1 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:17,000 Criswell Predicts... 2 00:00:24,400 --> 00:00:28,400 Greetings, my friend. We are all interested in the future, 3 00:00:28,500 --> 00:00:33,100 for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. 4 00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:38,900 And remember my friend, future events such as these will affect you in the future. 5 00:00:39,500 --> 00:00:45,300 You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. 6 00:00:45,300 --> 00:00:49,500 That is why you are here. And now, for the first time, 7 00:00:49,500 --> 00:00:55,500 we are bringing to you the full story of what happened on that fateful day. 8 00:00:55,500 --> 00:01:00,000 We are giving you all the evidence, based only on the secret testimonies 9 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:03,700 of the miserable souls who survived 10 00:01:03,700 --> 00:01:07,800 this terrifying ordeal. The incidents, the places, 11 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:13,800 my friend we cannot keep this a secret any longer. Let us punish the guilty, 12 00:01:13,800 --> 00:01:19,300 let us reward the innocent. My friend, 13 00:01:19,300 --> 00:01:24,500 can your heart stand the shocking facts about grave robbers 14 00:01:24,500 --> 00:01:25,500 from outer space? 15 00:01:41,100 --> 00:01:45,100 Plan 9 From Outer Space 16 00:02:46,100 --> 00:02:50,100 All of us on this earth, know that there is a time to live, 17 00:02:50,600 --> 00:02:54,600 and that there is a time to die, yet death is always a shock 18 00:02:54,900 --> 00:02:57,500 to those left behind. 19 00:02:58,500 --> 00:03:05,500 It is even more of a shock,when death, the proud brother, comes suddenly without warning. 20 00:03:06,700 --> 00:03:10,300 Just at sundown, a small group, 21 00:03:10,300 --> 00:03:13,300 gathered in silent prayer around the newly-opened grave 22 00:03:13,300 --> 00:03:18,400 of the beloved wife of an elderly man. Sundown of the day, 23 00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:22,600 yet also the sundown of the old man's heart, 24 00:03:23,900 --> 00:03:28,100 for the shadows of grief clouded his very reason. 25 00:03:40,600 --> 00:03:44,600 The funeral over, the saddened group left the graveside. 26 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:11,300 It was when the gravediggers started their task 27 00:04:11,300 --> 00:04:15,300 that strange things began to take place. 28 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:21,500 Fifteen to four. 29 00:04:21,500 --> 00:04:23,400 Yup, right on schedule. There's the ol' San Fernando Valley 30 00:04:23,400 --> 00:04:27,000 out there now. -You better radio in 31 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:30,500 for landing instructions, Danny. -Right, Jeff. 32 00:04:30,500 --> 00:04:34,500 Burbank Tower, this is American Flight 812, over. 33 00:04:34,800 --> 00:04:38,800 Wouldn't surprise me any if he's asleep this time of the morning. 34 00:04:39,400 --> 00:04:43,000 American Flight 812, this is Burbank Tower. If I were asleep 35 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:47,000 you'd never get on the ground ! Your case maybe you'd be up there for good. Over. 36 00:04:48,200 --> 00:04:52,200 You got me that time, Mac. This American Flight 812 requesting - 37 00:04:58,800 --> 00:05:01,800 Burbank Tower to American Flight 812, over. 38 00:05:01,800 --> 00:05:05,800 Burbank Tower to American Flight 812, over. 39 00:05:06,500 --> 00:05:09,900 Holy mackeral. -Burbank Tower to American Flight 812, 40 00:05:09,900 --> 00:05:12,500 are you in trouble? 41 00:05:13,100 --> 00:05:16,800 -Trouble ? -Take a look for yourself. 42 00:05:18,700 --> 00:05:22,600 -What in the world... -That's nothing from this world. 43 00:05:22,600 --> 00:05:26,700 Burbank Tower to American Flight 812, are you in trouble? Are you in trouble? 44 00:05:26,700 --> 00:05:30,700 -Mayday, mayday. Stand by, Burbank Tower. -Do you suppose the passengers saw it? 45 00:05:31,000 --> 00:05:34,600 I doubt it. Most of them are asleep. But it was quite a jolt, Jeff. I'll check. 46 00:05:34,600 --> 00:05:38,000 Good. We'll get them ready for landing. Keep it quiet until we get instructions. 47 00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:42,000 -Right. -American Flight 812 reporting to Burbank Tower, over. 48 00:06:08,300 --> 00:06:11,300 -D'you hear anything ? -I thought I did. 49 00:06:11,300 --> 00:06:13,600 Don't like hearin' noises. 'Specially when there ain't s'posed to be any. 50 00:06:13,600 --> 00:06:17,200 -Yeah, sorta spooky-like. 51 00:06:17,200 --> 00:06:20,600 -Maybe we're getting' old. -Whatever it is it's gone now. 52 00:06:20,600 --> 00:06:22,200 -That's the best thing for us too. Gone. 53 00:06:22,200 --> 00:06:26,200 -Yeah, let's go. 54 00:06:59,700 --> 00:07:02,900 The grief of his wife's death 55 00:07:02,900 --> 00:07:06,900 became greater and greater agony. 56 00:07:11,800 --> 00:07:15,800 The home they had so long shared together, became a tomb. 57 00:07:17,300 --> 00:07:21,300 A sweet memory of her joyous living. 58 00:07:22,200 --> 00:07:27,900 The sky to which she had once looked, was now only a covering for her dead body. 59 00:07:43,200 --> 00:07:48,200 The ever-beautiful flowers she had planted with her own hand, 60 00:07:48,500 --> 00:07:52,500 became nothing more than the lost roses of her cheeks. 61 00:07:59,200 --> 00:08:02,300 Confused by his great loss, the old man 62 00:08:02,300 --> 00:08:06,300 left that home, never to return again. 63 00:08:19,700 --> 00:08:23,700 At the funeral of the old man, unknown to his mourners, 64 00:08:24,900 --> 00:08:28,900 his dead wife was watching. 65 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:32,600 -First his wife, then he. -Tragic. 66 00:08:32,600 --> 00:08:36,000 -Tell me something. Why was his wife buried in the ground, and 67 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:38,900 he sealed in a crypt? -Something to do with family tradition. 68 00:08:38,900 --> 00:08:42,100 A superstition of some sort. 69 00:08:42,100 --> 00:08:46,100 Well, it's getting' dark. We'd best be on our way. 70 00:08:50,500 --> 00:08:54,500 Then, as two of his mourners left his final resting place. 71 00:09:29,700 --> 00:09:32,800 Minutes later, the police, lead by Inspector Daniel Clay, 72 00:09:32,800 --> 00:09:35,000 arrived at the scene. 73 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:38,200 -Who found him ? -The man and girl. 74 00:09:38,200 --> 00:09:42,200 -Medical, uh, examiner been 'round yet? -Just left. 75 00:09:42,300 --> 00:09:45,400 The morgue wagon oughta be along most any time. -You get their 76 00:09:45,400 --> 00:09:49,400 statement ? Yeah, much as we could. They're pretty scared. 77 00:09:50,000 --> 00:09:54,000 -Finding a mess like this oughta make anyone frightened. 78 00:09:54,300 --> 00:09:58,300 Have one of the boys take the guy and the girl back to town. You take charge. 79 00:09:59,300 --> 00:10:01,300 -Okay Inspector. What're you gonna do? 80 00:10:01,300 --> 00:10:04,800 -Look around a little. -Pretty dark out there. 81 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:08,000 Once you get beyond those lights you won't be able to see your hand in front of your face. 82 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:11,100 -I will get one of the flashlights from the patrol car. 83 00:10:11,100 --> 00:10:15,100 -You be careful Clay. -I'm a big boy now, Johnny. 84 00:11:11,400 --> 00:11:14,400 Looks like a bobcat tore through them. 85 00:11:14,400 --> 00:11:16,400 Yeah. 86 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:21,800 Say Lieutenant, 87 00:11:21,800 --> 00:11:25,800 d'you get that funny odour ? -How could I miss it ? 88 00:11:26,400 --> 00:11:29,300 Oh, that'll be the morgue wagon now. 89 00:11:30,300 --> 00:11:34,200 -That's the fifth siren in the last hour. -Oh, something's happened down at 90 00:11:34,200 --> 00:11:38,200 the cemetery. A lot of police cars and lights. I stopped but I didn't see anything. 91 00:11:39,100 --> 00:11:43,100 Oh well, whatever it is, the morning paper will carry the whole story. 92 00:11:49,700 --> 00:11:52,900 You seem to still be up there somewhere. 93 00:11:52,900 --> 00:11:55,300 Maybe I am. 94 00:11:55,300 --> 00:11:59,300 I don't think I've ever seen you in this mood before. 95 00:12:01,000 --> 00:12:05,000 I guess it's because I've never been in this mood before. 96 00:12:08,800 --> 00:12:11,800 Something about your flight ? 97 00:12:11,800 --> 00:12:14,700 Yeah. 98 00:12:14,700 --> 00:12:18,700 What happened, Jeff ? 99 00:12:23,700 --> 00:12:27,300 -I saw a flying saucer. -A saucer ? 100 00:12:27,300 --> 00:12:31,300 You mean the kind from up there ? -Yeah, or its counterpart. 101 00:12:32,700 --> 00:12:36,500 I was shaped like a huge cigar. Dan [something] saw it too. 102 00:12:36,500 --> 00:12:40,500 When it passed over, the whole compartment lighted up with a blinding glare. 103 00:12:40,600 --> 00:12:43,900 Then there was a tremendous wind that practically knocked us off our course. 104 00:12:43,900 --> 00:12:47,900 -Well did you report it ? -Yeah, radioed in immediately and they said well 105 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:52,000 keep it quiet until you land. Then as soon as we landed, big army brass grabbed us 106 00:12:52,200 --> 00:12:56,200 and made us swear to secrecy about the whole thing. 107 00:12:56,300 --> 00:13:00,300 Oh, it burns me up. These things have been seen for years. They're here, it's a fact. 108 00:13:01,200 --> 00:13:04,300 And the public oughta know about it. -There must be something more you can do about it. 109 00:13:04,300 --> 00:13:08,300 Oh no there isn't. Oh, but what's the point of making a fuss. 110 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:13,000 Last night I saw a flying object that couldn't possibly have been from this planet. 111 00:13:13,700 --> 00:13:18,700 But I can't say a word. I'm muzzled by army brass! I can't even admit I saw the thing! 112 00:15:22,200 --> 00:15:24,200 Sounds like Clay's in trouble. 113 00:15:33,400 --> 00:15:35,400 Bet that apparition we saw had something to do with it. 114 00:15:35,400 --> 00:15:36,400 Come on. 115 00:15:59,900 --> 00:16:03,900 -Is he dead ? -Yeah. 116 00:16:04,400 --> 00:16:08,300 He's messed up as bad as those two back there. 117 00:16:08,300 --> 00:16:11,900 S'pose that saucer or whatever it was had something to do with this? 118 00:16:11,900 --> 00:16:14,900 Your guess is as good as mine, Larry. 119 00:16:14,900 --> 00:16:18,700 But one thing's sure. Inspector Clay is dead... 120 00:16:18,700 --> 00:16:22,700 murdered...and somebody's responsible! 121 00:16:23,400 --> 00:16:25,500 You're in charge now, Lieutenant. 122 00:16:25,500 --> 00:16:29,500 -Yeah, guess I am. Kelton. -Yes Sir ? 123 00:16:29,500 --> 00:16:33,500 Get back up to the car and get on the radio. Tell the coroner he's gotta make another trip out here. 124 00:16:33,700 --> 00:16:35,600 Well how 'bout the lab boys ? 125 00:16:35,600 --> 00:16:39,600 Well who do you think we left back at the car, boy scouts ? Come on, Larry. 126 00:16:46,400 --> 00:16:52,400 Greater love hath no man, than to lay down his life for another. 127 00:16:52,900 --> 00:16:56,000 It is always difficult to have last words 128 00:16:56,000 --> 00:17:01,000 over the grave of a friend. And Inspector Daniel Clay was a friend. 129 00:17:01,500 --> 00:17:05,700 A dear friend to me and to all of us. 130 00:17:06,300 --> 00:17:10,300 The bell has rung upon his great career. 131 00:17:10,900 --> 00:17:17,900 Now we lay him to rest. A rest well deserved, but so premature. 132 00:17:30,700 --> 00:17:34,100 People turning south from the freeway were startled when they saw 133 00:17:34,100 --> 00:17:38,100 flying saucers high over Hollywood Boulevard. 134 00:17:44,800 --> 00:17:48,800 135 00:17:52,100 --> 00:17:56,100 A woman, startled by the sight in the sky, telephones the police. 136 00:18:19,700 --> 00:18:22,800 There comes a time in each man's life, 137 00:18:22,800 --> 00:18:26,800 when he can't even believe his own eyes. 138 00:18:29,300 --> 00:18:33,300 Saucers seen over Hollywood! 139 00:18:34,700 --> 00:18:38,700 Flying saucers seen over Washington D.C. 140 00:18:44,600 --> 00:18:48,600 The army convoy moved into the field. 141 00:19:00,500 --> 00:19:03,000 Rockets were quickly set up. 142 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:06,700 Colonel Tom Edwards, in charge of saucer field activities, 143 00:19:06,700 --> 00:19:09,900 was to make the greatest decision of his career. 144 00:19:09,900 --> 00:19:13,900 He made that decision. Colonel Edwards gave the signal to fire. 145 00:20:18,900 --> 00:20:22,800 Then as swiftly as they had come, they were gone. 146 00:20:22,800 --> 00:20:26,800 Even to the piercing eye of radar and the speeding jet fighters. 147 00:20:34,300 --> 00:20:38,300 -Quite a sight, wasn't it Sir. -A sight I'd rather not be seeing. 148 00:20:38,300 --> 00:20:40,300 -Are you worried about them Sir ? 149 00:20:40,300 --> 00:20:42,300 Well, they must have a reason for their visits. 150 00:20:42,300 --> 00:20:49,300 Visits? Well that would indicate visitors! Are big guns the usual way of welcoming visitors? 151 00:20:50,500 --> 00:20:53,500 We haven't always fired at them. 152 00:20:53,500 --> 00:20:57,500 For a time we tried to contact them by radio, but no response. 153 00:20:57,800 --> 00:21:03,800 Then they attacked a town. A small town, I'll admit. But nevertheless a town of people. 154 00:21:04,500 --> 00:21:08,200 People who died. -I never heard about that Sir. 155 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:13,200 Well, it was covered up by the higher echelon. Take any fire, 156 00:21:13,500 --> 00:21:17,100 any earthquake, any major disaster, 157 00:21:17,100 --> 00:21:20,100 then wonder. Flying saucers, Captain, 158 00:21:20,200 --> 00:21:22,800 are still a rumour. 159 00:21:22,800 --> 00:21:23,300 Officially. 160 00:21:27,200 --> 00:21:29,300 Looks like we beat them off again Sir. 161 00:21:29,300 --> 00:21:33,300 What do they want...where are they from...where are they going... 162 00:21:34,300 --> 00:21:36,700 They, Sir ? Who ? 163 00:21:36,700 --> 00:21:41,000 Oh, this is a training manoeuver, Sir. We only did a little practice firing at the clouds. 164 00:21:43,300 --> 00:21:45,300 Yeah. I wonder what their next move will be. 165 00:22:00,900 --> 00:22:02,900 What will their next move be ? 166 00:22:08,400 --> 00:22:11,300 Your space commander has returned from Earth. 167 00:22:11,300 --> 00:22:12,300 Send him in. 168 00:22:20,500 --> 00:22:22,000 You have your report ? 169 00:22:22,000 --> 00:22:24,900 We had to pull in here to Space Station 7 for regeneration. 170 00:22:24,900 --> 00:22:27,900 We're returning to the planet Earth immediately thereafter. 171 00:22:29,100 --> 00:22:32,700 -What progress has been made ? -We contacted government officials. 172 00:22:33,000 --> 00:22:34,500 They refuse over existence. 173 00:22:36,500 --> 00:22:38,500 What plan will you follow now ? 174 00:22:38,500 --> 00:22:42,500 Plan 9. It's been absolutely impossible to work through these Earth creatures. 175 00:22:42,800 --> 00:22:44,300 Their soul is too controlled. 176 00:22:46,800 --> 00:22:50,800 Plan 9...ah yes. Plan 9 deals 177 00:22:51,300 --> 00:22:53,400 with the resurrection of the dead. 178 00:22:53,400 --> 00:22:57,400 Long-distance electrodes shot into the pinion pituitary glands of recent dead. 179 00:22:58,700 --> 00:23:01,700 Have you attempted any of this plan as yet ? -Yes Excellency. 180 00:23:01,700 --> 00:23:04,200 How successful has it been ? 181 00:23:04,200 --> 00:23:08,200 We have risen two so far. We shall be just as successful on more. 182 00:23:09,200 --> 00:23:13,200 The living...they have no suspicion of your movements ? 183 00:23:13,400 --> 00:23:15,500 We had to dispose of one policeman. 184 00:23:15,500 --> 00:23:19,900 However, none of those risen have been seen. At least, not by anyone who still remains alive. 185 00:23:20,600 --> 00:23:25,100 It's too bad it must be handled this way. However it must. 186 00:23:26,100 --> 00:23:29,700 Those who take from the grave will lead the way for our other operations. 187 00:23:29,700 --> 00:23:33,600 Yes, Excellency. -Continue on. Report to me 188 00:23:33,600 --> 00:23:35,600 in two Earth days. 189 00:23:39,300 --> 00:23:41,900 I feared His Excellency wouldn't take our report this well. 190 00:23:41,900 --> 00:23:45,200 Well had he been dealing with our own people his reaction would have been completely different. 191 00:23:46,000 --> 00:23:48,600 He understands the difficulties of the Earth race. 192 00:23:48,600 --> 00:23:52,600 What do you think will be the next obstacle the Earth people will put in our way? 193 00:23:52,700 --> 00:23:56,700 Well, as long as they can think we'll have our problems. 194 00:23:57,500 --> 00:24:03,200 But those whom we're using cannot think. They are the dead. Brought to a simulated life by our electrode guns. 195 00:24:04,200 --> 00:24:10,000 You know, it's an interesting think when you consider...the Earth people, who can think, 196 00:24:10,100 --> 00:24:14,100 are so frightened by those who cannot: the dead. 197 00:24:15,100 --> 00:24:19,100 Well our ship should be regenerated. We better get started. 198 00:25:12,900 --> 00:25:16,900 I still think you oughta go in town and stay with your mother until I get back. 199 00:25:18,400 --> 00:25:22,000 This is our home and nothing's going to take me from it. 200 00:25:22,000 --> 00:25:26,000 Besides, most men try and keep their wives from going home to Momma. 201 00:25:26,500 --> 00:25:30,400 -That's not the point. -That's all the point there's going to be. 202 00:25:30,400 --> 00:25:34,400 Now toddle off and fly your flying machine, Darling. But if you see any more 203 00:25:34,400 --> 00:25:39,100 flying saucers, will you tell them to pick another house to buzz? 204 00:25:39,600 --> 00:25:43,400 Don't worry about me. 205 00:25:43,400 --> 00:25:47,400 Oh you're the only thing I do worry about. Oh forget about the flying saucers. 206 00:25:47,400 --> 00:25:53,900 They're up there. But there's something in that cemetery, 207 00:25:54,100 --> 00:25:57,200 and that's too close for comfort. 208 00:25:57,200 --> 00:26:01,100 The saucers are up there. And the cemetery's out there. 209 00:26:01,100 --> 00:26:07,700 But I'll be locked up in there. Now off to your wild blue yonders. 210 00:26:08,200 --> 00:26:10,100 You promise you'll lock the doors immediately ? 211 00:26:10,100 --> 00:26:14,100 I promise. Besides, I'll be in bed before half an hour is gone, 212 00:26:14,100 --> 00:26:17,400 with your pillow beside me. -My pillow ? 213 00:26:17,400 --> 00:26:21,400 Well, I have to have something to keep me company while you're away. 214 00:26:22,500 --> 00:26:30,500 Sometimes in the night when it does get a little lonely, I reach over and touch it, then it doesn't seem so lonely anymore. 215 00:26:33,300 --> 00:26:34,700 A crazy kid. 216 00:26:43,600 --> 00:26:46,600 I do love you, Darlin'. 217 00:26:59,800 --> 00:27:03,800 See you Thursday. -Goodbye, Honey. 218 00:27:07,100 --> 00:27:09,700 You know I'm not leaving here until you're locked safely inside. 219 00:27:09,700 --> 00:27:13,700 All right, Darling. 220 00:27:23,100 --> 00:27:27,100 If you're especially nice I may even lock the side door. 221 00:27:27,600 --> 00:27:31,600 And be sure you keep the yard lights on. 222 00:27:52,500 --> 00:27:55,900 You're mighty silent this trip, Jeff. 223 00:27:55,900 --> 00:27:57,900 You haven't spoken ten words since takeoff. 224 00:27:57,900 --> 00:28:01,100 I guess I'm preoccupied, Danny. 225 00:28:01,100 --> 00:28:04,200 We've got thirty-three passengers back there that have time to be preoccupied. 226 00:28:04,200 --> 00:28:07,700 Flying this flybird doesn't give you that opportunity. 227 00:28:07,700 --> 00:28:10,800 I guess you're right, Danny. 228 00:28:10,800 --> 00:28:14,000 -Paula ? -Yeah. 229 00:28:14,000 --> 00:28:17,200 -There's nothing wrong between you two ? -Oh no, nothing like that. 230 00:28:17,200 --> 00:28:20,800 Just that I'm worried, she being there alone and those strange things flying over the house and 231 00:28:20,800 --> 00:28:25,200 those incidents in the graveyard the past few days. It's just got me worried. 232 00:28:25,600 --> 00:28:20,250 Well, I haven't figured out those crazy skybirds yet but I give you fifty to one odds 233 00:28:30,300 --> 00:28:32,700 the police have figured out that cemetery thing by now. 234 00:28:32,700 --> 00:28:36,000 -I hope so. -If you're really that worried Jeff why don't you radio in and find out? 235 00:28:37,000 --> 00:28:41,000 Mac should be on duty at the field by now. He could call Paula and relay the message to you. 236 00:28:41,800 --> 00:28:45,800 -Hi Edith. -Hi Silents. I haven't heard a word from this end of the plane since we left the field. 237 00:28:46,400 --> 00:28:49,400 Jeff's been giving me and himself a study in silence. 238 00:28:49,400 --> 00:28:52,600 -You boys are feudin'? -Oh no Edie, nothing like that. 239 00:28:52,600 --> 00:28:55,300 Hey Edie, how about you and me balling [bawling?] it up in Albuquerque ? 240 00:28:55,300 --> 00:28:58,900 Albuquerque ? Have you read that flight schedule Boy ? -What about it ? 241 00:28:58,900 --> 00:29:02,900 We land in Albuquerque at 4 am. That's strictly a nine o'clock town. 242 00:29:03,100 --> 00:29:05,400 Well I know a friend that'll help us -- 243 00:29:05,400 --> 00:29:08,800 -Let's have a problem first, huh Danny. [?] -Ah he's worried about Paula. 244 00:29:08,800 --> 00:29:13,800 I read about that cemetery business. I tried to get you kids to not buy too near one of those things. 245 00:29:16,800 --> 00:29:18,500 He thought it'd be quiet and peaceful there. 246 00:29:18,500 --> 00:29:21,900 No doubt about that. It's quiet alright, like a tomb. 247 00:29:23,600 --> 00:29:25,400 I'm sorry Jeff, that was a bad joke. 248 00:29:25,400 --> 00:29:28,900 Say., I almost forgot what I came in here for. How's the coffee situation? 249 00:29:28,900 --> 00:29:32,000 -Mmmm that's for me. -That sure wouldn't hurt anything, Edie. 250 00:29:32,000 --> 00:29:36,000 Okay, I'll be right back. And say Jeff, make that call to your wife. 251 00:29:36,500 --> 00:29:40,500 Huh, not only will she throw water on my Albuquerque plan but now she's repeating herself. 252 00:29:40,700 --> 00:29:44,700 -How 'bout that Albuquerque ball ? -I can't resist your charm, Danny Boy. 253 00:29:50,900 --> 00:29:55,900 Residents near the cemetery paid little attention to the blast of thunder 254 00:29:56,000 --> 00:29:58,700 and the flash of lightning. 255 00:29:58,700 --> 00:30:03,500 But from the blast, arose the moving figure of the dead old man. 256 00:30:31,900 --> 00:30:35,900 Hello ? Who ? 257 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:40,000 Mac ? Well, hi Mac ! 258 00:30:40,400 --> 00:30:42,400 Sure I'm all right. 259 00:30:42,400 --> 00:30:44,400 I just fell asleep. 260 00:30:46,600 --> 00:30:50,000 Tell Jeff I'm all right. 261 00:30:50,000 --> 00:30:54,000 Okay Mac. Thanks for calling. Goodnight. 262 00:34:17,600 --> 00:34:21,600 Mrs. Trent ! Mrs. Trent ! What's wrong ? 263 00:36:35,700 --> 00:36:39,700 They'll be at the hatch in a moment. You can open it now, Tanna. 264 00:37:00,800 --> 00:37:04,800 Turn off the electrodes quickly. They can't tell us from anyone else. 265 00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:32,600 It's tough to find something when you don't know what you're looking for. 266 00:37:32,600 --> 00:37:36,600 -I don't think the Lieutenant does either. -Then what're doing out here? I was off duty an hour ago. 267 00:37:37,000 --> 00:37:41,000 Ah don't ask me any questions. I'm just a hardhand [hat? head?] just like you. 268 00:37:49,300 --> 00:37:51,000 What do you suppose that noise was? 269 00:37:51,000 --> 00:37:54,900 Whatever it was it's no more strange than the other things happening around this cemetery. 270 00:37:54,900 --> 00:37:58,300 Spirits like Old Farmer Caulder talked about. 271 00:37:58,300 --> 00:38:02,300 -Heh. Maybe. -The only spirits he saw tonight were those I smelled on his breath. 272 00:38:02,500 --> 00:38:06,300 Well don't forget Mrs. Trent claims to have seen them too. She didn't have anything on her breath. 273 00:38:06,300 --> 00:38:10,300 -She was hysterical. -Well true, she was frightened, and in a state of shock. 274 00:38:10,800 --> 00:38:14,800 But, don't forget that torn nightgown and the scratched feet. 275 00:38:15,900 --> 00:38:22,300 Yeah I hadn't thought of that. I guess that's why you're a detective lieutenant 276 00:38:22,400 --> 00:38:25,000 and I'm still a uniformed cop. 277 00:38:25,000 --> 00:38:27,400 Sometimes it's only the breaks, Larry. In the meantime let's get- 278 00:38:27,400 --> 00:38:30,300 -Lieutenant, Lieutenant ! Did you hear that ? -How could we help it ? 279 00:38:30,300 --> 00:38:32,200 -It sure was strange. -Know what it was ? 280 00:38:32,200 --> 00:38:35,600 -No more than you do. -If it weren't for orders I'd get out of here right now. 281 00:38:35,600 --> 00:38:38,000 -It was a saucer. -A flying saucer ? What makes you say that ? 282 00:38:38,000 --> 00:38:40,600 You remember the noise we heard the other night ? 283 00:38:40,600 --> 00:38:43,100 We were knocked to the ground, how could I forget ? 284 00:38:43,100 --> 00:38:46,900 Exactly, but you're not remembering that sound. 285 00:38:46,900 --> 00:38:51,900 There you're wrong, Lieutenant. I'm with a fact the sound is similar, but what about the blinding light? 286 00:38:52,700 --> 00:38:56,600 Well haven't you heard ? Many times a saucer hasn't had a glow, 287 00:38:56,600 --> 00:39:01,100 or a light of any kind for that matter. -That proves it. What next Lietenant ? 288 00:39:01,800 --> 00:39:07,800 Maybe this doesn't mean much, but uh Jamie and me found a grave that looks like it's been busting into. 289 00:39:08,300 --> 00:39:09,400 -What ? Where ? -Why uh why... 290 00:39:09,400 --> 00:39:12,900 -Come on man out with it, we haven't got all day to waste. 291 00:39:12,900 --> 00:39:16,900 -Uh, just over there beyond the crypt. -All right, show us the way ! 292 00:39:18,800 --> 00:39:22,800 Look, here it is Lieutenant. 293 00:39:25,600 --> 00:39:28,000 Ah it's been broken into all right. 294 00:39:28,000 --> 00:39:32,000 Strange. If someone had broken in, the dirt should be piled up here somewhere. 295 00:39:33,400 --> 00:39:37,900 It looks like it's fallen in into the grave. -Larry you'll be out of that uniform before you know it. 296 00:39:39,100 --> 00:39:43,100 -Do we have the right to look down there Lieutenant ? -Ah, technically no. 297 00:39:43,100 --> 00:39:48,900 Well, this spot looks familiar, though. We shouldn't investigate any further without the permission of next of kin. 298 00:39:49,400 --> 00:39:50,700 Let's go get it ! 299 00:39:50,700 --> 00:39:54,700 -How ? -I see what you mean, the gravestone's down there. 300 00:39:55,000 --> 00:39:57,500 Well, let's go down and find out who's grave it is. 301 00:39:57,500 --> 00:40:01,300 -How ? -By going down and finding out ! 302 00:40:01,300 --> 00:40:05,300 -Are you sure you mean that Lieutenant ? -If I didn't mean it I wouldn't have said it. 303 00:40:05,400 --> 00:40:09,400 -Scared ? -Well, why do I always get hooked up with these spook details? 304 00:40:09,900 --> 00:40:13,400 Monsters, graves, bodies,... 305 00:40:13,400 --> 00:40:14,400 oooh all right. 306 00:40:23,400 --> 00:40:27,100 Casket's here, but nobody's in it. 307 00:40:27,100 --> 00:40:30,900 Can you read the name on the casket? 308 00:40:30,900 --> 00:40:34,200 It's too dark. Give me a flashlight. 309 00:40:34,200 --> 00:40:38,200 -How 'bout a match ? -We sure could try it. Let me have them ! 310 00:40:48,300 --> 00:40:52,300 It's Inspector Clay's grave ! Be he ain't in it! 311 00:40:58,200 --> 00:41:02,200 But meanwhile, in the Pentagon, in Washington DC... 312 00:41:08,100 --> 00:41:11,800 Try G2... 313 00:41:11,800 --> 00:41:14,400 ...come in ! 314 00:41:14,400 --> 00:41:18,400 Yes of course, I'll keep in touch. 315 00:41:20,100 --> 00:41:25,800 Come in, Colonel Edwards. Close the door. At ease, Colonel. 316 00:41:25,800 --> 00:41:29,500 -Thank you, Sir. -Sit down. 317 00:41:32,500 --> 00:41:37,000 I understand, Colonel, you've been on tap for many of our saucer attacks. 318 00:41:38,000 --> 00:41:41,600 I'm in charge of field operations, Sir. 319 00:41:41,600 --> 00:41:45,600 You believe there are such things as flying saucers, Colonel ? 320 00:41:45,900 --> 00:41:48,100 -Yessir. -You've seen them ? 321 00:41:48,100 --> 00:41:49,900 Yessir. 322 00:41:49,900 --> 00:41:54,500 You realize there's a government directive stating that there is no such thing as a flying saucer? 323 00:41:55,900 --> 00:41:57,500 Yessir. 324 00:41:57,500 --> 00:42:00,800 Do you stand by your statement that you've seen flying saucers ? 325 00:42:00,800 --> 00:42:04,200 Well, uh... 326 00:42:04,200 --> 00:42:07,000 yessir. 327 00:42:07,000 --> 00:42:11,000 This could mean a court marshall. Admitting this against direct orders. 328 00:42:12,100 --> 00:42:15,500 General Roberts, may I speak freely ? 329 00:42:15,500 --> 00:42:18,500 -You may. How could I hope to hold down my command 330 00:42:18,500 --> 00:42:22,500 if I didn't believe in what I saw and shot at? 331 00:42:24,500 --> 00:42:28,500 -I, uh, like you Colonel. -Thank you, Sir. 332 00:42:29,300 --> 00:42:33,300 There are flying saucers. 333 00:42:34,600 --> 00:42:38,600 There's no doubt they are in our skies. They've been there for some time. 334 00:42:39,700 --> 00:42:41,300 What're we going to do about them ? 335 00:42:41,300 --> 00:42:45,000 -Who knows ? -Then, uh, they really are there ? 336 00:42:45,000 --> 00:42:49,000 -I thought you were convinced of that ! -I am. 337 00:42:49,200 --> 00:42:51,400 We've had contact with them. 338 00:42:51,400 --> 00:42:54,300 -Contact ? How ? -Radio. 339 00:42:54,300 --> 00:42:57,400 -They speak our language ? -Well not quite. 340 00:42:57,400 --> 00:43:02,700 We received messages from their space ships. For a while it came in as just a lot of jumbled noise. 341 00:43:03,800 --> 00:43:05,600 And now, Sir ? 342 00:43:05,600 --> 00:43:10,500 Well since they first uh tried contact with us by radio, we've developed a language computer. 343 00:43:11,500 --> 00:43:15,400 A machine that breaks down any language to our own. 344 00:43:15,400 --> 00:43:19,400 General, uh, what's this all got to do with me? 345 00:43:19,900 --> 00:43:23,900 Well you've been in charge of saucer field activity for a long while. 346 00:43:23,900 --> 00:43:27,800 I think it's about time you heard these recordings. Do you mind? 347 00:43:27,800 --> 00:43:31,800 Mind ? Huh, I'm anxious ! 348 00:43:38,000 --> 00:43:42,000 This is Eros, a space soldier from a planet of your galaxy. 349 00:43:43,100 --> 00:43:48,300 I fully realize our language differences, however I also know you finally have 350 00:43:48,400 --> 00:43:56,400 perfected the dictorobitary, or as you on Earth put it, the language computer. So you can now understand that which I speak. 351 00:43:57,600 --> 00:44:01,600 Since the beginning of your time, we have been far beyond your planet. 352 00:44:01,800 --> 00:44:07,900 It has taken you centuries to even grasp what we developed eons of your years ago. 353 00:44:09,000 --> 00:44:15,300 Do you still believe it impossible we exist? You didn't actually think you were the only inhabited planet in the universe? 354 00:44:16,300 --> 00:44:19,000 How can any race be so stupid ? 355 00:44:19,000 --> 00:44:24,800 Permit me to set your mind at ease. We do not want to conquer your planet. Only save it. 356 00:44:25,800 --> 00:44:29,800 We could have destroyed it long ago, if that had been our aim. 357 00:44:30,900 --> 00:44:36,400 Our principal purpose is friendly. I admit, we have had to take certain means which you might 358 00:44:36,400 --> 00:44:38,600 refer to as criminal, 359 00:44:38,600 --> 00:44:42,600 but that is because of your big guns which have destroyed some of our representatives. 360 00:44:43,400 --> 00:44:50,400 If you persist in denying us our landings, then we must only accept that you do not want us on friendly terms. 361 00:44:52,500 --> 00:44:56,900 We then have no alternative but to destroy you before you destroy us. 362 00:44:58,300 --> 00:45:05,600 With your ancient, juvenile minds, you have developed explosives too fast for your minds to conceive what you were doing. 363 00:45:05,900 --> 00:45:09,900 You are on the verge of destroying the entire universe. 364 00:45:10,100 --> 00:45:12,200 We are part of that universe. 365 00:45:12,200 --> 00:45:13,200 This is our last - 366 00:45:18,700 --> 00:45:23,700 That's the end of that one. Atmospheric conditions in outer space often interfere with transmitting. 367 00:45:24,400 --> 00:45:26,900 How many of these recordings do you have General ? 368 00:45:26,900 --> 00:45:30,900 An even dozen up to now. This was the last one. We received it over a month ago. 369 00:45:31,200 --> 00:45:35,200 -Do you think they mean business ? -We can't afford to take any chances. 370 00:45:39,200 --> 00:45:41,000 Come over here. You ever been to Hollywood ? 371 00:45:41,100 --> 00:45:45,000 -Oh a couple of times. A few years ago. -You're going to be there in the morning. 372 00:45:45,000 --> 00:45:51,000 Just a few minutes from Hollywood, in the town of San Fernando, reports have come in 373 00:45:51,000 --> 00:45:55,000 of saucers flying so low the exhaust knocked people to the ground. 374 00:45:55,800 --> 00:45:59,800 There have even been stated claims of saucer landings. 375 00:46:00,300 --> 00:46:04,000 Major Carlson will replace you while you're out there. 376 00:46:04,000 --> 00:46:07,300 You're the best man for the job of attempting to contact them. 377 00:46:07,300 --> 00:46:11,100 Find them, Colonel. See what in hell it is they want! 378 00:46:11,100 --> 00:46:12,100 All right, Sir. 379 00:46:18,000 --> 00:46:21,600 These are confidential reports, Colonel. Read them over carefully on the plane, 380 00:46:21,600 --> 00:46:26,600 turn them over to intelligence when you get to Los Angeles. They'll have further orders for disposition. 381 00:46:27,400 --> 00:46:28,400 Yessir. 382 00:46:30,900 --> 00:46:33,600 -Colonel Edwards ? -Yessir ? 383 00:46:33,600 --> 00:46:34,600 -Good luck. -Thank you, Sir. 384 00:47:04,700 --> 00:47:06,600 We are ready to report, Excellency. 385 00:47:06,600 --> 00:47:10,600 -You are many days late. -It was unavoidable. 386 00:47:10,600 --> 00:47:14,600 We tried to transmit via televisor, but atmospheric conditions made transmission impossible. 387 00:47:15,600 --> 00:47:19,600 -You should have transmitted as soon as conditions permitted. -I thought time was of the essence. 388 00:47:20,400 --> 00:47:24,400 Suspicion has fallen upon our movements. Our ships have been viewed near the point of operations. 389 00:47:25,500 --> 00:47:28,600 And what has this extra time gained, Eros? 390 00:47:28,600 --> 00:47:32,600 We have successfully risen three of the dead ones. 391 00:47:32,600 --> 00:47:35,700 -Permit me to see one. -Bring in the big one. 392 00:47:35,700 --> 00:47:39,700 Use your small electrode gun. 393 00:47:42,600 --> 00:47:44,900 I have taken two ships from your command. 394 00:47:44,900 --> 00:47:48,400 But...that will leave only my ship ! 395 00:47:48,400 --> 00:47:52,400 It is necessary that you continue your mission alone. 396 00:47:52,400 --> 00:47:56,300 I have need of your other ships elsewhere. 397 00:47:56,300 --> 00:48:01,300 Even though you have risen three of the Earth dead, the plan is far from successful, 398 00:48:02,600 --> 00:48:06,600 and you Eros, must prove it an operational success before more time, 399 00:48:06,700 --> 00:48:11,600 energy, and ships, may be spent on it. 400 00:48:13,100 --> 00:48:15,900 We will not fail. Everything is on our side. 401 00:48:15,900 --> 00:48:20,200 Not everything ! You do not have the live Earth people ! 402 00:48:25,300 --> 00:48:29,600 You report that your ship was viewed at scene of your present operations ? 403 00:48:29,700 --> 00:48:31,000 That is correct. 404 00:48:32,000 --> 00:48:36,000 They have been viewed many times, but not at the scene of operations. 405 00:48:36,300 --> 00:48:37,300 Something must be done about that. 406 00:48:45,500 --> 00:48:49,500 Stop him Tanna ! He's close enough ! Turn off your electrode gun ! 407 00:48:49,700 --> 00:48:53,700 No ! No ! Stop him Tanna ! 408 00:48:54,600 --> 00:48:57,200 I can't get it, it's jammed ! -Stop him you fool ! 409 00:48:57,200 --> 00:49:01,200 Drop the gun to the floor, Tanna ! The metal will break contact! 410 00:49:07,700 --> 00:49:10,200 [Gasping] That was too close ! 411 00:49:10,200 --> 00:49:11,200 Yes. 412 00:49:15,900 --> 00:49:18,900 Bring the giant here that I may get a better look at him. 413 00:49:32,200 --> 00:49:36,700 Yes, he's a fine specimen. Are they all this powerful on planet Earth ? 414 00:49:37,100 --> 00:49:39,900 This one is an exception, Excellency. 415 00:49:39,900 --> 00:49:43,900 -What are the other two like ? -One is a woman, the other an old man. 416 00:49:44,700 --> 00:49:47,900 -An old man, you say ? -Yes, Excellency. 417 00:49:51,700 --> 00:49:55,600 This gives me a plan. Put the big one away. 418 00:49:55,600 --> 00:49:59,600 Pick up your electrode gun. Make sure it's in working order before pointing it at him. 419 00:50:00,500 --> 00:50:02,800 Whatever made it jam must have been cleared by the fall. 420 00:50:02,800 --> 00:50:04,000 Take him back to the ship. 421 00:50:16,000 --> 00:50:24,300 The old one must be sacrificed. Re-land on Earth. Send the old one to enter a dwelling. 422 00:50:25,500 --> 00:50:29,500 Then cut off the electrokinetic and turn on your ship's decomposure ray. 423 00:50:30,600 --> 00:50:39,600 The result will astound those watching. Astound them enough to delay their attention until you have gained your other recruits from the cemetery. 424 00:50:40,700 --> 00:50:44,000 Yes, Excellency. It'll be done. 425 00:50:44,000 --> 00:50:45,000 Report to me when this has been accomplished. 426 00:50:54,300 --> 00:50:58,300 Eros, the Earth people are getting to that which we fear. 427 00:50:58,500 --> 00:51:02,200 Since they will not listen or respect our existence, 428 00:51:02,200 --> 00:51:06,200 they cannot help but believe our powers when they see their own dead walking 'round again, 429 00:51:06,500 --> 00:51:11,500 brought about by our advancement in such things. As soon as you have enough of the dead recruits, 430 00:51:12,000 --> 00:51:21,000 march them on the capitals of the Earth, let nothing stand in your way. Their own dead will be used to make them accept our existence, and believe in that fact. 431 00:52:04,100 --> 00:52:08,100 Mr. and Mrs. Trent...this is Colonel Edwards from Washington DC. 432 00:52:08,100 --> 00:52:10,500 -Good evening, Colonel. -Hello Colonel. 433 00:52:10,500 --> 00:52:12,700 Colonel would like to ask you a few questions. 434 00:52:12,700 --> 00:52:16,700 -Questions ? What about, Colonel ? -May I, uh, sit down ? 435 00:52:17,400 --> 00:52:19,600 Oh, I'm sorry, please do. 436 00:52:19,600 --> 00:52:23,600 I want to ask you about your strange experience the other night, when you saw the flying saucer. 437 00:52:27,800 --> 00:52:30,800 After that the police brought me home. 438 00:52:30,800 --> 00:52:34,200 I hope I never see such a sight again. 439 00:52:34,200 --> 00:52:37,600 Well after your description I don't think I'd want to see it either. 440 00:52:37,600 --> 00:52:41,600 One thing more...after you were forced to the ground by that blast of wind, 441 00:52:41,800 --> 00:52:47,400 was it a hot or cold blast? -It's kind of hard to explain. 442 00:52:47,400 --> 00:52:53,500 It wasn't hot, wasn't cold, it was just a terrific force. We-we couldn't get off the ground. 443 00:52:53,800 --> 00:52:57,800 The light blinded me so badly I couldn't see a thing. 444 00:52:57,800 --> 00:53:03,300 We could only feel the pressure of the wind, until it was gone. When the glare left us, 445 00:53:03,700 --> 00:53:06,700 we could see a glowing ball disappearing off in the distance. 446 00:53:06,700 --> 00:53:08,300 -Which way ? -Toward the cemetery. 447 00:53:25,100 --> 00:53:28,700 This is the most fantastic story I've ever heard. 448 00:53:28,700 --> 00:53:30,600 And every word of it's true, too. 449 00:53:30,600 --> 00:53:33,000 That's the fantastic part of it. 450 00:53:33,000 --> 00:53:37,000 We found a lot of suspicious things out in that cemetery. 451 00:53:37,300 --> 00:53:41,300 Then again, didn't find anything to base a fact or suspicion on. 452 00:53:42,800 --> 00:53:46,800 Hey, do you hear anything. 453 00:53:52,700 --> 00:53:55,200 You see anything out there Kelton ? 454 00:53:55,200 --> 00:53:59,000 Too dark, Lieutenant. 455 00:53:59,000 --> 00:54:03,000 But something's started stinking awful bad. 456 00:54:09,500 --> 00:54:13,500 There's something out there. 457 00:55:40,700 --> 00:55:44,900 -What do you make of that ? -You got me ! It didn't look that way a minute ago. 458 00:55:46,400 --> 00:55:49,400 -What about your man ? -Oh, in the excitement I forgot all about Kelton. 459 00:55:57,500 --> 00:55:58,900 Oh, he'll be all right in a few minutes. 460 00:56:01,700 --> 00:56:04,800 -Did you see that thing ? Did you get it ? -We got it. 461 00:56:04,800 --> 00:56:08,700 What was it ? It didn't fall...I fired every bullet I had. 462 00:56:08,700 --> 00:56:14,200 So did I. I don't know what it was or what happened, but unless that bag of bones 463 00:56:14,300 --> 00:56:17,800 can reassemble itself, it's out of the running now. 464 00:56:29,000 --> 00:56:32,600 Colonel I've been out here so often you'd think I'd taken a lease on this place. 465 00:56:32,600 --> 00:56:34,600 Not a long lease, I hope. 466 00:56:34,600 --> 00:56:38,600 I see what you mean. But you know, I can't help but feel the answer's out here somewhere. 467 00:56:39,700 --> 00:56:41,600 Is the uh girl safe ? 468 00:56:42,600 --> 00:56:46,900 Mrs. Trent you'd better stay with the car. -Stay here alone? Not on your life. 469 00:56:48,500 --> 00:56:51,600 -Modern women... -Yeah, they been that way all down through the ages. 470 00:56:51,600 --> 00:56:54,300 Especially in a spot like this. 471 00:56:54,300 --> 00:56:56,400 -Kelton ! -Yessir ? -Stay with Mrs. Trent. 472 00:56:56,400 --> 00:56:57,400 All right, Lieutenant. 473 00:56:58,100 --> 00:57:01,100 -Now you stay close to the officer, Honey. -I'd feel safer with you. 474 00:57:06,100 --> 00:57:10,700 -Now the Lieutenant knows best. -Oh I don't like it, but I guess there isn't much I can do about it. 475 00:57:18,400 --> 00:57:20,900 -You have a gun ? -No. 476 00:57:20,900 --> 00:57:21,900 Know how to use one ? 477 00:57:23,300 --> 00:57:24,900 After four years in the Marine Corps ? 478 00:57:28,400 --> 00:57:29,700 -Here. -You think we'll need these ? 479 00:57:29,700 --> 00:57:31,500 You can never tell. Let's get going. 480 00:57:53,000 --> 00:57:56,300 -What do you expect to find out here ? -Well there's only one answer to that Mr. Trent, 481 00:57:56,300 --> 00:58:00,700 we'll know when we find it. Inspector Clay's grave is right over here. 482 00:58:01,300 --> 00:58:04,500 -Is that the one you told me was broken into ? -Yes. 483 00:58:22,300 --> 00:58:24,000 -This it ? -Yeah. 484 00:58:24,000 --> 00:58:26,700 Looks to me like someone had broken out instead of in. 485 00:58:26,700 --> 00:58:33,600 -I figured that, but that's impossible ! -I wonder. -Look, Colonel, some things just can't happen. 486 00:58:33,700 --> 00:58:40,300 Yeah well after that apparition that was draped across Mr. Trent's patio, I would say we should keep our minds open to anything. 487 00:58:40,400 --> 00:58:44,400 Look, Colonel, I'm a policeman. I've got to deal in facts. 488 00:58:44,400 --> 00:58:52,000 But, I guess I'll have to go along with you. You know I bet my badge right now we haven't seen the last of those weirdies. 489 00:58:57,400 --> 00:59:00,900 -They'll discover our ship soon. -You going to let them find us ? 490 00:59:00,900 --> 00:59:04,900 It's the only way. These are the same men who have been so close so often. 491 00:59:05,300 --> 00:59:08,200 They must be halted before they can inform others about us. 492 00:59:08,200 --> 00:59:10,200 -But there were others in the car ! -They'll be taken too. 493 00:59:14,500 --> 00:59:18,500 Send the big one to get the girl and the policeman. I'll turn on the dictorobitary so we may converse with them. 494 00:59:50,800 --> 00:59:53,600 You know, maybe we're barking up the wrong tree. 495 00:59:53,600 --> 00:59:56,600 One thing a policeman learns, Mr. Trent, is patience. 496 00:59:56,600 --> 01:00:00,600 -Where the burn spot you mentioned. -Right over the - look! 497 01:00:11,300 --> 01:00:12,300 We'll investigate, but move carefully. 498 01:00:57,700 --> 01:01:02,500 A moment or two more, and you will be the first live Earth people 499 01:01:02,700 --> 01:01:04,700 ever to enter a celestial ship. 500 01:01:06,100 --> 01:01:10,100 Wow...boy, how could anything that big hide for so long a time ? 501 01:01:12,600 --> 01:01:15,400 Never heard metal sound like that before. 502 01:01:15,400 --> 01:01:19,400 -What do you see ? -Only my reflection. Must be some kind of one-way glass. 503 01:01:20,100 --> 01:01:24,100 -How do you get into this thing ? -I'm not sure I want to find out. 504 01:01:36,700 --> 01:01:37,700 They're just outside. 505 01:01:43,900 --> 01:01:45,200 You can open the outer hatch now. 506 01:02:02,000 --> 01:02:05,100 -You goin' in that thing ? -That's what we're here for. 507 01:02:05,100 --> 01:02:10,100 -I don't know, the way these things speed around we might just get in there and pft! Off it goes. -That's a chance we take. 508 01:02:11,700 --> 01:02:17,100 Well, I took a chance on those earlier airplanes. Might just as well see what the inside of one of these looks like. Got your guns ready ? 509 01:02:17,300 --> 01:02:23,100 -I tell you one thing, if a little green man jumps out at me I'm shooting first and asking questions later. 510 01:02:32,300 --> 01:02:33,800 They're in the outer chamber now. 511 01:02:35,800 --> 01:02:39,800 Eros, do we have to kill them ? 512 01:02:41,200 --> 01:02:45,200 -Yes. -It seems such a waste. 513 01:02:45,800 --> 01:02:50,800 Well wouldn't it be better to kill a few now than, with their meddling, permit them to destroy the entire universe ? 514 01:02:53,400 --> 01:02:56,100 -You're always right, Eros. -Of course. 515 01:02:56,100 --> 01:03:00,100 But those are not my words, those are the words of the Ruler. 516 01:03:06,900 --> 01:03:07,900 Now you two stay right where you're at. 517 01:03:13,900 --> 01:03:20,900 We will do as you command. For the moment. -No for the moment about it. You just do as I tell you. 518 01:03:28,700 --> 01:03:32,600 You do not need guns. -Maybe we think we do. 519 01:03:32,600 --> 01:03:36,900 They would be of no use to you now. -They've been mighty useful before on flesh and blood, 520 01:03:37,700 --> 01:03:40,700 and you two look like you've got a lot of both. 521 01:03:43,200 --> 01:03:48,200 True, they would be effective upon us. If you were to have the opportunity to use them... 522 01:03:48,700 --> 01:03:53,500 Mister, if you don't get away from that control board I'll show you just how effective they can be. 523 01:03:57,500 --> 01:04:01,500 Shall we talk now, or wait ? Your friends will be here shortly. 524 01:04:01,700 --> 01:04:05,100 -What friends ? -Those you left at the vehicle. 525 01:04:06,200 --> 01:04:09,100 -If you've done anything to Paula... -Take it easy Mr. Trent. 526 01:04:09,100 --> 01:04:13,100 Oh I assure you, no harm has come to her. Would you like to see? 527 01:04:15,600 --> 01:04:19,600 Next time you try that I won't aim at the board. -You're a headstrong young man. 528 01:04:19,900 --> 01:04:23,200 I was only going to turn on the televisor so you could see her movements. 529 01:04:26,900 --> 01:04:30,900 Go ahead, my friend, but move very carefully. 530 01:04:45,400 --> 01:04:47,100 She's only fainted. 531 01:04:48,100 --> 01:04:51,900 -You fiend ! -I ? A fiend ? ... 532 01:04:51,900 --> 01:04:55,600 I am a soldier of our planet ! 533 01:04:57,300 --> 01:05:03,100 I ? A fiend ? We did not come here as enemies. 534 01:05:04,000 --> 01:05:07,900 We came only with friendly intentions. To talk. 535 01:05:07,900 --> 01:05:09,500 To ask your aid. 536 01:05:09,500 --> 01:05:12,100 -Our aid ? -Yes. 537 01:05:12,100 --> 01:05:18,500 Your aid for the whole universe. But your governments of Earth refused even to accept our existence. 538 01:05:18,900 --> 01:05:24,900 Even though you've seen us, heard our messages, you still refused to accept us. 539 01:05:25,600 --> 01:05:29,500 Why is it so important that you want to contact the governments of our Earth ? 540 01:05:29,500 --> 01:05:33,700 Because of death. Because all you of Earth are idiots ! 541 01:05:35,200 --> 01:05:38,800 -Now you just hold on, Buster. -No you hold on. 542 01:05:38,800 --> 01:05:43,500 First was your firecracker, a harmless explosive. Then your handgrenade. 543 01:05:44,200 --> 01:05:51,200 They began to kill your own people a few at a time. Then the bomb, then a larger bomb. 544 01:05:51,300 --> 01:05:56,100 Many people are killed at one time. Then your scientists 545 01:05:56,200 --> 01:06:00,200 stumbled upon the atom bomb. Split the atom. 546 01:06:00,600 --> 01:06:04,600 Then the hydrogen bomb, where you actually explode the air itself. 547 01:06:06,300 --> 01:06:11,300 Now you [audio jump] brings the destruction of the entire universe, served by our sun. 548 01:06:13,200 --> 01:06:17,200 The only explosion left is the solaronite. 549 01:06:17,900 --> 01:06:21,200 -Why there's no such thing. -Perhaps to you. 550 01:06:21,200 --> 01:06:26,200 But we've known it for centuries. Your scientists will stumble upon it as they have all the others. 551 01:06:27,600 --> 01:06:33,600 But the juvenile minds you possess will not comprehend its strength, until it's too late. 552 01:06:34,400 --> 01:06:37,400 You're way above our heads. 553 01:06:37,400 --> 01:06:41,400 The solaronite is a way to explode the actual particles of sunlight. 554 01:06:42,000 --> 01:06:44,300 Why that's impossible. 555 01:06:44,300 --> 01:06:48,300 Even now, your scientists are working on a way to harness the sun's rays. 556 01:06:48,700 --> 01:06:51,600 The rays of sunlight are minute particles. 557 01:06:51,600 --> 01:06:55,600 Is it so far from your imagination they cannot do as I have suggested? 558 01:06:55,600 --> 01:06:58,900 Why a particle of sunlight can't even be seen or measured. 559 01:06:58,900 --> 01:07:02,900 Can you see or measure an atom ? Yet you can explode one. 560 01:07:03,900 --> 01:07:06,800 A ray of sunlight is made up many atoms. 561 01:07:06,800 --> 01:07:10,800 So what if we do developed this solaronite bomb ? We'd be even a stronger nation than now. 562 01:07:11,300 --> 01:07:17,300 Stronger. You see ? You see ? Your stupid minds...stupid ! Stupid !! 563 01:07:17,500 --> 01:07:19,500 -That's all I'm taking from you ! -Get back here you jerk ! 564 01:07:21,300 --> 01:07:22,300 Let him finish. 565 01:07:30,300 --> 01:07:33,600 It's because of men like you that all must be destroyed. 566 01:07:33,600 --> 01:07:38,600 Headstrong, violent ! No use of the mind God gave you. 567 01:07:39,400 --> 01:07:42,100 You talk of God ? 568 01:07:42,100 --> 01:07:46,100 You also think it impossible that we, too, might think of God ? 569 01:07:49,100 --> 01:07:56,100 You, who wear the uniform of your country. You see, I wear the uniform of my country. 570 01:07:57,200 --> 01:08:03,200 Yes, we've had to use drastic means to get to you, but you left us no alternative. 571 01:08:03,800 --> 01:08:10,800 When you have the solaronite, you have nothing. Nor, does the universe. 572 01:08:12,100 --> 01:08:16,100 You speak of solaronite, but just what is it ? 573 01:08:17,000 --> 01:08:23,000 Take a can of your gasoline. Say this can of gasoline is the sun. 574 01:08:24,200 --> 01:08:29,200 Now you spread a thin a line of it to a ball, representing the Earth. 575 01:08:31,200 --> 01:08:35,200 Now, the gasoline represents the sunlight, the sun particles. 576 01:08:36,300 --> 01:08:40,300 Here we saturate the ball with the gasoline, the sunlight. 577 01:08:41,600 --> 01:08:45,600 Then we put a flame to the ball. The flame will speedily travel around the Earth, 578 01:08:46,500 --> 01:08:49,200 back along the line of gasoline to can, 579 01:08:49,200 --> 01:08:57,200 or the sun itself. It will explode this source, and spread to every place that gasoline, or sunlight, touches. 580 01:09:00,200 --> 01:09:04,200 Explode the sunlight here, Gentlemen, and you explode the universe. 581 01:09:05,900 --> 01:09:11,900 Explode the sunlight here, and a chain reaction will occur, direct to the sun itself. 582 01:09:12,200 --> 01:09:16,200 And to all the planets that sunlight touches. 583 01:09:16,200 --> 01:09:21,200 To every planet in the universe. This why you must be stopped. 584 01:09:22,600 --> 01:09:26,600 This is why any means must be used to stop you. 585 01:09:26,900 --> 01:09:31,900 In a friendly manner, or as it seems, you want it. 586 01:09:33,000 --> 01:09:38,000 -He's mad. -Mad ? Is it mad that you destroy other people to save yourselves ? 587 01:09:38,800 --> 01:09:40,400 You have done this. 588 01:09:40,400 --> 01:09:44,400 Is it mad that one country must destroy another to save themselves ? 589 01:09:44,400 --> 01:09:48,400 You have also done this. How then is it mad that one planet 590 01:09:48,700 --> 01:09:52,700 must destroy another that threatens the very existence- -That's enough !! 591 01:09:55,100 --> 01:09:59,100 In my land, women are for advancing the race, not for fighting 592 01:09:59,400 --> 01:10:04,400 man's battles. Life is not so expansive on my planet. 593 01:10:04,700 --> 01:10:10,200 We don't cling to it like you do. Our entire aim is for the development of our planet. 594 01:10:29,600 --> 01:10:31,800 -What happened to you ? -How come you're all alone ? 595 01:10:31,800 --> 01:10:35,800 I asked for lots of help ! -You sounded drunk or something on the radio. 596 01:10:35,800 --> 01:10:38,800 -If I didn't see it with my own eyes I would never have believed it ! -Believed what ? 597 01:10:39,900 --> 01:10:42,300 It was horrible ! And he almost broke my shoulder ! 598 01:10:42,300 --> 01:10:47,300 Look, what are you trying to say ? If you don't make sense we'll never get to the bottom of this. Now who slugged you ? 599 01:10:48,100 --> 01:10:49,800 Inspector Clay. 600 01:10:49,800 --> 01:10:53,800 -What ? -It was Clay all right, only not like we remembered him. 601 01:10:55,100 --> 01:10:57,900 Well his grave was busted into, wasn't it ? 602 01:10:57,900 --> 01:11:00,100 Next you'll tell me you saw skeletons. 603 01:11:00,100 --> 01:11:04,100 -We did, earlier. -Now I know you're off your rocker. 604 01:11:04,300 --> 01:11:07,600 All of us saw, the Lieutenant, the Colonel, everybody! 605 01:11:07,600 --> 01:11:10,400 -Where's the Lieutenant now ? -We've gotta find them. 606 01:11:10,400 --> 01:11:16,000 Mrs. Trent is gone! I was left here to guard her. Then Clay showed up and put me out of the running. 607 01:11:16,100 --> 01:11:19,000 And the second time tonight and I'm getting darned tired of it ! 608 01:11:19,000 --> 01:11:21,400 -Which way were they going ? -Oh, that way. 609 01:11:21,400 --> 01:11:22,400 Come on ! 610 01:11:29,700 --> 01:11:34,500 Then one day it could all be gone, in one big puff of smoke 611 01:11:34,700 --> 01:11:38,700 and ball of fire. All that out there, 612 01:11:39,500 --> 01:11:43,000 the stars, the planets, 613 01:11:43,000 --> 01:11:46,100 all just an empty void. 614 01:11:46,100 --> 01:11:48,800 You two had better come along with us. 615 01:11:48,800 --> 01:11:52,800 -Come with you ? Where ? -The police station. 616 01:11:55,300 --> 01:11:59,300 So it seems you think you have the upper hand. 617 01:11:59,600 --> 01:12:00,600 Look out there. 618 01:12:06,700 --> 01:12:07,700 Jeff. 619 01:12:18,400 --> 01:12:22,400 She is unharmed, but he would kill in seconds if I so choose. 620 01:12:32,400 --> 01:12:33,400 Holy cow! 621 01:12:41,500 --> 01:12:42,500 Look there. 622 01:12:46,900 --> 01:12:50,900 It's Clay all right, there's no mistaking that. -And he's got Mrs. Trent ! 623 01:12:51,600 --> 01:12:55,600 -Get your gun ready. -From all I've seen tonight guns won't do any good. 624 01:12:55,700 --> 01:13:00,000 Clay is dead, and we buried him. How are we going to kill somebody that's already dead ? 625 01:13:00,700 --> 01:13:05,700 Dead ! And yet there he stands ! That other one earlier I emptied a full clip into him. 626 01:13:05,800 --> 01:13:09,800 I'm seeing it, that's the only reason I'm listening to you. 627 01:13:13,100 --> 01:13:17,100 Look, I've got an idea. Hurt him or not, we've got to try something. 628 01:13:17,200 --> 01:13:21,500 I'm going to sneak up behind him and whop him over the head. That oughta make him move. 629 01:13:21,800 --> 01:13:25,900 Follow me. Even when Clay was alive he couldn't run fast enough to catch me, 630 01:13:26,100 --> 01:13:30,200 so when he does, you grab Mrs. Trent and run like lightning in the opposite direction. 631 01:13:30,700 --> 01:13:33,700 -Oh, you think it will work ? -Know anything else to try ? 632 01:13:50,800 --> 01:13:55,800 Oh, I'll be all right. Take care of the others. 633 01:13:57,200 --> 01:14:00,900 Your men have felled the big one. 634 01:14:00,900 --> 01:14:04,600 This could only happen because the electrode ray is off. 635 01:14:04,600 --> 01:14:06,600 He'll walk again when I turn it on. 636 01:14:06,600 --> 01:14:08,300 Hold it, right there. 637 01:14:08,300 --> 01:14:13,300 -Suppose the Lieutenant and the others are in that thing ! -Well suppose there are martians or something in there ! 638 01:14:22,700 --> 01:14:23,700 Come on, let's go. 639 01:14:26,700 --> 01:14:28,300 Open up in there, open up ! 640 01:14:33,300 --> 01:14:36,200 -Get that door open. -Colonel I wouldn't know one switch from another. 641 01:14:52,400 --> 01:14:54,400 Hold on Eros, I'll have the ship in the air in a minute ! 642 01:15:16,800 --> 01:15:19,300 Get out of here, Jeff ! The ship's on fire ! 643 01:15:39,500 --> 01:15:41,600 Eros ! 644 01:15:41,600 --> 01:15:45,600 Eros everything's on fire ! Hurry, wake up Eros ! Eros, Eros, wake up, wake up ! 645 01:15:52,700 --> 01:15:56,700 Eros! Eros wake up, Eros! God wake up! 646 01:16:15,000 --> 01:16:18,100 Oh, I wonder if that's the last we'll see of them ? 647 01:16:18,100 --> 01:16:21,000 Perhaps, but sooner or later there'll be other. 648 01:16:21,000 --> 01:16:25,000 Look ! 649 01:16:27,100 --> 01:16:30,800 Have they caught that woman, that thing yet ? 650 01:16:30,800 --> 01:16:33,300 Hey that's right, there's another ghoul running loose. 651 01:16:33,300 --> 01:16:35,700 And it's my guess that she'll look like him. 652 01:16:35,700 --> 01:16:39,700 With the ship and the ray gun gone, they have no control. 653 01:16:40,600 --> 01:16:44,600 We got to hand it to them though, they're far ahead from us. 654 01:16:49,200 --> 01:16:53,200 Fire ! Eros ! Aaaaaaaaah ! 655 01:17:01,200 --> 01:17:05,200 My friend, you have seen this incident based on sworn testimony. 656 01:17:06,300 --> 01:17:09,300 Can you prove that it didn't happen ? 657 01:17:09,300 --> 01:17:13,300 Perhaps on your way home, you will pass someone in the dark, 658 01:17:13,500 --> 01:17:17,500 and you will never know it, for they will be from outer space. 659 01:17:19,200 --> 01:17:23,200 Many scientists believe that another world is watching us this moment. 660 01:17:23,900 --> 01:17:26,800 We once laughed at the horseless carriage, 661 01:17:26,800 --> 01:17:30,800 the aeroplane, the telephone, the electric light, vitamins, 662 01:17:31,800 --> 01:17:34,500 radio, and even television ! 663 01:17:34,500 --> 01:17:38,500 And now some of us laugh at outer space. 664 01:17:42,400 --> 01:17:46,400 God help us... in the future. 665 01:18:15,400 --> 01:18:20,400 Subtitles by FredFal