158 00:01:56,630 --> 00:02:01,300 - 16 - 17 - turning - and now! 157 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:46,040 - Ahhhh 156 00:02:48,400 --> 00:02:52,420 - Check what's going on! Open up his collar! 155 00:02:57,060 --> 00:03:00,060 - And take him over there! Stand back! 154 00:03:06,700 --> 00:03:09,700 - He got away with it! He should get an academy reward! 153 00:03:13,000 --> 00:03:16,890 - Come on! 152 00:03:19,040 --> 00:03:21,040 < clock ticking > 151 00:04:57,330 --> 00:05:00,330 - God! We're going to get through that... 150 00:05:01,460 --> 00:05:06,200 - Just don't think about it. George will have to tidy this up when we finish 149 00:05:14,800 --> 00:05:16,800 < ticking clock in the background > 148 00:05:19,000 --> 00:05:24,000 - That should do it. Anybody looks up? - If anybody looks up we'd had it anyway 147 00:05:27,500 --> 00:05:31,020 - Give me time to make the bend to the right and then come as quick as you can 146 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:40,970 - Wait until I get to the bushes on the far side before you make your move 145 00:05:43,000 --> 00:05:47,500 - He may be able to see us, he may not. So you must rely on that music cue 144 00:05:48,000 --> 00:05:51,530 - Don't forget that sentry is just around the corner,so nice and easy 143 00:06:03,130 --> 00:06:06,130 < music > 142 00:06:37,360 --> 00:06:40,360 < music playing > 141 00:06:50,400 --> 00:06:54,240 - Page 6 Letter D , you know what to do! 140 00:06:55,370 --> 00:06:58,370 < music playing> 139 00:07:24,780 --> 00:07:27,780 < music playing > 138 00:07:48,200 --> 00:07:51,200 < music playing > 137 00:08:03,200 --> 00:08:06,200 < music playing > 136 00:08:06,590 --> 00:08:09,590 < music stops > 135 00:08:19,110 --> 00:08:23,300 - For how long have they've been playing? - For about 10 minutes, Hauptmann 134 00:08:29,010 --> 00:08:32,010 < music playing > 133 00:08:33,000 --> 00:08:36,610 - Keep going!! 132 00:08:43,500 --> 00:08:47,330 - What's happening? - I can't see a bloody thing!! 131 00:08:47,610 --> 00:08:50,610 - Something must have gone wrong They haven't gone yet 130 00:08:55,020 --> 00:08:58,020 - 5 minutes to lock up 129 00:08:58,210 --> 00:09:01,210 - I don't think I'm going to get back 128 00:09:03,080 --> 00:09:06,080 < music playing > 127 00:09:45,200 --> 00:09:48,200 - Ulmann?? - It could be... 126 00:09:48,520 --> 00:09:52,500 - Captain James, why is your orchestra rehearsing in Colonel Preston's rooms? 125 00:09:54,270 --> 00:09:59,200 - Well, ...it was offered... - Herr Hauptmann... 124 00:09:59,840 --> 00:10:01,840 - I think I can explain 123 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:06,000 - What now?? - We wait 122 00:10:06,470 --> 00:10:12,000 - My quarters are away from the others, I offered Cpt. James the facility of practising here sometimes 121 00:10:14,700 --> 00:10:18,280 - Is something wrong? - Possibly not, we shall see 120 00:10:19,200 --> 00:10:22,970 - Will you all go back to your own quarters, it's one minute before curfew 119 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:31,760 - Ok, Jimmy thank you 118 00:10:51,000 --> 00:10:54,460 < a cat mewing > < a rattling sound > 117 00:11:35,000 --> 00:11:39,600 - Well, that's it, can't get back tonight 116 00:11:40,600 --> 00:11:45,800 - What are you going to do? - I'll get some kip in one of those big cauldrones 115 00:11:46,300 --> 00:11:49,910 - And in the morning I should be able to tag on to the orderlies without to much difficulty 114 00:11:50,200 --> 00:11:54,400 - Anyway, that's my problem. Anything happening? - Not a damn thing!! 113 00:11:55,100 --> 00:11:58,670 - What are they doing? 112 00:12:37,500 --> 00:12:41,250 - Looks like our turn 111 00:13:18,500 --> 00:13:22,500 - I'll send you a post card 110 00:13:45,700 --> 00:13:49,780 < the cat mewing> 109 00:14:14,300 --> 00:14:18,700 - What were you doing there? Stop being such an angry cat 108 00:14:18,800 --> 00:14:22,340 - Lets get you inside 107 00:14:38,500 --> 00:14:40,000 < scraping sound > 106 00:15:17,440 --> 00:15:18,940 < footsteps > 105 00:16:07,500 --> 00:16:17,100 < talking in German > 104 00:16:25,500 --> 00:16:27,500 < clicking sound when the key is turned > 103 00:16:32,170 --> 00:16:35,170 < footsteps > 102 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:47,440 - It could be a different type, the one thing Simon couldn't tell us 101 00:16:48,500 --> 00:16:52,050 - Well, that does it 100 00:16:52,400 --> 00:16:55,800 - You realise that we can't get back from here 99 00:16:57,000 --> 00:17:00,700 - Pat, when you were up there - I looked down there 98 00:17:01,650 --> 00:17:06,600 - And I think there's a sewer that goes throug underneath the Kommendantour, I'm not sure but I think so 97 00:17:07,480 --> 00:17:10,480 - Come on! 96 00:18:29,000 --> 00:18:32,000 - Ahhhh... - Are you alright? 95 00:18:32,100 --> 00:18:36,100 < coughing > 94 00:18:39,500 --> 00:18:43,540 - Give us the box - Here! 93 00:18:45,040 --> 00:18:48,040 < coughing > 92 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:12,730 - A lousy dead end! - Yes, 91 00:19:13,500 --> 00:19:15,600 - There must be an opening here somewhere 90 00:19:16,900 --> 00:19:20,300 - I got it! I got it! - What is it? - Strike me on a match! 89 00:19:20,600 --> 00:19:22,300 - We're gonna watch that 88 00:19:22,400 --> 00:19:29,100 - What is it? - It's some kind of coal shaft - How big is it? 87 00:19:36,700 --> 00:19:39,600 - 10 by 18 inches - We can't get through that! 86 00:19:39,700 --> 00:19:42,950 - We can try, we might without some of these clothes 85 00:20:22,960 --> 00:20:25,960 < German voices > 84 00:20:26,540 --> 00:20:29,540 < the dog is yelping > < laughter > 83 00:21:05,000 --> 00:21:08,200 - There's a guard out there with a bloody dog! - Did it get scent? 82 00:21:08,740 --> 00:21:12,900 - It's on ground level and there are bars it's pretty tight even for me 81 00:21:16,300 --> 00:21:19,930 - Ok, lets go! 80 00:23:10,200 --> 00:23:13,200 < scraping noises > 79 00:25:26,700 --> 00:25:30,750 - Next stage 78 00:25:42,160 --> 00:25:45,160 < a cracking noise > 77 00:25:45,890 --> 00:25:48,890 < music from inside > 76 00:26:04,200 --> 00:26:09,290 < dogs whining and barking > 75 00:26:43,900 --> 00:26:47,640 - Good luck! - And you! 74 00:26:48,000 --> 00:26:51,300 - See you in Switzerland - Right! 73 00:27:11,000 --> 00:27:19,020 < sound of water > 72 00:28:18,480 --> 00:28:20,480 < the whistling of a train > 71 00:28:20,500 --> 00:28:25,400 - They should be on that by now - That means that there's an hour before morning apelle. 70 00:29:09,300 --> 00:29:12,300 < engine sound > 69 00:29:46,680 --> 00:29:49,680 < twittering birds > 68 00:30:16,800 --> 00:30:19,800 < talking in German > 67 00:30:39,000 --> 00:30:43,400 - There's our way out 66 00:30:51,760 --> 00:30:54,760 - So far so good 65 00:31:39,000 --> 00:31:42,930 - Listen! 64 00:31:46,650 --> 00:31:49,650 - It's a guard! 63 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:54,000 - There can't be a guard on every damn bridge 62 00:32:01,800 --> 00:32:08,200 - We could swim it - Yes, we could. It'd take 2 days for the clothes to dry 61 00:32:10,400 --> 00:32:14,260 - There's another bridge 3 miles downstream 60 00:32:26,820 --> 00:32:28,320 < footsteps on the bridge > 59 00:32:30,500 --> 00:32:34,550 - There he is - Let's go 58 00:32:51,300 --> 00:32:56,520 - How much further do you think it is to the railroad? - It's about an mile assuming we haven't gone wrong 57 00:32:57,400 --> 00:33:00,760 - Keeping by the roads has it's advantages 56 00:33:15,060 --> 00:33:16,560 < the chugging noise of a train > 55 00:33:47,580 --> 00:33:50,580 < people talking > 54 00:34:04,500 --> 00:34:08,700 - The weather is bad today - Yes 53 00:34:12,010 --> 00:34:13,010 < Tickets > 52 00:34:25,850 --> 00:34:31,200 - Yes ? - 2 tickets, third class,to Rottweil, please. - Ok 51 00:34:43,920 --> 00:34:46,920 - 175 Mark, please - 50 00:34:50,400 --> 00:34:52,400 - Excuse me 49 00:34:58,000 --> 00:35:00,000 - And the travel authorization, please 48 00:35:18,210 --> 00:35:21,210 - You're welcome 47 00:35:38,570 --> 00:35:41,570 < train whistle > 46 00:36:22,520 --> 00:36:25,520 < people talking > 45 00:36:37,980 --> 00:36:40,980 < Regensburg > 44 00:37:10,700 --> 00:37:14,220 - Keep still, stay asleep, Gestapo 43 00:37:43,800 --> 00:37:47,180 - Where are you going? - Ruckfahrt 42 00:37:47,560 --> 00:37:50,560 - Foreigners? Identifications 41 00:37:58,400 --> 00:38:02,410 - Flemish. Work permit? 40 00:39:24,100 --> 00:39:28,800 - Hey! Hello! Hello! 39 00:39:31,200 --> 00:39:33,900 - Yes, you two there! - What is he saying? 38 00:39:34,000 --> 00:39:37,450 - Something about the tickets 37 00:39:47,000 --> 00:39:50,760 - What's the matter? 36 00:39:51,670 --> 00:39:57,400 - You must have your return-tickets - Thank you! 35 00:40:13,000 --> 00:40:17,470 - What was all that about? - I bought return tickets 34 00:40:17,800 --> 00:40:21,740 - You're kidding - No 1 00:40:24,300 --> 00:40:27,900 -We've got 25 or 30 miles from here -We'll do the bulk of that when it's dark 33 00:40:33,600 --> 00:40:35,600 < engine> 32 00:41:23,100 --> 00:41:26,100 < laughter> 31 00:42:45,500 --> 00:42:49,120 - I left my case in there - We'll have to let it go 30 00:42:50,100 --> 00:42:53,470 - You share my stuff 29 00:43:35,430 --> 00:43:38,430 < church bells > 28 00:44:27,200 --> 00:44:31,720 - Salute him 27 00:45:19,000 --> 00:45:21,500 - They won't have any trouble spotting us out there 26 00:45:23,300 --> 00:45:26,810 - We better wait until it gets dark - We need daylight to find that road 25 00:45:28,000 --> 00:45:30,300 - It's a fork here somewhere... 24 00:45:30,400 --> 00:45:34,800 - One road goes to Switzerland, the other one goes past an army training camp 23 00:45:35,400 --> 00:45:41,500 - That will take us back to Rottweil - We're a mile from the border. This place got to be loaded with sentries 22 00:45:41,600 --> 00:45:44,100 - We've got to chance that! 21 00:45:45,200 --> 00:45:49,600 - We must find that road in daylight, then we can lie low 20 00:46:18,600 --> 00:46:22,120 - Hey!!! 19 00:46:22,200 --> 00:46:25,680 - Leave it to me 18 00:46:38,000 --> 00:46:41,440 - Good evening 17 00:46:41,500 --> 00:46:45,080 - We are heading for Rottweil 16 00:46:51,500 --> 00:46:54,700 - We are going to work there 15 00:46:59,060 --> 00:47:04,000 - How far is it? - About 25 kilometres 14 00:47:04,940 --> 00:47:07,940 - Ok, we will head on - 13 00:47:09,000 --> 00:47:10,500 - Good bye 12 00:47:22,200 --> 00:47:25,500 - Not too keen on that - That makes two of us 11 00:47:28,000 --> 00:47:32,710 - Let's see what he does 10 00:47:50,770 --> 00:47:54,700 - HEY! HEY! I spotted a couple of men in the field 9 00:47:55,170 --> 00:47:59,600 - We have to report it at once! We need to make a phone call. Get on with it!! 8 00:48:23,000 --> 00:48:27,060 - Which way do we go? Left? 7 00:48:28,520 --> 00:48:30,520 < sound of an approaching vehicle > 6 00:48:53,900 --> 00:48:59,800 - Dismount!! Get ready for marching off 5 00:49:08,700 --> 00:49:11,200 - Is the river the border? 4 00:49:11,500 --> 00:49:15,330 - No, it's some distance on the other side 3 00:49:34,500 --> 00:49:38,110 - Faster! March on! 2 00:50:21,000 --> 00:50:26,600 - Are we...are we in Switzerland? - You've been in Switzerland for the last 2 miles