1 00:01:18,101 --> 00:01:23,301 Assume, Peter, the Circus has the dogs on you 24 hours a day. 2 00:01:23,461 --> 00:01:26,061 Think of it as a foreign country. 3 00:01:29,661 --> 00:01:31,861 Hello, Bryant. 4 00:01:32,021 --> 00:01:36,021 Hello. Nice to see you again, sir. Just a moment, please. 5 00:01:43,021 --> 00:01:45,021 Mr Guillam, sir. 6 00:01:48,661 --> 00:01:52,861 Mr Lauder Strickland's expecting you. He'll meet you on the 5th floor. 7 00:01:53,021 --> 00:01:54,421 Right. 8 00:01:56,501 --> 00:01:57,901 Thanks. 9 00:02:05,221 --> 00:02:09,261 - About time someone oiled this. - We keep asking. 10 00:02:09,421 --> 00:02:12,621 You can talk till you're blue in the face! 11 00:02:29,221 --> 00:02:33,221 Well met, Peter. Greetings. A trifle late, but never mind. 12 00:02:33,381 --> 00:02:37,421 Sorry, Lauder. You have to make allowances for country yokels. 13 00:02:37,581 --> 00:02:42,781 - How long have you had that monster? - You really are a stranger, aren't you? 14 00:02:44,261 --> 00:02:48,261 It saves man hours. Fantastic. Quite fantastic. 15 00:02:49,261 --> 00:02:52,821 - Sorry, terribly sorry. - Hello, Bill. 16 00:02:52,981 --> 00:02:55,981 What the hell are YOU doing here, you pariah? 17 00:02:56,141 --> 00:03:00,941 He wants to buy a diplomatic courier. He needs to wash some dirty money. 18 00:03:01,101 --> 00:03:05,101 That's a job for Banking Section, so we're sorting out the tangle. 19 00:03:05,261 --> 00:03:10,661 He knows it has to be cleared here. He told me the papers were routed to you. 20 00:03:10,821 --> 00:03:15,661 - They're probably in your in-tray now, Bill. - They had better be, Peter. 21 00:03:15,821 --> 00:03:20,781 Lock up the spoons. Scalphunters will have the gold out of your teeth! 22 00:03:20,941 --> 00:03:24,981 Lock up the girls, as well ...if they'll let you! 23 00:03:27,101 --> 00:03:29,901 There you go, Bert. Keys of the city. 24 00:03:30,901 --> 00:03:34,661 London Station couldn't be in better hands. 25 00:03:34,821 --> 00:03:38,301 Everything's a lot tighter here these days, Guillam. 26 00:03:38,461 --> 00:03:40,461 Hey, Lauder, hold on! 27 00:03:40,621 --> 00:03:43,421 Have you seen bloody Bill anywhere? 28 00:03:44,701 --> 00:03:49,901 Indeed I have seen Bill. We were having a brief word back down the corridor. 29 00:03:50,061 --> 00:03:54,621 - He's wanted urgently. - Immediately. We've put out an alert for him. 30 00:03:54,781 --> 00:03:58,981 I suspect he may well be on his way to you at this moment. 31 00:04:05,901 --> 00:04:09,181 Peter...hello. 32 00:04:09,341 --> 00:04:10,741 Hi. 33 00:04:13,021 --> 00:04:14,821 Thanks for the glad hand. 34 00:04:14,981 --> 00:04:19,261 I did wipe the cow dung off my boots. What's the joke, Roy? 35 00:04:20,141 --> 00:04:25,541 No joke, Peter, old lad. Just... surprised to see you, that's all. 36 00:04:25,701 --> 00:04:29,981 - We're used to having this floor to ourselves. - Like to see my pass, Toby? 37 00:04:33,221 --> 00:04:36,421 - How are you keeping? - I wintered very well. 38 00:04:36,581 --> 00:04:40,981 You know what it's like in Brixton these days. Plenty of Ludo, ping pong. 39 00:04:41,141 --> 00:04:45,861 - Normally I have my afternoon zizz now. - Off with you, Peter. 40 00:04:46,021 --> 00:04:50,141 - Don't waste Lauder's time. - No, sir. Sorry, sir. 41 00:06:09,701 --> 00:06:13,501 Shut up, Flush! Stop it. 42 00:06:13,661 --> 00:06:17,061 Stop it, boy. It's only a dunderhead. 43 00:06:18,141 --> 00:06:20,141 Flush, shut up! 44 00:06:26,461 --> 00:06:28,901 George Smiley! 45 00:06:29,061 --> 00:06:32,741 Oh, but you lovely, darling man! 46 00:06:32,901 --> 00:06:37,621 You haven't come to sell me a hoover! You're my gorgeous George! 47 00:06:37,781 --> 00:06:40,221 - Connie. - Oh, George. 48 00:06:48,421 --> 00:06:53,741 Jingle, darling, could you possibly make it tomorrow? Don't be cross. 49 00:06:53,901 --> 00:06:58,461 It isn't often my oldest, oldest lover comes to see me. 50 00:06:58,621 --> 00:07:01,941 Oh, George, if only I'd seen you first. 51 00:07:02,101 --> 00:07:06,701 I'll give you a whole hour all to yourself. Honestly I will, darling. 52 00:07:08,541 --> 00:07:10,541 One of my dunderheads. 53 00:07:10,701 --> 00:07:13,261 I will teach... 54 00:07:13,421 --> 00:07:15,421 I don't know why. 55 00:07:17,501 --> 00:07:24,301 Oh, George, of all the lovely, darling men I ever knew. 56 00:07:26,261 --> 00:07:30,261 He walked, Flush. Don't you see his shoes? 57 00:07:33,461 --> 00:07:36,661 Oh...bless you, darling. 58 00:07:36,821 --> 00:07:38,621 God bless. 59 00:07:46,981 --> 00:07:51,261 Did he walk alone, Flush? Not accompanied, were we? 60 00:07:51,421 --> 00:07:53,781 Quite alone, Connie. 61 00:07:54,941 --> 00:07:58,981 So...what does George want from Connie? 62 00:07:59,141 --> 00:08:01,141 The bad boy! 63 00:08:01,301 --> 00:08:03,101 Her memory. 64 00:08:03,261 --> 00:08:06,221 To go over some very old ground, Connie. 65 00:08:07,221 --> 00:08:13,181 Hear that, Flush? First, they chuck us out with an old bone, then they come begging to us. 66 00:08:13,341 --> 00:08:18,741 I was the best Head of Research the Circus ever had! Everyone knew that! 67 00:08:18,901 --> 00:08:22,901 And what did they say the day they gave me the chop? 68 00:08:23,061 --> 00:08:28,021 That personnel cow! "You're losing your sense of proportion, Connie." 69 00:08:28,181 --> 00:08:30,981 "Time you got out into the real world." 70 00:08:34,661 --> 00:08:37,261 I hate the real world! 71 00:08:38,821 --> 00:08:42,781 I like the Circus and my lovely boys! 72 00:08:48,101 --> 00:08:52,741 Polyakov. Aleksey Aleksandrovich Polyakov. 73 00:08:59,021 --> 00:09:01,621 Born March 3rd, 1922... 74 00:09:01,781 --> 00:09:04,181 in the Ukraine. 75 00:09:04,341 --> 00:09:07,341 Graduate of Leningrad State University. 76 00:09:07,501 --> 00:09:12,221 Height five-foot-ten. Color of eyes, green. Color of hair, black. 77 00:09:12,381 --> 00:09:15,981 Married, but unaccompanied by wife, 78 00:09:16,141 --> 00:09:20,941 and a six-cylinder Karla-trained hood if ever I saw one! 79 00:09:21,101 --> 00:09:24,701 But don't tell Percy Alleline or Toby Esterhase. 80 00:09:24,861 --> 00:09:26,341 Oh, no, 81 00:09:26,501 --> 00:09:31,461 Aleksey Aleksandrovich was as pure as the driven snow. 82 00:09:31,621 --> 00:09:36,061 He was Persil white, wasn't he, Flush? And Connie's an old silly. 83 00:09:36,221 --> 00:09:41,501 If she doesn't lay off and do as she's told, she'll have to pack her bags and go. 84 00:09:42,661 --> 00:09:46,661 He's come alive...Polyakov. Just as you predicted. 85 00:09:46,821 --> 00:09:50,501 'Course he has! Of course he has! 86 00:09:50,661 --> 00:09:52,861 I knew it in my bones! 87 00:09:53,021 --> 00:09:59,421 The day he arrived, I thought, "Hello, I'll have some fun with YOU." Tough as a button! 88 00:10:01,741 --> 00:10:04,221 Army written all over him. 89 00:10:04,381 --> 00:10:07,821 But not declared, George, not a mention. 90 00:10:07,981 --> 00:10:11,381 Oh, he had a lovely voice. Mellow, like yours. 91 00:10:12,381 --> 00:10:17,461 I used to play the tapes over and over just to bathe in it. 92 00:10:19,221 --> 00:10:24,541 Bottom pincher, too. I just know. Not that we ever caught him at it. 93 00:10:24,701 --> 00:10:29,261 We might have if Tobe had played along and offered him a bum, 94 00:10:29,421 --> 00:10:31,421 but tiny Tobe wouldn't. 95 00:10:32,541 --> 00:10:34,541 Eight years. 96 00:10:34,701 --> 00:10:38,941 I watched Pretty Polly for eight years. 97 00:10:39,941 --> 00:10:43,701 Then last Remembrance Day, I got him. 98 00:10:43,861 --> 00:10:48,421 There he was, that smashing November morning, at the wreath laying. 99 00:10:48,581 --> 00:10:53,381 We photographed his medals... two gallantry and four campaign. 100 00:10:53,541 --> 00:10:59,701 Oh, yes. Aleks Polyakov was a star soldier just as I'd told them, 101 00:10:59,861 --> 00:11:01,861 and not a word. 102 00:11:02,021 --> 00:11:06,821 So I said to Toby, "Listen, you two-faced ferret," 103 00:11:06,981 --> 00:11:11,781 "ego has got the better part of cover and that's nothing new." 104 00:11:11,941 --> 00:11:15,341 "Now will you turn Pretty Polly inside out for me?" 105 00:11:15,501 --> 00:11:18,661 "Because Connie's little hunch has turned up trumps." 106 00:11:18,821 --> 00:11:21,141 What did Toby Esterhase say? 107 00:11:21,301 --> 00:11:25,021 Oh, I got the dead-fish voice. 108 00:11:25,181 --> 00:11:29,421 - "Tell Percy Alleline. Percy's in charge." - And then? 109 00:11:29,581 --> 00:11:33,701 "Not every ex-warrior's a Karla agent," says Percy. 110 00:11:33,861 --> 00:11:38,661 I said, "Listen, Percy, Polyakov's running an English mole." 111 00:11:39,861 --> 00:11:43,541 So I get the rude letter. "Stop it or else." 112 00:11:44,501 --> 00:11:48,501 I wrote at the bottom... "Yes, repeat no!" 113 00:11:51,301 --> 00:11:54,221 So...here we are... 114 00:11:55,821 --> 00:11:57,821 Flush and me. 115 00:12:03,581 --> 00:12:05,581 Please kiss me, George. 116 00:12:19,581 --> 00:12:23,021 Hey..ho. Halcyon days. 117 00:12:26,021 --> 00:12:31,021 - Did I start the landslide, George? - You were always dead right, Connie. 118 00:12:31,181 --> 00:12:35,661 - Is George now picking up the pieces? - Something of the sort. 119 00:12:36,821 --> 00:12:43,621 Poor loves. Trained to Empire, trained to rule the waves. 120 00:12:43,781 --> 00:12:47,781 Englishmen could be proud then. They could, George. 121 00:12:49,701 --> 00:12:51,421 All gone. 122 00:12:52,661 --> 00:12:55,141 Taken away. 123 00:12:55,301 --> 00:12:57,301 Bye-bye, world. 124 00:13:00,181 --> 00:13:02,261 If it's bad, George... 125 00:13:03,061 --> 00:13:05,061 don't come back. 126 00:13:05,221 --> 00:13:06,821 Promise? 127 00:13:08,621 --> 00:13:12,341 I want to remember you just as you were. 128 00:13:14,341 --> 00:13:17,901 My lovely, lovely boys. 129 00:13:19,101 --> 00:13:20,701 Promise? 130 00:13:33,181 --> 00:13:37,581 Alright, Lauder, I'll just have to wait for the wheels to turn. 131 00:13:37,741 --> 00:13:41,061 I don't need a pass to use the gent's, do I? 132 00:15:23,301 --> 00:15:26,421 Stop that moaning! 133 00:15:49,661 --> 00:15:54,861 Pages had been removed with a razor blade. No mention of Ricki Tarr's cable from Lisbon. 134 00:15:55,021 --> 00:15:58,061 No Irina, no Boris, no Tarr. 135 00:15:58,221 --> 00:16:03,221 There's a note scribbled on the next page. "All inquiries to Head of London Station." 136 00:16:03,381 --> 00:16:06,381 It's in Toby Esterhase's handwriting. 137 00:16:06,541 --> 00:16:09,741 The janitor's attendance list has also been removed. 138 00:16:09,901 --> 00:16:15,501 Nothing to tell us who was duty officer...or even who was in the building. 139 00:16:19,221 --> 00:16:23,221 Connie's appraisal matches the story Irina gave Ricki Tarr. 140 00:16:23,381 --> 00:16:26,341 The implications, the indications, 141 00:16:26,501 --> 00:16:30,061 are that Karla has managed to build himself a cadre 142 00:16:30,221 --> 00:16:36,941 of senior men placed about the globe who work exclusively to him at Moscow Center. 143 00:16:37,101 --> 00:16:44,901 - Polyakov is Karla's executant in London - You offer that as a working hypothesis? 144 00:16:45,061 --> 00:16:48,861 Operation Witchcraft, that vital flow of Russian intelligence 145 00:16:49,021 --> 00:16:51,621 which happily came Alleline's way. 146 00:16:51,781 --> 00:16:55,381 "Supplementary estimates to the Treasury." 147 00:16:55,541 --> 00:16:58,421 "Special accommodation in London."? 148 00:16:59,421 --> 00:17:02,141 "Wider exploitation." 149 00:17:02,301 --> 00:17:06,181 "See also Secret Annex." May I see it? 150 00:17:08,141 --> 00:17:11,941 - The Minister keeps it in his safe. - Do you know the combination? 151 00:17:12,101 --> 00:17:16,701 - Certainly not. - What's the title of this unobtainable document? 152 00:17:16,861 --> 00:17:22,701 It doesn't have one. It's highly secret and we've kept the readership to a minimum. 153 00:17:22,861 --> 00:17:27,621 The supplier of the Witchcraft material is Merlin. Does the file give his identity? 154 00:17:27,781 --> 00:17:32,941 Don't be ridiculous. The Minister wouldn't want to know and Alleline wouldn't want to tell him. 155 00:17:34,021 --> 00:17:38,541 - What does "wider exploitation" mean? - I refuse to be interrogated. 156 00:17:40,381 --> 00:17:46,621 Why do you waste your time pursuing this? I should have you cleared before you see this. 157 00:17:47,821 --> 00:17:50,221 - Witchcraft cleared? - Yes, George. 158 00:17:51,381 --> 00:17:55,381 Do we have a list of people who've been cleared in that way? 159 00:17:55,541 --> 00:17:57,741 I hope you're not going fey, George. 160 00:18:00,901 --> 00:18:04,901 Please, stick with the primary problem...the mole Gerald... 161 00:18:05,061 --> 00:18:08,581 instead of rootling around in extraneous matters. 162 00:18:08,741 --> 00:18:11,541 This is no time to be whimsical. 163 00:18:12,381 --> 00:18:15,181 Are you off? You won't forget Prideaux? 164 00:18:15,341 --> 00:18:18,821 Anything you can get on him, even scraps, would help. 165 00:18:30,981 --> 00:18:32,981 He has a point, George. 166 00:18:33,981 --> 00:18:38,781 Witchcraft and Merlin, Polyakov and the mole. 167 00:18:38,941 --> 00:18:44,541 Prideaux getting himself shot up on some wild goose chase of Control's in Czechoslovakia. 168 00:18:44,701 --> 00:18:48,421 - You think it all connects? - I think I am not the first 169 00:18:48,581 --> 00:18:51,781 to make this journey of exploration. 170 00:18:51,941 --> 00:18:54,381 I believe Control was here before me. 171 00:18:54,541 --> 00:18:59,741 He might even have made the full distance but for the bullets in Prideaux's back. 172 00:18:59,901 --> 00:19:04,901 "There are three of them and Alleline." Control's words. 173 00:19:05,061 --> 00:19:07,261 He meant Operation Witchcraft. 174 00:19:07,421 --> 00:19:10,221 Merlin's minders or inventors 175 00:19:10,381 --> 00:19:14,981 or programmers or marionettes ...or what? 176 00:19:17,541 --> 00:19:21,581 Why was Control so hostile to Alleline? Percy wasn't a fool. 177 00:19:21,741 --> 00:19:27,301 Percy can flirt, Peter. And Control hadn't reckoned on the power of the Alleline lobby. 178 00:19:27,821 --> 00:19:29,821 - Who were they? - Golfers. 179 00:19:29,981 --> 00:19:33,781 "Golfers and Conservatives." That's what Control said to me. 180 00:19:33,941 --> 00:19:38,141 I got a call from Control one day... very sharp, very combative. 181 00:19:38,301 --> 00:19:42,461 "George, come in here or there'll be bloodshed." 182 00:19:48,261 --> 00:19:51,261 Brother Percy's trying to twist my tail. 183 00:19:53,981 --> 00:19:55,981 Take a look at this nonsense. 184 00:19:58,021 --> 00:20:01,101 Top-level Soviet naval dispatch. 185 00:20:01,261 --> 00:20:04,741 Specially prepared for the Soviet High Command... 186 00:20:05,701 --> 00:20:07,701 isn't it, Percy? 187 00:20:08,541 --> 00:20:13,141 An appreciation of a naval exercise in the Med and the Black Sea, 188 00:20:13,301 --> 00:20:17,701 of which our sailors have been screaming for details. 189 00:20:17,861 --> 00:20:20,861 - Haven't they, Percy? - Topicality's always suspect. 190 00:20:21,021 --> 00:20:25,541 Yes, George. Would you like to repeat that for Percy? 191 00:20:27,381 --> 00:20:31,861 - Who made the translation? - God made it, didn't he, Percy? 192 00:20:33,581 --> 00:20:37,581 - Don't ask him. He won't tell you. - Shore-to-sea strike power. 193 00:20:37,741 --> 00:20:42,461 Radio activation of enemy alert procedures. This is hardly my territory. 194 00:20:42,621 --> 00:20:48,821 Don't let that worry you. Total ignorance of subject matter doesn't bother Percy. 195 00:20:50,781 --> 00:20:55,821 - Whose initials are these? - Zharov. Admiral, Black Sea Fleet. 196 00:20:56,981 --> 00:21:00,701 - What do our own evaluators say? - They've not seen it. 197 00:21:00,861 --> 00:21:03,381 What's more, they're not going to. 198 00:21:04,381 --> 00:21:08,821 However, Lilley of Naval Intelligence has passed a preliminary opinion, 199 00:21:08,981 --> 00:21:10,781 has he not, Percy? 200 00:21:10,941 --> 00:21:13,141 Percy showed it to him last night. 201 00:21:13,301 --> 00:21:16,501 - Over a pink gin, was it, Percy? - At the Admiralty. 202 00:21:16,661 --> 00:21:21,421 Note that, George. They battened down the hatches for Percy. 203 00:21:22,421 --> 00:21:26,421 Brother Lilley telephoned me half an hour ago to congratulate me. 204 00:21:26,581 --> 00:21:31,181 He believes this material to be neither a plant nor chickenfeed, but gold dust, 205 00:21:31,341 --> 00:21:35,341 and he seeks our permission to... Percy's, I suppose I should say... 206 00:21:35,501 --> 00:21:39,501 to apprise his fellow Sea Lords of its conclusions. 207 00:21:39,661 --> 00:21:44,101 Quite impossible. It's for his eyes only for another couple of weeks. 208 00:21:44,261 --> 00:21:48,661 - It's so hot, you see, George. - But where does it come from? 209 00:21:48,821 --> 00:21:52,141 - Who's the case officer? - You'll enjoy this. 210 00:21:52,301 --> 00:21:57,701 Source Merlin has access to the most sensitive levels of Soviet policymaking. 211 00:21:57,861 --> 00:22:00,541 We've dubbed his product Witchcraft. 212 00:22:00,701 --> 00:22:02,901 Ask him who "we" are, George. 213 00:22:03,061 --> 00:22:07,461 Merlin is the fruit of a long cultivation by certain people in this service. 214 00:22:07,621 --> 00:22:10,621 People who are bound to me as I am to them. 215 00:22:10,781 --> 00:22:14,741 People not entertained by the failure rate about this place. 216 00:22:14,901 --> 00:22:18,541 There's been too much blown, too much lost, wasted. 217 00:22:18,701 --> 00:22:21,701 Too many scandals. I've said so many times. 218 00:22:21,861 --> 00:22:26,061 I could've talked to the wind for all the heed HE paid me. 219 00:22:26,221 --> 00:22:28,021 "He" means me, George. 220 00:22:28,181 --> 00:22:32,741 The ordinary principles of security have gone to the wall in this service. 221 00:22:32,901 --> 00:22:35,941 It's all divide and rule, stimulated from the top. 222 00:22:36,101 --> 00:22:40,941 - Me again. - We're losing our livelihood, our self-respect. 223 00:22:41,101 --> 00:22:43,101 We've had enough. 224 00:22:45,701 --> 00:22:48,781 We've had a bellyful, in fact. Please. 225 00:22:51,461 --> 00:22:54,861 Like everybody's who's ever had enough, he wants more. 226 00:23:00,421 --> 00:23:02,221 "This service." 227 00:23:03,381 --> 00:23:09,861 Alleline would sell his mother for a knighthood and "this service" for a seat in the Lords. 228 00:23:10,861 --> 00:23:14,581 - Suppose Merlin's genuine? - Suppose Merlin would pick Percy?! 229 00:23:14,741 --> 00:23:16,741 It seems somebody has. 230 00:23:17,701 --> 00:23:22,701 I gather Percy's under the impression he picked himself and a whole team. 231 00:23:23,541 --> 00:23:26,541 You're sure he left you out, are you, George? 232 00:23:35,301 --> 00:23:39,741 - What are you going to do about it? - Depends on "it". 233 00:23:39,901 --> 00:23:42,901 I'll wait for "it" to show itself. 234 00:23:43,061 --> 00:23:48,621 In the meantime, I see nothing to deal with except Percy's envious eye on my chair. 235 00:23:49,901 --> 00:23:53,021 And I've put my thumb in that optic before. 236 00:24:05,581 --> 00:24:09,381 - George, tittle-tattle Tuesday again? - Hello, Percy. 237 00:24:09,541 --> 00:24:11,341 Toby, Roy. 238 00:24:13,581 --> 00:24:15,381 This time. 239 00:24:24,781 --> 00:24:28,781 Oh, Lor'! I thought it would be half over by now. 240 00:24:30,501 --> 00:24:35,901 Got a rabbit to pull out of your hat, Percy? You've got that Britain-can-make-it look. 241 00:24:36,061 --> 00:24:40,621 Very intimidating. Should we have brought our sandwiches? 242 00:24:40,781 --> 00:24:44,501 I'll be brief, Bill, so long as I'm not obstructed. 243 00:24:44,661 --> 00:24:48,621 I'm sorry. Traffic. I should've walked. 244 00:24:48,781 --> 00:24:53,781 I think you and Percy between you are contriving to keep me off the streets. 245 00:24:57,301 --> 00:25:01,701 They're all here now, sir. Would you go in, please, gentlemen? 246 00:25:24,661 --> 00:25:28,861 How often do I have to emphasize the extreme sensitivity 247 00:25:29,021 --> 00:25:31,701 of the source of the Witchcraft product? 248 00:25:31,861 --> 00:25:37,301 There is no existing method of Whitehall distribution to meet the case. 249 00:25:37,461 --> 00:25:42,621 Need I remind you of that disgraceful incident when an Undersecretary... 250 00:25:43,501 --> 00:25:45,901 Albeit it overworked, so be it. 251 00:25:46,061 --> 00:25:49,461 But the fact remains the man actually gave 252 00:25:49,621 --> 00:25:53,541 his dispatch box key to his personal assistant. 253 00:25:53,701 --> 00:25:58,181 We simply cannot afford that kind of ludicrous insecurity 254 00:25:58,341 --> 00:26:01,061 when we are handling Witchcraft. 255 00:26:02,221 --> 00:26:04,221 Now... 256 00:26:09,021 --> 00:26:14,621 I have already discussed the problem with Lilley of Naval Intelligence. 257 00:26:14,781 --> 00:26:19,421 He is prepared to put at our disposal a special main reading room 258 00:26:19,581 --> 00:26:22,181 in the Admiralty main building, 259 00:26:22,341 --> 00:26:25,061 where Witchcraft material can be seen 260 00:26:25,221 --> 00:26:29,421 and watched over by a senior janitor of this service. 261 00:26:29,581 --> 00:26:32,381 Wouldn't you rather have Securicor? 262 00:26:37,181 --> 00:26:40,781 The reading room will be known for cover purposes 263 00:26:40,941 --> 00:26:45,821 as the conference room of the Adriatic Working Party, the AWP room, for short. 264 00:26:46,701 --> 00:26:48,021 Thank you. 265 00:26:49,021 --> 00:26:55,421 Customers with reading rights will not have passes, since these can be too accessible. 266 00:26:55,581 --> 00:26:59,581 Instead, they will appear on a special list with photographs. 267 00:26:59,741 --> 00:27:03,261 They will identify themselves personally to MY janitor. 268 00:27:04,421 --> 00:27:09,861 - Whose janitor, Percy? - He's already got his own personal wizard. 269 00:27:10,021 --> 00:27:14,021 The odd commissionaire seems modest enough domestic staff. 270 00:27:18,061 --> 00:27:21,381 - Allowing that all this is necessary... - Essential. 271 00:27:22,861 --> 00:27:26,661 ...my Minister will want to know more about the cost. 272 00:27:26,821 --> 00:27:31,541 It must appear to be borne by the Admiralty, even if you reimburse covertly. 273 00:27:31,701 --> 00:27:36,701 Of course. The reading room will have to be extensively rebuilt to begin with. 274 00:27:36,861 --> 00:27:40,741 Now, I'd like to call your attention to the Foreign Office comment 275 00:27:40,901 --> 00:27:43,621 on the most recent Witchcraft product. 276 00:27:43,781 --> 00:27:48,421 And I quote, "This document sheds an extraordinary sidelight" 277 00:27:48,581 --> 00:27:51,101 "on Soviet aggressive thinking." 278 00:27:55,501 --> 00:27:57,941 Does that mean they like it, Percy? 279 00:28:00,661 --> 00:28:04,861 Do you like it, Bill? It's from the very heart of your territory. 280 00:28:09,581 --> 00:28:13,581 In 25 years, I haven't laid hands on anything of that quality. 281 00:28:13,741 --> 00:28:17,141 Unless I'm mistaken, nor have our American cousins. 282 00:28:17,301 --> 00:28:20,901 Anyone taking it to Washington could drive a hard bargain. 283 00:28:21,061 --> 00:28:23,061 - Early days, Bill. - Agreed. 284 00:28:23,221 --> 00:28:27,821 But if Merlin maintains that standard, we can buy whatever's in the Yanks' shop. 285 00:28:27,981 --> 00:28:33,181 I don't think Control's going to play. That would rule me out, as well, of course. 286 00:28:34,581 --> 00:28:37,981 - Percy will get his reading room. - Yes. 287 00:28:39,141 --> 00:28:42,341 And after that, I suppose anything's possible. 288 00:29:00,421 --> 00:29:03,221 Did you want to ask me something? 289 00:29:05,501 --> 00:29:08,221 I'm afraid he's not seeing anyone today. 290 00:29:08,381 --> 00:29:10,181 Again? 291 00:29:11,181 --> 00:29:16,381 I'm being asked why he's canceled the Tuesday conferences. 292 00:29:20,061 --> 00:29:24,141 I can't add anything to his memorandum, even for you. 293 00:29:25,101 --> 00:29:28,901 - Even if I could, Mr Smiley... - No, of course. 294 00:29:29,061 --> 00:29:34,061 I was rather hoping, before I set off on this Hong Kong trip... 295 00:29:34,221 --> 00:29:40,141 Well, when I get back, perhaps he'll have got through that little lot. 296 00:29:51,821 --> 00:29:56,821 Now there's a committee. The Minister is in the chair, Alleline's vice-chairman. 297 00:29:56,981 --> 00:30:01,301 Merlin's become an industry. It's THE industry and I'm not employed. 298 00:30:01,461 --> 00:30:06,421 - You won't even read Alleline's reports. - I haven't time. 299 00:30:07,181 --> 00:30:11,381 Buying their way in with counterfeit money. Tell them that. 300 00:30:11,541 --> 00:30:14,021 Tell them anything. I need time. 301 00:30:17,301 --> 00:30:20,021 There are three of them and Alleline. 302 00:30:20,181 --> 00:30:23,661 Sweat them. Tempt them. Bully them. Anything. 303 00:30:23,821 --> 00:30:26,901 Give them what ever they eat. I need time. 304 00:31:15,541 --> 00:31:17,541 Prompt as ever, Mr Smiley. 305 00:31:27,221 --> 00:31:30,541 - How are your children, Toby? - Doing terribly well. 306 00:31:31,941 --> 00:31:37,141 The boy's at Westminster. Is that right? You daughter's probably left school by now. 307 00:31:37,301 --> 00:31:41,101 - First year medical student. Loves it. - Good for her. 308 00:31:41,261 --> 00:31:44,301 Toby...I have to ask you this. 309 00:31:44,461 --> 00:31:46,941 Sorry to come prying. 310 00:31:47,101 --> 00:31:51,221 Your department's behind with its work sheets. Two months almost. 311 00:31:51,381 --> 00:31:53,381 Now, why is that? 312 00:31:55,061 --> 00:31:57,301 It's not lamplighter style. 313 00:31:57,461 --> 00:31:59,461 We're not infallible, George. 314 00:31:59,621 --> 00:32:04,861 Two months? Well, I won't question it. Is it terribly important? 315 00:32:05,021 --> 00:32:08,221 If you say it is, I'll see it's dealt with. 316 00:32:08,381 --> 00:32:11,381 The question is WHY, Toby. 317 00:32:11,541 --> 00:32:14,621 - Let me be blunt. - Not YOUR style, George. 318 00:32:16,941 --> 00:32:19,541 I'm allowed to say that, surely? 319 00:32:24,821 --> 00:32:30,941 You haven't been using your staff for any special jobs? Either at home or abroad? 320 00:32:31,101 --> 00:32:35,101 The kind of special jobs which, for reasons of security, 321 00:32:35,261 --> 00:32:38,781 you haven't felt able to mention in your returns. 322 00:32:40,181 --> 00:32:45,261 Who would I do that for? In my book, that's completely illegal. 323 00:32:45,421 --> 00:32:50,221 Well, if Percy Alleline, for example, ordered you to do something 324 00:32:50,381 --> 00:32:53,981 and not record it, that would put you in a difficult position. 325 00:32:55,141 --> 00:32:59,341 - What sort of something? - Clear a letter box, prime a safe house. 326 00:32:59,501 --> 00:33:04,981 Watch someone's back. Spike an embassy. It's all lamplighter work. 327 00:33:05,141 --> 00:33:07,141 If Percy told you to do it, 328 00:33:07,301 --> 00:33:12,301 you might reasonably assume he was acting on instructions from the fifth floor. 329 00:33:20,701 --> 00:33:26,341 I do like the service. I may be sentimental about it, but I prefer to stay in it. 330 00:33:27,421 --> 00:33:30,421 Now, you understand that. You of all people. 331 00:33:37,261 --> 00:33:39,421 My problem is promotion. 332 00:33:40,741 --> 00:33:43,221 I mean, the absence of it. 333 00:33:44,821 --> 00:33:49,421 I've so many years' seniority that I feel quite embarrassed 334 00:33:49,581 --> 00:33:53,581 when these young fellows ask me to take orders from them. 335 00:33:54,781 --> 00:33:56,621 Who, Toby? 336 00:33:56,781 --> 00:34:00,501 Which young fellows? Roy Bland? Percy? 337 00:34:00,661 --> 00:34:03,061 Would you call Percy young? 338 00:34:04,061 --> 00:34:05,781 Who? 339 00:34:05,941 --> 00:34:09,261 When you're overdue for promotion and working hard, 340 00:34:09,421 --> 00:34:13,021 anyone looks young who is above you on the ladder. 341 00:34:14,661 --> 00:34:20,261 - Have you been taking orders? - You know the line of command, George. 342 00:34:25,221 --> 00:34:28,541 Perhaps Control could move you up a few rungs. 343 00:34:30,621 --> 00:34:32,621 Well, you know, actually... 344 00:34:32,781 --> 00:34:36,941 I'm not sure he's able to these days...are you? 345 00:34:44,261 --> 00:34:48,261 - So what's the deal? - There isn't a deal, Roy, really. 346 00:34:48,421 --> 00:34:52,221 It's just that Control feels the present situation is unhealthy. 347 00:34:53,141 --> 00:34:57,941 He doesn't like to see you getting mixed up with a cabal. Nor do I. 348 00:34:58,101 --> 00:35:01,701 - So what's the deal? - What do you want? 349 00:35:01,861 --> 00:35:05,901 What about 5,000 quid out of the reptile fund for starters? 350 00:35:06,061 --> 00:35:09,661 - Then a house and a car? - And the kid to Eton. 351 00:35:09,821 --> 00:35:16,301 - Your father would turn in his grave. - Let him rotate, the old Commie thug. 352 00:35:18,901 --> 00:35:24,501 If there's no deal, George, you'll have to tell Control he can get stuffed. 353 00:35:25,501 --> 00:35:28,341 I've paid, you see. You know that. 354 00:35:28,501 --> 00:35:33,061 I don't know what the hell I've bought with it, but I've paid a packet. 355 00:35:33,221 --> 00:35:38,501 Poznan, Budapest, Prague, back to Poznan. 356 00:35:38,661 --> 00:35:41,501 Have you ever been to Poznan? 357 00:35:41,661 --> 00:35:44,261 Sofia, Kiev. 358 00:35:44,421 --> 00:35:48,981 Two bloody nervous breakdowns and still between the shafts. 359 00:35:49,141 --> 00:35:53,741 That's big money at any age ...even yours. 360 00:35:54,541 --> 00:35:57,141 No one can deny that, Roy. 361 00:35:57,941 --> 00:36:01,901 And...you brought me in, remember. 362 00:36:02,061 --> 00:36:06,781 If you think I'm going to the bad, you've only got yourself to blame. 363 00:36:11,221 --> 00:36:14,181 You're an educated sort of a swine. 364 00:36:14,341 --> 00:36:20,061 "An artist is a bloke who can hold two fundamentally opposing views" 365 00:36:20,221 --> 00:36:22,021 "and still function." 366 00:36:22,181 --> 00:36:25,901 - Who dreamed that one up? - Scott Fitzgerald. 367 00:36:26,061 --> 00:36:30,061 Well, Fitzgerald knew a thing or two. 368 00:36:30,221 --> 00:36:33,021 And I'm definitely functioning. 369 00:36:33,181 --> 00:36:36,421 As a good socialist, I'm going where the money is. 370 00:36:36,581 --> 00:36:39,741 As a good capitalist, I'm sticking with the revolution 371 00:36:39,901 --> 00:36:43,341 because, if you can't beat it, spy on it. 372 00:36:44,861 --> 00:36:49,941 Don't look like that, George? It's the name of the game these days. 373 00:36:50,101 --> 00:36:54,141 You scratch my conscience, I'll drive your Jag, right? 374 00:36:54,301 --> 00:36:56,741 No. Did you get that from Haydon? 375 00:36:56,901 --> 00:37:02,301 Is that one of Bill's jokes about materialist England, the pigs-in-clover society? 376 00:37:03,301 --> 00:37:05,901 - Don't you like it? - Not much. 377 00:37:06,061 --> 00:37:10,061 Of course there are acquisitive instincts in Western society. 378 00:37:10,221 --> 00:37:13,821 They are offset against other concerns you won't find in... 379 00:37:13,981 --> 00:37:18,141 Poznan, Budapest, Kiev, Sofia. 380 00:37:18,301 --> 00:37:20,821 Tell me all about it, George. 381 00:37:21,821 --> 00:37:24,661 I'm just saying that's England now, man. 382 00:37:24,821 --> 00:37:28,701 All you have to do is look out the bloody window. 383 00:37:28,861 --> 00:37:32,461 You're seen with Bill Haydon a great deal these days. 384 00:37:33,461 --> 00:37:37,061 Jealous, George? You've got his job. 385 00:37:37,221 --> 00:37:41,261 You're Control's High Chamberlain. What more do you want? 386 00:37:42,061 --> 00:37:44,061 Long as it lasts. 387 00:38:07,261 --> 00:38:11,061 - They do say you write the reports. - That's Roy's job. 388 00:38:11,221 --> 00:38:16,661 No. Bland makes the translations. YOU write the covering reports. 389 00:38:16,821 --> 00:38:19,141 They're typed on your machine. 390 00:38:19,301 --> 00:38:22,701 The material's not cleared for typists. 391 00:38:24,621 --> 00:38:28,221 Percy Alleline won't do. Is that the premise? 392 00:38:28,381 --> 00:38:34,221 Which means that Merlin won't do either. Poor old Control. He is in a pickle. 393 00:38:34,381 --> 00:38:37,581 Merlin would do if he were MY source, wouldn't he? 394 00:38:37,741 --> 00:38:43,541 If dazzling bloody Bill had hooked a whacking big fish and wanted to play him alone, 395 00:38:43,701 --> 00:38:45,701 what would happen then? 396 00:38:45,861 --> 00:38:51,461 Control would say, "That's very nifty of you, Bill boy. You do it just the way you want." 397 00:38:51,621 --> 00:38:53,981 "Have some filthy jasmine tea." 398 00:38:54,141 --> 00:38:59,621 He'd be giving me a medal now...instead of sending you snooping round corridors. 399 00:39:01,301 --> 00:39:06,101 We used to be rather a classy bunch. Why are we so vulgar these days? 400 00:39:06,261 --> 00:39:11,061 - He thinks Percy's on the make. - So he is. I also want to be head boy. 401 00:39:12,141 --> 00:39:15,541 And Toby and Roy have designs on your spot. 402 00:39:16,901 --> 00:39:21,101 Since when was ambition an offense in our beastly outfit? 403 00:39:22,261 --> 00:39:24,261 Is Ann at home? 404 00:39:28,141 --> 00:39:31,741 Sent her out to play while you grill your old buddy. 405 00:39:34,021 --> 00:39:37,981 - Who runs him, Bill? - Percy? Who do you think? 406 00:39:38,141 --> 00:39:40,741 Karla runs him. Stands out a mile. 407 00:39:40,901 --> 00:39:44,701 Lower-class bloke with upper-class sources. Must be a bounder. 408 00:39:44,861 --> 00:39:49,581 - Bill... - Percy's sold out to Karla. Only explanation. 409 00:39:49,741 --> 00:39:53,581 - Percy's our house mole. - I meant who runs Merlin? 410 00:39:54,701 --> 00:39:57,541 Who is Merlin? 411 00:39:57,701 --> 00:39:59,501 What's going on? 412 00:40:05,261 --> 00:40:07,941 This is a Callot, isn't it? 413 00:40:08,101 --> 00:40:09,981 - Nice, very nice. - Bill. 414 00:40:11,381 --> 00:40:15,181 Doesn't anyone think MY nose should be out of joint? 415 00:40:15,341 --> 00:40:20,341 I'm supposed to be in charge of the Russian target. Given it my best years. 416 00:40:20,501 --> 00:40:23,901 Set up networks, talent-spotters, all mod cons. 417 00:40:24,901 --> 00:40:28,101 You've all forgotten what it's like to run an operation 418 00:40:28,261 --> 00:40:33,061 where it takes three days to post a letter and you don't get an answer. 419 00:40:33,221 --> 00:40:35,221 That's hardly fair to Control. 420 00:40:35,381 --> 00:40:39,861 You know how he detests glamor-boy agents who hog the budget, 421 00:40:40,621 --> 00:40:45,621 how he hates "miracles" if they put the networks out of focus. 422 00:40:45,781 --> 00:40:48,981 Pity he doesn't have the same hatred of failure. 423 00:40:49,981 --> 00:40:52,541 Has he lived with it too long? 424 00:40:54,061 --> 00:40:57,061 Face it, George, it's Percy. 425 00:40:57,221 --> 00:41:01,661 Percy's success...it's thrown Control. 426 00:41:01,821 --> 00:41:03,821 And me, a bit. 427 00:41:04,901 --> 00:41:08,501 Trouble is, my networks haven't been good enough. 428 00:41:08,661 --> 00:41:10,701 This is new. 429 00:41:10,861 --> 00:41:12,981 I fancy this very much. 430 00:41:15,301 --> 00:41:17,101 Ann gave it me. 431 00:41:17,261 --> 00:41:19,581 - Making amends? - Probably. 432 00:41:20,421 --> 00:41:22,821 Must have been quite a sin. 433 00:41:24,941 --> 00:41:26,941 How is she? 434 00:41:30,581 --> 00:41:33,741 George...cut the cord. 435 00:41:33,901 --> 00:41:35,901 Get away from Control. 436 00:41:37,941 --> 00:41:40,701 He's cut you out of his life for weeks. 437 00:41:40,861 --> 00:41:44,621 Dispatching you with errands a probationer could handle. 438 00:41:45,661 --> 00:41:48,061 What's he doing up there? 439 00:41:49,021 --> 00:41:53,421 He's gone through files of Circus folk heroes from year minus-one 440 00:41:53,581 --> 00:41:55,781 Half of them under the earth already. 441 00:41:55,941 --> 00:42:00,141 Sniffing out the dirt to see who was pink, who was a queen. 442 00:42:00,301 --> 00:42:02,221 He's given us all up. 443 00:42:03,261 --> 00:42:09,101 - I don't think that's true. - Senile paranoia. Control's going potty. 444 00:42:09,661 --> 00:42:11,661 And he's also dying. 445 00:42:12,741 --> 00:42:15,741 It's just a question of which gets him first. 446 00:42:20,141 --> 00:42:23,741 And within six months of Bill Haydon's diagnosis, 447 00:42:23,901 --> 00:42:26,861 Control was indeed dead. 448 00:42:28,701 --> 00:42:32,501 And what killed him? Operation Witchcraft or Operation Testify? 449 00:42:32,661 --> 00:42:34,461 Neither. 450 00:42:35,461 --> 00:42:38,621 Let's not be melodramatic. Control would disapprove. 451 00:42:38,781 --> 00:42:40,981 He died of old age. 452 00:42:41,141 --> 00:42:43,341 A little early. 453 00:42:43,501 --> 00:42:47,781 But Testify destroyed his function in life, which was a form of murder. 454 00:42:51,101 --> 00:42:54,261 I don't have nearly enough on Testify, Peter. 455 00:42:56,421 --> 00:42:58,221 Would you, please...er...? 456 00:43:01,421 --> 00:43:03,421 Of course, George. 457 00:43:11,341 --> 00:43:16,941 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant 458 00:43:17,101 --> 00:43:21,701 Depart in peace 459 00:43:31,501 --> 00:43:37,301 According to 460 00:43:37,461 --> 00:43:41,661 Thy word 461 00:43:46,461 --> 00:43:52,861 For mine eyes have seen 462 00:43:53,021 --> 00:43:59,501 Thy salvation 463 00:44:03,981 --> 00:44:09,181 Which thou hast prepared before the face 464 00:44:09,341 --> 00:44:16,821 Of all people 465 00:44:20,101 --> 00:44:24,301 To be a light 466 00:44:24,461 --> 00:44:28,541 To lighten 467 00:44:28,701 --> 00:44:32,421 The gentiles 468 00:44:32,581 --> 00:44:37,821 And to be the glory 469 00:44:37,981 --> 00:44:41,981 Of thy people 470 00:44:42,141 --> 00:44:49,181 Israel 471 00:44:55,141 --> 00:44:59,541 Glory be to the Father 472 00:44:59,701 --> 00:45:02,861 And to the Son 473 00:45:03,021 --> 00:45:07,381 And to the Holy Ghost 474 00:45:07,541 --> 00:45:11,541 As it was in the beginning 475 00:45:11,701 --> 00:45:18,021 Is now and ever shall be 476 00:45:19,981 --> 00:45:24,981 World without end 477 00:45:25,141 --> 00:45:30,541 Amen