1 00:01:52,863 --> 00:01:56,741 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheree 2 00:01:56,742 --> 00:02:01,037 A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be 3 00:02:01,038 --> 00:02:04,749 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheroo 4 00:02:04,750 --> 00:02:09,003 Good luck will rub off when he shakes hands with you 5 00:02:09,004 --> 00:02:14,361 Chim chiminy chim chim cheree Chim cheroo 6 00:03:23,870 --> 00:03:26,414 All right, ladies and gents. 7 00:03:26,415 --> 00:03:29,041 Comical poems suitable for the occasion, 8 00:03:29,042 --> 00:03:32,837 extemporised and thought up before your very eyes. 9 00:03:32,838 --> 00:03:35,089 All right, here we go. 10 00:03:35,090 --> 00:03:38,968 (SINGING) Room here for everyone Gather around 11 00:03:38,969 --> 00:03:41,345 The constable's responstable. 12 00:03:41,346 --> 00:03:42,722 Now, how does that sound? 13 00:03:42,723 --> 00:03:43,870 Hmm... 14 00:03:47,811 --> 00:03:51,757 Hello, Miss Lark I got one for you 15 00:03:52,232 --> 00:03:55,735 Miss Lark likes to walk in the park... 16 00:03:55,736 --> 00:03:57,338 - Grrrr. - ...with Andrew! 17 00:03:57,446 --> 00:03:58,863 Arf! Arf! 18 00:03:58,864 --> 00:04:02,719 - Hello, Andrew. - Arf! Arf! Grrrr! Grrrr! 19 00:04:03,368 --> 00:04:04,994 Ah, Mrs Cory 20 00:04:04,995 --> 00:04:08,080 A story for you 21 00:04:08,081 --> 00:04:10,499 Your daughters were shorter than you, 22 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:13,149 but they grew. 23 00:04:19,968 --> 00:04:22,287 Dear Miss Persimmon... 24 00:04:24,097 --> 00:04:25,665 Yes? 25 00:04:27,517 --> 00:04:29,290 Wind's in the east 26 00:04:30,228 --> 00:04:32,980 Mist comin' in 27 00:04:32,981 --> 00:04:35,691 Like something is brewin' 28 00:04:35,692 --> 00:04:38,716 About to begin 29 00:04:39,696 --> 00:04:44,142 Can't put me finger on what lies in store 30 00:04:45,118 --> 00:04:47,912 But I feel what's to happen 31 00:04:47,913 --> 00:04:50,391 All happened before 32 00:04:50,999 --> 00:04:52,476 Arf! Arf! Grrrr! 33 00:04:53,210 --> 00:04:55,688 I'm sorry. Where was I? 34 00:05:20,946 --> 00:05:24,516 Thank you, one and all, for your kind support. 35 00:05:28,161 --> 00:05:31,060 Ah, Miss Lark, thank you. 36 00:05:33,041 --> 00:05:34,792 Crikey. 37 00:05:34,793 --> 00:05:36,502 Bless you, guv. 38 00:05:36,503 --> 00:05:39,213 Generosity itself, that's what you are. 39 00:05:39,214 --> 00:05:40,907 No charge. 40 00:05:43,760 --> 00:05:46,363 Oh, it's you. Hello. 41 00:05:48,598 --> 00:05:52,184 Number 17 Cherry Tree Lane, you say? 42 00:05:52,185 --> 00:05:54,083 All right. Come with me. 43 00:05:55,272 --> 00:05:58,046 This here's Cherry Tree Lane. 44 00:05:59,276 --> 00:06:02,653 Nice little spot, you might say. 45 00:06:02,654 --> 00:06:05,678 Number 17 is just down a bit. 46 00:06:08,952 --> 00:06:11,954 Now this imposing edifice what first greets the eye 47 00:06:11,955 --> 00:06:14,456 is the home of Admiral Boom, 48 00:06:14,457 --> 00:06:16,584 late of His Majesty's navy. 49 00:06:16,585 --> 00:06:21,737 Likes his house shipshape and Bristol fashion at all times. 50 00:06:22,674 --> 00:06:26,904 (BLOWS BOS'N'S WHISTLE) 51 00:06:28,013 --> 00:06:31,682 - Time gun ready? - Ready and charged, sir. 52 00:06:31,683 --> 00:06:34,832 - Three minutes and six seconds. - Aye, aye, sir. 53 00:06:35,478 --> 00:06:38,981 What he's famous for is punctuality. 54 00:06:38,982 --> 00:06:41,317 The whole world takes its time from Greenwich, 55 00:06:41,318 --> 00:06:45,446 but Greenwich takes its time from Admiral Boom. 56 00:06:45,447 --> 00:06:47,281 What cheer, Admiral? 57 00:06:47,282 --> 00:06:50,534 Good afternoon! Where are you bound? 58 00:06:50,535 --> 00:06:54,079 Some parties want to see number 17. 59 00:06:54,080 --> 00:06:57,124 - Enter that in the log. - Aye, aye, sir. 60 00:06:57,125 --> 00:06:59,335 Some advice, young man. 61 00:06:59,336 --> 00:07:02,338 Storm signals are up at 17. 62 00:07:02,339 --> 00:07:04,673 Heavy weather brewing there. 63 00:07:04,674 --> 00:07:07,277 Thank you, sir. I'll keep an eye skinned. 64 00:07:09,554 --> 00:07:11,013 Here we are. 65 00:07:11,014 --> 00:07:15,643 Number 17 Cherry Tree Lane, residence of George Banks, esquire. 66 00:07:15,644 --> 00:07:17,186 (SHOUTING) 67 00:07:17,187 --> 00:07:20,522 Hello, hello, hello. The admiral's right. 68 00:07:20,523 --> 00:07:24,777 Heavy weather brewing at number 17, and no mistake. 69 00:07:24,778 --> 00:07:26,987 Leave her alone! 70 00:07:26,988 --> 00:07:29,531 Don't you be trying to stop the wretched creature! 71 00:07:29,532 --> 00:07:31,700 Let her go and good riddance. 72 00:07:31,701 --> 00:07:33,869 I never liked her from the moment she set foot in the door. 73 00:07:33,870 --> 00:07:38,916 But who'll get stuck with the children? Me, that's who! 74 00:07:38,917 --> 00:07:41,210 Her and her high and mighty ways. 75 00:07:41,211 --> 00:07:43,420 And that face of her that would stop a coal barge, it would. 76 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:44,630 Indeed, Mrs Brill! 77 00:07:44,631 --> 00:07:46,715 I wouldn't stay in this house another minute 78 00:07:46,716 --> 00:07:49,385 for all the jewels in Christendom. 79 00:07:49,386 --> 00:07:52,054 No, Katie Nanna, don't go! 80 00:07:52,055 --> 00:07:53,514 Stand away from that door! 81 00:07:53,515 --> 00:07:56,164 What'll I tell the master about the children? 82 00:07:56,184 --> 00:07:57,726 It's no concern of mine. 83 00:07:57,727 --> 00:08:00,980 Those beasts ran away from me. 84 00:08:00,981 --> 00:08:06,360 They must be somewhere. Did you look around the zoo? 85 00:08:06,361 --> 00:08:09,405 You think the lion got them? 86 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:12,074 They're fond of hanging around the cage. 87 00:08:12,075 --> 00:08:14,076 I've said my say. 88 00:08:14,077 --> 00:08:16,954 I've done with this house forever. 89 00:08:16,955 --> 00:08:18,747 Hip, hip, hooray! 90 00:08:18,748 --> 00:08:21,792 Don't stumble on the way out. 91 00:08:21,793 --> 00:08:24,336 No, no, Katie Nanna! 92 00:08:24,337 --> 00:08:26,130 (SINGING) 93 00:08:26,131 --> 00:08:28,825 Mrs Banks. She's home. 94 00:08:29,718 --> 00:08:31,844 (SINGING) Our daughter's daughters will adore us 95 00:08:31,845 --> 00:08:35,415 And we'll sing in grateful chorus "Well done, Sister Suffragette" 96 00:08:35,432 --> 00:08:37,516 Good evening, Katie Nanna and Ellen. 97 00:08:37,517 --> 00:08:39,768 The meeting was glorious! 98 00:08:39,769 --> 00:08:44,106 Mrs Whitbourne-Allen chained herself to the prime minister's carriage. 99 00:08:44,107 --> 00:08:46,525 You should have been there! 100 00:08:46,526 --> 00:08:49,379 And Mrs Ainslie was carried off to prison. 101 00:08:49,404 --> 00:08:51,572 Singing and scattering pamphlets all the way! 102 00:08:51,573 --> 00:08:54,616 Madam, I've always given my best... 103 00:08:54,617 --> 00:08:56,640 Thank you, Katie Nanna. 104 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:58,722 I knew you were one of us. 105 00:08:59,622 --> 00:09:03,625 We're clearly soldiers in petticoats 106 00:09:03,626 --> 00:09:07,671 And dauntless crusaders for women's votes 107 00:09:07,672 --> 00:09:11,633 Though we adore men individually 108 00:09:11,634 --> 00:09:16,305 We agree that as a group they're rather stupid 109 00:09:16,306 --> 00:09:17,389 Mrs Banks... 110 00:09:17,390 --> 00:09:21,143 Cast off the shackles of yesterday 111 00:09:21,144 --> 00:09:24,813 Shoulder to shoulder into the fray 112 00:09:24,814 --> 00:09:28,358 Our daughter's daughters will adore us 113 00:09:28,359 --> 00:09:32,654 And they'll sing in grateful chorus 114 00:09:32,655 --> 00:09:35,908 "Well done, Sister Suffragette" 115 00:09:35,909 --> 00:09:38,827 I don't wish to offend, but... 116 00:09:38,828 --> 00:09:43,082 From Kensington to Billingsgate One hears the restless cries 117 00:09:43,083 --> 00:09:47,044 From every corner of the land Womankind, arise 118 00:09:47,045 --> 00:09:50,672 Political equality and equal rights with men 119 00:09:50,673 --> 00:09:55,344 Take heart, for Mrs Pankhurst has been clapped in irons again 120 00:09:55,345 --> 00:10:00,167 No more the meek and mild subservients we 121 00:10:01,643 --> 00:10:06,271 We're fighting for our rights militantly 122 00:10:06,272 --> 00:10:07,815 Never you fear 123 00:10:07,816 --> 00:10:11,026 If I may have a word... 124 00:10:11,027 --> 00:10:15,948 So cast off the shackles of yesterday 125 00:10:15,949 --> 00:10:19,535 Shoulder to shoulder into the fray 126 00:10:19,536 --> 00:10:24,039 Our daughter's daughters will adore us 127 00:10:24,040 --> 00:10:28,710 And they'll sing in grateful chorus 128 00:10:28,711 --> 00:10:30,003 "Well done" 129 00:10:30,004 --> 00:10:31,046 Mrs Banks! 130 00:10:31,047 --> 00:10:33,173 "Well done" 131 00:10:33,174 --> 00:10:35,175 Mrs Banks! 132 00:10:35,176 --> 00:10:37,052 What is it, Katie Nanna? 133 00:10:37,053 --> 00:10:40,556 I have something to say to you. 134 00:10:40,557 --> 00:10:42,099 Where are the children? 135 00:10:42,100 --> 00:10:46,311 The children, to be precise, are not here. 136 00:10:46,312 --> 00:10:47,855 They've disappeared again. 137 00:10:47,856 --> 00:10:50,482 That's really careless of you. 138 00:10:50,483 --> 00:10:52,484 That's the third time this week. 139 00:10:52,485 --> 00:10:54,111 The fourth, madam. 140 00:10:54,112 --> 00:10:56,572 I've had my fill. 141 00:10:56,573 --> 00:10:58,407 I'm not one to speak ill of the children. 142 00:10:58,408 --> 00:11:00,450 When do you expect them home? 143 00:11:00,451 --> 00:11:03,996 I couldn't say. If you'd compute my wages... 144 00:11:03,997 --> 00:11:07,207 Oh, gracious! You're not leaving? 145 00:11:07,208 --> 00:11:08,917 What will Mr Banks say? 146 00:11:08,918 --> 00:11:12,421 He'll be cross when he finds the children missing. 147 00:11:12,422 --> 00:11:17,278 Put these away. The cause infuriates Mr Banks. 148 00:11:17,802 --> 00:11:20,971 I beseech you, please reconsider. 149 00:11:20,972 --> 00:11:22,431 Think of the children. 150 00:11:22,432 --> 00:11:26,457 Think of Mr Banks. He was just getting used to you. 151 00:11:29,522 --> 00:11:31,169 Posts, everyone! 152 00:11:37,989 --> 00:11:41,742 4, 3, 2, 1... 153 00:11:41,743 --> 00:11:43,095 Fire! 154 00:11:55,590 --> 00:11:59,991 - I do beseech you... - My wages, if you please. 155 00:12:03,806 --> 00:12:05,974 Bit early tonight, Admiral? 156 00:12:05,975 --> 00:12:09,186 Nonsense. Bang on the dot, as usual. 157 00:12:09,187 --> 00:12:11,563 How's the world of finance? 158 00:12:11,564 --> 00:12:12,773 Never better. 159 00:12:12,774 --> 00:12:16,068 Money's sound, credit rates are moving up, 160 00:12:16,069 --> 00:12:19,988 - and the pound is admired everywhere. - Good. 161 00:12:19,989 --> 00:12:21,490 How about you? 162 00:12:21,491 --> 00:12:24,243 Bit chancy, I'd say. 163 00:12:24,244 --> 00:12:26,787 The Wind's up. The glass is falling. 164 00:12:26,788 --> 00:12:29,623 - Don't like it. - Good. Good, good. 165 00:12:29,624 --> 00:12:34,336 Banks, you're steering into a nasty piece of weather. 166 00:12:34,337 --> 00:12:35,438 Banks! 167 00:12:35,838 --> 00:12:37,440 Do you hear me? 168 00:12:39,676 --> 00:12:43,531 Hello, Katie Nanna. That must be heavy. Allow me. 169 00:12:45,848 --> 00:12:47,450 Hmph! 170 00:12:47,850 --> 00:12:50,078 What a very pretty hat. 171 00:12:57,026 --> 00:13:01,029 (SINGING) I feel a surge of deep satisfaction 172 00:13:01,030 --> 00:13:04,241 Much as a king astride his noble steed 173 00:13:04,242 --> 00:13:05,325 Thank you. 174 00:13:05,326 --> 00:13:09,663 When I return from daily strife to hearth and wife 175 00:13:09,664 --> 00:13:12,582 How pleasant is the life I lead 176 00:13:12,583 --> 00:13:14,960 - Dear, the children... - Yes, yes, yes. 177 00:13:14,961 --> 00:13:18,714 I run my home precisely on schedule 178 00:13:18,715 --> 00:13:22,676 At 6:01, I march through my door 179 00:13:22,677 --> 00:13:26,888 My slippers, sherry, and pipe are due at 6:02 180 00:13:26,889 --> 00:13:29,683 Consistent is the life I lead 181 00:13:29,684 --> 00:13:30,976 George, they're missing. 182 00:13:30,977 --> 00:13:32,728 Splendid, splendid. 183 00:13:32,729 --> 00:13:36,440 It's grand to be an Englishman in 1910 184 00:13:36,441 --> 00:13:40,277 King Edward's on the throne It's the age of men 185 00:13:40,278 --> 00:13:44,281 I'm the lord of my castle The sovereign, the liege 186 00:13:44,282 --> 00:13:47,826 I treat my subjects servants, children, wife 187 00:13:47,827 --> 00:13:50,245 With a firm, but gentle hand Noblesse oblige 188 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:55,417 It's 6:03, and the heirs to my dominion are scrubbed and tubbed 189 00:13:55,418 --> 00:13:58,003 And adequately fed 190 00:13:58,004 --> 00:14:02,215 And so I'll pat them on the head and send them off to bed 191 00:14:02,216 --> 00:14:07,823 Ah, lordly is the life I lead 192 00:14:08,806 --> 00:14:10,749 Winifred, where are the children? 193 00:14:11,601 --> 00:14:13,044 They're not here, dear. 194 00:14:14,145 --> 00:14:17,439 Of course they're here. Where else would they be? 195 00:14:17,440 --> 00:14:20,025 - I don't know. - You don't know? 196 00:14:20,026 --> 00:14:23,820 They're missing. Katie Nanna has looked everywhere. 197 00:14:23,821 --> 00:14:26,800 Very well. I'll deal with this at once. 198 00:14:30,453 --> 00:14:32,871 The police station. Quickly, please. 199 00:14:32,872 --> 00:14:36,291 We needn't bother the police. The fact is... 200 00:14:36,292 --> 00:14:38,460 Facts cloud the issue. 201 00:14:38,461 --> 00:14:42,631 One fact alone is clear. Katie Nanna's faltered. 202 00:14:42,632 --> 00:14:45,986 She's disappointed us. I shall bring her to book... 203 00:14:46,761 --> 00:14:47,969 Oh. 204 00:14:47,970 --> 00:14:52,974 - She's left us, hasn't she? - Yes, only just. 205 00:14:52,975 --> 00:14:55,749 - George Banks here. - (DOORBELL RINGS) 206 00:14:56,145 --> 00:14:59,670 17 Cherry Tree Lane. It's a matter of some urgency. 207 00:15:00,358 --> 00:15:03,151 Please send a policeman. 208 00:15:03,152 --> 00:15:05,487 The policeman's here, George. 209 00:15:05,488 --> 00:15:09,116 What? Oh. Very prompt. Wonderful service. 210 00:15:09,117 --> 00:15:11,827 Thank you so much. Good night. 211 00:15:11,828 --> 00:15:14,079 Come in, constable. 212 00:15:14,080 --> 00:15:18,875 While on duty across the park, I noted some stray valuables. 213 00:15:18,876 --> 00:15:21,399 - I believe they're yours. - Valuables? 214 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:23,773 Come along now. 215 00:15:26,008 --> 00:15:27,843 Jane. 216 00:15:27,844 --> 00:15:29,344 Michael. 217 00:15:29,345 --> 00:15:31,096 Winifred, don't be emotional. 218 00:15:31,097 --> 00:15:35,475 I wouldn't be too hard on them, sir. They've had a long, weary walk today. 219 00:15:35,476 --> 00:15:37,999 Children, come here at once. 220 00:15:42,358 --> 00:15:43,942 Well? 221 00:15:43,943 --> 00:15:48,029 - Sorry we lost Katie Nanna, Father. - It was windy... 222 00:15:48,030 --> 00:15:50,407 And the kite was too strong. 223 00:15:50,408 --> 00:15:54,369 The kite ran away, sir, not the children. 224 00:15:54,370 --> 00:15:57,873 Thank you. I'll manage this. 225 00:15:57,874 --> 00:16:01,877 It wasn't a good kite. We made it ourselves. 226 00:16:01,878 --> 00:16:04,254 Perhaps if you helped us... 227 00:16:04,255 --> 00:16:08,008 That's the ticket. Kites are skittish things. 228 00:16:08,009 --> 00:16:09,634 Only last week... 229 00:16:09,635 --> 00:16:12,220 I'm very grateful to you, constable. 230 00:16:12,221 --> 00:16:16,683 The cook will find you a plate of something. 231 00:16:16,684 --> 00:16:20,020 I shall now return to my duties. 232 00:16:20,021 --> 00:16:21,373 Thank you, constable. 233 00:16:22,273 --> 00:16:26,401 Good night, miss. Good night, ma'am. Good night, sir. 234 00:16:26,402 --> 00:16:29,051 "Cook will find something." 235 00:16:31,991 --> 00:16:35,118 I'm awfully sorry about this, George. 236 00:16:35,119 --> 00:16:37,412 You'll want to discuss it. 237 00:16:37,413 --> 00:16:39,789 I would, indeed. 238 00:16:39,790 --> 00:16:42,167 Ellen, take the children upstairs. 239 00:16:42,168 --> 00:16:43,861 Yes, sir. 240 00:16:45,505 --> 00:16:46,922 I knew it. 241 00:16:46,923 --> 00:16:50,634 Who bears the brunt of everything? 242 00:16:50,635 --> 00:16:52,135 Me, that's who. 243 00:16:52,136 --> 00:16:56,014 They don't want an honest working girl here. 244 00:16:56,015 --> 00:16:58,709 They need a ruddy zoo keeper. 245 00:16:59,268 --> 00:17:00,644 Sorry. 246 00:17:00,645 --> 00:17:04,856 When I chose Katie Nanna, I thought she'd be firm. 247 00:17:04,857 --> 00:17:06,983 She looked solemn, cross. 248 00:17:06,984 --> 00:17:10,612 Never confuse efficiency with a liver complaint. 249 00:17:10,613 --> 00:17:12,447 I'll do better next time. 250 00:17:12,448 --> 00:17:18,203 Next time? You've engaged six nannies. They've all been unqualified disasters. 251 00:17:18,204 --> 00:17:19,579 I quite agree. 252 00:17:19,580 --> 00:17:22,457 Choosing a nanny is a delicate task, 253 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:27,837 requiring insight, balanced judgment, and an ability to read character. 254 00:17:27,838 --> 00:17:29,422 Under the circumstances, 255 00:17:29,423 --> 00:17:34,553 it might be apropos to select the next person myself. 256 00:17:34,554 --> 00:17:35,929 Would you, George? 257 00:17:35,930 --> 00:17:39,224 I'll do this properly. 258 00:17:39,225 --> 00:17:41,142 I'll advertise in The Times. 259 00:17:41,143 --> 00:17:43,478 - Take this down, please. - Yes, of course. 260 00:17:43,479 --> 00:17:46,439 Wanted... No, required... 261 00:17:46,440 --> 00:17:47,691 Nanny. 262 00:17:47,692 --> 00:17:50,762 Firm, respectable, no-nonsense. 263 00:17:51,696 --> 00:17:55,574 (SINGING) A British nanny must be a general 264 00:17:55,575 --> 00:17:59,327 The future empire lies within her hands 265 00:17:59,328 --> 00:18:03,623 And so the person that we need to mould the breed 266 00:18:03,624 --> 00:18:06,459 It is a nanny who can give commands 267 00:18:06,460 --> 00:18:09,004 - Getting this, Winifred? - Yes, every word. 268 00:18:09,005 --> 00:18:12,674 A British bank is run with precision 269 00:18:12,675 --> 00:18:16,595 A British home requires nothing less 270 00:18:16,596 --> 00:18:21,516 Tradition, discipline, and rules must be the tools 271 00:18:21,517 --> 00:18:26,104 Without them disorder, catastrophe, anarchy 272 00:18:26,105 --> 00:18:28,674 In short, you have a ghastly mess 273 00:18:29,859 --> 00:18:34,321 Splendid, George. Inspirational. The Times will be so pleased. 274 00:18:34,322 --> 00:18:36,800 - Father. - Yes? 275 00:18:37,575 --> 00:18:41,870 We've discussed everything, and we're very sorry about today. 276 00:18:41,871 --> 00:18:43,705 I should think so. 277 00:18:43,706 --> 00:18:46,958 - It was wrong. - Indeed. 278 00:18:46,959 --> 00:18:49,210 We'll cooperate with the new nanny. 279 00:18:49,211 --> 00:18:52,422 I'll be glad for your help. 280 00:18:52,423 --> 00:18:55,467 That's why we wrote this advertisement. 281 00:18:55,468 --> 00:18:56,593 Advertisement for what? 282 00:18:56,594 --> 00:18:57,969 The new nanny. 283 00:18:57,970 --> 00:19:00,889 - You wrote an... - George, let's listen. 284 00:19:00,890 --> 00:19:03,725 You wanted our help. 285 00:19:03,726 --> 00:19:05,226 Oh, very well. 286 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:08,688 "Wanted, a nanny for two adorable children." 287 00:19:08,689 --> 00:19:11,399 "Adorable." That's debatable, I must say. 288 00:19:11,400 --> 00:19:15,904 (SINGING) "If you want this choice position 289 00:19:15,905 --> 00:19:20,158 "Have a cheery disposition" 290 00:19:20,159 --> 00:19:21,284 Jane, I don't... 291 00:19:21,285 --> 00:19:24,788 "Rosy cheeks, no warts 292 00:19:24,789 --> 00:19:26,247 I wrote that. 293 00:19:26,248 --> 00:19:29,584 "Play games, all sorts 294 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:31,753 "You must be kind 295 00:19:31,754 --> 00:19:34,631 "You must be witty 296 00:19:34,632 --> 00:19:38,259 "Very sweet and fairly pretty" 297 00:19:38,260 --> 00:19:40,261 - That's... - George, please. 298 00:19:40,262 --> 00:19:44,265 "Take us on outings, give us treats 299 00:19:44,266 --> 00:19:47,977 "Sing songs, bring sweets 300 00:19:47,978 --> 00:19:51,189 "Never be cross or cruel 301 00:19:51,190 --> 00:19:55,921 "Never give us castor oil or gruel 302 00:19:56,904 --> 00:20:01,032 "Love us as a son and daughter 303 00:20:01,033 --> 00:20:05,995 "And never smell of barley water" 304 00:20:05,996 --> 00:20:07,518 I wrote that, too. 305 00:20:08,916 --> 00:20:14,129 "If you won't scold and dominate us 306 00:20:14,130 --> 00:20:19,578 "We will never give you cause to hate us 307 00:20:19,802 --> 00:20:24,806 "We won't hide your spectacles so you can't see 308 00:20:24,807 --> 00:20:30,084 "Put toads in your bed or pepper in your tea 309 00:20:30,604 --> 00:20:33,982 "Hurry, nanny 310 00:20:33,983 --> 00:20:36,067 "Many thanks 311 00:20:36,068 --> 00:20:38,862 "Sincerely 312 00:20:38,863 --> 00:20:42,718 "Jane and Michael Banks" 313 00:20:44,118 --> 00:20:47,704 Thank you. Most interesting. We've had enough of this. 314 00:20:47,705 --> 00:20:50,479 Please return to the nursery. 315 00:21:02,887 --> 00:21:07,265 - They were only trying to help. - I'm aware of that. 316 00:21:07,266 --> 00:21:10,101 I congratulate myself on stepping in. 317 00:21:10,102 --> 00:21:14,753 "Play games, sing songs, give treats." Ridiculous. 318 00:21:15,024 --> 00:21:18,845 No question in my mind. Now is the time for action. 319 00:21:21,197 --> 00:21:23,448 The Times, please. 320 00:21:23,449 --> 00:21:25,283 I don't know the number. 321 00:21:25,284 --> 00:21:28,077 Oh, George, you're always so forceful. 322 00:21:28,078 --> 00:21:32,081 The Times? George Banks, Cherry Tree Lane. 323 00:21:32,082 --> 00:21:34,810 I wish to place an advertisement. 324 00:21:46,722 --> 00:21:48,824 (BLOWS BOS'N'S WHISTLE) 325 00:21:52,061 --> 00:21:55,146 - Time gun ready? - Ready and charged, sir. 326 00:21:55,147 --> 00:21:57,857 I'll take the report, Mr Binnacle. 327 00:21:57,858 --> 00:22:01,653 Wind's coming from a new quarter. 328 00:22:01,654 --> 00:22:03,154 So it is. 329 00:22:03,155 --> 00:22:05,198 - Sir. - What? 330 00:22:05,199 --> 00:22:09,054 Something taking place off the port bow. 331 00:22:10,079 --> 00:22:13,479 Ghastly looking crew, I must say. 332 00:22:20,506 --> 00:22:25,051 There's a queue of nannies outside. Shall I show them in? 333 00:22:25,052 --> 00:22:28,429 I said 8:00, and 8:00 it shall be. 334 00:22:28,430 --> 00:22:30,390 12 seconds to go. 335 00:22:30,391 --> 00:22:33,518 - 10, 9... - Posts! 336 00:22:33,519 --> 00:22:37,230 7, 6, 5, 4, 337 00:22:37,231 --> 00:22:39,649 3,2,1. 338 00:22:39,650 --> 00:22:41,025 (CANNON FIRES) 339 00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:43,049 It is now 8:00. 340 00:22:45,990 --> 00:22:47,282 Yes, sir. 341 00:22:47,283 --> 00:22:50,243 I have told you repeatedly, Ellen, 342 00:22:50,244 --> 00:22:52,954 I dislike being hurried into things. 343 00:22:52,955 --> 00:22:54,706 I don't understand. 344 00:22:54,707 --> 00:22:57,560 They're nothing like what we advertised for. 345 00:23:39,501 --> 00:23:40,818 Woof! Woof! Woof! 346 00:23:47,509 --> 00:23:49,111 Michael, look! 347 00:23:55,809 --> 00:23:59,789 - Perhaps it's a witch. - Nonsense. Witches have brooms. 348 00:24:15,996 --> 00:24:20,333 It's her. It's the person. She's answered our advertisement. 349 00:24:20,334 --> 00:24:22,528 Rosy cheeks and everything. 350 00:24:27,883 --> 00:24:32,329 - Show them in, one at a time. - Yes, sir. 351 00:24:35,391 --> 00:24:39,166 - Come in, one at a time. - Thank you. 352 00:24:44,066 --> 00:24:47,841 You are the father of Jane and Michael Banks? 353 00:24:49,655 --> 00:24:52,657 I said, you are the father of Jane and Michael Banks? 354 00:24:52,658 --> 00:24:55,284 Yes, of course. 355 00:24:55,285 --> 00:24:57,412 You brought your references? 356 00:24:57,413 --> 00:24:59,664 I never give references. 357 00:24:59,665 --> 00:25:01,749 I believe it very old-fashioned. 358 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:04,711 We'll see about that then. 359 00:25:04,712 --> 00:25:06,860 Now then, the qualifications. 360 00:25:08,257 --> 00:25:11,217 Item one, "A cheery disposition." 361 00:25:11,218 --> 00:25:12,969 I am never cross. 362 00:25:12,970 --> 00:25:15,038 Item two, "Rosy cheeks." 363 00:25:16,056 --> 00:25:17,724 Obviously. 364 00:25:17,725 --> 00:25:21,644 Item three, "Play games, all sorts." 365 00:25:21,645 --> 00:25:24,313 They'll find my games extremely diverting. 366 00:25:24,314 --> 00:25:27,942 Where did you get this paper? I tore it up. 367 00:25:27,943 --> 00:25:29,360 Excuse me. 368 00:25:29,361 --> 00:25:31,904 Item four, "You must be kind." 369 00:25:31,905 --> 00:25:35,074 I am kind, but extremely firm. 370 00:25:35,075 --> 00:25:37,410 Have you lost something? 371 00:25:37,411 --> 00:25:40,496 That paper. I thought that I... 372 00:25:40,497 --> 00:25:43,124 You are George Banks? 373 00:25:43,125 --> 00:25:45,418 And you did advertise for a nanny? 374 00:25:45,419 --> 00:25:47,920 George Banks. 375 00:25:47,921 --> 00:25:49,068 Very well, then. 376 00:25:50,132 --> 00:25:55,454 Tore it up, turned it over, threw it in the... 377 00:25:55,971 --> 00:25:57,573 Are you ill? 378 00:25:58,265 --> 00:25:59,992 I hope not. 379 00:26:01,226 --> 00:26:02,560 About my wages... 380 00:26:02,561 --> 00:26:05,396 - The reference is obscure. - Obscure. 381 00:26:05,397 --> 00:26:08,191 We must be clear on that. 382 00:26:08,192 --> 00:26:11,967 - I require every second Tuesday off. - Every Tuesday. 383 00:26:15,824 --> 00:26:18,973 Perhaps a trial period would be wise. 384 00:26:25,501 --> 00:26:29,697 Hmm... I'll give you one week. I'll know by then. 385 00:26:32,341 --> 00:26:34,944 I'll see the children now. 386 00:26:49,608 --> 00:26:53,133 Close your mouth. We are not codfish. 387 00:26:55,739 --> 00:26:58,533 Don't stand there. Best foot forward. 388 00:26:58,534 --> 00:27:00,011 Spit spot. 389 00:27:03,163 --> 00:27:05,581 George? - Aah! 390 00:27:05,582 --> 00:27:08,751 I thought you were interviewing nannies. 391 00:27:08,752 --> 00:27:10,545 I was, I was. 392 00:27:10,546 --> 00:27:12,130 You've selected one already? 393 00:27:12,131 --> 00:27:13,881 Yes, it's done. 394 00:27:13,882 --> 00:27:17,718 - Where is she? - In the nursery. 395 00:27:17,719 --> 00:27:20,263 - I put her to work straight-away. - How clever. 396 00:27:20,264 --> 00:27:23,224 I'd have muddled everything. 397 00:27:23,225 --> 00:27:27,603 Is she everything that we hoped she'd be? 398 00:27:27,604 --> 00:27:31,732 It all happened rather quickly. I mean, I... I, uh... 399 00:27:31,733 --> 00:27:34,110 Will she be firm and give commands? 400 00:27:34,111 --> 00:27:37,135 Will she mould our young breed? 401 00:27:38,073 --> 00:27:40,301 Winifred, I think she will. 402 00:27:41,243 --> 00:27:42,952 I think she Will! 403 00:27:42,953 --> 00:27:46,789 In that case, perhaps Ellen should dismiss the others. 404 00:27:46,790 --> 00:27:48,583 The others? 405 00:27:48,584 --> 00:27:51,586 - Ellen! - Yes, sir? 406 00:27:51,587 --> 00:27:54,755 Tell the others the position's been filled. 407 00:27:54,756 --> 00:27:58,110 - The others, sir? - Yes, the others. 408 00:27:59,595 --> 00:28:03,040 How many nannies does this house need? 409 00:28:05,517 --> 00:28:08,587 The position has been filled. 410 00:28:14,943 --> 00:28:17,862 I'm afraid the nursery isn't very tidy. 411 00:28:17,863 --> 00:28:20,198 Rather like a bear pit. 412 00:28:20,199 --> 00:28:22,867 - That's a funny bag. - Carpet. 413 00:28:22,868 --> 00:28:25,244 - To carry carpets? - No, made of. 414 00:28:25,245 --> 00:28:28,724 Your room has a lovely view. 415 00:28:29,416 --> 00:28:30,893 Hmm... 416 00:28:32,544 --> 00:28:35,648 It's not exactly Buckingham Palace... 417 00:28:37,591 --> 00:28:39,318 Still, it's clean. 418 00:28:40,802 --> 00:28:43,596 Yes, it will be quite suitable. 419 00:28:43,597 --> 00:28:45,415 Just needs a touch here and there. 420 00:28:46,934 --> 00:28:49,477 First things first. 421 00:28:49,478 --> 00:28:53,924 The place to hang a hat is on a hat stand. 422 00:29:07,371 --> 00:29:08,704 Oh! 423 00:29:08,705 --> 00:29:11,024 This will never do. 424 00:29:16,630 --> 00:29:20,109 I much prefer seeing all of my face at once. 425 00:29:21,301 --> 00:29:24,053 But there was nothing in it. 426 00:29:24,054 --> 00:29:28,557 Never judge things by their appearance, even carpetbags. 427 00:29:28,558 --> 00:29:29,955 I never do. 428 00:29:35,524 --> 00:29:38,878 "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." 429 00:29:43,573 --> 00:29:46,973 Hmm... A little more light perhaps. 430 00:29:57,671 --> 00:30:00,840 We'd better watch this one. 431 00:30:00,841 --> 00:30:03,718 - She's tricky. - She's wonderful. 432 00:30:03,719 --> 00:30:05,492 Much better. 433 00:30:07,180 --> 00:30:09,374 Now, let me see. 434 00:30:14,730 --> 00:30:19,525 That's funny. I always carry it. It must be here somewhere. 435 00:30:19,526 --> 00:30:21,402 - What? - My tape measure. 436 00:30:21,403 --> 00:30:24,723 - What for? - To see how you measure up. 437 00:30:30,162 --> 00:30:33,831 That's the funniest thing I ever saw. 438 00:30:33,832 --> 00:30:36,355 Ah ha ha ha. Here it is. 439 00:30:36,418 --> 00:30:37,501 Good. 440 00:30:37,502 --> 00:30:40,276 Come along, then. Quickly. 441 00:30:41,131 --> 00:30:43,529 Head up, Michael. Don't slouch. 442 00:30:46,345 --> 00:30:49,597 Just as I thought. "Extremely stubborn and suspicious." 443 00:30:49,598 --> 00:30:52,793 - I am not. - See for yourself. 444 00:30:54,644 --> 00:30:58,715 - "Extremely stubborn and susips..." - Suspicious. 445 00:30:59,775 --> 00:31:01,718 Now you, Jane. 446 00:31:04,654 --> 00:31:08,179 "Rather inclined to giggle. Doesn't put things away." 447 00:31:08,992 --> 00:31:10,810 How about you? 448 00:31:11,536 --> 00:31:14,731 Very well. Hold this for me. 449 00:31:18,335 --> 00:31:20,711 As I expected. 450 00:31:20,712 --> 00:31:24,840 "Mary Poppins, practically perfect in every way." 451 00:31:24,841 --> 00:31:28,912 Mary Poppins. Is that your name? It's lovely. 452 00:31:29,471 --> 00:31:31,305 I've always liked it. 453 00:31:31,306 --> 00:31:33,808 Shall we move? 454 00:31:33,809 --> 00:31:37,269 In your advertisement, did you not request games? 455 00:31:37,270 --> 00:31:39,088 Yes. 456 00:31:39,314 --> 00:31:42,483 First we'll play "Well Begun Is Half Done." 457 00:31:42,484 --> 00:31:44,151 That sounds suspicious. 458 00:31:44,152 --> 00:31:47,405 Otherwise entitled, "Let's Tidy Up The Nursery." 459 00:31:47,406 --> 00:31:49,759 I told you she was tricky. 460 00:31:51,535 --> 00:31:52,701 Shall we begin? 461 00:31:52,702 --> 00:31:55,663 It is a game, isn't it? 462 00:31:55,664 --> 00:31:58,499 Depends on your viewpoint. 463 00:31:58,500 --> 00:32:03,671 You see, in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. 464 00:32:03,672 --> 00:32:07,948 You find the fun, and snap, the job's a game. 465 00:32:09,010 --> 00:32:11,762 (SINGING) And every task you undertake 466 00:32:11,763 --> 00:32:14,098 becomes a piece of cake 467 00:32:14,099 --> 00:32:16,517 A lark, a spree 468 00:32:16,518 --> 00:32:20,187 It's very clear to see 469 00:32:20,188 --> 00:32:23,107 That a 470 00:32:23,108 --> 00:32:27,862 spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 471 00:32:27,863 --> 00:32:32,074 The medicine go down Medicine go down 472 00:32:32,075 --> 00:32:36,829 Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 473 00:32:36,830 --> 00:32:40,708 In a most delightful way 474 00:32:40,709 --> 00:32:42,356 (BIRDS WHISTLE) 475 00:32:44,796 --> 00:32:49,925 A robin feathering his nest has very little time to rest 476 00:32:49,926 --> 00:32:53,888 While gathering his bits of twine and twig 477 00:32:53,889 --> 00:32:58,601 Though quite intent in his pursuit He has a merry tune to toot 478 00:32:58,602 --> 00:33:00,936 He knows a song 479 00:33:00,937 --> 00:33:06,589 Will move the job along 480 00:33:10,405 --> 00:33:12,428 (WHISTLING) 481 00:33:13,867 --> 00:33:18,996 For a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 482 00:33:18,997 --> 00:33:23,209 The medicine go down Medicine go down 483 00:33:23,210 --> 00:33:28,088 Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 484 00:33:28,089 --> 00:33:32,035 In a most delightful way 485 00:33:40,101 --> 00:33:42,044 (WHISTLING) 486 00:33:42,854 --> 00:33:44,171 (SNAP) 487 00:33:47,609 --> 00:33:48,901 (SNAP) 488 00:33:48,902 --> 00:33:50,174 (SNAP) 489 00:34:25,647 --> 00:34:26,748 (SNAP) 490 00:34:33,196 --> 00:34:37,950 The honeybees that fetch the nectar from the flowers to the comb 491 00:34:37,951 --> 00:34:41,579 Never tire of ever buzzing to and fro 492 00:34:41,580 --> 00:34:45,958 Because they take a little nip from every flower that they sip 493 00:34:45,959 --> 00:34:47,835 And hence 494 00:34:47,836 --> 00:34:49,169 And hence 495 00:34:49,170 --> 00:34:50,296 They find 496 00:34:50,297 --> 00:34:51,505 They find 497 00:34:51,506 --> 00:34:56,737 Their task is not a grind Their task is not a grind 498 00:34:57,929 --> 00:35:04,127 Aaah 499 00:35:05,520 --> 00:35:06,917 Cheeky. 500 00:35:09,357 --> 00:35:11,130 Don't be all day. 501 00:35:23,997 --> 00:35:25,144 (SNAP) 502 00:35:39,804 --> 00:35:42,453 Let me out! Let me out! 503 00:35:53,610 --> 00:35:55,804 Let me out! 504 00:35:56,738 --> 00:35:58,135 Well... 505 00:36:00,116 --> 00:36:01,593 Thank you now. 506 00:36:02,744 --> 00:36:05,017 When you've quite finished! 507 00:36:05,955 --> 00:36:07,272 Thank you. 508 00:36:10,835 --> 00:36:12,753 That's quite sufficient. 509 00:36:12,754 --> 00:36:15,297 Hats and coats, please. 510 00:36:15,298 --> 00:36:17,091 It's time for our outing. 511 00:36:17,092 --> 00:36:20,761 Let's tidy up the nursery again. 512 00:36:20,762 --> 00:36:23,097 Enough's as good as a feast. 513 00:36:23,098 --> 00:36:26,558 You're not as well turned out as I'd like. 514 00:36:26,559 --> 00:36:28,936 Still, there's time. 515 00:36:28,937 --> 00:36:31,146 Spit Spot. 516 00:36:31,147 --> 00:36:33,023 And off we go! 517 00:36:33,024 --> 00:36:37,069 (SINGING) For a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 518 00:36:37,070 --> 00:36:40,823 The medicine go down Medicine go down 519 00:36:40,824 --> 00:36:44,827 Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down 520 00:36:44,828 --> 00:36:48,353 In the most delightful way 521 00:37:19,404 --> 00:37:23,407 (SINGING) Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheroo 522 00:37:23,408 --> 00:37:26,603 I does what I likes and I likes... 523 00:37:27,662 --> 00:37:29,935 What I do 524 00:37:30,915 --> 00:37:33,083 Hello, art lovers. 525 00:37:33,084 --> 00:37:35,002 Today I'm a screever 526 00:37:35,003 --> 00:37:39,074 And as you can see A screever's an artist 527 00:37:40,842 --> 00:37:43,177 Of highest degree 528 00:37:43,178 --> 00:37:47,624 And it's all me own work from me own memory 529 00:37:48,683 --> 00:37:53,103 Not Royal Academy. Still, they're not bad, are they? 530 00:37:53,104 --> 00:37:57,274 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheroo 531 00:37:57,275 --> 00:38:01,346 I draws what I likes and I likes what I drew 532 00:38:04,240 --> 00:38:08,118 No remuneration do I ask of you 533 00:38:08,119 --> 00:38:11,872 But me cap would be glad of a copper or two 534 00:38:11,873 --> 00:38:16,444 Me cap would be glad of a copper or two 535 00:38:24,302 --> 00:38:25,552 Wait! 536 00:38:25,553 --> 00:38:27,137 Don't move. 537 00:38:27,138 --> 00:38:30,182 Don't move a muscle. 538 00:38:30,183 --> 00:38:33,002 Stay right where you are. 539 00:38:33,728 --> 00:38:37,898 I'd know that silhouette anywhere. 540 00:38:37,899 --> 00:38:41,674 - Mary Poppins! - Hello, Bert. 541 00:38:42,111 --> 00:38:43,987 You know Jane and Michael. 542 00:38:43,988 --> 00:38:47,658 Well, I've seen them here and about. Chasing a kite last time, weren't it? 543 00:38:47,659 --> 00:38:49,932 We're going to the park. 544 00:38:50,703 --> 00:38:52,579 To the park? 545 00:38:52,580 --> 00:38:55,249 Not if I know Mary Poppins. 546 00:38:55,250 --> 00:38:57,543 Other nannies go to the park. 547 00:38:57,544 --> 00:39:00,712 When you're with Mary Poppins, 548 00:39:00,713 --> 00:39:04,049 quick as you can say, "Bob's your uncle," 549 00:39:04,050 --> 00:39:06,927 the most unusual things happen. 550 00:39:06,928 --> 00:39:09,497 What are you talking about? 551 00:39:09,931 --> 00:39:11,765 It's not my place to say, 552 00:39:11,766 --> 00:39:16,103 but she probably has in mind a jolly holiday. 553 00:39:16,104 --> 00:39:18,047 Something along these lines. 554 00:39:21,150 --> 00:39:24,504 That's always good. Here we go. 555 00:39:26,114 --> 00:39:28,933 (GURGLE) 556 00:39:29,450 --> 00:39:30,893 (SCREECH POP) 557 00:39:31,828 --> 00:39:34,746 (GURGLE) 558 00:39:34,747 --> 00:39:35,939 (SCREECH POP) 559 00:39:35,957 --> 00:39:39,376 How about a lovely circus? Lions and tigers. 560 00:39:39,377 --> 00:39:40,627 World famous artistes 561 00:39:40,628 --> 00:39:45,359 performing death-defying feats of dexterity and skill. 562 00:39:45,800 --> 00:39:47,243 Ta-da! 563 00:40:06,321 --> 00:40:07,513 Ta-da! 564 00:40:12,035 --> 00:40:16,121 Oh, that's lovely. I'd much rather go there. 565 00:40:16,122 --> 00:40:21,835 A typical English countryside done by a loving hand. 566 00:40:21,836 --> 00:40:28,133 Though you can't see it, there's a little country fair down that road. 567 00:40:28,134 --> 00:40:30,594 I don't see any road. 568 00:40:30,595 --> 00:40:32,743 What? No road? 569 00:40:35,141 --> 00:40:39,212 Just wants a bit of something here 570 00:40:41,272 --> 00:40:44,592 and a bit of something there. 571 00:40:45,360 --> 00:40:46,568 There. 572 00:40:46,569 --> 00:40:50,405 A country road suitable for travel and high adventure. 573 00:40:50,406 --> 00:40:52,616 May we go, Mary Poppins, please? 574 00:40:52,617 --> 00:40:56,370 Don't you think it's lovely, Mary Poppins? 575 00:40:56,371 --> 00:40:58,997 Now's the time. No one's looking. 576 00:40:58,998 --> 00:41:01,708 Oh, please. Please. 577 00:41:01,709 --> 00:41:05,109 I have no intention of making a spectacle of myself. 578 00:41:05,797 --> 00:41:08,195 All right. I'll do it myself. 579 00:41:08,967 --> 00:41:10,133 Do what? 580 00:41:10,134 --> 00:41:11,551 Bit of magic. 581 00:41:11,552 --> 00:41:13,428 - Magic? - It's easy. 582 00:41:13,429 --> 00:41:14,721 Let's see. 583 00:41:14,722 --> 00:41:16,745 You think. 584 00:41:17,225 --> 00:41:19,601 You wink. 585 00:41:19,602 --> 00:41:23,047 You do a double blink. 586 00:41:23,064 --> 00:41:26,213 You close your eyes and jump. 587 00:41:31,114 --> 00:41:33,448 Is something supposed to happen? 588 00:41:33,449 --> 00:41:35,972 Bert, what utter nonsense. 589 00:41:36,077 --> 00:41:36,848 Oh. 590 00:41:38,496 --> 00:41:41,707 Why do you complicate things? 591 00:41:41,708 --> 00:41:44,042 Give me your hand, Michael. Don't slouch. 592 00:41:44,043 --> 00:41:45,861 1, 2... 593 00:42:02,228 --> 00:42:06,064 Mary Poppins, you look beautiful. 594 00:42:06,065 --> 00:42:10,277 - Do you really think so? - Cross my heart, you do. 595 00:42:10,278 --> 00:42:12,779 You look fine, too, Bert. 596 00:42:12,780 --> 00:42:15,073 Isn't there a fair? 597 00:42:15,074 --> 00:42:19,327 Down the road and behind the hill. 598 00:42:19,328 --> 00:42:21,788 I hear the merry-go-round. 599 00:42:21,789 --> 00:42:24,938 - Tell them hello. - Don't smudge the drawing. 600 00:42:29,714 --> 00:42:34,051 (SINGING) Ain't it a glorious day Right as a mornin' in May 601 00:42:34,052 --> 00:42:37,247 I feel like I could fly 602 00:42:37,263 --> 00:42:40,640 Now, Bert, none of your larking about. 603 00:42:40,641 --> 00:42:45,145 Have you ever seen the grass so green 604 00:42:45,146 --> 00:42:48,546 Or a bluer sky 605 00:42:51,736 --> 00:42:55,822 Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Mary 606 00:42:55,823 --> 00:42:58,492 Mary makes your heart so light 607 00:42:58,493 --> 00:43:00,285 You haven't changed. 608 00:43:00,286 --> 00:43:04,289 When the day is grey and ordinary 609 00:43:04,290 --> 00:43:07,501 Mary makes the sun shine bright 610 00:43:07,502 --> 00:43:08,668 Oh, honestly. 611 00:43:08,669 --> 00:43:12,615 Oh, happiness is bloomin' all around her 612 00:43:13,257 --> 00:43:17,552 The daffodils are smiling at the dove 613 00:43:17,553 --> 00:43:21,890 When Mary holds your hand You feel so grand 614 00:43:21,891 --> 00:43:26,371 Your heart starts beatin' like a big brass band 615 00:43:28,856 --> 00:43:30,816 You are light-headed. 616 00:43:30,817 --> 00:43:34,945 It's a jolly holiday with Mary 617 00:43:34,946 --> 00:43:38,300 No wonder that it's Mary that we love 618 00:43:52,588 --> 00:43:57,217 Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Mary 619 00:43:57,218 --> 00:44:01,323 Mary makes your heart so light 620 00:44:01,347 --> 00:44:05,725 When the day is grey and ordinary 621 00:44:05,726 --> 00:44:09,896 Mary makes the sun shine bright 622 00:44:09,897 --> 00:44:14,568 Oh, happiness is bloomin' all around her 623 00:44:14,569 --> 00:44:18,488 The daffodils are smiling at the dove, oink, oink 624 00:44:18,489 --> 00:44:23,243 When Mary holds your hand You feel so grand 625 00:44:23,244 --> 00:44:27,474 Your heart starts beatin' like a big brass band 626 00:44:30,001 --> 00:44:34,087 It's a jolly holiday with Mary 627 00:44:34,088 --> 00:44:37,988 No wonder that it's Mary that we love 628 00:46:15,356 --> 00:46:16,564 Thank you. 629 00:46:16,565 --> 00:46:19,134 Our pleasure, Mary Poppins. 630 00:46:24,532 --> 00:46:28,808 Oh, it's a jolly holiday with you, Bert 631 00:46:29,245 --> 00:46:32,038 Gentlemen like you are few 632 00:46:32,039 --> 00:46:33,540 A vanishing breed. 633 00:46:33,541 --> 00:46:38,044 Though you're just a diamond in the rough, Bert 634 00:46:38,045 --> 00:46:40,922 Underneath your blood is blue 635 00:46:40,923 --> 00:46:42,299 Common knowledge. 636 00:46:42,300 --> 00:46:46,553 You'd never think of pressing your advantage 637 00:46:46,554 --> 00:46:50,890 Forbearance is the hallmark of your creed 638 00:46:50,891 --> 00:46:55,312 A lady needn't fear when you are near 639 00:46:55,313 --> 00:46:59,649 Your sweet gentility is crystal clear 640 00:46:59,650 --> 00:47:04,070 Oh, it's a jolly holiday with you, Bert 641 00:47:04,071 --> 00:47:08,677 A jolly, jolly holiday with you 642 00:47:21,505 --> 00:47:23,278 Waiter! Waiter? 643 00:47:43,694 --> 00:47:45,862 Now then, what would be nice? 644 00:47:45,863 --> 00:47:47,781 We'll start with raspberry ice 645 00:47:47,782 --> 00:47:51,807 And then some cakes and tea 646 00:47:52,495 --> 00:47:54,371 Order what you will 647 00:47:54,372 --> 00:47:56,581 There'll be no bill 648 00:47:56,582 --> 00:47:59,501 It's complimentary 649 00:47:59,502 --> 00:48:00,794 You're very kind. 650 00:48:00,795 --> 00:48:04,005 Anything for you, Mary Poppins. 651 00:48:04,006 --> 00:48:05,924 You're our favourite person. 652 00:48:05,925 --> 00:48:07,550 Right you are. 653 00:48:07,551 --> 00:48:08,927 It's true that... 654 00:48:08,928 --> 00:48:10,720 Mavis and Sybil have ways that are winning 655 00:48:10,721 --> 00:48:12,555 And Prudence and Gwendolyn set your heart spinnin' 656 00:48:12,556 --> 00:48:14,140 Phoebe's delightful Maude is disarming 657 00:48:14,141 --> 00:48:15,475 Felicia, Janice and Lydia 658 00:48:15,476 --> 00:48:17,852 Charming! Cynthia's dashing, Vivian's sweet 659 00:48:17,853 --> 00:48:19,479 Stephanie's smashing, Priscilla a treat 660 00:48:19,480 --> 00:48:21,606 Veronica, Millicent, Agnes, and Jane 661 00:48:21,607 --> 00:48:23,566 Convivial company, time and again 662 00:48:23,567 --> 00:48:27,153 Dorcas and Phyllis and Glynis are sorts I'll agree are three jolly good sports 663 00:48:27,154 --> 00:48:31,725 But cream of the crop, tip of the top is Mary Poppins and there we stop 664 00:50:09,757 --> 00:50:14,302 When Mary holds your hand You feel so grand 665 00:50:14,303 --> 00:50:18,056 Your heart starts beatin' like a big brass band 666 00:50:18,057 --> 00:50:19,534 Woo! 667 00:50:20,309 --> 00:50:24,354 It's a jolly holiday with Mary 668 00:50:24,355 --> 00:50:27,334 No wonder that it's Mary that we love 669 00:50:28,150 --> 00:50:31,945 No wonder that it's Mary that we love 670 00:50:31,946 --> 00:50:37,268 No wonder that it's Mary that we love 671 00:51:32,464 --> 00:51:34,316 Yahoo! 672 00:51:36,218 --> 00:51:38,116 Yahoo! 673 00:51:45,561 --> 00:51:48,021 Yahoo! Yahoo! 674 00:51:48,022 --> 00:51:51,691 Our own private merry-go-round. 675 00:51:51,692 --> 00:51:55,778 Nice. Very nice, indeed, 676 00:51:55,779 --> 00:51:57,472 if you don't want to go nowhere. 677 00:51:58,365 --> 00:52:01,242 Who says we're not going anywhere? 678 00:52:01,243 --> 00:52:02,535 Oh, guard! 679 00:52:02,536 --> 00:52:05,139 Righto, Mary Poppins. 680 00:52:06,540 --> 00:52:08,392 Thank you. 681 00:52:21,096 --> 00:52:22,221 They're off! 682 00:52:22,222 --> 00:52:25,826 Mary Poppins leads by two lengths, Jane's second by... 683 00:52:49,750 --> 00:52:51,978 My horse is the fastest. 684 00:52:52,711 --> 00:52:56,861 Hear that, mate? Want to put up with that? 685 00:52:57,466 --> 00:52:59,926 Is that the best you can do? 686 00:52:59,927 --> 00:53:01,469 Hurry up, boy! 687 00:53:01,470 --> 00:53:04,039 Not so fast, please. Michael. 688 00:53:05,599 --> 00:53:08,202 Bert, you're just as bad. 689 00:53:09,269 --> 00:53:11,713 Sorry. Whoa, boy. Whoa. 690 00:53:11,980 --> 00:53:15,004 Easy, boy. Whoa. Whoa. 691 00:53:17,152 --> 00:53:20,780 Just a bit of high spirits, Mary Poppins. 692 00:53:20,781 --> 00:53:24,431 Please control yourself. We're not on a racecourse. 693 00:53:30,249 --> 00:53:32,067 Follow me, please. 694 00:53:47,933 --> 00:53:51,037 - Good morning. - Oh, yes, quite. What? 695 00:53:54,523 --> 00:53:56,170 I say. 696 00:53:56,734 --> 00:53:58,818 Have you... 697 00:53:58,819 --> 00:54:00,011 Ever? 698 00:54:01,029 --> 00:54:02,551 Never! 699 00:54:10,831 --> 00:54:14,083 View halloo. 700 00:54:14,084 --> 00:54:16,711 Oh, yes, definitely. A view halloo. 701 00:54:16,712 --> 00:54:18,671 View halloo? 702 00:54:18,672 --> 00:54:21,070 (PLAYING) 703 00:54:21,842 --> 00:54:25,492 Faith and Begorra. 'Tis them redcoats again. 704 00:54:31,685 --> 00:54:33,311 Oh, musha, musha. 705 00:54:33,312 --> 00:54:35,188 Poor little bloke. 706 00:54:35,189 --> 00:54:37,315 Let's give him a hand. 707 00:54:37,316 --> 00:54:39,692 Saints preserve us. 708 00:54:39,693 --> 00:54:41,295 Yikes! 709 00:54:43,697 --> 00:54:46,141 Tally ho! Da-doo da-doo! 710 00:54:54,208 --> 00:54:57,187 Up you go. Now hang on. 711 00:55:00,422 --> 00:55:04,902 Would you look at this? An elegant merry-go-round horse. 712 00:55:07,012 --> 00:55:11,492 Come on, you dirty omadhauns. I'll lick all of you. 713 00:55:12,226 --> 00:55:15,296 Faster, me beauty. Faster! 714 00:56:05,028 --> 00:56:08,573 Riders, would you be kind and let me pass? 715 00:56:08,574 --> 00:56:11,450 Certainly, ma'am. 716 00:56:11,451 --> 00:56:14,179 - Thank you. - Not at all, ma'am. 717 00:56:29,344 --> 00:56:31,178 Excellent time, gentlemen. 718 00:56:31,179 --> 00:56:33,281 - Quite. - Perfect day for it. 719 00:56:34,641 --> 00:56:35,993 Ahem. 720 00:56:37,185 --> 00:56:38,878 Oh, how nice. 721 00:56:40,230 --> 00:56:44,051 Hooray! Yay! Yay! 722 00:56:47,487 --> 00:56:50,431 Hold still. Watch the dickie bird. 723 00:56:51,825 --> 00:56:55,661 - How does it feel to win? - Well... 724 00:56:55,662 --> 00:56:57,997 - Gaining fame and fortune. - Yes. 725 00:56:57,998 --> 00:57:01,167 - Your picture in the newspaper. - Actually... 726 00:57:01,168 --> 00:57:04,879 Extreme good looks, may I say? 727 00:57:04,880 --> 00:57:07,256 No words describe your emotion? 728 00:57:07,257 --> 00:57:12,345 Gentlemen, on the contrary, there's a very good word. 729 00:57:12,346 --> 00:57:14,972 - Right? - Tell them. 730 00:57:14,973 --> 00:57:16,807 Right. 731 00:57:16,808 --> 00:57:21,729 (SINGING) It's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 732 00:57:21,730 --> 00:57:24,899 Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious 733 00:57:24,900 --> 00:57:27,944 If you say it loud enough You'll always sound precocious 734 00:57:27,945 --> 00:57:31,155 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 735 00:57:31,156 --> 00:57:33,115 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 736 00:57:33,116 --> 00:57:34,533 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 737 00:57:34,534 --> 00:57:36,077 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 738 00:57:36,078 --> 00:57:37,662 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 739 00:57:37,663 --> 00:57:40,456 'Cause I was afraid to speak when I was just a lad 740 00:57:40,457 --> 00:57:43,793 Me father gave me nose a tweak and told me I was bad 741 00:57:43,794 --> 00:57:46,879 But then one day I learnt a word that saved me aching nose 742 00:57:46,880 --> 00:57:49,924 The biggest word you ever heard and this is how it goes 743 00:57:49,925 --> 00:57:53,386 Oh, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 744 00:57:53,387 --> 00:57:56,389 Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious 745 00:57:56,390 --> 00:57:59,308 If you say it loud enough You'll always sound precocious 746 00:57:59,309 --> 00:58:02,311 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 747 00:58:02,312 --> 00:58:03,896 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 748 00:58:03,897 --> 00:58:05,356 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 749 00:58:05,357 --> 00:58:06,983 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 750 00:58:06,984 --> 00:58:08,067 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 751 00:58:08,068 --> 00:58:11,112 He travelled all around the world And everywhere he went 752 00:58:11,113 --> 00:58:13,906 He'd use his word and all would say, "There goes a clever gent" 753 00:58:13,907 --> 00:58:17,159 When dukes and maharajas pass the time of day with me 754 00:58:17,160 --> 00:58:19,912 I say me special word and then they ask me out to tea 755 00:58:19,913 --> 00:58:23,374 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 756 00:58:23,375 --> 00:58:26,293 Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious 757 00:58:26,294 --> 00:58:29,296 If you say it loud enough You'll always sound precocious 758 00:58:29,297 --> 00:58:32,341 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 759 00:58:32,342 --> 00:58:35,094 Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay 760 00:58:35,095 --> 00:58:39,098 You can say it backwards... Dociousaliexpiistifragicalirupes. 761 00:58:39,099 --> 00:58:41,183 - Bit too much? - Indubitably. 762 00:58:41,184 --> 00:58:44,020 So when the cat has got your tongue There's no need for dismay 763 00:58:44,021 --> 00:58:47,189 Just summon up this word and then you've got a lot to say 764 00:58:47,190 --> 00:58:50,109 But better use it carefully or it could change your life 765 00:58:50,110 --> 00:58:53,529 For example, I said it to me girl. 766 00:58:53,530 --> 00:58:56,240 Now me girl's me wife. 767 00:58:56,241 --> 00:58:59,744 And a lovely thing she is. 768 00:58:59,745 --> 00:59:03,956 She's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 769 00:59:03,957 --> 00:59:06,292 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 770 00:59:06,293 --> 00:59:08,836 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 771 00:59:08,837 --> 00:59:13,113 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 772 00:59:15,469 --> 00:59:16,786 (THUNDER) 773 00:59:21,308 --> 00:59:23,160 Jane, Michael! 774 00:59:27,439 --> 00:59:29,541 Stay close now. 775 00:59:33,153 --> 00:59:36,489 Oh, Bert, all your fine drawings. 776 00:59:36,490 --> 00:59:39,264 There's more where they came from. 777 00:59:39,785 --> 00:59:43,829 Meantime, I'm changing businesses. This is hot chestnut weather. 778 00:59:43,830 --> 00:59:45,331 Come along, children. 779 00:59:45,332 --> 00:59:47,917 - Bye, Bert. - Bye-bye. 780 00:59:47,918 --> 00:59:51,253 - Bye. - Bye, Jane and Michael. 781 00:59:51,254 --> 00:59:55,216 Chim chiminy, chim chiminy Chim chim cheroo 782 00:59:55,217 --> 00:59:59,322 La dum da da dum Da da da da dum 783 01:00:14,903 --> 01:00:17,973 No, I won't take your nasty medicine! 784 01:00:21,201 --> 01:00:23,452 Do we have to, Mary Poppins? 785 01:00:23,453 --> 01:00:26,602 People with wet feet must take their medicine. 786 01:00:30,877 --> 01:00:32,628 I don't want it. 787 01:00:32,629 --> 01:00:33,946 Oh! 788 01:00:44,891 --> 01:00:47,184 Lime cordial! Delicious! 789 01:00:47,185 --> 01:00:49,208 Strawberry! Mmm! 790 01:00:54,734 --> 01:00:57,111 Rum punch. 791 01:00:57,112 --> 01:00:59,340 Quite satisfactory. (HICCUP) 792 01:01:01,741 --> 01:01:04,410 You won't ever leave us, will you? 793 01:01:04,411 --> 01:01:07,685 Do you have a handkerchief? 794 01:01:07,706 --> 01:01:09,582 Will you stay if we're good? 795 01:01:09,583 --> 01:01:13,460 A pie crust promise. Easily made, easily broken. 796 01:01:13,461 --> 01:01:16,255 Whatever would we do without you? 797 01:01:16,256 --> 01:01:18,966 I'll stay until the wind changes. 798 01:01:18,967 --> 01:01:21,635 How long will that be? 799 01:01:21,636 --> 01:01:23,804 It's time to go to sleep. 800 01:01:23,805 --> 01:01:27,850 We couldn't possibly go to sleep. So many lovely things happened today! 801 01:01:27,851 --> 01:01:29,018 Did they? 802 01:01:29,019 --> 01:01:31,187 We jumped into Bert's picture. 803 01:01:31,188 --> 01:01:33,939 The horses fled the carousel. 804 01:01:33,940 --> 01:01:36,192 And we went riding! 805 01:01:36,193 --> 01:01:39,111 Tally ho! Tchunga! Tally ho! Yoicks! 806 01:01:39,112 --> 01:01:40,154 Really? 807 01:01:40,155 --> 01:01:43,532 Don't you remember? You won the race. 808 01:01:43,533 --> 01:01:47,661 A respectable person like me? How dare you. 809 01:01:47,662 --> 01:01:50,206 I saw you do it. 810 01:01:50,207 --> 01:01:53,834 Another word and I'll summon a policeman. 811 01:01:53,835 --> 01:01:55,920 I saw it happen! 812 01:01:55,921 --> 01:01:59,131 - Go to sleep. - I don't want to. 813 01:01:59,132 --> 01:02:01,926 We're much too excited. 814 01:02:01,927 --> 01:02:03,370 Very well. Suit yourselves. 815 01:02:05,138 --> 01:02:08,474 (SINGING) Stay awake 816 01:02:08,475 --> 01:02:13,145 Don't rest your head 817 01:02:13,146 --> 01:02:16,732 Don't lie down 818 01:02:16,733 --> 01:02:21,862 Upon your bed 819 01:02:21,863 --> 01:02:24,990 While the moon 820 01:02:24,991 --> 01:02:31,330 Drifts in the skies 821 01:02:31,331 --> 01:02:35,376 Stay awake 822 01:02:35,377 --> 01:02:39,672 Don't close 823 01:02:39,673 --> 01:02:45,010 Your eyes 824 01:02:45,011 --> 01:02:48,347 Though the world 825 01:02:48,348 --> 01:02:52,726 Is fast asleep 826 01:02:52,727 --> 01:02:57,147 Though your pillow's 827 01:02:57,148 --> 01:03:01,318 Soft and deep 828 01:03:01,319 --> 01:03:05,322 You're not sleepy 829 01:03:05,323 --> 01:03:09,702 As you seem 830 01:03:09,703 --> 01:03:14,915 Stay awake 831 01:03:14,916 --> 01:03:21,820 Don't nod and dream 832 01:03:23,425 --> 01:03:29,203 Stay awake 833 01:03:29,597 --> 01:03:34,977 Don't nod 834 01:03:34,978 --> 01:03:42,053 And dream 835 01:03:55,749 --> 01:03:59,084 Glorious day, Mr Binnacle, glorious. 836 01:03:59,085 --> 01:04:03,088 Nobody sleeps this morning. Put in double powder. 837 01:04:03,089 --> 01:04:05,549 A double charge? Aye, sir. 838 01:04:05,550 --> 01:04:08,824 Shake things up a bit, what? 839 01:04:10,013 --> 01:04:13,265 - Lovely, lovely morning, Ellen. - Indeed it is, ma'am. 840 01:04:13,266 --> 01:04:16,435 - You packed the spoiled eggs? - Yes. 841 01:04:16,436 --> 01:04:22,043 After our meeting, we're all going to throw things at the prime minister. 842 01:04:23,651 --> 01:04:25,652 How distinguished you look today. 843 01:04:25,653 --> 01:04:28,781 What's all that fearful caterwauling? 844 01:04:28,782 --> 01:04:30,282 It's cook singing. 845 01:04:30,283 --> 01:04:34,453 - What's wrong with her? - She's happy as a cricket. 846 01:04:34,454 --> 01:04:37,539 Since you hired Mary Poppins, 847 01:04:37,540 --> 01:04:41,210 the most extraordinary thing has come over the household. 848 01:04:41,211 --> 01:04:46,131 - Ellen hasn't broken a dish all morning. - That is extraordinary. 849 01:04:46,132 --> 01:04:51,261 She and cook fight like cats and dogs, but today... 850 01:04:51,262 --> 01:04:54,957 - I'll hold the door. - Thanks ever so. 851 01:04:58,103 --> 01:05:00,046 (HUMMING) 852 01:05:02,232 --> 01:05:05,234 Ellen, stop making that offensive noise. 853 01:05:05,235 --> 01:05:06,777 (CHIRPING) 854 01:05:06,778 --> 01:05:09,757 And shut the window. That bird's giving me a headache. 855 01:05:09,781 --> 01:05:11,349 Yes, sir. 856 01:05:16,746 --> 01:05:19,975 Quiet! You're giving the master a headache. 857 01:05:22,669 --> 01:05:25,504 I'm sorry you're unwell. 858 01:05:25,505 --> 01:05:26,964 Who said I'm unwell? 859 01:05:26,965 --> 01:05:30,592 I just don't understand why everyone's so confoundedly cheerful. 860 01:05:30,593 --> 01:05:34,304 (SINGING) Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 861 01:05:34,305 --> 01:05:38,016 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 862 01:05:38,017 --> 01:05:41,291 How lovely. Thank you, my darling. 863 01:05:41,813 --> 01:05:47,067 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 864 01:05:47,068 --> 01:05:49,194 Stop, stop, stop! 865 01:05:49,195 --> 01:05:50,779 - Good morning, Father. - Morning. 866 01:05:50,780 --> 01:05:53,240 Mary Poppins taught us... 867 01:05:53,241 --> 01:05:56,201 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 868 01:05:56,202 --> 01:05:59,872 What are you talking about? Supercali... 869 01:05:59,873 --> 01:06:01,290 Whatever it is. 870 01:06:01,291 --> 01:06:03,584 It's something to say when you don't know what to say. 871 01:06:03,585 --> 01:06:05,043 Yes, well, I always know what to say. 872 01:06:05,044 --> 01:06:07,171 - Yes, hurry along, please. - Yes, Father. 873 01:06:07,172 --> 01:06:11,383 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 874 01:06:11,384 --> 01:06:15,554 Winifred, will you explain this unseemly hullabaloo? 875 01:06:15,555 --> 01:06:18,599 I don't think there's anything to explain. 876 01:06:18,600 --> 01:06:23,228 The children just came in to make you feel better. 877 01:06:23,229 --> 01:06:25,898 I should like to be quite clear. 878 01:06:25,899 --> 01:06:29,151 I am not out of sorts. I'm in a perfectly equable mood. 879 01:06:29,152 --> 01:06:31,945 I do not require being made to feel better! 880 01:06:31,946 --> 01:06:35,741 You're always saying you want a cheerful and pleasant household. 881 01:06:35,742 --> 01:06:41,205 I should like to make a differentiation between cheerful and... 882 01:06:41,206 --> 01:06:43,207 Excuse me, dear. 883 01:06:43,208 --> 01:06:44,791 Posts, everyone, please! 884 01:06:44,792 --> 01:06:48,045 I have no objection to cheerfulness. 885 01:06:48,046 --> 01:06:50,047 I expect certain decorum. 886 01:06:50,048 --> 01:06:53,258 I don't propose standing idly by 887 01:06:53,259 --> 01:06:55,302 and letting Poppins undermine the discipline... 888 01:06:55,303 --> 01:06:56,780 (CANNON FIRES) 889 01:06:58,056 --> 01:07:02,476 There's something extremely odd about this household 890 01:07:02,477 --> 01:07:05,479 since that woman arrived, and I've noticed it. 891 01:07:05,480 --> 01:07:07,423 Yes, dear. 892 01:07:09,859 --> 01:07:11,109 One thing more. 893 01:07:11,110 --> 01:07:12,945 Yes, dear? 894 01:07:12,946 --> 01:07:14,947 Have this piano repaired. 895 01:07:14,948 --> 01:07:17,908 I like to have it in tune. 896 01:07:17,909 --> 01:07:20,536 But, George, you don't play. 897 01:07:20,537 --> 01:07:23,811 That is entirely beside the point! 898 01:07:37,887 --> 01:07:39,555 Now, let me see. 899 01:07:39,556 --> 01:07:42,266 We must go to the piano tuners, 900 01:07:42,267 --> 01:07:47,123 then to Mrs Cory's shop for some gingerbread, 901 01:07:48,690 --> 01:07:52,734 then to the fishmonger's for dover sole and prawns. 902 01:07:52,735 --> 01:07:55,571 Michael, stop stravaging along behind. 903 01:07:55,572 --> 01:07:56,738 Ahoy, there! 904 01:07:56,739 --> 01:07:58,386 Ahoy! 905 01:08:00,076 --> 01:08:03,120 - Good day to you. - Good morning, Admiral. 906 01:08:03,121 --> 01:08:08,333 What fine adventure are we off upon today? 907 01:08:08,334 --> 01:08:10,002 Going to fight the Hottentots? 908 01:08:10,003 --> 01:08:12,296 Dig for buried treasure? 909 01:08:12,297 --> 01:08:14,506 We're going to buy fish. 910 01:08:14,507 --> 01:08:17,801 Very good. Proceed at flank speed. 911 01:08:17,802 --> 01:08:19,428 Aye, aye, sir. 912 01:08:19,429 --> 01:08:22,139 Let's put our backs into it. 913 01:08:22,140 --> 01:08:25,460 More spit and polish. That's what's wanted. 914 01:08:25,685 --> 01:08:27,287 (DOG BARKS) 915 01:08:27,562 --> 01:08:28,834 Andrew. 916 01:08:28,896 --> 01:08:32,341 Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! 917 01:08:32,609 --> 01:08:35,861 Slow down. I can't understand a word. 918 01:08:35,862 --> 01:08:38,465 Woof! Woof! Woof! 919 01:08:38,531 --> 01:08:40,429 Again? 920 01:08:40,867 --> 01:08:42,514 The poor man. 921 01:08:42,660 --> 01:08:44,979 Woof! Woof! Woof! 922 01:08:48,666 --> 01:08:50,584 Woof! Ah-choo! 923 01:08:50,585 --> 01:08:52,028 Bless you. 924 01:08:53,880 --> 01:08:55,589 Woof! Woof! Woof! 925 01:08:55,590 --> 01:08:58,925 Why, yes, certainly. I'll go straight-away. 926 01:08:58,926 --> 01:09:00,903 - Thank you very much. - Woof! 927 01:09:01,804 --> 01:09:04,202 - What did he say? - "You're welcome." 928 01:09:04,223 --> 01:09:07,643 - And? - He didn't say anything. 929 01:09:07,644 --> 01:09:09,853 You know best. 930 01:09:09,854 --> 01:09:12,377 I thought we were buying fish. 931 01:09:12,398 --> 01:09:14,842 There's been a change of plans. 932 01:09:16,486 --> 01:09:18,930 Come along, please. Don't straggle. 933 01:09:26,079 --> 01:09:27,579 (WHIMPERING) 934 01:09:27,580 --> 01:09:30,540 Andrew, worrying won't help anyone. 935 01:09:30,541 --> 01:09:32,518 You should go home and rest. 936 01:09:32,877 --> 01:09:34,149 Woof! 937 01:09:44,764 --> 01:09:47,724 - Bert, I'm glad you're here. - I came right away. 938 01:09:47,725 --> 01:09:49,768 How is he? 939 01:09:49,769 --> 01:09:52,543 He's never been worse. 940 01:09:52,563 --> 01:09:54,856 How about them? It's contagious, you know. 941 01:09:54,857 --> 01:09:57,506 - We'll get spots? - Unlikely. 942 01:09:57,860 --> 01:09:59,236 Ohh! Hoo hoo hoo! 943 01:09:59,237 --> 01:10:01,405 Oh, Uncle Albert. 944 01:10:01,406 --> 01:10:03,824 Bless my soul. 945 01:10:03,825 --> 01:10:06,553 It's Mary Poppins. I'm delight... Ha-ha! 946 01:10:07,245 --> 01:10:08,912 I'm delighted to see you. 947 01:10:08,913 --> 01:10:10,706 Uncle Albert, you promised. 948 01:10:10,707 --> 01:10:13,625 Ha-ha! I know. 949 01:10:13,626 --> 01:10:17,087 I tried, really, I did. I... Ho ho! 950 01:10:17,088 --> 01:10:21,133 But I so enjoy laughing. Ah ha ha! 951 01:10:21,134 --> 01:10:25,137 When I start, it's up with... Ha ha ha! 952 01:10:25,138 --> 01:10:27,806 That's what happens. 953 01:10:27,807 --> 01:10:29,433 I love to laugh! Ah ho ho! 954 01:10:29,434 --> 01:10:32,644 Oh, my! I can't help it. 955 01:10:32,645 --> 01:10:34,396 Ha ha ha! 956 01:10:34,397 --> 01:10:36,545 I just like laughing. 957 01:10:36,607 --> 01:10:38,425 Ha ha! Ha ha! 958 01:10:38,443 --> 01:10:42,404 Don't you dare. You'll only make him worse. 959 01:10:42,405 --> 01:10:46,950 - It's quite serious. - Keep a straight face. 960 01:10:46,951 --> 01:10:50,646 Last time, we took three days to get him down. 961 01:10:52,665 --> 01:10:55,083 (SINGING) I love to laugh 962 01:10:55,084 --> 01:10:56,585 Hoo hoo hoo hoo! 963 01:10:56,586 --> 01:10:58,712 Loud and long and clear 964 01:10:58,713 --> 01:10:59,838 Ha! 965 01:10:59,839 --> 01:11:02,442 I love to laugh 966 01:11:02,508 --> 01:11:03,884 Ha ha ha ha! 967 01:11:03,885 --> 01:11:06,595 It's getting worse every year 968 01:11:06,596 --> 01:11:07,721 Ha ha ha! 969 01:11:07,722 --> 01:11:09,973 The more I laugh 970 01:11:09,974 --> 01:11:11,266 Ho ho ho! 971 01:11:11,267 --> 01:11:13,810 The more I fill with glee 972 01:11:13,811 --> 01:11:15,353 You're no help! 973 01:11:15,354 --> 01:11:16,855 The more the glee 974 01:11:16,856 --> 01:11:18,732 Ha ha ha ha! 975 01:11:18,733 --> 01:11:21,193 The more I'm a merrier me 976 01:11:21,194 --> 01:11:22,360 Hoo hoo hoo! 977 01:11:22,361 --> 01:11:24,362 It's embarrassing. 978 01:11:24,363 --> 01:11:27,699 The more I'm a merrier me 979 01:11:27,700 --> 01:11:29,427 Ha ha ha ha ha ha! 980 01:11:29,952 --> 01:11:33,022 Ha ha ha ha! 981 01:11:33,498 --> 01:11:37,292 Some people laugh through their noses 982 01:11:37,293 --> 01:11:39,753 Sounding something like this 983 01:11:39,754 --> 01:11:41,505 Mmm-hmm hmm hmm! 984 01:11:41,506 --> 01:11:42,698 Dreadful. 985 01:11:42,715 --> 01:11:44,317 Sss-sss-sss! 986 01:11:44,675 --> 01:11:48,720 Some people laugh through their teeth Goodness sakes 987 01:11:48,721 --> 01:11:51,324 Hissing and fizzing like snakes 988 01:11:51,349 --> 01:11:52,390 Sss sss sss! 989 01:11:52,391 --> 01:11:54,994 Not at all attractive. 990 01:11:55,394 --> 01:11:57,604 Some laugh too fast 991 01:11:57,605 --> 01:11:59,457 Hee hee hee hee! 992 01:11:59,732 --> 01:12:02,335 Some only blast 993 01:12:03,027 --> 01:12:04,299 Ha! 994 01:12:05,112 --> 01:12:07,948 Others they twitter like birds 995 01:12:07,949 --> 01:12:10,222 Hee hee hee hoo! Hee hee hee hoo! 996 01:12:10,743 --> 01:12:12,828 You're as bad as he is. 997 01:12:12,829 --> 01:12:16,854 Then there's that kind what can't make up their mind 998 01:12:17,500 --> 01:12:19,334 Hmm hmm hmm, ha ha ha! 999 01:12:19,335 --> 01:12:21,086 Hee hee hee, ho ho ho! 1000 01:12:21,087 --> 01:12:22,609 Hee ha ho huh? 1001 01:12:23,464 --> 01:12:29,469 When things strike me as funny I can't hide it inside 1002 01:12:29,470 --> 01:12:34,140 And squeak, hee, as the squeakelers do 1003 01:12:34,141 --> 01:12:35,267 Ha ha ha! 1004 01:12:35,268 --> 01:12:38,019 I've got to let go 1005 01:12:38,020 --> 01:12:40,939 With a ho ho ho ho 1006 01:12:40,940 --> 01:12:42,190 Ha ha ha ha! 1007 01:12:42,191 --> 01:12:47,320 And a ho ho ho, hoo! 1008 01:12:47,321 --> 01:12:49,155 How nice! 1009 01:12:49,156 --> 01:12:52,385 I was hoping you'd turn up. 1010 01:12:52,410 --> 01:12:55,309 We always have a jolly time. 1011 01:12:57,123 --> 01:13:00,542 We love to laugh 1012 01:13:00,543 --> 01:13:02,127 Ha ha ha ha! 1013 01:13:02,128 --> 01:13:04,421 Loud and long and clear 1014 01:13:04,422 --> 01:13:05,547 Hoo hoo hoo! 1015 01:13:05,548 --> 01:13:07,591 We love to laugh 1016 01:13:07,592 --> 01:13:09,801 Ha ha ha ha! 1017 01:13:09,802 --> 01:13:11,887 So everybody can hear 1018 01:13:11,888 --> 01:13:13,221 Ha ha ha! 1019 01:13:13,222 --> 01:13:15,724 The more you laugh 1020 01:13:15,725 --> 01:13:18,310 Don't you start. Come back here. 1021 01:13:18,311 --> 01:13:19,644 We fill With glee 1022 01:13:19,645 --> 01:13:20,729 Hee hee hee! 1023 01:13:20,730 --> 01:13:23,299 And the more the glee 1024 01:13:23,357 --> 01:13:24,649 Ha ha ha ha! 1025 01:13:24,650 --> 01:13:27,720 The more we're a merrier we 1026 01:13:33,159 --> 01:13:37,329 Welcome, children. Welcome. Make yourselves comfortable. 1027 01:13:37,330 --> 01:13:39,603 Pull up a chair. 1028 01:13:42,251 --> 01:13:44,586 I say, you're a sight. 1029 01:13:44,587 --> 01:13:49,007 Speaking of sight, it reminds me of me brother. 1030 01:13:49,008 --> 01:13:51,176 He works in a watch factory. 1031 01:13:51,177 --> 01:13:53,970 What's he do? 1032 01:13:53,971 --> 01:13:57,871 He stands about all day and makes faces. 1033 01:14:00,061 --> 01:14:03,131 Makes faces in a watch factory! 1034 01:14:04,231 --> 01:14:06,629 You made that up. 1035 01:14:10,571 --> 01:14:13,365 That's good. 1036 01:14:13,366 --> 01:14:15,184 Such behaviour. 1037 01:14:20,539 --> 01:14:25,043 It's disgraceful or my name isn't Mary Poppins. 1038 01:14:25,044 --> 01:14:28,380 I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith. 1039 01:14:28,381 --> 01:14:31,280 What's the name of his other leg? 1040 01:14:31,634 --> 01:14:35,220 Wasn't that funny? What's the name of... 1041 01:14:35,221 --> 01:14:39,474 Children, it's tea time. I won't have schedule interruptions. 1042 01:14:39,475 --> 01:14:41,726 Please stay. 1043 01:14:41,727 --> 01:14:44,187 Look, I have tea ready for you. 1044 01:14:44,188 --> 01:14:46,064 And it's getting cold. 1045 01:14:46,065 --> 01:14:49,760 I had hoped that maybe you would... 1046 01:14:53,364 --> 01:14:56,032 Splendid! Thank you very much. 1047 01:14:56,033 --> 01:14:58,159 Mind the bread and butter. 1048 01:14:58,160 --> 01:14:59,411 Now watch, children. 1049 01:14:59,412 --> 01:15:03,540 I knew she'd do it... A proper tea. 1050 01:15:03,541 --> 01:15:06,876 I suppose you'll want me to pour. 1051 01:15:06,877 --> 01:15:09,651 If I must, I must. 1052 01:15:11,424 --> 01:15:14,634 But stop behaving like laughing hyenas. 1053 01:15:14,635 --> 01:15:17,429 - Two lumps, Uncle Albert? - Yes, please. 1054 01:15:17,430 --> 01:15:20,890 - Bed? - None for me. 1055 01:15:20,891 --> 01:15:24,541 I'm glad you came. It wouldn't be fun otherwise. 1056 01:15:24,562 --> 01:15:27,897 Pour some milk for Michael and yourself. 1057 01:15:27,898 --> 01:15:31,651 - Nice weather we're having. - Yes. 1058 01:15:31,652 --> 01:15:37,430 The other day when it was cold, a friend bought long underwear. 1059 01:15:38,242 --> 01:15:41,578 The shopkeeper said, "How long do you want it?" 1060 01:15:41,579 --> 01:15:45,479 My friend said, "From September to March." 1061 01:15:49,045 --> 01:15:52,399 Jane! Control yourself! 1062 01:15:54,216 --> 01:15:56,990 Children, please sit up properly. 1063 01:15:58,387 --> 01:16:01,681 - Your tea, Uncle Albert. - Thank you, dear. 1064 01:16:01,682 --> 01:16:03,975 I'm having fun. 1065 01:16:03,976 --> 01:16:07,395 I wish you could always stay here. 1066 01:16:07,396 --> 01:16:10,440 We'll have to. There's no way down. 1067 01:16:10,441 --> 01:16:12,776 Oh, there is a way. 1068 01:16:12,777 --> 01:16:18,198 I hate mentioning it because you must think of something sad. 1069 01:16:18,199 --> 01:16:20,158 Do it, please. 1070 01:16:20,159 --> 01:16:23,161 Let me see. 1071 01:16:23,162 --> 01:16:25,663 I've got the very thing. 1072 01:16:25,664 --> 01:16:29,814 Yesterday, when my neighbour answered the bell, a man was there. 1073 01:16:30,336 --> 01:16:36,174 The man said, "I'm terribly sorry. I just ran over your cat." 1074 01:16:36,175 --> 01:16:39,427 - Oh, that's sad. - The poor cat. 1075 01:16:39,428 --> 01:16:42,639 Then he said, "I'll replace your cat." 1076 01:16:42,640 --> 01:16:46,119 She said, "Okay, but can you catch mice?" 1077 01:16:50,356 --> 01:16:52,607 I started out saying... 1078 01:16:52,608 --> 01:16:54,984 I try. Really, I do. 1079 01:16:54,985 --> 01:16:58,571 But everything ends up so hilarious. I can't... 1080 01:16:58,572 --> 01:17:00,720 I can't help... 1081 01:17:03,160 --> 01:17:06,746 That will be enough of that. 1082 01:17:06,747 --> 01:17:09,207 It's time to go home. 1083 01:17:09,208 --> 01:17:11,501 Oh, that is sad. Oh, no. 1084 01:17:11,502 --> 01:17:14,902 That's the saddest thing I ever heard. 1085 01:17:15,923 --> 01:17:18,174 Come along, children. 1086 01:17:18,175 --> 01:17:20,927 Must you really go? 1087 01:17:20,928 --> 01:17:26,808 People come to see me all the time, and we have such a lovely time. 1088 01:17:26,809 --> 01:17:32,230 Then they go home, and I'm very, very sad about it. 1089 01:17:32,231 --> 01:17:34,899 Don't worry. We'll return soon. 1090 01:17:34,900 --> 01:17:36,985 It was lovely. 1091 01:17:36,986 --> 01:17:40,905 - Keep an eye on him, Bert. - I'll stay a while. 1092 01:17:40,906 --> 01:17:42,599 Thank you. 1093 01:17:44,577 --> 01:17:45,869 Uncle Albert, 1094 01:17:45,870 --> 01:17:49,664 I got a jolly joke I saved for just such an occasion. 1095 01:17:49,665 --> 01:17:53,084 - Want to hear it? - I'd be so grateful. 1096 01:17:53,085 --> 01:17:56,671 Righto. It's about me granddad. 1097 01:17:56,672 --> 01:17:59,090 One night, he had a nightmare. 1098 01:17:59,091 --> 01:18:03,136 So scared he chewed his pillow to bits. 1099 01:18:03,137 --> 01:18:05,763 Next morning, I says, "How do you feel?" 1100 01:18:05,764 --> 01:18:09,539 He says, "A little down in the mouth." 1101 01:18:15,274 --> 01:18:17,609 There's nothing like a good joke. 1102 01:18:17,610 --> 01:18:21,840 No, and that's nothing like a good joke. 1103 01:18:37,504 --> 01:18:40,073 Bit late tonight, aren't you? 1104 01:18:41,634 --> 01:18:43,384 I say, Banks! 1105 01:18:43,385 --> 01:18:45,803 Is anything the matter, Banks? 1106 01:18:45,804 --> 01:18:47,747 Banks! 1107 01:18:54,313 --> 01:18:57,273 We're so glad you're home! 1108 01:18:57,274 --> 01:19:00,109 We had the most wonderful afternoon. 1109 01:19:00,110 --> 01:19:04,822 I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith. 1110 01:19:04,823 --> 01:19:07,909 We don't know anyone called Smith. 1111 01:19:07,910 --> 01:19:12,747 The second chap says, "What's his other leg's name?" 1112 01:19:12,748 --> 01:19:15,750 And a party on the ceiling. 1113 01:19:15,751 --> 01:19:17,585 Children, be quiet. 1114 01:19:17,586 --> 01:19:20,546 Mary Poppins says we'll go again. 1115 01:19:20,547 --> 01:19:21,773 Oh? 1116 01:19:21,966 --> 01:19:24,259 Oh, Mary Poppins said that? 1117 01:19:24,260 --> 01:19:27,887 Please return to your room. 1118 01:19:27,888 --> 01:19:31,641 Mary Poppins, will you come with me? 1119 01:19:31,642 --> 01:19:33,460 As you wish. 1120 01:19:35,854 --> 01:19:39,959 Mary Poppins, I regret what I must say. 1121 01:19:43,946 --> 01:19:46,864 Good evening, George. Is anything the matter? 1122 01:19:46,865 --> 01:19:48,116 I'm afraid so. 1123 01:19:48,117 --> 01:19:51,202 I have to dress for my rally. 1124 01:19:51,203 --> 01:19:55,248 - I'd rather you be present. - Of course, George. 1125 01:19:55,249 --> 01:19:59,544 Mary Poppins, I confess I'm disappointed in you. 1126 01:19:59,545 --> 01:20:03,298 She's for it. I've heard this before. 1127 01:20:03,299 --> 01:20:05,550 I don't deny I'm partially responsible 1128 01:20:05,551 --> 01:20:10,346 for allowing the children's worthless frivolity. 1129 01:20:10,347 --> 01:20:13,224 But they must learn the seriousness of life. 1130 01:20:13,225 --> 01:20:15,518 But they're only children. 1131 01:20:15,519 --> 01:20:17,729 In light of what's happened... 1132 01:20:17,730 --> 01:20:20,565 George, are you certain? 1133 01:20:20,566 --> 01:20:22,233 I believe I am. 1134 01:20:22,234 --> 01:20:25,820 (SINGING) A British bank is run with precision 1135 01:20:25,821 --> 01:20:29,741 A British home requires nothing less 1136 01:20:29,742 --> 01:20:34,287 Tradition, discipline, and rules must be the tools 1137 01:20:34,288 --> 01:20:39,625 Without them disorder, chaos, moral disintegration 1138 01:20:39,626 --> 01:20:41,711 In short, you have a ghastly mess 1139 01:20:41,712 --> 01:20:43,421 I quite agree. 1140 01:20:43,422 --> 01:20:47,258 The children must be moulded, shaped and taught 1141 01:20:47,259 --> 01:20:50,762 That life's a looming battle to be faced and fought 1142 01:20:50,763 --> 01:20:55,475 I'm disturbed to hear my children talking about popping into pictures, 1143 01:20:55,476 --> 01:20:58,895 consorting with racehorse persons, fox hunting... 1144 01:20:58,896 --> 01:21:02,357 I don't mind that. It's tradition. 1145 01:21:02,358 --> 01:21:05,443 But parties on the ceiling? 1146 01:21:05,444 --> 01:21:07,445 Having tea parties on the ceiling? 1147 01:21:07,446 --> 01:21:10,448 And other highly questionable outings... 1148 01:21:10,449 --> 01:21:12,825 If they must go on outings 1149 01:21:12,826 --> 01:21:17,705 These outings ought to be fraught with purpose, yes, and practicality 1150 01:21:17,706 --> 01:21:19,729 These silly words like 1151 01:21:19,792 --> 01:21:21,334 Superca... 1152 01:21:21,335 --> 01:21:23,127 Super... 1153 01:21:23,128 --> 01:21:24,545 Supercal... 1154 01:21:24,546 --> 01:21:26,589 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. 1155 01:21:26,590 --> 01:21:28,257 Yes, well done. 1156 01:21:28,258 --> 01:21:34,472 And popping through pictures have little use, fulfill no basic need 1157 01:21:34,473 --> 01:21:38,393 They've got to learn the honest truth Despite their youth 1158 01:21:38,394 --> 01:21:39,477 They must learn 1159 01:21:39,478 --> 01:21:42,021 About the life you lead 1160 01:21:42,022 --> 01:21:43,439 Exactly. 1161 01:21:43,440 --> 01:21:48,653 They must feel the thrill of totting up a balanced book 1162 01:21:48,654 --> 01:21:51,531 A thousand ciphers neatly in a row 1163 01:21:51,532 --> 01:21:52,824 Quite right. 1164 01:21:52,825 --> 01:21:56,661 When gazing at a graph that shows the profits up 1165 01:21:56,662 --> 01:21:59,831 Their little cup of joy should overflow 1166 01:21:59,832 --> 01:22:01,165 Precisely. 1167 01:22:01,166 --> 01:22:04,961 It's time they learnt to walk in your footsteps 1168 01:22:04,962 --> 01:22:06,045 My footsteps. 1169 01:22:06,046 --> 01:22:08,923 To tread your straight and narrow path with pride 1170 01:22:08,924 --> 01:22:10,007 With pride. 1171 01:22:10,008 --> 01:22:11,759 Tomorrow, just as you suggest 1172 01:22:11,760 --> 01:22:17,265 Pressed and dressed Jane and Michael will be at your side 1173 01:22:17,266 --> 01:22:20,184 Splendid! You've hit the nail... 1174 01:22:20,185 --> 01:22:22,854 At my side? Where are we going? 1175 01:22:22,855 --> 01:22:24,689 To the bank. 1176 01:22:24,690 --> 01:22:26,816 - The bank? - Yes. 1177 01:22:26,817 --> 01:22:29,569 Tomorrow's an important day. 1178 01:22:29,570 --> 01:22:32,469 I'll see they have a proper night's sleep. 1179 01:22:43,584 --> 01:22:47,545 Did I say I'd take the children to the bank? 1180 01:22:47,546 --> 01:22:50,214 It sounded that way. 1181 01:22:50,215 --> 01:22:51,382 And why not? 1182 01:22:51,383 --> 01:22:52,967 Capital idea. 1183 01:22:52,968 --> 01:22:58,473 Just the medicine they need for all this sugary female thinking they get here. 1184 01:22:58,474 --> 01:23:00,391 Quite right. Good idea. 1185 01:23:00,392 --> 01:23:02,335 Quite right. 1186 01:23:04,480 --> 01:23:07,440 Mary Poppins, we won't let you go. 1187 01:23:07,441 --> 01:23:09,192 What do you mean? 1188 01:23:09,193 --> 01:23:11,027 Weren't you sacked? 1189 01:23:11,028 --> 01:23:14,071 Sacked? I am never sacked. 1190 01:23:14,072 --> 01:23:16,824 - Oh, Mary Poppins! - Hooray! 1191 01:23:16,825 --> 01:23:19,535 Neither am I a maypole. 1192 01:23:19,536 --> 01:23:21,245 - But... - Goats butt. 1193 01:23:21,246 --> 01:23:22,538 Birds fly. 1194 01:23:22,539 --> 01:23:26,751 Children going out with their father get some sleep. 1195 01:23:26,752 --> 01:23:28,650 An outing with Father? 1196 01:23:28,670 --> 01:23:32,131 He's never taken us on an outing. 1197 01:23:32,132 --> 01:23:35,202 He's never taken us anywhere. 1198 01:23:35,260 --> 01:23:37,220 How did you manage it? 1199 01:23:37,221 --> 01:23:39,931 You gave him the idea. 1200 01:23:39,932 --> 01:23:42,225 How impertinent! 1201 01:23:42,226 --> 01:23:45,102 Me giving ideas to people? Really. 1202 01:23:45,103 --> 01:23:47,772 - Where's he taking us? - The bank. 1203 01:23:47,773 --> 01:23:52,527 Michael, the city! Father can point out the sights. 1204 01:23:52,528 --> 01:23:54,972 Most things he can. 1205 01:23:55,572 --> 01:24:01,099 Sometimes people, through no fault of their own, can't see past their nose. 1206 01:24:02,120 --> 01:24:03,663 Past their nose? 1207 01:24:03,664 --> 01:24:07,667 Yes. Sometimes a little thing is quite important. 1208 01:24:07,668 --> 01:24:09,794 Oh, look. The cathedral. 1209 01:24:09,795 --> 01:24:13,172 Father passes that every day. 1210 01:24:13,173 --> 01:24:19,220 (SINGING) Early each day to the steps of St. Paul's 1211 01:24:19,221 --> 01:24:24,999 The little old bird woman comes 1212 01:24:25,936 --> 01:24:33,011 In her own special way to the people she calls 1213 01:24:33,402 --> 01:24:40,241 Come buy my bags full of crumbs 1214 01:24:40,242 --> 01:24:43,995 Come feed the little birds 1215 01:24:43,996 --> 01:24:47,373 Show them you care 1216 01:24:47,374 --> 01:24:54,005 And you'll be glad if you do 1217 01:24:54,006 --> 01:24:57,341 Their young ones are hungry 1218 01:24:57,342 --> 01:25:00,803 Their nests are so bare 1219 01:25:00,804 --> 01:25:05,433 All it takes is tuppence 1220 01:25:05,434 --> 01:25:11,188 From you 1221 01:25:11,189 --> 01:25:14,984 Feed the birds 1222 01:25:14,985 --> 01:25:18,195 Tuppence a bag 1223 01:25:18,196 --> 01:25:21,699 Tuppence, tuppence 1224 01:25:21,700 --> 01:25:25,369 Tuppence a bag 1225 01:25:25,370 --> 01:25:28,539 Feed the birds 1226 01:25:28,540 --> 01:25:32,168 That's what she cries 1227 01:25:32,169 --> 01:25:38,883 While overhead, her birds fill the skies 1228 01:25:38,884 --> 01:25:42,094 All around the cathedral 1229 01:25:42,095 --> 01:25:44,722 The saints and apostles 1230 01:25:44,723 --> 01:25:50,895 Look down as she sells her wares 1231 01:25:50,896 --> 01:25:54,398 Although you can't see it 1232 01:25:54,399 --> 01:25:57,902 You know they are smiling 1233 01:25:57,903 --> 01:26:01,530 Each time someone shows 1234 01:26:01,531 --> 01:26:07,513 That he cares 1235 01:26:07,579 --> 01:26:14,688 Though her words are simple and few 1236 01:26:14,961 --> 01:26:18,339 Listen, listen 1237 01:26:18,340 --> 01:26:23,302 She's calling to you 1238 01:26:23,303 --> 01:26:26,764 Feed the birds 1239 01:26:26,765 --> 01:26:30,518 Tuppence a bag 1240 01:26:30,519 --> 01:26:34,730 Tuppence, tuppence 1241 01:26:34,731 --> 01:26:39,211 Tuppence a bag 1242 01:27:08,807 --> 01:27:15,646 Though her words are simple and few 1243 01:27:15,647 --> 01:27:19,108 Listen, listen 1244 01:27:19,109 --> 01:27:24,280 She's calling to you 1245 01:27:24,281 --> 01:27:27,533 Feed the birds 1246 01:27:27,534 --> 01:27:32,455 Tuppence a bag 1247 01:27:32,456 --> 01:27:35,374 Tuppence 1248 01:27:35,375 --> 01:27:38,502 Tuppence 1249 01:27:38,503 --> 01:27:45,578 Tuppence a bag 1250 01:28:07,407 --> 01:28:11,869 Now, remember. Be on your best behaviour. 1251 01:28:11,870 --> 01:28:13,454 Isn't it your bank? 1252 01:28:13,455 --> 01:28:17,291 As a younger officer, it is, sort of. 1253 01:28:17,292 --> 01:28:19,065 Michael, look. 1254 01:28:21,379 --> 01:28:22,963 It's her! 1255 01:28:22,964 --> 01:28:25,633 - Who? It's who? - The bird woman. 1256 01:28:25,634 --> 01:28:27,843 Just like Mary Poppins said. 1257 01:28:27,844 --> 01:28:29,553 You see her? 1258 01:28:29,554 --> 01:28:33,015 Of course I can. Do you think I can't see past the end of my nose? 1259 01:28:33,016 --> 01:28:35,351 Listen, she's saying it. 1260 01:28:35,352 --> 01:28:38,229 Feed the birds. 1261 01:28:38,230 --> 01:28:39,897 Tuppence a bag. 1262 01:28:39,898 --> 01:28:43,150 Of course she's saying it. 1263 01:28:43,151 --> 01:28:45,694 - May we feed the birds? - Whatever for? 1264 01:28:45,695 --> 01:28:48,864 - I have tuppence. - Just this once. 1265 01:28:48,865 --> 01:28:52,243 Waste your money on birds? Certainly not. 1266 01:28:52,244 --> 01:28:53,744 But Mary Poppins... 1267 01:28:53,745 --> 01:28:59,291 I'm not interested in Mary Poppins nor in hearing her name. 1268 01:28:59,292 --> 01:29:01,335 But it's my tuppence. 1269 01:29:01,336 --> 01:29:04,922 Michael, don't throw your money away! 1270 01:29:04,923 --> 01:29:08,926 At the bank, I'll show you what to do. 1271 01:29:08,927 --> 01:29:10,904 It's extremely interesting. 1272 01:29:46,673 --> 01:29:49,592 Hello, Banks. What's all this about? 1273 01:29:49,593 --> 01:29:51,135 My children. 1274 01:29:51,136 --> 01:29:53,262 Why are they here? 1275 01:29:53,263 --> 01:29:55,491 They're opening an account, sir. 1276 01:29:57,142 --> 01:29:59,143 How much money do you have? 1277 01:29:59,144 --> 01:30:02,354 Tuppence. I want it to feed the birds. 1278 01:30:02,355 --> 01:30:04,423 Tuppence! 1279 01:30:05,567 --> 01:30:07,318 Tuppence... 1280 01:30:07,319 --> 01:30:09,421 Precisely how I started. 1281 01:30:14,576 --> 01:30:19,830 That's the elder Mr Dawes, a giant in the finance world. 1282 01:30:19,831 --> 01:30:21,457 A giant? 1283 01:30:21,458 --> 01:30:24,835 Father, these are Banks' children! 1284 01:30:24,836 --> 01:30:27,129 They want to open an account! 1285 01:30:27,130 --> 01:30:31,201 Do they, boy? Excellent. Excellent. 1286 01:30:32,177 --> 01:30:37,454 We can use more money to put to work for the bank. 1287 01:30:40,852 --> 01:30:43,646 You have tuppence? 1288 01:30:43,647 --> 01:30:45,731 May I be permitted to see it? 1289 01:30:45,732 --> 01:30:48,150 It's for feeding the birds. 1290 01:30:48,151 --> 01:30:51,695 Feed the birds and what have you got? 1291 01:30:51,696 --> 01:30:53,781 Fat birds! 1292 01:30:53,782 --> 01:30:55,115 But... 1293 01:30:55,116 --> 01:31:01,440 (SINGING) If you invest your tuppence wisely in the bank 1294 01:31:01,665 --> 01:31:05,815 Safe and sound 1295 01:31:06,378 --> 01:31:08,379 Soon that tuppence 1296 01:31:08,380 --> 01:31:12,174 Safely invested in the bank 1297 01:31:12,175 --> 01:31:16,553 Will compound 1298 01:31:16,554 --> 01:31:22,661 And you'll achieve that sense of conquest 1299 01:31:23,269 --> 01:31:28,341 As your affluence expands 1300 01:31:30,026 --> 01:31:37,010 In the hands of the directors 1301 01:31:37,283 --> 01:31:39,910 Who invest 1302 01:31:39,911 --> 01:31:46,189 As propriety demands 1303 01:31:46,918 --> 01:31:50,022 - May I, sir? - Carry on, Banks. 1304 01:31:51,756 --> 01:31:55,926 You see, Michael, you'll be part of railways through Africa! 1305 01:31:55,927 --> 01:31:57,678 Exactly. 1306 01:31:57,679 --> 01:31:59,430 Dams across the Nile. 1307 01:31:59,431 --> 01:32:03,267 - Talk about the ships. - Fleets of ocean greyhounds. 1308 01:32:03,268 --> 01:32:04,585 Tell them more. 1309 01:32:05,186 --> 01:32:07,604 Majestic self-amortizing canals. 1310 01:32:07,605 --> 01:32:09,940 It fires the imagination! 1311 01:32:09,941 --> 01:32:16,970 (SINGING) Plantations of ripening tea 1312 01:32:18,324 --> 01:32:21,035 All from 1313 01:32:21,036 --> 01:32:22,578 Tuppence 1314 01:32:22,579 --> 01:32:28,208 Prudently, thriftily, frugally invested in the... 1315 01:32:28,209 --> 01:32:29,918 To be specific 1316 01:32:29,919 --> 01:32:35,049 In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs 1317 01:32:35,050 --> 01:32:38,074 Fidelity Fiduciary bank 1318 01:32:49,230 --> 01:32:51,148 Give me the money, boy. 1319 01:32:51,149 --> 01:32:54,234 I want to feed the birds. 1320 01:32:54,235 --> 01:32:55,486 Banks! 1321 01:32:55,487 --> 01:32:57,780 Yes, sir. Now, Michael... 1322 01:32:57,781 --> 01:33:02,326 When you deposit tuppence in a bank account 1323 01:33:02,327 --> 01:33:03,452 Go on! 1324 01:33:03,453 --> 01:33:06,397 Soon you'll see 1325 01:33:06,456 --> 01:33:07,539 Tell him more! 1326 01:33:07,540 --> 01:33:11,543 That it blooms into credit of a generous amount 1327 01:33:11,544 --> 01:33:15,945 Semi-annually 1328 01:33:16,174 --> 01:33:21,345 And you'll achieve that sense of stature 1329 01:33:21,346 --> 01:33:26,433 As your influence expands 1330 01:33:26,434 --> 01:33:31,188 To the high financial strata 1331 01:33:31,189 --> 01:33:34,964 That established credit now commands 1332 01:33:36,611 --> 01:33:39,965 You can purchase first and second trust deeds. 1333 01:33:39,989 --> 01:33:41,740 Imagine the foreclosures, 1334 01:33:41,741 --> 01:33:45,619 bonds, chattels, dividends, shares. 1335 01:33:45,620 --> 01:33:46,703 Bankruptcies. 1336 01:33:46,704 --> 01:33:47,805 Debtor sales. 1337 01:33:47,831 --> 01:33:49,248 Opportunities. 1338 01:33:49,249 --> 01:33:51,041 Private enterprise. 1339 01:33:51,042 --> 01:33:52,209 Shipyards. 1340 01:33:52,210 --> 01:33:53,710 - The mercantile. - Collieries. 1341 01:33:53,711 --> 01:33:54,837 Tanneries. 1342 01:33:54,838 --> 01:33:56,713 Corporations, amalgamations. 1343 01:33:56,714 --> 01:33:58,215 Banks! 1344 01:33:58,216 --> 01:34:01,160 While stand the Banks of England, 1345 01:34:01,302 --> 01:34:03,404 England stands. 1346 01:34:09,853 --> 01:34:12,604 When fall the Banks of England, 1347 01:34:12,605 --> 01:34:14,628 England falls! 1348 01:34:18,153 --> 01:34:19,550 You see, Michael? 1349 01:34:19,571 --> 01:34:21,738 All for the lack of... 1350 01:34:21,739 --> 01:34:23,073 Tuppence 1351 01:34:23,074 --> 01:34:24,241 Patiently 1352 01:34:24,242 --> 01:34:25,701 Cautiously 1353 01:34:25,702 --> 01:34:29,227 Trustingly invested in the... 1354 01:34:29,247 --> 01:34:31,248 To be specific 1355 01:34:31,249 --> 01:34:36,253 In the Dawes, Tomes, Mousley, Grubbs 1356 01:34:36,254 --> 01:34:40,966 Fidelity Fiduciary Bank 1357 01:34:40,967 --> 01:34:44,595 Welcome to our joyful family of investors. 1358 01:34:44,596 --> 01:34:46,013 Give it back! 1359 01:34:46,014 --> 01:34:47,431 Give it back! 1360 01:34:47,432 --> 01:34:48,599 Michael, behave... 1361 01:34:48,600 --> 01:34:50,517 Give it to him. 1362 01:34:50,518 --> 01:34:54,213 Give me back my money! 1363 01:34:54,856 --> 01:34:57,316 Give me back my money! 1364 01:34:57,317 --> 01:35:00,444 The bank won't give someone their money. 1365 01:35:00,445 --> 01:35:01,888 I'm getting mine. 1366 01:35:01,905 --> 01:35:03,822 Come along, every penny! 1367 01:35:03,823 --> 01:35:06,301 And give me mine, too. 1368 01:35:10,413 --> 01:35:11,580 Stop all payments. 1369 01:35:11,581 --> 01:35:13,058 Stop all payments. 1370 01:35:31,935 --> 01:35:33,332 Give me my money! 1371 01:35:48,117 --> 01:35:49,409 Children, come back! 1372 01:35:49,410 --> 01:35:51,030 - Stop those children! - Jane! Michael! 1373 01:35:58,711 --> 01:36:00,438 Come on! 1374 01:36:03,091 --> 01:36:04,534 Stop those children! 1375 01:36:10,014 --> 01:36:11,536 Stop those children! 1376 01:36:13,518 --> 01:36:14,915 Aah! 1377 01:36:31,119 --> 01:36:32,494 Come with me. 1378 01:36:32,495 --> 01:36:33,642 Granny will hide you! 1379 01:36:43,589 --> 01:36:44,986 Aah! 1380 01:36:49,595 --> 01:36:50,762 Aah! 1381 01:36:50,763 --> 01:36:51,955 Aah! 1382 01:36:52,682 --> 01:36:54,725 Here, half a mo. 1383 01:36:54,726 --> 01:36:56,624 Leave my sister alone. 1384 01:36:56,644 --> 01:36:59,088 Your friend won't hurt you. 1385 01:37:01,107 --> 01:37:03,005 Bert, it's you. 1386 01:37:03,067 --> 01:37:05,511 In the flesh and at your service. 1387 01:37:06,738 --> 01:37:08,280 You're filthy. 1388 01:37:08,281 --> 01:37:10,782 Perhaps a smudge. 1389 01:37:10,783 --> 01:37:13,160 It so happens today I'm a chimney sweep. 1390 01:37:13,161 --> 01:37:15,639 Oh, Bert, we're so frightened. 1391 01:37:16,247 --> 01:37:17,998 Don't take on so. 1392 01:37:17,999 --> 01:37:20,943 Bert will take care of you. Like I was your own father. 1393 01:37:20,960 --> 01:37:22,377 Who's after you? 1394 01:37:22,378 --> 01:37:23,420 Father. 1395 01:37:23,421 --> 01:37:24,522 What? 1396 01:37:24,756 --> 01:37:26,608 We went to his bank. 1397 01:37:26,632 --> 01:37:29,952 We must have done something dreadful. 1398 01:37:29,969 --> 01:37:33,243 The police and army were after us. 1399 01:37:33,264 --> 01:37:35,265 Michael, don't exaggerate. 1400 01:37:35,266 --> 01:37:38,310 There must be some mistake. 1401 01:37:38,311 --> 01:37:40,604 Your dad loves you. 1402 01:37:40,605 --> 01:37:44,551 No, not with the look he had on his face. 1403 01:37:44,609 --> 01:37:46,711 He doesn't like us. 1404 01:37:47,403 --> 01:37:49,722 That don't seem likely, does it? 1405 01:37:49,739 --> 01:37:51,261 It's true. 1406 01:37:53,076 --> 01:37:54,348 Let's sit down. 1407 01:37:55,119 --> 01:37:57,871 Begging your pardon, 1408 01:37:57,872 --> 01:38:01,041 but my heart goes out to your father. 1409 01:38:01,042 --> 01:38:05,192 There he is in that cold, heartless bank, 1410 01:38:05,254 --> 01:38:08,904 hemmed in by mounds of cold, heartless money. 1411 01:38:08,966 --> 01:38:11,034 I don't like seeing living things caged up. 1412 01:38:11,844 --> 01:38:13,787 Father in a cage? 1413 01:38:13,805 --> 01:38:16,890 Cages come in all sizes and shapes, 1414 01:38:16,891 --> 01:38:18,993 even bank-shaped. 1415 01:38:19,477 --> 01:38:22,229 Father's not in trouble, we are. 1416 01:38:22,230 --> 01:38:24,458 Sure about that, are you? 1417 01:38:25,400 --> 01:38:29,095 You've got your mother to look after you, 1418 01:38:29,153 --> 01:38:32,928 and Mary Poppins and Constable Jones and me. 1419 01:38:33,032 --> 01:38:35,385 Who looks after your father? 1420 01:38:35,993 --> 01:38:38,995 When something happens, what does he do? 1421 01:38:38,996 --> 01:38:41,164 Fends for himself, he does. 1422 01:38:41,165 --> 01:38:42,437 Who does he tell? 1423 01:38:42,500 --> 01:38:44,209 No one. 1424 01:38:44,210 --> 01:38:46,586 Don't blab his troubles. 1425 01:38:46,587 --> 01:38:48,439 He pushes on at his job, 1426 01:38:48,464 --> 01:38:51,283 uncomplaining, alone, and silent. 1427 01:38:51,342 --> 01:38:53,552 He's not very silent. 1428 01:38:53,553 --> 01:38:55,512 Michael, be quiet. 1429 01:38:55,513 --> 01:38:58,492 Bert, does Father really need our help? 1430 01:38:59,475 --> 01:39:01,953 It's not my place to say. 1431 01:39:02,478 --> 01:39:06,273 But fathers can always do with a bit of help. 1432 01:39:06,274 --> 01:39:08,251 I'll take you home. 1433 01:39:16,451 --> 01:39:19,786 (SINGING) Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheree 1434 01:39:19,787 --> 01:39:23,415 A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be 1435 01:39:23,416 --> 01:39:26,585 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheroo 1436 01:39:26,586 --> 01:39:30,005 Good luck will rub off when I shakes hands with you 1437 01:39:30,006 --> 01:39:31,574 Or blow me a kiss 1438 01:39:33,384 --> 01:39:35,031 And that's lucky, too 1439 01:39:37,889 --> 01:39:41,163 Now as the ladder of life has been strung 1440 01:39:41,184 --> 01:39:44,603 You might think a sweep's on the bottommost rung 1441 01:39:44,604 --> 01:39:48,023 Though I spends me time in the ashes and smoke 1442 01:39:48,024 --> 01:39:51,128 In this whole wide world there's no happier bloke 1443 01:39:51,569 --> 01:39:54,718 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheree 1444 01:39:54,739 --> 01:39:58,492 A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be 1445 01:39:58,493 --> 01:40:01,578 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheroo 1446 01:40:01,579 --> 01:40:04,398 Good luck will rub off when I shakes hands with you 1447 01:40:05,249 --> 01:40:08,418 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheree 1448 01:40:08,419 --> 01:40:12,069 A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be 1449 01:40:12,089 --> 01:40:15,217 Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheroo 1450 01:40:15,218 --> 01:40:18,697 Good luck will rub off when I shakes hands with you 1451 01:40:23,726 --> 01:40:26,102 Ellen, whoever that is, send them away. 1452 01:40:26,103 --> 01:40:27,938 I'm dreadfully late. 1453 01:40:27,939 --> 01:40:28,980 Yes, mum. 1454 01:40:28,981 --> 01:40:30,298 I'll be leaving. 1455 01:40:30,316 --> 01:40:33,568 Please stay till Father comes home! Father will feel better 1456 01:40:33,569 --> 01:40:35,671 if you shake hands with him. 1457 01:40:36,948 --> 01:40:38,865 It's the children, mum. 1458 01:40:38,866 --> 01:40:40,617 I thought they were with their father. 1459 01:40:40,618 --> 01:40:43,517 You haven't been running off, have you? 1460 01:40:43,996 --> 01:40:46,206 They haven't exactly been running away, mum. 1461 01:40:46,207 --> 01:40:48,605 They've been frightened and should be looked after. 1462 01:40:49,126 --> 01:40:52,504 Oh, of course, Mary Poppins will... 1463 01:40:52,505 --> 01:40:55,006 Oh, no, it's her day off. 1464 01:40:55,007 --> 01:40:56,466 Ellen, would you... 1465 01:40:56,467 --> 01:40:59,636 No, mum. I haven't done me brasses. 1466 01:40:59,637 --> 01:41:00,762 Ask Mrs Brill... 1467 01:41:00,763 --> 01:41:02,722 Not for 100 quid. 1468 01:41:02,723 --> 01:41:06,327 It's baking day, and you know how cook is. 1469 01:41:08,062 --> 01:41:09,789 What about you, sir? 1470 01:41:09,814 --> 01:41:12,508 You've been so kind. 1471 01:41:12,525 --> 01:41:14,192 Me, mum? 1472 01:41:14,193 --> 01:41:17,070 Lord mayor's got a stopped-up chimney. 1473 01:41:17,071 --> 01:41:19,845 How clever of you to know. 1474 01:41:20,157 --> 01:41:21,866 Our drawing room chimney 1475 01:41:21,867 --> 01:41:24,561 is in the most ghastly condition. 1476 01:41:25,830 --> 01:41:27,163 Thank you so much. 1477 01:41:27,164 --> 01:41:31,690 Besides, it will amuse the children. 1478 01:41:31,752 --> 01:41:33,445 The lord mayor's going to be terrible put out. 1479 01:41:33,462 --> 01:41:35,046 Thank you so much. 1480 01:41:35,047 --> 01:41:36,798 I do appreciate it. 1481 01:41:36,799 --> 01:41:38,008 I must hurry. 1482 01:41:38,009 --> 01:41:41,989 Our gallant ladies in prison are waiting for me to lead them in song. 1483 01:41:42,930 --> 01:41:44,703 Good-bye, my darlings. 1484 01:41:52,523 --> 01:41:55,968 (SINGING) I choose me bristles with pride, yes, I do 1485 01:41:56,068 --> 01:41:57,795 A broom for the shaft 1486 01:41:57,820 --> 01:41:59,922 And a brush for the flue 1487 01:42:01,782 --> 01:42:04,977 It's awfully dark and gloomy up there. 1488 01:42:04,994 --> 01:42:07,973 You see how wrong people can be? 1489 01:42:08,080 --> 01:42:13,152 That's a doorway to a place of enchantment. 1490 01:42:13,169 --> 01:42:17,649 Up where the smoke is all billowed and curled 1491 01:42:17,840 --> 01:42:20,967 'Tween pavement and stars 1492 01:42:20,968 --> 01:42:23,696 Is the chimney sweep world 1493 01:42:24,847 --> 01:42:27,450 When there's hardly no day 1494 01:42:27,642 --> 01:42:29,619 Nor hardly no night 1495 01:42:30,728 --> 01:42:34,423 There's things half in shadow 1496 01:42:34,899 --> 01:42:37,001 And halfway in light 1497 01:42:38,235 --> 01:42:42,181 On the rooftops of London 1498 01:42:43,908 --> 01:42:47,137 Coo, what a sight 1499 01:42:47,745 --> 01:42:50,394 I wish we could go up there. 1500 01:42:50,414 --> 01:42:52,107 I like chimneys. 1501 01:42:52,291 --> 01:42:57,170 Rightly so. A chimney is a wondrous thing. 1502 01:42:57,171 --> 01:42:59,631 It's built tall up there on the roof. 1503 01:42:59,632 --> 01:43:03,093 The wind blows across her top 1504 01:43:03,094 --> 01:43:05,845 and draws the smoke right up the flue. 1505 01:43:05,846 --> 01:43:09,541 Feel the pull on the end of that brush. 1506 01:43:09,767 --> 01:43:12,435 It's like you've got a whale at the end of the line, isn't it? 1507 01:43:12,436 --> 01:43:13,708 Michael, be careful. 1508 01:43:13,938 --> 01:43:16,382 Things happen around fireplaces. 1509 01:43:18,401 --> 01:43:19,502 Oh, bother. 1510 01:43:22,988 --> 01:43:25,115 JANE: Michael! 1511 01:43:25,116 --> 01:43:27,659 Michael, come back down here! 1512 01:43:27,660 --> 01:43:30,161 Michael, Michael, where are you? 1513 01:43:30,162 --> 01:43:31,605 That's a bit awkward. 1514 01:43:31,789 --> 01:43:34,517 Stop putting ideas in their heads. 1515 01:43:36,168 --> 01:43:37,585 There goes another one. 1516 01:43:37,586 --> 01:43:38,670 Shall I go after them? 1517 01:43:38,671 --> 01:43:42,742 They can't gallivant up there like kangaroos. 1518 01:43:42,800 --> 01:43:45,574 Michael, everything's going to be... 1519 01:43:52,309 --> 01:43:54,582 Will you put your things on? 1520 01:43:58,399 --> 01:44:00,092 Hurry up. Spit spot. 1521 01:44:00,109 --> 01:44:01,927 Thought you'd left. 1522 01:44:01,944 --> 01:44:03,671 We didn't mean to. 1523 01:44:03,696 --> 01:44:05,363 No harm done. 1524 01:44:05,364 --> 01:44:09,264 Truth is, this is a fortuitous circumstance. 1525 01:44:09,493 --> 01:44:10,640 Look there. 1526 01:44:12,037 --> 01:44:16,859 A trackless jungle just waiting to be explored. 1527 01:44:17,084 --> 01:44:18,168 Why not, Mary Poppins? 1528 01:44:18,169 --> 01:44:20,271 Oh, please, Mary Poppins. 1529 01:44:21,505 --> 01:44:26,156 Oh, well... If we must, we must. 1530 01:44:29,847 --> 01:44:30,948 Fall in. 1531 01:44:31,474 --> 01:44:33,016 Look lively. Look lively. 1532 01:44:33,017 --> 01:44:35,745 Jump to it. Get in line. 1533 01:44:35,770 --> 01:44:37,998 Attention! 1534 01:44:38,606 --> 01:44:41,733 Slope arms! 1535 01:44:41,734 --> 01:44:44,132 Right turn! 1536 01:44:51,410 --> 01:44:53,137 Quick march! 1537 01:45:22,858 --> 01:45:24,335 Hello there! 1538 01:45:29,573 --> 01:45:32,017 It's just good clean soot, Michael. 1539 01:45:37,748 --> 01:45:38,873 Far as we go, right? 1540 01:45:38,874 --> 01:45:40,271 Not at all. 1541 01:46:30,593 --> 01:46:32,510 What did I tell you? 1542 01:46:32,511 --> 01:46:34,284 The world's at your feet, 1543 01:46:35,806 --> 01:46:37,974 and who sees it but the birds, 1544 01:46:37,975 --> 01:46:41,079 the stars, and the chimney sweeps? 1545 01:46:50,821 --> 01:46:51,922 Quite nice, 1546 01:46:52,156 --> 01:46:55,180 but we've had enough night air. Follow me, please. 1547 01:47:06,378 --> 01:47:10,403 (SINGING) Chim chiminy chim chiminy Chim chim cheree 1548 01:47:10,424 --> 01:47:12,117 When you're with a sweep 1549 01:47:12,134 --> 01:47:14,612 You're in glad company 1550 01:47:14,678 --> 01:47:18,556 Nowhere is there a more happier crew 1551 01:47:18,557 --> 01:47:22,810 Than them what sings Chim chim cheree, chim cheroo 1552 01:47:22,811 --> 01:47:29,840 Chim chiminy chim chim Cheree chim cheroo 1553 01:47:30,152 --> 01:47:31,486 Cheroo! 1554 01:47:31,487 --> 01:47:32,570 Cheroo! 1555 01:47:32,571 --> 01:47:33,655 Cheroo! 1556 01:47:33,656 --> 01:47:34,781 Cheroo! Cheroo! 1557 01:47:34,782 --> 01:47:35,929 Cheroo! Cheroo! 1558 01:47:36,158 --> 01:47:38,409 It's all me pals! 1559 01:47:38,410 --> 01:47:39,911 Step in time! 1560 01:47:39,912 --> 01:47:41,037 Step in time! 1561 01:47:41,038 --> 01:47:42,205 Step in time! 1562 01:47:42,206 --> 01:47:44,540 Step in time! Step in time! 1563 01:47:44,541 --> 01:47:46,125 Step in time! 1564 01:47:46,126 --> 01:47:50,026 Come on, mateys, step in time! 1565 01:47:51,507 --> 01:47:53,609 Step in time! 1566 01:47:54,760 --> 01:47:56,328 (SINGING) Step in time, step in time 1567 01:47:56,387 --> 01:47:57,989 Step in time, step in time 1568 01:47:58,013 --> 01:47:59,593 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1569 01:47:59,598 --> 01:48:01,325 Step in time, we step in time 1570 01:48:02,434 --> 01:48:03,559 Kick your knees up! 1571 01:48:03,560 --> 01:48:05,061 Kick your knees up, step in time 1572 01:48:05,062 --> 01:48:06,688 Kick your knees up, step in time 1573 01:48:06,689 --> 01:48:08,189 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1574 01:48:08,190 --> 01:48:10,418 Kick your knees up, step in time 1575 01:48:11,276 --> 01:48:12,360 Round the chimney! 1576 01:48:12,361 --> 01:48:13,713 Round the chimney, step in time 1577 01:48:13,737 --> 01:48:15,154 Round the chimney, step in time 1578 01:48:15,155 --> 01:48:16,739 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1579 01:48:16,740 --> 01:48:18,763 Round the chimney, step in time 1580 01:48:18,784 --> 01:48:19,951 Flap like a birdie! 1581 01:48:19,952 --> 01:48:21,411 Flap like a birdie, step in time 1582 01:48:21,412 --> 01:48:23,037 Flap like a birdie, step in time 1583 01:48:23,038 --> 01:48:24,497 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1584 01:48:24,498 --> 01:48:26,441 Flap like a birdie, in time 1585 01:48:26,458 --> 01:48:27,709 Up on the railing! 1586 01:48:27,710 --> 01:48:29,711 Up on the railing, step in time 1587 01:48:29,712 --> 01:48:31,254 Up on the railing, step in time 1588 01:48:31,255 --> 01:48:32,839 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1589 01:48:32,840 --> 01:48:33,923 Up on the railing, step in time 1590 01:48:33,924 --> 01:48:35,800 Over the rooftops! 1591 01:48:35,801 --> 01:48:37,093 Over the rooftops, step in time 1592 01:48:37,094 --> 01:48:38,636 Over the rooftops, step in time 1593 01:48:38,637 --> 01:48:40,489 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1594 01:48:40,597 --> 01:48:41,806 Step in time 1595 01:48:41,807 --> 01:48:43,141 Over the rooftops, over the rooftops 1596 01:48:43,142 --> 01:48:44,994 Link your elbows! 1597 01:48:45,602 --> 01:48:47,270 Link your elbows, step in time 1598 01:48:47,271 --> 01:48:48,813 Link your elbows, step in time 1599 01:48:48,814 --> 01:48:50,382 Link your elbows, link your elbows 1600 01:48:50,399 --> 01:48:53,173 Link your elbows 1601 01:48:54,194 --> 01:48:55,820 Step in time, step in time 1602 01:48:55,821 --> 01:48:57,447 Step in time, step in time 1603 01:48:57,448 --> 01:48:58,720 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1604 01:48:58,741 --> 01:49:00,199 When you step in time 1605 01:49:00,200 --> 01:49:02,348 You step in time 1606 01:50:06,850 --> 01:50:08,768 Mary Poppins, step in time! 1607 01:50:08,769 --> 01:50:11,964 There you go, Mary Poppins! 1608 01:50:12,606 --> 01:50:14,504 Lucky old Bert! 1609 01:50:19,780 --> 01:50:22,008 Come on, Mary Poppins! 1610 01:50:25,702 --> 01:50:27,179 Here we go! 1611 01:50:44,721 --> 01:50:46,323 Ain't she marvellous? 1612 01:50:46,348 --> 01:50:47,974 Ain't she beautiful? 1613 01:50:47,975 --> 01:50:49,418 Lovely. Tell your mum. 1614 01:50:51,228 --> 01:50:53,330 Hello, hello, hello! 1615 01:51:02,239 --> 01:51:05,138 - More! More! - Mary, do it again! 1616 01:51:41,069 --> 01:51:42,512 Here we go. 1617 01:52:58,063 --> 01:53:00,022 We're being attacked by Hottentots! 1618 01:53:00,023 --> 01:53:01,148 Aye, aye, sir. 1619 01:53:01,149 --> 01:53:04,026 Cheeky devils! Give them what for! 1620 01:53:04,027 --> 01:53:06,004 Empty the shot lockers! 1621 01:53:06,029 --> 01:53:07,346 Ave, aye, sir! 1622 01:53:13,245 --> 01:53:15,814 Move along, Mr Binnacle. 1623 01:53:15,831 --> 01:53:18,184 Teach the beggars a lesson! 1624 01:53:23,547 --> 01:53:25,006 Gun ready, sir. 1625 01:53:25,007 --> 01:53:26,590 Stand by. 1626 01:53:26,591 --> 01:53:27,908 Fire! 1627 01:53:47,738 --> 01:53:49,385 Fire! 1628 01:53:54,619 --> 01:53:55,995 Well hit, sir! 1629 01:53:55,996 --> 01:53:57,518 Very well hit! 1630 01:54:18,018 --> 01:54:19,727 Aah! They're at it again! 1631 01:54:19,728 --> 01:54:21,520 They're at it again, step in time 1632 01:54:21,521 --> 01:54:23,248 At it again, step in time 1633 01:54:26,109 --> 01:54:27,961 They're at it again, step in time 1634 01:54:33,533 --> 01:54:34,950 Ow! 1635 01:54:34,951 --> 01:54:36,452 Ow! Step in time 1636 01:54:36,453 --> 01:54:38,100 Ow! Step in time 1637 01:54:38,121 --> 01:54:39,789 Never need a reason Never need a rhyme 1638 01:54:39,790 --> 01:54:40,998 Whoa! 1639 01:54:40,999 --> 01:54:42,191 Step in time 1640 01:54:45,003 --> 01:54:47,606 Oh, Ellen, when you're free... 1641 01:54:48,090 --> 01:54:49,817 Votes for women, step in time 1642 01:54:49,841 --> 01:54:51,092 Votes for women, step in time 1643 01:54:51,093 --> 01:54:52,968 Not at the moment. 1644 01:54:52,969 --> 01:54:54,011 Votes for women 1645 01:54:54,012 --> 01:54:55,238 Votes for women! 1646 01:55:07,651 --> 01:55:08,923 It's the master! 1647 01:55:08,985 --> 01:55:10,277 It's the master, step in time 1648 01:55:10,278 --> 01:55:11,445 It's the master 1649 01:55:11,446 --> 01:55:12,763 What's all this? 1650 01:55:12,781 --> 01:55:13,864 What's all this? 1651 01:55:13,865 --> 01:55:15,533 What's all this, what's all this 1652 01:55:15,534 --> 01:55:16,742 What's all this 1653 01:55:16,743 --> 01:55:17,827 Link your elbows, step in time 1654 01:55:17,828 --> 01:55:19,771 What's all this? What's all this? 1655 01:55:19,788 --> 01:55:21,455 Kick your knees up Kick your knees up... 1656 01:55:21,456 --> 01:55:22,603 Bert. 1657 01:55:22,958 --> 01:55:24,605 (WHISTLES) 1658 01:55:26,878 --> 01:55:28,504 Good luck, guv'nor. 1659 01:55:28,505 --> 01:55:30,528 Lovely time. 1660 01:55:30,632 --> 01:55:32,951 Had an elegant time, guv'nor. 1661 01:55:39,307 --> 01:55:40,704 Good luck, guv'nor. 1662 01:56:20,223 --> 01:56:22,975 Father, every sweep shook your hand. 1663 01:56:22,976 --> 01:56:25,394 You'll be so lucky! 1664 01:56:25,395 --> 01:56:26,770 Come along, children. Spit spot. 1665 01:56:26,771 --> 01:56:28,464 One moment, Mary Poppins. 1666 01:56:29,191 --> 01:56:31,009 What's the meaning of this? 1667 01:56:31,401 --> 01:56:32,902 I beg your pardon? 1668 01:56:32,903 --> 01:56:35,051 Will you explain all this? 1669 01:56:36,072 --> 01:56:38,616 I'd like to make one thing clear. 1670 01:56:38,617 --> 01:56:39,843 Yes. 1671 01:56:41,203 --> 01:56:43,305 I never explain anything. 1672 01:56:44,289 --> 01:56:46,141 (TELEPHONE RINGS) 1673 01:56:46,708 --> 01:56:47,809 (RING) 1674 01:56:50,170 --> 01:56:51,772 Yes? Banks here. 1675 01:56:52,923 --> 01:56:54,741 Mr Dawes... 1676 01:56:54,841 --> 01:56:57,051 I'm dreadfully sorry about what happened today. 1677 01:56:57,052 --> 01:56:59,575 I can assure you that... 1678 01:57:00,430 --> 01:57:01,531 Tonight, sir? 1679 01:57:01,806 --> 01:57:05,059 Yes. We'll expect you at 9:00 precisely. 1680 01:57:05,060 --> 01:57:06,143 Without fail. 1681 01:57:06,144 --> 01:57:07,917 Without fail. 1682 01:57:09,397 --> 01:57:11,090 Why, yes, Banks. 1683 01:57:11,525 --> 01:57:13,317 It's extremely serious. 1684 01:57:13,318 --> 01:57:15,528 We regret this action. 1685 01:57:15,529 --> 01:57:16,904 We regret this action. 1686 01:57:16,905 --> 01:57:19,929 You've been with us many years... 1687 01:57:19,950 --> 01:57:21,659 You've been with us many years... 1688 01:57:21,660 --> 01:57:23,661 As was your father. 1689 01:57:23,662 --> 01:57:25,560 As was your father. 1690 01:57:26,706 --> 01:57:28,499 Yes, Mr Dawes. 1691 01:57:28,500 --> 01:57:31,729 I shall be there at 9:00. 1692 01:57:52,482 --> 01:57:56,837 A man has dreams of walking with giants. 1693 01:57:58,780 --> 01:58:02,930 To carve his niche in the edifice of time. 1694 01:58:04,494 --> 01:58:09,373 (SINGING) Before the mortar of his zeal 1695 01:58:09,374 --> 01:58:13,168 Has a chance to congeal 1696 01:58:13,169 --> 01:58:15,754 The cup's dashed from his lips. 1697 01:58:15,755 --> 01:58:18,028 The flame's snuffed aborning. 1698 01:58:18,091 --> 01:58:20,444 He's brought to wrack and ruin in his prime. 1699 01:58:23,138 --> 01:58:24,847 Life's a rum go, guv'nor. 1700 01:58:24,848 --> 01:58:26,390 That's the truth. 1701 01:58:26,391 --> 01:58:29,643 I think it's Mary Poppins. 1702 01:58:29,644 --> 01:58:31,770 Since she's come, 1703 01:58:31,771 --> 01:58:33,248 things have happened to me. 1704 01:58:33,523 --> 01:58:34,715 Mary Poppins? 1705 01:58:34,733 --> 01:58:36,525 Yes, of course! 1706 01:58:36,526 --> 01:58:40,654 My world was calm 1707 01:58:40,655 --> 01:58:43,008 Well ordered... 1708 01:58:43,033 --> 01:58:44,259 Exemplary. 1709 01:58:45,410 --> 01:58:48,480 Then came this person 1710 01:58:48,538 --> 01:58:51,858 With chaos in her wake 1711 01:58:53,752 --> 01:58:59,089 And now my life's ambitions go 1712 01:58:59,090 --> 01:59:02,160 With one fell blow 1713 01:59:04,179 --> 01:59:10,537 It's quite a bitter pill 1714 01:59:11,645 --> 01:59:13,187 To take 1715 01:59:13,188 --> 01:59:15,507 That Poppins woman did it! 1716 01:59:15,899 --> 01:59:18,067 I know the person... Mary Poppins. 1717 01:59:18,068 --> 01:59:20,216 She's the one what sings... 1718 01:59:20,278 --> 01:59:23,405 A spoonful of sugar 1719 01:59:23,406 --> 01:59:26,950 That is all it takes 1720 01:59:26,951 --> 01:59:30,829 It changes bread and water into 1721 01:59:30,830 --> 01:59:32,539 Tea and cakes 1722 01:59:32,540 --> 01:59:34,166 That's it exactly! 1723 01:59:34,167 --> 01:59:37,146 Changing bread into cakes, indeed. 1724 01:59:37,212 --> 01:59:40,297 No wonder everything's higgledy-piggledy. 1725 01:59:40,298 --> 01:59:43,072 A spoonful of sugar 1726 01:59:43,093 --> 01:59:45,537 Goes a long, long way 1727 01:59:46,304 --> 01:59:49,473 Have yourself a healthy helpin' 1728 01:59:49,474 --> 01:59:52,248 Every day 1729 01:59:52,268 --> 01:59:53,936 A healthy helpin' of trouble. 1730 01:59:53,937 --> 01:59:56,855 You know what she did? I realise it now. She tricked me 1731 01:59:56,856 --> 01:59:58,982 into taking Jane and Michael to the bank. 1732 01:59:58,983 --> 02:00:01,402 That's how the trouble started. 1733 02:00:01,403 --> 02:00:04,006 Tricked you into that? 1734 02:00:04,072 --> 02:00:05,823 Outrageous! 1735 02:00:05,824 --> 02:00:08,473 A man as important as you? 1736 02:00:08,493 --> 02:00:09,719 Shameful! 1737 02:00:11,454 --> 02:00:15,275 You're a man of high position, 1738 02:00:15,333 --> 02:00:18,437 esteemed by your peers. 1739 02:00:18,712 --> 02:00:22,047 And when your little tykes are cryin' 1740 02:00:22,048 --> 02:00:25,368 You haven't time to dry their tears 1741 02:00:26,094 --> 02:00:30,074 And see them grateful little faces 1742 02:00:30,098 --> 02:00:33,793 Smilin' up at you 1743 02:00:33,810 --> 02:00:36,083 Because their dad 1744 02:00:36,146 --> 02:00:40,672 He always knows just what to do 1745 02:00:40,734 --> 02:00:42,302 I mean, look... 1746 02:00:42,318 --> 02:00:45,012 Like you say, guv'nor... 1747 02:00:45,113 --> 02:00:49,514 You've got to grind, grind, grind 1748 02:00:49,576 --> 02:00:53,120 At that grindstone 1749 02:00:53,121 --> 02:00:55,770 Though childhood slips 1750 02:00:55,874 --> 02:00:58,167 Like sand 1751 02:00:58,168 --> 02:00:59,645 Through a sieve 1752 02:01:01,337 --> 02:01:03,338 And all too soon 1753 02:01:03,339 --> 02:01:06,300 They've up and grown 1754 02:01:06,301 --> 02:01:10,998 And then they've flown 1755 02:01:11,014 --> 02:01:17,622 And it's too late for you to give 1756 02:01:21,024 --> 02:01:26,426 Just that spoonful of sugar 1757 02:01:26,446 --> 02:01:28,219 To help the medicine 1758 02:01:28,823 --> 02:01:30,783 Go down 1759 02:01:30,784 --> 02:01:35,078 The medicine go down 1760 02:01:35,079 --> 02:01:38,123 Medicine go down 1761 02:01:38,124 --> 02:01:39,817 Well, goodbye, guv'nor. 1762 02:01:39,876 --> 02:01:42,320 Sorry to have troubled you. 1763 02:01:42,337 --> 02:01:44,280 (WHISTLING) 1764 02:01:55,183 --> 02:01:56,535 Father. 1765 02:01:57,227 --> 02:02:00,080 We're sorry about the tuppence. 1766 02:02:00,104 --> 02:02:02,164 We didn't know it would cause you so much trouble. 1767 02:02:10,073 --> 02:02:13,302 Here, Father. You can have the tuppence. 1768 02:02:26,881 --> 02:02:28,858 Will that make everything all right? 1769 02:02:31,344 --> 02:02:32,821 Thank you. 1770 02:04:28,586 --> 02:04:30,484 (DOORBELL CHIMES) 1771 02:05:25,351 --> 02:05:26,953 Come in! 1772 02:05:36,738 --> 02:05:38,181 Take your hat off, Banks. 1773 02:05:52,754 --> 02:05:54,322 Good evening, gentlemen. 1774 02:05:58,760 --> 02:06:00,302 Get on with it. Go on. 1775 02:06:00,303 --> 02:06:01,905 Yes, Father. 1776 02:06:05,725 --> 02:06:09,853 In 1773, an official of this bank 1777 02:06:09,854 --> 02:06:12,423 unwisely loaned a large sum of money 1778 02:06:12,440 --> 02:06:14,441 to finance a shipment of tea 1779 02:06:14,442 --> 02:06:16,465 to the American colonies. 1780 02:06:16,778 --> 02:06:18,300 Do you know what happened? 1781 02:06:18,654 --> 02:06:22,908 I do. As the ship lay in Boston Harbour, 1782 02:06:22,909 --> 02:06:25,558 colonists dressed as Red Indians 1783 02:06:25,828 --> 02:06:28,898 boarded, behaved rudely, 1784 02:06:28,915 --> 02:06:30,642 and threw the tea overboard. 1785 02:06:30,958 --> 02:06:33,752 This made the tea unsuitable for drinking, 1786 02:06:33,753 --> 02:06:36,322 even for Americans. 1787 02:06:41,052 --> 02:06:42,244 Precisely. 1788 02:06:42,595 --> 02:06:44,697 The loan was defaulted. 1789 02:06:45,264 --> 02:06:48,016 Panic ensued within these walls. 1790 02:06:48,017 --> 02:06:51,166 There was a run on the bank. 1791 02:06:51,187 --> 02:06:53,335 From that time to this, 1792 02:06:53,731 --> 02:06:58,337 there has not been a run on this bank. 1793 02:06:59,403 --> 02:07:01,096 Until today! 1794 02:07:01,572 --> 02:07:04,972 A run, sir, caused by the disgraceful conduct 1795 02:07:04,992 --> 02:07:06,639 of your son. 1796 02:07:06,786 --> 02:07:08,354 Do you deny it? 1797 02:07:08,704 --> 02:07:10,477 No, sir. 1798 02:07:10,540 --> 02:07:14,645 I shall gladly assume responsibility for my son. 1799 02:07:18,548 --> 02:07:19,631 Why are you waiting? 1800 02:07:19,632 --> 02:07:21,154 Get on with it. 1801 02:07:21,175 --> 02:07:22,697 Yes, Father. 1802 02:07:41,904 --> 02:07:43,155 No, not that! 1803 02:07:43,156 --> 02:07:44,257 Steady on. 1804 02:08:05,261 --> 02:08:07,489 Do you have anything to say? 1805 02:08:07,930 --> 02:08:10,599 Sir, they do say 1806 02:08:10,600 --> 02:08:13,453 that when there's nothing to say, 1807 02:08:13,477 --> 02:08:15,671 all you can say... 1808 02:08:19,483 --> 02:08:20,901 Confound it, Banks! 1809 02:08:20,902 --> 02:08:22,720 Do you have anything to say? 1810 02:08:25,865 --> 02:08:27,824 Just one word, sir. 1811 02:08:27,825 --> 02:08:28,950 Yes? 1812 02:08:28,951 --> 02:08:31,224 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. 1813 02:08:33,164 --> 02:08:34,390 What? 1814 02:08:34,498 --> 02:08:37,542 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. 1815 02:08:37,543 --> 02:08:38,752 Mary Poppins was right. 1816 02:08:38,753 --> 02:08:40,821 It does make you feel better. 1817 02:08:42,340 --> 02:08:44,633 There's no such word. 1818 02:08:44,634 --> 02:08:47,203 It is a perfectly good word. 1819 02:08:47,261 --> 02:08:49,784 Do you know what there's no such thing as? 1820 02:08:49,805 --> 02:08:54,251 With due respect, there's no such thing as you! 1821 02:08:56,270 --> 02:08:57,587 Impertinence, sir! 1822 02:08:57,605 --> 02:09:00,754 Would you like to hear a marvellous joke? 1823 02:09:00,775 --> 02:09:02,377 A real snapper. 1824 02:09:02,443 --> 02:09:04,011 Joke? Snapper? 1825 02:09:04,111 --> 02:09:08,657 Jane and Michael meet one day on the street. 1826 02:09:08,658 --> 02:09:13,328 Jane says, "I know a man with a wooden leg named Smith." 1827 02:09:13,329 --> 02:09:17,434 Michael says, "What's the name of his other leg?" 1828 02:09:20,002 --> 02:09:22,446 The man's gone mad. Call the guard! 1829 02:09:22,505 --> 02:09:24,547 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. 1830 02:09:24,548 --> 02:09:26,424 I'm feeling better! 1831 02:09:26,425 --> 02:09:28,301 Don't strike my father! 1832 02:09:28,302 --> 02:09:31,054 There's the tuppence, the wonderful, fateful, 1833 02:09:31,055 --> 02:09:33,123 supercalifragilisticexpialidocious tuppence. 1834 02:09:33,849 --> 02:09:35,767 Guard it well. Good-bye! 1835 02:09:35,768 --> 02:09:37,852 Where are you going? 1836 02:09:37,853 --> 02:09:41,898 I might pop through a chalk pavement picture 1837 02:09:41,899 --> 02:09:45,443 or seize a horse off a merry-go-round 1838 02:09:45,444 --> 02:09:46,945 or fly a kite. 1839 02:09:46,946 --> 02:09:48,673 Only Poppins knows. 1840 02:09:49,407 --> 02:09:51,283 - Poppins? - My nanny. 1841 02:09:51,284 --> 02:09:53,682 She sings that ridiculous song. 1842 02:09:53,786 --> 02:09:55,829 (SINGING) A spoonful of sugar 1843 02:09:55,830 --> 02:09:58,206 Makes the medicine go down 1844 02:09:58,207 --> 02:10:00,208 The medicine go down 1845 02:10:00,209 --> 02:10:02,812 The medicine go down 1846 02:10:02,878 --> 02:10:04,104 The medicine... 1847 02:10:05,381 --> 02:10:08,405 Mad as a March hare. 1848 02:10:08,426 --> 02:10:11,325 A wooden leg named Smith. 1849 02:10:13,723 --> 02:10:17,168 A wooden leg named Smith. 1850 02:10:19,437 --> 02:10:21,164 A wooden le... 1851 02:10:35,202 --> 02:10:36,849 Father. 1852 02:10:37,079 --> 02:10:38,726 Father! 1853 02:10:38,748 --> 02:10:40,665 Father, come down! 1854 02:10:40,666 --> 02:10:42,188 Daddy! 1855 02:10:42,209 --> 02:10:45,358 Daddy, come back! 1856 02:10:53,846 --> 02:10:55,388 Wind's come around, 1857 02:10:55,389 --> 02:10:58,493 blowing dead on from the west. 1858 02:11:00,394 --> 02:11:02,667 She doesn't care what happens to us. 1859 02:11:02,938 --> 02:11:04,397 She only promised to stay 1860 02:11:04,398 --> 02:11:07,251 till the wind changed, right? 1861 02:11:07,943 --> 02:11:09,636 Bring my hat stand, please. 1862 02:11:13,115 --> 02:11:16,139 Mary Poppins, don't you love us? 1863 02:11:19,288 --> 02:11:22,123 What would happen to me 1864 02:11:22,124 --> 02:11:25,728 if I loved all the children I said goodbye to? 1865 02:11:28,547 --> 02:11:31,758 That's right. George W. Banks, 1866 02:11:31,759 --> 02:11:34,135 17 Cherry Tree Lane. 1867 02:11:34,136 --> 02:11:36,638 About 6'1", I'd say. 1868 02:11:36,639 --> 02:11:40,266 Yes, we rang up his bank first thing. 1869 02:11:40,267 --> 02:11:44,145 We discovered he'd been discharged last night. 1870 02:11:44,146 --> 02:11:47,565 No telling what he'll do in a fit of despondency. 1871 02:11:47,566 --> 02:11:49,567 Wouldn't hurt to drag the river. 1872 02:11:49,568 --> 02:11:53,593 There's a spot popular with jumpers. 1873 02:11:53,656 --> 02:11:55,099 Really, Ellen! 1874 02:11:56,659 --> 02:11:59,786 He seemed to have been a fine, stable gentleman. 1875 02:11:59,787 --> 02:12:02,857 No hanky-panky. 1876 02:12:02,873 --> 02:12:06,000 Regular habits, as far as anyone knows. 1877 02:12:06,001 --> 02:12:08,604 (SINGING) The medicine go down 1878 02:12:08,629 --> 02:12:10,255 Just a spoonful... 1879 02:12:10,256 --> 02:12:11,506 It's him! 1880 02:12:11,507 --> 02:12:13,550 Or something similar. 1881 02:12:13,551 --> 02:12:16,905 A little less noise on the premises. 1882 02:12:16,929 --> 02:12:18,747 I can't understand the inspector. 1883 02:12:20,808 --> 02:12:23,912 Just a spoonful of sugar 1884 02:12:24,019 --> 02:12:26,963 Makes the medicine go down 1885 02:12:26,981 --> 02:12:29,524 You didn't jump in the river. 1886 02:12:29,525 --> 02:12:31,776 How sensible of you. 1887 02:12:31,777 --> 02:12:33,236 It's all right, sir. 1888 02:12:33,237 --> 02:12:35,055 He's been found. 1889 02:12:35,322 --> 02:12:37,516 No, alive, 1890 02:12:37,533 --> 02:12:38,783 or so I presume. 1891 02:12:38,784 --> 02:12:40,682 He's kissing Mrs Banks. 1892 02:12:41,495 --> 02:12:43,313 What happened at the bank? 1893 02:12:43,873 --> 02:12:46,833 I've been sacked, flung into the street. 1894 02:12:46,834 --> 02:12:48,835 A spoonful of sugar 1895 02:12:48,836 --> 02:12:51,504 Makes the medicine go down 1896 02:12:51,505 --> 02:12:55,842 Gone off his crumpet, that's what he's done. 1897 02:12:55,843 --> 02:12:58,321 Dotty as you please. 1898 02:12:59,096 --> 02:13:01,723 What were you doing in the cellar? 1899 02:13:01,724 --> 02:13:03,667 First, where are the children? 1900 02:13:03,726 --> 02:13:05,727 Jane! Michael! 1901 02:13:05,728 --> 02:13:07,103 Your father's calling. 1902 02:13:07,104 --> 02:13:09,063 It doesn't sound like Father. 1903 02:13:09,064 --> 02:13:10,711 Jane! Michael! 1904 02:13:10,733 --> 02:13:12,835 Run along. Spit spot. 1905 02:13:17,948 --> 02:13:21,222 You won't go, Mary Poppins, will you? 1906 02:13:21,243 --> 02:13:22,344 Spit Spot. 1907 02:13:33,631 --> 02:13:35,324 He mended it! 1908 02:13:40,721 --> 02:13:41,868 It's wonderful! 1909 02:13:41,889 --> 02:13:44,412 However did you manage it? 1910 02:13:44,433 --> 02:13:47,602 (SINGING) With tuppence for paper and strings 1911 02:13:47,603 --> 02:13:50,939 You can have your own set of wings 1912 02:13:50,940 --> 02:13:53,213 With your feet on the ground 1913 02:13:53,275 --> 02:13:56,444 You're a bird in flight 1914 02:13:56,445 --> 02:14:00,175 With your fist holding tight 1915 02:14:00,199 --> 02:14:02,097 To the string of your kite 1916 02:14:02,284 --> 02:14:04,807 Oh, oh, oh 1917 02:14:05,120 --> 02:14:08,724 Let's go fly a kite 1918 02:14:08,791 --> 02:14:12,293 Up to the highest height 1919 02:14:12,294 --> 02:14:15,614 Let's go fly a kite 1920 02:14:15,631 --> 02:14:19,406 And send it soaring 1921 02:14:19,468 --> 02:14:22,887 Up through the atmosphere 1922 02:14:22,888 --> 02:14:26,474 Up where the air is clear 1923 02:14:26,475 --> 02:14:30,625 Oh, let's go fly a kite 1924 02:14:32,189 --> 02:14:34,857 A proper kite needs a proper tail. 1925 02:14:34,858 --> 02:14:36,631 That's what I said. 1926 02:14:36,652 --> 02:14:38,754 Go fly a kite. 1927 02:14:40,155 --> 02:14:44,135 No, sir. I don't mean you personally. 1928 02:14:44,159 --> 02:14:47,787 Let's go fly a kite 1929 02:14:47,788 --> 02:14:51,017 Up to the highest height 1930 02:14:51,208 --> 02:14:54,419 Let's go fly a kite 1931 02:14:54,420 --> 02:14:58,115 And send it soaring 1932 02:14:58,299 --> 02:15:01,759 Up through the atmosphere 1933 02:15:01,760 --> 02:15:05,239 Up where the air is clear 1934 02:15:05,264 --> 02:15:09,460 Oh, let's go fly a kite 1935 02:15:11,478 --> 02:15:15,208 When you send it flying up there 1936 02:15:15,232 --> 02:15:18,651 All at once you're lighter than air 1937 02:15:18,652 --> 02:15:20,695 You can dance on the breeze 1938 02:15:20,696 --> 02:15:23,845 Over houses and trees 1939 02:15:23,866 --> 02:15:26,435 With your fist holding tight 1940 02:15:27,244 --> 02:15:29,912 To the string of your kite 1941 02:15:29,913 --> 02:15:32,186 Oh, oh, oh 1942 02:15:32,708 --> 02:15:36,252 Let's go fly a kite 1943 02:15:36,253 --> 02:15:39,631 Up to the highest height 1944 02:15:39,632 --> 02:15:43,092 Let's go fly a kite 1945 02:15:43,093 --> 02:15:46,512 And send it soaring 1946 02:15:46,513 --> 02:15:48,890 There you are, Banks. 1947 02:15:48,891 --> 02:15:51,059 Congratulations. 1948 02:15:51,060 --> 02:15:52,707 Capital bit of humour. 1949 02:15:52,728 --> 02:15:55,146 "Wooden leg named Smith," 1950 02:15:55,147 --> 02:15:57,523 or Jones, whatever it was. 1951 02:15:57,524 --> 02:15:59,001 Father died laughing. 1952 02:16:00,653 --> 02:16:02,362 Oh, I'm so sorry, sir. 1953 02:16:02,363 --> 02:16:05,592 Nonsense. Nothing to be sorry about. 1954 02:16:05,616 --> 02:16:08,076 Never seen him happier. 1955 02:16:08,077 --> 02:16:10,350 He left an opening for a new partner. 1956 02:16:10,454 --> 02:16:12,682 Congratulations. 1957 02:16:12,790 --> 02:16:16,334 Thank you very much indeed, sir. 1958 02:16:16,335 --> 02:16:19,921 Up through the atmosphere 1959 02:16:19,922 --> 02:16:23,132 Up where the air is clear 1960 02:16:23,133 --> 02:16:27,283 Oh, let's go 1961 02:16:28,097 --> 02:16:29,244 Fly a kite 1962 02:16:31,767 --> 02:16:34,791 Awk! That's gratitude for you. 1963 02:16:34,812 --> 02:16:36,938 Didn't even say goodbye. 1964 02:16:36,939 --> 02:16:38,336 No, they didn't. 1965 02:16:38,357 --> 02:16:39,899 Look at them. 1966 02:16:39,900 --> 02:16:44,362 They think more of their father than of you. 1967 02:16:44,363 --> 02:16:46,614 That's as it should be. 1968 02:16:46,615 --> 02:16:48,991 Don't you care? 1969 02:16:48,992 --> 02:16:51,452 Practically perfect people never permit sentiment 1970 02:16:51,453 --> 02:16:53,037 to muddle their thinking. 1971 02:16:53,038 --> 02:16:54,789 Is that so? 1972 02:16:54,790 --> 02:16:58,459 Mary Poppins, you don't fool me. 1973 02:16:58,460 --> 02:16:59,627 Really? 1974 02:16:59,628 --> 02:17:03,256 Really. I know how you feel. 1975 02:17:03,257 --> 02:17:07,362 If you think I'm keeping my mouth shut... 1976 02:17:07,886 --> 02:17:11,456 That will be quite enough, thank you. 1977 02:17:33,537 --> 02:17:35,329 Goodbye, Mary Poppins. 1978 02:17:35,330 --> 02:17:36,773 Don't stay away too long. 1979 02:18:23,545 --> 02:18:26,380 Oh, oh, oh 1980 02:18:26,381 --> 02:18:30,009 Let's go fly a kite 1981 02:18:30,010 --> 02:18:33,513 Up to the highest height 1982 02:18:33,514 --> 02:18:37,016 Let's go fly a kite 1983 02:18:37,017 --> 02:18:40,561 And send it soaring 1984 02:18:40,562 --> 02:18:44,148 Up through the atmosphere 1985 02:18:44,149 --> 02:18:47,735 Up where the air is clear 1986 02:18:47,736 --> 02:18:52,406 Oh, let's go 1987 02:18:52,407 --> 02:18:55,636 Fly a kite