1 00:06:05,373 --> 00:06:11,258 He came to Jerusalem. The crowd went wild for his arrival and we did nothing! 2 00:06:11,759 --> 00:06:18,854 He then scolded the merchants, so they sent us beasts for sacrifice from the courtyard to the temple and we did not intervene! 3 00:06:18,855 --> 00:06:24,865 How many times have we protested that the disgrace of buy traders being allowed in the precincts of the temple? 4 00:06:25,074 --> 00:06:29,874 But then we allowed him to preach in the holy temple itself, and at no time, 5 00:06:30,375 --> 00:06:33,797 no time did he recognize your authority, Caiaphus, 6 00:06:34,173 --> 00:06:36,177 nor made sufficient to the elders of Israel. 7 00:06:38,264 --> 00:06:40,392 We must denounce him in the name of the people Of Israel! 8 00:06:42,688 --> 00:06:47,196 I'm not sure. I'm not sure that we have that right. 9 00:06:48,573 --> 00:06:53,791 Can we honestly say that we represent the true thoughts and aspirations of the people of Israel? 10 00:06:53,874 --> 00:06:54,709 What are you saying? 11 00:06:54,793 --> 00:07:00,802 I've often wondered if we, as elders are too cut off from them and their real problems. 12 00:07:00,803 --> 00:07:03,600 How can we guide them if we do not know what's in their hearts? 13 00:07:03,683 --> 00:07:07,106 But without our guidance they would be lost! 14 00:07:07,189 --> 00:07:10,821 People, people will run after any new thing. 15 00:07:10,904 --> 00:07:14,494 They have taken up with this man, with his hijinx and his exaggerated promises. 16 00:07:14,619 --> 00:07:18,292 I have seen him, I have seen him preach. 17 00:07:18,501 --> 00:07:22,716 His words reach into men's hearts, not like ours. 18 00:07:22,717 --> 00:07:30,313 It's not through the old rituals, the old formulas, but a new vision which seems to answer all their hopes. 19 00:07:30,439 --> 00:07:36,908 A message of comfort, of goodness, of purity, of the virtues of humility. 20 00:07:37,033 --> 00:07:40,540 We've heard it all before, from the John the Baptist and hundreds of others. 21 00:07:40,623 --> 00:07:41,834 And why not? 22 00:07:41,917 --> 00:07:47,635 That is the richness of our religion, that it's always being kept alive by new ideas. 23 00:07:47,719 --> 00:07:49,848 Oh that kind of thinking encourages false prophets! 24 00:07:50,056 --> 00:07:52,728 What an incredible people we are, 25 00:07:52,936 --> 00:07:57,528 thirsty for knowledge, but hypocrites afraid of change. 26 00:07:57,653 --> 00:08:02,453 We say that we want new ideas so our religion to speak to each generation, 27 00:08:02,536 --> 00:08:09,758 and yet when a prophet appears burning with faith and fiery revelations, we stifle him! 28 00:08:10,551 --> 00:08:14,766 Shall we go down through history as the people who destroys its prophets? 29 00:08:14,850 --> 00:08:17,939 Oh no, no, please. No. Brothers. Please. 30 00:08:18,064 --> 00:08:21,360 This is scarcely the time for philosophical discussions. 31 00:08:21,361 --> 00:08:23,573 They are more urgent problems to be considered. 32 00:08:23,657 --> 00:08:25,953 Yes, how's those who follow to hate him as the Messiah? 33 00:08:25,954 --> 00:08:28,874 He's a blasphemer! He's an imposter! 34 00:08:31,462 --> 00:08:36,762 With respect to those more learned than I, there is one possibility 35 00:08:36,763 --> 00:08:41,395 that it seems no one here is ready to consider... 36 00:08:41,396 --> 00:08:42,774 What is it? 37 00:08:43,191 --> 00:08:47,574 The possibility that Jesus of Nazareth 38 00:08:47,866 --> 00:08:53,000 may be in fact be the messiah awaited by our people. 39 00:08:54,586 --> 00:08:58,467 A carpenter from Galilee? $ $ 40 00:08:58,468 --> 00:09:06,607 suddenly, he never misses a chance to identify himself with them. 41 00:09:06,691 --> 00:09:07,609 Exactly! 42 00:09:07,693 --> 00:09:14,705 I only know that like our brother Joseph, I've heard him preach. 43 00:09:15,498 --> 00:09:20,006 I was moved lifted out of my soul, 44 00:09:20,924 --> 00:09:26,392 and seemed to see all things in a new and blinding light. 45 00:09:26,809 --> 00:09:35,909 I was aware of wonders, signs that God may be with him, 46 00:09:36,702 --> 00:09:40,625 and through him, with us. 47 00:09:43,004 --> 00:09:46,719 Do you realize what you are saying, Master Nicodemus? 48 00:09:46,845 --> 00:09:49,224 Let him speak! 49 00:09:49,432 --> 00:09:52,520 Listen to him! Let him speak! Don't shut him down! 50 00:09:52,521 --> 00:09:55,734 The coming of the messiah is the heart of our faith. 51 00:09:55,735 --> 00:09:58,114 Why should he not come now? 52 00:09:58,240 --> 00:10:03,833 Why do we dream our liberator will be revealed in glory, a new Solomon, a new David? 53 00:10:04,542 --> 00:10:07,254 Is God not allowed to choose who he wishes? 54 00:10:07,255 --> 00:10:10,260 Even the son of a poor carpenter from Nazareth? 55 00:10:10,261 --> 00:10:13,557 David began life as a shepherd. 56 00:10:13,558 --> 00:10:17,649 Who are we to decide the way in which God should choose to help his people? 57 00:10:17,857 --> 00:10:24,243 We are- grains of sand, chalk blown in the wind. 58 00:10:24,244 --> 00:10:27,958 May the Lord open our eyes to his wisdom. 59 00:10:31,840 --> 00:10:36,974 Master Nicodemus, I have always respected you. 60 00:10:38,059 --> 00:10:41,983 How am I to understand your defense of this man, 61 00:10:42,776 --> 00:10:45,990 whose missions seems to be to divide our people? 62 00:10:46,073 --> 00:10:52,794 Even this noble assembly has been torn asunder by him. 63 00:10:54,088 --> 00:11:00,098 This Jesus of Nazareth must be an extraordinary man. 64 00:11:00,390 --> 00:11:07,694 But is there not one among you who understands the real significance of this matter. 65 00:11:07,695 --> 00:11:13,705 It is not the Galilean's words that are important. The so called miracles, 66 00:11:14,290 --> 00:11:19,883 even the fact the frenzied crowds hail him as the messiah, it's not important. 67 00:11:21,302 --> 00:11:31,403 The central core of this case is that this man dares to proclaim... 68 00:11:31,904 --> 00:11:35,911 I can hardly make myself say it. 69 00:11:37,121 --> 00:11:42,715 This man dares to proclaim himself 70 00:11:44,134 --> 00:11:48,308 the, the son of God. 71 00:11:59,411 --> 00:12:07,049 Master Nicodemus In your great faith and wisdom. 72 00:12:09,052 --> 00:12:12,934 And you Joseph, most honest of men. 73 00:12:13,226 --> 00:12:19,446 Can you tell us that in your heart of hearts 74 00:12:21,240 --> 00:12:30,048 you believe he is the son of God? That he is equal to God. 75 00:12:37,436 --> 00:12:43,571 If he is not the son of God, then who is this Jesus of Nazareth? 76 00:12:44,072 --> 00:12:49,457 Is he a prophet? 77 00:12:53,881 --> 00:12:58,264 Only a false prophet can assume the power of God and say, 78 00:12:58,556 --> 00:13:06,194 "You persistent sinner, you are forgiven." Only God can forgive sins. 79 00:13:07,071 --> 00:13:13,081 All through our history, false prophets have been the plague of Israel. 80 00:13:14,083 --> 00:13:18,466 This man, while claiming to uphold the law, 81 00:13:19,468 --> 00:13:24,977 perverts our most fundamental beliefs. 82 00:13:29,903 --> 00:13:35,412 The Romans will not wait for us to find the answer. 83 00:13:39,085 --> 00:13:49,227 Our losses, the prophets who claims to say in the name of God things 84 00:13:49,228 --> 00:13:55,907 which God has not commanded, that prophet must die. 85 00:13:59,705 --> 00:14:04,422 If this man Jesus is a false prophet and a blasphemer, 86 00:14:05,340 --> 00:14:11,225 is it not better for one man to die, than a for a whole nation to perish? 87 00:14:13,437 --> 00:14:17,318 However, under Roman occupation, Caiaphus, 88 00:14:17,319 --> 00:14:22,536 the people of Israel may put a goat to death, but not a man. 89 00:14:22,537 --> 00:14:27,629 Thank you, Zerah for reminding us of our realities. 90 00:14:29,424 --> 00:14:35,725 Then he must be charged and found guilty by the Romans. 91 00:14:35,726 --> 00:14:38,355 But Caiaphus, we have not found him guilty yet! 92 00:14:38,356 --> 00:14:44,366 Surely our law does not condemn a man before first giving him hearing before the elders of Israel? 93 00:14:44,367 --> 00:14:49,960 No matter how serious his offense, we cannot simply hand over one of our brothers to the Romans. 94 00:14:50,043 --> 00:14:56,179 Caiaphus, after the Passover let me persuade Jesus to come to us and explain to us 95 00:14:56,263 --> 00:15:01,480 what is in his heart and his mind when he says he is the son of God. 96 00:15:02,148 --> 00:15:05,278 Brethren I agree. 97 00:15:06,864 --> 00:15:09,661 We will questions him fully 98 00:15:11,164 --> 00:15:20,597 and give this Jesus of Nazareth every opportunity to, to defend himself. 99 00:15:20,680 --> 00:15:21,682 No! 100 00:15:22,767 --> 00:15:26,482 Caiaphus to delay would be too dangerous. 101 00:15:26,691 --> 00:15:30,781 We all know what steps Pilate would take against our people if the unrest continues. 102 00:15:31,199 --> 00:15:34,287 Zerah, he must beaken tonight. 103 00:15:34,288 --> 00:15:39,380 It could cause even more trouble among the crowds if our temple guards go searching for him. 104 00:15:39,505 --> 00:15:42,301 It could be a long search, all over the city. 105 00:15:42,302 --> 00:15:47,603 No one knows where he and his followers are heading. They stay no long than one night in the same place. 106 00:15:48,479 --> 00:15:51,818 I think I know the way to reach him. 107 00:15:54,198 --> 00:16:01,502 Zerah, don't forget Jesus of Nazareth is one of our brothers. 108 00:16:13,398 --> 00:16:15,109 Judas? 109 00:16:16,236 --> 00:16:21,203 I've not been able to find you. You weren't seen with the master the last day or two. Where have you been? 110 00:16:24,626 --> 00:16:26,212 I've been trying to think. 111 00:16:31,638 --> 00:16:34,434 Trying to decide what to do. 112 00:16:34,435 --> 00:16:37,439 You seem to me to be very sure of what to do... 113 00:16:37,440 --> 00:16:38,817 Well, I was, 114 00:16:41,656 --> 00:16:43,325 But not now. 115 00:16:44,452 --> 00:16:46,623 Confused. 116 00:16:48,835 --> 00:16:53,259 I always believe action, political action, 117 00:16:53,844 --> 00:16:55,764 could solve everything. 118 00:16:56,766 --> 00:17:01,566 Thought it was enough to think clearly and act clearly but... 119 00:17:03,653 --> 00:17:08,662 But I fear my master does not agree with me. 120 00:17:11,667 --> 00:17:17,051 He doesn't need my ideas. He says the heart is more important. 121 00:17:18,679 --> 00:17:20,683 Perhaps he's right. 122 00:17:22,060 --> 00:17:24,356 Have I hardened my heart? 123 00:17:25,274 --> 00:17:28,488 Am I fit to be one of his disciples. 124 00:17:31,285 --> 00:17:33,497 I... 125 00:17:35,584 --> 00:17:37,963 I should go home. 126 00:17:40,676 --> 00:17:43,598 Judas, don't lie to yourself. 127 00:17:46,269 --> 00:17:54,993 The truth is that in your heart you no longer believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the messiah. 128 00:18:14,903 --> 00:18:17,825 There's only one way to know the truth. 129 00:18:18,117 --> 00:18:21,414 You knew that the first time you came to see me. 130 00:18:23,126 --> 00:18:30,013 Let Jesus prove himself before the Sanhedrin. 131 00:18:31,640 --> 00:18:33,519 It's too late. 132 00:18:34,228 --> 00:18:36,816 He won't accept it. 133 00:18:41,825 --> 00:18:47,919 Why? There are many influential members of the counsel who admire Jesus. 134 00:18:48,253 --> 00:18:50,924 He will be fairly judged. 135 00:18:51,843 --> 00:18:55,432 If he is the messiah, God will not abandon him. 136 00:18:56,726 --> 00:19:03,738 If he is not, then you will have helped Israel from yet another false prophet. 137 00:20:25,298 --> 00:20:26,717 Master. 138 00:20:30,891 --> 00:20:33,604 We are happy to eat this Passover with you. 139 00:20:35,900 --> 00:20:39,406 I have longed with all my heart to share it with you. 140 00:20:49,007 --> 00:20:51,928 It is for this Passover that I came into the world. 141 00:21:09,626 --> 00:21:12,130 I shall not be with you much longer. 142 00:21:15,136 --> 00:21:20,437 You will look for me but, where I am going you cannot come. 143 00:21:24,861 --> 00:21:27,449 Master, I will follow you wherever you go. 144 00:21:29,035 --> 00:21:31,665 I will lay down my life for you. 145 00:21:32,750 --> 00:21:34,253 Peter. 146 00:21:35,964 --> 00:21:40,054 This very light before the cock crows twice 147 00:21:41,181 --> 00:21:44,270 you will have denied three times that you even know me. 148 00:21:44,354 --> 00:21:46,148 Oh Lord, never. 149 00:21:56,792 --> 00:21:57,961 Never! 150 00:21:59,881 --> 00:22:01,384 I will never deny you. 151 00:22:05,182 --> 00:22:07,895 You will all lose faith. 152 00:22:10,984 --> 00:22:13,487 Shepherds shall be struck and the sheep shall scatter. 153 00:22:13,488 --> 00:22:15,784 Even if they all lose faith, I will not! 154 00:22:17,078 --> 00:22:18,497 Peter 155 00:22:21,210 --> 00:22:23,506 I have prayed for you 156 00:22:25,593 --> 00:22:32,522 and once you have recovered you in your turn must give strength to your brothers. 157 00:22:48,508 --> 00:22:50,929 Truly, I tell you. 158 00:22:53,099 --> 00:22:55,938 One of you is about to betray me. 159 00:23:24,154 --> 00:23:25,364 Master. 160 00:23:27,159 --> 00:23:29,663 I'm sick at heart. 161 00:23:30,665 --> 00:23:35,632 Who will betray you, is it I? 162 00:23:39,639 --> 00:23:43,772 He who dips his bread in the dish when I dip mine. 163 00:23:46,276 --> 00:23:48,363 He shall be the one. 164 00:24:14,200 --> 00:24:15,661 One of us? 165 00:24:18,666 --> 00:24:23,091 What you are going to do? Do it quickly. 166 00:24:52,100 --> 00:24:54,020 Where is he going? 167 00:24:56,816 --> 00:24:58,528 I don't know. 168 00:25:26,619 --> 00:25:28,622 Blessed be thou the Lord our God, 169 00:25:31,520 --> 00:25:34,734 Who has blessed us with thy laws 170 00:25:36,528 --> 00:25:39,951 and made bread to be sowed from the earth 171 00:25:41,036 --> 00:25:42,456 for now 172 00:25:49,468 --> 00:25:54,977 this will no longer be the bread of the passage of our fathers from bondage to freedom. 173 00:25:56,355 --> 00:26:02,073 This Passover is for you today 174 00:26:04,870 --> 00:26:15,054 the passage from the bondage of death to the freedom of life. 175 00:26:28,996 --> 00:26:31,083 This is the bread of life. 176 00:26:39,973 --> 00:26:44,398 Whoever eats this break shall have eternal life. 177 00:27:10,902 --> 00:27:12,113 Eat it. 178 00:27:15,118 --> 00:27:19,626 For this is my body. 179 00:27:22,715 --> 00:27:25,219 Do this in the remembrance of me. 180 00:27:58,068 --> 00:27:59,446 From now on, 181 00:28:01,366 --> 00:28:07,543 this cup will not only be a memorial and sacrament to the covenant that God made with our fathers on Mount Sinai, 182 00:28:14,055 --> 00:28:16,058 This is my blood. 183 00:28:17,478 --> 00:28:21,652 The blood of the new covenant which is to be poured out for me. 184 00:28:29,290 --> 00:28:34,257 I shall not drink again from the fruit of the vine 185 00:28:36,678 --> 00:28:45,193 until the day I drink it with you in my Father's kingdom. 186 00:29:11,614 --> 00:29:14,411 And now I give you a new commandment 187 00:29:16,498 --> 00:29:19,628 that you love one another as I have loved you. 188 00:29:23,719 --> 00:29:26,724 Greater love hath no man than this, 189 00:29:29,228 --> 00:29:32,401 but a man laid down his life for a friend. 190 00:29:37,535 --> 00:29:40,331 And if you love one another 191 00:29:42,836 --> 00:29:46,717 all men shall know that you are my disciples. 192 00:29:56,944 --> 00:29:58,238 Father. 193 00:30:01,034 --> 00:30:03,455 The hour has come. 194 00:30:06,252 --> 00:30:09,633 Glorify thy son that thy son may glorify thee. 195 00:30:12,972 --> 00:30:15,560 Keep in thy name those I have forgiven. 196 00:30:19,650 --> 00:30:22,447 I do not pray for these only, 197 00:30:24,367 --> 00:30:26,078 but also for those 198 00:30:27,873 --> 00:30:30,377 who believe in me through their word. 199 00:30:47,073 --> 00:30:49,077 I am the way, 200 00:30:52,792 --> 00:30:54,503 the truth 201 00:30:57,801 --> 00:30:59,303 and the life. 202 00:31:41,502 --> 00:31:42,921 Peter. 203 00:31:47,930 --> 00:31:49,516 Father. 204 00:31:51,144 --> 00:31:56,821 If it is possible, let this come pass from me. 205 00:32:15,562 --> 00:32:20,654 Let it be as you not I, who would have it. 206 00:33:49,226 --> 00:33:51,230 This is your hour, Judas. 207 00:33:54,611 --> 00:33:56,823 The hour of shadows. 208 00:34:01,122 --> 00:34:02,917 Oh master. 209 00:34:14,437 --> 00:34:19,655 You betray your master with a kiss. 210 00:34:30,966 --> 00:34:32,761 That is the man, arrest him. 211 00:34:45,659 --> 00:34:47,871 Judas! 212 00:34:48,163 --> 00:34:49,374 What's happening? 213 00:34:49,375 --> 00:34:51,043 You traitor! 214 00:34:52,254 --> 00:34:54,048 You betrayed him! 215 00:34:55,384 --> 00:35:00,268 Peter, Peter, Listen to me. The only way the master can save himself is by speaking to the Sanhedrin. 216 00:35:00,351 --> 00:35:02,188 Leave him alone! 217 00:35:02,772 --> 00:35:07,489 - They're going to kill him! - Jesus! 218 00:35:10,369 --> 00:35:12,080 Jesus! 219 00:35:12,873 --> 00:35:14,877 No, Peter! 220 00:35:16,379 --> 00:35:17,882 Get away you scum! 221 00:35:18,091 --> 00:35:20,093 - Arrest them all! - Zerah! 222 00:35:20,094 --> 00:35:26,981 It is me you sought. You have found me. Let them go. 223 00:35:28,484 --> 00:35:29,987 Take him away. 224 00:35:31,406 --> 00:35:36,790 Master, we must do something! We must do something! 225 00:36:14,794 --> 00:36:16,172 Where have they taken him? 226 00:36:16,297 --> 00:36:17,967 Where have they taken him? 227 00:36:19,594 --> 00:36:21,598 Zerah 228 00:36:25,897 --> 00:36:28,902 I must speak to Zerah! I must speak to Zerah! 229 00:36:29,403 --> 00:36:31,698 Is he in here? They did bring him here? 230 00:36:31,699 --> 00:36:32,784 Who? 231 00:36:33,577 --> 00:36:35,289 Jesus! 232 00:36:36,916 --> 00:36:39,797 Master Zerah please, I don't understand this man. 233 00:36:40,381 --> 00:36:42,593 Zerah, Zerah, Now. 234 00:36:44,304 --> 00:36:47,310 Now where is this meeting with Caiaphus? I must be there with Jesus! 235 00:36:47,518 --> 00:36:50,899 Meeting? There's no meeting. 236 00:36:53,529 --> 00:36:55,531 There's a trial. 237 00:36:55,532 --> 00:36:58,413 Your Jesus is accused of blasphemy. 238 00:37:04,924 --> 00:37:07,637 You've been an invaluable help to us, Judas. 239 00:37:08,514 --> 00:37:10,726 Come and see us when all of this is over. 240 00:37:29,133 --> 00:37:34,141 Well, you go what you wanted, so get out of here. 241 00:37:34,142 --> 00:37:35,937 Come on, Get out of here. 242 00:37:49,544 --> 00:37:52,758 Master Joseph. We were coming to find you. 243 00:37:55,054 --> 00:37:57,474 This is Martha, the sister of Lazarus. 244 00:37:58,059 --> 00:38:00,355 And Mary, the mother of Jesus. 245 00:38:02,650 --> 00:38:04,152 Jesus has been arrested. 246 00:38:04,153 --> 00:38:05,948 Yes I know. I've been called to a 247 00:38:06,156 --> 00:38:07,783 meeting with the elders. 248 00:38:07,784 --> 00:38:10,664 You have such great influence in the Sanhedrin. 249 00:38:11,666 --> 00:38:12,960 Please, will you help? 250 00:38:13,670 --> 00:38:15,590 I'll try, you know that. 251 00:38:18,094 --> 00:38:20,056 I'll do what I can. 252 00:38:29,570 --> 00:38:33,577 I never understood how that liar could have fooled so many people. 253 00:38:34,286 --> 00:38:36,707 You were one of those who believed in him, didn't you? 254 00:38:36,708 --> 00:38:40,296 Well, I admit that I believed in him, but we all believed him. 255 00:38:40,297 --> 00:38:43,594 - And now that you've discovered the truth? - He said a lot of things that I like very much. 256 00:38:43,595 --> 00:38:46,391 - So what? - And he did some good things. 257 00:38:46,683 --> 00:38:49,104 Good things? They were tricks of the devil! 258 00:38:49,396 --> 00:38:55,490 All right, all right. He knows that he was a liar and a blasphemer and he betrayed us, and now he will pay. 259 00:38:56,617 --> 00:39:00,290 Come on, I'm sorry I had to wake you up at this hour. 260 00:39:08,430 --> 00:39:10,225 Master Nicodemus. 261 00:39:31,345 --> 00:39:33,515 Brethren! Brethren! 262 00:39:35,728 --> 00:39:36,729 Brethren! 263 00:39:38,649 --> 00:39:43,241 Caiaphus, that he should be found like a common thief is most unseemly of us! 264 00:39:46,121 --> 00:39:51,838 Jesus, it is not our intention to treat you as a criminal. 265 00:39:51,839 --> 00:39:59,645 But you are due to explain to this assembly the nature of your teachings. 266 00:40:00,772 --> 00:40:07,158 What is this doctrine you and your disciples are spreading through Judea? 267 00:40:10,163 --> 00:40:16,967 I have spoken openly for all the world to hear. 268 00:40:18,553 --> 00:40:23,854 I have taught in the synagogues and in the temple. I have said nothing in secret. 269 00:40:24,480 --> 00:40:29,781 So, why do you ask me? 270 00:40:32,369 --> 00:40:35,165 Ask those who heard me. 271 00:40:36,668 --> 00:40:38,671 They are my witnesses. 272 00:40:40,383 --> 00:40:42,971 Caiaphus, I've heard him preaching. 273 00:40:43,179 --> 00:40:48,188 I, I find nothing in his doctrine which denies the basic principles of our faith. 274 00:40:48,272 --> 00:40:52,570 Rabbi, we fail to understand the meaning of many of your sayings. 275 00:40:52,571 --> 00:40:59,207 For instance, there are witnesses who say that you claim that you could destroy the temple 276 00:40:59,291 --> 00:41:02,880 and rebuild it in three days. 277 00:41:02,881 --> 00:41:06,303 No one could rebuild the temple in three days. 278 00:41:06,721 --> 00:41:09,392 What he said must have some symbolic meaning. 279 00:41:09,809 --> 00:41:12,689 I'm sure I've heard him say he could rebuild it again in two days! 280 00:41:12,898 --> 00:41:16,905 Three days, Four days in here! Witnesses cannot even agree! 281 00:41:16,989 --> 00:41:19,702 How can we remember every detail. 282 00:41:19,827 --> 00:41:26,798 There was a riot which Jesus himself provoked, but for which the Romans will hold us responsible. 283 00:41:27,006 --> 00:41:28,718 The riot was provoked by Barrabas! 284 00:41:28,926 --> 00:41:33,017 The Romans don't need an excuse. We know what they have done to our people. 285 00:41:33,601 --> 00:41:39,319 All of us here can remember an occasion not so many years back 286 00:41:40,613 --> 00:41:46,332 when a thousand of our people were nailed to the walls of Jerusalem 287 00:41:46,624 --> 00:41:48,752 because there were not enough scaffolds 288 00:41:48,753 --> 00:41:51,633 to satisfy the Romans lust for blood. 289 00:41:52,635 --> 00:42:00,356 None of us I'm sure wants to give any more victims to Pontius Pilate that we can prevent. 290 00:42:00,649 --> 00:42:03,028 Of course not, Joseph, we're all agreed upon that. 291 00:42:03,029 --> 00:42:05,449 As Caiaphus has said, this is not a trial. 292 00:42:06,534 --> 00:42:09,748 We, we left our homes we came here tonight 293 00:42:10,040 --> 00:42:15,049 hoping that Jesus of Nazareth would explain to us the purpose of his mission 294 00:42:15,466 --> 00:42:18,138 and help to heal the divisions of our community. 295 00:42:18,847 --> 00:42:23,355 Brother we have often heard that you have come to bring love and brotherhood. 296 00:42:23,439 --> 00:42:28,447 I beg you, bring peace to our gathering tonight. 297 00:42:29,950 --> 00:42:31,077 Tell me. 298 00:42:33,874 --> 00:42:41,053 It has been said that you proclaimed yourself the son of God. 299 00:42:43,682 --> 00:42:50,695 I ask you now in the name of the Eternal. 300 00:42:52,865 --> 00:43:01,589 Are you the messiah, the son of God? 301 00:43:11,690 --> 00:43:13,610 I am. 302 00:43:31,725 --> 00:43:38,612 And you shall see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power of God. 303 00:43:38,904 --> 00:43:41,701 Here O Israel. 304 00:43:42,619 --> 00:43:48,630 The Lord, our God The Lord is one! 305 00:44:02,153 --> 00:44:03,823 We have heard enough. 306 00:44:05,743 --> 00:44:09,249 Let him be taken before the procurator and Pontius Pilate 307 00:44:10,752 --> 00:44:16,762 in whose hands lie the final authority for trial and judgment. 308 00:44:43,977 --> 00:44:45,480 Let me get closer! 309 00:44:47,775 --> 00:44:49,653 They will crucify him! 310 00:44:50,572 --> 00:44:54,661 The son of God! Kill him! 311 00:44:54,662 --> 00:44:56,581 Scold him! 312 00:44:56,582 --> 00:44:58,460 Blasphemer! 313 00:44:58,461 --> 00:45:01,298 Well, what happened to him? 314 00:45:01,299 --> 00:45:03,762 They're sending him to Pontius Pilate! 315 00:45:04,680 --> 00:45:06,976 We know how that will end up. 316 00:45:09,897 --> 00:45:15,491 Wait a minute! I know you! You were with that Jesus! 317 00:45:15,574 --> 00:45:18,703 - You're one of his followers. - No, I don't know him! 318 00:45:18,704 --> 00:45:20,582 But he is! Look! 319 00:45:20,583 --> 00:45:24,298 And I know him. He is one of his followers! 320 00:45:24,381 --> 00:45:26,510 I see him! I see him! 321 00:45:26,885 --> 00:45:29,891 He's a liar. Arrest him! 322 00:45:30,099 --> 00:45:32,604 I tell you I don't know him! 323 00:45:33,606 --> 00:45:35,818 You are one of them. I saw him! 324 00:45:36,110 --> 00:45:39,491 - What's going on here? - Here's a friend of Jesus. A disciple. 325 00:45:39,700 --> 00:45:40,827 Don't let him go. 326 00:45:42,914 --> 00:45:44,124 Oh please. 327 00:45:46,503 --> 00:45:52,723 Mistaken. I don't know this Jesus they speak of, nor that they want rid of him. 328 00:45:53,098 --> 00:45:54,434 Go. 329 00:45:54,601 --> 00:45:56,103 Just keep quiet here. 330 00:45:56,730 --> 00:45:58,817 Don't you know you are on sacred ground? 331 00:47:18,665 --> 00:47:20,502 Hear them? Free Barrabas! 332 00:47:20,794 --> 00:47:23,006 Those crazy people. They should be in here. 333 00:47:28,683 --> 00:47:31,312 Your friends outside want you set free. 334 00:47:31,980 --> 00:47:34,276 So you carry on with your murdering, I suppose. 335 00:47:35,987 --> 00:47:37,615 I'm not a murderer. 336 00:47:38,491 --> 00:47:40,203 I shouldn't be in with those two. 337 00:47:43,918 --> 00:47:45,587 I'm a patriot. 338 00:47:45,712 --> 00:47:48,885 You're all criminals. Don't think you're any different. 339 00:47:49,719 --> 00:47:51,723 It was he who did the murder, not me! 340 00:47:52,725 --> 00:47:55,104 No, he talked me into it. It was his idea. 341 00:47:59,612 --> 00:48:00,822 When will it be? 342 00:48:00,906 --> 00:48:05,915 When Pontius Pilate comes from Caesaria for the Passover, or whatever they call it. 343 00:48:07,709 --> 00:48:11,633 Listen, You've got to let me out of here, I didn't do nothing! 344 00:48:11,925 --> 00:48:13,511 Listen to me! 345 00:48:13,636 --> 00:48:18,018 Free Barrabas! Free Barrsbas, please! 346 00:48:18,019 --> 00:48:22,943 Free Barrabas! Free Barrabas! Free Barrabas! 347 00:48:22,944 --> 00:48:25,741 You have no right to arrest him! Free Barrabas! 348 00:48:36,426 --> 00:48:38,138 - Welcome- - Welcome?! 349 00:48:38,346 --> 00:48:44,858 I leave for one week and I come back and I find the mob clamoring in the street and you dare to say to me welcome? 350 00:48:47,863 --> 00:48:50,034 Who's this Barrabas they keep shouting about? 351 00:48:50,451 --> 00:48:52,246 He's a zealot we arrested. 352 00:48:52,872 --> 00:48:54,375 His followers have disturbed the crowd. 353 00:48:54,458 --> 00:48:57,255 I don't think their noise will disturb my judgment. 354 00:49:00,643 --> 00:49:06,653 Look, you take a hundred men and you clear the street. I'm tired. 355 00:49:07,780 --> 00:49:10,951 With respect procurator... 356 00:49:10,952 --> 00:49:11,954 Please, I'm so tired! 357 00:49:12,079 --> 00:49:15,460 Jerusalem is full of people, there are many hotheads among them. 358 00:49:15,752 --> 00:49:19,968 Yes, and they'll cool when they see the example we make of their Barrabas. 359 00:49:39,586 --> 00:49:42,173 Pontius Pilate, I'm afraid there's another case of which I must cover. 360 00:49:42,174 --> 00:49:43,009 Another one? 361 00:49:43,092 --> 00:49:47,308 Yes, it was submitted to us by the Sanhedrin itself. It concerns a certain Galilean preacher. 362 00:49:47,892 --> 00:49:51,816 Quintilius, I am not interested in their preachers nor their prophets, you know that. 363 00:49:52,191 --> 00:49:53,903 Yes, of course, I know that. 364 00:49:54,612 --> 00:50:01,917 The Sanhedrin whose- cooperation has been very useful to us, they consider it extremely important. 365 00:50:05,089 --> 00:50:09,722 - Even urgent... - Urgent? Urgent? 366 00:50:14,606 --> 00:50:16,025 I'm sorry. 367 00:50:17,110 --> 00:50:18,404 I'm sorry. 368 00:50:19,698 --> 00:50:21,034 Maybe next week. 369 00:50:23,204 --> 00:50:27,420 But first we'll deal with Barrabas. 370 00:50:29,340 --> 00:50:33,222 Pilate, there's a delegation from the Sanhedrin waiting outside, 371 00:50:34,140 --> 00:50:36,017 and is lead by Zerah himself. 372 00:50:36,018 --> 00:50:43,238 They have this, uh, this preacher, this Jesus of Nazareth with them. They, they want you to judge him. 373 00:50:43,239 --> 00:50:46,036 Judge him? Zerah himself? 374 00:50:46,620 --> 00:50:49,333 It must be important. No, no, no, no. 375 00:50:50,252 --> 00:50:52,923 I don't want to get involved in their religious quarrels. 376 00:50:53,340 --> 00:50:56,346 This is the monthly report of the prophets. 377 00:51:01,438 --> 00:51:07,073 I thinks it's wise not to offend them unnecessarily. I think you should see them. 378 00:51:08,742 --> 00:51:10,454 Then have them in. 379 00:51:13,042 --> 00:51:15,170 Don't stand there, bring them in. 380 00:51:15,254 --> 00:51:16,256 Ah... Pilate 381 00:51:16,381 --> 00:51:20,847 I'm afraid we must go to them. 382 00:51:21,765 --> 00:51:23,685 We must go to them? 383 00:51:24,186 --> 00:51:33,076 Yes, according to their beliefs, they must not enter the house of a Roman, not on Passover. 384 00:51:33,077 --> 00:51:36,291 They would be defiled. 385 00:51:41,091 --> 00:51:42,385 Defiled. 386 00:51:44,180 --> 00:51:45,766 I forgot about that. 387 00:51:47,894 --> 00:51:48,980 All right. 388 00:51:51,067 --> 00:51:52,778 We'll go to them. 389 00:51:54,197 --> 00:51:55,992 Bring them to the great hall. 390 00:52:02,378 --> 00:52:05,300 How does one govern such people? 391 00:52:19,231 --> 00:52:20,525 Procurator. 392 00:52:21,526 --> 00:52:24,824 We have found that this man Jesus of Nazareth 393 00:52:25,032 --> 00:52:30,542 distorts our peoples views on the relationship between God and the state. 394 00:52:31,043 --> 00:52:35,217 Furthermore, he perverts the very heart of our religion. 395 00:52:36,553 --> 00:52:39,015 I'm not concerned with people who break your religious laws. 396 00:52:39,349 --> 00:52:44,525 My function as governor here is to keep the peace in the minister role of justice. 397 00:52:44,942 --> 00:52:50,035 We know that procurator, but this man also threatens the established order. 398 00:52:51,245 --> 00:52:54,124 If he were not a criminal, we would not have brought him to you. 399 00:52:54,125 --> 00:52:59,259 He calls himself the Christ, which means the anointed one. 400 00:53:01,931 --> 00:53:07,065 Thank you, I too know some Greek. 401 00:53:07,941 --> 00:53:09,444 Well what else has he done? 402 00:53:10,153 --> 00:53:13,075 Has he spoken against the Emperor? Has he spoken against Rome? 403 00:53:14,870 --> 00:53:18,251 Well, procurator, not directly no, but... 404 00:53:18,877 --> 00:53:24,178 Not directly? Then he is your problem, you'll have to judge him according to your laws. 405 00:53:28,978 --> 00:53:33,987 Procurator, for us, this man Jesus is a blasphemer. 406 00:53:34,195 --> 00:53:37,493 If we were a self governing nation, we would have the right to exact punishment, 407 00:53:37,576 --> 00:53:40,373 which under the law of Moses is laid down for blasphemy. 408 00:53:40,498 --> 00:53:44,171 He made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem, calling himself the king of the Jews. 409 00:53:44,380 --> 00:53:46,384 A claim which we totally reject! 410 00:53:48,304 --> 00:53:49,598 King of the Jews? 411 00:53:50,182 --> 00:53:55,483 Well, whatever else he might have done, such a claim is treason. 412 00:53:56,985 --> 00:53:58,613 True, true, Alright alright, 413 00:53:59,490 --> 00:54:01,201 I'll talk to him. 414 00:54:03,080 --> 00:54:05,000 Your Jesus. 415 00:54:05,584 --> 00:54:09,591 - Not ours. - Then whose? Whose? 416 00:54:10,301 --> 00:54:12,095 Bring him in! 417 00:54:30,336 --> 00:54:33,216 Is this the man you think so dangerous? 418 00:54:34,426 --> 00:54:39,727 This, the man that aspires to be a king? 419 00:54:43,025 --> 00:54:46,531 Come, Come, come, come! 420 00:54:53,752 --> 00:55:02,434 Now the leaders of the Sanhedrin accuse you of preaching perverted doctrines. 421 00:55:05,355 --> 00:55:06,566 Come. 422 00:55:14,872 --> 00:55:18,253 They also say you call yourself the king of the Jews. 423 00:55:19,464 --> 00:55:22,552 Well, are you king of the Jews? 424 00:55:30,859 --> 00:55:33,654 If my kingdom were of this world, 425 00:55:33,655 --> 00:55:37,078 my followers would have fought to prevent me from being captured. 426 00:55:37,286 --> 00:55:39,582 Oh, you speak of a kingdom, 427 00:55:41,252 --> 00:55:45,760 therefore you must be a king. Are you a king? 428 00:55:49,767 --> 00:55:51,687 I am. 429 00:55:57,697 --> 00:55:59,701 I was born for one purpose. 430 00:56:01,788 --> 00:56:04,584 To bear witness to the truth. 431 00:56:06,880 --> 00:56:10,386 All who can accept the truth hear my voice. 432 00:56:12,181 --> 00:56:18,317 And what is the truth? 433 00:56:33,427 --> 00:56:35,430 No, this man's no criminal. 434 00:56:37,434 --> 00:56:40,230 He's a dreamer. Take him away Take him away. 435 00:56:40,606 --> 00:56:43,611 Have him flogged as a token of Roman justice, that should wake him up. 436 00:56:43,736 --> 00:56:44,613 Right. 437 00:56:58,930 --> 00:57:00,349 Procurator. 438 00:57:02,227 --> 00:57:07,946 We believers of the Sanhedrin, have always had the same aim as you. 439 00:57:08,530 --> 00:57:12,453 Peaceful administration of our country for the good of people, and for many years... 440 00:57:12,829 --> 00:57:16,627 Please, please, please, please Don't talk to me about the people. 441 00:57:17,754 --> 00:57:27,856 As long as they obey, who cares much about your children of Israel as we do the mob in Rome? 442 00:57:28,565 --> 00:57:29,943 No, Zerah. 443 00:57:32,071 --> 00:57:35,577 Let us speak directly. 444 00:57:36,579 --> 00:57:42,381 Why does the Sanhedrin consider this man so dangerous 445 00:57:42,882 --> 00:57:46,847 that they send you yourself here to make sure that he's condemned? 446 00:57:48,684 --> 00:57:53,776 Perhaps for the same reasons as you procurator if you knew him as well as we do 447 00:57:53,985 --> 00:57:56,489 would also find him dangerous. 448 00:58:25,415 --> 00:58:28,712 That's enough! Put his clothes back on. 449 00:58:37,519 --> 00:58:40,525 From Jerusalem as the king? Look at him now! 450 00:58:40,608 --> 00:58:43,613 So he's the king? The king of the Jews? 451 00:58:44,490 --> 00:58:48,622 - Maybe we ought to dress him as a king! - Hey, Don't use mine, use one of those! 452 00:58:48,706 --> 00:58:50,125 Wait, Over here. 453 00:58:51,502 --> 00:58:52,921 Here it is. 454 00:58:53,798 --> 00:58:56,803 Come on. Here we are. Turn around. 455 00:58:57,805 --> 00:59:00,518 - Look at him! - Hey, hey wait a minute. 456 00:59:00,936 --> 00:59:04,024 If he's the king, if he's the king, he needs a crown! 457 00:59:04,734 --> 00:59:08,908 Hey Majesty, high and mighty majesty! 458 00:59:21,555 --> 00:59:23,141 Oh! Look at him! 459 00:59:24,644 --> 00:59:26,146 I have it! 460 00:59:28,233 --> 00:59:30,153 A king's crown! 461 00:59:30,654 --> 00:59:33,159 He's got his crown! 462 00:59:37,834 --> 00:59:40,463 He needs a scepter! Majesty! 463 00:59:40,839 --> 00:59:43,844 A perfect fit! Where's your throne, eh? 464 00:59:44,554 --> 00:59:47,768 Now he's the king. 465 00:59:48,769 --> 00:59:51,566 Tiberius will be getting worried! 466 01:00:52,005 --> 01:00:53,800 Behold the men. 467 01:00:57,536 --> 01:01:01,835 Well. What have you got to say for yourself now? 468 01:01:04,423 --> 01:01:05,759 Speak! 469 01:01:25,961 --> 01:01:27,756 Who are you? 470 01:01:39,652 --> 01:01:41,572 What are you? 471 01:01:43,366 --> 01:01:44,869 Well, say something! 472 01:01:48,375 --> 01:01:50,253 Don't you want to defend yourself? 473 01:01:51,881 --> 01:01:53,676 You want to die? 474 01:01:55,095 --> 01:01:59,478 Don't you realize that I have the power to release you or have you crucified? 475 01:02:09,788 --> 01:02:12,668 You would have no power over me. 476 01:02:14,880 --> 01:02:18,386 If it had not been given you from above. 477 01:02:50,109 --> 01:02:51,820 Quintilius. 478 01:02:55,618 --> 01:03:00,126 Isn't there an ancient custom honoring Passover 479 01:03:00,919 --> 01:03:06,638 where the procurator can release a prisoner sentenced to death 480 01:03:08,140 --> 01:03:10,144 as an act of mercy? 481 01:03:11,646 --> 01:03:15,445 Yes, That custom still exists. 482 01:03:16,446 --> 01:03:18,951 And we have two prisoners. 483 01:03:20,620 --> 01:03:23,542 - Barrabas? - And Jesus. 484 01:03:26,631 --> 01:03:29,428 So let the people decide. 485 01:03:41,657 --> 01:03:43,744 I've made my decision. 486 01:03:48,461 --> 01:03:50,463 The people will decide. 487 01:03:50,464 --> 01:03:52,468 - Zerah- - Take him away! 488 01:03:52,551 --> 01:03:54,471 All right, Take this one away. 489 01:03:56,851 --> 01:03:58,979 Get down to the prison and bring Barrabas. 490 01:04:17,888 --> 01:04:19,891 Barrabas! Remember? Barrabas! 491 01:04:22,187 --> 01:04:25,108 Here, Here, Here Listen to me, Listen, You two, listen. 492 01:04:25,109 --> 01:04:27,571 When I give you the que, you shout for Barrabas! 493 01:04:27,780 --> 01:04:31,912 Barrabas has defending on you. Barrabas has fought for you. Don't betray him. 494 01:04:32,288 --> 01:04:33,999 Shout for Barrabas! 495 01:04:34,584 --> 01:04:37,589 No, we must save Jesus, he's a righteous man. 496 01:04:39,718 --> 01:04:42,305 When did they arrest him? Late last night. In the garden near Gethsemane. 497 01:04:42,598 --> 01:04:44,309 Gethsemane? That's near where I live. 498 01:04:44,310 --> 01:04:48,191 We must be prepared. Barrabas must be freed at all costs. 499 01:04:48,608 --> 01:04:53,116 Now, we put all our men. Do you understand? 500 01:05:38,237 --> 01:05:44,331 As a sign of his magnanimity and his benevolence, 501 01:05:44,957 --> 01:05:55,768 our divine emperor has decided that the custom of releasing one prisoner sentenced to death 502 01:05:56,143 --> 01:06:00,651 in honor of your Passover shall continue. 503 01:06:03,448 --> 01:06:07,455 We have two prisoners. 504 01:06:07,956 --> 01:06:12,380 One! Jesus of Nazareth. 505 01:06:12,756 --> 01:06:20,770 Accused of treason by proclaiming himself king of the Jews. 506 01:06:28,283 --> 01:06:31,079 Any one who shouts for that false prophet had better watch out. 507 01:06:31,080 --> 01:06:35,003 Look at him, the king of the Jews. What's happened to him? 508 01:06:36,381 --> 01:06:38,384 You call yourself a king? 509 01:06:39,010 --> 01:06:40,179 Or. 510 01:06:41,807 --> 01:06:43,810 Barrabas! 511 01:06:44,186 --> 01:06:48,276 Accused of sedition and murdering a Roman auxiliary. 512 01:06:52,117 --> 01:06:52,993 Free Barrsbas! 513 01:06:53,202 --> 01:06:56,207 Free Barrabas! He's one of us! 514 01:06:56,791 --> 01:06:58,085 Give us Barrabas! 515 01:07:03,219 --> 01:07:09,105 Which of the two shall be released to you? 516 01:07:11,108 --> 01:07:13,404 Jesus of Nazareth. 517 01:07:15,199 --> 01:07:19,206 Guilty of proclaiming himself king of the Jews 518 01:07:20,625 --> 01:07:21,627 or. 519 01:07:25,425 --> 01:07:27,345 Barrabas? 520 01:07:28,639 --> 01:07:31,143 Release Jesus! He is the true prophet! 521 01:07:32,020 --> 01:07:37,822 Free Barrabas! God save you! Release him! 522 01:07:40,034 --> 01:07:41,328 Free Barrabas! 523 01:07:41,620 --> 01:07:45,960 False prophet! He betrayed us! Kill Nazarite! 524 01:07:45,961 --> 01:07:48,632 Jesus! Jesus! 525 01:07:48,841 --> 01:07:50,551 We want Barrabas! 526 01:07:50,552 --> 01:07:52,932 Free Barrabas! Barrabas! 527 01:07:53,140 --> 01:07:56,438 - Free Barrabas! - Jesus! Jesus! 528 01:07:56,646 --> 01:07:57,565 Barrabas! 529 01:07:57,940 --> 01:07:58,941 Jesus! 530 01:07:58,942 --> 01:08:00,236 Shut up, you scum! 531 01:08:08,542 --> 01:08:10,671 Realease Barrabas! 532 01:08:11,756 --> 01:08:14,261 Realease him! Kill Barrabas! 533 01:08:14,344 --> 01:08:15,972 We can't let him go! 534 01:08:16,264 --> 01:08:18,685 - We can't let Barrabas get away! - Yes. 535 01:08:20,563 --> 01:08:22,567 - Soldiers won't like that. - Move. 536 01:08:25,155 --> 01:08:29,162 Pilate, you're not going to free Barrabas! 537 01:08:29,371 --> 01:08:32,292 An assassin and enemy of Rome! 538 01:08:34,588 --> 01:08:38,470 I wonder, who is the real enemy? 539 01:08:38,595 --> 01:08:41,600 Jesus of Nazareth must be saved! 540 01:08:49,781 --> 01:08:51,493 Let it be written 541 01:08:52,202 --> 01:09:01,594 that Jesus of Nazareth is guilty of treason by proclaiming himself 542 01:09:02,178 --> 01:09:07,688 king of the Jews and is sentenced 543 01:09:09,524 --> 01:09:11,987 to be crucified. 544 01:10:19,439 --> 01:10:21,860 Hey Look, Where's the last prisoner? Come on. 545 01:10:22,277 --> 01:10:23,654 Here's the man. 546 01:10:24,740 --> 01:10:26,242 Come on. 547 01:10:27,954 --> 01:10:31,250 - Oh... King of the Jews. - Hurry up. This crowd worries me. 548 01:10:31,251 --> 01:10:32,587 Take it. 549 01:11:13,993 --> 01:11:17,499 Come on, Make room Make room! Get out of the way! 550 01:11:39,120 --> 01:11:41,332 Save yourself, Jesus! 551 01:11:52,519 --> 01:11:54,731 You betrayed us! You betrayed us! 552 01:12:15,643 --> 01:12:18,564 Get back you scum! Come on! Come on! 553 01:12:23,448 --> 01:12:24,658 He's a traitor! 554 01:12:26,871 --> 01:12:28,457 He's a prophet! 555 01:12:30,669 --> 01:12:31,963 You betrayed us! 556 01:12:34,759 --> 01:12:36,053 Traitor! 557 01:14:31,632 --> 01:14:32,759 I know that sign. It is an insult! 558 01:14:33,051 --> 01:14:34,429 He is not the king of the Jews! 559 01:14:34,637 --> 01:14:36,432 Those are the orders we received! 560 01:14:37,768 --> 01:14:38,853 Get out of the way! 561 01:14:47,660 --> 01:14:49,747 Now all of you stay back! 562 01:14:59,765 --> 01:15:05,358 Father Forgive them. 563 01:15:07,487 --> 01:15:10,283 They know not what they do. 564 01:15:45,887 --> 01:15:48,225 If you're what you say you are, 565 01:15:49,602 --> 01:15:51,814 If you're the messiah, 566 01:15:52,691 --> 01:15:56,322 Why don't you save yourself? 567 01:16:05,923 --> 01:16:09,637 - And us. - Leave him alone! 568 01:16:09,704 --> 01:16:14,421 Don't you fear God even when you are dying? 569 01:16:18,345 --> 01:16:20,515 We deserve to die. 570 01:16:20,932 --> 01:16:26,651 We are receiving the just punishment for our crimes. 571 01:16:29,322 --> 01:16:33,955 But this man has done nothing wrong. 572 01:16:38,463 --> 01:16:39,632 Jesus. 573 01:16:46,352 --> 01:16:50,735 Remember me when you come into your kingdom. 574 01:16:55,368 --> 01:17:01,879 Today you will be with me in paradise. 575 01:17:40,990 --> 01:17:43,076 Hey Hey Hey... You. 576 01:17:43,077 --> 01:17:45,915 - She is his mother. - How can you prove it? 577 01:17:45,998 --> 01:17:47,376 Hey. 578 01:17:48,878 --> 01:17:50,798 She is his mother. 579 01:17:56,016 --> 01:17:57,519 Go to him. 580 01:18:07,703 --> 01:18:10,333 - And who are you? - Please 581 01:18:11,627 --> 01:18:13,505 I'm with the family. 582 01:18:18,514 --> 01:18:20,433 Is that right? 583 01:18:20,434 --> 01:18:24,816 Yes, she is one of the family. 584 01:18:26,528 --> 01:18:27,822 Go! 585 01:19:59,983 --> 01:20:01,403 John. 586 01:20:05,618 --> 01:20:08,791 Behold your mother. 587 01:20:19,017 --> 01:20:21,104 Woman. 588 01:20:24,318 --> 01:20:27,699 Behold your son. 589 01:20:48,026 --> 01:20:52,743 He has saved others. Why can't he save himself now? 590 01:21:19,748 --> 01:21:21,251 Ilee? 591 01:21:24,467 --> 01:21:25,761 Ilee? 592 01:21:34,777 --> 01:21:35,653 Listen. 593 01:21:37,281 --> 01:21:40,578 Listen, He's calling on the prophet Elijah. 594 01:21:40,871 --> 01:21:43,792 No, he's not calling Elijah. 595 01:21:44,377 --> 01:21:46,464 He's quoting the scriptures. 596 01:21:51,389 --> 01:21:56,398 Even now, nailed to the cross he quotes the scriptures. 597 01:21:58,568 --> 01:22:00,405 Even now. 598 01:22:09,880 --> 01:22:20,315 He was despised and rejected of men, man's sorrows and equated with grief, 599 01:22:20,899 --> 01:22:28,913 he was oppressed and afflicted, yet, he opened not his mouth. 600 01:22:29,289 --> 01:22:31,919 He was brought as a lamb to slaughter, 601 01:22:32,795 --> 01:22:36,635 and as a sheep before its shearer is done, 602 01:22:38,931 --> 01:22:45,025 surely he has born our griefs and carried our sorrows 603 01:22:45,401 --> 01:22:50,827 yet we didn't esteemed him stricken speech of god and affliction, 604 01:22:52,246 --> 01:22:58,423 that he was wounded for our transgressions, he was abused for our inequities, 605 01:22:59,133 --> 01:23:06,354 and through his wounds we are healed. 606 01:23:11,154 --> 01:23:17,332 Yes Born again. 607 01:24:08,964 --> 01:24:10,675 Father. 608 01:24:16,602 --> 01:24:18,773 Into thy hands 609 01:24:21,611 --> 01:24:24,491 I cometh to my in spirit. 610 01:24:30,293 --> 01:24:32,893 It is completion. 611 01:25:42,753 --> 01:25:46,969 Oh my god, Oh my god. 612 01:25:47,553 --> 01:25:51,352 My god! 613 01:25:52,646 --> 01:25:55,484 My Lord! 614 01:25:58,448 --> 01:26:01,369 Please help me! 615 01:26:03,874 --> 01:26:06,253 Please. 616 01:26:08,966 --> 01:26:13,766 My god, my god please. 617 01:26:46,991 --> 01:26:49,788 Hey you, in the family Come and take the body. 618 01:28:13,768 --> 01:28:20,155 The tomb has already been provided by a prominent member of your faith who doesn't wish his name to be revealed. 619 01:28:21,782 --> 01:28:25,663 Pontius Pilate gave permission before he went back to Caeseria. 620 01:28:25,664 --> 01:28:27,459 Yes, yes, yes. 621 01:28:28,586 --> 01:28:31,174 But you don't understand. Why should you? 622 01:28:31,884 --> 01:28:36,892 It is of vital importance for us to know where his tomb is. 623 01:28:37,184 --> 01:28:41,692 With all due respect why is it of such importance? The man is dead. 624 01:28:42,485 --> 01:28:51,084 Well since you've asked, there have been rumors of this Jesus arising up from the dead. 625 01:28:53,087 --> 01:28:55,592 And you believe this? 626 01:28:56,719 --> 01:28:59,014 But it may prevail upon the superstitious. 627 01:28:59,307 --> 01:29:02,812 His followers could easily remove the body secretly 628 01:29:02,813 --> 01:29:05,902 and then they can talk of having witnessed the resurrection. 629 01:29:08,615 --> 01:29:10,618 Therefore, can the tomb be guarded? 630 01:29:10,702 --> 01:29:13,622 No, there's nothing to stop you guarding it. 631 01:29:13,623 --> 01:29:17,130 No, there isn't, but it must be carried out by your Romans. 632 01:29:20,135 --> 01:29:21,011 Why? 633 01:29:21,804 --> 01:29:29,109 Well, if we use our own temple guards, his disciples could say that he truly rose but that his enemies denied it. 634 01:29:39,836 --> 01:29:44,720 What sort of person are you if I may ask? 635 01:29:47,224 --> 01:29:50,730 His death is not enough for you? 636 01:29:55,864 --> 01:30:00,748 I think your procurator, if he were here, 637 01:30:01,332 --> 01:30:03,962 would agree with me when I say 638 01:30:07,760 --> 01:30:11,767 this Jesus could be much more dangerous now that he is dead. 639 01:30:15,273 --> 01:30:18,863 Therefore I would be grateful if something could be arranged. 640 01:30:21,451 --> 01:30:23,287 Very well then. 641 01:30:24,164 --> 01:30:26,668 A roman guard will be posted. 642 01:30:54,801 --> 01:30:56,679 Hey stop! 643 01:30:57,472 --> 01:30:59,476 Who are you? Where are you going? 644 01:31:03,483 --> 01:31:07,782 We are the family of Jesus of Nazareth who lies here. 645 01:31:08,408 --> 01:31:10,203 What do you want? 646 01:31:10,495 --> 01:31:12,499 To enter the tomb. 647 01:31:14,920 --> 01:31:16,214 Why? 648 01:31:19,219 --> 01:31:21,306 To anoint the body 649 01:31:22,015 --> 01:31:29,320 to bring fresh linen, herbs, spices. It is our custom. 650 01:31:34,120 --> 01:31:35,831 Why didn't you do that when you brought him here? 651 01:31:36,040 --> 01:31:39,504 The Sabbath began, we could not buy them. 652 01:31:41,508 --> 01:31:42,926 What do you think? 653 01:31:42,927 --> 01:31:44,931 They're only three woman, let them go. 654 01:31:45,223 --> 01:31:47,018 I suppose it'll be alright then. 655 01:31:47,936 --> 01:31:50,022 You'll need an army to move that stone. 656 01:31:50,023 --> 01:31:52,234 All right then, let's go together. 657 01:31:52,235 --> 01:31:54,155 But we'll need some help. 658 01:31:54,447 --> 01:31:57,536 Hey Lenchilus, wake up! Come with us. 659 01:31:58,246 --> 01:32:00,458 Marcus, you watch the bridge! 660 01:32:20,952 --> 01:32:22,455 Where you going? 661 01:32:27,171 --> 01:32:29,843 Why do you seek the living among the dead? 662 01:32:33,850 --> 01:32:35,979 Jesus is not there. 663 01:32:52,967 --> 01:32:53,885 Come! 664 01:33:03,402 --> 01:33:05,280 Jesus is not here! 665 01:33:17,718 --> 01:33:18,720 You sure? 666 01:33:18,804 --> 01:33:21,098 I swear to Jupiter, Hercules and Mars! 667 01:33:21,099 --> 01:33:24,105 Yes yes, you've been awake all night and haven't moved from that spot! 668 01:33:24,188 --> 01:33:27,820 That's right! We were given strict orders! Nobody's been near that tomb. 669 01:33:28,112 --> 01:33:30,991 And those Jewish priests or whatever they are were with us all the time! 670 01:33:30,992 --> 01:33:32,703 Well then, who moved the stone? 671 01:33:38,296 --> 01:33:39,297 Who is it? 672 01:33:39,298 --> 01:33:40,717 It's me, Phillip! 673 01:33:44,307 --> 01:33:45,726 - Did anyone follow you? - No. 674 01:33:48,230 --> 01:33:49,441 Are you sure? 675 01:33:49,816 --> 01:33:51,736 Of course I'm sure. 676 01:33:54,533 --> 01:33:55,410 Are they still looking for us? 677 01:33:55,827 --> 01:33:59,333 On every corner one sees temple guards and Roman soldiers! 678 01:34:00,126 --> 01:34:03,340 This place isn't safe anymore, We must go somewhere else! 679 01:34:03,424 --> 01:34:04,926 But where can we go? 680 01:34:05,052 --> 01:34:07,055 I wish we could go to Galilee. 681 01:34:09,142 --> 01:34:10,227 Peter 682 01:34:10,728 --> 01:34:11,730 Peter. 683 01:34:14,151 --> 01:34:17,448 Tell us. What should we do? 684 01:34:17,740 --> 01:34:20,662 We must do what the master would have wanted. 685 01:34:22,248 --> 01:34:24,335 The master is dead, Peter. 686 01:34:29,845 --> 01:34:33,268 - I thought you said you weren't followed. - I wasn't! 687 01:34:41,365 --> 01:34:42,743 - Mary. - Peter. 688 01:34:45,873 --> 01:34:47,459 All of you 689 01:34:49,254 --> 01:34:50,465 I have seen him. 690 01:34:50,757 --> 01:34:52,552 Seen who? 691 01:34:54,263 --> 01:34:55,891 The master. 692 01:34:57,185 --> 01:35:00,190 - You've seen him? - Yes. 693 01:35:03,195 --> 01:35:05,491 He is risen. 694 01:35:12,295 --> 01:35:14,799 I saw him. I saw him. 695 01:35:15,383 --> 01:35:19,599 This morning, we went to the tomb, and near the tomb was a man, 696 01:35:20,392 --> 01:35:22,187 and a young boy 697 01:35:22,813 --> 01:35:24,691 and the man said to me, 698 01:35:24,900 --> 01:35:27,404 "Why do you look for the living among the dead? 699 01:35:28,782 --> 01:35:31,495 Jesus is not here." 700 01:35:32,288 --> 01:35:35,293 So we went to the tomb. We saw the stone was upturned. 701 01:35:36,796 --> 01:35:40,302 The grave, the tomb was open. 702 01:35:44,017 --> 01:35:49,026 We looked for him it was not him. 703 01:35:55,829 --> 01:35:58,835 You mean the master's body wasn't there? 704 01:35:59,335 --> 01:36:01,339 - Had it been stolen? - No, no no. 705 01:36:01,715 --> 01:36:03,635 Let me finish. 706 01:36:03,843 --> 01:36:08,226 When we were leaving the cemetery, I saw another man. 707 01:36:09,019 --> 01:36:11,440 He saw how distraught we were. 708 01:36:13,318 --> 01:36:15,447 He said, "Woman, 709 01:36:17,617 --> 01:36:19,746 why do you weep?" 710 01:36:21,833 --> 01:36:24,045 And then he said my name 711 01:36:25,339 --> 01:36:26,842 Mary 712 01:36:28,762 --> 01:36:30,056 Mary. 713 01:36:32,143 --> 01:36:37,569 It was then that I saw it was Jesus. 714 01:36:39,865 --> 01:36:43,872 I fell to my knees and I reached for him. 715 01:36:44,748 --> 01:36:51,343 "Touch me not, for I have not yet ascended to my father," he said. 716 01:36:53,180 --> 01:36:56,770 "But go to my brothers and tell them." 717 01:37:10,794 --> 01:37:12,672 You don't believe me. 718 01:37:14,467 --> 01:37:16,179 You don't believe me. 719 01:37:22,690 --> 01:37:26,571 I tell you I saw him. It was our Lord! 720 01:37:26,572 --> 01:37:28,408 Mary, Mary 721 01:37:28,993 --> 01:37:30,579 John. 722 01:37:31,372 --> 01:37:37,215 Oh John You don't believe me. You. 723 01:37:38,593 --> 01:37:42,183 Mary, you're tired. 724 01:37:43,184 --> 01:37:44,603 Please. 725 01:37:46,398 --> 01:37:48,110 Please go. 726 01:37:49,696 --> 01:37:52,993 I saw him, John. I saw him. 727 01:37:56,207 --> 01:37:58,920 Women's fantasies. 728 01:37:59,630 --> 01:38:01,007 Fantasies? 729 01:38:02,218 --> 01:38:04,721 Was his death a fantasy? 730 01:38:04,722 --> 01:38:06,726 I saw him die! 731 01:38:07,101 --> 01:38:09,731 I was there and I wept at his feet! 732 01:38:09,940 --> 01:38:12,527 Why should he not then appear to me? 733 01:38:14,239 --> 01:38:15,908 He is risen. 734 01:38:26,051 --> 01:38:28,138 He told me to tell you, 735 01:38:30,935 --> 01:38:32,855 and I have done so. 736 01:38:44,959 --> 01:38:46,838 You wouldn't believe her. 737 01:38:47,547 --> 01:38:50,553 Even when the master raised Girus's daughter you didn't believe it! 738 01:38:50,636 --> 01:38:54,059 What do you mean? You believe her story? 739 01:38:58,149 --> 01:39:00,361 Well, do any of you believe it? 740 01:39:01,238 --> 01:39:02,866 Do you, Andrew? 741 01:39:03,868 --> 01:39:05,370 Do you, James? 742 01:39:07,582 --> 01:39:10,755 And you, Matthew? 743 01:39:19,061 --> 01:39:20,772 Do you? 744 01:39:21,774 --> 01:39:23,068 Peter? 745 01:39:28,077 --> 01:39:29,371 Yes. 746 01:39:31,666 --> 01:39:34,004 How can you? 747 01:39:35,172 --> 01:39:37,301 Because he said so. 748 01:39:39,889 --> 01:39:42,185 Because he wanted it to be so. 749 01:39:45,399 --> 01:39:51,785 He wanted everything to happened just as it did. 750 01:39:56,418 --> 01:39:58,088 And I have always believed him. 751 01:39:58,714 --> 01:40:04,389 But Peter, you denied him! You denied him three times! 752 01:40:04,390 --> 01:40:05,392 Yes! 753 01:40:07,396 --> 01:40:09,691 I denied him because I was a coward. 754 01:40:12,822 --> 01:40:14,825 We are all cowards! 755 01:40:16,829 --> 01:40:21,128 We accuse Judas of being the traitor, but we all betrayed him. 756 01:40:22,839 --> 01:40:26,220 We all abandoned him. 757 01:40:27,514 --> 01:40:32,231 At least our brothers in the Sanhedrin didn't know him. 758 01:40:32,732 --> 01:40:34,026 The Romans 759 01:40:37,115 --> 01:40:38,825 didn't know him. 760 01:40:38,826 --> 01:40:44,127 But we ate with him. 761 01:40:46,339 --> 01:40:48,426 We lived with him. 762 01:40:50,430 --> 01:40:53,560 We knew that he was the Christ! 763 01:40:54,144 --> 01:40:56,440 And still we betrayed him. 764 01:40:59,529 --> 01:41:01,866 Brothers, can't you see? 765 01:41:05,539 --> 01:41:06,541 Thomas. 766 01:41:13,053 --> 01:41:15,473 You asked me if I believe he is risen. 767 01:41:17,560 --> 01:41:19,147 Yes I do, 768 01:41:20,858 --> 01:41:26,451 for I know in my heart he will not abandon us. 769 01:41:28,455 --> 01:41:32,169 I know in my heart he has forgiven me... 770 01:41:37,596 --> 01:41:38,973 Us. 771 01:41:55,293 --> 01:41:57,088 Forgiven all of us. 772 01:42:12,115 --> 01:42:13,909 This is precisely what I feared. 773 01:42:14,619 --> 01:42:17,416 His disciples must have come in the night, removed the stone, and taken away the body. 774 01:42:17,499 --> 01:42:20,629 Impossible! I had guards here as you requested! 775 01:42:21,005 --> 01:42:23,009 And your priests were here, too. 776 01:42:42,126 --> 01:42:43,419 Now it begins. 777 01:42:54,355 --> 01:42:56,442 It all begins. 778 01:43:08,338 --> 01:43:09,674 It was written, 779 01:43:12,554 --> 01:43:14,557 "The son of man will suffer, 780 01:43:16,770 --> 01:43:22,655 and on the third day will rise again from the dead to enter into His glory." 781 01:43:25,452 --> 01:43:28,582 You are my witnesses to this. 782 01:43:31,587 --> 01:43:35,469 Now my Father in heaven is reconciled to the world, 783 01:43:37,681 --> 01:43:39,977 and as he sent me, 784 01:43:41,897 --> 01:43:45,570 so I am sending you. 785 01:43:55,003 --> 01:43:57,591 Receive the Holy Spirit. 786 01:44:00,513 --> 01:44:03,894 Go like lambs among wolves. 787 01:44:07,692 --> 01:44:11,908 Make disciples of all nations. 788 01:44:13,912 --> 01:44:22,009 Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. 789 01:44:22,427 --> 01:44:25,724 Teach them the gospel and the commands I gave you. 790 01:44:27,728 --> 01:44:36,535 Now, I am leaving the world again, and going to the Father. 791 01:44:40,917 --> 01:44:43,630 Oh Lord, stay with us. 792 01:44:45,634 --> 01:44:47,846 For the night is falling, 793 01:44:49,432 --> 01:44:52,145 and the day is all full. 794 01:44:57,154 --> 01:44:59,450 Don't be afraid. 795 01:45:01,620 --> 01:45:08,424 I am with you everyday until the end of time.