1 00:01:09,199 --> 00:01:12,839 This is a routine pursuit. QUELQUES ANNÉES DANS LE FUTUR... 2 00:01:13,336 --> 00:01:14,059 Main Force repeats, this is a routine pursuit. Code 44. C'est une poursuite de pure routine ! 3 00:01:14,079 --> 00:01:17,579 Ici, Police, je répète : poursuite de routine. Codifiée 44. 4 00:01:17,599 --> 00:01:21,866 Listen, you tell them we need some help. This should be an open-code blitz and you know it. Mais il nous faut des collègues en renfort ! 5 00:01:21,886 --> 00:01:23,199 You have your information. À raid-éclair, procédure d'urgence ! 6 00:01:23,888 --> 00:01:25,959 Come on, sweetheart, this one's a heavyweight! Les consignes sont les consignes. 7 00:01:26,015 --> 00:01:28,039 Main Force repeats, you have your information. Mais enfin, ma louloute, on est sur du gros gibier ! 8 00:01:28,059 --> 00:01:29,299 Okay. This is a routine pursuit. Please liaise with Big Bopper. Ici, Police, je répète : suivez les consignes. 9 00:01:29,319 --> 00:01:31,299 Vous faites une poursuite de routine. 10 00:01:31,319 --> 00:01:33,461 Contactez la Matraque. 11 00:01:33,481 --> 00:01:39,091 March Hare to Big Bopper. Assist on Code 3 Red Alert. March Hare to Big Bopper. Lièvre de Mars à Matraque. Assistance pour un Code 3, urgence ! 12 00:01:39,111 --> 00:01:41,427 Big Bopper. Got you, Hare. What's going down? Ici, Matraque, à Lièvre. Tu es sur quoi ? 13 00:01:41,447 --> 00:01:43,299 - We've got a cop-killer. - You're kidding! Un tueur de flic. 14 00:01:43,319 --> 00:01:44,555 Nom de Dieu ! 15 00:01:44,575 --> 00:01:45,806 Be warned, Sarse, 16 00:01:45,826 --> 00:01:47,659 this is non-compliance. 17 00:01:47,679 --> 00:01:49,299 The Main Force will not tolerate such action. Je vous préviens, Sarse... 18 00:01:49,319 --> 00:01:51,839 c'est un refus d'obéissance. 19 00:01:52,625 --> 00:01:55,159 This pursuit is designated a standard Code 44. La Police ne le tolérera pas. 20 00:01:56,212 --> 00:01:58,359 Please respond only to that code. Cette poursuite est codifiée : 44 standard. 21 00:01:58,798 --> 00:01:59,899 Code 44 indicates no requirement for a blockade. Conformez-vous à ce Code. 22 00:01:59,919 --> 00:02:03,779 Un 44 ne prévoit pas de barrage routier. 23 00:02:03,799 --> 00:02:06,219 A Pursuit Special has been stolen. Hall Captain Fifi Macaffee doesn't like this any more than you. Une "banalisée" a été volée. 24 00:02:06,239 --> 00:02:10,379 Le Capitaine Macaffee est aussi en colère que vous. 25 00:02:10,399 --> 00:02:13,125 However, we must not compromise territorial range. Toutefois, n'enfreignons pas le règlement. 26 00:02:13,145 --> 00:02:16,379 Remember that only by following instructions can we hope to maintain a successful highway program. Ce n'est qu'en suivant les instructions... 27 00:02:16,399 --> 00:02:20,599 qu'on assure une bonne police de la route. 28 00:02:21,279 --> 00:02:25,221 Jesus, March Hare to Big Bopper. We're around three minutes off the intersection. Can you make it? Lièvre à Matraque : on est à 3 mn du carrefour. 29 00:02:25,241 --> 00:02:25,779 - We'll make it! Move over! - No room! Vous allez y arrivez ? 30 00:02:25,799 --> 00:02:27,699 On y arrivera ! 31 00:02:27,719 --> 00:02:29,350 I'm driving! Je conduis ! 32 00:02:29,370 --> 00:02:31,879 Not this again! I've been assigned! Ah non ! Je suis chauffeur assigné ! 33 00:02:33,624 --> 00:02:39,568 Hang on. I'm supposed to drive this crate! Darn you. Attends, mon salaud ! C'est moi qui pilote cette caisse ! 34 00:02:39,588 --> 00:02:41,672 Go on. 35 00:02:41,841 --> 00:02:44,479 Hey, Sarse, what's the form on this thing? Sarse ! Quel est le profil du mec ? 36 00:02:44,593 --> 00:02:46,325 A twisto bikey, scoot jockey. Un givré du gros cube. 37 00:02:46,345 --> 00:02:49,286 A few hours ago, down in Sun City, he goes berserk. Il y a quelques heures, à Sun City, il a flippé. 38 00:02:49,306 --> 00:02:52,399 Breaks custody, wastes a young premmie and takes off in a Pursuit Special. Résiste à agent, flingue un bleu... 39 00:02:53,102 --> 00:02:55,126 We've been on him ever since. et pique une banalisée. Depuis, on lui file le train. 40 00:02:55,146 --> 00:02:57,044 This one's right up the air, Roop. Gaffe : c'est de la dynamite ! 41 00:02:57,064 --> 00:03:01,279 I've seen the style before. Terminal psychotic. Genre parano à bloc. 42 00:03:07,283 --> 00:03:08,639 What's he driving? Il pilote quoi ? 43 00:03:08,659 --> 00:03:11,739 That's what hurts. It's one of our V8s. Pursuit Special on methane. Very toey! Là, c'est la honte : une de nos V 8. 44 00:03:11,759 --> 00:03:16,879 Une banalisée qui carbure au méthane : la super bête ! 45 00:03:22,759 --> 00:03:27,550 Okay, we're about haIf a mile off Anarchie Road. You’ll see him any minute now. On est à 800 m de la Route Anarchie. Vous allez le repérer. 46 00:03:30,222 --> 00:03:33,959 Rip the guts out of it. Give it the bejesus! Je vais le buter. Donne-moi ça ! 47 00:03:38,359 --> 00:03:39,795 See him yet? Tu le vois ? 48 00:03:39,815 --> 00:03:41,519 Got it! Ça y est ! 49 00:03:42,735 --> 00:03:45,279 I'm gonna blow him away! Je vais le pulvériser ! 50 00:03:45,639 --> 00:03:48,447 I'm gonna ram him! Je vais l'embrocher ! 51 00:04:08,719 --> 00:04:10,999 Hey, fellas, you okay? Ça va, les gars ? 52 00:04:11,138 --> 00:04:15,164 Acknowledge, Big Bopper, acknowledge. Are you okay? Confirmez, la Matraque. Confirmez ! Ça va ? 53 00:04:15,184 --> 00:04:16,832 Roop, Charlie. 54 00:04:16,852 --> 00:04:19,419 Do you see me, Toecutter? Tu me vois, La Tondeuse ? 55 00:04:19,439 --> 00:04:22,439 Do you see me, man? Tu m'admires, mec ? 56 00:04:24,359 --> 00:04:28,119 Keep going, keep going, we're okay. Poursuivez. Poursuivez. Nous, ça va. 57 00:04:28,239 --> 00:04:30,599 We got you, we're going. Bien reçu. On poursuit. 58 00:04:34,245 --> 00:04:36,659 Born with a steering wheel in his hand Né avec un volant dans les pattes... 59 00:04:36,679 --> 00:04:41,199 and lead in his foot. He is the Nightrider et le pied au plancher ! 60 00:04:41,710 --> 00:04:42,459 cruising at the speed of fright! Je suis le Cavalier de la Nuit... 61 00:04:42,479 --> 00:04:45,919 je bourre à la vitesse de la Peur ! 62 00:04:46,215 --> 00:04:51,599 This is the Nightrider, and we ain't never coming back! Le Cavalier de la Nuit ! Et vous ne me reverrez plus jamais ! 63 00:04:52,930 --> 00:04:54,599 I'm a fuel-injected suicide machine! Je suis un bolide-suicide à injection ! 64 00:04:57,226 --> 00:05:00,999 I am a rocker! I am a roller! Vous m'entendez, flicards ? Hein, les Bronzes ? 65 00:05:01,897 --> 00:05:03,629 I think we're still mobile. On reste opérationnels. 66 00:05:03,649 --> 00:05:05,479 For Christ's sake, shove over! Nom de Dieu, vire ton cul ! 67 00:05:05,818 --> 00:05:07,633 You're blaspheming again. Tu blasphèmes encore ! 68 00:05:07,653 --> 00:05:10,839 I don't have to work with a blasphemer. Je ne travaille pas avec un blasphémateur ! 69 00:05:12,658 --> 00:05:15,993 I am the Nightrider! 70 00:05:22,960 --> 00:05:26,659 Big Bopper to March Hare. We're still in the game, okay? De Matraque à Lièvre. On est toujours dans le coup. 71 00:05:26,679 --> 00:05:28,028 Understand this. J'annonce la couleur : 72 00:05:28,048 --> 00:05:33,719 That scag and his floozy, they're gonna die! ce camé et sa pétasse, on va les crever ! 73 00:05:39,359 --> 00:05:43,836 Main Force to Gosling One. Code 44, standard pursuit. PIease respond. Code 44, poursuite normale. Manifestez-vous ! 74 00:05:43,856 --> 00:05:46,119 MFP to Gosling One. Police Centrale à Oison 1. 75 00:05:46,900 --> 00:05:49,239 Main Force to Gosling One. Répondez, Mère l'oie. Où êtes-vous ? 76 00:05:49,359 --> 00:05:50,739 It was all slow motion. Comme un ralenti. 77 00:05:50,759 --> 00:05:53,137 He leaves his seat and goes through the windscreen, Décolle du siège, s'éjecte par le pare-brise. 78 00:05:53,157 --> 00:05:55,419 headfirst straight into the tree, right? Sa tête percute l'arbre... 79 00:05:55,439 --> 00:05:59,602 And then bounces back through the windscreen. et rebondit contre le déflecteur. 80 00:05:59,622 --> 00:06:02,855 By the time we got to him, he was just sitting there Le temps qu'on arrive, on l'a retrouvé... 81 00:06:02,875 --> 00:06:05,559 trying to scream with his face ripped off. cri figé, gueule arrachée. 82 00:06:08,047 --> 00:06:09,659 What's the matter? Qu'est-ce que tu as ? 83 00:06:09,679 --> 00:06:11,299 Not hungry, am I? Plus très faim. 84 00:06:11,319 --> 00:06:13,479 Give it here. File-le-moi... 85 00:06:13,636 --> 00:06:16,952 - I'll tell you what... - Look at that. 86 00:06:16,972 --> 00:06:20,039 - Christ! - Strewth, at it again. 87 00:06:20,059 --> 00:06:22,726 Catch you later, Goose. 88 00:06:49,755 --> 00:06:53,319 Christ, they're heading for population! Ils foncent sur des zones habitées ! 89 00:07:07,719 --> 00:07:09,979 What's this I hear about you and Jonathan? - What about Jonathan? - You were seen out with him two nights ago. Tu fricotes avec Jonathan ? 90 00:07:09,999 --> 00:07:11,099 Quoi, Jonathan ? 91 00:07:11,119 --> 00:07:12,859 On t'a vue avec lui ! 92 00:07:12,879 --> 00:07:14,879 So what? Et après ? 93 00:07:17,741 --> 00:07:20,079 It's this way. C'est... par là. 94 00:07:38,095 --> 00:07:39,284 He's gone. 95 00:07:39,304 --> 00:07:41,304 Bastards! 96 00:07:42,307 --> 00:07:44,459 Shit! 97 00:07:44,479 --> 00:07:50,599 We're really gonna get it this time. - He had his indicator on. - Shut up! Tu vas te faire saquer. Il avait son clignotant. 98 00:07:52,439 --> 00:07:55,384 No, you're not going on. Stay off the road! Ah non, tu vas pas repartir ! 99 00:07:55,404 --> 00:07:57,559 Of course, I'm going on. Shut up! Bien sûr que si ! La ferme ! 100 00:07:59,319 --> 00:08:00,365 People’s lives are in peril! Ça va pas ?! 101 00:08:01,618 --> 00:08:04,286 Stay off the roads! 102 00:08:07,374 --> 00:08:09,439 I'm gonna have him! Je l'aurai ! Je l'aurai ! 103 00:08:11,545 --> 00:08:13,159 Stay off the roads! Dégagez ! 104 00:08:15,959 --> 00:08:20,959 Get off the road! - I got him! Shut up! - Stay off the roads! Je le remonte ! Ta gueule ! 105 00:08:29,688 --> 00:08:31,855 Oh, my God. 106 00:08:33,859 --> 00:08:36,067 Watch out! 107 00:08:45,239 --> 00:08:47,639 Génial ! 108 00:08:53,045 --> 00:08:54,199 I am ready. Toujours prêt... 109 00:08:54,505 --> 00:08:57,359 I am ready for your best. prêt à affronter les cracks ! 110 00:08:58,258 --> 00:08:59,656 Oh, my God, what happened? Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé ? 111 00:08:59,676 --> 00:09:02,479 I don't know, man. I just got here myself. J'en sais rien, petit père, j'arrive. 112 00:09:03,180 --> 00:09:04,870 I think he broke his leg. 113 00:09:04,890 --> 00:09:08,139 I want to find out what's happening. 114 00:09:08,159 --> 00:09:12,211 Max, can you hear me? Main Force Patrol, we're out of the game, À Police Centrale. On est sur la touche... 115 00:09:12,231 --> 00:09:14,479 unable to continue pursuit. hors d'état de poursuivre. 116 00:09:14,879 --> 00:09:18,217 You'd better send a meat truck. Charlie’s copped a saucer in the throat. Envoyez la voiture-balai. Charles a la gorge ouverte. 117 00:09:18,237 --> 00:09:20,159 Hey, Max? Eh, Max ? 118 00:09:21,698 --> 00:09:23,099 Max? Tu m'entends, Max ? 119 00:09:23,119 --> 00:09:24,419 Go ahead. Parle ! 120 00:09:24,439 --> 00:09:27,059 We are 100 percent SNAFUed. On est baisé à 100 %. 121 00:09:27,079 --> 00:09:28,560 You okay? Toi, ça va ? 122 00:09:28,580 --> 00:09:31,480 Nothing a year in the tropics wouldn’t fix. Un an sous les tropiques, et ça repart ! 123 00:09:31,500 --> 00:09:33,239 Much damage? Gros dégâts ? 124 00:09:35,128 --> 00:09:38,237 You should see the damage, Bronze! Si tu voyais les dégâts, Bronze ! 125 00:09:38,257 --> 00:09:39,499 Metal damage, Du métal tordu... 126 00:09:39,519 --> 00:09:42,339 brain damage? You listening, Bronze? et du mental hurlant ! Tu m'écoutes ? 127 00:09:42,359 --> 00:09:45,679 I am the Nightrider! Je suis le Cavalier de la Nuit ! 128 00:09:47,099 --> 00:09:51,399 I'm a fuel-injected suicide machine. Je suis un bolide-suicide à injection ! 129 00:09:51,599 --> 00:09:54,419 I am a rocker! I am a roller! Je suis un rocker ! 130 00:09:54,439 --> 00:09:56,759 I am an out-of-controller! Je suis un roller ! 131 00:09:58,986 --> 00:10:01,519 I am the Nightrider, baby, Je suis un Cavalier de la Nuit... 132 00:10:02,359 --> 00:10:07,700 and it's me and Marmaduke, and we ain't never coming back. et moi et ma pouliche, nous ne reviendrons plus jamais ! 133 00:10:22,759 --> 00:10:26,118 The Toecutter, he knows who I am. La Tondeuse, lui, il me connaît bien ! 134 00:10:26,138 --> 00:10:28,999 I am the Nightrider! Je suis le Cavalier de la Nuit ! 135 00:10:34,688 --> 00:10:36,619 I am the chosen one, the mighty hand of vengeance Je suis l'Élu... 136 00:10:36,639 --> 00:10:38,755 la puissante poigne de la Vengeance... 137 00:10:38,775 --> 00:10:42,519 sent down to strike the unroadworthy! qui frappe les macs du macadam ! 138 00:10:43,039 --> 00:10:45,804 I'm hotter than a rolling dice. Je suis torride comme un coup de dés ! 139 00:10:45,824 --> 00:10:48,432 Step right up, chum, and watch the kid Approche, gamin, et regarde bien... 140 00:10:48,452 --> 00:10:52,879 lay down a rubber road right to freedom! L'as du ruban, se ruer vers la liberté ! 141 00:11:31,370 --> 00:11:35,079 What's wrong? Qu'est-ce que tu as ? Qu'est-ce qu'il t'arrive ?! 142 00:11:37,359 --> 00:11:40,399 - Baby, what's wrong? - Nothing. Rien. 143 00:11:51,119 --> 00:11:58,159 It's going... It's going to... There'll be nothing left. It's all gone. Il ne restera plus rien ! Tout est foutu ! 144 00:12:03,902 --> 00:12:06,027 Stop! 145 00:13:04,129 --> 00:13:06,653 That feels good. Oh, que ça fait du bien ! 146 00:13:06,673 --> 00:13:10,639 After three days, that feels so good. Au bout de 3 jours, c'est bon ! 147 00:13:13,013 --> 00:13:15,328 I got a right hook in the mouth this morning. Il m'a filé un crochet droit dans les dents. 148 00:13:15,348 --> 00:13:19,750 Sprog? I told him to always lead with his left. Le bébé-éprouvette ? Je lui avais dit d'appuyer son gauche. 149 00:13:19,770 --> 00:13:23,019 You know, I think we've got a monster on our hands. C'est un petit monstre, qu'on a là. 150 00:13:23,039 --> 00:13:25,019 Yeah, takes after his old man. Il tient de son papa. 151 00:13:25,039 --> 00:13:26,465 What's that? Pour quoi ? 152 00:13:26,485 --> 00:13:28,735 Monster! Le côté monstre ! 153 00:13:29,237 --> 00:13:32,019 Montazano, who called himself the Nightrider, "Montazano, qui se baptisait le Cavalier de la Nuit"... 154 00:13:32,039 --> 00:13:35,739 had broken from custody and escaped in the police vehicle. "a échappé aux gardiens et a fui à bord d'une voiture de police." 155 00:13:35,759 --> 00:13:39,478 You made the news again. He was awaiting arraignment on charges relating to the slaying... Les infos parlent encore de toi. 156 00:13:39,498 --> 00:13:40,687 - Who was he? - I don't know. Qui c'était, ce type ? 157 00:13:40,707 --> 00:13:50,519 ...of a Main Force Patrol officer in a road blockade accident last month. Just another glory rider, I guess. This was the third episode in the Sun City sectors in the past 27 days. Je ne sais pas. Un de ces mégalos du volant. 158 00:14:10,529 --> 00:14:14,339 Jessie, I told you. The Goose wants me there early. Jessie, je te l'ai dit : la Mère l'oie m'attend de bonne heure. 159 00:14:14,359 --> 00:14:18,350 What for, he didn't say. You know the Goose. Pourquoi, j'en sais rien. Tu le connais. 160 00:14:18,370 --> 00:14:20,912 Coffee's ready. Le café est prêt. 161 00:14:43,937 --> 00:14:46,399 I'm not grumpy. Je ne suis pas "Grincheux". 162 00:14:52,320 --> 00:14:54,799 Get out of here. Fiche le camp. 163 00:14:57,450 --> 00:15:02,239 Okay. I gotta go. OK. J'y vais. 164 00:15:23,393 --> 00:15:25,159 What's that? Sous-titre ? 165 00:15:26,438 --> 00:15:28,399 Crazy about you. Folle de toi. 166 00:15:43,359 --> 00:15:46,646 Les amendes concernant les remorquages pirates... 167 00:15:46,666 --> 00:15:50,483 All supplies must be requisitioned from the people's bond. seront considérablement aggravées. 168 00:15:50,503 --> 00:15:54,639 Please do not exploit your privileges. Doing so is an offense. Il sera procédé au retrait de la licence d'exploitation. 169 00:15:56,301 --> 00:15:58,116 Memorandum Seven: Les récidivistes, selon le nouveau décret... 170 00:15:58,136 --> 00:16:01,453 The Captains of the Hall have asked that pursuit officers répondront devant la Justice de leurs appropriations. 171 00:16:01,473 --> 00:16:04,119 refrain from using the slang "Bronze" for the Main Force Patrol. Mémo n°3. 172 00:16:05,977 --> 00:16:08,460 The word is considered disrespectful Il est fait état d'incidents dans la Gazette du Peuple. 173 00:16:08,480 --> 00:16:11,739 and citizens should be actively discouraged from its use. Tout trafic de carburant est interdit dans la Police. 174 00:16:11,759 --> 00:16:14,039 Mémo n°7. 175 00:16:14,903 --> 00:16:19,479 Memorandum Eight: Hospital vouchers are available again. Les officiers demandent aux agents de poursuite... 176 00:16:19,658 --> 00:16:20,139 MFP personnel may sign on with the following sector captains. de ne pas taxer du terme argotique "Bronze" 177 00:16:20,159 --> 00:16:22,879 les policiers de la Préfecture. 178 00:16:23,828 --> 00:16:24,579 One, six-three, two-four, one-one-two, Ce vocable est jugé discourtois... 179 00:16:24,599 --> 00:16:28,230 et il est vivement déconseillé de l'employer. 180 00:16:28,250 --> 00:16:31,668 five-seven and two-six. 181 00:16:32,295 --> 00:16:34,239 Kick it in the guts, Barry. Titille-la, Barry. 182 00:16:39,010 --> 00:16:41,759 She's the last of the V8s. La dernière-née des V 8. 183 00:16:42,222 --> 00:16:45,330 You can shut the gate on this one, Max. It's the duck's guts. Ça, c'est le tigre en folie. Du super fauve. 184 00:16:45,350 --> 00:16:48,750 Yeah, she's the last of the V8s. Sucks nitro. Oui, la maxi V 8. Carbure à la nitro. 185 00:16:48,770 --> 00:16:50,168 Phase 4 head. Culasse rapportée... 186 00:16:50,188 --> 00:16:57,279 - Twin overhead cam. - Tell him about the blower. - 600 horsepower through the wheel. - The blower, man. Parle-lui du pot. Du pot ! 187 00:16:59,399 --> 00:17:05,999 She's meanness put to music and the bitch is born to run. - He's in a coma, man! - He loves it. Il est dans le coma, le mec ! 188 00:17:13,086 --> 00:17:15,253 Okay. 189 00:17:15,588 --> 00:17:19,656 How the hell did you get all this together? Comment tu as pu mettre tout ça au point ? 190 00:17:19,676 --> 00:17:24,939 It just happened, Max, you know? A piece from here and a piece from there. Comme ça. Une pièce par ci, une autre par là. 191 00:17:24,959 --> 00:17:27,664 - So easy? - Yeah. C'est si facile ? 192 00:17:27,684 --> 00:17:29,708 Come on, Max. You've seen it. Mais enfin, Max, tu l'as vue... 193 00:17:29,728 --> 00:17:34,959 You've heard it and you're still asking questions. tu l'as entendue, et tu poses encore des questions ? 194 00:17:37,402 --> 00:17:40,119 When do we go for a ride? Alors, à quand la virée ? 195 00:17:42,407 --> 00:17:44,949 He loves it. 196 00:17:44,959 --> 00:17:46,299 I think we've got him. On l'a ferré ! 197 00:17:46,319 --> 00:17:47,976 I hope so. J'espère bien. 198 00:17:47,996 --> 00:17:49,579 Yeah, we've got him. Là, on l'a ferré. 199 00:17:49,599 --> 00:17:54,699 Your top pursuit man wants to quit the road and we have to seduce him with candy? Votre pistard n° 1 veut plaquer, et il lui faut cette sucette ? 200 00:17:54,719 --> 00:17:57,419 People don't believe in heroes anymore. Les gens ne croient plus aux héros. 201 00:17:57,439 --> 00:18:02,219 I know, Macaffee. You want to give them back their heroes. Et vous Macaffee, vous voulez réactiver les héros. 202 00:18:02,239 --> 00:18:05,493 You will not try this one on me again. I do not enjoy wasting money. Vous ne me piégerez pas. Je n'aime pas gaspiller de l'argent. 203 00:18:05,513 --> 00:18:07,439 Goodbye Au revoir... 204 00:18:07,839 --> 00:18:10,119 and good luck! et bonne chance ! 205 00:18:10,359 --> 00:18:16,359 Thanks, Labatouche. You're a real human being. Labatouche, merci de votre compréhension. 206 00:18:42,217 --> 00:18:43,490 Get out of my way! La paix ! Laissez-moi passer ! 207 00:18:43,510 --> 00:18:45,339 The old meat grinder's humming tonight? Il y a de l'agitation dans l'air... 208 00:18:45,359 --> 00:18:49,679 Yeah, Max took out a couple of crazies over the high side. Oui, Max a éliminé deux dingos. 209 00:18:51,309 --> 00:18:53,726 Will you shut up! 210 00:18:54,187 --> 00:18:57,814 The hot mops and the towees. 211 00:18:58,316 --> 00:18:59,464 It's in the food. 212 00:18:59,484 --> 00:19:03,134 Hey, Max, another one for your books, eh? Have you eaten yet? Eh, Max, tu t'es encore éclaté ? Tu as mangé ? 213 00:19:03,154 --> 00:19:05,220 No, not yet. I'll pick up something later. Pas encore. Tout à l'heure. 214 00:19:05,240 --> 00:19:10,183 That Code 3 you ran down a few days ago... - The Nightrider? - The Nightrider, yeah. Ce "Code 3" que tu t'es payé, l'autre jour... 215 00:19:10,203 --> 00:19:11,768 - Got a problem. - What's that? - Le Cavalier de la Nuit, oui. Il y a un os. - Quoi ? 216 00:19:11,788 --> 00:19:13,770 His friends. Word is they're out to get you. Ses copains. Ils veulent ta peau. 217 00:19:13,790 --> 00:19:16,481 - Scoot jockeys? - Yeah, nomad trash. - Les motards ? - Les loubards. 218 00:19:16,501 --> 00:19:19,275 Well, I'll add it to my threat collection. Bof, une menace de plus ! 219 00:19:19,295 --> 00:19:22,153 Good boy, Max. You're a good boy. Tu es bien, Max. Un type bien. 220 00:19:22,173 --> 00:19:24,173 Come on. 221 00:21:21,084 --> 00:21:25,401 Good afternoon. 222 00:21:25,421 --> 00:21:29,572 We're here to meet a friend. Come in on the train. On vient chercher un ami. Qui est arrivé par le train. 223 00:21:29,592 --> 00:21:33,952 Nothing come in on the train except a coupIe of crates and a... Il n'est rien arrivé par le train, sauf des caisses... 224 00:21:33,972 --> 00:21:35,839 coffin. et un cercueil. 225 00:21:36,558 --> 00:21:38,559 Our friend. C'est notre ami. 226 00:21:38,893 --> 00:21:42,418 You’ll have to see the agent and sign the papers. Faudrait voir le chef, et signer les papiers. 227 00:21:42,438 --> 00:21:46,079 Where do we find this agent? Où il est... ce chef ? 228 00:21:47,819 --> 00:21:50,027 Wait. 229 00:22:04,799 --> 00:22:06,699 That must be your friend over there. Ça doit être votre ami... 230 00:22:06,719 --> 00:22:09,153 They didn't leave much of him. Il n'en reste pas grand.chose. 231 00:22:09,173 --> 00:22:12,925 Must have cut his heart out, eh? Ça a dû lui fendre le coeur, non ? 232 00:22:15,199 --> 00:22:18,264 Yes, that's what I meant. Oui... c'est ce que je voulais dire. 233 00:22:19,350 --> 00:22:21,199 Poor bastard. Pauvre diable. 234 00:22:22,999 --> 00:22:29,007 The Nightrider. That is his name. Le Cavalier de la Nuit... voilà son nom. 235 00:22:29,027 --> 00:22:35,406 The Nightrider. 236 00:22:35,479 --> 00:22:41,019 Remember him when you look at the night sky. Souviens-toi de lui... quand tu regardes le ciel, la nuit. 237 00:22:41,039 --> 00:22:43,456 I will. J'y manquerai pas. 238 00:22:43,875 --> 00:22:46,542 Take your hat off. Enlève ta casquette. 239 00:23:01,517 --> 00:23:03,207 Anything you say. Comme vous voudrez. 240 00:23:03,227 --> 00:23:06,145 Anything I say. Comme moi... je veux. 241 00:23:06,898 --> 00:23:09,579 What a wonderful philosophy you have. Ça, c'est un merveilleux principe. 242 00:23:09,599 --> 00:23:11,719 Take him away. Emmenez-le. 243 00:23:20,244 --> 00:23:23,496 Bubba. Johnny. 244 00:24:07,041 --> 00:24:08,940 Push me, shove you! Bourre-moi, je te bourre ! 245 00:24:08,960 --> 00:24:10,692 Oh, yeah? Says who? 246 00:24:10,712 --> 00:24:13,653 Push me, shove you! Oh, yeah? Says who? 247 00:24:13,673 --> 00:24:19,509 Push me, shove you! Oh, yeah? Says who? 248 00:24:32,775 --> 00:24:38,779 Nightrider! 249 00:24:40,992 --> 00:24:43,117 Nightrider! 250 00:25:25,286 --> 00:25:27,439 No worries. Ne t'en fais pas. 251 00:27:18,858 --> 00:27:21,319 Anyway, my name is Jim Goose. Jim Goose, dit Mère l'oie. 252 00:27:22,839 --> 00:27:24,459 Rockatansky. We have incident at Wee Jerusalem. Ici, Rockatansky. 253 00:27:24,479 --> 00:27:26,179 Incident au Petit Jérusalem. 254 00:27:26,199 --> 00:27:28,431 Nomad bikers, bulk trouble. Des motards nomades. Problèmes en masse. 255 00:27:28,451 --> 00:27:31,392 Okay, we're on it. We gone. OK, on le prend. On y va ! 256 00:27:31,412 --> 00:27:32,939 Goose, come on. 257 00:27:32,959 --> 00:27:36,039 Ciao. Désolé, il faut qu'on parte. 258 00:27:39,545 --> 00:27:41,068 What's this? C'est quoi ? 259 00:27:41,088 --> 00:27:44,079 It's a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. La carte "Vous êtes libéré de prison". 260 00:27:59,398 --> 00:28:02,719 - Any more details? - No. D'autres précisions ? 261 00:28:03,444 --> 00:28:05,599 Okay, we're gone. OK, on y va. 262 00:28:07,479 --> 00:28:11,119 - Max, he looks... - Yeah. Max, tu vois ce que je vois ? 263 00:28:13,287 --> 00:28:15,719 Hey, fella, stop! Hep, l'ami, halte ! 264 00:28:16,457 --> 00:28:18,749 Hey, fella! 265 00:28:20,419 --> 00:28:22,920 Hey, fella, stop! 266 00:28:24,173 --> 00:28:26,439 What a turkey! Quel con ! 267 00:28:26,719 --> 00:28:30,079 Hey, fella, you're a turkey, you know that? Eh, tu sais que tu es le roi des cons ? 268 00:28:30,221 --> 00:28:34,319 We'll come back for him later. There's more up ahead. On y reviendra. On a à faire plus loin. 269 00:28:36,143 --> 00:28:40,396 Nightrider. My Niqueur. 270 00:28:46,737 --> 00:28:51,823 Pursuit units in sectors, eight, nine and ten. 271 00:28:53,577 --> 00:28:55,851 A cyclecade of nomad bikers. 272 00:28:55,871 --> 00:28:58,062 A fast run out of Wee Jerusalem. 273 00:28:58,082 --> 00:29:03,918 Your instructions are to locate. Do not engage. 274 00:29:07,159 --> 00:29:09,383 Sector Eight. Nomad bikers. Occupe-toi d'elle. 275 00:29:13,347 --> 00:29:18,479 Bronze! Gonna get you! Bronze ! Je t'aurai ! 276 00:29:19,562 --> 00:29:21,645 It's okay. 277 00:29:21,731 --> 00:29:24,239 It's all right. No one's gonna hurt you. Personne ne vous veut de mal. 278 00:29:24,775 --> 00:29:25,939 It's all right. 279 00:29:25,959 --> 00:29:28,092 This one's whacked right out of his skull. Celui-là pédale dans le cirage. 280 00:29:28,112 --> 00:29:30,459 Whacked right out of his skull, man! Il pédale pleine gomme ! 281 00:29:30,479 --> 00:29:33,319 He ain't never coming back. Vous le reverrez pas ! 282 00:29:43,836 --> 00:29:47,421 It's all right. 283 00:29:48,549 --> 00:29:51,239 I'm gonna let this go now. Je vais lâcher ça. 284 00:29:54,305 --> 00:30:00,499 I know you're frightened, girl, but no one's gonna hurt you anymore. Je sais que vous avez peur... mais on ne vous veut pas de mal. 285 00:30:00,519 --> 00:30:01,979 My name's Jim Goose, and everything's gonna be all right. Je m'appelle Jim Goose... 286 00:30:01,999 --> 00:30:04,599 et tout va s'arranger ! 287 00:30:05,479 --> 00:30:08,299 L'incident de Sun City ne doit pas se reproduire. 288 00:30:08,319 --> 00:30:13,359 Faites dégager les routes. Utilisez les sirènes. 289 00:30:18,412 --> 00:30:20,478 The Nightrider! Le Cavalier de la Nuit ! 290 00:30:20,498 --> 00:30:23,189 - Hey, Jimbo. - Yeah? 291 00:30:23,209 --> 00:30:26,233 - Remember that Code 3? - Yeah. Tu te rappelles ce Code 3 ? 292 00:30:26,253 --> 00:30:31,822 Remember him when you look up... When you look... "Souviens-toi de lui en regardant le ciel...!" 293 00:30:31,842 --> 00:30:34,176 Nightrider! 294 00:30:35,221 --> 00:30:38,555 Well, well, well. 295 00:31:01,959 --> 00:31:05,106 Johnny the Boy has done it again. Johnny est toujours près de l'épave. 296 00:31:05,126 --> 00:31:10,199 This time it's a scrubber. He's never gonna learn. Pété à mort. Il est incorrigible. 297 00:31:11,423 --> 00:31:14,031 But we are going to teach him, Bubba. Nous, on va le corriger, Bubba. 298 00:31:14,051 --> 00:31:16,867 You are going back for him. Tu vas aller le chercher. 299 00:31:16,887 --> 00:31:20,496 No way! Not me, not for him! Des clous ! Pas moi ! J'y vais pas pour lui ! 300 00:31:20,516 --> 00:31:26,239 But it's not for him. It's for me, Bubba. Pas pour lui... mais pour moi, Bubba. 301 00:31:31,777 --> 00:31:34,343 You're wasting your time! The Scag don't rate! Tu perds ton temps ! Ce camé est une ordure ! 302 00:31:34,363 --> 00:31:37,739 He's nothing like the Nightrider! Il n'a rien à voir avec le Cavalier ! 303 00:31:58,762 --> 00:32:00,703 Code 7 progress, eight-one. 304 00:32:00,723 --> 00:32:02,663 Code 7 progress, eight-three. 305 00:32:02,683 --> 00:32:06,542 Code 7, eight-six, eight-one, eight-zero. 306 00:32:06,562 --> 00:32:09,479 MFP Code 1. 307 00:32:09,879 --> 00:32:12,590 Captain Macaffee in convoy from the courthouse to the Halls of Justice. Ici, Police, Code 1. 308 00:32:12,610 --> 00:32:13,859 Code 1 progress. Capitaine Macaffee, en convoi, 309 00:32:13,879 --> 00:32:18,239 de l'Hôtel de Ville au Palais de Justice. 310 00:32:31,359 --> 00:32:35,362 Hey, mister. What happened to the car? Qu'est-ce qui est arrivé à la voiture ? 311 00:32:35,382 --> 00:32:37,719 What do you think happened? À ton avis ? 312 00:32:37,968 --> 00:32:41,199 Looks like it was chewed up and spat out. On dirait qu'on l'a mâchée, puis crachée. 313 00:32:41,764 --> 00:32:45,239 Perhaps it's the result of an anxiety. Peut-être pour masquer une angoisse. 314 00:32:45,479 --> 00:32:50,079 Hey, Roop. Stay here, mate. Roop ! Reste ici, vieux. 315 00:32:57,363 --> 00:33:00,346 I think they're out there. Je... crois... qu'ils... arrivent ! 316 00:33:00,366 --> 00:33:03,515 Take your time, Charlie. We got plenty of it. Prends ton temps, Charlie. On n'est pas pressé. 317 00:33:03,535 --> 00:33:06,328 Good day and good luck. 318 00:33:07,331 --> 00:33:11,279 I can see the Interceptor. Je... vois... L'Intercepteur. 319 00:33:17,424 --> 00:33:21,909 What do you say, Scag? Got no place special to go? Tu disais, camé ? Pas de destination précise ? 320 00:33:21,929 --> 00:33:24,161 We'd better prep him. Faudrait... le... conditionner. 321 00:33:24,181 --> 00:33:27,079 Scag, did you bring your toothbrush? Tu as pris ta brosse à dents ? 322 00:33:29,812 --> 00:33:32,219 - You’ll have to sit on the Goose. - Why? No contest. - Il va falloir calmer Mère l'oie. - Pourquoi ? 323 00:33:32,239 --> 00:33:34,559 Non-lieu. 324 00:33:52,167 --> 00:33:54,579 Hey, Fif! What's going on? Fif, qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ? 325 00:33:54,599 --> 00:33:55,539 - What happened? - Let him go, Charlie. Relâche-le. 326 00:33:55,559 --> 00:33:58,059 What's he mean, "Let him go"? Who's this? Mais pourquoi ?! 327 00:33:58,079 --> 00:34:00,823 - Keep out of this. - What's going on? No one showed, okay? Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe ? 328 00:34:00,843 --> 00:34:01,219 Forget it, Charlie. Just let him go. Pas de plainte, OK ? 329 00:34:01,239 --> 00:34:03,919 Passe la main. Relâche-le. 330 00:34:04,054 --> 00:34:06,099 No one showed. No one. What's he mean, "No one showed"? Personne n'a porté plainte. Personne. 331 00:34:06,119 --> 00:34:08,059 Comment ça "personne" ? 332 00:34:08,079 --> 00:34:15,045 They didn't show. Nobody! The punks didn't show. The girl didn't show, the townspeople didn't show. Ils ne sont pas venus. Personne. Les punks ne sont pas venus ! 333 00:34:15,065 --> 00:34:17,859 Nobody showed! Ni la fille ! Ni les gens de la ville ! Personne ne s'est présenté ! 334 00:34:17,879 --> 00:34:21,802 We're screwed! It's the law. What do you mean, "No one showed"? Where were you, man? La paix ! Comment ça, "personne" ? Où tu étais, toi ? 335 00:34:21,822 --> 00:34:24,779 It means, old man, you haven't got a case. No contest. Il n'y a pas inculpation. D'où non-lieu. 336 00:34:24,799 --> 00:34:27,939 Jesus Christ! You're not gonna let him walk out the door, Fifi? Bon Dieu, tu ne vas pas le laisser foutre le camp, Fifi ! 337 00:34:27,959 --> 00:34:30,060 That's exactly what you're going to do! Bien sûr que si ! 338 00:34:30,080 --> 00:34:34,379 - Shut up! - Keep going, Charlie! 339 00:34:34,399 --> 00:34:38,777 It's all right. Hey, Bronze, look at you, a cripple and a mute! Eh, Bronze... regarde-toi ! 340 00:34:38,797 --> 00:34:39,979 Scag, he sings and I tap dance! Un infirme muet ! 341 00:34:39,999 --> 00:34:42,879 Il chante et je danse ! 342 00:34:43,093 --> 00:34:45,519 Hey, you know that you're wrong! Tu sais ce que tu es ? 343 00:34:46,399 --> 00:34:53,083 The courts will hear about this. I promise they'll hear about this disgrace. He wearing that face for a bet or does he really look that stupid? Le Tribunal le saura ! Il aura connaissance de cet outrage ! 344 00:34:53,103 --> 00:34:55,259 This man is grossly offensive! Cet homme est insultant ! 345 00:34:55,279 --> 00:34:56,628 Get him out of here, Max! Emmène-le, Max. 346 00:34:56,648 --> 00:35:01,425 - I can make a case of it! - What case, you fool? You saw what they did to that girl! - Je vais en faire "une affaire" ! - Pas de plainte ! 347 00:35:01,445 --> 00:35:01,899 For God's sake, she was the town bike! T'as vu ce qu'ils ont fait à la fille ! 348 00:35:01,919 --> 00:35:04,639 Tu parles ! La pute du coin ! 349 00:35:06,879 --> 00:35:09,819 He's my prisoner, and he's not waking out that door! Je le détiens prisonnier... il ne sortira pas ! 350 00:35:09,839 --> 00:35:12,227 - Get him out of here! - Who is this guy? - Évacuez-le ! - Qui est ce type ? 351 00:35:12,247 --> 00:35:15,207 Goose, settle down, boy. Goose, calme-toi, mon vieux. 352 00:35:17,836 --> 00:35:19,401 Jesus, Fifi. 353 00:35:19,421 --> 00:35:20,819 Fifi, Jesus. 354 00:35:20,839 --> 00:35:22,859 Look, they're laughing at us! Ils se foutent de nous ! 355 00:35:22,879 --> 00:35:28,279 Can't you see they're laughing at us? They don't believe us! Tu ne le vois donc pas ? C'est le monde à l'envers ! 356 00:35:29,359 --> 00:35:34,279 See you later, Goose. It's been a pleasure. À bientôt, Goose ! Au plaisir ! 357 00:36:00,639 --> 00:36:04,696 Skiffington, go home. Go. Partez, rentrez chez vous. On ne veut pas de vous ici. 358 00:36:04,716 --> 00:36:06,499 Hey Goose! 359 00:36:06,519 --> 00:36:08,379 You can't do anything about it! Tu ne peux rien contre ça ! 360 00:36:08,399 --> 00:36:10,979 We know who you are, Bronze! On t'a vu à l'oeuvre, Bronze ! 361 00:36:10,999 --> 00:36:13,139 We'll see you on the road, Scag! See you on the road like we saw the Nightrider! On te retrouvera sur la route, camé ! 362 00:36:13,159 --> 00:36:16,099 Comme on a retrouvé le Cavalier ! 363 00:36:16,119 --> 00:36:22,022 We remember the Nightrider, and we know who you are! Le Cavalier, on s'en souvient, et toi, on t'a vu à l'oeuvre ! 364 00:36:26,989 --> 00:36:28,899 Okay. 365 00:36:28,919 --> 00:36:34,599 So long as the paperwork is clean, you boys can do what you like out there. Si ça peut être fait sans retombées, vous avez le feu vert. 366 00:36:35,622 --> 00:36:41,042 Hey, here he is, the waking armpit! 367 00:36:50,879 --> 00:36:53,979 There's a fire in my belly, and she's the woman to put it out. Je brûle, et c'est elle qui éteindra mes chaleurs ! 368 00:36:53,999 --> 00:36:57,759 Off, brute! This angel is hot in the tubes for me! C'est ma torride ! 369 00:37:02,279 --> 00:37:04,548 I'm on fire, I'm on fire! Je crame ! 370 00:37:04,568 --> 00:37:06,979 Joviality is a game of children. La jovialité, c'est puéril. 371 00:37:06,999 --> 00:37:12,759 She's mine. I should have been a surgeon with these hands. Elle est à moi ! J'ai des mains de chirurgien ! 372 00:37:14,879 --> 00:37:18,359 Mudguts, get out of there! Mudguts, dégage ! 373 00:37:20,119 --> 00:37:23,719 Cundalini, put her against the post. Cundalini, colle-la au poteau ! 374 00:37:29,176 --> 00:37:31,519 We have a problem here. On a un problème. 375 00:37:31,999 --> 00:37:35,399 She is not what she seems. Il ne faut pas se fier à elle. 376 00:37:35,879 --> 00:37:39,019 Bubba Zanetti has it on good authority Bubba Zanetti sait de bonne source... 377 00:37:39,039 --> 00:37:44,438 she's sent by the Bronze, full of treachery. qu'elle nous est envoyée par les Bronzes. C'est une traîtresse. 378 00:37:47,611 --> 00:37:51,239 The Bronze take our pride. Les Bronzes tuent notre honneur. 379 00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:06,499 If you're gonna waste the Bronze, you gotta do it big! Si on casse du Bronze, faut que ça ait de la gueule ! 380 00:38:06,519 --> 00:38:11,632 You just don't have the style, do you, chicken shit? Justement, toi t'as pas la classe... hein, petit prout ? 381 00:38:12,094 --> 00:38:15,719 Goes to water on a dummy. Il compisse un mannequin. 382 00:38:22,519 --> 00:38:26,399 Allez, va... je te donne ta chance. 383 00:38:28,443 --> 00:38:31,903 It's all right. It's okay. 384 00:38:33,919 --> 00:38:36,992 Just remember Rappelle-toi bien : 385 00:38:37,079 --> 00:38:39,879 to keep your sweet, sweet mouth ta jolie... 386 00:38:41,039 --> 00:38:43,959 shut! jolie... petite gueule... tu la fermes ! 387 00:39:20,329 --> 00:39:23,270 MFP to Gosling One. 388 00:39:23,290 --> 00:39:26,666 Main Force Patrol to Gosling One. 389 00:39:27,336 --> 00:39:29,484 We have a curfew violation. 390 00:39:29,504 --> 00:39:31,361 MFP, Gosling One. 391 00:39:31,381 --> 00:39:33,219 Gosling One. 392 00:39:33,239 --> 00:39:37,459 Code 333 in progress. Main Force. Would someone inform the Goose... À Oison Un. Un Code 3 se prépare. 393 00:39:37,479 --> 00:39:40,159 Couvre-feu non observé. 394 00:40:13,256 --> 00:40:15,965 Yeah, baby! 395 00:40:16,718 --> 00:40:19,678 All units again progress. 396 00:40:20,597 --> 00:40:22,597 All units again progress. 397 00:40:47,374 --> 00:40:49,648 ...units to Three Day Angel Patrol. 398 00:40:49,668 --> 00:40:52,836 Nice to have you back, Big Bopper Two. 399 00:40:54,999 --> 00:40:57,739 In Sun City Sector 3, a Code 4 Trauma in progress. In Sun City Sector 9, a Code 4 in progress. Bienvenue aux Patrouilles des Anges. 400 00:40:57,759 --> 00:41:00,519 Content de vous revoir, Matraque 2. 401 00:43:30,412 --> 00:43:32,602 MFP eight-one. 402 00:43:32,622 --> 00:43:34,831 A memorandum: 403 00:43:35,119 --> 00:43:38,639 For the cannibalization... MFP, copy. Police Centrale, répondez. 404 00:43:39,999 --> 00:43:42,359 Hey, it's the Goose. Eh, eh, c'est Goose ! 405 00:43:48,305 --> 00:43:52,747 You're a lucky boy. Not even a road rash. Tu as eu du pot. Tu t'es même pas fait une chaleur. 406 00:43:52,767 --> 00:43:56,619 Hey, Midge, don't write off the Goose until you see the box going into the hole. Eh, Nabot... ne raye pas Goose de la liste... 407 00:43:56,639 --> 00:44:00,039 tant que t'as pas vu le sapin dans le trou ! 408 00:44:00,399 --> 00:44:02,507 Yeah, well, don't wreck my truck now. Ne bousille pas ma dépanneuse. 409 00:44:02,527 --> 00:44:05,899 - I'll bring it back tomorrow. - Yeah, no hurry. Je te la ramène demain. 410 00:44:05,919 --> 00:44:08,779 Hey, you sure you're all right? Tu es sûr que tu es d'attaque ? 411 00:44:08,799 --> 00:44:11,479 Couldn’t be righter. Un vrai lion ! 412 00:44:11,639 --> 00:44:17,119 Jimmy the Goose, larger than life and twice as ugly! Jimmy "la Mère l'oie", éclaté à bloc et super hargneux ! 413 00:45:38,479 --> 00:45:40,879 Light me, Johnny. Du feu, Johnny. 414 00:46:01,519 --> 00:46:03,730 Light another. Une autre. 415 00:46:08,639 --> 00:46:11,779 This is a threshold moment, Johnny. Step through. C'est une grande première, Johnny. 416 00:46:11,799 --> 00:46:14,799 Toecutter, this isn't what I want. La Tondeuse, je veux pas faire ça ! 417 00:46:14,868 --> 00:46:16,059 Light it! Allume. 418 00:46:16,079 --> 00:46:19,079 Allume, Johnny... pour moi ! 419 00:46:21,458 --> 00:46:22,859 The Bronze, they keep you from being proud. Les Bronzes... 420 00:46:22,879 --> 00:46:25,759 ils t'empêchent d'avoir de l'honneur. 421 00:46:26,239 --> 00:46:30,999 Look at him. He looks silly, doesn't he, upside down? Regarde-le ! Il a l'air bête, hein, la tête à l'envers ! 422 00:46:31,634 --> 00:46:34,576 - Do it for freedom and the Nightrider! - I can't. Fais-le... pour la Liberté, et pour le Cavalier ! 423 00:46:34,596 --> 00:46:36,828 - Throw it. - No! Je peux pas ! 424 00:46:36,848 --> 00:46:38,879 You scum-sucking trash! Saloperie de bouffe-merde ! 425 00:46:39,399 --> 00:46:41,291 Throw it! Jette-la ! 426 00:46:41,311 --> 00:46:45,063 I can't stand the pain! 427 00:47:16,638 --> 00:47:19,305 Max. 428 00:48:15,530 --> 00:48:18,739 Max! Hey, Max! 429 00:48:18,999 --> 00:48:25,239 That thing in there, that's not the Goose. No way. Cette chose... là-dedans... c'est pas Goose. Ah non ! 430 00:49:29,479 --> 00:49:31,719 I was hungry. J'avais faim. 431 00:49:33,399 --> 00:49:36,025 Peanut butter and honey. Beurre de cacahuètes et miel. 432 00:49:50,750 --> 00:49:53,999 I just can't get it clear in my head, Jess. Je n'arrive pas à y voir clair. 433 00:49:55,755 --> 00:50:00,990 He was so full of living, you know. He ran the franchise on it. Un type si plein de vie ! Il en avait à revendre ! 434 00:50:01,010 --> 00:50:03,519 Now there's nothing. Et là, il n'y a plus rien. 435 00:50:05,759 --> 00:50:08,998 Here I am, trying to put sense to it Et moi... j'essaie de trouver un sens à tout ça... 436 00:50:09,018 --> 00:50:11,839 when I know there isn't any. sachant très bien qu'il n'y en a pas ! 437 00:50:15,479 --> 00:50:20,527 I'll be all right, once I get it clear in my head. Je me sentirai bien, quand j'aurai fait le point. 438 00:50:28,359 --> 00:50:32,219 Toute réparation doit être visée par les Capitaines. 439 00:50:32,239 --> 00:50:36,099 Les agents n'ont pas à traiter directement avec les mécaniciens. 440 00:50:36,119 --> 00:50:39,119 Cette pratique est un délit. 441 00:50:41,676 --> 00:50:43,676 Fifi. 442 00:50:48,558 --> 00:50:51,040 - What's this? - I'm through. - Qu'est-ce que c'est ? - Je me tire. 443 00:50:51,060 --> 00:50:52,792 - Again? - No, not again. - Encore ? - Non, pas encore. 444 00:50:52,812 --> 00:50:55,295 - I'm through. I'm quitting. - Sit down. Je me tire. Je plaque. 445 00:50:55,315 --> 00:50:59,619 No, I didn't come here to discuss it, I came to say it. I'm through. Je ne viens pas en discuter, je viens te le dire : je plaque. 446 00:50:59,639 --> 00:51:02,194 Now, just a minute! Attends ! 447 00:51:02,697 --> 00:51:06,556 All right, so the Goose bought it. That's the way he always came at the worId. Bon, Goose a morflé, mais c'était inscrit dans son programme. 448 00:51:06,576 --> 00:51:08,057 Off beat. Tu as tort. 449 00:51:08,077 --> 00:51:12,299 Max, you'd be the first to admit it was long overdue. Max, tu sais que ça lui pendait au nez. 450 00:51:12,319 --> 00:51:14,439 All right, I'll tell you how it is. Bon, j'y vais franco ! 451 00:51:14,459 --> 00:51:16,499 You're a winner, Max. Tu es un gagnant, Max. 452 00:51:16,519 --> 00:51:18,339 You're on the top shelf Tu es la crème... 453 00:51:18,359 --> 00:51:23,199 and I'm not gonna lose you because of some crazy notion about quitting! et je vais pas te lâcher parce que tu as des états d'âme ! 454 00:51:24,385 --> 00:51:28,745 They say people don't believe in heroes anymore. Il paraît que les gens ne croient plus aux héros. 455 00:51:28,765 --> 00:51:30,459 Well, damn them! On les emmerde ! 456 00:51:30,479 --> 00:51:32,599 You and me, Max, Toi et moi... 457 00:51:33,353 --> 00:51:36,159 we're gonna give them back their heroes. on va les ressusciter, les héros ! 458 00:51:37,106 --> 00:51:40,379 Do you really expect me to go for that crap? Fif, tu crois que je vais gober ces conneries ?! 459 00:51:40,399 --> 00:51:43,885 You gotta admit, I sounded good there for a minute? Avoue que mon numéro était au point, là ! 460 00:51:43,905 --> 00:51:45,988 Bye, Fifi. 461 00:51:46,399 --> 00:51:49,098 Come on, do you want me to beg? Quoi... tu veux que je te supplie ? 462 00:51:49,118 --> 00:51:51,759 Do you want me on my knees, crying? Que je m'agenouille en pleurant ? 463 00:51:52,199 --> 00:51:54,339 Now just a minute. Une seconde... 464 00:51:54,359 --> 00:51:56,916 Give me a reason. Dis-moi pour quel motif. 465 00:51:59,712 --> 00:52:01,639 I'm scared, Fif. J'ai peur. 466 00:52:02,423 --> 00:52:05,782 Do you know why? It's that rat circus out there. Et tu sais de quoi ? De leur cirque débile ! 467 00:52:05,802 --> 00:52:07,283 I'm beginning to enjoy it. Ça commence à me botter. 468 00:52:07,303 --> 00:52:08,910 What is this, funny week? C'est la pause comique ? 469 00:52:08,930 --> 00:52:14,248 Any longer out on that road, and I'm one of them, you know? A terminal crazy. Si je reprends du service, je deviens l'un d'eux. Givré à mort. 470 00:52:14,268 --> 00:52:17,460 OnIy I've got a bronze badge to say I'm one of the good guys. Seulement, ma plaque de bronze fait de moi un bon. 471 00:52:17,480 --> 00:52:19,479 You know what I'm trying to say? Tu comprends ça ? 472 00:52:20,691 --> 00:52:23,119 I'll tell you what I'll do. Bon, écoute. 473 00:52:27,365 --> 00:52:29,999 Take off a few weeks. Prends une perme. 474 00:52:30,201 --> 00:52:32,517 Grow yourseIf a beard. Laisse-toi pousser la barbe. 475 00:52:32,537 --> 00:52:35,770 Draw flies. Just think about it for a while. Coince la bulle. Réfléchis un peu. 476 00:52:35,790 --> 00:52:42,719 If you still feel the same way when you come back, it's okay by me. Go on. Si au retour, tu penses pareil, je te dégage. File. 477 00:52:46,008 --> 00:52:47,949 I'm not gonna change my mind. Je ne changerai pas d'avis. 478 00:52:47,969 --> 00:52:51,994 Get out of here before I decide to come with you. Sauve-toi ou je pars avec toi ! 479 00:52:52,014 --> 00:52:55,479 Bye, Fif. Thank you. Salut, Fif. Et merci. 480 00:52:58,354 --> 00:53:01,239 You’ll be back, Rockatansky! Tu reviendras, va ! 481 00:53:01,759 --> 00:53:06,919 You're hooked, Max. And you know it! C'est une drogue, et tu le sais bien ! 482 00:54:10,801 --> 00:54:17,347 I've never been able to say things to you, Jess, about how I feel. Je n'ai jamais très bien su... t'ouvrir mon coeur. 483 00:54:17,879 --> 00:54:22,393 Guess I always counted on you understanding. J'ai toujours compté sur ton intuition. 484 00:54:28,279 --> 00:54:30,619 When I was a kid, Quand j'étais petit... 485 00:54:30,639 --> 00:54:36,866 me and my father used to go for long walks. mon père et moi, nous faisions de longues balades. 486 00:54:37,199 --> 00:54:40,496 I remember staring down at his shoes. Je me revois, fixant ses chaussures. 487 00:54:41,119 --> 00:54:45,167 They were special shoes, brown. Des chaussures spéciales. Marrons. 488 00:54:45,239 --> 00:54:48,587 And he always kept them really shiny. Toujours très bien cirées. 489 00:54:50,199 --> 00:54:55,979 He was tall, and he used to take long strides. Il était grand, et il faisait de longues enjambées. 490 00:54:55,999 --> 00:54:59,019 And there I'd be right alongside him just trying to keep up with him. Et moi, à ses côtés, j'essayais... 491 00:54:59,039 --> 00:55:01,759 de suivre son rythme. 492 00:55:04,999 --> 00:55:11,067 I don't think he ever knew how proud I felt of him. Il n'a jamais dû savoir comme j'étais fier de lui. 493 00:55:11,639 --> 00:55:16,531 Or how good it felt just to be there alongside him. Ni comme j'étais bien, à côté de lui. 494 00:55:17,639 --> 00:55:22,319 Even now, when I think back on it, I still feel... Même aujourd'hui, quand j'y repense, je me sens... 495 00:55:25,079 --> 00:55:27,759 The thing is, Jess, La seule chose, c'est que... 496 00:55:28,599 --> 00:55:34,507 I couldn’t tell him about it then, but I can tell you about it now. je n'ai pas su lui dire, à l'époque, alors qu'à toi, je le dis aujourd'hui. 497 00:55:36,359 --> 00:55:42,399 I don't wanna wait 10 years to tell you how I'm feeling about you right now. Je n'attendrai pas 10 ans pour te dire où j'en suis avec toi. 498 00:56:07,043 --> 00:56:08,107 Hello. 499 00:56:08,127 --> 00:56:09,619 Get a load of that! We had a blowout a while back. Vous parlez d'un truc ! 500 00:56:09,639 --> 00:56:11,179 Oui, on vient de crever. 501 00:56:11,199 --> 00:56:14,979 Raunchy, very raunchy. What's the donk like? Yeah, the donk's fine. Look, about this tire... Vacherie de vacherie ! Le moteur, ça va ? 502 00:56:14,999 --> 00:56:17,499 Oui, très bien. À propos de ce pneu... 503 00:56:17,519 --> 00:56:21,219 Don't do much work on these myself, except to scrape them off the road. Je suis pas spécialiste de ce genre de choses. 504 00:56:21,239 --> 00:56:23,623 Yeah. Hey, how about this tire? Ah ! Dites, pour ce pneu... 505 00:56:23,643 --> 00:56:25,082 Have it fixed in no time. Réparé en moins de deux. 506 00:56:25,102 --> 00:56:28,044 I can sell you a set of 'lops for next to nothing. No, thanks. J'ai des Dunlop pour trois fois rien. 507 00:56:28,064 --> 00:56:31,699 I can't remember where I got them, but I got them, know what I mean? No, we'll be all right just as soon as we get this fixed. D'où ils viennent, j'sais plus... mais je les ai eu... tu saisis ? 508 00:56:31,719 --> 00:56:34,884 Ce que je veux, c'est que ce pneu soit réparé ! 509 00:56:34,904 --> 00:56:38,139 - Max? - Yeah? 510 00:56:38,159 --> 00:56:43,459 Listen, Sproggo's talked me into buying him an ice cream, so, Dis, le petit me tanne pour avoir une glace... 511 00:56:43,479 --> 00:56:45,339 I think I'll see you later. alors, à tout à l'heure. 512 00:56:45,359 --> 00:56:48,499 Sure, there's a shop just down the beach. Il y a un marchand sur la plage. 513 00:56:48,519 --> 00:56:50,399 They'll appreciate the business. Il aime bien les clients ! 514 00:56:50,419 --> 00:56:52,568 Sure, thanks. 515 00:56:52,588 --> 00:56:54,755 Toodlepip. 516 00:57:08,187 --> 00:57:11,619 - You just trucking around? - Yeah. Good time for just trucking. Vous faites du caravaning ? Vous avez le beau temps. 517 00:57:11,639 --> 00:57:15,019 Wish I could do a bit myself. Which way you heading? North? Maybe. J'en ferais bien autant. Vous allez où ? Vers le Nord ? 518 00:57:15,039 --> 00:57:17,039 Peut-être. 519 00:57:46,399 --> 00:57:49,739 Look what's turned up for Sunday dinner. Visez un peu ce repas du dimanche ! 520 00:57:49,759 --> 00:57:53,129 Main course and dessert. Plat de résistance, et dessert ! 521 00:57:53,149 --> 00:57:58,919 My favorite kind: Female. Mon plat préféré : de la femme. 522 00:58:37,599 --> 00:58:40,619 Watch the tongue, lovable. I've seen him lick his own eyebrow clean. Méfie-toi de sa langue... 523 00:58:40,639 --> 00:58:43,919 je l'ai vu se lécher les sourcils avec ! 524 00:59:13,813 --> 00:59:15,544 Must've spent some coin. Ça a dû vous coûter gros. 525 00:59:15,564 --> 00:59:19,099 Like the sign says, speed's just a question of money. Comme dit la pancarte : vitesse = argent. 526 00:59:19,119 --> 00:59:21,259 How fast do you wanna go? Vous voulez aller vite ? 527 00:59:21,279 --> 00:59:23,379 - Max, quick, get in. - What's wrong? - Max, vite, monte ! - Qu'y a-t-il ? 528 00:59:23,399 --> 00:59:25,262 Just take my word for it, get in! Discute pas, monte ! 529 00:59:25,282 --> 00:59:28,159 - What about the tire? - Please, Max! Et le pneu ! 530 00:59:30,162 --> 00:59:32,436 Your tire, man. 531 00:59:32,456 --> 00:59:34,957 Hey, fella, what about your tire? 532 00:59:38,796 --> 00:59:44,359 Crazy people! The world’s full of crazy people. Des dingues ! C'est un monde de dingues ! 533 01:00:01,151 --> 01:00:04,760 - That wagon, - Yeah? - Was it here? - Sure, a couple with a kid. - Who are... Le break, il était là ? 534 01:00:04,780 --> 01:00:05,799 I was just fixing their tire. Oui, un couple et un gosse. 535 01:00:06,240 --> 01:00:10,839 They left their goddamn spare. Not a bad one either. Je leur réparais un pneu. Ils m'ont laissé la roue de secours. 536 01:00:10,959 --> 01:00:12,759 Who are they? C'est qui ? 537 01:00:13,205 --> 01:00:18,791 A couple, passing through. Said they were heading north. Maybe. Un couple... de passage. Ils vont vers le Nord. Paraît-il. 538 01:00:29,839 --> 01:00:31,859 You want to drive the car? Yeah? Well, we wouldn’t have a car anymore. Into the back. Tu veux conduire ? 539 01:00:31,879 --> 01:00:34,707 Tu préfères la baballe. Derrière ! 540 01:00:34,727 --> 01:00:37,185 Here you go. 541 01:00:38,359 --> 01:00:42,019 I can still see his face now. Looked as if he'd just swallowed a brick. Je revois son visage. Il avait l'air d'avoir avalé une brique. 542 01:00:42,039 --> 01:00:45,342 What a mean old lady you are. Huh, boss? La vilaine petite vieille ! Hein, fiston ? 543 01:00:45,362 --> 01:00:49,599 That's enough from you, mate! Enough. - Ça suffit ! - Le chien. 544 01:00:53,119 --> 01:00:55,839 What's the matter with you? Qu'est-ce que tu as, toi ? 545 01:00:58,959 --> 01:01:01,199 What you got there, mate? Qu'est-ce que tu as vu ? 546 01:01:04,173 --> 01:01:06,173 Max! 547 01:01:10,519 --> 01:01:13,999 Yeah, that's the way I see it, too. Oui, c'est bien ce que je pense. 548 01:01:17,039 --> 01:01:20,729 Sure. It's been nice talking to you. Bye. D'accord. Content de t'avoir eu. Salut. 549 01:01:21,523 --> 01:01:23,259 Take it you agreed with him. Vous êtes tombés d'accord, hein ? 550 01:01:23,279 --> 01:01:25,174 They're not worried, I'm not worried. Ils s'inquiètent pas, moi non plus. 551 01:01:25,194 --> 01:01:27,159 What about that? Et pour ça ? 552 01:01:28,030 --> 01:01:29,739 I figure it's lost property. Un objet perdu. 553 01:01:29,759 --> 01:01:34,839 If no one makes a claim to it, I say we can forget it. Si personne ne le réclame, on classe l'affaire. 554 01:01:35,037 --> 01:01:37,019 Sounds okay to me, Jess. Moi, ça me va. Jess ? 555 01:01:37,039 --> 01:01:38,619 Don't know. Je sais pas. 556 01:01:38,639 --> 01:01:42,219 If Ziggy says so, believe me, it's okay. Si Ziggy le dit, croyez-moi, c'est bon. 557 01:01:42,239 --> 01:01:45,379 May's expecting you up at the farm sometime. You’ll have no trouble up there. Just green grass. Allez, May vous attend à la ferme. 558 01:01:45,399 --> 01:01:51,279 Là-bas, fini les ennuis. De l'herbe verte et des vaches. 559 01:02:22,042 --> 01:02:23,959 How are you doing? Tu t'en sors ? 560 01:02:24,336 --> 01:02:26,119 I'm getting there. Ça vient. 561 01:02:32,479 --> 01:02:38,599 I reckon you ought to connect the doohickey to the gizmo. Tu devrais brancher le machin dans le truc. 562 01:02:39,519 --> 01:02:41,208 Come here, you. Attends un peu, toi ! 563 01:02:41,228 --> 01:02:45,087 You touch me with those hands and I'll rip you apart. No! Si tu me touches, je te démolis ! 564 01:02:45,107 --> 01:02:47,733 Look at them! No! 565 01:03:05,919 --> 01:03:10,819 May told me about the Iittle beach down by the trees. Do you want to come? May m'a parlé d'une plage, derrière les arbres. Tu viens ? 566 01:03:10,839 --> 01:03:12,379 Love to. J'aimerais bien... 567 01:03:12,399 --> 01:03:16,535 Except that I've gotta fix the fan belt, or we're never gonna get out of here. mais le ventilo d'abord, sinon, on est coincé ici. 568 01:03:16,555 --> 01:03:22,399 Okay, Tarzan, I'll bring you back some bananas. Do that. OK, Tarzan, je te rapporterai des bananes. 569 01:03:53,884 --> 01:03:56,009 Jessie. 570 01:03:56,678 --> 01:03:59,495 If you meet Benno down there, don't let him trouble you. Si vous rencontrez Benno, n'ayez pas peur. 571 01:03:59,515 --> 01:04:01,119 He's only a baby. C'est un enfant. 572 01:04:02,399 --> 01:04:04,519 Sure, May. Bien sûr, May. 573 01:07:52,759 --> 01:07:55,897 - The men. - What men? Come on. Now you calm down and you tell me what's the matter. Calme-toi... raconte-moi tout ! 574 01:07:55,917 --> 01:08:01,739 Very, very naughty. - Now, you tell May what you... - May. Vilain, gros vilain ! Dis à May ce que tu... 575 01:08:01,759 --> 01:08:04,699 May, you call The Dark One. And you tell him to get here as fast as he can. Appelez Ziggy. Appelez-le... 576 01:08:04,719 --> 01:08:07,451 qu'il vienne d'urgence ! 577 01:08:07,471 --> 01:08:08,994 Why? What's going on? Que se passe-t-il ? 578 01:08:09,014 --> 01:08:12,748 I think we've got some hoon trouble. It's gonna be all right. On a des ennuis avec des motards. Mais ça va s'arranger. 579 01:08:12,768 --> 01:08:18,539 Come on, darling. Come on, Jessie. Well, let's go into the house. Venez, ma petite. Venez, Jessie, rentrons. 580 01:08:18,559 --> 01:08:22,599 Ce n'est rien. Ce n'est rien. 581 01:08:30,959 --> 01:08:34,662 You've had an awful time, darling. Ça a été un sale moment... 582 01:08:34,799 --> 01:08:37,899 But it's all over now. mais c'est fini. 583 01:08:37,919 --> 01:08:41,544 Everything's going to be all right. Tout va bien, maintenant. 584 01:08:45,467 --> 01:08:48,450 I've just got to go and make a phone call Je vais passer un coup de fil... 585 01:08:48,470 --> 01:08:52,359 and then we'll have a nice hot cup of tea. et après, on boira un bon thé bien chaud. 586 01:09:09,879 --> 01:09:13,642 The Dark One, and hurry it up, will you? Envoyez-moi Ziggy, et d'urgence ! 587 01:09:13,662 --> 01:09:16,287 It's May Swaisey. Chez May Swaisey. 588 01:09:23,463 --> 01:09:26,840 Sprog? Oh, no! 589 01:10:05,088 --> 01:10:07,380 Sprog! 590 01:10:08,884 --> 01:10:13,261 Well, well, well. 591 01:10:13,513 --> 01:10:15,479 It's our little mother. C'est notre petite mère. 592 01:10:19,719 --> 01:10:22,294 That there is Cundalini Lui, là, c'est Cundalini... 593 01:10:22,314 --> 01:10:26,239 and Cundalini wants his hand back. et il veut récupérer sa main. 594 01:10:27,903 --> 01:10:29,134 I want my baby. Je veux mon enfant. 595 01:10:29,154 --> 01:10:31,738 Tell you what, 596 01:10:32,449 --> 01:10:34,559 I'll swap you. On va faire du troc. 597 01:10:35,035 --> 01:10:37,267 PIease, give me my baby. Rendez-moi mon enfant. 598 01:10:37,287 --> 01:10:39,394 Jessie. 599 01:10:39,414 --> 01:10:42,189 Jessie, Jessie. 600 01:10:42,209 --> 01:10:45,479 You've not got a sense of humor. Tu n'as pas le sens de l'humour. 601 01:10:46,254 --> 01:10:50,739 You've got a pretty face, though. Awful pretty. Tu es belle, remarque... salement belle. 602 01:10:50,759 --> 01:10:53,116 Awful pretty. 603 01:10:53,136 --> 01:10:54,339 I suppose you don't need a sense of humor with a pretty face. On doit pouvoir... 604 01:10:54,359 --> 01:10:57,939 se passer d'humour quand on a une belle binette. 605 01:10:57,959 --> 01:11:00,579 The onIy trouble is though, missy, L'ennui, ma petite... 606 01:11:00,599 --> 01:11:05,504 if you should lose the face... c'est que si jamais... tu la perdais, ta binette... 607 01:11:05,524 --> 01:11:07,130 PIease, don't hurt my baby. Ne faites pas de mal au petit ! 608 01:11:07,150 --> 01:11:08,757 You've got nothing! ...tu ne vaudrais rien ! 609 01:11:08,777 --> 01:11:10,999 What do you want from me? Que me voulez-vous ? 610 01:11:11,239 --> 01:11:15,555 - Don't change the subject. - HoId it! Ne change pas de sujet ! 611 01:11:15,575 --> 01:11:17,742 Right there! 612 01:11:18,411 --> 01:11:21,228 - I hate guns. - Old lady. J'ai horreur des armes ! 613 01:11:21,248 --> 01:11:22,437 Stand back! Arrière ! 614 01:11:22,457 --> 01:11:24,940 - Stay back! - Woman! 615 01:11:24,960 --> 01:11:27,210 Stay back! 616 01:11:33,927 --> 01:11:36,899 Anyone so much as breathes, I'll cheese him! Le premier qui respire... 617 01:11:36,919 --> 01:11:38,995 je le truffe ! 618 01:11:39,015 --> 01:11:41,119 Open that door. Ouvrez la porte. 619 01:11:41,679 --> 01:11:43,518 Every one of you, in there. Allez là-bas. 620 01:11:45,105 --> 01:11:47,999 Put the babe on the ground. Posez le petit par terre. 621 01:11:50,402 --> 01:11:53,278 Jessie, get the van. Jessie... la camionnette ! 622 01:12:31,693 --> 01:12:33,219 Don't stop. Just go right through it. Ne t'arrête pas... 623 01:12:33,239 --> 01:12:35,759 fonce dedans ! 624 01:12:58,762 --> 01:13:00,803 Now what? 625 01:13:07,729 --> 01:13:09,878 - The motor! - What are you trying to say? Oh, le moteur ! 626 01:13:09,898 --> 01:13:11,999 I don't know, it just died on me. Il a calé ! 627 01:13:12,984 --> 01:13:16,152 Get out. Run! 628 01:14:01,908 --> 01:14:03,765 Jessie! 629 01:14:03,785 --> 01:14:05,952 Where? 630 01:14:06,579 --> 01:14:09,664 Lord, have mercy! 631 01:14:54,836 --> 01:14:56,276 What do you reckon? Qu'en pensez-vous ? 632 01:14:56,296 --> 01:15:00,196 Jesus I'm a doctor, not a fortuneteller. This your subdural? Je suis médecin, pas devin. C'est votre sub-coma ? 633 01:15:00,216 --> 01:15:02,574 - Yeah, that's her. - Lot of problems? - Oui, c'est elle. - Des tas d'ennuis, hein ? 634 01:15:02,594 --> 01:15:06,494 Multiple traumas, spleen, liver, lung, flail chest, Poly-traumatismes : rate, foie, poumon, thorax... 635 01:15:06,514 --> 01:15:09,247 left neck of femur, renal shutdown. fémur gauche et reins bloqués. 636 01:15:09,267 --> 01:15:11,666 Reads like a grocery list. She salvageable? Une vraie liste d'épicerie ! On peut la sauver ? 637 01:15:11,686 --> 01:15:14,711 Yeah, sure, we got all her signs back last night. Oui. Elle a récupéré toute sa tonicité. 638 01:15:14,731 --> 01:15:15,459 - Relatives? - The husband. De la famille ? 639 01:15:15,479 --> 01:15:16,629 Le mari. 640 01:15:16,649 --> 01:15:19,174 They lost the kid. DOA. Ils ont perdu leur gosse. 641 01:15:19,194 --> 01:15:24,219 Listen, tell him she's going to be all right. Tell him not to worry. Tell him if he wants, I'll talk to him. Dites-lui qu'elle s'en tirera. Qu'il ne s'en fasse pas. 642 01:15:24,239 --> 01:15:26,055 S'il veut, je lui parlerai. 643 01:15:26,075 --> 01:15:29,199 I don't think he wants to talk to anyone. Il ne veut parler à personne. 644 01:15:29,599 --> 01:15:33,705 He's been standing there like a zombie all day. Il a été comme un zombie, toute la journée. 645 01:16:34,769 --> 01:16:37,679 Bubba Zanetti, is that you? Bubba Zanetti, c'est toi ? 646 01:16:37,959 --> 01:16:40,359 You come for the grunt? Tu viens pour ta moto ? 647 01:16:40,479 --> 01:16:42,939 She won't be ready until this afternoon. Elle sera prête que tantôt. 648 01:16:42,959 --> 01:16:45,459 Still having trouble with the front forks. J'ai un os, avec la fourche avant. 649 01:16:45,479 --> 01:16:48,359 They're mongrels to work with. C'est une saloperie, à réparer ! 650 01:16:50,326 --> 01:16:51,779 You asshole! 651 01:16:51,799 --> 01:16:53,601 What the molly fuck you think you're doing? Qu'est-ce que tu fous ? 652 01:16:53,621 --> 01:16:55,899 You and me are gonna talk about the Toecutter. Toi et moi... on va parler... 653 01:16:55,919 --> 01:16:57,730 de La Tondeuse. 654 01:16:57,750 --> 01:16:59,719 Never heard of him. Connais pas. 655 01:17:00,336 --> 01:17:02,110 What the Christ are you? 656 01:17:02,130 --> 01:17:04,279 I wanna know about the tattoo. Parle-moi de La Tondeuse. 657 01:17:04,299 --> 01:17:06,239 I mind my own business, don't I? Je m'occupe que de mes oignons ! 658 01:17:06,259 --> 01:17:08,239 I mean, they'll kill me, won't they? Ils me tueraient, sinon. 659 01:17:22,984 --> 01:17:27,886 I'll say the names, and you say "yes" or "no." Je dirai des noms, et tu me diras oui ou non. 660 01:17:27,906 --> 01:17:30,471 Nightrider, 661 01:17:30,491 --> 01:17:34,059 - Toecutter, Bubba Zanetti. - Yes. 662 01:17:34,079 --> 01:17:36,159 There's more? Il y en a d'autres ? 663 01:17:36,399 --> 01:17:37,812 - Johnny. - Johnny the Boy? Johnny ? 664 01:17:37,832 --> 01:17:41,419 - Yeah. Some others. - Where? - Oui. Et d'autres. - Où ? 665 01:17:41,439 --> 01:17:43,860 Out at the beaches, looking for fuel. Vers la plage... ils cherchent de l'essence. 666 01:17:43,880 --> 01:17:45,299 Are they coming back? Ils vont revenir ? 667 01:17:45,319 --> 01:17:47,479 I don't know. They gotta get their bikes. J'en sais rien. 668 01:17:48,176 --> 01:17:55,261 - What time? - For Christ's sake! - What time? - I don't know. Ils ont leurs motos. J'en sais pas plus. 669 01:22:06,359 --> 01:22:08,719 HALTE - SECTEUR INTERDIT 670 01:22:08,728 --> 01:22:10,877 Code unspecified. 671 01:22:10,897 --> 01:22:15,299 We have a query locate on a black Pursuit Special. 672 01:22:15,319 --> 01:22:17,479 Unauthorized use by a Main Force Officer. Retrouver... 673 01:22:17,945 --> 01:22:18,219 This is designated as a potential Code 3 Red Alert. une "banalisée" noire. 674 01:22:18,239 --> 01:22:22,879 Un agent la pilote sans autorisation. 675 01:23:16,504 --> 01:23:18,819 Quit toying, Bubba. Arrête de faire joujou ! 676 01:23:18,839 --> 01:23:22,675 Easy. I know what I'm doing. Du calme. Je sais ce que je fais. 677 01:27:45,773 --> 01:27:47,773 Hi. 678 01:27:49,999 --> 01:27:52,739 Hey man this isn't what it looks, man. Faudrait pas vous tromper. 679 01:27:52,759 --> 01:27:55,579 I just came down here to check it out, Je suis venu voir le mec, et... 680 01:27:55,599 --> 01:27:58,349 and this guy, he's already snuffed it. il était déjà clamsé. 681 01:27:58,369 --> 01:28:01,079 Nothing you could do for him. Vous ne pouvez rien pour lui. 682 01:28:02,206 --> 01:28:03,959 Ankle. À la cheville. 683 01:28:04,833 --> 01:28:07,125 It's okay. 684 01:28:10,631 --> 01:28:13,079 What are you doing, man? Qu'est-ce que vous foutez ? 685 01:28:20,439 --> 01:28:22,959 Ma cheville, mon pied ! 686 01:28:23,359 --> 01:28:27,979 Hey, listen, I had nothing to do with anything going on back there, man. J'ai rien à voir avec ce qui s'est passé là-bas ! 687 01:28:27,999 --> 01:28:31,859 Listen, man, will you? Listen, will you listen to me? There were a hell of a lot of crazy people back there, man. Écoutez-moi ! 688 01:28:31,879 --> 01:28:35,177 C'était une bande de dingues. 689 01:28:35,197 --> 01:28:40,724 Some kind of bad people. I'm not responsible for anything. Des petits pourris. Moi, j'y suis pour rien ! 690 01:28:40,744 --> 01:28:44,830 What are you doing, man? 691 01:28:46,719 --> 01:28:49,501 What did you say? What are you doing? Mais... qu'est-ce que vous faites ? 692 01:28:51,088 --> 01:28:53,654 Hey, listen. I'm not a bad man. Eh... moi, je suis pas un pourri. 693 01:28:53,674 --> 01:28:56,717 I'm sick, see? Sick. Je suis givré. Givré. 694 01:28:56,719 --> 01:28:58,539 What do you call it? Comment ils disent ? 695 01:28:58,559 --> 01:29:01,161 Psychopathic, you know. Personality disorder. Psychopathe. 696 01:29:01,181 --> 01:29:02,959 The court, man, he said so. Désordres caractériels. 697 01:29:03,350 --> 01:29:04,459 You're not gonna hurt me, are you? Le Juge, il l'a dit. 698 01:29:04,479 --> 01:29:07,559 Vous n'allez pas me faire du mal, hein ? 699 01:29:09,559 --> 01:29:12,798 Jesus! You can't kill me! Vous n'avez pas le droit de me tuer ! 700 01:29:12,818 --> 01:29:15,599 Not for stealing a man's boots! Pas pour avoir volé des bottes ! 701 01:29:16,559 --> 01:29:19,759 He was dead, for Christ's sake! Il était mort, bon Dieu ! 702 01:29:21,160 --> 01:29:23,839 He won't need them anymore. Il n'en a plus besoin ! 703 01:29:24,599 --> 01:29:26,959 What are you doing? Qu'est-ce que vous faites ! 704 01:29:28,250 --> 01:29:30,839 I wanna know what you're doing. Je veux savoir ce que vous faites ! 705 01:29:36,479 --> 01:29:38,179 The chain in those handcuffs is high-tensile steel. La chaîne de ces menottes... 706 01:29:38,199 --> 01:29:41,799 est en acier à haute résistance. 707 01:29:42,119 --> 01:29:46,679 It'd take you ten minutes to hack through it with this. Il te faudrait 10 minutes pour la couper avec ça. 708 01:29:47,359 --> 01:29:49,819 Now, if you're lucky, Avec un peu de pot... 709 01:29:49,839 --> 01:29:52,838 you could hack through your ankle in five minutes. tu te trancheras la cheville en 5 minutes. 710 01:29:52,858 --> 01:29:54,858 Go. 711 01:29:55,679 --> 01:29:58,010 You're mad, man! Tu es dingue ! 712 01:29:58,030 --> 01:30:01,479 You think I look silly, don't you? Tu me trouves l'air bête, hein ? 713 01:30:02,039 --> 01:30:04,284 Don't bring this on me, man. Ne me fais pas ce coup-là ! 714 01:30:04,319 --> 01:30:06,959 Don't do this to me, pIease! Ne me fais pas ça ! 715 01:30:07,289 --> 01:30:10,719 Sweet Jesus. I was sick! Je t'en supplie, Seigneur ! J'étais givré ! 716 01:30:11,585 --> 01:30:13,159 Don't bring this on me, please! Ne m'oblige pas à faire ça ! 717 01:33:12,412 --> 01:33:19,000 Sous-titres ENG + FRE fusionnés par Zorg2412