1 00:00:03,962 --> 00:00:07,131 God looked upon his world and called it "good,". 2 00:00:08,049 --> 00:00:10,592 But man was not content. 3 00:00:10,635 --> 00:00:12,720 He looked for ways to make it better. 4 00:00:12,804 --> 00:00:15,764 And built machines to do the work. 5 00:00:15,807 --> 00:00:18,517 But in vain we build the world, 6 00:00:18,601 --> 00:00:20,894 unless the builder also grows. 7 00:00:50,133 --> 00:00:51,967 Come on, boys. 8 00:01:02,604 --> 00:01:03,604 What happened? 9 00:01:03,605 --> 00:01:05,689 That tin man hurt me. 10 00:01:05,774 --> 00:01:07,107 He tried to kill you, 11 00:01:07,192 --> 00:01:08,150 just like he did doc link. 12 00:01:08,193 --> 00:01:09,359 Just dumb, brute savagery. 13 00:01:09,444 --> 00:01:10,527 Which way did he go? 14 00:01:10,570 --> 00:01:11,528 There! 15 00:01:11,571 --> 00:01:12,738 Come on. 16 00:01:12,822 --> 00:01:14,406 You stay with the girl. 17 00:01:23,041 --> 00:01:24,083 Hold it. 18 00:01:26,753 --> 00:01:28,253 Fred, you follow me. 19 00:02:00,495 --> 00:02:03,122 Come on around, boys. There ain't gonna be no trouble. 20 00:02:09,921 --> 00:02:11,630 Ugly brute, ain't it? 21 00:02:11,714 --> 00:02:13,924 Thing weighs more than 300 pounds. 22 00:02:13,967 --> 00:02:16,468 The question is, how we gonna get it back to town? 23 00:02:16,553 --> 00:02:17,928 It's too heavy to carry. 24 00:02:19,973 --> 00:02:22,141 That won't be necessary. 25 00:02:22,225 --> 00:02:24,434 I will go under my own power. 26 00:02:43,371 --> 00:02:46,331 There is nothing wrong with your television set. 27 00:02:46,416 --> 00:02:48,834 Do not attempt to adjust the picture. 28 00:02:48,918 --> 00:02:51,795 We are controlling transmission. 29 00:02:51,838 --> 00:02:55,716 For the next hour, we will control all that you see and hear. 30 00:02:55,800 --> 00:02:58,719 You are about to experience the awe and mystery. 31 00:02:58,803 --> 00:03:01,722 Which reaches from the inner mind to... 32 00:03:01,806 --> 00:03:03,515 The outer limits. 33 00:03:27,832 --> 00:03:30,334 Doc built himself this here mechanical man. 34 00:03:30,376 --> 00:03:32,085 Because he's a crackpot scientist. 35 00:03:32,170 --> 00:03:34,129 Anyway, it got out of control and killed him. 36 00:03:34,297 --> 00:03:36,632 Frankenstein, killed by his own monster. 37 00:03:36,674 --> 00:03:38,467 Sheriff, this is the space age. 38 00:03:38,509 --> 00:03:41,261 Mister, that thing in there ain't no joke. 39 00:03:41,304 --> 00:03:43,305 Did you get a signed confession? 40 00:03:43,348 --> 00:03:45,182 Look, there's no doubt he killed him. 41 00:03:45,266 --> 00:03:46,391 Doc was alone in his lab. 42 00:03:46,476 --> 00:03:48,018 Nobody else could have done it. 43 00:03:50,730 --> 00:03:52,773 Sheriff Barclay? 44 00:03:52,815 --> 00:03:54,650 Yes, ma'am. What can I do for you? 45 00:03:54,692 --> 00:03:57,277 I'm Nina link. 46 00:03:57,320 --> 00:04:01,490 Miss link, would you be the doc's niece from over at union town? 47 00:04:01,532 --> 00:04:02,658 Yes. 48 00:04:02,700 --> 00:04:04,284 I'd like to speak to Adam. 49 00:04:04,327 --> 00:04:06,745 Terrible thing, miss link. Your... your uncle was a fine man. 50 00:04:06,788 --> 00:04:09,623 Miss link, I'm Judson Ellis, St. Louis herald. Can I get a statement? 51 00:04:09,666 --> 00:04:10,999 How do you do? Sheriff... 52 00:04:11,042 --> 00:04:13,126 Miss link, if there is anything at all we can do for you... 53 00:04:13,169 --> 00:04:14,294 Yes, there is. 54 00:04:14,337 --> 00:04:16,505 I'd like to speak to Adam link, alone. 55 00:04:16,547 --> 00:04:19,675 Adam? You don't mean that gadget? 56 00:04:19,717 --> 00:04:22,344 But he's nothing of the sort. 57 00:04:22,387 --> 00:04:24,596 He's my... My legacy. 58 00:04:24,681 --> 00:04:26,682 Maybe you don't understand the circumstances. 59 00:04:26,724 --> 00:04:28,976 Your uncle was killed by that thing. 60 00:04:29,018 --> 00:04:30,686 Well, I don't believe that. 61 00:04:30,728 --> 00:04:32,688 Adam is kind and gentle, 62 00:04:32,772 --> 00:04:34,898 and he was devoted to uncle Charles. 63 00:04:34,983 --> 00:04:37,234 You talk like it was human. 64 00:04:37,360 --> 00:04:39,528 Well, he is, almost. 65 00:04:39,612 --> 00:04:41,071 Please, let me talk to him. 66 00:04:41,155 --> 00:04:43,115 Well, I'm sorry, I can't do that, miss link. 67 00:04:43,199 --> 00:04:45,409 We don't know yet what makes that infernal machine work, 68 00:04:45,493 --> 00:04:48,036 or when it might go off. It's just like a bomb! 69 00:04:48,079 --> 00:04:50,706 When are you going to evacuate the town, sheriff? 70 00:04:50,748 --> 00:04:53,542 You know, fella, we got smart-aleck reporters right here at home. 71 00:04:53,626 --> 00:04:55,669 Any town that could dream up a hoax like this 72 00:04:55,712 --> 00:04:58,213 has a sense of humor that I wouldn't try to compete with. 73 00:04:58,256 --> 00:05:00,549 If you want any pictures, mister, you better get 'em now, 74 00:05:00,633 --> 00:05:02,551 because as soon as I get an acetylene torch, 75 00:05:02,635 --> 00:05:04,803 there ain't gonna be nothing left but scrap metal. 76 00:05:04,887 --> 00:05:06,221 You can't do that! 77 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:07,931 Adam was uncle Charles' property 78 00:05:08,016 --> 00:05:09,891 and I'm his only relative. 79 00:05:09,934 --> 00:05:12,102 So, now he's my property. 80 00:05:12,186 --> 00:05:14,813 And if you so much as lay a hand on him, 81 00:05:14,897 --> 00:05:17,232 well, I'll have to sue you for willful destruction. 82 00:05:17,317 --> 00:05:20,569 Well, we'll see what the district attorney has got to say about this. 83 00:05:20,653 --> 00:05:21,653 Dilly! 84 00:05:25,074 --> 00:05:26,575 That was very good, miss link. 85 00:05:26,659 --> 00:05:28,493 You really put that clown in a spot. 86 00:05:28,578 --> 00:05:29,745 Well, thank you, Mr... 87 00:05:29,787 --> 00:05:31,955 Ellis. Judson Ellis. Defender of the constitution. 88 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:34,875 "All robots are created equal." 89 00:05:34,917 --> 00:05:39,129 Your assistance is appreciated, Mr. Ellis. 90 00:05:41,758 --> 00:05:44,426 It moves. It talks. It's human. 91 00:05:45,636 --> 00:05:48,138 You still think it's a trick, Mr. Ellis? 92 00:05:48,222 --> 00:05:49,264 Certainly. 93 00:05:49,349 --> 00:05:51,016 But it's the best I've run into. 94 00:05:51,100 --> 00:05:53,685 I'll admit I haven't spotted the gimmick yet. 95 00:05:53,770 --> 00:05:55,771 Look, I want an exclusive interview with you, 96 00:05:55,813 --> 00:05:57,856 but I've got to round up a photographer, first. 97 00:05:57,940 --> 00:06:00,400 Don't let that boondock sheriff dismantle it before I get back. 98 00:06:01,069 --> 00:06:02,986 He's not going to touch Adam. 99 00:06:03,029 --> 00:06:06,114 He will destroy me, Nina. 100 00:06:06,157 --> 00:06:08,950 All he needs is a state order. 101 00:06:08,993 --> 00:06:11,870 Declaring me an unlawful weapon. 102 00:06:14,791 --> 00:06:17,876 That's right. How did you know? 103 00:06:17,960 --> 00:06:22,547 I read every book in Dr. Link's library. 104 00:06:22,632 --> 00:06:25,342 There was one volume on law. 105 00:06:26,677 --> 00:06:28,095 Wait a minute. 106 00:06:28,179 --> 00:06:29,346 Wait a minute. 107 00:06:29,389 --> 00:06:31,473 That's what we need. Counsel for the defense. 108 00:06:31,516 --> 00:06:33,016 It'll be the story of the year. 109 00:06:33,101 --> 00:06:36,061 The state versus Adam link, first all-functional robot. 110 00:06:36,145 --> 00:06:37,938 Thinks. Talks. Acts. 111 00:06:38,773 --> 00:06:40,440 Accused of murder. 112 00:06:42,944 --> 00:06:46,321 Thurman Cutler! Is he still alive? Is he still around these parts? 113 00:06:46,364 --> 00:06:47,697 I don't know. 114 00:06:47,740 --> 00:06:49,658 You find out. Track him down and tell him the whole story. 115 00:06:49,700 --> 00:06:51,993 He'll give you a bad time, but don't take no for an answer. 116 00:06:52,036 --> 00:06:53,245 Now, move! Run all the way! 117 00:06:53,329 --> 00:06:54,788 The herald will pay the legal fees, 118 00:06:54,872 --> 00:06:56,873 but don't tell Cutler I sent you. 119 00:06:58,918 --> 00:07:01,211 Stiff upper lip, nerves of steel. 120 00:07:01,254 --> 00:07:03,880 You may end up a skillet, tin man. 121 00:07:03,923 --> 00:07:05,924 But I'm going to make you famous. 122 00:07:15,726 --> 00:07:17,144 All right. All right. 123 00:07:17,228 --> 00:07:19,104 Somebody's coming, what of it? 124 00:07:24,277 --> 00:07:25,402 Mr. Cutler? 125 00:07:29,407 --> 00:07:31,116 I'd like to talk to you, Mr. Cutler. 126 00:07:31,200 --> 00:07:32,742 Please, it's very important. 127 00:07:34,662 --> 00:07:35,745 Talk. 128 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:44,838 Who are you? 129 00:07:44,922 --> 00:07:46,256 Nina link. 130 00:07:47,258 --> 00:07:49,426 Are you related to old doc link? 131 00:07:49,469 --> 00:07:50,802 His niece. 132 00:07:52,263 --> 00:07:53,805 Pull up a rock. 133 00:07:56,893 --> 00:07:58,852 Your uncle is a dreamer. 134 00:08:00,271 --> 00:08:02,856 One of the worst cribbage players I ever met. 135 00:08:02,940 --> 00:08:04,274 How is he? 136 00:08:05,693 --> 00:08:07,194 Didn't you know? 137 00:08:07,278 --> 00:08:09,279 He was killed yesterday. 138 00:08:14,660 --> 00:08:17,287 Did he blow himself up in that crazy old lab of his? 139 00:08:17,330 --> 00:08:20,123 No. They say Adam did it, 140 00:08:20,166 --> 00:08:22,375 but it isn't true. 141 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:24,503 I don't care what sheriff Barclay says, 142 00:08:24,587 --> 00:08:26,588 he couldn't have done it. 143 00:08:27,256 --> 00:08:29,508 Young lady, 144 00:08:29,592 --> 00:08:31,718 if you've come all the way out here to ask me to help, 145 00:08:31,802 --> 00:08:34,971 you've had a long walk for nothing. 146 00:08:35,056 --> 00:08:37,474 I'm retired from the human race. 147 00:08:37,558 --> 00:08:38,642 Go away. 148 00:08:45,733 --> 00:08:47,817 Well, what are you waiting for? I said no. 149 00:08:47,860 --> 00:08:49,569 You don't have to shout at me. 150 00:08:51,364 --> 00:08:54,449 Your uncle was one of the finest men I ever knew. 151 00:08:54,492 --> 00:08:57,327 I'm not lifting a finger for any skunk who killed him. 152 00:08:58,120 --> 00:08:59,412 Adam's a robot. 153 00:09:01,624 --> 00:09:03,166 But it's true. 154 00:09:03,251 --> 00:09:05,752 Uncle Charles built him, himself. 155 00:09:05,836 --> 00:09:07,671 But he's almost human. 156 00:09:07,755 --> 00:09:11,341 He thinks and he talks. He remembers. 157 00:09:12,134 --> 00:09:14,386 Now wait a minute. 158 00:09:14,470 --> 00:09:19,015 Are you telling me that sheriff Barclay arrested a mechanical man? 159 00:09:19,058 --> 00:09:22,435 Yes. And the district attorney wants to destroy him. 160 00:09:34,115 --> 00:09:38,118 That's the first good laugh I've had in 35 years. 161 00:09:38,202 --> 00:09:41,997 I'm sorry. I meant no disrespect to the doc. 162 00:09:42,039 --> 00:09:43,873 When you get to be my age, 163 00:09:43,916 --> 00:09:47,002 death doesn't seem to be all that important, somehow. 164 00:09:48,629 --> 00:09:52,716 Barclay never did have brains enough to pour water out of a boat. 165 00:09:52,800 --> 00:09:55,635 And the D.A. Has the taint of ambition, 166 00:09:55,720 --> 00:09:57,804 which makes him no better. 167 00:10:00,808 --> 00:10:02,434 A mechanical man. 168 00:10:03,644 --> 00:10:04,894 A robot. 169 00:10:16,532 --> 00:10:18,908 "A Daniel come to judgment." 170 00:10:18,993 --> 00:10:20,619 Yay, a Daniel." 171 00:10:22,163 --> 00:10:24,914 Any statement for the press, counselor? 172 00:10:24,999 --> 00:10:28,376 Little Judd Ellis, isn't it? 173 00:10:28,419 --> 00:10:31,296 Ah, the young man of great promise, and all of it broken. 174 00:10:31,380 --> 00:10:33,298 You're still at it, huh, Cutler? 175 00:10:33,382 --> 00:10:37,093 Well, for once we're gonna be on the same team. 176 00:10:37,136 --> 00:10:39,846 And, brother, you'll need me. 177 00:10:39,930 --> 00:10:42,140 Well, it seems I didn't retire a minute too soon. 178 00:10:42,224 --> 00:10:44,059 With the herald behind me, I'd be ruined. 179 00:10:44,101 --> 00:10:45,477 No, don't give me that line. 180 00:10:45,561 --> 00:10:47,395 Who do you think sent Nina link after you? 181 00:10:47,438 --> 00:10:49,439 And you came like a shot, didn't you? 182 00:10:49,523 --> 00:10:52,150 For an opportunity like this, one last crack at the philistines, 183 00:10:52,234 --> 00:10:54,444 wild horses couldn't have stopped you. 184 00:10:54,487 --> 00:10:55,987 I know you, Mr. Cutler. 185 00:10:56,072 --> 00:10:58,156 You're as automatic as that robot. 186 00:10:59,116 --> 00:11:01,201 Are you referring to Mr. Adam link? 187 00:11:01,285 --> 00:11:02,619 The living egg beater. 188 00:11:02,662 --> 00:11:04,829 Hmm. "Living"? 189 00:11:04,914 --> 00:11:06,956 Yeah, I'd guess you'd call him that. 190 00:11:06,999 --> 00:11:09,167 He thinks and remembers, doesn't he? 191 00:11:09,251 --> 00:11:10,794 And he knows something about the law, 192 00:11:10,836 --> 00:11:12,837 which is more than you can say for sheriff Barclay. 193 00:11:12,922 --> 00:11:15,340 Hmm. He talks, so he can't be animal. 194 00:11:15,424 --> 00:11:18,468 Ah, man-like creature, wouldn't you say? 195 00:11:18,552 --> 00:11:20,095 Practically human. 196 00:11:20,137 --> 00:11:22,347 And therefore, entitled to his civil rights 197 00:11:22,431 --> 00:11:24,599 as guaranteed under the constitution. 198 00:11:24,642 --> 00:11:26,601 What's he been charged with? 199 00:11:26,644 --> 00:11:29,562 I don't think sheriff Barclay has bothered charging him yet. 200 00:11:31,315 --> 00:11:33,692 Why, that's illegal detention. 201 00:11:33,776 --> 00:11:35,151 I'm shocked, 202 00:11:35,236 --> 00:11:38,446 shocked at Sheriff Barclay's disregard for the law. 203 00:11:38,489 --> 00:11:40,990 They're saying that this creature murdered Dr. Link. 204 00:11:41,075 --> 00:11:43,368 Well, that is yet to be proven. 205 00:11:43,452 --> 00:11:45,328 May I quote you, counselor? 206 00:11:45,371 --> 00:11:47,831 Naturally. Excuse me, I have to consult with my client. 207 00:11:47,873 --> 00:11:49,165 Yes, of course. 208 00:11:54,004 --> 00:11:59,426 No robot can equal the human body for efficiency. 209 00:11:59,510 --> 00:12:04,347 It required a billion years for nature to develop it. 210 00:12:04,432 --> 00:12:07,976 Dr. Link had only 20. 211 00:12:08,018 --> 00:12:10,353 You mean you have certain limitations? 212 00:12:10,438 --> 00:12:12,522 Yes, Mr. Cutler. 213 00:12:12,565 --> 00:12:16,192 For instance, I cannot see colors, 214 00:12:16,235 --> 00:12:19,154 nor do I have the sense of smell or taste. 215 00:12:19,947 --> 00:12:21,489 What about feelings? 216 00:12:21,532 --> 00:12:26,161 Feeling is nature's method of protecting a fragile body. 217 00:12:26,203 --> 00:12:28,621 My body is not fragile. 218 00:12:30,666 --> 00:12:33,460 That's not what I meant. 219 00:12:33,544 --> 00:12:36,337 How do you feel about being in here? 220 00:12:36,380 --> 00:12:40,467 Would you like being in a cage, Mr. Cutler? 221 00:12:40,551 --> 00:12:43,386 I have thought of leaving. 222 00:12:43,429 --> 00:12:45,263 And how do you propose to get out? 223 00:13:03,491 --> 00:13:06,618 I see, now, why people think you killed doc link. 224 00:13:08,412 --> 00:13:11,748 You gave yourself up. Why? 225 00:13:11,832 --> 00:13:17,170 For the same reason I did not resist being brought here. 226 00:13:17,254 --> 00:13:19,923 I don't want to hurt anyone. 227 00:13:20,800 --> 00:13:22,342 What happened with doc link? 228 00:13:22,426 --> 00:13:25,470 It was an accident. 229 00:13:25,554 --> 00:13:26,846 Did you kill him? 230 00:13:28,015 --> 00:13:31,976 No. He was my creator. 231 00:13:32,061 --> 00:13:35,480 My emotions are the same as his. 232 00:13:35,564 --> 00:13:37,816 Why should I kill him? 233 00:13:37,900 --> 00:13:41,110 When he died, I felt sorrow. 234 00:13:43,239 --> 00:13:46,449 Mr. Cutler! Mr. Cutler... 235 00:13:46,492 --> 00:13:48,243 Well, Mr. Cutler, 236 00:13:48,285 --> 00:13:50,286 I heard you were back in town 237 00:13:50,371 --> 00:13:52,580 for the first time in 12 years. 238 00:13:52,623 --> 00:13:55,208 Now what's this nonsense with doc link's robot? 239 00:13:55,292 --> 00:13:56,626 Hello, Tom. 240 00:13:56,669 --> 00:13:58,711 You've come a way in the world. 241 00:13:58,796 --> 00:14:02,590 Well, a matter of knowing and using the law, as you used to say. 242 00:14:02,633 --> 00:14:04,634 That's why I'm here. 243 00:14:04,677 --> 00:14:07,595 I hear you're withholding property that belongs to my client. 244 00:14:07,638 --> 00:14:10,014 That's miss Nina link, here. 245 00:14:10,099 --> 00:14:11,432 We're not withholding it, 246 00:14:11,475 --> 00:14:13,268 we're going to dismantle it. 247 00:14:13,310 --> 00:14:14,978 Oh? 248 00:14:15,020 --> 00:14:17,730 I don't recall that my client received a writ or an order 249 00:14:17,815 --> 00:14:19,941 depriving her of her personal property. 250 00:14:19,984 --> 00:14:22,318 That's an engine of destruction. 251 00:14:22,361 --> 00:14:23,903 An engine of destruction? 252 00:14:23,988 --> 00:14:25,488 You mean he committed a crime? 253 00:14:25,531 --> 00:14:26,781 It committed a crime. 254 00:14:26,824 --> 00:14:28,283 It killed doc link. 255 00:14:28,325 --> 00:14:29,909 But that's a murder charge. 256 00:14:29,994 --> 00:14:31,578 Then that's what it is, murder. 257 00:14:31,662 --> 00:14:33,830 Wanton, savage murder. 258 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:35,290 But denied. 259 00:14:36,834 --> 00:14:37,750 What? 260 00:14:37,835 --> 00:14:39,627 I'm simply repeating your charge 261 00:14:39,670 --> 00:14:41,963 and entering a plea of "not guilty." 262 00:14:42,006 --> 00:14:45,258 Are... are you suggesting we put a robot, 263 00:14:45,342 --> 00:14:46,593 a... a computer, 264 00:14:46,677 --> 00:14:50,054 wires, electrodes, and what all else, on trial for murder? 265 00:14:50,139 --> 00:14:51,639 Well, it's not a bad idea, 266 00:14:51,682 --> 00:14:54,017 but you said this was to be a civil case. 267 00:14:54,059 --> 00:14:55,643 It is a civil case. 268 00:14:55,686 --> 00:14:57,145 Not when you've got the defendant 269 00:14:57,187 --> 00:14:59,272 locked up in jail on a charge of murder. 270 00:15:01,150 --> 00:15:02,942 Mr. Cutler... 271 00:15:03,027 --> 00:15:05,653 I've always known you've never had much use for us. 272 00:15:05,696 --> 00:15:09,198 But are you trying to make this city the laughingstock of America? 273 00:15:09,241 --> 00:15:11,993 There's always the alternative of a civil suit. 274 00:15:12,036 --> 00:15:16,247 Which you could make equally ridiculous, with appeals and more appeals. 275 00:15:16,332 --> 00:15:19,584 True, and that's why I like your shortcut. 276 00:15:19,668 --> 00:15:21,878 A simple hearing, without a jury. 277 00:15:21,921 --> 00:15:25,048 Closed to the public. Closed to the press. 278 00:15:25,132 --> 00:15:28,718 Just for the purpose of ascertaining the destructive abilities of the robot? 279 00:15:30,095 --> 00:15:31,554 Uh-huh. 280 00:15:31,597 --> 00:15:34,057 You'd accept the judge's decision as final? 281 00:15:35,392 --> 00:15:37,810 That is, if it's all right with my client. 282 00:15:37,895 --> 00:15:39,896 I'll do whatever you say. 283 00:15:39,939 --> 00:15:41,898 Ah, it's mad. 284 00:15:41,941 --> 00:15:43,775 I-it's ludicrous. 285 00:15:43,859 --> 00:15:46,402 Oh, I'll do anything in the pursuit of justice. 286 00:15:46,487 --> 00:15:50,281 Hadn't you better draw up those papers before I think of something else? 287 00:15:50,366 --> 00:15:51,366 Well... 288 00:15:52,076 --> 00:15:53,076 Deputy? 289 00:16:06,840 --> 00:16:09,342 I almost forgot to ask if this is all OK with you? 290 00:16:32,908 --> 00:16:35,243 Let one thing be understood: 291 00:16:35,285 --> 00:16:37,620 This is a court of law. 292 00:16:37,705 --> 00:16:39,664 That the circumstances are bizarre, 293 00:16:39,748 --> 00:16:41,791 I might say, outrageous, 294 00:16:41,834 --> 00:16:43,751 does not alter the facts. 295 00:16:43,794 --> 00:16:45,670 As you yourself said, your honor, 296 00:16:45,754 --> 00:16:47,338 "this hearing will be conducted 297 00:16:47,423 --> 00:16:50,425 on strict procedure, and on the highest level." 298 00:16:50,467 --> 00:16:54,012 Because I believe Mr. Cutler has more on his mind 299 00:16:54,096 --> 00:16:56,472 than the defense of a pile of iron. 300 00:16:56,515 --> 00:16:57,807 Object! 301 00:16:57,850 --> 00:16:59,142 Sustained. 302 00:16:59,226 --> 00:17:02,020 Please limit yourself to your opening remarks, Mr. Coyle. 303 00:17:03,313 --> 00:17:05,148 The state contends and will prove 304 00:17:05,232 --> 00:17:08,651 that the defendant murdered Dr. Charles link. 305 00:17:08,736 --> 00:17:12,405 The state contends that a verdict of guilty is mandatory 306 00:17:12,489 --> 00:17:15,283 to protect the people of this community and this state 307 00:17:15,325 --> 00:17:18,995 against the mindless violence of a destructive machine. 308 00:17:21,832 --> 00:17:24,292 Mr. Cutler. 309 00:17:24,334 --> 00:17:28,004 Your honor, the defense will not make its opening statement, 310 00:17:28,047 --> 00:17:30,339 but we do have a motion. 311 00:17:30,424 --> 00:17:32,508 We move this case be dismissed 312 00:17:32,593 --> 00:17:34,844 on the grounds it is manifestly impossible 313 00:17:34,928 --> 00:17:36,471 that the defendant is guilty. 314 00:17:41,060 --> 00:17:42,769 In his deposition, 315 00:17:42,853 --> 00:17:45,813 Adam link swore he did not kill doc link. 316 00:17:47,024 --> 00:17:48,649 Since he is a robot, 317 00:17:48,692 --> 00:17:50,526 he can only repeat information 318 00:17:50,611 --> 00:17:52,195 which is programmed into him. 319 00:17:53,072 --> 00:17:54,864 Ergo, he cannot lie. 320 00:17:54,948 --> 00:17:58,034 Therefore, on irrefutable testimony, he is innocent. 321 00:17:58,869 --> 00:18:00,578 Your honor, 322 00:18:00,662 --> 00:18:02,955 it is true that a computer can answer 323 00:18:03,040 --> 00:18:05,875 only what has been programmed into it. 324 00:18:05,959 --> 00:18:08,544 But if it has been told that white is black, 325 00:18:08,629 --> 00:18:11,130 and it responds that white is black, 326 00:18:11,215 --> 00:18:13,633 isn't it telling an untruth? 327 00:18:13,717 --> 00:18:14,884 No, your honor, 328 00:18:14,968 --> 00:18:17,345 a computer is capable of lying. 329 00:18:17,387 --> 00:18:19,722 On this score, and on another, 330 00:18:19,765 --> 00:18:22,391 which the prosecution will take up at the proper time. 331 00:18:24,394 --> 00:18:26,437 Motion to dismiss, denied. 332 00:18:26,522 --> 00:18:27,897 Proceed, Mr. Coyle. 333 00:18:34,822 --> 00:18:36,948 The state calls Mrs. Mccrae. 334 00:18:42,204 --> 00:18:44,580 What was your relation to the late Dr. Link? 335 00:18:44,665 --> 00:18:46,040 Oh, we weren't related. 336 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:49,460 I was his housekeeper, and nothing more, for the past 9 years. 337 00:18:50,254 --> 00:18:52,088 Mrs. Mccrae, 338 00:18:52,172 --> 00:18:54,048 I'm only trying to establish 339 00:18:54,091 --> 00:18:56,217 that you were well acquainted with his work. 340 00:18:56,260 --> 00:18:57,385 Of course, I was. 341 00:18:57,427 --> 00:18:59,929 Cleaned up that lab of his every week. 342 00:19:00,013 --> 00:19:03,141 Then you must have been one of the very first to see the robot, 343 00:19:03,225 --> 00:19:04,475 the defendant. 344 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:07,270 I saw him when he was nothin' but a heap of nuts and bolts. 345 00:19:21,118 --> 00:19:22,743 Oh, there you are, Mrs. Mccrae. 346 00:19:22,786 --> 00:19:25,246 I thought you'd forgotten about lunch. 347 00:19:25,289 --> 00:19:28,416 Then why have I been screamin' at you for the last 2 hours? 348 00:19:28,458 --> 00:19:29,959 Oh, was that you? 349 00:19:30,002 --> 00:19:32,587 I thought it was a barn owl. 350 00:19:32,629 --> 00:19:34,463 You know, you shouldn't bring that 351 00:19:34,548 --> 00:19:36,632 all the way out here from the house. 352 00:19:36,675 --> 00:19:38,509 You'd starve to death if I didn't. 353 00:19:38,594 --> 00:19:40,636 I don't mind the work. 354 00:19:40,679 --> 00:19:44,724 Mrs. Mccrae, just wait till I get Adam, here, assembled. 355 00:19:44,808 --> 00:19:46,517 He'll do all the hard work. 356 00:19:46,602 --> 00:19:48,561 You're badly foolin' yourself, Dr. Link, 357 00:19:48,645 --> 00:19:51,105 if you think that mechanical man will ever move for you. 358 00:19:51,148 --> 00:19:53,149 Huh, it's against nature. 359 00:19:57,154 --> 00:19:59,488 No better man ever lived than Dr. Link. 360 00:19:59,531 --> 00:20:02,992 But it was the devil's toys he was playin' with. 361 00:20:03,035 --> 00:20:05,578 The next time I saw it, it was all together. 362 00:20:28,060 --> 00:20:29,936 Mrs. Mccrae, you found another mouse? 363 00:20:30,020 --> 00:20:33,731 That... that... that thing! It... it moved! 364 00:20:33,815 --> 00:20:36,734 It's staring at me! It's alive! 365 00:20:38,987 --> 00:20:42,365 There wasn't a week passed that I didn't drive over from union town 366 00:20:42,407 --> 00:20:43,991 to have dinner with uncle. 367 00:20:44,034 --> 00:20:46,327 And I watched him give Adam his lessons. 368 00:20:46,370 --> 00:20:48,537 He was training him? 369 00:20:48,622 --> 00:20:49,830 Yes, he taught him, 370 00:20:49,873 --> 00:20:52,875 just as you would teach a child. 371 00:20:52,918 --> 00:20:54,669 He even had to learn how to walk. 372 00:20:57,172 --> 00:21:00,716 I built a 3-dimensional spirit level into the brain. 373 00:21:00,759 --> 00:21:06,222 It will tell him what's horizontal, vertical and oblique. 374 00:21:06,265 --> 00:21:08,557 Now, when I turn on this switch, 375 00:21:09,393 --> 00:21:10,643 he should walk, 376 00:21:10,727 --> 00:21:11,894 I hope. 377 00:21:27,911 --> 00:21:30,496 Well, that's that. 378 00:21:31,832 --> 00:21:34,292 Back to the drawing board. 379 00:21:34,376 --> 00:21:37,628 I was so certain it would work. 380 00:21:37,713 --> 00:21:40,339 Look, uncle. He's crawling like a baby. 381 00:21:45,470 --> 00:21:46,929 That's it. 382 00:21:47,014 --> 00:21:49,181 Come on. Good boy. 383 00:21:49,266 --> 00:21:52,143 Crawl over this way. Crawl to me. 384 00:21:52,227 --> 00:21:53,561 Now, why do you suppose he's... 385 00:21:53,603 --> 00:21:54,770 Oh, uncle, 386 00:21:54,980 --> 00:21:57,940 anybody but an old bachelor would know that a baby has to crawl before it can walk. 387 00:21:57,983 --> 00:22:00,234 Nonsense, I never crawled. 388 00:22:00,736 --> 00:22:01,777 Oh! 389 00:22:05,532 --> 00:22:06,699 Chair. 390 00:22:10,454 --> 00:22:11,620 Chair. 391 00:22:21,131 --> 00:22:22,298 Table. 392 00:22:25,969 --> 00:22:27,136 Table. 393 00:22:36,605 --> 00:22:37,938 Generator. 394 00:22:42,652 --> 00:22:43,986 Generator. 395 00:22:45,947 --> 00:22:47,448 My hand. 396 00:22:50,577 --> 00:22:51,911 My hand. 397 00:22:51,995 --> 00:22:53,162 No, 398 00:22:53,205 --> 00:22:56,624 this is my hand. 399 00:22:56,666 --> 00:22:59,251 This is your hand. 400 00:23:01,505 --> 00:23:02,713 My hand. 401 00:23:04,716 --> 00:23:06,175 Your hand. 402 00:23:06,259 --> 00:23:08,511 Yes, yes, but gently, 403 00:23:08,595 --> 00:23:10,846 or it won't be a hand at all. 404 00:23:15,060 --> 00:23:18,479 "See Johnny run. 405 00:23:19,314 --> 00:23:23,526 "Run, Johnny, run. 406 00:23:24,903 --> 00:23:28,948 "See Sally run. 407 00:23:29,825 --> 00:23:33,702 Run, Sally, run." 408 00:23:34,413 --> 00:23:35,788 "'Take some more tea, '. 409 00:23:35,872 --> 00:23:39,500 "The march hare said to Alice, very earnestly. 410 00:23:39,543 --> 00:23:43,170 "'I've had nothing yet, ' Alice replied in an offended tone, 411 00:23:43,213 --> 00:23:45,756 'so I can't take more."' 412 00:23:45,841 --> 00:23:48,300 "the characteristic spectrum. 413 00:23:48,385 --> 00:23:52,388 "Produced by the atom of a given element, 414 00:23:52,472 --> 00:23:55,724 "either in emission or absorption, 415 00:23:55,767 --> 00:23:58,519 "is determined by the aggregation. 416 00:23:58,562 --> 00:24:00,771 "Of possible energy levels. 417 00:24:00,856 --> 00:24:03,816 "Of the atoms of that element. 418 00:24:03,900 --> 00:24:07,069 The ratio between the powers..." 419 00:24:07,154 --> 00:24:09,572 Do you think he really understands all that stuff? 420 00:24:09,614 --> 00:24:12,908 Well, I'm not sure I know how to answer that, Nina. 421 00:24:12,951 --> 00:24:15,744 Certainly he remembers everything he reads. 422 00:24:15,787 --> 00:24:18,080 Not only that, he makes cross-references 423 00:24:18,123 --> 00:24:20,583 which produce logical conclusions. 424 00:24:20,625 --> 00:24:22,168 Well, then he has a mind? 425 00:24:22,252 --> 00:24:23,502 A human mind? 426 00:24:23,587 --> 00:24:26,630 Well, basically, yes, I suppose he is human. 427 00:24:26,715 --> 00:24:29,633 I'm teaching him to think, to reason, to perform. 428 00:24:30,760 --> 00:24:33,429 But he's still a creation. 429 00:24:33,472 --> 00:24:35,264 A machine. 430 00:24:35,307 --> 00:24:37,099 If he has any emotional responses, 431 00:24:37,142 --> 00:24:39,685 I think they're the ones he acquired from me. 432 00:24:39,769 --> 00:24:42,438 Oh, that means he's going to be a woman-hater. 433 00:24:42,481 --> 00:24:44,940 Not true. 434 00:24:44,983 --> 00:24:47,359 I just don't want to be caged up. 435 00:24:47,444 --> 00:24:48,986 I wanna be free. 436 00:24:50,530 --> 00:24:51,989 Then I take it, miss link, 437 00:24:52,073 --> 00:24:53,449 you consider the defendant 438 00:24:53,533 --> 00:24:56,452 a creature of high intelligence. 439 00:24:56,495 --> 00:24:59,914 Well, he's a lot smarter than I am. 440 00:25:00,040 --> 00:25:03,459 You stated that the defendant read voraciously. 441 00:25:03,502 --> 00:25:05,461 Yes, he never had to sleep, 442 00:25:05,504 --> 00:25:08,214 so he read at night. Hundreds of books. 443 00:25:09,132 --> 00:25:12,176 Every book in your uncle's library? 444 00:25:12,260 --> 00:25:15,304 Yes, and more that I brought from the public library. 445 00:25:16,681 --> 00:25:19,642 Miss link... 446 00:25:19,684 --> 00:25:23,812 I hold in my hand a volume containing Dr. Link's book plate. 447 00:25:24,898 --> 00:25:26,857 Since it came from his home, 448 00:25:26,942 --> 00:25:29,401 may we assume the defendant read it? 449 00:25:30,946 --> 00:25:32,821 Yes, most likely. 450 00:25:32,906 --> 00:25:35,366 Would you read the title, please? 451 00:25:35,450 --> 00:25:37,826 It's a novel entitled Frankenstein. 452 00:25:38,745 --> 00:25:40,371 The premise of which is 453 00:25:40,455 --> 00:25:43,040 that a created man, lacking a soul, 454 00:25:43,124 --> 00:25:45,292 must turn against his creator. 455 00:25:45,335 --> 00:25:47,002 Against humanity. 456 00:25:47,045 --> 00:25:49,004 Oh, yes, but that's only a novel. It's not... 457 00:25:49,047 --> 00:25:50,548 No more questions. It's not true! 458 00:25:50,632 --> 00:25:53,467 No more questions, miss link. 459 00:25:53,510 --> 00:25:55,177 I work for doc, regular. 460 00:25:55,220 --> 00:25:58,430 You know, uh, odd jobs. 461 00:25:58,515 --> 00:26:01,100 Like that crate I built for him to ship the robot in. 462 00:26:01,184 --> 00:26:02,560 Had to be mighty sturdy. 463 00:26:04,938 --> 00:26:06,939 Oh, this'll do just fine, Fred. 464 00:26:07,023 --> 00:26:09,358 Try it out, Adam. 465 00:26:09,401 --> 00:26:11,318 You want me to get in there? 466 00:26:11,361 --> 00:26:14,488 That's right. I wish you could sit in the Pullman with me, 467 00:26:14,531 --> 00:26:18,409 but I'm afraid the other passengers might not like the idea. 468 00:26:18,493 --> 00:26:20,995 Adam's making his debut. 469 00:26:21,037 --> 00:26:23,414 I'm taking him to Chicago next week. 470 00:26:23,498 --> 00:26:24,873 That right? 471 00:26:24,958 --> 00:26:27,543 He's the first of his kind, but not the last. 472 00:26:27,586 --> 00:26:30,129 In the future, Adam will be the greatest aid to man 473 00:26:30,213 --> 00:26:32,631 and civilization since... 474 00:26:32,716 --> 00:26:36,010 What are you waiting for, Adam? Try it out for size. 475 00:26:46,396 --> 00:26:48,480 I don't like being locked up. 476 00:26:52,068 --> 00:26:55,571 - They were still arguing about it when I left. - 00. 477 00:26:55,614 --> 00:26:56,905 Arguing about it? 478 00:26:56,948 --> 00:26:58,449 Sure, they had arguments. 479 00:26:58,533 --> 00:27:00,868 Differences of opinion, some people might say. 480 00:27:02,329 --> 00:27:05,873 There were some things that that robot just couldn't understand. 481 00:27:06,958 --> 00:27:08,250 Like what? 482 00:27:08,293 --> 00:27:10,919 Well, the idea of his strength, for one. 483 00:27:10,962 --> 00:27:12,171 How to use it. 484 00:27:12,255 --> 00:27:15,049 The... the ethics of usin' it, as doc would say. 485 00:27:15,091 --> 00:27:16,133 Oh? 486 00:27:17,427 --> 00:27:19,928 There was times that doc thought about takin' it apart, 487 00:27:20,013 --> 00:27:22,056 and startin' all over again. 488 00:27:22,098 --> 00:27:24,600 I guess he was right. 489 00:27:24,684 --> 00:27:26,268 That afternoon I heard the argument, 490 00:27:26,311 --> 00:27:28,395 I went to town to cash my check, 491 00:27:28,438 --> 00:27:30,773 and, well, I found out doc hadn't signed it. 492 00:27:30,815 --> 00:27:32,816 I guess he was just absent-mined. 493 00:27:33,860 --> 00:27:35,235 So, I went back. 494 00:27:35,278 --> 00:27:37,446 Doc? 495 00:27:37,530 --> 00:27:40,449 Doc, you forgot to put your "John Henry" on my... 496 00:27:43,370 --> 00:27:44,453 Doc? 497 00:28:00,136 --> 00:28:01,178 Doc? 498 00:28:08,478 --> 00:28:10,187 What have you done to him? 499 00:28:14,859 --> 00:28:16,527 You crazy monster. 500 00:28:18,655 --> 00:28:20,656 You killed him! 501 00:28:20,699 --> 00:28:23,617 No, it was an accident. 502 00:28:28,456 --> 00:28:30,457 You put that thing down. 503 00:28:31,793 --> 00:28:33,627 You're in enough trouble. 504 00:28:35,255 --> 00:28:36,880 I'm gonna call the law! 505 00:28:40,844 --> 00:28:44,012 Well, sure, we knew that doc had built a mechanical man up at his place, 506 00:28:44,097 --> 00:28:46,181 but how could we figure it'd turn on him? 507 00:28:46,224 --> 00:28:48,308 We got the report. 508 00:28:48,351 --> 00:28:50,185 We got together a few of the deputies and when out looking for him. 509 00:28:50,186 --> 00:28:54,189 That's when we ran across little Evie Cooper, near the pond. 510 00:28:54,232 --> 00:28:56,191 And, uh, you were out playing, hmm? 511 00:28:56,276 --> 00:28:57,276 Yes. 512 00:28:57,318 --> 00:28:59,111 And where... where were you? 513 00:28:59,195 --> 00:29:00,571 By the edge of the pond. 514 00:29:00,655 --> 00:29:02,865 By the edge of the pond, uh-huh. 515 00:29:02,907 --> 00:29:04,783 And then you heard something? 516 00:29:04,868 --> 00:29:05,993 Yes. 517 00:29:06,035 --> 00:29:08,203 And what was the first thing you saw? 518 00:29:09,706 --> 00:29:11,331 The big tin man. 519 00:29:11,875 --> 00:29:13,208 Yes? 520 00:29:13,293 --> 00:29:15,544 And what did he do? 521 00:29:15,587 --> 00:29:17,504 Pushed me in the water. 522 00:29:18,131 --> 00:29:19,173 He did? 523 00:29:19,215 --> 00:29:20,299 Yes. 524 00:29:20,383 --> 00:29:22,634 What... what else did he do? 525 00:29:22,719 --> 00:29:25,387 He grabbed me out by the arm 526 00:29:25,472 --> 00:29:27,097 and hurt me. 527 00:29:27,182 --> 00:29:28,182 He hurt you? 528 00:29:28,224 --> 00:29:29,224 Yes. 529 00:29:29,309 --> 00:29:31,185 Broke your arm, 530 00:29:31,227 --> 00:29:34,229 then he pushed you in the water and wouldn't let you out? 531 00:29:34,981 --> 00:29:36,732 Yes. 532 00:29:36,816 --> 00:29:39,902 Maybe something else he couldn't understand, 533 00:29:39,986 --> 00:29:42,196 that a human being can drown. 534 00:29:43,448 --> 00:29:45,699 He's the one, the tin man! 535 00:29:51,790 --> 00:29:53,457 Professor, 536 00:29:53,541 --> 00:29:56,335 you have an impressive string of degrees after your name. 537 00:29:56,419 --> 00:29:58,128 With your many scientific achievements, 538 00:29:58,213 --> 00:29:59,588 would it be proper to say 539 00:29:59,672 --> 00:30:01,757 that you're one of the leading figures in your field? 540 00:30:01,758 --> 00:30:04,927 Oh, possibly. I'm not much impressed with ratings. 541 00:30:04,969 --> 00:30:06,595 You knew Dr. Link personally? 542 00:30:06,679 --> 00:30:08,263 Intimately. 543 00:30:08,306 --> 00:30:09,807 What kind of a man was he? 544 00:30:09,891 --> 00:30:11,350 He was a wonderful man. 545 00:30:11,434 --> 00:30:12,434 Gentle? 546 00:30:12,477 --> 00:30:13,727 Kind. 547 00:30:13,770 --> 00:30:15,771 Shame he met such an untimely death. 548 00:30:15,855 --> 00:30:18,065 More than a shame. It's a loss to the entire world, 549 00:30:18,107 --> 00:30:20,192 both as a scientist and as a human being. 550 00:30:20,276 --> 00:30:22,277 Yes, you worked with him scientifically. 551 00:30:22,362 --> 00:30:23,862 You've done some outstanding work 552 00:30:23,947 --> 00:30:25,948 in the field of electronic brains, I understand? 553 00:30:26,032 --> 00:30:27,950 Computers. Yes. 554 00:30:28,034 --> 00:30:30,786 Would you say the defendant is a computer? 555 00:30:30,829 --> 00:30:32,287 He's a true robot. 556 00:30:32,330 --> 00:30:35,374 That is to say, he was constructed to perform manual tasks, 557 00:30:35,458 --> 00:30:38,752 much in the manner of an automated industrial plant. 558 00:30:38,795 --> 00:30:41,463 However, Dr. Link succeeded in creating 559 00:30:41,548 --> 00:30:44,466 a very advanced type of computer brain, 560 00:30:44,509 --> 00:30:46,301 a really marvelous creation. 561 00:30:46,344 --> 00:30:48,971 In other words, he functions as a human being? 562 00:30:49,013 --> 00:30:52,307 Well, physically, I would say he could out-perform any human being. 563 00:30:52,350 --> 00:30:54,017 Is he capable of human emotion? 564 00:30:54,102 --> 00:30:56,311 Ah, well, that's something else again. 565 00:30:56,396 --> 00:30:59,690 I would suggest he would adopt some, but not all. 566 00:30:59,774 --> 00:31:01,900 In other words, if he was taught to love, 567 00:31:01,985 --> 00:31:04,653 he would not automatically learn that the opposite side was hate? 568 00:31:04,737 --> 00:31:07,531 In my opinion, that would be completely impossible. 569 00:31:07,615 --> 00:31:09,658 And where would he derive his emotions from? 570 00:31:09,742 --> 00:31:11,827 From environment, uh, from his programmer. 571 00:31:11,911 --> 00:31:14,872 In this case, undoubtedly, Dr. Charles link. 572 00:31:14,956 --> 00:31:18,125 And would you say Dr. Link had the emotions of a fiend or a murderer? 573 00:31:18,167 --> 00:31:21,837 No, of course not. I've already described the sort of man he was. 574 00:31:21,921 --> 00:31:23,714 Oh, yes, so you did. 575 00:31:25,800 --> 00:31:27,342 I'm through with the witness. 576 00:31:28,303 --> 00:31:30,262 Tom, you wish to cross examine? 577 00:31:30,346 --> 00:31:31,847 Yes, Mr. Cutler. 578 00:31:37,687 --> 00:31:39,021 Tell me, professor, 579 00:31:39,063 --> 00:31:42,274 isn't the defendant animated by electricity? 580 00:31:42,358 --> 00:31:45,444 Oh, yes, there's an electronic power source in the chest. 581 00:31:45,528 --> 00:31:49,156 Then what would happen if he were to leak, or rust? 582 00:31:49,198 --> 00:31:52,075 Oh, it would cause a short circuit, I suppose. 583 00:31:52,160 --> 00:31:54,411 Now, I ask you, Professor Hebble, 584 00:31:54,495 --> 00:31:56,663 what would be the result? 585 00:31:56,706 --> 00:31:59,207 Oh, it would damage some of the cells, I suppose. 586 00:31:59,292 --> 00:32:00,709 I really can't say. 587 00:32:00,752 --> 00:32:03,378 In other words, he would be disrupted? 588 00:32:03,421 --> 00:32:05,213 Thrown out of kilter? 589 00:32:05,256 --> 00:32:08,383 Or in human terms, go berserk. 590 00:32:08,468 --> 00:32:12,554 The analogy is not completely far-fetched. I suppose. 591 00:32:12,597 --> 00:32:16,475 Would it be possible to simulate such a damage 592 00:32:16,559 --> 00:32:19,436 to the cells of this creature's brain? 593 00:32:19,520 --> 00:32:22,773 Yes, I could switch off one or 2 of the sensory wires 594 00:32:22,857 --> 00:32:24,733 leading to a portion of his iridium memory bank. 595 00:32:27,070 --> 00:32:28,862 I ask the court's indulgence. 596 00:32:28,905 --> 00:32:30,113 Object! 597 00:32:31,324 --> 00:32:32,783 Your honor, 598 00:32:32,867 --> 00:32:35,285 this type of theatrics went out with vaudeville. 599 00:32:35,370 --> 00:32:36,912 This is not germane. 600 00:32:36,996 --> 00:32:39,915 Overruled. I think it is germane. 601 00:32:39,958 --> 00:32:43,502 And I think the prosecutor has laid the proper foundation. 602 00:32:43,586 --> 00:32:46,630 And I am interested in the experiment. 603 00:32:46,714 --> 00:32:49,549 However, Mr. Coyle, could this be dangerous? 604 00:32:49,634 --> 00:32:52,219 Under some conditions, yes, your honor. 605 00:32:52,303 --> 00:32:54,596 But I've taken some precautions. 606 00:32:56,265 --> 00:32:58,600 Adam link, will you step forward? 607 00:33:00,311 --> 00:33:01,853 Mr. Cutler? 608 00:33:04,482 --> 00:33:05,732 Let him do it, Adam. 609 00:33:08,653 --> 00:33:13,323 I will no longer be responsible for my actions. 610 00:33:16,160 --> 00:33:18,245 We just had a ruling. 611 00:33:18,329 --> 00:33:19,830 Let him do it. 612 00:33:29,716 --> 00:33:31,341 Shall we, doctor? 613 00:33:42,979 --> 00:33:45,105 Ah, have you a screwdriver? 614 00:33:45,189 --> 00:33:46,523 Thank you. 615 00:34:06,252 --> 00:34:07,878 Ready, professor? 616 00:34:10,465 --> 00:34:12,549 We have here, your honor, 617 00:34:12,592 --> 00:34:14,718 Dr. Link's remote-control unit. 618 00:34:17,764 --> 00:34:19,014 All right? 619 00:34:19,974 --> 00:34:21,224 Go ahead. 620 00:34:47,919 --> 00:34:50,420 No! Stop! No! 621 00:34:52,048 --> 00:34:54,216 Stop! Stop! 622 00:34:54,258 --> 00:34:55,759 No! 623 00:34:55,802 --> 00:34:57,803 Get the control box! Hurry! 624 00:35:28,126 --> 00:35:30,418 Have you got it? Is he safe now? 625 00:35:35,591 --> 00:35:37,092 He's safe now, your honor. 626 00:35:42,181 --> 00:35:44,516 Thank you, Mr. Coyle, for the demonstration. 627 00:35:45,810 --> 00:35:47,811 And now we will recess, 628 00:35:47,854 --> 00:35:49,855 clean up the courtroom, 629 00:35:49,939 --> 00:35:52,065 and get on with the hearing. 630 00:35:53,359 --> 00:35:56,319 Adam, what were your sensations? 631 00:35:57,738 --> 00:36:00,490 I had no sensations. 632 00:36:01,367 --> 00:36:03,118 What were your thoughts? 633 00:36:03,161 --> 00:36:07,330 I wanted to destroy. 634 00:36:07,373 --> 00:36:09,583 Had you ever had thoughts like that before? 635 00:36:10,418 --> 00:36:11,459 No. 636 00:36:13,379 --> 00:36:15,630 Had you ever wanted to destroy before? 637 00:36:16,132 --> 00:36:19,134 No. 638 00:36:19,218 --> 00:36:22,888 Now, I want you to think back to the afternoon of doc link's death. 639 00:36:22,972 --> 00:36:25,473 Can you remember what happened? 640 00:36:25,516 --> 00:36:29,519 I remember everything, Mr. Cutler. 641 00:36:29,562 --> 00:36:32,272 I am incapable of forgetting. 642 00:36:34,025 --> 00:36:37,527 Yes, well, that's something I forgot. 643 00:36:37,612 --> 00:36:40,322 Tell us what happened that day. 644 00:36:40,364 --> 00:36:43,867 After Fred, the handyman, left, 645 00:36:43,910 --> 00:36:47,162 Dr. Link started working. 646 00:36:47,205 --> 00:36:49,748 I went into my reading room. 647 00:37:08,559 --> 00:37:12,562 Dr. Link, you should not try to fix things. 648 00:37:12,605 --> 00:37:15,649 That is what you have me for. 649 00:37:15,733 --> 00:37:18,652 Wait, I will move it off you. 650 00:37:25,409 --> 00:37:28,036 Are you hurt, Dr. Link? 651 00:37:28,079 --> 00:37:31,748 You will have to tell me what to do. 652 00:37:31,832 --> 00:37:35,460 I have never seen an injured human being. 653 00:37:35,544 --> 00:37:38,588 Hey, doc, how do you expect a man to pay for his beer 654 00:37:38,673 --> 00:37:40,548 when you won't sign his pay check? 655 00:37:49,767 --> 00:37:51,768 What's going on here? 656 00:37:51,811 --> 00:37:55,480 Dr. Link has been injured. 657 00:37:55,564 --> 00:37:58,525 Please tell me how to help him. 658 00:38:01,946 --> 00:38:03,488 You hit him with that thing. 659 00:38:04,824 --> 00:38:07,951 No, it was an accident. 660 00:38:10,204 --> 00:38:11,746 You killed him! 661 00:38:16,419 --> 00:38:18,253 You stay away from me. 662 00:38:19,547 --> 00:38:20,880 Keep back! 663 00:38:26,137 --> 00:38:29,472 Dr. Link still had not moved. 664 00:38:29,515 --> 00:38:31,641 His head was bleeding. 665 00:38:31,684 --> 00:38:35,895 I had to find someone who would tell me what to do. 666 00:38:43,571 --> 00:38:45,905 There he is! There's the monster! 667 00:38:53,497 --> 00:38:55,498 No! No! 668 00:38:55,583 --> 00:38:57,292 Help Dr. Link! 669 00:39:00,171 --> 00:39:03,381 And so, the posse chased me, 670 00:39:03,466 --> 00:39:07,260 armed with weapons, guns and axes. 671 00:39:08,971 --> 00:39:11,723 And the incident with the child at the pond? 672 00:39:11,807 --> 00:39:14,684 I must have frightened her. 673 00:39:14,727 --> 00:39:19,356 She was playing and tripped, and fell into the pond. 674 00:39:19,440 --> 00:39:20,690 And what did you do? 675 00:39:21,692 --> 00:39:23,943 I lifted her out. 676 00:39:25,363 --> 00:39:26,363 Why? 677 00:39:26,447 --> 00:39:29,908 I was afraid she might come to harm. 678 00:39:32,828 --> 00:39:35,038 You lifted her out by the arm? 679 00:39:35,122 --> 00:39:36,456 Yes. 680 00:39:36,540 --> 00:39:37,999 You broke her arm, Adam. 681 00:39:40,044 --> 00:39:43,046 I never touched a child before. 682 00:39:43,089 --> 00:39:45,048 They are very fragile. 683 00:39:45,716 --> 00:39:46,883 Tell me something. 684 00:39:46,967 --> 00:39:48,760 You have the strength of 10 men. 685 00:39:48,844 --> 00:39:50,762 When you were cornered in that shack, 686 00:39:50,846 --> 00:39:53,223 why didn't you fight back? 687 00:39:53,307 --> 00:39:57,519 I did not want to injure anybody. 688 00:39:57,561 --> 00:39:59,354 Afraid of your own strength, huh? 689 00:39:59,438 --> 00:40:00,563 Yes. 690 00:40:00,606 --> 00:40:01,981 And how about getting wet? 691 00:40:02,066 --> 00:40:04,901 When you waded into the pond to rescue that girl, 692 00:40:04,944 --> 00:40:07,404 didn't you give yourself a short circuit? 693 00:40:07,488 --> 00:40:08,488 No. 694 00:40:08,572 --> 00:40:12,033 All my wiring is insulated. 695 00:40:12,076 --> 00:40:15,370 Didn't catch a cold? No rheumatism. No ill effects of any kind? 696 00:40:16,539 --> 00:40:17,956 None. 697 00:40:18,040 --> 00:40:19,707 Tom, your witness. 698 00:40:27,842 --> 00:40:29,175 Adam, 699 00:40:29,260 --> 00:40:32,470 you testified to pulling the little Cooper girl from the pond, 700 00:40:32,555 --> 00:40:35,640 because you were worried she might come to harm. 701 00:40:36,350 --> 00:40:37,851 Yes. 702 00:40:37,935 --> 00:40:39,602 You were worried? 703 00:40:39,687 --> 00:40:41,771 And the reason you didn't resist arrest 704 00:40:41,814 --> 00:40:44,274 was concern over injuring someone? 705 00:40:44,942 --> 00:40:46,192 Yes. 706 00:40:46,277 --> 00:40:48,361 And about Dr. Link's death, 707 00:40:48,404 --> 00:40:50,071 you felt sorrow? 708 00:40:50,948 --> 00:40:51,948 Yes. 709 00:40:52,032 --> 00:40:55,577 Worry. Concern. Sorrow. 710 00:40:55,619 --> 00:40:58,204 These are certainly human emotions? 711 00:40:58,289 --> 00:41:01,416 Would you agree they'd arrived from your creator? 712 00:41:02,793 --> 00:41:07,422 I am only an extension of Dr. Link. 713 00:41:07,465 --> 00:41:10,550 And you didn't know that he suffered from claustrophobia, 714 00:41:10,634 --> 00:41:12,635 a strong fear of being closed in? 715 00:41:13,429 --> 00:41:16,097 He never told me. 716 00:41:16,140 --> 00:41:18,975 You objected to being closed in that carrying crate, 717 00:41:19,059 --> 00:41:20,059 didn't you? 718 00:41:20,936 --> 00:41:24,606 I do not like to be caged up. 719 00:41:24,648 --> 00:41:28,610 But when he insisted, you were carried away by your emotions. 720 00:41:28,652 --> 00:41:31,029 Your inherited fear of being caged up. 721 00:41:31,113 --> 00:41:33,239 And then you wrenched the angle iron from the wall, 722 00:41:33,324 --> 00:41:34,991 and struck him violently over the head. 723 00:41:35,075 --> 00:41:36,910 Isn't that true, Mr. Link? 724 00:41:36,994 --> 00:41:38,953 No, no, 725 00:41:38,996 --> 00:41:41,623 the generator fell on him. 726 00:41:41,665 --> 00:41:43,666 You must believe that! 727 00:41:43,709 --> 00:41:45,585 It was an accident! 728 00:41:48,464 --> 00:41:50,548 I find it very difficult to believe, 729 00:41:50,633 --> 00:41:53,218 considering you're very close to breaking my arm. 730 00:41:58,682 --> 00:41:59,891 You know, 731 00:41:59,975 --> 00:42:02,310 there was an old heavyweight I used to like. 732 00:42:02,394 --> 00:42:04,896 A real crowd pleaser, when he had it. 733 00:42:04,980 --> 00:42:06,189 But he got tired. 734 00:42:06,273 --> 00:42:08,316 You're tired, Mr. Cutler. 735 00:42:08,400 --> 00:42:10,109 You don't mix it. 736 00:42:10,194 --> 00:42:11,861 Sure, you can still put on a flurry at the end of a round. 737 00:42:11,862 --> 00:42:13,696 Coyle nearly came out of his skin, once. 738 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:16,157 But you didn't follow up. 739 00:42:16,242 --> 00:42:19,035 Tell me something, little Judd. How do you think the trial's going? 740 00:42:19,119 --> 00:42:21,037 Now, are you trying to tell me you're worried 741 00:42:21,121 --> 00:42:24,290 that animated tin can will end up in a scrap heap? 742 00:42:25,251 --> 00:42:26,543 Yes, I am. More than you think. 743 00:42:26,627 --> 00:42:27,794 Oh, come off it. 744 00:42:27,878 --> 00:42:30,338 All you wanted was another shot at coyle and Barclay 745 00:42:30,381 --> 00:42:33,174 and that whole crowd of entrenched stupidity. 746 00:42:33,217 --> 00:42:35,301 "Entrenched stupidity," that's not half bad. 747 00:42:35,386 --> 00:42:36,844 Tell me something, 748 00:42:36,929 --> 00:42:39,430 is that confined to small towns, or do you find it in big cities, too? 749 00:42:39,473 --> 00:42:41,891 Sure, but we have a better class of stupidity. 750 00:42:43,060 --> 00:42:45,353 Your honor, 751 00:42:45,396 --> 00:42:49,023 this trial, if we can now call it that in summation, 752 00:42:49,108 --> 00:42:51,150 since it is a devisement 753 00:42:51,235 --> 00:42:54,988 based on a compact between miss Nina link and the prosecution, 754 00:42:55,739 --> 00:42:57,740 still is binding 755 00:42:57,825 --> 00:43:01,077 on the life or death of Adam link. 756 00:43:03,914 --> 00:43:07,792 I am not now entering a plea for mercy or extenuating circumstances, 757 00:43:07,876 --> 00:43:10,461 because that would imply guilt. 758 00:43:11,297 --> 00:43:13,381 And under no circumstances 759 00:43:13,465 --> 00:43:15,592 does the defense admit guilt. 760 00:43:17,928 --> 00:43:22,056 Of course, the district attorney is not really trying a robot for murder. 761 00:43:23,350 --> 00:43:25,602 We both knew from the beginning 762 00:43:25,686 --> 00:43:28,730 that he is trying all of society 763 00:43:28,814 --> 00:43:31,107 on the concept of a robot itself. 764 00:43:32,568 --> 00:43:34,235 On progress. 765 00:43:34,320 --> 00:43:35,528 On science. 766 00:43:36,196 --> 00:43:38,031 On the future. 767 00:43:38,115 --> 00:43:40,491 On the ability of society 768 00:43:40,576 --> 00:43:42,660 to control what it creates. 769 00:43:45,914 --> 00:43:48,833 If you find Adam link guilty, 770 00:43:48,917 --> 00:43:52,253 you are convicting society of irresponsibility. 771 00:43:53,339 --> 00:43:56,591 You are telling society to put away 772 00:43:56,675 --> 00:43:59,636 its yearning for a better world, 773 00:43:59,720 --> 00:44:02,805 its hunger for a better way of life, 774 00:44:04,350 --> 00:44:07,393 its reaching for the stars. 775 00:44:14,652 --> 00:44:15,985 Mr. Coyle. 776 00:44:24,203 --> 00:44:25,912 Yes, your honor. 777 00:44:25,996 --> 00:44:29,082 I admit it. Society is really on trial here. 778 00:44:29,958 --> 00:44:32,335 Society as creator. 779 00:44:32,419 --> 00:44:34,253 Adam link didn't commit the murder, we did. 780 00:44:34,338 --> 00:44:36,047 We turned him on and off. 781 00:44:37,591 --> 00:44:41,302 Aren't we rushing pell-mell, without responsibility, 782 00:44:41,387 --> 00:44:43,471 towards some dreadful catastrophe? 783 00:44:43,514 --> 00:44:45,139 Wouldn't we all be better off 784 00:44:45,182 --> 00:44:48,726 if science hadn't exploded its technology in our faces? 785 00:44:50,437 --> 00:44:53,147 Now we're asked, in the name of progress, 786 00:44:54,650 --> 00:44:59,237 to control a piece of machinery with a brain of its own. 787 00:44:59,321 --> 00:45:03,574 I don't think we, society, are ready for it. 788 00:45:03,659 --> 00:45:06,994 It's an unreasoning piece of destructive machinery 789 00:45:07,079 --> 00:45:09,497 and never will be properly mastered. 790 00:45:09,540 --> 00:45:13,292 I don't think we should let such a force loose on the earth. 791 00:45:45,576 --> 00:45:47,493 The judge is still out. 792 00:45:48,245 --> 00:45:49,412 I know. 793 00:45:50,706 --> 00:45:53,708 Shame, that was no flurry. 794 00:45:54,710 --> 00:45:56,711 You were swinging from bell to bell. 795 00:45:58,088 --> 00:45:59,964 Pretty good show, huh? 796 00:46:00,966 --> 00:46:02,884 All right, I was wrong. 797 00:46:08,265 --> 00:46:10,057 Tell me something... 798 00:46:12,311 --> 00:46:14,771 If you care so much about people, 799 00:46:14,855 --> 00:46:17,565 why did you retire from the human race? 800 00:46:17,649 --> 00:46:19,567 I could ask you the same question. 801 00:46:20,944 --> 00:46:22,528 Me? I just got out of town. 802 00:46:23,947 --> 00:46:25,698 Why did you send that girl to me? 803 00:46:26,784 --> 00:46:28,576 Who else do I know who could latch on 804 00:46:28,660 --> 00:46:30,620 to the real meaning of this incident? 805 00:46:30,704 --> 00:46:34,332 One thing you'll learn, if you manage to live as long as I: 806 00:46:34,416 --> 00:46:36,167 There's always more than one man, 807 00:46:36,251 --> 00:46:37,668 always more than one hope. 808 00:46:38,754 --> 00:46:40,213 Go on, write your story. 809 00:46:40,297 --> 00:46:42,882 I can't. I haven't got the finish yet. 810 00:46:49,932 --> 00:46:52,934 Under normal circumstances, I would find the evidence sufficient 811 00:46:52,976 --> 00:46:55,937 to bind the defendant over for trial by jury. 812 00:46:56,438 --> 00:46:58,189 However, 813 00:46:58,273 --> 00:47:01,943 under the abnormal circumstances of this hearing, 814 00:47:02,027 --> 00:47:05,279 the court is charged with rendering a final verdict. 815 00:47:07,741 --> 00:47:11,160 The court finds the defendant guilty as charged. 816 00:47:17,292 --> 00:47:19,335 The defendant is to be destroyed, then? 817 00:47:19,419 --> 00:47:20,461 It is so ordered. 818 00:47:23,173 --> 00:47:24,549 All rise. 819 00:47:29,972 --> 00:47:34,308 You are not surprised, Mr. Cutler? 820 00:47:34,393 --> 00:47:39,188 No, it'll take a long time to change human nature. 821 00:47:39,273 --> 00:47:42,316 And you thought a trial might help? 822 00:47:44,236 --> 00:47:46,571 That's what I thought, Adam. 823 00:47:46,655 --> 00:47:50,825 I thought, if a robot can understand, 824 00:47:50,909 --> 00:47:54,036 maybe in time we mortals will catch on, too. 825 00:48:13,181 --> 00:48:16,017 Where's the wagon? I gave orders to have it waitin'. 826 00:48:16,059 --> 00:48:17,977 Afraid of a lynching, sheriff? 827 00:48:18,061 --> 00:48:20,021 I brought him out the back for a good reason. 828 00:48:20,063 --> 00:48:22,481 Ain't nobody gonna get within 50 feet of this thing. 829 00:48:22,524 --> 00:48:25,484 If Adam were going to escape, he'd have done it long since. 830 00:48:26,528 --> 00:48:27,862 There's the wagon. 831 00:48:33,076 --> 00:48:34,076 The tin man! 832 00:48:53,889 --> 00:48:55,890 OK, baby. It's all right. 833 00:48:59,811 --> 00:49:01,562 Too bad, sheriff. 834 00:49:01,605 --> 00:49:03,481 Adam just cheated the executioner. 835 00:49:15,911 --> 00:49:19,080 Well, there's the end of your story. 836 00:49:19,122 --> 00:49:21,499 Everybody can sleep easy tonight. 837 00:49:21,583 --> 00:49:24,126 That terrible monster won't harm anybody ever again, 838 00:49:25,295 --> 00:49:28,506 he's as dead as old doc link's dream. 839 00:49:28,590 --> 00:49:30,716 It's not the end of the story. 840 00:49:30,759 --> 00:49:32,468 It's just the beginning. 841 00:49:41,311 --> 00:49:43,187 Out of every disaster, 842 00:49:43,271 --> 00:49:45,272 a little progress is made. 843 00:49:46,149 --> 00:49:48,401 Man will build more robots. 844 00:49:48,485 --> 00:49:50,653 And learn how to make them better. 845 00:49:50,737 --> 00:49:53,072 And given enough time, 846 00:49:53,156 --> 00:49:56,242 he may learn how to do the same for himself. 847 00:49:58,662 --> 00:50:02,081 We now return control of your television set to you. 848 00:50:02,165 --> 00:50:04,458 Until next week, at this same time, 849 00:50:04,501 --> 00:50:07,211 when the control voice will take you to... 850 00:50:07,295 --> 00:50:08,838 The outer limits.