1 00:01:25,169 --> 00:01:28,291 'This is Liberty Hill, a small town, 2 00:01:28,291 --> 00:01:35,856 ..where streets are named for trees and heroes and a sense of life's continuity runs in the air. ' 3 00:01:35,856 --> 00:01:41,468 'Like a hundred other such towns it puts a special stamp on its own. ' 4 00:01:42,420 --> 00:01:49,584 'People born and raised here, high and low, rich and poor, are neighbours in an irrevocable way. ' 5 00:01:49,584 --> 00:01:55,028 'They have all been exposed at a tender, malleable age... 6 00:01:55,028 --> 00:01:59,638 ..to the impartial justice, inflexible regulations... 7 00:01:59,710 --> 00:02:05,163 .. and the grey, calm, neutral eyes of the same teacher - the Terrible Miss Dove. ' 10 00:02:41,379 --> 00:02:46,983 Good morning, Miss Dove. Mr Porter. What are you using on your lilies? 12 00:02:46,983 --> 00:02:52,476 Sulphate of ammonia - the best fertilizer. Except for lilies. 14 00:02:52,476 --> 00:02:56,392 Particularly for lilies. They will perish. 15 00:03:02,352 --> 00:03:05,973 There she goes, Jincey - 8.15 on the dot! 16 00:03:06,565 --> 00:03:11,528 I wish Little Whosit would copy Miss Dove's sense of time. 17 00:03:11,528 --> 00:03:17,003 Who could stand it? Imagine burping a baby that resembled Miss Dove! 18 00:03:23,365 --> 00:03:28,218 Seventeen minutes past eight. Eat up. Miss Dove just went by. 20 00:03:28,218 --> 00:03:32,100 You don't want to be tardy. Oh, puke! The oatmeal stinks. 22 00:03:32,381 --> 00:03:36,662 Excuse yourself and get to school! Yes, sir. Excuse me. 23 00:03:38,175 --> 00:03:40,189 Go on! 26 00:03:43,738 --> 00:03:51,543 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Mr Levine. Morrie is coming home to visit. He will want to see his old teacher. 27 00:03:51,543 --> 00:03:54,196 I shall be happy to see Maurice. 30 00:04:00,999 --> 00:04:04,482 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, William. 31 00:04:20,321 --> 00:04:23,373 Bobsie! Mark, how's that left foot? 35 00:04:23,373 --> 00:04:30,097 OK. Peggie, how's my best girl? Fine. Well, what a pretty pink dress. 36 00:04:30,097 --> 00:04:33,739 It's orange, Mr Spivey. My mother made it. 37 00:04:33,739 --> 00:04:35,901 She did? 38 00:04:36,901 --> 00:04:42,104 Isn't he cute with the small fry? He oughtta have oodles of his own. 39 00:04:42,104 --> 00:04:46,191 It's a shame such a family man never married. 40 00:04:47,187 --> 00:04:51,399 Good morning, Miss Dove. John, send me a fast one! 42 00:04:51,830 --> 00:04:57,834 Nice try, Mr Spivey. Let me caddy for you. Please don't bother, Miss Elwood. 43 00:04:57,834 --> 00:05:03,007 Spring's in the air. Baseball games, state proficiency tests coming up... 45 00:05:03,007 --> 00:05:08,563 Is Cedar Grove going for the geography pennant again? The children will try hard. 46 00:05:08,878 --> 00:05:12,720 The results will reflect credit on all concerned. 47 00:05:12,720 --> 00:05:15,642 I heard what you said about spring. 48 00:05:15,642 --> 00:05:19,649 It makes you want to do something mad! Whooh! 52 00:05:26,569 --> 00:05:30,782 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Perry. Good morning, Miss Dove. 55 00:05:30,782 --> 00:05:34,574 Good morning, Terry. Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Robert. 58 00:05:34,574 --> 00:05:39,017 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Mark. I forgot my handkerchief. 61 00:05:39,017 --> 00:05:47,392 First things first, Harrison. Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Harrison. You may take a tissue from my desk. 64 00:05:47,392 --> 00:05:52,475 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Margaret. Good morning, Miss Dove. 66 00:05:58,879 --> 00:06:01,600 Attention, please. 67 00:06:01,871 --> 00:06:03,920 The lesson will begin. 68 00:06:04,513 --> 00:06:09,396 We will continue with our study of the dietary habits of animals. 69 00:06:09,396 --> 00:06:16,920 "Bears like honey. They are also fond of red ants which have a flavour similar to that of pickles. " 70 00:06:20,212 --> 00:06:22,215 Robert! 71 00:06:24,965 --> 00:06:27,379 You know what to do, Robert. 72 00:06:47,429 --> 00:06:50,320 You may return to your desk, Robert. 74 00:06:55,074 --> 00:06:57,236 We will resume. 75 00:06:57,635 --> 00:07:02,439 "The camel is not a pretty beast, but he can go days without water. " 76 00:07:03,799 --> 00:07:09,332 Margaret, you will now occupy the posture correction stool. 78 00:07:25,613 --> 00:07:27,650 We will resume. 79 00:07:32,377 --> 00:07:34,418 You better tank up! 80 00:07:34,418 --> 00:07:39,501 "The camel is not a pretty beast, but he can go days without water. " 81 00:07:39,501 --> 00:07:42,533 Who's afraid of that old... stick? 83 00:07:42,533 --> 00:07:46,154 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, David. 84 00:07:46,826 --> 00:07:51,630 The state proficiency tests will be held next Monday. 85 00:07:51,949 --> 00:07:57,037 I think it would be advisable to utilise this period for review. 86 00:07:58,513 --> 00:08:04,319 No, David. You had ample opportunity to quench your thirst before class. 87 00:08:05,157 --> 00:08:07,559 Take out your books, please. 88 00:08:10,791 --> 00:08:15,970 I advise that you memorise the agriculture of the Argentine pampas. 89 00:08:21,207 --> 00:08:23,939 'That's strange. A sharp pain. ' 90 00:08:26,331 --> 00:08:28,778 'Probably a muscular spasm. ' 91 00:08:30,493 --> 00:08:34,101 'If I tranquillize my mind it will pass. ' 92 00:08:36,257 --> 00:08:42,028 'I will think about the Alps - white, clean, rising above Lake Lucerne. ' 93 00:08:44,922 --> 00:08:46,959 Come back, Victoria. 94 00:08:47,073 --> 00:08:49,235 Hellfire and damnation! 95 00:08:49,235 --> 00:08:51,557 You will remain after class, David. 96 00:08:52,437 --> 00:08:54,554 Yes, Miss Dove. 97 00:09:05,155 --> 00:09:07,169 Open your notebook to a blank page. 98 00:09:15,051 --> 00:09:15,051 You will copy that sentence 2 times. 99 00:09:15,051 --> 00:09:19,444 You will copy that sentence 20 times. Before lunch? 100 00:09:19,444 --> 00:09:24,293 By the time you have finished, the cafeteria will still be open. 101 00:09:40,657 --> 00:09:42,668 David... 102 00:09:42,668 --> 00:09:44,709 Yes, Miss Dove? 104 00:09:44,709 --> 00:09:49,001 Is your father likely to be home? But I'm doing the sentences. 105 00:09:49,112 --> 00:09:54,473 Answer my question. Your father, does he come home for lunch? 106 00:09:56,196 --> 00:09:58,723 Yes, Miss Dove. Daddy's home. 107 00:10:01,109 --> 00:10:03,329 I am indisposed, David. 108 00:10:04,241 --> 00:10:06,953 I... I am ill. 109 00:10:06,953 --> 00:10:13,692 Will you go and tell your father? Ask him to call young Dr Hurley. 110 00:10:14,678 --> 00:10:16,852 Mention this to no-one. 111 00:10:20,131 --> 00:10:22,454 David, do not loiter. 112 00:10:22,643 --> 00:10:24,494 Run. 113 00:10:24,494 --> 00:10:29,457 I'll take a short cut through where the old bank used to be! 114 00:10:33,379 --> 00:10:36,498 '"Where the old bank used to be. "' 116 00:10:59,396 --> 00:11:01,797 Hello there! Home from school? 118 00:11:01,797 --> 00:11:07,841 Good afternoon, Mrs Aldrich. I returned today. Welcome home. Nice to see you. 120 00:11:07,841 --> 00:11:15,890 Thank you, Dr Hurley, nice to see you. How is young Dr Hurley? He celebrated his 45th birthday yesterday. 121 00:11:17,487 --> 00:11:22,330 Look at her, John. Hasn't she something that sets her apart? 122 00:11:22,330 --> 00:11:27,373 It's like the difference between fine porcelain and ordinary ware. 124 00:11:27,373 --> 00:11:36,219 That school should've given her something, it cost enough. Not as much as it cost your father to send you to Harrow and Oxford. 125 00:11:36,219 --> 00:11:38,620 Quality can't be purchased. 126 00:11:38,620 --> 00:11:43,463 Whatever that girl becomes is certain to be remarkable. 127 00:11:43,463 --> 00:11:47,476 As her father, you're biased - but you may be right. 129 00:11:47,476 --> 00:11:52,629 Welcome home. Thank you, sir. It's pleasant to see you, Mr Porter. 132 00:11:52,629 --> 00:11:59,873 The feeling is mutual. I hope Mrs Porter is well. Yes. She told me to find out when you both can come to dinner. 134 00:11:59,873 --> 00:12:06,717 Then again, I expect you met some dashing young men while away. I met one I liked very much. 136 00:12:06,717 --> 00:12:11,520 What's that? He's an archaeology major at Princeton. 137 00:12:11,520 --> 00:12:14,298 Tell me later. I have a surprise. 138 00:12:14,452 --> 00:12:20,526 From my London dealer, that elusive edition of Marco Polo's travels. 140 00:12:20,526 --> 00:12:27,370 Oh, I know how happy you are. But you haven't opened it. So I could share it with you tonight 141 00:12:27,370 --> 00:12:31,383 Let's go. Dinner can be early. May we give you a ride? 143 00:12:31,383 --> 00:12:39,778 No, I have things to attend to - it's the first of the month. While you're about it, send a draft for the book - $200. 144 00:12:39,778 --> 00:12:43,877 If they'd only known - I was ready to go to five! 145 00:12:49,114 --> 00:12:51,163 $200! 146 00:12:58,760 --> 00:13:03,643 From 13th C Venice to Old Cathay, what a time to have lived! 147 00:13:03,643 --> 00:13:09,039 Next year, I've decided, we'll make the grandest of grand tours. 148 00:13:09,196 --> 00:13:12,849 I'll show you every corner of the world. 150 00:13:12,849 --> 00:13:19,052 Last summer, Mr Pendleton rode a bicycle through Greece. Who's Mr Pendleton? 151 00:13:19,253 --> 00:13:21,454 Papa, you never listen. 152 00:13:21,454 --> 00:13:25,096 He's the young man from Princeton I told you of. 153 00:13:25,096 --> 00:13:27,498 Oh, yes, the archaeologist. 154 00:13:27,818 --> 00:13:31,426 His name is Welford Banning Pendleton III. 156 00:13:38,264 --> 00:13:40,348 Lovely, my dear. 157 00:13:43,818 --> 00:13:46,470 Mr Pendleton wrote me a letter. 158 00:13:48,511 --> 00:13:53,599 He asked leave to visit me this summer, here in Liberty Hill. 160 00:14:00,598 --> 00:14:02,647 Papa! 161 00:14:05,962 --> 00:14:08,170 Henry! Henry! 162 00:14:10,244 --> 00:14:14,138 Call Dr Hurley! Something's happened to my... 163 00:14:23,773 --> 00:14:27,381 It's too late for Dr Hurley, Miss Dove. 166 00:14:42,142 --> 00:14:44,223 Miss Dove is here. 167 00:14:44,223 --> 00:14:46,432 Have her come in, please. 168 00:14:49,667 --> 00:14:53,833 Thank you for coming. Won't you please sit down? 169 00:14:58,912 --> 00:15:04,081 What I must tell you is as painful to me as it will be for you. 170 00:15:04,716 --> 00:15:04,716 I should like to have put it off... 171 00:15:04,716 --> 00:15:08,769 I should like to have put it off... Tell me, Mr Porter. 172 00:15:09,090 --> 00:15:17,457 Your father availed himself of the bank's assets without first observing the conventional forms. 173 00:15:17,575 --> 00:15:21,730 He stole? Are you saying that my father stole? 174 00:15:21,978 --> 00:15:24,265 Let us say he "borrowed". 175 00:15:24,820 --> 00:15:24,820 How much, Mr Porter? 176 00:15:24,820 --> 00:15:30,784 How much, Mr Porter? $11,430 to be exact - in dribbles, here and there. 178 00:15:30,863 --> 00:15:37,431 No more than he could have hoped to return one day. $11,430! 179 00:15:38,308 --> 00:15:40,738 This must be repaid, at once. 181 00:15:40,738 --> 00:15:47,831 By whom? By me, of course. There's the house, the rare editions, the paintings. 182 00:15:48,663 --> 00:15:53,757 Their disposal will more than cover my father's... indebtedness. 183 00:15:53,757 --> 00:15:58,767 It won't be as simple as that. I've been going over his books. 184 00:15:59,161 --> 00:16:03,236 The house, everything, is mortgaged to the hilt. 185 00:16:03,352 --> 00:16:11,569 Your father was one of my closest friends. Were I able, I would happily cover this "indebtedness"... 187 00:16:11,569 --> 00:16:17,738 .. before there is any scandal. Scandal? There must be no scandal! 188 00:16:18,373 --> 00:16:20,094 I don't see how it can be avoided. 189 00:16:20,094 --> 00:16:27,819 Can't the bank make over to me this deficit as a personal loan? 190 00:16:27,819 --> 00:16:30,220 But how could you repay it? 191 00:16:31,050 --> 00:16:33,349 I shall secure employment. 192 00:16:33,702 --> 00:16:36,355 A position. A teaching position. 193 00:16:37,654 --> 00:16:42,508 A teaching position? My dear child, what are you prepared to teach? 194 00:16:42,508 --> 00:16:45,593 I know a great deal about the world. 195 00:16:46,150 --> 00:16:49,997 I cannot imagine a young lady who knows less. 196 00:16:50,153 --> 00:16:54,956 I should have been more explicit. Not the world, the Earth. 197 00:16:55,156 --> 00:17:00,643 I have read my father's books. I could find my way through Carthage. 198 00:17:01,119 --> 00:17:05,092 I can point out on a map of Iowa the best cornfields. 199 00:17:05,322 --> 00:17:09,925 I know every turn of the Nile and eddy of the Mississippi. 200 00:17:09,925 --> 00:17:15,252 I'm not even certain that I couldn't locate the Northwest Passage. 201 00:17:15,568 --> 00:17:20,896 I am superbly qualified to teach geography, and I will teach it. 202 00:17:22,332 --> 00:17:24,654 There will be no scandal. 203 00:17:24,654 --> 00:17:27,307 I will repay my father's debt. 204 00:17:29,337 --> 00:17:35,348 You are president of this bank. You can arrange a personal loan. 205 00:17:39,383 --> 00:17:45,394 I'll try, as you're so determined, but I can't guarantee anything. 206 00:17:47,668 --> 00:17:53,232 Thank you. Meanwhile, I will make my application to the school board. 207 00:17:53,232 --> 00:17:55,770 Good morning, Mr Porter. 209 00:18:07,921 --> 00:18:14,325 Is there anything you wish, Mr Porter? Yes. Get me the Superintendent of Schools. 210 00:18:14,325 --> 00:18:16,385 Yes, sir. 211 00:18:19,168 --> 00:18:22,014 "Dear Mr Pendleton... 212 00:18:23,419 --> 00:18:27,859 "..The news that you have been awarded a fellowship... 213 00:18:28,694 --> 00:18:31,471 ".. by the Carnegie Foundation... 214 00:18:33,377 --> 00:18:35,426 ".. is most gratifying. 215 00:18:40,150 --> 00:18:42,221 "Much to my regret,... 216 00:18:44,032 --> 00:18:46,764 "..the death of my father... 217 00:18:48,226 --> 00:18:51,527 "..will prevent my receiving you... 218 00:18:53,958 --> 00:18:55,951 "..this summer. " 219 00:18:58,081 --> 00:19:00,243 Mail, Mr Pembleton. 220 00:19:00,843 --> 00:19:02,880 Oh, thank you, Ames. 221 00:19:25,069 --> 00:19:27,880 I... I took the liberty... 223 00:19:29,200 --> 00:19:34,653 I had to express my sympathy in person. Please come in, Mr Pendleton. 225 00:19:46,082 --> 00:19:53,732 Now that I'm here, there's so little I can say that... You've said it very well, Mr Pendleton. 226 00:19:57,338 --> 00:19:59,387 Please sit down. 227 00:20:04,301 --> 00:20:09,230 Welford is an awful name, but must you call me Mr Pendleton? 228 00:20:09,865 --> 00:20:12,152 My friends call me Woof. 229 00:20:13,107 --> 00:20:15,657 I don't suppose you'd care to? 230 00:20:15,657 --> 00:20:19,517 No, but I should like to call you Welford. 231 00:20:20,191 --> 00:20:22,228 Thank you. 232 00:20:22,461 --> 00:20:26,275 What does the Carnegie Fellowship mean, Welford? 234 00:20:26,275 --> 00:20:32,319 A year in Tibet with the Archer expedition. Tibet? You'll see the Himalayas. 236 00:20:32,599 --> 00:20:40,003 We'll sail down the Brahmaputra, then Lhasa... Lhasa... One of the oldest cities in the history of men. 238 00:20:40,003 --> 00:20:44,648 On to Shigatse and the sacred lakes. Wait! I know their names. 239 00:20:45,487 --> 00:20:48,093 Manasarowar... and Rakas Tal. 240 00:20:48,289 --> 00:20:53,856 Yes! Then along the ancient route to Kashmir and the Tarim Basin. 241 00:20:53,973 --> 00:20:56,978 Oh, Mr Pendleton,... Welford,... 242 00:20:57,575 --> 00:20:59,817 .. how I envy you. 243 00:20:59,817 --> 00:21:02,343 I don't want you to envy me,... 244 00:21:02,898 --> 00:21:05,425 .. I want you to come with me. 246 00:21:06,461 --> 00:21:12,705 Come with you? From the moment we met at Miss Kingsley's weekly tea,... 247 00:21:12,705 --> 00:21:18,112 .. I felt that our friendship might ripen into something warmer. 249 00:21:18,878 --> 00:21:27,674 Remember, we left the others and strolled along the river? We sat on a marble bench and you described the misty isles of Greece. 250 00:21:27,674 --> 00:21:29,835 We like the same things. 251 00:21:29,835 --> 00:21:31,998 Yes, we do. 252 00:21:33,207 --> 00:21:35,639 My assets are not impressive. 253 00:21:35,639 --> 00:21:40,295 I have a $1,500 grant and $5,000 my grandmother left me. 254 00:21:40,612 --> 00:21:45,405 But, in all modesty, I feel I have a future in my chosen field. 255 00:21:45,525 --> 00:21:49,531 A bright future, Welford. An exciting future. 256 00:21:49,567 --> 00:21:55,692 Share it with me. Marry me. Marry me tomorrow. Today. 259 00:21:59,374 --> 00:22:05,100 Let it ring. Oh, it will only keep on ringing. I'll be but a moment. 260 00:22:07,138 --> 00:22:09,199 Hello? 261 00:22:09,860 --> 00:22:12,945 Oh... Good afternoon, Mr Porter. 262 00:22:16,794 --> 00:22:19,435 Everything's... been arranged? 263 00:22:20,987 --> 00:22:24,390 Yes, I am...fortunate indeed. 264 00:22:26,590 --> 00:22:32,442 Will you thank the Superintendent of Schools? And thank you, Mr Porter. 265 00:22:33,515 --> 00:22:35,575 Goodbye. 266 00:22:42,450 --> 00:22:44,500 Well? 267 00:22:44,772 --> 00:22:49,655 I am afraid, Welford, that we have been premature. 268 00:22:49,655 --> 00:22:54,982 We've let ourselves be carried away by the spell of far-off places. 269 00:22:55,368 --> 00:23:00,070 We have placed too much importance on similar interests. 270 00:23:00,451 --> 00:23:02,903 But I'm asking you to marry me. 271 00:23:02,903 --> 00:23:05,270 I'm sorry, Welford, but... 272 00:23:05,385 --> 00:23:08,458 .. my future is here in Liberty Hill. 274 00:23:09,457 --> 00:23:13,874 There is someone else? There is something else. 275 00:23:14,150 --> 00:23:17,792 I, too, am about to embark on a career. 276 00:23:17,792 --> 00:23:22,004 Please wish me success in mine, as I do you in yours. 277 00:23:22,545 --> 00:23:24,596 I... 278 00:23:24,596 --> 00:23:26,998 Good afternoon, Welford. 279 00:23:42,528 --> 00:23:44,815 It was kind of you to come. 280 00:23:45,810 --> 00:23:49,532 I will always be honoured by your proposal. 286 00:24:19,068 --> 00:24:26,443 David said you needed help, Miss Dove, so I brought Tommy. I requested young Dr Hurley. 287 00:24:26,443 --> 00:24:31,076 David told us that, but Dr Hurley is ill with his bronchitis. 288 00:24:31,076 --> 00:24:36,399 The immoderate use of tobacco. An enslaving habit when formed young. 289 00:24:36,399 --> 00:24:39,441 Dr Hurley is out of circulation. 290 00:24:39,441 --> 00:24:42,685 I was at Sandy's when David came. 292 00:24:42,883 --> 00:24:47,823 Thomas has had excellent training. I know. It's only that... 293 00:24:47,936 --> 00:24:50,848 I see your point, Miss Dove. 294 00:24:50,848 --> 00:24:55,181 To ask for a seasoned medical man and get me is like... 296 00:24:55,181 --> 00:25:01,014 .. being sent Boy Scouts when one requested the militia. Frankly, yes, Thomas. 297 00:25:01,014 --> 00:25:05,977 Since you were kind enough to come, I shall be glad of your opinion. 298 00:25:05,977 --> 00:25:11,465 My symptoms are a pain at the base of my spine, sharp and spasmodic,... 299 00:25:11,621 --> 00:25:17,194 ..a numbness in my right limb. 301 00:25:27,231 --> 00:25:29,442 That so? Was it bad? 302 00:25:29,442 --> 00:25:31,483 Yes. 303 00:25:31,483 --> 00:25:34,275 An absence of sensation in your leg? 304 00:25:34,275 --> 00:25:38,134 My limb has gone to sleep. As soon as I move... 305 00:25:38,207 --> 00:25:40,723 That's what I can't allow. 307 00:25:40,919 --> 00:25:46,723 Did I understand you to say "can't allow"? That's right. 308 00:25:46,723 --> 00:25:48,764 What is your diagnosis? 310 00:25:48,764 --> 00:25:56,049 I haven't one yet. We have to get you to the hospital now. That is quite unnecessary. Young Dr Hurley... 312 00:25:56,049 --> 00:26:03,783 .. is flat on his back. It is quite necessary. Next week, perhaps. I cannot be spared. The state... 313 00:26:03,783 --> 00:26:07,826 Not next week, not tomorrow. Right away, now. 314 00:26:07,826 --> 00:26:10,227 The fifth grade is weak on... 315 00:26:10,316 --> 00:26:14,676 I'm afraid the decision is not yours, Miss Dove. 316 00:26:15,511 --> 00:26:17,503 Yes, Thomas. 317 00:26:18,793 --> 00:26:23,386 My hat, please. My gloves and my bag. They are in the closet. 318 00:26:23,386 --> 00:26:25,560 I'll fetch them. 320 00:26:27,038 --> 00:26:32,286 I always admired that watch. Remember? Perfectly. 321 00:26:50,012 --> 00:26:52,983 I await your convenience, gentlemen. 322 00:26:53,054 --> 00:26:58,541 Now... if you'll just lean forward...this way. 323 00:26:59,698 --> 00:27:02,351 Support yourself on the desk. 324 00:27:02,780 --> 00:27:04,783 Now, Sandy. 325 00:27:05,702 --> 00:27:09,595 Sit down, put your arms around our necks... 326 00:27:11,625 --> 00:27:14,357 That's right. There we are. 327 00:27:18,870 --> 00:27:20,919 You may go, David. 328 00:27:22,072 --> 00:27:24,121 Yes, Miss Dove! 331 00:27:24,513 --> 00:27:31,798 Spine straight. Don't wobble about. It is not my custom to wobble. Low bridge. Forward march. 333 00:27:31,798 --> 00:27:35,566 David, pick up my things. Yes, sir. 334 00:27:38,682 --> 00:27:40,686 Watch the steps. 335 00:27:57,454 --> 00:28:02,186 I'm afraid the car might jolt her. We'll have to carry her. 338 00:28:02,186 --> 00:28:09,550 Can you make it? I am only three months your senior. What about Miss Dove? She must keep her spine rigid. 339 00:28:09,550 --> 00:28:14,024 I am neither absent nor deaf. I am in command of my faculties. 341 00:28:14,024 --> 00:28:20,148 I dislike being discussed in the third person. Our apologies. Do you object? 342 00:28:20,148 --> 00:28:22,149 I defer to you. 344 00:28:22,149 --> 00:28:28,763 You have defined my responsibility. I shall keep my spine rigid. Good. 346 00:28:44,252 --> 00:28:47,965 Is she bad off? It's under control. 348 00:28:47,965 --> 00:28:54,147 Scoot over to the hospital and tell them I want a private room. Yes, sir! 351 00:29:36,965 --> 00:29:39,397 As I predicted. 353 00:29:39,397 --> 00:29:45,561 What did you say? Nothing, Alexander. I am not one to gloat over an empty triumph. 354 00:29:45,561 --> 00:29:48,373 Spine rigid. We're almost there. 356 00:30:03,101 --> 00:30:05,343 Miss Dove'll be all right. 357 00:30:08,865 --> 00:30:11,266 But it's only frightening. 360 00:30:13,107 --> 00:30:20,112 Regrettable circumstances, but we are honoured. Thank you, Mr Fruitt. I'll get a "special" tonight. 361 00:30:20,112 --> 00:30:24,434 A "practical" is all I have now. Mrs Green's one of our best. 364 00:30:24,434 --> 00:30:29,798 I try to be. Now what, Thomas? Mrs Green knows. Keep her quiet. 367 00:30:29,798 --> 00:30:37,202 I certainly will, Dr Baker. I look in on you later, Miss Dove. We're just gonna relax and we're gonna have a good time. 369 00:30:37,202 --> 00:30:41,926 I'd better get you to your room. That would seem advisable. 370 00:30:50,341 --> 00:30:54,693 We'll take off our clothes, then we'll feel more comfy. 371 00:30:54,693 --> 00:31:00,337 The pronoun we is misleading, unless you plan to take off your clothes. 372 00:31:00,337 --> 00:31:02,018 Oh! 373 00:31:02,018 --> 00:31:05,820 Don't you remember me? Billie Jean McVeigh. 374 00:31:05,820 --> 00:31:08,462 Yes, Mrs Green, I remember you well. 375 00:31:08,462 --> 00:31:10,674 I'm older now. 376 00:31:10,674 --> 00:31:14,305 If you please, I am not totally incapacitated. 377 00:31:14,305 --> 00:31:17,367 You are not to exert yourself. 378 00:31:17,518 --> 00:31:22,276 Do you want me to tell Dr Baker that you are a naughty girl? 379 00:31:30,035 --> 00:31:35,318 Something for after the bath to keep our skin soft... Uh, your skin. 380 00:31:35,318 --> 00:31:37,771 Know what this reminds me of? 383 00:31:37,771 --> 00:31:45,496 No, Mrs Green. The talcum you gave me for Christmas in third grade. Second. I gave thimbles in third. 384 00:31:45,496 --> 00:31:50,167 Mine had a picture of lilacs on it. I was some proud. 385 00:31:50,167 --> 00:31:54,821 You said, "This is to use after you wash your neck. " 386 00:31:54,821 --> 00:31:59,744 I intended no reflection upon you. I say that to all little girls. 387 00:31:59,744 --> 00:32:03,496 I didn't take it personal, but I took it to heart. 388 00:32:03,496 --> 00:32:08,789 I tell my little Ava that. She's crazy about my Country Garden. 389 00:32:08,790 --> 00:32:13,553 If she begs for it, I say, "First you wash yourself good. " 391 00:32:13,553 --> 00:32:16,555 Well. Yes, that's what I say. 393 00:32:16,555 --> 00:32:23,919 What is my temperature? That's confidential. You wouldn't understand - it's in centigrade or something. 394 00:32:23,919 --> 00:32:28,482 It is neither in centigrade nor in something. It is Fahrenheit. 395 00:32:28,482 --> 00:32:31,453 Gee, thanks. I'll remember that. 396 00:32:31,564 --> 00:32:34,046 My question was indiscreet. 397 00:32:34,206 --> 00:32:38,976 Oh, no. All patients are snoopy, but, you know, rules. 398 00:32:39,129 --> 00:32:41,701 Yes, Mrs Green, I know rules. 399 00:32:41,771 --> 00:32:46,142 I'll stop yakking so you can take a nice little nap. 400 00:32:54,378 --> 00:33:01,903 That Country Garden perfume, a gentlemen friend I was seeing until a month ago gave it to me. 401 00:33:01,903 --> 00:33:04,794 He said it smelled real refined. 402 00:33:05,025 --> 00:33:10,717 I was happy in his company. Seemed mutual but it came to a dead end. 403 00:33:11,029 --> 00:33:15,672 I've been a widow for five lonely years, as you've heard. 405 00:33:15,672 --> 00:33:21,318 I do not recall... Remember when I went to Detroit to work in factory? 406 00:33:21,475 --> 00:33:26,558 Out there, I met Mr Green. He passed away... shortly after. 408 00:33:26,558 --> 00:33:31,361 Hmm... When I spoke of being older, you see what I mean. 409 00:33:31,361 --> 00:33:36,097 Your life must be full. You have your work and your child. 410 00:33:36,254 --> 00:33:38,292 Yeah. 411 00:33:38,446 --> 00:33:44,103 You know Bill Holloway. Officer Holloway, I should say. 412 00:33:44,209 --> 00:33:46,851 William was one of my pupils. 413 00:33:46,851 --> 00:33:50,783 I thought you might like to know how he admires you. 414 00:33:50,783 --> 00:33:53,743 You're his idea of real genteel. 415 00:33:53,855 --> 00:33:56,257 I value William's opinion. 416 00:33:56,377 --> 00:33:59,507 Funny how he ended up the type he is. 418 00:33:59,859 --> 00:34:04,072 Why do you say that? Thinking about how he started out. 419 00:34:04,072 --> 00:34:10,586 Raised by his old grandmother - you know what she was - in a leaky shack by the gasworks. 420 00:34:10,586 --> 00:34:17,110 William started out with a gift rarer than mathematical genius or perfect pitch. 421 00:34:17,110 --> 00:34:22,437 A child in whom the ethical instinct was as innate as breathing. 422 00:34:23,314 --> 00:34:29,157 Anyone who'd tell him that could drive a truck between his ears! 423 00:34:29,157 --> 00:34:32,094 There is no point in apprising him. 424 00:34:32,209 --> 00:34:35,408 He knows what he is. He always knew. 428 00:34:54,020 --> 00:34:58,095 The last desk in the third row. Thank you. 429 00:34:58,772 --> 00:35:01,825 Good morning. Our little Jackie. 432 00:35:01,825 --> 00:35:06,828 Good morning, Jacqueline. I wanna go home! Her daddy all over again! 434 00:35:06,828 --> 00:35:15,195 S-W-E-E-T when she wants to be, B-A-D when she doesn't. I will conduct you to your desk. Good morning, Mrs Wood. 435 00:35:16,675 --> 00:35:20,517 Well, Miss Dove, if at first we don't succeed... 436 00:35:20,517 --> 00:35:22,578 Good morning, Frederick. 439 00:35:22,578 --> 00:35:30,163 Where'd they come from? Pepperdine's Market. But we weren't in... He picked them up as we passed - for you. 440 00:35:30,163 --> 00:35:32,451 I'll pay on the way back. 441 00:35:32,605 --> 00:35:37,368 Thank you, but do not make a habit of bringing me gifts. 442 00:35:37,368 --> 00:35:41,090 Miss Dove doesn't want any more apples 443 00:35:41,200 --> 00:35:43,853 You may take your desk from last year 444 00:35:43,932 --> 00:35:49,623 It isn't that he's backward, but give him your special attention. 445 00:35:49,775 --> 00:35:53,862 All my pupils receive my special attention. 446 00:35:55,659 --> 00:36:01,102 Is that child entering Cedar Grove? Keep Freddie away from him. 448 00:36:01,102 --> 00:36:08,467 Oh, I believe in democracy, but I don't want him to catch anything. Seating arrangements are alphabetical 450 00:36:08,467 --> 00:36:14,671 But it's that Holloway child! You know his background. His grandmother... 451 00:36:14,671 --> 00:36:20,078 I am not interested in my pupils' backgrounds, only in their character. 452 00:36:20,915 --> 00:36:23,373 Good morning, I am Miss Dove. 453 00:36:23,486 --> 00:36:28,719 I know your last name is Holloway, but I do not know your first name. 454 00:36:28,719 --> 00:36:31,321 It's Bill. Can I come to school? 455 00:36:31,321 --> 00:36:33,609 Most certainly, William. 456 00:36:37,535 --> 00:36:39,527 This is your desk. 457 00:36:44,219 --> 00:36:46,290 Good morning. 458 00:36:53,975 --> 00:36:56,548 Ain't that coffee done, Billy? 459 00:36:56,577 --> 00:36:59,582 I'm getting it for you now, Grandma. 460 00:36:59,819 --> 00:37:04,509 It'll be a cold day when Kelly's cheap joint sees me again! 461 00:37:04,742 --> 00:37:10,194 Insulting me in public just because I owe him a few lousy bucks. 462 00:37:10,946 --> 00:37:16,229 Then threatening to call the cops because I gve him a piece of my mind. 463 00:37:16,229 --> 00:37:20,931 I bet you could hear me in the next county! 465 00:37:22,873 --> 00:37:27,246 Where'd you get that? Mrs Schultz paid me for an errand. 466 00:37:27,246 --> 00:37:31,318 Ain't she got a nerve, considering we don't speak?! 468 00:37:31,318 --> 00:37:34,851 Goodbye, Grandma. Where you rushing to? 469 00:37:34,851 --> 00:37:41,181 If you can run errands for old lady Schultz, you can do a nice little job for me. 471 00:37:41,255 --> 00:37:48,586 No, I'll be late. Don't stir. Take them beer bottles in the yard and dump them. 472 00:37:49,019 --> 00:37:54,711 This is the day that nosy dame from the relief comes snooping around. 475 00:38:12,664 --> 00:38:16,318 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, William. 477 00:38:23,121 --> 00:38:26,171 Attention, please. 478 00:38:30,725 --> 00:38:32,729 Your lunch, William. 480 00:38:40,446 --> 00:38:44,613 Thank you, Miss Dove. Drink all your milk, William. 481 00:38:49,412 --> 00:38:51,984 Your work is most satisfactory. 482 00:38:55,055 --> 00:38:57,105 William Holloway! 483 00:38:59,698 --> 00:39:05,342 Your certificate of graduation... and the Good Attendance Medal. 484 00:39:05,342 --> 00:39:10,105 This young man has a record unique in the annals of Cedar Grove. 485 00:39:10,105 --> 00:39:15,592 He has not been absent one day in six years of elementary schooling. 486 00:39:27,435 --> 00:39:29,837 My felicitations, William. 487 00:39:32,238 --> 00:39:36,001 I came to thank you for my graduation suit. 488 00:39:36,001 --> 00:39:38,414 It was my pleasure. 489 00:39:39,843 --> 00:39:42,734 Well, I guess I better be going. 490 00:39:43,566 --> 00:39:48,450 I shall watch where you go with interest. I have faith in you. 491 00:39:50,290 --> 00:39:52,907 It was always so clean in here. 492 00:39:53,572 --> 00:39:56,975 Like this was where I really lived. 493 00:39:59,706 --> 00:40:02,221 That's why I never missed a day. 494 00:40:07,030 --> 00:40:09,751 Goodbye, Miss Dove. 495 00:40:10,022 --> 00:40:12,071 Goodbye, William. 496 00:40:18,107 --> 00:40:22,079 'I do not worry about him. He will find his way. ' 497 00:40:33,807 --> 00:40:39,407 Poor Annie. Wonder if she ever knew it was a beer truck that hit her. 498 00:40:48,536 --> 00:40:50,539 William... 499 00:40:51,968 --> 00:40:55,588 May I offer my expressions of sympathy? 500 00:40:55,900 --> 00:40:58,063 Thank you, Miss Dove. 501 00:40:59,733 --> 00:41:02,066 She did the best she could. 502 00:41:04,466 --> 00:41:07,346 She didn't have my opportunities. 503 00:41:07,898 --> 00:41:10,072 Her troubles are over. 504 00:41:10,590 --> 00:41:12,781 Will you be riding with me? 505 00:41:12,781 --> 00:41:12,781 Yeah. 506 00:41:12,781 --> 00:41:18,074 Yeah. I should like to accompany you, if you wish. 507 00:41:18,074 --> 00:41:20,077 Thank you, Miss Dove. 508 00:41:37,606 --> 00:41:41,500 '"William Holloway, Private First Class". ' 509 00:41:49,844 --> 00:41:52,906 "Corporal William Holloway". Hmm. ' 510 00:42:02,462 --> 00:42:05,547 Hmm! Sergeant William Holloway. 511 00:42:06,224 --> 00:42:08,273 Thank you, Mr O'Neil. 512 00:42:19,312 --> 00:42:24,355 These sure are... They're delicious, Miss Dove. What's in them? 514 00:42:24,355 --> 00:42:30,159 Only bread and butter, William. When did you return? On the 3.45. 515 00:42:30,159 --> 00:42:37,363 I made a beeline straight from the station to see you. 518 00:42:37,363 --> 00:42:43,647 I need your advice. I am honoured. Tomorrow, I'm out of the Marines. 519 00:42:43,888 --> 00:42:50,932 What if I use my GI educational allowance for living expenses and finished school? 521 00:42:50,932 --> 00:42:57,296 I should approve. And then what, William? This'll throw you... surprise you. 522 00:42:57,376 --> 00:42:59,947 The field of law enforcement - 523 00:42:59,947 --> 00:43:04,140 .. I'd like to be a good cop, I mean, police officer. 524 00:43:04,140 --> 00:43:09,787 A worthy ambition. I shall continue to follow your career with interest. 525 00:43:11,024 --> 00:43:13,074 Thank you, Miss Dove. 527 00:43:20,270 --> 00:43:22,888 Miss Dove... Miss Dove? 528 00:43:23,312 --> 00:43:25,839 Here's Dr Temple, Miss Dove. 529 00:43:26,034 --> 00:43:28,605 I'm Dr Baker's house officer. 531 00:43:28,605 --> 00:43:34,729 You may report to Dr Baker that I'm comfortable. Good. That makes my task easier. 534 00:43:34,729 --> 00:43:39,282 Your task? I'm to take your history. I'll wait in the hall. 536 00:43:39,282 --> 00:43:42,934 That will be quite unnecessary. Oh, it's custom. 537 00:43:42,934 --> 00:43:48,087 We have your childhood records so we can get down to the immediate. 541 00:43:48,087 --> 00:43:56,353 Do you suffer from headaches? No, Dr Temple. Respiratory infections? No. Nor am I prone to common colds. 543 00:43:56,423 --> 00:44:00,655 Any allergies? None. I consider them affectations. 545 00:44:00,655 --> 00:44:07,139 Any family history of epilepsy, night blindness or melancholy? Certainly not. 546 00:44:07,139 --> 00:44:10,121 What about your emotional life? 547 00:44:10,231 --> 00:44:12,433 I beg your pardon? 548 00:44:12,433 --> 00:44:17,155 Well,... Iove. Any feelings of frustration, inadequacy? 549 00:44:17,155 --> 00:44:19,717 I have never felt inadequate. 550 00:44:19,717 --> 00:44:24,120 Suppose we call your emotional life satisfactory? 552 00:44:24,120 --> 00:44:27,802 That will be correct. Are you subject to fantasy? 553 00:44:27,802 --> 00:44:32,645 Does the world around you ever assume an aura of unreality? 555 00:44:32,645 --> 00:44:37,038 Yes, Dr Temple. Could you say approximately when? 556 00:44:37,038 --> 00:44:41,215 I can say definitely. Since around noon today. 557 00:44:41,731 --> 00:44:43,529 Oh... 558 00:44:43,882 --> 00:44:45,973 Thank you, Miss Dove. 559 00:44:45,973 --> 00:44:48,739 Dr Baker will be in later, of course. 560 00:44:50,446 --> 00:44:55,459 We're really old friends. I feel I've known you all my life. 563 00:44:55,459 --> 00:45:03,508 You've known me? I'm Adams Temple. My mother was a Liberty Hill girl. Angela Adams. I should have known. 564 00:45:03,624 --> 00:45:09,308 Mother moved to Maine when she was 14, but she remembers you. 565 00:45:09,308 --> 00:45:13,430 I remember her. She, too, had an enquiring mind. 566 00:45:13,430 --> 00:45:21,315 Still has. She boasts that she's the only kid who ever asked you a question you couldn't answer. 568 00:45:21,315 --> 00:45:26,358 Indeed? She says it was in first or second grade. 569 00:45:26,358 --> 00:45:29,280 You were reading a book on animals. 570 00:45:29,280 --> 00:45:35,324 It said bears were fond of red ants, which taste similar to pickles. 571 00:45:35,324 --> 00:45:40,257 Mother asked you how the man who wrote the book knew how ants tasted. 572 00:45:40,257 --> 00:45:44,089 Did he eat an ant or did a bear tell him? 574 00:45:44,089 --> 00:45:50,053 I recall the incident. I'm writing her tonight. She'll get a wallop out of this. 575 00:45:50,053 --> 00:45:53,665 If there's anything I can do, just buzz. 578 00:45:53,665 --> 00:45:59,739 One moment, Dr Temple. You want Dr Temple? Yes. To ask him a few questions. 579 00:45:59,739 --> 00:46:03,461 He told me nothing of my physical condition. 580 00:46:03,461 --> 00:46:07,064 He couldn't. You're Dr Baker's patient. 581 00:46:07,064 --> 00:46:10,746 Then what is it that Dr Baker suspects? 582 00:46:10,746 --> 00:46:12,749 He'll tell you. 584 00:46:12,827 --> 00:46:18,351 I see no occasion for mystery. Don't try to see. Let us do the thinking. 585 00:46:18,351 --> 00:46:24,281 You, Thomas Baker and Angela Adams's son will think for me? 586 00:46:24,635 --> 00:46:29,087 Sure. We're experienced. Oh, look. Your first flowers. 587 00:46:29,087 --> 00:46:33,160 Bill... Officer Holloway left it at the desk. 589 00:46:33,160 --> 00:46:36,859 It is beautiful. 591 00:46:38,363 --> 00:46:45,297 Good afternoon, Virginia. I didn't know you'd been admitted. I haven't. I came to see you. How are you? 592 00:46:45,297 --> 00:46:47,449 Comfortable. And you? 593 00:46:47,529 --> 00:46:49,980 The suspense is killing me. 594 00:46:49,980 --> 00:46:55,734 If nothing's happened by this week, Dr Tillet's giving Nature a nudge. 595 00:46:55,734 --> 00:47:01,858 He says keep walking - I'd better. If Tommy knew I was here he'd have a fit. 597 00:47:01,858 --> 00:47:01,858 I just came to wish you good luck. And to you, Virginia. 598 00:47:01,858 --> 00:47:08,062 I just came to wish you good luck. And to you, Virginia. Thank you. 599 00:47:09,222 --> 00:47:12,154 I'll keep my fingers crossed for us. 601 00:47:12,154 --> 00:47:16,548 I know you'll take care of her. I sure will. 602 00:47:16,627 --> 00:47:21,280 I used to think she was the snootiest, dumbest brat here. 603 00:47:21,280 --> 00:47:23,431 She's really a good kid. 604 00:47:23,431 --> 00:47:27,924 In marriage and maternity, she has found her vocation,... 605 00:47:27,924 --> 00:47:30,075 .. achieved her destiny. 606 00:47:31,166 --> 00:47:34,808 'A year ago, I was not quite so hopeful. ' 608 00:47:37,960 --> 00:47:44,244 ~ Dear old Cedar Grove, to thee 609 00:47:44,604 --> 00:47:50,729 ~ We pledge our love and loyalty 610 00:47:51,328 --> 00:47:57,111 ~ And though peril may beset us 611 00:47:57,502 --> 00:48:04,266 ~ On life's tempestuous sea 612 00:48:04,266 --> 00:48:09,950 ~ Your spirit still will guide us 613 00:48:09,950 --> 00:48:20,845 ~ To shore and victory. ~ 614 00:48:29,922 --> 00:48:35,455 It seems only yesterday we marched down that aisle. You too, Jincey. 615 00:48:38,608 --> 00:48:40,611 Come on. 617 00:48:53,697 --> 00:48:55,757 The final innings. 618 00:48:55,819 --> 00:49:01,601 Let's not be downhearted. There's always new rookies coming up to bat. 619 00:49:15,746 --> 00:49:19,658 'For six years, I pruned and polished them. ' 620 00:49:19,658 --> 00:49:25,482 'I tried to blow into them the breath of purpose. I do not wish them back. ' 621 00:49:25,482 --> 00:49:30,167 'I wish only to believe that they will do well without me. ' 624 00:49:35,040 --> 00:49:39,491 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Virginia. 625 00:49:41,924 --> 00:49:44,015 This was my place. 626 00:49:44,015 --> 00:49:46,611 You may sit there now, Virginia. 627 00:49:48,208 --> 00:49:50,382 The room is different. 628 00:49:50,780 --> 00:49:52,829 Empty... 629 00:49:52,981 --> 00:49:55,018 Like life. 630 00:49:55,733 --> 00:49:59,625 Is that the same map? Is China still orange? 631 00:49:59,625 --> 00:50:04,759 It is a new map. China is purple - cartographically, of course. 632 00:50:04,828 --> 00:50:08,665 I liked the old map. I liked the old world. 633 00:50:11,022 --> 00:50:13,322 I felt secure in this room. 634 00:50:13,434 --> 00:50:22,006 I felt that if I obeyed the law, sneezed in my handkerchief, raised my hand for permission to speak... 635 00:50:22,079 --> 00:50:26,769 ..that that was my oyster, that nothing could go wrong. 636 00:50:28,203 --> 00:50:33,815 At first it worked. Even flunking out of university seemed like fate. 637 00:50:33,926 --> 00:50:39,618 I won that talent contest and got a job in New York singing commercials. 638 00:50:40,771 --> 00:50:43,933 Oh, Miss Dove, tell me what to do. 640 00:50:43,933 --> 00:50:48,175 Do your duty. How, when your world has ended? 642 00:50:48,175 --> 00:50:52,368 You are 19. What difference does that make? 643 00:50:52,368 --> 00:50:54,699 You need to know how it was. 644 00:50:54,699 --> 00:50:59,052 I met him at the Stork Club, I'd been in New York a week. 645 00:50:59,052 --> 00:51:01,614 He spoke to the waiter in French. 646 00:51:02,704 --> 00:51:07,787 He was everything that the papers said he was when we were engaged. 647 00:51:07,787 --> 00:51:11,874 Yale, a yacht, and the skyon of a prominent family. 648 00:51:12,350 --> 00:51:15,592 The word is scion. The "c" is silent. 649 00:51:15,592 --> 00:51:21,125 Well, he looked like what he was. Most sky... scions don't. 650 00:51:21,276 --> 00:51:26,479 Every night it was the Stork Club and El Morocco and Twenty-One. 651 00:51:26,479 --> 00:51:32,043 Champagne and steaks. Did you ever drink champagne? 652 00:51:32,043 --> 00:51:32,043 No. 653 00:51:32,043 --> 00:51:36,685 No. It's like cider, but the effect is different. 654 00:51:36,685 --> 00:51:41,250 And the compliments he paid my hair, my eyes and my figure. 655 00:51:41,488 --> 00:51:44,290 I'm embarrassed to repeat them. 656 00:51:44,290 --> 00:51:48,992 Reticence, Virginia, is the sine qua non of gentility. 657 00:51:49,103 --> 00:51:54,625 Anyhow, I came home to Liberty Hill to prepare for my wedding. 658 00:51:55,337 --> 00:51:59,948 I wanted to be married here so all my friends could come. 659 00:52:00,580 --> 00:52:05,874 I was modelling my wedding dress when someone turned on the radio... 660 00:52:05,944 --> 00:52:08,789 .. and then everything went black! 662 00:52:17,601 --> 00:52:23,765 The next day I got a telegram - "Gorgeous, only you can understand". 663 00:52:23,765 --> 00:52:25,796 Could you? 664 00:52:25,796 --> 00:52:28,403 No. I still can't! Can you? 665 00:52:28,558 --> 00:52:32,576 Certainly. Have you a handkerchief, Virginia? 667 00:52:38,054 --> 00:52:40,489 My heart's broken, Miss Dove. 668 00:52:40,725 --> 00:52:43,616 A broken heart is cumbersome baggage. 669 00:52:43,727 --> 00:52:46,059 What can I do? 670 00:52:46,059 --> 00:52:52,823 I am not undecided as to how you should be answered, but I am not convinced this is my province. 671 00:52:52,823 --> 00:52:55,099 Oh, tell me, Miss Dove. 672 00:52:55,214 --> 00:52:59,547 Very well. First, return to your sister's house,... 673 00:52:59,547 --> 00:53:03,820 ..fall on your knees and give thanks to your Heavenly Father. 675 00:53:03,820 --> 00:53:09,143 For what? Preserving you from a fate worse than death. 676 00:53:09,143 --> 00:53:16,988 Evidently, the young man to whom you gave your affections discovered his feelings for you had altered. 677 00:53:16,988 --> 00:53:19,920 He had an honourable avenue of escape 678 00:53:19,920 --> 00:53:23,712 He could have requested you to release him. 679 00:53:23,712 --> 00:53:29,044 Instead, he proved himself a coward and a person of low principles. 681 00:53:29,044 --> 00:53:37,297 I thought there was something wrong with me. Your fault lay in rashness of judgement. His lay in dishonour. 682 00:53:38,280 --> 00:53:43,213 After thanking the Power that kept you from a disastrous alliance,... 683 00:53:43,213 --> 00:53:49,217 .. consider your duty to your neighbour and yourself. Find an occupation. 685 00:53:49,217 --> 00:53:54,660 Do you think I could teach? Decidedly not, but there are other ways to serve. 686 00:53:54,660 --> 00:53:56,741 I might be a nurse. 687 00:53:56,741 --> 00:53:58,791 You might. 689 00:54:00,093 --> 00:54:03,786 Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, Thomas. 690 00:54:03,786 --> 00:54:06,027 I thought I'd drop by. 691 00:54:06,027 --> 00:54:11,190 Jincey, I didn't expect to find you here. Holy mackerel, you're grown! 692 00:54:11,190 --> 00:54:13,792 You've done a mighty neat job of it. 693 00:54:13,792 --> 00:54:15,833 Thank you. 694 00:54:15,833 --> 00:54:21,117 The last time I saw her was before med school, she was graduating. 697 00:54:21,117 --> 00:54:29,530 She shot my brother with a squirt gun in the... Virginia cannot enjoy being reminded. It's cute of Tommy to remember. 699 00:54:29,682 --> 00:54:34,167 Does this room look different? Yes. Considerably. 700 00:54:34,685 --> 00:54:37,767 The hospital must keep you busy. 701 00:54:37,767 --> 00:54:42,370 It calls me now. My car's outside if I can take you someplace? 702 00:54:42,370 --> 00:54:46,732 Oh, wonderful! Goodbye, Miss Dove, and thank you. 703 00:54:46,732 --> 00:54:51,335 I'll think about my nursing career. Maybe Tommy can advise me. 704 00:54:51,335 --> 00:54:54,067 I'll advise her very carefully. 705 00:54:58,180 --> 00:55:00,261 'I am 54. ' 706 00:55:00,261 --> 00:55:03,266 'I won't have to retire until 67. ' 707 00:55:03,873 --> 00:55:08,906 'If they don't tarry, and from all indications they won't,... 708 00:55:08,906 --> 00:55:13,989 .. I could take their first child straight through to graduation. ' 709 00:55:13,989 --> 00:55:16,191 'That child will need me. ' 711 00:55:28,198 --> 00:55:30,640 Oh, I'd better get you ready. 713 00:55:30,640 --> 00:55:35,603 For what? For night duty - you have a special ordered. 714 00:55:35,603 --> 00:55:40,536 Those dames love to throw their weight around with us practicals. 715 00:55:40,536 --> 00:55:44,531 The least thing and they squawk downstairs. 716 00:55:45,459 --> 00:55:48,259 A small town is not my cup of tea. 717 00:55:48,411 --> 00:55:52,824 But my sister lives here and I needed a rest. 718 00:55:52,824 --> 00:55:57,216 I only took your case as a favour to the superintendent. 719 00:55:57,216 --> 00:56:00,312 I'm interested in nursing theory. 720 00:56:00,468 --> 00:56:05,352 My training is wasted on the daily routine of the bedside. 721 00:56:11,825 --> 00:56:13,920 Not very uplifting,... 722 00:56:14,117 --> 00:56:19,274 .. but Mrs Green thought when you woke up you might want to read. 723 00:56:20,241 --> 00:56:23,131 Everybody to his own taste. 724 00:56:23,362 --> 00:56:29,646 Can you think of an eight-letter word meaning a rare, endearing quality? 725 00:56:29,646 --> 00:56:31,798 I can. Humility. 726 00:56:32,238 --> 00:56:34,449 Let's see. H-U... 727 00:56:34,449 --> 00:56:36,612 You're 100% right! 728 00:56:37,291 --> 00:56:39,328 She always is. 729 00:56:40,003 --> 00:56:44,466 The latest operating wear. Did you think I'd forgotten you? 730 00:56:44,536 --> 00:56:46,607 No, Thomas. 731 00:56:46,607 --> 00:56:51,380 I dropped by to see you're being well-treated. Any complaints? 732 00:56:51,380 --> 00:56:57,103 I am not pleased with this secrecy. I should like to ask some questions. 733 00:56:57,103 --> 00:57:00,385 I'm not sure I can answer them. 735 00:57:00,385 --> 00:57:05,989 What do you surmise? I don't "surmise". Tomorrow we'll do extensive tests. 736 00:57:05,989 --> 00:57:08,994 By Wednesday I should know more. 737 00:57:09,151 --> 00:57:13,557 Until then, you must assume the virtue of docility. 738 00:57:15,265 --> 00:57:17,279 Yes, Thomas. 739 00:57:26,222 --> 00:57:31,255 We're all sorry Miss Dove is in the hospital, but we won't let her down. 740 00:57:31,255 --> 00:57:35,377 We'll go on with our geography. I will take her place. 743 00:57:39,069 --> 00:57:43,062 Our quarterback was injured so I'll sub for her. 744 00:57:43,062 --> 00:57:45,634 I'll call the plays she'd call. 745 00:57:45,634 --> 00:57:51,027 I don't know these plays like you so when I'm offsides, let me know. 746 00:57:51,027 --> 00:57:51,027 OK! 747 00:57:51,027 --> 00:57:51,027 OK! We're all pitching together. 748 00:57:51,027 --> 00:57:56,400 OK! We're all pitching together. Yes! 751 00:58:08,808 --> 00:58:13,001 Nice of you to drop in - I was only admitted two hours ago! 753 00:58:13,001 --> 00:58:17,613 I know, but I've been pretty busy. Don't let me detain you! 754 00:58:17,613 --> 00:58:20,415 My physician will keep you informed. 756 00:58:20,415 --> 00:58:26,769 I know, that's why I can put you out of my mind. Tommy Baker, of all the callous... 757 00:58:26,769 --> 00:58:31,622 Have you forgotten that I'm here to have a baby? Our first baby! 758 00:58:31,622 --> 00:58:34,664 I've thought of it all morning - 759 00:58:34,664 --> 00:58:39,387 .. I'm the luckiest guy in the world but by what a narrow squeak - 761 00:58:39,387 --> 00:58:39,387 and how much she had to do with it. Who? 762 00:58:39,387 --> 00:58:44,874 and how much she had to do with it. Who? The Terrible Miss Dove. 763 00:58:45,431 --> 00:58:50,394 Without her, there'd have been no Thomas Baker and family. 764 00:58:50,474 --> 00:58:53,479 What did she have to do with it? 765 00:58:55,317 --> 00:58:59,439 In the South Pacific, after my ship was bombed,... 766 00:58:59,439 --> 00:59:03,482 .. I floated for days on a raft. No food. No water. 767 00:59:03,482 --> 00:59:06,324 She was there with me all the time. 768 00:59:06,324 --> 00:59:11,727 Giving me the same fishy stare she gave me in class when I needed water 769 00:59:11,727 --> 00:59:16,370 To make my supply last, I pretended I was in Cedar Grove. 770 00:59:16,370 --> 00:59:24,737 When the water was gone, I'd think, "The bell will ring soon. You can last a little longer. " 771 00:59:27,937 --> 00:59:32,263 Well, I lasted. They picked me up and gave me a medal. 772 00:59:32,540 --> 00:59:34,702 She rated that medal. 773 00:59:35,342 --> 00:59:39,553 Is anything awful the matter with Miss Dove? 774 00:59:39,905 --> 00:59:44,958 I'm due back now for more tests. We won't know till tomorrow. 775 00:59:44,958 --> 00:59:50,354 Don't worry about me, Tommy. I'll look after Little Whosit. 776 01:00:23,332 --> 01:00:27,714 Tomorrow we'll talk. Put all this out of your mind. 778 01:00:27,824 --> 01:00:31,945 Thomas... Now, we mustn't worry about tomorrow 779 01:00:32,097 --> 01:00:35,591 Goodness, it's a regular greenhouse. 780 01:00:37,420 --> 01:00:41,757 I am deeply appreciative, but there are far too many. 781 01:00:42,353 --> 01:00:45,951 Restraint is the better part of beauty. 782 01:00:46,356 --> 01:00:50,716 I will keep the white azalea. Dispose of the others. 783 01:00:50,869 --> 01:00:53,327 But what'll I do with them? 785 01:00:53,800 --> 01:00:53,800 The less fortunate patients would enjoy them. Shall I take them around the wards? 786 01:00:53,800 --> 01:01:01,576 The less fortunate patients would enjoy them. Shall I take them around the wards? Please do. 787 01:01:03,567 --> 01:01:08,530 I went up and down the halls giving cheer where it was needed. 788 01:01:08,530 --> 01:01:13,883 I saved the cards. If you'd like me to write the thank-you notes... 789 01:01:13,883 --> 01:01:15,974 That would be obliging. 791 01:01:15,974 --> 01:01:22,383 Will you dictate? No, use your own discretion. Only avoid the fulsome. 792 01:01:23,099 --> 01:01:28,233 I was gonna say the same thing to everyone. What do you think...? 793 01:01:28,902 --> 01:01:31,907 "Dear Mr Porter,... 794 01:01:32,344 --> 01:01:36,397 "..At the request of Miss Dove,... 795 01:01:37,067 --> 01:01:44,240 ".. I am advising you... that she is thrilled to death... 796 01:01:44,992 --> 01:01:49,238 ".. by your florial offering. " 797 01:01:51,076 --> 01:01:54,878 "The sympathy of friends... 798 01:01:55,269 --> 01:02:01,086 ".. brings sunshine to lonely shut-ins. " 799 01:02:01,923 --> 01:02:05,929 "I remain graciously yours,... 800 01:02:06,325 --> 01:02:11,892 ".. Billie Jean Green, RPN. " 801 01:02:15,971 --> 01:02:19,334 What does RPN stand for? 802 01:02:19,334 --> 01:02:24,980 Registered Practical Nurse - I made that up. How's the letter? 803 01:02:25,297 --> 01:02:28,621 It is very...very genteel. 804 01:02:30,100 --> 01:02:33,310 Oh, gee! Honest, Miss Dove? 805 01:02:40,347 --> 01:02:44,922 You know, Miss Dove, I'm not really Mrs Green. 806 01:02:45,960 --> 01:02:48,954 I took the name for Ava's sake. 807 01:02:49,632 --> 01:02:52,410 I was way out there in Detroit. 808 01:02:52,604 --> 01:02:55,166 Virtue knows no frontiers. 809 01:02:55,516 --> 01:03:00,377 I was on the night shift. I'd never been anywhere before. 810 01:03:00,479 --> 01:03:04,322 You remember how I wasn't very mature. 811 01:03:04,322 --> 01:03:08,324 All the fellows wanted to date me. It went to my head. 812 01:03:08,324 --> 01:03:13,217 There was one - I didn't know he was married - he was wonderful. 813 01:03:13,217 --> 01:03:15,248 Before I knew it... 814 01:03:15,248 --> 01:03:17,650 There is no need to elaborate. 815 01:03:17,730 --> 01:03:22,067 He was good-looking and big, and I was so homesick. 817 01:03:22,173 --> 01:03:25,895 You know how it is. I do not. 818 01:03:25,895 --> 01:03:30,061 But I know that right is right and wrong is wrong. 819 01:03:34,830 --> 01:03:39,304 Well, to make a long story short, little Ava came... 820 01:03:40,354 --> 01:03:42,795 ..way out there in Detroit. 821 01:03:42,795 --> 01:03:47,964 I could have given her up for adoption, a couple offered $4,000,.. 822 01:03:48,079 --> 01:03:50,128 .. but, well,... 823 01:03:50,480 --> 01:03:52,517 ..she was mine. 824 01:03:52,832 --> 01:03:57,568 Besides, how did I know strangers would raise her right? 825 01:03:58,755 --> 01:04:04,857 Anyway, I brought her home and told that tale about my husband dying. 826 01:04:06,040 --> 01:04:08,373 Why did you confide in me? 827 01:04:08,651 --> 01:04:12,414 Because of what you said about the letter. 828 01:04:12,414 --> 01:04:16,056 I'm not nearly as genteel as you think. 829 01:04:16,056 --> 01:04:18,947 I couldn't deceive you or Bill. 831 01:04:20,089 --> 01:04:25,951 William Holloway? He was the one who gave me the Country Garden perfume. 832 01:04:27,333 --> 01:04:30,350 You and... and William Holloway? 833 01:04:31,506 --> 01:04:36,310 When he bought me an engagement ring, it just all came out. 834 01:04:37,229 --> 01:04:41,202 He's like you, a person you tell the truth to. 835 01:04:42,262 --> 01:04:45,279 That's what stopped me just then. 836 01:04:45,835 --> 01:04:48,122 He said your very words. 837 01:04:49,107 --> 01:04:51,884 "Right is right. Wrong is wrong. " 838 01:04:53,159 --> 01:04:56,722 He wanted me to keep the ring... as a gift. 839 01:04:57,522 --> 01:04:59,603 I handed it right back. 840 01:04:59,603 --> 01:05:03,679 Let him keep it for somebody more...fitting. 841 01:05:08,609 --> 01:05:13,254 Well, it knocked me for a loop I won't ever recover from. 842 01:05:14,933 --> 01:05:19,497 I guess I'm one of those that have to learn the hard way. 843 01:05:26,300 --> 01:05:28,952 Just about time for Her Nibs... 844 01:05:29,542 --> 01:05:31,955 Your special, I meant to say. 847 01:05:54,757 --> 01:05:58,400 From the third grade. It's Cedar Grove! 848 01:05:58,400 --> 01:06:02,402 The work is laudably neat. Place it on the dresser. 850 01:06:02,402 --> 01:06:05,964 Isn't it sweet? When may we expect Dr Baker? 852 01:06:05,964 --> 01:06:05,964 Now, we're not to worry. No news is good news. 853 01:06:05,964 --> 01:06:12,294 Now, we're not to worry. No news is good news. 854 01:06:13,859 --> 01:06:16,659 Miss Dove's room, Mrs Green speaking. 855 01:06:16,771 --> 01:06:20,053 Who? I will enquire. 856 01:06:20,053 --> 01:06:26,697 Two out-of-towners would like to visit - one telephoned, the other's in the lobby. 858 01:06:26,697 --> 01:06:32,501 Who are they? One is Mr Maurice Levine, the famous New York playwright. 860 01:06:32,501 --> 01:06:41,517 The other is Fred Makepeace. I suppose you know where he resides. They are former pupils. I shall be glad to see them both. 861 01:06:41,636 --> 01:06:44,238 Miss Dove will see them. Both. 862 01:06:44,238 --> 01:06:46,230 What? Hmm! 863 01:06:46,950 --> 01:06:51,833 Mr Makepeace was so sure of his welcome he's on his way up. 864 01:06:51,833 --> 01:06:56,535 I don't hold with giving a dog a bad name, but I take no chances. 866 01:06:59,966 --> 01:07:01,423 Morning, Miss Dove! How ya doin'? 867 01:07:07,853 --> 01:07:11,655 I'm not over the hill, on the lam, or anything. 868 01:07:11,655 --> 01:07:15,978 When I read you were sick, I said to my gang boss, 869 01:07:15,978 --> 01:07:21,571 "The only teacher that learned me anything is sick. I want a day off. " 871 01:07:21,571 --> 01:07:27,215 And he gave you leave? "Why sure, Fred, " he says, "I can trust you. " 873 01:07:27,215 --> 01:07:31,187 I am gratified to hear that. 876 01:07:32,788 --> 01:07:37,951 Maurice Levine. Come right in. How are you, darl... Miss Dove? 880 01:07:37,951 --> 01:07:44,646 Quite comfortable, Maurice. These are for you. How very thoughtful. Recall the face, Rab? 881 01:07:44,716 --> 01:07:46,957 Fred Makepeace! 882 01:07:46,957 --> 01:07:54,922 Your fan, kid! Do I swell up when I hear you mentioned by Ed Sullivan and read it in all them papers! 884 01:07:54,922 --> 01:07:58,884 Thanks, Fred. I lay it on with guys at the joint. 885 01:07:58,884 --> 01:08:03,848 You made it. When I hear some commie jerk belittling this country,... 886 01:08:03,848 --> 01:08:10,972 .. I say, "Look up my pal Rab Levine. Ask him if the USA isn't still the land of opportunity! " 887 01:08:10,972 --> 01:08:15,935 The best. But I also found the Terrible Miss Dove. 889 01:08:23,700 --> 01:08:26,382 Miss Dove, this is Maurice Levine. 891 01:08:26,382 --> 01:08:34,627 I am glad to know you, Maurice. He's 11. His credentials from school in Poland would place him in 5th grade. 892 01:08:34,627 --> 01:08:39,431 But he knows no English, so I'll place him in first for now. 893 01:08:39,790 --> 01:08:42,636 I shall seat him in the L-section. 894 01:08:52,448 --> 01:08:54,440 Thank you, Miss Dove. 895 01:08:58,281 --> 01:09:00,376 The class will begin. 896 01:09:04,405 --> 01:09:09,893 "The tiger belongs to the cat family. Cats are noted for cleanliness. " 897 01:09:11,289 --> 01:09:13,350 Maurice,... 898 01:09:13,781 --> 01:09:15,932 ..this is a tiger. 899 01:09:16,052 --> 01:09:21,312 T-I-G-E-R. 902 01:09:35,795 --> 01:09:38,789 .. punct wie mein mama's alte katz. 903 01:09:39,467 --> 01:09:43,850 Thank you, Maurice. I am sure that was most interesting. 904 01:09:44,810 --> 01:09:49,648 When Maurice knows our language we will ask him to repeat it. 905 01:09:49,923 --> 01:09:56,568 POLISH ACCENT "Old Mrs Rabbit vas a vidow. She made a living by knitting mittens. " 906 01:09:56,568 --> 01:10:03,694 "She also sold herbs and rosemary tea and rabbit tobacco, vich we call lavender. " 907 01:10:04,813 --> 01:10:09,616 "Ven no one vas looking, she would smoke a rabbit cigar. " 908 01:10:09,616 --> 01:10:14,489 I have no recollection of Mrs Rabbit indulging in any such vice. 910 01:10:14,489 --> 01:10:19,031 Is that on the page? No, but it seemed funny to me. 911 01:10:19,102 --> 01:10:21,742 Adhere to the text. Continue. 912 01:10:21,773 --> 01:10:26,827 Yes, Miss Dove. "She had four children - Flopsy, Mopsy,... " 913 01:10:29,018 --> 01:10:31,317 Here comes that new kid! 914 01:10:34,031 --> 01:10:38,514 Sicki wizicki boo! Sicki wizicki boo! Come on, gang! 915 01:10:38,514 --> 01:10:41,756 Fred! Tom... What's up, Tommy? 917 01:10:41,756 --> 01:10:46,639 Let him alone. He didn't do nothing. Come on, it's just for the ducks. 918 01:10:46,639 --> 01:10:48,926 Sicki wizicki boo! 921 01:10:53,243 --> 01:10:56,453 Good morning, boys. Good morning, Miss Dove. 922 01:11:04,410 --> 01:11:06,618 Good morning, Maurice. 923 01:11:07,332 --> 01:11:09,574 Good morning, Miss Dove. 924 01:11:09,693 --> 01:11:12,539 I am slightly encumbered this morning. 925 01:11:12,615 --> 01:11:15,346 Would you mind carrying my books? 927 01:11:30,506 --> 01:11:34,912 ALL Good morning, Miss Dove. Good morning, boys. 928 01:11:39,842 --> 01:11:46,729 In this season, people consider the country of Palestine - the original home of the Jews - 929 01:11:47,046 --> 01:11:53,410 ..a country we hear much about in church, but of whose children we know very little. 930 01:11:53,410 --> 01:11:57,443 To study a people and their customs is valuable. 931 01:11:57,443 --> 01:12:04,083 But to know a people and their ways is a privilege seldom attained, without the luxury of travel. 932 01:12:04,083 --> 01:12:06,894 The fifth grade is rarely privileged. 933 01:12:07,575 --> 01:12:11,928 Your parents permit me to take you to a traditional Jewish feast. 935 01:12:11,928 --> 01:12:17,699 Mr and Mrs Levine have graciously invited you. 937 01:12:19,252 --> 01:12:25,422 We're going to Rab Levine's house? We are visiting Maurice's parents. 938 01:12:25,696 --> 01:12:30,511 May I ask, Alexander, why you refer to Maurice as "Rab"? 939 01:12:31,100 --> 01:12:33,901 We all call him that. 940 01:12:33,901 --> 01:12:35,916 It's short for Rabbi. 941 01:12:37,594 --> 01:12:43,046 Maurice has progressed while he has been here, but not to that extent. 942 01:12:43,837 --> 01:12:46,034 Rabbi means teacher. 943 01:12:46,549 --> 01:12:51,046 It was so that Jesus was addressed by the multitudes. 944 01:12:53,714 --> 01:12:55,845 This is a swell party. 946 01:12:55,845 --> 01:13:02,732 Hey, he ate 17 of those... you know, like dumplings, only better. Matzo balls! I bring more. 947 01:13:03,330 --> 01:13:05,731 For me, too! 948 01:13:05,971 --> 01:13:08,328 A most successful evening. 949 01:13:09,283 --> 01:13:12,015 I feel much has been accomplished. 951 01:13:18,739 --> 01:13:26,424 I have neglected to thank you for the privilege of attending the opening of your new play. 952 01:13:26,424 --> 01:13:29,336 Why didn't you come backstage? 953 01:13:29,336 --> 01:13:34,709 I took the night plane. It was imperative I be in class the next day 954 01:13:34,709 --> 01:13:40,241 Boy! Old Rab's name up there in lights. I bet you was...were proud. 956 01:13:40,633 --> 01:13:47,597 As Maurice's former teacher, I was gratified by his success. Owch! You didn't like my play? 957 01:13:47,597 --> 01:13:49,798 I am not a critic,... 958 01:13:49,798 --> 01:13:55,286 but with more than 300,000 words at your disposal in any dictionary,... 959 01:13:55,562 --> 01:14:02,526 .. it did not seem necessary to allow your characters expressions that were inelegant,... 960 01:14:02,526 --> 01:14:09,414 .. often profane and - unless I misinterpreted their meaning - occasionally improper. 963 01:14:09,491 --> 01:14:16,615 Next time, I'll try to be more... meticulous? Discriminating. Yes, Miss Dove. 964 01:14:16,615 --> 01:14:18,656 What gives, Fred? 967 01:14:18,656 --> 01:14:26,022 You don't get the "Courier". I'm on the roads. Acting? Mostly digging with a pickaxe. 969 01:14:26,391 --> 01:14:33,643 You seem fit and happy. Sure. Plenty of exercise, plain food, 12 hours' sleep each night. 972 01:14:33,706 --> 01:14:41,880 Frederick is paying his debt to society. Oh, I see. No big caper, Rab. I got in a jam,.. 974 01:14:42,031 --> 01:14:47,925 .. and if I hadn't borrowed this convertible and wrecked it... Life can be rugged. 975 01:14:47,925 --> 01:14:53,078 They would have let me off with a fine and an SS - suspended sentence 976 01:14:53,078 --> 01:14:58,361 .. but I didn't have the dough and probation makes me nervous. 978 01:14:58,361 --> 01:15:03,609 I can imagine. Ties you down. So I decided to do the stretch. 980 01:15:03,684 --> 01:15:07,817 I only got 6 months left. How come you're on the loose? 981 01:15:08,217 --> 01:15:12,090 Frederick has parole today, on his own recognizance. 984 01:15:12,090 --> 01:15:17,383 Then you're free for lunch. As a bird! Sandy and I are meeting at the Club. 985 01:15:17,493 --> 01:15:19,860 The Club? Oh, am I living! 987 01:15:25,058 --> 01:15:28,990 Sorry to intrude, but it's official. 988 01:15:28,990 --> 01:15:31,662 Officer Holloway begs to intrude. 991 01:15:31,662 --> 01:15:38,396 Come in, William. Miss Dove, I hope you're improved. I appreciate your concern. 992 01:15:38,396 --> 01:15:45,090 Excuse me, but if you don't need me, I'd enjoy a breath of fresh air. 993 01:15:47,071 --> 01:15:49,883 Hiya, Bill! Look who's here - Rab! 995 01:15:50,083 --> 01:15:53,088 How are you? Say, you're looking sharp. 996 01:15:53,165 --> 01:15:56,933 Don't he? Once a Marine, always a Marine. 997 01:15:57,007 --> 01:16:01,561 Say, Rab, Sandy and me are having lunch together. Class reunion. 998 01:16:02,081 --> 01:16:06,213 You'll have to postpone it. There's conflicting business. 1000 01:16:06,213 --> 01:16:10,696 Is it urgent? Why not join us? Cops eat, too! 1001 01:16:10,696 --> 01:16:13,298 A most practical suggestion. 1002 01:16:13,298 --> 01:16:19,061 You can discuss business with Fred as you drive him to his habitation. 1004 01:16:19,061 --> 01:16:26,586 You think it's a good idea? Yes. It will eliminate Frederick's need to seek other transportation. 1006 01:16:26,586 --> 01:16:31,429 Yes, Miss Dove. Phew! As usual, right on the beam, Miss Dove. 1008 01:16:31,429 --> 01:16:35,071 Would you go for a steak? With lobster on the side. 1009 01:16:35,071 --> 01:16:38,313 Goodbye, doll. Thanks for the works. 1011 01:16:38,313 --> 01:16:42,035 Goodbye, Maurice. Be seeing you, Miss Dove. 1012 01:16:42,035 --> 01:16:44,790 Hey, look at me, I almost forgot. 1013 01:16:49,200 --> 01:16:53,606 From the joint - homegrown, hand-picked, by me. 1014 01:16:54,803 --> 01:16:57,205 Then, thank you, Frederick. 1015 01:16:59,076 --> 01:17:03,409 William, ask the floor nurse to send Billie Jean to me. 1018 01:17:03,409 --> 01:17:08,020 Hey! Yes, Miss Dove. I remember! Billie Jean McVeigh! 1020 01:17:08,132 --> 01:17:18,098 You mean she's now a nurse? An excellent nurse, Frederick. Kind, courteous, efficient, genteel. 1022 01:17:18,098 --> 01:17:21,661 I have been most fortunate. Yeah, sure. 1023 01:17:28,584 --> 01:17:31,908 Gee! Dr Baker will be here soon. 1024 01:17:32,787 --> 01:17:37,830 I want things to look fine. I'll go out and get some fresh water. 1025 01:17:48,807 --> 01:17:56,762 "Patient is a slender, normally- developed female, aged 55, showing few of the usual senile changes,... 1026 01:17:56,762 --> 01:18:02,055 "lying quietly in bed, in no apparent distress. Alert and collected. " 1027 01:18:02,055 --> 01:18:04,855 I'm surprised. I trusted you. 1028 01:18:06,648 --> 01:18:09,551 I am guilty but unrepentant. 1030 01:18:10,220 --> 01:18:15,536 What I read has restored my sense of personal identity. 1033 01:18:16,224 --> 01:18:21,217 You listen to me. A chair for Mr Porter. I'm here to represent Rotary. 1035 01:18:21,217 --> 01:18:27,501 Indeed? The Rotary Club has voted to assume full financial responsibility. 1037 01:18:27,581 --> 01:18:36,306 Wherever you have this operation - Mayo's, John Hopkins - Rotary is behind you. And if I decline this offer? 1038 01:18:36,306 --> 01:18:38,438 Why decline it? 1039 01:18:38,438 --> 01:18:44,161 Who gave you this right to walk the world with this haughty spirit? 1040 01:18:44,161 --> 01:18:48,077 Dear sir, please adopt a civil tone. 1042 01:18:48,594 --> 01:18:52,134 I am not to be bullied. You talk of bullying! 1043 01:18:52,206 --> 01:18:54,318 She's a stiff-necked termagant. 1044 01:18:54,318 --> 01:18:59,611 How my pride has suffered. Seeing my best friend's daughter penniless, 1046 01:18:59,611 --> 01:19:06,255 ..working for her bread, wearing outlandish clothes... Please, Mr Porter. You forget yourself. 1047 01:19:06,255 --> 01:19:12,499 I forget nothing. I made you a very civil offer once. Exactly 15 years ago. 1048 01:19:12,499 --> 01:19:15,621 I was a widower. Rich, but lonely. 1050 01:19:15,621 --> 01:19:23,818 She was an old maid. Lonely too, but far from rich. The offer was generous, but nonetheless ridiculous. 1051 01:19:24,256 --> 01:19:27,432 I shall ignore that final insult. 1052 01:19:27,548 --> 01:19:33,195 It cannot erase the memory that once, consciously or unconsciously, 1053 01:19:33,272 --> 01:19:38,269 ..you did something which was to put me forever in your debt. 1056 01:19:58,577 --> 01:20:02,910 Fifty,...two hundred... fifty,...three hundred... 1057 01:20:02,910 --> 01:20:05,631 I don't see how Porter lasted. 1058 01:20:05,702 --> 01:20:07,703 My brother was out of... 1059 01:20:07,703 --> 01:20:10,003 ..town and lost his last dollar. 1061 01:20:10,115 --> 01:20:15,238 I put it in only yesterday. He's run out of cash. I told you so. 1062 01:20:15,548 --> 01:20:18,440 Excuse me. I wish to make a deposit. 1063 01:20:18,440 --> 01:20:19,327 Excuse me. 1065 01:20:19,470 --> 01:20:26,085 Ed, we're friends. If you can wait.. Friends, nothing. I'm withdrawing every penny of my 6,572 bucks. 1066 01:20:26,325 --> 01:20:31,568 Your transaction will take time, Mr Prouty, while mine will be brief. 1069 01:20:31,568 --> 01:20:36,641 If you would extend me the courtesy. Are you nuts? Thank you. 1073 01:20:36,641 --> 01:20:44,667 Good afternoon, Mr Porter. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. A pleasant day. Yes. A touch of spring in the air. 1074 01:20:44,816 --> 01:20:47,025 Miss Dove... 1075 01:20:57,414 --> 01:21:01,066 May I borrow a pen? Mine is dry. 1076 01:21:01,066 --> 01:21:03,023 Of course. 1077 01:21:03,218 --> 01:21:05,198 Thank you. 1078 01:21:08,911 --> 01:21:14,683 I'm sorry. By a strange coincidence, your pen seems to lack ink, too. 1079 01:21:17,316 --> 01:21:19,478 You're looking well, Mr Porter. 1080 01:21:19,478 --> 01:21:23,480 I heard you have had a mild case of lumbago. 1081 01:21:23,480 --> 01:21:25,278 Thank you. 1082 01:21:29,484 --> 01:21:32,046 It's been a bad month for colds. 1083 01:21:32,116 --> 01:21:36,293 So much unseasonable weather might account for it. 1084 01:21:37,689 --> 01:21:42,698 For deposit to my account, Mr Porter. The entire amount. 98 dollars. 1085 01:21:52,498 --> 01:21:54,866 Thank you, Mr Porter. 1086 01:21:55,060 --> 01:21:57,143 Thank you, Miss Dove. 1089 01:22:02,342 --> 01:22:06,706 Mr Prouty! Do you expect Mr Porter to violate a Federal law? 1090 01:22:06,706 --> 01:22:10,873 Federal banks are compelled to close at three o'clock. 1091 01:22:11,228 --> 01:22:16,555 All of us here in Liberty Hill will live to see the merit of this law. 1093 01:22:30,081 --> 01:22:36,014 I am sure the Rotarians intend me no offence, but I am not a charity. 1094 01:22:36,014 --> 01:22:41,411 It isn't charity Liberty Hill offers you. It's... it's respect. 1095 01:22:43,658 --> 01:22:48,257 That I shall accept with unqualified pleasure. 1096 01:22:48,652 --> 01:22:53,979 Now, Thomas. Will you be more specific as to your findings? 1097 01:22:56,386 --> 01:22:58,196 Well,... 1098 01:23:00,259 --> 01:23:04,192 ..you have a small growth on your spine... 1099 01:23:04,192 --> 01:23:07,026 which must, if possible, be removed. 1101 01:23:07,103 --> 01:23:13,113 If possible? Until we go in, we cannot be certain about the nature of any tumour. 1102 01:23:13,266 --> 01:23:17,888 All you have to decide is who shall remove it and where. 1104 01:23:18,120 --> 01:23:25,044 Aren't you competent? I think so. But other surgeons have more experience and reputation. 1105 01:23:25,044 --> 01:23:29,403 If you go elsewhere, I won't see it as a reflection on my ability. 1106 01:23:29,638 --> 01:23:33,656 There's a very famous man at the Mayo Clinic... 1107 01:23:33,730 --> 01:23:36,348 Allow me to deliberate. 1108 01:23:39,654 --> 01:23:39,654 I remember that you had very skilful fingers, Thomas. 1109 01:23:39,654 --> 01:23:45,664 I remember that you had very skilful fingers, Thomas. 1110 01:23:51,860 --> 01:23:54,387 You have very skilful fingers. 1112 01:23:54,662 --> 01:24:01,549 Could you put it back exactly as it was, Thomas? Yes, Miss Dove. I did it before. 1114 01:24:02,308 --> 01:24:05,746 Then do it again. Yes, Miss Dove. 1116 01:24:14,354 --> 01:24:19,523 I shall feel perfectly safe in the hands of Thomas and Billie Jean. 1119 01:24:30,305 --> 01:24:34,859 Now the air is clear of emotion, we can resume our discussion. 1122 01:24:34,927 --> 01:24:41,461 What do you propose? That it be done tomorrow. As you told us... I know what I told you. 1124 01:24:41,532 --> 01:24:45,894 What is the procedure? This is what will happen. 1125 01:24:45,894 --> 01:24:50,743 This evening at eight, you'll take a capsule. You'll sleep soundly. 1126 01:24:50,898 --> 01:24:54,940 The next morning, you may not even notice the hypodermic. 1127 01:24:54,940 --> 01:24:58,183 Well, you won't care or shouldn't. 1128 01:24:58,183 --> 01:25:02,464 You'll go to the operating room and have a general anaesthetic. 1129 01:25:02,464 --> 01:25:06,387 Due to the tumour's position, the operation may be long. 1130 01:25:06,387 --> 01:25:11,231 If so, the anaesthetic will be prolonged, as will its effects. 1131 01:25:11,231 --> 01:25:15,033 It may be Friday before you finally awake. 1133 01:25:15,844 --> 01:25:19,407 Where? What? 1134 01:25:19,556 --> 01:25:21,764 Where will I awake? 1135 01:25:23,638 --> 01:25:25,847 I don't know, Miss Dove. 1136 01:25:30,802 --> 01:25:35,208 Open the top drawer of the bureau. Give me my bag. 1137 01:25:50,505 --> 01:25:52,701 My father's watch. 1139 01:25:53,776 --> 01:25:58,352 No, Miss Dove. I should like you to take it now. 1140 01:25:58,590 --> 01:26:01,550 It is bequeathed to you in my will. 1141 01:26:01,742 --> 01:26:05,555 If... if on Friday I awaken here,... 1142 01:26:06,584 --> 01:26:10,477 ..you may return it temporarily to my custody. 1143 01:26:42,727 --> 01:26:46,540 Oh, the battle I put up with this cuticle of mine. 1144 01:26:46,540 --> 01:26:48,861 You have the same trouble? 1145 01:26:48,861 --> 01:26:53,664 I always considered the care of the nails as a boudoir function... 1147 01:26:53,664 --> 01:26:59,417 .. and not a stimulating topic of conversation. I beg your pardon! 1150 01:27:05,821 --> 01:27:10,443 There have been some recognizable developments. And you? 1151 01:27:10,635 --> 01:27:14,482 Oh, glory! Like the night before Christmas. 1152 01:27:14,837 --> 01:27:20,598 Tomorrow, we'll know what it looks like... if it's a boy or a girl. 1153 01:27:20,681 --> 01:27:23,288 Well, I'd better go now. 1154 01:27:24,884 --> 01:27:26,876 Good night, Miss Dove. 1156 01:27:28,406 --> 01:27:32,378 Roses in your pillow. Good night, Virginia. 1157 01:27:36,291 --> 01:27:38,499 Hello, Miss Dove. 1159 01:27:39,573 --> 01:27:45,105 Dr Temple, will you write to your mother tonight? Why, yes. 1160 01:27:45,336 --> 01:27:52,588 Will you kindly inform her that red ants have a flavour exactly like sour pickles. 1161 01:27:52,861 --> 01:27:55,991 They do? Did a bear tell you? 1162 01:27:56,383 --> 01:28:01,426 No. I ascertained the fact for myself more than 30 years ago. 1164 01:28:02,267 --> 01:28:06,513 You did? How? I ate one. 1165 01:28:06,710 --> 01:28:11,514 Good for you! I won't wait to write her. I'll send her a wire. 1167 01:28:18,797 --> 01:28:21,404 I'll leave you with your pastor. 1169 01:28:29,884 --> 01:28:33,606 Thomas told you? Yes. 1170 01:28:34,087 --> 01:28:36,295 I do not wish to die. 1171 01:28:38,529 --> 01:28:43,664 Life, whatever others may think, has been for me... 1172 01:28:46,374 --> 01:28:49,106 I... I have been happy. 1173 01:28:50,177 --> 01:28:52,191 I know. 1175 01:28:52,588 --> 01:28:59,555 Thomas is not very hopeful, is he? Well, there is a hope which transcends the medical. 1176 01:28:59,993 --> 01:29:02,394 Perhaps if we read from this. 1179 01:29:02,704 --> 01:29:11,755 Will you read the general confession? Yes. Then I warn you, when I say that prayer, I do so with reservations. 1180 01:29:11,830 --> 01:29:13,801 Reservations? 1181 01:29:13,801 --> 01:29:18,116 I have made many mistakes. Perhaps even sinned. 1182 01:29:18,965 --> 01:29:21,526 I admit my human limitations. 1183 01:29:21,526 --> 01:29:26,569 But I do not, in all honesty, find the burden of my sins intolerable. 1184 01:29:27,370 --> 01:29:31,322 Nor, Alexander, have I strayed like a sheep. 1185 01:29:31,322 --> 01:29:36,183 As Frederick Makepeace might say, I have never been A-W-O-L. 1186 01:29:37,126 --> 01:29:41,539 I grant you the language of the confession is archaic. 1187 01:29:41,539 --> 01:29:44,612 But it contains a core of truth. All of us... 1188 01:29:44,851 --> 01:29:52,023 No. I have never spoken hypocrisy to my Maker and now is hardly a propitious moment to begin. 1189 01:29:56,108 --> 01:29:59,386 We can have a prayer, if you like. 1191 01:29:59,460 --> 01:30:03,922 Silently, but together. That I should like. 1194 01:30:28,848 --> 01:30:34,927 The parson and the cop are in the lobby. Potential blood donors. Good. 1197 01:30:39,294 --> 01:30:44,509 OK. OK, Tommy. All right. 1199 01:30:51,102 --> 01:30:59,667 You got the time, pal? 10 after 10. Why worry, with six months added for your "stroll" yesterday? 1200 01:30:59,667 --> 01:31:04,550 Would you call a friend of mine, name of Rab... Maurice Levine? 1201 01:31:04,550 --> 01:31:07,362 Only costs four bits. I'll pay ya. 1203 01:31:07,392 --> 01:31:13,403 Reverse the charges? This guy is loaded. Keep diggin'. You're outta privileges. 1204 01:31:13,636 --> 01:31:16,242 Am I paying my debt to society! 1205 01:31:19,119 --> 01:31:24,291 I'm calling a play of which our old quarterback might not approve. 1206 01:31:24,291 --> 01:31:29,767 Cedar Grove Elementary School is suspending classes for the day. 1208 01:31:51,379 --> 01:31:58,472 It's more extensive than I thought. She'll need blood and plenty of it. Yes, Doctor. 1209 01:32:07,278 --> 01:32:10,871 W... What are they doing up there? 1210 01:32:10,871 --> 01:32:13,569 You know Tommy's doing his best. 1211 01:32:13,643 --> 01:32:19,973 Let's stay full of fortitude. You two sit tight and I'll snoop around. 1213 01:32:31,564 --> 01:32:38,417 How's it going, Miss Rice? Dr Baker sent a section to the laboratory. The report isn't back. 1214 01:32:38,488 --> 01:32:40,860 She's had one transfusion. 1216 01:32:40,860 --> 01:32:45,254 Is there a chance? A nurse is permitted no opinions. 1218 01:33:15,311 --> 01:33:20,995 Hey! I saw you coming. Children aren't allowed. It's a matter of life or death. 1219 01:33:20,995 --> 01:33:26,128 I was elected spokesman. We came to give blood to Miss Dove. 1220 01:33:26,128 --> 01:33:31,091 Dope! They lay you down and then they give you tomato juice. 1221 01:33:31,091 --> 01:33:31,091 Not to folks your age! 1223 01:33:31,091 --> 01:33:35,284 Not to folks your age! But we're nine! ALL : Yeah! 1224 01:33:35,284 --> 01:33:39,817 Oh, honeys. We got these grown-ups waiting here. 1225 01:33:39,817 --> 01:33:42,343 Here's what you can do. 1227 01:33:42,408 --> 01:33:45,265 What? The State tests are coming up. 1228 01:33:45,340 --> 01:33:50,383 If you flunked them, she'd be good and mad. Go home and study up! 1230 01:33:50,703 --> 01:33:54,152 We know that old junk! ALL : Yeah! 1233 01:33:54,265 --> 01:34:01,630 Are you sure? ALL : Sure! What's longitude and latitude? Name the Great Lakes! 1234 01:34:01,630 --> 01:34:04,874 Where's the Tropic of Capricorn? 1236 01:34:08,314 --> 01:34:10,317 You see? 1237 01:34:11,156 --> 01:34:15,528 You handled that like a diplomat, Billie Jean. 1238 01:34:17,240 --> 01:34:22,089 She herself - Miss Dove - couldn't have handled it more genteel. 1239 01:34:39,584 --> 01:34:41,655 That's it. Take over. 1241 01:35:18,158 --> 01:35:20,525 Tommy, how did it go? 1243 01:35:31,566 --> 01:35:41,372 Come on, girls. Let's pull ourselves together. I can't figure out women. Yesterday they were clawing Miss Dove apart. 1245 01:35:41,372 --> 01:35:44,902 And now, look at them. Shut up, Joe. And you too. 1246 01:35:44,902 --> 01:35:47,494 She wasn't your teacher... 1247 01:35:47,494 --> 01:35:52,027 .. or you wouldn't chew your necktie when you're thinking. 1248 01:35:52,027 --> 01:35:55,379 She broke me of chewing my pigtails. 1249 01:35:55,379 --> 01:35:59,351 I was counting on her to stop our Susie chewing hers. 1250 01:35:59,351 --> 01:36:06,516 You youngsters probably don't know, but she stopped this town going bankrupt. 1252 01:36:06,516 --> 01:36:11,118 Can't they tell us something? We pay taxes. We got a right to know 1254 01:36:11,118 --> 01:36:16,924 They're waiting for a report from the laboratory. That's passing the buck. 1257 01:36:17,723 --> 01:36:26,818 We've heard from the laboratory, the report won't be ready till tomorrow. 1259 01:36:35,654 --> 01:36:39,536 Cut it out, Bert. Things are spooky enough. 1260 01:36:39,536 --> 01:36:44,784 No calls, no fights, no wrecks, no dogs barking. No nothing. 1263 01:36:45,020 --> 01:36:52,584 You're no eye-opener, neither. You don't even know her. I know her. I been here long enough. 1264 01:36:52,584 --> 01:36:56,867 I'll be sad to see her go. But I don't think she cares. 1265 01:36:56,867 --> 01:37:01,870 It wasn't much of a life. No family, no kids. Never went nowhere. 1266 01:37:01,870 --> 01:37:06,513 She's never been more than a few hundred miles out of here. 1267 01:37:06,513 --> 01:37:14,448 Sure. But she's been places we never heard of, round the world more times than you can count. 1268 01:37:14,518 --> 01:37:18,320 Not much of a life, huh? No family, no kids. 1269 01:37:18,680 --> 01:37:22,723 No kids? You're really off your rocker. 1270 01:37:22,723 --> 01:37:25,296 Kids? She has a thousand of 'em. 1272 01:37:34,010 --> 01:37:36,901 Police station. Mitchell speaking. 1273 01:37:36,972 --> 01:37:39,013 Hello, Warden. 1274 01:37:39,013 --> 01:37:40,675 Hmm? 1275 01:37:40,744 --> 01:37:44,102 Fred Makepeace? On the loose again? 1276 01:37:44,537 --> 01:37:47,712 He's heading for Liberty Hill, huh? 1277 01:37:47,789 --> 01:37:50,420 Sure. We'll keep a lookout. 1278 01:37:50,420 --> 01:37:52,629 Right. Good night. 1280 01:37:53,382 --> 01:37:59,473 What's the attraction in this burg for a thief like Makepeace? Well, I tell you... 1281 01:37:59,906 --> 01:38:01,920 I don't know. 1283 01:38:41,132 --> 01:38:43,146 Tell me, Thomas. 1284 01:38:44,664 --> 01:38:47,259 Tell me, without wasting a word. 1286 01:39:11,440 --> 01:39:15,277 And Virginia? Twin boys. 1287 01:39:16,153 --> 01:39:18,487 My felicitations, Thomas. 1288 01:39:18,845 --> 01:39:23,638 They're full of beans. You'll have your hands full, Miss Dove. 1292 01:39:55,148 --> 01:40:00,231 Bells? Why are they ringing? 1294 01:40:00,231 --> 01:40:07,115 Is it Sunday? Friday. But a big day for Liberty Hill. The town just heard the news. 1297 01:40:07,115 --> 01:40:13,445 The news? That you're gonna be all right. They've been waiting since dawn. 1299 01:40:14,640 --> 01:40:19,125 There are people in the streets? And more coming. 1300 01:40:19,283 --> 01:40:26,887 It's just like the movies when some queen or bigshot takes a bow from a balcony. 1301 01:40:49,821 --> 01:40:52,423 There's Mr O'Neil, the mailman... 1302 01:40:52,423 --> 01:40:58,187 and the station master and Dr Hurley and Ed and Pete from the gas station 1303 01:40:58,187 --> 01:41:02,684 .. and good night! Standing there, big as life, Fred Makepeace! 1305 01:41:08,683 --> 01:41:15,480 Frederick Makepeace? Don't worry, Miss Dove. My Bill's standing next to him. 1307 01:41:16,288 --> 01:41:23,175 Mr Spivey's carrying on like he just made a touchdown! And every kid from Cedar Grove. 1309 01:41:24,173 --> 01:41:30,017 What did you say? The kids, Miss Dove. Your pupils. There's no school today. 1310 01:41:30,017 --> 01:41:32,384 No school? 1311 01:41:32,458 --> 01:41:35,730 But you said to...this is Friday? 1313 01:41:35,730 --> 01:41:41,494 Yes, Miss Dove. The State proficiency test will take place on Monday. 1314 01:41:41,494 --> 01:41:49,143 Thomas, go down at once and inform Mr Spivey that the children must resume their classes. 1315 01:41:51,030 --> 01:41:55,344 The fifth grade will review the winds and the tides. 1316 01:41:55,422 --> 01:42:00,315 The fourth grade will learn the products of the Argentine pampas. 1317 01:42:00,315 --> 01:42:05,530 The sixth grade will study the orographic control of rainfall. 1318 01:42:08,280 --> 01:42:10,603 At once, Thomas. 1319 01:42:15,765 --> 01:42:17,961 Good morning, Miss Dove. 1320 01:42:19,047 --> 01:42:21,209 Good morning, Thomas.