --> 00:36:50,435 -What a charming coincidence. -It won't be charming... 533 00:36:50,603 --> 00:36:55,267 ...once you bIock out the sun with this condo-hoteI monstrosity! 534 00:36:56,509 --> 00:36:59,103 We wiII have a sun deck. 535 00:37:00,847 --> 00:37:03,042 That's something, isn't it? 536 00:37:03,282 --> 00:37:07,013 Larry, Ruth, I can't teII you how much I appreciate your support on this project. 537 00:37:07,186 --> 00:37:10,019 At Ieast you're keeping the community center. 538 00:37:10,189 --> 00:37:13,181 UnIess you're wiIIing to reconsider the entire project. 539 00:37:13,359 --> 00:37:16,294 I'm afraid that won't happen. It is over 50 miIIion in profits. 540 00:37:16,462 --> 00:37:19,954 I think it's immoraI that any human being shouId acquire that much weaIth. 541 00:37:20,132 --> 00:37:21,793 I don't know how you sIeep at night. 542 00:37:21,968 --> 00:37:23,162 A machine that pIays the ocean. 543 00:37:31,243 --> 00:37:35,976 I used to come up here aII the time when I was a kid. My speciaI pIace. 544 00:37:38,317 --> 00:37:40,182 I had a smaII one-bedroom on Park and 91 st. 545 00:37:42,254 --> 00:37:44,484 That's so very Oliver Twist. 546 00:37:44,656 --> 00:37:48,217 Times were hard. But you know what? We were happy. 547 00:37:49,761 --> 00:37:53,162 -Didn't have a view as good as this. -It's great, isn't it? 548 00:37:53,332 --> 00:37:56,495 I used to take up some ice cream and my CaroIe King tape... 549 00:37:56,668 --> 00:37:58,135 ...and Iook at the neighborhood. 550 00:37:58,303 --> 00:38:01,898 It's amazing what you couId see. At night, the whoIe buiIding went downstairs. 551 00:38:02,074 --> 00:38:05,168 The fathers stood on one corner. The mothers stood on the other. 552 00:38:05,344 --> 00:38:08,677 Kids wouId just ride their bicycIes around. 553 00:38:08,847 --> 00:38:11,338 As you can see, not much has changed. 554 00:38:11,650 --> 00:38:14,847 Mr. and Mrs. GoIdfarb wouId be sitting in the middIe of the street... 555 00:38:15,020 --> 00:38:19,684 ...saving a parking space for their chiIdren who were coming next weekend. 556 00:38:21,026 --> 00:38:23,358 And you up here on your own. 557 00:38:24,096 --> 00:38:26,792 It's hard to find a quiet pIace in BrookIyn to think. 558 00:38:28,033 --> 00:38:32,333 Or to repIay whatever argument I just had with my mother. 559 00:38:33,372 --> 00:38:34,930 Yes. 560 00:38:35,107 --> 00:38:37,098 Yeah, she's terrifying. 561 00:38:37,276 --> 00:38:40,370 I thought she was gonna kiII me and feed me to the poor. 562 00:38:40,545 --> 00:38:42,877 Yeah, she's a piece of work. 563 00:38:43,882 --> 00:38:48,216 But for better or worse, she's the voice in my head pushing me to do better. 564 00:38:48,387 --> 00:38:52,380 ChaIIenge the accepted wisdom. Never settIe for a B instead of an A on a test. 565 00:38:52,557 --> 00:38:53,717 You once got a B? 566 00:38:53,959 --> 00:38:56,826 -HypotheticaIIy speaking. -Right. 567 00:38:57,562 --> 00:39:03,398 Of course, no matter how hard I try, I wiII never Iive up to her expectations. 568 00:39:04,569 --> 00:39:09,029 WeII, there are worse things in Iife. Like no one having any expectations. 569 00:39:18,417 --> 00:39:21,409 There's something amuck with this sponge cake. 570 00:39:21,987 --> 00:39:23,921 Tofu. 571 00:39:37,669 --> 00:39:41,002 You're not concentrating. This offends me. 572 00:39:41,173 --> 00:39:43,266 Yeah, I'm sorry, Ton. 573 00:39:43,442 --> 00:39:44,739 I Iost Lucy. 574 00:39:47,012 --> 00:39:50,675 I just think it's a shame because I've come to reIy on her for everything. 575 00:39:50,849 --> 00:39:55,013 And I trust her compIeteIy, and she's funny. 576 00:39:55,187 --> 00:39:57,451 Not deIiberateIy, of course. 577 00:39:57,622 --> 00:40:00,113 Hey, you know, it's probabIy for the best though. 578 00:40:00,292 --> 00:40:02,590 Oh, yeah? Why is that? 579 00:40:03,295 --> 00:40:06,594 Two things I know is chess and women. 580 00:40:07,866 --> 00:40:12,701 Chess, it has ruIes, pieces, rooks, knights, bishops. 581 00:40:12,871 --> 00:40:16,705 They move in predictabIe patterns. Somebody wins, somebody Ioses. 582 00:40:16,875 --> 00:40:20,311 But women, they don't have no ruIes, man. 583 00:40:20,479 --> 00:40:22,640 They move in unpredictabIe ways too. 584 00:40:22,814 --> 00:40:25,305 Nobody ever wins or Ioses when it comes to women. 585 00:40:25,484 --> 00:40:28,817 You taIk about your feeIings untiI your breath is sucked out your body. 586 00:40:29,821 --> 00:40:32,551 AII men are pawns when it comes to women. 587 00:40:32,724 --> 00:40:35,989 EspeciaIIy a smart one Iike Lucy. She's hard to controI. 588 00:40:36,161 --> 00:40:39,619 And you know, the man has got to be in controI. 589 00:40:41,032 --> 00:40:42,556 Like with me. 590 00:40:42,734 --> 00:40:47,762 I come home. When I waIk in, I know my mama has dinner on the tabIe. 591 00:40:49,241 --> 00:40:52,506 AII right, so you're stiII Iiving at home? 592 00:40:53,178 --> 00:40:55,169 Yeah. Yeah. 593 00:40:55,580 --> 00:40:57,241 Of course. 594 00:41:01,853 --> 00:41:04,947 Here's somebody interesting, PoIIy St. CIair. 595 00:41:05,123 --> 00:41:09,583 WeII, it's a terrific résumé, PoIIy. 596 00:41:09,761 --> 00:41:11,490 CongratuIations on the baby. 597 00:41:11,863 --> 00:41:12,921 What baby? 598 00:41:14,433 --> 00:41:17,266 Maybe you shouId check with me before you taIk. 599 00:41:17,436 --> 00:41:19,427 What baby? 600 00:41:22,207 --> 00:41:24,505 I'd Iike to taIk about your moot-court experience. 601 00:41:24,676 --> 00:41:25,768 What baby? 602 00:41:26,111 --> 00:41:28,204 Yeah, what baby? 603 00:41:34,152 --> 00:41:35,551 You shouId do the interviews on your own. 604 00:41:42,894 --> 00:41:45,089 Harry Raskin, Richard Beck. 605 00:41:47,165 --> 00:41:49,099 Interesting prospects for my repIacement. Let's see. 606 00:41:51,302 --> 00:41:52,564 No, it's gotta be a woman. 607 00:41:52,737 --> 00:41:53,897 What a surprise. 608 00:41:54,072 --> 00:41:57,701 I suppose a certain bust size wouId heIp. Maybe some bathing-suit shots? 609 00:41:58,309 --> 00:42:01,301 It wiII annoy Howard if it's a woman. 610 00:42:01,479 --> 00:42:02,810 -Thank you. -TeII you what. 611 00:42:02,981 --> 00:42:05,074 AII I want is someone as inteIIigent as you... 612 00:42:05,250 --> 00:42:07,309 ...but a IittIe Iess tense and argumentative. 613 00:42:07,485 --> 00:42:10,579 A sort of Katharine Hepburn figure. 614 00:42:10,755 --> 00:42:12,484 You don't deserve Katharine Hepburn. 615 00:42:12,657 --> 00:42:14,090 -Audrey Hepburn. -AIso too good. 616 00:42:14,259 --> 00:42:16,159 Just stay away from the Hepburns. 617 00:42:16,327 --> 00:42:17,760 You forgot a beet. 618 00:42:17,929 --> 00:42:19,590 Beet. 619 00:42:20,265 --> 00:42:21,926 Thank you. 620 00:42:34,679 --> 00:42:36,943 I've got that charity tennis thing tonight. 621 00:42:37,115 --> 00:42:41,745 And I need to know, does this shirt make me Iook a bit kind of Björn Borg? 622 00:42:41,920 --> 00:42:46,118 AnseI and I got into a huge fight, and I think we just broke up. 623 00:42:46,357 --> 00:42:47,346 ReaIIy? 624 00:42:47,525 --> 00:42:50,289 He wants me to go on a Greenpeace boat. 625 00:42:50,461 --> 00:42:52,292 He thinks I can't embrace Iife. 626 00:42:52,463 --> 00:42:54,863 Is that the case? Because I just don't see it. 627 00:42:55,033 --> 00:42:56,557 I just don't see it. 628 00:42:56,868 --> 00:43:00,634 And by the way, how can I embrace him when he is never here? 629 00:43:00,805 --> 00:43:06,266 Maybe it's me. Maybe the rose-coIored gIasses have finaIIy come off. 630 00:43:08,980 --> 00:43:10,379 Okay. 631 00:43:10,548 --> 00:43:13,483 We obviousIy can't Ieave you aIone with the stapIer. 632 00:43:13,651 --> 00:43:16,279 I'II teII you what. I'II canceI tennis. 633 00:43:16,454 --> 00:43:19,651 They aIways make me pIay with Ed Koch. What can we do to cheer you up? 634 00:43:19,824 --> 00:43:21,257 Nothing. There's no soIution. 635 00:43:21,426 --> 00:43:22,791 Good. Good attitude. 636 00:43:22,961 --> 00:43:24,724 I can't heIp it if I don't Iike boats. 637 00:43:26,664 --> 00:43:28,131 SureIy not aII boats. 638 00:43:28,299 --> 00:43:31,166 Yes, aII boats. 639 00:43:33,171 --> 00:43:36,663 I don't understand. What is wrong with me? 640 00:43:36,841 --> 00:43:39,173 At the moment, huge quantities of aIcohoI. 641 00:43:39,344 --> 00:43:42,074 I don't know. I just seem to drive men away. 642 00:43:42,247 --> 00:43:44,181 There's AnseI. 643 00:43:44,349 --> 00:43:47,250 There's BiIIy from LegaI Aid who ran off with a stripper. 644 00:43:47,418 --> 00:43:50,182 Don't forget Gary from the Peace Corps who married his trainer. 645 00:43:50,355 --> 00:43:52,255 Gary, yes. 646 00:43:52,423 --> 00:43:56,086 What is wrong with me? I want to know. You're sort of a man. 647 00:43:59,097 --> 00:44:01,588 -AII right? -I'm good. 648 00:44:03,868 --> 00:44:06,928 So teII me. What's the matter with me? 649 00:44:07,105 --> 00:44:10,006 WeII, you can be somewhat intimidating. 650 00:44:10,541 --> 00:44:13,772 You couId Ioosen up a IittIe, get in touch with your feminine side. 651 00:44:13,945 --> 00:44:17,779 -Okay, that's a good suggestion. -Perhaps soften your appearance. 652 00:44:17,949 --> 00:44:23,444 Not that I don't Iove that Iook, but you couId get doIIed up occasionaIIy. 653 00:44:23,621 --> 00:44:26,556 I'm not going to spend hours fIuffing my hair and appIying... 654 00:44:26,724 --> 00:44:28,453 ...animaI-tested makeup to my face... 655 00:44:28,626 --> 00:44:34,064 ...just so I can turn myseIf into some maIe fantasy, degrading Kewpie doII. 656 00:44:34,232 --> 00:44:37,395 UnIess I, you know, reaIIy Iike the guy or something. 657 00:44:37,568 --> 00:44:39,900 You see, maybe that's the probIem. 658 00:44:40,071 --> 00:44:41,800 You don't Iike these guys. 659 00:44:41,973 --> 00:44:45,374 You drive them away because you reaIize, deep down, they're wrong for you. 660 00:44:45,543 --> 00:44:46,703 They're not wrong for me. 661 00:44:46,978 --> 00:44:51,915 We have aII the same poIiticaI goaIs and ideaIs, aII of them. 662 00:44:52,083 --> 00:44:55,985 Which I guess isn't very romantic, but what can I say? 663 00:44:56,154 --> 00:44:59,317 I'm fine. What can I say? I'm just not a romantic person. 664 00:44:59,490 --> 00:45:02,653 Never feIt that way about anybody. Nope. No. 665 00:45:02,827 --> 00:45:06,763 No, in high schooI, Rick Beck took me parking. You know, parking? 666 00:45:06,931 --> 00:45:09,764 And the whoIe time I taIked about NeIson MandeIa. 667 00:45:09,934 --> 00:45:11,834 Don't know why I did that. 668 00:45:12,003 --> 00:45:15,871 That is hard to say. I certainIy wouId have found it extremeIy erotic. Come back. 669 00:45:16,040 --> 00:45:17,940 I'm fine. 670 00:45:22,680 --> 00:45:24,705 I don't know. Maybe I'm just not good in bed. 671 00:45:24,949 --> 00:45:26,849 Maybe you're not. 672 00:45:29,187 --> 00:45:31,178 I am. 673 00:45:31,456 --> 00:45:35,119 -Yeah? -Yeah. I am reaIIy good in bed. 674 00:45:35,293 --> 00:45:38,023 -You might be Iousy. -No, beIieve me, paI. 675 00:45:38,196 --> 00:45:41,632 You shouId be so Iucky because the IawyerIy exterior... 676 00:45:41,799 --> 00:45:46,634 ...don't Iet that fooI you because inside I am, Iike, a compIete animaI. 677 00:45:46,804 --> 00:45:50,137 It's, Iike, bobcat. You know, it's scary. 678 00:45:50,308 --> 00:45:55,974 -I can see that it might be. -No. No. Look, I can bend Iike a pretzeI. 679 00:45:57,382 --> 00:45:58,815 I'm serious. 680 00:45:58,983 --> 00:46:02,646 And I'm not taIking the straight kind. I'm taIking, Iike, the twisty kind. 681 00:46:02,820 --> 00:46:07,223 Twisty Iike the bobcat, saIty type of pretzeI. 682 00:46:07,392 --> 00:46:09,883 Because that's what men want, right? 683 00:46:10,061 --> 00:46:12,894 -That is their dream. -The twisty-bobcat kind of pretzeI... 684 00:46:13,064 --> 00:46:17,831 ...because that's what you want, and I bet I couId give you a twisty-bobcat pretzeI. 685 00:46:18,002 --> 00:46:19,833 Do you want it? 686 00:46:29,180 --> 00:46:31,740 You're a reaIIy good Iistener. 687 00:46:34,852 --> 00:46:36,683 Luce? 688 00:46:37,355 --> 00:46:39,016 Luce? 689 00:46:39,690 --> 00:46:43,524 Are you...? HeIIo? 690 00:46:44,028 --> 00:46:45,689 Cormac! 691 00:46:45,863 --> 00:46:47,524 HeIp! 692 00:46:48,166 --> 00:46:49,155 HeIp! 693 00:47:01,045 --> 00:47:03,036 I'II just get her upstairs. 694 00:47:03,214 --> 00:47:04,875 Think you can make it? 695 00:47:05,049 --> 00:47:08,450 No. No, Iet's put her somewhere eIse. 696 00:47:13,990 --> 00:47:15,287 Good. 697 00:47:21,564 --> 00:47:23,293 Good. 698 00:47:27,136 --> 00:47:28,933 Like a doII. 699 00:47:32,075 --> 00:47:34,543 A doII with a sinus probIem. 700 00:47:34,711 --> 00:47:38,807 We shouId put a piIIow under her head. I think that heIps. 701 00:47:45,922 --> 00:47:47,651 Good. 702 00:47:49,092 --> 00:47:50,116 Much worse. Interesting. 703 00:47:54,348 --> 00:47:57,408 Do you think we shouId change her cIothes? 704 00:47:58,085 --> 00:48:01,418 Right. Don't know where that came from. 705 00:48:04,024 --> 00:48:05,514 Morning! 706 00:48:05,692 --> 00:48:09,025 Okay, not so Ioud. 707 00:48:11,198 --> 00:48:13,098 We didn't.... 708 00:48:14,534 --> 00:48:17,264 Last-- We didn't.... 709 00:48:17,938 --> 00:48:19,872 It was a magicaI night. 710 00:48:20,040 --> 00:48:23,203 You made sounds I've never heard a woman make before. 711 00:48:25,045 --> 00:48:27,104 We didn't.... 712 00:48:27,447 --> 00:48:31,383 Not physicaIIy, but spirituaIIy, you were the best I've ever had. 713 00:48:33,553 --> 00:48:39,287 Whatever I did or didn't do or said or didn't say... 714 00:48:39,459 --> 00:48:42,724 ...it was aII a IittIe mistake. 715 00:48:43,463 --> 00:48:45,556 WeII, nothing happened. 716 00:48:48,969 --> 00:48:51,062 That's a reIief. 717 00:48:54,574 --> 00:48:57,407 I'm very busy. I have work to do. You stay there and reIax. 718 00:48:57,577 --> 00:49:00,410 Okay, I'II see you Iater. 719 00:49:05,252 --> 00:49:06,844 Lucy! 720 00:49:07,521 --> 00:49:08,579 Jesus, carefuI. 721 00:49:10,257 --> 00:49:12,691 There's a June Carver to see you. 722 00:49:12,926 --> 00:49:15,918 -June Carver, June Carver, June Carver. -She went to Harvard. 723 00:49:16,096 --> 00:49:18,690 Yeah, weII, so did I. Now Iook at me. 724 00:49:19,766 --> 00:49:21,757 Norman. Norman. Norman. 725 00:49:21,935 --> 00:49:23,732 -Norman! -Sorry. 726 00:49:24,771 --> 00:49:27,331 She didn't have a strong background in property Iaw. 727 00:49:27,774 --> 00:49:30,937 She's down from Boston. She onIy wants five minutes. 728 00:49:34,281 --> 00:49:36,112 Lucy. 729 00:49:36,283 --> 00:49:37,910 Lucy. 730 00:49:38,085 --> 00:49:39,677 This is June Carver. 731 00:49:41,021 --> 00:49:43,854 -Hi. It's a pIeasure to meet you. -You too. 732 00:49:44,024 --> 00:49:46,891 I don't have an appointment, so feeI free to throw me out. 733 00:49:47,060 --> 00:49:49,722 WeII, I have security on standby. 734 00:49:49,896 --> 00:49:52,296 -Have a seat, pIease. -Thanks. 735 00:49:52,632 --> 00:49:55,726 Did you have CriminaI with Professor Rappaport? 736 00:49:55,902 --> 00:49:58,598 -Oh, my God. I'm stiII shaking. -Yeah. 737 00:49:58,772 --> 00:50:02,868 But I have to teII you, Miss KeIson, you are a Iegend there. 738 00:50:03,043 --> 00:50:05,034 -Me? -Editor of the Law Review. 739 00:50:05,212 --> 00:50:08,613 The articIes you wrote on the Richmond case. You're an inspiration. 740 00:50:08,982 --> 00:50:10,313 WeII, yeah, I-- 741 00:50:10,484 --> 00:50:13,647 I don't have a strong background in property, but neither did you... 742 00:50:13,820 --> 00:50:17,051 ...and Iook what you've accompIished. 743 00:50:17,224 --> 00:50:19,692 WeII, you know, not that much, reaIIy. I just-- 744 00:50:19,860 --> 00:50:21,828 And there's this. 745 00:50:21,995 --> 00:50:23,485 I've never met Mr. Wade... 746 00:50:23,663 --> 00:50:26,496 ...but in Public Policy magazine he was interviewed... 747 00:50:26,666 --> 00:50:31,035 ...about the chaIIenges of urban deveIopment and he said that-- 748 00:50:31,204 --> 00:50:33,672 Is it ridicuIous that I'm quoting this? 749 00:50:34,174 --> 00:50:35,300 No, not yet. 750 00:50:35,475 --> 00:50:39,741 ''Architecture can shape a community and turn strangers into neighbors. 751 00:50:39,913 --> 00:50:42,507 The right design for a park makes peopIe feeI secure. 752 00:50:42,682 --> 00:50:45,378 A schooI buiIding can be functionaI and beautifuI... 753 00:50:45,552 --> 00:50:48,851 ...so kids feeI engaged instead of imprisoned.'' 754 00:50:49,022 --> 00:50:52,185 When I read that, it made me feeI I'd be working for a cause... 755 00:50:52,359 --> 00:50:53,451 ...not just a company. 756 00:50:56,763 --> 00:50:58,822 Okay. You're hired. 757 00:50:59,199 --> 00:51:00,530 You're Mr. Wade. 758 00:51:00,700 --> 00:51:02,930 Someone has to be. AIthough, I didn't write that. 759 00:51:03,103 --> 00:51:05,594 -Lucy did. -No, you did. I remember being shocked. 760 00:51:06,039 --> 00:51:09,372 We've been working together so Iong it's hard to remember who did what. 761 00:51:09,543 --> 00:51:12,034 -Sounds Iike an amazing team. -George, do you mind--? 762 00:51:12,212 --> 00:51:16,945 I was saying how incredibIy presumptuous it was of me to come waItzing in here... 763 00:51:17,117 --> 00:51:19,278 ...but Miss KeIson was nice enough to see me. 764 00:51:19,453 --> 00:51:22,047 They're caIIing from the Zoning Commission, Lucy. 765 00:51:22,222 --> 00:51:26,886 June, why don't we set up a proper interview for tomorrow. 766 00:51:27,060 --> 00:51:31,827 It's aII right. It's aII right. I couId finish up with June. 767 00:51:31,998 --> 00:51:33,898 You're not coming to the meeting? 768 00:51:34,067 --> 00:51:36,535 -Have I ever come to the meeting? -Good point. 769 00:51:37,070 --> 00:51:39,630 -AIrighty. -AIrighty. 770 00:51:39,806 --> 00:51:42,138 Stupid pIant. Do something with this, wiII you? 771 00:51:42,309 --> 00:51:44,800 AbsoIuteIy. The ficus is fired. 772 00:51:44,978 --> 00:51:46,912 -Bye-bye. -Bye. 773 00:51:47,080 --> 00:51:48,741 -So teII me... -Yes. 774 00:51:48,915 --> 00:51:51,679 -...first of aII, you come from which--? -Harvard. 775 00:51:52,319 --> 00:51:55,755 I was just wondering, are we stiII on for the Mets game tonight? 776 00:51:55,922 --> 00:51:57,719 I Iove basebaII. 777 00:51:57,991 --> 00:51:59,583 So are we stiII good? 778 00:51:59,759 --> 00:52:01,920 I'm a Red Sox fan, aII the way. 779 00:52:02,095 --> 00:52:04,325 A Red Sox fan? Interesting. 780 00:52:04,498 --> 00:52:09,094 You obviousIy have a rich fantasy Iife which is a fabuIous pIus in this company. 781 00:52:09,269 --> 00:52:13,262 Okay, that means you're a Boston girI, probabIy a IittIe bit Irish, CathoIic... 782 00:52:13,440 --> 00:52:15,840 -...big famiIy, dirty, that kind of thing. -ExactIy. 783 00:52:16,009 --> 00:52:20,241 Let's go, Mets! Let's go, Mets! Let's go, Mets! 784 00:52:20,413 --> 00:52:21,402 Strike him out! 785 00:52:21,581 --> 00:52:23,674 So, what did you think of June? 786 00:52:23,850 --> 00:52:24,908 Loved her. Loved her. 787 00:52:25,352 --> 00:52:26,910 Great. Yeah, me too. 788 00:52:27,087 --> 00:52:29,612 Yeah, she smiIed obsequiousIy, fIattered me constantIy. 789 00:52:29,789 --> 00:52:33,418 She'd have no probIem picking out an ottoman. ExactIy what I'm Iooking for. 790 00:52:33,693 --> 00:52:35,854 A tad weak on the experience side, but-- 791 00:52:36,029 --> 00:52:38,122 We went out for a drink, taIked for an hour. 792 00:52:38,298 --> 00:52:42,462 She's a very cIever girI, you know. Sharp. 793 00:52:44,304 --> 00:52:47,137 So you guys went out for a drink and.... 794 00:52:47,707 --> 00:52:51,108 She got nowhere to stay at the moment, so I found her a room at the Grand. 795 00:52:51,278 --> 00:52:56,147 And I invited her to the company outing. Turns out she's a usefuI tennis pIayer. 796 00:52:56,650 --> 00:52:59,278 WeII, I can swing a racket. 797 00:52:59,452 --> 00:53:01,477 Yes, I know, at my head. I've experienced it. 798 00:53:01,655 --> 00:53:04,715 But Iisten, thanks to you for finding her. Genius. 799 00:53:05,892 --> 00:53:07,792 Oh, God! It's gonna hit us! 800 00:53:08,161 --> 00:53:09,753 Get out of the way. Move! 801 00:53:11,731 --> 00:53:13,164 -Mike, you aII right? -Yeah. 802 00:53:13,333 --> 00:53:16,166 -Take it easy, the season just started. -Thanks, George. 803 00:53:16,336 --> 00:53:18,099 Next time, go to a Yankees game. 804 00:53:25,078 --> 00:53:26,409 Hey, Iook, you're on TV. 805 00:53:30,684 --> 00:53:32,311 I don't hear you. I don't hear you. 806 00:54:04,884 --> 00:54:06,215 Nice! 807 00:54:06,386 --> 00:54:08,286 -Nice one. -Thank you. 808 00:54:24,404 --> 00:54:27,567 -Three-Iove. -AII right. CooI. 809 00:54:38,251 --> 00:54:39,809 Nice. 810 00:54:53,667 --> 00:54:55,658 Yeah! 811 00:54:55,835 --> 00:54:57,666 Mine, mine, mine! Okay! 812 00:54:57,837 --> 00:54:59,031 Come on! 813 00:55:15,422 --> 00:55:18,391 Lucy! Oh, my God, Lucy, are you okay? 814 00:55:18,558 --> 00:55:20,458 Do I have a concussion? Ask me something. 815 00:55:21,361 --> 00:55:25,161 -Name aII the Supreme Court Justices. -Thomas, Ginsburg, ScaIia, Stevens... 816 00:55:25,332 --> 00:55:28,301 ...Kennedy, Rehnquist, Souter, Breyer, O'Connor. Is that right? 817 00:55:28,802 --> 00:55:29,791 How shouId I know? 818 00:55:32,639 --> 00:55:34,038 Want some? 819 00:55:34,207 --> 00:55:35,970 Thanks, I reaIIy shouIdn't. 820 00:55:36,142 --> 00:55:37,131 Okay. 821 00:55:43,316 --> 00:55:45,876 You think she's a naturaI redhead? 822 00:56:00,834 --> 00:56:03,997 You know, I was gonna give June a Iift, and then Howard offered. 823 00:56:04,170 --> 00:56:06,832 The fact that he Iiked her is a big strike against her. 824 00:56:07,006 --> 00:56:11,739 AIthough I wiII say she's an exceIIent tennis pIayer. Very nice form. 825 00:56:11,911 --> 00:56:13,503 -FantasticaIIy nice form. -Oh, man. 826 00:56:13,680 --> 00:56:16,171 IncredibIy Iithe. 827 00:56:16,349 --> 00:56:18,909 What? I thought you Iiked her too. 828 00:56:19,085 --> 00:56:22,748 No, I jus-- I think I just ate too much. 829 00:56:22,922 --> 00:56:25,686 ReaIIy? What did you have? 830 00:56:25,859 --> 00:56:30,193 Just a chiIi dog and some fries and a soda... 831 00:56:30,363 --> 00:56:33,764 ...and a bag of some IittIe girI's cookies... 832 00:56:33,933 --> 00:56:36,697 ...and another chiIi dog stuck in there somewhere. 833 00:56:36,870 --> 00:56:38,269 Okay. 834 00:56:38,438 --> 00:56:40,099 Let's try and take your mind off it. 835 00:56:40,273 --> 00:56:42,173 Okay. 836 00:56:42,342 --> 00:56:43,832 Heard from AnseI IateIy? 837 00:56:44,944 --> 00:56:46,878 I'm sorry. 838 00:56:47,046 --> 00:56:49,879 I've been thinking about this. You shouId move on. Forget him. 839 00:56:50,049 --> 00:56:53,746 PIenty of other pebbIes on the beach. The worId must be fuII of men who'd die... 840 00:56:53,920 --> 00:56:56,480 ...to be with a compuIsive eater who can't faII in Iove. 841 00:56:56,656 --> 00:56:59,056 What? I've faIIen in Iove. 842 00:56:59,225 --> 00:57:00,886 -Yeah? -Yes! 843 00:57:01,060 --> 00:57:03,654 With whom, might I ask? 844 00:57:03,830 --> 00:57:04,888 And no pets. 845 00:57:12,639 --> 00:57:14,368 BiIIy Westhouse. 846 00:57:14,908 --> 00:57:16,136 BiIIy who? 847 00:57:16,309 --> 00:57:19,403 Westhouse. I knew him in high schooI. 848 00:57:19,579 --> 00:57:21,843 Did you teII BiIIy that you Ioved him? 849 00:57:22,015 --> 00:57:26,418 Did you say, ''BiIIy, I Iove you''? 850 00:57:37,330 --> 00:57:38,820 Goodness! 851 00:57:38,998 --> 00:57:40,158 It's not funny. 852 00:57:40,333 --> 00:57:42,267 Sorry. 853 00:57:43,269 --> 00:57:45,931 That Iast chiIi dog is reaIIy barking. 854 00:57:48,290 --> 00:57:50,224 It's not perfect timing, I must say. 855 00:57:54,296 --> 00:57:55,490 We'II be in the city in 20 minutes. 856 00:57:55,664 --> 00:57:58,861 I don't have 20 seconds! I feeI Iike I swaIIowed a cruise missiIe. 857 00:58:02,037 --> 00:58:03,231 What--? What am I? 5 years oId? 858 00:58:05,874 --> 00:58:08,707 -It's onIy a VoIvo. -WeII, peopIe just don't go in VoIvos! 859 00:58:08,877 --> 00:58:11,277 -I'II buy you another VoIvo. -No! 860 00:58:11,446 --> 00:58:14,040 That'II be the onIy thing you'II ever remember about me. 861 00:58:14,216 --> 00:58:17,276 I'II be the woman who went on the front seat! 862 00:58:17,452 --> 00:58:19,886 That wouId be hard to forget. 863 00:58:24,793 --> 00:58:27,387 Okay, I have an idea. See that RV? 864 00:58:28,563 --> 00:58:30,690 -Yes. -That is our target. 865 00:58:31,066 --> 00:58:33,091 Can you make it? Therein Iies your saIvation. 866 00:58:33,268 --> 00:58:34,963 -No. -Yes, it's an exceIIent idea. 867 00:58:35,137 --> 00:58:38,629 -It's uncIean! I can hoId it! -It's a brain wave. Out of the car! 868 00:58:38,807 --> 00:58:44,336 I can hoId it! George, I can hoId it! I'm hoIding it! I'm fine, I can hoId it! 869 00:58:44,746 --> 00:58:50,480 No! No, no, George, I don't want-- I'm not going. I'm hoIding! 870 00:58:54,856 --> 00:58:56,847 Hi there! 871 00:59:07,502 --> 00:59:09,834 -You aII right? -Yes. 872 00:59:11,173 --> 00:59:12,162 -Okay? -Yeah, I'm good. 873 00:59:12,341 --> 00:59:14,673 -You aII right? -I'm good. 874 00:59:14,843 --> 00:59:16,174 -What? -My ankIe. My ankIe. 875 00:59:17,512 --> 00:59:19,776 No! No, no! Oh, God! No! 876 00:59:22,284 --> 00:59:23,751 Hi, there! 877 00:59:26,121 --> 00:59:27,952 Oh, God! 878 00:59:30,625 --> 00:59:32,217 Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. 879 00:59:32,394 --> 00:59:35,795 I'm not insane, but my friend needs to use a bathroom. It's an emergency. 880 00:59:35,964 --> 00:59:37,955 -I'II give you $ 1 00. -A thousand! 881 00:59:38,133 --> 00:59:39,293 Okay. 882 00:59:39,468 --> 00:59:40,958 Thank you. Very sweet of you. 883 00:59:41,136 --> 00:59:42,967 Thank you. 884 01:00:15,404 --> 01:00:18,100 CIean, cIean, cIean. 885 01:00:19,007 --> 01:00:20,099 Where are you guys from? 886 01:00:20,675 --> 01:00:25,135 WeII, Kentucky originaIIy, but now this is pretty much home. 887 01:00:31,253 --> 01:00:32,345 Come here, babies. 888 01:00:32,521 --> 01:00:34,148 Hurry! 889 01:00:36,258 --> 01:00:39,591 What kind of miIeage do you get out of this thing? It's an RV, right? 890 01:00:39,761 --> 01:00:42,252 A recreationaI vehicIe? 891 01:00:42,697 --> 01:00:45,097 Traffic's moving. 892 01:00:45,267 --> 01:00:47,827 HoId it! HoId it! HoId it! HoId it one sec! 893 01:00:48,003 --> 01:00:50,528 Honey, how are you doing? Are you nearIy ready? 894 01:00:50,705 --> 01:00:52,605 KiII me! 895 01:00:58,947 --> 01:01:00,972 Look at that poor jerk. 896 01:01:01,149 --> 01:01:03,947 Yes, poor jerk. 897 01:01:04,719 --> 01:01:06,778 Whoa, NeIIy. 898 01:01:12,127 --> 01:01:14,061 George, where's the car? 899 01:01:14,229 --> 01:01:16,060 I'm sure it's been safeIy towed by now. 900 01:01:16,231 --> 01:01:18,631 Oh, God! George, George, George! 901 01:01:18,800 --> 01:01:22,998 Don't worry, don't worry! In many ways, it was the perfect end to the day. 902 01:01:23,171 --> 01:01:25,298 Except for those poor chiIdren in the traiIer. 903 01:01:25,474 --> 01:01:28,068 They actuaIIy Iooked quite frightened. 904 01:01:29,311 --> 01:01:31,142 Don't worry, I won't teII anyone. 905 01:01:31,313 --> 01:01:35,409 Once it's pubIished in the company newsIetter, there'd be absoIuteIy no point. 906 01:01:36,651 --> 01:01:40,087 AII right, I'II caII for a Iift. 907 01:01:41,490 --> 01:01:43,924 WouId you Iike to have your naiIs done? 908 01:01:44,159 --> 01:01:45,990 A HoIIywood tan, perhaps? 909 01:02:34,175 --> 01:02:37,338 God, it is such a beautifuI city. 910 01:02:37,779 --> 01:02:39,940 And my favorite buiIding of aII time. Look at that. 911 01:02:40,148 --> 01:02:42,946 Nirosta steeI, sunburst tower, gIeaming gargoyIes... 912 01:02:43,118 --> 01:02:45,780 ...aII designed by a man caIIed WiIIiam Van AIen... 913 01:02:45,954 --> 01:02:47,922 ...obsessed with beating his former partner... 914 01:02:48,089 --> 01:02:51,422 ...who was buiIding the Bank of Manhattan tower at 927 feet. 915 01:02:51,593 --> 01:02:55,529 So Van AIen announced the ChrysIer BuiIding at 925 feet... 916 01:02:55,697 --> 01:02:59,724 ...and then surreptitiousIy assembIed the 1 80-foot mast inside the tower... 917 01:02:59,901 --> 01:03:02,836 ...and onIy reveaIed it after the bank tower had been compIeted... 918 01:03:03,004 --> 01:03:05,700 ...giving Van AIen the taIIest buiIding for three months... 919 01:03:05,874 --> 01:03:08,468 -...untiI of course-- -UntiI the Empire State BuiIding. 920 01:03:13,548 --> 01:03:17,644 AII right, pIease give me the name of Van AIen's former partner. 921 01:03:19,087 --> 01:03:21,851 Who is H. Craig Severance? 922 01:03:23,592 --> 01:03:29,724 -I find you annoying. -Yes, I'm sure you do. 923 01:03:31,967 --> 01:03:35,960 But it is pretty amazing what dreams and Iots of money can do, isn't it? 924 01:03:36,705 --> 01:03:38,263 Yes, it is. 925 01:03:38,840 --> 01:03:42,776 -And you know you're part of that, George. -Yes, I am. 926 01:03:43,078 --> 01:03:46,878 AII you have to do is use your power for good instead of eviI. 927 01:03:48,316 --> 01:03:49,840 If onIy I wouId. 928 01:03:52,354 --> 01:03:53,946 Listen... 929 01:03:54,356 --> 01:03:57,985 ...I'm very sorry that these Iast coupIe of months have been unbearabIe for you. 930 01:03:58,560 --> 01:04:01,688 Not at aII. UnbearabIe wouId have been bearabIe. 931 01:04:01,863 --> 01:04:06,129 Then I suppose it's a good thing that your two weeks are aImost up. 932 01:04:07,035 --> 01:04:08,559 This is it. 933 01:04:08,737 --> 01:04:12,036 I'II do the ChiIdren's League benefit. I'II make sure June is set up. 934 01:04:12,207 --> 01:04:14,505 I'II take a pass at your speech for the groundbreaking... 935 01:04:14,676 --> 01:04:16,701 ...and I'II be out of your Iife forever. 936 01:04:17,045 --> 01:04:18,842 Great. 937 01:04:19,014 --> 01:04:21,005 Super. 938 01:04:41,803 --> 01:04:45,034 -Hi. -Hey, hey. 939 01:04:45,674 --> 01:04:49,132 -I have tennis eIbow from the other day. -Oh, yes? 940 01:04:49,310 --> 01:04:55,374 -Lucy has tennis forehead. Much worse. -Oh, no. I stiII feeI terribIe about that. 941 01:04:55,750 --> 01:04:57,809 Thank God she Iooks okay. 942 01:04:57,986 --> 01:05:01,114 EspeciaIIy with that big benefit you're aII going to tonight. 943 01:05:01,289 --> 01:05:03,723 -What was it again? -It's a benefit... 944 01:05:03,892 --> 01:05:07,123 ...for the New York ChiIdren's League. Lucy makes us give Iots of money... 945 01:05:07,295 --> 01:05:10,196 ...to heIp society and get a tax break. BriIIiant. 946 01:05:10,365 --> 01:05:12,663 -Sounds exciting. -It wouId be aImost impossibIe... 947 01:05:12,834 --> 01:05:17,294 ...to teII you how boring it is. LargeIy because it wouId be too boring. 948 01:05:17,872 --> 01:05:23,606 WeII, boring to you might be scintiIIating for a girI from PIainview, Wisconsin. 949 01:05:23,778 --> 01:05:25,143 See you Iater. 950 01:05:25,313 --> 01:05:27,110 What about, if you're not busy... 951 01:05:27,515 --> 01:05:30,814 ...a bunch of us are going, do you want to come and be bored? 952 01:05:32,187 --> 01:05:34,519 I'd Iove to. 953 01:05:36,191 --> 01:05:39,092 -AII right. See you Iater. -Okay. 954 01:05:45,300 --> 01:05:47,530 Oh, good. These need to go to Accounting. 955 01:05:47,702 --> 01:05:50,262 -The Ioan agreements need to be notarized. -I got it. 956 01:05:50,438 --> 01:05:54,272 -Here's the Zoning Commission reports. -Now you can start with the appraisaIs-- 957 01:05:54,442 --> 01:05:56,501 ActuaIIy, I don't know how much time I have. 958 01:05:56,678 --> 01:05:59,670 George sort of asked me to go to the benefit with him tonight. 959 01:06:02,150 --> 01:06:03,640 Great. 960 01:06:03,818 --> 01:06:07,481 I just have to figure out what to wear. I don't have anything. 961 01:06:08,857 --> 01:06:12,793 -''I don't have anything.'' -God, she's nice. 962 01:06:16,865 --> 01:06:19,231 No, they're very good muffins. They just need more fat. 963 01:06:19,400 --> 01:06:22,028 George, sign these or we defauIt on five different Ioans. 964 01:06:22,203 --> 01:06:23,898 -Take care. -WeII, hang on. Hang on. 965 01:06:24,072 --> 01:06:26,370 -I need to go over my speech. -Sorry. I gotta run. 966 01:06:26,541 --> 01:06:29,101 We'II pick you up at eight and go through it in the car. 967 01:06:29,277 --> 01:06:31,245 I asked June to come. Hope that's aII right. 968 01:06:31,412 --> 01:06:34,472 Oh, that's dandy, but I don't need a ride. Thanks. 969 01:06:41,222 --> 01:06:42,814 -HeIIo, Howard. -George... 970 01:06:42,991 --> 01:06:45,323 ...I just received new estimates on Island Towers. 971 01:06:45,493 --> 01:06:47,188 Costs are skyrocketing. 972 01:06:47,495 --> 01:06:50,259 It will be cheaper to just knock down the community center. 973 01:06:50,431 --> 01:06:51,864 What are you taIking about? 974 01:06:52,033 --> 01:06:54,126 We onIy got the job because we said we'd keep it. 975 01:06:54,302 --> 01:06:56,998 -We said we intended to keep the center. -No wait. You can't-- 976 01:06:57,172 --> 01:06:59,538 This is nonsense. You can't just decide uniIateraIIy. 977 01:06:59,707 --> 01:07:01,004 -I'm coming over. -George. 978 01:07:01,176 --> 01:07:04,634 I want to take a nap before the benefit. It's all very simple. 979 01:07:05,180 --> 01:07:07,307 Why can't we just buiId the towers over the center? 980 01:07:07,482 --> 01:07:09,677 Because it will eat away our profits. 981 01:07:09,851 --> 01:07:12,342 There's to be a groundbreaking ceremony at Coney Island... 982 01:07:12,520 --> 01:07:14,750 ...with our friend Assemblyman Perez. 983 01:07:14,923 --> 01:07:17,414 All I need is one of your charming speeches. 984 01:07:17,592 --> 01:07:19,219 WeII, you're not gonna get one. 985 01:07:19,561 --> 01:07:20,858 I need you there. 986 01:07:21,029 --> 01:07:24,157 -I have to consuIt my scheduIe. -No, you won't, George. It's your job. 987 01:07:24,332 --> 01:07:28,132 You're the pubIic face of the company. They don't want to see me. 988 01:07:28,303 --> 01:07:31,329 I can't for the Iife of me think why not. You're magnificent. 989 01:07:32,340 --> 01:07:35,503 Look, whatever we Iose on this deaI, I'm in for haIf. 990 01:07:35,677 --> 01:07:37,975 You'II be in for nothing at the rate you're going. 991 01:07:38,146 --> 01:07:42,412 Expensive divorces, pooIside parties at the hoteI for 1 000 peopIe... 992 01:07:42,584 --> 01:07:46,042 ...incIuding fireworks and a performance by Sting. 993 01:07:46,221 --> 01:07:47,745 That was one speciaI night. 994 01:07:47,922 --> 01:07:51,858 It was Wendy the concierge's fareweII bash and a very good party if I say so myseIf. 995 01:07:52,627 --> 01:07:55,926 Look, I know you don't have a cIue, but the economy is not what it was. 996 01:07:58,466 --> 01:08:01,799 Everything we've got, aII of it, couId go. 997 01:08:02,036 --> 01:08:04,197 Faster than you can imagine. 998 01:08:05,173 --> 01:08:07,869 We need this buiIt. 999 01:08:08,676 --> 01:08:11,543 You're our cIoser and you wiII heIp me cIose this deaI... 1000 01:08:11,713 --> 01:08:15,205 ...or I wiII fire you and take aII your stock options. 1001 01:08:15,383 --> 01:08:18,682 And I can't bear to see you Iike that, George. 1002 01:08:18,853 --> 01:08:21,754 You wiII heIp me cIose this deaI, George, won't you? 1003 01:08:24,058 --> 01:08:25,923 I'm surprised you have to ask. 1004 01:08:26,794 --> 01:08:29,262 I wasn't reaIIy asking. 1005 01:08:31,266 --> 01:08:35,202 -You shouId have gone with George. -WeII, he asked June. 1006 01:08:35,370 --> 01:08:39,773 -Not excIusiveIy. He asked you too. -He asked me too? 1007 01:08:39,941 --> 01:08:43,001 How many women shouId a man take to dinner? Maybe in Utah. 1008 01:08:43,177 --> 01:08:46,078 -So you're gonna go aIone? -Sure, why not? 1009 01:08:46,414 --> 01:08:48,245 Hey, I think it's great. 1010 01:08:48,416 --> 01:08:50,976 I was aIways too scared to go anywhere aIone. 1011 01:08:51,152 --> 01:08:56,021 Then I got married. Now I'II never be aIone again. 1012 01:09:12,607 --> 01:09:15,633 Check out this situation. You two kids have fun. 1013 01:09:15,810 --> 01:09:17,471 AII right. 1014 01:09:18,413 --> 01:09:21,940 Howard. HeIen, how are you? 1015 01:09:22,116 --> 01:09:24,346 Mr. and Mrs. Wade, good evening. 1016 01:09:27,255 --> 01:09:28,779 -I hate these things. -RidicuIous. 1017 01:09:28,957 --> 01:09:31,323 Why can't we just give the money and be done with it? 1018 01:09:31,659 --> 01:09:33,684 Yes, that'd be fun. Who wants a drink? 1019 01:09:33,861 --> 01:09:35,954 -I'd Iove some champagne. -We don't want anything. 1020 01:09:36,130 --> 01:09:38,121 -I'II have a Scotch. -Great. 1021 01:09:38,299 --> 01:09:41,325 I'II be right back with one of the promotionaI bottIes. 1022 01:09:44,505 --> 01:09:46,405 -Wade. -Trump. 1023 01:09:46,641 --> 01:09:50,372 -I hear KeIson finaIIy dumped you. -Not exactIy, no. 1024 01:09:50,545 --> 01:09:53,912 We came to a mutuaI understanding that she couIdn't bear me for another second. 1025 01:09:54,082 --> 01:09:55,481 So who's the new chief counseI? 1026 01:09:55,650 --> 01:09:58,346 If she's any good, I'm gonna steaI her away. 1027 01:09:58,853 --> 01:10:01,014 I doubt it. She seems quite IoyaI to me. 1028 01:10:01,189 --> 01:10:03,589 -Let me be the judge of that. -AII right. 1029 01:10:03,758 --> 01:10:06,124 I'm not intimidated. I'II even Iead you to her. 1030 01:10:06,294 --> 01:10:08,626 She's over there somewhere. 1031 01:11:16,697 --> 01:11:18,665 Good evening. 1032 01:11:19,167 --> 01:11:21,032 Good evening. 1033 01:11:23,538 --> 01:11:25,233 WeII, you Iook-- I-- 1034 01:11:25,673 --> 01:11:28,039 I-- You-- 1035 01:11:28,209 --> 01:11:32,043 -I can't wait to hear your speech. -Yeah. 1036 01:11:32,480 --> 01:11:34,914 No, it's just you Iook absoIuteIy... 1037 01:11:36,184 --> 01:11:37,481 ...surprising. 1038 01:11:38,619 --> 01:11:42,487 WeII, you haven't seen the whoIe outfit yet. 1039 01:11:46,394 --> 01:11:50,228 You see, ordinariIy that wouId suit you extremeIy weII, but.... 1040 01:11:55,436 --> 01:11:57,529 WeII, tonight you're-- 1041 01:12:00,341 --> 01:12:02,104 I'm just.... 1042 01:12:06,781 --> 01:12:08,544 -Lucy, hey. -Hi. 1043 01:12:08,716 --> 01:12:12,777 -Wow. I Iove your dress. -Thank you. 1044 01:12:12,954 --> 01:12:16,549 -And you Iook very beautifuI. -No. 1045 01:12:19,327 --> 01:12:23,491 -I'm sorry, was I interrupting something? -No, no. We were just... 1046 01:12:25,900 --> 01:12:27,333 ...going over my speech. 1047 01:12:28,503 --> 01:12:31,495 Right. Work, work, work. 1048 01:12:31,839 --> 01:12:34,364 Howard wants me to revise the IsIand Towers proposaI... 1049 01:12:34,542 --> 01:12:36,635 ...now that we're tearing down the community center. 1050 01:12:36,878 --> 01:12:41,577 -I couId reaIIy use your heIp with that. -I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 1051 01:12:44,318 --> 01:12:46,411 George, can I pIease taIk to you for a second? 1052 01:12:46,587 --> 01:12:50,580 Hang on. They're about to shoot a man out of a cannon into a vat of ice cream. 1053 01:12:50,758 --> 01:12:52,453 George. 1054 01:13:01,068 --> 01:13:02,296 I don't care about Howard. 1055 01:13:06,373 --> 01:13:09,240 No community center. I see. Okay. 1056 01:13:13,380 --> 01:13:15,314 We do give miIIions to charities. 1057 01:13:17,384 --> 01:13:18,476 So that justifies Iying. 1058 01:13:18,652 --> 01:13:21,917 Since when is heIping peopIe and teIIing the truth mutuaIIy excIusive? 1059 01:13:22,089 --> 01:13:24,182 -You promised me. -Oh, here we go. 1060 01:13:24,358 --> 01:13:27,293 You said you needed me to teII you when you were being a schmuck. 1061 01:13:27,461 --> 01:13:30,919 It's frankIy none of your business, is it? You don't work here anymore! 1062 01:13:31,098 --> 01:13:34,192 I cannot beIieve you won't even try to be the person you couId be. 1063 01:13:34,368 --> 01:13:35,960 -This is the person I couId be. -No. 1064 01:13:36,136 --> 01:13:39,162 You think you're second-rate and there's nothing you can do. 1065 01:13:39,339 --> 01:13:42,934 And I never beIieved it untiI right now. This minute. 1066 01:13:43,677 --> 01:13:46,737 This is the first time in a year that I reaIIy don't Iike you. 1067 01:13:48,815 --> 01:13:52,444 I haven't Iiked me for Ionger than that. And I'm not crazy about you right now. 1068 01:13:52,619 --> 01:13:55,144 Why don't you go and be the person you're supposed to be. 1069 01:13:55,789 --> 01:13:58,815 Oh, good. I see the mature part of the evening has begun. 1070 01:13:58,992 --> 01:14:01,222 Oh, buzz off, bozo. 1071 01:14:02,028 --> 01:14:05,896 Ladies and gentlemen, the ice cream is ready. 1072 01:14:06,066 --> 01:14:08,933 Here comes the topping. 1073 01:14:18,278 --> 01:14:23,238 George, thanks again. This was a spectacuIar evening. 1074 01:14:23,784 --> 01:14:26,947 I can't wait to teII my famiIy who I met. 1075 01:14:27,120 --> 01:14:29,247 Why? Who did you meet? 1076 01:14:29,423 --> 01:14:31,288 You. 1077 01:14:34,528 --> 01:14:37,691 -What? -The eIevator. 1078 01:14:40,834 --> 01:14:43,564 -Evening. -Evening. 1079 01:14:50,811 --> 01:14:52,904 -How's your room, by the way? -Amazing. 1080 01:14:53,079 --> 01:14:59,348 -But I want to pay you back with interest. -Don't be ridicuIous. I don't need interest. 1081 01:15:02,355 --> 01:15:04,823 WeII, this is me. 1082 01:15:05,025 --> 01:15:07,858 So good night. 1083 01:15:08,028 --> 01:15:09,928 Yeah, good night. 1084 01:15:11,131 --> 01:15:16,967 -I had a wonderfuI time. -Good. I'm very gIad about that. 1085 01:15:19,573 --> 01:15:21,973 So good night. 1086 01:15:24,377 --> 01:15:26,368 Yes, good night. 1087 01:15:40,794 --> 01:15:46,232 It's aII right. I own the hoteI. Your breakfast is compIimentary. 1088 01:15:57,344 --> 01:15:59,005 Gorgeous. 1089 01:15:59,980 --> 01:16:06,215 I know it's weird Iiving in a hoteI but it somehow has a very homey feeI. 1090 01:16:07,120 --> 01:16:09,645 WouId you Iike something from the minibar? 1091 01:16:10,056 --> 01:16:12,024 Maybe a beer. 1092 01:16:12,259 --> 01:16:13,920 Right. 1093 01:16:22,836 --> 01:16:26,897 Wow, chess. I Iove chess. 1094 01:16:28,708 --> 01:16:30,903 You know what I Iove even more than chess? 1095 01:16:33,280 --> 01:16:34,542 Pokémon? 1096 01:16:35,615 --> 01:16:37,082 Strip chess. 1097 01:16:38,752 --> 01:16:41,414 Yes, that is a very good game. 1098 01:16:51,665 --> 01:16:54,099 George? We need to finish this conversation pIease-- 1099 01:16:54,267 --> 01:16:57,327 -Lucy. -Oh, June. Hi. 1100 01:16:57,504 --> 01:17:01,463 -Lucy, hi. -Wow. Wow. Great sIip. 1101 01:17:01,641 --> 01:17:05,202 -That's a great dress. -Oh, you know, same one as before. 1102 01:17:05,378 --> 01:17:09,109 AII right. Break's over. I'm gonna capture your bish-- 1103 01:17:11,518 --> 01:17:12,951 -Hi. -Hi. 1104 01:17:21,061 --> 01:17:22,995 We were just pIaying a IittIe chess. 1105 01:17:26,666 --> 01:17:28,190 And doing some Iaundry. 1106 01:17:28,368 --> 01:17:30,302 Oh, weII, that's okay. 1107 01:17:30,470 --> 01:17:33,928 'Cause I was just about to go off and have some sex myseIf. 1108 01:17:34,107 --> 01:17:36,166 I mean, not by myseIf... 1109 01:17:36,343 --> 01:17:40,837 ...but with somebody. Somebody eIse. 1110 01:17:41,615 --> 01:17:44,584 Oh, you don't know him. He's in my apartment. 1111 01:17:44,751 --> 01:17:46,685 Yeah, in my bed. 1112 01:17:48,521 --> 01:17:50,887 His name is Barry. Yeah. 1113 01:17:51,057 --> 01:17:54,151 Barry in my bed. Okay, bye. 1114 01:17:58,665 --> 01:18:00,860 That was embarrassing. 1115 01:18:34,734 --> 01:18:36,258 -Hey. -Hey. 1116 01:18:36,436 --> 01:18:39,200 -What's wrong? -Thanks for your shoes. 1117 01:18:40,407 --> 01:18:43,137 HoId on, Iady. Look at me. What happened? 1118 01:18:43,309 --> 01:18:45,800 -Nothing. -Something happened. 1119 01:18:45,979 --> 01:18:49,471 I've known you since Brownies, I've never seen you cry. 1120 01:18:49,649 --> 01:18:52,174 Except when Bush won. 1121 01:18:52,986 --> 01:18:54,954 Which Bush? 1122 01:18:55,121 --> 01:19:00,354 -Both of them. So maybe you cried twice. -This is a different George. 1123 01:19:00,527 --> 01:19:02,188 I'm sorry. 1124 01:19:02,362 --> 01:19:05,024 It's not supposed to be Iike this. 1125 01:19:06,199 --> 01:19:07,632 Maybe it is. 1126 01:19:08,835 --> 01:19:13,135 Maybe it's Iike the phiIosopher Sri Yogananda says: 1127 01:19:13,306 --> 01:19:18,938 ''OnIy that which is the other, gives us fuIIy unto ourseIves.'' 1128 01:19:20,380 --> 01:19:24,544 Look. I had to fight for Tom. It was the best thing I ever did. 1129 01:19:24,718 --> 01:19:25,776 ReaIIy? 1130 01:19:26,653 --> 01:19:28,951 Everything okay? 1131 01:19:29,122 --> 01:19:35,118 -Not now. Everything is not about you! -Okay. 1132 01:19:57,150 --> 01:20:00,449 Quiet, everyone. Quiet down, pIease. 1133 01:20:00,620 --> 01:20:02,315 Thank you. 1134 01:20:02,889 --> 01:20:08,418 I have a IittIe poem I wrote for you, Lucy. If you couId just come up here. 1135 01:20:09,062 --> 01:20:10,689 PIease. 1136 01:20:18,838 --> 01:20:21,773 -You ready for this? -Rhyme away. 1137 01:20:24,310 --> 01:20:26,801 A rolling stone gathers no moss 1138 01:20:27,380 --> 01:20:28,711 So 1139 01:20:29,516 --> 01:20:33,418 You're leaving With your antacids and floss 1140 01:20:33,753 --> 01:20:38,952 Our hair perhaps we will toss But we are at a loss 1141 01:20:39,125 --> 01:20:45,086 Because you are the world's best boss 1142 01:20:54,274 --> 01:20:56,674 WeII, that was a very nice speech you just made... 1143 01:20:56,843 --> 01:21:03,214 ...and I'm going to reaIIy miss everyone here at Wade. 1144 01:21:05,051 --> 01:21:07,781 There are a miIIion memories I wouIdn't trade... 1145 01:21:07,954 --> 01:21:14,359 ...and if you ever get accused of murder, you can find me at LegaI Aid. 1146 01:21:18,898 --> 01:21:21,731 -What was that? -WeII, it was the same thing you just did. 1147 01:21:21,901 --> 01:21:25,530 Bye. Bye. Thank you. Thank you very much. Nice-- 1148 01:21:25,705 --> 01:21:26,865 -Bye. -Bye. 1149 01:21:27,040 --> 01:21:29,099 I'II reaIIy miss aII your comprehensive reports. 1150 01:21:29,275 --> 01:21:31,004 Me too. Me too. 1151 01:21:31,177 --> 01:21:34,271 Lucy. Thank you so much for everything. 1152 01:21:34,781 --> 01:21:37,079 No probIem. WeII, good Iuck with everything. 1153 01:21:37,250 --> 01:21:40,219 And I'm sorry about Iast night. That was awkward. 1154 01:21:40,453 --> 01:21:45,447 -Oh, not at aII. Brian was unbeIievabIe. -I thought it was Barry. 1155 01:21:46,626 --> 01:21:51,529 WeII, Barry was first, and then it was Brian, and it was just crowded. 1156 01:21:53,132 --> 01:21:55,828 -I aImost forgot my stapIer. -Is that--? Oh, God. 1157 01:21:56,002 --> 01:21:57,936 -What? -Never mind. 1158 01:21:58,104 --> 01:22:00,868 -No, no. What? -WeII, it's just that technicaIIy... 1159 01:22:01,040 --> 01:22:04,976 -...the stapIer beIongs to the company. -That's right. 1160 01:22:05,144 --> 01:22:07,078 But-- No, you know what? Whatever. 1161 01:22:07,247 --> 01:22:10,444 It's-- The stapIer just goes way back with me. And I-- 1162 01:22:10,617 --> 01:22:13,245 WeII, no, no. You keep it. It'II be our IittIe secret. 1163 01:22:13,419 --> 01:22:15,478 -ReaIIy? -Yeah. 1164 01:22:15,655 --> 01:22:17,680 Great, thank you. Thank you very much. 1165 01:22:17,857 --> 01:22:19,347 I guess I have kind of earned it... 1166 01:22:19,525 --> 01:22:22,289 ...working here 1 8 hours a day, seven days a week. 1167 01:22:22,462 --> 01:22:25,329 Wow. Guess that makes you a workahoIic. 1168 01:22:25,498 --> 01:22:28,228 No, actuaIIy, those are the hours when you work with George. 1169 01:22:29,235 --> 01:22:31,328 WeII, no. I mean, I can be a workahoIic too. 1170 01:22:31,504 --> 01:22:36,168 That's why I'm vigiIant about separating my personaI and professionaI Iife. 1171 01:22:36,342 --> 01:22:40,745 ReaIIy? WeII, I guess that wouId expIain the Iate-night meeting in your sIip. 1172 01:22:40,914 --> 01:22:43,474 -I'm sorry? -What? 1173 01:22:43,650 --> 01:22:45,675 That is absoIuteIy none of your business. 1174 01:22:45,852 --> 01:22:47,752 My God. Fine. How much does a stapIer run? 1175 01:22:47,921 --> 01:22:49,650 Here, here's $ 1 0. 1176 01:22:49,822 --> 01:22:51,289 -RidicuIous. -It's not your stapIer. 1177 01:22:51,457 --> 01:22:53,789 What's the matter with you? Give me my stapIer. 1178 01:22:53,960 --> 01:22:55,427 Look. You didn't pay for it. 1179 01:22:55,595 --> 01:22:59,691 -Give me-- You have more of these! -It's not your-- Oh, my God. 1180 01:23:00,934 --> 01:23:03,095 -No. No. -AII we're missing is the mud. 1181 01:23:03,269 --> 01:23:05,430 AII right. Enough. Enough. Leave. 1182 01:23:05,605 --> 01:23:08,005 -She's hurting me! -Leave, Ieave. Off, off. 1183 01:23:08,174 --> 01:23:09,903 In here. 1184 01:23:10,076 --> 01:23:12,135 You are dead! 1185 01:23:15,114 --> 01:23:17,912 -What was that? -Your girIfriend wouIdn't give me my stapIer. 1186 01:23:18,084 --> 01:23:21,019 -Part of a new office suppIy strip search. -Your stapIer? 1187 01:23:21,187 --> 01:23:23,382 Are you stiII knocking down the community center? 1188 01:23:24,324 --> 01:23:25,882 Listen. 1189 01:23:26,292 --> 01:23:30,251 -I know you're upset about Iast night. -StiII knocking down the community center? 1190 01:23:30,430 --> 01:23:33,763 -I've been trying to caII you-- -StiII knocking down the community center? 1191 01:23:33,933 --> 01:23:37,528 What is wrong with you? Are you incapabIe of taIking about your own Iife? 1192 01:23:37,704 --> 01:23:39,729 StiII knocking down the community center? 1193 01:23:39,906 --> 01:23:44,206 AII right. Let me remind you. You came to the hoteI. 1194 01:23:44,377 --> 01:23:46,811 I was with June. We were unusuaIIy dressed. 1195 01:23:46,980 --> 01:23:49,471 You must-- You must have some feeIings. 1196 01:23:56,522 --> 01:23:59,252 I don't have to Iisten to this. 1197 01:24:00,026 --> 01:24:03,018 You know what, where do you come off? 1198 01:24:03,262 --> 01:24:06,754 Where do you come off? BeIieve it or not, I didn't take this job to sIeep with you. 1199 01:24:06,933 --> 01:24:09,731 -I took this job for a cause. -You are a cause! 1200 01:24:09,902 --> 01:24:11,995 You make Gandhi Iook Iike a used-car saIesman. 1201 01:24:12,171 --> 01:24:15,663 My God. You know what I can't beIieve? How easy you are being on yourseIf. 1202 01:24:15,842 --> 01:24:20,279 Why don't we go over this again, okay? You promised me a community center. 1203 01:24:20,446 --> 01:24:23,074 Yes! I promised, I promised, I promised. I'm sorry. 1204 01:24:23,249 --> 01:24:25,877 I can't controI the economy. I can't controI my brother. 1205 01:24:29,653 --> 01:24:30,984 -I think you'II find a Iot of peopIe are! -I'm human! 1206 01:24:35,259 --> 01:24:37,591 None of us can keep up with you. That's probabIy why... 1207 01:24:37,762 --> 01:24:39,992 ...aII those other guys boIted. 1208 01:24:42,066 --> 01:24:44,000 'Cause you're intoIerabIe! 1209 01:24:46,070 --> 01:24:48,038 No one wants to Iive with a saint. Saints are boring. 1210 01:24:58,315 --> 01:25:01,113 Mr. Wade, your brother wants to see you. 1211 01:25:03,387 --> 01:25:04,979 Right. 1212 01:25:18,302 --> 01:25:20,896 Hi, Mr. Wong? 1213 01:25:21,072 --> 01:25:25,304 Yes, Lucy KeIson. Yeah, it's been a Iong time, huh? 1214 01:25:25,476 --> 01:25:27,341 I'm back at my parents' house. 1215 01:25:27,511 --> 01:25:31,607 It's kind of fun being in my oId bedroom and in the neighb-- 1216 01:25:31,849 --> 01:25:37,185 Sorry. Can I have two number sixes... 1217 01:25:37,354 --> 01:25:41,290 ...and a number, a number 1 2? 1218 01:25:41,459 --> 01:25:43,620 Yes, that's for one. 1219 01:25:43,794 --> 01:25:46,092 AIways for one. 1220 01:25:46,263 --> 01:25:48,060 Yes. That's it. No. You know what... 1221 01:25:48,232 --> 01:25:52,931 ...just throw in a coupIe egg roIIs and that wouId be great. 1222 01:25:57,875 --> 01:26:04,280 For years, Coney IsIand has been trying to attract this kind of deveIopment. 1223 01:26:05,516 --> 01:26:10,146 HopefuIIy, IsIand Towers is the start of big things to come. 1224 01:26:10,321 --> 01:26:12,949 And now, it is my honor to introduce to you... 1225 01:26:13,224 --> 01:26:18,491 ...one of the men who made this aII possibIe, George Wade. 1226 01:26:19,396 --> 01:26:23,059 -You Iook great. -Go and earn your money, George. 1227 01:26:28,272 --> 01:26:31,264 -Thanks so much. -Great. 1228 01:26:31,442 --> 01:26:34,707 Thank you very much, AssembIyman Perez. 1229 01:26:36,447 --> 01:26:38,381 Your mom is teaching today... 1230 01:26:38,549 --> 01:26:41,518 ...so we'd better grab a bite to eat and be on our way. 1231 01:26:41,685 --> 01:26:44,745 We have some protesting to do at the community center. 1232 01:26:44,922 --> 01:26:46,856 I'm not going. 1233 01:26:47,057 --> 01:26:49,082 -What are you taIking about? -I cannot watch... 1234 01:26:49,260 --> 01:26:51,319 ...another buiIding get knocked down. 1235 01:26:51,495 --> 01:26:55,226 Hey. We didn't raise you to sit on the sideIines. 1236 01:26:55,399 --> 01:26:58,732 Ever since you were a IittIe girI, you fought for what you beIieved in. 1237 01:26:58,903 --> 01:27:01,497 You were on the White House Enemies Iist at 5. 1238 01:27:01,672 --> 01:27:04,698 Dad, I'm not sitting on the sideIines. I'm going to work. 1239 01:27:04,875 --> 01:27:07,002 What's the point? The man's not gonna Iisten to me. 1240 01:27:07,178 --> 01:27:10,875 Besides, you know, he said some things to me that were just so.... 1241 01:27:13,951 --> 01:27:15,350 True. 1242 01:27:15,753 --> 01:27:18,813 Then you change your tactics, you change your argument. 1243 01:27:18,989 --> 01:27:20,251 You don't give up. 1244 01:27:20,424 --> 01:27:25,452 We didn't give up on civiI rights or equaIity for women or fair housing. 1245 01:27:25,863 --> 01:27:27,524 Honey. 1246 01:27:27,932 --> 01:27:31,629 As Iong as peopIe can change, the worId can change. 1247 01:27:31,936 --> 01:27:34,461 Yeah, but what if peopIe can't change? 1248 01:27:38,776 --> 01:27:40,403 WeII... 1249 01:27:40,578 --> 01:27:42,603 ...Iet me put it this way. 1250 01:27:43,447 --> 01:27:47,474 I'm sitting here eating a piece of cheesecake made entireIy of soy. 1251 01:27:47,851 --> 01:27:49,284 And I hate it. 1252 01:27:50,354 --> 01:27:52,413 But I'm eating it. 1253 01:28:00,030 --> 01:28:04,023 I'm going to work. Bye. Good Iuck. 1254 01:28:11,675 --> 01:28:13,267 The Iaw is pretty cIear on this. 1255 01:28:13,444 --> 01:28:16,902 If the IandIord has not kept up proper maintenance, he cannot evict you. 1256 01:28:17,081 --> 01:28:18,412 We wiII heIp you, Mrs. MuÑez. 1257 01:28:18,582 --> 01:28:22,575 Let me run and get you some forms that you can fiII out, and we'II get started. 1258 01:28:35,666 --> 01:28:37,429 WeII, heIIo. 1259 01:28:37,701 --> 01:28:40,898 -Hi. -You don't remember me, do you? 1260 01:28:41,071 --> 01:28:45,098 PoIIy St. CIair? You interviewed me? You thought I was having a baby? 1261 01:28:45,276 --> 01:28:48,609 Oh, yes. Yes, PoIIy. Wow. 1262 01:28:48,779 --> 01:28:50,303 So you work here now. 1263 01:28:50,481 --> 01:28:53,712 -Terrific. How are you? -Pregnant. 1264 01:28:54,718 --> 01:28:57,448 -I'm not faIIing for that one again. -No, I'm reaIIy pregnant. 1265 01:28:57,621 --> 01:29:00,522 -You can congratuIate me now. -PoIIy, I was not born yesterday. 1266 01:29:00,691 --> 01:29:02,989 I'm pregnant! You want to see the damn sonogram? 1267 01:29:03,160 --> 01:29:05,094 Mrs. MuÑez, we have two other cases-- 1268 01:29:05,262 --> 01:29:06,820 Hi. 1269 01:29:09,967 --> 01:29:12,663 Hi. I'm busy. 1270 01:29:13,237 --> 01:29:15,068 Yes. 1271 01:29:15,372 --> 01:29:18,307 I need your advice on one Iast thing... 1272 01:29:18,475 --> 01:29:20,909 ...and then I promise you wiII never hear from me again. 1273 01:29:21,078 --> 01:29:24,639 I just deIivered the first speech written entireIy by myseIf since we met... 1274 01:29:24,815 --> 01:29:30,947 ...and I think I may have bIown it, so I wanted to ask your thoughts. 1275 01:29:31,121 --> 01:29:34,090 Okay. Then I wiII read it to you. 1276 01:29:34,258 --> 01:29:36,749 ''I'd Iike to weIcome everyone on this speciaI day. 1277 01:29:36,927 --> 01:29:39,293 IsIand Towers wiII bring prestige to the neighborhood... 1278 01:29:39,463 --> 01:29:41,294 ...and become part of BrookIyn's renaissance. 1279 01:29:41,465 --> 01:29:43,695 And we're very pIeased and proud to be here. 1280 01:29:43,867 --> 01:29:46,563 UnfortunateIy, there is one fIy in the ointment. 1281 01:29:46,737 --> 01:29:48,534 You see, I gave my word to someone... 1282 01:29:48,706 --> 01:29:51,675 ...that we wouIdn't knock down this buiIding behind me. 1283 01:29:51,842 --> 01:29:55,369 NormaIIy, and those who know me or were married to me can attest to this... 1284 01:29:55,546 --> 01:29:59,539 ...my word wouIdn't mean very much. So why does it this time? 1285 01:29:59,717 --> 01:30:02,584 WeII, partIy because this buiIding is an architecturaI gem... 1286 01:30:02,753 --> 01:30:04,880 ...and deserves to be Iandmarked. 1287 01:30:05,055 --> 01:30:10,891 PartIy because peopIe do need a pIace to do senior's water baIIet and CPR. 1288 01:30:11,061 --> 01:30:13,291 PreferabIy not together. 1289 01:30:14,398 --> 01:30:19,665 But mainIy because this person, despite being unusuaIIy stubborn... 1290 01:30:19,837 --> 01:30:26,242 ...and unwiIIing to compromise and a very poor dresser, is.... 1291 01:30:27,378 --> 01:30:29,243 She's... 1292 01:30:30,347 --> 01:30:34,147 ...rather Iike the buiIding she Ioves so much. 1293 01:30:34,318 --> 01:30:38,880 A IittIe rough around the edges, but when you Iook cIoseIy... 1294 01:30:39,790 --> 01:30:41,621 ...absoIuteIy beautifuI. 1295 01:30:44,328 --> 01:30:47,024 And the onIy one of her kind. 1296 01:30:51,535 --> 01:30:55,232 And even though I've said crueI things and driven her away... 1297 01:30:55,572 --> 01:30:57,904 ...she's become the voice in my head. 1298 01:31:00,110 --> 01:31:02,806 And I can't seem to drown her out. 1299 01:31:06,016 --> 01:31:08,883 And I don't want to drown her out. 1300 01:31:12,723 --> 01:31:16,250 So we are going to keep the community center. 1301 01:31:18,462 --> 01:31:21,329 Because I gave my word to her... 1302 01:31:24,067 --> 01:31:27,093 ...and because we gave our word to the community.'' 1303 01:31:30,941 --> 01:31:33,034 And I didn't sIeep with June. 1304 01:31:34,778 --> 01:31:39,306 That's not in the speech, that's just me Ietting you know that important fact. 1305 01:31:42,719 --> 01:31:44,152 What do you think? 1306 01:31:53,897 --> 01:31:56,263 I have to get back to work. 1307 01:32:05,008 --> 01:32:06,498 Right. 1308 01:32:06,710 --> 01:32:10,237 Right, yes, yes, yes. Sorry to disturb. 1309 01:32:16,220 --> 01:32:17,710 CongratuIations again, PoIIy. 1310 01:32:44,181 --> 01:32:48,413 Aside from the spIit infinitive that was somewhere in the middIe... 1311 01:32:49,586 --> 01:32:52,453 ...that speech was actuaIIy quite perfect, wasn't it? 1312 01:32:52,623 --> 01:32:56,559 Yeah. I don't know what the heII you're stiII doing sitting here. 1313 01:32:56,727 --> 01:32:59,093 And I don't even Iike him. 1314 01:33:17,781 --> 01:33:19,476 George! 1315 01:33:42,105 --> 01:33:46,906 George, I just want to say thank you. 1316 01:33:47,344 --> 01:33:49,835 Thank you and I know I can be harsh and demanding... 1317 01:33:50,013 --> 01:33:53,107 ...but I want to try and change because I beIieve peopIe can change. 1318 01:33:53,283 --> 01:33:57,379 I can change and not be so demanding and, you know, Iike, meet you haIfway. 1319 01:33:57,554 --> 01:34:00,614 I just-- I know-- Things just-- 1320 01:34:01,925 --> 01:34:03,722 Once I-- 1321 01:34:06,597 --> 01:34:07,757 Lucy... 1322 01:34:08,565 --> 01:34:10,931 ...I am in Iove with you. 1323 01:34:13,570 --> 01:34:15,902 And I'm in Iove with you. 1324 01:34:23,914 --> 01:34:26,178 Oh, I shouId just mention that I have resigned... 1325 01:34:26,683 --> 01:34:29,083 -...and am now poor. -Good. 1326 01:34:29,252 --> 01:34:33,712 When I say poor, I mean we may have to share a heIicopter with another famiIy. 1327 01:34:33,890 --> 01:34:35,551 Does that work for you? 1328 01:34:35,726 --> 01:34:39,355 As Iong as I don't have to work for you, we wiII be fine. 1329 01:34:39,529 --> 01:34:41,156 ExceIIent. 1330 01:34:42,332 --> 01:34:46,200 And now I wouId very much Iike to discuss that whoIe bobcat-pretzeI thing. 1331 01:34:46,470 --> 01:34:50,201 Oh, I was just kidding. I'm aIIergic to bobcats, actuaIIy. 1332 01:34:50,474 --> 01:34:51,873 I'm very sorry to hear that. 1333 01:34:52,809 --> 01:34:57,041 -But I can do the pretzeI. -That's exceIIent news. 1334 01:35:38,722 --> 01:35:40,451 Hi, Mr. Wong, it's Lucy KeIson. 1335 01:35:40,624 --> 01:35:45,323 I need one number 1 3, two number sevens-- 1336 01:35:45,495 --> 01:35:48,123 I can't beIieve how smaII this apartment is. It's shocking. 1337 01:35:48,298 --> 01:35:53,827 I need three number eights, no garIic. 1338 01:35:54,004 --> 01:35:56,939 It's good your parents went to the movies. We'd never have squeezed in. 1339 01:35:57,107 --> 01:36:02,409 I need one number seven and-- 1340 01:36:02,579 --> 01:36:05,742 I can waIk from one side of this apartment to the other in six seconds. 1341 01:36:05,916 --> 01:36:11,479 -Watch this. One.... -And a number 1 1 , pIease. 1342 01:36:11,655 --> 01:36:14,146 No, actuaIIy this is for two. 1343 01:41:03,747 --> 01:41:04,736 [ENGLISH]