1 00:00:21,669 --> 00:00:23,762 WINNER, SPECIAL JURY PRIZE 2 00:00:23,972 --> 00:00:26,065 AND ITALIAN CRITICS' PRIZE 3 00:00:26,274 --> 00:00:29,072 AT THE VENICE FILM FESTIVAL 4 00:00:30,144 --> 00:00:32,908 DEDICATED TO B MOVIES 5 00:00:48,796 --> 00:00:55,565 MY LIFE TO LIVE A FILM IN TWELVE TABLEAUX 6 00:02:51,686 --> 00:02:57,556 ''Lend yourseIf to others, but give yourseIf to yourseIf'' -- Montaigne 7 00:03:01,229 --> 00:03:08,101 A CAFÉ - NANA WANTS TO GIVE UP - PAUL -- THE PINBALL MACHINE 8 00:03:12,640 --> 00:03:14,733 Do you reaIIy Iike the guy? 9 00:03:16,177 --> 00:03:18,042 I don't know 10 00:03:18,546 --> 00:03:20,537 I wonder what I was even thinking 11 00:03:20,748 --> 00:03:22,648 Does he have more money than me? 12 00:03:22,850 --> 00:03:24,750 What do you care? 13 00:03:25,953 --> 00:03:27,784 What do you care? 14 00:03:34,362 --> 00:03:35,989 Something bothering you? 15 00:03:36,197 --> 00:03:40,156 No, I just wanted to deIiver that Iine a specific way 16 00:03:40,668 --> 00:03:43,967 I didn't know the best way to say it 17 00:03:44,372 --> 00:03:48,172 Or I did know, but I don't anymore 18 00:03:48,709 --> 00:03:53,009 Just when I shouId know, too Doesn't that ever happen to you? 19 00:03:53,314 --> 00:03:56,408 Don't you ever taIk about anything but yourseIf? 20 00:03:57,018 --> 00:03:58,781 You're horribIe 21 00:04:00,688 --> 00:04:03,885 I'm not horribIe, Nana I'm sad 22 00:04:04,859 --> 00:04:08,260 I'm not sad, PauI I'm horribIe 23 00:04:08,830 --> 00:04:11,765 Don't taIk nonsense This isn't a stage 24 00:04:13,367 --> 00:04:18,270 You never do as I ask, but you aIways want me to do what you want 25 00:04:19,240 --> 00:04:21,800 Anyway, I'm fed up I want to die 26 00:04:22,009 --> 00:04:24,534 - Is that so? - Yes, that's so 27 00:04:24,745 --> 00:04:26,713 More nonsense 28 00:04:27,682 --> 00:04:32,210 It's exhausting Ioving you I aIways have to beg 29 00:04:33,121 --> 00:04:34,986 I exist too 30 00:04:35,189 --> 00:04:38,158 You say I'm crueI, but you're the crueI one 31 00:04:48,870 --> 00:04:53,034 Why do you say that? It isn't true You mean Sunday evening? 32 00:04:54,041 --> 00:04:55,565 You know very weII when 33 00:04:55,743 --> 00:04:58,541 I begged you to introduce me to that man 34 00:04:58,713 --> 00:05:01,011 You did it on purpose 35 00:05:01,215 --> 00:05:02,705 Yes, I did 36 00:05:02,917 --> 00:05:05,044 You're pathetic 37 00:05:07,155 --> 00:05:10,318 If we started over, I'd just cheat on you again 38 00:05:10,525 --> 00:05:12,152 Don't say that 39 00:05:17,365 --> 00:05:18,764 Don't say that 40 00:05:18,966 --> 00:05:20,160 It's true 41 00:05:20,334 --> 00:05:24,828 I thought it was important we shouId meet, but I don't anymore 42 00:05:25,606 --> 00:05:28,666 We might have got together again 43 00:05:28,876 --> 00:05:31,936 But the more we taIk, the Iess the words mean 44 00:05:33,281 --> 00:05:37,342 Anyway, if I make it on the stage, it won't be thanks to you 45 00:05:37,852 --> 00:05:39,911 Acting isn't everything 46 00:05:40,121 --> 00:05:42,282 Not you too! Why do you say that? 47 00:05:42,490 --> 00:05:45,220 If it's what I want, why shouId you mind? 48 00:05:45,426 --> 00:05:48,054 I might be discovered someday 49 00:05:58,272 --> 00:06:00,433 Yes, you mustn't give up 50 00:06:00,708 --> 00:06:03,040 I haven't given up music 51 00:06:03,211 --> 00:06:07,011 Not Iike your EngIish Iessons You were never reaIIy interested 52 00:06:07,181 --> 00:06:09,046 I'm not giving up 53 00:06:09,217 --> 00:06:11,879 In fact, that guy's going to take pictures of me 54 00:06:12,887 --> 00:06:15,117 Maybe I'II get into the movies 55 00:06:15,623 --> 00:06:17,523 That'II be the day 56 00:06:17,892 --> 00:06:20,258 You're horribIe, PauI 57 00:06:28,502 --> 00:06:30,732 You're horribIe, PauI 58 00:06:32,306 --> 00:06:35,332 You reaIIy are It's aIways the same 59 00:06:35,910 --> 00:06:40,711 You say you Iove me, but you don't consider me speciaI 60 00:06:41,882 --> 00:06:46,910 I hardIy Iove you anymore, but I stiII consider you speciaI 61 00:06:47,488 --> 00:06:51,549 Why do you say things Iike that? I think we're aII the same 62 00:06:52,360 --> 00:06:55,295 You don't approve of me Iooking for work? 63 00:06:55,630 --> 00:06:58,997 It suits you even Iess than aII the rest 64 00:06:59,200 --> 00:07:02,431 Anyway, you're Ieaving me because I'm poor 65 00:07:02,637 --> 00:07:05,071 When aII's said and done, maybe 66 00:07:06,474 --> 00:07:09,238 Have you got the pictures you mentioned on the phone? 67 00:07:10,711 --> 00:07:14,841 I forgot them They'II be ready at the end of the week 68 00:07:16,317 --> 00:07:19,013 Is he aII right? Is he eating weII? 69 00:07:19,220 --> 00:07:22,553 He had an earache, but the doctor said it was nothing 70 00:07:22,757 --> 00:07:25,191 What's your job at Pathé-Marconi? 71 00:07:25,393 --> 00:07:27,327 I seII records 72 00:07:29,163 --> 00:07:31,256 Can you Iend me 2,000 francs? 73 00:07:32,099 --> 00:07:33,999 Out of the question 74 00:07:35,569 --> 00:07:39,198 Your parents must be gIad I'm gone 75 00:07:39,407 --> 00:07:40,931 No, they Iiked you 76 00:07:41,142 --> 00:07:42,700 I'II bet 77 00:07:44,478 --> 00:07:46,412 What's that Iook for? 78 00:07:52,320 --> 00:07:54,254 What's that Iook for? 79 00:07:54,555 --> 00:07:56,079 Nothing 80 00:07:56,891 --> 00:07:59,724 Let's not start quarreIing again 81 00:08:01,028 --> 00:08:02,859 How about a game? 82 00:08:03,064 --> 00:08:04,497 Sure 83 00:08:09,103 --> 00:08:11,230 Got a coin? I onIy have one 84 00:08:11,439 --> 00:08:12,997 Yes, I do 85 00:08:34,295 --> 00:08:36,126 You go first 86 00:08:57,151 --> 00:09:00,985 I'm suddenIy thinking of those essays my dad's students write 87 00:09:01,188 --> 00:09:02,553 What about them? 88 00:09:02,757 --> 00:09:06,716 He read us some great ones Iast night over dinner 89 00:09:07,128 --> 00:09:11,360 They're just kids They had to describe their favorite animaIs 90 00:09:12,133 --> 00:09:14,863 One IittIe girI of eight chose a bird 91 00:09:16,036 --> 00:09:17,731 How did it go? 92 00:09:17,938 --> 00:09:21,032 ''A bird is an animaI with an inside and an outside 93 00:09:21,242 --> 00:09:23,540 Take away the outside and the inside is Ieft 94 00:09:23,744 --> 00:09:27,305 Take away the inside and you see its souI'' 95 00:09:38,092 --> 00:09:45,157 THE RECORD SHOP -- 2,000 FRANCS -- NANA LIVES HER LIFE 96 00:09:54,575 --> 00:09:56,600 No, we're out of that, sir 97 00:10:02,149 --> 00:10:03,912 What about Judy GarIand? 98 00:10:05,853 --> 00:10:07,980 We don't have her either 99 00:10:11,091 --> 00:10:15,619 Do you have a guitar recording by Roméo -- 100 00:10:16,697 --> 00:10:19,530 What's his name? RafaeI Romero 101 00:10:21,101 --> 00:10:22,568 I'II ask 102 00:10:25,940 --> 00:10:28,067 RafaeI Romero on guitar 103 00:10:28,242 --> 00:10:30,574 In the bins in back 104 00:10:57,071 --> 00:10:58,732 Is Rita stiII sick? 105 00:10:58,939 --> 00:11:01,499 Yes I think she'II be back Thursday 106 00:11:01,709 --> 00:11:04,041 What a drag She owes me 2,000 francs 107 00:11:08,349 --> 00:11:11,978 - Can you Iend me 2,000? - You crazy? I'm broke 108 00:11:12,987 --> 00:11:16,115 Why? Anything wrong? - No, nothing 109 00:11:16,323 --> 00:11:17,722 Here it is 110 00:11:18,492 --> 00:11:20,426 I'II take this too 111 00:11:39,713 --> 00:11:41,442 This way, sir 112 00:12:23,157 --> 00:12:25,057 That Iooks great 113 00:12:25,225 --> 00:12:28,991 The story's stupid, but it's very weII written 114 00:12:29,930 --> 00:12:33,491 ''He gazed at the turquoise, star-Iaden sky 115 00:12:33,701 --> 00:12:35,601 and then turned to me 116 00:12:35,803 --> 00:12:39,068 'You Iive your Iife intenseIy, so IogicaIIy --' 117 00:12:39,273 --> 00:12:40,740 I interrupted him 118 00:12:40,941 --> 00:12:43,967 'You attach too much importance to Iogic' 119 00:12:44,178 --> 00:12:49,172 For a few seconds I was fiIIed with a bitter sense of triumph 120 00:12:49,383 --> 00:12:52,944 No more broken heart, no more struggIe to Iive again 121 00:12:53,120 --> 00:12:57,022 No probing questions to face whiIe masking one's defeat 122 00:12:57,224 --> 00:13:00,887 Yes, a truIy eIegant way of breaking this deadIock'' 123 00:13:09,970 --> 00:13:12,768 THE CONCIERGE -- PAUL -- 124 00:13:12,973 --> 00:13:16,431 THE PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC -- A JOURNALIST 125 00:13:42,603 --> 00:13:44,594 PIease give me my key 126 00:13:46,040 --> 00:13:47,735 AII right, then 127 00:13:51,745 --> 00:13:54,009 Arthur! Get her! 128 00:13:58,252 --> 00:14:00,413 Come on, give me the key 129 00:14:06,226 --> 00:14:07,693 Here, honey 130 00:14:12,533 --> 00:14:13,727 Hi 131 00:14:14,735 --> 00:14:16,134 Where are you headed? 132 00:14:16,336 --> 00:14:18,304 Want to see the pictures? 133 00:14:26,580 --> 00:14:30,539 He doesn't Iook Iike me at aII He Iooks more Iike you 134 00:14:31,552 --> 00:14:33,042 Come have dinner? 135 00:14:34,421 --> 00:14:37,618 - Where are you going? - BouIevard Saint-MicheI 136 00:14:37,791 --> 00:14:40,351 - Come have dinner - I'm not hungry 137 00:14:40,561 --> 00:14:43,189 I want to see a movie Bye 138 00:14:47,034 --> 00:14:49,298 JOAN OF ARC 139 00:15:19,700 --> 00:15:23,727 We have come to prepare you for death! 140 00:15:37,084 --> 00:15:39,450 Now aIready? 141 00:15:49,830 --> 00:15:51,320 How am I to die? 142 00:15:56,403 --> 00:15:57,870 At the stake! 143 00:16:10,984 --> 00:16:15,978 How can you stiII beIieve you were sent by God? 144 00:16:20,928 --> 00:16:26,730 God knows our path, but we understand it onIy at the end of the road! 145 00:16:38,111 --> 00:16:40,079 Yes, I am his chiId! 146 00:16:50,090 --> 00:16:52,024 And the great victory? 147 00:16:59,299 --> 00:17:01,597 It wiII be my martyrdom! 148 00:17:02,903 --> 00:17:03,892 And your deIiverance? 149 00:17:14,047 --> 00:17:15,378 Death! 150 00:17:30,530 --> 00:17:32,293 Death 151 00:17:41,541 --> 00:17:43,509 I said good-bye aIready 152 00:17:43,710 --> 00:17:45,473 I paid for your movie ticket 153 00:17:45,679 --> 00:17:47,306 Too bad 154 00:17:56,823 --> 00:17:58,757 Evening How are you? 155 00:17:58,959 --> 00:18:00,586 Evening How are things? 156 00:18:00,961 --> 00:18:03,862 - Didn't we have a date tonight? - Yes 157 00:18:04,398 --> 00:18:07,697 I wondered if you were coming - Why? Am I Iate? 158 00:18:07,901 --> 00:18:11,632 Just a bit But that's not why I wondered 159 00:18:12,072 --> 00:18:14,768 I'm usuaIIy very punctuaI 160 00:18:16,310 --> 00:18:18,676 1 1 :00 pm is very Iate 161 00:18:23,417 --> 00:18:25,908 I thought you'd forgotten too 162 00:18:27,220 --> 00:18:28,687 What wiII you have? 163 00:18:28,889 --> 00:18:31,357 - Any roIIs Ieft? - Sorry, no 164 00:18:31,558 --> 00:18:33,321 A coffee, then 165 00:18:35,963 --> 00:18:38,761 Was that a friend outside? 166 00:18:39,066 --> 00:18:41,125 No, it was my brother 167 00:18:41,902 --> 00:18:43,893 You have Iots of brothers and sisters? 168 00:18:44,104 --> 00:18:46,937 Five brothers and three sisters 169 00:18:47,641 --> 00:18:50,269 Surprised? It's true 170 00:18:52,980 --> 00:18:55,312 What's new since Wednesday? 171 00:18:56,049 --> 00:18:58,040 Nothing much 172 00:18:59,086 --> 00:19:01,748 Is that red car outside yours? 173 00:19:02,656 --> 00:19:04,851 What is it? A Jaguar? 174 00:19:05,058 --> 00:19:09,495 No, an AIfa Romeo Are you interested in cars? 175 00:19:09,696 --> 00:19:12,824 No, I don't know a thing about them 176 00:19:14,468 --> 00:19:17,835 When shaII we take those pictures? 177 00:19:18,472 --> 00:19:21,999 You teII me I aIready toId you I'm ready 178 00:19:22,609 --> 00:19:24,770 But I'm onIy free on Sundays 179 00:19:26,079 --> 00:19:28,639 I'm off to London on Sunday 180 00:19:29,016 --> 00:19:31,075 WeII then, I don't know 181 00:19:33,620 --> 00:19:36,851 How about now? Are you tired? 182 00:19:37,758 --> 00:19:41,421 If I say no, you won't think I'm awfuI? 183 00:19:41,628 --> 00:19:43,619 Not at aII 184 00:19:45,532 --> 00:19:48,626 Do you reaIIy think I couId get into fiIms? 185 00:19:48,835 --> 00:19:50,268 I think so 186 00:19:50,470 --> 00:19:53,564 Look, I brought you a composite sheet 187 00:20:03,250 --> 00:20:05,810 I'd Iike to do something Iike that 188 00:20:07,754 --> 00:20:09,244 What's this for? 189 00:20:09,456 --> 00:20:12,948 You send it out to peopIe in fiIms, 190 00:20:13,627 --> 00:20:16,926 and a few days Iater maybe they caII you 191 00:20:19,232 --> 00:20:21,860 I'm a bit shy about undressing 192 00:20:22,069 --> 00:20:24,629 Just a IittIe What can it hurt? 193 00:20:26,840 --> 00:20:29,638 CouId you Iend me 2,000 francs? 194 00:20:29,843 --> 00:20:32,107 I wouId, but I haven't got it 195 00:20:33,814 --> 00:20:35,543 I'm tired 196 00:20:40,821 --> 00:20:42,550 What about my pictures? 197 00:20:43,256 --> 00:20:45,554 You'II come with me then? 198 00:21:01,241 --> 00:21:09,012 THE POLICE -- NANA IS QUESTIONED 199 00:21:12,586 --> 00:21:15,384 Nana KIe/n-what ? 200 00:21:16,389 --> 00:21:21,349 K-L-E-I-N 201 00:21:22,529 --> 00:21:28,525 F-R-A-N-K-E-N 202 00:21:28,735 --> 00:21:31,636 H-E-I-M 203 00:21:33,206 --> 00:21:38,371 Born Apr/I 15th, 1940, at FIexburg, MoseIIe. 204 00:21:38,578 --> 00:21:41,240 No f/xed address. Is that r/ght? 205 00:21:41,748 --> 00:21:43,181 Yes 206 00:21:43,683 --> 00:21:45,844 AII r/ght. What happened? 207 00:21:46,286 --> 00:21:49,983 WeII, I was waIking down the street, 208 00:21:50,190 --> 00:21:53,091 and I saw a woman buying a magazine 209 00:21:53,560 --> 00:21:58,588 Then she took some money out of her bag 210 00:21:59,833 --> 00:22:03,030 She didn't notice she'd dropped 1 ,000 francs 211 00:22:04,004 --> 00:22:09,704 So then I pretended to buy a magazine too, 212 00:22:10,177 --> 00:22:13,544 and I put my foot on her 1 ,000 francs 213 00:22:15,649 --> 00:22:18,345 She Ieft and -- 214 00:22:24,891 --> 00:22:27,257 And she reaIized it? 215 00:22:38,238 --> 00:22:40,570 She waIked back toward me 216 00:22:41,641 --> 00:22:44,405 and stared into my eyes for a Iong time 217 00:22:46,279 --> 00:22:50,443 So I gave her back her money 218 00:22:59,092 --> 00:23:01,390 Then why did she bring charges? 219 00:23:01,895 --> 00:23:05,695 I don't know I think it was very mean of her 220 00:23:14,407 --> 00:23:17,342 Don't you have anyone you can stay with in Paris? 221 00:23:18,411 --> 00:23:20,470 Friends, sometimes 222 00:23:21,615 --> 00:23:23,310 Boys? 223 00:23:26,353 --> 00:23:28,048 Sometimes 224 00:23:32,125 --> 00:23:34,719 Why not ask for an advance at work? 225 00:23:35,895 --> 00:23:38,420 I aIready have, too many times 226 00:23:41,134 --> 00:23:43,398 What are you going to do? 227 00:23:43,770 --> 00:23:45,397 I don't know 228 00:23:45,705 --> 00:23:47,332 I 229 00:23:48,508 --> 00:23:50,874 I is someone eIse 230 00:23:56,116 --> 00:24:02,988 THE BOULEVARDS -- THE FIRST MAN -- THE ROOM 231 00:25:09,089 --> 00:25:10,750 How about it? 232 00:25:22,635 --> 00:25:24,500 Is this the pIace? 233 00:25:25,171 --> 00:25:27,264 You've been here before? 234 00:25:28,141 --> 00:25:29,938 Yes, it is 235 00:25:45,925 --> 00:25:47,620 Anyone there? 236 00:25:47,861 --> 00:25:49,920 You want Room 27 or 28? 237 00:25:52,232 --> 00:25:53,597 Room 27 238 00:27:07,974 --> 00:27:10,465 - Do you smoke? - No, thanks 239 00:27:15,982 --> 00:27:17,950 There's never an ashtray 240 00:27:19,986 --> 00:27:21,749 Here's one 241 00:27:34,000 --> 00:27:35,900 How much do you want? 242 00:27:37,504 --> 00:27:40,166 I don't know It's up to you 243 00:27:43,076 --> 00:27:44,907 I don't know 244 00:27:46,312 --> 00:27:48,041 Four thousand francs? 245 00:28:06,032 --> 00:28:07,897 You owe me 1 ,000 246 00:28:08,101 --> 00:28:09,830 I have no change 247 00:28:10,803 --> 00:28:13,465 Keep it It doesn't matter 248 00:28:13,673 --> 00:28:16,608 It's true I'm not just trying to get more 249 00:28:17,443 --> 00:28:19,775 But you have to take everything off 250 00:28:28,721 --> 00:28:30,780 Why not on the mouth? 251 00:28:41,367 --> 00:28:44,632 MEETING YVETTE -- A CAFÉ IN THE SUBURBS - 252 00:28:44,837 --> 00:28:48,238 RAOUL -- GUNSHOTS IN THE STREET 253 00:29:04,524 --> 00:29:06,515 Yvette! How are you? 254 00:29:06,693 --> 00:29:09,526 Is that you? You cut your hair! - A Iong time ago 255 00:29:09,696 --> 00:29:11,129 - How are you? - And you? 256 00:29:11,331 --> 00:29:13,561 - Oh, I'm getting by - Me too 257 00:29:13,766 --> 00:29:14,755 Good for you 258 00:29:14,968 --> 00:29:17,698 - Why? - I thought that -- 259 00:29:18,271 --> 00:29:21,206 What are you doing here? 260 00:29:21,407 --> 00:29:23,398 I'm thirsty ShaII we get a drink? 261 00:29:23,610 --> 00:29:25,043 I'd Iove to 262 00:29:26,646 --> 00:29:28,079 How's Raymond? 263 00:29:28,281 --> 00:29:30,806 Oh, I'II teII you aII about it 264 00:29:31,017 --> 00:29:33,247 What happened? 265 00:29:34,420 --> 00:29:36,217 Life is crueI 266 00:29:36,389 --> 00:29:41,452 I'd Iike to get away, escape to the tropics 267 00:29:41,761 --> 00:29:44,321 - Escape is a pipe dream - Why? 268 00:29:44,530 --> 00:29:46,395 It just is 269 00:29:48,635 --> 00:29:50,262 This is it 270 00:29:56,042 --> 00:29:58,101 ShaII we sit over there? 271 00:30:07,487 --> 00:30:09,648 I'II be back in a minute 272 00:30:27,840 --> 00:30:29,501 So teII me 273 00:30:29,942 --> 00:30:32,240 One evening, Raymond 274 00:30:34,047 --> 00:30:38,347 came home with train tickets to Brest 275 00:30:38,551 --> 00:30:42,180 He said he had a job, so we took the kids and moved 276 00:30:42,355 --> 00:30:46,121 and went to Iive in a hoteI by the harbor 277 00:30:47,560 --> 00:30:50,757 He'd disappear for the entire day 278 00:30:51,364 --> 00:30:53,195 He was ''working'' 279 00:30:53,366 --> 00:30:57,200 I'd take the chiIdren out, buy them ice cream 280 00:30:58,104 --> 00:31:01,005 I was worried, 281 00:31:01,174 --> 00:31:04,735 because I couIdn't figure out how he earned his money 282 00:31:04,944 --> 00:31:09,313 One evening, after three weeks of that, 283 00:31:10,316 --> 00:31:12,648 he just never came back 284 00:31:13,186 --> 00:31:15,711 I had to manage on my own 285 00:31:16,989 --> 00:31:19,958 with the chiIdren that my mother-in-Iaw wouIdn't Iook after 286 00:31:20,159 --> 00:31:22,252 because she didn't Iike me 287 00:31:22,628 --> 00:31:27,895 I graduaIIy became a prostitute It was the easiest way 288 00:31:30,470 --> 00:31:36,136 Then, two years Iater, I went to the movies one night 289 00:31:37,310 --> 00:31:41,508 and saw him acting in an American movie 290 00:31:43,116 --> 00:31:44,674 And things are fine now? 291 00:31:44,884 --> 00:31:46,408 Everything's fine 292 00:31:46,619 --> 00:31:48,246 What wouId you Iike? 293 00:31:48,454 --> 00:31:50,718 - White wine - Rosé 294 00:31:53,459 --> 00:31:55,120 StiII, it doesn't sound Iike much fun 295 00:31:55,328 --> 00:31:58,559 No, it's depressing, but it's not my fauIt 296 00:32:02,502 --> 00:32:06,461 I think we're aIways responsibIe for our actions We're free 297 00:32:07,273 --> 00:32:10,208 I raise my hand -- I'm responsibIe 298 00:32:11,177 --> 00:32:15,011 I turn my head to the right -- I'm responsibIe 299 00:32:16,449 --> 00:32:20,351 I'm unhappy -- I'm responsibIe 300 00:32:21,521 --> 00:32:24,979 I smoke a cigarette -- I'm responsibIe 301 00:32:25,925 --> 00:32:30,055 I shut my eyes -- I'm responsibIe 302 00:32:32,165 --> 00:32:35,259 I forget that I'm responsibIe, but I am 303 00:32:36,869 --> 00:32:39,929 I toId you escape is a pipe dream 304 00:32:40,473 --> 00:32:43,135 After aII, everything is beautifuI 305 00:32:43,709 --> 00:32:47,110 You onIy have to take an interest in things, see their beauty 306 00:32:50,149 --> 00:32:51,707 It's true 307 00:32:51,918 --> 00:32:55,012 After aII, things are just what they are 308 00:32:55,521 --> 00:32:58,183 A face is a face 309 00:32:59,058 --> 00:33:00,992 PIates are pIates 310 00:33:01,194 --> 00:33:03,185 Men are men 311 00:33:03,663 --> 00:33:07,099 And Iife is Iife 312 00:33:13,206 --> 00:33:17,575 The guy I said heIIo to by the door wants to meet you 313 00:33:17,743 --> 00:33:18,937 WouId you mind? 314 00:33:19,145 --> 00:33:20,612 Not at aII 315 00:33:38,531 --> 00:33:41,022 My g/rI's not the k/nd to be seen 316 00:33:41,234 --> 00:33:43,429 In a ch/c magaz/ne 317 00:33:43,636 --> 00:33:45,467 That's pIa/n to see 318 00:33:45,671 --> 00:33:48,265 No starIet's sungIasses or gowns 319 00:33:48,474 --> 00:33:50,635 She works across town 320 00:33:50,843 --> 00:33:52,572 In a factory 321 00:33:52,778 --> 00:33:55,406 Some pIa/n furn/shed rooms are our home 322 00:33:55,615 --> 00:33:57,640 We I/ve there aIone 323 00:33:57,984 --> 00:33:59,781 She and I 324 00:34:00,119 --> 00:34:02,610 A warehouse and rooftops beIow 325 00:34:02,822 --> 00:34:05,313 From our I/ttIe w/ndow 326 00:34:05,491 --> 00:34:07,356 Meet the eye 327 00:34:07,660 --> 00:34:09,992 Vacat/ons we spend cIose at hand 328 00:34:10,196 --> 00:34:12,460 The R/v/era's too grand 329 00:34:12,665 --> 00:34:14,223 For our pay 330 00:34:14,634 --> 00:34:17,068 Loved ones are d/stant and few 331 00:34:17,270 --> 00:34:19,670 I've a godmother who 332 00:34:19,872 --> 00:34:22,170 L/ves far away 333 00:34:22,341 --> 00:34:24,571 But my g/rI, though just 25 334 00:34:24,777 --> 00:34:27,007 Is the sweetest that I've 335 00:34:27,213 --> 00:34:29,078 Ever seen 336 00:34:29,282 --> 00:34:31,842 No sa/nt /n any church you couId f/nd 337 00:34:32,051 --> 00:34:34,315 Is as sweet or as k/nd 338 00:34:34,520 --> 00:34:36,215 At Ieast to me 339 00:34:36,656 --> 00:34:39,318 When the town dozes off /n the bIaze 340 00:34:39,625 --> 00:34:41,786 Of the sun's summer rays 341 00:34:41,994 --> 00:34:43,723 Burn/ng br/ght 342 00:34:43,930 --> 00:34:46,455 W/th my baby g/rI wrapped /n my arms 343 00:34:46,666 --> 00:34:49,032 I dr/nk /n her charms 344 00:34:49,201 --> 00:34:50,896 And hoId her t/ght 345 00:34:51,103 --> 00:34:53,697 We wh/sper our thoughts, she and I 346 00:34:53,906 --> 00:34:56,374 As I/ght fades from the sky 347 00:34:56,575 --> 00:34:58,270 Up above 348 00:34:58,477 --> 00:35:00,945 In the secrecy of our four waIIs 349 00:35:01,147 --> 00:35:03,513 As n/ght sIowIy faIIs 350 00:35:03,683 --> 00:35:05,082 We make Iove 351 00:35:13,192 --> 00:35:15,387 Is she a Iady or a tramp? 352 00:35:17,964 --> 00:35:20,933 InsuIt her. If she's a tramp, she'II get angry. 353 00:35:21,133 --> 00:35:23,158 If she sm/Ies, she's a Iady. 354 00:35:23,369 --> 00:35:24,802 RaouI. 355 00:35:31,377 --> 00:35:32,969 A hot toddy 356 00:35:37,216 --> 00:35:38,877 We'II find out 357 00:35:47,526 --> 00:35:49,494 You're a friend of Yvette's? 358 00:35:50,162 --> 00:35:51,527 That's right 359 00:35:51,731 --> 00:35:54,666 I know you very weII 360 00:35:54,867 --> 00:35:57,563 - You're Iying - I saw you three months ago 361 00:35:57,770 --> 00:35:58,896 You're Iying 362 00:35:59,238 --> 00:36:03,197 A guy was showing you pictures on BouIevard Saint-Germain 363 00:36:03,409 --> 00:36:04,876 That's true 364 00:36:05,511 --> 00:36:09,379 Then why did you deny it? You say any oId nonsense 365 00:36:10,449 --> 00:36:12,212 You're pathetic 366 00:36:13,185 --> 00:36:15,585 Why do you Iook at me Iike that? 367 00:36:16,022 --> 00:36:19,514 You Iook stupid, and your hair Iooks awfuI 368 00:36:25,664 --> 00:36:28,189 Wait here I need to taIk to you 369 00:37:10,276 --> 00:37:11,243 You okay? 370 00:37:11,444 --> 00:37:12,911 My eyes! 371 00:37:20,352 --> 00:37:28,225 THE LETTER -- RAOUL AGAIN -- THE CHAMPS-ELYSÉES 372 00:38:07,333 --> 00:38:13,932 Dear Madame, a friend who worked for you gave me your address 373 00:38:53,712 --> 00:39:00,550 I wouId Iike to come and work for you 374 00:39:12,464 --> 00:39:16,867 I am 22 years oId 375 00:39:31,817 --> 00:39:37,551 I think I am pretty 376 00:39:44,964 --> 00:39:49,424 My height is 377 00:40:10,923 --> 00:40:14,381 5'6'' 378 00:40:25,304 --> 00:40:31,004 I have short hair 379 00:40:53,699 --> 00:40:59,160 but it grows very quickIy 380 00:41:12,051 --> 00:41:20,516 EncIosed is a picture and 381 00:41:24,563 --> 00:41:26,224 Oh, it's you 382 00:41:28,634 --> 00:41:30,295 The cIassic Ietter 383 00:41:32,705 --> 00:41:34,172 Yes, it's me 384 00:41:36,608 --> 00:41:38,667 How did you know I was here? 385 00:41:38,844 --> 00:41:40,471 I foIIowed you 386 00:41:41,146 --> 00:41:44,980 I was in my car, and I saw you come in here 387 00:41:45,851 --> 00:41:48,342 You've got some nerve 388 00:41:48,554 --> 00:41:51,250 No, you're very beautifuI 389 00:42:00,532 --> 00:42:03,092 You reaIIy skipped out quickIy the other day 390 00:42:03,302 --> 00:42:04,792 When? 391 00:42:04,970 --> 00:42:07,700 When that crook was shot outside the café 392 00:42:07,873 --> 00:42:10,171 You just vanished 393 00:42:12,845 --> 00:42:16,804 I don't think they were crooks It was some poIiticaI stuff 394 00:42:18,050 --> 00:42:20,575 ReaIIy? I didn't know 395 00:42:21,053 --> 00:42:24,853 In any case, I didn't mean you aren't brave 396 00:42:25,557 --> 00:42:28,048 I was just making conversation 397 00:42:40,606 --> 00:42:42,574 What do you think of me? 398 00:42:43,041 --> 00:42:44,235 Me? 399 00:42:44,443 --> 00:42:45,910 Yes, you 400 00:42:47,946 --> 00:42:50,540 I think there's a Iot of goodness inside you 401 00:42:50,749 --> 00:42:52,876 What? A Iot of what? 402 00:42:53,085 --> 00:42:57,351 There's a Iot of goodness in your eyes 403 00:42:58,390 --> 00:43:01,450 ReaIIy? I didn't understand 404 00:43:01,794 --> 00:43:04,058 Anyway, that's an odd thing to say 405 00:43:04,263 --> 00:43:05,787 Why? 406 00:43:13,439 --> 00:43:19,378 I wasn't expecting a CathoIic response What I meant was: 407 00:43:19,578 --> 00:43:22,775 Do you pIace me in a speciaI category of women? 408 00:43:31,256 --> 00:43:33,315 You Iike being speciaI? 409 00:43:35,727 --> 00:43:37,194 Why? 410 00:43:38,197 --> 00:43:39,858 No reason 411 00:43:40,566 --> 00:43:43,467 For me, there are three types of girIs: 412 00:43:47,105 --> 00:43:51,064 those with one expression, those with two, and those with three 413 00:43:58,050 --> 00:44:00,575 Did Yvette give you this address? 414 00:44:07,426 --> 00:44:09,485 Are you reaIIy serious about it? 415 00:44:09,695 --> 00:44:11,185 Why? 416 00:44:12,498 --> 00:44:15,023 I'd Iike to earn more money 417 00:44:16,134 --> 00:44:18,864 I can heIp you earn even more here in Paris 418 00:44:19,071 --> 00:44:21,699 ReaIIy? Fine with me 419 00:44:34,786 --> 00:44:38,222 Why not try to get into movies? You're a pretty girI 420 00:44:38,390 --> 00:44:40,449 I did try 421 00:44:40,893 --> 00:44:43,794 Two years ago, I wanted to make it on the stage 422 00:44:44,496 --> 00:44:47,522 I was in Pac/f/co at the ChâteIet 423 00:44:48,400 --> 00:44:51,597 And I was in a fiIm once with Eddie Constantine 424 00:44:52,538 --> 00:44:56,065 I'm teIIing you my Iife story How awfuI 425 00:44:58,544 --> 00:45:01,707 No, it's not I'm a friend 426 00:45:03,682 --> 00:45:05,206 Give me a smiIe 427 00:45:05,384 --> 00:45:07,750 No, I don't feeI Iike it 428 00:45:47,192 --> 00:45:48,955 ShaII I come with you? 429 00:45:58,904 --> 00:46:00,735 When do I start? 430 00:46:01,373 --> 00:46:06,174 ''When the c/ty I/ghts go on, the streetwaIkers' desperate rounds beg/n. " 431 00:46:13,218 --> 00:46:19,987 AFTERNOONS -- MONEY -- SINKS -- PLEASURE -- HOTELS 432 00:46:22,160 --> 00:46:24,287 What exactIy do I do? 433 00:46:24,463 --> 00:46:28,194 The prost/tute earns aII she can by trad/ng on her charms 434 00:46:28,400 --> 00:46:32,530 to bu/Id up a good cI/enteIe and estabI/sh the best work/ng cond/t/ons. 435 00:46:35,207 --> 00:46:37,402 Does she have to be beaut/fuI? 436 00:46:37,609 --> 00:46:42,444 No, aIthough beauty /s an /mportant factor /n a prost/tute's career. 437 00:46:42,648 --> 00:46:47,881 It estabI/shes her pIace /n the h/erarchy and attracts the attent/on of the p/mp, 438 00:46:48,086 --> 00:46:52,352 s/nce her phys/caI aIIure can be a source of great prof/t. 439 00:46:53,125 --> 00:46:55,559 Does she have to reg/ster somewhere? 440 00:46:55,727 --> 00:46:58,924 Before the Iaw of Apr/I 13th, 1946, 441 00:46:59,097 --> 00:47:01,793 prost/tutes were subject to med/caI and poI/ce surve/IIance. 442 00:47:02,000 --> 00:47:04,935 Under the new Iaw, onIy med/caI surve/IIance 443 00:47:05,103 --> 00:47:06,866 /s now requ/red. 444 00:47:07,072 --> 00:47:12,271 The 1946 Iaw and Decree 2253 of November 5th, 1947, 445 00:47:12,444 --> 00:47:17,177 estabI/shed the Nat/onaI San/tary Reg/ster for aII women 446 00:47:17,349 --> 00:47:20,318 shown by concIus/ve ev/dence 447 00:47:20,485 --> 00:47:23,818 to be engaged /n prost/tut/on. 448 00:47:24,589 --> 00:47:27,057 But what do I do? 449 00:47:27,225 --> 00:47:31,059 RegardIess of the ne/ghborhood, the procedure /s the same. 450 00:47:31,263 --> 00:47:34,130 By her dress, att/tude, and makeup, 451 00:47:34,299 --> 00:47:36,790 the prost/tute /nd/cates her trade. 452 00:47:37,002 --> 00:47:38,970 Somet/mes, /n def/ance of the Iaw, 453 00:47:39,171 --> 00:47:43,232 she gestures to the cI/ent or propos/t/ons h/m outr/ght. 454 00:47:44,309 --> 00:47:46,402 What do I charge? 455 00:47:46,611 --> 00:47:49,011 It can vary greatIy, 456 00:47:49,181 --> 00:47:51,172 from 300 to 15,000 francs 457 00:47:51,383 --> 00:47:54,250 for an encounter Iast/ng from a few m/nutes to an hour 458 00:47:54,419 --> 00:47:56,114 caIIed a ''tr/ck. " 459 00:47:56,321 --> 00:48:00,223 An ''overn/ght"ranges from 5,000 to 50,000 francs. 460 00:48:00,759 --> 00:48:03,353 Can I go anywhere I I/ke? 461 00:48:03,562 --> 00:48:07,259 ControIs have been attempted. In Par/s, for /nstance 462 00:48:07,432 --> 00:48:10,196 a poI/ce reguIat/on of August 25th, 1958, 463 00:48:10,402 --> 00:48:15,305 forb/ds Io/ter/ng w/th /ntent to soI/c/t 464 00:48:15,507 --> 00:48:19,204 dur/ng certa/n hours /n the Bo/s de BouIogne 465 00:48:19,377 --> 00:48:21,402 and around the Champs-EIysées. 466 00:48:21,613 --> 00:48:23,808 Do I keep a percentage? 467 00:48:24,049 --> 00:48:28,247 A da/Iy ''quota" /s agreed upon /n advance. 468 00:48:28,453 --> 00:48:31,115 Around the Champs-EIysées and the MadeIe/ne, 469 00:48:31,289 --> 00:48:33,257 /t's 20,000 to 30,000 francs a day, 470 00:48:33,458 --> 00:48:35,653 pa/d at the end of the week. 471 00:48:36,161 --> 00:48:38,322 Do I have my own room? 472 00:48:38,563 --> 00:48:43,227 UsuaIIy onIy the toweIs are changed between tr/cks, not the sheets. 473 00:48:43,401 --> 00:48:46,893 Some hoteIs prov/de no bIankets, onIy a bottom sheet. 474 00:48:48,073 --> 00:48:49,631 What about the poI/ce? 475 00:48:49,808 --> 00:48:52,902 They conduct ra/ds and /nterrogat/ons. 476 00:48:53,078 --> 00:48:56,206 Any woman /n v/oIat/on of reguIat/ons 477 00:48:56,414 --> 00:48:59,872 can be deta/ned /n a cI/n/c as Iong as necessary 478 00:49:00,051 --> 00:49:01,916 for extens/ve test/ng. 479 00:49:03,655 --> 00:49:05,885 Can I have a dr/nk /n a café? 480 00:49:06,091 --> 00:49:09,254 A prost/tute who dr/nks heav/Iy earns very I/ttIe. 481 00:49:09,461 --> 00:49:12,828 She's undes/rabIe because she creates a scene. 482 00:49:15,200 --> 00:49:17,134 What /f I get pregnant? 483 00:49:17,302 --> 00:49:20,829 One m/ght th/nk a prost/tute wouId seek an abort/on at any cost. 484 00:49:21,006 --> 00:49:22,769 That's not the case. 485 00:49:22,974 --> 00:49:29,937 They do try to avo/d pregnancy, by chem/caI means or any other. 486 00:49:30,115 --> 00:49:33,846 But once pregnancy /s conf/rmed, abort/ons are rare. 487 00:49:35,620 --> 00:49:37,315 Must I accept anyone? 488 00:49:37,522 --> 00:49:42,983 The prost/tute must aIways be at the cI/ent's d/sposaI. 489 00:49:43,161 --> 00:49:45,686 She must accept anyone who pays. 490 00:49:45,897 --> 00:49:47,455 That man... 491 00:49:48,099 --> 00:49:50,158 that man... 492 00:49:54,940 --> 00:49:57,033 Are there cI/ents every day? 493 00:49:57,242 --> 00:49:59,972 Lower-grade prost/tutes 494 00:50:00,145 --> 00:50:03,205 average f/ve to e/ght cI/ents a day, 495 00:50:03,381 --> 00:50:06,077 earn/ng 4,000 to 8,000 a day. 496 00:50:06,284 --> 00:50:09,515 However, some manage except/onaI turnover. 497 00:50:09,721 --> 00:50:14,215 S/xty cI/ents /s not unheard of on Saturdays or hoI/days. 498 00:50:14,826 --> 00:50:21,732 A YOUNG MAN -- LUIGI -- NANA WONDERS WHETHER SHE'S HAPPY 499 00:50:22,067 --> 00:50:23,796 Do I get days off? 500 00:50:23,969 --> 00:50:27,166 UsuaIIy after the med/caI check. 501 00:50:27,372 --> 00:50:31,274 Her man usuaIIy takes her out, 502 00:50:31,443 --> 00:50:34,469 often to see her ch/Id /n the country. 503 00:50:34,646 --> 00:50:37,581 Afterwards, they go out to a restaurant or a mov/e. 504 00:50:41,753 --> 00:50:43,983 - Is Luigi here? - Upstairs 505 00:50:46,925 --> 00:50:48,392 I'II be five minutes 506 00:50:48,593 --> 00:50:50,891 The movie aIready started anyway 507 00:50:53,431 --> 00:50:55,023 A white wine 508 00:51:07,979 --> 00:51:09,640 Got any GauIoises? 509 00:51:28,233 --> 00:51:30,963 - You have cigarettes? - Yes What kind? 510 00:51:31,169 --> 00:51:33,137 I was just wondering 511 00:52:22,253 --> 00:52:25,416 - Got any cigarettes? - They've got some downstairs 512 00:52:33,965 --> 00:52:36,365 - How are you? - So-so 513 00:52:37,002 --> 00:52:38,526 What's wrong with her? 514 00:52:38,737 --> 00:52:40,830 We were supposed to see a movie 515 00:52:41,039 --> 00:52:42,836 I'II cheer you up 516 00:52:52,517 --> 00:52:55,748 I'II do the kid bIowing up a baIIoon 517 00:53:05,096 --> 00:53:08,554 He's got a baIIoon, and he bIows it up 518 00:53:52,811 --> 00:53:55,336 You ought to be my man 519 00:53:55,613 --> 00:53:57,979 Happy now? WiII you Iet us taIk? 520 00:57:32,030 --> 00:57:37,024 THE STREETS -- A GUY -- HAPPINESS IS NO FUN 521 00:57:37,068 --> 00:57:40,868 THE STREETS -- A GUY -- HAPPINESS IS NO FUN 522 00:58:21,879 --> 00:58:25,110 Did you see Inspector FIeytoux? He bought a BMW 523 00:58:57,648 --> 00:58:59,809 They couId have provided chairs 524 00:59:00,017 --> 00:59:02,076 It's aIways Iike that 525 00:59:09,494 --> 00:59:10,791 How much? 526 00:59:10,995 --> 00:59:13,691 3,000 5,000 if I undress 527 00:59:15,700 --> 00:59:19,534 Can't you give me one more? - I have to keep some 528 00:59:20,705 --> 00:59:22,570 - One of these, then? - It's aII I've got 529 00:59:22,774 --> 00:59:25,675 A IittIe one It wouId be so nice 530 00:59:28,780 --> 00:59:30,543 You come here often? 531 00:59:32,984 --> 00:59:35,145 But I've seen you before, haven't I? 532 00:59:35,386 --> 00:59:36,853 Maybe 533 00:59:40,158 --> 00:59:42,058 What's your name? 534 00:59:42,260 --> 00:59:43,852 Dimitri 535 00:59:45,163 --> 00:59:46,721 Nice name 536 00:59:49,200 --> 00:59:51,498 Yes, I'm fond of it 537 00:59:52,136 --> 00:59:54,127 What Iine of work are you in? 538 00:59:54,338 --> 00:59:57,102 I shoot pictures for ads 539 00:59:57,308 --> 00:59:59,173 You mean Iike in the movies? 540 00:59:59,377 --> 01:00:01,277 No, stiII pictures 541 01:00:02,180 --> 01:00:05,081 I was in a movie with Eddie Constantine two months ago 542 01:00:05,349 --> 01:00:08,182 No P/ty. Did you see it? 543 01:00:12,590 --> 01:00:16,458 You don't say much Are you the romantic type? 544 01:00:22,433 --> 01:00:25,300 If you give me more, you can stay 545 01:00:30,741 --> 01:00:32,902 That's what you want? 546 01:00:34,145 --> 01:00:35,737 I'II go see 547 01:00:44,055 --> 01:00:45,613 Never mind 548 01:00:54,665 --> 01:00:56,656 - Are you Ieaving? - Yes 549 01:00:58,669 --> 01:01:02,503 - Can you spare five minutes? - Ask Monique She's in 41 550 01:01:15,119 --> 01:01:17,815 - What's up? - Nothing 551 01:01:20,858 --> 01:01:23,053 The eIevators never work 552 01:01:24,529 --> 01:01:27,020 See you Tuesday at the OIympia 553 01:01:42,079 --> 01:01:43,842 - What are you doing? - Going downstairs 554 01:01:44,048 --> 01:01:46,881 - Can you spare a moment? - How much? 555 01:01:47,084 --> 01:01:49,678 I don't know We can discuss it 556 01:01:49,954 --> 01:01:51,353 AII right 557 01:01:51,522 --> 01:01:53,513 Room 45 558 01:02:14,946 --> 01:02:17,210 Work it out with her 559 01:02:23,721 --> 01:02:26,189 - AII right? - Yes 560 01:02:32,163 --> 01:02:35,690 - What's your name? - EIizabeth Like the Queen of EngIand 561 01:02:38,703 --> 01:02:40,898 ShaII I strip too? 562 01:02:41,105 --> 01:02:42,834 ActuaIIy, don't bother 563 01:02:43,040 --> 01:02:45,235 So you don't need me anymore? 564 01:02:45,743 --> 01:02:47,370 I don't know 565 01:02:56,621 --> 01:02:58,316 Like that 566 01:03:12,370 --> 01:03:19,299 PLACE DU CHÂTELET - A STRANGER - NANA, THE UNWITTING PHILOSOPHER 567 01:04:31,015 --> 01:04:33,381 Do you mind me Iooking? 568 01:04:36,754 --> 01:04:38,551 You Iook bored 569 01:04:38,756 --> 01:04:40,189 Not at aII. 570 01:04:42,560 --> 01:04:45,188 - What are you doing? - Read/ng. 571 01:04:54,905 --> 01:04:56,839 WiII you buy me a drink? 572 01:04:57,641 --> 01:04:59,302 If you I/ke. 573 01:05:06,183 --> 01:05:08,014 Do you come here often? 574 01:05:08,219 --> 01:05:11,188 OccasionaIIy Today I just happened by 575 01:05:13,057 --> 01:05:15,025 Why are you reading? 576 01:05:15,226 --> 01:05:16,853 It's my job 577 01:05:23,033 --> 01:05:24,933 It's funny 578 01:05:25,102 --> 01:05:27,093 SuddenIy I don't know what to say 579 01:05:28,038 --> 01:05:30,029 It happens to me a Iot 580 01:05:30,541 --> 01:05:32,532 I know what I want to say 581 01:05:32,743 --> 01:05:36,907 I think first about whether they're the right words 582 01:05:37,414 --> 01:05:42,249 But when the moment comes to speak, I can't say it 583 01:05:42,453 --> 01:05:44,785 Yes, of course 584 01:05:45,489 --> 01:05:47,821 Have you read The Three Musketeers? 585 01:05:48,025 --> 01:05:51,222 No, but I saw the movie Why? 586 01:05:53,130 --> 01:05:57,328 Because in it, Porthos -- 587 01:05:58,335 --> 01:06:01,532 ActuaIIy, this is from Twenty Years Later. 588 01:06:01,739 --> 01:06:05,607 Porthos is taII, strong, and a IittIe dense 589 01:06:06,644 --> 01:06:09,613 He's never had a thought in his Iife 590 01:06:10,581 --> 01:06:15,848 He has to pIace a bomb in a ceIIar to bIow it up 591 01:06:16,053 --> 01:06:17,918 He does it 592 01:06:18,122 --> 01:06:22,491 He pIaces the bomb, Iights the fuse, and starts to run away 593 01:06:23,260 --> 01:06:26,127 But just then he begins to think 594 01:06:27,364 --> 01:06:29,264 About what? 595 01:06:29,466 --> 01:06:33,527 How it's possibIe to put one foot in front of the other 596 01:06:33,737 --> 01:06:36,331 I'm sure that's happened to you 597 01:06:38,042 --> 01:06:42,445 So he stops running He can't move forward 598 01:06:45,716 --> 01:06:49,174 The bomb expIodes, and the ceIIar caves in around him 599 01:06:49,386 --> 01:06:52,514 He hoIds it up with his strong shouIders 600 01:06:52,723 --> 01:06:57,456 But after a day or two, he's crushed to death 601 01:06:58,062 --> 01:07:00,622 So the first time he thought, it kiIIed him 602 01:07:00,798 --> 01:07:03,494 Why do you teII me things Iike that? 603 01:07:04,368 --> 01:07:07,269 No reason Just to taIk 604 01:07:07,471 --> 01:07:09,939 Why must one aIways taIk? 605 01:07:10,641 --> 01:07:14,805 I think one shouId often just keep quiet, Iive in siIence 606 01:07:16,146 --> 01:07:19,445 The more one taIks, the Iess the words mean 607 01:07:19,650 --> 01:07:22,710 Perhaps, but can one do that? 608 01:07:24,421 --> 01:07:25,410 I don't know 609 01:07:25,623 --> 01:07:29,320 It's aIways struck me, the fact we can't Iive without speaking 610 01:07:34,098 --> 01:07:36,828 But it wouId be nice 611 01:07:37,434 --> 01:07:40,767 Yes, it wouId be nice, wouIdn't it? 612 01:07:41,772 --> 01:07:44,468 Sort of Iike we Ioved one another more 613 01:07:44,675 --> 01:07:47,735 But it's impossibIe No one's been abIe to 614 01:07:47,912 --> 01:07:49,402 But why? 615 01:07:49,613 --> 01:07:52,741 Words shouId express just what one wants to say 616 01:07:53,484 --> 01:07:55,111 Do they betray us? 617 01:07:56,954 --> 01:07:59,081 Yes, but we betray them too 618 01:07:59,290 --> 01:08:01,417 One shouId be abIe to express oneseIf 619 01:08:01,625 --> 01:08:03,991 We manage to write things quite weII 620 01:08:04,194 --> 01:08:08,028 It's extraordinary that someone Iike PIato 621 01:08:08,232 --> 01:08:12,100 can stiII be understood PeopIe reaIIy do understand him 622 01:08:12,303 --> 01:08:16,171 Yet he wrote in Greek 2,500 years ago 623 01:08:16,373 --> 01:08:21,504 No one reaIIy knows the Ianguage, not exactIy 624 01:08:21,879 --> 01:08:26,213 Yet something gets through, so we shouId be abIe to express ourseIves 625 01:08:27,785 --> 01:08:29,810 And we have to 626 01:08:29,987 --> 01:08:33,980 Why do we have to? To understand each other? 627 01:08:38,662 --> 01:08:40,630 We must think, 628 01:08:41,198 --> 01:08:43,758 and for thought we need words 629 01:08:43,968 --> 01:08:46,129 There's no other way to think 630 01:08:46,337 --> 01:08:49,773 To communicate, one must speak That's our Iife 631 01:08:49,974 --> 01:08:52,534 Yes, but at the same time, it's very hard 632 01:08:56,447 --> 01:08:59,678 Whereas I think Iife shouId be easy 633 01:09:03,387 --> 01:09:07,824 Your taIe about the Three Musketeers may be a very nice story, 634 01:09:08,258 --> 01:09:09,885 but it's terribIe 635 01:09:10,094 --> 01:09:12,790 Yes, but it's a pointer 636 01:09:14,131 --> 01:09:15,860 I beIieve 637 01:09:16,800 --> 01:09:22,363 one Iearns to speak weII onIy when one has renounced Iife for a whiIe 638 01:09:22,573 --> 01:09:25,508 That's the price - So to speak is fataI? 639 01:09:25,676 --> 01:09:30,010 Speaking is aImost a resurrection in reIation to Iife 640 01:09:30,214 --> 01:09:34,344 Speaking is a different Iife from when one does not speak 641 01:09:34,551 --> 01:09:37,816 So to Iive speaking, 642 01:09:38,389 --> 01:09:41,984 one must pass through the death of Iife without speaking 643 01:09:42,159 --> 01:09:44,992 I don't know if I'm being cIear 644 01:09:46,597 --> 01:09:51,227 but there's a kind of ascetic ruIe that stops one from speaking weII 645 01:09:51,869 --> 01:09:55,066 untiI one sees Iife with detachment 646 01:09:57,441 --> 01:10:03,141 But one can't Iive everyday Iife with I don't know -- 647 01:10:04,214 --> 01:10:05,943 Detachment? 648 01:10:06,150 --> 01:10:10,678 We go back and forth That's why we pass from siIence to words 649 01:10:11,321 --> 01:10:16,258 We swing between the two, because it's the movement of Iife 650 01:10:16,693 --> 01:10:20,754 From everyday Iife one rises to a Iife -- 651 01:10:20,964 --> 01:10:25,458 Let's caII it superior -- why not? It's the thinking Iife 652 01:10:25,669 --> 01:10:29,537 But the thinking Iife presupposes that one has kiIIed off 653 01:10:29,740 --> 01:10:32,834 a Iife that's too mundane, too rudimentary 654 01:10:34,711 --> 01:10:38,477 Then thinking and speaking are the same thing? 655 01:10:38,816 --> 01:10:40,545 I beIieve so 656 01:10:40,751 --> 01:10:44,312 It's in PIato, you know It's an oId idea 657 01:10:44,521 --> 01:10:48,287 I don't think one can distinguish a thought 658 01:10:48,492 --> 01:10:50,892 from the words that express it 659 01:10:51,061 --> 01:10:57,125 A moment of thought can onIy be grasped through words 660 01:10:57,334 --> 01:10:59,894 So to speak is to risk Iying? 661 01:11:00,104 --> 01:11:03,005 Lies too are part of our quest 662 01:11:03,207 --> 01:11:06,472 There's IittIe difference between an error and a Iie 663 01:11:06,643 --> 01:11:11,205 I don't mean ordinary Iies, Iike promising, 664 01:11:11,415 --> 01:11:15,784 ''I'II be here tomorrow at 5:00,'' and then not showing up 665 01:11:15,986 --> 01:11:18,011 Those are just pIoys 666 01:11:18,222 --> 01:11:24,525 But a subtIe Iie often differs IittIe from an error 667 01:11:24,728 --> 01:11:28,630 One's searching for something and can't find the right word 668 01:11:28,832 --> 01:11:33,098 That's why you didn't know what to say before 669 01:11:33,303 --> 01:11:37,171 I think you were afraid of not finding the right word 670 01:11:39,943 --> 01:11:43,401 How can one be sure of having found the right word? 671 01:11:45,916 --> 01:11:49,579 One must work at it It onIy comes with effort 672 01:11:49,786 --> 01:11:54,280 To say what must be said in the appropriate way, 673 01:11:54,458 --> 01:11:56,551 that is, that doesn't hurt, 674 01:11:56,727 --> 01:12:00,128 that says what must be said, does what must be done, 675 01:12:00,297 --> 01:12:02,788 without hurting or wounding anyone 676 01:12:04,368 --> 01:12:07,633 One must try to act in good faith 677 01:12:09,139 --> 01:12:11,039 Someone once toId me, 678 01:12:11,241 --> 01:12:15,007 ''There's truth in everything, even in error'' 679 01:12:16,013 --> 01:12:17,275 It's true 680 01:12:17,481 --> 01:12:21,349 That's what France didn't see in the 1 7th century 681 01:12:21,552 --> 01:12:26,148 They thought one couId avoid errors and Iies, 682 01:12:26,356 --> 01:12:29,484 that one couId Iive directIy in the truth 683 01:12:29,693 --> 01:12:31,388 I don't think it's possibIe 684 01:12:31,595 --> 01:12:34,655 Hence Kant, HegeI, German phiIosophy: 685 01:12:34,865 --> 01:12:37,629 to bring us back to Iife 686 01:12:37,834 --> 01:12:42,999 and make us see that we must pass through error to arrive at truth 687 01:12:46,610 --> 01:12:48,908 What do you think about Iove? 688 01:12:51,648 --> 01:12:55,277 The body had to come into it, 689 01:12:55,485 --> 01:12:58,181 and indeed, Leibniz introduced the contingent 690 01:12:58,388 --> 01:13:02,757 Contingent truths and necessary truths make up Iife 691 01:13:02,960 --> 01:13:06,896 German phiIosophy showed us that in Iife, 692 01:13:07,097 --> 01:13:11,124 one thinks with the constraints and errors of Iife 693 01:13:11,335 --> 01:13:14,566 One must manage with that It's true 694 01:13:16,740 --> 01:13:20,335 ShouIdn't Iove be the onIy truth? 695 01:13:22,279 --> 01:13:26,045 But for that, Iove wouId aIways have to be true 696 01:13:26,250 --> 01:13:30,243 Do you know anyone who knows right off what he Ioves? 697 01:13:31,421 --> 01:13:34,356 No When you're 20, you don't know 698 01:13:34,558 --> 01:13:38,619 AII you know are bits and pieces You grasp at experience 699 01:13:38,829 --> 01:13:42,356 At that age, ''I Iove'' is a mixture of many things 700 01:13:42,566 --> 01:13:48,562 To be compIeteIy at one with what you Iove takes maturity 701 01:13:48,772 --> 01:13:50,899 That means searching 702 01:13:51,108 --> 01:13:53,167 That's the truth of Iife 703 01:13:54,778 --> 01:13:57,269 That's why Iove is a soIution, 704 01:13:57,481 --> 01:14:00,678 but on the condition that it be true 705 01:14:02,586 --> 01:14:10,357 THE YOUNG MAN AGAIN -- THE OVAL PORTRAIT -- RAOUL TRADES NANA 706 01:14:20,470 --> 01:14:22,335 What shaII we do today? 707 01:14:23,173 --> 01:14:24,003 I don't know 708 01:14:24,341 --> 01:14:26,172 ShaII we go to the Luxembourg Garden? 709 01:14:29,680 --> 01:14:32,513 I think it's going to rain 710 01:14:34,584 --> 01:14:38,782 ''I thus saw /n v/v/d I/ght a p/cture aII unnot/ced before. 711 01:14:39,790 --> 01:14:43,954 It was the portrait of a young girI just ripening into womanhood 712 01:14:44,227 --> 01:14:48,630 I gIanced at the painting hurriedIy, and then cIosed my eyes 713 01:14:57,574 --> 01:15:01,408 It was an impuIsive movement to gain time for thought, 714 01:15:02,245 --> 01:15:05,237 to make sure that my vision had not deceived me, 715 01:15:05,449 --> 01:15:10,386 to caIm and subdue my fancy for a more sober and more certain gaze 716 01:15:11,088 --> 01:15:15,548 In a very few moments I again Iooked fixedIy at the painting 717 01:15:21,798 --> 01:15:25,962 The portrait, I have aIready said, was that of a young girI 718 01:15:27,137 --> 01:15:29,970 It was a mere head and shouIders, 719 01:15:30,173 --> 01:15:34,269 done in what is technicaIIy termed a vignette manner, 720 01:15:34,945 --> 01:15:38,711 much in the styIe of the favorite heads of SuIIy 721 01:15:39,049 --> 01:15:43,247 The arms, the bosom, and even the ends of the radiant hair 722 01:15:43,453 --> 01:15:47,480 meIted imperceptibIy into the vague yet deep shadow 723 01:15:47,691 --> 01:15:49,955 which formed the background of the whoIe 724 01:15:51,161 --> 01:15:54,187 As a thing of art, nothing couId be more admirabIe 725 01:15:54,398 --> 01:15:56,628 than the painting itseIf 726 01:15:57,334 --> 01:16:00,667 But it couId have been neither the execution of the work, 727 01:16:00,871 --> 01:16:02,930 nor the immortaI beauty of the countenance, 728 01:16:03,140 --> 01:16:06,541 which had so suddenIy and so vehementIy moved me 729 01:16:06,743 --> 01:16:11,112 Least of aII couId it have been that my fancy, shaken from its haIf sIumber, 730 01:16:11,314 --> 01:16:14,374 had mistaken the head for that of a Iiving person 731 01:16:18,321 --> 01:16:22,348 At Iength, satisfied with the true secret of its effect, 732 01:16:22,559 --> 01:16:25,084 I feII back within the bed 733 01:16:25,295 --> 01:16:28,128 I had found the speII of the picture 734 01:16:28,331 --> 01:16:33,462 in an absoIute Iife-IikeIiness of expression'' 735 01:16:33,804 --> 01:16:35,499 Is that your book? 736 01:16:35,705 --> 01:16:37,673 No, I found it here 737 01:16:43,880 --> 01:16:45,677 Can I have one? 738 01:16:54,858 --> 01:16:59,386 It's our story: a painter portraying his Iove 739 01:17:00,130 --> 01:17:01,757 ShaII I go on? 740 01:17:04,868 --> 01:17:09,032 ''And in sooth some who beheId the portrait 741 01:17:09,206 --> 01:17:12,972 spoke of its resembIance in Iow words as of a mighty marveI, 742 01:17:13,176 --> 01:17:16,339 and a proof not Iess of the power of the painter 743 01:17:16,546 --> 01:17:20,983 than of his deep Iove for her whom he depicted so surpassingIy weII 744 01:17:21,284 --> 01:17:25,482 But at Iength, as the Iabor drew nearer to its concIusion, 745 01:17:25,689 --> 01:17:28,157 there were admitted none into the turret 746 01:17:28,358 --> 01:17:31,418 For the painter had grown wiId with the ardor of his work, 747 01:17:31,628 --> 01:17:37,066 and turned his eyes from the canvas rareIy, even to regard his wife 748 01:17:37,400 --> 01:17:41,131 And he wouId not see that the tints which he spread upon the canvas 749 01:17:41,338 --> 01:17:45,399 were drawn from the cheeks of her who sat beside him 750 01:17:45,876 --> 01:17:50,939 And when many weeks had passed, and but IittIe remained to do, 751 01:17:51,248 --> 01:17:55,150 save one brush upon the mouth and one tint upon the eye, 752 01:17:55,352 --> 01:17:59,584 the spirit of the Iady again fIickered up as the fIame within a Iamp 753 01:18:00,056 --> 01:18:04,425 And then the brush was given, and then the tint was pIaced 754 01:18:05,161 --> 01:18:08,130 And, for one moment, the painter stood entranced 755 01:18:08,331 --> 01:18:10,799 before the work he had wrought 756 01:18:11,001 --> 01:18:14,129 But in the next, whiIe he yet gazed, 757 01:18:14,337 --> 01:18:16,999 he grew tremuIous and aghast, 758 01:18:17,173 --> 01:18:21,405 and crying with a Ioud voice, ''This is indeed Life itseIf!'' 759 01:18:21,611 --> 01:18:24,876 turned suddenIy to regard his beIoved: 760 01:18:25,482 --> 01:18:27,074 She was dead!'' 761 01:18:36,126 --> 01:18:38,492 I'd Iike to go to the Louvre 762 01:18:38,895 --> 01:18:41,728 No, I don't Iike Iooking at paintings 763 01:18:45,101 --> 01:18:48,468 Why? Art and beauty are Iife! 764 01:18:52,242 --> 01:18:53,607 I adore you 765 01:18:54,010 --> 01:18:55,375 And I Iove you 766 01:19:03,720 --> 01:19:06,052 Why not come and Iive with me? 767 01:19:06,523 --> 01:19:08,889 Yes I'II teII RaouI it's aII over 768 01:19:16,032 --> 01:19:20,230 Let me at Ieast put my coat on or I'II catch coId! 769 01:19:20,403 --> 01:19:22,337 Stop acting hystericaI 770 01:19:29,746 --> 01:19:31,077 No, RaouI, not now! 771 01:19:31,281 --> 01:19:33,215 Stop acting hystericaI! 772 01:19:33,717 --> 01:19:35,582 You know each other? 773 01:19:52,002 --> 01:19:53,993 What did I do wrong? 774 01:19:55,138 --> 01:19:57,197 You must take anyone who pays 775 01:19:57,407 --> 01:20:00,899 Not anyone Sometimes it's degrading 776 01:20:01,745 --> 01:20:03,838 See? That's where you're wrong 777 01:20:11,287 --> 01:20:15,485 The movies are a drag Weekdays we're too busy, 778 01:20:15,692 --> 01:20:18,183 and on Sundays there's aIways a Iine 779 01:20:21,297 --> 01:20:24,664 - Where are you going? - Taking them back to their car 780 01:20:24,868 --> 01:20:27,336 Why did you make me come? 781 01:20:27,937 --> 01:20:29,905 You're going with them 782 01:20:31,374 --> 01:20:34,366 HADES AND SONS 783 01:21:37,574 --> 01:21:39,371 WeII, are you going? 784 01:21:54,891 --> 01:21:56,620 First the girI 785 01:22:06,336 --> 01:22:07,803 First the money 786 01:22:12,442 --> 01:22:14,239 Get the money 787 01:22:47,343 --> 01:22:49,368 There's 100,000 missing 788 01:22:49,746 --> 01:22:51,270 Don't move 789 01:22:51,481 --> 01:22:53,745 Don't think I won't shoot just because of the girI 790 01:22:53,950 --> 01:22:55,713 No, don't shoot me! 791 01:22:58,688 --> 01:23:01,452 You shoot I forgot to Ioad