1 00:00:18,120 --> 00:00:23,990 KING KONG 2 00:01:32,240 --> 00:01:34,515 And the prophet said: 3 00:01:34,960 --> 00:01:37,918 ``And Lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. 4 00:01:38,360 --> 00:01:40,999 And it stayed its hand from killing. 5 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:43,959 And from that day, 6 00:01:44,280 --> 00:01:47,113 it was as one dead``. 7 00:01:47,440 --> 00:01:49,954 Old Arabian Proverb 8 00:02:11,480 --> 00:02:13,550 Say, is this the moving-picture ship? 9 00:02:13,720 --> 00:02:15,472 The Venture? Yeah. 10 00:02:16,080 --> 00:02:18,116 Are you going on this crazy voyage? 11 00:02:18,400 --> 00:02:20,516 - What's crazy about it? - I don't know. 12 00:02:20,760 --> 00:02:23,479 But everybody is talking about that crazy fella running it. 13 00:02:23,720 --> 00:02:26,029 - Carl Denham? - Guess that's the name. 14 00:02:26,280 --> 00:02:28,236 He ain't scared of nothing. 15 00:02:28,520 --> 00:02:30,795 If he wants a picture of lion he just goes up to him 16 00:02:31,080 --> 00:02:33,435 and tells him to look pleasant. - He's a tough egg. 17 00:02:33,680 --> 00:02:36,069 Why all this talk about this voyage being crazy? 18 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:39,636 Everybody around the docks is talking about the cargo, for one thing. 19 00:02:40,680 --> 00:02:43,638 And I never did see a ship this size with such a crew. 20 00:02:44,000 --> 00:02:46,753 - Not enough men to handle her? - Not enough! 21 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:49,230 Three times more than the ship needs. 22 00:02:49,480 --> 00:02:51,994 I don't see where they're gonna have room enough to sleep. 23 00:02:52,360 --> 00:02:54,669 Hey, down there. What do you want? 24 00:02:55,080 --> 00:02:57,594 - Denham aboard? - Who are you? 25 00:02:57,760 --> 00:02:59,716 My name is Weston, the theatrical agent. 26 00:03:00,040 --> 00:03:02,110 Well, why didn't you say so? Come on aboard. 27 00:03:03,920 --> 00:03:07,071 Denham's getting wild. I hope you've got some good news for him. 28 00:03:09,520 --> 00:03:12,671 Well, Mr. Denham, you know the reasons for hurrying as well as I do. 29 00:03:13,320 --> 00:03:15,550 Insurance company found out we're carrying explosives. 30 00:03:15,800 --> 00:03:17,870 Marshal will be aboard tomorrow or next day. 31 00:03:18,120 --> 00:03:21,157 If we make a legal case of it, we'll be tied up for months? 32 00:03:21,360 --> 00:03:23,669 With enough ammunition to blow up the harbor.? 33 00:03:26,520 --> 00:03:29,478 What do you think the marshal will say to these new gas bombs of yours? 34 00:03:30,040 --> 00:03:32,838 According to you, one of them is enough to knock out an elephant. 35 00:03:33,240 --> 00:03:36,277 We've got to get where we're going before the monsoon starts. 36 00:03:36,640 --> 00:03:38,915 Trust me to see you through a blow. 37 00:03:39,120 --> 00:03:41,759 Oh, now, don't get sore, skipper. You can't run into the rainy season 38 00:03:41,920 --> 00:03:44,718 when you're trying to make an outdoor picture. 39 00:03:45,000 --> 00:03:47,150 Months wasted, money gone and nothing to show. 40 00:03:47,560 --> 00:03:49,551 Still you always bring back a picture. 41 00:03:49,880 --> 00:03:52,110 And everybody says, "There's only one Carl Denham." 42 00:03:55,320 --> 00:03:57,595 Weston, I was just going ashore to call you. 43 00:03:57,920 --> 00:03:59,760 If I'd known that, I would have waited. 44 00:03:59,760 --> 00:04:02,035 This is the skipper. Weston, the theatrical agent. 45 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:04,160 I guess you met Driscoll, the first mate. 46 00:04:04,160 --> 00:04:06,833 Well, Weston, how about the girl? 47 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:10,878 - It can't be done, Denham. - What? It's got to be done. 48 00:04:10,940 --> 00:04:13,516 Now, look here, Weston. Somebody's interfered with every girl 49 00:04:13,580 --> 00:04:16,872 I try to hire. Now all the agents in town have shut down on me. All but you. 50 00:04:17,200 --> 00:04:20,112 - You know I'm square. - Everybody knows you're square. 51 00:04:20,400 --> 00:04:22,436 But you've got a reputation for recklessness... 52 00:04:22,680 --> 00:04:25,513 ...that can't be glossed over. Then you're so secretive. 53 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:27,597 You said it. 54 00:04:27,880 --> 00:04:29,950 Even skipper and mate don't know where they're going, what. 55 00:04:30,320 --> 00:04:33,073 There you are. I've got a conscience, Denham. 56 00:04:33,240 --> 00:04:35,231 I can't send a pretty girl such as you ask 57 00:04:35,320 --> 00:04:37,880 on a job like this... ...without telling her what to expect. 58 00:04:37,960 --> 00:04:39,916 What is she to expect? 59 00:04:40,160 --> 00:04:43,118 To go off on a trip for no one knows how long... 60 00:04:43,280 --> 00:04:46,033 ...to some spot you don't even hint at... 61 00:04:46,320 --> 00:04:49,596 ...the only woman on a ship with the toughest mugs I ever looked at. 62 00:04:52,840 --> 00:04:54,876 I mean the crew. 63 00:04:56,240 --> 00:04:59,073 Good Lord, you talk as if I never brought anybody back alive. 64 00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:03,170 The skipper and Driscoll have stuck to me on two trips. 65 00:05:03,240 --> 00:05:05,390 - They look well enough. - Sure, we're healthy. 66 00:05:05,720 --> 00:05:08,473 But it's a different thing taking a girl into danger. 67 00:05:08,680 --> 00:05:10,796 I suppose there's no danger in New York. 68 00:05:11,040 --> 00:05:13,474 Listen, there are dozens of girls in this town... 69 00:05:13,720 --> 00:05:16,473 ...that are in more danger than they are with me. 70 00:05:16,960 --> 00:05:19,554 Yeah, but they know that kind of danger. 71 00:05:19,800 --> 00:05:22,712 You never had a woman in any of your pictures. Why do you want one? 72 00:05:23,120 --> 00:05:26,032 Holy mackerel! Do you think I wanna haul a woman around? 73 00:05:26,160 --> 00:05:29,118 - Then why? - Because the public, bless them... 74 00:05:29,280 --> 00:05:33,795 - must have a pretty face. - Sure, everybody likes romance. 75 00:05:34,840 --> 00:05:38,389 Isn't there any romance or adventure without having a flapper in it? 76 00:05:38,720 --> 00:05:41,518 Well, Mr. Denham, why not take a picture in a monastery? 77 00:05:41,760 --> 00:05:44,991 Makes me sore. I go out, sweat blood to make a swell picture... 78 00:05:45,280 --> 00:05:47,669 ...then the critics and the exhibitors all say: 79 00:05:47,920 --> 00:05:51,332 "If this picture had love interest, it would gross twice as much." 80 00:05:51,440 --> 00:05:54,816 The public wants a girl, and this time I'm gonna give what they want. 81 00:05:54,960 --> 00:05:57,952 - Don't know where you'll get her. - I've gotta get her, Weston. 82 00:05:58,160 --> 00:06:01,118 We've gotta leave by morning. We've gotta be gone by daylight. 83 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:04,358 - Why? - Well, there's a good reason. 84 00:06:04,760 --> 00:06:07,433 Everything I hear about it makes me like it less. 85 00:06:07,520 --> 00:06:09,480 I'm glad I didn't get you a girl. 86 00:06:09,480 --> 00:06:11,280 You are, eh? Well, I'll show you. 87 00:06:11,280 --> 00:06:14,033 Do you think I'm gonna give up because you can't find me a girl? 88 00:06:14,480 --> 00:06:16,994 I'm going to make the greatest picture in the world. 89 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:19,789 Something that nobody's ever seen or heard of. 90 00:06:20,320 --> 00:06:22,834 They'll have to think up a lot of new adjectives when I come back. 91 00:06:23,760 --> 00:06:26,433 - Where you going? - Going out... 92 00:06:26,680 --> 00:06:28,671 and get a girl for my picture. Even if I have to marry one. 93 00:06:42,360 --> 00:06:45,033 Womans Home Mission 94 00:06:53,160 --> 00:06:55,355 Stand aside, please. Get your case later. 95 00:06:59,640 --> 00:07:02,438 - Say, lay off the shoving, will you? - Oh, I didn't mean to shove you. 96 00:07:02,760 --> 00:07:05,399 - Excuse me. - What do they give you in this joint? 97 00:07:06,040 --> 00:07:08,873 Soup tonight. Coffee and sinkers in the morning. 98 00:07:28,360 --> 00:07:32,035 I catch you, you stealer. Now, I get you cop. You like that, huh? 99 00:07:32,360 --> 00:07:34,590 No, no. I didn't. Let me go. 100 00:07:34,800 --> 00:07:37,514 - I wanted to, but I didn't. - Had enough of these stealers. 101 00:07:37,560 --> 00:07:39,391 Dry up. Kid didn't take anything. 102 00:07:39,600 --> 00:07:41,591 - Truly I didn't. - Three people this week... 103 00:07:41,880 --> 00:07:45,110 - Here... Here's a buck. - A buck. Scram. 104 00:07:53,280 --> 00:07:55,635 Hey, taxi! 105 00:08:10,320 --> 00:08:12,151 Feeling better? 106 00:08:12,280 --> 00:08:15,280 Yes, thank you. 107 00:08:15,280 --> 00:08:17,032 - You're very kind. - Don't you fool yourself. 108 00:08:17,560 --> 00:08:20,199 I'm not bothering about you just out of kindness. 109 00:08:24,640 --> 00:08:26,676 How'd you ever get into this fix? 110 00:08:26,880 --> 00:08:29,952 Bad luck, I guess. There are a lot of girls like me. 111 00:08:30,160 --> 00:08:31,912 Not many with your looks. 112 00:08:32,200 --> 00:08:34,270 I can get by in good clothes all right. 113 00:08:34,800 --> 00:08:37,314 - But when a girl gets too shabby... - No family? 114 00:08:37,920 --> 00:08:40,195 Supposed to have an uncle someplace. 115 00:08:40,720 --> 00:08:42,676 Did you ever do any acting? 116 00:08:43,280 --> 00:08:46,289 I used to do extra work now and then over on Long Island. 117 00:08:46,360 --> 00:08:48,316 The studio's closed now. 118 00:08:48,560 --> 00:08:51,074 - What's your name? - Ann Darrow. 119 00:08:51,240 --> 00:08:53,629 Fine. I've got a job for you. 120 00:08:54,040 --> 00:08:56,076 Costumes on the ship will fit you. 121 00:08:56,240 --> 00:08:58,956 If the shops are still open, I can get clothes for you. 122 00:08:59,240 --> 00:09:01,708 - Come on. - But...But what is it? 123 00:09:01,880 --> 00:09:04,838 It's money and adventure and fame. It's the thrill of a lifetime. 124 00:09:05,040 --> 00:09:07,793 A long sea voyage that starts at 6:00 tomorrow morning. 125 00:09:09,160 --> 00:09:12,989 No, wait. I don't understand! 126 00:09:13,040 --> 00:09:16,157 You must tell me. I do want the job so... 127 00:09:16,840 --> 00:09:19,808 - ...but I can't. - Oh, I see. 128 00:09:19,960 --> 00:09:23,413 No, you've got me wrong. This is strictly business. 129 00:09:23,720 --> 00:09:27,895 - I only wanted... - Sure. Sure you did. 130 00:09:28,000 --> 00:09:30,860 I got a little excited and I forgot you didn't understand. 131 00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:35,912 Listen, I'm Carl Denham. Ever heard of me? 132 00:09:35,920 --> 00:09:37,751 Yes, yes. 133 00:09:37,840 --> 00:09:40,115 You make moving pictures in jungles and places. 134 00:09:40,200 --> 00:09:42,555 That's right. And I pick you as lead in my next picture. 135 00:09:42,640 --> 00:09:44,392 We sail at 6. 136 00:09:45,520 --> 00:09:48,353 - Where to? - A long way off. 137 00:09:48,520 --> 00:09:52,796 And listen, Ann, I'm on the level. No funny business. 138 00:09:53,920 --> 00:09:56,514 - What do I have to do? - Just trust me 139 00:09:56,800 --> 00:09:58,995 and keep your chin up. 140 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:16,591 Hey, you men on that winch... 141 00:10:16,680 --> 00:10:20,274 ...down below on the deck and help with these hatches. 142 00:10:27,720 --> 00:10:30,473 Hurry this line forward! 143 00:10:30,760 --> 00:10:33,115 Forward, you farmer and up here! 144 00:10:34,040 --> 00:10:37,254 - What are you doing up here? - I just wanted to see. 145 00:10:37,360 --> 00:10:40,002 Oh, you just wanted to see. Well, I'm sorry.... 146 00:10:40,040 --> 00:10:42,451 Make that line fast! 147 00:10:42,520 --> 00:10:43,955 You're that girl Denham picked, aren't you? 148 00:10:43,960 --> 00:10:48,554 Yes. I think this is awfully exciting. I've never been on a ship before. 149 00:10:48,700 --> 00:10:50,236 I've never been on one with a woman before. 150 00:10:50,680 --> 00:10:53,672 I guess you don't think much of women on ships? 151 00:10:53,880 --> 00:10:55,950 No, they're a nuisance. 152 00:10:56,080 --> 00:10:58,719 - I'll try not to be. - You've been in the way already. 153 00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:01,396 Bring that ladder aboard! 154 00:11:01,990 --> 00:11:04,000 Well, you better stay below. 155 00:11:04,520 --> 00:11:06,954 What? The whole voyage? 156 00:11:08,200 --> 00:11:10,550 I'm afraid I didn't apologize for hitting you. 157 00:11:10,640 --> 00:11:12,676 That was a pretty tough rap on the chin. 158 00:11:21,880 --> 00:11:24,348 - Well, we're off. - We're off. 159 00:11:38,200 --> 00:11:41,299 Say, how many potatoes do you think you've peeled in six weeks? 160 00:11:41,350 --> 00:11:42,991 Too many. 161 00:11:43,240 --> 00:11:45,537 Sailors eat an awful lot, don't they? 162 00:11:46,300 --> 00:11:50,036 All time eat. Someday me go back China. Never see no more potatoes. 163 00:11:51,800 --> 00:11:54,416 Charlie, isn't the ocean wonderful? 164 00:11:54,700 --> 00:11:57,275 Very pretty. Pretty soon you be all same sailor, 165 00:11:57,360 --> 00:11:59,012 only no eat so much. 166 00:11:59,020 --> 00:12:02,798 I'd like to be. Only, of course, it wasn't so nice up north... 167 00:12:02,880 --> 00:12:04,436 ...when it was cold and rough was it? 168 00:12:04,800 --> 00:12:06,295 Ocean very nice when you order 169 00:12:06,360 --> 00:12:08,430 weather or some eggs for breakfast. 170 00:12:13,680 --> 00:12:15,757 - Hello, Ann. - Hello, Jack. 171 00:12:15,860 --> 00:12:16,960 Where you been all morning? 172 00:12:16,961 --> 00:12:18,960 Trying on costumes for Mr. Denham. 173 00:12:18,961 --> 00:12:20,958 He's gonna make some tests of me here on deck 174 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:24,355 - if the light is right. - Tests, why? 175 00:12:24,880 --> 00:12:28,272 Oh, to see which side of my face looks best and all that. 176 00:12:30,080 --> 00:12:31,877 Both sides look all right to me. 177 00:12:32,360 --> 00:12:34,669 Yes, but you're not the movie director. 178 00:12:34,960 --> 00:12:37,235 If I was, you wouldn't be here. 179 00:12:38,840 --> 00:12:41,479 Well, is that a nice thing to say.? 180 00:12:42,120 --> 00:12:44,588 This is no place for a girl. 181 00:12:44,720 --> 00:12:47,598 I wish you wouldn't keep harping on that. It's very mean of you. 182 00:12:48,760 --> 00:12:51,355 Anybody would think I'd been a lot of trouble. 183 00:12:52,280 --> 00:12:55,872 I haven't. You can't say I've been one bit of trouble to anyone... 184 00:12:57,320 --> 00:13:00,039 - ...have I? - Sure you have. Sure you have. 185 00:13:00,240 --> 00:13:03,596 I don't see... Well, how? 186 00:13:03,880 --> 00:13:05,950 Just... Just being around is trouble. 187 00:13:06,880 --> 00:13:10,440 Oh, dear, and I thought everything was going so nicely. 188 00:13:10,520 --> 00:13:13,193 Oh, you're all right. But women just... 189 00:13:13,400 --> 00:13:16,676 ... can't help being a bother. Made that way I guess. 190 00:13:16,880 --> 00:13:18,871 Well, anyhow... 191 00:13:19,120 --> 00:13:22,118 I've had the happiest time of my life on this old ship. 192 00:13:23,440 --> 00:13:25,351 That's... That's fine. 193 00:13:31,080 --> 00:13:34,072 Say...Did you really mean that, Ann? 194 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:36,436 Of course. Everyone's so nice to me. 195 00:13:36,640 --> 00:13:38,949 Dr. Denham and the skipper... 196 00:13:39,360 --> 00:13:41,828 Don't you think the skipper is a sweet old lamb? 197 00:13:43,680 --> 00:13:45,955 I'd hate to have him hear me say that. 198 00:13:46,240 --> 00:13:50,994 Iggy's nice to me. Iggy likes me better than he likes anybody onboard. 199 00:13:51,400 --> 00:13:53,834 Don't you, Iggy? 200 00:13:56,200 --> 00:13:59,658 - That's right. Of course you do. - Beauty and the beast, eh? 201 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:02,395 Well, now, I never thought I was good-looking. 202 00:14:02,720 --> 00:14:06,118 Put on one of the costumes. The light's right for those tests now. 203 00:14:06,260 --> 00:14:08,469 All right, Mr. Denham. I won't be a minute. 204 00:14:10,280 --> 00:14:12,911 Beauty and the beast. 205 00:14:12,920 --> 00:14:16,869 Mr. Denham... I'm gonna do some butting in. 206 00:14:17,000 --> 00:14:19,609 - What's your trouble? - When do we find out 207 00:14:19,620 --> 00:14:21,439 - where we're going? - Pretty soon. 208 00:14:21,440 --> 00:14:23,440 Will you tell us what happens after? 209 00:14:23,441 --> 00:14:25,692 How can I? I'm not a fortuneteller. 210 00:14:26,480 --> 00:14:28,600 You must have some idea what you're after. 211 00:14:28,601 --> 00:14:30,556 What's the matter? You going soft. 212 00:14:30,680 --> 00:14:33,035 Oh, you know I'm not. Not for myself. 213 00:14:33,840 --> 00:14:36,570 - For Ann. - Oh, you have gone soft on her, eh? 214 00:14:36,600 --> 00:14:40,000 I've got enough troubles without a love affair to complicate things. 215 00:14:40,320 --> 00:14:42,650 - Better cut it out, Jack. - Love affair. 216 00:14:43,640 --> 00:14:45,676 Think I'm gonna fall for any dame? 217 00:14:45,880 --> 00:14:48,189 I never knew it to fail. Some big hard-boiled egg gets 218 00:14:48,480 --> 00:14:50,994 a look at a pretty face, bang he cracks up, gets sappy. 219 00:14:51,200 --> 00:14:53,839 Who's going sappy? I haven't run out on you? 220 00:14:54,120 --> 00:15:00,000 No. You're a pretty tough guy. But if beauty gets you, you... 221 00:15:00,240 --> 00:15:02,610 I'm going right into a theme song here. 222 00:15:03,320 --> 00:15:06,153 Say, what are you talking about? 223 00:15:06,360 --> 00:15:09,891 It's the idea of my picture. The beast was a tough guy too. 224 00:15:10,400 --> 00:15:13,995 He could lick the world, but when he saw beauty, she got him. 225 00:15:14,600 --> 00:15:16,750 He went soft, he forgot his wisdom 226 00:15:16,960 --> 00:15:19,713 and the little fellas licked him. Think it over, Jack. 227 00:15:20,080 --> 00:15:22,275 Mr. Denham, skipper wants you up on the bridge. 228 00:15:22,480 --> 00:15:24,232 He says we've reached the position. 229 00:15:24,520 --> 00:15:26,909 Good. Come on, Jack. You're in on this. I'm gonna spill it. 230 00:15:29,720 --> 00:15:32,951 There's our noon position. Two south, 90 east. 231 00:15:34,200 --> 00:15:36,873 Now, you promised some information when we got here. 232 00:15:37,000 --> 00:15:38,831 Way west of Sumatra. 233 00:15:39,200 --> 00:15:41,156 And way out of any waters I know. 234 00:15:41,280 --> 00:15:43,236 I know the East Indies like I do my own hand... 235 00:15:43,360 --> 00:15:45,920 ...but I've never been here. - Where do we go from here? 236 00:15:46,040 --> 00:15:47,917 - Southwest. - Southwest? 237 00:15:48,160 --> 00:15:50,400 Well, there is nothing for thousands of miles. 238 00:15:50,400 --> 00:15:53,119 Keep your shirt on, skipper. We're not going thousands of miles. 239 00:15:53,400 --> 00:15:55,470 Here's the island we're looking for. 240 00:15:57,600 --> 00:16:00,512 Well, that position. Let's have the big chart. 241 00:16:00,720 --> 00:16:02,915 You won't find that island on any chart. 242 00:16:03,160 --> 00:16:05,515 That was made by the skipper of a Norwegian bark. 243 00:16:05,800 --> 00:16:07,950 - He must have been kidding. - No, he wasn't. 244 00:16:08,320 --> 00:16:12,513 Listen, a canoe full of natives from this island was blown to sea. 245 00:16:12,720 --> 00:16:14,836 When the bark picked them, there was one alive. 246 00:16:15,000 --> 00:16:16,800 He died before they reached port, 247 00:16:16,801 --> 00:16:19,455 not before the skipper had a description of the island 248 00:16:19,540 --> 00:16:21,696 and got an idea of where it lies. 249 00:16:21,760 --> 00:16:24,339 - Where did you get it? - Singapore, two years ago. 250 00:16:24,340 --> 00:16:25,996 Skipper knew I'd be interested. 251 00:16:26,120 --> 00:16:28,918 - Does he believe it? - I don't know. But I do. 252 00:16:29,640 --> 00:16:32,473 Here. Here's what the island looks like. 253 00:16:36,800 --> 00:16:38,870 There's a long, sandy peninsula. 254 00:16:39,160 --> 00:16:41,674 The only possible landing place is through this reef. 255 00:16:41,880 --> 00:16:44,474 Rest of shoreline's sheer precipice, hundreds of feet high. 256 00:16:44,800 --> 00:16:48,315 And across the base of the peninsula, cutting it off from the rest of the island 257 00:16:48,600 --> 00:16:51,068 - is a wall. - A wall? 258 00:16:51,400 --> 00:16:53,755 Built long ago. People who lived there... 259 00:16:54,040 --> 00:16:56,793 slipped back, forgotten the high civilization that built it. 260 00:16:57,080 --> 00:16:59,640 That wall is as strong today as it was centuries ago. 261 00:16:59,920 --> 00:17:03,276 The natives keep that wall in repair. They need it. 262 00:17:03,560 --> 00:17:05,152 Why? 263 00:17:05,560 --> 00:17:08,393 There's something on the other side of it. Something they fear. 264 00:17:08,640 --> 00:17:10,710 A hostile tribe. 265 00:17:17,120 --> 00:17:19,839 Did you ever hear of Kong? 266 00:17:22,600 --> 00:17:24,716 Why, yes. 267 00:17:25,040 --> 00:17:27,190 Some native superstition, isn't it? 268 00:17:27,400 --> 00:17:29,152 A god or a spirit or something. 269 00:17:29,480 --> 00:17:31,630 Well, anyway, neither beast nor man... 270 00:17:31,840 --> 00:17:34,718 ...something monstrous, all-powerful. 271 00:17:35,280 --> 00:17:37,669 Still living...still holding that island 272 00:17:37,960 --> 00:17:40,076 in a grip of deadly fear. 273 00:17:43,640 --> 00:17:45,974 Well, every legend has a basis of truth. 274 00:17:46,360 --> 00:17:49,158 I tell you, there's something on that island that no white man has ever seen. 275 00:17:50,080 --> 00:17:54,155 - And you expect to photograph it? - If it's there, you bet I'll photograph it. 276 00:17:54,460 --> 00:17:57,458 Suppose it doesn't like having its picture taken? 277 00:17:58,680 --> 00:18:02,973 Well, now you know why I brought along those cases of gas bombs. 278 00:18:12,600 --> 00:18:14,909 Oh, you've put on a beauty-and-beast costume, eh? 279 00:18:15,800 --> 00:18:17,791 It's the prettiest. 280 00:18:18,040 --> 00:18:20,474 All right. Just stand right over there. 281 00:18:22,320 --> 00:18:25,232 I'm sort of nervous. Suppose I don't photograph well? 282 00:18:25,800 --> 00:18:27,995 You don't have to worry about that. If I hadn't been sure... 283 00:18:28,240 --> 00:18:30,674 ...I wouldn't have brought you around the world. 284 00:18:31,880 --> 00:18:33,632 What will I do? 285 00:18:33,720 --> 00:18:35,520 Well, we start with the profile. 286 00:18:35,520 --> 00:18:38,478 When I start cranking... why, hold it a minute, and 287 00:18:38,840 --> 00:18:41,513 then turn slowly toward me. You see me. 288 00:18:41,720 --> 00:18:44,154 You smile a little, then you listen. 289 00:18:44,400 --> 00:18:46,595 Then you laugh. All right.? 290 00:18:46,840 --> 00:18:48,432 Camera. 291 00:18:58,680 --> 00:19:01,433 - Looks kind of silly, don't it? - Pretty dame, huh? 292 00:19:01,640 --> 00:19:03,835 You think maybe he like to take my picture? 293 00:19:04,080 --> 00:19:06,514 Them cameras cost money. Shouldn't think he'd risk it. 294 00:19:09,320 --> 00:19:11,595 Now, that's fine, Ann. Now we'll try one with a filter, eh? 295 00:19:12,760 --> 00:19:14,830 Do you always take the pictures yourself? 296 00:19:15,440 --> 00:19:17,476 Ever since a trip I made to Africa. 297 00:19:17,720 --> 00:19:19,995 I'd have got a swell picture of a charging rhino... 298 00:19:20,280 --> 00:19:23,716 but the cameraman got scared. The darned fool. I was right there with a rifle. 299 00:19:24,680 --> 00:19:27,035 Seems he didn't trust me to get the rhino before it got him. 300 00:19:27,520 --> 00:19:29,988 I haven't fooled with a cameramen since. I do it myself. 301 00:19:31,320 --> 00:19:34,073 - Think he's crazy, skipper? - Just enthusiastic. 302 00:19:35,040 --> 00:19:36,996 Ann, in this one you're looking down. 303 00:19:37,280 --> 00:19:39,635 When I start to crank, you look up slowly. 304 00:19:40,080 --> 00:19:42,878 You're quite calm. You don't expect to see a thing. 305 00:19:43,120 --> 00:19:45,839 Then you just follow my directions. All right? 306 00:19:47,440 --> 00:19:49,078 Camera. 307 00:19:49,200 --> 00:19:52,112 Look up slowly, Ann. 308 00:19:52,840 --> 00:19:56,150 That's it. You don't see anything. Now look higher... 309 00:19:57,400 --> 00:19:59,789 ...still higher. 310 00:20:00,160 --> 00:20:02,355 Now you see it. 311 00:20:02,560 --> 00:20:05,313 You're amazed. You can't believe it. 312 00:20:05,480 --> 00:20:07,710 Your eyes open wider. 313 00:20:07,840 --> 00:20:10,638 It's horrible, Ann, but you can't look away. 314 00:20:10,720 --> 00:20:12,950 There's no chance for you, Ann, no escape. 315 00:20:13,120 --> 00:20:15,190 You're helpless, Ann, helpless. 316 00:20:15,440 --> 00:20:18,000 There's just one chance, if you can scream... 317 00:20:18,240 --> 00:20:21,630 ...but your throat's paralyzed. Try to scream, Ann, try. 318 00:20:22,080 --> 00:20:24,355 Perhaps if you didn't see it, you could scream. 319 00:20:24,560 --> 00:20:27,711 Throw your arm across your eyes and scream. Scream for your life. 320 00:20:32,320 --> 00:20:34,595 What's he think she's really gonna see? 321 00:20:50,560 --> 00:20:53,393 This infernal fog. Sure of your position, skipper? 322 00:20:54,080 --> 00:20:56,958 Last night before this fog shut down, I got a good sight. 323 00:20:57,240 --> 00:20:59,231 We should be near the island. 324 00:20:59,480 --> 00:21:01,789 If we don't see it when this fog lifts, we never will. 325 00:21:01,960 --> 00:21:03,871 We've quartered these parts. 326 00:21:04,120 --> 00:21:06,000 Can't see your hand in front of your face. 327 00:21:06,120 --> 00:21:08,550 Hey, Charlie, I wish you'd make your soup as thick as this. 328 00:21:12,520 --> 00:21:14,590 No bottom at 30. 329 00:21:15,840 --> 00:21:18,149 The Norwegian skipper must've been guessing at the position. 330 00:21:18,520 --> 00:21:20,290 How will we know it's the right island? 331 00:21:20,360 --> 00:21:22,551 The mountain that looks like a skull. 332 00:21:22,740 --> 00:21:25,954 Oh, yes, I'd forgotten. You told me. Skull Mountain. 333 00:21:26,560 --> 00:21:28,516 By the deep 20. 334 00:21:28,720 --> 00:21:30,720 Shallowing fast. Mr. Briggs, dead slow. 335 00:21:30,720 --> 00:21:32,472 Dead slow, sir. 336 00:21:33,400 --> 00:21:36,790 - Confound this fog. - By the deep 16. 337 00:21:37,120 --> 00:21:39,270 - What'd she draw, skipper? - Four. 338 00:21:40,560 --> 00:21:42,676 Why don't he heave to until it clears? 339 00:21:42,800 --> 00:21:45,234 'Tain't the old man. It's that crazy guy, Denham. 340 00:21:46,360 --> 00:21:48,954 Listen, you hear anything? 341 00:21:49,480 --> 00:21:51,277 No. 342 00:21:51,760 --> 00:21:54,194 - Breakers ahead. - Let go. 343 00:22:01,160 --> 00:22:04,038 That's not breakers. That's drums. 344 00:22:23,400 --> 00:22:25,755 Skipper, now the fog's lifted, do you see anybody? 345 00:22:26,000 --> 00:22:28,878 - Not a living thing. - Funny they haven't spotted us. 346 00:22:29,480 --> 00:22:31,835 I'd think the whole population would be on the beach. 347 00:22:33,120 --> 00:22:34,872 Listen. 348 00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:41,311 Maybe they have spotted us and are signaling. 349 00:22:43,000 --> 00:22:45,958 Well, skipper, do you believe me now? There it is. 350 00:22:46,240 --> 00:22:49,949 Skull Mountain, the wall. Everything just like on my funny little map. 351 00:22:50,400 --> 00:22:52,277 Come on. Let's get started. 352 00:22:52,640 --> 00:22:55,200 All right.Twelve men go with you. The rest stay aboard. 353 00:22:55,480 --> 00:22:57,596 Have you got a good man with those gas bombs? 354 00:22:58,920 --> 00:23:01,559 I think you better go along. You may be able to talk to these birds. 355 00:23:02,120 --> 00:23:05,032 - All right. Mr. Adams. - Aye, sir.? 356 00:23:06,560 --> 00:23:08,790 - You'll take charge of the ship. - Aye, aye, sir. 357 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:11,230 - I'm going ashore with you, aren't I? - You bet. 358 00:23:12,160 --> 00:23:14,469 I don't think she should until we know what's there. 359 00:23:14,600 --> 00:23:16,477 Wait a minute. Who's running this show? 360 00:23:16,600 --> 00:23:18,556 I found out from experience to keep my cast and cameras with me. 361 00:23:19,000 --> 00:23:21,639 You never can tell when you'll want them. 362 00:23:21,920 --> 00:23:24,195 - But you're crazy to risk... - Jack...run along and get 363 00:23:24,680 --> 00:23:26,636 the rifles and ammunition. 364 00:23:26,880 --> 00:23:28,996 And get me a couple of huskies to carry my stuff. 365 00:23:29,240 --> 00:23:31,993 And, Jack, don't forget the costume box. 366 00:23:32,160 --> 00:23:34,116 If we're lucky enough, we may get a swell shot right away. 367 00:23:35,000 --> 00:23:36,638 Come on, Ann. 368 00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:42,275 All right, boys, let's go. 369 00:23:42,520 --> 00:23:44,795 - Take it easy with that camera. - Okay. 370 00:23:44,920 --> 00:23:47,115 - Plenty of ammunition for those guns? - Yes, sir. 371 00:23:47,440 --> 00:23:49,192 Be careful with those bombs. 372 00:23:49,520 --> 00:23:51,829 All right, Briggs, now we'll get a look at Denham's island. 373 00:23:53,920 --> 00:23:56,150 Stand by to lower away. 374 00:24:29,920 --> 00:24:31,990 You with the camera, stick close. - Okay. 375 00:24:32,080 --> 00:24:34,000 - Who's got the bombs? - I have, sir. 376 00:24:34,001 --> 00:24:37,698 Watch your step. There's enough trichloride to put hippos to sleep. 377 00:24:39,320 --> 00:24:41,436 What queer-looking boats. 378 00:24:41,640 --> 00:24:43,949 Yeah, outrigger canoes. 379 00:24:44,240 --> 00:24:46,595 Driscoll, I want two men left here to guard the boat. 380 00:24:46,640 --> 00:24:48,671 - All attended to, sir. - Good. 381 00:24:48,920 --> 00:24:51,639 We all ready, then? Come on. 382 00:25:01,640 --> 00:25:05,076 Not a soul in sight. The people must all be gathered up ahead. 383 00:25:05,320 --> 00:25:07,675 That wall, skipper. What do you think of that? 384 00:25:07,840 --> 00:25:10,638 Colossal. It might almost be Egyptian. 385 00:25:10,880 --> 00:25:13,519 But what's on the other side of that wall? I wanna know. 386 00:25:13,760 --> 00:25:15,796 Who do you suppose could have built it? 387 00:25:16,240 --> 00:25:18,470 Oh, I was up on Angkor once. 388 00:25:18,640 --> 00:25:21,279 That's bigger than this, and nobody knows who built it. 389 00:25:21,520 --> 00:25:24,353 Oh, boy, what a chance. What a picture. 390 00:25:34,080 --> 00:25:35,798 Come on. 391 00:25:39,920 --> 00:25:42,480 Hear that? They're saying, "Kong, Kong." 392 00:25:42,560 --> 00:25:44,949 Hope you talk their lingo, skipper. 393 00:25:45,120 --> 00:25:47,395 - You catch any words yet? - I'm not sure. 394 00:25:47,800 --> 00:25:50,234 Sounds something like the language Nias Islanders speak. 395 00:25:50,720 --> 00:25:53,473 - What do you suppose is happening? - They're up to some of their heathen tricks. 396 00:25:53,760 --> 00:25:56,035 But don't go rushing out to sea. 397 00:25:56,560 --> 00:25:58,915 - All right. But isn't it exciting? - Sure. 398 00:25:59,600 --> 00:26:02,831 - I wish we'd left you on the ship. - Oh, I'm so glad you didn't. 399 00:26:03,080 --> 00:26:05,514 Wait. Easy, now. Wait till I see what goes on. 400 00:26:06,560 --> 00:26:09,472 Kong! Kong! 401 00:26:18,760 --> 00:26:21,433 Holy mackerel! What a show.! 402 00:26:21,800 --> 00:26:24,360 Hey, skipper, come here and get a load of this.! 403 00:26:27,160 --> 00:26:29,230 Did you ever see anything like that before in your life? 404 00:26:35,240 --> 00:26:36,912 Kong! Kong! 405 00:26:41,120 --> 00:26:42,758 Kong! Kong! 406 00:27:15,480 --> 00:27:17,948 Boy, if I could only get a picture before they see us. 407 00:27:18,400 --> 00:27:20,516 Hey, you with the camera. Come here. 408 00:27:22,400 --> 00:27:25,312 - I wanna see. - Come on 409 00:27:25,960 --> 00:27:27,916 , but be careful. 411 00:27:50,160 --> 00:27:51,593 Too late. They see us. 412 00:27:51,840 --> 00:27:54,229 - Let's... Let's beat it. - Hey, what are you running for? 413 00:27:54,560 --> 00:27:57,518 No use trying to hide now. Everybody come out in plain sight. 415 00:28:33,000 --> 00:28:35,878 - Say, let's scram out of here. - Stand still, you fool. 416 00:28:36,640 --> 00:28:39,359 Steady, boys, bluff them. 418 00:28:50,440 --> 00:28:53,238 Come on, skipper. Make him a friendly speech. 423 00:29:11,960 --> 00:29:14,190 He understands you, skipper. What's he say? 424 00:29:14,520 --> 00:29:16,397 - He's telling us to get out. 425 00:29:16,680 --> 00:29:19,274 Well, talk him out of it. Ask him what goes on. 429 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:34,468 He says the girl there is the bride of Kong. 430 00:29:34,560 --> 00:29:37,472 Great. Find out what they're gonna do. 433 00:29:47,160 --> 00:29:49,196 What's that? 434 00:29:49,640 --> 00:29:51,631 He must be the witch doctor. 435 00:29:51,800 --> 00:29:54,439 He says the ceremony is spoiled because we've seen it. 436 00:29:54,680 --> 00:29:57,433 Well, calm the old boy down. What's the word for friend? 439 00:30:08,760 --> 00:30:10,716 Steady with those rifles, boys. 442 00:30:17,760 --> 00:30:19,591 What's that? 443 00:30:19,800 --> 00:30:21,950 He says, look at the golden woman. 444 00:30:22,200 --> 00:30:24,430 Yeah. Blonds are scarce around here. 447 00:30:32,320 --> 00:30:34,311 A gift for Kong, he says. 448 00:30:34,600 --> 00:30:36,431 Good Lord! 450 00:30:39,760 --> 00:30:41,830 Wants to buy her. 452 00:30:47,600 --> 00:30:49,989 He's offering to trade six of his women for Ann. 453 00:30:52,080 --> 00:30:54,036 You got her into this, Denham. 456 00:31:05,080 --> 00:31:06,832 I'm gonna take her back to the ship. 457 00:31:07,000 --> 00:31:09,000 We'd better get out of here before they think to cut us off. 458 00:31:09,000 --> 00:31:11,000 Guess so. But tell him 459 00:31:11,000 --> 00:31:12,956 we'll be back tomorrow to make friends. 461 00:31:18,800 --> 00:31:22,270 Get going, Ann. Don't be scared. Everything's all right. 462 00:31:24,480 --> 00:31:26,835 Smile, Ann, and talk to Jack. 463 00:31:26,960 --> 00:31:28,951 Keep your chin up. 464 00:31:52,280 --> 00:31:54,271 Say, why aren't you in bed? 465 00:31:54,560 --> 00:31:56,915 Oh, I can't sleep. 466 00:31:57,440 --> 00:31:59,476 The sound of those drums makes me nervous, I guess. 467 00:32:01,120 --> 00:32:03,475 I think Denham's off his nut taking you ashore today. 468 00:32:04,120 --> 00:32:06,236 Well, I was a little scared. 469 00:32:06,600 --> 00:32:08,989 I guess you weren't the only one. 470 00:32:09,200 --> 00:32:11,156 I wonder what we do next.? 471 00:32:11,400 --> 00:32:13,356 That's just what's worrying me. 472 00:32:13,720 --> 00:32:15,756 Denham's a fool, there's no telling what he might... 473 00:32:15,840 --> 00:32:17,671 ...ask you to do for this picture. 474 00:32:17,760 --> 00:32:19,716 After all he's done, I would take any chance for him. 475 00:32:20,440 --> 00:32:23,830 Don't talk like that. I'd say he's crazy enough to try anything. 476 00:32:25,000 --> 00:32:26,956 Well, I won't go back on him. 477 00:32:27,760 --> 00:32:29,760 When I think of what might've happened today, 478 00:32:29,760 --> 00:32:31,716 if anything had happened to you... 479 00:32:31,880 --> 00:32:34,314 Then you wouldn't be bothered having a woman onboard. 480 00:32:35,280 --> 00:32:37,953 Don't laugh. I'm scared for you. 481 00:32:39,200 --> 00:32:40,997 I'm sort of... 482 00:32:41,280 --> 00:32:45,114 Well, I'm scared of you too. Ann... 483 00:32:45,800 --> 00:32:47,950 I... 484 00:32:50,760 --> 00:32:52,910 Say... 485 00:32:53,200 --> 00:32:55,555 I guess I love you. 486 00:32:56,440 --> 00:32:59,193 Why, Jack, you hate women. 487 00:33:00,200 --> 00:33:02,634 Yeah, I know. But you aren't women. 488 00:33:04,720 --> 00:33:07,678 Say, Ann... I don't suppose... 489 00:33:09,440 --> 00:33:11,635 I mean... 490 00:33:11,920 --> 00:33:15,117 Well, you don't feel anything like that about me... 491 00:33:16,360 --> 00:33:18,920 ...do you? 492 00:33:25,400 --> 00:33:28,233 Mr. Driscoll, are you on deck? 493 00:33:29,880 --> 00:33:32,110 Yes, sir. 494 00:33:33,000 --> 00:33:35,230 Will you please come up on the bridge? 495 00:33:37,600 --> 00:33:39,795 You go on. I'll wait here. 496 00:33:44,040 --> 00:33:45,951 Yes, sir. 497 00:35:01,880 --> 00:35:03,791 There, that's about it. 498 00:35:04,080 --> 00:35:06,469 We'll make absolutely sure tomorrow noon. 499 00:35:06,720 --> 00:35:09,029 Oh, must be almost midnight. 500 00:35:09,600 --> 00:35:12,478 Hey.Look at that. 501 00:35:13,560 --> 00:35:15,596 Torches going through the village. 502 00:35:16,280 --> 00:35:19,078 Yeah, looks like the night before election. 503 00:35:19,920 --> 00:35:22,434 Listen to them. Wonder what's up. 504 00:35:24,680 --> 00:35:26,680 Wish I could take pictures by firelight. 505 00:35:26,680 --> 00:35:28,432 I'd sneak ashore and get a scene now. 506 00:35:28,520 --> 00:35:31,592 Oh, be sensible. We're lucky to be all safe aboard tonight. 507 00:35:32,160 --> 00:35:34,435 Yeah, I guess so. 508 00:35:40,760 --> 00:35:42,920 Charlie, have you seen missy? 509 00:35:42,920 --> 00:35:44,680 Me no see one, two hours. 510 00:35:44,680 --> 00:35:47,069 When we leave this place? Me no like. 511 00:35:56,000 --> 00:35:57,831 Ann... 512 00:35:58,120 --> 00:36:00,190 Ann! 513 00:36:16,160 --> 00:36:19,072 All hands on deck! Everybody on deck! 514 00:36:19,480 --> 00:36:22,358 Everybody on deck! All hands on deck! 515 00:36:37,840 --> 00:36:40,434 - Look, sir. Me find on deck. - A native bracelet. 516 00:36:40,680 --> 00:36:42,680 Crazy black man been here. 517 00:36:42,680 --> 00:36:44,640 What is it? Who turned out the crew? 518 00:36:44,640 --> 00:36:46,520 Charlie found this. Look. Someone's been aboard. 519 00:36:46,520 --> 00:36:48,020 - Where's Ann? - In her cabin. 520 00:36:48,021 --> 00:36:50,072 No, she isn't. I just looked. 521 00:36:50,240 --> 00:36:54,636 - What's the matter, Mr. Driscoll? - Search the ship. Find Miss Darrow. 523 00:36:56,720 --> 00:36:59,712 Ann. Oh, Ann. Did you see her? 524 00:36:59,920 --> 00:37:02,354 - No. - I'll look below. 525 00:37:07,440 --> 00:37:09,510 - Did you find her? - Can't find her forward. 526 00:37:09,800 --> 00:37:12,155 - She's not below. - Can't find her aft. 527 00:37:12,320 --> 00:37:14,390 Ann's gone! 528 00:37:14,640 --> 00:37:16,995 Serve out the rifles. Man the boats. 529 00:37:18,360 --> 00:37:20,760 Take this ammunition outside. 530 00:37:20,760 --> 00:37:22,760 Come on, you fellas. Grab these guns. 531 00:37:22,760 --> 00:37:24,671 Take these bomb cases and be careful with them. 532 00:37:25,920 --> 00:37:28,150 Pass those rifles up over the side. Start packing those bombs. 533 00:37:33,360 --> 00:37:35,635 Me likey go too. Me likey catch missy. 534 00:37:35,880 --> 00:37:37,677 This is no job for a cook. Get out of here. Come on. 535 00:37:39,240 --> 00:37:41,629 Shove her off, men. We're going over the side. 536 00:37:44,360 --> 00:37:46,157 They've taken Ann. 542 00:43:53,240 --> 00:43:56,516 Hurry. Hurry up. She must be up ahead here. 543 00:43:57,800 --> 00:43:59,472 - Come on, men. - Come on, boys. 544 00:44:27,800 --> 00:44:30,598 Get this gate open. Quick! Get up there, men.Pull that thing back! 545 00:44:31,760 --> 00:44:34,069 Pull that bar back. He's got Ann. 546 00:44:36,840 --> 00:44:40,196 Heave. Heave. 547 00:44:41,640 --> 00:44:43,949 - Who's going with me? - I'll go. 548 00:44:50,040 --> 00:44:52,508 You stay with half the men and guard the gate. 549 00:44:52,760 --> 00:44:55,035 - Don't let them close it. - We'll take care of it. 551 00:45:37,480 --> 00:45:40,074 No telling which way he went in this darkness. 552 00:45:40,800 --> 00:45:43,030 He's been through here. Look at these broken branches. 553 00:45:43,120 --> 00:45:45,076 Yeah, look at that. Keep up, fellas. 554 00:45:47,760 --> 00:45:49,751 It ought to be sunup about now. 555 00:45:50,800 --> 00:45:54,156 Yeah, just listen to those birds. It's dawn all right. 556 00:45:55,440 --> 00:45:57,715 - What's that? - Holy mackerel! 557 00:45:58,240 --> 00:46:00,595 - Yeah, that's his track. - Look at the size of that thing. 558 00:46:00,680 --> 00:46:03,240 He must be as big as a house. 559 00:46:03,400 --> 00:46:05,320 He's headed this way. 560 00:46:05,320 --> 00:46:07,276 Come on, fellas, and keep those guns cocked. 561 00:46:18,160 --> 00:46:20,435 Here's another one. We're on his trail. 562 00:46:20,760 --> 00:46:23,069 Sure, sure. I know that. Come on. Come on, fellas. 563 00:46:28,000 --> 00:46:30,195 Hey, look at that! 564 00:46:30,880 --> 00:46:33,189 Keep quiet. He doesn't see us. 565 00:46:40,040 --> 00:46:42,156 Give me one of those bombs. 566 00:46:55,360 --> 00:46:57,351 Look, it's gonna charge. 567 00:47:05,120 --> 00:47:06,872 Keep quiet. 568 00:47:11,280 --> 00:47:13,350 Come on. 569 00:47:31,520 --> 00:47:33,476 Give him another one. 570 00:47:58,280 --> 00:48:01,636 - Look out. He's still alive. - Shoot! 571 00:48:09,160 --> 00:48:11,151 Come on. That got him. 572 00:48:17,560 --> 00:48:19,437 What do you call this thing? 573 00:48:19,640 --> 00:48:21,995 Why, something from the dinosaur family. 574 00:48:22,160 --> 00:48:25,197 - Dinosaur, eh? - Yes, Jack... 575 00:48:25,680 --> 00:48:28,114 ...a prehistoric beast. 576 00:48:31,720 --> 00:48:34,393 Say, just look at the length of that brute. 577 00:48:37,080 --> 00:48:39,640 If I could only bring back one of these alive. 549 00:48:41,214 --> 00:48:42,809 - Watch that tail! He's still alive. - Come on, looks like he's standing up. 550 00:48:42,985 --> 00:48:45,146 He's through. Come on. 551 00:48:45,620 --> 00:48:48,153 Come on, men. 552 00:48:50,726 --> 00:48:52,919 Boy, one swipe of that. 578 00:49:08,720 --> 00:49:11,154 - Hear that? - Yeah. What is it? 579 00:49:11,240 --> 00:49:12,992 That's him, boys. Come on. 580 00:49:26,600 --> 00:49:28,830 Here. Here's his mark again. 581 00:49:30,000 --> 00:49:32,150 - There's water ahead. - He's down in that fog somewhere. 582 00:49:35,200 --> 00:49:37,395 Yes, that's him splashing through. Come on. 583 00:49:48,560 --> 00:49:50,357 Must have swum across. 584 00:49:50,480 --> 00:49:52,675 Yeah, it'll be tough for us with these guns and bombs. 585 00:49:52,800 --> 00:49:54,950 What about these logs for a raft? 586 00:49:55,040 --> 00:49:57,679 Good idea. Come,fellas. Get busy. 587 00:49:57,880 --> 00:50:00,474 Put those guns down on the bank and get going. 588 00:50:04,040 --> 00:50:06,040 Move! Come on with those poles. 589 00:50:06,040 --> 00:50:07,792 All set, everybody? 590 00:50:09,160 --> 00:50:11,151 Shove off! 591 00:50:33,560 --> 00:50:36,279 - Hear anything? - No, he's miles away by now. 592 00:50:37,240 --> 00:50:39,629 We'll be able to pick up his trail all right. 593 00:50:52,800 --> 00:50:54,358 Listen.! 594 00:51:07,840 --> 00:51:09,478 Quiet. 595 00:51:12,840 --> 00:51:14,956 What was it? 596 00:51:27,160 --> 00:51:29,196 Hang on, men.! 597 00:51:30,400 --> 00:51:32,391 Look out. Here he comes.! 598 00:52:56,400 --> 00:52:58,072 Come on. 600 01:01:32,240 --> 01:01:35,198 Hey, Jack. Jack Driscoll. 601 01:01:35,640 --> 01:01:38,200 - Hey, Jack. - Denham. 602 01:01:38,400 --> 01:01:40,914 - It didn't get you, huh? - No, I got to cover, same as you. 603 01:01:41,200 --> 01:01:42,300 Think we're safe now? 604 01:01:42,400 --> 01:01:44,501 There are two of us... left alive to save her. 605 01:01:44,500 --> 01:01:47,000 - I can't get across now. - Don't want you to. 606 01:01:47,000 --> 01:01:49,209 Lam back and get more bombs. 607 01:01:49,260 --> 01:01:51,755 Why, you wouldn't follow that beast alone. 608 01:01:52,000 --> 01:01:54,200 Someone's gotta stay on his trail. 609 01:01:54,200 --> 01:01:56,077 I'll get a chance, sneak her away. 610 01:01:56,320 --> 01:01:58,550 I'll figure a way to signal you where he's taken her. 611 01:01:59,120 --> 01:02:01,156 - I guess that's our only out. - Sure it is. Get going. 612 01:02:01,400 --> 01:02:04,472 Don't get killed till you see Englehorn. 613 01:02:04,720 --> 01:02:06,711 Okay, Jack. Good luck. 614 01:03:36,000 --> 01:03:38,434 Skipper, this Kong is the biggest thing in the world. 615 01:03:38,680 --> 01:03:41,399 He shook those men off that log like they were flies. 616 01:03:41,680 --> 01:03:44,592 All those men lost. It's incredible. 617 01:03:45,280 --> 01:03:47,316 Driscoll said he'd try and signal us if he found Ann. 618 01:03:47,440 --> 01:03:49,795 - We'll never see them again. - Don't give up. 619 01:03:49,880 --> 01:03:51,880 - There's chance for Driscoll. 620 01:03:51,880 --> 01:03:53,880 - Wait for daylight. - We'll bridge the ravine. 621 01:03:53,880 --> 01:03:55,836 Where's that case of bombs? - Here, sir. 622 01:03:55,920 --> 01:04:00,516 This monster you've seen, you think your bombs will stop him? 623 01:04:00,840 --> 01:04:03,593 If we can get close enough to use them, you bet they'll stop him. 624 01:04:04,440 --> 01:04:06,635 - Had any trouble with the natives? - Yes, after you left. 625 01:04:06,800 --> 01:04:08,520 - What happened? 626 01:04:08,520 --> 01:04:11,560 We fired volleys over their heads, they ran like rabbits. 627 01:04:11,560 --> 01:04:13,710 Gunpowder's new in their lives? 628 01:04:14,040 --> 01:04:15,951 - They're terrified. - They haven't shown up. 629 01:04:16,280 --> 01:04:18,316 Take a man on the wall, keep your eyes peeled. 630 01:04:18,480 --> 01:04:20,675 We leave at dawn, if we get a signal or not. 631 01:13:24,320 --> 01:13:26,231 Hey, look. 632 01:13:31,520 --> 01:13:34,637 Hey, below, Mr. Denham. Captain Englehorn. 633 01:13:34,880 --> 01:13:37,348 Mr. Driscoll and the lady, they're coming back. 634 01:13:39,760 --> 01:13:41,910 Come on, fellas. 635 01:13:43,960 --> 01:13:45,837 Are you both all right? Pint, Jack. Here. 636 01:13:51,640 --> 01:13:53,949 I'm all right. 637 01:13:54,320 --> 01:13:56,320 What happened? How did you do it? 638 01:13:56,320 --> 01:13:58,276 - Came down the river. - Oh, Jack. 639 01:13:58,640 --> 01:14:01,108 There, there, you're safe now. 640 01:14:01,400 --> 01:14:03,470 We'll have you back on the ship in no time. 641 01:14:07,400 --> 01:14:09,400 Wait a minute. What about Kong? 642 01:14:09,400 --> 01:14:11,152 Well, what about him? 643 01:14:12,680 --> 01:14:14,680 We came to get a movie, 644 01:14:14,680 --> 01:14:17,040 and we found something worth more than all the movies in the world. 645 01:14:17,040 --> 01:14:18,598 What? 646 01:14:18,800 --> 01:14:21,394 We've got those gas bombs. If we can capture him alive... 647 01:14:21,720 --> 01:14:23,676 Why, you're crazy. 648 01:14:23,920 --> 01:14:26,388 He's on a cliff where a whole army couldn't get at him. 649 01:14:26,720 --> 01:14:29,029 Yeah, if he stays there... 650 01:14:29,280 --> 01:14:31,396 ...but we've got something he wants. 651 01:14:32,400 --> 01:14:35,039 Yeah, something he won't get again. 652 01:14:35,640 --> 01:14:38,757 Hey, look out. It's Kong. Kong's coming. 653 01:14:39,800 --> 01:14:41,552 Come around. Come here 654 01:14:44,520 --> 01:14:47,318 and hold the gates. Quick.! 655 01:15:06,040 --> 01:15:08,480 Denham, natives are coming. 656 01:15:08,480 --> 01:15:11,233 - Good work. Come on.! - Come on.! 657 01:17:01,120 --> 01:17:03,156 Hey, come back with those bombs, you... 658 01:19:45,400 --> 01:19:48,834 Come on. Come on. I got him. 659 01:19:49,800 --> 01:19:51,800 He'll be out for hours. Send to the ship. 660 01:19:51,800 --> 01:19:53,552 - For anchor chains and tools. 661 01:19:53,640 --> 01:19:55,640 - What will you do? - A raft to float him to the ship. 662 01:19:55,640 --> 01:19:58,154 The whole world will pay to see this. 663 01:19:58,360 --> 01:20:01,193 - No chains will hold that. - We'll give him more than chains. 664 01:20:01,520 --> 01:20:03,476 He's always been king of his world, 665 01:20:03,800 --> 01:20:06,189 but we'll teach him fear. We're millionaires, boys. 666 01:20:06,440 --> 01:20:08,795 I'll share it with all of you. In a few months, 667 01:20:09,080 --> 01:20:10,798 it'll be up in lights on Broadway: 668 01:20:11,080 --> 01:20:15,197 "Kong, the Eighth Wonder of the World." 669 01:20:23,400 --> 01:20:26,437 Carl Denhams's giant monster 670 01:20:33,240 --> 01:20:35,037 Say, what's Denham got anyway? 671 01:20:35,200 --> 01:20:37,555 It better be good after all this ballyhoo. 672 01:20:38,120 --> 01:20:40,031 Heavens, what a mob. 673 01:20:40,280 --> 01:20:43,840 Well, you would come. These tickets cost me 20 bucks. 674 01:20:53,040 --> 01:20:55,793 I can't sit so near the screen. It hurts my eyes. 675 01:20:56,120 --> 01:20:58,588 This is not a moving picture, madam. 676 01:20:58,800 --> 01:21:02,270 What? Mr. Denham makes those pictures of those darling monkeys 677 01:21:02,600 --> 01:21:04,477 and tigers and things. 678 01:21:04,760 --> 01:21:06,990 This is in the nature of a personal appearance. 679 01:21:07,360 --> 01:21:10,272 Well, I never. I thought I was gonna see something. 680 01:21:11,400 --> 01:21:13,994 - Say, what is it anyhow? - I hear it's a kind of a gorilla. 681 01:21:14,600 --> 01:21:17,795 Gee, ain't we got enough of them in New York? 682 01:21:23,160 --> 01:21:25,116 I don't like to look at him. JacK. 683 01:21:25,360 --> 01:21:27,555 It makes me think of that awful day on the island. 684 01:21:27,720 --> 01:21:29,472 I wouldn't have brought you, 685 01:21:29,560 --> 01:21:31,437 but you know how Denham insisted. 686 01:21:31,520 --> 01:21:33,715 We had to come when he said it would help the show. 687 01:21:34,000 --> 01:21:36,116 Do you think we'll make a lot of money? 688 01:21:36,320 --> 01:21:38,754 Well, enough to pay him back for these clothes anyway. 689 01:21:39,280 --> 01:21:42,999 It's the first time I ever had on one of these open-front suits. 690 01:21:43,080 --> 01:21:44,832 Hello, there. Just in time. 691 01:21:45,120 --> 01:21:47,509 Gee, Ann, you look great. I'm glad I dressed you up for this show. 692 01:21:47,720 --> 01:21:50,234 Well, Jack, $10,000 in the box office. 693 01:21:50,560 --> 01:21:52,994 - Not bad for one night. - That's a lot of money. 694 01:21:53,280 --> 01:21:55,350 We're gonna do that every night. 695 01:21:56,000 --> 01:21:58,798 - Look at the size of that. - I hope he's tied up tight. 696 01:21:59,040 --> 01:22:01,349 Sure he is. Denham's taking no chances. 697 01:22:01,640 --> 01:22:03,790 Here are the press. Come in, boys. 698 01:22:04,000 --> 01:22:05,952 - This is Ms. Darrow and Mr. Driscoll. - How do you do? 699 01:22:06,160 --> 01:22:08,071 Mr. Driscoll saved you from the ape? 700 01:22:08,360 --> 01:22:11,477 Yes. He was alone too. All the sailors with him had been killed. 701 01:22:11,920 --> 01:22:13,951 How did you ever tackle that baby? 702 01:22:14,080 --> 01:22:15,999 ell, Mr. Denham got him. 703 01:22:16,120 --> 01:22:18,111 The rest of us were running scared. 704 01:22:18,360 --> 01:22:20,590 He had the nerve to stand there and chuck bombs. 705 01:22:20,880 --> 01:22:22,871 - Oh, so you're the hero. - Come on, give us a story. 706 01:22:23,200 --> 01:22:25,668 Here now, wait a minute. Lay off me, boys. 707 01:22:25,960 --> 01:22:28,349 Miss Darrow is the story. If it hadn't been for her... 708 01:22:28,760 --> 01:22:31,115 ...we couldn't have gotten near Kong. He followed her. 709 01:22:31,200 --> 01:22:32,952 Beauty and the beast, huh? 710 01:22:33,280 --> 01:22:36,158 That's it. Play up that angle, beauty and the beast. 711 01:22:36,400 --> 01:22:38,356 Kong could have stayed safe... 712 01:22:38,640 --> 01:22:41,293 ...but he couldn't stay away from beauty. 713 01:22:41,320 --> 01:22:43,476 - That's your story, boys. - That's a lead story, all right. 714 01:22:43,720 --> 01:22:45,711 - How about some pictures? - Just a minute. 715 01:22:45,800 --> 01:22:47,995 Come on the stage. Take pictures in front of the audience. 716 01:22:48,120 --> 01:22:50,076 I'll make a speech and tell them about Kong, 717 01:22:50,160 --> 01:22:52,116 Darrow...Driscoll. 718 01:22:53,240 --> 01:22:55,754 When I call you, come take pictures. 719 01:22:56,080 --> 01:22:58,310 Stand by, Ann, when I call you. 720 01:22:58,800 --> 01:23:01,837 Now, now, it's all right. We've knocked some of the fight out of him since you saw him. 721 01:23:18,160 --> 01:23:19,880 Ladies and gentlemen, 722 01:23:19,880 --> 01:23:22,536 I am here tonight to tell you a very strange story. 723 01:23:22,680 --> 01:23:26,111 A story so strange that no one will believe it. 724 01:23:26,160 --> 01:23:29,311 But, ladies and gentlemen, seeing is believing... 725 01:23:29,480 --> 01:23:33,000 and we, my partners and I... have brought back the living proof of our adventure. 726 01:23:33,001 --> 01:23:36,356 an adventure in which 12 of our party 727 01:23:36,560 --> 01:23:39,000 met horrible deaths. 728 01:23:39,001 --> 01:23:42,154 And now, ladies and gentlemen, before I tell you any more... 729 01:23:42,280 --> 01:23:45,552 I am going to show you the greatest thing your eyes ever beheld. 730 01:23:45,640 --> 01:23:48,638 He was a king and a god in the world he knew... 731 01:23:48,720 --> 01:23:52,235 but now he comes to civilization merely a captive... 732 01:23:52,560 --> 01:23:55,279 a show to gratify your curiosity. 733 01:23:55,480 --> 01:23:58,697 Ladies and gentlemen, look at Kong. 734 01:23:58,760 --> 01:24:02,911 The Eighth Wonder of the World. 735 01:24:20,160 --> 01:24:22,754 And now I want to introduce Miss Ann Darrow... 736 01:24:23,080 --> 01:24:25,435 the bravest girl I have ever known. 737 01:24:36,560 --> 01:24:38,790 There the beast and here the beauty. 738 01:24:39,320 --> 01:24:42,392 She has lived through an experience no other woman ever dreamed of. 739 01:24:43,040 --> 01:24:45,759 And she was saved from the very grasp of Kong 740 01:24:46,000 --> 01:24:48,070 by her future husband. 741 01:24:48,280 --> 01:24:50,271 I want you to meet a very brave gentleman, 742 01:24:50,400 --> 01:24:52,630 Mr. John Driscoll. 743 01:25:03,000 --> 01:25:05,673 And now before I tell you the full story of our voyage... 744 01:25:06,000 --> 01:25:08,798 ...I will ask the gentlemen of the press to come forward... 745 01:25:09,040 --> 01:25:11,429 ...so that the audience may see them 746 01:25:11,800 --> 01:25:14,553 take the first photographs of Kong and his captors. 747 01:25:15,720 --> 01:25:17,358 All right, boys. 748 01:25:22,800 --> 01:25:25,758 Miss Darrow first, alone. Stand in front of Kong, Ann. 749 01:25:30,800 --> 01:25:32,560 - All set? Make it a good one. - Okay. 750 01:25:32,560 --> 01:25:34,312 Shoot. 751 01:25:41,880 --> 01:25:43,791 Don't be alarmed. 752 01:25:44,080 --> 01:25:46,548 Those chains are made of chrome steel. 753 01:25:50,760 --> 01:25:52,520 It's all right, Ann. 754 01:25:52,520 --> 01:25:54,476 Get them together, boys. They're going to be married tomorrow. 755 01:25:54,840 --> 01:25:57,149 Put your arm around her, Driscoll. 722 01:25:59,454 --> 01:26:00,216 Wait a minute. Hold on. 757 01:26:00,800 --> 01:26:05,156 - He thinks you're attacking the girl. - All the roaring, swell picture. 758 01:27:05,480 --> 01:27:07,948 Send the riot squad and ambulances. Kong has escaped. 759 01:28:17,120 --> 01:28:18,917 You're safe now, dear. 760 01:28:19,440 --> 01:28:21,396 It's like a horrible dream. 761 01:28:21,680 --> 01:28:24,319 It's like being back on the island again. 762 01:28:25,040 --> 01:28:27,474 Now, it's all right. Don't worry. 763 01:28:28,120 --> 01:28:30,236 I'm gonna stay right here with you. 764 01:28:30,680 --> 01:28:33,035 Anyhow, you know they're bound to get him. 765 01:29:32,640 --> 01:29:34,471 Jack, he's climbing up outside there. 766 01:29:34,680 --> 01:29:37,240 - He's got Ann. He's taken her up. - The roof, quick. 767 01:30:41,640 --> 01:30:43,471 Ann... Ann... 768 01:30:43,720 --> 01:30:45,995 How can we follow him? What'll we do? 769 01:30:46,680 --> 01:30:48,875 Fire department searchlights on the roof. 770 01:30:49,000 --> 01:30:50,797 Yeah, they'll keep him in sight. 771 01:32:37,960 --> 01:32:40,190 Attention all stations. 772 01:32:40,520 --> 01:32:43,398 Kong is going west. He is making for the Empire State Building. 773 01:32:43,680 --> 01:32:45,750 Stand by for further reports. 774 01:32:46,000 --> 01:32:48,070 If he goes up there, what can we do? 775 01:32:48,280 --> 01:32:50,271 We won't get near him. 776 01:32:50,480 --> 01:32:52,550 Kong is climbing the Empire State Building. 777 01:32:52,640 --> 01:32:55,200 He is still carrying Ann Darrow. That is all. 778 01:32:55,320 --> 01:32:57,120 That licks us. 779 01:32:57,120 --> 01:32:58,920 One thing we haven't thought of. 780 01:32:58,920 --> 01:33:00,720 - What? - Airplanes. 781 01:33:00,720 --> 01:33:02,720 If he should put Ann down... and they fly close 782 01:33:02,720 --> 01:33:05,029 - to pick him without her... - You're right. Planes. 783 01:33:40,080 --> 01:33:43,071 - Here come the planes. - They'll get him. 784 01:33:45,000 --> 01:33:47,000 Can they shoot him and not hit Ann? 785 01:33:47,000 --> 01:33:49,956 Don't get on the road. They'll be shooting. 786 01:38:30,240 --> 01:38:33,800 Ann. Ann, hang on, dear. 753 01:38:33,844 --> 01:38:35,838 - Ann, are you all right? - Jack! 754 01:38:54,564 --> 01:38:55,693 Just a moment. Wait a minute. 787 01:38:55,800 --> 01:38:58,314 Let me through. My name is Denham. 788 01:38:58,760 --> 01:39:00,591 Oh, lieutenant. 789 01:39:01,240 --> 01:39:03,879 - Lieutenant, I'm Carl Denham. - Carl Denham. 790 01:39:04,080 --> 01:39:06,514 Denham? Oh, that's the man that captured the monster. 791 01:39:09,760 --> 01:39:12,718 Well, Denham, the airplanes got him. 792 01:39:14,720 --> 01:39:17,280 Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes. 793 01:39:18,640 --> 01:39:21,029 It was beauty killed the beast. 794 01:39:22,029 --> 01:39:32,029 Subtitle by paLA3_pc72@hotmail.com