{1}{1}23.976 {1454}{1492}After a generation of struggle... {1493}{1538}changed the face of our nation,... {1538}{1589}African Americans entered the '70s... {1590}{1634}with new found hope. {1635}{1676}I am...|- I am... {1677}{1725}Somebody!|- Somebody! {1726}{1759}Vibrant leaders emerged... {1760}{1828}and black culture reached|its high point,... {1829}{1863}influencing all facets|of American life. {2002}{2065}But progress slowed|in the decades that followed. {2066}{2127}Black culture began to lose|its distinctive flavor. {2179}{2266}And as the millennium drew to|a close disaster struck. {2303}{2374}These seemingly random events|were in fact orchestrated... {2375}{2441}by The Man, a villain obsessed... {2442}{2513}with turning back the clock|on race relations. {2514}{2560}Just when it seemed|the funky spirit... {2561}{2604}of the '70s|would be lost forever,... {2605}{2691}a new hero emerged.|His name, Undercover Brother. {3534}{3606}Give it to me.|Need it, got to have it. {3657}{3711}Say! {4391}{4427}It ain't no thang. {4455}{4494}Yeah. {4581}{4634}A bird gonna shit on my windshield?! {4635}{4674}Not on my Cadillac! {4675}{4747}I'm gonna chop your feathers off|and put you in Chinatown! {4748}{4807}They gonna make|Peking Pigeon out of you! {4808}{4850}Damn! {4856}{4898}Unbeknownst to Undercover Brother,... {4899}{4964}there was a secret organization|dedicated to truth,... {4965}{5017}justice, and the Afro-American way. {5018}{5100}They had never crossed paths|until now. {5547}{5582}Headquarters, come in. {5583}{5644}Good work, Sistah Girl. {5645}{5730}Data from the mainframe|ready to commence. {5731}{5802}She's transmitting! Are we up and ready?|- Yes, sir. {5803}{5855}And I've hacked into|the bank security system. {5906}{5943}You've got soul. {5944}{5997}We're in. {5998}{6097}The computer!|Another idea stolen from the black man. {6098}{6152}Did you all know that|George Washington Carver... {6153}{6208}made the first computer|out of a peanut? {6209}{6242}A peanut? {6242}{6297}A peanut!|- Shut up and get back to work! {6298}{6348}I've spent six months|setting up this operation... {6349}{6390}and I want to see everything... {6391}{6466}off-shore accounts,|dummy corporations, money laundering. {6467}{6524}If we can cut off his funds,... {6525}{6580}we may finally be able|to stop The Man. {6749}{6820}Waited a long time for this. {6861}{6909}What the hell?|- What the hell? {6910}{6975}What the...|- Dissed. {6976}{7056}Ah, solid.|- Hey! {7057}{7098}What the hell are you doing, old man? {7365}{7403}Headquarters... {7404}{7462}Is there another agent on this case?|- Hell, no! {7462}{7501}Damn it, who is that guy? {7502}{7576}I'll cross-reference the bank's|security camera with our database. {7746}{7796}Come on, Uncle Ben! {8008}{8061}It's Macy Gray|with pork-chop sideburns! {8180}{8216}Who's bad? {8350}{8418}Ohh! Right up the pooper! {8613}{8678}Right on, sweet sistah. {8745}{8785}Damn it, who is he?! {8786}{8858}Sistah Girl, abort mission! {8938}{9004}Damn it.|Who was that guy? {9242}{9285}Solid. {9890}{9969}Solid. {10056}{10114}Too funky for myself. {10874}{10930}Mr. Feather, The Man wants to see you. {10931}{10973}Fabulous. {11054}{11157}And now, the Channel 8 News with|Wendy Marshall and Chuck Marlboro. {11158}{11255}There's growing speculation that former|defense secretary and war hero,... {11256}{11317}General Warren Boutwell,|will run for President. {11318}{11377}He is considered|the first African-American... {11378}{11416}with a legitimate chance of winning. {11417}{11488}Wendy? Yeah, he is a strong|candidate, Chuck. {11489}{11533}He's so well-spoken.|I've noticed that. {11534}{11610}General Boutwell seems to have|a lot of support all across the nation. {11611}{11663}Yes, and not just|in the urban areas. {11664}{11753}In fact, the decorated|four-star general and Vietnam vet... {11754}{11797}is regarded|as one of the country's... {11798}{11841}most well-respected|public figures. {11842}{11873}Thank you very much. {11874}{11922}A staunch advocate|for civil rights,... {11923}{11998}Boutwell has never backed down|from controversial issues. {11999}{12077}Indeed, if ever there was a straighter|arrow than Warren Boutwell,... {12078}{12121}we'd be hard-pressed|to find him. {12122}{12174}Well, if he does declare|his candidacy,... {12175}{12229}this certainly will be|an exciting race. {12230}{12301}Race? I'm not|touching that one. {12302}{12381}First, our children hip-hop|all over the suburbs. {12382}{12432}Now Boutwell might be President?! {12433}{12532}They are taking over|every aspect of our culture! {12533}{12591}Don't you agree, Mr. Feather?|- Word. {12592}{12689}For sheezy, my neezy.|- What did you say? {12714}{12754}I said... for sure. {12755}{12801}Yes, indeedy. {12802}{12850}I have a cold. {12851}{12929}I want the White House|to stay white. {12930}{12962}Eliminate him! {12987}{13037}But, sir, if we kill him,... {13038}{13101}we'll only be|making him a hero. {13154}{13197}Do you have a better idea? {13198}{13297}Our friends at Multinational Inc.|have been developing a new drug... {13298}{13360}with some very interesting|side effects. {13406}{13488}I think we may have found|the perfect guinea pig. {13762}{13843}The so called Afro Bandit|struck Multinational Bank. {13844}{13896}However, it appears|no money was stolen. {13897}{13971}Authorities questioned|singer Macy Gray,... {13972}{14049}but she was released|for lack of evidence. {14050}{14101}Well, would anybody|like to explain exactly... {14102}{14144}what the hell happened|at the bank?! {14145}{14200}His name is Undercover Brother. {14290}{14338}Apparently, he was erasing|mortgage records... {14339}{14401}so that low-income families|wouldn't lose their homes. {14402}{14428}Great. {14429}{14499}A "Soul Train" reject|with a Robin Hood complex. {14500}{14561}Now I've heard everything.|- Hey, hey, hey, now. {14562}{14605}At least he got the job done. {14606}{14688}That's the kind of man we need around here.|- The keyword being "man"? {14689}{14731}Hold on.|I didn't say that, you did. {14732}{14773}Man-man. {14774}{14825}The General's|press conference is starting! {14826}{14865}We interrupt this broadcast|to take you live... {14866}{14926}to a press conference|by General Warren Boutwell,... {14927}{14961}in which he is expected|to announce... {14962}{15037}that he is a candidate|for presidency of the United States. {15038}{15106}I wonder if he'll run|as a Democrat or an Independent. {15106}{15193}Never know. Might be a Republican.|- Oh, please. {15194}{15273}What kind of self-respecting black|man would run as a Republican? {15274}{15370}Name one thing the Republican party|has done for black people. One! {15371}{15418}Well, they were|the party of Lincoln. {15419}{15461}They stood against|the tyranny of oppression... {15462}{15501}by leading the call|for the Civil War,... {15502}{15566}and forced passage|of the Emancipation Proclamation,... {15567}{15597}which freed the slaves. {15638}{15684}All right,|name two things lately. {15685}{15732}Damn it, it doesn't matter|what party! {15733}{15794}This could be the first step|on the road to putting... {15795}{15849}an African-American|in the White House. {15850}{15920}It's a great day|for black people of all races. {15989}{16057}Good morning.|- Think about it! {16058}{16137}I've thought long and hard about how|I can best serve my country... {16138}{16180}now that I'm no longer in uniform. {16181}{16232}Well, today... {16233}{16284}I am proud to announce... {16285}{16329}that I will be... {16330}{16439}opening a chain|of fried chicken restaurants. {16486}{16542}General Boutwell! {16584}{16616}Yes, sir. {16617}{16685}So, you're passing up a chance|to be President... {16686}{16720}to open a chicken joint? {16721}{16793}A man like me doesn't have|any business in politics. {16794}{16853}They say you should|always do what you know. {16854}{16904}And what I know|is good fried chicken. {16905}{16951}Yes, ma'am. {16952}{17026}Don't you think your supporters|in the African-American community... {17027}{17093}will be particularly disappointed? {17094}{17144}Not after they taste|the General's fried chicken. {17175}{17232}Surrender, Colonel,|here comes the General. {17233}{17290}Will there be side dishes?|- Sweet potatoes... {17291}{17421}Black-eyed peas, Mashed potatoes, macaroni... {17422}{17549}cornbread and the General's|special... hot sauce! {17550}{17604}That's all for today. {17605}{17655}Thank you very much.|Nice to see you all. {17656}{17712}General, what about desert? {17806}{17863}You know, he does have a point|about that Colonel. {17864}{17900}I never trusted the Colonel! {17901}{17970}Slaves cooked that chicken!|Ain't no white man know... {17970}{18023}about no 16 herbs|and spices and giblets! {18024}{18076}Smart Brother,|if you so damn smart,... {18077}{18149}Why don't you explain|what just happened? {18150}{18201}If I wanted to hear something stupid,... {18202}{18304}I'd ask this skinny black ass!|- In your face! {18305}{18351}Skinny black... Hey! {18352}{18430}We got to find out exactly what happened|to the General, and fast! {18431}{18477}I'll get right on it.|Whoa, hold on. {18478}{18549}Not that fast. We need|some new blood on this case. {18550}{18629}What? Who? You can't just hire|some fool off the streets. {18630}{18702}Watch me.|Get me Undercover Brother! {18718}{18772}Ooh, too funky for myself. {18773}{18797}You were the only man|outside the palace. {18825}{18865}I was outside.|- Jimmy! {18866}{18920}But I wasn't the only one.|- Jim Kelly! {18921}{19007}It is not possible.|- Watch out for the hand! {19049}{19098}Gets you every time!|Spinning back-kick! {19373}{19440}I think I'll lay down... {19441}{19497}and get me a little bit|of sleep. {19609}{19657}Don't touch the hair! {19734}{19820}Okay, Bruce Leroy, turn around. {19821}{19865}Slowly. {19945}{20035}If you gonna shoot me,|shoot me. {20219}{20267}Thank you, Jesus. {20427}{20463}Dig it. {20464}{20527}You that Sistah Girl|from the bank, huh? {20571}{20621}I guess you like|what you saw earlier. {20639}{20698}Look, baby,|let's stop fooling around. {20698}{20741}Your body's slammin',|let's get to jammin'. {20746}{20778}Excuse me? {20779}{20858}Oh, nothing relaxes a brother after|a hard day of going undercover... {20859}{20903}like a little piece of the cookie. {20931}{21003}Goddamn.|My cookie would break you in half. {21004}{21115}Maybe, but that would be|some long division. {21151}{21183}Long. {21207}{21266}You hit me pretty good,|but I wasn't ready. {21267}{21355}Now, any time you think you want to|get feisty or throw down... {21463}{21506}So, Sistah Girl,... {21507}{21566}if you're not here|for Undercover Lover,... {21567}{21617}you must be here|for Undercover Brother. {21618}{21673}What, pray tell,|can I do for you today? {21709}{21765}Okay, we're here. Now be cool. {21766}{21821}This place is top secret.|- Solid. {21850}{21889}Man, you know you ain't right. {21947}{22025}I'm gonna need my custom shears|for this masterpiece. {22026}{22094}Careful. Puncture him and the|hot air's liable to kill you. {22094}{22138}Take a seat.|- Don't mind if I do. {22150}{22229}We're gonna hook you right up.|- Holy funkadelic! {22230}{22333}This is some kind of secret|organization you have here. {22342}{22390}Look at all this hi-tech|spy equipment. {22391}{22488}You got clippers,|you got T.C.B. activator. {22489}{22561}I mean, your only competition|must be the K.G.B. {22581}{22625}Or the F.B.I. {22844}{22917}Who the hell are you, woman?|You're the Grim Reaper! {22918}{22953}I don't want to go to hell! {22954}{23000}I ain't never did|nothing but good! {23001}{23057}I swear to God|I ain't done nothing wrong! {23268}{23311}Oh, come on. {23312}{23396}The flashing light and fan|make the drop seem worse than it is. {23520}{23572}I knew that. {23628}{23687}Entering secure area. {23688}{23735}Stand here. {23736}{23784}Right here? {24260}{24345}Blackness confirmed. You got soul. {24346}{24438}What I'm about to show you|few people have ever seen before. {24486}{24567}Would Agent Jefferson please pick up|the black courtesy phone? {24658}{24713}Agents report to the ready room. {24714}{24762}Agents report to the ready room. {24802}{24857}Welcome to the Brotherhood. {24858}{24902}Solid. {24954}{24997}Yes, I know. {24998}{25071}I really don't want to talk about|this over the telephone. {25072}{25128}Perhaps we could meet|at a secret location? {25129}{25192}Okay. No, that sounds great. {25193}{25252}All right. Revolution.|Take care. {25254}{25300}"The revolution will not be televised." {25301}{25385}This is Undercover Brother.|- Hey, how you doing? {25386}{25441}Good morning! {25442}{25509}Good morning?|Get on the desk! {25510}{25565}You brought a spy around me?! {25566}{25623}Spy in the building! {25624}{25668}Don't touch the 'fro.|- Back up off! {25669}{25764}Back up off me!|- Let me tell you something about the word "good." {25765}{25837}Good is an ancient Anglo-Saxon word. {25838}{25918}Go-od, meaning|the absence of color,... {25919}{25964}i.E... .|"It's all good,"... {25965}{26028}which it is,|or "Good Will Hunting,"... {26029}{26084}meaning, "I'm hunting niggas!" {26085}{26160}So if you say "good morning" to me,|you're saying, {26161}{26241}"I'm gonna kill your black ass|first thing in the morning!" {26242}{26304}Is that that damn Undercover Brother?!|- You in trouble. {26305}{26352}Where the hell have you been?! {26353}{26403}This is a job, not some kind|of damn summer camp! {26404}{26448}And I'm tired of you|disrespecting me! {26449}{26536}Give me one good reason|why I shouldn't fire your sorry ass! {26537}{26608}Because I don't work for you? {26609}{26648}Shut up! {26649}{26720}Save your smart comments|for the chunky brother in the smock! {26721}{26769}Now get in my office! {27221}{27272}Congratulations, Mr. Feather. {27273}{27316}Thank you, Mister... {27317}{27362}The Man. {27363}{27462}As you can see,|the General is totally under our control. {27463}{27570}Yes, our little experiment was a success. {27571}{27690}In fact, I've decided to use the General|to launch "Operation Whitewash." {27691}{27774}Fabulous. I'll inform Multinational|to step up production. {27775}{27854}The only thing standing|in our way is the Brotherhood. {27855}{27938}And they won't be a problem,|will they, Feather? {27939}{27989}No, sir. {27990}{28019}Good. {28059}{28131}Uh, will they, Feather? {28243}{28320}New one from Britney... {29238}{29299}What am I doing?! {29554}{29604}And that's why we believe|there's got to be... {29605}{29697}some connection between|the General's announcement and The Man. {29698}{29763}Come on, y'all.|Y'all telling me there's really a Man? {29764}{29842}What do you think,|Undercover Brother? {29843}{29881}If that is your real name. {29882}{29936}You think things|just happen by accident? {29937}{30082}No! Sometimes people, mostly white|people, make things happen. {30083}{30121}That's where we come in... {30122}{30226}and our never ending struggle|against The Man,... {30227}{30372}a.k.a. Whitey, a.k.a. Mr. Charlie,|a.k.a. Honky McGee. {30373}{30480}So, the conspiracies we've believed|for all these years are really true? {30481}{30528}The N.B.A. really instituted... {30530}{30607}the three-point shot|to give white boys a chance? {30608}{30638}Absolutely. {30639}{30701}So the entertainment industry|really is out to get Spike Lee. {30702}{30761}Is that right?|- Come on, man! {30762}{30808}Even Cher got an Oscar. {30809}{30845}Cher-rr! {30846}{30915}And O.J. really didn't do it? {30998}{31059}Let's just move on, shall we? {31086}{31145}Holy moly, looks like|the Source Awards in here. {31146}{31193}It does now. {31194}{31242}Hurting.|- Who's that? {31243}{31290}Oh, this is Lance, our intern. {31291}{31329}Lance, this is Undercover Brother. {31330}{31366}What's happening? {31366}{31447}Whas-ssup?! {31486}{31579}Okay, how did the white boy get|a job here at the Brotherhood? {31580}{31647}Shit. What can I tell you?|Affirmative action. {31648}{31686}What? Here we go. {31687}{31723}Oh, boy.|Open up the window. {31724}{31777}It's getting all racial|up in this piece. {31832}{31910}Look here, Undercover Brother,|now that you're working for us,... {31911}{31965}you're gonna need to memorize|our rules and regulations. {31966}{32035}Trim the hair, and for God's sake,|get rid of the clothes. {32036}{32090}Slow your roll, Chief.|You know, I respect... {32091}{32141}what y'all are doing here|at the Brotherhood,... {32142}{32229}but I'm a firm believer in everybody|should do their own thang. {32484}{32549}Okay, he should never|do his own thang. {32613}{32672}I'm getting too old|for this shit. {32754}{32827}I said, "You'd better open|the bank and give me my money." {32828}{32860}Yeah?|"It's my money. {32861}{32904}I don't care whose bank it is!"|Right. {32905}{32967}I know whose money is in it.|I'm keeping it real. {32968}{33027}That's all I'm saying.|- Hi, Conspiracy Brother. {33028}{33069}"Hi"? What you mean, "Hi"? {33070}{33119}Like, "Hi, y'all|want to be white?" {33120}{33183}High, like the white man|wants to keep us? Huh? {33211}{33265}You don't smell|no weed on me, did you? {33266}{33314}Hey, brother, can I get a list... {33315}{33362}of the words|that trigger these fits? {33363}{33401}Man, you really need to relax. {33402}{33441}Go see a movie.|- A movie? {33442}{33483}A movie. Come on, man! {33484}{33537}So I can fall in love|with some cute black man... {33538}{33601}that teaches white people everything|they know about the shrimp industry... {33602}{33646}before they kill him|30 minutes into the movie? {33647}{33722}"Hey, why don't you walk down|that tunnel, black man? {33723}{33775}Hey, black man,|turn on the generator. {33776}{33837}This dinosaur is out there.|Hey, black man, look out. {33838}{33893}He's got a gun!" {33894}{33936}Oh! I'm hit! {33938}{33984}But my vest caught it, bitch! {33985}{34023}Yes, I'm alive! {34024}{34111}I told you to keep your finger|off the trigger of that thing! {34112}{34145}I'm cool, everybody. {34146}{34185}Undercover Brother, please.|- Go on back to work. {34186}{34227}Sorry about all that.|- I shit on myself! {34228}{34265}I have a couple of things for you. {34266}{34359}Here are your shoes. I took the|liberty of making a few modifications. {34395}{34457}And now, am I correct in assuming|that the Cadillac... {34458}{34513}that was double-parked in|the parking lot belongs to you? {34514}{34580}Smart Brother,|that is not just a Caddy. {34581}{34628}That is a Cadillac Coupe DeVille. {34630}{34697}Y'all don't give a shit about me!|I need a sponge bath. {34729}{34784}That's an orange soda dispenser. {34785}{34850}And a crossover amp|and subwoofer for your eight-track. {34851}{34923}Ah, man. Smart Brother,|you's a bad mother... {34924}{34985}Shut your mouth! {34986}{35028}Enjoy, huh? {35033}{35061}All right. {35062}{35136}Big car, big hair, big necklace. {35137}{35202}Someone is clearly overcompensating. {35203}{35289}First of all, you forgot about|my big, black, fuzzy balls. {35440}{35479}And secondly,|this is not a necklace,... {35480}{35529}it's a medallion|given to me by my father... {35530}{35596}so I never forget who I am|or what I stand for. {35597}{35641}I don't need no gold.|Don't need no jewels. {35642}{35714}The medallion keeps me cool.|You dig? {35723}{35776}Sistah Girl, Undercover Brother, come in. {35865}{35900}What it is, Chief? {35901}{35951}We've just discovered that|the General is playing golf... {35952}{35996}with some of Multinational's|head honchos. {35997}{36076}Now, you get yo ass down there|and see what you can find out! {36077}{36117}And by the way, Undercover Screw Up,... {36118}{36181}don't let me catch your black ass|in the news again. {36198}{36231}You hear me?!|I want you to blend in! {36232}{36290}Chiefie, baby,|I'm a master of disguises. {36291}{36353}I can blend in like a good weave. {36491}{36550}Say, where's that caddy?|- I don't know. {36551}{36591}Oh, there he is. {36684}{36725}Jah mon, rasta. {36908}{36990}Nice shot. {37186}{37237}Sistah Girl, the camera's up. {37372}{37429}Would anyone like|some fried chicken? {37654}{37705}Mr. Feather. {37706}{37746}Undercover Brother? {37747}{37794}We're definitely|on the right track. {37795}{37861}That's the number one|flunkey of The Man. {37862}{37922}I'm gonna report to the Chief,|find out what he wants to do. {37923}{37982}That cat'll be long gone|by that time. {37983}{38027}This thing's going down now, baby. {38028}{38080}This is strictly|an observational mission. {38081}{38122}We are not authorized|to take action. {38123}{38149}Well, observe this. {38162}{38222}Action is what|Undercover Brother's all about. {38302}{38345}Hmm. Rasta man. {38574}{38689}Oh, the mind control|formula is complete. {38739}{38777}Who's there?|- Kung! {38778}{38825}Kung who? {38904}{38942}Kung fool! {39316}{39358}Ow, my wrist. {39418}{39466}Help! Thief!|There's a thief here! {39467}{39532}What the hell is your problem?|- Give me back my things! {39533}{39600}Thief!|Hey, give me that back! {39692}{39739}Hold it! {39740}{39800}Holy Motown. {39972}{40042}Come on.|- You don't want to mess with me, man! {40256}{40304}I had 'em, baby.|Yeah, I saw. {40306}{40346}Come on, let's go! {40410}{40444}Come on! {40498}{40553}Stop where you are!|This is security! {40554}{40614}Do not move!|- Quick! This way! {40614}{40653}Aw, hell, they moved. {40757}{40814}Do it.|Code 37. {41097}{41157}Is he crazy?|- Okay, slow down! {41220}{41278}Slow, slow, slow. {41279}{41334}Hey, slow down|over there, people! {41394}{41430}Hold the wheel, baby. {41502}{41550}No! No!|- Oh, no! {41550}{41606}Oh, jeez!|Too fast! {41607}{41650}Losing control! {42317}{42385}There's got to be another way out of here.|- Hold it! {42809}{42850}Thanks for the lift. {42901}{43036}A spectral analysis has ironically confirmed|traces of poultry on Mr. Feather. {43037}{43082}This proves that|The Man must be behind... {43083}{43133}Multinational Inc. 's deal|with the General. {43134}{43198}I don't get it. What does The Man|got to do with fried chicken? {43199}{43264}Is that his big plan,|to get black people to eat junk food? {43265}{43321}Open your eyes, Undercover Brother! {43322}{43406}This has to do with|discrediting the General. {43407}{43454}That is the white man's tactic. {43454}{43502}He don't want no black President. {43502}{43537}You've seen it all through history. {43538}{43584}They never give black men credit. {43585}{43656}Jesus Christ... black man. {43658}{43749}Babe Ruth... black man. {43780}{43813}Madonna! {43841}{43884}Sleeps with black men. {43885}{43937}Think about it. {43938}{43989}So the General sold out to The Man. {43990}{44033}I don't think it's that simple. {44034}{44107}When you're dealing|with The Man, it never is. {44137}{44236}Our only choice here|is to infiltrate Multinational Inc. {44237}{44299}Then we can find out|what happened to the General. {44300}{44364}It'll be a very dangerous assignment. {44393}{44440}It'll be your most|vigorous training yet. {44441}{44481}You're gonna have to think and act... {44482}{44540}just like a tight-butt white man|with a 401K plan... {44541}{44580}and a country club membership. {44581}{44627}So pay attention. {44744}{44779}Here... {44780}{44835}have a bite of this... {44836}{44865}sandwich. {44866}{44910}How did you know I was hungry? {44911}{44955}I ain't eat nothing this morning. {45051}{45128}You trying to kill me?|- If you're going to pass in white America,... {45129}{45202}you are going to have|to learn to like mayonnaise! {45203}{45232}No!|Listen... {45233}{45306}if you're ever forced|to eat this mayonnaise,... {45307}{45371}simply press the button|on this side of the watch. {45372}{45435}It delivers a rather liberal|spritzing of hot sauce. {45436}{45515}One blast should be enough|to make Caucasian food edible. {45516}{45553}Well, it works on grits. {45622}{45665}Now, since time|is of the essence,... {45666}{45714}I developed a device|that allows you... {45715}{45764}to absorb the whole|of white culture... {45765}{45835}in mere seconds|using subliminal imagery. {45836}{45940}I call it... Caucasiavision. {45941}{46008}Hey, I feel like George Clinton. {46073}{46133}Turn it on. {46353}{46411}No! {46484}{46517}Make it stop!|Make it stop! {46605}{46645}Don't you give up on me! {46674}{46725}I see white people.|It's too much! {46726}{46757}Too much!|Caucasian overload! {46781}{46821}Caucasian overload.|Breathe. {46822}{46861}Caucasian overload!|Breathe. {46898}{46945}Breathe. Breathe. {46986}{47061}That's too much white|for one brother to take. {47062}{47094}You did good. {47095}{47147}We need to make sure|the process worked,... {47148}{47249}so I called in an expert|on white culture. {47552}{47605}"In season three of 'Friends',... {47654}{47766}what object of Julia's did|Ross see on his bedside table... {47767}{47815}the night he kissed Rachel?" {47996}{48036}Her saline solution. {48102}{48146}He's ready. {48408}{48444}Hi, there. {48488}{48524}How are you doing? {48561}{48616}What do you say there? {48646}{48678}Howdy. May I help you? {48679}{48715}I sincerely hope so. {48716}{48763}Today's my first day at Multinational. {48764}{48819}Oh, my. Jackson. {48820}{48855}Anton Jackson. {48856}{48909}And no, not one|of the Jackson Five. {48985}{49045}Here we go. You're in suite 54.|Tobacco division. {49052}{49177}We need some fresh, hip strategies|to expand our market share. {49178}{49238}As it turns out,|I have just the product. {49286}{49329}Here's one of your cigarettes. {49330}{49361}Take a good look at it. {49362}{49429}It's pale, small,|a little on the limp side. {49430}{49462}It's basically inadequate. {49463}{49515}It can't possibly give much|pleasure to the user. {49516}{49577}It sure can't.|- I mean, ask yourselves,... {49578}{49631}how many black people|are gonna want to smoke this? {49632}{49685}Not the one I know.|- You have to effectively position... {49686}{49734}your product within the black consumer. {49734}{49801}May I present to you The Fatty? {49826}{49899}Hmm? It's got that|hand-rolled look and feel... {49900}{49957}that's so popular|with today's black youth. {49958}{50053}It's big. It's full|of long-lasting pleasure... {50054}{50111}To be enjoyed again... {50222}{50263}I could use a smoke. {50264}{50321}Yeah? Good. {50401}{50472}It's time to say goodbye|to Anton Jackson... {50573}{50640}and say what it is|to Undercover Brother. {50740}{50785}Now, that's a long way down. {52199}{52254}Come in, Brotherhood.|Are you digging me? {52255}{52293}Undercover Brother. {52294}{52349}I'll transmit some|computer files about the General. {52350}{52399}See what you can do with it.|- Right on. {52566}{52639}The chief wants you to stay undercover|until we decode this information. {52640}{52687}I can dig it.|- But be careful. {52688}{52739}If they're onto you,|they might set up a trap. {52740}{52778}I know this is the wrong time,... {52779}{52869}but I wanted to let you know,|I'm thinking about you, girl. {52870}{52926}I'm bouncin'.|Shakin' a spot. {52927}{52981}Gone.|- Bye. {52982}{53033}Bye. {53073}{53120}Mr. Elias, there's been a breach! {53121}{53177}That afro! {53178}{53228}I'd recognize it anywhere. {53229}{53285}The Brotherhood is making their move. {53286}{53332}Just as I expected. {53370}{53432}It's time to release|our secret weapon. {53433}{53496}I call it... {53497}{53573}Black Man's kryptonite. {53946}{54021}How's it going there? {54022}{54063}What the hell? {54078}{54126}Oh, dear. {54126}{54197}Oh, what am I gonna do? {54198}{54245}My gosh. {54274}{54349}Look at this mess.|Oh, dear. {54390}{54445}I'm so sorry.|Let me help you. {54446}{54484}Jeez, that's sweet of you. {54485}{54533}If I mess up my boss' report,... {54534}{54593}he's gonna have a conniption|with a capital K. {54594}{54687}Penelope Snow. {54712}{54755}Anton Jackson. {54756}{54803}I'm so sorry. Here. {54804}{54876}Thanks, Anton.|You're so sweet. {54878}{54963}And cute, too.|In a Theo Huxtable kind of way. {54994}{55039}Are you new here? {55040}{55097}Yeah, it's my first day.|Mine too. {55098}{55143}Really?|- Yeah, I just moved here... {55144}{55191}bringing nothing by my hopes|and my dreams. {55192}{55264}But sometimes the big city|can be so... {55292}{55335}...big. {55336}{55421}A girl needs friends, Anton. {55422}{55476}Would you like to be my friend? {57361}{57409}I didn't know you had such|a beautiful voice. {57438}{57545}You know, you and I|have tons in common. {57546}{57613}I know what it feels like|to be discriminated against. {57614}{57697}I mean, just because a girl|has a healthy sexual appetite,... {57698}{57744}doesn't mean|she can't do her job. {57745}{57808}They look at you... {57809}{57877}and all they see|is a threatening black man. {57914}{57971}And they look at me,|and all they see... {57972}{58033}are my full breasts|and my narrow waist... {58034}{58076}that tapers|to my pert backside. {58077}{58133}It's just not fair. {58134}{58190}Here you go, folks.|- Yum. {58257}{58324}And here's the extra mayonnaise you ordered.|- Yum, yum. {58325}{58393}Enjoy.|- This is the best stuff. {58450}{58495}Have you eaten here before, Anton? {58496}{58543}No, I haven't.|It's my first time. {58544}{58588}Oh, take a bite of my sandwich. {58632}{58680}Come on, Anton. {58707}{58756}Just one little bite. {58998}{59029}Scrumptious. {59121}{59238}Oh, Anton, I can't wait to see|you in these corduroys. {59239}{59288}You're gonna make me blush. {59289}{59349}And you might not see it! {59350}{59409}May I help you, sir? {59466}{59500}Hello, fellow person of color. {59501}{59542}How's it going today? {59587}{59650}What's going down?|- What are you doing with that girl? {59651}{59688}What girl?|- That girl! {59689}{59732}Oh, the white woman. {59733}{59772}I'm undercover. {59773}{59842}When you go undercover, you have|to do things you wouldn't normally do. {59843}{59933}No matter how difficult, how dangerous,|how good it might have felt. {59934}{60005}Like having sex with white girls? {60006}{60060}Damn it, woman,|would you just back off?! {60061}{60156}Attention angry black man in khakis. {60157}{60229}Golly, I must have tripped|or something. {60230}{60288}Hi, Ton-ja. {60289}{60344}Listen... {60345}{60424}I was wondering,|do you have any dickies? {60425}{60462}'Cause I couldn't find them. {60463}{60503}Really? {60504}{60574}Perhaps we're all sold out. {60575}{60622}Aw, that's too bad. {60623}{60660}Come on, Anton. {60662}{60789}I saw a mock turtleneck at Eddie|Bauer that's perfect for you. {60790}{60853}Thanks for all your help.|Bye-bye, Ton-ja. {60858}{60895}Bye-bye. {61136}{61165}And action! {61184}{61219}I want you... {61243}{61311}to buy my new|fried chicken, that is. {61343}{61398}Sure enough. {61399}{61442}I used to work for the Pentagon,... {61443}{61494}now I help you to get|your chicken on. {61495}{61538}And for a limited time only,... {61539}{61586}order an eight-piece Nappy Meal,... {61587}{61678}and get a 32-ounce|malt liquor absolutely free. {62060}{62136}Lord have mercy. {62322}{62413}Introducing the Nappy Meal from G.F.C. {62414}{62473}This chicken is the bomb. {62522}{62601}At the General's,|we do chicken right-on! {62630}{62684}Will you look at that? {62685}{62757}The General's lost his damn mind. {62758}{62809}He's making a fool|out of himself over this crap. {62998}{63037}What?|It's catchy. {63038}{63081}Reminds me of the Fresh Prince. {63082}{63120}I like him. He raps happy. {63146}{63205}Excuse me, sir.|This is a restricted... good God! {63206}{63267}Heya, Chiefster. Lance.|- Nice pants. {63268}{63327}Undercover Brother?|- Undercover Brother? {63342}{63420}What happened to you?|- He had sex with a white girl, that's what! {63421}{63475}Was it everything I dreamed of?|It was good. {63486}{63516}She had pink nipples?|Big ones. {63517}{63569}Yeah, big ones.|- Yeah. {63570}{63630}Her carpet matched her drapes?|- Excuse me? {63693}{63785}No, man. You can't be doing that.|- What were you doing? {63786}{63863}White girl or no white girl,|where the hell have you been? {63864}{63935}Not there, 'cause that's where people|who swear go. Thank you very much. {63936}{63991}You sound like|a 14-year-old white chick. {63992}{64062}I don't think so, Sister Girl. {64063}{64136}It's Sistah Girl, dude. {64137}{64189}Maybe on Planet Ebonics.|But where I come from,... {64190}{64246}we like to pronounce|our E's and our R's,... {64247}{64289}thank you very much. {64290}{64351}E's and R's? {64352}{64404}Ebonics, huh?|I be thinking... {64405}{64485}that somebody in this room|is selling out. {64486}{64530}I say we kill him.|Shut the door, nigga. {64531}{64582}Shh, it's gonna be|all right, baby. Don't look! {64583}{64637}I'm sorry, dawg, but you need...|Hey, buddy,... {64638}{64723}if I hadn't read that article in|Vanity Fair on anger management,... {64724}{64795}I'd put away this guava-|mango-broccoli smoothie... {64796}{64856}And put my foot in your patootie.|- Patootie? {64858}{64903}Now maybe you guys|don't like the new me,... {64904}{64951}but I don't give a gosh darn. {64952}{64982}For all I care,... {64983}{65029}you can all get|the beejeebies out of here. {65030}{65085}Now, if you'll excuse me,|I must be going. {65086}{65122}"Frasier" is on. {65123}{65175}"Frasier"? {65270}{65312}Beejeebies? {65313}{65360}He said he would stick his foot... {65362}{65427}up my so-called "patootie."|Damn it. {65428}{65467}I knew this could happen. {65468}{65546}You can only keep an agent|undercover for so long... {65547}{65581}before he loses his identity. {65582}{65678}Hell, no man can resist|low interest loans... {65679}{65730}and non-fat lattes forever. {65731}{65769}And white women. {65770}{65812}So wait,|let me get this straight. {65813}{65849}Whenever a black guy does well,... {65850}{65913}starts wearing Dockers,|buys a few Celine Dion records,... {65914}{65985}and sleeps with a white chick,|you automatically say he's sold out? {65986}{66017}That's enough! {66018}{66098}Always trying to shut|the white man down. {66099}{66151}That's right!|That's right! {66152}{66224}Oh, that ain't right.|- What's the word? {66225}{66292}I was able to decode|the data from Multinational Inc. {66293}{66395}The General is under the influence|of a psycho- hallucinogenic drug. {66396}{66451}It's a mind control drug, sir.|Very powerful. {66452}{66495}Very easy to use. {66529}{66564}Good Lord. {66565}{66662}With something like that, The Man could|control every black person in America. {66663}{66748}Theoretically, yes, but it would take years|to administer the doses individually. {66749}{66842}To be efficient, you'd need to|develop a huge distribution system. {66930}{66969}The chicken! {67030}{67095}I hate to say it,... {67096}{67172}if Undercover Brother|don't get his shit together,... {67173}{67232}this may be one battle|we might lose to The Man. {67282}{67378}Smart Brother, am I gonna die? {67596}{67666}Honey?|Yeah? {67667}{67737}Is this Michael Bolton's|version of that thong song? {67738}{67783}No, but I want that one. {67784}{67871}I hear he got all the funk|that Sisqo missed. {67872}{67907}Do you like this? {67908}{67959}You know, usually I'm not|into the heavy stuff,... {67960}{68011}but this is kinda catchy. {68012}{68052}It is, isn't it?|- Yeah. {68086}{68173}I made us some sandwiches.|- Extra mayo for me, please. {68368}{68411}Freeze, sucka! {68412}{68492}Put down the mayonnaise...|slowly. {68493}{68534}It's that colored girl, Ton-ja. {68686}{68758}Now, Buffy the Black Man Slayer,|step away from the brotha. {68759}{68805}Bye, brother.|- Come on. {68806}{68853}Bye.|- Move it. {68854}{68913}Be careful.|- Let's go. {68914}{68993}Why? So you can tell me|what a sellout I am again? {68994}{69042}Oh, I don't judge people|by how they dress,... {69043}{69092}or what music they listen to. {69093}{69165}But I remember a brother|who wasn't afraid to be himself,... {69166}{69234}who taught me to follow|my own funky path,... {69235}{69290}stand up for|what I think is right. {69318}{69361}Remember this? {69430}{69478}Ignore her, Anton. {69478}{69559}I'm all the single white female|you'll ever need. {69560}{69641}I want to. Really, I do. {69642}{69710}All day, but I can't. {69778}{69831}I must be true to myself. {69832}{69891}Look at that white girl.|Are you crazy? {69892}{69945}The darker the berry,|the sweeter the juice. {69946}{70004}Corduroys are so comfortable. {70005}{70066}Got to get funky. {70422}{70482}I can't throw this away. {70483}{70529}'Cause like this medallion... {70554}{70601}this brother's here to stay. {70629}{70701}What's up, Sistah Girl?|Look at you! {70702}{70759}What took you so long? {70760}{70832}You don't think the heels are too much?|- No, it's funktabulous. {70834}{70876}'Cause I was gonna go...|- Hold it right there... {70877}{70936}Undercover Brother.|Drop it! {70965}{71030}This woman just can't get...|- I meant the gun. {71333}{71437}That's White She-Devil,|The Man's secret weapon. {71438}{71478}Sorry. {71552}{71654}It's time to...|platform out of here. {71839}{71880}Damn duck shoes. {71881}{71932}Looks like we're in hot water. {71933}{72006}Or hot sauce. {72132}{72161}Come on!|Come on. {72162}{72194}Come on.|It's not fair. {72195}{72238}'N Sync! {72239}{72274}Backstreet Boys! {72275}{72332}And Boyz II Men!|We really sing! {72333}{72387}Elton John!|Billie Jean King! {72712}{72758}Come on, White She-Devil.|I been waiting. {72759}{72793}Come on, baby.|Come on! {73314}{73373}No, you didn't.|- Yes, I did. {73456}{73497}Bitch! {73498}{73546}You know how much this shit cost? {73547}{73590}How much did this shit cost,|you disco queen?! {73618}{73650}All of this!|- How dare you! {73807}{73860}Touch it. Now looky here. {74072}{74125}Toast to the booty!|Booty toast. {74242}{74285}Wait! Look at that. {74644}{74685}The water's cold.|Water cold! {74770}{74849}Nothin' like safe sex,|you know what I'm saying? {74882}{74946}Look at that.|Look at that there. {74947}{74970}Bitch! {75180}{75218}You enjoy yourself? {75724}{75780}Would you stop fooling around? {75821}{75880}Got to get my cool back! {76223}{76283}Can you play something funky|for a brother to drive to? {76450}{76485}Drive!|Drive this thing! {76486}{76532}Baby, it was made in the '70s. {76533}{76562}This ain't no Ferrari. {76912}{76977}Damn.|Look out, baby. {77805}{77861}You should have run|her narrow ass over. {78133}{78188}So, this has all been|some kind of jive game... {78189}{78235}to get me out of the way?|- That's right. {78236}{78284}I was sent to destroy you... {78285}{78331}and everything|the Brotherhood stands for. {78606}{78652}Damn it. {78697}{78755}Falling in love with you|wasn't part of the plan. {78939}{79052}Oh, Undercover Brother,|you're too much man for me. {79053}{79174}Baby... sometimes I'm too much|man for my own damn self. {79281}{79348}Mr. Feather,|your status report, please. {79349}{79422}All the pieces of Operation Whitewash|are in place. {79423}{79478}Good. It's time|to extend the reach... {79479}{79581}to black leaders in sports, the arts,|entertainment and business. {79582}{79641}Soon all aspects of society... {79642}{79693}will once again be dominated|by The Man. {79694}{79790}It's time to strike the final blow|against the Brotherhood. {79791}{79925}So, when I return to the lair,|Undercover Brother better be dead. {79926}{79980}Are we clear?|- Very good, sir. {79981}{80062}With Undercover Brother dead, the|Brotherhood had best step correct,... {80063}{80129}or their next move|will be their last. {80130}{80185}Goodbye. {80279}{80326}Can I ask you something? {80327}{80375}Did I just say, {80376}{80426}"They had best step correct"? {80427}{80473}Yes, sir. You did. {80501}{80532}You see what's happening? {80533}{80582}You see how we're|being corrupted by their... {80583}{80632}hip-and-now fashion,|and their cool slang... {80633}{80684}you can't help but use.|"Don't be dissing me!" {80685}{80725}No!|- "It's all that!" {80726}{80804}You go, girl!|What's the dillio? {80805}{80861}Who let the dogs out? {80862}{80901}Whatcha talk about, Willis? {80902}{80946}You know what I'm saying?! {80947}{81033}Little by little we're blending|and merging until one day... {81034}{81084}we're all going to be|one united people... {81085}{81151}living and working|and dancing together,... {81152}{81239}like the news or "Ally McBeal,"|or the people that work at Saturn! {81240}{81305}And we've got to stop it|before it's too late! {81357}{81533}You heard The Man. As of now,|Operation Whitewash goes global. {81707}{81776}Jay-Z is doing Lawrence Welk's|Greatest Hits?! {81777}{81853}John Singleton to remake|"Driving Miss Daisy"?! {81854}{81949}Terry McMillan?|"How Stella Got Her White Man Back"? {81950}{81993}Double damn it! {81994}{82057}Black people all over|the world are losing their damn minds. {82057}{82093}And look... {82094}{82180}they've all been exposed|to the General's fried chicken. {82181}{82221}Smart Brother, how's it coming|with this antidote? {82221}{82301}I found one. But it only works|on one person at a time. {82302}{82353}We have to stop|this thing at the source. {82382}{82425}Undercover Brother, you're back! {82594}{82662}Hell's wrong with you bringing|a white girl in my house? {82674}{82705}She's working with us now, Chief. {82705}{82806}With my extensive and intimate|knowledge of The Man's organization,... {82807}{82857}I can help you stop his evil plan. {82858}{82896}Okay. {82897}{82961}Smart Brother,|take White She-Devil to the lab... {82962}{83001}and find out exactly|what she knows. {83002}{83078}You know, you're cute in|a Theo Huxtable kind of way. {83079}{83137}Really? Usually I get Al Roker. {83137}{83201}"Here's what's happening|in your neck of the woods." {83202}{83330}Chief, various brother agents,|I owe all of you a huge apology. {83331}{83391}I just watched this show... {83392}{83440}"Roots"?|Maybe you've heard of it? {83442}{83537}It taught me such|a profound lesson about bigotry. {83538}{83607}I have sat on the sidelines|of race relations long enough. {83608}{83699}I want to march down|that field of oppression... {83700}{83856}and kick that ball of bigotry right|over the goalpost of intolerance. {83984}{84044}Son, you talk a lot of shit.|- Yes, I do. {84045}{84116}But you down. {84124}{84176}What?|Are you kidding? {84177}{84228}You're going to let the white boy|join just like that? {84229}{84281}I was in secret agent school|for three years! {84282}{84336}Three years.|I paid for them classes myself. {84337}{84400}You made me.|- Chief. Chief. {84401}{84445}I performed a full range|spectral analysis... {84446}{84490}on Miss White She-Devil's|brain waves. {84491}{84604}Then, I unlocked her subconscious|using a special form of hypnosis. {84605}{84649}Then, I gently brushed her hair. {84650}{84721}Then, I reached deep within... {84722}{84836}her tight little pockets and I found|a list of The Man's targets. {84837}{84862}Good Lord. {84863}{84942}They're going after James Brown|tomorrow night at the Grammys. {84943}{85009}We need to stop him.|Find the General and give him the antidote. {85009}{85069}That's right.|It's goin' to the streets. Hey, y'all! {85070}{85117}It's revolution up in this bitch! {85118}{85173}Set the alarm to def-con five! {85174}{85220}It's on, baby. It's on. {85221}{85273}Good work, White She-Devil.|- Thanks. {85273}{85361}Oh, you in too.|What the fuck?! Chief! {85362}{85418}I never see that bitch|in my secret agent classes! {85419}{85465}I'm still paying the loans off, man! {85466}{85501}I sleep on a pissy mattress. {85502}{85541}I ain't got good food to eat! {85542}{85593}I borrow money for my weed! {85594}{85661}I quit.|That's it. {85662}{85733}Y'all don't got Conspiracy Brother|Jones to kick around anymore! {85734}{85789}Give me a pillow case!|I'm joining the Klan. {85819}{85873}Brother, we all love|your solo enthusiasm,... {85873}{85925}but this is about|working together. {85926}{85978}Now, I've been a solo star|shooting the shots... {85979}{86029}that I thought|would win the game. {86030}{86120}But in workin' with y'all,|I've come to realize... {86121}{86180}that only a team wins|a championship. {86209}{86264}Teamwork! That's right. {86265}{86320}That's right.|I'm sorry, everybody. {86321}{86364}Teamwork!|Now, let's go! {86365}{86409}Hustle, hustle!|Come on, white girl! {86669}{86712}Best of luck tonight. {86713}{86752}Have a great time. {86753}{86812}We know The Man plans|to make his move tonight. {86813}{86852}Now, Lance,|we're counting on you. {86853}{86904}Don't get distracted,|be focused. {86905}{86969}Stick close to the target|at all times. {86970}{87013}Roger. Will do. {87313}{87384}Ladies and gentlemen, James Brown. {87519}{87565}How you doing?|- James Brown. {87566}{87621}I want to see my fans.|- No, it's okay. {87622}{87662}Wait a minute.|What's going on? {87663}{87707}Perimeter search.|I'm on it. {87745}{87782}What is that boy doing? {87837}{87893}What's going on here?|- Hey, Jimmy. {87894}{87942}What? {87943}{87997}Now, I feel good. {87998}{88045}God, man! {88046}{88087}Lance. Lance! {88114}{88183}The hardest working man|in show business. {88239}{88275}Go get him. {88306}{88388}Thank you, James Brown. {88415}{88442}No! Hey!|I just got promoted! {88655}{88729}Hello, Mr. James Brown. {88730}{88805}Hello-ooo, Mr. James Brown. {88923}{88959}Good God! {88986}{89058}You will soon be administered|a drug that will make you... {89165}{89201}The signal's stopped. {89202}{89267}It's James Brown touchdown! {89268}{89316}That's James Brown?|- That's mustard. {89318}{89397}I can't believe I let him|get away. I am so stupid. {89445}{89496}You got to stop|beating yourself up. {89497}{89553}We got to work together|as a team, okay? {89554}{89599}Yeah, man.|Let the team do it. {89654}{89697}I'm playin' with him. {89698}{89748}Stop playin'. {89750}{89801}Damn. {89846}{89881}You need to lighten up. {89882}{89935}You know what I'm sayin'? {89936}{89991}Just be careful with this.|If you smoke too much,... {89992}{90045}it's going to have you|all paranoid and shit. {90045}{90100}It takes time to build up|a tolerance like mine... {90101}{90143}What? Did you hear that? {90144}{90193}Hey, y'all,|did you hear something? {90194}{90252}Shh, quiet!|There it goes again. {90425}{90472}Incoming vehicle! {90473}{90537}Don't you move!|- Hold it! {90537}{90582}Don't you move! {90583}{90692}Identify yourself!|- I'm with Island Fortress Cleaning Service, sir. {90693}{90742}Oh, okay.|Thank you. {90743}{90803}You so sweet.|- Just the janitors. {90804}{90840}Let 'em through! {91324}{91368}Lance. Lance! {91415}{91463}So, Mr. Godfather of Soul... {91548}{91608}life as you've known it|will soon cease to exist. {91669}{91701}Sorry. {91702}{91768}Any final requests? {91819}{91866}Say it loud. {91918}{91982}Say it loud! {91983}{92025}What's he doing? {92057}{92092}Say it loud! {92230}{92294}Say it loud! {92426}{92476}Say it loud! {92477}{92570}Say it loud!|- I'm black and I'm proud! {92649}{92720}Hey, man, I want to get up|and do my thing now. {93057}{93089}I feel good. {93120}{93184}It's time for the big payback. {93223}{93299}Very clever, Mr. Undercover Brother. {93348}{93374}Can you dig it? {93409}{93473}Everything we'll need|to take it to The Man. {93474}{93531}Hey, this isn't Taco Bell. {93541}{93592}Can you find out|where the General is? {93593}{93636}Just give me 10 minutes. {93689}{93722}You've got one. {93754}{93784}Intruders! {93785}{93848}The Brotherhood has breached|the communications room! {93849}{93915}Everything's a party over here|with you people, isn't it? {93916}{93989}That's not all.|The Man is on his way here. {93990}{94033}What? Now? {94034}{94105}His helicopter will be here|in five minutes. {94145}{94188}Mr. Elias,|would you kindly take care... {94189}{94252}of the nuisance|in the communication room? {94253}{94304}Yes, sir.|Come on, let's go! {94305}{94346}Yes, sir.|Right away. {94347}{94408}What have you done with the General?|- General? {94409}{94453}Could you come in here, please? {94529}{94579}General, if it's not|too much of a bother,... {94580}{94631}would you mind terribly,|killing this man? {94673}{94713}Thank you. {94815}{94888}So I can always have something|to remember you by. {94890}{94931}Come on, hurry up. {94963}{95002}I wouldn't move if I were you. {95003}{95058}Damn!|Oh, shit. {95059}{95097}Get off of me.|- Sorry. {95098}{95152}Excellent work,|White She-Devil. {95153}{95207}Come here, baby. {95282}{95325}Damn, that girl gets around. {95493}{95532}How can you do this to me? {95533}{95627}Once you've had Undercover Brother,|there is no other. {95671}{95739}No, it's once you go black,|you don't go back. {95799}{95833}It's the honky patrol. {95859}{95893}Let me do this. {95893}{95929}Ah, look who got the gun now. {95929}{95969}Yeah. What's up?!|- Hi. {95970}{95996}Shut up!|- What? {95997}{96053}I said shut up, whitey!|I got the power. {96111}{96166}Keep working. {96167}{96215}This is a girl thing. {96450}{96490}Breakdance.|- Break, what? {96491}{96560}I said, breakdance.|Come on. {96561}{96598}Take it! {96623}{96658}That's right.|That's good. {96659}{96701}Come on.|Kid 'n Play. {96701}{96743}Kid and who?|- Come on. {96809}{96851}That's right.|Getting funky. {96910}{96962}Oh, yeah. {96963}{97008}I like black people. {97087}{97144}Oh, fight. {97145}{97201}Watch yourself.|Show 'em what you're working with. {97291}{97346}White She-Devil, represent! {97479}{97526}I got him. {97527}{97578}I got him!|Vector four, section seven. {97583}{97679}Come on, General,|you got to give me that gun. {97709}{97765}Nonsense!|General, kill him! {98063}{98105}Undercover Brother, are you okay? {98105}{98153}Everything's cool|now that you're here. {98185}{98257}Y'all gonna make me lose|my mind up in here! {98317}{98365}See what I've been dealing with? {98365}{98401}Yeah. {98411}{98465}Situation complete.|We'll see you soon, Chief. {98541}{98598}Atomic core, eh? {98629}{98701}Let's see what this so-called|button does. {98729}{98828}Attention,|atomic core set to overload. {98829}{98890}My bad. {98891}{98937}Here, General, take the antidote. {98965}{99017}Oh, what happened to me? {99105}{99157}Damn! {99158}{99222}You guys get the General out of here.|I'm going after The Man. {99223}{99295}Let's get while|the getting's good. {99296}{99332}There'll be another day|to fight The Man. {99333}{99381}We can't give The Man|another damn day! {99382}{99459}But Sistah Girl's right.|We got to get the hell out of here, man. {99460}{99505}We're gonna die!|We're all gonna die! {99506}{99566}Dig it! Dig it hard!|- Daddy! {99567}{99629}There's times for falling apart,|and there's times for getting funky. {99630}{99683}This is one of those funky times! {99684}{99738}So, what's it going to be?! {99739}{99805}Are you ready to play|some funky music, white boy? {99960}{100011}Solid. {100012}{100052}Lay down the boogie. {100096}{100147}It's time to take it to The Man. {100148}{100217}I guess this means you|and I are like brothers now, huh? {100218}{100263}I feel black. {100264}{100319}Man, you look white! {100320}{100377}Don't touch me! {100377}{100413}Come on, General.|Let's go. {100413}{100455}Let's go!|Let's get out of here! {100456}{100502}Come on!|- Go. Come on, nigga. {100530}{100617}Atomic core overload in five minutes. {100618}{100673}Please exit in an orderly fashion. {100674}{100711}Stop him! {101129}{101183}Earth, wind and fire! {101210}{101250}Shaquille O'Neal! {101251}{101343}Sisqo!|- No-ooo! {101554}{101621}I just bought those. {101622}{101659}Sorry about that. {101969}{102013}It's all over, man! {102095}{102152}You want some drama? {102153}{102197}Then bring it. {102231}{102300}Lance, protect the General|at all costs. {102301}{102386}Atomic core overload in three minutes. {102450}{102493}Let me talk to them.|I'm white. {102573}{102618}We don't want any trouble. {102619}{102661}What are you going|to do about it? {102662}{102709}Sissy. {102757}{102850}I am not a sissy! {103209}{103247}Come on! {103566}{103609}Lance. {103609}{103698}He shouldn't have called me a sissy. {103743}{103807}Not bad, whitey. {103808}{103880}But if it was me, I would have ripped|his spine out of his ass! {103881}{103963}Let's go! We got less than a minute|before this place blows! {106153}{106216}General, sir, are you all right?|- Yes. {106217}{106285}There he is!|Undercover Brother! {106286}{106332}He's only got a few seconds! {107049}{107122}You mess with the 'fro,|you got to go. {108334}{108393}I believe this belongs to me. {108786}{108845}So long, Undercover Brother. {108846}{108897}He's failed me. {108898}{108949}Leave him. {108950}{109022}Hey! Don't be dissing me! {109252}{109333}Hey! Let me in! {109450}{109488}Let me up! {109799}{109844}That Feather went out like a sucka. {109845}{109892}Punk ass bitch played himself. {109893}{109947}Let's bounce, dawg. {110575}{110645}No! He doesn't have|his parachute! {111193}{111234}Come on over here. Hug me. {111585}{111642}Undercover Brother, you the baddest. {111643}{111703}Didn't I blow|your mind this time? {111704}{111737}Didn't I? {111738}{111801}Didn't you cause about a bazillion|dollars worth of damage? {111802}{111847}And I sure as hell ain't|covering for you! {111848}{111888}I don't give a damn|how sexy you look... {111889}{111922}floating down in your little pants! {111933}{111977}And as for the rest of you... {112055}{112106}I just want to say... {112107}{112178}how very proud I am|of all of you. {112219}{112328}Undercover Brother, the world is|safe once again thanks to you. {112329}{112365}No thanks to me, Chief. {112366}{112433}I couldn't have done it|without Sistah Girl. {112434}{112477}You know what they say, {112477}{112528}"Behind every great black man..." {112529}{112592}Is the police. {112593}{112641}A bunch of slow white athletes? {112641}{112668}No.|- A cute butt? {112669}{112729}Probable cause?|- No! {112729}{112792}A strong black woman. {112793}{112837}Strong black woman.|- That's right. {112838}{112872}Oh, yeah. {112873}{112959}It would've been cool to have a|Latino, a Native American, Asian,... {112960}{113018}even a Jewish guy in the mix. {113019}{113114}The point is, by working together|as one, we got the job done. {113115}{113203}No doubt, that's what|the Brotherhood is all about. {113231}{113263}Solid. {113339}{113402}Look out, y'all,|fallin' rocks! {113403}{113428}Shotgun! {113429}{113487}Having stopped Operation Whitewash,... {113488}{113589}the Brotherhood distributed|an antidote to the mind control drug... {113590}{113628}to black people nationwide. {113629}{113673}And though The Man escaped,... {113673}{113726}the Brotherhood had found their hero. {113727}{113773}Thanks to Undercover Brother,... {113774}{113850}the world was once again|a funky place. {120255}{120330}Damn, who is that? {120331}{120389}Hold that thought|and that feelin', baby. {120389}{120444}Just let it percolate.|I'll be right back. {120445}{120510}Hurry up, baby. {120633}{120677}Hi. {120678}{120760}Uh, White She-Devil,|what you doing here? {120761}{120818}Remember? You told me|to come over. {120819}{120914}And me and you and Sistah Girl|could make Oreos. {120940}{120974}Sweet and black on both sides... {120975}{121057}with a dreamy white filling|in the middle. {121057}{121113}Then I realized...|you can't make Oreos. {121114}{121164}So, I bought some. {121228}{121296}Some people got jungle fever.|She got the flu. {121297}{121360}You know.|- U.B.! {121558}{121750}Ripped by TraceR|Edited by Raymy|www.ondertitels.nl {123643}{123679}Solid.