1 00:01:20,330 --> 00:01:25,199 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart... 2 00:01:25,935 --> 00:01:28,301 ...be always acceptable in thy sight. 3 00:01:28,471 --> 00:01:30,837 O Lord, my strength... 4 00:01:31,007 --> 00:01:33,066 ...and my redeemer. 5 00:01:40,350 --> 00:01:42,716 The sermon for today... 6 00:01:42,919 --> 00:01:45,251 ...is taken from Proverbs. 7 00:01:45,789 --> 00:01:47,950 Chapter 25... 8 00:01:48,124 --> 00:01:50,115 ...verse 28. 9 00:01:50,927 --> 00:01:53,896 "He that hath no rule over his own spirit... 10 00:01:54,063 --> 00:01:58,727 ...is like a city that is broken down, and without walls." 11 00:01:59,469 --> 00:02:03,735 And I wonder as we examine our hearts together in this place set aside for worship... 12 00:02:04,207 --> 00:02:09,008 ...how many of us here can say, "I rule my own spirit." 13 00:02:09,179 --> 00:02:12,740 For how weak is man. 14 00:02:12,916 --> 00:02:14,679 How often do we... 15 00:02:15,418 --> 00:02:17,352 How often... 16 00:02:18,288 --> 00:02:22,224 How often do we stray from the straight and narrow. 17 00:02:22,725 --> 00:02:26,821 For only when we abide in the Lord are we like cities without walls. 18 00:02:26,996 --> 00:02:30,329 Only then can we defend ourselves against Satan and his temptations. 19 00:02:30,733 --> 00:02:33,361 We cannot rule ourselves alone. 20 00:02:34,170 --> 00:02:36,934 God only is our... Is our... 21 00:02:38,908 --> 00:02:42,139 God only is our help. 22 00:02:42,579 --> 00:02:44,570 And our salvation. 23 00:02:45,882 --> 00:02:48,442 All right! You know! 24 00:02:48,751 --> 00:02:52,915 That's why you're here! To see this city with its broken walls! 25 00:02:53,089 --> 00:02:55,284 "Whenever two or three are gathered in my name"... 26 00:02:55,458 --> 00:02:57,790 ...is what scripture says. That's not why you're here. 27 00:02:57,994 --> 00:03:01,555 Let's change the words. Let's rewrite the order of the Morning Prayer. 28 00:03:01,731 --> 00:03:05,690 Whenever two or three or 20 or 30 or 200 or 300... 29 00:03:05,869 --> 00:03:08,303 ...are gathered together to make whispered comment... 30 00:03:08,471 --> 00:03:12,771 ...to sit in judgment upon the condition of a... Of a what? 31 00:03:12,942 --> 00:03:14,534 Yes, of a man of God. 32 00:03:14,744 --> 00:03:18,441 I said, man of God, and I mean it! 33 00:03:18,815 --> 00:03:22,717 Just what you all know, that your pastor, your spiritual shepherd is... 34 00:03:22,886 --> 00:03:28,153 Is the descendant of a clergyman, the grandson of two bishops. 35 00:03:28,324 --> 00:03:32,158 But there were collateral branches to the family that went forth to brave dangers... 36 00:03:32,328 --> 00:03:33,852 ...and who were scalped. 37 00:03:34,030 --> 00:03:38,797 Men with men's hearts, the wild and free hearts of men! 38 00:03:39,068 --> 00:03:41,901 They knew hunger and they fed their appetites. 39 00:03:42,071 --> 00:03:46,940 They fed their appetites. Appetites that I have inherited. 40 00:03:47,310 --> 00:03:51,178 I defy you! Shannon defies you! 41 00:03:51,347 --> 00:03:54,805 Get out your tomahawks! Get out your scalping knives! 42 00:03:54,984 --> 00:03:58,181 Sharpen your scalping knives! Scalp me! 43 00:03:58,354 --> 00:04:03,587 I will not and cannot continue to conduct services in praise and worship of this... 44 00:04:03,760 --> 00:04:06,752 ...angry, petulant old man in whom you believe. 45 00:04:06,930 --> 00:04:10,127 You've turned your backs on the God of love and compassion... 46 00:04:10,300 --> 00:04:13,701 ...and invented for yourself this cruel, senile delinquent... 47 00:04:13,870 --> 00:04:18,432 ...who blames the world and all that he created for his own faults. 48 00:04:19,042 --> 00:04:21,670 Close your windows! Close your doors! 49 00:04:21,844 --> 00:04:25,143 Close your hearts against the truth about God! 50 00:06:19,629 --> 00:06:21,153 Hello there. 51 00:06:22,832 --> 00:06:26,131 - Where are they? - Still inside the church. 52 00:06:26,302 --> 00:06:28,293 I'm sick of dark old churches. 53 00:06:28,471 --> 00:06:30,530 I like sunshine. 54 00:06:32,075 --> 00:06:37,240 I'm sorry. I keep forgetting what you were. I mean, what you are. 55 00:06:37,413 --> 00:06:38,744 What? 56 00:06:41,417 --> 00:06:43,282 Lovely, isn't it? 57 00:06:44,420 --> 00:06:46,684 - Yeah. - What do you call it again? 58 00:06:49,158 --> 00:06:52,650 "Cup of gold." Could you drink from it, really? 59 00:06:53,129 --> 00:06:56,621 Champagne for two in copa de oro. 60 00:07:02,205 --> 00:07:05,402 - Dr. Shannon. - Miss Fellowes. Here you are, Miss Peebles. 61 00:07:07,276 --> 00:07:09,676 The same brand even. Fix you up in no time. 62 00:07:09,846 --> 00:07:13,873 - Oh, I am grateful. How much do I owe you? - Six pesos-fifty. 63 00:07:14,050 --> 00:07:17,281 But it was only six pesos in Ciudad Juárez. 64 00:07:17,453 --> 00:07:21,787 - I have it written down right here. - It doesn't matter, Judith, really, it doesn't. 65 00:07:21,958 --> 00:07:25,394 Ciudad Juárez is 1200 miles behind us, Miss Fellowes. 66 00:07:25,561 --> 00:07:28,792 I thought it was too far to go to save 4 cents. 67 00:07:39,742 --> 00:07:42,609 - Are we downhearted? - No. 68 00:08:24,420 --> 00:08:26,012 Fantastic! 69 00:08:42,805 --> 00:08:44,966 Did you see that? 70 00:08:45,208 --> 00:08:47,403 Look. There's another. 71 00:08:47,577 --> 00:08:49,545 What have those boys got, Dr. Shannon? 72 00:08:49,712 --> 00:08:53,239 Iguanas. Giant lizards native to this part of Mexico. 73 00:08:53,416 --> 00:08:56,283 It is alleged they taste like chicken. 74 00:08:56,452 --> 00:09:02,084 You mean they really eat those awful-looking creatures? 75 00:09:03,159 --> 00:09:06,185 - Hank, stop on the bridge. - Stop? 76 00:09:06,362 --> 00:09:08,694 Yeah, on the bridge. 77 00:09:34,390 --> 00:09:36,654 What are we stopping for? 78 00:09:36,826 --> 00:09:38,817 A moment of beauty, Miss Fellowes. 79 00:09:39,228 --> 00:09:42,322 A fleeting glimpse into the lost world... 80 00:09:42,498 --> 00:09:44,329 ...of innocence. 81 00:09:52,908 --> 00:09:54,967 Look, Reverend, we're behind schedule now. 82 00:09:55,778 --> 00:09:57,245 Drive on, driver. 83 00:09:58,547 --> 00:10:00,174 Okay. 84 00:10:02,151 --> 00:10:05,609 My brother in Abilene, that's Clarence Throxton... 85 00:10:05,788 --> 00:10:08,723 ...has a chain of 23 laundromats. 86 00:10:08,891 --> 00:10:12,691 He says all he wants on his tombstone is: 87 00:10:12,862 --> 00:10:16,730 "He liberated the women of Texas from the bondage of wash day." 88 00:10:16,899 --> 00:10:18,662 Aren't they unbelievable? 89 00:10:18,834 --> 00:10:22,998 Squawk, squawk, squawk, ever since we started. 90 00:10:23,172 --> 00:10:27,165 If they want all the comforts of home, then why don't they stay at home? 91 00:10:27,343 --> 00:10:30,972 My goodness, this has been a rich experience. 92 00:10:31,147 --> 00:10:32,341 It sure has. 93 00:10:32,515 --> 00:10:34,540 Everything's gone wrong from the first day. 94 00:10:34,717 --> 00:10:39,211 Every calamity in the book. The whole trip has been hoodooed. 95 00:10:40,289 --> 00:10:42,951 You better get back, Miss Goodall, where you belong. 96 00:10:43,125 --> 00:10:45,355 You said it was going to be Charlotte. 97 00:10:45,528 --> 00:10:47,621 All right. Charlotte. 98 00:10:47,797 --> 00:10:52,962 - And I can't go on calling you Dr. Shannon. - Just "Shannon" will be fine. 99 00:10:53,436 --> 00:10:57,304 Couldn't it be Larry, if you're gonna call me Charlotte? 100 00:10:57,540 --> 00:10:59,940 Honey, have a heart. 101 00:11:00,109 --> 00:11:02,976 I have, Larry. I've just discovered. 102 00:11:03,145 --> 00:11:05,875 Now you change places with me, Charlotte, dear. 103 00:11:06,182 --> 00:11:10,084 I want to talk to Dr. Shannon about our itinerary. 104 00:11:13,122 --> 00:11:15,522 I'll see you later, Larry. 105 00:11:18,494 --> 00:11:24,023 I assume you know that Charlotte is underaged, Dr. Shannon? 106 00:11:24,200 --> 00:11:26,930 What's that got to do with our itinerary? 107 00:11:27,103 --> 00:11:29,697 If you know what's good for you, leave her alone. 108 00:11:29,872 --> 00:11:33,069 Miss Fellowes, are you aware you are speaking to an ordained clergyman? 109 00:11:33,242 --> 00:11:35,005 Stop leading her on. 110 00:11:35,177 --> 00:11:39,011 I don't know what happened back in Tierra Caliente and I don't want to know. 111 00:11:39,181 --> 00:11:41,240 Because if I did know, I'd have to take steps. 112 00:11:41,417 --> 00:11:43,317 Don't make me take steps, Dr. Shannon. 113 00:11:43,486 --> 00:11:45,886 Now, nothing happened back in Tierra Caliente. 114 00:11:46,055 --> 00:11:50,389 The room clerk got our keys mixed up, that's all. A mistake, pure and simple. 115 00:11:50,559 --> 00:11:53,494 Whatever suspicions you may be harboring are quite groundless. 116 00:11:53,662 --> 00:11:55,857 I can assure you of that. 117 00:11:56,031 --> 00:12:00,798 Just leave her alone. Don't make me take steps. 118 00:12:01,837 --> 00:12:04,101 All right, girls, ready for another song? 119 00:12:45,881 --> 00:12:51,513 These pills aren't doing anything for me. Not anything! 120 00:13:01,464 --> 00:13:03,398 - Puncture. - Blowout. 121 00:13:03,566 --> 00:13:05,796 Burned-out brake linings. 122 00:13:05,968 --> 00:13:07,993 Broken fan belt, three flat tires. 123 00:13:08,170 --> 00:13:10,934 These are the unavoidable mishaps of any trip, Miss Fellowes. 124 00:13:11,106 --> 00:13:13,404 Won't take more than a few moments to change wheels. 125 00:13:13,676 --> 00:13:16,201 Says you, reverend. We're fresh out of wheels to change. 126 00:13:16,378 --> 00:13:19,836 We gotta get that tire off and put on a patch. Take maybe half an hour. 127 00:13:20,015 --> 00:13:22,142 You take care of it for me, Hank. 128 00:13:23,085 --> 00:13:24,677 Judith! 129 00:13:24,854 --> 00:13:29,052 - I need you! - Oh, all right, Peebie. 130 00:13:53,649 --> 00:13:55,116 It's lovely, isn't it? 131 00:13:55,951 --> 00:13:57,418 Yeah. 132 00:13:58,954 --> 00:14:01,320 Are you really a man of the cloth, Larry? 133 00:14:01,490 --> 00:14:04,982 - Who says I'm not? - No one. I just wondered. 134 00:14:05,160 --> 00:14:06,855 How can you ask such a question? 135 00:14:07,029 --> 00:14:10,294 Doesn't Blake's Tours advertise tours personally conducted by the... 136 00:14:10,466 --> 00:14:12,696 ...Reverend T. Lawrence Shannon? 137 00:14:12,868 --> 00:14:15,666 Could they make such a claim without justification? 138 00:14:15,838 --> 00:14:17,738 I'm so glad you are. 139 00:14:17,907 --> 00:14:19,772 What do you mean by that? 140 00:14:20,175 --> 00:14:23,303 Well, it's such a noble life. 141 00:14:23,479 --> 00:14:26,937 I mean, being interested in people's souls and all that. 142 00:14:27,550 --> 00:14:29,780 You can bring so much to people. 143 00:14:29,952 --> 00:14:31,783 Someone like me even. 144 00:14:31,954 --> 00:14:34,184 I can talk to you. 145 00:14:34,356 --> 00:14:38,486 Like, I'd never dream of going swimming with Reverend Hotchkiss back home. 146 00:14:38,661 --> 00:14:39,992 I mean, he's old. 147 00:14:43,899 --> 00:14:47,528 Now, lie down on the back seat, Peebie. Put your feet up. 148 00:14:47,703 --> 00:14:51,537 - Driver, have you seen Miss Goodall? - Yeah, I've seen her. 149 00:14:51,707 --> 00:14:54,039 Well? Well, where is she? 150 00:14:54,209 --> 00:14:57,076 He's got her. Out there. 151 00:15:08,691 --> 00:15:10,454 Charlotte. 152 00:15:12,795 --> 00:15:14,626 Charlotte. 153 00:15:15,297 --> 00:15:16,992 Charlotte. 154 00:15:17,833 --> 00:15:18,857 Charlotte. 155 00:15:19,134 --> 00:15:21,500 - There was this boy back home. - Charlotte. 156 00:15:21,670 --> 00:15:23,433 He thought he was in love with me. 157 00:15:23,606 --> 00:15:27,201 - Really, he made life just impossible. - Charlotte. 158 00:15:27,376 --> 00:15:29,844 So Daddy fixed it for me to take a trip. 159 00:15:30,012 --> 00:15:33,345 Naturally, he wanted me to be chaperoned in a strange country. 160 00:15:33,515 --> 00:15:35,949 - Charlotte! - Life's so odd. 161 00:15:36,118 --> 00:15:38,916 - Yeah. - If it hadn't been for that silly boy... 162 00:15:39,088 --> 00:15:41,352 ...I might never have met you. 163 00:15:41,523 --> 00:15:44,686 - Charlotte! - Take my hand, Larry. 164 00:15:44,860 --> 00:15:46,088 What for? 165 00:15:46,261 --> 00:15:48,354 So we don't drift apart. 166 00:15:50,065 --> 00:15:53,262 Charlotte, I command you to come back here. 167 00:15:56,071 --> 00:15:57,299 Charlotte Goodall. 168 00:15:57,806 --> 00:16:00,070 You only got to come on this trip because of me! 169 00:16:00,776 --> 00:16:04,735 Charlotte. Charlotte, you hear me? 170 00:16:05,247 --> 00:16:09,809 Charlotte, I know you can hear me. You are deliberately defying me. 171 00:16:09,985 --> 00:16:14,251 Charlotte! Charlotte! You stay away from that man! 172 00:16:14,790 --> 00:16:16,485 You hear? 173 00:16:17,826 --> 00:16:19,851 Charlotte, your mother put you in my charge. 174 00:16:20,029 --> 00:16:22,759 I am responsible. Charlotte! 175 00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:27,767 You only got to come on this trip because of me! 176 00:16:28,203 --> 00:16:30,034 Charlotte! 177 00:16:40,015 --> 00:16:41,642 Why, Miss Fellowes. 178 00:16:41,817 --> 00:16:43,284 Dreadful girl. 179 00:16:43,852 --> 00:16:48,346 Defied me. You deliberately defied me! 180 00:16:49,591 --> 00:16:52,958 What did you think we were doing out there, Miss Fellowes? Spawning? 181 00:16:53,128 --> 00:16:56,962 Oh, you beast! You beast! 182 00:16:57,132 --> 00:16:59,532 You beast. 183 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:07,855 Hey! Hey, what are you doing? You... You get out of here! 184 00:19:08,030 --> 00:19:11,193 - My God, it's 3:00 in the morning. - I've got to see you. 185 00:19:11,366 --> 00:19:14,631 - It's important. My whole life's at stake. - Oh, well, my job's at stake. 186 00:19:14,803 --> 00:19:17,363 You don't have to worry about this measly old job. 187 00:19:17,539 --> 00:19:21,168 My goodness. Back home, my daddy's got three Ford agencies. 188 00:19:21,343 --> 00:19:23,675 At the moment, I don't see a Ford in my future. 189 00:19:23,846 --> 00:19:25,245 Have you been drinking, Larry? 190 00:19:25,414 --> 00:19:29,077 Honey girl, if I'd been drinking, I wouldn't be here. I'd still be drinking. 191 00:19:29,251 --> 00:19:32,220 Then what's wrong? Why are you all hot and sweaty? 192 00:19:32,387 --> 00:19:36,483 You won't misunderstand me, I mean, my being here in your room. 193 00:19:36,658 --> 00:19:38,285 Promise me you won't think... 194 00:19:38,460 --> 00:19:43,420 That boy back home told me that I had skin that no girl had any right to. 195 00:19:43,866 --> 00:19:46,528 Said it should be licensed to have skin as soft as mine is. 196 00:19:46,702 --> 00:19:49,227 - Wasn't it silly of him? - No. 197 00:19:49,404 --> 00:19:51,599 Yes. I mean, no, no. No, it should be licensed. 198 00:19:51,773 --> 00:19:55,209 I mean, at least until you're... Until you're old enough... 199 00:19:55,377 --> 00:19:59,404 ...for a driver's license. Now, you get out of my room. You get off my bed. 200 00:19:59,581 --> 00:20:03,608 I'll... I'll keep my eyes shut until you've gone out of my room. 201 00:20:03,919 --> 00:20:07,787 - Have I grown up too early, Larry? - Yes. No, I mean... Yes, yes. 202 00:20:07,956 --> 00:20:10,254 O Lord, lead me not into temptation. 203 00:20:10,425 --> 00:20:14,225 And now, go on home. I'll find my way all by myself. 204 00:20:14,396 --> 00:20:17,263 - That's what I came to tell you. - What? 205 00:20:17,432 --> 00:20:18,899 I'm going home. 206 00:20:19,067 --> 00:20:21,467 Tomorrow, from Puerto Vallarta. 207 00:20:21,637 --> 00:20:24,265 I'm catching the plane at Puerto Vallarta. 208 00:20:24,439 --> 00:20:29,376 I'll slip away from that possessive old bitch while she's having her siesta... 209 00:20:29,544 --> 00:20:31,705 ...and be gone before she knows it. 210 00:20:31,880 --> 00:20:33,609 You mustn't tell her where I've gone. 211 00:20:33,782 --> 00:20:35,579 Let her sweat it a little. 212 00:20:35,751 --> 00:20:39,243 Let her think I've just disappeared into the jungle. 213 00:20:39,421 --> 00:20:41,252 But I couldn't let you worry. 214 00:20:41,423 --> 00:20:43,482 I had to say goodbye to you... 215 00:20:43,659 --> 00:20:45,718 ...or rather, au revoir. 216 00:20:45,894 --> 00:20:48,727 Because when you bring them back... 217 00:20:48,897 --> 00:20:51,195 ...I'll be there waiting for you... 218 00:20:51,366 --> 00:20:55,200 ... copa de oro in my hair, just over the border. 219 00:20:55,370 --> 00:20:58,862 Honey, the border I'm crossing over is the border of sanity, honey. 220 00:20:59,041 --> 00:21:01,009 - No. - Oh, honey, yes. 221 00:21:01,176 --> 00:21:02,803 I've got it figured out, darling. 222 00:21:03,011 --> 00:21:06,412 What you should have is a nice big church in Thunderbird Heights... 223 00:21:06,581 --> 00:21:07,980 Daddy's a big wheel there. 224 00:21:08,150 --> 00:21:11,278 - And a wife who understands the nobility of your mission. 225 00:21:11,453 --> 00:21:15,355 - No, no. - Yes, not no. I'll fix it. Daddy will fix it. 226 00:21:15,524 --> 00:21:17,287 - No. - Yes. 227 00:21:17,459 --> 00:21:19,859 "He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a... 228 00:21:20,028 --> 00:21:22,121 ...city that has broken down and without walls." 229 00:21:22,297 --> 00:21:24,026 I'll rule your spirit. 230 00:21:24,199 --> 00:21:25,427 I'll hold you. 231 00:21:25,600 --> 00:21:29,127 - No. No, no. No. - Yes. Yes, yes. 232 00:21:41,717 --> 00:21:43,309 Charlotte. 233 00:21:46,521 --> 00:21:48,079 Charlotte... 234 00:21:48,390 --> 00:21:51,154 ...I’ve told you how sorry I am. 235 00:21:52,394 --> 00:21:55,420 You can afford to be generous. 236 00:21:56,431 --> 00:22:00,458 I was just beside myself with anger. 237 00:22:02,471 --> 00:22:05,497 But I never meant to harm you. 238 00:22:05,741 --> 00:22:10,678 I wouldn't harm you for all the world. 239 00:22:13,782 --> 00:22:15,272 Charlotte. 240 00:22:15,751 --> 00:22:21,189 Charlotte, you've got to forgive me. I can't stand being so unhappy. 241 00:22:28,363 --> 00:22:30,126 Shannon? 242 00:22:30,532 --> 00:22:31,965 Shannon, open the door. 243 00:22:32,134 --> 00:22:33,658 You hear me, Shannon. 244 00:22:33,835 --> 00:22:36,497 You've got that child in there. Open up right now. 245 00:22:36,738 --> 00:22:39,901 I've had it. She'll tell my father, she'll tell everybody. 246 00:22:45,881 --> 00:22:48,076 He's got her in there with him. The door's locked. 247 00:22:48,250 --> 00:22:52,311 Nobody's mixed any keys up this time. I won't have it. I just won't have it. 248 00:22:57,626 --> 00:22:59,457 You're through, Shannon. 249 00:22:59,628 --> 00:23:00,856 And I'll see to that. 250 00:23:01,029 --> 00:23:04,260 When I finish with you, there won't be any place left to hide. 251 00:23:04,433 --> 00:23:07,834 It's all right, Miss Fellowes. Virtue is triumphant. Yours, of course. 252 00:23:08,003 --> 00:23:11,495 Wait. Just you wait. 253 00:23:40,035 --> 00:23:42,299 Good morning. We have a wonderful trip ahead of us. 254 00:23:42,471 --> 00:23:45,031 Some of the most beautiful scenery in this part of Mexico. 255 00:23:45,207 --> 00:23:48,176 I took the liberty of getting souvenirs of our stay in Los Feliz. 256 00:23:48,343 --> 00:23:49,901 I love you. 257 00:23:50,679 --> 00:23:55,207 No charge. Compliments of the Reverend T. Lawrence Shannon. 258 00:23:57,085 --> 00:23:58,916 Miss Peebles. 259 00:24:11,299 --> 00:24:12,527 Where's Miss Fellowes? 260 00:24:12,701 --> 00:24:15,966 You think you could pull a stunt like last night and get away with it? 261 00:24:16,138 --> 00:24:18,197 - What do you mean? - I mean, it's in the fan. 262 00:24:18,807 --> 00:24:20,934 This morning, she had a wire all written out... 263 00:24:21,109 --> 00:24:23,373 ...to some Judge Fellowes back in Texas. 264 00:24:23,545 --> 00:24:26,309 She wants your life story from the first time you said "Mama." 265 00:24:26,481 --> 00:24:29,279 - How do you know that? - She asked me to send it, that's how. 266 00:24:29,451 --> 00:24:32,386 I told her that was no part of no driver's job. 267 00:24:32,554 --> 00:24:35,785 - Good man, Hank. - You ain't off the hook. 268 00:24:35,957 --> 00:24:39,154 Miss Fellowes went over to Telegráfico herself. 269 00:24:44,299 --> 00:24:46,460 She aims to have your hide, Reverend. 270 00:24:46,635 --> 00:24:48,694 Good morning, Miss Fellowes. 271 00:24:58,180 --> 00:25:01,081 I'll... I'll drive. 272 00:25:15,397 --> 00:25:20,232 We're there, Peebie, your troubles are over. Now you can have a nice bath. 273 00:25:20,669 --> 00:25:24,264 "The Ambos Mundos Hotel in Puerto Vallarta... 274 00:25:24,439 --> 00:25:28,273 ...is a completely modern, air-conditioned hotel... 275 00:25:28,743 --> 00:25:32,770 ...on a delightful plaza, with excellent food and service." 276 00:25:44,793 --> 00:25:47,318 Shannon? Shannon, that's our hotel. 277 00:25:51,499 --> 00:25:54,024 Shannon. Stop. 278 00:25:54,202 --> 00:25:57,763 Stop this instant. Shannon. Shannon! 279 00:26:16,124 --> 00:26:19,093 What the hell you trying to do, Reverend? Get us all killed? 280 00:26:50,425 --> 00:26:53,326 - You gone crazy or something? - This is not the Ambos Mundos. 281 00:26:53,495 --> 00:26:57,192 It says in the brochure we stop in Ambos Mundos, in the heart of Puerto Vallarta. 282 00:26:57,432 --> 00:27:01,801 Here we are, ladies, this is Mismaloya, the garden spot of the West Coast. 283 00:27:01,970 --> 00:27:03,995 You'll be grateful to me to your dying days. 284 00:27:04,172 --> 00:27:06,970 In all of Mexico, there's nothing to equal this. 285 00:27:07,142 --> 00:27:10,669 The chef is a Chinese, specially imported from Shanghai by me. 286 00:27:10,845 --> 00:27:14,372 Just leave your bags. The staff will take care of everything. 287 00:27:17,285 --> 00:27:19,753 Take us right back to Puerto Vallarta where we belong. 288 00:27:19,921 --> 00:27:21,650 I'm expecting an important telegram. 289 00:27:21,823 --> 00:27:23,586 - I can't take you no place. - Why not? 290 00:27:23,758 --> 00:27:26,522 Because Reverend's taken the distributor head, that's why not. 291 00:27:26,695 --> 00:27:28,458 Shannon. 292 00:27:28,630 --> 00:27:30,564 Shannon, you won't get away with this! 293 00:27:38,406 --> 00:27:39,771 Fred? 294 00:27:41,309 --> 00:27:42,799 Fred? 295 00:27:51,586 --> 00:27:53,451 Shannon. 296 00:27:54,456 --> 00:27:56,788 What the hell are you doing down here out of season? 297 00:27:56,958 --> 00:27:59,620 Would you have one of your boys lug this bag up for me? 298 00:28:00,528 --> 00:28:02,018 Pepe. 299 00:28:05,967 --> 00:28:08,265 Fred, where are you? 300 00:28:08,436 --> 00:28:10,028 Fred can't hear you, baby. 301 00:28:10,205 --> 00:28:12,173 Why? Gone fishing? 302 00:28:12,340 --> 00:28:13,864 How long have you been off it? 303 00:28:14,042 --> 00:28:15,907 - Off what? - The wagon. 304 00:28:16,077 --> 00:28:17,510 I'm not drunk. 305 00:28:17,679 --> 00:28:21,979 - Oh, what's the matter with you then? - Fever, just fever. 306 00:28:22,150 --> 00:28:24,812 - Where's Fred? - Dead. 307 00:28:27,055 --> 00:28:30,183 - Did you say dead? - That's what I said. Fred's dead. 308 00:28:31,926 --> 00:28:33,894 How? When? 309 00:28:34,062 --> 00:28:35,996 Oh, less than four weeks ago. 310 00:28:37,098 --> 00:28:41,159 Died with his boots on, though. Hooked into a big marlin, the marlin won. 311 00:28:41,336 --> 00:28:44,999 I was counting on Fred to bail me out, straighten me out and bail me out. 312 00:28:45,173 --> 00:28:48,199 He was my hope of salvation. I had all my chips on Fred. 313 00:28:48,376 --> 00:28:51,812 - Baby, you're going to pieces, aren't you? - Yeah, yeah. They... 314 00:28:51,980 --> 00:28:53,572 They are tearing me to pieces. 315 00:28:53,748 --> 00:28:56,717 I was hanging on until I could get to the hammock on the veranda... 316 00:28:56,885 --> 00:29:00,446 ...over the rainforest and still-water beach. It's all that can pull me through. 317 00:29:00,622 --> 00:29:03,455 Honey, just lie down the hammock. I'll fix you a nice rum-coco. 318 00:29:03,625 --> 00:29:06,719 No, no, no. If I start drinking rum-cocos now, I'll never stop. 319 00:29:06,928 --> 00:29:10,921 Reverend! They want us to go back into town. 320 00:29:11,199 --> 00:29:15,033 Well, tell them they can't go back into town. 321 00:29:15,837 --> 00:29:17,668 I thought Fred could tame them. 322 00:29:17,839 --> 00:29:21,605 He was a fisherman, and I've got a busload of man-eating sharks. 323 00:29:22,510 --> 00:29:25,707 - I've gotta get those women up here. - No, you don't. 324 00:29:25,880 --> 00:29:29,338 We're closed in August. We're always closed in August. 325 00:29:29,517 --> 00:29:32,008 Quit blowing, and blow! 326 00:29:32,821 --> 00:29:36,120 Maxine. Maxine, you gotta help me. 327 00:29:36,891 --> 00:29:40,759 - Honey, you're really gone. - Maxine, I can't lose this party. 328 00:29:40,929 --> 00:29:44,365 Blake's Tours have put me on probation because I had a bad party last month. 329 00:29:44,532 --> 00:29:47,228 They tried to get me fired, so now I'm on probation. 330 00:29:47,402 --> 00:29:51,338 If I lose this party, I'll be fired for sure. And what's next, Maxine? 331 00:29:51,506 --> 00:29:54,031 There's nothing, nothing lower than Blake's Tours. 332 00:29:54,209 --> 00:29:57,144 Okay, okay, baby. If it's that important to you... 333 00:29:58,079 --> 00:30:00,047 ...they can stay here. 334 00:30:02,016 --> 00:30:04,007 Here comes your sidekick now. 335 00:30:04,185 --> 00:30:06,278 His name's Hank. Hank. 336 00:30:06,454 --> 00:30:08,479 - You gotta help me with him. - Sure. 337 00:30:08,656 --> 00:30:10,954 - I'll give him complimentary rum-coco. - No, no, no. 338 00:30:11,125 --> 00:30:13,093 Not until he's got the bus unloaded. 339 00:30:13,761 --> 00:30:17,197 You ain't getting away with it. Some of the ladies are in bad shape. 340 00:30:17,365 --> 00:30:20,061 They'll walk back if you don't give me that distributor head. 341 00:30:20,235 --> 00:30:24,171 They'll drop like flies from sunstroke in this heat. Hank, I need your cooperation. 342 00:30:24,706 --> 00:30:29,439 This is a test of strength, Hank, between two men and a crate of wet hens. 343 00:30:29,611 --> 00:30:32,136 You know that, don't you? I know what I'm doing, Hank. 344 00:30:32,313 --> 00:30:33,473 Don't you forget that. 345 00:30:33,648 --> 00:30:36,708 Now, the bell cow sent a telegram from Los Feliz this morning, right? 346 00:30:36,885 --> 00:30:39,683 That answer will come to their hotel in Puerto Vallarta, right? 347 00:30:39,854 --> 00:30:42,516 But if we're not there, no answer can be delivered, right? 348 00:30:42,690 --> 00:30:44,988 Lizzie Borden won't get to wield her ax. 349 00:30:45,159 --> 00:30:49,596 That's why I brought them up here. Working every minute. Now, all I need is a little time. 350 00:30:49,764 --> 00:30:52,858 To reestablish myself in the esteem... 351 00:30:53,034 --> 00:30:55,594 ...of those old... The good ladies of our party. 352 00:30:55,770 --> 00:30:59,604 By this time tomorrow, they'll be eating out of the palm of my hand. 353 00:30:59,774 --> 00:31:04,268 Of that, you have the assurance of the Reverend T. Lawrence Shannon. 354 00:31:04,913 --> 00:31:07,279 What assurance you give the kid you been leading on? 355 00:31:07,448 --> 00:31:10,042 Leading on? Hank, if you are to succeed in this business... 356 00:31:10,218 --> 00:31:14,154 ...you must give factual reports without exaggeration. That's a definite exaggeration. 357 00:31:14,322 --> 00:31:17,587 I've exercised every ingenuity of which a man is capable... 358 00:31:17,759 --> 00:31:21,251 ...to keep at bay the advances of this precocious jezebel. 359 00:31:21,796 --> 00:31:24,458 That's a hell of a way to talk about an innocent young girl. 360 00:31:24,732 --> 00:31:28,224 You sure weren't doing no avoiding when you got her up in your pad last night. 361 00:31:28,403 --> 00:31:29,893 Ha-ha, very funny. 362 00:31:30,071 --> 00:31:33,131 Without no exaggeration, whatever happens to Reverend ain't enough. 363 00:31:33,308 --> 00:31:35,674 Avoiding her? She laid it on the line down there... 364 00:31:35,843 --> 00:31:37,674 ...why you shanghaied us up here. - Hank... 365 00:31:37,845 --> 00:31:39,938 I heard your story. But that ain't her story. 366 00:31:40,448 --> 00:31:43,747 She said that she planned to take the plane from Puerto Vallarta... 367 00:31:43,918 --> 00:31:46,751 ...and you couldn't stand for it to see her go. 368 00:31:47,689 --> 00:31:50,556 Fantastic. That's fantastic. 369 00:31:50,725 --> 00:31:52,556 Mrs. Faulk, honey... 370 00:31:52,727 --> 00:31:56,390 ...give him a menu. Give him one of your sample menus to show the ladies. 371 00:31:56,564 --> 00:31:59,294 One of your fantastic sample menus. 372 00:31:59,467 --> 00:32:01,765 There you are, thank you. There you are, Hank. 373 00:32:01,936 --> 00:32:05,929 Now you go back down there and show this fantastic sample menu to the ladies. 374 00:32:06,107 --> 00:32:09,838 Describe the view from the hill, the palatial appointments of the hotel... 375 00:32:10,011 --> 00:32:11,410 ...anything you like. 376 00:32:11,579 --> 00:32:13,308 You get them up here, Hank. 377 00:32:16,618 --> 00:32:19,348 A fine, upstanding young man. 378 00:32:19,520 --> 00:32:23,286 So you appropriated the young chick and the old hens are squawking, huh? 379 00:32:23,458 --> 00:32:26,086 It's very serious. The child is emotionally precocious. 380 00:32:26,294 --> 00:32:28,956 - Bully for her. - Also, she is traveling under the wing... 381 00:32:29,130 --> 00:32:32,065 ...of a military escort of a butch vocal teacher. 382 00:32:33,067 --> 00:32:36,662 I wonder how long it takes to sweat the faculty of a Baptist Female College... 383 00:32:36,838 --> 00:32:41,036 ...out of a bus that's parked in the sun when it's a 100 degrees in the shade. 384 00:32:41,275 --> 00:32:43,539 - Well, they're staggering out of it now. - They are? 385 00:32:43,711 --> 00:32:46,908 I've won this round, I reckon. Good old Hank. 386 00:32:47,081 --> 00:32:49,709 Good old Hank better take cover. 387 00:32:56,758 --> 00:32:59,454 Look at her, charging like a bull elephant on a rampage. 388 00:32:59,627 --> 00:33:01,891 Maxine, you gotta help me with her, honey. 389 00:33:02,063 --> 00:33:05,396 She's not only trying to get me fired, she's also trying to pin on me... 390 00:33:05,566 --> 00:33:07,727 ...a rape charge, a charge of statutory rape. 391 00:33:07,902 --> 00:33:10,166 Statutory rape? I've never known what that was. 392 00:33:10,338 --> 00:33:14,866 That's when a man's seduced by a girl under 20. That's not funny, Maxine. 393 00:33:15,743 --> 00:33:18,473 Why do you always want the young ones, honey? 394 00:33:18,646 --> 00:33:21,206 I don't want any, any, regardless of age. 395 00:33:21,382 --> 00:33:23,850 Why do you take them, Shannon? Huh, Shannon? 396 00:33:24,018 --> 00:33:27,818 - Well, people need human contact, Maxine. - Shannon! 397 00:33:27,989 --> 00:33:29,217 Shannon! You're a fake. 398 00:33:29,390 --> 00:33:32,120 Come on up, Miss Fellowes. Everything's fixed. 399 00:33:33,127 --> 00:33:34,651 Never do that, Miss Fellowes. 400 00:33:34,829 --> 00:33:38,026 Not at high noon in a tropical country in summer. Never charge uphill... 401 00:33:38,199 --> 00:33:41,600 ...like you're leading a troop of cavalry attacking an impregnable position. 402 00:33:41,769 --> 00:33:44,932 I don't want advice or instructions. I want that distributor head. 403 00:33:45,540 --> 00:33:49,374 This is one of the charming ladies of whom I was speaking. Mrs. Faulk, Miss Fellowes. 404 00:33:49,544 --> 00:33:52,069 - Hello. - Is this man making a deal with you? 405 00:33:52,246 --> 00:33:55,238 - What sort of deal? - Is this man getting a kickback from you? 406 00:33:55,516 --> 00:33:58,041 Look, honey, nobody gets a kickback out of me. 407 00:33:58,352 --> 00:34:00,718 - I turn away more people... - Have you got a telephone? 408 00:34:01,189 --> 00:34:03,555 - Sure. - I wanna make a call to Texas. 409 00:34:03,858 --> 00:34:07,419 - Collect, of course. - Right in the office there. 410 00:34:10,298 --> 00:34:12,391 When the hell did you get a telephone in here? 411 00:34:12,567 --> 00:34:15,661 Old Fred, he finally got the telephone company to run a wire up here. 412 00:34:15,837 --> 00:34:18,772 Well, you get in there, and find out who she's talking to. 413 00:34:18,940 --> 00:34:22,808 And don't let her get through to Blake's Tours. She's trying to get me fired. 414 00:34:22,977 --> 00:34:25,537 We're almost there, Peebie. Just a little further. 415 00:34:25,713 --> 00:34:28,910 Miss Peebles, I am delighted. 416 00:34:29,317 --> 00:34:31,308 I knew common sense would prevail. 417 00:34:31,486 --> 00:34:34,216 You'll be enchanted with Mismaloya. Look at this view. 418 00:34:34,388 --> 00:34:37,016 We're not here out of choice, we're here out of necessity. 419 00:34:37,191 --> 00:34:39,455 - Miss Peebles is ill. She requires a... - A bathroom. 420 00:34:39,627 --> 00:34:42,619 A bathroom, a bathroom. Hank, get the luggage out of the bus. 421 00:34:42,797 --> 00:34:45,027 Help yourselves, ladies. Bungalows are all yours. 422 00:34:45,199 --> 00:34:47,963 Here you are, Miss Peebles, to comfort and privacy. 423 00:34:48,136 --> 00:34:50,195 - Peebie, - We couldn't help it, Judith, Peebie... 424 00:34:50,371 --> 00:34:53,829 Just a temporary indisposition. Mrs. Faulk is looking after her personally. 425 00:34:54,008 --> 00:34:55,441 That's the service you get here. 426 00:34:55,610 --> 00:34:59,910 Now you and Charlotte, Miss Goodall, can share this one. 427 00:35:00,081 --> 00:35:02,208 I want a room of my own. 428 00:35:02,383 --> 00:35:05,648 That's perfectly all right with me. She can have a room of her own. 429 00:35:05,820 --> 00:35:09,813 I no longer assume any responsibility for her actions. She's a free agent. 430 00:35:09,991 --> 00:35:12,687 Until we get back to civilization. 431 00:35:13,528 --> 00:35:14,859 Hank. 432 00:35:15,029 --> 00:35:17,395 Let me have Miss Fellowes' bag. 433 00:35:17,565 --> 00:35:19,624 Thank you. 434 00:35:20,401 --> 00:35:21,925 This way, Miss Fellowes. 435 00:35:22,103 --> 00:35:24,333 Miss Fellowes, did you get your call through? 436 00:35:24,505 --> 00:35:26,302 Circuits were busy, they'll call me back. 437 00:35:26,474 --> 00:35:29,204 Miss Fellowes, please, please give me a minute. 438 00:35:29,377 --> 00:35:30,969 Well? Well, what is it? 439 00:35:31,145 --> 00:35:33,079 Well, it's just that like... 440 00:35:33,247 --> 00:35:35,579 Like everybody else at some time or other in life... 441 00:35:35,750 --> 00:35:37,547 ...my life has cracked up on me. 442 00:35:37,718 --> 00:35:39,811 How does that compensate us? 443 00:35:39,987 --> 00:35:43,286 Miss Fellowes, I've just confessed to you that I'm at the end of my rope. 444 00:35:43,457 --> 00:35:46,392 Please, Miss Fellowes, don't make me feel that any human being... 445 00:35:46,561 --> 00:35:49,587 ...would put personal compensation before the ugly bare fact... 446 00:35:49,764 --> 00:35:53,131 ...of a man who's at the end of his rope, but who still has to try to go on. 447 00:35:53,301 --> 00:35:56,168 Now you listen to me. We girls have worked and slaved... 448 00:35:56,337 --> 00:36:00,171 ...all year at Baptist Female College for this Mexican tour, and the tour is a cheat. 449 00:36:00,341 --> 00:36:01,569 Fantastic. 450 00:36:01,742 --> 00:36:04,006 For days we've been holed in that stifling bus... 451 00:36:04,178 --> 00:36:05,873 ...over the byways, off the highways. 452 00:36:06,047 --> 00:36:08,675 Shook up and bumped up so you could get your rake off. 453 00:36:08,850 --> 00:36:10,841 All of the girls in this party have dysentery. 454 00:36:11,018 --> 00:36:14,078 That you cannot blame me for. I passed out mimeographed instructions: 455 00:36:14,255 --> 00:36:17,088 What to eat, what not to eat, what to drink, what not to drink. 456 00:36:17,258 --> 00:36:19,726 It's not what, but where we ate that gave us dysentery. 457 00:36:19,894 --> 00:36:22,192 It's not dysentery, not even amoebic. It's nothing... 458 00:36:22,363 --> 00:36:23,853 It's Montezuma's revenge. 459 00:36:24,098 --> 00:36:26,362 That's what we call it down here: Aztec two-step. 460 00:36:26,534 --> 00:36:31,699 Do you? Well, I intend to have my revenge, Dr. Shannon. 461 00:36:32,807 --> 00:36:36,243 Honey, I don't think even old Fred could have calmed her down. 462 00:36:36,410 --> 00:36:38,105 You go lie down. 463 00:37:11,712 --> 00:37:14,840 - Okay, Shannon. - What you gonna do? 464 00:37:15,316 --> 00:37:17,682 Did you ever have a shave by a lady barber? 465 00:37:17,852 --> 00:37:20,116 I can shave myself, Maxine. 466 00:37:21,188 --> 00:37:23,884 With those shakes? How long you had them, Shannon? 467 00:37:24,058 --> 00:37:28,290 They've been incubating ever since the trip started. It's been a nightmare all the way. 468 00:37:28,462 --> 00:37:32,728 Culminating with the Witch of Endor threatening to hound me to the grave. 469 00:37:32,900 --> 00:37:35,266 That's when blind panic took over. 470 00:37:35,436 --> 00:37:37,233 That's when the spook moved in. 471 00:37:37,405 --> 00:37:40,203 Is that all your spook is, honey? Just panic? 472 00:37:40,374 --> 00:37:44,640 Maxine, don't say "just panic" like you'd say "just leprosy." 473 00:37:44,845 --> 00:37:46,642 Panic's serious. 474 00:37:46,814 --> 00:37:49,874 Who'd Madame Lafarge put that phone call to? 475 00:37:50,051 --> 00:37:52,144 - Some judge in Corpus Christi. - I knew it. 476 00:37:52,320 --> 00:37:54,345 - Where you going? - To tear that phone out... 477 00:37:54,522 --> 00:37:56,387 In a pig's eye! 478 00:37:56,557 --> 00:37:59,720 That phone cost me 1200 pesos to get in here. 479 00:37:59,894 --> 00:38:02,692 You just lie back, baby, and when I get you all prettied up... 480 00:38:02,863 --> 00:38:04,990 ...I'll go and cancel that call. 481 00:38:11,205 --> 00:38:13,264 I see you got your gold cross on. 482 00:38:13,441 --> 00:38:15,272 Thinking about going back to the church? 483 00:38:15,443 --> 00:38:19,709 I wrote my old bishop last night, a letter of complete capitulation. 484 00:38:19,880 --> 00:38:21,848 How come you don't quit kidding yourself? 485 00:38:22,016 --> 00:38:25,076 You ain't thinking about going back to no church... 486 00:38:25,286 --> 00:38:28,744 ...or you wouldn't be so scared of losing this cotton-picking job of yours. 487 00:38:29,490 --> 00:38:33,256 You know, folks don't go to church to hear atheistical sermons being preached. 488 00:38:33,427 --> 00:38:36,919 Damn it to hell. I never preached an atheist sermon in church in all my life. 489 00:38:37,098 --> 00:38:39,658 All right, baby, all right. 490 00:38:40,568 --> 00:38:42,695 What size shoe you wear, baby? 491 00:38:43,571 --> 00:38:45,471 I do not get the point of that question. 492 00:38:45,639 --> 00:38:47,834 Well, these shoes look shot to me. 493 00:38:48,009 --> 00:38:50,500 If I remember correctly you only travel with one pair. 494 00:38:50,678 --> 00:38:53,613 Now, old Fred's estate includes one good pair of shoes. 495 00:38:53,881 --> 00:38:55,610 And your feet look about the same size. 496 00:38:55,783 --> 00:38:59,082 I loved old Fred, Maxine, but I do not want to fill his shoes. 497 00:38:59,520 --> 00:39:01,954 You could do worse, baby. 498 00:39:02,256 --> 00:39:04,224 You could do worse. 499 00:39:15,803 --> 00:39:17,361 Which way is the sea? 500 00:39:17,538 --> 00:39:21,372 It's right down there, but we can't see it because of the trees. 501 00:39:21,542 --> 00:39:24,010 I can feel it and smell it. 502 00:39:24,178 --> 00:39:26,442 It's the cradle of life. 503 00:40:00,714 --> 00:40:03,444 Are these two with your party? 504 00:40:04,285 --> 00:40:06,310 They look like a couple of loonies. 505 00:40:07,354 --> 00:40:10,050 Life began in the sea. 506 00:40:10,624 --> 00:40:13,422 Oh! Oh, how do you do? 507 00:40:14,228 --> 00:40:15,661 Hello. 508 00:40:17,231 --> 00:40:19,859 Have you ever tried helping a gentleman... 509 00:40:20,034 --> 00:40:22,935 ...who can't walk, uphill through a rain forest? 510 00:40:23,504 --> 00:40:26,337 No. I wouldn't even try it downhill. 511 00:40:26,774 --> 00:40:28,366 Anything I can do for you folks? 512 00:40:28,542 --> 00:40:31,511 Well, now that we've made it, I don't regret the effort. 513 00:40:31,679 --> 00:40:33,806 What a view for a painter! 514 00:40:33,981 --> 00:40:37,815 They told me in the town this was the ideal place for a painter. 515 00:40:37,985 --> 00:40:40,146 And they weren't exaggerating. 516 00:40:41,255 --> 00:40:43,314 Anything I can do for you? 517 00:40:43,491 --> 00:40:46,585 Yes, yes, I'm looking for the manager of the hotel. 518 00:40:46,760 --> 00:40:48,557 Oh, that's me. Speaking. 519 00:40:48,729 --> 00:40:52,722 You're the manager. Oh, good. I'm Hannah Jelkes. How do you do? 520 00:40:52,900 --> 00:40:55,425 - Mrs.? - Faulk. Maxine Faulk. 521 00:40:55,603 --> 00:40:57,093 You're looking for rooms? 522 00:40:57,271 --> 00:40:59,899 Yes, yes, we are, but we've come without reservations. 523 00:41:00,074 --> 00:41:03,407 Well, honey, we're closed in August, except for a few special guests. 524 00:41:03,577 --> 00:41:06,239 Well, look at them. If they're not special, who the hell is? 525 00:41:06,413 --> 00:41:08,973 Honey, that old man ought to be in a hospital. 526 00:41:09,150 --> 00:41:12,347 No. Oh, no, no, he just sprained his ankle a little this morning. 527 00:41:12,520 --> 00:41:17,924 Come on, Grandpa. Two steps, one, two. There you are. 528 00:41:18,092 --> 00:41:22,188 Hannah, tell the lady that my frailty is temporary. 529 00:41:22,363 --> 00:41:25,196 I will soon be able to crawl and then to toddle. 530 00:41:25,366 --> 00:41:28,961 And before long I'll be leaping around here like an old mountain goat. 531 00:41:29,136 --> 00:41:31,696 Yes, yes, Grandfather, I explained that. 532 00:41:31,872 --> 00:41:37,242 Tell the lady that I know some hotels don't want to take dogs, cats or monkeys. 533 00:41:37,411 --> 00:41:42,178 And some don't even solicit the patronage of infants in their late 90s. 534 00:41:42,349 --> 00:41:43,782 But assure her... 535 00:41:43,951 --> 00:41:47,717 ...that if she'll forgive my disgraceful longevity... 536 00:41:47,888 --> 00:41:50,914 ...and this temporary decrepitude... 537 00:41:51,091 --> 00:41:55,687 ...I will present her with the last signed copy of my first volume of verse. 538 00:41:55,863 --> 00:41:58,696 Published in... When, Hannah? 539 00:41:58,866 --> 00:42:02,632 The day that President William McKinley was assassinated, Nonno. 540 00:42:02,803 --> 00:42:05,772 My grandfather is the poet Jonathan Coffin. 541 00:42:05,940 --> 00:42:07,931 He is 97 years young. 542 00:42:08,108 --> 00:42:10,042 And he will be 98 years young... 543 00:42:10,211 --> 00:42:13,703 ...on the 5th of October. - Old folks are remarkable. 544 00:42:13,881 --> 00:42:15,678 Hey, the phone! Did you cancel that call? 545 00:42:15,849 --> 00:42:17,783 When the hell did I have time? 546 00:42:17,952 --> 00:42:19,943 Did I talk too much? 547 00:42:20,120 --> 00:42:22,020 Have I been talking too much again? 548 00:42:22,556 --> 00:42:24,387 I'm afraid that he has. 549 00:42:24,558 --> 00:42:26,287 I don't think she's going to take us. 550 00:42:26,460 --> 00:42:29,554 Her eyes said "no" in big blue capital letters. 551 00:42:29,730 --> 00:42:32,790 Oh, I shouldn't worry about that. She'll take you in, all right. 552 00:42:34,435 --> 00:42:36,494 The Judge Truman Fellowes on the telephone. 553 00:42:36,670 --> 00:42:39,036 Must be old butch's brother. Wouldn't have a husband. 554 00:42:39,206 --> 00:42:41,504 Anyway, I said she'd checked out, canceled the call. 555 00:42:41,675 --> 00:42:44,269 Maxine, you're larger than life. 556 00:42:45,412 --> 00:42:48,074 Shall we register now? 557 00:42:48,716 --> 00:42:50,445 You can register any time you want. 558 00:42:50,618 --> 00:42:52,950 But I gotta collect 6 dollars from you right now... 559 00:42:53,120 --> 00:42:54,815 ...if you want your name in the pot. 560 00:42:55,089 --> 00:42:56,522 Six dollars. 561 00:42:57,691 --> 00:43:00,125 Three dollars each. You see, out of season like this... 562 00:43:00,294 --> 00:43:02,558 ...we operate on the modified American plan. 563 00:43:02,730 --> 00:43:05,756 Oh, I see. Yes, well... 564 00:43:05,933 --> 00:43:08,993 ...we usually operate on a special basis ourselves. 565 00:43:09,536 --> 00:43:11,003 What do you mean, operate? 566 00:43:11,772 --> 00:43:14,172 Here is our card. 567 00:43:14,441 --> 00:43:16,068 I think you may have heard of us. 568 00:43:16,243 --> 00:43:17,835 We've had quite a few write-ups. 569 00:43:18,245 --> 00:43:21,373 My grandfather is the oldest living and practicing poet. 570 00:43:21,548 --> 00:43:23,778 And he gives recitations. 571 00:43:23,951 --> 00:43:27,546 I paint watercolors and I'm a quick sketch artist. 572 00:43:27,721 --> 00:43:30,656 We travel together and we pay our way as we go... 573 00:43:30,824 --> 00:43:32,519 ...by my grandfather's recitations... 574 00:43:32,693 --> 00:43:36,823 ...and by the sale of quick character sketches in charcoal and pastel. 575 00:43:38,098 --> 00:43:41,693 I usually pass among the tables during lunch and dinner, slowly. 576 00:43:41,869 --> 00:43:44,099 I wear an artist's smock... 577 00:43:44,271 --> 00:43:46,637 ...picturesquely dabbed with paint. 578 00:43:46,807 --> 00:43:50,436 I don't push myself on people. I just display my work. 579 00:43:50,611 --> 00:43:53,842 And I smile sweetly at them, and if invited to do so... 580 00:43:54,014 --> 00:43:56,608 ...I sit down and make a quick character sketch. 581 00:43:56,784 --> 00:43:58,376 And Gramps? 582 00:43:58,852 --> 00:44:02,185 I introduce him as the world's oldest living and practicing poet. 583 00:44:02,523 --> 00:44:05,549 If invited, he gives a recitation of one of his poems. 584 00:44:06,093 --> 00:44:09,187 Of course, they were all written a very long time ago... 585 00:44:09,363 --> 00:44:11,593 ...but do you know he has started a new poem? 586 00:44:11,999 --> 00:44:15,730 For the first time in 20 years he has started another poem. 587 00:44:15,903 --> 00:44:17,268 Hasn't finished it yet. 588 00:44:17,438 --> 00:44:22,705 He still has his inspiration but his power of concentration has weakened a little. 589 00:44:24,011 --> 00:44:26,639 Right now, Gramps ain't concentrating at all. 590 00:44:26,814 --> 00:44:28,941 He's just catching forty winks. 591 00:44:29,783 --> 00:44:31,182 Gramps. 592 00:44:31,452 --> 00:44:33,113 Gramps. 593 00:44:33,454 --> 00:44:35,081 Time to hit the sack, Gramps. 594 00:44:35,255 --> 00:44:37,849 - Now, you just wait a minute. - Please. 595 00:44:38,025 --> 00:44:40,892 We've tried every hotel in Puerto Vallarta. 596 00:44:41,061 --> 00:44:42,995 They wouldn't take us. 597 00:44:43,163 --> 00:44:46,394 I'm afraid I have to place myself at your mercy. 598 00:44:47,167 --> 00:44:50,227 Okay. Looks like you're in for one night, but just one. 599 00:44:50,404 --> 00:44:52,702 - Thank you. - Where's your luggage? 600 00:44:52,940 --> 00:44:54,100 No luggage? 601 00:44:54,274 --> 00:44:58,870 I hid it behind some palmettos at the foot of the path with Grandfather's wheelchair. 602 00:44:59,046 --> 00:45:00,308 Pepe. 603 00:45:04,485 --> 00:45:06,749 They're chasing an iguana. 604 00:45:09,723 --> 00:45:11,554 What will they do with it? 605 00:45:11,725 --> 00:45:14,956 Tie him up, fatten him up and eat him up. 606 00:45:26,073 --> 00:45:27,665 Pepe. 607 00:45:33,847 --> 00:45:36,509 Okay, honey. You and Gramps can have bungalow nine. 608 00:45:36,683 --> 00:45:39,174 How's Gramps gonna get meals? Let them have that suite. 609 00:45:39,353 --> 00:45:41,480 Wait a minute, Shannon, that's the deluxe suite. 610 00:45:41,655 --> 00:45:45,113 I know, Maxine, generosity is the cornerstone of your nature. 611 00:45:45,292 --> 00:45:47,317 Come on, Gramps. Time to move. 612 00:45:47,494 --> 00:45:48,756 That's it. 613 00:45:48,929 --> 00:45:51,363 Did someone call for a recitation? 614 00:45:51,532 --> 00:45:54,831 No, Nonno, we're just going to our rooms. 615 00:45:56,904 --> 00:45:59,498 I'm dreadfully afraid my grandfather had a slight stroke... 616 00:45:59,673 --> 00:46:01,607 ...in those high passes through the Sierras. 617 00:46:01,775 --> 00:46:05,575 Old people have them. They're not regular strokes, just little cerebral incidents. 618 00:46:05,746 --> 00:46:09,648 Symptoms clear up so quickly, sometimes old people don't realize they've had them. 619 00:46:17,157 --> 00:46:20,456 Just rest for a few moments, Nonno. 620 00:46:26,567 --> 00:46:30,003 How calmly does the olive branch 621 00:46:30,170 --> 00:46:33,833 Observe the sky begin to blanch 622 00:46:34,241 --> 00:46:37,802 Without a cry, without a prayer 623 00:46:38,111 --> 00:46:41,672 With no betrayal of despair 624 00:46:46,587 --> 00:46:49,613 I'll leave Nonno in here and I'll take that room. 625 00:46:49,790 --> 00:46:52,953 That's the one with the leaky roof, but you won't find out about it... 626 00:46:53,126 --> 00:46:56,823 ...until it rains, and then it'll be too late to do anything except swim out if it. 627 00:46:56,997 --> 00:47:00,228 - Oh, no, Mr.? - Shannon, the Reverend T. Lawrence. 628 00:47:00,400 --> 00:47:03,836 Mr. Shannon, I'll find a dry spot if it rains. 629 00:47:04,004 --> 00:47:05,471 How many? 630 00:47:05,639 --> 00:47:07,630 How many times have you been around the world? 631 00:47:07,808 --> 00:47:10,140 As many times as the world has been around the sun. 632 00:47:10,310 --> 00:47:13,609 And I feel as if I've gone the whole way on foot. 633 00:47:13,881 --> 00:47:15,781 Thank you, Mr. Shannon. 634 00:47:49,983 --> 00:47:51,644 Operator. 635 00:47:52,386 --> 00:47:55,048 Operator, aquí parlar English? 636 00:47:55,222 --> 00:47:58,919 - Sí, señora. Can I help you? - This is Miss Fellowes at Mismaloya. 637 00:47:59,092 --> 00:48:01,560 - Sí, señora. - What happened to my call to Texas? 638 00:48:01,728 --> 00:48:03,787 - Where in Texas? - Corpus Christi. 639 00:48:03,964 --> 00:48:06,159 - I thought you'd checked out. - Checked out? 640 00:48:06,333 --> 00:48:09,234 How could I check out? He's got the distributor... 641 00:48:10,437 --> 00:48:13,804 Operator, you put that call through again... 642 00:48:13,974 --> 00:48:18,274 ...and I will hold the line and wait if it takes all afternoon. 643 00:48:18,478 --> 00:48:19,945 Very well, señora. 644 00:48:26,453 --> 00:48:28,512 Seducer. 645 00:48:29,156 --> 00:48:31,886 - What? - Seducer. 646 00:48:33,427 --> 00:48:36,362 - Now, what's the squawk now? - Oh, Larry, why didn't you tell me? 647 00:48:36,530 --> 00:48:37,861 Tell you what? What is this? 648 00:48:38,031 --> 00:48:41,398 - You've been exposed, Shannon. - Your whole shameful past. 649 00:48:41,568 --> 00:48:43,934 Posing as a minister of the gospel. 650 00:48:44,104 --> 00:48:46,163 I am a minister. Anybody who says I'm not... 651 00:48:46,340 --> 00:48:48,740 Honey, show them that gold cross, that'll prove it. 652 00:48:48,909 --> 00:48:53,073 You thought you outwitted me, didn't you, having your paramour here cancel my call. 653 00:48:53,246 --> 00:48:56,579 Miss Fellowes, honey, if paramour means what I think it does... 654 00:48:56,750 --> 00:48:59,218 ...you're gambling with your front teeth. 655 00:48:59,386 --> 00:49:02,617 My brother has been in communication with Blake's Tours. 656 00:49:02,789 --> 00:49:05,690 They've assured him that they will take action, drastic action. 657 00:49:05,859 --> 00:49:07,952 Just what do you mean by that? 658 00:49:08,128 --> 00:49:10,961 - I have a contract that provides... - Your contract is worthless. 659 00:49:11,198 --> 00:49:13,029 My brother is a judge. 660 00:49:13,200 --> 00:49:16,761 And he has informed your employer that they are not required to employ... 661 00:49:16,937 --> 00:49:19,929 ...a man who makes a career of seducing young girls. 662 00:49:20,107 --> 00:49:23,235 "Seducing!" Did you lead her to infer that... 663 00:49:23,410 --> 00:49:25,469 Larry, how could you think that l..? 664 00:49:25,646 --> 00:49:29,878 I said a career. All the way from Pleasant Valley, Virginia... 665 00:49:30,050 --> 00:49:33,076 ...to that dreadful hotel that you tricked us into last night. 666 00:49:33,253 --> 00:49:34,686 But that career is now ended. 667 00:49:34,988 --> 00:49:38,116 The Reverend Shannon, defrocked. 668 00:49:38,392 --> 00:49:40,656 That's a lie. A base lie. 669 00:49:40,861 --> 00:49:44,422 I was never defrocked. I was only locked out of my church. 670 00:49:44,831 --> 00:49:46,560 Spreading a story like that is libel. 671 00:49:46,733 --> 00:49:50,533 I could take legal action. And I will. These ladies are my witnesses. 672 00:49:50,704 --> 00:49:53,138 Repeating a story like that will get you... 673 00:49:54,474 --> 00:49:57,500 I'll show you. I'll show you all. 674 00:49:57,678 --> 00:50:00,169 You can't say that I was defrocked. 675 00:50:00,447 --> 00:50:03,382 I'll show you. I'll show you. 676 00:50:05,819 --> 00:50:10,222 Well, if you're not gonna eat him, I guess I'd better see about some food. 677 00:50:17,798 --> 00:50:19,493 What's this mess supposed to be? 678 00:50:19,666 --> 00:50:20,997 Soup. 679 00:50:21,168 --> 00:50:22,965 Well, it's burnt! 680 00:50:29,743 --> 00:50:31,301 Chang... 681 00:50:31,611 --> 00:50:32,839 ...I’ve warned you before. 682 00:50:33,013 --> 00:50:35,948 I don't allow this stuff on premises, even if you're on vacation. 683 00:50:36,116 --> 00:50:38,414 You remember the time you got it in the enchiladas? 684 00:50:39,319 --> 00:50:41,253 What are you gonna do with them dogfish? 685 00:50:41,421 --> 00:50:44,083 Me do nothing. Me on vacation. 686 00:50:44,257 --> 00:50:48,717 Pedro can fry with plenty chili, make hot. 687 00:50:55,869 --> 00:50:59,327 - Why not steam it, Mrs. Faulk? - No guests allowed in the kitchen. 688 00:50:59,506 --> 00:51:00,973 Mayn't I help? 689 00:51:01,475 --> 00:51:02,703 Please let me. 690 00:51:02,876 --> 00:51:05,845 I was born and bred in the fishing port of Nantucket. 691 00:51:06,012 --> 00:51:08,913 And I've cooked every kind of fish that swims in the sea. 692 00:51:09,082 --> 00:51:11,482 Except whales, but they're mammals. 693 00:51:12,219 --> 00:51:14,119 I know what you're up to, honey. 694 00:51:14,287 --> 00:51:17,814 You wanna make yourself useful so I'll let you and old Gramps stay here free. 695 00:51:17,991 --> 00:51:20,016 I wouldn't do anything so obvious. 696 00:51:20,193 --> 00:51:22,320 Not with a woman of your practicality. 697 00:51:22,496 --> 00:51:24,896 No, my wanting to help in the kitchen... 698 00:51:25,065 --> 00:51:27,192 May I have the knife, please? 699 00:51:27,467 --> 00:51:29,162 Machete. 700 00:51:29,736 --> 00:51:32,330 It's just that I've noticed a certain... 701 00:51:32,506 --> 00:51:35,942 ...animosity towards Mr. Shannon among the... 702 00:51:36,109 --> 00:51:39,078 ...ladies in his party, particularly in the case of... 703 00:51:40,947 --> 00:51:44,781 ...Miss Fellowes, and I think with a soothing meal inside her... 704 00:51:44,951 --> 00:51:46,509 ...it might soothe her spirit. 705 00:51:47,754 --> 00:51:50,689 Miss Jelkes, honey, you're a hustler. 706 00:51:50,857 --> 00:51:53,883 A fantastic, cool hustler. 707 00:51:54,861 --> 00:51:56,294 You're completely broke, huh? 708 00:51:56,797 --> 00:51:59,061 Yes, we are, completely. 709 00:51:59,366 --> 00:52:01,596 You say that like you're proud of it. 710 00:52:01,768 --> 00:52:03,998 I'm not proud of it, or ashamed of it either. 711 00:52:04,171 --> 00:52:06,571 It just happens to be what's happened to us. 712 00:52:10,777 --> 00:52:12,176 You know what that means? 713 00:52:12,345 --> 00:52:14,040 No, I don't think I do. 714 00:52:14,214 --> 00:52:16,205 It's Chinese for "No sweat." 715 00:52:16,383 --> 00:52:18,476 Our Chinese cook says it. 716 00:52:18,852 --> 00:52:20,945 Old Fred used to say... 717 00:52:21,121 --> 00:52:24,716 ...that those three words summed up all the wisdom of the East. 718 00:52:25,759 --> 00:52:27,920 - Fred? - My husband. 719 00:52:28,361 --> 00:52:29,589 My late husband. 720 00:52:31,431 --> 00:52:33,865 How lately did you lose him, Mrs. Faulk? 721 00:52:34,034 --> 00:52:36,502 Three, almost four weeks ago. 722 00:52:36,670 --> 00:52:39,468 Maybe it hasn't dawned on me yet, old Fred being gone for good. 723 00:52:39,639 --> 00:52:42,574 It seems like he's out fishing. He was always out fishing anyhow. 724 00:52:42,742 --> 00:52:46,200 He hardly ever opened his mouth, except when he got drunk and sang songs. 725 00:52:46,379 --> 00:52:49,712 He'd lie out in that hammock and drink and sing all night long. 726 00:52:49,883 --> 00:52:51,407 No guest ever complained either. 727 00:52:51,585 --> 00:52:54,179 Or I'd have shown them the straight way down the hill. 728 00:52:54,454 --> 00:52:56,354 I'm sure you would. 729 00:52:57,691 --> 00:52:59,716 I loved old Fred. 730 00:53:00,060 --> 00:53:03,518 More than anybody would guess, the way I carried on. Except Fred, he knew. 731 00:53:03,697 --> 00:53:06,461 You see, he was 28 years older than me. 732 00:53:06,633 --> 00:53:09,568 And we hadn't slept together in I don't know when. 733 00:53:09,736 --> 00:53:11,465 Fred used to say... 734 00:53:11,638 --> 00:53:15,472 ...he guessed he was impotent. But if you ask me, honey, he just plain lost interest. 735 00:53:17,844 --> 00:53:20,813 What other interest did he have, Mrs. Faulk? 736 00:53:21,181 --> 00:53:22,409 Only fishing. 737 00:53:22,582 --> 00:53:24,812 He'd catch them, throw them back in. 738 00:53:24,985 --> 00:53:27,715 Unless they swallowed the hook, we'd have them for supper. 739 00:53:27,888 --> 00:53:29,788 Fred lived and let live. 740 00:53:32,592 --> 00:53:35,083 When I hired them beach boys... 741 00:53:35,762 --> 00:53:36,820 ...Fred care? 742 00:53:36,997 --> 00:53:40,728 Did he raise hell when I started going night swimming with them? Hell, no. 743 00:53:40,901 --> 00:53:43,392 He just went night fishing all night long. 744 00:53:44,104 --> 00:53:46,265 He must have been a remarkable man. 745 00:53:46,439 --> 00:53:47,667 You said it. 746 00:53:47,841 --> 00:53:51,675 People with troubles, and that's everybody, used to come and spill them to old Fred. 747 00:53:51,845 --> 00:53:54,905 And he could listen forever. He was better than any head shrinker... 748 00:53:55,081 --> 00:53:58,175 ...because he knew what was bugging you even before you told him. 749 00:53:58,351 --> 00:54:01,252 That's why Shannon always made for Mismaloya when he was spooked. 750 00:54:01,922 --> 00:54:05,949 I remember one time, he came down here out of season like now. 751 00:54:06,126 --> 00:54:07,559 And I went on the make for him. 752 00:54:07,727 --> 00:54:12,027 But Shannon wasn't having any, on account of his friendship with Fred. 753 00:54:12,198 --> 00:54:13,859 Well, they're all ready for steaming. 754 00:54:14,234 --> 00:54:17,670 So was I, Miss Jelkes, honey, so was I. 755 00:54:17,837 --> 00:54:21,238 But I couldn't tell him that Fred didn't give a damn. 756 00:54:21,441 --> 00:54:23,534 It didn't seem fair to Fred. 757 00:54:25,545 --> 00:54:28,912 You know I think you're quite a remarkable person too, Mrs. Faulk. 758 00:54:29,082 --> 00:54:30,811 Don't you try to con me, honey. 759 00:54:30,984 --> 00:54:32,349 I understand me. 760 00:54:32,519 --> 00:54:35,647 I still got my biological urges. 761 00:54:36,022 --> 00:54:37,319 The beach boys? 762 00:54:38,191 --> 00:54:39,556 Yup. 763 00:54:40,327 --> 00:54:44,764 But even I know the difference between loving somebody... 764 00:54:44,965 --> 00:54:48,332 ...and just going to bed with them. Even I know that. 765 00:55:03,081 --> 00:55:06,744 Nelly was a lady 766 00:55:06,919 --> 00:55:09,979 Last night she died 767 00:55:10,155 --> 00:55:14,114 Toll the bell For lovely Nell 768 00:55:14,293 --> 00:55:16,818 My dark Virginny bride 769 00:55:17,396 --> 00:55:20,160 Don't you step in this room. Don't step over that threshold. 770 00:55:20,332 --> 00:55:23,563 Don't complicate my life. I've got a fever. Don't complicate my fever. 771 00:55:23,735 --> 00:55:25,896 Larry, watch out. You're walking on broken glass. 772 00:55:26,071 --> 00:55:27,299 - Never mind. - Stand still. 773 00:55:27,473 --> 00:55:30,135 You're cutting your feet, leaving blood stains on the floor. 774 00:55:30,309 --> 00:55:32,800 - Who saw you come in here? - Nobody but an iguana. 775 00:55:32,978 --> 00:55:35,640 - Your guardian angel will be in full cry. - Let her howl. 776 00:55:35,814 --> 00:55:40,012 I hate her and I hate that little snitch of a bitch that ruined you in Virginia. 777 00:55:40,185 --> 00:55:43,018 You're ruining me in Mexico. Get off your knees, it's indecent. 778 00:55:43,188 --> 00:55:46,521 Sit down over there. I want to explain something to you. Look and listen. 779 00:55:46,925 --> 00:55:49,826 A man has got just so much in his emotional bank balance. 780 00:55:49,995 --> 00:55:52,088 But mine has run out. It's stone dry. 781 00:55:52,264 --> 00:55:56,223 I can't draw a check on it now. There's nothing left to draw out. 782 00:55:56,401 --> 00:55:59,393 Oh, Lord, you've got blood stains on it. 783 00:55:59,571 --> 00:56:01,835 I'm sorry to tell you that you're as dangerous... 784 00:56:02,007 --> 00:56:04,100 ...as you are young and lovely. 785 00:56:04,276 --> 00:56:08,610 And it's your being young and lovely that makes you so dangerous. 786 00:56:08,780 --> 00:56:15,049 And that gives you this destructive potential over a destructible man. 787 00:56:15,220 --> 00:56:16,585 We're not going back. 788 00:56:17,055 --> 00:56:18,488 We'll stay here together. 789 00:56:18,657 --> 00:56:22,650 Live here, be beachcombers like Fletcher Christian and that native girl. 790 00:56:22,828 --> 00:56:27,288 Living in the sun. You're going to marry me, Larry. 791 00:56:28,066 --> 00:56:29,556 Oh, Lord, no, no. 792 00:56:29,735 --> 00:56:33,603 And nothing could be worse for a girl in your unstable condition... 793 00:56:33,772 --> 00:56:37,833 ...to be mixed up with a man in my unstable condition. 794 00:56:38,010 --> 00:56:41,002 Because two people in unstable conditions... 795 00:56:41,179 --> 00:56:45,479 ...are like two countries facing each other in unstable conditions. 796 00:56:45,651 --> 00:56:51,385 The destructive potential could blow the whole world to bits... 797 00:56:51,557 --> 00:56:52,956 ...past all repair. 798 00:56:53,292 --> 00:56:54,953 You're walking barefoot on glass. 799 00:56:55,127 --> 00:56:57,789 I would walk on brimstone through hell... 800 00:56:57,963 --> 00:57:00,796 ...to get you out of my room. Now will you get out of my room. 801 00:57:00,966 --> 00:57:03,161 I don't believe you don't love me. 802 00:57:03,335 --> 00:57:05,166 I love... I love nobody. 803 00:57:05,337 --> 00:57:08,864 I know it's practically impossible for anybody to realize they're not loved... 804 00:57:09,041 --> 00:57:11,805 ...when in love with somebody they think they're in love with. 805 00:57:11,977 --> 00:57:14,571 You couldn't walk barefoot on glass if you didn't love me. 806 00:57:14,746 --> 00:57:20,275 I'm walking barefoot on glass because you won't leave me alone. 807 00:57:20,686 --> 00:57:24,315 All right, I'll do it too. I'll walk on glass and I'll bleed to death with you. 808 00:57:24,623 --> 00:57:28,150 No, you won't do this. You will get out of my room and out of my life. 809 00:57:28,327 --> 00:57:29,555 No, put me down. No! 810 00:57:30,729 --> 00:57:32,492 You will not come near me again, understand? 811 00:57:32,664 --> 00:57:34,689 Put me down. I hate you! 812 00:57:34,866 --> 00:57:36,265 You've ruined my life. 813 00:57:36,435 --> 00:57:39,802 You've killed me, killed me! 814 00:57:39,972 --> 00:57:42,873 Put me down! 815 00:57:51,683 --> 00:57:53,241 What is this, Mr. Shannon? 816 00:57:53,418 --> 00:57:55,477 Hell and damnation. 817 00:57:55,654 --> 00:57:56,985 Your feet are bleeding. 818 00:57:57,155 --> 00:57:59,089 There's glass all over the floor in my room. 819 00:57:59,257 --> 00:58:03,421 Sit down. I have antiseptics and surgical gauze in my room. 820 00:58:13,672 --> 00:58:17,369 Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. 821 00:58:17,876 --> 00:58:21,368 That word "fantastic" seems to be your favorite word, Mr. Shannon. 822 00:58:21,546 --> 00:58:22,945 Miss Jelkes... 823 00:58:23,115 --> 00:58:24,776 ...we live on two levels. 824 00:58:24,950 --> 00:58:26,178 Just two? 825 00:58:26,351 --> 00:58:31,448 The fantastic level and the realistic level are the two levels upon which we live. 826 00:58:31,623 --> 00:58:33,648 But which is the real one really? 827 00:58:33,825 --> 00:58:35,725 I would say both, Mr. Shannon. 828 00:58:35,894 --> 00:58:39,125 But when you live on the fantastic level... 829 00:58:39,297 --> 00:58:43,734 ...as I have more and more lately, but have to operate on the realistic level... 830 00:58:43,902 --> 00:58:45,802 ...that's when you get spooked. 831 00:58:46,038 --> 00:58:48,700 And I am spooked, Miss Jelkes. 832 00:58:48,874 --> 00:58:51,707 A chronicle no longer gold 833 00:58:52,210 --> 00:58:54,838 A bargaining with mist of gold 834 00:58:55,013 --> 00:58:56,310 There. 835 00:58:56,481 --> 00:58:59,348 Now I'll go and clear up the broken glass in your room. 836 00:58:59,518 --> 00:59:02,578 Don't bother about that. If you'd be kind enough to bring my shoes... 837 00:59:02,754 --> 00:59:05,780 ...and could you let me have my clerical collar? It's on the floor. 838 00:59:09,728 --> 00:59:13,528 Are you planning to conduct a church service here tonight, Mr. Shannon? 839 00:59:13,699 --> 00:59:16,759 No, I just plan to do... 840 00:59:16,935 --> 00:59:18,300 ...nothing. 841 00:59:18,470 --> 00:59:21,701 Oh, and bring me that distributor head, if you would. 842 00:59:24,509 --> 00:59:25,874 This? 843 00:59:26,878 --> 00:59:28,243 That's it. 844 00:59:31,383 --> 00:59:35,479 If you're not going to conduct a service, why get into this uncomfortable outfit? 845 00:59:35,654 --> 00:59:40,148 Because I've been accused of being defrocked and lying about it, that's why. 846 00:59:40,325 --> 00:59:46,264 I will demonstrate to these ladies that I'm still a frocked minister of the gospel. 847 00:59:46,431 --> 00:59:48,524 I'm afraid it's no use, Mr. Shannon. 848 00:59:48,700 --> 00:59:51,760 The neckband's so frayed, it won't hold the collar button. 849 00:59:51,937 --> 00:59:53,734 - Oh, damn. - Hannah! 850 00:59:53,905 --> 00:59:55,896 Oh, God, he's fallen. 851 00:59:59,311 --> 01:00:00,972 Hey, Grandpa. 852 01:00:01,980 --> 01:00:04,380 There you are. 853 01:00:11,423 --> 01:00:13,448 I wish my pulse were as steady as his. 854 01:00:13,625 --> 01:00:16,150 Did you feel dizzy, Grandfather? 855 01:00:16,461 --> 01:00:18,486 No, no. 856 01:00:18,897 --> 01:00:22,094 I was working on my new poem and... 857 01:00:23,101 --> 01:00:25,126 Where's my cane? 858 01:00:30,108 --> 01:00:32,133 There you are, Grandpa. 859 01:00:32,544 --> 01:00:37,948 I was beating time with my cane and my cane slipped. 860 01:00:38,383 --> 01:00:39,873 You'd better rest a while. 861 01:00:40,051 --> 01:00:41,518 Yes. 862 01:00:41,686 --> 01:00:43,586 Rest a while. 863 01:00:43,955 --> 01:00:46,651 He'll be all right now, we can talk outside. 864 01:00:47,626 --> 01:00:49,594 Why are you breathing like that? 865 01:00:50,662 --> 01:00:52,220 Some people take a drink... 866 01:00:53,932 --> 01:00:56,298 ...others take a pill. 867 01:00:57,636 --> 01:01:00,799 I just take a few deep breaths. 868 01:01:00,972 --> 01:01:02,337 Well... 869 01:01:02,507 --> 01:01:04,839 ...don't be frightened about it. 870 01:01:06,845 --> 01:01:10,144 He was amazing, just amazing... 871 01:01:10,315 --> 01:01:16,049 ...until he started having these little, whatever they are, these spells. 872 01:01:16,721 --> 01:01:17,949 When they started, I... 873 01:01:18,123 --> 01:01:23,186 ...tried to persuade him to go back to Nantucket but he said, "No. Mexico." 874 01:01:23,361 --> 01:01:26,421 So Mexico it is. 875 01:01:26,598 --> 01:01:29,795 And he wouldn't rest anywhere, until he got to the sea. 876 01:01:29,968 --> 01:01:33,131 "The cradle of life," as he calls it. 877 01:01:33,839 --> 01:01:36,637 So here we are, Mr. Shannon. 878 01:01:36,808 --> 01:01:40,471 Like a couple of scarecrows on this windy hilltop... 879 01:01:40,645 --> 01:01:42,670 ...over the cradle of life. 880 01:01:42,848 --> 01:01:46,477 The plummeting to earth and then... 881 01:01:46,651 --> 01:01:48,346 Hannah? Hannah? 882 01:01:48,520 --> 01:01:52,479 - Yes, Grandfather? - I'm pretty sure I'm gonna finish it here. 883 01:01:52,657 --> 01:01:55,023 I have the same feeling myself, Grandpa. 884 01:01:55,193 --> 01:01:57,991 I've never been surer of anything in my life. 885 01:01:58,163 --> 01:02:01,030 I've never been surer of anything in mine, either. 886 01:02:01,199 --> 01:02:05,226 Of course, you'll finish the poem. Why, it's nearly finished already. 887 01:02:05,403 --> 01:02:09,100 I'll be outside if you want me to write something down. 888 01:02:12,544 --> 01:02:15,172 He'll probably sleep a while now. 889 01:02:17,816 --> 01:02:22,185 Miss Jelkes, may l..? May I have one of your cigarettes? 890 01:02:23,321 --> 01:02:25,312 You must never smoke those. 891 01:02:25,490 --> 01:02:28,926 They're made out of cigarette ends taken out of the gutters. 892 01:02:29,094 --> 01:02:30,959 Have one of mine. 893 01:02:31,129 --> 01:02:36,123 English, imported, in an airtight tin. It's my one luxury in life. 894 01:02:36,301 --> 01:02:39,930 Yes, thank you, I will, since you've thrown mine away. 895 01:02:40,105 --> 01:02:41,333 Well... 896 01:02:41,506 --> 01:02:45,169 ...I’m going to tell you something about yourself, Miss Jelkes. 897 01:02:45,343 --> 01:02:50,371 You are a lady, a real one and a great one. 898 01:02:50,982 --> 01:02:53,974 What have I done to merit that compliment from you? 899 01:02:54,152 --> 01:02:57,383 Well, you took out your cigarettes, found out you only had two left. 900 01:02:57,555 --> 01:03:00,388 You can't afford to buy another pack of even that cheap brand... 901 01:03:00,558 --> 01:03:03,322 ...and so you put them away for later, right? 902 01:03:03,628 --> 01:03:06,426 Mercilessly accurate, Mr. Shannon. 903 01:03:06,598 --> 01:03:11,058 But when I asked you for one, you gave me it without slightest sign of reluctance. 904 01:03:11,970 --> 01:03:15,133 I think you're making a big point out of a small matter. 905 01:03:15,407 --> 01:03:17,034 Oh, no, no. 906 01:03:17,208 --> 01:03:21,907 I'm making a small point out of a very, very large matter. 907 01:03:24,549 --> 01:03:29,213 How long have you been inactive in the church, Mr. Shannon? 908 01:03:30,288 --> 01:03:33,587 What's that got to do with the price of rice in China? 909 01:03:33,758 --> 01:03:35,487 - Nothing. - And what's it got to do... 910 01:03:35,660 --> 01:03:38,185 ...with the price of coffee in Brazil? 911 01:03:38,964 --> 01:03:41,694 I retract the question, with apologies. 912 01:03:41,866 --> 01:03:45,199 Very well, then, I'll be glad to answer it. I... 913 01:03:45,370 --> 01:03:48,828 I have been inactive in the church for all but one year... 914 01:03:49,007 --> 01:03:52,841 ...since I was ordained a minister of the church. 915 01:03:53,011 --> 01:03:55,479 That's quite a sabbatical, Mr. Shannon. 916 01:03:55,647 --> 01:03:59,549 Yes, I had one parish for one year and then... 917 01:04:00,051 --> 01:04:01,951 ...I was not defrocked... 918 01:04:02,120 --> 01:04:04,680 ...I was locked out of the church. 919 01:04:09,995 --> 01:04:12,691 Are you..? You drawing me? 920 01:04:13,665 --> 01:04:15,530 I'm trying to. 921 01:04:16,768 --> 01:04:18,861 Why did they lock you out? 922 01:04:19,704 --> 01:04:23,970 For fornication and conduct unbecoming a man of the cloth. 923 01:04:24,776 --> 01:04:29,679 What were the circumstances of the first offense? 924 01:04:29,848 --> 01:04:31,509 Fornication? 925 01:04:32,384 --> 01:04:37,515 A very young Sunday school teacher asked to see me, privately, in my study and... 926 01:04:37,689 --> 01:04:39,122 ...well, she... 927 01:04:39,290 --> 01:04:42,418 She declared herself to me, wildly. 928 01:04:42,794 --> 01:04:45,228 A declaration of love? 929 01:04:45,563 --> 01:04:48,657 Don't make fun of me, Miss Jelkes. 930 01:04:49,868 --> 01:04:51,529 I wasn't. 931 01:04:53,905 --> 01:04:56,635 I was the damnedest prig in those days that you can imagine. 932 01:04:56,808 --> 01:05:00,300 I said to this girl, I said, "Let us kneel down and pray together." 933 01:05:00,478 --> 01:05:01,877 And we did, we knelt. 934 01:05:02,047 --> 01:05:04,174 And then all of sudden, the... 935 01:05:04,482 --> 01:05:08,441 ...kneeling position turned into a reclining position. 936 01:05:10,055 --> 01:05:14,082 The next day, she cut herself with her father's straight blade razor. 937 01:05:14,659 --> 01:05:17,127 - Fatally? - No, no, no. 938 01:05:17,295 --> 01:05:19,354 Thanks to a Band-Aid. 939 01:05:19,697 --> 01:05:22,598 But it made a scandal. 940 01:05:22,767 --> 01:05:25,429 Yes, I imagine that it caused some comment. 941 01:05:25,603 --> 01:05:26,900 Yes, it did, it did that. 942 01:05:27,338 --> 01:05:32,833 The next Sunday when I saw those smug, accusing, disapproving faces uplifted... 943 01:05:33,011 --> 01:05:36,469 ...I had a sudden urge to shock. 944 01:05:36,648 --> 01:05:38,309 And I shocked them. 945 01:05:38,616 --> 01:05:40,982 I chased them out of the church. 946 01:05:41,953 --> 01:05:44,217 And what was the upshot of it? 947 01:05:44,389 --> 01:05:48,382 They put me in a nice little private asylum to recover from... 948 01:05:48,560 --> 01:05:51,358 ...a complete nervous breakdown. That's the way they put it. 949 01:05:51,529 --> 01:05:53,690 And then when I got out I... 950 01:05:53,865 --> 01:05:55,560 I entered this line. 951 01:05:55,733 --> 01:05:59,533 "Tours of God's world, conducted by a minister of God." 952 01:05:59,704 --> 01:06:02,036 To quote the pamphlet. 953 01:06:02,540 --> 01:06:04,337 But on the side... 954 01:06:04,742 --> 01:06:06,903 ...Shannon has been collecting evidence. 955 01:06:07,078 --> 01:06:11,014 - Evidence of what? - Man's inhumanity to God. 956 01:06:13,017 --> 01:06:16,646 - What do you mean by that? - The pain we cause him. 957 01:06:17,188 --> 01:06:20,123 We've poisoned his atmosphere. 958 01:06:20,291 --> 01:06:22,623 We've slaughtered his creatures of the wild. 959 01:06:22,794 --> 01:06:25,092 We've polluted his rivers. 960 01:06:25,597 --> 01:06:30,091 We've even taken God's noblest creation, man... 961 01:06:30,268 --> 01:06:33,396 ...and brainwashed him into becoming our own product, not God's. 962 01:06:33,571 --> 01:06:36,768 Hacked, stacked and canned. 963 01:06:42,413 --> 01:06:44,381 Am I? Am I moving too much? 964 01:06:45,817 --> 01:06:47,444 No, of course not. 965 01:06:51,823 --> 01:06:53,723 Mr. Shannon? 966 01:06:54,025 --> 01:06:55,754 What do you do if..? 967 01:06:55,927 --> 01:06:58,225 If what? 968 01:06:58,396 --> 01:07:00,421 If Miss Fellowes has her way? 969 01:07:00,598 --> 01:07:03,294 And gets me fired? 970 01:07:03,768 --> 01:07:05,793 Yes, what do you do then? 971 01:07:07,639 --> 01:07:11,234 Well, I either go back to the church, or I... 972 01:07:11,643 --> 01:07:13,076 I take the long swim. 973 01:07:13,244 --> 01:07:16,145 - It's right out there. - What is? 974 01:07:17,382 --> 01:07:18,713 China. 975 01:07:30,094 --> 01:07:33,359 - Was that the luncheon gong? - Chow will be ready in a half-hour. 976 01:07:33,531 --> 01:07:35,897 How you feeling, Miss Peebles, honey? A bit better? 977 01:07:36,067 --> 01:07:38,592 - Thank you, I think I am. - How about a little drink? 978 01:07:38,770 --> 01:07:42,228 - That won't hurt you. - Well... 979 01:07:42,941 --> 01:07:45,808 You look like the den mother. How about you, Miss Fellowes? 980 01:07:45,977 --> 01:07:49,378 Thank you, we'll just sit here and wait until lunch is ready. 981 01:07:49,581 --> 01:07:51,481 Miss Fellowes, honey. 982 01:07:51,649 --> 01:07:53,173 I know you got a beef or two. 983 01:07:53,418 --> 01:07:56,649 But why don't you just relax with a little complimentary rum-coco? 984 01:07:56,821 --> 01:08:00,552 Save them for your friend, Mr. Shannon. I don't imbibe. 985 01:08:00,725 --> 01:08:02,716 Then how about a little pot? 986 01:08:02,894 --> 01:08:04,759 I don't usually serve it to my guests... 987 01:08:04,929 --> 01:08:07,159 ...but you look like you need something special. 988 01:08:13,605 --> 01:08:15,197 May I see? 989 01:08:15,573 --> 01:08:18,303 I'm just a quick sketch artist, Mr. Shannon. 990 01:08:18,476 --> 01:08:20,501 Not very talented. 991 01:08:21,446 --> 01:08:23,107 Are my eyes as wild as this? 992 01:08:23,281 --> 01:08:24,680 Yes, they are, Mr. Shannon. 993 01:08:24,849 --> 01:08:26,476 I have fever. 994 01:08:26,651 --> 01:08:29,484 - What gives with you two? - What do you mean, what gives? 995 01:08:29,654 --> 01:08:31,747 I mean, am I butting in here? Is three a crowd? 996 01:08:31,923 --> 01:08:34,118 No, indeed, not a bit. 997 01:08:34,359 --> 01:08:36,793 What are you covering up there? Let me see. 998 01:08:37,996 --> 01:08:40,658 What are you drawing him for? He's broker than you are. 999 01:08:41,299 --> 01:08:43,290 Perhaps you'd like to keep it, Mrs. Faulk. 1000 01:08:43,468 --> 01:08:46,562 Thanks a hell of a lot, honey, but one of him is enough. 1001 01:08:46,738 --> 01:08:49,730 - Who wants a drink? - Nothing for me, thank you. 1002 01:08:49,907 --> 01:08:52,375 Just as well. You're in to me for the rooms and meals. 1003 01:08:52,543 --> 01:08:54,738 - A little whiskey makes no difference. - Lay off. 1004 01:08:55,179 --> 01:08:57,739 And you go to hell, why don't you! 1005 01:09:05,023 --> 01:09:06,923 Mr. Shannon, Mrs. Faulk. 1006 01:09:07,091 --> 01:09:11,221 This is childish. Stop it at once. It's disgraceful! 1007 01:09:12,530 --> 01:09:14,464 It's disgraceful. 1008 01:09:17,702 --> 01:09:20,933 - Mrs. Faulk, you must realize... - I realize you're a deadbeat. 1009 01:09:21,105 --> 01:09:23,005 Using that dying old man as a front... 1010 01:09:23,174 --> 01:09:26,405 ...to get you into places when you ain't got cash for one day in advance. 1011 01:09:26,778 --> 01:09:28,939 You're dragging him around like a Chinese beggar... 1012 01:09:29,113 --> 01:09:32,549 ...dragging around crippled children to put the touch on the tourists. 1013 01:09:32,717 --> 01:09:34,446 I shall go into town. 1014 01:09:34,619 --> 01:09:36,814 And I shall set up my easel in the plaza... 1015 01:09:36,988 --> 01:09:39,752 ...and I shall peddle my watercolors, and sketch tourists. 1016 01:09:39,924 --> 01:09:42,119 I am not a weak person, Mrs. Faulk. 1017 01:09:42,293 --> 01:09:44,318 My failure here is not typical of me. 1018 01:09:44,495 --> 01:09:46,929 - I'm not a weak person either, honey. - Oh, no, indeed. 1019 01:09:47,098 --> 01:09:49,566 - Your strength is awe-inspiring. - You bet your... 1020 01:09:53,971 --> 01:09:56,462 How you going into town, when you ain't got cab fare? 1021 01:09:56,941 --> 01:09:59,068 I shall go on shanks' mare, Mrs. Faulk. 1022 01:09:59,243 --> 01:10:02,371 I'm Nantucket born and bred. Islanders are good walkers. 1023 01:10:02,547 --> 01:10:03,844 I shall pack our things. 1024 01:10:04,015 --> 01:10:06,381 And I shall put my grandfather into his wheelchair... 1025 01:10:06,551 --> 01:10:09,714 ...and push him back down this hill to the road, all the way into town. 1026 01:10:09,887 --> 01:10:12,447 He would prefer that to staying where he is not wanted. 1027 01:10:12,790 --> 01:10:15,884 And I would prefer it for him and for myself, Mrs. Faulk. 1028 01:10:16,060 --> 01:10:17,288 All right, calm down. 1029 01:10:17,462 --> 01:10:19,896 - I am perfectly calm, Mrs. Faulk. - Well, I'm not. 1030 01:10:20,064 --> 01:10:22,589 That's the trouble. The trouble is Shannon. 1031 01:10:22,767 --> 01:10:25,395 - I caught the vibrations between you two. - Mrs. Faulk. 1032 01:10:25,570 --> 01:10:28,300 I'm a New England spinster who is pushing 40. 1033 01:10:28,473 --> 01:10:30,373 Well, who the hell isn't? 1034 01:10:30,541 --> 01:10:32,668 I'm good at catching vibrations. 1035 01:10:32,844 --> 01:10:37,110 And there were vibrations between you, mutual vibrations, the minute you got here. 1036 01:10:37,281 --> 01:10:40,182 And just that, believe me, is enough to put me in a lather. 1037 01:10:40,351 --> 01:10:41,841 And don't ask me why. Look at him. 1038 01:10:42,019 --> 01:10:44,078 Broke, spooked, as good as fired. 1039 01:10:44,655 --> 01:10:47,852 Those are only his circumstances, Mrs. Faulk... 1040 01:10:48,025 --> 01:10:50,858 ...not the man himself. - Well, anyhow. 1041 01:10:51,028 --> 01:10:52,427 Forget what I said, honey. 1042 01:10:52,597 --> 01:10:55,430 I wasn't sore at you, I was sore at Shannon. 1043 01:10:55,600 --> 01:10:59,263 And still the ripe fruit and the branch 1044 01:10:59,437 --> 01:11:03,203 - Observe the sky begin to blanch - I'll fix old Gramps a toddy. 1045 01:11:03,374 --> 01:11:05,740 - Old folks need it, need a toddy. - Without a cry... 1046 01:11:05,910 --> 01:11:07,605 That's very kind of you. 1047 01:11:07,779 --> 01:11:10,077 I'll make him a Manhattan with two cherries in it. 1048 01:11:10,248 --> 01:11:11,977 So he'll live through lunch. 1049 01:11:12,150 --> 01:11:13,515 Charlotte. 1050 01:11:13,684 --> 01:11:16,209 - Charlotte! - What's eating her now? 1051 01:11:16,521 --> 01:11:19,513 Charlotte. Girls! Charlotte! 1052 01:11:19,690 --> 01:11:21,658 What's the trouble now, Miss Fellowes? 1053 01:11:21,826 --> 01:11:23,418 Charlotte. Have you seen her? 1054 01:11:23,594 --> 01:11:26,154 She's disappeared. Charlotte. 1055 01:11:26,330 --> 01:11:28,195 - Charlotte! - Charlotte. 1056 01:11:38,810 --> 01:11:40,835 - Charlotte. - Now be calm, Miss Fellowes. 1057 01:11:41,012 --> 01:11:42,707 Tell us quietly what has happened. 1058 01:11:42,880 --> 01:11:47,340 She didn't come to luncheon. Her room was empty, and she's not in my room. 1059 01:11:47,518 --> 01:11:50,009 I don't know what's happened. She doesn't answer. 1060 01:11:50,188 --> 01:11:52,088 - Let's find her. Charlotte. - Charlotte. 1061 01:11:52,256 --> 01:11:55,225 Charlotte. 1062 01:12:35,867 --> 01:12:38,233 - More. - No more. 1063 01:12:38,402 --> 01:12:40,302 No more, I say. Stop it. 1064 01:12:40,471 --> 01:12:42,769 - Señorita, go home. - I have no home. 1065 01:12:42,940 --> 01:12:44,237 Go home, I say. 1066 01:12:44,408 --> 01:12:46,842 Take your dollars with you. I'm a rich man. 1067 01:12:47,011 --> 01:12:51,380 I do not want your dollars. I do not want you dancing to my music. 1068 01:12:51,549 --> 01:12:53,210 - More music. - No more music. 1069 01:12:53,384 --> 01:12:56,717 Señorita, we do not want our sons to know that young girls can be like you. 1070 01:12:59,657 --> 01:13:03,593 I won't go back up there. Put me down. Let me go! 1071 01:13:19,677 --> 01:13:21,770 Attaboy, Hank. Give it to them! 1072 01:13:24,282 --> 01:13:25,840 Hit them. 1073 01:13:27,351 --> 01:13:28,909 Knock them down. 1074 01:13:29,654 --> 01:13:31,986 Attaboy, hit them. 1075 01:13:32,823 --> 01:13:34,256 Yeah, hit them again. 1076 01:13:35,526 --> 01:13:38,222 Yeah, give it to them, Hank. 1077 01:13:41,599 --> 01:13:43,464 Come on, hit them. 1078 01:13:47,104 --> 01:13:49,129 Come on, Hank. 1079 01:13:49,307 --> 01:13:51,537 Knock them down! Knock them out! 1080 01:13:51,709 --> 01:13:54,644 Yeah, come on, Hank, give it to them. 1081 01:13:59,617 --> 01:14:01,710 Come on, Hank! 1082 01:14:18,636 --> 01:14:22,663 Oh, Hank, you saved me. You're so brave. 1083 01:14:22,840 --> 01:14:26,799 My hero. Oh, Hank, take me home. 1084 01:14:26,978 --> 01:14:29,742 I mean home. I'll tell Daddy it was you who saved me. 1085 01:14:29,914 --> 01:14:33,850 Daddy, he loves me. He'll do anything to thank you. 1086 01:14:36,520 --> 01:14:39,421 I wonder if any of you ladies would be interested in seeing... 1087 01:14:39,590 --> 01:14:41,080 ...some samples of my work? 1088 01:14:41,258 --> 01:14:42,657 This one is entitled: 1089 01:14:42,860 --> 01:14:45,328 Moonlight Recollected by Daylight. 1090 01:14:45,496 --> 01:14:50,433 And here, here is a character sketch that I did in less than five minutes. 1091 01:14:50,601 --> 01:14:55,095 The queen, when she was Princess Elizabeth, on a tour of Africa years ago. 1092 01:14:55,306 --> 01:14:57,001 I couldn't get very close, of course. 1093 01:14:57,174 --> 01:14:59,369 - I had to use field glasses. - No, thank you. 1094 01:14:59,543 --> 01:15:04,708 Love's an old remembered song A drunken fiddler plays 1095 01:15:04,882 --> 01:15:08,477 Stumbling crazily along Crooked alleyways 1096 01:15:08,653 --> 01:15:12,521 - Not now, Nonno. - When his heart is mad with music 1097 01:15:12,690 --> 01:15:15,887 - He will play the... - Nonno, please. 1098 01:15:19,730 --> 01:15:22,858 He thinks that someone called for a recitation of one of his poems. 1099 01:15:23,034 --> 01:15:24,365 Don't you worry, honey. 1100 01:15:24,535 --> 01:15:27,129 In this crowd, old Gramps is the life of the party. 1101 01:15:27,304 --> 01:15:29,465 Gramps, honey, here. 1102 01:15:29,707 --> 01:15:31,607 Finish your toddy. 1103 01:15:33,377 --> 01:15:35,845 I don't care what anybody says. 1104 01:15:36,013 --> 01:15:37,571 This fish is delicious. 1105 01:15:37,915 --> 01:15:40,543 Swing it this way. I could handle another helping. 1106 01:15:42,820 --> 01:15:45,653 And no funny stuff. Keep those dukes on the platter. 1107 01:15:51,228 --> 01:15:52,525 What did he say? 1108 01:15:52,697 --> 01:15:56,758 He says you're a hell of a man in action against a fish... 1109 01:15:56,934 --> 01:15:59,095 ...if it's a dead fish. 1110 01:16:05,109 --> 01:16:07,100 Very funny. 1111 01:16:07,912 --> 01:16:11,177 Daddy always says the only difference between a success and a failure... 1112 01:16:11,348 --> 01:16:15,079 ...is that a success knows an opportunity when he sees it, and a failure doesn't. 1113 01:16:15,252 --> 01:16:17,686 Well, don't worry about me recognizing an opportunity. 1114 01:16:17,855 --> 01:16:21,256 Oh, Hank. When I tell Daddy, he'll be so proud of you. 1115 01:16:21,425 --> 01:16:23,723 Hannah? What was the take? 1116 01:16:23,894 --> 01:16:26,590 Grandfather, please stop shouting. 1117 01:16:26,764 --> 01:16:29,824 Did they cross your palm with silver or paper, Hannah? 1118 01:16:30,000 --> 01:16:33,458 Nonno, no more shouting, we're having lunch. 1119 01:16:33,637 --> 01:16:34,934 Chow time, Gramps. 1120 01:16:35,106 --> 01:16:37,267 How much did they come across with? 1121 01:16:37,641 --> 01:16:39,302 He won't stop shouting. 1122 01:16:39,910 --> 01:16:42,242 Gramps. Five dollars. 1123 01:16:42,413 --> 01:16:44,142 I'm putting it in your pocket. 1124 01:16:44,415 --> 01:16:46,508 We can't accept gratuities, Mr. Shannon. 1125 01:16:46,684 --> 01:16:49,016 Oh, hell, it was only pesos. 1126 01:16:49,286 --> 01:16:51,880 Yeah, we're going to clean up in this place. 1127 01:16:52,056 --> 01:16:54,524 You bet we're going to clean up here, Gramps. 1128 01:16:54,892 --> 01:16:58,020 If there's a cocktail lounge, we ought to work that first. 1129 01:16:58,195 --> 01:17:00,663 Strike while the iron is hot. 1130 01:17:00,898 --> 01:17:02,525 While it's hot. 1131 01:17:02,700 --> 01:17:04,361 Hello? 1132 01:17:04,535 --> 01:17:06,230 Hello? 1133 01:17:07,371 --> 01:17:09,464 Speaking. 1134 01:17:10,074 --> 01:17:12,099 Anything I can do for you? 1135 01:17:13,010 --> 01:17:14,773 Who? 1136 01:17:15,646 --> 01:17:16,908 Shannon. 1137 01:17:17,081 --> 01:17:20,608 You're wanted on the blower. El Paso. Person-to-person. 1138 01:17:21,852 --> 01:17:24,343 This is the moment you've awaited, Miss Fellowes. 1139 01:17:24,522 --> 01:17:28,117 That will be my esteemed, but not by me, employer. 1140 01:17:28,292 --> 01:17:32,228 I will now demonstrate to you how a man of integrity brings an almost... 1141 01:17:32,396 --> 01:17:36,890 ...insoluble situation to a triumphant conclusion. 1142 01:17:54,451 --> 01:17:57,682 The Reverend T. Lawrence Shannon speaking. 1143 01:17:59,590 --> 01:18:02,957 Well, Mr. Blake, how are you? Nice of you to call. 1144 01:18:03,127 --> 01:18:06,722 Wish you were down here with us. The air's like spring wine down here... 1145 01:18:06,897 --> 01:18:08,524 ...at this time of year. 1146 01:18:08,699 --> 01:18:11,964 What do you mean, on the sauce? You know me better than that, Mr. Blake. 1147 01:18:13,604 --> 01:18:16,038 I don't care what any judge in Corpus Christi says. 1148 01:18:16,207 --> 01:18:20,337 You know and I know that I am a regularly ordained minister of the gospel. 1149 01:18:20,511 --> 01:18:24,880 - Shannon, you're fired as of right now. - Now, wait a minute, you big fat zero. 1150 01:18:25,049 --> 01:18:26,482 Let me tell you something. 1151 01:18:26,650 --> 01:18:29,710 A tour conductor is like the captain of a ship. 1152 01:18:29,887 --> 01:18:33,288 Once the bus leaves the terminal he is in sole command. 1153 01:18:33,457 --> 01:18:35,584 And let me assure you... 1154 01:18:35,759 --> 01:18:38,057 ...that Shannon runs a taut bus. 1155 01:18:38,362 --> 01:18:40,887 A very taut bus. I've taken it past... 1156 01:18:41,065 --> 01:18:43,932 ...deadly shoals and all the perils of the deep. 1157 01:18:44,101 --> 01:18:47,901 Figuratively speaking, of course. And I remain in command. 1158 01:18:48,205 --> 01:18:52,141 I have here in my pocket the symbol of my command. 1159 01:18:52,309 --> 01:18:54,174 Right here, in my pocket. 1160 01:18:54,345 --> 01:18:57,746 You cannot fire a man who has the distributor head. 1161 01:18:57,915 --> 01:19:00,008 Shannon can fire Blake's Tours... 1162 01:19:00,184 --> 01:19:02,812 ...but Blake's Tours cannot fire Shannon. 1163 01:19:02,987 --> 01:19:06,252 - This tour will end in peace and unity. - You're fired, Shannon! 1164 01:19:06,423 --> 01:19:09,551 Shannon will emerge triumphant. 1165 01:19:12,429 --> 01:19:15,887 Well, Hank, aren't you proud of me? As a member of my crew... 1166 01:19:16,066 --> 01:19:18,000 ...aren't you proud of me? 1167 01:19:18,168 --> 01:19:23,196 Hank, you know that... That shiner gives you character, Hank. 1168 01:19:23,374 --> 01:19:25,308 Hey, lay off, you big baboon. 1169 01:19:25,476 --> 01:19:27,967 I got it. I got it, I got it. I got it! 1170 01:19:28,145 --> 01:19:30,375 That's to show how I hate you. 1171 01:19:30,547 --> 01:19:32,742 I hate you. 1172 01:19:32,917 --> 01:19:37,081 Foe. I thought you were my friend and you turned out to be my foe. Foe. 1173 01:19:37,254 --> 01:19:39,745 You're all through, Reverend. You've had it. 1174 01:19:39,957 --> 01:19:42,016 Relax, baby. The party's over. 1175 01:19:42,192 --> 01:19:43,784 Okay, folks, let's get cracking. 1176 01:19:43,961 --> 01:19:46,555 Get your duds together, we're ready to blow this goat shed. 1177 01:19:46,730 --> 01:19:48,789 - Goat shed? - Come on, I'll help you get packed. 1178 01:19:48,966 --> 01:19:51,992 You got rooms in Puerto Vallarta. I'll have you there in 20 minutes. 1179 01:19:52,169 --> 01:19:55,366 From now on, this tour is gonna be conducted like a respectable tour. 1180 01:19:55,539 --> 01:19:58,167 Respectable? Why these ladies have had, some of them... 1181 01:19:58,342 --> 01:20:02,005 ...most of them, if not all of them, for the first time in their lives... 1182 01:20:02,179 --> 01:20:05,808 ...contact, social contact, with a gentleman born and bred... 1183 01:20:05,983 --> 01:20:08,952 ...whom under no other circumstances could they possibly have met. 1184 01:20:09,119 --> 01:20:11,451 The son of a clergyman and the grandson of two bishops. 1185 01:20:11,622 --> 01:20:12,987 Churchmen on both sides of the family. 1186 01:20:17,795 --> 01:20:20,093 - How's old Gramps doing? - He's sleeping just now. 1187 01:20:20,264 --> 01:20:22,198 Through that riot? 1188 01:20:23,300 --> 01:20:25,666 Will Mr. Shannon be all right, do you think? 1189 01:20:25,836 --> 01:20:28,566 All right? Honey, I don't know. 1190 01:20:28,739 --> 01:20:33,142 He cracks up like this so regular, you can set a calendar by it. 1191 01:20:33,310 --> 01:20:34,777 About twice a year. 1192 01:20:34,945 --> 01:20:36,970 He's done it twice down here. 1193 01:20:37,147 --> 01:20:40,207 Fred used to say it had something to do with the moon. 1194 01:20:41,118 --> 01:20:44,281 I sure wish old Fred was here right now. 1195 01:20:45,756 --> 01:20:47,656 Oh, my God! 1196 01:20:47,825 --> 01:20:50,385 - What is it, Mrs. Faulk? - Honey, I advise you not to look. 1197 01:20:50,561 --> 01:20:54,088 Just take my word for it. Old Shannon is out-Shannoning Shannon. 1198 01:20:56,633 --> 01:21:01,036 Shannon, you beast. You beast. You, you... You unutterable beast! 1199 01:21:02,039 --> 01:21:04,234 Did you see what he did? 1200 01:21:04,408 --> 01:21:08,344 All right, ladies, now keep calm. Keep calm, ladies. Just follow me. 1201 01:21:09,213 --> 01:21:11,113 Follow me down the hill. 1202 01:21:11,715 --> 01:21:13,706 Make sure you get my bag. 1203 01:21:20,391 --> 01:21:22,450 Shannon. 1204 01:21:23,127 --> 01:21:26,460 You've avenged yourself for all time on Miss Fellowes' suitcase. 1205 01:21:26,630 --> 01:21:29,793 I've heard of a dog cocking his leg. 1206 01:21:31,068 --> 01:21:33,332 Why don't you buzz off on your broomstick? 1207 01:21:33,504 --> 01:21:35,472 I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to him. 1208 01:21:35,806 --> 01:21:38,969 I'm going to have you blacklisted in every travel agency in America. 1209 01:21:39,309 --> 01:21:43,609 What about Africa, Tasmania, Bechuanaland, Tonmawr? 1210 01:21:43,781 --> 01:21:45,681 Please, Miss Fellowes, leave him alone. 1211 01:21:45,849 --> 01:21:48,943 As soon as I get back, I'm gonna swear out a warrant for your arrest. 1212 01:21:49,319 --> 01:21:52,720 Molesting a minor, kidnapping, malicious damage to private property. 1213 01:21:52,890 --> 01:21:54,289 Indecent exposure. 1214 01:21:54,458 --> 01:21:57,985 What subject do you teach back in that college of yours, honey? 1215 01:21:58,162 --> 01:22:02,189 - Voice, if that's got anything to do with it. - Well, geography's my specialty. 1216 01:22:02,366 --> 01:22:04,425 Did you know that if it wasn't for the dykes... 1217 01:22:04,601 --> 01:22:07,126 ...the plains of Texas would be engulfed by the Gulf? 1218 01:22:07,304 --> 01:22:08,532 Maxine. 1219 01:22:08,705 --> 01:22:10,570 Let's level a while, butch, old gal. 1220 01:22:10,741 --> 01:22:13,175 Do you know what you're sore about, really sore about? 1221 01:22:13,343 --> 01:22:17,074 That little quail of yours has a natural preference for men instead of... 1222 01:22:17,247 --> 01:22:18,612 Maxine! 1223 01:22:22,019 --> 01:22:23,316 What is she talking about? 1224 01:22:24,088 --> 01:22:27,114 You'd better go now, Miss Fellowes. The party's over. 1225 01:22:27,291 --> 01:22:29,555 Right now, I'm no longer in a position to... 1226 01:22:29,726 --> 01:22:32,695 ...discharge my responsibility of protecting you. 1227 01:22:32,863 --> 01:22:36,321 Responsibility from which you discharged me. 1228 01:22:36,633 --> 01:22:38,328 Just go, Miss Fellowes. 1229 01:22:38,502 --> 01:22:40,129 Just go. 1230 01:22:48,112 --> 01:22:51,411 What did you shut me up for? It's time somebody told that old dame off. 1231 01:22:52,249 --> 01:22:53,978 Miss Fellowes is a highly moral person. 1232 01:22:54,151 --> 01:22:57,643 And if she ever recognized the truth about herself, it would destroy her. 1233 01:22:58,122 --> 01:23:00,818 Well, she's done a pretty good job of destroying you. 1234 01:23:01,225 --> 01:23:02,852 Maxine. 1235 01:23:03,160 --> 01:23:07,221 Don't rob me of the credit for my own small accomplishments. 1236 01:23:10,434 --> 01:23:14,336 Jehoshaphat, the bill! They haven't paid the cotton-picking bill! 1237 01:23:15,906 --> 01:23:18,568 All right, ladies, take your seats, we'll be out of here. 1238 01:23:18,742 --> 01:23:22,371 I don't know, I kind of hate to leave this nice place. 1239 01:23:22,546 --> 01:23:24,309 Peebie. 1240 01:23:25,482 --> 01:23:28,178 - Charlotte, you get in next. - Climb in, Miss Fellowes. 1241 01:23:28,352 --> 01:23:30,479 Charlotte's sitting up front with me. 1242 01:23:32,489 --> 01:23:34,013 Hey! 1243 01:23:34,191 --> 01:23:35,749 Just a flipping minute. 1244 01:23:35,926 --> 01:23:38,622 - What is it now? - 300 pesos, that's what it is now. 1245 01:23:38,795 --> 01:23:41,093 - Twenty-four dollars. - What about my suitcase? 1246 01:23:41,265 --> 01:23:43,699 Miss Fellowes, honey, you ain't gonna blame that on me. 1247 01:23:43,867 --> 01:23:46,927 I blame your tout that brought us here. Collect the money from him. 1248 01:23:47,104 --> 01:23:51,063 Miss Fellowes, you've been doing a lot of complaining about the food on this trip. 1249 01:23:51,241 --> 01:23:54,108 You figure you're gonna do any better in a Mexican jail? 1250 01:23:55,612 --> 01:23:59,139 - Attagirl. - One, two, three. 1251 01:24:00,317 --> 01:24:03,514 And watch out for the fleas at the Ambos Mundos. 1252 01:24:03,687 --> 01:24:06,679 All you have to do is sponge down with a little kerosene. 1253 01:24:06,857 --> 01:24:10,918 The manager keeps a big supply right in the lobby. 1254 01:24:11,828 --> 01:24:14,797 There go your ladies, Mr. Shannon. 1255 01:24:17,301 --> 01:24:19,963 The spook's triumphant. 1256 01:24:20,370 --> 01:24:22,497 He's won his point. 1257 01:24:22,973 --> 01:24:25,999 He's proved there's no place for Shannon... 1258 01:24:26,176 --> 01:24:28,610 ...on the realistic level. 1259 01:24:29,079 --> 01:24:33,140 The last thin thread that bound him there... 1260 01:24:33,317 --> 01:24:35,217 ...is broken. 1261 01:24:36,053 --> 01:24:37,987 Now, Lord... 1262 01:24:38,222 --> 01:24:40,349 ...letteth thy servant... 1263 01:24:40,524 --> 01:24:42,958 ...depart in peace. 1264 01:24:43,126 --> 01:24:46,653 Mr. Shannon, stop that. You're cutting yourself doing that. 1265 01:24:46,830 --> 01:24:48,354 Here. Please. Let me help. 1266 01:24:48,532 --> 01:24:51,467 - Let me take it off. - I've got to break the chain. 1267 01:24:51,635 --> 01:24:54,604 No, no, no. Now, wait. Wait. 1268 01:24:55,239 --> 01:24:57,173 There. 1269 01:24:57,341 --> 01:24:58,899 There, I have it. 1270 01:24:59,076 --> 01:25:00,304 Thank you. 1271 01:25:00,477 --> 01:25:03,275 It's yours. You keep it. 1272 01:25:03,513 --> 01:25:05,242 Where are you going? 1273 01:25:05,415 --> 01:25:08,509 The long swim. To China. 1274 01:25:11,421 --> 01:25:13,946 Mrs. Faulk, stop him. 1275 01:25:15,192 --> 01:25:16,989 Mrs. Faulk. 1276 01:25:18,095 --> 01:25:19,960 Mrs. Faulk, stop him. 1277 01:25:20,130 --> 01:25:23,156 You must stop him. Please stop him. 1278 01:25:52,562 --> 01:25:54,052 Knock him out if you have to. 1279 01:25:54,431 --> 01:25:55,762 Hang one on him. 1280 01:26:13,183 --> 01:26:14,411 Baby. 1281 01:26:14,584 --> 01:26:16,552 You've got the daddy of all spooks. 1282 01:26:16,720 --> 01:26:18,449 This is a blue plate special. 1283 01:26:18,622 --> 01:26:22,285 - Let me out of here! - You lie doggone now. Quiet down. 1284 01:26:22,459 --> 01:26:25,121 You know and I know that half this show you're putting on... 1285 01:26:25,295 --> 01:26:27,957 ...is playacting. Only trouble is, sharks don't know that. 1286 01:26:28,131 --> 01:26:29,962 Let me loose. 1287 01:26:30,133 --> 01:26:34,433 Honey, you scared me out of seven years' growth tonight, you ain't gonna do it again. 1288 01:26:34,604 --> 01:26:35,935 Mrs. Faulk? 1289 01:26:36,139 --> 01:26:39,233 I wonder if you'd mind making a pot of this tea? 1290 01:26:39,409 --> 01:26:42,469 Miss Jelkes, does this strike you as the right time for a tea party? 1291 01:26:42,646 --> 01:26:46,309 But this isn't ordinary tea. It's poppy seed tea. It has a very calming effect. 1292 01:26:46,483 --> 01:26:47,575 Let me go! 1293 01:26:48,518 --> 01:26:51,487 - Tea, it's a hell of a solution. - Please believe me, Mrs. Faulk. 1294 01:26:51,655 --> 01:26:54,522 I've had experience of someone in Mr. Shannon's condition. 1295 01:26:54,691 --> 01:26:57,285 And I do know whereof I speak. 1296 01:26:58,295 --> 01:26:59,990 Untie me! 1297 01:27:02,866 --> 01:27:06,233 Poppy seed makes a mild sedative drink... 1298 01:27:06,403 --> 01:27:10,669 ...that helps you get through nights that are hard for you to get through. 1299 01:27:11,708 --> 01:27:13,903 We could all use some tonight. 1300 01:27:14,077 --> 01:27:15,408 Because for all of us... 1301 01:27:15,579 --> 01:27:19,037 ...you, me, my grandfather... 1302 01:27:19,216 --> 01:27:21,207 ...this won't be an easy night to get through. 1303 01:27:21,385 --> 01:27:24,081 Without a cry, without a prayer 1304 01:27:24,254 --> 01:27:27,417 - With no betrayal of despair - Untie me. 1305 01:27:27,591 --> 01:27:29,491 - Not yet. - I'm panicking. 1306 01:27:29,659 --> 01:27:31,422 - I know. - A man can die of panic. 1307 01:27:31,595 --> 01:27:34,462 Not when he enjoys it as much as you do, Mr. Shannon. 1308 01:27:34,631 --> 01:27:36,258 What do you mean by that insult? 1309 01:27:36,433 --> 01:27:40,494 You think I like being tied in this hammock, trussed up like a hog in a slaughterhouse? 1310 01:27:40,670 --> 01:27:44,936 No, who wouldn't like to atone for the sins of themselves... 1311 01:27:45,108 --> 01:27:48,544 ...and the world if it could be done in a hammock with ropes... 1312 01:27:48,712 --> 01:27:51,704 ...instead of on a cross with nails? 1313 01:27:51,882 --> 01:27:54,146 On a green hilltop... 1314 01:27:54,351 --> 01:27:58,651 ...instead of on Golgotha, the place of the skulls. 1315 01:27:59,089 --> 01:28:01,785 Isn't that a comparatively comfortable... 1316 01:28:01,958 --> 01:28:07,328 ...almost voluptuous crucifixion to suffer for the sins of the world, Mr. Shannon? 1317 01:28:07,497 --> 01:28:10,330 - Why have you turned against me? - I haven't turned against you. 1318 01:28:10,500 --> 01:28:13,298 Thought you were sexless, but you've suddenly turned into a woman. 1319 01:28:13,470 --> 01:28:14,630 You know how I know that? 1320 01:28:14,805 --> 01:28:18,263 Because you, not me, are taking pleasure in my being tied up. 1321 01:28:18,442 --> 01:28:20,672 All women, whether they want to face it or not... 1322 01:28:20,844 --> 01:28:22,971 ...want to see a man in a tied-up situation. 1323 01:28:23,146 --> 01:28:27,139 They spend their lives trying to get a man into a tied-up situation. 1324 01:28:27,317 --> 01:28:30,252 Their lives are fulfilled when they get as many men as they can... 1325 01:28:30,420 --> 01:28:32,354 ...into a tied-up situation. 1326 01:28:32,522 --> 01:28:35,958 I'd like to untie you right now, but I can't. 1327 01:28:36,126 --> 01:28:37,718 You believe in people being tied up? 1328 01:28:37,894 --> 01:28:41,830 Only when they might take the long swim to China. 1329 01:28:43,333 --> 01:28:45,961 The long swim to China... 1330 01:28:46,136 --> 01:28:47,535 Shannon! 1331 01:28:47,704 --> 01:28:49,137 - Oh, yeah. - Stop. 1332 01:28:49,306 --> 01:28:51,968 Stop it. Stop it, Shannon. 1333 01:28:52,175 --> 01:28:54,643 I'm gonna call Dr. Lopez. 1334 01:28:54,811 --> 01:28:58,076 And I'm gonna have you carted off to the Casa de Locos. 1335 01:28:58,248 --> 01:29:00,682 - And you'll be put in a cell, alone! - Off, off! 1336 01:29:00,851 --> 01:29:03,115 With hay on the floor and a bucket. And that's all! 1337 01:29:03,286 --> 01:29:04,651 Off! Off! Off! 1338 01:29:04,821 --> 01:29:06,152 Off! 1339 01:29:06,323 --> 01:29:09,190 - Here, Mr. Shannon, drink this. - Untie me! 1340 01:29:09,359 --> 01:29:12,123 You can holler and howl to your heart's content... 1341 01:29:12,295 --> 01:29:14,695 ...in the Casa de Locos. All day and all night. 1342 01:29:14,865 --> 01:29:18,665 I'm a citizen with inalienable rights. Get me the consul. I demand to see the consul! 1343 01:29:18,835 --> 01:29:21,668 Please, Mr. Shannon, drink this poppy seed tea. 1344 01:29:21,838 --> 01:29:24,398 How can I with the widow Faulk sitting on me? 1345 01:29:24,574 --> 01:29:27,304 Here, give me that tea. I made it. I'll give it to him. 1346 01:29:27,477 --> 01:29:29,707 Drink this, you buzzard! 1347 01:29:30,614 --> 01:29:32,673 It's scalding. 1348 01:29:32,849 --> 01:29:35,374 Thank you, Maxine. That's all I needed. 1349 01:29:35,552 --> 01:29:37,349 To have my mouth burned raw. 1350 01:29:37,521 --> 01:29:40,684 Now, if you could put some splinters of bamboo under my fingernails... 1351 01:29:40,857 --> 01:29:45,021 ...and have my eyelids cut off... - Mrs. Faulk, let me. 1352 01:29:45,328 --> 01:29:46,625 Okay, honey. 1353 01:29:46,796 --> 01:29:48,627 You take over completely. 1354 01:29:48,798 --> 01:29:50,459 He's entirely yours. 1355 01:29:50,634 --> 01:29:52,761 May I make a further suggestion, Maxine? 1356 01:29:52,936 --> 01:29:55,598 Why don't you go moonlight bathing with your beach boys. 1357 01:29:55,772 --> 01:30:00,573 Don't let my presence stop you, any more than old Fred's presence used to stop you. 1358 01:30:01,144 --> 01:30:03,544 You bastard! 1359 01:30:04,281 --> 01:30:05,612 Pepe. 1360 01:30:05,782 --> 01:30:07,613 Pedro. 1361 01:30:08,919 --> 01:30:11,854 You no-good bastard! 1362 01:30:16,393 --> 01:30:18,918 That was cruel, Mr. Shannon. 1363 01:30:19,095 --> 01:30:20,892 Childishly cruel. 1364 01:30:21,064 --> 01:30:25,899 I can't stand for a person I respect to behave like a small, cruel boy. 1365 01:30:26,069 --> 01:30:30,096 Now, what do you respect in me, Miss Thin-Standing-Up-Female-Buddha? 1366 01:30:30,307 --> 01:30:32,867 I respect anybody who has had to... 1367 01:30:33,043 --> 01:30:35,739 ...fight and howl for his decency. 1368 01:30:35,912 --> 01:30:39,109 - What decency? - Yes. His decency. 1369 01:30:39,282 --> 01:30:40,510 And his... 1370 01:30:40,684 --> 01:30:42,345 His bit of goodness. 1371 01:30:42,519 --> 01:30:45,181 Far more than I respect those lucky ones who've... 1372 01:30:45,355 --> 01:30:48,222 ...had theirs handed out to them at birth... 1373 01:30:48,391 --> 01:30:54,296 ...and never afterwards snatched away from them by unbearable torments. 1374 01:30:54,464 --> 01:30:56,864 A chronicle no longer gold 1375 01:30:57,734 --> 01:31:00,669 A bargaining with mist and mold 1376 01:31:00,837 --> 01:31:04,273 Listen to him, saying them over and over. 1377 01:31:04,441 --> 01:31:06,932 The lines of his new poem. 1378 01:31:07,177 --> 01:31:10,635 Like a blind man climbing a staircase that leads nowhere. 1379 01:31:10,814 --> 01:31:12,475 Should you be in there helping him? 1380 01:31:12,649 --> 01:31:16,847 He'll call me when he needs me. Drink this, Mr. Shannon. 1381 01:31:19,689 --> 01:31:22,385 I have no right to ask the question... 1382 01:31:22,559 --> 01:31:26,120 ...but why did you go to such lengths to protect Miss Fellowes... 1383 01:31:26,296 --> 01:31:28,389 ...for whom you have no high regard... 1384 01:31:28,732 --> 01:31:32,998 ...and to equal lengths to hurt Mrs. Faulk, for whom you have? 1385 01:31:33,169 --> 01:31:35,137 Maxine's indestructible. 1386 01:31:35,305 --> 01:31:36,772 Is she? 1387 01:31:36,940 --> 01:31:38,669 Or does she just give that impression? 1388 01:31:38,842 --> 01:31:42,243 The only impression Maxine gives is herself. Maxine's Maxine. 1389 01:31:42,412 --> 01:31:46,542 And I'm a no-good bastard. Lay it to the drink. I'm a bad drunk. 1390 01:31:46,716 --> 01:31:49,549 You were drunk when you came to Miss Fellowes' rescue. 1391 01:31:49,986 --> 01:31:51,578 I got drunker. 1392 01:31:54,457 --> 01:31:57,085 Drink isn't your problem, Mr. Shannon. 1393 01:31:57,260 --> 01:32:00,320 And what is my problem, Miss Jelkes? 1394 01:32:00,497 --> 01:32:02,624 The oldest one in the world. 1395 01:32:02,799 --> 01:32:06,200 The need to believe in someone, or something. 1396 01:32:06,703 --> 01:32:09,604 Almost anyone. Almost anything. 1397 01:32:09,773 --> 01:32:13,072 - Your voice sounds hopeless about it. - Oh, no, I'm not hopeless about it. 1398 01:32:13,243 --> 01:32:16,872 In fact, I've... I've discovered something to believe in. 1399 01:32:17,547 --> 01:32:18,946 What? 1400 01:32:21,518 --> 01:32:24,851 Broken barriers between people. 1401 01:32:25,121 --> 01:32:27,555 A wanting to help each other. 1402 01:32:27,791 --> 01:32:29,418 Through nights like this. 1403 01:32:29,592 --> 01:32:31,617 One-night stands. 1404 01:32:32,495 --> 01:32:37,023 One-night communications between them. 1405 01:32:37,200 --> 01:32:39,134 On a veranda... 1406 01:32:39,302 --> 01:32:42,533 ...outside their separate cubicles. 1407 01:32:44,541 --> 01:32:46,873 You don't mean physically, do you? 1408 01:32:48,344 --> 01:32:50,869 - No. - I didn't think you did. 1409 01:32:51,047 --> 01:32:57,247 An intercourse not well-designed For beings of a golden kind 1410 01:32:57,420 --> 01:33:00,514 Whose native green must arch above 1411 01:33:00,690 --> 01:33:03,989 The earth's obscene, corrupting love 1412 01:33:04,160 --> 01:33:06,287 Is that what you advocate for me? 1413 01:33:06,463 --> 01:33:09,523 Is that what you call a human relationship, you and Grandpa there? 1414 01:33:09,799 --> 01:33:12,962 Yes, Mr. Shannon. Yes. Yes, I do. 1415 01:33:13,136 --> 01:33:16,503 We make a home for each other, my grandfather and I. 1416 01:33:16,673 --> 01:33:19,870 Oh, I don't mean a regular home, because... 1417 01:33:20,043 --> 01:33:22,273 ...I don't regard a home as a... 1418 01:33:22,445 --> 01:33:25,346 As a place, a building... 1419 01:33:25,515 --> 01:33:27,506 ...bricks, wood, stone. 1420 01:33:28,785 --> 01:33:30,650 I think of a home... 1421 01:33:30,820 --> 01:33:34,051 ...as something two people have between them. 1422 01:33:34,224 --> 01:33:35,987 In which each can... 1423 01:33:36,159 --> 01:33:38,855 ...nest, rest... 1424 01:33:39,028 --> 01:33:41,121 ...live in, emotionally speaking. 1425 01:33:41,297 --> 01:33:43,765 Does that make any sense to you, Mr. Shannon? 1426 01:33:43,933 --> 01:33:45,525 Yes, but... 1427 01:33:45,702 --> 01:33:47,397 Well, go on. But what? 1428 01:33:48,605 --> 01:33:51,073 Oh, leave it, I'd only say something to hurt you. 1429 01:33:52,008 --> 01:33:54,067 I'm not thin-skinned, Mr. Shannon. 1430 01:33:54,677 --> 01:33:57,908 Very well. When a bird builds a nest to rest in and live in... 1431 01:33:58,081 --> 01:34:01,517 ...he doesn't build it in a falling-down tree. - I'm not a bird, Mr. Shannon. 1432 01:34:01,684 --> 01:34:05,381 He builds with an eye to the permanence of the location, and for the purpose of... 1433 01:34:05,555 --> 01:34:08,285 ...mating and propagating the species. 1434 01:34:08,458 --> 01:34:12,895 I still say I'm not a bird, Mr. Shannon. I'm a human being. 1435 01:34:13,062 --> 01:34:16,554 And when one of that unique species... 1436 01:34:16,733 --> 01:34:18,792 ...builds its nest in the heart of another... 1437 01:34:18,968 --> 01:34:21,766 ...the questions of permanence and propagation... 1438 01:34:21,938 --> 01:34:25,840 ...aren't the first, or even the last things to be considered. 1439 01:34:26,242 --> 01:34:28,767 What is important... 1440 01:34:28,978 --> 01:34:30,878 ...is that one is never alone. 1441 01:35:20,530 --> 01:35:23,829 You've been asking all the questions, Miss Jelkes. May I ask one of you? 1442 01:35:24,000 --> 01:35:27,060 Ask it. There's no limit on questions here tonight. 1443 01:35:27,237 --> 01:35:28,670 And on answers? 1444 01:35:28,838 --> 01:35:32,604 None that I can think of, Mr. Shannon, between you and me. 1445 01:35:32,775 --> 01:35:35,369 This, then, is the question. 1446 01:35:35,678 --> 01:35:37,873 Have you never in your life had any kind of... 1447 01:35:38,047 --> 01:35:39,742 ...love life? 1448 01:35:41,684 --> 01:35:43,777 Would you mind repeating the question? 1449 01:35:43,953 --> 01:35:49,118 Have you never in your life or travels had any encounter with any experience of... 1450 01:35:49,292 --> 01:35:52,750 ...what Larry the Crackpot would describe as a love life? 1451 01:35:54,664 --> 01:35:57,428 There are worse things than chastity, Mr. Shannon. 1452 01:35:58,001 --> 01:35:59,764 Yes, lunacy and death. 1453 01:35:59,936 --> 01:36:02,427 Well, if you don't want to answer the question... 1454 01:36:02,772 --> 01:36:05,297 No, no, I don't mind answering. 1455 01:36:06,442 --> 01:36:07,841 Yes. 1456 01:36:08,011 --> 01:36:13,210 Yes. I have had two experiences... Well, encounters with. 1457 01:36:13,783 --> 01:36:15,011 Two. 1458 01:36:15,485 --> 01:36:17,578 Yes, I said two. 1459 01:36:19,155 --> 01:36:20,645 When I was 16. 1460 01:36:21,491 --> 01:36:23,220 Sixteen. 1461 01:36:23,993 --> 01:36:25,984 Yes, 16. 1462 01:36:28,898 --> 01:36:31,196 When I was 16... 1463 01:36:31,401 --> 01:36:33,869 ...every Saturday I would go to the Saturday matinee... 1464 01:36:34,037 --> 01:36:36,267 ...at the Nantucket Movie Theater. 1465 01:36:36,439 --> 01:36:40,170 That was soon after my parents were killed in an automobile accident... 1466 01:36:40,343 --> 01:36:42,675 ...and I was very alone. 1467 01:36:43,446 --> 01:36:46,279 Well, one day a young man... 1468 01:36:46,449 --> 01:36:49,509 ...sat down beside me and pushed his knee against mine. 1469 01:36:50,219 --> 01:36:55,282 I moved over but he moved over too, and continued the pressure. 1470 01:36:55,491 --> 01:36:57,550 I jumped up and screamed... 1471 01:36:57,727 --> 01:37:00,924 ...and he was arrested for molesting a minor. 1472 01:37:01,564 --> 01:37:03,532 Is he still in the Nantucket jail? 1473 01:37:04,000 --> 01:37:05,968 No. No, I got him out. 1474 01:37:06,135 --> 01:37:09,002 I told the police it was a Garbo picture. 1475 01:37:09,205 --> 01:37:10,729 It was a Garbo picture. 1476 01:37:11,074 --> 01:37:13,269 And that I was just overexcited. 1477 01:37:13,443 --> 01:37:15,138 And the second? 1478 01:37:16,379 --> 01:37:20,042 The second experience is much more recent. 1479 01:37:20,516 --> 01:37:25,249 Only four years ago, when Nonno and I were in Hong Kong. 1480 01:37:26,522 --> 01:37:27,750 One evening... 1481 01:37:27,924 --> 01:37:31,325 ...in the Palm Court of Cliff Hotel... 1482 01:37:31,494 --> 01:37:34,657 ...we met this middle-aged, sort of... 1483 01:37:34,831 --> 01:37:37,766 ...nondescript Australian salesman. 1484 01:37:37,934 --> 01:37:42,701 You know, plump, bald, spotted, and terribly over-friendly. 1485 01:37:43,406 --> 01:37:46,239 I did a sketch of him that was shamelessly flattering... 1486 01:37:46,409 --> 01:37:48,707 ...for which he paid me more than my usual price. 1487 01:37:48,878 --> 01:37:51,142 Ten Malayan dollars. 1488 01:37:51,547 --> 01:37:56,450 Then, he asked me out in a sampan with him. 1489 01:37:57,053 --> 01:38:00,250 Well, he'd been so generous... 1490 01:38:00,423 --> 01:38:02,288 ...I accepted. 1491 01:38:02,525 --> 01:38:03,958 I did. 1492 01:38:04,127 --> 01:38:05,424 I accepted. 1493 01:38:06,462 --> 01:38:08,987 Grandfather went up to bed. 1494 01:38:09,165 --> 01:38:11,861 And I went out in the sampan... 1495 01:38:12,035 --> 01:38:15,004 ...with the Aussie underwear salesman. 1496 01:38:16,806 --> 01:38:19,798 I noticed he became more and more... 1497 01:38:20,610 --> 01:38:22,043 What? 1498 01:38:22,812 --> 01:38:24,803 Agitated. 1499 01:38:25,681 --> 01:38:28,548 Well, finally, he leant towards me. 1500 01:38:28,718 --> 01:38:31,687 We were vis-à-vis in the sampan. 1501 01:38:31,854 --> 01:38:36,917 And he looked intensely and passionately into my eyes and said: 1502 01:38:37,093 --> 01:38:40,654 "Miss Jelkes, would you do me a favor? 1503 01:38:40,830 --> 01:38:43,321 Would you do something for me?" 1504 01:38:43,766 --> 01:38:45,757 "What?" I asked. 1505 01:38:45,968 --> 01:38:47,868 "Well," he said: 1506 01:38:48,037 --> 01:38:50,232 "If I turn my back... 1507 01:38:50,406 --> 01:38:52,874 ...if I look the other way... 1508 01:38:53,810 --> 01:38:58,747 ...will you take off some piece of your clothing and let me hold it? 1509 01:38:58,915 --> 01:39:00,507 Just hold it." 1510 01:39:01,017 --> 01:39:04,282 And what did you do in this situation? 1511 01:39:04,821 --> 01:39:06,812 I did as he asked. 1512 01:39:07,123 --> 01:39:08,784 And he kept his promise. 1513 01:39:08,958 --> 01:39:12,621 He kept his back turned until I said "Ready"... 1514 01:39:12,929 --> 01:39:15,625 ...and threw him the piece of my clothing. 1515 01:39:17,333 --> 01:39:19,358 But what did he do with it? 1516 01:39:19,769 --> 01:39:22,237 I don't know. I looked the other way. 1517 01:39:23,005 --> 01:39:26,566 - And that experience, you call that a..? - A love experience? 1518 01:39:26,742 --> 01:39:28,209 Yes, I do, Mr. Shannon. 1519 01:39:28,611 --> 01:39:32,547 That sad little, dirty little episode, you call it a... 1520 01:39:32,715 --> 01:39:36,879 Sad, it certainly was for the poor little man. But why do you call it dirty? 1521 01:39:39,322 --> 01:39:42,655 You mean you weren't disgusted by it? 1522 01:39:42,825 --> 01:39:45,988 Nothing human disgusts me, Mr. Shannon. 1523 01:39:46,162 --> 01:39:49,598 Unless it's unkind or violent. 1524 01:39:50,800 --> 01:39:53,132 And I told you how... 1525 01:39:53,402 --> 01:39:55,165 How gentle he was. 1526 01:39:56,105 --> 01:39:59,268 Apologetic, shy. 1527 01:39:59,575 --> 01:40:01,770 And really very... 1528 01:40:02,378 --> 01:40:03,811 ...well... 1529 01:40:04,614 --> 01:40:06,673 ...delicate about it. 1530 01:40:09,018 --> 01:40:14,718 However, I do grant you that it was rather on the fantastic level. 1531 01:40:15,525 --> 01:40:16,822 What are you doing? 1532 01:40:16,993 --> 01:40:18,585 Untying you. 1533 01:40:18,761 --> 01:40:20,729 Why? Why now? 1534 01:40:21,030 --> 01:40:26,400 I think the spook is exorcised, Mr. Shannon. You've ceased to struggle. 1535 01:40:26,569 --> 01:40:31,029 And acceptance of life is surely the first requisite for living it. 1536 01:40:39,549 --> 01:40:43,815 Who was the person you told Maxine you'd helped through a crackup like this? 1537 01:40:44,820 --> 01:40:46,447 Oh, that. 1538 01:40:48,124 --> 01:40:49,853 Myself. 1539 01:40:51,127 --> 01:40:52,992 Oh. Oh, you? 1540 01:40:53,429 --> 01:40:55,158 Oh, yes. 1541 01:40:55,765 --> 01:40:58,791 I had a spook like yours once. 1542 01:40:59,035 --> 01:41:01,833 I just had a different name for him. 1543 01:41:02,238 --> 01:41:05,469 I used to call him the "blue devil." 1544 01:41:05,641 --> 01:41:10,806 - And we had quite a contest between us. - Which you... 1545 01:41:10,980 --> 01:41:12,572 Which you won. 1546 01:41:13,149 --> 01:41:15,743 I couldn't afford to lose. 1547 01:41:16,219 --> 01:41:19,985 How did you..? How did you beat this blue devil of yours? 1548 01:41:20,356 --> 01:41:22,551 I showed him I could endure him. 1549 01:41:22,725 --> 01:41:26,126 - And made him respect my endurance. - How? 1550 01:41:26,862 --> 01:41:29,194 Just by enduring. 1551 01:41:29,365 --> 01:41:32,766 Endurance is something that spooks and blue devils respect. 1552 01:41:32,935 --> 01:41:35,267 And they respect all the tricks... 1553 01:41:35,438 --> 01:41:39,374 ...that panicky people use to outwit and outlast their panic. 1554 01:41:39,542 --> 01:41:42,773 Like taking a few deep, deep breaths? 1555 01:41:42,945 --> 01:41:45,175 Or rum-cocos. 1556 01:41:45,681 --> 01:41:49,139 Or even beach boys. 1557 01:41:49,452 --> 01:41:53,013 Anything. Everything we do to give them the slip. 1558 01:41:53,189 --> 01:41:56,158 So keep on going. 1559 01:41:56,325 --> 01:41:57,815 To where? 1560 01:41:59,829 --> 01:42:02,525 To somewhere like this, perhaps. 1561 01:42:03,699 --> 01:42:07,362 After long and difficult travels... 1562 01:42:07,536 --> 01:42:11,836 ...the subterranean travels that the spooked and bedeviled take... 1563 01:42:12,008 --> 01:42:16,877 ...through the unlighted sides of their own natures until finally... 1564 01:42:17,046 --> 01:42:19,514 ...they see a faint gray light. 1565 01:42:19,682 --> 01:42:22,344 And keep climbing towards it. 1566 01:42:22,785 --> 01:42:25,083 Are you still following that faint gray light? 1567 01:42:25,254 --> 01:42:28,712 Any light is a good light to see by at the end of a long, dark tunnel... 1568 01:42:28,891 --> 01:42:31,519 ...that you thought would be never-ending. 1569 01:42:31,694 --> 01:42:36,063 That only God or death could put a stop to. 1570 01:42:36,232 --> 01:42:38,496 Especially when you... 1571 01:42:39,435 --> 01:42:43,599 Since I was far from sure about God. 1572 01:42:43,806 --> 01:42:45,933 Are you still unsure about him? 1573 01:42:47,343 --> 01:42:50,278 Not as unsure as I was. 1574 01:42:55,184 --> 01:42:57,345 He's still struggling. 1575 01:42:59,422 --> 01:43:02,880 Yes. He's got to the end of his rope. 1576 01:43:03,059 --> 01:43:04,890 And any further, he cannot get. 1577 01:43:05,061 --> 01:43:09,691 Can you honestly tell me that he is not able to feel pain and panic? 1578 01:43:09,865 --> 01:43:14,063 - You mean, he's one of God's creatures? - Yes, if you want to put it that way. 1579 01:43:15,004 --> 01:43:18,496 Mr. Shannon, cut him loose. 1580 01:43:21,010 --> 01:43:22,500 All right. 1581 01:43:22,912 --> 01:43:27,315 We'll play God tonight, like kids play houses with old broken crates and boxes. 1582 01:43:27,483 --> 01:43:30,350 We'll cut the lizard loose so that he can go back to his bushes. 1583 01:43:30,519 --> 01:43:34,319 Because God won't do it and we are playing God here tonight. 1584 01:43:41,063 --> 01:43:42,690 Mr. Shannon. 1585 01:43:52,742 --> 01:43:54,175 I knew you'd do that. 1586 01:44:06,389 --> 01:44:09,017 What the hell are you doing, Shannon? 1587 01:44:13,662 --> 01:44:17,291 I just cut loose one of God's creatures at the end of his rope. 1588 01:44:18,300 --> 01:44:19,995 What for? 1589 01:44:20,336 --> 01:44:23,134 So that one of God's creatures could be free from panic... 1590 01:44:23,305 --> 01:44:27,571 ...and scamper home safe and free. A little act of grace, Maxine. 1591 01:44:28,511 --> 01:44:30,945 Hannah! Hannah! Hannah! Where are you? 1592 01:44:31,113 --> 01:44:33,980 Here, Grandfather. Right here. 1593 01:44:34,150 --> 01:44:39,417 It finished! Quick, before I forget it, pencil and paper. Hurry, please! 1594 01:44:46,529 --> 01:44:49,589 - Ready? - Yes. All ready, Grandfather. 1595 01:44:51,367 --> 01:44:55,201 How calmly does the olive branch 1596 01:44:56,205 --> 01:44:59,663 Observe the sky begin to blanch 1597 01:45:00,342 --> 01:45:03,470 Without a cry, without a prayer 1598 01:45:04,113 --> 01:45:07,173 With no betrayal of despair 1599 01:45:08,250 --> 01:45:13,187 Some time while night obscures the tree 1600 01:45:13,756 --> 01:45:17,123 The zenith of its life will be 1601 01:45:17,293 --> 01:45:20,091 Gone past forever 1602 01:45:20,863 --> 01:45:23,127 And from thence 1603 01:45:23,766 --> 01:45:27,702 A second history will commence 1604 01:45:28,671 --> 01:45:31,970 A chronicle no longer gold 1605 01:45:32,341 --> 01:45:36,072 A bargaining with mist and mold 1606 01:45:36,745 --> 01:45:40,408 And finally, the broken stem 1607 01:45:40,983 --> 01:45:42,814 The plummeting to earth 1608 01:45:43,586 --> 01:45:47,283 And then, an intercourse 1609 01:45:47,456 --> 01:45:52,359 Not well designed for beings Of a golden kind 1610 01:45:52,761 --> 01:45:55,286 Whose native green must arch above 1611 01:45:55,464 --> 01:45:59,457 The earth's obscene, corrupting love 1612 01:46:00,503 --> 01:46:03,995 And still the ripe fruit and the branch 1613 01:46:04,173 --> 01:46:08,041 Observe the sky begin to blanch 1614 01:46:08,811 --> 01:46:11,871 Without a cry, without a prayer 1615 01:46:12,948 --> 01:46:16,384 With no betrayal of despair 1616 01:46:17,520 --> 01:46:19,647 Oh, courage 1617 01:46:20,589 --> 01:46:24,992 Could you not as well Select a second place to dwell 1618 01:46:26,495 --> 01:46:29,692 Not only in that golden tree 1619 01:46:30,799 --> 01:46:34,758 But in the frightened heart of me? 1620 01:46:37,239 --> 01:46:39,366 Have you got that, Hannah? 1621 01:46:40,309 --> 01:46:42,243 Yes, Grandfather. 1622 01:46:42,411 --> 01:46:45,539 - All of it? - Every word. 1623 01:46:46,482 --> 01:46:49,610 - And it's finished? - Yes. 1624 01:46:49,785 --> 01:46:54,518 - Finally finished? - Yes, finally finished. 1625 01:46:55,024 --> 01:46:56,685 And it's good. 1626 01:46:57,459 --> 01:46:59,222 Beautiful. 1627 01:47:00,029 --> 01:47:04,193 - Is it good? - Beautiful, Grandfather. 1628 01:47:05,568 --> 01:47:08,969 Oh, Grandfather, I'm so happy for you. 1629 01:47:09,371 --> 01:47:12,602 Thank you for writing such a lovely poem. 1630 01:47:12,975 --> 01:47:15,273 It was worth the long wait. 1631 01:47:17,713 --> 01:47:20,682 Can you sleep a little now? 1632 01:47:21,150 --> 01:47:23,380 I'll fetch your shawl. 1633 01:47:24,186 --> 01:47:26,677 I'd like to pray now. 1634 01:47:56,518 --> 01:47:58,213 Oh, God. 1635 01:48:00,456 --> 01:48:03,857 Please can't we stop now? 1636 01:48:37,192 --> 01:48:39,092 He won't need the shawl. 1637 01:48:40,029 --> 01:48:43,692 God has played God and set him free. 1638 01:49:11,760 --> 01:49:13,318 Oh, courage 1639 01:49:14,163 --> 01:49:15,858 Could you not as well 1640 01:49:16,031 --> 01:49:18,727 Have found a second place to dwell 1641 01:49:20,102 --> 01:49:22,161 Not only in that golden tree 1642 01:49:23,672 --> 01:49:27,403 But in the frightened heart of me? 1643 01:50:07,216 --> 01:50:08,683 Miss Jelkes. 1644 01:50:09,118 --> 01:50:12,144 What are you doing? You're not gonna leave us today, are you? 1645 01:50:12,321 --> 01:50:15,654 There's no reason to delay. Everything has been done. 1646 01:50:15,824 --> 01:50:18,486 Thanks to your kindness and Mrs. Faulk's... 1647 01:50:18,660 --> 01:50:21,823 ...Dr. Lopez and all the good people in the village. 1648 01:50:27,803 --> 01:50:31,330 I know now why he insisted we go on with this trip. 1649 01:50:31,507 --> 01:50:32,997 He knew it was the end. 1650 01:50:33,175 --> 01:50:37,009 And he wanted it to come where he could be buried peacefully on a green hilltop... 1651 01:50:37,179 --> 01:50:40,444 ...within sight and sound of the sea, his "cradle of life." 1652 01:50:41,383 --> 01:50:44,250 - You're going on, are you? - Yes, naturally. 1653 01:50:44,419 --> 01:50:46,853 - Where? - Well, first I shall go into town... 1654 01:50:47,022 --> 01:50:48,489 ...and try my luck in the plaza. 1655 01:50:48,657 --> 01:50:50,386 What luck do you expect in the plaza? 1656 01:50:50,559 --> 01:50:54,757 Do you expect the old lady selling tacos to buy your sketches like hotcakes? 1657 01:50:54,930 --> 01:50:58,832 There'll be some tourists, and I shall give them what is known as the "hard sell." 1658 01:50:59,001 --> 01:51:01,834 Miss Jelkes, you're not operating on the realistic level. 1659 01:51:02,004 --> 01:51:04,837 Yes, I am. We are operating on a realistic level... 1660 01:51:05,007 --> 01:51:07,407 ...when we are doing the things that have to be done. 1661 01:51:07,576 --> 01:51:12,673 But you can't go on alone. Think of how it will feel after so many years. 1662 01:51:13,248 --> 01:51:15,876 I shall know how it feels when I feel it. 1663 01:51:16,618 --> 01:51:18,916 Miss Jelkes, I wonder... 1664 01:51:19,788 --> 01:51:21,688 Yes. What do you wonder? 1665 01:51:22,090 --> 01:51:24,058 Well, I was wondering... 1666 01:51:24,226 --> 01:51:28,560 ...if it was possible for us to travel together. 1667 01:51:28,730 --> 01:51:31,255 I mean, travel together. 1668 01:51:32,000 --> 01:51:33,729 Do you really think we could? 1669 01:51:33,902 --> 01:51:38,737 I don't see why not, both of us sort of at loose ends. 1670 01:51:39,508 --> 01:51:45,913 I feel sure the impracticality of it would be all too clear to you later. 1671 01:51:46,315 --> 01:51:49,751 I think it would only prove awkward and embarrassing for both of us. 1672 01:51:49,918 --> 01:51:52,045 - Miss Jelkes... - I wonder if Mrs. Faulk is about? 1673 01:51:52,221 --> 01:51:54,985 - I would like to thank her. - Yeah. 1674 01:51:55,724 --> 01:51:59,524 She's about. And about to make an announcement. 1675 01:51:59,695 --> 01:52:01,663 Sit down, you two. 1676 01:52:01,930 --> 01:52:03,522 Sit down. 1677 01:52:09,538 --> 01:52:12,530 I got a proposition to make, a business proposition. 1678 01:52:12,708 --> 01:52:14,767 You know, Miss Jelkes, honey, you impress me. 1679 01:52:15,043 --> 01:52:18,137 Very favorably. The way you dished up that fish and all. 1680 01:52:18,313 --> 01:52:22,340 So favorably, in fact, that I'm prepared to make you the following proposition. 1681 01:52:23,085 --> 01:52:24,950 What proposition, Mrs. Faulk? 1682 01:52:25,921 --> 01:52:27,684 I want a Coke. 1683 01:52:30,826 --> 01:52:32,851 Beer. Beer! 1684 01:52:38,333 --> 01:52:41,564 My proposition is this: That you take over here. 1685 01:52:42,371 --> 01:52:45,397 The place furnishes a living plus a neat little profit. 1686 01:52:45,874 --> 01:52:50,641 I take in about 4000 a year, after expenses. 1687 01:52:50,812 --> 01:52:52,439 Four thousand dollars. 1688 01:52:52,614 --> 01:52:55,139 It wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't do even better... 1689 01:52:55,317 --> 01:52:59,083 ...provided Shannon there didn't drink up your share of the profits. 1690 01:53:00,255 --> 01:53:01,654 Well, that's the deal. 1691 01:53:02,190 --> 01:53:04,158 We split the profits fifty-fifty. 1692 01:53:04,326 --> 01:53:07,193 Even-steven. Share and share alike. 1693 01:53:07,362 --> 01:53:09,330 Does that make any sense to you? 1694 01:53:10,532 --> 01:53:13,160 Maxine. Are you all right? 1695 01:53:13,435 --> 01:53:16,233 Of course I'm all right. What do you mean, am I all right? 1696 01:53:16,405 --> 01:53:20,899 My only reason for including you on this deal is a man's presence is required. 1697 01:53:21,076 --> 01:53:25,775 There's gotta be a man. That's one of the basic principles of hotel administration. 1698 01:53:25,948 --> 01:53:29,008 There's gotta be a man to make the place attractive to the ladies. 1699 01:53:29,184 --> 01:53:31,414 Wives of the men that go fishing. 1700 01:53:31,787 --> 01:53:34,688 Matter of fact, my offer is contingent on the presence of a man. 1701 01:53:34,856 --> 01:53:38,121 - There's no deal unless Shannon stays on. - What about you, Mrs. Faulk? 1702 01:53:38,293 --> 01:53:40,693 Me? I'm fed up with this place. 1703 01:53:40,862 --> 01:53:43,626 Fed up to the teeth, into the gums and the jawbone. 1704 01:53:43,799 --> 01:53:46,199 - Jungle rot's set in. - Where are you going? 1705 01:53:46,368 --> 01:53:49,565 Well, I'm not going on any of your Blake Tours, that's for sure! 1706 01:53:49,738 --> 01:53:51,399 I'm heading north. 1707 01:53:51,974 --> 01:53:54,340 El Paso, maybe. Yeah, I like El Paso. 1708 01:53:55,310 --> 01:53:57,244 Air-conditioned cocktail lounges. 1709 01:53:57,412 --> 01:54:01,815 Fifteen-to-one martinis and mirrors that don't scare you when they look at you! 1710 01:54:02,084 --> 01:54:06,282 You know, I'm a young woman. Attractive, too, if I can get to a decent beauty parlor. 1711 01:54:06,455 --> 01:54:10,118 Don't you worry about the widow Faulk. She'll have a ball! 1712 01:54:13,795 --> 01:54:16,821 - Fantastic. - Yes, Mr. Shannon. 1713 01:54:16,999 --> 01:54:18,830 Fantastic is what it is. 1714 01:54:19,401 --> 01:54:23,030 You were building your nest and you didn't even know it. 1715 01:54:23,505 --> 01:54:25,200 - Goodbye. - Goodbye. 1716 01:54:25,374 --> 01:54:28,571 - At least let me drive you into town. - No, thank you, I prefer to walk. 1717 01:54:28,744 --> 01:54:33,044 What you could do for me, though, is have my luggage sent in after me. 1718 01:54:33,281 --> 01:54:35,647 Oh, I almost forgot. 1719 01:54:35,817 --> 01:54:40,618 I found this in the pocket of my smock when I was packing this morning. 1720 01:54:40,789 --> 01:54:43,314 Yes, I want you to have it. 1721 01:54:43,492 --> 01:54:45,517 I couldn't possibly accept, Mr. Shannon. 1722 01:54:45,694 --> 01:54:49,130 No, take it, please. Hock it. It'll pay your way back to the States. 1723 01:54:49,297 --> 01:54:50,628 That's a real amethyst... 1724 01:54:50,799 --> 01:54:54,394 ...so don't let the local loan shark give you less than 1800 pesos for it. 1725 01:54:54,569 --> 01:54:57,629 Its value has been well-established over the years. 1726 01:54:58,807 --> 01:55:00,638 Very well, Mr. Shannon. 1727 01:55:00,809 --> 01:55:03,972 I'll send the pawn ticket back to you so that you can redeem it. 1728 01:55:55,564 --> 01:55:58,328 - What are you doing, Maxine? - Packing. 1729 01:56:03,405 --> 01:56:04,929 Go on, fall apart. 1730 01:56:05,373 --> 01:56:08,740 Everything's falling apart, including you and Shannon! 1731 01:56:09,044 --> 01:56:12,036 Complimentary rum-coco. It's a specialty of the Costa Verde. 1732 01:56:12,214 --> 01:56:16,378 I don't want a rum-coco. If I wanted a rum-coco, I'd make a rum-coco. 1733 01:56:18,687 --> 01:56:22,885 She's gone, Maxine. The poem's finished. 1734 01:56:24,359 --> 01:56:27,522 You mean she's not gonna take me up on my proposition? 1735 01:56:28,330 --> 01:56:30,855 Oh, she's not. 1736 01:56:31,867 --> 01:56:33,266 I am. 1737 01:56:34,202 --> 01:56:35,760 That is, if you... 1738 01:56:36,204 --> 01:56:39,605 If you really need a man around here. 1739 01:57:05,233 --> 01:57:10,136 It's not hot yet, Shannon. Why don't we go down to the beach. 1740 01:57:10,839 --> 01:57:12,397 Well, I can... 1741 01:57:12,841 --> 01:57:16,277 I can get down the hill, Maxine, but I'm not too sure about getting... 1742 01:57:16,444 --> 01:57:17,968 ...back up. 1743 01:57:18,680 --> 01:57:23,549 I'll get you back up, baby. I'll always get you back up.