0 00:00:00,501 --> 00:00:20,000 synC by: ciRe_eriC 1 00:00:20,531 --> 00:00:21,530 c 2 00:00:21,531 --> 00:00:22,530 ci 3 00:00:22,531 --> 00:00:23,530 ciR 4 00:00:23,531 --> 00:00:24,530 ciRe 5 00:00:24,531 --> 00:00:25,530 ciRe_ 6 00:00:25,531 --> 00:00:26,530 ciRe_e 7 00:00:26,531 --> 00:00:27,530 ciRe_er 8 00:00:27,531 --> 00:00:28,530 ciRe_eri 9 00:00:28,531 --> 00:00:31,530 ciRe_eriC 10 00:00:31,531 --> 00:00:33,000 ^_^ 11 02:50:53,785 --> 02:51:53,784 synC by: ciRe_eriC 1 00:00:42,000 --> 00:00:46,671 NARRATOR: In the beginning, God created the Heaven and the Earth. 2 00:00:47,589 --> 00:00:51,968 And the Earth was without form and void… 3 00:00:52,845 --> 00:00:56,472 …and darkness was upon the face of the deep. 4 00:00:58,976 --> 00:01:03,604 And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 5 00:01:05,190 --> 00:01:08,901 And God said, "Let there be light.” 6 00:01:11,029 --> 00:01:12,655 And there was light. 7 00:01:22,708 --> 00:01:26,794 And God divided the light from the darkness. 8 00:01:27,755 --> 00:01:31,048 And God called the light “day.” 9 00:01:32,760 --> 00:01:35,678 And the darkness He called “night.” 10 00:01:38,807 --> 00:01:43,060 And the evening and the morning were the first day. 11 00:01:50,611 --> 00:01:53,821 And God said, ”Let there be a firmament… 12 00:01:54,031 --> 00:01:56,491 …in the midst of the waters. 13 00:01:56,950 --> 00:02:00,578 And let it divide the waters from the waters.” 14 00:02:09,713 --> 00:02:12,840 And God called the firmament “heaven.” 15 00:02:14,968 --> 00:02:18,930 And the evening and the morning were the second day. 16 00:02:28,857 --> 00:02:30,608 And God said: 17 00:02:30,818 --> 00:02:32,944 Let the waters under the heaven… 18 00:02:33,153 --> 00:02:36,614 …be gathered together unto one place… 19 00:02:38,158 --> 00:02:41,160 …and let the dry land appear.” 20 00:04:11,209 --> 00:04:13,377 The gathering together of the waters… 21 00:04:13,587 --> 00:04:15,922 …called He “seas.” 22 00:04:33,148 --> 00:04:36,609 And He called the dry land “earth.” 23 00:04:37,444 --> 00:04:40,988 And God said, ”Let the earth bring forth grass… 24 00:04:41,198 --> 00:04:45,201 …the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit… 25 00:04:45,452 --> 00:04:49,038 …whose seed is in itself upon the earth.” 26 00:05:16,984 --> 00:05:20,820 And the evening and the morning were the third day. 27 00:05:25,867 --> 00:05:30,663 And God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven… 28 00:05:31,331 --> 00:05:34,333 …and let them be for signs and for seasons… 29 00:05:34,543 --> 00:05:37,294 …and for days and years.” 30 00:05:46,471 --> 00:05:49,557 And God made two great lights: 31 00:05:50,475 --> 00:05:53,519 The greater light, to rule the day… 32 00:06:12,414 --> 00:06:15,541 …and the lesser light, to rule the night. 33 00:06:23,467 --> 00:06:26,218 He made the stars also. 34 00:06:26,720 --> 00:06:29,805 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven… 35 00:06:30,015 --> 00:06:32,808 …to give light upon the Earth. 36 00:06:36,563 --> 00:06:40,274 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 37 00:06:44,571 --> 00:06:48,449 And God said, ”Let the waters bring forth abundantly… 38 00:06:48,658 --> 00:06:51,410 …the moving creature that hath life… 39 00:07:08,929 --> 00:07:11,806 …and fowl that fly above the earth 40 00:07:11,890 --> 00:07:14,767 in the open firmament of heaven.” 41 00:07:21,441 --> 00:07:23,109 (SEAGULLS SQUAWK) 42 00:07:32,911 --> 00:07:35,579 And God created great whales… 43 00:07:35,789 --> 00:07:38,040 …and every living creature that moveth… 44 00:07:38,250 --> 00:07:42,753 …which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind. 45 00:07:48,093 --> 00:07:50,136 God blessed them, saying: 46 00:07:50,345 --> 00:07:53,931 ”Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters… 47 00:07:54,182 --> 00:07:55,975 …and the seas.” 48 00:07:58,770 --> 00:08:03,107 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 49 00:08:05,735 --> 00:08:08,529 And God said, ”Let the earth bring forth… 50 00:08:08,655 --> 00:08:11,574 …the living creature after his kind. 51 00:08:11,825 --> 00:08:16,245 And everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind… 52 00:08:16,454 --> 00:08:20,457 …cattle and the beast of the earth after his kind.” 53 00:08:35,265 --> 00:08:38,184 And God saw that it was good. 54 00:08:41,396 --> 00:08:43,314 And God said: 55 00:08:43,523 --> 00:08:46,483 ”Let us make man in our own image… 56 00:08:46,693 --> 00:08:48,986 …after our likeness.” 57 00:10:03,520 --> 00:10:07,147 The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground… 58 00:10:07,357 --> 00:10:11,110 …and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life… 59 00:10:13,822 --> 00:10:17,283 …and man became a living soul. 60 00:11:07,500 --> 00:11:11,545 And God brought unto Adam every beast of the field… 61 00:11:11,755 --> 00:11:14,131 …and every fowl of the air… 62 00:11:14,341 --> 00:11:16,675 …to see what he would call them. 63 00:11:19,763 --> 00:11:21,221 (BIRDS CHIRPING) 64 00:12:27,831 --> 00:12:28,997 And the Lord said: 65 00:12:29,207 --> 00:12:33,252 ”It is not good that the man should be alone.” 66 00:12:38,758 --> 00:12:42,886 And He caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. 67 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:51,728 And he slept. 68 00:12:56,776 --> 00:13:01,238 And God made a woman and brought her unto the man. 69 00:13:50,497 --> 00:13:54,750 This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. 70 00:14:12,435 --> 00:14:15,521 So God created man in His own image… 71 00:14:15,772 --> 00:14:19,149 …in the image of God created He him… 72 00:14:19,359 --> 00:14:22,986 …male and female created He them. 73 00:14:49,055 --> 00:14:52,224 And God saw everything that He had made… 74 00:14:52,475 --> 00:14:55,477 …and behold, it was very good. 75 00:14:56,646 --> 00:15:00,691 And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. 76 00:15:31,347 --> 00:15:33,849 And on the seventh day God rested… 77 00:15:34,058 --> 00:15:36,893 …from all His work which He had made. 78 00:15:37,103 --> 00:15:41,523 And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. 79 00:15:42,900 --> 00:15:47,696 Eastward, in Eden, God had planted a garden. 80 00:15:48,197 --> 00:15:51,533 And He said, ”Go into the garden I have made. 81 00:15:51,743 --> 00:15:54,119 Tend it and keep it. 82 00:15:54,787 --> 00:15:59,708 Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. 83 00:15:59,959 --> 00:16:03,462 But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil… 84 00:16:03,713 --> 00:16:06,632 …thou shalt not eat of it. 85 00:16:06,883 --> 00:16:10,218 For in the day that thou eatest thereof… 86 00:16:10,386 --> 00:16:12,929 …thou shalt surely die.” 87 00:16:58,101 --> 00:17:01,269 And God blessed them and said unto them: 88 00:17:01,437 --> 00:17:04,439 ”Be fruitful and multiply.” 89 00:17:45,148 --> 00:17:47,149 THE SERPENT: Eve… 90 00:17:49,819 --> 00:18:29,107 Eve… 91 00:20:38,654 --> 00:20:40,864 Hath God said… 92 00:20:41,073 --> 00:20:44,826 …ye shall not eat of every tree in the garden? 93 00:20:46,704 --> 00:20:50,206 We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden… 94 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:53,418 …but of the fruit of this tree God hath said: 95 00:20:53,628 --> 00:20:55,462 "Ye shall not eat of it… 96 00:20:55,671 --> 00:20:59,674 …neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” 97 00:21:00,843 --> 00:21:03,720 Ye shall not surely die. 98 00:21:03,930 --> 00:21:09,059 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof… 99 00:21:09,268 --> 00:21:11,895 …then your eyes shall be opened… 100 00:21:12,104 --> 00:21:14,314 …and ye shall be as gods… 101 00:21:14,523 --> 00:21:17,692 …knowing good and evil. 102 00:23:03,257 --> 00:23:06,843 EVE: The serpent hath said that we shall not die… 103 00:23:07,136 --> 00:23:11,306 …that our eyes shall be opened and we shall be as gods. 104 00:23:14,977 --> 00:23:18,021 Taste it. There’s no harm. 105 00:23:19,482 --> 00:23:20,690 It is… 106 00:23:21,609 --> 00:23:23,359 …disobedience. 107 00:23:25,654 --> 00:23:28,156 EVE: It will make us wise. 108 00:24:58,914 --> 00:25:01,916 NARRATOR: And the Lord God called unto Adam: 109 00:25:02,126 --> 00:25:04,085 ”Where art thou?” 110 00:25:04,295 --> 00:25:07,172 I heard thy voice and I was afraid because I was naked, 111 00:25:07,256 --> 00:25:09,215 and I hid myself. 112 00:25:09,592 --> 00:25:13,303 GOD: Who told thee that thou wast naked? 113 00:25:14,013 --> 00:25:15,889 Hast thou eaten of the tree… 114 00:25:16,098 --> 00:25:20,643 …whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat? 115 00:25:21,020 --> 00:25:23,021 The woman thou gavest to be with me… 116 00:25:23,230 --> 00:25:25,940 …she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. 117 00:25:36,076 --> 00:25:39,704 What is it that thou hast done? 118 00:25:41,999 --> 00:25:45,460 The serpent beguiled me and I did eat. 119 00:25:45,920 --> 00:25:48,254 Because thou hast done this… 120 00:25:48,464 --> 00:25:51,341 …thou art cursed above all cattle… 121 00:25:51,550 --> 00:25:54,844 …and above every beast of the field. 122 00:25:55,054 --> 00:25:57,931 Upon thy belly shalt thou go… 123 00:25:58,140 --> 00:26:02,685 …and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. 124 00:26:04,146 --> 00:26:07,315 I will put enmity between thee and the woman… 125 00:26:07,524 --> 00:26:10,235 …between thy seed and her seed. 126 00:26:10,444 --> 00:26:12,820 It shall bruise thy head… 127 00:26:13,072 --> 00:26:15,907 …and thou shalt bruise his heel. 128 00:26:29,088 --> 00:26:30,255 Eve… 129 00:26:30,464 --> 00:26:34,676 … I will greatly multiply thy sorrowand thy conception. 130 00:26:34,927 --> 00:26:38,137 In sorrow shalt thou bring forth children… 131 00:26:38,347 --> 00:26:40,640 …and thy desire shall be to thy husband… 132 00:26:40,849 --> 00:26:43,351 …and he shall rule over thee. 133 00:26:44,186 --> 00:26:48,606 Adam, because thou hast harkened unto thy wife… 134 00:26:48,816 --> 00:26:50,149 …and hast eaten of the tree… 135 00:26:50,359 --> 00:26:53,319 …cursed is the ground for thy sake… 136 00:26:53,529 --> 00:26:58,199 …in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life… 137 00:26:58,409 --> 00:27:03,329 …thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee. 138 00:27:03,539 --> 00:27:05,873 Thou shalt eat the herb of the field. 139 00:27:06,083 --> 00:27:09,585 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread… 140 00:27:09,795 --> 00:27:12,839 …until thou return unto the ground. 141 00:27:13,048 --> 00:27:16,926 For out of it was thou taken for dust thou art… 142 00:27:17,136 --> 00:27:20,930 …and unto dust shalt thou return. 143 00:27:21,015 --> 00:27:22,557 (THUNDERS) 144 00:28:21,867 --> 00:28:23,326 (BABY CRYING) 145 00:28:33,629 --> 00:28:37,799 I have made a man from the Lord God. 146 00:28:39,426 --> 00:28:41,844 Thy name shall be called Cain. 147 00:28:48,102 --> 00:28:52,105 NARRATOR: And the meaning of Cain is “possession.” 148 00:29:09,164 --> 00:29:12,041 Eve again bare a son… 149 00:29:12,251 --> 00:29:14,710 …and his name was Abel… 150 00:29:14,920 --> 00:29:17,922 …which means ”breath of life.” 151 00:29:20,926 --> 00:29:24,679 And the children of Eve grew to be men. 152 00:29:25,264 --> 00:29:27,849 Cain was a tiller of the ground… 153 00:29:28,976 --> 00:29:31,436 …and Abel was a keeper of flocks. 154 00:29:47,244 --> 00:29:50,872 At the time of the harvest, they builded altars… 155 00:29:51,123 --> 00:29:54,083 …and kindled fires upon them. 156 00:29:56,795 --> 00:30:00,214 And Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock… 157 00:30:00,424 --> 00:30:02,592 …and the fat thereof. 158 00:30:03,969 --> 00:30:07,513 And Cain also brought of the fruit of the ground… 159 00:30:07,764 --> 00:30:10,141 …an offering unto the Lord. 160 00:30:18,609 --> 00:30:22,945 And the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering. 161 00:30:24,698 --> 00:30:29,202 But unto Cain and his offering He had not respect. 162 00:30:54,811 --> 00:30:56,562 Why art thou angry? 163 00:30:56,772 --> 00:31:00,399 lf thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? 164 00:32:57,517 --> 00:32:59,060 GOD: Cain? 165 00:33:11,740 --> 00:33:13,240 Cain. 166 00:33:34,471 --> 00:33:37,723 Where is Abel, thy brother? 167 00:33:41,603 --> 00:33:43,229 I know not! 168 00:33:45,065 --> 00:33:49,276 Where is Abel, thy brother? 169 00:33:59,329 --> 00:34:02,081 Am I my brother’s keeper? 170 00:34:03,166 --> 00:34:05,668 What hast thou done? 171 00:34:18,432 --> 00:34:20,766 The voice of thy brother’s blood… 172 00:34:21,017 --> 00:34:24,353 …crieth unto me from the ground. 173 00:34:27,149 --> 00:34:30,860 Now art thou cursed from the Earth… 174 00:34:31,695 --> 00:34:36,699 …which hath opened to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand. 175 00:34:40,996 --> 00:34:43,497 When thou tillest the ground… 176 00:34:43,707 --> 00:34:47,668 …it shall not yield unto thee her strength. 177 00:34:48,545 --> 00:34:53,257 A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the Earth. 178 00:35:14,905 --> 00:35:17,198 (WOLF HOWLS) 179 00:36:29,604 --> 00:36:33,274 For dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return. 180 00:37:04,222 --> 00:37:07,349 My punishment is greater than I can bear! 181 00:37:08,101 --> 00:37:12,313 Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the Earth… 182 00:37:12,522 --> 00:37:15,524 …and from thy face shall I be hid. 183 00:37:15,901 --> 00:37:21,155 And I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the Earth… 184 00:37:22,115 --> 00:37:26,660 …and everyone that findeth me shall slay me! 185 00:37:27,829 --> 00:37:31,332 GOD: Whosoever slayeth Cain… 186 00:37:31,541 --> 00:37:36,462 …vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. 187 00:37:52,437 --> 00:37:54,355 I set a mark upon Cain… 188 00:37:54,564 --> 00:37:58,692 …lest any, finding him, shall slay him. 189 00:38:07,577 --> 00:38:10,037 NARRATOR: And Cain left the presence of the Lord… 190 00:38:10,246 --> 00:38:13,540 …and dwelt in the Land of Nod, east of Eden. 191 00:38:13,750 --> 00:38:18,754 And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bare a son. 192 00:38:19,631 --> 00:38:21,715 In the generations of time… 193 00:38:21,925 --> 00:38:25,260 …when his seed began to people the Earth… 194 00:38:25,470 --> 00:38:29,390 …there were born men apt in knowledge and craft. 195 00:38:29,599 --> 00:38:33,811 As Jabal, the father of such as dwell in tents… 196 00:38:34,020 --> 00:38:36,271 …and of such as have cattle. 197 00:38:37,273 --> 00:38:39,817 They made vessels out of the earth… 198 00:38:40,026 --> 00:38:44,238 …jars and pitchers by the skill of their hands. 199 00:38:44,447 --> 00:38:47,199 And Jabal’s brother’s name was Jubal. 200 00:38:47,409 --> 00:38:52,496 He was the father of all such as handle the harp and play music. 201 00:38:52,706 --> 00:38:55,040 And Tubalcain, also… 202 00:38:55,250 --> 00:39:00,337 …an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. 203 00:39:00,547 --> 00:39:04,550 And they learnt the secrets of the ground… 204 00:39:04,759 --> 00:39:09,013 …that it should deliver to them its fullness and strength. 205 00:39:11,641 --> 00:39:14,268 But the knowledge of good and evil 206 00:39:14,352 --> 00:39:16,937 was in all the people of the Earth. 207 00:39:17,147 --> 00:39:22,109 And God grieved in His heart that men followed the way of evil… 208 00:39:22,318 --> 00:39:24,695 …and that every imagination… 209 00:39:24,904 --> 00:39:29,908 …of the thoughts of his heart was only evil, continually. 210 00:39:30,326 --> 00:39:33,245 The Earth disclosed her blood… 211 00:39:33,455 --> 00:39:36,749 …and no more covered her slain. 212 00:39:36,958 --> 00:39:42,296 The deed of Cain was multiplied a thousand times. 213 00:39:42,797 --> 00:39:48,135 And God said, ”I will destroy man,whom I have created… 214 00:39:48,344 --> 00:39:53,682 … both man and beast,for it repenteth me that I hath made them.” 215 00:39:55,310 --> 00:39:57,728 But the Lord gave Eve another son… 216 00:39:57,937 --> 00:40:01,440 …instead of Abel whom Cain slew. 217 00:40:01,649 --> 00:40:04,818 And Adam called his name Seth. 218 00:40:05,028 --> 00:40:08,781 And from Seth’s seed, through the generations… 219 00:40:08,990 --> 00:40:11,575 …was Noah born. 220 00:40:11,785 --> 00:40:15,579 And Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. 221 00:40:16,539 --> 00:40:20,042 There dwelt with Noah his sons: Shem… 222 00:40:20,251 --> 00:40:22,419 …Japheth and Ham. 223 00:40:25,173 --> 00:40:29,635 And his wife, and his sons’ wives also. 224 00:40:30,970 --> 00:40:35,015 And Noah was perfect in his generations. 225 00:40:36,976 --> 00:40:40,813 He was a just man, and walked with God. 226 00:40:52,033 --> 00:40:53,325 GOD: Noah. 227 00:41:00,208 --> 00:41:01,792 Noah. 228 00:41:31,030 --> 00:41:32,447 Noah! 229 00:41:36,995 --> 00:41:40,706 Hearken now to my voice and take heed. 230 00:41:41,040 --> 00:41:44,376 Now shall I tell thee the matter of my grief… 231 00:41:44,586 --> 00:41:47,337 …and of what thou shalt do. 232 00:41:48,298 --> 00:41:52,509 The end of all flesh is come before me… 233 00:41:52,760 --> 00:41:56,805 …for the Earth is filled with violence through them. 234 00:41:58,099 --> 00:42:02,352 And behold, I will bring a flood of waters upon the Earth… 235 00:42:02,562 --> 00:42:04,563 …to destroy all flesh. 236 00:42:04,772 --> 00:42:09,109 And everything that is in the Earth shall die. 237 00:42:13,281 --> 00:42:16,408 Make thee an ark of gopher wood. 238 00:42:16,618 --> 00:42:18,285 Rooms shalt thou make… 239 00:42:18,494 --> 00:42:22,247 …and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. 240 00:42:22,457 --> 00:42:26,335 And this is the fashion thou shalt make it of. 241 00:42:26,544 --> 00:42:30,631 The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits… 242 00:42:30,840 --> 00:42:33,091 …the breadth of it 50 cubits… 243 00:42:33,301 --> 00:42:36,261 …and the height of it 30 cubits. 244 00:42:38,348 --> 00:42:41,099 With thee will I establish my covenant. 245 00:42:41,935 --> 00:42:44,019 Thou shalt come into the ark. 246 00:42:44,229 --> 00:42:49,191 Thou and thy sons and thy wife, and thy sons’ wives with thee. 247 00:42:50,360 --> 00:42:55,614 For thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. 248 00:43:20,348 --> 00:43:23,058 Hey! Hey! 249 00:43:23,518 --> 00:43:25,435 (PEOPLE LAUGHING) 250 00:43:29,691 --> 00:43:31,608 (LOUD HAMMERING) 251 00:43:46,124 --> 00:43:47,541 (PEOPLE LAUGHING) 252 00:43:52,255 --> 00:43:54,715 What is more stupid than this? 253 00:43:54,966 --> 00:44:00,304 A man building a ship on dry land! 254 00:44:08,896 --> 00:44:12,065 WOMAN 1: A devil is in him and hath made him mad… 255 00:44:12,567 --> 00:44:15,569 …and his sons with him! 256 00:44:27,999 --> 00:44:30,417 MAN 1: When shall the Earth see this again? 257 00:44:30,668 --> 00:44:35,339 He hath the sea in his head, and his house rides up on the waves. 258 00:44:35,548 --> 00:44:37,132 (PEOPLE LAUGHING) 259 00:45:39,946 --> 00:45:43,907 Father, is it indeed God’s voice thou hast heard? 260 00:45:44,784 --> 00:45:48,662 For look, there is no cloud in the sky. 261 00:45:49,414 --> 00:45:51,915 Not so much as would cover a bird. 262 00:45:52,625 --> 00:45:55,627 The Lord waiteth upon our work. 263 00:45:55,837 --> 00:45:59,256 Then what need is there of haste? 264 00:45:59,340 --> 00:46:01,341 Shall we not do it little by little… 265 00:46:01,592 --> 00:46:03,135 …under cover of night? 266 00:46:03,344 --> 00:46:06,179 He demandeth every hour of the day. 267 00:46:06,347 --> 00:46:08,849 In our obedience must be no delay. 268 00:46:09,809 --> 00:46:12,894 Will you question your father’s understanding 269 00:46:12,979 --> 00:46:14,771 or doubt his ways? 270 00:46:15,273 --> 00:46:17,524 You should be ashamed. 271 00:46:18,818 --> 00:46:21,528 Yet when shall they be rid of the work? 272 00:46:21,654 --> 00:46:23,405 All things wait for this. 273 00:46:23,781 --> 00:46:27,492 The ground is unsown, and the house is unmended. 274 00:46:27,702 --> 00:46:30,370 Give me one to make the roof good… 275 00:46:30,538 --> 00:46:34,875 …lest when the rain comes the house will not keep it out. 276 00:46:35,543 --> 00:46:36,960 But, wife! 277 00:46:50,850 --> 00:46:52,309 Shem! 278 00:46:54,061 --> 00:46:55,729 More pitch! 279 00:47:00,026 --> 00:47:01,568 Ham! 280 00:47:03,905 --> 00:47:06,406 NOAH: We have need of more pitch! 281 00:47:06,991 --> 00:47:08,074 (SNORES) 282 00:47:10,036 --> 00:47:11,578 Japheth! 283 00:47:13,080 --> 00:47:16,500 Take the bucket and fill it, and our work is done! 284 00:47:22,340 --> 00:47:23,840 Shem! 285 00:47:24,926 --> 00:47:26,676 Ham! 286 00:47:28,012 --> 00:47:29,846 Japheth! 287 00:48:27,446 --> 00:48:28,822 GOD: Noah. 288 00:48:30,825 --> 00:48:34,661 Come thou and all thy house into the ark. 289 00:48:35,496 --> 00:48:40,292 I will cause it to rain upon the Earth 40 days and 40 nights. 290 00:48:40,501 --> 00:48:43,169 Every living substance I have made… 291 00:48:43,462 --> 00:48:46,840 …will I destroy from off the face of the Earth. 292 00:48:47,842 --> 00:48:50,427 And of every living thing of all flesh… 293 00:48:50,636 --> 00:48:53,680 …two of every sort, male and female… 294 00:48:53,848 --> 00:48:58,602 …shalt thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee. 295 00:49:00,605 --> 00:49:01,855 Two… 296 00:49:02,773 --> 00:49:04,482 …of every sort. 297 00:49:36,349 --> 00:49:37,724 NOAH: Wife! 298 00:49:37,975 --> 00:49:41,227 Sons! Daughters! 299 00:49:44,857 --> 00:49:48,568 Fear not. The Lord hath spoken and said: 300 00:49:48,819 --> 00:49:52,739 ”Bring two of every kind to keep them alive.” 301 00:49:52,907 --> 00:49:55,575 They have followed me and trust us… 302 00:49:55,826 --> 00:49:58,662 …to mind them and bring them to safety. 303 00:49:59,538 --> 00:50:01,706 They’re good beasts at heart. 304 00:50:02,083 --> 00:50:05,502 They will do no harm to you, nor each other… 305 00:50:05,711 --> 00:50:10,173 …for they know of the waters that will fall upon the Earth. 306 00:50:10,383 --> 00:50:13,843 And God hath chosen them above all others. 307 00:50:14,053 --> 00:50:18,181 There are more yet to come. Japheth, help them find their way. 308 00:50:18,265 --> 00:50:20,767 Ham, Shem, load hay and grain. 309 00:50:21,185 --> 00:50:24,270 Wife and daughters, put oil into the lamps. 310 00:50:24,689 --> 00:50:28,108 And get thy house aboard the ark in order. 311 00:53:33,711 --> 00:53:35,753 (THUNDERS) 312 00:54:46,951 --> 00:54:49,160 NARRATOR: And God shut him in. 313 00:54:51,538 --> 00:55:06,427 (ANIMALS SQUAWK) 314 00:55:23,362 --> 00:55:24,904 (ELEPHANTS CRY) 315 01:00:07,938 --> 01:00:11,524 Is it the wind that waileth? 316 01:00:14,278 --> 01:00:15,987 No, wife. 317 01:00:16,697 --> 01:00:20,366 It is the chaff, which the wind driveth away. 318 01:00:25,914 --> 01:00:27,373 (PEOPLE CRY OUT) 319 01:00:38,051 --> 01:00:41,971 The Lord hath taken hold of the ends of the Earth… 320 01:00:43,015 --> 01:00:44,557 …and shaketh it. 321 01:01:21,428 --> 01:01:22,970 (ANIMALS SQUAWK) 322 01:02:08,141 --> 01:02:10,309 They cry to be fed. 323 01:02:11,770 --> 01:02:13,479 We have work to do. 324 01:02:14,106 --> 01:02:15,314 Shem… 325 01:02:15,565 --> 01:02:19,819 …care for the animals with hooves that cheweth the cud. 326 01:02:20,570 --> 01:02:24,490 Ham shall tend the camels, hares, swine and giraffes. 327 01:02:24,658 --> 01:02:29,995 Japheth, the tigers, the lions, the cats of all kinds. 328 01:02:31,248 --> 01:02:35,251 What shall they eat? 329 01:02:36,169 --> 01:02:39,004 Milk from the cattle and the goats. 330 01:02:39,423 --> 01:02:43,509 Milk? For beasts of prey? 331 01:02:43,760 --> 01:02:46,345 They’re only great cats, wife. 332 01:02:47,931 --> 01:02:50,307 Do you not hear them purr? 333 01:05:40,061 --> 01:05:42,021 Be not afraid. 334 01:05:42,105 --> 01:05:45,399 He will do thee no harm, for harm is not in him. 335 01:06:52,342 --> 01:06:57,554 Shem, the red hart has not eaten of his corn. Fetch him leaves. 336 01:07:30,630 --> 01:07:35,801 NARRATOR: The waters prevailed, and all the high hills were covered. 337 01:07:36,219 --> 01:07:38,804 And Noah only remained alive… 338 01:07:39,389 --> 01:07:42,641 …and they that were with him in the ark. 339 01:07:56,698 --> 01:07:59,616 When will the rain cease? 340 01:08:00,410 --> 01:08:04,329 When shall we stand again upon the Earth? 341 01:08:04,914 --> 01:08:09,001 God has told us it shall rain 40 days and 40 nights. 342 01:08:09,252 --> 01:08:12,921 But here we know neither the day nor the night. 343 01:08:13,173 --> 01:08:15,966 We cannot measure the time by sleep. 344 01:08:16,176 --> 01:08:20,179 We sleep when we will. When we are rested, we wake. 345 01:08:21,014 --> 01:08:24,266 The moon has no waxing or waning… 346 01:08:24,476 --> 01:08:28,020 …and the sun no rising or setting. 347 01:08:28,229 --> 01:08:30,272 We are without knowledge of time. 348 01:08:30,356 --> 01:08:31,857 Nay, but I know. 349 01:08:32,066 --> 01:08:35,027 Since the time we came into the ark… 350 01:08:35,278 --> 01:08:39,656 …and the doors shut,and the flood carried us upon its waters… 351 01:08:39,866 --> 01:08:42,034 …the days have been 20. 352 01:08:42,243 --> 01:08:44,203 And two. Twenty and two. 353 01:08:44,704 --> 01:08:48,165 How dost thou know what is hidden from us? 354 01:08:48,708 --> 01:08:51,835 By what rod dost thou measure the darkness? 355 01:08:52,045 --> 01:08:56,089 By the beasts,who carry the days within them. 356 01:08:56,299 --> 01:09:01,011 Even as the sun and the moon divide the seasons into hours. 357 01:09:01,262 --> 01:09:05,557 I know the time by the lowing of the cow ready to be milked… 358 01:09:05,767 --> 01:09:10,896 …and the cackle of the hen when the egg shall be gathered. 359 01:09:11,731 --> 01:09:16,652 I have counted the days. 360 01:09:18,571 --> 01:09:22,407 In 18 days, then, we’ll know the world as before. 361 01:09:23,159 --> 01:09:27,871 Not so. When the rain stops, still the water will cover the earth. 362 01:09:28,915 --> 01:09:31,959 Neither shall we know the world as before. 363 01:09:32,168 --> 01:09:35,212 When the waters are dried up… 364 01:09:35,421 --> 01:09:37,506 …then we shall know. 365 01:09:38,216 --> 01:09:40,425 We shall be alone on the Earth. 366 01:09:41,010 --> 01:09:43,178 No other life. 367 01:09:45,181 --> 01:09:47,391 Where will the ark have carried us? 368 01:09:47,475 --> 01:09:50,310 In what strange land shall we be renewed? 369 01:09:52,021 --> 01:09:55,440 The Lord has put the future into our hands. 370 01:09:58,611 --> 01:09:59,987 (GOAT CRIES) 371 01:10:37,817 --> 01:10:41,612 All things will be new. 372 01:10:57,128 --> 01:10:58,587 (RAINING STOPPED) 373 01:12:34,809 --> 01:12:36,268 (POUNDING) 374 01:12:45,153 --> 01:12:46,903 (ROOSTER CROWS) 375 01:13:24,650 --> 01:13:27,527 (ANIMALS SQUAWK) 376 01:13:51,010 --> 01:13:52,552 (NOAH PLAYS FLUTE) 377 01:14:35,096 --> 01:14:36,721 Raven! 378 01:14:45,690 --> 01:14:47,858 NARRATOR: And Noah sent forth a raven… 379 01:14:47,942 --> 01:14:52,571 …to see if the waters were abated from off the ground. 380 01:14:53,406 --> 01:14:55,282 Go forth! 381 01:14:56,826 --> 01:15:01,204 And the raven went forth, and flew to and fro. 382 01:15:01,414 --> 01:15:05,542 Even until the waters were dried up from off the Earth. 383 01:15:05,751 --> 01:15:10,922 And the raven returned not again unto Noah anymore. 384 01:15:12,216 --> 01:15:16,261 Also he sent forth a dove from him. 385 01:15:26,939 --> 01:15:29,316 But the Earth was still seas… 386 01:15:29,525 --> 01:15:33,945 …as it had been in the beginning, before the dry land appeared. 387 01:16:16,155 --> 01:16:19,407 She hath found no rest for the sole of her foot. 388 01:16:19,617 --> 01:16:23,036 For the waters are on the face of the whole Earth. 389 01:16:26,332 --> 01:16:29,584 Eat of the grain and renew thy strength. 390 01:16:29,794 --> 01:16:33,797 For in seven days I shall send thee forth again. 391 01:16:56,404 --> 01:17:00,407 And the dove came in to him in the evening… 392 01:17:00,616 --> 01:17:05,662 …and lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf,plucked off. 393 01:17:17,800 --> 01:17:20,051 Let us make a rudder and a sail. 394 01:17:20,261 --> 01:17:24,180 For now we know that the waters are abated from the Earth… 395 01:17:24,307 --> 01:17:26,057 …and we can find land. 396 01:17:26,225 --> 01:17:28,893 What sail shall discover the winds, 397 01:17:28,978 --> 01:17:31,563 and what rudder find our course? 398 01:17:31,939 --> 01:17:35,358 The breath of God shall divide the waves… 399 01:17:35,985 --> 01:17:38,903 …and his hand only lead us into safety. 400 01:18:02,803 --> 01:18:05,847 NARRATOR: The ark rested in the 7th month, 401 01:18:05,931 --> 01:18:08,183 of the 17th day of the month… 402 01:18:08,392 --> 01:18:11,436 …upon the mountains of Ararat. 403 01:20:54,600 --> 01:20:58,019 Hey! Hey, hey! 404 01:22:13,304 --> 01:22:15,888 NARRATOR: And the Lord said in his heart: 405 01:22:16,140 --> 01:22:21,060 ”I will not again curse the ground for man’s sake. 406 01:22:21,312 --> 01:22:25,523 While the Earth remaineth, seed-time and harvest… 407 01:22:25,733 --> 01:22:30,194 …cold and heat,summer and winter, and day and night… 408 01:22:30,404 --> 01:22:32,030 …shall not cease. 409 01:22:32,197 --> 01:22:37,535 The waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. 410 01:22:37,703 --> 01:22:40,830 I do set my bow in the cloud. 411 01:22:41,040 --> 01:22:45,543 And it shall be for a token between me and the Earth. 412 01:22:45,753 --> 01:22:49,839 It shall come to pass when I bring a cloud… 413 01:22:50,049 --> 01:22:52,550 …the bow shall be seen in the cloud. 414 01:22:52,718 --> 01:22:57,889 And I will remember my covenant which is between me and you. 415 01:22:58,098 --> 01:23:01,893 And every living creature of all flesh.” 416 01:26:49,538 --> 01:26:54,292 NARRATOR:And sons were born unto the sons of Noah after the flood. 417 01:26:54,501 --> 01:26:57,753 And of them was the whole Earth overspread. 418 01:26:57,921 --> 01:27:02,800 And the whole Earth was of one language and of one speech. 419 01:27:03,010 --> 01:27:07,263 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah. 420 01:27:07,472 --> 01:27:09,849 The sons of Japheth: Gomer… 421 01:27:10,100 --> 01:27:12,935 The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur… 422 01:27:13,145 --> 01:27:18,107 And the sons of Ham: Mizraim, Phut,Canaan and Cush. 423 01:27:18,191 --> 01:27:21,152 And Cush begat Nimrod. 424 01:27:21,486 --> 01:27:24,530 And Nimrod was a king. 425 01:27:24,823 --> 01:27:29,744 And he set to build a tower that would soar like his pride. 426 01:27:29,828 --> 01:27:32,997 A tower that would reach unto Heaven. 427 01:27:52,351 --> 01:27:57,063 And his people sang a song as they built the tower: 428 01:27:57,314 --> 01:28:01,025 ”Who can bend the bow of Nimrod? 429 01:28:01,193 --> 01:28:05,905 Or put strength into the arrow like unto his strength? 430 01:28:06,156 --> 01:28:09,533 Nothing is too mighty for him to do 431 01:28:09,743 --> 01:28:13,037 No power is greater than his 432 01:28:13,246 --> 01:28:16,707 He hath taken the Earth and made it his own 433 01:28:16,917 --> 01:28:21,712 He stores up the thunder and wears the lightning like a jewel 434 01:28:21,880 --> 01:28:26,384 The glory of Nimrod shines beyond the sun 435 01:28:26,551 --> 01:28:31,514 There is none greater than he in Earth or Heaven.” 436 01:29:19,271 --> 01:29:22,648 And the Lord came down to see the tower… 437 01:29:22,899 --> 01:29:25,901 …which the children of men builded. 438 01:29:26,611 --> 01:29:31,657 And He said, ”Behold, the people is one… 439 01:29:31,908 --> 01:29:37,163 …and they have all one language. And this they begin to do. 440 01:29:37,956 --> 01:29:41,125 And now nothing will be restrained from them… 441 01:29:41,293 --> 01:29:44,128 …which they have imagined to do.” 442 01:29:46,131 --> 01:29:47,923 My bow. 443 01:30:12,866 --> 01:30:16,494 NARRATOR: “Let us go down and confound their language… 444 01:30:16,661 --> 01:30:20,664 …that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 445 01:31:30,944 --> 01:31:33,904 Stand your ground. Obey me! 446 01:31:34,239 --> 01:31:37,074 Make good what has been brought down. 447 01:31:48,587 --> 01:31:52,756 Am I not Nimrod? And my voice is your commandment! 448 01:31:56,428 --> 01:31:58,220 What words are these? 449 01:32:09,941 --> 01:32:12,610 Babbling fool! Madness is in his mouth! 450 01:32:14,321 --> 01:32:16,572 You mock your king’s tongue? 451 01:32:16,781 --> 01:32:19,325 Shall a monkey gibber against me? 452 01:32:35,383 --> 01:32:38,928 NARRATOR: Therefore is the name of it called Babel. 453 01:32:39,179 --> 01:32:42,681 There the Lord confounded their language… 454 01:32:42,891 --> 01:32:46,894 …and scattered them abroad upon the Earth. 455 01:33:27,602 --> 01:33:32,731 The Lord waited 10 generations for a man called Abram to be born. 456 01:33:35,360 --> 01:33:39,196 He was born in Ur of the Chaldees. 457 01:33:39,406 --> 01:33:42,574 And when he had come of an age, the Lord said: 458 01:33:42,909 --> 01:33:45,536 ”Get out of thy city and thy country… 459 01:33:45,745 --> 01:33:48,872 …from thy kindred and from thy father’s house… 460 01:33:48,957 --> 01:33:51,875 …unto a land that I will show thee. 461 01:33:53,044 --> 01:33:55,754 I will make of thee a great nation… 462 01:33:55,964 --> 01:33:59,925 …and I will bless thee and make thy name great.” 463 01:34:03,722 --> 01:34:07,391 So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him… 464 01:34:07,600 --> 01:34:10,060 …with Lot, his brother’s son… 465 01:34:10,270 --> 01:34:13,480 …and Sarai, his wife, whom he loved… 466 01:34:13,732 --> 01:34:16,984 …and all their substance that they gathered… 467 01:34:17,235 --> 01:34:19,570 …and the souls they had gotten… 468 01:34:19,779 --> 01:34:23,615 …and they journeyed like strangers on the Earth. 469 01:34:39,466 --> 01:34:43,844 They journeyed not knowing whither they went. 470 01:34:44,095 --> 01:34:48,640 And yet the land lay before them as the Lord had promised. 471 01:34:48,933 --> 01:34:52,394 And the mornings and the evenings pointed the way. 472 01:34:52,479 --> 01:34:54,605 Come! Come! 473 01:34:54,689 --> 01:34:57,191 GOD: The hills revealed it. 474 01:35:22,509 --> 01:35:25,677 Lift up now thine eyes… 475 01:35:25,887 --> 01:35:29,014 …and look from the place where thou art… 476 01:35:29,224 --> 01:35:31,975 …northward and southward… 477 01:35:32,143 --> 01:35:34,645 …and eastward and westward… 478 01:35:35,063 --> 01:35:38,315 …for all the land which thou seest… 479 01:35:38,483 --> 01:35:40,734 …to thee will I give it… 480 01:35:40,902 --> 01:35:43,779 …and to thy seed forever. 481 01:35:58,920 --> 01:36:02,673 LOT: Shall we indeed inherit this country in peace? 482 01:36:03,091 --> 01:36:06,427 For the Canaanites go about the land. 483 01:36:07,720 --> 01:36:10,681 The understanding of God… 484 01:36:10,849 --> 01:36:13,392 …is not our understanding. 485 01:36:14,227 --> 01:36:18,021 And what shall be brought about and how it is perfected… 486 01:36:18,690 --> 01:36:21,692 …is not in our power to know. 487 01:36:23,611 --> 01:36:27,197 Only in the promise of what shall come… 488 01:36:27,365 --> 01:36:29,366 …can we prosper. 489 01:36:32,537 --> 01:36:34,371 And in that trust… 490 01:36:35,373 --> 01:36:37,791 …have we pitched our tents. 491 01:37:09,073 --> 01:37:10,574 Wife. 492 01:37:11,993 --> 01:37:13,410 Abram. 493 01:37:14,662 --> 01:37:16,663 My husband. 494 01:37:20,126 --> 01:37:24,421 The sun has gone down. We have laboured until evening. 495 01:37:26,257 --> 01:37:30,636 I bring my love beside you in the tent… 496 01:37:31,513 --> 01:37:33,972 …as day answereth day. 497 01:37:34,766 --> 01:37:39,353 Let my beloved come into his garden and eat his pleasant fruits. 498 01:37:50,031 --> 01:37:51,657 Behold. 499 01:37:52,659 --> 01:37:55,202 Thou art fair, my love. 500 01:38:00,500 --> 01:38:04,294 Behold, thou art fair. 501 01:38:05,380 --> 01:38:09,841 I have drawn away from my beauty as from a stranger… 502 01:38:10,134 --> 01:38:13,804 …for the years have gone with the going down of the sun. 503 01:38:14,013 --> 01:38:18,684 Your beauty stands in a sanctuary. 504 01:38:20,728 --> 01:38:24,231 The enemy falters in the street… 505 01:38:24,482 --> 01:38:27,859 …and sheathes his sword in the marketplace. 506 01:38:31,030 --> 01:38:32,364 Time… 507 01:38:34,701 --> 01:38:37,077 …cannot pass the door. 508 01:38:39,038 --> 01:38:42,666 The strong lock of the door is love… 509 01:38:44,669 --> 01:38:46,211 …and the key… 510 01:38:48,047 --> 01:38:50,340 …is in my hand. 511 01:38:53,011 --> 01:38:56,763 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood… 512 01:38:57,515 --> 01:39:00,726 …so is my beloved among the sons. 513 01:39:02,270 --> 01:39:05,522 H is left hand is under my head… 514 01:39:05,857 --> 01:39:08,692 …and his right hand doth embrace me. 515 01:39:09,027 --> 01:39:11,361 My right arm covers you… 516 01:39:12,572 --> 01:39:14,865 …as the night covers the day. 517 01:39:19,287 --> 01:39:22,164 NARRATOR: But Sarai, his wife, was barren… 518 01:39:22,540 --> 01:39:24,374 …and she had no child. 519 01:39:28,713 --> 01:39:32,382 Yet was the land before them as God had promised. 520 01:39:32,550 --> 01:39:37,721 And they pitched their tents in the length and breadth of it… 521 01:39:37,930 --> 01:39:43,060 …from Bethel to Kadesh and Shur, even unto Egypt. 522 01:39:52,570 --> 01:39:56,073 With Sarai came also her handmaid… 523 01:39:56,240 --> 01:39:58,784 … Hagar, the Egyptian. 524 01:40:02,163 --> 01:40:05,290 They learned the wells and fertile places… 525 01:40:05,375 --> 01:40:06,625 Five score. 526 01:40:06,709 --> 01:40:08,877 …and Abram prospered. 527 01:40:09,420 --> 01:40:10,921 Six score. 528 01:40:14,008 --> 01:40:15,592 Seven score. 529 01:40:33,194 --> 01:40:34,820 (CROWD YELLS) 530 01:40:36,823 --> 01:40:39,324 And when they came again unto Bethel… 531 01:40:39,409 --> 01:40:43,370 …there was division between the herdsmen of Abram’s cattle… 532 01:40:43,454 --> 01:40:46,206 …and the herdsmen of Lot’s cattle. 533 01:41:00,638 --> 01:41:03,974 Let there be no strife between thee and me. 534 01:41:05,476 --> 01:41:10,480 And between thy herdsmen and my herdsmen,for we are brethren. 535 01:41:16,988 --> 01:41:20,407 Our substance is too great for us to dwell together. 536 01:41:20,491 --> 01:41:23,660 The land is not able to bear us together. 537 01:41:31,502 --> 01:41:34,337 Is not the whole land before thee? 538 01:41:35,339 --> 01:41:38,341 Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me. 539 01:41:38,676 --> 01:41:41,762 lf thou will go left, I will go to the right… 540 01:41:41,846 --> 01:41:45,891 …or if thou go right, I will go to the left. 541 01:41:51,105 --> 01:41:54,191 There below us is the plain of Jordan. 542 01:41:55,193 --> 01:41:57,402 And that way I will go. 543 01:41:57,862 --> 01:42:00,864 Toward the cities of the plain. 544 01:42:02,200 --> 01:42:04,284 The men of the cities are wicked, 545 01:42:04,368 --> 01:42:07,078 and sinners before the Lord. 546 01:42:08,372 --> 01:42:12,083 From here the walls of Sodom and Gomorrah are white. 547 01:42:13,044 --> 01:42:14,961 But within the walls… 548 01:42:16,214 --> 01:42:18,423 …is the darkness of men. 549 01:42:18,633 --> 01:42:22,803 Many tribes and their kings try to claim their domination… 550 01:42:23,095 --> 01:42:25,889 …and the city walls are refuge and strength. 551 01:42:26,098 --> 01:42:28,725 God is my refuge and strength. 552 01:42:29,894 --> 01:42:33,355 The plain is well-watered everywhere… 553 01:42:33,439 --> 01:42:36,441 …fertile with fruits of the earth… 554 01:42:36,776 --> 01:42:41,905 …even as the Garden of the Lord. That is the way I shall take. 555 01:42:48,246 --> 01:42:50,247 And my way is another. 556 01:43:51,642 --> 01:43:54,394 GOD: Lift up now thine eyes… 557 01:43:54,645 --> 01:43:57,772 …and look from the place where thou art… 558 01:43:57,982 --> 01:44:02,694 …northward and southward and eastward and westward. 559 01:44:03,446 --> 01:44:06,615 For all the land which thou seest… 560 01:44:06,824 --> 01:44:11,703 …to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever. 561 01:44:12,788 --> 01:44:18,084 Lord God,what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless? 562 01:44:21,088 --> 01:44:24,049 Behold, to me thou hast given no seed. 563 01:44:25,301 --> 01:44:29,721 I will make thy seed as the dust of the Earth… 564 01:44:29,931 --> 01:44:33,224 …so that if one can number the dust of the Earth… 565 01:44:33,434 --> 01:44:37,479 …then shall thy seed also be numbered. 566 01:44:39,357 --> 01:44:43,777 But Sarai, my wife, is barren and she has no child. 567 01:44:44,445 --> 01:44:47,238 I am the Lord that brought thee… 568 01:44:47,448 --> 01:44:49,950 …out of Ur of the Chaldees… 569 01:44:50,159 --> 01:44:53,912 …to give thee this land to inherit it. 570 01:44:56,040 --> 01:44:57,374 Lord God… 571 01:44:58,876 --> 01:45:02,212 …whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it? 572 01:45:08,886 --> 01:45:12,097 Take me a heifer of three years old… 573 01:45:12,306 --> 01:45:14,891 …and a she-goat of three years old 574 01:45:14,976 --> 01:45:17,268 and a ram of three years old… 575 01:45:17,478 --> 01:45:20,355 …and a turtledove and a young pigeon. 576 01:45:20,731 --> 01:45:22,983 Divide them in the midst… 577 01:45:23,234 --> 01:45:26,486 …and lay each piece one against another. 578 01:45:26,696 --> 01:45:30,448 But the birds, they shall not be divided. 579 01:46:36,474 --> 01:46:40,935 Now have I made my covenant between me and thee… 580 01:46:41,145 --> 01:46:44,814 …and out of thine own bowels thou shalt have an heir. 581 01:46:45,024 --> 01:46:48,860 And Isaac shall his name be called. 582 01:46:49,445 --> 01:46:52,072 Yet know of a surety that thy seed… 583 01:46:52,364 --> 01:46:56,618 …shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs. 584 01:46:56,827 --> 01:46:59,037 Its rulers shall afflict them… 585 01:46:59,288 --> 01:47:03,041 … pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them. 586 01:47:03,250 --> 01:47:06,961 They shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth. 587 01:47:07,171 --> 01:47:10,381 They shall be tried, like metal in a furnace… 588 01:47:10,633 --> 01:47:13,343 …as also I shall try thee. 589 01:47:15,971 --> 01:47:19,682 I will make a man more precious than fine gold… 590 01:47:19,767 --> 01:47:24,104 …even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir. 591 01:49:38,113 --> 01:49:41,532 Go. 592 01:50:32,001 --> 01:50:33,209 Abram. 593 01:50:34,169 --> 01:50:36,212 Behold now. 594 01:50:40,467 --> 01:50:43,553 The Lord hath restrained me from bearing. 595 01:50:44,888 --> 01:50:47,056 I pray thee… 596 01:50:48,809 --> 01:50:51,227 …go in unto my maid… 597 01:50:52,229 --> 01:50:55,064 …according to that law which says: 598 01:50:55,816 --> 01:50:57,734 ”When a wife is barren… 599 01:50:58,068 --> 01:51:01,029 …her maidservant may bear for her.” 600 01:51:02,406 --> 01:51:05,742 It may be that I may obtain children by her. 601 01:51:12,666 --> 01:51:15,168 I give thee my handmaiden… 602 01:51:16,712 --> 01:51:19,172 …Hagar the Egyptian… 603 01:51:21,342 --> 01:51:23,343 …to be thy wife. 604 01:51:25,596 --> 01:51:27,263 Is it so… 605 01:51:28,223 --> 01:51:32,185 …that the promise of many nations shall be fulfilled? 606 01:51:33,896 --> 01:51:36,189 Even so… 607 01:52:00,964 --> 01:52:05,885 And Abram went in to Hagar and she conceived… 608 01:52:09,306 --> 01:52:11,140 …and when it came near the time 609 01:52:11,225 --> 01:52:12,975 that she should bear a child… 610 01:52:13,143 --> 01:52:17,146 … Sarai, her mistress, was despised in her eyes. 611 01:52:45,342 --> 01:52:47,427 Are you not tired? 612 01:52:51,348 --> 01:52:54,016 Let us stay our hands… 613 01:52:54,476 --> 01:52:58,146 …and eat and drink, now that the sun is gone. 614 01:53:42,483 --> 01:53:44,859 Fruits of thy kind. 615 01:53:44,985 --> 01:53:48,571 Figs that are dry, and dates and raisins. 616 01:53:49,323 --> 01:53:50,990 But for me… 617 01:53:51,992 --> 01:53:54,243 …the fruits that ripen. 618 01:54:00,751 --> 01:54:02,919 Go away from me! 619 01:54:29,530 --> 01:54:31,614 Why weepest thou? 620 01:54:35,452 --> 01:54:37,537 I am ashamed. 621 01:54:40,207 --> 01:54:41,874 For what cause? 622 01:54:47,256 --> 01:54:49,382 Did I not say to thee: 623 01:54:49,758 --> 01:54:54,303 ”Go in to my maid that I may obtain children by her”? 624 01:54:55,264 --> 01:54:56,597 Even so? 625 01:54:58,892 --> 01:55:03,312 Now I am despised by her that she carries the child in her body. 626 01:55:05,649 --> 01:55:09,610 I am but the grass that is bruised where she walks. 627 01:55:11,405 --> 01:55:16,284 I look through her eyes and see myself as one who no longer lives. 628 01:55:17,119 --> 01:55:21,080 The fulfilment of the earth passes to strangers. 629 01:55:24,876 --> 01:55:29,922 And I am left as I was never born. 630 01:55:35,304 --> 01:55:38,180 But the child is thine… 631 01:55:38,307 --> 01:55:40,474 …by thy maidservant… 632 01:55:41,685 --> 01:55:43,936 …and by the love I bear thee. 633 01:55:49,943 --> 01:55:53,613 NARRATOR: From the south, even unto the plain of Jordan… 634 01:55:53,822 --> 01:55:56,949 …came four warring kings: 635 01:55:57,159 --> 01:56:00,703 The kings of Shinar, of Ellasar… 636 01:56:00,871 --> 01:56:05,458 …of Elam, and Tidal, king of nations. 637 01:56:05,667 --> 01:56:08,544 These made war with the king of Sodom… 638 01:56:08,837 --> 01:56:12,214 …and the king of Gomorrah and the king of Admah… 639 01:56:12,382 --> 01:56:15,926 ..and the king of Zeboiim and the king of Zoar. 640 01:56:16,219 --> 01:56:18,971 Four kings with five. 641 01:56:19,181 --> 01:56:22,850 They joined battle in the vale of Siddim. 642 01:56:25,270 --> 01:56:28,898 The vale of Siddim was full of slime pits… 643 01:56:29,066 --> 01:56:33,903 …and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled and fell there… 644 01:56:34,071 --> 01:56:39,408 …and the victors took captives and goods and went their way. 645 01:56:41,787 --> 01:56:43,496 And Lot? 646 01:56:47,584 --> 01:56:50,419 And Lot, my brother’s son Lot? 647 01:56:50,629 --> 01:56:52,922 He is taken captive. 648 01:57:00,972 --> 01:57:04,600 Shall the land that is promised to us have no peace? 649 01:57:06,311 --> 01:57:09,355 And my blood be taken into slavery? 650 01:57:13,527 --> 01:57:14,694 Eliezer. 651 01:57:14,778 --> 01:57:15,778 My lord? 652 01:57:18,323 --> 01:57:20,282 Summon Mamre, the Amorite… 653 01:57:20,492 --> 01:57:24,453 …and Aner and Eshcol, his brothers who are confederates. 654 01:57:24,788 --> 01:57:26,956 And you, my trained servants… 655 01:57:27,457 --> 01:57:29,333 …born in mine own house… 656 01:57:30,377 --> 01:57:32,128 …gather at the tents. 657 01:57:32,295 --> 01:57:33,838 Three hundred eighteen we be. 658 01:57:34,047 --> 01:57:36,966 How shall we prevail against so many? 659 01:57:37,175 --> 01:57:41,512 They have gotten the victory, and left off watching. 660 01:57:43,014 --> 01:57:46,809 I will divide us against them by night… 661 01:57:47,978 --> 01:57:49,979 …and smite them. 662 01:57:50,564 --> 01:57:52,440 (MEN YELLING) 663 01:59:50,600 --> 01:59:52,017 (SWORDS CLANGING) 664 02:01:02,380 --> 02:01:04,006 (HORSE WHINNIES) 665 02:01:56,893 --> 02:01:58,978 Blessed be the most high God… 666 02:01:59,062 --> 02:02:02,398 …which hath delivered mine enemies into my hands. 667 02:02:02,899 --> 02:02:08,612 Thou art my shield and my exceeding great reward. 668 02:02:20,792 --> 02:02:23,460 GOD: I am the Almighty God. 669 02:02:24,087 --> 02:02:27,840 Walk before me and be thou perfect. 670 02:02:28,425 --> 02:02:31,510 Thy name shall no more be Abram… 671 02:02:31,761 --> 02:02:34,471 …but thy name shall be Abraham. 672 02:02:34,931 --> 02:02:37,975 For kings shall come out of thee… 673 02:02:38,184 --> 02:02:41,979 …and I will establish my covenant between me and thee… 674 02:02:42,188 --> 02:02:47,234 …and thy seed after thee, and their generations,to be their God. 675 02:02:49,946 --> 02:02:55,117 As for Sarai, thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai… 676 02:02:55,326 --> 02:02:57,953 …but Sarah shall her name be. 677 02:02:58,163 --> 02:03:02,624 And I will bless her and give thee a son,also of her. 678 02:03:02,792 --> 02:03:05,627 And she shall be a mother of nations. 679 02:03:11,968 --> 02:03:13,844 Thy child. 680 02:03:14,179 --> 02:03:18,140 By my maidservant, and by the love I bear thee. 681 02:03:23,980 --> 02:03:28,525 The smell of my son is like a field which the Lord has blessed. 682 02:03:30,403 --> 02:03:35,240 GOD: This is my covenant,which ye shall keep between me and you… 683 02:03:35,408 --> 02:03:37,576 …and thy seed after thee. 684 02:03:39,245 --> 02:03:43,207 Every man-child among you shall be circumcised… 685 02:03:43,416 --> 02:03:47,336 …as a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. 686 02:03:54,177 --> 02:03:58,013 Thou hast 24 score and 7 in thy flock. 687 02:04:03,686 --> 02:04:08,065 By each pebble I know you as good servants. 688 02:04:08,733 --> 02:04:13,529 You are blessed among us and are indeed our blessing. 689 02:04:21,371 --> 02:04:22,788 My lord. 690 02:04:29,045 --> 02:04:32,047 Behold. Thy son, Ishmael, hath seven years. 691 02:04:32,549 --> 02:04:34,550 Give him thy blessing, I pray… 692 02:04:35,051 --> 02:04:39,263 …that he may live before God as the first of thy flesh, 693 02:04:39,347 --> 02:04:40,889 and thy only son. 694 02:04:42,559 --> 02:04:46,895 Yet have I told thee how it stands between me and Ishmael. 695 02:04:47,105 --> 02:04:50,065 For God hath said He will bless Sarah 696 02:04:50,150 --> 02:04:52,276 and give me a son also… 697 02:04:52,569 --> 02:04:53,902 …of her. 698 02:04:54,904 --> 02:04:59,825 Wilt thou indeed believe what cannot come to pass? 699 02:05:00,326 --> 02:05:04,079 The years have gone by and the promise is not fulfilled. 700 02:05:04,247 --> 02:05:05,914 With Sarah, thy wife… 701 02:05:06,332 --> 02:05:09,459 …the time of childbearing is over. 702 02:05:10,420 --> 02:05:13,422 Give Ishmael, therefore, thy blessing. 703 02:05:13,923 --> 02:05:16,758 Thou can hope for no other. 704 02:05:19,929 --> 02:05:24,766 Shall the Lord speak and Abraham not believe? 705 02:05:24,934 --> 02:05:30,772 What is faith if it say, ”This thing cannot be”? 706 02:05:33,776 --> 02:05:36,028 And as for Ishmael… 707 02:05:36,821 --> 02:05:38,864 …God has said ”Behold… 708 02:05:39,115 --> 02:05:42,451 …I have blessed him and will make him fruitful. 709 02:05:42,785 --> 02:05:45,704 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac… 710 02:05:45,955 --> 02:05:49,166 …which Sarah shall bear unto thee.” 711 02:05:51,127 --> 02:05:54,171 And so I wait upon his will… 712 02:05:57,300 --> 02:05:59,551 …even beyond the time. 713 02:06:01,137 --> 02:06:04,556 NARRATOR: And Abraham waited upon the will of God. 714 02:06:04,891 --> 02:06:10,312 And God was silent,as one who searches the strength of a man. 715 02:06:10,980 --> 02:06:14,858 Three years passed and two more added… 716 02:06:15,068 --> 02:06:18,487 …and Sarah and Abraham grew old. 717 02:07:11,457 --> 02:07:13,041 My Lord… 718 02:07:16,713 --> 02:07:20,382 …if now I have found favour in thy sight… 719 02:07:20,508 --> 02:07:22,843 …pass not away from thy servant. 720 02:07:25,054 --> 02:07:27,723 We go down towards the city… 721 02:07:29,475 --> 02:07:31,268 …toward Sodom… 722 02:07:32,603 --> 02:07:37,566 …where Lot,thy brother’s son, sits in the gate of the city. 723 02:07:45,158 --> 02:07:47,659 Rest yourselves, I pray thee… 724 02:07:48,244 --> 02:07:50,078 …under the tree. 725 02:07:55,668 --> 02:07:59,588 And comfort ye your hearts. 726 02:08:27,533 --> 02:08:29,951 Where is Sarah, thy wife? 727 02:08:34,957 --> 02:08:37,042 Behold, in the tent. 728 02:08:47,804 --> 02:08:52,474 I will certainly return unto thee, and lo… 729 02:08:53,643 --> 02:08:57,020 …Sarah, thy wife, shall have a son. 730 02:09:07,740 --> 02:09:10,992 After I am waxed old… 731 02:09:12,537 --> 02:09:14,704 …shall I have pleasure… 732 02:09:14,997 --> 02:09:17,833 …my Lord being old also? 733 02:09:18,126 --> 02:09:20,001 Wherefore did Sarah laugh? 734 02:09:22,672 --> 02:09:25,215 Is anything too hard for the Lord? 735 02:09:25,508 --> 02:09:26,716 I laughed not! 736 02:09:27,844 --> 02:09:29,219 Nay… 737 02:09:30,221 --> 02:09:32,556 …but thou didst laugh. 738 02:09:38,896 --> 02:09:43,066 At the time appointed I will return unto thee… 739 02:09:43,693 --> 02:09:46,945 …and Sarah shall have a son. 740 02:09:48,781 --> 02:09:50,532 We are going… 741 02:09:52,034 --> 02:09:55,036 …towards the cities of the plain. 742 02:09:57,039 --> 02:09:59,458 I will bring you on your way. 743 02:10:18,060 --> 02:10:20,729 Shall I hide from Abraham… 744 02:10:21,397 --> 02:10:24,566 …that thing which I do? 745 02:10:27,278 --> 02:10:31,239 Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great… 746 02:10:31,574 --> 02:10:34,951 …and because their sin is very grievous… 747 02:10:36,412 --> 02:10:38,455 …I will go down now… 748 02:10:38,998 --> 02:10:41,333 …and see whether they have done altogether… 749 02:10:41,417 --> 02:10:43,251 …according to the cry of it, 750 02:10:43,336 --> 02:10:44,961 which has come unto me… 751 02:10:46,422 --> 02:10:50,759 …and if not, I will know. 752 02:10:53,596 --> 02:10:58,433 Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? 753 02:11:01,187 --> 02:11:03,438 There may be 50 righteous… 754 02:11:03,564 --> 02:11:08,443 …within the city.Wilt thou not spare the place for them? 755 02:11:09,779 --> 02:11:13,532 Shall not the judge of all the Earth… 756 02:11:13,783 --> 02:11:15,450 …do right? 757 02:11:17,620 --> 02:11:21,623 lf I find 50 righteous within the city… 758 02:11:22,667 --> 02:11:26,044 …I will spare all the place for their sakes. 759 02:11:28,297 --> 02:11:31,466 What if there be 45 such men? 760 02:11:32,134 --> 02:11:35,804 Or 30? Or even as few as 20? 761 02:11:38,140 --> 02:11:40,475 I will not destroy it… 762 02:11:40,893 --> 02:11:43,144 …for 20’s sake. 763 02:11:47,817 --> 02:11:52,320 Let not the Lord be angry and I will speak yet but this once: 764 02:11:53,823 --> 02:11:58,827 Peradventure, 10 shall be found there. 765 02:12:00,329 --> 02:12:02,998 I will not destroy it… 766 02:12:03,416 --> 02:12:05,333 …for 10’s sake. 767 02:12:09,130 --> 02:12:12,340 NARRATOR: When the sun was down, 768 02:12:12,425 --> 02:12:14,884 Lot sat in the gates of the city. 769 02:12:15,845 --> 02:12:19,014 And he lift up his eyes and looked… 770 02:12:19,265 --> 02:12:23,560 …and beheld two strangers coming into the city. 771 02:13:14,236 --> 02:13:15,820 (WOMAN SCREAMS) 772 02:13:17,740 --> 02:13:19,366 (WICKED LAUGHTER) 773 02:13:28,751 --> 02:13:30,627 (LAUGHING) 774 02:13:37,259 --> 02:13:38,551 (WOMAN MOANS) 775 02:14:46,036 --> 02:14:47,495 (MOANS) 776 02:16:41,026 --> 02:16:42,694 What strangers are these? 777 02:16:42,778 --> 02:16:43,820 Where are they from? 778 02:16:43,946 --> 02:16:45,905 Two angels of God. 779 02:16:45,990 --> 02:16:48,908 So fair they are. So fair. 780 02:17:02,172 --> 02:17:04,007 (POUNDING ON THE DOOR) 781 02:17:10,890 --> 02:17:12,557 (POUNDING) 782 02:17:34,997 --> 02:17:36,372 Where are they? 783 02:17:36,457 --> 02:17:38,666 What have you done with them? 784 02:17:38,751 --> 02:17:42,921 Yes, bring them out unto us! 785 02:17:43,005 --> 02:17:45,381 Bring them, that we may know them! 786 02:17:46,383 --> 02:17:50,011 I pray, brethren, do not so wickedly. 787 02:17:51,096 --> 02:17:54,599 For these strangers here with us are of God. 788 02:17:54,850 --> 02:17:57,560 Better you destroy all I possess… 789 02:17:57,770 --> 02:18:00,605 …than any harm should be done them. 790 02:18:02,858 --> 02:18:07,654 Behold, I have two daughters which have not known man. 791 02:18:08,530 --> 02:18:12,325 Let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you… 792 02:18:12,952 --> 02:18:16,537 …and do ye to them as is good in your eyes… 793 02:18:17,289 --> 02:18:20,541 …only unto these men do nothing. 794 02:18:21,168 --> 02:18:25,213 This one fellow came in to sojourn… 795 02:18:25,839 --> 02:18:28,675 …and he will needs be a judge? 796 02:18:28,968 --> 02:18:34,055 Now will we deal worse with thee than with them! 797 02:18:59,123 --> 02:19:01,207 I cannot see! 798 02:19:05,671 --> 02:19:08,589 Whatsoever thou hast in the city, 799 02:19:08,674 --> 02:19:11,259 bring them out of this place… 800 02:19:12,219 --> 02:19:16,931 …for the Lord hath sent us to destroy it. 801 02:19:18,517 --> 02:19:22,603 Take thy wife and thy two daughters which are here… 802 02:19:23,105 --> 02:19:27,358 …lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city. 803 02:19:49,423 --> 02:19:53,968 Escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed. 804 02:19:55,220 --> 02:19:58,056 Look not behind thee. 805 02:22:04,141 --> 02:22:05,391 (BABY CRYING) 806 02:22:59,071 --> 02:23:00,363 (WOMEN CLAP) 807 02:23:46,493 --> 02:23:50,871 The name of our son shall be called Isaac. 808 02:23:56,795 --> 02:23:58,296 Thy son… 809 02:23:59,298 --> 02:24:00,715 …and mine. 810 02:24:01,633 --> 02:24:07,555 God hath made me laugh. All that hear will laugh with me. 811 02:24:18,900 --> 02:24:21,694 Who would have said unto Abraham… 812 02:24:21,903 --> 02:24:25,197 …that Sarah would have given children suck? 813 02:24:25,907 --> 02:24:30,161 For I have borne him a son in his old age. 814 02:24:34,082 --> 02:24:35,541 In him… 815 02:24:38,086 --> 02:24:41,088 …are the stars of the heavens… 816 02:24:42,758 --> 02:24:46,427 …and the sands of the seashore. 817 02:24:47,679 --> 02:24:50,056 NARRATOR: And the child grew… 818 02:24:50,432 --> 02:24:56,103 …and Abraham made a great feast the same day Isaac was weaned. 819 02:27:15,160 --> 02:27:18,245 Cast out this bondwoman and her son. 820 02:27:19,206 --> 02:27:21,415 Who has put this into thy heart? 821 02:27:21,583 --> 02:27:24,919 Did you not see how he went among us mocking? 822 02:27:25,253 --> 02:27:30,216 I have a great fear there will come such division in our people. 823 02:27:31,051 --> 02:27:33,385 Like Cain and Abel again. 824 02:27:33,470 --> 02:27:36,931 I beg you, cast out this bondwoman and her son! 825 02:27:37,599 --> 02:27:42,436 The son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son… 826 02:27:43,104 --> 02:27:45,022 …even with Isaac. 827 02:27:45,899 --> 02:27:49,193 What sayest thou? He is my seed. 828 02:27:50,779 --> 02:27:54,782 I will not cast out the lad, nor thy bondwoman. 829 02:28:12,551 --> 02:28:15,135 NARRATOR: But God said unto Abraham: 830 02:28:15,387 --> 02:28:19,473 ”Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad… 831 02:28:19,641 --> 02:28:22,476 …and because of thy bondwoman. 832 02:28:22,644 --> 02:28:25,479 In all that Sarah hath said unto thee, 833 02:28:25,564 --> 02:28:28,315 hearken unto her voice… 834 02:28:28,567 --> 02:28:33,153 …for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.” 835 02:28:35,824 --> 02:28:39,618 And Abraham sent her away, and she departed… 836 02:28:39,828 --> 02:28:43,789 …and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. 837 02:29:22,370 --> 02:29:27,207 Lord! Let me not see the death of the child! 838 02:29:27,459 --> 02:29:31,211 And an angel of God called to Hagar out of heaven… 839 02:29:31,379 --> 02:29:33,547 …and he said unto her: 840 02:29:33,715 --> 02:29:36,133 What aileth thee, Hagar? 841 02:29:36,343 --> 02:29:38,010 Fear not… 842 02:29:38,219 --> 02:29:44,183 …for God hath heard the voice of the lad where he is. 843 02:29:58,531 --> 02:30:00,240 And God was with the lad… 844 02:30:00,533 --> 02:30:04,870 …and he grew and became a great nation. 845 02:30:06,581 --> 02:30:11,085 ABRAHAM: Here are the generations of my fathers named… 846 02:30:11,461 --> 02:30:13,962 …to whom God gave life. 847 02:30:15,840 --> 02:30:20,135 It has fallen to me that the past shall not be forgotten… 848 02:30:21,388 --> 02:30:23,681 …and after me… 849 02:30:23,890 --> 02:30:26,225 …my son… 850 02:30:26,434 --> 02:30:29,311 …also shall remember it. 851 02:30:32,148 --> 02:30:36,443 By what descent are ye come? 852 02:30:37,237 --> 02:30:41,532 These are the generations of which I am made… 853 02:30:41,741 --> 02:30:45,911 …of Noah, who by faith prepared an ark… 854 02:30:46,121 --> 02:30:49,123 …to the saving of this house. 855 02:30:49,332 --> 02:30:51,542 Noah begat Shem… 856 02:30:51,751 --> 02:30:54,086 …and Shem, Arphaxad… 857 02:30:54,212 --> 02:30:58,465 …and after him was Salah, who begat Eber… 858 02:30:58,925 --> 02:31:03,303 …and his son was Peleg… 859 02:31:03,513 --> 02:31:08,517 …the father of Reu, who begat Serug… 860 02:31:08,727 --> 02:31:11,395 …the father of Nahor… 861 02:31:11,604 --> 02:31:14,106 …and Nahor begat Terah… 862 02:31:14,315 --> 02:31:18,235 …whose son was Abraham, my father. 863 02:31:19,612 --> 02:31:22,030 Here are the names written. 864 02:31:22,907 --> 02:31:25,534 And here shalt thy name be also… 865 02:31:25,785 --> 02:31:28,954 …Isaac, son of Abraham… 866 02:31:29,998 --> 02:31:32,875 …when thou takest my place. 867 02:31:40,842 --> 02:31:43,427 Put thy hand upon it. 868 02:31:49,350 --> 02:31:51,477 GOD: Abraham… 869 02:32:01,571 --> 02:32:03,614 Abraham! 870 02:32:14,959 --> 02:32:17,085 Here I am. 871 02:32:38,358 --> 02:32:42,152 The night is filled with thy voice. 872 02:32:46,032 --> 02:32:47,866 Here am I. 873 02:32:51,830 --> 02:32:54,540 What dost thou demand of me? 874 02:32:56,459 --> 02:32:58,585 Thy son. 875 02:33:00,421 --> 02:33:03,215 Thy only son. 876 02:33:12,767 --> 02:33:14,768 What sayest thou? 877 02:33:17,605 --> 02:33:20,440 Take now thy son… 878 02:33:21,442 --> 02:33:26,697 …thy only son, Isaac, whom thou lovest… 879 02:33:27,115 --> 02:33:32,035 …and go into the mountains, where I shall show thee… 880 02:33:32,912 --> 02:33:36,957 …and offer him there for a burnt offering. 881 02:33:39,127 --> 02:33:43,547 Wouldst thou I do even as the Canaanites… 882 02:33:43,673 --> 02:33:47,467 …who lay their first-born on fires before idols? 883 02:33:51,139 --> 02:33:55,100 Art thou truly the Lord, my God? 884 02:33:57,395 --> 02:33:59,938 Thou knowest. 885 02:34:09,157 --> 02:34:10,574 No! 886 02:34:57,038 --> 02:34:59,456 Thou wilt not… 887 02:35:00,083 --> 02:35:03,001 …ask this thing of me! 888 02:35:32,407 --> 02:35:33,991 Isaac… 889 02:35:35,910 --> 02:35:38,328 …take leave of thy mother. 890 02:35:46,462 --> 02:35:50,132 Mother, I am going on a journey. 891 02:35:52,093 --> 02:35:53,719 A journey? 892 02:35:53,928 --> 02:35:56,596 We are going on a journey of three days. 893 02:35:56,848 --> 02:35:58,765 I am going with my father. 894 02:35:58,850 --> 02:36:00,726 What does thou tell me? 895 02:36:00,935 --> 02:36:04,563 A journey unto the land of Moriah! 896 02:36:05,106 --> 02:36:07,899 Unto Moriah? Why unto Moriah? 897 02:36:08,109 --> 02:36:12,696 God hath commanded that we go there to sacrifice unto him. 898 02:36:12,905 --> 02:36:15,657 Six days must I wait for thee? 899 02:36:15,867 --> 02:36:18,201 Mother, it is a little time. 900 02:36:19,245 --> 02:36:23,040 I have waited for thee until I was old. 901 02:36:23,249 --> 02:36:26,168 The days are precious to me. 902 02:36:31,215 --> 02:36:33,842 Isaac, Isaac… 903 02:36:40,933 --> 02:36:43,894 What should I fear… 904 02:36:46,230 --> 02:36:49,983 …if thou goest with thy father? 905 02:37:22,100 --> 02:37:23,517 Father… 906 02:37:24,685 --> 02:37:26,937 …this was a city? 907 02:37:29,190 --> 02:37:33,026 The city of Sodom. 908 02:37:34,570 --> 02:37:38,657 Lot sat here in this gate. 909 02:37:38,908 --> 02:37:40,492 And here… 910 02:37:41,911 --> 02:37:45,205 …came the two angels to him. 911 02:37:57,760 --> 02:38:03,557 He overthrew these cities and all the plain… 912 02:38:03,766 --> 02:38:07,102 …and all the inhabitants of the cities… 913 02:38:07,311 --> 02:38:11,022 …and that which grew upon the face of the ground. 914 02:38:11,274 --> 02:38:13,692 All the inhabitants? 915 02:38:25,246 --> 02:38:30,041 And lo, the smoke of the country went up… 916 02:38:30,918 --> 02:38:33,545 …as the smoke of a furnace. 917 02:38:35,256 --> 02:38:39,968 The Lord, our God, must be obeyed. 918 02:38:41,762 --> 02:38:44,723 All the inhabitants of the cities? 919 02:38:46,017 --> 02:38:48,226 The children also? 920 02:38:49,145 --> 02:38:51,938 Were the children also wicked? 921 02:39:38,277 --> 02:39:39,778 Father? 922 02:39:57,922 --> 02:40:01,758 Shall not the judge of all the Earth… 923 02:40:02,260 --> 02:40:03,677 …do right? 924 02:40:09,475 --> 02:40:12,811 Call the nobles to the kingdom! 925 02:40:16,941 --> 02:40:19,359 None are here. 926 02:40:20,611 --> 02:40:24,322 All the princes are nothing! 927 02:40:27,159 --> 02:40:28,243 Father! 928 02:40:28,452 --> 02:40:32,914 All the princes are nothing! 929 02:40:33,165 --> 02:40:36,418 The thorns have come up in the palace. 930 02:40:38,170 --> 02:40:42,424 From generation to generation it will lie… 931 02:40:43,134 --> 02:40:45,802 …waste. 932 02:40:46,178 --> 02:40:51,141 Ye shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion. 933 02:41:04,947 --> 02:41:09,743 Has it not been told from the beginning, God is He that sitteth… 934 02:41:09,869 --> 02:41:12,287 …upon the circle of the Earth… 935 02:41:13,748 --> 02:41:17,292 …that stretcheth out the heaven as a curtain… 936 02:41:17,501 --> 02:41:22,088 …and spreadeth them out as a tent wherein to dwell… 937 02:41:22,298 --> 02:41:26,551 …that bringeth the princes to nothing? 938 02:41:26,886 --> 02:41:30,889 Ye shall blow upon them… 939 02:41:31,057 --> 02:41:34,100 …and they shall wither! 940 02:41:34,435 --> 02:41:37,729 And the whirlwind… 941 02:41:41,400 --> 02:41:44,110 …shall take them away… 942 02:41:46,572 --> 02:41:48,698 …as stubble. 943 02:42:19,438 --> 02:42:21,147 My son… 944 02:42:27,988 --> 02:42:30,740 …the Lord God… 945 02:42:31,033 --> 02:42:33,493 …appeared unto me… 946 02:42:34,412 --> 02:42:40,458 …and said unto me, ”l am the Almighty God. 947 02:42:42,461 --> 02:42:44,671 Walk before me… 948 02:42:46,132 --> 02:42:48,258 …and be thou… 949 02:42:50,010 --> 02:42:51,636 …perfect. 950 02:42:53,889 --> 02:42:57,267 Behold, my covenant is with thee… 951 02:42:58,018 --> 02:43:00,854 …and I will make thee… 952 02:43:01,105 --> 02:43:03,189 …exceedingly… 953 02:43:05,276 --> 02:43:06,860 …fruitful.” 954 02:43:11,657 --> 02:43:15,326 Come, let us leave these ruins… 955 02:43:15,536 --> 02:43:20,331 …and go from here into the mountains. 956 02:43:41,896 --> 02:43:44,189 In all things… 957 02:43:46,358 --> 02:43:48,610 …we must obey Him. 958 02:43:57,495 --> 02:43:59,204 NARRATOR: Then on the third day… 959 02:43:59,413 --> 02:44:04,083 …Abraham lift up his eyes and saw the place, afar off. 960 02:45:03,143 --> 02:45:05,019 The wood. 961 02:45:05,688 --> 02:45:07,355 The fire. 962 02:45:08,399 --> 02:45:10,108 The knife. 963 02:45:12,027 --> 02:45:15,113 But where is the ram for the sacrifice? 964 02:46:04,830 --> 02:46:06,497 Father! 965 02:46:15,382 --> 02:46:17,175 My son! 966 02:48:35,522 --> 02:48:40,443 There is nothing He may not ask of thee? 967 02:48:42,362 --> 02:48:43,738 Nothing. 968 02:49:07,846 --> 02:49:09,931 GOD: Abraham! 969 02:49:11,475 --> 02:49:13,434 Abraham! 970 02:49:16,605 --> 02:49:18,689 Here am I. 971 02:49:19,358 --> 02:49:22,860 Lay not thy hand upon the lad… 972 02:49:23,070 --> 02:49:26,197 …for now I know that thou fearest God… 973 02:49:26,406 --> 02:49:30,493 …seeing that thou hadst not withheld thy son… 974 02:49:30,702 --> 02:49:35,039 …thy only son, from me. 975 02:50:12,786 --> 02:50:15,496 There is the ram for the sacrifice. 976 02:50:32,890 --> 02:50:37,685 Behold, I have tried thee like metal in a furnace. 977 02:50:37,936 --> 02:50:42,106 I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. 978 02:50:42,774 --> 02:50:47,737 Now will I multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven… 979 02:50:47,946 --> 02:50:53,784 …and as the sand which is by the seashore,innumerable.